Leave your comments below on the final session of day 41, as Alyce LaViolette’s testimony concludes… and the tale of Snow White & the 7 dwarfs begins…
Team Jodi
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Go Jennifer!!! great job getting through these questions. Alyce is rockin it today too 🙂
There is so much evidence that Travis was abusing Jodi. It really is ridiculous that any woman would be supporting the theory that Jodi was the abusive one. Yes, apparently she did kill Travis which was obviously wrong. At the same time, abused women can only take so much. WhenTravis came after Jodi for dropping the camera, she obviously feared for her life after all the abuse she had already previsouly experienced from him. I think Alyce LaViolette is doing a fantastic job and is holding her own with the prosecuting attorney. He is just another abusive, angry man…
Jodi, Jodi, I feel for you. Could someone, somewhere help me understand. I know we have freedom of speech. Why are the news pundits allowed to slander Jodi the way they are?. I have loved HLN, but the news moderators all rave about Martinez (who is a joke) Jodi has sooo much material for appeal, that If I didn’t know better, I would think Martinez is working for that. He is so inept and nobody seems to see it. ” Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, Indeed. There needs to be a newsperson on one of the news shows who is rooting for Jodi and sees what Travis Alexander was. They keep singing his praises (This man sent pictures of his erect ‘ member’ to the girl who was ‘stalking’ him. I don’t think so. Any woman who has dealt with one of these and survived can spot ‘him’ a mile away. The judge should have stopped JM a month ago, and if she couldn’t then declare a mistrial. Go Team Jodi. Jodi, you look broken, but please, don’t be. We are behind you!!!
So TA would buy rope for his twisted pleasure, but wouldn’t buy KY for Jodi for her comfort? Very selfish man, to say the least.
JW and ALV are both rocking it today and showing what a creep TA really was to soooooo many women. I am still in shock that it was this bad. He was worse than I ever imagined.
Just think about all of the horrible things that were done that weren’t documented. I am sure there were many other instances that were never mentioned in the journal, texts, etc.
Does anyone know if Jodi’s family ever hired a private investigator? It seems that this would be the only way to cut through to the truth… Mesa is such a Mormon town and the PPL clique will stick together no matter what. TA’s bad behavior is known by at least one other woman, Jodi wasn’t his first; and if she could be found the case could be turned. Better yet if a PI could get to the bottom of how the roommates didn’t notice the smell…..This is too far fetched to even buy. Why hasn’t anyone looked a lot harder at TA’s PPL associates and all the other husbands, ex girlfriends and people he owed money to?
Yes, that is something I find extremely odd. I think I remember Jodi saying he used spit as a lubricant (reminds me of Brokeback Mountain, to be honest); so Travis *knew* at some point, something had to assist him to complete the sex act. I find it hard to believe, in the age of the internet, that Travis honestly did not know what KY Jelly was.
I thought I understood him to say that he had previously used Vaseline with his other partners
ewwww he knew what Astro Glide was because you can order it online. An KY has commercials on tv I guess he never seen the commercials. ya right. He was too embarrassed to buy it is all depended on his lady friends to buy it instead.
I hope Martinez does not get to cross until Monday
I know it will never happen, but I would love it if JM said he had no questions of ALV.
That would be admitting to the jury he lost the case. He needs to ask her stuff, if for no other reason, than to show his family he is trying his best.
First Monday in May!!:>)))))
Good witness (better than the last) but don’t think its helping. I’m imagining the jury collecively thinking ‘who cares’.
If they’re thinking that, they are watching HLN.
I was of the same opinion till this morning. Now I am not.
And I think Jennifer’s just about to wrap this whole thing up.
What this guy put this young lady through is just vile. And how a single person can stand all of this for so long is beyond, at least my, imagination.
And she has got to be immensely scared and skittish.
This will tie into her being immensely scared and will explain her actions and the damage. Just watch.
TA was totally vile. He desperately needed psychiatric help, but his ego wouldn’t allow it.
That’s why he’s dead.
It’s the ones who damage other people who never opt for help.
Think his own family knows the real truth about him.
I hear you and agree with what you’re saying, but concerned that #5’s opinions may be prevalent. Odds are at least one or two of the 12 have been verbally/emotionally abused and/or know someone who has been physically abused. But guessing none of them know anyone who killed the abuser. Not saying whats right or wrong here, just saying I’m guessing that is what they are thinking and that overall they think Jodi is a psycho. They could spend another 10 days saying how abusive and perverted or whatever JA was, but bottom line is, on the day he died, she had gone travelled a long way to get there…
We don’t know if Juror 5 was actually a DV victim herself, and she’s in that courtroom to want to learn more.
Someone who allegedly was in the courtroom today tweeted that ex-Juror #5 SMILED at Jodi. Unfortunately, it’s tough to know what that smile meant — could go either way.
Could be a smile that meant either:
1. “I’m still in your corner, Jodi — even showed up when I no longer had to.”
2. Or, it could be a smile that meant, “Your defense lawyers thought they got rid of me… Well, I’m still here b****!”
I’m thinking it’s probably #2. Because it seemed to have been Jodi’s team who wanted Juror #5 to be dealt with or whatever.
Anyone have thoughts about this?
I would tend to agree w that. and she is sitting on Arias side to throw people off
“2. Or, it could be a smile that meant, “Your defense lawyers thought they got rid of me… Well, I’m still here b****!””
I think it was that one. Juror #5 looks….nevermind.
Expect the worse in juror #5. With the way this is going anyone there can be a back stabbing suspect.
I don’t believe for a second that Lurker 5 was a Jodi supporter. If she was, she would be doing interviews..a mistrial would be a defense win. She’s making sure she doesn’t do anything to help the defense.
also I’ve heard that the remaining jurors are not writing as many questions. I guess we will know for sure when the questions come out. If they are sarcastic in tone, then it wasn’t her. I can’t just shake the feeling she looks vindictive. Also, the defense wouldn’t have insisted she get the boot if she was showing any signs of support. The judge should of told her she can’t be in or near the courthouse. The jury might be feeling very uncomfortable with her there, since it was them who spilled the beans on her.
I wonder wtf the bailiff was talking and laughing with her about, Friends maybe….its inappropriate for a court employee to be hob knobing with her like that.
I think it is #2, they said she smiled when Martinez went to cross-examine the witness today. She is NOT on her side.
jury #5 could just stay home and watch on TV. She should not be allowed there, but it is still a free country. God Bless America ! It’s not perfect ,but better than any other Country. Jodi would not even have a chance in Italy. Jodi will be just fine. No matter what happens in this trial. She is free of TA, and soon will be free of prison.
I am thinkin.. perhaps #5 voiced things( in that meeting before she was dismissed,) in favor of jodi and thats why the family came out crying and Jodi, KN, and JW came out smiling… any thoughts on that ?? Plus, not that it means anything, but she is sitting on Jodis side..
And that doesn’t mean ANYTHING, Grunt. Didn’t you even follow the case? She had already planned the trip, and there is proof that the visit to Mesa was a last-minute thing.
FFS. It’s like banging one’s head against a wall.
And BTW, you need only one or two people on the witness stand who won’t convict on murder 1, so it is very likely you are wrong.
I mean jurors, not witness stand.
You may very well be correct. I said ‘I’m guessing’.
And yes, have been following and are very familar with the details of this trial.
One of my other guesses is this could end up as a mistrial.
Anything short of murder one is a huge victory for the defense, even a hung jury.
Don’t lose sight of that.
right, wrong or indifferent, the prosecution will never get this jury to come back with murder one. in fact, after all this hand-wringing and money-spending, the prosecution will have to settle for a manslaughter conviction… OR a complete walk/acquittal.
You have to remember…they have mad a clear case that bc he abused her, she reacted like that when he attacked her!!! And they have made it very clear, that he had the capacity to be violent and attack her….they will sum it all up in the end in closing arguments
Grunt, Have you actually watched this trial ?
I hope your wrong on that. I have been interested. I learned even more about Travis then I learned from previous days of testimony.
And it’s direct from the horse’s mouth. ALV is just providing an explanation for the behavior based on the information she has.
Do you realize that you are on a Jodi Arias support site Grunt? I am unsure what to make of your comments?
Woo Hoo, I’m fifth. No one’s ever claimed fifth. I am just so special.
Yes you are Al!!
A Burden, not a Virgin.
Yes TA that stand for Total asshole. He was such an innocent virgin that Jodi corrupted?.. Well the facts are on the table and they can deny deny deny and spin it around all they want but most reasonable people I would hope can see that TA was a nightmare.
Damn it Kermit….. shut the hell up!!!!!
AL is hitting it home today- direct to the heart – – yeah haters…how would you be holding up? What would you do to keep your sanity through this trial?
I just can’t believe how Kermit came out the gate acting so hostile to ALV. This man disgusts me beyond what I can explain. He’s trying to behead the Domestic Violence expert, simply showcasing that he’s probably one of these very type of men at home with his wife.
What an arrogant, condescending, barely articulate BULLY Martinez is. He’d better hope there’s no one on the jury who feels as much dislike for him as I feel. Seriously, he would make me fight for a lesser charge for Jodi just because I don’t like HIM.
I absolutely agree with you!! And the Snow White rant…what the hell was that about? He looked like an absolute fool!
I couldn’t of said it better! No wonder he works alone! His screaming gives me a headache!!! Hopefully it’s turning the jury off big time..Little Man Syndrome for sure!!!
You took the words right out of my mouth….Totallly agree! I think his nasty mouth is going to get her a lesser charge.
Thank you Alyce Laviolette, Jodi was an abused woman!
So add a pissed off husband to the list of suspects that Mesa PD overlooked by their propensity to tunnel vision and group think.
Yes so many people had a reason to slash those tires.
Yep – who all did TA owe money to? the talking heads like to say Jodi slashed the tires but where is any proof? if TA thought she did it why didn’t he call the cops and accuse her?
Det Flores said the within the thousands of emails nothing stood out. What an inept Detective!!!!!!!
Yes seems to be, many
I hope that TAs sister that is a police officer is getting this! How many DV situations has she dealt with? does she get a woman does not have to have the s*** beat out of her on a daily basis to be abused?
She just keeps rolling her eyes. In denial maybe.
I think we know what kind of Emotionally immature woman that Samantha Alexander is. I promise you that just with the behavior we see in this court room, that she probably has many unfavorable relationships in the workplace and with neighbors. You can tell that she is just not quite normal with all of that uncontrolled facial distortion. No one who is healthy mentally and emotionally does that. She is probably a bit socially awkward as well
You notice they don’t focus the camera much on them anymore.
Emotional immaturity seems to run in the family…
You are right on the money. I would guess that many of the siblings have some significant Mental Health issues and Characterological Disorders, considering they have the same family of origin and experience the same abuse as TA did as children. Given their behavior in Court, I think it is safe to say that none of them has sought the Professional help they need.
Which one is she? Full face, dark brown hair?
I feel bad for the thin faced one, my guess is she has some congenital defects from parents using drugs during conception/pregnancy.
My understanding is that she battled an addiction to meth as well. That could contribute to her sunken cheeks, and maybe some dental damage as well.
Meth? and Travis ne er had money? and scr
screwed his pecker raw? could there be a conne tion there?not w his sis,necessarily,
but w him? any thoughts?
and the temper he had?and on one long trip w Jodi he got angry because it was taking too long to get home? In many casts, you can be totally unaware of where someones behavior is coming from of your area unaware of The signs of that substance use.
Yes I believe that TA showed MANY signs of meth use & I for one am shocked that this has been completely ignored by the law enforcement investigating the case as well as the defense attorneys. To me its obvious and here are a few of the reasons
TA lost a significant amount of weight in a relatively short amount of time (Meth is one of the few things even capable of producing such rapid weight loss, steroids I believe would have left TA looking more built with big muscles on his upper body )
TA always needing to borrow money. How much money did he make at his job? How much were his bills? If law enforcement were to look into that like they should have & if they were to of found that his income should have paid his bills then there would of been the big question of what was TA spending his money on? How many people are killed because they have a drug debt they cant pay? Many! Arizona has a meth problem, its rampant there. I think its not out of the range of possibility that Jodi may have shot TA & in shock ran out of the apartment and TA was found and finished off by someone he owed money to OR by a jealous husband OR by Mormon friends who are sickened by his antics (the ear to ear neck being slit could not have been done by Jodi and come on that is not just a weird coincedence that cutting the throat in that fashion is a Mormon thing that has meaning to them)
TA has family history of drug addiction & he grew up in a dysfunctional environment.Those two things together add up to an adult with a better than not chance of having a drug addiction
Sexual deviance, Red & raw penis (presumably from hours upon hours of being in use)
I think I read this in the Flores interview of one of TA roommates where they mentioned TA having been awake for 23 hours or something along those lines …if he is up & moving around & not extremely tired again one of the only ways this is possible in a person is from meth use
What an idiotic comment!! Meth??
WOW you noticed the Red Pecker too? ya something weird about that I think too. Could be Steroids someone said on here they make them crazy too. An the pecker don’t work right so it maybe raw because it takes longer to get done? They also said they never tested him for drugs?
Your right found a u tube of her finally doing the bungee jump an she finally smiled an lot of missing or black teeth one of the 2. I think she has lost a lot of weight during the trial as her earlier photos on FB her face in not so drawn in like that. She just never smiles is all so she looks so sad or mean all the time.
Does anyone think TA appears genuinely happy in the many pictures of him? His world was imploding IMO. As Alyce mentions of abusers, he was feeling powerless, and becoming despondent and desperate.
The blatant, willful history of incompetence of the Maricopa Police Dept. is documented at a level criminal negligence. Look it up, please, and see for yourselves. Innocent people have and are loosing their rights.
Jodi locked up for five blinking years already? I cannot begin to fathom how she is able to withstand what she has been put through by virtually every source that should have been protecting her, and still maintain her hope for a life of comfort and satisfaction that is supposedly our birthright in this country.
She has even been deprived of the physical and emotional treatment to help her deal with all of this. We have heard of all the hours of testing and grilling she was subjected to, but over and over on the stand it has been stated that she was NOT TREATED.
Les Miserables_I Dreamed a Dream:
But the tigers come at night, with their voices soft as thunder;
and they TEAR your HOPE apart___and they__
Join the only support page on Facebook recommended by JodiAriasisinnocent.com at http://www.facebook.com/teamarias Speak your mind without the Jodi haters 🙂
Alyce and Jennifer kicking some AZZZZZZ now. Take that Stumpy!
Some thoughts on Juror #5:
This woman is obviously unhinged. Another juror “ratted her out” to the judge. D you guys think that it is possible that they are as annoyed and appalled by her presence as I am? Relieved that they won’t have to deliberate with her? More likely to look at this objectively because she is, by all appearances, an annoying biased nutcase?
Are you referring to her appearance as in hair or her appearance in court?
I said that she appears, as in seems, to be 1. annoying, 2. biased, and 3. a nutcase.
How do you get this impression? During break she sat there quietly. I don’t understand maybe. Have the actual statements as to why she is no longer on the jury been revealed? She COULD be like one of US and stated openly that she thought this trial was like a circus…just saying…we need to keep an open mind. Have you seen her “biased” behavior? and what is annoying to you about her? I keep away from the media so I have not seen her except in court today. Has she appeared elsewhere publicly?
1. She showed up the the courtroom after being dismissed, 2. She showed up in the courtroom after being dismissed, 3. She showed up in the courtroom after being dismissed
I hear you joujoubaby, I was flabberghasted to find out she *showed up in the courtroom* after being thrown off the jury. It just shows the lack of respect for boundaries and attitude of entitlement the pro-prossies have.
I wouldn’t blame the jury if they were annoyed or appalled, or even asked that she be removed entirely.
She may have a “right” to be there, as a private citizen spectator, but under the circumstances it is inappropriate.
More than inappropriate, I think. Inappropriate is white shoes after Labor Day. This is a first class ticket on the express train to Crazytown. Next Stop Looneyville.
LOL. This trial seems to have brought out all the crazies.
You said it, TR. And the king loon is leading the Napoleonic charge.
I think her showing up just adds to making this trial even more a circus. Of course I was curious too to see her, but she should have never been allowed to be there after she has been dismissed in the first place. What kind of person you have to be, to be showing up after you have been dismissed? What appropriate reason is there to attend court life, after you have been excused? There are other ways to watch this trial. She is obviously sending some kind of message to the court by attending and probably not sitting there out of mere respect towards the the court decision to dismiss her.
A trial should be a serious matter and not some kind of soap opera, where anybody can add to the cheap story whatever they please ignoring any form of ethics. I hate to say it but I think it should have been up to the judge to provide a fair trial. I do not think her being there influences the trial being fair as so far as that it does add to the soap opera effect of this to me seems to me is disrespectful to the court in itself.
TA’s sister that is the cop continually rolls her eyes whenever AL says Jodi is abused! How can that be allowed? is that not prejudicial in terms of how it may affect the jurors.
And the kicker is she never even knew Jodi at all.
I know none of the sisters met her.
Apparently, her familiarity with her brother was not very extensive either.
denial probably..
Non of them were close with Travis after he moved to Mesa….something happened. And his two brothers didn’t talk to him ever after he left….I feel bad for that family, their parents really fucked them up!!
Alyce is incredible!!! She has explained so much that helps me too!
Same here.
She is isn’t she. I’m not in an abusive relationship but still wish I could book a few sessions with her!
OMG JW you just rock!!!!
ditto !
I’m 61 and have endured thousands of hours of therapy for a childhood so similar to Jodis, I’m suprised I’m not in jail for the same thing, that being said, I’ve learned more from listening to this witness than all if the therapy combined! Wow, what a learning this has been! Thank you Jodi for standing up for yourself, I’m glad you didn’t let him kill you…I hope the justice system will let you live, and be free, no human or animal should ever have to tolerate what you’ve been thru, my sister, I apologize for what has happened, and hope you can somehow put tour life together once this is behind you…
I also agree. It helps me understand my compartmentalization. What a lesson this has been to all of us.
JW just asked the perfect, million dollar question – Mrs. LaViolette, what are you basing your testimony on?
Yes! I loved that she mentioned the communications between TA and OTHER WOMEN…
I had no idea they had TA’s journal. That is great that they have it. Thank God for all the text/emails/call/ writing he left behind. As Jodi once said. If TA were here he would tell you I am innocent. Well here he is telling all of this,
And his friends all said “Jodi Arias”! The Hughes said ” ….could not think of anyone else who would do anything to him”. Maybe, a loving parent, a scorned husband, an ex boyfriend, a church, a pyramid (scam), a loan shark, etc.
Ex Roommate Thomas Brown was interviewed 3 times and that info was excluded by Det Flores and Prosecutor tried hiding it from the Defense.
I clicked on your link, but I can’t find that information.
WOW!!!!!!!! You go JW!!!!!
I needed that!
Yes Ty ALV for explaining the misuse of the word bipolar. I have lived with Bipolar Disorder for almost 25 years I get tired of people throwing it around.
Hahaha, I love it that JW asked if she had a memory problem to get it out of the way now!
LMFAO! JW: “Do you have a memory problem?” Love it!
Hah! Love it! Do you have a memory problem! Way to kick ass JW!
Do you have a memory problem????
YAY JW!!!!
OMG, that was priceless. I spit out my drink………..
Haha get this out of the way. Do you have a memory problem. Love it
Oh My Jennifer, she just knocked me out of my chair.
“I guess I’ll get this out of the way right now. Do you have any memory problems?”
Suck on that JM!
LOve This!!!
OH God.. here we go
Oh dear here we go
NOOOOOO not the kermit!!
OMG!!!! DO YOU HAVE A MEMORY PROBLEM? Rmao lol. Stick it Stumpy.
Oh, shit, here it is…
Damn….Kermit is up!!!
F**K Yeah!!! Go JW!!! “do you have a memory problem?”
She rocks!
Ms LaViolette, Do you have a memory problem????
GO, JW!!!!!!
Priceless wasn’t it? 🙂
Dang it – missed it. I’ll catch up later but – I knew I admired that woman! JW is the epitome of classy, smart, professional attorney.
NOOO! Martinez is crossing! Why the heck is he attacking her schooling!?
That had to be the best line of the trial:
“I guess I will get this out of the way now. Do you have a memory problem? Do you like Jodi to where it would influence your opinion.”
Oh boy, JM is going to try and say she isn’t qualified. OMG.
Beating her up for not having phd
What a no-good prick.
Kermit is so freaking predictable and so pathetic. One-trick pony.
Why does Juan attack education? What a putz.
Because he is envious of his lacking in it.
He has nothing else. And how funny that his expert is barely out of school.
I’d love for someone to find out what his GPA was in school and how high his law school rated in terms of quality when he was there. He is so disrespectful. IMO
He is gonna hang himself!! (JM)
Yep. Just said you don’t use that book oh so you do use that book.
When? I sure won’t miss that!!!
Oh no he isn’t going after her education and expertise … WTF
He is going to go after her.
What the hell is his questioning got to do with DV?
ALV…..Go girl…get him!!!!
We get so hiped up over this it’s ridiculously funny! Martinez is trying to disqualify an abused women in the dsm book. I think he has a memory problem.
wow, he is going to be hostile with her…
I don’t think that being hostile will be effective in this trial, especially with an expert and where the defense is a battered and abused person. And he doesn’t want the truth to be known. This trial is not about Jodi, it is about the prosecutor and his pride. He twists everything. I would acquit because of Martinez twisting the facts. She has admitted to the crime and I do not believe premeditation was proved.
BAM. I totally agree.
If that is true, and I share your opinion here, he should get a role in a soap opera where he can knock himself out being the hero. His behavior to me is an abuse to the court and its laws in itself and the judge lets him get away with it. What have we been learning about abusive relationships for the past week??????? Isn’t it interesting this trial is presenting the same kind of abusive manner?
Vebe, What you write is so true. This trial is becoming a parody of itself!
Nice example of being verbally abusive carried out right in front of everyone, what an idiot, but when she walks, well have to thank him for being such an excellent example! He needs to remove that taco from his butt and get back to the business at hand, practicing law, not bullying and abusing the witnesses, it is counterproductive and only shows how loosly wound he is, nothing else, he certainly is unable to get any cooperation from the witness, which would only improve his chances of being successful…what a goon!
It is wrong and selfish, but I want ALV to kick his butt!!!! I PRAY SHE USES EVERY OUNCE OF HER TRAINING TO SMITE KERMIT.
My prediction: she will not smite him, she will judo his smarmy a$$.
AL is gonna slip JM her card on the way out
nah, she probably knows he is hopeless…
Now, that’s too d*** funny. LMAO
I think Alyce is prepared. Go Alyce Go!!!!!!!
So battered women are a myth. What a skank he is.
I hope there are no battered women on that Jury or Jury mother was abused.
It’s not in Ze Book, so DV does not exist.
She can handle him haha. Go ALV
Oh no he didn’t! Did Juan just say there is no such thing as a battered woman because it is not in the ICD9?
Jodi’s a liar, a liar, a liar, and she has manipulated ALV to believe she’s a battered woman.
verbally abusive much or is that statement simply sarcasm?
Of course it’s sarcasm.
Nice to see you on Jodiisinnocent Tonysam. I’ll see you on the CroakerQueen feed soon, so will all my friends on here to. Jodi may be a liar but Travis’s emails are screaming the truth 🙂
I am just poking fun at the usual talking points of HLN. Travis basically indicted himself on those documents.
Way to go Kermit for beating up on a DV expert. She is going to get him good. Yes or no so sick of that
She is not backing down….lol what an ass…
Her smile was priceless!!!!
OMG ALV!!!!!! go girl!!!!
That was good s***!!!
Mr. Martinez, are you angry at me?
Best line in the trial.
Mr. Martinez are you angry at me.
Really? ALV said that?? If so… awesome.
She also made the entire courtroom laugh! It was a GOOD DAY!
omg!!! good girl ALV
I needed that! She has him!
Are you angry at me!! hahahahah The judge had to ask people not to laugh
Haha asking him if he is angry with him. Love it
Hah! Are you mad at me?
Damn skippy. I hope she pops the bubble he has blown for himself. I hope when he leaves the courtroom today he looks like a deflated tire dragging his ass out the back.
Bless her soul!
AMEN! I needed her today! She can handle froggy!
OMG…..another priceless moment.
He is the one Battering Alyce. What a prick.
ok you guys the fact that he says “the prosecutor” is simply because he’s not confident or sure of himself as a prosecutor hahaha
You hit that on the head, Suzy! lol
Holy shit! Alyce is my hero.
Mine too She is the true Rockstar
Mine too! 🙂
I think AL is going to give JM a run for his money. She is not going to let him run all over her.
OH….he is going to bite himself in the ass!!!
I wish she would have had a chance to rest for a few days before he started in.
Even the judge is getting pissed. “Some questions can’t be answered with a yes or a no!”
I spit my drink out. calling him out for yelling at her. He is proving nothing other than he needs to see someone about his anger.
I don’t think we should have any drinks in our possession when Kermit is yelling at AL
this is the best yet,,, hes throwing bigger tantrums then a 2 yr old baby who got a sucker taken away from him
Little weeny…Overcompensate much?l
Now this is the way it is done!!!!
this prosecutor is a joke!!
Kermit is losing his shit…and people are laughing at him!
I know the room erupted in laughter…..too funny.
JM has nothing on Alyce! She’s my hero! Way to stand up to this asshole!
woo hoo!
“Do you want the truth or yes or no?” Awesome!!
I LOVED that comment!
Gotta love that one! Cuz this is too high caliber a trial for this Judge to handle,as well as the prosecuter!
So what’s a professional witness girl to do? Tell it like it is~
Do you want the truth Mr. Martinez.
Do you want a yes or no or do you want the truth!? Love it!
He lost his last marble.
hahahahaha….I’m losing it here!! She’s not taking his shit!! good for her!!
She has had may years dealing with assholes like him.
Yea…she has!!!!
Keeps going on and on about the DSM 4 which has nothing to do with this. Wow she is not taking his crap. New question do you want to spar with me.
If he’s so tough why does his demeanor change when he goes up to the judge? lol
Because in this setting she is the boss and he knows it. Remember, most judges were lawyers before they became judges. What Martinez does is badger and humiliate people on the stand that is not on his side. He does this because he hides behind the Law that he knows will protect him. He knows nothing can be done about it. He has no resect for anyone on the other side. Says a lot about his personality — both professionally and personally. He is what I would call a No.1 A-HOLE.
It’s rumored him and the judge use to get it on back in the day lollll
REally? No way!!!
That is soooo grossly disgusting lol I bet haha losers!
Love how she stares him down when he approaches the bench
where did it go!!!!!
Martinez lost his mind! O M Goodness… I can’t believe I am taking such glee in this but its about dang fricken’ time!
This is like Jose Baez’ “laughing guy” moment in Casey’s trial!
I…simply can’t get over how ridiculous JM is. I’m trying not to be a hater like the haters who attacked ALV but this is over the top!
Alyce is ripping this clown a new one, just like we expected.
Priceless, Priceless, Priceless
Team Jodi
Hi SJ!!! So nice to see you here 🙂
I can’t wait for tomorrow’s post. Tell me there will be one, please SJ?
Oooh ain’t it tho! 😀
“Do you want the truth Mr Martinez”? hahahaha
A screenplay writer couldn’t have scripted this exchange between JM and AL any better than this reality!
It’s not gonna work with her, Martinez!
Why don’t you just rest your case before you hyperventilate!
This is going to get very interesting.
She will not put up with his BS and he is going to start looking really small if he keeps up with the yelling.
He will also feel very small if he calms down, because a woman testifying for the defense has brought him to his knees.
I predict JM will loose it before this cross comes to an end.
Yup..right on AL…
Same same!
this judge has absolutely no control over this courtroom, she needs to be removed and Kermit needs to be charged with witness intimidation! Enough is enough
Totally agree!!!!! She is letting the courtroom and this trial become a mockery and the laughing stock for all the world to see. Pathetic.
Yeah! The judge should have managed the witness intimidation a long time ago. He isn’t going to stop unless the judge does something. So … even though AL can handle it I’m pissed that she is going to go through his wrath for days.
“Do you want to SPAR with me??? NO ONE STANDS UP TO THE ROCKSTAR!!!!!!!”
I know LMAO
LOL I think you can saely say say–we have LIFT OFF! Enter Ms LaViolette!!!! APPLAUSE!!!!!!!!!
This is gonna be good….
Kermit is going to loose the jury by being an a-hat.
You can say it Frannie. JM is being an asshat. 🙂
Typos!! LOL Oooops!
I hope the jury resents jm’s treatment of wittness. I hope Jodi walks free and is able to start a new life.
When is this judge going to grow a set, and be a judge and not a freaking ninny>?????????
The only reason Mtz acts this way is because the judge being a female doesnt stand up to him and this gives him the freedom to be a prick to all the females in this court. Actions speak louder than words.
Exactly. I wonder if the Judge Sherry is an abused woman who is unaware of her situation so thinks this is quite normal. Either that or she got her black robe from her part time job on her knees and not on her legal credits, because this trial is BEYOND me.. in the manner it is being run as her courtroom.
I should be the judge in this case. I analytically observe and hit the nail right in the head hahaha. ok that’s overly confident, but for reals anyone besides this pickle lady and prosecutor can do the job 🙂
That’s a horrible thing to say. I think this is her first time with a trial like this. It’s tough. She is trying I think. Martinez keeps objecting (too many times, too frequently). This is part of why it seems like he gets a lot more sustained objections.
I agree NK, she is trying her best and she’s probably scared, but it’s sad that the judge can’t distinguish respect.
Exactly, his yelling is out of control.
Suzy, don’t be mislead. This Judge is in control. Sadly, she allows this behavior in her courtroom. All she has to do is snap her finger and people will get to stepping, you can bet on that. If she so desired she could recommend a reprimand to the Bar for Martinez’s behavior, and then his a** would be in hot water. But it could be a blessing in disguise. Remember, if you don’t like his behavior, most likely some of the Jury won’t either.
Hi Edward,
I don’t believe I’m being mislead. I’m sure judge is in control, but she’s not showing it. She continues to allow this behavior in the court with every opportunity given making her and Mtz look bad. What ever she shows us at the “present moment” as this trial goes, on is what it is. It would be enlightening if she snapped that finger “order in the court”, but we’ll have to wait and see.
I dont feel bad about it at all. Her overrulling has went way over the line against the defense. and never vice versa. Its apparent that she is not ready for this.
Mr. Martinez I’m not sure what you’re saying! Well neither does anyone else!
Mr. Martinez I’m not sure I understand what your saying.
I can’t help but laugh…………. None of us can understand what he is asking…
How can Martinez and Stephens get away with breaking, if not the law, then the rules for courtroom decorum? I practically have a panic attack reaching for the mute button, Martinez is so anxiety-producing.
The past several posters have said that they can’t understand him. Well, shoot. That is not their fault, it is the fault of “the prosecutor.”
He is DEMANDING answers from the witnesses, not to just a question, but a string of questions and random notions bundled together that make no sense at all.
A trial witness CANNOT be expected to unravel the cognitive dissonance this produces. It MUST be the burden of the attorneys to demonstrate their competence as trial lawyers before being allowed to practice in a courtroom. That means there should be enforced standards for conducting logical fact finding, and logical cross examination with transparent goals for the line of questioning.
This whole trial has boiled down to “Domestic Violence is not acceptable.” What Juan Martinez is doing to witnesses amounts to “Legal Violence/Abuse.”
If standards exist, how can it be non-enforcible for both an incompetent prosecutor and an incompetent judge to remain in the courtroom? The public interest demands that their licenses be pulled, and require them to go back to school to complete their training for the responsible positions to which they aspire.
He’s all style, and absolutely no substance at all. It seems that the weaker the case, the greater the theatrics.
It’s awful to listen to.
And…his style sucks
I want a T-shirt that says “Mr. Martinez, are you angry at me?”
Me too!!!
Brilliant 🙂
Jm is getting his AZZ on a platter.
damn!!!! video down!
they don’t want kermit to look like the ass he really is.
Who cares about the standard fee! Asshole!
I love it when she starts sort of laughing at him.
wow this is making me on the edge on my seat. he’s cutting her off still!
how can she be so patient
she is use to dealing with abusive men
with your memory intact! — i would want to punch him
The judge keeps overruling the defense and it’s improper.
Martinez is badgering the witness.
WTF is the wrong with this judge? She’s horrible!
she is over ruling every objection from the defense…give me a break
He is lame with his theatrics, it does not prove a point. Loud, obnoxious, makes his case go floating out the window.
He needs to be held in contempt of court.
I have never seen anything this terrible. It’s because his case is in the ditch.
That’s it exactly! he has lost control so he is now out of control.
Natalie says:
April 4, 2013 at 7:56 pm
Of Martinez:
“That’s it exactly! he has lost control so he is now out of control.”
It is eerie how your profound observation “mirrors” exactly what went down with Travis Alexander.
Goddamn, Martinez is a grade-A asshole.
No Micheal, Assholes are useful. Mr. Martinez is not useful. Or even likeable.
LOL Toooo funny! Thanks for the smile 🙂
He does, however, eject a lot of shit.
Sadly, I agree with you both!!!
Assholes are only useful as long as you aren’t constipated.
So deducing this, Martinez is really an obstructed bowel, that by nature of it’s function is full of shit.
He’s more like a hemorrhoid, a very painful hemorrhoid.
That is too darn funny. And that about sums [Martinez] it up. At first he made me grit my teeth, but now he just makes me laugh. What an ass.
Oh, so funny!
Jennifer gets over-ruled every time she opens her mouth, what is wrong with the judge? Does she have a pact with Kermit or something? In spite of this nonsense I hope Jodi gets vindicated, it doesn’t seem fair. I know Martinez thinks he’s Brad Pit with his new black shoe polish hair, but give me a break.
I am guessing she’s overruled because JW can clarify on redirect.
Juan’s behavior really shows his desperation.
Here we go again with the memory references! JM is a one trick pony!
This site is down more than it’s up for me. I couldn’t get on here all afternoon.
CRAP! I finally got to turn on the trial and was so ready for ALV calm voice and it was… JM!?? At first I almost felt sick but then started laughing at his ridiculousness; again. He didn’t want her to look at the texts before and if she did he objected b/c he didn’t want her to cite exact words. YET… he wants her to cite exact wording without looking at the texts. WTH is with this guy?
She’s not allowed to look at anything so then he can say she has a lousy memory.
good call tonysam! that is it!
Someone needs to call the Authorities to have JM evaluated for being a threat to others. I think a 30 day stay in a Psychiatric ward is in order.
I am missing it so I am catching up here. Did she make the little badger look bad? I hope so!! No he doesn’t want the truth, Ms AV, because he will lose this case and he can’t HANDLE the truth. I hope he ends up in the fetal position sucking his thumb by the time she’s done!!
I’m not a violent person but I’d love to throttle this tool! Why can’t he get throat cancer and lose his voice permanently.
He almost said, “I didn’t ask if it was a road map” lol
She is too funny!!!
She is laughing at him…..
I was watching the spectators in the background and it is very intriguing; people are covering their mouths (laughing) while JM speaks, there are some VERY confused looking faces and at one point three different people had their hands on their foreheads as if saying “geeezus here we go again!” I hope the jury is feeling the same. This guy is just unbelievable!
I know everyone is biting their lips not to laugh at this clown.
Shhh Everyone… the little ROCK Star is talking. or Ribbiting… or whatever it is frog muppets do.
HEY I Dont even think that JUDGE SHERRY IS THERE!!!
He is trying to pick the flychit out of the pepper. lol, its not working.
Look at the clown perform…………
I thought clowns were supposed to be funny…
I don’t know now long I can listen to this little man!!!
Snow White now? Man, this fucker is reaching.
Yep. What next, the big, bad wolf and the 3 little pigs?
He sure is. I can’t help it but for some reason, I’m laughing my ass off.
You know the jurors have to be thinking WTF.
Thank you for saying that – I’m laughing and I’m thinking this is serious! I shouldn’t be laughing but this guy is too much!
I caught some of that on the way home. Unbelievable!!!!
He’s doing a one-man tango. All the things she talked about – he’s now demonstrating (minus the physical abuse). This is FASCINATING!
Is this man for real?
He’s pathetic. Now he’s into the Grimm Brothers.
He’s trying to trivialize domestic violence. That is disgusting.
Really? We are discussing the ages of the seven dwarves?
I know I step away to start dinner, and now I’m on the disney channel…lmao!!
WTF is wrong with kermit???
he needs to go into an insane asylum.
Oh my goodness, Frog on crack!
I suspect he has some kind of amphetamine thing, crack, cocaine…something…he’s ready to burst!
I have a feeling that Alyce will be showing videos of Kermit in her future presentations.
Oh true
I wonder what that psychologist guy from my lunch yesterday has to say about JM now. Does he have a 5th category of asshole now? LOL
there is a really special category for JM.
Who cares about this Snow White bullshit line of questioning! Shut up already Martinez. You’re making a complete jackass out of yourself.
Wow going to spend his time on Snow White instead of proving premed. What an idiot
If The Troll were to be hit by a car or bus or something after court and be severely injured, or worse, I wouldn’t have a problem with that. Not hatin’….just sayin’
I am with you, Joe.
My gosh, what a useless excuse for a human being this troll is… he actually makes me nauseous.
It is just WRONG that this turd gets PAID to be a prosecuting attorney.
Geeze, the judge is going to let this go on?
Nice we are getting a lesson on “Snow White”
what the heck is this malarky
the judge needs to be in an asylum also
What is wrong with this judge? I have been in courtrooms before and I have never seen such a weak judge. She commands no control whatsoever. And to allow what JM is doing is so fustrating to watch.
I hope prosecutors from all over the country are hiding their heads in embarrassment over this theatrical nonsense.
I hope so too!
I personally think he knows way too much about fairy tales.
Good point Shan!
I think the jurying will convict based on the Snow White testimony said nobody ever!
Hee Hee:)
@KN had a smile on his face. Gees snow white. jN He is the stupid dwarf called DUMMY.
Is Juan thinking he is going to get the jury to vote guilty based on Snow White? Are people in his office laughing at him?
Did you see AL give the judge a funny look?
Martinez is the GRUMPY dwarf lol
LOL Alyce NEEDS to call him Grumpy!
WTH is this tool going on about? Jeff Ashton wasn’t even a tenth as unprofessional as this jerk.
She lived in a shack didn’t she? He’s an embarrassment to all prosecutors!
HE LOST IT!!!!!!
I can’t keep up with when he’s asking about Snow White or JA.
“I thought it was a cute little cottage”
“I don’t know the age of the dwarfs, sir”
Someone else laughed in the courtroom.
omg, I missed all of the Snow White stuff!! Trial feed on TV ended before any of this was shown!! Are you serious??? JM was actually referencing Snow White during cross with ALV??? Damn!! I’m hoping this will be shown on this site tomorrow, or maybe on HLN tomorrow am..from what I’m reading it was totally absurd!!!!!
found it on youtube…what a joke! But more unbelievable are the “pro Juan” comments stating what a “brilliant” job he did!! Obviously they havn’t watched many trials!
oh my did not know we were 5. I cannot quit laughing at his snowwhite stories A shack wow
OMG, OMG. Is he for real?
OMG- this is getting stupid. Do you think the jury is giving a s*** about this?
Doubt it but I’m sure they’re getting a good laugh like the rest of the courtroom (well besides the confused judge).
this is fucking stupid… really? living with dwarves and playing with kids… juan gonzo fartinez needs to admit defeat and stop making a fool of himself
Well, thank goodness the defense will be able redirect this mess of a cross.
He is deliberately mixing up Snow White with Jodi in order to discredit Jodi.
Why the hell is the judge letting this go on? What the fuck????!!!!!!!!! What the fuck does any of this have to do with this case? This is insane.
Martinez is an ugly, vile little man. And this judge is an idiot.
He’s trying to discredit ALV or use ALV in order to discredit Jodi’s claim of self-defense because she was abused.
This is an epic fail once again.
Geez, I am beginning to think the JUDGE should be held in contempt of court for letting this go ON!
I think the judge has a night job. That’s why she doesn’t know what’s going on in daytime court. She looks sleepy to me,
Judgy-girl may need a hearing aid.
This is a totally pointless cross examination.
Agreed Tina!
His theory: pregnant, barefoot and it the Kitchen. Contrare Jm, times have changed.
Martinez does think he’s Brad Pit or something withe theactrics. The judge & Kermit have a pact or something.? Still doesn’t seem fair.
I wonder how in the hell HLN will spin this to make JM out as a genius!
OMG….the man has lost his fucking mind.
Sorry for the language, but JM has lost it.
I don’t think he ever had it to begin with!
What is going on. Oh my God. Ithink he will keep her up there for days. Try to confuse or break. Be strong Alyce.
This Judge is a fing idiot…………….
Is the judge pissed at the defense and is teaching them a lesson or something?
Maybe the judge wants to hear just how crazy this will get. I know I’m curious.
Isn’t there such a thing as a “court referee” or something people can call on when an ADULT is required to avert a catastrophe? SERIOUSLY!
Not, HLN of course, but a real news show… will report this as the first and last trial Sherry Stephens was allowed to be in charge of.
Murder trial, anyway.
I see traffic court in her future
If you think about it, Judge Sherry Stevens is the genius here. Think about it, she lets him rant and it pisses you right. Don’t you think it pisses some of the jurors too. Listening to him, what would you think if sitting on the jury, what would you decide. And furthermore, By overuling Jennifer Willmott and letting Alyce LaViolette answer the questions anyway, (the Judge knows AL can handle herself) will only strengthen the defense.
It’s Pure Genius.
I’ve got to believe that the jury is more sophisticated than to listen to this drivel. I can’t believe either that the judge is letting this go on, and on, and on….
Recurring theme here is the horror we all feel at the fact that she is letting it go on. Which is in fact the real crime here.
Same same, I know by now I shouldn’t be astonished at the amount of bizarre, irate lunacy coming out of Martinez’s mouth, but I am.
I hope Vladimir Gagic does a podcast on this.
me too!
Me too. Is there somebody that is on twitter to tweet him about “Snow White” Poor Vladimir Gagic, he was hoping that this trial would have added credibility back to AZ. He was already so disappointed, this Snow White shit has to put him over the edge.
I tweeted him.
I bet he does, in fact, I’ll fb now and ask
Dear Judge Pickles, what century are we in?
I wish I could see the jury’s faces
A COMEDY FARCE!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀
Go ALYCE!!!!
he has jack shit, so he is turning it into a shit show.
Alyce is my HERO!!!!
This is about over with for the weekend.
I don’t think I could listen to anymore of this shit.
All right guys, I’m a reasonably smart guy, but I’m a little lost.
Where are we headed to with this Snow White stuff?
Someone please enlighten me.
Fairy tales…
just enjoy the ride AL 🙂
He’s trying to say that Jodi wasn’t a Snow White, and therefore she wasn’t abused at all.
I think your right!
No, I got that he was driving at the fact that there was a big power differential between the King and Snow White and it didn’t lead to the King’s abusing her,or her killing him. He is assuming, incorrectly, that a big power differential between two people in an intimate relationship always leads to domestic violence, which is incredibly sophomoric, to put it nicely. Imagine ALV married to the Obama and deeply in love with him (just a hypothetical – 😉 Do you suppose that she would tolerate abuse?
Snow White hooked up with Prince Charming. The King was her dad, is he implying incest???
We’re headed into “Juan Martinez has no case for premeditation so he’s spewing bullshit” land.
He headed up his ASS!!!!
I think he’s trying to imply that using AL’s continuim anyone could be seen as a DV victim.
That regardless of all of the documented evidence that can’t be twisted to prove it isn’t.
“Trying to imply_” Is that seriously something that is taught in law school?
In the interest of full disclosure, the name of toad’s law school should be published.
I thought it was the University of Arizona’s law school.
I really don’t know, Al. It seems like he’s trying to make the jury believe Alyce is a fool? Maybe, he’ll introduce a revised Alyce in Wonderland next, and he can play the Mad Hatter????
w;hat is this snow white stuff
HLN will be calling this the Snow White Case!
This is making a mockery of our entire justice system. I love how Alyce just looks slightly amused by this whole thing.
Agreed. It makes me feel creepy, like I shouldn’t have to endure such behavior, & I’m only watching it on video, not from the courtroom.
This is ridiculous that the judge is even allowing this shit to continue. I am failing to see the point in this story.
Up next…Was Goldilocks an abused child? Is that why she ran off to live in a shack with the 3 bears?
Did JM just ask Alyce HOW OLD the 7 dwarfs were?
WTF?
Team Jodi
I’m behind, SJ. Is this a late April Fool. You guys are pulling my leg, right?
thank you for what you did earlier for me i lost my feed to the internet coverage of the trial when that happened i reacted and asked for your help
My feed hasn’t gotten that far yet, but somehow I don’t doubt it!
Bracing myself for more Disneyfied testimony in 3… 2… 1…
I have never had less respect for a Judge as I do for this one. She makes lousy judges look like genius’s.
WTF does Snow White have anything to do with Jodi?
Nothing – I’m so glad that ALV is sticking to her guns about the lecture NOT being about Snow White.
lol in the deep deep forest of shit
Perhaps Martinez’s Snow White MARRIED the prince, willingly, with NO power, therefore she should never complain if he beats the sH*T out of her later. Consensual marriage agreement….
Perhaps JM’s Snow White once agreed to kiss the little frog cos he told her he would turn into a prince. But when her lips touched his, she freaked out and started screaming.
It really looks to me like JW and KN are taking notes and setting up for appeal (if needed). Check out their reactions and the objections themselves; relevance, speculation, argumentative… so this all goes on the record. They KNOW the judge is screwing up big time.
I don’t think Juan even watched the speech.
That’s pretty obvious.
OK, how is the Lifetime movie going to handle this?
I think I lost few IQ points listening to this drivel!
Is this asshat Martinez really this f’n stupid?
On redirect, we are going to be watching the seminar that is titled “Was Snow White a battered woman” so the jury has the context of all this crap.
Yep. I see that in our future.
Is this about what happened to Jodi/travis or is it about Snow White?
He is one of the dwarfs, right? Believe Mr Martiniz just lost his case.
I was thinking about the vertically challenged issue, too.
Snow white and Cinderella were emotionally, verbally and physically abused they were baterred girls.
she answered it “child abuse” 🙂
Does anyone else smell that? Its the smell of “JackShit” and its everywhere that the little troll has paced. Watch where you step.
I smell it.
I think I stepped in it.
Why in the world do people think this guy is a rock star? He’s an asshole who does nothing but twist around what everyone says.
He’s the Pied Piper of Stupid (to use another fairy tale reference).
DOPEY on parade!!!
I don’t know what the relationship was between Prince Charming and Snow White.
She made an analogy earlier that people raised in a bilingual home can never master a particular language if not trained properly, just as a person raised in a abusive home can show anything other than abuse in their current relationships.
I’m not sure it went quite like that…
That explains Toad’s over-the-top hostility toward AL. He has a complex because English is his 2nd language. ABUSE is his native language!
Questions for Judge pickles: Who is the president of the united states? Who is the vice-president of the united states? What year is it? Have you ever been mentally evaluated? Why, because she is batchit crazy for allowing this.
Apparently along with taking a trip to Disneyworld, the courtroom has been magically transported to the mysterious yet hilarious realm of dumbfuckistan to continue the proceedings.
Also at this point, i pretend I am electrocuting Judge Sherry just a wee bit every time I hear “Overrulled”.
I do it twice after becasue of her bad hair. They should make that woman wear a white wig.
Do you want me to answer that Mr. Martinez, because I can. LOL
So are we going to talk about Cinderella next. He is looking so stupid IMO.
I saw that also and had to leave the room…lol lol
She is not fearful of him.
Attention, Maricopa County Courthouse – on the phone is a village in the enchanted forest looking for it’s idiot and they believe he is there.
Hahahaha good one!
I think I peed a little XD
i went and put on big girl dipers peed too Overrule Overrule you may continue JM
I have never had so much contempt for someone I do not even know than I have for Mr. Martinez. He has just begun cross-examination of Ms. LaViolette and he has already shown what a totally disrespectful human being he is. I am appalled! I pray she holds up and doesn’t let him get to her. I will admit, if I was in her place, I don’t know if I could control the need to tell him what a horrible example he is of a human being!!!! So upset!
Me too!! I’m trying not to end up like the haters hating on ALV but it’s hard!!
Marguerite, why on earth does he feel the need to attack every single defense witness? If I was a juror, I would be so disgusted with his antics!!! I am just sick about this.
I know I’d be disgusted too! I was actually a juror on a murder trial and thought the prosecution got a little ridiculous but JM is 100 times worse. There’s a fine line between effective and pompous… JM is several miles away from that line!
I despise him but more than that I laugh at him because he is a pathetic little weasel that is going to lose his very first case right here before our eyes.
I sure hope so
He can’t even form a coherent question.
Its too bad that the Evil Queen is ruling over the court 🙁
Will someone give him an evil apple to eat!
Alyse should stop. Stare at the Troll and say “what in the hell are you talking about.?”
right right right right right right right right right right right right if i say right it means what i want right right
Praise Jesus! Getting this man to STHU!
Thank God that’s over. That has to be the worst cross ever.
The idiot is just getting started.
Well, I was wondering what he would do, but I never expected that!
I, too, was thrown for a loop! I can’t get over what I witnessed this afternoon and I don’t know what’s worse! JM’s cross or the judge allowing this line of questioning! But… I must admit that b/c of ALV, I have a little less contempt for JM. He has given me (and apparently many others in the courtroom) a good laugh today. And now, I do not see him as evil but more in terms of stupid. I’m not saying that to be mean, I honestly think he is really not that intelligent (I am serious when I say I believe he cheated his way through the bar).
jodi passed a pollygraph test and JM want to keep it out now JM is ranting about snow white
JM is not going to crack Alyce. He’s met his match.
TRUE.. its hilarious!! The court LAUGHED !! OMG! Reprimanded by the tree! 😀
I agree Heather1. Alyce ‘the tree’ didn’t budge, did she. I love her. I think she is wonderful.
I am so hoping I can watch this part of the cross tomorrow as I missed it today! Trying to figure out what all happened by reading all of your posts..it sounds like JM lost it! (AND the Judge) Will this be viewable on this site tomorrow??? I’m hoping that Alyce held her own with this insane cross!!
Lynn, Jester Martinez was being the ultimate fool. Enjoy the show 🙂
Thanks Dorothy! Just watched it on you tube! Jester just gave a forward pass to the defense team! what an ass!! ;P
😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
The Snow White-Wicked Witch Conversion theory was developed by Alyce.
I am guessing this is where this came from?
If you watch her seminar, it has nothing to do with Snow White and DV
What the shit? Seriously.
Did he say the judge wanted to talk to him in private?
I thought he said to talk to Mrs L in private
Who is Mrs. L?
She’s a Ms. I believe. But why would they want to speak with her in private?
That’s what I heard – I thought JM asked to speak with the judge in private. I’ll read on to see if I missed something….
Too funny that AL is now going with the Snow White analogy and explaining her opinion was based on two intimate adults and she can’t do that with Snow White because she doesn’t know what her relationship was like after she married Prince Charming.
I can’t wait to see what SJ has to post about this.
Oh me neither LOL!!!!!! 😀
Me either.
Me neither!!
Have I tuned into the wrong show ?
ikr, the evening recess has been announced and I’m sitting here thinking… WTF did I just watch???
LOL I shan’t be able to sleep now! Its almost 2am…
Enjoy folks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFt8FCrBk6k
NK, notice all of the neg comments on that vid now…the trolls are out in full force!!
Is it wrong to take joy from another person’s complete mental meltdown?
ROTFLMAO Yes, it WAS pleasurable! 😀
the Social Worker in me says, “yes, it probably is a bit wrong, but we all have the right to be wrong and enjoy it once in a while” LOL
p.s. I would love to see a Psych eval on him
Hey Martinez
I was on ANCESTRY.COM and found your family History!
Tried that–its unavailable!!!!!!!! LOL 😀
OMG you did, you really did!
LOL My stomach hurts!!!!!!!
Too much!!!!
Puss in Boots on Monday.
NO! It’ll be “Juan and the Beanstalk”
Team Jodi
😀 Cinderella next! Tune in Folks!
Piss in His Boots!
AWWEEE…Nurmi hugged AL. How sweet.
I’m sorta still like stunned…….
I’m wondering if I’ll ever sleep tonight–far too much excitement for one day!!
Why is juror #5 hanging out?
Re they taking her out seperate away from the media?
she is still taking notes
I’m disgusted they let her back in.. makes a mockery.. not that the whole think isn’t anyway!!!!
He fears her assertiveness.
LOL you can say THAT again.!
Snow white and the 7 dwarfs….AND THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER. THE END 🙂
I am absolutely sure that JM cheated in order to pass the bar. Secondly – I see by the judge’s reaction and how she overruled one of JW’s objections that she really is not understanding what it going on either. And I honestly believe the JM is using this line of questioning because he did not read the lecture and he really does not understand….. anything! I could not believe this was real!
And who did she get the note from?
Why does the Troll spend so much time arguing about the most inane things? Why does the idiot Judge allow him to badger and stay on a question that the witness has answered more than 5 times already?
Is Stephens really this incompetent because that’s how she’s coming across.
if that’s all martinez has i am feeling better and better about jodi’s chances for acquittal
and why does the judge allow him to go on and on about something that is irrelevant and not let the defense get in many things that are relevant
Loved the laughter in the courtroom! Best part of the trial thus far!…I bet even the judge chuckled 😉
I wonder who that is talking with Lurker #5, and who handed her that note…did you guys catch that
…invited by dwarfs #2, #3 and #7 to a mute party watching a muted TV turned against the wall all weekend.
I think it was the bailiff in plain clothes.
I agree. I have seen her being what I would call a “runner” for the court for many days.
I was on my way home when I heard this bit. It is truly a classic moment:
Best part right there
There are still delusional people on that site who think he’s doing a great job. He’s basically just phoning this in.
ex ‘lent!
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial 7m
Alyce is confused also. She asks “are you talking about Snow White here?” I am glad I am not the only one. #JodiArias
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial 9m
I thought Cinderella and Snow White were the same. I am so confused now I have no idea what’s going on any more. #JodiArias
they left the camera’s on after everyone left, I was glad to see Kirk hug Ms. LV, that was sweet. She also had two women who came up and hugged her afterwards. But I’m really wondering what that note was about that was handed to Juror #5
My guess is they told her to stay put until they could escort her out a side door or something so she isn’t overrun by media or other members of the public wanting to ask her questions. She should not have come. She should have known it would cause a stir. Is it her legal right to be here – yes. But common sense says no.
Maybe it was a “If you ever want to tell your story on TV…” note from the media?
thats what I’m thinking. I couldn’t see who handed it to her, but it came from the media side of the courtroom
I didn’t see it. Hope the defense team is aware of it, though. She (#5) looks evil.
Wish I had seen that 🙁
JM is mocking Alyce with his Snow White remarks. She uses the “Snow White theory” in her work.
JM He is a PIG Whats wrong with the JUDGE? or Where is the Judge????
The judge is hanging out with the Caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland smokin’ the hooka.
I’m the Cheshire cat 🙂
She seemed a bit out of it today…
And if the defense tries to show the video of her speech (to show what a moron he is) he will object.
Agreed, He is mocking her. He is taking something that she used to make points about DV, and trying to make her look silly. She did use that title, and it sounds silly, (his point) Her point in the video was to shed light on how widespread the power gap is between the sexes, and how it is so ingrained in us, that even fairy tales that we all know and love, have the same pathologies. Also to show how childhood abuse can make someone vulnerable and end up leaving home, living in a not so great situation, all the while waiting for her “prince” to come. His point, which he barely touched on, was that she testified that TA came from abuse, so he must be an abuser based on a fairy tale,but that Jodi, too, came from abuse, and so then….(this is where he got lost)..I bet you that on Monday he will start in again and try to tuen it around and say that since Jodi was abused by her parents, she was the abuser. Just my hunch.
And of course it could be turned around again to say that because Jodi was abused as a child, she was more prone to being abused as an adult.
Which she was. Which is why she reacted to Travis in such an extreme manner. Which is Travis acted in an extreme manner, which forced her to kill him.
Exactly tonysam,
But JM will absolutely turn it ass backwards to make it look like it was Jodi who was abused, therefore SHE was the abuser. I am sure he will steer very clear of the abuse that TA went thru as child, since he can’t have it both ways.
I meant to add that Alyce had said that abused children often grow up to be abusers as that is all they know, etc…..that is why JM will hone in on Jodi’s abuse, and NOT TA’s.
Exactly. That will be for the defense to hit home. After all, JM doesn’t have any documented evidence of Travis having been abused by Jodi (apart from the murder), so he has to twist the facts around.
Alyce L. is very professional and she sees the prosecutor for what he is and what he is trying to do. She is not fooled..She has experienced much in her life and has studied much and he isn’t going
to rattle her. Good work Alyce. I can’t stand bullies. His only talent is to confuse the witness if he can by rattling them with anger and the word “right”. He didn’t do it today. He actually accused her of not correctly answering his question about Jodi writing anything negative in her diary. I listened carefully and in his first question on that he used Travis’ name in relation to the diary and she started to answer that and then he accused her of not getting the question right. He is very angry at her. Alyce knows her stuff and she knows abusers…
He sure does come out way too hard. I knew he would start off with her credentials and try to make a big deal of no PhD. Thats doesn’t mean she doesn’t know her field at all. He was harping on whether she can give tests or read them and she can’t…..and??? Did he think she would lie? That was odd, Alyce never said she “tested” Jodi, so that whole line was irrelevant, it was a basic pros 101 tactic of trying to discredit her. She cannot be discredited in her work if she has already stated clearly what she has done in her training and classes, and she already did that very well days ago. His next move, IMHO, will be to try to get her confused on all of her statements about the journal entries and texts, and then basically say (he touched on it lightly) that she only spoke to one person and that was Jodi, implying, of course, that Jodi lied to her about it all. BTW, Judy, I heard the SAME thing as you, and even the defense didn’t catch it.!!! he specifically asked her about Jodi writing negative things in her journal about TA, then he switched it up and asked if she wrote negative things about herself. I don’t know if he slipped and was just too proud to admit his mistake, or just ran with it. I believe the latter.:)
And it’s pretty hard to say she “lied about it all” when you also have other independent evidence, including all of those texts, IMs, emails, and journal entries.
After all, abuse isn’t just physical, it is also emotional, and Travis engaged in this behavior by the truckload.
I picked up on that too, Judy. He does this often, but since there isn’t anyone to point it out, and he just keeps steamrolling witnesses, it goes unoticed, I guess. I hope the jury is paying attention, because his tantrums, and unprofessional, anti-social behavior is extremely distracting. I almost feel sorry for him in a way, because he is making such a fool of himself. Notice I said “almost”. It’s plainly obvious to everyone in and out of that courtroom, except PicklesPuss and his nitwit groupies, that he has gone off the deep end, and he’s got nothing! I mean, is HE even buying what he’s selling here? I’m not even sure if he knows anymore.
My 11 year old heard him ranting and raving today, arguing about Snow White and wondered if he was on drugs!
I almost died laughing. What the hell just happened? 45 minutes and not one point was made. I was so confused I thought Cinderella had the wicked step mom. Anyway, I thought he would act foolish but this was just…..no words can describe. The Rockstar Groupies are cheering him on saying he did great?
The Rockstar Groupies don’t know their asses from holes in the ground. That was the most ridiculous line of questioning I have ever seen.
they are extra delusional then…that was about the most stupid thing ever.
I personally wonder if he is trying to get her to use her flowsheet so he can twist it and try to get her to say certain things are abusive from jodi.
He doesn’t get that she does not only use that, it is only one tool is a whole tool box.
I honestly have not laughed this much in a very long time. I was actually crying from laughing so hard. It’s hard to believe that even happened! It was like an SNL skit!
He could come into court naked with a rubber glove on his head saying “Hi I’m a squid!” and they’d still be like…. “OMG… he’s such a brilliant genius. Just look at our little firecracker go!” ect ect.
R-o-l-l-i-n-g o-n g-r-o-u-n-d d-y-i-n-g l-a-u-g-h-i-n-g!!!
love that
Lol! I bet he’ll try that one on Monday, his good hair day!
Holding my stomach!!!!!!
they would think it is the GREATEST prosecution tactic E.V.E.R.
emperor’s new clothes!
YES! seek2understand, You are exactly nailing JM’s image and persona _ The Emperor’s New Clothes! You have even kept with the Fairy Tale theme. I am impressed 🙂
Today, researching LaViolette’s theories, she mentions two types of people: Those who are “thinkers” and those who are not. It seems to be a choice that people make – what they are attracted to.
I may have to tune in to HLN just to see what they are going to do with this? I’m not sure how they can make this look good for him at all.. Somehow I don’t expect we will hear the “BOMBSHELL…. Martinez ripped the witness to shreds”.
I think she doing Great of course HLN is Cheerleading the Jerk!
“Juan Tried to Feed a Poisoned Apple to the Witness and She Spit It Out.”
Juror number Five should be banned from the courtroom? WTF? Why is she not there.
Doesn’t Juror #5 have a Job or better yet a well over .due hair appointment
That was just….wow.
Well the haters are sure slamming her video’s on Youtube. We all know they have not listened to it
Ok we need to all go there an THUMBS DOWN On the comments then it works I know because they do that to me on my PRO JODI comments I come back an it will say you have too many thumbs down an your comment was removed ! ON U TUBE
Mr. Martinez, are you angry at me?
Lol Martinez was pissed from the time he stepped up there. He’ll treat her this way for the rest of the cross, its pettiful! !!! She wont back down though, she’ll call him out on his professionalism and make him even more angry. Lol
The feed on this site has me confused. I think some of you are seeing things before I do in the court proceedings.
Make sure you click the “live” button. I have accidentally replayed before…
Thank you, BeeCee. I needed that advice!
This Judge is a disgrace.
I’m totally disgusted by what she allowing in her courtroom.
I was for Travis before I saw all of the evidence and because of what all the media was saying, but now It’s very clear who the victim really is.
So true. Judge Stephens is a disgrace to Arizona Judges! And great, SR0606, glad you realise the REAl person at fault! ~ Free Jodi Arias~ 🙂
does anyone know the qualifications of Demarte, that Jm has on his witness list?
Guys I finally got the Snowwhite and the dwarfs thing. BOMBSHELL
JM is one of the dwarfs – Dopey
omg!! LMAO!!!! you solved it! Good job Al :}
I can’t wait for Monday’s episode. It’ll be Dick Whittington!
My PARROT heard Kermit going nuts and has been going absolutely crazy and screaming since. I even covered him and he won’t stop.
Isn’t it true.
Earlier today I was honestly hoping that Martinez would not be able to cross until Monday. That way the jury would have the weekend to reflect on the defense’s line of questioning.
Now… I honestly think that was the most hysterical exchange in COURT HISTORY! I also am no longer bothered by the fact Martinez got to question today.
I thought the same thing NK!!!
They will have time over the weekend to wonder what kind of crack Kermit smokes!
I’m almost sure Jennifer and Nurmi set him up. She could have easily kept this going another half an hour. Just ask two questions, we have two sidebars and voila there’s your half hour.
This was just a set up and JM fell right into it.
Way to go defense.
LOL well done! Couldn’t start the weekend with something funnier!
Just found this in the comment area on You Tube.
“all i can think of when i watch this is would it not be cool if all of us Juan supporters did a FLASH MOB victory dance for Prosecutor Juan when he walks down the steps of Maricopa County courthouse after Jodi gets convicted of Murder 1…….:) Wouldnt that be cool???????? “
Nothing less than expected from the masses who’ve had a labotomy.
I hope a bunch of people can find it an put a thumbs down an it will get removed that is what they do too all my PRO JODI comments on U TUBE they always get voted out right away.
Yeah, that would be SO COOL! Because a murder trial is just like a sporting event or rock concert! Idiots.
Maybe they could do the WAVE in the court room!
So what will they do when she’s acquitted? Console the little prick?
Hey guys!
My son who is 20 years old just came in the room and I have HLN on because I missed the entire afternoon session…anyway;
My son says: “I do NOT like that dude…the one that yells all the time – he’s rude, disrespectful and plainly an asshole”….
I gave him a GIANT hug for that!!! He apparently is a very smart man!!!!
Good job mom!!!!
Give him one from me too.
Give him one from me!
Janeen…one of my professional clients was watching the trial in my office this evening….and I asked him for his opinion being a man and all why does the prosecutor act that way…and he said , “It’s in his personality, people like that have always been that way and you can’t change them, they just worse as they get older.”
And then he said, “I don’t like watching any of those people on HLN especially that Nancy Grace!”
Sounds like you’ve raised a fine young man!
I’m sorry, but am I the only one who thinks Juan Martinez is hurting his own case by being so angry with the defense’s witnesses? He can’t possibly think he is doing the state justice by his ranting and raving, especially at the domestic violence expert, who is I must say very gifted and well known in her area of expertise. (She’s from Long Beach, CA also, which is where I am.) I think he is only helping Jodi by being so outlandishly boorish. If I were a jurist, the idea of first degree murder would be off the table because of his attitude and behavior. The state is lucky I’m not on the jury, LOL.
your not alone in this. In fact, on Fb and Twitter, many of the TA supporters are upset about his behavior as well. So I think, keep up Kermit, your blowing this case, and making a huge statement for ALV’s testimony about battered women and what abusers looks like.
Not only is he rude and ridiculous, he has nothing left to this shabby case but to argue fairy tales with Ms LV. That was the strangest thing I have ever seen in my life.
No you are not the only one. I absolutely think his credibility is totally gone, if he ever had any, with the Jury, and he is insuring a Not Guilty verdict.
I also suspect that the Judge may be letting him go on like this to insure his insanity is really clearly seen. Maybe she is ready to retire and is establishing many appellate issues, just in case there is a guilty verdict. If she’s retiring, maybe she doesn’t care that the case in front of her is overturned, and she really is hoping for a not guilty.
JM has done this shock and awe attack with each witness. No matter how much they try to prepare themselves for Frog on crack questions it’s still take a moment to for the brain to quit thinking WTH?
yes, They may not quite believe the warnings from the defense until it actually happens.
I mean, I never thought a prosecutor would be senile like that and act like a total moron.
Great day for the defense! Juan got slammed by Willmott and LaViolette both. I couldn’t contain my laughter. Even the court room was filled with laughter. And the best JM has is Snow White. Really? Even with the day ending on cross, I still think it ended on a good note.
WOW I have smoked a pack of cigarettes already since JM got on. I do not know
how women like Alyce an Jodi can remain calm in those situations. I have a husband
that goes off on rants like that an the only way I can get him to shut it
is to do the same thing right back an then he is frustrated an shuts it.
If I remain calm an cool he goes on an on an round an round but if confronted
an shown what it looks like he gets confused. I guess.
Same on the blogs here when I am attacked I can’t help but get defensive
which people take offense too which I do not understand that.
An then some people are so sensitive anything you make a statement
about seems to offend them so those people you have to talk to like
they are 5 years old.
lol…I smoked too many cigs myself. I was hoping that Kermit wouldn’t get to cross till Monday, but now I’m glad he did. He looks like a fool! That will leave an impression on the jury, the defense had a VERY good day, thanks to Ms. ALV!! I love that woman!!! We need to start a fan club…..:}
Me too I love her going to buy her book for sure ! An going to go to find her on U TUBE an start putting thumbs down on the nasty comments hope they take them off.
Good idea Rhonda. I will do the same
Jane on hln said this is amazing stuff but they haven’t got to snow white yet. We will see how they can spin this. I am in shock. This is embarrassing for USA courts.
Ok, I’ve been a lurker here for awhile-don’t worry, I’m NOT a “psycho jodi/Martinez =god” lady..I’ll do an intro later. Suffice it to say, I’m a survivor of child abuse/domestic violence & rape; became a DV -Rape crisis counselor to both help others-and myself. I’m Alyce’s age & respect this woman more than you all could know.
While I’ve never been “violent” myself, (well, except for throwing kitchen magnets at my ex when he came in on my birthday, announced he & the young girl, we’re taking off together….my friends were ticked that I didn’t use my iron frying pan…); I’m SOOO angry at THIS POINT-watching this JACKASS, (sorry @language), prosecutor, I could jump through the TV, and strangle him AND these ridiculously biased HLN creeps.
I though Valez Mitchell knew better.. (About DV)..
Sorry if I’m not making sense…any other “survivors” here getting really shaky listening to this jerk??
Lainey, I totally agree with you. Especially that JM ought to be disbarred. His lack of respect, deliberately badgering and confusing witnesses – it is so very wrong. I thought a jury trial was about presenting factual evidence, and finding the TRUTH. I am so disillusioned to see this tragic side to our justice system.
JM himself is allowed to behave in the most horribly abusive manner, that of character assassination. He targets both Alyce LaViolette herself, and he attempts to mis-characterize her work by distorting it into something it is not. By so doing, he exposes his own ignorance and inability to interpret content and context.
The problem is, only THINKING people (the minority, apparently) will be grasping what the issue is really about.
these HLN people are trying too hard to make Jodi Arias look like the bad guy. jodi arias has innocense written all over her face.
She is Snow White, who met the wrong prince.
HLN is oddly silent about this whole Snow White cross examination. They were all excited about him cross-examining the witness as soon as JW finished earlier, hmmm…..
Nk, I noticed that also..didn’t see it on JVM or NG….
JM is seriously delusional & such a ham! If he chews up anymore scenery
he will end up chewing up the jurors like a Bath Salt Zombie
HAhAHHAHAH bath salt zombie!
I hope the Jurors havent indulge in this social media contamination.
NG has Jodi’s friend on – sweet interview right now!
Just went downhill…
I tweeted NG and thanked her for doing that, and being respectful, which is not usually her style. I swear I’m seeing the tide turning, I wonder whats behind it. Or if its reality or not. This is the 3rd day I’ve seen more objective reporting on HLN, I’m sure it won’t last. But I watch anyway, praise them on FB and twitter when they do it, scold them when they are being unfair or untruthful. Not that it matters, but they need to know that people do not believe that TA was a saint, and that we believe Jodi was battered. This case is a wrap as far as I’m concerned. Jodi will not get the DP, worst case, probably manslaughter. But I’m thinking more and more acquittal, especially with Lurker #5 off the jury.
Melvis, I really support your approach of praising HLN restraint, and discouraging their sensationalizing.
Thank you, I do believe it makes a difference. I agree that there has been a positive change in their approach to reporting the past few days. 🙂
I just pre-ordered one of her books from Amazon.
BeeCee….I’m ordering one too…I love shopping on Amazon…
Oh god NancyGrace is speaking.
NG is stupid.
Now “a childhood FRIEND” – gave NG video of Jodi as a bridesmaid at the “friends” wedding….Patti….I’m sorry but I wouldn’t SELL OUT MY FRIEND.
NG is also saying Jodi has “attacked” her cell mate and has had multiple violations behind bars….
15 minutes of fame seekers…this is beyond disgusting…..
I think her friend is really trying to put positive knowledge of Jodi out there on HLN, she may get shredded, but I’m glad she is so brave as to try.
Yeah, what kind of loser does that to a friend? Even if you dont agree with a current situation, you just pass on it, you dont do this kind of crap. WHat a piece of crap this person is.
Nancy Grace is desperate. When the friend wouldn’t give her the information she wanted, her voice got all quiet and she started glaring at the camera.
They have nothing left to argue, so they are nitpicking on stuff that might not even be true, just to be nasty little gits about it. Like they have always done…
Seems like HLN is balking on showing the end of the video from today courtroom testimony. The execs are having a long side bar.
If Juan Martinez is KERMIT… then Nancy Grace is CERTAINLY MISS PIGGY!
I just posted this on facebook as well.
NG has Jodi’s friend Patti on the phone interview. Isn’t this first having someone saying Jodi was great good friend. For once NG isn’t being a jerk so far….
omg, I loved that.
I think Chris and Sky Hughes are the real murderers! Jodi’s second story! Just sayin!!
I second that motion!
Why aren’t we getting to watch the trial????
Is NG ever going to let us see the trial????
They have drag it out for a couple of hours to get the ratings. Plus they have to save some tape for Dr. Drew show. Insane!
They didn’t let us see the trial because JM was making an ass out of himself!!
Snow white Ingredients:
* 1 part Baileys Irish Cream
* 1 part Whiskey
* Garnish: Mint Sprig
* Glass: Old-Fashioned Glass
Snow white Instructions:
* Shake all ingredients well with ice in a cocktail shaker.
* Strain into an old-fashioned glass full of ice.
* Garnish with a sprig of mint.
That sounds YUMMMMY.:)
after court video
why is the court clerk chatting with #5?
Nurmi is a sweetheart, he gave AL a hug before she left court.
you can always see Flores’ giant skull passing by the camera frame but only the top of Kermie’s head hes so short .
Ok???? What was this all about???? Did juror #5 in court today??? Wasnt she dismissed??? What’s going on??
exactly, and who gave her that note
She was in court as a public citizen. Some lawyers on hln said this is a recipe for a mistrial. I don’t really get why though. As long as she doesn’t talk to the other jurors it seems okay.But I’m not a lawyer and may very well be wrong.
I’m no lawyer, but i think it could be intimidating for whichever jurors told the truth about her.
Vlad Gagic said the same thing you were thinking, but in most other jurisdictions it would be pretty devastating for the integrity of the trial. I guess they do things a lot differently in the AZ.
He confirmed JC’s thoughts. I’m with you, though, Bee. I’ve never seen anything like this before. Of course, it pales in comparison to the utter meltdown I have yet to witness b/c HLN thinks that everything is fair game to air except for the entire trial.
Our Dear Mr. Faux (JM) has gone into ALV’s history and found a presentation she has done on multiple occasions titled, “Snow White was she Abused?” or something along those lines. So, now JM has gone off on a tangent trying to prove his point where ever and when ever it may come to light we do not know. I believe he is trying to say Domestic Violence is a fairytale. Thus far it remains to be seen where exactly he is going with this. What I wish to know now is since he (JM) has brought ALV’s Presentation into the courtroom can it admitted into evidence?
Great job Kirk Nurmi, Jennifer Willmott, Ms. Jodi, and Alyce LaVioletta! I been a long time lurker that can no longer stay silent~ left a note on the thread about how obvious it was that the Jury should have been Sequestered!
Oh, Doh, no brainer, but Judge Stephens…oh no she thinks we’re in the pre- instant info era! It’s everywhere. They couldn’t open up the internet or T.V. or papers without getting exposed. Not to mention right outside the Courthouse! People talk. (remember the admonition…) oh yea right. In your Dreams Sherry!!!!! Retire soon, you look like you have Parkinson’s disease coming on.
Oh and let us not forget cell phones with instant news feeds and video. I think the jurors should have to give rights to the courts for cell phone records. I say prove you are not getting any information or media in regard to this case.
On one of the occasions I went into a courtroom all bystanders had to leave the phone outside the room where it was kept n a safe place until I exited
Did anyone notice if TA’s brother was present today? I didn’t see him. I think ALV’S testimony would have been good for him to hear.
Yes it would have…”Travis wasn’t ashamed to say that he was a 30 year old burden ( virgin)”
Yes it would have…”Travis wasn’t ashamed to say that he was a 30 year old burden ( virgin)”
When AL said travis was messing with 11 women, he laughed. I saw it as him thinking it was cool, that is brother was a player. It would be nice if he listened to AV and took it to heart though 🙂
JC, Yes, I saw that laugh too…seemed to be proud of his brother…Just as ALV said, men are considered to be studs (or whatever the word was she used) but women are considered sluts. I didn’t see him in court that day though did you?
I think HLNis not going to play the Snow White cross. They stopped after the journal questions. Wow if they do that they are embarrassed and stuck in what lies they have created. Gees. Let me know if I am wrong about this.
Yup what happened to “we are going to press pause, you are not going to miss a MINUTE of testamony.”
NG apparently has this model on, who cannot even properly talk jessaline something or other who won season 8 of americas top model… the woman says she knows Jodi is the abuser of TA because she did this and that and made fun of how TA looked… OMG> the woman dosent even know about the trial? Did her career already nosedive? Is that how NG got her on her show? I am now not a fan of this stupid “model” even though I dont know her…. never saw her before, but where does she get off with this?
(I am at a friends and fell off the HLN wagon because we do not have it and when I heard this woman speaking I was riveted with ANGER).
Before this NG apparently went off on a correspondent about “I DIDNT ASK YOU ABOUT THE MEDIA>” (paraphrased of course). The woman looked like she might throw her mike down and walk. It was really something. (thank god for PVR rewind.) Argggggh
I tweeted and blasted both NG and that dumbass woman from ANTM. What a retard, looks like she needs a cheesburger!
She has no effing clue about domestic violence, but of course, that doesn’t matter to HLN because they only want people to agree with them.
Are they down to having models as experts now? WTH
Hamilton Burger couldn’t have done a worse cross.
I think I need to go back and read/watch the story of snow white, because after today I am not sure I viewed Snow White like Martinez did.
Mr . Bo-Peep has lost HIS sheep!
Now what part of the trial does NG have on now???
The last part of the trial that JVM left us with was JM hollering at AL…
Truth, exactly! Isn’t it interesting that Nancy and Jane didn’t show the “Snow White” cross!! Maybe they don’t think their “Rock Star” is doing so well!! 😉
By the way I think the idea that Martinez is bringing in snow white to go with his theory shows how lame he is!!!! Really! Thats all he can come up with??? He better come up with something a lot better through the weekend. Martinez is so sorry!!!
Yes. A good writer and speaker knows to use a catchy title. The premise was to explain how children read fairy tales and this plays into thinking as adults who think they will meet their prince or be the prince that rescues the damsel in distress. That was all she meant by it. He sounded beyond desperate today. she sure held her own with him.
I can’t believe the judge is allowing JM to attack the wittness like this. Very unprofessional. Asking her what her fee is. She should have asked him what his fee is. When the people in the court laughed out loud I was giggling my face off. hahahah . She’s not going to be attacked and verbally beaten up by this loser. She deals with abusive men like him all the time. HLN said she was visibly shaking. I didn’t see her shaking. They are making things up as usual. He’s questioning her credentials but if she was a fairly new grad he would be attacking that as well.
Juror #5 shouldn’t even be allowed in that courtroom. I am glad she isn’t speaking to the media, at least for now.
Listening to the information in the emails, texts and IM’s definitely make it very obvious that TA was a slimebag with women. He actually comes off like a woman hater. I think that being the type of person he was it was only a matter of time until something bad happened to him. Unfortunate he had to drag Jodi down with him.
I heard HLN say that too…I thought she did well and didn’t put up with any of his bullying tactics! This witness is likable and for JM to attack her like he is only makes him look like more of an ass…I hope it continues!
I predict a magazine article for Juror # 5, but not a book deal. Her presence today showed that she is unemployed, has no children to tend to, and is basing all her future on this trial.
yes, I agree
Yea right… why is she even there?! Wasn’t she dismissed? Go home!!!!
Here is AL’s you tube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFt8FCrBk6k
The sickos are posting there too please go post some good comments, don’t let them flood the comments with their drivel. I posted under MGHoney.
If you start at 26:00 she starts talking about snow white. I am going to go listen.
Great video. I gave it a thumbs up and positive comment. Thanks for pointing that out. Alyce is a blessing to society.
If you listen to the video. Martinez is Humpy……the 8th and most delusive dwarf. hahah
I agree trinity. She’s a blessing. I watched the video. I thought it was very interesting. I’ll be reading her books, too.
She is very funny!
Watching it now. The video is great.
So I tape HLN all day and fast let it tape get ahead of me so that I can fast forward through all of the ads and commentary. I have run out of my advance now, because I am 50 minutes into Nancy Grace and she has not played one minute of new footage. This cross was so monumentally devastating to the prosecution, she can’t even bear to play it! And I want to hear about Snow White, damnit!
Update: Nancy Grace played 1 minute, 39 seconds of new footage. Approximately thirty seconds of it were in sidebar, and she spoke over an additional 7 seconds of action. In fairness, then, she did play approximately one minute of new footage. Maybe I’ll get my fairy tale from Dr. Drew. We’ll see.
Catching up on the last part of today.
Just started watching the cross.
I love how Mrs. Alyce ask Martinez to finish his question before expecting her to answer.
She knows how to deal with pricks like Martinez.
I have a good feeling, I think she can handle herself.
I spoke sooner than I should have.
I KNOW Mrs. Alyce can handle herself.
“Mr. Martinez, are you angry at me?”
She couldn’t have said it better.
That was a great moment!
Yeah, sorry, was behind.
I hadn’t gotten caught up on the thread yet, but I think I’m up to date.
Sorry for repeating what so many already noticed earlier today.
I had missed the cross, but am all caught up now.
Martinez is such a prick – and its only just begun!
But, what’s new.
every minute juror#5 is in the courtroom is a minute of mistrail danger… JM is hurting himself badly today – discrediting decades of work with domestic abuse victims by saying they don’t exist because they are not part of the DSM4 was a major disservice to victims. and if he wins this case, can be used as reference to other cases – good day for jodi – bad day for all victims of domestic violence.
Those are very good points annaB.
Exactly. He’s set the movement back decades. But everyone will blame Jodi, sadly. Not the real villain.
What is increasingly bothering me is women who have definitely have been abused saying Jodi wasn’t abused…it is like the legitimate rape “thing.” Abused women have been getting on various shows and talking about THEIR abuse (which I believe with all my heart) but then slam Jodi as not being abused like Jodi’s abuse was not “legitimate.”
I have been very lucky in that while I was terribly verbally abused by my parents when I was young…I never experienced it with any of my boyfriends or husband. But still I know that adult abuse is rampant and takes different forms and I would never go on TV offering up how “so and so” WASN”T abused.
I know that abused women (and some men) should still have their opinions but those that have been on NG and Dr Drew shouldn’t be minimizing or completely discounting the abuse Jodi went through…
I guess what I am saying is it really burns me that women (or men) who have been abused aren’t empathetic enough to see that Jodi was abused too.
I feel the same way. I wrote a very long letter to Dr Drew about this issue. I am sure he will not read it but I said my peace. I get so sick of hearing that Jodi was not abuse and that she is hurting DV survivors. This makes me sick. The whole reason I started watching the trial in Feb was because I could see she had been abused. Even though all that came out today the haters just keep denying that TA was an abuser and that Jodi is making all this up. I think I just saw that Dr Drew is rating Jodi’s hair?.. WTH
Well let me state how ” igornant” ” undeducated” Juan is on domestic violence.
Physical Abuse of Adult and/ or Sexual Abuse of Adult
DSM-IV-TR Page 738
V61.12 if focuc of a clinical attention is on a perpetrator and abuse is by a partner
V62.83 if focus of clinical attention is on the perpertrator and abuse is by person other than partner
995.81 if focus of clinical atentio nis on the victim
Have the DMS sitting right here on my desk Juan you low life piece of crap…….. You might know the law and how to twist peoples words and statements, but rest assured you dont know mental health…..
American Psychiatric Association. 2000. Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4tth ed.) (DSMIV).
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
I know he needs to stick to his JD and stop acting like he knows anything about the DSM-4 or anything in this field. I wrote to Dr Drew as well for saying and pointing out that Dr Samuels was not using the most current version. As much know here The DSM 5 does not come out until May 2013 so both JM and Dr Drew need to do their homework. I have Bipolar Disorder so that is why I keep up with it. However anyone can google this information.
I’m glad you wrote dr drew.
Dr. Drew is a ” wanna be” …… He’s another ” CRACK LICK” like Dr. Phil…..Guess these doctors in CA don’t take their oath very seriously ,otherwise they would not be acting like bullies on national televsion. They would actually be working to help people……. What a disgrace to America.
INNOCENT until PROVEN Gulity…….
Yea right, like Jodi has a make-up and hair stylist like he does, in jail. Just amazing stupidity.
Linda, this is something I just do NOT understand either. And I’ve had conversations with some other abused women and been shocked beyond belief that they just refuse to believe it. One woman I respect a lot argued with me on a group about it. She claimed she believed Jodi is guilty of murder one because of the way she killed him and the “great pains” she took to hide it. She claimed to have watched the trial “NOT edited or snippets” (which I suggested maybe she had done) and to read extensively about the trial, and to have seen the photos she took after murdering him. That convinced her it was NOT self defense. But then, she posted this link: http://www.businessinsider.com/jodi-arias-profile-2013-3
On a public FB community domestic violence page, people posted things like “She gives victims of abuse a very bad name… Not only did she shoot and stab him she has given close to 20 different stories… She needs to be convicted…”
“I am not callous but I believe this woman is using the victim card. I say this because she never reported the abuse. Granted a lot of victims don’t but my question is why has her story flip-flopped so much. Also, let me say that I have an Associates in Criminal Justice and even as a victim I try to be objective. In this case though my gut (which since my abuse I’ve learned to trust) tells me she is guilty and needs to face justice.”
“Jodi is no victim. She pisses me off. She stalked him, moved to Mesa, would call in sick if she couldn’t reach him to know where he was or what he was doing, broke into his emails, slashed his tires and confronts any woman she feels Travis might be interested in. She was obsessive and used sex to keep him. there is no record in her journal of any abuse. I’ve lived through a true abusive relationship. I called the cops, took pictures of my injuries and his them in a safe place should I die unexpectedly. My two best girlfriends knew even though I was ashamed that I still lived the man. I was 17-19 years of age. I survived only because a cop pulled him off of me before he stopped my breathing forever. I didn’t stab him 29 times, slut his throat or shoot him in the head AFTER he had bled out. The bitch needs the needle. She’s a murderer, a jealous, crazy murderer.”
“Shame on LaVioltte for testifying on Jodi’s behalf. I am a real survivor of abuse and I dont see it in Jodi Arias. This will ruin things for true baftered women!”
These were all victims! I argued differently, but none of them would engage. They just ran away.
The mildest comment was this one: “I don’t believe we can ever know how much of a victim she was. I just have a gut feeling she is playing it up. My opinion and it’s just my opinion mind u, but I think a true victim would not have her over confidence and attitude. I’ve been away from my abuser for 11 yrs and still have dreams he is coming to kill me. I’m not unsympathetic to what she may have gone through but like I said it is just a gut feeling I have. Also, I’m not on the jury and don’t know all the details so all I can say in the end is that I pray for justice and fairness in the trial.”
I was absolutely astounded. But I’ve learned other victims can often be the harshest judges. I’ve received a great deal of judgment myself because (a) we didn’t have kids, so it wasn’t so bad for me apparently, (b) I don’t have photos of my face beat up because he never beat my face up, and (c) I am now with someone else. I’ve joined groups and had other people do background checks on my ex not believing I am telling the truth. I’ve had people tell me when I was struggling financially that my then boyfriend (now fiance) should support me. I’ve had people tell me to give up my cats, quit smoking, and go live with other abuse victims, learn how to drive (although I have a seizure disorder and can’t drive) and go paint houses and babysit. When I talked about the divorce and how he was trying to get my current address, I had other abuse victims tell me to give up my address and buy a gun (even knowing I do NOT believe in guns). I’ve heard it all really.
I guess everyone thinks their story is worse. And these women are all damaged from their abuse. And then, there are women in groups who lie and pretend to be abuse victims for attention. That’s so sad, but it’s true, unfortunately. That’s what has turned others into people who do background checks on each other.
They’ve all been brainwashed by the media. There are quite a few women who have killed their abusers in self-defense. Jodi Arias is not the first, nor will she be the last.
Oh god “AA”, I know EXACTLY what you’re saying…I was married to, first a physical abuser, and we had children-although their father actually told them that he had to “convince” me to get pregnant, that I “didnt want” them. Yes, both of my children were conceived on his many drug & alcohol fueled nights when we were separated…but when your brother is the Cheif Sherrifs duty, your Dad was the co-founder of FDLE….
He promised that he would make sure I would suffer for the rest of my life…and even though he passed away 3years ago-I’m still tortured because I don’t have the relationship I want so desperately with my children-who I adore. He kidnapped them & took them to the middle-east for 7 years…and yes, I cry every time I talk/type about it….
(I’ll try & “find” you in a more recent comment…)
Lurker # 5 needs to Go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so sick and tired of all the talking heads saying Jodi slashed the tires. I thought that Det. Flores said in a report somewhere, there was no evidence that she did. I was looking for it but could not find it. This was definitely a good day for the defense.
And there doesn’t seem to be an email or text message from TA to Jodi accusing her of this – very curious.
Is there ANY evidence on record that ANY tires were EVER slashed, period?
I keep trying to find that out.
A new set of tires costs about $400 to $500.
Are there any receipts or bank records to account for replacements?
Even the other trolls and dwarves are embarrassed by their king! ( i.e., JM )
Det Flores said that no evidence links Jodi to the tire slashing on the 48 hours show.
I’ll never look at Snow White the same.
ty phillip, i knew i saw it somewhere. just disgusts me.
Now they are picking on Jodi’s today’s hair do. I was glad to see it pulled back it, shows me she can show her face against adversity.
OMG why is the judge allowing all this testamony about Show White???? Every time the defense objects the judge overrules her. The judge clearly is biased. This is going to come back to bite her in the ass and I hope it does. She lived in a shack… “I thought it was a lovely little cottage” She cooked and cleaned for the dwarves….. If this wasn’t such a serious issue it would be laughable. If the defense went off on a tangent like this about something so irrelevent HLN would be all over it like snot. I am so glad Alice is not letting him rattle her. In fact, I think the longer JM goes on and on about all this nonsense the more comfortable and relaxed she appears. She almost seems to have a smirk on her face at this point. Absolutely pitiful JM, pitiful….
This ridiculousness is actually giving me a headache!!!
Now they are talking about Jodi’s new hairdo….they gave it an “F”
Gee..Did the talking heads not notice Nancy Grace’s new hairdo? it makes her look older…
In all actuality….NG new hairdo is very similar to the way Jodi is wearing her hair today…hair lifted away from the face…wispy bangs…very austere look for both of them…
I thought her hairstyle was adorable.
I liked it and I wear mine like that. lol
I like it when she has it pulled over to the side. It looks very neat and pretty.
THAT”S their takeaway from today? talk about burying the lead…
Travis probably had a friend slash his tires so he could gain sympathy from Lisa and thereafter fornicate with her, considering that he would beg, and threaten suicide if a woman refused to come over. He was Looney!
Another website stated that Steve Bell , Lisa Andrews ex was most likely the tire slasher, and if he was then his MO fits nicely with the murder, knife in hand. Apparently Mr Bell’s criminal activities started just before the break up and got worse after.
I think your right on regarding the tires.
i second that.
Full disclosure: I am totally pro queer. I am a bold capital italics F in PFLAG. So I’m just a little bit more than confounded, and maybe more than a little bit offended, that all of these JVM minions give such a great big shit about ALV’s sexuality, ESPECIALLY considering that JVM is out and proud.
Does JVM get a “hall pass” from them for being gay because she’s an alcoholic? Because she fake bakes? Because she’s a PETA nut? Because she’s a plain nut? I don’t get it. Not that a great deal of what tehy do makes sense, but this is a glaring thing that I haven’t heard anyone else address. And I know I made fun of her for talking about Jodi’s hair on a day that we needed two straight jackets and a restraining order in the courtroom, but this burr in my saddle has rubbed a blister that’s started to fester.
1. The haters make fun of Alyce for being gay…
1. Yet their very own JVM is gay…so what’s the big deal????
2. They made fun of Jodi’s new hairdo pulled back from her face with wispy bangs…
2. Yet their very own Nancy Grace has a new hairdo called a “updo”…hair pulled back from her face with wispy bangs…similar as Jodi’s…but NG looks older with hair done up like that…
3. They made fun of Jodi a few weeks back when she wearing a hair barrette in her hair…
3. Yet their very own Nancy Grace was wearing a hair barrette in her hair a few weeks back…and when NG own female person on her show made fun of Jodi’s little girl hair barrette…NG cut her off and from then on she ditched her hair barrette for the new hairdo…the “updo”…
I could go on with more…but you get the idea…they complain and insult Jodi and Alyce about the same things that they do…
Not to mention that Kermit is supposedly gay as well.
I’m not sure he’s human enough to HAVE a sexual orientation.
Joujoubaby, I totally empathize:-)
I am extremely happy, Alyce spent 44 hours with Jodi. imo I think Jodi was a little naive, She was looking for the good in people, unfortunately it was not to be found in TA. I hope Alyce was able to give Jodi some good therapy. I hope Jodi, Her family, and Alyce can stay healthy for the duration of this trial.
I absolutely agree, eb!
Just a few weeks ago Nancy Grace’s own female person on her show made a sarcastic comment about Jodi’s little girl hair barrette….
Nancy Grace immediately went to another person…she totally disregarded what her own person said about Jodi’s little girl hair barrette…
After that show…Nancy Grace ditched her own little girl hair barrette and now she is wearing her new hairdo….and “updo”…it is pulled up and away from her face…with wispy bangs and wispy side hairs…cute style….but it does tend to make her look older…
imo, I don’t think S. Bell or D. Thompson are clean.
When you think about it, none of the forensics disprove story #2.
This will go down history as the most stupid cross ever. When the judge overruled JW and stating JW didn’t understood the question…I’m sure JW understood the question
well, the judge did already prove once today that she doesn’t listen. She had to ask to repeat a question that was objected to.
She was probably reading jodiariasisinnocent.com.
For awhile there today I thought I had turned on a skit from SNL. That was the craziest cross ex I have every seen. I also believe I have never heard objection relevance fairy tale. Overruled. WTH what is in the water in maricopa county? I love ALV though. She is awesome against this troll. At least he gave out some great laughs. I do not know how people in the court room kept from laughing.
Who cares if it’s overruled? Stephens would have dome him a favor to have sustained the objections.
And every one keeps complaining how long this trial keeps dragging out…and who should we blame for that…non other than JM…today…..he keeps dragging it out with Snow White…no points earned JM…
Maybe on Monday…he’ll focus back on the trial…or…will he turn into the “BIG BAD WOLF” again????
You know children are very special. How is NG going to answer this question someday. “Wow, mommy you seem to be very biased and prejudiced. Her answer, “Well, you know I just did it for the $$$$$$”.
How come all but one of my comments are gone and one is still being “moderated”?? Sorry, thought this was the place to bitch about the little rat-faced b@stard, (JM), and my hero, Alyce?
As a survivor & counselor, I’ve been wanting to crawl through the TV & hug Alyce-while sticking my butt in the ray’s face…
Also, had a question-any other survivors here that get goosebumps, (bad ones, not good) and a bit of shaking listening & watching that rat treating Alyce like a dishrag??
SOB should be disbarred!!!!
I just spent 24 hours in the er & hospital. My 5 y/o got lyme disease and both of us had 3 hours of sleep all day. You would think THAT would give me a massive headache… no. Martinez has just given me a damn migraine. What a mess… has he lost his mind? I’m slightly concerned for JM’s well-being. This was the worst line of questioning I’ve ever heard. Completely worthless ranting about Snow White for 20+ minutes during a death penalty case???? Wtf was he thinking!?
So sorry to hear your little one has lyme. Horrible if not caught in time. I get so angry watching this…my hubby calls me now and then to check on mental state. 🙂
She is already feeling better. TY! My husband works in mental health and he thought I was going mad from the moment I expressed my sympathy for Jodi. As he learns more about TA he has laid off suggesting I am co-dependent… LOL it’s annoying being married to a therapist.
I can relate to that VioletteR, my husband worked in the addictions field…sometimes he really ticks me off because he knows what is bothering me before I do! LOL
I read a quote inone of Eckhart Tolles books “Truth defends itself”. I believe it is an old Buddhist adage. Once all the evidence is brought forth ,the truth shall be revealed, and the scales of justice will favor Jodi Arias.
Yes, it is originally Vedic, but adopted in Tibetan Buddhism at least. There’s another saying I want to look up re: JM…
I pray that is right too.
All the haters really do get me down. U Tube is really bad right now on Alyce’s video I reported all as spam though an thumbs down. I see the ones trying to say nice things are shot down right away. There is one fat girl on there that is claiming she is the one leading an making hate videos for Alyce an Jodi too. Also she did that on Amazon she stated also. She is very disgusting an vulgar about everything. OH an in love with JM also. ewwwww
Brilliant JW brilliant 🙂 Rock on sisters!
She will chew him up and spit him out.
i hope you are right.
anyone recognize her accent? Is it normal for that area?
Apparently, the hater sites are claiming she is Bosnian and she and her husband are truck drivers.
Thank you Also Abused, That is what I thought when I heard her voice, but i couldn’t be sure.
Well, she didn’t really say anything, thank God.
This is the most insane thing. So she is dismissed, but she came back because she wanted to still be part of it, but was going home to speak with her “legal advisors'”.
How is she even allowed back in court?
How is this jury not sequestered? Are Judge’s medical records available to the public in the UK?
Our courts are far from perfect here, and TBH as they are not televised, we don’t get to see this much, but I am extremely disheartened by seeing poor Jodi get such a raw deal.
Does not seem like a professional or fair court.
This link has more information…same picture though…
And let’s be clear – even if she did have a PHD he would still find a reason to shit on her education.
Sad but true.
Go Alyce, your absolutely right, you have more training in some areas than those with a PHD. 🙂
This judge needs to be recalled and voted out of office!
“Allege to be battered women.”
So basically, he doesn’t believe battered women exist.
There he goes talking about himself in the third person. lol
Mtz’s ego needs more than a tune up/adjustment lol!
If Jodi stood on her head and let it rain, it would not be good enough for the hater’s lynch mob mentality. I thought Jodi’s hair was real cute. A+A+A+A+ She looks tired and frail. NG gets a 0 for her hair and attitude.
So this model on NG says Jodi Arias was emotionally abusive towards Travis because Jodi assumed that Travis was cheating on her …..
umm… correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t he with several women at once? And this model is qualified to make this assertion just because she was a victim of abuse, and her ex used to assume she was cheating? I am sorry she was abused, but that does not make her an expert. Not all abuse cases look alike, so just because Jodi’s case is not like hers does not mean that abuse was not there. I am sick of this.
And exactly where is this coming from – Jodi made fun of Travis’s looks? SERIOUSLY?
If he’s going to go off on the Snow White tangent, then he should have admited the youtube video for evidence.
Something tells me he is just doing this to give JW more of a mess to clean up afterwards.
Yes, He wants to extend his TV debut….Loves this attention…thinks he’s going to be famous afterward lol
Juror 5 made a complete mockery of this situation. No one has determined whether juror 5 was prosecution or defense oriented so the ASSUMPTIONS the media made are such a farce! The judge lost complete respect and credibility when she allowed this juror to come back to the court room. She can watch the case from live feed like the rest of us. This trial is about whether Jodi premeditated Travis’s murder. It’s not a circus sideshow for everyone to view. I’m disgusted with the judge’s loss of control of her courtroom. JM is just another circus distraction from the actual issue. God help us all. I pray for all of our sanity. Please God forgive us all for all our crazy antics and the darkness in our hearts. Please enlighten all of us.
Obviously Juror #5 was against Jodi because it was the defense that called for a mistrial and her removal.Its really stupid that she is in the Court Room.
amen say a hail mary to that
ALV – “I didn’t say that.”
JM – “I’m asking the questions here!”
Power trip!!!!
Juror #5 needs to get lost. This trial is not about her!! Can the judge not legally have her removed as a distraction to the proceedings?
She prob came back to get that hug from Katie Wick.
Yes, why didn’t Juror #5 just go and watch it on the live feed. I agree with you. However, I am wondering if she is Mormon, or is being abused and does understand Jodi’s situation. I guess time will tell. I get the idea something is very personal to her. i could be wrong too.
With that hair I doubt she is a Mormon, Its pathetic that she is there. The judge should not have allowed it.
I thought what was interesting was all the Woman that Travis abused and the text emails. JM must have been furious that got in.
I can see that but this is a SERIOUS issue. A woman’s life is on the line, and the government has the burden of proof. I think the judge should have made clear boundaries because the government could be wrong, as many times they are wrong and prosecute and convict innocent people. AND people cry about Jodi spending tax money on this trial. What about Juror5 needing to be escorted out of the courtroom? The guards/bailiffs aren’t paid to escort a PRIVATE citizen! She’s no longer a juror and she’s wasting tax payer money/time/public servants time to see the trial that’s NOT about her! It’s not about juror 5/Juan Martinez or HLN. This is about a woman like the rest of us. She’s human and she made mistakes that doesn’t make her a cold blooded murderer. The judge needs to discipline the courtroom and conduct herself like an official public servant, not someone falling asleep on the stand that doesn’t even know when she’s calling a judgement. That’s the perception I get from her as a viewer. I may be wrong but that’s my observation. It’s the judges responsibility to maintain order and discipline.
Totally agree Flnang
a MISTRIAL down the pike indeed…this trial has become absurd.. the entire point of it has been tarnished by a lack of control in the courtroom,,,,JM should never be allowed to talk down to anyone…BULLYING/ a type of abuse……….this woman didn’t do the crime and should be treated with respect…. .the jury should have been sequestered from the get-go…too late now….Juror#5 is gonna stir up some trouble…I can feel it….
Juror #5 needs to butt out, period! You would think the judge would be concerned as to why #5 chose to show up. IMO it was a very selfish thing to do. This trial is not about her nor is it a forum for her to display whatever her problems may be. If she was abused…make an appt….. get some help.
I think it took a lot of nerve to show up.
I am also wondering if HLN is some how involved. The night after she was dimissed, Katie Wick and her side kick were on Dr. Drew saying they ran into #5 in the elevator and described how #5 was crying and how they felt so sorry for her and just wanted to give her a hug.
I wouldn’t surprise me if the note that was passed to #5, while she was talking to the court clerk, at the end of today, wasn’t from Katie Wick or some other HLNer. And it wouldn’t surprise me if one of the HLNers (KW) got to her and encouraged #5 to show up as retribution for being removed from the jury.
I totally agree with you, Jill. I think she is trying to cause trouble.
Alyce is awesome. 🙂 That is all I can say!
So they newest stupidity in haterville is they are saying since ALV is gay how could she possibly talk about heterosexual relationships! She is talking about ABUSIVE relationships and I am sure abuse is not exclusive to heterosexuals. Oh, and I hope none of them are catholic either since priests can’t be married or have a family yet they counsel people on those things!
You are right one of the best counselors for Married Couples I know is a Priest but he also has a degree in psychiatry. He said what you just said. What makes me sick is the fact that Many of the commentators are lying saying this is a normal relationship, or NG lies and spins everything. The fact is he was an abuser. That is not a normal relationship that is a WOMAN HATER JM She is an expert she also has many times testified for the prosecution. She is not bias and now they are trying to trash her.
KD im catholic to excommunicated but still have faith in God and he will help the defence lawyers to get to the bottom of this and get the truth out unless JM is trying to crew things up so other witness can not take the stand that should and could come to the aid of Jodi
The blindfold covering the eyes on the Statue of Justice addresses the question of ALV ‘s color, race, sexual orietation etc. I would welcome HLN to utter the gay word, no, rather implore them to bring that argument up. JVM would hit the lotto (lawsuit) and a mistrial would certainly be merited if the jury puts that question in the basket. Most likely Travis was wallowed ( waller’d-Texan )out from the backside, that’s why the insecurity of pictures below the waste. I love my gay cousin and gay friends and they all think that Travis was taking it in the beee-hind from Chris Hughes, Dave Hall, Taylor Searle, Ms Arias (devices). One gay friend thinks Travis is sitting on a sex toy in the shower picture where he is seated. Point being DON’T GO THERE!
HLN after dark is really stupid…..
This is because there is a JUDGE with NO CONTROL, who never tried a Capital case.
The Jury should have been sequestered, she has shown no control, and allowing Martinez to abuse witnesses is outrageous.
Judge has tried murder cases. one day last week PM court was late due to her being down the hall sentencing a Bosnian war veteran to life /no parole for stabbing his girlfriend 44times w a screwdriver.
Lurker # 5 sat on the Defense side, what message if any does that send out?
She had to sat on the defense side because she had to sit far away from the Jury. I think she was there to prove a point and she was mad because she was no longer part of the Jury. So she would show up just to say I can still be here, I don’t care if you want me here or not.
Rumor has it that the majority of people that sit in the courtroom are for the prosecution…so they would be sitting on both sides…and there has been several people for the prosecution that sits behind Jodi’s parents and snoops and listens to what they are saying and reports it…
Maybe she sat on Jodi’s side because she could see the jury best from there and they could see her?
The public sits on the defense side. The other side is TA’s family and media…lots of media. Also yes almost everyone in that courtroom is pro-prosecution.
I loved the part when ALV looked at JM and said, “I don’t even know what you are saying!” I love this witness. She is smart and doesn’t let him confuse the issues. Good witness!
I believe that Martinez comparison of “Snow White” with the Arias case is a brilliant move on his part..
However, it may lead to a mistrial since there is evidence that he is a direct descendant of one of The 7 Dwarfs.
Juror #5 removal was due to Nurmi, I doubt he would remove her if she was not a threat to Jodi,
Jodi was happy she was removed.
the entire trial has turned into a 3 ring circus..I hope they “check” Juror #5 thoroughly at the door….she looks like trouble???????????
She thought she was slick and wanted to prove a point to the Defense team and the JUDGE. Three months she sat a juror and didn’t shed a tear, and today in court she cries…. WTF is wrong with this chick. ? Maybe she needs money for her own therapy ……. Going to sell her two cents worth for a MILLION bucks or whoever will give her six figures….
She calls herself a AMERICAN citizen doing the right thing…. but has to check with her legal experts before she goes on record or camera…. I SMELL trouble…………….Must be her hair dye getting to her….
“Legal advisors”=agent
To all those who have commented about JM trying to minimize the concept of abused women, domestic violence etc.
Arizona law (Statute 13-3601 defines DV as just about any criminal act wherein there are certain relations between the perpetrator and the victim. One of the defintions is:
“The relationship between the victim and the defendant is currently or was previously a romantic or sexual relationship. The following factors may be considered in determining whether the relationship between the victim and the defendant is currently or was previously a romantic or sexual relationship”
Furthermore the DV converts to an aggravated DV if
“A person is guilty of aggravated domestic violence if the person within a period of eighty-four months commits a third or subsequent violation of a domestic violence offense”
Amongst the meeker charges on the list are
A person commits harassment if, with intent to harass or with knowledge that the person is harassing another person, the person:
1. Anonymously or otherwise contacts, communicates or causes a communication with another person by verbal, electronic, mechanical, telegraphic, telephonic or written means in a manner that harasses.
The AZ supreme court has recognized a problem with DV and set up a special committee to tackle the issue. As part of the Arizona Supreme Court, this committee makes recommendations with regard to policies which acknowledge the severity of the problem of domestic violence in Arizona.
So JM should know that DV is real, and in fact acknowledged by AZ. In fact the very court system this trial is taking place in has some rather effective things o say about the matter
I then looked at who Maricopa county uses for DV treatment, etc, such as:
(Note no PhDs)
And the Maricopa County Attorney’s office has a special protocol for DV
I have not set on a trail. I did go through a jury selection process on a serious child sexual abuse case. Thank heaven, I was not picked. But it was very sobering and I was told not to discuss the case or the selection of the jury until the verdict was reached. During the process, we were given all kinds of details of the case and we were ask questions regarding our ability reach a decision. We were told not to make a decision until all the evidence was in. This was a very serious charge, I’ve never told a sole what was discussed behind those closed door. You learn things about the people on the jury that should never be shared. Can you imagine answering the question: Have you, close friend, or family member been sexually abused as a child. BTW…the verdict was quilty.
ann there is a lot that is very wrong with this trial jodi not only feard for her life with travis but also maybe the killers who really did this
Can You Believe JM
Oh I remember that.
hay we have snow white and the dwarfts are all of travis’s girlfriends he has dirty sex talks with and browed money from
Sorry, I didn’t know about the hair. I just think that Jodi has been overcharged from the get go. I don’t think there is anything premeditated about it. I think, once again travis sucked her BACK in by making her feel guilty. I do think she thought he would change, like a process of growing up. She said everything was fine until he blew up. It did certainly come out in court, yesterday & today just how many women he was unsuccessfully trying to string along and borrow money from. They keep bringing up the car tag, it means absolutely nothing. How many people run around a car at every stop and check the tag? Son, rented a car in CA. The tag was expired. He got to pay $145 not refunded by a car company that starts with a “B”. Here is my opinion T-Dog, was a TOTAL D-W-A-A-A-G! Instead of him sleeping until noon, he could have got another job to embellish his income, like flippin burgers, innovative idea.
eb, that was wonderful.
I got a super secret freeze frame from courtroom footage of ALV giving JM a little gift after the jurors left the room.
Good one !!!!
OMG!!! hahahaha….i was like, what did I miss, I only saw the camera on Lurker #5 and the hugs from Kirk to ALV….too funny
Hey they just replay one the juror question…How could you kiss another man right after you killed Travis. Jodi’s response was she wasn’t in the right state of mind. I remember that question and thought why would a juror ask that? Why not just go ahead and ask her if she a slut! Another juror question really made me nuts was the one regarding the 3rd gas can…this juror didn’t even understand it was a scenario question being put forth to her. That the day…I thought oh boy the defense has real battle
This is a serious issue. It’s not a game. The United States constitution is the basis for our laws. I have experienced so many things in my life. I consider myself young, I don’t have children and I’m not over 35. The basis of our rights are to protect us as individuals and not allow the government to take over our personal lives. There are limits to this and that’s understandable, but it’s so sick how viewers don’t question the media. For example, these video interviews of Jodi’s parents by Det. Flores. People don’t think it’s his job to approach these people not because he wants the truth, but because he wants information from them to support his case file so he can have evidence to prove that Jodi arias committed this crime. He’s not helping Jodi. What he wants to do is write his report collect his case file and go back to his desk and eat his next donut. He doesn’t care about Travis, Jodi nor her family. He’s been doing this for a while and he’s numb to his work. Sorry to burst people’s bubbles but its plain and simple. My point is that life experience has allowed me to open my mind and understand life is not full of yes or no answers and life situations of black and white. Even within my family my mother and brother don’t see their relationship the same way. My point is that the news brings all this crap out like its a fact. Jodi’s parents didn’t abuse her. Guess what? Their daughter is in jail charged with murder and despite their perception of life it may not be the same as Jodi’s. it doesn’t make it a lie. It’s a difference of points of view and opinion and every family experience these situations. Monkeys could get on TV and make more logical fair assessments. HLN you are the epitome of false media and your agenda goes against our individual constitutional rights. You use this trial and other trials and people to violate our rights. That is what you promote.
Nicely summed up, FLNJANG.
I wish I had your ability to put my thought s to pen, I totally agree.
Thanks Ann. I appreciate your compliment. We have each other on this blog to think outside the box and debate in a healthy, thought provoking manner. We’re here to learn, grow and see different perspectives. That is IMHO AWESOME!
Well said!
I agree FLNJANG. I agree with you so much.
Great post!
It will be a matter of time before Juror #5 comes to this blog to let us know what’s up 🙂 I have a feelign she’ll be here soon.
I have a feeling her “legal advisors” will make sure that she is well compensated for her contribution to the collective discussion on this matter.
HLN is a channel that PROMOTES human rights violations. Comparing them to terrorists groups is an understatement! All of their shows promote bullying, human rights violations, degrade women and have promoted the setback of women’s rights movement in a short time span. They can’t get on there and say that it’s not true. All their commentary is full of lies and filter the facts of this case.
I’ve seen some haters comments on other sites, and they say that JM was excellent today. Really? They must be smoking crack. o_O
Tonya, I am sorry, but your all caps hurts my eyes so badly that I cannot absorb your excellent ideas. I have to skip by those posts.
Perhaps you are not aware that writing in all caps on the Internet is called “Yelling,” You know – like Juan Martinez. I know that one the moderators has gently brought this up to you.
I do not know whether you have a disability that you cannot use the normal case letters or not?
Not even HLN can defend him. Nancy Grace can;t even bring herself to play the flipping footage.
The worst part today was Martinez challenging Alyce LaViolette, “so you want to spar with the prosecutor?!” and he was motioning with his hands like come on! Bring it on! He couldn’t have been a bigger asshole at that moment. He might as well have been a gorilla standing there pounding on his chest. He has to be the worst prosecutor in the world.
Do you think he is trying to get her to react to sort of try and twist things, show that she hates men?
Well, yes Nk. I think Martinez has only one technique. And I’m not even sure it’s a technique. Sometimes I think he’s that angry and hostile when he gets out of bed in the morning. We’ve all gotten used to the little tricks he uses to put words in people’s mouths and to intimidate.
When he cross examined Jodi, all the lawyer guests on HLN made excuses for his over-the-top aggressiveness, saying that’s the only way to cross examine a pathological lying, sociopathic, borderline personality disordered slut like Jodi. Remember that? LOL But it’s becoming clear after Jodi, Dr. Samuels, Gus Searcy, and yelling at HIS OWN witness Leslie Uddi (after she said Jodi was nice), and now Alice LaViolette that apparently Juan Martinez thinks he has to resort to this. Or he just doesn’t know any other way. Obviously, his case really doesn’t have much substance.
He really makes me sick. Oh, he probably won’t let her off the stand until he’s rattled her some. And all the haters will scream that he won!! But I would be very surprised if the entire jury is like them. There has to be at least one juror like us. I hope the jury really ISN’T watching the news. If not, she may very well be acquitted.
I used to work around lawyers, and many of them are like Martinez, at least outside of the courtroom. They can be arrogant and edgy much of the time. I don’t think many of them handle the stress of the job too well.
I think that is really his problem, that he can’t handle stress very well at all.
My father worked around lawyers his whole life before he retired. He says that all prosecutors are aggressive, but from what he’s seen of Martinez on the news, he’s never seen a prosecutor as aggressive as he is.
They’re typically matter-of-fact.
Martinez may be ADHD.
Nk, do you think Alyce LaViolette hates men? I don’t think so. I think that in her experience, it’s more often women who are abused by men rather than the other way around. And isn’t that everyone’s experience? And with Jodi and Travis, it seems Travis WAS the abuser.
Oh not at all Truthseeker. I DO NOT think she hates me. But everyone on the hater sites is claiming she does. That is why I asked, do you think Martinez is intentionally trying to get a reaction out of her so he can make a horrendous accusation that Alyce hates men? (The same way he made that ridiculous accusation that Dr. Samuels likes Jodi?)
*Akk, I meant, “TryingToFigureThisOut”
I apologize. I am multitasking, working on paperwork and h.w. assignments, and I mentioned the wrong person in my reply.
No problem Nk. And I didn’t think you thought she hates men. I see what you mean. Yes, oh boy, I can see the haters going there. And with Juan Martinez, it seems like he’ll just try anything.
Honestly, I believed there was more to the story ever since HLN tried to act like Jodi was guilty just because she hit her brother with a baseball bat when she was a child. That was the thing that got me caught up on the case, and all the comments on the HLN articles were that either Jodi was evil, a w****, a b*****, a sociopath, or all of the above.
As a result, I googled, Jodi Arias is Innocent, just to see if I could find anyone who believed she was, and then I found this site. It has helped keep me sane, because the way the media twisted the evidence, is enough to mess with anyone’s head.
I hoped that after Alyce’s testimony, people would see things more clearly. Or, if they thought she was still guilty, at least think it was for reasons other than Cancun, and maybe think it was more murder 2 instead.
But alas, people do not want to see anything. Even with evidence in front of them. I mean, it’s not like this is just Jodi’s claims anymore. These are emails, texts between Travis and OTHER WOMEN in addition to Jodi. And Alyce even referenced Travis’s journals. HLN is claiming Alyce’s testimony is solely based on Jodi’s claims, but that is not true.
I cried today when I heard Alyce list the things that Travis called Jodi in that 16 page chat. I don’t see how people can say she deserved it, and that Travis was just suddenly seeing her true colors, that is why he got aggressive, especially since he did this with other women.
Aww Nk. I know how you feel. I was pretty emotional during Alyce’s testimony too. I really hope that Jodi Arias has peaceful days ahead.
I cried too Nk!! That was a really powerful example of just how severe the mental and emotional abuse was. I have been there before.
NK: YES! And Martinez was yelling at ALV about was it not true that she could not answer his questions properly, because she had negative feelings toward his hostile delivery –
that she was __________with him. Umm, I am trying to recall the expression he used that goes in that blank. It was a word that implied, but did not state, a very charged reaction to his elevated aggressive behavior, implying that it “impeached” her credibility.
NK, I think there is nothing JM would like better than to provoke a confrontation with ALV. Good point.
Kermit made a total fool of himself. I think he even confused himself a couple of times. That’s not to say he won’t go at it again on Monday in the same way. I think ALV showed just the right amount of humor to make him look foolish. She is a very intelligent lady.
Just like the abusers, as described by ALV, he is loosing control and is being driven by fear. I think his behavior will only get worse as he fails to control ALV. She played him like a fiddle, based upon what she knows about abusive bullies.
Perfect timing by JW an KN. Not only will the jury be having nightmares about Snow White this week end, they gave him just enough time to tip his hand as to his game plan for X exam of ALV.
As Al said earlier today, JW and KN laid the trap and the frog jumped right in it!
Totally agree with you FLNJANG! well said.
From the very beginning of this case, the 2 SVENGALI’S has been Juan Martinez and Det. Florez.. imo They deliberately set out to embarrass and humiliate Jodi and her family. Those naked pictures should have never been shown in court. They could have been placed under seal. But NO, they would never allow that. Judge Pickles could have stopped that, but NO she didn’t have big enough kahunas to stop it . This travesty of a trial was the result of a lousy investigation by Florez, and crappy forensics. Now, the court has ran amuck. If Jodi can win this, I hope she and her family sues anybody that gets in the way, including HLN (hellacious liers network).
I’m gonna watch Snow White tonight with my grandchild! She has not seen it yet and I have not seen it in years.
I’m still trying to figure out what Kermie was doing today. I think he misunderstood why she named her seminar after SW. He seems to often misunderstand simple things. It might be a cultural thing I don’t know. I really need to learn how to put together a video montage of him gesticulating all over the courtroom to some music. If anyone knows how to do that tell me!! We could watch it over and over for years to come to remember these special times 🙂
No way Trixels. I dont think its cultural… I think he is Emotionally Delayed and Socially Inappropriate.
Just took a course on “Emotional Intelligence” – It was VERY enlightening. You can be highly educated, and have a “superior position” and me so emotionally delayed that you really do not know how to gauge the emotions around you or see how you affect people. If ever there was a case where this has been displayed, this is it!
He could be doing this trial in a whole different manner that would make us say… well he is just doing his job… but the man incites anger and hate towards himself. And he is literally so backwards that he didnt suspect that signing autographs and dying his hair would have implications that would get so much attention.
He is annoying gnat.
Shan72, I am really interested in the course you took in “emotional intelligence” in relation to JM.
Do you think he might fall on the Aspergers/Autism spectrum?
That would really fit the way he jumps to weird conclusions, and not seem to understand to “play” nice. Like he really just does not “get it.”
I have been coming to suspect that my family of abusers, and probably myself, included, have been encumbered by that syndrone.
Awww, nice idea to watch Snow White with your granddaughter.
I think you’re right about Kermie. I’ve noticed a few times he seems to have had a bit of a learning curve. Sometimes it’s obvious he’s not understanding things.
His plan was to try and humiliate her and make her look unprofessional and nutty, based upon the SW title. The problem was, he didn’t understand that the title of her presentation was just a hook or catchy title…nothing more, nothing less. He sure took the bait…ran right into the forest with the 7 dwarfs and completely lost his way! He probably should have taken some advice from Hansel ans Gretel and left bread crumbs to find his way back.
LOL kitty
I couldn’t believe it when I found out that Juror #5 was in court today! She leaves, reportedly in tears after being removed from the jury, and asks the media to respect her privacy, and then returns to the courtroom as a member of the public! ‘Also heard she’s not under a gag rule so this adds to the potential for distraction and unexpected and strange twists this trial has taken since it began.
Juror #5 will now sit in court but the jury is not supposed to look at her. The media and social networks are buzzing with hyped up, biased accounts on so many fronts, and yet this non sequestered jury is supposed to go about their daily lives blocking it all out as if they live on a deserted island somewhere.
Jodi has never been given the opportunity to get a fair trial since it started, and the powers to be are lined up heavily against her. This includes, for example, the support that members of Travis family and their friends and Travis church community provide to a biased media and fan base, a prosecutor who apparently loves the spotlight and fame this trial is giving him, to the support given by the judge and state, etc.
Unlike reality show stars, Jodi was never asked if she wanted such a sensationalized, entertaining trial in which she gets to play the most evil person on the planet for people to hate. Unlike others accused daily of hideous crimes and even mass murders, she has been singled out to have every aspect of her trial nationally broadcast and spun every day. Even witnesses who testify on her behalf are subject to unjustified hatred and vicious character assassination thanks to the media’s influence and public threats continue to be made that can pose potentially damaging and dangerous threats to their careers, their livelihood, and their lives, no matter how much expertise or credibility they may have.
While the public has a right to know about the accused, the media has crossed the line in its biased reporting, fueling of public hatred of the accused in this case, and promotion of the trial as mass entertainment. Their ratings have climbed dramatically without presenting objective and accurate facts or news. Furthermore, political agendas of powerful and influential individuals, state departments, groups, majority voting populations could all be significantly advanced by a death penalty conclusion in this trial.
I strongly believe that the damaging influences and long-term implications of this trial are yet to seen, regardless of outcome. After the trial, we probably have the Zimmerman cases and others that will feed political and entertainment-related purposes. However, the notion of every citizen having the right to a fair trial will continue to be seriously jeopardized, jurors and others will find fame and make money exploiting the accused and playing to the media, and witnesses may not want to come forward for fear of what could happen to their careers, businesses, and families.
Hopefully, however, there will be increased action by people who do not delight in the idea of trials for entertainment and profit. Hopefully, there will be individuals in positions to aggressively challenge and change how far the media can go in damaging peoples lives and interfering with citizen rights as well as individuals in positions to make much needed reforms in Arizona’s trial processes and related policies. If this happens, so that ultimately NO ONE ELSE will have to go through the kind of media circus, enormous disrespect, and out of control court antics that poor Jodi Arias-and even innocent witnesses-have been subjected to, some long-term good can come out of this travesty of a trial after all.
Mattie, I am impressed not only with what you write but by the way have written it. Well said indeed!
wonderful post Mattie!
I just had to go and re-watch the part of the trial when Willmott asks AL if she has a memory problem. I love how Jodi looks over at JM and then smirks. I applaud her for only smirking since when I heard JW’s questions while I was at work, I literally started laughing (and co-workers were glancing at me wondering what I was laughing at). I just can’t get enough of this. JW is so sassy and I love it!
Pages from Jodi’s journal were posted on the hater site.
This actually made me cry. Because according to Dr. Samuels testimony, this was the time when she had created an alternate reality for herself.
how the hell did they get that Nk
Her journal entries were released to the media (over 600 of them). I assume the media published these particular entries because they were the ones that they could twist the most (as in, oh look what she wrote after she killed him…. she is covering her tracks.. blah blah) All that nonsense that Dr. Samuels explained.
JM made a HUGE mistake in saying “The KING is in charge, right?” The KING rules” (or whatever it was he said). I cringed. ALV didn’t even wince. I think JM is going to direct his questioning toward man haters, I think that is where he was headed with that…trying to get a reaction…Good luck trying JM. ALV has already said she likes people. “I haven’t met many people I don’t like”. ALV YOU are a true HERO!
My fiance watched the entire cross with me. He was livid, and when that line came up about the king having power, he said “sexist prick” about JM.
It sounds like you landed a keeper
I want people to smile, so I give you: the corgi bunny! 🙂
🙂 Thank you for the smile Nk. and with that I will say good night…cute bunny 🙂
Excellent post Mattie! Many people do not understand the consequences of this trial and any other trial. Very well said, with the up-most respect. I feel passionately Jodi was the victim of domestic violence. She was a battered woman. imo I believe Jodi…. I think TA was a PEDO. She knows more than she is telling or it was not allowed it court (like 10 letters). I think she did not understand the RAPE word, and it was actually happening to her. I hope Alyce Laviollette explained the difference of making love and rape to JODI. I also find it strange that Travis had not seen his brother in a couple of years, and was estranged from his sisters. Everything was not honky dory. God bless Jodi’s parents, no parent wants to find themselves in this situation. I love Alyce for standing up for Jodi, I wish her well, After this trial I hope both she and Dr. Samuels go on to make lots of money and have much success, especially for putting up with dikhead.
OMG Posted by Katiecooladie on websleuths
(News of the Weird, just got a psychotweet from someone calling themself “Justice4Jodi” – nuff said, just learned the block feature on twitter )
Ok so got in the courtroom thinking I was late but there were tons of other people in there for other cases. Looked like several hispanic defendants in stripes and the odd sounds of people speaking English with the murmur of Spanish translators going on. Several attorneys on both sides, families sitting all around the court. A few media people I recognize but odd. I went to my seat on the second row then saw JM sitting 3 seats down on the front seat.
As I was sitting there with a purse full of custom M&M’s , some with his name printed on them I SO wanted to approach him but …Aw He!! no! Not after the recent events.
So shortly thereafter people started trickling in and Nicole the VA sat behind him and Aunt Heather came in, sat next to Juan and started chatting. I actually wanted to speak with Nicole about another project I’m cooking up so scooted over then Juan turned around as I moved over and smiled at me and said Hi so I just blurted out “I have M&M’s in my purse with your name on them” and he chuckled and said “I want to see them”. So I scooted back and grabbed them and grabbed the light blue ones and handed them to him and he immediately started chuckling and said something like “these are great!”. Then I showed him the “Well it’s your fog” ones and he laughed again. Nicole the VA was really having fun with them too..she thought they were hilarious! Then I showed the dark ones to Heather that said “Justice 4 Travis” and just handed them out.
Juan M. then asked if he could keep the bag of the light blue ones and I said “of course!” (figured the person who sent them would be thrilled to know he kept the bag–and I had more at home..Just brought about half as I only had that much room in my purse!). And gave the rest to the fam who took them in the Victim room. Later a journalist wanted to take a pic of them and I just said “sorry, already gave them away”. Had it been one of my fave journalists I would have told them I had more at home they could photo but…………..
So that’s the M&M melt in your mouth beginning to my day.
Somebody should send him Tootsie Rolls instead. Those were Travis’s favorites.
lmao Tony, but I think it was tootsie pops!
The things people do to get five minutes of fame…….
I love your handle, FUJuan!
Thanks Also Abused…..
What a pathetic famewhore. And of course JM took the M&Ms…he can spend all weekend staring at them to remind himself that he’s a ROCK STAR!
Wasn’t someone on here making a list of all the abusive names Travis used against Jodi?
I cant keep track anymore.
I just watched that part when I got home this evening. I was so emotionally wrecked after it, I had to lay down and take a nap. Vile! And to think it went on for so many hours. UGH!
6 hrs and 16 pages long when printed out. It made me ill too. Each word was like a kick in the stomach. He compared her to Hitler & satan my gawd that fucker was relentless.
Does anybody remember what exactly brought on that tirade? I can’t remember what it was, whether it had anything to do with that picture Travis made for Jodi that she forgot to take with her to Yreka or if it was something else, like the chastity deal. I hope somebody can refresh my memory.
Also Abused,
I can’t take it either and the hateful talking heads keep saying where’s the abuse????
Are they that dence and hateful?
Anyone listening knows exactly what the abuse was from Travis.
Emotional abuse, physical abuse??? AND these pundits don’t get it yet???
They don’t even see anything unusual about Travis masterbating with young boys pictures, YET
Vinnie goes livid when he hears it about other people other than Travis.
They keep saying who’s the victim here?
I guess that they have never known women that were abused in many different ways.
I’m sure that they see it all of the time on the news and if the woman dies they call the man a monster. If she hadn’t have had to defend herself,and it was Jodi dead would
they still think he was a saint?
I want then to stop asking who is the victim here.
It just makes them sound more stupid.
I know I was talking to my husband today and I get just sick. First of all the trial is FAR from fair the idiots LYING is what really makes me sick.
Did you see the juror that got dismissed in the courtroom today?
The judge agknowledged it and told everyone they aren’t allowed to talk to her. WOW!!!
I can not believe that one AT all.
Can u believe i wrote it all out? Pls excuse my lack of punctuation its been a long day and when im lazy this is how i type 🙂
Here goes:
From the 6 hr 16 page rant:
what a freaking whore
youre a cheap whore
i dont know how a heart beats i such a corrupted carcass
hitler had more of a conscience than you
ive never dealt with a more solid form of evil
now youre going on to the next dick
your words are worthless
i hate you
you caused me more pain than the death of my father
youre a rotten lunatic
nothing but a liar
you live life identical to satan
youre a 3 hole wonder
you should give tips for giving BJ’s
you never loved me
you’ve got a sluts job
who cares about you youre worthless
youre a bitch
your lies make your life worthless
youre taking up peoples air
you dont know what a horror youve caused me
youre a laughing stock
you only care about Jodi
he blames her for pain in his life
i was nothing more than a dildo with a heartbeat to you
youre demented
bashes her values, lather rinse repeat – 16 pages long over 6 hr time span
This one really, really, gets me crying: “you’re taking up peoples air”
He is basically telling her she should go kill herself and shouldn’t be alive.
Oh!! It was AWFUL!!!
But Jodi and women that get caught up with a jerk like that always want to help them.
They really do. I know women that wanted so bad to help and just couldn’t give up.
You know when you love some one so much, it’s hard to give up. You truly want to help them and when they turn their hate into I love you, the woman believes she’s helping, but doesn’t realize it’s ONLY a short time.
I have often wondered why, BUT after watching this trial, I even know more why.
The woman are good people and they just have that in them especially like Jodi trying to help him because he had a terrible childhood.
She thought if she gave him what he wanted, he would be happy, but it was all a mind and emotional game with Travis.
That IS what is so sad to me and I can’t stand for the idiots that should know better just bullying her more on national TV. They are a shame and an embarressment to television.
I hope it bites them.
He’s really showing his TRUE side in himself with this text message. WTH did she stay with him….. I get it, but DAMN, those are some low blows to any women even if they had high self-esteem. My heart totally breaks for Jodi to be with a NUT job like TA…….
I pray she walks FREE in a couple weeks……………. Nobody deserved to be treated like this……….harsh words you can never take back and cause so much pain.
Same here FUJaun,
And the pundits don’t think it was a threat when he said something about the wrath (come on juan
you know he was saying his wrath, makes no difference His wrath Or THE wrath for Jodi would worse…………………….. I forget the rest, I was too busy just thinking of that and that was enough for me to know, he was a REAL threat to Jodi.
Trixels, the one about she wasn’t worth anything and they should SPIT IN HER FACE.
something like that!
OMG!!!! That really pissed me off. All of it did.
I am just sick for her.
I know that it will be hard for her like Alyce said for your sex life and personal messages
to be all over the internet.But, what I would say to Jodi, those that are making the big deal about her life…………there’s something I’M sure that they wouldn’t want and they would be horrified if they were in your place.
Like they say, everyone sits on the pot a like, but that ONE person
wouldn’t want the world to see it.
Just like everyone has sex, but they didn’t have to be humilated by talking about it and showing pictures.
So I would tell Jodi after this is over keep seeing Alyce, She’s a wonderful person that can help you through your humilation. You may not see it now, but later on you will.
You don’t know how many abused women you’ve helped
You’re strong, you see it in your beautiful art.
I especially loved the baby feet.
You’re adorable, Hang in there!
There’s a lot of love out here for you!
Never ever forget that you are loved!
Thank you for preparing this list of TA’s six hour rampage of rants.
This person (Travis Alexander) was in a state of total irrationality. Drugs? Mental breakdown?
Definitely out of control, and definitely reportable as being potentially dangerous.
IMO this is HUGE. This is the material that lies behind all of these violent acts that have been greeting us every single day recently in the news.
In God’s name, what is the answer, where is the refuge, what have we come to, is there any HOPE at all?
In case anyone wants to visit AlyseLaviolette’s fb page 🙂
I ‘liked’ the page on fb. I hope AL sees it and knows she has our support.
It’s not her page, just a support page. And I don’t get the impression she’s online a lot. But I do hope someone will tell her that she has support.
Perhaps SJ would add it to the linked pages on the site.
Thanks, Suzy, for the info on AL’s fb page. I added a “like” and a comment. She is truly a remarkable woman with much empathy, courage, and wisdom. I’m so glad Jodi has her for a witness
You’re welcome! I sent it to SJ on Facebook and I also sent him info that juror #5 finally speaks.
One thing I felt was missing from ALV’s testimony was anything about how a woman acting in self defense would kill a man so violently and do so to ensure he’s absolutely dead and can’t turn on her again. I’m thinking of women like Susan Wright, Wendy Maldonado, Barbara Sheehan, Francine Hughes, Patuma Rahimu, Judy Norman, Angelina Napolitano, Angelique Lyn Lavallee, Margaret Ann Malott, Omaima Nelson, Gladys Kelly, Brenda Clubine, Glenda Crosley, and others.
I guess that either (a) ALV has no clinical experience with these types of women and can’t then, in good faith testify to it, or (b) it’s assumed JM will bring it up which will allow the defense to clarify on re-direct. Anyone have any thoughts?
Yup, quite possibly being held back for re-direct I would guess.
I having been pondering about juror #5 – can she testify to what the jurors have really been up to later on the trial?
She hasn’t been giving any interviews.
It’s like a hall of mirrors! I’m off cycling for a few days, have a good week-end everyone.
Can’t hold it back for re-direct. Re-direct can only address issues raised on cross.
I believe they may have left it out for one or more of the following:
1. ALV is not qualified to comment.
2. Leaving it out stops JM from bringing it up on cross, and so stops those pictures being displayed yet again.
Omaima Nelson probably wouldn’t be the best one to mention. She did, however, have some deep-seated rage issues.
Or was it from all his abuse and her castration as a child? It is interesting that she only got second degree even though she cut him, beat him with an iron, dismembered him, castrated him, cooked him and ate him. The jurors did NOT find premeditation in her case.
She had just met the guy, an older man, and married him shortly thereafter, but she had tied men up before and I believe stole from them. This guy she killed outright, I believe she panicked when she killed him, and then ate much of his body parts. I don’t remember anything about him ever being abusive to her. She was an Egyptian immigrant, as I recall, and seemed to have been really screwed up before she arrived in this country.
She may have been abused when she lived in her home country.
Found this interesting doing some searches tonight:
Tanisha Sorenson married in Oct 2010 but has four children. I would think this would be frowned upon in the Mormon faith ( children before marriage). Not sure how old her children are, and if they were from a previous relationship. Her husband is 58 years old, and she’s 34 years old. She’s got tattoos all over her arms which is prohibited in the Mormons faith. She’s owns ” Advanced Laser Services in Redland, CA with her husand which is a company that rents out laser medical machines.
As for Samantha she was on the police force for six years, looks like she doesn’t work there any longer according to the information I found.
They are selling family photos and collecting from donations. Collecting money to shop and live on at the expense of their dead brother is a sin ……
I think at least some of Tanisha’s kids may be her husband’s from another relationship. She refers to her “grandkids” on one of her websites and she’s definitely too young for multiple biological grandkids. So they must be her husband’s also, and she is stepmom/stepgrandmother.
I just heard from a domestic violence advocate that CNN and HLN are being funded by one of the largest Fathers’ Rights Groups, Fathers4Justice. This is what is behind this witch hunt of Jodi. These groups are evil and have figured out methods for men to screw over battered women in custody and divorce. They do this under the pretense that fathers have rights to their children — which we all totally agree with — but NOT when the father is an abuser who also abused his kids. This particular group is fighting to abolish domestic violence protection orders. And CNN and HLN have supported them, so they have funded them. One of the saddest statistics is the exceptionally high percentage of batterers who are granted sole custody of their children through the tactics of these groups. http://www.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474977920596 I don’t have a horse in this race per se, as I don’t have kids. But on one of the fathers’ rights groups, I read the exact strategy my ex used against me (drain the bank accounts, shut off water and other utilities in the house, use her credit card to retain legal representation, leave her with nothing) and the legal strategy of demanding my address. It now makes total sense to me why HLN is doing what they’re doing. .
Wow, very interesting findings…… No wonder they bash all these women who are on trial and are domestic violence survivors.
Shame on you HLN.
The Southern Poverty Law Center regards “Men’s rights” groups as hate groups.
Great find MB! 🙂
Holy crap! They talk about a website where people can disparage rape victims. Another way to silence rape victims.
Here are a few words from the Father’s Rights Movement (in their own words):
“The solution I’m suggesting is that paedophiles become much more positive. They should directly attack the concept, the image, the picture of the paedophile as an evil, wicked, and reprehensible exploiter of children…”
“… there are TWO lying broads to every one who tells the truth!”
“We have forgotten that before we began calling this date rape… we called it exciting.”
“…there is a bit of pedophilia in every one of us.”
“Feminists should be charged with nothing less than Crimes Against Humanity, sentenced, and summarily executed in public squares.”
Absolutely JC, make no mistake this isn’t just about fathers getting visitation rights. This is war against women, period. Also Abused’s link proves it IMO.
And to think this happens right here in America, where we’re supposed to be so fucking enlightened and beyond all the problems of fundamentalist nations. Yeah right. I’d like to see the media take as much of an active role in exposing these hate pundits as much as they expose racists, anti-Semites, and anti-LGBTQA.
Okay, so did anyone ever listen to Kelly Clarkson’s song, Addicted? They lyrics came to mind when Willmott was questioning Alyce about the power balance between Jodi and Travis.
“Addicted” by Kelly Clarkson is one of my favorite songs of hers, and it also reminds me so much of my past relationship. I also think it describes Travis and Jodi’s relationship.
It really does! And it’s kind of freaky
JM certainly made an ass out of himself today,very unprofessional.ALV will handle him.On a side note the other talking assholes on HLN commented on Jodis hair,I guess they couldnt find anything else to beat her up on today,what a bunch of losers.DR Drew wasnt there tonight,probally out getting a new brain,the one he had only functioned as a device to stop his skull from caving in.Jodi has been deprived of sleep,food,a fair trial and dignity,what else can they do to her,you have a greasey mexican leaking info and videos at opertune times,a jurry that has most certainly been tainted,a judge that has no balls and can not control her court room or pay attention,a jurror that was booted off the jury and now in attendance,a defence tean that is denied and ottver ruled at every motion,Gee that sums it up as a miscarriage of justice.On a lighter note,Jodi looked good today,she looks good in red and her hair was very pretty.GOD BLESS Jodi,looking forward to the day you are free.
Very interesting…….
check this out and let us know your thoughts
Meh, just Travis filing proper paperwork to work from home (from what I gather). Probably based on laws, if he was to follow leads from home instead of at a PPL office location, he’d need it. Sort of like someone needing to apply for a license if they were selling cakes or whatever from home.
I heard he was trying to start a clothing line or read that somewhere this is what I found out there…………also he has a separate page for it on his my space
What is CAFGSS?
Cafgss is an international coalition against the flagrant flaunting of flesh. Our mission is simple: We want people to start wearing clothes again! There are great injustices in society today. Clothing companies are ripping females off. They are selling them only half a shirt.,but are still charging them full price!
Our schools have dress code policies, but they are rarely enforced. Many of us are fed up with this blatent showing of skin. Now its time we band together and scream”We are the victims here!” Show you support for the cause. With many voices we can create change. Join the coalition.
“More than a shirt, it’s a quest!” http://www.myspace.com/cafgss1
Still don’t think it has much to do with the case. Seems like he was just trying to build a career.
I honestly do think that clothing stores are selling women half shirts while charging them full prices. Today ( compared to men’s clothing), women’s clothing has less material ( cheaper, more shear material) … It is really sad. I will buy men’s cotton tshirts sometimes because they are better quality. Women’s clothing … well the clothing is just a lot more sexual.
Ya it don’t have anything to do with it. I just came across it an thought FUJUAN maybe wanted to see if that was what his link was for a LLC an that is what I found out there.
Also for Jodi being such a stalker an all she was still a friend on that account too. Seriously who keeps nut cases on their accounts. No one. That is one of the first things people do is REMOVE the weirdo’s on their social networking usually. Just saying people can’t see that they keep wanting me to believe she was his nightmare his stalker etc.
What a dumb name for a business. How do you pronounce it?
Rhonda, I find it to be a very odd coincidence that CAFGSS is strangely similar to CAFCASS in the UK that tries to protect children during divorce proceedings. Fathers4Justice, as Also Abused points out, funds HLN/CNN and uses intimidation tactics against CAFCASS according to Wikipedia references.
Also – TA says in at least one text message that Jodi “looks like a total whore” after posting a picture. The CAFGSS “mission” seems to be his own projection of contempt for women who do not conform to what he views as appropriate dress.
I also found that someone had at one time LLC’d CAFGSS, I don’t know if they have anything to do with Travis though.
This is nothing. He’s just forming a LLC (Limited Liability Corporation). PPL probably hires these guys as independent contractors. Forming an LLC is the right thing to do. It allows for better management of taxes, expenses, etc.
This is nothing
Please read this….. IT’s TA to a tee…. one guy on there was friends with TA.
Oh my gosh does that guy have the story all messed up or what? haha but ya that I can just hear Travis. I have read stories like that before they don’t like to admit that stuff.
But on one friends FB page I found a comment about Travis that has stuck with me an was disturbing to me but funny to his Mormon friends. That Travis would go to BYU with a back pack on. He never attending BYU he only did that too pick up women nice Mormon women so I assume that was only for going to the movies an pizza right ? yes or no? lol
Thanks for sharing going back to read it further now
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How ironic it is that the trial began this morning with Nurmi telling the judge:
“It is a fairy tale to assume that this jury is not hearing any of this,”
And the day ended with JM asking ALV how old the dwarves were.
I thought I had dreamed all of this.
Exactly! I just said the same in my latest post:
Team Jodi
I was just watching Jodi’s interrogation videos. I am still on video number one and at about the 8:47 mark, Jodi asks Detective Flores if this is being recorded at all because she has noticed recorders in the room. Detective Flores answers that he doesn’t know if they are being recorded or not and states that those recorders are not on. In other words he lied to her from the beginning. He did not tell her that everything was being recorded.
Hi Debbie. For sure. I spotted that too, along with 1,001 other issues with Flores’ antics. It’s like the bit where he starts playing the a psychic and channeling TA’s comments into the interview. BS!
Team Jodi
In all their wisdom the supreme court has ruled that Cops can lie to a suspect during an interrogation. This is the so-called technique Flores was talking about.
There are times in ones life when we are just speechless….this is such a time for me…….is this trial for real? God help us all if it is.
Yes. It’s a circus and a farce.
The trial is now playing second fiddle to all this BS.
Team Jodi
JM lost this case from the minute he opened the pie-hole in his rat face. Jodi is going to be victorious!
Calling all trolls! Calling all trolls! The troll king’s jester,…JM, has been found imitating a prosecutor in Maricopa County! Please come get him immediately!