
Jodi News Update #102 – Feb 2021

Here’s the latest Jodi News Update (#102) for February 2021:


Last month, an outside kitchen worker employed by the prison tested positive for COVID-19, exposing several inmates on Jodi’s unit and necessitating a two-week quarantine. (All the women residing on that unit are now OK.) Jodi said, “Everyone was put on a giant time out.” Much like the rest of the world, only essential inmate workers reported to their jobs. Jodi utilized the gift of free time by reading — a lot. One of her 2021 goals is to read all the books in her possession and donate them to the prison. She donates nearly all the books she receives after reading them, but she fell behind and accumulated too many. “I’ve been focusing on reducing the number of books in my tiny room.” Next week, she’ll be donating her eighth book since the new year commenced.

We Are Team Jodi!

On Friday, January 29th, extra prison staff combed through the unit and confiscated everyone’s acrylic paints. Rumors had been circulating for months that Perryville’s “new” Warden hated arts and crafts and didn’t want inmates making anything beautiful. The several previous Wardens of Perryville had been more supportive of rehabilitating inmates through productive activities and creative programs. After years of that quality of leadership, Jodi says, “It was a little unusual to us that someone of that rank would hold such a narrow view, so many of us disregarded the rumor.”

Whether true or not, in mid-January, two men escaped a maximum-facility prison near Florence, Arizona, setting off a manhunt across the region that ended in their apprehension. The escapees appeared to have used industrial acrylic paint — the same used by Arizona prisons via cheap inmate labor to paint their buildings — to cover their orange pants and transform them into stiff new “khakis.” (A few years ago, Perryville was coated with this same shade, covering all the buildings’ dull gray with a new drab beige.)

The men who escaped did not use the watery, elementary-grade, nontoxic, water-based paint sold on the inmate commissary in small two-ounce bottles of primary colors. If these guys used paint it was the same paint procured by the prison to beige-wash all its buildings. Somehow, they would have gained access to the large quantity required to sufficiently cover the orange material of their pants.

The Department is using its own blunder as an excuse to eliminate from its prisons arts and crafts, a proven method of therapy and rehabilitation. Art can be an integral part of rehabilitating men and women scheduled to reenter society. So this backward move may have long-reaching negative effects on both inmates and the Arizona communities into which these people will eventually reintegrate. The Department should confiscate from itself its own paint, its own “escape paraphernalia” made available to those men, and hold itself to account for its lapse in security instead of taking away a time-tested, tried-and-true vehicle for rehabilitation and reduction of recidivism.

Ironically, The Arizona Department of Corrections recently rebranded itself “The Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry” (ADCRR) in an attempt to rehab its image. Yet the steps it has taken in this situation are in a direction opposite of what its name suggests. This anti-progress is in the name of “security.” It has capriciously contrabanded harmless art supplies that were never used by the escapees instead of focusing on fixing the real security issue: Inmates managed to breach the prison’s many fences, razor wire, and thinly-populated staff. (The latter is another issue for another time.)

Jodi loves to paint, but due to her circumstances, has not always been able. She has always turned to other media to continue creating. The few acrylic paintings that remain with her family have by virtue of the above developments increased in value, but at this time she does not intend to sell them. She will, however, post them soon for display. For now, it is literally back to the drawing board for Jodi as she plans her next piece of art using pens and pencils. (Click the pic below to visit the Jodi Arias Art Gallery.)

art by jodi arias

FUND UPDATE: The JAA Appellate Fund total currently stands at $100,770.94 — so let’s be sure to keep the momentum rolling so the fund total can push on towards the ultimate target of $250,000. That in turn will help towards covering all the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction.

All donations via go directly to the fund. It is also the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – they continue to steal money from Jodi’s future – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them.

Remember… each day that passes takes us one day closer to Jodi’s release date.

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

As always, be sure to leave your thoughts & comments below.

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias


  1. WOW… AZ got itself another winner with this warden!!! Let me get this straight, two guys escape from a male prison using industrial acrylic paint to get past several layers of security INCLUDING the severely understaffed prison guards (love that story for another day!!!) and these IDIOTS decided to ban commissary paints at the ladies prison. Of course, lets not address the REAL PROBLEM!!!!!
    I have seen this at the corporate level when the company I was with at the time had a spoofing email run through the email system after an executive in NJ opened an email he shouldn’t have. The resulting bug caused so much havoc that the company overreacted and promptly eliminated ALL social media and private email. Tne only thing you could use was Linkedin 🙂
    Jodi does seem fortunate that she has fallen in love with learning Italian and other reading. She could pick up stenciling, drawing or even poetry. I would imagine this won’t be the last that we hear about this issue, especially since it is counterproductive to the “mission” of the prison to rehabilitate.

    • Hello, I’ve been watching Jodi’s Trail for weeks now, and I think there is a real need for a second trial, I think she deserves one

      I notice a couple of points that support that..

      1- the first Trial was much a circus, no fair trial can happen when Millions watch it live every day, feel involved and emotional with what’s going on even when they didn’t saw the whole evidence.. I think the Media played a very bad role, which led most people who followed it to be convinced that Jodi was this monster!

      2- I think Jodi’s defense counsel was much a joke, Nurmi said he didn’t want to defend Jodi and was forced to do, he described being her lawyer as being Trapped.. I’m convinced he didn’t care about her, he let Martinez take her apart with his harsh unethical tactics during her testimony, which led the jury to be convinced that Jodi can’t be trusted in anything she says.

      3- I think Jodi has a bombshell to say, I don’t believe in the self-defense theory that was described in the Trial, I think Jodi went to AZ to confront Travis about a serious thing, he may have threatened her with very sensitive information, and there was a heated argument that led for her to snap when he attacked her after the camera had fallen, or maybe there was a third person there with them and Jodi is protecting him.. I have a hard time believing that the neck cutting from ear to ear was done by Jodi unless she was very angry when she snapped that she didn’t know what she was doing!, this why I think probably there was someone else with her at that moment!

      4- I believe Jodi had the Gun, she knew that her confronting Travis may turn into him attacking her and she wanted to defend herself.. nothing in the evidence prove that Jodi had a premeditated plan to kell him whatsoever.. otherwise, she could end his life with one bullet and leave, why she stays in the house, have sex with him and take the photos if she was about to kill him in this brutal way?.. this doesn’t make sense.

      the bottom line is, I think Jodi didn’t have a fair trial, she may be ready now to tell what really happened this day, or how badly Travis abused and threatened her.. she didn’t have a good attorney, she couldn’t tell what really happen maybe because it was the defense strategy or there is someone she is protecting with her silence, maybe she didn’t want to leak sensitive information about Travis or maybe she thought that no one will believe her anyway.. and the Media coverage convected her before the Trial even be started.. I think things have been cooled down now so people can have an open mind to listen to her side of the story.

    • in one of these forums a woman, friend of travis, committed suicide. after her divorce. i believe she is the one who helped jodi drag him around. the guilt was catastrophic. yesterday i read about one of her cellmates state it was a woman accomplice. it was rumored that travis had an affair with her.

  2. So I watched the show about Jodi on Discovery+ I must say it was better than any other one I’ve ever seen. It was balanced and pretty fair. You only have to sit through the Hughes’ BS and Juan. None of the HLN clowns were on it. A lot of Jennifer Willmott, who was awesome as was Maria DeLaRosa and Robert Geffner! A friend of Jodi’s, Christopher Black and a relative of hers. Still wish Justus was on it though! It was definitely worth watching.

    • Thank you for that vote of confidence, JD, but I watched it this evening and I don’t think I could have added much beyond being an after-the-fact character witness. I think Jennifer and Maria both did a fine job of humanizing Jodi.

    • Hey Alan,

      I know this doctor knows that we have been trying to get people to look past the media hype and false narratives since Jodi’s conviction. It seems that the only thing that would truly flip this narrative would be a video tape of some kind that showed Travis chasing Jodi through the house. Since that does not exist, I have wondered how Jodi’s team would attack that media narrative in court. I had suggested that the total unraveling of the “cold blooded premeditated” front end by having Angela describe what they were doing near Oregon. Once that part has been quashed, the delicate trashing of Travis’s character as a “dog” who was not the Mormon vision of a chaste man at all would help more. Getting Deanna on the stand and treating her as “hostile” would be a great start. The numerous phone calls by Travis to Jodi during her trip would be even better as the jury would see the hypocritical nature of Travis’s behavior. We all know Jodi is never going to get any “inside” help from any of Travis’s family which is to be expected. I will say that Jennifer Wilmott’s statements have been long overdue and they are quite powerful because of her extended silence. Hopefully, SJ can access this program somehow and post it here for everybody as he has done with the other media programs.

  3. This is my first time here, although I’ve known about Jodi since 2016. Sorry for my english in advance if there are grammar mistakes in my writing. I am not english speaking person. I am more inclined to believe that the murder of Travis was of a ritual nature. This can be seen from the scene of the incident. A shot from a pistol + stab wounds in the back, heart, stomach, cut throat from ear to ear and blood spatter in the room. It is a mormon “blood atonement” ritual for gross violation of secrecy, adultery, etc. In shower, the body was washed with water and a bowl was nearby, and religious clothing was washed by washing machine. There is a suspicion that it was a ritual murder with washing away his sins. I have great doubts about Jodi’s guilt. I think that she was not there and she could not commit this crime. This murder was committed by someone else and not one person. There are many things that do not add up. I think that Jodi was framed, blaming her for someone else’s fault. Or the cops and the prosecutor’s office were afraid that case would turn into a “frozen case” and it will remain unrevealed. And therefore they could load up everything on Jodi. But this is one of my versions.

    • you are correct about the mormon ritual. that first pic of travis’s facial expression in the shower indicated to me that more than one person came into that bathroom and he was shocked and confused, he simply could not think it through why these people were in his bathroom.

      just so confusing this case. everyone who came into that house over t he months or years left fingerprints in that house. everywhere.

      • You know, everything in this crime scene screams that Jodi can’t do this alone in 2 minutes, there is the mysterious bloody footprint, there is his roommate who testified that he did the laundry on June 7th, then changed the date to June 4th, and changed it for the third time, there is a mystery about the body being in the shower, if we accept Jodi who was 120 pounds could drag a 200 pounds man from the hallway to the bathroom, there is no way she can lift him throw the small shower door and sit him in this position..

        But, Jodi after all didn’t reveal that there was anyone else in the house on June 4th.. I hate to make assumptions, but it’s unbelievable to me that he was dead in the shower for 5 days while his roommates running over the house, or that no one missed him or tried to contact him during all these five days this time..

        My theory is still, Jodi snapped and shot him at the heat of the moment, then she got shocked, throw the gun away, tried to help him to the sink, then he raged, she panicked and reached the knife to defend her self.. but if this theory is wrong, then there is a big mystery about this case that we probably will never know, a mystery that’s big enough For Jodi to choose to stay in prison the rest of her life because she doesn’t want to reveal what she knows

        • Hi Mohamed,

          You are right that there are certain aspects of this case that we will never know mainly because Jodi is unable to remember them either. However, we are definitely sure of one thing… she did not snap. Travis instigated this fight by tackling her out of the shower. I have stated that, based on facts that Jodi remembers as well as the evidence itself, that the fight occurred in two parts which are separated by the gunshot. A lot of the opposing views have tried to portray Jodi as a vindictive vengeful person who came to Mesa to murder him which can’t be any more false. I would invite you to read the wiki page created by Justus For Us All which exists on other pages, if not this one yet. It contains very solid observations and obvious evidence that will help you with your theory. In addition, pay close attention to Travis’ behavior in the Den of his home with Jodi after their sexual encounter when Jodi is attempting to show Travis pictures on a CD rom that she created during her trip.

          • Hi, lance.

            I watched a lot of the two trial videos, I read a lot of what Blogs written by Jodi’s supporters, I wanted to hear the other side of the story since I’m convinced that Jodi’s counsel in the Trials failed her and didn’t bring her case well, also JSS was completely biased in my opinion.

            I’m almost sure that there was no premeditated Murder by Jodi alone, there is no evidence about that.

            I believe that the camera slipped, and this had enraged Travis, I believe he hit her in some way and started cursing at her.

            however, I have a hard time believing that Travis wanted to kill her at this point, I think she snapped, because after she delayed her trip to UT to be with him, and after having a whole day of sex marathon in which she consented to his sexual fantasies and after she allowed him to take nudes for her body, now he hit her and disrespect her again, she remembered the incident in which he chocked her, and she had enough.. I believe most women will lose her mind at this point.

            however, I think the knife stabs were an act of self-defense, I believe after she shot him she got shocked at what she did, she threw the gun away and tried to help him to the sink, that’s what explains the blood there, however, Travis outraged again, and started to attack her, she reached the Knife to defend herself, I believe at this time he would kill her if she didn’t reach the Knife..

            I have a hard time believing that Jodi doesn’t remember the incident, I think it was a defense strategy to avoid cross-examination about every detail that wouldn’t help the self-defense argument.

            I don’t agree Jodi planned to kill him or that she was a vindictive vengeful person.. I think she got abused verbally, emotionally, and sometimes physically, and all of that came together at the moment she shot him.. she reached her limit this day.

            of course, I’m still reading about this case, as I said there are a lot of mysterious details, who knows what information may come out if Jodi starts to tell more details about how the fight was going in this bathroom and the hallway, but it wasn’t premeditated murder by Jodi alone, that what I’m completely sure about.

            • You are right Mohamed. It wasn’t. Jodi wasn’t even supposed to go to Travis’ house in the first place as she had struck up a friendship/romance with another ma, Ryan Burns, who also worked for the same company and lived in Utah. Travis literally conned her to stop at his house on the way.
              There are two crime scene pictures which are very telling and back up Jodi’s account. The first is the bathroom mirror and vanity. This picture possibly explains that Travis examined himself after being shot in the face and then exhaled and dripped blood all over the vanity and the mirror. This is also why I believe the fight occurred in 2 parts. The second half of the fight is when Travis raged even more and threatened to kill her which is when Jodi recounts the verbal threat “I’m going to fucking kill you bitch” The second part of this fight is also when Jodi obtains the knife which was another weapon of opportunity in the house as Travis had been cutting rope for some kinky S&M sex that he had planned. The second picture is the autopsy picture of Travis’s back. You will notice that the knife wounds are almost all on the right side of his back which coincides with Jodi being left-handed. The neck cut was the result of Jodi likely flailing with the knife and thus cut him on the neck. The blog from Justus For US All is fantastic for all of this information.

  4. Hopefully they do not have an issue with water colours. You can hardly paint a fake tunnel on a wall like in Roadrunner with water colours. Painting is a great outlet and source of mental calm, thats cruel to dent people that especially when they have a natural talent for it.

  5. Guys, it will not be superfluous to get and see the judicial practice of Arizona or the USA in cases where sentences were reviewed. In this case, due to newly discovered circumstances, where it was proved that the accused did not commit murder, and also where self-defense was proved. Do any of you regular members of this site know where to find such court practice?
    In the United States, there is case law, which means that it is necessary to analyze similar criminal cases that were considered earlier and in which sentences were canceled on the grounds I mentioned above. You need to find similar cases and see how the sentences were canceled there. I think it matters because it may have prejudice and precedent value for Jodi’s case. I am a lawyer of the German-Roman legal system, however the United States has Anglo-Saxon legal system and I do not know where to look for such judicial sources of law in U.S. It could be regulations of the Arizona / or U.S. Supreme Court or it could be instructions and rules of the Apellation Court of Arizona/or U.S., or it could be something else.

      • Frank,

        I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a mutual responsibility in the public and state sphere of Arizona. Arizona is one of the states where there is a large mormon community. Many members of that community hold positions in government, courts and law enforcement agencies in Arizona. And if to think globally, then it is possible that such officials who have connections with that community or are members of it, can support and cover up each other. By other words, they can form own clan in Arizona. And it logically fits with my first comment. Let’s imagine that someone from mormon community murdered Travis. Then the “cops-mormons” and “prosecutors-mormons” cover up a murderer and falsely accuse Jodi. Then “judge-mormon” rejects all facts and case precedents, passing a false verdict. In finally, “judges-mormons” over time refuse to overturn the verdict. And if such a clan has formed in Arizona that has penetrated all the bureaucracy structures there, then it is not surprising that Jodi can’t achieve truth and justice in her case. Such a clan system doesn’t give out its own persons and does everything so that clan secrets don’t come out. Perhaps there’s some conspiracy against Jodi in Arizona. Why not? If given the fact that Arizona is a conservative and aggressive state in justice and capital punishment, then some clannishness is quite possible.
        I have seen many such examples and I take it very seriously.

          • Hey Frank,

            I will say that I have a hard time believing that a religious group would be able to prevent the state, any state from investigating a homicide without getting caught up in obstruction charges which ALL states take seriously. I understand that Mormons, like many “groups” would want to protect their ideology from ridicule and ugly scrutiny. I think this was mainly Travis’s issue which he didn’t want to be known within the community because of the fallout it would have created for him and those close to him. I will also acknowledge that I don’t live in that part of the country and don’t know any Mormons. You add the fact that Jodi ended up with one of the most corrupt prosecutors in AZ history didn’t help either.

          • You’re right, Frank!

            I read for a long time about all these religious cults on the internet. I think in the event that happened with Travis, it’s not so simple. And although I don’t deny the version of self-defense, but something tells me that Travis was the victim of a totalitarian religious sect. One of the reasons for this, is the unusual way in which Travis was murdered. An ordinary person will not kill like that, only a physically prepared person who knows about such an unusual method of murder can to kill so. And such a person can only be someone who has been in the mormon community for a long time and was initiated into these cult subtleties. A method of murder usually attracts immediate attention at the crime scene; the handwriting of the murder can tell us a lot about the identity of the murderer. So, I don’t understand why a religious expert examination wasn’t ordered by court, and why an expert on religious affairs wasn’t questioned in court. If an expert would confirmed the cult trace in that case, then this would be a reason to redirect the investigation towards to the community where Travis was in, to re-interview everyone with whom Travis worked and met, to double-check all his business ties in the community. Also, the confusion and inaccuracies in Jodi’s testimony about the instruments of the crime and the events of that day, raises suspicion, which suggests that she wasn’t involved in the murder. There it was necessary to conduct an investigative experiment with verification of her testimony at the crime scene, where she would showed on how she committed the murder. I’m convinced that she wouldn’t have been able to pinpoint exactly on how she did it, which would raise doubts about her guilt. There’re many questions in her case…

  6. I, as an Arizona resident since 1957, was totally in the belief that Jodi was guilty of this horrible crime. I felt really sad for Travis, like most of us did. After watching the documentary last night, I now have reversed my position. I feel that Jodi acted in self defense. I am a survivor of physical, mental, verbal, emotional AND financial abuse. I have a wonderful family who helped me and my 3 children get out. Thank God.
    I understand Jodi s’ thought processes and feelings. After being someone’s “ whipping post,” for so long, people can snap. I’m very sorry that Jodi was so mistreated by such a narcissistic, phony Mormon. Such a player. Been there, done that. I hope and pray that Jodi gets a second trial with a better outcome. She has suffered enough, thanks to Travis, and thanks to the justice system. Freedom for Jodi is my plea.

    • Welcome Tonya! We hope more people will begin to see this trial against Jodi for what it was: a circus with a group of men trying to become rich and famous. Thankfully instead they have been disbarred and demoted, the prosecutor, Jodi’s defense attorney and the detective leaving Jodi Arias in their wake of destruction. Add to the circus the infamous friends of TA and his family who tried to portray Travis as a saint (all of them knowing better) and trying to make an evil witch out of Jodi. Also we can’t forget the media who are all guilty of misrepresenting the tragedy by promoting Jodi to be guilty before the trial. The trial was a sham and Jodi should be set free for timed served.
      Self Defense is not a crime. The Arizona Justice system has failed Jodi Arias.
      We will keep pursuing Freedom for Jodi. FREE JODI AZ!!!!

  7. Hi Tonya,

    You are one of the positive stories of women getting out of an abusive relationship. I do need to correct you on one point. Jodi did not snap. I have seen many people say that for Jodi’s case and it is absolutely wrong and it is one of the many reasons why many people don’t see the facts as they are because of that issue. Jodi went to Travis’ house because he WANTED her there as he knew she was headed to Utah to visit with Ryan and possible strike up a new relationship. Jodi’s self-defense claim does not mean she snapped. Travis initiated the attack after Jodi drops his camera. Travis dies as a result of Jodi defending herself against him. Jodi was convicted because of her post-killing behavior and actions due to her PTSD which courts don’t like and treat as sinister in nature.

  8. Thanks R Love….. the next question is how does Jodi’s next defense team overcome that?
    I have been able to watch small snippets of the Discovery show and Jennifer Wilmott is a powerful voice for Jodi along with Maria. I heard that the total amount of texts that Travis sent to Jodi that were explicit and abusive ran into the hundreds. Jodi’s diary entries are very sad as she describes her loss of self and her dignity as the relationship progresses and then erodes.

    • Lance, I just do not know. Jennifer Wilmott and Maria De La Rosa were shining lights in the darkness for Jodi and I was thankful for them both. Nurmi was a total disgrace to the profession of law. Maybe Alan will give us a little insight to what the next move should be. Team Jodi has been trying for so long to get the truth out and sometimes it feels like we will never get to the end of this long tunnel of injustice. All we can do is keep donating and trying to support Jodi in every way possible. She deserves Freedom imo!

  9. Can we still anything help Jodi?
    For example, to write a pardon’s collective petition to the Arizona’s governor or local parliament. Or to U.S human rights organizations that they to take attention of her case..

  10. Hi from Ireland, I’m Kevin, Many week ago I came across this case and I was fascinated by it. I have watched YouTube videos of the trail and I have no doubt she was Guilty however in my view she has paid her debt to society and should be freed.
    In Ireland a Murder sentence is 15 years and your out in 7 to 10 years with good behavior.
    I feel its a crime to hold this Woman for the rest of her natural life. She should be allowed freedom to try to build her life again.
    Forgive and move on.

  11. Hi Kevin,

    The fact that you think she is still guilty of first degree murder tells me that you haven’t watched all of the available footage and read all of the accounts. Jodi was not guilty of first degree murder… she was guilty of very bad judgement after the killing. Self-defense killings are lawful in the US like many places. However, the US judicial system is very slanted towards third party testimony i.e. witnesses or especially in today’s world, video surveillance. Jodi did not have either of these to aid her. Her reluctance to go public with Travis’ physical abuse also cause a lot of problems because the police documentation of this would have given the courts something to refer to and use as a previous bad act. None of Travis’s friends knew what was going on behind closed doors although they have no problem saying they do in every interview. Your reference to Ireland’s legal system sounds very familiar to Canada’s as they don’t have a life without parole either. The US is very different in the legal process as we are also much more violent. The life without parole is necessary here, just not for people like Jodi.

  12. Lance,

    Jodi is a young woman and doesn’t pose any public danger to anyone, she never convicted before, she has no recidivism, she’s not an extremist or serial maniac. It is enough to look at her pics and how she lived her ordinary life to understand that she is not a criminal at all. I don’t see the point is for the state to keep her in isoliation from society for life as if she poses a dangerous for population. An amnesty or pardon should be carried out and her life returned to normal. I am sure of that. Also, in “domestic cases” often be situations when no any witnesses, because doings happens inside the house, and not in a public place. Every doubts have to be interpreted in favor of the accused. No one is obliged to prove their innocence. If Jodi has no witnesses, videos or dashcams to prove her self-defense, then this should interpreted in her favor. The court could have questioned the prosecutor’s charges, but did not. In such cases with not fully clarified circumstances should be a second chance for a person, especially for women. In Europe and in the post-soviet countries, Jodi would have already been released from prison.

  13. Hi Stan,

    That is what I was pointing out. The US judicial system is unlike any other system because of how violent our country has been and still is. The death penalty is slowly being eliminated from our penal system but still exists in some states, including AZ. Jodi actually tried to plead to manslaughter very early on but Travis’ family flat our denied that because they believed her to be a cold-hearted killer. Those JAII people in EP and CA are saying the same thing that Jodi should have received the 25 years with parole after which, if I am not mistaken, is about what a manslaughter conviction would have equaled. Unfortunately, all of the factors that I mentioned before came together against Jodi including her own behavior which was a result of PTSD and panic. Regardless of that, this is why we are here and believe that Jodi was overcharged and should have had other options at trial.

  14. I strongly urge anyone who hasn’t yet done so to watch the Arrow documentary on Jodi, in the “True Crime” section on Discovery +. You can sign up for a free one-week trial and pay nothing if you cancel in a week. Go to

    In my view the film is not just balanced, but actually pro-Jodi. The story is mostly organized around her journal entries, and there are very supportive interview clips with Jennifer Willmott, Maria de la Rosa, and Robert Geffner. Willmott in particular is terrific. Travis comes off throughout as a phony narcissistic jackass.

    The main anti-Jodi material is long clips from her flagrant lies to the cops at Siskiyou Sheriff’s Office (which are very hard to watch), discussion of them by Martinez, and claims by Chris and Sky Hughes that she was weirdly jealous and possessive toward Travis. But none of Martinez’s supposed evidence of premeditation is included.

    This film is a wonderful milestone, as the first sympathetic portrayal of Jodi in any media I have seen. Congratulations to its British producers, who listened to her supporters and opened their eyes to the truth.

  15. I think I will do that. That is really the only thing I want to watch on this new platform.

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