As of right now, the “aggravation phase” of the trial is scheduled to start tomorrow @ 10 am.
We’ve also just launched Mission #1 – so if you already have access to the password-protected Vent pages, you’ll also have access to the new page. Passwords are no longer being sent out.
Just as a quick side note, and as we demonstrated several times yesterday – anyone posting comments directly attacking or abusing other posters in this site, or anyone repeatedly posting BS links to BS sites will be banned.
In the meantime, leave your current thoughts and comments below as we plough on in our quest for JUSTICE FOR JODI!
Team Jodi
The new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.
If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.
Hey, I am first today?
Hey GeeBee — Congrats!
Team Jodi
Please have a look at my posts from yesterday. There might be a project in there for you, especially since I took your name in vain!
Al I did take a look…
I’m quite clear – the physical evidence very strongly supports the claim of self-defence, and it’s also completely clear to me that Jodi has a very gentle nature, and she did not “snap” at any point, she simply did what she had to do to overcome Travis.
We know that Travis went down the corridor, felll over, then went back towards the batroom, while Jodi ran through the closet for a second time. That’s pretty evident from the blood stains at the bedroom end of the hallway. I have actually considered doing a video film of what could have happened. I don’t think there is any great mystery, Travis was tring to kill Jodi from just after the moment when she accidentally shot him. and nothing would stop him.
I believe shortly after the 62 second photo, she probably tried to help him, for the second time, but he grabbed her, and they fought face-to-face on the floor outside the linen cupboard for the next 72 seconds, until he tried to choke her and she cut his throat. That’s my most likely scenario.
She loved him too much to just go there w/intent to kill him. I’ll never believe she “intended” to kill that pervert! She was in a fight for her life, and she won, thank God! If the pictures don’t prove that, nothing does! If her intent was to kill, she would’ve planned better……
I agree with you. She’s not the type of woman to have gone there to kill him, not at all. I see Jodi, or rather, feel her to be a very sensive person who would help anyone. Who wouldn’t fight for their life? I believe he would have killed her had she not killed him.
O yes Heather, I agree. She is a doll… Sweet person! TA attacked her, no doubt about it.
Geebee2, that is a really sensible depiction of what may well have occurred. Why oh why has this trial been so unfair and idiotic….. 🙁
I agree. As testified by the medical examiner Horn, the cluster of wounds on his back did not penetrate very deep and were coming from a weak position and were not the cause of his death and could not have been since they were not deep enough. I think he must have been on top of her and she was reaching around toward his back and trying to stab him to get him off of her, hence the placement and clustering of the wounds on his back and the fact they were not deep at all. Under the definition of what a “stab” wound is, they do not count as stab wounds. A wound to be considered a stab wound, has to apparently be deeper than the knife is wide. That is what the definition of “stab wound” is, He did not have 27 stab wounds! The one photo of Travis shows him lieing on his stomach and his head is turned to the left, and one cannot even see a slit that goes to his left ear. So I am wondering if this is even true. I am sorry for his death, but I do believe it was self defense. Has anyone seen the actual autopsy photos? One was posted on a blog site.
Also, I read the report the police officer made after he went to Arias grandparents house to investigate the burglary. In the report it said that the back door was kicked in and that there was a foot print underneath the doorknob. The officer noted it was raining out and muddy and there was a foot print left. Did they investigate the foot print that was left on the door. Why didn’t the defense bring this up in court? I do not understand unless they were not allowed because I think the prosecution has to agree? Does anyone know, Also, supposedly, there were a string of burglarys in the neighborhood too. Why was this evidence not allowed in court? Also, the gun that the burglar stole was from her grandfathers DRAWER in his bedroom as stated in the police report, so why does HLN etc, keep commenting on why the burglars didnot take the other guns and leave the money which was sitting on top of the gun cabinet. The burglars, may not have even gotten that far into the burglary before they had to haul ass out of there,. What do you all think ?
I hope you make the video. The evidence supports the defense claim much more than anything. It’s BS that this happened to her.
I would like to get a vent password as well i am sorry I missed out. Anyone know what the defense will do next?
I also would like a password, I want to help, if there is anything I can do, like a letter writing campaign. I asked a couple times earlier, I’m guessing always very late and my request is missed. However I am now getting the updates, which I really appreciate. I haven’t been posting much. I lack confidence, but I completely support Jodi and have deep respect for the others I have come to know while reading their post.
I just don’t understand why our Heavenly God wants to punish Jodi Arias! How could he allow her to be broken and abused like she has. It is truly beyond me to think of all the perverted sex that she was forced to do in her wonder areas. Nurmi is a lame lawyer. He never brought up that when Travis told Jodi that a 5 year old could handle the camera better than she could, that was even more positive proof that Travis is a pedophile. I mean, did you ever notice how Travis always mentions underage children??? It was obvious that he was obsessed with children! You don’t have to keep pictures on your computer if you have a photographic memory. If you saw pictures of his closet, you know he had a mind like that because everything looked like a store and it was obssessive compulsive traits. Also, everyone knows how children lie to protect their abusers. That is what Jodi was doing! She was forced into being a child just to please Travis. That’s why she drove over 1,000 miles to be with him and why she lied. Not because she was premeditating his murder! Children don’t think like that. They only want to be near the one that abuses them. I don’t understand why the jury can’t see this! They should have been made to watch Sybil, then they would understand why Jodi went into a fog. I think the fog was just her mind going into another personality to be able to handle the horrific things that Travis was doing. And when he mentioned the 5 year old handling the camera it set her brain off and I believe that another personality was forming inside her. It was probably a strong 5 year old boy who was going to avenge her and protect her and be her savior and that is who killed Travis, not Jodi. I think we should get all of Jodi’s supporters and sign a petition to Nurmi to have him appeal her case and get her tested to see if she was turning into a Sybil. This has been such a travesty of justice…and it makes me even more nauseous to think that travesty and Travis sound alike. My knees are going to be bloody with all the praying I will be doing for Jodi and I hope you all do the same, because she needs us now MORE THAN EVER. Bless you for listening…and bless Jodi’s family. They are victims too.
I hope you make the video, geebee2
Hey Al. You seem to be pretty up-to-date, and I wanted your opinion on this.
Jodi did take the gas cans, so she wouldn’t be caught in AZ (Just go with me on this for a sec)…
The reason, she was meeting a new man (Ryan), and didn’t want ANY receipts or tracking of her there, in AZ (something TA could’ve used on her being at his house – something TA could’ve told Ryan). Simple…she didn’t want Ryan to know she was with TA, NOT the cops!
Jodi went to TA’s one last time to make sure they were absolutely done! Once and for all.
She was sweet to him, had sex w/him (obviously), trying to make what she wanted work….. She realized TA was using her again, he started his usual smartin’ off, and she said, I’m going to the bishop to clear this up! That’s when he lost it! Due to him (TA) converting her to Mormon, he (TA) felt she had no right telling on him! She got scared, dropped the camera, and he flipped thinking Jodi dropped it on purpose! TA went after Jodi, then all crap broke loose! The rest is Jodi’s story….. She ran, got the gun, but it didn’t stop him! She shot, then grabbed the knife.
One other question for ya,
Do you wonder why, if TA was SO loved and/or liked, why it took 5 days for anyone, including family, to look for him? And, the only reason it was 5 days was b/c that trip was scheduled. I really wonder how long it would’ve been, if that trip was never scheduled! I also wonder about the roommates! Something is wrong there IMO… The dog running around, the smell, etc… and not one person questioned it? The laundry had to be soured…. Does no one do laundry there?
I know this is “my” theory, and only Jodi knows, but it’s something that crossed my mind.
Your thoughts?
Where did Also Abused go? She was great! Loved talking to her too.
I am not certain how to post in here and hope this works. I just want to say that I do not believe the murder was premeditated. I don’t believe Jodi is the black widow that went to see Travis, had sex to weaken him, then went out with her plan to stab him to death. Lol. The case and verdict was media driven and I believe appealable. If you watch Nancy G. You can see how Juan used her and her buddies own words in his case. I catch it several times. They were guiding his case and you can see him literally repeat their suggestions. A couple clear ones are the spiderman underwear in relation to the movie “Charlie’s Angels”, the knife and ” can you imagine how that would hurt”….that came directly from Nancy Grace, and in the rebuttal Juan also makes another statement right from Nancy’s mouth after one of the breaks. It is clear Juan abused his position and made the case a media driven verdict. There are several other things that were extremely troubling that Juan did that I am certain the defense already noted. Even Juan knows he crossed the line but he was in it to win at all costs and is willing to take the chance to lose it later, as long as he can have fame now. The relationship between Jodi and Travis was toxic on both ends. I do believe though that Jodi was trying to part with him peacefully because of their work place, which by the way, was another form of control TA had on her. Very sad.
I wondered the same thing about the room mates. Something seems fishy. Apparently there was a stench exuding through the whole house. How could the roommates not smell it and question it. Who was told to take care of the dog? What was the usual protocol for his dog when he went away? He apparently didn’t leave any instructions for them to take care of the dog, because he hadnt left on his trip.Who was feeding the dog? When Marie Hall went to his house, she said she knocked on the door for atleast two minutes and the roommates did not answer! The dog was barking according to Marie and they did not go to the door. It does not make sense. Why wouldn’t the defense council bring this up? At the end of Nurmis closing, he said something to the effect that if they (jury) doesn’t believe either of these scenarios, then basically he alluded to maybe there being another scenario. (which may not have been allowed into evidence? ) Also, why did Jodi sign a document on behalf of her friend which does not allow him to be questioned by the police or prosecution etc. What is up with that? If he was supposedly the only one who saw her bruises, then why wouldn’t she want him to testify on her behalf? That is one thing that does not at all make sense. Can anyone elaborate for me. Also, on this website, someone does a great job explaining what a spent bullet would look like if it were hollow point after being shot. The blogger says why can’t we see what the bullet they found in Travis looks like so we can see if it was in fact a hollow point or not. Why wouldn’t the defense bring this up, or would it have hurt her in some way.
One more question, when Jodi was on the stand, she was asked by Martinez if she thought that the police would follow up on her story and investigate her story about two intruders, and Jodi said she didn’t think they would or it didn’t cross her mind. Why did she say that. Because I do believe her to be highly highly intelligent and that goes against what I believe. I still believe she is totally innocent of premeditation and even second degree murder. The prosecution proved nothing beyond a reasonable doubt, but as I was relistening to the trial, I heard this statement from Jodi and I did not understand why she responded that way. She was probably just so fed up. And like she said, it was hard to follow his questioning sometimes and his sentences were not grammatically correct many times which I thought was so funny when she would correct him!lol I would appreciate any insight into my questions, and also, Jodi referred to evidence that could have benefitted her which was not allowedin court, does anyone know what evidence that was other than her polygraph. I think they wanted that into evidence? Thank you, I was sick and disgusted by the Jury’s verdict. I wish the Judge would do something on her behalf, but it seemed like she overruled Nurmi more than Martinez don’t you think?
Does anyone know if Travis has been excommunicated and has any news station tried to interview the church where he held a priest hood position? Where are the reporters who are objective? Why is this not being debated? It is so scary to see how so many people presumed her guilty. In our country, we are presumed innocent until found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. I would not want a jury of my peers, after seeing this. Also, like the psychotherapists give patients an IQ test and or reading comprehension test etc. why isnt the jury subjected to some kind of reading comprehension, psychological testing before they can sit on a jury where they are deciding life and death for a fellow human being. What if they or some didn’t comprehend or understand things, What was there education etc, I am just sick about this.
For them not to miss Travis for 5 days is so totally unbelievable.
Chris Hughes, brother David Hughes said that before they left for Cancun, he got a text
that said Travis is dead, but they didn’t care to check it out and he said thy would talk about it when they got together at Cancun,But they all didn’t think anymore about it until they got back
Plus I think it was Zach his roommate that said he washed clothes that week.
When they missed him, they go to his house and Zach says he’s got a key to the bedroom.
How did he know it was locked??
He goes in the garage, get’s Travis’s key to the bedroom.
( question ) Why or how did Zach his roommate know where the key was and who keeps their bedroom key in the garage, especially let’s his roommate KNOW where it is. What is the key for?
All 5 go up walking the room and call 911, so right there they have already fucked the crime scene up. Plus really how many were there?
The 911 call is Zach, he says yep he’s dead, just nonchalot, the 911 dispatcher ask if he’s had any problem with anyone and I think the girl that was supposed to go to Cancun with him, daid yeah, he’s had this stalker and somone slashing his tires.
Question: I know they tried to prove that Jodi was a stalker, but didn’t really prove that and WHO was slashing his tires???
Did they ever investigate that?
The dispatcher told them to get out of there, BUT what did they do before getting out of the house?
I don’t trust any of them. Why did the girl that was supposed to Cancun wait 5 days. What happened? She just decide not to go,
I think while in Cancun they made this whole LIE up and it started there.
Bunch of damn liars and jaun and horn and flores have to all know too.
Zach knew where the key was because he told Flores that he had access to Travis’ bedroom and bathroom when he needed to get something. Zach said that Travis would let him get medications and stuff like that from his medicine cabinet…Flores report page 8….6th paragraph down…
I’m here. I haven’t posted a lot here lately, sorry. I’m going through a crisis in my own life, and have been dealing with a great deal of anxiety and palpitations. When I’ve checked in here, there were quite a few arguments going on, and given my current state, I thought it best I stay out of those before I go “postal” on someone 😀
I’ve posted on another blog which is having some very interesting discussions with a couple of lawyers and Heather as the main posters there (infiltrated by some of the “pro Travis” people from time to time but rather tamely) and it’s been pretty interesting discussion. One lawyer, who is a criminal defense lawyer has posited some truly interesting theories that Jodi may well not have done this at all.
geebee2, ftw!
P.S. Jodi is GORGEOUS in that witness stand pic. Seriously, she’s a natural beauty. A hottie-biscotti, if you will. Not only is she not wearing makeup in that pic, that’s what she looks like when the defense intentionally tries to ugly her up.
My sentiments exactly. She is a natural beauty. In the interview with Troy Hayden, even though she looked deflated and hopeless emotionally, I saw her in a way I have never seen. I could see more clearly how beautiful her eyes are, and the light that shines from them. I like to look at women too, not in the way a man does, but because I think they are one of the most beautiful beings on earth, and I will say this … I take Jodi’s looks over a bombshell any day!
Jodi has eyes like her mother…her mother’s eyes are beautiful too…
How do I get the vent password ?
Please refer to SJ’s post of today and read the comments below toward the bottom.
Gotcha…. Not sure why I didn’t get one, but that’s okay……
It is not really fair to keep those of us who are rooting for Jodi from being able to know the good things? I have never had a password on here, I just logged in under my email…I think? If at first I had to use a password I do not remember it. I blog all the time for Jodi..because I am just sick of the sickest of all people with their dam crying and moaning…when they do not know a dam sole involved in this??? And not that I don’t believe it wasn’t hard to look at crime photos..but the Alexander family just appeared so PHONY to me? And what sealed that deal was seeing how HAPPY they were the day after they filed the civil suit…they smell that money..and I think that is what brought them into the court room each day with their BS kleenexs and well.. I just can’t stand looking at them. STill would love to know if there is any progress at all for Jodi…anywhere! This is the only site that anyone FOR her can go and get some piece of mind. I am not crazy…mind you..I do not know Jodi…but I DO KNOW when something is completely UNFAIR, ONE SIDED, and done for MONEY…HLN, Alexanders, etc. As far as those in society that are MORE dangerous than Jodi will ever be….those outside the court house cheering..I believe people like Gool Girl Grace and Vinnie Pile of it…create more of them each day. I get constant BS on my facebook page pretty much everywhere that I blog…I could care less! I have a RIGHT to my dam opinion and the haters are NOT going to shut me up…I do not care what they say. Still think it is unfair that those of us NOT crazy can’t get passwords to really get some news WORTH hearing.
I agree, had I known about this website since the beginning of the trial I would have followed it. I to have had people on You Tube blast me. I even had one guy that i finally had to block because he would cuss me out and tell me how demented I was because I was defending Jodi. I wish we could get a password to know all the latest. I really feel bad for Jodi and I think she needs to know that not everybody is hating on her and that there are people who believe her and who are supporting her!! We should be given a chance too!! I tell Nancy Graceless off everyday on my Twitter account. I will never watch HLN ever again either. ANd Dr. Drew Ugh! He is the worst because he studied psychology and should be more compassionate. I’m dissappointed in him!!
I would like to get a vent password as well i am sorry I missed out.
PGP! “Pretty Girl Problems”
Her beauty is the real reason she’s been convicted so harshly. All of the other women in TA’s life were “grenades” (the kind a girl u don’t take home to mom or out in public), especially his “friend’s” wives, they all envied her beauty. This was a slam dunk for JM, when you read the reason’s members of the public want her dead, they are simply projecting their own insecurities and using JA’s mistake as an excuse for their morbid need to boost their egos :,-( And also, LIKE IT”S HARD TO CONVICT MEXICAN’S IN AZ!!!
EXACTLY!! I think her beauty and her being mexican also contributed to her being convicted of first degree
Hi everyone!
G’day Toni!
Hallo Tony!
Nice to see you again.
Du auch Toni!:-)
Good morning everyone,…..going to try to post more often. I have company staying with me so its difficult, and they don’t understand this debacle so I’m going nuts lol nice to have same-minded people I can talk with. Hugs to all…..love and hugs for Jodi
I understand that! The day of the verdict I went out side crying and my downstairs neighbor had her door open when I walked out and she had HLN on. She is an older woman and asked me what was wrong. I was crying too hard so I just pointed to the TV and I said I am sad for Jodi. She gave me the look like GIRL you are NUTS!!! So I know what you mean!!!
Try being all alone and not being able to talk to anyone for a few days. Al and I both thought we got blocked. Its very difficult to try and understand what it is you are feeling when every emotion you have ever felt comes at you all at incessant. I haven’t felt that way sences my nephew took his own life.
GOSH Cindy I didn’t know you couldn’t get on for that long. I wondered where you were. I couldn’t post a lot either but I thought it was a good thing that so many people wanted to start to support Jodi and that all of us wanted to be here with our cyber family. I was thinking about you when the text notification didn’t come through right away because I knew you were out and about that day and wouldn’t be by the TV. I even mentioned on here that if anyone knew how to get ahold of you to please do so but I am not sure if it even posted I was getting booted a lot.
“She gave me the look like GIRL you are NUTS!!!”
The day of the verdict, I stopped at my mom’s, and she was positively GLOWING over Jodi’s guilty verdict. Honest to God, I was DEVASTATED and SICKENED by her reaction; I foolishly thought my myriad explanations re Jodi’s innocence had made at least a SLIGHT impact on her. WRONG. I actually turned and walked out w/out saying a word. .
I cannot post what my mother has said…it truly breaks my heart that MY MOTHER, whom I consider one of my bestestestest friends…………………….
I REFUSE to discuss Jodi with her.
That is sad but I know how you feel. My Mom passed away a few years ago but she had a different view then I do on abortion…I am a RIGHT to LIFE member and my Mom believed abortion was ok.We went ROUND AND ROUND!!!
Good for you, I’d have done the same.
The night(for me )of the verict I had my sister and 2 friends over my house.They left and just as they were reaching their houses I called them,saying a verdicty has been reached and if they would be so kind as to come ober again,coz I felt I couldnt handle it by myself.They did.I acrtually regret it.My sister who is my bestest friend was extremely supportive.When they announced the verdict I started screaming,weeping uncontrollably(at some point I think I fainted a bit,because I can only remember being half-sitted on the chair and my sister leaning over me with a glass of water).My firnds didnt say much,they were left speechless by my reaction even though how invested I’ve become to this case and how fond I am of Jodi,how much I’ve grown to love her.It was their continuous stare that makes me regret the fact that I called them back.They were looking at me as if I was crazy,one of the 2 actually told”it’s not about you,stop it,dont you care about your well being?you’re gonna get sick if you keep on crying like that”.
Some times in life,we just have to come to terms with the fact that not only we dont see eye to eye with some people but even the people we feel closest to will never trully understand us 🙁
I actually cried when I read that, maria, (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Does this mean long-time posters (like me) will have no access to Mission #1? I never felt a need to vent. No offense but venting is just not my thing.
Maybe you could email SJ or one of the other admins and ask about that. You have been on here for a long time.
Same here………..I have been posting for a long time on this site but didn’t feel the need to obtain the password for the venting site but would like to be include and have access to mission #1?? Thanks.
Me too!! Why are only some people allowed? What is the reason?
I support Jodi 100%
“No offense but venting is just not my thing.”
No problem, I’m venting enough for the both of us.
How did you get your picture on here? My avatar is old lol! I’m not up on all this stuff…..
Just type Gravatar into Google and go to the main site. There are instructions, and they’re easy to follow.
O, okay. Thank you 🙂
Same for me, I have been posting for awhile not as often as some, but I support this site every day. I feel a bit left out. 🙁
Does anyone know how many siblings TA had?
I thought I have read that he had five. But I can only think of Tanisha, Samantha, Steven and Gary. That makes only four. Is there another one?
I think there were five kids. So TA would make 5.
Did anyone notice that they never seemed to be close even though sitting together, I didn’t even see them hug each other after the verdict when they were hugging other people.
Yes, I did notice that! And it drove me insane. That family is a dysfunctional mess.
Yes, I never saw Tanisha and Samantha hug one another, and they were sitting together. I thought it was odd.
They never even made eye contact! Once, when Samantha was boo-hooing like crazy, Tanisha’s husband, who was sitting next to Samantha, just threw her a dirty look. I could NOT believe that man did not attempt to comfort her, or even acknowledge Samantha.
The only person whom I ever saw showing affection was Harold, and that was only to Tanisha. He had his arm around her quite often.
I thought that was weird too. The one brother sat on the end, had no expression at all. The woman sitting behind him kept patting his shoulder…….. Weird! Just like my family I guess! If I died, my family would do a happy dance! Except my girls……
Yes,Kira you’re right.Tanisha and Samantha did seem to be like total strangers throughout the trial; not even when one of them cried did the other one ever try to hug or console her.
I noticed that too!! I was wondering even,,.. are they all full brother and sisters? Or were they raised separate from each other? Because they didn’t seem close!
Gary and Dennis are half-brothers. TA is the oldest of Tanisha,Samantha, Steven and Hillary (or Allie, I can’t remember her name, no one ever talks about her).
I think your correct.
Good morning to everyone.
I think Hilary and Allie are two different people. There are Gary, Dennis, Travis, Tanisha, Samantha, Hilary and Steven , then Allie. Hilary is the girl that looks like she has terrible bags under her eyes and Allie looks younger than the rest.
Thank you!
One website claims that TA had a brother named Greg and also the number of siblings he had varies.
It is the first time I hear about Dennis and Hillary/Allie.
I googled it, and here’s his siblings as listed in his obit: Gary Alexander, Greg Alexander, Tanisha Alexander, Samantha Alexander, Hillary Wixcox, Steven Alexander, and Allie Tilghman.
I stand corrected! Lol! Not sure where I got Dennis from and I somehow morphed Hillary and Allie together. Who can keep it straight, shit that is a lot of kids!
lol, I morphed them together too- I was just about to post Hillary or Allie …
I think Greg’s full name is Dennis Gregory. He’s the one who got arrested and pinned it on Travis.
How can you get away with that? Don’t the check your ID when you get arrested?
Wonder if it really was Dennis Gregory who got arrested.
I don’t know how his true identity never came up, and I wonder if his brother really ever forgave him (or hell, even knew about it!) because obviously the family is not close at all. But here’s a link to the story about his brother posing as TA: http://www.azcentral.com/community/mesa/articles/20130312jodi-arias-case-travis-alexander-brother-stole-id-battery-case.html
When this came up, the defense team did try to validate it, but ultimately they couldn’t use it because it’s the brother in the pic. Still, it’s suspicious and at the very least points out how corrupt our “justice” system is. Several of his sibs were into drugs, and I know the autopsy didn’t find anything, but you have to wonder after so many days, if maybe some of TA’s rage was really drug fueled.
And I agree with Jodi, how freaky it is that all the siblings look similar. I have 3 brothers, and we all have different coloring/different features. Makes me wonder if the Alexander family might be a wee bit (or a lot!) inbreed!
Thank you for the link!
I hadn’t seen the picture of his brother before. It is obvious that that man was not Travis.
“Does anyone know how many siblings TA had? ”
With Mormons, you never can tell. But lots would be a good guess.
I think that TA’s grandmother was a mormon but I don’t think that his parents were mormons.
No they were addicts and that is a big sin in the Moron Church! Drug addict sin…… being a pedo that makes you a hero in the church…Sorry all I had to
Morning peeps!
I’m already nervous for the aggravation phase to start; not sure if I’ll be able to watch it live, might have to just read what you all post about it!! B-)
I did post on the other page..Goodmorning.. I hope everyone has a great day. I will be stopping in to read your post but it is to hard to try and post anything from my phone. It has taken on a mind of it’s own. If I have offended anyone I am very sorry.
Good Morning Cindy. I hope your son gets your computer fixed soon. Posting from phones is no fun.
Hello all! This trial is a debacle, and sets a terrible precedent for domestic violence, women’s issues, and the Constitution. Trial by media is what this was. Watch how James Holmes gets a not guilty by reason if insanity in the future, and no one calls him awful names and wants to burn him at the stake.
Society judges women so much harsher than men. I don’t see HLN crying about James Holmes insanity plea. But had Jodi Arias done it she would be called evil and manipulative. The media reports things and gives them a twist when it’s convenient to them. They’ve objectified and exploited jodi arias, and now, they got what they wanted.
It’s called MONEY…and the truth doesn’t matter..
He gets to plead insanity. Gary Ridgeway(Green River Killer) gets life after confessing to 48 premeditated murders. And this list could go on and on!
That case always freaked me out!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good morning everyone. I just woke up a little early to stop by and say hi. I think the same way lthat you guys think and I know how you feel when people don’t understand. I try to extplained the situation to a few people, but they just want to believe what media feeds them. Only my mother in law understand me, But most of my family thinks that I am crazy to believe in Jodi. Well, regardless of what they had to say, I will still keep deffending Jodi and keep looking for justice.
Have a beautiful day everyone. I’m having a good one, it’s sunny here in Miami.
i don’t have the password &sadly wouldn’t remember it.. if i did have it….will miss all the great post ……hopefully some of U will keep posting here….this has been a great place 4 me 2 vent about my concern 4 Jodi&herFamily…will continue to visit here 4 awhile..hoping many of u will return
I think all the people on the vent page will still post on this page also. I know that most of them as of right now are.
Everyone will keep posting here. No worries. If we keep all of our thoughts private then it would look like we have jumped ship on Jodi. Which will never be the case for some of us. 🙂
I hope those who do have the password will tell us what we missed!!
I need the documents of the motion the defense filed to preclude the evidence of the gun theft
can anybody find it for me online?
i need the original motion, the objection from the state, and the reply from the defense
this is what i found on the court docs website but it does not include the actual documents with the arguments of both sides
12/13/2012 012 – ME: Trial – Party (001) 12/13/2012
12/12/2012 OBJ – Objection/Opposition. – Party (001) 12/12/2012
12/11/2012 005 – ME: Hearing – Party (001) 12/11/2012
12/11/2012 OBJ – Objection/Opposition. – Party (001) 12/12/2012
That is all I have seen.
Not sure where else you could look.
Good luck
I thought that I heard when the trial started that there wasn’t going to be a felony murder.
I remember asking my husband what that meant.
so,I do remember them saying that.
I can see now why, THEY wanted to say Travis never owned a gun, like his frirnds kept saying, but they didn’t know him after all. They said he also was a virgin. OH!! They knew him so well, didn’t they?
Then they couldn’t prove she took her Granpa’s gun.
So whoch was it, she stole her Granpa’s gun or shot him with his gun, Travis’s and then took it.
Didn’t juan say she brought the gun and knife with her in her purse.
That was the first that I heard them try to claim that.
So, did she also steal the knife from her Granpa?
I can’t see why Jodi would have not just taken the knife and camera with her and thrown them all away.
Didn’t she say that she threw some clothes in a dumpster BUT also threw the camera and some clothes in the washer.
Why not just take it all and throw it in the dumpster?
They really didn’t look that hard for the gun that she threw away or the stuff in the dumpster.
Actually this was the poorest investation that I have ever heard of.
NONE of it makes sense and there is doubt ALL over the place.
I think the verdict was a big shock because I really believe that most people didn’t believe she actually planned this. No Way!!!
This is a post from last night. I will post it again for others to look at it.
I wanted to share this article from CNN back in 2010. I’m pretty sure some of you know about this women, “The Blue-eyed butcher”. I’m going to copy and paste some of the content of this article and then on the bottom I will post the link.
Houston, Texas — A Houston woman known as the “blue-eyed butcher” was resentenced Tuesday to 20 years for stabbing her husband some 200 times.
Susan Wright was convicted of first-degree murder in 2004 in the stabbing death of her husband, Jeffrey Wright. According to testimony, she buried the body in the backyard of their Houston-area home.
The same jury that convicted Wright sentenced her at the time to 25 years in prison, but an appeals court overturned her sentence last year, saying her attorneys had bungled the case.
A new jury was seated last month to determine Wright’s punishment, with possible punishments ranging from community supervision to life behind bars.
During more than two weeks of dramatic testimony, family members, Jeffrey Wright’s ex-girlfriends, and neighbors of the Wrights squarely divided over whether the 34-year-old victim was a loving family man or a violent, cocaine-fueled abuser.
A medical examiner testified he was able to count 193 wounds on the body, with the actual number of stab wounds well in excess of that. Defense attorneys claim Wright killed in the heat of passion after years of beatings and rapes.
Prosecutors argued Wright was tired of married life, and angry at her husband’s drug use and frequent late nights out. “This was not a battered woman — this was divorce by homicide,” said Assistant District Attorney John Jordan during his closing argument on Monday. He asked jurors to sentence Wright to no less than 45 years behind bars.
Among the witnesses not called in the 2004 trial was psychologist Jerome Brown, who interviewed Wright days after the killing. Brown diagnosed Wright with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome, and told jurors last week she was in a “dissociative state” while attempting an elaborate cleanup after the killing.
2004: ‘Blue-eyed butcher’ sentenced
Very familiar with this case! Yes, his autopsy showed cocaine in his system and the four year old told the psychologist that “my daddy hits me in the face”! Many, many things to prove Susan was telling the truth. His murder was brutual and proved evidence of an abusive relationship, IMO due to all the stab wounds.
Many parallels to Jodi’s case, IMO. Over aggressive prosecutor that yelled, made up and twisted stories and falsified evidence. It was sick!
27 and not all stab wounds and Susan 199?
And Jodi get’s life or desth?
I think Susan’s must not have been televised, or was it?
MY God!! HLN didn’t go bizark on her?
BECAUSE they had a lot of PRIVACY photos that they were more than delighted to show over and over again.
They make me sick.
WHY???? What was the purpase of showing the pictures that Jodi and Travis in their private moments.AND I will never believe that MAGIC camera just went off and took the last pictures.
Given some of the stuff that’s gone on out there, I can understand why some feel the need for private conversations going forward… especially as they may be needed to help Jodi without the prying eyes of lurkers on a public page.
But I also think that SJ has already done PLENTY in all it takes to run this page as support for Jodi.
Might I suggest that people who feel the need to have private conversations could find another way to set them up, rather than putting the burden on SJ to decide who can be in your group? It’s easy to set up an email group. I don’t do facebook but I gather its pretty easy to set up a restricted access fb page.
SJ, have we put a burden on you? If we have, I apologize.
I know I have, and I feel totally guilty because of it. Sorry, SJ.
me too…put me on the sorry burden list. 🙁
love you SJ!
Not at all… it’s all good peeps!
We are all on the same page!
Team Jodi
SJ I have posted on here ferquently too and am a huge Jodi supporter. I was off for a few days because i was devastated by the verdict… I didnt know about a password. What else can I do? Is it to late to get one?
Me also, I never asked for the password to the vent page, but I would like to help with the mission, how do we get a password?
Hello everyone,
I heard on the news this morning that Jodi is back in the Estrella jail. I am going to send her some more post cards; I sent several before the verdict and want to make sure she knows she has support through this. I also never received a password, but I would like to help financially or any other way with Jodi’s appeal.
Please keep me in the loop; I post only periodically but read everyday.
Thanks and keep the faith!
I didn’t get a password either, but that’s ok SJ, you have my email. If you need support for Jodi just let me know. I’m here for her all the way.
I am sorry SJ I don’t mean to make more work for you then you already do. You have done so much for us already!!
Yes, I remember this case very well.
Good morning everyone! I’m wondering what the beautiful Arizona Judicial system has in store tomorrow. Will it forge ahead into aggravators with the bloody pics to inflame the oh-so-truthful jurors further (is that even possible since Day #1 of this farce?) ?
Will the sooper-secret events of last Thursday play some role? Have jurors been busted by the statements of Juror # 8? Were they individually questioned by pickles and found to be lying? I damned sure hope so.
Was the defense successful in removing the DP from the available sentences?
There are a lot of questions bouncing around in my head as to what happens tomorrow, because of things that began on sooper-secret Thursday and the obvious prior juror misconduct . Will it all be hushed up by pickles with a ‘motion denied’ from her snappy mouth? Is the defense even still on-board? Did they file a motion criticizing the non-sequestration and escalated it to the Appeals court, or are they just coasting down at this point.
Of course every court day is important, but tomorrow really may be Jodi’s only chance for a real long time to have the charges tamped down if this case. Of course, the right thing would be to do over with a sequestered jury. Ain’t gonna happen because AZ doesn’t DO the right thing in many cases..
How does everyone else feel about this?
As far as I know the defense team is still on board. I don’t know if this phase will be postponed until Jodi is completely evaluated.
She is out and back at the main jail. 72 hours later …
Thanks Cindy, wasn’t for sure.
I feel outraged.
“aggravators with the bloody pics to inflame the oh-so-truthful jurors further” WHY is this allowed?! I know this isn’t allowed in other trials, as it’s too inflammatory! Completely prejudicial, designed to inflame the jury against Jodi as if they haven’t been incited enough!
I’ve been reading about that prosecutor’s office. It’s known as having a climate of prosecutorial misconduct.
Judge Pickles denied the defense motion to remove DP. SHOCKER!!!
She probably wants a spot on HLN after the trial.
SS is bending to the public that elected her, and that she would like to elect her again. Do any of us think that she didn’t discuss this case with anyone? Her family, friends, colleagues? What stopped SS from watching her reviews on HLN,CNN, FOX, and any other news outlet. Come on … give me a break! She is a weak pitiful judge.
My understanding is that appellate judges invoke a higher standard. I hope that’s true.
She’s a disgusting ”sell-out”,compromising all morality,integrity and impartiality a judge should have!
I agree that Pickles is a cow. I would love to get a still of her rolling her eyes during ALV’s testimony and plaster the thing all over the internet when she is campaigning again. Or will it be years until she has to run for re-election? Ugh. She’s not worth the effort. Cow…
The jurors, though–I believe–were simply terrified. If they did cheat even a little they had to know how bad it would be for them if they came back with anything other than guilty. Which is also why they will probably give DP tomorrow. Even if they didn’t cheat (yeah, right) it’s impossible that friends or family didn’t warn them about how bad the hate is. It’s all so ridiculous, though.
Let’s just get it overwith–we all know what they are going to do–so the appeal process can get rolling and Jodi can get her life back. I just keep faith and hope for that day–and the image in my brain of NG melting like the Wicked Witch of the West–turning green and clawing at her face–when the current verdict is overturned!!@!!!
In one word? Worried.
(((Heather1))) <3
So sad I missed the password. Praying for the next steps that must be taken, and strength for Jodi and her family.
I would be surprised if any questioning of the jurors turned up anything at this stage. Not least, because Pickles was so willing to accept their word at every turn when she asked if they had heard or seen anything about this case throughout the trial. I think Montgomery’s comments about a non sequestered jury becoming an appellate issue might have some traction going forward, how much is anybody’s guess. And given the rush to judgement shown by the jury last week – and the rush to convict of M1- suggests to me that tomorrow is going to be tough.
As you pointed out ‘AZ doesn’t do the right thing in many cases’ and seemingly gets way with it.
Same here. Especially since the jury saw what happened with Juror #5, and how upset she was and how much she cried when she was dismissed. Do they want to admit misconduct? NO. Yet there is no way they can have kept away from the media coverage of this. All of it hateful but maybe 1/2 of 1 percent.
They have the fear of being attacked for not giving a guilty verdict, after watching the Casey Anthony trial and knowing what happened to those jurors in one of those rare cases that has had as much media attention as Jodi’s. Plus, the social embarrassment and all of that fallout.
Then there’s the likelihood of one or more of them being mormon or favorable toward mormons because of connections. Mormon = pro T.A.
Accused and blamed for wasting huge amounts of resources and taxpayer money.
Having made up their minds long prior. Jodi was arrested 5 years ago.
Among other things I’m too tired to write at the moment!
It was a blessing to Casey Anthony that her jurors were sequestered.Poor Jodi was never that lucky.
I think “the sequestering of the jury issue” will be an appellate issue and may ago up to the
supreme court. We are in new age of communication with twitter, youtube, 24 hr. news cycle etc.
The Sam Shepherd case went to the Supreme Court in the 50 sThe verdict was overturned due
to the “circus atmosphere” but that case is mild compared to this one.
F. Lee Bailey was the lawyer in Shepherd s second trial where he was acquitted. Jodie needs a
lawyer of that caliber, I hope she gets one.
I believe the TV series, “The Fugitive” was loosely based on the Sam Shepherd case
Woa, I had no idea. This trial has definitely proven the pinnacle of “times change.” Maybe that’s what this is all about. It is often the hitting of rock bottom that gives rise to change. Maybe Jodi will become a symbol of the change so long overdue. I hope she somehow gets some of this information from us. It might give her hope knowing about the Sam Shepard case. Thank you for this….
I, personally am clinging to hope of misconduct being proven to the judge during the events of Thursday by Juror #8 or whomever else. It would be a delight to hang this whole problem on pickle’s *failure* to protect the jury from outside influences.
I’m with you on that one Ed. Nive been thinking the same thing, and praying that poor excuse for a judge FINALLY comes to the plate. I have my doubts, but I do hope
Mistrials have been declared in the past because it was discovered that Jurors “cheated” with their electronic devices. I posted a link last night to a UK blog where the trials and details are discussed. I imagine the defense cannot do anything until the sentencing phase is over?? Does anyone know if this is the case? Or whether it is too late to subpeona the jurors’ devices?
Something others may remember from the ‘trial’. The moment when pickles swore in the 2 female bailiffs before deliberations and had them swear they would protect the jury, etc..
When I saw that, I thought to myself, that the biggest job these bailiffs had was make sure that any embarrassing ringtones from jury smartphones were turned off. This jury had to go on ‘vibrate’ while in the courthouse, I would guess
There is nothing with having hope..but also be prepared for the worst.
If number 8 blabbed to an officer, I’m sure wherever he was drinking he
blabbed to more about the
trial and telling them he was on the jury.
AND wherever that was YOU know they had a TV and it was on.
He had misconduct all over the place.
The family TRAVIS’s cried when they took #5 off.
The one that puzzles me is the one they let go and he was sick for one day, plus had the weekend to get well and picles DISCHARGED him?????
Goodmorning everyone. Last night I ran into the picture of Jodi looking back at her family after the verdict was read.! I cant get the look of ger face out of my mind. It just breaks my heart! I pray, plz Jodi stay strong we’re here for you all the way!
Hugs….I saw it also..f….HLN twisted that also.
I must have watched the verdict video a million times,every time crying my eyes out.I know how you feel LC
I’ve never watched it. I cannot bear to. I suppose that is awful, since I am safe in my home and don’t have the courage to face what doesn’t really affect me while Jodi had to sit there and endure it…. This whole thing is so upsetting sometimes it is unberarable!! :
No the DP was not taken off. Did anyone really think it would be? What JM wants JM gets.
Did anyone watch CNN last night? JOSE B. more or less said Jodi doing the interview put the needle in her own arm. JM will use it against her.
I could very well be wrong but will the “judge” be the one who will decide if Jodi gets the DP..I thought I read that.
I can’t help but hope that Jodi’s post verdict interview might somehow spare her the DP.
If the jury has been following media, as it appears to me to be the case, and decided the verdict based on emotion and bias, also looks like the case, that they will then give her not death but life as a reverse psychology punishment. ::hope, hope::
Sounds like the BS hln has been saying.
I don’t have access to US TV and I don’t visit HLN’s website.
I just hope that giving the interview at that time will serve some positive purpose, even if it’s just Jodi’s peace of mind, without having negative repercussions for her.
That’s what I thought Jester,
She probably only had that ONE chance to REALLY say something
out of the court room.
That is convoluted, Jester, but I have wondered the same.
I have had such mixed feelings about the interview. One one hand I wasted to put duct tape on her. Then I went back a few times and listan to it. I thought she just wanted to have the last word and she was untitled to it. But if you really listan to it..Jodi is sending out clues to what happened.
I have to respect Jodi’s wishes of what she wants for herself. I learned that after 4 people in my life took their own lives. I want her to fight but we can not know what is truely in her mind…
“I thought she just wanted to have the last word”
I know some people have felt this about her…but it is inaccurate. I’m surprised one poster I haven’t seen in a while has not been on saying this very thing based on some of the things she has said about Jodi in the past. LOL
Jodi likes accuracy, she does not like misconceptions to be out there. So I have never felt that she was the type to want the last word…
Yes, she has sent clues, and so did Nurmi during the closing arguments.
BeeGee you took that wrong. I didn’t mean that in a negitive way. I mentioned it in a she had a right to do the interview.. I would have done the same thing.
oh sorry cindy, I meant there is a different poster who would believe what you thought at first.
I understood you.
What were the clues Jodi & Nurmi were sending? I don’t mean to be dense, just haven’t had time to stay totally up-to-speed with the trial and all it’s twists and turns.
Jodie and her family needed a good spokesman during this process. HLN and the
TA supporters continually put on those who spoke for Travis as if he was a saint.
this prejudiced the public against Jodie.The coverage was very lopsided.
The DA represents the people of Az. not the Alexander familyWhat Jodie did was not
in any way to be excused but it does not deserve the DP.
I think defending yourself even if you have to kill that person is self defense. What Jodi did, she HAD to do.
She WAS trying to save her life and NOW the state wants to take it.
Makes NO sense.
I don’t know how Martinez can live with himself.
I don’t either.
NOR a bunch of evil talking bastards.
How do they sleep at night?
Thy know that the TRUTH hasn’t come out about what really happened
to Travis.
I feel like we’re living in the dark ages.
But assholes don’t always win, because they lose in the first place, hating themselves and others. Gotta be miserable for them.
The only journalist who has come out TOTALLY against Jodi getting the DP has been Geraldo Rivera. Hopefully he’ll continue to speak out in favor of Jodi!
Isn’t that amazing??
What is wrong with these other idiots.
I am so surprised that Jose said that about Jodi putting the needle in her arm.
He is so against the DP.
Did he really say that???
No I didn’t watch CNN. I sure hope he is wrong, but I’m sure JM will do everything in his power to play the interview. At least the portion that benefits his case against her.
No the death penalty has to be decided by the jury. The judge can override it if she is so inclined, but a DP sentence must be handed down by the jury.
And I have no doubt where this is headed.
Horn will get up and lie again, the jury will buy it because they seem to want it and that will be that.
I don’t know how Horn and Flores can live with themselves. It is one thing to lie to save someone’s life. It is something else to lie to intentionally kill someone. And that is someone you don’t know from Adam. I hope this decision of their’s keeps them up at night.
Me too, Al, me too.
I agree too.I wish all bad things will fall on their heads and that they will be torured by guilt,remorse and nightmares for the rest of their lives.And mind you,they are still young 😉
I hope so too! Nightmares for the rest of their lives!
BTW Good morning. 🙂
Morning Ann.
Thanks Al. Well we all know where this is headed. But if there can be anything good about it…if the DP is what Jodi is handed the f……… state of AZ will have to foot the bill for the appeals. But I think there was a trade off with the jury with the verdict and they will come back with life.
” But I think there was a trade off with the jury with the verdict and they will come back with life”
Interesting! Why do you think that, since the penalty phase deliberations haven’t begun.
Just a gut feeling and how they we split…I could be crasy..We will see. Does anyone think JM will say anything new or truthful?
I think it possible he will pile on new crap. Truthful?–he’s not seeking truth, he wants an execution!
They wanted ONLY the DP from the beginning, juan and Travis’s family.
That’s why they turned down the 2nd degree plea from Jodi.
Maybe something will happen unjust to them, like get accused for sometihng they didn’t do then they will be singing another song,
and I’ll say Cry Me A River!!!
Do you think Jodi will forego appeals as the death penalty is what she ultimately wants?
Truly sad and sickening. I think they’ll give her the DP because like you said they WANTto believe the version JM presented. He’s gonna use the photos and probably the past interviews where she’s stated she wants the DP. Flores and Horne will continue to perpetuate their lie. It’s just aweful.
juan is the puppet master…Flores desire to get ahead in life has caused him 2 b soul less & horn maybe was always soul less…they got f’d by juan
I think that you are exactly right, Al. But frankly, it is what I am hoping for. I personally think that there is no more legal basis for an LWOP sentence than there is for DP, but at least w DP there is auto appeal, national attention of anti-DP advocates and the like.
In my home town there was a murder many decades ago. Two men were wrongly convicted. One was put on death row, and the other got a life sentence. It was through the work on the case of the death row inmate that all of the irregularities came to light. If he had not been sentenced to the DP, neither of them would be free today.
I agree with the tenet that justice delayed is justice denied. There is no doubt that this is a travesty. I’m just saying that it will have a better chance of working out positively for Jodi in the long run if she gets the DP sentence now.
As for the interview, who cares? This jury is going to try to give her the needle even if she gives a kidney to one of their dying grandchildren.
”This jury is going to try to give her the needle even if she gives a kidney to one of their dying grandchildren.”
oh,joujou you’re so right….Unfortunately.
That interview should not be allowed to be used. Her emotional, distraught reaction to being put directly in the path of an oncoming train should not be held against her.
And, by God, yes that jury has been following the media. Phrases they used in their questions showed they were watching HLN months ago. Something is rotten in Arizona.
M. Milan,
I certainly agree with you. She was railroaded into a M1 verdict, had promised an interview earlier and granted it to keep her word. Then BSHLN takes and distorts and twists it into what they want. They way they glorify that Little Weasel Martinez is sickening. It would’nt surprise me if he isn’t getting and giving information to BSHLN all through the trial.
Plus, did you find anything in it that was incriminating in the interview. I really didn’t. If Jodi states she wants the death penalty it would seem that would work for her. As the Jury/BSHLN has not done anything that Jodi wants.
No, honestly, her interview didn’t bother me at all. I feel sorry for her because she clearly feels a sense of hopelessness.
Not only did her inteview not bother me,I actually felt proud of her the way she talked about scumbag Travis,his family,NG,and Kermit.I know it was and will be used against her but even if she had said all the things the haters would like her to say they woul;d still find a way to twist them around and get their favourite pastime:public outcry!And when I say haters yes,Mr Martinez you are included in that lot!!!
Jose was right Cindy. JM will use that interview against Jodi you can almost bet on it. I honestly could not understand her doing another interview since her other interviews got her in trouble in court. They used those against her too.
Yes, that silly ass “Judge” is the one who decides if Jodi gets the DP. I read somewhere that JM is “very involved with a blonde woman, very pretty, and very well known at the courthouse.” Hmmm, who could that be?? If JM and silly ass are involved then he’ll get his way most likely….how very sickening!! I hope Jodi knows how much support she has!!
I’m from Tennessee, and we do things much differently here. I heard that there were jurors in this capital murder case in court and deliberations in shorts and flip-flops with heir iWhatevers and access to the net. Ain’t happenin’ here. Dress codes may be casual, but not shorts and flip-flops. Nope. And electronics won’t be in a jury room, certainly not avaiable to jurors in a capital case. D’OH.
Sequestration in capital/high profile cases … uhh yeah, all of ’em.
Can a travesty of justice occur in either state, yep, but I represent that Tennessee does it far better.
Go Vols.
The heat has cooked their consciences.
I sense that the jury really didn’t take this seriously at all.
I just wanted to comment on something I found yesterday. There is a woman about to be tried for murder in California, the article is here:http://www.myfoxla.com/story/22213675/finally-murder-trial-of-model-juliana-redding-to-begin
But, the thing that I’m interested in is this quote from the article, talking about the defendant Kelly: “Let’s just say Kelly isn’t a fan of the media…. many of whom have portrayed her as the ‘‘female James Bond’.. you know.. as in a license to kill ? In fact, the defense, so worried that the jury might be prejudiced against poor Kelly if she were referred to by that nickname in court, won a motion to preclude the use of the James Bond reference.”
If the defense in this case could win a motion to preclude the use of a “James Bond” nickname because the jury might be prejudiced against the defendant Kelly, then what the heck has been going on in Jodi’s trial? How can any of the B.S. that’s been a hurricane surrounding this case have been allowed, how is it possible that the jury was not sequestered? The media was clearly playing to the jury in Jodi’s trial! They’ve been playing to the jury to influence the sentencing phase as well!
Can’t even describe how demoralizing this mess is. That this can happen in this day and age, it’s like watching some sequel to George Orwell’s 1984 based on the media and their “hunts”.
Hello to everyone, I too missed the password for the vent page, darn it.
I get that Arizona was trying to save money by not sequestering the jury. But it didn’t work! This trial would have gone much faster if the jury had been sequesterd, the trial days could have been longer, there would have been far less chance of the jury being tainted… but also, they would have had more time to talk about it amongst theirselves, so I don’t know if that would have been a good thing either. I think no matter what, Jodi wasn’t going to get a fair trial in the state of Arizona, or even the United States, not once the media got ahold of this. It’s amazing that CA or OJ got off, because they were both convicted by the press long before they came to trial.
I agree MollyYes!
Well, with OJ, Johnny Cochran turned that into his own show and made it into a payback for what happened with Rodney King – when the cops who beat him got off. It was turned into a race thing, the white L.A. cops versus black citizens just going about their lives. Not to mention that was the original “dream team” of lawyers. Money talks.
Casey Anthony’s jury was sequestered. I don’t think it would have been so bad if Jodi’s jury was sequestered and could talk amongst themselves, as long as they weren’t bombarded by the insane screeching by HLN. Every single sentence practically was prefaced with, “shot in the face, stabbed 29 times, almost decapitated” – yes, they exaggerated from 27 to 29. They had me brainwashed at first, until I got sick of it and started looking at the facts.
If the jury had actually had to think about it and use their own brains without the snap judgements and sound bytes of HLN that alone would have made a difference, I think. Plus, when a jury is sequestered, don’t they only have a certain amount of time together, and they are supervised by a bailiff or officer of the court or something? Then they go to their hotel rooms and I don’t think they get to socialize with one another.
You’re right. I don’t know how she could ever get a fair trial now, anywhere. Where could people be found who haven’t been blasted by the ridiculous headlines? France?
This has got to stop. It’s bad enough that you have to worry about corruption, but to see them doing this blatantly in everyone’s face is a whole ‘nother level of evil.
Hi Milan,
“Every single sentence practically was prefaced with, “shot in the face, stabbed 29 times, almost decapitated” – yes, they exaggerated from 27 to 29. They had me brainwashed at first, until I got sick of it and started looking at the facts.”
You would think that kind of sick bs that she and her cohorts have kept feeding everyone would actually turn a lot of people away, like it for you. I mean …. it’s downright sadistic. Amazing to me that people aren’t smarter to see that their bottom line is about money and they don’t care how they get it. Very, very disturbing.
Different trials. The others were “who done it” Jodi’s was why did she do it…and is all BS. I hate all of them right now…
I never got the password and would love to know about the mission.
Good Morning Everyone.
Morning music. Turn on Your Lovelight
Can I please get the password.
No Way?
No way, did you read SJ’s post up above?
We are all here still posting so never fear! You will not miss anything juicy 😉
Feel free to share your thoughts on the case!
As long as you are pro-jodi!
In order to get the password you will have to donate $500 to Jodi.
Good morning my friends 🙂
where did you see this?
You are funny Mariana.
Sally W and Zoe. Just keep posting you are not missing anything exciting.
I enjoy your posts! It is so nice to see more jodi supporters coming out for truth!
It really makes me happy.
If I had it I would!!
Thanks for clearing that up BeeCee!!! 🙂
Yep. The more the merrier.
That will keep all the trolls out…lol, especially TA’s family. They like to take money, not give.
Morning all!!!
they just want to hurt Jodi….4 mindless reasons….the evil they’ve done 2Jodi will retuen 2 them….even the mindless pay for their actions in time…..praying 4 a miracle 4Jodi
Has anybody heard when Wednesdays court starts?
CR2008-031021 5/15/2013 10:00 Trial – Continuing State Of Arizona
Jodi Ann Arias
Thanks Ann!!! 🙂
IIRC is starts (supposedly since they never start on time) at 10 am Arizona time.
Good morning everyone, this may be a dumb question but is there a place where you can see some of the evidence (or, rather LACK of evidence :/) such as the texts, call logs, emails, etc.? I don’t know if thats available to look at other than going back through all the trial videos and pausing when the put the evidence up on the screen. Any help would be appreciated:)
Here you go..
Thanks so much Ed! All I could find was the court documents and such so this is a big help:)
5 jurors for PRE-MED, 7 for NO PRE-MED in the verdicts. SEVEN people thought she didn’t premeditate, is that right? Of course the bogus, but nasty, felony murder trick that JM pulled off (accusing Jodi of stealing Travis’ gun that JM REPEATEDLY says she brought with her from home) made the big M1 verdict possible. Adding votes together. Has anyone else heard of a state that adds up votes between 2 charges?
Back to my point. SEVEN jurors DID NOT find her guilty of PRE-MED in the main M1 case, am I right? If the bogus gun charge were yanked prior to the verdict, the jury would have moved down to the next level. M2, etc.. If pickles could see the validity of the removal of the felony murder because of JM’s shenanigans, then what do we have?
Actually 7 found for BOTH pre-med and felony. 5 found for pre-med only.
I think this is what confuses people…That all 12 found premed, and 7 of them saw it as a felony too!!
But if the gun theft charge (felony murder) is removed because JM’s case was laced with accusations that she brought the gun with her, then what..? 😉
Hmmm.. maybe the higher math of AZ law has me confused. I stand corrected, Al.
I’m from the backwards state of Tennessee. We believe you have to unanimously convict on M1 to bring in a verdict of M1. I hope they don’t execute her for a stolen gun..
BTW, Al, I understand the concept of predicate felony etc. Anyone who thinks that she pre-meditatedly stole TA’s gun and along the way he interfered or otherwise ended up dead, well ,,
The Law’s an Ass, but not that big an Ass, I hope.
The felony occurred the moment she had a weapon in her hand, she was no longer in the house lawfully. I’m not saying I agree with this…but at that point the origin of the gun or knife doesn’t matter, they don’t have to agree if she brought the gun or knife, they don’t have agree which comes first…it is just based on the fact she had a weapon in her hand.
“The felony occurred the moment she had a weapon in her hand, she was no longer in the house lawfully.”
Very interesting!! I had assumed that it had to do with the theft. Very good info. I’m old and slow but I’ll catch up. Thanks 😉
Hi Ed,
“Very interesting!! I had assumed that it had to do with the theft. Very good info. I’m old and slow but I’ll catch up. Thanks 😉 ”
Lol! I see I’m in good company.
I thought, until this moment, that the felony occurred when she left the house as an uninvited guest with gun. Leaving with the gun was critical.
What? You didn’t follow Juan’s detailed explanation?? 🙂
I love you guys but Denver my phone keeps putting in words that I didn’t say when I hit post..I’m better off leavening the posting to all of you.
I stand next to Jodi with my heart and I pray that what comes around goes around.
cindy, I know you have been having trouble with your computers and I agree phones are a pain in the booty! They make it VERY difficult to post.
Just keep posting.
We understand.
I’m not the most ”huggy” person around… but from reading your posts today, Cindy Jewell, I wonder if you could use a hug?
Just in case:
((((((((((((Cindy Jewell))))))))))))
No I’m just sick about this whole trial and trying to to understand how the hell this all happened. For the love of God they want to kill our Jodi and unless someone has allot of $$$$$ ..I will never give up in what I beleave…I only pray that Jodi does not give up…
OK now I have to a tend to my moms needs…
Ya it sure has sucked useing my phone..but soon I will have my PC back…God help all of you on that day..LOL.
PREDICTION ALERT: I’m going to make a daring prediction. I do not believe that the jury will ultimately decide the penalty in this case. I think they will be quietly dismissed before any penalty verdict by pickles and she will take a month or two to ponder it (normal) and then give Jodi Life or LWOP, which is *all* she can do without a jury recommendation.
1) Issues with JM’s use of ‘the gun’ as a theft from Travis (‘felony murder’), when he repeatedly said Jodi was carrying it from YReka. SEVEN jurors voted for NO PRE-MED in the main M1 case. ie: NO M1.
2) Issues with the media blowout and the non-sequestration. They want to quietly figure out how to do capital/hi-profile cases in the 21st century. QUIETLY is the key word here.
3) All officers of the court and some other parties will be sworn to secrecy and Jodi heads over to prison (life or life without parole) with no DP.
4) Pickles gets to say “there has been a (sooper-secret) decision made and here is my verdict”
5) I predict a Life sentence, not LWOP, maybe even M2 if pickles’ conscience is bothering her.
That’s what I think.
Taking a few minutes break between clients today…
One of my clients told me yesterday evening that NG and JM are megalomanic type people…
I have never heard of this term before…so I looked it up and posted it…
I agree with him 100% that these two are….full of themselves, haughty…and they both think they are the best and most important person in the universe…they are so self absorbed…they walk over everyone else with their venomous twisted versions of the truth making every word that comes out of their mouth poisonous…
“megalomanic type people…”
Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Good Morning everyone.
It’s almost 1 week since the verdict and I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that a jury convicted Jodi of premeditated 1st degree murder based entirely on circumstantial evidence and speculation. The justice system is really broken if a person can be put to death based on this trial.
I watched a documentary on this trial Sunday night on Dateline on ID. No one wants to talk about what a perverted abusive pig Travis was. All you hear is poor Travis. Travis was a saint. It made me want to puke.
You and all the reasonable people that post here. It’s ludicrous! I am still shocked too.
Same here,still shocked and trying to wrap my head around it too…I can only think that they had made up their minds a long time ago and whatever the defense team,Jodi herself or any of the defense experts said they chose to disregard.Maybe they were present physically but absent minded,daydreaming or simply sniggering inside the entire time.No other explanation I could ever come to terms with!! No way!
” based entirely on circumstantial evidence and speculation.”
Joe, this is what really gets me!!!
It wasn’t even that good of cirumstantial evidence. Basically we are talking about things that can all be explained in a logical manner and/or were refuted by evidence (hair color).
Crazy. I can’t believe no one on the jury has rented a car elsewhere for price or carried gas cans.
I don’t get the whole Saint Travis thing either…wonder if there are any little boys anywhere who will grow up and someday come out and say he abused them?
maybe the children of ta’s friends – ta loved to babysit
That is a good point zoe!
I wonder if there is info anywhere of who he has babysat for.
No the mormans would never tell
I guess I’m old and I just don’t seem to be able to grasp the concept of AZ verdict law. Nevah heard of anything like it. ALIEN oh and IANAL. I think I’ll just watch what happens, because, ultimately, that’s all we can do at this point. Thanks to those that tried to clear it up for me. I don’t understand it.
FWIW, I’ve been sequestered on a jury on a major capital murder trial. We gave the perp 3 death penalties and 3 life sentences. After 26 yrs on Death Row, killing other inmates etc., they finally executed him a few years ago.
Read all about it here:
bringing this over from the last page
good reading here also
Throughout the trial Martinez kept bringing up all of Jodi’s lies and his closing argument was about Jodi’s lies and how you couldn’t believe anything she said because she was a liar and a manipulator. So now he might use the video of her saying she would prefer the death penalty and now all of a sudden she is telling the truth?
Sadly, I think this jury has it out for Jodi. I think they already know what their punishment for her will be. I do think if they give her the death penalty it will be reversed on the plethora of appealable issues that have come up during this travesty of a trial.
“So now he might use the video of her saying she would prefer the death penalty and now all of a sudden she is telling the truth?”
This is exactly the point I have so vehemently harped about, that I have been banned from literally every FB page that is pro-Travis. According to the TT, not one word Jodi says is truthful, EXCEPT for when she said she “did it”.
Travis Taliban: BUT SHE ADMITTED IT.
I’m dealing with the same thing Basse! Let’s just say I’m not a very popular poster on Facebook. One thing is I don’t back down from a challenge. I see so much that went wrong in this trial and to stay silent about it just seems wrong.
Right with you, Bunny. I get crazy-angry at the stupidity of the Travis Taliban and, I swear, I have no control over my hands. I absolutely MUST reply to these a-holes.
P.S. You cannot possibly be more unpopular than me on FB. lol Seriously, they freaking despise me.
I agree, I was banned too.
Good Morning Everyone! I just want to start this fine sunny CO day with a stout FUCK YOU to the haters as well as the Pedo-hugging predators. I want to remind everyone that no matter WHAT happens tomorrow Jodi WILL be victorious! There is even a silver-lining to her receiving the death penalty. The haters keep raging with hate because they KNOW this shit ain’t over, and to the assholes who WANT HER DEAD to save their own ASSES, well, you KNOW what time it is. Keep one eye open, shits about to get REAL.
Your celebration is a bit premature, dontcha know?
Good morning friend ((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))
You guys keep the haters away today. I’m off to work, need to pay some bill.
Top of the morning, K!
My Mamma taught me to never count my chickens before they hatch. They can celebrate all they want. And while they pat eachother on the back and spread hate we will be diligently working to get Jodi her freedom.
Morning Kmiller, Janeen, Renee’, Jaz!!!
and everyone else I haven’t said morning too!
Morning, BeeCee!! ♥
Good morning BeeCee!!!!! (((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))
Good Morning! ♥
SJ… I’ve been out of town for two funerals; didn’t have access to site…is it possible you could give me access to the code for Mission #1… if not I’ll understand, Good Luck in the endeavors !!!!!!
hi samj!
Sorry to hear about your funerals. 🙁 I hope you are doing well.
I can’t remember you posting before, I guess I’m getting older than I thought.
OMG maybe Kermit’s memory problem questions have affected me!!!!!!!
You might want to read SJ’c post up above. 🙂
Very aggravated this morning…….So Jodi is amazingly cleared after being handed a M1 conviction which would put any of us in the psych ward and she has been transferred back to Estrella…..awww warm fuzzies huh? How about the fact that she is in 23 hour isolation lockdown with only one hour per day out to shower and use the phone. I know she was convicted of a crime (ridiculous in itself) but she is not a high risk or vioent person in jail. Why is she in isolation when she needs people to talk to now more than ever? I hate Maricopa County. They are incompetent.
More than incompetent I’d say they are sadists!
It pisses me off.
How can the public justify this?
It’s worse than anything I’ve ever seen.
Not kidding at all.
AZ should be ashamed!
SJ… just got a chance to read through comments; if it’s true I need to donate $500 in order to recieve the password…sorry I can’t afford that right now… I’ll just continue to connect via this site…
The person saying it costs $500 was joking. No where has SJ said it costs to post on VENT. But SJ did explain above that it would no longer be given out.
i don’t have the password & understand….but it is best not to discuss it…..some will take it the wrong way & try to get us upset w/each other….i will not speak of it again….team Jodi stay strong 4 Jodi&herFamily
Yes I was JOKING
Those haters are trying to stir up trouble between us…divide and concur. Those are the words of another little man.
No, SamJ. If someone said that, it was just a joke. This site is COMPLETELY non-profit. SJ has never EVER asked for money for ANYTHING. There is an opportunity if you can or want to Donate to Jodi, but that has never been a requirement. No offense, I’m sure you didn’t realize it was a joke, but I just want to make sure no one gets any ideas and starts more rumors on the net that we are about any sort of fraud or scamming people like the TA Taliban.
Yes… I get the feeling our non-existent “$500 entry fee” is gonna find it’s way onto HLN if we’re not careful
Team Jodi
already has, I saw it just a few minutes ago that this sight is asking for donations. HLN sucks, hate them
HATE HLN, I can’t believe they actually thought that was true, sick m….r f…..s!!!
I take the full responsibility, it was a BAD, BAD JOKE !!!
I am so very sorry 🙁
I am sorry SJ, that was a bad joke 🙁 You can remove my post if you think it’s inappropriate.
And I don’t blame you if you kick me out of the vent page. my mouth always gets me in trouble 🙁
I apologize again. I had no intention of starting any trouble…now I feel like crying 🙁
Chill. All is good!
Team Jodi
Thank you SJ 🙂
OH I just wanna give you a HUG!!! My mouth gets me in trouble too.
Ill give HLN 1000 to STFU lol
SJ please if you ever decide that you have to make the site private, please send me the password. I have been here since the CA trial, and since you started this site up afterwards.
From my own experience with Nasty Nancy using my Hail Mary from here you can bet on it. They will use it mock my words now and tell me tomorrow you were right
well said Kmiller!
samj, if you notice, there aren’t even any ads on this site!
Feel free to keep posting here…let us know how you feel about the crappy verdict.
again, welcome!
Thanks BeeCee 🙂 You’re my Ace in da hole! I just like all the supporters here want as many as possible in support of Jodi, but I’m protective of our “little engine that could” 🙂
OMG where did you hear that load of crap?
Let me guess – Justice4Travis, State vs Jodi Arias, ect and so forth.
I want to say something to all of you who have been what ever about the PASSWORD. STOP and think of how lucky we are to have this site to come to day or night to vent or express our views. or find comfort. in knowing you are not alone..
Lets not forget why we are here..it’s for Jodi not for a fricken password..
Thank you SJ for a place to find some peace …
To those that want the password so bad, let me assure you, this is not some plot against you. Do you go to the first day at a new job and demand your boss give you a key to his office?
This page is always available to post on. Those who post “there” also post “here”. There is nothing glamorous or secretive going on there. It is a safe place for a few people to vent or post without fear of stalkers.
Many of us have been stalked beyond this site.
Please, post here…..all over here…. please do not feel if you cannot go to one of the PW protected places that your voice is not important. It is!
Post here for a while….that is how we learn to trust people.
Yes! Well said!
Couldn’t have explained it better.
Well said Renee’!
SJ wants $500 to give us a set of his keys?!! Sorry just couldn’t help myself 🙂 Morning all.
Good jo b Renne..I was just to pissed of about the people getting upset about it.
Ok I’ll continue to read, post and vent here then. I had the ow and now I don’t. Just don’t want anyone to think that I’m a mole. I am absolutely not a mole – hate Travis and his ilk and HLN turned me completely ON for jodi because they were so horrible against her it made me step back and think about who they were being so foul against.
Thank you Renee. I am very greatful for this site. For all the hard work SJ and the admins do to allow us a place to meet and support Jodi and family. I am thankful for the right I have to speak my mind and knowing I am not alone. I don’t need a password as I have been given this board and these amazing people. Thank you all…
HLN played to the jury and the judge is blind to the fact and she has had all the evidence she needed handed to her on a silver platter. She doesn’t want a mistrial on her record, but I’m guessing an overturned conviction on appeal will look much better. Hell, they even created a tv show just for that purpose and a reason that most of TA’s leeches, um, I mean friends went on Dr. Drew’s show and made sure that it aired at a time when most folks were watching television and was on a constant loop. They knew that the jury was watching! There’s a reason why After Dark didn’t pop up with their fake jury and their bobble-headed commentators during the CA trial and that was only because the jury was sequestered. Had this jury been sequestered, I’m sure she would have gotten a much fairer trial.
GOOD MORNING from STILL hot as hell Southern Cali!!!!!!
Mornin’ Moni ((((((hugs))))))
Hey SJ – you indicated in your post that passwords are no longer being sent out for the Vent or Mission pages! This seems a bit unfair. I am an attorney and would really like to be able to participate in those posts. Any exceptions????? Thanks.
Hi Bernadette!
Welcome to this site! We are so happy to have so many more Jodi supporters!
Have you posted before today?
How do you feel about the verdict?
Hello, Bernadette, and welcome!
Have not seen you post, and to tell the admin what is fair on his site is not very fair, either!
By all means, post here! Would love to hear your take on this situation?
Hi Bernadette….
Actually as an attorney, I would like to know what your view is on the state’s attorney’s performance. Do you think this should have been a death penalty case?
I just want to add, to those that are hurt/upset about not getting the PW. I am sorry you feel left out. I can almost understand your feelings if you have been posting for a while.
This issue is this: There are folks out there who are so desperate to see what is over “there” that they will impersonate us to get there. Luckily, SJ and Admins can tell by your ISP if you are legit.
I appreciate all the desire to help Jodi at this time.
hopefully…. you will keep posting here, as we all are.
We need to be strong, and united!!!! 😀
we can and will make a difference!!!
🙂 Nice post!
I arrived post-verdict. I was across the net debating “The Mob” … I only started following the trial after Jodi took the stand. I seen on FOX Report with Shepard Smith about the salacious testimony.
I do enjoy debating the “The Mob” with facts. And when they start calling me names and criticizing my grammar … I know I am winning the debate 🙂
And I am glad SJ has a protected place for the TEAM JODI regulars to chat with each other.
I am fine right out here for all the idiots from “The Mob” to read … glad the moderator’s ban the haters.
It’s funny for me even though I post I’m not good w venting. I have an anger problem. If I focus on it too much I get more and more angry. So I may vent for 10 minutes and then I have to stop. If I don’t or I look at what others are saying I get crazy mad. It’s so opposite of a normal person!!!! I noticed it when I was working. If I vented w a coworker I was mad all day. If I vented and walked away I could get it out of my system. So that’s why I never asked for the password bc Jodi’s treatment makes me so mad. The interviews make me cry.
“It’s funny for me even though I post I’m not good w venting. I have an anger problem. If I focus on it too much I get more and more angry. So I may vent for 10 minutes and then I have to stop.”
I feel like you. I have to limit how wound up I get. Because it also affects people around me. I went to the vent page and realized that I didn’t want to try to do something that isn’t really me. I have never been one to cuss a lot. Doing that would feel unnatural to me. But I am glad it’s there for those needing to express their anger. Renee’s post was very good …. nobody is missing anything. Lots of venting is going on here too.
You don’t have to be bias to see JM was allowed to intimidate every witness. Is this why I pay taxes, to have DA’s win at all cost, even if the government employee’s have to lie ? This isn’t fair and impartial justice.
The abuse that was allowed against ALV by JM was unbelievable. ALV had no horse in the race, ALV was there to merely show Jodi was a victim of DV.
HLN knew ALV testimony and conclusion couldn’t be impeached by JM. I could her clear panic at HLN about the impact of ALV testimony.
And why this jury in Mormon, AZ couldn’t see Jodi was a victim of DV can only be explained that JM total disrespect of ALV, made her not credible.
Do us taxpayers fund our judicial system to find the truth or win at all cost ?
you know willie…this trial has been a real eye opener for me and I have friends and family in Law enforcement/private investigations.
I had no idea prosecutors were allowed to behave in that manner and PEOPLE THINK IT IS NORMAL!!!!
That just fries my brain…
Really Willie!!
You’re so right.
The way that they treated Alyce and had all of the stores leaving terrible feedback and it wasn’t about the book.
I hold every store responsible that allowed that and will not shop there ever again.
I don’t give a rats ass if they don’t miss my business , but it makes me feel better.
There are plenty of other places to shop and I do just fine without them.
THEY were AWFUL!!!
And that is when baby martinez decided to throw his tantrum and throw a pen along with it????
You’re right BeeCee,
PLUS never have I seen a family act up in court like the Travis family did and they did it EVERY day.
I’m disgusted with that whole side. They all acted like immature brats, including baby martinez.
i will not discuss PW….i can see the reason it is tight…& it should be kept safe… 2 help Jody…(((((HUGS))))i’m fine w/posting here *-*
I am with you elna……PLENTY to discuss right here!!! 🙂
Morning everyone~I had taken a couple of days off after being so upset over the Dateline “story” on Fri night, but was pleasantly surprised at Geraldo’s coverage of Jodi’s after verdict interview..at least he isn’t afraid to go against the grain and I applaud him for that.
I have only been on this site for a couple of months, and did not ask for the vent password as I don’t have a working headset or mic on pc..Since people here are talking about being impersonated and attacked I don’t feel comfortable posting on here anymore. I don’t want someone hacking into my PC etc.. But I still support Jodi and will be praying for the best of the two worst case options tomorrow, and will be praying for a successful appeal and/or overturning of this verdict.
So sorry that the haters won’t leave us alone..you would think they would get a life and move on..they got their corrupt verdict. I’m sorry SJ that you had to comb thru all of the BS, and I’m thankful that you had the courage to set this site up.
Best wishes to everyone and especially to Jodi~
I believe it is safe to post here. Just do not post personal information or click on ANY link where you do not recognize the poster. And it’s best to ignore friend requests on facebook from people you don’t know.
Don’t let the haters chase you away.
It is very safe to post here…just don’t click links sent out by facebook or in facebook.
Some links are not actually from facebook and I’m pretty sure that might be where people are running into problems.
Thanks Jaz and BeeCee..I didn’t understand what has been happening on here. The last thing I want to do is not be able to show my support, but I won’t be posting as much anymore as I was getting so upset at what all was going on that it was affecting my personal life…just ask my hubby, my dogs, my salt water fish and my laundry! 😉 I enjoy everyone on here very much and feel connected and didn’t want to loose that do to hackers/haters.
keep on sticking around… 🙂
(((hugs))) to you BeeCee!!! <3
🙂 Hold down your home first and post your support when you can. There will always be true supporters around when you feel the need to chat.
Thanks Jaz! My home was feeling the neglect and my fish tank was lookin really bad! Thank God my husband was understanding when I would vent! I’m glad that at least I was able to shed some light on what was really going on with this case and he now is on our side!! 😉
Hi guys!
I’ve been following Beth Karas twitter and she said Jodi is out of the mental facility and back in jail.
I’m going to startmy crazy million postcard sending. I don’t want to keep talking to her about her case bc I want to try to cheer her or maybe make her smile if I could so I actually started telling her funny stories from my life and about my cats or something. It’s easy I am a klutz and like to goof around (I’m 7 mths older than her too LOL) so I make a fool of myself constantly. I used to be very serious and tried to keep myself all uptight, but I finally let me be me and I’m a mess, but I make myself laugh and hopefully I’ll make Jodi laugh too!
((((((((TEAM JODI)))))))))
(I’m nervous about tomorrow but I’m trying to stay positive so I’m not talking too much about it just praying)
Did you also read that she was transferred back to Estrella and is in 23 hour lockdown? She is in a cell by herself and is allowed out one hour per day to shower and make phone calls. I am livid. She is being punished for being distraught after and horrible and unjust verdict? How much more is this girl expected to endure and hold on to her sanity? My heart breaks for her and her family.
No, I did not read that! That sounds worse that being in a mental facility. 🙁
Lucy are you aware that when Casey Anthony was arrested she spent the entire three + years up until her trial in 23 hour lock down?They call it protective custody. They also may have Jodi in protective custody so that none of the inmates can give her anything she can off herself with.
I know Debbie but it is still cruel and hard on the prisoner. I worry about her depression and being isolated increases that. There really is no winning situation. There is no counseling or mental health provided. It is just pitiful. I want her safe but I also want her sane.
What’s sad is that in Jose Baez’ book, he said that Casey loved being in jail because it gave her structure and kept her away from her father :(.
You know what? I think I am not nervous at all because it doesn’t matter what is going to happen, we are going to save jodi and get the verdict overturned!!!
You are spot on BeeCee. Even though the media are hyping it all up, the “events” of tomorrow count for very little in the big scheme of things. We are here for the long haul, and we will ultimately get JUSTICE FOR JODI!
Team Jodi
“We are here for the long haul, and we will ultimately get JUSTICE FOR JODI!”
SJ you always say it so much better!!!!!
I love you guys SO MUCH!!!!!!
Justice for the TRUE victim of all this:JODI!!
Remember that at one time, Damien Echols thought that it was hopeless too. 18 years on Death Row. But people started paying attention, and now he’s free.
Jodi WILL NOT die by the State. We’ll see to it.
Let’s pray, as I’m sure DE would if he knew the facts, and maybe does anyway I don’t know, that it does not come to that. This is a disaster, but not a total unmitigated disaster. As detrimental as this national attention has been for Jodi, it cuts both ways. At least she will not be beaten to near death and thrown in a hole until she can barely see.
Amen to that SJ !!
Yes!! Positive energy! I don’t know anything about law and I am so thankful for the supporters who know so much about law and appeals and what to do next and how to help. They are like angels for Jodi. You’re all like angels for Jodi! Everyone can do something to help. Everyone can play a roll. I can’t do much but I can support Jodi and write postcard after postcard. 🙂
danielle, I bet it would help her a lot to have positive uplifting postcards…
I know it would me if I were where she is and knew I was innocent of premed…
You are sweet for that.
Thank you 🙂
And to think I love her so much and cant even send her a postcard 🙁 🙁
If you would like, you can email me what you would want to write to Jodi and I will send her the post card for you and sign your name. You are one of her biggest supporters and I think it would be good for you to let her know how much you care.
SJ- Please provide my email to Maria if she would like. Thanks
Oh,TR…How kind of you to care about my feelings (((((((hugs and love))))))))
Of course I dont mind you getting my e-mail along with anybody else here who would like it.I dont wanna be a burden to anyone here,as I’ve stated before.Otherwise I’d be ‘pesting’ all of you to find me a ouple hundred postcards LOL!! Plus,there’s the money that you;ll spent on getting the card and mailing it.I’d be feeling uncomfortable knowing someone spends their money on sth I should be doing.But my bad luck is there are no metered postcards here. 🙁
I’ve sent an e-mail letter to her through the Supporters of Jodi Arias Facebook page,they clai to print out everything and give it to her through her family but I never heard back from them so I dont know if she ever received it.
was thinking of another way to do it so you can actually write Jodi yourself. I can get some postcards from the post office and have them metered and send them to you via snail mail. You could write them out and mail them back to me in the US and I will mail them to Jodi. won’t be that expensive so don’t worry about that. Email me and let me know if you would like to do that.
first let me tell you that even your trying to find a solution to my problem is enough for me to be grateful to you.That sounds like a plan,although I’m still feeling guilty for putting you through all this trouble.When SJ gives me your e-mail I’ll be contacting you for sure!!
Or maybe after sentencing,Jodi gets transferred to a more humane(when it comes to mail)prison and spare you the trouble 🙂
I feel that too BeeCee…an overturned verdict due to jury misconduct, proscicutural (urgh, spell checker wont even help me!) misconduct etc..maybe that was what was going on after conviction in closed court!!!
I just sent Jodi a couple more postcards. Does anyone know if she is being given her mail?
What is the mission page?
Hey….this site was just mention on HLN……they were saying Jodi wants donations to be sent through this site like it was a new thing or something. This had always been the site for any donations for Jodi!!!!
Awesome! We just saw it too
Team Jodi
Ah, HLN…always a day late and a dollar short. More like a few months late!
They are so dayummmmmmmm stupid! Let’s let them go ahead and think that and not tell them what’s real ok? It’s killing HLN, the hate&liesnetwork
There are some EVIL PEOPLE in ARIZONA
jodi arias is NOT one of them.
Morning Josh~again, love your pics! very peaceful and uplifting!!
Josh I’ve been wondering where you are, I wanted to thank you for the links to the films, they said it all, brilliant, I enjoyed them!
there is no way 2keep up w/the lies@HLN…HLN is EVIL…..Karma is not far away
Hello everyone,
I turned on HLN yesterday for a short period of time. Actually, I was assuming they could calm down a bit at last. But I see that they can’t, and they are not going to. They need to arise a kind of vengeance. A woman on HLN was saying that Jodi was 100% evil. They absolutely don’t want to try to analyze the facts of the case! Their mission is to make a kind maniac from this poor girl, to turn on the public and to arise aggression . Apparently, these so-called experts are not even psychiatrists or psychologists. They make me sick. I immediately turned my TV off when I heard that.
I have no doubt this fake verdict will be overturned by a higher court. It is not over yet. The media acted as Judge and Jury in this case and that is unacceptable. It may take time, but it will happen.
Oh, f.f.s., Travis’ birthday is July 28th. He would have turned 36. Guess what? There’s an entire page dedicated to his upcoming birthday.
Remind me to post the TA-in-a-body-bag pic to celebrate in case I forget.
I believe the body bag is the same shade of blue too, so it’ll match nicely…
Team Jodi
SJ, that was just evil. I like that about you 🙂
I have my moments ♥
Team Jodi
You’re very funny SJ.
Ha! Nice!
Hey, Jodi’s birthday is July 9th. Let’s all wear PURPLE!
I think I will be sporting my Survivor T-shirt on Travis’ birthday and I’ll be decked out in purple for Jodi’s
Can we send photos to Jodi?
Yes a great idea…..wear Survivor T-shirts on Jodi’s birthday!!!
Count me in
Thanks for the heads up about Jodi’s B day.
LMAO SJ too funny you are sooo bad !!
LMAO,SJ!!! Good one!!
Please do that!!
You would think he was Ghandi or something…just make sure that your 12 year old daughters aren’t wearing blue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HA!!!!! Good one Lynn!!!
Hey Moni! <3
sooo TRUE…
Isn’t Jodi’s birthday July 9th?
IDK. But my friend wants to start a page titled, ‘On Travis’ Birthday, Wear Whore-Red in Support of Jodi Arias”
LOL LOL I have to get red underwear bc I will do that!
Yes her birthday is July 9.
I know Jodi is a Cancer~My ascendant is in Cancer~very sensitive sign..I wonder if anyone has done her chart?? Years ago I had a program that I used and did OJ’s..it was very accurate and went to a 30 year period in one’s life. It’s called “Astrologer” and I’m not sure if it’s still available..it was spot on on may charts that I did.
meant, “over a 30 year period”…I can do a chart by hand but it’s tedious, and havn’t done one for a long time~
Also there is a very good site, “Future Minders” If you have all the info, dob, place of birth, time, you can get a free chart and then daily horoscopes for free based on your personal info. You are only allowed one free one tho..but they give you a full break down on your Natal Chart, and then the daily forcasts~
Hi Lynn.. try Astrodienst..under free horoscopes…
you can use multiple dob’s …
Thanks Pat! Does anyone know Jodi’s Natal info? dob, time, place of birth? Or has anyone done her chart? Off to book mark site, thanks again Pat!
I just know her DOB is 7-9-1980.
I found 7/9/1980….looking for place
place of birth Salinas CA
time unknown..I use 12:00 when faced with that
Pat and Kira thanks. I also use 12 noon for time if not avail. Will do a chart!
Yes it is, 9th July 1980.
She’s a Cancerian Monkey, Monkey being her Chinese sign.
Sensitive and highly intelligent.
How she has coped, I haven’t a clue, she should get a medal.
Quite right Heather1!
I’m surprised they’re not talking about turning Travis’ birthday into a national holiday. 🙂
I found your site a few weeks ago when I was looking for a refuge from the HLN propaganda machine and I’ve been lurking since. It was a nice surprise to find intelligent well thought out posts and not people just spewing venom. I can’t believe the level of hate on the message boards toward Jodi and the total gang bully mentality. Travis = Saint Jodi = Devil. (RME) So its refreshing to actually find people who think clearly and aren’t ready to stone this woman in the streets.
I can write a book on the many reasons why this trial has been a joke starting from the non-sequestering of the jury. Even in the Casey Anthony case they not only sequestered the jury they went out of County to find jurors so there would be at least an attempt to get a non biased jury. No such luck in this case and with JM bullying and intimidating witnesses the whole trial turned into a farce. Again thanks for keeping it real here folks and I look forward to posting more in the future.
Attn: Mormons
Wear Your Magic Underwear On The Outside, July 28th.
hi sj. Nice to see all these ppl voice their minds without fear of stalkers and haters! thanks for this website!
Beth Karas tweeted there’s a closed hearing and TAs family is there.
Right now Danielle?
I checked out HLN today, for the first time in a while, because I was curious to get a glimpse of OJ. Anyway, they showed OUR site on there. They said, “Jodi arias is back on the web. This time she’s asking her supporters to donate to “team Jodi”.
WTF? Well free publicity, but those bastards know GOOD and DAMN well this is not a new site, and donations that Jodi NEVER ASKED for has been an option for a while now!!
They know this cause they and the haters have been sweatin’ us like TA at a Boy Scouts wheel barrel race!!!!
What else could we expect from HLN..the truth???
yes and stupid bitch christy said “Oh Come Onnnn” regarding donations
LOL! Perfect description of Christy’s comment!!!! I can hear it!!
what about a private investigator? Some non-biased to check all the evidence, cover ups, Ashley Reed , roommates, dustin, jm, horne – everything……
Good Day, All,
Zoe, I have thought about that, too. I would pitch in money to help pay for him/her. Perhaps there would be someone willing to work for less due to the notoriety of this case.
It would have to be someone impeachable with stellar record. I do not have any faith in the government to do anything to help Jodi even in appeals. Its all about politics.
a PI would have 2b really good..but how would he get around Horne’s lies& the legal KKK there..i’m very affraid to even drive thur AZ after they did this to Jodi….i wish we could get a real psychic….one the detectives use in cold cases….I’m wearing purple 4 jodi on july9 w/ red underwear…..HLN is so jealous of this web pg;;;;
Looks like the mission of HLN is to arise aggression and create a lynch mob that is blood thirsty. Some of their so-called experts even don’t try to analyze the real facts of the case, they just want to make the public more aggressive.
Sad but true Kate…
So I reading more on the Innocence Project, and did you guys know they are also working to stop prosecutorial misconduct? Here is one quote from one of their Executive Directors – and fyi, it’s about the AZ judicial system: “The fact that it is so difficult to document the scope of the problem speaks volumes about the lack of accountability for prosecutors,” said Cookie Ridolfi, professor at Santa Clara University School of Law and Executive Director of the Northern California Innocence Project and the Veritas Initiative. “We don’t accept this lack of accountability and oversight for any other government entity where life and liberty are at stake, and there’s no reason we should do so for prosecutors.”
There is a website called prosecutorialoversight dot org and they encourage everyone to “have a voice.” There is a space there where you can add your voice and experience or perspective about the issue. I added my perspective about JM and added that as a tax payer, I’m appalled that the system that is supposed to work for justice does not look for justice. I was hoping that anyone here (as many of you are far more eloquent that I am) would also go post. Perhaps we can get them to look at this and get a jump-start on any appeals….. ? (Not sure how the whole process works, but I believe any little bit can help.)
I am a big supporter of the Innocence Project however, I was not aware of the Prosecutorial Misconduct website. I will go check out the website right now. Thanks for the heads up about the website.
Thank you for sharing that cp and taking a stand! I would think Jodi’s case would be one that they would take interest in!
Thanks for reading! 😀 Please go post on it. I also sent info to the innocence project AND to false confessions dot org. This whole thing stinks of conspiracy to me (and I’m NOT a conspiracy nut or even close!). But looking at this case from an objective point of view – I don’t see any other reason for every piece of injustice that is going on from the media, to the lying, p.o.s. prosecutor, biased judge, the hate mobs (and for what!?), and the absurd verdict that was based on nothing. This needs to be addressed and stopped on all levels. I love you guys (everyone here, Team Jodi) – you are the sanity during an insane time.
that is awesome that you for sharing. It is about time!!!!
SJ, or any mods, the haters have the password to the vent pages and the mission page, at jodiarias is a butcher, they have a screen shot of the mission page, peeps stop posting there.
Alright, I never requested a password, so what does that mean, that someone who was reg poster is a fraud, or how else could they get that??
I don’t know how they got it, but the have it. I believed it because they have a screen shot of the mission page.
I just saw that TB1..and they say WE are making THREATS?????? WTF??
We got a Judas here!:-(
Definetly Tony..there is one person that I have been suspicious of but I could be totally wrong..a late comer that came on strong..but that was just a feeling I had about this person
see, I tried to say it yesterday when defending people like me who have not posted all along and enjoy reading and listening as much as speaking and participating, that a real spy would be discreet why else be a real spy to begin with?
Email me a screenshot or link. Thanks.
Team Jodi
Did you get the link SJ?
Cyber bullying??? I didn’t think that that applied with regards to this case!!!! If that is true then why aren’t 3/4 of the haters in trouble???????
Just sent the link. Let me know if you didn’t get it.
I am SO SORRY that that happened. The only funny part is that it is that little prick who has the youtube channel with the hard on for SJ who probably lives in his mom’s basement who did it.
The only way he could have obtained that password is to pretend to be a Jodi supporter. So wonder which one he was? Is there anyone who posted they wanted the password and then just left?
If someone hacked to find that password, that is a serious crime and he should be prosecuted.
how so bugsy? I think I’ll ask my Son..he’s tech savvy and knows a bit about hacking..I bet there is a way to track down a hacker!
It is easy to find out if a website has been hacked. You use a app to find out.
You can also trace a person thru their IP address. Each time you visit a website you leave your IP address. Hackers usually use a proxy server, but there are ways to find out what the original IP is too.
This is no hacker. He is obsessed with SJ and the success of this site. I’m sure he’s been mole-ing around here for months. He is the one who thinks he figured out that SJ was a Pakistani guy or whatever. I recognize his voice.
and his speech impediment
I had never been to his site until now and it is apparent he is jealous over this site, he even created his just like this one..That is bizarre.
Yeah no kidding. I could almost hear the sound of his mom’s washing machine in the background.
LOL. Would you mind answering a few questions for me?
Everyday, I hope to see a post that Jodi’s defense team has filed some sort of motion to have the verdict thrown out, based on the perjured testimony of Horne and or Flores, amongst other nefarious things. Isn’t there a way they can pursue this without having to wait until Appeal? I think I am still in shock and can’t believe that a Court higher than Stephen’s kangaroo Court could not step in sooner, just based on the perjury alone?
TR you read my mind. I do hope, every day, to see something good has happened. But then the other side of me thinks; not this time. This case is set from the beginning to make Jodi a scapegoat, an example, an idol for the evil-doers witch hunt. Not only do they not want justice – certain powers have used the ignorance and stupidity of the haters to drive the machine of injustice in order to provide a cover-up. IDK for whom, but that is a question that should be asked by all. This is an atrocity of justice and I hope her attorneys are doing something. It doesn’t seem right that the courts can turn a blind eye to the abuse of the prosecutor and his lying, perjuring witnesses.
I don’t know the ins and outs of AZ law, so this is a general answer to a specific question. Furthermore, unlike some here, I haven’t followed each motion. The defense has filed what are called interlocutory motions all along. These are motions that deal with irregularities in the trial before its’ completion. I’m pretty sure each has been denied.
On a related note, for all the Monday morning quarterbacking, I don’t think that anyone can make the case that the Defense did not do a good job of preserving the record for an appeal. Did they make every single objection or in retrospect called every witness? Maybe not, but it’s easy to armchair litigate. I don’t think that there was any winning this for them. They did valiant work in the face of enormous obstacles, and have given Jodi an excellent chance of being able to demonstrate harmful error on appeal.
Thanks Joujou-
Though I’m no legal expert, I agree that the defense did a great job setting up for an appeal. They repeatedly filed for mistrials for everything they could including Prosecutorial misconduct. My hope is that Jodi would not have to wait for an appeal to have this verdict overturned. I still can’t believe this happens in the US, and in front of all to see, State witnesses can lie on the stand with impunity and still get a guilty verdict.
Meant to also say that There is nothing anyone can do about their private info being posted if someone found it on the internet. If it is already posted elsewhere..there’s no crime in it at all. I say that b/c they said someone should sue over his info being posted…but there’s nothing he can do about that.
Why then was it ok for ALV and others to be getting DEATH THREATS on net and elsewhere, and false book reviews on Amazon?????? Why are they not being punished for Cyber bullying
Fuck off Bugsy!
They should be getting punished for that imo. What they did to ALV was criminal.
That guy has posted personal information of everyone even remotely connected to Jodi and now that his is posted he has a problem.
That’s how people like him work. It’s all fun and games until it happens to him, then he cries. He needs to stfu and take it like a man.
That is true…anything posted on the internet can be used and you can not do anything about it. 🙁
Shit! Did we eventually findout who the traitor was?
WTF???Are we no longer safe here?
An Open Letter to the HLN and all the haters:
I’ve been thinking about you, even though I try not to because it is hazardous to my health, plus it gives me gas. But since you are all so obsessed with our little group. I felt compelled to address you and your hate.
Fueled by HLN’s campaign against Jodi, you started to believe that you have the right to attack, not only Jodi, but her family, her attorneys, the witnesses and everyone who supports her in any way. You are crusaders in your quest to annihilate anyone who goes against your beliefs. You don’t give a fuck who you hurt in the process. You are determined to have this girl killed to satisfy your deep dark need for revenge. I don’t think her death will fulfill the empty space in your heart. It will not fill the void in your soul, either.
I know that you are offended by the fact that we exist. I know it shocks you that we don’t agree with your hate and it infuriates you that Jodi has any supporters at all.
You were given a free pass on your campaign to destroy Alyce and Dr. Samuels. You were free to go after them with everything you had. And you succeeded to some degree. You were allowed to abuse this woman and this Doctor in such a despicable way and still you are not satisfied. What more do you want?
You are allowed to express yourselves freely. All your comments on FB and Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and HLN are condoned and approved by them. None of them have been removed. I can only assume that they probably agree with you. (Well I know HLN for sure) and that’s why you have not been shut down, quieted or even reprimanded for your behavior.
NO one has truly spoken up about the things you have said and done to these people. No one on whatever credible media is left, has had the balls to tell you how despicable, immoral and wrong that was. Not a single judge…Not a single attorney…Not a single talking head on TV…Not a single real journalist. NO ONE has dared to speak about this at all. Everyone is afraid of you and your hatred.
So you sit there in your high moral ground and you hide behind your religion and you claim that you want Justice for Travis, but I think that’s just bullshit. I think this was the perfect opportunity to let your true nature come through. And OMG, it has. The fact that some of you would be willing to volunteer to personally do away with Jodi says a lot about you and it is NOT a reflection on her. You can’t blame her for your sickness. You can’t put that on her. That is all YOU. And you are the one who has to live with those feelings. You are the one that needs to find some way to justify your hatred and your need to have this girl killed.
So I’m asking you, given the fact that you are the majority…Why do *we* bother you so much? You pretty much dominate the web. You go around the internet posting your vile comments, anywhere and everywhere where there’s a venue for it. Will you not be satisfied until you have your way and shut us up?
You want us to shut up because you’re angry and you blame us for destroying Travis’ reputation. Seriously? You blame us? And then the Tragedy Engorged Tick has the gall to say that we are worse than you are? Where have you seen us plan an attack on Juan Martinez or the Stupid Judge, or the lying witnesses? Flores lied, the ME lied, the chick with “8-year* experience and the 2-page CV lied! And still we didn’t go bat-shit crazy stalking them online and/or attacked them the way you did Dr. Samuels and Alyce. How in the fuck does that even compute in your brain? How does that lack of logic not make your brain implode, I have no idea.
Once Travis’ abusive nature came through, via his own words in the text messages, emails and recorded conversations, you still refuse to believe that this man was no successful, devout, mormon saint. So, I ask you to think about this:
Travis claimed to be a virgin and yet, he had been porking Deanna years before he even met Jodi.
But you refuse to acknowledge that he lied to everyone about it.
I was taken aback, not shocked or anything because I don’t judge that stuff…sex is a wonderful thing, but when Deanna, being a devout mormon girl didn’t even flinch when she admitted she had sex with TA on multiple occasions, I was like… what the hell!? She even sounded defiant and defensive as she stated that the sex was part of a normal healthy boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, totally ignoring the fact that according to the tenants of their religion..THAT shit is wrong!! And then, on her interview with HLN, she said that Jodi was trying to humiliate her? I am so fucking tired of EVERYONE trying to blame Jodi for their fuck ups. Bitch! Jodi didn’t even KNOW you before you allowed Travis to put his red angry pecker in your ass! Or vagina, or whatever mormon-approved bedroom protocol you were following when you were having sex with him. If you were humiliated that you had to admit that you were having sex with Travis…how in the fuck are you trying to put that on her?
Travis fucking lied all the time!! You don’t want to hear it, I know. You will ignore it because it doesn’t support your stance and it doesn’t help you consolidate your condemnation for her lies against your lack of acknowledgment about his lies. In the scope of all things, who was the biggest liar?
Another thing that I want to know is how you are suspiciously quiet about Travis’ comment about how Jodi sounded like a 12-year-old having her first orgasm and how HOT that was. (OMG, vomit!!)
Do you all think that is HOT? Have you ever seen a 12-year-old have sex? Have you heard a 12-year-old orgasm? (I just made myself sick typing that).
I have nieces around that age and when I look at their sweet angelic faces…the innocence in their eyes…these are children!! Please, if you have a daughter and/or nieces…LOOK AT THEM and then think about TA’s words. And then tell me how they made you feel.
My nieces are into Justin Bieber, they love a teen band called One Direction…they still watch the Disney Channel, they talk about innocuous things…you know, little girl stuff and that gets me thinking…
Who in the holy fuck, except a pedophile would imagine a CHILD in that type of sexual context? Seriously? That is okay with you?
If you don’t want to believe Jodi was abused…Fine. Whatever. I know she was. But how do you Justify any of the above?
The emails, the recorded phone sex, and the text messages cannot be denied. They will be around forever. Chris and Skye Hughes can spin and twist and throw shit all around, but the emails they sent to Travis about Jodi are already out in the open. That cannot be undone…and they may have convinced you that they didn’t write them or that they were manipulated by Jodi or whatever bullshit comes out of their mouths, but at some point you have to think…seriously?…how much fucking talent and intelligence would Jodi need to have to infiltrate that church and pull the wool over all of their eyes, and still end up in this fucked up situation? Think for a minute about that and stop making excuses for Travis’ deviant behavior and for the way his family acted during the trial, and for the Hughes and for all these so-called-friends who loved Travis so much they didn’t even smell Travis’ decomposing body for FIVE FUCKING DAYS! If you buy that shit, then you also believe that the jury did not watch or read anything pertaining to the case.
In closing…
You can hate us and hate Jodi all you want, but you won’t change our minds about how we feel. You can’t stop us from believing that Travis had pedophilia tendencies. You can’t change our minds that he was abusive towards Jodi. Scream and shout and shit all you want. We are team Jodi so leave us the fuck alone and take your hatred somewhere else. Because we are not trying to change your minds. We are smart enough to recognize that you can reason with a rock…We’re here for a cause we believe in and only those who support Jodi 100% are welcome here.
And know this…We are outnumbered but we are strong. And this is our house motherfuckers. This is a place where we are safe from your hate to voice our support for Jodi and we won’t let you fuck it up. Take your hate to your FB wall or to the intimacy of your homes and spread it lovingly over your children, or tweet it until your heart is content. Just leave us out of it.
Think of it this way. 98% percent of you believe that Travis was a saint. So why bother us? There’s not that many of us… We should’t have that much power over you…or is it that you will not be satisfied until you get rid of each and every one of us? Is that the plan? Will you persecute us too? Jodi has supporters from all over the world you know…Will you travel that far in your quest for Justice? Will you take it to that level? Is your hate that great? Aren’t you exhausted?
If you want to do something productive for Travis instead of hating us…Go on and erect a monument for him for you to worship…or plant trees in his memory and tie ribbons on them….or get that Travis Law going..(good luck with that btw)….Or keep sending money to the Hughes and the Alexanders…They need a vacation…just kindly leave us the fuck alone.
Bravisimo Sil!!!!!!!!!!!
Sil your compassion for “just the truth” was impressive!!
I liked how you mixed in a little FU to the haters 🙂
Stay strong!!
I was trying to use subliminal messages i.e.
lol! =)
Agreed with everything, and thanks for the laugh with “mormon-approved bedroom protocol” lol
Sil….did you send this piece to HLN??????
lol Moni..I think I should. =)
Oh, Sil. Please do! (Maybe there is someone at HLN who hasn’t totally bought into the party line.) But how about also sending it to the other networks as an editorial piece? That’s what open letters are, right?
Excellent letter! I’d sign my name to that! If you decide to send it anywhere I’d change can to can’t in front of reason with a rock though. I think you meant to say can’t reason with a rock . Just saying because those fucks will latch onto that and ridicule it all the way to mars and back.
hehehe…yeah, I was going to ask SJ to edit that. lol
Thank you Sil for so eloquently stating the facts and represently how must of us feel(except the hater moles).
I’m so upset I can’t type.
Wow, Sil, that’s beautifully written. You said a lot of what was in my mind. I think you should print it and snail mail it to their offices, post it anyplace you can and even send copies to their rivals (fox, etc.). Maybe that would wake them up!
Sil~ very good letter~ how they cover 4 TA & the 12Y/O girl thing is unbelievable….it is proof of what he is…i knew wild guys in my life and they never talked that way….about any underage girls…they never showed any interest…but w/ grown women they loved to talk about their grown woman fantasies….
Bravo Sil!!
Haters keep on hatin..We don’t care..We will keep fighting for Jodi when your hate will be turned by the Vultures onto newer targets! and eventually you all will realize you hate yourself!!
Once in a while I peak at their hate page. The hate of most (not all) is really astounding. Including hating anyone who has any sympathy for Jodi.
I don’t go to any of those pages. I might check out City-Data.com once in a while. They are at least civil there because City-Data.com don’t put up with BS!
Thanks Sil! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is Travis’s Law?
Traviss Law I believe is if a man comes after me, slams me to the ground, chokes me, tells me he is gonna kill me and I fight back and he dies..I cannot use his history for my defence!~
Oh, cool. It’s a “Fuck the Constitution-We’d Rather Idolize a Pedo” type thing then?
They’re trying to pass a law to “stop allowing highly prejudicial claims against murder victims without evidence” or some shit like that.
Oh, yeah. That’s Constitutional.
But Sil, they forget there was evidence, like his own words on all the texts, emails, im, phone tapes. And don’t forget, do you really believe all the defense attorneys in this country don’t want to be on the unemployment line. hahaha, Good luck going against all of them.
OMG!!! I couldn’t have said it better myself! I think this should be put on the home wall so it is the first thing the “haters” see when they visit this site?? 😉 thank you for this!! Xoxoxo <3 for Jodi!!
I agree Kara!!!! 😉
Wow Sil, that’s a GREAT post! Everything you say is SOOOOOOOO true and we will be supporting Jodi all the way no matter what! We can be 2% and outnumbered but yes, we’re a STRONG 2% and they’ll always hate that. They’re the ones suffering not us!
Dear Sil,
You rock!!
Holy wow Sil, well done. Well done.
Beautiful!!! Loved, loved, loved EVERY word!!!!
Especially the phrase about TA’s angry red pecker!!! I’m still laughing at that one!!!
That is the best letter ever and you should post it on all of the hater sites too!!
PREACH IT Sil !!!!! It couldn’t have been said any better than that.
Perfect Sil.
Love this post Sil…te aventaste el millon! 🙂
WOW Sil. Bravo, 😉 😉 😉
Thank you ! Well put!!!!!!!!! and AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have sent HLN and its “screwed -up morons ” (Nancy Disgrace, Dr. Drew, Vinnie, ETC>) a few comments on their website ….. its helped me to cope with the injustice they have done Jodi. Freedom of speech ? they say…….. its appalling and ridiculous what they have done. I realize there are people out there that can’t think for themselves and have to be played like puppets but its really sad to see that the majority of the country is so dumb they can not form their own opinions. Jodi’s “peers” in the jury box were not her Peers …. they were the majority HLN peers. Still praying for you Jodi.
Oh ,Sil….
Every day I love more and more.
I too believe you ahould actually send it out! It’s a very powerful piece of writing.
The part where you talk about 12 year olds and your nieces brought tears to my eyes.Literally.I find the fact that 98%of people out there are willing to overlook such a disturbing issue,people who are probably parents themselves.I cant get over it,it was one of the things concerning this case that really made me lose any faith I had lefg in humanity.I have no children of my own,I worl with children though.They are innocent angels,still living in their own beautiful world so a person saying what that pig Travis said and having people sewwping it under the rug is beyond sick,disheartening and disgusting.
*left in
*work with
I love you too, maria!! <3
and yes…it is sad. I have two nieces. One is exactly 12 and the other one is 14. Both are angels. Both are so pretty and innocent. They say the funniest things sometimes. They little girl crushes. They don't know shit about the sick world out there. I cannot imagine what I would do if anyone would try to hurt them or touch them inappropriately. I think I would be on the news. Because what Jodi supposedly did to Travis would be NOTHING to what I would do to any fucker who messed with my girls.
FUCK pedophiles and FUCK whoever supports them.
BRAVO !! You are the best. Your words made me laugh, be angry all over again and cry a little. I just don’t have the words to express how I fell about all of this, so thanks for doing it for me.
There are moments I just want to scream as loud as I can concerning what has been done to Jodi. There are other moments that I just want to cry. That was excellent Sil.
Let me start by giving you a standing ovation!!!! BRAVO!!! BRAVO!!!! BRAVO!!!!
That letter sounds like it was written by a presidential speech writer for a Presidential speech to Korea.. You have hit the nail on the head!!! I think they fear us. Like I have said many times We are far smaller in size however we are MIGHTY and WE WILL PREVAIL!!! They only show what they truly are with their hateful slurs They claim TA was the greatest motivational speaker right up their with Tony Robbins. Why then I asked them was he so far in debt? Why did a 30 year old man need to take roommates into a home that he was buying?
You my friend are my HERO, I have to remember to never cross you.
I wanted to ask if you ment you CANT reason with a rock? Instead of you can reason with a rock?
Thank you, Jennifer…and yes…it was supposed to be *can’t argue with a rock, but I was typing so fast and I hit the submit button before reading it all the way through! lol
the Innocence Project is the very best….Memphis3…they saved those guys…Memphis 3 w/ rock stars singing about their injustice…..i wish rock stars would feel this 4 jodi
elna….the Innocence Project may not want to get involved with Jodi’s case because she did say she killed TA.
But Moni, she said it was in self defense, would that matter?
I’ve had a little dealing working with the Innocence Project students here on campus. All of the cases were folks who were innocence of the crimes they were convicted of. Below is the information for the the Innocence Project in California.
The Innocence Project does NOT review claims where DNA testing cannot prove innocence. We do not handle the following types of cases:
1.Consent/Transaction: The defendant claims that there was no crime because the victim consented to the events (e.g. agreed to sex) and/or received some form of payment in exchange for the activity. (e.g. prostitution, drug transaction)
2.Self Defense/Justification: The defendant admits to causing the injury/death but believes the acts were justified because s/he acted in self defense or to protect other people.
3.Sustained Abuse – The defendant is accused of crimes against the victim(s) that happened more than once and over a period of time (e.g., allegations of long term sexual abuse of a family member).
4.Illegal Possession/Distribution of any controlled substance: The defendant is only challenging a possession or distribution charge.
5.RICO/Hobbs Act: The defendant has been charged under RICO or the Hobbs Act.
6.DWI or DUI: The defendant was convicted of driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI).
7.Fraud/Identity Theft/Forgery: The defendant was only convicted of one or more of these crimes.
8.Stalking/Harassment – The primary charges against the defendant involve stalking and/or harassment.
9.Sentencing reduction/overcharged – The defendant wants to challenge the charge or length of sentence but does not claim innocence.
So there you go…………….
Thanks Moni…At first I misread and thought cases listed would be considered..#2 being ours..
Moni, they also deal with false confessions and prosecutorial misconduct. I wrote to them (and to false confessions dot org and prosecutorialoversight dot org). I think its worth a shot – tell anyone and hope someone listens. At the very least JM needs to be held accountable for his bullying, lying and prejudice.
I think she’d had a lot better chance with prosecutorial misconduct in working with the Innocence Project. Cause that little ass had a LOT of misconducting going on!!!!!!!!!!!!
You got that right, Moni! I would love to see his psychotic little ass thrown in jail!
Did you know Jodi had a closed hearing today? I guess Maria Dela Rosa was spoted coming into the court house with close on a hanger. As well as TA two ugly sisters enter the courthouse???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Someone mentioned that this am Moni…Wishing that maybe it’s about jury misconduct, overtuned verdict!!!!
I was listening to the OJ hearing …….and JA news came through on HLN!!!!
Dear God, give Jodi Arias a break and some good news. PLEASE!!
Crossing fingers, maybe all the BS is coming to light!!!!!!!!
The court docket showed- 8:30, mitigation -sentencing, whatever that means.
Ugly wicked sisters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They really are because they never knew Jodi and evidently they believed their brother was a virgin, BUT the truth about him had to come out. They really didn’t care about that either.
They make me sick.
something going on in the courtroom right now.. The penatly phase specialist brought in clothes on a hanger… two of travis’s siblings are there as well as Martinez. No one has seen Nurmi or Jennifer.. Wonder what the heck ??
if no one is leaking 2 HLN….maybe it is good 4 Jodi<3 hope
Okkkkkayyyy….. what would that mean (close on a hanger)?????
An outfit for Jodi to wear maybe??
Is anyone having trouble getting into the VENT/MISSION page or is it just me?
I just emailed SJ. They’re working on the pages.
OH good gosh!!! I was having a heart attack….I thought after last night I got black balled or is it blue balled???AUUUGGGHHH I thought I got kicked out LOL
Me too…been running in and out, and tried to get on the ‘vent’ and ‘mission’ page but I couldn’t. Hope all is ok. I scanned the posts here, and it appears there was a mole. Fucking asshole !! Sorry for the language…that’s why I like the vent page. Don’t want to offend anyone. I like the password protected pages, cause the first time I came onto this site…and probably a hater site, my whole IP address was compromised, and my brother lost his computer altogether. Thankfully, I’m loaded with anit-virus protection, but I was getting banged like no tomorrow. Needless to say, my adult son was not happy…and of course, I wasn’t admitting to anything..;) but now I know better, and I don’t go any site but this one. I may not post a lot, and I refuse to watch HLN or CNN…makes my blood pressure rise, so I get my info from all you wonderfully informed people…so I thank you all. And I thank SJ for his tireless efforts to keep this a safe haven for all of us. I did watch the enitre trial, pvr’d it, and had my brother watch too. He was even yelling at JM, and couldn’t believe what he was watching. Unfortunately, I watched with emotional eyes, and didn’t catch half the information you all have. So many thanks, because, although I was always pro-Jodi, I’m learning the facts, because of all of you. Thank you, and much love sent to all of you….
Yes I am having trouble too. Glad to know they are working on it. I have also decided that until it’s fixed dammit I’ll just vent here. Those pieces of shit don’t want Jodi to have any support. They need to get a brain in their heads. I usually don’t speak with a lot of cussing or post either but now I am damn mad. I don’t care what the idiots have to say. I know that this case has smelled from the beginning and I was so right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For a person to be convicted because of the media and lies is unacceptable. I have lots more to say. Those idiots who supposedly lived in the house for 5 days with his decomposing body are LIARS and anyone who has ever smelled human decomp can and will back me up. There is an inth of evidence and that’s all. SOMETHING bad happened in that bathroom but it wasn’t a cold blooded murder. He was going to kill her and she stopped him. I’d better hush for a few cause I’m getting wound up again.
Thank you CJ!! 5 f@#$ing days with a corpse and they never;
1-Smelled him
2-Noticed the presence of decomp. flies
3-Noticed the blood trail
4-Noticed the bloody crap in the washer.
What bothers me the most is the squeaky clean computer history!!
Or noticed the dog, who had to be acting crazy!
I could never understand that. Think I heard that one of his roomies thought the dog had gotten into something and smelled bad. H E L L O….decomposing body does not equate to a stinky dog….something is just not right…AT ALL…and Jodi doesn’t deserve any of this, and I hope she’ not covering up for anyone, but I suspect she…especially, if her family was threatened. She’s such a kind, gentle soul that I would expect nothing less from her…God Ble our sweet girt.
CJ I think we scare the hell out of them. YEs we are smaller in numbers but we are MIGHTIER then they can ever HOPE of being and I think that SCARES the HELL out of them!!! So they act like grade schoolers and come on our sites and spy on us…. I am an adult and there is nothing that I say here that I would not say to their faces!!! Truth be said there is nothing that I say here that I wouldn’t say to Nancy DisGrace!!!! OR any other HLN MORON!!! (Sorry Vent Page Down)
I think we do, Jennifer. I think we scare the SHIT out of them because we will not be contained!!
The roommate thing just sticks in my mind. How did they not know? I had roommates in grad school and I saw them, well it felt like 50000 times a day. If I didn’t see them for a day I would knock and ask if they were okay. I wouldn’t think they were dead of course, I would think they were having a bad day or sick or boyfriend troubles. But, I would notice not seeing my roommate.
Don’t get me started about the smell. I am a smell maniac. If something smells the least bit weird I will hunt it down and clean the crap out of it. My cat brought me a dead mouse and I had to act like I liked it bc he thought it was a present to me. But I cleaned the floor, showered, cleaned the floor. Smelled it again and found where he got it from (bc there was liquid of some kind ew) cleaned that.
I mean come on! I haven’t seen my roommate and my house smells like something dead. His stuff is in the washer. I’ll just leave it. Let’s get a pizza.
See, that’s what I mean. This whole things is messed up. HOW in hell can you give someone M1 when you don’t even have all the FACTS. Not fairy tales or made up theories or HYPOTHETICALS! For heavens sake, come on people. This was like in grade school, if someone got 3 sips of water and you were only allowed two, someone was going to screammmmmmm she got THREEEEE and point and want to burn her at the stake.
I can hardly believe what they’re doing to a beautiful human being. They’re EVIL.
It blows my mind that a jury deliberated this. It blows my mind the an entertainment news show ran a death penalty court case and got away with it! Now I hear the haters saying: “Look at her eyes, the are empty. They are the eyes of a murderer”. But you stupid haters, her eyes haven’t always been like this. It is you haters that day in and day out just drain this person of life. You haters are the ones that murder. You made her eyes go blank. Jodi at least had a real serious reason to defend herself. But everyone that is hating her just jumped on the bus. No mind of your own. No individuality. Lynch mob thinking. Witch hunt.
And add that you see their cell phone and rings on the counter, the dog was left behind with ZERO instructions as to care, laptop left in office.
You know they are sched to go out of town but how do you eat that pizza without giving a thought about should i call and let them know they forgot their cell phone and fancy ring on the counter cuz you know they’re frantically searching for it.
Nope. Me too. Probably because there were screen shots of our posts there.
Hearing is over!!
Did anyone find out what it was about?
Court docket has it listed as mitigation-sentencing; not sure what was going on
A little addition to the Haters/Lurkers
You don’t like TA being called an abusive bully.
You are being abusive bullies by bothering us here.
We support Jodi and we will continue to.
JM says everyone is obsessed w Jodi.
You are acting obsessed w Jodi and us.
This is our place to support Jodi and we will continue to.
You are being everything you don’t want TA to be called.
So true! They’re blind!
Are you here?
What gets me is how they reverse it all, unbelievable.
Had the wrong email in and I couldn’t post…….
On a happier note, it looks like our page is back on the 1st page of Google listings for “Jodi Arias” 🙂
WHOO HOO!! I am glad for that!!! Screw all the haters!!!
That is great news!
Yes,I noticed that!!! Yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
It looks like they have a SUPER spy…….hmmmmm.
Is there a way to password protect the entire website?
If you password protect the entire site new people wouldn’t be able to come here anymore. Just a thought.
I don’t know if that would be a problem or not….At least we’d know who we all were.
That’s true but, we want people to be able to come here and support Jodi. We don’t want to shut out people who need to be able to come here and ask questions and not be jumped on and harassed.
Wow, they think their so smart now don’t they…they need to get a life..just shows how hateful TA supports are…just like their mentor..great minds think alike..pedo huggers, you should be so proud of yourself..hope to God you stay away from small children!!!
I’d like to know who the judas was if there was one or were we just plain hacked?
What happened??
I am sure SJ is savvy enough to know exactly what IP address is taking screenshots.
I know people across the net who know immediately the IP location of a person who is stealing the live video feed from pay per-view websites. The thief then rebroadcasts the pay per-view feed on their own pay per-view websites without paying the provider, the software to do this can be found @ piratesbay dot com.
It won’t take SJ much time to ban judas 🙂
And If he has any trouble, we WILL find somebody who can!!
K…are you here?
Yes sweetie- I emailed SJ for your email- I’m sure he’s on a “mission” at the moment.
lol- just saw he says “no need to email him” below. OOps 🙂
I’m sure we have all emailed him like crazy all at once. It will get ironed out. You can get my email from Renee’, BeeCee, AA, or Ashley if you have any of theirs. They are the only ones besides SJ who have it.
I want to know who the Judas was,too!!!! Let me just write a: FU*K HIM/HER,in advance!!
I am not going to be shut up. I am going to do and say whatever I damn well please. The haters don’t want Jodi to have support, toooo damn bad. They are attempting to do exactly what they are supposedly against, do I have that right? The hate&liesnetwork is once again lying. They got the damn verdict that they wanted, why not leave us alone. I am not kidding when I say that Alyce should sue. They did things to her that no witness should be put through. Dr Samuels was there as a witness as well, not a defendant.You know what, Travis died. That does NOT make him a SAINT. He did abuse Jodi, he did lead a DOUBLE life and this came from HIS own mouth. This trial was one huge farce. I know I have said that over and over and yall are prolly sick of hearing it but dammmmmm!
Yea go figure, people would rather support an abusive pedophile than someone who killed in self defense and they say were crazy. And then they think they can intimidate us, why bother with us if we’re crazy. I don’t go looking for them, but they sure do like abusing us.
One is on my FB page, gloating, how do I get rid of it?
Im not sick of hearing it, im glad im not the only one that feeks that way. We all do and the more we hear it the better. We know we’re not crazy! They have done not only Jodi wrong but also our justice system. But they can’t see that, they won’t see it until they need the law to work for them!
Im not going to shut up and go away either! FUCK THEM!!! Do they think they can intimidate us? I don’t think so! Do they think they can harass us, bully us, talk shit about us but WE CANT say a word about them? I DONT THINK SO! And do they think they can demand an apology or else, they will post negative things on fb and other websites (to the point of creating a website “jodiariasguilty”)! So what, post all you want and photoshop all you want, keep entertaining yourselves and the Alexander family because we’re not going to apologize (we haven’t done anything wrong)! TA did it to himself!
You don’t want to be abused so don’t abuse us. We have and are entitled to our opinions. Anyone ever heard of these things called FACTS?????????? That is what this case should have been about. Gee, it wasn’t though was it? It was all about lies, lies and more lies and, I’m NOT talking about Jodi’s lies. I think my head is going to explode. Just because they want to shut me up does NOT mean that they can.
cj, that is exactly what the trolls want..they want us to pay attention to them foremost as they think they are so clever, and they want us to get upset..that is their main goal. We should just ignore them, altho bugsy pissed me off..they aren’t as clever as they think..I smelled that one right off the bat!!
Never Feed the Trolls!
You are so right, that’s why I’m ignoring the one on my FB page–and she is calling ME sick?
TA supporters are acting like lobbyists! Their efforts to silence the truth (aka, us) will fail and they will only provoke us to recruit more JA supporters.
I would not be surprised if this entire JA trial and coverage is being exploited by Mormon lobbyists for future political gains. Someone needs to investigate JM and his involvement with the Mormon bigwigs.
I have to agree about how the OVERzealous TA supporters are going to draw more people to this site. I was sitting back as a fairly casual observer then I just couldn’t take the HLN machine and on so many message boards the turning JM into the Messiah completely turned me off and made me root for Jodi even more. So I googled looking for some pro Jodi sites and this came up high on Google and was so happy that this was a “safe” site.
More than that, I hope SJ can tell us who is was anddddddddddd I hope that they can never come here again.
I’ll keep everyone updated shortly. No need for anyone to email me.
Team Jodi
Us Jodi supporters, even in our most profanity filled moments, don’t come close in spewing the ugliness and hate towards the PAL’s (Personal Ass Licker’s) of the croaked loser pedophile hypocrite, who was left bare ass naked, rotting in the worlds smallest shower.
He was so cared for and so loved NO one noticed him MIA. Not even the dumb asses who LIVED in the same house!!!!!
When I 1st heard TA wasn’t found for 5 days, I just thought no one came in the house and TA lived alone. Then I heard he had roommates. I can not even imagine how these roommates lived in the house with dead TA and could not figure out something was wrong. I don’t have to repeat all the so obvious reasons this is so strange. On top of everything there was a dog that needed to be fed. Did they just starve the dog for 5 days? What are the police detective guy fiores(don’t remember name) and Martinez working so hard on hiding?
As the folklore goes the roommate girlfriends aka *fake virgins* supposedly fed / cared for the dog. I question the quality of that care tough as they blamed the stench on the dog? I guess that means it was common they allowed the dog to shit the house and no one bothered to find the source.
But wait ….. I thought de-virgined Deanna was the one who fed the dog when the T-Dawgg was out of town? I guess none of the brainiac fake virgin roommates or the fake virgin girlfriends remembered that.
So we can add one more conundrum to our list:
How come the roommates didn’t find it odd that de-virgined Deanna NEVER showed up to check on the poor abandoned dog that DD usually checked on during the dead guys absence? Or that they didn’t pick up the damn phone, dial her up to ASK HER if she was planning to stop by to see T-Dawg’s dog cuz they thought he was galavanting about in Cancun, trying to get into Mimi’s panties even though he’d already been informed he wasn’t getting any as she didn’t want to be added to the long list of decent LDS ladies he’d de-virgined.
I cannot get over the stupidity. I think no one cared what happened to TA. Because ultimately, it is not what people say, it is what they do. Those people did NOTHING!
SJ, there is a troll.
SJ has got it covered. Thanks.
Apparently they had the password all week… so they say. I doubt they would have been able to refrain from commenting if that was the case.
are you kidding meeeeeeeeee??????????????????
they wanted to dig for any info we might be talking about as far as appeals go I’m betting. It’s also funny that what was on (I read here on this page) was that hln was talking about money from this site.
Wouldn’t it really be better if they knew everything we were talking about? The more information they have or receive here, the more likely a few will come over to our side. Information may even open a few eyes although some will never be convinced. Usually haters don’t want information because of the possibility they will have to face the truth and stop spreading all the bullshit. Can someone tell me why we’re meeting in secret? We can just ignore their comments. When I was involved in Occupy Vancouver we just never responded to haters and believe me we had many, many haters. But, if people ignored them, they got bored and went someplace where people would pay attention to them. Most haters even prefer negative attention to no attention at all.
You know, FUCK whoever was the snitch!!!! I KNEW IT, I KNEW there would be a fucking SNITCH!
SJ, I have an idea. Ill email you.
It might not be a troll…it might not be one of our own actually.
I think it’s a hacker. They could of hacked someone email & got the password.
Yea… true! And they think were going against each other! They just don’t know,,,,,
chyt!I didnt think of that possibility.Well,fuck them anyways!Whoever it was!
Thanks SJ! You know what else I don’t get? IF they want to hate then they can hate all over the place. WHY the hell come here and try to start with us? It’s certainly NOT like they stop us from having our opinions, thoughts, theories. They can’t change our beliefs with their bs.
Someone needs to make a movie through our eyes and the facts from the EVIDENCE. I still say and I hope Alyce hears me, she needs to SUE!
I agree!
Has everyone left me????????????????????
Here and in shock over the lengths these people will go to.
It’s complete bullshit!!!!!!!!! Take away my vent page will they, well by God, that’s a mistake cause I’ll say it right here! Trust me you idiots who are out there wanting to shut us up and turn our attemtion away. You will not change our minds, we will not be brainwashed with your shit. I am so mad! The only thing they might do is drive me to drink!!!!!!!! Don’t come here tryin to stir up shit, we will blow it back on your ass like a fan would!
You are not alone, cj, I’m popping in and out today (work always interferes! lol). But I love your idea about a movie. I have also, often wondered if ALV was okay. I feel for her and I hate how people call her a fraud and a liar. The fact is – SHE has helped many victims of DV while those that criticized have done nothing for the cause. Fuck them.
I follow Alyce on Facebook. Not sure if she runs it but there are some very thoughtful posts there.
Thanks, Jaz. I hope all is well with her. She is a good person who actually HELPED victims, unlike those that criticize her.
I have a cool quote.
“Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” ~ Abraham Lincoln
So if those TA lovers can say all they want so can anyone on this site or anyone at all really.
Don’t say sorry for saying what you want. TEAM JODI ROCKS and we will rock on!!!
I love that quote too, Danielle.
They don’t understand reason … they are like rabid dogs! They have “ONE” thing in their minds and that is DEATH! They don’t want the evidence, they could care less about it … i’m mean look at what they did to harm the poor defense witnesses.
They don’t want whats Right …. they don’t care about that! All they want is Blood!
They are Cowards one and all …. C Hughes at the forefront!
Liars to core ….. Claims of their Christianity …. The Biggest Lie!!!!!!!!
I like how someone in a previous comment from a page long ago – they are like brain-eating zombies that descend upon and consume anyone with a bit of intelligence.
I read an article where they posted Jodi’s letter to ryan burns (did HE give the letter to the media?). The letter was very articulate and nice; it was from her heart. Then I read the comments at the bottom. Honestly, those people are just too stupid for words. When comments to Jodi’s articulate and well thought out letter get comments like “she’s a stupid whore, slut, slut, i hate her” while another claims SHE is the one who is ignorant – then I can’t even get angry. They are too ignorant to waste time on. I just will not allow my thoughts to dwell on their stupidity any longer. I have turned my anger into action and will continue to do so.
Can we lv a comment for them kn that “jodiariasbutcher” website? Would it be safe to tell them to go fuck themselves! !! Or why dont we ALL agree on going there an bombarding THEM at the same time! That way, they’ll have a whole-lotta work to do if they want to block us all!
I think I’ll add the Mission #1 info as a main post here in the site.
Team Jodi
I like that idea SJ.
F them.
SJ Are there still issues with the mission page? Need to get you the info.
Why not. Then anyone can use the info as they see fit.
SJ did you get my email? HI EVERYONE((((((((HUGS)))))))))))
Yea fuck-em!!! We dont have to hide from them! They can freely say and do whatever they wa u t, so can we! And he’s got our comments over there too, SO WHAT!!!!
Love the Idea- that mouth-breather deserves it. what’s good for the fucked is good for the fucker!!
The original saying was some shit about a goose………
LMAO!! so true.
Beautiful. Thanks, SJ. We have nothing to fear.
Mission #1- Educate the trolls.
SJ, I did research related to that.
If you go there use a proxy server 🙂
Hhaahhaaaaaa did you guys hear what he had to say???? A threat? We threated that asswipe from the “jodiariasguikty” website? ???? Thats a THREAT???!!!! And then he said, If they WANT the password to the vent page to email him and he’ll be happy to give it out! Haahaaa LOSER!!!! Like the password would’ve stayed the same!!!!
They are already asking for the new one to be given out asap too!!!! LMAO!
I would really like to know why the Alexander family gets called into chambers or is consulted in any way. This is the STATE vs Jodi Arias…not the friggin Alexanders. They should have no legal standing whatsoever!!!
Arizona’s victim rights law allows the victim, or surviving next of kin to be present at all proceedings where the defendant has a right to be present.
Arizona Victims Rights allows next of kin involvement. There are other states that allow this too.
I can’t believe people waste time trolling. It won’t matter if they see info about appeals. Keep working hard for Jodi.
I say it won’t matter, because the appeal will be based on legal grounds found from the trial, and the circus surrounding it. It will take at least a year to prepare from what I have read. It will be done no matter what they try to do or say.
ready to put on my shit kickers
That mean you ill have to take off your rubber wading boots and that will be tuff , when we have to keep walking through all the shit being spewed about Jodi
Ahahahah! NT..I just imagined all of us wearing those boots and stomping through the fly-infested-shit fields of HLN!
Yep Sil, I’d really like to do some serious STOMPING!:-)
I hope there are no more moles/trolls here. I have been reading the postings on this site and am noticing that there are some posters who posted a lot and now they are not…..hmmmmmm:?
Sally, I think the majority of the long time posters were on the other page..also I can’t be on here everyday and some of us have to work etc..I don’t want to be suspected as a troll just because I can’t post all the time…trolling is a time consuming thing if you do it correctly. You slowly work your way in, and then you’ll notice little digs starting to pop up here and there. I am not proud to say that my Son has trolled before, and he explained how it took him months to gain trust, and then how to “come out” and blast people..
I was addicted to playing the Sims on the computer all weekend LOL. You can ask my family. I looked like someone who went on a bender. I hardly slept. Every time I play that game I get addicted and stay up all night!
But, I did watch Jodi’s Dateline and 20/20 they are just trying to get ratings.
LOL, the Sims should come with a warning on the logo- Will Be Addictive….Play at your own risk!
Okay, so I get on a 13-hour plane ride, and I miss stuff going on at court AND somebody trying to hack into the site?!! What the heck is going on!!?
I’d say haters are afraid – if they weren’t, they wouldn’t be so concerned with this site!
idiots Nk, plain out idiots!!!!!!!! Somehow they managed to get into our vent page. Ohhhhhhhhhhh I’m so mad right now, I need to hush again for a while.
LOL,NK!I know,right? See what happens when real life gets in the way? 🙂 I’ll be working overtime all throughout the month of May,Im afraid I might miss sth too.But I’d rather be yet again sleep deprived than ever going away from here and supporting Jodi 🙂
I feel like this “Password” issue is starting to divide people on this website……..Just my observation.
My 2cents I dont have the password..But I dont need it… I support Jodi..to me that is the MOST important
Yea, I never even asked for it……I have no clue what was in there. Wasn’t me! LOL!
I also haven’t posted in over a week or so because I had the almost kill me stomach flu!!! 🙁
The funny thing is that it all started because some people were offended by the language some of us were using when the trial ended. Hence the private vent page. Anyone who was around long enough knew how to contact SJ. And let me tell you it wasn’t some secret squirrel jump through a hoop type thing. I had never personally contacted SJ but knew how to go about it because this has been my sanctuary from the hater for 4+ months.
I don’t think the password was dividing anyone who had been here and had been participating the whole time.
Oh, but I do like to curse once in a while!! 🙂
Well, then they really aren’t going to like me much right now. I’m plenty pissed. We have one place to go where we arent’ bullied and abused and dammit, I will NOT have that taken away.
I agree that people have been more defense on here, but I think it’s because of all of the trolls etc that have been creeping in..that is what they want, and they are not going to get it!!
I hope not!. 🙁
I promise to say exactly how I feel out here in the open from now on. =)
I’m with you ! Professionally, I have sat on the witness stand testifying against pedophiles and sociopaths who threatend to kill me, so this is small shit! I will gladly give a big FU, right here, to all of those who defend TA who was clearly a pedophile, an abuser, and a sociopath, and for those who scream for the State sactioned murder of a young woman who defended her life. As I stated previously, most time Justice comes when the small minority stand up for it, and refuse to cave to those who seek to destroy it. This group is no different and I believe we and Jodi will prevail !!
You give me hope this injustice will some day be fixed.
And I like that you have actual experience with these type of abusers.
Fantasizing about 12 year old innocent girls sounds like pedophilia behavior to me.
I really do have hope. I actually have 25 years experience in Child Welfare Services. I have not one doubt that TA’s comment about 12 year olds was much more than fantasy, and that Jodi was and is telling the truth! I have been quite outspoken about this over the past several months, and quite frankly am dissappointed that I seem to be the only Social Worker in the cyber world speaking out. I am now “retired”, but the fight for justice for women and children is just fully ingrained in who I am.
The Travis supporters are very sick people. It is so clear from TA’s own words, emails, texts etc. that he was a pedophile and an abuser. Alyce Laviolette and Dr. Samuels know it and have been crucified for telling the truth about his behavior. I won’t stop my fight for Jodi, though I feel there is little I can do, but join whatever plan the smart people of this group, Occupy HLN, and Inconvenient Truths come up with. I would encourage you to find those FB pages and join the fight there as well.
We are a minority to be reckoned with!!
Can’t take it anymore,
We have already been threw thick and thin, and ups and downs together, and we will continue to do so. This is the nature of this beast.
It’s so wrong what people have done to ALV. She has helped so many abused people. I have never heard about her until the trial and when I heard all that she’s done when JW was questioning her I was just so grateful to her for bringing abuse into the light of day. I understand they don’t like what she said but to ruin her reputation is blood thirsty. She does so much good. Can’t she get websites taken down or sue for defamation of character or slander or liability. Those are all the law words I know, mostly.
Her title Was Snow White a battered woman was cute. JM is so dumb. My Mom did a paper in college and we thought up a name bc it was about little girls growing up w gender roles/rules being a “good girl” and waiting for your Prince Charming and we called it (or we stole it from somewhere 🙂 ) the Cinderella Syndrome. It’s just a title to get people interested.
She should sue and sue bigtimeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you don’t mess with someone’s career! Especially someone like her who has spent her entire life trying to help people.
I have an apt to go to, will be back in a few! Good luck guys!
Does anyone know if the IP address changes during travel? I will be on the road for 3 or 4 days starting tomorrow so I will be using either motel internet access or our portable hotspot so I am wondering if I will still be allowed to post. Also, what about once I reach my final destination? Will that be yet another IP address?
I think you’ll be fine because your name and email won’t change. I personally post from lots of different IP addresses.
I believe the IP Address comes from the internet service provider so i think that will change, but Jaz is nothing will change with your email.
When you unplug your computer from home it should change your I.P. address. Love ya, Jessie
Thanks, everyone.
Thanks for this website SJ and team ! long may she live!
The haters sites are copycats t this one..noticed today as first time I’ve wanted to see them..
The trolls/spys/hackers for this guy from Butcher are just trying to get our hackles up, maybe disuade some of our supporters and play games to divert our energy in our unwavering support through all stages of Jodis trial and incarceration..divide and conquer is part of the art of war.
Haters are wasting their time trying to fuck with us! they obviosuly know little of being real, honest survivors doing the right thing for truth and justice…for Jodi…
Oh, and no, you guys aren’t crazy. This case has smelled of bs from the beginning. The lies from the roommates, the so called friends, some of who had never even been to his home, the fake “psychic”, she prolly made that story up to get her 15 mins. Guess what, I cant’ even remember her name. Oh yes the perfectly clean puter grabs your attention. I don’t think it was “clean” for no reason. Nobody’s puter is that CLEAN, even from skanky pop ups. Oh and whoooooooo was taking care of the dog those 5 days that nobody knew where he was? This is just a whiff of the bs. We could get started on the Hughes’ bs lies, the fact that Ashley Reed Thompson “killed” her, I don’t think soooooo. I think that was done to shut her up. Um, am I just stupid or did I NOT hear travis tell Jodi that he wanted to give her a cream pie? SHE had to ask what that was. I’m 43 years old and had never heard of such. Now wait, they said, sheeeeeeeee got him into sex, oh but wait, that was Deanna, so what happened with that theory. Oh big bad Jodi, showing him the evils of sex, THAT HE ALREADY KNEW ABOUT! I said I was going to hush.
Nerd alert!!!! What a bunch of idiots!!!!
ROF they can stick it up their asses. I don’t think anyone is turning on anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They barking up the wrong damn tree.
FUCKING IDIOTS !!!! Go back and crawl under your rocks, you bunch of fucking pond scum !!! Sorry if I offend anyone with my language. I’m a wee bit passionate about the haters coming onto this page, and FUCKING with my computer….
AS, feel free to tell them how you really feel next time 🙂
Wow. They couldn’t be more wrong.
The only cons milking sheeples out of money are the money grubers who beg for the vile meth head siblings related to the dead man. The family who sits there today with fake tears and faux love for a brother they’d not been close to in years but eagerly grabbed every cents that came their way. Jodi did them all a favor in killing his sad sorry lying ass. She opened the door for them to get their 15 minutes of fame. I’d bet at the end of every day they silently send her a thank you for her actions because the dead Travis has been far far more lucrative for them than if he were alive today.
Why the crap do you care what is said by those who support Jodi and a fair justice system?
Stick to your own mission and keep your ugly mug out of our mission.
This post is from my fiancé he is freaken out after hearing the HLN news that SJ is charging for this site. ” I didn’t put my ASS on the line for those haters to disrupt ANYONES OPINIONS. IF any of those FUCKING haters have a problem with what these men and women post on here I will post my address and other information on here and you can come deal with me!!!! I am not a BILLY bad ass but I do not like how you haters are trying to SHUT the Jodi supporters up by attacking our personal freedoms.” GOOD god I think he is going to have a heart attack
And to think that my stupid joke and my big mouth started all this is killing me now 🙁 One more reason (of many) to HATE HLN. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY is allowed to watch that channel in my house anymore !!!
Mariana, I like your HLN avatar with the “prohibition symbol”. Made my afternoon 🙂
LOL Calm him down Jennifer! Don’t let his head explode like I thought mine was gonna out of anger. Just tell him that we stand together and wont’ be torn apart by the hater mongrels.
LOL He said a lot more and wanted me to use a photo on here…had to refuse that one LOL. He is a veteran that was in Operation Black Hawk and he takes freedoms seriously!!!
Thank him for keeping us free and continuing to stick up for us!
I did and he said thank you. It means a lot to military men and women when we thank them for their service.
What pisses me off the most was that I had JUST asked this morning if it was safe to keep posting and then BAM the fuckers had to start bs. I am not just angry, I am highly freaking pissed.
Me as well cj, but I am not going to let them silence me!!!! They don’t exist as far as I’m concerned now..not worth my time and energy!!!
I know. I still believe that it is safe to post here. All they are doing is trying to stir us up.
Need to take Mom-in-Law to Dr’s apt~see you all later and stay strong!! See you all later~
I think there are a lot more Jodi supporters than we realize.
When I first heard about this case I thought she was guilty of premeditated murder, as a matter of fact I thought that until about half way through the trial. Do you know what changed my mind….it was the EVIDENCE. I couldn’t believe it. I realized that I was only focusing on evidence that supported my belief that she was guilty and I disregarded everything else; it was also the over the top media coverage of this case and everyone spewing such hate at Jodi. Based on the evidence I’ve seen I think this was a heat of passion killing.
My views about Jodi and about this case started to change when I allowed myself to be objective about this case and what happened. What a difference a couple of months can make in changing a persons point of view. I think what has and is happening with Jodi is shameful and I’m happy to do my part in making sure something good comes from this case.
Who knows, the next trial by media victim could be one of us or one of our loved ones. I’m taking this personally, it’s probably the only way things will start to change. This is not a time to be silent.
I wont apologize for what I say about the case to anyone that saw, heard or read a few things and could possibly find at least some reason why travis is dead and what caused it. To say “turn around” after reading . . wtf . . ‘turn around??” so does that mean you had sympathy for someone who is dead, hate for the one who killed them before seeing what caused it all?
cb – you shouldn’t have to apologize to anyone for what you say. My message was in support of Jodi and others on this page who are working on her behalf. I didn’t say anything about “turning around” or having sympathy for Travis so I’m not sure what you are referring to?
I was just sharing how my views have changed regarding Jodi and this case over the past few months and that I think there are more supporters out there than we might think.
Bunny, I agree with you. I think more and more people are losing the creepy rush of ‘hating Jodi Arias’ and starting to feel their prickling consciences. I still hold that most people are good inside; they just get all messed up and so many are so easily influenced. What has happened in this trial, HLN’s crucifixion of Jodi and the defense witnesses, it’s all just too WRONG. One would have to be really evil–down to the core–to be ok with this. I think that as the days progress we will continue to see people commenting and speaking out about how wrong this all is. Society has snuffed out evil in the past, and I think that we will come to our senses (collectively) and realize how wrong we (they, actually) have been.
I hope that Jodi knows this and believes this too. I can’t imagine how hard it must be for her to still find any sense of hope…But please do, Jodi. Please hold on…
Yea, that’s the scary part. Any of us could be accused of something and if the media gets a hold of it they could be our judge and jury. It is scary to know that we still have lynching mobs out there like that.
mormos were based on a hoax. Joe Smith was not a prophet and begged for forgiveness, admitted his entire prophecy was a hoax on his death bed, the same as jehovah witnesses was started by a door to door cabinet salesman who couldn’t sell cabinets so sold religion. To follow those self made prophets is insane, they were con men. People running and believing in con men .. smh
Agree 110% with that.
G’afternoon e1 . . wow .. go away for a few days and come back to alot of changes. Glad to see and some things I noticed, late comers leaving eloquent msgs,, ones saying first time when it wasn’t, things to look for with grammer style, seeing our names on other sites I know we never visited, my letter to the fund site that was not computer generated as being received so manned by a human if you want to call them that, .. these few things I pointed out before having to go out of town for my own case, I hope was instrumental in getting password changed, investigators site protected by the ones we know are working sooo hard. Breaks my heart some must have been too late, the bitterly insane have mocked us down to the design. I wasn’t on the email list for those sent most recent pw to vent page and since I’m mostly on late, there’s a few of us that have I guess bonded and know there’s trust. I’ll try to catch up then. . While out of town I got help getting the balloons filled with Jodi is Innocent msg, and they should be released today, emailed a US senator to look at Jodis case added in a reply to a msg from her about something else, If anyone has been experiencing some emotion dullness, I’m there too so I can imagine why Jodi seems emotionally dysfunctional . . it’s scary but about the only way we can cope. Grass not gonna shrink back into the ground so guess I’ll vent while mowing .. SJ plz give FUJuan my email so I can do a better job of keeping up, thx.
KMILLER!!!! ARE YOU STILL HERE!! oh man Im glad to see I’m not the only one not getting in the vent/mission!! I was worried it was just me. Hi guys!!!
Hey Lady!!!
I couldn’t get in either. So I emailed SJ and they are working on it……all I have to say is …..I was pist at the haters before……but now ….Hell have no furry like HURRICANE JENNIFER!!!!
I emailed him too!! I told him i was on there earlier and hen went and walked my dog and BAM!! Nothing I couldn’t get in!! So whatever happened happened happened fast! FUCKIN HATERS CANT JODI HAVE ANYTHING!!! DAMN!!!!
So what is going on because I said some shit yesterday over there on vent so should i be worried? Can someone fill me in?
Very short public answer …..no worries about yesterdays info. I have been told. I too was freaking
THANK GOD!!! I was worried for everyone !!!
Something will be done
Some lunatic is on twitter tweeting to Paypal asking them why they are supporting Jodi and then mentioned this site. The links these people will go to is scary.
They have no where to currently direct their hate. So lucky us….
Meant to say lengths not links. lol.
Can anyone update me about what is going on. I have said some things on the Vent page that I might now have said if I wasn’t, well, VENTING.
We are on lock down.
WTF??? I feel ‘raped’! Why cant they just leave us alone?Our cyber world space is minimal compared to all the places they can go and share their venomous hatred! Why cant we be granted ONE freaking site?ONE, for crying out loud!!!
Screw the bastards Renee’! EVERY last one of them!! I’m in my “Machiavellian” mode now!!!!:-)
Damn skippy. We need to seriously cull the herd.
(((((HUGS))))) Renee…I’m loving you girl and LOVE your passion and your posts…thank you for saying what I cannot always articulate….
Dats my Renee’! As always, SHE GOT GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-)
they never will MB and Renee, from personal issues I have now, it’s costing my opponent more than what they have to take responsibility for, they can’t deal with losing and sadly like myself, we don’t have a backer and they know it. I’m down to my last 7K to put in my case and by God they’re going after it too. They made me an offer thinking I would take it, I said shove it up their ass, it’s not about money with me it’s about principles, I will be broke before conceeding, if I’m goin down, it’s costing them too .. let’s play. My feelings have already been destroyed, so I can identify on a small scale with Jodi, only difference is .. I’m pissed and that’s not a good idea lol
Exactly. Stay on your own hate sites and leave us alone.
What you lunatics don’t seem to understand is that you are proving that there is no way Jodi could ever get a fair trial. So when verdict is overturned and the state must decide whether to retry – all of this disgusting hatred can be used to show a completely tainted jury pool and the impossibility of having witnesses who are not intimidated and tampered with by the vicious haters.
Wow, sz, that is an excellent point. So let the haters rage on and as in the words of Darth Sidious; “Let the hate consume you.” That will be their own, ultimate punishment.
I have never been prouder of you Rene…..You go girl
All of us have been cut off from the vent page. SJ said we will be updated soon. So I believe that if they had access they have been cut off from it just like the rest of us.
I haven’t and I refuse to go to the hater’s site, so I have no clue how much of what we said there has been posted.
They didn’t get much I was told and were only there for a few minutes. I hate being on LOCK DOWN!! I have some info that I NEED TO share and don’t want to do it publically. I trust all the real Jodi supporters its just what I am posting is for the good of us all and I don’t want the haters to know right now but soon all will be PUBLIC!!!
Good afternoon Jodi Supporters. Just stopping by to say Meow lol 🙂
Howdy Meow, good to see ya. We need another Cinco day, lol. I’m in the ozarks for the time being and calling it OZ where there is no wizard. From what I can see they never celebrate anything here, maybe roadkill day. Those postcards with the charactures of hillbillys on them .. those aren’t cartoons, . they are family portraits, lol. No offense to hillbillys now, their survival instincts and tolerance has merit. I’m just a little bit to spoiled to eat roadkill.
Got to come to Los Angeles. We’ll be partying hard here for Mexican Independance Day in September!:-)
Hi cb!
Are you in hillbilly land? Road kill celebration that sounds…ewww in a funny way
Hola Tony! LOL
wouldn’t it be great if all of us had the means to go to the courthouse tomorrow, all wearing Survivor Tees, toting flags from our nations across the globe (and there’s many of us outside the U.S.), with ‘You’ve got a friend’ playing on a boom box, with all of us singing along, and all of us just very peacful. The haters would go ballistic..cameras would be on all of us supporting Jodi, and then the world would and finally ask questions for the truth….oh how I wish…..
Oh how I wish that we could!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve thought about that for weeks….it would make such a statement, mostly to Jodi and her family, that they truly are not alone and never will be. I may, in time, make a trip from up north (Canada), and go and visit her. I feel like a child of mine is being persecuted beyond the realms of today’s society. The common sense of people has left the country…so so sad
oops…’down’ from the north……lol
I, too, have thought about going to visit Jodi. I would LOVE to do that scenario where we all show up. What a statement that would be!
Cool image in my head!
abusesurvivor,,,i LOVE your wish<3
yup…should make a plan to all be there when she’s set free….got to let her feel the love that comes from all of us…a love that has been with her since the beginning of this fucking fiasco…..
awww…now,that’s a cool dream! Great mental picture forming in my head right now,thank you 🙂
and you’ll down that with dr pepper? lol
rof naaaaaaa diet coke and maybe a beer later, lol
I’d rather have a Newcastle.:-)
down here we call those Krystal burgers
Every time I go to St. Louis I bring back White Castles for everyone . . We had all the Thanksgiving fixins with WCs instead of turkey . . lol
should try Beef on Weck from Buffalo…. yumyum
The haters have accomplished making me say, ‘huh. oh well. big deal’
and that is about it….
dayummmmmmmmm straight
Good for us!
The love to hate us as much as they love to hate Jodi!
You know what?Deep down they know they LOVE being addicted to Jodi!!! And it hurts them sooooo much it’s pleasant to watch!!!
Ain’t that the truth!
Team Jodi
Hi SJ!!! 🙂 muah! jk lol
HI RENEE!! ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))) Well that goes without saying!! We are so awesome on this site the sun revolves around us !! Just ask the haters!!! Ya know I wish they would have cared what we had to say when we could have debated the case BEFORE the verdict when maybe WE could have swade the jury!!
Maybe they didnt because we don’t have TV cameras?
LOL Krista! We’ve given the haters more material to use against us. You know, because according to them, we like Jodi, LOOOVE the attention! 🙄
freaking retards.
OMG are you serious??
Please. If they think we love the attention maybe they should stop paying attention to us.
I love diet coke lol
Thats what i have had to change to because of this trial. do you know how fast you can consume a soda cake? I DO!! Now I’m learning about DIET coke cake!! LOL
Krista I quit last week! Only water, Ice tea, coffee and zero vitamin water 😉
Diet sodas are BAD for you!!! Don’t drink them.
Hola Tony 😉
Hola Meow! Buenas tardes mi amiga.:-)
Hola!! (((HUGS)))
Hola Sil!
Hugs Sil 😉
Hugs to both mi Chicanitas.:-)
HEY YOU!! (((((HUGS)))))
Hey to you too!:-)
I don’t think there is anything to worry about. Since when is telling the truth a crime?? I think its funny and a little sad that adults would talk/act the way they do on haters pages. I wonder if any of them have 12 yo daughters that they wouldn’t have minded travis popping their corks???
the Hate & lies about Jodi ..i have not seen since the Memphis3 ..which was a false case…after the memphis 3…the Salem witch Hunts come 2 mind…HNL so hoping she’ll get the DP…How SICK..how unGODLY…they HLN have MURDER of JODI written on their gross foreheads
this case was never about the facts, it was about theories, lies, and hypotheticals
I keep saying that I am going to hush. Now I really am for a little while anyway. I’m sure I’ll be back to blast off some more.
Hi, I’m From Dominican Republic and I’m being really interested in this Case from the start ..I can’t believe they end with first degree in a case of domestic violence..’it’s a shame for the American Justice..Jodi is paying for Casey and OJ Simpson justice debacle!
I haven’t had the chance to chat with you much. But have read that you are a cat lover. My daughter got a kitten bout 2 months ago and she named her Jodi Arial (after Jodi of course and the princess Arial.) My daughter is way smarter then all the haters combined she calls Jodi a princess and said for now she has to sit in her “tower” and wait while we all search for the perfect attorney to free her. She doesn’t know the details of the case just that Jodis boyfriend hurt her and said bad things to her and one day he tried to hurt her and she fought back and her boyfriend got killed. And she knows that he liked to touch little boys because she saw a newspaper that mentioned pedophile.
That is so sweet. I asked SJ and he said Jodi likes cats so in one postcard I wrote a story how one of my cats tripped me and broke my foot, it’s actually really funny and all my fault.
You’re daughter is adorable. That’s a sweet way to think of Jodi.
Sorry I had to butt in to the conversation that was too cute!
Awww Jennifer…how sweet your daughter is…Jodi sitiing in a tower,trapped.Kinda like Rapunzel,waiting for her Prince attorney to set her free.Ok,Im crying,AGAIN!
See?That’s why I love children,because they have this innate way to turn even the ugliest things into fairytales,especially during their early years of life when they are so innocent and unaware of the ugliness of this world.Give her a kiss from me**
I will give her a kiss for you. She was so sad the day that the jury came back. She cried a lot that day and night for her. She was mad when she drew some pictures and wrote a letter then I found out only postcards. My daughter is very sweet and sees the good in almost everyone. Thank you for the kind words.
Hi Jennifer!
I like cats, BUT the only reason I have meowington is because I’m a huge fan of Deadmau5 (Canadian house DJ).
Your daughter picked the cutest name! I love Arial too! Hopefully we can catch up later…meow lol
Just an opinion for what it is worth……. Maybe we should consider not having the vent page…. I can read what people on here are saying and I know what they mean even though it is wrapped in nice language and politcally correct verbiage. I mean it is like with children, you tell them not to touch(insert item here) and they will do it or die trying. We gave the idiots a goal. We said, “you can’t see this” that just put a big old bow on it and made them want it more than ice cream. Maybe we should go back to things being the way they were. If something is really sensitive and no one needs to know we can always email SJ. I hate to give the Travisites ammo to use. This is just my opinion so please don’t anyone get angry with me 🙂 I love you all.
They are like kids!
Yeah but if you scream Fire in a room full of people, the people who stay are the ones with something to lose in the fire, meaning if someone is trying SO HARD to find out what is being said and risks getting caught by the fire then they are trying to hide whatever they are afraid we have found. So now SJ is getting to the bottom of things and maybe just maybe SJ will find out what it is that they would risk so much to hide!! I mean think about it!!
I agree.And no way do I wanrt to see the haters ”winning”.Why should we take the vent page down?Just to satisfy them?Bring’em on you motherfuckers!! We will still be here no matter what!!
No I don’t think anyone will get mad at you. lol
I actually kind of agree. While it’s a nice idea to have a private place, we have to remember that the haters are all psychotic stalkers with nothing better to do with their lives than obsess about what we write here and screenshot comments.
I’m starting to think they have serious mother issues! LMAO
Oh, and I forgot my usual:
Screenshot this motherfuckers t(-_-t)
Loving that!!!! I just hate that we do so damn much here trying to do good. I really do think this many intelligent collective minds together are a good thing and we CAN help. Yes, we all need to vent and say the F word (a lot) and call people names just to get it out of our system but we have always taken the moral high road intentionally. On the vent page we say things we wouldn’t say here. And we wouldn’t say them here because in doing so we could hurt Jodi. So if they want access to us acting like children so they can mudsling we should just remove their fun. We could just go by wiffle ball bats and beat the hell out of a tree when we need to release stress. OK now I have upset the tree-huggers…oops! lol
We can deal without the private page here and just make a closed group on Facebook if we want. How do the haters know we don’t already have one called fuzzy bunnies or something? 😉
I have no problem saying everything I said there public ally but note to everyone….even the supporters…you are going to see some foul language from time to time.
I’m now ignoring all haters. You’re going to get caught by SJ and the administrators bc they are way smarter than you. Everyone on this site catches you right away! So, you’re boring to me now. It’s old. If you want to drive yourself crazy watching us support Jodi, whatever. You mean nothing.
Danielle…well said…:)
“Damn skippy” is going to be my phrase of the day.
Nicely said.
Wanna know why Horn lied.
“The annual salary for a Maricopa County medical examiner ranges from $152,193.60 to $173,659.20, county payroll records show.
Medical Examiner’s Office credits 80 hours of vacation time and 80 hours of sick time to the employee’s bank of vacation and sick-leave hours right away”
That piece of shit doctor couldn’t get a cushy job like this anywhere else.
There’s his forty pieces of silver, fucking dirtbag.
Wonder how they will spin his report this time?
OMG Al. Seriously?
OK any idea what the hearing was about today?
Also anyone want to make a bet about if there will be court tomorrow?
Disgusting. I would like to ask him how it feels to have sold his soul to the Devil!!!!!!!!!!!
Seems like Horn could afford a better hairdo with that kind of cash. What a lying sack of shit! I can’t believe that the judge admonished Jennifer Willmott for asking Horn, “Do you realize this is a capital case?”
Can you imagine Martinez cross examining Horn if Horn were M E for the defendant’s side:
Martinez: Is it Mr. Horn?
Horn: No, It’s Dr. Horn.
Martinez: Oh, Dr. Horn. So you are ah what a doctor of Horns?
Horn: a well I am a doctor of bullets and brains.
Martinez: Well ummm, 1st Dr. Horn what is your annual salary?
Horn: What do you mean?
Martinez: What do you mean, what do I mean? Didn’t you hear me ask you what your annual salary is?
Martinez: Judge, the witness is not responding.
Judge Shirley Temple: Mr. Horn. I mean Dr. Horn, answer the question
Horn: Well what do you want to know.
Martinez: Okay Dr. Horn, isn’t it true you are making $173,000.00 a year? Plus long vacation pay, plus benefits?
Horn: That must be a Typo. I never said that.
Martinez: Oh, Dr. Horn, so you are telling me the County Payroll makes typos?
Horn: They must!
Martinez: Well Mr. I mean Dr. Horn is it possible that between the first time you testified, under oath, on the stand you were correct that the bullet did not advance into the victims brain matter? Rather than now four months latter when you state the bullet did get through the protective part of the skull into the brain?
Horn: What do you mean, I always am consistent with my reports. It must have been a ty po from the transcriber.
Martinez: Mr ah Dr. Horn, do people around you always make typographical errors.
Horn: Yes sir, they do.
Why do they care if we love Jodi? Shouldn’t they be worried about themselves and how fucked up they are to think that it s totally exceptable to look at little kids (you know) and raping women. I dont know how they are not constantly vomiting!!
so funny&TRUE
I know this is snarky but I am tired of hearing TA called a motivational speaker. Wasn’t he just a speaker for his company? It’s not like it was his primary job. I taught people how to use software for my company but I wasn’t a computer expert.
Yeah I hear ya!! ALV is a motivational speaker if anyone is . Because a modivational speaker MOTIVATES someone to do something like LEAVE AN ABUSIVE ASSHOLE! to bad ALV wasn’t the MOTIVATIONAL speaker Jodi met. : (
I hear you. Besides, his motivation was to keep people opening their wallets and wasting their time with PPL. It’s not like he was interested in uplifting anyone.
Yep, exactly .. not sure if you saw my post about I did my stint with ppl. It was short lived because I had agenda knowing I needed counsel in the near future. I couldn’t get my “real” attorney to combat them to get my money back but it wasn’t that much.
It is not a motivational speaker…. he was a damn SALESMAN! He was trying to recruit people for his downline. SALESMAN.
Just remember – to borrow from George Carlin – your profession can be spelled “s-a-l-e-s-m-a-n” and you can pronounce it “motivational speaker” if you want to.
He was a shill for an MLM scam. And a lousy public speaker too, from the video that I watched. “Waa, I’m still single, I hate my married friends.” What that has to do with selling bullshit legal advice, I don’t know.
ARG! That stupid “poor me; I’m still single” schtick was so lame! And the duplicitous p.o.s. wrote in his blog that he LOVED it when he was introduced that way. He totally got off on it. And don’t even get me started on that ridiculous Eddie Snell character. Seriously, who would listen to such an immature presentation, and give these people their money?
Motivational speaker MY ASS!!!
Last time I checked my english dictionary ”motivate” meant to try and INSIRE people to do sth special,extraordinary,to help people out,to encourage them to leave helpless situations,to set an example yourself!! What could Travis possibly have to say that would inspire people?? To find a job in that despicable pyramid-scheme bussiness?Ways to rip people off their money?To pretend to be someone you are not in reality?To be a pedophile/abuser/shitty boyfriend when all the world thinks you are an innocent priest boy?
To have left an abused childhood behind you just so that you could go on to become an abuser YOURSELF??
Puhleeeeeze!! That man was a joke to all society,to all men,to all human beings!! Because there is nothing more I despise than a person who KNOWS has issues but denies to see beyond his own freaking nose!!
The real crime is Travis’ shitty taste in suits.
Basse ,,thankU …u keep me laughing *-*
LMAO @ Basse!! ahahahahah!
ok….so I wake up every morning with a song in my head..(yeah, I know lol), and this morning it was ‘Dueling Banjos’…so I’ve decided to select a few quotes from that very twisted movie, post them here and let you all use your imagination as to who would be the recipients of these quotes…now with that said, it doesn’t mean you can’t change the main characters around as well…..
Mountain Man: Now let’s you just drop them pants.
Bobby: Talk about genetic deficiencies-isn’t that pitiful?
Mountain Man: I bet you can squeal like a pig. Weeeeeeee!
Toothless Man: [grinning] He’s got a real pretty mouth on him, don’t he?
Mountain Man: Ain’t that the truth.
Toothless Man: [to Ed] You gonna do some prayin’ for me, boy. And you better pray real good.
Mountain Man: Looks like we got us a sow here instead of a boar.
Mountain Man: [to Bobby] Them panties. Take ’em off.
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
oh, and feel free to change the ‘he’s’ to ‘she’s’….lol
LOL You know, this is bad but I was thinking something mean about TA lovers tying each other to trees but I was like, no keep that to yourself. But, then you posted that and it made me laugh and think of the trees again.
LOL…I hesitated posting that, but I got a giggle out of it…yup, I’m twisted…:)
me2 thanks *-*
What…..did ALL HELL break loose while I was away???? What’s with the trolling and spys??? I have to leave for a doctor’s appointment in 10 minutes….but will be back on in late afternoon!!!!
For the record, those of you who were curious about the password-protected vent thread, I just want to say that it was just a venue provided by SJ so that some of the people who wanted to post freely using F words and C words and pretty much the whole alphabet could do so without feeling self-conscious.
So pretty much on that thread we didn’t hold back on the language we used to describe how we felt about HLN, haters and all other assholes. =) We didn’t think it was appropriate to pepper the main threads with such language as we know that haters troll our site every day and use everything we say against us.
I think we’re pretty much done accommodating them anymore. so fwiw…FUCK THEM!
I know I hold back in the cursing that I do while on this site. But sometimes I really want to let loose.. lol
I LOVE you Sil! You and the rest of the women here are CLASSY ladies!!!:-)
Does that include me…..Tony;>)
It does Moni, even if we have some “issues” bout some things. Just sayin…..lol
It’s okay Sil…….sometimes ya gota do….whatcha got to do!!!!!!
Fuck them! Sorry to any supports our foul language offends. You can thank the haters.
I’m with you Sil…I too liked the vent page so that my language didn’t offend anyone on the main page…every now and then we have to let loose…I feel like my head is going to explode, simply because I cannot wrap my head around any of this, and quite frankly the behaviour of the ‘main’ players in this nightmare…
yeah, I’m glad but sad the password protection has been put into effect and strongly suggested if before leaving for a few days. I haven’t asked for the new one.
It was no big deal really Sil. There was no hacking either. It was more a lucky guess on the part of Cavin O’Quin. He’s incapable of hacking anything. I think with his adoption scam ties, he’s not much better then serial offender Anthony Barberini. “Birds of a feather” and all that.
Team Jodi
I’m so glad you found out who it was!! I knew you would!!
No probs really. My Secret Squirrel Team came up with this link quite quickly: http://my.adoption.com/dec3iver
Team Jodi
Yeah I just checked it out and he was last there today at 2:35 pm .
great job secret squirrel team!
I think that low-life posted here on the site at some point.
I have no idea who that person is(and couldnt care less btw) but to hell with him!! Onwards!!
Oh shit!! I think I’ve seen that user name (dec3iver) before. Maybe websleuths or YouTube…not sure.
I wish I could remember.
Maybe here Sil?
Exactly. There really was nothing top-secret going on over there…it just gave us a chance to be a bit “colorful” and “politically incorrect” in the wake of an awful verdict :).
I know, right??
And they went all james bond, because they can’t stand the idea of NOT seeing what we post.
They are obsessed with us, and stalk us. Then they have the NERVE to call Jodi a stalker with no proof?
I mean really!!!
So true MB and Kira.
Hadn’t thought of the Travisite’s in that way (stalkers).
I said things on the vent page that as Kira said, were politically incorrect, but damn it felt good!
Fuck, after watching that (pre-planned) verdict last week I had a lot of horrible things to say.
But, I dont hold back much on the open pages either…
“They are obsessed with us, and stalk us.”
That’s true. What are they so afraid of? What would motivate them to stalk us besides fear?
The main brain bug probably sent out some telecast for them to hit up this site Basse.
Operation Hack Vent Page.
How bizarre and lonely and lame.
Whoever figured out the password was probably to incompetent to even understand the words on the vent page.
And if so, I sure hope they realize, we were all talking about them.
Not a single Travisite was forgotten on that page; be it NG, Martinez, that stupid blonde bitch that stalks Martinez, or Travis’ “family” and “friends”.
Travis is worth more to all of those hungry fucks dead then he was alive.
Its almost comical in that aspect.
I have wondered if the judge’s decision to keep the death penalty on the table might be influenced by a misguided desire for revenge directed at Casey Anthony – in other words, “Casey Anthony may have gotten away with killing her kid, but Jodi Arias won’t get away with it!” There shouldn’t be any kind of CA fallout, but with this judge – well, I just don’t know.
The news has not stopped comparing Jodi to Casey Anthony. It’s so wrong. It’s a totally different situation.
so true……a baby is sooo sensative….i felt so 4 the little one…..a mean man abuser is totally different but they think TA is a saint….SICK
I agree with you completely!
I didn’t have a chance to follow Casey Anthony case. But so much is so wrong for Jodi on so many levels.
That judge was pro-prosecution. It was so apparent who she sided with.
well if that should be the case . . leave on table because casey anthonys verdict is influential . . that’s a fkd up reason. This judge has it on the table because she has been given no other choice, she’s boxed in and most likely will leave arizona when this is over, another choice she might not have. She’s not a judge, she’s someones puppet.
YES! I have been saying this since the trial even began. They tried Jodi on the Casey Anthony case, plain and simple. Jodi didn’t have a chance. The jurors knew they would have to relocate like the jurors did after the CA case because of the lynch mob mentality. The jurors on Jodi’s case only were looking after their own skins, they did not judge this trial in a fair and just manner. It makes me so sick!
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 2m
The judge in the Jodi Arias case ruled today that the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office may no longer arrange media interviews for Arias.
very interesting…thankU
“ruled” and “may” in same decision?? that’s kinda “whatever” lol
Arpaio has a open door policy when it comes to interviews. I’m hoping Jodi can be interviewed by Geraldo Rivera.
wonder if Geraldo has been trying to get an interview and the judge has the rule/may interview thing set up so the court decides if and when and who they let in. Seems no one that can speak “for” Jodi is given a chance. Anyone try to get thru to Geraldo asking for some help since he’s been outspoken about his belief in this case anyway?
Me too – Geraldo is the best when it comes to interviews – he speaks nothing but the truth. And he and Jodi have their Latin heritage in common – maybe he can pull some strings at the Perryville jail and get Jodi some assistance.
like she was forced to and does not really care whether JA gives any interviews lol
I wonder if that was her own attorneys trying to get her to STFU?
well, lol. . now if Geraldo can get an interview good, if Jodis attorneys told her to stfu that’s good too
Jodi is so well versed and believes . . she believe if she stays honest and true to heart that things will be ok. Every time she interviews you can feel her words but she”s not dealing with feeling people, So sometimes it’s best to not let feelings show, especially to those that keep using her own words to hurt her. She should never change what is most beautiful about her, just guard it. I don’t feel or think Jodi killed him so where to go with that is the question because the ones governing her case are not listening to anything but what they want.
If anything they should be apologizing to her for him being SO FUCKED UP!!!! ( Im not yelling at you cb I love you guys(((((HUGS))))) I just lose it sometimes when i think about these haters and what they have already done : ) ) But your totally right on the fact she wears her heart on sleeve and everything she says is used against her. Thats why I get so mad about this apology thing because even if she gave one (AND SHE BETTER NOT) they wouldnt believe that either.
So now they are gagging her???? OMG!!!Are they THAT much afraid of her??? They are trying to break her spirit,that’s my opinion and Im sticking to it.Period.Fist the psych ward,then the 23hour locked in a cell thing,now this?They are actually trying to drive her crazy,our poor Jodi.And the haters are partying over this of course!
HI MARIA!!!!!(((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) YUP!! Judge stevens ordered the maricopa county sheriffs office to stop stetting up and participating in interviews CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!!!! I makes me sick. It give us even more reason to stand up for her now since she can no longer even speak for herself!!!
exactly, . . Ohh I’m right on what you’re saying now as I’ve said it previously . . his fake family should be apologizing to her for getting him out of circulation and thanks for getting them financial support on his ticket . . they’ve always known he was a rouge, that’s why they separated from him. It wasn’t a matter of IF he did anything that thew his ass in a sling , . it was a matter of WHEN and the trip to cancun was his end of the road destination . . not his going but a good time to get rid of him at someone elses expense. I see now some cover ups going on with the haters . . why wasn’t all this brought up before if not during . . did it all of a sudden surface . . let the bastards keep yakking .. they’re tripping all over the place . . we just have to learn how to dodge pertinent information for them to twist and it looks like we’re on the right track. It’s hilarious watching them scramble for coverage.
Krista — They only want her to say she’s sorry, so they can say they don’t accept her apology. They are monsters.
True, very true!
yeah Krista i am feelin it also…praying 4 Jodi & NOT watching the wicked liar station HLN
Too bad she couldn’t see fit to “rule” that the Maricopa County’s Sheriff’s Office could no longer release interviews deemed inadmissible by the court to the media! Cow! Mooooooo…. How about a pickle up both of that cow’s flaring, snooty nostrils??
Well I see the venting page password has been changed so I can no longer post. It sounds like everyone is suspect that wasn’t posting here from the beginning. I can’t say I really blame you because obviously someone shared what they saw and with so many late comers its hard to know who is who. If info continues to leak elsewhere at least you know who got the new password.
I don’t know about you guys but I am not looking forward to tomorrow. If I don’t post I will be lurking.
Hey Kalista…yeah. Don’t worry about the vent thread. I think we’re done with that. We should feel free to post whatever we want on this site. This is our house, dammit! We don’t need to hide from those fucking terrorists.
I agree totally Sil. Even on our vents I have seen far worse elsewhere the entire trial. I’m just grateful that we have this site.
I don’t feel offended not being given the pw . . I did use the vent page where I felt it was safe to post “I feel uncomfortable” when some “introduced” themselves like they were of some importance on the open page, kinda heads up . . someone stinks ..and gave a few names, but they must have managed to infiltrate anyway. Venting with street slang doesn’t bother me, I just didn’t want to be judged, but after getting in touch with my own spirituality I can feel safe saying I’m glad ta is dead. I am sorry it wasn’t done by the hand of a tougher person than Jodi.
Agreed. I think we should continue to speak out and teach by example. By staying strong and bound to our convictions we just reinforce our stand–that this trial has been biased, unfair, and corrupted by the media. The haters will lose their steam once the “drama” ends. HLN will move on to the next crucifixion. Then the haters will be lost; they are incapable of thinking for themselves.
Kalista –
Don’t feel bad, I’ve been posting for quite some time on here and since the password change I am not able to get the new password.
Don’t take it personally, sounds like some shit went down.
I was out of town all weekend and had a busy day at work today, so don’t know the whole story yet.
Plenty of people posting on the open pages.
It was fun to vent on the password protected page; I liked knowing that the Travisites were uncomfortably starring at their computer screens wishing they knew what we were all saying about them.
But I also don’t mind them knowing what I’m saying; I hope we make them feel like the scum they are.
Hard telling if any of it gets through though, with those teeny tiny brains and all.
Gooodnite all ..C U 2morrow&praying 4 JODI<3
Nite nite, elna!! <3
I wanted to request the password last week, but I could not figure out how to email SJ. I asked how, but then the verdict came in and I couldn’t even get on the page.
I now see a few comments saying that the private site has been violated….if so…will there be another site and a new password? I will gladly give my personal information if I can figure out how to email this pages author/owner.
Can someone tell me how to email him. Perhaps I am dumb, but I can not figure out how or see a link.
I feel lost if I can not reach out to like minded folks…please don’t leave me to the haters.
it’s all good here in this page, just as like minded as the rest . . even the haters stole what they wanted to replicate us . . they are followers after all lmao ..
Hi SJ!
Yep, exactly .. not sure if you saw my post about I did my stint with ppl. It was short lived because I had agenda knowing I needed counsel in the near future. I couldn’t get my “real” attorney to combat them to get my money back but it wasn’t that much.
I’m gonna say something to the haters right here on the main page:
Go back to masturbating to your pictures and videos of Juan Martinez and praying to the spirit of your dead pedo hero.
I this is the page they’re looking for:
Team Jodi
That will go beautifully on “blue day” for Travis’ birthday.
You tell’em girl!!!!!!!!!!
I hope they will never have to be faced with the day their OWN 12 year old comes in and tells them someone ”innocently” touched her and made her do stuff!! I dont think they would care to sweep THAT under the rug!!! Or praise the pervert who did that to their own child!!
Too funny! Glad you put it back up…..
I don’t know how they justify the 12 year old girl having an orgasm. Who says that? And all the create nasty things he said to Jodi in texts. I think some of them actually think Jodi wrote them – really I saw that.
And other things like Travis would not allow Jodi to not respond and would call repeatedly – again in the phone records as fact. AND look at that closet!!! Can you say obsessive compulsive personality? Even baby doc can see that!!!
warren jeffs
wikipedia article on him
Warren Steed Jeffs (born December 3, 1955) is the president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS Church).[a] In 2011, Jeffs was convicted of two felony counts of child sexual assault.[5]
After the jury had deliberated for less than 30 minutes, 55-year-old Jeffs was sentenced to life in prison plus 20 years and a $10,000 fine, to be served consecutively, for sexual assault of both 12 and 15-year-old girls.[10]
“In July 2004, Warren Jeffs’ nephew, Brent Jeffs, filed a lawsuit against him alleging that in the late 1980s his uncle sodomized him in the Salt Lake Valley compound then owned by the FLDS Church. Brent Jeffs said he was five or six years old at the time, and that Warren Jeffs’ brothers, also named in the lawsuit, watched and participated in the abuse. Two of Warren Jeffs’ other nephews also made similar abuse claims against him. One of the alleged victims, Clayne Jeffs, committed suicide with a firearm after accusing Warren Jeffs of sexually assaulting him as a child.[31]”
someone here, a few days ago, said jm. and flores. are mormons
would be interesting if anyone here can confirm that
I’m not going to make the leap that all Mormons are pedos. But I do think they are brainwashed and I’m sorry for them.
Hi Jeff
i wasn’t asking you to make the leap that ALL mormons are pedos, but there’s a vast area in the middle, before none are pedos
now with respect to the 12 and 15 year old girls, warren jeffs could easily not classify his behavior towards those girls as pedofilia
maybe they were his wives ?
mormon law operates outside civil law
governors of utah, arisona etc simply look the other way and don’t prosecute polygamy etc
from what i hear there’s lot of polygs in arizona ?
janet napolitano, former governor[2003-2009] and attorney general[ 1999-2002] of arizona largely ignored such criminality
for the mormons so inclinned the age of marriage and of consent to sexual relations,can be an elastic definition, or simply ANTINOMIANISM
Antinomianism: The doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law, whether scriptural, civil, or moral, and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine grace.
ie if it’s ok with mormon beliefs, ignore the law
mormons believe in antinomianism
warren jeffs was not brainwashed
ta was a free agent, not a gullible trusting brainwashed dupe , when he made his 12 year old girl comment
maybe he was really getting to like this mormon Antinomianism ?
Wes- Well stated and informative.
His closet says to me that he’s hiding something it’s not OCD. I suspect that he was gay but not willing to admit it because he would loose his standing in the church. The recorded conversation about the KY Jelly he admits that prior to KYJelly he used Vaseline….Why who was he sodomizing before Jodi?
Well,Deanna for starters!!
I bet others too,mainly prostitutes men and/or women but hey that’s just me 😉
yep, Jodi wasn’t his first rodeo . . and what sickens me is anyone that finds nothing wrong with him . . if 1% of the ugly about him was the only true 1% it’s a damn ugly enough 1% to stay away from someone like him ..
Jeff –
Have you heard Travisites and friends defend the photos of little boys Travis was masturbating to?
The excuses are disturbing to say the least.
On of the excuses I’ve heard is, “Its not like the boys were naked, they were pages from a Penny’s catalog.”
Who thinks that’s okay, let alone says it out loud?!
OMG M that is just gross. Can you just imagine having your grandson or granddaughter in a magazine for clothing or something and finding out that some idiot was jerking off to them? That is disgusting I would want their heads on a platter for sure!
Exactly Debbie.
Its fucked up!!
There is no justifying that, so I dont see why they even try.
Gah, it makes my skin crawl.
those friends of TA knew he said that stuff about little girls….they talk the same way…when no one but them are around….i know…because of how bad they all have mistreated Jodi
I am new, not a troll. I have been reading all your posts today and want you to know that I feel for Jodi too.
I don’t want to see Jodi get the DP. I think she has a great deal to offer inmates she is a very smart individual.
I’m not good at posting but I didn’t want you to think that I was a troll. Go team Jodi!
I just did something so creepy and stalker like. I left ALV a voicemail! I thanked her for all the work she’s done in the abuse field and for Jodi. I told her that there’s so much support for her all over the world and here online. Is that really weird?
No, I think it’s very sweet. I’m sure ALV will appreciate it!
I hope she does’t think I’m creepy LOL
Good for you, Danielle! I keep thinking of her and pray she is okay after all she has been through! Thanks for doing that. 🙂
That’s very nobleof you.Not creepy at all.
<3 ALV
I want to send her an email Thank you note. What is her email?
Good for you. I’ve thought of doing that too, right after I call Juan’s office and tell him I think he’s an asshole.
I’ll bet ALV does appreciate it.
LOL – But if you get his voicemail you have to hear his voice don’t punish yourself!
‘You have reached the voicemail of THE PROSECUTOR. Leave your name and number and THE PROSECUTOR will return your call. And if you think about leaving a long-winded message….DID I ASK YOU FOR YOUR LIFE STORY? YES OR NO? You do want me to call back, RIGHT?”
LOL Love it love it love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL,Kira you just made my day(uuuurr,night actually)
Too funny… Thanks for giggle!
Wow, I was thinking along those same lines. I was going to look and try to find a way to send her an email. Of course with TROLLS lurking, I shouldn’t say that. Then again, who the hell are they!!!!!!! They won’t stop me from saying whatever the hell I want to say. Screw off haters!
I wish I could ask you how you did that but, I can’t because of the trolls. THAT is not something I would do on this page.
wonderful…thankU…AVL needed alot of positive feed back after the way she was done …she is so good 4 this world &juan & them r soo bad 4 this world
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 32m
The judge in the Jodi Arias case ruled today that the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office may no longer arrange media interviews for Arias.
I guess that is what the closed door hearing was about today
Debbie –
So did Maricopa setup the interview she did after the verdict?
Maricopa never ceases to amaze me.
What did they get the check sent to them too?
I have no idea M. I just saw that tweeted by Michael Kiefer about the closed door hearing today so thought I would post it to keep everyone updated.
What are we wearing on TAs bday and when is it again? I forgot already.
What are we wearing on Jodi’s bday? I remember when that is.
IMO for TA shit stain brown
for Jodi BIG HEART RED!! (plus red is for love)
I’ll be wearing my Survivor T-shirt (as soon as I receive this month’s paycheck so as to order it)on BOTH days!!!
On St-laughing-my-ass-off Travis as if saying”Are you watvhing us from DOWN there.motrherfucked??We are still here,JODI is still here,surviving and being LOVED!!Something you never did:love her,while you were alive!I hope you are enjoying your time in Hell”
On baby Jodi’s b-day to show her,well…you know what.All that we’ve been fighting for these last few months.We love you Jodi**
Well, came back to bitch some more but now I have to go cook supper. LOL, I’m sure I’ll bitch more later. I’m still mad. I guess it’s gonna take me a while to calm down.
I saw this post on my FB and every time I read it I think of Jodi. I wanted to share it with you guys (IDK how to post a pic, but the words will suffice).
“The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness, and struggle to reach the light.”
Thats beautiful. She is our bird with a broken wing, that we will hopefully see learn to fly.
Soooo beautiful yes!
That’s beautiful! That’s going in my quote book. Yes I am a dork, I have a cute red journal I keep quotes in. Mostly things I find when I’m reading, I read a lot of Christian book and stuff about Saints.
Dont let JM get a hold of it. He’ll have it looking like you were writing for playboy!! LOL He seems to have a slimy touch when it comes to journals no matter what is written with in
I know, I’m glad I threw out my high school journals!
“He seems to have a slimy touch when it comes to journals…”
Ahahahahah… brilliant!
Make sure you document every date,thought,incident in it too.You never know.Othwerwise one day you may be told that some things never actually took place 😉 LOL!!
I wrote this up on the thread Yeah but if you scream Fire in a room full of people, the people who stay are the ones with something to lose in the fire, meaning if someone is trying SO HARD to find out what is being said and risks getting caught by the fire then they are trying to hide whatever they are afraid we have found. So now SJ is getting to the bottom of things and maybe just maybe SJ will find out what it is that they would risk so much to hide!! I mean think about it!! And I have been thinking Isnt it stranger this happens the day after CH opened his mouth on facebook? Maybe he freaked out and wants to know how close we are to figuring things out!! Like I said some one is PRETTY DESPERATE to try to get in here like this, all shadey and shit. because who ever is doing this isnt man enough to man up and confront us they we to great lengths to stay hidden. Do these dumb fuckers think that SJ or any member Team Jodi would let any of us get hurt or be harmed? They will go to the ends of the earth to give us a safe place and protect us. These fucks dont know who they are fucking with. like TEAM JODI SAY YOU FUCKTARDS!! WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS IN THIS CASE OF HACKING/SCARING PEOPLE AND FOR JODI!! SO BRING IT I SAY THEN WE CAN FINALLY SEE THE TRIAL FOR THESE PIGS!!
I had the vent password for 1 day but screw it. I don’t care who sees my posts. In fact, I want all the bloodthirsty soulless heathens to see what I say. You all blow balls!! If you have daughters of age, I only hope they don’t run into a TA type male because unlike you I am not a vindictive hater. I have compassion AND a soul and you damn well know Jodi does too. Much more than you’ll ever have. It emanates from everything she’s written in her journals and how she lived her life up until the point she met TA. Now think in your minds of what you remember about what he wrote. X-rated porn isn’t it?
Oh Gwen please stay here and vent your dislike for NG! I look toward to your post to see what the airport runway she on & where the buzzards are circling.
I agree, Gwen. Where is the compassion? When hearing about or reading the hateful and spiteful comments about Jodi, my heart hurts. The idea that all these people feel so much hate for her makes me actually feel so much pain. It is almost more than I can bear. I was glad to hear Jodi say in her post-conviction interview that the opinions of these folks who are so full of hate actually don’t affect her now…that their remarks are like water off a duck’s back. Good for her! Maybe some of the folks who hate her so much have never touched the face of misery such as she did. If they had, maybe they would find some compassion in at least a little piece of their hearts.
PGP! “Pretty Girl Problems”
Her beauty is the real reason she’s been convicted so harshly. All of the other women in TA’s life were “grenades” (the kind a girl u don’t take home to mom or out in public), especially his “friend’s” wives, they all envied her beauty. This was a slam dunk for JM, when you read the reason’s members of the public want her dead, they are simply projecting their own insecurities and using JA’s mistake as an excuse for their morbid need to boost their egos :,-( And also, LIKE IT”S HARD TO CONVICT MEXICAN’S IN AZ!!!
I agree that her beauty was used against her. She was too smart, pretty and classy so they were intimidated and convicted.
Absolutely! Those other women are goblins next to Jodi.
This probably is going to piss everyone off but there are so few posts about Jodi or the trial on here today. It’s just all hate for the trolls so I would say they are getting the effect they want. They want to disrupt the useful discussion here and we are playing right into their hands.
Well it’s because we had a troll attack today and it’s really a slow news day for JA. And friends should not be restricted to just certain topics. I guess this ended up being our vent page today. We get tired of being attacked by them and being told how we should think or feel.
Hi coldcase. Your point is noted… but I’ve never found it a good idea to post something that you know in gonna piss everyone off
Yes or no?
Team Jodi
well I may piss someone off. I don’t always see why some things are harped on and some overlooked but I don’t comment that it’s wrong thinking, maybe just different than mine. Some points are taken and I expect mine should be too. This is a group effort, not a one person band. even tho I have written to a senator I’ve brought to this forum that maybe didn’t seem of value. It’s taking a village to help Jodi, everyone has a place except the theifs and ta supporters and steps have been taken to protect our investigation. As long as we all are heading in the same direction . . getting Jodi justice . . that’s all that counts. No one should feel grandios because they contributed more than another . . it might have been one thing a more quiet person said that had a huge spark.
Honestly coldcase this is what it looks like all the time. We talk about what needs to be talked about that day. This site isn’t SOLELY for the trial. Its for EVERYTHING ABOUT JODI and today THESE SICK FUCKIN ASS HATS are what Jodi is about today. They are trying to hurt her through us. SO its probably going to be like this for awhile so you might need to come back later if you don’t like hearing about it and i would advise HIGHLY you stay away from the vent and mission pages if you truely feel this way because it will just upset you. But that being said thanks for being here your thoughts are noted!
nope, not pissed off coldcase
you shared your thoughts, its all ok.
Exactly!! We still love ya!! everyone just speaks what they are thinking about and today its ass hats. I hope my post didnt come off as bitchy i just reread it and it sounded nicer in my head . so if you felt it sounded mean coldcase i’m sorry it wasnt ment to be. : )
I get you, coldcase53. But, whatever, let the babies have their bottle.
Thanks to cb, BeeCee, Basse & Krista (no Krista, you didn’t sound “bitchy”). Thanks to all.
WooHoo, Thanks to SJ for getting to the bottom of it. And in the time it took them to get 20 comments, we got close to 500. To the haters, you will never intimidate into giving up my right to free speach. If you don’t like what I have to say, you can take a flying leap. Where, I don’t care.
SJ, I just got home from work and haven’t had a chance to look over todays posts. Has the Vent password changed? I can’t seem to get in today but I would like to get into the mission#1 page tomorrow. Thanks
Hi BEVM (((HUGS))))) !! Yeah there was a breech in th event page so we are on lock down right now it should be cleared up soon!! I hope you had a good day today at work!! Its been CRAZY here!!!
Yes Bev, it’s been changed.
I was gone all weekend and went to read the Mission page and found out my password didnt work anymore. 🙁
I can’t get the new password yet, SJ said he would keep me updated.
Too bad people abused it.
Hopefully it gets worked out soon.
I am waiting patiently also. I imagine it will take SJ a while to get through all his emails to give the password out.
I guess I could vent here!
people who are offended by bad language will just have to ignore it!!
Hahaha BeeCee!
I think I read once that we werent supposed to cuss on here (somebody posted, cant recall whom).
I was like…wait, I didnt get that fucking memo.
Hope all is well on your end BeeCee.
Getting ready for my sister’s wedding, so its been crazy as hell for me.
Glad to see you posting, always enjoy hearing from you.
And seems the humor is still alive (from many), so I’ve been feeling a bit better compared to the utter shock of last week.
Sending Jodi good vibes.
I hope she’s in the best spirits she can be in during this bullshit.
Even though I am highly pissed, one good thing that came out of this shit is the fact that we all stuck together and nobody started pointing fingers and wanting to burn one of our own at the stake.
CHEERS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
meh, no sense in that is there cj? We really didn’t talk about much there anyway!
just a lot of cursing!!!
Yes, we totally did NOT…..but the delusional haters wanted us so bad that they actually thought we were.
STUPID people.
NOW back to cooking before I come back and go over this crap in my head and on the screen again. I knowwwwwwww it’s not going to make anymore sense than it does now but I think that’s my problem. I’m tryin to make sense out of bullshit.
Hey SJ,
Kids have been sick so I haven’t signed on
in the last few days but I just got the info about
“Vent” page through email 🙁
If you have a few more passwords stored away for
regulars that would be great!! Wink wink!
Hope everyone is doing good and HOPEFULLY
everyone will be well tomorrow so Jodi can
have my undivided attention! LOL!
Have a nice evening all!
I’m waiting too SR. 🙁
I was gone all weekend and came back to hear about the shit storm of Travisites.
Abortion doctor avoids DP – gets life in prison for killing 3 babies (possibly 4). Apparently “snipping a spinal cord” doesn’t equate to slitting a throat from ear-to-ear. I don’t think any of these babies were f…king people over either.
No they can prove 5 but they are still looking for more I think!!
I Will Survive – Alien Song – YouTube 1 min long
I have been here for 3-4 months been here so long don’t remember the day I found this page when the trial started I was hooked because of my life experiences matched Jodi. I came here because I started out on the Travis site and just for saying I do not believe in the DP I got hammered to the wall with cursing and swearing and all the hate then they started it on my Facebook page with the same should not have used my name had to remove that post I had so may on fb I could not find my friends and family. When I found this site I look and read the comments and thought nice people and took the chance and posted and was welcome with open arms here. Then was told how to navigate throw the site using the the things at the top and the side. Then I read the Flores report for 2 days till my brain was scrambled and I felt like Jodi. I told the Team that ran this site that something was wrong with it and asked for help in one day they did the Detailed report and it then became clear I saw what they saw too. I made remarks here during the trial only to have HLN Nasty Nancy use my words, Then later SJ got the Vent page and we got passwords but that was short live because someone manage to get in with a pass for SJ so now its go and I don’t care if I have a password I have posted here from the start. I have Cried so may times for JODI every time Judge Pickles let JM have his way it was so bad I thought she must have been paid off to do what she was doing. Then I saw Flores tell the Jury that the roommates were at work and the other at a girlfriends house and became enraged. I look at HLN because they managed to get shit on TV like the interview of Jodi standing on her head and the parents interview where the hell did they get and Nurmi told us in court. and Al he has so much knowledge and you to Also Abused and many more that discuss the issues. So forget the password it does not matter now the only thing that matter is JODI this morning I woke up and turned on HLN and there we were this site was being show. We have so many here new now and I am thankful that she is seen all over the world here in Germany and Holland the one with the windmills and tulips she has to use translator to get our post in English. Yesterday. Yesterday was very emotional for me with the tears my cats wanted to know what is wrong with mommy I want to take our message here to the world not just a few of use we are being watch and head because we have new people her and I so happy now but when I see JODI tell us she wants the DP to happen I cried again and I now post with the I will Survive now I want Jodi to Survive and stand her grown the video tell it all she is strong and then blam the disco ball flattens her so don’t worry to much about the password I have been her from day 1 and I do not have one I am Proud to Say SJ is the best thing that has happen to me he deserves a trophy for is shelves. and to Jonnee don’t see her here right now misspelt her name for the advise on how to use my spell checker. Let the Posting begin Let the knowledge flow let the cry’s and hugs begin for you are all my family now and welcome to the new ones
NG read this site and used your words????
yes if she thinks its funny Hail Mary was funny to her that we pray for Jodi
She is gross. I would say she’s my least favorite person in the world but she’s not even worth my thoughts. Even though when I watch trial I have to vent about her LOL.
SJ really does rock. He gave us this place, takes care of it and us, and protects it and us. He’s like the Dad. 🙂
I too want Jodi to SURVIVE!!
Please god,if you exist,give Jodi strength,courage and peace of mind to cope with what happened and what is yet to come.
If HLN shows the site to generate hate maybe they will really generate more Jodi support! Or they’ll show people who support Jodi where to come.
I pray she can continue to stay strong. Something good just has to happen.
All I can say is wtf I am so confused??? I haven’t been able to post for awhile for personal issues, but my support for jodi remains the same. I come back to the site and there is passwords and other “secret” vent pages, what the hell happened? I’m assuming the haters must have pulled some serious bull shit and drove everyone even further under ground. Fucked up! I can’t understand what and why this garbage is happening. I mean really. Murder one wasn’t enough?? OJ is back! The dr. Was found guilty. The crazy fucker in Ohio, that held the women in his house, really… That’s not enough to piss people off and want to go in droves and find their “so called justice” they claim to want so badly. I have a migraine after seeing this bull shit. I need more than a drink and a nap. I am just speechless at this point.
Hi Kimberly! Yeah alot of fucked up shit has happened since you have been away!! It seems that M! and the DP wasnt enough!! (Because these ass wads will come back with a DP punishment)! They are trying to find out how much we know so they can see if they need lawyers yet . DONT WORRY HATERS WE ARE GETTING THERE!!! WE”LL HAVE YOUR BALLS NAILED TO THE WALL SOON ENOUGH !! TRUST ME WHEN I SAY YOU DONT NEED TO TRY TO WEASLE INFO ASSHOLES!! TRUST ME WHEN THE COPS ARE ARRESTING YOU AND AFTER THEY GIVE YOU YOUR MIRANDA RIGHTS I M SURE THEY WILL TELL YOU ALL ABOUT THE INFO WE FOUND!!
Ya know ALV is a motivational speaker if anyone is . Because a motivational speaker MOTIVATES someone to do something like LEAVE AN ABUSIVE ASSHOLE! to bad ALV wasn’t the MOTIVATIONAL speaker Jodi met. : (
AMEN to that
Sorry for being so clueless about the vent page. I didn’t realize all this action was happening. I find it hard to believe that any of the haters would have the intelligence to crack a password. Hopefully they will obey the message it contained. It must be a source of irritation with them to be so obsessed with us. We are a popular group aren’t we? I just wonder, prey tell, what the hell they plan to do with all that info? Not very flattering to them.
As my mother, one of the wisest people I have ever known used to say. “eavesdroppers never hear any good of themselves.” Enough said.
Very good advice!
LOL . . wish i would have known your mothers wise words when I was married. Another to go along with that, husband snooped around in MY house he moved into and found things I had forgotten about. OH well . way I see it was he was busted as a snooper
lol cb, I had a former friend who was with a young man 22 years younger than her. Not that I judge her for that but I saw first hand how insecure she was about it. She started snooping into his email and chats etc. She did not like what she found but of course if she acted upon it she was busted for snooping. It caused her a lot of anguish. I am not sure if they are still together because our friendship ended over a year ago, but my mom’s words came back to me when I got to witness the predicament she had gotten herself into. If you snoop where you don’t belong you just might not like what you find. I hope all those haters enjoyed themselves.
So what happened? I don’t have time to read all the comments and I can’t get into vent. I know you can’t splash it all over the page but if you’d like to send me the new password feel free. Who gives a rat’s ass about the trolls anyway? They are pathetic. I hope something unexpected happens like they recover Grandpa’s gun at a pawn shop or uncover concrete evidence of TA’s pedophile proclivities. Something that would render that verdict useless. I don’t know if the latter would do it but it would sure make the jury think twice at not believing Jodi. She lied from fear at a horrible time in her life and gets branded a pathological liar. I hope none of them get a good night’s sleep for years to come.
First time poster, long long time lurker. I feel like I know all of you by now! I finally had to post. Please, Please let us do something! We waited for months, inspite of an unsequestered jury, biased judge, crooked prosecuter and corrupt media, hoping the jury will do their duty and render a verdict based on the evidence. Where did that leave us? If we are waiting for the verdict to be over turned, let us not hold our breath. Remember how Judge Sherry listened to the dt’s motions for mistrial with barely contained irritation and denied it over and over again? This is a state where the governor says she “hasn’t been following the trial, but thinks Jodi Arias is guilty”! What kind of impartiality and justice can we expect from these people?
Can we maybe send a petition, to a higher court? Please, all the smart brains in here, all the legal eagles, there must be something we can do, to have somebody above judge Sherry, preferably from outside arizona look at how this case has been handled. Jodi must have given up by now. I know I would have if I were in her shoes. If jodi doesn’t want to appeal, the dt cannot do anything. In that case, or even otherwise, can we the citizens of this country, who think this is a huge miscarriage of justice, appeal this verdict? I know some of you are writing to the innocence project. If it doesn’t work, there has to be some other option. I hope somebody in here, has thought of something by now.
Thank you SJ for providing a safe place for us to gather!
Okay .. this should explain Mesa, AZ .
AZ is going to be on the wrong side of history, as they continue their unfettered discrimination against Hispanics.
“Joe Arpaio’s “Special Deputy” Ted Nugent: Immigrants Should Be “Indentured Servants”
Ted Nugent is a no talent, psychopath. I hope he doesn’t have many followers. I think his life will probably end badly as his psychosis worsens. Please tell me he hasn’t reproduced?
I saw a show with Anthony Bordain where he visited Nugent at his ranch. Nugents ‘girlfriend’ looked abused, battered and beat down. She stayed in the background and took orders from him. It was absolutely disgusting so this doesn’t surprise me one bit. He is a piece of trash just like sheriff joe.
well shit . . but if nugent is the celebrity on their side . . look at the celebrities on our side .. rock n rollers don’t even like nugent
I hope you all will allow me to vent for a self absorbed moment. As I shared when I first started posting I have been coming to this site for months. I admit at first I was disbeliever, I came here to see the things you all said, compare them back to the all knowing HLN and Travis followers and relish in the fact I knew what was up.
After a few weeks of reading I began to really read what was said. I followed the links at the top of the page, started slowly learning how to think for myself again. It was a process, and out of respect (the way I was raised) I refrained from posting until I knew for sure where I stood. I am not a sheep, I will think for myself and speak my mind. Our GOD given right.
Vent page…I didn’t request the password. Being new to posting I did not feel I had the right to ask. So many of you I have seen on here for so long, in my eyes that was reserved for you.
I am so great full for the work that goes into this page, for the amazing view points shared and most of all to be part of a common purpose.
UGH, I feel better. Thank you, all you amazing people.
Awww thanks!
Hi Mel!
It’s all ok!
So glad you are thinking for yourself.
perfect BeeCee . . thinking for ones self . . I don’t have alot of friends because of that but I’m not changing lol
The evidence this page gave you access to helped you support Jodi?
Welcome Mel!! THATS THE REASON WE ARE HERE!! Look, what everyone on the other side needs to realize is we are not a HATE page we are a JODI SUPPORT site. We dont want to force our opinion down anyones throat . We want to educate people about the other way it could have gone. Not all of us even think it was self defense . Some think it was manslauther and i might even go as far to say some even think it was M2 . But that being said we ALL WANT TO KNOW. People just need to decide if they REALLY want to know. Because the ones that REALLY DO go to both sides and learn the evidence and actually read about what ALL the possibilities are. But that being said Thanks for being one who REALLY wanted to know!!
Krista, you summed it up exactly how I would if I had the right words! Truth is not what anyone says, but what is in black and white. Thank you for that!
That’s what I love about this site and all of the Jodi supporters. We are free thinking, educated and have intelligently found the truth. This site has been an eye opening experience. Not just in my support for Jodi, and coming to terms with the fact I simply believed because someone said so. Its late and I am rambling. Love you all and keep the faith! Praying daily.
Up farther I read that HLN is showing this site! They really are the dumbest ever! All the haters already know this site.
They just showed all the Jodi supporters who thought they were alone where to come to!
They just showed people who want to hear Jodi’s side this page to read and maybe become Jodi supporters themselves!
They thought they were being mean! So dumb.
Hey HLN JUST said Jodi told KSAZ that her attorneys told her she has NO mitigating factors for the DP. Im not stupid but what does that mean? Does that mean there is no way she can get DP?
She told that during her after verdict interview.I was like wtf???
No that means the little alien gets it see link below will survive not that is why she went on the new that is what she was told her lawyers dont have anything to off at the table of abusive JM KN Judge Pickles and the KKK clan what did you expect I want her to sand up and scream its not fair but she did not she held her dignity and did what she did
No, sorry it means she didn’t experience anything in childhood or live that would made the jury have mercy on her.
*life-not live. Dang auto texting!!
Thats good Mel here to doing the same http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POXSKhpvd90 I Will Survive
I hope HLN saw every comment I ever made. My directv is down and now I’m watching Netflix and I feel so FREE!! No accidentally coming across the hate brigade led by Disgrace Face! Now I am going to expend my energy thinking positive thoughts for Jodi despite this ‘premeditated verdict’. I think Sil came up with that and it’s worth quoting. Out damned spots, I say, to the stains on our society. You know who you are!!!
OMG!!!!! ALV just called me back! I left her a message saying she had a lot of support and this long message and she must have caller ID in her office and she just called me back! She doesn’t do facebook or anything online.
I told her all about this website and she told me to give you guys a message to thank you so much for your support of her and Jodi and she passed the info on to Jodi’s lawyers so they’ll tell Jodi!!!!!!!!!
I feel like I just talked to a celebrity!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She said there are 2 petitions we can sign for her on change.org for her. So I think you can go on that website and look up her name.
Wow! If she reads here, I just want her to know how incredibly validating her testimony was for me and I am sure for so many other abused women who heard her. I will be sure to sign the petitions. I am also buying the newest edition of her book, which is also something we can do to support her. It is also something I just need to do to keep supporting myself, frankly! She is an incredibly strong, steady woman, and a role model for many of us.
OMG – thanks for sharing that, Danielle! I’m so happy she called you back! Thank you for sharing the message for her and Jodi – that is exciting. Let’s keep up the good fight and Keep the Faith!
Now that she has the site name maybe she’ll read it! 🙂
That’s so cool Danielle!
I think Alyce is awesome. She is very experienced and knowledgeable, regardless of what the brainless assholes think.
Alyce is the pioneer in her field, as well as a humanitarian for women and men alike . . it would have been all I could do to keep from standing in the galley applauding her during her testimony.
o…m….g… I think Im gonna cry!!! ALV,we do love you and are grateful to you and everything you have done for our Jodi!!!
I so want Jodi to know there are tons of people out there supporting her and having created a home here!!
Hey Miss Maria 🙂
Hey you! I’ve missed you,(((((((Bystander)))))))))))
I’ve been super busy – but, been thinking of everyone. Got a heavy heart…………….
Same here…
Thank you for doing that and sharing it with us.
That’s so awesome, Danielle! Alyce has done so much GOOD for domestic violence survivors. She is a wonderful woman.
I hope she gets on here and reads. She said she doesn’t get on bc the internet is so negative, but now she knows the site so maybe she’ll read one day! She said she’d mention the site to Miss Willmont too so she’ll tell Jodi (But I think Jodi knows about this page)! If she tells them today they’ll get all of our positive energy for tomorrow!
By the way. I was a dork. I said OMG 3-4 times before I made a complete sentence. LOL.
WOW. What an honor to have her call you back. I think I would have been speechless. I’m going to look for the petitions now.
OMG Danielle!! That is awesome. I hope she knows how much we love her too!! I know I do!
Llke! Thank you for sharing
So, she doesn’t have a twitter??? Is it a fake her!?
OMG, that is awesome!
We love you, Alyce, and we’re behind you all the way!
We love you Alyce! Thank you for all the work you’ve done regarding DV! Your testimony was excellent and you handled yourself in a very educated way with much class. Kudos to you!
That is so cool that she called you back. This poor woman was crucified and bullied and harrassed all b/c she dared to be honest about Travis’ abuse. I’m glad that she is hearing that people actually do support her and her testimony.
I’ve obviously missed a whole lot of excitement here today and now have no idea what is going on. Is there anyone willing to catch me up, or do I dare to slog my way through the 800 odd posts and try to figure it out? I can see I’m locked out; a clue. If anyone can catch me up in haiku form, there is a special prize.
freshair ~~ alot of venting & love 4 Jodi…that
s all i remember
haiku FreshAirBreather does that word mean Hawaii
A haiku is a short Japanese poem with the form of just 17 syllables: 5, 7, 5. For example:
Jodi Arias
Jose Martinez wins twelve
Justice sheds a tear
thanks for the update
Fresh…we’re talking about everything today. No specific topic really, but mostly we are sending very polite subliminal messages to all the haters. i.e.
you know we’re being real subtle and all that…heheh
I didn’t catch that?! LOL
Troll stole the password
Supporters are now fuming
Justice will win out
Kudos! Nice one, joujoubaby!
☆○”There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” Elie Wiesel○4Jodi,,Goodnite team,,once more i try to make myself go get ready 4 bed
Good night. See you tomorrow …
This is the petition is support ALV
This is the petition for ALV against cyber bullying
Signed the one some time ago.Just signed the other one too and shared them both!!!!
thank you
Woot! Thank you, Danielle!
Thanks Danielle,,,,signed both
Signed both! Thank you!
I signed both.
Danielle I think it is wonderful that you called Alyce and I am not at all surprised that she called you back. She is one classy lady, and so are you. I do hope our support helps to counter what she has been going through in the past few months. For someone who has helped so many people for all these years to have been treated so shabbily makes me very sad.
Thank you! I felt like I was being creepy at first LOL. I was like, am I going too far? But now I’m glad I did it even though I was a dork on the phone.
Thank you so much for standing up for her.
Thank you Danielle. Just signed both.
Good evening everyone – had a busy, busy weekend on vacation and am trying to catch back-up with things. I see alot has been happening the last few days since the verdict. I sincerely hope everyone is coping with the bogus verdict a little better than when it was read in open court. I’ve been thinking and praying for Jodie and her family and yes, even TA’s family. Unfortunately, I think the worse days are still to come. The penalty Phase will be horrible on the families and Jodie.
nice to “see” you!
I was just on change.org checking this out because Occupy HLN posted a link about it to youtube that has been removed. This is truely alarming. Travis Alexander’s Law my ass.
I remain completely dumbfounded as to the general masses total disregard for what an abuser TA actually was. The texts, emails and TA’s own smug voice tell the story with blatant truth. Wake up America and get your heads out of your asses for once. Don’t believe this biased media hype – go watch the trial from beginning to end and become educated. This man was an abuser and Jodie has been wrongfully tried in the media of public opinion.
What? People are signing this? I don’t think they read the whole thing! I don’t think they understand it they just see his picture.
ALOT of people are signing it. It would basically remove any hope of a defense.
Somehow I doubt many of those who sign it can actually read. That’s why I was so skeptical about all the people trashing Alyce’s book on Amazon. I have trouble believing they have actually READ a book of any kind let alone hers. Except perhaps Fun with Dick and Jane, then they likely dropped out of school lol
“Somehow I doubt many of those who sign it can actually read.”
OMG Bev…I love you!! LOLOLOL!!
Hee Hee, I can be pretty harsh when I wanna be Sil. God I love toying with these losers.
Of course they dont understand it!! They cant read anything harder then picture books.
Do they think it’s that easy to change the Constitution?I dont know how things work over there but it sure is not that easy over here!
Hey,if they succeed in their efforts lol,tell them to make sure to change the name to the Travis The PEDOPHILE&ABUSER Alexander’s Law!!!
First Maria I just have to say you’re such a sweetheart. As far as the constitution . . it just doesn’t mean much anymore unfortunately. Our constitution in true form is about 1/3 the size it’s been escalated to. If we would just go back to original form without the addenums, ordinance changes, bills of rights to name a few .. this country would get back to being the greatest in the world again, (politically speaking).
Hey cb((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))
How sad…So there´s a chance they may actually make it??Oh no…
Next thing we know they’re going to try and name a post office after him or heaven forbid, a courthouse!
Yeah well I have a Petition there To. heres the link everyone in public and the government: have Nancey Grace & others taken off air for BULLYING & MISREPISENTATION http://www.change.org/petitions/everyone-in-public-and-the-government-have-nancey-grace-others-taken-off-air-for-bullying-misrepisentation?
Hello, I am not a huge poster, I am more of a reader and I agree with everyone here about Jodi’s innocence and that she did not get a fair trial at all. I hated how JM went after the witnesses disrespecting them and yelling at them. I hated how the judge gave JM anything he wanted but denied the defense anything. It all seems very biased and one sided. I don’t get how anyone with any intelligence sees this as anything but a media with hunt and HLN reporting has fueled hatred and death wishes all over this country. It is all so very sad and appalling. I have signed the petitions on change.org supporting Ms Alyce Laviolette and I hope and pray that true justice will somehow prevail and that Jodi will get a new trial or get this conviction overturned. Thank you for this website and for showing me that there are still people in this country who really do have a heart.
Thinking of Jodi. Please Almighty, have mercy on Jodi. Take any malice from the Jurors hearts. Forgive and take care of Jodi, Amen.
Amen. I pray for this as well.
Amen, Ron! That was very sweet.
thank you Ron, Amen
Bless you Ron…Amen!!!!
Lies…Lies…and more Lies…we heard so many lies in this trial from so many people…people who kept perjuring themselves…people who kept changing up their stories with more lies…
Posted by: Real Mormon Truth
Lots of documentation, facts, people’s stories, videos…and etc….
[quote]These are the things that I knew all my life as a Mormon as did my Mormon family. We were taught not to talk about these things though. Why would the church want us to not share the truth about their church? Yes another thing wrong with the Mormon church, they refuse to look at the truth and feel they must lie for the Lord.[quote]
[quote]My parents to this day as “good Mormons” lie all the time. They were taught to lie in their church, and today they lie about everything because they feel everyone is out to persecute them. Mormons are a sad people. My only hope is that we do indeed have a forgiving God that will forgive these people for all their lies, and that Smith is in hell where he belongs. Meanwhile, enjoy the video.[quote]
good post T1111 . . you’re onto the hub of the problem. Smith did tell it that he lied about everything, he even said it was a hoax then apologized thinking he would be saved . . but they don’t want to get to that part. Because they would have to ask themselves why would a mormon prophet pray to God for absolve, instead they took it to do what they wanted, sin within their secretive confines, rape and pillage their own congregation . . out of their money . . then ask for forgiveness.
oh Good Lord . . what are they thinking? it’s one thing to sign petitions but to ask for such a law under his name, based on their conjured up, unproved guise. People will be coming out of the woodwork asking for laws in everyones names. Their thought process is child like Spanky and the Gang shit making the he man woman haters club.
OH MY GOD JVM just said “What judge stevens probably banned her from doing interviews because she couldnt get her to stop talking to networks. WHAT JANE YOU PISSED BECAUSE YOU AND EVERYONE THERE ARE SUCH CUNTS THAT JODI DIDNT AND DOESNT WANT TO GIVE YA AN INTERVIEW? Hey is it me or does anyone else think these fuckers are so pissed about this after verdict interview because Jodi interviewed with that AZ guy and not someone ANYONE from HLN . Because even JODIS MOM talked to Jean outside the Pych ward the other day not on camera or anything but the camera taped them off to the side. EVERY FIRST INTERVIEW EXCEPT the 48 hours and inside edition and this after verdict video WAS AIRED ON HLN!! Deannas first was on dr. doom, the first viewing of the tape of travis shooting guns was on JVM, The first interview with skeletor and smirks was with Beth on true TV before the trial stopped airing there and on and on!! Please everyone your thoughts!!!
Everything that comes out of JVMs bobble head is stupid. JVM couldn’t interview Jodi, Jodi’s smarter than she is :). That’s why HLN calls Jodi arrogant, no HLN you’re just sad bc Jodi is smarter than all of you! 🙂
Bingo !! Poor HLN, got their feelings hurt. Too fricking bad – boo fricking hoo!
What happened was that JVM on last Thursday morning while Travis’s brother and sisters were coming up the steps toward the front entrance of the courthouse…JVM ran over to them and asked them for a comment…each one of them shook their heads “NO” and kept walking forward…
They must have talked to the judge about JVM and her callous behavior…
The brother and the sisters has no use for the likes of HLN and JVM anymore….they got what they wanted and now they do not need the media anymore…
They all used each other to get what they wanted in their own evil twisted conniving way….
Now that the trial is over their ratings have probably gone down. Hahaha!!! Nancy Disgrace can crawl back to the hole she was in before the trial along with all the so called journalists. They’re actually acting in a Telenovela. Lol… So they think…
Seriously they’re all horrible, and need to be taken off television because they’re not real news. HLN is horrible lying network!!!
Please sign my petition
The Danielle Law
Please take Nancy Grace off of TV and keep her under house arrest forever with no contact with the outside forever
Oh darn – that’s not a real petition 🙂
LOL Danielle, it’s a real as a ta law and I would bet you would get more signatures than expected.
YES IT IS (Well kind of!) I have a Petition at change.org. heres the link everyone in public and the government: have Nancey Grace & others taken off air for BULLYING & MISREPISENTATION http://www.change.org/petitions/everyone-in-public-and-the-government-have-nancey-grace-others-taken-off-air-for-bullying-misrepisentation?
I just signed it!
OH my GOSH! You rock! I’m signing now!
thx for the link . . one thing they didn’t add about the wellbutin was it has also been suspect for causing the post partum depression resulting in some mothers killing their baby. Blame post partum but not what caused post partum. Mind altering drugs do not work the same for all people but there was a common denominator to the statistics.
Krista, please don’t take this the wrong way but I strongly advise people not to sign petitions with change.org because of privacy issues.
here is a link to the privacy information.
Oh shit, I just signed both !!!
Nice try, I’d sign it.
This article is important to read to know that the Bishop’s punishment for mormon guys who masturbate is to tie their hands to their bedframe with rope…and remember this is what Travis and Jodi did that morning on Wednesday, June 4th…Travis being groomed to be a Bishop would know this punishment with the rope…
Travis Alexander and the story below have a lot in common…
This story is about Kip Eliason…how he struggled to overcome masturbation starting at age 11 when his grandmother persuaded him to join the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS)…Kip was an intelligent and sensitive young man, perhaps too sensitive….Kip’s mother died when he was six ears old and it had a profound affect on him. At times Kip was quiet and reflective, spending hours alone in his room, and yet he was outgoing by nature. Kip was a born leader. His classmates and teachers admired him for his friendly way and all-American good looks. Kip was truthful and possessed a farm-community naiveté.
[quote]Today Kip’s story is one told more and more often in Mormon wardhouses. Behind the scenes the church and community mental-health agencies in Utah are quietly fighting a sex-related mental-health epidemic among Mormon men and women. Mental-health fallout in Utah communities has been substantial and pervasive. Utah has the highest birthrate and the largest families in America. More than 50% of all births are by teenage mothers, with seven of ten out of wedlock, and it has one of the highest divorce rates in the nation.[quote]
Read more of the full story here at this link below…
Instruction they receive comes from either The Bishop’s General Handbook or the litany of pamphlets and instructional manuals pumped out by the LDS publishing arm…the Bishop instruct the mormon guys about tying their hands to the bedframe when they can’t quit masturbating…it is a NO NO for the mormons….
Scroll down in that link above to Mormon Sex Education…paragraph 14…about tying hands to bedframe…
Travis and Jodi used rope that Wednesday, June 4th…no wonder there were ideas of tying hands to the the bedframe…it was testified earlier on in court that Travis was being groomed to be a Bishop in the mormon church…Travis would have known about tying hands to the bedframe…
Travis would already have had the rope and the knife or scissors already in his room…because he was probably following that advice for himself on the days when Jodi or some other female was not around…he himself had admitted to masturbation and dumping his load…and he being groomed to be a Bishop would know that he was supposed to tie his hands to the bedframe…
At some point in Jodi’s testimony JM kept saying something about tying your hands and feet to the bed…and Jodi said something about…no…just the hands…Jodi innocently did not know about this Bishop instruction on masturbation…but Travis did….no wonder he already had the the rope and knife or scissors easily accessible in his bedroom…
I wonder just how many times that Travis used the rope to tie his own hands when he couldn’t control his hands?
All so true T1111 . . I’ve been sooo in hopes that in this extra time away from the mayhem, Jodi has had some revelation. She’s always searched, and not always been under the “spell” .. She needs something else to surface that makes more sense.
geebee…please read this…can someone make sure that geebee reads this post…the tying of the hands with rope to the bedframe is important to add to their other things…
If I had not found the above link I would never have known that the bishop instructs this tying of the hands with rope as a punishment for mormon guys who can’t quit masturbating…
It is important because it was brought up in trial about the rope on the steps…and in the bedroom…I believe that Travis kept the rope, knife or scissors in his bedroom to punish himself…
This would explain that Jodi didn’t bring the rope, knife, or the scissors???
“This article is important to read to know that the Bishop’s punishment for Mormon guys who masturbate is to tie their hands to their bed frame with rope”
TA said on ” the sex tape” he was masturbating as soon as he awoke, then 3 to 5 times more a day, just thinking about Jodi. TA moaning on audio tape about corking 12 year old girls. It was all pretty disgusting.
12-0 premed M-1 ? …… Jodi should of been given a key to the city for killing this Monster when he attacked her.
HAve you guys been to jodis twitter pagae ? I Love her post so i read them and the replys !! OH MY GOD ! on the post were jodi asks if she should continue her art she was wondering because she has gotten so may positive words this fucking cow replyed POSITIVE WORDS………….. Crickets? So i replyied to her tweets with well you cant hear them if your head is up your ass. that means pull it out and clean your ears.! we will see if i get a response. WHY do these people reply if they hate her? I think we should all go to twitter an responed to eash of these asshole. THEy piss me off. And i HAD to respond to this Cathy Jo Taylor @cathyjotaylor 3h
Isn’t it against @twitter rules for a website to request donations?Especially when the account is being handled by some1 else? @jodiannarias
in which i responded krista walters @thesweetbee3 1h
@ChristinaCali @jodiann_arias well you cant hear them if your head is up your ass. that means pull it out and clean your ears.
Its like, these people REALLY are this stupid !! What else was I supposed to say . i couldn’t stay quite and i could let these stupid asses to continue to spread lies and hate . That would have been re enforcing a bad habit.
I agree Krista….why the fuck do they even READ it if they hate her so much???!??!?!?
WTG on your responses!! (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))
we should flood twit with alot of jodi arias tweet twits or whatever ya call it . . they’d have a hard time blowing off into mid air cause we wouldn’t man them lol .. run chicken run
I’ve been messing with a few haters on OccupyHLN the last couple of days. I just love to rile them up. It’s so easy! I just do it for sport and they don’t even realize I am just yanking their chain.
lol Bev
Janeen sorry I misspelled your name in the post above I Will Survive I think I will take a brake from here and return no more I just cant take the sadness anymore I have to endure the trial tomorrow on my Birthday and that is going to suck big time for me. Will miss you all here I never read a newspaper or books etc but sure got a lot of reading her stay strong for Jodi and I wish of my birthday wish to be that the judge sets her free because of the injustice she and JM and the family have done to her but knowing Judge Pickle Head she will be the same tomorrow someone has paid that bitch off and a lot of people have large bank account now just to convict a woman who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
I Will Survive….
In case you do take a rest and not join us tomorrow, please accept my heartfelt wishes for a magical day for your birthday.
I don’t have your email but please know I am sending you all my love.
Good bye
Krista – I thought Jodie’s twitter account had been taken down by Donovan? It’s back active now?
Yep, it’s active again now.
ok – thank you for the info.
They were just mocking Jodi on HLn bout having her twitter account active again and at the same time mocking the Constitution – how our forefathers probably didn’t mean for anyone like Jodi to enjoy her constitutional rights. What buttholes.
Its back up Should i post it here SJ OR anyone from team jodi?
I am so disturbed by Jodi’s trial. I am even more disturbed with HLN tv. This network marked Jodi guilty 24/7 from day one until now. The United States of America’s judicial system is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. I am absolutely positive that HLN tv played a huge part in Jodi’s verdict. The jurors should have been sequestered. I don’t believe for one second that every juror followed the admonition. I think that some or maybe all the jurors heard stuff about the trial, whether by accident or actively seeking it out. You know that there were some jurors who spoke with their significant other about the case, it’s human nature. I would not do it, but I am a hardcore by the book type of personality. There is almost no way that the jurors could have avoided hearing something, the case was being followed by just about every media outlet to some degree. HLN tv covered her case 24/7 for gods sake. Almost all of their hosted segments talked about her as if she had already been found guilty and rammed it down the viewers throat…..if you did not agree with them they made you feel like their was something wrong with you. The only people who did not mark her guilty from the get go and were able to be objective were Dr. Drew and Jane Vellez-Mitchell. I truly believe that if a juror was on the fence about what verdict to render, they were probably more likely to seek out information about the trial and what the news channels were saying. They probably sought guidance and with HLN tv covering the trial the way they did it would sway them to guilty of first degree murder. I have always thought it was a bad idea to let cameras into the courtroom, but I foolishly thought the media, especially the news networks, would give unbiased coverage…..boy was I wrong. If I were a lawyer I would seek a case against HLN tv for covering the Arias trial with great prejudice. Let me say that I think Jodi should have been punished for what she did, but I just feel this verdict was swayed heavily by the media since the jury was not sequestered. I think that Jodi definately has some psychiatric problems and that her relationship with Travis was the final straw to where Jodi lost it. Travis was just as guilty of their toxic relationship and I don’t believe for one second that he was the all american boyscout that the prosecution and media are portraying him to be. Jodi didn’t know if she was coming or going when it came to Travis.
O.J. Simpson goes free. Casey Anthony went free. The doctor accused of killing babies and a female patient strikes a deal for no death penalty this week….and Jodi gets first degree murder, possibly the death penalty. How is that right? The death penalty is suppose to be set aside for serial killers and the like. 100 years from now will they be killing people for speeding?
VP had a piece on his show today about Caryn Kelley, a woman in Orlando who shot her boyfriend and who just had M2 reduced to manslaughter. AZ and NV are barbaric compared to other states like CA or FL. I know most people don’t care what happened to OJ, but he was sentenced to 33 yrs by a NV jury when there was a plea offer of 2-5 from the state. Part of his appeal is that he was not aware of this plea offer. I dread what Jodi is going to be put through tomorrow.
I forgot to mention that VP barely mentioned the charge of this woman.and certainly didn’t mention the stark contrast to Jodi’s verdict.
It has been a crusade since DAY ONE on the part of the fucked up “decision makers” in that fucked up state to go at Jodi with both barrels and to basically hang her in times square.
They NEVER entertained any leniency. They NEVER thought to use actual EVIDENCE and police work. They just decided that she was dispensable.
Anyone else like to shove their foot so far up VP’s ass, that he’d taste the leather from our boots??? That guy just grates on my every freaking nerve….grrrr
I am certainly not a fan of OJ’s, but I think he got rail-roaded on this. If a plea deal was made and his attorney didn’t let him know, that is grounds for appeal. I have always thought he got away with murder, but it was not the Judges right to make a point and nail it to him on his current conviction – which I believe they did. Needless to say, it will be interesting to see how this unfolds over the next few days and weeks.
If I were OJ’s attorney I would have why the Goldmans were at the trial. If their being there wasn’t a sign of a set-up I don’t know what isn’t.
Thank YOU Duke!!
My opinion exactly!!
Were they there at this one today?
Aly, I didn’t get to see the hearing today so I don’t know if the money-grubbers—–who also were estranged from their son—- were there or not. Sorry 🙁 Although they were probably lurking in the courtroom somewhere.
He passed the lie detector test…it was his son who failed…
Someone wrote a book about OJ’s son Jason being the one who did the killing.
Supposedly he was upset with Nicole that day, had a bad temper, prone to violence, and OJ did what he did to protect his son from being arrested. I thought about reading the book as it made me curious.
Here’s a link about the book.
Its an interesting read.
Here’s a link to another article about Jason.
I can’t stand him either, but I agree that this verdict was harsher than necessary and was payback for him being acquitted on murder charges.
you are right…and the Goldman’s should have gone after his son…and alas the son didn’t have any money…so they went after OJ…he was guilty of physically abusing his wife many times…he had a nasty temper…but he didn’t murder her…
That’s what I believe and I watched and taped the whole trial.
The news put on a different lie about it everyday and I had the tape from the trial to go back and prove it to myself.
I don’t know why I got so wrapped up in that trial, I wasn’t watchig it because it was OJ.
The jury was sequestered, no TV, no paper, just the hotel to stay in until it was over.
When they would send the jurors out to talk to everyone in the whole world could hear what was happening and they couldn’t, like the mob guy.
Here’s the one that really got me. When he tried on the glove and it didn’t fit, the glove expert was actually sitting on the stand stretching the glove. I ouln’t believe that.
Two people that walked in front of the apt that night, the prosecutor didn’t call because it would help OJ. Of course that was trial by media too.
I do believe they fought and yelled at each other, a very bad pattern for a marriage, But they never proved that he murdered her.
For laughs if there could be at all was when Johnny Cochran put on the cap in the closing.
Now when they show that, it still cracks me up.
I miss him!
OJ’s entire house was furnished in white—carpet ,chairs, etc.,—-where was any blood found several small drops on a sock—–which wasn’t even worn by OJ (Dr. Lee proved that by showing that the blood-stain matched perfectly on both sides of the sock! Ergo, Nobody’s foot could have been in the sock! OJ—not guilty!) BTW, I’m not an OJ fan either 🙂
A friend told me a couple of weeks ago that Caryn Kelley might be the next case televised by HLN but if her charge has been reduced to manslaughter perhaps they’ll look for someone else. I expect they prefer the DP cases. Maybe Martinez’s case against the cop who killed a man & his dog. It’s starts in July, I think.
coldcase –
I think the DP cases probably make them (media) more money.
The sick fucks out there love chanting crazy shit like, “Give her the needle! Make her pay!”
And in reality, they really have no idea why they’re chanting this shit.
I guess its because they’re empty inside or because some media station told them to.
Bunch of numb skull fucks.
I cant even imagine being in that crowd.
Makes me realize how truly perfect this site is for me, for us, or our team.
It is for me to M,
I don’t lnow what I would have done without finding it.
The people here are GREAT!
This trial with Jodi was the most sensational because of sex and pictures, all private things that most couples want to keep that way.
So much of it, I didn’t believe they even had to show. Like Alyce said she didn’t know how Jodi could cope with that kind of BS.
All of the talking heads that thought somethings were just so shocking to watch, I’M sure that THEY have some that they wouldn’t want the world to see.
HLN has no shame! Yhey disgust me.
George Zimmerman is next, but I don’t know how long that trial will last.
We’ll see. The HLN Hezbollah pretty much has him convicted already.
It seems they have a lot to choose from lately. I fear they may cause a riot with Zimmerman case and then we have Castro in Cleveland for NG and company to get a hate on for. I will never watch a trial from AZ with JM again thats for certain.
I just hope that a judge has sense enough to see how much of a miscarriage—-and true mockery—- of justice that this entire trial was and do the right thing when JODI appeals the truly baseless verdict as well as whatever the sentence may be. Never have I seen such injustices heaped upon one so innocent of the supposed “crimes” that JODI has been convicted of. I sincerely hope that her attorneys —whoever they may be— are able to get her appeals to the forefront as soon as possible. She has suffered enough because of TA , the TA Taliban, HLN, the lying jurors and pros “witnesses”, the phony Alexanders and the greed, and most of all Satan’s imp……..Juan Martinez! HUGE HUGS FOR JODI:)
Hi everyone,
I’m a little behind on reading posts, but here are some thoughts for all those who’ve said that they’d like to take positive action, but don’t know what to do:
1 Tomorrow, write a postcard to Jodi — who I read here is now out of the psych hospital — assuring her of your love and support and urging her to stay strong for the appeals process. This week may prove to be a low for her, but her situation may very well improve a lot from here.
2 Eventually, there is likely to be a campaign for funds to pay for lengthy appeals. Every dollar you save today can probably be put to good use later on. Start saving! That alone is a positive action.
3 At some point, the appeals may need to document the fantastic scope of the internet hatred of Jodi and of the intimidation of her lawyers and witnesses. If you have accessed a hater site, please make a record of its address. Though I don’t know this, it wouldn’t surprise me if all of them could be recovered under court order even after they’re publicly taken down, as long as we have the addresses. It would be useful if someone on this site would volunteer to keep a master list of all hater sites for future reference. Best of all would be a record of sites where actual threats were made.
4 This week I will be drafting my letter to Alan Dershowitz, describing the main reasons that I feel Jodi’s trial was a sickening travesty of criminal procedure. Then I’ll invite AI, AA, and others who know something about law to comment on my list of reasons. Afterward, I’ll write to other criminal-law professors whom I know to get recommendations of other powerful appellate lawyers, to forward to the DT.
Keep up your spirits, everyone! Now and the foreseeable future is a time for action, not despair.
Good idea. Who is willing to compile a list? We need to get the facebook sites and hater websites.
How many of these hater sites would you estimate are out there? There’s gotta be dozens upon dozens, wouldn’t you say? They seem to be everywhere.
There is a LOT of material about Alyce on the Amazon site. I have some screen shots from a few weeks ago. They flooded that woman with negative reviews. Truly hateful stuff. If any of you go there, you can right click on the user name of the commentator and it will give you the option to save their amazon customer link…I have a lot of those saved. You can also do that on Facebook. If you right click on their link…at the very top of your browser you will find their Facebook email address or specific ID. I don’t do facebook much but I did take some screenshots.
Just look at all this crap! 🙁
I think Eli would be good at that. He had posted many times he willing to help.
Inconvenient Truths on FB has volumes of sites and vile messages from vile haters. I am hopeful that all the supporters from all the sites will come together and compile all the information everyone has.
That is a great idea TR!
BeeCee- We need to add occupy HLN to the list. I just keep thinking if every one of the brilliant people that are supporting Jodi could get together, share their information, and make a plan, her appeal will be “in the bag”. I think enough investigating has been done to give a darn good start to any private investigator and appeal attorney. Wish I had the money to fly everyone to one place to hold one kick ass meeting.
yeah, me too TR. I keep trying to win the lottery but it hasn’t worked and damn it real life gets in the way sometimes!
I would be interested on seeing how many we’re gonna miss once they find out and crash while we’re compiling. It’s an outstanding idea, we just have to find a way to get it rollin and secured.
Oh Thank GOD! I have been waiting for your post, chris!!
I am ready to donate money and time so let me know if you need anything. Right now I am working on a letter writing campaign, but I am not done developing it yet. I am trying to get everyone involved because I know all of us want to be able to do something tangible.
Again, thank you so much!
As long as Jodi stays alive — my main worry at this point — I believe there will be many “tangible” things that we can all do to help her. Right now, we may have to resign ourselves to playing the long game, as they say in politics. The wheels of justice grind exceeding slow. But that gives us time to design effective action, if we have the will to do so.
Yes, chris…I agree. That’s why I’m not worried about the aggravation phase. I don’t think this jury will show mercy… I’m just trying to get through it so we can go to the next step.
I like the way you think 🙂 Now that everyone has vented, it’s time to get down to action. I’m saving my pennies as we speak!
I have postcards I’m trying to send them all the time. I’m there so often the guy there knows me now. Since they have to be metered not stamped I have to go in. If you can’t find postcards there are places to order them online. I order them from zazzle.com.
I’m sending out my postcards today. I am willing to danote what I can. And I am also willing to track down hater sites. Maybe we should keep the list stored on a machine not connected to the internet.
Watched two minutes of dr spew on HLN and wanted to vomit (why do I think they will ever change?) and switched Teen Mom 2 (just surfin) and there is dr spew again! WTF? Is he stalking ME? I can’t get away from this nasty tool. He’s counseling the teens on bullying and he’s the biggest bully! Hypocrite!
That Motherfu*@er shouldn’t be counseling anybody for any reason. Five people have died who were on his Celebrity Rehab show. Some rehab! Nice going, Dr. Douche. This guy has no business being on tv. He’s a disgrace to the profession.
Oh, he just turns me off completely.
Every time there’s anything he says I change chanels fast.
He is a disgrace to the profession.
They should remove Dr. from in front of his name because he’s
a far cry from being help to those who really need it.
Change the name of the show to I Am A Joke.
Dr. Drew is an expert on whatever channel wants him to be an expert in. Ouch, that was snarky, but I used to like him and he let me down.
Just saw that Juror 8 is going to do an interview tomorrow with HLN. I knew it wouldn’t be long till they started cashing in…
Yes, I hope they all put their big fat feet in their mouths and let the cat out of the bag about what media they saw during the trial.
My old office manager used to say “give them enough rope and let them hang themselves”.
She was an idiot – but that was a good quote 🙂
Rachel –
Makes it even more obvious that they were going to go with 1st Degree from the get go.
They knew there would be nothing to cash in on if they found Jodi guilty of anything less.
Surely Juror #8 has been warned at this point (by Flores or Martinez).
They wouldnt want him to cause their facade to come crumbling down.
He’s already said too much for them.
Fucking cover up if I’ve ever seen such a thing.
Yeah, Mr. Drunk Driver will be so credible. He should quit while he’s ahead and keep his mouth shut.
So true Kira.
At this point anything he says will have been so watered down by the hand written scripts he’s been given from Martinez’s office his answers to questions probably wont even make any sense.
Wait until he starts saying, “Cannot compute, try again later.”
I’m slightly shocked that it’s him, nor Juror #5 first. She must be afraid … off what, i don’t know.
Dismissed, Mr DUI, Juror #8 is said to be appearing on Dr. Spew tomorrow night. Yea, keep talking Juror #8 and tell us all EXACTLY what you jurors were looking at on your Iphones, Ipads, etc. during the trial………..please, keep right on talking!!!
It’s insane that the judge allowed them to have tablets! Insane!
Other states wouldn’t allow it in a case like this.
I read that the judge has issued MCSO with an order not to allow media interviews to Jodi.
Insane beyond words !! Most other States would have sequestered the damn jury, for gosh sakes. But what does Judge Stephens do – let them run free and even use electronic devices DURING the triail in the jury room !! **Shaking my head**
Bystander….the judge didn’t ask the damn question correctly…she asked them if they watched television…she didn’t ask them if they were watching anything on their ipads, iphones, and etc…
It’s all about the wording of the question asked…
OMG….didn’t it just come out today that Jodi will not be allowed to do any interviews until the trial in all aspects are completed. Shouldn’t this go for the jury!!!! DUI should not release him to say whatever he wants to say. I pray he will implicate the whole jury with this freaking interview!
Mel, I do hope and pray that he talks and talks and talks until he slips up and tells the truth about what went on behind closed doors.
Oh, please juror #8…Open your big fat drunk mouth and give us a miracle!! lol
I hope he’s drunk when he appears!
Chris, your suggestions are something positive that people can do. I have already written a couple of letters and e-mailed them off. I am not sure I will watch Jodi’s trial tomorrow as I agree with a couple of people who have stated they are already depressed about the outcome and the constant media circus that continues. As the Stomach Turns. It won’t do Jodi any good if we are too depressed to do anything positive. I think it is a great idea to document or take screen shots of some of the sites that have been so prejudical and hateful so that if there is an appeal based on the poor excuse for a trial, then there will be some back up.
Judy I agree with you. I don’t think I will watch tomorrow because it really won’t matter in the long run. the corruption will continue and we will have to take the fight for a longer haul.
The trial, the prosecution, and the judge were all a joke and very shameful for me as an american.
Hello everyone. Playing catchup on comments. And waiting for tomorrow
I have to leave you now, peeps!
See you tomorrow. Please remember that whatever happens tomorrow, we need to stay strong. I have a feeling this jury will show no mercy…but that is okay. All that means is that hopefully after tomorrow, we can forget about this jury and this judge and concentrate on helping Jodi with fresh determination.
Good Night! <3
Buenas Noches mi amiga!:-)
Have a good night. I’m thinking the same thing, get past tomorrow & move forward to more productive measures of support. Thanks, Chris
Oh here we go again….. now HLN has posted Travis’s memorial service, where everyone is talking such good things about him…… just in time for tomorrow…. why does this not surprise me?
And this is NG fiancee’s memorial…[quote]Their engagement was a sweetly adored secret that only Keith’s sister, Judy, knew about.[quote]
I have often wondered over the years how she makes such a huge deal about their engagement and how she is a victim of his crime…yet her engagement was a secret no one knew about except his sister…and she wasn’t event at the crime scene when the crime took place…
I bet she barely knew him; they probably went on one or two dates.
Omfg Kira.
I am rolling.
backseat one night stand lol
LMAO! wham bam thank you ma’am type thing huh 😀
peeps, I realize that I am the paranoid conspiracy theorist…(well, actually I am Kmiller’s backup since our days of reptilian discussions)
I strongly advise you all not to sign any change.org petitions relating to Jodi unless it is one that is trusted by SJ.
here is a link to the privacy information. http://www.change.org/about/privacy
I really don’t think that is the best place to use our energy, but that is just my opinion only.
BeeCee, I am so glad you posted that. I hate to doubt everyone, but I am one of the ones who friended Kavonna Arias on FB and feel like such a fool. When I went to FB after having read SJ’s admonition, I found that her FB page was already down. Nevertheless, I am hesitant to sign anything or friend anyone on FB other than those of you on here who I have found to be on the up and up. So sad to be this way, but really….
Another thing, I too am a conspiracy theorist. There have been too many things in this trial that have made me know that I have earned that title!!!!!
I don’t have a facebook page. I know crazy, right? But, I won’t even click FB links after what everyone here has been through.
I have one, Danielle. But, I’m scared of loonie tunes.
when I asked them to identify themselves with detail they didn’t answer . . an admin I would think would make it a computer generated responder . . should I have received a msg, it was lined up to ask for the bank holding funds in trust opened by a family member . . the banks number to call and verify ..SJ verified they were fake Guessing ppl way ahead getting some of the bs nailed down and since they were asking for money under false pretense, that’s a crime. FB needs to investigate.
I agree. Just posted to you in above link. I think it’s time to share resources and get the real ball rolling.
BeeCee –
I can be a bit of a conspiracy theorist too, but have had up and down moments during this trial concerning the intruder type idea.
However, I always welcome yours, TruthSeekers, KMillers, and many others ideas revolving around this concept because there are truly moments where I think you all may be onto something!
There are just too many things you all point out that are completely logical and explain things that are unexplained at this point.
Thanks for the link and information; its much appreciated.
And keep conspiring; how else are we all supposed to get to the bottom of this without the forward thinking?
YOU GO My fellow conspiracy theorist!! I got your back too!!
Jodi doesn’t do autografts because.. if u sign something…people can write anything they want above your name & make it appear….U wrote or signed 4 it
that is some wise advice..
Why must HLN try to rehabilitate this Bastard?
Can’t they just say, “He was a no good piece of shit and the world is a better place now but he didn’t deserve to die.”
Snort! But yeah why can’t they just say that? The injustice of this all is killing me. I’m so upset about tomorrow and feel so helpless. Witch hunt is an understatement. They should all be thanking Jodi for their ratings and the money they at making off of her. I’d like to know of any outhouse HLN’rs have donated money to The TA fund. Phhht! Probably not!
Sorry for the typos. Damn autocorrect!
Chris – Thank you for giving some direction! I’m grateful to all of you who know about the law! I’m grateful for all of you really :)! I wish I could help in the law part, but I was a biology major :). Really the law and cops scare me. If a cop is driving behind me I feel like I’m doing something wrong LOL. With this trial the law scares me more.
I just looked at the autopsy report again and on bottom of 1st page Dr. Change my Testimony lists the Cause of Death as “sharp force trauma of neck and torso” which would indicate that he considered the gunshot wound to be less fatal if fatal at all. I used to transcripe autopsy reports and the typo thing is an impossibility. The one thing I wish the Defence would have done is to have a pathologist review the slides of the brain to check this guy’s story out. I guess it doesn’t make any difference at this point.
You are right Carol…there is so much that they could have done…but they didn’t do…and it is too late at this point…but hopefully if there is an appeal that they can get all the missing information into the court to be heard…
I agree Carol and it seems to me at one point he stated he didn’t know for sure whether the gun shot came first or last and it really didn’t matter. It was the sharp force trauma of neck and torso that killed him.
I recall that being said in ME’s first testimony and wondered why it wasn’t brought up in more detail by defense and then they should have asked for his entire testimony to be thrown out. I hope this helps the appeals process.
I haven’t watched HLN since there hasn’t been any court bc they get me all fired up. I actually called Dr. Drew’s show like 5-6 times and got through but they wouldn’t let me on air. I think it was bc I am pro Jodi. I held on forever and someone would pick up the phone and be like what’s your comment and I would start talking and they’d be like okay and click went the phone. I would get so mad that if I wasn’t in love with my phone I would have thrown it into the wall.
Danielle, that happened to me one time when I called NG. When I began to speak to the point that they knew my side, I was cut off immediately.
I emailed too. I hate being ignored LOL. All I kept thinking is how can I get to Dr. Douche to let him know I think he’s a Douche? LOL. Like he’s going to care.
Do the bait and switch….tell the initial screeners that you’re a Travis supporter, then when you get on the air, start talking about how you support Jodi. LOL.
I tried to answer one of their surveys on whether I thought Jodi was guilty of M1 and it gave me a message back I couldn’t participate but the other day they had one about the mothers and it let me. Everything about them is corrupt and evil.
i was someplace this afternoon that had Hate Lovers Network on. I was surprised to see that stupid Ryan and grinning Joey Jackson, with his stupid grin he always has plastered on his face going on and on and on and on about Jodi with the same glee he had during trial.
It crossed my mind these fools will still be yammering about Jodi when she’s 60 years old!
These grown men look like such assholes!
Wow, interesting, so they really are only presenting a one-side view. I suspected, but didn’t know that for sure. Thanks for sharing.
Yes AA,
The theme for the rest of the day was to continue with the rest of the taking pie holes and their one sided spew.
And they were patting the family’s back in how they’ve been so amazing in how they’ve been so composed thru all of this and were commenting how difficult it would be for the poor family tomorrow.
More of the same old same.
They were sure Jodi will continue to lie to the family if she speaks to them as thats all she’d done all along bla bla bla bla…..
Soooooo tiresome from them! I guess they’ve never told a lie in their life … ha! I can’t wait until the glass houses they all reside in shatters into a zillion pieces.
Something has been bothering me since last week when one of my clients who is a professional said that if he was a juror he would find her guilty too…I asked him why…and he said that he couldn’t get past the injuries…that he didn’t care about anything else…he would find her guilty just on that…
I tried to explain all of the evidence to him…and he shook his head yes that he understood the evidence…but it still didn’t change his mind…he just couldn’t get past the injuries…
I told him that I don’t agree with him…and he understands how I feel too…we both remain friends…just two different views on the topic….
I wonder if the jurors and the haters have based their guilty verdict on the injuries rather than the evidence???…
Truth, I believe they may have. There are a lot more concrete thinkers than abstract thinkers in our society, as you well know.
I’m sure that the injuries played a role, though they shouldn’t have. Nurmi argued that if they couldn’t buy self-defense, then they should consider manslaughter where Jodi killed Travis in the heat of passion. Those wounds could certainly result from that type of altercation; they don’t indicate M1 in and of themselves.
Quite true Kira!
A link SJ posted to this one article was great.
The article specifically said that the jury was not to make their decision based on the wounds.
It doesnt matter if Travis had 1000 stab wounds or 1 stab wound, the verdict was to be based on the fact of the matter, Travis was killed, but in what manner?
Obviously the jury didnt listen or care.
No point when your verdict was pre-determined.
Fuck, I bet the foreman already had the damn verdict paper/annoucement filled out on Day 1.
I think that may be the case too. I was talking about it with my soon-to-be-inlaws today, and that’s how they said a lot of people felt. They couldn’t get past the injuries.
Yeah but wouldn’t the injuries make a reasonable person want to know what ‘really’ happened – especially when the perp had never, ever done anything like that before? And in ALL the texts, emails, etc. I saw not ONE bad word come from Jodi, only abuse from the pedophile. That made me think about the wounds in a whole different light. (But then again it may be different for those who have been abused, and if that’s the case they should have tried harder to understand.)
All they have to do is watch the Investigative Discovery channel for a day or two for a simple explanation of over kill. But my best friend and sister don’t get it either. So I don’t really talk to them about it. They are like you shouldn’t kill people. I said if someone tried to kill me I’d defend myself even if it meant killing them. They said they don’t think it was self defense. I said to them something happened in that house. She did not premeditate that killing. If someone kept abusing me and I couldn’t take it anymore and I snapped and felt like this time he may really kill me there’s no telling what I’d do. No people shouldn’t randomly kill people. But life isn’t that simple.
Oh in the end we agreed to disagree and I hoped none of us were ever in that situation.
Not only that but don’t they think something is up when a mild-mannered girl, who never hurt anyone in the past, all the sudden shoots and stabs someone? That made me think. At first I was like, Wow! She’s crazy! But then logically I thought, okay, nobody does that; just goes crazy and kills someone in that way. I knew there had to be more to the story. It was their insanity and JM’s psychotic episodes that brought me to this site. Life is NOT black and white and people need to wake up and see that. Our justice system is fucked right now. This needs to stop.
How did JM end his closing…she slaughtered him. For some people that is enough. For us we want to understand or try to discover “the why”
I don’t understand those people bc I feel like part of the defense is why. That’s why the cops investigate. Who, what, when, why, where, how? There’s a big difference if you killed someone bc they were trying to kill you or if you were bored on a Saturday night. Ugg. My brain is working too hard. I can’t stop thinking about this.
For me the hardest thing for me when I’m called to jury duty is to go with the mind set this person is innocent. I think it human nature for one to think they(law enforcement) must have some kind of proof this person did this deed or we wouldn’t be here. After I’m there for a few minutes, I become a blank slate, able to listen with a fair and open mind. I’m glad I learned at a young age the world we live in isn’t fair and it not black & white, it is as grey as hell.
Yes they have heard 29 stab wounds slitting of the throat and gun shot wound. What they failed to realize is that all the injuries were a result of a struggle where she was terrified. Fear can make any animal, including humans act in crazy ways. She ran away from him and he kept coming after her over and over. And he was probably enraged after the shot.
Yeah, that was the talking point ad nauseum: 29 stab wounds, slit throat, and shot.
She’s so smart and if she had a plan she had a million chances to kill him easily. If this was premeditated it was a dumb plan and Jodi is not a dumb woman.
I gotta tell ya, your names for some of the actors in this production are fantastic. I particularly like
“Dr. Change my testimony” for Dr. Horne; and” Dr. Douche” for Dr. Drew. At least these gave me a
chance to smile a little in an otherwise depressing state of affairs.
Thank you to SJ and the administrators for giving us this site and keeping it safe and protecting us!
I say I’m signing off and going to bed. But I never can tell LOL
TEAM JODI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have no problem with Jodi’s interview. You have to remember Jodi has been inprisoned for 4 1/2 years. She gave the interview just minutes after she was convicted of premeditated murder. I can’t imagine the duress she must have been under.
Wait, I do have a problem. She asked that the death penalty be carried out sooner than later, that, I do have a problem with. She will change her mind if given a little time. The interview was unfair in that it was too soon after the verdict. She made that statement and you could tell she was extremely emotional undeneath. Who wouldn’t have been?
I have no hate for the Alexanders, but Jodi Arias was just a young woman who stood up for herself.
Good evening,
Took a short break from the site, and actually all news about the trial. I feel like I keep dreaming that day the verdict came down. It’s a sick and sad feeling, and still feels almost untrue. I visited family over the weekend for Mothers day and tried my best NOT to get in a fight with anyone about this, but didn’t succeed.
I tried to start off being polite, and after about 15 minutes of badgering, (I felt like JM was alive and well in my parent’s living room) I first tried to explain my feelings, and why I thought the verdict was unfair…and BAM. Not only was I laughed at (which pissed me off royally as I was being fair and not rude) but then my smartass half sister got down right nasty…just making shitty comments about Jodi, her attitude, her lies, all the routine stuff that has nothing to do with the charges. I was trying SO hard to be calm and just ask her questions about why she felt like she does, and what she thought of the entire trial, etc, and all I got was bullshit and media hype lingo. I told her she didn’t have a brain in her head and then I brought up her abusive ex, I really didn’t want to but I was pissed and she was rude to me too, she got real quiet, then upset…and yepp….as usual, I was the BAD guy. I do feel bad for some of the stuff I said, but all in all, she got shitty first. My dad and brother gave me some grief about getting personal, then told me to stop being the “instigator” at family get togethers. UGHH. Everything is fine of you agree with everyone, but if you don’t, you are crazy, trying to start shit, this always happens to me. I finally did get to ask my sister if she even followed ANY of the trial, or knew any history behind it, and she had to admit that she didn’t, she just caught “pieces on tv….wtf? I am done talking to people whose knowledge of the case is nothing more than a few episodes of NG or JVM or those dumbass mock trials. How can you judge a case, a person….this important, based on a slanted sensational TV channel?
I’m just sick of it. One of my friends who also did NOT follow anything at all, just “pieces” sent me an email and after talking about regular routine stuff, ended it with this little gem,
“So, did they hang that psycho bitch yet”? WTF!? so, this is a friend, but I still sent a shitty email back, she sent me one apologizing, and it ended there. But really, it doesn’t end there, because IMHO, that is exactly what the mentality is out there, nasty, snarky, mean comments, based on people who either heard things, (from someone else who knows little) or just saw parts of the trial or the bullshit that HLN did all the way thru. I have to keep remembering that this is how many people think, and they do this with many trials, many events, both criminal, political, etc…they just do NOT take the time to look into things, to open their minds and see the whole story, they just watch a clip on tv and say, “yepp, I agree”. It’s like the horrible fake political ads that run all thru election season, spouting nonsense about the other guy, and using fear mongering for your vote. This is SO similar, but here, we have a person, a woman who could lose her LIFE! This isn’t about an election, this isn’t a game, this is REAL.
(Btw, this is where my sister and I got really ugly, she suddenly brought up the Boston bomber and wanted to know if I thought he was a good guy or some asinine bullshit) but it just amazes me that this is like a movie to some people.
Soon, after this phase of the trial is over, and the vampires have their blood, they will quickly turn to the next big trial, pick a side, and go to work. It’s a sad reality. They will forget about Jodi, maybe mention the trial a few times before they fully bury it, and likely, other than a few snide comments, or worse, jokes, move on.
I don’t know what will happen, this whole aggravating factor and mitigating phase….I feel so worn out and sad, and I just don’t know what to expect. I watched her interview after the verdict, and had mixed feelings…initially I thought, “Oh shit Jodi please don’t talk anymore, just be quiet til the next phase. ”
I felt that way for several days, for many reasons, (mainly I bet JM uses it in the rebuttal phase of this) After a few days, I started thinking, “why not”? She said what was on her mind, how she felt about the case, the trial, JM, TA, and her attorneys. The attorney part is very likely strategic, and even if they are pissed at her, (I’m sure they are) it is her decision, and she is very likely considering her options right now. She is bright, she was there, she knew she had a chance of getting this M1 conviction. By saying what she did about her attorneys, she may be setting up an appeal based on ineffective counsel. Time will tell. I have heard both sides of the interview debate, and in all honestly, I believe I would want to say something afterwards to, if it were me. She knows she might not have another chance to talk, unless she chooses to in the penalty phase, (I think she will) So why not just let it out?
Anyway, I hope everyone is doing ok, I see tons of people I don’t know, and hope that is not a bad sign. I know there is alot of hate and alot of “told ya so” shit out there.
Hi Anna, sorry your Mothers day was a fiascal but glad to see instead of cowling and let step sister have her way you stood your ground. Same with the friend. I was in lowes talking with my friend while a floor person was looking up some things for me, overheard my conversation and kinda butted in . . I told him my point of view and he dismissed himself asking another floor person to help me. My friend was on his heels saying, you’re a minister aren’t ya, you believe in your shit, go on preacherman, I’m all to familiar with my friends life and his rants disturb and scare me but he’s right most of the time. He wanted to file a complaint but we walked past him and just said shame on you, eye to eye and let him think we were going to management.
Good to see you Anna! Welcome back my lady.:-)
Ho Tony! Thank you…nice to “see” you too!
Well I’m glad you’re back Ms Ryan.:-) Sorry to hear you had a tough time with your family too. Standing up for what you believe is right is a positive thing even if you come out on the losing end.
Quote from Grey’s Anatomy,
“Its easier to have compassion for a good person than a murderer”
It’s harder to look into someone accused of something bad and try to see the good or even reason with that individual’s circumstance.
Good quote. I think people are wired differently, I really do. I know so many people who look at someone who did wrong, and see nothing. They assume that the act of the wrongdoing is ALL that person is, nothing more. Like, for example, go to a prison, and you will see some evil, some very bad people, some not bad at all, and some who are mentally ill. (they shouldn’t be there but it is all too common) and behind every face, there is still a person. A story. This will really make me sound cuckoo, but oh well. I am an animal advocate. Have been for years. The dogs I have rescued are always the ones no one wants, something isn’t cute about them, or they have a bad attitude in the shelter, either shy, fearful, aggressive, something that makes everyone walk by and ignore them. Some (many) have been abused, you can see it on their bodies and in their eyes. Horrible abuse, set on fire, shot at, broken limbs, unbelievable. Some of these dogs are too afraid to even come to the gate, some will come slowly, but bare teeth and act aggressive. Some just shake. I take the worst ones to spare them from euthansia. With time, and some times a very short time, these dogs have the most loving, affectionate and sweet dispositions of any others. They were simply misunderstood, mistreated, neglected, and given up on. No one saw past their “story”. I see that look in animals eyes, and I see it in peoples eyes. It’s the look of hopelessness.
Hi Anna,
I’ve been waiting all day for you to post. Thank goodness my Mother’s Day went better than yours. I’ve had days like that with my mother and sister in law. I try to avoid the trail and politics while I’m around them. At time, you can only stand so much before you snap back. It’s like they can say all kinds of crap you don’t agree with but your suppose to sit there with your mouth shut. Lately, I just say I don’t view it that way and they get hint to change the subject. I’m sure you love your family, and if they love you they should understand this issue is important to you.
Hi Ann!
Yes, that is it exactly! They can say all kinds of crap, laughing, joking, even mean and sleazy, but I am just supposed to sit and smile and hold it all in. I try to many times for my parents sake, and it depends on my mood too, sometimes I just can’t hold back my emotions. Sometimes, I say what you said, “I don”t view it that way”, and hope no one says anything else….but alot of times, it’s me, who just can’t let things go by without saying something. I love my family alot, and this was a hard weekend anyway, as it was the anniversary of my sisters death (4 years ago) so everyone had raw nerves. I love my whole family, and they know it, and most times, it blows over and we all make up. I just need to get a thicker skin somedays.
A thicker skin comes with age. My mother is getting old and I’m not going to change her mind on the death penalty or politics. I’m sure everyone’s nerve were raw by it being the anniversary of you sister’s death. Sometimes I’ve seen our little family here nerves get raw. I just hope the site doesn’t go down tomorrow. I about died, when I could get the site to come up last Wednesday!
Yes, good point…..I will never change my dads beliefs about certain things, and I should just stop, but sometimes I can’t. We were all kinda emotional all weekend, and I am sure that played into it. I have noticed it here too, we are all just human with our own lives and issues to deal with too. I was losing it Wednesday too…..I kept trying and trying to post and was getting frantic.
Hi Anna,
I’m sorry for you also! I know how hard it is to be ganged up on and made to be the bad guy! I sucks bad!
It’s frightening how powerful media and marketing is when we see the results of their efforts in spewing so much bias. Jodi never had a chance. The only sliver of hope will be that this insane bias and media witch hunt will help her in an appeal.
Glad you’re back!
Thanks Rainy!
Yepp….I should be used to it…LOL…..been going on for many years in my family. I always seem to be the odd one out. I agree, it is frightening….mob mentality at it’s worse. It seems to get worse and worse over the years with other issues too….not just trials…but politics as well. Something has to change, it’s a scary world.
Thanks cb,
Yeah…..I am kinda the “black sheep” in my family, but mainly because I DO stand up for what I believe, even if I am the only one on that side. It has caused alot of drama in my family, and some jokes too, (about me being for the underdog) and there are times when I visit my parents will even tell me ahead of time, “Ok, this subject is off limits”……LOL. But, it can get ugly, and I am usually the one who leaves all upset and mad, and I should know by now, half of them do it to me just to have something to do. So your Lowes guy just walked off and got another salesperson? Wow….I wonder what would have happened if you told management? Probably nothing, sigh. It’s funny kinda, (not funny really) how WE are the crazy ones, the ones who do NOT want the state to kill a woman, right? Yepp…we are crazy. Seems to me, the people calling for blood, the jokes about hangings, all that shit that comes from hate, but really wants to see a person die by the hands of the state, they are sane. It’s a really sad world when we have people cheering for the death of someone, and making jokes about it as if it were a sports arena. It makes me sick to my stomach.
I want to watch tomorrow, but my whole mental state was affected, hard to explain. I think during the trial, it was so long, so much info, so many witnesses, etc….and then that verdict. After I picked my jaw up off the floor, cried, screamed, called my mom, I just got really sad. More than that, just like a smack of cold water to the face. I do not want to say I have no hope…but it’s a different feeling now, hope, but not the same. I hope I am making sense. I think it’s because the final phase is starting, all based on a verdict I feel is wrong, and yet it is still going to come down to those same 12 jurors. I have lost alot of faith, and I just don’t know what to expect. I want to think they will not possibly give her the DP, but now, after all this, I am not so sure. I know there are appeals, I know she gets an automatic one if she does get DP, it’s just so hard to even imagine. I could never ever sit on a DP jury. Never.
She’s facing an uphill battle for sure on the DP. She must truly feel all alone. I do admire Geraldo Rivera greatly for coming out against the DP for Jodi though! Nobody else has really said much.
True Tony, He did say he doesn’t think she should get the DP. He is against that. But he also said the verdict she received supported the evidence. sigh.
I’ll take a “split decision” Anna.
Split on what…I’m confused.
On Geraldo supporting the conviction but being against the DP for Jodi.
Tony and Anna,.
That is FK-ed up from Geraldo. If he truly said ” this is a DV case” then the evidence doesn’t fit the conviction. Against the DP I would hope so, if he thinks this was a DV case………. just all around shaddy media.
Thank GOD I have a enought intelligence to think for myself……….. and not give two shits about what others thinks since most of them didn’t even watch the trial……. !!!!
Total agreement Anna. It’s now become difficult to watch, in that it’s a mockery. I love her incredible bravery though, and I think she is absolutely heroic.
Yes……it is a mockery. I have watched the entire thing, and just have an incredible sadness about tomorrow. I cannot decide if I will watch or not.
Hi everyone… I just wanted to jot some thoughts. I’m tired of the people saying Jodi wasn’t abused, and she lied and manipulates us or whoever. My reasons are because, I’ve previously posted this, I had a close friend and she was married for two years and her husband would rape her when she slept. Her first sexual encounter with him she was unconscious. She was very young 22 or 23 and she didn’t know it. He bragged about it to her the next day. She loved him very much and stayed in this relationship with him for four years. He physically abused her, and he even would lock her out of their house when he’d get angry. He did it one time when she was pregnant. She N-E-V-E-R said anything because she was very embarrassed. And my friend wasn’t poor she had a good job was educated and beautiful. I didn’t find out until they separated and she filed for divorce. She confided to me he WAS VERY ABUSIVE and he’d hit her in places no one would see. She never called the police because if he got arrested he’d lose his job. No one knew she was being abused and he’d rape her.
Those people that say that Jodi lied because she didn’t tell anyone about it are wrong. Many times women don’t speak up for several reasons such as embarrassment, fear that someone will call police on their abusee and fear of the consequences for their abuser especially if their work will fire them which happens. My friend stayed with him for four years! They had a child together.
It amazes me how people have glossed over Travis’s texts and phone recording when he states he raped her. He did the same thing my friends husband did to her. It was very painful for my friend to admit this and come to terms with the abuse. People don’t know what happens behind closed doors in a household. I hope Juan Martinez, if he has a daughter, doesn’t ever go through my friends experience. He is truly ignorant and has perpetuated abuse towards women in Maricopa County. Women of Maricopa you should be afraid if you ever get in a domestic issue. Don’t think Jodi’s case is an isolated incident and more like its the norm for your district. I hope you take it into consideration when you vote your local officials to office.
So true! Domestic violence is not always known, every woman is different. Some say nothing at all, as they are ashamed and also they hope to make it stop “somehow”……or for me, (sadly) my mind got so messed up I thought I was doing something wrong, that I was a bad girlfriend. It’s amazing the mental phases you go thru. Mine were shock first, couldn’t believe it and of course, he said never again….then after awhile I just got used to it, that sounds crazy but I did. No one knew for a full year….and I had several bruises and a cut lip, and I still lied. It’s a very long story, but I was so embarrassed, and so afraid to tell someone, that it took an employoyee at my job to bring me to the point of acceptance. Meaning, this was NOT going to stop, this was NOT my fault, and I deserved better. In my situation, I found out later that several of his friends knew about it, so he must have told them. Some ignored me after that, some looked at me with sympathy, but NONE stood up for me when he was doing it, and only aftr I left did they apologize to me.
So sorry to hear that Anna. Jodi was definitely a victim of DV too! For far too long we have had a culture that has been too tolerating of DV. One could even possibly make an argument that Travis too was a victim in this scenerio. A victim of the culture that often says its okay or even cool to demean, abuse, disrespect, or denigrate women! Until we start changing attitudes about this problem in socieity this is going to keep going on for decades more to come.
I’m happy you awoke from that situation. My friend didn’t show obvious signs like bruises because he’d hit her with a belt on her torso region. When she told me what she had gone through I was shocked! He was very abusive and you’d never think it looking at him. I, personally, never really liked him but he just didn’t rub me the right way. But everyone else loved the guy. What left me floored was how he would rape her while she slept. I could never get that through my mind. I think she felt like you did where she just got used to it. I hope you find your happiness Anna. These things happen to anyone. I hope that your life is much better now. ((((Huge cyber hug)))))) lady.
And Anna a lot of times friends of abusers turn the blind eye! They know or have a feeling but don’t say anything. It happens all the time. And I hate to stereotype, please don’t get mad at me male posters, but I’ve notice males protect other male and will lie or act like they don’t know anything.
You’re right on about males protecting other males! And that’s a major problem we have in society. As far as I’m concerned, a man rasing his voice to a woman is just half a notch below raising his hands to a woman.
Just heard juror # 8 is gonna be on Dr. Poo tomorrow!!!!
I have only posted a few times but I have been here reading on this site since this trial first caught my attention (about a week in is when I started watching , went back to watch from the beginning and so I’ve watched the entire trial and followed along with this site daily) and I’ve said it already but I’ll say it again because I cannot even begin to convey to you all how very grateful I am for this site, I would of been so frustrated & just very unhappy without having this place available to me during trial and I still would be so I really hope that this place it isn’t going to become a password only site?
The only other site I’ve found that tells the truth about this whole mess is the occupy HLN page and the Inconvenient Truth Facebook page (I love how he goes after CASH Hughes …those two Hughes are so fake and I believe there is a very good chance they are the ones who set Jodi up to take the fall for what they did to Travis, whatever the case may be they are at the very least total slime balls just like their buddy TA was)
I didn’t ask for the vent page password because I didn’t feel the need (hopefully I’m not missing out on the important stuff though??) but then I read something about a mission page and whatever the mission to help Jodi is, if there is any help needed with that and it’s something that is within my ability to do, anything that would help in the mission to save Jodi I am offering my services. If that is already covered then that’s good to hear, the offer stands until Jodi is saved though…I am a single mom so I am somewhat limited in what I can do to help but I feel so bad for Jodi, what has happened to her is so unfair and I’m just honestly appalled at the way this has played out her. I see all these doctors, judges, lawyers (people who should be able to see reality but for some reason they all see Jodi as something she is not, I feel like I’m in the Twilight zone or something, it’s so weird and frightening that we live in a country where the majority are crazy irrational haters who want to see an innocent woman die like it’s a sport or something… it’s scary because it can happen to anyone at any time) on TV and I’m shocked over the hate that almost every single talking head is spewing for Jodi and no one ever brings up what a sicko liar fraud that TA was…I don’t get it…it’s frustrating and that’s why I say that if it wasn’t for this site, I don’t know what I would have done,…I probably would have been seriously considering that there might be something wrong with the way I think but because of all of you on this site I know that there are others out there like me (who are not sheep) who can think for themselves .
The majority of people seem so full of hate for someone who seems to be a very sweet and kind person and who was DEFENDING HERSELF against a “man” who I have no doubt would have killed her that day if she hadn’t of stopped him. I’m so sick of hearing on the TV how disgusted the sheep are that Jodi hasn’t apologized or shown enough remorse in their minds for killing Travis….how can they not get that she has nothing to apologize for?? She was attacked so what should she be apologizing for? Apologizing that she fought back instead of letting Travis kill her?? Jodi had no motive what so ever to kill Travis, she wasn’t obsessed with him (how can they all repeat that as if it’s a proven fact when there is ZERO proof of her stalking TA or anyone else in her past …) and she doesn’t have a history of lying (other than her changing story’s when arrested but for god sakes she was arrested for murder, I think most people would lie initially because you’re going to be terrified in that situation) while TA on the other hand lived his life lying to all the people closest to him every single day. He excelled at a career where the ones with the best ability to bullshit people are successful. Jodi on the other hand had the power to single handedly RUIN Travis’s life (by playing the phone sex recordings) by exposing him for the HUGE liar he was…what would Travis have done if he was kicked out of the church and pre-paid legal???? Those two things were his life, his whole identity (the fake identity he was acting out to everyone but anyway) was wrapped up in the church and the money he was making at the Ponzi scheme career he had. TA being a loose cannon who was abused growing up knew he was losing Jodi (he knew she was on her way to see Burns and even if he didn’t admit it to himself deep down it probably bothered him, Jodi was the only person he could be himself or somewhat himself around…he played the part of Travis the 30 year old Mormon virgin with everyone else) coupled with being rejected by Mimi Hall who wanted to go to Cancun as friends only and the fact that he had already been abusing Jodi throughout their whole relationship and the abuse was progressing ..All those things coupled with Jodi having the power to expose Travis and ruining his life if she wanted to, Id say TA has way more of a motive to kill her than she ever did him.
I want to know why he wasn’t close to any of his siblings. He had quite a few of them and not a single one of them had seen him in 4 or more years??? That’s not normal; I wonder what the reason for that is. I know quite a few big familys where some siblings are closer to certain siblings than others but TA seemed to not be close to any of his siblings, I wonder why….why wouldn’t he want his family to see how well he had done for himself? Why didn’t they come visit him and stay a few days in his nice big house with him? It’s weird I think…I mean TA had the means to go visit them yet he never did…but according to his friends he was the nicest guy in the world who wanted to help everyone blah blah blah…. Speaking of TA friends did anyone hear Chris Hughes talking about how he got TA password from the mutual webmaster they shared (ya right that’s where he got it???) and he & Sky went through all of TA’s emails reading them and YOU KNOW they were deleting the ones they didn’t feel the police should see for who knows what reason …you know they did and they should be charged with tampering with evidence. Does anyone know if there is anywhere online where we can read these letters? The emails between TA and the Hughes that the Hughes have totally lied about? From that one story about the content in those emails that ran a few weeks ago (was in an AZ newspaper I think) was enough to confirm that they are huge liars…
LOL@ Dr Poo!
Is anyone else having problems with the Vent page? It won’t let me in anymore.
Yes I think SJ changed the password. It worked this morning for me but stopped some time in the afternoon.
So it has.
The password was compromised. Evidently a hater gained access and caused all kinds of trouble. SJ is sorting it out and there will be an update. Stay tuned….and be patient. Dealing with this is not easy.
Sending SJ, good wishes while solving this and thank you for taking such good care of this site for us.
I had a feeling that’s what happened when I couldn’t get in. Thanks for letting me know. 🙂
Good to hear from you Anna, thank you everyone for your comments.
What is so hard for me is knowing that people don’t give Jodi a chance. They are so ready to convict her and take her off somewhere to be put to death. They automatically figure w/o any verifiable truth, that she is guilty.
And then the Mormon loonies, who just fall in line and support Travis like he was a saint. When all the evidence points in the opposite direction. And the Jury being so biased, they couldn’t see with no viable evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, you can’t convict someone. But in Arizona evidently it doesn’t hold true. Jodi looked so beaten after this terrible injustice. I hope that she will get life in the next phase, then have the unjust verdict overturned on appeal at the superior court level.
Believe that justice was fair until what happened to Jodi. How can the justice system be so blind not to see that Jodi’s finally actions was an ultimate act for self defense? How can this be so one-sided? The jury just sat there and tuned to the prosecution’s theory all along. It was as if they did not need to hear anyone in the courtroom totally HLN type bias. This sends a wrong message that women are not to be trusted, and are the cause of a man’s fall from grace. How can I vent with everyone here when I missed out on password? Suggestions?
Missed out on password. Any suggestions? How to vent with the gang here?
Message from SJ: so if you already have access to the password-protected Vent pages, you’ll also have access to the new page. Passwords are no longer being sent out.
Howdy FUJ . .wow alot went on while I was gone but as always good to see you
Hey Cb, how are you? Yes, it looks like a lot of shit went down today. I was gone most of the day, and just caught up a little while ago.
Bummed about that but totally understood!! Do what has to be done to make sure nothing is leaked to the trolls!!
Hello I have left a couple supportive messages here for Jodi, and also prayers her way.
Both messages were deleted..Is there something I did or did’nt do? I would like to
show my support for Jodi. Please help…..
Thank You
Meant justice for Jodi was unfair. type error.
“Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.”
Keep hope alive…
Hello all!! Just wanted to let you know I turned on HLN (puek) for a few just to make sure Jodi was okay because it seems they air every breathe Jodi takes and caught Dr Drew saying Juror #8 was going to be on his show tomorrow 5/15 night. So I thought I would share, I am thinking we should watch because he seems like one who won’t think before he speaks, he may just slip up! I am going to pray all night and day tomorrow that he slips up and tells the truth about the jurors ACTUAL activities during the trial, wouldn’t it be great if he slipped up?? I am praying!!! Love to all!
Lets hope he’s loaded and spills his guts! 🙂
Wishful thinking ladies… You know Dr. Drool will cut him off with a COMMERICAL ………. Looks like all the Mormons go to HLN for their interviews………. hmmmm.
I will still pray he “slips up” regardless of what Dr Dumbass wants him to say!!
I’d like to go back to Mother’s Day for a moment if I could….a lot of people were talking about sending Jodi’s mother well wishes for that special day, which I think was wonderful. What if it was taken a step further and continue to send her cards and thoughts of support on a daily basis. My Mom was dealing with Ovarian Cancer and since I lived in a different state and for health reasons I couldn’t join my Mom and be there with her. I decided to mail my Mom cards of support and well wishes almost every day or every other day. That meant the world to my Mom and it got to the point that she really looked forward to receiving her mail daily and see that card in the mailbox. My Mom needed that support and I mailed my Mom cards for a few months. Those cards helped my Mom through a very hard time and the continued support meant more than I ever realized when I first started to mail them. When I heard the joy and happiness in my Mom’s voice it just meant everything to me. So maybe we could do the same for Jodi’s Mom? Keep it going well into the future because she needs it not only now but also down the road. It’s just a thought….the cards meant the world to my Mom, I’m sure it would for Jodi’s Mom too, and also send cards to Jodi too. Stay strong Jodi!! Hang in there, you have sooo many supporters!!
Freedom should never be taken for granted or joked about. Its serious business. When America seeks to kill a person without evidence they put all our freedom in Jeopardy. Using the media as a weapon to brainwash Americans and tell only one side of the story is one of the most ultimate deceptions you will find today. And its morally wrong.
I have thought about this too during this trial. As much as we all feel for Jodi there are greater implications for ALL of us. Our justice system bonding as ferociously with the public, media and social media has had disastrous results in this case. Every one of us should be alarmed by the court of public opinion detering ANYONE from getting a fair and impartial jury and trial. Its like a new form of reality TV and a new game the sport of hate.
That outside noise would only be an annoyance not an actual giant hindrance to certainty on an untainted jury if the sequestration had taken place. Shame on you Arizona. This case has made me look differently at the entire justice system.
Freaks screaming from every corner — she slaughtered him etc etc so certain they know exactly what happened in vivid detail that she is a devil and on and on . How do you know what Jodi says is not true???
I wanted to scream every time I hear someone else with all the certainty in the world declare what Jodi did, intended, thinks, experienced, IS. —How do you know that you don’t! Its your opinion not any first hand knowledge or a fair look at the evidence. Who the hell are these people to not leave room for– what if I am wrong? Its like reasonable analysis no longer exists just an angry mob.
We don’t have to like a person to know that they are worthy of a fair trial as we all our worthy of the same as part of our supposed benefit of citizenship. Well nobody knows exactly what happened—-only the people who were there know the exact truth. We don’t decide verdicts or aren’t supposed to based on opinions but based on sound piecing together of what evidence is available.
I totally agree with you, I got into so many wars on Facebook with people talking crap about Jodi and every time I seen it I commented back to defend Jodi and they would comment back to me and say well Jodi wasn’t abused, or Jodi did this or that….I would get SO MAD!! Everytime I would reply, “Oh the prosecution must have missed you as an important witness since you were there?” Kind of funny because it shut them up everytime. This jury made their decision based on what the public and media wanted to hear so they wouldn’t have to deal with scrutiny after the trial like the poor jurors from the Casey Anthony trial just because they did their job based on the evidence.
One of the KEY POINTS for me in this trial is the Final question asked to Horn the ME by the JURY!! The one about the perforation of the durameter (please forgive me if there are spelling errors etc, I am not too familiar with medical terms of the brain) However Horn replied that it was a type O in his report. Even JW said “a type o? Or are you sure the durameter wasn’t damaged because the bullet didn’t injur the brain?” Then I see the first motion filed for a mistrial based on the “reported” sequence of injuries and the conflicting police reports and testimony. It seems as though the final question brought forth by the JURY resulted in Horn’s 3rd version of how it all went down? Seems to me that is reason enough for a mistrial or appeal now?? Funny how the “media” hasn’t even discussed it?? I have watched that sursur rebuttal over and over on YouTube he changed his story to match whatever slime ball Martinez wanted him to say….how is this fair?
This isn’t fair , Kara …. Just like I tell my kids nothing in life is fair. It’s a corrupt world we live in today even at the expense of a DV person getting life in prison or the DP. My heart bleeds for Jodi that a corrupt Mormom cult state convicted her and lacked the responsability to do their civil duty as jurors. You played this out in the media…… at the expense of a human life.
How the hell AZ senator has not step up to the plate over this corrupt court system is unfathomable. Even the President acknowledge the Zimmerman case, does this scream volume to anyone…. Unjust society that I am ashamed of today.
To the Arias family, please know you have support if you will allow yourself to open your eyes a little wider….. We are here to help in any way we can to see that your daughter Jodi Ann Arias get’s FREEDOM. We are the VOICE for you , your family and JODI.
Prayers to all the supporters and Arias family today………… We must move swifty, effectively, and NOW to seek justice.
Everything you said is dead on. I think back on the Casey Anthony trial. That jury came back with the only verdict they could and it was the correct one. They may not have liked her and THOUGHT she did it but the EVIDENCE DID NOT SUPPORT THAT FACT BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT. They did their job as instructed.
This jury did the complete opposite. They didn’t care about the evidence and convicted Jodi mainly because they didn’t like her. There’s no way anybody can convince me otherwise. Not to put too fine a point on it, but they didn’t deliberate SHIT for those 3 days. They spent the time figuring out the harshest judgement they could bring. Scary, isn’t it? We will see another trial like this with a verdict like this again someday.
The only way to stop it is to make our voices heard loud and clear that “we’re not gonna take this shit anymore!” There’s got to be a better way. Here’s an idea, SEQUESTER THE DAMN JURY! That’s a start! When media hate mongers like HLN get involved the day of the “fair trial” is over. The proof’s in the pudding, folks! Just my humble opinion, of course. But I know I’m right.
Jeff, and Everyone that is up at this late hour or early morning, I found myself searching CH for any trash I could find… Then decided to look-up his twitter account. Wow, OMG….. These money hungry people make me sick of a dead friend, family member, siblings to seek fame……. and they call themselves ummm religious….. what a hypocrite. I am beyond words for what I read on the twitter account of CH………He’s a SLIME BALL…….. and CH and all your buddies who come to this site and post as your ” trolls” this party isn’t over yet ” fat boy” …… !!!
What B.S. he tries to sell to innocent people… Buy into ” Legal Shield for only 17 bucks a months and you get access to all our benefits and the BEST ATTORNEYS in the WORLD” ha ha ha ha…. ” we are not a PYRAMID scheme” we are ” NYSE”…………….. Let me grab my cowboy boots because the SHIT is getting DEEPER by the minute with this ass clown………. and his wife who is just as bad.
Well said FU! Tweet him this link just in case he missed it: http://tinyurl.com/dypqt9o
Team Jodi
That mother fk-er blocked me when I asked where he was on June 4, 2008 and could I see a copy of his flight to Cancun and where he flew out of and how did he know Ashey Reed? Also said before I got blocked ” those who scream the loudest are usually the guilty ones that have something to hide”.
Oh well, had my fun with him for a short bit……….. He’s an idiot… How do you call someone your best friend but yet never visited him in the four years he lived in AZ? hmmmm Conference calls don’t count CH………..douche.
Power+money= mormon murder in AZ…..
I said yesterday that hate is a strong word but not near strong enough to describe my feelings for that douchebag. Chris Hughes is nothing but a con man. Want another laugh? Check this out if you’ve not seen it already. I find it amusing that they have a BMW program AND they are going on a Mexican cruise. Does any of this sound familiar? Still up to the same bullshit. I also find it amusing that 3 of the 5 top money earners all have the last name Hughes. Fascinating! He and his 4 brothers and his wife are conniving fucks.
Also hilarious. Definition of douchebag. I’m pretty sure he fits into one, if not all of these definitions.
WOW! I just seen a screen shot of Chris Hughes when the BULLSHIT GUILTY verdict was read…..kind of creepy, he looks relieved…..hmmmm not happy for supposed “justice” relieved like he was off the hook or something….weird!
I will keep candles burning and say prayers for Jodi and her family* tomorrow. It will be a difficult time….I have no illusions. This is a bend in the road on the journey to Jodi’s freedom. Of course, this is not the end, there is much to do and much to be done. I know she will prevail and the truth will be known. So I stay positive, send good energy and have faith that justice will be done.
Stay strong and prayers to all.
*Arias family and “family” of supporters.
I wish I could give all of you a big hug! This case has deprived me of so much sleep.
I hope to god, if he haven’t abandoned us already, to help Jodi and her family. This case has exposed the evil lurking inside people’s hearts and minds.
Evil is understatment………… I have never seen so much hate from people around the world that want to watch a 32 year old , intelligent, beautiful, passionate, caring, want to see get the DP. I guess soon they will be selling tickets to watch her get the DP. SICK Sick Sick Sick sick people.
Hope their Legal Shield works for them when it’s one of their own people this happens to……… with 50k followers there is a few of them in a relationship similar to Jodi’s and TA….
prayers and faith, and hope… We must BELIEVE justice will come through for Jodi. Stay strong Jodi.
The only way I can sleep at night is to think of what’s happening to JA is nothing more than a murder case. She is a woman murdered by the state with the help of JM (the hit-man). After all, do we lose sleep over every murder that is committed in the world? She is a victim and the world is not perfect.
Exactly ROAK Jodi is a person with feelings and all the humanity and soul and heart any one of us have— not a goddamn actor on the public’s idea of a soap opera to be executed for their viewing pleasure. This is real life for this young woman day in and day out.
I sometimes wonder how these haters would feel if the worst things they’ve ever done or had to do in their lives was up on the world stage for all to dissect and disparage. Maybe then they’d understand there is more than one side to any story or any chain of actions we take in this life. Maybe then they’d remember what decency and empathy is and what Jodi must feel like right now.
As I live in Australia I have only just stumbled on this case. As I have just started reading about this I know very little about it all, just what I’ve been able to read over the last few hours. Besides all that I hope Jodi will be OK where ever she has to spend her live.
Search for inner peace.
hello Jason welcome if you are new and hello if you are not we are reaching folks all over the world to tell them our story of Jodi Arias and the injustice she has received in the US of American and most disturbing in AZ love the way ya’ll talk down under ….
…feeling somber after watching today. Jodi really looks like she has been beaten down.
I felt the same way as some of you who posted about steven alexander blaming everything in his life on this. jeez….he even blamed not being able to go to az for TA to help him quit smoking on this. CHANTIX people! CHANTIX
Hello Jason 🙂