Leave your comments below on the afternoon session & verdict at today’s AZ State Circus…
Penalty phase starts tomorrow @ 10:30 am JT.
Team Jodi
The new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.
If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.
FITTING page name…
1st Cindy!
I am uncertain how to post on here but will give it a go once more. First, my son is home for the summer. He was away at college and he cannot get over Jane V., Nancy G,, especially Dr. Drew., and the absurd after hour HLN show that keeps replaying the way they think the murder was committed. I told him we live in a cruel world that actually does like to “persecute” people. My son does not understand how the family of T.A. could go on any of these shows, knowing how they are exploiting T.A. With that being said, I will say once more that the case was media driven and Juan literally repeats the exact words of some of the commentators on these shows. This is not hard to prove as these shows are on tape. The defense can use this as well as numerous other things Juan did that is unbecoming of someone in his position.
Also everyone needs to realize that had this relationship occurred in Jodi’s town, with her friends and family present, everyone would have been telling her that this guy is “crazy” and “using” her and they would have told her the relationship is going nowhere because of his secrecy. Now that word “secrecy” brings to mind another point. While the prosecution kept telling the jury how Jodi was approaching people to make sure they were aware the two of them were an item, it was quit clear to me that she did this because they were in fact an item and he was hiding it. I do not see the abnormalcy in her attempts to make people aware of the fact. Even Clancy admits that when Jodi talks to her in the restroom, Jodi tells her that she is not mad at her but upset with T.A. did not make it clear. I think she had a right to do this. Also, I find it interesting that the ex girlfriend was sent to his home when he was out of town, to check on his dog. When she arrived at the home Jodi was there baking cookies. I have to wonder if he knew the two would meet there. My point is that I do not think he was so innocent. He was hiding the relationship, made her look crazy, all the while he kept the relationship going, and on and on.
There are many, many, things I found troubling in the case. For instance, Juan acted as though Jodi taped the phone conversations so she would have something to back her plan of murder. Could it not have been that she was going to the bishop with all his lies? Or just simply that this is clearly what the two of them did? I mean he did send her a picture if his penis……? Also, Nancy and the great Dr. Drew (not) said Jodi copies the behaviors of everyone she is around. Well, lets think about this a moment. If the two decided to part and we know the “double flip off” she received from T.A. Prior to the move. We also know about the mean text messages she received. But let’s consider that Jodi follows T.A.’s lead and they were going their separate ways. He has a date for his upcoming trip and Jodi has been talking with Burns via phone, trying to move on. Point is, Jodi was passive and may have felt inferior to T.A. So she may have followed his lead….moving on. She was trying.
Also I did not see the hair dye as a big problem but I am surprised that the defense did not state the obvious…. Jodi tells the jury that she was hurting financially. Hello? Maybe she decided that the hair dye was too expensive. Who has not been there before. I also found that going back to her normal hair color and moving was an expression of “moving on” and “letting go”. She tried. It appears to me that T.A. was not letting it go. I just wish she liked herself enough to not go back but that weakness falls in the pattern of abuse.
Finally, I don’t think the murder was planned. I do feel she put him on a pedastol and that he had a big ego that she fed. I think that job they were both connected to was her bread and butter and she tried to keep peace with him to save face in the work environment. I do believe she tried to withhold the facts about their relationship so she would not make him look bad. I believe she “checked out” mentally and was scared to death of acknowledging to herself on a conscious level that she actually did this.
I also think that on some unconscious level Jodi was tired of the abuse, which I feel was mostly on an emotional level. She may have had a thought or two of killing T.A. Just as he may have had about her, just as many people do daily, but then move on. I think that when he went after her, she did fear for her life and “checked out.” This was a person who clearly was seeking a future with this guy in the beginning of their relationship. She was seeking a spiritual path. Wanted children. Wanted respect. Had an eye for beauty, as we see in her art and love for photography, as well as her desire to learn and grow intellectually, and he abuse all these gifts she had.
Again I will say, I do feel T.A. was also growing and/or trying to and the two together were toxic. It was a toxi relationship because she had a passive personality that sought approval and love, while he was a person who had demons inside him that he revealed only to her. He was the aggressor. He knew she was passive. The whole thing is very, very, sad. Yet, again I will say, very winnable on appeal.
One final note, Nancy always states the “I want to make a difference” on her commercials. Well, she just may have. Last I heard, she was not part of the prosecution team….. But just go back and watch the trail and her shows…. He repeats exact words, proving the prosecutor misconduct. I also just caught juror 8 on the great Dr. Drew (not) and he states it was hard not to hear about the case because it was “everywhere”. Clearly the jury should have been sequestered.
Thanks, Color Purple, for the thoughtful note. We, too, are feeling the sadness regarding Jodi being villianized to the extent she has been, in the media. I will always wonder, what did he say to her, what transpired in that last photo of his face? The look in his eyes was hatred, anger. Anyone can see that – Totally agree, the jury should of been sequestered. This was not a fair trial. All of these people at HLN have used her, too – it’s how they’ve all made ratings and paychecks the past several months. My older daughter and I both see (and understand) how horrendously TA used her, can you imagine how this effected her (likely already low) self esteem? I think she loved the guy (as well as any 20 something can love); he played her. Of course she had choices, but in your 20’s I’m not sure when in love with someone, that you are able to close the door on someone who has your heart. The maturity just isn’t there, a lot of the time. We’re keeping our good thoughts for Jodi.
Welcome.. great post..thanks!
Welcome Color Purple! Please keep posting! You have great thoughts, and ideas! Awesome post!
Wow you really have some great thoughts. Those are all things I have thought about too, but you put it all together so well. I agree with you totally!!
there should be one thing and one thing only ,” A RE-TRIAL ” . those responsable for using Jodi as a scape goat need to be found and found quickly ! under the US constitution there should be some info to create another go , there is corupt levels of personel and court officials at all levels . Jodi there will be some one out there that will turn this around for you ! take care and God bless and a thousand cuddles .!
Color, well said. The sad part about it is so many people look at things as black or white. When it comes to human feelings there is a whole lot of gray area. They are judging Jodi on every little thing she does or doesn’t do. We would all fail in this area put under a microscope. Wow! The great Doctor Drew is now saying how he has compassion because she is sick. What a hypocrite! And juror #8 told it all. His mind was made up way before all the evidence was presented and you can bet your ass that he watched HLN during his time on the jury. If this man can drink (extreme DUI) and then get behind the wheel of a car and put others lives endanger, I can’t believe a word he says as far as not watching the media.
I lost a great deal of respect for Dr. Drew and his crew. I would have respected his professional opinion but he was just so off the charts mean. At first when I was watching his show I could not wait to hear from “his” jurors because I actually thought they were unbiased but then the one juror stated how they were talking to T.A. family and doing lunch together and it became clear to me that his show was just a rating boost. I was very troubled by the manner of most of his quests as well. He even tour down the professionalism of the wittnesses that had many years in the field of psychology. I found that very deceitful on his part. He gave more credit to the “human lie detector” than he did of people with clear professional expertise. Speaking of the “human lie detector”, what a load of crap. Hello? We are five years from the actual traumatic event. Should we have the same emotions and expressions as we would five years ago. ? Lol. She is not God.. The great Dr. Drew (not) can not say he has compassion now. He can never wash away the impression he left with me during this case. He should be ashamed.
You are welcome to join me for lunch with Juan (see 1st on morning session).
Hummmmm no thanks…I just dyed my hair.
AHA! So you must be a murderer!
Jeff don’t tell anyone……
Congrats Cindy on being first !!
I believe Jodi SNAPPED after Travis used/abused her. The press would have you believe he was an eagle scout, murdered in cold blood, as he delivered food baskets to the poor and elderly! The jury should have been sequestered, so there are legal grounds for an appeal. But, Jodi WANTS the death penalty!!! This show of courage probably pisses off the prosecutor, the family and the angry mob more than the actual killing itself! While Travis begged for his life, Jodi will march proudly to the death chamber!
Are they back from break yet????
I will calmly say fuck you
right on…cindy,,,i say FY AZ
No not fu AZ, fu Juan, I am here in AZ 🙁 Not all are bad, I promise but I am so sad about this, so sad and mad and I feel so helpless
yes kmea…sorry.*-*.. F*@# U Juan Horn flores TA people etc….all who put jodi here
Dwayne Cates said on TV defense could’ve argued it might’ve been more cruel to have 1 stab to heart and then it takes 15 to 20 minutes to die.
Maybe true but defense was in a very tough spot today.
defense had an extreamly tuff trial when its srar of the show makes defending her a ridiculousness circus. She had a great defense team but she just wouldn’t listen. Now where in the last phase maybe just maybe there should be an apology if there is anything going to save her from DR…Just Think about it
All we need is 1 juror to disagree and the DP is off the table. I think I’m correct.
This has got to be the most horrible day for Jodi ever. I feel so bad for her.
Yay Cindy’s 1st!!
I’m sick. i would like to see DP for the automatic appeal, but I don’t want to see it considering how rigged this whole trial has been. IDK how an appeal would go (after reading about other appeals denied for women protecting themselves from abusers/murderers).
same here cindy.The only ”good” thing coming out from a possible DP is that the State gets to pay for the appeal and since Jodi has no money maybe that would be a relief for her family but who would really trust the State after all this farcical trial we’ve been witnessing all along?
I have mixed feelings,I dont know what to expect,pray for or hope right now.All I know is that it feels that I’ve been sleeping since last Wednesaday and having a nightmare.
I want Justice for Jodi for once!!! Please God make it possible,I dont know how just do it!!
Let’s keep praying for someone with a conscience (preferably from the jury) to stand up and shout at the last minute “THIS ISN’T RIGHT!!” I keep praying, visualizing and hoping for that to happen.
((((((cindy))))) & ((((((maria))))) <3 <3 <3
Just wanted to give y'all some love! =)
(((((((((((((((hey hun, <3 right backatcha)))))))))))))))))
((((((((((Sil))))))))))))))) (((((((((((((((((Maria)))))))))))))))))))) I’m crying now, can’t stop. Keep praying.
((((cindy)))) Awww Sweetie, please don’t cry. 🙁
Fwiw…I’m dreading it too. 🙁
Me too Sil.:-(
HNL is drinking the blood now…so very sick&creepy
They are sick and creepy. I stopped watching them shortly after the trial started and I saw how bloodthirsty they were.
cindyp — I so agree with you. Isn’t ironic that JM can lead a prosecution based on the fact that Jodi may have spilled blood. But isn’t it scary that we live in a country where prosecutors can drink blood and then portray themselves as heros of our rights. HA!
So true!!
if she gets the DP does that mean she will be locked up for 23 out of 24 hrs in her cell? I can not imagine having to live like that 🙁
Yep. Also, no contact with any human flesh. Her family cannot even touch her. Her visits will be behind glass. No trees, only sky and walls for a few hours a week. Alone. No other prisoners near her.
I’m off to google info about Amnesty International.
I’ve been flabbergasted.
I’ve been confused.
I’ve been dreadfully upset.
Now – I’m pissed too.
GOD, I hope she doesn’t get the DP, even if she has to pay for her appeal !!! We can raise money, we have to do something !!!!
It’s possible that with Juano shipping every felon in AZ off to Death Row, jamming the prisons full, filling the coffers of the prison industry and ensuring his job is safe, that Jodi MAY have a cellmate. Maybe. Other than that, everything I mentioned is standard with Death Row.
Jodi is distraught today. I hope she remembers, in the worst case scenario, the state will be picking up the tab for her (winnable) appeal.
Poor baby was a mess.Who could blame her?Did you see her breathing?Irregularly as if hyperventilating.I’m so worried about her mental health.May she find sth to cling on at this difficult time.
(((((((((We love you Jodi,wish you could feel our hugging you))))))))
I noticed that too Maria. I hope she doesn’t have to talk, I am afraid that she will ask for the DP 🙁
She was praying several times during sidebars.
This is the only part I hate so much… It breaks my heart to see Jodi so sad. 🙁
I know she looked so…..like she’s just given up!! So distraught. I just kept thinking how it would feel to have people judging you that don’t even know you. Not just HLN and all those idiots on there but the jury. I mean imagine a group of people studying you, listening to false stories and misrepresentations of you and judging you and you can’t say or do anything. They’ve already made an opinion of you and know they are going to have you punished! That has got to be the worst feeling. It’s a nightmare!
SJ, I cannot be calm or smile. I can say: FUCK YOU JM, you overcharging evil motherfucker.
That works
Team Jodi
I wonder what it would cost to have a plane towing a banner over the courthouse that says something like that? Right over NG’s nasty haid, and into the living rooms of millions of her drooling sycophants….
Ed…I’d LOVE that also*-*
Are you able to talk to Jodi ? How is she doing ? Can’t believe today ? I really can not believe she planned to do this. It was all in the heat of the moment. Poor girl. I feel so bad for her.
A question maybe out of left field:
Say absolutely all else fails, doesn’t the president have the power to excuse/exonerate people toward the end of their last term?
Only federal offenders.
Unless you’re Richard Nixon or a friend of a friend of the president and you happen to have a lot of money, it’s possible but highly unlikely. Even Bill Clinton wouldn’t have had the balls to give a presidential pardon in this case.
Jodi’s case is a state conviction, not a federal one.
Yeah, I didn’t know how that worked exactly even though it seemed like a stretch.
Interesting differentiation between state and federal law btw. Since following this “trial”, I think death penalty convictions should be handled on a federal level. I know any given state’s power is sacred and that’s what makes us a union, but this is too big a deal to play around with like this.
Especially when more heinous crimes are being let off easy next door – whether next door is so upsettingly close as the same courthouse, a different town in the same state, or the other side of the nation.
I’m sorry but I strongly support the 10th Amendment. I’m very much for seperation of powers.
I’m not advocating consolidation of powers; there needs to be a way to require even application of certain things like the DP for example. I also feel like there is no accountability in the way certain players have conducted their duties to the state of Arizona. Obviously that could be labeled plain old corruption that the federal level sees just as much of, but where does a citizen go to rectify persecution by the state? I’m having trouble understanding how that’s the top and there’s nowhere left to go.
Jester, I know what your saying and it does make sense. It would fit, especially THIS case, where the prosecutor, investigator, experts, judge and media have taken advantage of our rights and noone, NO ONE has donr NOTHING about it!!!!
how can a jury find this act extremely cruel when they have nothing to compare
it with ie. the Lochner Case and the case that was settled in the courtroom on the same
floor where the defendant took a plea for life without parole.
Clinton pardoned scumbag Mark Rich right off of the FBI Ten Most Wanted list and pardoned the Puerto Rican Terrorist gamg..
Yes, because those were federal offenders. The president cannot do that with state offenders.
Keep in mind that Richard Nixon was not an offender. Yet the first thing Gerald Ford did was pardon him. That’s why I added him.
No problem Paige.
All of us Arizonas can, however, elect a Governor such as George Ryan. He stayed calm, smiled and said “Fuck You” when he commuted 160 death sentences on his way out of office!
How can they fire ass hole sheriff Aparo or whatever the hell his name is!!
Usually governor issues pardons at the recommendation of local parole board.
Normally done when governor is leaving office.
The president can only pardon on federal matters. The governor, however, can pardon on state matters. Remember all the issues years ago with pardons in MA of a criminal who re-offended? They commonly do it on their way out the door too, but AZ Governor already said she thinks Jodi is guilty.
I shall be released….is a song about Jodi …JODI we r here 4 U & will stay 4U….something good will come from all this evil they did 2U…they all have bloody hands
Howdy, I’ve just started watching the trial and can’t believe how the railroaded Jodi. I guess they just couldnt stand to see another “OJ” or Casey Anthony outcome. Luck of the draw or lack thereof. Sick.
I feel like Jodi is paying for Casey Anthony’s crime. Everyone was so upset that the jury let her go and even though these two cases were nothing alike, Jon and all those clowns kept saying this jury may be like the jury Casey Anthony got and they would let Jodi go too. So being the jury were reading the news on their I phones and I pads, they knew they had to make sure Jodi didn’t get away. We can thank the media and especially Graceless and HLN for believing a defendant is innocent until proven guilty (yeah right)
Praying for justice for Jodi !!!!!!! We are here for you, Jodi!!!
Then you are not watching the same trial. Only a hater would believe Juan that she just cries for herself. Total BS.
I feel she has every fucking right to cry for herself after what this nation has reduced her to. I challenge any one to make it through something half as awful and do as well as Jodi has.
Jodi and her family can cry on my shoulder any time the wish <3
Go Team Jodi
Fuck the Haters
But remorse for defending herself against someone who tried to kill her? I don’t think I’d have remorse.
SReyna do you need the ACTUAL words?? Actions speak louder than words,RIGHT?
That girl has cried her eyes out every time she is forced to recall upon the June 4th incident,every single time the pedophile’s name is being brought up.She is nothing BUT remorseful! What’s wrong with you people?Are all of you pain in the ass linguists?
I, for one, would not apologize for saving my life.
If a stranger raped you in an alley, and you killed him in defense, would you apologize to the rapist?
Well said as usual Renee’.:-)
Right! Jodi shouldn’t have to apologize to ANYONE! Not to TA, not his family, and especially NOT to any piece of shite side haters! For what should she apologize for?! He shouldve kept his hands to himself!
Exactly Renee’.
Jodi will never apologize. She doesn’t have to. And I’m glad because it annoys the living shit out of the haters.
Yep. She shouldn’t apologize for ridding the planet of an abusive pedophile.
Nope. She deserves a medal for ridding the world of the lying abuser and child molester
I agree w/you, I don’t understand why they (NANCY DISGRACE, JANE, RYAN,VINNIE AND DR DREW) keep saying she shld apologize. She did what she had to and now those frickin idiots ( HLN monsters) can now start bashing the Zimmermans. They are so drama and so full of ca=ca, you can smell them a mile away. I’ll always think of Jodi and her family and what they went thru. These assholes need to just shut up and give themselves a break!!!!! My heart goes out to Jodi……
Those idiots will never be happy because even if she had apologized right off the bat, they would have said its a fake apology or she didn’t mean it. No matter what they will never be happy!
Please don’t apologize…u did every good thing u could & it didn’t help….ignore the bully s ..stay MUM…..they will have nothing 2 eat…if u don’t talk 2 them
I know she has said over and over she wished it never happened. Isn’t that enough? Anyway if she says she’s sorry they’re going to say she doesn’t mean it anyway. She can’t win!
Your comment was removed but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what you said. No way would I apologize for defending myself and neither should Jodi. What the hell are you doing here anyway? You have too much time on your hands. Go away twit, you are not wanted here.
AMMaryEllen Resendez @maryellenabc15#jodiarias court watchers purchased t-shirts outside the courthouse that say “Don’t make me go all Jodi Arias on your ass”
And these are TA supporters? ??? Now how respectful is that to TA family? ??????!
They dont even know the word ”respectful” …
it’s really saying…Jodi was pushed over the edge~~they r brainless F&@Kers who have Murder in their hearts&minds
Well not even Martinez is respectful. He has the nerve to sign autographs and takes pictures like he’s a celebrity. He has a job to prosecute not become a celebrity! If my family member was murdered (heaven forbid) and the prosecutor was walking around being a celebrity and giving autographs I would be all over his ass and would call the D.A.s office requesting a new prosecutor! He’s suppose to be here to seek justice for the victim and do his job and show respect. Goes to show he isn’t doing his job for the right reason he’s seeking 15 min of fame! What an ass!! But his family didn’t say anything nor show their disapproval. Don’t they even care? Or are they seeking their own fame too?
omgggggg >:(
We need a T-shirt with a picture of a big oak tree with the phrase: “Brace yourselves, angry red pecker coming your way”
Oh no!
I want a T-shirt with the words ”A little girl’s orgasm sounds HOT”.
Then we should wear it and parade the streets of fucking Arizona.And when people stop us or try to lynch us then go ahead and ask them ”Do you think Jodi Arias is guilty?” .
You know their answer!
And that’s when we get to say ”I guess you wouldnt kill the bastard whose words these are!! ”
Omg Now that was very sick….but very good.
NANCY DISGRACE, JANE VELEZ, would love that!!!!!! Their mouths are big enough!!!!
As utterly repugnant as that slogan is, it also admits a prerequisite instigation…
They must be morons to conveniently overlook that one…
The way TA family is trying to make money off this, wonder if they were the ones selling them??
OOO I want one! I want one!
HLN is crying cause their meal ticket is all most gone.
I have been praying for just one person …I think it might happen..
I will be the first to shout a big FUCK YOU JM..FUCK YOU TA’S family..
Besides the jury gets to go home never to return….
Don’t worry cindy, they are going to get a new meal ticket with George Zimmerman.
It really frightens me.. I haven’t even thought of it yet..I think I’m. done for a bit and will continue to support Jodi…..untill she is free.
Nah, they will segue into OJ and Trayvon Land.
First juan says “2 mins is too short time” during the trial,, Now it’s “2mins is a long long time” during this phase of the trial, so which is it Juan? Juan uses things to his advantage when it is in his favor to do so. Did the jury pick up on this? This jury is brain dead anyway, so I doubt it.
I was thinking exact same thing. Didn’t he say it wasn’t long enough for her to run to the closet and get the gun, shoot and stab him? But in court it was long enough to cause him soooo much suffering.
I was like . huh?? when the clock came into it . . what kinda clown . . oh nm, it’s jm who will gloat he won a dp with a clock . . apparently the judge allowed it being set up but that doesn’t mean it’s acceptable . was it numbered into evidence? bizaar stuff
Jennifer looked like she was going to object! That would have been amazing!
judge over ruled the defense into submission . . pretty much like why object
I think the issue is that JM thought it was too short a time period if it wasn’t planned and she didn’t have the weapons on her. If you look at it that way, he didn’t actually contradict himself, but lawyers ALWAYS twist words. That is what they are paid to do.
In a way if I’m Jodi I want to die. In another way though I want to stay alive just to piss off the people who want me dead so bad.
So if Jodi gets death, they put her back on suicide watch. In other words don’t kill yourself, we want to kill you.
I wouldn’t want to be in prison forever. Would any of you?
Yes it makes no sense to me. Truly is backwards. She says she would rather die then spend a long healthy life in prison. That to me sounds sane and logical.
The state however says you are suicide risk and we can’t have you killing yourself, you must be mentally ill.
So instead, lets spend millions of tax dollars on satisfying some gross blood lust from the sponge family, and barbarians who watch HLN. I bet they wish they showed public executions 24 hours a day. AND this is considered “normal thinking”, and even try to convince themselves that it is righteous They are the premeditated murders.
Beyond angry and frustrated today.
I know the State says we need to put you on suicide watch so you won’t kill yourself……because they want to kill her themselves HELLO that makes no sense!!
There was a guy not too long ago in GA that was on death watch and they gave him a razor to clean himself up for his execution and he proceeded to take matters into his own hands and they took him to the hospital and saved his life in order to kill him a few days later. THIS is what’s wrong with our country and I honestly don’t understand it AT ALL!
I’m with you Mel and UKJodifan. It makes ZERO sense. It pisses me off too. Why does a supposedly civilized country even have a death penalty? Why are so many people so excited to put people to death? I know that some of those that have been executed deserved it but I’d bet more have not deserved it than have.
I used to be totally for the DP. I don’t even know who I was back then. The older I get the more liberal I am.
Yup! And people say the Romans were barbaric when they would persecute people wrongly, then put people to their deaths in the colliseum. Well hate to be the ones to tell you, HLN are the persecutors and the U.S.are the new Romans ugh! Makes me sick!!!!!
NO Joe…i’d be thinking ….i got to get to heaven ASAP
That’s a toughy, Joe. I think I could handle 10-20 under normal prison circumstances like having a roommate, job, taking courses, etc. Not that it would be a walk in the park, but enough distraction to be tolerable? But LWOP in 23 hr lock down? I wouldn’t make it.
With LWOP, she would be in general population. Only would be in solitary with DP.
Nope! Iv said it before. For Jodi, I respect her wish and if she truly rather have the DP, then God let it be. I understand her because I would also prefer the DP over being locked up like an animal, thinking about these motherfuckers and how wrong the legal system played me everyday for a very long time.
But knowing how evil they have bern to her, and knowing what she wants, they might just come back with the opposite to make her suffer!
I also don’t get it! WHY put her on suicide watch?!! Are they going to place her on watch until THEY decided to do it???? They want the pleasure if doing it themselves, is that it?! AMAZING! !!
I’d rather be dead than spend life in prison LC. I agree with Jodi when she said death is the ultimate freedom.
No more bullshit. No more hatred.
Mel no I wouldn’t and I really don’t have that many years left. I do understand what Jodi is thinking and if she does decide to take the DP…then we all have to search our hearts to understand.
I personally do not think it is going to happen. I have a gut feeling that they had a trade off for murder 11
I think if she gets DP, she will fight it. She is still making plans, which indicates she wants to live.
so there I was on the other thread talking to myself…..
♥ that happens to me all the time, Sil….
lol! <3
Haaahaaaaa I did it too earlier!
LOL. I needed that laugh Sil. I’ve done that more times than I can count now.
Reposting my comment on other thread—
I have not been able to watch this yet guys but have read all your commentary. This whole farce sickens me and there is a special place in hell for every LIAR in this scenario—JM, Horn, Flores, Travis’s siblings who didn’t give two shits about him until he was dead with dollar signs in their eyes, all the fools who spout off for money on HLN. They will be wit their buddy in the hot place. The real judge of us all notes EVERYTHING.
Jury taking a break???
These people that are hanging around the court house during the entire day make me sick! Looks like they have nothing to do at all, they don’t work, they don’t study… They have nothing to do except dancing, screaming and being extremely happy if the young and pretty woman gets DP. All I want to tell them is: “Hey lynch mob, forget about Jodi, go get life!”
I would settle with them destroying themselves. The gene pool of life should be self chlorinating.
Thats the TRUE meaning of a LOSER!
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
The jurors that left could have stepped out for a smoke. Not sure yet. #JodiArias
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
Some of the jurors just walked out to the elevators. #JodiArias
Thinking about visiting my uncle in Tucson —but may stop by the weasel’s place to shove his lying ass into a barrel and dump in the desert along the way! Also, if anyone in Team JODI want’s to cuss but doesn’t have the vent page password—myself included—- let me know and I’ll cuss for you! GO TEAM JODI!!!!!! WE HAVE JUST BEGUN TO FIGHT!!!!!!! prayers — and :)’s— always for our JODI!!!!!!!
LOL Duke OK &thanks
No problem—-anything for the team 🙂
Well the “GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA” is up (what a joke). Anyway, does that mean its about to start back up?
I think it’s been up all along during deliberations.
The haterz are eating their own at the court house now.
4 real lilly…so FUNNY
Beth Karas @BethKaras 13m
Four jurors just left on a break, escorted by a deputy. #jodiarias
She tweeted this
Watching the O.J. hearing, and let me tell you, what a contrast that state’s lawyer is to Juan Martinez. He is respectful even of O.J., who is testifying right now.
JM is a disgrace to the legal profession.
And so is that fucking Judge, tonysam.
So true!! Where are u guys watching it from? Tmz?
I’m watching it on the wptv livestream
Will you kindly go rotate on a cactus? Or go check out some 12-year-olds…they’re so hot, ya know! The girl you had on your lap looks your type.
Bunny, that was directed at ebugsy the pedophile troll.
What r u talking about? I’ve been on here for months. Go read my posts.
The O.J. hearing I watched on NBC.
He is done testifying on his behalf and stopped about 3 o’clock Vegas time.
Juan is a complete ass. I would love to go toe to toe with that mother F&$(;Er.
Jodi’s in the basement waiting again. 🙁
No delay time once the decision is reached, straight to the courtroom
hi imma newbie poster but have been reading for a while. can you believe trancy disgrace has on her twitter “countdown to execution?” !!! and ole jane vele-bigmouth wouldn’t kill a rabid possum, but hell let’s give it to an abused woman….sick!
Beth Karas @BethKaras 1m
Four male jurors just returned from a break. #jodiarias
Can I ask a stupid question? Why do trials take so long to take place? This happened in 2008.
Pretty sure the defense was the one stringing this out.
Remember all defendants have a right to a “speedy trial” unless they waive that right.
There were a whole string of public defenders that asked to be released from the case. I forget how many, and it wasn’t until 2 yrs ago that they got all the text messages. etc. JM was trying to hide evidence from the defence.
The short version is that there were various problems with Jodi’s defense council; she was assigned court appointed defense instead of hiring a private lawyer. Trial was supposed to start in Aug 2010 but Nurmi wanted off to start his private practice. He ended up staying, obviously, but Wilmott joined after.
I read that it was mainly due to JM having other capital cases in which he was putting together lies to murder other people (with the state’s permission, of course).
Ok guys I predict it will be within the next 15 minutes. Smokers always want to take a quick puff before facing a conflict
This trial has been a disaster. The jury watched it on HLN, no one can convince me otherwise, and they sat and watched Travis’s families crocodile tears and long faces right beside them..How much more of an unfair trial can there be?
I agree. Total train wreck. I can’t believe this is being watched by the world and there is nothing anyone can do about it.
i’m also thinking this jury has watched HLN every single day and when they saw her want death…..THAT is why they are NOW hung up…..they can’t decide what to do…..do we give her what she wants or what we want? and they probably know about all the appeals she will be allowed. SO if they don’t want her to have any second chances maybe they’ll come back w/no aggravating factors to piss her off. then pickles (lol) will give her LWOP. oh….ta’s ”family” i notice during trial they acted so mad when cameras were on them, now they act mad when the cameras are not on them….did you see them searching for the cameras when the verdict was read? phony ass ppl.
There’s actually one guy on HLN I actually somewhat like and I don’t know his name. He’s an African American man on a set w a couch with a blonde lady who was a defense lawyer I think. I don’t think he’s as biased. He also tends to explain what they are doing in court and laws simply so I can follow what’s going on better. He’s on now if anyone is watching. He also has a nice voice.
His name is Ryan or Brian
Don’t be fooled by him he’s also on the Turd Alliance train.
my fav pic of t-balls is the one w/the green face!
OK if Jodi gets LWOP She won’t be locked up 23 hours will she? I though that was only for DP…Anyone?
you are correct, that is death row where you are locked in your cell 23 hours a day.
Can she get our mail?
Thank you.
Here we go guys
Beth Karas @BethKaras 36s
Verdict. #jodiarias
oh god….dreading this….
Verdict reached apparently
here we go…….
WE have a verdict!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They have reached a verdict..Keeping my hopes that they find it not proven. She cannot get the death penalty.
Verdict reached. Poor Jodi suffering so much there today. I just turned the sound up
Holding my breath!
right Ann verdict reached
We always get verdicts right after I eat dinner and I feel like throwing it up. I blame JM
My stomach is in knots. I can’t stand it. I know they are going to slam her WTH the DP. Fuckers.
I agree. This jury drank the HLN Kool Aid.
Way too fast.
God my adrenal glands are aching.
i already know what is going to be said. doesnt change the fact that it makes me sick they even have the opportunity to do this. i hope they appeal the verdict. that’s what i pray for
I don’t know what is worse. It going back to the jury or it going to Judge Empty Head
Hi All
a brief visit
a long post 🙁
TA attacked Jodi; as he had done when he previously rendered her unconscious, or killed her, with a blood choke across her carotid artery; these and other violent acts and language towards her was part of his accelerating pattern of behavior towards her; she trembled at his wrath when she displeased him
TA attacked her; she killed him in self defense
arizona’s law of self defense
13-404 Justification; self-defense
13-405 Justification; use of deadly physical force
13-405. Justification; use of deadly physical force
A. A person is justified in threatening or using deadly physical force against another:
1. If such person would be justified in threatening or using physical force against the
other under section 13-404, and
2. When and to the degree a reasonable person would believe that deadly physical force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the other’s use or attempted use of unlawful deadly physical force.
B. A person has no duty to retreat before threatening or using deadly physical force pursuant to this section if the person is in a place where the person may legally be and is not engaged in an unlawful act.
1. a man A is attacked by another man B
A fears for his life
A defends himself as set out in 13-405
can A use a knife to defend himself and in so doing cut B’s throat ?
2. a woman X is attacked by a man Y, and X similarly fears for her life
can X use a knife to defend herself, and in so doing cut Y’s throat ?
the jury said NO !
a soldier P in a war zone is attacked by one of the enemy Q
P knows Q will try to kill him
can P use a knife, and slit Q’s throat ?
would it make a difference whether the soldier P, was male or female ?
the mormons have a reprehensible record of criminality, sanctified within the secretive,
and deceitful hypocrisy within their cult
mormonism is a vile theocratic enclave within a constitutional federal democratic nation
i am told that detective flores is a mormon within the maricopa police, is a brady cop, ie
who withheld evidence
also someone said martinez the prosecutor is a mormon
the judge, and the governor, jump to the orders of the mormons
while the jury was “deliberating”, the governor, a mormon bootlicker, informed the jury that jodi was guilty
clearcut jury tampering in case they were unclear as to their orders, or wavering in the directive to convict
2. When and to the degree a reasonable person would believe that deadly physical force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the other’s use or attempted use of unlawful deadly physical force.
Great post Wes . . there it all is . . filling in the blanks with filling stations should not be the diversions .. and the “phase” chit is a cop out claim to say “fair”.
You are absolutely correct. This entire trial and verdict has been bought and paid for and or threatened for by the Mormons. This is their MO and is no different than it has been through out the history of the Cult. Jodi has been set up !!!!
We are all here for you angel Jodi,no matter what.
((((((((((((((((Group Hug))))))))))))))))))))))))
Very quick. Too quick. I feel sick
it’s ok anna, hang in there.
DP’s have high rate’s of being thrown out in AZ.
I have spare unused barf bags if you’d like me to pass one over 🙁
Hey Jodi, Nice Shot
I’m keeping my hopes up , but I got to say this jury is so biased that nothing will shock me.
Just remember guys we keep moving forward no matter what the jury’s verdict is.
(((((((((((((((((((((hugs everyone))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
(((Hugs))) Janeen & Renee!!
Jury in?
HLN clock stopped at 1:33:06.
Vinnie Politan was correct when he said he thought verdict would come in an hour or two.
“Vinnie Politan was correct when he said he thought verdict would come in an hour or two”
JM probably gave him the Jodi death schedule in advance.
We love you, Jodi!! <3
Looks like you called this one Ann.
((((((((((((((Jodi and Team Jodi)))))))))))))))
Thanks everyone for sticking around and supporting Jodi. <3
I will always support jodie SJ I know she has been the victim of domestic violence and had to defend herself us folks who have and are going through it know when and what others are for real and jodi is one of them on my babies life xx
Verdict has been reached. Just waiting for the actual verdict.
I am so afraid for Jodi, but will keep my hopes up.
Hey, Maria – THANK YOU for finding me on facebook!
I just happened to walk in the house after futzing around with my brand new lawnmower I unpacked from box and checked my phone to see what time it was, and saw I had message from facebook, then was futzing to answer you, and then got message that VERDICT is IN, which I WOULD have MISSED, if I hadn’t heard from you, because I would instead have went back outside to try to mow the lawn instead of still futzing with my phone.
(((((((((Hey Sable)))))
Telepathy,LOL! Isnt it nice that Jodi has brought us all together? <3
Most assuredly, my Greek friend! Jodi is rather Christ-like in that regard.
I just had a thought. What if Jodi gets the DP and does NOT want to appeal anything? 🙁
Jesus Christ – this ahole on HLN just said Jodi has left victims all over the place? For real? I think she has SAVED people from being victims!
We’re here for the long haul – and we will ultimately get JUSTICE FOR JODI!
I’m hoping that the juror that seemed conflicted during the guilt phase stays strong this time and refuses to agree with the cruel and heinous allegation.
maybe Vinny & RYAN will have nightmares about Jodi….since they enjoyed her demise & made so much money off Jodi’s SORROW
Yeah, HLNs coverage has been disgusting..
You know what? I hope they do. I hope Drew Pinsky lays awake every night thinking about his own role in the mess they made of this trial too.
She gets the DP it will be harder to appeal this verdict. She gets life she could get a new trial based on the circus that revolved around her trial. Her constitutional rights were violated by the media in this case.
No, just the opposite! DP the state pays for her appeal
If she were to get the DP, she can waive her appeals. That has happened in the past with people convicted to DP. There would have to be a hearing where Jodi would prove she was competent, and did indeed want to die, in which case there would be no appeal. I hope it doesn’t come to that…and Jodi has said she would rather die. But that was right after the verdict, and who knows if she still feels that way. It is up to her, but I hope she doesn’t mean it.
Poor Jodi…..the jury coming back with a decision this fast bodes evil for Jodi. Sorry Jodi has been so persecuted by the herd. She should not receive the death penalty for this and anyone with half a brain knows it. There are just too many blood thirsty sheeple living on this planet…..I’m waiting for the great cleansing that is overdue!!
Moderators- Hey, I just posted a message (for Maria) and I had transposed couple of the #’s in my email address, but it WAS really from “me”, so I hope you can still post it. Thanks in advance.
Here it is!!
We’re on!
yep i knew it
; (
My thoughts also Anna.:-(
The jury in their decisions have said it’s okay to RAPE, CHOKE, SPEAK OF 12YR OLD LITTLE GIRLS IN A VILE EVIL SEXUAL WAY, HAS A SEXUAL PERVERSION TOWARDS LITTLE BOYS and the list goes on & on! This guy lived a double life but it seems no one gives a rats ass! Soon as anyone talks about his double life every1 screems they are victmizing the victim-SHUT THE FUCK UP!! That was/is her defense I hate to say this but I think the DF Team was way over their heads and even after having 5 years to prepare! JM got away with murder!
Here we go. Asshole jury
Bloody Hands 2 all of them
I hate this shit!!
I’m very saddened right now..but can’t say I’m shocked. How can this jury sleep at night?
They don’t, they are probadly watching HLN…..You can’t tell me that they haven’t seen, heard or commented on this trial. They!!!!!!! are the liars!!!!! Somebody.put some tape over Nancy Disgrace’s mouth, in fact a paperbag would be better, that way we don’t have to look at that nasty face. Jane too
ok…fine…bring on the appeals
Proven!!! As if those braindead jurors could vote any other way!!
Automatic appeal
These jurors make no sense. They treating it like she was interrogating bin laden.
But the guy who chopped off the other guys head gets Murder 2 and 14 years. Justice!
The ONLY reason why this case has gone the way it’s gone is because of the bloodthirsty media and bitches like NG. Had the media never latched on to this case and had it not gone national the way it did, they would have taken her plea and got on with business as usual.
Bin Laden would have gotten a fair trial … GUARANTEED! If he didn’t there would be so many groups speaking up about it … will there be groups ….. other than this one speaking up in Jodi’s behalf!?!?
These jurors should be ashamed!
I’m not at all shocked but I do wonder how they sleep at night!
Isn’t THAT the TRUTH, Mel! Augh!!!!
This is revolting (i.e. their ridiculously biased verdict on aggravation) but at least now that creepy state of AZ can foot the bill for her direct appeal and the appeal may happen SOONER instead of later.
At least I hope that silver lining exists….
lets see tonight when fag ass juror number 8 runs his mouth
STFU trancy
Of course! !!!!! ASSHOLES!!!! FUCK THEM ALL!!!!
But you know what, if sye gets the DP, she’ll automatically get that appeal ON THE STATE right?!
Yes, the state will have to pony up the cash to fund her automatic appeals if they give her the DP.
How does a lawyer get chosen for an appeal .. will JW remain or will there be new lawyers?
AZ is famous for spending our money on BS. Numerous trips in recent years to get bitch slapped by the Appeals Court of the Supremes, leaves the idiots in charge unchanged in their search to be the biggest asshole state in the country.
or the Supremes
Oh God… 🙁
Please remember..we knew this was coming.
I’m still crying though…
Crying for Jodi who took the blow with dignity.
(((((((((Hugs to both of you)))))))))))
((((maria))) She sure did. They can hate her all they want, but all these assholes deep down wish they had the poise, dignity and grace she has in just one little finger. Jodi makes me so proud. For being a woman, for being a survivor and for being such a strong mujer latina.
I am so proud of her in the way she kept her poise….very proud of her. You wait and see, I/m watching that ugly Jane, she is so disgusting, the shit that comes out of her mouth is just that, to think they get paid for all the bashing and bullying. And that fat porker w/the blue shirt, that’s on now, he needs to shut the f up. I am so angry at all of them, by them you all know who I mean. I will always stand up for her Jodi. Does anyone know if she reads our comments?
yo también hablo español pero ahora es demasiado tarde para mi,ya son las 3 de la mañana,me voy a noniar.Los quiero mucho.Nos vemos mañana!!!
un dia de estos tenemos que platicar mas a gusto. Que descanses querida. Mañana sera otro dia que tenemos que sobrevivir. 🙁
Un besote y un abrazote tambien!!
Te quiero mucho!! <3
jajaja! yo no pude poner todos los acentos!
Thank you, MB. Shit…I feel numb, disappointed, scared and I’m worried about her. 🙁
I did know this was coming. But I had that small moment of hope.
me too.
I expected this, but it doesn’t make it any easier.
I am absolutely fucking speechless!! I really was hoping this shit would be over! Now we’ve got to listen to the Alexander’s….
That, I will not be listening too. Those white-trash idiots have performed enough in the courtroom.
you are so right. and they will be on all the shows, they will be reaping in the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. One of the sisters had mention that the siblings were all not that close, so what is the big deal? They just wanted to be on tv so people can feel sorry for them. Yep, you got it right, you hit the nail on the head, they are just white=trash. Life is not going to be ez for them. Karma does come around, so watch out HLN dimwits.
Not surprised but so angry.
I could hear in their voices when they came back with the M1 verdict that the jury were blood thirsty HLN viewers.
This really is a kangaroo court.
Is it DP? I can’t watch it live 🙁
Not yet, they will need to have the penalty phase next which will decide the Dp.
Thanks Lilly. It’s too stressful live..
Come back Proven it was extreme cruelty.
Jodi had no reaction; it was expected for her, I suppose?
Plus, she looks more medicated than ever.
I don’t know…Jodi is as tough as they come. After this trial and 16 days on the stand…Jodi is amazing. I don’t know how she can’t break down considering this jury seems so against her..
I agree, Linda. Everything she does, she just makes me love and admire her more. Same goes for her Mom.
I just want to hug her tightly. I don’t think she did it at all. How many admit to crimes they have never committed??? She is protecting her family. This was like some sort of mob hit and they threatened her with the killing of her family if she talked. She does NOT fit the typical killer and a cruel one at that.
Everyone in the U,S should be very afraid to even go out there front door anymore. You could be charged with a crime and be innocent and this could happen to you.
F#@K U Jury& court &HLN
I’m not shocked, but I am sad
chickenshit jury..tainted pure n simple
OK we kinda knew it could have have happen.
Extreme Cruelty has been proven so the DP is on the table.
Oh God! I can’t believe it. Hopefully, she will not be put to death. There is still one more phase to go.
I will pray for you tonight Jodi.
They’re going to give her the DP. If they wanted her to have life, they would have stopped now and let the judge sentence her to that.
At least she’ll get an auto-appeal. Fuck the simpletons on the jury. Fuck Martinez too.
I agree…..why extend this trial any longer if they were going to allow her to live….
I think you’re right. This is insane!!!
I don’t think the jury will give her the DP. They found her guilty. With that mindset, I don’t see how anyone could not find that it was extremely cruel. I just can’t see them giving her DP after sitting in that room with her all this time.
But even if they hadn’t found it cruel today, the judge would have handed down either a life sentence with no parole or a life sentence with parole after 25 years. Why take the extra step if they don’t want death?
This verdict is no surprise. Those people want Jodi dead so bad it has consumed them. I hope the jury can live with what they’ve done.
Love you Jodi.
The jury sound like they have convinced themselves they are doing the “right” thing.
They obviously want her to get the DP. They could have been done today if they just wanted her to get LWOP. The Judge has not made a secret that she loathes Jodi. She is obviously going to give her the harshest sentence.
Does the Judge have to avoid the news and social media? She must be watching HLN and know what would happen to her career if she did anything that looked slightly favourable to Jodi.
Why is there court again tomorrow if they voted for the DP?
They voted that the circumstances were cruel enough to warrant the death penalty.
no just that it was proven cruel, now tomorrow the jury decides on death or life in prison
I didn’t realize that. Thank you Stan!
I would not want to be one of those jurors . . they will find themselves in predicaments they are going to have to prove some day . . when they get boxed in with no way out like a rat in a maze with no open doors . . they will whine like lil bitches . . why me?
Karma and payback is a bitch for the jury, Juan and the haters.
ESP 4 HLN 7 everyhost
they just think ugly was all about Jodi . . now they get to experience real ugly.. if there’s a thimble full of conscience it better surface
So… DP? And still the ghouls of the A family get to speak? I’m speechless.
Okay, I read above what happened. yes… fucking hillbilly zombies amongst us.
look the same fat slobs are standing outside the courtroom. i didn’t know arizona was full of so many hillbilly white trash
im glad i’ll be at work when they are talking
Nasty Disgrace is sicker then I could every imagine. Soulless Bitch.
sooo TRUE
I have an idea about HLN. They’re owned by Turner. I love writing letters when I am happy about something. But, I hey why don’t we start a letter writing campaign to Turner about how horrible HLN is? If we send some classy and intelligent letters and flood their office they may ignore us or we may get some attention.
Turner Headquarters
Contact Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. at the following address:
One CNN Center
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Phone: 404-827-1700
I will do it. Thanks for the address.. (BTW I think the take written letters to heart more than emails and phone calls.) Also, I’m not sure of this but, I always thought Turner was a gentle kind of guy. I guess I’m wrong, huh?
Oh, honey! He is all about the money!! They aren’t changing anything unless ratings suffer:(
Turner did contribute a billion dollars to start the UN Foundation, and one of the UN goals is fighting to stop the DP worldwide. It’s not a good idea to find out how he would explain himself & his network on the DP at least.
Oops, typo… it is a good idea!
so HLN is how he saves face to some groups pro death penalty.
Danielle…please read this link…
Oh gross me out! At least if we write to turner we’ll be going over his head. But thank you for the article bc I can address the issue of ratings and other issues that he thinks are good that aren’t in my letter. The only reason these shows have high ratings is bc the trial would still be on during the shows.
Thank you again for the article!
Oh my gosh this letter is great! This can be used against them. It’s almost like a present. I know nothing at all about the law but I am a good writer and “anything you say can and will be used against you” LOL. I can twist this around. Sadly though, the ratings are good.
I’m in. I’ll write and make phone calls.
Sadly, I think the only thing that will make a lasting difference is if their ratings start to drop. If the station keeps making money they are going to continue doing what they are doing.
I agree, but will still write. But seriously – the LAW needs to step in and stop this raping of our judicial system! The media is NOT judge and jury!
I always do letters to politicians and businesses instead of emails or phone calls. I love writing to businesses when I get excellent service. I think people don’t get thanked enough. I also write to my PA politicians regularly and I’m annoying to them LOL. I write about equality for my Uncle who has passed away and every letter gets a picture of him.
We should make the letters personal and pick out a specific thing that was very offensive. I think they’ll be on my letter circuit. I write to some politicians about every 3 mths, maybe I’ll add Turner LOL.
I write to my politicians too Danielle.
One time I sent a postcard to my U.S. Senator with my father’s picture on the front and a message that had something to do with how the law would effect my father. I got a call from his Chief of Staff wanting to talk with me about the postcard that I sent.
I tell you a personal, handwritten letter can be very powerful and it’s more memorable. Also, it helps to keep the letters short and to the point.
I like to keep my letters to one page or a page and a half and I always use a little bit bigger font because I think it looks nicer. I will make the margins smaller to keep it on one page if I have to. If I can write a card I have a lot of note cards (I love stationary) but I am terrible at spelling! My handwriting is also so messy.
Thanks dear….did a cut&Paste Ted has been sending women a message w/ his channel…..don’t ever defend yourself w/me…or this will happen 2U
is cane lady pregnant with a schoolbus?
OMG I just almost spit on the computer the way I just laughed w water in my mouth!
I’m not surprised. This jury won’t be happy until they give her the death penalty. They probably love being on a high profile case and want to keep it going for as long as they can. If this jury was actually interested in weighing the evidence they would have never come back with a M1 conviction.
Jodi will have more options with a death penalty sentence. I kind of like the thought of the state having to pay for a conviction that will most probably be overturned on appeal.
You bet —they are allready preparing their book I bet.
what happens at the penalty phase???
They will mitigate factors to keep Jodi from the DP, such as if she had a hard childhood etc..Then the family can deliver impact statements.
Victims family gets to speak, Jodi as well as her family gets to speak. Prosecutor explains why she deserves to die and defense discusses why she should not
Another mini trial. Both side get to put on witness.
The defense will show mitigating factors, reasons to spare Jodi’s life. Witnesses can take the stand on her behalf to plead for her too. (family, etc) Also at this time, the victim impact statements will be read. This will be both the state and the defense arguing about life and death. The jury will have to decide on the sentence after hearing all of that.
I don’t know about anyone else but it really bothers me that Travis’s family and friends have used this trial for their 15 mins of fame and sympathy. This really bothers me.
And the have milked it for all it’s worth. That’s what Mormons do.
Hells Yeah it bothers me! They will rot in hell with their soul-less selves. They are evil and praying for somebody’s death WILL come back to them as karma tends to do. But, doesn’t it say somewhere (in the Bible, i think?) that wishing someone’s death is evil? Cuz i think it is.
cindy they did more than wish it…they acted on getting Jodi put to death…no different than if they used their oown hands….they have Jodi’s Blood on their hands & God sees it
Travis is digging out of his grave now looking for a 12 y/o girl to give an orgasm to so he can hear it.
Sick fuck.
Karma is a bitch Alexander Siblings, Judge, Martinez, Detectives, ME, Tot Doc, Jury, HLN and all you haters out there.
So many gutless people in this world.
Thank God she will prevail on appeal.
It doesn’t change the fact that jury is a group of sick, cowardly fucks.
Well said. They disgust me.
I’m sure the performances tomorrow will be puke-worthy. “Travis, our beloved brother and friend…now where’s the money?”
Amen to that tonysam!!!
tonysam, you are my favourite poster on here and I thought you were gone. Glad to see you are still around =)
This joke of a trial should have been stopped when the jury came back with their nonsensical verdict. TAINTED!
Ok…so now. They found “proven” for especially cruel. This does NOT mean she gets the DP automatically. This is not good, BUT, it isn’t an automatic sentence of the DP. Tomorrow will be important, and even harder to watch, as her defense now will go into mitigating factors and pleading for her life. I still hope Jodi chooses to speak to the jury. It will be her last chance to talk.
I don’t know Anna??? I want to agree and I want Jodi to plead for her life but JM will have an opportunity to destroy “whatever” she says & make her look horrible. Maybe it’s best others go to bat for her. I wish her mom & sister would her help in this phase.
I dont want her on the stand. I dont believe it matters, This jury wants to be the jury that put Jodi Arias to death IMHO.
They are tainted.
Jodi spoke her heart out and only sickos want to listen to her beg for something…what??
I don’t think she should have to plea for her life in a self-defense case.
Why should she bother to talk when they didn’t listen to her before?
Just so they can gloat and make fun of her???
anna?? I don’t think she should say a damn word.
sooo true…
She took the stand to tell the TRUTH and noone cared to listen or even notice.Instead she got mocked by the jurors themselves ”Why should we believe you now?” Remember those questions??
I want her to sit there,silent and be the dignified person we all know she is.NO,I dont want to see her begging for her life.Which at this point I dont think she values,sadly.
I agree. At this point she has said all she can say to them and dispite all of the evidence they see her as a liar. There will be other to plead for her. She will only be mocked by the haters no matter what she says.
people will say whatever you puppet them to say, Jodi did not look shocked, why would she be shocked they already convicted her, why would anyone including Jodi think anything different would come out.
I’m just sick..I hope these assholes never get a good nights sleep again!
Me too pat! I hope TA shows up in they’re sleep!
and puts it in the ass!!!!!!!!!!!!
And violates them in their sleep from beyond the grave…
I for one know first hand that this bastard’s evil spirit has shown up in my sleep more than once! He is still an asshole down there!! I guess Hell doesnt make you better LOL!!
I agree. I couldn’t watch but just read here what we all knew was coming. I hope Jodi chooses to stay silent. No matter what she says they will call it all lies anyway. I pray that neither her family nor she speaks tomorrow to the jury. A fire needs fuel. Don’t feed it.
I hope he has Satan’s pitchfork up his ass on a daily basis. Let him see how it feels.
Amen!!! A bunch of fucking idiots working for a prick of a prosecutor…may they all get burrs up their asses the size of pine trees!!
Karma for the Turd Alliance is going to be a bitch! The Mormon “church” and HLN should all be held accountable for this absolutely ridiculous rendition of the judicial system of this country! And, don’t worry, I haven’t forgot the shit-wads——-JM, the “joke”–I mean “judge’, Doogie, EF, Tot-“doc” and the rest of the Turd Alliance—–all of who have made the American judicial system look worse than the Italian judicial system! All of Maricopa Co and AZ should be ashamed
those “JURORS” have had their minds made up for a long time. They are on a mission to kill Jodi. All of these “Phases” are a waste of time. They are not being fair or doing their civic duty. This is a sham , a disgusting farce. Jodi knows they are biased and out to get her. She did not look surprised at all. The jurors sounded gleeful to say “YES” I agree. UUG! I am sickened.
Yea Jessie, I agree. I think they’ve had their minds made up way before Nurmi gave his closing argument. And now Jodi knows it too. She wasn’t surprised, noone was. They willcome back with the DP but thats what Jodi wants. If they do, will she get that appael on the state? If so, it might be the best thing. Im still sad though!
They sure did. I think Nurmi and Wilmott thought some amount of fairness would be there and I felt like they were as surprised as I was with the outrageous verdict. This is a farce and the only way to get justice is to get the fuck out of AZ and then put the yellow tape around their courthouse and arrest them all!
exactly, the only way she can get out of this is to somehow get a new trial with new, fair and unbiased jurors, and the only way that will happen is if it is out of Arizona! I am still sad, even though I knew this would happen. I am glad to have you guys to talk with! Love ya, Jessie
LC those jurors “minds” were made up before the opening statements—-due to the TA, JM and his cronies, and the Mormon Mafia having told them what to do from the very beginning!
I served on three juries (just my luck to get picked!). In two of the three, the other jurors had already made up their minds when we got to the deliberation room. This disgusting aspect of human nature is never talked about by the media or the courts. Unfortunately, the most manipulative person on the jury is eventually elected the foreman. That person ends up controlling deliberations. I’m quite sure that Jodi’s jury made up their minds before they even got called to jury duty. If i were an attorney, I’d have argued before the trial started that the jury needed to be sequestered so that they would not fall prey to Nancy Grace and Dr Drew, both of them are covert women haters.
They sounded as gleeful and pompous as when M1 verdict was reached! Fuck them!!!
Maria, I thought they sounded exactly like that too. Same tone as callers into HLN.
i guess we all kind of expected this after the M1 verdict, but i am still so sad
Jodi was ready for what happened today. Today was kangaroo court and tomorrow there will be a circus! All the animals will be out and performing.
judge to jury: please remember to watch HLN non stop tonight k? wink wink
Tweets on wild about trial…..
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
#JodiArias actually looks pretty happy.
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Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
#JodiArias is talking to her DP mitigation specialist and Nurmi and Willmott still. No tears are seen.
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
We are recessing for today, court resumes tomorrow at 10:30am PDT. Thanks for following WAT.
”JodiArias actually looks pretty happy.”
wtf? They sound genuinely happy seeing this woman suffering.If Jodi wants the DP it’s because of the circus and torture she’s been through that makes her consider this alternative.Ever thought of that?Fuck’em!!
I know the jury reads everything related to this trial..so I’m hoping they read this site too. I want them to know that if they give her the DP…I hope they never sleep another minute of sleep due to knowing they are now murderers(premeditated). They claim jodi is guilty of 1st degree, but forget about what it makes them.I hate to even think about this but her death certificate would say “Homicide” as the cause of death. I hope they remember that before handing down a DP verdict tomorrow.
Lilly, will it really say, “Homicide” wow I didn’t know that!
Yes, anyone who dies from being put to death by the state has a death certificate that says “homicide” as cause of death.
Meant to add that it might have changed, but it was at one time called a “homicide” because it was premeditated murder of another person. As far as I know it is the same.
Hey jurors?
You sentence Jodi to death, then you’re murderers, just as you believe she is.
Live with that.
UNFUCKING BELIEVABLE !!! Those jurors are more stupid than I though, or this is just ROTTEN to the core !!! This can’t be real, please don’t tell me that out of 12 idiots, at least one didn’t think like us. I SMELL A ROT !!!
There were 18 effing IDIOTS from the get go!!
SJ and admin….im no pedo hugger, please add me to team jodi!
Can the Supreme Court order an investigation into the Maricopa County judicial system ——specifically hose involved in the prosecution of JODI?
I don’t know but I feel like someone has to see that all sorts of things were done wrong here.
Totally distraught. Far too fast. Praying for Jodi and her family. Could one of the admins email me?
It might be faster if you email them. It is on the contact page.
Thank you BeeCee. To upset to think right!
Hey Mel, Don’t worry, the fight has just begun and JODI shall be victorious and vindicated in the end! JM and the rest of Satan’s spawn are going down permanently!
BeeCee its been another long heartbreaking. day…You stuck around…also
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 10m
#JodiArias actually looks pretty happy.
Wild About Trial Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 11m
#JodiArias is talking to her DP mitigation specialist and Nurmi and Willmott still. No tears are seen.
I’m glad she showed no emotion…to me it just shows she knows they are not impartial and are totally undeserving of a response from her-fuck the jurors!!
Im glad she showed no emotions either. Thats what they want to see! Fuck them! And when everything is done and over, IF she goes back on FOX, she SHOULDN’T apologize! If they ask her, “do you have a msg for TA family or Juan Martinez? ” She should really say what she feels and send them to HELL on national TV! Give em a reason to keep hating!!!!!
She showed no emotion whatsoever. True. But, just wait for the 3-breasted social-media harpies to see in Jodi’s face expressions like “seething” and ” smirking.” They WILL see that, because they have to try so hard to keep feeding their hatred.
If she cried they would accuse her of crying for herself–she can’t win with the media or the jury so fuck ’em
That’s right. There’s not a single reaction that she could have that wouldn’t be suspect, or that wouldn’t prove to people what they’ve already decided.
All I see is a human being in a hopeless situation.
She was crying for so long, she has no tears left, our poor little girl.
I’m willing to bet that Samatha, the Eye Roller, Alexander will go home tonight and practice all her fake crying motions in front of the mirror tonight. Boy, does she know how to turn on the BS when the cameras pan her way in the court.
We have to hear them talk tomorrow?
Oh please, do we really have to hear them talking tomorrow?
Yep. And I suggest that everyone fasten your seat belts because the TA sibilings are going to turn it up in high gear.
Just when I thought I couldnt be more disgusted!!
I hate them!!
I am getting sick already 🙁
How about Jodi, does she have to beg for her life to be speared?
This is so degrading to her 🙁
You know, the thing that gets to me is the fact they were not close to TA. If that is true, they are really playing this for all its worth to gain sympathy from the Jury. I have found this to be just way too over the top to be sincere. I am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it has become increasingly difficult.
Trust me,they arent worth it.Yep,not even the benefit of the doubt.They have proven ”beyond a reasonable doubt” they are all for money,revenge and blood.They cant even remember the person they are supposedly there to mourn.Fasten your seat belts,tomorrow they’re gonna turn on their FAKE FAKE FAKE waterwork!!
As soon as the trial is over, I bet they go on a media tour, do book deals, etc……with a big smile yelling “show us the money!!”
Sad, sad state of affairs we have witnessed with this trial.
Bystander: I thought I read somewhere that one or all of his siblings took control or posession of TA house after they finished with the so -called investigation! I’d like to know how fast they sold it? I think the lady of the family that lives there now said it was totally trashed when they moved in. These siblings didn’t even care enough to clean-up their brothers home. Just really weird like everything else about them is!
How do you murder someone WITHOUT being cruel????
Well right – the judge clarified this by saying that all premeditated murder has the element of cruelty.
They were supposed to rule on whether it was “especially cruel.” Apparently they say it is, but it’s bullshit because there are worse cases where the perp only gets life.
I honestly wonder if the jury actually understands the directions they are given. Do they go through any kind of aptitude testing first? I don’t mean to be rude, it’s just so bizarre to watch a group of adults insist that 2 + 2 = 7:€krn\£*{ in order to execute someone.
It’s nice to know what kind of education they all have and if they can explain how they reached the M! verdict. Either they are very uneducated and didn’t understand the explanation, or they were influenced by HLN.
Jester I think you are right. For DP cases they should give the jurors IQ tests.
Just make sure Janeen DeMarte doesn’t administer them.
LOL, lol !!
LOl tonysam !!
can you get an IQ score from a bunch of rotten turnips
Like I said before, doing math with a hamster.
Just look at Marjorie Orbin. That was worse, and she got life without parole. But her husband’s family INSISTED she not get death for the sake of her child.
I wonder if he has anything to do with her after all that.
Tonysam, what evidence did they have against Marjorie Orbin? I see she, too, is in AZ and based on that alone (and the gruesomeness of the crime) I think she is innocent. I’d like to read more.
Does a successful appeal mean a new trial or just different sentencing based on the first one?
It could end in either one, depending on what the appeal is on- if the appeal is that the case should not have been considered for the DP then it could result in a different sentence. But if they appeal on something like the ME lying, the jury being tainted, etc, then she could get a new trial. I think she has a great chance, if this jury gives her the DP, of it being changed to a lesser sentence down the road. A new trial? I don’t know, I think the state is not going to allow that no matter what Jodi’s lawyers can prove.
Calling any legal pros out there – I was wondering… from what I see there was NO evidence of premeditated murder. I did see hypotheticals, lies that were shown and bullying from the prosecutor. Well, can the fact that there was no evidence for pm be a reason to appeal?
Also, is there any way we can help prompt an investigation into the Maricopa County system? I suggested that all of us write to prosecutorialoversight dot org, but not sure if that would help.
The Dept of. Justice could investigate misconduct .
OH GODDDDDDDd! In a way I am glad that I missed it. I am sickened. I am also still angry and mad as hell!!!!!!!!!!! I want to DO something!!!!!!!! I want to get ahold of all of the people who could have protected and saved Jodi. This is just bullshit! This is the biggest bunch of bullshit that I have stepped in in a long long time. I want to DOOOOOOOO something!
Poor Jodi wow what a railroad just can’t get a break. Sick sob’s. I hope who ever posted that the DP will help with more appeals is right. . I just do not know. From the judge to Juan to the very afraid coward jury I hope they will never ever be able to sleep at night. FOREVER!
Team Jodi
Is Alyce L. Going to go on stand for the defense??
She might. I hope so !
The defense can call anyone they feel will help Jodi, family, friends, Dr’s, etc. I heard that they might use Alyce if it came to this phase, and maybe they will. They have to do whatever they can to convince the jury to spare her life. Jodi can speak directly to the jury too.
I really hope Jodi’s family makes a plea for her! The jury needs to see her as a daughter and sister. TA is going to be practically sainted through his siblings, friends, etc. I mean, please, they’ll probably have God call on a cell phone saying that TA is up in heaven polishing his halo. The jury bought into the prosecutions view of Jodi, but they need to see her through the eyes of people that love her.
Do you think Alyce will help her case? It feels like the jury dismissed her testimony completely.
I am feeling a sense of sadness that I have not felt up until now. The jury voted that the death penalty can be given, if the judge decides to give the death penalty that is. The talking heads have kept saying she shows no remorse. Well forgive me but, if someone was coming at me and I killed them I wouldn’t have any remorse at all. I would say fuck you, you shouldn’t have messed… but then I am me. I think the sadness I feel is because Jodi will not fight the death penalty if it is meted out to her. She won’t even want them to wait and make her suffer for years in jail. She will want them to get it over and done with.
If ever there was a time for people to come forward and stop this, it is NOW!!! If anyone has seen bruises or cuts on her from TA, they need to speak up NOW!! Fear of repercussions be damned! If you have knowledge and do not come forward, you have a hand in killing her and the blood will be on your head, make no mistake on that.
They arten’t going to do it and I hope they realize that theyyyyyyyy toooooo will have Jodi’s blood on their hands IF she is given the death penalty. APPEAL APPEAL APPEAL and fuck the clowns!
The jury found the aggravating factor to be proven, so the DP is an option. But it is the jury who will decide the DP or LWOP. The Judge would have given a sentence today only if the jury had said the aggravating factor was not proven. That is what will happen tomorrow, the jury will hear arguments on both sides regarding the DP., and then decide.
I think everyone connected to the State’s case, including the jury and the media, is going to milk this case all the way to the bank but sooner or later someone is going to f*ck up. The more this farce goes on the more confident I feel about a successful appeal.
If the jury sentences Jodi to the DP, by law, she will get an appeal. All DP sentences are automatically appealed. The bad thing is, she will go right from court to death row. It is not anything like the jail she has been living in, (not that the jail is nice) But on death row, appeals will be filed. It could take many many years, and usually does. The other thing is that Jodi has said she would rather die, so she could waive her right to appeal and say that yes, she wishes to die. I know she has said it already, but I just don’t know how she feels about it now. It’s all so sad and unbelievable.
The bad thing is, she will go right from court to death row.
Will it be the “Perryville Prison?
Likely where Wendi Andriano is:
Yes that’s it in Perryville
And she has been there for 9 yrs 🙁 If it takes that long for appeal, I am worried about Jodi 🙁
I can’t imagine spending day after day locked up in that little sell 🙁 So sad 🙁
I’ve gotta say, all you FUCKING TROLLS, if you are out there then you had best leave us the fuck alone. We are in NO mood for your bullshit! Go play with your 12y/os and little boys, and revel in your frucking lies. You sorry son of a bitches are part of the reason that this has happened.
Jumping in to say F**k you haters for using our names!!!!!
And F**K you for making fun of our (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))
At least WE are not completelty deprived of emotions,WE can actually feel sympathy and get to love another human being,WE can form friendly bonds with people online even if we have never met them in person because WE have a heart unlike you who are all about the BLOOD!!Shame on you,I hope you will be eternally punished for all your wrongdoings!! May guilt and remorse find you!
(Thanks Team Jodi for bearing with me,just needed to get it out of my system)
Not sure if anyone else posted this article but it seems to come from a level-headed person: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jay-sterling-silver/on-the-hearing-to-put-jod_b_3279913.html
I had to ask if I was safe yesterday, told that I was safe and dammit not but a little while later learned that NO none of us were safe. Stupid son of a bitches
Gotta say, IF I had known something that would have helped Jodi, I would have had the balls to come forward and hln and the rest of the fuckers could go blow themselves. I’d have fought to help someone who needed help. Then I would have hit the sorry bastards in the pocketbvook where they really would have hated it.
I would have, too. I would have cherished the chance to bring any and all liars to justice down. And I’m sure I would have found a lawyer who would have loved the notoriety of suing the bastards, too.
Dammit now gotta go cook. FUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU sorry bastards
Jodi did show remorse.
Weren’t those assholes WATCHING the trial they were commenting on?
She said that she wished it never happened, and if she could do it all over again that she wouldn’t go to his house at all.
HLN is full of nothing but liars.
and Haters….the HATE network.
liars and bullshit artists, oh and money grubbing son of a bitches to boot.
Speaking of Liars – it seemed that once the unjust verdict was in, the media took more free reign to outright lie. One woman on cnn said that Jodi crawled through the doggie door in the middle of the night to murder TA! Another woman on msnbc said, oh, there’s sooo much evidence like she stole the gun, she had the gas cans, there’s no way they can find her anything but guilty! WTF? She was never accused nor arrested for any fucking gun and if gas cans were evidence of premed murder then why the fuck are they still sold? They should be outlawed since they are used for premeditated murder! Oh yeah, and women should never dye their hair cuz, obviously they only do it so they can go commit crimes. Stupid, stupid, Idiocrasy that we live in.
Another letter writing question. So I love letters. I don’t know if this would do any good at all. But since this case was watched all over the world what if we wrote to the AZ government (Not sure exactly who but I can find out) and tell them what we think? We can try to embarrass them. First write to them then write to your own government and say thank God I’m here and not in AZ and when they all meet in the House of Reps or Senate they can all laugh at AZ.
I’m a letter writer too. I hate to be negative, but I will say that in this instance, even though they could get letters that show disgust with this trial, it will not change anything, nor would it phase them. My guess is that they would go right into the trash. The sad fact is, we are the minority, and the state and the people who tried this case, including the media, are likely getting thousands of support letters and thank yous.
I know but I still like to make trouble of myself. 🙂 I’m also writing to my Governor. I just I imagine it would be kind of funny if a bunch of Governors from other states got letters thanking them for their service law wise, bc I don’t agree w my governor usually, and then when they’re all together they can all giggle at AZ. That wouldn’t happen but it would rock if it did.
The Honorable Janice K. Brewer
Arizona Governor
Executive Tower
1700 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007
SJ this would have said it all
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jla0tNfM0P Music by Ray Charles and BB King a sinner prayer
I Will Survive – Alien Song bad day for my birthday and jodi day and the verdict was wrong the hole mess was wrong but we have hope that we will survive this and move on to the next phase of the court process ????? need to move the hell out of AZ to get justice that city sucks
if I have said or done something wrong take beam me down scotty
they need to abolish the DP like CA did.
OK. I saw a old interview of Travis sister SA. (cop). She was saying that first person she thought of when she heard about her brother was Jodi …Now where did that come from sense the only person Jodi mentioned was his grandmother.
I find it very odd that not one of them had ever been to his house. I would love to know how much contact they really had with one another. They sure don’t seem very loveing with one another. None of them hugged one another in the courtroom last week. I wounder who the younger one lives with.
I have always tried to not say negitive things about them but damn how they have been acting….
I just can not wrap my mind around any of this.
She lied on “48 Hours” or else it was cleverly edited to make it look like she knew Jodi when in fact she didn’t know her at all and were estranged from Travis.
It was another of the numerous falsehoods that were “reported” by Maureen Maher and her producers, and they weren’t just Jodi’s remarks which were made under extreme stress.
they only became ”close” when they saw $$$$ signs in their eyes.
is court over or do we here from travis family now the seal is up does any one know
Have you seen the name calling and hatred that is directed at Jodi. Come on Doe, seriously! I’d say the name calling on this site is pretty tame compared to that. And I’m 46 just in case you were wondering.
Yo doe say what you got to say to me motherfucker! If you can’t say anything positive on this site then go find that other piece of shit fury butt-munch—-and go fuck yourselves! You cowards!
Well said, Duke. Any handslappers can go fuck themselves. This isn’t fucking kindergarten; if you can’t handle cursing and name-calling, then go the fuck away.
Thanks Kira 🙂
And where the heck is Al when we need him? Oh ya he thinks he has a job….
he said earlier he was on a plane for bussiness
I know..LOL I’m sure we will hear from him tonight.
Not surprised by the verdict as stupid and fucked up as it was! I just wanna say I AM PROUD OF OUR GIRL, JODI!!! She didn’t even flinch at that verdict! I hope she was thinking “fuck all y’all, like I didn’t see this coming.”
Let’s just get this shit over with an move on to the appeal. Anyone actually still wondering what the jury will vote for? I’m not, these people are Kermit’s puppets. God forbid they use their own brain instead of HLN’s.
Speechless. They are all the scums of this earth, the witch burners of the middle ages. No evidence but brainwash, threat, corruption or all of the above.
Poor Jodi. There are no words for what has been done to you.
May Travis rot in hell, may all people who persecuted you rot for the rest of their lives.
Well said viri!!
Evidence?What evidence?Tese jurors never cared about any damn evidence! They knew what verdict they would come up with from the start!
Tears! Good God this is so unfair I am sick. I am a numbers girl but used to like watching trials but not this one. This is just crazy crazy crazy. So sad .
So is tomorrow the last day of the trial? I hope so.
not if juany has anything to do w/it….he’ll drag it out as long as he can….more pics etc
can someone get rid of doe????????
Done. Any more trolls and just put the word “troll” underneath their comment. Thanks!!
Doe is gone
There are some stupid motherfuckers in the world. Wait, I think most are located in Maricopa Co. That helps us a lot right there. It’s a shame some REAL people weren’t on that jury. This was a bunch of shit and I hope it’s overturned with a quickness.
I refuse to watch all the crying and wailing and acting
thank you we dont need this now
WHY do they have such inept police officers as Flores and an inept ME???????????
who is doe?
Nevermind, I saw that doe is done for lol stupid troll from hell
It is the final phase, the sentencing. it could last for days though.First will be victim impact statements, but Not only will the defense have the mitigating factors to show, with possible witnesses, including Jodi if she chooses to speak. Then the jury will have to deliberate again on whether or not to give the DP. I just don’t see this being over in one day.
Oh my gosh. If I was Jodi I would lose it. I’d just lose it. My Mom just pulled the covers over her head. I’ve got to find a movie for her to watch and pull her out of bed.
Awwww, thats how I feel but I would look a little odd at work with a blanket over my head right now 🙁
Info about death row:
Thanks but for me personally I just am not ready to face that yet.
I did it for the information value in case she does end up there.
I know please don’t take what I said wrong. It was nice that you put that out there for us to know.
I posted it below:
Relevant info:
All inmates are single cells which are equipped with a toilet, sink, bed and mattress. Each Death Row inmate has no contact with any other inmate. Out-of-cell time is limited to outdoor exercise in a secured area, two hours a day, three times a week, and a shower, three times a week. All meals are delivered by correction officers at the cell front. Limited non-contact visitation is available. Death Row inmates may place two ten minute telephone calls per week. Personal property is limited to hygiene items, two appliances,.
Pretty friggin’ bleak…
I hope that a lot of us write to Jodi. Maybe it will help her to pass the time to correspond with people and she won’t feel so lonely.
Yep, that’s my understanding of it. Only getting to bath 3 times a week would put me over the edge! I wonder if TV is one of the appliances?
My understanding is that TV and radio are the two commonly-chosen appliances.
does anyone else ever have the desire to stick an apple in jane v-bigmouths mouth?
How very f’d up- they are interviewing people who overheard Sandy after the verdict.
Give her space, and leave her alone- How DARE YOU invade her privacy is such a tragic moment!!!
Sandy Arias, you are in my prayers. As a mother, I can only imagine your pain right now. Stay strong, and know there are people who care for you too.
To the vultures- may you choke on your own vile carcass in HELL.
Was the jury mixed up and thought all the emails and texts full of hate were from her and all the nice ones trying to mitigate the situation were from him? Sure seems like it. They are assbackwards.
They aren’t mixed up about those they’re just pieces of shit just like the rest of the pro pros and his minions of hell
I believe they thought TA was justified since Jodi allowed herself to be abused. From what I see, that is the mindset of many folks in AZ. I once saw, a while ago on some news channel that there is a ‘war on women.’ It sounded so sensationalized. Now I see this, and I was just reading about other women doing life or death row for 1. A woman who was a victim of a home invasion, she shot one of the perps and she’s in jail (according to the pros she masterminded the whole thing…?) 2. A woman’s bf shot their two roomies. While in jail, a friend and fellow inmate of the bf forged a letter claiming it was this woman and falsely admitting she did it. She is doing life. The inmate later came out and admitted he forged the letter. All her appeals were denied! 3. Another woman doing life for defending herself from her husband – lifetime abuse on record. She still is doing life. And the list goes on.
At the same time, I think it is NO coincidence that there have been repeated and numerous documentaries out about the mormon religion. These are documenting the raping of children, the forced marriages, the men having as many women as they want (it is godly to them), young women being returned to abusive homes, yet no actions are taken against ANY of these men. They hide behind religion and secrecy. No accountability and everyone is turning a blind eye.
I’m beginning to believe the sensationalism, there IS a ‘war on women.’
Oh no the jury wasnt confused! They didnt get anything backwards! Don’t you know that all those emails and texts and phone calls and farts were all part of Jodi’s plan to kill asshat Travis??? And that she was planning to off that vile mother fucker since her birth? Nay, since her conception???? Shows how truly evil she is! My God – strike that- I meant my Joseph! she is Lucifer and now that we’ve dealt with her we can all wait for the second coming in the form of TA! Woo hee I LOFF being a Mormon! We gots good beliefs and they are all true! Heavy sarcasm intended
Jodi’s mom apparently said after this hearing : “I just want to tell Jodi I love her” Someone overheard her in the court room. It’s not over until its over. Jodi has an automatic appeal if she gets the DP. Keep that in your sights.
how come a troll can comment but my comments are still awaiting moderation? i AM TEAM JODI!
traviesballs –
Due to recent events, plus the results of today, we are not accepting new commenters just yet.
The trolls you see commenting had commented in the past and are just now showing their true colors.
Sorry if there’s any confusion, and we will assess your posts when we are accepting new commenters.
Thanks for understanding!
dang! thats ok.
Oh so they can read but have to hold all that deep emotional hatred inside!!! HAAAHAAA!
Damn skippy! LOL
LOVE it, haha, I have been writing to miss Joy on fb, the poem writer, who writes about Travis the gentle breeze that wafts into court, gag me, and I am so happy I dont have to hear from them here too! Its not my MY fb but ya know?
she is always writing on HLN page, I pop in there a time or two, I shouldnt, it gets my blood boiling but I have to make my opinion known sometimes
The gentle breeze that wafts into court and tries to figure out which spectators have 12 year olds at home.
Too bad the fucking gentle breeze of his decomposing body didn’t waft to his roommates’ nostrils for FIVE FUCKING DAYS! 🙄
Projectile vomiting here. Please do not give me anymore of those mental images of those travis do gooders imagining that fat lousy fucker wafting through the courtroom.
Wow, thank you for keeping us safe here!
No problem. 🙂
Good idea—lock the trolls out.
how do you kill someone ”sweetly?”
Well, i think I will only listen to defense team thurs- can’t stomach the “siblings” or any more Juan. I hope Jodi’s appeal is quick and all the bs pros pulled will come to light. My mom wryly stated that if the sexes were reversed the verdict would be manslaughter as “it’s a man’s world” sigh
I want to be understanding and think of how I would feel if a family member died even though I really don’t want to hear TAs family tomorrow. But if my family member died attacking someone else I don’t think I could be this hateful toward the person for defending themselves. God, I hope I wouldn’t be like that. I think it would test my faith. I pray that I wouldn’t be like that.
This is my first post on this site, however I’ve been reading it alot. I have been following Jodi since her arrest and have come to feel a very close connection with her. I also have been abused and it seems that Jodi and I share the same medical condition of Migraines.
My question is, not that I think her lawers are incompetent, but why didn’t they put up more of a fight today? Couldn’t they have called witnesses to say that Jodi was maybe in some kind of state of shock or mental anguish, or to say that she didn’t know what was going on when she was defending herself? I don’t know anything about this stuff.
Is anyone representing Jodi’s family? I don’t need a name, I’m just concerned for them and dont want anyone to take advantage of them. For instance, someone sticking up for their rights to visit Jodi. Talk to Jodi’s lawyers. Maybe someone to advise them on how they can help in the appeal process. Sometimes they like to have a different set of lawyers for family and defendent. Or if this civil case would fall on her family in anyway.
Also, not that any of you haven’t thought about this, but what the heck is up with (sorry I’m not up on what nicknames you guys use for them) The Alexander Family? Aren’t they supposed to be Mormons? Why are they so for “killing” Jodi. That goes aganist their beliefs beliefs right? I believe in the same faith and we don’t preach anything like that. In fact we teach forgiveness no matter the sin and to forgive even though it may seem like an impossible thing to think about doing. What they are doing and we actually have talked about this in bible study, is revenge.
Well I guess I should have posted before because I did have lots to say. I’m just really shy.
I wish some big deal lawyer was interested in this and would swoop in and take the case pro bono like they do in the movies
My husband tells me, that there HAS TO BE a hungry motivated lawyer watching that WILL want to make a name of him/herself that WILL take the case probono. Who knows, there’s a whole lot of people watching and not every lawyer is afraid of the hate mob.
Jose handled the mob and someone else with balls can toooooooo! Now we just gotta find that someone or that someone needs to find us. Where is AA, has anyone seen her?
Yes I’m wondering where she is too.
That’s what I keep thinking. Maybe this hero lawyer is just waiting for this next verdict to make their move.
LC — I agree with you 300%. As soon as the next and final phase is over, there will be some savvy and brilliant attorney who will become involved in the appeal of Jodi’s case. I watched this trial unfold intently every single day. I was impressed by the dignified and respectful demeanors of Jodi’s attorneys, compared to the smirking, mugging, arrogant, and egotistical style of the prosecutor and the detective who spent 4 months sitting next to him doing nothing except collecting a pay check courtesy of the tax payers. If it were someone of Dershowitz, little kermit JA would absolutely wipe thaty disgusting smile off his face printo if he came face to face with a real attorney. Let’s all hold our judgments for a while. This is a bump in the road – a dissapointing one. But somewhere, there’s an attorney who can see through JM’s sophistry, sarcasm, and vitriol and kick JM’s ass with the law.
Most of the big lawyers are men though, and they would readily take a case where the accused was a railroaded man. But a woman? after all the media turned it into a tabloid ‘sex’ case? I wish I could think of one.
It has to be a lawyer who isn’t afraid to get into the “ring” so to speak, someone willing to go toe to toe and not pull any punches …. Do What It Takes!
As far as the media goes, I hope that Geraldo will keep this story going. He abhors the DP and he is not afraid to say it.
I can’t and won’t listen to all the other bs. My puter is being very very slow and I didn’t even get to watch all of todays court. Like I said earlier I’m kinda glad on one hand because I couldn’t stomacn hearing much more.I was already just sick. I think we all knew what was coming. Now we just have to find a way to fight it. WE have to stick together and pull together. Someone said we need a PI and yessssssssssss we do. We need a bulldog who won’t sit back and take shit from anyone.
If Jodi wants to avoid the DP, she is going to have to change her tune when saying that she wants death earlier rather than later. That is not going to help her in this next phase.
I’m sooo sad right now.
don’t be sad Ron. This is just a bend in the road…we all knew what they were going to do anyway.
I don’t know if anyone has mentioned this, but did you notice that someone from hln mentioned two women jurorers crying? I wonder if it was the same two who were crying before the guilty was announced. We’re the men pressuring them to change their verdicts?
That doesn’t sound good!
I am sad but I am also mad as hell. I want to kick ass and take names. I just wish I could get my hands on some of those people!!!!!!!!!!! They are SICK!
Hey cj, ‘ll be right there with you!!!!!!
Pamela & JC,
With this jury, I would be more prone to think those tears aren’t for Jodi. NONE of these 12 are on her side or have any sympathy. I don’t want Jodi to say anything that could hurt her appeal. Just ride this out & save your breath to fight another day.
Probably, yes. I thought alike. They may not have been able to remember arguments from the defense and might have been belittled in the group. It happens so often.
I can hear it now…”Let us MEN handle this, you ladies shouldn’t be worrying your pretty little heads about making decisions.” Assholes, the lot of them.
I am SO glad Jodi showed no emotion.! WHY give them the satisfaction… she knew what was up, and how corrupt this entire thing is.
I hope it costs 5 million in appeals and she walks.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those bastards used tactics that should never be allowed in a case such as this. They didn’t offer evidence, they offered theories, stories and, hypotheticals. Pure and utter bullshit!
Thanks, Renee. I hope so too.
She probably is in a state beyond tears now. She looked like she had cried so much already. It’s devastating me to think of what has been done to her.
Right on Renee’!
And i think a good PI would be in order … i hope they do as well.
If I were in that position, I’d be like Aileen Wuornos and tell them all to fuck off.
To further that, and I quote, “May all your mothers, wives and daughters get raped in the ass! Fuck you!” -Aileen Wuornos
I’d tell them “May the weasel, Doogie EF, JVM, NG, HLN, and the rest of the TA crawl back into your fetid assholes and gnaw away your brains while you walk upon this earth and in hell!!!!”
Renne let’s go with 10 million. MF.
Have you seen Tonya?
I hope Jodi’s appeal lawyer talks to each of those jurors!
I can’t think straight anymore. How is Jodi able to take this? Death penalty … the jury basically said that she’s not worth living, that mankind will be better off without her … even is she were just in a small cell for 23 hours a day! Where is the harm in that? I mean, not for Jodi, of course it would hurt her, but those monsters do not care for her anyway. But when they pretend to do it for the rest of the population, there would be no harm in just keeping her alive, right? Though I don’t know if I would want to live like that, and it seems Jodi doesn’t want to, and she had a taste of life behind bars, so she would know … Maybe it really is better for her to die than to spend the rest of her life behind bars like a beautiful little bird in a cage that is not allowed to fly. She can be a little angel in heaven … I’ve given up all hope, the appeal could only change death into LWOP, they wouldn’t give her anything better, and both is horrific.
I can’t look at those phony ass sisters of TA’s anymore…..They keep contorting their faces trying to look like they’re crying…..They’ve had 5 years to get the crying out of their system….They are just too damn phony. I won’t be able to watch their phony testimony against Jodi all they are going to say is she has done such evil to them by killing their fucked up brother. I’m glad he’s dead and its too bad those sisters aren’t sharing eternity with him where they all belong.
I’m pretty sure they are doing it so the suckers will keep sending them money…for a brother they never knew…
Contorting their faces? Hell, I thought that was they normal look!!!!!
What a sad day for all!!!
I am not sure but I feel that Jodi is sure now what she wants and if she keeps contemplating
with the idea of DP, she will begin her journey of “freedom”. If she only met all her supporters,
boy, would she hug every1 here and hold on?
Nevertheless, hopefully not but if DP is read tmrw, we have to prepare too for this journey.
If we could turn the clock back, I wish she never met TA and then we would not have known her either.
Jodi has a spirit of love and passion. When she gave her heart, she meant forever, not for TA to toy with.
What a beautiful soul, you are, Jodi gal!
Please be well all.
From Tonysams’ link. The AZ death row environment, which begins for Jodi, real soon, IMO:
All inmates are single cells which are equipped with a toilet, sink, bed and mattress. Each Death Row inmate has no contact with any other inmate. Out-of-cell time is limited to outdoor exercise in a secured area, two hours a day, three times a week, and a shower, three times a week. All meals are delivered by correction officers at the cell front. Limited non-contact visitation is available. Death Row inmates may place two ten minute telephone calls per week. Personal property is limited to hygiene items, two appliances,.
Pretty friggin’ bleak…
oh my god. No pencil and paper, no books?
This is a nightmare. There’s no way she won’t get the DP.
She may get pencils and books. And she will have access to the prison library, asking staff to get her a book or something. Here is what she won’t have. She will never see a tree again. Or a river. Maybe not even a flower. Only the walls and the sky. She will never be touched flesh on flesh by anyone ever again. No grass. LOUD CRAZINESS 24/7. No hugs and kisses from anyone, not even her Mom.
And I bet you if you were to have all of the talking heads and screaming crowds psychoanalyzed and were able to elicit truth from them, I’ll bet they would say that this M1 verdict was REALLY given to Jodi because …. she lied. It’s that simple. Of course, we cannot have a society with killing and no prisons, but the fact that this case was WAY overcharged is because of Jodi’s lies. In their minds…. that’s enough to kill her.
This case is so far over-charged that it is mind boggling. She should have been found guilty of manslaughter, or even M2 and given a prison sentence. She is screwed by the DA about as much as I personally have seen. And since I was on a sequestered jury in 1981, I took an interest in trials in America. Addicted to watching them, actually, to some degree. Here’s the trial I was on. They executed the monster after he languished on death row for 26 years, killing two other inmates during his stay.
Jodi is NOT a DP type case. Period. She lied. That’s it and that along with the sex made it the perfect storm for NG, HLN, etc.. Blood sells. Sex sells. LYING sells. She lied. She’s gonna die. America is a scary place if you EVER become involved with law enforcement. It’s wrong. It’s evil and I think it is apparently here to stay.
That’s all right now.
I agree, Ed. I meant, pencils and books, until the appeals. It may take several years to get free.
I’ve already cried for Jodi, but this makes me want to cry even more. I can’t even imagine what that would be like. 🙁
Oh my gosh, I am so worried. If she gets DP: isolation during appeals, in a cell 23 hours a day, meals in her room etc. If she gets LWOP she’s in with some pretty scary people, any one of which might choose to make a name for themselves by taking her out.
Geez, I just don’t see any good path for her:(
Please don’t hate me for asking, but I think I have missed information about TA being estranged from his family. On HLN I see all these pictures of him doing karaoke and such with siblings, so I thought he was on good terms with them. I know his parents did drugs and the siblings became estranged from the parents and moved in with grandmother. That is where they became Mormons, I believe, and pretty much had a normal family life at that point. As adults, most don’t spend a ton of time with siblings unless they stay in the same town, but TA lived in AZ while family is in CA, right?
Can you please tell me where to read about him being estranged from family?
What do you mean siblings don’t spend time together? I don’t care how far away you live from family, if you care about them you manage to keep in contact and also find the time to see them!!
There are a lot of videos with him with his family, which is why I am asking about what I read here about them being estranged.
Hubby and I only talk to siblings every couple of weeks, one not at all, but aren’t estranged. Just don’t have much in common because of age differences 🙂
How many videos and how old are they? What year? Are they date/time stamped?
Seeing them as adults, didn’t notice time stamps if there were any.
Younger sibling may be a teen in video? I looked at it and thought maybe 2006
If they aren’t time stamped then I’m not sure what to make of it except a PR move on their part.
It’s in Flores’ report that at least two brothers had not been in contact with Travis since his move to AZ. I have a feeling that he and Tanisha clashed too, because she was in her drug-taking phase while Travis was trying to get her to return to the church (Hyporcrisy much?) She didn’t return until after his death.
Thanks Kira I knew it was somewhere.
I think it’s too convenient that HLN is just now running this video as if it presents what the Alexander family was like. They already know the jury is eating out of their hands, so they’re doing it to make sure Jodi gets the death penalty.
I have never seen such conniving, narcissistic, death eating sons of bastards in my life.
MB I think Steven was in the Army for a while. I saw that on one of the clips from years ago. . Not sire how much contact he really had with with Travis.
when the jurors start their interviews . . I bet one would start singing if they thought one of them got more money. They’ll cough up more “real” info to the right buyer when they find out they should have held out for more. Twisted but that seems to be the way things work. There is no integrity when their souls are for sale.
Today was a nonevent, in my view, except for being intensely painful for Jodi, and, on a far lower level, for all of us who watched it. Legally, today’s result was inevitable given the M1 verdict. If you reject self-defense, then of course the killing was extremely cruel — how could it not be? What’s wrong is the M1 verdict, not what logically follows from it. And if the DT seemed downcast today, maybe it was because they knew they were just going through the motions, on the way to real issues.
The penalty phase, by contrast, is important. With one reservation, I’m convinced, very reluctantly, that Jodi’s better off with a DP. A DP will generate intense permanent media interest, whereas after a sentence of life or LWOP, she’ll probably just fall off the public radar forever and rot in prison. A death sentence will also mobilize a lot of money for appeals, not just from AZ, but also from the many organizations opposed to capital punishment. What is needed is to overturn the M1 verdict — but the comprehensive review of the case and the trial that this will require seems much more likely to happen if a death sentence is imposed.
Also, I doubt that AZ will ever succeed in executing Jodi, or even that any AZ governor will really want to do so, for fear of the torrent of criticism it might evoke. It’s actually very hard, I believe, to execute people who have appellate lawyers working for them. Consider, for example, radical cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal. He’s been on death row in Pennsylvania for decades, but is flourishing as an international celebrity, with a street in France named for him, and he reportedly even gives college lectures by telephone from prison.
My reservation, of course, is my fear that Jodi, impulsively or out of depression or an excessive sense of guilt, will waive all appeals of a DP and accept execution. That is the nightmare scenario. To prevent it, if a death sentence is given, everyone who writes to her should plead with her NOT to waive any available appeal ever.
Tomorrow or the next day, I will post my list of 5 or 6 huge defects in the trial and verdict, which I hope to use to convince some leading criminal lawyer such as Alan Dershowitz to help with appeals. I hope that any of you on this site with legal knowledge will offer any suggestions you have to improve my list. Obviously, there are dozens of justified complaints about the trial. What I want is to select and describe the 5 or 6 worst in a letter short enough that people will actually read it.
I expect many high-profile organizations will take on her case.
Fine post!!
Yay Chris! I was wondering where you were. I will write a postcard now.
I can’t wait to see that, Chris! You go!
Clever . . keeping it to 5 or 6 attention getters that demand study of the case.
Thank you, chris from the bottom of my heart.
Chris, here are several points I summarized on a comment on a New-York Times Sunday review by Frank Bruni who referred to the Arias case as a case where sexism is involved against a what he called ‘muderess,’ and mentioned the Amanda Knox case too in his op ed article.
I am surprised that no journalist was ever assigned to report on the Jodi Arias case. This is not only a case of a young woman accused of murder, and viewed through the lenses of sexism by the media and the public. It is also a case of death penalty, of domestic violence, of Mormon conversion by the defendant to please her abusive boyfriend and join ‘his group’, of PrePaid Legal pyramid schemes that the victim was involved in, of biased HLN media coverage, of police and medical examiner changing their testimonies to suit the prosecution, of the prosecutor verbally abusing no less than three famous domestic violence and PTSD expert defense witnesses, of defense witnesses harassment during their time on the stand (jury tampering,) and death threats on the defendant and her defense team, all happening in Sheriff Joe’s Arizona Maricopa county. Pick any of the topics, I would have thought the New York Times would have liked to investigate it.
Alan D. probably read that op ed, most likely not my online comment, but has discussed the case on TV a few times. Does not seem at all aware of the real circus and non-evidence involved, has bought into the media version, like all other news outlets who keep getting their news of the case from HLN.
I did not know that Dershowitz had yet said anything about the case. Can you give me any links? What you report is sad if true, but I will write to him anyway. He took on Claus von Bulow when the whole world believed him guilty, so maybe he’s still persuadable. I’m also going to ask 3 or 4 other leading criminal-law professors whom I happen to know for recommendations on appellate lawyers. Then I will send my inspirational letter to the ones they recommend and also forward their names to the DT.
Can you also post a link here to your online comment? Your list of issues is helpful. Please also comment on my own list when I post it tomorrow or Friday.
Chris, yes Alan D. could reconsider the case with an open mind, if presented with some points about the case. Thank you for doing this.
There is no link to my comment, comments on the NYT are not archived; I reposted here to give you some points to consider in your letter.
Alan D. was on Piers Morgan for a few minutes a couple of times and perhaps on Anderson Cooper or ABC, MSNBC. Can’t remember. He said to Piers then that ‘we do not execute pretty women in the U.S.’ 🙁
You Rock Chris!! I wonder if the either male or female defense attorney on After Dark last night would take the case. They both were pretty awesome!
Chris, do you think it’s better for Jodi’s appeal for her not to make a statement tomorrow?
“My reservation, of course, is my fear that Jodi, impulsively or out of depression or an excessive sense of guilt, will waive all appeals of a DP and accept execution. That is the nightmare scenario”
This is my fear also.
I am not qualified to comment. I’d guess the DT can give her good advice on that score. I merely hope that she doesn’t make things worse for herself, as she has sometimes done in the past.
Thank you, Chris. As for the 5 or 6 points – I think Viri mentioned some good ones and there are so many throughout this forum. I, for one, would like to see the shoddy detective work taken on. I also believe Jodi’s was a false confession. Just imo, don’t know if it would help the appeal process, though.
Thank you, Chris. These are my feeling exactly. She does need an Alan D., whether famous at this point or not.
I’m. Not going to waste my time getting pissed off tomorrow listing to ST TRAVIS family. I would rather pick up dog poop. I don’t even have a dog….
Can someone answer the question on rather or not Jodi can get mail on death row. Visitor’s?
I heard something very odd the other day. You can’t. Put a crazy person to death so they try to rehabilitate. then. Now how sane is a person after being on death row for years? This is not going to happen to our Jodi…….
You can’t execute someone who has a VERY low IQ. That wouldn’t apply to Jodi.
I hope she does speak and says ALL the bullshit she’s been through with Travis, the state of Arizona and Juan Martinez. The lies that have been spread about her are ludicrous. Juan Martinez used a dead mans photographs to pull emotion out of the jurors and they bought it like a kid at a candy store. There was no objective analysis they were ready to find her guilty and now leave the DP on the table. The crime scene photos were gruesome and the state used this to to find her guilty.
I’ve been lurking for months and have a request. I hope it’s not too much to ask.
Would a couple of you mind drafting templates of letters to Turner Broadcasting System? Of course I would never use your words verbatim, but would appreciate ideas on the most relevant points to cover to get the best results. If I said the things I’m really thinking and feeling in the way I normally talk, it would get shredded in the mail room!
It will be a night of prayer at my place. I believe Jodi needs each and every prayer she can get right now.
TIA for any help you can give with the letter to Turner.
nite all…i need to lower my blood pressure((((HUGS esp2Jodi))))
nite elna . . rest well and take care
TAs sisters annoy me and look phony to me too. But then I feel like I should be nice and think about how I would feel if a family member was killed by someone. But then the family didn’t talk for 5 years before his death. Then you hear they abused someone was killed bc of self defense. They’ve also got all his friends in their ears so even if they didn’t know Jodi they hear horrible things. I’m not sticking up for them. I just pray that if I was in that situation I would be different.
They are making Mormons look bad to me. I don’t like to dislike a whole group of people but this trial is making me wary of Mormons.
Danielle….if you read the numerous articles on googles from ex-mormons whom some are highly educated talk about their life in mormonism…you would have every reason to be wary of them…
I don’t know about AZ but some states only allow one person from the victims family to read a statement and it can only be for a certain amount of time. Does anyone know more about this?
I keep hearing two family members will be speaking — but that is on HLN
Why wouldn’t they ALL speak on her behalf, I just don’t get that! Are they limited?
I was talking about TA’s family. It should be different for Jodi’s family and friends.
OH, thank you! That’s good news, I think. I hope her Mom, Dad, Grandma and siblings all speak for her at mitigation.
On HLN they keep saying most likely Samantha and Steven. My guess would be because Samantha, despite being in law enforcement, wears her emotions on her sleeve. I think Tanisha is probably too stone-faced to emit the warmth they want to show. When I have heard her and Steven speak, I wasn’t impressed. I also find it amusing that Tanisha covers up all her tattoos in court.
Oh, I think Tanisha would be the one to go off with the “die bitch die” talk. She radiates anger.
Would love to give JM and the rest of the motherfucking haters some of my kind of justice—-just can’t find a place large enough to pile all the shit that oozes out of them!!
Rocket ship to Jupiter
He’s short enough to get on the upcoming “live on Mars” flights! Let’s buy him a ticket!
don’t waste money on a ticket—-just strap that sawed-off little motherfucker to a Roman candle and send his rat-faced ass into orbit permanently! Better yet strap his ass to the outside of the rocket ship so that real humans can breathe air that’s untainted by that shit-bag!
HLN has been playing a BRIEF video of Jodi returning to the jail (dressed in the striped uniform). It’s being played on a loop. Stay Klassy, HLN.
I am so deeply saddened but not shocked by this. The verdict took away my ability to be shocked. I guess this is further proof that the majority rules even when they are incapable of properly processing evidence(or lack thereof) and making a fair decision. Apparently they were watching a different trial. After Dark’s re-enactment I bet. That’s right, cover your asses because the minority can’t give you as hard a time as the drooling masses. I haven’t watched since the verdict but I am sure the lunatics will try their utmost to gauge some sort of reaction on Jodi’s face. I am proud she left them high and dry but the drama queens can’t bear to be let down so they will invent one. I hope the reaction comes even if it’s years down the road when this verdict is overturned and that Jodi has the last laugh. For now I will hold her in my thoughts and my heart. I won’t waste another brain cell or ounce of energy on the haters. They are not worth any of our time.
Yes and the crazy people still think she hasn’t been abused. She lies blah, blah she needs to apologize. Blah blah blah
They just didn’t believe her version of the events, why? I mean seriously, WHY didn’t they believe her?!
From a lurker:
“I’ve been lurking for months and have a request. I hope it’s not too much to ask.
Would a couple of you mind drafting templates of letters to Turner Broadcasting System? Of course I would never use your words verbatim, but would appreciate ideas on the most relevant points to cover to get the best results. If I said the things I’m really thinking and feeling in the way I normally talk, it would get shredded in the mail room!
It will be a night of prayer at my place. I believe Jodi needs each and every prayer she can get right now.
TIA for any help you can give with the letter to Turner.”
Here is the help I would suggest:
F*ck U Turner Broadcasting System !
Oh my gosh LOL. I’m watching Dr. Phil and it’s about a girl diagnosed as a sociopath and she’s proud of it but she says she does have values she’s an active practicing MORMON!
I am not kidding.
I don’t understand what kind of templates he wants.
Me either. I’m guessing a rough idea of how to tactfully present an argument against the verdict with all the issues we’ve brought up presented clearly?
Does Turner have anything to do with HLN?
Yes Turner owns HLN and a bunch of other channels.
Maybe he wants us all to write complaining about HLN. I would like to watch unbiased trials and form my own decision. Too many people believe what HLN says.
The lurker is talking about a letter campaign Danielle was thinking about starting (correct me if I’m wrong Danielle). They want a starting point to so they can write their own letter is all, I think anyway.
I think it’s a good idea, although a lot of us have written to HLN already, and they either ignore it or turn up the disgusting bias of their coverage to piss off the naysayers. Which is why I advocate for people to simply quit watching, and let them fade quietly into the night.
Unfortunately, HLN is very pleased at the moment. Head of HLN sent out congratulatory letters to all anchors on a great job covering this trial. For them it is not about “doing the right thing”. It IS about the bottom line…$$$$$$$$$$$$$. So to quote Gordon Gekko “greed is good”. This trial has been very, very good for Turner News and HLN. Very sad.
I wonder if HLN knows how many in their new fan base are saying they’ll be glad when this trial is over so they can quit watching HLN.
I can do without the channels that hln is bundled into . . a call to my service will eliminate them
Jodi will outlive all the jurors and the little prick. As each one dies, there should be a gathering at their grave and everyone should piss on it. No member of the Alexander family will ever see Jodi executed-because she probably won’t be and they’ll probably all be dead if it were to ever happen. They don’t have longevity in their genes as most of their realtives died in their 50’s. That skank said she wants to be there to watch Jodi die-guess what-she’ll be long gone by then.
You’re right David . . wicked already started with them . . it doesn’t stop til it’s satisfied . . no matter how nice one acts . . wicked is core
LOL.. I’ve got some briefs for a lurker, they’re filled with all kinds of shit
I don’t think all Mormons are bad . . . and don’t forget, Jodi converted.
Danielle didn’t say all Mormons are bad. Only that, this trial has made her weary of them.
She’s not the only one who feels this way. She’s just been one of the few brave enough to vocalize her feelings about it.
Big mistake. It isolated her and made her more vulnerable to domestic abuse.
I never knew a lot about the religion but hearing everything about AZ and this trial is crazy. Then I watched something on the discovery channel or TLC about the religion and it was like a business. I don’t know enough to really talk about the religion. I knew it was a type of Christianity. I’m sure there are good people out there just like every other religion, it’s just that this group of TA and friends are weird.
Honey Trust me, they are all weird and IMO borderline cult. The Fundamentalism LDS is sector of this religion does illegal and immortal act to women daily. IMO they are far the most extreme & cult like. Then the sector TA & Jodi belonged to are the more conservative group, the goody two groups that think they are superior morally to the soulless Mormons that belong to the church but don’t practice the teaching. I’m sorry but I have a low opinion of any religion that doesn’t value women. Plus I believe Jesus Christ sets on the right hand of God, no one else.
*unmoral acts – not immortal
You are correct Ann. When I started coming to this site, I was not well educated on the Mormon cult. I became educated when several posters began sharing information on the Mormon cult. If anyone is interested, Oliverio’s posts were quite informative. It also gave me a whole new perspective on what really happened in this case, and continues to happen in this sham of a trial.
Yeah I was thinking we could write to turner since they own HLN. HLN is very proud of it’s high ratings. Once the trial is over I’m not going to watch it anymore but I still want to write something. I don’t know if anyone will read it. I just like to write letters when I’m happy about something or annoyed about something. I just like to make a little trouble.
HLN is a sister company of Turner…I don’t think it will do any good going thru Turner…they all like the ratings…ratings get them the money…and money is more important to networks than someone losing their life…
yah. Jodi is just collateral damage to all of em.. HLN..ratings The Ratfaced Rumplestiltski,,run for Govenor… Sherry Stupid Bitch Steven.. MONEY… CH and Gang…cover for their asses
I do not expect my commit will live long here, however I felt I wanted to say this. I know none of the people in this trial personally and I have nothing to do with it, therefore I don’t believe I have a right to pass judgement on anyone involved. And I will not do so.
No matter what anyone thinks about this trial or anyone’s guilt or lack of it. The true crime here is the lives and families who suffer because of these situations and the anger and sparrow and bitterness we harbor agenst our fellow humans when we pass judgement especially judgement where we where not invited or asked to give.
I do not greive for thoes who seek drama and wallow in it. I thank God for any and all days I live.
Thank you.
this is extremely hard for all of them, Jodi, her family, no matter what happened when feelings always are there and this is a huge loss for them. HLN is still sucking it all in and up like its their food. disgusting. thanks for the info on not sending money to fraudulent names.. I appreciate it.
It’s a travesty, but not unexpected. Poor Jodi. I’m sure she’s bracing for the next predetermined outcome. It seemed her lawyers did not expect anything different either. Perhaps I’m completely overcompensating, but surely this will be won on appeal. Yes, that takes years, but she is a young woman still. This is not impossible. Think of the Memphis Three! Someone please remind us again the rate of overturns in Arizona? IIRC, they have a serious problem with their overeager conviction rate.
I believe there is an 85% overturn rate on DP cases — HUGE
Thanks Berry. It gives me so much hope.
Thanks everyone for all your comments to catch me up today. Not shocking, but it still makes my heart sad. I just have to keep thinking that this will all be undone with an appeal
her jail house suit reminds me of the Jews in the concentration camps during the war with the strips
had some cake and Ice cream a little while ago put a took pick on top and lit it made a wish for Jodi to get some justice and blew it out
took tooth pick ya I’m bad i will survive
Yes.. you will ! and happy days are ahead for you !
The Arizona Justice Project – check out the site. person applying must be indigent and not able to afford atty.
By template I just mean sample letters.
HLN has turned this trial into a media circus and they’ve probably made a small fortune.
IMO Jodi should get a new trial with a change of venue and HLN should pay for her defense.
Jodi’s latest tweet:
“God’s love is so great that He loves even the proud, the selfish, the arrogant, and the wicked.” – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
God does love all his creatures.
Now does that sound like a killer to you not
What else does she say on twitter
Psalms 7:11 … God is angry with the wicked every day.
Uchtdorf is Mormon.
I don’t tweet or do Facebook but please let JODI know that we all love her and are still fighting for her. Thanks
Lurker says:
By template I just mean sample letters.
HLN has turned this trial into a media circus and they’ve probably made a small fortune.
IMO Jodi should get a new trial with a change of venue and HLN should pay for her defense.
all the photo of the time he is in the show and the time he dies I do not see jodi I she someones pant leg and a foot with a sock on it the other foot must of had a foot with the shoe jodi told flores she was bare foot sure a lot of dirty sock in the washing machine bet they did not belong to travis must be the intruders in the house for 5 days zack when he did the laundry forgot to use bleach
We have rain in Texas god is crying Jodi he believes you are innocent
What happened, IMO:
THE CASE: This is a manslaughter or M2 case that was overcharged by Juano. I think he did that when Jodi pissed off the cops and everyone in the courthouse by lying profusely. Of course, lying isn’t on the verdict form, but who cares. She’s a liar. Let’s kill her for a (takes two to tango) domestic dispute gone very wrong.
MAJOR PROBS: No sequestration by Pickles. Use of electronic internet devices by the jury in the courthouse and in the jury room and at home and everydamnedplaceelse. Jury in shorts and flip-flops. HUH? Nurmi in a vomit green outfit during the aggravation phase. IMO, that was a big FUCK YOU to the court and to his client for interfering with his upcoming Law Practice. Jodi’s video(s). ‘No mitigating factors’ is what she claims her lawyers told her. I guess that Juano will be certain to play that tape tomorrow. Nurmi’s fascination with the courtroom carpet instead of looking jurors and witnesses in the eye.
NOTE: Notice I didn’t mention HLN etc.? That’s because I believe in freedom of speech, even for the disgusting NG. That’s what sequestration is for. That’s what judges are for in high profile cases..to make sure the jury isn’t polluted by internet and TV access 24/7. This judge DID NOT PROTECT THIS JURY. She should be disbarred. Maybe even jailed or sued for the cost of a new trial for Jodi. Nah, that makes too much sense.
RESULT: Jodi=Ruined forever. Maybe even snuffed out by her captors.
Juan doesn’t allow anyone to plead out. He loves to get the DP handed down – sick bastard.
You are right about freedom of speech. I think HLN just took it a step too car because they twist facts and outright lie. But yes the honorable “not doing her job” Sherry should’ve sequestered the jury. The trial would’ve probably not lasted this long if she’d done that.
Now she should be sequestered in jail, fucking ass kissing bitch !!!
Good evening, fellow Jodi supporters. I am so, so sad about this whole farce of trial as I know all of you are. I just want to scream at the jurors!!! I wasn’t in the courtroom on a daily basis, but I did watch a good portion of this trial. I just don’t understand their verdict. And no, I wasn’t surprised about their verdict today. I think they just hate her and want her dead. I feel so sad for Jodi — she seemed defeated to me today or resigned to the fact that they were going to find especially cruel. I also feel so very sorry for her mother. My daughter is two months older than Jodi and I can’t imagine how Sandy Arias must be feeling at this moment. Bless Jodi and her family for all they’re having to endure during this horrible, horrible time in their lives.
Another DP person done wrong in Arizona…March 14, 2013
State of Arizona…has been trying to kill Debra Jean Milke for nearly a quarter-century…United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit said they can’t…
Today we speak of the criminal justice system…and it is choked with people it has captured…people irrationally convinced of…or indifferent to…the credibility of people like Armando Saldate, Jr…who was a police officer.
The State of Arizona…through its prosecutors…eliminated a dangerous possibility by withholding Saldate’s record from the defense in the prosecution of Debra Milke…
[quote]The prosecutors who put Armando Saldate, Jr. on the stand after concealing his background should be in jail. (Under more revolutionary circumstances, they should be in a shallow grave.) But that won’t happen. As is usually the case, state actors who violate the rights of citizens will escape any significant consequences.[quote]
[quote]Someone who wasn’t a totalitarian or a sociopath might have seen fit to address (1) why Arizona reposes trust in the uncorroborated word of a multiple-perjuring lawbreaker in its lust to kill a woman and (2) why its agents suppressed the evidence cited by the Ninth Circuit. But Horne is a totalitarian or a sociopath, or possibly both, so he toes the law-and-order line: all you need to know is that the state says she did it.[quote]
I think it bodes well for Jodi if Debra Milke’s DP sentence got overturned. Her case involved the killing of her own child.
Also it is a website that shows a group complaint…maybe it can help with ideas about forming our own group complaint???
Conviction overturned
[quote]On March 14, 2013, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit threw out Milke’s conviction, holding that it had been secured in violation of the Fifth Amendment.[3] It held that Milke’s rights had been violated by the failure to turn over Saldate’s personnel file to the defense. That file detailed a long history of misconduct, including eight cases where confessions, indictments or convictions were thrown out because Saldate either lied under oath or violated the suspects’ rights during interrogations. The court ruled that because “the prosecution did not disclose [the arresting detective] Saldate’s history of misconduct,” Arizona had violated its obligation to turn over exculpatory evidence to the defense. In his concurring opinion, the Chief Judge wrote that he “would set aside the conviction on the separate ground that it relied on an illegally-obtained confession that probably never occurred”.[quote]
This happened in Maricopa County…read the statement about officers that are monitored that have credibility problems are tracked in a database and disclosed to defense attorneys…
Does anyone know if Detective Flores had credibility problems that were reported in Maricopa County???
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery…he said there may be more evidence that wasn’t used at the 1990 trial.
Montgomery wants to know what the hell happened…
[quote]But Montgomery said changes in the way rogue officers are monitored had changed greatly since 1990. Now, officers with credibility problems are tracked in a database so that those issues are caught early and disclosed to defense lawyers when necessary.[quote]
Not only does Flores have credibility problems so does the weasel, the ME, the judge and it seems the Maricopa County police dept.
I see the good point and yes I agree, we could possibly do a group complaint. On the other hand, I must say, WTF! they KNOW these detectives have shady records, yet they are still working? What other job can you get caught lying, cheating, and wrongfully causing the death of an innocent person and not get fired (or thrown in jail!). What the hell is wrong with AZ?!
I can’t believe this verdict. Anyone with the slightest bit of common sense can see Travis Alexander was the manipulator here.
A self proclaimed “motivational speaker”. We all know motivational speaker’s can be very manipulative. Hell, they can get someone who has laid on the sofa eating cookies a year to get up and take on the world…change their life…etc.
Now add to that “religion”…which in the wrong hands can be very brainwashing. This man was having kinky sex with the very woman he brought into the religion and yet baptizing people under the ideal of “temple leader”. Meanwhile wanting to tie the very woman he baptized into the religion to a tree and shove it all the way up her rear while videoing it. Did the jury not hear all of this?
Did the jury not hear him SAY she sounded like a 12 yr old girl having their first orgasm and it was hot? HE said that. She did not make him say that….she did not manipulate him or lie about it. HE SAID IT.
I found Jodi and Travis’ old MY Space pages…. and it is CLEAR she sent him ONLY positive and inspirational pictures and sayings when she met him.
Her own dad said it in his “throw her under the bus” police interview. She had been acting odd the past YEAR. Yeah…maybe because Travis had her brainwashed and manipulated? Took a young girl who did love him and treated her like a prostitute and his personal porn star.,,, while he looked for another good girl to wear his wedding band?
He said in one of his motivational yaks….Smart people don’t work….they get dumb people to do it for them. That says everything about who he was. A user, manipulator,, egotistical, arrogant…etc. ALL the names HLN calls Jodi.
There is an old saying….Crazy people will make the sane look crazy. This is a perfect example… how he treated her and when she finally defended herself…..SHE looks crazy because he had hidden all his faults and how crazy he was.
I also find it very telling how when these verdicts are read…none of the Alexander family even really look at each other or embrace one another. This is not a close family.
Let’s face it, Travis laid in a shower dead for how many…5 or 6 days before someone found him? He wasn’t missed? Where was this family or friends?
Seems to me the only one that did really care about him…..he treated like trash.
I know. Jodi was the only person that cared for him. He treated her horribly and lied to his friends to look good and appear like the big man on campus. He also said he raped her on the audio recording and on texts. But wait he’s a “great guy.” He’s just being a guy. He said those things not Jodi.
What disgusts me most is then when the travis taliban claim they are lying – no evidence of his abuse, and on and on. What blindness, what liars, what fucking manipulators and evil, vile reptiles. (sorry for the rant.)
This jury had all the power and no common sense.
Tonight I pray that people with power get common sense…and the people with common sense get power.
This is the worst possible outcome. You’d think someone really respectable and upstanding had been killed instead of a hypocritical pervert. That may be horrible of me to say but come on. I know we all have skeletons in our closet but would you ever want a daughter or a niece or a granddaughter to meet up with a rogue like TA? And an abusive one at that. Had he treated people with kindness and respect and not like playthings to be used for his entertainment until he tired of them he would be alive today. A decent man would not have kept hanging on to Jodi just for sex and she would never had been in the predicament of having to make that fateful decision to defend herself. So I guess the lesson here is if you’re in an abusive relationship and it comes down to you or him, you better let him beat you half to death before you get the upper hand or there’ll be no proof for the jury. But then if you do that you’re probably gonna lose the battle. So I’m not sure what the lesson here is?
Hey! Can’t believe I never found this site any sooner…. not too thrilled about having to go into the penatly phase…. I know Jodi will keep her head up regardless. What will tomorrow be? Another mini trial or vicitim statements?
Also.. what is the mission page? I can’t see it…….
Is anyone going to watch Dr Drew on HLN tonight? I want to know what this Juror number 8 has to say.
Folks, I know we all totally dislike HLN, but I thought I would let those of you who do watch know that Juror No. 8 will be on Drew Pinsky’s show tonight. I just have to hear what he has to say.
Please if you would SD , I don’t get HLN here or I would watch it just because I want to hear if he has anything to say about what the jurors may have been doing.. ie watching the news… while they were dismissed from the courtroom or anything like that.
Hey Debbie,
You can actually watch HLN online here: http://tvfeeds.net/live/hln
I will post what he has to say, Debbie. 🙂
Thank You SD they will likely cut off anything good he has to say though.. it will just be more BS.
Worked late again so I just finished watching trial. DVR HLN so I could watch OJ too. Hate them, but I skip the comments. Sick sick sick fucks. I caught a part where anchor interviewed people from a Hater site. Can’t believe nobody was there for Jodi. That’s what I have a problem with. Nobody has the balls to publicly defend her. I can’t leave work to go to AZ, is anybody gonna be there during penalty phase?
what about the duck tape did they use that on jodi while they killed travis in the hall way then dragged him to the shower then resided to let her go to pin this on her what say you Jodi on Tweeter
need to shut down for a while we have bad weather moving in rain lighting and thunder think god is mad oh he is moving the furniture
Dr. Drew is on now and on the screen it says….LIVE… Exclusive: Juror #8 speaks…coming up!
we could almost write the dialogue . .
taking that back . . the descriptions were not human . . even the gal stopped him
They must be waiting toward the end of his broadcast before they bring in juror#8???
Thats the only thing that will keep people watching more than likely.
Juror #8 is talking now with Dr. Drew….
This juror is a tool. Sounds to me like he had his mind made up long before the trial was over and no way do I believe that he didn’t duscuss the case and actually turned tv stations if the trial came on the news. And if I were responsible for the bad haircut question I wouldn’t own up to it. That question never should have been allowed.
Some twat just asked him if he noticed if Jodi tried to influence any of the jurors and were they successful?
I probably missed a lot…but I was typing as fast as I could on the keys of this new computer…
Dan Gibb Juror # 8 on Dr. Drew May 15, 2013
Q…Did Jodi spend too much time on the stand?
Juror 8…yes, she spent too much time on the stand…
Juror 8…he tried to keep an open mind…
Q…Did you have a hard time believing anything she said?
Juror 8…Some things she said was believable…but after a time she was way out there…
Q…What do you think about Dr. Samuels?
Juror 8…he felt that Dr. Samuels was all over the board and not credible
Juror 8…said when people approached him at work and asked him about the trial…he told them he couldn’t talk about it…he said that when something came on television…he changed the channel and walked out of the room…
Juror said a lot of testimony way too long and drawn out…he just wanted them to get to the point…
Juror 8…said in regards to the question that he asked the witness, Dr. Samuels about trans global warming…he just wanted to make a point to Dr. Samuels that a lot of things he said was not credible…
Q…Do you think she has mental issue?
Juror 8….He doesn’t know…when he saw her doing the hand stand on the video…maybe…it makes him wonder….DSM 4 big manual hard to find something that someone didn’t have a disorder in that manual…
Q…Can you remember what you did believe that Jody said?
Juror 8…some things she said were not outrageous…they could be believable…he didn’t believe anything about the murder that Jodi said…
Q…Do you believe he was a pedophile?
Juror 8…He felt sorry for Travis’ family…they were being dragging through the mud…
he didn’t believe that Travis was a pedophiler…
Dr. Drew…Do you think Jodi tried to manipulate anyone on the juror?
Juror 8…He doesn’t think so…he tried to focus on witnesses instead of Jodi…when he saw Jodi doodling it irritated him…
Dr. Drew…Do you think they are going to invoke the DP?…
Juror 8…I don’t know…
Dr. Drew…I know you can’t answer…let’s go to the family…
Juror 8…they have a wrongful death suit…an appeal down the road…that will go on for a long time….juror said that he felt like he let the family down…there were 375 on juror selection panel…they took it down to 18…he felt worthy on the jury…
Dr. D and his crew, think, that juror 8 is a model juror. It is rather funny to me that Dr. D is a addictionologist but, thinks that juror 8 is awesome, even though he was arrested with a extreme DUI. Dr. D also enjoyed juror 8’s question about the bad haircut…really? I think he was wasting time making jokes..rather than taking his duty seriously!
I haven’t read any comments about the Saturday Night Live Spoof?
He’s a drunkard who took the lives of innocent people into his hands by driving while intoxicated, so fuck him and his opinion.
Was the handstand video played in court? When did he see that?
tonya, I know this is an awful day, but I still want you to have a happy birthday!! =)
And what is ur problem with me sil?
Mormons, JM, HLN, Jim Jones in Guyana ,the Alexanders and the Turd Alliance —all the same thing to me ( Note: if there are any Mormans on this sitethat are pro-JODI then please accept my apology to you as you all a handful of truth-seekers in a den of fools—-those Mormons of the TA)
He is quoting verbatim what HLN said about Jodi spending too much time on the stand.
he either hedges or is lead
This bs from dr. Drew about not listening to media is ridiculous!!!! He just said ppl came up to him about the trial!!
And his bullshit about his questions. I wonder how much he’s getting paid… keep drinking ur life away go get another dwi asshole!!
That’s why he called in and isn’t there he’s wasted. LOL. I don’t know, I just had to say that.
Ur prob right! What a drunk!
yep, and he’s a drinker with potential to someone dwi . . wonder what justice will mean to him then
When u think about it it is scary. This man was trying to put the date of a wonderful girl in his hands yet he will drink, drive and risk the rest of the worlds life is his bands as well!!!
Meant fate and hands
When this asshole juror is drunk driving he is a potential murderer. Lets see how the drama folds out in the next few years/months. Juror #8 will be in jail for DWI and killing a family; the TA family will be either in jail for the biggest meth bust in the west and the siblings who weren’t part of that bust will be living in trailer park destitution having spent all the money they profited off of the pedophile’s death. Juan will be found murdered by a skid row male prostitute in Tijuana who slit his whole body open up the middle after suffering abuse from Juan’s hands. Shall I go on?
A pity TA didn’t go to Mexico where the cartel could have kidnapped him and killed him in a very cruel fashion.
Did he say people at work were approaching him and asking him about the trial? So he discussed the trial with coworkers too? What a joke of a trial !!!!
I know people At his work knew about the trial. That’s really fucked up. When you’re on jury duty your not supposed to say ANYTHiNG about your case! Nothing! And he said he saw it on TV “but would change the channel.” What a bunch of fucking Bullshit!
He probably didn’t have to say what trial he was on. His bosses would have known about him being on jury duty- I had to let my company know when I did mine. I’m sure it was obvious as time went on that he was on the Arias case. Maybe he didn’t talk about the trial, but I bet he’s one to enjoy the notoriety- obviously.
What kind of job did he do again? Why was he able to go just the one day a week? Ugh, I wish they’d had court on Fridays, the trial would have gone faster and the jury would have been kept busier.
I really thought all that time Jodi spent on the stand meant that she’d made some kind of connection with the jury. It’s amazing that not one single person on that jury sees her as a real person.
I’m glad he effed up and got kicked off. Sadly, there were others like him quick to take his place.
If he said that, that is big trouble…she asked them if any one approached them about the trial every day and no one raised their hand.
Oh goody Dr. Douche ad Juror 8 are soul mates
From the moment they started HLN, Judge, and Juan was almost an identical speech from HLN last night. Very disturbing to think ANYONE would believe these jurors didn’t have any questions or contact or tv privelages…very sick. The other things that should be addressed and charged was the medical examiner. TA’s fam/morm mafia were there pouring their tears out for the jury. Juror 8…go drink another and crawl back to HLN 4 n interview..oh yeah..thats all they interview is scum…I wouldn’t apologize to that sick fuck family for nothing or this sick ass media. Fuckem…stand your ground Jodi…bet your ass someone will come out sooner or later w/ similar stories about this piece of shit and piece of shit family.
haha, I thought Dr. Drew was going to blow him a kiss!
How hard is it for someone to cut their own throat?
Not too hard…. its in the Florres report, he mentions seeing cases where they cut their own.
Thx, I’ll take a look back.
Juror # 8 is proud of his bad hair cut question. Ok keep talking creep.
I know that was such a stupid question. A real judge would have been pissed off and not asked that question. I swear that Judge is on some good drugs like valium and xanax and klonopin and so on.
She does seem dazed.
I do recall reading that and he said that usually there’s hesitation markings but there weren’t any on Travis.
refresh my memory, what was the bad hair cut question?
It was about Jodi and having global amnesia. He stupidly asked if getting a haircut would give u amnesia.
Oh, so he was the asshole who tried to be a comedian with the stupid questions. Again, fuck him. I’m glad he got a fucking DUI – who’s not credible NOW, asshole?
No shit, hilarious Juror #8.
This wasnt like a serious trial or anything you know.
And to try and belittle Dr. Samuels (and others)?
Are you fucking kidding me, you nimrod?
So Juror #8 wants us to believe he actually stayed away from anything refering to Jodi Arias. And I live in Mars! Dr. Drew is are heartless man that doesn’t deserve to be in front of the cameras.
Well he’s so good at what he does that patients of his died anyway. No wonder he’s on hln now. Where else would he go?
OMG he doesn’t believe the pedophilia even though he made the 12 year old comment! Of course he didn’t say that…
Maybe this idiot married his 12 year old cousin at one point…the jury seems to be filled with hillbillies.
So he doesn’t watch HLN but he describes her note taking as doodling?
She said that in her after trial interview, nothing to do with HLN forget which station did her interview now.
HLN bobble heads always mock her note taking and I’ve seen it described like,that on social media. The Fox interview guy asked her that question because of all the talk on the shows of her “doodling.” She’s actually taking notes and passing them to her attorneys.
Paraphrasing Juror No. 8 on Dr. Drew:
1. On why he came back to court after having been dismissed, felt like he had to see the trial through.
2. Felt Jodi spent too much time on the stand. Understood defense’s strategy, though. Tried to keep an open mind and felt he did.
3. Believed some things Jodi said, but not many.
4. His least favorite witness was Dr. Samuels. Thought a lot of what he said wasn’t credible.
5. People would approach him at work (on Fridays) about the trial, but he refused to speak. Turned the channel on T.V., etc. when anything about the trial was on.
6. On battling between the attorneys, thought a lot of the testimony was too drawn out. Wanted them to get to the point.
7. He admitted to asking snarky questions of the witnesses, especially of Dr. Samuels.
8. Very interesting to him to see Jodi’s interrogation tapes now, but not sure they would have factored into his decision.
9. Thinks Jodi may be mentally ill to a certain degree (after seeing interrogation tapes).
10. Believed some of the things Jodi said weren’t outrageous, but didn’t believe anything she said about the murder. The tape Jodi made gave him pause.
11. Feels bad for Travis’ family that the defense drug him through the mud and doesn’t believe the pedophelia accusations.
12. Doesn’t feel Jodi tried to engage any of the jurors. Tried to stay focused on the witnesses. Upset him seeing her taking notes or doodling. “A bit irritating to me”. Felt she was showing no contrition.
13. Message for TA family — can’t imagine how they’re feeling and that he feels really bad for them. He feels like he let them down. 375 on jury selection panel — felt like he did “something worthy” of being on that panel.
Debbie, there were no questions and no comments about the other jurors. I’m sure that was a strategic move.
Question for MR Martinez… if Jodi lied about everything.. the first words out of her mouth was that she did it… would that not be a lie as well?
Well, exactly, Debbie. But Martinez has never told a lie in his entire life? Pfft!
so he basically didn’t pay attention to the important things..
I guess the jury was FULL of 2 brain cell people.
BeeCee, the Pinsky panel seemed elated at their esteemed guest’s (Juror No. 8) responses. Those questions and his responses were not impromptu, I guarantee you. Disgusting.
A lot of what he said was almost word for word from HLN my friend. And I’m supposed to believe he didn’t watch any news media while serving on the jury? No my friend. Based on his responses I’m 99% sure he watched the media and HLN. That or they gave him a script to say which is also plausible based on all their other interview with “Travis’s friends.”
“That or they gave him a script to say which is also plausible based on all their other interview with “Travis’s friends.”
Yes, FLNJANG, my scentiments exactly.
Oh, you bet he had the questions and answers in advance!
what a dumbass, he wasn’t even smart enough to realize a lot of the reason jodi was on the stand was due to objections and salad bars…THAT is kermit’s fault.
wow, certainly was not a juror of a peer for her.
After hearing that I think he was paid to ‘get thrown off the jury’ so he could come here, say this bullshit and now everyone is appeased, “see? the jury was good, they followed the rules!” I see right through them. And WTF – I am so SICK of people saying the DT was dragging TA through the mud – HIS OWN WORDS did that! I want to go toe-to-toe with anyone who wants to debate THAT issue. I would give them the number to my therapist that specializes in sex abuse!
Did he say what he believed that Jodi said? And if he believed anything she said, does that not cast reasonable doubt?
Not that I heard, Debbie.
He didn’t believe anything about the murder.
I am sorry but, even though Flores perjured himself on the stand, in his first report he stated that the scene was that of a fight, blood all over the place etc. Those things should have been brought up at the trial, that there had to be some kind of a fight to lend credence to what Jodi stated. I don’t believe the jury heard that. Nor did they hear a lot of other important stuff because they kept getting dismissed from the room. It would be interesting to see what our points of view would be if we knew nothing else but what we were were privy to at the trial itself. The thing of it is, we are aware of much more than the jurors are,but still not everything, as we were not privy to closed door meetings or sidebars. No one proved that TA was even dead in that picture they kept showing of him with blood running down his back. But did anyone ask if he was even dead at that time?Why were the roommates never called to testify? All of them and their girlfriends should have been on that stand stating what they did for the five days between when Jodi was there and when they found him. They were not. The jurors as per usual only heard part of the case.
You are right so then there was lack of evidence presented. So how could they come to 1st degree premeditated murder? I know it doesn’t have to beyond any doubt but beyond a reasonable doubt. Yet they came to that verdict. How? As you so eloquently point out they haven’t seen all the evidence we see online. So how could they come to M1? The verdict shouldn’t be based on feelings, probabilities or belief. It should be based on the facts of the case which even now MARTINEZ conveniently changed the timeline to two minutes.
FLN we don’t even know for sure if he was dead when she left, because she doesn’t recall anything that happened after the gunshot really. She said she killed him in self defense, but she only thinks she killed him because of everything she has been told,not things she remembers.
FLN You are so very right I certainly have very high doubt as to murder one myself, however what this Juror number 8 stated was that he felt he let the Alexander family down by not being able to continue on the jury. If the other jurors feel some sort of allegiance to the Alexander family, it was the facial expressions and the antics that convicted Jodi far more than the non existant evidence. The Alexander family was sitting closest to the jurors and they would have seen everything front row and center.
He couldn’t recall… I think he has a memory problem. Probably alcohol related 🙂
He watched HLN. There is no doubt about it.
Oh yes, dr. Dip shit skirted him around those
Funny how he thinks that Samuels isn’t credible when he’s the idiot who BROKE THE LAW while sitting on a jury.
Dan you did a great job! Now when you get drunk and drive and kill someone we’re totally going to turn on you and drag you through the mud. But for now great job on the jury that you didn’t even finish with!
Dr Douche
Oh yeah…I want to see Juror #8 in court someday with Kermit prosecuting him. Then he’ll see how fun it is.
OMG dr drew kiss his ass some more. Juror 8 feels he didn’t do his job for the family? He wasn’t there for the family he was there to follow the law. And he didn’t do that because he got a DUI. And he has the audacity to not believe Travis had pedopheliac tendencies despite his own statement on that audio recording? WTF?
Totally agreed The jurors are supposed to be unbiased, and fair. They’re supposed to listen to the facts and make an unprejudiced decision. But just we have suspected all along, this jury was there for TA’s family, and JA had ZERO chance for a fair trial.
He fucking watched the news….why would he think she was drawing pictures during testimony unless he was privy to the various media accounts about her drawings. A damned liar but wants to castigate her for lying!!
Exactly! It was the news that accused her of “doodling.” Specifically HLN.
Hell yes he said he ould turn the channel if something came on..SO he HEARD shit …The verdict NEEDS to be appealed ASAP
I know he’s admitted to seeing things about the trial but he’d “change the channel”
AZ courts and Judge Sherry Stephens did you do the right thing having this jury not sequestered?
When she said remember the admonition did he ever standup and say oh I saw the intro about the case on the new? No!!
And Jodi’s the liar?
100 percent correct ..this trial has been a FARCE at best
This juror is a tool. Sounds to me like he had his mind made up long before the trial was over and no way do I believe that he didn’t duscuss the case and actually turned tv stations if the trial came on the news. And if I were responsible for the bad haircut question I wouldn’t own up to it. That question never should have been allowed.
Some twat just asked him if he noticed if Jodi tried to influence any of the jurors and were they successful?
I know…..you would think with all of their education and smugness to match they would come up with some more probative questions….however, when your whole panel is biased you get questions that feed into the stupidity that’s all ready being perpetuated.
OH>>now he wants to fuck with Jodis Mom !!!!!!!!!!
I’m confused…can someone help me out?
This may sound wierd, but when did this new trial start and why arent they covering the JA trial anymore? When i tuned into the coverage, when i got home, it really caught me off gaurd. I cant believe Juan is already involved in a new trial!
It’s almost Just like the Jodi Arias trial, but with a few small changes…
1st, in the Jodi Arias trial, there was the VERY short ‘killing time” issue, that Juan continued to talk about, HLeN tried to prove couldnt possibly be enough time to commit all of the wounds, UNLESS she had planned this, brought the weapons and had them all handy. THIS was a huge part of the “premeditation theory”. “She had to be ready to kill him, in such a short amount of time”. According to Juan, we KNOW this is how “short” the time frame was, because of the time stamps on the camera. This time frame?” just over a minute.”-quote, Juan Martinez
In this “similar” trial, that i watched today, the defendant “took her time”… over a “VERY LONG 2 minutes.”
2nd, in the Jodi Arias trial, the state made sure to show that Jodi “killed TA 3 times”. That she first stabbed him (which the knife wound would “almost immediatly” incopasitate him) then she slit his throat, which OBVIOUSLY would kill him instantly, then she shot him, when he was already dead.
In this “other” trial, the state explained how painful each injury was. INCLUDING the gun shot and the throat slit! i’m not sure how he could feel his throat being cut, or head being shot, if he was already dead. Well, dead for the first of three times. (still have not figured that out) HLeN went so far as to talk about the TERROR travis must have had as she shot him! …while his heart was pierced…and his throat was slit. Perhaps the victim in this “other” trial had magic underwear on too! This underwear allowed him to still feel…each…and….every…injury..slash….stab….slit…shot.
I could go on and on, but its kinda freeking me out, its ALMOST like this is the same trial….almost. Except for major FACTS being changed, the story and actors are all the same. I felt like i should say “jinx” or something.
ANYWAY, does anyone know when the actual Jodi Arias trial is to continue? I heard they were going to start again today, but this “other” trial was going on.
Thanks for any help clearing up this mystery.
yep, sirlips.
And people are falling for the little dickwad’s lies.
What planet are we on?
Sirlips you are so right! Enough said!
It felt like opposite day. It was very confusing. He argued the opposite of what he was arguing last week and the jury didn’t seem to catch it.
I don’t think intellect is their strong point.
You are hilarious!! I almost thought you were serious….I had to reread this in order to detect the sarcasm! You are right, though. I guess since she was declared guilty it a free-for-all! HLN keeps talking about Nurmi changing facts but, of course, no mention of Juan’s rewrite….
sirlips…to try and get any understanding of what possibly happened in Jodi’s trial…you have to understand what Maricopa County has a reputation for…
Please read the entire link…very informing…and it all happened in Maricopa County Arizona too…
yep, the verrrry long 2 minutes that seemed like a life time .. yet he didn’t mention having sex for hours and hours before
LOL. Wish I could help you solve this mystery, but the entire first and second trial are all a mystery to me.
That damn AZ time has us all confused! For 59 days give or take it was that damn 62 seconds & today it jumped time zones and gave the prosecution another minute. What in hell is going on in AZ ? My state is on Central daylight saving time and should be only a 2 hours difference but on AZ court time it about a 4 hours difference. I’m with Sirlips, a completely different trial and there isn’t a logical way to grasp it.
Okay here’s where Dr. Douche pisses me off. I’m Bipolar and it took me around 13 years to be correctly diagnosed. You cannot judge someone on this. It is hard to find a good psych and my Mom took me to docs forever. I was misdiagnosed and on more drugs than I can list. I have finally in the past 4 years found an awesome doc who can handle me.
It doesn’t matter if Jodi has a mental problem or not. I would bet if she never met TA she never would have killed anyone in her life! So would Mom she just wanted me to add :).
I know those jurors listened to the media.
Hear, hear, Danielle! I have a son who has a mental health diagnosis, and I am an advocate for people like him! People who have mental health diagnoses get such a rotten rap in life. Makes me mad to my core!
I also have a son with a mental health diagnosis, and I have one myself (depression/anxiety/mild OCD). I hate the ignorance and stigma that surrounds mental health too.
and they talked to their co-workers and family…we aren’t stupid…
posted again…I didn’t see it go through….
Truthseeker1111 says:
May 15, 2013 at 6:55 pm
I probably missed a lot…but I was typing as fast as I could on the keys of this new computer…
Dan Gibb Juror # 8 on Dr. Drew May 15, 2013
Q…Did Jodi spend too much time on the stand?
Juror 8…yes, she spent too much time on the stand…
Juror 8…he tried to keep an open mind…
Q…Did you have a hard time believing anything she said?
Juror 8…Some things she said was believable…but after a time she was way out there…
Q…What do you think about Dr. Samuels?
Juror 8…he felt that Dr. Samuels was all over the board and not credible
Juror 8…said when people approached him at work and asked him about the trial…he told them he couldn’t talk about it…he said that when something came on television…he changed the channel and walked out of the room…
Juror said a lot of testimony way too long and drawn out…he just wanted them to get to the point…
Juror 8…said in regards to the question that he asked the witness, Dr. Samuels about trans global warming…he just wanted to make a point to Dr. Samuels that a lot of things he said was not credible…
Q…Do you think she has mental issue?
Juror 8….He doesn’t know…when he saw her doing the hand stand on the video…maybe…it makes him wonder….DSM 4 big manual hard to find something that someone didn’t have a disorder in that manual…
Q…Can you remember what you did believe that Jody said?
Juror 8…some things she said were not outrageous…they could be believable…he didn’t believe anything about the murder that Jodi said…
Q…Do you believe he was a pedophile?
Juror 8…He felt sorry for Travis’ family…they were being dragging through the mud…
he didn’t believe that Travis was a pedophiler…
Dr. Drew…Do you think Jodi tried to manipulate anyone on the juror?
Juror 8…He doesn’t think so…he tried to focus on witnesses instead of Jodi…when he saw Jodi doodling it irritated him…
Dr. Drew…Do you think they are going to invoke the DP?…
Juror 8…I don’t know…
Dr. Drew…I know you can’t answer…let’s go to the family…
Juror 8…they have a wrongful death suit…an appeal down the road…that will go on for a long time….juror said that he felt like he let the family down…there were 375 on juror selection panel…they took it down to 18…he felt worthy on the jury…
That’s the problem….everyone should NOT be a juror. He felt worthy??? WTF!!? Can we say low self esteem? Being a juror makes him feel worthy? Now he’s got the opportunity to determine someone else’s fate and can’t wait. Even though she was found guilty at least HE didn’t Get the pleasure of having a say….
He sounded choked up “because he failed the Alexander family when he got arrested.”
What gives me hope for the penalty phase is one of my very best friends. She served on a death penalty trial and this was a person who thought she was absolutely for the death penalty. Sitting through the trial she had no qualms about voting for first degree murder. But when it came time to debate the death penalty she and another man on the jury found that all of sudden it was VERY real. To actually sign off on putting another human being to death was something in the end she could not accept. Turns out, after enough discussion, there were three of them that were hold outs. Maybe, just maybe the same thing might happen for Jody. The jurors have already voted to where they can all go home and not be afraid of the masses (as cowardly as that is), and now I am thinking it might prove to much for at least one of them to agree to kill Jodi. What is the latest, is Jodi’s mom expected to testify? I heard the media mention possibly Alyce Laviolette as a witness????? I do NOT think that is in Jodi’s best interest. One final thought…Jodi’s demeanor today was of course attacked by the press as being too stoic and uncaring. I APPLAUD you Jodi for not letting the media have the pleasure of seeing you break down at the decision!
Defense lawyers have said on TV that they told their clients not to break down if it’s a bad outcome. She’s damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t. They always have something to say.
Lord how much more do they want… She cried not stop all morning while JM was giving his slaughter narrative !!
This trial was such a joke. Is it true that 80% of murder convictions are overturned on appeal in AZ or retried, etc? I would like to know if this is true.
I didn’t think this case or anything involving this trial could get any more bizarre but from what I’m reading here about the former juror I guess I was wrong. I feel like I’ve landed on a faraway planet where the creatures, formerly known as human beings, are unrecognizable. I refuse to watch or listen to the aliens so I will get my updates here where humanity still has a voice. I cannot tolerate any more of the callous indifference and hatred towards Jodi by the general public. Unfathomable.
I’m with ya Gwen!
I broke my boycott tonight because I heard #8 was going to be talking. Now I’m all pissed.
Before I sign off tonight I just wondered if it’s possible to get 49 other states to create a petition to eliminate AZ from the USA (Apologies to anyone in AZ that’s pro-JODI—you’d have a standing invitation to get out of AZ and into a state that believes in true justice) 🙂 GO TEAM JODI!!!!!! And, again since I don’t tweet or do Facebook, please— if there’d someone here that does —-let JODI know that we are all still with her and love her 🙂
I know. This has been surreal almost. I feel like I am watching law students doing a mock trial or something. The judge in this case is the worst I have ever seen and looks like she is on drugs or has some problem understanding the law or both. Her behavior is the number one problem with this trial, not even JM. He is just smart and knows he will get away with anything with this dumbass. I want her humiliated more than him believe it or not. She disgusts me.
Contrast that courtroom with O.J.’s hearing today. You had a reasonably competent judge, and both the defense and the state were professional in the courtroom. You had a state’s attorney actually allow O.J. Simpson to answer questions and even treated him with dignity.
That wasn’t in existence in the Maricopa County courthouse these last four months.
Juan Martinez is a troglodyte. Based on all his behavior, antics, and stupidity. I don’t know who is more stupid at this point the jury or Juan Martinez. It may be a stupid question on my part but I’m just amazed!
Right? Everyone in her courtroom except the defense attorneys have been abusive, reckless, and unprofessional
At this point, though perhaps counter intuitive my attitude would be – FUCK THEM ALL
What? The Fucking Fuckers want her to beg for her life now…?
Fuck Them and the train they all rode in on…
Those fucking bastards have their minds made up anyway.
So now if she begs for her life, all those fuckers are going to bask and gloat and delight in watching her twist. You can hear them, can’t you? And for what? We already know the motherfuckers are going to exact their fucking revenge. I’d say at this point (as hard as it may be) screw it all and let this shit show unwind. It’s all fucked up anyway.
What I’m saying is, it doesn’t matter.
I frankly don’t believe they will ever carry out the execution anyway. So Fuck Them All.
I hope she continues to carry herself with the same amazing style and grace.
I hope she does not give all those MOFO’s the satisfaction they are secretly craving.
Stay strong! You are our hero… Peace out
Thanks Truthseeker and SD for summarizing and writing up the juror 8 interview from Dr. douche.
You bet, FLNJANG. 🙂
you are welcome…my new keyboard has slippery keys and a mind of its own…makes many typo errors…LOL…
If Juan Martinez was on fire, i wouldnt piss on him.
there are very few people in my life that i can honestly say i hate, and ive had quite the life, filled with ass holes.
I was sexually assaulted by my godfather for 1 full year when i was 8, when i was forced to go live “on the farm” with him.
I dealt with extreme physical abuse and mental abuse, until i was finally removed from my “home” and put into foster care.
Yet, i can honestly say if they lined up all of these people, and juan Martinez, and i got one good “shot” across the chin, i would knock that mother fucker out!
I hope he knows that he better have eyes in the back of his head, because i may only take a swing at him, if i had the chance, but last time i checked, there are a country full of fruitcakes that take their anger a bit farther than i do.
I think its time for me to take a time out, on the vent page. lol
Sirlips completely understand your anger. Vent and take a moment away from us. Sometimes you just need time away from seeing this craziness and fruitcakery of AZ. Hope you feel better and can continue contributing your insight when you’ve vented.
I’m sorry you had to go through that. I’m impressed that you have enough trust to share that here. Don’t be sorry for venting. Watching this is getting harder and harder.
Thanks Danielle. The way i see it, now, as a grown man, i have no reason to hide it…he did. Why should i feel ashamed for his dirty actions. It made me a strong person, good friend, open minded and taught me the importance of being a good father and lover and friend.
I can forgive anyone for just about anything, but sometimes i have a hard time with people that think they are above others. They think they have a right to judge people. they think they know how victims really feel, or better yet, they try to tell victims HOW to feel. I appreciate the many colors of our countries rainbow. I know that i will often disagree with others opinions, and I am happy for that, as i am often wrong and learn from them. But this isnt about us just not agreeing with the other side…they are making choices that are for both sides and doing it in the name of OUR justice system.
I dont see a single one of these people on HLeN or JUAN talking about the millions of deaths happening around the world…genocides, mass murder for minerals or diamonds, etc…. We currently have the largest MASS MURDER in world history happening in south africa (larger than the holocost), yet they dont talk about these people.
Yet, the death of Jodi Arias is so important to the family that threw TA away, that they are “doing the good work” for the poor Alexander family? Dont get me wrong, i dont wish the Alexanders any ill will, but to claim they are doing this for justice for the Alexanders, and not just to get paid, is PATHETIC.
Hey Juan, when this trial is over, i’ll send you and HLeN “lawyers”the names of a few million families in South Africa, Central America and northern South America that have went through MUCH worse than the Alexanders, so you can go help them get “justice”. This will be the litmiss test to see if you are just a money hungry group of bastards and bitches, or if you are telling us the truth.
Well said! Well said! My rants sound like this almost every day. The behavior of people in this country so often sickens me. We are ridiculed the world over for our death penalty stance, our executions, etc. and yet we think that we are so much better than all the other countries out there. Yes, when the justice system works it works well, but many times justice is perverted and we have systems in place to fix it…as will happen with this case. It just angers me that only a few people in this country seem to have a sense of reason and use their brains for more than a storage shed.
Yes pathetic! How many times have you seen HLN drop a story when they can’t find the dirt to spin it into circus. I feel the same way about JM and I don’t want to hate him. If I thought he had an ounce of redeeming qualities I’d overlook his behavior. He stinks of self serving! He out to win and doesn’t care about the truth, the justice system or the Alexanders.
Sir lips I’m so sorry. I would punch your godfather really hard in the throat if I could.
Ah, i dont think it would change what happened, and i know it wouldnt change him. So, instead i will feel sorry for him having the illness he had. (he is dead now)We all make choices for some reason, no one will ever know why he made the choices he made. He was never brought to “justice”..lol. He was never charged. Although there is no statute of limitation, i waited to long to tell anyone, i was 15-16 years old, which at that point amounted to a friend of his, a sheriff, to knock on his door and say “you didnt do…did you? no, i didnt think so.”
I was more angry with the cop that didnt do his job, than my godfather.Maybe this is why im so critical of “the justice system”.
I got into some money troubles when i was 20-21, so i had to do the hardest thing i have ever had to do..i went with a couple friends, that knew what happened to me, back to his farm, to see if i could have the money he supposedly had been putting away for me each birthday.(my grandparents had mentioned it several times) When i asked about it he had the balls to say “my XnameX, you told on me, that was our secret, so no you cant have the money”. I had to hold my friend back, so he didnt kill the guy! He was so mad, i was SO HAPPY! until that day, i didnt think anyone “really” knew for sure that i was telling the truth, since the police never did anything. Hearing him admit it, infront of someone, was amazing. Scary, that he felt so much safety that he could say it right out loud..but amazing.Going there was the very hardest, leaving there i was happier than most times in my life. My friends couldnt understand why i wasnt as upset, and how i didnt beat the shit out of him. But i was…happy.
I dont believe he is in heaven or hell..he is simply bug food. Before i become bug food too, i will never forget why i am always going to try and “do right” by others in my life.
You are a brave and courageous man and thanks for sharing. I also was abused sexually..mostly inappropriate touching and he showing me his tool and asking me to touch it…when I was a young girl. By a friend of my parents. We lived on a farm and i always followed him around and he found all the places he knew nobody would see him. People just don’t realize how prevalent this type of behavior is and why it is totally possible and probable based on the tape that TA was this way also.
I can totally understand your happiness. I’m glad you were able to not let it destroy you. You’ve touched my heart tonight. Sending you a big hug!
Right back at yah!
I’m glad you were able to come out and say that and talk about your abuse. I’m not that brave.
Sure you are…you just did. Its a start, the rest is available when ever you decide.
Have you guys ever seen that TV show, where they set up actors in public, to act out some “morally” questionable situation, to see what the average public will do? You know the one…they maybe put a actor at a supermarket, then have another actor start treating her/him bad, to see if anyone will stand up for the victim? or they have an actor give a waitress a very very hard time, to see if anyone will stand up for her.
ANyway, i get the feeling like we are all being tested, to see if we are going to do anything, or if we are going to be the fuckers, like on the TV show, that sit back and watch and talk about it.
Very frustrating.
What would you do? With Dom Quiñones
Sorry his name is John Quiñones
Here for the long haul…
Watched it a few times . . 2x it was school teachers that spoke up . . can’t remember what the other was except a black lady that gave a “what for” piece of her mind.
Maybe it’s a test, but this is a fucked up test.
I was just on wikipedia looking up NG and she was in trouble for misconduct twice when she was a prosecutor in Georgia. Big Surprise!
Noooo! Not Miss Perfectnn
Ooops! Posted on the morning page. Reposting…,
Your optimism has always been a source of strength for me during the dark days of this trial. But I am very skeptical about the justice system and elected officials in Arizona, after hearing this jury’s verdict. How can we expect anything different from an appellate court? This is a state where the governor says she “hasn’t been following the trial, but thinks Jodi Arias is guilty”! What kind of impartiality and justice can we expect from these people? If the appellate court over turns this verdict, then what happens? Is there going to be another trial? If so, where are they going to find a jury that has not heard of this trial? Hope Justice will be served before it is too late for Jodi!
Ok let me be totally honest and upfront by saying I am not a Jodi Arias supporter…I’ve followed the trail (like most of the country) and I formed the opinion that it was a crime of passion…I have no clue what went on in that bathroom that faithful day..but I do not think it was a pre-med murder..I think she snapped for what ever reason and killed the guy…the reason I’m posting a comment..is by no means to disrespect any person on this board..I respect everyone’s right to have an opinion just as I would hope they would respect my right to have one as well…so I’m making a request to whom it may concern..I understand this is a site designed to show support to Jodi Arias and I may not fit the criteria..but I am a college student..and I plan on writing a paper on this case..honestly most of the people I have spoken with have totally accepted the Prosecutions theory…and the media has been totally pro prosecution from day one..so as you probably know yourselves..it’s virtually impossible to get an objective opinion of this case….so if it’s ok by you guys..being that you’ve followed the trail and you’ve received the same information as everyone else yet you guys believe in her innocence..I’d just like to get some point of views from a few of the members…I’d like to hear your points and why you came to your conclusions…again I mean no harm and you have my word I’ll be nothing but respectful…maybe we could limit it to just a few volunteers who’d be willing to speak with me..either way..again I don’t support Jodi Arias but I do respect the way you have been showing your support to her… I look forward to speaking with a few of you…Thanks
Juror 8 mentioned the handstand, was that admitted into evidence?
Can Jodi ever get a break???? This is absolutely ridiculous!!!
Juror 8 mentioned the handstand video, was that admitted into evidence?
Good point! I don’t think it was. Not sure though.
If so it was shown only on HLN
Nope, he watched after…if you believe him
I don’t
I don’t believe that for one second
I don’t think any of us on here do.
You are a brave and courageous man and thanks for sharing. I also was abused sexually..mostly inappropriate touching and he showing me his tool and asking me to touch it…when I was a young girl. By a friend of my parents. We lived on a farm and i always followed him around and he found all the places he knew nobody would see him. People just don’t realize how prevalent this type of behavior is and why it is totally possible and probable based on the tape that TA was this way also.
Ignore post above. It got reported in the wrong spot.
Have they shown those videos much since he got kicked off? I doubt he saw it after. And he was in court after he got kicked off. Did he tape HLN too?. Yeah, right..
No. He’s no longer on the jury so he doesn’t have to follow the “admonition.”
The question though is whether or not he was still on the jury when he watched the video. I believe all these jurors were either influenced by the media, and, or, some by the mormon contingent, or family of TA. This is not a just decision, and another good reason for the death penalty to be abolished. Some interesting reading I found on the internet…
We will have to see how the appeals go. For sure Jodi did not receive a fair trial. The prosecutor lied, and some of it’s key witnesses as well. This decision should be easily oveturned. Something has to be done… Jodi Arias is a victim, It must be overturned!!! Stay strong people.
If you found out your SO was using webcam for sex would that be cheating?
The SO is married
By my definition, yes, it would be. A two-way sexual exchange with another person, even virtually, is being unfaithful.
I thought so, would it matter if his wife were sick?
some states do not recognize virtual net encounters as infidilities if trying to be used in divorce . . NJ is one
Morally wrong? IMO, yes. She is still his wife, even sick. If the wife knows, and is ok with it, different story. But I consider it cheating. I will say I am somewhat sympathetic if the wife is severely ill, as in terminal, and he is just flirting via webcam. I still find it cheating though.
She is chronically Ill not terminal and not ok with it
Can I please get the pw for vent page?
I missed out on the password too
Email SJ for it.
I had the pw originally, but since he changed it, I haven’t received it.
The server was down for me for something like FIVE days.
I haven’t gotten the new password either since he changed it.
Oh by the way…if you do accept me request and allow me to speak to a few members..I love to hear some opinions on this….as you saw today the defense made an attempt to accept the prosecutions theory that Jodi has a borderline personality disorder that may have factored in the Killing of Mr. Alexander…my opinion is that this should have been the defense strategy from the very beginning…honestly a crime of passion would have been way more believable than the approach they took…now most of the media outlets have suggested that Jodi may have “strongly” suggested to her defense team to go with the domestic abuse angle as oppose to the crime of passion route…again we all know the media has been biased from the first moment they started covering this case…so it’s hard to put to much stock in that…but I’m would love to know what you guys think…was the domestic violence approach a tactical mistake? The evidence in this case screams “Heat of passion”..do you think that would’ve have been a better defense? If so..who do you think made the decision to go with domestic violence…Jodi or her defense team? Thanks in advance for all your feedback
It makes me ill how they ruled today. Based on MORE lies by that little fucktard JM. I hate this helpless feeling that theres nothing I can do to help Jodi. That baby killer gets life after killing helpless full term babies. There is definitely something wrong with the system.
Juror #8 hopefully said some things that will sink this whole ship. I am no lawyer but I think his comment of all the jurors being on their devices should be looked at. They could prove what sites they were on if it was investigated right away but it it’s left that will be more evidence that is lost. (kind of like much of the evidence Florez missed or chose to lose).
I am dreading tomorrow.
In hopes there’s some crouching tigers frothing at the mouth ready for this to hit rock bottom so they can pounce into action
HLN has already dug Jodi’s grave. Even if she gets the death penalty she’ll get an automatic appeal. The judge, her lawyers, and the jury not being sequestered have pretty much guaranteed a new trial. It’s sickening to me how much they are enjoying this.
I am so mad at the whole sham of a trial, Jodi deserved better
They kept changing the rules on her it seems, how on earth is the aggravating part allowed to be so different from the actual trial?
like the judge saying no more interviews . . but bk said she didn’t believe that’s actually enforceable
Today was hard, and I wasn’t sure I would watch. Tomorrow will be even harder, more emotional, more fear, worry, more everything. I want to watch, I want to see how things go, but I am dreading it. It will be a “mini trial’ of sorts, with defense and mitigation and I am assuming, (no one knows) that Jodi’s mom will speak. I cannot imagine what she is feeling, and how terrified she must feel. SOMEONE has to get up there and speak for Jodi…..they must. Mom,dad, sister, aunt, grandma…they must. The state will have the Alexanders speak and Jodi needs someone to plead for her very life. I am not sure if Jodi will speak or not, but I hope she does. It’s hard to know what she will say if she does, but I hope she does. It will be her last chance to speak openly before they decide her fate. I won’t lie, part of me wants her to stand there and plead, beg not to give her death. I just do. I want this because just maybe, this jury will hear that and decide the DP is wrong. All wrong. If 1 juror says no, then they all may decide this. All day and night I have been thinking sarcastic shitty things she could say, and the joy she might feel telling the jury they are full of shit and they are wrong. That they judged her unfairly. As the night went on, it hit me differently, that this is it, this is her life here. I changed my mind about that way of speaking, (if she even speaks) and now just want her to beg them to spare her life. How can you, (jury) look at a woman who is right in front of you, begging for her very life, and say NO? How can you send someone to death who is begging you not to? It’s going to be a hard day, so hard.
Message for Jodi, forget the Mormon religion as soon as you can and get back to your famiy’s denomination. From what I have seen the mormons are rigid in spirit and a clique. The ones that you met thru Travis have shown no compassion or forgiveness. People who truly have a relationship with God understand forgiveness. Never mind quoting the Mormon masters; hidden are many twisted secrets of sexual frustration, guilt and anger. It is really something when you think of Ashley Reed killing herself (so they say), Dan Freeman’s brother killing himself and the violence that came out of the relationship at hand. All of this happened within a very small group of friends. Now is that an advertisement for the Morman religion? I think not. Onward Jodi, there is hope for you no matter what the Arizona circus says. We believe in you here, Alyce believes you and your Mom and Aunt and Donovan are there for you. You may feel alone but you are not.
How can I get the password? Thanks!
Just devastated with today’s verdict
Lifetime is saying that they are airing an ‘exclusive interview’ with Jodi a week from tonight at 10 – ‘Jodi Arias: Behind the Headlines’
I thought there was a court order to the sheriff’s department telling them no more interviews.
Mugshot: Man farts in girlfriend’s face, gets stabbed
Now for some comments from the HLN fan network bound and determined to kill Jodi Arias.
*****: this at least makes some sense
*****: Not guilty… She was provoked! Likely to do the same thing! lol
*****: I am going to go out here on a limb and say he deserved it!
*****: She looks like she has had a few broken noses in the past. One skid mark too much!!
I choose not to post names because im just not that into putting someones personal lives out on the internet, but, still this guy deserved it because of a fart.
?????? Are you joking???
yea media mobs are awesome
i have watched the whole trial. i have never seen anything like it. ima paralegal not an attorney,but im against the death penalty. God will take her when he decides. no one else
So juror number 8 had to walk out of the room when it was on? so that means members of his household was watching it?
Yes he is in arizona where the coverage is probably on the news more. but… if his family was watching it so was he. Circumstantial evidence there buddy.
Wait a minute… When did they show the video in court of Jodi doing the head stand while she was kept waiting for hours on end during her interrogation?? When asked if he thought she had mental issues. Juror 8….He doesn’t know…when he saw her doing the hand stand on the video…maybe…it makes him wonder…
I thought that this is one of the issues Nurmi brought up that the state had leaked the interrogation videos.
And Juanita said he had no control over those videos.
I never saw that video being played during the trail unless it done in the opening statements??
I’m not a lurker I have posted at least 3 times in the beginning. However, if there was a like button on the comments, trust me I would be the queen of “likes”.
He said that in response to a question from Dr. Poo. He asked the juror what he thought about the videos that were not in evidence. He mentioned the headstand one, the juror said he thought it was odd. He stopped short of saying it showed a mentally ill person. He has had no admonition since he was kicked off, so he has seen everything out there, (likely) on tv, all the videos that were not in evidence.
Thank you Anna. Oh I am sure he has been up late at night watching all of the haters videos.
Juror number 8 can watch anything he wants since he has been kicked off the jury. That video was never admitted in trial, but he could watch it afterwards.
I searched for information about this phase of the trial, I found bits and pieces in various sites including some in a document of the Office of the Attorney General of Arizona. I do not know whether the procedures spelled out here are in effect, but upon reading the literature I found it did contain information that seemed relevant. Excerpts below.
The death penalty is intended only for the worst crimes. In order for juries to determine whether a particular defendant deserves a sentence of death, they must weigh evidence that the murderer is actually one of the worst of the worst–the aggravating factors, in this case, extreme cruelty– against the reasons for sparing her life, the mitigating factors.
The presentation of evidence at the aggravation and mitigation hearing follows much the same format as during the guilt phase of the trial. Witnesses testify under oath and are cross-examined, evidence is admitted for the court’s consideration, and counsel for the State and the defense give oral argument. Evidence in mitigation may be offered by the defense or the State regardless of its admissibility under the rules of evidence. Once the prosecution has presented evidence supporting aggravating circumstances and either side has presented mitigating circumstances, the court decides whether to impose the death penalty, regardless of the views of the prosecutors.
The defense can present evidence and reasons why the defendant should not receive a death sentence. This evidence, which can include mental problems, remorse, youth, childhood abuse or neglect, the absence of a prior criminal record, may reduce the culpability of the defendant in the killing or may provide other reasons for preferring a life sentence to death.
At the aggravation and mitigation hearing, the statutory victims under have the right
under the Victim’s Bill of Rights to address the court. The victim may testify as to the emotional, financial and psychological impact the murder has had on the survivors of the victim. The sentencing judge cannot, however, consider a sentencing recommendation by the victim(s) in determining whether to impose the death penalty.
The jury is instructed to weigh the mitigating factors presented by the defense against the aggravating factors presented by the prosecution.
If the trial court decides that the State has proven beyond a reasonable doubt at least one of the statutory aggravating circumstances, and that there are no mitigating circumstances sufficiently substantial to call for leniency, the court shall impose the sentence of death. Immediately following the rendering of the special verdict and sentence of death, the court shall file the defendant’s notice of appeal and the case is automatically appealed to the Arizona Supreme Court.
In the automatic appeal, the Arizona Supreme Court independently reviews the death sentence. Although the Court does not defer to the trial court’s decision to impose the death penalty, it does give deference to the factual findings underlying the trial court’s decision. When the Arizona Supreme Court has doubt about the imposition of the death penalty, the Court will resolve the doubt in favor of a life sentence.
As soon as the mandate is issued affirming the defendant’s conviction and sentence, the Arizona Supreme Court automatically initiates a post-conviction relief proceeding. Post-conviction relief proceedings allow the defendant to raise claims relating primarily to whether:
(1) trial counsel provided effective representation during the trial or sentencing hearing;
(2) there is “newly-discovered” evidence that would have changed the verdict or
sentence had it been presented at the time of trial; and
(3) a change in the law that applies retroactively would probably change the conviction or sentence.
The trial court’s decision on the post-conviction relief claims can be appealed to the Arizona Supreme Court by either party, and the parties may file a petition for certiorari requesting the United States Supreme Court to review the decision of the State Supreme Court.
In the sentencing faze Nurmi failed to debunk JM theory that JA waited until TA was in a “vulnerable sitting” position in the shower. TA’s back was against the shower wall. No one could stab him in the back that way. Next we have the ME report that the frontal wounds were at an upward angle, not down ward or laterally or from the right side of TA’s body. IF JA was in front of TA as he sat facing the shower wall with his back to the opposing wall, how could she stab him in an upward angle in the chest as the ME states the wounds were inflicted? She would have had to have been lying flat on the floor in front of him. Not at his eye level to his right. Nurmi needed to use the ME’s report to show what JM claims is just not possible. Instead of saying how it happened Nurmi needed to concentrate on how it could not have happened the way JM claimed it did.
Nurmi failed to use the ME’s report to debunk 29 “stab wounds” Many of the cuts were not “Stab wounds” as claimed by the prosecution and the talking heads. There were a total of 3 actual stab wounds to his chest and 9 to his back and two superficial wounds to the back of his head. Noted as glanced off wounds. The back wounds were 1 inch to 1 ½ inches deep. This does not indicate force full stabs with a sharp knife inflicted by a person standing directly behind the victim., as JM so artfully declared. The frontal wounds were up to 3 inches deep and upward. Those are force full stab wounds due to the depth and done from a lower position going upward according to the ME. All the other wounds were either defensive cuts or slashes not “stab” wounds. The defensive wounds show TA was able to grab the knife many times and also block with his arms so that would suggest he was not fatally wounded at the time they were inflicted. None of this supports JM description of the events. It does support a struggle between 2 people not an attack on a person in a vulnerable position as JM has sold the jury on. The wounds on his legs noted were never proven to be actual wounds but instead a pert of the decomposition process. Yet JM led to believe those were also done by Jodi Arias. The defense failed to use the prosecutions own witness the ME to impeach JM’s story. Then they also failed to object to his description in closing arguments and in the penalty faze of how the crime was committed. None of his descriptions agreed with the ME”s report. What a travesty.
Prosecutor’s lie and conceal exculpatory evidence and we call it justice. What are we thinking???
Well, to juror 8, jodi was not believable.my reply to that is soooooooo what? You dont get to chose why somebody took a gas can or chose a circuitous route or had a dead phone or any of the things you used to form premeditated murder in your mind. Did you find the gun and match bullets to know for a fact that it was her grandfather’s gun? Did you read anywhere or hear anything from jodi saying ” i’m gonna kill him!”, did you ever hear one word from anyone that she even raised her voice to him, showed any sign of aggression??? Anything???
Today, i had a bad day upon the recent death of a loved one. I took two naps and felt sorry for myself…you dont get to decide that I am lazy and weak based on the two naps and the pity party. And if i tell u thats what happened and why, you dont get to say, well, i dont believe you therefore i WILL believe any other story someone puts forward.
On the surface jodi looks very guilty….guess what, a lot of people do! And if all u got is her ‘believability’ then you got squat. And by the way, what you have as to her lack of credibility is her doodling and a long time on the stand…well then, lets just tell the truth and say it wasnt even her lack of believability, YOU JUST DIDNT LIKEEEEE HER. Thats it in a nut shell. You didnt like her. Well haul out the ropes and find a tall tree, juror 8 just didnt like her.
Bingo. Her “doodling” is irritating, she was on the stand too long, get to the point already, and even she seemed not believable are not the standard of BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.
we had bad weather lost the tv did he tell the one of the jury having the ipads and other devises
We lost more in this trial than a young woman’s life. We lost the very meaning of the constitution that we were founded on. The right to a fail trial of our peers. We have been guaranteed the right to be innocent until proven guilty. This trial and the CA trial changed all that. First the CA trail. The prosecutor over charged the case to advance his own personal gain. Then when there was not enough evidence to convict on the first degree murder charge the pompous idiot went for, the jury became the blame. Hated by the masses. Threatened and harassed and even some went into hiding. Ashton released his book with in weeks of the verdict. No one needs to admit what Ashton was doing during the trail. We know he was concentrating on becoming an author. Now we know this took months to write so the only thing he had to wait on was the out come for his completion. Thus the short time from the verdict to the book release.
Everyone was so worried the defense or CA herself would “profit from the death of a child” , yet Ashton who did just that was signing books as line of people waited at his book signing!!
But that jury was persecuted, called vicious names and even threatened. So now where do we get the juries for these cases? Who wants to be in their place? The jury now has to fear what will happen if the prosecutor does not prove a case but the public does not care and just wants to hear the words guilty. How do we over come that? How can a jury who is charged with a fair verdict put their own lives, families and even their jobs and safety at risk for a total stranger who the public demands a guilty verdict for? Evidence or not they just want to hear guilty. Juries are human and the first basic instinct for a human is self preservation, not justice for a person they do not even know. Then we have to ask where will the defense find experts who will stand in defense of the defendant? What expert will be willing to loose their life’s work, their career , even their safety for a defendant they have never met.? Yes Jodi Arias lost in a very disgusting way but beyond this young woman …..We all lost….. America lost ….Our Constitution became tarnished in a way we will not be able to forget or correct if we do not stand up now and stop the way our judicial system is going today.
“juror number 8 is awesome!” yea hes so awesome hes a drunk driver, juror number 8 is so awesome that he jeopardized the life of children, mothers, fathers, grandmother, grandfathers, aunts and uncles. juror number 8 was attempting murder when he chose to drink and then drive, and to get out of the FELONY, he used jodi to get him out. He is obviously and upstanding citizen that was probably truly targeting jodi supporters.
he should be railroaded for his crime just as he is trying to do Jodi
and not once did they mention why he was BOOTED off the panel.
Do u see how stupid people are? How they reason with no logic and no basis in the law set before them. Do you see how it is a popularity contest from beginning to end and you cant find one in a THOUSAND people in this country with integrity. My advice to you abuse victims, get out before you are in a situation of life or death because unless you are mighty popular or the dead guy is mighty might MIGHTY unpopular, you dont stand a chance.
I think I am just gonna go to bed. I was going to the vent page but………………………….think just bed. I hope ya’ll have a good night. Me and my broken ribs are going to go try to get comfortable. Goodnight everyone!
Night cj…feel better.
I also read on the internet that Dr. Drew does the teen mom coverage because he is the father of all the children, and only seeks out to take turns on his childrens children
In this phase, today, there was no way for Nurmi to bring up things that you mentioned. The trial itself is over, he cannot go into an aggravating phase and argue to the jury. All he could do today, was to try to stop them, try to get them to say this killing was NOT especially cruel. JW did get to question the ME and did her very best to show this jury that it was not a especially cruel end. That was the only point of todays hearing, not to argue anything else, they are not allowed.They cannot bring up aspects of the case itself, this is the penalty phase. If the defense had gone on and on about the wounds, especially the defensive wounds, all that would do is draw attention to the amount of stab wounds. That is why it was so short, the defense did not want to anger the jury, which is the most important thing. Remember, they already found her guilty and now have to decide her fate. The last thing the defense wants to do is try to insinuate they are wrong. They are trying to save her life, and this jury is the one who will decide whether she lives or dies.
Quite true Anna!
I cant even imagine what Jodi is going through or how one could endure this without giving up.Here is a song thats helped me through some very dark times.Please listen if you get a chance.
Beautiful and appropriate choice for all us.
Well, was going to bed but then thought can’t yet. I was going to go to the vent page cause needed a time out but password isn’t working. I said I was going to vent here but not sure that I should since we have so many trolls or had. Hell I don’t know if we do now or not.
I can’t get to the vent page…help!!!! I had to go back and read peoples comments to see the password changed..I didn’t know. SJ? MB? Email me please.
Please add me to the list too SJ, thx 🙂
I can bet that you want to do some SERIOUS VENTING Anna!LOL
I think they blocked the vent page, and changed the password after the security was breached. I didn’t receive a password & I’m ok if they want to keep it private.
I told you all the other night that i was waiting on the conclusion of this trial for the bigger picture here. You cannot whipe all morality out of a society and expect our laws to work. They will NOT. From jury intimidation, to jury dishonesty, to witness badgering….to reprehensable media involvement spread far and wide across every home and family, you cannot have a judicial sysem of integrity when there is no integrity in the society. And furthermore, my only allegience is to God and if doing what is RIGHT in the face of persecution, well i have not lost any blood for it yet and i will count it all joy to suffer for doing what is right. But there was not one likeminded juror nor would there have been in a multitude of jurors.
Well written post Holly, but I am very sad you had to write the truth.It scares me for my children.I have always said I would not let the world change who I am.I will continue the fight for truth and justice!..NOT ONE JUROR, I still cant believe that!
Funny how Juror #8 says when people at work spoke to him about it he said he told them he was not allowed to talk about it . He does not say that the people at work respected that and stop talking or commenting to him or in front of him though. He also admits when something came on television he turned it off or walked out of the room ( so in my house you can still hear the TV when you are in another room.) So who in his own home had it on TV and what …….they did not talk to him about it either? His own family never spoke to him about it in 4 months but they watched ot on TV when he was home? Then he stated it was hard to not hear or see reports on the case. He said it was in every newspaper he picked up. Yet in all the time he was on the Jury he never once raised his hands when the Judge asked the silly question about hearing or seeing anything or anyone attempting to talk to the jurors about the case. How many others on that jury were not honest with that question…..and they say she lied???
Yeah I got that too–its pretty obvious they did not abide by the admonitions in the least. This is the judge and the court’s fault ultimately as it would hard for anyone not sequestered to hear and see nothing outside of the court room for 4 months.
Why not vent here if it helps you sleep. Wh cares about trolls, they can not stop you from being who you are can they? After all they really don’t belong here anyway and you do. Go ahead and vent.
Oh honey I just did and I’m not done. I’m more than sure there is more to come, I might repeat myself some too cause I keep thinking of all the REAL evidence that needed to come in. The anger I feel about the way the witnesses were treated. Ohhhhhhh I’m getting going again.
besides the obvious things we don’t know what’s goin on but have suspect and the things we have no idea why the hell they are goin on, I feel there’s some things goin on we’re not supposed to know about and it’s all for the good. I know what opinion I’d like to express but just don’t want it out in open lol
And when juror 8 finally and inevitably kills someone while dui, even he wont get what jodi is getting. And i’ll bet his victims wont have harrass and intimidatedand abused him either.
How can you give someone the DP when all of the information wasn’t even given???????? I say that because it wasn’t! Those roommates should have been fingerprinted, given polygraphs, taken molds of shoes, everything. Chris and Sky Hughes needed to have to take polygraphs as well. The ME should have been shot down not only for perjury but for doing a shitty job. Flores was completely stupid and this investigation was over his head. They wanted ONE person for this and that was Jodi. The hln shit was the reason for this mob crap. Again, NOBODY can live in a house for five days with a decomposing body, nobody. You have to breathe, eat, do laundry, and when did he do his, was it ever pinned down to a date? This is all bullshit! You have a woman who calls police and says, check out my ex husband, I’m sure he had something to do with this murder. Suddenly she’s dead, supposedly, suicide, bs. One of them killed her to shut her up. They wanted to shut them all up. Why else did these other people not come forward? Was it just cowardice, or was it that they would be next with a bullet to the brain? Hmmmmmmmm bullet to the brain, who else had that? There is just sooooooo much not answered and they didn’t take the time to go through the evidence, they played on ipads, phones, watched hln and drank their poisoned koolaid as I was told I had done once, NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jodi could have killed him at any time. Why did she choose the shower, ohhhhhhhhh that’s right he was at a disadbantage, NOT! She could have shot him when she got there and left, she could have had sex with him, shot him while he was sleeping and left, she didn’t. That whole thing is just a made up bs story and those sheep bought all the lies and theories and bullshit hypotheticals. WHY???????? Just WHY? Why couldn’t they think for themselves? They must have been part of this big mormon moron show as well. It came out of his mouth I read up earlier, (juror 8) said he didn’t know if they had their minds made up or not, yeah, I’ve got some ocean front property in ewwwwwwwwwww AZ! You just can’t give someone M1 with JUST the evidence presented in this case, it’s not possible. They just kept feeding the jury story after story and they bought the sack of lies. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh but wait, it’s just Jodi that lies. Biggest crock of shit I’ve heard. You know damn well that they didn’t take the time to separate the EVIDENCE from the horseshit! I am still mad and I don’t know that I am going to get better any time soon. You stupid son of a bitches can fuck off and I am hoping that while you are doing that, an appellant court will be overturning your overcharged, debaucle, suck ass fairy tale, of a case. Have a nice night!
cj, Im so glad you decided to let it out.I go over and over the same things in my head.NONE of this makes sense.It will be overturned.We have to hold on to that!
I do also, I go over it and over it and it’s just the fact that soooo much seems to be missing and that makes me think ok, Jodi was convicted of M1 without all the facts being taken into consideration. The ONLY thing that was taken into consideration was hln and the hypotheticals of JM
Thank you Anna, I appreciate your input on my comment. I do understand they could not do much today. But the court allows them to make objections on JM statements if they are unproven or misleading or not in evidence. They can also object during closing when he does that. So today when JM stated TA was in a “vulnerable sitting position” when Jodi “attacked him”…that is not what the ME’s findings show. The defense should have objected every time JM lead the jury down the yellow brick road . This was crucial to proving the cruelty of the crime. But that is just my opinion, I am often wrong …..not intentionally though. J
Our government is rotten to the core because, so are our people. And the judicial branch is not immune. I am thankful to be old. I will miss the old America that had at least a fighting chance. Now its full of cowards who could never have even started a country on their own, much less kept it from becoming the disgusting place it is now.
You call it venting. I call it speaking the truth without fear. Goodnight.
I fully believe that the people should have been named and made to either testify or give taped depositions with their voices changed after they had been given a polygraph or truth serum. if I were Jodi, I’d be screaming for truth serum and in my statement, I’d tell everything that I could. She will get a chance to speak won’t she??????????
Well has everyone left me? I had said I was hitting bed but not yet. I just can’t. Far tooooo much on my mind.
no just woke up
I am listening . You have some good points and I don’t want to break your chain of thought
I just keep thinking all these things and what really pisses me off the most is WHAT can be done now about it all? Can all of this evidence, and all the people be made to come to appeal court?
well the could not do anything because the $$$ that the hughes had paid for the prosecutor and the witness chris on the stand if you say that is were all the lies start and end to hear sky she the one on the phone telling everyone what to say when she talked about calling the cops and letting them know this and that
They should have been thoroughly investigated. I mean thoroughly!!!!!!!! A good PI and a bulldog of an appellant court lawyer needs to jump on this and win. They should put students in the records looking at everything while the PI and the lawyer fight.
Hey Everyone,
Couldn’t sleep. Came to see what’s happening here. It was a tough day. Was talking with my SO tonight a lot about how the injustice of trial by media gets changed. We gotta get those cameras out of the courtrooms.
Hi Natalie
Hey cj!
Amen …..Again
Someone please please tell me how a defenDANT as pickles likes to say, be convicted on hypotheticals and theories, and not much else? See ,my head iis spinning. I can’t think of everything I want to say.
because she been paid bet her bank account has a large deposit in it has to cant think of any reason for some one do what she did
I don’t think she was paid anymore than usual . . i think she was threatened to throw the case or her career was done . . damn dummies . . they cave under pressure and think they’re ok . . idiots get stepped on anyway . . once they cross that line of integrity . . it’s all downhill.
I think because she instructed the jury that they were allowed to give circumstantial evidence the same weight as direct evidence. I think that is the same in all states?
Here is how I see it, from day one I knew JM has three goals he wanted to accomplish to a M1 conviction.
1. Paint a connect the dot picture for a premeditation plan. There’s about 6 or 7 depending on how one counts them.
2. Plant the seed that Jodi is a Sociopath, a let it grow.
3. Portray Jodi as pathological lair and a manipulator
He accomplished all three of goals and the jury decided they liked his version.
This jury didn’t believe the self defense claim, defense’s experts testimony, or any witness the defense presented.
This jury overlooked Horn & Flores lies, possibly disregarded it completely
Then you add the media circus, juror going home every night… And that is how it ends up with M1
Well, said Ann. You summed up exactly what I have been thinking. Also, if you add the fact this was a dumbed down jury that can’t follow instructions or think logically, it is the perfect storm. Mother Teresa would have been convicted.
Anna are you still up, I have a question
I am not sure even Jodi knows exactly what happened that night or why. The fog she says she has is very real IMO. I know when I was facing a fist I could not recall the events that were happening or happened. Even now years later I still don’t know exactly what happened in some of those events. I do know If I had a weapon he would be dead and I would be in jail. I am the least violent person you could ever meet. I don’t even swat flies. But when you are in a situation like you loose yourself and who you are IMO I know in facilitating survivors groups many of the woman do not have memories of the events for years. Sometimes not at all. I know of 3 rape victims who do not recall the event beyond a knife at their throats. All the rest including the duration is lost to them. The human mind works in ways we do not still understand.
she knows now who the intruders are if you watch what is going on in the chris and sky hughes interview when they were on the stand she told flores she could not id them because they had on masks but when she heard them speak she turns to her friend and mother like shes telling them its them
Well now would be the time to BLAST them in open court and say NOWWWWWWWWWWW I REMEMBER, IT WAS YOU TWO.
maybe that’s why she’s been gagged
this is very very true. I don’t know why those “people” on the jury can live with what they have done when they don’t even have all of the evidence that’s needed. Did anyone ever figure out that that 3rd “gas” can was a kerosene can? I never heard mention of it again. Why would they just drop that? Why didn’t they have someone from ballistics come in and blast the ME and say the GUN you are allegedly saying that Jodi used was loaded with hollow point bullets and those do wayyyyyyyyy more damage that what this did. I don’t understand why things weren’t done right.
anyone see the bullet taken from his head? I can’t recall but do know a hollow point would have entered ok but exited making a hole about the size of a baseball
I don’t remember where I read it, or if it is even a valid claim, but someone said that whether you buy the red can or the blue can from Walmart, the receipt has that Kero as part of the name. I think they even said the yellow can. There might be something to that, or else the defense would have brought it up. Jodi would have corrected JM from the stand I think too and she did not. She went along with the description “gas can” for some reason. Its still confusing.
I think it was prejudicial that Travis’s death pictures were shown in court today. His body was not found for days and those pictures are a gross misrepresentation of the injuries bc the body was in the stages of decomposition.
Also, interesting that Juror #8 knew that Jodi was drawing. He said it irritated him that she was taking notes, doodling, or drawing pictures. He would have not known what she was doing unless he watched the news.
BTW, where is MADD, the guy just got a DUI, and HLN is making him out to be a martyr. What am I missing here. First they say it is normal that men fantasize about sex with 12 year olds, now DUI is also okay. Are we in a remake of children of the corn???
And, who in their right mind believes that Jodi stabbed TA in the chest while he was sitting in the shower. The stall was small, water was running, and she somehow lunged forward and stabbed him while he was seated w his kness up. This goes beyond all common sense logic.
Bottom line, Jodi needs forensic specialists – who are not ‘in love’ with her – to come forward and explain the crime scene. The state has done nothing but make speculations. The jury convicted her bc she lied. Bottom line, she needs forensic help.
This is beyond gross what is happening.
Great post on every level. ITA
I still don’t understand why her defense did not put up their own medical examiner type doctor in their case in chief. Does anyone here know why they did not?
She was not arrested for a month after the crime. By then the ME had his report and TA was buried. A new ME or pathologists would have to rely on the ME report. Not much to debate because there was nothing left to examine. No way to dispute the MEs findings. His report was all they had . JMO
So many questions haven’t been answered that still bother me about the roommates. One of the roommates had just moved in, for two weeks if I remember correctly. Why would TA’s ring and watch be left on the counter with someone new in the house. Wouldn’t that seem odd to the other roommates? Also, how was taking care of the dog if the roommates thought TA was on a business trip? Did the roommates not think anything of this? Did Flores question the roommates about this? Why didn’t Flores go back and question Dustin Thompson. He just dropped the ball on that lead. Makes no sense. of course the most nagging question is the smell in the house. The girlfriends didn’t live there, but the were in and out of the house … why didn’t they smell something and report it. There were so many signs that something was off.
I have been saying this for months! It’s like when I say such to people they just ignore me or say prove it.
Even in Flores report he says that the odor is apparent when he walked in the door. I don’t know if you have even smelled decomposition but it’s not something you can stand and it’s also something you never ever forget.
I know cj … it makes no sense! How did they not smell something? I don’t believe it. Why would Flores choose to ignore, not follow up something that was so blatantly obvious to him?
not follow up? You mean with the roommates?
Yes, with more questions to roommates. And to question Dustin Thompson.
But also about the smell that was so obvious.
Mimi noticed the smell as soon as she walked into the house also. She first thought the dog had made a mess. As she walked further into the house, towards the stairs she comments again about how she noticed a bad smell.
She said this when she was on the witness stand.
if she noticed it as she entered the house there is NO WAY that the roommates nor the girlfriends of the roommates never noticed something or noticed the dog who had to be acting crazy due to the smell and knowing his master was up the stairs and he couldn’t get to him.
no mention of the smell on the 911 call she did lots about jodi that everyone was saying in the back ground
love the g avatar pick hate it when other use pictures of the witch that sits on the fake jury with dr drew dr dread or nancy grace love the one that says f((k you.
I don’t know what a decomposing human smells like, but I’ve smelled a decomposing groundhog before. My friend and I found one dead in our clubhouse when we were kids. It was really nasty. I’m sure a human smells worse.
Did Jodi’s team have an investigator? I haven’t ever heard if they conducted any of their own investigations. If not, why not? This seems like a basic, elementary component for a defendant facing such serious charges and penalties. I thought that was a standard thing for a defendant in a DP case, to have their own investigations.
who know its all back ass words in AZ
I am not sure what happened here . I would have to wonder why Jodi would admit to killing him if she didn’t though. I know the mental torment he put her through makes a person’s soul scream for relief. The pain of what TA was putting her through was enough to make most young women crazy. Some could handle it, many could not. Suicide is a common thread among young women in this type of situation. Murder is another . What bothers me soooo much is Mary Winkler killed her well beloved pastor husband and went to the beach in another state after she shot him leaving him to die. He was loved by everyone in town, No reports or incidents of DV were ever filed. No one witnessed his abusive behavior towards her. Her husband ridiculed her, made her wear “hookers cloths , as she called them and demeaned her. He was sleeping and not a threat , she shot him and left . She got less time than Jodi has spent in jail waiting on her trial. Mary is a free woman today and Jodi is facing the death penalty. That is really messed up IMO.
Yes, I remember seeing the movie of that case. I don’t know how much truth there was to the movie but you summed it right up. Isn’t it unreal. Jodi had never been in any bad trouble , so not like a repeat offender of somethingggggggggggg. They bought the lies of hln and kermit. They no more listened to this case and went over the evidence with a fine toothed comb than my shoe size is a 6.
I’ve heard about Mary Winkler. I agree, it’s really messed up when someone who actually premeditated a murder gets less than Jodi, who I don’t believe did.
My guess is because they told her they were goign to go for self defense. I believe someone other than Jodi did this. She may have stabbed him to get him off of her but I don’t think she did the rest.
Even if no one else was involved it was not premeditated.
No I don’t believe it was either. I wonder where the Hughes’ were when Jodi’s grandparents house was robbed?
yep yep yep . and jm got away with keeping the knife in the picture showing all the damage today when the damn knife has never been found, Jodi doesn’t recall a stabbing therefore it’s not been proven no matter what the hell they “think”
Exactly, Jodi only remembers hearing the sound of the knife drop on the tile.
that is exactly my point, where is the real evidence, not theories
See, these are the thiings a good PI could find out. He could (or she) go over everything and investigate everyone. A good PI can do a hell of a lot
said earlier, when this case hits rock bottom, things are gonna change
Are the letters from Travis allowed into the mitigating part?
I have no idea Angela
I hope they are
And with this verdict, the law allows people like TA to strip the dignity of any person that shows weakness in matters of love. Isn’t that a form of abuse and violence??? Yes, Jodi did wrong but wasn’t she provoked months and months over and over again? If she had ment to hurt TA, she wasn’t going to accept his abuse for such a long time. She would have killed him much earlier. There is just so much a person can take.
Furthermore, if TA was such an innocent person WHY didn’t he file any complaints and get a restriction order towards Jodi??? He had a sex slave and manipulated her into all his dirty tricks… If Jodi didn’t kill him then, this little twisted game of his would still be going on while he was dating other women that he supposively cared for. He would still be mocking his religion.
If you ask me, he was asking for it. If someone is stalking me (as they say Jodi was him) I will go to the police. I WILL NOT have sex with this person and invite him in my home. If this person shows up in my home I will call the police. ANY CALLS TO THE POLICE FROM TA??? Just goes to show that justice chooses to like and hate instead of taking all the facts under concideration.
TA was a fake in all sections of his life. He did not have any respect on other humans, he did not have any respect for his church, he did not care who would get hurt because of his actions. In my book, this is what I call SELFISH. This is what I call a SOULESS BEING. This is what I call EVIL. And this is what I call NEMESIS. He got what he deserved.
THNKK YOU! Who says oh she’s stalkin me and then calls her to come over for fun sex? AND it was not the cancun trip cause he was going to see her when he got back. Something terrible happened in that house but, I don’t believe it was all on Jodi, not at all.
well the word “stalk” has been misused so much and even jm said “stalking like” manner because he knows the lawful term for “stalking” and Jodi wasn’t a stalker under definition by law.
Anyone who thinks this was a one sided premeditated crime does not have any real sense. IMO.
I often felt TA told people she was stalking him because it gave him an alibi if he got too violent with her. He would be seen as justified by everyone. Let’s face it he threw his cell phone because he was angry at herm his friend stated that on HLN. There were people who knew he was violent and had a temper. This relationship had violence in it and it does not matter if there were no reports. It was volatile in too many ways not to have physical violence. So if he hurt her or killed her even , he sat up an alibi by saying she was stalking him, sneaking in his home and hiding when he was unaware. Perfect set up if she was harmed by him IMO
isn’t that a cryin shame . . date someone, build a relationship and all along they were stringing along setting up “just in-case” alibis . . nothing sacred about relationships anymore and it’s always a double edged sword for the female. .
Very true . . alot is to blame on politicians stripping womens rights, closing family planning facilities, saying rape is not rape, husbands cannot be accused of raping wives, if a pregnancy cause by rape oh well “womens bodies have a way to self abort” (how ignorant can a person get to say that), and will not recognize domestic violence . . there’s something real wrong. Then when a woman has a legitimate report, judges in the municipality can choose to hear it or figure “they’ll work things out” and not hear the case unil one of them are dead. It’s a sick society and getting sicker.
Yes, and letting this accusation that Travis was being stalked by Jodi have merit hurts all the victims of real stalking. When they try to get restraining orders and call the police how seriously will the victims be taken?
Amen well stated Pandora and let’s add in who sends pics of their penis to their STALKER? Who continues to have a sexual relationship with their STALKER? Who takes butthole and lady parts pictures of their STALKER? Who doesn’t report supposed slashed tires to the police that they tell friends their STALKER did? Who has phone sex with their STALKER? Who lets their STALKER into their home on June 4, 2008 and has repeated sex with them???? Saint Travis thats who.
Part of the many giant lies told in this case is that Travis Alexander was no party to this relationship and did not have any blame in the outcome has made me ill from day one. It takes two to make a perfect storm that ended the way it did. He had choices too one good one would have been to stop using Jodi as his booty call. He has responsibility in his own demise right along with Jodi.
HLN use another one of my words again to-nite the rosary I will pray the rosary and they used that guess that is discussing to them dont like the Catholics
That’s unreal!!!!!!!!! I guess they come here and lurk and take back what they can. WELL sir, I don’t think they have taken anything I have had to say today cause I’ve been on a freakin rolllllll
makes ya wonder . . I said something in here about a subject that was not heard during the entire court proceedings or interviews on tv and damn if they weren’t addressed a couple days later feverishly on hln like a special announcement. . I’m not so vain to say it might have been something they seen here that I brought up but it sure is strong coincidence timing to get some cya smack going. aka alibi
I wish I could speak my words to Jodi and maybe some day become a friend, or pen pal.
good nite woke from a nite-mare will try to sleep again another long day tomorrow and probably more shit to have to endure
I am not saying Winkler deserved to be in prison. I really can not say because I do not know all of the facts there. She said she “had enough” and just killed him. Mary was a very soft spoken, gentle woman according to everyone who knew them. But she did just snap. Not like most people think of snapping. She just had been demeaned and as she says degraded and made to do sexual things she was really not comfortable with. She never left him, she did as he told her to do. She never reported the incidents to anyone and she never left. That is typical of abuse victims. they take it until they can not take it anymore. Physiological abuse is so much worse than physical abuse. The body heals but the mind not so easily.
I just think we are still in the dark ages when it comes to DV. Listening to this case makes me beyond sad. There are so many victims being blamed. Why not leave is the question. Society just does not understand and does not really care to either. What TA did to Jodi was so severe. The sexual abuse she suffered she did not enjoy. It is absurd to think she enjoyed rough anal sex!! Even a moron would know what the KY was for. It was painful and she was trying to avoid the pain. Mary Winkler dressed up like a hooker for years. She did not enjoy that either. Then one day she decided she never had to do it again……if he was dead. And then her was.
What bothers me the most is the difference in the system from State to State. If Jodi deserves the DP well then so does Mary, Betty Broderick and the many others who spent 5 years to life or less. But this case had the media hot and heavy after her for ratings
I don’t think Betty deserved such either
well it’s not over yet . . if Jodi just holds on. Tomorrow will be like the past two days because they’re just following procedure.
yeah, I am going to go again myself! maybe this time it will work for us both, lol. nite
Hope ya’ll have a good night. Like I said, I’m gonna try it again.
I’ve been trying to think of something positive that could come out of this horrid scam of a trial. I’ve heard the haters want “Travis’s Law”. How about the creation of “Jodi’s Law”? This law, in my mind, would force all courts & judges who allow televised trials to sequester their juries. I know it’s too late to help Jodi, but perhaps it would prevent another similar judicial tragedy. Just some food for thought.
I think it is a great idea. It is already case law after all. So why not push for it
In Sheppard v. Maxwell, 384 U.S. 333 (1966), the Supreme Court ruled that the right to a public trial is not absolute. In cases where excess publicity would serve to undermine the defendant’s right to due process, limitations can be put on public access to the proceedings. According to Press-Enterprise Co. v. Superior Court, 478 U.S. 1 (1986), trials can be closed at the behest of the government if there is “an overriding interest based on findings that closure is essential to preserve higher values and is narrowly tailored to serve that interest.” The accused may also request a closure of the trial; though, it must be demonstrated that “first, there is a substantial probability that the defendant’s right to a fair trial will be prejudiced by publicity that closure would prevent, and second, reasonable alternatives to closure cannot adequately protect the defendant’s right to a fair trial.”
very interesting . . our legal dept here might be interested in your find
If the conviction gets thrown out, and proof comes out that she absolutely did either a) not do it or b) did it self defense, Jodi’s law could be a real possibility. Otherwise, ignorant people will say the verdict was just and that the media did not interfere. 🙁 (Even though that is definite baloney!!!)
it was public stoked by the media that generated the threats toward Alyce and Jen, on this case for Jodi, and technology was the tracker that verified it did in fact happen . . maybe that could be proof for one not to mention the clown act, tents, cameras, jvm waddling after ppl looking for ta fans only . . there’s so much to sift thru and all of it won’t be able to be justifiable.
Oh gosh, I agree. Yet, there is the mob incited by the media, particularly HLN! I pray that this wrong is fixed. I just wish proof would come out now!
. . . or maybe we should start a new initiative called “justice4Jodi”
never know Brad, something may develop from it all, keep the faith
And just one more thing before getting up (here in Greece it is 9.40 am):
His family is making a circus out of this. If they really wanted justice they would be happy that she was convicted. But no that is not enough. Iread somewhere that they are also after funds raised for Jodi (or sth like that). It’s all about the money baby!!! They want to make a profit. That just goes to show how much they really hurt.
If I was in their shoes, I would want justice and only justice. I would not want to drag this anymore because it would only cause me pain reliving this over and over again.
A pure person does not seak for revenge if justice is served. They move on. These vultures will not rest if they have not squeezed everything they can out of this for money!!! In greece there is a saying that says: And from the fly (insect) they will find fat to remove.
I do not know their names but I think the younger sister of TA is such a fake (waiting for the camera to focus on her and at that moment cry). Pffff… my nerves!
Good night to all of you.
I’m still disgusted by the verdict and the media…. These people are dead inside. where is justice for the innocent. This country has let me down. It’s very scary to know how so many people think. How they can’t think for themselves. This can happen to anyone. I can’t believe you don’t have the right to defend yourself anymore. I can’t believe people don’t use facts anymore.
I keep seeing people say that the jury must be watching hln and how they can’t think for themselves, but remember, I live streamed the trial and dont watch the news. I thought she was guilty and I cant stand HLN. influence. I come to this site because I like to see what people with different oppinions say. So just from watching nothing but a trial room camera I found her guilty. Does not make me a “pedo lover”. I just wanted to clear that up.
We have to look at the fact that most of us were not at the court house seeing signs saying “justice for Travis” or hoards to TV cameras as the jury did each time they left. We did not see fans getting pictures taken with JM as we walked out of the Jury room. Then there is the simple fact that you did watch. This trial attracted more attention and controversy than any thus far. To think the Jury did not have extreme curiosity about what they were living everyday is a bit naive. IMO. The magnitude of the coverage and the income it has provided proves an overwhelming interest to know what was happening in this case The jury was in the national spot light. They had a very strong, perhaps overwhelming need to know. That is why any Jury is ever sequestered anywhere for any trial in America. Human nature requires it. The Justice system recognizes this fact. To ignore this is ..well really a little TOO naive IMO
Everyone I talk to finds Jodi guilty. I don’t. When I look at Travis’ picture there is something not right with his expressions. No one knows what triggered her but he he did something. Whether he used her for sex and then psychologically abused her in suble ways I don’t know. I just know he probably dod something to set her off. I had a relationship where the male was very arrogant. He used me when he was in need but then started name calling. This is my first correspondence on this website so I don’t want to say too much. I strongly feel the rejection after perhaps sex could be abusive. But no one knows.
I had to say something as everyone is just going with the media. I also question the juror’s decisions as they we never sequestered. No one knows. Somehow.the trial does not seem fair as yes she did it but something drove her there and perhaps she just doesn’t have good counsel.
I feel this jury will probably give death. Let the appeals go forward. I look at her and feel sympathy. I look at his face and see something I don’t like.