
Jodi Arias Trial – Day 46 (afternoon comments)


With the trial now concluded for the week, leave your comments below on day 46 and your overall thoughts on another awesome week for Team Jodi — and all the circus-style BS that accompanied it…

Team Jodi

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  1. So what is the issue the judge was talking about that is having Alyce come back on Tuesday?

      • Grace Wong is from In Session and it likely has to do with one of those motions for mistrial I would think.

        • I believe this was the other person regarding the jurors seeing JM outside trying to be a rock star. I’m not sure I remember that correctly though, but it definitely is a witness for one of the motions for mistrial.

          It was my birthday yesterday, so I have to go back and watch what I missed late yesterday and today and read through all the posts.

          Have a great weekend.

            • Thanks Dorothy. I got on tonight and I see there are two of us named “Jodie” posting. I’m probably going to add Florida to my name. I’ve been posting with all of you throughout this trial and, as confusing as the trial already is, I can’t even keep up with which post is mine….lol.

              I also noticed reading the posts today that you have figured out the emoticons…lol

              How did Nurmi look today? I haven’t got through all the posts to get your take on his attire.

              • Hi Jodie,
                That happened with my name too…and HOW many “”Dorothys” are there who aren’t in their 90s by now….I mean really!…So I commented “attn: to admin, and that other “Dorothy” hasn’t returned. I mean Jodie is far more likely to be duplicated but still! you were here first…so maybe someone is posing as you.
                😆 at the emoticons! I had to try them out YIKES! Probably overdid it but it was fun.
                I didn’t report on Nurmi’s attire…he was a bit on the conservative side I think, not as pizzazzy as usual, and the overall atmosphere in the courtroom had me on the downside. Had Nurmi’s attire been a bit more colorful it would have been a welcome diversion, for certain…you’ve got to admit, the guy has style 😉

              • Hi Jodie, I have clarified which one of us is posting 🙂 Believe it or not 51 yrs ago when my parents named me, the use of the “ie“ on the end was unique. The name itself was not that popular but it was more often than not spelled with a “y“ or an “i“. Enough about names lol, anyways hopefully this helps. I have been using this site for awhile but only recently started to post. Hope all is well down in Florida 🙂

    • I read on another site that ALV approached Samantha and is going to be admonished for that. Would that be done in open court or in front of the jury?

      • I can only imagine Alyce saying, “I’m so sorry about your brother.” – to Samantha.

        The surviving Alexanders are:
        1) fighting for the death of a woman their brother abused
        2) not telling the Travis Stepford Mob to stop all their hate
        3) collecting massive amounts of money to stay in court (I don’t blame them though)
        4) allowing HLN to bank on their brother’s death (sickening!!)
        5) who knows how much they get paid to guest on all the TV shows?

        So, it doesn’t surprise me that Samantha was outraged by Alyce’s attempt to create peace.

        People need to forgive in order for the healing process to begin.

        • They are all childhood victims of the same serious and repugnant abuse as TA by their paren’ts. Clearly none of them have gotten professional help or intervention, so I long ago gave up any hope that they would act in a manner any differently than TA did. One can only imagine what goes on in their lives and families. I hope that at least one of them has gotten the help they so desperately need, and can encourage their siblings to do so. It’s never too late for people to get help, and heal from their abuse.

        • Which of Travis’ siblings have been on a TV show? I have only seen Travis’ one sister and brother one time about 2 months ago…

          Of course I haven’t seen most of the Dr. Drew, NG, JVM shows…

        • First, I’m soo glad I stumbled onto this site! I’m soo sick and tired of just because Travis is dead that he was totally innocent and guilt free and did absolutely nothing wrong! WTF!!!??? She had a psych evaulation and was found sane and credible for that reason. That means that she would not have premeditated murder on Travis because she is not psychotic. She was just a young woman who got caught up with a major prick who thought he could keep putting her in her place. That is not true obviously though. His own mother posted the autopsy photos on the internet!! Who does that? What kind of animalistic psychopathic animal trys to benefit from their own child’s death and then posts pictures of their “precious” child online of them nude, of them murdered!!! WTF She just wants to abolish the constitution and activate hate in everyone she can so that she feels justified in being a shitty mother herself. Again this is evident by the fact that only a narcisstic depraved women would post her sons autopsy photos on the net. That is not public information!!! Gross!!!

          • How could Travis’s mother have posted the autopsy photos when she has been dead since 2005, three years before Travis?

            The second part of your post makes no sense.

            • Yesterday when I was looking for the new photos they said they had I came across a site where the person hosting the site said they wanted to give thanks to Travis Alexanders family for the autopsy photos. I don’t remember the name of the site. I was just absolutely mad that any parent or even a family member would do that!

              • I think TA’s mom is dead. He grew up with his grandmother, she is also now dead. Maybe it was another family member.

              • I am confused, why would the family have the autopsy photo’s? (unless of course they downloaded them off the Internet somewhere or HLN gave them copies) But honestly, as far as I know they don’t give out copies of those photos when they release the body for burial. And why would they even want them?

                When my first husband was killed, I was never shown the pictures taken at autopsy, (I wouldn’t have wanted to have seen them anyways) and I sure as hell wouldn’t be posting them online, and have people seeing him like that. I would want his memory preserved.

                Those pictures in my opinion should never have been released to the media, I would have told the prosecutor that I wanted those pictures sealed, out of respect for my loved one.

          • welcome her newcomer how do you the the family gave the media the photo’s

          • Thanks, Dorothy! 🙂

            Now, let’s organize that Amazon boycott until they remove all those fake review lynch mob hate threats toward Alyce LaViolette!

            I posted about it down on this comment site.

            I emailed Amazon directly through their customer service as I am one of their customers and I am outraged they are allowing abuse, bullying and WITNESS INTIMIDATION. I told Amazon I would go so far as to contact their CEO and I already contacted the media with all the copied names and the post of “mango1806”, the one who replied, “Sure” – she/he would like to see Alyce dead because of her testimony.

            BEST article written about this outrageous behavior by ‘Travis Supporters’:

            I have to question the type of man Travis was given all his supporters are bullying and threatening Alyce’s life.
            Do abusive perpetrators create an abusive lynch mob?

            And the former Supreme Court Judge believes this ‘witness intimidation’ may constitute a mistrial. In Jodi Arias’s favor! What Karma that would be if there was a mistrial because of the Twitter and Amazon Travis Lynch Mob Bullies! 😀

            • Hey MentalHealth 🙂
              I do not have an Amazon account. I tried to see if there was a way for me to email them in re: the vile hatred spewed on ALV’s book reviews but I couldn’t see a “contact us” anywhere so I couldn’t email them with my concerns. I haven’t gone through the “reviews” in total…too many…but death threats!!? OMG There is seriously something wrong with this mob! I am sickened by it! I have opted to leave them to their evil and try not to subject myself to it. Hatred begets hatred and I most certainly do NOT want to jump in with the rabid beasts. My heart bleeds for ALV. She came to the trial with a smile and bubbly personality and the evil has ripped her apart! On top of it, she is subpoenaed until TUESDAY even though she is scheduled for “testing”. I assume from her “further testing” comment to the judge that the tests are health related. My god! The judge can delay the trial because of a measly cold, but Alyce has to risk her LIFE for this trial? “I don’t want to hear about your personal issues”, the judge snapped at ALV yesterday. I WAS AGHAST!
              As for a mistrial…ugh! I know it would be the best thing because of all the shenanigans that the prosecution has pulled. But, I hate to think of Jodi et, al going through this all AGAIN. I DOUBT Alyce will be able (nor want) to. I have SO much to say on this topic…but I have gone on for too long already.

            • OH! MentalHealth! I forgot to say: Michael Kiefer is monitoring (or trying to monitor) the electronic communications in re: to comments made to/about members of this trial. I am sure he is overburdened. He has a facebook page…drawing his attn to that “book review” written by mango1806 might be important. He is probably already aware of it…but… I don’t do facebook anymore…I felt it invaded my privacy so I deleted my account altogether, so I can’t comment on his FB page.

            • Thanks Mental Health-
              Glad to see other’s are getting after Amazon. I and one other poster on the book review site seemed to be the only two over the past week. Great Job

            • I set up an amazon account so I could post something positive for Alyce, then I find out I have to have made a purchase in the last couple of days to do so. This means that all of those haters have purchased something from Amazon in order to post their hate. I’d be willing it was not books they bought. I have trouble believing any of them have ever read a book.

      • My understanding is whatever the issue is , it will be handled privately in the judges chamber, especially anything like an admonishment, if that’s even what it is… I believe the defense has addressed their concern regarding the slanderous behavior being addressed toward AL, so it might have something to do with those issues….My experience is the judge will not do anything to diminish AL’S posture to the jury. To do so would be prejudicial to Jodi’s defense.

        • More likely in my opinion to address issues of witness tampering brought about by cyberbullying and direct threats. Do we even know definitively that ALV approached any Travestite?

        • i agree that judge will continue to let this unfair trial to continue on

      • i think she was already admonished yesterday, so i think it has already been dealth with, So that would me a MOOT!

      • Oohh… I wish Alyce hadn’t done that. I understand wanting to convey her sympathy for Travis’ loss, but… Yeah, the judge seemed kind of curt in her tone with ALV. Her entire testimony can’t be thrown out can it?

        • No, it can’t be thrown out. But JM can speak to her impeachment and recommend the jurors disregard her testimony. After that, it’s up to the jurors.

    • She spoke to Travis sister and told her ” nothing personal ” . She is not allowed to talk to them. I can only hope she did not do any harm to case . She could be held in contempt or fined. We will have to see

      • She did nothing wrong. It’s not that she’s not allowed to speak to them. It’s just that they are allowed to refuse to speak to her. She can not be held in contempt or fined for speaking to them once (if she did, and I doubt it). However, if she’d continued to talk to them, it would be a different story. The “story” about her talking to them does not indicate that.

        • ALso Abused,

          She testified yesterday, that she was under court order not to talk to the family. She said that in response to a question asked about whether she interviewed the family. I think she was also making a point about the accusation because she said more affirmatively than other responses. I don’t for one minute believe next week is about some alleged attempt at conversing with the family. In my opinion, the family has “secondary gain” in lying about such an interaction and I believe I read the witness who states they saw her approach is from a pro pros board very invested in this case and while marketing their forum. That’s if it’s true the witness is from the crime forum. But there is a witness saying they also saw AL approach and Samantha said “Mr. Martinez is already on it”….

  2. Does anyone have any idea what the “Miss Long” testimony is going to be about?

    • She cut poor ALV off,as if saying”hey girl I dont care about your private issies just get your butt here Tuesday!”

    • Do you mean the judge was rude? I was thinking the same thing… Shes probably tired of this case too.

        • I would say time would be better spent on a facial! Too much frowning, don’t you think? And while she is at it perhaps she can sip on some honey, to tone down that caustic tone in her voice. Ok, I’m done.

          • Introspective, don’t you think it is possible Judge Stephens is also receiving threatening and hate calls?
            I do.
            She allows the defense to speak in the court.
            She allowed the defense expert witnesses to testify.
            She allows Jodi to live until the jury makes their decision.

            This is what the “Travis Lynch Mob” considers hate-worthy. My theory.

  3. Okay so just logged in to watch trial and its done for the day. Also MsLaViolette was talking to the judge and the judge said something to her about not talking about her personal stuff and told Ms LaViolette she may release her subpoena… What have I missed?

      • can anyone tell me if the defense case still has one more witness left??? I thought they did, so why would this Ms. Wong be for the this a hearing on Monday w/o jury? And if it had anything to do with ALV tt Samatha, I think that would of been dealt with awhile ago..

        • The hearing on Monday morning is outside the presence of the jury they are to arrive at 1:30 on Monday unless notified further… the judge told the jurors to be by there phones on Monday morning in case things change.

          • Unless they just watch the coverage on HLN.

            The Judge has to know the jurors are most likely watching the trial coverage from HLN or seeing it on Twitter, obviously it is on Twitter and *that* should be considered ‘juror intimidation’ because if they find Arias innocent, you know the lynch mob will stalk and threaten them and try to ruin all their lives.

      • This trial has so many crazy things going on as no other trial I have ever seen. So much disrespect in their courtrooms, unbelievable this has continually been allowed. And does anyone know why all the hypothetical storys are allowed? It’s worse than hearsay, for petes sake and hearsay isn’t allowed. SMH at this judge and the laws of that state. Shame shame…

        • Olivia, I felt the same way! What the hell is it with the hypotheticals!!??

          How is that even remotely allowed in any court room?

          Hey Officer, Hypothetically speaking, if i was speeding because I was in a hurry to get to the hospital cuz I thought I was having stroke, would I still get a ticket?

          Oh Officer, If, hypothetically, I offered you some tossed salad I have sitting in my car, would I still get a ticket?


          • ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tossed salads will never be the same after the sex tape.


          • Martinez couldn’t get Ms LaViolette to cave so he had no other choice but to make his questions all about hypotheticals! Everytime defence objected…the judge overruled! This judge is bias…the jury is bias…Usually when someone accuses another of doing something, it always ends up that the accuser is the one doing it. Psych 101… Anyone else agree?

            • The juror that left cuz of illness… Jean Caras said he had a long pony tail and wore sometimes all black, and other times t shirts with skulls and crossbones on it.. Damn he left.. he was my kinda guy… probably woulda been good for jodie !!! I’m just sayin !

              • I was worried that this juror left because the illness was caused from bullying by the other jurors…. I really hope I’m wrong.

                • My fear too, Cindy. What if he was trying to avoid deliberations, knowing his counter parts were pro death.

                • If a juror or jurors feel intimidated in any way, I hope they speak up. Usually, in any group dynamic, you have one or two dominant personalities that tend to influence or sway the group in one direction or other. Sometimes it is a very knowledgeable person or someone whose leadership inspires confidence in the others. In many cases, the dominant person or persons are also more aggressive than the others.

                  I’m hoping that whoever the dominant person(s) among the jurors aren’t the originator(s) of those sarcastic or bias-oriented, accusatory juror questions. If so, and the group increasingly leans that way in support of the prosecution, those individuals or sole individual marching to a different drummer may feel pressured to go along. If they do, their actions will obviously contribute even more to the unfairness of this trial.

                  I wouldn’t ordinarily be inclined to feel this way about a jury, but some of those questions show the same style and accusatory line of questioning as JM. Hopefully the originator or originators of those questions is not the dominant juror or jurors in this group.

                • I guess we might not ever know if he was bullied by the other jurors, depends on once the trial is done, if he gives any interviews. Thing is too, how many of these people cannot afford to be sitting here for this many months making $12 a day? This has got to be a hardship for some, and maybe he feigned illness, cuz he just plain old couldnt afford it anymore.. Alot of employers do not keep people on payroll when they are doing their civic duty. I worked for a very well known bank..(W.F.!!) and they paid me for every day I was gone on jury duty, but how many places do not… and thats hard on a family.

              • A caller on Vladimir Gagic’s Radio Blog this pm said the man was also Hispanic, like Jodi.

            • IMO, JM’s whole approach is really about introducing reasonable doubt. His arguments are not about proving his points/the state’s case, but about chiseling a little away from the other side. WTF? He should be a defense attorney…he would probably make defendant quite miserable however. He probably wanted to be a defense attorney, but couldn’t get any clients, and now he is so bitter he wants all defendants to get the DP.

            • I find it disturbing that hypotheticals are allowed, yet the entire emails written by TA were not. She had to paraphrase etc. Rediculous!

          • I could not agree more! The other thing that is so troublesome, why are witnesses for the defense not allowed to answer with explanations to their answers. Any case I have viewed, it is always allowed to have answers given WITH explanations. As long as the explanation stays on the subject matter of the question, not so in this courtroom. By not allowing explanations, it is very easy to put “half truths” on the record, totally distorting the actual truth. TRUTH, which I use to think was the objective in court cases.

          • Just to clarify, it’s not unusual for an attorney during cross examination to ask hypotheticals. It’s unusual for him to ask as many as he has, but not unusual for some to be asked.

        • A question can be asked using hypotheticals if the factors in the hypo can be reasonably deduced from existing evidence, or the lawyer asking the question can produce evidence of the variable. Throw that on the ever growing woodpile of appellate issues. The DP is a distant memory. Even IF the jury convicts on M1, and even IF (maybe especially IF) they impose the death penalty, Jodi will have bought the farm the old fashioned way long before all of the appellate issues will have been ironed out. Martinez is a big joke, but Stephens is the punchline. I’m going to abandon Pickles and go with Kanga, because that’s the kind of courtroom she’s running.

    • Basically there is an “issue” that nobody knows about and Ms. LaViolette can’t be in court on Monday so they are making her come in on Tuesday even though it seemed like she had issue with that. I think she was talking about test results or something the judge told her to stop talking about her personal life.

      There is also a mysterious hearing on Monday morning outside of the jury’s presence and a person named Miss Long is to testify.

      Very mysterious ending today i’m confused.

      • The judge told Alyce, in full bitch mode, she doesn’t want to hear about her personal issues1


          Guess Rude Judges just really do not matter……………how RUDE that is even to me.

          He complained to the LCD, but the judge’s response was that he had not made any specific allegation she could answer. “I am just appalled,” Dr Davies says. “The judge can behave as she likes, and I have no redress. There is no monitoring of judges’ behavior.

          “Judges apparently cannot be criticized, even if they inconvenience many people – and they never apologize.”

          Judge Paul Collins, the director of studies at the Judicial Studies Board, accepts that such cases do arise. He says: “When we are talking about hundreds of district and circuit judges, no doubt some are not always as courteous as they might be.” But he points out that there are 5,000 full and part-time judiciary hearing hundreds of cases daily – and that complaints are still relatively few. “I don’t defend rudeness – one rude judge is one too many. But it must be seen in proportion.”

          • From what I see, judges are above the law and can get away with anything. Here in CA, a friend of mine was being reamed in court from her ex, she was a teacher and he was a bum who did not work. She was forced to pay him alimony and child support (they shared custody of one child). He could go on vacations, bought a house, new truck, toys and my friend could not even afford the tiny apartment she lived in. She ate mostly baloney sandwiches cuz that’s all she could afford. When she went to court to try to get the amount adjusted so she could buy more food for herself, her attorney told her to be quiet because the judge doesn’t like you. She lost – apparently not because of the facts but because the judge didn’t like her.

            Another friend was going to court as she was leaving her abusive husband (same district). She lost everything and now lives in poverty. Not only did he abuse her, he had an entire business and was stashing money that she didn’t know about. She got no alimony, no child support and was told by her attorney it was because the judge didn’t like her. She attempted to get other attorneys but no one would take her case because they all knew ‘the judge didn’t like her’ so it was a lose-lose situation.

            Apparently damn the law, judges do what they feel like.

            • When I sat on a jury the judge was listening to the opening day game (baseball) on the radio at the bench! He even paused the trial so he could listen and then announced the score to everyone! I was astonished…I was there for five days and I’m not sure I heard him say much of anything except the score of the ball game.

            • I guess courtrooms are one place judges can get to be disrespectful, rude, and accusatory, if they so desire. People who go before them, however, must respect them even if insulted and demeaned or ridiculed publicly, or face confronting the judge’s inappropriate actions and being held in contempt of court. (Thank God, however, that there are also many decent judges out there who do not abuse their power.)

              However, through this trial I am also witnessing just how disrespectful, condescending, and accusatory prosecutors can be. I’ve seen or heard of lawyers, including prosecutors, acting this way in court before but never to the extent that JM does.

              JM takes prosecutional misconduct to a whole new level outside professional and ethical boundaries. His supporter, the judge in Jodi’s case, also takes judicial bias to a whole new level.

              So much for Jodi’s fair trial. No matter how negative the public may think of her, thanks overwhelmingly to the media, she deserves a fair trial like any other U.S. citizen.

        • ALV should try to keep any personal issues private & never mention anything personal in open court. Anything the cyper bullys get ahold of on her, they will use to further attack her.

        • I think you are misinterpreting this.

          The judge was almost certainly correct.

          When I looked at this in isolation, I saw nothing wrong.

          What’s going on here is that the juror questions put you off balance, and make you start questioning the neutrality of the judge ( who has to read the questions ).

          It’s the similar to when you start blaming the referee in a football match when your side is losing.

          It’s irrational, but we all feel it.

          The judge has a difficult job, I think she is doing ok.

        • TB1, I know! When Stevens had a bad cold court was cancelled! WTF? ALV may be suffering from something far more dangerous but the judge says, ” I don’t want to hear about your private issues”. ALV could risk her life just because she has been subpoenaed until Tuesday…AND HLN and the video of Rock Star signing autographs is what is causing all this crap! I think Alyce has said all she needs to say. She has repeated and repeated the important points of her testimony, if the jury hasn’t gotten it by now, they NEVER will… 🙄

  4. Doing a search online alot of chatter that its about the fact Ms LaViolette approached Samantha Alexander. I missed the testimony but supposedly there was a question about not being allowed to talk with Travis’ family and that it could be related. Who knows.

    • so what if she tt them!!!! What about the death threats that ALV is getting affecting her health and SAFETY!!! I would think that w/b an important issue to come up!!!

      • If the damn judge doesn’t even care about death threats to Alyce, why would she care about her medical condition.

        Alyce deserves the same respect as the jurors. She always ask if there’s a reason a juror can’t make it, she compensates for that whole day.
        The judge is very biased.

        There SHOULD be a mistrial!

        • I agree 100% with your statements, Aly, especially about the judge. This entire trial is a travesty of justice!

    • Alyce even commented that she is not allowed to speak to the victims family today when AH was abusing her. I found that an odd comment when she said it today … Did anyone else?

      • I also heard her make that comment, she was very clear that she was legally not allowed to talk to TA’s family. I am starting to think the reason the judge wants her back in court Mon. or Tuesday is to discuss this. I am sure that she had NO idea this was not allowed, and was simply trying to be nice, she certainly wasn’t doing it to be mean. However, I hold the defense totally liable for this, they should have told her up front NOT to approach the family. How else would she know? She isn’t a law expert!!!! Whatever is done to her, or said, I believe it will be outside the jury.

        The other possibility, (one a family member suggested) is that she is trying to be impeached, or was during her testimony. I had to go back and rewatch portions of the trial to find what my brother was referring to. I remember while watching I was curious as to why JM kept hounding her about a juror question regarding how many times she testified in criminal cases for men. It seemed like no big deal at first, but after she tried to answer and say she really should NOT have answered that way, my heart sank. Is this enough for impeachment? She did say her answer wasn’t the truth, she did try to qualify it, but is JM the type of pros who would take that and run with it and try for perjury? I think yes. I may be totally off, and I hope I am. But the fact that she was done testifying, and should have been free to go, and the Judge was quite stern in telling her she MUST come back, makes me nervous.

        • Everything makes you “nervous.” It’s always negative, and I am sick to death of reading it.

          You think ALV committed perjury, when you don’t even know what it is.

        • That is not it at all about her testimony. She was answering a juror’s question about whether she had ever interviewed the Alexander family as part of her research and interviews with Jodi.

        • No, perjury is rarely, if ever, something that is pursued, and it would not be a winnable case. Alyce could say she was answering truthfully, but confused. Also, she said “1 or 2” so there’s no case for perjury.

          That being said, he can say that he impeached her in that portion of testimony, and can suggest the jury disregard all of her testimony. That would be up to the jury to decide.

      • The only thing I remember her saying is that she was not allowed to interview the family. That was in answer to a juror’s question.

        • She was not legally allowed to interview the family when she was conducting her research and interviews with Jodi.

          • You’re correct. It was in response to the jurors questions relating to how thorough ALV was in her opinion based on what TA’s family had said.

            • I misspoke as I thought it was said when he was on her case. Sorry!

              I was concerned when JM was going on about the criminal trial she testified to for a male and had to retract she never was called to the stand and only submitted a paper.

              Could he be, as Ann was asking, working to say she is guilty of perjury? He is like a rabid dog compared to JW and KN. I like them both but at times I wish they were a bit more aggressive in standing up to his crap.

              The way he attacks about details that one really cannot regurgitate off the top of one’s head is maddening. I know its tactical … but maddening nevertheless. One cannot prepare to butt horns with that style.

              • One cannot, cause you can’t sink the level of your intelligence as low as Martinez does. The little weasel…

                Q. How many times does Juan Martinez need to ask the same question and get the same answer before he is satisfied?

                A. Until he is totally satisfied that he has wasted our tax dollars, when he could have simply took the 2nd degree murder plea. and also saved us from being nauseated at his supremely stupid, and mind numbing questioning style.

                He truly has no business being in our legal justice system.

                • He didn’t accept it because he is so pro death.
                  Also he likes being the circus clown in front of millions.
                  He thinks he famous.
                  He is a fmous asshole.

    • Wasn’t that over a week ago? If that were the issue, Kermit would have jumped on it by now. And it wouldn’t be dealt with in open court.

      • That’s kind of what I’ve been thinking reading all of the comments saying its about ALV approaching Samantha, Kira.

        We’ve all clearly seen how Martinez doesnt let things go…and how much he loves to speculate.
        He would’ve had this taken care of long ago.

        So lets not speculate.
        All is good.

    • She wasn’t allowed to interview them when she was doing her assessment. That doesn’t mean she wasn’t allowed to talk to them. And she didn’t say anything that constitutes them getting their knickers in a twist anyways! Now on that note, do I think it was smart of her to do what she did…no, because instead of taking it for what it was, his family and don juan have made it into a whole big mountain. ugh!

    • Tanya Young Williams <<<< Also Abused is referring to that woman<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<NOT ALYCE read before starting accusations please.

      • AH! I see!

        To Also Abused: I am sorry I misinterpreted but could you refrain from using the “d” word when referring to AVL’s hairstyle?

        My Mom has thin hair and sympathizes with AVL. And that information about a person doesn’t matter anyway.

    • I think Trinity was trying to point us to the link that Also Abused posted re. Tonya Wms. She may have inadvertently left out the link – which is on the morning page. 🙂

    • I did see AA write negative comments about Alyce: it was the “d” word toward her hairstyle. The “d” word as in her partner preference. I found that offensive and was shocked.

      I just started posting on here three days ago, I believe. When there are negative comments, do we just post the time stamp and the username who commented?

      Such a shame if AA was derogatory because I thought that user was a battered woman. Those Travis-is-the-Mormon-Messiah Lynch Mob abusers are sneaky. On Facebook, I read one of them over a week ago posting something like: “I pretended to support her but I felt sick after a while and they caught on to me.”
      They slip.
      My battered sibling expected their behavior because of their strong bloodlust for another battered woman to be publically executed.

      Had I known to post the ‘hater alert’ – – – I’m so upset I didn’t! 🙁

      • MHFSMS, it might be best if you read other pages before you jump to conclusions about posters. I just read the comment you are referring to and you are way off base.

        also abused has been posting her for a long time and is a great member here.

      • Okay,

        You are a new poster here. Also Abused has been here for a long time. We aren’t always PC on here. She didn’t mean anything by using that word in terms of gender hate. You also used some words that could be construed as derogatory in terms of my faith but I didnt complain nor did i take it personally. Forum decorum here is try and get along and not note every single little issue we have with one another.

        I appreciate your posts but please tone it down with the commentary. Focus on support for jodi.

    • I wonder if this has to do with all the information the state leaked to HLN that Nurmi was talking about? It will be interesting to hear her testimony. To bad though that she has an entire weekend to prepare herself nevermind skirt where all their info came from that was leaked to HLN…

  5. Is anyone else getting totally fed up with this judge? How about yesterday when she read a question and then when she reread it it was only half of it?? Total misrepresentation of the question!

    • Butterfly I totally saw that and thought that was WRONG. But loved the way Alyce called her out on that!!!

      • Lol i know! But I just can’t believe this is allowed to happen in an American Courtroom!

        • I have come to believe the American Courtroom is not the same as AZ courtroom; more like the AZ circus.

    • I agree that really upset me that Alyce had to prompt her what the beginning of the question was?
      That right there made me think that the Judge herself is showing great BIAS for the Prosecutor !

  6. WildAboutTrial
    Grace Wong from In Session is ordered to testify on Monday at 11:00. She didn’t look too enthused. #jodiarias

    • Wong is Wrong 😀 not to be enthused. She should be ‘thrilled’ that she gets her own spot on Natl TV no less!!

  7. The day after ALV took ill, that morning before starting, the judge asked Nurmi if Ms. LaViolette would be able to testify or did he want to instead proceed with Ms. Wong. (I replayed that several times, thinking he was saying Long.) I was hoping Ms. Wong had an interesting relationship with Mr. Alexander but maybe it’s less dramatic than that.

    • it’s over martinez grand standing outside the court house. They had Jean C testify and they were waiting on a video and mentioned ms Wong

      • I have to commend Jean Casarez regarding coverage of the “Travis Messiah Lynch Mob” stalking and attacking AVL. She sounded genuinely concerned and mentioned AVL was rushed to the ER. But, being on the Nancy Grace show, Jean wasn’t given much time for that segment.

        Any thoughts?

        I think Jean is the only fair legal commentator/journalist affiliated with that entire network.

  8. Don’t get mad at me for just passing information. I agree the threats about Ms LaV’s repuation are horrible. (I have not seen death threats though just disgusting character assasination on Amazon).

        • Good God these people are plain sick. I have come to believe that there is a mental illness of hatred that has spread throughout the entire world, today.

          • Here might be the one:

            2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
            1.0 out of 5 stars
            Is it ok to stab you, slash your throat, and shoot you in the head?, April 12, 2013

            By Jane T. Hattox “lovetoshop” (Texas) – See all my reviews (REAL NAME) This customer created a Real Name and used a name from their credit card to help other customers identify them. This is a permanent badge.

            This review is from: It Could Happen To Anyone: Why Battered Women Stay (Paperback)

            Perhaps someone should stab her family and friends, slash her loved ones throat, and shoot her in the head, and then see if Alyce still thinks Travis is an abuser.

            • I don’t think this is the post because Alyce is still alive and able to think.

              There are so many posts, it will be almost impossible to find!

              • Read my very next post below, Nancy Beth. I have a plan. 😉

    • I emailed Amazon and stated I’m going to arrange a boycott of their site until they remove all the hatred ‘fake’ reviews toward Alyce LaViolette. I ended it by saying I was going to email their CEO and I’ve already reported it, with copies of my deleted thread on Amazon where user, “mango1806”, answered that they would like to see her dead because of her testimony.

      Amazon only deleted my thread, where I stated how the lynch mob attacked me and my religion and then their comments went on to threaten Alyce LaViolette.

      I posted, “So you’re saying you want to see Alyce LaViolette dead because of her testimony?”
      “Mango1806” replied, “Sure.”

      These people claim to be so caring of human life yet they bully and stalk which are two forms of abuse that obviously effected Ms. LaViolette’s health.

      She needs our support. Please, email Amazon and state you will boycott until the fake review hate posts by this lynch mob are removed.

        • Thank you, dave.

          One thing the Travis Messiah Lynch Mob doesn’t realize: the threats and bullying is considered witness intimidation. It was up there and I have a copy of the entire thread from my initial comment with mango1806’s response. I copied it before it could be removed and would gladly send it to be used.

          Check out this article:

          Retired Supreme Court Judges are quoted explaining their attacks on AVL are considered witness intimidation which would be grounds for a mistrial.

          Witness Intimidation is a felony in Arizona! I hope many of those Travis Messiah Lynch Mob members are from Arizona because they would end up in jail!

          Karma can be beautiful. <3

  9. Maybe the defense is going to have Ms. Wong explain to the jury that everything coming out of HLN is a bunch of crap.

      • Butterfly:
        I think you meant Juan Martinez is on crack. He’s incoherent most of the time struggling just to form one question.
        He’s got memory problems too. While cross examining Arias, he always had to have the typist re-read what he asked her.

  10. Ugh. I did not see it as an awesome week based on jury questions. But I keep telling myself maybe its just one or two people asking questions.

    • Amelia don’t lose heart. I thought the questions sounded like a mix – some were bad and obviously pro-pros, but I thought some of those sounded more like they wanted things clarified for the prosecution and the family in hopes of more understanding by them before the verdict is in. And (GOSH I wish i could remember the name) someone posted on another page that if the jurors had already made up their minds then they would not even bother to ask.

    • It seems if this is her then she may be called regarding mistrial – questions sounded like they were more from this source than from the actual trial. That’s is really imho, though.

      • Is Laviolette have a problem for approaching Travis Family?
        I think it is not allowed don’t really know.

        • If the family is having a cow over that, they are pretty shallow! I can’t believe this!

        • I think it would have been a bigger problem if the roles had been reversed. Whiteness tampering.

        • I just read that a spectator in the courtroom, who also was a guest on an HLN show, saw the exchange between ALV and Samantha, but couldn’t make out what was said. The person knew that ALV talking to her was in violation of the courtroom protocol. They said:

          ” this spectator made a point of talking to Samantha and told her she did not have to endure talking to La Violette. She said Samantha looked at her and softly said, the Prosecutor is already on it.”

          Endure talking to LV? Give me a break!

          • Ummm, “endure talking to LV?!” These are the same people who believe ALV should ‘endure’ all the hatred, threats and abuse thrown at her. And Jodi should have ‘endured’ the abuse TA dished out.

          • The woman that said she saw AL do that has been posting about it on a crime board. She goes to court almost every day and trys to sit right behind TA’s sisters. She loves JM and is very pro prosecution. She also appears on Dr Drew occassionally to air her twisted views.

            • Can any of you remember how many times ALV said she had testified as an expert before this case?

            • Trash. She is a piece of trash. I know she had a crappy childhood. For that I am truly sorry. But there comes a point in time, and after both of your parents are dead seems more than adequate, when you need to stop blaming and start being your own person. Not a drama queen, blamer baby ninny attention seeking advantage taker. That whole lot of Alexanders are like school in the summertime.

              • You are so right, joujou. I understand that they have lost a sibling, but the truth is they weren’t close. Hadn’t even visited him in AZ. Yet, they sit in the gallery and act like they have lost their best friend to gain sympathy. All of the crying, eye rolling, sneering, etc., is uncalled for and I would think that they would know how to conduct themselves in a courtroom. Especially SA, since she is in law enforcement. I think they enjoy every minute of the publicity that this unfortunate circumstance has allowed them to receive. I may sound harsh, but this is just my opinion.

          • I personally spent a lot of time last nite trying to protect Jodi. I am sure you know there are demons amongst us. Surprise who was post and it was not me. Unbeivable check out the other web sites. I could not sing if i wanted to let alone leave verses . Especially about death, Shame on you. I beg you to go check out other sites for your self.

          • It is not “illegal” for Alyce to speak to the family. It is the family’s right to refuse to speak to her. If she did speak to them, they declined, and she walked away, everything is good.

    • Legally they might have an issue since it is considered really inappropriate I am surprised she didn’t know that.

      • Any decent person would take it for what it is, she didn’t threaten her, she didn’t say horrible things to her…’s like they are out for blood, no matter who they have to attack!

        There have been a lot of in chambers with Samantha being called in…why not just let it go already.

        I don’t think it was illegal, it is probably more a moral issue…but that family is outside handing out ribbons to the people waiting to go in the gallery…. but i guess that is okay.

        • On top of how rude the judge was with her, I would take it she is ticked off at ALV.

          • Gail
            That was pretty obvious! The Judge is against LaViolette but who knows, I was told that you should not approach the other side etc. It could be about that or something else.

            • it seems like the judge got this attitude, of being rude to AL when JM was asking her, and calling her on the fact she didnt testify in that one case involving men.. it was only a report.. they are all gonna use that one for sure… all the HLN Jodie haters.

      • Someone here had posted a link from WS, where ka*tycoola*dy was all in an uproar over it. She’s becomes BFF’s with the TA clan. She may be the force behind the family encouraging that the law be followed?

        • Yes she wrote that her “protective” instinct kicked in when she saw ALV approaching Samantha.

          Good Grief, these are NOT children, they are grown adults, they don’t look to me like they need anyone to protect them!

          • Agree! The snarky looks and eye rolls are enough to repel most folks. The judge should have, long ago, admonished them for the crying and antics.

            With that half mil a month they could pay for a few body guard’s if they’re so scared sitting in a court room surrounded by sheriffs! 😉

            I hope the DT is keeping a running list of all the issues that were left to run amok in this circus.

          • OMG. She’s such and idiot. She’s protecting the COP Samantha. Is she going to go out on Patrol with her when the trial is over to protect her then?

            • Ha!
              If only HLN would televise it, that sounds like it would be right up her alley! She would love to be the star of a new reality show called Victim Advocates for Cops.

              • Sable-
                LOL love the title. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it as Tabloid TV’s next reality show. We all know that Nut Case is looking to extend her 15 minutes of “fame” and is probably in negotiations to be the star.

          • HAHA, KCL doesn’t have a life. She probably has hardly any massage clients because someone like that would put off a selfish vibe and not have a lot of repeats…

              • Old self-important Queen Bee?
                I do not think she is Mormon. cuz I seem to remember her blathering on in one of her charming prose manifestos over at WS one time long ago about how physically attractive so many of the Morman people are who she has encountered living in Arizona. She seemed to be approaching her topic from a third person objective viewpoint.

      • Ya but there has to be FILM of that out there somewhere? I do not put it past that Alexander
        bunch to wave Alyce over an then claim some nonsense I do not trust one of them in that bunch
        of slithering snakes in a pile rubbing forked tongues an wishing to see a young lady DIE an
        be there to watch with great fondness an then proclaim Oh we are Christians BULL !

        • Wow, Rhonda – I think you are right on! They would do something that deceitful (judging from I see/read/hear about them).

        • Good point Rhonda-
          I’m sure they, like TA, learned and know every slimey trick in the book

        • Totally agree. Trash. Just trash. I’ve seen more valuable things set out for the garbage man.

        • Christians -> believe in the big dude, JC -> JC did not believe in revenge, & I’m certain he did not believe in the DP (I’m not up on the Bible). I’m not actively religious anymore, but I was raised Catholic, and geez, how can someone say they are a Christian & follow violent, vengeful old testament ideals?

          • Mormons aren’t Christians…they lure Christians into their cult with that but as far as they are concerned Joseph Smith is higher up than Jesus Christ AND they believe only that JC was just a prophet. Just wanted to clear that up for anyone within ear shot… 🙂

            • They claim to be Christians, and I therefore accept that they are Christian. I don’t think that they are like Apostle’s Creed professing type Christians, but if they claim to follow Christ I am certainly in no position to counter that. I also don’t think that they are a cult in the strict sense, like if someone joins they need to be reprogrammed. on the other hand, they hold to a lot of things that make me personally uncomfortable vis a vis young converts (my nieces) close to me, but I feel that beyond the impact on my nieces, it’s really nunnamuh. As a sociological question, the relationship and the handling of the case can be examined more meaningfully I believe, if viewed through that critical lens. This could be said of any case where religion was involved, regardless of the orthodoxy. Plus, Mormons come in all different stripes.

              • Nope. Not considered part of us Catholics, that’s for sure. I find their view of Jesus blasphemous.

                Don’t mean to be offensive but real Christians would not be cheering for the death penalty on an obvious secondary murder “crime of passion”.

                And we Christians *forgive* and seek *peace*.

                The Alexander siblings are not asking the lynch mob to stop the hate now, are they?

                Mormons are *not* in a class with Christians.

              • Mormons are not Christians at ALL…totally cult-like. I have researched it extensively as well as Christianity. Christians believe that JC died on the cross, is the last sacrifice, is one with the”father” and “holy ghost” and shed his blood so that the sins of all who ask, through his name, will be forgiven. Mormons, on the other hand, do not believe that, they do not pray “in Jesus’ name” and refer to “Heavenly Father” ie Joseph Smith. The book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants,etc, the rituals of the “chult” and the fact that 10% of EVERY Mormon’s earnings MUST go to the “church” as tithing are proof of the cult.

                • I respectfully disagree. I don’t think we can say who has truly accepted Jesus in their heart and lives for him. Mormon doctrine is contradictory to what Christians believe, but God says nobody knows the content of person’s heart…

                  I would also like to recommend a book called Hell Minus One. I just finished reading it. It’s about SRA and it opened my eyes to that SRA really exists. The writer exposed her parents and others who were high up in the Mormon church who were practicing SRA in secret. She and the AG of Utah exposed the group in the Mormon church and the bishop helped her, believed her and excommunicated the family. She also was able to obtain signed confessions from her parents who also named prominent names too. This helped an AG in Utah bust a satanic group wide open. This woman claims it was God who helped her through as a child and as an adult. I had some thoughts about the church support that I would want to share with those who read the book. It’s a very fast read. Its about the abuse and how she recovered her memories alone. She did have a therapist. It goes into false memory syndrome too. It’s a very good book both about SRA, the church and what Satanism is atleast with that group. Makes things Samuels dicussed about memory about very clear.

  11. Good Afternoon, you guys (and congrats to #1 VickyT! 😀 ) I see a lot of bad things happening in the trial right now and it is making some of us sick/sad/depressed and more. I think we can USE these feelings for good instead of worse. Don’t get sad – GET MAD. Get mad at this injustice, get angry at the mormon religion for not being held accountable (if you’re mormon, don’t get mad – you know there is a lot of bad things going on and you should not stand for it), get mad at society for spewing such hatred. And then turn that anger into energy and use that energy to do positive things. Write or email to the websites below or write and email CNN/HLN, the federal trade commission, your local congressman or senator. Write or email anyone you can to make them aware of this injustice. It is always things like this in history that makes the world as a whole wake up and think; Wait a minute – this is not what I want for my children. It is called the tipping point and I believe this trial may be bringing us to that.

    I hope it is okay to re-post somethings – but I think they are soooo important and I don’t want them to get lost during this time of stress. (If it is not okay to do this – please remove the post and let me know and I apologize.)

    Oliverio posted this morning: “Utah Statistics are Among the Highest in the Nation for Depression, Rape, Child Abuse, and Pornography!!!
    Utah (which is approximately two-thirds LDS) should have the lowest rates of crime, divorce, child abuse, and pornography,” The rest of the post is enlightening and frightening at the same time.

    Here are the last two paragraphs of a post I made this morning:

    “I am passionate about this for one reason; I have children. As a victim of emotional/sexual abuse myself, I do not want to see abuse spread and remain so acceptable. I want justice and religion should not be USED as a guise for dirty un-justice and sexual abuse. There are forces in our world (and no, I am not a conspiracy theorist) that WANT us to believe things of the deviant sexual nature are okay (12 year old girls, trolling for boys, women are the root of all evil) and it needs to be stopped in its tracks. There are forces that use OUR judicial system to suppress information as well as enforce religious views.

    Just a plea from me – Seek justice and do whatever you can to serve it. Do not waste time on hater sites for those people are filled with scum. Go to the top; the Innocence Project; False Confessions Org; Help the Child Brides and then help, email or whatever you feel comfortable with. Read about “religion and child abuse’ and you may be horrified at how rampant it has become. And if you are a religious person – do not think that I am bashing you. You, of all people, should not want your religion used for such purposes.”

      • lol Thanks, Michele… it is hard to contain myself after this last week. I will try to be happy now! 😀

      • Thanks for reading, Lynn! And please also check out ‘false confession’ dot org – you may be surprised at some of the similarities in this trial.

          • great site Cindy~Zack Witman case is classic example of sloppy police work and jumping to conclusions regarding ones guilt! It’s scary to think that any of us could be accused of a crime falsely and end up on DR or Life! Just as in this case, the DA, Flores have tunnel vision and can not look at the facts in this case…Especially the ones that would exonerate Jodi..This trial is a farce and what is upsetting is the mob mentality also..I’m surprised that this trial wasn’t stopped by mistrial almost from the beginning!! And seriously, no sequestration!! The Judge knows what is going can she allow this to continue???

            • It IS scary, Lynn. I sent a couple emails with details of why i believe that Jodi’s was a false confession. I just hope somebody listens. I will not stop, either, I will continue to send more and am ready to start on the innocence project if this trial takes a bad turn. I believe this is really a fight of good vs evil and the corruption of the judicial system. I’m soooo glad you checked out that site. I think the more knowledge we have, the more power we have! 😀

              • Thank you Cindyp for you taking action and providing this site with valuable information!!! You go girl!!! 😉

              • Cindyp, something struck me odd when I was listening to Snarky Glace or JVM. One of the guys that knew them both was on. He was on to supposedly talk about JA’s reaction on hearing that TA had died. However, as he was describing it, he said that Flora, the potted plant, that sits next to ‘the-chosen-one’, had previously called this guy (and mind you this was just a day after TA was found) and told him not to discuss or talk to JA about any details as she was the suspect!!! She was pegged from the get-go – Flora and the gang, did not bother to even look for other reasons for TA’s death. Also, the guy said that he believed JA when she called him, because her grief seemed so sincere. He would never have pegged her to be the suspect. But then another guy friend of his, told him not to believe her and that she was a liar. I am not sure, but all kinds of bells went off in my mind as I heard him recount this on the show. There is for sure more to this than meets the eye.

                BTW, Snarky Glace, insists on calling ALV, ‘the violet’, just like she insisted on calling the good doc ‘dick’ samuels (for Richard). She ofcourse, stressed the word “dick”.

    • The fact is you have a cult pretending to be a Religion but it is a cult, Margaret Singer a Cult specialist testified in trials explaining the brainwashing techniques of a cult, I see the attack on LaViolette on Amazon by LDS members its obvious, GROUP thought what are they covering up?? You should see the hateful remarks a friend of mine received, Everytime I check on the commentators many never reviewed a book in their life on Amazon. LDS is known for misogynist behavior. When my friend accused them of being LDS Cult this guy right away deleted his nasty remarks. How many Jurors are Mormon? this can play a huge part because I believe in the Constitution of USA not that of a Pedophile False Prophet Joseph Smith and why would Martinez keep bringing up the Book Of Mormon??? The Judge has not been fair as demonstrated by her nastiness to LaViolette and the fact that there is no Order in her courtroom.

      • You are sooooo right, Oliviero! It is interesting that on the link someone posted where the reporter (Michael Keifer, I think?) calls all this nonsense against ALV being done by a cult, too. I almost allowed my girls to get involved with the local sect here until one went to summer camp with them. When she came home, I called a friend of mine who’s daughter also went and we were both shocked at what we found out had happened there! I stopped all contact with those people after that (thank God!). I’d say we were lucky.

        You said: “How many Jurors are Mormon? this can play a huge part because I believe in the Constitution of USA not that of a Pedophile False Prophet Joseph Smith” and that is exactly what worries me about this case – the hold of the judicial system by these people. It is not right and needs to be exposed.

      • Oliverio-
        As you know, I so respect your knowledge and research on cults so hope you can share your opinion on my latest thoughts.

        Since Jodi has not renounced the Mormon Cult, and has not been ex communicated by the Cult, is she still considered a Mormon?

        If she is, then many Mormon’s on the Jury would constitute “being tried by a jury of your Peers”. Maybe that is what the Cult is hoping for and thinking a conviction is in the bag. Then they plan to excommunicate her or worse…God Forbid.

      • Not all Mormons are like that! I am Mormon, and my husband and I both agree that even in the afterlife Mr. Alexander has some splaining to do with our heavenly father. I do agree it is masogonistic, but there are good things about it. I’m by no means a bend over and take it from anything male kind of girl, but I appreciate the teachings in the church because they do empower women, and they also acknowledge that women actually work twice as hard as the average man in the church. They usually have jobs too as well as the men but they also have the children and guys are generally told to STFU. They are taught that they are supposed to love and cherish their wives because if a divorce happens it’s because they let the marriage fall apart because the majority of women will not wander if they are loved and cherished and made to feel amazing every single day of their marriage. I have dated tons of guys, and only had one other guy treat me nearly as good as my Mormon-Jack Mormon like me, but Mormon husband treats me! We also do not condone pedophilism as my own father abused me. I don’t want to say more because other people get so upset when they see those terms, it was not just molestation. My husband is extremely protective and very loving. 😀 I’m so glad I’m not a male LDS, Travis is just Fd!

        • AMcKown – please understand that we know that not ALL are like that. Read on and you see that the point is that there are those who use your religions (as well as others) to further their own selfish cause and hide behind the doctrine so they can get away with bad actions. What you describe is very a beautiful relationship and my hope is that those who’s religion is being abused/used to abuse would be more active in coming forward and doing what can be done to stop those who abuse. (For example – the church that TA was part of should have been more active in helping him if, indeed, it was true that the bishop already knew.)

    • Yes I agree with you CindyP !! the commentators on these court held trials need not
      be on an be so biased to one side. I can understand like it was once just regular court
      tv I could watch an make up my own mind.

      This is out of hand now. Making up a mock jury about a actual trial that is
      In Session WTH ? pretending JURORS have no contact what so ever with
      the outside world ?

      HLN is out of ORDER ! an needs to STOP some how some way they need
      to all be put out of a JOB.+

    • Child abuse is rampant especially among Parents, I don’t blame Religion a blame a culture that has gone astray, but when a CULT like LDS has as a leader a polygamous Pedophile murderer who had no respect for our constitution then we have a problem. In Communist Russia Pedophilia became Rampant so when you have Cult Leaders this is a result.

      • Why do you think they were run all the way out too the WILD WEST.

        IT was evil to the normal person in 1830. But they maintain to bring in
        new followers they do not teach them all the old doctrine. An the people
        do not even investigate it. WTH?

        Yes it is true in the early days men did marry younger women I know
        this my great grandmother was married at 14 years old. A Sioux Native
        that wanted off the reservation. Maybe traded even way back when.
        The men did not live that long either died of some disease or natural
        causes but gun shot an arrows were nothing out of the norm either.

        40 my great grandmother told me was a old age for a man to live in the
        late 1800’s. Now I am sure those that had the privilege to live above
        the means of the norm in America did live longer lives but they were
        sheltered from the true America also the ones that lived off the land
        not in a city or big house on a hill with servants etc.

        I only mention this because someone always uses the excuse people
        did marry young at one time. Yes an they stopped that also when people
        started to live a longer life.

        This hunting Virgins thing just makes me
        sick though. Oh a man can be a whore an that is fine but the woman
        she needs to be pure. Give me a BREAK ! this is 2013 an this
        same thing is taught to people? I do not think that is how the Bible
        perceives young men either to be a P I G!

      • I feel religion has sway because the of the people involved. What ‘culture’ would abuse children and put down women? It is often religion that stops people from seeking the truth. They do not want the reputation of their church/religion put on trial and you see from the FLDS and even the catholic church and the abuse of boys by priests. It is hidden to preserve their image – forget about what is happening to the children. Because of this – many people hide behind religion to do their dirty deeds; men have to marry a virgin, Eve GAVE the apple to Adam – it wasn’t HIS fault, women in the FLDS are responsible for ALL bad things that happen to them – it is THEIR sin (not the abuser), make the woman wear a veil so she does not tempt the man to rape her. And the list goes on. I don’t know of any type of ‘culture’ other than this that allows such abominations to women.

        Please don’t think I am only blaming religion because, of course, it is the faith that is used/twisted/distorted by people in order to hide their actions while manipulating and controlling others who believe they are ‘weaker.’

        • & the worse part is all the women who buy into those beliefs, and attack & drag down other women. I remember hearing that it is women who perform the female circumcisms on other women in places where this horrific mutilation is done.

    • What really horrifies me are those stories about girls being kidnapped & kept as sex slaves. These things are going on right in the U.S.

    • And those Mormons had the nerve to call Catholics the “religion of pedophilia”?
      Our new Pope will be taking care of that problem.

      Didn’t one of their Mormon polygamy leaders in Colorado get arrested for forcing and raping 12 to 14 year old girls to be part of his Pedophiliac Polygamy Pact? Oh yes, the PPP – – right up there with the KKK.

      I also heard *rumors* that the Mormons don’t welcome African-Americans into their Temples.

  12. I find it amusing and just a little bit concerning that people can threaten ALV’s life for testifying for Jodi in what was a democratic country last time I checked, but Jodi was not allowed to defend herself against a raging psychopath! What is wrong with this picture???

    • Haven’t you heard? Jodi MADE TA abuse her, she made him read from a script, it is okay to rage on someone like that (she was asking for it, after all) and being a woman and all, she only killed him because she is a man-hating, jealous witch (didn’t you see the pic of her holding candles! It shook me to my soul!).

      Of course I’m being sarcastic, however this is how the haters think and that is what they believe. They honestly do not believe in our laws and think that she (or any woman, I’m sure) does not deserve justice. She should be killed to avenge TA’s death so everyone can feel better by saving AZ money.

      • Yes and JA started practicing the 12 year old little girl look when she was involved with her first love…

        JA meeting the DP will do zero to avenge his death, take away the pain or make his death any better to bear each day.

        If he were my bro I would not be able to find solace in the death of another to lessen my pain. I cannot make that connection…

        • If Jodi were to receive the death penalty and it was carried out, these people would still be in pain and hurt and they would still be angry. And they would direct their anger at the next person they feel should pay regardless of the situation.

          As Alyce said, “we all have the right to be angry, it’s what we do with that anger that is important.”

          Being angry does not give us the right to be cruel!

          • Oliviero, they’d probably have a parade and declare it as a Mormon holiday for crying out loud.

    • Yeah, it’s interesting how the Travis Taliban talks about their first amendment rights, but then turns around and tries to ruin someone else for using theirs. They are such hypocrites.

      And yes, every citizen is entitled to a defense. The Green River Killer even got a defense. Would they want other people to take away THEIR right to a defense? Probably not.

      • What I’d like to say to them is this….if ALV was testifying for the prosecution, they would absolutely LOVE her and praise her and be “right oning” her! So, they really need to put things into perspective here and think about what they are doing to this womans career. Furthermore, it would be like ALL of us and there are many, attacking this rebuttal that JM has coming in to dispute ALV’s testimony, would we? Not likely. Cuz we have boundaries and morals. ‘Nough said.

        • These people have no perspective. Were the media or their sites to turn coats, they’ld turn coats. Most are followers, would need serious deprogramming to become skeptics and think on their own. The only true to themselves trait they can be relied on is to destroy others and to look for easy victims. Feed them that and they will salivate.
          But they are in no way representative of the majority of people.

        • Right, how would they feel if JM’s witnesses were treated the way Alyce and Dr Samuels were treated? They’d be singing another tune then wouldn’t they. Like I said… hypocrites…

          • Even if this was MY BROTHER who was the deceased I would be turned off by JM’s style.

            It’s so unnecessary and wears on ones entire being.

            • Funny you mention this….cuz I was just thinking about his today. I have a younger brother that is 33 years old and is quite the metrosexual if I do say so myself. And, sadly to say, we do have a rather distant relationship, only seeing him on the very rare occasion, etc. If, and I say IF this were to happen to him and all of these secrets came gushing out of the closet. I would go directly to the “killer” and hear her side of the story before I drew any other conclusion because honestly I don’t know him anymore. It’s not like when we were little. And, if she said all of this horrible stuff, I would go out and try to confirm it and if I could, even in the slightest way as people clearly were able to by Travis’ disgusting, vile behavior, I’m sorry, I believe in my whole heart that I would have to believe in my brother’s girlfriend and have to say that whether or not I want to believe or not, whether I want to like it or not, whether I want to accept it or not, he could have and very much was possible someone that I knew very little about, if not NOTHING about and it was a defensive act. I can’t think of it any other way. If I were Travis’ siblings I would have gone straight to Jodi in the first place and truly listened to the WHOLE story no matter how awful it was.

              • And then I would have said, I’m sorry….I don’t think we should press charges. 🙂

              • Tanne, yes… I so agree. I have also put myself in that situation, I have a 33 yrs old brother too but he was the guy that really didn’t have that many GF, on the shy side. But if, like you said and god forbid, if this would have been him, I would’ve also looked and listened to the girl and if I saw the proof that they have right there in front of their noses (text msg, emails and a video tape of him saying that comment about a 12 yr old girl) I would be very disappointed and I would definitely blv this tragedy could’ve much well been self defense. So, idk what’s up their ass, they must thk they’re better then anyone else and that they shouldn’t look or listen to the evidence, maybe because of what THEY THEMSELVES have been through growing up and that has affected them as well (remember ALV was saying that these kids of abused children grow up thinking its them against the world). That’s what they’ve been putting out since this has happened to the family.

              • Finally someone that says what I would do also. I would not condone a
                brother’s behavior. Knowing that my brother was not perfect an knowing
                how my brother was. No way no how!

                I would be sitting on Jodi’s side. As
                I have in life for real stood up for my sister in law for I knew for a fact
                she was not what my brother had told my parents an sister. But they
                believe my brother an hate my ex sis in law. No matter how I tell
                this is false what my brother says I know I lived there for 6 months.
                I seen his rude an out right abusive behavior towards this woman.

                I don’t know why but some people it is true BLOOD is thicker an they
                would go to the grave before saying anything against a family member
                whether or not they know in their heart he/she is a great liar/deceiver.

            • My husbands x-wife was murdered 3 years ago..the perp was a meth freak and is suspected in 2 other homicides as well. His sister during grand jury test admitted that he hanged” a pet lizard when he was younger and admitted to killing my husbands x-wife. to her…she was found hung and it was made to look like a suicide. Interesting enough, one of his x-girlfriends was also found hanging from a tree a year before our family’s homicide.

              My Step-sons were devastated and we were all not looking forward to a trial. Thankfully when faced with DP perp confessed and got life. So when I look at TA’s family I can understand how this would be hard for them to go thru, BUT our family would not of advocated death threats against the defense witnesses, or at least I would hope the boys wouldn’t as they were deeply hurt by the death of their Mother..I imagine how if this had gone to trial, what would I have done in the court room? I’m sure I would of glared at the perp, but there is court decorum and I would think the Judge would admonish any obvious facial expressions, gum chewing, eye rolling I really feel that this Judge does not have a handle on this courtroom at all. You know the jury is watching the family
              How in any way could this be fair in any case?

            • I agree if this was my brother I would cringe at JM. Also if I did find out the things my brother said as heard on tape and seen in emails. I would not push for a trial. At the very least you would think they would not want all this graphic vile stuff he said plastered all over the world. I try to pray for his siblings because I know they grew up in an abusive home. However if it were me I would put out a very loud statement telling everyone to stop the hate and death threats. Of course if I found out this was my brother treating my sister-in-law like this he would answer to me as he sometimes has to when I think he is out of line. The problem here too is I do not think any of them got close to Jodi or met her. All they know is what they hear. Like I said my sister-in-law is a wonderful person and I would not just take what the friends are saying as facts because I do know her as an example.

              • But Travis’ family never met Jodi, the only opinion they have of her is what they have formed by what his friends told them.

                Having come from a dysfunctional, abusive home, I can relate to his siblings. BUT, and I am not saying this to offend anyone, there comes a time when you have to stop blaming your abuse for everything and using it to justify your behavior.

                These people are not children anymore, they are adults and they are responsible for the choices they make, the same as we all are. Yes it is truly sad that they didn’t have a safe, healthy, nurturing environment in which to grow up in, but there are many of us that can say the same.

                As a child I was a victim, I had no choice or say in what was done to me, as an adult it is my choice whether I continue to be a victim or a survivor.

                No offense intended to anyone, so please don’t think I am being harsh or disrespectful of survivors.

  13. Ok folks, lets all try not to get all tongue tied on Monday while Juan is questioning Ms. Wong. Hee hee!

    • You are right, The Media is out of control but it can be appealed on that basis and the Judge showed such poor judgement she stinks

    • I believe the issue is not so much ‘media coverage’ as it is ‘media bias.’ Covering a trial is one thing. But putting your own spin by omitting facts and lying should just be illegal. Unfortunately, precedence allows the media to lie all they want without being held accountable for it. The public is supposed to somehow understand it is all ‘just entertainment.’ Unfortunately, their viewers do take their crap as gospel.

      • I agree about the trials and its the reason I only watched part of the CA trial, (did my OWN mini-investigation), and was hesitant to watch this one. Seeing our justice system being made a mockery by wannabe former lawyers and the hatred they stir up makes me sick.

        Does anyone else remember back,..oh, somewhere between 2006 &. ’08, where the wife of a military guy was charged & found guilty, (with the help of “CourtTV of course), with NG screaming about how it HAD to be “murder” because she got breast implants 3 months after the death.
        Supposedly she “poisoned” him?
        That beautiful young lady was AQUITTED about 6 months later-conviction thrown out!! While performing further tests, it turned out he had that kidney disorder that mimics antifreeze poisoning.
        After the science on that disorder, there were another 4-5 “murder” cases overturned after the bodies were exhumed & they showed the problem.
        It was after THAT trial, after sending that young lady letters of support, fighting with people in the old court TV forums, that I realized that as long as we have a media who cashes in on forming a verdict, often before the trial even starts, that I just can only take so much.
        While that case was bad, CA was worse, and this trial is HORRIFIC with these jackasses on TV convincing people it’s “OK”, even preferable, to assume GUILT immediately!! That its “OK” to harass defendants, their team and witnesses-not to mention their families.
        Our country has lost control of the tenant of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY-and I find it hard to believe we can stuff the genie back into the bottle.
        OK, I’m done…rant of the day….. 🙂

        • Lainey1843 – I was aware of that case but did not watch it. I was infuriated when she was convicted because, being in the health field, I knew about the false anti-freeze readings (the kidney problem is not the only thing that can mimic anti-freeze poisoning). BUT for some reason this was not allowed in court which was a freakin’ travesty. I did not know that she was acquitted – so thanks for that, it makes me so happy to hear! I think these things should be taken a step further and prosecutors in these cases should be reprimanded. I absolutely do not believe they are all just passionate and believe the person is guilty. I do believe that many prosecutors are in it for convictions and not truth.

          • I do remember that case now and I did not know she was acquitted. That is great and it shows how little they report on people that were innocent. It makes them look bad. They do not care about a justice and they just want to punish whoever they think they can get a verdict on.

            • Oh yes, wasn’t that the trial that the judge decided that her breast augmentation was relevant as evidence for the prosecution?

          • The military believed she fed him arsenic, but their lab results were completely screwed up.

        • That was Cynthia Sommer. She was totally innocent of committing any crime at all. Her husband died of natural causes.

        • Sommer didn’t go through a second jury trial; the charges were dropped against her. She had been in prison for I believe around four years.

          Her case was on “48 Hours.”

          • Hi All! I think one major thing that would help her win this case (even at this point) would be to find the gun. If she was already out of the fog when she got rid of it, than wouldn’t that mean that she remembers more or less Where she got rid of it? why don’t they try to find it or have they already tried?

      • The Media is always on the side, or I should say Court TV HLN , of the Prosecution they are too bias.
        The Media and Prosecution are in Bed together. Greta from FOX News got attacked by the haters because she did not chant KILL JODI, thats really sick,

  14. Yesterday or today I thought I heard a Juror question to LV about a certain media that they shouldn’t even have looked at. Is there a place where I can watch that part again (I think it was yesterday). Because nobody caught it. If indeed it wasn’t brought into court and the Juror watched it and asked LV if she watched it, then how do we notify the defense to get a mistrial because of that Juror bringing in or watching something that shouldn’t have been watched?

  15. Today for the first time I listened to the trial on live feed and not HLN radio and it was so much better and peaceful. I must’ve missed the judge being rude to Alice but anyway my point is that listening to it this way gives me a different perspective and Juan has toned down… A little… But he manipulates (yes manipulates is the right definition for this situation) the witness’ testimony from the Freemans, Jodi, Alice’s and who knows what else… Oh yeah Jodi’s father’s video clip… He does a very good job of making the world black and white. I understand why Alice is defensive and it’s because he goes quickly, is really trying to tricking her, and she won’t allow it. The jury, from my perspective is left wanting that A-ha I got you moment and so far he hasn’t delivered, but at the same rate he confuses them with his accusatory tone as if there’s a lie or a key fact he’s uncovering. It’s blah blah blah blah Jodi lies!!!! If you notice he doesn’t really EVER touch the real issue-domestic violence. All his questions are…. Drumroll… What I perceive as character assassination. Jodi lied period. He doesn’t ever touch Travis’s abuse directly, and the little bit he has touched is only about the one text message he is mad about her telling him about the restaurant lady and Lisa. He knows that there was AT THE VERY LEAST psychological abuse. He tries to act like he’s the “little guy pursuing the truth” in that court room. But his hypothesis has so many fallacies anyone can see. Laviollette isn’t a push over either. I think it’s difficult for her to testify because in order for her to recall and answer she has to talk through her assessment and response. Many people get lost when people speak longer than 30 seconds. Sad but true. Most people won’t even read this post because its too long. I admit I do the same at times. My point is that it’s probably difficult for the jury to assess her testimony with:
    1. Juan M showboating, yelling and perpetuating AHa moments that don’t exist.
    2. Alice explaining DV. She speaks like a college professor and she’s brilliant but it gets lost to simple people.
    3. The digital media that’s been ruled out of the case.
    I believe if the jury saw for THEMSELVES all the texts, emails, IMs of this case she would be acquitted completely. Then there’s juror 11…. I’m speculating but I think he left because he doesn’t want to deal with all the circus this trial is creating. He’s almost at the end of the trial to quit now? With the social media aspect of this trial I think that juror was afraid of the repercussions to remain on the jury and deal with the media. Now, I’m speculating… I am stating how I feel not that it’s true

    • Yea, all that “SO YOU LIED TO THE JURY this morning?”
      AL: “no mr Martinez I did not”
      Rat-face: “BUT you told the jury, looked at them and TOLD them that you….”
      Alyce: NO mr Martinez I did NOT say that
      Rat-face: “BUT YOU TOLD THE JURY….”
      AL: NO Mr Rat-Face STOP TELLING THE JURY WHAT I SAID AND DIDN’T SAY!! (I wish she’d said that.)

  16. It came to me that in a way the idea of Jodi Arias (not the actual gal), is kind of a martyr for the good. She is taking all the pent-up anger and aggression of the haters, and this in turn protects others in their actual lives. I have said this before, the routinely abused children of the haters are probably getting their heads above water during this trial – the haters/bullys/abusers are so busy with Arias, they don’t have the time to beat their children. So maybe in a way, this trial is good for the most vulnerable & voiceless in the U.S. & the rest of the world.

  17. Any one think Ms. Wong could be there to introduce the video that HLN showed of TA shooting he gun?
    Perhaps they would use the producer to introduce that evidence because it sounded like they did not want put that Fat mouth-breather (whats his name?) on the stand. JM insisted, but KN said he shouldn’t be allowed because he had been present during testimony, but he was of course over ruled. So if JM wants to question him, he will have to put him on the rebuttal list.

    • He’s suing all of the state officials presiding over his case in Federal court so they by rule cannot preside over his case in state court.

    • Hhaahhaaa at the end, he sais, ” isn’t that amazing? ?!!!” Lol loved it even though it wss from 1971! Lol

    • WOW I would hire that guy to defend me for sure ! his tone his knowledge was awesome !

    • Annie, I was catching up on the posts. After watching this, it is the perfect time for me to go to bed. It was hilarious. The DA definitely got served. lmao.

      Thanks for the laugh.

  18. If Judge Stephens was ethical, she would have had:

    1) that jury sequestered from the start of the trial
    2) NO video cameras or tabloid media in the courtroom
    3) only the families and close friends of Travis and Jodi allowed in the courtroom
    4) ALL written communication between Jodi and Travis allowed into evidence
    5) NO Dr. Drew jurors in the courtroom
    6) NO HLN show After Dark

    Thoughts on Judge Stephens?

    I think my points above scream mistrial.

    • I agree and if the trial continues to a verdict then she has so much to use for an appeal.

    • Agreed except for #3. Public should have access to trials.

      Amendment VI (1791)
      In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right
      to a speedy and PUBLIC trial, by an impartial jury….

      • Well, some interesting news for you, viri:

        On Vinnie Puke-a-ton’s show today, the female brunette defense attorney stated, “Yeah, there is ocean front property for sale in Arizona…” after Vinnie stated, “The Judge knows that jury isn’t watching any of the media coverage.”

        Public for courtrooms but not exploitive tabloid media – in a perfect world.

        • Agreed, not tabloid.
          I only objected to having Star Chamber trials.
          Impartial jury is not there. Not only the jury should have been sequestered, but the trial should have been moved to another county. The jurors were already tainted by the coverage before they were selected.

    • MHFSMS, the way I see it is that a judge sets the tone for the courtroom. When she allowed JM to disrespect the witnesses (esp. from the Defense side), she started something that has gone out of control. It is as Judge Larry Seidlin said last nite on the After Dark show “Prosecutor Gone Wild” show. Also, emboldened by JM’s stance, the jurors began submitting snarky, disrespectful ‘questions’ for the defense witnesses – starting with JA. The judge could’ve intervened then and asked the jury to make sure that when they present questions to address them in a respectful manner. Judge Dredd herself could have kept it classy, by her tone and cutting out the unneccessary antics from JA.

      I am curious to know if when she was reading the juror Q’s to the prosc witnesses, was she as rude and dismissive as she has been with the ones from the defense side? I need to go back, watch and compare. Also, she seemed to particularly relish the mean spirited Q’s that were coming in from the Jurors to ALV. She seems slanted in one direction, which is not any way close to the defense side.

      The disappointment in all of us in her attitude, and careless dismissal of many valid objections and concerns from the defense side, is palpable. I sense it in all our posts. Its put a pall on this whole “justice” system.


    • I’m waiting for a friend of hers-my former DV counselor, now a DV attorney, to call to fond out the best way to do this. Chris was in court all day today doing emergency hearings. As soon as she calls me, I’ll let everyone know!!

    • She has a Facebook page. I supported her on it and sent her a kind email. The Mormon Messiah Hate Mob is ALL over that page. What wicked tongues.

      Please join it!
      If you need the link, I’ll find it and post it.

      Gus Searcy is getting bullied too.

      I really dislike the Mormons. They are NOT nice people as they claim. Their Temples are not open to the public – that says it all.

      • Next time they come knocking on my door,I’ll tell them you wanted to murder Jodi Arias, NO TIME FOR YOU. I had a interesting mother inlaw. She was visited by J. Witness,and told them I can’t be in your religion,I didn’t see the accident. They turned and left. No offense to any religion,But this sect of mormoms seem like there hiding something.

        • I just pull my clothes off and ask them to “please, come IN”!!
          Hasn’t failed me yet!!

    • I’ve already been doing it Jesse. I’ve had to pick just a few sites to do it thought because it’s so overwhelming. The cult has a lot of people doing there dirty work and I think they work around the clock. If someone knows a collegue of Ms. L and they can say if there is one particualar place that support would be most useful, I would know where to concentrate my efforts

      • Thanks you guys for the information and support. I will try to leave a nice message for ALV on her facebook page and amazon if I can. I feel so bad for this woman. She is an elderly lady and has been doing a lot for abused and battered women for more than 35 years. Did you guys know that ALV had to be hospitalized for severe anxiety because of all this backlash and death threats and bullying? That is why court was cancelled the other day when they said ALV was “sick”.It is disgraceful that these so called people of faith(Mormons) are creating such hate. I will do all I can for Jodi and all of her supporters! We Are TEAM JODI!

  20. Ok I had to go work out to relieve the stress and to avoid hearing JM screeching. It was that or eat a ton of chocolate.

    Did I see correctly that Juror 11 is out. Is this correct? Sorry I turned it off as soon as Kermit leaped up.

  21. The judge even told them to be sure to bring their cell phones on Monday.

    Does anyone understand why Alyce would be under subpoena if she’s a defense witness?

    • Rainy I think it has something to do with her approaching one of the sisters and speaking to her.

      • What’s the worst that can happen from approaching the family? AL may have to pay a fine which I wouldn’t think is a big deal. A court sanction may put a black mark on AL for any future expert witness testimony but if I were her, I’d never want to go through something like this again anyway.

      • And the Judge did say that Alyce was to be there Tuesday unless the Judge released her early. So what the heck is that about? If the sister was so upset by Alyce speaking to her, is the judge thinking the sister will drop the issue?

        This is all too weird!

        • Oh, I didn’t know all witness are subpoena’d when appearing in court.

          I assumed if she was a witness for the defense team she was there on her own accord.

          I thought subpoena’s were for someone who was reluctant to appear on the witness stand.

          Thanks Kira, for my lesson today – a much nicer lesson than yesterdays 😉

  22. Sorry for the all caps and the misspelling, I was so mad! Lets write some encouraging words for poor Mrs. Alice Laviolette! TEAM JODI!

    • I have sent numerous emails/complaints to Amazon, (so far one response saying my message was forwarded to the correct department… not sure what that means but I’ll keep trying) and I’ve sent emails to places where she lectures in her support. I do not think those who run the seminars really would fall for the hate-cult, though. Just keep searching and posting where you can in her favor; fight the good fight, Jesse! 😀

      • So did I I received a response which was generic next step is to call customer service.

        • I have also gone on Barnes and Noble and made several reports to several deparments. They were really after Ms. L on BN site as well.

  23. Just finished watching the trial,That judge is a rude bi atch,probally pissed that her Friday was taken up,any how I only get the trial on HLN (god help me) and the stupidest thing just came out of that jackass Vinnies mouth,THE JURY DOESNT WATCH THE NEWS OR SURF THE NET,he must have his head stuffed up his ass,Its because of HLN this trial has become a mockery and is shameful.Some of the questions asked by the jury were direct quotes from the HLN shows and if Vinnie really believes that the jury doesnt watch TV,There can only be one other way they get those questions THE PROSECUTORS office,Hey old Juan was put on trial for sleezy dealings in 2002,HLN sure doesnt broadcast that.I am getting so F#@*ing tired of how they drag Jodi through the mud,rating her hair and clothes,now they have pictures of her when she is younger and making a big deal about her wearing a superman shirt WTF does this have to do with the facts in this trial.I hope Jodi will walk,but with the Media pressure and the tainted jury and that stupid ass BI atch Judge it aint gonna happen,the only hope now is that they get a judge with some brains and guts to go over the records and protests by the defence in the appeal,I feel so sorry for Jodi,she is getting the shaft big time,Lets not lose hope though,lets keep up the support and who knows,Stranger things have happened.

    • Dennis….thanks for posting that comment…I saw it too…and did you see how he was holding in the smile…if you watch Vinnie enough…you can tell that he is slightly smiling and he didn’t believe that himself…and that lady he was talking too…she was smiling when he said that…

      • Vinnie, with his smirk and stupid spiky hair and icky mouth that moves as fast as he can spew his words out, gags me. Fast forwarding past him is painful.

        I wish there were other options on tv to see the trial.

        Then there’s their reinventing of words: *Non-stop coverage only on HLN* …. they better contact Webster’s. Last I checked non-stop meant:

        (nonˈstop) adjective
        continuing without a stop.

        • Vinnie tweets some very, very inappropriate things for being someone in his position and he should be fired! Read his tweets from today about Alyce, he’s just as bad as everyone else!

    • Yup I heard him say that too! (THE JURY DOESNT WATCH THE NEWS OR SURF THE NET) He’s an idiot and he can barely contain his excitement! I would like to smack that smirk off his face once and for all. HLN is not for justice, they are for sensationalism. They are staffed by washed-up has-been’s who have no integrity. They better hope none of their own ever get into a legal scrape because they can kiss a fair trial goodbye.

  24. The Juror that was dismissed was a male Hispanic in his 30’s. He got sick, so he is off the jury. I think the reason ALV has to come back on Tues (No trial Mon, I think) is because she said something after she got off the stand one day to one of TA sisters who was sitting in the gallery. The sister complained to Dickhead Martinez and Martinez went and tattled to the judge. One bystander thought Alice was only trying to convey her sympathies for the loss of TA. This whole trial is literally making me sick.

    • and with the Judge’s tone of voice to Alyce when she said that she knew what the other was about…I feel that it has something to do with that too…

      I just wish she had totally ignored all of them that day..

      • You would think ALV would’ve known to stay clear of any one from the other side. She is well versed in dealing with law and the courtroom. Not sure what would have compelled her to approach them. She must be regretting even taking on this case now.

        • That is strange you should never approach the family if you are an expert witness for the other side it was very stupid sorry, I know people will say how they should get over it etc. But if this Hurts Jodi’s case etc. you can’t make excuses I thought it was very stupid.

          • Yea…if that is the case that ALV approach the family…..I don’t know what she was thinking that day……………………I’m depressed to day!!!!

            • Is there any proof of this even happening, other than the moron from Drew P. show saying it?

          • I strongly feel ALV approached the Alexander clan because of all the hate and death threats toward her online and in person.

            Maybe she felt the Alexanders would show their *kind* Mormon faith and ask the court of public abuse to stop all the hate.

        • IF it is impermissible, it is the crazy AZ Victim Bill of Rights. She is an experienced witness in a state with more normal rules.

          • jj, I thought I read something that was copied here, from WS, by k*tiecooll*dy that this was the case.

            She, being a victim herself, is a huge backer of assuring the TA siblings get the AZ VBoR fully enforced. I wonder if it wasn’t for her if anyone would have made it an issue if this is in fact what it’s about?

            It really falls on the DT IF she was not informed of this, as a friendly FYI in case they met in the bathroom or hallway. Though it would seem rather unlikely they wouldn’t have informed her.?

            • I’ll believe it happened when we get some info that comes from a source I have even a modicum of respect for. And the Huffington Post is about to be off even that generous list.

  25. (((((Hugs)))) Cindy you are not alone. I am trying to stay positive but the last 2 days have been hard to watch.

    • So glad to hear I’m not the only one feeling a bit down today! Another group hug…com’ here….

      ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS….REALLY BIG HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  26. Is it possible to find out who, if anybody, received Life Insurance Benefits on Travis Alexander. Employee death insurance, site specific death claim, etc. PPL, Dave Hall, Chris Hughes, Sky Hughes, The Alexander

    • I have wondered that myself who had an insurance policy. As once stated by Jodi I had nothing to gain and everything to lose if she killed him. I wonder if anyone did gain anything. If I had to guess hypothetically it would lead straight to CH & SH.

    • How do you go about getting an insurance policy on someone you are related to or not?

    • I would think since he worked for ppl and was his own boss he would not have life insurance unless he bought his own. Normally any life insurance would go to next of kin, unless stipulated differently.

      • we have policies on every family member and it would go to next of kin if a beneficiary wasnt named. He was bit young for that, not sure though. We did it in case something happened to one of us. The kids policies earn money for college. ( just explaining ).

        • With his financial issues and being so young, unmarried and no kids would he have a policy?

          Of course he might have but I know I would never pay for one if I was young and single.

  27. JM told everyone in court she lied to the jury about how many men did you testify for she said 1 or 2 JM says give me there names on and on I hope JM does not get a court action to have her tried for PURGERY on the stand and have her testomay compley removed so no there is no DV case for jodi to fall back on what do you say and comments

      • That pissed me off! He screamed at her, “Give me their names!” Um, nope. I would have said, “Go fuck yourself little man.”

      • They are not confidential if they are criminal cases. Anyone can look up names of criminal cases in any state. This was my worry too.

      • She didn’t give a name, that I heard anyways, but he really came at her hard over this.

        How does he keep it all straight as I never see him write anything down? He just sits there glaring!

    • Well then I hope the defense takes that false testimony that flora, the potted plant, that sits next to ‘the one’ and smacks it right back on their face. He admitted that he lied re. the sequence of TA’s wounds saying the ME told him the sequence, which was in direct contradiction to what the ME said. He was caught in a lie too. What then. So what’s good for the goose, should also be good for the gander. I hope the defense fights back and plays hard ball with jm (he does not deserve caps at all – none of them deserve the honor of caps!!). jm is trying to win on technicalities becoz his big plan of pre-medi has fallen flat like a sunken souffle!

  28. Lets not forget that det flores lied to the jury question about the roommates one was at work and the other at the girlfriends house sure did not tell them that he had been in and out of the house all at day

  29. Read # 21 in the link below…it sounds a lot like the prosecutor…when he kept whining to the judge for the judge to do something…

    general rule, don’t ask the court to do your dirty work. avoid the usual practice of beseeching the judge to admonish the witness to answer the question….for instance…. “Would the Court please instruct the witness to listen to the question that I ask and to answer that question without adding gratuitous thoughts?”

    deal with the witness yourself. deal with the non-responsive witness without having to seek help from the judge.

    If you are skilled, you won’t need the judge’s help with the witness who doesn’t want to answer the question.

  30. HLN is going to report on the Alexander Family suing ALV for Defaimation (sp) of char of Travis!! Seems like this trial is much more than his death to this family..getting rich is also on the agenda!

    • Oh, for God’s sake. Travis defamed his own damn character. I’m beyond feeling sorry for his family of methheads and criminals.

      • $$$$$…they didn’t even have contact with him for the last several years either did they!

        • Yeah, the way the family acts – smirks, eye rolling makes me think of the behavior of people in a civil case who are trying to get the inheritance of their rich father who they were all at odds with, and they are fighting his wife who they hate for the money. There is so little about their behavior that points to being sad over the loss of their brother & looking for actual justice in what they believe to be a murder case. If they cared about him at all, I personally think they should be a little relieved to better understand the relationship between he and Jodi – he wasn’t stalked, it wasn’t premeditated murder – it was a day that shouldn’t have happened between the two of them; a really terrible incident where they were wanted to see each other, but were having difficulty getting along, things exploded between them with him threatening her life & her having no way out but to kill him. This is still a tragedy, he desperately needed help. If this incident had been much more minor, maybe it would have led him to seek the help he needed & things might have turned out ok for all involved. His siblings probably still would have been estranged tho, go figure.

          • There have been a few times I think I saw one of the sisters turn from a smirk to a sad face as for a good show. I hate to say this and I have honestly tried to put myself in their shoes but sometimes I think one or two if them are overacting for the jury, How can you shake your head and roll your eyes at things your brother said right out of his mouth. I hope they are shaking their heads at disgust from what he said but I highly doubt that. Maybe it is just me.

      • Me too I know some people think we have to have empathy for them ? but I see
        a freaking DEN OF SNAKES there. I have read the comments they put out
        on blogs etc. These are not nice people they were not even in contact
        with Travis for years. There is a reason for that. This is bull crap. Oh boo
        hoo…..rolling eyes an so on. $$$$$ for them is what I see the begging they
        have it so hard but check out the social network pages they do not have
        it so hard. For God’s Sake Tanisha states she has 4 mexican maids cleaning
        for her? Really this is hard up. They disgust me.

        • Me too Rhonda. I am sick of his family and I finally lost any sympathy I had for them. There I said it. The haters destroyed ALV on the net and they could have taken the high road and made an effort to stop it. It seems that is what they want since they want to sue her now. Having 4 maids. Oh please they are really suffering. Hell they really did even know him and lost contact with him for 4 years. So yes boooo fuuu@@@king boo for them. I know most will tell me not to be a hater and I try really hard to stay above and take the high rode. But this BS just drove me over the edge. Sorry if I offend anyone here it is not my intention. My rant for the day.

          • I am with you AJ all the way this talk about suing now that does it for me also.

            An the thing with Alyce walked up to Samantha? I want to see that on tape
            I know it is out there somewhere. I have a gut feeling it was not as they
            want to portray it as. An could be that mean spirited family waved her over
            there? I am sorry to if I offend anyone but no one can make me have sympathy
            for people that LET THE PUBLIC carry on with HATE. I have read Tanisha’s
            comments an they are pure hate. She joined back to Mormonism after Travis’s
            death etc. I frankly do not believe a bunch of haters that can’t be honest about
            a brother that was not a SAINT.

            I am sorry he died that way but according to that BELIEF of Mormon/LDS doctrine
            he did go to heaven because his BLOOD WAS SPILLED for the LORD in the
            neck slash. So therefore I do not believe JODI did it all. I have suspicions an I hope
            the JURY does too. DOUBTS mean do not convict !

            Why do we not see Jodi’s family putting out such anguish an pain an begging
            for funds everywhere? This goes both ways. The Arias’s have to take it all an
            now the witnesses too. While the Alexander’s sit there all SAINTLY but waving
            on the HATRED an fueling the fire for it also an begging for money to pay their
            maids. No WAY No HOW disgusting is all I see. Sorry.

            • It doesn’t matter how or what she said . . . she shouldn’t have gone up to the family in Arizona. It does go against the Victim;s Bill of Rights, and she has now said in court that she can’t talk to the family.

              I have sympathy for the family — Travis’ death must have been a shock to them no matter what. Just like I would be traumatized if a childhood friend was killed at such a young age.

            • he did go to heaven because his BLOOD WAS SPILLED for the LORD”. I wanted to comment on this because about a month or so ago I looked up different mormon You Tube videos and came across a couple of them that had been secretly filmed IN the (a) temple. I can’t remember all of it except there was something specific to emulating a stab to specific areas of the body. ( I think it had to do with keeping what they do in the temple a secret and if you don’t then you die specific to a certain stabbing). Super weird and of course none of this was ever investigated by the haters! Has anyone else heard of this?

        • See, all this crying stuff seemed to have played off well with the Jurors. So, when #5 left they cried, #11 crying again, and the jury feels ‘wow they feel for us, and how hard and essential our job is, we must not let them down, we need to fight on for them, stick up for them, etc, etc’. Thus their questions seem as if they are trying to help jm out, an extension if you will for all the doubts that jm posed in court. They lapped it up and spit it out with venom for our witnesses. It spells ‘solidarity’ to the ’cause’. Also, jvm, in her attempt to influence those that are watching from the jury, gave some additional tips on how to nudge the stubborn ones that might want to go the other way. She suggested that by posing these types of questions it gives a message to the other jurors about their line of thinking and that they will have a fight on their hands (or something to that effect) if they don’t toe the line. Go figure. Thanks for nothing, H(ypocritical) L(ying) N(uts)!

    • Can Alyce sue HLN for defamation of her character and keeping the american television viewing audience enraged with their negative comments toward Alyce…

      If HLN had never covered this trial on live television…I am sure we would never have heard of Alyce LaViolette….

    • Wow I think TA did that all by himself. ALV just reported on what she read and heard out of his own mouth.

    • Really they can’t do that because its her opinion and I am sure there is ample evidence that he had problems besides, They were not on speaking terms with Travis so she can counter sue

      • Yea…that’s what I’m thinking as well. They can’t sue her……he wrote the chyt!!!!!

        • In addition – wouldn’t there be a law then that psychologists/psychiatrists etc. can NEVER go to court for people in domestic violence? Because, in the end, someone’s character is going to get defamed. This sounds like something that will not even make it to court.

    • Yea… see, im not surprised! !! $$$ and tbats ehy I have no sympathy for them!!! Piece of shit family, that’s what they are!!! They’re so mad that a DV expert took the job for Jodi and if there is anywhere they can make money, then why not! ! By the way, how did ALV do this??? I wouldn’t even say TA defamed his own character either. The family is mad because she brought up all the past with the family abuse, thry are embarrassed that she brought bup they they didnt eat or shower for days, that the mother was verbally, emotionally and physically abusive, that both the parents where and that that they were meth addicts. They didn’t want all of that to come out and it DID!! There is no one to blame for character assassination, if it is the truth and it happened! !! They need to get over it and deal with the past in there own ways and get help if they still need it (I think they do).

      ALV had mentioned that these children grow up feeling like its the world against them and its obvious that each and every one of the Alexander siblings feel this way. Sad but they need HELP not money! !

      • I think most of the world is with them, it’s only us against them. Based on media, internets, bad blogs, the Alexander family is probably fairly happy with the trial.

      • Ya Jodi put in a PLEA DEAL 2 years ago an it stated right in there she did
        not want to bring up all these FACTS to embarrass the family the ex girlfriends
        etc etc. SO I DO NOT feel sorry for the STATE OF ARIZONA or the FAMILY
        or MARTINEZ they pushed for the trial they got it an need to SHUT IT UP!

        • I know and I do not think Jodi wanted to tell anyone about all his dirty secrets but she had no choice and it had to be brought out. Yep I with I do not feel sorry for them anymore.

        • Yep! Just like they spout off that Jodi begged for the death penalty, well apparently they begged for their dirty laundry to air! Now deal with it!

      • Speaking of what came from Travis’s own hand/mouth.. if the alexander family denies that their parents were like he says he was, then they will be making their brother out to be a liar, no if ands or buts and his words are all over the internet via his blogs. scroll down to raising you to find out what he had to say about his parents.

    • You know, all of that so-called defamation of character could have been avoided had they taken that plea that was offered by JA because she did inform them of what could happen if it went to trial and they chose to let it go to trial, and so therefore, they shouldn’t be surprised that their brother wasn’t as angelic as they thought he was…Of course, they would’ve known that already had they actually had contact with him in the 4 or so years before his death but since they were very estranged, they only knew the kid he was and not the adult he had become.

      • I think most of their anger cones from their own guilt that they were not a big part of his life because of whatever they were doing at that time and taking it out on Jodi.

    • What a family of idiots. Sue their damned brother for defaming himself.

      He was a liar, jerk, and abuser, and that is in his own little words.

      These people are completely screwed up in the head.

        • Yes she deserved so much better! He was a loser nobody wannabe big fish in a small pond.

          Even his famous sex tape was boring as hell! He sounds like a creepy pervert. Ick.

    • I don’t know why anyone even watches HLN. I don’t think you can sue for defamation of character if the defamed person is dead. I also don’t think you can sue over defamation based on testimony given during a trial.

  31. They were in Chambers right before, so Alyce could be disqualified for lying and talking to the sister. God what will we do if that happens?

    • ALV didn’t lie about anything! And what would an HLN producer have to do w/ALV tt the family? I thought that Mon was about the JM and the autograph with the cane??? and that juror(s) might have seen it?

      • JM said she lied question how many men have you testified for she says 1 or 2 after question defence then JM again his 1st question who did you testify for what was his name when he was done she said she did not testify in court that she provided the court with documents so JM is saying she lied to the jury meaning PURGERY

        • It’s not purgery, because she did provide a report for that case, which could be considered her testimony if they want to get pissy! The point JM was making was that she mislead the jury, and in admitting she didn’t testify, her credibility is now damaged.

          Juries can be prickly animals when they want to be.

          • This jury, with the questions they wrote, seemed like they were sleeping prickly animals!

            They seemed to have missed much of what she said on the stand.

            I was able to answer the questions that she was being asked!

        • For testimony to be perjury it must be in regard to a material matter. If she was wrong about how many times she testified in court before that would not be a matter material in this case and could not be charged as perjury.

    • The judge’s tone of voice was very stern with Alyce so I am sure it has to be something serious…

      • I think the Judge is just an idiot…she either sounds like she loaded up on diazepam half the time or bitchy to only to the defense

      • It is either about talking to Samantha Alexander, talking about the case out in public (a couple of meals with attorneys), or that they think she lied in court?

        Seems like two issues — Ms. Wong and Ms. LaViolette . . . UGH! I am not a mystery fan!

        • She can eat with the attorneys thats not against the Law and as far as the Men she defended in Criminal cases she was technically right that was a misunderstanding.

      • I was shocked, her tone of voice was stern and I got the feeling she was ticked off with Alyce. Even before she told her she didn’t want to hear about her personal issues, Alyce inquired after the jury left if she could step down and the Judge pointed her finger at her and told her to stay there!

        • And when Alyce was explaining something about tests the judge told her this was a priority, she could come in Monday or Tuesday, it was up to her! WTH???

          I thought Alyce looked somewhat defeated to be honest.

          • Gail, did she dress her down in front of the jury? I don’t remember. Judge Dredd is such a snob with her dismissive tone and demeanor. COLD, uugghh. She could have carried herself with more grace and dignity (ala JW). Power gone to her head??

  32. I have another probably stupid question . . . I have seen people trying to ruin Alyce LaViolette’s reputation, can her book, etc,, but I see mention here of death threats? Where have those been? Or are they on Amazon too? Twitter? No wonder she looks so stressed out!

    • Yes B.Berry, it’s on amazon, there is a post that says the person wants to see her dead!

    • Why are you concerned with the death threats…..are you going to do something about it??????? Find the person who made them????? Sad world we live………………

      • Maybe a good hacker can find them an track them down. They do that for fun
        true hackers can do it.

        • Maybe the group Anonymous needs to get involved. Alyce is a victim and the law is not doing anything about the threats and attacks against her.

      • If someone made a death threat, it is very serious and law enforcement should be contacted. Don’t you think so? Who’s side are you on anyway?

        • I didn’t see the post on amazon Nancy Beth. I agree, death threats are very serious, but the post does not explicitly say this person is going to kill her. So technically it’s not a threat.

          It is very disturbing the things that are being posted, and you can actually see the haters getting more and more brazen.

          • If you didn’t see the post on amazon, why would you say that “the post did not explicitly say this person is going to kill her. So technically it’s not a threat.”? Did you see the post and do not want to tell anyone who it is? We need to let the police know. If you do not tell anyone, you could be accused of harboring a fugitive!

            • I think she is getting death threat phone calls and i’m not sure but I thought I heard on one of the haters programs that the police had been contacted. Dealing with these types of issues her entire life I would think her & her family have taken alot of security measures!

              • ALV is getting death threats at her home and office and personal e-mail and on blogs, twitters, F.B. etc.. from what I just heard on the news. They just spouted it off as if were no big deal!! I guess threats to someone’s life and livelihood are no big deal to the HLN gang. They are gleefully reporting this. But God forbid anyone say anything about Travis A. not being a saint! What a bunch of hypocrites!

    • Many harassing calls have been made to her office in California and the staff called the police because at least one of them was threatening…I hope ALV is protected! Her Dad was in court this week…he must be quite elderly. He has probably been a victim of the harassment as well. ALV probably curses the day she decided to take this case…

  33. JM accused ALV of lying to the jury then I lost the tv live coverage

    • wasn’t that about (lying) how many times she testified in criminal cases? I thought that got cleared up

      • I lost my live feed and did not know it got cleared up if it did not it is PURGERY and that is bad and if JM persue this it could discredit her testomany all together he wins ????????? need a law student do we have one here

        • no, I don’t think that she lied about that or could of been she has done so many cases she couldn’t recall the exact no…you know JM he’ll twist anything he can!

        • I wouldn’t consider it pugery, she didn’t blatantly lie about being in a criminal case that she wasn’t involved in. She was involved in the case, and she did submit a report.

          Now if she was under subpoena and they didn’t call her to the stand, her report would be her testimony.

          You know, this trial is a lesson in everything that shouldn’t be allowed. It has become a soap opera that is played out every night on HLN and their minions hang on every word.

          Alyce spoke to one of the siblings, expressed her condolences, or whatever, it’s not like she went over and told her that her brother was a pervert and deserved to die. What happened to human decency? Alyce is a compassionate woman, and I have no doubt she saw Samantha hurting and reached out to her.

          As for Samantha, she’s a grown woman, she isn’t a little girl who is defenseless against the big bad DV expert. I think she made more out of this than it really was to be honest. Alyce showed a kindness, suck it up buttercup! Not everyone is about hate!

          They say juries are to use common sense, well it would seem to me that there are a few others in that court room that could do the same and add some common decency to that too!

          Common sense has left the building!

          • So what does the family want because she did that now? How is she to be punished? I understand that she wasn’t/isn’t supposed to say anything at all but what is the big deal? Really?

          • It makes me VERY nervous, this whole perjury issue or possibility. Is JM splitting hairs? YES. However, I hate to be a downer, she did say in response to the juror question about how many times she testified in a criminal case for a man…….answer, 1 or 2. So, technically, under cross, for her to say it was only 1, and she didn’t actually testify, but she wrote a report, then she even said she thought she would have to but didn’t……ughh….does not look good IMO. You either DID testify in court or you didn’t. I think that could be a problem.

              • Your “concern” posts are getting rather tiresome, Anna.

                There is no perjury here because to commit perjury has to be something truly material to the case.

                Now if you want to talk about perjury, look at Detective Flores or even the ME.

                • Perjury, also known as forswearing, is the willful act of swearing a false oath or of falsifying an affirmation to tell the truth, whether spoken or in writing, concerning matters material to a judicial proceeding.[1][A] That is, the witness falsely promises to tell the truth about matters which affect the outcome of the case. For example, it is not considered perjury to lie about one’s age unless age is a factor in determining the legal result, such as eligibility for old age retirement benefits.

                  Your RIGHT, tonysam. What ALV lied about (even though I dont see it as that, it was MISUNDERSTOOD), is NOT ans will NOT make a difference in the outcome of this case, so NO it’s NOT perjury, I dont blv.

                • Geeeezzz tonysam!!!
                  Again you seem to have found the need to attack my post for what you disdainfully refer to as concern AM concerned! It certainly seems by ALL of our posts that we are, and we ALL have things we comment about and worry about and yes, speculate about!
                  Of course I know what perjury is. Why would you tell me to know what it means before I post here? Look, if you want to dissect all my posts, fine. If you want to know why I feel a certain way, ok. Just ask me, no need to attack and criticize me, there were several posts here regarding her testimony about the criminal cases.
                  So, here is is in a nutshell: We ALL know there is something going on either Mon. or more likely Tuesday that involves Ms LaViolette. It could be something that NONE of us have any idea about, and of course, it really is all speculation at this point. In my bringing up the testimony and that JM might be trying for an impeachment, is that so hard to fathom??? I was simply going by yesterdays testimony, under re-cross where JM was hammering her about that point. Even for him, I found it odd. Then when he kept repeating, “You mislead the jury didn’t you”? I thought, “hmmmm” and sure enough, he got her to finally say, “well, no I never testified”, as well as getting her to say that she should not have answered his question that way, she should have thought about it first and answered differently. Do I think it is perjury? NO. Do I think JM would TRY to make that an impeachable statement…hell YES. That would be up to the judge, and time will tell.
                  The other possibility, and the one I am hoping for, would be that she will be fined or admonished in open court for misconduct. meaning, her speaking to the sister of TA. Now, do I think she meant any harm? Hell NO. She doesnt have a mean bone in her body. That being said, she did speak to the sister, and I’m sure it was a pleasant and likely, comforting comment, but the law is clear, she cannot approach them at all. For this I blame the defense. Totally. Sorry, but she is not an attorney, and would not know that unless the defense specifically told her that she cannot do this. She should have been told. Maybe they thought she knew this, but to me, it shows a lack of prep. I truly feel so bad for her, I believe she walked into something she never ever expected and probably regrets ever agreeing to this. The fact that idiots and totally insane and beyond mean people are commenting on her book, (which has zero to do with this trial) in such a hateful, despicable way, is even more heartbreaking. The fact is, she is done testifying and should have been free to go, but isn’t, so yes, I’m concerned.

                  The other issue for next week, Monday I believe, will be the testimony of Ms Wong, the HLN news producer/editor. This goes to the defense’s motion for mistrial they filed back on 4-7.Nurmi also argued for a mistrial based on the fact that JM was acting like a rockstar outside, a juror may have seen it, and that is when Jean C was called regarding that video. I remember the Judge asking Nurmi if she was ready yet or if he wanted LaVilotte to go, and he said ALV could go first. So, I guess Ms Wong will be testifying as to what she saw on the entire tape, not just what was edited for the segment seen on HLN, as that footage was taken from a longer clip from an AZ news channel. If a juror DID see it, big trouble. The Judge already interviewed all of the jurors one on one and apparently they all said they didn’t see or hear any footage/news/media etc. So, this should be interesting. Guess we have to wait til Monday to see whats what.

                  So, I guess my point is this tonysam, if you have an issue with my posts, I am not sure why you would, but please remember this: we are all different, we all care or worry about different phases and aspects of this trial. Do I worry too much? Maybe, but thats me and I should not have to apologize. You mentioned not liking my “concern” posts before and it’s odd to me. Others post concern and worries as well, yet you seem to single me out. I came here to NOT be judged, this is the only place to discuss the trial without having the entire internet world attack you and call you names. Please respect me, as I respect everyone here and all the opinions expressed on this board.

                • Anna Ryan,

                  I wanted to “quell” LOL your concern. I was also concerned before but I think this could be about the motion for mistrial. The motion based on ineffective council due to the prosecutor and the experts not being able to give effective testimony due to the threats has become a huge issue as you know. I think AL, is being called to testify now about the threats she received. I don’t think it’s about statements she made on the stand.


                  That twit long is speculation but I think it’s rooted in good theory. Tell me what you think after reading.

                  That pic posted of AL eating with the defense team imo, ended up causing more undue harassment to her. I think Wong has been asked to bring unedited taped of Martinez signing more than one autograph too. Not totally sure about that but something is up with HLN and it’s not in their favor this time.

                  Someone messed up.

              • JC,
                Thanks for your comment. I am NOT liking the personal jabs and insults coming my way for posting my comments….its getting old and I certainly don’t deserve it. In fact, I don’;t really see whose business it is if I am concerned, nervous or negative…lol…those are all MY feelings, and I have to deal with them. (not directed at you, BTW)

                Anyway, moving on, I agree with the twitter post, and it is very much what I was trying to say on several different posts. I think there MAY be 2 separate issues to deal with, but maybe not. I am positive one is the motion for mistrial for pros. misconduct. I can remember Nurmi telling the judge he had a Ms Wong he wanted to testify (during his motion when he talked about HLN and autographs, etc) and when jean C took the stand after he spoke. So I assumed Ms Wong had something to do with that motion. I remember the Judge asking if she was ready or if he wanted to go ahead and call ALV, which he did. Apparently, Miss Wong was the person who took the footage from the local AZ news channel and edited it for HLN, the clip that shows JM signing the cane and posing for pics outside the courthouse. My guess is that the Judge (or Nurmi?) want to see the entire video, not just the short clip, as well as question her, about what, Im not sure. The reason I feel that they may be 2 issues is because ALV had not even testified yet, so to have her back on Tuesday seemed like it would have nothing to do with a motion for mistrial that he had already asked about. ( I hope I’m making sense,lol)
                I saw the photo of her with the defense at dinner, and do not understand what the big deal is, witnesses are not only allowed to do that, but it is common. But the whole idiotic and beyond reproach nonsense that is happening to Alyce since she began testifying is something that could be addressed as well, adding to the already filed motion regarding JM posing, etc…so maybe it is just 1 issue. It just sounded to me as if she (judge) was speaking of 2 different topics when she told ALV to come back Tuesday and that she knew the issue, etc…and then insinuated there was another issue on Monday. This is why I thought, as so many other people did, that ALV was in some sortof trouble with the Judge (not to mention the harsh tone used towards her) and didn’t she also say at the end, “you can bring your attorney”?
                Anyway…the whole JM trying to impeach her shouldn’t make some people so crazy, as that has been his goal every step of the way, with her as well as Dr Samuels. The way he hounded that one point Friday and then shouted that she misrepresented to the jury, made me think that he will certainly try to do his best to do so. he got her to retract her statement about her testifying, and that should be good enough, but we all see JM in action, and he cannot leave anything alone, that was my point that seemed to bother someone. I wasn’t saying, OMG SHE COMMITTED PERJURY! I was simply saying that I would not be a bit surprised if JM didn’t try to say it was, and try to tell the Judge the same. Nothing he says or does surprises me at this point. The other thing I surmised about, was the talking to TA’s sister, and we have all discussed that. Maybe the Judge already spoke to her about that in chambers, maybe she will do it in open court, I don’t know. I feel bad for her for this, as I know she didnt know she shouldn’t do that, and was simply reaching out to be kind, no other reason. If she is in trouble for that, it really is the defense teams fault.

                Anyway, my long post, as well as this long post, lol, is me being me, and thinking things thru like we all do. I get my feelings hurt rather easily, a bit too sensitive, but still, I dont think there is any reason for people who don’t agree with your feelings or thoughts, to insult you or question you as if you have no business here. This isn;’t the first time either, and I just don’t get the point, I never question others points of views, and certainly not their worries, let alone come right out and tell them I am sick of them. Seems a bit rude to me. Just sayin’.

                Thanks for listening…:)

      • JM is saying she mislead the jury when she said she testified in 1 or 2 criminal cases. She didn’t actively testify, she wrote a report and it was submitted to the prosecutor in that case.

        Now I wonder if she was served a subpoena to testify and they just went with her report?

  34. What pisses me off is JM thinking AL is the one on trial. I am just now watching the Kermit go at her.

    • Any witness for the Defense is on trial though really. That is what he does is tear
      down any testimony of a witness to be shown as phony or fake so the Jury
      will vote for DEATH.

      I just pray to GOD that some Jurors know that a Prosecutor is called that because
      that is what they do Prosecute. They did it to Jesus too.

      The difference is some people know what a Judas is some people have no clue
      an are naive an believe false truths. Let others fill there empty heads with crap.
      Will not investigate on their own to find the truth this makes me SICK !

    • If that idiot prosecutor thinks ALV lied, what about Esteban Flores? Should all of his testimony be disregarded?

      Or the ME, who was probably pressured to lie for the prosecution?

      • I asked the same Q – defense should go tit for tat with jm and smack him in the face for that. Gloria Esteban, lied to help jm secure the DP.

      • Oh I have that feeling too, the ME looked SO UNHAPPY to be lying up there, he was pressured to lie fir the state and he KNEW if he didn’t his life or career would’ve been in jeopardy like ALV.

  35. We Need Al where are the one with the cut dog picture he has discussed this before with flores

  36. I am behind but I have to post. SOOO JM doesn’t remember the question the Jury ask but he want’s AL to remember her answer to the question. He is such a piece of shit.

  37. So according to Juan Martinez , eeeeeeeeeeeev v v v v v v v v eryyyyyyyyyyy bbbboooooody lies to him. But Travis Alexander was a Virgin.

    • That is what it sure feels like. An all Travis’s Family an Mormon Friends an PPL/Legal Shield coworkers are the same dang way. FOOLS ! that think everyone is as naive or dumb as they are. I know a JUDAS when I see one an hear one. Shame on them all ! To Bare False Witness is also a SIN in that Church!

    • Oh yes, didn’t you know about Saint Travis? I believe he was an immaculate conception and he was born in a manger.!…

  38. I am just appalled by the way the courts, the media and the public have conducted themselves throughout this entire trial. Every aspect of this trial is beyond out of control. It has become a public lynching and act of hate from the public and the media. I for one am totally embarrassed and disgusted by the handling of this trial. It is sad to watch our justice system become a soap opera for the entire world to see. We should be ashamed.

  39. OMG, he threw in there that the defendant lied during these proceedings. REALLY????? ARRGHHHH

  40. I posted this a while ago but thought it deserved a re-posting. It shows us just how far we have NOT come. Here in Maricopa County*, in 1981 , a jury found a man not guilty of murdering his wife with 26 stab wounds because apparently she was a nag and thus drove him to it.

    * Please note that I am not singling out AZ because this kind of subconscious misogynistic double standard is rampant throughout our society (demonstrated so very aptly in the current social media hate storm.)

    • Oh wow, thanks for posting this.

      I find it incredibly sad that the victim as described as a “jewish American princess,” anti-Semitism seems to be a big problem with the dorky little clique following Travis Alexander too.

    • HELLO – Is everyone ASLEEP out there (no pun intended – ref “sleepwalker” murder)?

      This piece about an AZ case involving “dissociative stress” was posted quite awhile back. Despite its obvious parallel to Jodi’s case and situation, NOBODY picked up on it ant took it seriously enough to follow up on it.

      MB, thank you for bringing this back.

      The 1) “Dissociative Stress” is exactly what Jodi tried to tell us she experienced. It was validated by Dr. Samuels (not sure whether he used that specific term.)

      2) “Over-kill:” 26 stab wounds. 3) “Botched burglary (two ninjas,)”__ give me as break – this reeks of yet ANOTHER mormon ritual blood atonement killing! Look up this case and read all of the details for yourself.

      If you really care about Jodi, you also need to go to Wikipedia and look up “conversational hypnotism.” A post hypnotic suggestion is left that results in exactly what happened to this poor man and to Jodi. They become compelled to do things, and then forget things, replace memories. THINK ABOUT THIS!

      There is also information out there about mormon vigilante groups that are sent around the country (specifically Mesa AZ in 2008), with the assignment to perform these ritual atonements on specific targeted “members.”

      We need to STOP all the political correctness, and start NAMING what is actually happening. Look up the site for EX-Mormons. These people were in long enough to know the “dirty little secrets” about where the doctrine actually leads it you move up the ranks far enough. Plus they are WILLING TO TALK.

      There is absolutely NO WAY to understand the dynamics of Jodi’s case, without seeing for yourself what Jodi got caught up in. She was the perfect idealistic, vulnerable personality to be sucked in and used.

      I have never been able to shake the feeling that there was a tight connection among the mormon church, MLM scams (PPL and Shakley both mentioned by EX-mormons), and THE LAW OF ATTRACTION (basically a system of MIND CONTROL TRAINING). This week I found the documentation that confirms it. I believe I actually posted the links this week, and I do not feel like looking them up again, because my posts seem to be ignored for the most part.

      I am feeling very angry and upset right now, because I have gone to the trouble of putting this sort of documented information on this site before, with the hope that others would start investigating it, and contribute to the body of understanding that would lead to getting to the bottom of the multitude of unanswered questions in a collaborative effort to benefit Jodi.


      MB, thank you for bringing this back.


      Police in Scottsdale, Arizona, received a call in 1981 from Steven Steinberg reporting that an intruder had murdered his wife, Elena, stabbing her 26 times with a kitchen knife from the house during a botched burglary. Terrible as that seemed, police found no evidence of an intruder. They arrested Steinberg, who admitted that he’d done it, although he claimed no memory of the incident. He argued that he had been sleepwalking.

  41. Since i could not sleep last nite, decided to do some research.I THINK things may be brighter for Jodi than we think. Here is my reading of the TEA leaves……. IMOO Wong, is HLN tv Producer who had crew filming when Martinez was signing autographs and some jurors was in the back ground. Think about this Juror # 11 Rumored to be PRO prosecution has been excused. Possible 5 other jurors were filmed, if so what would that leave????? 11 for a trial, Whoops! I think Alyce has complained about cyber bulling of her business, book, personal life SHHHHHH( could that be witness tampering?) Sounds like another mistrial motion coming. Alyce needs to get this this message on SLAPP which is also Arizona law. She has done a wonderful job, You go Alyce!!!! Strategic Law Against Public Participation. ( oldies like me may remember, citizens got so caught up in Anna Nicole Smith case with vile accusations, they had to pay all the legal fees to defend themselves..JUSY SAYIN”””

    • If the info about jurors being taped watching JM sign autographs …that would be VERY interesting.

    • eb-
      Great info. I’m sure the defense has the harrassment of Ms.L and Dr. S on record with the Court. I hope both are able to file law suits.

  42. If Jodi wanted to Kill Travis Alexander, then she would have shoved him into the Niagara Falls or pushed him off a cliff into the Grand Canyon.

    • or prepared herself with gloves to cover her prints. Or shot him through the window when she was apparently stalking him. Or shot him when he was asleep. How about use the gas from the cans to burn his body. There are a number of things she could have done BETTER if she really had premeditated murder.

      • I am holding out, I still do not think they have proved premeditated. You cannot give some the death penalty on innuendo’s and gossip, not in the good old U>S>A.

        • I wondering if this jury even cares what they have proved at this point. Some seem to really despise Jodi.

    • This case will be referenced forever. It is setting precedences left and right.

      This has been a week in hell for TEAM JODI.

      Let’s gather our bearings this weekend, relax, refresh–do something nice for ourselve

      I have met some wonderful people here. (even though we are all one person 😉 )

      Peace, my friends. ♥

      • It will be used to teach up and coming lawyers what NOT to do when cross examining a witness like JM does. lol

        • I’ve been saying that for a long time. I saw an interview with Mel McDonald and he said that in the Doug Grant case JM came up with a whole new theory of the case in CLOSING that elicited a laugh from the jury!

            • WAAAYYY lesser, Like I think that’s he’s out by now. Which would be better than what Jodi offerred. That would constitute to me, her “beating the spread” so to speak.

    • Ya really there are plenty of movies to watch an get a better idea how to get rid of a ass hole.
      haha. My favorite is Dexter’s way.

    • Did this by any chance co-incide with the release of #11? Kinda same modus operandi when #5 left. Helps alot with gaining solidarity with jurors huh? “We are in this together, I feel for you, Thank you for all the hard and diligent work you all are doing”? Idk, I’m feeling a bit cynical right now. sorry.

  43. HLN – Tonight’s Bold Accusation: Jodi chose Mesa, AZ to commit a crime because the Courtroom has Video Cameras.

  44. Has anyone seen a witness list? Computer expert (Lonnie Dworkin)?? I hope so he could have some good news from computers.

  45. Travis’ Murder had multiple motives. Imagine the Mesa PD challenged with that concept.

    • I know we are in the midst of the trial and all, but is there a legal way to just stop and rewind all the way back to the very beginning and start all over. Take a re-look with fresh eyes, and go through it all with a fine toothed comb? Roommates to every other angle mentioned here. Where are all those big-shot defense atty’s that were falling all over themselves to get in on the CA trial? Hasn’t any one offered them any pro-bono help? Why not?

      • Insurance money, adultery/fornication, scorned lover, scorned spouse, vengeful father, ..maybe he had plans on sleeping with a lot of PPL women in Cancun.

          • I ask my neighborhood convict what the stab wounds to the back meant and he said in prison it would indicate the person was a back stabber. Signature of the murderer, is another motive, especially serial killers.

              • That’s good to know in regards to what certain stab wounds mean. I remember Sam saying that a slit to the throat also indicated a message.

            • wow, Phillip I didn’t know that.

              Would that be true even if the back wounds were shallow?

              • I believe the shallow back wounds that did not penetrate the chest cavity, were a cover up for the precision chest wound between the 3rd and 4th rib to severe the Super Vena Cava. The throat slash was also professional work. Everything else seems to make it look amateurish. If someone “snapped” they would of definitely buried the knife or knives in the back.

                • Phillip-
                  I don’t mean to be insensitive to anyone, but since you are trained in knives, can you tell me how difficult it would be for the neck slice to happen with a large kitchen knife? Thanks

                • Well, this could explain why JA had no wounds compared to all that went on in that bathroom. All that knife action + given the weight and size diff between JA vs. TA + deathly struggle that would have ensued, it does not seem logical that she would’ve come out unscathed physically. Its not as if he would’ve just laid there without a fight and ‘allowed’ anyone to take his life. He had defensive wounds. So WHO was he defending himself against? Could not have been JA – she would’ve been cut up and bloodied too, even if she survived it. That 2nd interview with flora, where she tries to desperately convey to no avail that others were involved, was a telling one for me. It felt as if she was hoping against hope that he would read between the lines and choose to investigate further. But, she knew in her heart that he wouldn’t and he didn’t. WOW.

                • Phillip, I thought the chest wound was a precision strike also. That along with the throat slashing has always spoken to me of a hit.

          • possible embezzlements or scams, illegal drugs, guns, god patrols, scorned gay lovers, furious parents,…

        • Room-mates? That is one huge question I have had all along. Where were they, how many lived there? They were gone for an entire week? I would also think the mormon temple goers would be very interested in what was going on behind closed doors in that house. You can’t tell me that his roommates & friends didn’t know, you can bet rumors were circulating. Remember they all wanted him to get rid of her & when he didn’t maybe certain temple priest figured out a way to ‘clean house’ so to speak! Long & wide stretches but nothing is really adding up to the truth for me.

    • Chris and Sky Hughes and their bottom line. They are the ones chiefly responsible for talking shit about Jodi, somebody they once LOVED and warned them against Travis.

  46. I want to bring up something that has been on my mind. Does anyone remember that OJ was sued by the family of his exwife and was found guilty of wrongful death. Wasn’t her family awarded a ton of money? I wouder if the same thing will happen to Jodi when she is found not guilty in criminal court?

    • Its completely different because OJ did not admit to killing Nicole when Jodie admitted to killing Travis why would they sue she would never have a right to sue the Family since she admitted to killing him.
      The standards are much lower in civil cases Browns Family were Financially dependent on OJ the sister all of them lived off him. This case is about DP her defense Lawyers know that she is not going to be found not guilty.

      • Sorry, I thought she was asking if Jodi could be sued. Stats have ran out. I certainly hope she is not found guilty. I hope she gets out of that state, never goes back, and starts a good life somewhere.

    • right he was found not guilty jodi admitted that she killed travis, completely different.

      • The problem with all the theories we have or opinions with regard to the Killing Of Travis, Jodi Arias admitted to killing him and lied 2x you can’t keep changing your mind that is the problem with this case. The Jury in my opinion does not believe LaViolette.

        • They may not believe her, but the case is not over. Lets see what the rest of the case is. Well, I for one sure hope this defense team has something up their sleeves.

        • The most important thing about Alyce’s testimony is not her opinion, but the evidence that she presented.

          The jury is entitled to be sceptical about her opinion, as with any witness.

          But evidence is evidence. They cannot disregard that.

      • …I dont think OJ killed them. I think it was his son, but that’s a diff story

        • She admitted killing him, yes, but given the evidence presented and potentially evidence not presented or discovered, it could be a Defense strategy just to keep her from the Death Penalty.

          • Well, she DAMN well doesn’t deserve lwop. As for all of Samantha’s tears, Jodi gave all of them the option of a WIN/WIN. None of the families would have had to go through all of this, saved a lot of embarrassment to both sides. And if all of this crazy stuff is going on, why are they letting Jodi take all of the blame. In that case, does that make the Ninja story true?

          • I’m pretty sure that Jodi was not the only naked woman they recovered in the forensic photos. They didn’t dismantle the washer for DNA and didn’t check the car at all in the garage. Did they check the A/C return air vents for Jodi Arias’ hair, I guarantee you that they would have found hundreds of her hairs with follicles in that location. If you ask me the photo that shows a foot/pants/Travis shoulder could be her pulling him or trying to pull him to safety.

            • The ninja story is consistent with the abrasions and stab wounds. But remember the Forensics guy said the camera date could have been changed. Remember the roommate Zach Billings last saw Travis on Thursday June 5, 2008. Remember the roommate Enrique witnessed Travis on a conference call June 4, 2008 at 6:30 pm.

              • You are so right she did admit to it. Still doesn’t make sense to me! Rental car, gas cans , supposed stolen grandpa’s gun, camera, etc., etc. BUT could she be protecting someone? Also, I read in JA journal that her phone was stolen that had a 10 page msg from TA and more sex tapings. I wonder where that phone is now?

        • I agree but People who watched the sound bites thought OJ was guilty the Jury did the right thing.

        • I never thought OJ did it either. An I did read another man confessed to that killing in Florida I
          think I read. But it was never looked into. I also thought he was covering for his eldest son who
          had a thing for his ex. An I think was caught stalking/peeking through her windows on occasion.

  47. Hi all,

    I’ve been relying this week on your posts to stay informed about the trial. Thank you for being so efficient and truthful in your recaps.

    Today I did have a chance to watch the last of the juror questions. I, for one, think that even questions about ALV’s feelings for Jodi, or whether she ever “touched” Jodi are not horrible. It seems this jury is really thinking deeply, and that the questions they ask are to seek–and obtain–answers to questions that they feel responsible to ask just to make sure that they (the jurors) are on the right track in accepting Jodi/ALV’s self defense/abuse victim artument.

    Sometimes we know things, but need reassurance from others in order to feel comfortable about our own decisions. The juror questions–even the worst of them–are in my opinion an example of that dynamic. The jurors believe Jodi and they believe ALV. With each calm and level-headed answer ALV provides to even the most outrageous of questions one can almost sense the jurors are taking little sighs of relief and gaining increased confidence in their convictions that Jodi Arias is Innocent.

    • I so hope so gibby! The judge sure doesn’t make it any easier with her attitude and her eye rolling when ALV answers a questions! !!

  48. Although I haven’t posted much the last few days, (been ill) I have been following the trial and the posts.

    Regarding speculation about Ms Wong…..I recall that on the day that KN filed the motion for mistrial, based upon prosecutor misconduct, that KN was talking to the judge about something that KN had submitted and, as he was standing near the bench, I heard him say to the judge that a Ms Wong was ready to testify but that he preferred that the judge review whatever it was that he had submitted first and that he would prefer to go ahead with Ms. La Violette’s testimony first and deal with that issue and call Ms. Wong after AL’s testimony.

    I cannot remember the exact day, but I will go look and see if I can find it. Since AL had not testified yet, I don’t think Ms. Wong’s testimony has anything to do with ALV speaking to Samantha. I thought at the time that Ms. Wong might have something to do with the mistrial motion and media coverage and prosecutor misconduct.

  49. Tweet this Jodi!! Nancy Graceless is highly-paid trailer park trash, JVM looks like Michael Jackson dressed like a man dressed like a woman, Dr Drewsome is a stark raving mad metro-sexual and lastly but leastly Juan Martinez is like the Frito Bandito on crack…only shorter and more spastic! Already used some of those but they are worth repeating. And it’s unfortunate that these talking heads are being listened to. They are happy to instigate and incite a vicious mob into a frenzy with their exaggerations, lies and speculation! So what if it leads to threats to such a kindly, compassionate and intelligent person as Ms ALV. They all deserve the DP.

  50. THIS IS FROM FB DERRICK SLONE to The State Versus Jodi Arias

    Ladies & gentlemen, I think a new front has been opened today in the battle for justice for Travis Alexander. Today Juan Martinez clearly showed that Alyce LaViolette committed perjury in response to the jury’s questions about ever testifying for a man in a prior criminal case. She lied under oath in a capital death penalty murder trial. This should be taken very seriously by the DA’s office in Arizona. For all local Arizona residents who support this page, I strongly encourage you to contact the DA & local officials to urge them to file perjury charges against ALV. She must never be allowed to do this to another family in court again.

    • I do not think she committed purger y, she corrected herself everytime, she said she could not remember the policeman’s name some of her cases are 29 yrs old.

    • They can’t charge her with perjury. She would have to testify falsely to something of a MATERIAL MATTER in this case. That would not qualify as a material matter. People can bitch to the DA all they want but they surely can’t construe this as material to this case.

    • What a fucking idiot. She didn’t commit perjury. If you want to look at perjury, try Esteban Flores or even the ME who were forced by the prosecution to change testimony to conform with its last minute theory on what alleged happened.

      • Tonysam, thank you! What a f—— idiot is absolutely right! TOTAL f—— idiot. But then again, only ignorant, uneducated idiots are simplistic and stupid enough to hate like that….

    • Are you kidding me??? No wonder that poor woman has been hospitalized. They aren’t going to stop until they kill her!! This is ridiculous!

  51. If Jodi wanted TA so bad, why didn’t she just get pregnant? He seems the type to me whose ego would have LOVED to knock a girl up. He would love to stand up and “do the right thing” by marrying her. He would think it would make him a big man in the eyes of his church, even though he was weak of the flesh to have had premarital sex in the first place.

    • Maybe what the pros are trying to show that Jodi wanted Travis to herself. That is why she didn’t try to get preggers. She would then have to let him spend time with the baby, not her and that would make her jealous any angey enough to do you know what. This a bunch of BS.

      • Kind of hard to get pregnant when the MAN prefers ANAL SEX an BLOW JOBS THOUGH !

    • Wow! You are so right! I never even thought of that. Been out of the baby making age for too long. Surely that would have done it for him, though. He could never walk away in the face of his friends.

    • No way I dated a man like Travis that is the last thing he wanted a baby screaming
      an disrupting his routine ! NO WAY.

      An watching a figure of a sexy woman go all fat NO WAY! Men like that are horrible
      to a pregnant wife an if you get stretch marks forget it.

      The guy had a photo of himself on his night stand come on Travis loved Travis
      first of all. He painted his nails in clear polish for that shine. He had pedicures
      an manicures just like the ladies this was not a manly man at all.

      • And don’t forget the gazillion shoes (too many for a male?), and neat as a pin closet (OCD?).

    • HLN Headlines earlier read….LaViolette IN THE CROSSHAIRS…hopefully they didn’t shoot her.

      • Alyce said she would give them the documentation of cases, I think they are questioning her as death penalty qualified. if she can’t provide date then it could be a whoopsie.

          • The defense team should have been more aware that a question like this would come up and on cross she could explain. I don’t think its her fault its the defense team not preparing their expert witnesses too many mistakes we have Dr.Samuels test prior to Jodi changing her story we have LaViolette saying Jodi told her that she shot Travis in the closet she said this 3 or 4 times. Not sure, We also have a very bias and bad Judge. Very sloppy by the defense. The questions were really bad most of them very anti LaViolette did she touch Jodi? Really mean,

        • Why would she have to be death penalty qualified? Never heard of a witness being such. Isn’t that just for lawyers and juries? Just asking, new to me!

          • i can certainly stand to be corrected, but i thought that is what they said. I’ll see what i can find.

            • The lead attorney needs to be death-penalty qualified, but not the witnesses. And that is to make sure that someone in a death penalty case gets adequate defense.

          • No she does not have to be death penalty qualified as far as I know she is an expert in Domestic Violence Battery.

          • In many states, in capital cases the jury needs to be death qualified. Now there is a difference between the meaning of death qualified for lawyers and juries. For lawyers “death qualified” means a an attorney who has qualifications and experience adequate to representing someone in a capital case.

            In the case of jury the term “death qualified” has a different. Basically it means that every member of the jury must be willing, by their own affirmation. to give someone the death penalty if they feel that the state has proved it’s case. This is basically because, even though states may have the death penalty, a fairly large slice of the population does not believe in the death penalty, whether for personal idealogical or religious reasons. So wen the state’s attorney or the judge conducts the voire dire (which is where they question prospective jurors) one of the questions they will ask in a death penalty case will be to determine f the person is willing to sentence someone to death. If not they are excused for cause, by the judge and what you are left with is a death qualified jury.

            Hope that helps.

        • I think what was at issue was the number of cases she had testified in where she testified on behalf of a man or a man being abused. I don’t recall anything about her being or not being DP qualified.

          • What is this death penalty qualified? She’s a witness, giving testimony in her area of expertise. I don’t understand…anyone?

            • I think it is a mistake. NURMI is DP qualified . . . which is part of why he couldn’t get released from the case. The accused is entitled to capable representation, so anyone trying a DP case has to be DP-qualified . . . but the witnesses don’t need to be.

              I think it is all about the idea that Alyce “doesn’t like men.”

            • The women now-a-days they ain’t like Grandma and Mom, theses days, they don’t play. They mean it when they say ” I WILL CUT YOU”

          • you need to get Al to comment on this…he will understand that impeachment process…

            I feel that JM hasn’t been able to really establish enough evidence to convict Jodi…so now he is grasping at straws looking for any and anything to bring up charges against Alyce to get all of her testimony taken out of the trial so the jurors can’t use anything she had to say…

          • Ms Wong was supposed to testify before ALV was even called to the stand. It has something to do with the motion KN filed about prosecutorial misconduct and they were waiting on a video.

          • When did ALV appear on HLN? That article says she appeared on HLN before the trial..anyone?

    • Oh No! 🙁 This trial and those hate mongers are going to kill her.

      Poor Alyce, 🙁

  52. “In addition to attracting a load more new visitors & posters, we also managed to oust a few people that maybe weren’t that pro-Jodi after all, and were only here for the free coffee & biscuits. Well, good riddance to those fair-weather fucks. We’re here on a mission, and we have no room for fence-sitting passengers or assholes.”

    I didn’t get a chance to say this earlier, but well said SJ! I totally agree.

    • Very well said. Is it bad that I wish I would have been able to seen some of these evil people on here tho’…..Did someone tear them up and set them straight???

    • That is sickening! Where they posters that have posted alot? Seems so hard to grasp. I don’t understand

  53. JM: ALV you’ve mislead the jury, you cannot do that!
    ALV: No, that is your job Mr. Martinez



    This is what I’ve been talking about, look at this BITCH, LOOK AT YHE JUDGES RESPONSE at time 1:06 (begging of the day), this BITCH judge is reading the jury questions in a nasty tone of voice, you can tell a lot by the way the judge responds to witness answers and THIS ALONE should be a reason for mistrial WITH A DIFFERENT JUDGE! !! This is BS and Nurmi and Mrs Wilmott should see this!!!

    (I found another one too)!

    • Notice how Juan looks at the Jurors when the Defense request an approach, and takes his momentum away. He looks at them as if he owns them.

    • I even saw this judge almost roll her eyes after an answer today. Also, if I had been on the defense team I would have objected to the JM acted as if he was irritated each and every time defense asked for a sidebar. It’s really quite obvious and directly in front of the jury. I would have complained long ago.

    • LC, at 1:06 are you referring to the judge rolling her eyes? I replayed it several times and you can clearly see her eyes look up and her eyebrows raise. I think this is definitely something the defense needs to see.

      • YES!!! And at the same time she puckered her lips (like thinking whatever)! The defense SHOULD SEE THIS??!!! AND IT NEEDS to be taken vto a higher court! ! You dont think this makes a difference of the jury, YES IT DOES!!!

        • It’s a huge deal, a judge should not be behaving like that. I know JW was often taking notes at this time and maybe no one caught the judge doing this, but the camera sure did. I think I have seen some people giving important info to the admin of this site and they forwarded the info to Jodi’s attorneys. Maybe you could try notifying the admin?

    • Oh my ! WHAT A mean look ! double BLINK an roll of the eyes most defiantly how can this be a JUDGE I seen that too the other day.

  55. Jodi,

    There are women out here who support you. You are a victim of a society that is not penalizing men for using women sexually. I have heard it many times, from different people: “guys use women, everyone knows.” Sadly, we have a society that take this as something normal, forgetting that there is a person on the other side who is being destroyed. Stay strong! You just made justice with your own hands for being ignore when you were sexually used. You were defending yourself! Guys know how easy is to use a woman when she is in love, and that is what Travis was doing. That’s what many guys do, and they walk away like nothing happened, forgetting that there is someone who is psycologicallyand emotionally being affected.
    I wish you’re case could really do something so we are protected against sexual use, because some of us are too innocent to recognize when a guy is simply using us.

  56. Just checking out the posts around the net,This is good,some moron is auctioning off a drawing of Jodis Vaginal area,How sick and they call themselves civilized,The post about its in the bag was mild compared to all the vile shit that is being spewed about Jodi at the hater sites,so sad the haters cant look beyond their narrow mind,I have lost all faith in humanity,there are very few REAL people left out there,thank god for this site,God Bless Jodi.

    • Hey Dennis,
      It is a shame how the hatred has spread…it’s best to stay away from them if you want to stay composed…their words are like acid…I have never in my life seen a phenomenon such as that. Evil gone viral.

      • I agree Dorothy. I have started to think that Satan opened up the gates of Hell and unleased a lot of demons that now embody these people on Social Media.

        • I agree…and it’s truly frightening…I can’t imagine how Alyce feels right now, at least Jodi is in “protective” custody…It’s a sad world when jail is the safer place to be.

        • You are right TR. Satan opened the gates and set his minions free to spread their hate.

          There is another petition started to ban ALV from ever speaking on DV again. I am just sick about it all. 🙁

          • I’m really sickend by this. It is beyond out of contro and it’s the minions hiding behind computer screens like cowards. I just went and posted a support message on Alyce’s FB support page and its full of disgusting messages from the demon possessed. I’m at a loss. I absolutely despise bullying and stand up to it in person all the time. I have supported a bill in my State Legislature to make bullying in the workplace a crime. This cyber bullying is so far beyond what I can comprehend. I hope Alyce is not seeing these things and that Maricopa County is footing a huge bill to provide round the clock protection for her. I fully believe that a lot of this falls squarely on the shoulders of a rouge Prosecuter who’s in cahoots with tabloid TV because he can’t win this case on its Merits.

            • She should just take all her personal info that is publicly accessible on line and privatize it until the mob moves on to their next victim. She should call Amazon and remove her book for the time being or block reviews (can that be done?)…It would be a hassle, but worth it in the long run. I wish she had done it prior to all this. I feel so bad for her.

        • Dorothy, TR, I agree too. But I don’t think Satan opened up the gates of Hell. Nancy Grace did.

          • On second thought, I do think Satan opened up the gates of Hell. Because I believe that Nancy Grace is Satan. And I mean that sincerely. Just looking at her evil, snarling face is enough to chill the soul.

            • It’s like her eyes are on fire 👿 …I stopped watching her years ago, she annoys me and she gets MORE annoying each time I mistakenly see or hear her. YIKES!

    • I am thinking a cabin in the middle of no where is looking better and better. The less contact with people the better.

  57. Recognize where the blame should be put for all that personally biased negative innuendos toward Alyce and Jodi…

    Start at the top of the Pyramid….start with live news media being broadcast into the homes of the American television viewing audience sporting their own personally biased innuendos on topics…

    Probably we would never heard much of anything about Alyce or Jodi if this trial had not been broadcast live on television….

    Tonight on JVM..she is talking about all the hate comments made toward Alyce from many websites …included showing a picture of the petition to have her fired….her team of panel experts seem to be back peddling like they don’t how the hatred toward Alyce got started…


    Do JVM, Vinnie, Dr. Drew, Nancy Grace, and all the others not realize, that they are the ones who are speaking daily and nightly on live television to the American viewing audience, spewing their own personal biased innuendos of hatred toward Alyce and Jodi?

    Their type of live broadcast news has kept that level of enrage fed to those people via television and has helped them keep their home fires sizzling and burning with pure venom…and it is those people listening to them who start to feel so pumped up with those twisted truths of information and they start leaving those heart sickening debased messages with colorful death threats toward Alyce and Jodi on those websites..

    One can only wonder what this world has reduced itself to today through listening to some of the personally biased news correspondents on live broadcast news…

    • This reminds one of The Roman Arena The Fall of Rome, these people are truly Barbarians

      • Exactly my thought! We are watching the lions being released into the Roman arena on Jodi, the defense team and their witnesses! It is not just an analogy, it is truely what is happening. The stands are filled with watchers cheering for their destruction!! It is evil and it is wrong. Have we not learned any lessons from the past. Will we be destroyed by our exercise of the freedoms we have? Freedom of speech should not be something that harms or destroys another. Whether guilt or innocence she is entitled to a defense. A vigorous defense. Would they not want the same? I am heart broken for our society.

    • That is why I will not watch the zimmerman/trayvonn martin trial on HLN> They will have riots incited in the streets. People can eliminate some of Hellicious liars network, by simply watching on line, and don’t have to watch commercials either. its all very easy, lol

      • HLN will have that Zimmerman/Martin trial a black against the whites’ war. I can guarantee they’ll have KKK, White supremacist groups, Black panthers, Jessie Jackson and whoever else they can find on the shows.

        • Hold up one damn minute!!! Just how stupid do you believe Black folks are? You believe we riot every time things don’t go our way??? If so…we would have burned the whole country down by now. Most Black folks with half a brain believe the “NEW” Black Panther Party is a damn joke. Trust I knew folks who were in the REAL Black Panther Party in the late 60’s…….I know the difference as most Black baby boomers do.
          If this site turns into a pro Zimmerman page….I plan to stay. Unless the administration boots me. Yes GZ killed Trayvon Martin…there is no doubt in my mind GZ killed him because he was Black. This is my one thought….why the hell did GZ get out the car in the first place?? Because he saw a Black young man walking around in HIS COMMUNITY….period.

          Now I promise to only speak the truth as I see it as a 59….come August ….year old Black mother who has raised TWO very successful Black men …..30 and 39……in America. But I do plan to be able to continue to converse with the folks I have been conversing with during the Arias trial so this site change to Pro Zimmerman in June……’course that is at this trial ever ends!!!!!
          Stepping off my soap box!!!!

          • You go girl 🙂 I applaud your spicy passion … I don’t know anything about the Zimmerman case but you piqued my interest. Hmmm

          • “Hold up one damn minute!!! Just how stupid do you believe Black folks are? You believe we riot every time things don’t go our way???”
            Well spoken, Moni. I’m white, and I’ll stand by you on that one.

            I wish we women would riot sometimes, but that’s almost like herding cats.

          • Sadly, it seems that the Lynch mob knows no race… I think it’s just an added dimension of how HLN will whip people into a froth. Total Bonfire of the Vanities

    • It truly disgusts me the way they behave. Alot of these commentators are lawyers themselves. Officers of the court and they should realize exactly what they are doing. I have commented to their site but get no answer. They also know the value of a defense attorney. NG makes me so sick the way she mistreats all the defense attorneys on her show. They have all gone over to the dark side! Just in it for the money.

      • just google ng and you will see her proctorial misconduct at a very high level and look up what really happened to boyfriend. Stories do not match.

        • Somehow that doesn’t surprise me, either. I always felt like she used the death of her fiance to promote herself. She still brings it up all the time. She truly is the worst.

    • Honestly I wonder how they can live with themselves..they should be ashamed. Hopefully someday at least one of them will apologize for their horrific, immature behavior…they are like a hoard of mean girls..or demons 👿

    • I noticed this afternoon that Beth Karas, right after the trial was over, said she didn’t know why Alyce L. was asked to come back on Tuesday. She said she may be able to find out. I thought it was interesting though, that she didn’t say one word about Ms. Wong, the producer from HLN, being asked to testify on Monday. What is that all about? Not one of them on HLN even mentioned it this afternoon. I guess they’re waiting to be told what to say. Waiting to get their story straight. Sure, they’re completely innocent of all of this.

  58. To me all of this side line stuff being driven by the Alexanders and JM just speaks of desperation on the part of JM and revenge on the part of the Alexanders. It has nothing to do with the facts of the case.

    JM is focused on ‘winning’ no matter what the facts say.

    As far as the Alexanders go, they have been cloaked in their victim hood for so long that it has become unhealthy and misguided. This may seem unkind, but my reaction for weeks now is that they are getting some sort of perverse enjoyment out of the attention showered upon them by the media and of course there are donations of money and gift cards, etc.

    • Aly,
      That’s just another site, another opportunity, for the evil monsters to infiltrate their vile hatred…Even articles that speak of how horrible it is to be so abusive doesn’t stop them…they are out in droves and their mob just keeps getting bigger and more dangerous.

    • Why do you believe everything you read? I didn’t even bother checking out the link.

      • Nancy Beth, Are you talking to me?

        I read that because I didn’t know that Alyce had to go to the ER last week.
        This isn’t good, heart palpatations!!

        AND the damn judge told her she didn’t want to hear about her personal problems?

        How COLD!

      • I think they are late reporting the ER visit, and maybe that is why twitter was saying she was hospitalized. It probably about the weekend AND the fact that she is going for doctor visit/tests next week (which is what the Judge cut her off from saying, I think).

        • Since this is a high profiled case…why wasn’t the jurors sequestered?…I think that alone should warrant a mistrial…

          In that same article

          Attorney Anne Bremner received death threats after she provided legal council in the Amanda Knox case too..

          The Huffington Post said that that kind of online ridicule LaViolette received could affect attorneys and witnesses in high-profile trials.

          • It is going to get to where experts will not get involved. The experts are watching this woman being destroyed, they aren’t going to open themselves up for that. Do you blame them?

            • I have noticed the defense people shy away somewhat when they answer questions on HLN…like they are afraid to be speaking too much….

              And rightly they should be…heaven forbid if they offend some of those evil Cruella people out there…the Cruella’s will slam dunk their places of business and doctor’s offices with such evil disgusting innuendos…those defense lawyers and doctor’s want know what hit them in the face…and it definitely will not be a basketball…

    • The hate mongers haven’t crossed the line??? They haven’t done anything illegal?? Oh give me a break please! Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming!!

      • Who’s side are you on? If you cannot back up what you say about the other side you are more hurtful to Jodi’s case than the enemy IMO.

  59. I don’t believe that there is a market for a D.V experts testifying on behalf of men in criminal court. I’ve seen Police officers talk men out of pressing charges on women for assault. Why? Maybe, they don’t want to do the paperwork. Or maybe that is their way of ostracizing a man for complaining that a woman hit them. The very bottom of the system doesn’t lend itself to men being victims of abuse by women. No Market. Don’t think there will ever be.

      • Yes, It’s not common you hear of it but that doesn’t mean it’s not happening…just like women used to be treated… I see a new generation of men now though who seem more comfortable admitting it…to themselves anyway, which is the first step…I don’t care for the term “domestic abuse” I prefer the term “partner abuse”…many couples don’t even live together when the abuse starts.

      • Less likely to be abused, and less likely to be believed if he is.
        Seeing these young female vipers out there, I would not be surprised if it happens more than people think, especially if the man is physically disabled, old, or is in any way dependent on the woman for his wellbeing.

        • Exactly. Situation hinges inextricably on dynamics of the Balance of Power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Doesn’t matter which gender. Lust for power and control that goes beyond a healthy balance of give and take underlies all forms of abuse. Whether abuse occurs physically,psychologically, sexually, financially- it is all driven by the abuser’s hunger to wield power and exercise complete control of the venue.

    • I witnessed police talking a blood covered woman out of pressing charges “It only clogs up the courts and it costs the taxpayers money” I have seen changes as of late though. The police arrest both/all participants involved. Men get abused, it is horrible that a man should EVER feel ashamed of being victim…but many men would prefer to hide it. Announcing it may make them target of public verbal abuse…Arresting all participants allows the abuser and abusee to “come clean” and hopefully get does help if they really want to change their lives..

    • Oh I disagree the men that are being built now that are very feminine an have a softer side
      can an will be dominated by a over bearing woman I have seen that in person. The man
      was not a manly man per say. But meek an quiet the woman was very loud an obnoxious
      kind of like (example) Nasty DisGrace an her own husband she definitely wears the pants in that
      house an could be considered verbally abusive I am sure.

    • I suspect men might be psychologically abused more than physically brutalized. I can think of a dear man I knew. His wife made life hell for him at home, and he became a workaholic. He never wanted to be at home. It was very sad. He was so understanding of her though. He knew it was something psychological, and he did everything he could to make her happy. The thing is, it was clear to me that they truly loved each other.

      • I’ll bet Alyce L. could have really helped them. It was a long time ago. Both of them have passed away.

        • I have had friends like that too. They really loved each other but could not be around
          each other much. The wife was very mean to him an I always felt bad for him. An would
          try an tell her that what she did was mean but she would just brush it off. An If
          I did what she did the man I was married to way back then would have knocked the
          crap out of me. Her husband would let her throw things an hit him in the head.
          He would not say a word. An he too worked a lot to stay out of the house.

  60. I just recently started following Jodi on Twitter. Somehow it doesn’t ring true to me that a lot of her tweets are *her* words. I just think she’s too smart to provide fodder for her detractors, especially since she’s involved in a trial where her very life is upon the line. What do y’all think?

    • I have suspicions about that twitter acct myself….makes NO sense…probably bull sh!t

    • I think her friend Donovan said it was her doing the tweeting. Jodi can’t do it from jail!

      • If it’s her friend, I don’t think some of her remarks are very helpful to Jodi’s case.

      • Her Friend says she gives them the tweets if this is true, then she really is stupid because its only hurting her as difficult as it is she should be silent .As Oscar Wilde said, Silence for your enemies. Also, If I were her, I would dump the Mormons at this point since My friend told me the attack on Amazon is basically LDS thats why they are all NOT LIKING his comment. Wonder if Greta will comment on the trial anymore.

        • Oh that is right they have a true hatred for Catholics an Jews which are Religions much
          older than Mormon’s/LDS the BOOK OF MORMON.

          • Right imagine if it were the Catholic Church HLN would be bashing every day but, The Cults have a free reign, Mormon is not considered a Religion like Judaism, or Catholicism being 2000 years old. instituted by Christ not a Moronic Pedophile False Prophet You will know them by their fruits Catholic Church Built Western Civilization Art Literature University system, Classical Music, Mormons created a bunch of Pods no contribution to civilization other then incestous Raging Seething Tribal Vagabound lunatics as demonstrated over and over again. There Look at Amazon the comments by these Freaks! This should be illegal and if I were a defense Attorney I would investigate into the truth. about the suspicious behavior of these FRIENDS of Travis and perhaps a pedophile ring.

            • I don’t see or can’t imagine Catholics…or any other religion in the USA, banding together like this! Mormonism is like a cult! There are two catholic churches in my town and it’s like they are trying to best each other…it’s not a community and it seems to be fading away…the Mormons on the other hand are like a unified monster…My opinion

              • Mormonism is not a Religion its a Cult The Cult Expert Margaret Singer defined the difference of Cults from Religious groups. Where Catholicism is Universal Religion not based on Race, Mormonism is a small cult that is very incestous so they are easy to spot. They unified based on hate. Its only a Pyramid scheme its lack of any culture is transparent.. Many books on the Pederast False Prophet .Follow the Money!

                • Oliviero, Your statement that “Mormonism is a small cult” is a misconception. Mormonism is a HUGE cult…it is a conglomerate! It is a MULTI-BILLION dollar, tax-exempt,powerful, influential corporation…far from small. Their leaders would like everyone to believe it is a small community. They take deliberate and carefully deceptive steps to diversifiy its conglomeration, which make it difficult to connect the entity as a whole. Their members act as groupies, not as individuals, that is why we are seeing this phenomenon of wide-spread, viral hatred. They have banded together, communicated among one another and are campaigning against Jodi. It’s a MEGA-MONSTER

            • That is the truth right there Oliviero! I am sorry for any Mormon’s on here but
              I have read a ton about it mostly doctrine. An if they would read the old stuff
              I do not think they would like it. God was not a mortal man he is GOD period.
              Down here walking around having sex with Mary just disgusts me.

        • Oliviero, I have also had this awful nagging feeling that maybe most, if not all, of the people making disparaging remarks about her are Mormons. I hope I’m not right about that.

          • SD, I do too…I suspect they discuss it on family night in ALL the wards…I suspect that other Mormons (not Jodi) planned TA’s murder…rather ritualistic if you ask me.

            • Dorothy, I have thought about that after having read some stuff about that religion since this case began. Also, I remember reading a true crime book back in the ’80’s about a Mormon guy named Jeffrey Lundgren and the murders that were carried out by his command, much like the Manson murders allegedly were. I don’t know…I really hate to think about it. I will tell you this, though, that I know is true. My deceased husband came from a family that practiced a branch-off religion of LDS and they were very strange to say the least. You have probably read about them in the news as the religion that does not believe in taking their sick children to doctors, i.e. they believe in faith healing. Very strange stuff indeed.

              • Yes SD I have heard of them. What happens in cults is beyond me…When I was VERY young, seven or so, I went to a church summer camp for a week or so and witnessed some real strange stuff. I guess I learned, at an early age, that some people are easy to manipulate. Also, peer pressure, not only with teens and young adults, but with the adults as well, was crazy. It was like they were being herded like cattle going to slaughter. I recall watching what was going on around me (I was an avid believer in God then) and thinking, ” Something WEIRD is going on here! I think God went somewhere else for summer vacation”; a seven year old’s perception.

                • Dorothy, I have also read about abuse within traditional Christian religions. It makes my blood boil. I hope you weren’t a victim of that.

                • Thats cute, Where’s God?? LOL I don’t blame individuals but all these PPL people coming on HLN. With hearsay evidence, the judge should have sequestered the jury.

          • I think a large percent are My friend Stuart state that they have Fake Amazon Accounts and he got a lot of Hate comments from the Cult because they took the bate.

          • SD
            this guy states to stuart on Amazon
            So you defend this ignorant woman with smears and attacks on an entire religion. From my personal observations as a person of a faith other than the LDS, I can only say I have yet to meet a Mormon who does not represent the entire faith respectably and admirably.

            Stuarts response
            “Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people whom we personally dislike.”
            Alexander Pope
            I am Glad That all the Mormons you met were perfect

            • Good on Stuart! I see you have referenced OW a few times. One of my favorite quotes of his, which is totally irrelevant to this conversation, but you might like it, too, “I adore simple pleasures. They are the last refuge of the complex”.

    • There was a comment about Martinez and anger management supposedly from Jodi or her friend. I fear that stuff is going to come back to burn them.

  61. Jodi,
    Your trial is going great. If I were on the jury, It would be “TIMED SERVED–RECORDS SEALED. I am praying for your release.

  62. Dennis, it just occurred to me that Jodi should go public with the names of all the Mormon men that hit on her, being that they’re auctioning off a painting of her body parts.

    • add to the list the names of the guys whom she heard boasting and bragging about having anal, oral or vaginal sex with those other girls…

      • thats what i mean, put it out there, if they can’t play fair, Jodi doesn’t have to either. Stand up and fight Jodi, you are fighting for your life, for other domestic violence victims, for your health, for your prosperity. Learn to give them hell, you don’t have to put up with anyone’s crap. We will help you. Rock on!!!!!!!!!!

  63. The haters are LOSING their minds tweeting! They are absolutely beside themselves because Jodi has
    24,649 people following her and the @TA support feed has only 3328 followers. I don’t really give two shits, but I think its interesting how they are trying to get Jodi shut down, and re-tweeting for the cult to follow the TA feed and not Jodi’s, LOL!!
    Also how do they only have this many on twitter and over 35000 on FB? Fishy? And this is the amount on the MAIN twitter feed, the one his sister has as her profile/pic on FB.

      • I think, from what I see, that more tweets are anti-Arias, but her twitter @JodiAnnArias has more followers than @TravisAlexander . . . her twitter has new tweets, supposedly from Donovan, while his is, errr, dead.

      • No clue- I’m not a tweeter myself, .I just check in on Jodi’s feed and browse for any trial updates.

    • maybe the same person tweeting using numerous twitter names…1=5 or more…LOL…

    • On FB you can pay money for ACTUAL LIKES for pages. I think I seen it was 10 dollars for 1000 likes. I always wondered why would anyone want to do that. NOW I know the rest of the story. There are people that desperate for LIKES hahaha

    • Its the Cult they have mucho MONEY thats how Cults operate , The Money that networks get is advertising. They are a huge scam Pyramid scheme they give the least to charity yet they LEAD the country in porno addiction, child molestation, mental illness , addiction to anti depressants, This is not the average citizens spending all their time on one girl and her abusive boyfriend wake up! How many people were murdered like Travis?? Where is Nancy Hate and HLN??

  64. Maybe she should name all of the people she knows was having sex with travis, married or not. Also name the men. one by one……………………………

  65. Hey guys the HuffingtonPost article time stamps ALV emergency room visit 11 hours ago, Do they mean 1 hour ago or are they just reporting last weekends hospital visit late ?????? hmmm

    • Phillip, thank you so much for speaking up. People of other religions just don’t understand some of this stuff. thank you for standing up and educating us who have a lack of knowledge on this subject, such as me. You are being watched over.

      • eb, to what are you referring? I am confused, I feel like I missed an important post from Phillip

  66. Who is Erin A Murray? Twitter says his (?) account got suspended because of @jodiarias trolls. Guess that would be us, right?

    • I believe Erin Murray is a young woman who started the petition against Alyce’s speaking engagements. She had a lot of people sign up and apparently they were contacting places where Alyce was scheduled to speak with the idea of getting these engagements cancelled.

      There is a Erin Murray on Linked-In with the same address as the woman who started the petition. Her photo looks similar, too.

  67. does anyone know that there is two doc of the flores report the one that is on this site and the one i found on the site by beecee2 mesa police dept flores report ca20081610844 found it when i click letter excluded

      • incident investigation police flores report and we have the ca20081610844 flores report my consern was with will the jury get guess they got the one with the number on it that is why the jury asked more about the roommates comes and goings that day. Question why were they not given the incident investigation report …???????? 🙁

      • I dont think the jury is going to see the incident report done by flores they know they were wrong in convicting her of this murder otherwise why not give the jury the origional incident report instead the made a new one took out the roommates comes and goings the crime see was exposed to anybody that came and went out of that house remember everyone said he does not lock his doors. someone anyone could have flood the floor to clean up foot prints where gloves anything and all they have is one palm print with dna of jodi and travis they didnt even look anywhere else i say the crime seen is compermised by leaving it unattended for 5 day so lets just teill the jury that one roommate was at work for 5 day and the other was with girlfriend for 5 days and there you have it. FLORES AND JM CAN TELL THE TRUTH because the want to kill jodi. THIS IS MAKING ME SICE IM GOING TO HANG MY SELF NO JUST GO BED SHOULD HAVE NEVER WOKE UP

    • well, i feel somewhat stupid as i have been watching since start of trial, could have been liking everyday, duhhhh

    • Hi geebee2….I was looking for you…I found this link earlier and thought you would like to read it…especially entry #21…sounds like the prosecutor when he complains so much…

      • Yea ok…. and…. are WE in trouble? ??!!!! Are we going to get a ticket?! Lol whatever, they can suck a fart (whomever is taking names)!

      • I think they are collecting the names to block them on their FB pages. Oh No!! They blocked me?? Should I cry??? I swear they have two brain cells, one is missing and the other one is looking for it! LOL 🙂

        • If that’s true, that’s rather funny since they have no problems coming over to the Alyce support page and talking crap. And they can go ahead and block me if they want, but it’s just a waste of their time. I’ve never posted on their hate page nor do I plan to.

    • This evening one news reporter said this was the 101 day of the trial…and immediately my mind went to the 101 Dalmatians….Cruella De Vil…and all of her evil shenanigans….

      So maybe all of those evil Cruella’s out there can perhaps use their idle time tonight picking fleas off their shirt and pants instead of posting those evil innuendos on the web…hmmm…

      Enjoy the link..

  68. I just read something strange…Desiree Freemans bro shot himself ..she wrote this July 18,2008…r.i.p.

  69. Yikes rough day all the way around including for this site. It has a whole level of what the fuck with this trial and circus I just don’t understand how or why someone would waste their time and come here and become what appeared to be an integral part of Jodi’s family. I myself may not agree with what some other supporters believe, but I look at it that no one believes Jodi is a calculated killer who sat down to write her final chapter with Travis and carried it out. I think although her defense is fighting the good fight, this trial is a joke. A joke is never a word that should be used to describe a trial, but that’s what is has shaped up to be. Travis’ family I get it. I really do. No matter how fucked up their whole life has been or the fact they didnt all interact, I get why this is heartbreaking. I get why they don’t want to believe his actions and behaviors. I get its hard to see and hear what they have. It’s easy to act out and blame someone else. They are entitled. After saying that Jodi should have the best most effective defense available. Her story has to be heard and not twisted, made fun of, just plain turned into lies. These trial proceedings are a nightmare with Atilla the hun JM, Flores and his ego and lack of investigatorial duties, Judge Sherry and her” please don’t ask me” judging style and the HlN liars and craziness instigators. At the end if all this a man lost his life and a woman is on trial for hers. Shouldn’t that rank above all else

    • Nicely said, Kimberly. The loss of Travis’s life and Jodi’s trial should rank at the top.

  70. Well I’ve done it! I’ve had it with HLN. First I got mad then I let that go and tried to think of what to do. First of all I want to say if anyone ever wrote or responded to me I have no idea. I don’t know how to check that and I can’t even find my own posts so I’m never ignoring people. I used to really respect Dr. Drew, so you can imagine that’s gone. So last night I put my thinking hat on and got my thoughts together and emailed NAMI, the National Alliance for Mental Illness. I put my comments under other and just told them about HLN and how offensive they are. Their so called “doctors” have diagnosed Jodi w a ton of different disorders, (some of which I happen to have and of course I don’t at all have a problem sharing diagnoses with Jodi IF of course she has any at all!!) without ever meeting her which is totally irresponsible. Then they point out these disorders and laugh at her and call her crazy, coo-coo, nuts and so on. How can “doctors” such as Dr. Drew claim to be an advocate for people w mental disorders? Jodi may have no mental disorders at all! How are we supposed to know we’re not doctors who have evaluated her and most of us have never met her. That’s not for us to judge. That’s not fair to do to her or to any other human being. I have emailed HLN on their Dr. Drew on call site and of course since I’m pro Jodi I get ignored. So I emailed NAMI. Maybe NAMI will ignore me too, but I felt a little better! I also like the comment Nancy dis-graceful! That was awesome! I have to turn her off. I know this is so so immature but when she says goodnight friend, I say I’m not your friend out loud. I know you’re all thinking – so immature! Oh I agree that Martinez is like an abuser himself! I have to turn the sound off sometimes, he makes me anxious. I think you guys are great and I love the facts you bring to light. Where were the roommates and can’t they smell was a big one for me. Thank you guys for having such an awesome place to support Jodi.

    • Hi Danielle, I have emailed hln and Dr Drew with no response of course. However I am not sure why I did not think of NAMI. I am an active member so I am going to see if I can get their attention. Most people will not want to get involved if NAMI gets involved because they can normal shut things down with the numerous support they have. Thanks for bringing up a good point. I am not sure of they will get involved in this case or not but it is worth a shot to at least let them know about it. I have seen them shut down many types of media before and they are normally very successful. I have a disorder myself and I am sooo sick of Dr drew and the bunch making fun and laughing at all of this. Plus Dr Drew or anyone on the show should not be making fun of Jodi or making a diagnoses over a TV set. Well he should not be doing it at all. He is not even a Psychitrist he just plays one on TV. I once thought highly of him but no longer. Advertising is about the only way to reach these people sometime. I am going to look into this myself as well.

      • Dr. Drew is not qualified to be diagnosing mental health conditions. He’s an MD, not a psychologist/psychiatrist. He’s already under investigation by the AMA for overstepping his boundaries when it comes to mental health

        • Really an investigation…do you have the link?

          And just today a doctor friend of mine and I was watching some of the trial…and he said that Dr. Drew was a joke and he was laughing which in turn I started laughing….

          I explained to him that in the blogging world we call him an entertainment doctor since he acts so unprofessional…

          He really got a laugh when I told him that I wonder how many of these professionals that act so unprofessional that come on television didn’t do well in their own private practices so they have to come on television making a joke of themselves for $$$…otherwise no business…???

          • David Drew Pinsky, best known as Dr. Drew, is an American board-certified internist, addiction medicine specialist. This is what it states on his bio. I have always known he was not a Psychiatrist but he likes to act like one. Like I said he just plays one on TV.

  71. I posted here…

    This evening one news reporter said this was the 101 day of the trial…and immediately my mind went to the 101 Dalmatians….Cruella De Vil…and all of her evil shenanigans….

    So maybe all of those evil Cruella’s out there can perhaps use their idle time tonight picking fleas off their shirt and pants instead of posting those evil innuendos on the web…hmmm…

    Enjoy the link..

    • I put in order for her upcoming book today. I’m sure it will be an informative read.

    • I’ve been reporting the bad stuff at Alltherapists and they’re pretty quick at getting it down, and that’;s not making them NONE too happy over there in that thread.

  72. I know I may be taking my life in my own hands but I couldn’t help myself, I posted the following on Nancy Grace’s site:

    “Nancy, I wonder what your life would look like if we put it under a microscope and then just cherry-picked those things that validate our opinion of you.”

        • That’s what I had figured, I posted one thing on JVM’s site, but then too chicken to post more. I wish there was a way to not use my real name.

          • Just make up a fake FB page everyone does it. New email etc it can be your cousin or long lost relative then you do not have to have trash on your real page. An if someone gets ugly an reports you for nothing then your real page is still there.

  73. I watched HLN yesterday just so I could begin a list of all their advertisers. I can compile and post what I have if that would help us begin some kind of boycott of that money-hungry hate-mongering network.

    • I just have products right now but will pull together as many manufacturers as I can. Will post some tomorrow.

  74. What about Justice for everyone? What I want to convey is the back lash the participants in this trial are facing from the “public” is scary for ALL of us. When the psychotic hate speech begins to scare people from opining in their field of expertise in a court of law, this goes beyond the first ammendment. Imagine how the jurors will be effected by this fear. Would you want the unstable masses enraged by the media and thirsty for revenge to come after you if you don’t side with them? I bet jurors are going to drop like flies. Jurors that would possibly go against the “popular opinion” will be viewed as public extensions of Jodi Arias. That is scary. This shouldn’t even be a consideration of the jury. I imagine their family and friends are now beginning to envision what is to come no matter how this trial ends. Is this fair to Jodi Arias? The bigger picture being is this fair to any american on trial? It happened to Casey Anthony jurors, and now it’s escalated and will effect the jurors in this trial. The hate speech goes beyond the 1st ammendmant and begins to break laws when it turns into WITNESS and JURY tampering. Where is the remedy? I enjoy watching trials and learning about the justice system, but at what cost? I am a long time fan of CourtTv, etc but maybe this is why trials shouldn’t be televised as they occur. Maybe televise them later to avoid the fear factor introduced by the media and the pitchfork wielding social media.
    This trial has brought to light so many disturbing aspects of society. It has also enlightened me to the extreme media bias, and the need for a conversation about cyber harrassment/hate speech/social media responsibility.
    If this activity of hate speech, harassment, and witness tampering is done by adults (some who ignorantly offer excuses/explanations via media interviews); then what are we as a society teaching young people about using social media responsibly? Is it at all shocking that there is an escalating trend of women being harangued, raped, and cyber-abused by classmates, followed by suicide? Or if these young women live through the horrific circumstances then face trial by the public for their rape? In Stubenville it became known that death threats were made against the victim after the rapists were found guilty. The conversation amongst the teens surrounding this trial via social media and texts, were gut wrenching. It was a shocking display of group-think, a callousness that shouldn’t exist, but these children saw this behavior somewhere.
    Many conversations need to be had, and hopefully some enlightenment can occur. I just wish as a society we can do so in a respectful manner and use our freedoms responsibly and for the better.

    • Madison, thank you, I agree with your entire post. After reading it, I got so sad, it is so upsetting that this is happening and there are just a few of us still wanting to educated our kids the right way but MORE then 50% do not see it that way. I don’t know what it will take for them to see how much it does matter and how much it does play in our childrens lives. It worries me how the media has a big influence on so many (not just children) and they’ve taken advantage of it all for the price of getting a big paycheck! !!

      Im afraid that, that quote that Brad Pitt used in that movie, “Killing Them Softly” he sais, about the President of the US:

      “This guy wants to make me blv we lv in a community? Dont make me laugh, we’re living in American, everyone’s on their own. AMERICAN is not a country, its a business! ”

      Thats what im afraid that this country has turned into. Sad, but true!

  75. Missed trial today. Was helping my cousin and her daughter move to their new apt.. However, from the posts I have read, it seems the quack on the bench has decided to show her true colours even more so. I hope ALV is alright and that JODI is acquitted. And, like some of the rest of you, I have absolutely no sympathy whatsoever for TA and the rest of the ASSHOLEXANDERS.

  76. I’m half-way through the page, can’t read anymore, numbness has set in.

    Just wanted to remind everyone about the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. If not please go to bed after you read this story. We are Team Tortoise! Remember the moral of the story… keep the faith!

    A must read for peaceful sleep tonite !!

    Nite Y’all!

  77. Any chance the FBI could/would have an interest in tracking the cyber bullys on this trial?

    • Apparently according to one article that quoted a lawyer, the haters have not broken the law, it’s freedom of speech or so this lawyer said. Sick!

      • I read that too, but I just cannot believe that. This tirade has gone beyond freedom of speech and into hate speech. This kind of behavior can really do psychological damage to a person, which should not be tolerated.

        • it is witness tampering. They are basically trying to eliminate her career/livelihood by getting her fired from speaking engagements, ruining her image. That is Witness Tampering! She is facing the wrath of these “people” simply because she is testifying for the defense. They should get hit with a defamation law suit.

          • When the family of Mr. Alexander are posting links on their facebook pages asking people to sign those petitions to have her removed from speaking engagements, how can this not be witness tampering?

    • I remember this one very well. Never thought she did it but once again EVERYONE had pegged her guilty because of her behavior that very much resembled Casey’s and what do you know, the f’n lab screwed up after all and she was fucking INNOCENT!!!!!!

      • I just need to take a moment to apologize for my language. I rarely, if EVER swear. I am just so damned upset with this whole situation. So, again. I’m sorry. 🙁

  78. Because ALV will not back down to JM’s abusive technique on CE, she has become a pariah. I find that so terribly ironic, given her credentials. I think I am losing my mind. Someone, please, tell me it’s all a terrible dream.

    • Yes this true, have you been out of loop today? I’ve worked on taxes all day but I did caught the trail. Some “unknown issue” that needs to settled. We are thinking it has to do with AL approaching SA.

      • I think it has to do with the motion for mistrial the defense filed about ineffective counsel because of prosecutorial misconduct. I remember Ms Wong being mentioned when it was filed.

    • I may be late about this. She has been ordered back to court. rumors are a buzz that it’s for: 1. perjury over the testimony about cases about men *silly* 2. Shes being held in contempt for approaching the family *don’t know about that one* 3. that she slipped and said she needed the case for her retirement * stupid she didnt say that* and now this. Who knows? LOL I have no idea.

      • JC…in that link they are saying something about Grace Wong hearing Alyce and JW discussing the case over dinner…the picture that Mallory took….

      • All I know is Judge Pickles was not very nice to her, and seems to be super ticked off about something. 🙁

        • I heard that sharp tone in her voice too when she was talking to Alyce…Alyce looked a little bit letdown…I really felt sad for her…

          I wish she had never spoken to that girl…in that link above… Alyce approached and spoke to that girl and made a jester “ITS NOT PERSONAL”…

          • I felt bad for her as well. She looked totally defeated IMO. I saw an article and there was a picture of her the first day of testimony and another picture of her on day 7. It was shocking to see how this has affected her.

            • Oh she did. 🙁 She looks beat. Whipped, wiped out, crushed, shattered, etc.

              I have so much empathy for her. All I could do today was think about her family and pray that they were there for her as much as I hoped and hoped that everything that has happened to her had never taken place and wished I could make it all disappear, I can’t.

              Poor thing.

        • I know some of you will be ticked off with me when I say it, but I swear it’s proof of conservative republican agenda.

          • Oh ya MORMON country. Hopefully there are a few Catholics on that Jury an a few
            Christians I doubt they would vote for the Death Penalty even if they said they could.

            I hope they also really look at this time stamp crap an see that maybe possibly
            Jodi could not have done all that damage in that amount of time. An maybe they
            have a doubt about it. She did state she can’t remember after the gun shot. So
            I am hoping they can put some things together that really is FOGGY.

            • I pray for that as well. We just need one or two would be better to fight for her. I am a Christian that does not believe in the DP and I know a lot here in my state that do not believe in it. There are a few that believe in it for extreme cases such as a serial killer. I am not sure in that state or county due to so many Mormons. I live in a conservative state (Roll tide) but people in my area seem to be more open minded where I live.

          • I don’t take offense to that statement as everyone has a right to their opinion, but .. i consider myself to be conservative and know others who do as well .. all of which are in support of Jodi.

            I wouldn’t classify HLN/CNN as conservative, yet they go after Jodi .. her defense and witnesses with a vengeance!

            Not sure whether the “Haters” would be conservative/liberal, not sure that it matters, as they are just .. mindless haters plain and simple!

            What i see is an “Agenda” by a “little man” with a Napoleon complex who loves to grand stand and will do whatever it takes to win … no matter what slimy tricks and word weaving he has to do .. no matter who get’s hurt in the process … Very Sad!!!

            I don’t view this as conservative vs liberal .. republican vs democrat .. i view this as right vs wrong, plain and simple!

            • The haters are both. I consider myself independent who used to “lean righ”, now “leans left”-mainly because of freelance research I’ve done over the past 6 years on issues-for friends in the media. (NOT CNN/HLN-this is political research, stats, polls, congressional records, CBO reports & examining bills with the help of someone I consider my sister, a constitutional law attorney who was very conservative & watched fox only-UNTIL about a year into doing the research). I need to make a little money to supplement my SSD so I can eat, afford transportation & over-the-counter stuff. Long story.
              But bottom line? I got into it over this case on both Mediaite & yahoo with both liberals & conservatives.
              My problems with the conservatives that I argued with is one minute they’re holding EVERY WORD “sacred” in the constitution,..but they’re the ones fighting me hardest about our rule of law: innocent until proven guilty, AND several I got into it with about the DP said that if someone is found innocent years after they are sentenced to death row-they should still get death. Apparently they were quoting Scalia, (SCOTUS). Make ANY sense to anyone?
              Personally, putting someone to death who has been proven innocent by DNA SHOULD BE “murder with aggravating circumstances” to the ones insisting on killing an innocent man/woman?!!? Unfriggingbelievable!!

      • My speculation is that it relates to the witness intimidation aspects of the cyberbullying, calls to her office, etc. That may explain why too Kanga was ticked.

        • Plus in the motion for mistrial the defense filed, they stated that witnesses were victims of hate filled emails and calls, and it has gotten so bad for Alyce. I am sure the judge didn’t like her court being compared to a circus and the Salem witch trials.

  79. Does anyone think it is possible that ALV has met Samantha before this trial? They both are from CA, right? And in their lines of work maybe it is possible that they met at some time?

    • Doubt it….. Long Beach and Riverside are hour and 1/2 hours apart. IMHO….Ms ALV wouldn’t ever want to go to Riverside for any reason!!!

  80. I missed most of the testimony today, but just finished watching it on YouTube. With one exception the jury questions didn’t bother me. I will get to the one exception in just a bit. I put the other questions that were asked into 4 basic categories:

    1. Some of the people are looking for corroboration of Jodi’s story from other sources, and I think ALV did a reasonable job explaining that.

    2. It seems to me that some of those questions were essentially directed towards just getting a better understanding of how she works, and so on.

    3. Some of the questions are basically directed towards people not familiar with DV, trying to get a better gasp of the issues and concepts related to that.

    4. At least one person (and I think its only one person, since the question came in almost sequential order) seems to be concerned about bias. I’m really not worried about that issue. I think during deliberation it will become obvious to all and sundry that an expert witness will not appear unless they can provide testimony that is beneficial to their client. Dr Samuels and ALV both said that, and I’m sure so will the state’s expert. I hink al those, gift giving, touching etc questions came from this one person.

    So the question that does have me worried is the one bout comparing TA’s violence to what was inflicted on him. That juror is the one that is sort of saying “So what if he was violent, look what SHE did” That’s the person that will fight really hard for some level of conviction, not on the basis of the facts or evidence but because that person, just, doesn’t get it. Two things we can hope for here. Firstly we still have 12 jurors to pick from16. That means there is a 25% chance this person won’t make it to the jury. Secondly, hopefully some one or some rule, etc will be able to talk some sense into this person.

    Overall I don’t think it was really a bad day.

    BTW, I got this description of the jury from the websleuths page

    1.Church Lady- Mid 50’s, short hair, no make-up, glasses.
    This lady looks absolutely disgusted the whole time. I never once saw her look in the direction of JA. Not ONCE. She either stares straight forward or looks at JM.

    2.Trump-Guy in 40’s, lots of hair, car salesman look.
    I called this guy “Comb Over” he had his head resting on his hand almost the whole time. He also never looks at JA. He seemed to be paying attention, but also seemed bored.

    3.Housewife-She is a big lady (tall and heavy set, not obese) with a very sweet face, no make-up.
    Interesting different view today. I called her the “Angry Neighbor Lady” Lol. I wrote that she follows along, but has a constant “sour puss”. I don’t know if it’s just “her look” or what, but she seemed to be frowning every time I looked at her.

    4.Grandpa-Bald, sweet faced older man that looks like my grandpa.
    I also named this man Grandpa. He does have a sweet face and seems the “calm” type.

    5.Tricolor-Early 30’s, short, stylish haircut with three colors, reminds me of one of my hairstylists.
    This is the only one I remembered Anita’s name for because her hair stood out, Lol. She reminded me of my best friend. She probably gave more facial expressions than any of the others. She is very engaged and took a fair amount of notes.

    6.Nancy-Lady in her 50’s, lovely face, reminds me of Nancy Reagan with glasses, short sassy haircut.
    I called her Spikey Hair. Anita’s description is better. She was the only one I saw look at Jodi when the jury first walked in. She took a lot of notes.

    7.Paul Rudd-Younger guy, mid-late 20’s with spiky hair, sweat jacket, looks like the actor Paul Rudd.
    He does look like Paul Rudd, but with shorter hair. He’s a good looking young man.

    8.The CEO-Good looking man, mid 50’s with goatee. Can see him being the jury foreman.
    I called this guy “The Dad”. He looks nothing like my dad, Lol, but for whatever reason… I got a fatherly feel from him.

    9.Willy-Old hippy with long white ponytail, thin, small build.
    This guy looked PIZZED the whole time. He seemed to be staring towards the media lady or just into the corner. I only saw him look at JM or JA maybe once.

    10.Barb-Female, 40’s, has the “sexy librarian” look, wearing a form fitting sweater, slender build and voluptuous. If ANYONE on the jury is offended by disparaging comments regarding breast augmentation, my guess is it would be her. She is the only juror I couldn’t see very clearly; just when she entered and exited the courtroom and when I stretched up out of my seat to gawk at her.
    I called this lady “Plain Jane” She was very hard to see from where I was, but I could tell she was taking notes quite a bit.

    11.Poquito-Little Mexican guy (maybe 5’3) with long graduated pony tail, lots of facial hair and piercings.
    I called him “Paco” He was hard to see too, but mostly because he was slouched down in his seat I thought he’d fall off Lol. At one point he was bent over instead of slouching, but still very hard to see.

    12.Neil-Early 50’s high forehead, glasses, looks very nervous and turns red easily. This is the guy that makes KCL nervous.
    I called this guy “Jim” I wrote “very hard to read”.

    13.The Wrestler-Younger good looking guy, large build.
    I called this guy “The Jock” He reminded me a little of Oz on American Pie (Chris Klein).

    14.Old potsmoking CPA (I have no idea why I wrote this, i have ZERO recollection of this juror. He did not make any impression on me, other than when I was going down the rows naming them.)
    I called this guy Sleepy. He swiveled in his chair a lot and fell asleep at least twice. He was also slouched down in his chair.

    15.Elderly Man-This man is definitely the oldest juror, he occasionally uses the headphones to listen to the proceedings that Jodie’s Auntie uses.
    I called him “Captain” He has a very intense gaze. It’s hard to describe but he gives off a stubborn and no bs vibe. Maybe ex military or something?

    16.Maureen-Red haired, glasses (the red might be too red to be a natural ginger) If I had to guess one Mormon on the jury, it would be her.
    I called her The Secretary. She took a lot of notes and had a “polished” look to her. She had her whole body turned facing Jodi. I barely saw her look at JM. She was the only one that really made me feel nervous at all.

    17.Pony Tail-Young girl, pony tail, plain, pony tail and sweats.
    I called her frumpy lady. Not in a rude way… it’s just the word that came to mind. Very plain. She took a lot of notes.

    18.The Artist-Bald, attractive, glasses, 50’s-60’s, large build, holds his notebook on a binder as if he’s going to sketch. He looks around the gallery a lot. I thought we met eyes a couple of times, but who knows, that room is so huge!
    This guy also had a very intense gaze. He took some notes. He rubbed his face and tapped his fingers to his lips a lot. He wasn’t the only one doing stuff like that, but I’ll get into that in my notes.

    • Thanks Al for sharing. I’m glad to hear there are some younger member. I would think they would understand DV better than an older person. I could be wrong, but I think older people think more in the terms of physcial abuse I would think the 2 younger guys will understand that IM, emails rants and name calling are over the top behavior.

      • Awesome AL. I saw the questions just as you did. I wasn’t as concerned as some. By the way juror 5 is gone so is 11 ( the only hispanic juror). Pointing that out because the defense motioned about jury selection not representing women or Hispanics.

        • JC,

          I wonder if juror 11 is truly ill, or if the jury is in fact watching the media, could some of them be getting a little fearful of the lynch mob mentality?

          It crossed my mind that perhaps juror 11 won’t be the last one that feels the need to get off the jury because of fear?

          What say you?

          • Correction: It crossed my mind that perhaps juror 11 won’t be the last juror to go, that others might feel the need to get off the jury because of fear of repercussions from the lynch mob.

          • Could be.

            It could also be a case of a guy who just can’t be out of work any more. Heck its been almost 4 months. If you work on an hourly basis or for a small business or on a commission basis, this can have a major impact on your fiscal well being

            • I agree Al, and there is no end in sight if they are talking about court dates in May. I would feel so disconnected from my life.

          • Or a family member who is tuned in to the media and is requesting the juror to bail to avoid the mob at the end of the trial?

            Does anyone know how much they are paid each day?

            I’ve never been asked for jury duty but I’ve always thought I would work to appear biased so I would never get picked for jury duty.

          • I say you may be right. I don’t even think they need be to watching the tv to know a lynch mob may occur when they render a verdict. all they have to be is remotely aware of Casey Anthony LOL. I know me. I wouldn’t back down as a juror. I felt terror before and refuse to allow it to control me. Nevertheless, I certainly understand that a juror may back out, saying they are ill, if they know they can’t vote guily! He was also the only hispanic person represented on the jury. I find that part interesting too. If he refuses to talk ever, I think we will know what he was thinking. Sometimes not saying anything says more than words. Says you? 🙂

            • Which is exactly WHY I think juror 5 is anti-Jodi, “oh, I’ll have a LOT to say as soon as the trial is over”-in other words, she’s not worried about repucussions, especially now being on the outside and really seeing the bloodthirsty.
              She was DEFINETELY a GUILTY.

    • I’m not doing to good at picking the ones I’d like to see get selected. I only have 9 picked out that I would want.

    • Thanks Al,

      I agree the one question about what was done to Travis compared to what he did to her. That question didn’t surprise me at all.

      How it was explained to me is, everything that was going on in their relationship, slapping, choking, character assassination, name calling etc., that was domestic violence.

      What happened on June 4th was Jodi’s reaction to his actions when she dropped the camera.

      • The question that turned my stomach was the one that insinuated that Travis fantasizing about 12 year old girls wasn’t the same thing as masturbating to pictures of young boys. Both scenarios involve CHILDREN. The juror who asked that seems to think that fantasizing about pre-teen girls is totally fine. Disgusting.

        • catching up from yesterday…KCL KatieCoolLady seems to be the one who saw AVL talking to Sam ..its all right here on WS

          so i guess per this convers the lady in court from HLN has video feed of ALV talking to sam?? kcl seems to have been approached by news media and may appear on pm show seems this is the troublemaker and of course sam is the drama queen. seems very immature to be an officer of the law. seems the reporter is looking for the feed and kcl hopes to have it played over and over on tv she wants to see a public sanction or it will get reported

    • So I too am having a problem figuring out who I would want. Defense attorneys apparently prefer women. However based on stuff I’ve posted below, I’m thinking maybe we need men.

      • I agree about the men/women. AL
        I don’t understand why, but I’ve heard abused women stand up for the abuser in another family.
        You know what I mean. It’s like they are putting up with it and think she should too..

        Not the abused ones on here. They get it.
        There are so many different kinds of abuse.The women or men that don’t understand that, I don’t understand them.

        I’ve seen men just give a wife or girlfriend a look and they know they had better jump, move, shut up and I can’t stand to be around it.
        But like Jodi said you have those that are one way and then turn nice and you hope it’s forever.

      • Fitzgerald and Ellsworth also found that the jury in capital trials is more biased towards the prosecution and a guilty verdict as compared to the juries in robbery trials or non-capital murder trials. There is evidence that death qualification biases the jury in two different ways. First, it tends to select jury members who are “conviction prone.” Second, the very process of death qualification may further bias the jurors. Researcher Craig Haney argues that questioning the jurors intensively about punishment, before the trial even starts, suggests that there will be a sentencing phase of the capital trial – implying that the defendant is probably guilty. Likewise, Cowan, Thompson, & Ellsworth found that death qualified juries deliberate less thoroughly and possibly less accurate than in juries that better represent the whole population. These findings led to the Supreme Court case Lockhart v. McCree (1986) (see below).

        In the 1990s, the Capital Jury Project reached similar conclusions on the basis of their studies of capital juries. The Capital Jury Project (CJP), a nationwide research endeavor funded by the National Science Foundation, interviewed people who had served on death penalty juries from 15 states around the country. The CJP found that members of minority groups, women, Catholics, and other subgroups are more likely to oppose the death penalty than the population at large. Hence, fewer people belonging to these groups typically serve on a capital jury.

  81. I just want to thank you again for posting all of the trial videos on your website- I am currently in Afghanistan and it is difficult to keep up; without your website I would probably not stand as firmly on Jodi’s side as I do now!

  82. So ladies,

    Y’all got to ‘splain something to me.

    After my snap poll this morning, I went back and did a more in depth analysis of the genders of the various postings on this case. I went to 3 twitter accounts, 3 facebook pages and three web sites. After I went through and counted about 300 posts, I just started eye-balling them with the intention of seeing what the gender distribution of hater posts was.

    I must have gone through about a thousand posts, if not more. My snap poll this morning showed about 80% female. My actual count of 300 showed the same spread, and so did my eyeballing of another 1000 posts.

    I must confess I was not expecting such a large variance. Also I did not quite expect the gender split I’m seeing. In fact if you look at the pro-Jodi posts (other than this site) the split is not quite as marked.

    So what’s up.

    • Al,

      No one can tear another female down like another female. It is sad. They are supposed to be united in advocating for women’s rights, and yet, women, more than men, call each other whores, b****es, sluts, and more.

      That is the problem. They are tearing Jodi down because she had sex with Travis. Jodi is also very attractive. Hence, a huge backlash. (The nature of the killing does play a role, but I’d say it’s the sex).

      The US claims to have come very far in women’s rights and encouraging women to express sexuality. The criticize the Middle East for not allowing women to express sexuality, and see it as limiting. Yet, the minute a woman expresses her sexuality here, she gets painted as a whore.

      It is disturbing. I do not feel we came as far as we claim in terms of viewing women and men equally in terms of actions. This trial has been, Travis was a man, of course he slept with Jodi, she allowed it. Yet, Jodi does not have that same excuse. She is a whore.

      I find it disgusting.

      • Nk,

        I hear you. I’m just amazed. I read somewhere of a study done by the Justice department that DV victims are mainly women, which was an impetus for the Violence Against Women Act. I would think that women would be more sensitive to such issues.

        Also, the mouth on some of these women. They need to wash it out with soap. Talk about vile.

        • I think there are women who are foolish enough to believe that a victim of DV deserves it because she didn’t leave.

          These are women who have never been through it and are ignorant. That is where this whole, “she deserved it” thing came from.

          If she had been the one that died, maybe then they would have more compassion. (And yet, given Travis is an attractive male, they may actually make stupid excuses for him like those idiot reporters in the Ohio rape case… “oh poor boys, their lives are ruined”)

          • I agree with both of your responses Nk.

            That just about splain’s it AL and just as Nk said I find it disgusting also.
            Also down right pathetic!

            The women that have been abused and don’t understand ANY kind of abuse is JUST wrong.

            There is NO justification for it.

            Women that have finally stood up to the abuser are either, dead, in prison and worse yet
            abused by the public. It’s insane!

        • No kidding! I asked one woman if she kissed her children with her mouth! I was stunned. I don’t know why some think that the more vulgar language they use, the more people accept what they are saying.

          If my kids talked like that, I would smack their mouths for them, and they know it too. My kids are 32, 29, and 27, they were taught there is no need for that kind of language.

    • Oh, it doesn’t surprise me. Most of Casey Anthony’s haters were female too. I think there are a lot of factors – jealousy of young, attractive women (Jodi and Casey), the fact that women are really tough on other women in general, and (in bizarre cases) attraction to the prosecutor/victim.

    • You have been busy today, Al. Good work.

      This might indicate the ratio of 10 men & 6 women left on the jury could be favorable to Jodi? Listening to what you found out today, I’d rather have the present jury than a jury with 10 women and 6 men.

    • Al, my theory is not so much jealousy, but consists of four points:

      #1 These women want to be louder in their hatred than the men in order to be noticed by them, and ‘look at me, look at me, I am the total opposite of Jodi, love me do not hate me’.
      Most of the men spewing hatred on these sites act from genuine misogyny and Jodi is their symbol of the entrapping evil witch, the slut who dared fight back, she must be burnt. The women distance themselves from the Jodi symbol by howling louder to prove that they are in no way similar to the Jodi that the men hate.

      #2. Unconsciously the women hate Jodi because she has roused the hatred of the men and are afraid of the backlash. Ironically, if they hang around these guys long enough, they are not going to escape from being viewed as some sort of a ‘slut’ eventually.

      #3. Some of these women are people who have abused their female siblings, classmates or coworkers and gotten away with it all their lives with the tacit approval of the men around them. Men in all sort of social or work groups love to delegate the dirty works of public relation, harassment, female-bashing, firing and scapegoating to women.
      Men might be pulling the strings behind these Stepford haters. Hiding behind skirts to do the dirty work for them, and they’ll take the blame if something goes wrong.

      #4. Two months ago when I still tried to post comments out there ( I did not count ) but the gender ratio appeared to me to be reversed; there were more males then females. So it has evolved. They have recruited members to be their mouthpiece and foot soldiers.

  83. I think ALV maybe be back in court to testify about the shit storm that this trial has become. Her book reviews, the threats, the attacks against her character,some of what we may never know.The HLN reporting etc. which we all know are lies. She has a right to have a life and be able to make a living at the work she has been praised for and dedicated her life to. It’s not fair or right his woman is being systematically destroyed. I know there is a law that protects her right to do so. I think it’s more ammo for a mistrial. Also lets lot not forget the affects on her emotional state living in the eye of the storm. I would hate to see a mistrial for Jodi’s sake because God only knows how long it would be before a new trial was granted and she would still be sitting in prison.if no mistrial is declared Jodi has more than enough ammunition to get an appeal. I can also hope ALV files a lawsuit showing what this trial and the horrendous things that these people “haters” have done to her from following the PIED PIPERS at HLN and bankrupt them. I can only hope! But the jury won’t be there so maybe it is about the mistrial.

    • It’s tragic for her Kimberly.
      AND the haters started before she was even called to testify????

      The hating public will ruin you if they can and they can.
      Shame Shame on HLN!
      The worst kind of bullying. They have no right to talk about bullying being bad unless they include themselves.

  84. Does anyone have a picture from last night of Jodi with Bobby? They haters are saying that they can see lines of Cocaine on the table and a rolled up bill? Can someone take a peek? My screen is too small, but I doubt it’s true just like EVERY bloody thing else!!! Please and Thank you!

    • Will check this.

      While looking for the picture, this is posted on state vs jodi fb page

      CONFIRMED : The hearing with Wong is a follow up to Jean Casarez’s testimony re prosecutorial misconduct [Martinez taking photos with fans outside court].

      UNCONFIRMED : LaViloette may be questioned about approaching Travis’ sister, Samantha.

      • Gail, I saw your posts on the AZCENTRAL comments which led me to your facebook page, wanna be my facebook friend? I was gonna friend request you but wanted to ask you first?

    • The picture doesn’t even show a table in it. Sheesh, someone has a very vivid imagination if they are saying that. lol

      • I didn’t see that one. Looks like white powder dust on the table for sure. Yikes!

        • Eh, young kids doing cocaine isn’t that far out of the norm. If Jodi experimented with drugs when she was younger, so what?

      • Oh yeahhh…. it sure looks like it and his eyes. But who freaking cares, WTF?!!! REALLY??!! They act like they’re all Saints, WTF!!! OH, and that guy was sooooo much better looking then TA!! Cute picture!
        Its stupid thst they’re digging up her old pictures to talk shit, this picture reminds me of MY old pictures from HS (memories), and they’re ruining even that for Jodi!!! Gggeeezzz…

        • Thank you for blowing it up. But still….there ain’t no damn rolled up bill there tho’!

          • No, no rolled up bill!! For all they can guess, it could be baby powder. I use baby powder on my girls and the dressers look like that! They’re idiots, they’re just mad cuz Bobby was cute!! ; ))

        • Yes LC … so what! It’s not as though they would be the only 2 teenagers who ever did drugs!

          I cannot imagine how it would feel to have ones entire life put online and every. single. pixel. examined.

          It could be baby powder too … who the hell knows or cares!

          It is a cute picture. She is adorable and looks happy, like a sweet, young, fresh faced teenager is supposed to!

          • It is an adorable picture, they BOTH look happy, young happy, lol its so cute, I saved it. I bet if jodi saw that picture todsy, it would bring a smile to her face. Aaaawwww… now im going to cry….. I GOING TO BED, GN, YALL!!!

              • I think Bobby was way cute! He looked Jodi’s physical equal, not like you know who. Travis reminds me of a used car salesmen who knows and will sell you are car with 25 miles of life left. But will polish it up and make it look shiny, just like he did with himself, he’s only missing the gold chain, the unbuttoned shirt exposing his chest hair and the line this car won’t last long, I might by it! YUCK

              • I looked at the pic, up close, and yeah…it s a couple lines of blow. So?? Bobby and Jodi (and we don’t know who even did any) are certainly not the first teens to do it and won’t be the last. Who cares? it has NOTHING to do with this trial….zilch! If she was on trial for drug trafficking…it might matter, but even then its a stretch. I would hate to see the pics of me when I was 18, 19, 20…..floating around on the internet or tv, I did some pretty silly and wild things back then. it has no bearing on me now, nor does this photo have any bearing on Jodi’s character or certainly not any on this trial. People who knew her will be scouring their photos for any little photo that shows anything they think can be sensational….like I said, I hope my old pics never show up anywhere.

                • Same here Anna,
                  I’m sure none of us were angels/saints.
                  The media get’s down to silliness when they go back looking
                  for those things.
                  I would be surprised if they found any, except JVM, NB, DD
                  and VP. The Perfect Ones!!!

                  Someone said yesterday that something was going on and Beth said she had no idea, but told Vinnie, she thought it had to do with the media.

                  Vinnie’s reply was “THE MEDIA, US????
                  The jury hasn’t seen any of this.” OH REALLY??

                  I wish they would bust them and
                  AL, Jodi would sue HLN and break them, like I just read!

                  Sweet justice!

      • I zoomed in and looked at that white mark. If that’s cocaine, I’m the king of Spain.

        I think its actually a water stain or something on the surface.

    • I blew it up as big as I could an it looks like a reflection of light to me ??

  85. Off topic but anyway …. tonite’s 48 Hours “Power and Passion” is about a local murder that “became” a suicide. A lot of us locals really believe this abuser got away with murder. Local DA was up for re-election and probably shot herself (and the case) in the foot mishandling the case to win it when she probably could have won with a circumstantial case. We’re looking forward to seeing how the tale is spun.

  86. Did you guys hear about the mail bomb sent to Sheriff Arpaio today? Was strong enough to maim or kill! Yikes!

      • GMAB!

        If she was this talented she’d of already broken herself out of jail long ago.

        I’m sure Joe has many enemies who’d like to see him gone.

        ….wonder if he’s Mormon and his magic undies protected him?

  87. I’m not really sure a mistrial would be good for Jodi, unless the mistrial is due to prosecutorial misconduct. That would tend to curb the State some on the second go around.If its for any other reason, we’re just going to have this three ring circus again.

    On the other hand I still believe that if this jury is sane they will see that M1 has not been proven. In fact the gory nature of the scene and the killing tends to pont more to a case where there was a prolonged struggle and someone lost control for some reason. Even if they don’t buy the self defense, that reason leads to a path to M2 or manslaughter.

    If this did go to appeal, I believe we have a great chance of reversal on the grounds of both judicial and prosecutorial error. A retrial then would already have the judge and JM on notice, and would be carried out under any conditions the appeals court may attach to the remand.

    My last thought before I go nighty-night:

    I really hope like crazy that the defense puts on some sort of forensic pathologist and a crime scene re-constructionist with firearms knowledge before they rest.

    • Al I put those photos on my television it’s 50 or 52 inches. The “colke lines” look like something that happens when a camera flas catches something shiny on an object, like furniture polish on the table or the polyurethane on it. Doesn’t look like coke lines to me.

      • Didn’t think of that. I bet you’re right. I knew it was something on the surface, not a deposit. The flash would explain it.

    • You always have the best ideas Al. I hope they do have a forensic pathologist too, it would do the case a great deal!

      &Well have a good night to you too.

    • I agree Al I don’t believe M1jas no where near been proven or do I believe it. I’m also agree jodi is facing a M2 conviction. I would feel better with a manslaughter conviction. I believe Jodi was a victim pf se DV I just don’t think she will walk away innocent. For me yes Trabis was a lieing,amipulativr bastard. He was a cheater, a user and an abuser. Sure I’ve forgotten some of hiss my other fine qualities. He was a sexual deviant who used wen as far as they would let them. Unfortunately for Jodi she was blinded by love and she became his favorite play toy. Sadly, I don’t think Jodi helped herself on the stand by excusing things, saying she was a willing participant . Unfortunately the physical violence told by Jodi on the few episodes many people consider the abuse so horrific that it wouldnt make her afraid for her life just sick of it.Tthis doesnt match with what standard the public considers horrible. There are so many women who are brutalized physically over and over with very serious injuries from the beatings, and that’s what they want to see. It not be right but I think that’s how it’s being looked at.

  88. know what is crazy a lot of people are getting sick having to endure this trial lost a jurior he/she is sick and ALV hope she is OK at her age it could be something serious heart high blood pressure low blood sugar any a number of things

      • have you noticed the two different report flores did one for the incident report with all the players at the house and one for the jury beecee2 had a link to that i went and looked and started clicking open things and came across it buy accident ///////////// LC //////////////////

  89. regarding the juror that was released: where did this sudden illness come from? If its a long term illness he would not have been chosen for the jury, correct? I havent been here all day and this may have already been discussed but im curious. any thoughts?

    • I’m pretty sure he was just “sick” of hearing Juan’s annoying ass voice for four months! LOL!!

    • Trixels,

      I was wondering too, this illness came on pretty fast. I wonder if his family has seen all the hate going on, or he’s seen it and figured it was time to get off that jury. I am sure they are seeing stuff outside the courthouse as well.

      The hate is escalating as well, now over 1000 posts on amazon against Alyce’s book, and at least one that I know of saying they want to see her dead.

      This has gone past nuts a long time ago.

    • YES THEY ASK that when you are called for jury duty do you have an illness or taking care of someone with an illness

      • Honestly, I’d lie and tell them I had an illness, it was a known fact this trial was going to be high profile. I think fear would be the deciding factor for me, it’s pretty bad when jurors have to worry about death threats for doing their duty.

        • The juror shows up today and gets released out of nowhere. It’s not as if days were missed because of a juror calling in sick, or did I miss something? How does that work, did the juror have to prove that he was sick, like a note from a Dr.? Its all so strange and out of the blue. This entire trial is unnerving. Every day it is something else. My brain is scrambled up over all of this bullshit.
          Goodnight sweet dreams

          • To get out of jury duty due to illness, you cannot just say you are sick. Especially once the trial is underway….he would have to produce something from a doctor. Maybe he has a serious disease that was in remission, and it returned…? Maybe it came on suddenly and he is unable to go in everyday, if he has a doctor statement, they have to let him go.

  90. I think the defense should bring someone in the medical field to examine Jodi’s finger to prove it to be real.injury that has healed And to possibly give an explanation of how possibly this type of injury could an RN with a Masters and I think this could give some medical coronation to prove at the very least Jodi’s not lying there is a injury.

    • Oh goodness, you don’t want anyone with a Masters, look at the big kafuffle JM has made over Alyce having a Masters and not a Phd. Ridiculous! Slimy little man making her education out to be inferior.

  91. Did anyone else hear ALV went to the emergency room for stress and anxiety treatment!

  92. Hey everyone,

    I just spent 15 minutes chatting online with customer service at I am a regular Amazon shopper and spend around $1000 a month on that site because I hate to shop in stores. But I told them that I will not order anything else from them and I will send them back their Amazon credit card in several pieces if they do not remove those fake reviews of Alyce LaViolette’s book It Can Happen to You, Why Women Stay. Someone from Amazon is supposed to email me tomorrow; and if they don’t, no more business from me. There are plenty of places I can shop online that don’t contain death threats, of which I reminded them. I am so sick of these people seeking “justice” yet they are willing to ruin a woman’s life and career for testifying in a trial. This is witness intimidation, and it is illegal!

    • I am with you on this issue with Amazon. 😥 I have contacted them many times and they seem to do nothing. I shop mostly online and buy a ton from them but I told them I would stop as well if they do not do something about this hate. 😡

    • The witness intimidation piece of this internet bullying is the part that I don’t understand, when law enforcement says what is going on is not illegal. Almost every tweet and post, by these people, refers to the fact that ALV brought this on herself because of her testimony . The intimidation and threats started within the first day of her testifying. How can it not be witness intimidation and it seems to me it could also be classified as hate speech which I understood to be a crime.

      • I’ve really gotten to be a night owl since I started following this trial. It’s really around 2:00AM my time here…not really 5AM, but still too late.

        Spending tomorrow night at my son’s baby sitting my grand daughter. She is not so much a baby any more…will be 12 yrs old in June! My how time flies! She is my only grand child so she is still my baby in some ways. She is kinda at that tween stage. Last week she and her father stopped by for a visit and she showed up with a large skateboard and skateboarding magazine under one arm and a stuffed animal under the other. 🙂 It will be a nice break from all of this.

      • Witness Intimidation is grounds for mistrial because stalking AVL and making numerous attempts to ruin her career changes the tone in which she testified Friday.
        I heard her change.
        The excuses she began making for Travis.
        It is *so* obvious.
        Laugh at that, TMLMob!

    • Well done. Just making them aware of an issue puts them in a difficult position if they do not remove it.

      Remember though they may not have people working at the week-end, so give them a chance.

      But keep up the pressure, well done!

      Proper news sites tend to be more responsible. In the UK we have which is a bit toothless, but newpapers will generally come into line when challenged.

      Even if you don’t succeed, you will feel better for taking positive action.

      • Note: there are three ways to react when we feel angry/upset about something.

        1. Hide, block it out, take a break – sometimes a good idea.
        2. React irrationally, blaming the referee or the judge. Start arguing angrily from a weak position.
        3. Take positive action to do something about it. Deal with the problem calmly and rationally.

        This is one view of the theory of cognitive dissonance.
        It has all sorts of applications, dealing with people on the internet, DV relstionships, you name it!
        The 3rd alternative is generally the best one that makes you feel good.
        In DV this is getting help or leeaving an abusive partner (my interpretation).

  93. I pre-ordered Alyce’s new edition of her book–but NOT from Amazon. By the way, the hate campaign is also alive on Barnes and Noble website, with reviews of Alyce’s book calling her “a buck-toothed, fat, overweight dyke.” I flagged these reviews as inappropriate, but I’m sure nothing will happen. Guess I will have to boycott them, too.

    • Let’s email them now!

      I will later today. What losers!

      Geraldo is right – they’re barbaric!

    • I’ve been flagging inappropriate on BnN site also but so far it hasn’t done any good.

  94. Go FOX News!

    I was right about Geraldo Rivera. He was on O’Reilly tonight (hosted by Greg Gutfeld in place). Gutfeld interviewed Rivera about his thoughts concerning Arias following him on Twitter.
    Rivera posted the following on his Twitter page:

    Geraldo Rivera ‏@GeraldoRivera 11 Apr
    Just heard Jody Arias follows me on twitter-Maybe because I think it is barbaric for State to avenge Travis’ death by killing her. Shameful.

    Respect you *so* much, Geraldo! God, protect him from the TMLM.
    I’m sure he has a PR assistant watching his Twitter account, yes? Or….no?

    • Geraldo Rivera takes a stand that AZ vs. Arias is obviously about domestic violence and she was trying to defend herself up against a man much stronger.

      Finally! An intelligent journalist who *gets* domestic violence! We have a man’s voice in the media supporting domestic violence victims!!

      • Geraldo just heavily criticized Juan Martinez’s inappropriate and way too personal courtroom behavior! 😀

        • Geraldo Rivera ‏@GeraldoRivera 9 Mar
          Arizona killing Jodi Arias is as barbaric as her killing Travis Alexander. Its not justice its revenge.

          Above from Geraldo’s Twitter page.

          Why did we not see these? He is one amazing journalist! Thank God!

    • Geraldo Rivera takes a stand that AZ vs. Arias is obviously about domestic violence and she was trying to defend herself up against a man much stronger.

      Finally! An intelligent journalist who *gets* domestic violence! We have a man’s voice in the media supporting domestic violence victims!!

    • Geraldo Rivera takes a stand that AZ vs. Arias is obviously about domestic violence and she was trying to defend herself up against a man much stronger.

      Finally! An intelligent journalist who *gets* domestic violence! We have a man’s voice in the media supporting domestic violence victims!!

  95. I sadly do not think Jodi can get a fair trial. I think the harassment of the defense witnesses is horrible but do not think anyone will care IE: Judge. This is all making me ill. You are all good people. Stay strong.

  96. Reading all the Travis Messiah Lynch Mob tweets on Geraldo’s Twitter page, I can tell, immediately, that all these people are Republicans.
    How does that *not* surprise me?

  97. Interesting : if they run out of jurors, it’s a mistrial.

    I don’t think this would necessarily be a problem, not many people actually follow the trial in great detail, but hopefully it won’t come to that.

    I think public opinion may switch around well before the trial ends.

    But if it was a mistrial, Jodi could get a trial in another county,with a more reasonable prosecutor.

    Just my guesses you understand.

    • geebee2

      When they change the venue, the jury comes from a different county, however the judge and prosecutor come from the county where the offense took place. That’s because they have jurisdiction.

      In some extremely rare cases, where either conflict of interest issues arise or people start recusing themselves due to perceived or real bias, or connections with the defendant or victim (as in the Jerry Sandusky case) The State Attorney General may take over the prosecution and the Governor or the State Judicial System may appoint a special judge.

  98. Yes Cindy, it’s very hard to keep up now. I don’t have a lot of time to post, but I’m always reading the post.

        • ENOUGH is ENOUGH -I’m sorry my post was not to you. it was meant to be for someone else’s post who expresed something bad about republicans.

          • I’m mot a republican neither a democrat. I’m an independant voter, but I’m sure that some people on this site might get offended with bad comments about either democrats or republicans.

  99. Yes!!!!

    If you google for “jodi arias wiki” the wiki I made has now moved into 4th spot, above the silly youtube videos.

    Please keep doing this search and clicking on my site.

    It makes it easier for neutral people to find out about the truth.

  100. I know that most of the questions that these jurors ask were not that great, but I still have faith that some of them have reasonable doubt. Like I said before, I believe that it will be a hang jury at the end of this trial. Any way, lets keep the faith everyone. In God’s name we are going to be victorious.

    • I think the court case will be won.

      My bigger concern is the type of mess that followed the Casey Anthony case.

      There is an interaction though – winning the battle outside the courtroom helps both with winning the case and with avoiding a Casey Anthony type backlash.

      Well, that’s my view.

      It needs to be done on a subtle way – don’t bother trying to convince HLN watchers, it’s the neutral people who need some help, who are looking at all the hate going on and just need some proper information.

      That’s what I;m trying to accomplish.

  101. Here is something I don’t get. Why hasn’t the defense asked Alyce this:

    Do you have any possible motivation to being here other than getting at the truth and determining why this relationship escalated to this horrific event?

    Think about it.

    1. I’m sure she doesn’t need the money
    2. She certainly doesn’t need the fame or attention
    3. She doesn’t need the headache (that being the smart woman she is) is certain to follow when this case is over
    4. She doesn’t need the death threats or potential harm that would come to her or her family
    5. She doesn’t need something else to add to her CV
    6. She has had a very long and prosperous career and participating in this trial won’t change that in any way
    7. Her experience and incredible range of varied cases in DM must put her in the very top percentile of anyone in the field
    8. She answers every question professionally, doesn’t stumble at all, speaks with eloquence and knowledge – no matter how insulting, ridiculous and well beyond what should be asked in any courtroom in the US
    9. She obviously has an opinion that sides with the defense but she isn’t defensive in any way, just matter of fact
    10. She seems incredibly credible despite an abusive prosecutor, an idiotic judge seemingly oblivious to the law, and a mostly decided and biased jury (listening to their questions).

    This is ridiculous, as all of you here do know.

    I do think the one thing that would have helped her (although this is me talking, probably not in her nature which is telling in and of itself), is if she were to toss in “That’s a very good question” when answering the juror questions. This would shamelessly feed some of their simple-minded egos. Kermit would object, but she could still continue to do it and I think it would be helpful.

    Also, since Kermit repeatedly asks the same question over and over and over again and the defense team should be objecting as often as his disruptive demeanor is, she should have answered with, “I just answered that and I will answer again, but my answer isn’t going to change this time.”


    • About #1 – JM objected so AL was cut off yesterday but she started to say that “after 35 years she doesn’t have much of a retirement…” I don’t know why she said that but I was glad that JM objected at that time.

      • Lisa M-

        I did see that she said that but I wasn’t sure she was necessarily referring to money because the question was about taking on or rejecting cases. Still, I doubt she is in it for the money. Unless she is a great liar and is perfectly deceitful, she doesn’t seem like she is just there to make a buck. To me, she comes across as credible, honest and straightforward.

        And unless I have missed this in the news, I haven’t seen anyone speak out badly against her and I would think given the field of work she is in, she has made many enemies just by the nature of the work. If you or anyone has seen anyone from her past that accuses of her of lying or just not the person she claims to be, I would love to see that. If there isn’t anything like that, it just reinforces that she is who she seems to be.

        • Man, If Alyce is a pathological liar then I’m the Queen of Spain 😉 😉

          (AL, your comment up thread re the king was my first smile of the day! Thanks!)

          Her style comes across as genuinely caring, honest and always striving to do what she feels is right based on facts.

          I agree Lisa … if she has enemies it’s only the ones she’s stood up to. Like the TA’s worshippers who refuse to allow even his own written word to have meaning.

          I’m sure there are many abusers who will never understand where she’s coming from or *get* her message. It’s so much easier to attack the messenger than look inward.

        • I heard today.. she is in the hospital.. cuz of the death threats etc. I do not know if that is true or not, but I wouldnt be surprised. If you ever go to Beth Karas facebook page.. omg.. you will get so upset with their comments, its no wonder she gets death threats.. They make fun of her person, he name, her looks, everything.. I read them cuz they fire me up, and i make comments.. and feel good for awhile.. I should quit going there, but it pulls me sometimes. I thought she did an excellent job… I learned so much just from listening to her..

          • Oh wouldn’t it be great if some real lawyers took a at look at this and sue him in civil court for abusive prosecution? Any lawyers think this is possible? I would love to contribute some money to that!

            And what if the defense called the real Kermit the Frog to testify and he broke out into The Rainbow Connection (revisited)

            Why are there so many,
            Little man prosecutors,
            That can’t go on the big people rides?
            Making good decisions? (huh)
            But only illusions
            And prosecutors have everything to hide

            So we’ve been told and some choose to believe it,
            But we know they’re only lies

            Someday we’ll find it
            The Little Man Connection
            The judges, the juries and me

  102. When I was trying to get the trial yesterday, I had to search for a new site because the one at the top of this page and the one on cnn kept locking up. I found one that would play – and after court finished for the day, I happened to see comments on the board. These people were actually congratulating themselves for being “classy” in their appalling comments. There’s nothing you can say…nothing you can do…no way you can begin to reason with people like that.

  103. I feels so badly for Alyce. She is one of the best in her field and this stupid prosecutor is trying to make her appear like a liar. The media is making her out to be a villain when she is not. I hope Alyce reads here and knows that she has support. I think there are a lot of people who need to be brought up on charges for stalking, starting with the person peering in the window at her having lunch and taking that picture. I thought this was what they accused Jodi of doing, being a stalker b/c she looked in a window. I have had it with some of these ignorant people, they are just mean and vile. I feel like we have gone back to the days of mob mentality, and people being guilty before trial. This is sickening that people are acting this way.

  104. I think the reason the haters are going after Alyce is b/c she is making them see how bad Travis really was and that he was no saint. It’s not Alyce’s fault that Travis was like he was. The proof is in the text messages anyway, and when the jury gets their hands on them..they will see just how bad Travis was. Hope Jodi goes free and everyone gets to read these texts in full to see who was really the perpetrator, TRAVIS. Just because he died does not make him a saint.

  105. watching replay of 2/3

    judge you’re an idiot as well as incompetent

    objections by jw re jm’s questions

    jm mischaracterizing answers
    judge permitted such

    jm put numerous yes/no questions
    judge forced yes/no answer by al, and forbid al to explain

    jm allowed to insult and mock al and refuse to allow al to refresh her memory
    judge ignores

    it goes on, and on and on …
    judge: clueless, incompetent in her ruling, totally out of her depth on such a serious trial

    what a dumbsh*^ judge she has revealed herself to be in this serious criminal trial
    reveals colossal ignorance
    judge must be totally ego driven to not realize the enormity of her ignorance in this capital case

    has anyone a note of the extent of judges stephens major criminal trial experience ?
    years ?
    number ?
    duration ?
    the number of hours of judicial continuing education in criminal trial court procedures, including evidentiary rulings ?
    did she ever work as a criminial prosecutor or defense attorney ?

    traffic court with pro se defendants doesn’t count

    • and here’s another of jm’s improper “tricks”

      jm asks a question, generally one which mischaracterizes a witness, such as al’s testimony, which of course, stephens allows, despite objection by jw

      then he cuts off al’s answer, and in a show of phony, bogus or deceitful exasperation and snorting jm superficially makes out that he is repeating the question in a different form

      but he doesn’t do any such thing
      the repeated question is not the same as his first question, he changes it

      he comes up with another improper question

      so, his mischaracterizations are not just limited to al’s testimony, but he also mischaracterizes his own immediately prior question, and poses a new question, thereby fraudulently, and improperly attempting to persaude the jury that al is being deceitful, and less than honest and evasive in her testimony

      judge allows all this impropriety to proceed unabated

      this is all against an almost continuous backdrop or string of valid overruled objections by jennifer

      • near the end of video 2/2 jm was, in my opinion, improperly re-opening al’s credentialing as an expert
        jm: so you don’t have a doctorate ?

        on the slightly lighter side, i wonder if judge roy bean of texas has been reincarnated in phoenix, arizona ?

        Justice of the peaceJustice of the peace

        A Texas Ranger requested that a local law jurisdiction be set up in Vinegaroon, and on August 2, 1882 Bean was appointed Justice of the Peace for the new Precinct 6 in Pecos County

        Bean then turned his tent saloon into a part-time courtroom and began calling himself the “Law West of the Pecos.”[7] As judge, Bean relied on a single lawbook, the 1879 edition of the Revised Statutes of Texas. If newer lawbooks appeared, Bean used them as kindling.[9]

        Bean was known for his unusual rulings. In one case, an Irishman named Paddy O’Rourke shot a Chinese laborer. A mob of 200 angry Irishmen surrounded the courtroom and threatened to lynch Bean if O’Rourke was not freed. After looking through his law book, Bean ruled that “homicide was the killing of a human being; however, he could find no law against killing a Chinaman”.[9] Bean dismissed the case.[9]

        In most cases, the fines were made for the exact amount in the accused’s pockets.

        Although only district courts were legally allowed to grant divorces, Bean did so anyway, pocketing $10 per divorce. He charged only $5 for a wedding, and ended all wedding ceremonies with “and may God have mercy on your souls” (traditionally the end of a death sentence).[13

        Bean won re-election to his post in 1884, but was defeated in 1886. The following year, the commissioner’s court created a new precinct in the county and appointed Bean the new justice of the peace. He continued to be elected until 1896. Even after that defeat, he “refused to surrender his seal and law book and continued to try all cases north of the tracks”.[12]

    • I agree with others,..I think ole pickles and rat-face are playing a little “50 Shades of Grey” in the evenings…would explain her outrageous bias for the prosecution in a frigging DP case!!

      • Yes… that would tie in perfectly with them playing “50 Shades of Bullshit” all day during the trial.

        Team Jodi

      • No wonder she has a Pickle Face and a bobbing head then…she is just practicing for later.

        • I’ve thought for some time now this judge is pro-prosecution. She is so obvious that it is sickening. I think there will be a lot of appeal issues brought out if she is convicted under this tainted jury.


    I think this twit long is more accurate rumors if that can be possible. LOL Perhaps, AL is testifying in the motion for mistrial hearing about how threatening her impacted her testimony? Remember the motion for mistrial was never done? AL was given Mon or Tues to show up. She chose Tues. Then Wong was ordered to be there who works for HLN. I think AL may not be in any trouble at all.

    • Wow,..THAT might explain a lot. I gotta go find a picture of “Wong”,…the woman that made the comment on HLN a few nights ago that “ANYTHING people do (to Alyce) on the Internet is acceptable, maybe calling her office and the petition were a bit far, but she agreed to testify…”-paraphrased, (the lady that said that looked a little oriental-but seemed pretty young for a “producer”, but who knows? I’ll check)

    • I personally don’t think it is about ALV approaching eye-roller.

      I mean come on…the court is to minimize the contact between defendants and victim/ doesn’t say it is illegal. All they would have to do is ask her not to approach them again…done and over.

      I certainly hope the police department in Alyce’s area is taking all this seriously…it all depends on them and how far they are willing to go. They could track down every single cyber stalker and charge them with harassment…and i think they should to send out a message.

      There were plenty of people posting hateful things with their real names.

  107. I don’t think the Alyce issue is about any type of charges at all on her. If that were the case she would need to make arrangements to obtain a attorney and he would need to be present.

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