
Jodi Arias Trial – Day 37


Following on from his sexual innuendo, his desk banging antics and his little pen throwing incident, did anyone else catch Martinez telling Jennifer Willmott to piss off during his follow-up of Dr Richard Samuels late yesterday afternoon?

After another one of his trademark meltdowns, and after Jennifer objected to his yelling and his BS, he distinctly says “I’m gonna object to this speaking objection, she can piss…..” – but he never got around to adding “off” to the end of his sentence, and seemed to stop himself just in time. Check it out in the video below at the 00:13 mark…

[hdplay id=129 width=500 height=300]

Aside all those theatrics, yesterday was yet another awesome day for the defense, with Dr Richard Samuels more than holding his own, despite Martinez’ repeated attempts to undermine his 35 years of experience and his claims that all psychological problems are BS because, unlike his favorite “crater”, they can’t be seen – right?

Taking into account that the next witness for the defense – Alyce LaViolette – has actually taught prosecutors how to cross examine witnesses, it’s gonna be more than interesting to see what happens when he tries to pull the same shit on her. Click here to read her 20 page CVMaybe he can book some lessons for himself after the trial?

Remember… We are Team Jodi – and WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS.

Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Leave your comments below on day 37…

Team Jodi


    • I am so relieved to find this site and read the thoughtful comments. I was thinking I lived in WonderLand with this trial. I miss Court TV. Beth Karas used to be professional and impartial. HLN is making a mockery of the judicial system.

      I am sorry Travis is dead. But there is just something squirrel-y about this case. In a world where people refuse to take responsibility for their actions, shouldn’t we be applauding Jodi for getting on the stand and admitting she killed him? She could have refused to testify and made prosecution prove the case for 1st degree murder.

      I look forward to today’s testimony.


    • Hi GeeBee2,

      Re your: “why the prosecution case is a fraud.” I look forward to a careful read. Thanks for your work.

      Yesterday, someone posted the link below. (I deeply apologize that I cannot find the source again to credit them.)

      “John Stuart files suit against cops for violating his rights” This is none other than Maricopa County, 2008.

      I just finished digesting this legal filing that details the specific corruption and criminal behavior in Maricopa Counlty police dept that is preventing a fair trial. The time frame seems to be about that of Jodi’s case – 2008.

      The Medical Examiner (a chief culprit) – none other than Robert Lyons Case#CV-12-0353-SA

      I do not know whether Jodi’s defense team would be aware or not of this documented culture of deliberate fraud and deception (destroying evidence, threats, etc.) that makes it impossible to get a fair trial.

      Many on our site keep stating a sense that Jodi is trying to protect people for whom she fears. This legal petition details specific threats by officials to put targeted individuals in jail to keep them from testifying. As well as blackmailing certain of their own personnel to falsely testify under threat of having a family member arrested.

      I feel crushed and deceived to find out this sort of life-damaging corruption of power really operates unfettered in our country. I have led a rather sheltered life, and would appreciate feedback on coming to terms with this dawning, unwelcome awareness.

      • Chelion

        Arizona has a very bad record, and I believe Maricopa is particularly bad ( I don’t know the details though ).

        I only know in general terms, but for example Debra Milke has just had her conviction overturned after 22 years on death row : due a detective with a long record of misconduct.

        There is a petition asking for her not to be re-tried ( I know it sounds ridiculous, but the state is threatening to do that ).

        There is also the case of Kirstin Blaise Lobato, one of the most ridiculous convictions ever, with an entirely incompetent judge who didn’t know the law of hearsay.

      • Just as bad, to me, is when someone who is really guilty walks free. In this case, poor Jodi is being railroaded. But I”m starting to lose the faith. What is this lady going on and on about long-term relationships and seemingly unrelated scenarios!

        Like I said, I’m starting to lose the faith for a favorable outcome! Can anyone pep me back up?

      • As a Britt from London, UK, I wouldn’t set foot in Maricopa County if you paid me. I’m horrified, I have never ever seen a live trial in the US before. Jodi is so brave. I shall be so happy if she gets aquitted, marries and has children and a life. I hope she writes a book.

  1. Good Morning JAII’ers.

    At least the rant will be off for the day.

    Boy wasn’t that something else yesterday.

    Should be a learning experience for some of us today.

    • Morning AL..happy to see your on the right page…lol My head has stopped spinning and I find that that little man has a very interesting personality in the court room. I do hope that it does not carry over into his personal life. Yikes!!! Perhaps he just might learn a thing or two with this wittiness.

      I saw Jodi and JW smile allot yesterday…hummm was it just utter disbelief or were they just enjoying the comic act he was displaying.

      School today?

      • Yup school today, but they’re calling for snow again this afternoon.

        Next week its college road trip with the twins. Yee Haw!

        All the way from Maryland to Alabama and back with two teenagers, God bless their souls and save Dad’s.

        • LOL and Dad just wait untill you do that trip next Aug. I’m telling you when they across that stage this Spring you will turn to a marshmallow…..

            • Its 2014. Juniors right now. Its gonna be one empty house come Fall 2014. We got them both on the same day, and they’ll be gone to school at the same time.

              Me, I’m pushing really hard for Maryland. College Park is 25 minutes away. Its a great school, in-state tuition. What’s not to like. My wife says I’m a softy, I think they just need to be with their folks just a little bit more. They’ll have plenty of time to be on their own later.

              Plus where else am I going to hear enlightened conversation like this morning.

              Brother: “You have a big butt”
              Sister: “At least I don’t smell like a big butt”

  2. Martinez: The new ‘M-word’

    by dirtyPickles

    If I were a waiter and had to explain the difference between a dish called Justice and a dish called Martinez, it would probably go something like this, “Justice is facts over opinion. Martinez is when you serve a opinion with a hint of facts.

    I sit here and watch the Jodi Arias trial and wonder if the HLN hosts and their viewers care about justice. They would say they want justice for Travis Alexander. What does that mean? Does it mean, one allows a host with ‘chiclet teeth,’ to dictate your thoughts. Is this group of people wanting and even needing to convict someone due to their own lack of purpose in life? The answer is yes.

    Ask yourself how does a lawyer get to host one of these legal shows. They all seem to have started their legal careers at 25 and yet their television careers start in their late 20s and early 30s. How could someone with 5 to 7 years of experience in the courtroom be able to inform the public by their on experiences. Yes, they have been to law school, but what does that mean? How many death penalty cases have they argued? Is it more than one or any at all?

    Let’s face it people are becoming dumber and dumber every minute. They don’t want reality they want actuality. They want something that entertains them. They want to sit at home and bitch at life and live vicariously through television personalities. This is a condition called ‘pussification.’

    Pussifiation is a word coined by the comedian George Carlin. It means taking something strong and making it soft. People can’t take reality so they bull shit themselves into an alternative reality. They get emotionally invested and need a mommy and daddy to protect them for the harshness of life. That is why we are all blessed with HLN.

    HLN needs to ask themselves if Martinez has this case won, why all the games? Why not present the facts and sit your ass down? What is Martinez reasoning? Could he just be a saw-offed asshole that has a ‘Napoleon Complex?’ I think the answer is yes.

    I want justice. That means I believe that a person is innocent until proven guilty. That means the evidence should put someone away regardless of my opinions. Martinez makes a mockery of our justice system in fact his mouth needs a mudflap, so as to protect the witnesses from the shit that flies out of his mouth. 

The best thing that could happen to Martinez is to get a ‘suppository of justice’ administered by a drop kick up the ass.

    In the end, Martinez is not concerned with what he says, he is concerned with what people think they hear him say.

    So what is justice? Fill in the blank…

      • I don’t think any of us trusted the justice system, even before this circus style trial.

        Team Jodi

        • I did. I was naive.

          I was not naive about the ability of individuals to do shitty things, but I was about the justice system. I held them to a higher standard, which I shouldn’t have considering they are all weak people too…just like the rest of us.

          This has opened my eyes that is for sure…

          • Hopefully the jury will come through and do the right thing. Casey’s jury restored some of my faith in the justice system.

          • BeeCee, I truely understand what you are saying. I have lawers in my family and my younger son is pre-law..(but now is riding the fence on that.)

            It’s good to question things that just don’t sit right in our guts. But after this case is over I will never look at our justice sysem with the respect that I have always beleived it should have.

          • I hear where you guys are coming from, but I don’t think it’s time to give up just yet. After what happened to poor Amanda Knox this morning, I’m not willing to trade with any other country just yet. After a few rulings I’ve had to deal with (including my failure to secure a restraining order for a (pro bono) client of mine who was 2 weeks later murdered, in part because the judge said that the Section 8 house that she lived in was too clean and in a neighborhood “as nice as [his]”). OK, sorry, guys..I’m crying now…But the answer is not to give up. I don’t know what the answer is, but I know that giving up isn’t it.

            • What happened to Amanda is bullshit, though we won’t extradite her back to Italy. I hope that Raffael will be OK.

            • Joujou-
              I feel so badly that you are crying. I am certain that you did everything in your power to do the right thing for your client. (I feel like I’ve gotten to know you a bit via your posts, so can say that with certainty) We live in a world where corruption is rampant and the US Judicial System is not immune. Unfortunately, even the best attornies can’t always get the just result, because a Judge and/or Jury has the final say. We all must really pay attention to what our elected officials and their appointees are doing.

              That is why this sight is so valuable as it shines a light on the Court Room and the behavior of all parties, that would otherwise not be seen on the current crazed media sites. I fully believe that time will tell a lot more in re: to Jodi’s case. Lots of corruption, from the DA to the Police and ME, and possibly to the Judge.

        • SJ, I did trust the system at one time but that all ended with the biggest circus ever… the O.J. Simpson trial. It was over for me after that one.

    • Oh, Dirty Pickles! I’ve been missing you; glad to see you are back posting. Excellent post. I think justice is in the eye of the beholder, and I am gonna have to think long and hard to come up with a satisfactory definition in words from this beholder.

    • Great point, DP. The sad part is because Court TV no longer exists, we are forced to watch HLN.

      Sure, the “Pauses” are annoying and the hosts are biased. But nothing is more insane than Nancy Grace and when she appears in the lower right hand corner with unsolicited running commentary *while* the witness is actually speaking.

      I really believe that if the jury thought Jodi was as guilty as HLN thinks, they wouldn’t ask so many questions. They would just want to get the trial over and get on with their lives.

      • I totally agree about nancy grace with her big mouth. And I particularly hate the way she refers to Dr Richard Samuel as dick. That is disrespectful on so many levels. The man has been a practicing clinical psychologist for over 30 years. Does he not deserve a little bit of respect!?

    • I am wanting to know how JM is getting away with all these sneak ins? It is his job to prove guilt with out any doubt. With everyone being human and this case lasting so long. No one can tell me that the jury might take some of his flat out opinion as a fact or over think. I feel when he kept making it sound like the Doctor had feelings for Jodi it should be stopped right then, or at least the judge should have had to say to the jury something like you must not take what the DA just said, you are here to only listen to facts in the case only. But none of that took place. I do not understand how he is able to dance around like a hot head and not get called out for it. How is this fair? I am lost. And that was not okay for him to do not only because a persons life is on the line, but this doctor has family and a wife. Just wrong flat out wrong.

      • I agree with that too! And for jm to continuously call what the Dr did for her (GIVING HER A BOOK TO HELP HER) him giving her a gift. IN CASE HE DOESN’T KNOW THE DIFFERENCE- HERE WE GO. ( A GIFT IS something that makes a person go OH MY YOU SHOULDN’T HAVE/ I LOVE IT! Where as a SELF-HELP BOOK is just that a book geared to improving someone’s quality of life aiding them in helping themselves! BIG DIFFERENCE JM NEEDS TO GET A CLUE.

  3. Wow SJ I saw and heard that. Wouldn’t Martinez saying something like that in open court be grounds for something? His dismissal perhaps? It is my hope that at the very least he is brought up before the bar for his shenanigans. Since this is all televised and all over the internet, they’ve got him dead to rights!

    • Hi Debbie,

      I’m glad it wasn’t only me that heard it. Sounds like in the middle of everyone talking, it got lost somewhere in the mix. Whether anything can be done about it is another thing entirely.

      Team Jodi

      • The judge could sanction him herself or recommend him for sanctions to the bar … but she didn’t, so …

        • She probably didn’t hear it Also Abused, although I really don’t know how she could have missed it he said it right to her.

        • I am hoping someone who has the authority does send him to the Bar for sanctions! I didn’t catch the “she can piss…” remark( good catch guys), but that coupled with his other abhorrent behavior should be grounds for disbarment.

        • Also Abused

          Goes to show where she stands in this trial circus, doesn’t it.

          How’re you doing? Good I hope. Keep smiling! 🙂

    • Hi Renee’

      Interesting cc’s…

      Druckerman is with ABC
      Karas – HLN
      Matadeen – HLN/freelance

      Anyone have any further info on this?

      Team Jodi

        • I’ll post a link to it at the top of this page, to see if we can (collectively) find out more.

          Team Jodi

        • He’s probably just the judge on rotation for hearing motions tomorrow morning.

          • Ok help me on this please….how can new evidences be brought up darning the rebuttal of the jury questions? (might not have the name for it right) Never has it been brought up in court that Jodi hit or kicked her mother. From the look on JW’s face this might have been something new?

            • I totally agree with you cindy. That should NOT have been allowed. It’s highly prejudical to Jodi.

              The only argument I can even think of that JM could have made to the judge to persuade her to allow it is (a) it was stated somewhere in Dr. Samuels’ file — possibly by Jodi herself (although I thought the testified “that’s what it said” as if he read it from something), and (b) Samuels testified that Jodi was always a pacifist prior to 6/4/08. Therefore, JM was trying to impeach him on that testimony because he had prior knowledge that she was no always a pacifist.

              That still seems weak given the prejudice. I’ve seen judges not allow past criminal histories that could easily be considered far more relevant.

              • As Jodi suffered abuse from her mother when she was a child, who can blame her if she hit or kicked her anyway. What this has to do with premediatated murder, heaven only knows.

      • I thought it was because of the spectators comments that where made.

        But, it is actually a restraining order …asking for the judge to restrict those news companies from reporting information they deem “sensitive”.

        • OK then…humm not that I’m a fan but how do they know what is or isn’t “sensitive”? From all of this could it be that someone leaking senstive information? Sorry I’m a lay person.

          • No way to know really. it is usually for one of two reasons.

            1. documents etc containing personal information of any related to the case such as phone number, address, social security num etc,

            2. (my guess is this one). Information that impacts the trial/ or that has been deemed to be too prejudicial. This is not uncommon in highly publicized cases … especially when the Jury is not sequestered. Such information such as the clip all the channels keep playing about her standing on her head and singing I might just have to change my memories. -that was not allowed — too prejudicial. It also interestingly is almost always filed by the side the media has been against.

            • And don’t forget the newest “BOMBSHELL!” clip of her admitting to ‘kicking’ the dog. Ugh, can’t stand going to for ACTUAL BREAKING NEWS STORIES and seeing NG’s mug leering at me!!!

              • saw what? Jodi kicked a dog? Well you can tell I’m not tuning into those news stations.

                I feel this crap is being leaked out now because there is fear, just as JM’s little performance yesterday.

                Where all this stuff coming from…….

              • SERIOUSLY,SERIOUSLY THIS ALL THEY GOT? If it wasn’t so pitiful it would be laughable. Yup Jodi has major anger issues. Now NG has really cracked the case….

                Oh for the love of God please help us!!!

                • The haters have taken this one step further, now they are saying she killed the dog, and that she was a budding serial killer.

                • And don’t forget, Renee, about the time she hit her brother in the head with the plastic bat when she was 4 years old… She tried to beat him to death!!!

                • Oh jeez…she was 14 at the time. Was it wrong for her to kick the dog? Absolutely. But the haters are going to act like she did this the week prior to killing Travis.

                  And watch the video…she is CONTRITE and feels guilty to this day. And Flores says “Kicking a dog once is not an anger issue.” But oh yes…this makes her a serial killer.

                  Do any of the haters have IQs above 50?

                • Well, the average hater lets the “media” do their thinking for them. Not withstanding their combined jealousy & anger problems, they have no apparent issues with pedophilia, rape & related abuses… they play on their Xbox for 18 hours a day… they are relatively poor… they have no regular means of transportation… they blame everyone else for all their problems & shortfalls… and they basically have no life outside of that. I guess the IQ of your typical hater is gonna be well below the average. Did I just describe an average HLN viewer too?

                  Team Jodi

                • SJ, I think that pretty well sums it up! I just hate that I can’t get my NEWS without all the HLN tabloid BS clogging up my Newsfeed.

                  And is Mainstream America now a place where rape, pedophilia, and abuse are okay, but defending yourself from said offenses is not? Do these idiots actually believe that, or are they only acting for the cameras? If they’re acting, there should be a ban on cameras in the Courtroom, because they are making a mockery of the American Judicial System to the whole entire world! I haven’t seen anything even remotely resembling this debacle in my local criminal justice system, EVER.

              • Ashley yesterday during the last part of the hearing when it ran into the Nancy Grace hour…the ticker at the bottom of the screen said…
                Jodi kicked her dog and hit her mother right before killing T.A.” That was purposely twisting the truth! How can they legally do that? Did anyone else see that? It was part of the reason I was so angry yesterday. Doesn’t HLN have to report truth? Who holds them accountable? People who weren’t able to watch the trial firsthand would have believed their version was truth.

      • Earlier today, HLN said the motion was to keep out the amounts the defense paid out to defend Jodi. Holly Hughes (HLN guest) said it was because (paraphrase) “the jury would hear the amount from the news – since no one can expect the jury to obey the court order to not listen to news reports.”

    • I hope they get the protection order. I am really tired of the news media going over-board on their reporting. the re-building of the room and having a girl pull the dummy around and put it in the shower, etc., it all needs to stop.

      • I haven’t seen any of that Taylor… They actually went there?! Wow…. Desperation rules the day.

      • I saw that. The ridiculous “re-enactment” was with weighted dummy. It was not a dead body that would (excuse my vulgarity) flop around.

        Also, The angle of the shot is odd. What about the possibility that Jodi had gun in her hand and accidentally shot Travis when he “body slammed” her? That would make most sense since shot was in his face.

  4. I have yelled at the TV now several times, with the suggestion that Martinez is saying the Dr had inappropriate contact with Jodi. Yesterday he might as well just have said flat out there was something going on btw the two of them. If you throw out comments like this you better be able to back those comments up. And not only that, it is obvious to me the Fan Club of women are getting to his ego, he is performing for them and he is losing any rational thoughts he may have had. He is thinking he is a rock star now. LOL

    • Coming soon to a theater near you… The MUPPET SHOW! Featuring Miss Piggy and KERMIT THE FROOOOOGGGG!!!!

    • Oh yes, the “fan club” is definitely feeding his ego. He wants to be the next “celebrity” prosecutor and he’s playing the game to the hilt.

      I missed the “she can piss…” yesterday, and maybe the judge did too, but I hope someone brings it to her attention. Judge Perry missed Ashton laughing at Baez and didn’t believe it until someone told him that the TV monitor caught it.

  5. Yesterday, Martinez was all kinds of batshit crazy, even for him. I have carpet burns on my chin from the many times my jaw dropped to the floor. I’m so sad that the rest of the world watching this trial live thinks that THIS is how our American Justice System works!

    I listened to the clip several times, and I didn’t hear JM say “piss…” I heard him say, “She can p…” and the judge saying, “Sssssssustained” at the same time. Definitely not saying JM didn’t intend to say that (in fact, that would be rather tame for him!) but I personally can’t hear it; difference of opinion is all. =)

    Also, SJ, DO definitely want to thank you (AGAIN!) for this site! It’s been a place of sanity, reason, and camaraderie for me this whole trial. SO refreshing to have a safe place to come together to discuss Jodi’s case without receiving death threats!

    • Hi Ashley,
      Thanks for your (and everyone else’s) kind comments.
      Rest assured this site will be here for many years to come.

      Team Jodi

      • That’s great, because I would like to know that Jodi is doing well after her acquittal!

        • I’d love for her to join our community at some point (even anonymously); it’d be awesome for all of us to rally around her! Can you imagine how much confidence and support we could give her?

    • Ashley, “all kinds of batshit crazy” is perfectly worded. I wasn’t sure if I was watching reality TV or a Saturday Night Live skit.

    • I didn’t hear it either, Ashley, either yesterday when it happened or today listening to it again. “Piss off” doesn’t really sound like an expression Martinez would use, anyway. Something so British doesn’t seem like his style.

      • We use it in the US too…my dad has been saying “Piss off” for years and he’s not British in the least…LOL. “Taking the piss” is definitely more British-exclusive.

  6. I still don’t understand why the jury asked Samuels about watching the media. I thought that was an odd question to ask since the jury isn’t supposed to watch the media so what was the purpose of the question? Was it to ask him just to ask?its one thing I found odd and I know was briefly discussed in commentary. I listen to the trial on satellite radio because I’m at work and I unfortunately get to listen to the HLN commentary. Though entertaining that’s all I believe it is-entertainment. I’ve thought about Jodi’s case alot and if you think about the prosecution’s presentation vs the defense I see the lack of critical analysis the prosecution presented as evidence. Viewing Jodi’s interrogation and watching her on 48 hours it is clearly evident she was in DENIAL this crime occurred. Her trip to AZ was not a premeditation for murder and I believe if the prosecution had solid evidence the 25 caliber gun came from her grandparent’s home they would have involved the FBI to do a study and research on the bullet found in the scene. Arias lied bottom line, but she also lived in a fantasy world. We can see that through her behavior prior to the murder and that’s what helped her deal with Travis’s abuse and the murder. Could she have handled the situation differently? A reasonable person would but Jodi was an easy person to manipulate and victimize because of her low self esteem and history. She believed in Travis’s antics and words. The prosecution is clearly reaching because Jodi had and continues to have dissociative issues. Even the psychologist said it. Jodi is a victim of circumstances and after much thought and reflection the bloody nature of the crime was because she feared for her life! She saw Travis continue to pursue her and perhaps attack her and she feared for her life. If she premiditated the murder she would have shot him continuously. She ran got a knife because he came after her. If Jodi wanted to be with Travis like the prosecution wants to continue to harp on why didn’t she stay in Mesa? She left because she was tired of the abuse, and she realized their relationship wasn’t going anywhere. And like many people do she continued to contact her ex and speak with him because she loved him. I hope the jury sees the toxic relationship these people had. The mental abuse is evident and proven. The prosecution’s smoke and mirrors is evident when their side ended. Lets wait for their rebuttal case and how they continue to toss to see if they find anything that sticks. I believe Martinez reemphasized Samuels PTSD diagnosis yesterday to the jury. He did the defense a favor with his antics.

  7. She has filed two protective orders against the media already back in 2011 saying the stuff they were saying about her on TV would taint the jury pool but of course both were denied. If this one is to get them to stop talking shit about her, I’m afraid it’s a little to late.

  8. just a thought :

    I get very frustrated with the media – many of which are obviously not objective.

    But it’s a double edge sword. Without the media and all of it’s sensationalism of this trial .. JA would one of the apx 10,000 nameless / faceless people who go on trial for murder every year. There would not be people making donations , selling JA art, and this support site would not exist. All this attention will also most likely grasp the attention of a seasoned appeals lawyer … should she need one.

    • True, I have thought that also. The lies and travesty would be relatively unknown to most of us…

  9. Sometimes when I watch these clowns on HLN I have to ask myself if they are watching the same trial I am. Some of things they come up with are just ridiculous! I do sometimes watch in the evenings while I am making dinner etc. It’s just easier than trying to watch from the computer. I can’t stand that they will get one question out (less than two minutes of testimony) before they pause and take another break.

    I don’t know how many times I have heard “Martinez ripped the witness to shreds”. The Prosecution hasn’t proven one single thing in regards to Premeditation. He keeps going over the same things over and over and over again and they are just stupid details that don’t even matter to the case.

    He should not have been able to talk about the stolen gun from her Grandparents house if it was not investigated and proven that the gun is connected to the crime.

    He should not have been able to talk about Walmart not having record of the 3rd gas can not being returned unless he had proof that it was not returned. He is tainting the jurors with information that isn’t factual, doesn’t exist and doesn’t have any substance.

    • I nolonger can watch the news channels they were making me so sick!! What happened to the days of GOOD HONEST JOURNALISM?? Where they reported the story and only he story and left their opinions out of it?? hey reported on the truth of the situation good bad or indifferent they told it how it was and didnt suger coat it to make one side look like the hero and the other look like a vilan. Where are the Walter Cronkites(I spelled that wrong) of our generation. Men and women who are dedicated to reporting the story as it is??

    • The media coverage, what I have seen of it, is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what is being said and presented at trial.

      It’s like they bought Travis’s friends’ horseshit early on, and they can’t let go of the narrative they have created.

      I hope some media experts are closely watching this to see how our justice system is being made a travesty by “news” media.

      BTW, this country should extradite Juan Martinez to Italy. His persecution style would fit like a glove over there.

    • I agree with the term “clowns at HLN.”


      HLN acts as though anal sex is absolutely normal and I am sorry to offend people but it is not. The testimony was that Jodi went back to Travis’ home immediately after Travis baptized Jodi into the Mormon church. While at the home, Travis and Jodi were going to engage in sex. Travis put himself into her anus instead of her vagina. She was in pain. She expected normal sex. She did not consent to the anal sex. With all due respect to the deceased Travis, how is that not rape?

      • Well our Culture is telling people that this is normal so people who can’t think for themselves allow the MEDIA to think for them i:e you no longer own your own brain. Our Education system is now based on memorizing and regurgitating. The Lazy Brain Syndrome. But anyone with common sense knows this is not true. The Media represents a minority Not only emotionally unhealthy but physically as well.
        They biggest degenerates are running HLN.. Look at Jane Velez Nancy Hate & Dr. Drew who looks like a pervert.Sorry who in their right mind would even take them seriously.

        • Take it from Goebbels and Hitler, true experts on mass-brainwashing. And the U.S. government, particularly the CIA, has learned a great deal from the Nazis. The Nazis in turn learned a great deal from American corporate advertising techniques and the American mass-media. The American corporate mass-media is the world’s greatest practitioner of what its student Goebbels preached: repeating simple-minded lies over and over for months and years, until the lies take on a life of their own and all the American sheeple repeat them unthinkingly as commonly accepted ‘facts’.
          No longer is there right or wrong well we are reaping the rewards of such an idiotic doctrine.
          So the Media keeps repeating Jodi’s Shrink, sociopath psycho etc.

        I offended someone by stating a 53 year old man that has sexual relations with a 6 year old is pedophile. I stand by it!!! too bad if I offended a sicko! The truth is the truth in season out of season etc.

        • It just doesn’t make sense to me why people who are not personally involved in the case *hate* Jodi Arias so much. The people on HLN are so dramatic that I wonder if they have bets on the case outcome. Seriously. It’s as though HLN has a personal stake in the outcome.

          It’s really ironic that we are in the Easter and Passover seasons and there is so much actual hate for Jodi Arias. Not only is Jodi a child of G*d, she is a defendant in our US judicial and she must be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

          The same people who spew hate for Jodi will celebrate Passover and Easter season without considering the contradiction.

          There was nothing normal about the Travis-Jodi relationship. At best, Travis (G*d rest his soul) took advantage of Jodi because he knew Jodi cared for him more than he cared about Jodi. At worst . . .

          • Cheryl
            Well The Media is completely Secular except kissing up to certain Religious Groups that spurt their stupidity in The Land Of Moronia, These shows are so degrading, they cater to the lowest common denominator. The emotion they inspire is hatred. So The primitive Growl in glee because they are served up a constant menu of Hate Stupidity and immorality, Corporations have complete control over the Media so they have a small PRIMITIVE audience they cater to.

            We can believe what we choose. We are answerable for what we choose to believe.
            John Henry Newman

    • Scappydoo, they’re animals on HLN.. worse than animals, first time I have known about them was since the trial, as I’m British. I have never know such an evil bunch of people and i’m truly shocked at how they are allowed to do this, its obscene how they enjoy feeding the masses with evil that they know are going to swallow.

  10. I havent been on here in awhile I have been so busy but I wanted to take a moment and thank SJ for setting up a place where we can donate money to Jodi. I sent her a post card and went by the standards set by the jail when doing so, however I got it back stating said prisoner was at the daily quota for mail nd all correspondance received on that day is being returned to senders. Not exact words but you get the picture. I was so mad so I looked up the number to the jail and asked to speak to someone and I was told that I was mistaken as I was holding the postcard in my hand they were telling me that I waswrong. I offered to photocopy it and fax it to them and then they changed their tune and said that is not ness.and they appologise for my inconvienance. MY inconveinance What about JODIS??? What else are they sending back to people?? My postcard was regulation size and had noting inappropriate in it. Just hello and I am praying for you type of stuff….I think that this shows that the flawed case is very very deep in that county. I pray that this jury is comprised of upstanding people who can not be ummmm….influenced by the people in power in AZ.

    • That’s so stupid…they couldn’t just hold the postcard until a day where Jodi didn’t exceed her mail quota? That’s Sheriff Joe for you…

      • Well they didnt let her have any that day is what I took from the note on the postcard. I wonder if they do this alot to her. I wonder how many postcard she hasnt gotten or what money she didnt get. She doesntknow all the people who are sending her money for support so she wouldnt know if she didnt get it. Just a thought.

    • I’m glad you posted this. I am hoping that some outside person is keeping an eye on her prison account as I’m sure there are several people donating and from what I’ve seen about the County, I can imagine her account could be screwed with too.

    • How vile of them to do this.. oh I pray for Jodi that the jury isn’t like that, my heart goes out to her. I get scared.

  11. OMG, these two are so ridiculous; they act like they personally know every member of the Defense team, the Jury, and the DA’s Office! Bitch, you got your picture taken with Kermit Martinez, big fucking whoop… That does NOT make you an expert on body language or a psychologist or anybody’s BFF!
    Steam coming out of my ears!!! –(>.<)–

    Can't believe this trashy tabloid shit comes up on! Maybe I'm mistaken, but CNN was always a reputable NEWS site before, right?

    Sorry for the rant, guys. These idiots have my "Bitch Switch" on a hair trigger these days.

    • the next video after the two courtroom girls that you are talking about is the audio that they have been playing of “Travis’s last words”. I love how they only play a very short snipet “rather be dead than to live like that”. They act like he was talking about Jodi or something. He is actually giving a speech about the Declaration of Independence!!

      No wonder so many people hate her and think she is guilty… because this is the only kind of crap they are hearing!!

      • I know! What’s getting lost in all the hoopla is that, Oh yeah… There’s a woman fighting for her LIFE here!!! But hell, who cares about that? I’ll tweet a picture showing how color-coordinated the Defense team’s outfits are! Ooooooh, I know; I’ll have Travis’s teacher’s cousin’s best friend’s sister-in-law’s dog walker’s hairdresser as a guest on my show because she saw a picture of Travis once! That’ll be fun and my ratings will SKYROCKET!

      • This morning on my Google news feed I saw this, from ABC News: “Now to the latest on the so-called breakup murder trial….”

        Wait, what? Who’s calling it that? Why would anyone who knows anything about it call it that?

        This is how the ignorant masses get turned into a lynch mob. It’s what happens when you let the talking heads on the infotainment “news” channels do your thinking for you.

        • The WHAT trial?!? OMG, I’m not gonna get through this trial without breaking my laptop, am I? *sigh*

      • I read that too…WHAT THE HELL!!! Isnt that something IF IT WERE TRUE would of been the first piece of evidence JM used?? I think he is just grasping at straws now and trying to do whatever he can do to get this trial to go his way. I think the way he treats witnesses is wrong. He is badgering them and he should be sanctioned for it. It is not only this case that he treats witnesses this way. But in this case he ever treated his own witnesses this way.

        • I’m thinking that HLN’s ratings have fallen off. Perhaps it is due to SPRING break. lol I have to get down on the level of imbecile to match the mantality of the viewers that beleive that crap they are throwing at them.

          • Has anyone else noticed that the Callers are ALWAYS against Jodi. I am pretty sure that is not by accident.

          • I read that the ratings from HLN have picked up immensely due to this trial – ratings are traveling from FOX to HLN (personally, I think that would explain the rhetoric; to keep the people who enjoy sensationalism with little regard to facts, happy). HLN is basically proving what some already knew; that they, too, can play the sensationalism game. And the precedent was set in Florida when FOX won the judgment that said news was entertainment so they do not have to be accurate in their so-called reporting.

    • “I think we have jury break down going on,” she said. “[When there was yet another objection], literally the entire jury put their hands up at their faces, covering their eyes … they’ve had enough.”

      But of course none of that is Juan’s fault! I’m sure the jury HAS had enough of his ridiculous “You said DURANGO JAIL!” type statements that serve no purpose other than to insult the witness. He clogs up the trial day with so much bullshit, and he’s so unprofessional.

      • I wanted to comment on the WalMart return of the gas can situation. My mother was a manager at Wal Mart for many years. Untill recently like the last two years or so If you returned an Item to Wal Mart and the barcode was not visable or if the tag was damaged or the barcode wouldnt scan they put in a general code for the item. So it neccesarily wouldnot show up as a gas can it would be the department it was ins number and as for the fact the receipt didnt have a mark on it for the return maybe she could find the receipt in her purse at the time and because the item was under $15 she still would of gotten cash based on the return practices at that time.

        • Yes, of course. None of the arguments Martinez introduced in his cross-examination of Jodi were ever intended as serious arguments – they are just intended as ploys to see if a witness who is not telling the truth will change their testimony.

          Jodi came through it all with flying colours – for the simple reason of course that she has been telling the truth.

          Lying is very difficult – as Horn and Flores have shown.

      • The thing that makes me most angry about that is that it seems to me that it’s the pros who is so afraid of the jury hearing the arguments for the objections. (And whether the jury hears the arguments or not is up to the judge). JM is afraid that if Wilmott and Nurmi get to argue the objections before the jury, the jury will take their side. (Many of them, I’m sure that some of the arguments contain evidentiary stuff that would not be appropriate, but many of them are just badgering, argumentative, lack of foundation, assumes facts not in evidence, misstates testimony kind of stuff).

      • All owned by Time Warner which is my cable provider uggh! anybody have dish network? I now don’t even want TW to get my money after this HLN/CNN crap

  12. What really pisses me off about the Jodi haters is how they are so against her because she lied! But what about all the lies “good boy” Travis told? He was a virgin? Yeah right text and phone calls proved that was a lie!! and what about him telling friends that he told Jodi to get lost and he wanted nothing to do with her? Well once again text, phone calls, emails, etc. prove that was a lie!! But they fail to recall these lies and focus on the lies that Jodi told. It just pisses me off they can see the wrong in her so so quickly but fail to see Travis for nothing more then the ALTER BOY he lied to be!!

    • According to them, it’s FINE for Travis to lie because MEN LIKE SEX! IT’S NORMAL! They tie themselves into knots making Jodi into some dirty whore for having sex while excusing Travis’ part in it. “I bet he was reading a script!” Stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.

      • Yeah I thought that “he was reading a script” was so stupid. I bet their next claim will be that Jodi forced him to read the said script. LOL Travis was suppose to be this great man and wonderful Morman well he was LIVING every way a GOD fearing person NEVER would. It makes me so pist that Jodi is torn apart for what she did. And what about the 12 year old school girl comment Did she force him or oh yeah that was part of the script she made him read !! LOL

        • Don’t you guys know this yet?

          A woman who likes sex, even in 2013, is a whore, a tramp and a slut, with a disgusting hole you could back a truck in and out of.

          A man who likes sex, in ANY era of recorded history, is just being a guy and doing what guys do.
          A man who just uses a woman for sex, well, he’s just taking advantage of free poontang that is thrown in his face. After all, you don’t marry a tramp like that.

          Ladies, we’ve sure come a long way with our liberation, haven’t we?

            • We so need a total change in our society and culture in the way we view women. If it even
              takes “re-education” camps to achieve it I say so be it!!!

              • Well then parents get off your asses and schools….who the hell came up with the idea of friends with benifits anyway? I raised two son’s and I can tell you neither one of them were out haveing sex while in high school…Not that it wasn’t on their minds 24/7. I was just very lucky….but I heard so many story’s from friends who had girls and nothing has changed since I was young..

                • I’m VERY involved with my daughter’s class, her education, and her life. I’m being the mother to her that my own mother never was. She’s spoiled… on LOVE, not THINGS, and she’s been taught manners. Everything is “Please”, “Thank you”, “Yes sir/ma’am”, “No sir/ma’am”, etc.

              • Oh Tony, never truer words spoken. I think we are better in the UK, and we don’t have the death penalty either, we scrapped it years ago because of the worry about killing the innocent.
                You know, when I was growing up I thought the US were miles ahead in everything, I think we all did. I have a friend in Florida and what she has told me for 3 years, is so shockingly true about how women in the US are treated as second class citizens by the police and the courts. How can the US be so backward?

            • That’s quite good Ashley but we need to do a much BETTER job with our sons. They must
              be taught from an early age that woman are to be treated with courtesy, respect, and even a
              good degree of deference for the simple fact that they are the gender that men come from!

      • Lisa Andrews on Travis Alexander:
        Flores Police Report:
        Lisa said she felt “cheated and lied to” after they had dated off and on beginning July/2007.
        – Travis former roommate told Lisa’s sister that he was cheating on her, her sister told her.
        – She claims she never had sex with Travis. –
        -She claims Travis just wanted her for her body.
        -Travis had a lot of sexual tension which made her feel used and dirty.
        -She told him not to grab her butt and not talk about sex so much. But he did anyway.
        -She said she was surprised he was not a virgin.

    • They haven’t proven she lied under oath, and that is what counts. The lies she told to the detective have already been explained and are frankly believable.

      Lying to police is very common in cases like this anyway. Lying isn’t proof of first-degree, premeditated murder.

    • Ha ha – I was recently on a hater site and they were hatin’ on me for “being on the wrong side.” When I mentioned that Jodi lied to cops, which is common, TA lied to his girlfriends, friends AND the church in order to keep his position in the church. I said THAT was a worse atrocity. The haters came back and told me ‘to get the help I so needed.” LOL

      • Oh cindyp, they’ve told me the same, wished me dead and…. has anyone heard THIS? That Jodi’s finger is double jointed, that it wasn’t broken? O.M.G What Will they come up with next!

    • She lied only to the police thanks to being under extreme stress. There is NO evidence at all she lied under oath.

    • Interesting segment. I’m surprised it was on HLN. Nice to have another survivor describe lost moments because of PTSD.

      • I thought it was a good segment too Jaz and it totally backed up what Dr Samuels talked about.

  13., Section “Read This, Watch That”, Top Row, Center:

    “Courtroom Wars, Amnesia Guy Denies Feelings For Arias”

    DOCTOR Samuels is now “Amnesia Guy”?!? And DOCTOR Samuels is for sure in love with Jodi, and Beth Carras has known this and been talking about it for a while now! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, I want to bitch slap her so hard her voice turns normal!

    • Or Karas… However the hell she spells it. Bullfrog voice lady – There, now y’all will know who I’m talking about.

    • I think annoying voices are part of the job description for HLN. There is that one reporter on there that always says JM name with a thick spanish accent but everything else in a normal tone, and the african american guy, I dont remember their names they arent important enough to take up my memory space LOL, but his voice is like nails on a chalk board.

    • Ashley

      I watched the clip you posted. It’s so maddening to hear a tv personality dr call a well respected dr an ‘amnesia guy’. What is going on! How is this crap happening? How does Beth Carrass get away with referring to Dr. Samuels evalutions as visits over a three year period? I try not to fight phantoms … but in this case, I’ll say it again, with this next witness it’s going to get really crazy in the media and in the courtroom. She is going to piss a lot of people off with the truth.

    • Who the hell writes those headlines? Not even the National Enquirer would stoop that low.

      Dr. Richard Samuels is a reputable PSYCHOLOGIST, not an “amnesia guy.”

      • Yes. Had he been testifying for the prosecution, then the media would have classed him as a reputable psychologist — that’s the difference.

        Team Jodi

  14. I would like to create a facebook page about Jodi. The Jodi the prosecution doesnt want people to know. The person she was and the acheivements that she made before this trial. As this current witnesses stated in day one or two of being on the stand that Jodi in all of her journals dated back to Junior high had never said anything hateful or mean towards anyone. HOWEVER I think I will need other peoples help gathering all the information that I need. Is there anyone that would like to help me do this? We could beCo Admins on the sight. Or if anyone has some information that you have located that would be good to have on the site please please let me know. There is so so much hateful information all over the internet about her I think that it is time that more searches are avaliable about the REAL JODI. Please let me know if anyone would like to help.

    • I just did a quick search on FB and while there are MANY pages against her there are already several pages supporting her.

      • I saw those but I want to create one about who Jodi was and is…not a page focusing on the daily trial and the here and now but for the person she is and not for the crime she is on trial for.

  15. Just to let everyone know – if you Google Dr. Samuels, his email address is easy to find. I just sent him a message of support and think it would be nice if many of us could do the same. He really looked defeated after Martinez attacked him and his career.

  16. No court today. The prosecuter lost his speech,and everybody else lost their hearing.HeHeHe

  17. I want HLN to relinquish coverage of this trial to Guinness. Everybody would have a lot more fun. And the level of coverage would rise precipitously.

  18. Good morning ev1…I missed alot of yesterday, but caught up later. I’m so glad to see that the defense is filing a protection order, I just hope its going to stop some of the antics we are seeing lately regarding the barge of BS. I wonder if it will keep them from the court room, especially Karas. She’s about the worst excuse for a reporter that I’ve ever seen, other than Nasty G. Its just strange who is listed in the order, are these people who are in the court room daily does anyone know
    I wish she would of listed that stupid B Katie, from Dr. Drews supposed jury. She’s about an imbecile, but all in all is perfect for Dr. Drew. Just cracks me up to listen to her juvenille reporting on how she see’s the jury responding to testimony, like the “human lie detector” , makes HLN look like Barnum Bailey’s circus, or would that be Monty Python Flying Circus…you be the judge….

    I fear that Ariona could probably learn a few things from this video…like what overcharging looks like! LMAO

    • That Katie is just a Kermit groupie who has no intelligent thoughts. It’s all “OMG LIKE JUAN IS JUST SOOOOO AWESOME AND I WANT TO MARRY HIM SQUEEEEEEE!”

      • LMAO!!!! Exactly Kira….I can see it now, he will be on the cover of some Time Magazine top 100 most eligible bachelors list next year! 😛
        So sad to think that this is the avenue some lawyers have taken just to try to get publicity, instead of upholding to their oath that they will seek justice, they have stooped to court room jester for the cameras. Very sad indeed

    • How about “Matt”…..Nancy Grace producer. I thought Matt was a woman until I saw HIS picture. He
      sounds just like a fast-talking woman.

  19. OKAY. Here is the latest conspiracy theory. They keep getting weirder and weirder.


    Nancy Orio

    i just watched the movie taxi driver deniros charature,,name travis
    jodi foster is in it and her name is iris in the movie ..and hinkley shot president reagen for her..isnt that the names of kids travis liked ? and sent the grandmother because of the name iris

  20. I was watching “Oprah’s Master Class” with Tom Brokaw. He’s been a much-respected journalist for decades, and I admire him so much.

    BUT THIS STATEMENT, I do not agree with because I think it’s what’s so terribly wrong with journalism these days:

    Tom Brokaw Quote 3/17/2013, regarding reporting the news:
    “They’re not waiting for you to tell them WHAT HAPPENED; they want you to tell them WHAT IT MEANS.”

    No offense to anyone, but I can think for myself; I don’t particularly want anyone to tell me what anything means. I DO have a functioning brain.

    • Yeah I noted that too. I thought, self righteous prick ,then I thought of the time a couple years ago when he filled in for matt at the Today Show,that morning he said something about “even the homeless people I saw on the way in get more sleep ” real douchy THATS TOM!

    • And that’s the big problem today. Back in his day, Tom Brokaw never let anyone know his political views, or his personal views on anything else. He would have reported on this case with just the facts. A lot of people have been disappointed with him for now giving his views since he stepped down from the nightly news.

      But it’s just the changing climate of news over the past decade. Journalists are no longer providing the public with the facts. They’re providing opinion-based interviews. We, the public, are no longer supposed to use our brains to think for ourselves. Sad!

      • I’m not so sure. If you go to YouTube and pull up Cronkite from November 1980 declaring that Reagan has been elected president you’ll see that he almost can’t bring himself to say that.

        • Wow, really? I didn’t live in this country in 1980. Back in those days, the BBC reported the news! I’m not sure if they still do that or not though.

      • Actually, we need to put the focus on the FCC and their refusal to regulate the news media and their low ball tactics in news journalism.
        I am all for freedom of speech, in the right context. My issue is that ABC, NBC, HLN, CNN, and FOX are NEWS stations, when the truth is they are ENTERTAINMENT stations. Now some people wouldn’t acknowledge the difference anyway, but at least they would have to put up a disclaimer that states these are OPINIONS only. It wouldn’t stop them from saying these things, but at least put in proper context, it would look more like this…

        • Unfortunately, precedence in on the side of lying; “In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously agreed with an assertion by FOX News that there is no rule against distorting or falsifying the news in the United States.” (Daily Kos)

      • Tom Brokaw got sued to hell and back (along with NBC) for the Richard Jewell case, Olympic Park bombing. He declared Jewell guilty and they had to pay up big time. Brokaw regularly now spews his political opinions. I have no respect whatsoever for Brokaw in particular, and the views he represents.

    • Ashley so agreed! I’m tired of the so called news distorting information. They are there to report the events and let us make the decision of what it means. I don’t need Tom Brokaw or anyone to tell me what it means. This is what’s wrong with journalism. Tell me the 5-w’s and howit happened if its relevant. It’s great to get arm chair quarter backs on all topics besides sports. But guess what? It’s all your opinion and I don’t have to share it and its good to have a variety of opinions so there are different perspectives. It’s called critical thinking. I’m tired of the arm chair quarterbacks in general. They make everything that is said worse than it needs to be. Let me make the call and decide what I think for a change. We have freedom of speech and the press. I love it because it gives me an opportunity to read different perspectives but base the perspectives on facts and not fantasy or what makes you more popular. Where are the ethics? Ugh…

  21. Do you like creamer?
    Huh? Well…yes I do like cream in my coffee.
    Well…no..I don’t like creamer by itself…do you mean creamer in coffee?
    Well yes and no…

    • OMG…………… I’m laughing so hard!!!! This was right on point and hysterical 🙂 :-).

      • Ann, great scripted post to focus on the conflict we have all been living through the past weeks.

        We want to laugh and think what we have been subjected to by JM is absurd. The problem is . . . what Ann wrote is a perfect “menu” for the tormentor, but there is NOTHING FUNNY about that script for the victim. It is the WORST kind of abuse.

        I lived it for about 20 years. The TONE with which the crazy words that should make sense but don’t make sense are uttered is shattering. Sarcastic, impatient, demeaning, exasperated, condescending, scornful, CONTROLLING. (Gee, what was it about what I just said that you don’t understand? Do you have an IQ problem?)

        It is interesting that our DV expert has not addressed this sort of verbal abuse, yet. It is worse than blatant name-calling in my experience.

        Even more interesting is the complete change of atmosphere she has effortlessly induced into this long embattled courtroom. When the cameras pan occupants in the room, even the mean ones seem to have been mesmerized by her soothing voice, and seem not to be guarded about the fact that they are totally caught up in the CONTENT of every word she has to say.

        Make no mistake, there is a LOT of abuse out there in this throw-away world of ours. Everyone in that room, and we here at home, are learning a whole lot of information that we have needed to hear that explains us to ourselves and sheds light on understanding others.

        She is a uniter, not a divider. She does not condemn. She does not control. She simply and calmly explains, inviting our intellect to join in. Everyone within earshot appears to feel very SAFE with her gentle guidance.

        My blood pressure and teeth-grinding has improved big time in the past hour 🙂

  22. I heard one of those talking heads say that during a preliminary hearing, Martinez went after the new defense witness. I am not familiar with any of the preliminary hearings, so I have no idea if this is true or not, and if it is, I have little doubt that Martinez is going to go after her with his arms a flaying and screaming.

    • I heard that too, something about whether the pictures of the little boys were in print form or on a computer

    • He is absolutely going to go after her. Her testimony is essential to the defense case, and he will (and some would say MUST) do anything and everything he can to destroy her credibility. I suspect it will be ugly.

      Remember that on the first day of Dr. Samuels’s testimony, we all thought he was a slam dunk and that Martinez wouldn’t be able to touch him. And the first day of cross we were all like “Uh oh!” I just hope this witness is more organized. I suspect that, given her history of helping prosecutors practice cross-examination techniques, she will be far more prepared than the doctor was.

      • I totally agree with you. He will and it isn’t going to be pretty…..I said it yesterday eand I will say it again if there is anything to dig up about her he will.

        • I await tonight’s circus production (I get it around 5.30pm) with interest.. he can’t not tear her to shreds, he can’t, he won’t be able to stop himself. Alyce looks the sort of woman to politely put him in his place when he starts his antics and I am so looking forward to that.:D

  23. Good afternoon ev1.

    There is a woman in Arizona that has latched onto her 15 minutes of fame – by spewing her ridiculous opinion about Jodi for the news cameras…her claim to fame? She walks with a cane – is known as the “cane lady” and has even had Kermit SIGN HER CANE!!!! This woman is just a spectator in the courtroom with nothing better to do with her life than sit in the courtroom every day and then talk to the media about “her opinion”.

    After yesterday’s shenanigans, Kermit needs to go back for a refresher course at Romper Room to learn how to be nice with the pails and shovels in the sandbox.

    Someone should contact JW and KN to let them know to wear boots to court when Kermit crosses Dr. LaViolette; the shit he spits builds up quite fast.

  24. Watching HLN (I know – why subject myself to this), but Ryan Smith stated that in a poll 89% said they believed that Travis abused Jodi – did I hear this right? HLN actually “reporting” something about Travis being abusive?

    • I heard that last night myself. And I do tend to agree with the fact that most sane people, who are living in the real world reality, think he abused her.

    • Is she planning on using her cane for something special with his name on it??

      “Kermit touched my caaannnne..SQUEEEEEE”

  25. Does anyone know who the other people are that are named alongside Beth Karas in the Protective Order? And do we know exactly what this is all about? Thanks in advance.

  26. Okay, guys. I’m making personalized prize eggs for my daughter’s kindergarten class’s egg hunt and I have to leave to pick her up from school at 2:15 (Eastern time) then do homework. I hope I don’t miss too much of Ms. Violette’s testimony 🙁

    I know y’all will keep everything posted; I’m counting on you guys, LOL! ((HUGS))

  27. 5% of people poll at the start of this trial believed Jodi and now it is 21%. 89% think Jodi was abused by Travis. The wave is rising and we need to all work together to increase people’s knowledge and not resort to emotion delusions as HLN. We are team Jodi. We are united. We are going to win this, yet.

    • “all work together to increase people’s knowledge and not resort to emotion delusions”

      I am all for your plan, DirtyPickles 🙂 We can do this!

  28. I know one thing, if I was just graduating from med school in the field of proctology, I would open a practice in Mesa, Arizona. They have walking and talking assholes.

  29. I’m thinking that Ms LaViolette is going to kick ass and take names with her testiomony. I believe that she will be viewed as a “mother-like” figure to most of the jurors – and they will depise JM if he tries to play dirty with her like he did Dr Samuels.

    • Or the older jurors like me (I’m 53) will see that she has decades of experience like they do, and if the prosecution expert with her 3 years of experience comes off as thinking she knows more it will put the jury off.

  30. I am so excited to hear Ms Violette’s testimony. She will shed so much light on this case. I feel a huge validation coming for myself and other victims of abuse.

  31. after being to the doctor, having blood work, not feeling good I was hoping to relax and watch the trial. But NOO. Doctor called and I have to go back in at 4 and then brother calls cause he needs picked up from work. wahhhh!

  32. You are so right. Very difficult case. Only TA and God knows what happen that day. I do believe Jodi doesn’t remember everything that happened that day. She appears to be a lovely person. Likewise, I am sure TA could win us over with his charm as well.

  33. Dr. S responded a “Thank you!”. I think it was a great idea to email him showing our support.

    • I also received a nice response from the doctor:

      Thank you for your email. It is most appreciated.

  34. Goodmorning guys, im so excited for today. I have a great feeling that Mrs LaViolotte will be an even better witness for Jodi.

    DOES anyone know if there will be more witnesses after her? I thought they were bring in Sky.

    Also, what is the restraining order for, I know for who its for but what happened that Jodi and the defense had to take out a restraining order??? And why not take one out for everyone on HLN network?

  35. I am so not impressed with Judge Sherry Stephens in this trial. I am so thoroughly disgusted with the behavior and attitude and dramatics of Juan Martinez. This trial is a circus. Jodi has lied and is now admitting it. The lying going on from the Prosecution is sickening.
    There is no way in hell anyone with the slightest bit of common sense could sentence Jodi to death based on what they’ve heard in the courtroom thus far.
    I also firmly believe that more than a few of the jurors are lying when the Judge asks them if they’ve heard anything about this trial on tv, radio, internet etc. I’m sure in Arizona this trial is really well known while back here in Pennsylvania most people have no idea what I’m talking about when I mention Jodi Arias or what they know is very vague. If the jurors there aren’t sequestered, and they aren’t, they are hearing talk about this trial and just not admitting it.
    I’m looking forward to Alice Laviolette’s testimony today. This part should take another 2 weeks at least.
    Hang in there Jodi!

    • I live out here in the west in Washingtion state. I have not been able to find a single person who is aware that this trial is going on. That includes a couple of friends, people in shopping checkout lines, a teller, my doctor, and my dentist. This seems impossible to me!

  36. Oh boy- I can already hear Martinez -“You can’t remember what year, maam? Do you have a problem with your memory, maam?”

    • If he goes there again….I’m gonna lose it.
      Well probably not, but you get my drift.

      • I’ve only read the blog since 2 p.m. EST and I’m soooooo impressed, but also a little emotional, because it’s drudging up those old crappy memories for me. It must be incredible to listen to her talk about all this. I’ll try to watch it at home tonight.

  37. Smart move by Jennifer Wilmott bringing up the man-hater nonsense. Immediate objection and sidebar.

    • definitely! seems like she intends to shut the haters’ mouths once and for all!

      • And Martinez. JW wants to take away any ammunition Martinez may try to muster-up. Can’t you hear Martinez yelling “You’re just a man hater, arnt you? Right!”

  38. Okay – I HAVE to point this out… did anyone see that smug look on JM’s face just now when he objected? As a face-language expert (sarcasm) he only objected to break the positive flow from the defense. And his body language said; :I’m an assohole.”

  39. Even just sitting there at his table, JM has this snide…snarky expression on his face and in his demeanor. I get the sense that there is something about AL that leaves a bad taste in his mouth.

    • I believe JM is a woman-hater. And I hope the jury recognizes his entire demeanor; expression, attempting to look bored and/or disinterested, slumping in his seat – it is all a total way of showing disrespect. He looks like the angry teenage boy who, in actuality, is a spoiled brat. I hope any moms on the jury see that.

      • That entire appearance of being bored is hideous. I hope he recognizes himself in her testimony thus far…BUT on the other hand, generally speaking,do abusive people usually admit they are who they are? I hope he is feeling some anxiety about cross.

        • Maybe her testimony reminds him of someone….perhaps……I think he’s getting really nervous, and he should be. If the jury was EVER going to get it, it will be now.

          • The HLN blog said this:

            From our producer in the courtroom:

            LaViolette’s style of story telling and anecdotal evidence appears to be resonating with jurors. Even those jurors who are prolific note takers are not taking notes and are completely attentive.

      • I think he’s a wife beater and that’s why he doesn’t like someone one Ms. LaViolette.

  40. I dont know why,but I’m actually looking forward to Martinez’s cross examination of Mrs La Viollette!!

    He’s gonna make a complete fool of himself and she’s gonna be as cool as it can get.Anybodu feeling the same?

    • Yes. She is used to dealing with abusive men. I think she is going to “school” him.

    • I can’t wait for him to make a complete ass of himself! Not like it would be different from any other day but will be most interesting to see with someone able to “handle” him so to speak….

    • I can’t wait, my front row seat is booked! Well, on my laptop thousands of miles away haha but no one had dare call me or text me Grrr 😀

  41. So, comments about the justice system in the US which has been going down the drain.

    The taxpayer money we spend in this country mostly goes to prisons. And corporate owned prisons that make a profit. Very little taxpayer funding actually goes to the court system, in most places. Therefore a prime example, we see here a pathetically qualified judge for this notorious trial. So even visible trials can’t be properly done. People need to think about that. There’s been a deliberate movement to de-fund justice, and it shows.

    The media is corporate owned and there’s no investigative reporting being done, it’s too expensive, cuts into profits. We all suffer greatly from that. Been going on for years and it’s a crisis now.

    First Amendment gone wild. Canada doesn’t have a first amend free speech law from what I read years ago and they’re absolutely barred from covering trials until the verdict is complete. Much better system. The only way damages can be paid for media’s outrageous lies is through lawsuits but not sure how that works anymore as they may have figured out how to skate on that by now, I don’t know.
    But throw that out there, for understanding, the First Amendment is why our system is the way it is. It’s not all sunshine and flowers when it causes the kind of public display of insanity like this trial.

  42. Martinez and the Jodi haters know Ms Laviolette could bring down the prosecutions case. They won’t admit it but they know it.
    Travis wasn’t the sweet boy they all want to believe he was.

    • can’t say I’m in the least sorry.I hope he didnt get to sleep at all last night,trying to dig up false evidence in his mind’s dumpster and that he will mess up everything he does today!It will be a tiny vindication for when he tried to undermine Jodi’s tiredness when she was on the stand for many days nojn stop and dared to utter the words”Sorry,I didnt get to sleep at all last night”.

    • I think he is behaving like that on purpose. IMO he is trying to distract the jury by implying (by his “this is SO boring” demeanor) that what AL is saying isn’t worth listening to. I wouldn’t doubt if he threw in a yawn or two, just for special effect. Worm. Unless of course, he’s actually tires because he stayed up all night reading praises of himself by dolts on other sights and YT videos.

      • JM did this while the defense was examining the psychologist too. – was too quiet. I wondered what he was up to then and it turned out he came on with an attack even more abusive and aggressive than ever. Expect the same when he cross examines Alyce. Horrible

  43. OMG, JM won’t even LOOK at the screen. You don’t need to be a body language expert to see he is acting like he is bored to death hoping the jury sees him. Ugh, he makes me sick.

  44. If people aren’t careful they could find themselves learning from Miss Alyce. I find her fascinating!

    • Articulate and gentle…her testimony is certainly educational. I wonder how many people identify with some portion of what she just spoke….

      • She’s captivated me and hopefully the jury. And Travis’ sister has even stopped rolling her eyes..

  45. Wow – she is saying that TA did Character Assasination of Jodie. WOW, this is going to be powerful testimony.

    • I wa about to write the same thing.Do you all hear this,haters?It’s called Character Assasination!!!Not normal macho guy behaviour when his girlfriend pisses him off!

  46. Depressing that one has to clear up if she is a man hater or not? Because of her work? Her hair, wtf

      • there’s a small part in me that hopes they also pay attention to what is being written in the different social media and Wilmott is trying to do some damage control,now that they are PROBABLY worried that some of the jurors might be following the media coverage.That is IMO,of course.

      • Being that the majority of the jury is male…I wouldn’t doubt that JM would go there.

  47. Hey everyone, I just wanted to say hi, and to keep the faith, I am so happy with this witness so far, though I fear whats going to happen on cross examination. Hopefully she added correctly if there are any mathematical figures to dispute, damn Kermit………………..

  48. Why is Martinez being so quiet? Don’t get me wrong – it’s nice not hearing his voice – but it makes me nervous.

      • I don’t think JM will be able to do that. He may have passed the bar, but from the way he conducts himself, he had a lot of help. I don’t think he is as smart as this witness and I don’t believe he will be successful at turning it around (maybe to small minds who want to believe, but not to the rest of us). I predict that JM’s ranting and raving will truly backfire on him, once again.

  49. I’m not watching – just listening while I work. Are the Alexander siblings’ eyes a-rolling?

  50. I would say that Ms LaViolette has everyone’s full and complete attention today!!

  51. She’s talking about stalking behavior, and I am sure JM is going to seize on this and twist the truth when it has never been proven Jodi ever stalked Travis.

    • That is why he is not saying a thing….think about all the things the haters have said……he is going to so use all her words against her. This is going to be very ugly.

      • It sure is. Ugly is not a strong enough word for what this XE is going to be like.

      • that dog kicking thing…. yikes… damn…. sequester this fucking jury.


          • She talked about a client who kicked his dog to death.

            Did the jury hear the part of Jodi’s interview with Flores where she says she kicked her dog?

              • Kids might kick the dog, hold cats by the tail and punch their younger siblings at some point. It is up to the parents to supervise and teach that no such thing is acceptable and should never happen again. By remember it, fessing up to it, and feeling guilty about it by confessing it, Jodi showed that she had learned her lesson, but still blamed herself for it.

            • Wait a minute,did Jodi say she kicked her dog TO DEATH????I highly doubt it,I dont remember such a thing being said.

              • She stated tht she kicked her dog ONE time once when she was younger. She did not kill the dog!!!!

                • See?I knew that! But Rennee;s comment sounded like I may have missed sth in that Florez testimony although I couldnt remember anything that cruel being said by Jodi,it just doesnt siut her personality!
                  Let the haters hate,let them twiat Jodi’s words around,havent they done that all along after all??Now,IF Martinez tries to mention this he will only manage to make himself look even dumper because ALV will definitely point out the difference.
                  Jeez…my late grandmother used to kick my cats quite often just because she wasnt used to living with pets all over the house.Does this make her a stalker/abuser? lol!!

                • She commented she didn’t see the dog again, so it is assumed by the Travis supporters she killed the dog. I wondered where the dog went, but didn’t think she killed the dog. Before this is done, that group over there will have convicted her of unsolved crimes in Arizona and California.

              • I dont remember this either. That she kicked a dog???? Where is this, whdn was this said, are we SURE about this or did it come from the LOSERS???

                It was just a few days ago that we learned she hit her mom, now that she hit a dog. Can they be confusing the both?

                • It was in one of the Flores interview videos, where Jodi said she kicked a dog away from her after (I think) it had ripped a bag of trash she was carrying in her back yard. It’s the same video when Flores does his psychic stunt and starts talking to TA “from the other side”.

                  Here’s the video:

                  Team Jodi

                • LC that tidbit about the Jodi kicking her dog was while she was talking to the police officer. That piece of video was released yesterday and aired during nancy grace. They cut into the actual trial coverage to show that piece. She admitted doing that herself so its true.

                • Ok thank you guys. I missed most of yesterday trial. Im watching it now. Yesterday wascthe 1st and only one iv missed, no wonder, I didn’t see or hear that. Thank you, though, I appreciate it!!! : ))

              • No, and she kicked at the dog because it had torn through the garbage and strewn dirty diapers all over the yard. Not that it’s an excuse, but she didn’t just walk up to the dog and kick it because she felt like it.

  52. Wow. Mass therapy for the homebound American public courtesy of a world qualified domestic violence expert. Amazing.

  53. She just said that in an abusive relationship the abused person does NOT talk about their partner and what takes place behind closed doors,because he/she wants other people to LIKE the abuser and not to frown upon his/her choice of a partner.Now,how are the hatrs gonna fit this into their absurd theory??TA was all over the place telling people how nasty Jodi was,how obsessed,how controlling and what a great lurker she could be blah blah blah!! TA WAS NOT BEING ABUSED BY JODI,for God’s sake!

    • Isn’t it ridiculous that the haters can say that JA was abusing TA BUT they will also say that TA couldn’t have been abusing JA becaue they didn’t live together, share $, property, kids, etc?!

      • They did live together for several months. She moved in with him to Mesa from California, where he had his Mormon-PPL minions, then got her converted to his religion and had her join his group.

          • Ok, thanks.
            Many of these people don’t know they lived together because HLN never mentions it and edited her testimony picking and choosing what they want the audience to hear.

            • That’s true. And I’m sure they also say that since they weren’t living together at the time, blah blah.., basically certain rules only apply to make her look bad. Arggghhhh!

    • Thats right Maria. But they’re STILL blaming Jodi. I watch the trial on UStream and the LOSERS there are saying that this expert is saying the truth but that when it comes to JA, shes lying. So they’re choosing and picking parts of the testimony they want to blv.

      They’re also predicting that her career is over after this! !! (There they go, they’ll start posting negative reviews on her board too, like they did dr Samuel). Its so sad how these grown ups can act and do this to someone else’s career just because they THINK that the expert is choosing to be on Jodis side, that the expert is lying.

      • Interesting that you mention that,, LC. I recently saw a segment on some news in which they were talking about why bullying is so out-of-control in our schools and why rape, disrespect and aberrant behavior is becoming so rampant among teens. The anchor said a lot of blame should be put on adults/parents – and guess who was on the panel! Dr. Drew! Really? All I could think was – he was a major perpetrator of this type of behavior. He may not be the aggressive one of the actual bully, but he certainly is an instigator!

      • Better not take ANYTHING into consideration when it comes to the 2 cell haters’ brains!It’s not worth it!Poor,LC why not watch it throught the live streaming posted on top of this page?You’ll get peace of mind at least.

        • I know, I tried watching it this way but ill have to make downloads to my tablet and I already have a different player on it, I didnt want to download anither on. I ignore them!!

          Thank you, Maria : ))

    • Yes I was thinking the same thing Maria. Travis was trashing Jodi right and left, and Jodi was the one who was protecting his reputation. The dynamics couldn’t be more obvious.

  54. This woman is tremendous. I’m am so absorbed with what she’s saying I forgot I was watching a trial.

  55. It is said that LaViolette made a huge error while talking to Martinez!!!!
    HTF do they KNOW this already????!!!! If its true, how does this info get to Insession from Martinez?!!!

      • Idk they didn’t say, but if he comes out saying, ” well you said this to me, didn’t you?” ans causes a big uproar, then we’ll know he’s been sharing info with someone in the media. Probably that girl he took a picture with…. idk, I wouldn’t put it part him.

        • I don’t understand your response at all. I don’t know what “idk” means. Please clarify.

          • I supposed “Idk” means “I don’t Know,” but using initials like that really confuses readers. But even so, that post still doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

            • Sorry, I thought “idk” was as common as “lol”, “omg” or “wtf”. But yeah it means, I dont know. And im trying to say that I wouldn’t put it past Martinez if he had been talking to someone or somehow some “info” information got to the media. I dont know, we’ll have to wait and see. Even if it did, I dont think much will be done about it, if it did. The judge either doesn’t care or doesnt know whay shes doing. Everyone’s been getting away with misconduct; Martinez and the family in the courtroom and Chris, Sky and Dave with the media.

              I’ll try to spell out my words, some of the spelling too. SORRY, my tablet also thinks it knows what im trying to write.

    • He probably took one sentence from an entire conversation and tried to make out that was what she said……twist it all round like he has tried to do many other things. JW will impeach is arse for such nonsense.

  56. This is really sad testimony. I knew I was in an abusive relationship many years ago but it was even worse than I thought it was!

  57. Yummy!!!! I just loved Alyse La Violette’s testimony today. Now we’re making some serious progression. Jodi, hang tight, you are almost there <3 we'll see you in the outside world before you know it.

  58. Wow they have a petition for Travis Alexander, they’ve alreadt collected 2000 signatures. A woman who does not live in Arizona created an online petition hoping to create a law banning unsubstantiated claims about a murder victim.

    People really need to STOP!!!

    The article is here:

    • Travis already proved what a liar and jerk he was with his own words.

      That petition will go nowhere.

      These people are deranged. There is a hive mentality among Travis’s friends and sympathizers, and it is not pretty.

    • But they can make all the unsubstantiated claims they want about the accused, right?

    • It’s one of those petitions based on emotion, like the “Caylee’s Law” one that wanted parents to be held legally responsible for not reporting a child’s death right away. Never mind that that law could have caused a lot of issues for parents whose children died in their sleep and weren’t discovered for hours.

    • Unsubstantiated claims? I imagine their break from reality must run deep if they think the sex tape, emails, text messages, instant messages and other evidence are irrelevant.

      • Right?! Lol And Jodi was the one trying to keep TA away from his friends by badmouthing them!!! WHERE AND HOW DO THEYGET THIS INFO???!!!!!
        Like, I said, they chose and pick at what they want to hear. They didnt hear TA on the recording talking bad about some people in the group and Jodi was defending them. And wasnt TA the one insulting HER family and friends? ?!!!! That’s exactly how the abuse started, he was testing her self esteem.

        • Yes, if memory serves correctly TA called Jodi’s father and brother the F word.

          All evidence points to TA being a bully that isolated Jodi so he could carry on with her to his own gain. The way his “friends” talk about Jodi on TV proves it.

  59. Domestic Violence 101 taught nationally from AZ, amazing. Yes, I hope that every one in that courtroom (including Martinez) and throughout the world is soaking it in.
    The hot line might ring more often because of poor Jodi.

    • Indeed, viri! As I’ve said all along, this case (whether people believe Jodi or not) has brought more attention to domestic violence and has started everyone talking about it.

      • Right on, Viri 🙂

        Right on AlsoAbused 🙂

        Yea. We are starting to make lemonade out of those lemons. Haha.
        Even the poor sister of Travis, who has tried so hard to remain judgmental is looking softer every minute.

        Alyce is melting the hearts of everyone today!

        This entire situation has been way, way too tragic for too, too many people, not to rescue the Phoenix out of the ashes. (I don’t think that pun was intended?) It just sort of came out, but AZ has been the challenge along the way.

        I cannot help being excited about all of the wisdom we are gaining together by pulling together for the greater good.

  60. Any of the wonderful folks here who work in the field of physchiatry/psychology or education may I ask for your assistance understanding something?? ***(Not directly related to JA’s case)***. Need help understanding what commonly administried test results mean. Just looking for your expertise, as I value your opinions.

    Sorry again for asking something off topics, but after the testimony from RS and the response to these from JA. I have questions about standard tests and what the results mean.

    Much appricated it anyone sees this and gets back to me.

  61. She did very well. She engaged the jury by looking at them as she spoke, smiling occasionally, and making eye contact. She used her hand gestures in an inviting way and always turned her body in their direction. She did not ignore JW and looked at her also. She seemed very natural. For those of us that go to other websites to see what the haters think, does it really matter? What matters is what the jurors think and what their decision will be. They can names call all they want. Their behavior is very un-American. Someone is presumed innocent until PROVEN guilty. Let them prove premeditation because that is why this trial is going on.

    • Yeah, it’s all a broken record on those other sites. I’m not even going to bother because it will be:

      “She’s a quack!”
      “She’s describing JODI! Jodi is a sociopath and TRAVIS was the abused one!”
      “I can’t wait for Juan to tear her apart!”
      “27 stab wounds, slit throat, and shot!”
      “I love Juan!”
      “I hate Jodi!”
      “Nurmi is fat and Wilmott looks like Sarah Palin!”

      I think that covers it…

  62. I bet every juror self-identified with some portion of AL’s testimony this morning…I certainly did.

    • Poor Jane Valez Mitchell, I had to scramble for my mute button. She is so sure she knows what people’s motives are, and that she has all the answers, but she doesn’t get it at all.

      She just stated, with her over exaggerated mouth and arrogant body language, that Jodi (specifically) was purposely “copying” Jennifer Wilmott when she dresses. What does Jane think, that Jennifer is getting dressed in the jail in view of Jodi before Jodi gets dressed?.

      There has been talk about these them against us “teams” wearing their own team colors to show unified support – blue shirts etc. Does anyone remember this concept started by the defense a couple of weeks back.

      I first noticed it when Kirk Nurmi and Jennifer Wilmott were both wearing the same shade of pistachio green shirts. I thought it was just coincidence at the time.

      But now I am pretty certain that the entire defense team is collaborating to coordinate their outfits each day on purpose. All three wore white with black yesterday. And all three are wearing black with white today. Whaddaya think?

      Yes, Jane, you might find it kinder to stop saying mean things about Jodi, now. It just makes you look a bit “small.”

  63. ms laviolette’s great general analysis so far on the nature , dynamics and exercise of interpersonal power, control, manipulation, especially focussing on the range, or continuum, of pathological behavior in domestic settings.

    although she hasn’t got to specifics yet, she well describes the sociopath travis alexander, and his constant exercise of aggression towards and control of JODI

    i doubt if any of this will penetrate the mind of that narrow minded moralistic, pinhead prosecutor JM, although i can’t help but think that the jury must be swayed favorably towards JODI

  64. if judge stephens allows jm’s standard highly improper cross-examinations this time towards alyce laviolette, judge stephens deserves to be tossed off the bench, or failing that permanently assigned to traffic court, parking tickets division.

    • Yes. She should also go to the parking tickets division if she does not allow LaViolette to testify her assessment of the abuse that Jodi suffered.

  65. I’m sending all my Hail Mary prayers to Jodi and the anyone who want to help keep this trial from killing her and I pray for all sinners

  66. Is there any truth to the RUMOR Jodi went through a bunch of other DV experts before this one accepted? If so, WHY does the news have this info, and WHY is it being said with the jury not sequestered?

    I am so fucking angry at media, and the way this case is being tried by media and lies.

    • If the rumor is true, they were probably all located in AZ and afraid of going up against the Kermit. That is one messed up area.

      • Lets say that it is true…so? Not only is this case difficult to say the least..but as she said today she has turned down cases also do to timeing issues. I think it was smart to get someone from out of state…..because this is going to get very ugly……..look at where we are right now. It will only get worst.

        • It doesn’t matter where the experts live. Jose Baez went all the way to Holland to find one of his experts.

          • I don’t do it all the time… and when the little guy is abusing witnesses, I stay off altogether because their RAH RAH LETS CHEER WITNESS ABUSE. gets too hard to accept.

            I occasionally post a ‘critical thinking but not inflammatory post’ and run like hell.

    • I heard HLN speculating that they may have went through experts before Samuels. This DV expert is the best.

  67. Off topic: I never thought I would say thanks for HLN…oh let me correct that, thanks for Sirius radio. I had to drive for a few hours today, so I was able to follow it on Sirius. My God there were many commercials and I had to endure the talk about HLN after dark BS.

  68. Does anyone else find it disturbing that Jean Casarras just made a physical description of one of the jurors? A unique hair description. This could be a person that is picked out and seen leaving the courthouse … imo.

    • I think the jury has security looking after them. Someone in the media tried to approach a juror before.

    • She said that a month ago also. Whats the dfferences. As long as they let these cases be open court we are setting the jury up for any crazy……

    • was it the one with multi colored hair? she makes the TA lovers nervous… maybe Jean is trying to get her kicked off the jury?

      • Yeah, maybe, the interesting thing is that Jean was actually saying how that juror was nodding her head in agreement with AL. Maybe I’m being too paranoid, but hearing that what might a hater resort too? Who knows?!

  69. I do believe JM will treat Violette as he has other witnesses. I can see him losing his cool and opening way more doors than he anticipated as to TA’s behaviors and his childhood. Afterall, I’m sure she was given insight to TA’s upbringing, etc., that helped her form her opinions.

    I can’t wait to see JM stick his foot in his mouth.

    Any thoughts?

    • I think he is going to make every effort to describe Jodi as the abuser using her chart with St Travis as lily white victim, while interrupting her etc at every turn. He is desperate.
      But it is up to the judge to allow her testimony to proceed now with her assessment of the relationship, now that the jury has been acquainted with abusive categories.

      • The haters on the FB page are repeatedly claiming she is describing Jodi. Must be quite a handicap to not be able to hear any evidence in this case.

    • I’m sure he will.That’s just who he is,je can’t help it!he did it with the doctor,that poor guys diplomas,qualifications and 35 years of experience certainly did not stop Martinez from trying to picture him as a sloppy,middle aged-having-the-hots for Jodi man,for crying out loud!
      If he attempts some of his usual cheap shots on ALV I imagine it will only backfire at him.The jurors or at least some of them will see through all of this nonsensical sh*t!

      • If she had a parking ticket in 1981 he’ll yell at her for that!

        “A-and this pattern you’ve developed of parking anywhere YOU want has followed you throughout your career, HASN’T it?!!! You think you can park your nose into other people’s business and say who’s abusive and who isn’t, DON’T you??!!! Yes or no? YES OR NO?????

  70. Even the Judge likes Ms La Violette….see her smile at her as she took the stand?

  71. Every person in that room is deep in thought over this testimony. Including Travis’ family, Flores. The way she just described how a person stays is wonderful. I needed to hear this, and so does Jodi.

    • Yep….and I think it will come out along with TA’s arrest, etc., which even explains all this more fully. But, we will have to wait until Kermit opens that door.

    • Yes it seems like everyone on the courtroom seems to be going over in their own mind about their own relationships in the past. Some of them could probably relate very easily to her testimony.

  72. Remember the motion that the defense filed that they have still not received TA’s arrest record, well I think this will come into play when JM becomes apoplectic with Violette and opens the door.

    Any thoughts?

    • yeah,makes one wonder…what is going on in his mind?does he have sth up his sleeve for cross?has he fallen asleep because this is soooo tedious for him?

    • LiViolette looks like the Greek Goddess Athena right now!

      • Agree.

        I do think TA’s childhood and arrest record will come into play if JM isn’t careful on XE. I don’t think he can be anything other than obnoxious..

  73. Oh yes I stayed in an abusive relationship due to my church and religious beliefs at that time. I never told anyone or reported it because of his standing in the church. I can so relate to this she is very good.

    • Yes, very hard for me too. She puts it in a manner that I’ve not heard with therapists. As difficult as the abuse was, I’m also finding this helpful to me personally.

      • I’m at work and fighting tears. The punishment doesn’t fit the crime … that really got me. I mean I’ve heard this before, but only in therapy. And it’s like being justified finally, you know. Someone knows that what we went through wasn’t our fault/in our heads, etc.

        • Also Abused,

          To lighten this up a bit…..of course it was all in our heads until we finally knew better.

          Isn’t it odd that when you are going through the verbal abuse, as it was happening, you would tell yourself you didn’t believe the words. Amazingly, once those of us that were abused get out, we then, and only then, realize we is some way believed everything that was spewed at us. It is only once you are finally out of the abuse that one can appreciate the amount of damage and the gravity of the loss of self-worth that transpired.

        • I can’t even say “the punishment doesn’t fit the crime.” I don’t think a crime was committed. I do think she was in fear for her life and reacted to save herself.

    • She’s awesome – the charm, the elegance, the polish.

      And next to her we have mangy rabid Juan “The Rat Terrier” Martinez.

  74. There is not a same person in this world that can argue with this woman! She is absolutely correct in all that she is saying. Notice I said, SANE!


      • He’ll try but he’ll need to be careful. This woman appears unflappable and JM relies on intimidation.

    • Don’t worry. Remember he has deposed this witness. There is no surprise to him as to what she is testifying.

  75. There isn’t a living soul that can’t relate to and see themselves in everything that Alyce is saying. She is terrific. Imagine her digging into JM’s warped mind.

  76. I’m a little concerned about the comment she just made about someone going crazy after a breakup. Little Juan is going to take that and run with it.

    • Yes but they had not been official for over a year and a breakup had not occurred when the crime occurred.

        • I posted earlier today (scroll WAY up!) that just this morning ABC led off a story on the trial by calling it “the so-called breakup murder trial”.

  77. I am totally absorbed in this…has anyone noticed Flores? He seemed absorbed as well…

  78. One scientist referring to the work of another scientist is not hearsay. JM is nuts. If that was hearsay everything his forensic scientists and ME testified to would be hearsay.

    BTW has anyone else noticed how carefullyJodi has been watching this testimony. I’ve seen her nod a couple of times and seen that Aha look on her face a few times. This is so sad to watch, when a person hears stuff and realizes what happened to her only after she’s in this precarious position, where other people actually want to take her life, and she’s only now starting to realize, what’s happened to her through her lifetime.

    • This is so sad to watch, when a person hears stuff and realizes what happened to her only after she’s in this precarious position, where other people actually want to take her life, and she’s only now starting to realize, what’s happened to her through her lifetime.

      Such a great comment AI. It took me 30 yrs to figure things out!!!

    • Yes,Al.Sweet Jodi…I made a similar comment up thread.It’s almost heartbreaking watching her.

    • Yes Al it is.

      It is even difficult for those of us here that experienced abuse long ago and already had come to the realization of what had happened to us.

      Not to get too personal, but the last time my abuser attacked me before I finally got out, I had struck back out of complete fear. I had a coffee cup in my hand and as he came after me, I swung my arm to try to get away, but I had struck him in the temple. He fell to the floor unconscioius. I remember one of my thoughts at that moment was: OMG I killed him and I’ve never reported honestly how I had broken bones, etc. I can remember thinking, “I’m going to be one of those women who goes to prison because nobody knew.” So I can relate with JA how things can suddenly go bad. I had no intention of hurting him, I was in fear for my life. There was no premeditation or thought when I reacted.

      He lived…..I got out.

      • I almost always fought back. Well, maybe not at first, but after I knew I was screwed and would never get away, I started fighting back. Which made the abuse worse. But made myself feel stronger.

        Thankfully, I made it out alive. The only reason I did, is because my abuser murdered someone else before he finished me off. This was back in 91, and to this day, I have PTSD.

  79. Well that was the longest stretch in a long time. You had to know it couldn’t last forever.

    And now, the judge will call for the afternoon recess, I bet.

  80. I took a look at the #jodiarias page on Twitter during that sidebar. That’s where I used to go until I couldn’t stand the comments and bloodlust there anymore and came to this site. It’s as bad as ever there. Vinnie Politan is doing his best to rile up the haters. Other asking how this testimony relates to Jodi and Travis. Boy those people are disrespectful and stupid.
    People simply will not open their minds or change their opinions no matter what they see or hear that would justify a change of mind and opinion.

  81. Getting closer people!Wilmott just said ”boy/neglected/childhood/drug addicted parents”

  82. The question about the hypothetical boy who grew up in an abusive family seemed to hit the Alexander kids hard.

      • Mine does too Cindy! Look, I know we’re all for Jodi here but I certainly do have enough sense to
        see the human side to this tragedy. I pray just as much for the Alexanders as I do for the Arias family.

  83. Squirmy Kermie is so quiet today.
    Hypothetically speaking JW just described Travis. I feel for his siblings. They went thru the same abuse. Its so hard to admit that yes, that happened to ME and yes, it made me angry and hurt and maybe I took it out on the one person that I was closest with.

    • and although it was a hypothetical situation kind of question Martinez objected due to ”lack of foundation”

    • This is making me feel sad. It’s heartbreaking because Travis was abused as a child and never got help for that. I suspect he buried it all and never became aware of how much that abuse affected him in his adult life.

  84. Oh she was touching on TA’s childhood of being raised by drug addicts and that an upbringing like that lends itself to being an abuser.

  85. Boy, did you see the Alexanders when JW just described that boy growing up in that family. I feel for them. Man oh Man this is just terrible on every side. I hope to God they get something good out of this lady’s testimony.

    This has to be rough on everyone.

    • I thought that to Al. As La Violetta has been testifying. TA’s history needs to come out for the jury to get a full picture, but I feel for his siblings having to listen to parental abuse. I too hope they get some helpful insight.

    • It’s amazing how civil the courtroom is when Our Little Man isn’t yipping and barking all day long. That guy is poison.

    • Yes, I saw them, too. And felt for them.
      Decided to peek at current comments from another site just to see how they were processing this same testimony – omg! – they are just SEETHING over there and accusing AL of spouting bullshit and are fit to be tied. These are the same peeps that CLAIM to “CARE” so much about the Alexander family while they complain about not being able to wear their cliquish blue ribbon club identifiers….yet, THEY are so blinded with RAGE that they might “lose” the case it seems that they are as bad as Martinez and are more concerned with the winning the “game” than they actually are concerned with true justice or with the Alexander family. Guess their brain scans would show up completely dark if investigated for evidence of empathy. Huh! What a big surprise!

  86. Did Dr. LaViolette “treat” Jodi or was she hired for assessment purposes only, like Dr. Samuels? If anyone knows…

    • I’m pretty sure she evaluated her just like Dr Samuels.Jodi doesnt get to have treatment in jail.I think.

      • That’s too bad…that she doesn’t get treatment. One would think prison would have required therapy. It would be for the benefit of mankind. It would also be beneficial to the prison atmosphere as a whole and lessen violence.

        • The problem Dorothy is that a large slice of the society still doen’t consider such issues to be health care issues. But they are. A person’s health encompasses their whole being, body and mind.

          This is what Ted Kennedy used to yell about, and Hilary Clinton and Obama. But people just don’t listen. It’s the old toughen up and bear it mentality. That to some of these people is what makes you a man.

          So no, jails and prisons do very little for mental health. In fact about the only time they get involved is in what Dr. Samuels called restoration. Fix the guy up just enough so we can try him and fry him. It’s altogether disgusting in what we like to call a civilized, compassionate nation.

          • Speaking of Ted Kennedy his son Patrick is amazing in the fight for better mental healthcare. I have Bipolar Disorder just as Patrick does and it is so sad to see how many cannot afford treament and some end up in jail as well. I have lived with mental illness going on 25 years and the progress is so slow and it sickens me how little people care how mental health/mental illness.

            • What baffles me is that the brain is part of the body. How can health care be considered “health” care without treating the body as a whole. They don’t discriminate against the heart or the bones…why do they discriminate against the brain?… Makes NO sense at all.

              • Amen to that! My insurance is still not equal for my mental health care as for my treatment of my arthritis. I work a lot with NAMI to keep fighting the stigma and working with congress to introduce better legislation to make mental health the same.

  87. I have worked in two different group homes for neglected and abused children. I saw this behavior of the boys being abusive to me (as the only female in the home) because that is all they knew from the way their father treated their mother. We tried to give them a safe environment and better skills to deal in the future but it is a hard upward battle to start at such a late age. Most of the young men were 14 to 16 by the time we got to work with them.

    • I remember seeing a video on TV made by a teenage boy of his mother being abused verbally and physically by the father, and cheering. It was heartbreaking.

      • Yes it was heartbreaking to hear their history of abuse and see how they were starting to abuse because that is what they were taught. The hardest thing was knowing no matter how hard we tried about only 3% would be able escape their past and not become abusers in some fashion.

        • Wow, that’s such a low percentage! That’s so so so sad.

          Is it different for girls? I grew up with a lot of physical abuse (actually my mum towards my dad, for a twist). Other than an incident in the playground at school where I pulled some kid’s hair out (literally) when I was about 6, I’ve never been a violent person in my life.

          • no sadly I also worked in a group home for girls that were also abused sexually. One in my home was pimped out by her father for drug money. The rate is about the same. I had a 14 year old who has been there since she was 3 and she was starting to show signs of both physical and sadly sexual abuse toward others. The younger we got them in our group home the better but it is still tough to undo.

  88. I wonder if Jennifer Willmott has defended battered women before. She is doing a really good job.

    It’s also stating the obvious that Violette is absolutely outstanding. 🙂

    I anticipate JW bringing up the imbalance of power between Jodi and Travis with Travis being an elder of the church converting Jodi.

    Oh, I’m sure the haters are beside themselves with rage. She is describing them after all.

  89. (off topic)I’m a Greenpeace member and sign a lot of online petitions.They had us ”build” our own cyber boat for a new environmental campaign and we got to choose our boat’s name.I named my cyber little boat JODI!!!

  90. Is this the truth? OMG!!!!

    “From our producer in the courtroom:

    There’s a stark contrast between public reaction to the attorneys. Juan Martinez has become a celebrity, at the end of the day, a crowd waits for him outside applauding and cheering his exit. People want to take pictures with him and ask for his autograph, when he’s at the street corner drivers give him a thumbs up and honk with a salute.

    The defense attorneys need sheriff’s deputies to walk them into court and during breaks because they’re getting death threats.”

    • Oh that makes me just sick. Our society is so disgusting. I have prayed and often worried about their safety as well as Dr. Samuels.

  91. I try to stay open minded about the pro/def but I will say, It does appear you guys are spending way to much time discussing the media/pros/other sites verses the evidence/facts. What Jean Casarras or Beth or Juan etc. says or does in my opionion is irrelevant to the evidence and what can be done to help Jodi..

    • “It does appear you guys are spending way to much time discussing the media/pros/other sites verses the evidence/facts. ”

      It may APPEAR that way, but I must ask you…have you read ALL the comments on every page of this site? Many of us have been posting for a while, or lurking for a while, and have pretty much covered the meager evidence in other conversations.

      We hashed out the shell casing, we’ve discussed the accidental and shower photos, pondered the gas can bluffing, been disgusted over the spliced journals, waited for the big bombshell that never came…etc etc.


    • The HATED ones already know that a HATER’S job is to HATE :). So is there anything else on your agenda?…….Thanks- Bahahahahahahahaaaaa 😉

  92. I would love to be the liaison to ask the real questions between the love/hater sites. I think we all have a passion for our views but are blinded by the facts. Not watch the media has said or what blah blah and their dog has said but the FACTS!

  93. Jennifer W. is great!! JM is going to come out of the bullpen with head down snorting, hooves stomping charging at Alyce L. like a raging bull. He’ll probably spin it to make TA look like he was abused. I’m sure he bring up the dilldo without an heart email AGAIN. I also heard he went off on her in a hearing. Alyce has work enough with angry men to know what’s coming. We can only hope his spinning won’t be affective

  94. Where is JW going with hypothetical about a young boy raised in an abusive home? I know TA was raised my his grandma. Is this the “why” she is weaving this in?

    • Ann,
      Yes, she is using this example/hypothetical, but she is basically trying to describe TA and his youth. She has not mentioned his name yet, (and her strategy is to NOT name him, as she cannot directly, as it is not allowed.She is trying to have Ms Laviolette discuss how many times, children from abusive homes can turn out to inadvertently be abusers themselves. TA was in a horrible home with drug addict parents, bounced in and out of places to live, etc. TA did end up in his grandmothers care at age 10. Also, IMHO, some of this testimony could go towards Jodi’s issues due to the testimony she gave regarding her own abuse as a child. I personally think she is very smart and likeable. That being said, I am hoping that JW moves this along a bit, there are so many details and it can go off in the atmosphere at times. Overall, this witness needs to paint a picture of TA as a batterer, without naming him directly, just describing character traits, typical patterns, etc and implication. On the other hand, the pros. psychologist (Dr Demarte) has to testify the same way.

  95. We’re all learning so much about victim blaming, shame and humiliation and society’s reaction to an angry woman. Like a masters level seminar and an education that comes once in a lifetime unless you’re a college level professor with access to such leading educators.

    So don’t ya think a huge portion of our society is affected by violence in their childhood and this mass psychosis is a large part of the cause for all those vicious loud Jodi haters out there. Calls for the death penalty, blaming the victim, blaming the woman for her abuse, etc. Especially blaming the woman for surviving. Especially a beautiful woman, let’s take her down, let’s see her downfall.

  96. So this is what a Travissite is saying about the order involving Beth Karas….help me, guys…:)

    There is going to be a closed hearing tomorrow @ 9 to discuss The Motion for Protective Order, which is NOT a physical protective order that has been rumored…. the definition of this order is as follows: A motion for protective order refers to a party’s request that the court protect it from potentially abusive action by the other party. Such a request is often made in relation to discovery, as when one party seeks discovery of the other party’s trade secrets. In certain instances, the court will craft a protective order for protecting one party’s trade secrets by ordering that any secret information exchanged in discovery shall be used for the pending suit only and it shall not in any manner be publicized.
    In short, the Defense is requesting certain sensitive material to be sealed so that the media does not have any right to it….. this is most likely why we are hearing HLN Beth Karas, Paul Matadeen and ABC Shana Drukerman’s names attached to this news…..they are most likely trying to be able to report on the materials….

  97. The prosecutor’s hostile attitude has already backfired on him. It takes only one juror to dislike him and pay closer attention than other jurors to the evidence presented by the defense and by the psychology and sociology experts. It looks like the prosecutor is more interested in winning the case than in real justice.

    I strongly believe that a struggle took place whereby Jodi had to defend herself. It’s not something that she planned to do. She spent eight hours on his bed before the struggle began.

    During that struggle for life, the low caliber bullet was certainly not fatal, and Jodi had to use a knife. It doesn’t matter if she stabbed him one time or a hundred times. What matters is that she wanted to finish him if he were still moving towards her in order to save her own life. It was a fight, not a flight situation, and it doesn’t matter how you kill your enemy.

  98. I just have to vent…. again

    Just a few petty observations on my part….

    Beth Karas and Jean Casarez need a makeover. Their hairstyles are decades old.

    Jane Valez Mitchell needs a nice tall glass of vodka. Yes I know she’s a recovering alcoholic. She reminds us of that ad nauseum.

    I am extremely disappointed in Dr. Drew. I actually thought he had integrity but apparently not.

    Vinnie Politan is an ass

    HLN has absolutely no objectivity. Has anyone checked to see if there are some bigwig Mormons behind this TV station? If they would stand back for a few moments and look at themselves they would realize how absolutely rediculous they have become.

    When all of this is said and done, and Jodi is walking free. I hope she and her lawyers pour over EVERY SECOND of HLN footage and find some statements that are libelous. Then I hope she sues them for millions of dollars. Jodi should at least get a cut from their new show. “HLN After Dark” since it appears to be all about Jodi.

    Their sarcasm is absolutely nauseating. Whatever happened to unbiased reporting???

    When JM (or The Hobbit, as I like to think of him) made the comment that sounded like piss, maybe they should get their “body language” expert to analyze him. When he approached the bench, if he had crossed his arms any harder across his chest he would have stopped his heart
    These autograph seekers need to get a life. They must be making JM feel like a really big man. I find it pitiful and laughable.

    Thanks so much for this site and being the voice of reason. I am glad there are some of us who can still think for ourselves and who aren’t willing to eat everything the media gives us with a spoon.

    There now, I feel much better 🙂

    • The station owned by time warner. I thought Jane fonda owned time warner. I heard that years ago and it may be misinformation though.

  99. Just a quick comment of a personal nature:

    It was immensely enlightening listening to Alice Laviolettes testimony. I’ve learned through this that I am myself an abusive husband to my wife. It’s impossible to solve a problem unless you first can identify it. I was unaware I had a problem until now and I am thinking I may need counseling. I don’t physically abuse my wife in any way, but I certainly psychologically abuse her. I play the head games, the silent treatment, and playing on her emotions, taking advantage of her love for me, because i know she would never leave me. And the verbal aggressiveness I have toward her, and then apologizing soon after to keep her in my web. I was not aware I was doing this, but that doesn’t excuse it. I have anger issues but do immediately feel guilty and ashamed after my outbursts. My wife is very much like Jodi in that she wants to see the good in me. Her cousins don’t like me so I have manipulated her into severing contact with them (Isolation), and it goes on and on.

    I’m very sorry for the abusive tactics men like me use to keep beautiful souls like Jodi trapped with no way out, confused and conflicted. There’s no excuse for it, but just to say I’m ashamed and sorry, I hope this case spreads awareness and that there are more men out there watching who will seek counseling/psychotherapy in order to modify their abusive behavior.

    And I will for sure find the appropriate treatment for me, and use the awareness I now have to treat my wife with the respect she deserves. My wife is a wonderful person, but has low self esteem. It’s scum bags like me that use her low self esteem and vulnerability as weapons against her. Shame on me.

    • It also happens to be our anniversary today. Happy anniversary Stephanie! Fresh start this 6th year of our marriage….I do believe I can change and will make a dedicated conscious effort. Love you very much.

  100. Thank you BeeCee, sorry to get so personal here. Just thought it might be relevant considering all of us who identify with abusive relationships, albeit I identify with it in a very different way. I didn’t even know I was doing these things!

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