Following yesterday’s closed door hearing, the Arizona State Circus returns to town again today for the “aggravation phase” of this unprecedented judicial farce.
The only aggravation I’m seeing right now is from delusional pedo-huggers. They’re the ones that seem to spend all their time getting aggravated because they can’t post in this site
Click the links below if you missed any of my earlier posts:
Sunday Morning & an Occupy HLN Update
“KAVONNA ARIAS” – Important Fraud Warning
Child Sex Abuse, Chris Hughes & Solider Hollow Charter School
So like I’ve said a few times already… even though the media are hyping today up for ratings & ad revenue purposes, whatever happens over the next few days will ultimately count for very little in the big scheme of things. That’s because the appellate courts will ultimately fix this kangaroo court bullshit – and I’ve no doubt we will be successful.
We’re here for the long haul – and we will ultimately get JUSTICE FOR JODI!
Leave your comments below peeps…
Team Jodi
The new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.
If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.
For my prize I would like to wait until I get the stomach flu, meet Juan for lunch, and hurl on him. Accidentally of course.
that made my day.
That one made LOL!!
Accidentally on purpose! 😉
I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me.
Your wish is granted. 🙂
And for dessert serve him up a big bowl of steaming microbe infested diarrhea!
Congrats on being #1!!!
funny stuff Jeff— if only I could have met up with JM 2 weeks ago, he’d be sick with the flu big time right now!! I caught that dang flu and it took me down hard for 2 weeks—took 3 antibiotics, breathing treatment and IV of fluids…I’m better now though its too bad I couldn’t have packed up the germs and sent them off to that disrespectful and cruel prosecutor who clearly has issues with women and especially if they have been abused.
O!! Juan is such an ASS! Someone commit him PLEASE! Talk about anger issues!! And that sister is really a DRAMA Queen!! All the pictures are of TA and his friends…. NO family?! Hmmmmmm! They should’ve never been allowed to sit next to the jury! Conduct Unbecoming, especially for Ms. Bobble Head (Sam – or whatever her name is!)
I have to stay up until 4am my time to be 1st….. No fair 😉
I did it!! You must live in MI??
But please…eat macaroni with cheese, a pickle, and a slice of chocolate cake for lunch! Hahaaaahh!
I would like the same prize for being first on this mornings post won’t it be awesome Jeff we could both hurl on him at once…..Just sayin. 😉 him and his little squirrelly a$$ Grrrrr I can see how someone can drive another CRAZY!!! I don’t know that I have ever hated ANYONE like I hate Kermit!! That is my vent!!
Dear Jodi,
I’ve been following your trial and I feel so sorry for you. You are a beautiful young woman with full of talent and potential and now because of the one decision you made one day, your life will change for ever. Why Jodi? Why? I keep asking myself this same question. Be strong.
Hi Linda, The only bad decision (and it turned out to be the WORST ever) that Jodi made in my opinion was to ever go to Mesa that day. But if we want to go into further regret, she was far too good for him in the first place! He did not have anything to offer, rather was a selfish, all-about-me person. The mistake has been more about HLN and the end result of their hate! In reality, Jodi only fought for her life and won, the first time! Now she has fought for her life a second time, but thanks to HLN, she has had a slight set-back, but only temporarily! Can’t wait to see her out and smiling!
I’m so depressed about the verdict, somebody say something to cheer me up!
Maybe this will cheer you up. Juanita keeps asking what Travis was thinking while he was dying. I can’t help hearing, ooops, miscalculation, shouldn’t have fucked with this one this way.
Taylor 🙂 Thinking same thing / same time
Perhaps not “cheer you up” but bring in some new perspectives. I wish I were at the trial to share so much about Mesa, Arizona, Mormons and child sexual abuses and crime. My children and I had years of suffering in these courts-. That was my first thought, the second was ” how bad these defense attorneys were, my God !! You handed her over like a lamb to the slaughter, every one deserves an agressive defense. It was like watching a public hanging without a trial,. and the “backstage drama” how morbide of media to use this trial for their perversion and entertainment. What was the purpose for these long,detailed and un-necessary “Sex” dialogs ? It was nothing but a show for the system monsters and media Hype. Another X rated film of the destruction of the Goyim. A mock trial, a Movie ?? This is not the Hunger Games or Mad Max ..it was a show nothing but a show, and no one mentioned, “why did she do” was it a crime of passion, was she projecting the abuse of a past experience ? Snapped- by some triggering, and mental health issues. I want to hear what this Mormon/Ashkenazi county wanted to be hidden from the public and this trial ! If you don’t think this is done there it is all the time, look at the Tuscon, Az media circus , then name all the players ..its time to address some truths about the way this world in now and how the media, and the legaleze system of Lenin created all of this by design. Jodi is a human, flesh and blood and some place inside of her is an answer much better then what the public is hearing right now, and to top this, I see nothing for defense of her here either [??}
On the last day of charges and details of suffering. I wish someone would add [ even if this does not change the fact this man “did suffer” no one deserves that either ] but here is a thought on the “suffering” issue. I was a witness to a car accident a few yrs ago. Two High School seniors coming home on the Hwy……past us on the left. Nothing seemed odd, I glanced to see the girl in the passenger seat, they were not speeding when suddenly, the car drifted over the center lane and into a Van oncoming . Everything [ to me watching this] was like a slow motion movie, I watched the Van turn with their car as if they were locked in a dance, they both turned a 360 and a man flew out of the Van……..the Van stopped mid- street and the car continued on to the opposite side of the road and lined up with the direction of traffic. We pulled to the side of the road and my husband got out to direct traffic, I got out seeking a cell phone to call 911. I could hear this girl screaming, no sound from this boy driving..screams from the Van and the man on the ground. I remember trying to walk across the road to comfort the girl now pinned in her seat. My legs were like molassas, I was frozen, some sort of chemical was rushing through my brain to protect me from trauma. Fight or flight syndrome. [ Jodi, “as the prosecuator said, “stomped like a “what” did he call her ? was it some sort of Animal ? refresh my memory someone ! Is it possibly she was in a state of DID and experienced what [ women like me do} if I see a mouse or rat ? Freak, stomp in one spot or up and down in the same area screaming ? Was she stabbing some{thing] she wanted dead, dead dead and not a man ? Think about this ! and think about the prosecutions remark of his discription of her as an animal ,get the transcript and read that part again.
As my example story goes on about this accident, , It seemed so long before paramedics came and by then another man was at the window of this girl talking her down from screaming. The paramedics came and soon they had removed her from the vehicle,. the boy was not conscience…..others waited to tend to the men in the Van. I walked and listened as they removed this girl as if my entire sensory system was solely focused on her and what she was saying, ” She calmed down, talked about her mom, she talked about several things appearing to be fine when in reality, the steering wheel had severed her artery [ just like the knife did in this case] and she was “bleeding out” basically she was going to die quickly after removing her since they “broke- the bond between her body and wheel pressing on the artry to slow the bleeding, by removing her they “sped up the process”. She said a few more words to the men, and she was gone. I was later told, she was [not in any pain,] she was in a [Euphoric and anesthetized state] and un aware of her condition. I was told this by medical professionals. In War interrogations, a POW is not put through intensive suffering because they will pass out and experience this same reaction the body creates for defense. It makes the interrogations useless. Two minutes is a long time [but ] I believe it would be the slow non invasion wounds that would cause the most awareness of pain. Children being sexually abused will escape into dissociative states ” its not them being hurt”. I continue to wonder, if Jodi had some trigger to create such an extreme reaction to one man [?] And why this was not presented by the defense, unless, she wants to die for some other reason, such as a childhood experience, or multiple abuses. What I see here is triggered-rage, whether this particular man was the real target of this rage is questionable, and should have been explored and questioned by her defense team. I don’t care if [ she] their client wanted to be punished or not they needed to defend her and I saw no defense. Her complacency is what I would have used to demand an evaluation for her reason for her actions and the actual extreme of her actions. I did not see as the media said, her lack of concern toward the charges but throughout this day and calling out the charges, the same, anesthetized state I often see in jail inmates waiting a trial or plea bargain. Was she sedated ? There are many missing things in this case and I would hope for a good Appeal, and this week, some one with some brains to present more then this “nothingness of a defense” to at least stop the death penalty. As for the question, is her defense being restructed by any means of a real defense for her due to the county countrol, manipulation and corruption of the Mormon/Ashkenazi agenda in Arizona is something to think about since it is a long history of Arizona just do your homework ?? It may not be something to bring up at court but it is a very spiritually energized reason for such unjust hearings. Sorry, but I have to be blunt here. It is what it is there, and that agenda distroyed dozens of moms, children,, and families there for yrs.It is just getting worse as they more openly express their occult ways. Remember, Diane Downs came from there, Cristy Fornoff was murdered by a man who was a victim of child sexual abuse and on and on………..a cesspool of it. Put a little 6 degrees into the equation at that time and area of Mesa and now see what surrounds Jodis case and other things going on in Arizona as well as this country in increases of “family and public violence and odd and extreme abuses, in most cases, family says this was not at all like them to do things like this…[ie} Sacramento, CA 1/2013/ Father kills his 9 yr old son with a hatchet …is this insane ? Was he sane, or was he chemically altered and/or posssessed ? Where were any examples of school friends, teachers, family to defend Jodi’s character ? At least give the girl a fighting chance !!
Someone please, speak up for Jodi if you know the truth, they can not stop you from witnessing for her in this case, STOP BEING IN F.E.A.R. of their retaliations !!
good morning…just a reminder for those praying with me for Jodi..prayers on the hour every hour…
Especially for the strength she needs and the peace she deserves.
I will join my voice with yours. Every hour on the hour.
You got it, sm, I’m right there praying with you.
Every hour on the hour..prayers for Jodi.
Prayers for Jodi***
Would be an honor to join you in prayer!
My prayers are with Jodi. I’m holding her in my heart. <3
I apologize if I offend any supporters w prayers for Jodi as I sport my new hiney avatar .. I. aware of the dichotomy 🙂
*No apologies to the haters and they can still kiss my ass.
Praying for JODI everyday!
2nd or third, do i get a prize
Question regarding jurors: Are the names of jurors part of the public record after a trial? Can a juror who wishes to remain anonymous do so?
its different by state but it is public record but the judge can have it remained sealed for some time, but i believe that eventually it becomes unsealed and is the public information
Historically, anonymous juries were relegated to cases where juror safety was an issue or when the judge thought that someone might try to influence the jury’s verdict. However, judges are now increasingly empanelling anonymous juries in the name of juror privacy. So, you would think that this case would have an anonymous jury, yet, i didnt find a request for this to be implemented before the trial.
Since the jury wasnt sequestured, i doubt that it was an anonymous jury. So, after the trial, the jurors names will be record. They will be thrown to the wolves. Sometimes I root for the wolves.
I Will Survive – Alien Song
from the other page and your remarks about aliens from tonya
Sirlips, you’re the BEST!! Watch Ms. Bobble Head AGAN!! She keeps crying – looking at the JURY! Aaaaagh!
This is my theory…….due in part because of the gal ( a juror) seen crying right before the verdict was handed down.
I think they (the rest of the jurors) bargained with her to agree to M1 and in turn they would deliver a “life” sentence if she would change her stance???
You think? Maybe, maybe not….just can’t figure out why else she would have been in tears.
Just a guess on my part. 🙂
Nope, because that would come out, sooner or later, and they would all be in a very big pile of shit.
They can not “negotiate” a verdict.
Doesn’t mean they didn’t……just like they “didn’t” watch any media.
Just saying……..
Nothing would surprise me at this point.
I agree, im not saying they didnt…im saying they were not supposed to, and i would doubt they would try this…but par for their course is pretty low…so who knows.
But Sirlips they can’t watch tv, surf the web or make up their minds before all evidence is heard either they obviously feel above the law and rules of the court anyway…
I don’t think they feel above the law. Don’t get me wrong I do believe they did all the things you listed plus they had electronic media on them. I think it’s human nature to be curious and seek “answers.” And if they know they’re not supposed to do it the chances they’ll do it are probably higher. Forbidden fruit is always more appetizing. I just think its human nature to look and like so many people have stated its 2013 not 1993. It’s so much easier to find information. Lets say they didn’t understand something in the trial like what borderline personality means. Do y’all really think they’ll go home Nd think, “oh I can’t look for it because I hAve an admonition from judge “don’t enforce rules and court of law” sherry, or do you think they’ll google it and find out what it means from an outside source and top that with while googling it perhaps news articles about the trial pop up and they so happen to open one “in error.” What do you think the chances are that a person will psychologically justify this to themselves? I think the odds are very high.
They are only determining guilt in last weeks phase. I think they’ll give her DP. If they believed that the killing was M1 then they’ll believe she was cruel and whatever the rest of that phrase says. Juan Martinez has used the photos of the autopsy and Travis in the shower to evoke emotion out of the jury. Add the interview from last week and Jody’s statement in an interview from one of those news interviews from the past saying shed rather get the death penalty? This in Juan’s eyes and the Revenge4Travis Taliban will give the jury what “they need” to appease the foam mouthing masses yelling “crucify her! Crucify her!”
Thousands of years pass and we haven’t changed much have we? And we call ourselves civilized… The irony…
With great sadness, I agree with you – they will give her the DP. If 7 jurors bought into the ridiculous charge of both felony/premeditated murder, i’m inclined to believe that they will have no problem giving her the DP. But, I hope I am wrong on that.
Yep, sadly, I agree. It appears the only thing premeditated here was the verdict.
That, and, if it comes to it, the death penalty. As Camus said, capital punishment is the most premeditated of all murders.
So true!
Yes. “Appease” being the operative word in this case.
I agree with you, and i actually, for other reasons, HOPE she gets DP over LIP.
There are a few reasons, first, LIP does not get automatically appealed. DP does. Second, DP case appeals costs are all covered by the state, LIP appeals are NOT covered by anyone other than pro-bono lawyers or the defendant. There are no public funds used in less than DP appeals, regardless of the financial status of the defendant. And to a small extent, the fact that she wants the DP over the LIP. its her life, she should be able to decide. (However i wonder if she isnt asking for the DP, because of the first 2 reasons i gave)
I’m actually worried that the jury will see the appellate advantages that the DP offers and will give her life just so she has to pay for an appeal and because she doesn’t want it.
And, from my understanding, LWOP, in a day-to-day sense, is no different from life on death row. Same kind of cell, same kind of isolation, 23 hours per day. No physical human contact permitted.
This jury is out to deny Jodi anything and everything she wants. If she had never mentioned dp or asked for death, they would have given it to her, without blinking an eye! Now, because she said she would rather take the death penalty, the are going to say LIP.
bgs, I totally agree with your post…….Jodi wants death, they will give her life, do you know if appeals are possible with a life sentence?
My daughter and I thought the very first girl juror sounded choked up when they were polled after the verdict. My instincts think she was bullied into the verdict with threats of a Casey Anthony outcome for the jury. If any of this is true I pray it comes out
I had that gut instinct too when I heard her say ‘yes’.
She must have been crying because she was sad that their ” time together” as jurors, was coming to an end. I don’t think any of them have any compassion for Jodi. I am still in shock how every single juror saw premeditation, when there was absolutely no evidence of that! Too many stab wounds does not equal premeditation!
They said that the day before this same juror had taken a very progressive stance as she was walking down the hall “in a huff” and then the next day she is seen crying, what is wrong with this picture.
OJ will be taking a lot of HLN heat off Jodi for these critical days. They will have enough fodder to keep them going all night without rehashing every look and word. Stay strong Jodi, my dear it’s going to be a horrible few days, but you are strong girl. Thank you Jodi friends for helping me keep my sanity through this.
I am still confused why they would ban her from talking to the media. Anyone have a better explaination??
Damn SJ, you get me all pumped up about our efforts to support Jodi! Thanks Bud! 🙂
Will jodies post trial interview have any impact on her appeal?
I feel like crying and throwing up. I can’t bring myself to turn on the tv or pull up the link online. All I can do is sit here and pray. And post and read. Keeping the faith any way I can.
I just thought of this quote from Mother Teresa, it made me think of what we are doing here on this site for Jodi and for each other.
“There’s nothing more calming in difficult moments that knowing there’s some one fighting alongside you.”
― Mother Teresa
Hopefully Jodi will feel some peace knowing she has support and people working together on her behalf.
Aw…how touching! I’ll be posting it on my FB wall,thanx Bunny!
I have to see those loathsome Alexander siblings again. Ugh. Don’t they EVER work?
They don’t have to now! They’re getting funded by sheeple and hope to get access to Jodi’s commissary money too. Then there will be TV appearances, books, etc.
Why in the world would they get access to Jodi’s commissary money?
Because they filed a civil suit against Jodi about 5 seconds after the verdict came down. They’re vultures.
Beth Karas said they can go after her commissary now, without the civil suit as victims restitution. I haven’t heard anyone confirm this and this is from HLN.
Kira wrote: “Then there will be TV appearances, books, etc.” You bet there will be! Travis’ face will be used to create a brand.
Not today, but soon they will be on the stand. I don’t know how Jodi will be able to stand that.
why Joe!
they have all that money coming in from the masses of ignorant people donating money to.
They get to live off their dead pedophile abusive POS brother.
I’m sure they must feel guilty though since they didn’t know him very well.
I hear what you’re saying BeeCee. The siblings are riding the gravy train created from the pigs death all the way to the bank.
His death is the best thing that could’ve happened to them.
No they found their gravy train, meal ticket…. Next they will hit the talk shows, then write books. They are set for life now and all they had to do was cry a little, gob at the camera ,and pretend they are christian….. Not bad for “siblings” that had no actual contact with ta until he was dead.
well said Zoe!!
Isn’t Donovan allowed to maintain Jodi’s Twitter page if she wants to? Who to say she can’t? Is it up under a different name?
It’s back up. At least yesterday it was.
same name i believe
sorry i forgot to send the link, silly mehttp://www.azcentral.com/community/mesa/articles/20130211jodi-arias-murder-trial-arizona-live-video.html,
This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you.
what the HELL is this some one sent this to me and I have an alert attached to it
That is the link, IWS
Wild twitter says Jodi in long sleave cream coloured top !!!
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
My responses to you all will be limited today so I don’t over tweet too soon. I will be “favoriting” your tweets to show I read it though.
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
#JodiArias has bangs that are mostly swept to the right. She is speaking with the DP Mitigation Specialist who has on black suit.
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
I thought #JodiArias would be shackled and in jail outfit but she is not. Nurmi is fully reclinated. Still waiting on Judge and jury.
Yeah,no jail clothes!
HLN said the jurors all arrived together this morning.
Here with you all saying silent prayers for Jodi
Yes and will continue throughout the day – there is power in numbers
Wild About Trial@WildAboutTrial27s
#JodiArias has bangs that are mostly swept to the right. She is speaking with the DP Mitigation Specialist who has on black suit.
Hey all,
Lets all keep Jodi in our prayers and in our thoughts today. She has been attacked by all the demonic voices, and faces, present at HLN. Juan Martinez has a very evil presence, because all of his motivation is brought about by hatred, what is really sick though is he has lied and twisted the truth to fit his incorrect conclusions..
That very evil he unleashes against Jodi, will hopefully be defeated by the powers of love and support by all of us on this site, and everywhere people seek out the truth, and real justice.
We all love you Jodi. And you have many, many, many, supporters across the world. And we are here doing what we can to show that love, and support for you. Don’t give up hope… because we are all here for you.
Hopefully despite his twisted thinking, the forces of
I’m sorry everybody, and Jodi… did’nt realize as I was editing the post, some of a sentence I was deleting stayed on at the bottom.
I believe my points still came out though..
I love your post dave and agree there are very evil forces at work here, we will keep the faith.
Sending positive thoughts! Let us hope that this too shall pass.. although at this point I have lost all faith in humanity.
The little Weasel Martinez, Keeps blabbering on, and on, about extreme mental anguish that Travis had. Well, I know that myself, and I know that many of the rest of us have extreme mental anguish, having to listen that little worm Martinez blabber on, and on, and on.
Then there’s Kevin Horn the liar, and coroner, what does he really know about pain. He deals with the dead. Does he know how much pain he has put Jodi thru with his stating one thing before the trial, and then coming back in the trial, and saying another thing 100% different from before, that was also confirmed from Det. Flores, the microscopic brained wonder. I wonder if Dr. Horn knows how much pain he has caused.
ON !
It’s on….I dont know how to feel about this…
Me either, but……..
Damn, I’ve got some errands to run and some work to do. I have to leave for awhile. I’ll catch up with today’s proceedings a bit later.
ADMIN – I got a problem here ……
Using => “Leave a Message For Jodi”
I got:
Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in Unknown on line 0
Fu*k you Judge!!! No way they can convince us the jury doesnt see OR hear anything! Fu*k them too!!
I feel sick 🙁 I can’t imagine what Jodi must be feeling.
I’m so proud of her,have deep admiration and sympathy.There we are ready to fall apart and poor Jodi sits there serenely.If I didnt know I’d thought this was just another trial day.
<3 Jodi
(((Maria))) I am proud of her too. I wouldn’t be able to keep it together AT ALL if I were in her place. She is very strong.
OMG – look at TA’s brother facial expression. Looks insane !
Why is Samantha already choking up????
Playing it up to the jury ??
No kidding! I just said that! EWWWWW!
He looks like he smelled something bad. Haha
The hair on the bro doesn’t help him look sane either.
OH MY GOODNESS! Steven is looking especially ummmm ________________, there are no nice words at this point. Feel free to fill in the blank!
EWWWW! Apparently he thought his Mama was joking when she said, “Knock it off or your face is gonna stay like that!” Or however that saying goes!
My oh My!!!!
psychotic. deranged.
I don’t think I’m going to be able to listen to JM attack Jodi for hours. I don’t want to put a fist thru my computer screen.
These people have no compassion. He really want to see her get the DP.
The sponge family look ridiculous today.
I am going to get the updates here. Thank you to those that are suffering thru watching this to bring the updates.
I am FREAKING out. When that idiotic judge said the words “death penalty” out loud, I almost fainted. This is too much. How is Jodi doing this?
I dont know,Basse.This is one remarkable,strong woman.She really IS an angel.
Jodi Arias invented poise under pressure.
Jodi looks like she has been drugged.
I was just thinking the same thing!!
For her sake, I hope that’s true.
Why is Flores daughter always in court with the TA family ??
Doesn’t she have school to go to?
Every time she refers to this as murder, I want to claw pickle’s eyes out.
I want to cry! I can’t do this. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t! 🙁
Anytime there is any doubt or fear please repeat the following statement:
“We’re here for the long haul – and we will ultimately get JUSTICE FOR JODI!
If you still have doubt or fear, repeat again……
Thank you PK I am praying a juror or anyone who can make a difference will have a conscience and stand up and speak out to stop this farce witch hunt
I could swear I just saw F_o_e_ looking down into the space of hell saying to himself saying to himself “Oh f__! When will I have to pay for my lies?”
I CAN’S STAND looking at Martinez’ face.Seriously!! I despise him! He is…oh no he’s up!!
The fucker has her already in tears!!!
May you burn in Hell Kermit!!!
I forced myself to watch and he was back to his screaming mode. Once a bully always a bully even in this closing.
Oh my god there is that voice again!!!!! I don’t think I can do this. He is so effing obnoxious and I just know he is going to talk until we are all crazy.
And the siblings begin their shit.
I just now tuned in and lasted for about two seconds before I turned off the stream – Martinez was talking. Thanks to those that are watching and posting what is happening. I just can’t stomach Juan Martinez or the sneering, eye rolling Alexander family today.
Don’t cry Jodie……. 🙁
It must be hell for Jodi right now.:-(
Oh heck no! He is trying to turn this into a murder-suicide case!
No he is going to say she couldn’t do it because she was scared of the pain but yet she killed Travis in a much worse way. He is soulless.
Is the family going to blubber this whole time like they are hearing all new testimony? Puke……
Samantha is so obviously distraught yet she found the time to go to a freaking hair salon and have her hair done!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know she’s all made over. What a joke. I feel bad for them but its infuriating to see there’s no control in this courtroom.
I really have lost most of my sympathy for them due to their behavior in court…..
I’ve lost all of mine.
I couldn’t believe they were allowed to CONTINUALLY get away w/the constant eye rolling. But then again this was far from a fair trial so I shouldn’t be that surprised. Look how they let them sit there week after week w/those blue support ribbons talk about a bias.
I hate to agree with you, but they are acting like its all brand new and playing up to the jury looking at them. Tell me does Honorable judge “let this trial be a circus” Sherry have control of the court room?
Did she EVER???
I’m sorry computer’s down and I can’t bring myself to turn on tv, how is Jodi?
Sad. Trembling, and in tears. :'(
Kermit already made her cry!
He is pure evil , idk how he can live with himself. I’ve never seen pure hate and evil in human form until this unGodly pros and the A Taliban, it’s hard to keep faith at the moment.
She’s shaking her head and is on the verge of tears.
Holy shit, I thought I was prepared for this, but I’m not.
Me too Ann.
This suicide bs. All those so called Christians bubblering should understand that it is the one sin that is not forgiven. At least that is what I was taught. As a Christian Jodi wants very badly not to live but she cannot commit suicide or she would be banished to hell.
I was taught the same thing CC
Hi everyone. : (
yeah, I don’t get that it’s ok for them to kill her.
Nor do I get that she should spend her life in prison.
She’s had enough abuse.
Every teenager and those younger give you a challenge and that’s all Jodi did
growing up.
You know you are closer to your Mom than ever in the years that Jodi is
in. I can tell how mich they love each other.
MY God!! why can’t they have her at least close to home?
Are they kidding? Did he suffer?
Look at what Jodi is going through?? Is this what Travis meant when he
said she would pay with his wrath?? THAT was harsh and cruel.
I can’t watch it either. This is torture!
How was she supposed to protect herself??
I keep thinking someone with a soul will come forward,
Jodi is the only one with a true soul!
FUCK YOU SAMANTHA! Enough with the freakin histrionics! You didn’t even KNOW your brother.
Oh, so much FUCK YOU for Samantha.
AGREED! Can you say “drama queen?” Gag me.
Drama queen
But if she doesn’t cry for the jury, she won’t get as much sympathy money from the groupies!
Any appellate attorney’s for Jodi on the horizon yet?
*This* court is hopeless with it’s cast of characters, jury first and foremost are the worse and I believe they will rule for DP because they want to avoid criticism.
I havent posted in a while but just had to get this off my chest, that sam needs the crap slapped out of her she is such a fake drama queen!!
what does this mean?
Was just agreeing w/ everything you said.
FUCK YOU Martinez.I dont think I can listen to this.
I decided not to watch it as I would probably smash my TV. Just reading here has taken me to a lower level of sadness than where I’ve been.
I have no clue, no idea, cannot fathom how a human being can keep pounding a horse thats already been pounded and pummeled to rubble. How can they look in the mirror?
Its not as though Travis was the ONLY asshole on earth ever killed and he won’t be the last.
Shit happens every day and happens in ways far worse than this. Why isn’t there even 1/4 as much outrage and hate towards the deviant baby killer from PA who did far far far worse than what happened in Mesa.
Humans suck.
Juan Martinez is a dirty liar.
Jodi just shook her head no – like this is not what happened!
She also did that during Martinez’ closing arguments several times.But we all saw who the Jury chose to listen to and believe!!
Overruled, overuled, overuled….
Like, what’s new. Unbelievable.
Sorry, can’t watch this. God Bless Jodi. As an American, I’m beyond sorry our justice system has let you down.
here, here……
our justice system has proved beyond reasonable doubt that it has failed Jodi. I am sickened
GOOD! You pedophile deviant dick, I hope you felt every cut.
I’m kind of glad the Alexanders have to listen to all this. Serves them right for trying to glorify Travis.
Just think how a 12 year old girl would have felt if St. Pedo had gotten his hands on her…
I want to tell Jodi not to cry. If she hadn’t protected herself, we would be hearing about all the pain she went through when that Abusive SOB killed her.
How about this is ALL speculation on JM’s part!!!
Kermit’s never heard of shock, apparently. Does he think that this attack took hours?
WOW , samantha can cry without messing up her mascara !
she’s crying all the way to the bank….
Waterproof mascara!
See?She’s PREPARED,SHE KNEW SHE had to PUT ON her act!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another sickening display in the courtroom prosecution side. Surprise surprise. Not.
I need a vent page !!!! Samantha is disgusting with her crocodile tears. I’m so *******sick of it.
I Will Survive – Alien Song
Here we go another day another dollar spent on the circus that will begin sending all my love and Hail Mary and Our Fathers to you and yes to all the damn sinners too from tonya
Has anyone seen any actual tears from Sam? She looks distraught but I see no tears. ?
I just watched a few minutes and cannot watch any more. This guy is making up his own story of what happened, never proven.
Right, even after the state stipulated she had no weapons while he was sitting down.
And I’m pretty damn sure if she were stabbing him in the back she would have pierced it straight fucking through and the blade would have come out his damn chest!!! DUH!!!!!!
How can that ugly skank sit there crying over her piece of shit brother-I would respect Kirk more if he got up and talked about the dead dick wanting to f”k Jodi in the ass and calling her a 3 hole wonder-that’s why he is dead.
Fuck you Martinez!Stop talking as if you were there!! Specu-FUCKING-lation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sure is, Maria !!
Thats what happens when someone fights back!You lying sack of shit.Making up shit .How many stories is he gonna tell?
All this speculation..and overruled. She is a waste of space. I want to see her courtroom ravaged by the appellate courts.
ooh i never knew Juan was there on June 4th , he shouldn’t be able to say where TA was looking , doing – speculation (or bs)
“speculation (or bs)”
THAT is kermit’s specialty!
JM: “and as he is standing in front of the mirror bleeding, Snow White pops out of the closet and stabs him… before he can get away, all seven dwarfs surround him, cruelly stabbing, and slashing.”
yeah…………nice fiction, you short piece of garbage…
Don’t forget the wildebeests!
And the dog that took Travis’s photo -_-
Why doesn’t Travis’ family ever comfort each other when they are crying. ?? They seem so disconnected.
Because they aren’t crying. They are hamming for the cameras. They are no closer to each other than they were to Travis.
OMG..Was JM at the same trial? NO WAY IN HELL DID SHE STAB HIM IN THE HEART WHILE HE WAS IN THE SHOWER. He just really fucked..
Why is she over ruling? He doesn’t know what TA saw! Oh this is going to make me mad. I might not be able to watch lady judge bow down to JM today.
By the way:
Hi guys! TEAM JODI!!!!!
I’m not buying the emotions of that sister, she’s working it for the jury! pathetic
One fake act for sure.
I like when the sibs see the camera, they start with the theatrics…
just thinking the same thing Renee
She’s done that throughout this whole trial and
dip shit judge has never said a thing!
Her rules don’t mean a thing.
She warned at the beginning of this trial, they
would be sent out.
She didn’t mean it, just like when she asked, Anyone see
of the trial or anything about it? I see no hands!! BSBSBS!!!!!
Keep talking about the sink,motherfucker!!! Let’s see at what point of the ”attack” you’re gonna say it happened! Have you made up your freaking mind??? So,no throat sliced when over the sink????????
Juan wastes no time objecting to the same tactics he did, and Pickles allowed.
Good morning Nurmi
cant get live coverage to work above or on wild about help
So isn’t this what that Horne guy said he couldn’t have done, walked around after being shot? Or maybe JM didn’t mention the gun I tune him out sometimes without meaning too. I think it’s my brain protecting itself.
Oh that Fucking lillte Ratfaced fuck!!
wtf……………..WHY did Nurmi just agree it was cruel?
Is it just me or does Juan Martinez manipulate the jury with the emotion of indignation? Indignation… Does this play into the family members in the court room right now crying?
That goblin is a one-trick pony, and faux-indignation is his one trick.
I stayed to watch Nurmi. Martinez won’t let him talk and Pickles can’t make a ruling as per usual.
Hello everyone. Not watching today but reading your updates! Thanks for all the info.
Samantha is doing the “dry cry”…hahaha thats what I call it when my 5 year old daughter is trying to throw a fit and she pretends to be crying and if it werent for the fact that there are no tears falling from her eyes I would probably think she was actually upset and was really crying…DRY CRY
Why does Steven always have that stupid smirk on his face? Or is he grinding his teeth? Wheres meth face Tanisha? I cant imagine she isnt there but I havent seen her yet… Maybe Tanisha and Steven snorted a few big lines (in honor of Travis of course & they have the funds to really party now…geeez) before they went in to court today???
Love the “dry cry” . So aptly said.
I just turned it on, interesting the sisters are wearing black lace, you would think by now they would be immune to the photos considering they have been posted again and again during the trial. We have had two people murdered in our family in cold blood and we never did anything like this. and BTW. one was shot in the head, and was able to call 911 and tell the police where he was and what happened and he tried to get help during that time. He died shortly thereafter in the hospital.
Just wondering if the defense will get to question Doogie or not?
Law is sooooo opposite of the truth.I am disgusted!
Tanisha and hubs are there. Steven almost looks like he wants to laugh. I don’t get it at all.
Steven looks like he needs a damn exorcist!
Oh, here is the purjured DOC Horn………….whats his story going to be today ??
Does Travis brother have a jacked up looking upper lip or what?
Oh look its the dumbest effer ever to have a medical degree.
FUCK YOU HORNE!!! We all know what you’re about to say!!!
Perhaps today he’ll give us his 4th version of the autopsy ??
Fuck you and your objections. >:(
the PUKE always interrupts Nurmi right in the middle of a crucial statement!!
i hope that nermy can show that this guy is a lying bastered
He already proved the pos pros was lying but the jury was too stupid to understand
On a completely innappropriate note…..Jenny and Nurmi look great.
And when they went to recess Jodi stood up and tugged her shirt down over her tush and I swear I bet she weighs less than 90 pounds. I want to cry.
I’m watching HLN! I’m behind everyone! 🙁
Horn??? Oh no… I hope his perjury is made clear.
did anyone she the hughes in court today
Just Sky Hughes.
Yes, ugly sky is there.
yes I saw sky
Go back to Utah, you beast.
Yes- Fucking puke face Sky!!
Horne, rot in hell.Another lying sack.He will try and wiggle his way out.Who could EVER fucking believe a word he says!
I haven’t posted for awhile either. I am in for the fifty if someone can get a good lawyer. This whole thing makes me sick. Please let me know if this is possible. I truly support Jodi thank God he is done. What a shaft she got. She is innocent. I have been following and think you are all amazing people well except the hacker. My love to all.
If they get something set up I’m in also.
I’m sure it will be made known if that is what is needed.
Me too, and for the LONG haul!
Anyone notice the Judge’s extra chirpy voice when the trial began today? The pistol-packin’ posse are all ready to shoot – John ‘Juan’ Wayne looks esp. like the Penguin from Batman today. Should have worn a cape, JM! and your vampire teeth too – since you like drawing blood!!
I hope to god I never bump into JM in my lifetime or I will instantly punch him without thinking.
Horne lied for sure. I want someone to make sure this comes out eventually. It needs to be looked at by a real medical examiner and they need to use it in their appeals big time!!!!!
What Sam has no tears during break???
Hell no !!
I really hate to say anything about anyone’s family but more and more I do feel like TAs sisters are doing more crying for show. I read they hadn’t even spoken for years. I can see being sad hearing about his wounds but every single day when the camera is on you? I haven’t paid attention to his family and their actions bc I do feel bad for them bc they loved him but it seems they’re just like him.
Nermi must be made at jodi to say it was cruel what the hell is he doing
mad mad mad sorry said made
He’s affirming what the judge said first, that all first-degree murders are cruel to some extent.
Yes, I agree Kira.
So WHY do we have to have this circus??
Hello SJ…have i been banned for some reason?
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 2m
Dr. Horn is wearing tan pants, white shirt and a black,gray,white tie. He is cleaning up the witness stand with kleenex. #JodiArias
He probably wanted the recess so that he and Kermit could rehearse his daily lies.
It will take more than kleenex to wipe his MESS when he leaves….
Samantha is trying so hard to cry for the camera…..no tears, however……she is such a faker and what is with the black lace dress?? I am so sick of that family!
Ya think this might be the time to finally impeach horn????
One can only hope but JW already proved he lied and the jury was too stupid to get it.
Shouldn’t this be up to higher court?
He shouldn’t get by without being impeached.
I guess it was ok with the jury though.
Because they’ve all been caught lying. St. Travis too.
Because, FU, that is why.
the door is over there————————————————–>
I love you, Renee’……
I am just so confused. WHY would someone come here and say this at this time.
Hey! Why didn’t my heart work? What did you do different?
Because they are sick pedo loving freaks
what Renee said.
If you can’t take the time to read the site, which will have the answers to your question, then FU and don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
right on hun
your just now asking that question the judge JM and the rest of the witness have lied to convict her of something she did not do and can not fight the Mormons or the PPL or the Travis clan the want her dead
I Will Survive – Alien Song
from tonya
Jodi has lied too, I think everyone knows that. We’re just talking about credibility of an “expert” witness that has admitted to changing his story.
just review the trial testimony, JM lied all the time, Horne lied and so did florez thay lied to make there testimony fit JM ridicules assumptions
I don’t think everyone is. But I think everyone who knows TA is trying to keep up his good name. I think a lot of people here have watched this trial so closely they have noticed people making mistakes when they are called to testify more than once. I know it’s impossible to read what everyone has written but people here notice everything it’s amazing!
Are you not listening? Travis word of virginity are lies, Horne was caught in a lie and it is in his report, and tot doc was caught in a lie about her experience and the test. WTF
Why did her post turn into an email address?
My vocabulary is limited today. I have no nice decent words.
I DO want to remind everyone that what EVER happens THIS IS FAR FROM OVER!!!!
Let Nurmi tear this fake doc a new asshole… please.
Amen, Amen….
Nermi just gave a defeated look on his face just before the seal went up Judge Pickels is at it again
In the beginning I did not catch whose copies would be shredded and why. Can anyone explain that to me?
BTW – I cannot believe that Martinez is allowed to base his argumentation on speculations to that degree.
Ok, I’m pretty sure I remember how Dr. Horn changed his story from what was in his report, but I don’t remember the details. Can anyone explain what the deal with with him?
He claimed in testomony that the bullet went into TAs brain. But another forensic examiner stated that in Dr. Horns written report it said that the bullet did not (has to do with anatomical brain issues things) anyhooo – – after that Dr. Horn said it was a “typo”. He basically screwed the pooch in that lie.
Horne said in his report that the dura mater of the brain was in tact and said the gun shot was not incapacitating and the neck slash was. Then he said the gun shot killed him the neck slash did not ( yet somehow TA walked around with his head nearly cut off) and his report was just a typo ( tho we all know to describe the brain an intact dura mater would take more than a one word typo – he would have had to mis type a whole fuckin paragraph)
Good afternoon,
I wasn’t going to post here for awhile, because I feel bad about the joke I made yesterday, I hope you forgave me 🙁
I wasn’t going to watch the trial today, but I thought I owe it to Jodi, so I decide to do it.
Now my hearth hearts, seeing her crying and I feeling so helpless 🙁 🙁
I need to vent, I am hyperventilating, this is so unfair !!!
If there is GOD, please please help Jodi !!! She is not the monster that JM is trying to picture her as.
Thank for letting me vent !!
Love you all 🙂
see, some of us missed it.
I missed it too. I miss so much that goes on bc so much goes on LOL. I used to try to read everything when I woke up. Now I just start from where the posts are when I get here. I can’t keep up, but that’s great bc that means there’s that much support!
Yes, I told a troll that they have to pay to get the password for the vent page and HLN twisted everything as usual. At least we got free advertisement…lol
It’s so hard to watch! That’s sweet that you’re watching for Jodi.
Don’t let those batards get you down!!
It’s not your fault. Anyone with a brain OR that was here all of the time would have known it was a joke.
The little creeps on HLN, if they look on here, they’re going to find anything, whether it was you here or someone else.
OF COURSE, they KNEW it was a joke too. They don’t have any sites that they can pick on so they choose this one.
You didn’t do a DAMN thing wrong and don’t let them think that they did SOMETHING RIGHT!!!
They are all assholes. They can’t pick a fight with their own perverted choir SO WHY in the hell did they come here?? They were looking and WILL be looking for a long time and try to make everyone think they are so mighty..
They can ALL kiss my ass.
Man they really go after the good people
TOO bad they don’t know how to make a joke or ever smile, except his brothers lip is stuck,
( it’s so ugly)
Just be thankful for all of us.
Bunny said it best about what Mother Teresa said.
That is so true,
““There’s nothing more calming in difficult moments that knowing there’s some one fighting alongside you.”
― Mother Teresa
Those bastards had no business eaves dropping, they have no manners/
And look at the sourse HLN….
They don’t give a shit about anyone and most eveybody knows they’re lying, WE DO!!!
Take a deep breath and think about it.
It was nothing, now was it? : ) BIG HUG!! It’s an emotional day and we all need each other!
Together we can make a difference. : )
LOVE YOU Marie!!!
Nurmis comment wasn’t very good. He recalled evidence from Samuels whenever it’s my opinion the jury disregards it. I don’t see it going well for Jodi so far. The Alexander family’s histrionics and Juan Martinez’s indignation play into the jury wanting to punish her with the death penalty.
Revenge4travis Taliban yell “crucify her! Crucify her!”
Me neither, not happy with how he agreed it was cruel. WTF
He had to. The # of stab wounds, they don’t have an argument to say it was not cruel. 🙁 Unfortunately, since the jury bought the lies and said it was premed 🙁
Nurmi has to focus on mitigating factors.
I just heard a bunch of gobbledygook. No offense to him. Maybe there is a strategy to it. Who knows?
Maybe he’s speaking gobblety gook cuz he realized that’s all this stupid jury understands
No, right now they’re arguing about whether or not the cruelty was especially aggravated. The judge said that all first-degree murders are cruel to some degree – Nurmi agreed with that, but argued that Travis did not suffer aggravated cruelty.
Mitigating factors are next phase.
LOL It’s okay. they are also impersonating Janeen, BeeCee (although they call her CeeBee)
oh, and SJ, they are also impersonating him.
I say, go to town, good pals…give us free publicity!!
“her CeeBee”
they get me confused with Geebee2 I think.
Hi everyone. I’m just checking in.
I’m working out of town and didn’t have access to the internet. So I just checked in at the Hampton Inn so I could come check on you guys. =)
I am having to watch HLN to catch up. 🙁
Hi Sil,
Hope you have a good trip. <3
I don't have the stomach to watch it. I'll watch it later.
Don't let the HLN'ers give you heartburn.
Thank you, Rainy!
Yeah…I turned it off. I’ll catch it later via Youtube as well. =)
Nice to see ya Sil!:-)
Hey Tony!!
How does an ME that ONLY examines dead people know about pain?
good point there Jeff how does someone that works with the dead know about the living
I Will Survive – Alien Song tonya
Oh damn, I stayed behind on the other page lvg comments to myself! Lol
I really don’t feel like listening to the BS lies Dr Horn has to say!
Been there, done that …lol
Horn blowing for JM
Someplace, someone posted a comment about what happens when we encounter an event such as this and explained what the body does and how the pain is experienced and how it shuts down the pain.
I’ve tried to find it again but can’t.
If anyone has seen it maybe they could remind us.
What I read seemed to imply the actual suffering of pain was short due to how our body responds…?
Horn comes off as such a moron. You know that he graduated near the bottom of medical school and figured that he could do the least amount of damage working with dead people.
LOL… Kira you’re very funny…
He doesnt know.He deals with DEAD bodies…as he stated before.He can testify to this but had no idea TA could survive the gunshot he says did not damage the Dura matar.
Exactly. Dr. Horn, how many of the bodies you examined described the pain to you?
(((((Group hug for Jodi)))))
((((((((((((((((((Group hug for Jodi)))))))))))))))
<3 ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((JODI))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) <3
Fucking lying piece of shit on the stand !!! How can anybody believe him after he lied on the stand ?
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((ANGEL JODI))))))))))))))))))))))
We’re wrapping her in hugs JM and his cronies can’t hurt her.
((((((HUGS))))))) and prayers for Jodi and all of us
Oh, Samantha’s going for a daytime Emmy with that performance.
isn’t she the cop? Maybe she is looking to change careers.
She’s a cop????? UGH!
This is likely to be uglier than a sack of assholes, and we all know whose they are.
Regardless, as has been said before in one way or another Jodi will prevail.
Pardon my Latin… Fuck ‘Em
you can latin it all day here as for as im conserned
YOur time will come Jodi,Mark my words..Truth will prevail.APPEAL!!!!!!!!
Here goes Martinez with his shock and awe. Splash up those pictures, make sure the jury is good and traumatized. Asshole.
I cannot believe that the jury believed that Jodi did all this.
There is nobody else they can blame than Jodi. So they punish her.
Can we see the pictures please to make our own judgement as to what Doctor of Perjury is saying ??
Tweetinz say Throat wound
jose miguel @reporterjmiguelYour heart breaks for the Alexander family during this testimony.ReplyRetweetFavorite ”
NO,it doesnt!!!
Thank god I save my heart for people who are NOT fakers!!!
I thought there was previous testimony that Travis did not feel the throat wound because he had already lost too much blood and would have been unconscious or something. Now, suddenly he was able to?
Me too!
Right! I believe he said something about only seconds for him to blah, blah, blah……
It’s not like they haven’t seen these pictures before. Why are all the Alexanders blubbering?
How long is this phase expected to last? This is too painful.
JM sure is an evil bastard!! rumplestiltskin is his name…
Kerms should have gotten a trauma surgeon or someone equivalent for this testimony. Horn doesn’t know shit about what hurts and what doesn’t. His clients are dead.
Steven loved his brother so much he has the stomack to look at his severed throat!! LMAO!!!
Think of the bigger picture here not just what is happening in court today. Given the verdict I don’t have a good feeling about today’s proceedings but this is just one day in a long journey. Try not to lose faith :).
Exactly right. The big picture is what is important.
Who is the older lady sitting behind Samatha that is crying?
Hmm.. trying to stay objective, it has come out that most of the wounds are shallow, and not stab wounds…
Must admit I cannot watch too much of this though.
So hard to watch….Jodi looking so frail, the Alexanders and their crap, JM being the jack@ss that he is…..I think I will watch the rest later.
Kerms should have gotten a trauma surgeon or someone equivalent for this testimony. Horn doesn’t know shit about what hurts and what doesn’t. His clients are dead.
Actually, I’m glad that it’s Horn up there, of course!
I was just jailed by FB for posting a comment about Samantha fake-crying. Un-fucking-believable.
Where is the comment? I will like it if it’s still there
I think it’s on Occupy HLN. My avi is Horrifying Houseguest.
we are friends…on my way
Cant find it but hit lots of likes to your other funnies that I missed before
I’ll take it. It’s lonely in FB jail, so thanks.
how long are you in jail?
12 hours only. Usually it’s longer.
LOL – FB jail? I didn’t know FB had a jail. I don’t do facebook. That’s a really stupid reason to be in FB jail considering what they say about Jodi.
Can you appeal? Lol
I can’t do shit.
I’ve never been FB jailed for anything except negative comments re the Alexanders. Once for posting a really gruesome autopsy pic of Travis. Okay, and twice for re-posting a pic of the Alexander siblings as zombies. Whatever. It’s still the same thing.
this is unacceptable…all the crap that goes on in the media and all over facebook and they put you in jail for a comment—
Apparently, FB Administration is Team Travis.
I’m certainly not losing faith at all – I see thise phase largely as an irrelevance.
Me too geebee2. Who knows, something may come out in today’s proceedings that may actually end up helping Jodi.
I agree geebee2,
I just want this fucking farce to be over so we can move on.
It’s irrelevant the masses have been fed.
Geebee2 it’s a joke and a farce.
The hughes are in the court room damn them for not coming forward to tell the truth
Jodi, lots of prayers are being said and held in my heart for you today.
2 min.??! So, this is going just like the trial. In/out/in/out.
I know!!!!!!!!!! I don’t know what’s worse: the breaks or JM
Just got in – is this a sidebar or a lunch break?
Ignore me!
Sidebar as always. Groundhog day!!
Thank goodness they dont play “I Got You Babe” during every sidebar.
It truly would be Groundhog Day.
Hallway? What’s Jen opposing?? She doesn’t like something.
Here we go again- same shit different day. pickels overruling dt , millions of breaks, sibling fake crying, liars on the stand. and i see the haters have started already
jodi just sitting there sobbing i feel so bad for her, we shouldn’t even be here today, these jurors bought into a ridicules assumption about premeditation
This is off the topic but I’m confused. A person I think the name is Lori wrote a message and then the message turned into a email address. I swear it was a message first I’m not losing it. Then someone left a message that just had 3 periods like this … Does that mean something?
Probably a troll – they will be out in force today since this is the aggravating phase.
Quite true MB!
Oh creepy! Wow you guys get them FAST! Thank you!
And they don’t have anyone to fight with!!!
The posted email address is to expose a troll.
The “…” is just a deleted post, sometimes it’s because of a link to an outside hater site.
Yes, sometimes we accidentally post the hater-trolls email address. Oops.
Team Jodi
Thank you for catching them so fast!
It means she was a troll, and got booted. She is also a member of WW and has kids…. hope she is raising them better than her character shows…
I can’t believe how fast they are caught and booted! It makes me feel safe!
Me too Danielle!
I wish this whore for the state judge would stop with the “please remember the admonition” BULLSHIT!!
just get this shit over with PLEASE so we can start the APPEAL and have your sorry, incompetent, cock sucking ass drug off that God-forsaken bench!!
Why even put Jodi thru this bullshit? PREMEDITATED VERDICT!!!
YES, Kmiller!!
I’m sick of her whore mouth!
I need a sigerette
Me too! As a matter of fact I think I will have one for both of us.
I”m damn sure having one! I’m still pissed off and this shit isn’t helping at all. The more I think about the fact that this is happening at all the more pissed I get! Oh and I’m not smoking because of the haters, let that be known, the fuckers are not making me smoke, I smoke anyway!
the only thing they are making me do is cuss and so what! I normally don’t but nowwwwwwww they have opened a can of worms!
Right!! lol
They have just opened the cuss gate!
Go Jenny…..
Go Jenny is right! I like her better than Nurmi.
We need Jenny.
I know she is so saddened for Jodi.
I think they became real friends.
I love your positive attitude (and your name) I am going to keep the faith w you and pray!
Thanks Danielle!
Jodi does NOT look good.I’m so worried right now.
TEAR HIM APART Jennifer!!!
Her voice and manner are very different today, no?
I hate to admit but to me she sounds defeated…
I would agree she seems defeated. I don’t think she feels she can get to this jury after having them find pre-meditation when there wasn’t evidence of it.
She sounds different. I hope it’s tired and not defeated.
Yes, focussed on what she needs to do, but resigned at the same time.
I think it’s tactic..Stay calm..no anger here..my client has no anger
I agree. Sad to be @ this point.
Yes! STOMP all over him Jenny!!!!
I think that Jennifer is doing a good job right now.
Me too Toni!
I disagree, sadly. But I don’t know how much more they can do at this point….
I think Jennifer could have been more more aggressive. She made some good points but should have kept it rolling. It almost looked like she was nervous and quit too quickly because of it. Not sure…
Maybe she’s afraid she’s going to cry.
You know when a good defense point is being made, JM will insist on sidebar!!
Always!! he disrupts the defence flow..the jury can`t follow as well after the ff objects..slime
Well, the defense did the same thing, maybe even worse. Juan couldn’t finish a sentence without objection. With that said, neither the defense or prosecution should have objected opening and closing statements. I think it messes with their arguments to the jury.
Being a doctor… Ha ha ha ha ha ha
He looks mighty nervous with Jenn cross examining him. It couldn’t be because she got him to impeach his testimony three times?
Can be like a mama lion!
I love her!!
Wow! What a circus! Nurmi objects and it’s over ruled. Martinez objects and we have a side bar. How one sided. I know that the Alexander’s are feeling pain of a lost one, however, the sister in the front row constantly crying and looking at the jury is definitely a set up by the prosecutor. What a joke! This is all speculation on exactly how Travis died. Little big man Martinez told a story based on speculation.
Why isnt JM asking H when he says “I think so” means you’re not sure..is it a yes or no
OMG, is Sam going into convulsions??
All these ”I think” and ”assuming” is reasonable doubt!!!
You’re right,
I hope they make them over turn OR mistrial!!
Oh dear god.
Has Samantha been practicing.
She’s even more dramatic than usual.
They are all OVERDOING it!!! Especially her!
Who can he be alive both when stabbed at the heart and when throat was slit?Di the wounds happen simultaneously?wtf?
All LIES!!
I think if we went into the judge lady’s house we’d find a creepy closet like in scary movies with a creepy shrine to JM in it. You know what I mean? With candles and all pictures of him that he didn’t know where being taken and newspaper clippings and things she stole from his office.
Oh yeah and the pictures of him have pictures of her, but just pictures of her head that she cut her head out of pictures of herself and glued herself next to pictures of him. Creepy!!!
I watch a lot of scary movies.
You go Jennifer.
Object your ass off!
overruled overruled overruled………………………..Bitch
Jodi is drugged, maybe that’s better for her 🙁
OMG – WTF are you laugjhing at Doc Horn ?? Really ??
That bastard just giggled!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fuck you, you big sell-out for the Prosecution piece of shit!!
He is very inapproriate.
He laughed several times – ASSHOLE !
How can he goes to sleep every night knowing how many people he has sent to death?????
he is a sociopath….nothing but winning matters 2 him
does pickles have a button to hit that says “Overruled” so she doesn’t have to just keep saying it….
LOL…Renee 🙂
Judge Pickles: “overruled”, “overruled”, “overruled”…
Juan: “now, Dr. HOrn, doesn’t this prove that Snow White and the 7 dwarfs were alive?”
Jen: “objection! relivance!?”
Judge Pickles: “overruled”.
Now she tried to saw his head off…….real nice Dr. Dickweed!
Horn toad just lied AGAIN
Omg was dr horn GRINNING???? What a freaking SICKO! Is it humorous that they’re sentencing someone to death based on LIES!!!! WTF! Right on the stand too!
He has to keep up the lie. Don’t worry – karma is a bitch.
Oh no 🙁 Did poor Jodi just cover her ears?
For those of you praying for Jodi today let’s also pray for someone on the jury with a conscience to stand up for the truth! See it say it pray it and never lose faith.
Very thoughtful idea! I will do that too. Thank you. 🙂
i will pray 4 one person on the jury…
I agree wtih you cindyp. Please let there be at least one person on the jury with a conscience!
I would love it if Martinez has actually overplayed his hand and all his lies and bad behavior start coming back to bite him. That goes for TA’s family and Dr. Horn as well!
Oh crap! I forgot the juror can submit questions in this phase
OMG…I need a breakdown of how many different ways Travis died according to this motherfucking inept ME.
Him and Juan talk as if they were there. 🙄
It’s a fucking story and the jury is buying it. FUCK!!
exactly .. defense asks questions . . sustained . . ta deceased and cannot answer prosecution asks questions and can friggin answer on ts behalf
They probably bought it before the trial even started. It’s all the media’s narrative.
Okay…here’s what happened…
Jodi approached TA while the water was cascading over his nude paunchy body…she had the camera, the knife and the gun hanging from a rope around her neck…with the stealth of a ninja, she quickly snapped a picture, shot him in the face and stabbed him 29 times….or 27…can’t remember…but TA already dead — because according to the ME, the gunshot to the face…the stab to the chest and the paper cut around his throat were all fatal..managed to walk to the sink, somehow holding his almost decapitated head and checked himself in the mirror…all the time thinking to himself…Oh Shit, I’m a an ugly zombie! 😯
Omg thank now I understand what. Happened..
juror Q: What would cause more scalloping -decomposition or sawing motion?
Horn: Hard to tell
He probably barely made it through med school and decided to work w dead people bc alive people are too complicated.
bet he plays with ouija board for his answers too
and THAT’s why he KNOWS FOR SURE, FOR SURE, what happened, the sequence etc….:evil:
soooooooooooooooo the gun now killed him, or after make up your lying mind
WTF??? This is absurd!
The judge lady is like an old record player she’s stuck on over ruled someone needs to slap her to reset her so she can reset.
The first jury question is the same statement that chris hughes stated this in a twitter he did this he new exactly what he did that day
this is all speculation..order of events is unknown
Doctor of Perjury has told so many stories that I can’t keep them straight.
Well, it’s quite good, because Martinez is saying “if the gunshot came first…..” which is implying uncertainty. Good for appeal I would think.
what? wait? that’s it?
Well this was fast.
What’s with Lyin Horns soft voice – is that how liars sound?
No defense? Surprising. Maybe Jodi giving up?
There is no way the jurors will be anonomyous if HLN has anything to say about it.
That gunshot was not fatal. If DID NOT pierce the DuraMater. Many people survive with a brain injury, just look up Phineas Gage if you don’t believe me. I wonder did they test the spatters at the sink for not only blood but mucous etc? That gunshot came first and that vane prick was standing over the sink to see how bad his “handsome (not)” face was damaged.
Why does that judge have so many sidebars? So Yawn can signal her how to rule? She should be ashamed at the biased showing she has put on during this case. She is so far up Yawn’s arse you can barely see her feet. What a way to end a career, and I am sure her career is done after this fiasco.
Also she gave real hateful glares at the defense during the trial.
VERY biased!
heinous& cruel is what the state of AZ has allowed 2 happen 2Jodi Arias..@the murderous hands of Juan Martinez, Horne, Flores & HLN…it doesn’t matter what the lying jury does…they have already ended Jodi’s life w/the M1 conviction…speculation is all the IMP Juan does….how can they allow his view of what happened…w/o facts or eye wittness
Was there a motion made by the defense to “Set Aside the Verdict”? I thought that was standard????
I don’t believe Jodi is fit for this aggravation phase; she’s looks medicated. And why do we have to believe this Dr. Horn, when he’s not reliable as he kept changing his statements, and it’s obvious he’s rooting for the prosecutor. And I’m sick of hearing judge Pickles overruling most objections. I’d shall refer to her a judge Overruled.
Can anyone explain “improper arguement” that Nurmi keeps bringing up?
Recently, trial and appellate courts have been much more willing to reverse a jury verdict based on statements made during closing argument. Often the courts find that the lawyer violated Rule 3.4(e) of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct. This rule provides that a lawyer shall not:
in trial, allude to any matter that the lawyer does not reasonably believe is relevant or that will not be supported by admissible evidence, assert personal knowledge of facts in issue except when testifying as a witness, or state a personal opinion as to the justness of a cause, the credibility of a witness, the culpability of a civil litigant, or the guilt or innocence of an accused.
thank you Renee’ gives me hope. I hope the appellate court is not as biased, ignorant, and criminal as this one
The prosecution basically seems to be admitting the court has no idea what happened at all.
So if they are basically admitting they have no idea what happened then it cannot be completely ruled out that others were not involved.
Wow! How biased is this Judge? Over rule! Over rule! Here he goes again telling his story and that’s just what it is, a story. Juan wants us to think that Travis was a wimp. There was no element of surprise the why Juan tells it, even though that is what he wants you to believe.
I didn’t realize that the prosecutor Juan was going to be able to tell his own version of the whole scene that took place in the bathroom…he is adding things that was never proven in court…this is a lot of his own thoughts of what happened…
This is not justice…
I can’t believe the defense rested without a single witness.
I’m guessing they or Jodi thought what’s the point – their minds were made up already and exposing lies by the prosecutor and state didn’t matter then and will not matter now.
That’s it!?!?
The defense closing has to be good, really good!
I can’t watch any more of this tragedy live. I will have to skim through later. These lying bastards.
I bet the Jury will be back with a decision within 30 minutes.
I agree, maybe not even that long…
this verdict was bought and paid for by somebody…
No doubt. Maybe after they eat.
yeah ..they will get the free food
Or finish their puzzle.
That’s what # 8 said.
I’m taking this time to do something useful…. ordering a couple cute postcards to send Jodi.
Yay! More postcards for Jodi!
Everything on Zazzle.com is 15% off today if you guys want to order some to send her!! They have tons.
Awesome I have my cart full of cards I should order them today.
and ta gave Jodi no choice but to shoot him
To be honest, my blood starts to boil when I see how – JM vampire – sucks TA meat pictures.
If the penalty is to be determined on such argumentation as:
TA was cut into scales or cubed?
For me this is total nonsense.
my question:
Who fight the accusation of premeditation?
Yeah, DT working HARD at getting JA off…
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 4m
Nurmi objects with the tone that a 5 year old would take when denied a trip to Disney Land. #JodiArias
Forgot to add the rest. Look how they view the DT. From the outcome, it may be justified. I feel disappointed in KN too.
Wild About Trial@WildAboutTrial
Nurmi objects with the tone that a 5 year old would take when denied a trip to Disney Land.
Denise Savino Denise Savino @denisesavino 4m
@WildAboutTrial Mimi should be smacked!
hirley Shirley @surely1953 4m
@WildAboutTrial He wants to see Snow white and the drawfs
Patrice Patrice @PTG162 4m
@WildAboutTrial Nurmi is really different today
So how in all this does the medium velocity blood spatter end up on the toilet?
There is no wound that will do that. This is totally insane.
Travis was angry and mad when the argument erupted…his adrenaline was pumping…he would not have felt the pain that Juan is talking about…when his adrenaline is pumping he would not be thinking of the things that Juan is talking about…
Later after anyone has an adrenaline rush like that..they would not be able to remember anything during that adrenaline rush…
Folks, would it be possible for Nurmi to wear a more objectionable shirt, tie and socks to a sober hearing such as this?
There are a lot of ladies here that might be able to help me out.. As a male, I would describe the colors as Linda.Blair Pea.Soup. Would this be a spring color or..? I have watched LOTS of trials and have been involved in a few, and I never saw any lack of decorum in dress of any officer of the court to match Nurmi.
Nurmi is shooting the court, and JODI the finger by dressing this way in this very serious part of the trial.
My 2 cents.
Agree to disagree… he is not wearing a damn mini skirt or a tutu. What does the color of his shirt have to do with anything?
It would not be my choice. Juan is dressed more appropriately, and it kills me to admit it.
Ed…understandable….but the color green is a grounding color…it brings positive energies with it…and it is used by many people who want a positive reinforcement in any situation…
Now Nurmi…I don’t know if he knows this about colors…if he doesn’t…in a sense he is protected by that positive energy using the color green…
Nurmi’s colors look clown-ish to me, especially next to the goblin’s sober color choices.
“Nurmi’s colors look clown-ish to me, especially next to the goblin’s sober color choices.”
Amen, unfortunately.
He’s not getting much “positive energy” from the court people for sure… Look above, I posted a copy of their tweets…
“but the color green is a grounding color…it brings positive energies with it”
Maybe at the Rainbow Gathering, but not in the penalty phase of a capital murder trial.
My guess is that he wore what his wife layed out for him this morning. He is wearing a really dark suit which is very somber. Give the guy a break for matching.
Yeah, the color of Nurmi’s clothes has no importance at all. After all, the jurors wear fucking flip flops.
I feel so sorry for Jodi and like multiple people have said she will go up for appeal and win because this whole case has been ridiculous.
So Jodi is stabbing him while he is sitting in the shower……she gives him several almost instantly fatal wounds.. then she just decides……eh eff it I willl just let him up so he can go to the mirror and see what he looks like. Then she decides, nah I think I will kill him again…..after all I have to kill him three times. Now if I am Travis I am going to just amble over to the sink when some psycho who has just stabbed me for no good reason when I was poor helpless and defenseless oh and naked of course. I am certainly not going to run out the door as the PROSECUTION pointed out that any sane person would do. I mean seriously how fucked up is this shit story we are being spoon fed?
It’s illogical and unreasonable. And those who believe it lack common sense. According to Juan Jodi’s Superwoman. “She’s so strong..”
The saddest part is that Jury is buying it 🙁
Just thought of something.
Some jurors may be thinking 25 years,
What is that about the 25 years, remeber????
Good morning!
Apparently Travis was such a douche he didn’t know how to put up a fight with Jodi…pppfffss! Hearing Mtz Travis was a weak fighter really? The more this goes on it’s obvious Jodi didn’t do this.
Meow (rrraaarr)!
Buenas Dias Meow!
That piece of shit believes his own press. He is NOT a skilled, persuasive attorney, he’s a lying asshole.
The only reason he won this case is because the jurors made up their mind before it even started via the court of public opinion and HLN.
this is absurd!!! i cant take any more of this. this is all BS!
So why is there no blood on the side of the bath?
Because Jodi had a kid size plastic cup to clean up with dontcha know?
And what about blood in the shower. Even if Jodi cleaned it up where’s the luminal to show the blood spatter on the shower walls that inspired Jodi to kill him like. The psycho movie as so many crazy people have alleged? Guess what it’s not there because it didn’t happen like that!
jm is forgetting to mention ta peed on himself during the attack . . he’s making shit up let’s help him like all of us were there .. that son of a bitch
This is such fucking BS. No way could he have gotten out of the shower from a sitting position with that Chest wound . The blood spatter is not enough over the sink for this wound. Daaaa what a bunch of moron….this jury has on it. He’s lying …
What is wrong with Martinez????????????????And the Arizona Courts? No one knows or will know or will ever know what Travis experienced!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Arizona wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Defense Attorneys! Why are you letting Martinez spew CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Asleep at the Wheel? or Jesus, take the wheel? hmmm – THIS has got to be THE WORST day in the life of JA – too much to bear.
Agree with you Marianne!!! Seems defense could be more aggressive here!
Was it just me or did Martinez just testifiy as a medical expert by minimizing the adrenalin issue?
Not just you! Martinez was all, “Adrenalin? … PFFT.”
He’s done it before. When Nurmi said that Jodi fought for her life with Travis, hence is wounds on his back which weren’t deep, he said “no that’s because she cut herself and it hurt her.” He’s an idiot. If she would have gotten cut in the middle of a struggle she wouldn’t even have known. Adrenaline would have blocked the pain and she wouldn’t have even thought about it if his scenario were true which its not! The wounds were shallow because Travis had her in a hold and she stabbed in fear. They are on his right side and she’s left handed.
That’s right. I forgot about that. Now I’m even more pissed. Arg.
Yes, I knew who would pull the sitting on the clock in silence BS !!
this is a fucking farce. I can’t stand it anymore
And how about the pool of blood near the toilet entrance?
This sitting for two minutes is sooooooooo old. And pathetic!
I Will Survive – Alien Song
JM has just squashed jodi and the judge is helping him and the family are doing there part too
I swear to God I knew he was going to pull the how long is 2 minutes bullshit. I bet it seemed really short to Jodi when she was trying to get away from the psycho and save herself.
They’re saying opposite things now. First he couldn’t walk all around bc of the gun now he can’t. Come on jury, catch this! This is not opposite day! They are saying different things.
A mirror has reflective qualities? Sweet! Thanks JM!
Yep but they will never catch that. They want blood and Juan is serving up the BS to them in a way that they can get indignant and angry over. They will feel justified with their decision because of his theatrics.
I still think TA was taking steroid to bulk up and trim down, and it was a steroid rage that made him attack JA
Yes….and between steroids and adrenaline…he would never have felt the stab wounds…which makes me think that is the reason that he went to the sink…to look and see where the blood was coming from…he didn’t feel where it was coming from ….he had to go and see….no feeling….steroids or adrenaline or both…you just don’t feel….you are like numb…the skin is numb….
wtf circus is this?????????
”let’s just sit for 2 minutes?”
It seems like this court and jury just follows Martinez! They have never wanted the truth! Jodi needs big time real help!!!
Way down and don’t know if anyone else has mentioned it. This family of TA’s crying and being tortured with this evidence today. Maybe if they could have let the vengeance go (I know it might sound creepy but I want to watch her die) they wouldn’t have been in this position. At this point, she’s been found guilty, get the fuck out of the courtroom and pray for forgiveness for yourselves, your brother, your family and Jodi.
Travis is the one who was wet and barefooted…he would have slipped like crazy all over that tile floor…that particular tile is very slippery when walked on with wet bare feet…Jodi had on clothes with socks…
If Jodi can just hold on . . this trial is open for major shredding . . I think I’m gonna enjoy the challenges.. when tas buds hit the road . . the road to freedom will be paved for Jodi . . Hang on girl
is right Jodi!!
Hang in there.
Some eyes may have been opened and some ears too.
Martinez, I’ve been abused much longer than two whole minutes an I’m guessing Jodi was too.
2 life times? 2 minutes?
I thought they said it was 62 seconds – now they are saying it was 2 minutes???
Only in Arizona can we hear it changed many times over and not proven not evenone time…nada….
I guess in AZ the prosecution can change the time to what suit them. Jeeze…this a screwed state.
I thought they said the gun was first.
Juan is getting to change all things around…nothing that was proven…he is getting to tell what he felt all along that happened…and the judge is overruling everything….
That is the MO of the trial!
“I thought the gunshot was first.”
You’re erroneously assuming the jury has been paying attention.
OMG! Juan needs put out of his misery! The doc is definitely has know made up more lies. They will answer for what they are doing here. All of them!
I have to say Jodi is one classy lady. In spite of all the attacks, ridicule and insults sent her way by the media, haters and jm, and all her nude pictures plastered all over the media, internet and again, the courtroom, she held herself with dignity and class. Never once have i heard her loose her patience or raise her voice or show disrespect. I don’t know how she does it! Dr. Demarte on the other hand struck me as a very rude person. All her education didn’t do her any good.
You can’t fix stupid.
Ron White for President……
This is exactly what we have to get out to the public! Just one of the many issues that need pointing out!
Jodi is a very quiet spoken naive mormon young woman…she is artistic, gifted, and has deep passion for humankind…
Jodi is a kind soul proven beyond reasonable doubt—
Absolutely. That is why she tried to protect Travis’s reputation till the very end.
Her biggest flaw is having a kind heart. That’s what drew her to Travis, and unfortunately, she got shit on.
I have a niece who is a lot like her in demeanor. Unlike Jodi she never went through an abusive relationship.
I’m not surprised by what JM is stooping to …. I’m just speechless. I didn’t know someone could be made of stuff like this. Wow!!! What kind of momma did he have?
“Throw mama from the train”
If I were his mama I’d have his DNA checked to make sure he was mine!!
I wouldn’t believe he came from the same genes.
Why are you crying Samantha? Weren’t you just CHEERING with glee the other day when the verdict came down in anticipation of Jodi receiving the death penalty?
Admit it – the idea of murder doesn’t bother you, as long as you think the person should die.
She’s crying with happiness thinking about all the money she’s going to make
They know that are on television too….
You know, I thought the same thing…why are you crying? They’re not saying anything yet! Getting primed for the show?
How long has Juan been clairvoyant? Will he be on ‘Ghost Hunters’?
No shit ha! LOL
Good one, Basse!! 🙂
Oh my god. Will he ever shut up?!!! He is just talking for the sake of talking and making no sense at all. Has he even prepared? What a cocky shit.
Jodi looks like she’s going to have a panic attack. I think my Mom is going to choke JM through the TV.
I don’t have a good feeling after reading this … sounds like the jurors possibly made up their minds already. Apparently they came in together, as reported by HLN/
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 2m
Jurors have the most serious looks on their faces that I have seen so far. #JodiArias
11:44 AM – 15 May 13 · Details
jayme jayme @jayme1133 1m
@WildAboutTrial thanks wild!!!
Jody @BuckeyesGirl33 1m
RT @WildAboutTrial Jurors have the most serious looks on their faces that I have seen so far. #JodiArias
Emma Emma @clasylassy 1m
@WildAboutTrial ..Excellent!
a Anna @trialfollower87 1m
@WildAboutTrial Have any of them ever gotten emotional throughout the trial? Especially while viewing autopsy photos?
Toy White Toy White @M2Chalet 1m
@WildAboutTrial Cause that 2 minutes was beyond powerful even in my large TV media room. #gavemechills
Are you really shocked???
No…this is Arizona…where everything is not what it seems to be…
I will always remember the state of Arizona to be the “Lying State”…full of lying mormons, haters and lots of bullchyters…
My SO just got back from DC where he was speaking with a good friend that is an appellate attorney … he was saying AZ laws are some or the strangest in the country.
Especially since they haven’t sequestured a jury in 80 years.
THAT is pathetic.
Is this the forst time they’ve televised one??
OKAYYYYYYYYYYYY there is a first time for everything,
If you’re going to allow the TV, you MUST sequesture the jury.
Does anybody actually doubt what the outcome will be?
Not really, but I’m one of those people that has to hear it & see it to believe it.
Jodie’s got a gun…….
JM is going into fiction writing after this trial is over. Jonathan Kellerman look out.
Ok, curiosity got the best of me so I tuned back in. Is Nurmi giving his closing argument?
I couldn’t stay away either. Jodi needs our support.
Go Nurmi – tell them about DOCs changing testimony
The throat cutting was just part of the Blood Atonement ritual. She did it to insure he would go to heaven. she loved him<3
I think so too.
I would about bet he was dead when that happened.
It was diffidently the 2nd or 3rd fatal wound, so yeah he was already dead
just blow it out Nurmi . . Jodie doesn’t remember stabbing and it’s never been proven she did . . it’s not even a matter of reasonable doubt . . it can’t be used . . so if the jurors go by jms stabbing cruelty senario, . they convict her on a possible lie . . the liar being jm
Thank goodness Nurmi’s addressing the 62 vs 2 minutes story!!
Beth Karas is twittering a lot if anyone wants to follow her. I’m not really reading it since I’m watching.
Excuse my language but screw her!
Can not stand her! shivers!!
I’m sorry if this has already been asked/answered. I’m at work and haven’t had time to read through everything today.
Will there be victim impact statements from the family? Will Jodi make a statement? If so, when will these things happen?
There will be if there is a death penalty phase. The defense asked for the statements to be in video form; I don’t know the reply.
I wish they wouldn’t do that.
What does it help?
“she should of know” b4 he said “she knew”
It’s sad and sickening, I feel like it really doesn’t matter what the defense argues. The jury, the judge has already made up their minds to give Jodi the DP. And Nurmi might already know this too.
They’re ALL idiots if they really blv Jodi sold a gun to attack TA with a knife 1st like Martinez insinuated! And also to blv that Jodi won a knife fight with a 200lb man. Unbelievable!
You can hear it in JW and Nurmi voice…they are talking in a defeated tone…so sad…
And ofcourse if someone is brutally attacking you with a knife your first reaction would be to turn your back on them and have a look in the mirror. BULL SHIT
well if my husband and a friend was on the jury, they both would say jm and horn full of shit . . both were stabbed 5x each and neither knew til the blood came thru . . .
How long has Juan been clairvoyant? Will he be on ‘Ghost Hunters’?dear Basse may i quote u here
Please God have mercy on this poor little girl!
Yes, please impart some compassion and humility with these Jurors.
WOW !!! DR. Samuel’s crap !!!
i just don’t understand why nermi didn’t bring up that the state stipulated when the shower picture was taken Jodi was not holding the knife
I have a tribute to the weakness of your entire case JM:
The crime scene was so bloody and ta’s wounds were so many, because he did not stop attacking her till his throat was slit. The gun shot, and the shallow stabs to the back did not stop him, it just made him angrier IMO. The dt should have jumped all over jm’s explanation that jodi moped the center of the hallway, leaving the blood drops on the sides! There was no cleaning done there. There was only blood on the sides of the hallway, consistent with a person with a wound to the right side, walking up and down. Not that it would have made a difference to these jurors, but still…
Yes, No way was the center hallway cleaned. There would be evidence to indicate if this was done or blurred edges.
If one was going to take the time to clean that much then one would do the entire damn hallway and the walls too
why does he get to testify she took off the plate when it was never proven to be OFF?
I guess he assumes all his fantasies are deemed facts. This plate issue is laughable. If you walk around a neighborhood what is more suspicious a car with a plate or one without one? duh
He gets to do what ever he wants as long as he corks the pot of pickles later tody
What a piece of shit JM is. I hope he rots in hell.
I hear you Nurmi. I have the same look on my face.
If she planned this so called *murder* she damn sure wouldn’t have left the fucking camera in the washing machine, you little toad!
Besides a room mate was there for 5 days.
He used the washer???
I have at least, if I count them so many questions of doubt, NOT just ONE, but many!
Juan Martinez is one coldblooded, coldhearted motherfucker. This man attacks anyone and everyone. He has no allegiance to anyone but himself.
He’d be a great serial killer. No conscience.
He is a serial killer, he uses the courts to murder his victims
I totally agree, TruLuv!
You’re correct TruLuv. Martinez is a legalized Charles Manson. Getting others to do his dirty work with blessing from the state.
Another truth that needs to be public and the appellate forts need to stop this!
and the coals in hell are fired up just waiting for his little ass…
There are a few kiss assers who will be there with him. I can’t help but think of the old movie The Devil’s Advocate when I see that little prick.
Yes, I’ve said it before…I believe JM is a sociopath. Only a sociopath could take such pleasure from treating people like shit. No conscience.
Martinez has to belittle others to feel good about himself. That does not speak well of his character.
No.Not even allegiance to his own self.He ‘s just EMPTY.Empty and evil.I ‘m sure he goes back to an empty home at nights,just emotionless.He’s no human.He’s nothing.
maria …the Devil wants 4 juan….they sleep 2gether
OMG I can’t believe people think Juan Martinez is such a great prosecutor. This guy has one playbook, this is the same BS that he used in his closing argument during trial.
In keeping with my positive attitude let me just say that I am positive that Juan Martinez is a complete prick and I can’t stand the MF 🙂
We are talking about change Juan dodo because you keep changing up everything you are talking about making everything sound the way that you want it to…like you did all along in this trial…you wanted everything your way…
I have question.
If juan is coming up with all new bullshit that the jury never heard, maybe they are going hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, you didn’t tell us that, you think?
Were you there Juan?
Sky did the cutting for molesting her son
I Will Survive – Alien Song
Mini me just swqashed all the evidence that jodi did this and now the Judge is sticking the knife in jodi too
Please, just give us ONE juror to vote NO.
Again, more lies. Now it is two minutes instead of 62 seconds. The judge has let JM go to far. This is nothing more than a circus, lynch mob.
We all know what this jury is going to decide.
And I bet it will be in record time too.
Sheesh,,,,”The defendant knew or should have known that when you take a knife, you may hurt somebody or may cause them mental distress.”
I do feel bad for Jen and Nurmi sometimes…They have to argue with this fucker who makes no sense at all.
Sherlock also found out that Jodi was almost thirty years old when TA died. So she should have known…
Wait a min, I thought his name was Shit-Sherlock, no? 🙂 You’ve gotta remember to use his FULL name!
Yep. You can’t argue with an idiot!
I’m sure the defendant paused to consider all the possible outcomes, in fact, she probably asked the pedophile liar to wait a moment so she could formulate her options….
What about her mental distress and fearing for her life as the 200 lb naked, screaming, red dick-ed angry man comes charging at her? Why didn’t HE stop?
The dead man knew or should have known he should STOP if someone is pointing a gun at him.
Rainy may i quote U….U R so right
And then the other fucker sitting on the bench!
Exactly Aly..both of them are idiots.
So the attack takes 2 minutes, but she cuts his thoat down the hallway, but the photo at 62 seconds has him halfway down the hallway…..
None of this is logically possible.
I cannot imagine a more farcical day of argument in court.
Big ditto!
It’s horrible!
I guess putting Jodi to death will make Travis the Pig rise from the grave.
Yes, His rotted body will rise from hell, complete with his very own shroud of Travis that will outline his famous, red, anal seeking dick.
BOMBSHELL: The family most likely has plans to market copies for profit and the original. I’ve heard, will be hung inside the Temple
Scripted..breaks at noon….
So that was it ? Now I am even more confused ??? WTF??? That was all the prosecution’s argument ?? TA got killed how many times now ???…one,two or three ??? In what 62 sec. or 2 min.??? With what…the gun or the knife ??? And guess who was the witness…the Dr Perjury ???
Geeee if it’s not that Jodi’s life depends on it…it’s almost comical.
I didn’t know trials have all of these phases. How much more can Jodi take?
They really shouldn’t, IMO!!
Unless they find a mistrial or reason to overturn!!!!
Well, all this utter nonsense and bullshit is totally irrelevant… I think.
But maybe if they say DP, Jodi gets a quicker appeal?
So that might actually be good? Really this is so mad.
“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.” ― Isaac Newton
Ok another stupid question….do they wait in the court while the jury deliberates? I would have thought they would have excused everyone and it would be like when they were awaiting a verdict. I am so confused.
They usually don’t.
Are they still in there?
There is no way I could sentence Jodi to death. You have to be a monster yourself to do that. There are people who have killed dozens of people in the most brutal ways imaginable that aren’t put to death. How can your conscience allow you to kill Jodi? You get to live with that decision for the rest of your miserable lives.
If the jurors weren’t monsters already…then she would not have been found guilty….
yes Ts1111, the jurors have already proven themselves to be monsters.
It is so sad….in Jodi’s heart she has already accepted the death penalty…she will not look surprised…she will cry….there will be tears for all the wrongness that the jurors and the haters have done against her in this trial…she realized a long time ago that her honesty during this trial in Arizona was not even accepted…their minds were already made up from the crime photos alone…none of them were interested in the evidence in this trial…so…so…sad…and so…so…wrong…
She will cry for her family more than herself.
It is such BS that the jury didn’t see any media during this break! Why isn’t someone making this stop? I know I sound like a 5 year old. This jury has to be sequestered. I’m in PA and this is on the news. I can’t imagine what it’s like in AZ.
Nancy Grace and all of HLN will be thanked many times over by the jurors and haters for their efforts to keep the American television audience inflamed and enraged against Jodi during this trial…
If you just had to name one person who contributed the most to make Jodi the second most hated person in the world….it would be none other than NG….
Dr. Drew would be a contender.
Simply because he’s called “doctor”–a supposed healer who, like everyone else, shook his head in disgust at Jodi’s emotional/mental problems, and passively allowed others to reduce her to a non-human entity.
Is he really a doctor or does he just play one on tv?
I think NG will be the most hated woman in America sooner rather than later. She already is by a large percentage of citizens/viewers. She spreads her poison every day of the week.
Especially the post verdict interview. It was dome by a local tv station so I’m sure it was played every night during your local news airing when the jury is home. And I’m sure they have family watching tv. No way they didn’t at least hear it. I don’t believe for one second each juror and there families didn’t watch tv during the last few days they were off let alone the last 3 months!
Danielle, you and me both. I FEEL like a 5 year old cuz I keep praying “make this stop, bring justice, make this stop” because I can’t believe what is happening. The world is so screwed up right now, hate is dominating, and an entire fucking evil public seems to be digging it. It is absolutely disgusting.
“Digging it” is a good phrase. A real turn-on, it seems.
Some of them had to talk to their family about it or something. How can you just take someone’s word when it’s this important? I’m getting all worked up. I don’t understand. What do they do when they go home close their eyes and cover their ears?
OMG!!! Is Kermit really saying what I think he just said?? Don’t pay attention to what I said during the last phase, only what I am saying today? Consider the source?? WTF?? Did anyone else catch that? Someone chime in?? I’m confused??
He can’t say that. That’s stupid. They made their verdict on what he
said in trial and that’s what they based it on!
When I went to court for a traffic ticket the judge was tougher than this lady.
I wish Jodi and her mom could hug right now. 🙁
Me too MB. It must be hell for Sandy right now.:-(
Me three 🙁
Oh Jodi
This makes my Mom so sad you would think Jodi was her daughter.
Its the way I feel too, Danielle, I’m in tears, my daughter is 5 years older.
What about the gun? Nothing was mentioned – only she stabbed him to death and slit his throat, what, did Jm forget that she stole a gun? What for if she was going the messy route and stab him to death?
Heather…he appeared to be going only for the gruesome in his closing…and that was the cutting of skin and blood and guts oozing out…
Ugh Truthseeker, it was just so horrible I can hardly believe this is all happening, its upsetting me terribly to see Jodi crying, these people are heartless.
All this time they were saying the gun was first and Dr. Pudding Brain was all like no he’d die frontal lobe whatever and now he’s saying the opposite.
It’s like opposite day in AZ.
Yes! JM said she shot him first and he was incapacitated. It’s just a bunch of bs with no logic. But he was right – the jury bought it.
Wow, they are all actually going to wait around in court till this jury comes back – not much pressure there for the jurors to hurry up and make up their ‘already made-up minds’, huh?
They already made their minds up last week anyhow…for the record…they will take a break…and read their verdict just any minute now…
sure, why not throw in a bathroom break while someone’s life hangs in the balance, right? Yeah, Truthseeker, I figured that they already made up their minds during the verdict phase, and this is all for show. Just ‘hoped against hope’ that perhaps they would somehow decide otherwise. Also, the DT sounds defeated in their stance, and tone. They too have thrown in the towel and possibly mentally already moved on. Shame on all of them.
They could have polled he jurors back in Jan and got the verdict. Could have saved lots of time, money, tears and stress.
What a farce
It’s over? They are deliberating????
yes…any minute now…and we will know something…
I bet the jury are just checking their emails and texts, maybe play some games, just to make it look like they need some time to ponder
exactly….idling their time away and waiting for a few more minutes….because we already know what they are going to say…they became predictable after they read the guilty verdict…
I hope and pray that the same wrongness that they have given Jodi will go back and be wrongness in their own lives…
The best revenge is living well. At some point ya gotta stop wishing bad on others, I think it is better to wish that they gain understanding & see the errors & false witness they have been part of and try to repair damages. Vengeance is something that never stops unless we stop it; look at ancient parts of this world where peoples have hated each other for 100’s of years & still cannot let it go and move on. Real progress is made when people focus on constructive actions. I say let’s help this girl Jodi as much as possible & I don’t care if everyone else involved has the best life they can after this is over – as long as Jodi and others who have been treated unjustly get a real chance to have good lives also.
They are probably spending more time choosing what toppings to have on their pizza for lunch, then they are considering the verdict. I think there minds were made up before they arrived today.
Or drawing straws to see who gets on what talk show
I am so sick and sad about this, I want to cry but i am at work, I want to hug her and her mom also, no defense? Really, they just gave up, is this it, what can WE do to help?
Did anyone really think it was going to be different? KN really just wants to. Kick the shit out of JM…
OK. I don’t think they will all agree.
Yesterday…one of my clients said that he feels that she will get life in prison without parole…and he is another of my clients who feel that she is guilty…
I’m. Going to be one of your clients. Belong.
I hope your right Cindy! But I also thought they wouldnt convict on PM either.
New post!
meow…and later on this year Casey will get to make a decision to file against her father for the wrongful death of her daughter…
She better go after that monster. He cannot be allowed to get away with his crime.
I could never understand why judge strickland sealed George’s computer searches during Casey’s trial…he said this trial was about Casey Anthony and not George Anthony….and now I have learned that the computer searches were sealed because he knew that the likelihood of a future charge against George was forthcoming….and GA computer searches are very revealing…
Jodi just got caught up in the AZ freight train, The legal system is all about money, I bet it will be LP so if Jodi wants to appeal AZ can recoup money wasted on this circus. As for the Travis Taliban thinking about money. When my dad died I gave away the money he left me as I would rather have him instead. so F**k them let them join the animal in hell
This is so sad…one of the saddest days in my live..
Well, well, well. At least when Jodi does cry, she actually has tears!
Unlike you, Samantha!!
I can’t believe anyone would believe Dr. Horn about the gunshot at this point. I mean, TA was shot, not through the brain with gun that is little more than a BB gun. And he says he would have died from it eventually? Do they forget Arizona’s own Congressional Representative Gabby Giffords was shot in the head which DID go through her brain with a 9mm and she lived.
I can’t believe anyone would listen to Dr. Pudding Brain again. He just keeps flip flopping.
lol… now that is a good nickname 🙂
I also remember when DR Horn testified with his experience everyone shot with a 25 cal
was rendered dead. Something to that extint.
Im surprised the defense did bring up the fact that, that was probably true since he was a ME
and not a ER doctor.
Exactly. And in his professional experience, everyone who suffers a stroke or heart attack or is injured in a motor vehicle accident dies as a result. A complete fallacy. He is like one of the seven blind men with the elephant. IMO, his hand is up the elephant’s ass, but that’s just my personal preference because I find the visual pleasing.
I still don’t believe that little girl killed that big oaf! I think the pedo loving religious followers did it and getting paid to keep quiet. The room mates are probably in on it too. Who can smell death for days and not check it out? Jodi loved Travis and only she and the real killers knows the truth. I feel so sad for her. I wish we could rescue her.
I post something and it does not appear, how come? Been watching the circus in AZ and Jodi continues to get the shaft. It is disgusting!!
Your here now!
Well, that was a farce.
Kermit: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you sentenced her to murder-one on my first bogus story, now try out this other version of my story to make cruelty fit your next verdict, because you’ve already decided on cruelty anyway. (Nudge nudge, wink wink.)
Nurmi: Objectio–
Judge: Overruled! I want to hear this! Sounds juicy.
LOL….Thats right!
They looked deflated for the most part….we all are pretty much.
Pretty much sums it up. I hope they don’t let it ruin the lunch plans. Grrrrr
Summed it up perfect.
Agreed. If the jury voted for M1 based on a stolen gun, a rental car that was white instead of red, gas cans and dyed hair I don’t think they really care about evidence. If they would do that it might not bother them to sentence someone to death based on nothing but speculation because speculation was all they had in the guilt phase too.
Awesomeness. heheh
The TA family look like vampires. So unattractive. Buy yourselves a bag to put over your heads!
Ill buy them the bags if they’d wear them! Light baby blue ones to match TA body bag!!!
The Adams Family!
Okay, sorry if someone already asked and answered, how does this work? Does it have to be unanimous?
Yes 12 have to agree!
Yes it still has to be unanimous. If they hang they can select a new jury for this phase of the trial.
“Yes it still has to be unanimous. If they hang they can select a new jury for this phase of the trial.”
Nope, the judge would dismiss the jury and give life or life w/o parole in a month or two.
Hello all, sad about the verdict. Sad about what I saw today. It doesn’t look good but I am still hoping. Anyway I just wanted to say hello
Hey Rob 🙂
hello 🙂
Will the jury come upnwith the deliberation today? Or will we need that text alert again?
I wouldn’t go to far.
they already know….so stay around…
Thanks guys!
Juror 8 will be on Dr. Douche tonight
Oh no. Then I will have to watch, and I don’t want to.
What do you think, Jenny?
Oh, Dr. Douche, I agree 100%. I agree with you, Dr. Douche, completely. What you said. It’s so true!
Thank you, Jenny, and that’s exactly what I’m saying, you agree with me agreeing with you. That’s exactly it. Thank you for somebody finally setting the record straight on this.
LOL, I know I might have to watch too. I hope this guy says things that make this judge and jury look terrible. I hope he shows up drunk LOL.
Haha. Everyone on that show seems drunk to me anyway.
OMG Fresh! You are on a roll today! hahahahah!
Don’t you agree?
Little Man Juan:
Wikipedia –
Little man syndrome
Napoleon complex is an informal term describing an alleged type of psychological phenomenon which is said to exist in persons, usually men, of short stature. It is characterized by overly-aggressive or domineering social behavior, and carries the implication that such behavior is compensatory for the subjects’ stature. The term is also used more generally to describe people who are driven by a perceived handicap to overcompensate in other aspects of their lives. Other names for the term include Napoleon syndrome[1] and Short Man syndrome. [2]
so he even made it to wikipedia…LOL…
Wasn’t TAs dog named Napoleon?
Napoleon is an appropriate name for a pug. They are related to mastiffs and don’t seem to realize they’re small.
Enlighten me on this because I have no idea how the american justice system works(and neither the greek lol) :if she gets the DP is it easier for her to appeal?Or at least get a speedier appeal?
What happens if she gets LW Parole?Does it mean she can never appeal to a Supreme court?
If she gets Death, the government will fund her appeal. Not so with life or Life without parole. She can appeal, but she has to pay for it.
I think if she gets DP there is an automatic appeal, paid for by the state… LWOP, I think she would have to pay her self or find a lawyer willing to do it pro bono
I am not certain but I think DP cases are automatically appealed. wish i could help more sorry
Thank you all so much-you’ve always been so good to me and my ignorant questions.
You are just asking the question many want answered!
Your questions are not ignorant at all! I like your questions! 🙂
Your questions are all Greek to me … 😉
LOL,good one Ed!! 😉
🙂 you ask good questions
I bet these can be found in JMs office:
Official graduate of school of Law Acting from: Law and Order
Official graduate of school of Law Acting from: Lifetime Movie Network
And his own framed pic, autographed!
Juan Martinez has changed his story more times than Jodi has!
Another major point with facts that will be pointed out to public!
So now it’s two minutes, not 62 seconds and Dr. Horn said the cut to the vena cava was a small cut- meaning this was not fatal for quite a while and he could have survived this wound if he had received medical care. So this killing three times was so BS and it actually makes JA story more believable when she said TA wouldn’t stop coming after her. I hope there is a special place in hell for JM, Flores and the Alexanders.
Ooh. I like that!
Juan attacks Jodi !!!!!
Ha ha – where’s a knife and a gun when you need them?
someone posted the other day the percentages of DP cases in Arizona that were turned over in appeals….
I think it was Al, that 80% of capital cases in AZ are overturned, most of them at the state level.
JM really lacking credibility arguing that the killing took place between consecutive photos 62 seconds apart during the guilt phase, but now arguing it took 2 minutes. But will the jury care?
Of course it was obvious it took more than 62 seconds because there were 3 accidental photos taken. I never understood JM’s earlier argument when he tried to claim it all happened between accidental photo #1 and accidental photo #2.
Okay so I know HLN is not our favorite channel, but juror 8 is going to be on Dr. Drew tonight. Just in case anyone is interested.
Has anyone heard how much they are paying them for their “15 Minutes of Fame”
I’ve heard from the time Casey Anthony was on trial that they pay these people approximately $10,000 to appear. They get paid for pictures and not their appearance. The media has some rule they got to follow, but when they bring a guest on they usually direct them on what to say, etc. hence all Travis’s friends saying the same phrase, “her eyes are soulless,” or “she was very sexual” stuff like that. If you notice ALL of them bring pictures/videos to the shows. They can only get paid for those things. Juror 8 will probably bring something to them and he may not get paid as much but he’ll get paid for something…
It is all lies!
George and Cindy got $50,000 each for their interviews with Dr. Phil…and they went on two times on his show…ching-ching…moola…moola…
You mean 500,000.00.
Phil actually put $500k into their fake Caylee Fund in lieu of the main interview. One week they were broke, the next week they had 3 new cars in the driveway. Magic.
Team Jodi
We need to do something! We have to fight this injustice. I fear if this doesn’t get fixed, I’ll never recover any hope :/
I think I read somewhere the charity was closed… Who knows…
they have been in recess for over 40 minutes now…
Saw on Twitter that Jude Stoopy has gone to lunch so earliest we could see anything is 1:30 JT.
OMG! The running of the clock! That is THE most hack-move a prosecutor can make. And you just know that Juan is using his best stuff for this trial. I was honestly EMBARRASSED for him when he did that, which is saying a lot, because I hate that f*@k.
I guess we saw that one coming since we avoided being given his -one-two-three-four-five…….twenty-seven stab wounds performance!
Kermit is a total hack. All of his arguments are based on histrionics and emotion, not on facts. That two-minute wait was a nice touch…now all of a sudden, 62 seconds is equal to two minutes. Oh, and don’t forget St. Pedo thinking about Granny as he was dying…give me a fucking break!!!
Were you waiting for someone to jump out and scare the court in the middle of the two minutes? Boo! I mean, seriously? Cringe factor is huge.
I meant to reply to Basse. As in seriously, I agree! Cringe factor is huge. On the downside, the like-minded to JM types were probably not cringing. Sigh.
Right? It was freaking embarrassing!
I agree Kira.
The whole time his gums were flapping I was thinking to myself bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit bullshit
And the Travis Taliban thinks he is god and knows what went down that night. Pfffft.
OMFG! Kira, I must have missed that part. Did he say that TA was thinking about Granny as he was dying!!?
Christ, this man is a piece of work! 🙄
Geez, I hope he didn’t try to have sex with her too.
Tarot card reading 3 of swords The Three of Swords is a simply illustrated card with a difficult message. A heart, suspended in the air, is pierced by three swords. The heart is symbolic of emotion and beauty, while the piercing swords reflect the ability of logic and power to harm the physical body and the emotions of a person. The sky is heavily clouded and rain pours down violently, representing a grim moment in time.
Notice the word shy meaning sky and chris hughes
Why doesen’t the defense team or the family offer a reward for the person who robbed the Grandparents home to come forward and promise not to press charges? That person or persons may even still have the 25 caliber which ballastics could prove was not the murder weapon. Would that be enough to get a new trial?
They can’t make the deal about the charges – DA’s office. Martienz would never ever cooperate.
Oo- nevermind. They are in Yreka! If the DA’s office in Yreka would cooperate, yes. That would be enough for a new trial.
The father said it was a 22 caliber to the detective
Yes but do you really trust that? First, that father is the same father who said such terrible things about Jodi to Flores. And second, wasn’t there some confusion about whether it was really a .22 or a.25 (or whatever–I’m firearm ignorant)?
Terrific idea. That would definitely be a major appeal factor. I think this whole business of “if you didn’t think it was this gun, then it was the other gun” and you have to find for premeditation either way could not possibly hold up on appeal, particularly if they were to remove that huge element.
I wonder whether local LE would be willing to “work with” the Alexander family to offer such a deal, however.
notice there is only three swords here jodis heart being stabbed by chris sky and mini me JM and if the jury were to give her death there would be how many juriors
Stupid stupid stupid son of a bitches! This is a complete farce. None of this has been a COURT. Juan needs his hhoooooooooo I’d best shut up!
The Goblin Prosecutor is a one-trick pony, and that one trick is “I’m indignant!”. AND IT’S WORKING. WTF?
Exactly! He always has this look of indignity! Really? The people of your county need to be indignant at your theatrics and seeking fame.
And you know what else one of the Travis siblings give jodi arias a dirty look. He didn’t do it so much during the guilt phase but was doing it the whole time today. The judge has no control of her courtroom. He shouldn’t be doing that. I felt bad for Jodi it’s like was burning her head with laser eyes!
Tanisha has been the worst offender of that crap! She literally spent every second of this trial staring at the back of Jodi’s head with the ugliest look on her meth face.
Death penalty facts: credit to Pitchfroks for finding it.
Good site. Thx!
I thought this was very interesting. A horrible story in and of itself of course, but the survivor describes the feeling of having his throat cut. He did not feel pain.
Interesting. Thanks for posting the link. Thought this part was interesting:
“There was no pain, he said. “All I felt was a warm feeling coming down my throat all of a sudden. I thought it was just a nick. I stood up and looked in the mirror and there was all this flesh hanging down. That’s when I freaked out.”
“The surgeon who repaired the wound had told him if it had been a fraction deeper he would have been in a lot more danger of losing his life.”
“I’m lucky it was a blunt knife.”
I thought this was common knowledge? There are SO many reality-shows of people describing real-life near-death experiences, AND THEY NONE FEEL PAIN. Dwayne Cates, the defense attorney, was just on HLN and he said the 2-mins. it took Travis to die was actually mitigating. (Not to mention, it was only 62 seconds until today.)
I also thought it was common knowledge that the brain shuts off pain signals during initial response to most forms of major trauma…. but here you have Horn and Martinez telling the jury it’s basically like giant paper cuts–you feel every little thing in the moment to an intense, amplified degree. Of course, this jury does not seem to have common sense or common knowledge. They are easily spoon fed whatever JM mashes up for them.
A throat slit is a very merciful way to kill a human or an animal.
http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=oLTnAccuMr8&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DoLTnAccuMr8%26feature%3Dyoutu.be check out this set of short documentaries about people being exonerated after conviction and death penalty. It’s by a young production company. Very interesting a worth a look. It’s called One for Ten.
Can’t help thinking we could see jodi on a documentary like this in the future. Gives you hope….
I honestly cannot comprehend the future in re to Jodi; I still haven’t accepted the reality of her M1 conviction. It’s like my brain is stalled.
But there is hope! It might take a few years, but I’m convinced she will walk in the end!
The only reason to ban Jodi from talking to the media would be because it might “influence the jury.” So here is my question: If the jury is not getting any outside input, why would Jodi’s MEDIA interviews/appearances be at all relevant? Stupid judge made a sham of herself and her rejections of the mistrial motion!!!!!!!!!!.
” If the jury is not getting any outside input, why would Jodi’s MEDIA interviews/appearances be at all relevant? ”
That ruling is preposterous, huh?? I don’t know who motioned for that restriction, but imagine it wasn’t the defense.
Such a farce!!
It was probably Juan Martinez he also requested the judge to stop Jodi from “tweeting.”
Yep probably. Because her tweets could affect/influence the Jury. And so can her interviews. But NOT the inadmissible footage played on HLN, and not the unsubstantiated claims and accusations broadcast all day every day… That judge should be impeached! Or disbarred! Or whatever! She is a liar and a hypocrite!
I wondered that too Gibby. If the jury wasn’t watching or listening to media then there would be no jury to influence. See even Judge Stevens doesn’t believe her own admonition.
Don’t know how much impact that kind of thing will have down the road in terms of any appeal, but sure seems like it demonstrates a concern on Pickles’ behalf. Score one for Jodi!
The judge banned Jodi from speaking with the media?
Yes, NK, yesterday after a closed-session meeting.
Good point, gibby gibson!
The roommates not smelling the decomposition for 5 days would have been enough reasonable doubt to me. I just can’t get past that.
I watch Jodi sit there so sad and miserable and all I can think about is what must be going through her head. There is so much more to this story and I hope it all comes out eventually.
same here and I have preached that from day one! I think that was one of the first things I ever posted on here and that was WHY it was BS and why the evidence was missing and the lies started
there’s more to that decomp story isn’t there?
There has to be, cb…I just don’t understand why that idiot Flores just dropped the ball on that one. It’s like after all the assholes pointed the finger at Jodi, he decided he was done investigating. He’s a fraud.
I wonder how many other cases that Flores investigated and turned things around like he did with Jodi’s case???
At what price???
Yep. No way there wasn’t an odor. (poor Travis and his family–it is very sad to speak of a once-living person this way–even though he was a turd). My cats are always killing these teeny–like smaller than ping pong balls–mice and if I don’t find them, they smell by the third day. And I mean so bad that it is sickening! These things weigh at most 1/10,000 of what Travis weighed! If one teensy little critter can smell so horrible after just a few days, the odor coming from Travis’ rooms must have been incredibly powerful.
I can’t get past that either. Wouldn’t you just wonder where your so called friend was anyway? Maybe knock on the door and say hey.
Had it not been for the Cancun trip coming up on Tuesday…the roommates would still be waiting for someone to come looking for him…and both of their girlfriends were with them nightly at Travis’ house too…
If Mimi never had never gone over to Travis’ house looking for him at 10 pm at night…even that time of night sounded fishy…hell…I would’ve gone over a whole lot earlier in the day to make arrangements for the trip and all…
Didn’t Mimi testify that she called some friends to accompany her to check on TA? I think she did and I remember thinking that was odd. Why would she not just got check on him by herself?
Another thing I remember thinking while she was on the stand was the she was so matter of fact. I didn’t notice any fondness for Travis at all. Maybe it’s just me.
the anger is rising!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I need to drain nasty stuff from a cyst and when I do I am going to name is JM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then flush it!
When is Juan’s birthday?
lol Ed . . but it’s jm we’re referring to . . he over inflates things
April 1st.
hahahaha love it!!!
That weasel-faced motherfucker wasn’t born—— he was shat out of Satan’s asshole!!!!!!
I know that the whole state of AZ has nothing to do with this but that’s one place that I would never want to live. I remember the question being asked when the Gov said she didn’t know facts but thought jodi was guiilty, and the question was how do you think that this makes the state of AZ look????????? I can tell you how it looks and comes off, it comes off as SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyone who lied or didn’t come forward and anyone who had something to do with sending someone who had to kill or be killed to prison is SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!
No you don’t want to go there. They go crazy laws. I was there and a friend of mine, sweetheart, got arrested. She isn’t the type to break the law. They arrested her for a parking ticket that was overdue in another state. She was mortified!
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGgg!!!!!!!!!! That is freaking unreal! What do they do, read tags on passersby and call them in to see how much they can make?
Yeah they stalk out of state plates. They got money issues.
sorry day for women . . they have no means of safety or way to justify defense anymore
Understandable, but fear on behalf of those who might come forward–and even on behalf of the jurors for that matter–is also understandable. Can you imagine having the wrath of HLN and the haters turned on you and even more those you love? Gus Searcy even said that there are people who know more, but were too afraid to testify or come forward on Jodi’s behalf. This is the fault of HLN. They should be forced to pay for the cost of the appeal trial.
Yep, it’s far from over . . maybe Jodi safer in confines for time being til the lid gets blown off this . . and it will blow sky high
I know. I don’t think she would last if she had to walk back out into society. They would crucify her.
The governor is an ignorant uneducated political hack that only got elected because of her support of the we hate Mexicans laws.
She is the only governor in the country to not have a college degree.
I’m originally from SC so I know how embarrassing it is to have a numbskull for governor (Sanford).
wow Jeff, so that means she’s not been paper trained . . well the dog got her job by other means then lol
think I’d best go check my email. I’d hate for SJ to have to tell me to shut up
how do I request the vent password? I asked for it before but forgot where I posted and there is so many of us here lol.
praying on the hour every hour for Jodi too.
the vent page is not that big a deal.Plus,the passoword is no longer being given out.
Do post here ,it’s the same dear!
okay thank you. I was just asking for it because SJ had said to request it a while back if we wanted to be a part of it, so I thought it was alright to ask for it.
I wonder how Jodi is feeling, and how she’s holding up. everybody is so fixated on what they want to believe, they don’t even care.
I cannot even begin to imagine how she must be feeling.She’s in everyone’s our prayers here.May the merciful Universe hear our voices.
It is so important that we all have a voice…. That we have a place to
Speak out about injustice.
Posting song :
The sound of silence
And in the naked light I saw
Ten thousand people, maybe more
People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening …..
“Fools”, said I, “You do not know
Silence like a cancer grows
Hear my words that I might teach you
Take my arms that I might reach you”
Do we think the jury will come back today or should I sign up for a text alert? I don’t know how long these things usually take.
On HLN they say they expect a verdict today – for whatever that’s worth.
I am sure HLN is texting the jury right now as to what their verdict should be!!!
I thought the same thing…letting them know that it is ok for them to give her the DP…ugh…so sad…
Yep according to piggo VP, “today’s the day, folks.”
Speaking of which, do you know that some lawyer/HLN cow last night said that “Travis wasn’t the first.” Jodi was a killer long ago, or some bs like that, and “I think it started when she killed that dog she kicked.” Un-F’n REAL!!!! (PS my quotes may be off by a word or two, but they still reflect exactly what was said.”
oops. that last quote was supposed to be a parenthesis. Sorry if it is confusing. Anger flusters the fingers.
Assholes! They’re everywhere. SMH
Since HLN pays everyone off, of course they would know.
They probably have HLN on a conference call while the are “deliberating”.
So how come NG can go into that women’s prison & hug inmates left & right, and Jodi’s mom cannot hug her daughter at all????
Freaking fabulous point….wrong, very wrong…this whole thing sucks big balls and stinks!!!
Many wrong! Martinez is Sociopath! He needs testing! He is murdering people, he is making them suffer! And he LOVES doing his serial murdering, lying, and inhumanity that makes others suffer for years not only second!
They reserve that privilege for just the bitches…
If I win the lottery tonight i’ll have a private detective look into robberies in the area in 2008 and 2009 and see if anyone was convicted. Maybe if confronted they will admit they robbed the the grandparents as well.
Are they done for the day or just at lunch?
Still deliberating…
Team Jodi
HAHAHAHAHAA,Way to go SJ!Now you’re talking!!! Μαλάκες indeed!!!
Extreme Greek Venting! By the way Maria… Θα είναι φοβερό!
Team Jodi
Thank God for you,SJ!!
You know how to put a smile on my face even when I’m dreading this!
Oh wow, I missed the last bit of that then. I had no idea they were deliberating already.
The HLN clock was up to 1:09 at 4:18pm ET – then they reset it to 30 minutes at 4:30pm ET.
Sounds like they took a lunch break until 1pm local time assuming the jury clock is now accurate.
Per Associated Press they are deliberating.,
I am going to go and take a shower. Maybe I will calm down from being so mad or maybe I won’t. I might come back on full blast. Sorry son of a bitching motherfuckers from hell. LOL , now gee do I have problems with communication patterns. Screw that pos!
Lol lol love it
Hi all,
Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. I said last night I didn’t know if I could watch this phase, but I did. I still have that “surreal” feeling, as if this isn’t even really happening, that somehow this is a different phase and Jodi wasn’t found guilty of M1. It’s crazy I know, but the idea of this aggravating charge being a yes from the jury, is too much. It’s frightening. I keep telling myself this…Even if the jury says yes, it doesn’t mean Jodi will get death. It makes things worse, and it’s not good, but it doesn’t seal her fate. There is another part of this where her defense get to argue mitigating factors. And yes, there are some!!!
I think this part of the phase will be fairly quick, but as I said, there is more to come. I am doing my best to stay positive and keep looking ahead. I still get cold chills when I hear the words DP, and I will never understand how some people can be for it. I know it’s a personal choice, and opinion, I just feel sick when I think about it. (another family argument several days ago) I can only imagine the GLEE from the likes of NG and her co-horts if this aggravating phase is confirmed. No need to even wonder, she will be practically throwing a party if so. Apparently, tonight on Dr Pp, (thanks Moni) juror 8 will be on…….hoping to hear him say something, ANYTHING, that shows something appealable . i am sure he has an attorney, at least I would assume so, but you never know what may come from his interview.
I also really hope Jodi decides to speak during the mitigating phase, I think it’s really important that the jury gets to hear from her, I can’t imagine how she is feeling or what she will say, but I do hope she speaks to the jury.
I’ve been sick to my stomach all day….been sipping on ginger tea it helps but the nausea always comes right back :(. I think I’ve had 5 glasses so far, and counting. jodi is such an angel, who was mistreated and abused and now she is being put out for the wolves. I just can’t stand it. it never ceases to amaze me how the prosecution loves to twist everything around just to get their way, no matter what the truth is or what’s right and what’s wrong.
Anna…do you really think that the defense will have any luck with arguing mitigating factors in this trial or any trial in the state of Arizona?????
We have learned and we have learned well…stay the hell out of Arizona!!!!!
Jodi, in her video, reported that her defense lawyers told her she had no mitigating factors.
Truth……YES! The bottom line is, they HAVE to try. The mitigation specialist has been on this case from day 1, and her job is to find personal info about Jodi for this very situation. The most obvious one is no criminal background. That will be first, after that it will likely be personal things from her life, her childhood, her past relationships, anything and everything that will allow the jury to feel for her, feel something other than wanting her to die. This phase is also where her own family (mom probably) can take the stand and PLEAD for her life. A mothers love and a mothers words begging for her daughters life is very important. Siblings could be called as well. Jodi can also speak on her own behalf, usually the defendant at this phase would just speak their mind, basically, beg for a chance to live. We all know what Jodi said about this, and she might be feeling differently now. I believe she does, otherwise she could have cancelled this entire phase, told her attorneys to forget this and just get her sentence. But she didn’t, obviously since Nurmi is arguing for her now. In my heart of hearts, I do not beli9eve Jodi wants to die, I just don’t. I can understand why she said that, but in the cold light of day, I believe she wants to live. Remember, there are appeals ahead. IF she gets the DP she gets an auto appeal.
As far as Nurmi telling her she had no mitigating factors, I believe she mispoke, and likely was not thinking totally clearly. *I cannot imagine him telling her she had NONE, that is like telling someone they are worthless. No prior record is always the first one for anyone in this situation. Having a family who loves her and a mom who was in court each and everyday is one. Some people really do not have any mitigating factors. In this case they have many priors, no family to speak for them, no friends, etc…..and this isn’t so with Jodi.
I’m opposed to the death penalty especially in cases like this where the evidence is weak. Bad enough they convicted on M1 but then to kill her? What if they are wrong? Sickening.
They are wrong. The DP is being completely abused all for a lying pedophile.
I am opposed to the DP completely. Many reasons, and simply my opinion. I find it barbaric to take someones life legally, on a table, via injection. It’s just barbaric. It’s murder, state sponsored, plain and simple. The fact that people are freed from death row after years should be reason enough to outlaw capital punishment. How many innocent people have already been put to death? We will never know, but one is too many.
I have had many many people who oppose my view ask me “what if it were your mom, sister, bother, etc. My answer is now, and always has been, no. Just putting them to death will never bring my loved one back, never bring me closure, that comes with time and each person is different. There never really is a ‘closure” when you lose a loved one. It hurts forever, and only time helps the pain. Not killing the person who did it. That isn’t justice or closure, that is revenge. If someone killed my loved one, I would not want to be the one who helped send them to their death. Prison, yes. Death? I couldn’t live with it.
someone paid his ass off to help the Travis family get what they want wait he will do a back flip and say something different like Dr Horn and the rest of the slim
Jodi, in her video, said that her defense team told her she had NO mitigating factors. My guess is that JM will play that video.
(((((((((♥Anna♥))))))))) good to see you…. I was wondering and worrying about you and how you were holding up………
Thank you Renee…….hugs to you too. I am hanging in there, going between sad, scared, mad and back again. I hope you are holding up ok…..
Dammit…that should say DR POOP. Sigh….typing with trembling hands today.
Anna my lady! So good to see you here.:-)
what the hell is taking the jury so long they already screwed up with the verdict of M1
At this point I can’t care. The fight for Jodi goes on tomorrow no matter what. I have decided that all I can do is try to emotionally ride this last part out, then refocus and help work to see true justice for Jodi.
“The fight for Jodi goes on tomorrow no matter what.” Exactly!
Lingering just to make their I’m impartial and objective act more credible!!
I have to say again that Jodi’s unshakable poise throughout this trial is a thing of beauty.
Truly. I couldn’t have held it together he way she has.
It truly is …such grace in the face of the utmost danger…God bless her…
perhaps God is strengthening her. no doubt he has his arms around her.
wish yes it is my birthday wish that Jodi tweeter friend would come out and say she did not do this that it was the Hughes and get it out for the world to hear it if he would of stuck to the 2nd story they could have said anyone could have killed him then like the Hughes, Dustin or someone he owed money to anything to show doubt but now we are here waiting for a innocent person to here from the family die bitch what a transitivity
Dies anyone kniw if they’ve started back up?
not yet
Hoping that they didn’t come back immediately means there are disagreements within the jury.
I hope that as well. Or maybe the DA’s office took them out for pizza and beer.
Wild About Trial@WildAboutTrial45s
Defense team just walked into courtroom. We are still outside. Sherrifs are gathering around up here. Stay tuned #JodiArias posted a minute ago
It is heartbreaking to see Jodi cry. I will pray with everyone else that the DP is taken off the table.
Stay strong. Jodi!.
Don’t forget to pray/send positivity on the upcoming hour!!
I’m definitely doing that!
Even though the entire jury believes it was a premeditated murder, surely they will consider her age?? So young……
I would hope they would Misty.
Team Jodi
They let my comment through about how much they must be obsessed with me, because they are now pretending to BE me.
I like your style Basse
I want DRAMA!!! I want ONE brave juror to simply say to the others, I cannot allow this death march to continue. I want Juano’s drool to turn to nausea. I want a CIRCUS!!!!!!!!
Ed, iv been daydreaming this since that vidict day! What would they do then!
Probably use fire hoses & Tasers on the screamers outside.
Yes, Jodi has shown admirable and quiet dignity. God bless her.
Back to the whole smell thing…
I did a quick search for “how long do dead mice smell?” and this is the first thing that came up. I know it is just a blog answer, but it supports the whole point about smell and time. This guy who answered is just telling about his personal experience with decomposition and smell….
I pasted it below rather than putting the link in here….Also, note the comment about how bad they smell–depending on the heat. And notice that this guy is talking about mice dying BEHIND THE WALLS!!! What was the temperature that HLN told us over and over and over again around that time in AZ in 2008? 98 degrees? Peeeeuuuuwwww!
Resolved Question
How long does a mouse smell after it dies?
I am thinking about getting an exterminator to kill the mice in my house however most seem to want to use poison. If they die in the walls, how long do they normally smell?
7 years ago
Report Abuse
Stephen Stephen
Best Answer – Chosen by Asker
They stop smelling once they are dead, they cannot inhale.
But seriously they stick it up something fierce for about 3-5 days depending on the heat, we had a few dead at the shop and let me tell you, they made our stomach turn with the smell.
I have smelled a building that had a dead body in it for a few days. It was AWFUL and there is no comparing it to anything I have ever smelled before, in my life. And I was in the building weeks after the body was removed. So… cannot even imagine the body being in this much smaller house for more days. Stupid fucks (roomies, detective and friends) knew something was up.
I know this is a sad day for all, that has continued since the jury brought back a M1 guilty with no evidence. As sad as I am for Jodi, I know this verdict will be set aside. AZ has a great number of reversals on appeal and there is no reason this should not be the case with Jodi. As heart-breaking as this day is, let’s be strong for Jodi and her family. We know the truth!! Onward and upward to appeal. Jodi will prevail and find her justice.
This kangaroo court reminds me of my case a number of years ago. It took 7 yrs and 8 attorneys taking my case to the supreme court to find justice……I did and I won! As a result, I do understand the gamesmanship, strategy and at times unethical behavior of prosecutors in the court system. As a matter of fact, when the decision was rendered in my case the supreme court justices chastised the prosecution for their unethical behavior that wasted much of the courts time. That gave me great satisfaction..
GOOD for you!!! That gives me hope
What’s happening now, is Jodi with them
MUST READ FOR EVERYONE…and now we know….
HLN executive VP Scot Safon congratulated NG…DP…VP…JVM…and others…and said…our teams presented this trial decisively, vividly and realistically…
What a load of shit!!!
and their ratings boomed…
Wow – I hate them now more than ever!
I’ve been watching Fox for some time for the news…
“HLN executive VP Scot Safon congratulated NG…DP…VP…JVM…and others…and said…our teams presented this trial decisively, vividly and realistically…”
Decisively = decisively one-sided; she was “evil” from day one
Vividly = lurid and gratuitous
realistically = ??
What a stupid thing for Scot Safon to say. Another liar in the bunch. That is all they did to Jodi was project there ability to tell lies on Jodi. Then called her a liar. But they are the liars. Jodi was traumatized and they just continue to traumatize her over and over!
Hmmm, not sure how to feel about this. Jodi’s trial had all the elements to make it really juicy for the public to discuss and get involved in – sex, infidelity, religion, domestic violence, and a bloody, gory crime scene. How many other trials will have all those elements that will keep the public interested on an ongoing basis? Maybe they peaked with Jodi’s trial? I don’t know, or maybe HLN has just made trial by media and character assassination the in thing to do.
Maybe it might be good for us to give some support to news outlets and on-air talent who actually have given fair coverage and been objective throughout the trial. Let them know there are a lot of people who value that kind of coverage.
I believe that what we focus on becomes bigger and I don’t want to see HLN get bigger. I’d rather see others who are trying to do the right thing by being objective and fair in the coverage get bigger and become more successful.
I think it should be mandatory that every jury member should have to take a polygraph and answer the questions:
1. Did you see or hear anything about Jodi on tv, the net or any other place other then in the court room?
2. did u hear about this case before the trial?
3. did u discuss this case with your family?
4. did u discuss this case with anyone, before the day it was given to you to make a decision with the other jury members?
and if they did, (I cant believe in 4 months no one did any of these things) then it means the jury was influenced by outside sources. Because again, where is the proof she did it? I watched every day and I cant put my finger on anything that shows me proof she did anything, except she said she did it. But even that don’t make sense.
agreed, because you know they did! you know they did! and they sat there and bold faced lied to the judge every time they were asked, too.
That would be a dream come true!
Problem with a polygraph though is that their not admissible in a court of law – catch 22
This jury must have seen different evidence than what I saw, from what I saw CLEARLY she did not premeditate this it was self defense
Ray from Harrisonburg Va.
I have not been able to watch this yet guys but have read all your commentary. This whole farce sickens me and there is a special place in hell for every LIAR in this scenario—JM, Horn, Flores, Travis’s siblings who didn’t give two shits about him until he was dead with dollar signs in their eyes, all the fools who spout off for money on HLN. They will be wit their buddy in the hot place. The real judge of us all notes EVERYTHING.
Anyone know?? Does Jodi have an interview scheduled for after this verdict is announced?
I highly doubt she will be doing any more interviews Shelby. The judge put a kybosh on that yesterday ruling that MCSO can no longer set up interviews for Jodi.
Verdict In
Jury has reached a verdict.
*crosses fingers*
I missed it by a minute … What was it???
Let’s start planning for appeals. This whole thing was a sham.
I was so upset I couldn’t watch the second half, I was in bits in the first one, what happened?
She’s got the DP on the table.
These people are soulless and despicable creatures. They lack common sense much less courage and ethics.
HLN makes me sick! Led by the publicity & ratings seeking Nancy DisGrace. What a phoney! Let them give themselves all the high fives, they please. This verdict will be overturned on APPEAL for certain. I’m 99.9% certain of that fact, unless the Appellate court is watching HLN, like most of the jury probably was. Then who Knows?
I called it this morning. This jury wants to have any excuse to find her guilty and now sentence her with the DP. I hope Sirlips is correct and she gets an appeal that the state will pay for making it easier for her. This is a travesty of justice.
Rainy says:
May 15, 2013 at 10:14 am
Your wish is granted.
And for dessert serve him up a big bowl of steaming microbe infested diarrhea!
Congrats on being #1!!!
Custard Mustard Snot an Bogey pie all served up in a dead mans eye stir it stir it till its nice an thick an then wash it down with a glass of cold sick.
I can’t imagine for one second how Jodi must be feeling. I am emotionally and physically exhausted. I knew what was coming today, but having it happen was more emotional than expected. I feel absolutely horrible, it is truly a disturbing thing to witness. The verdict was horrifying and then today was yet another wound. This is a situation that brings you to your knees. I am mentally and physically sick. I need to pray and rest and stop with the coverage for now. Probably a good time for a hot bath and a really big drink! Possibly a sedative! Is anyone else having these issues? Much love and protection for Jodi.
What HLN wants us to learn from this trial is that your life is not worth fighting for. If someone attacks you and tries to kill you, don’t even think of defending yourself! If your attacker does not succeed in killing you, Nancy grace will do it for him.
Your optimism has always been a source of strength for me during the dark days of this trial. But I am very skeptical about the justice system and elected officials in Arizona, after hearing this jury’s verdict. How can we expect anything different from an appellate court? This is a state where the governor says she “hasn’t been following the trial, but thinks Jodi Arias is guilty”! What kind of impartiality and justice can we expect from these people? If the appellate court over turns this verdict, then what happens? Is there going to be another trial? If so, where are they going to find a jury that has not heard of this trial? Hope Justice will be served before it is too late for Jodi!
And with this verdict, the law allows people like TA to strip the dignity of any person that shows weakness in matters of love. Isn’t that a form of abuse and violence??? Yes, Jodi did wrong but wasn’t she provoked months and months over and over again? If she had ment to hurt TA, she wasn’t going to accept his abuse for such a long time. She would have killed him much earlier. There is just so much a person can take.
Furthermore, if TA was such an innocent person WHY didn’t he file any complaints and get a restriction order towards Jodi??? He had a sex slave and manipulated her into all his dirty tricks… If Jodi didn’t kill him then, this little twisted game of his would still be going on while he was dating other women that he supposively cared for. He would still be mocking his religion.
If you ask me, he was asking for it. If someone is stalking me (as they say Jodi was him) I will go to the police. I WILL NOT have sex with this person and invite him in my home. If this person shows up in my home I will call the police. ANY CALLS TO THE POLICE FROM TA??? Just goes to show that justice chooses to like and hate instead of taking all the facts under concideration.
TA was a fake in all sections of his life. He did not have any respect on other humans, he did not have any respect for his church, he did not care who would get hurt because of his actions. In my book, this is what I call SELFISH. This is what I call a SOULESS BEING. This is what I call EVIL. And this is what I call NEMESIS. He got what he deserved.
Where you been Pandora?