
Jodi Arias Trial - Page 28

Jodi Arias Trial – Day 16



Jodi’s testimony continues today.

Compelling & pivotal. Martinez is finally starting to realize he’s already lost this case.

As I stated in my post this past weekend – THE WORLD IS A FAR BETTER PLACE WITHOUT TRAVIS ALEXANDER. The same goes for any other self-righteous bastard that thinks they can verbally & physically abuse women and get away with it.


Leave your comments below – and don’t hold back…

Team Jodi


Closed hearing & new TA pedo evidence admitted into trial (+ video)

Well, well… “The plot thickens” as they say.

Now we get to find out what Thursday’s closed hearing was all about.

It would appear that certain pieces of the jigsaw are now starting to fall into place… with Jodi testifying that 6 months before his death, she walked in on TA (in his bedroom) while he was masturbating to photographs of young boys spread out on his bed.

That evidence in now admissible and will be brought into the trial.

Check out the video below from AZ Central covering the hearing (full story here):

[hdplay id=51 width=500 height=300]

It therefore looks very likely that the level of abuse TA inflicted on Jodi increased… and it increase pro-rata to the likelihood of Jodi spilling the beans on his pedo-related antics.

I don’t think it’s unreasonable for us to deduce that as being the trigger for the abuse.

Following on from that, TA then stepped things up a gear and starting hitting Jodi in an attempt to keep her quiet. After those events, he then wrote letters to Jodi in an attempt to try and explain what he’d done and why he’d done it.

This is where the letters fit into the equation.

It also looks like everyone’s least favorite lying bastard Chris Hughes has surfaced again. He reminds me of Roy Kronk a bit.  He’s now resorted to posting on BS Facebook pages, in a frantic attempt to try and regain what little credibility he never even had in the first place. Nice one Chris. You’re doing really great. Keep it up!

Remember Chris Hughes? Sure you do. His official job title is “Professional Penis”.

This is part of the “Bombshells, Blackmail & BS – Chris Hughes style” post I wrote on Jan 30th:

“Hughes already confirmed he’s firmly on the prosecution’s side, so sure he’s gonna do all he can to fly the flag for them, including stating to the media (on behalf of Martinez) that the TA letters were forged – even though he knows they were not. He knows, having seen some of them, that they’re genuine. He even wrote to TA to tell him he wasn’t treating Jodi right.

In fact both Chris Hughes (and his wife, Sky) emailed Travis telling him he was being abusive to Jodi back in 2007. They also discussed TA’s “age of attraction” when it comes to young girls, which (as far as I recall) Sky was somewhat surprised at. This ties together the earlier pedophile rumors pertaining to TA and his preference for pigtails & 12 years old’s, does it not?”

In light of the latest events, I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some kind of child porn ring in operation… possibly even at the Hughes’ home… where both TA and Chris Hughes were both actively involved (and others). This is probably another reason why Hughes is making such an effort to cover for TA (and trying to blackmail “Mr X”)… and subsequently has so much to lose in every sense of the word. So much for being Vice Chair at  The Soldier Hollow Charter School Board.

The anonymous proxy surfing… 12 year old girls in pigtails… boy’s underwear… little girl’s costumes… and now TA masturbating over pics of young boys?

Could it be any clearer?

The door has certainly been opened.

Leave your comments below…

Team Jodi

“Justice for Travis” – here’s what it really means…

Here’s an interesting fact:

With one of my other support websites (for Casey Anthony), 90% of the hate & BS messages we received were from females… and we all know the real reason behind that. But with this site… in support of Jodi… the latest figures show 90% of hate messages are from guys.

A complete “hate-reversal of the sexes” you could call it.

So what does that tell us?

Well, I’m certainly no expert on psychology or human behavior… but to me it says this trial is not about “Jodi v Travis”… nor is it really about “one religion v the other”. Instead, it’s actually turning into a major Male v Female battle. The Male side sticking up for Travis because “well… he’s a guy and… err… he does guy stuff”, and the female side having had just about enough of guys beating up on girls all the time and getting away with it.

With all that in mind — the most humorous phrase I regularly hear is made up of just 3 words… but they actually mean nothing. That phrase is “Justice for Travis”. It’s a cliché. Nobody really knows what it means, but it gets thrown about a lot by clueless people that basically think verbal & physical abuse is somehow ok.

“Justice for Travis” – ? Don’t make me laugh.

I’ll finish off by telling you this, which a lot of people are thinking but nobody is openly saying:


The same goes for any other self-righteous bastard that thinks they can verbally & physically abuse women and get away with it.

Because the fact is… in the cold light of day… most of the time you can get away with it… but sometimes… well… you just can’t.

We are Team Jodi, and we’re proud to stand behind and support Jodi Arias.

Always have done.

Always will do.

Team Jodi

Jodi Arias Trial – Day 14


Jodi’s testimony continues today.

Click here to read Matt McCartney’s blog post from Jan 3rd.

Contrary to the opinion of the retarded masses, I think yesterday’s testimony went very well overall. The thing is — certain people on the other side are getting a little carried away at the thought of Martinez cross-examining Jodi. Well good luck with that… because it’s almost certain that short-guy syndrome will kick in at some point… then he’s gonna lose his temper and end up looking like an ass in front of the jury yet again, as he’s done all throughout the trial.

But he doesn’t get to decide the ultimate outcome here. Being the showman that he is, he’s already working on his next 3 gigs. So to Martinez, I say these two words — BRING IT!

Leave your comments below as we continue on our mission…


Jodi Arias Trial – Day 13


First up today will be Lonnie Dworkin followed by audio/video examiner Bryan Neumeister. Jodi will begin her testimony after that.

Also be sure to read my earlier post – “The proxy, the prosecutor and the penis” – which details my thoughts on the Darryl Brewer & Lonnie Dworkin testimonies, TA’s proxy-related surfing… and the ongoing blackmail attempts (& subsequent cover-up of TA’s abuse & child porn-related issues) by Chris & Sky Hughes.

Following on from the 3 hour recess Thursday afternoon, it was noted that several pieces of evidence related to the phone sex recording were sealed, together with a portion of evidence from Gus Searcy’s evidentiary hearing. Click here to access the trial minutes for the day.

As always, feel free to leave your comments below on this pivotal day for Jodi.

The proxy, the prosecutor and the penis…

A formidable combination. Never let it be said that my post titles are boring.


I’m covering quite a bit of ground here, but do you recall Tuesday afternoon’s testimony from Darryl Brewer (Jodi’s ex)… where Kirk Nurmi asked him if sex with Jodi ever included little boys underwear, dressing Jodi in little girl costumes and/or performing various sexual acts with her?

Well, that may directly tie in with the very brief yet equally interesting testimony from Lonnie Dworkin yesterday, the forensic computer examiner guy.

After analyzing the results of the hard drive on TA’s laptop — and the various sites TA visited between 4am-4.30am on the morning of June 4th — Dworkin mentioned one particular result… that being the YouTube movie relating to the proxy server, titled “free web”. Click here to watch it on YouTube.

A proxy server, for the uninitiated, is a site you would visit, within which you would then enter the website address you wanted to visit, and you’d visit it using a proxy IP address different to your own… subsequently leaving no trace of your IP address on the server of the site you visited.

Proxy sites are typically used by pedo’s when accessing child porn sites, although they can of course be used for other privacy related reasons too like attempted hacking, malicious posting, accessing “blocked” websites and surfing porn sites from home/work for example.

Assuming TA wasn’t attempting to hack into his own website (or anyone else’s), it’d be safe to say he was covering his tracks and not wanting anyone to know where he’d visited. It’d therefore be very interesting to know the sites he typically visited via the proxy server he used. I’m guessing there’ll be more on the subject next week when Lonnie Dworkin resumes his testimony, initially armed with the already infamous “penis pics” he was inadvertently waving around.

Roll all that together with the “little boys underwear”, “dressing Jodi in little girl costumes”, “performing various sexual acts with her” — and not forgetting the initial statement pertaining to a 12 year old girl in pigtails having an orgasm — and it goes a long way to validating the letters and Jodi’s earlier TA-pedophile claims – does it not?

It also makes you wonder just how much Chris & Sky Hughes really knew about TA’s child addiction (and the physical/verbal abuse he inflicted upon Jodi in private), and whether they’ll continue to cover for him now that Chris’ blackmail attempt on Mr X has been rumbled. Remember Sky’s initial reaction to one of TA’s letters too, where she specifically referenced TA’s age of attraction? Yet another reason why Kirk wants to get Sky’s ass in the witness box and not over the phone.

So after all that, should we really be surprised that Mouthpiece Martinez was hopping mad and having a meltdown during the overly-extended recess yesterday?

Your thoughts?

Jodi Arias Trial – Day 11


I think we’ll put today down as a bit of a drab draw for both sides. The only memorable moment in this objection-riddled day being Martinez’ impromptu “shock & awe” stunt, where he wheeled out one of the autopsy photographs for Lisa Daidone without any prior warning. Desperate times call for desperate measures? It certainly looks that way.

[embedit snippet=”trial-day-11-tv”]

In the meantime, we’ll continue rise above all the BS, stay strong and stay focused on our ultimate objective – that being Jodi’s freedom.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

If you missed the trial yesterday, click here to watch a full video replay.

Click here to read about my thoughts on Chris Hughes’ blackmail attempts.

Let’s see what delights are in store for us today, as we continue on our mission.

Leave your comments below…

Bombshells, Blackmail & BS – Chris Hughes style

There’s no other way to put this. Chris Hughes is a lying bastard. And when his newly subpoenaed wife takes the stand, she’s not gonna be too far behind him.

Hughes already confirmed he’s firmly on the prosecution’s side, so sure he’s gonna do all he can to fly the flag for them, including stating to the media (on behalf of Martinez) that the TA letters were forged – even though he knows they were not. He knows, having seen some of them, that they’re genuine. He even wrote to TA to tell him he wasn’t treating Jodi right.

In fact both Chris Hughes (and his wife, Sky) emailed Travis telling him he was being abusive to Jodi back in 2007. They also discussed TA’s “age of attraction” when it comes to young girls, which (as far as I recall) Sky was somewhat surprised at. This ties together the earlier pedophile rumors pertaining to TA and his preference for pigtails & 12 years old’s, does it not?

But here’s the thing… both Chris & Sky Hughes KNOW only too well that TA was both physically & verbally abusive to Jodi. 2 other people know that too… Gus Searcy and Mr X.

Hughes also had a much earlier conversation with Esteban Flores (as relayed by Kirki Nurmi yesterday prior to Martinez’ objection), where Flores asked Hughes this question:

“You could see Travis losing it with Jodi and throwing her against a wall?”

I believe Hughes’ answer to that question would have been “YES”… but we’ll have to wait to hear more about that. This is another reason why Flores should not be present in the courtroom watching all the testimonies – but let’s not digress here. We already know what Flores is.

Then there’s the Chris Hughes blackmail attempt – still apparently in effect – and ultimately concluding with Gus Searcy doing his best to protect the individual concerned (Mr X) by invoking his right to plead the 5th. That happened while under cross from Martinez at the end of yesterday’s proceedings when he requested the blackmailed individual’s name, and after Gus had stated (to Kirk Nurmi) that the individual was “too afraid to testify because of Chris Hughes”. After pleading the 5th, that led to a private discussion.

Here’s my take on the Hughes blackmail attempt:

After the initial calls to each other, Chris Hughes finally connected with Gus Searcy to find out what he was planning to say when he testified (no doubt a fishing expedition arranged by Martinez).  Gus was in his car when he took that call. Mr X was also in the car and overheard the conversation, either relayed by Gus or due to the phone being on loudspeaker at the time.

When Hughes found out that Mr X had become aware of the situation, and that Mr X also knew about TA being physically & verbally abusive to Jodi, he hatched a plan to try and keep him quiet. The plan was along the lines of Hughes telling Mr X that if he ALSO testified to the abuse, he would personally see that either [1] Mr X was removed from Pre Paid Legal and/or [2] that Mr X would have his Pre Paid Legal referrals (i.e. his “downline”) removed and repositioned under someone else.

Either way, this would cause considerable financial hardship to Mr X, as Gus stated yesterday.

This (as far as I can see) is what’s behind Chris Hughes’ blackmail attempt on Mr X, and Gus Searcy’s obvious resistance to divulging Mr X’s name in court yesterday – even going so far as pleading the 5th to protect the guy.

So as of right now — and to back up Jodi’s valid self-defense claim — there are at least 4 people aware that TA was both physically & verbally abusive to Jodi. They are – Chris & Sky Hughes, Gus Searcy and Mr X… not forgetting the letters too, where Kirk Nurmi cited the defense expert who can categorically confirm  the letters are authentic and most likely were written by TA.

Check out the video below with the testimonies from Chris Hughes, Abe Abdelhadi (starts @ 54:00) and Gus Searcy. Click here to watch yesterday’s trial in full.

Your thoughts?

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Additional links:

Chris Hughes – apparently “Vice Chair” of The Soldier Hollow Charter School Board in Midway, Utah:

Legal Shield conference calls page:
Chris Hughes Cell: 951-816-7682
