Click the following links to read the original post & comments from retrial day 10 — Page 1 / Page 2
Retrial Video Replay – Day 10:
Part 1/3 (Defense Witness Dr Miccio-Fonseca testimony):
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Part 2/3 (Dr Miccio-Fonseca testimony continues):
[embedit snippet=”day-10-video-2″]
Part 3/3 (Dr Miccio-Fonseca testimony continues):
[embedit snippet=”day-10-video-3″]
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UPDATE: The recent JAA Appellate Fund Matching-gift Campaign raised $91,805.45 — thanks to a generous matching donor and all the supporters that donated to the fund. Let’s now be sure to keep the momentum growing so the fund total can push through $100,000, and even closer towards raising sufficient funds to help cover the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction.
All donations via Justice4Jodi.com go directly to the fund. It is also the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.
In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – they continue to steal money from Jodi – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them.
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If you missed any of our previous posts, click on the links below:
Child Porn & The Joy of Executions
“ALEXSCAMMERS, this one’s for you… my compliments” – (by Jade)
“Monumental Incompetence” (a post by Jade)
Today’s BS Hearing, 6/22
The Mysterious Stench of Decomp & BS
My Reply To Kirk Nurmi’s BS
Survivor Day – June 4th – Celebrate The Day!
Sky Hughes – Email Exchange r.e. TA’s Pedo Antics (June 2010)
Chris Hughes – Liar & Pedo-Hugger (trial testimony from 2013)
TA’s Pedophile Letter Handwriting Comparison – (Part 2)
TA’s Pedophile Letter to Jodi Arias – (Part 1)
Juror #17 – We Thank You
Jodi Arias Victorious Verdict Day: Video Coverage
The Jodi Arias Verdict: My Thoughts On “Pedo-Huggers United”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If you’d like to send Jodi a letter or postcard, click here for the current address details & guidelines.
To access every court document & motion relating to this trial, click here or click the Court Docs link from the main menu at the top of the page.
In the meantime…
Never question it.
Never doubt it.
Prepare for it.
Leave your thoughts & comments below…
Team Jodi #WINNING <<<
Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:
Click the links below to read Jade’s previous posts in the series:
The Photos Tell The Story (by Jade)
Stephens, Sandbagging & The Six Month Crap-Fest
Corruption, State-Sponsored Murder & Twelve Angry Men
The Immaculate Deception: Exposed
Michael Melendez – Perjury Exposed
The Presumption of Innocence
The Great Mormon Porn Swindle
Jodi Arias: An Argument for Reasonable Doubt
And for those too busy to read the entire document, may I suggest that you at least read this page:
HAPPY WEEKEND TO TEAM JODI!!!! ((((((♥Jodi♥)))))) 😉
“Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.”
– Earl Nightingale
“Nowadays the death penalty is inadmissible, no matter how serious the crime committed. It is an offence against the inviolability of life and the dignity of the human person, which contradicts God’s plan for man and society, and his merciful justice, and impedes the penalty from fulfilling any just objective. It does not render justice to the victims, but rather fosters vengeance”.
– Pope Francis
I hope those “good Catholics” out there who were praying for Jodi’s death are paying attention.
And asking for forgiveness….
As do I!!!
I’m not Catholic, but you don’t have to be to know that Pope Francis is very special . I heard on CNN that he will be visiting a prison while in Philadelphia. What a wonderful change to listen to messages of love and peace instead of politicians calling each other names. 🙂
Amen CanadaCarol, Pope Francis is a breath of fresh air! 😉 ♥
Just to point out: F1’s stance on capital punishment is not new. The Church’s “pro-life” policy has always been (at least in my memory, which goes back to John XXIII) against abortion, against capital punishment, against artificial insemination, against artificial means of birth control and against in vitro fertilization. This is one area in which the Church has been consistent…unlike other sects with anti-abortion, pro-death penalty philosophies.
(I’m pro-choice, by the way. I love F1.)
So true CC.
In Canada, the maximum sentence she would get is life for 25. The death penalty, obviously, wouldn’t be on the table, and I would highly doubt given her history that she would be declared a dangerous offender and given no hope of parole.
It’s so sad to think about Jodi having no hope, and I really wish the sentence would be reduced to life with hope of parole. I think everyone can agree that Jodi is no psychopathic monster – whatever her other faults might be. We all have our faults.
I hope she is doing well under the circumstances.
There are many out there supporting capital punishment and refuse to understand that by doing so, they are just approving to a premeditated, time-appointed murder. It’s ironic that they want to murder a person that has killed. Doesn’t that make them murderers themselves?
And to all religious people, isn’t a death of a person God’s job? That is one reasons I turned away from religion: because of all the hypocritical people that praise the Lord in his house and once they’re out that door, they’re back to being mean, hateful idiots.
It certainly IS refreshing to hear someone serving God stating that the death penalty is unacceptable.
Kudos to Pope Francis. I really do hope that others will follow his steps in advocating against the death penalty.
Reminder: Jodi was almost sent to death row because she wanted to live. SELF DEFENSE is NOT a crime. SUPPORTING CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IS.
((((Jodi Arias: SURVIVOR)))) ♥
Arpaio’s Chief Deputy Shredded on the Stand
“MCSO bigwigs” . . . 😆 That certainly sums them up doesn’t it. SMH
“We had nothing, no probable cause, but we did it anyway.” Sheridan said.
Well gee… if that isn’t an abuse of power then I don’t know what the hell is… and he had the audacity to admit to it. These are the kind of morons that have fucked over the law and justice.
((((Arpaio & posse —-> LWOP))))
Dedicated to Arpaio & Co. : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdC3nmPDDRU (You’re gonna get what’s coming – The Dubrovniks)
His Holiness Pope Francis, on his visits to America, I pray, will see a Holy Vision of St Joan of Arc, with Her question to Him:
…Are American Catholics and others allowed to support death by lethal injection or by FIRE, of St Joan of Arc, should she RISE and be found guilty again, of self defense by 12 Americans eager to enjoy sitting as a death qualified jury?
…And, Should Jesus Christ Himself RISE again and be arrested for some law of Caesar’s, would lethal injection be better than NAILING of the CROSS? …Should 12 enjoy their qualification to declare death.
…Should His Holiness Pope Francis NOT see an appearance of St Joan of Arc, these words that I am permitted to scribe here are the APPEARANCE good enough to ask all the Churches of America:
………Is lethal injection better and more humane than by NAILS or FIRE???
Pope Francis: the death penalty is inadmissible
by NCR Staff | Mar. 20, 2015 NCR Today
“Vatican City, (Vatican Information Service) — This morning, March 20, the Holy Father received in audience a delegation from the International Commission against the Death Penalty.
Pope Francis gave a letter Federico Mayor, president of the Commission, to greet and offer his personal thanks to all the members of the aforementioned International Commission, the group of countries that lend their support, and all those who collaborate in its work.
Here are a few highlights from the Pope’s message:
•“The presuppositions of personal legitimate defense do not apply at the social level, without risk of misinterpretation.”
•“When the death penalty is applied, it is not for a current act of aggression, but rather for an act committed in the past. It is also applied to persons whose current ability to cause harm is not current, as it has been neutralized.”
•“Nowadays the death penalty is inadmissible, no matter how serious the crime committed.”
•“For the rule of law, the death penalty represents a failure, as it obliges the state to kill in the name of justice.”
•“With the application of the death penalty, the convict is denied … an encounter with God’s merciful and healing justice.”
•“There is discussion in some quarters about the method of killing, as if it were possible to find ways of ‘getting it right’. … But there is no humane way of killing another person”
Scheduled executions this coming week:
Tuesday, September 29 Kelly Gissendaner Georgia (female)
Note: Kelly was the woman saved by a snowstorm earlier this year and then by a cloudy drug.
Wednesday, September 30 Richard Glossip Oklahoma
Hopefully, the words of Pope Francis will have some effect on “those in charge” especially with more and more talk about ending the death penalty in the USA. A barbaric practice most civilized countries have stopped half a century ago.
🙁 One Cruel World.
Coldcase, unfortunately those death penalty craved prosecutors, states, countries will never exchange ‘wins’ & ‘glory’ for humanity. It’s really sad to see that although many brag about being progressive they have no values & progress when it comes to humanity.
I just listened to a young woman on CNN who was in prison with the woman in Georgia, and how her life was forever changed by the words of hope and self worth that Kelly whispered to her through a vent one night. This is the third time that this woman has waited through the countdown to “the day”; that is itself is cruel and unusual. After that beautiful visit from the Pope, this seems especially horrendous.
Keep your prayers and positive thoughts going! Tthere will be a clemency hearing for possible commutation to life or life with parole, tomorrow morning!
Free Jodi! Self defense is not a crime!
Amen Johnm! Keep praying for Jodi’s freedom and anyone else that has been affected by the injustices that are happening in our country.
I have followed that case a bit and Kelly G. is a totally different person today. Redemption is so important….we are so much more than the one bad act that was committed. Somehow that is totally lost when there is a case like hers and others. If you look at her life and the lives of others you will find there are many things that make up the person – besides that one horrendous act committed. I believe in redemption and I hope someday the legal system will change and there will be a mechanism for redemption of the condemned. Both of the people scheduled to die are so young. They could give to the world if they had the opportunity. Just wanted to share some of my private thoughts with you.
NO we are NOT……Catholics are against the death penalty as a whole…any priest will tell you that…..
I learned from this visit from Pope Francis, that it is common practice for popes to visit prisons…
If practiced fully and appropriately, catholicism teaches forgiveness and compassion to the nth degree….
Why Is It So Hard for Wrongfully Convicted Women to Get Justice?
The article in Mother Jones reminded me of Cynthia Sommer. The whole case was based on slut shaming. Women aren’t supposed to have sexual needs. Widows should go around dressed in black for the rest of their lives. Slut-shaming was a big part of Jodi’s case even though TA was the slut, but then he was a man. Right? So unfair!
Yes, this whole case reeked of double standards, as did the Cynthia Sommer case.
Very well said Joe!
And what is laughable is that I’m certain that most of those that played the role of the ‘shocking virgin’ when they heard, read and saw about Jodi’s sexual activities have done way more things than what Jodi has done in bed.
A lot of the things Jodi did were to please her lover, even though she didn’t enjoy them… I mean, what woman wants to be sexually used and then tossed out & treated like garbage? Jodi bent over backwards trying to please travis… he gave her ‘crumbs’. He NEVER respected Jodi. He never gave her (emotionally) anything to make her feel special. TRAVIS ALEXANDER WAS A PIG.
TA keeps referring to Jodi as a liar in this tirade, when in fact, he was the liar who got caught by someone cluing Jodi into TA and Lisa’s dating. Jodi hadn’t even made it home yet.
“04/07/08 03:03:53 Phone Outgoing (Travis): How far from Yreka
04/07/08 03:05:08 Phone Incoming (Jodi): 7 hrs
04/07/08 03:06:02 Phone Outgoing (Travis): Wow. Long ways still. Okay good luck.
04/07/08 03:08:05 Phone Incoming (Jodi): I’m staying w/my sister tonight, driving tomorrow.
04/07/08 03:08:33 Phone Outgoing (Travis): Okay well enjoy yourself.
04/07/08 03:09:26 Phone Incoming (Jodi): No you
04/07/08 03:09:40 Phone Outgoing (Travis): Will do
04/07/08 05:27:33 Phone Outgoing (Travis): Do not call me. And do not text me anything. The next text I want is this michelle K that is friends with Elena that nobody knows but knows details about my life. Not one other thing ever. Until you have that information. Its 15 minutes it would take to get the info. But you won’t take 15 minutes. Why because it is an Fing lie. So either text me you that you are ready to tell the truth or give me your imaginary friend with the worst BS story you have ever told or leave me alone. Its a lie like no other. It is freaking foolish. There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can’t mend it. You are caught. When you will realize that. I do not know. You have til tomorrow. To have me this persons information before I tell all of the hughes’ leslie udy, the freemans, your parents and anyone else that matters about all the crazy things you have done. So either fess up or feel the wrath. No matter how bad the truth is I promise you the punishment will be better than the lie. This is worse than your magical email that a mysterious man you’ve never seen before wrote for you. You insult me by thinking ill believe such crap. Nothing else from you til the truth. I already know your lying so why continue. After tomorrow, its gonna get real bad for you. Time to spit it out.
04/07/08 23:42:58 Phone Incoming (Jodi): Wow is that a painting or a photograph?”
I wonder if the system ever put t-dogs prints/dna to the test of a criminal database …..think about all the places he was while on the road. We know what he thought of women and children so could he have used them trips for other reasons? I for one as an investigator would want to know both sides of the two involved in a fight….to make real sure I got my facts straight…it does,nt always look like it is…..Nothing found on his pc …well for that one must try to look…..but when it is found why would the state make excuses……hmm….to win at all costs. Was,nt violent their t-dog…did deanna LIE about travis using his sisters as opponents as he showed them his moves? Why not on his brother? Never caught being violent…LOL..view the eddie snell video as eddie wants to sign up a guy for ppl…sick or eddie did his very sick thing in front of a ppl crowd…they praised t-dog for his violent mindset. And the reason was…..? Remember he trained to fight from an early age….and loved violence …mma party as a way to date…REALLY! WOW that guy almost killed him….so you ,re 19? wanna go read a book of faith…duh! Gee there is a reason he went after woman and children…NO RISK…opps.t.a. was a saint? so was a guy named LUKE.
Well well well, did any of you peoples see the blood moon last night? Indeed! Yeppers , made the news this morning in okie land 😉 now lets wait an see/hear if the prediction of the major earthquake comes to Utah . Unfortunately this is what it will take to get the perverted minds off of Jodi ! The OKC bombing is what it took to get the tabloids off of OJ Simpson! #1 Jodi FFJ
A message for Mike LeBlanc who is obsessing over why Jodi didn’t run out the door when Travis went to the sink:
Mike, It’s because Jodi is a compassionate person who just accidentally shot someone she loved and if you can’t comprehend such a concept, I am not the least bit surprised.
The real question here is, why didn’t Travis run out the door?
…….because he was naked and ashamed. 🙄 Rightfully so. . . he had a lot to be ashamed of.
He wanted to ‘finish off’ Jodi. He thought he was a tough dude….
You see, Mr. Macho thought he can beat Jodi like a punching bag… His arrogance is what got him to where he is now… If he had never attacked Jodi, he would be alive now, probably married & abusing Deanna (or whatever poor victim he could coerce in marrying him)!
Yes, and then there is that option! I agree with you!
Well said, gf!!!
The biggest question for me is why Travis didn’t put a stop to all this with one swift kick or punch and why he only had five relatively minor cuts on his hands (with only one on his dominant hand) and none on his lower arms if he was being attacked with a knife for more that a minute (a minute being a pretty long time to do nothing in a situation like that). The only way to explain that is to conjure up some Grade B movie scene such as Jodi riding on his back, stabbing at him, as he’s crawling down the hallway trying to get away. 🙄 Confirmation bias at its best.
Justus, this theory is going to probably be the one that the haters stick to! Alas, you have given them a reason to like you!
I’m afraid I can’t take credit for that scenario. One of the haters offered that one up as the most “reasonable” of explanations. 🙄 But I’ve read other scenarios just as bizarre from others whose egos depend on being able to fit square pegs into round holes.
Great question, Joe. Especially since there is an official document (which I can’t find right now) that claims the chest wound and the throat cut were the last wounds. (BTW, can someone post that document? It’s from 2010, I think). Therefore, if all the non-lethal knife wounds came first and the gunshot came last (as Martinez claims), Travis had plenty of time to get away from Jodi or knock her senseless while he wasn’t in a weakened state. This seems to add credibility to Travis attacking Jodi and the gunshot first scenario.
Is it the Innocence Essay Report that you’re looking for? http://www.herrspeightsventures.com/Innocence_Essay_Report.php
No, Pandora, it was an official report possibly when Judge Sally Duncan was running things. I think Flores was involved, also. Thanks though.
cc53, this is from Defence Petition for Review re Flores Testimony Issue. Is this the right document?
“The trial court allowed the hearsay testimony and Detective Flores testified
that Dr. Horn had the following opinions, among others:
– The bullet wound to the head was the first injury to the victim.12
– The bullet wound to the head would not incapacitate the victim.13
– The cut across the throat was the last injury sustained.14
– The victim regained consciousness at some point during the attack.
Detective Flores did not simply repeat the opinions of Dr. Horn, he gave
explanations for the basis of those opinions as relayed to him by Dr. Horn. The
prosecution fully adopted the testimony of Detective Flores, at one point stating:
“The State’s position is that the victim, Travis Alexander, was initially shot
through the right side of the head while he sat in the shower.”16 The sequence of
the injuries, and the victim’s state of consciousness were, and remain, critical
issues in questions of culpability and aggravation. “
I don’t think so, Carol. It was an old document long before the trial started. Possibly in a pre-trial conference or hearing . Maybe in 2010. I mentioned it here in the last 2 years and believe I posted it, also. I’ll look for it tonight. Thanks.
I’m sorry I missed your post of before. I have been looking for info on that Chronis hearing and I can find the date 08/07/09, discussions and references to it, but no court documents.
I didn’t realize your statements @ 3:23 pm today were related to the Chronis hearing on August 7, 2009. I believe the document I want is a summary of the Chronis hearing or a report that Det. Flores presented during that Chronis hearing on August 7, 2009. I believe he was relaying what Dr. Horn had told him. I remember now (I think) that the report that I’m looking for was on a site that contained several reports one after another. I see in the document that you quoted from @3:23pm that someone (Dr. Horn, I suppose) stated that the chest wound came first. I don’t believe that was how it was described at the Chronis hearing on August 7, 2009. Where is that report related to the Chronis hearing now?
I found this article of Kiefer’s that quotes JSS reading aloud from the ruling of the Chronis hearing and the quote I referenced is a motion that is referencing the Chronis hearing which is a pdf. That’s as close as I can get to the real thing.
“In open court, Judge Sherry Stephens read aloud the ruling made at the 2009 hearing by Judge Sally Duncan, who was handling the case at the time:
“The State presented evidence that the victim was first shot on the right side of his head near his eye with a .25-caliber handgun and that the bullet lodged in his left cheek. This wound was not fatal and may or may not have rendered the victim unconscious. The victim did not remain unconscious, based on the infliction of the other wounds and the location of blood-spatter evidence in the bathroom sink and blood in the hallway. In addition, the defendant told police that the victim was unconscious after being shot but then crawled around and was stabbed.”
Nurmi pointed out that Martinez had never corrected that “mistaken” version for the record.”
Summary of relevant facts of this motion relate to Chronis hearing:
Actually, Dr. Horn testified that, “of the three fatal injuries, the stab to the chest was first.”
So that would actually fit in with what Flores said at the Chronis hearing of August 7, 2009 with one exception. I recall reading Flores stated Dr. Horn told him the gun shot was first and the last 2 wounds were the stab to the chest and the throat cut. But, when Jodi stated she killed Travis in self-defense, Martinez (with the help of Horn and Flores) changed the order of the gun shot from first to last so he could make it a first degree murder case and, therefore, have a death qualified jury that would believe everything and anything he shouted. A jury that would worship at his tiny feet and be putty in his hands.
Most bizarre is the fact that this conversation with Horn that was conveniently forgotten about took place the day before Flores testified. How stinky can you get?
This is all going to be part of the appeals…the collusion to change testimony in order to ensure getting a first degree murder conviction….Flores admitted perjury concerning his testimony at the Chronis Hearing…Dr. Horn’s equivocating /Speculative testimony upon which the jury relied and was critical to the conviction of Jodi without which she would not have been convicted…ala Lisa Randall and Harold Fish cases not to mention all the other issues – felony murder charge, Brady violations, prosecutorial misconduct, etc. etc. etc…
It also seems odd that Flores is testifying about what Dr. Horn told him. In such an important case where someone’s life may be at stake, why isn’t Dr. Horn at the Chronis hearing testifying himself?
Just might as well give up on “stypid”. . .or might it be “stewpid” . . . “stoopid” OH WAIT,
Babykins, stupid is beyond repair any which way it’s spelled! 😀
I was just looking through some old court documents when Judge Sally Duncan was in charge. Here the defense argues that the felony murder charge adds up to charging Jodi with first degree murder twice. But, the decision was that the State wasn’t charging her with first degree murder twice, they were charging her with first degree murder just once BUT in two alternative ways. That sounds pretty much like two cracks at first degree murder. It’s like the sentencing. They wouldn’t sentence Jodi to the death penalty twice but they would make two attempts to get a death penalty sentence if the first one was not successful. So theoretically, could she have been found not guilty of first degree murder but sentenced to death on the felony murder charge? (Unlikely, I know). Arizona justice …it’s complicated.
06/23/2010 8:00 AM
CR2008-031021-001 DT0 6/22/2010
Defendant then moved to dismiss the felony murder charge, arguing that the charge is insufficient as a matter of law, and that it exposes her to a charge of first degree murder twice,
violating her constitutional rights……..
Defendant’s second argument, that she will be exposed to the death penalty twice because the State has charged first degree murder in the alternative, is also unsupported. “There is only a
single crime of first degree murder.” State v. Tucker, 205 Ariz. 157, 167, ¶ 50, 68 P.3d 110, 120 (2003). Thus, although the State has charged Defendant with first degree murder committed in
alternative ways, Defendant can only be convicted of one count of first degree murder, and she will not be exposed to the death penalty twice, as she claims.
“Defendant can only be convicted of one count of first degree murder, and she will not be exposed to the death penalty twice, as she claims.”
Excuse me but didn’t some members of the first jury convict her of first degree murder twice? Could it possibly be that the first jury didn’t know what the fuck they were doing???
It be, Justus, it be. Seven jurors found Jodi guilty of both first degree murder (premeditated) and felony (non-premeditated or unplanned killing). How they decided Travis’s death was both premeditated (planned) and non-premeditated (unplanned) at the same time is something only those jurors can explain.
* and felony murder
Exactly, the stupid jurors didn’t know what they were doing…but at the same time the felony murder charge was misapplied in this case and is another great point on appeal bc it took away Jodi’s chance at being convicted on a lesser degree…it ensured that this jury would convict her on first degree murder..although it was quite obvious by the split vote where some of the jurors voted for both felony murder (a non-premeditated murder) and voted for the premeditated murder. They were obviously confused and this will be noted in the appeal as well.
This issue might actually go to the US Supreme Court bc AZ’s law on this really does deny defendants a fair trial when you can tell a jury that the underlying predicate in the felony murder was assault which is what the prosecution did in this case ..it obliterates the distinction between first and second degree murders which would mean that all murders would be first degree murders in AZ bc all murders involve assault…this was NOT the intent of the law and little Juanita was just too creative in his tact to charge her with felony murder…thankfully KN objected and made a record of this and it will be part of the appeals:
In AZ : A person commits burglary in the second degree by entering or remaining unlawfully in or on a residential structure with the intent to commit any theft or any felony therein
The other thing little Juanita threw out to the jury for them to consider which was rejected by the court was that Jodi might have stolen the gun from TA. Well, hello, when you argue throughout your ENTIRE CASE that Jodi stole the gun from her grandfather then this argument fails miserably. Also the fact that if Jodi’s intent was to steal TA’s gun and she was bent on doing that so much so that she killed TA to further this burglary then why the hell did she just throw it away? This scenario was rejected by the court.
But nonetheless Idiot JSS allowed the felony murder charge to stand. Well, in the end we might just be thanking IDIOT JSS for this IDIOTIC ruling bc it may be the point on which the appeal is won…we’ll just have to see though…there are so many good appellate issues to choose from…it the Golden Corral of appeals..
In other words, if there had been no felony murder charge for the jurors to consider and only the first degree premeditated and 2nd degree and manslaughter, etc.., there very well may have been some jurors that would have voted for a 2nd degree murder charge or or some other lesser charge. We just don’t know.
BC they were given this option of a felony murder charge, those that voted for it showed that they did believed that this murder was not premeditated that is what felony murder is a NON PREMEDITATED MURDER. The fact that they voted for both felony murder and premeditated murder will just show the appellate judges that these jurors were completely confused and Jodi therefore did NOT receive a fair trial.
I have been watching (on youtube) old episodes of a show called American Justice. There’s an episode that only proved what we all know: prosecutors will go to any length to get a win and keep it!
An innocent man put on death row had DNA evidence that proved w/o doubt he didn’t do the crime and the prosecutor trying to keep his ‘win’ argued during appeals that during the trial, forensics & DNA weren’t part of the case; it was about a 6 yrs old witness that thought she saw the defendant… So, if we’ve got DNA evidence & 100% results of the real criminal, it doesn’t count because the case wasn’t tried based on DNA???? What the hell was this prosecutor smoking???? He tried to maintain his win by arguing the proven innocence of a human being… SMH… what has become of humanity?
Here’s the link of that episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMK-XOGB-dk&list=PLUDizevuO8OonDbpnQk1pVOu2nxQKnoKy&index=23
It’s the same Prosecutor’s Disease that little Juanita suffers from….Winning at any and all costs to put another notch in their lipstick case !!! HOW THE HELL DO THEY SLEEP AT NIGHT???? IMMORAL, SOCIOPATHIC NARCISSISTIC DEGENERATES DEVOID OF ANY CONSCIENCE WHATSOEVER !!!!
Hi everyone.
I am new here.
Just to give you some context of who I am, I’m probably one of the last few people who has heard of Jodi Arias. I know. You’ll have to take my word for it, but honestly, I had never heard of her until about 3 weeks ago.
First, I’m not from the US. I am doing research on sexual predator behavior. I have a BA in psychology/criminology from a Canadian university. I am currently pursuing a MA in the same. I ended up here by reviewing YouTube videos of interrogation tapes in Canadian jurisdiction of sexual predators, and it just so happened, as YouTube will do, that a person named Jodi Arias and interrogation tapes landed on my playlist.
To be more specific, I am researching emotionally traumatic events that occur within a certain age span that may develop into PTSD. I am not talking about familial relationships, but those that occur outside that environment. So not domestic abuse, but abuse that occurs between two individuals when they have their very first sexual encounter outside the family. Basically, when you lose your virginity.
Research like this can identify predatory behavior on innocent (virginal) people.
I hope I am not way offside here, because I believe in my heart that Jodi is not a monster or someone to be forgotten.
Welcome Jenny! What age span?
Welcome Jenny 🙂 We welcome your thoughts and input here !!!
Welcome on board Jenny! You’ll find plenty of info here and we hope to keep you good company!
Welcome Jenny! You have great instincts and your support for Jodi is appreciated by us all. Best of luck with your work!
Carol Howard Merritt @CarolHoward 35m35 minutes ago
Pope Francis just sent out a letter to the GA Parole Board, advocating for Kelly. #kellyonmymind
That is wonderful cc53. CNN is covering the story heavily….
Appeals court rules Oklahoma execution should go ahead despite claims of new innocence evidence and last-minute pleas for a reprieve from ‘Dead Man Walking’ nun
It would seem that Jodi made two major mistakes during the battle. First not immediately running out the door (possibly thinking the violence was over and wanting to help the man she just accidentally shot) and second, running away from Travis at all and not letting him beat up on her even more. The opposition wants it explained how she ended up with no major injuries. I know this is totally useless but here goes again:
Travis comes out of the shower and knocks her to the floor (remember, she’s in a crouched position so the distance to the floor is not far). She escapes down the hallway into the closet, gets the gun, backs into the bathroom, gun goes off, they both go to the floor, she escapes, he goes to the sink, she thinks the violence is over but Travis is even more pissed and goes after her again. In the midst of this third attack she gets hold of the knife (it may have been laying on the bathroom counter). By the time Travis realizes she has the knife, he’s wrapped around her and she’s stabbing at his back trying to get him off. He tries to back off but now in total fear for her life she goes nuts on him, accounting for the numerous knife wounds, including the extremely few cuts to his hands as he’s attempting to back off, and including the “chin” wound which in such a violent episode anything can get cut.
I know this will all get discounted as unreasonable with “then why didn’t she just run out the door?” as if that’s the deciding factor on whether she was the aggressor. Well, we weren’t there (and at this point Jodi wasn’t mentally there either) so to pin a first degree murder conviction on that detail is not only preposterous, it’s vicious.
I also know these people don’t really want an explanation. They just want something and someone to ridicule and a reason to call people names. But I’m putting this out there for other more sensible people who might have a similar question.
But as long as we’re discussing the glaring absence of wounds, I would like to ask how it is that Travis, likewise, only had five relatively minor wounds on his hands (only one on his dominant hand) and none on his lower arms if he was being attacked with a knife for at least 60 seconds and possibly longer. What kind of ridiculous scenario accounts for that?
My interpretation is that neither one of them were really thinking at all after the point that they both went into flight/fright state and all that happened after that point in time was “old brain” survival.
Of course it was.
Just think of how many times you pound your slipper/shoe on a spider or a grasshoper or a cockroach if you’re afraid of them. You pound till you SQUASH them. Why? Can an insect actually harm you? No. You’re programmed to fear them. As you’re programmed to go into fight or flight mode – it’s our reptilian brain. Too bad some people don’t understand that.
As predicted, they didn’t want an explanation, they don’t want to discuss, they just wanted to ridicule, even saying that I’m always changing my explanation (something about T. being wet coming out of the shower or some such bullshit that I never said). I’ve never deviated from that possible explanation but that means nothing to those people, they just make up anything they want so they can ridicule, just like they make up stuff in order to justify a conviction. So end of discussion on this subject or any other. And I vow never to read another word of that verbal vomit.
Best explanation that I have ever read is the Richard Speights “Innocence: An Argument For Jodi Arias…Richard Speights is an expert in hand to hand combat. Every wound on TA’s body is perfectly explained by someone with the expertise to know the intricacies of hand to hand combat.
I have thought – ever since Horn’s first time on the stand – that the knife wound to the chest was probably the wound, and that it might even have been accidental. It seems reasonable, after the gunshot wound, that Travis might have been a bit unsteady on his feet, as well as still wet from the shower. If, in such a state, after examining himself in the mirror Travis launched himself at Jodi again, with more threats, and she managed to get her hands on the knife and hold it up as a threat – as she did with the gun – Travis losing his footing and stumbling forward could account for the upward angle of that wound.
Because the angle of that wound is significant, unusual – it’s probably the only thing about JM’s theory that actually makes sense. You expect a deliberate stab from the front – above the waist – to arc downwards. The fact that this one aims upwards says to me that the knife was held not in attack stance but in a defensive stance – just grabbed and held up like a sword. And the target came at IT. I don’t think there’s a way (aside from the seated in the shower scenario) for Jodi have stabbed even sightly upwards to that depth in his chest unless Travis’ own momentum and weight contributed to the injury.
If he continued to go down, after encountering the knife, that could account for the pool of blood on the carpet. And all the smudges around it were Jodi trying to help him up again. But once she did, either he was still attacking or she perceived him to be – ALL of those wounds to the back and head and the side of his neck happened when he was either collapsed against her – like against the wall – or on top of her. Even the knife wound to the belly could have been her trying to get the knife out from between them.
But through most of the fight, Travis was uncoordinated and getting weaker by the second from blood loss. He may still have been angry and attacking, or she may have just felt as though he was.
That scenario, to me, explains all the knife wounds except the last one. And it also doesn’t explain how Travis got back into the shower.
“that the knife wound to the chest was probably the wound”
Was supposed to read “probably the FIRST KNIFE wound” (which had bold brackets around the two words – including the /b command after knife – but both words disappeared along with the html command and the rest of the paragraph was bolded. Along with the last paragraph which is just weird because I only used the command once.
Tony Thomas @TonyThomasWSB 2m2 minutes ago
Georgia pardons and paroles denied clemency for Kelly Gissendaner . Execution scheduled for 7pm https://instagram.com/p/8OYl7COVLU/
2 retweets 1 favorite
What a very dark week in the United States! Sick, very sick!!
😥 Sad and praying.
Tap tap tap… is this mic on? Testing. One. Two. Three…. (clearing throat): ahem – ahem
It’s come to my attention that someone is not happy with how JAII is run. Mr. Dwight Asshole (or whatever the fuck your last name is) I have a few things to tell you:
1. How SJ and Rasna run this site is their prerogative. If you don’t like it, TOUGH!
2. Why the hell are you involving ME in your idiotic rants on facebook?
3. You have seen the nice side of me when addressing you. Now you will see the not so nice side:
You have busted our fucking balls with your LOOOONG moronic rant comments for the past couple of months! I can’t speak for anyone else but I personally have been hoping that one day soon you’d disappear from the site! Your fucking comment spamming was so annoying. I have never read any of your comments after reading the first few you had posted! Every time you posted a new comment I would think to myself “Oh fuck! The idiot is back!” and then scroll down avoiding to read your imbecilic rants. You embarrassed this site with your stupidities and lowered our level! Now that you’re gone, we can finally raise our level again!
So personally, I praise SJ and admins for booting your fucking dumb-ass off this site!!! Good riddance, I tell you! IT WAS ABOUT TIME! Go find some other site to spam you f.u.b.a.r. moron!
DON’T LIKE ME? Have a seat with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fuck. And while you’re waiting, clean the sand out of your MANgina put on your big boy panties and deal with it! Loser!
Drops mic…. exits stage.
Sweet, nothing more to say here! Thanks Pandora! SJ and RASNA!
Well said Pandora!
It would appear that all his posts have mysteriously been deleted
Team Jodi #WINNING <<< Drops mic...
It’s magic. SJ…that Jodi..lol
Pandora I’m laughing so hard I almost wet my pants….you go girl!!!
I don’t post much here although I do read lots here. I think my best approach is pull the cotton out of my ears and shove it in my mouth. I totally love what SJ has to say all of the time and furthermore Pandora is a straight up facts type person from what I read. I indubitably agree with the Dwight thing as I have always said to myself who is this fuck who constantly throws out weapons of mass distraction. I believe this site is about facts in conjunction with what Jodi has introduced with honesty and she needs her supporters to listen and join her team. I always thought Dwight was a douche bag perhaps he would do better at a Jesse Ventura site. Pandora you sound like a beautiful human being, I think it would be awesome if you got all jacked up on Ouzo and fired off a good rant :o)
You Rock
Josequis, ouzo tames me! LOL! Not appropriate when wanting to tell someone off! 😆
What can I say… I swear like a sailor & use please and thank you like a saint…
If someone is asking for a verbal beating, who am I to deny them of one. It totally pisses me off soooo much when someone occupies space on this site and then after something occurs they go on a verbal rant against JAII on all other social media. Don’t go shitting where you once ate, ffs! If you have issues with a person or this site, e-mail SJ or the admins. Don’t go off slandering and stomping otherwise you will get what you deliver… You make it fair game when you start your rants.
Just sayin’
Don’t go poking the bear and assume it will not poke back….
Dwight exhibits some major obsessive characteristics, imho. Wherever he looks he sees danger, conspiracies and darkness (maybe he should get some help?).
Not only do his conspiracy theories sound NUTS, but his unwillingness to even consider the self-defense testimony speaks volumes of his obsession and HARM he’s doing to Jodi’s case.
And he has the NERVE to go around FB slandering this site and the people posting here!!! Well, well….. Another example of the kind of supporter he is. He doesn’t care about Jodi, imo. He just cares about proving to the world that dark Brotherhoods, the Mormon mafia and all kinds of crazy crap exist. maybe he should try and solve the Bermuda Triangle mystery? LOL!!
(and to think this ^^^^^ comes from me, someone who loves reading about conspiracy theories. But duuuude! Sometimes things are just what they seem to be. Occam’s Razor, hello?)
We had been considering banning Dwight for a while now. We gave him plenty of chances when he was being disrespectful to other friends and supporters.
Of course we had deleted many of his comments before they even made it to the main page during the period of time that he was commenting here because they were simply nonsense.
I personally don’t appreciate his social media tantrums about JAII. But I’m not going to waste any more time on Dwight. Truth is that his comments took a lot of my time while proof-reading before approving them. I feel relieved that I don’t have to go through that anymore.
Rasna Admin
Kudos RASNA, my headspin has finally ceased!
Thanks for getting rid of that headache!
What??? Wait………Dwight is gone???? I will miss skipping over his posts.
Note to self: DO NOT PISS OFF PANDORA !!!!!
You go girl !!!!
Pandora is my best friend. Trust me, I’ve never met a more straightforward person. Pandora is not a hypocrite, she tells it like it is, not holding back. And she expects others to do the same. It is one of the MANY good character qualities she has – with her what you get is what you see. A kind, honest, CARING person. 😉 ♥
Absolutely Maria! Pandora is one of our dearest Earth Angels! ♥♥♥
LMAO Cat and Pandora. I haven’t read his post in a very long time. I try very hard not to do crazy.
I’m very ashamed of our justice system in the US. Can someone explain to me how a person who has someone else kill someone be charged with the death penalty by the person who committed the crime gets life in prison?? Something’s not right here.
United States we need to abolish the death penalty!!!! Pope Francis has a right!!!
“Owen pleaded guilty and testified against Gissendaner, who did not take part in the stabbing. He is serving a life sentence and becomes eligible for parole in 2022.”
So Owens who actually did the crime gets another chance in life just because he testified for the prosecution. Where’s the logic in this? If he had rejected KG plan and had gone to the authorities or to Douglas Gissendaner himself telling them what KG was thinking of doing, her husband might have been alive today!
It just goes to show that prosecution will twist and bent the logic of justice just for a ‘win’… SMH.
RIP Kelly
Clarence Thomas you really need help
Clarence Thomas has needed help for years!
This is so wrong. I don’t really know anything about the case but the act of execution on it’s own is plain upsetting and sad 🙁 . Two wrongs don’t make a right.
I wonder if the authorities of Georgia slept well after murdering a human being.
No matter how harsh and violent the crime was, nobody should be executed. Abolish the death penalty.
People will argue “Yeah but why should I, as a taxpayer, pay for a person serving life?”… Sit down and do the math: death row and executions are much more expensive to your pocket than a life sentence…
I don’t know anythng about that case either. But just reading here that a person was executed made my heart sink…. RIP Kelly 🙁
I am so sorry for Kelly Gissendaner’s children. They have lost a dad and a mom. How barbaric of the State of Georgia. An eye for an eye and the whole world is blind. Thank God Jodi’s parents will never have to experience a night like this. Kelly went through a number of torturous days and nights. First they will – then they won’t – then they wait and then they do. Torture and then death. I don’t get it – how is this justice? These states are run by crazy bureaucrats.
“Gissendaner’s is one of six executions scheduled over the next nine days across the US, including that of Richard Glossip in Oklahoma on Wednesday afternoon.”
“In the two weeks following the pope’s remarks, five states plan to execute six death-row inmates, a burst of lethal activity the country has not seen in more than two years.” :
Kelly Gissendaner in Georgia
Richard Glossip in Oklahoma
Alfredo Prieto in Virginia
Kimber Edwards in Missouri
Juan Garcia in Texas
Benjamin Cole in Oklahoma
“There are about 3,000 people on death row, while an average of 41 inmates are executed each year.”
A bit of ‘Rage Against the Machine’ for all authorities that think it’s OK to legally execute: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4yutN6FB2M
It’s a very sad world we live in.
I good example of how corruption is prevalent in Maricopa Supreme Court where you don’t have a chance for a fair Trial.
OOPs this one is the one I meant to post
This is the most absurd behavior I have seen in a courtroom. It even beats the Kermit’s antics. Where does this guy get off thinking this is okay? Maricopa County WTF is wrong with you that you put up with this crap from your court officials?
WTF is wrong with Maricopa County? Is everyone incompetent and/or asleep?
That deputy served 10 days, btw. 🙄
I really shouldn’t have said he was worse than Juanita – no one could be!! But this deputy walked behind a speaking defence attorney, rifled through her file and removed a paper and gave it to his partner deputy to take away. It was go to jail or apologize and Sheriff Joe told him not to. Great advice….. I didn’t know he actually went to jail. Good on him – he deserved it.
“MAN SHOT IN HEAD, BUT STILL DRIVES. A 29-year-old man who was shot twice in the head — but was still able to drive a car in Kensington — was hospitalized in critical but stable condition Tuesday night, police said. Around 7 at C and Somerset Streets, police pulled over a red Dodge Magnum that was being driven erratically, said Chief Inspector Scott Small. The officers found the driver had been shot in the right forehead and right cheek, and transported him to Temple University Hospital. The Magnum had two bullet holes in the passenger door and one in the passenger window. The glove compartment was open and police found a gun inside, Small said. The man was conscious and speaking, but declined to tell police where the shooting occurred.” Philadelphia INQUIRER, 9/30/15, B3.
I bet “Dr” Horn is burying his head deep in the sand right now…….
Such a sad comment:
Jeff Hullinger Verified account
An image I will never forget–The face of K. Gissendaner from bright red to gray in the span of minutes–Sobbing to silence. @11AliveNews
A rehabilitated woman yesterday and a man who is likely innocent today. What a disgrace! No wonder Pope Francis asks us all to pray for him. He has to share the world with people who think this is the right thing to do. 🙁
Coldcase, you were looking for a document that claims the chest wound and the throat cut were the last wounds. Although I didn’t find any link in our archives, I did find a couple of your comments referring to that:
Hope this helps.
Thanks, RASNA, for going through the trouble of searching. Yes, it helps but I would still love to find the original document that stated the last 2 wounds were the chest wound and the throat cut in that order. I don’t think it explained how they (or Dr. Horn) knew the order of the last 2 knife wounds. The throat cut last I can understand but the chest wound second to last puzzles me. How would he know that? I’m starting to wonder if I just imagined that statement.
OK execution is on a hold. Apparently, Richard Branson wrote a letter stating that they were getting ready to execute and innocent man. Officials are waiting word from the Supreme Court. Prayers. ♥
CNN is also covering a report about polygamist Warren Jeffs’ children who are alleging ABUSE from him. There is HOPE ………always…….Prayers for all who have been abused by anyone and especially by our Justice System here in the US.
Tonight at 9 pm ET on CNN . . . Report is by Lisa Lang
Thank you RL. 🙂
What a bunch of brainwashed people his followers are. There have been no marriages in their community for four years because the only one who can perform them is locked up in jail for being a pedophile. SMH 🙄
That is great, R.Love, you mentioned Richard Branson & I did not recall who that is, so went to Google: Richard Branson, and found that this looks to be a “heavy hitter”. …And I see: (in the news) “Pope Francis and Sir Richard Branson appeal for Oklahoma inmate’s life”. … …And a Wikipedia entry on Billionaire Sir Richard Branson. …Now I remember he is the guy that is in the Virgin Group with Virgin Airlines. …Wow, when I say heavy hitter, this guy must be in the ranks of Donald Trump in “wealth & influence”. …Thanks to Pope Francis, Sir Richard Branson is “weighing in”. …Somewhere along the way to eliminating the death penalty in USA, I hope that Sir Richard Branson takes an interest in those unjustly convicted & in prison with LWOP. …Jodi Ann Arias was unjustly convicted, & totally innocent.
Oklahoma’s Richard Glossip scheduled to die Wednesday
CNN – 13 minutes ago
(CNN) [Breaking news alert posted at 4:13 p.m. ET]. The U.S. Supreme Court has denied Richard Glossip’s request for a stay of execution
This is a sad day for humanity. When a person has proof of his innocence and the authorities don’t want to hear about it and just want to be done with this person by murdering him.. what can I say…
It’s more crucial to the authorities in Oklahoma to keep face by not admitting that they were wrong in convicting Richard Glossip than to give him a chance to live…
I really do hope his cry of innocence haunts them for the rest of their lives. Especially when they lay in bed.. I hope those nights are looooong and sleepless.
USA, you are on a roll! 2 down 4 to go… Keep murdering people… it shows your barbaric side. Shaking my head in disgust.
So Right WLOPEZ4JAA, Jodi Ann Arias was wrongfully charged and convicted and is totally innocent. Still waiting for the Defective Detective, Corrupt Prosecutor and Blind Judge to pay for their crimes against true justice.
News about Richard Glossip:
“The Department of Corrections has delayed procedures to execute convicted killer Richard Glossip due to a lack of response from the U.S. Supreme Court….. He’s scheduled to be executed at 3 p.m. Wednesday. However, as of 2:30 p.m. the Supreme Court has not responded to the petition. Officials with the Department of Corrections said they have not started the execution procedures due to a lack of response from the Supreme Court. Execution procedures have been delayed until the Department of Corrections hears from the U.S. Supreme Court, officials said. ”
This is plain cruelty. Especially for a person that has proof of his innocence. I pray for his exoneration.
((((((RASNA)))))) Me too.
Excellent article.
Richard Glossip and the End of the Death Penalty
OMG – I don’t fucking believe it. R, you may be right about that God guy (no offense).
Innocence Project @innocence 3m3 minutes ago
BREAKING: Oklahoma’s @GovMaryFallin issues stay in #RichardGlossip execution until Friday, 6 Nov. http://bit.ly/1O8x5op
That was my exact reaction too!!!
I was about to go to sleep with a heavy heart and I thought “lemme google to see what the status on Richard Glossip’s execution is” and when I read 37 day stay I couldn’t believe my eyes! I started dancing and crying out of happiness!
Now I can go to sleep with a smile on my face! Good night everyone! xoxo ♥♥♥
Matthew 17:20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” 😉
♥ Keep the Faith and Keep Praying JAII !!!!! We are going to move Mountains!!!!! FREE JODI AZ! ♥
Omg! You guys gotta read this and share in as many places as you feel comfortable! If DAS that are crooked are exposed in one area then they can be stopped everywhere! Silence is a crime in these cases! See if you agree after reading! Thanks!
😯 Wow Mother62. Very Disturbing! I can’t help but think similar actions were going on during Jodi’s trial. . .truly heartbreaking. Who can be trusted in this day and time?
Great find, mother62.
This “Cowboy Bob” Macy, who made the initial decision to seek the death penalty for Glossip and who famously sent 54 people to death row, sounds a lot like JUAN MARTINEZ.
From the article:
Known for his fire-and-brimstone closing arguments, Macy was popular among voters — he was reelected five times — but notorious among defense attorneys. He was often criticized by the courts. A 1999 profile in the Chicago Tribune was scathing: “Macy has cheated. He has lied. He has bullied. Even when a man’s life is at stake, Macy has spurned the rules of a fair trial, concealing evidence, misrepresenting evidence, or launching into abusive, improper arguments that had nothing to do with the evidence, according to appellate rulings condemning his tactics.”
EERILY similar!
It is disturbing to think and difficult to accept that there is one of them, Kermit, walking free out there. But to think there are more, hundreds even, is a FRIGHTENING possibility and an indication of where the justice system is heading to. Instead of going forward, we’re heading back. Long live the Middle Ages? WTF?
When did these lawmakers become such killing machines that they ignore, badger and intimidate witnesses in their desire to carry out this irreversible punishment? One would hope that they would be looking for a reason not to, rather than the reverse. Why have they become so blood thirsty?
Fame. Glory. At all costs.
GOD IS GOOD .. https://youtu.be/B4CRkpBGQzU oklahoma reminds you of that movie The Green Mile starring Tom Hanks . Dont know if okies blotch these executions on purpose or if it was truely just a major f up!!:(
And I live there! Born and raised! And I have never been more ashamed of my home state in my life!
Thanks (((Pam)))! One of my favorites!!!! What if God was one of us . . . . ♥
Please if the moderators here feel this can be helpful knowledge…PLEASE PLEASE post! Since 1973 over 100 death row inmates have been exonerated! 5 (FIVE) of them just exonerated this year alone! One man released after 30 years of wrongfully being held on a death row is featured in this video! Knowledge is POWER!
Praise be to God!
Thank you for your kind consideration,
Thank you for sharing. BTW, When will Nancy Grace be taken off the air? How many more people will she hurt by her ignorant ranting? I feel she should be held accountable for misleading/swaying the public by self-promoting her own twisted public condemnation of the less fortunate who have found themselves in the web of our country’s injustices and legal corruption. Jodi Arias should have never been in a court room.. . No Never! It’s always been about the $$$$$ for the state of AZ. Disgusting. Self Defense has never been a crime. Arizona taxpayers must enjoying watching their tax dollars being wasted on the measly few “glory hogs”. WAKE UP PEOPLE! Thank heavens all of the citizens are not blind/brainwashed and it is time for EVERYONE to take a stand against all of this MESS ALL across our country!!!! Who is to say “you” won’t be the next victim of our Justice system?
Amen sister!!!! She needs to go but it’s all about ratings that equals $$$$$$. Nothing about human rights.
Re: Nancy Grace
I have seen many of her,….her….”shows”, or clips from her shows. Really only because if one is looking for information on current trials and cases, they are being discussed on HLN. Or were being discussed anyway. Seems as if perhaps her days in the limelight are waning! But certainly there was a time when it was difficult to avoid her when seeking information.
I thought it was just me, because I felt more confused than before after listening to her interview, and interrupting guests if she disagreed with part of their input. Even cutting their microphone feed if a guest disagreed with her! Until I got a load of her crap over the Glossip case! Because this case I already understood the facts of! I found her clips to be misleading and self serving at best.
Once you realize that, then one has to call into question each and every other case ever presented on that program from her perspective!
After all of the changes HLN, and “court tv” ect. ect., have made since 2013, why is that shrew still on the air?
I’m posting this article on Joe Arpaio ONLY for the photo of him in pink jail outfit. If only it were true.
If he feels under the weather, then that’s a good sign! I hope he DROPS DEAD ANY MINUTE NOW!!!
…..and please remind me to throw a party the day he dies. 😉 One dirtbag less.
LMAO! Too funny! We’ll all pitch in and make it the party of the century! Your hopes and opinion is shared with thousands of other people that have been horribly abused by this fascist, Hitler/ Nazi-like individual.
Hundreds and hundred of families have been destroyed by his actions. I hope he gets put in a forgotten prison cell, in the middle of Boonisville, being served slush-like food and being visited only by inmates that he has treated like shit during his corrupted years as a sheriff.
Now that’s what I would call ‘justice served’.
Oklahoma gets wrong execution drug, delays lethal injection
Now as for t-dog getting weaker n weaker…I just do,nt buy it.As a kid of 12 I watched a fight were a 12 yr . old did not slow down from a great lose of blood….from the top of his head to his knees a solid sheet of his blood and he was still attacking the other kid. A man had to put a hold on the kid all bloody so the other kid could get away. This child just did,nt care if he lived or died he wanted to win that bad…..hmmm who does that sound like….t-dog? Horn don,nt know crap unless he has seen such as some cops have. Look to boxing and the beating they take….few chock outs for them more lights out or WORSE…R.I.P. How any could explain wounds as they happened….I see things comes to mind…But the slash that,s real easy….imagine t-dog on the floor on his back as JODI is thinking THANK GOD….and he rises to continue the attack…now that is a WTF moment. More then one cop has paid the price for that thinking…it,s over. In fact two cops were killed by a man they shot an then rolled over to be shot(N.Y.?). That last wound was what saved HER from a MADMAN who could care less,as all he wanted was to destroy HER. Who says ..You will feel my wrath…but a MADMAN…anger was his life…who did he not threaten to kill…see his eddie snell video with the balloons to see my point. This great guy was NUTS. Making him sound weak does a diservice to JODI and all SURVIVORS… as in most fights LUCK plays a big part….I know some will always doubt HER….but in any court that,s a NOT GUILTY VERDICT or does that only work for the state? As for what costs more…..Well maybe if all were held to the same standard We would,ny have to worry about that…..them cells fit anyone be they judges prosecutors police and jurors…not just the DEFENDANT.
Another mass shooting at an Oregon College this morning. At least 10 dead and 20 wounded. Shooter is in custody. It never ends.
Shooter was shot and killed by police.
Sister Helen Prejean @helenprejean 2h2 hours ago
The news keeps getting better: #RichardGlossip and all other Oklahoma death row inmates have an indefinite stay of execution!
Unfortunately it’s not because these people who are hell bent on committing murder have developed a conscience but rather because they can’t seem to get their killing drugs straightened out.
🙁 So true.
…Perhaps this indefinite stay of execution may be because pressure is (I assume) being put on Oklahoma to “OPEN UP AND TEST ALL OF THEIR INVENTORY” of lethal cocktails. These cocktails certainly must have been scheduled for future planned executions. Testing these cocktails may be necessary to see if they are also improperly assembled with “substitute” chemicals. …But of course that will destroy ALL of the lethal cocktail inventory. …(I am just guessing). …Good if it does.
…Also, I believe that this great push to execute as many human beings as possible is because these “pro execution states” need to “USE UP” their lethal cocktails before their shelf life starts expiring.
…I think an investigation should be considered such as: “Was the decisions of the Supreme Court influenced by information of the approaching expiration dates of the lethal cocktails & (their reasoning) to press forward to execute these human beings so the states would NOT LOSE MONEY by lethal cocktail expiration? …Just in my humble opinion…
I think alot of what’s happening in Oklahoma right at this moment over Glossip’s execution, has more to do with that 1 article that brought out intimidation of witnesses who came forward to testify that they were both, 1.) Incarcerated with the confessed actual murderer of Barry VanTresse, Justin Sneed, bragged about saving himself from death row by testifying against Glossip.
“Although there was practically nothing to support his story, Sneed cut a deal with the state, testifying against Glossip in exchange for a life sentence. He did so twice: After Glossip’s conviction was overturned due to woefully ineffective lawyering at his first trial, he was tried and sentenced to death a second time, in 2004. Scott met Sneed not long after, in 2006, at Joseph Harp Correctional Facility. They had cells across from each other, and Scott remembered Sneed openly boasting about having escaped the death penalty by pinning his crime on Glossip.”
The DA was so angered because former inmate “Scott” who Sneed bragged to, refused to be interviewed ( he had no legal cause to enforce Scott to be interviewed. ) that he had a warrant issued from another county and had Scott picked up, brought to the local police station in Rogers County, and DA Davideo Prater interrogated Scott himself!
“We have to take you to talk to some people,” the police told him, according to a filing with the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals last week. Scott says he was brought, in handcuffs, to an interrogation room at the Claremore police station, where he saw a folder with the following words written on it: “Richard Glossip” and “Stay.”
Highly improper!
“Scott’s account is contained in a filing by Glossip’s attorneys, who accused Prater of blatant witness intimidation. Scott told them that he was interrogated about his affidavit and that the questions “seemed designed to confuse or trick” him into contradicting himself. Scott said he did not wish to speak to Prater and the investigator who accompanied him — a man by the name of Eastbrook — without a lawyer, but he also did not feel free to refuse their questions. In fact, having heard reports about people dying in police custody, Scott said, he feared he even might be harmed. According to Scott, Prater and the investigator “even asked him questions about prescription medication that his mother is taking,” which Scott says they could only know about had they conducted a search of their house.
Can you guys BELIEVE THAT? The same thing happened to a second man Incarcerated at 1 time with Sneed who gave Glossip’s appeals attorneys a call when he saw a news cast about the case recently.
“It wasn’t just Scott who was apparently targeted: A second man who came forward with similar information on the eve of Glossip’s last scheduled execution, Joseph Tapley, also found himself vulnerable to arrest when the Oklahoma County district attorney’s office moved to revoke his suspended sentence for a DUI, the same day his affidavit was filed, according to FOX 25 in Oklahoma City. Although it is unclear whether Tapley met with Prater, that deal has since been restored.”
“TODAY, PRATER USES SIMILAR rhetoric to defend Glossip’s conviction, even as additional questions have emerged — about evidence destroyed by police, about faulty testimony from the state’s medical examiner. In August, Prater was quoted saying that he had personally examined the evidence in the case two years ago and “after reviewing the evidence myself, I do not have any concerns as to the guilt of Mr. Glossip.” Prater’s response to new witnesses like Tapley and Scott has been to dismiss them as “inherently suspect.”……..but SNEED , who admitted to beating VanTresse to death with a baseball bat, then fleeing the state until his capture ??? Oh well Prater used the words of that murderer ONLY to put Glossip on death row, when no other evidence against Glossip exists!
This crooked crap has got to stop!
The man executed last night (Alfredo Prieto) still had appeals pending when they executed him, according to Sister Helen Prejean.
I believe the reason for indefinite stay is the state doesnt want sued for another blotched execution. One of the DR inmates wants his execution video taped so if it goes anything like Clayton Locketts did its all on tape!;) With Clayton Locketts lethal injection cocktail its was a secret mix of to much of this and not enough of that! After the secret cocktail was administered CL began to seize then his veins blew preventing the chemicals from effectively entering his body. Even after a doctor declared him to be unconscious witnesses say Lockett was awake and yelled “man” and “somethings wrong”. Doctors pulled curtain after he apparently tried to rise up off the table. He received the injection at 6:23 but officially died of heart attack at 7:06. Prison officials said they will try to get Lockett to hospital to resuscitate him!!! If you read the comment people called this karma and there was a irony to this but for those that read the Holy Bible it says Vengeance Is Mine Said The Lord!!! Im so glad Jodi doesnt have to deal with such f tards! #JFJ #1SJ-TEAM JODI FREEDOM FOR JODI !!!
I don’t even buy the whole ” Vengeance Is Mine Said The Lord” crap. Sorry if I offend anyone here, but I just don’t.
I am not a religious person, but I respect all religions (except cults). WHY would anyone think of the God they worship as a vengeful God? God is God. Goddess is Goddess. He is PERFECT. She is PERFECT.No judgement, no vengeance, no punishment. ALL that shit was a human invention to control the masses, to prevent socieities from going completely anarchistic. Those who love God and still believe in the old man with the beard looking down on them, writing down their sins one by one so as to judge them when they die is someone who has lost the entire point of his/her religion, imho.
Hi Maria :), I do understand where yr coming from! When really bad things happen to the innocent people do question where is yr so merciful god? There is no god here! The reason for this verse is so people dont take the so called law into their own hands and become vigilantes! … No insult intended!
According to the JM Prosecutors facebook page, Jodi’s attorneys have filed a Motion to recuse the Judge of the appeal’s court given that the judge published an article about Jodi in a journal of some type. Seems like a conflict of interest to me.
What’s the judges name? Any idea? I can research it. See what can be found.
If this is true… the bias continues. *sigh*
From the above article:
“Arias’ guilt was never in doubt.”
Judge Kent Cattani didn’t know how to spell Jodi’s first name but he KNEW she was guilty. This is the kind of Arizona judicial stupidity and bias Jodi has to overcome.
Response Due – by October 9, 2015
Re: Filed Motion to Disqualify the Court of Appeals; Certificate of Service (Appellant)
Here are all the Arizona Appeals Court Judges. The one in question is Kent Cattani, appointed in 2013.
Can Appeallate judges be encouraged to recuse themselves by email or letter?
Court of Appeals – Division I
1501 W. Washington Street, Room 203
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: 602-542-4821
Fax: 602-542-4833
Diane M. Johnsen Chief Judge (602) 542-1432
Michael J. Brown Vice Chief Judge (602) 542-1480
Jon W. Thompson Judge (602) 542-5304
John C. Gemmill Judge (602) 542-4828
Lawrence F. Winthrop Judge (602) 542-1430
Maurice Portley Judge (602) 542-5303
Donn Kessler Judge (602) 542-4827
Patricia K. Norris Judge (602) 542-4867
Patricia A. Orozco Judge (602) 542-3491
Margaret H. Downie Judge (602) 542-1478
Peter B. Swann Judge (602) 542-5305
Andrew W. Gould Judge (602) 542-1434
Randall M. Howe Judge (602) 542-3493
Samuel A. Thumma Judge (602) 542-3492
Kent E. Cattani Judge (602) 542-1479
Kenton D. Jones Judge (602) 542-4826
Ruth Willingham Clerk of the Court (602) 542-4821
Actually the motion asks that the entire Court of Appeals be disqualified and that the case be sent directly to the Arizona Supreme Court. The last page of the motion says:
“Because Judge Cattani failed in his duty to be fair and impartial regarding Mr. Arias, he must be disqualified, pursuant to Rule 2.11. Not only that, but because his behavior reflects on the rest of Division One, Division One must be disqualified as well. Finally, because the Court of Appeals exists as one court, both divisions must be disqualified.
“Ms. Arias asks that the Court of Appeals be disqualified from further consideration of her appeal and that her appeal be transferred to the Arizona Supreme Court.”
My question is who decides on the validity of the motion? The Court of Appeals???
Good question – don’t know the answer.
October 2 is Wrongful Conviction Day
“According to AIDWYC, since 1992, there have been 1,623 recorded exonerations in the United States; 330 were driven by post-conviction DNA evidence.
Already in 2015, 52 people in the United States have been exonerated of crimes they didn’t commit, says AIDWYC. ”
I know, Carol. Just because a person is found guilty sure doesn’t mean they are guilty.
Frightful! 😯
Oh my…… Oh wow…..
The sheer number of the exonerations speak volume of why the DP is O-B-S-O-L-E-T-E and barbaric. America should end it NOW. Why is the world not listening?
I’ve created a new page (linked off of “Travis’ Documented History of Abusive Behavior”) called “Text Message Abuse”, demonstrating various aspects of known emotional abuse (yelling, name-calling, shaming, blaming, isolation and controlling behavior):
And do not forget about all his abusive ways expressed in ANY eddie snell videos…what sane person would do such. At a ppl meeting this eddie snell talks of MURDER as it,s the norm…. Really this is who that jury of haters convicted HER for or should I say ABUSED HER AGAIN and the justice too. In any interview how is it they can not use fact to uphold their findings……hate…vile…mockery…lies, that works very well. Proof the learned from a tiny creep indeed. But facts and truth not so much. So much for their oaths…… We know that t.a. beat his sisters for….fun?(wrestling)We know he made threats to harm abe…and talked of killing chris u$e and others in public…for…fun?Did he ever respect anyone other then to get close to them and use and or abuse them? TRAVIS NEVER ABUSED ANYONE……..only an IDIOT would say such, as he proved beyond doubt he would ABUSE ANYONE and DID. t-dog will own that as his legacy and soon they will….
And just look at Travis’ threats in the text messages I reference above:
“You are going to start to be held accountable for your shiz. You have pissed me off in a way you never should have and until now I have given you a lot of mercy. But you have pissed that a way and times are fixing to get tough for you.”
Of course, “those people” will convince themselves that such threatening behavior from Travis was not really abuse, it was just Travis treating Jodi they way she deserved to be treated. After all, in their world, just like in Eddie Snead’s world, it’s ok to threaten a woman if she doesn’t behave the way you deem proper. That’s not really abuse.
And for those who still want to claim that there is no proof that Travis had an abusive personality, I recommend the following reading:
Travis’ Documented Family History: http://justice4jodi.wikispaces.com/Travis%27+Documented+Family+History
Travis’ Documented History of Abuse: http://justice4jodi.wikispaces.com/Travis%27+Documented+History+of+Abusive+Behavior
Snead, Snell, whatever… A jerk by any other name is still a jerk!
01/14/08 07:57:22 Incoming (Jodi): Err… Still awake. But I dozed off briefly and had a dream that u were part of an 80s revival rock/pop band!
01/14/08 08:02:40 Incoming (Jodi): It was a little Snell-ish, minus the mullet.
It sounds more like a nightmare! 😆
Another oops when Jodi sent text to TA by accident:
01/16/08 05:11:47 Incoming (Jodi): So which one is it – Obama or Clinton???
01/16/08 05:12:12 Outgoing (Travis): What?
01/16/08 05:13:42 Incoming (Jodi): Oops – nevermind u!
01/16/08 05:14:21 Outgoing (Travis): No, you are going to have to explain that text.
01/16/08 05:19:28 Incoming (Jodi): Lol! Just a question posed to a VERY liberal friend. It’ll be one or the other. I wanted their opinion only. As 4 me and my house: ROMNEY FOR PRESIDENT! =)
01/16/08 05:19:55 Outgoing (Travis): Alrighty.
” No, you are going to have to explain that text.” WTF? Who talks like that? Only a controlling abuser, who wants to always be on top of things and to know his victim’s every move.
Jodi’s great sense of humor & quick wit showing here.
When Jodi was accused of profiting off her trial, she tweeted:
“I’m filing for bankruptcy (if I can ever afford to do so).”
I always thought this was a funny, tongue in cheek comeback although many people took it seriously. It was kind of a joke like: “I’m so poor, street people are offering me money.”
Got any questions for Bill Montgomery, Maricopa County Attorney’s Office?
See “Welcome Video”
This site lists 9 Ethical Rules for prosecutors. I haven’t read them yet but I bet Martinez broke most of them in Jodi’s trial.
And the very first paragraph, a quote by Bill Montgomery himself:
“Our commitment to the residents of Maricopa County is to pursue justice ethically and with the highest integrity and professionalism.”
Yeah, right. Words are easy…
Sure, fine, whatever……………. 🙄
What a pathetic JOKER! He should be ashamed of himself.
ER 3.4. Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel
A lawyer shall not:
(a) unlawfully obstruct another party’s access to evidence or unlawfully alter, destroy or conceal a document or other material having potential evidentiary value. A lawyer shall not counsel or assist another person to do any such act;
(b) falsify evidence, counsel or assist a witness to testify falsely, or offer an inducement to a witness that is prohibited by law;
(c) knowingly disobey an obligation under the rules of a tribunal except for an open refusal based on an assertion that no valid obligation exists;
(d) in pretrial procedure, make a frivolous discovery request or fail to make reasonably diligent effort to comply with a legally proper discovery request by an opposing party;
(e) in trial, allude to any matter that the lawyer does not reasonably believe is relevant or that will not be supported by admissible evidence, assert personal knowledge of facts in issue except when testifying as a witness, or state a personal opinion as to the justness of a cause, the credibility of a witness, the culpability of a civil litigant or the guilt or innocence of an accused; or
(f) request a person other than a client to refrain from voluntarily giving relevant information to another party unless:
(1) the person is a relative or an employee or other agent of a client; and
(2) the lawyer reasonably believes that the person’s interests will not be adversely affected by refraining from giving such information.
[1] The procedure of the adversary system contemplates that the evidence in a case is to be marshaled competitively by the contending parties. Fair competition in the adversary system is secured by prohibitions against destruction or concealment of evidence, improperly influencing witnesses, obstructive tactics in discovery procedure, and the like.
[2] Documents and other items of evidence are often essential to establish a claim or defense. Subject to evidentiary privileges, the right of an opposing party, including the government, to obtain evidence through discovery or subpoena is an important procedural right. The exercise of that right can be frustrated if relevant material is altered, concealed or destroyed. Applicable law in many jurisdictions makes it an offense to destroy material for purpose of impairing its availability in a pending proceeding or one whose commencement can be foreseen. Falsifying evidence is also generally a criminal offense. Paragraph (a) applies to evidentiary material generally, including computerized information. Applicable law may permit a lawyer to take temporary possession of physical evidence of client crimes for the purpose of conducting a limited examination that will not alter or destroy material characteristics of the evidence. In such a case, applicable law may require the lawyer to turn the evidence over to the police or other prosecuting authority, depending on the circumstances.
[3] With regard to paragraph (b), it is not improper to pay a witness’s expenses or to compensate an expert witness on terms permitted by law. The common law rule in most jurisdictions is that it is improper to pay an occurrence witness any fee for testifying and that it is improper to pay an expert witness a contingent fee.
[4] Paragraph (f) permits a lawyer to advise employees of a client to refrain from giving information to another party, for the employees may identify their interests with those of the client. See also ER 4.2.
Yeah, I have a question: Who’s gonna protect the people of Maricopa County from them?
I was thinking about asking why Jodi was charged with 1st degree murder when a Mexican cartel hitman killed a guy in Arizona, cut off his head and only got charged with 2nd degree murder. He was sentenced to 14 years. But, I remember someone connected to the MCAO saying they only go for 1st degree murder when they think there’s a reasonable chance of getting it. It sounds like the charge depends on the quality of evidence, not on the severity of the crime. Actually, there wasn’t much actual PHYSICAL evidence (I can’t think of any) in Jodi’s trial. It was all Martinez’s speculations, innuendos and B.S.
Probable answer (if any) from MCAO: “We’re sorry, this is not an appropriate question.”
♥ Heard this today and it made me smile! 😉 Thought it summed up JAII pretty well.
We are here for you Jodi, forever and back again! ♥ https://youtu.be/zXn9b5FD5nw
Awwww….. ♥ ♥
Harvard Debate Team Loses To Prison Debate Team.
The prison debate squad v. Harvard debate team was set up to show off Bard College’s prison initiative. Note that inmates had no access to the internet and had to order books to prepare.
Isn’t that cool? 🙂
Let,s just call him eddie the jerk…and I,m being nice… Now as for why JODI was over charged or even charged well that is the system all over the world….POWER does what it wants. Imagine CA. telling AZ.it will be a fair trial or We,ll step in ….for one person to be up against any system then there must be fairness and accountability for ALL in a court. Take the lynch mob that has in the past MURDERED many…..and sold photos of the MOB…SMILING. Each one in such photos have w/o doubt taken part in 1st MURDER…and some would still be with us….rather old …say 83…hmm a joe type? Now is Gov. going to claim We can,t recall, We did,nt know, MURDER has no time limit….does it. Seems so CAN get away with MURDER…..it just takes a GOV. As for on a mission…tiny was indeed….he at times was very showing a strange memory…..as for dates…he could,nt even read em right,as for miss alexander…yep he called HER that. She did great on dates eve correcting him! And the .25…GREW to a .45…just like the …holein the dura matter….oh right WHAT HOLE. My how it helps the law when they have a jury just waiting to MURDER legal like for the state. Gee who among us has,nt said I wonder what it would be like to kill someone…..in this rather fucked up world…99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999. ThinkI,m wrong on that then take a GOOD listen to t.a. sis…THE COPand mr. G.I. steve tell the jury I can,t kill HER but do it for me…PLEASE. And were they under court rules forbidden to do that…call for HER death? But sister sam did say she wanted to hunt JODI down and kill HER but she was willing to let the law do it for her….AMAZING a cop kbowing that JODI was guilty before even the investigation was OVER. Any time someone asks why do We stand for JODI and JUSTICE….ask them is that the kind of justice you would want for you or yours? Remember anyone can be charged with any thing…..and it just might stick…Grand juries are real easy to fool…and juries too…I saw such in a SHOWTRIAL awhile back….You did to. Know that AMERICA was founded by the 1% that took a stand. Imagine that 99% being saved by 1%……TRUTH, FACTS,and LOVE are on OUR side…..them , LIES,FAKES,(shelf tilt)and HATE. sick!
Does anyone know if any kind of appeal has started yet? Is the $91k enough to get this rolling, of is there a need for more?
Maureen, Appeals are under way but Jodi does not have to pay for these initial appeals. It is when these fail that she will need money to hire a private appellate attorney. It is estimated she will need about $250,000.
Unfortunately, 91K is not even half of the money she’ll need 🙁
I watch a story last night about a guy named David Genzler who was convicted of 2nd degree murder back in the 90’s. There are a lot of similarities between his case and Jodi’s. A mild mannered fella accused and convicted of being violent while he contended self-defense. He ultimately won a second trial where the defense used “forensic animation” to show how the blood on Genzler’s shirt ended up where it did in what was a violent struggle. Here’s a 2006 article about the case:
A little break down for the haters oh so reveling in $32,000 restitution. And first off. The appeals fund does not belong to her and is protected by Law. As for her Art?. Once she gives it away it is legally no longer her property and anyone can do whatever they want with it legally once they own it. Period. Enjoy the break down pissy pant haters lol bwahahah!.
$15,530.73 to sister Samantha Alexander; $10,754.99 to sister Tanisha Sorenson; $4,232.11 to sister Hilary Wilcox; and $1,372 and $225.60 to brothers Stephen and Dennis Alexander, respectively. If and how Arias can actually pay those amounts remains to be seen.
Jodi’s weekly commissary allowance per week. $80, minus 20% = $64 for her to spend weekly
and $16 for the Alexander’s to split up 5 ways. Let’s just round it off 5 ways fairly. $3.20 each per week. $16
X 52.143= 833.60. split 5 ways equally?. = $166.72 a year. (Don’t forget taxes) If you want to do the actual
Math to figure how much each would actually get weekly,monthly,yearly? Knock yourself out. As for her future wages being garnished?. At .10 an hr even if is she did a forty hr work week?. $4.00 a week. At 20% garnishment the Alexander’s would get .80 to split 5 ways. = .16 each (don’t forget taxes). And Jodi keeps $3.20. Even at .16 x 52.1 a year? The total would be $8.33 to split 5 ways= $1.66 each a year ( don’t forget taxes) and Jodi will receive $166.72 to keep. Grand total for the Alexander’s year end pay off before taxes?. $168.38 split 5 ways.= $33.67 each before taxes. Jodi’s pay income for a year?
$3.20 x 52.1= $162.72 as for commissary? $3334.40. So her grand total per year she receives?.
$3497.12 and she is below poverty level so she will not Even pay taxes. $33.67 is hardly a pay up. So please stop the grandstanding haters. Your better off just continually doing money drives on the state page. And even if the Alexander’s pay up for a wrongful death with lawyers?. The pay % doesn’t change. It remains the same even if it were millions. They would spent a lot of $ out of their pocket to only receive $33.67 each year regardless. Or should we say you would all for not!!. You cannot take money’s from a legally protected fund that does not belong to that individual nor can you take money’s from a person who owns property that does not belong to a inmate.!. Get it! Got it! Good. End of that subject. As for websites of social media?. It’s in the hands of all to state their own opinions as individuals. The admins of social media pages or web pages all have the same disclaimer of individual rights to post as they feel heart felt. That do not reflect the opinions of their namesake. (Including the state page) what I do see is the never ending hatred spewed towards anyone who defends themselves against hate monger’s that should have long since let it go in the past but still obsess daily 24/7 over Jodi Ann Arias and anyone associated with her. Let’s be honest here. The Sd page and the stupid things you say page are Beyond logic. I will be up front with you.. Psst.. The trial and sentencing is over.. All you people do all day is screen grab insult, and ridicule as if your the end all be all critics when in fact you just look bizarre and immature. Really!? Have you taken a look at your selves?. I have shown social media posts to friends that don’t even care for Jodi. I showed the difference between haters and supporters. And I have done that a number of times just to show to unbiased people the difference. First they were appalled at how the haters behave and wonder what’s up with the stalking and hatred and why are they still following a case that’s been over for 6 months?. And attacking supporters. That’s none of your business is what they all said. As for supporters?. They saw good people being kind yet fending off senseless attacks. I asked them about the JAII website and others that exist. They laughed at the notion anything should ever be forcibly changed by those who want Jodi Arias dead. They summed it up. Pure daily hatred by those who should have walked away 6 months ago?? Still tripping out??. They got a major mental issue. One friend a physiatrist said. It’s they feel some kind of pay back, or attention. Maybe a loss of a commanding feeling of spewing hatred all day as they pacify each others endless rants. Or as I say a hate orgy.. They seem smaller these days. The Jodi pages are very well hidden. We haven’t dwindled as you haters are hoping. Heck the state page is a ghost town. The real TA supporters moved on to heal. The nut cases remained to be mere agitators. They have no other purpose in life. All my family,friends, coworkers and even my bosses know I support Jodi in a positive way. They are totally fine with it until they see you haters. Do you really think your admired?. Do you think your posts of kill kill kill. Is a great thing? Maybe among those who call a pretty woman ugly but would you never post your tue face ever saying so. Or even your real name. Nope.. Just snarky child like nasty remarks. Since we don’t know your real name perhaps we should properly call you IT!! As that’s all you seem to really be. After all we know Jodi’s name.. Admin of the stupid shit you say group is their for dubbed IT!! Since that’s what you really are coward. Enough said.. I have things to do.. And clean your house IT!!. It’s a pig pen,
AWESOME POST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes great comment EDD STACK!
Thanks EDD ♥ You summed it all up perfectly. 😉
Edd, that was awesome!!! Oh thank you for the breakdown of the money the “family” will get. Yup don’t forget the taxes.
Thank you Edd for this analysis!
Poor Alexscammers… counting the pennies each month. I’m guessing that the alexander family also thanks you for this analysis. I’m sure they don’t know how to work a calculator to ‘do the math’ themselves! 😀
Check this out! Macaque monkeys are often used in medical studies because they resemble human anatomy and physiology so closely.
I realize the puncture wound to the frontal lobe of this monkey is not in the exact place the GSW was in as relative to this trial. However, it’s not that far off either!
In one of JW’s questions to Horn, she described the path as travelling across the roof of the mouth. If those photos of base of skull entered late are true and representative, there are two holes in the base of the skull. The bullet was travelling straight down from his eyebrow to the very frontal part of the anterior fossa which is where the first perforation is located. My question since seeing those photos has always been how the bullet could make two holes in the same structure laterally and if it went through the first hole then it left the skull and entered the mouth. Horn was off screen when he was pointing out during his testimony the path of the bullet with descriptive of from here to there.
I’m glad that they could get that arrow out of that little monkey’s head, but it didn’t seem to be bothering him that much.
Judge Sherrie Stephens (JSS) finding, January 10, 2013
“The court finds the inaccurate testimony of Detective Flores at the hearing on August 7, 2009 would not have changed the court’s finding that the offense was especially cruel and was thus harmless error.”
This HARMLESS ERROR, based on false and misleading testimony by Det. Flores, enabled Juan Martinez to go for the death penalty, get a jury he could easily manipulate and while he wasn’t able to kill Jodi as he wanted to, he put her in prison for life (at least until she gets a new trial or the case is thrown out). This harmless error drastically changed the whole complexion of this trial and was a MAJOR MISTAKE by JSS.
I should add that JSS concluded it was harmless error because Travis Alexander (TA) suffered a gun shot wound and knife wounds which would have caused physical and emotional suffering no matter what the sequence or order of the injuries. However, Jodi stated TA was shot first and when he was shot he went unconscious for a few seconds. So although his brain was not penetrated by the gun shot, he may have suffered a concussion since unconsciousness can be a symptom of a concussion.
Symptoms of a brain injury include:
•Unconsciousness (symptoms of a mild traumatic brain injury can clear up within a few hours)
•Inability to remember the cause of the injury or events that occurred Immediately before or up to 24 hours after
•Confusion and disorientation
So if TA suffered a concussion from the gun shot, he may not have suffered as JSS indicated. If the defense had brought in a medical specialist, it’s possible he/she could have clarified this issue re: TA’s degree of suffering or whether he suffered at all.
Additional comment circling in JAII waiting for clearance to land.
I keep wondering what would be considered harmful error if all that he does is considered no to be t…. I look forward to the landing of your next comment. 🙂
The 10:04 comment was the one I was waiting for. The way my comments lined up does look like there’s a 3rd comment coming.
I could have added an example of a mild (or moderate?) traumatic brain injury might be when a boxer gets stunned by a hard punch or knocked out or a hockey player gets checked hard into the boards or glass or hits his/her head on the ice. These athletes usually recover quickly but may not remember the hit to the head or a period of time after the hit and may even keep on performing after the hit. Of course, if you get several concussions they can lead to permanent damage
A medical expert certainly would have been a big help in explaining Horn and these injuries. TA would have been in the same state of fight or flight that Jodi was in from the time of the gunshot if not before. Juanita’s crime pics squeeze all this into just over a minute so there was not a lot of time involved even if you don’t buy Juanita’s theory about the pics completely.
According to JSS’s way of thinking, Jodi’s case was a total success – except for the sentence, I’m sure JSS went through a depression when the DP was off the table.
Everything was ‘nothing serious enough’ to change the outcome of verdict. Yeah right! 🙄
Gee, I wonder why the State of Arizona even spent so much time and money for this trial since hiding evidence, tampering with it, state witnesses committing perjury, prosecutor pulling all that corrupted bullshit wasn’t harmful to Jodi’s trial… They should have just stamped ‘GUILTY’ on Jodi’s file, locked her up and went on to their next victim. It seems they think that all those laws and defendant’s rights to a fair trial that were broken & stomped on in that courtroom weren’t such a big deal… pfffff.
JSS managed to demonstrate her incompetence once again – in all it’s glory!
Pam, are you ready? Now tonight is the night – 12 midnight….
Canada Carol, the end of the world as we know it?! I haven’t heard of this perdition. What I did hear was a major earthquake but that didnt happen! The blood moon was cool wouldn’t you say!;) some Mormon dude made that perdition for Utah AZ. FOOLS, THEY ALL B FOOLS.. I humbly say
Please note November’s meeting is canceled.
OK, so the world’s gonna end TODAY according to that Christian organization. Should I NOT go to work then??? Come on, anyone knows? Quickly. I have to leave in 30 minutes, if we’re doomed I may as well enjoy a cup of coffee in my garden instead LOLOLOL!!
Maria well so far so good. Everyone’s still here. I’m sitting on the edge of my seat with the news on!!! NOT!!! Your day is almost over and nothing.
What a bunch of B.S. How many times have we gone through this with the crazys???
I look at it this way, if it’s going to happen we have no control over it. So why not live each day as it were your last???
OK Sisters, this might the big chance for us all to meet together!!!!! By any chance it might happen meet me outside the pearly gates on the right side (I’ll have my broom with me 😉 ) we can walk through those Blessed Gates together! ♥ We just never know……… ♥
Hummm hope I go the right way…..lol
OK now, facing the pearly gates go to the right side. . .smh! Gosh Cindy, don’t get confused with the masses they will be on the opposite side! ♥ We will swoop thru the gates before they realize what happened to them. 😉 😆
LOL. R. I should have said direction…. Up/down!!! Lol. I’m sure you will say a few good things for me..
I certainly will. . . it’s ALL UP from here on out GIRLS!!!! ♥ Up, Up and Away!
Ha! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4HjlkKw6do ♥
Thanks Pan ♥ ! We are Blessed to see another wonderful day in our neighborhood! ♥♥♥
AND THE HITS KEEPS ON COMING!;) LOL… Does anybody remember the year 2000 was the predicted end! I lived in small town of Enid Okla. There was massive hysteria!! People ran to grocery stores and bought up everything, shelves were bare. Fights in the parking lots, dogs running with cats! Im telling you full blown out of control hysteria! this is pure profit for the instigators! NOW, TIME FOR ANOTHER GOAT SCREAM! ;))) htt://youtu.be/D2gHt-U1eSg ps. My Grandma ma raised me Methodist so I too would of probably been shot in the head instead of the leg at the Oregon College shooting!:(((
Anyone seen that commercial where a young lad has taken on the responsibility of an adult and he becomes frustrated and smash his cell phone on side walk? Thats how I feel like doing to this tablet im working with!!! http://ýyoutu.be/D2gHt-U1eSg Losing My Religion
Pam we’ve got more than one thing in common. . . I was born in Duncan, OK. ♥ FYI 😉
Another youtube video for those with a sense of humor is AWOLNATION.. THIS KID IS NOT ALRIGHT! This will remind U of young Travis Alexander!
Rejection of new execution drug offers reprieve for Albertan on death row in Montana
Just Checking in to assure folks that I am still alive
(Myself too 😉 )
Thanks for posting this Canada Carol. This man did something terrible in the early 80’s while very high on LSD. He then said he wanted to die for what he did and he got the death penalty. His friend who was with him has done his time and is free. Mr. Smith is a Canadian but the current prime minister of Canada has no sympathy and would not go to bat to have Mr. Smith transferred to a Canadian jail. Montana has set several dates for execution over the years and this is the latest stall. I hope that a new prime minister is in power after October 19th and if so, that the justice dept. will try to have this man transferred to Canada where there is no death penalty. He has paid over and over again never knowing if today is the day he will die. It is also a political case in the sense that he and his friend killed a couple of native men and of course their community is against any other than death for this man.
Poor guy…. SMH!
” John Hincapie spent a quarter century behind bars for a high-profile murder that all evidence indicates he did not commit”
Oklahoma Reportedly Used The Wrong Drug In A January Execution
After receiving the first drug in the lethal injection series, the man being executed said, “My body is on fire.”
02/28/08 08:23:31 Outgoing (Travis): You and jodi would get along. She is way into astrology and she thinks your hot.
02/28/08 08:24:22 Incoming (Chaitanya): She’s hott!
02/28/08 08:24:49 Outgoing (Travis): She is sexually attracted to you.
02/28/08 08:25:21 Incoming (Chaitanya): No way
02/28/08 08:25:52 Outgoing (Travis): yeppers
02/28/08 08:27:44 Incoming (Chaitanya): I don’t think I believe that…and even if she did, would she tell u about it?
02/28/08 08:28:45 Outgoing (Travis): Yes she would and did. She told that if she was to do a girl you would qualify. Honest.
02/28/08 08:29:45 Incoming (Chaitanya): Lol…well what do u think? Would we be a good match?
02/28/08 08:30:28 Outgoing (Travis): For a one night stand you would be perfect.
02/28/08 08:31:17 Incoming (Chaitanya): Why do u say one night stand only?
02/28/08 08:31:55 Incoming (Chaitanya): What if we liked it so much that we decided to be together for ever?
02/28/08 08:32:19 Outgoing (Travis): Well why don’t you go on a date and see if you think it has staying power.
02/28/08 08:34:09 Incoming (Chaitanya): hmmm…sounds like there’s a lot behind that statement. Well I don’t know her but she seems very sweet and she’s obviously beautiful
02/28/08 08:35:05 Incoming (Chaitanya): I don’t think I’d make a very good lesbian anyway…
02/28/08 08:35:49 Outgoing (Travis): Neither do I but you guys could sell a lot of videos.
02/28/08 08:36:22 Incoming (Chaitanya): Would u buy it?
02/28/08 08:36:48 Outgoing (Travis): Yes but I’d rather be in it.
Yikes! So now he’s fantasizing (but just joking, of course) 🙄 about a threesome and even trying to set one up (but just joking, of course). 🙄 At the very least he’s creating a fantasy for himself about two women having sex.
However, he’s just being a normal guy. Right? Can you imagine if Jodi had carried on such a conversation? The glaring double standards would have labeled her an even bigger slut than they already did. Where’s the similar word for him? Oh, that’s right. There is none.
I don’t care what society considers normal male behavior, such as thinking about sex practically non-stop and constantly figuring out ways to get into women’s pants. This guy was not emotionally stable.
Are Mormons supposed to be talking like this?
Chaitanya wasn’t a Mormon, but TA gave her a Book of Mormon just like he did Jodi with the same challenge to read it.
Besides sessions with a psychiatrist he also needed to check himself into a sex clinic!
Too bad he’s dead – that guy could have been a psycholigical study case 🙄
The way I see it, he was pimping out Jodi (and Chaitanya). What guy – that respects his girlfriend/ friend – would be thinking about her having sex with another woman for the sake of making sex videos for a profit??? And participating too?!!!
Don’t get me wrong: I have no problem with the porn industry, more power to it and to the PROFESSIONAL actors in that industry BUT when you’re trying to pimp 2 women that are NOT pornstars just for profit and your own sexual gain, that’s sneaky, sick and disturbing.
The sad thing is that IF travis ‘pushed’ Jodi a bit more for this to happen, she would have probably caved just to satisfy him even if she wasn’t 100% on board with the idea. See, it’s pretty easy to manipulate and manhandle a woman with no self esteem. And we all know that back then, Jodi was under his spell and was lacking of self respect and self esteem… 🙁
As for ‘Saint’ travis? Ha! A saint he was! 🙄 And the way he honored his position in the mormon faith? Outstanding – NOT! What a fraud!
What do you think would be more punishable in his cult (mormons)? Having a soda pop/ coffee OR having constant sex and fantasies? But he was a good mormon: he didn’t drink alcohol or coffee! Woooo- Hoooooo…. burp!
I forgot Ryan Burns was the person that contacted the state about Jodi’s license plate being upside down (see about 1:30 on the tape). He also states the reason she didn’t want the red car chosen by Raphael Colombo (who rented the Ford Focus to Jodi) was because “she didn’t want the police to know.” He doesn’t finished this point – doesn’t want the police to know what? I believe this is only Burns idea why Jodi didn’t want a red car, i.e., to avoid police. Does anyone know where this idea that Jodi requested a lighter car to avoid police came from. Was it Ryan Burns or ? Colombo stated he liked to talk to his customers so he could pick a car he thought might suit them. So he picked a red car for Jodi but she said she wanted a “lighter” color. Martinez asked: “Did she tell you why?” Colombo: “No, she did not.” Some people drive lighter colored cars because they are easier for other drivers to spot on the road (white cars have been promoted as safer).
Jodi did ask Colombo for a different color car than red because she had been told that red cars are stopped more and get more speeding tickets. They both testified to that effect. Guess what? Jodi was right – it’s true – red cars do get stopped more often because of their profile type of the drivers that drive red cars. I heard it on TV so it must be true. 🙄
Thanks for your response but I can’t find where Columbo testified to the fact that “red cars are stopped more and get more speeding tickets. They both testified to that effect.” I watched his testimony 3 times. Like I mentioned above when Martinez asked Colombo: “Did she tell you why?” (she wanted a lighter colored car), Columbo answered: “No, she did not.” So, according to Columbo’s testimony, Jodi never mentioned a reason for wanting a lighter colored car. Now, she may have stated that was the reason why she wanted a lighter car in her testimony but I haven’t been able to find it yet.
As far as police stopping red cars more often, Jodi may have believed that (in spite of her intelligence) but many articles on the internet state this is a long-standing myth. Here are 3 articles that discuss whether red cars are stopped more frequently. Hint: They all say no.
Not sure why my comment came out as “Anonymous” but the above comment is mine.
Does anyone know when and how Det. Flores discovered a .25 caliber gun had been stolen from Jodi’ grandparent’s place on May 28, 2008? Did Flores call the police in Yreka, CA or did they call him? Or, did Jodi mentioned it to Flores? Or, was it one of the Mormons that let Flores know about the stolen gun?
New post just added…
Motion To Disqualify The Court Of Appeals:
Team Jodi <<< WINNING
That “Anonymous” comment is mine. We are Anonymous. We are legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget