
Jodi Arias Trial – Day 14


Jodi’s testimony continues today.

Click here to read Matt McCartney’s blog post from Jan 3rd.

Contrary to the opinion of the retarded masses, I think yesterday’s testimony went very well overall. The thing is — certain people on the other side are getting a little carried away at the thought of Martinez cross-examining Jodi. Well good luck with that… because it’s almost certain that short-guy syndrome will kick in at some point… then he’s gonna lose his temper and end up looking like an ass in front of the jury yet again, as he’s done all throughout the trial.

But he doesn’t get to decide the ultimate outcome here. Being the showman that he is, he’s already working on his next 3 gigs. So to Martinez, I say these two words — BRING IT!

Leave your comments below as we continue on our mission…



  1. Good day all.

    So many questions going through my head right now……..waiting on the edge of my seat.

    Is anyone else thinking, or thought about, what if Jodi admits to the stalking of Travis? By “stalking”, I mean cutting the tires and sending that email to Lisa Andrews. Would NOT be a good moment.

    • I always thought that these accounts of the car tires cutting were not substantiated…Do we really know that she did it?If it is doubtful in any way,then no she should better not admit to anything that may jeopardise how she is viewed by the jury.

      • I think the defense needs to counter-act that crap about the stalking and coming in through the doggy door. I hope the defense has prepped her for about every scenario of questioning. There are two things I would focus on (if I was the Prosecution):
        1. The GUN…….the entire story on the gun. And it better be pretty believeable.
        2. The stalking……………..defense needs to put that to bed. At least IMO.

        • I agree that the gun is going to be CRITICAL in proving there was no premeditation. I think the case will hinge in some aspects on the explanation of how she came to possess the gun. The knives can be explained, but she will need to address HOW she came across the gun. There is NO possible way she can admit to bringing that with her, without a reasonable person thinking premeditation, especially if it is the same gun that was reported stolen. It will have to be believable that weapon was already in the home and she used it to defend herself. So far she is doing very well.

          • I wouldn’t necessarily think premeditation if she credibly explained wanting the gun for protection. My dad used to carry a pistol in his car so I could reasonably believe that (thinking as a juror).

          • The stalking has been hearsay and IMO Travis made it up so his friends didn’t suspect his relationship with Jodi. He wanted to maintain his virginal appearance and who knows about the Lisa incident. I think Travis wanted that girl to have sex with him. Perhaps he made up the story that someone was following him, etc, so she could let him spend the night in her home (which he did) so something could happen. And all the stuff Lisa testified about stalking, once again, came from Travis. Bottom line is he wanted to get this girl into bed with him and vilify Jodi so she could feel sorry for him and comfort him. It’s manipulation 101 and this girl was only 19. Plain and simple.

        • And the doggy-door would’ve been big enough for a Pug to fit through (that’s the breed of dog he has, right?) I wouldn’t think Pugs can get very big. Makes me wonder how big the doggy-door is and whether or not someone Jodi’s size could even fit through it. Anyone know?

    • But Daniel Freeman testified that he didnt see this n tge people that was coming ftom, didnt KNOW TA n JA

  2. Jodi’s explanation for “no jury will convict me” did not sound entirely sincere. Overall, she did well yesterday. She is charming and the picture she is giving the jury is of a nice young woman who did not make the best decisions in choosing men. I think everyone can sympathize with her in that regard.

    She should admit to cutting Travis’ tires and sending emails to Lisa Andrews. There is something about the dynamic between her and Travis that made Jodi feel desperate. She should explain that to the jury. Jodi does not deserve the death penalty.

      • Because they WANT TO BELIEVE this heinous murder narrative.

        Why didnt the ME talk about all the other wounds? He wasn’t asked because they weren’t fatal. They were fighting. It’s obvious.

        • I was ok with the explanation of the “no jury will convict me” until the tape of her saying it was replayed. I know what it is like to be suicidal and have had conversations with many suicidal people. She just didn’t look suicidal to me. She looked like a very strong, defiant woman. That is just my opinion. I have more exp with suicide than most. (Don’t want to say how much, just believe when when I say I have a lot of knowledge)

          • By the way, I still don’t think she will get death penalty. I would personally want the death penalty if I was convicted. Dying in prison would just suck. She is in her 30s right? What a horrible way to spend the rest of your life. I think about Pamela Smart. She will never get out of prison and has been brutally attacked. I wrote her several times and she wrote me back.

          • I was suicidal at one point and I would be the type of person to go through with it … why? because no one had any inkling I felt that way at all. NO ONE knew my thoughts. I put on a face for everyone. I believed her totally when she said she didn’t plan on being here.

          • She may not have looked desperate… But there is a calm and happy peace about people who have made a decision to commit suicide…. My brother in law did it… showed no depression, anxiety or anything, which he had previously, just a calm happy exterior because the decision had been made… They are no longer worried about anything because they have an end date to their pain….

          • Could she have appeared strong and defiant BECAUSE she “planned on killing herself and therefore wouldn’t have been living in order to be convicted” though?

            People often become confident and even appear happy when they are suicidal because they feel relief over ‘knowing they have a plan in place to end their misery’.

          • Oops. I apologize for basically repeating sf’s reply- I didn’t read their’s until after I finished posting mine.

        • CJ,she supposedly wrote some treatening emails to Lisa basically telling her to leave her man alone and blah blah blah…But to my understanding this was all hearsay.I dont recall Lisa tellling anything during her testimony

          • There was also speculation that the email could have come from Lisa’s ex-boyfriend. There was many religious references, particular to the Mormon faith, that someone who had been raised in the faith might reference.

          • The email was written like a religious zelout. Nothing about stay away from my man stuff. And had she written that, “stay away from my man” given that travis cheated, would it really be out of line? How many young women do that?

          • I read text from that email Jodi allegedly sent to Lisa. It does not say “stay away from MY man” type of stuff. Instead, it mostly tells Lisa what a whore she would be to keep sleeping with that insidious man, and how God will judge her harshly. IMO, there was a subtle, implied threat at the very end, like “you’ll be sorry.”

            I’d say that Jodi probably did write this. Mostly because the word “insidious” is used. Lisa’s troubled boyfriend probably didn’t even know the meaning of the word. Jodi, however, has quite decent vocabulary.

    • I do believe that she might have planed on suicide but i also don’t believe that this is what she meant when she said no jury will convict me

      I think it was a mistake from the defense to make her tell that this is what she meant

      But lets hope this will not make the fact different

      • eli,i totally agree with you.Her explanation didnt seem credible because her actual words didnt include the word suicide,or at least that’s what the haters claim.Sadly,this could easily backfire now that she seems to change or go back on her word.

        • Maybe it was, but I think it was good that this is the 1st thing she talked about n cleared it off. Or tryed at least.

        • I think, when viewing her saying that, that she sounded angry at situation she was in. Of course she wasnt going to show that, but I dont blame her.

          She could have been thinking of suicide as she did say she would rather get DP then life in prison ( I think).

          But when she made that statement I think she was angry (JMHO).

          HAd she said THAT on the stand, that she was angry for the situation she was in and said that out of anger, that would have gone over better than bringing up suicide.

          What do you think?

          • She could’ve been both defiantly angry and suicidal. They can go together.

            Do you think she’s afraid to express anger? I haven’t heard, yet, that she was ever angry with anyone, even when it would be reasonable: being hit by her parents, lied and cheated on by boyfriends–these are occasions for many emotions, including anger.

      • Eli, yes. My concern on cross will be Martinez will then ask her to explain her other words during the interview such as “I would be trembling in my boots if I had to answer to God for such a heinous act”. I am afraid, by bringing that comment in, Martinez can now ask about context in regards to other aspects of the interview. He is going to make her look really bad. This is the problem with now saying it was about suicide. Though I agree with you it could have been in back of her mind but…In my mind this is a problem.

        • I think she could have said ” no jury will convict me because I killed him in self defense” as her explanation for the comment. I am concerned about the suicide comment.

      • The defense couldn’t have “made” her say that. They can’t give her a narrative to follow. They have to go with what she says.

        • What I mean by that is that they have to question her based on the answers she gave them in pre-trial preparations. They can’t say “hey Jodi, pretend that you were suicidal.” Kirk could have left the question out but Martinez would jump on it regardless.

          • No, I do understand Kira, its just problematic I guess whichever way you look at it. I just went back to that interview and the problem is her exact words were ” No jury is going to convict me because I am innocent”. Its going to be hard to explain she meant suicide in that context or for the jury to get to that place when those were her exact words. . Plus I guarantee you Martinez will ask, ‘well why did you not commit suicide then’? I KNOW the answer to that, I am just saying it will probably get asked.

          • Kira, Just as a clarification ..(Although I am NOT saying this is the case here) A defense atty CAN suggest to their client ways they THINK the client may have been feeling or thinking about a certain event in order to tell the narrative they want. They can ask (during preparations for taking the stand) things like, ‘you had to be feeling incredibly scared, some might even think suicidal’…(along that line). Although they cannot knowingly allow her to lie, many defense attys tell their client up front NOT to tell them certain aspects of the truth so that they can defend in a creative way without making ethical violations.

          • Okay, I am following everyone’s opinon on the suicide comment and many are asking why would she use that excuse and not just have said she was suicidal…why go as far as saying he was innocent.

            Didnt Jodi actually address this immediately following the suicide comment?
            She said, “I could not tell anyone I was suicidal, otherwise I would have been put in a padded room” (something to that affect). So I take this as, she didnt go on national television and admit she was suicidal because she would be put in a padded room where she couldnt follow through with suicide – now I understand, she obviously didnt follow through with suicide, but that doesnt mean that it wasnt in her thoughts.

            I also disagree that she didnt act or look like she was suicidal. If everyone who was suicidal looked or acted suicidal would many suicides not be prevented? Some people seem calm, some people just seem normal, others leave a goodbye note and they’re gone. Sadly, I know many people who are no longer here and I can tell you not a SINGLE one of them would I have ever guessed they were suicidal. I feel many people or momentarily suicidal and thats why many dont follow through, but then there are the people who do and sadly I think if they would’ve mulled it over the feeling may have passed.

            Enough of my rambling – I really just wanted to refresh my memory and make sure I wasnt dreaming up the fact that Jodi clearly stated why she didnt inform anyoneo f her suicidal thoughts in the interview.

      • On the “I was planning on committing suicide” explanation. Lots of good points …

        M.–that’s true that suicidal people don’t always look or act depressed. In fact, they can smile and carry on like nothing at all, especially if they are well past the contemplation and planning stages.

        There’s no way that we can know for sure whether she was suicidal at that point. At the point she gave that 48 hours interview, she was still denying that she had killed him, and had lied and said that two intruders killed him. She was in prison, and probably understood that her lie wasn’t going to work. There was too much evidence against her. I would be surprised if she didn’t consider suicide as a way out. However, it could’ve been that, when she gave that infamous interview, she just didn’t have a handle on reality, on the gravity of her situation, and actually thought that she could bluff her way out to freedom. OR it could’ve been that she FELT fully innocent because she killed him in self-defense. But, why not make that claim then and there, instead of the intruders story?

        I agree with Daniel: Martinez is going to pick this one apart. He might do something like make her answer for her arrogance in that interview, and try to show the jury that her words are consistent with someone without a conscience, rather than someone who was suicidal. The defense is going to need a mental health expert to explain her state of mind and her behaviour and how it was consistent with trauma.

    • No…. she Shouldn’t admit she slashed the tires n sending that email IF SHE DIDNT. What would be the purpose? No

    • There’s no evidence that Jodi carried on any desperate relationship with anyone, and there’s no evidence that Jodi was the one who slashed his tires or sent emails. The night she killed Travis, she was on her way to see another man – they were noncommitted. The fact that Jodi told Insp Flores that Travis pestered her to swing by his place tells me that Travis may have premeditated a jealous attack on her rather than the other way around.

      It’s not out of the realm of possibility that Travis had crazy exes or girlfriend, I just don’t think Jodi is one of them.

      • She had a soft spot for Travis and did not want to let him go even though she knew they would not end up together. There are numerous accounts by different people that Jodi felt insecure by her relationship with Travis because she was more invested than he was. You’re right though, there is no evidence Jodi slashed the tires or sent the emails. Travis should have let her go. It is cruel to keep someone around for sex when they have strong feeling for you.

        • I guess I’m confused as to why you’ve drawn these conclusions based on the opinions of people who were lied to by Travis. Travis was going around calling her a stalker and needy but that does not mean she actually was. He did that to avoid taking responsibility for carrying on with her sexually. I find it interesting how witnesses describe Jodi as clingy and inappropriate, but then have no opinion on Travis going around grabbing butts, ect.

          • You’re completely right. Travis made it seem like Jodi was a stalker but did not say that he was in constant communication with her and was sleeping with her. He told his family and friends that he was a virgin. His friends are too eager to paint Jodi as a whore who was always hanging all over Travis. I don’t know the truth but it seems that Jodi did feel insecure. I believe Daniel Freeman who said last week that Jodi shared with him and his family her pain at Travis not feeling as strongly for her.

            Travis was supposed to visit Jodi in May 2008 but for whatever reason he did not. Jodi went out of her way to see him in June. She made herself too available for him. He did not seem to respect her.

          • Well, Travis didn’t make it seem like Jodi was a stalker – those were his exact words. Flat out lies. And other people repeated those lies and they somehow became an urban legend all their own.

            And sure Jodi has issues. Certainly she has a history of putting up with far more than her share of crap from boyfriends. But if we’re going to examine her decisions, it should probably be through the lens of the abuse she put up with. Of course Jodi deserved better. Of course she should have ran as far away from the man as she could. But how do we expect her to make stellar decisions while her mindset isn’t healthy? As if he has no responsibility in this either. It’s like people pretend the rules of psychology and human decency don’t apply to her – like she is a robot, therefore can be abused without consequences to her ability to function at her best level. In order to care about your future, you have to see yourself as a human being with worth and rights – something a lot of people don’t come to terms with until later in life.

            So I understand Jodi making bad decisions. I don’t think Jodi making bad decisions gives Travis the right to use her and take advantage of her insecurities. In fact the inference by talking heads on television that he does makes me extremely ill. She loved him, so she did everything she could to please him. That’s not unusual and unexpected. And abuse has no purpose other than to erode someone else’s self worth, so is it so surprising that all she wanted was to be worth something to him? No, not really.

            I’m also concerned with the collective obsession with Jodi’s decisions, as if Jodi were the only one between them under culpability for making sound choices. Travis occupied and enjoyed the benefits of positions of power – he accepted the responsibility of making ethical decisions long before meeting Jodi. Logic would have it that if anyone would be in a position to do what’s right, he would be the one best prepared to do so. He was an elder of a church for heaven’s sakes. His behavior is almost sociopathic – people don’t matter and don’t exist unless they benefit him in some way. Then poof! He throws them away like an empty big mac box.

          • @MByour matter of fact statement (“people don’t matter and don’t exist unless they benefit him in some way. Then poof! ” ) is said like you know for fact. Many people have said TA helped them and gave them a place to live if they needed. That doesn’t sound like someone that throws people away like a Big Mac. Thats your perception of things. To say his behavior is sociopathic is just ridiculous.

            How do you know she wasn’t a stalker? You act as if you were in their circle of friends or family. It’s fine to have an opinion but to make matter of fact statements like you know it all is stupid.

          • Interesting –
            I guess it depends how you want to take MB’s comment; was it not your own opinon that MB’s statements were stated as facts? Not to bust your balls, but I didnt get that feeling from MB’s post. I simply feel this is someone giving their opinon; just because there was no IMO, doesnt mean its not an opinon.

            The only time I see MB state a fact was the feeling concerning NG/JVM/etc. Right?

            And seriously, you think its wrong to honestly believe that Travis was being honest about the stalker issue? I’m sorry, but what factoid have you read that proves otherwise, that Travis wasnt a big fat liar about the stalking issue?

            Maybe I just dont give people the benefit of the doubt, but telling me that all these “good friends” of Travis’ that have all these glorious stories about their savior Travis doing things to help them, either don’t want to admit that he was making money off most of them or still havent clued the fuck in.

            All of the above our my opinons by the way. I just dont see how its adding up for you – that Jodi might have been a stalker, that Travis was this amazing, good friend (who lied to everyone to cover up his sexual relationship(s)).

            Shits not adding up on Travis’ end to me Interesting.

  3. Hello all- just wanted to mention and get everyones take. I personally love the defense team. I wanted to point out yesturday something i feel was a brilliant move by the defense. Ok, the pics on the camera….. the defense wanted something, and they found a way to get it. They wanted to show JAs hair was brown on specific dates and for those dates to be verified and not open questions in the minds of the jury. Well they did JUST that and used the prosecution to do it! THAT is the reason for the pictures of the underware. When the pros. Saw the pics of the undies they took the bait. Martinez THOUGHT he caught them slipping and pointed out the dates! HE is the one who argued that the dates for those pics is valid because he wanted to argue the underware pics, in reality he argued that the brown hair dates the IMPORTANT pics, were valid. SCORE!!!

  4. All it needs is one juror to see those wings behind Jodi in order to give her another chance. She has been tortured and abused by Travis. That abuse might have been verbal most of the time, and words hurt like daggers. Dear lord, help her walk through this trial triumphant and do not give those haters and the NG of the world a single day of victory.

  5. Was court supposed to be late strting today?? This is a poorly run court…..always late.

  6. The courtroom’s full but neither the judge nor Jodi are there yet….oh,so nerveracking….

  7. I’m soooooooo sick of hearing about how Travis Alexander was a perfect little angel,and how Jodi is a Devil.It’s actually the other way around.

  8. OK. Too much minutiae from Jodi; such a detailed memory. How do you think the jurors are taking it?

    • There’s nothing “sinister” about it, but it’s a boring style. Is that, perhaps, the point in Nurmi allowing her to carry on this way?

    • Martinez will shut her down by making her answer yes or no only. Her memory is def sharp as a tack……..hopefully she will not start having “selective” memory when it’s the prosecution’s turn.

      • She needs to be very careful. I thought about her getting selective memory if he asks her a hard question or something she doesn’t want to answer.

      • It makes me nervous for her because prosecutors can be such bullies (especially Martinez!). Taking into account her insecurity and timid nature… idk, if I was her I’d probably have trouble getting my words out, would screw up details, etc regardless of how sharp my mind was because I’d be so flustered. 🙁

        Just watching him get so angry the first time around triggered some awful feelings in me.

    • I like hearing her story. She has a very soothing voice. It’s hard to believe she killed someone.

      • I think there is a very good reason to let her ramble. There is SO much information that the prosecution is going to have to wade through.

        Also, I am amazed that Martinez is not constantly objecting. One minute, he will object to hearsay, and the next hearsay statement, not a peep. I think he is doing it to let her slip up.

        As for memory, I have one as sharp as a tack, also. There is something about being abused – you remember everything. I think it may have to do with childhood. I know I always had to remember what “button” you were going to push.

        Also, I know I cling to memories of better times. But, I can remember the bad ones, too.

        For instance, I was a freshman in college – 32 yrs ago. I can remember being in the kitchen of my house and my dad got mad because I clanked two dishes together.

        He came up and smacked the crap out of me. I remember locking myself in the bathroom and telling him off. It is as clear to me as if it happened yesterday!

        I can also remember everything from ex-bfs.

        I am SO much like Jodi. EVERY guy I ever dated cheated on me. I did many of the same things that she has done. I checked emails, cell phones, IMs, etc., because I did not trust my judgment and had to have “proof.”

        AND, I went back to these jerks even when I KNEW they were cheating on me! I finally got some serious help, and now I don’t “need” a man in my life to feel like a whole person.

        So, I guess I was as messed up as she was. 🙂

        • I think Martinez is letting her ramble because he wants to catch her in a lie and possibly irritate the jury. I am getting a little irritated. I want her defense lawyer get to the point.

        • Thanks Nicole, for talking about how you personally relate to Jodi. I think that many of us here do relate to her in one way or another. I’m including myself. My childhood included a lot of emotional neglect and verbal/emotional abuse, with very little physical abuse. I really do know what you mean about having sharp memories of particular incidents–I have those, and they are strongly visual. It’s as if your brain says, “this is important” and pushes the “record” button.

          But, unlike you, my memories, in general, are not as sharp as a tack. They are hazy, fuzzy, and I would have a hard time remembering when and where something happened, or how old I was, with any precision. Instead, I remember how I FELT.

          Same with ex-boyfriends. The ones who played with my mind. Like you, I didn’t trust my judgement, so details became important. I would write things down to try to keep hold of my sanity, and to prepare myself for future conversations, which always, somehow, put me in the wrong. But, again, this was emotional abuse, which by its very nature is designed to obfuscate and confuse. So, it’s hard for me to remember everything, except those strong feelings of self-doubt and distress.

          Anyway, I guess when it comes to memory and personal histories, we’re not all the same. Some remember each and every detail, others a more general, abstract picture.

          Back to Jodi: I’m still concerned that the jurors will find all her minutiae exasperating, or find it somehow too self-involved. On the other hand, as I said, this may just show how ordinary and non-threatening she is. A person with a life story, like everyone else.

    • I wasn’t bored by it. She has an artist’s mind for sure…a great recall for minor details.

      • Kira,

        Do you remember whether Chris H was told NOT to watch the trial when he was on the stand last week? I thought the judge admonished him. Did she? AM I misremembering? Did she also tell him NOT to watch the trial????

        yes shes long winded like I can be LOL.

          • I recall that too, and the judge telling him to stay away from the media. He’s such a famewhore that he can’t help himself.

        • Apparently, CH could learn thing or two from JA regarding attention to and memory of detail! LOL!

        • Yes he was told not to watch the trial until after the evidentiary hearing was over I think I recall. He was also told his wife was not to watch it either.

    • Pique,

      I see her long-windedness as wanting to recall the details accurately in case the details are brought up again with Martinez. She pauses when she can’t remember.

      She sees things in pictures as do I. I can remember details from 20 years ago! When I recall them to my mother, she can’t believe I can remember such detail.

      Do you think it could be the way she processes information?

      • Oh, yes, I think this is definitely her in-born cognitive style, and that, on top of that, she’s also being hyper-careful to be accurate. Agreed.

        But, as Daniel pointed out, she is talking in much the same style as when she told lies, which also included lots of extraneous and precise detail. I wonder if the jurors may be “hearing” her in that way–hearing her style more than the content.

      • Hi CJ, I just don’t think Martinez will even ask her about the minutaie of her past. He is going to see this as largely irrelevant and unimportant. (I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes sure to make a statement on this. The defense will then object saying state is testifying and he will then withdraw it but the jury has heard the comment, which will be his point.) So she won’t need to be accurate with this stuff w/ Martinez because there is no need for him to ask him about her personal past. Since its purpose is only to humanize Jodi. Martinez will see that is having zero to do with the crime and his case.

        • Jodi testifying about being abused by her parents is VERY relevant. It is not just about humanising her. This is what part of the expert will back up with the evidence. I am not sure if you have heard before but a lot of young abused girls marry their fathers/move into abusive relationships. This is exactly why they are giving a history of her father’s/mother’s abuse and ex boyfriends. They want to paint the picture of how she knew no better to be in this type of environment, that she was vulnerable to these type of people and this type of behaviour was normal to her.

          However, they have to be careful that it doesn’t get thrown back in their face. Some victims of abuse grow up to be just like their abusers. As a victim of abuse myself, I think it largely is a misconception because when it has happened to yourself you would never do it to another child/person. This is why victims don’t speak out because people will think they will become an abuser. However, there are documented cases that abused children do become spousal and/or child abusers and the prosecution could bring an expert saying that ultimately she repeated the cycle. May I appoint out, in the rare cases in which the cycle of abuse is repeated, it is predominantly male. I do believe Jodi was defending herself.

  9. The more I watch of the trial, the more I believe that she acted in defense after years of abuse and of being a very meek, timid person. I believe that although she did kill him, there definitely were reasons behind it and we are hearing them. He used her and she really cared about him. She was his little secret and apparantly one day was just too much and something snapped. If I was on the jury, I definitely would not give her the death penalty or much time in jail. She has already been in there long enough. Time for freedom and getting on with her life. She said she believes in God, and I believe her. She knows that she is loved by Him unconditionally. Stay strong Jodi!!

    • I 100% agree! I have been in a situation similar to hers (narcissist boyfriend, never good enough, emotional abuse, dangling carrots in front of me that I could never reach) and I have been in a different situation that was physical abuse only and the non-physical one was 10x worse! When you are that broken down you can just snap.

  10. Well I know Travis was not a saint he made sexual advances on my sister in a conference for the church he was also very mental abusive

  11. While I believe it was critical that Jodi get on the stand, I understand the risks. but we have to hear about the abuse straight from her. However, I think she is overall doing an excellent job. But personally I could do without the rambling, because the jury may associate this with exactly what she did with Detective Flores. Remember she rambled in those interviews too and seemed ultra comfortable. I think there is danger in too much rambling. I hope the defense reigns this in. I did notice Nurmi cut her off at one point when she was going to go into something that was unimportant to her defense. He MUST do that more often or they run risk that she is going to be seen as a master manipulator very comfortable in her ‘performance”.

      • Thanks Itsjustme. Mr Nurmi is good at calling for a break when I think he needs to consult with Jodi.

    • @ Daniel Tremont… I agree about the rambling. I think this is why the State isn’t making many objections. In a sense, this rambling style of relating the facts may work in their favor, as far as being analogous to her interviews with the detectives, just as you said. While I like her attorneys style in some respects, I do think he has lost his ‘handle’ on his client. He should try to re-focus her more… and earlier.. in some of these ‘stories’. I don’t understand why is allowing her digress so often.

      One of the perceptions, imo, that can be created by allowing her to digress so much and so that *when* she says she doesn’t recall something else…it comes across as less than honest and self serving. For example…lots of detail on otherwise inane and mundane details…yet can’t be sure what type of mortgage she obtained. (she ‘thinks’ it was type blahblahblah). This after stating in detail about wanting to be in real estate, etc. I dunno…just saying. :::shrug:::

      • She needs to have this consistent of memories about her trip and the murder. If she starts the “I don’t recalls”, she is in trouble.

      • I think its a fine line they are walking. On one hand, they know Jodi is charming. They know she appears vulnerable and likeable and the way to get the jury to see that is by letting her talk for a while and by letting her talk for a while- it delays the inevitable of Martinez having his go at her. They want the jury to care about Jodi, but need time in order to do that.

        On the other hand, Jodi told her stories on 48 Hours etc, with a calm, cool, confidence (in her ability to get folks to believe her) and at same time a vulnerability (this horrible thing happened to her and Travis and she was scared). They know she can come across sincere even when lying and need to do something to change that perception. She really has made the job of her defense incredibly difficult. But getting on the stand was her only shot based on the evidence I have seen so far. But I agree, Martinez will draw comparisons to her demeanor on stand now and demeanor during interviews and ask why she should now be believed. Jury only needs one to believe in self defense.

    • yeah,I noticed that too one point Mr Nurmi let some irrelevant details on the side and fast forwarded a bit .hope he does that because it more than obvious that Jodi has a soft spot for details,she likes describing everything thoroughly,guess that’s what artists do,seek every detail to be perfect.

    • Yep! I enjoyed it b/c I cannot get enough of poring over everyone involved, especially Jodi. But the minor details that are knowingly (by the defense) irrelevant need to be greatly minimized. Just afraid she may be viewed as narcissistic, i.e. all eyes on me; listen to my life story.

      NURMI/WILMOTT- Dial back the detail!!!

      • Ha–“Dial back the detail!!”

        I think you need to say it a little louder, G, so they hear you.

      • I dont think its a bad thing for her to talk too much about herself. She IS telling the story of HERSELF! Who else is she supose to concentrate her life story on (Travis)? I think shes doing great n I think everything shes saying down to the T, is necessary. Its also good to see we all feel different, so I can imagine the jury is too.

        • Specifically, Nurmi asked her about her to describe her early relationship with Darryl and she spoke for at least one minute about the first date in San Fran, the game, the hotel, etc. This is what I think Nurmi needs to help dial back. I think she is just nervous but Nurmi needs to keep her focused on the question/big picture so that she does not sound like she is enjoying reliving those moments with a captive audience.

          This is really a criticism of her defense team….not her.

        • Agree, LC. She is center stage right now so she has to tell her own story. That’s what the jury is waiting to hear!

          • I dsagree, it keeps her on the stand through this week and gives the jury the weekend to retain her testimony. Nurmi knows what he’s doing; he’s not an idiot.

        • @LC….its not necessarily the detail about Herself…so much as the other random details that are not relevant or pertinent. For example…she talks about going back to Camp whatever to confront a bf/bf’s rumored side gf…and how another guy runs ahead of her to warn them she is coming. She throws in a detail about that guys sexual identity. Why? Not necessary. She tells of going into someones dorm room..and how there are two beds..and then digresses into how the two women that live in that dorm room are from Romania, blah blah blah. Who cares? Those are the types of digressing that her attorney needs to reign in, imo.

          • Yes AnonyGee, those are the exasperating details imo. And I agree, its not Jodi’s fault. Its her defense team’s fault. They need to whittle this back. It looks manipulative imo becs that is what I saw during the 48 hour interviews etc. A lot of unnecessary details that people who study human behavior, in particular people who are lying, the rambling details are often an attempt to get people going in another direction. Any direction but the important direction.

          • Daniel,

            You’d hate me! I’m long-winded like that:-) LOL I can usually control it and don’t mind someone telling me to fast foward but when nervous, I come off just like her.

          • actually CJ lol I am the exact same way too. My gf is constantly telling me to get to the point!

        • And one more thing about the detail, speaking only for myself, I have a pretty good memory of the “good times” down to the dates, the current events of the time, the dinner eaten, etc. but a very poor memory of the bad times. I block these out so perfectly and have to be reminded, often to the point where I feel like the event never really happened. I consider it a gift.

          So if my type memory is anything like Jodi’s, she would have likely had nobody to help her remember the bad things with TA and it may be difficult for her to articulate it in the same amount of detail.

          • And if that happens with jodi on the stand, it will look bad for her.

            Unfortunately, people perceive deception when someone is detailed then suddenly can’t recall other details.

    • Daniel– I agree. A lot of this is about time. She needs time with the jury. But there are definite risks.

    • @JN, I’m sure he’s going to try. He too though will need to keep a tight handle on appearing too hostile or aggressive. Not his strong suit so far, imo.

      • AnonyGee, I personally would agree with you but I read an article about a past case Martinez prosecuted. People were speculating then, that Martinez’ style would turn the jury off. It actually did the opposite. After a guilty verdict, when asked about their impressions about both attorneys, on Martinez they just saw him as passionate and not wanting the court to forget what the case was actually about. The murder victim. They saw him more as indignant that the defense was trying to obscure who the real victim was. Let’s hope this jury sees things more like you and I.

        • Just curious, was that the case where the guy was accused of killing his girlfriend and he claimed that she just ran away? I know that Martinez prosecuted that one. The defendant got on the stand and acted like an ass, leaving little doubt in the jury’s minds that he killed his girlfriend even though no body was found.

          • hey kira, I’ll try and find it and send the link… I read it a long time ago when I first got interested in the case.

        • That’s a valid perception as well Daniel. The jury *could* easily dismiss his attack style as mere passion for the deceased. But you know, it only takes one to perceive as something else. I do think keeping a perception of outright hostility and rudeness to a minimum would better serve the state, without losing passion or staying on constant point. It should be interesting.

    • JN,I fear Martinez will try to eat her alive(as we greeks say).Let’s pray and hope this won’t happen and Martinez will finally start to behave in a more respectable way sth that imo hasnt’ done so far with the other witnesses,unfortunately.

    • JN, I could be wrong, but I predict Martinez will not be able to make her look horrific. I predict that she will still have this same peaceful demeanor because she has accepted the fact that she may die because she defended herself.

      She has accepted that her god knows the truth of what happened.

      Now I look back and view the interviews with Flores in a little different manner…he said inappropriate things to her about seeing all of her…and it didn’t really faze her. Because she is used to people saying shit to her. With verbal/mental abuse one tries to defuse the situation by answering even ridiculous questions…questions that really shouldn’t be asked. And she is going to get a lot of questions that should be asked so I think she will have answers.

      • I think the same. I noticed yesterday when Martinez yelled “Objection, hearsay!”, Jodi apologized to him very calmly. If he goes off the rails screaming at her and she remains peaceful, the jury might see him as a bully.

        I personally don’t like his shock-and-awe style. The prosecution focused little on Travis in life and gave the jury no clear sense of how tragic it was that his life was cut short. Martinez just throws down photo after photo of a bloody corpse.

        • It is also possible that this normal peaceful demeanor made Travis explode even more. Sometimes the abuser wants a reaction (crying..apologizing etc) and the lack of reaction makes them more angry and violent.

          I guess we will be finding out.

        • I think she’ll have it under control too. And if shes stuck or nerves shell probability just say a quick yes or no or ibdont remember. Jodis a smart person, we’ve all seen how she controls herself. If anything Martinez is going to get agitated n start throwing a tantrum.

          • Reading your post reminded me of his questioning of Gus- Loved that Gus was able to keep his cool for the most part and irritate the Hell outta Martinez!

        • the photos are the truth. they are so bad to have. omg. if only she took the camera with her. if pros. shows them all the time people will become desensitised. could work in def favor.

          • The photos are the truth of Travis five days after his death. If Martinez wants the jury to really connect with the victim on a sympathetic level, he should be talking up Travis’s life/accomplishments, not focusing on the gore.

    • i think Martinez will be intentionally calm. This bluster he has may be an act. Do you think he can control himself?

      • It will be interesting for sure. Even when he’s calm, it seems like he can’t resist getting petty comments in there (like his “All Hispanic names must sound alike to him” comment toward Nurmi).

  12. I keep hearing people go on debating abuse, i dont think the abuse is being mentioned to.claim she has battered womans syndrome or PTSD. I think its more that she has been in plenty of less than perfect relationships, yet she has always coped like a normal., stable person. They need that what ever took place after Travis was not a normal shitty relationship. It was something more, something that would.make.her do.something she never came close to.before, even with several reasons a violent person would have maybe become violent. Not until Travis did Jodi do anything violent. Why?

    • Hmmm, why? My opinion only so please no flames but I think because (1) cult indoctrination (2) financial predation were now at play in this relationship.

      TA gave her a lot to believe in as it related to her spiritual and financial destiny. Again, please no flames, but LDS is a long way from Christianity (what she had considered herself for a majority of her life) despite the mainstream thoughts/opinions about the religion. And financial independence/sustainment via a multi level marketing company vs. working 4-6 days a week for 10-20% gratuity of gross sales (if you’re lucky) are vastly different career paths.

      I am anxious to see if some or all of her life savings dissipated due to the ppl dream she was sold. And not to mention she literally gave her soul to a religion in which she was not accepted, even by the one who baptized her into the faith.

      • I have thought about the same financial aspect. She clearly was a hard worker and had her own savings. Plus, the Defense keeps bringing up this very point. I think she was used in more ways than one.

      • I think you bring up some good points actually. A cult can be one person having total religious authority over a body of adherents. I live in an area where in some churches the pastor has almost godlike status. Those are the words from people who end up leaving the churches for whatever reason. Travis seems to have had that too. Even after death people are devoted to keeping his persona alive, no matter how many facts are stacked against him. That’s not just people he knew personally, but total strangers on television. But in terms of their relationship, Travis established himself up as Jodi’s primary religious authority by introducing her to Mormonism then baptizing her.

        The financial aspect is worth a look too – after Jodi met Travis and converted to mormonism she started having problems paying her bills.

        • Very good observations.she had some money because she bought a house with Brewer, but then gets involved with PPL and she becomes irresponsible. It’s like she devoted her energy fully to that new “financial investment.” Plus, she saw Travis who had made it in that business and she aspired to have that success.

          • I’ve avoided talking about PPL because I’m not entirely sure how it works. From what I heard it sounds a lot like Herbalife. I do have a rough idea of how these outfits work, just not the specifics. I get the impression it’s not the product they are selling so much as the dream behind it – and that’s how Travis really found success by speaking. I have been to those kind of so-called seminars. Using persuasion and “motivation” for nothing else if not to open up people’s wallets.

        • She stated today that the money she had saved was long gone before she met Travis. When she had to renew the mortgage the extra six hundred dollars a month ate her savings up quickly. She even went to far as to make mortgage payments using her credit cards.

          • My comment was made mid-testimony before these facts were revealed. But remember, time is money and if she is spending her time ‘being her best’ and chasing a pipe dream instead of real work, she is only digging herself in debt deeper.

      • I’ve long believed the religious aspect played a key factor in what happened. In fact, I commented just last week how much I hoped that religion would come up in a big way. I’m relieved to see that Jodi’s laying these “bricks.” Now, a psych expert need only fill-in the “mortar” to bring it all together.

      • Just to clarify:

        Christianity: The religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices.

        Mormonism: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints.

        We are a christian religion.

    • Well there’s going to be testimony from a domestic violence expert so we’ll see how this ties in eventually.

      “Not a normal shitty relationship” – so true!

      • Domestic violence expert, yes, , but I think mostly from Travis. I agree she was a victim of past violence, and it wasn’t “ok” since it wasnt the worst case, but a jury isnt gonna buy the past abuse as a reason. Idont think defense wants them to, they just want to show that even with past abuse, Jodi was still calm and passive, what Happened with Travis was different because the abuse was a whole different LEVEL than even the abuse she was almost accustomed to.

        • I think there is a dual purpose: one to show that did seem to engage in unhealthy relationships but didn’t act violently. The expert will explain all this, I’m sure. I think, because she took the stand before the experts, they can talk about her specifically. But had she taken it after, they would draw on research etc.

  13. So with all this groundwork they are laying, she will have to testify about the night Travis was murdered, right?

      • I think they’ll get to that Thursday?
        Well, maybe not, it might be weird to leave the jury for 3 days on that note.

        I just thought the defense might wrap up Thursday, so on Monday Jodi is ready for Martinez.

        • I suspect the defense team has coached Jodi to stretch this out. Maybe that’s why she rambles and why Nurmi rarely reigns her in. IMO, it’s their strategy: they want the jury to have allllllll weekend to think about and connect with Jodi’s story as she sees it.

          And then next week, Martinez can get up and take his turn — after positive thoughts of Jodi have already set in.

  14. Travis obviously had a very dark side working against him throughout his life. His initial view of life is that of someone who was raised by meth addicts, who probably also dealt meth to make money. He was almost guaranteed to have his own addiction issues, if not to drugs but to sex, which his oppressive religion made even worse.
    To me, the crux of the entire case has nothing to do with Jodi being or not being abused. It’s that 98 sec, that Jodi was fighting for her life as a result of being put into a position of fight or flight with regards to being attacked by a 200lb. man. As long as Jodi seems like a reasonably normal young woman who killed her attacker because she had no other option for survival, is what is important.

    • Yes this is true. The past abuse has some bearing, it shows she isnt naturally violent even in circumstances that might cause most to be. But you are right. Those 98 secs were what brought about that fight or flight!

  15. Just following up to what MB said above, the media in general does not highlight Travis’ lack of integrity in his relationship with Jodi. It seemed that he treated the Mormon girls he dated in a more respectful fashion than he treated Jodi. At least he did not badmouth them to others. In the 48 hours episode, Chris Hughes and his wife talked endlessly about Jodi being more or less a stalker yet they very quickly dismissed any criticism of Travis. The Mormon community is patriarchal.

    • Oh definitely. Jodi was not born and raised mormon, so I don’t think she was viewed as deservant of the same respect of other mormon women. She seemed like she was treated like an “outgroup” person regardless of her conversion and looked upon with contempt. I get the distinct impression that Travis and his crowd enjoyed bullying her – inviting her to gatherings then treating her like she wasn’t wanted. She was “Other” in every sense.

  16. Another day, another chance to see Martinez do backflips off a side rail.

    Good luck, Jodi, we’re rooting for ya!

  17. You guys, I am getting worried about the excessive detail in the testimony. Several reasons.

    1. Martinez is not objecting. You know if he thought this was a big help to Jodi he would be objecting. Regardless of whether we like him, you have to admit, he appears to be a smart person.

    2. The main points we want the jury to remember, or “get” might get diluted with the details.

    3. When it comes to the killing, if she doesn’t give excessive detail, I think Martinez will try to nail her on that. On the other hand, excessive detail on the killing could set her up for an inconsistency with the evidence. No matter how small. Thoughts??

    • I agree. She’s so wordy in her explanation and it maybe nervousness or giving herself time to think. She should be short, concise, responding yes or no that’s about it. Martinez is probably waiting to trip her up when he gets his turn with her.

      • I think it’s easy to figure out why Nurmi is letting Jodi talk. Court is off Thursday and Friday. Tomorrow she can be on the stand all day testifying about Travis. Then there’s a long weekend to prepare for Martinez’s cross.

        • And also, Martinez didn’t object much in the beginning because he doesn’t care about Jodi’s life history. Notice how the objections picked up when she began discussing her relationship with Travis.

    • Martinez is just waiting to pounce. His cross examination is going to be the second most difficult thing she’s ever dealt with. I’m kind of dreading it.

      • Michael L – I am afraid that you are right. He will start off with throwing up some of those autopsy photos. And he’ll shut her down by making her answer with “yes” or “no’ ONLY. It will throw her off balance if she can’t talk.

    • Hi, As to 1. I’m not concerned with Martinez because he’s going to blow it. His fuse is just too damn short, and it gets in the way of his critical faculties. I expect him to start swinging from the rafters when he cross examines Jodi. I don’t think he’s stupid, but he’s not the brightest crayon in the box either. IMO he presented a very poor case, with only conjecture to support his theory. He proved nothing. What I’m more concerned about is that he shows a talent for twisting shit all out of context. That’s how he can make gas cans and a handful of receipts look suspicious for no reason.

      2. I am also concerned about dilution. I’m hoping all this ties together with the domestic violence expert; and that Nurmi is just being thorough and covering his bases. But it strains the attention span, for sure.

      3. Yes, but remember no matter what Jodi does, it WILL be twisted around to condemn her somehow. If she cries, she’s manipulative. If she’s stoic, she’s a psychopath. There’s just no winning. She’s been called a compulsive liar who “has an answer for eveything,” so even if she does give extensive details it will be spun that way. If she doesn’t give details, she’s hiding something. It’s all a catch 20/20.

      The sad part about this case is that Martinez has been able to throw up pictures of a dead body, pull a story out of his ass and call that a credible case. As if! There’s no evidence to support his claims, no evidence of premeditation, no evidence of obsession and stalking. The defense isn’t even under the burden of proof, and they have more evidence than the prosecution did! Yet people still assume the worst of Jodi – riddle me that one!

    • Martinez is secretly loving Jodi’s rambling. It’s allowing him to collect more ammunition to fire at her once he gets his turn.

      He isn’t interrupting as much because he has to be kind of careful with her. He doesn’t want to come off as an abusive man, when that’s precisely what her self-defense claim is all about.

      Martinez doesn’t want the jury to see him as an example of the very kind of mean-bully guy that women fear. Doing so would give many on the jury more of a reason to sympathize with Jodi.

      It’s going to be hard for him. He’s come off mean even with some of the witnesses who were there to help HIS side.

      • agree martinez wants her to ramble so he can throw it in her face. This may also open the door for a new witness to give insight to TA past. hopefully its not good

      • I just think Martinez tuned out the early parts of Jodi’s testimony because they’re not relevant to his case. He is there to question her about killing Travis and he will DEFINITELY be paying attention/making more objections now.

  18. Travis is already starting to show his ass before they ever started dating by calling Darryl “grandpa” to Jodi. He is already putting her down for who she is in love with.

    • Yep Debbie – can you imagine if red flags like that would be taken seriously? Sadly it is considered harmless and normal. But look where they ended up…

  19. WOW, watching Jodi testify about her first sexual encounter with Travis. She is being so BRAVE!

    • Frannie she is very brave. It must be hard to relive all of this remember the good times and the relationship was new and exciting. She is doing so well, she sounds believable. Remember a lot of her lies were not under oath. She is under oath and I believe she is taking that seriously.

  20. Is it me, or does Jodie look a bit frazzled now that she is talking about Travis? Especially the sex?

    • I would be! Talking about your sex life infront of thousands of people – in court, on tv, on the internet!

    • She looks like she would rather not get into it that is for sure. He seems to be treating her like a whore right off the bat. No one can tell me that TA was a virgin I would not believe them in the least just from what I am hearing right now.

      • Her entire demanor has changed. Even Jodie said that she could tell he knew what he was doing that first night at the Hughes. What a scumbag.

        • Don’t forget she is telling everyone details about their sex life and his family and her family are front row and center and I am not sure she ever met anyone in his family. This would be extremely hard for her to do. Plus the fact that she did kill him and probably has nightmares over it quite often. A lot of Travis’s friends are in the courtroom also. I am sure she doesn’t want to talk about it all.

    • Yes. More sober. And darker, like a cloud passed over the courtroom.

      The very FIRST opportunity he had alone with … ugh, it was predatory on his part. He had plenty of sexual experience before this.

      • He most certainly did Pique. She never mentioned him fumbling around or anything like that which normally happens in first encounters. He was well versed in sexual activity. So much for him being a virgin. I am sure that the Hughes are not going to like when they hear that Travis and Jodi were having sex in their home and Travis was the one initiating it LOL!!

        • He was not only well-versed in sexual activity, he was confident and audacious. He KNEW exactly what was going to happen in that spare bedroom before Jodi did. Talk about “premeditation.” No “heat of passion” defense for him. It was planned, well thought out beforehand. How else would he get away with such un-Mormon behaviour right under the noses of fellow Mormons if he didn’t really think this through?

          This is ugly, and there’re uglier details yet to come.

      • ”predatory”,thank you Pique,that was the word I was looking for while watching Jodi narrating.Jeez,I mean that guy knew what he wanted from her right from the start,looking down on her as his sex toy and she definitely verifies the fact that she could easily be manipulated by someone or be made to do whatever they wanted as long as she got some warmth,attention or acceptance on their part,especially of the opposite sex.It’s no surprise that she yielded to what Travis wanted,him being a motivational charismatic speaker basically meaning that if he could convince anyone that what he said was true or anyone to convert to the Mormon faith,c’mon how hard could it have been for him to utterly manipulate a poor young woman obviously thirsty for love and make her his sex slave and devotee?I was sick to my stomach listening to her telling how she was treated without showing any anger or being sorry for herself.Like some other ppl here,I’ve been manipulated,looked down and badly mistreated in a relationship I can totally identify myself with Jodi and every day it’s getting even harder to sit and watch her.I was literally crying.I pray that at least some of the jury will see the truth,Jodi’s truth behind all this idolisation of TA and reach a fair verdict.

        • I felt sick for her, too, Maria. She told a story that is recognizable to both men and women. It had the clear ring of truth, because it happens all the time. I’d bet that Travis’ own sisters would have to work very hard not to believe it.

          And you’re right, too, to bring up his “motivational speaking” skills. Remember that they had many long conversations on the phone prior to this? That’s when he worked her over. How perfect for him: a young woman unhappy in her current relationship, looking for change, looking for answers. She had no ground beneath her feet. So he “motivated” her into a blow job.

          If you’ve ever heard the stories from women who became sexually involved with Jim Jones, their stories sound a lot like Jodi’s.

      • I never bought that Travis was a virgin before meeting Jodi. I’ve known so many of those uber-religious types who are total hypocrites to believe that Travis was some great man of faith before Jodi corrupted him.

        • My mom and I had a conversation about this recently. He was probably
          living a double life with other girls for a while he just messed up with this one by carrying
          it out. Someone earlier mentioned he was sexually aggressive at a church convention.

        • Kind of reminds me of the “Adam and Eve” story…. the woman is the evil one and the poor man is just succumbing to temptation. It’s not his fault. Pleeeeeeeze.

    • She looked like she was full of shame talking about the sex> Then it looked like she was a bit nervous after that.

    • This really took a turn. Before she was just politely sharing details of her life, and now she is much more sober.

    • Bystander,this is what one group wrote on FB ” Court just adjourned. No court on Thursday or Friday this week. Jodi Arias will continue her testimony tomorrow morning.”

  21. But isn’t that normal typical competitive guy stuff? I don’t see Travis calling Darryl “grandpa” as abusive in the slightest. Its what men do when confronted with a previous boyfriend or potential threat to getting ‘the girl’. They puff their chest. I just do not want to make something of Travis that is not there and/or read in to every little thing, just like the media is doing to Jodi. OF COURSE Travis was far from perfect, could be very mean, and yes was at times imo abusive of Jodi sexually and emotionally. That is what I think so far the evidence has shown. Nothing more, nothing less. But if it is to rise to the level of justifiable self defense we will see the evidence put forth. But I feel very uncomfortable demonizing his every little move or thought. Because if we can do that to Travis we can certainly do that to Jodi. If we are going to require a certain standard of evidence to show guilt for Jodi, then we must do the same for Travis. That’s just my humble opinion anyway. After all, the guy is gone and he doesn’t have the luxury to defend himself.

    • Daniel, I agree with you about the ‘grandpa’ stuff. I don’t think that was abusive. I think it was disrespectful of Travis to pursue Jodi after she told him she had a boyfriend, but not abusive either. I find it’s often a precursor to abuse though when one person pursues another despite an existing relationship.

      It made me sad when Jodi said she went along with the first sexual encounter with Travis because she didn’t want to hurt his feelings. She sure is showing class signs of being a child abuse survivor by putting others’ feelings above her own.

      • Oh good point Sam. Your so knowledgable about stuff like this. It does make perfect sense she didn’t want to say no.

    • Daniel,

      I think it would be normal and just guy speak accept that she was still with Darryl and had been with him for four years and he had a child. In that context, doesn’t it seem more like a belittlement? or am I overthinking that one.

      • In my opinion, gut says, that is just typical ‘guy speak’.

        In the context you describe, could it have been more? Yes. But it could also have been nothing. But that’s my point. …I just don’t want to assume and take things that could just as easily be interpreted as meaningless innocent stuff and turn it in to a sinister meaning because it fits our wishes. We all hate it when the knuckle-draggers and media do that to Jodi, so I think if we are to be honest with ourselves the standard must be the same. The abuse in my mind needs to be clear, to be justifiable self defense. If it was, she in my mind should walk and time served is enough. But No matter what the verdict is, I do not want her getting the DP. But I DO want to feel the truth and justice was served. No matter the outcome.

        • “Grandpa” was a douchey comment. Maybe not abusive, but I think it shows that Travis wanted what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to talk Jodi out of staying with her boyfriend. Several women have mentioned his “persistence” and this fits right in.

        • To add:

          “In the context you describe, could it have been more? Yes. But it could also have been nothing. But that’s my point. …I just don’t want to assume and take things that could just as easily be interpreted as meaningless innocent stuff and turn it in to a sinister meaning because it fits our wishes.”

          But there’s also foreknowledge that Travis called Jodi names, which is why there was a reaction in the first place. It wasn’t about turning something innocent into something sinister. It was seeing it for what it really is.

      • I don’t think that you’re over-thinking it, CJ. He was belittling her choice; she wanted to prove her choice was good when she weakly protested that her older boyfriend was a handsome man. Already here, we see that Travis, self-professed alpha male, knows better than Jodi what’s good for Jodi. The problem with those early red flags is that they’re not red at all. They are so easily minimized and excused simply because they’re so common. Jodi was upset that Travis so needlessly insulted the man she shared her life with for four years. But, she let it go. I don’t see why we should!

      • Well, that was the point. So I thought, anyway.

        Sorry, I just don’t buy into the idea that “normal guys” are and/or should be assholes idea. There are plenty of guys that don’t shit on someone else to make themselves look bigger. What does that make them? Atypical and defective? Not “real men”?

        I do think it’s a red flag – he ended up calling Jodi a slut, a whore, and a three holed wonder did he not? He was used to “naming” people he considered lesser than himself, that was the point. He used words as a weapon as well as sex, money, ect.

        • When did I ever say “normal guys are or should be assholes”? Never said that MB. Geez. If you don’t know the “type” of guy to which I am referring, and that there are literally millions of them out there- . We actually discussed Travis’ type before when I mentioned my girlfriend would have no way been interested in his “type” evidenced by things he said. (I think we were talking about things he said on his blog..?) All I am saying is there are plenty of macho, not-so-smart, egotistical young (and old) cocky men out there that don’t have the smartest minds or do not realize their humor is just not very funny (i.e. “grandpa”) and it doesn’t automatically equal the guy must have been abusive or cruel to a point so horribly that he deserved what happened. Macho jerk does not equal justifiable self defense. Don’t you think the standard of evidence that Travis was abusive and went for Jodi that day should be JUST as compelling and clear as the standard of evidence we demand the prosecutor needs to convict Jodi?? Or does it matter?

          • And BTW, I have already said we know he was abusive sexually and emotionally for calling Jodi those things. That is hardly a “real man”. But men (and women) have called each other names before. We need to remember the case is about justifiable self defense. Not just was he an asshole.

          • Ok MB. Then I stand corrected. I thought you were saying that. I just started to think about the standards on how people are ready to convict Jodi based on circumstantial evidence and that she should get the DP. I think that is hideous. And a friend happened to call me on the Travis hate I was starting to have toward him. She reminded me of what the standard I held about Jodi should be same for Travis. So..I thought about it and agreed with her.

          • And I think you are misunderstanding me. When you say:

            ‘One more thing: when you say “This is typical for men” you are in fact saying it’s normal. And yeah, belittling someone is being an asshole’

            I agree with the last sentence. But “Typical” can be different from “normal”. It does not mean “acceptable”. I can think of many examples. My daughter (along with many of her friends) went through a period of being incredibly mean starting around the 5th grade. Her teacher told me this was typical of many girls her age. That the boys had nothing on the girls and they could be down right vicious towards each other. This does not mean it was acceptable or “normal” in my mind, and I let her know about it…It just did not rise to the level of me thinking beyond the fact that she would eventually grow out of it. The way she treated her brother was often characterized as “evil”. yet I don’t think she was, actually, evil.
            And BTW, I DO think he was an asshole for saying that.

          • “All I am saying is there are plenty of macho, not-so-smart, egotistical young (and old) cocky men out there that don’t have the smartest minds or do not realize their humor is just not very funny (i.e. “grandpa”) and it doesn’t automatically equal the guy must have been abusive or cruel to a point so horribly that he deserved what happened.”

            I never said Travis deserved what happened to him. Ever.

            Neither did I say macho jerk equals self defense. lol Where did you get that from?

            You’re doing exactly what you claim I am doing to Travis. Taking statements I make and making them something else. Takes one to know one then? Way to go!

          • One more thing: when you say “This is typical for men” you are in fact saying it’s normal. And yeah, belittling someone is being an asshole. That was the reason I drew my conclusion, and I can at least articulate that. Most reasonable people would understand why I said what I said, but here I am explaining myself because you took what I said completely out of context.

            I have yet to see ANYWHERE where I have said, or even so much implied that Travis deserved what happened to him, nor have I said masculinist ideology was self defense.

          • hey MB. Communications by post are bound to get crossed sometimes.
            have a good night..

  22. I have been reading every comment for each post of the day; yet I haven’t found the right words or time to write anything until now. I felt like I needed to comment in response to Daniel Tremont’s last comment. I enjoyed reading it and completely agree. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  23. Anyone else think its odd that he had no porn on
    his computer at all? It’s almost suspicious that there
    was nothing I mean those male jurors were probably wondering
    what all would be found on their computers in something like
    this. I just don’t get why there would not be ANYTHING if
    he was having sex. It’s a lower crime.

    • Where did you misunderstand that there was no porn?

      The computer expert said there was, they just didn’t describe it.

      • It’s a common misconception that there was “no porn” found due to the talking heads of television. Martinez questioned the computer expert (sorry I can’t recall his name, starts with Dw) if he had seen “female breasts” to which the expert replied that he could not recall without seeing his notes. Martinez then repeatedly asked if he saw female breasts until the expert said that he DID see porn, he just didn’t recall in what context. This was never touched on as Martinez stayed with the breast issue while ignoring the fact that there was porn. (Interesting that at this point Martinez never offered the notes for the witness to look over as he did to other witnesses). This was a trick on the defense side and it worked quite well. Immediately after, talking heads on In Session as well as HLN were all asking, “where’s the porn?” It could have been child porn or gay for all we know – no one questioned him further, which, imho, was an outrage. AND due to Martinez NOT offering the notes as he did with other witnesses; this computer expert was deemed as “unprepared” and un-knowledgeable when he was just answering the questions as asked.

        • thank you. I can’t believe that I was suckered by JM. I really dislike him. he’s just a jerk. FOR THE RECORD, I wouldn’t like his style regardless but he seems very Napoleon.

    • I get the impression that Travis was at war with himself in regards to sexuality and religious beliefs, and might have been doing well for himself in regards to porn or other “temptations” until JA. JA even implicated this herself when she indicated that he expressed disappointment in himself after their first encounter. I suspect that the floodgates opened for TA when he met JA and from their the rest is history with two damaged people.

      • and to be clear I’m not blaming JA for his failures. I think they might have both provided something they needed at first, but were intrinsically incompatible people

      • I agree. I think this was just a bad blend of two people.
        Neither were bad or good. Just human and as such, flawed.

      • Of course he was at war with himself, JW. But apparently he fought it out all over Jodi’s mind and body.

    • Mollymack,my guess would be that he was sort of ”protecting” himself.What I mean is that if I were in Travis’ shoes,being an elder in the mormon church,pretending to be chaste,bragging about my virginity plus living with other roomates who might have access to my computer I too would have deleted any ”damaging” evidence.It would be waaaay inappropriate and he would hve a hard time mainting his mmm facade,if you will.His whole life was a lie,not even the ones closest to him knew the truth about his real character or at least(not to sound too strict)they didnt know the parts of him he wanted to keep secret yet parts that constituted a great deal of his personality.Believe me,I’ve been around such a man for many many years.Ppl who maintain 2(or 3 or more)different lifestyles are experts in keeping up with lil things like that.But again that’s my humble opinion.

        • There was porn on there. You might watch to watch the testimony again:) instead of continuing to deny it.

          • I wasn’t denying it. someone said that he must have covered his back and got rid of it. We all know that deleted isn’t gone for computer techs.

  24. I’m sorry to get off the topic a bit here but I’ve been visiting the Facebook page about this case and it is just unbelievable! I have commented in Jodi and the defense’s favor a couple time due to the hateful, vile and death-cries on that site. There are people that call themselves “Christians” calling for her death, praying that she commits suicide or gets killed in jail. It sickens me to see that the hate-filled general populace seems to not watch the trial, but instead watches Nancy Grace to get their blood-lust stories. I would like to ask if anyone here could please, go comment on that page in Jodi’s favor. She does not deserve to be talked about like this. And if I am wrong (indeed if all of us are) then I hope the truth does come out. But at this point, I believe she is innocent or at the very least TA was very much responsible for what he did to her to ruin her life.

    • Disgusts me too! People are so easily led. Then they
      pay a bunch of people to run their mouths. They don’t care
      if they are telling the truth they just want them to say bad things
      about her.

    • Cindy,I too am a member of that page(if it is the State vs Jodi arias page u’r referring to) plus a couple of others,mainly due to the fact that I wanted to keep in touch with everything on this case because I live in Greece.FYI,even if sm tried to write sth on that page their comment would be deleted and they would get blocked from the page.How I know that?Because there’s another page,supposedly in favor of Jodi which I joined in the hopes of finding supporters or like-minded ppl-all I came across was a bunch of ppl at war with the other page,exchanging nasty comments.
      As for what is being written about Jodi it simply is SICKENING…No other word could describe the comments I’ve read.At times it feels that some of these ppl could easily become murderers or serial killers some day in their lives.I mean the language choice ,the names they call,the sheer hatred in their sentences is appaling jist the other day I was reading a comment about wanting to tie jodi up and torture her or sth to that effect.ICan you believe it????? felt disgusted to my core and promised myself just to skim through their texts from now on.I think writing to them will lead nowhere.

      • OMG, I thought it was just me. I tried looking for my comments and it seems they were deleted. It is almost like a conspiracy to keep sex addiction and abuse acceptable, alive and well. It is disgusting. But I will keep posting on that page in my attempt to show that another side does exist (until I get banned, at least). So much for guilty until proven innocent – I guess that is a saying to make the judicial system appear fair.

    • Oh, the people on the State vs. Jodi page are nutty – none of them knew Travis but they act like he was their best friend. You can’t make ANY negative comments about him or positive ones about Jodi; they will go on the attack!

  25. When the testimony gets the point where the atty will ask what happened on June 4 2008, , will she be able to tell all that happened between both of them or will that be hearsay? How will it all be able to come out if she cannot say what Travis said or did?

    • Trixels, I think she will be able to explain his actions that night the same way she has described the sex. Saying how he was acting, he looked angry etc. she won’t be able to say what he said. Other people feel free to clarify, I am not a lawyer, just watched a lot of court tv. More than I should have.

  26. Does anyone remember what Matt said about Jodi’s left hand? Has anyone besides me noticed that she keeps covering her left hand with her right hand constantly?

      • He said it was deformed because she was injured and never got it “set” at a hospital. I think Travis hurt it? MB do you know who hurt her?

        • Matt said that Travis broke her finger and she didn’t get it reset because she would have to implicate Travis which she did not want to do. The thing is, she keeps covering her left hand so she is obviously conscious of what she considers a deformity.

          • I was just wondering if anyone else had noticed that she keeps covering her left hand with her right besides me.

          • You know, I wonder how Nancy, Jane, Vinnie, Jinkasaurus, etc. would like it if someone made a flow chart of all the sexual partners they had before age 27 or so. Jodi had long-term relationships with only five men…oh no, burn her at the stake *rolls eyes*. Even if she had 500 partners, it’s nothing that HLN should be focusing on.

    • she looks really uncomfortable to talk about these sex facts, for me it means that she is a modest girl who don’t like to discuss details about her sex life, but for the haters (and maybe the jury) it might mean that she is lying

      any thoughts?

      • Hi eli, I think this was the moment the defense needed. She was uncomfortable, but serious. “Serious” is almost an understatement, the dynamic completely changed! You could hear a pin drop between Jodi and Nurmi. Even Martinez woke up and started objecting.

        The haters will hate, but I can’t imagine anything that might appear deceptive at all. Unless they want to argue that she’s faking being embarressed, which is a far reach. I have the same impression too – she is modest, this isn’t the kind of thing she’s used to talking about let alone in front of the entire world.

  27. All I have to say is that watching her still doing her thing up there being herself and basically making sure people see who she really is. Is so heart breaking to me. Non of js knows what happend that day and why she did what she did. I honestly feel so bad how a person has to basically plead for her life. Even though she has to hold back the real tears for then people are not going to believe her since they made her seem like a good actress. I honestly hope the jury has a heart. If not and she gets the death penalty I lost all faith in humankind. Love you Jodi I pray that God take care of you you’re family and Travis as well. To all the supporters thank you for letting me know that my heart runs in the same ways all yours do. GODSPEED TEAM JODI ARIAS!

  28. What surprises me is the commentary by Court TV, In Session Nancy Grace & others they parade around supposed Psychologist or experts on Child abuse & state she wasn’t abused. Firstly she was obviously abused her behavior with regard to sexual encounters etc. Is classic of an inability to say NO. The Father is not in the Court the room also Children usually protect their parents so I think there is more to the abuse then she was able to say. In an odd way i think that she wanted to protect her abuser Travis & killed him due to pent up rage & feeling threatened.. They criticize her recall of events that is very common among abused children since they repress so much that they have enormous recall of certain events their memory is more acute making up for memory lapses. I am not condoning what she did but the media is, as usual on a witch hunt. Justice should be sought, I truly believe her Father abused her another classic alert is when the Parent is overly concerned about weight this is classic of sexual abusers they call their wife Fat or children reason being is that they can control the child size, they cannot really deal with adult relationships want everyone to be the size of a child they do not feel threatened. This is so common among abusers yet the so called experts say she had a normal childhood. For instance a Friend of Travis’ stated she was a ONLY a Booty Call think of how this is accepted. I think all these commentary on Court TV Nancy Grace & others do no justice to our system. Nancy Grace is overly ZEALOUS! She is very critical of Jodi Arias memories lies etc. But how about Nancy Graces lies her Fiance was Killed & she lied or didn’t remember who killed him etc. Gerry Spence a great attorney has been very critical Of Nancy Grace & others. In his Book Bloodthirsty Bitches and Pious Pimps of Power “Hate sells” – declares Spence as he explains how Nancy Grace increased CNN’s ratings overnight, despite stretching the truth about her fiance’s murder (motivated her to become a prosecutor) and her being reprimanded three times for unethical/overzealous prosecuting. Grace’s evening rants regularly include trying to turn the Constitution upside down so that the accused would be forced to prove their innocence.

  29. I am not finished watching day 14 but I see on here a lot of people are concerned about the amount of detail, which some are calling “rambling”. It’s important to remember that, if things are proceeding as they should, the Jury will not be privy to the one sided main stream media commentary. They will not have preconceptions planted into their heads regarding “pitty parties” etc. They are hopefully not poisoning their minds with the mainstream and should therefore be witnessing this testimony objectively and with a clear and open mind.

    Aside from my brief exposure to Nancy Grace several weeks ago, which is what piqued my interest in the first place, I have not taken in any information than that which is given in the trial footage. My only taint would be from this blog.

    In my opinion the detail given by Jodi is not boring and not rambling. It is revealing and I believe that a person in the Jury would feel appreciative to have the information on her life, her 27 years of being a good and kind person, and almost purely selfless. I find this information relevant and if I were in the Jury I would be especially grateful for it, considering that I had been tasked with deciding on her life or her death. Why would I NOT want to know the person as deeply as I could if I may potentially sentence her to death?

    Her story is not rambling. It is not boring. It is informative and entirely relevant from the perspective of the Jury.

    Furthermore, the Jury will have days and days to absorb what she has told them prior to the prosecutions cross examination. If they flew through everything to keep it “exciting”, not only and most importantly would they be doing a great disservice to the people tasked with deciding her fate, but it would allow for the prosecution to tear her testimony to pieces during cross prior to the Jury having time to formulate their own thoughts.

    Travis B.

    • Great post, Travis. I’m not bored by Jodi’s testimony either; I like listening to her speak. Today’s testimony should be very intense.

      • I think she’ll be on the stand for several more days too. Nurmi is NOT going to rush her through the murder, or the following weeks.

    • Hi Travis, I don’t know what shifts people work but I have been losing serious sleep on this case. It’s not about Jodi being boring, it’s about getting harder and harder for me to keep my attention and eyes open when things get monotonous. I’m almost glad that court will be recessing until monday. I’m going to be catching up on sleep.

      I also want to point out – the prosecution has a very poor case. Remember that the defense is not under the burden of proof, and the prosecution has ZERO evidence against it’s character assasination against Jodi. ZERO evidence of a history of violence, ZERO evidence of stalking, ZERO evidence that Jodi was anything but a model citizen before meeting Travis, ect. I had that figured out when the prosecution rested it’s case! Jodi has a presumption of innocence so Jodi’s testimony is not the only factor in giving her the benefit of the doubt. IMO the jury should be thinking critically about the laughingstock Martinez makes the courtroom everyday. Martinez is the one under the burden of proof, so far he has a dead body and a Lifetime movie script.

      And you’re right, people on the jury should NOT be exposing themselves to the media, but let’s face it we do not know what media they were being exposed to before the trial either. And I think that’s important to consider because HLN attracts a certain kind of viewer – the kind that usually says something like “oh so and so belongs UNDER the jail” ect. I am inclined to give the jury the benefit of the doubt, I’m just not sure what perspective they are viewing this case through. It only takes watching NG or JVM a handful of times to know what they would say about it (not the deepest thinkers). I have seen relatively intelligent people start watching HLN and buy into their shit. My mom is sharp and propaganda saavy – I had to sit down and remind her that the prosecution proved nothing! That is how persuasive “provactive” television is.

      • Sure. You are entitled to your opinion of course but I think if you knew you had to decide in a few short weeks whether a person lives or dies, your opinion on her testimony would change.

        Aside from that, I would hope that the jury would have to be made up of people who were not aware of the case at all? Isn’t that mandatory in a jury? That they are a group of people who have somehow never heard of Jodi Arias and Travis Alexander?

  30. Having read “resident attorney” David’s post, the Defence team should be calling for a mistrial every five minutes, i am sick of hearing Judge Stephens sustain absurd objections from Martinez, and over rule objections from the Defence, if the process of justice has any respect in the USA, then this case is already lost by the prosecution.

    • The judge seems to be overruling Martinez a bit more now. I think a lot of judges have pro-prosecution biases, which makes the situation even more challenging for defense attorneys.

      • I actually like Judge Stephens, She appears to be Honest and Kind, and Martinez comes across as passionate and Honest if very short-tempered, I do want Jodi acquitted but her statements on the stand are not all helpful.

  31. I hope that the behaviour of Judge Stephens and Martinez indicates that they are both secretly anti death penalty in the State of Arizona, or that it is inappropriate in this case, That may be why there is no lesser charge, The Jury are faced with a terrible dilemma,either acquit or death sentence.

    • Oh, I don’t think Martinez has any problem with the death penalty. He’s gotten those convictions before.

  32. I just want to say that I hope Jodi does not get the death penalty. It’s not that I’m against the death penalty, but I do not feel that Jodi deserves that. I agree with other commenters here that Travis exploited and, IMO, degraded her. Travis was not the saint he portrayed himself to be to friends, coworkers, and family and I’m really sick of hearing the TV talking heads portaying Jodi as an unemotional monster. Hopefully the defense has some good witnesses that support Jodi, cuz she really needs someone in her corner.

  33. Has anyone seen Travis’ social networking sites? In one he’s posing with a young Hispanic woman and he calls her a “a little filly”. The guy was a predator and he took a vulnerable girl, Jodie, and used her and demeaned to the point that she snapped.

    • yes I have seen it. The fact that his family and friends must think that is funny and cute explains a lot. I would think they would have removed it by now, but apparently they think it is normal.

    • Perhaps Travis bought into the stereotype that Hispanic/Latina women just little submisive things that you can train like seals. He found out otherwise!


  34. Somebody please tell Jodi to stop saying ummmm. It sounds like she is overthinking her response.

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