

36 result(s) found.

Travis Alexander – Pedo fantasies of a classless loser [COMMENT RE-POST]

Here’s a re-posted comment from Kyle – Jan 10th 2013:

Agree with you. A guy who gets off on a 28 year old he claims is stalking him sounding like a 12 year old when she has an orgasm over the phone, the way he fantasized about tying her up to a tree and you know, the shirt he bought her, the way he looked down on her, and his attitude.

Look at his old myspace page… his interests were money, women, and power. His favorite books were: Think and Grow Rich, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Slight Edge, Richest Man in Babylon, You were Born Rich, The Greatest Salesman in the World, Atlas Shrugged. Fav movie? The Secret, hahahaha. And girls are saying how deep his thoughts were. I didn’t see any Joyce, Orwell, Asimov, Dick, Hemingway, Orwell, Ballad, Steinbeck, Swift, or even any Chaucer. Not the deepest guy… he didn’t read Finnegan’s Wake or A Modest Proposal(I’m guessing.)

He’s all about power and image. So people who claim she’s shallow, well, she’s more vulnerable and easily manipulated. Why? I’m sure she was an insecure narcissist to an extent, and girls like that are the easiest to control BY ACCIDENT even. Look how fast she converted to Mormonism for him. His job is also a scam and his religion is a cult… so if he had excelled so quickly without college, well, it’s easy if you’ll rip off old people who don’t know any better.

Did he deserve to die? I don’t care. The way he lied to his friends about her, and then wanted to still bang her while calling her stuff like 3 hole wonder and crap… the world won’t miss him unless you’re one of his pathetic friends who’s just a lackey. And he was a racist. People are so fast to demonize the killer, well, as a guy… I can make a pretty good educated guess on why she went Predator on him. That means there was a lot of crap that she had gone through (moving there, changing religions, not being white enough, etc…) So I hope she gets off. You can tell he wasn’t born with money or class or else he would not have been how he was. Class is something you’re born with, and the way he talked to her is indicative of a guy lacking.”

11th Anniversary + a Christmas Message from Jodi

With over 11 million page views & well over 7 million visitors since 2012 — December 21st 2023 marks the 11th anniversary of our Jodi Arias Is Innocent .com website launch.

So with Christmas just a few days away – I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support over the past 11 years – and thank you in advance for your continued support moving forward through 2024 and beyond.


Here is Jodi’s Christmas Message:

“Yay! December!”

In December, I relax my gluten-free rule and get into baking mode. Last week, I made a beautiful Skittles cake with aqua-blue frosting. Today, I made cheesecake with a chocolate-sea-salt-caramel swirl.

A lot of us make holiday food this time of year because the microwave room, lacking air-conditioning, is not so insufferable in the winter. Next up: paella. (Well, something close to it.)

Lumley Unit is festooned with holiday decorations, making everywhere feel festive. December birthdays are celebrated, Secret-Santa presents are exchanged, and life feels lighter in the absence of oppressive desert heat.

So, yay! December! And yet — prison. The darkest month of the year is fraught with challenges for incarcerated women, and we haven’t exactly locked arms in an altruistic bond of sisterhood. But we make the best of it, however we can.

I hope that, wherever you are, you’re staying warm and tapping into the energy of this joyous time of year. Thank you for sticking with me! I couldn’t have asked for a better bunch of people.

Much Love,

<3 — Jodi Arias

********** – UPDATE

Jodi’s personal efforts to raise money for her appeals continue through the production of her art, which is sold at Her art admin supports her efforts by running this “side hustle” of sorts on her behalf and taking none of the funds. The time and effort he devotes to this process (filing the taxes, trips to the post office every week to ship art) are an invaluable contribution.

If you are interested in another way to contribute to the cause, any purchase at is a legitimate way to support Jodi. You can also check out Jodi’s art on Instagram @ArtbyJodiArias.


To finish off this festive update, here’s Jodi’s evergreenly awesome rendition of O Holy Night.”:


And Remember folks… as I always say – each day that passes takes us one day closer to Jodi’s release date.

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious


I wish you a very Merry Christmas, and a safe, peaceful, prosperous & awesome 2024.

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias

Jodi News Update #107 – March 2022

Here’s the latest Jodi News Update (#107) for March 2022:


There is not much new to report in Jodi’s world. She has enjoyed the cool desert winter, taking life one day at a time. Over the last year, she took a college English course and is happy to finally have completed it with a 4.0 grade-point average.

The fight to overturn Jodi’s wrongful conviction entered the PCR phase (post-conviction relief) last year. Her attorney has spent much of the year combing through over one hundred boxes of files and CDs, many of which are mislabeled and poorly organized, having come from several different offices and at least five different attorneys. Trying to arrange and make sense of such a mess has delayed the process.

Meanwhile, donations are still being accepted at to support her legal struggle until she obtains justice. It is no secret that Jodi deeply regrets what she did, but no woman should ever lose her life or her freedom for successfully fighting off her abuser.

Lastly, Jodi has continued creating art, which you can find at You can also read her latest blog post about one of her favorite drawings, called Tears, at All purchases made from the Art site support Jodi.


And remember… each day that passes takes us one day closer to Jodi’s release date.

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias

The State v. Jodi Arias… and Juan Martinez

Due to AZ Mirror website access being blocked for non-US readers, Michael Kiefer’s full article has been reproduced below:

  • Click here to read the Opinion Document (29 pages)
  • Click here to read the Decision Document (16 pages)

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From The AZ Mirror, March 27th:

The State of Arizona v. Jodi Arias … and Juan Martinez

The case caption said, “State of Arizona v. Jodi Ann Arias,” but it might just as well have said “State of Arizona v. Juan M. Martinez.”

Not surprisingly, the Arizona Court of Appeals upheld Arias’s conviction and life sentence for the brutal 2008 murder of her sometime lover, Travis Alexander.

In her appeal, Arias alleged that she had been denied a fair trial because of the circus-like atmosphere in the courtroom and excessive publicity. She also claimed that misconduct by Martinez, the deputy county attorney who led the prosecution, thoroughly tainted the procedure. And she said that Martinez had improperly dismissed potential jurors because they were female, and especially if they had experienced domestic violence.

The three-judge panel dispatched the jury-selection issues in a separate memorandum opinion, meaning it could not be cited as precedent.

Then, in the main opinion, they quickly dispelled the publicity argument, saying that it did not sway the jury.

But what was surprising is the number of pages — 20 out of 29 — devoted to Martinez’s behavior during trial: how he bullied witnesses and Arias herself, suggested that a psychologist had romantic feelings for Arias, appealed to the juror’s passions and fears, and promoted himself by signing autographs on the courthouse steps.

“Prosecutorial misconduct undeniably permeated this case,” Judge Jennifer Campbell wrote for the majority. “Rather than a few isolated missteps, a pattern of intentional misconduct saturated the trial.”

Still, it was not enough to award Arias a new trial. The jury would still have come back with a guilty verdict, the panel concluded.

And in a case where there was “overwhelming evidence of guilt,” Campbell wrote, it was not prudent to “reverse convictions merely to punish a prosecutor’s misdeeds or to deter future misconduct.”

Instead, the panel made the rare decision to refer Martinez to the State Bar of Arizona, the semi-governmental state board that licenses and disciplines attorneys, for possible disciplinary action.

That, in effect, is a Bar complaint, and one that comes from high up the judicial food chain.

In a concurring opinion that almost read like a dissent, Judge Kenton Jones wrote, “Yet, here we are, confronted with a prosecutor whose repeated misconduct toward the superior court, other attorneys, principals, and witnesses in a criminal case was not only abhorrent to the rules of professional conduct — and clearly unnecessary to obtain a conviction — but broadcast over and over again, hour after hour each day, throughout a sixty-seven-day trial and the non-stop hours of nationwide media coverage that followed.“

Jones seemed to question why the Bar hasn’t already dealt with Martinez and his repeated Bar complaints. More on that later.

Arias and Alexander carried on an obsessive and combative sexual relationship for nearly two years. Arias had moved from Arizona to get away from it, but couldn’t stay away. And while ostensibly on a cross-country trip to Salt Lake City, via Monterey, California, and Utah National Parks, she swung down to Mesa for one more tryst with Alexander.

Five days later, Alexander’s decomposing body was found in the shower of his Mesa home.  He had been shot in the head, stabbed 27 times and his throat was slit. Arias admitted killing him, but swore it was in self-defense.

A jury did not believe her, and after a tumultuous live-streamed trial, convicted her of first-degree murder in 2013. But they could not reach a unanimous decision on whether to sentence her to death. Arias went back to trial in 2015, and the second jury deadlocked, as well, resulting in a mandatory natural life sentence for Arias.

I sat through both trials. I interviewed Arias and talked to her on the phone a few times. I know her defense team. I also have known and reported on Martinez for nearly 20 years. I have weathered the ongoing social-media shit storm from all of their obsessed fans and haters.

I have no doubt that Arias killed Alexander. She admitted it. I also don’t doubt she did it in a fit of rage.

Unlike the Court of Appeals panel, I never bought into the circumstantial evidence that Martinez used to prove premeditation. Martinez harped on the fact that she had extra gas cans in her car; so do a lot of Western folks who plan to drive cross country and camp at national parks. She rented a car; hers was a clunker. She dyed her hair; women often do that. 

But you don’t need days and weeks of scheming to allege premeditation. A few minutes of reflection are enough.

Just days before the trial began, Martinez changed the physical facts of the case, switching from a theory that Arias first shot Alexander, then stabbed him and slit his throat to a new theory that she first stabbed him, then slit his throat and then finished him off with a shot. Perhaps just coincidentally, that makes the crime seem colder, crueler, more heinous — aggravating factors that would allow for a death sentence.

Years ago, an Arizona Supreme Court justice told me she never understood why some prosecutors felt they had to exaggerate and embellish in slam-dunk cases.

Juan Martinez stands out in that group.

The case-law language about the court’s refusal to throw out cases to punish a prosecutor in the Arias case was cited to an Arizona Supreme Court opinion, State of Arizona v. Bryan Hulsey. (It actually first appeared in an earlier case.) Hulsey killed a Glendale police officer in 2007 and was sentenced to death. Martinez was the prosecutor.  

The misconduct allegations did not merit reversal, the court ruled. Hulsey was instead granted a new sentencing under case law from another case involving prosecutor misconduct, State of Arizona v. Shawn Lynch.

Lynch was convicted and sentenced to death for murdering a man in Scottsdale in 2001. The prosecutor? You guessed it: Juan Martinez. When Lynch appealed his case to the Arizona Supreme Court, he alleged numerous instances of misconduct by Martinez. The justices upheld the sentence and the conviction despite the alleged misconduct.

But then Lynch’s case went up to the U.S. Supreme Court, and the justices there noted that Martinez had told the jury that, if they didn’t sentence Lynch to death, he might get out on parole and kill again. Except there was no parole for first-degree murder in Arizona at the time of Lynch’s sentencing. If the jury had spurned death, Lynch would have been sentenced to natural life in prison with no chance of release. 

The high court threw out the sentence and Lynch died of hepatitis C before he could be retried.

But findings of prosecutor misconduct are not de facto Bar complaints. And the two things are not synonymous, even if they may overlap. Prosecutor misconduct is determined by a judge. Bar complaints are about attorney ethical misconduct, which is determined by the Bar. Prosecutor misconduct refers to actions taken during trial; ethical misconduct relates to how an attorney interacts with clients and judges and other sworn officers of the court.

For example, in a footnote, the opinion in Arias’s appeal referred to a sidebar at Judge Sherry Stephens’s bench during the trial, when Martinez said that if he were married to defense attorney Jennifer Willmott, he would “fucking kill myself.” The appellate court noted that the utterance was not heard by the jury and therefore was not an instance of prosecutor misconduct.

But it was alleged in a Bar complaint as ethical misconduct because it occurred between officers of the court.

Martinez has been the subject of numerous Bar charges since the Arias trial. Several were dismissed, earning Martinez the nickname “Teflon Juan.”  

There are a number pending, including for comparing a Jewish attorney to Hitler; for lying about his sexual affair with a blogger during the Arias trial and about how long he stayed in touch with a juror dismissed from the Arias trial who sent him photos of her naked breasts; and for revealing information about another Arias juror.

The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees defending Martinez against them. That may end, as the office has moved to fire Martinez – not for prosecutor or ethical misconduct, but for HR misconduct in the #MeToo era.  

Martinez was accused not only of inappropriate approaches to women in his office, but for retaliating after they reported him.

What happens now remains to be seen. If the county legal help is cut off, can Martinez continue to fight the Bar charges? Will he defend himself? Or will he be forced to enter into a disciplinary deal with the Bar?

Nor has Arias reached a dead end. She can still appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court. She can petition the Maricopa County Superior Court for post-conviction relief if she thinks there is new evidence or that her attorney was ineffective. Then it can bounce around the federal courts for decades.  

Consider the notorious case of Debra Milke, who was convicted of having her four-year-old son murdered in 1989 and sentenced to death. After spending 24 years in custody — one year shy of a life sentence — her conviction and sentence were overturned in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals because of prosecutorial misconduct. The Arizona Court of Appeals ruled that double jeopardy would attach if she were retried. She is free today.

As Yogi Berra said, “It ain’t over til it’s over.”

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UPDATE: The JAA Appellate Fund total currently stands at $99,192.34 — so let’s be sure to keep the momentum rolling so the fund total can push on towards the ultimate target of $250,000. That in turn will help towards covering all the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction.

All donations via go directly to the fund. It is also the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – they continue to steal money from Jodi’s future – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them.

Remember… each day that passes takes us one day closer to Jodi’s release date.

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious

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As always, be sure to leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias

The (Still) Unanswered Questions: Part 1 of 5

Today we start a 5-part series of posts, featuring 25 of the top unanswered questions relating to Jodi’s trial.

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“The (Still) Unanswered Questions: Part 1 of 5” – by Justus

If I had been Jodi’s defense attorney, what follows are five of the 25 questions I would have put before the jury during closing arguments to counter the State’s bizarre theories. (Or if I had been on the jury, I would have presented these to my fellow jurors.)

Question #1: Why stage a gun theft as a burglary (as the State contends) such that the police is immediately called in and a record is created? Why not just secretly “borrow” the gun and never return it? It might not be discovered missing for months and it probably wouldn’t be known exactly when it went missing… but instead she supposedly went out of her way to create a police record?

Question #2: If she was going to steal a gun to commit a murder, why didn’t she “stage a burglary” at her parents’ house where her father kept numerous guns, including a 9mm, a gun with a silencer and one that was even unregistered?

Question #3: Why, in her master plan to murder someone, would she supposedly change out the bullet type for one less powerful?

Question #4: Why visit friends in the rental car if its supposed purpose was to travel in a car not connected with her?

Question #5: Why borrow gas cans from someone who will mention them to someone should he ever be questioned? Why not buy gas cans with cash in no-man’s land or in some large store where she’d be just one of many customers?

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UPDATE: The JAA Appellate Fund total currently stands at $116,061.67 — so let’s be sure to keep the momentum rolling throughout 2018, so the fund total can push on towards the ultimate target of $250,000. That in turn will help towards covering all the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction.

All donations via go directly to the fund. It is also the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – they continue to steal money from Jodi’s future – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them.

And remember… each day that passes takes us one day closer to Jodi’s release date…

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Make no mistake.

Believe it.

Prepare for it.

Be part of it.

Leave your answers to today’s questions below.

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
Click the links below to read Jade’s previous posts in the series:

Stephens, Sandbagging & The Six Month Crap-Fest
Corruption, State-Sponsored Murder & Twelve Angry Men

The Immaculate Deception: Exposed

Michael Melendez – Perjury Exposed
The Presumption of Innocence
The Great Mormon Porn Swindle

Martinez: “Overwhelming evidence of attorney-ethics violations”

Check out the Michael Kiefer story below, published Feb 13th by AZ Central:

If these allegations can be proven by witness testimony – backed up by credible evidence – this would positively affect Jodi’s appeals, and may well go some way towards overturning Jodi’s wrongful conviction.

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“Attorneys for Jodi Arias have asked the State Bar of Arizona to reinstate a bar complaint against prosecutor Juan Martinez, saying there is overwhelming evidence that he violated attorney-ethics rules during Arias’ 2015 trial.

The 37-page objection to the complaint’s dismissal was filed Friday.

The appeal contends that Martinez leaked confidential information about the case and its jurors to two women attending the trial as social-media commentators. As a result, the attorneys claim, the identity was leaked of the sole juror who voted against sending Arias to death row for murdering her sometime-boyfriend Travis Alexander.

The objection also alleges that Martinez, a deputy Maricopa County attorney, had inappropriate communications with another juror whom he had discharged from the case.

Karen Clark and Ralph Adams, who specialize in attorney ethics, filed their initial complaint against Martinez in early 2017. Legal counsel for the State Bar, which licenses and disciplines attorneys in Arizona, dismissed the complaint in January without sending it on to the Bar’s probable cause committee, which could recommend sanctions against Martinez or refer his case to a disciplinary hearing.

juan martinez jen wood trial affair ethics complaint

If sanctions or a disciplinary hearing occurred, either could impact Martinez’s long and lauded career and could affect Arias as well. Any findings against Martinez could affect the status of Arias’ appeal of her conviction and life sentence, which have not yet gone before the Arizona Court of Appeals for review.

The objection filed Friday was addressed directly to the probable-cause committee. The objection is public record and was obtained by The Arizona Republic.

It alleges that:

  • Martinez engaged or attempted to engage women with whom he had flirtatious or outright sexual relationships to get information about jurors or leak confidential case information over social media. One of his alleged lovers, a social-media blogger, bragged to at least two others that she helped Martinez dig up negative information about the sole juror who refused to vote for a death sentence. And curiously, that juror’s name was revealed minutes after a mistrial was declared.
  • While the second Arias trial was underway, Martinez carried on an inappropriate telephone and text-message relationship with a juror who had been dismissed from the case. The woman alleges that Martinez pressed her for information on what other jurors were thinking. Martinez claimed he quickly ended the correspondence, which the woman debates.

Clark and Adams’ allegations are supported by interviews with four key witnesses. Their appeal contains documentation, including forensically authenticated real-time text messages between one of Martinez’s alleged lovers and a friend with whom she carpooled.

Karen Clark has a track record as an ethics lawyer. In 2004, while acting as counsel for the State Bar, she secured a disbarment against Ken Peasley, a well-known Pima County prosecutor, for prosecutor misconduct. It was the first time in the country that a prosecutor had been disbarred, and Clark’s findings led to two murder convictions being overturned.

Working with Adams, who is also her husband, she succeeded last year in disbarring Kirk Nurmi, Arias’ lead attorney, largely on the fact that he had violated attorney-client privilege by writing a tell-all book about the case.

Martinez had begun writing a book — now published — about the Arias case during the 1½-year hiatus between Arias’ first and second trials. A Bar charge against him on that count was dismissed, but Clark also wants that decision to be reconsidered.

After the dismissal of their initial complaint against Martinez, Clark and Adams conducted their own interviews and included the transcripts of those in their appeal.

The document also includes hundreds of pages of other material, including records in Martinez’s personnel file from 1990 and 1991, when he was reprimanded first for inappropriate and unprofessional contact with secretaries in the office and then for making an inappropriate sexual remark to a female attorney.

Clark and Adams’ current allegations are supported by interviews with four witnesses: the blogger’s former business partner; the freelance television journalist who carpooled with the blogger; the blogger’s ex-husband; and the dismissed juror, who went so far as to text nude photos of herself to Martinez…”


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UPDATE: The JAA Appellate Fund total currently stands at $115,769.81 — so let’s be sure to keep the momentum rolling throughout 2018, so the fund total can push on towards the ultimate target of $250,000. That in turn will help towards covering all the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction.

All donations via go directly to the fund. It is also the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – they continue to steal money from Jodi’s future – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them.

And remember… each day that passes takes us one day closer to Jodi’s release date…

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Make no mistake.

Believe it.

Prepare for it.

Be part of it.

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias

Ethics Complaint Filed over Martinez & the Jen Wood Trial Affair


12 News Exclusive:

An ethics complaint filed against the high-profile prosecutor in the Jodi Arias case alleges he engaged in misconduct that may have compromised her trial, 12 News has learned. The complaint was filed with the State Bar of Arizona on behalf of Jodi Arias.

juan martinez jen wood trial affair ethics complaint

At the center of the accusation of misconduct against Deputy Maricopa County Attorney Juan Martinez is an alleged relationship with a woman who was blogging and providing TV commentary on the Arias case, according to a police report obtained by 12 News.

juan martinez jen wood trial affair ethics complaint

The woman, Jen Wood, was one of the two self-named “Trial Divas,” who dished about the Arias case on TV and online.

A State Bar of Arizona spokesman confirmed to 12 News it is “investigating an ethics complaint alleging that Martinez had inappropriate relationships that may have compromised the Arias case.”

Tammy Rose, a free-lance reporter who covered the Arias trial, filed a sworn statement with the ethics complaint.

Rose said she and Wood became friends while they were covering the trial’s death-penalty phase in 2015.

They would car pool to the Maricopa County Courthouse and trade text messages through the day.

“She told me this shocking secret that I was – so shocked when she told me – that she said she was having an affair with Juan Martinez,” Rose said in an interview from her Wisconsin home.

Experts on legal ethics say a relationship in itself wouldn’t violate Arizona Supreme Court rules governing conduct by attorneys… but if Martinez shared non-public trial information with a blogger and commentator like Wood, ethics experts say, that could be a problem.

juan martinez jen wood trial affair ethics complaint

“Attorneys in those kind of proceedings have to be especially careful to mind their ethical obligations,” said Keith Swisher, professor of legal ethics at the University of Arizona.

“They can’t (share information) themselves and, importantly, they can’t do it through a third party, including people with whom they’re associated romantically or otherwise.”


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UPDATE: The JAA Appellate Fund total currently stands at $105,867.49 — so let’s be sure to keep the momentum rolling throughout 2017, so the fund total can push on towards the ultimate target of $250,000. That in turn will help towards covering all the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction.

All donations via go directly to the fund. It is also the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – they continue to steal money from Jodi’s future – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them.

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious

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Make no mistake.

Believe it.

Prepare for it.

Be part of it.

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias

Retrial Video Replay – Day 22

The retrial videos. Certainly the gift that just keeps on giving!

After a break of several days to cover the John Smith/Secret Witness testimony, here are the highlights from Day 22, featuring Dr Robert Geffner:

Testimony continues (from 1/20/2015):

Part 1/2:

[embedit snippet=”day-22-part-1″]

Part 2/2:

[embedit snippet=”day-22-part-2″]

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UPDATE: The JAA Appellate Fund total currently stands at $105,867.49 — so let’s be sure to keep the momentum rolling throughout 2017, so the fund total can push on towards the ultimate target of $250,000. That in turn will help towards covering all the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction.

All donations via go directly to the fund. It is also the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – they continue to steal money from Jodi’s future – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them.

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Make no mistake.

Believe it.

Prepare for it.

Be part of it.

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias

Retrial Video Replay – Day 21

Secret witness “John Smith” redirect + Flores direct, cross & redirect from 1/14/2015:

Part 1/1:

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Video Notes: starts with Nurmi redirect with secret witness aka “John Smith”. Martinez cross (48:25). Nurmi follow-up (54:02). Flores testimony r.e. June 9th w/Willmott (01:16:40). Nurmi r.e. prosecutorial misconduct (01:26:25).

From 01:28:45 to 01:31:16, Jennifer Willmott plays Nurmi’s recorded interview with roommate Zach Billings, where Billings confirmed he never used TA’s computer. Both Flores and Martinez were present during the interview, however Flores states he now has no recollection of the interview and no recollection of Nurmi or Zach Billings even being present due to the recording being played at low volume. Martinez/Flores cross (01:39:20). Willmott/Flores cross (01:54:56 to 02:04:25).

It’s interesting to look back at this video from 2 years ago, and note (with the exception of Jennifer Willmott) that everyone else featured in it has either been held accountable, suspended, demoted, retired or disbarred.

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UPDATE: The JAA Appellate Fund total currently stands at $104,853.42 — so let’s be sure to keep the momentum rolling throughout 2017, so the fund total can push on towards the ultimate target of $250,000. That in turn will help towards covering all the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction.

All donations via go directly to the fund. It is also the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – they continue to steal money from Jodi’s future – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them.

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious

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Remember… each day that passes takes us one day closer to Jodi’s release date… and whether that happens in 2017, 2018 or some time after that, we will be here.


Make no mistake.

Believe it.

Prepare for it.

Be part of it.


Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias

The Key Players That Bastardized Jodi’s Case & Trial

A Post by Pandora:

Damn! When Karma gets to work she takes her job preee-tty seriously – contrary to 90% of the key players in Jodi’s trial!

Let’s see… In less than 3 months corruption, unethical behavior, illegal actions have been ringing around the names of individuals that took part in Jodi’s case.

It seems that Lady Justice fell asleep when the people surrounding Jodi’s trial and future were being assigned. I guess that most of them were picked out of the sack of degenerates & morons.

1> The INFAMOUS Juan Martinez: a corrupted, abusive, self-centered prosecutor that has the m.o. ‘win at all costs, no matter what’. His destruction of justice was well known in the judicial society way before Jodi’s case. He has ruined many lives and corrupted many trials. For what, you ask? For electoral reasons. He wanted to go straight to the top and you know what that means? Win win win… doesn’t matter how… just win. He got away with corruption for many years but I guess Karma hit Lady Justice upside the head and they are both working together now to fix this problem named ‘Juan Martinez’.  And by ‘fix’ I mean neutering him so he won’t ever be dangerous to society again. SNIP SNIP.

Kermit - Jodi Arias is Innocent -com

2> The INFAMOUS Kirk Nurmi: Every day that passes I’m more definite that he paid to get his diploma and license. It’s impossible that this sort of sloppiness and incompetence comes in time. He never cared about his client. He never cared about his job. All through the trial, he tried to make it more dramatical while keeping notes for his future book that he already planned to write (“Hey! Why not become rich like Jose Baez by writing a book about the case?” NEWSFLASH Nurmi!: Baez’s client was acquitted! She actually agreed and permitted him to write the damn book!). His ultimate goal was money. It feels sweet and cozy when lining ones pockets BUT I’m guessing that Nurmi will also taste the bitterness of paying it back. CHA-CHING.

Kirk Nurmi 5-3 Defense Closing 1 - Jodi Arias is Innocent - com

3> The INFAMOUS Joe Arpaio: He thought he was god! He thought he was above the law. He thought that the law didn’t apply to him because he ‘was the law’. He thought that he could step on human rights and treat people like shit because of their race and religion. Well, it’s been a long time coming and this should have happened decades ago but better late than never: His shiny law-proof star was stripped off him. There’s a new sheriff in town. Arpaio will be the luckiest person on the face of the earth if he doesn’t live the rest of his life behind bars paying for the pain and suffering he has caused hundreds and hundreds of lives (and their families too). The tyrant has fallen. WHIP-WHIP.

Joe Arpaio

4> The INFAMOUS Norman Wade: A thief, liar, corrupted, deceptive bastard. The incompetence of the Maricopa County police department is startling. How the hell does one NOT do a background check on future employees before hiring them?!!! His long rap sheet of illegal activities was pretty hard to miss. Didn’t they ask for references before hiring him? Did they just rely on his own words? It’s not as if they were hiring berry pickers, ffs! He was known as the ‘YES MAN’ fucker for the D.A.’s office! A professional liar and con! Yes, one can say that he only put his signature on Kevin Horn’s autopsy report in Jodi’s case (which later on we all found out that it had ‘typos’ in it) but as the chief director of the medical examiner’s office, he should have been doing much more than only signing off documents. He should actually have been reviewing them and ‘catching’ the ‘typos’. Especially since he’s being paid a six digit number a year for that position! IMO, he was just another ‘YES MAN’ for Juan Martinez.


Besides these 4 DECADENTS we must never forget:

The INFAMOUS Esteban Flores’ unqualified, sloppy and pathetic detective work. He destroyed evidence not because he was smart enough to do so but because he was and is plain and simply stupid. And his rank of stupidness was so high that he actually allowed his bimbo wife to make him a fool on social media by disclosing information concerning Jodi’s case while it was on trial. Unethical and biased. It cost him his detective position and we’re all thankful for that because if he still worked as a detective he would have ruined future crime scenes and evidence. No doubt about it!

Gloria Esteban - Jodi Arias is Innocent -com

The INFAMOUS Kevin Horn’s ‘typo’. What was mostly disturbing about this is the way he brushed this ‘typo’ off as if he had made a spelling mistake. He tried to charm it into a ‘not a biggie’ by blushing and smiling on the stand/ under oath. I’m really wondering if he actually acknowledges the seriousness of his ‘typo’. It changed the whole dynamics of the case.

Dr Horn - Jodi Arias is Innocent -com

The INFAMOUS Janeen DeMarte. She was the most unskilled, ignorant, amateur of them all. Very dangerous, IMO. Her arrogance, sarcasm, hostility and selective memory was a showcase of her lack of integrity. These trades are a signature for destruction – especially when it comes to other people’s lives. I’m sure in the near future she’ll also make front page and not in an honorable way! Mark my words.

Juan Martinez & Janeen DeMarte 4-16

The INFAMOUS Judge Sherry Stephens. The most incompetent judge of all times. She let everyone else run her courtroom except for herself! She was clueless, ruling for the prosecution and far from being fair. She turned her courtroom into a circus making a mock of the USA judicial system. She should take off her robe and burn it. IDK if in other types of court trials she was a booming judge BUT in criminal court?…  a literal failure. I seriously can’t understand her sense of justice and judgement.

Judge Pickles secret coded message to Juan Martinez

i.e. If you were a judge in a case where a woman stabbed 2 children between the ages of 12-14 and although the children survived, what would you sentence this woman to? This is the story in a nutshell: “”A woman accused of stabbing two children in a Phoenix home in December 2014 was sentenced Thursday to five years and nine months in prison. Brenda Begay, 40, pleaded guilty Aug. 5 to attempted child abuse and aggravated assault. She was sentenced by Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Sherry Stephens.”

What are her standards? Is it fair to slap one with 5 yrs and 9 months for abusing and attempted murder of two children BUT slap an abused woman that killed her abuser in self-defense with LWOP?! I don’t get it. I seriously don’t get it!

The way Karma and Lady Justice are working, I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of the key players in Jodi’s trial. I’m just glad that the media circus is not trying to cover up these corruptions because matter of fact is that it certainly doesn’t fit their agenda against Jodi. Contrary, it validates what we have been saying from the get-go: JODI ARIAS NEVER GOT A FAIR TRIAL.

I personally would like to thank Jennifer Willmott for being professional during and after Jodi’s trial. Jennifer is actually one of the few people in Jodi’s trial that took her job seriously, was responsible and dedicated to her client. She did her best and while people are trying to defend Nurmi by saying that he saved Jodi from the death penalty, I will disagree with them and say it was Ms Willmott and juror 17 that did it! Not Nurmi!

Jodi Arias & Jennifer Willmott - April 9th 2013

I also must give recognition to Maria DeLaRosa for a job well done. She took a lot of beatings and was severely scrutinized during and after the trial by the media, the bloggers, the sheeple, the haters and even by the prosecution. She stood her ground and continued to do her job.

So, stay tuned because something tells me that we will soon be hearing more about the corruption that circled Jodi Arias’ trial.

And don’t forget: WE ARE TEAM JODI AND WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS (it just comes in sweet waves of small victories until the big one will be accomplished :mrgreen:

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Thanks to Pandora for an awesome post.

UPDATE: The JAA Appellate Fund total currently stands at $104,853.42 — so let’s be sure to keep the momentum rolling, so the fund total can push on towards the ultimate target of $250,000. That in turn will help towards covering all the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction.

All donations via go directly to the fund. It is also the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – they continue to steal money from Jodi’s future – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them.

And remember… each day that passes takes us one day closer to Jodi’s release date…

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious

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If you missed any of our previous posts, click on the links below:

Kirk Nurmi – disbarred at last…
State Bar puts Martinez on probation for professional misconduct

My Truth: I Am Jodi Arias’s Mother – (An interview with Sandy Arias)

The JAA Appellate Fund – Reporting Resumes!

“The Palm Print, Blood & DNA”: (Quotes from Kermit’s Book) Part 2
The Missing Memory Card & Bathroom Photographs

“The Camera & Photos”: (Quotes from Kermit’s Book) Part 1
Kirk Nurmi’s Book: Part 1 of 3 (full transcript)
The Mysterious Boot Print (revisited)

It’s Kermit v Nurmi in the battle of the BS books
Jodi Arias – “Chandelier” – the mini-movie
Child Porn & The Joy of Executions
“ALEXSCAMMERS, this one’s for you… my compliments” – (by Jade)

“Monumental Incompetence” (a post by Jade)

Today’s BS Hearing, 6/22
   —   The Mysterious Stench of Decomp & BS
My Reply To Kirk Nurmi’s BS
  —   Survivor Day – June 4th – Celebrate The Day!
Sky Hughes – Email Exchange r.e. TA’s Pedo Antics (June 2010)
Chris Hughes – Liar & Pedo-Hugger (trial testimony from 2013)
TA’s Pedophile Letter Handwriting Comparison – (Part 2)
TA’s Pedophile Letter to Jodi Arias – (Part 1)
The Jodi Arias Verdict: My Thoughts On “Pedo-Huggers United”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In the meantime…


Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Prepare for it.

Leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias