
Free Speech, Death Threats & Prohibited Reproduction

The majority of the ever clueless media always appear to be wheeling out BS excuses for the haters. They say that people are “entitled to their opinion”… and they have “the right to free speech”.

We wouldn’t argue with that under normal circumstances. Yes, everyone IS entitled to their opinion… and everyone DOES have the right to free speech. But the fact is… making death threats and attempting to destroy people’s careers & livelihoods does not fall into EITHER of those categories. And when the Travis Taliban (via Facebook) actively assists and encourages such activity against trial witnesses, well, it’s just turns it all into a farce.

Check out this video from earlier in the week. It relates to the ongoing death threats, abuse & online attacks Alyce LaViolette is currently receiving…

[hdplay id=177 width=500 height=300]

Quote from USA Today:  (click here for the full article)

The tweets and other social media posts began appearing by the next week. “You can show your disgust with LaViolette,” they began, and they posted her office phone number and her website, and they suggested that people write negative reviews of her bestselling book on

As of Tuesday, there were more than 500 of them, panning the book and calling LaViolette a fraud and a disgrace.

People also were calling the organizations that had booked her for speaking engagements, trying to persuade them to fire her. Legal observers are not certain if it constitutes witness tampering, slander, or just an expression of free speech.

“It’s the electronic version of a lynch mob,” said retired Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Kenneth Fields. But it is probably a taste of a future to come.

Sree Sreenivasan, chief digital officer and professor of journalism at Columbia University, said he had never seen anything like the attack on LaViolette.

“This is a logical extension of witness intimidation, taken to an extreme conclusion,” he said. But he believes we will see it again. “I imagine this is going to be standard operating procedure in prominent cases,” he said.

And here’s further proof of the media’s attempts to stir up the haters.

The screenshot from HLN below says – “LAVIOLETTE IN THE CROSSHAIRS”

LaViolette In The Crosshairs - HLN

To class it as Alyce LaViolette “feeling the social media’s heat” is a gross understatement if you ask me. “Cyber-bullying by the digital lynch mob” would be a far better description.

And with that sort of behavior currently rampant and increasing in ferocity, I just hope none of the haters have any kids or pets. If they do, then we can only guess at the respective state they’d be in. Jeez.

In fact… and I’m just putting this out there for general discussion… there should really be a concerted effort to strictly prohibit any of the haters from reproducing. The offer of a free Xbox should easily tempt them. Not only will it be doing society in general a huge favor, but it’ll also lighten the future welfare burden for the country to boot… rid the world of their potential garbage… and overall make the world a safer place — but I digress…

Moving forwards, and with the trial running for at least another few weeks, be sure to post below to let everyone know how YOU are planning to celebrate on Verdict day.

You see, we are in a NO LOSE position here. Seriously. The M1/DP verdict (as craved by the Taliban retards) has never realistically been on the table from the get go – so we can forget that BS. That ultimately means that WE will be the only ones celebrating – hence my question.

We’ll have to wait and see how the finer points of Bobble-head Judge Pickles final instructions to the jury play out… but IF — (and it’s a really big if) — the jury are not instructed on m2 or manslaughter, then Jodi will be acquitted – just like Casey.

If that turns out not to be the case, then that’s cool too. Why? Because Team Jodi have a truly outstanding chance of blitzing an alternate verdict via the Appellate courts… aided to a massive degree by the countless mistrial motions duly filed in lieu of Martinez’ & Co’s ongoing & very far reaching acts of well documented prosecutorial misconduct, deception & stupidity.

So like I say… it really is WIN-WIN for Team Jodi… and… well… it’s LOSE-LOSE for the clueless Taliban loser retards and their delusional pedo-hugging counterparts.

Now ain’t THAT the truth :mrgreen:


Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Prepare to celebrate the fact.

Leave your comments below – and don’t hold back whatever you do.

Have an awesome weekend!

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details. Thank you for your support!


  1. Oh, but these same people get wild and mad when teenagers harass and bully teens on the internet. And when one of these teens can’t take it anymore and commit suicide they are all up in arms, and they are so damn self righteous and ignorant they don’t even realize they are doing the same thing. I know Alyce is a strong woman, but even a strong person can get mentally and physically ill from such organized hatred. What would they do if Alyce had a heart attack or something else from all this? I don’t even know why I posed that question, I already know, they would cheer and feel they accomplished something huge. Just wish they would go about their pathetic, unimportant lives and deal with their and their families issues, but then that just isn’t any fun.

    • I agree with you Leah,the situation has been played out as hate crimes towards the defences witnesses,It is sad that they can spew their vile threats out and nobody will take action,yet soon as one thing about Jodi comes about,it is played out to the limit.Its okay for them to put pictures of her hanging on the net or threaten her,but her defence cant rightly defend her,The judge is biased towards the prosecution with her behavior.The one thing I would like to point out is if you had seen an article from Canada where I live,a 17 year old girl was raped by 4 boys 18 months ago and then she committed suicide last week.The police did nothing to these boys and closed their investigation saying that they could not substanciate any evidence towards them,This is a huge miscarriage of justice,this young girl died because she was bullied and shamed by her peers,this same thing has been going on in this trial.The Media is to blame here,they have sensationalized this trial and have whipped up the ignorant masses into a frenzie that all they want to do is see Jodi die,how sad for humanity,I am ashamed to admit that I belong to the human race,but I use my brain and look at things from both sides,I block out all the BS and determine the truth myself,God bless Jodi and hope she is a free woman soon.

      • So horribly true. We can only hope that something good will come out of this for victims of abuse. Right now, because of the f#%king media, victims of abuse become victims of the media. This needs to be addressed by law.

        • The idiots in the media can’t see that they are at fault here. I think each trial they try and see how far that they can go AND with this trial they have had no limits.
          Enjoy yourselves BULLIES!!

          • I worry that Jodi will still commit suicide if she is freed on self-defense. I don’t know how anyone can handle the assault that she has dealt with so far from the media & cyber bullys.

    • I’ll tell you what they would do if ALV had a heart attack:

      I believe there would be 4 group responses;

      1) The most prevalent comments would be “too bad, but that is what happens when god catches up to you”- or some other bible thumper BS.

      2) #1 would be followed closely by the “too bad, but that’s what happens when your conscious catches up with you”

      3) And probably the most disturbing would be the “Good, i hate that bitch” type responses

      4) Finally we would have the real bastards; they would make this the fault of Jodi “yet another victim from the JODI ARIAS trial”.

      The key here is that ZERo, notta, ziltch, none of them would say the haters are responsible for her being ill.

      • Sirlips,

        what ever happened with contacting defense about comments made on here and then from jury???

        ever here anything??

        • sro606 be carefull what you say HLN got ahold of what I said and used it Hail Mary Nancy Grace she dispicable

          • HLN is not reporting the facts in a factual manner on TV. Every time they pause they project that the prosecution is winning which is pure speculation. Just the tone of the network is creating a rage toward the defense team. Anyone that says anything nice about Arias gets cut off, hung up on, and insulted. Nancy Grace is probably the worst about this. I watched how she handled Arias’ best friend. Seething at her the whole time. I don’t consider Grace a journalist. She’s someone who likes to prosecute people on cable TV with no checks and balances. HLN is reporting this case like it’s some kind of sporting event. The state allowed cameras in the court room and then speaks about how they can’t control social media. This could be compared to the zookeeper opening the door to the bear cage. Then the bear mames a whole family and the zookeeper says he couldn’t control the bear. The US Constitution allows every citizen the right to a defense. People are complaining about the amount of money the state is pouring into Arias’ defense. The defense tried to plea out with 2nd degree murder which would have been more appropriate for the states evidence. But the state chose to spend a fat wad of cash to prosecute her for 1st Degree Murder. It is the state that is bringing the charges like a rabid dog, So the state is responsible to afford the right of the defendant an opportunity for a defense. And the people that are hating on the defense team need to keep in mind, you could end up at the defendant’s table one day because of a bad choice and want people on your side. Especially if you have been overcharged on a circumstantial case and get the privilege of being the meal ticket said news network. This shit Reminds me of the Running Man. Is that what it’s leading to? If she is found not guilty she will never be free anyway because the civil suits are next. And you don’t get court appointed council for that. So she is fucked for life. Both families ultimately lose. Trimming off the fat; Did she kill him? Yes. Was it violent? Yes. Was it planned? There is reasonable doubt.

    • I agree. Most of those bullies probably get up and go to church on Sunday morning!

      Sadly, the popular people are usually the ones that make fun of everyone.

    • Congrats….on being First poster…

      I’m not sure what the prize is this am…LOL…

      • Leah…

        Congrats….on being First poster…

        I’m not sure what the prize is this am…LOL…

        • LOL I knew I was first and was so upset I just kept rattling. I have followed the Canadian case with the young girl who committed suicide, and was glad to read Anonymous is involved, just like they were with Stubenville.

          • I was too Leah, and now the RCMP have reopened the case and are investigating. It should not have taken an uprising of angry people and Anonymous to get involved to make this happen. It should have been done without being shamed into doing it.

    • Leah,

      I’m not so sure if some of the bullies care about their kids being bullied. i think they may be raising bullies. Case in point – my sons ride BMX bikes. When some of the children lose a race, their parents yell at them in front of everyone saying things like, ” we paid all this money for you to race and you lose ranting and raving!” Their children often attempt to bully others by calling them losers before the race.

      These same kids, sometimes, as young a five, go home sobbing. I wonder if these are the same parents who think it’s also okay to bully on the internet?

      A parent at my childrens’ school said, ” I hope you beat him until he’s black to his child. He’s child is known bully. I can’t imagine his parent acting any different online.

      I do agree that the many of the women who bully have projection issues having to do with their own lives, or pent up anger that needs to be released somewhere so they act out online and probably are the same parents who oppose bullying of children. Maybe because they don’t see their own behavior as bullying.

      I think bullying and mobbing via the web needs to be studied more.

      • Yes, it would be a good sociology study. I find it very interesting how people are reacting to this trial, ie someone with code name NY_DEM (by that name choice, someone I would expect to have moderation) on huff post who wasn’t generally in favor of the DP, but was for Jodi. The crazy groupthink was affecting who this woman was and what she believed in in a very creepy way.

        Anyway, this is a fantastic book on the development of criminals, & there is loads of info on how some parents bully their kids & encourage them to bully others: ‘The creation of dangerous violent criminals’, by Lonnie Athens. It is a short book, but it is chock full of valuable info. It is not for the faint of heart, tho, the stories are rough. Last I checked, Athens teaches at Seton Hall Univ. in NJ, he has been a very underappreciated criminologist because of his unorthodox methods & upsetting of the apple cart of old ideas of studying the development of criminal behavior. I think a lot of what he discusses is relevant to the haters behavior, even if not at the level he discusses, it is the same process of passing down hate.

    • I just read SJ’s article but went to the “full article” site that was quoted. At the end it had all the FB hater posters & I replied to a few of them! I get upset with all of these blind people that its hard to express my feelings on every subject concerning Alyce. I did what I could.

    • It’s these same people that most likely made light of and made fun of the shooting in Newtown, Conn… They are animals, barbarians, that are not fit for society…

    • I went to amazon and sent them an e-mailing urging them to close their comment section on her book but they refused due to all that harassment not dropping below their guidelines.. So when is harassment and cyber bullying all of a sudden illegal? Isn’t this what they put laws set forth cause of children committing suicide in the past? All of a sudden it’s all legal again.. Makes me wonder..

    • There are legal precedents already set in Arizona for threatening a prosecution witness with a death threat(s) via social media. They got 7 years in prison for witness tampering. And yet there is noting the court or DA can do if it is a defense witness? Bull pucky …they don’t want to do anything. Then Jodi’s defense team needs to suck it up and get off the cameras themselves. The defense side has great grounds for now requesting the cameras be removed from the court with endless, blatant examples of why this is damaging their case and their witnesses. They need to withdraw their consent to have cameras as cameras can only come in to an Arizona trial if both defense and prosecution agree to have them. Withdraw the darn consent!!! It isn’t going to save LaViolette, but it will punish the media who are fanning the flames of the social media lynch mob. The “haters” appear to be young, with little life experience and no common sense or self restraint. Not all of them, but the majority seem to fall into that category by following their online accounts. They need very little encourage to become out of control (as society is already seeing with teen cyber bullying) and the media, especially HLN is very purposefully fanning that trial by public opinion (and very slanted opinion) for their ratings boost. Take out the camera. Make a statement for other trials in the future. If the media can’t be responsible, they don’t need to have their cameras there. That hits their pocket books via their sponsors..and that is the only thing that pulls this “future” courtroom train wreck of justice and dignity back to some controllable place. It will also send a message to judges that if you can’t control your courtroom or prosecutor then YOU don’t need to be on TV either.

      • From your finger tips on the keyboard to God’s ears! One of the best posts I have ever seen about this trial. I would happily miss out on the rest of the trial if they would remove the cameras at this point, sadly, I am certain it is to late for Ms. LaViolette even if they are removed now. I just hope and pray that she is as strong and wise as I perceive her to be and that she knows this will all go away when the 15 mins are up. Any woman that can be in the field she is in, for as many years as she has been in it, is now wilting flower. However, I feel that it would at the very least send a message to this Judge and save some of what little fairness seems to be left in this trial. I am still absolutely amazed that this Judge has refused to sequester this jury. Just amazed!!!!!

        but all that aside…thank goodness for the wisdom of people like you!

      • one more note while I am thinking on it, we all have a responsibility to post as many positive comments on amazon, youtube and anywhere else the hate is being spread. I have not come across specific info about where I can find anything other than those two places. If anyone else can point me to any other places where positive comments need to be input…please let me know!

  2. SJ

    I think we need to understand these mobs. They are being incited by HLN news for financial gain.

    My theme is “Poor choices and violent acts are invariably the result of mistaken beliefs or the loss of rationality, whether from anger or fear”.

    The haters are effectively being abused, by being mislead by sensationalised and deliberately slanted “news” coverage.

    I don’t blame the haters, I do blame the executives at ABC News and CNN-HLN Network/Turner.

    I think they have a moral responsibility, and they need to be called out on it.

    I think they need to be made financially responsible for the mental havoc they are wreaking on their viewers.

    If they have to pay for the ensuing psychiatric bills, maybe they will think twice?

    • “I don’t blame the haters, ”

      Oh, I fully blame the haters. They can make the choice to not behave in that manner regardless of what they are watching on tv….although I bet a few of them can’t because they only have 2 brain cells.

      The only issue I take with what you are saying is that is sort of like saying gangs of men who rape are not responsible for their actions because of the environment. This is rape of Alyce by social media gangs.

      I agree, HLN should be held financially responsible.

      • HLN is inciting violence and there should be criminal charges against them.

        • Maybe there should be criminal charges for witness tampering too. I don’t know, I’m not an attorney, but it seems to me that what they’re doing is criminal.

          • I found out that there’s nothing Judge Stephens’ court can do about the public. But I’ll bet, in retrospect, she wishes she never allowed cameras.

          • For everything that is happening to both doctors – it IS intimidation. The only reason no charges can be brought is because this assholes are not being paid by the prosecution. So – apparently, leaking garbage to the media in order to incite hate so these lowlife ass wipes can intimidate witnesses is legal and part of AZ prosecution strategy.

      • Yeah, I blame them too. Their over-investment in this trial, to the point where they harass witnesses with death threats, is insane. HLN fuels the fire but the haters seem to be inherently mean.

        I wish I could give Alyce a big hug. I feel so sorry for her.

      • I think that Stanley Milgram should be required reading in college. Wait- most of those people probably can’t read much over 40 characters at a time. Never mind. #Hopeless

      • Bee Cee ,

        Agree. HLN is helping but when does the hater become responsible for their own actions? We handle the media reports without losing our darn minds! Isn’t it the haters who are calling for people to be responsible for their actions such as jodi? And AL? The hypocrisy is rich with them.

      • Oh! SURE!!
        Don’t blame the haters??? DO WHAT?
        And each hater flames more hate.

        We’re supposed to not blame them because they are sheep??
        Brain dead???
        We all have a mind to use.
        In fact it’s a dangerous thing NOT to use it.

        Scary to think 90% of people believe that way!

        • “And each hater flames more hate.”

          “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” ~Buddha

          I would say it is just as powerful of a statement for it’s truth to change ‘Happiness’ to Hatred.

    • geebee2 went to the site you mentioned the one with court mins and was poking around because i dont know what im doing but i did get to the letters excluded page and hit the link above and it took me to the flores report ca20081610844 so this is what the jury get not the one about the insident report at this site if so that is the reason the jury wanted more information about the room mates and of on the stand he tell them one was a work and the other at his girlfriends and that it. If the jury can not see the big picture then how in the hell can jodi be saved for the DP she knew she could not fight the PPL MORONs so she the the next best thing said she did it to protect her family and her self and hope that maybe a lawyer could save her for flores and JM but now we have the hate comming from the TV and INTERNET ….


      • Tonya
        We have to understand that the jury do not get to see everything we can see. In this case, the letters have been excluded from evidence (rightly or wrongly – we just have to accept what the judge ruled).

        This does mean that Jodi’s “allegations” of Travis’ sexual fantasies are not as well corroborated as they might be. There is still corroboration – the boy spiderman stuff, the sex tape, etc,etc.

        That’s one thing.

        But when fighting HLN mis-information and the Hughes, we can use all the material at our disposal. They have said Jodi forged those letters. When you look at the court documents, it’s easy to see this is a lie.

        So you can see that there are two battles going on – the battle in court, and the battle for public opinion (which is heavily influenced by the HLN trash ).

        The problem is that with an unsequested jury, public opinion can easily effect the jury.

        So you cannot afford to ignore public opinion, in my view.

        I’m also starting to wonder if there is something a bit more organised and dirty going on that jurors simply not following the rules. But it’s necessary not to be too paranoid. This is really up to Jodi’s legal team to sort out, and Monday 11am may see some action on that front!

        • THANKS for the information i was confused about the oter link at the top of the letter excluded the report ca20081610844 but you have explain that too good job try to do that there I just dont have computer knowledge can only click it open and read what is on the right side or click the mins but its good

        • No you aren’t being paranoid IMO. I’m not prone to paranoia and I think tampering could be a very real issue.

          Fact – jurors did not have to reveal religious affiliation.

          Fact – there is a large Mormon population who wield power and control in AZ.

          Fact – church doctrine dictates the church comes before all, even govt.

          Fact – should a juror be LDS they can seek counsel about jury duty through the church without it being revealed. And why wouldn’t they? The LDS faith is the undercurrent running throughout this trial. As much as the media plays it down, the undercurrent still exists.

          Fact – Bishops can act as they see fit as they are messengers from God and could approach a juror should a juror reveal they are one and if they are in the church and attending regularly, how can the church NOT know? Where would the church members think the person is all day long who was always available before?

          I think it would naive to assume that a juror at this point hasn’t seen coverage, talked to someone about it, or even sought counsel through the church at this point.

          • the only way they would not see the coverage is the were living in the 1800’s 🙂

            • What do you think someone is envading there privicy by monituring there activity at home i dout it they dont have the money to make them all say away for the media

            • Many are on AMAZON they have money so its not that they are a huge Religion its just that they wield power in Arizona especially certain areas. They are Masonic which really is that if they can control the Money they control the world or hope to all Masonic groups function like that. They are very money minded and Some of the people I am sure are nice but the Cult is dangerous because its very Shallow and Brainwashing, in the Hearst Trial a Margaret Singer a Cult expert was brought in to explain Patty Hearst being brain washed,
              Bailey argued that she had been coerced or intimidated into taking part in the bank robbery. However, she refused to give evidence against the other captured SLA members. This was seen as complicity by the prosecution team. Some of the marks of Mormon Cult are brainwashing, the rage we see is similar to the KKK Cult, Absolutes, Like with Alyce she is wrong bad horrible obsession with their IQs , many of them profess to have high iqs narcissistic disturbance, elitist mentality, They keep members very busy with group activities, love bombing worshiping of a leader, i:e Jodi Travis, cannot speak out against the Group LDS unlike a Normal Religion will shun you if you leave the cult, so many do not want to lose friends family etc. Absolutes which is not in line with Christ Teaching, obsession with purity, When any of the signs described above appear in someone you love act quickly. Cult recruitment does not take long. The remedy in the early stages is quite effective. However, when the recruit is baptized, or makes formal his membership, the odds of rescue are poor. they target certain people, Travis was definitely a Cult Leader to Jodi, That is why people see her as being emotionally vacant but to me its obvious that her problems lay in being brainwashed, some people are very susceptible.


              • Why do masons have to be bad. I have a friend whose a mason. He explained a lot to me. He is not evil nor does he have money nor is he brainwashed. I don’t understand why people have problems with masons.

    • I like your post for today and I totally agree with you. They can forget about M1 already. I think these jurors are not focus on that at all. But, like you said, this is a Win-Win situation. They can always appeal the final verdict because of mistrial. I don’t think we should care to much about what the haters have to say. Pretty soon they’ll find someone else to release their anger, but we are going to be celebrating our victory.

      • It is insane to think that these jurors haven’t watched HLN or discussed this trial from day 1!!!! I see a mistrial or hung duty coming, Jodi’s rights are totally being violated in this circus!!

  3. To this day I still don’t know how George and Cindy Anthony are still standing, how one didn’t have a heart attack is beyond me. That was horrendous as well….

    • You are very welcome BeeCee!

      Note: I’m just starting to work on the wikipedia wiki.
      This is a bit of a delicate job, so I’m treading carefully.
      At the moment I’m kind of probing for signs of any resistance.
      It may not prove to be feasible.

      In the case of Amanda Knox, the wiki war got pretty ugly, and evenutally the wikipedia founders had to step in to sort things out, basically the article had to be re-written by a trusted person within the wikipedia setup.

      The good thing in Jodi’s case is that we have really good solid source material to work from. The only slight problem is there is so much of it, the trial is very long!

      • Yes thank you also geebee2 😉

        I read your wiki also but do not understand if there is a place to comment
        I can’t find it. But wanted you to know it is a awesome read.

        • On each page, in thje top right corner, next to where it says “Edit”, there is a little “comment” button, with the number of comments so far (usually zero.

    • me too found stuff there that was very interesting the flores report letter excluded and the link in comparison to the insident report flores has here on this site the jury does not have a clue to what is really going on and has made every effort to hide the truth the crime seen was left unpertected for 5 days who know what was done in 5 days

  4. Ok, looking at Phillip’s comment yesterday about the precision of the chest wound between the ribs…

    What does anyone think about Travis owing loan sharks money since SH would not loan him more money?

    Is there such a thing in Mesa? I am naive about these things…there are such groups that loan money right? I guess Las Vegas isn’t that far and they have people who loan money like that?

    • good point there had to of been someone that knew all about him and someone could have done him in cleaned up evidence of that the house was open for 5 days any one could have changed the seen to fit the jodi did it they where screaming that the moment the cops arrived

    • I still think it is the ritual so Travis could go to heaven without that neck
      wound an the puncture to the heart he could not go to the Mormon thinking
      of their heaven which is in levels just like their church is. It was blood
      spilled for the Lord. But I guess criminals if they knew the ritual could make
      sure it looked that way also knowing it was a Mormon Mesa community

      • That’s the theory I think makes most sense, Rhonda. Just too much evidence that points in that direction, too little evidence that Jodi did it all and too many shenanigans going untouched in the courtroom.

        • cindyp,
          I totally agree with your statement.
          It looks so much more like someone other then

          I believe I heard in the very beginning , she said that she didn’t do it,
          but she didn’t have an alibi.
          I still am drawn to this because none of the others make sense
          and it really looks like a set up.

          I still can’t get by the 5 days no one went to his home.
          And the roomates being there.

          • Hi Aly – I don’t know if you will look back at this day (it’s already 14th) but just in case – check out false confessions dot org. Jodi’s confession has a lot of similarities to a false confession; original story of other intruders, detective coercing until he gets the answer HE wants followed by an ‘okay’ from the suspect (instead of absolute ‘yes, i did it’), large gaps of memory, her story is ‘formed’ according to what the detective wants/says, etc. If you listen, she NEVER says how the entire story played out and this has not changed in years.

      • know what is even more conserning is his ring and phone on the kitchen counter that phone must have rang and rang and i cant see how the roommates did not hear it … the ring the one that travis never removed from his finger that too is disterbing sounds of someone religious to me and do see jodi doing it if she killed him she would be to busy trying to get the hell out of there or that is what I would do

        • It is odd that the roommates didn’t respond to any of these out of place items, the dog left to fend for himself, nor the smell.

        • I thought I saw pics of him wearing the ring in the shower, but I certainly could be mistaken

            • seek,
              phone and keys?
              It is strange ( another one ) that the roommates didn’t notice the phone. Everyone takes their phoe with them and especially out of town.
              Zach Billings on the 911 call still sounds weird : to disptcher, yeah he’s dead!????
              Do you remember if the dispatcher ask who was dead, what was his name>

              Also they all passed by the washer and dryer??
              Didn’t the washer look like it had blood on it. At least I think I saw a picture with the washer and dryer, was that blood on it.

              Also, all 5 of them in the house have different stories.

              And at one point Jodi said to the police you should ask the roommate.

              This trial is not a real trial, it’s a joke and Jodi’s in the middle of it. If I ws on the jury, I couldn’t find her guilty.
              This is all a sham.

              Also it smelled like th dog had an accident????
              5 days, a decomposed body and blood really smells!
              This is nuts!

      • What was the involvement with tTavis and Ashley Reed Thompson I know she was suspicious of her ex Husband, My problem with this case is I have a hard time believing she did it. In the beginning the Jurors asked if They questioned the roomates and the commentary was are they listening Jodi did it but they were skeptical and Greta on FOX said something with Furhman I think she said its highly unlikely she did it. I thought that was strange since Greta was a Lawyer and a good one.the whole story is weird.

  5. The judge needs to ask herself how she would react and rule if this witness intimidation was perpetuated against a witness for the state rather than a witness for the defense. She needs to remember that she is required to remain unbiased regardless of the popularity of the defendant or witness. She needs to remember that her allowing this behavior to continue (including JM’s abuse and harassment of witnesses) jeopardizes JA’s right to a fair trial and jeopardizes future defendants from obtaining adequate representation and adequate witnesses.

    • he eyes are blindfoled she loves JM and that is that ms bobby head judge

      • may be her head does that because she already know jodi is not getting a fair trial and is just letting it continue

    • But the Judge herself is Biased you can see her roll her eyes
      an take deep breaths an pierce her lips as though she is disgusted
      reading the questions from the Jury. She also many times looks
      directly at JM an FLORES an looks up after a question like she
      is saying OMG!

      She absolutely hates having to reread a question that is
      very obvious. The JURY can see this just as I can. An
      they can see even more facial looks no wonder she does
      not care about the ALEXANDER”S dramatic faces an looking
      over to the JURY to make sure they seen them do it.

      The whole thing is OUT OF CONTROL ! an biased no way
      she can get a FAIR TRIAL unless there are others that think
      like I DO or WE DO on that JURY. Praying daily there is ♥

      • I saw that some one put up a utube video and time stamp she did roll her eyes at ALV i dislike the judge and made a comment about her and SJ took it down

  6. I am greatly concerned by that way that Jodi has not been entitled to a FAIR TRIAL. Idiots in the social media have mobbed her and her witnesses making it at this point impossible for her to get a fair judgement. This should not be allowed. I hope that she is able to het a new trial and that the TV cameras aren’t allowed to see & hear what is going on the courtroom. Justice for Jodi!

    • I hate to say it, but in my opinion this starts in the court. This trial has spun out of control from the beginning on. The Judge has allowed so many glitches and sports like the contest they seem to have in eyeballrolling and ribonwearing. If they can get away with it in court why not in the social media and massmedia ?……
      I think lot of people think they just can get away with this behavior ,JM is playing a perfect role model here, he is the one who gets to act, most of the time, however he pleases, in this courtroom. &Maybe they even suffer from some sort of distorted perception and think they have a lead role in a soap opera fabricated especially for them and are therefore entitled to play the role of Judge in the biblical sense.
      I have no idea what makes people believe it is ok to wish ill upon someone else, I do understand someone gets upset, gets frustrated even throwing a rant or tantrum but this is far beyond.
      I hope my post makes sense, since my brain has not sorted it out completely yet,its working like mad trying to understand ………..

      • “I think lot of people think they just can get away with this behavior” The sad reality is that they are getting away with it because authorities are calling it ‘freedom of speech.’ Yet – if children or teens did this it would be called cyber bullying and they may even get arrested. The double standards are in full force, here.

        • I remember some where that a teen posted some bad stuff about another child and they commited suside over it that all i remember

  7. How can this not be witness tampering? Even TA’s family (who are sitting right there in that court room) are advocating the destruction of Ms. LaViolette’s career? They are posting links on their Facebook pages asking people to sign the petition to have her removed from speaking engagements? While she was testifying?

      • Wow. I didn’t know TAs family was active in signing those petitions. The sister that is a cop should know better. It sure sounds like witness tampering to me! I’d love to know what a lawyer thinks.

        • Isn’t it enough that they’re working so hard to have Jodi put to death? Is their rage and hatred so great that they have to threaten witnesses too?

        • WTH is this about, perjury and contempt of court? The foaming at the mouth group are talking about this. Would talking to one of Travis’ sisters be contempt of court? Why couldn’t that just be left alone, I’m sure Alyce didn’t say anything mean? If I was the sister I would leave it alone, would just want the trial done and all this is doing is extending it. And seriously, how many people get charged with perjury? Can this get any worse, shouldn’t even say that. I read somewhere that Samantha is no longer a cop, have no idea if this is true or not. Who is the one sister that has been in the courtroom that wears a flower in her hair? Not that it’s important, she just bothers me for some reason.

          • I’m sure the sister is no longer a cop since they are makin’ bank on this trial.

          • No. This is most likely about the organized attempt by the thugs to intimidate ALV and destroy her career via cyberspace and traditional media.

    • I felt sympathy for the family for a long while – but I think they’re just milking this now. They seem to be enjoying the publicity, ass-kissing from the haters, and donations a little too much.

      • Where were his brother and sisters before he died? you don’t hear much about that!!!!

        • In my opinon, who knows travis left and moved to mesa when the arrest stuff was done the sister did not help him get that shit taken care of and off of public record they blamed it on his brother what kind of family is that and now they are racking in the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ yes that much if it is would wide media and chris and sky are wanting every on to give it them and the rest of the KKK clan

          • oops a daisy hope i did not go to far with that remark it the 1st time heard here

            • No worries. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, & quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.

          • No the arrest record was his brothers. That has been proven. Travis was living in mesa at the time. The media cleared this up.

            • Actually, it was our site who found the info and cleared it up in addition the media.

    • yes the TA family is clueless as to what is going on they only have the word of FLORES and JM and from what I saw with geebee2 court min doc it sure opened my eyes to the false statement flores made to the jury

    • Are you serious CB? The family is inciting this? That’s simply disgusting if true. If they truly want empathy, they should be classy enough to ask people to stop harassing Alyce.

      • I have said all along that the family is behind the hate mongers. They are feeding the minions.

        I get their anger and desire to see Jodi die, what I don’t get is why anyone associated with her defense a target? This is not rational thinking!

        • Wow so the family is a part of this lynch mob. As I said yesterday I have lost any sympathy I ever had for them. It is one thing to want Justice for your brother but another to be a part if this lynch mob. The family has the largest voice to ask them to knock this off but they choose to become a part of it. This is so disgusting.

          • Agree. It’s been brewing in me for a long time. I know they had a rough time as little ones, the whole litter of them. It’s patently obvious from their appearances. But it’s like trying to take a feral cat into a harmonious house. It’s not fair to the other animals that the needy one was not properly socialized. I don’t want to be in the same pack with those feral creatures.

            • I have never before said a bad word about the family (although I have said that they do not need the donations that have been asked for, but they are asked for by their supporters, not the family themselves). I have honestly felt deep compassion for their loss. I understand that they saw their brother as an inspiration, someone who rose out of their terrible childhood and became a successful adult in regards to his career and his ability to motivate others. Whether I agree with his chosen career or not, he still appeared successful, and that inspired his siblings.

              Whether they were close with him or not, has never been an issue for me. I’m not close with my sister who lives in another country because she has chosen to distance herself from our mother and me. I have tried to maintain some semblance of relationship with my sister, and at times over the years, we have spoken with one another. Neither of us have anything do with our mother, and that’s very telling. I think for the Alexanders the loss of their brother in such a tragic way has affected each of them deeply. While I don’t agree with the death penalty myself, if they do, I cannot judge them for desiring what they see as “justice” to be done.

              However, if they are encouraging or not speaking out against what is occurring with defense witnesses, then I take great issue with their conduct. It is not Alyce (or Dr. Samuels) that is on trial for their brother’s death. It is a fundamental right of a defendant to have a fair trial, even if that defendant is a despicable person like Charles Manson, for example — which Jodi certainly is not. The family cannot ask for justice without allowing the defendant to have a fair trial. They need to set an example here and ask their supporter to stop, and even to go a step further, and let them know that victimizing witnesses is not a way to honour their brother’s memory.

              • Yep, I’m serious. The link to the petition is on their Facebook pages. The date it was posted was on April 6th. In the middle of Ms. LaViolette’s testimony. This really has to be witness tampering.

                I’m not sure if I can post a link but it’s not hard to find. Just search for their names. I took screenshots as well.

                • You are right, CB. Thank you for giving me the hint on where to look. I found it on Tanisha’s page:


                  Right there in the middle of the page is the petition against Alyce. You do not have to be her friend to see it.

                  I also saw her post: “It feels good when were driving back from AZ to cali and everytime we stop at a gas station to use restroom and people tell us that they are so sorry for our loss and that they are praying for us and for that Evil girl to burn.”

                  I used to have empathy for the family. I’m afraid I’ve just lost it.

                • The link has been removed from the page. Looks like they might be a wee bit worried it will come back to bite them? Glad someone got a screen shot of the link to the petition.

              • “victimizing witnesses is not a way to honour their brother’s memory.” Excellent point, one that should be voiced over & over. And the same for all the other hate & shenanigans coming from them.

      • As much I would like to be naive and doubt that, I too think the Alexanders have a lot to do with the hate movement . What I do not understand is, I know this has to do with being European I guess, that they are presenting themselves as devout Christians and are begging for the death penalty in the same sentence and going as far as wanting to witness it. Do they think it helps them heal watching JA put to death? ( even writing this out makes me feel nauseous brrr, it for sure doesn’t bring him back alive so maybe some grief counseling would be helpful?

        • me too come from louisiana born there and this stuff reminds me of the KKK

        • Same here. I hate living in a country (U.S.) that most of our allies see as filled with savages.

    • Exactly what I have said. Some people on here have stated oh the Alexander
      family has stayed out of it ? REALLY ? because they have made statements
      on that Support page many times about how JODI will DIE an etc. also you can
      still go to Tanisha’s FB page until she makes it private anyways an see she
      does to POST HATE for ALYCE so do the HUGHES an I am sure every Mormon
      that they know.

      These people I understand are hurting. But they also claim to be Christians
      which makes me LAUGH ! I have only found one Mormon/LDS friend so far
      that Travis knew that does state they need to let the hate go an forgive
      Jodi for that is what Travis would want.

      I understand hate for a murderer
      but I truly believe it was self defense she admitted to the shot to the head
      she does not remember the rest. I hope the JURY remembers that an figures
      out there is a lot of doubt in the case after the shot to the head. AN he laid
      there Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun an Mon till 10 pm. people living there friends
      not seeing him missed calls missed Family meetings an missed CHURCH!
      All these people stating how popular he was. Really then how did he lay
      there for that damn long. DOUBTFUL INFORMATION in this CASE.

      • what ever happened to the 10 commandments guess they dont believe in that and believe to hate kill lie steal break every commandment there is and the church is letting them do it

      • Tanisha told HLN she wanted to watch them stick the needle in Jodi’s arm and die. This has been repeated over and over by their supporters.

        • I feel so helpless that people like this cannot find the wisdom to rise above the need for this level of vengeance. I cannot find the words to express how terrible this is to me.

        • I know – that’s just awful. Bella nearly broke my heart when she posted that she would want to be there too, only in support of Jodi so that she didn’t die alone. I thought that it was such a kind and selfless sentiment.

        • On Tanisha FB page yesterday she said ” she wants to see Jodi BURN.” she was headed back to Cali from AZ and there are so many supporters along her way back home…. Totally disguisting………….. I understand she’s upset over a loved one but to wish someone to BURN is pure HATE…………….. She’s the trouble maker in the family.

      • Mormons are not considered Christians they have recently tried to adopt that platform but That is why they are considered a Cult by Christians since they are not, and By Cult Experts they are considered a cult. They have never been Christian in their belief system. That is a SHAM

  8. I am proud to be a member of Team Jodi and declare my support and reasoning with anyone who is willing to listen. I am disgusted by the cyber terrorism directed at Alyce. Congrats to all that participate here on being able to think for yourself. You all are the reason that this trial hasn’t killed my faith in people.

  9. Thinking forward : what about the other networks?

    They will have been losing money, they have the firepower to call ABC News and CNN-HLN Network/Turner out.

    Or is there some kind of honour amongst thieves operating here?

    Are they reluctant to criticise a competitor?

    • Those other networks do not stoop that low in broadcasting the news via live television to the American people…

      Their professionals act like professionals…

      Whereas the other networks professionals act like entertainment actors….

      • Ok, I think that at the appropriate point in time, the other networks can be used to call HLN out quite strongly, and get the majority ofpublic opinion on the right side.

        Perhaps this is beginning to happen, I think Fox News (not exactly left wing liberal as I understand it) has begun to take an interest.

        Is that right? You have to understand that being from the UK, my grasp of the different networks / news groups is still very hazy.

        • Yeah, FOX generally leans way far right on everything. It is surprising how much more accurate/fair they are in presenting this trial.

          • I just heard Geraldo but one of the Guys really shredded Nancy Grace! it was so funny, I actually do not dislike FOX like the other channels and now opinion is much higher since they shredded Nancy Grace.

    • lets not forget that HLN told the world that they got the jodi’s journals frm behind bars for ABC and CBS

  10. I am proud to be a member of team Jodi and declare it to anyone willing to listen. The cyber terrorism being dealt to Alyce is disgusting. Congrats to everyone who participates here on being able to think for your self instead of swallowing the crap that haters and the media are trying to shove down our throats.

  11. Excellent post. In the end, regardless of the verdict, Jodi Arias will remain the victor because of all of the wrongdoing by the state and the court. I am thinking long-term here in case the jury decides to pass the buck and convict.

    Of course, there is NO “freedom of speech” when these organized dolts use private websites to spew filth. It is up to Twitter,, Facebook, and other sites including internet providers to enforce their terms of service.

    • I agree tonysam.

      twitter, amazon and facebook apparently don’t see cyber bullying as anything except freedom of speech at this point.

      This needs to change.

      • They really should have systems to control things. When they get 100 negative reviews in a day, alarms ought to go off, and there should be some kind of lock down.

        Problem is, they probably don’t have automated software to handle this sort of thing.

        The sheer stupidity of it is pretty amazing.

        I think it’s partly that people become bolder when they are relatively anonymous.

      • Last time I checked, death threats go beyond freedom of speech. What the hell is in that kool-aid they are drinking?

        • At first I thought that they were stupid and easily led. Now I’m starting to analogize it more to Nazi-type thinking, like how the Holocaust was perpetrated. I’m not saying that what is happening to ALV is on the same level as torturous death camps, but maybe that some of the psychology is the same.

          • that is actually what has been worrying me the most joujoubaby, the influence popular mass media have. Some people do not understand that they could so easily manipulated into crazy ideas.

          • Thats what a Friend of mine said they threatened to contact the state department, Imagine you voice a different opinion than they do and you are threatened. NAZIS and that was a cult.

  12. anyone? Is there another place to buy books instead of

    local brick and mortar stores I guess….

    • Call the publishing company and ask them if can buy books directly from them…if they say no….ask them if they can provide you a list of the retail stores that you can buy them from…

      I’ve personally done this myself in the past when I was looking for a specific book…

    • I don’t think that’s necessarily the answer.

      Boycotts are not generally a very effective approach.

      Adverse publicity is more likely to work.

      Someone calling Amazon out on national TV, that sort of thing.

      • I wouldn’t give up on Amazon so quickly. I think they are a huge company & it may just be a matter of adequately getting their attention on the problem & allowing some time for them to manage it.

  13. If Jodi is not found Not Guilty it will be because of corruption to some degree. The Defense has done a stellar Job. I am so impressed with Jennifer Willmott. The arguments, tactics and overall job performances by the prosecution (and personally I include Judge Stephens among the prosecution) has not only been weak, it has been laughable. Juan Martinez makes a mockery of his profession. Believe it or not, lawyering/orating has a long and illustrious history. It is possible to operate with a little bit of integrity and honor in the courtroom. Juan Martinez is a disgrace. But it’s no laughing matter, because no matter how ridiculous Juan Martinez is, and how silly he behaves, how much of a fool he regularly makes of himself-all of the ingredients for an unfair trial are present here and it’s a recipe for injustice. She can’t have a fair trial if she gets a new trial, not anywhere in this country. Have you seen Jodi Arias’ Twitter page? Those holier-than-thou, completely oblivious to their own hypocrisy and stupidity, lowlives, and their goofy as hell comments? One might imagine while reading all the comments all over the internet about Ms. Arias that there were 10 million people in that house that day, and that they all saw exactly what happened as they know every detail as well as every intention Ms. Arias had that day. They all know Jodi Arias better than she knows herself.

    If on appeals she can go free without the necessity of a new trial, then it is a Win Win. I don’t know if that is how it works though my understanding is that it is not how it works. I agree with the motion filed by Kirk Nurmi, the only option at this point is a mistrial and I think an acquittal.

    Is that how a mistrial goes: It’s left up to the judge whether a new trial takes place or the defendant is simply released?

      • Bummer AA, =( Do you know if she likes getting postcards? I picked one up, but I’m not sure if she appreciates them or gets too many to the point it is irritating for her. Anyone know?

        • Jared, I would imagine she does like getting them. Jail is boring! However, perhaps SJ could let us know.

          • I made a mistake picking out the postcard though. I live about 45 minutes away from Niagra Falls and the card I bought is a picture of the Falls. I realized later that she went there with Travis and it might bring back memories of that time, because she’s sensitive that way, you know?

            • I don’t think she’s allowed to receive picture postcards either. But that was sooooo sweet of you.

  14. good moring to you all did every have a good sleep great job SJ on the new topic today

  15. These people should not be allowed to post reviews on a book they didn’t buy on Amazon. Has any one gone on Amazon and reported abuse on the comments? I am getting ready to ..not sure if it will do anything.

      • My friend received a email back they also deleted nasty comments, on his post more people have read his post in a few days and sent him 122 messages. He gave the Book 5 stars. but condemned the attack on LaViolette. So if you can just click report abuse and state hate speech .

    • There are quite a few of us that have contacted Amazon many times. All I get from them is lip service but they have done nothing about the reviews of the book. I will keep contacting them until they fix this. I have decided to stop shopping there because they will do nothing to erase the reviews where people did not read the book. Her book went from 4 stars to 1 star after she starting testifying. I usually buy quite a lot through them and told them I will not buy from anymore because of these hateful lynch mob that they will do nothing about.

    • It has been reported numerous times by many of us. We get the standard form email response.

      And let’s face it, we are no where near the number of haters that are scurrying around posting their vile comments.

      I wonder how all the HLN bobble heads who have written books would feel if all of a sudden their books were under attack? I bet they wouldn’t like it much.

      Life is just not fair! 🙁

  16. it is so clear why jodi chose to say she did this to travis everyone that takes a stand for her innocent of the death penality lets not forget where it all started from in the first place. Lets hope that no one gets killed trying to speak out for our jodi …. JUSTICE

  17. If we don’t like it, lets do something about it. I plan on flagging as many post as I can on those Facebook pages as I can. Sending Facebook and twitter so many reports that they shut the assholes down! They will agree with US because Hate Speech is not Free Speech and I know the difference !!!!

    • I have done that, and reported all of the posts that I see as threats, witness intimidation, harassessment, etc, so if we keep it up, they will have to do something. At least I hope so, I also reported the FB page as inciting hate.

      • I have too been reporting everything I see as harassment an nothing has happened yet?

        Guess it has to be a larger number of people to turn them in to get a page shut down. I seen
        them shut other pages down for hate speech though. When Casey Anthony’s case was going
        on they did shut down some really horrible ones that had titles like WE WANT CASEY TO DIE an
        things like that. But they just reopen them under another alias is all.

        I do not understand how FB can let some of those pages carry on the way they do?
        When they have a report to file for harassment an hate speech? I don’t get it.

  18. I plan to celebrate the same way I did when Casey’s verdict came in:

    Read all of the outrage on the hater sites and laugh, laugh, laugh!!!!!!

  19. GO PATTY i would help you but i do not know enough about computers to do that best of luck to you and others that can do that but it is to late lives have been ruined and peope have died already lets not forget Ashley Thompson Reed she is the first victom here and i hope to god there will be no more

    • It isnt hard you just click the X next to the offensive post and then report as what it is, Hate speech!

  20. GEEBEE2 did you see my post at the top of the page on the link to court mins you posted yesterday

  21. Here is video evidence of the judge ROLLING HER EYES at a response by ALV. Thanks to LC who originally found this and posted about it. I am re-posting it as I believe it is something that needs to be seen.

    The judge’s reaction can be seen at 1:06 in the video linked above.

    • Judge Puppet needs to go. The whole trial appears to be just going through the motions at this point. It’s a witch hunt from top to bottom.

    • Thanks,I missed that.It just goes to prove that this judge is truly onesided.This,god forbid,should be brought up on appeal.I that that back,it should be brought up now.The defense needs to call her out on this Monday. J.W. should call for a mistrial/aquital,and say how can Jodi get a fair trail when your even rolling your eyes judge pickles,oops sorry I didn’t mean that I must be hungry,I mean angry,sorry judge Jaun is rubbing off on me,I don’t know what I mean.But seriously this has gone on long enough. The court just keep making a mockery the more they proceed.They need to get the cameras out,tell HLN, and all the outher media to get out and proceed in a normal manner,meaning mistrial/aquital. I was made aware of another case going on in this country about a doctor on trail for killing 7 babies and a mother. this case is not being covered by any major media stations. They said this makes Jodi look like a candy striper,I didn’t agree with that last part because this is self defense,but I gather the killings were so horrific,that this is a case that needs attention.If everything goes the way it should there will be a major block party here.GO TEAM JODI!!!

      • You mean like we are with her and her prosecution bias? Any good graphics folks here who could make a picture of Juan Martinez pulling the strings on Sherry Stephens as his marionette puppet?

        • What’s interesting to me Joe is that if you read ANY hater site, they also dislike the judge and believe she is biased towards the defense. For one thing, she has allowed the defense case to continue for an extraordinarily long time. I don’t think she’s biased. I also don’t think she has good control of her court room however. She’s trying to allow the attorneys to run this case without intervening unless absolutely necessary. When you’re dealing with someone like JM, that means he is not reined in at all, however.

          • Agree to disagree. When I first saw it after LC posted it I didn’t notice it either. It is clear that more people see it then don’t, so you are in the minority on this one.

            • I’m fine with being in the minority. I don’t need to be a sheep and go along with everything everyone else says, just to be popular! 😛

              • Well I’m sad to know you think of everyone who disagrees with you as a “sheep.” Disappointed to see that to be honest, it’s quite an insulting term. Kind of like you are wiser and intellectually superior to all the others who are just ‘sheep.’ I hope you will reconsider using this term, especially when referring to other users on this site.

                Anyway, I just brought up that you were in the minority on this issue because you sounded so sure of yourself that there was no possible way it could have been an eye roll.

                • Do you bait much, Leetbean? Does it work out well for you?

                  First, you rudely state, with a somewhat veiled attack on me: “It is clear that more people see it then don’t, so you are in the minority on this one.” That was your attempt to let me know that my opinion of what I’ve seen is nonsense and I’m not entitled to my opinion of what I see with my own eyes. And to let me know what an idiot I am for not seeing what you see, when so many other people see it — even though that’s inaccurate since very few people commented that they did see the eye roll and even the original poster Rainy, said it could be that the judge looked over her glasses.

                  Then, when I respond to your obvious bait post with a slightly humourous remark, you attack me outright without any veil, and tell me I called other members of this site an insulting name when I did no such thing, and also that I believe I’m intellectually superior to other members by doing so. Talk about baiting and taking things out of context! I used to be an abused women, but I’m not any more. And I’m entitled to my opinion, whether you agree with it or not.

                  You know what Leetbean, I don’t know you. You’re not a regular poster here. This is the first time I’ve ever seen you comment. I assume you’ve come over from some other site to have a bit of fun. I think you should return to your regular haunts because this isn’t working here.

                • Well I see you were obviously offended by me stating your opinion was the minority on this issue as you felt the need to passively refer to everyone with a differing opinion than you as ‘sheep.’ I was merely stating it as you seemed very sure that your opinion was the right one and it was not open to discussion, and I definitely never meant for you to take offense. I even stated we can ‘agree to disagree,’ yet somehow you were still personally offended.

                  As I stated above, I do find the term ‘sheep’ quite insulting as it suggests you are intellectually superior to the others who don’t share your opinion, and I don’t think it should be used to refer to other posters on this site. No, you did not directly say “x, y, and z are sheep,” but it was implied when you said “I don’t need to be a sheep and go along with everything everyone else says.” Everyone else in this case would be me and the other posters who had a differing opinion than you. This would make us the ‘sheep.’

                  I’m sorry you think everyone who doesn’t compulsively post daily and who has been here from day one is some kind of troll. I have lurked for a long time and I do post occasionally, but I have a life of my own and cannot always make it on here every day to post. I have donated a substantial amount of money to Jodi as well, and the admins of this site can confirm that, so you definitely cannot accuse me of being here to troll or not supporting Jodi.

                  I don’t know why you would bring up that you are an abused women and how it relates to this issue, but since you included ‘abused’ in your screenname, I guess it is something that you feel is very important for people to know about you.

                  This is the last I will post on this issue. Again, I did not mean to offend you by pointing out your opinion was the minority, and I do hope you reconsider using the term ‘sheep’ when referring to other posters on this site.

          • ehh, one could speculate she did a quick eye roll with that grimace … if NG can speculate JA sneaked in *giving the finger* in court we can spin it that she did a quick eye roll … but yes, she may just be looking over her glasses as its barely a second of movement 🙂

            • I actually found that one hysterical (the finger). But Nancy DisGrace speculates about a lot of utter BS. She’s full of shit, that woman!

    • I don’t think this is a good route to go down.

      Best to respect the judge.

      I think she is running the trial by the book as best she can.

      I think she should be firmer with the prosecutor, but this is Maricopa county.

      • I think that because she is elected, it’s fine to post thoughtful critique of the judge. Thoughtful.

      • I dont know how posting a video of her eye rolling to a response of a defense witness is being disrespectful to her.

  22. The Arizona Victims’ Bill of Rights states that the victim (guess in this case would include TA’s family) the right:

    “5. To refuse an interview, deposition, or other discovery request by the defendant, the defendant’s attorney, or other person acting on behalf of the defendant.”

    Therefore in answer to the haters and the jurors’ questions about why ALV did not interview these folks – she couldn’t!

    As for the allegation about ALV speaking briefly with Samantha, that same AZ Bill of Rights states that the victim has the right:

    “1. To be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity, and to be free from intimidation, harassment, or abuse, throughout the criminal justice process.”

    How can anyone possibly stretch a brief conversation (if it did indeed happen) into intimidation, harassment, or abuse?

      • Yes, they are considered the victims because they are the family of the deceased.

        • To me they are the next of kin/survivors. They are far from being victims IMHO.

          • Yeah, I agree with this. I would define “victim” in a courtroom as the actual living person whom the crime was perpetrated on. Alyce talking to Samantha doesn’t seem to be violating Samantha’s “victim’s rights” to me, because she’s NOT the victim. Travis is.

            • Surviving family members are considered “victims” under Victims’ Rights laws. As the surviving family members, they are entitled to the same rights as a living victim of a crime. It was actually grieving mothers of slain children who brought about much of this legislation. I doubt anyone here would deny the mother of a slain child the right to be called a victim.

                • Thanks JC: “Victim” means a person against whom the criminal offense has been committed or, if the person is killed or incapacitated, the person’s spouse, parent, child or other lawful representative, except if the person is in custody for an offense or is the accused.

                  And also:

                  “To refuse an interview, deposition, or other discovery request by the defendant, the defendant’s attorney, or other person acting on behalf of the defendant.”

                  Alyce allegedly just spoke to one of the sisters briefly. She had the right to refuse and she apparently did.

                • Thanks for the info! I just think that all of the drama over Alyce talking to Samantha is ridiculous. Of course she didn’t say something like “Ha ha, I’m glad your brother’s dead!” or anything cruel like that. I don’t see how Samantha was violated in any way by a “no hard feelings, sorry for your loss” type remark.

    • The one good thing about cameras in the courtroom is that if we didn’t see the raw footage, we would be forced to rely on the spin put on the trial by “journalists” in the courtroom. The footage allows us to view the injustice, the suppression of evidence, the twisting of testimony, the harassment of witnesses, the throwing of evidence, etc.

      • Without camera’s in the courtroom HLN and Haters around the country wouldn’t have nearly the interest and this trial wouldn’t be the circus and witchhunt it has become.

          • YES!! Joe Yinzer!… or if cameras are allowed, they should only be able to air the video…in it’s ENTIRETY, unedited, AFTER the verdict is in. This would allow the public to view it, comment on it, debate, but not influence the outcome and keep the integrity of the trial intact. I would hate to rely upon media reports only. OMG! We all can see, from how HLN distorts the truth, that full, unedited post-trial video would be more just than no video at all. Recording the trial would give public access and at the same time monitor council, et al, reminding them that they need to adhere to the law. Otherwise, as you state, with live camera coverage the jury MUST be sequestered.

            • Or have cameras in the courtroom without interruptions.

              Perhaps, at the end of the day have real attorneys who care about justice do some banter but no talking heads getting the opportunity to spin and exploit

      • sz, you are right. During the Michael Jackson trial in 2005, there were no cameras in the courtroom. The media were reporting completely differently from what was actually happening. I read the transcripts every day and literally sat there with the TV on screaming out loud “That didn’t happen!”

        • There were no cameras in the court room for that trial because the allegations were made by a minor. They can’t identify a child victim to the public. Same with our family court trials, they are closed to the public to protect the children.

          This trial should have not had cameras in the court room, there should have been a gag order in place and those pictures should have been sealed! There was no reason to release all those pictures, so that the haters could plaster them all over the Internet. That was so disrespectful.

  23. As far as HLN and all of the haters; it seems to me that the people who scream the loudest and have utter hatred and contempt for others who don’t share their opinion usually have the most to hide. They pretend that they are perfect people who do no wrong. They have no desire to try to see things from any other perspective. Their world is black and white. There are no gray areas for these people. It’s right or it’s wrong. It’s I’m right and you’re wrong if you don’t agree with me. What’s worse than their close-mindedness is the violence, bullying and lynch mob mentality they incite.

    To the haters I have one question. If you are so self-righteous and do no wrong then why do you condone physical violence to ALV, JW & KN who are just doing their jobs?

    The judge, JM and HLN have made a complete mockery out of this trial. They want to win at all costs and they don’t give a shit who gets hurt along the way. Anybody standing in their way will be mowed down and bullied. They want us to just go away, but it’s not going to happen. We may be in the minority on this site but we will press on with our desire to see that justice is served.

  24. love your cat have 2 cats myself they are better the the abuse men I married love living with out them have to deal with my brother he is an ass at time too

  25. A couple quick(not really, you all know me by now) thoughts from the above topic and trial issues I see from Friday.

    First, HLN vs hater responsibility; I too “fully blame” the Entertainment networks for inciting the mob. However, as much as I hate it, they have a right to entertain people. They are NOT NEWS! They are entertainment. I also “fully blame” the mob. However, individual cop ability is the only way to pursue these people. Not as a network and not as a mob. We CAN NOT limit freedom of speech. We SHOULD NOT limit freedom of speech. We have very specific laws in place to handle a person that goes from “freedom of speech”, to witness tampering, assault, harassment, stalking, slander , etc… These laws are not really designed to deal with groups or entire organizations such as “the media”. If someone is breaking the law, we need to be specific about it. If a group of people pushing these individuals or organizing them, the you go after the single person/s until you have amassed such a number from a group, then you can go after the group.

    I believe that we should start a list (on a running thread) of acts of “witness tampering, assault, harassment, stalking, slander, etc..) And then hold individuals accountable for these actions. If it is publicly or in court, they should be forced to answer for their actions, if it broke the law.

    Next, the trial.

    I heard something yesterday that really made me think; The topic was the “Spiderman underwear”. Basically the argument from the defense is “he wanted her to wear little boys underwear, cause he is a perv” and the pros side is “this is another instance of Jodi making up things to make Travis look bad, to help her case.

    Points: 1. The pros DO NOT ARGUE, that Travis wanting Jodi to wear this underwear wouldn’t be “bad” for Travis. So, they are insinuating, by not arguing “so what, it doesn’t make him a bad guy”..that they do think this would make him “a bad guy” if was in fact true. But, they argue that it never really happened.

    Point 2: the defense does make a big deal about this, as it would help cast Travis in a poor light with the jury, it would show he had serious issues, it would help connect the “jerking off to little boys” event, etc..

    Point 3: The Prosecutor tries to imply that Travis asked her to wear little boys underwear with Spiderman on them, because he liked an actress that wears them in a movie, and that this is not “bad” then.

    Point 4: yesterday it was asked by the jury of ALV if she felt that Jodi was “black mailing/abusing/threatening/harassing/etc…” Travis by “threatening to tell people he was a pedophile”. Then the pros/defense argue about this… defense says she didn’t really “black mail” him as she only brings it up in 1 text and then leaves it alone, the pros argue it is proof that she was trying the control Travis. EITHER WAY, they both admit that this “threat” happened. The text also proves this “threat” did happen. If it this threat makes Jodi an abuser, blackmailer, etc…is up for debate. What is not up for debate is that this “threat” did in fact happen.

    So, to bring this all together; If we believe JM, and the underwear issue is “an innocent misunderstanding” then The Jerking off event happened! How can someone “black mail” someone with information that ISN’T TRUE, when only the “actor” and the” accuser” know about it? Travis doesn’t respond as if the accusation was “made up” he calls her names and tells her she is evil. If someone called me a “pedo”, my first reaction would be “what the fuck are you talking about?”. I would not say “hey, that’s hitting below the belt, or that’s not fair, or that’s evil”. The very fact that she is able to “threaten him with exposing him as a pedo” shows something happened somewhere down the line.” AS FAR AS I KNOW the only pedo stuff was his comments, the underwear, and “jerking off to little boys” So, if the Pros think they are right about the underwear being an “innocent mistake, due to an actress he likes on a movie” then wouldn’t that mean that the “jerking off to little boys” thing is the only ‘pedo’ type behavior left? I would think the pros would admit to the underwear, to minimize the pedo threat being from “the jerking off” issue. But, they claim the underwear is innocent, as it pertains to being a pedo. THE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION TO THE PROS, THEN, IS: “What WAS the ‘pedo’ thing that jodi was “black mailing’ him with, since you clearly do not believe or admit to the underwear issue.?”

    When we know that Travis didn’t argue about the threat Jodi made of being a Pedo, The pros do not prove ANYTHING if they are able to “explain away” the underwear and the jerking off”…that only opens the gate to the next obvious question…then what was she referring to when implying to him he was a pedo? Is there more? They lose either way you slice this. He basically admits to some type of pedo thinking, simply by his response to the “threat of exposure”. Now, to be fair, Jodi could have been setting him up, when saying she will “tell on him”…BUT THIS WAS MONTHS AND MONTHS before the killing, so this could not be a “story made up to protect herself” after killing him. Travis was obviously still alive when she made this accusation. She was still pursuing him and he was still pursuing her. She wouldn’t have anything to gain from making up a 100% BS threat, and she would everything to lose.
    My second issue is the idea that it would be “ok” for Travis to ask JA to wear the underwear if in fact cameron diaz wears it, and he likes that actress. HOLD THE PHONE! It’s one thing to want your lover to play dress up and wear something you like, maybe even from a movie, but it is 100% NOT OK, to ask them to dress like someone else so they can imagine they are someone else.
    The argument isn’t that he “likes the look of princess Leah, so he wants her to dress like a character, because the “style is sexy”” (ie, school girl, maid, cop, etc..) JM is saying TA asked her to wear this underwear because he liked CAMERON…not the underwear. So, does JM really mean to say that it’s ok for a man to ask his lover to pretend to be a specific person, so he can fantasize about another woman? HOLY SHIT BAGS BATMAN, Get the car! I’d be kicked out on my ass faster than an Ethiopian can chase a donut rolling down a hill.
    I work in a bank. If I asked my lover to dress like a teller, as it turns me on…Ok, its silly, but sure. People do it. Now, if I go home and ask her to dress like “sarah the new 24 year old teller”, I’d be in deep shit. There is a big difference between the two. Intent, ethics and a person’s true mind set come to light, when you can find out which of these 2 scenarios are true. The problem is, the prosecution has now made the 2 choices both bad. Well…TRAVIS did, not the prosecution.

    -If i ask my lover to dress like a maid, then i am fantasizing about HER as my maid. (fine)
    -If i ask my lover to dress like a cop, then i am fantasizing about HER as my cop. (fine)
    -the defense- If i ask my lover to dress like a little boy, then i am fantasizing about HER as my little boy. (not fine)
    -Prosecutor- If i ask my lover to dress like CAMERON DIAZ, then i am fantasizing that SHE IS Cameron Diaz. (not fine, at least not in my house, plus this would be directly relevant to ‘abuse’ if Travis really thought JA should be Ok with her having to be a different SPECIFIC person while having sex)
    He thinks that’s “ok”? The only alternatives are “Travis wants her to be someone else in his fantasy or he wants her to be dressed like a little boy” WHICH IS IT? Either way, TA was a fucking asshole.

    • that sure was a long and interesing read sirlip and a good point thought you were a lawyer but you said you are a banker

    • ITA, if JA was going to blackmail TA, then does that mean the pedo stuff is true, and if it isn’t true, how could she blackmail him and with what? Good point.

      • Nicely written. And add to your list of pedo issues – the myspace words from the male friend who eluded to looking for young boys – or some such ilk.

        The 12 year old girl / first o comment caught JA’s attention on the tape. I know if I’d hear those words from some guy the mood of the moment would come to a crashing halt! And again, he’s not say that he wishes HE was the one who was with her when she had her first o – instead he is speaking about someone else.

        Yes, most men I’ve known, if a threat of blackmail re liking young boys were made their first reaction would be exactly the same as yours.

        • Sirlips, Maybe you should send your blackmail theory to the DT – in case they haven’t looked at it from this angle…?

          It add’s to the reasonable doubt liar issue JM keeps hammering at

    • I just had a thought, if we take what Sirlips posted, and consider it while looking at it from another angle.

      There is a picture of Travis when he was little, sitting with his father circulating around the net. In the picture Travis has blond hair, and he’s wearing ‘spiderman’ underwear. Now fast forward to Travis as an adult, Jodi has blonde hair, he buys her spiderman underwear that he wants her to wear, and he has an obsession with anal sex….

      Now bring in his writing on his myspace, that is the beginning of his book. In that he talks about his grandfather telling him he’s ‘special’ and to never forget that. (it’s common for abusers to tell their victims they are special)

      Thoughts anyone….

      • He had really positive things to say about his grandfather, though, basically comparing his love of Travis to God’s love of each person. He was frank about how he was crappily parented. He also said that his grandfather saw them rarely and may have only suspected what was going on in their home. I have no doubt, for one hot second, that Travis was sexually abused as a child. I just don’t think that it was by that grandfather. Just my take.

      • dont know what to think my brother molested my sister kid and when I confronted him about it he was closed lip and did not respond to be at all my sister will not forgive him he is not allowed back to her house but I have to live with him and he is my brother so what can you do travis was not going to tell anyone of his pedio feeling and remember jodi said she would rather do shit to her that let him act out what he really wanted.

      • OH GAIL! WOW…I think you make a very astute observation…and to me VERY plausible theory !

      • Thats what Mormons do also the whole ego behind it and since Travis Grandparents were Mormon, I would imagine they adopted that language.

  26. Judge Puppet is an absolute moron if she doesn’t think this jury hasn’t been reading and hearing about this trial outside the courtroom. I also believe SHE has been influenced by the media and the haters,

    • One of the jury questions that I though implied one of them watching HLN was…Did Jodi write in her journal after June 4th? I might have missed it ,but I do not remember anything coming up in the court room about her writing in the journal after However, I did see the journal entries after June 4th on HLN.

      • i thought i heard the jury question was did she read any journals before 2007 or 2006 but i could be wrong

        • I think you are right. I can’t find that question anywhere…I don’t why I though that is what they asked…any-who, my bad!

      • Another jury question that made me suspect a juror has been watching HLN was, [“I saw you look over in the direction of the defense table and shrug were you looking for for cues or something?”] The day prior to the questions being turned in HLN had a show titled “Can Defense Expert ALV be Fined”..the topic was that EXACT same wording in the written description of that video as was in the jurors question! Coincidence? I doubt it!

        • Dorothy I totally picked up on that too, these jurors are not paying attention to the admonitions, they watch HLN and talk about the case to each other, the only person they are fooling is the judge!!! but I still think that one juror will hang it.

      • Jury did ask a question about after June 4th, it may have been did Jodi write in her journal after that or did ALV read any entries after that day.

  27. Good post SJ.

    The issues at hand are actually basically related to contentions between the First Amendment rights of the press and the 6th Amendment Rights of the defendant. Putting the 1st Amendment aside for the moment, the battle is really due to a conflicting tension in the defendants 6th Amendment right to a fair and public trial. The public trial requirement is actually supposed to a check on the Government’s ability to try people the Government needs to get rid of in camera. This was and remains a common tactic in more autocratic regimes wherein a closed sham of a trial is used to eliminate opposition. Remembering that our founders tailoring this bases of this nation in rebellion against a tyrannical monarch had absolutely no trust in the Government of the people by any means other than by the people. The 6th amendment’s right to a public trial is actually a safeguard not just for the defendant, but for the people as a whole, in that it provides checks and balances on the Executive in the form of the prosecutor and the Judiciary. Sub rosa trials, as were common in the past, and are still common in closed regimes today, allow the Government to control the process of justice with no oversight by the people.

    The question that often arises is whether the rights, principles and processes encapsulated in the US Constitution are inviolate and constant. There was a major argument about this issue even amongst the framers of the constitution. In fact one of the greatest proponents of a Constitutional republic Thomas Jefferson, who many view as a proponent of a narrowly interpreted constitution said, in a letter to his friend James Madison:

    “The question Whether one generation of men has a right to bind another, seems never to have been started either on this or our side of the water. Yet it is a question of such consequences as not only to merit decision, but place also, among the fundamental principles of every government.”

    Over the course of our history, the legislature and the judiciary has almost uniformly held that the Constitution is not constant, absolute and inviolate, but in fact a living and breathing document, that preserves the only absolute and inviolate rights of the citizenry – the natural rights of personhood, life, liberty and property.

    So how does this reflect on the current situation with respect to the behavior of the press and the case of State v. Jodi Arias. While the 1st Amendment rights of the press, and the 6th Amendment rights of a public trial may be seen as paramount, the ultimate arbiter of these rights, in our form of Government, the US Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that both the 1st Amendment rights of the press and the peoples 6th Amendment rights to a public trial are not absolute when the come in conflict with the natural rights of a citizen to life and liberty. In the case of public trials the most famous of these cases of course is the Sam Shepard case, however the case that seems, at least to me, to the most apt in these circumstances is Estes v. Texas. (at 381 U.S. 532 (1965)). The verdict in that case was reversed by the supreme court due to the massive publicity arising from televised coverage of the trial. The majority opinion of the court written by Justice Clark could almost have been witten to address this particular case. In his summary of the opinion is the following paragraph that states why televised trials can be an issue

    “There are numerous respects in which televising court proceedings may alone, and in combination almost certainly will, cause unfairness, such as: (1) improperly influencing jurors by emphasizing the notoriety of the trial and affecting their impartial judgment, distracting their attention, facilitating (in States which do not sequester jurors) their viewing of selected parts of the proceedings, and improperly influencing potential jurors and thus jeopardizing the fairness of new trials; (2) impairing the testimony of witnesses, as by causing some to be frightened and others to overstate their testimony, and generally influencing the testimony of witnesses, thus frustrating invocation of the “rule” against witnesses; (3) distracting judges generally and exercising an adverse psychological effect particularly upon those who are elected; and (4) imposing pressures upon the defendant and intruding into the confidential attorney-client relationship”

    So even though the 1st Amendment rights of the press are almost inviolate, The Estes v. Texas opinion which has never been repealed, places on the judge an immense responsibility to ascertain that the rights of a defendant to a fair trial are not abrogated by any right granted to the press under the 1st Amendment, or to the people under the 6th Amendment.

    Looking at the current situation through the prism of Estes, invariably leads to the conclusion, that 38 years ago, Justice Clark with great prescience predicted the dangers of a televising certain types of trials. I would assume, that given the circumstances of the current trial and especially the media incited mobbing of ALV and Dr Samuels, and the non-sequestered jury, and the defenses constant requests for sequestration, in the unfortunate event of a conviction, this case is doomed for reversal purely on the precedence of Estes v. Texas.

    Sorry for the rather dry commentary, but sometimes the geek inside of me blossoms in all of its mid-season form.

    • Lol thanks Al, its NOT dry, i dont read it that way… its interesting for people who like to learn (like I do). So, again sounds like it makes sense, but something I mean SOMETHING needs to happen. Either turn off the cameras, or sequester the jury, or the court needs to take action on the people tempering with witness testimony. I blv that Can be done (USA article SJ posted) read something about the court having the authority to do so.

      Ok, I dont know the Estes v. Texas, so ill be researching that one, sounds good!! Thx

    • I loved your post Al. It’s not dry at all. Once again, you’ve hit on the exact problem.

      The judge must have been very aware of the Estes vs. Texas case long before this trial started. If she wasn’t aware of it, she should have been. My question is why would she allow cameras in the courtroom AND for the jury to not be sequestered. I just don’t understand what her thinking was. Sigh.

      • Clark points his finger right at why a judge may allow these shenanigans when he says

        (3) distracting judges generally and exercising an adverse psychological effect particularly upon those who are elected

        And Maricopa County superior court judges go through a weird process. They are appointed for their first term but then:

        “Superior Court judges in Maricopa County remain in office by the approval of voters in retention elections.”

        So this judge is essentially behaving like those old Roman monarchs who would keep their public approval ratings high by throwing innocents to the lions in the circus and assuaging the crowd by letting them satisfy their blood thirst.

        It is a rotten, corrupt and despicable way to keep your job.

    • Al,

      Thank you so much for taking your time to post! I always learn from and enjoy your comments.

      • Al
        Thank you for your thoughts,
        I have caught myself lurking here waiting for the daily brainfood 🙂 .
        loved your last sentence

    • you sir, are a very a steary eyed missile man,

      Great post Al. I know many of us appreciate the time and effort you put into your posts, theories, counsel and thoughts.

    • there should be a new law that is the camera’s in court should only record what is happening in the court room and not to add HLN and other to comment on it untill after the trial is over.

    • Al, this is fabulous, thank you. I had no idea that trials were televised that long ago. Thank you for posting Justice Clark’s opinion.

    • This is a great post and I really am for public trials and even televised. I (like I know many others here) take issue with hln and other media lying by omission and outright lying to sway the public. I also take issue with the public harassment and then insulting the rest of us by calling it freedom of speech. Calling for the ruining of a person’s career is NOT opinion – it is a call to action. And the scariest part is that the cameras in the courtroom are not curbing the illegal tactics of the prosecution and judge. It is as if they know they are above the law.

      • Cindy,

        Also what about what happens to us? I think it matters. Apparently, some sort of list is being kept of those who opening support AL on facebook by the haters. This really is the only place to talk free from people knowing who were are.

        • That is sad to know about a ‘list.’ It reminds me of a movie I saw when movie actors were being put on a list and called communists (when they were not) and couldn’t get work. It is just wrong and slanderous. I really appreciate all the work you guys put into this site and allow a safe place for conversation. 🙂 thanks, again.

      • Cindyp,

        Without meaning to cast aspersions on the good people of AZ, they get the public servants they vote for. I didn’t watch the Casey Anthony trial, but I gather the judge in that instance ran a tight ship.

        But Maricopa County seems to be content with letting its elected officials run roughshod over their own rights. As a prime example of that, I present to you their duly elected Sheriff Joe Arapaio. In certain respects Joe Arapaio and the whole Maricopa County apparatus is reminiscent of Tammany Hall in the days of Boss Tweed or the Louisiana of old.

        • I really don’t think you are ‘casting aspersions’ on the people of AZ for it is common knowledge that most people don’t vote and of those that do they vote according more to party and what their family’s party is. I have many friends who vote republican simply because their church and family do. When I press them with my views (that I think they should be more responsible with whom they vote for) their answer is ‘that’s why there are parties, so we don’t have to do all the work.’ Unfortunately, in the political world, that is the truth and that truth is counted on by politicians. I recently was having a conversation with family members about how difficult it is to find research (fair) on judges and their decisions. When people go to vote for judges, DA’s, many often vote for whoever has been there in the past (they have experience). In the case of sheriff joe, I think it is the biased, lying press that make him look good to the public and nobody questions it.

  28. haters death threats against al
    no official action
    official impotence
    now such against the president are not treated as free speech and untraceable
    i suppose that since the president signed the extension of the violence against women act he by extension supports al !
    so haters, what are you going to do now with respect to the president ?
    cat got your tongue ?
    come on now you tough dudes, and dudettes, what are you going to do now ?

    • Good one. My bother’s son was questioned by the secret service a few years ago. He had said something negative aubout him on facebook or maybe by phone to a friend of his. My brother was shocked when they pulled into his driveway.He said that they scared the s#@t out of his son.But relized later it was a kid being a. kid and apologized.

  29. Hey, I’m now top of google results when you search for

    “jodi arias prosecution misconduct”

    Thanks guys, we will win this one step at a time.


      Prosecutorial misconduct

      The Supreme Court of Georgia has twice commented on Grace’s conduct as a prosecutor. First, in a 1994 heroin drug trafficking case, Bell v. State, the Court declared a mistrial, saying that Grace had “exceeded the wide latitude of closing argument” by drawing comparisons to unrelated murder and rape cases.[9] In 1997 the court was more severe, overturning the murder-arson conviction of businessman W. W. Carr in the death of his wife. While the court said its reversal was not due to these transgressions, since the case had turned primarily on circumstantial evidence, it nevertheless concluded “the conduct of the prosecuting attorney in this case demonstrated her disregard of the notions of due process and fairness, and was inexcusable”.[10][11] Carr was freed in 2004 when the Georgia Supreme Court ruled unanimously that Fulton County had waited too long to retry him, thereby unfairly prejudicing his right to a fair trial.[12]

      Despite upholding the conviction she sought, a panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals wrote in a 2005 opinion that Grace “played fast and loose” with her ethical duties and failed to “fulfill her responsibilities” as a prosecutor in the 1990 triple murder trial of Herbert Connell Stephens.[13] The court agreed that it was “difficult to conclude that Grace did not knowingly use … [apparently false] testimony” from a detective that there were no other suspects, despite the existence of outstanding arrest warrants for other men.[13]


    • Hey Tonya, how are you today?! I saw last night that you pointed out something about Flores report, I blv you wanted to point it out to me to look at. Sorry, it was getting late n I went to bed feeling emotional about the Jodi and Bobby picture. If you can show me the links, ill be happy to take a look (if that’s what you asked). Im not sure.

      • I couldn’t find those either. I will look if someone has links to the doctored up one.


      • geebee2 has a link to the court min she also explained at the top of the page what was going on and on the court mins wiki link page geebee2 did i just went in to look opened a letter excluded hoping the letter written would be there they are not just comment about it then i clicked on the link aboue that and there is a doc flores ca20081610844 in it i guess is the one that the jury got not the one that we have been discussing here …..

  30. Thanks for the USA TODAY article., SJ. Even they sound like they know its wrong what the haters are doing.

    They write:
    It’s the electronic version of a lynch mob,” said retired Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Kenneth Field.
    Said by a JUDGE, so why hasn’t Judge prune puss not dont anything about this??!!!

    And at the end of the article they mention what some of us have thought would be helpful. To TURN THE TV CAMERAS OFF!!! And then of course a 1st amendment attorney for the AZ republic balked at the idea and said:
    “I think it’s entirely unfair to blame camera coverage for a group of persons who are expressing their views,” he said. “The court has the authority to take steps to protect that witness from threats and other misconduct.”

    If the court has the authority to protect the witnesses, then I expect Stephens to do something about protecting ALV, but we all know shes NOT. This poor lady has been to the E.R. TWICE because of this BS and the judge instead tells her that she doesn’t give a fuck about her health issues, to get her ass there on Tuesday!!! Well, MAYBE its time for someone in the higher courts should take a look at her, what she’s let happen and all the misconduct in this case.

    And, yea its true and it SUCKS if the TV cameras are turned off. We ALL loose. A group of immature people ruined it for the rest of us, BUT it is people’s lives that they’re messing with and if people can’t behave and the court CANT take the proper procedures I protecting a witness, then shut the damn cameras off, simple as that!!!

  31. A lot of the hate seems to be coming from women. I think AL noticed this yesterday. This does not surprise me though because women can be the most vile when it comes to other women. Women do not support other women and quite a lot like to tear them down. Jodi is a very beautiful smart woman with talent so I I am sure jealousy has some part of it. I am glad there are quite a lot of women that support her here.

    • Amen to that. But can mere jealousy lead to the kind of vitriol I see from women.

      I asked my wife about this. She actually agreed with Nk from yesterday, that women can really tear other women down. She has a theory and I wonder if that has some truth to it. She claims that one difference between men and women is that men are essentially more personal creatures. That we tend to keep our personal lives and thoughts to ourselves more than women do. Women on the other hand have little compunction in sharing the most personal aspects of their lives with their friends. That, according to her, leads to the erosion of certain boundaries. Those boundaries are what keep men from commenting or condemning in such personal terms the behavior of other people. However, the erosion of those boundaries allows women to essentially take on other women in the most personal of terms.

      Don’t know about the validity of the argument, but that’s one woman’s view.

      • hmmm, I don’t know, but that is a very good observation and theory from your wife.

        I do often wish that we as women would hold other women up when they are faltering instead of sending the pack of wolves in to finish someone off.

      • Yeah Al, I would agree with your wife.

        AJ, yes its sad but its the truth. Its so stupid and immature, but yup its the truth!! Women are very jealous and im afraid tobsay it, I do blv that all these women HAVING Jodi are jealous! !! Some way or another they’re looking at her as, THAT WOMAN, that woman that stole my BF in high school, that woman that was my BFF and backstabbed me, that woman that LOOKS better, that has a better figure, that has the money for a boob job, that woman does anything she wants, has no kids, and is FREE, that woman that’s smarter then me!!! That’s what they feel and it comes down to JEALOUSY, they are taking it out on ONE woman, Jodi. Instead of really thinking, hey, that could be ME or my sister or my daughters. But no… they’re not smart enough to get it, so they HATE.

        • If I am not mistaken, from what I’ve noticed on the not so esteemed hln after dark show, usually more men generally give JA the benefit of the doubt and vote her ‘not guilty’.

          On this note, I wonder if most of those vile, disrespectful and judgemental questions are being posed by a few women who can’t stomach JA because she reminds them of the one that caused her to lose/be denied/be passed over for, etc someone or something. Women hold grudges longer and tend to spread their generalisations over things even if it so much as remotely reminds them of something that have left a bad taste in their mouths. Most men (and not the effeminate ones who tend to think/act more like females), can make that separation. My 2 cents…

      • I agree with that Al,also adding my two cents,women reject facts to protect themselves.Imagine your man doing some of things that TA has done?Denial keeps us from questioning ourselves and our choices.They can not say they are in abusive relationships or that they may be in, at the least,in unhealthy,dysfunctional ones.I love men..But as ALyce mentioned in her Snow White video,Mens roles in their childrens lives are not honored or even expected…anyway thats a whole new area to discuss.Point is boys turn to men.and it is hard to find “healthy”relationships and even harder to maintain.Gender roles and expectations cause stress for many. Temptations abound.There could be many reasons why more women are soo vile.Sexuality has that old double standard and JA might steal your man with her sexual prowness.(Not my beliefs at all)Just a small summed up version and why I believe society is awry and is only the beginning.One more thing…These social sites enpower us to express the anger…just very misdirected..As I stated..only the beginning of what is evolving.

        • “women reject facts to protect themselves”

          I would agree but also add that most ALL people do this. I know some men who do this too.

        • Michele,

          I don’t think denial is restricted to women. I have known men in absolutely atrocious abusive relationships (the women being the abuser), who keep denying that they are in that situation and stick with it.

          A bunch of years ago I had an engineer who worked for me, who’s wife had such a tight control on him, that he wasn’t even allowed to have an ATM card to his own bank account. We were on a field trip out in Idaho one fall when the weather took a turn for the worse. All of us had to run into town and buy coats since the temperature dropped from the 80’s down to the 20’s. I had to buy him a coat, because his wife told him he couldn’t buy one since he should have known better and taken one with him.

          One of the other guys told me that, this engineer had such low self-esteem that in a conversation one day, this dude said that he stuck it out because he wasn’t sure any other woman would have him!

          So it flows both ways.

          • Al agreed. I am not good at expressing through typing This really was a response to TA being the perpetrator of abuse…Denial…Lack of Knowledge and emotional IQ are never gender specific

          • my mom use hurtfull words to my dad and I asked him how do you but up with it he said I just look at it like a tv you can turn it or turn it off

          • Al, you hit it right on the head there. My ex took away my debit and credit cards and confiscated my mail when new ones arrived. After he was arrested, the first time I got to withdraw money from my own account, I was sooooo excited to use an ATM. I hadn’t used one in 9 years. But I was nervous. What if I did it wrong?

            It’s little actions like this that make a person feel useless and make one believe no one else would ever want them. I was 33 when I got together with him, 35 when we got married. I’d handled my own accounts since I was 16 until i was 37, when we moved to FL. But somehow, between the age of 37 and 45, he convinced me I was incapable of doing anything, not even using an ATM.

    • This may sound sexist, but I think a lot of this nonsense over a trial is the direct result of the decline of the soap opera. I say this as a fan of the old CBS soaps that are no longer on the air. When the soaps declined, so-called “reality” television came in during daytime and filled the void left by the soaps. In a real sense the Jodi Arias trial is a soap opera, and people who do not know any of the people involved have gotten themselves overly involved in something not involving them, and they are taking everything personally. With the soaps, people tuned in not just because of the storylines or the acting, but because it gave them a satisfaction of knowing there were people who had more miserable lives than they had.

      • During the soap opera era, people got VERY involved in the stories. I would overhear somebody talking about “someone else” and sound quite outraged until I found out they were actually talking about a soap opera character.

          • I use to think Tad from All My Children was my dad, because my mom wouldn’t stop talking about him.

            Oh, and when Natalie was stuck in that well….that was a trying time in my life.

            • Haha! My mom loved All My Children and I remember Tad, Natalie, and all of the others too. My sister and I used to get a kick out of Natalie’s evil sister Janet.

            • “Oh, and when Natalie was stuck in that well….that was a trying time in my life.”

              Oh LOLOLOL I really am laughing out loud to that one JaredWolf

        • Yes, yes yes! And do you guys remember the internet hubbub accompanying the canceling of certain of them? I don’t know the names of them, the ones still on vs. the cancelled ones, but they (probably these same nuts) were boycotting certain of the networks en masse

          • Jou, I was one of those nuts. I’ve been watching since high school. Wont tell you how many years that’s been, but General Hospital is celebrating 50 years. Loved it when vcr’s came out and I could tape them. My husband would be furious with the number of vcr’s I went through taping the shows daily. I thought it was a good outlet, talk about made up characters instead of real people. Now a days people don’t have that outlet and the reality shows on now, well I won’t go there.

            • I meant that the Travestites were nuts, and among those causing the hubbub. Sorry for the confusion!

          • You’re welcome. I really believe this crazy mentality has a lot to do with the decline of soap operas.

            I used to watch Guiding Light and As the World Turns. In my opinion, the best era of both shows was in the late 1970s-early 1980s. I wish more of those episodes would surface, especially anything pre-1978 (the “wiping” era).

        • I think you are on to something there. I never got into any of those shows. I had
          to work. But I knew people that even taped those shows as not to miss out on
          them. They bored me though. I do remember my grandmother drinking pepsi colas
          out of a 16 ounce bottle an tuning into General Hospital daily when I stayed there
          that is why I probably never got into it I was so bored !! ahhhhhh

        • Good point, tonysam. I’ve seen comments with people saying this trial is a cross between reality TV and a soap opera!

      • yes I was addicted to all my children and back then computers were new to me no one used them not even the police they wrote everything down but now

        • I watch general hospital and have since i was a child staying with nana.

      • Tonysam, i love your post… And I agree with you 100%.

        I posted something about this a few weeks ago. I don’t think people realize…trully realize they are talking about real people here. They speak as though they know the victim, the family, the accused and the witness. They have went from intrested to “love/hate”.

        I dont know Jodi, and to be honest, i’m not really that concerned for her as an individual, as i dont know her nor will i ever know her. I care as much as i would any other random human being, but i dont care more or less about her than any other person. I do care about this case very much, as i care about the state of our legal system. This legal system that can and will effect me or my friends and family, at some point. Don’t get me wrong, i have compation for strangers, but not to the level i would if they were my friends or family.

        I also care about right and wrong, as i judge these things. I don’t live a life ruled by religous law or rule, therefor it is more probable that my beliefes are not as common as others. I do believe in forgiveness, empathy, common sense, the hunt for knowledge, the hunt for intresting excitment, happyness, love, friendship and most importantly chivalry. (im sure i missed others). I care so much about this case because the possible social reprocutions are going to effect us to the core. I think this started with the CA case, but i feel that was just training for the JA/TA case.

        This brings me back to tonysams comment. I agree, i agree, i agree. There was a void left, and i think this drama filled that void. In it self that isnt a bad thing, however when you consider the outcome of this drama, as apposed to “All my kids”, can and will have real effects on our legal system and other real life issues.

        My mom used to tape “all my children” when she was work, she called it “all my kids”. We knew that when mom got home from work that we better not talk or say anything that could distract her from “my show”. she would put us in our room if we talked at all. i remember several beatings that came from simply talking about what happened at school or some other issue when her show was on. (my parents were very abusive). i hated that show, and all soaps. it always reminded me of her and the abuse that came because we interputed her “show”. if the power went out or her show didnt tape for some reason, it was “duck and cover” all night.

        I think there must be some social need for this drama. It is an addiction for some. (lol, here i am at 8:19pm on a saturday night) Facebook, myspace, twitter… the social networks, they capture our attention to the point of obsession. Why would this trial be any different? As much as it has divided us into 2 camps, it has also brought us all together, even if each side hates the other.

    • Why is there so much hate from one woman to another? I’ve experienced the same thing in domestic violence groups online. I grew up in another country and I’m not sure if it was that times have changed or that it’s just different in Europe, but there was a strong bond of sisterhood when I was growing up and especially in college. I came here after college and immediately noticed that women don’t stick together as much as we did in Ireland (where I went to high school and college). Is it just an American thing or a modern thing?

      • The DV group I went to had a lot of camaraderie. I think because it was victims of sexual abuse and since that is a fairly ‘new’ concept we kind of felt like the whole world was against us. The hatred towards Jodi is not isolated. It is extremely common towards victims of abuse but I believe it is more to victims of sexual abuse more than anything. Sex abuse, sex addiction, porn addiction are all taboo still. The 60’s and 70’s started what was supposed to be a kind of sexual revolution but now it has gone awry. So when the abuse terms are used along with ‘sex’ people get pissed. They think all this stuff is just fun and kinky; strippers and prostitutes are making a good living, ‘she wanted it,’ or ‘that’s just how people are these days.’ People are ignoring the reality that a lot of this is out of control. Most people still think the one who is being abused should ‘just walk away’ and nobody understands how this type of abuse happens. There IS such a thing as sexual abuse and addiction. They are real, misunderstood and quite devastating to the victim AND the perpetrator. I think until people start understanding this and see it for what it is – then perhaps the hatred may subside.

  32. Has anybody copied any of the death threats they’ve seen online? I saw one a while back and didn’t copy it. If anyone see any threats please document everything about it.

  33. Good afternoon all.
    Posting my response here to Al’s comment yesterday night:

    So ladies,

    Y’all got to ‘splain something to me.

    After my snap poll this morning, I went back and did a more in depth analysis of the genders of the various postings on this case. I went to 3 twitter accounts, 3 facebook pages and three web sites. After I went through and counted about 300 posts, I just started eye-balling them with the intention of seeing what the gender distribution of hater posts was.

    I must have gone through about a thousand posts, if not more. My snap poll this morning showed about 80% female. My actual count of 300 showed the same spread, and so did my eyeballing of another 1000 posts.

    I must confess I was not expecting such a large variance. Also I did not quite expect the gender split I’m seeing. In fact if you look at the pro-Jodi posts (other than this site) the split is not quite as marked.

    So what’s up.

    My theory is not so much jealousy, but consists of four points:

    #1 These women want to be louder in their hatred than the men in order to be noticed by them, and ‘look at me, look at me, I am the total opposite of Jodi, love me do not hate me’.
    Most of the men spewing hatred on these sites act from misogyny and Jodi is their symbol of the entrapping evil witch, the slut who dared fight back, she must be burnt. The women distance themselves from the Jodi symbol by howling the loudest to prove that they are in no way similar to the Jodi that the men hate.

    #2. Unconsciously the women hate Jodi because they feel that she has roused the hatred of the men and they are afraid of the backlash. Ironically, if they hang around these guys long enough, they will not escape from being viewed as some sort of a ‘slut’ eventually.

    #3. Some of these women are bullies who have abused their female siblings, classmates or coworkers and gotten away with it all their lives with the tacit approval of the men around them. Men in all sort of social or work groups love to delegate the dirty works of public relation, harassment, female-bashing, firing and scapegoating to women.
    Men might actually be pulling the strings behind these Stepford haters. Hiding behind skirts to do the dirty work for them, and the women will take the blame if something goes wrong.

    #4. Two months ago when I still tried to post comments out there ( I did not count genders,) the gender ratio appeared to be reversed; there were more males than females. So it has evolved. They have recruited female members to be their mouthpiece and foot soldiers, like in any cult.

    • viri Interesting. (did you catch me being punny?)

      I wasn’t looking 2 months ago, so I don’t know, but I do agree with the aspect that certain men do indeed look at women as being inherently evil or slutty. Look at all these men today who regularly refer to women as bitches and ‘Hos. The fact that this sort of reprehensible behavior is acceptable by even a fraction of society doesn’t cast us men in the best light.

      • Yes, yes Al, of course, I caught the punny thing 🙂
        But I had been seriously pondering on same for a while and trying to make sense of it.

      • Apparently I am sometimes dense Al…what were you being punny about? Could you please point it out so I know what I am missing???


        • I think Al was trying to tiptoe gently around what he had investigated and also try to understand it.
          It’s always offending to remind Moslem women, for instance, how many of them sometimes stand by their own oppression, or to point out to Afro-Americans that there were black confederate soldiers, or to wonder about Latino mouthpieces complaining about lax immigration, if you are not one of the group. There are always reasons for the self-defeating behaviors.

          • Ah. That makes absolute sense, those are very good examples you just mentioned.

            All I can say is that there are SO many cultural, religious, gender, and individual influences and insecurities, its no wonder it is difficult sometimes to try and analyze a situation and talk about it when so many people easily get offended.

          • Oh HAHAHAHAHA!!

            told ya I’m a little dense sometimes.

            I liked viri’s answer too though, a lot. LOL

            • Duh . Now I’m dense here.
              — female, hetero, monogamous, long time feminist and many male friends and foes, nom de plume Viridiana, Viri for short, if that clears the fog…:D

    • Interesting – your post makes sense.

      Question regarding the ratio – are there any statistics of “posters” – meaning do more women post/comment in general regarding any topic or is the ratio more even with men and women posting in comparable numbers.

      For instance, on this site, what percentage of posters is women? Are women just more likely to post comments online and to get emotionally involved?

      • sz

        Interesting question. Did a quick search, and you may be on to something.

        On an overall basis for social media usage

        The average gender distribution is 48.75% male, 51.25% female.
        Most male-dominated site? Slashdot (87% males) is the standout, followed by Hacker News (77% males) and Stack Overflow (76% males). In general, the more tech-focused sites in this survey have more male users than female.
        Most female-dominated site? Pinterest (79% females) is in a league of its own, followed by Goodreads (70% females) and Blogger (66% females).
        Facebook and Twitter have the same gender distribution: 40% male, 60% female.

      • Good questions.
        My rough guess about the ratio on web sites would be it depends on the topic. On some sites I pick a genderless nickname not to attract attention either way.
        Would be interesting to find the overall ratio of postings.
        My guess on this site is there are more female than male posters, but lurkers might be even?

        Also, referring to my above post, two months ago I found that men who replied to my posts were hateful or sarcastic, and the women who replied expressed some agreement with my opinion.

    • Idk viri, interesting points but that would kindda mean that the women are being hateful and evil because of man (all 4points). I blv it more just jealousy. There’s a lot of different reason these woman are jealous, (I commented above), but I do think its for that simple reason.

      • True, they may be jealous too. But remember these female haters are also followers. So are most of the men.

      • Jealousy??? Okay, I’m stumped by this. Jealousy of Jodi? She’s a good looking woman who grew up in a pretty crappy family. She’s extremely intelligent and should/could have done a whole lot more with her life by getting an education, but she left home really young because of her family and ended up with a guy who abused her (Bobby). Then, she was looking for stability and love and ended up with 2 other guys who weren’t perfect for her and didn’t want what she wanted. Then, she hooked up with THE worst possible guy she could have, Travis. He pulled whatever little bit of self esteem she might have had then, which probably wasn’t much, and trampled on it in every which way he could. He physically beat her and choked her. He treated her like she was his prostitute but every once in a while, mixed in a little TLC to keep her around. Now, she’s on trial for her life because he attacked her and she defended herself, and at some point in that defense, lost it. Her trial is being broadcast to the world and she’s become a hated person. Witnesses who have testified for her have been attacked and ridiculed. I don’t know Jodi, but I bet she’s a lot like me and feels absolutely terrible for what those witnesses are going through. Jodi’s family are going through hell. And through all of this, although Jodi is still good looking, she’s losing weight by the minute, her hair and skin are suffering, and she generally looks unhealthy and very stressed out.

        What’s there to be jealous of?

        • also abused >>>>> you sure do now who to say the right words im sorry im so uneducated but thats ok for we have you here. PLEASE never go away

          • Awww Tonya, one doesn’t have to be educated to be intelligent and you show in your posts that you are. Also, some intelligent people are not compassionate, and you show that in spades.

            Speaking of spades, I love your Tarot readings. I asked on a previous page if you do those for people. I have a friend who would love one, and me too, and we’ve met so many phonies. You seem so legitimate. Please let me know if this is possible over the internet.

    • another good post AL your good at what you do. Thank god you are on our side


    A chokehold, choke, stranglehold or, in Judo, shime-waza (Japanese: ??; English: constriction technique)[1]) is a general term for grappling hold that critically reduces or prevents either air (choking)[2] or blood (strangling) from passing through the neck of an opponent. The restriction may be of one or both and depends on the hold used and the reaction of the victim. The lack of blood or air may lead to unconsciousness or even death if the hold is maintained. Chokeholds are used in martial arts, combat sports, self-defense, law enforcement and in military hand to hand combat applications. They are considered superior to brute-force manual strangling, which generally requires a large disparity in physical strength to be effective.[3] Rather than using the fingers or arms to attempt to
    crush the neck, chokeholds effectively use leverage such as figure-four holds or collar holds that use the clothes to assist in the constriction. .

    The terminology used varies, in most martial arts, the term “chokehold” or “choke” is used for all types of grappling holds that strangle. This can be misleading as most holds aim to strangle not choke with the exception of “air chokes” (choking means “to have severe difficulty in breathing because of a constricted or obstructed throat or a lack of air”[2]). In Judo terminology, “blood chokes” are referred to as “strangleholds” or “strangles” while “air chokes” are called “chokeholds” or “chokes”.[1] In forensics the terms “strangle” and “stranglehold” designate any type of neck compression,[3] while in law-enforcement they are referred to as “neck holds”.[4]


    1 Air choke
    2 Blood choke
    3 Use in combat sports
    4 Use in law enforcement
    5 Partial list of chokeholds
    6 Further reading
    7 See also
    8 References
    9 External links

    does anyone knowledgeable here about this area, and the relevant evidence, have an opinion whether TA used an air choke or a blood choke on JODI ?

    i speculate that TA used a blood choke on JODI

    Blood choke

    Blood chokes, carotid restraint or sleeper holds, are a form of strangulation that compress one or both carotid arteries and/or the jugular veins without compressing the airway, hence causing cerebral ischemia and a temporary hypoxic condition in the brain.[5] A well applied blood choke may lead to unconsciousness in a matter of seconds. Compared to strangulation with the hands, properly applied blood chokes require little physical strength.

    TA was into wrestling, mixed martial arts, and ultimate fighting


    • My ex-husband used to choke me (besides punching, kicking, body slams, etc) and choking is extremely frightening. I understand the fear Jodi must have felt and the incredible need to keep TA from getting her into a vulnerable position.

      • i agree with you sz but i still believe her second story about the intruders

      • I’m so sorry sz. I wasn’t choked by my ex but have talked to multiple women who were and know it is the scariest of all abuse. It’s also a very high indicator of lethality. I’m so glad you got out and are with us today. Hugs!

    • I hope that all of the purchasers wear them in good health. And sleep better at night knowing that the household staff members of the Alexander family are being paid in a timely manner.

    • Excellent post, Wes, about the choke hold. Makes me wonder how much Jodi knew about Travis having some knowledge of “technique” in this area. Whatever she knew that he knew, she was legitimately in fear for her life, I believe.

      I appreciate that you are staying on point, although I find many of the posts here about the socio-political aspects of this case very interesting and significant as well, (not to mention the spiritual part).

      I expect that having more men on the jury than women might bode better for Jodi in the long run because they instinctively understand the disadvantage that most women have when defending themselves from an enraged man – even if that man is the same physical size or even shorter than the woman. More over, many of these men on the jury are old enough to have a daughter or step-daughter Jodi’s age.

  35. I copied this from the previous page … is this correct? That she is back in the hospital again???

    lezlie says:
    April 13, 2013 at 1:23 pm
    I heard today.. she is in the hospital.. cuz of the death threats etc. I do not know if that is true or not, but I wouldnt be surprised. If you ever go to Beth Karas facebook page.. omg.. you will get so upset with their comments, its no wonder she gets death threats.. They make fun of her person, he name, her looks, everything.. I read them cuz they fire me up, and i make comments.. and feel good for awhile.. I should quit going there, but it pulls me sometimes. I thought she did an excellent job… I learned so much just from listening to her..

        • if the hate sites can get her information about were she works so can we I would pitch in to get her flowers and include the team here that we care and that she should sue there asses

          • Her office address and contact info is online. Google her name. I sent her a card with a Starbucks gift card.

              • if we are not carefull she will have so much mail and cards and flowers she wont be beable to move

                • She’s wonderful,and did a heck of a job.GET WELL A.L. We love you.One thing to keep in mind is another juror left,due to illness. A.L. is in the hospital. WHO ELSE IS JAUN SCEAMING GONNA MAKE SICK.

  36. any news on what Monday morning hearing is about, or why AL is required to testify on tuesday

    • Maybe ALV is going to a follow up with the doctor she saw then return to the stand on tuesday

  37. There is (another) page on FB raising money for the Alexander family. They are selling necklaces that say Justice for Travis priced at $10.00 each.

    How much money does this family need? They would be better off donating it to a cause in Travis’ name but instead it is going into their pockets?

    Am I being a bitch for saying that? Maybe. If you look at their pictures they do not seem to be hurting for anything.

    • Oh yeaaaa… I saw that!!! BS they need money. IT (The Samantha sister) has a msg on fb talking about her Mexican maid, so tell me how is that IN NEED of money?! Or since the death of they’re saintly brother they have to somehow make EXTRA $$ instead of cutting back on unnecessary BS. A necklaces, what a joke.

      • ” IT (The Samantha sister) has a msg on fb talking about her Mexican maid”


        What exactly did she say?

        No wonder they don’t seem concerned about Travis’ comment on his myspace.

        • Tanisha has a comment that stated ……….She had to get out of the house out to the GYM before her 4 mexican maids cleaned her up with the house an that her Missionary Husband was so into the mission that he had bought 4 Mormon Bibles in Spanish an left them for the maids of the house…………something like that.

          It just really ticked me off because on Chris Hughes wall he had a post about how the family
          really needed some help with finances due to the stress of being in Arizona an not working
          bla bla bla but of course they are not laid up in a motel they are renting a vacation CONDO in
          Arizona. I am telling you they are living for Travis now through his death they can make a lot
          of money now. Really just disgusts me.

          An then you will see them BITCH about Jodi’s art being sold. Well I am sorry but her family
          probably is not living like the Alexander’s are. An they are not on here BEGGING either.

          • Nor did they take the deal with Dr. Phil. It ticks me off too that they are living it up. It appears that there are now atleast two addresses (one in cali) for funds for the family. Is the family in cali being supported too? The necklace making page where 10 bucks goes to the family? You know that if we started making necklaces for Jodi’s family, it would become some big deal accusing us of fraud. And no way could could we sell them on etsy either.

            • lets not forget what jodi said in her interview with the kkk detective flores someone else is sitting pertty now while im in here a lud to kkk chris and sky kkk clan

          • Weird how she needed to point out that they were MEXICAN maids. Reminds of Travis’ “filly” comment. Wonder if racism runs in the family…Kermit may be interested to hear about that since he was so quick to call Nurmi a racist.

                • Early on in the trial, the attorneys were having a hearing with the judge (no jury present) and Nurmi mistakenly said “Flores” when he meant “Martinez.” Kermit came back with “He must have said Flores’ name because all Hispanic names sound alike to him.” Nurmi was PISSED and called Kermit out for it.

            • want was jurior 11 was he mexican described him with a long pony tale in brade

      • KCL is also gathering money for the family.

        That makes 3 outlets that are donating to them. I’ve yet to hear that any of it goes elsewhere, other than family…?

        I’m guessing the money over the $10.00 for the T dog chain goes to the maker of the dog tag for shipping, materials and her time?

        • Nope. All to the family. Check out the facebook page. they have collected a nice sum on behalf of the family.

    • No, you’re not being a bitch at all. I agree. The money should be going to a charity and I’m sorry, but the Alexanders are not a charity. They have the ability to work and earn their own money. Actually, if they really wanted to be sarcastic, they could donate the money collected to battered women. It would be a classy but sarcastic move, and would also benefit battered women who desperately need help.

      • I will say this. I sent Tanisha 5 bucks a couple weeks ago. This was before I became disgusted with the whole lot of them. Today I got in the mail a very nice Thank you card, where she hand wrote a message to me. It kind of made me feel bad.

        • She must be busy to write all these thankyou notes, no wonder she needs 4 ladies to help her doing her household.
          I understand that you feel about that; I’d feel the same way it would make me feel guilty in a way. But I think there is absolute no reason to feel bad, you do not owe her anything.

          • I felt guilty for exactly 20 minutes. Then, I thought, maybe she didnt write it at all, maybe it was one of her FOUR Mexican cleaning ladies.

            Conscious cleared.

    • the question here should not be how much money do they need, it should be how much money are they willing to take from strangers feeling sorry for them

  38. Question and Observation folks….

    I was just over at Amazon looking through some of the 5 star reviews and came across one by Debra Warrens. Go and take a look at the comments and you will see that one of the comments appears to have been remove by Amazon? So, this seems very peculiar to me. Are they if fact getting involved or not? And if so, then get their asses on there and remove all the 1 star false reviews.

    Can someone pop over there to see if I was mistaken or not in seeing that Amazon did in fact remove a comment that was posted on this thread.

    Thanks! 🙂

    • I’m just steaming over here! It clearly states “Removed by Amazon 10 hours ago” and that my friends really pisses me off!

      They need to do a whole lot more than remove one little comment!

    • I just found another “Removed by Amazon” under a review from a Mr. **Billerica, MA.** as well.

      Something very, very strange I say.

      • Tanne,
        I just checked it out and the first 5 star review that is there is NOT in fact a 5 star review…it is marked as such but if you read it, it is defamatory. Maybe the Amazon folks are removing the 5 star reviews that are actually just more hate …maybe the authors (review writers) of these reviews notified amazon that they mistakenly pressed the 5 star instead of the 1 star (probably, cuz they are all idiots IMO)…I think Amazon should cease access to reviews until they get it under control…Evidently the mindless bullies who are writing these nasty, hateful, irrelevant reviews have nothing better to do with their time, I am aghast that Amazon has taken this long to get control of this fiasco.

        • exactily and everone was so upset with SJ for his post and he took it down they should follow SJ lead in that area and only have discussion on the trial and not hate comments towards the defendent or the witnesses etc in this trial

          • I suspected this but was not certain, as I do not have an Amazon acct. Thank you Also Abused 🙂

    • No, it’s a valid 5 star comment under a lady by the name Debra Warrens. It has like 17 comments and one of those comments were removed by Amazon.

      Something smells fishy is what I’m saying.

  39. I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts on juror 11’s dismissal. My initial instinct was that since he dressed somewhat individualistically, he might be a bad one to lose. But then i reminded myself that that is what I thought about Juror 5, and that I had based what I was deducing about their appearances on what Jean Casarez said. Bad move, Jou, I said to self. So I am not normally a contrarian simply for being a contrarian’s sake, but based on no more data than we have, and much of that being a mere extrapolation of the Juror 5 fiasco, I’m not sad to see him go at this point. Admittedly, not enough info to make a reasoned judgement one way or the other, but that is how I am leaning. Thoughts?

    • I dont know about how much to trust on what they say about the jury. No one can really tell what they’re thinking just by the way they look, dress, yawn, blink, or anything else. But I do know those questions still worry me and at this point, if they start dropping, I wouldn’t mind either. I think a NEW sequestered jury is the only and best thing to happen.

      • This jury should have been sequestered and only family in the proceedings and no spectators or media hounds….this is very disorganized to the point of being a travesty!!

      • How on Earth will they EVER find a jury NOW that hasn’t already been exposed in some way to this trial…My goodness, they’d have to go to the deepest jungles of Peru 😯 (Does Peru have jungles? Geography isn’t my strong suit 😉 )

        • HAHAAAA Dorothy thats funny!
          But my sister and brother hadn’t heard about it until I told them, they lv in SW FLORIDA. ..

          • LC, Well, there you go! You have proven my point SW Florida has jungles and is close to Peru, isn’t it? There I go again announcing my in depth knowledge of geography 😯 ….sorry if I come off as pretentious, Ms. Know-It-All! That’s me! Heck I think I’ll try out for Jeopardy 😉

            • the issue then becomes what type of person couldnt have heard of this trial by now? A fair sampling, is what the jury should be, can you really say that a person that has not heard of this trial is an “average” peer and a fair example of the average person?

              • Sirlips, I am certain if I was a defendant in a trial I would NEVER find a jury of MY peers. 😯 at least I hope there is no one out there like me… 😉

              • I highly suspect that this jury wasn’t totally truthful when they filled out the juror’s questionnaire…my opinion…and it will be almost impossible if there is another trial IN THAT AREA, west of the Mississippi, east of the Mississippi? Well, perhaps they will find an impartial, untainted jury of JA’s peers in ALASKA, in a remote village that has no electricity or at least no internet access..

      • Yeah, you really can’t determine much from his dress. Sure, the skull shirts could indicate non-conformity, but could also indicate a “tough guy” who’s into the death penalty. We just don’t know.

        I know I’d be sick of Kermit’s voice.

        • Haha, wearing a skull shirt to show you support the death penalty. Well I’m laughing, but it actually isn’t that improbable.

          • I meant it in the context that maybe he’s one of those highly conservative “kill ’em all and let God sort ’em out” types.

      • As Al said, that cow left the barn a long time ago. To SJ’s point of the day, on which I wholeheartedly agree, there is no way she can lose at this point. Even if the verdict is unfavorable, this trial is so messed up, a winning appeal is more than inevitable.

    • I think it’s best not to worry about the jurors.

      They are what they are, we can do nothing about that, leave it to the very capable defence team.

      Concentrate on what we CAN do!

    • Joujoubaby,

      I personally think that juror 11 being dimissed from the trial is a good thing for Jodi. If he truly does have health issues then his mind was not focusing on this trial. If he was not born a U.S. like juro 5 maybe he also doesn’t understand the U.S. laws and what his ethical duties are a a juror. It’s not like you can vote yourself in for a trial, your ramondly selected.

      As for why more women are hateful and tuned into this trial…. Look at the staggering rates of unemployment in this country, they have nothing better to do then site in front of these computer or television drumming up trouble. ” Those who flock together stick together” they don’t even have to know all the facts, women like to gossip.

      Also, I have found by reading on some of the hate sites, most that give their two cents worth of hate are merely uneducated females in their 20-30 age group.

      I don’t think they don’t believe it wasn’t a DV case, it’s the nature of the killing ( stabbing, slit throat, gun shot) that has them ruffling their feathers to spew their gossip.

      Having two adult daughters and one that has been through a DV case herself is more open minded about this case when I discuss it with her and ” gets it” now my other daughter who is younger and the ” perfect princess ” child doesn’t believe Jodi’s story. However, they are outraged that people are destroying other’s lives that have been on the witness stand. That in itself is just pure hate, and totally disgusting.

      If JUAN truly has a case for M1 then he needs to stick to the facts, and evidence, not try to get perjury for every FK witness that has been on the stand. That is where he thinks he’s slick……. He’s heartless, and could careless about how this trial has destroyed other people. Yes, I get it, he’s working for TA’s family but you not need to twist and turn the facts into something they are not……….. TRUE.

      I do see appeal coming. I don’t think the questions this week where in Jodi’s favor… But we really don’t know how many of these jurors are asking questions, how many arleady have their mind made up ( even though they shouldn’t at this time) and we don’t know what is ahead of us with JUAN……

      As for yesterday with the sister’s crying, one would have to assume that is good for Jodi…. Maybe a mistrial is coming on Monday. Why tell the producer to bring her attorney, and the Judge being so hateful and stern yesterday.

      And let’s say AL testimony get’s thrown out, it’s still in the juror heads to what she testified on the stand … even though they will not be able to use it… it’s in the back of their minds.

      My two cents for the afternoon….. off to shop with my girls.

      • A couple of things, FUJuan.

        1. I wasn’t born in this country, but I, very much, understand American laws. Perhaps I’m a rarity among immigrants since I have worked in the law and went to law school.

        2. While I don’t appreciate JM’s methods, it is his job to impeach the defense witnesses. In fact, that’s the entire purpose of cross examination. That’s a dirty part of the law, but it’s a part of the law. He works for the state of Arizona, and as such, the people of the state, not Travis’s family, most of whom don’t live in that state.

        • Yes, Also, you are from a Common Law country, though, which is a way different animal than Juror 5. As for Juror 11, I don’t know anything about his background. His not being a native of the US is news to me. Jean Casrarez (I know, I know…) said that he looked Indian (feathers, not dots).

          • I’m sorry Moni, but that is actually not what impeachment of an expert witness is about. I don’t like JM’s style, but I have to admit his impeachment methods are right on the money.

            One of the easiest and most common ways to impeach an expert is on prior inconsistent statements. Why? Because people forget what they said earlier, especially when there are years in between. Like it or not, during her deposition and her testimony in this trial, Alyce has not been completely consistent. At times, she has been slightly inconsistent on the stand. I don’t like JM, don’t get me wrong, but if he did not cross examine her on these inconsistencies, he would not be doing his job well. He has been very effective in doing so, and his memory is remarkable. The guy rarely seems to use notes and he knows this case like the back of his hand. For that alone, I’m impressed with him. If he wasn’t such an asshole in the way he presents himself, he’d be considered one incredible lawyer.

            JM’s aggressive manner and rapid fire questions, throws witnesses off guard, and it’s been very effective in confusing the witness and bringing out inconsistencies in that way. That is not a proper way to conduct cross examination and the judge should have reined him in, but she didn’t.

            Another commonly used method is bias. This usually comes about when an expert has testified frequently for one side, but not for the other. That option wasn’t available to JM because Alyce has testified for both sides. She has not testified in many criminal trials at all, it seems. So, what JM did was to call her out on how many times she has testified for men, in an attempt to show bias for women. She made a critical mistake when she responded to a juror question saying 1 or 2. JM jumped on her like a rabid dog over that one. While his aggression may not be appropriate (in my opinion), he was absolutely correct in doing so. She gave him that freebie and he jumped on it. Any lawyer would do the same thing.

            A third commonly used technique is qualifications. That is why JM has dogged Alyce about her not having achieved her Ph.D. The court qualified her as an expert, and so, this is slightly out of line. But seeing as he plans to counter her testimony with his own expert, who is a Ph.D., I am able to see his rationale.

            Nothing he has done in regards to his impeachment is wrong, other than the manner in which he does it, and it seems this judge allows him to act like an asshole and be abusively hostile to witnesses, so he gets away with it.

        • great now i know how to turn to a law student and i know your picture to welcome to nasty hate of america

        • what about flores he lied to the jury too about the roommates and this post show his knowing of cover up

          geebee2 says:
          April 12, 2013 at 3:33 am
          My new page for today:

          im stupid but i found it looked up letter excluded oped the http site above on that page it took me to ca20081610844

          could use your help with you knowledge in law >>>> also abused>>>>>

      • I agree with your analysis, FUJ, and have to keep reminding myself of those points.

    • I’m not buying the illness story. My first instinct, and this is thinking like a hispanic which I am, is that he is very very hispanic and Martinez disgusted him to the point that he couldn’t be fair and impartial. Didn’t they state that when they came back from chambers the DT and Jodi looked very sullen and the Alexander family was cheesing it like cheshire cats!! This is my opinion so I may be way off base!

      • Interesting point, Khloe. I thought about that as well. Hispanics generally stick together as they’re a race that has been discriminated against a great deal in this country. I have known many Hispanics who were born here and are US citizens, and yet, they have been yelled at and told to go home and stop taking jobs from Americans. It would be a natural feeling for an Hispanic to want to support JM, a fellow Hispanic, and an immigrant himself, one who has succeeded in this country, against many odds stacked against him.

        I’ve been reading some reports on this case in some Hispanic publications and they seem a bit torn. On the one hand, they want to talk about JM in a positive manner. But, on the other hand, they don’t seem to be happy with his methods and seem to struggle to describe it. Let’s not forget also that Jodi is half Hispanic. I don’t know her father’s family history, but he may also be the son of immigrants.

        I wonder, therefore, how that jury may have struggled internally.

        Also, while I don’t wish to categorize an entire ethnicity, among the Hispanics I have known, I have gotten the impression that it is not uncommon for the males to cheat on their wives, and that many of the wives turned a blind eye. My Hispanic female friend has said that to me many times. Also, in the 90s I was dating a guy whose best friend was Hispanic. He was a lovely guy, with a gorgeous wife and family, but he played around on the side and didn’t hide it from us. I was always an a quandary when spending time at his family home on a few occasions because it bothered me that she might not know, yet I was not in a place to be the one to tell her. If that is a true perception, perhaps the male Hispanic juror was not surprised at Travis’s indiscretions.

        At the same time, however, it does not seem common for Hispanic men to be abusive to their girlfriends/spouses. They seem to be very respectful of their girlfriends/wives and to place them in a revered position. This may have been a conflict for that male juror.

        Of course, I’m just speculating, as are you. He may well just have been ill.

        • Geraldo Rivera isn’t happy at all with Martinez’ tactics. He said yesterday on the O’Reilly Factor that Martinez seems like he wants to execute Jodi Arias himself.

        • dont fill bad there is a lot more they have damaged a lot of different races here in america and in the old day the church torched people to make them change religions. this is the US and we manage to live together despite our differences as a race my family came to america from cicily im italian …

            • sorry my latin is bad only take in english and my spelling is so bad its a wonder you can read it dorothy

              • LOL Tonya F, you failed everything but PE…I got a Dr’s not to excuse me from gym because I hated it so much. Do you have dyslexia…you mention spelling issues and trouble in school. You seem far from stupid! I suffer from or perhaps am gifted with dyslexia and spelling is one of my main problems. I have learned that if the word is underlined in red (misspelled) you can left click on the word then right click and it will give you spelling suggestions that you can select. Sometimes my misspellings are SO off that the selections don’t have what I intended to write. You probably already knew about this though. 🙂

            • Did you say your husband went to college in Italy? LOL Im probably way off. And did you ask whether she speaks the language? I majored in linguistics. Just curious?

              • 🙂 JC, Pretty close! I said, It’s wonderful to meet a fellow Siciliana (Sicilian woman)! Do you speak the language?

                • Only as a small child. I don’t remember learning it though aside from manja LOL. I remember learning in linguistics how words in the romance languages are similar. So I guessed. LOL My family was from a little village in genoa.

                • no dont speak it wright im lucky i made it out of high school graduated in 1969

                • i was failing in everything but PE physical education love gymnastics i was good enough was trying out for the olympics but on the monkey bars 2 spotters missed me and hit the grown from the top and got hurt bad…..

                • dorothy you need to get a gavatar photo so I can recognize you there are so many comment here

      • Nothing surprises me. It’s a wonder Jaun didn’t make all the jurors sick.HE’S LIKE THE SWINE FLU.

        • i could not help it the man gave me a headack and i never get them the only other time was when i did not where a seat belt the sent me to watch video of prisoners crashing in cars for 8 hrs I threw up so after that they change the time watch it to only 1 hr.

        • Oh man! The Swine Flu! That made me laugh so hard :). So what’s next – HLN the new strain of H1N1? 😉 The ‘virus’ must be catching on – and inflected many! LOL – We read their ‘status’ here all the time . People have said that there are a lot of SICK people out there (the ones on all the hater boards). Btw, I even call the guy who comes on after Snarky Glaze, Dr. Flu! 😀

      • khloe you are doing good and what you said made sence to me keep up the good work if someone doest like what you have to say say o well the only thing that matters is what the members of this team on this site think 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  40. I have gravitated to this site after finally being finally fed up to point of outright disgust and anger at people on HLN and their ripping AL apart while justifying Travis’ vulgar comments about 12 year old and porking the pie of a little girl as normal sexual fantasy. Can’t take it anymore.

    • I came here to because of the mob mentality. No wonder teenagers think bullying is ok!! Lets take a look at how adults and the media behave, aren’t we all suppose to be roll models! I cannot believe the hatred out there! Freedom of speech is one thing but I am inclined to believe that our fore fathers did not intend this to mean that it is ok to destroy a persons character and livelihood, I am appalled!!

          • i to came to my computer to look at the trial with out interferance for HLN INCESSION and other sites i visited I was attacted and my facebook i had was getting attacked just for saying well can you see this or can you see that i had to go back to the site and remove my comments and go to my facebook and spam all the nasty comments i was getting there and then i opened this page and read the comment and responed and i have been here eversence the trial began so welcome ashley and khloe

            • Two things: SJ does not like post with all caps and writing hate or saying something you should not say they will look at it and remove it and if the think you are threating they will ban you from here. i love this site thank you SJ

              • 😳 I had a rant the other day where I used a lot of CAPS (not ALL)…I hope my venting was not viewed as hateful…I had reached my breaking point when I became aware of the injustice that was occurring and spewed my guts. I believe it was pretty much venting, no threats, but I WAS SO IRATE, I think I went OVERBOARD. YIKES..

          • Maybe late Thursday. Anyway, my views of this case have drastically changed now after hearing AL, watching Chris Hughes hearing (thanks to this site) and taking a second listen to that portion of the audiotape which I had never heard. Thank you for the welcome! 🙂

    • I know, Ashley, isn’t that gross? My son will be 12 in December and he is very much a CHILD. There is nothing normal about that fantasy. I’d tear someone apart if I heard that said about my son.

      • I have a 12 year old daughter who hasn’t had her first kiss yet. Hearing him talk like that that makes me want to hurl.

    • Welcome. I’ve never watched HLN before, but from all I have read on their website during this trial, they are a disgrace to journalism.

  41. formal justice in the us, civil and criminal, is often administered through the courts, according to law, not the self help of the hatfields and the mccoys

    but arising out of the intersection of the law, and the experience from our past, there is a circumstance permitted in law, when an individual is permitted to omit the lengthy processes involved in seeking a remedy through the courts, and that is in emergency circumstances an individual may effect their own immediate remedy

    and such is given legislative approval

    it is the law of self defense

    a victim does not have to wait until after they’ve been killed by an attacker, to seek redress

    in arizona, in the circumstances set out in title 13 sections 404 and 405, and elsewhere, a person may kill their attacker in self defense.

    other sections are germane to self defense, but these two sections are, i believe, the gist of the law that justifies a person in killing their attacker

    ie there is no criminal culpability

    read 13-404. Justification; self-defense
    the relevant section here is subsection A

    AND read that section/subsection in conjunction with the entire section 13-405

    13-405. Justification; use of deadly physical force

  42. I was just over at Amazon checking out the reviews and there is a new strategy that anti-Alyce Laviolette are using…they are giving FAKE 5 star reviews. They give her book 5 stars and then sarcastically write terrible things about Alyce in the review part…

    Check out the first three 5 star reviews

    • Hey Linda, I saw that too…my goodness! What will they think up next! SERIOUSLY! I wrote my thoughts re those phony 5 star reviews in a reply (above) to Tanne.

    • Ok thats it, I sent Amazon a msg. I only started reading the first paragraph on the first comment and that was enough. That stupid bitch doesn’t even have her facts straight, still talking about Jodi being a stalker and slashing tiers and all other nonsense! !! These people are hating and TRYING to ruin ALV career with WRONG info!!!

      And I was going to reply to her (the person posting), but its worthless and im not going to lower my standards but I did send a msg to AMAZON saying that the post was inappropriate, that I didnt have to explain why, they KNOW that because it has NOTHING to do with the book review and Amazon shouldn’t be used as a site to hate expert witnesses.

      • Is it possible to find out if her book sales are going up or down with all the notoriety?

      • Me thinks Amazon will take those reviews down soon. They do have a legal dept watching the media and are most certainly aware that FOR ONCE there review site is receiving some very negative attention in the media.

        • Yeah they will, I dont thk they want to be in the middle of it and loose money.

          Thanks Tony!!! Lol : ))

          @ coldcase, I would think she’s sold MORE books. Besides the haters, there are other people that didnt know who she was and that have purchased the book now. I myself, want to buy it but NOT from Amazon. Ill wait and see if they do something about the negativity, if they DO, then ill be glad to order it from them and then explain to them why…

  43. The HLN talking heads know they are targeting a certain audience and play to that audience’s average intelligence. This audience doesn’t question NG, JVM, VP, etc or any of the so-called/self-appointed “experts” that come on the shows to give their opinions. The audience takes these opinions as facts. When the shows air callers it is readily apparent the level of intelligence of the individual.

    I grew up believing that it is our duty to question and do our own research. Also grew up believing, as Edmund Burke said, the evil will triumph if good men do nothing. To take that a step further, is a man “good” if they do nothing? Clearly so many here are doing something (emails/comments to Amazon, researching the facts, supporting Jodi and supporting each other, etc.)

    I feel privileged to be allowed the opportunity to access and be a part of this forum.

    • Well said, sz *\ 😆 /*
      I also feel privileged to be allowed access to this site. The members of this forum are loving, fair minded individuals and since I have been here I feel free. I no longer feel helpless and hopeless in regard to the state of the world. I no longer feel as though I am being sucked into the venomous monster of hatred that has sunk its evil teeth into every aspect of this case. I no longer feel that my voice is being drowned by the screaming banshees. As long as I do not venture into that hell I am safe. The other day when the site access went down, I felt lost. I am glad we are here. (brings to mind Dr Seuss’ “Horton Hears a Who”)

      • OMG Dorothy, I love you!!

        Thank you so much for quoting Dr. Seuss.

        It is perfect in this context. lol!

        And I know, I just know that HLN in some kind of perverted way, actually helped Jodi. All their stupid theatrics…i.e. (NG’s favorite): “BOMSHELL TONIGHT: I am a growth in the anus of humanity!!”
        VP’s dramatic voice announcing…”TODAY’S BOLD ACCUSATION!!: My Douchery: Is it inherited or paid for by HLN!!? We will discuss both sides on HLN After Dark…tune in folks!”

        Seriously though, if HLN is playing dumb saying that they’ve no idea where this hatred for Alyce stemmed from, then that lets me know that they are indeed very aware of what’s going on and what we are saying about them here…. AND they’re scared shitless of being sued for slander and promoting hate speech. I’ll bet anything that next week, they’re going to try their best to sound a little more subdued on their shows as far as how they refer to Jodi and Alyce and the defense attorneys.

        Mark my words…

        • 😆 Sil, Gotta love your HLN “headline” adjustments…but ain’t it the truth!
          They are trying to sidestep but after the motion/ hearing tomorrow…will the truth set the jury free of this case?

      • TONYA F, 😆 I have never heard Stevens say that, nor use a gavel…? WTF… If I was a judge I most certainly would want a gavel! 😀 It seems like the best part…maybe they are considered weapons? I certainly believe that THIS trial REQUIRED a gavel, MANY TIMES! “ORDER IN THE COURT!”

        • Speaking of weapons, I wonder if she has a gun at the stand or bench (whatever it’s called in AZ). I have heard stories that some judges arm themselves in court. True or false?

        • thanks it gets so deep here that you need a good laugh every now and then and what you said made me laugh thanks for that dorothy….:) 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Same. My parents raised me to always question things, including the govt. think for myself a ect. I think their gen was very afraid post WW2 of what could happen when listening to one person.

      • That article is absolutely ridiculous. The last paragraph is beyond belief:

        “One last thing, why is Ms. LaViolette hiding her personal history? Her biography starts with her first job with domestic violence. Was she a victim of abuse? Was she married? What is the ring on her left hand mean? Why is that information taboo?”

        Why is Alyce’s personal history or current status information to which ANYONE in that court of the public is entitled?

        • Maybe they are mad because they can’t find more personal information about her to smear across the internet….those hate mongers are “sickos” at the most extreme…

          • you guys are so tuff i could not do what you do go to other sites and hit them were it hurts its been slapped out of me over the years but go get them and ALV has a right to keep her stuff personal they should’nt be there anyway.

        • Was any other witness asked if they were married/had kids? The ME? Flores? Dr. Samuels? No, so why should it matter for Alyce?

        • Her personal information, is no one’s business. It is her right to keep her personal life private and being a witness in a public trial doesn’t mean everyone should be given access to her private life. She is giving her expert testimony, she’s not there as a lay person.

          These people have a lot of nerve I’d say. Pfft!!

        • I was under the impression that much of that history was included in her book; that she was married to a man, that that marriage was abusive, that there are children of that marriage, and that her experience as an abuse survivor inspired her career trajectory. But that could be misinformation as well, although it makes sense. I don’t care who she’s married to now, the gender of the person…whatever. I doubt that a majority of the jurors in Phoenix will either.

  44. It is a very sad state of affairs we are witnessing. I have a real hard time believing there isn’t something that can be done about all the hate and defamation of character out there. It just goes to show the bias of the higher ups. Makes me sad this is what the US has come to.

    • There is : get busy!

      Please, please help out. Write an aritcle. Report abuse. Challenge people to justify what they are saying.

      Don’t bother with the worst cases, I mean the people who are decent but wrong.

      Just sow a bit of doubt.

    • You would think a court higher up would step in and do something. A woman getting death threats is a very very serious thing and to top it off it seems like the DT has no where to go to file complaints, you can totally tell that the Judge is pro prosecution!! How can you win??

    • Good idea. I use Google alerts for an old cold case and it’s an excellent service.

  45. Can;t we start a petition that addresses these issues and all the hate, media, character assasination, etc?

    • We should start taking names of these people that are so bold to harass over the interwebs. It would be nice to hold them accountable for their behavior.

      • I think documenting is always a good thing in situations such as this.

      • Perhaps. I think it is more useful to hold the publishers responsible.

        Tell them you have documented what they have published, and if they don’t take it down and talke steps to prevent a repetition they become legally responsible.

        Going after individuals probably isn’t worth it.

        • I agree. Amazon should be held accountable as should healthgrades. But people making terroristic threats should be held accountable but wont.

      • I wonder if we could offer our services as “armchair detectives” to aid in some way ALV et al in the fight to deter the haters. I’m in for that but wouldn’t know how to go about it. Any ideas anyone?

    • I was wondering if we could start something like a poll to see where people first heard about Jodi Arias and Alyce LaViolette….

      For me…it was HLN…Nancy Grace….if it hadn’t been for HLN…I would never have heard of Jodi Arias or Alyce LaViolette…

      Sample of some Poll Questions….

      Where did you first hear about Jodi Arias?
      HLN ?
      Facebook ?
      Twitter ?
      Other ?

      Where did you first hear about Alyce LaViolette?
      HLN ?
      Facebook ?
      Twitter ?
      Other ?

      • Truthseeker,
        A question could be added which of the following has been the most informative for you?

        Youtube is also another selection you could add, with an: If so, which username’s posted videos were the most informative/enjoyable/supportive to you.

        Also, to separate the pro TA / pro JA/ undecided/impartial from one another you could add
        Pro TA [with a selection box]
        Pro Jodi [with a selection box]
        Undecided [with a selection box]

        If it is phrased that way it would draw the minions…
        It could also be titled in a somewhat ambiguous way so as to attract their attention.

          • It makes sense…I guess what I was trying to get at was that I feel that HLN is at the top of the pyramid for starting all this hate across the internet toward Jodi, Alyce, Casey and etc…

            And I was wondering how many people felt the same…

            As I am watching HLN the past two days they sound as though they don’t know how all the hate got started…they know…and they really are stupid if they think we buy that they don’t know…

            And…if it wasn’t for them…I would never have heard of Jodi or Alyce…

            And because I have watched HLN so much lately that are biased with their personal negative innuendos about Jodi and Alyce….

            • Yes, and a survey would be a great way to point that fact out, The survey would have to be written impartially so as to get the most accurate results. I suspect HLN will win hands down and it will be evidence of how biased they are, how influential they are in creating this mob mentality…It would be VERY interesting to find out the results.

      • I first heard about Jodi on FB during the first days of the trial. I don’t remember hearing anything about her before then, but I really never watch the news. I saw people talking about her as a narcissist and I basically ignored it. Then, during the first few days Jodi was on the stand, someone I know who had been in an abusive relationship mentioned that Jodi’s testimony triggered her to think of her own abuse. Comments to her abuse were full of vitriol towards Jodi. At that point, I decided to look up more information. The basic news reports left me wanting to know more. However, the comments on those reports were barely legible and I wasn’t happy. In my search, I found this website and encountered balanced intelligent discussion. I read for a few days, without saying anything, and then decided to join in. I’m so glad I did. Thank you SJ and the moderators!

        I had heard of Alyce before this trial. I believe someone mentioned her and her book on a DV forum/group that I am or was a member of, or to be honest, it could have been one of my therapists. I know one of my therapists mentioned her book. Since it wasn’t available on Kindle, I had not bought it.

        • I first heard of Jodi on Dateline a long time ago…(I thought she was innocent back then and I still do) When the trial started I watched some on TruTV, when they stopped airing it, I attempted to watch HLN but was TURNED OFF immediately. I then went to Youtube to see and catch up on recorded full/half day sessions but when the hateful replies to my comments began or my comments started getting “thumbs downed” so much (never happened to me prior to this! I’ve been an AVID youtuber since 2007) I started to feel ill. Someone sent me a personal message suggesting this site, and I have been here ever since 🙂 Whew

          I first heard of Alyce here just prior to her testimony.

      • First heard about Jodi Arias on the original broadcast of “48 Hours” in 2009. The major reason I got interested in the case was because she was from Yreka, California, and had lived for a time in my hometown of Medford, Oregon.

        I doubt I’d be following it much if it weren’t for that detail.

      • I did not start watching the trial until JM was doing his cross on Jodi. I have a 48 hours app on my ipad and I was watching some episodes one weekend and learned of the case there. I knew there was something not right with the case and there was too much missing. CH and SH seemed so odd from the beginning. I then spent a great portion of the next few days looking up the facts of the case and catching up on some of the testimony. At this point I really was not watching hln because my tv normally stays on ID. I read that TruTV really did not cover cases like they once did so I tuned into HLN to watch it. They promised I would not miss a moment of it. LOL. After about the 3rd day I did not like having to sit through NG just to watch it and her show was annoying and even Dr Drew had Katie Wick on his show and I cannot stand her voice or the things that come out of it. Once I discovered the phone call and heard the vile things TA said and went over a lot of the text/email/im’s I knew she was very abused by TA. I started thinking I was alone in thinking she was innocent because every place I turned to get information was so hateful and one sided. I finally found that you could watch the trial live and I started doing that when I can and watch it on you tube. I felt very alone with how I felt.

        Then one day I just typed Does anyone think Jodi Arias is innocent and boom this was the top site. I lurked on this site and read all the post and was glad I found a group that felt a lot like I do about the case. I remember I was brave enough to type a post and everyone was so nice and welcoming. I would not make it through this case without all the wonderful people that post here. I know my husband thanks you all. While he is very supportive and believes she is innocent he does not watch it and has had to hear me rant about it. I do not rant as much when I am able to come here. So thanks to all the admins and Jodi supporters for having a safe site to talk about the case without the hate.

  46. there is a new twitter account up that supposedly belongs to AL.
    I wonder if it is really her?

    • I doubt it! She is not electronics savvy and she is under subpoena so if ANYTHING is mentioned of this trial by her she will be in contempt of court. Alyce should be notified via email or phone to warn her. She is probably not aware of it.

      • Twitter would be the last thing AL would join! She admits to being social media challenged and twitter is not easy to navigate for us *old folks* 🙂

        I’d speculate she would dip a toe into sending a text or maybe a FB page bf graduating to becoming a twit 😉

        Her own professional web page doesn’t have an email address. I feel she’ s old school and prefers to pick up the phone and actually speak to the person on the other end

        • The email address on her page was removed Rainy. The minions posted her phone number, fax number and email address and told the minions to flood her with hate.

        • Yes, she’s mentioned that she rarely uses email. I’d really like to send her a supportive message, but I guess I’ll just hand-mail it :).

          • Oh … stupid me! I should’ve figured that out – that it was removed due to the haters.

            I would love to see ALV be able to initiate come type of libel and slander suit when she’s able to get her thoughts together. She has a public, professional profile which is being harmed, largely assisted by hln. There’s hours of proof of slander to disparage her.

            Even if she wouldn’t win it would send a message to the hood rats @ hln.

            • ha rainy lets not forget the travis the kkk clan is doing a job on her to

    • I watch him on GMA and he can be an idiot sometimes but he always disagrees with NG so I like him.

      • I wish some one would come up with some good words to match the kkk to the travis clan only thing i get from kkk is kill kill kill clan and it best describes the court the all the PPL and moroms and travis followers

    • NG said in that youtube video that Alyce Laviolette big point in trial that day was that Travis wasn’t a virgin….

      NG says “HELLO”…he was 30….

      NG went on to say that Alyce LaViolette portrayed him to the other church members that he was a virgin…

      And then NG said that she didn”t think that the jury was very impressed with that big breaking news…

      I’m saying…HELLO…Since Alyce got her credible information about Travis being a virgin from lots of sources including his own journals, writings, text, im’s, friends and etc…it sounds like Alyce LaViolette stole the BIG BREAKING NEWS spotlight from you Nancy….and might you be just a little snarky about it…

      • I saw that NG episode. I think sometimes NG makes things up. She totally misses the point. TA misrepresented himself as a virgin to his friends and to the church and I think (not to speak ill of the dead) that speaks to his character. No it is no big deal that his wasn’t a virgin but he led everyone to believe that he was. Not a good thing, IMO>

          • His own brother thought he was a virgin.

            Yes, no one cares if he was or wasn’t but if fly’s in the face of one who portrays himself as this chaste, waiting until marriage stuff.

            This man, from his grave, has taught this old lady a few thing she’d never heard of bf and it’s been many years since I’ve been a virgin!

            • I’m not a fan of religious tenets that require adults to remain virgins until marriage. I think that it’s unrealistic and it sets people up to feel like they’re terrible human beings for doing what adults typically do. No one should have to feel pressured to be a 30 year old virgin.

              • I agree. And people should not be incentivized, in our current culture, to marry super young either.

    • oh geez, now i know where the hater gang gets the word “attentive”. They like to throw that one around. lol.

      I couldn’t finish it because n. disgrace’s voice grated on my nerves too much.

      I couldn’t even watch it long enough to enjoy the “classic domestic violence” statement, LOLOL

      can anyone tell me what minute mark the good stuff is at?

    • Unfortunately, Dan was merely mocking Alyce’s testimony when he said that she would read an item in Jodi’s journal and testify that amounted to classic domestic abuse. However, that snippet was worth watching just for the part at the end when he threw a dig out to NG about her show and said he’d be more concerned with jurors watching her show than about them hearing from Juror No. 5. Skip the rest because it’s not worth it. But catch that dig in the last minute.

      • Yah! Spent all my time here! ;). You don’t even want to know the state of my house… like a bomb has blown of! (Also with my kid being in the hospital it didn’t help matters). It’s all good now tho. Except the messy house – lol. Dorothy, you are a trip! 🙂

  47. wow, so many great posts today. I may have to save them somewhere.

    It is nice to see so many people who are capable of thinking for themselves.

    • BeeCee,

      Admin saves all the comments. Just click on any date on the calendar on the right side of the page.
      Or, did I misunderstand how you meant to save them?

      • thanks coldcase53…heehee I meant save them for myself so they would be easier to find weeks from now. the pages on the right do eventually drop off the list and it just gets to be hard to go searching for things…Not impossible just a pain.


  48. Hi All, Just popping in to say HELLO 🙄 I am taking a mental health day, and a me day………………………………………………..

    this was a very damn hard fucking bullshit week.

    And that is all I have to say about that.

    CARRY ON, my friends.

          • @ Tony LOL and she’s way more attractive and funnier!

            Enjoy your *all about Renee* day. You deserve it! <3

            • Rainy ♥ thanks sweetie

              BTW…….love your kitties….I have three right now, the one I had for 9 years passed a week ago 😥

              But me and the hubby are in the process of rescuing one outside…we named him Van Gogh, because his ear was torn off.

              Kitties rule.

              • Renee you and me both love animals better companions when single dont have to walk then

                • that made me cry to here you lost your cat is gone now they become like family and when they go they never really leave us lost one to his picture hangs in my bedroom and i take to him often like he is still here

              • So sorry about the loss of your sweet baby. It’s so hard to let go. S/he will always share a special place in your heart.

                In my pic the little man on the right is my senior kitty. He’s 14. The middle is my little girl who is 7 and my baby boy on the left is 6 years old. The other morning they were all sitting together and I’d speculate they were manipulating me with looking way to cute just so I’d feed them their breakfast!

                Cute name for kitty with torn ear! He’s a lucky Van G – to get rescued and join your family. <3

    • Hey Renee’ (HRS) Good to see you :O) It was a stressful week indeed! Hope you are recuperating and are ready for more on Monday. Have fun and enjoy!

      • ps If you don’t mind my asking, what does HRS stand for? Feel free not to answer if it’s none of my business 🙂

  49. 🙂 there is some good stuff we need a new law passed to hit HLN and others were it hurts them the most a law banning the hate and waiting to comment until after the trial is over

    • That would be a difficult law to pass. Hate becomes subjective when in writing. Many people think of what we say as hate. I don’t want us banned from speaking with some stupid law.

      • That’s right. I sure don’t like sites like but I sure in hell don’t believe they should be banned.

    • ok team ment no harm in my comment hated history failed was just a thought about law they passed them to ketch kids now amber alert the child mother that started it lived 4 blocks from me

  50. I’ve listened again to the questions from the jury and feel less depressed. There are only about two jurors who are dead set to convict Jodi, and the rest undecided and wanting to hear answers for when ALV was interrupted. A few questions even astute that were not well covered.
    Jodi will get her freedom.

    • One thing to remember is that if the jury had already made there minds up, they wouldn’t even be bothering to ask questions.

      You can interpret their questions as: well we think she is innocent, but what about this? Are we considering every possibility?

      It’s their job to be impartial and reserve judgement until they retire.

      I do think some of the questions have been dodgy though. Especially that question about Alyce looking over at defence counsel ( or whatever it was ). That sounded pretty suspcious to me.

      • Point being it is not the job of the jury to regulate the court – that’s the judge’s job.

        I’m pretty surprised the question was even allowed.

        • I read that as they might view her smiling/glancing at jodi during her time on the stand as a sign of bias and either A. wanted to give her the opportunity to explain her rationale or B. let ALV know that they observed her doing this.
          I thought the question asking ALV if she has ever touched/hugged JA as bizarre to say the least. I’m assuming they were again trying to understand if she has a bias for JA.

          • Vicky T
            I agree that was inappropriate question and the Judge should not have allowed it. What kind of Jurors are there because that was ay out of LINE!

          • Not only was that question inappropriate, but down right malicious, IMO. Proof that someone is definitely watching HLN.

        • I felt the same way! The juror asking the “why are you looking and smiling question ” has joined JM wagontrain to the Pluto. JM, at least twice, said NO, NO- Look here to AL. Everyone was talking over each other..She needed to look to see if there was going to be an objection. At least it gave her an opportunity to explain the smile was for her friends in courtroom.
          IMO,I don’t think the judge should allowed JM to say NO NO Look here to an witness. Who does he think he is??? I would have said, if the judge orders me to look at you Mr. M. I will, be until she does, I rather not. If a witness was looking for help…so what?

      • I was under the impression that AL glanced in that direction to make sure her atty wasn’t going object. A few times AL answered JM’s question before her atty had a chance to object. The talk of her looking at JA is nothing more than internet haters spreading rumors. Which makes me very suspicious of the juror that asked that question.

  51. “Under 18 U.S.C. 875(c), it is a federal crime, punishable by up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000, to transmit any communication in interstate or foreign commerce containing a threat to injure the person of another.” This and a lot more from this site;

    I know that some sites are called ‘private,’ however, these sites are businesses that make money (Facebook for example). Even though those who run the page do not make money Facebook is interstate and foreign communication through a commercial site. I am no law expert but it seems to me these are federal crimes – if anybody has the screen shots of death threats and threats of violence or to ruin anyone’s career perhaps you could check out this site and pass along the information. (please?)

    • Ack! While the site, itself, has a lot of good info – i just saw there is an ad for…. wait for it…. a PRE PAID LEGAL service to the right of the site name! But when clicked on the url is not found. Please do not misconstrue that I was trying to promote that service… I was only researching laws on cyber bullying and stalking because I know these things have been in the works for a couple years, now, due to the high amount of bullying done by (what was once thought) teenagers and college kids in the past.

      • I saw that too! But the definition of cyber stalking is actually originally from the department of justice.

        “What Is Cyberstalking?
        From the U.S. Department of Justice
        Although there is no universally accepted definition of cyberstalking, the term is used in this report to refer to the use of the Internet, e-mail, or other electronic communications devices to stalk another person. Stalking generally involves harassing or threatening behavior that an individual engages in repeatedly, such as following a person, appearing at a person’s home or place of business, making harassing phone calls, leaving written messages or objects, or vandalizing a person’s property. Most stalking laws require that the perpetrator make a credible threat of violence against the victim; others include threats against the victim’s immediate family; and still others require only that the alleged stalker’s course of conduct constitute an implied threat. While some conduct involving annoying or menacing behavior might fall short of illegal stalking, such behavior may be a prelude to stalking and violence and should be treated seriously.

        Nature and Extent of Cyberstalking

        Although online harassment and threats can take many forms, cyberstalking shares important characteristics with offline stalking. Many stalkers – online or off – are motivated by a desire to exert control over their victims and engage in similar types of behavior to accomplish this end. As with offline stalking, the available evidence (which is largely anecdotal) suggests that the majority of cyberstalkers are men and the majority of their victims are women, although there have been reported cases of women cyberstalking men and of same-sex cyberstalking. In many cases, the cyberstalker and the victim had a prior relationship, and the cyberstalking begins when the victim attempts to break off the relationship. However, there also have been many instances of cyberstalking by strangers. Given the enormous amount of personal information available through the Internet, a cyberstalker can easily locate private information about a potential victim with a few mouse clicks or key strokes.

        The fact that cyberstalking does not involve physical contact may create the misperception that it is more benign than physical stalking. This is not necessarily true. As the Internet becomes an ever more integral part of our personal and professional lives, stalkers can take advantage of the ease of communications as well as increased access to personal information. In addition, the ease of use and non-confrontational, impersonal, and sometimes anonymous nature of Internet communications may remove disincentives to cyberstalking. Put another way, whereas a potential stalker may be unwilling or unable to confront a victim in person or on the telephone, he or she may have little hesitation sending harassing or threatening electronic communications to a victim. Finally, as with physical stalking, online harassment and threats may be a prelude to more serious behavior, including physical violence.”

  52. If ALV is a lesbian, maybe gay rights groups can get involved in protecting her & fighting for this to be a hate crime. I wonder what steps ALV and her co-workers, friends are taking already to try to get a handle of these outrageous attacks on her. Her circle of contacts – others who fight against abusers, police depts., etc probably have a some power & knowledge of what can be attempted in this type of situation. Where are they in fighting back? Has anyone heard of any steps she, her contacts, the defense team, the court system or anyone else has taken to protect her?

    • That is a really good idea. Groups like HRC are great in regard to fighting against hatred toward the gay community. And since many of the attacks on Alyce are homophobic, gay rights groups would certainly not approve.

  53. Hi, I am new to this site, but very grateful I found you. It’s very frustrating when you want to say something and get attacked by haters all the time.
    My concern is: can we do something about Amazon letting all those people bushing ALV. This is getting very upsetting. The woman gets death threats and hers 40yrs career is ruined. I agree that HLN did it again. Now the even have HLN after dark, which could be viewed by the jurors or their relatives and the jury not being sequestered is a disaster. Jodi is not getting a fair trial. She is already tried and sentenced by HLN, FB, now Amazon.
    I am very upset !!!

    • welcome mariana we like out discussions and talk about many thing here glad to see you have found our site

      • Tonya, thank you for the warm welcome :). I just wanted to say that I posted on Amazon 5 star for ALV and got attacked with names, somebody wished me to get cancer, you won’t believe the venom coming from some people. I reported them to Amazon and they deleted their posts. We just have to keep reporting until they do something. Now I am going on FB to do the same. I am on a mission tonight…lol
        And Edward I feel the same way about HLN and all the greedy clowns there. I had little respect for Dr. Drew, now I lost that too. And what happened to that phony Nancy Grace and her concern about children? I guess that’s not where the money is right now….disgusting !!! And they have the nerve to talk about ALV being after the money…hypocrites.

    • Welcome, we are glad to have you.

      I just recently checked the Amazon page for ALV’s book and there were 1019 1-star reviews… It is unbelievable the amount of time and effort that these people are expending on hate towards ALV. It is sickening, and yes, quite upsetting too.

  54. The Travis clan can best be described as the KKK clan the were full of hate to

  55. Gonna go watch some bull-shit mindless TV for a while, but I leave you with a comment I made on Amazon to one of those asshole fake reviews:

    You folks are sick and soulless. Please find a hobby, other than capital murder case witness intimidation. I have sent so many screen shots of this, and something will be done. To make an example.

    Once you have been prosecuted for slander, libel, witness intimidation and tampering, THEN and only then will you realize the importance of the Constitution, and the American right for a fair trial and defense.

    You will be made into an example, like the Minnesotan mom of four who owes 250,000 dollars for “pirating” 12 songs on the Internet.

    And lastly, Karma will bitch slap you into eternity.

    you should be ashamed of yourselves. Talk about displaced anger!

    get some serious psychological help, the sooner the better.

  56. Wow just listening to yesterday’s proceedings as I missed a lot of it. JM said to ALV “I’m not talking about a person; I’m talking about the defendant.” What an ass.

    • That says everything about JM doesn’t it? He has dehumanized her, to him she is not person. That’s just WRONG!! Where are her rights?

  57. Hispanic is not a “race “, it is a group of people with cultural roots associated with Spain. In the context of the United States it is the folks of Latin America that have “immigrated” to this country, and is a convenient label for a political end. Falling under this Hispanic label are a number of ethnicities which include Puerto Ricans, Hondurans, Columbians, Brazilians, Mexicans etc…. “The Hispanic Race sticks together”. If this generalization was remotely true, then explain to me, intellectually, why a MMMMMMMaaaarrrrrrrrrrtttttttiiiiinnneeezzzzzzzzz is trying to have an AAAAAAArrrrrrriiiiiiiiaaaaasssss executed. Based on the reasoning that the Hispanic race sticks together I surmise that Jodi would have received a No Bill on her criminal charges. That would be awesome for Jodi in this case, but it would be unjust and illegal. As for the woman that turns a blind eye on an adulterer, she has squandered a lifetime, to a man that never was truly in love with her and never can be in love with her. Beware the TA’s of the world because they are host to much bacteria and STDs, and spread their filth to all women who choose to exchange bodily fluids, in turn bringing that nastiness to their respective homes. Women and men of all race,color, height, age, income, religions, etc turn a blind eye to unfaithful spouses.

    • Yes, to some extent, Hispanics are considered white, but most Mexicans and early peoples of AZ, NM are Hispanic & Native American. Many people from Caribbean Islands are Hispanic and Black, so it makes it more complicated to identification race, if that even matters.

  58. Does anybody know why ALV is ordered to return on Monday? I read somewhere that it could be for impeachment or perjury charges. It worries me.

    • No. Straight from that katie cool chick person on w.s. who has inside knowledge

      “Originally Posted by katiecoolady
      Sorry ya been tired Steely. Been missing you! I hope you feel better soon

      I do know what she said but it wasn’t good or evil, it was self serving and inappropriate.

      I don’t think anything this week going on in chambers has had anything to do with that, I believe (not confirmed) that it was handled that very day after court.

      So everyone over there is really bummed that Tuesday will not be doomsday for AL. LOL She also tells her readers to quit asking about it. That she knows but cant say but thats not about AL being in trouble.

      • Could it be possible that it is related to the most recent motion for mistrial filed by the defense? In that motion they stated how witnesses were being harassed. Maybe ALV will be questioned about the harassment and if it has effected her? I really don’t know, this is just a wild guess.

        • Yes, that’s exactly what I think this is about. This is a continuation of the motion which addressed prosecutorial misconduct the the defense inability to provide effective counsel in part because of Martinez courtroom demeanor and the death threats and mobbing of the experts. I believe AL will testify about that on Tuesday but am not sure. It seems the most reasonable idea.

          • Maybe that is why the judge snapped at her? After all this time and money, she may actually have to grant a mistrial

      • So who is telling katie kook all the details? The family? Not good, katie kook should not be spilling the beans if the family is telling her things that the public is not being told.

        And yes, I purposely typed ‘kook’ lol

        • Especially if what is going on in chambers is sealed. Not good, really not good if the family is talking. Ugh! This just keeps getting more and more ridiculous.

    • if they do that they need to inpeach flores to he told the jury who wanted to know about the actions of the roommates the 5 days he said one was at work and the other with a girlfriend we know that did not happen the house was open door to every one for 5 days to come and go and do whatever who to say they planed it that way how does someone not notice the smell of a dead body decomposing in the room next to them more and more stuff fishy KKK stuff

      • I agree Tonya! I they are going to impeach it should be Flores who lied about the gunshot!

        • No they do it by showing the witness is lying about something. It’s informal and done through cross examination.

            • Right and the lie would HAVE to have an affect on the case and how kany man ALV has testified for wouldn’t make a difference. So Martinez can just suck it!


    • Edward,

      Each day on this site there is a link to live feed so you can avoid all the commentary (local Arizona News). Also, after the day’s testimony, the site administrators post the videos here (if you can’t watch in real time)

      • Pardon me, site administrator said state your opinion and don’t hold back, so I didn’t. I know what capital letters is said to demonstrate in text and that’s why I used them. Not from being lazy, but on purpose. I don’t think capital letters will hurt anybody’s eyes or ears, will they? But anyways thank you for your support post.

    • edward you have a good opinion glad you are here on this side of the table

    • How bout just not letting the media into the court room, they weren’t allowed into the Scott Peterson trial and that worked very well. No news media or cameras, obviously they can’t behave so ban them. Seems like their letting everyone and anyone into this one, sheesh, why not hold court in a football stadium and make it a sporting event. Sorry about the sarcasm I just cannot believe what a circus this has turned into when the seriousness is a dead young man and a young woman fighting for her life. This is not ‘made for television’.

      • I agree Khloe. But their objective should be to help keep the judicial system in check (fair) by allowing more of the general public to get a glimpse of the proceedings while making no opinionated comments. HLN’s goals are completely monitary gain >>> at anyones expense.

      • I agree! I am in Canada, cameras are not allowed in our court rooms. High profile trials, a gag order and media ban is automatic and the press is not allowed to report anything until the trial is over and a verdict has been handed down.

        Now that being said, the public can attend court and watch from the gallery, except for any trials that involve a minor in any capacity, those are closed to the public.

        In my opinion, it keeps the integrity of the court and justice system. Our courts would never allow what has been going on in this trial, JM would never get away with his behavior, he’d be cooling his jets in a cell with Bubba as a cell mate if he attacked and screamed at witnesses.

      • Totally! And if he was respectful of his obligations, he would have refused to sign ANY autographs or take photos with anyone.

        • Exactly. They can distance themselves all they want, JM was still more than happy to take a stroll and have his photo op with his fans, right in the public eye where the non sequestered jurors were hanging out. Some professional he is. Think he may be looking for his next career as a host at Tabloid TV with his co host, nut case Katie.

        • No way in HELL would Vincent Bugliosi have signed autographs during the Manson trial or any trial for that matter!

  60. I have spent 5 hours, reporting the Facebook pages comments to face book. Here is a rescent comment by one of their followers.

    Misty Ree

    So now what…To be on the safe side, are we suppose to put a conversational tone explaination for the script we text? I think I may be text leary now!! lol

    Haha NOW, the Facebook page with over 35K followers has been deleting posts like crazy AND no longer allows people to post, only comment. Tee Hee! I just made sure I hit report on every single comment I could find that was against religion, disability, threats etc. I reported hundreds.
    I also reported the posting of “The mobbing of Alyce LaViolette, written by Janice Harper. Twitter is being reigned in too! Keep fighting back y’all.
    Look Alyce LaViolette did NOT deserve this, shame on them all.

    • Patty,
      It is incredible that you spent 5 hours to help this cause. I have deep respect for you. You are fantastic!

      • Thank you Edward, Even more now. BTW, EVERYONE can go to the facebook pages and click the down arrow next to the “wheel and activity” and report the whole damn page. Now that is easy!!

    • I have been reporting posts all week, my husband has been too. And I have friends doing the same. Dare we hope we are getting our point across?

    • I am sitting here laughing about the state vs jodi faecbook page. They are deleting comments like crazy and allow only comments now because….

      Stephanie Graves Muller They are afraid of a mistrial. Nurimi will steal the post and try to use it.

      Rhonda Mcilwrath Well he’s already trying to use all the stuff posted about AL. It was in his motion for mistrial.

      I am thinking the family has contacted all the pro sites and advised them to remove all comments regarding ALV, because they will be used in the motion for a mistrial!!! I am sure the defense team has been collecting the data all week, so deleting them all now is moot!

      • I have a question, is it possible that the family was made aware of the threats and hate posted about AL and saw that the defense team has evidence of the comments and such posted on the hate site? And they will be used in the motion for mistrial? And they told the site to remove all hate comments directed at AL because they are worried there will be a mistrial?

        Also, if the family were brought into chambers and were told about the posts and attacks on AL, would that meeting not have been sealed? Meaning it was not to be discussed?

        • Sil,

          They have taken all the hateful comments down, I hope some got screen shots. The site is not comment only, no one can post to it. That is the state vs jodi arias site. I did paste a couple of comments earlier by two people, one stating, “They are afraid of a mistrial..” and something about Nurmi trying to get the comments about AL that were posted.

          My question was did the family tell them to remove all the hate comments about AL?, Who is “They”?

          • Gail,

            I went to the website and found the following: I have a screenshot of it.

            Tami Scott L. <—(that's the fb name)

            Staci Mac
            @Tami! Are you trying to get a mistrial? There is no need to harass either of them!
            6 hours ago · Like · 19

            Katrina Adams
            Barb after she is found guilty! then there is a hearing between the state and the defense the state has to prove aggravating factors (which is proven) and the defense has to prove mitigating factors then the jury deliberates it has to be a unanimous decision if for some reason they cant come to a unanimous decision they will bring in another jury! there is only 2 states that do that and that is AZ ,and California in most states if its not unanimous except Florida the judge will give LWOP in Florida the jury does not need to be unanimous
            6 hours ago · Like · 2

            Divine Intervention
            Please leave these lawyers alone. Do not harass them. The admins on this page do not want this. It will just cause trouble. Let JUAN MARTINEZ get JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS. Seeking revenge on these two sleaze balls is not worth it at this stage of the trial.

            Apparently they got the message and they're now trying to do some damage control! lol! Too fucking late!!

            • JC, SJ, or all other admins…Please edit my post to remove the information pasted in respect to the attorneys!!

              sorry, I wasn’t thinking straight! Oh, and I do have a screenshot of that if you need it.

  61. Few things get my blood boiling, but this latest post by hater is putting me over the top.

    “AL should have been more prepared for being a witness in this trial. Her lack of courtroom appearances was a bad choice for the defense in hiring a DV expert. She should have known what was to come as far as the harassment and been better prepared to handle it.”

    Is this insane??? Its like blaming a victim all over again.

    • The haters will find anything to complain about. AL’s organization was impeccable.

      I think she was very prepared ( I was Dr. Samuels that appeared to be disorganized). She has testified for men in child custody cases. She tried to explain that they are far more women victimized by men than the around way around. I bet if we took stats from each year she testified, they would show that 19 to 2 because I will count the trial she prepared and spend hours waiting but was never called as most likely showing the disparity in research between male victims who report DV versus females and it wouldn’t show the bias Martinez alleged.

      Just my humble opinion also.

      • Sorry, that was not my opinion. I should have made it clear. That is what someone else thinks and its fuckin ridiculous.

        I understand Trixels and edited both our comments for clarity.

        • Maybe Jc can fix/edit it for you….I understood, but I can see how it would appear to be what you are saying…especially for the people who haven’t been around very long 🙂

          • Done. Thanks BeeCee and great idea. I edited both comments for clarity.

    • I know Trixels, it is unbelievable isn’t it?

      How about they act like human beings and not harass??? How about that instead of being prepared for it? They disgust me…and they say we disgust them?

      The people I have met on this page are WAY better people than those jackasses are.

      I would say we are more compassionate than the general lynch mob out there.

      • Trixels,

        I could have read your comment more carefully as well. I edited both our comments. I hope you don’t mind.

      • They dare to say that she should have been prepared for harassment? What they did was NOT harassment, it was a full blown attack and facebook was used as the platform to orchestrate it!

        Another point, why should witnesses testifying have to worry about harassment, where do these people get off thinking they can ruin the life of someone just because they are testifying in a trial?

        This is just twisted!

        • Gail
          I had it out on twitter with someone that said she should have been more prepared, that this happens all the time! I said when? where? Very twisted indeed.

  62. I’ve been trying to catch up on yesterdays’s posts here (on 2 different pages) since I got home from work yesterday. Since I first got involved with this site (which I love), I’ve made a point of trying to read every single comment because I believe there are intelligent wonderful people here with many interesting perspective. This week, and especially yesterday, I have been extremely busy at work. I am often more active here on weekends, when not at work, and because my fiance works a lot on weekend and I’m home generally doing nothing. In addition, it’s been very hot here this week and the building hasn’t turned on the air yet. So, I’ve had many sleepless nights and haven’t contributed as much as I usually do, and have fallen behind on reading everyone’s comments.

    I think this is a good page, given its topic, to bring up what I saw occur here yesterday in my absence. I was pretty surprised this evening as I made it through many of yesterday afternoon’s comments to see a brand new poster “trinity matrix1111” put out a “hater alert” about me. Looking back, the comment referenced was one where I posted a link to an article by the recently ousted Domestic Violence Hotline Spokesperson. However, I’m honestly not sure how my words — which clearly stated “At least, she’s no longer the spokesperson for the National DV Hotline” could have been misconstrued to be about Alyce. trinity matrix1111 did not follow up.

    In the middle of the night last night, someone who I have seen post here for just a few days, MentalHealthForShortManSyndrome, said that I had posted negatively about Alyce, and that he/she wished he/she had been the person to post a hater alert on me, and was sorry he/she hadn’t done so. In fact, that person went so far as to say “Such a shame if AA was derogatory because I thought that user was a battered woman. Those Travis-is-the-Mormon-Messiah Lynch Mob abusers are sneaky.” Rhonda defended me and asked that person to read what I wrote before making accusations. (Thank you Rhonda.) The accuser, a few minutes later, “To Also Abused: I am sorry I misinterpreted but could you refrain from using the “d” word when referring to AVL’s hairstyle?”

    I went back through the last few days and searched for the word “dyke”. There were a few people who used it referencing the haters’ words about Alyce. I found one instance where I used the word to describe Alyce’s hairdo in a response to Al about how people throughout the country (not the area in which we both live) are homogeneous and not very forgiving about homosexuality.

    Using that word to describe Alyce’s hairdo was not meant to be offensive. I’m sorry if someone has found it to be so. I have several lesbian friends who call themselves “proud dykes” and who often refer to women having similar hairdos as being “dyke hairdos” and laugh about the fact that not all women who have such hairdos are actually gay. I do not believe my usage of that word that makes me a hater of Jodi in any way, shape or form, and I’m not even sure how it relates to Jodi at all, other than that Alyce is testifying for her defense. But it’s SJ’s site, and that would be his decision to make.

    I have also expressed my concerns in some of my posts about the fact that Alyce took extensive notes which then became discoverable evidence which the prosecution was able to use to impeach her. My concern, especially, is that she took notes on various documentation she read, and apparently, according to her own testimony, often mischaracterized what she was reading in her notes. I was very concerned about notes which my therapists may have taken during both the criminal case against my abusive ex-husband and my divorce from him because, during discovery, his attorney was trying for disclosure of any treatment I had received for domestic violence. My major concern was that my ex would be able to ascertain information about where I live and work from those my therapists’ notes. My therapists ensured me that their notes on our sessions were extremely minimal and contained nothing of concern. In fact, they provided me with copies of their notes to assuage my fears. They informed me that domestic violence therapists in this era know better than to take copious notes of sessions or make notes on any information provided by their clients because such information can be used in court and have been in previous eras. Therefore, I am more than a little upset that Alyce did not follow the more modern thinking regarding this issue of note taking.

    In addition, I have expressed my concerns about Alyce’s outdated thinking, especially as it relates to family of origin and abusers and abuse victims coming from abusive/dysfunctional homes. These were widely held beliefs in the 80s, which have since been debunked. In fact, there are as many abuse victims who come from wonderful happy loving families as there are victims who come from previous abusive situations. It could happen to anyone, as Alyce’s book title suggests, and it concerns me to think that she is putting forth a notion that it is more common for those who came from abuse. I’m bothered by that on a personal level because I do come from an abusive childhood, and I’ve had far too many people suggest that is why I fell prey to my ex-husband, when it couldn’t possibly happen to them since they have a loving supportive family, which leaves me feeling judged. And also because even those people who come from large loving supportive families or are currently happily married need to be aware of the early warning signs. They may not remain happily married (either because of separation/divorce or death of their spouse) and they may decide to date again some day. Also, if they have family members and friends who are dating, it could happen to them.

    Regardless of my beliefs that Alyce is a little outdated, I think she’s wonderful on the whole, both as a witness, a domestic violence advocate and as a person — although I do not know her personally. I think I was one of the first posters here to speak about her reputation within the domestic violence community when everyone was wondering who the defense would call — and that was even before Dr. Samuels took the stand. I feel as badly as anyone here about the despicable conduct of the real “haters” and what they have done on other sites and in person to harass Alyce for testifying for the defense. I have regularly expressed my outrage on that subject.

    During my time on this site, I have always felt very welcome. I have never felt that because I may not agree entirely with Alyce’s philosophies, I am a “hater” … until today when I read those posts from yesterday/the middle of the night. It has upset me a great deal. Since both of the posters were new to this site, and one of them even suggested that I must be a “sneaky” member of the “Travis-is-the-Mormon-Messiah Lynch Mob”, I can’t help but wonder if that is actually the motive behind their comments against me — because they are here to stir up trouble. I hope I’m wrong, but I have seen comments on hater sites — as has a friend of mine — that they come here regularly to read the “delusional” things we are posting.

    Nonetheless, I was not aware that 100% blanket support or hero worship of defense witnesses was required to be a member here. If I have misunderstood and that is in fact a rule, I will gladly stop posting. I have opinions and I express them readily, but I am not here to upset anyone.

    Again, I apologize if my comment on Alyce’s hairdo offended anyone. That was not my intention.

    • No AA!!! I LOVE your posts!

      I have been having a hard time keeping up with all the posts too…when I saw that post from trinity person I wondered the same thing that you did, but I didn’t come across it until later and I didn’t say anything because I hadn’t seen that person post before, and I didn’t want to go postal on them (LOL, I thought about saying “are you stupid or what” to the trinity person so I kept my mouth shut instead). I’m pretty sure SJ will recognize those who have been posting for a while and know what is going on.

      It would be a shame if a long term regular poster inadvertently got banned just because a new person got their panties in a wad over nothing, don’t ya’ll think? SJ?

      I kinda wondered myself if that person was just causing trouble.

      I enjoy all your posts, in fact I regularly look for them in the side bar when I can.

      Also, I think if we try hard to use :”quoted words” when we are quoting other people maybe that will cut down on the confusion sometimes.

      hugs to you!

      • speaking of which has Ashley been around lately? what about DirtyPickles? Neo? did people change their names?


        • BeeCee-
          Ive been wondering the same thing. Seems like some of the regular posters that were here when I arrived weeks ago are not here anymore. 🙁

          • thankfully I found ashley on the other day’s page…but I can’t remember the last time I saw neo or dirtypickles that’s why I was wondering if I have missed some name changed or something.

            I fell like you all are my family and I don’t like to lose anyone.

            • Beecee-
              I have a hard time keeping up with who Ashley is. Has she changed her name a few times and taken down her pic? Just not sure if it’s the same person or not. I think I’m getting lap top weary trying to go to too many sites to fight a fight against the haters that unfortunatley I don’t think is winable.

        • I don’t post often, but I’m here till the verdict and then some. I’ll have to tell you guys and gals about our party when Jodi is freed.

      • Thank you both ladies. Interestingly enough, I wasn’t quoting anyone on the post that triggered the “hater alert”.

        • Hi Also-
          I too am having a hard time keeping up as I’ve been waging war on the haters on the book review and the Alyce L. support site. I thought it was made pretty clear to the person who claimed hater alert, that you were a respected regular poster here. I think that person got the message. 🙂

        • Oh AA I did just find your post and I don’t see anything hater about it…

          please just be your same lovely self!

        • Things have gotten a little unwieldy with the higher volume of posts and influx of new members- which is great- but also burdensome. You are so right that this is SJ’s site, and he can do was he would, but PLEASE do not let an underinformed newbie or troll run you off. I admit to being ignorant of all the referenced postings, except I do think I remember what you said about the haircut when you said it, which offended me not at all, and I am pretty sensitive to that type of thing. I’m getting angry as I write this that you felt you had to defend yourself.

      • Beecee,
        We watch new posters carefully. Anyone can be banned if they intentionally abuse or berate anyone here including me. SJ backs me on who I delete and he is by far more strict than I.

        • We also welcome links to new posts that are of concern as we can not possible read everything due the amount of comments. He mods at one time, we mod together and I mod alone.

          Please link me the comment in question, so I can look view it. I’ll send it to SJ so when he’s on he can also watch.

          Also new commentors are often long time readers. We have to give ppl the benefit of the doubt at first as you know.

    • hey I am too tipsy to do anything about it, but check out this rumor someone and put a stop to it:

      Dee Realafrikantruth Quattlebaum
      Ppl should be careful when they start throwing dirt:

      Jennifer Lynne Sussman Willmott – arrested for marijuana possession in 2008

      Entered a plea of guilty and participated in a Deferred Prosecution Program for first offenders.
      … Case No: CR2009-106951
      Location: Southeast State of AZ [Maricopa County] v Jennifer L. Sussman
      ARS Code: 13-3405 (F6) – Marijuana Violation – 12/2/2008 – Dismissed By Prosecution Motion – 8/26/2009
      ARS Code: 13-3415 (F6) – DRUG PARAPHERNALIA VIOLATION – 12/2/2008 – Dismissed By Prosecution Motion – 8/26/2009

      #The Big PayBack J.B

      • If it is true…so what. If anything…I like her even better. I’m not a drinker or a druggie but when I relax I’d be lying if I said I never partake…

      • She has no bar disciplinary actions against her, which would be typical for an attorney accused of possessing marijuana and drug paraphernalia. Not only that, but she was her own public defender. I can’t imagine the public defender’s office appointing her to represent herself???

        • yeah AA, something is up with that. Maybe it wasn’t her. Does she have a daughter?

      • OOOOOO Wilmott you naughty girl, pass that bong I think i’m gonna stay stoned during the rest of this circus…..I think it’s funny and wow it was dismissed so isn’t it a little redundant for them to be posting that!

      • I think it’s utter B.S. Attorneys have to go through a rigorouos test before they can even take the Bar. For instance, the attorney for whom I currently work had a couple of traffic tickets. They called her in for questioning on those innocuous charges before she could even take the Bar exam. Sheesh! People will stop at nothing and I’m getting sick and tired of it.

        • P.S. I’m embarrassed about my spelling in the above post. That’s what posting while angry will do for you. 🙂

        • Right and a guy I know who had passed the bar and was a practicing public defender made a stupid mistake one weekend and got some pot with friends. They were having a high school reunion, and his friends said “hey, let’s get stoned, like the old days”. So, he and another friend drove over to his house where he had some pot. As they were driving back to the reunion party, they got pulled over. The cop smelled the pot and arrested them. The lawyer plead guilty but then had to face a disciplinary hearing from the bar, and his license was suspended for 5 years. He never went back to practicing law again, which is a shame. He was a superb public defender and could have had an incredible career as a criminal defense lawyer. He now consults and says life is far less stressful for him.

          • AA, some of our clients and even some of my friends have asked me why I didn’t go to law school. My response is, although I love what I do, I really don’t mind not having all the responsibilty that goes along with having a law degree.

            • Soooo true! They have so much responsibility. Who really wants it?

              Well, unless you’re JM who apparently thinks he can be a rock star! I’m sure he’ll retire after this trial and go into TV or something. Ugh!

      • What does “Big Payback” mean? If the jury ever got wind of this, even if true, the trial would be even more indefensible than it is now. What a bunch of idiots. I am angry about what has happened to ALV, but she may have taken one for the team, so to speak, in that all this shit that they have pulled on her is what is going to bite them.

      • Renee

        Here’s something for you. If you are on Facebook could you, or anyone who is post this on the FB site where you got that Jennifer rumor from.

        The Jennifer L. Sussman who was arrested and charged on case CR2009-106951 has a DOB of 1/1982.

        Now Jennifer Willmott graduated from law school in 1992.

        So either she is an extremely smart child prodigy or these idiots are full of baloney.

        I think someone needs to shove this right in their face.

        • Ahahahahah good call, Al. So, she was 10 when she graduated from law school? Mighty smart lady, isn’t she?

          • SHIT/ I did it under my REAL FB…. I am getting death threats. DO NOT ADVISE 😯

            • Did what? Screen shots the death threats and report them to facebook immediately. They will take action on the account.

              • also change your setting so that you cannot receive email from anybody other that friends for now.

                • JC,.

                  This has gotten totally out of control….. Death threats need to be taken serious and report to her local authories. You can never be to safe with all the nut cased out there in this crazy world we live in.

                • Yes they should. Report them but do not expect action. She will have to report about those in other states if they used their real profile me thinks. ( went through this with the casey case. Nothing was done about a rape threat and they knew who did it. A child was threatened. The perp even knew what school the child went too. Phili police laughed it off.

            • Renee,

              Grab the threats and report it, if you can to the local FBI. Once they use the internet it becomes a cross state crime, ad they’ll love a visit from the federales.

      • Renee,

        This is almost laughable….. First of all she was attorney in 2008. It a matter of picking up the phone and calling someone in the court house to cover up the matter ( if this is in fact true). Secondly, it wouldn’t have taken 10 months to go through the court system. Third, she was married, so why would she being using her maid name?

        They love to stir up trouble on the hater’s site…. Second, she husband would of defended her if this was the actually Jennifer we know defending JODI.

        I don’t see a date for 1982 on the court dockets so where is everyone getting this birth date?

        • They made it up. See my post above. Willmott is 43 years old, which means she was born in 1969 or 1970 depending on when her birthday is.

      • Yes this is what I turned up too

        CR2009-106951 Sussman, Jennifer – DOB: 1/1982
        Click here to search the archives for SUSSMAN, JENNIFER.

    • I worry about little things I say here sometimes – I would be at a loss if I were banned! I like to say things that are a little challenging sometimes, and I hope I don’t offend anyone. This site is really about Jodi, and we are all different people with different belief systems who have come together right now about this trial that unites us. I think your posts have been great, AA. I also think that if something any of us says makes someone else feel bad, it’s better not to jump the gun that it is intentional towards a certain group or anything like that.

    • AA, I haven’t seen anything that you’re talking about (but I don’t follow every post). Nevertheless, I do so hope you won’t stop posting here. I truly look forward to things you have to say. Don’t let somebody’s foolish comment bring you down….{{{{hug}}}}.

    • AA,

      I don’t know who posted that. I saw it and thought they were pointing something out to you and had missed a link or something.

      Any idiot who thinks you’re one of the hater crowd hasn’t been here for very long.

      So chin up.

      We love ya.

    • Hi Also,

      Please do not stop posting your thoughts on here. I have not been on too much this weekend so somehow I missed the post or I would have said something. Your post are very insightful and I have learned quite a bit from you. I know we both have posted a few times about our own experiences and that is important for others to hear. You have never offended me and I am not sure what they were talking about.

    • You are NOT a hater AA. Sometimes people can be to PC and it affects a normal speech or way of description. I dont care of you say Dyke, I understand when people say things about The Mormon religion are not being disparaging to me and I loved when the black lady said she has tons of reasons for burning the whole country down. LOL I laughed till i cried tears down my leg, she was right, I have to look for her name. She is amazing. As you are Alsoabused. PLEASE lets not turn on eachother. Hugs

    • Also Abused,

      I’m pretty new to this site, but I want you to know that I look forward to reading your posts. Please don’t stop posting.

    • Listen AA….don’t trip the small stuff. I myself wonder who the hell this “MentalHealthForShortManSyndrome” person is. Sounds like some bull chyt to me…..just saying!!!!

    • AA,
      Thank you for your very well said and thoughtful post. I have total empathy with you, as lately it seems I am not always thought of as being positive enough. I actually agree with your opinions of ALV, and also think she is a wonderful DV advocate and very likeable, (appears to be) but I also had some issue regarding her note taking as well. I truly enjoy all of your posts, and look forward to each of them, as you are always so thoughtful and express your thoughts so eloquently. I happen to believe (or want to) that we can all support Jodi and her innocence of the charges brought without absolutely agreeing to or even liking every single thing the defense or witness has said or done. To me, that would be as crazy as the haters who think JM is a superhero and Jodi deserves to be hung. Anyway, I hope you stay and continue posting..I would miss you very much.

    • AA, when ALV talked about victims of DV on her direct, the way I interpreted what she said was that virtually all perpetrators of DV come from abusive FsOO, but that that is not true of the victims. She said that it could be either an abusive FOO or not. I don’t think she suggested that it was more likely at all that a victim would have come from an abusive FOO, nor do I recall ALV mentioning any statistics such as fifty/fifty abusive/not abusive FOO. it was just a simple statement without a lot of qualification. (She might even have mentioned that this is new thinking and that it was previously thought that victims were mostly from abusive families.) I thought this information was VERY significant because it spoke to how powerful abusive treatment is – having power to infect a person who has not experienced or witnessed it growing up – so I took special notice.

      It’s as if, once the abusive begins, a “Stockholm Syndrome” dynamic instantly begins, and a person feels demeaned to the degree that their brain chemistry changes while minimizing commences. To add comment to your thoughts about this, it IS awful to think that anyone would be so smug with an abusive survivor as to suggest that they themselves would have immunity to participation in an abusive relationship by virtue of having come from a “good” family.

      And so I agree with you that that particular fact is enough to put everyone on alert: Being from a family without a pattern of abuse is NO guarantee that it won’t happen to you. I only suggest reviewing Ms. ALV’s direct (maybe first day?) testimony on this because I strongly suspect it might help you to feel better about her being “au courant” – – I understand that it is very irritating to you to feel that she may not be. (She also said that victims reacted variously to abuse. Some stayed a long time, some left but went to other abusive relationships, some left and never returned to another abusive relationship. I believe all of this was covered on the same day but am not certain).

      Now as far as note-taking is concerned, JA is not her patient so I wouldn’t think the same methods (updated and protective in the way you describe) apply to these types of evaluations, which are not treating sessions. So, I agree with your concerns and I understand your sensitivities on this; they are mightily justified. Also, my legal background is very minimal compared with yours, so this is just a guess on the notes thing.

      With respect to your “take” on what is current in the profession, it is not my understanding that ALV is out of date either in her thinking or methods. Nonetheless, it’s always disappointing to see JM find fault with the defense experts, holding them to an impossible and often ridiculous standard of accuracy while he carries on in his aggressive “balls out” fashion. (I do have to admit that I see JM has rather a keen mind for cross-examination and I’ve come to study and be amused by his physical gyrations because they provide a necessary distraction from outrage at his verbal content.)

      As for the so-called “hater” b.s. that came your way, that was unwarranted. Those of us who check in here regularly know what you have contributed to this site. WE KNOW you care and have a great <3. Be of good cheer; we all look for and very much appreciate your extremely well-informed posts. I've learned so much from you!

      • i have proof about dv comes from abusive family back grown when my x and i say a srink for his violence on me it was mentioned that his dad hit his mom and for what he did to me i wanted to sow him in bed sew the sheets so he could not move and then beat him to death but i did not he beat the hell out of me a few days later and that continued with the hits and the bad mouthing about once a week or he let me rest for a few day only to start up again so i see ALV its a pattern

      • Hi Nikki,

        Thanks for your post and especially your kindness.

        You said ” when ALV talked about victims of DV on her direct, the way I interpreted what she said was that virtually all perpetrators of DV come from abusive FsOO, but that that is not true of the victims.”

        I don’t remember her saying that about victims and will re-listen. Later on, she seemed to emphasize family of origin in a way I found dated. However, recent thinking is NOT that all (or even almost all) abusers come from abusive families of origin. Right now the prevailing thought about what “creates” an abuser is something that occurs during a critical point in their development as a child when their mother (for a variety of reasons) is unavailable. Perhaps that occurs BECAUSE she’s being abused, but it can also be for a variety of other reasons. In fact, in my ex-husband’s case, I believe it occurred because a year after he was born, his parents had another child, and when she was 6-9 months old, she was diagnosed with incurable cancer. She lived for almost 2 years thereafter, but we never well. I can only imagine the terrible state his mother was in during that period. But that was a critical point in my ex’s development.

        I don’t recall her mentioning statistics such as fifty/fifty abusive/not abusive either and I wish she had.

        It seems Alyce works more with batterers than victims, to be honest. While it’s admirable to think that she treats batterers, it is well known that the vast majority of batterers who attend groups do so mostly because they have to. There are very few of them who actually want to change. Therefore, I do not believe she has to be as current on thinking about victims as a different type of therapist would be.

  63. Also Abused if you go I go. Understand that it takes new coers to realize our comments hereare introspective and well thought out . Please don’t go, you give a perspective that few hav.

    • Thanks so much everyone. You have no idea how much you all mean to me. I feel like you’re all my friends LOL Admittedly, I don’t have many real life friends, my ex didn’t allow me to, and so, I’m rather lonely as I still haven’t quite jumped back into life. You all help a lot!

      Sorry, I didn’t mean to generate a lot of attention and I didn’t mean for my post to be attention-seeking, although it might seem that way right now. I feel bad.

      • Please don’t. And please don’t think you can’t share your feelings here good or bad. You are always respectful in your discourse. Just the other night I complained i was drained, sad etc. I also felt I shouldn’t have said anything. I think that’s also part of society telling us to always act happy. LOL

        • Awwww I’m so sorry you felt that way. I can only imagine what moderating this site must feel like and what a burden it is. I bet you have to wade through some of the most dreadful comments. Just those that get through occasionally are enough to give me nightmares and I know that for every one that gets through, there are hundreds more you have to review! I’m so grateful to you, the other moderators and SJ for keeping this a safe place for the rest of us. I was so scared when I started posting that I gave a fake email address. But after a while, I knew that you guys would not give that up, and I felt safer. You mean a lot to all of us here. Take some time off when you need it. And again, thank you all.

  64. question – remember the questions about love/ hate relationships by the jurors? i don’t remember that being talked about on direct or cross. Can anyone tell me where these questions derived? DId i miss something?

    • I think JW did discuss it and she asked Alice where in her continuum was Jodi’s and Travis relationship and she said battering.

    • At least one juror is hung up on the Love/Hate relationship. the same question was ask of Jodi. No this has never been discussed by either side, juror questions only

    • JC
      I may be wrong, but I get the sense that there is a juror who may be in a not so nice relationship and is trying to discern the difference between a bad relationship and an abusive relationship. Hence, the other question about if a couple has a fight that lasts all day long, is that abusive. I think relationships in general are suffering in our society, and the haters are saying that according to Alyce, anytime a man argues with his women it’s abuse. Of course it’s all to continue to discredit her and to make themselves feel better that they are abusive.

      Then again, I may have missed an actual reference to love hate relationships in the testimony.

      • No I think you may be right. Society refers to love/hate relationships too. what juror questions did you catch where you thought the juror may have been watching media?

        I learned from AL that my relationship is normal on the conflict scale. I’m hyper-vigilant now so when a door is slammed I thought it was abusive. But there isn’t a pattern and I feel we are equal partners with no imbalance of power. I learned a great deal through her testimony about couples and the rubric she uses.

        • JC –
          I haven’t heard any questions myself that I think would absolutely show Juror’s are watching the media circus. Not to say that some haven’t but I think any of those questions could be from any average everyday person who is really just hearing about the dynamics of Domestic Violence for the first time. I sometimes forget, because of my professional background, that the issue of Domestic violence being recognized and studied, is still a fairly recent phenonmenon.

          I remember years ago, when I first began working in Social Work and reading family histories on my clients, that there was a family history of abuse, domestic violence, and child abuse going back many years with NO interventions at all. The “old timers” taught me about the history of child and family services and that the laws to protect children and women, that were in place, were still relatively new. That was in 1985.

          Being the fresh faced kid just out of college, I was in way over my head, and with time realized how far we had to go as a society to even begin to deal with the issue of women and children. Because it’s not glamourous, nor would it make for compelling reality TV, where we want to see the rich and not so famous, abuse of women and children is still not an issue that the average american really wants to look at. Therefore, I can imagine there are jurors who have not heard much about the issue of DV, except for a few televised trials here and there and Ms. Laviolette’s testimony is the first they have really learned anything about it. I am hopeful that those types of questions are good questions and will help them in their deliberations, and to help them disregard any antiquated ideas of abuse vs. an average “unhappy” relationship.

          Like you, I could be hyper sensitive to abuse due to my own history, but that’s not a bad thing. I have decided not to have a relationship and have been raising my daughter on my own for 10 years. Because of my history, both professionally and personally, I am not about to bring a man into my child’s life while she is at a vulnerable age. When I hear Travis’ voice on the tape and the story of the spidey underwear, I know without a doubt, that he abused children. I have posted at length previously how pedophiles work, and everything about him screams PEDO! Good Mormon man, babysitting for his friends children, pic on MY space of him with a caption “this is how I teach children to pray”, and a history of being abused as a child by Meth Heads. Thinking of how many people he had fooled, shows how good he was at being a predetor.

          Sorry, that was a long answer to a short question.

  65. I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend that posts and doesn’t post in this site and observes the comments. I know the only thing I can do to change anything is start by looking at the person in the mirror and decide to make changes if my own. God knows the truth and he knows reason. Despite all evolution we as humans have our minds stamped with our beliefs, biases and frames of reference when we experience life around us. The best we can do on this site is discuss the positive aspects of things about this case and keep our heads held high because we are independent thinkers and we don’t follow the crowd on the road to nowhere. On this site I believe we have respect and objectivity. Every instant and every word here counts. Lets use our time, words, and thoughts wisely. I send Jodi and her defense team/people involved in her defense well wishes this weekend. I hope they relax and prepare for the next week with a powerful start and they get to recharge themselves with their loved ones. I hope the jury in the case relaxes this weekend and keeps an open mind to see the case for what it is: an inquisition against an average woman. It could be anybody. Jodi could be my sister or friend.

    I pray I have compassion and kindness in my heart. Goodnight all.

  66. Hello, I watch the case everyday I can. I can’t say that I think JA is not guilty but I still like to see both sides. So I always check out this site. I know ill probably get deleted for not being a JA supporter but I just wanted to say I think it’s disgusting and sad that people are doing this to the poor lady. I believe %100 that she is a good person and truly wants to help people. The fact that people out there are trying to ruin her life is just wrong. The HLN nut bags are not helping her at all. They are making it worse. I stopped watching it long ago and I just live stream it on my computer. I wanted to let everybody know not everybody is like that and some of us are just as disgusted as the JA supporters. I wish anybody who threatens anybody on the defense would be put in jail. ALV does not deserve this. She has helped many people in hard times and should be thanked for it. I hope it ends soon and ALV can go back to helping people and be left alone. Thanks for reading if I don’t get deleted.

    • You won’t be deleted. We just don’t want or care to debate guilt or innocence here. As you know, the hate is very one sided and this is the only place we can discuss our views free from attack. Thanks for stopping by!

    • Buck, stick around! Your perspective are interesting and you are a very respectful person, so I, for one, would like to hear more.

      • Hi Buck, I would like to commend you and thank you for speaking up about how you and hopefully many others do not support the hate toward ALV.

    • Buck,

      Hang around and look at the other side. It might just surprise you. I too only came here after the prosecution was done. Basically because I don’t believe them

  67. AA, DON’T GO, you did nothing to cause that hater alert. I have appreciated your posts and look forward to your understanding of the law, which I know I’m lacking in. If it wasn’t for you, Al, Jou, etc, my understanding of what is going on would be diminished.

    • Thank you so much TB1. I will only leave if I am requested to do. I would always honour our gracious host, SJ.

    • Same here! Don’t go anywhere. We all need each other encouragement and insight. I’m going to be reading and posting like a crazy women when the jury is deliberating.

    • AlsoA,

      Don’t be silly!!! Don’t stop visiting here … besides there’s no place else for you to go that is better than this site, plus Jodi wants you on her team! 🙂

      I noticed the cryptic post and thought it was trying to get your attention.

      And for the record, I agree with you that A may be a little outdated here and there and could have / should have bla bla bla … but oh well. She did her best! And we all agree she did a great job overall.

      I’d bet there are few people out there who could stand up to JM and fare as well as she did. Even Gus was bitch slapped around by America’s Biggest Bully.

      You’ve contributed so much and I would miss your posts.

      Plus you love kitty’s – so you could never be a hater!!!! How oxymoronic!


  68. I have a few comments on some of the things posted yesterday that were concerns to members and thought I’d bring them up here en masse.

    1. Regarding the silly rumours of Alyce being charged with perjury:

    (a) *IF* she was charged, it would not occur on Monday or Tuesday. It would be a separate case entirely. It would have its own docket and have nothing to do with this case.

    (b) If every case where a witness was assumed to have lied on the stand became a separate case of perjury, the court dockets all over the country would be even more backed up than they already are. Witnesses lie every day in every court in the US for various reasons. It is highly unlikely that even if Alyce was proven outright to have actually lied, the state would file perjury charges against her. This is all just some idiots who hate Alyce speculating.

    (c) I’ve now watched Alyce’s testimony and in my opinion, she didn’t commit perjury. She was somewhat frazzled and mistaken, perhaps, but JM’s questions are deliberately confusing. The state of AZ would NEVER win a perjury case against her and they know that. It would be a ridiculous case. She may have some recourse against the state for the harassment which she could then file. I don’t think they want that. However, JM is likely to say, during closing arguments, that he impeached her and to ask the jury to disregard her testimony. And yes, he can do that.

    2. Regarding Alyce allegedly speaking to the Alexanders:

    (a) I’m still not 100% convinced that she did speak to them. If she did, it is not “illegal”. It’s a poor judgment call, but not “illegal”. The victim’s rights bill reads that the Alexanders, as family of the victim, have the right not to speak with Alyce. They had to right to deny her approach. I don’t even see anyone speculating that she continued to try to speak with them after what is alleged to be one statement where she said “nothing personal” or something to that effect. If she had continued to speak with them, it would be a different story. But no one, not even the worst of the haters, has alleged that.

    (b) If the judge had decided to admonish Alyce for speaking to the Alexanders, she would have done that outside of the jury’s hearing, and most likely in chambers. Alyce would have had the right to have her own attorney present, and if there was going to be a contempt or fine, she most likely would have wanted an attorney. I’m sure a woman like her, who does what she does, has an attorney that she regularly uses. I haven’t heard of Alyce bringing in an attorney with her to chambers. Therefore, I don’t even believe there was any type of formal admonishment by the judge regarding this.

    3. The “ISSUE” Alyce has to come back for

    My best guess is it has something to do with the motion filed by the defense in regards to the harassment Alyce has endured. I’m really sure this is what it is about. The defense filed the motion, they requested a hearing, and the judge has to give them one. Presumably, since then, the prosecution has responded.

    4. Confidentiality of cases Alyce previously testified/was involve in

    It is possible that the cases were sealed or that Alyce’s involvement, because she never testified, was never exalted to the level of qualified expert.

    5. Defamation suit by the Alexanders against Alyce

    (a) Could they file one? Well, in this country, anyone can sue anyone else for any reason, so the answer is yes. But my feeling is that it would be thrown out. The best defense against defamation is that what was said was true. Alyce has done nothing but characterize messages (text, IM, email) between Travis and other people. That’s not defamation. It’s her opinion of what she read.

    (b) In order to prove defamation, the complainant has to prove damages/harm that was incurred as a result. Travis is dead, so he’s not being harmed. His right of action died with him. He’s not a public figure who invented the cure for cancer and his company is suffering because Alyce has alleged that he was a domestic abuser. The Alexanders aren’t suffering any damages because their brother wasn’t a saint either. Actually, think about how dead people are portrayed on TV and movies and you’ll have your answer to this question. Anyone can say whatever they want about the dead.

    6. Insurance claims by the Alexander family

    This is all pure speculation, but it’s interesting. It’s entirely possible that Travis had a life insurance policy. It’s also entirely possible that his next of kin, his siblings or their children, were named as beneficiaries. It’s equally possible that he named the Hughes or their children. While I don’t know specifics about his policy (if he even had one) or about laws in AZ, it’s entirely possible that the policy has not been paid out pending the outcome of this trial, although that seems somewhat unlikely. However, most insurance policies have some sort of caveat whereby if someone dies while involved in committing a crime, the insurance company does not have to pay out. While it seems unlikely, if Jodi is acquitted on the basis of self defense, the insurance company could use that to say that Travis was committing a crime (battery of Jodi) when he became a victim of homicide.

    • great post Also Abused!!!

      I’m always glad when I am online and catch your very informative posts..


    • Interesting. My best guess is #3 as i have stated earlier based on what I’ve read in the motion, the testimony given, etc.

      • Oh, I agree. I worried for awhile about why Alyce might have to go back. But yes, it MUST be #3. And the judge did say she’d be back on Tuesday UNLESS she was released from her subpoena first. So it MUST be #3.

    • Wouldn’t # 6 be interesting? I bet he did a life insurance. Do you know anything about his will? All I know is that he left his dog to Deanna.

      • Yeah, Ann, I thought so too, and couldn’t help but speculate on it. I wouldn’t be surprised if PPL offered some sort of deal on a life insurance policy so that if someone died, they could leave their business to their upline or downline.

        Do we have anyone here who works in insurance, life insurance in particular? I’d love their thoughts.

        • i alway said follow the money to find the killer killers haters the KKK clan travis clan 🙂

        • I was in p/c insurance for 14 years. I didn’t sell life/health insurance but serviced it. There as ton of different policies with many exclusion and riders. You wouldn’t believe the coverages under the older policies. Life policies have to be constanly revised..I remember the controversy over life coverage for a person with Aids. Each company offers different coverages, exclusions and riders. I

      • I have life insurance through farmers. Suicide is the only way a claim isn’t paid. Had he a policy that was different, I don’t know. I also think the family could fight the insurer if it was ruled justifiable. I don’t see them even concerned about a NG guilty verdict. JMHO

        • JC, there’s no clause whatsoever about homicide in there? There is in mine.

          By the way, I’m single and have a life insurance policy. It’s so that I can leave something for my cats, basicaly.

          • Also abused,

            Gave a warning to the poster with whom you felt attacked.

            I should read thoroughly my policy before commenting. i relied on my agent to give me the jist. he’s also a close friend so he may have jisted over important stuff.

            • Oh thank you, that’s so kind of you.

              I think there are many different riders and clauses and caveats in insurance policies. It would take a lawyer to decipher them LOL

      • I’ll bet he didn’t. There was no need for him to have one as a single person with no dependents.

        Life insurance benefits are considered a waste of money for singles.

        • When your in sales, it’s like, I’ll buy what you are selling if you buy what I’m selling. I think he would buy a life policy hoping the life agent would buy a policy from him. I’ll come to your tupperware party if you come to my jewelry party thing. 🙂 Of course you guess is as good as mine, maybe better..

          • It is a waste of money for singles, except perhaps funeral expenses, but you can prepay that long before you die.

            The purpose of life insurance is to provide for your dependents in case of death. If you have none, there is no need.

            I have never had it, and I never will. It’s a waste of money.

            • Travis had a dog and wasn’t close with his family. Perhaps like me, he wanted to prepare so someone could take of his dog in the event of his death.

              I was also concerned about expenses. I want to be cremated, which isn’t free, so I want to be sure there is money to do that. I can certainly see Travis buying into life insurance, especially if PPL offered a deal on it. When his parents died, there was probably nothing to help them.

              With all due respect, I think you have a tendency to think everyone has the same perspective as you about everything, tonysam. People have different reasons for doing what they do. And I know lots of singles who have purchased life insurance for one reason or another.

    • Also,

      I’ve been wondering about 1c, and while I never thought for a minute about perjury, I’ve wondered about the jury being told to that they may disregard her testimony. Even that though, seems to me to be kind of unlikely? Would you agree? Because the whole matter WAS cleared up during cross by JM. Preparing a report and being asked to testify, and waiting to testify and then never being called really IS testifying, because her report was used in court. Yes or no? LOL Plus, we don’t even know for sure about the second case. As Alyce said, some of this goes back 29 years. My point is that none of it amounts to lying on the stand to deliberately mislead the jury, so I doubt even JM and this judge could pull that one out of a hat. But what do I know. I guess I’m asking you to reassure me.

      • TTFTO, I believe JM has sufficient grounds for impeachment of Alyce, unfortunately. I suspect the judge may allow him to go for it in his closing arguments. One of his strongest points is going to be her prior inconsistent statements between her deposition and trial in regards to material facts such as where the gun went off. I don’t think he’s been able to show bias as successfully as he hoped to, but he sure made a gallant effort in his questioning about her not testifying for men in criminal trials, and I think he’ll also try to impeach her on that. I’m not sure the judge will allow him, but you never know with this judge. He may also go for qualifications since he harped so much on her lack of a Ph.D., but that’s probably his weakest challenge.

        But remember, even if he does bring this up during closing, it’s up the jury ultimately whether they decide to disregard her testimony. In my experience, jurors don’t often disregard everything they heard — even testimony the judge specifically instructed them to disregard. I think the biggest impact of Alyce’s testimony was communications between Travis and others that we would NEVER had heard about without Alyce. And I just don’t think you can erase that from the jurors’ minds if it had any impact on them in the first place.

        • Also-
          Alyce cleared up the confusion of her note re: where the gun went off, so how would that be grounds to impeach?

          • Yeah, agreed. I don’t see that happening either. She’s not on the stand as a forensics person and she admitted that she was confused about the exact deals.

            JM doesn’t have grounds to impeach her on shit. He’s a petty, smarmy, dirty-pool playing little asshole.

          • Because her prior statement (depo) was inconsistent with her testimony. And that wasn’t her ONLY inconsistency that JM pointed out. I’m sorry, that’s the way the law works.

    • Hello, great information on how this all works. Regarding #2, correct me if I’m wrong, didnt the judge dismiss the jurry before telling ALV she needs to come back? Also I thought she said it will all be in chambers. I may have missed something. My best guess would be its number 2 or 3. And ether way I think it will end with nothing big happening.

      • Buck, yes jury were dismissed before that discussion. I don’t remember her saying the hearing on Monday or Tuesday will all be conducted in chambers. I’ll rewatch that part to be sure.

        I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear. No. 2 is a non-issue that has already been addressed and certainly would not require Alyce being called back for. The judge would have simply said something to Alyce long before now, if she even admonished her and if it’s even true. JM hasn’t filed a motion about it, by the way. Alyce is definitely NOT being recalled for No. 2.

    • I will bet Travis never had a life insurance policy. Why would you as a single person have one?

      Most likely you are correct about the discussion being about the harassment ALV has endured.

      And no, you can’t sue for defamation on behalf of the dead. That’s been pretty clear with celebrity cases.

      • I have a life insurance policy and I’m single. Well, I’m engaged, but I’ve had one since I’ve been single and before we got engaged.

        • Well, I haven’t, and I am probably older than you.

          It’s not recommended for singles except for funeral expenses.

          The reason for life insurance is to provide for your dependents after you die. If you don’t have any, why bother?

          It’s a waste of money.

          • Another single one here with life insurance. I’ve had it for quite awhile, from my prior marriage. I ended up keeping it, but changing the beneficiary of course, lol. This way no one in my family is left with a funeral expense or any bills, and I can leave my brother some money, as well as 2 animal sanctuaries I have been supporting for many years. Of course my dog is in my will too, just because you never know.

            • But Also does have dependents, and that is who the insurance is meant to provide for, to wit, the cats.

          • I’ve had one since I was little that my great-grandfather set up for me. My father has also set up one for my son. It’s not unheard of or even uncommon for single people to have life insurance.

      • tonysam,
        Where did you hear that you cannot sue on behalf of the deceased? Although not very common, the family of a deceased person is, in fact, able to sue for defamation if they can prove the statement(s0 affect the family or close relatives.

        • Anna, the key statement there is *if* they can prove harm … but they also have to prove that the defamation was absolutely false, and that the person making the defamatory statement had actual malice and reckless disregard of the truth.

          If the defamation reflected badly on the family who are still living, then perhaps they would have a case. But does it? No.

          Good luck Alexander family in proving all of the above against Alyce.

          • AA

            Also a witness, when testifying is considered to be making privileged speech. The witness is then immune to defamation charges, regardless of the truthfulness of the speech.

          • Oh I totally agree with the premise of them filing, it would be futile. I was just commenting on the fact that is is possible for the family of the deceased to file if, (big if I know) they can prove it hurt them directly. I suppose if someone really wanted to go that route, pay attorneys and try to prove that she said deliberate malicious and untrue things, they have that right, but it would be very very difficult. Plus why would they spend money when the outcome is so bleak, (an attorney would surely advise them of this) I was simply responding to the post saying it was not possible to do.

            • I don’t see how they could even consider filing, they would have to in essence say that they were harmed by their own brothers words in his text/IM/email messages to Jodi, and that phone sex tape!

    • thank you also abused your the one that is a law student how do i knwo remembered you picture 🙂

      • No, I’m not currently a law student, Tonya. I was one, but it was a very very long time ago.

    • AA,

      Here’s the thing that has me confused. Remember, when ALV was trying to tell the judge about how she might have follow up tests, etc. One of the things the judge said was, ” We will have a conversation on the record after everyone’s had a chance to follow up. Also you will have had a chance to make preparations, and then we will know.”

      I don’t believe this has anything to do with perjury, specifically with how many men she has testified for. Firstly, if the DA was bringing a perjury charge, the judge would have warned her, she would have taken the fifth and the whole thing would have stopped right there, no more testimony.

      Whatever it is has been brewing for a few days, leading to all of those meetings back in chamber.

      • Al, I don’t remember that. Are you talking about the last conversation at the end of the day yesterday? I couldn’t make out everything Alyce said. But I don’t think the judge was referring to Alyce when she said that.

        • It was the last conversation with Alyce, when she was telling her she might have follow on tests. That’s how I heard it. Don’t know what it means though.

  69. I just re-read SJ’s commentary from this morning and realized that I nor many of us shared how we plan to celebrate when Jodi is found NOT GUILTY. So, thought I’d share my plan: Since I am the only person I know that is following this trial, other than all of you here, I plan to have at least one glass of champagne. I hope you will be here, especially those of you I feel like I have come to know in some way, albeit only over a computer screen. So lets do a group toast to Jodi, the defense team and SJ and Team Jodi that day.

    After that, I intend to send a donation to the Yardley Love foundation and a donation to the Alexandra Kogut foundation. Both were beautiful young women, who like Jodi, ended up with abusive partners. Sadly, both of these young women were not able to fight back and lost thier lives to abusers. I am inspired now more than ever, to spread the word about Domestic Violence and to help in any way possible to educate our young people on this “disease” that is so sickenly prevelant in our society.

    • dont drink anymore give me heart burn but will toast 🙂 a glass of tea or coffie for the mormans dont drink it

    • TR…your post brought tears to my eyes when I read about the two women who lost their lives to abusers…

      My own story is something that I don’t share too often…I am not married to my husband anymore…he is my ex and it will stay that way….when we were married…he mainly abused me emotionally and a few times he physically hurt me…reading your post and hearing about Jodi in the bathroom when she dropped the camera and Travis hollered at her and he snapped…men like Travis snap every day…and many of them can go into a rage over the least little thing…it happens…

      First, I would like to say that I was a lot like Jodi in that I didn’t want anyone to know anything bad about my husband….I only spoke good things about him…he acted one way around family and friends…but once we got home he was like another person…his moody personality kept me so confused…

      One day a few years back my husband was reclining in his chair watching television and I believe that he must have dozed off…and my youngest son went through the room bouncing a ball on the floor and it rolled over and hit his recliner…It startled the husband and he snapped into a rage at my son…he jumped out of the chair and picked him up and stormed across the room and threw him onto his bed…my son was scared, crying, and screaming…and I was terrified…this had never happened before with any of the children…he only abused me before….this day was different…all because a little ball bumped his recliner chair and woke him up…

      I was so shocked…I just stood still like a zombie…my other son, a teenager, came out of his room to see what all the commotion was about and he started hollering at his step-father to leave his little brother alone and to pick on someone his own size…

      The husband was still in a rage…and he threw my teenage son against the wall and was choking him around the neck….At that time I struggled to pry his fingers off my son’s neck…but I couldn’t…I called 911…the police happened to be about a minute from our house when the call went into dispatch…and they pulled up almost immediately after I called…and when the husband heard the sirens in front of our home…he dropped his hands out from around my son’s neck and he closed himself up in his bedroom and wouldn’t come out…

      I opened the door for the police to come in…I told them what had happened…I am still confused, shocked, and crying….then they talked with my two sons…my sons were scared to talk with the police too…they were afraid to tell them what had happened…the police said they couldn’t do anything unless the husband would come out of his room and talk with them to hear his version of what happened…

      Right before the police left…one of the police officers asked me if I had an iron skillet…I said yes…my mom gave me one years ago…The officer told me that if my husband went into a rage again and I couldn’t get his hands off one of the kids then for me to get the iron skillet and hit him in the head with it…that it would knock him out of his rage…the explained to me when a person goes into a rage they have the strength of like 3 to 5 people and it would be hard to get their fingers out from around someone’s neck…so they reassured me to use the iron skillet…they told me that they were just one street over when dispatch came in and they turned around and came right over to my house…but the next time if it happened again…they might not be able to get to my home that fast…

      At that time…I was a mother with a young son and a teenage son…and not even the police could help me that night without talking to my husband first…they gave me the advice about how to use the iron skillet and that was all…

      I can really see why there are so many victims of domestic violence….domestic abuse….and whatever one wants to call it…no one really helps us…and for me and my sons…we just couldn’t get any help…we were on our own when the police left that night…frightened and scared…but on our own…wondering what that monster behind his closed bedroom door was going to do us when he eventually came out…

      Yes…we are still divorced…and I’ll never go back…

      And anyone reading this better believe that I will always believe Jodi when she said that Travis got mad and snapped about her dropping the camera…and again…men like Travis snap every day…and many of them can go into a rage over the least little thing…it happens…

      • Wow im sorry to hear that Truthseeker. Amazing how abusers hear the authority and they shit themselves! I know what you mean and it is terrifying for a woman, but iv experienced it as a kid, when your abuser is right next door and you have no one to help. ITS SCARY AS SHIT, and you feel so alone, its so sad, I hate that people have to go through this but mostly KIDS. They have less power to get out, less help. Im glad you and your sons are ok and got out Truthseeker, I am!

      • Truthseeker-
        I am so sorry that you and your children had to go through this. It is a far too common occurance in our supposedly civilized society. I shared my story some weeks back, and feel so blessed to have gotten out of a similar situation (my abusive ex was in law enforcement), and am so far away from him that my child does not have any contact with him. I am so glad you and your children are also away and safe.

      • Thanks Oliverio-
        I am so passionate about this issue and my heart breaks to think of what has happened to Jodi. It is so clear that she was a victim and has been revictimized by the system for saving her own life.

  70. I was just reading the comments on one “hater” article where the author feels sure that Alyce will be charged with perjury and honestly, I can’t believe the stupidity. “Some people on Twitter are posing the possibility of it being about “witness tampering” by talking to Travis Alexander’s sister.” Good grief! Do they not even realize that Alyce is the witness and Travis’s sister isn’t? I mean, seriously, I know people aren’t up on the legaleze, but if you’ve watched a trial this long, surely you realize Alyce is a witness?

    I really need to stop reading BS like that and I think I need a drink! Bottoms up!

    • These people don’t have lives. They feel they have to make stuff up.

      Of course there was no perjury, and I think the “talk” to TA’s sister is a bunch of b.s.

      • And they all act like amateur lawyers when most of them probably have minimal intelligence.

    • LOL But they are entertaining, sometimes I just have to laugh when I read their comments.

  71. rainy i lost your comment you asked me for help here is the link to what i was talking about

    geebee2 says:
    April 12, 2013 at 3:33 am
    My new page for today:

    look on the side for the letter excluded open it then open the link above that on that page http://

    read the flores report i think this is the one that went to the jury and the one here is his incedent report and he sure leave out a lot of stuff now wonder the jury does not have a clue as to what is really going on

  72. GTG g’night all…Donaire vs, Rigondeaux is on. (sorry Boxing is my thing) 😯 …that’s why I’m home on a Saturday night. Could have gone to a surprise Bday party…but I have my priorities Yikes!

      • It SUCKED!… Donaire was soft…it was promotion bull5hit…hated the venue..totally fake…disappointed. UGH. Is your husband a big sweet science fan?

  73. OK, I ask y’all to read this article about the mobbing of ALV. But most important, read the SUPPORTIVE comments!! There are more of us out there. Hold on to hope ALV. This is an excellent read and the comments will lift you up. BTW, I am Peacemaker on the site. Now you can put face to name. Peace

  74. I guess it would help if I put the article,
    Sorry I am scrambled today.
    Patty See above post of mine

    April 13, 2013 at 11:07 pm

    OK, I ask y’all to read this article about the mobbing of ALV. But most important, read the SUPPORTIVE comments!! There are more of us out there. Hold on to hope ALV. This is an excellent read and the comments will lift you up. BTW, I am Peacemaker on the site. Now you can put face to name. Peace

    • Patty, The haters are there doing what they do best…I expected as much. Respect is missing not only in the comments but in the article…I personally found the article offensive. 😡

    • I actually did read that close to the time it came out. I don’t know if I can stomach the comments. My take on the article is different than yours. Maybe I am biased by what I thought was faulty reasoning based on incorrect data in her first article, but i thought it had a very “I know I was in favor of opening Pandora’s Box, but now everyone, really, let’s put the genie back in the bottle now” quality about it.

  75. I have a cousin that is single. He runs the local credit union. When I was looking for life ins.,he told me he had purchased a 250,000 for 28.00 a month. He lives on the family farm ,with his brother,brother has all kinds of money,niether have kids,or off springs.The only thing I can figure is that theh will leave it to charity.All I’m sayinging is he’s single and has life ins.

    • It’s not usually recommended single people without dependents have life insurance except perhaps for funeral expenses.

      It’s a waste of money. I have never had it.

  76. Sorry it took so long to post. My honey is gone visiting her kids,and she had called me while posting. I miss my honey,had to pet sit our new dog, Shine

  77. Just a note that I think is of some importance,I mentioned earlier on about the 17 year old teenager that commited suicide because she was raped by 4 boys and pictures of the crime were spread around.I would assume that the social media spread these pics rather fast,well the RCMP closed the case with no charges and washed their hands of it.It wasnt till a petition was signed by thousands and it shamed the RCMP into reopening the case and some information has come to light.This is unacceptable that they the RCMP had to be pressured into doing something,I blame the people that spread the photos around and they should be held accountable for the death of this youg woman in Nova Scotia Canada,This same senario is playing out with the Media at HLN and cohorts,they should be held resposible for any fall out from this trial,morally and finacially,It is unacceptable in what they have done in the name of reporting to Jodi Arias,her family,the witnesses and the defence team.There is a high profile M1 case going on in Canada right now,all there was in a major newspaper was a quarter page story with an artists rendering of the defendant and the judge,there are no cameras,no reporters live at the trial and the judge has put a media ban on,the jury has been sequestered,this is how it should have been with Ms Arias.The media has tainted all avenues of a fair trial or a retrial if needed.There is no way a jury could be selected in the USA or most of the world that hasnt seen something about Jodi Arias Oh and yes Jodi was right,That one was for you Nancy,God Bless Jodi and her soon to be freedom.

    • I find it strange that they didn’t check in to this. I live a stones throw away from Canada and they are pretty strong there when it comes to justice. I had a brother in-law that raised a little hell there one time and had to go to R.C.M.P. headquarthers to pay his fine. I went with him, and it reminded me of a bad interiocation room you see in the movies in a another country. Opps we were in another country. Oh well you know what I mean .They grilled that boy silly.After he paid his fine we left and he proceeded to hit all the strip joints on the way home. I coundn’t believe this guy. What a crazy guy he was.

      • Yes Glen they are strong when it comes to justice if they get what they want,My son was involved in a traffic accident in which he hit a motorcycle and killed the rider,he was charged with Criminal negligance causing death,a very serious charge which could have led to jail time.When he was taken in for a statement,the RCMP officer tried his damnest to make him say what he wanted as to what transpired at the accident scene,The Cop tried to twist every word and sentence to taylor the statement in favor of the RCMP,my son would say something and the cop would say no it couldnt have happened that way,it was like this right,my son stayed steadfast on his statement and the cop wasnt very happy,even the witnesses could not agree with what the cops were saying,long story short,a week in court,thousands of dollars spent, son was charged with making an unsafe left turn,2 penalty points on his licence and a 100 dollar fine.The point is the cops pressure and bully a defendant to get what they want,Jodi was not represented at the beggining with a lawyer and who knows what bullshit they pulled on her to get what they wanted,JM pulls the same tactics,yelling screaming,rapid fire question with yes or no,trying to confuse the defendant and witnesses,Jodi And Alyice held their own and even gave that little f#@king toad some of his medicine back,whether that hurts the case i guess we will see,personally I would have spent a night in jail to tell that f#@ktard off if he was spewing at me,just my opinion.Jodi wasnt represented fairly at the begining and I dont know how that will play out later,I dont know if she give her right up to a lawyer,that is bad if she did,but like I say,who knows what they said to her,The lying cops are not going to fess up

        • True, glad your son stuck to his guns. But what gets to me is why Jodi didn’t stop talking and ask for a lawyer. Remember, she didn’t remember nothing after the gun shot. Who’s to say someone else didn’t do the stabbing,maybe he was still alive when she left. I know I’m reaching far but he had a lot of people that didn’t like him,unlike HLN reports.

    • Dennis,
      Such a sad story about the young lady in Canada. My heart bleeds for the loved ones left behind (I call them the Victims of suicide) Bullying is SO out of hand all around us.

  78. Stalking shumalking! Gladys Kravitz was always peering into Samantha’s window, nobody ever called her a stalker!

      • Why thank you LC. I couldn’t resist. I started rewatching Bewitched episodes after Tonya changed her profile picture to Samantha.

          • There is a new cable station where I live called ME-TV that has a LOT of those old shows on 24/7. I love it ! Recently i’ve watched Kolckak-The Night Stalker, Sanford & Son, Kojak, Get Smart. the list goes on…check your local listings you may have this new channel.

          • LC: They DO now play reruns of these two oldies every weeknight, back to back, from 7 pm to 8 pm!!!! Check out MeTV network. “Me” is acronym for “Memorable Entertainment,” and this is totally free old-fashioned type television like we grew up with, just a regular tv network, NOT something you need cable or satellite or direct TV to watch. Google it and you can find the schedule of their programming which is 24/7 and is ALL reruns. Petticoat Junction, My Three Sons, That Girl, Daniel Boone, Perry Mason, Rockford Files, Hawaii Five-O, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Big Valley, Wild Wild West, Emergency, M*A*S*H, Bewitched, Jeannie, Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newhart, the Odd Couple, Dick Van Dyke, Twilight Zone, etc…. and on weekends you can catch Star Trek episodes, Lost in Space, Journey to the Bottom of the Sea, Lassie, the Brady Bunch, Lucy, I Love Lucy, Naked City…..
            I only recently discovered this network and love it and was afraid would not be available to me moving out from “big” city of Milwaukee, but they even televise it up here in the northwoods boonies where I am now, so hope you can find it where you are living, LC, enjoy!!!

  79. Last post of the night.

    Earlier today, I had made a comment “However, if this jury keeps its wits about itself it may not be necessarily headed for a bad conviction. (more on that later today).” Here’s what I meant.

    In our justice system, the state, when it brings charges against someone, has a responsibility to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the charged party is in fact guilty of the charges. To do that the state must provide evidence that points to this guilt. Each element of the State’s evidence must be able to withstand scrutiny, and the entirety of the evidence must prove the guilt of the independent party. The defendant has to prove absolutely nothing.

    Now here is the important part of this paradigm. Let us say the State charges some person A with a crime. Let us now say that A says I didn’t do that because I was at dinner at Joe’s Diner. Now let us assume that the State can prove that this person A was not at Joe’s diner. That doesn’t do a darned thing unless the State can also prove that A in fact committed the crime. So disproving A’s alibi doesn’t do a darned thing, unless the State can also prove that A did it.

    Now from everything I have seen in this case, JM seems to miss this point and if the defense can explain this to the jury, the state’s case is, to put it very mildly, toast.

    The State has charged that Jodi committed premeditated murder or in the alternative she committed felony murder. Now Jodi has acknowledged that she killed TA. She claims it was self defense. By AZ law the first thing that the State needs to do is prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that she did not act in self defense. Assuming he can do that, he must then prove that she committed premeditated murder, and failing that he must prove that she committed felony murder. To do this he must provide evidence that shows that she did in fact do these things, and that evidence must be able to stand up to the reasonable doubt standard.

    It doesn’t matter what Jodi says, it doesn’t matter what her experts say, it doesn’t matter what Lisa Andrews, or Dan Freeman or any of the defense witnesses say, in as far as they are not directly contradicting the States evidence. In fact once the judge allowed the self defense claim to be made, they didn’t have to say a darned thing more. It is entirely up to JM to prove that she did this. So all his yelling, and screaming and shouting does nothing. Let us assume that all these people testifying for the defense were biased and lying through their teeth. Let us now assume that the jury throws out all of their testimony. That still does nothing for JM’s case unless he can prove in an affirmative manner that she did what he is charging her with.

    The defense on the other hand has a different approach, in that as they disprove parts of the State’s evidence they keep chipping away at that standard the State has to meet – proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Every time the defense provides a reasonable alternate explanation for any element of the State’s evidence, it adds that element to the heap of unproven evidence. Remember, if it is reasonable that the evidence shows something other than what the state alleges, then it is also reasonable doubt that the State is correct.

    Given that argument let us look at the case to date. The State’s evidence is for pre-meditated murder is as follows:

    1. Jodi rented a car to go on this trip. The defense has shown that the reason was that the car she had bought from TA was damaged on her trip up to Yreka and in fact there was an insurance tussle going on about it.

    2. Jodi rented a car in Redding. The defense has shown that at that time there was only one car rental place in Yreka and Redding was an obvious place to rent a car if you were headed to anyplace other than Oregon.

    3. On her way south she borrowed two gas cans from friends and told Darrell that she was headed to Mesa. The carrying of extra gas cans in that part of the world is not uncommon, and if she was in fact headed to Mesa, and wanted to keep it a secret why would she tell Darrell.

    4. She bought a third gas can. The defense denies this, but even if Jodi is lying, so what. Once she has admitted to 2 gas cans how does the third make a difference.

    5. She dyed her hair to be unrecognizable. The defense has provided pictures from that time frame showing she had dark hair before she went to Mesa. This is photographic evidence and needs no testimony. He now needs to prove that she did in fact have blonde hair. The car rental guy claims he saw her with blonde hair, but this is contradicted by the photo evidence.

    6. He claims she turned off her cell phone before she got into AZ. She claims she dropped her charger and couldn’t find it. But more importantly on her way out of there she did turn it on in AZ and in fact made calls on it and this is proven by phone records, not her word.

    7. The State is trying to make some point with respect to the upside down license plate. I’m assuming that he’s claiming she stole a different license plate and put it on her car to avoid being traced. But other than the upside down plate he has no proof that she actually did this.

    8. Lastly he claims she staged the burglary at her grandparents house. Bur he has absolutely no proof for this, and in fact the Yreka police officer said they had a rash of burglaries at that time. For this to hold he must prove that she actually did the burglary. There is no proof, not even circumstantial that she had anything to do with this, other than it was her grandparents home and she was living there.

    So in as far as his proof is concerned there is no evidence that she premeditated some murder. None of the evidence provided by the State goes to proving Murder 1 and in fact most of it can be explained by other reasons none of which prove she committed M1. It doesn’t matter what she lied about. The State needs to provide proof positive.

    All the other evidence of the ME and forensics folks doesn’t show anything about premeditation. It just shows three things – firstly that TA was killed, secondly that Jodi was there and lastly that she sort of mucked with the scene. The first aspect, that TA was killed is just necessary to show that there is even a charge to be brought. She acknowledges she was there and anything that happened after the killing doesn’t prove her state of mind prior to the killing.

    Now in all of this evidence there is nothing, absolutely nothing that shows that this was not self defense. I’m not even concerned about what she says happened, or the DV expert says could have happened, or Dr Samuels testimony about amnesia, etc. I’m merely arguing that the State has provided absolutely no evidence that this was not a case of self defense. The standard to which he has to prove that this was not self defense is the same as the standard to which he must prove that it was M1, i.e. beyond a reasonable doubt. But he has provided absolutely no evidence, other than claiming she lied. It doesn’t matter that she lied. He still has to prove that it wasn’t self defense.

    Now, lets look at the felony murder charge. The state had to argue to get that charge sustained. JM’s argument there was that after she delivered the first wound, any reasonable person would say she was no longer welcome. Hence in the period of time between the first and subsequent wounds she was on the premises unlawfully and with the intention of committing a felony, namely assault, and that it was during this assault, that TA was killed. The reason he claims that the crime she intended to commit was assault as opposed to murder is that if her intention was to kill, the that is M1, and if the jury is looking at the alternate charge it means he has failed to prove M1. So trying to be clever he says, OK I didn’t prove M1 so I’m going to claim the second, premeditated crime was assault.

    The problem with this argument is as follows. Assume a person commits an assault on another person, without the intent of killing the assaulted party, however that party does in fact die. What crime is that person culpable of, in accordance with AZ law? The answer is M2. So again JM is barking up the wrong tree with his felony murder charge.

    This is why I believe that the jury, if it keeps it’s wits about itself, and gets a clear understanding of the law through the jury instructions, may in fact return a verdict that will put a smile of a bunch of faces on this site.

    In actuality, once self defense is unproven, she should walk free. However the AZ self defense law has a limit to how much force a person can use, and a requirement that the defender must stop when the threat passes. If not the defendant may be culpable for manslaughter. The throat wound has always posed a conundrum, and at least one juror is struggling with the same issue, leading to yesterdays question about whether or not a person in this situation can stop. Hence even if JM fails to disprove self defense there is evidence that, I believe, could lead a reasonable perso to believe that the throat wound was overkill, hence leading to a verdict of manslaughter.

    Lastly, if the jury doesn’t buy both the state’s claim of M1 and Jodi’s claim of self defense, and they move the felony charge that has been presented as an alternative, and if they believe that JM has provided enough evidence to prove this charge, they should actually return a verdict of Murder in the second degree.

    Now we have to see what he puts up in rebuttal, but if the judge sticks to the procedure, he cannot introduce any new evidence of guilt, but is strictly constrained to rebutting the defendant’s case-in-chief. Which means that rebuttal, as the name implies, is to rebut the defendant’s evidence and not introduce any new evidence. However, as my treatise above explains, it doesn’t matter. One could in fact through out all of the defendant’s case-in-chief and still be discussing the same issue we are now – the lack of proof positive.

    This argument is what led to the statement I made this morning, namely:

    “However, if this jury keeps its wits about itself it may not be necessarily headed for a bad conviction.”

    • The person that wanted to be a lawyer in me needs to pick this apart a little. And I’ll have to disagree on a few points.

      1. But she rented a car, and that could be suspicious.
      2. She rented a car in a town far away. Then again, she rented it in her own name, using her own credit card. So, I think that counters it. But did the defense clearly prove that? But it could go to premeditation.
      3-4. The gas cans … kinda nonsense if you live in that part of the country. Plus, whether she was going to Mesa or Utah, and what she told an ex is irrelevant.
      5. I think JM wants to forget he brought up the hair colour. He’s never mentioned it since.
      6. The cell phone: I’m not sure she made calls BEFORE leaving AZ. Where is that?
      7. The license plate is crazy and always has been. She turned it upside down to avoid it being seen? Huh? Isn’t that why she rented a car? And wouldn’t an upside down license plate make MORE curious, not less?
      8. The burglary of the gun: probably JM’s most damning evidence of premeditation. Was there testimony about a “rash of burglaries” or was that just in the police report? I’m confused. Anyway, maybe she wanted the gun for her own protection. She just seems too smart to stage a burglary, have it reported, and then use that to kill Travis with premeditation.

      So, what he’s got left is a burglary of a gun, a car rental in another town, perhaps not using her phone in AZ, and some crazy speculation about gas cans for a trip through the desert. What’s his strongest point really? Renting the car (in her own name, the gun and not using her phone, I guess. But does that prove premeditation? Or is it convenient or perhaps inconvenient?

      Premeditation has NOT been proven beyond a reasonable doubt. We agree there.

      Self defense: I agree with you technically, but JM has made this a very emotionally charged issue, and as you said, the throat slash is a HUGE problem.

      Unlike you, I don’t think the defense has proven self defense at all. I think they fell incredibly short of proving it with the sheer force used and the fact that they never ever ever covered that. They even allowed Alyce to talk about “snapping”. That’s a crime of passion: manslaughter. I fault the defense on not explaining the force and I fault them a great deal on that. However, they had another priority: keeping their client alive, and they were walking a tight rope and also dealing with a very very tricky prosecutor who knows his case incredibly well. As aggressive and downright nasty as he may be, he’s effective on many levels, and apparently, especially so in that jurisdiction. But the defense was successful in creating evidence that allows for lesser included offenses. I’ll be shocked if they did not succeed on that level actually.

      Felony murder has always been ridiculous. And JM’s argument leads specifically to lesser included offenses of M2, manslaughter and maybe even, assault with a deadly weapon.

      I think the jury will deliberate a while and come down to manslaughter. I think that’s the only reasonable thing we can expect. Ultimately, as much as I picked apart a few things (which really wasn’t that much), we agree. It should have charged as manslaughter in the first place. It’s insane to think it wasn’t.

      I don’t expect an acquittal. If the defense had explained the force, and I was really hoping they would, then this jury may have returned with that. But they didn’t. And I don’t know why. So, a conviction, in my opinion, is something we should all prepare for. But you never know with a jury. We can slightly hope for acquittal. I just don’t think we should expect it.

      • AA,

        You make some very vaild points in your discussion post. The slit throat is a huge issue….

        Being a single lady traveling across the desert with a cell phone that is not charged and lost the charger is another issue I have with this cae…. You’re more likely to break down than run out of gas… Didn’t think she made any calls in AZ but maybe I have forgotten that detail… ?

        The gun can’t be proven………still questions need to be asked from the defense on this issue but not sure if they will address it or not since they only have one more witness accorrding to the post on this site.

        The car rental makes sense ….I travel get distance for vacation and work and get rental cars to keep the mileage off of my SUV and gas is cheaper for a car…Renting 100 miles or so from her if the price was much cheaper is understandable

        The license plate story is all twisted….. still trying to figure that one out.

        She stated she bought a case of water because of traveling in that area… My question is who buys a case of water with temperatures in the 100 degree range , throws it in the back of their trunk without a cooler. The water would be super hot to drink.

      • I see that you are staying here on this page AA
        (((((((((((((((( <3 ))))))))))))))))))

    • Pure speculation of this man’s part. If they think this story is a possibility, they also have to consider all the other stories as possible (that support Jodi’s story), because there is sufficient evidence to make any of them possible.

      Also, if Travis was stabbed when sitting, his face would have revealed he was in pain! His facial expression when sitting negates this man’s story. There would likely be blood running down his body (he was wet, it most definitely would have run).

      • We had a poster here a while back who was convinced that Travis was already stabbed in that shower pic of his face. Yeah, because if he’d been stabbed, he’d totally just have a stoic expression. He wouldn’t be screaming in agony and grabbing at a wound, right?

    • Interesting…almost identical to what JM was pointing out regarding the photos…and sequence of events.

    • That guy is delusional, and someone needs to tell him there is medication for what ails him! I can’t believe he actually mailed that to Martinez! Good Grief!!

    • Except he had changed his strategy more than a month before that letter was written so … no, it didn’t influence the prosecution at all.

  80. I have a feeling that The “issue” with Alyse will be part of the mistrial motion. I hope they bring up illegal witness tampering and bring out the FACT that the family is behind it as well. Maybe THAT is why the sister was crying and the siblings have been called into chambers a few times this past week. This issue needs to be addressed. I was so glad Cheney Mason called out the media after the Anthony trial, this is something that needs to be nipped in the fuckin bud with HLN being made an EXAMPLE of. I’m sick of them acting as though they are beyond accountability.
    The family is not untouchable either. Plenty of people have suffered tragedy, it is not a pass to commit and conspire these criminal acts of witness tampering, cyber bullying, harassment, and slander. It is not only a crime against AL, but ANYONE, including JODI. She is INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty, and when she is vindicated, I hope she takes ACTION against this SLANDER!

    One more thing, Alyse did NOT commit perjury, nor did JM IMPEACH her or even come close. JM tried to make it looked like she lied, but the jury asked three times about this
    and each time Alyce did say she THOUGHT, but pointed out it had been over a span of 26 years.

      • LOl! I think we are just active online at different times. I go to school at night all week, I usually post during the day before I get busy:)
        Lately I have felt so overwhelmed, its hard to find the words 🙂

        • Kmiller! I feel you! I have clients in the mornings and afternoons, classes at night! The words I’m looking for are “end of semester please”

    • Yes I agree.I was also glad when Mason addressed the talking heads. Lets hope Knurmi and Jennifer can do the same.

    • Kmiller and AA,

      I think you’re on the right track. This has nothing at all to do with perjury. At the first sign of a perjury charge, someone there, the judge, Nurmi, Willmott or even JM (based on Miranda) would have told her to get an attorney and that attorney would never have allowed her to proceed with even one more sentence of testimony. Also, once the judge started putting out dates for her appearance without an attorney. Also, for some reason the judge wants to do two things before she calls ALV back in. She wants Ms Wong’s testimony, and there is something she wants put on the record.

      It may be that if Wong’s testimony leads to a mistrial then having ALV come back would be moot. But more importantly there is some issue that ALV needs to prepare for. Just rank speculation here, but was there something in either JM’s cross or one of the jury questions that has opened up the possibility of the judge allowing in some new piece of evidence, which the defense wants to present through ALV.

      I also don’t think it really has anything to do with her talking to Samantha Alexander. That would not have led to the sisters leaving the judge’s chambers crying almost every time they went in there.

      • I think it has to do with the judge having to say something about witness tampering, and perhaps the family encouraging it. If Ms. Wong’s testimony about JM and/or the hearing isn’t substantial as to how Alyce has been messed with, the judge may need to hear from Alyce again. And really, they’re two separate components of the same issue. If the judge feels she has enough based on the hearing and evidence presented, she will issue some ruling about the witness tampering. That’s a bit late since there’s only one other witness, unless some are recalled during rebuttal. But the judge couldn’t rule on this without (a) giving the prosecution time to respond and (b) holding a hearing.

        I really really doubt the judge will find prosecutorial misconduct based on JM posing for photos/autographing. She might warn him about it, but that would really be the most she could do. It didn’t interfere with the case. It riled up the public who watch on TV. Big deal in regards to the actual case, sadly. Releasing the interrogation tapes may cause her pause, but again, I don’t believe it’s prosecutorial misconduct at this phase (for appellate issues, yes). She may also feel Alyce was indeed tampered with, but she still managed to testify anyway and she did pretty well, maybe even amazingly, under the circumstances. So, it’s kinda moot (other than for an appellate issue). But the judge has to hear it and rule on it, that’s a technicality. And she may issue a warning. The judge can’t do crap about people in other states harassing Alyce. She can only deal with witnesses/spectators in her courtroom. So, her hands are really tied here. But it needs to be preserved for appellate issues.

        The defense has done a really really amazing job of preserving issues for appeal. I have to hand it to them for that. When you’re focusing on evidence in a trial with so much other crap going on and worrying about testimony, strategy, and what JM might be doing in his fast-paced confusing manner, it’s very difficult to also be aware of post-conviction issues. The defense has been extremely careful. They have objected strenuously and brought attention to every single issue that could possibly be heard on appeal. On appeal, you pick your battles, so not every single “problem” really matters. But they’ve made sure to preserve EVERYTHING so that later, after this trial is over, whomever handles the appeal will not wonder why some issue or other was not preserved.

        Just last year, I spent months working on my own divorce appeal. There was a “trial” although I was precluded from attending because I had refused, during discovery, to disclose my current home and work addresses to my (then) husband or his attorney and the judge had stricken my pleadings and barred me from participating. So, it was a very one-sided trial and a very quick one and really more of a default hearing. I had only 4 other hearings in the case which I had to focus on. There were approximately 75 pages of transcripts from the hearings and the trial. My “record” (the court file) spanned two volumes otherwise. I spent just about every waking hour, unless I was busy at work, becoming familiar with the record. Since I’d represented myself (out of necessity) for much of the case, I was still familiar with some of my own pleadings. Yet, I will tell you that I burned the midnight oil more times than I care to remember just creating an outline of what transpired. My own pleadings were the highlight for me as I had preserved a great deal in crafting them, even if they were ignored, which they were, for the most part. I had an attorney for a short time and her pleadings paled in comparison, other than those I “fed” her. Her participation at the hearings was minimal, but his attorney was much like JM and very powerful, especially in front of a judge. Admittedly, I had an emotional commitment, which Jodi’s lawyers don’t have — at least in the same way as I did.

        I also had to research endless amounts of case law and apply it. That was overwhelming beyond belief. While I found plenty, just slogging through it was more than I could handle at times. I almost gave up. My fiance made it possible for me to do nothing but write my initial brief and did my laundry, cared for my cats, and cooked for me. He urged me to continue but also said he’d support me if I had to give up. When his attorney filed his answer brief and slammed me in a disgusting fashion, I fell apart. It was only my angst that he wasn’t supposed to act as he did, particularly on appeal, that kept me going. But there was motion after motion after motion that I had to respond to in the interim. It almost killed me to go through that. When I finally got to the end and filed my reply brief, I was a shell of a person.

        There were so many issues NOT preserved by my incompetent lawyer in my case. She was out of her league, but I got what I paid for. Nonetheless, she had a duty and she didn’t do that which was her duty. She was overwhelmed by his lawyer — as was I during appeal, but I continued to slog it out — she didn’t. She gave up.

        And that’s why I speak to what the defense has done in this case. Not only have they put on one hell of a case, but they have also very carefully preserved what is necessary for appeal. May they have amazing careers, as Jose Baez has done. Because honestly, they deserve it.

  81. This trial has invaded my psyche and taken over my life to some degree. I have been forced to back off thanks to JM and his atrocious approach to all defense witnesses. It’s like he can’t bear to hear one word uttered that makes sense or sheds some truth on what happened. He yells ‘OBJECTION’ before the sentence is finished and his puppet says ‘sustained’ before he gets the third syllable out! He is a dementor, the judge is a death eater, and all his little followers are all cornish pixies!! I wish to put the Imperious Curse on all of them!

      • >>>> kira>>>>> me too i loved harry potter think i will watch him tonite before i sleep i as a child alway wanted to do stuff like that looking for hours at the red light and green light at a conner drug store trying to make it change with my mind.

    • Yes if we only could. If there only was one person we could call and say enough is enough .But all we can do is say if you piss in the wind it might hit you in the face.

  82. oh i need a break tea and sig and move ive been sitting for hours to long be back

  83. I’m up, but I don’t know if I can answer questions. I’ll try though.

  84. I was just talking to my dear friend who lives in Canada and isn’t not following the trial….. I found it interesting that TA being so young could get a high mortage ….. and the house went to a quick sale for sale only bought by someone out of Texas. My friend made a good point that he’s suprised the bank didn’t offer him insurance which would of paid off the house if a death occured then would of be willed to who ever he had in the will, like his dog that went to Deanna.

    Also considering TA age, he would of needed a good downpayment on a 200k home….

    So with these questions I have, I am assuming he didn’t have a life insurance policy.

    About services for PPL

    According to the American Prepaid Legal Services Institute, almost every plan provides legal advice and consultation by telephone as a basic service and may include brief office consultations, review of simple legal documents, preparation of a simple will, and short letters written or phone calls made by a lawyer. Other plans offer more comprehensive coverage for trials, marital problems, bankruptcy, and real estate matters. Most plans also offer coverage for the member’s spouse and dependent children as well..

    • Yes FUJuan, I wondered the same, mortgages in Canada all have mandatory life insurance on the borrower. Even car loans, the loan has life insurance on it.

      • Wow! Mandatory life insurance on a home loan? I have never heard of that. My ex boyfriend and I bought our home with no life insurance at all. We put very little down, (10%) and moved right in. The house was not 200K, but was around 95,000. Years later, my husband and I (now ex) bought a home and put down next to nothing. I think it was about 3% and the house was 165,000. There are TONS of what is called “creative financing” deals out there.No money down is very common these days, at least around here. It always helps to have a chunky down payment as it lowers your monthly mortgage payment.Those “accidental death” riders or “gap” insurance will pay off your home loan/mortgage, but most people I know don’t buy them as they are expensive, and usually people figure why bother, I won’t be here. Unless you have a family co-signor in which case the debt falls to them. Most finance companies want at least 10% down on a home purchase,but will do less if they have to, as long as your credit is good enough and you have been on your job long enough. Car loans too…life insurance? Wow, that is strict up north huh?

      • Gail,

        My BFF lives in Canada and was just telling me about having life insurance when you buy a home… totally different in the states.

        • No, not required in the US at all. And back when he bought his house, you could essentially get one with 3% down as a first-time buyer. Of course, you got in WAAAY over your head at an inflated price. But I’m sure that didn’t bother TA as much as the status symbol of being a homeowner made him feel amazingly sure he’d get chicks with it.

        • I wondered if it was different in the States. It’s a requirement, and rightly so. When my first husband was killed, our mortgage was paid by the life insurance, we had just taken a loan out for a car and it was paid by the life insurance. (that one I felt terribly guilty about, we’d only had the loan for three months when he was killed.)

          I was left with 3 children to raise, one of them special needs and we were told he was terminally ill. And believe me when I say survivors pensions are not anything near what he was earning. I had to give up my career, because I am only allowed to earn a percentage of his net earnings, anything over that percentage is deducted from the survivors pension. It is set up like that so that a widow can not better herself. And my feeling was they owed me that money, he lost his life through no fault of his own, in fact the company was found guilty, but they de-linked their actions from his fatality. They paid their fine and went happily on their way.

          So our house and car being paid for took a huge load off my shoulders. I had enough to worry about without having to budge for a mortgage and car payment.

  85. I rewatched every second of the 46th testimony. The questions IMO were all bad, all for the Pros. all negative, many snotty. I am disgusted with this Jury, many many men who probably think TA did nothing wrong to Jodi, perhaps because they have or would like too. Ugh.. I am disgusted with all of this. Now ALV attacked, Poor Dr Samuels. Also, can someone tell me why Nurmi wanted to leave the case? Oh Justice can it be served. Or as SJ rightly pointed out. In TA’s case, it has. Hugs all

    • Patty,

      I heard that Nurmi wanted to leave the case a long time ago because he was leaving the public defender’s office and he is going in to private practice. He makes quite a bit more per hour in private practice, so the court decided to ask him to stay for the case, but they pay him more per hour. They all compromised and Nurmi stayed.

      • Well, to be honest, they wouldn’t let him drop the case.

        What he did, asking to leave because of going into private practice, is not at all unusual. This case has taken up most of his time for years now. While he was a public defender, it was his job. After he left, he wanted to be free of it — not because he didn’t believe in the case — but because he knew he would make a lot more with private cases, given his experience, and he has a family to feed. Hopefully, we can all understand that. We all have families to feed, rent/mortgages/car payments to make.

        The state gave him $225 per hour to stay on, which is way under the standard he could charge in AZ. And remember, he’s a private practitioner, his own business, and has to justify his hours. So, it’s not like he takes that much home. He probably isn’t making any more on this case than seasoned prosecutor JM, and most likely, it’s really less, far less.

    • Patty,

      I’m a little disgusted with the jury too. I have to keep reminding myself that not all the jurors asked questions. In fact, Beth Karras estimated only half or even less than half asked questions at all. Also, some of the questions aren’t as bad as they sounded at first, although others sound just as bad now as they did when I first heard them.

      Jodi’s credibility seems to be important to them. From the very beginning, JM pounded on the fact that she lied. All over the internet and on HLN, people made her out to be a pathological liar. From the very beginning, I thought she lied about the situation she was in after the killing. So many others on this site agree, and Alyce L. agrees!!!! She has no history of being a liar. She was afraid after the killing and okay, she lied. I’ll bet a lot of people who commit crimes lie. I believe that she’s telling the truth now. And so do many on this site of course, and it’s great that Alyce L. believes it too!

      But how to convince the jury? I heard the defense might bring a lie detector guy on as a witness. I think if Jodi passed a lie detector test and this witness told the jury and the world that Jodi passed, it would definitely help her case!!! Of course there’ll be people like “Dr.” Drew, who will say well psychopaths can even pass lie detector tests! LOL But nevertheless, I think it would help her.

      • Didn’t she take and pass a lie detector test?

        I felt I read that here already but results are not admissible in court..?

        If that is correct it is unfortunate, as JM keeps hammering away about her lies. She’s not on trial for lying nor deserves the DP for being untruthful.

        I guess he never watch House.

        • When the defense witness list first came out, there was a lie detector person on it. The list has changed quite a bit over the months though.

        • Lie detector tests are admissible in AZ, but not in every state. Still, they decided (or the judge decided) that it was not to be considered evidence in the trial.

      • She *did* take and pass a lie detector, by the way.

        But the argument is (not saying I believe it) sociopaths pass them all the time.

  86. I’ve wondered how TA got a mortgage at his age too. I thought banks want to see a long and stable work history and income. I don’t know how long TA was with PrePaid Legal before he got his mortgage, but it couldn’t have been that long, and in sales, doesn’t income fluctuate? Also, with Prepaid Legal, he wouldn’t be considered an employee. He was considered self-employed. I’ve heard that it was very easy to get a mortgage from about 2001 until the crash in 2008, which is part of what led to the crash.

    As far as insurance goes, Travis WAS single, true. So why would he buy life insurance? Some employers offer life insurance as an employee benefit, but again, I think PPL considered all of those guys subcontractors. It could be that they got an excellent group rate on those things though?

    I don’t know if I’ve helped at all FUJuan. I just thought I’d kick it around with you, being that I’m up.

    • remember, everyone was getting a mortgage about that time. (he bought the house in 2004)

      • Trixels, and JTTFTO,

        I agree that they were giving out loans left and right during this time to anyone but he was self-employeed which is usually a little harder to get a loan especially at his age. Plus he would of needed at least 20k down… and not only did he take out a mortage for his house , he also took out another loan for 49k…. I am trying to find the records again now to see if it states what the down payment would of been

        • The 49k was probably a second mortgage, a HELOC.
          A lot of people had those at that time. My BFF is a real estate agent and she told me people would get loans like that.

        • You only need to put down 3 or 3.5% down to buy a home via FHA loan. (more for conventional loan) It isn’t smart to do that, it makes your mortgage payment higher, but it’s done all the time. My husband and I bought our home that way. Payments on a 200k house, even with the minimum down would still not be outrageous, maybe between 1500 and 1800 a month, not hard to do if you have a couple roomates.

    • Not bragging but graduated college at 22, Job right away. Got a house at 25. No biggie, cheaper than rent. I had 5% down. That was it. Not as much as TA’s but, nobody to lie about, or just estimate or state what I amde in earnings but nice size. No roommates either, that would suck. Especially ones that cant smell me dead upstairs for 5 days.Seriously, I mean $450 for what a room and TA as your landlord? No thank you. Maybe the place always stunk with so much nasty stuff going on. Or Since Jodi stopped being the maid?

      • Patty,

        I also bought my first house at the age of 25 years old but not like TA.

        And your right, I would not want TA as my landlord and judging by his record his roommates didn’t last long. hmmmm makes you wonder.

        I also wonder about the roommate not smelling a dead body for five days…. The dog is also perplexing… they are keen on smell…. there was a doggie door so we know there was no accidents in the house that would cause this smell , especially if the roommates girlfriends was suppose to be taking care of the dog.

        So many questions left unanswered in this case and crappy detective work.

        • FUJuan,

          I have wondered about that too! Why did Travis have SO many roommates leaving?? I know they were young guys, but it seems like he had dozens of roommates over a period of only 4 years!!

          There was one that left in December of 2007 without giving Travis any notice because Travis said the guy was a sexual deviant. That guy was the one who told both Lisa Andrews and Jodi that Travis was playing them.


          • Something was up for a male roommate to move out without notice….. To many roommate for a short time span. Control freak? Pushing his religion onto his rommates ? I wouldn’t think a guy would care if he had numerous sexual encounters, this is part of their ego, unless they were really into their faith…..

            Maybe once this trial is over with the truth will come out…………….

            Still have a hard time believing Jodi did this by herself in 62 seconds. I have tried so hard to envision this playing out in my mind, and it still doesn’t seem possible.

      • LOL Patty! congrats on college and owning a home so young! I agree, it is cheaper than rent, and its yours! If you have a fulltime job, been there at least 2 years, qualify for the loan, and can put some money down, (sometimes you need 0 down, but better to put something) then IMO, way better then renting, or having to have roomates. I have a house by myself now, and I love it, would never want to rent again.

        • In a way I miss owning my own home. I bought a modular home and a small piece of land at 22, but a few years later, I sold it, moved to Gainesville to finish bridging to my RN, (from Paramedic). Before I left, I used most of the sale money as a down payment on my “dream land”-the closest I could get to even top of a “hill” in Florida.
          When I married my ex, (because I couldn’t take him attempting suicide, AGAIN, EVERYTIME I broke it off with him. I finally gave in, thinking I could “help” him. The worst decision I EVER made in my life), he talked me into building another Jim Walters house on my dreamland-NOT what I wanted, but by that time, I was too afraid to say no. I was working 2 jobs, going to school-he delivered pizza part-time, wrote fraudulent checks and blamed me, and stayed home drinking all day, taking it to the bar at night to get his “pick-me-up”, (cocaine). I’d come home and 9 times out of 10, all hell would break loose, ending up with his brother, the local Sherrif, telling me to “quit pushing his buttons and he won’t hurt you, what’s wrong with you!!”
          7 years later when I had finally had the courage to file for divorce & was staying with friends out of state for our safety; he offered me a deal-give him the house, land, my Toyota,..and he’d quit following, threatening, having my friends power shut off, trying to get her fired & me kicked out of med school-I was desperate & agreed. A year later he took off with the kids to Saudi Arabia, my land went into foreclosure…
          We had two homes in my 2nd marriage, but that “winner” quit making payments on them just before he left with our “almost adopted adult(21) under state care, (mental illness)-and filed for bankruptcy, telling the court he had nothing left & the houses were in foreclosure & the SOB SAID he had to put our horses down-found out 2yrs later he sold the horses & was able to get our main house out of foreclosure right after I agreed to NO marital settlement.
          What gets to me the most in this trial? That weasel, when he’s being sarcastic, sounds like BOTH of my ex’s & I remember how they both thought how “funny” it was that I allowed them to screw me over…

          sorry…got some stuff going on that’s dragging these old things up-unrelated to the trial. I desperately need to talk to Chris, (not just for Alyce’s info, I’ll do that too), before I go nuts.

      • OH my gosh that made me laugh so hard………..Sounds like you have a good
        head on your shoulders an a woman to boot ! I have never in my life paid that
        much for a ROOM ! an I found at one time he had up to 7 room mates so maybe
        he needed that big house to be like a boarding house. I could not stand that
        though guys probably like it I guess.

      • LOL @ Patty. Especially ones who can’t smell me dead for 5 days LOL!! You gave me the giggles!!

        • LOL Patty really! Who would want roommates that can’t smell that? LOL

        • Kmiller,

          Seven roommates in a 5 bedroom house…… Share and share alike ( wink)… !

          I have a hard time believeing they didn’t smell anything … !!!

  87. I was really bummed after the jury questions ended on Friday and the judge was so snippy with Alyce L. I feel much better after reading the posts on this site last night and today. I have everything much more in perspective and I’m a little hopeful even.

    • I wish that particular psychologist had said more, but at least she said that. Still, she has capitalized on her psychology degree by slamming Alyce, whose experience is tenfold. And she continues to do so in this article. A little guilt .. but not enough.

      • I totally second that emotion. She is partially responsible for this mess, now she wants to distance herself from it. Words have consequences, lady. Welcome to the internet.

    • Didnt rat-face try and insinuate JODI was a “terrorist”???

      Mr Rat Face, you seem to think the defendant is a terrorist, but what about your RABID FANS and what their doing to Alyce you megalomaniac PERVERT???

      • “They’re”-sorry, my autocorrect is doing funky crap today:
        I texted my friend/landlord this am (NOT AMT as it just tried to “correct”), “just wanted to let you know, the corn cob alarm went off this AMT”–it was supposed to be carbon-monoxide or CO..NO idea what I typed to get corn cob!!

        S’s reply: “Didn’t get much sleep last night, huh?”

        • Ha! Ha! Ha! sounds like a drunk text……. Auto-correct does that to me all the time on the Iphone…. grrrr…. especially in important text messages ..go figure.

  88. another site someone said…

    Grace Wong…be there Monday morning….issues with a mistrial..

    Jury…be there Monday afternoon, stay near phone at 10 am…

    Defense computer forensic guy…Monday afternoon jury will hear him….only….if motion for mistrial that morning is denied…

    ALV….be there Tuesday…


    • I seriously doubt this late in the trial the judge is going to grant a mistrial…. but weirder things have happen in this circus. Maybe that is why the sister where crying on Friday. hmmmm

      • It is funny how the judge said the jury should keep their phones near after 10 A.M. And she did tell Alyce that she’ll appear on Tuesday UNLESS she’s released from her subpeona first. And I heard that Ms. Wong is bringing an attorney with her. Just to be a witness she’s bringing an HLN attorney?

        • I heard that too, (the keeping phones on around 10 am) I am thinking its because she told them to come in at 1, (so she can hear Miss Wong and the issues regarding her, and the motion for mistrial) but in case she finishes that early, maybe she wants the jury to come before 1. Although, for this trial to ever be early, let alone on time, would be a major shock.

        • The judge told Ms. Wong to bring her attorney if she wanted to. That’s not a rumour. And the judge *had* to advise her to do so, because she has the right to refuse to answer as a journalist. Let’s not make it into something it isn’t. No offense meant, just clarification.

        • I interpreted that to mean the jurors may get a call telling them not to come to court at all if there is a development; and that ALV also may not have to come to court on Tuesday if there is a certain development.

      • FUJuan,

        Lately it seems like the sisters are always crying. LOL I don’t read anything into it anymore.

        • But I do remember one day, not this past week, but the week before, when there were I think two motions for mistrial, that the sisters came out of chambers crying as usual, but they had folders of papers that they were looking over. So I wonder what the papers were about. It seemed more serious than usual. I think it was the day that juror 5 was excused.

          • I read earlier that the sisters are wanting to sue Alyce for defamation of character of Travis…

            I don’t know if this is true or not…I tried googling earlier to see if their were any posting about this…I couldn’t find any…

            • Such ” gold diggers” trying to make a quick buck off the death of their brother that they were estranged from for over four years…. They are a sick bunch …….!!!

              • That was a question i have been wondering for some time now …When was the last time TA’s siblings had contact with him? If they had been estranged for 4yrs then why is the eye rolling, something stinks, i just ate a lemon acting as if they knew their brother so well. rom what I gather I think JA knew him better than anyone. They should be ashamed for what they are doing. Anybody notice that miss eye rolls drama queen knows exactly when that camera is on her and she will put on a show. Seems very immature to be a cop.

                • Sorry should be from not rom my key sticks I try to be careful and proof guess I missed that one..oops

                • I’ve heard (read?), and would love clarification from someone here with expertise, that there is often arrested development in abuse victims, which could explain (NOT excuse) some of the immature behavior of the sisters- from the superficial (bragging about household help) to the serious (inciting hatred and aggressive action toward ALV) and everything in between.

            • I think one of the people with legal knowledge on this site said that they can’t do that. Only a living person can sue for defamation of character. And I wonder if it’s not considered defamation of character if it’s true. It comes from Travis’ and his friends’ own words.

              I can understand the family being upset about hearing this stuff about Travis. But all these people on the hater sites and HLN, don’t they want to get at the truth of this thing? Well, obviously not. They wanted to burn Jodi at the stake long before the trial started. Sigh.

              • The one sister takes notes constantly during the course of this trial…I wonder if the folders of papers was her stuff?

              • You are correct TTFTO, the ABSOLUTE defense to defamation is that what has been said is true. What did Alyce do? She characterized communications she read. Yes, she characterized them in her opinion, as an expert witness. But really? Did anyone doubt the words she read?

                • By the way, none of that means they can’t sue. Anyone in this country can sue anyone else for anything.

                  I could sue you TTFTO tomorrow (or Monday when the courts actually are open) for breaking into my home tonight and raping my fiance. It’s a ridiculous suit, obviously. I don’t know your real name or where you live. But I could then attempt to force SJ’s host to turn over records to determine who you are and where you live. It would be unlikely to happen because I have no evidence whatsoever that you were here tonight and/or that you raped my fiance. But that wouldn’t prevent me from filing the suit. It would prevent me from going forward, but it wouldn’t stop me filing it as long as I could afford the filing fees and had the ability to draw up the complaint.

                  Of course, if I filed a lot of these frivolous motions, the court would eventually sanction me and preclude me from doing so again without an attorney’s certification. And you would have the right to countersue me for frivolous prosecution and a whole bunch of other causes because of the difficulties I caused you. And you’d probably win because you’d have a whole lot more cause to do so than I did in the first place. But that wouldn’t — necessarily — discourage or deter or even preclude me in the first instance.

                  Our laws are amazing, but people attempt to do stupid things with them at times.

                  And don’t worry, this was all a hypothetical. I’m not actually serious. I’d be a complete fool if I was. And I may be a fool, but I’m not that stupid. But watch, on the hater sites tomorrow, people will be bringing suits against Alyce for testifying, and making them class action suits based on what I’ve said tonight. And I wouldn’t be surprised if someone else flags a “hater alert” on me for what I’ve said.


            • How the hell are they going to do that? I posted earlier about it. To prove defamation is 3-prong. 1. What the person said must be false (Travis’s own words prove otherwise). 2. There must be documented harm to the injured party. Travis is dead. His rights died with him. His family have not been harmed that their brother was not a saint. They’re not running a business based on his name (or actually, are they? Considering the donations.) that is harmed because he is an alleged abuser (alleged because it hasn’t been proven and will never be). Lots of people survive and thrive even if their sibling was a criminal or worse so where’s the harm? 3. The person defaming must have acted in malice with reckless disregard. Um, Alyce testified as to her opinion regarding what she read. Malice? Reckless disregard? I don’t think so.

              Don’t believe HLN’s ridiculous rating-garnering propaganda.

              • ok ok ok ok dont believe them just signed potition against them a friend form here sent me

                • Sorry Tonya, I just get a bit animated about the ridiculous things claimed by the haters. I adore you!

                • Is there a petition FOR Alyce? If not, can we make one?
                  And after this is over, can Alyce file a suit against HLN, the Judge? For ENCOURAGING this hate-or at LEAST for not doing anything to STOP IT??!!

  89. so I am getting reports back from Facebook after reporting these beast who are so mean. here is small copy of what I have so far.Too much to copy and paste. But I am gonna do it every day.

    You’ll find the status of photos and timelines you report listed below.
    Note: We use our Community Standards to evaluate these reports, and do our best to address reports within 48 hours. Have questions? Please visit Reporting Help.


    You reported Julia Bedrosian’s post for containing hate speech or symbols.

    Your report is being reviewed

    Cancel Report

    You reported Kathleen Stankes-Arsenault’s comment for containing credible threat of violence.

    Your report is being reviewed


    You reported Margie Courrier’s comment for containing hate speech or symbols.

    Comment removed before reviewed

    Thanks for your report. Margie Courrier removed this comment before we reviewed your report.

    Report Date

    Margie Courrier.

    Hate Speech or Symbol

    You reported Tiana Marquez’s comment for containing hate speech or symbols.

    Tiana Marquez removed this comment

    You reported Tiana Marquez’s comment for containing hate speech or symbols.

    Tiana Marquez removed this comment

    You reported Tiana Marquez’s comment for containing hate speech or symbols.

    Tiana Marquez removed this comment

  90. Another intreseting entry I found ( )

    “This is the time set for Oral Argument on the Defendant’s Motion to Compel any and all
    materials related to the attempted interrogation of Matt McCartney and the Motion to Compel the
    Notes of Detective Flores.”
    “IT IS ORDERED denying the Motion to Compel the Notes of Detective Flores.
    The parties are advised to arrange an interview of Detective Flores by Defense counsel.
    Argument is presented regarding the Motion to Compel any and all materials related to
    the attempted interrogation of Matt McCartney.
    IT IS ORDERED granting the Motion with regarding to notes.”

    I think that’s a mistake in the minutes.
    From the context, it should say “the materials” here not “notes”.

    • you need also abused for an answer to that one see was a law student and has knowledge and Al to would be a smart cookie to get that one

      • just read it makes no sence to me i have know knowledge of law i couldn’t even read my divorce papers much less what that was

    • Okay, so there was a motion to compel any and all materials related to the interrogation of Matt, and there was a separate motion to compel Flores’s notes.

      The court consolidated the hearings — nor surprising since court dockets are overloaded and backlogged.

      The court denied the motion to compel Flores’s notes. Why? I don’t know. Perhaps the rationale for their discovery wasn’t justified or some law in AZ prevents a detective’s notes from being discoverable. I’d have to research that to know more. However, the court granted the defense an interview of Flores, presumable to determine whether or not anything he based his complaint on was worthy of further discovery. That was kind of a compromise by the judge, I’d assume.

      As regards Matt, it seems the court may have granted the motion in part. In other words, the court granted the motion as regards to any notes, but perhaps not any and all materials.

      Without seeing the actual motions filed, the transcript of the proceeding, and the resulting order, I’m just speculating. Generally, minute entries are very specific. But I’m not familiar with AZ, and perhaps they don’t specify that they granted the motion in part, only. In FL, the docket often said a motion was granted, even though it was only granted in part. When I worked in IL, we didn’t have online docket entries, and we relied specifically on the order. Also, I’ve seen multiple typos in both FL and AZ online docket entries. So, I’m going to assume it’s just a summary. They both have a caveat that the entries are just summaries.

  91. They said that HLN covered the story differently than they did on JM getting the autographs…

    Well…duh…HLN covers all stories differently with their spins of the truth and their breaking news segments…by the time they get through with a story…it’s an entirely different story…hahahahah….

    • Doesn’t matter if they spun the story or not, they still did the story and JUAN was in the wrong…

      So are they saying they are covering their asses for JUAN?

      • Juan is definitely in the wrong with the smiles and autographs….he could have just as easily put his hand up and said “NO”…but he didn’t….he just smiled…and signed away with a big grin for everyone…and he looked so happy getting the photographs….

        It reminded me of when I took my youngest son to Disney World a few years ago…he smiled with that big grin on his face when Mickey put his arm around him near the entrance…LOL…

        Yes….I would agree that they are helping him….a lot of people are helping him…shouldn’t that be some type of misconduct?

        • It was really inappropriate for him to do that.

          I remember hearing somewhere that one of the people in the crowd outside the courthouse had a pot with a rabbit in it (like from the movie “Fatal Attraction”) and I wonder if a juror saw THAT. Whether or not it was filmed as proof, I think the jurors should be questioned thoroughly and individually again and again. There are a lot of crazy things going on outside that courthouse. The jury should have been sequestered, but it’s too late now. Sigh.

        • I’m honestly not sure he was “in the wrong” by posing for photos, to be honest. If he discussed the case with the public, then, he was most definitely in the wrong. But there’s no proof he did. If a juror saw him, it could be construed as inappropriate conduct, but it’s a thin line. A juror might have to state specifically that his/her verdict was influenced by seeing the prosecutor act as a hero, and dozens of “fans” lining up to get his autograph. It’s a really really really thin line while the trial proceeds.

          Was his conduct poor judgment on his part? YES. But was it misconduct? That’s hard to say.

          • Plus, whether or not it is misconduct and whether or not it tainted the jury are two separate questions.

    • Thats what I was saying here earlier today, (or yesterday Im so mixed up) Miss Wong is the HLN producer who took the footage from the AZ news channel and edited it to make it short and show the part where JM was signing the cane and posing for pics. I think the defense wants Miss Wong to testify about the entire footage, not just the part that HLN broadcasted that was edited. Hmmm…..I saw the tape, there wasn’t anything there that I could see, but then again, I have no idea what Miss Wong will say or what Nurmi may know about it. He must feel there is something there to warrant bringing her to court.

      • He is one smart man…gotta like him…I agree he knows something…I watch him during trial….he never misses a beat….

    • gee wonder where JM got his pratice of cross examination of a witness he got for HLN folkes

  92. It looks like TA refinanced his home an awful lot. The last timei think was in May 2008? I could be wrong but that certainly lends credence to The defence’s claim that Travis misled people about his financial situation.

    • yes or did this happen because someone helped him do the kkk trvis clan gee that sure was close to his death one month

    • I saw two separate Trustee’s Deeds on his house and in my experience, that usually happens when you become delinquent with your payments and the Bank starts the foreclosure proceedings.

      **Disclaimer..I’m not an attorney, I just spend a lot of time in various courthouses researching public records. =)

  93. The issue isn’t if JM signed the cane or posed for pics, that was already addressed previously. The issue was whether a juror SAW it…thats why Jean C was called to the stand, she was asked if she knew if a juror had seen the posing and the signing. She didn’t know as she wasn’t there, she just commented from the studio. So, that is why Miss Wong has been called, this was not an HLN tape originally, it was a local AZ news channel story. HLN editor Wong, edited it and that is what we all saw on TV and so did the judge. This entire piece of footage is at question, maybe a juror is seen in it…maybe something os overheard, Miss Wong will have to answer that since she essentially “made” the clip.

    • Maybe there was a juror in the background of the original footage that Ms. Wong edited out?

      • That’ what I read yesterday….. from a several different sites… One stated there was five jurors in the background. I don’t believe everthing that I read but this just might be the case…

        So for the sake of arguement, let’s say there was five jurors in this footage, what does that mean?

        Does the mistrial happen?
        Do they get rid of those jurors? that would only leave 11

        • This is where we will need Al….he knows that kind of legal stuff…I had a management position in Corporate legal years ago..but not as an attorney…the job was considered a high stress job….and it was…but this trial causes me more stress than that job ever did…LOL…

          • Yes, this is a very stressful trial……. My daughter said , ” I need to quit my daytime job and work for the FBI.” I hope for Jodi’s sake there is not a mistrial….. Lord only knows how long it would take for another trial.

          • Awwww Truthseeker, that’s so sad!

            I’m not Al, but I can answer based on what I learned about the law in law school or over the years in law firms (which doesn’t really mean anything here or there). So what I can say is this: it all depends on whether or not the jurors who saw the event were influenced by it in any way, or will admit to being influenced by it. And whether or not there’s a reasonable assumption that jurors seeing that event could have been influenced by it.

            So, for example, if one juror *could* potentially have been influenced by watching the prosecutor garnering hero worship, that might not have influenced the juror at all. In fact, the juror might have considered it distasteful, or he/she might have considered it expected. Some (and perhaps, most) jurors really hold prosecutors in high estimation and believe they are extensions of the police as criminal investigators. That’s part of why Vladimir Gagic and others here have discussed the responsibilities of the prosecutor and that he/she is held to a higher standard than the defense lawyer — even though they’re both lawyers, admitted to the bar, sworn to an oath.

            But the question comes is really how much that one juror’s opinion regarding the case would have been influenced by seeing a few (or even many) of the general public hero worshipping the prosecutor. For one thing, the juror wouldn’t have been able to ascertain if those hero worshippers were friends/family of the victim, or whether they were members of the general public. So the juror might not have been influenced by it at all. If the juror had never been involved in a court case before, he/she might have considered it was par for the course. He/she might have considered that if the defense team had been there, the same thing would have happened. After all, this is a televised trial.

            Now, if 5 jurors witnessed the event, it becomes more problematic indeed. But the jurors are not supposed to discuss the case — not even with one another — until deliberation — and the same is true whether they are sequestered or not. Also, whether they were sequestered or not really doesn’t matter in terms of a juror witnessing JM’s adoration by his fans because a juror could have slipped outside for a smoke or a “fresh air” break. If the jury was sequestered, it might be more likely that a bailiff would have monitored their break more closely, but even bailiffs are not perfect.

            I guess what I’m trying to say can be boiled down to this: Yes, JM’s conduct with his adoring fans is definitely a judgment error on his part. It doesn’t look good and it’s not something a prosecutor, especially someone with his experience, should have engaged in. But did it really influence 1 or 5 jurors? If 1 or 5 jurors had told the judge it did, and that, as a result, they could only find a certain way, it would probably have been ruled on by now by the judge. She couldn’t have let that slide as long as she has.

            Apparently, during her questioning of the jurors in regards to this incident, she learned something about Juror No. 5. As a result, that juror was excused, no excuses or explanation given. Since there are 5 alternates, she could have excused 5 jurors if they had witnessed JM’s spectacle and admitted to feeling influence or prejudice as a result. Apparently, that didn’t happen. So there’s no evidence that jurors were unduly influenced by JM’s conduct.

            However, the defense filed a motion about it and requested oral arguments (a hearing). The judge couldn’t hear it immediately, because she had to allow the other side (JM – prosecution) to respond. She also had to ensure that any witnesses who might be called for the hearing were contacted (subpoenaed) and were available. Enough time has now elapsed, and the hearing is scheduled to be heard. Both sides will be allowed to present their evidence and the judge will rule and enter an order as to her findings. Later, after the verdict, that ruling can be appealed to a higher authority. (That’s a little simplistic since it could also be appealed during the trial as an interlocutory appeal, but most of those aren’t successful.)

            The law is very complex, somewhat civilized and attempts to be fair to all involved. It may not seem that way though, and sometimes, it doesn’t seem fair to me (you should have heard me go ballistic during my divorce) even though I went to law school.

            To answer your question deliberartely, FUJuan, a jury must consist in a criminal case (under federal rules and I assume AZ rules) of 12. So, if 7 jurors were excused from the original 18 panel, a mistrial would result.

            That being said, as I tried to explain above, just because a juror witnessed an event outside the courtroom (or inside) does not mean the jury as a whole is tainted. In fact, it was rumoured that Juror No. 5 spoke to other jurors (about something considered important). Yet the jurors she spoke to were not immediately dismissed. Nor was a mistrial declared,

            So to answer your question exactly, as to whether 1 or 5 jurors witnessed the events and what it means: probably nothing, except to preserve the issue for appeal.

            • I should have said this in the above: Law is not black or white (even if JM wants psychology to be so). There is tremendous grey area in the law. It’s all about interpretation.

              There are legal statutes which spell out what is a crime. And they’re black or white.

              Previous appellate court decisions define the law more specifically because they interpret the statutes and how they should be applied. But sometimes, the supreme court of a state t will overturn the rulings held by multiple other appellate courts. And then, a new “standard” is set. That new “interpretation” becomes the prevailing law until overturned.

              It’s all fuzzy and you could put 10 lawyers in a room and have them debate the subject and come up with at least 5 different perspectives.

  94. I am from Canada, so I have to rely on HLN for a lot of coverage, but I am glad that I found this site for the actual facts

    • I have noticed one thing for sure. the TA supporters are bullying and the JA supporters (here) are the opposite. That tells a story…

      • Jamie…

        And we all are supposed to be humans…and I can’t figure that out…LOL…

    • Angela,

      Welcome if you’re new. You can get live, full online coverage of the trial here every day it’s on without the chatter and commercials on HLN. Also, every day of the trial is posted here also (see top of page, right column). Plus, you can leave comments or read comments during the breaks and sidebars.

    • your welcome angela we love having you here is 3:02 in the morning in texas and im up make my comment count

  95. I have some further observations on Mr Martinez.
    I would say he is acting within the law (just) to pursue the state’s case.
    I think at the start of the trial, he thought he had a case.
    He has unwisely been seen with his fan club.
    I think at the end of Friday’s proceedings, he finally accepted the defence case in some sense.

    Now, the law allows some lattitude in how judges and prosecutors act.
    Do I agree with the way the judge and prosecutor have acted in this trial? No.
    Is it within legal bounds. Yes, as far as I know. I believe it will be subject to criticism.

    This is from a UK perspective, and I should say this is the first US trial I have observed.

    • As a UK citizen, and an expat, I’d say your observations are astute.

      JM has exhibited questionable behaviour for sure. Is it misconduct to the point of resulting in bar sanctions? I don’t think so, unless it can be proven that he influenced a juror. That’s a fine line.

      The judge: I think she has tried to stay out of things as much as she can. I think that was her decision upon learning she was going to be on the bench for this case. She decided to let the lawyers run her courtroom. Hey, that was her prerogative. She’s the GOD in her court room. Many of her decisions may be overturned on appeal. But perhaps she doesn’t care about being overturned yet. She probably didn’t experience the risk in family court or juvenile court. So, she’s letting the attorneys and the TV cams have their thang. She’ll be remembered as a very fair judge when time passes.

    • I have been reading at the link you provided and would like to say you have done a wonderful job putting it together. Very easy to follow and very insightful. Thanks for the link! I have more questions now and why so much has been left out of this trial. Also the det Flores police report presented for the jury gives a whole different scenario much left out and the some of the wording has changed the actual truth. He makes it appear as if the friends contacted Zachery as if he is somewhere else when he was right there in the home. He also leaves out the fact that he knew where the bedroom keys was it appears that they “found” a key. That is just a start of the misconceptions in this report. Now my question is how can they get away with presenting such a false report? Didnt JM tell ALV that a lie is a lie whether a white lie small lie or a big lie!!!!!! Whose lieing now??

  96. Hello? does anyone wonder what is wrong with our youth today, all the violence, bullying in schools, and the lack of respect to fellow human beings?

    Look at Martinez and ask yourself; is this a behavior problem? yes, it is and the judge should enforce some order to the court. I think someone did because he has calmed down since last week but really wth?

    • I think it took Alyce L. having to go to the emergency room to get JM and the judge to behave as though they’re decent human beings. It was probably fear of a lawsuit that did it. It really is disgusting.

      • but it did not stop him he went right for the throat with her lieing to the jury

  97. Why does Nancy Disgrace pronounce the word “jurors” as “jur-ars”?? Does everyone in Georgia pronounce it this way?

  98. Hey all!! I had still been posting on the other page today..I guess I’m blinder than I thought I was, lol!!
    (Lainey, who doesn’t understand why Fl gave this blind old lady a drivers license, but 6 months later Pa refused, saying they “don’t allow blind people to drive” in this state, bastards.. ;). )

    ANYWAYS: 2 things right now

    1. MB/SC/whoever else knows-I have screenshots of a blog talking about how obvious it is that the jury has been watching media-and apparently they are very pleased. WHERE do I send the screenshots?

    2. I can’t find a single picture of grace Wong to see if she was the Asian woman who justified all the hate against AL, even encouraged it. Can NOT find a single picture of her so we know if it was her!!


  99. I need some help on this question…

    Does anyone know if it is true that JM and the judge were friends way back?

    I read on a blog earlier on in this trial that they were friends or had worked together before…

    • I believe they have worked on other cases together. I tried search to see how far they go back but wasn’t successful.

      • her…. sorry, it’s late and my fingers aren’t working so well with the keyboard.

      • Thanks for helping with the search…sometimes things are hard like finding a needle in a haystack…but hey…I have a medal detector now….LOL…

        • My dad gave me one of his metal detector’s….guess I’m going to find some things in the ground tomorrow…maybe that needle???hmm…

          • I hope you find a buried treasure Truthseeker. Metal detectors are fun. A friend of mine found a revolutionary war cannonball. That was cool.

    • that is what i heard here on this site but ???? to that the way they go at in court room i believe it to be true

  100. I am just so damn mad that these people are attacking a person who is simply doing her job about what she believes in. She has disected the information given to her, and given her opinion based on her excellent work in the field of domestic violence.

    To me these haters, going up to amazon to try and ruin her career, and making threats towards her are common criminals. They deserve the be traced via internet, threatened with legal proceedings against them. Then the laws need to be adjusted to include mandatory fines, and possible jail time for attacking a servent of the court system.

    The hatred shown by these people is detestable. They are truly sick people. These people show absolutely that they have no regard for the ability of a citizen of our countries right to have a fair trial. They are not only judge and jury in their own minds, but use terrorizing tactics to keep the justice system from proceeding fairly. Shame, shame…. shame on all of you!!!!!!!

    • you dont understand you are dealing with the kkk clan the travis clan renamed the travis clan the kkk because of all the hate they want every one to believe the jodi did not suffer any abuse from travis this is kkk stuff and it is working because it is destroying witness lives and business and thats not right we need to fight back get chris and sky hughes dan hall and other who have started all this to begin with

    • They contacted the licensing board wanting her license revoked. They attacked her on every level.

  101. I just found this: it is the unedited version of the tape that g.wong edited for hln. I don’t know how to capture a still but if you look at 1:50 you will see two people standing at the building, (possibly jurors)??? Juror # 8 is a ceo supposedly and also 2 other jurors are ladies in the range of the woman in the green dress. If you have someone attending court maybe they can identify these people. I hope this helps. jmo….

    • would be interesting to know if they may be possible jurors…do you feel the important things get overlooked ????

      • oh thought of something else…seems the newslady is trying to downplay this as if she initiated the walk outside so it really wasnt his fault and then there was the gathering of people so it really wasnt what it seems. She didnt appear dressed for the occasion to be wanting news footage, just saying

        • News people always know what kind of parade or circus of people that are gathering around the courthouse outside…it’s like an understanding to know this…kinda like in their job description…they need the breaking news video to feed to their television audience for their great ratings…hmmm…

          After all they claim to camp out on the doorsteps of the courtroom each and everyday…they have a fairly clear understanding and visual knowledge of the people coming in and out each day….

    • eb….4 seconds prior to your 1:50…

      Look at 1:46 you see the three security guards opening the doors for those two people to exit through the doors of the building at 1:50…

      yes…if they aren’t the jurors then they are someone important that was in the courtroom for three security guards to escort to the exit of the doors…

  102. It bothers me that CNN makes a big deal about bullying, as did Dr Drew etc, and they carry on the way they do as adult bullies And they wonder why the youth acts the way they do. It is rampant on tv these days in most of the reality shows. It is very sad that ratings and money are held in higher regard than basic human decency. I had a lot of respect for Anderson Cooper until I saw him with Nancy Grace

  103. It takes all kinds to make the world go round, or so I am told…

    some of these haters are truly delusional, this post proves it for me!

    “Travis is Not Dead–I assure you–he Roams Around with his Wounded Eyes–as he Aches for Justice and for The Restoration of His Reputation!–which has been Slashed by the Knife of Lies!…”

    Okay, who in their right mind would post something like that? The scary part is they actually believe what they post. Good Grief!! 🙁

    • i wonder is they got that here i was describing how we are still here to someone who lost a cat

  104. we sit at 1000 comments and this one makes it 1001 im tired it 3:35 am in arlington will say my prayers and include jodi my she find a little happyness durning the days off from this trial mybe the inmates can make her laugh laugher is good for the soul

  105. When I heard about the Amazon book review thing, I contacted Amazon over the weekend and brought it to their attention and told them if they didn’t remove those irrelevant reviews that they’d be losing me as a customer (which adds up to hundreds of dollars a month I should be embarrassed to admit, lol) and I told them they’d lose money from people avoiding the book due to the fake reviews AND that they’d probably get some kind of legal intervention on behalf of Alyce at some point. They said they are going to do their best to remove all of those reviews so hopefully they will take it seriously. Unfortunately there’s not much we can do to stop the calls to her office and the speaking organizations but hopefully Alyce will get a legal team to help her with that. I truly feel bad for her. Well, on verdict day WHEN Jodi is acquitted, (or convicted but is later acquitted on appeals/retrial) Alyce and all of us on Team Jodi will have the last laugh!

    • I wish they would do something soon. There are over 1000 fake reviews posted. Amazon has been really good at giving lip service to those of us who complain, but so far they aren’t taking any action.

      I think the national media mentioning their site in such a negative way may help as well.

      • After I complained over the weekend, this is what they said:

        “Hello Hannah,

        I looked into your recent reports of violations of our Review Guidelines regarding “It Could Happen To Anyone: Why Battered Women Stay .” We’re aware that that there is a possible campaign for this title using our Customer Reviews, and that some reviews don’t adhere to our guidelines. We appreciate that you took the time to contact us to bring this situation to our attention.

        We’re taking steps to prevent this from reoccurring. However, it will take some time to remove the reviews that violate our guidelines. I appreciate your patience while we work to resolve this problem. Any changes made will appear soon.

        You can see our participation guidelines here:

        I hope this helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

        Best regards,

        Hopefully they will get to it quickly because apparently Alyce is releasing an updated version of the book tomorrow or sometime in April and they will likely just all flood her new book. I went through and reported as many comments as I could (some more than once) but with hundreds of pages and thousands of comments I unfortunately couldn’t get to them all without getting carpal tunnel or staying up more than 24 hours straight. LOL. This actually isn’t a laughing matter though and if it doesn’t get resolved soon they will be hearing from me on a daily basis until it is! It’s sad that this is what happens to someone who is just testifying and making a living and trying to do what’s right within the justice system. Unfortunately some people grow up in a fantasy world and don’t like to hear the truth but those types of people are usually the ones who couldn’t comprehend it if it hit them in the face anyways.

  106. hey guys i got this from Amazon just now. Please tell me it’s BS:

    Posted on Apr 14, 2013 1:44:37 PM PDT
    hippy says:
    Suborning perjury and perjury is a CRIME. Alyce D. LaViolette is a perjurer and Jennifer Wilmott and Kirk Nurmi are clearly suborning perjury. Funny thing is I have information they all will be held accountable, but they have to wait til after the trial because first they have to preserve the record so the state can fry that murderer Jodi Aries. Anyhow, the other three scumbags have a huge bill coming for the actions they have taken. best case the two attorneys are disbarred and Alyce gets banned from treating people. But there will probably be jail time too, and karma will eat their liver as a bonus.

    This is the person that cal me an idiot, troll, wished me to get cancer and i reported him at least 10 times to Amazon, but they only removed few posts and he/she continues to posts, not using even the real name. That should not be allowed on Amazon. They lost a customer in me too.

    • Yeah that is disgusting. I encourage you to contact Amazon customer service by phone or email and tell them about how those people have been cyber-harassing you and how if they don’t remove those types of reviews they will lose another customer! Let’s face it, we could buy 99% of the stuff Amazon sells in a store near us but we buy online because sometimes it’s cheaper but mostly it’s more convenient! If they get enough people complaining they might get to resolving the problem a little quicker. Unfortunately I wouldn’t hold your breath on that, though. :/

      Good luck Mariana and i’m sorry you were attacked on Amazon by imbeciles. Name-calling is the refuge of the weak and people only do it when they don’t have any real fact-based insults against you or anything intelligent to contribute! 🙂

  107. I have ? maybe someone can answer. So the day that proceedings took place behind closed doors with Alyce was this because of the threats? What was the witness tampering? And did any see how the judge spoke to Alyce the week before the rest of the proceedings took place in chambers where she was like I don’t want to hear about your personal problems? I thought is was very rude, might she have been not wanting to come back to testify due the threats?

    On a personal note, I agree with you all, these people are like neanderthals living in the dark ages very limited narrow mindsets, its disgusting. I also think the Judge and Juan are in a love relationship LOL. Why is he allowed to get away with how he addresses the witnesses? He too is responsible for people acting so vicious.

  108. Can someone make a list of Nancy Grace Sponsors so an effort can be made to let them know our disapproval of them supporting her show. You have to go after the money.

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