
Tuesday (afternoon session)


While the jurors deliberate, leave your comments below on the afternoon session of Tuesday’s AZ State Circus.


Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the Arias family…

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


    • I’m glad Jodi changed her mind about death. She has acknowledged the gravity of her mistake and is truly remorseful. That said, and being experienced in psychology, I suggest she not try to waive any possible appeals, because once you say that, you CAN”T GET the CHANCE back! In my educated opinion, Jodi was indeed a victim of, at least emotional, sexual abuse, and neglect. Her parents should’ve gotten her the help she needed. Whether planned or not, it was still a crime of passion; escalated beyond what she had thought would happen, whether she brought a weapon or not. It can be scary when your against a man. Her best bet is to LET THE MEDIA ATTN. FADE! That can only hurt her-public opinion is harsh, and assumes what it does not know. Only she knows what truly happened, and the “mult-faceted circumstances” I’m not saying its an excuse, but its ground for an appeal. She needs to keep in tuch with the lawyers that already know her case, and the psychiatrists that can appeal her on the grounds of mental illness.

      • Jayne,

        I couldn’ty agree more — once the media banshees stop devoting entire shows to “marketing” a particular view of Jodi’s case to the public (and remember, long, long, before any of the jurors promised to adhere to the judge’s admonition not to read about or watch coverage of the case, they were all living in Mesa from 6/4/08 until jury selection). So hello. That jury had already been condition by all the tabloid tv.

        What I couldn’t agree with more is that what happened on 6/4/08 is quite obviously a crime of passion. There was nothing “cold blooded” about what happened in those much debated 90 seconds.

        I pray that as soon as this week is over — even if the jury can’t agree on death — that an agressive attorney will appeal based on two points: (1) the act she is convicted of occurred in the heat of passion (2) since the prosecutor himself presented a psychologist who sold the jury on the fact that she’s a borderline personality — then so be it. Borderlines, experts have been saying, would likely not be capable of the planning the prosecution attributed to her.

        • The Death Penalty has no place in a civilized society! The massive HLN media coverage has created nothing short of a “lynch mob” – I expect to turn on the tv and see mobs carrying torches and huge long logs of wood breaking down the court house doors! this has got to be the biggest circus and longest trial in recorded history.
          .. I am praying the jury will consider the fact that they will one day have to give an account to the Living God who is ultimately the the Real Judge. I find it hard to believe any Christian who is a true believer in Jesus Christ could impose the death penalty. Jesus clearly taught ” thou shalt not Judge for with what judgement you render it will be rendered back to you!
          I pray that the jury will grant Jodi her life. Our God is a God of Mercy and forgiveness. I only wish a true christian had intervened in Jodi’s life before she got hung up in the other faith that was bent on destruction and must be a form of the Anti-Christ! .
          All I can say is we all need to pray for Jodi and for our justice system. Surely she will be granted a new trial. And if you ask me she has spent enough time in hell from the day she first set foot in the state of AZ.
          I also think if the jury tries to kill Jodi based on lies, they should ask themselves if they themselves should deserve such a sentence, since it is unbelievable that they did not discuss the case and watch media throughout the trial and enter the court room daily and keep silent when asked by the judge if they had watched coverage or read newspapers or talked about the case.
          again, I am praying for Mercy for Jodi. and after all the is no one without sin,. I mean don’t we all need forgiveness? Let us not give up faith and hope.

          • You are exactly right. I’ve expected to see pitchforks and torches, and it wouldn’t surprise me a bit to see those crazies beating down the courthouse door.

            Not sure if someone else said this as I can’t read all the comments, but HLN was lobbying the jurors for the death penalty as soon as Jodi finished speaking. They’re having a field day.

      • i think my head will explode,having a freakinf headache.This is too stressful.I admire Jodi for holding up so well.

        • Well, I’ve officially had an aneurysm!! SHUT UP YOU STUPID LITTLE MIDGET!!!

        • i am glad i found this site. i have been so angry watching the HLN people cut and shed jodi for not acting the way they want . it is my opinion, from the days i have watched, (I didnt watch it all), but, what i feel is Travis was a bigger than life personality that basically shut jodi down. she wasnt able to react to him while he was alive. tack on 4yrs sitting around in county jail, who knows how much crying she has already done. the girl is doing the best she freaking can! omg! no one knows what its like to sit in county jail unless u have done so. it strips u from the outside world.
          i was surprized as hell to find out travis one sister IS a police officer!? she of all people should understand what its like in county jail.
          I very much feel travis was a pig. of course his siblings are not gonna know his sexual preferences. well, they do now. but, he was a BIG DUDE, and jodi is a slight gal. How the hell did he expect to keep pushing her buttons, abusing her sexually, treating her like his sex animal. it may have split her mind. who knows. she was used IMO. maybe the day she murdered him and took photos, maybe she screamed ‘U WANT PHOTOS NOW U PIG, HERE YOU GO!!! HOWS IT FEEL!’. He pushed her over the edge, and she snapped. Remember Mizz Bobbit? who cut her mans penis off? Well, woman can only take so much from an agressive sexual dude. As i already said, i missed alot of the trial. But, i feel for Jodi. I loathe HLN for acting like they are in a sandbox. They lack professionalism.

  1. Oh I am in tears! That was so brave, and beautifully written and spoken. I pray the jurors will have mercy for Jodi.

    • These morons saw evidence where there was none. Haters cannot feel compassion for their victim.

    • Good job Jodi! You did GREAT! I’ll be giving money to help for your appeal!
      Lots of love!
      Missy R

      • SJ, just let me know when you get that set up. Thanks so much!
        Missy R

        • I’m not sure how AZ court system works, but on appeal (which she’ll win), SJ, could you pass the word somehow, about that stupid family sitting SO CLOSE to the jury!! Here we go again! Lemon Mouth & Bobble Head FAKE crying, looking at the jury, they can touch!! This would NEVER happen in my State! They would move them, or REmove them for such conduct! Either sit there and conduct yourself in a PROPER manner, or LEAVE! This should NOT be allowed!!

          • I didn’t see the mormonite freaks crying today. They seemed annoyed, pissed, and angry just glaring (intimidating once again) Jodi as she spoke. I felt her speech was just fine. She said she wished this NEVER happened. She just didn’t look at the Alexanders and give them any satisfaction..Way to go. I’m sure they will be featured on HLN someway or another..With that being said what happened to Abe and Juror#8 and the other juror that was soooo concerned? I wonder if SKY made it out without speaking to press??? They are just one despicable bunch. JM is the most disgusting too…I think he’s trying to land a regular spot on HLN. Poor poor Travis…boohoo boohoo…Hooray 4 Jodi to prevent him from preying upon anyone else his vile family and religion.

    • She showed TRUE DIGNITY!!! unlike the fake tears and lies of TA’S Wicked brother & sister. But HLN is tearing her apart right now! This poor girl can’t win… whatever she would have said today …in HLN”s eyes she a the worst person ever! Even Dhemer wasn’t hated so much! I hate HLN soooo much I wish we could join together and get them off the air.

      • Agreed! They already have Caryn Kelley convicted, and Zimmerman! They don’t even have a jury picked yet, but HLN has them under the jail, and 1 foot in the grave! Here it goes again! I wonder if they’ll set up another studio for them like they did Jodi!

          • Yeah, he made my daughter’s life a living hell! The loss of her daddy, then posting that to my wall on FB on my sexual abuse as a child! She cut herself 3 days later! I just found out Saturday night! I am PISSED!

            • OMG!! I am Soooo sorry ;( that is awful!! Can you press a lawsuit against him? He seems to have something personal against Jodi, I mean the entire HLN staff really demonizes her but Dumbass minny volatile really possesses some serious hatred I think he needs some psychological help!! Have you pressed the issue with the network at all?? I hope so!

      • She gave a very beautiful, moving speech, and she did it with dignity, that is exactly right.

        The Mormon Hate Machine, HLN, JM, and co. I want to see them go down.

      • And you should check out the lies Nancy Disgrace uses about her murdered fiance to make her story sound better!

        • Give me an update… I knew she lied many times, but I can’t find it anywhere online… I’m not sure which version is true. All I do know, if she keeps on, her hubby may walk with the twins, and leave her to sit in all her misery! Who says, O my life would’ve been so different if he hadn’t been murdered! Bet her kids, and hubby appreciate that!! Playing the victim much Disgrace?

        • Nancy Grace’s murdered ex-fiance dodged a different bullet.

          “Nan” really can’t shut up about his murder–I mean doesn’t her current husband get sick of hearing her rant about another dude (“Lucy and John” DO have a father, right?) sigh.

          Pity they couldn’t touch up her roots before she did her prison gig for HNL.

          • I wouldn’t be surprised if the assailant wasn’t actually shooting at that bitch and hit the cunt’s boyfriend instead. Truthfully, that poor bastard got off easy!! Fuck Nancy Grace!!!

        • I don’t know why I do it, but i’ll turn on NG occasionally just for train wreck value. She has to be one of the most vile people on Earth – the rudeness with which she treats guests, asking for opinions then getting absolutely rude if they speak their minds. If she’s so ‘right’ it’s hard to understand why she thinks anything but 100% agreement is offensive or threatening. The shamelessness with which she goes into a tirade, then does the sympathy for veterans or whatever, shows what a fake she is. Throwing out her dead fiance and her kids makes it all the more pathetic – most people wouldn’t shamelessly capitalize on the death of a loved one, but NG – no problem. I loved it when the CA Jury member called her out on her BS…too bad she makes money off this schtick – even worse that she’s getting rich and fanning the flames. Even assume Jodi was guilty of everything NG says, for someone that cares about victims so much, what good does she think she’s doing about parading a girls private parts for the world and ensuring that Jodi’s family and friends see this. I’m not a boycott advocate, but I definitely go out of my way to avoid anything I see advertised on her show

      • Dwane ..cant think of his last name.. just about the only attorney who tries to say positive things.. said… They wouldnt be happy unless Jodi shot herself right in front of the jury..

    • Same here.
      I turned off HLN immediately after she finished. I couldn’t stand to see the inevitable ripping apart of Jodi and her family after that moving speech.

      • I did the exact same thing I watched inside the courtroom on my phone via the link SJ provided! Thank you for that SJ I hate HLN!! Jodi was amazing I was balling through the whole thing she is so brave!

    • I’m amazed at how she was able to stay so calm and keep her composure. Not that it matters to this jury but I thought her words were very heartfelt and the section about holidays and her poor family holding her picture were very moving. I’m so glad I’m watching this on the live feed because I would shoot my tv if I had to listen to the HLN hacks tearing apart her words.

  2. When they say ”life” that means life without parole, right?

    If they can’t agree or decide, what happens?

    • It could be either one. If they can’t agree, the judge will thank them, dismiss them and she will give the penalty herself. The only ones she can give are Life or LWOP.

      • Ok. Thanks Ed.

        Just watched the first part of Jodi’s presentation that I missed. There’s absolutely no reason to not let her teach people to read, speak Spanish or donate hair. Even if you think she’s guilty of everything and the kitchen sink. Please crazy jury, please.

  3. OMG Is there an app to shut Judge Ratched up?
    Her reading is like being on 5 Ambiens and wandering
    lost in the woods without a compass.

      • I cannot wait to NEVER HEAR JM’s & Judge
        voice ever again. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • HLN is saying if Jodi gets life, she would be in a maximum security prison with very little interaction with other inmates? Is this true? If so, why would that happen?

        Also, I thought that Jodi did a wonderful job today. I felt her. I think that HLN really is shameful,

      • Defen-DANT….. I thought I was the only one who caught that. I also thought Jodi’s statement was heartfelt and courageous but HLN is riot seeking haters. There are a couple commentators on HLN that are courageous enough to admit she did well. They probably have to limit anything good they have to say, so they can stay on as guests. I wish just one strong defense attorney would admit the case and verdict was media driven. They really are shameful and they are making the a mockery of the justice system.

        First, T.A. was no Jim Baker but he was considered a priest in his church. He was clearly leading a double life between his church and job. This double life benefited him greatly. The only reason the jury did not catch on, is the media input and the very calculated bullying by Juan. I sure hope they give her life because the truth will surface when the dust settles and they will be sorry.

        Would it have been so bad to teach the viewers what real justice is all about? What Juan did was a
        stomp all over the constitution and lie. His expert witnesses lied about key testimony that could potentially put someone to death.

        The only real truth we learn from the HLN crew….Is that Nancy & Dr. Drew want their children to be just like T.A. A model person……..(lol)

        • I want them to overturn the whole damn thing. I don’t think she deserves life in prison, she deserves maybe 10 years and then she should walk, especially based on this kangaroo court she’s been put through and her family has been put through.

      • LOL! Even my daughter asked why she was saying it like that!!!!

        • It sounded really funny to me, being English, I always listen out for it! She always says it!!

  4. If they say “life” the judge decides whether it is natural life or “parole” option after 25 years.

  5. Beth Karas just tweeted that now there are closing arguments so we have to hear JM again!

  6. In Jodi’s appeal I know the defense team will be different but will the state use JM again?

  7. Beth Karas just tweeted lunch break before closing arguments. Can they make this last any longer?

  8. I’m sorry but in a situation such as this, a domestic violence death, where the defendant has never been in trouble in her life. giving her death is way over the top and uncalled for and if I may say so overkill,
    Death serves no purpose here. Especially when it should have been no more than a Manslaughter conviction to begin with or self defense which I would have voted for.

    • I totally agree. Let me say this. There are 100s of females who have committed murders who do not sit on death row. I feel, the media is pushing for death. This upsets me. I do not know if the jurors watch HLN each nite when they go home, but HLN has been one sided this entire time. They are swaying the jury, nite after nite with their opinions. Their opinions are spoken as if WE the people feel the same! This infuriates me! They need to shut up. Keep their feelings to theirselves. Nancy grace is the worst of them all. How many times do we have to hear her story about the person she loved who was murdered?How many times do we have to hear Nancy Grace repeat ‘This has been the Jodi Arias SHow’! The venom in NGrace reaks of jealousy. If the media wants to talk to Jodi, that is her right. Amy Fisher got 3 movie deals. OH! I LOVED the Sherriff tonite!!! Vincent, from HLN (whom I loathe as well) tried to push the sherriffs buttons, asking ‘why is media allowed in to talk to her’. The sherriff put vincent in his place, several times. I noticed the switch in Vincent, as he tried to ‘make nice’ with the sherriff who clearly didnt like HLNs Vincent. BRAVO to the Sherriff who said “WE have nothign to hide, and its her right, her first admendment’… loved it!

  9. The man sitting behind the defense team was Uylsses Ferregut , another defense attorney, so they must be getting ready for appeals .

    • Hmm while his office does appeals, PCR and clemency, he doesn’t specialize. I’m not sure he’s the best choice. Then again, I haven’t looked up his record on appeal.

      • His reputation is that he knows how to play the media and he dislikes Sheriff Arapo-whacko, so he has some GOOD points. He has been known to take pro bono (some say for the publicity) but that’s fine…not afraid of the media. Sounds like a good fit.

  10. Every time I heard her say death I thought of medieval times. This country is shameful. Execution is uncivilized and banned in western democracies, except here. And how religious hypocrites can sentence someone to death is doubly revolting. I really need to move to Europe.

    • I agree! Get rid of death penalty. The chance of putting one innocent person to death is not worth it.

      • OregonMom, I once supported the death penalty, but have in the last 10 years change my mind. There are to many people in prison that are innocent due to prosecutors just like JM. They are not interested in the truth only a conviction.

    • Well said Nancy.
      I, like all on here was deeply moved by Jodi’s words. Yet even for those who believed Jodi to be guilty of pre meditated murder, what possible benefit can be gained by sentencing her to death? We talk of rehabilitating prisoners and wanting them to lead purposeful, productive lives, so why do they want to stop that in this case? Why? There can be no other reason than vengeance. How on earth a society that considers itself civilised can want that as ‘justice’ beggars belief.

    • Well put! The hypocrisy of the death penalty shows how neanderthal our society still is. It embarrasses me to admit I’m from a state that still carries it out. (Friends in France think our knuckles drag on the ground – had this said to me once). Even those who are not innocent, it isn’t right. It brings us to a lower level, I have not heard one word about forgiveness, all I hear and read is about punishment – it disgusts me. Compared to many other horrific situations where people have killed, Jodi has been crucified. That this jury was not sequester, with no chance of seeing news/papers/television, is not right. Any trial put on public television ought to be sequestered juries only.

  11. So stupid question, here, but is all talk about a “stay” and Jodi vs Judge Stevens all out the window, or was it gossip, or just speculation? I am still hoping Nurmi went over this incompetent judge’s head to get things done.

    • Someone reported on twitter that Jodi team made an inquiry about filing for a stay to the Appeal Court but didn’t actually file.

      • Thanks, Dave C. I was (and still am) very much hoping for the judge and jm to pay for their crimes they committed during this trial (in my eyes, they committed many from biasing the jury to witness intimidation and more) .

        • Yes. I hope this whole thing completely blows up in the faces of all of those involved in perpetrating this farce. From the Mormon lynch mob “teams” (yes, I am quite sure that is the case, and that’s why it’s been “team travis”), to Juan Martinez, to Judge pickle face, to HLN. They have all been involved, and some of them should go to jail.

  12. They’re STILL not satisfied, she DIDNT say sorry TO the family!!!! That’s all they wanted! She’s COLD and sound like she was giving a power point introduction, bla bla bla…..

    I wish she wouldn’t have said anything but I guess, she knows why she did and hopefully it wont affect the appeals.

    • LC…

      If she stood there with a knife against her own throat and told the jury she was going to slit her own throat right there in the courtroom because she wanted to die they would have said it was not fair because she killed herself before they could…and they would call her a self-serving narcissistic psychopath….

      They will NEVER be happy because they are UNHAPPY within themselves…

      FUCK THEM. FUCK THEM in Macy’s window for the world to see. FUCK THEM FUCK THEM FUCK THEM…!

      • Fuck it, Janeen, let’s tell it like it is. If she stood in court, stabbed herself 500 times and slashed her own throat, they’d STILL find a way to blame her for the trauma she caused everyone who had to see that.

        • NO SHIT!!!!! ^5!!!!! LOL LOL LOL You said it sister!!!!! LOL

          Let’s do tell it like it is!!!!! LOL LOL

        • No doubt! She’s always wrong! Cry = too late, Doesn’t cry = cold hearted, Sorry = no you’re not, doesn’t say sorry = it’s all about her….. Aaaaaaaaagh!!! No matter what she does OR says, she’s wrong! Biased SOB’s!!! I hate HLN!!!

    • LC, don’t hurt yourself over them. That lying media found their audience and is pandering to that audience. I refuse to believe that the majority of people are like that. The haters all watch hln because they are sheep and too ignorant to think for themselves – which is why they turn to media to think for them. I recently had a dinner party and brought up the trial at conversation. EVERYONE at the table listened, asked questions and used their own brains to discuss the case. Please, keep the faith and good thoughts for Jodi.

    • uh…dear HLN fuck you fuck you and fuck you, she was
      giving a power point presentation of her life through pictures
      WTF are they tripping on? What do they think that thing she was
      clicking was…it was her choice on how she wanted to give
      her presentation. They make me want to crawl under a rock
      and hibernate for the next 100 years! I really hate them

    • But she did LC, she said she never meant to cause Steven or the family so much pain and she didn’t know the grandmother had died and felt badly that she may have inadvertently caused that as well.

    • Somewhere I heard – not sure where – but one of the rules is that Jodi was not allowed to address the family. So now she is being criticized because she followed the rules? That is as bad as when the THs and haters were saying that ALV didn’t interview the Alexander family while knowing full well that she was restricted from doing so.

    • I KNEW they would say that. They barely let her finish before they started in on her. That pig Vinnie Politan was in the middle of a vicious attack when I turned the channel because I cannot stomach one more second of their crazed vitriol.

      If Jodi ADMITS to what they want her to admit to, and apologizes for it, then she’s signing her own death warrant, and she will lose any appeal.

      Those people couldn’t be more gleeful at having her in such a horrible situation.

      What they’ve put her through will probably take a lot of years off of her life, and the life of her family just from the tremendous stress and pressure of the hatred aimed at them.

      There are tribes who kill people by shunning them and giving them hate vibes, and it works. They’ve been trying to do that to Jodi and her family and it’s pure evil.

      She has shown profound remorse to the limit.

  13. I know this seems silly, but I was watching Runaway Juror for the first
    time the other night with my roommate & we were laughing * yet entertained *
    at how ludicrous and far-fetched the story was. I turned to my roommate & said
    “This is so fucked up like The Jodi Arias Trial”
    and he said “Her trial is just as far-fetched like a Hollywood movie”
    and we both looked at each other & said “hummmmmm I wonder if
    someone on the jury’s been planted & someone’s being paid off”
    We both nodded and agreed as crazy life imitating art, but in this case
    art sometimes
    imitates life

    • I would not be surprised. Witnesses have been tampered with and threatened. Jurors have been removed behind closed doors. It isn’t far fetched at all. Hollywood had plenty of examples to chose from, but usually it is an organized crime operation, not prosecution in league with religious cults.

    • I agree. In my life, truth has always been much stranger than fiction.

      I’ve been up against the resistance of people to believe things that are absolutely true, just because they don’t think they are believable.

      Hollywood could never “sell” some of the real stories out there.

      Plus, it wouldn’t surprise me for a second that people have been paid off.

      I know of some extremely serious bribes being a matter of course in some high places. Fact.

  14. I was wondering the same thing.

    verena besse ‏@verenabesse 7m
    @michaelbkiefer you have any idea who is sitting in the back of the defense team the tall gentleman?

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 6m
    @verenabesse Defense attorney Ulysses Ferragut. here is his web site. I think he may be the appeals lawyer for her.

    “In Arizona a person who has been convicted of a criminal offense at trial has the right to take an appeal of the conviction within 20 days after entry of judgment and sentence. many appeals deal with issues related to errors of law made either in pre-trial rulings or during the trial and claims of prosecutorial misconduct.
    The Law Firm has successfully represented numerous clients on appeal. Please contact the Law Firm to discuss representation as each case is unique.”

      • I think this is the lawyer that we all have been praying for that would take her case on appeals. Fingers crossed, he could chew JM up and spit him out in one bite!

    • We won’t settle for nothing less than the best appeal lawyer out there!!
      I hope he is!

      • Me too, Maria!

        Btw, i saw your earlier post about how you were mowing down everyone in your path on your bicycle onwy back home from work. Tee hee gave me a little chuckle.


        ((((((((Team Jodi))))))) too.

        • ((((((((((Sable)))))))))))
          And to think I was not on my bike but driving haha!! I must have tooted more times that I can count 🙂

          • Oh!!!!
            For some reason, I was imagining you on your bike!
            In any case, just glad you made it safely! Lol.

    • I hope this guy is good, and prepared to take on some extremely serious issues, and set some precedents, all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, and I hope that is exactly what happens.

      The issues that have been roiling for long enough are social media, HLN, and the like.

      Included is the mormon cult media blitz. I am convinced that they have been TOLD to go onto every comment section of every news article on the internet and flame everyone who defends Jodi Arias or tries to discuss the real issues of the case.

      The Mormon spin machine is all over this.

      As I’ve said before, think of how bad it looks for the mormon church when the average person views Travis Alexander as your average young mormon adult. There are a lot of disgusting sexual terms that I had to look up in slang dictionaries specifically related to mormons getting around their own moral guidelines (provo push, for example)

      Mitt Romney was a Presidential Candidate. Who thinks he still doesn’t plan on running in the future? He’s not that old, is he? That makes the mormon image in the national consciousness crucial to the mormon political machine. For decades they have been crafting an image focused on making them “mainstream” instead of a freaky fringe cult that believes in the angel “Moroni” (LOL,MORON) and polygamy and everything else. Not to mention pushing into the distant past their extremely bloody and murderous history. They are a CULT, they are not mainstream, and their agenda hinges on getting the public to believe they are just another conservative religion.

      Jodi really got caught in an awful convergence of circumstances.

      I’m not a cryer, but I could not help crying at her heartfelt speech.

  15. I personally think that some jurors are going too feel they made the wrong decision after hearing Jodi speak to them! It was perfect I think, she showed compassion, accountability, remorse, humility, humanity and above all that she could not have committed this act purposely! I really think that these jurors will have a crisis of conscience eventually.

    I never watched the travis family speak out, I did read from a few on here and SJ that they were not in touch, and I had to chuckle a bit knowing that they would hate to have me as a sibling because my daughter has been instructed that any family member or friend of mine for that matter that has not spoken with me within the last six months of my death will never be informed of my death nor be invited to my funeral or given anything LOL. I just personally take issue with people thinking they can not speak to you like for ever but remain close, nah not in my world, the TA family is delusional.

    • No Shit Penny….I say the same thing: if you didn’t love me and share my life when I was alive – FUCK YOU when I’m dead…don’t bring your phony ass shit around my family when I’m gone.


      • Ha ha Love it Janeen!!!!!

        So, are they really having another round of closing arguments today?

        • Unfortunately…….

          Massengil gets to spew shit for a little longer then he will be flushed into the shit well THANK GOD

    • Penny, well said! I have family all over the US and we talk weekly. Another thing that pisses me off was listening to his siblings talking about the financial hardship this has caused them. What a big fat lie. They have profited from there brothers death. And Steven, he needs to grow up and be a man and give his wife and daughter the man they deserve.

      Jodi did one hell of a job today. And as others who have posted it wouldn’t have made a bit of difference what she said the goonies from HLN would jump all over it.

      • see that is why I couldn’t watch them Tim. I just could not stomach it. Who the hell brings up financial hardship when morning a loved one, you may think about it of course but to use it as a feel sorry for me. BS to that.

        Yes, you are right it wouldnt matter as far as the Haters and Liars network is concerned, but I really am hoping that the jurors are like dam we made a mistake !!!!! I do not see how some of them cannot be thinking that.

      • Wasn’t it Steven who was arrested for domestic violence?

        If you do the math, those siblings are raking it in, they are profiting off of Travis Alexander’s death.

  16. Ok, iv decided to buy the “Survivor” t-shirt. I wanted to get one but since HLN and the media want to make a BIG deal out of it, I think ill BUY TWO!!!! : D~

    Does anyone know if I can buy TWO “Survivor” t-shirts at the same time OR do I have to make TWO different purchases?

    • Still waiting for my paycheck in order to be able to afford it 🙁 I’m sooo looking forward to it!!

    • I just did!! take that Jane Velez Mitchel …. you and your stupid remark about … “Did I just hear that ? ” about Jodi pushing her t-shirts! You self- righteous hypocrite!!

    • I ordered my two thio this afternoon, one black and one white, but I must be dense or something because I could not figure out how to order both in one purchase. I just went ahead and ordered twice. Lol.

      I thought it was great that Angela was wearing hers in the courtroom yesterday!

      I am so sad for the Arias family. But glad they are there for Jodi. yesterday. I as afternjust ordered

  17. Jodi did a wonderful job up there today. Very courageous and powerful. Her soul is truly a kind and empathetic soul who wants to create good out of every bad situation, who loves life and loves people. I am proud of her and proud to be a supporter on her journey of making a positive difference in our world. I believe this is the beginning a real change in the views of domestic violence. Our society is so ignorant in this area and maybe God chose Jodi to be in this place at this time to bring awareness to this ignorance. Domestic violence is real and will always turn into tragedy on way or another. Usually we hear about the man killing his intimate partner though in Jodi’s case, she fought for her life and survived. I pray that society can finally start wrapping their heads around this complexity of the dynamics of intimate partner violence.
    LOVE YOU JODI!!!!!

    • Well said. I agree THE Lord uses us for his glory in whatever situation we put ourselves in!

    • Thanks guys…Everyone here supporting Jodi, are all making a difference in this epidemic of dv..its all of our voices together that are making it happen…. Never are we defeated when we speak our truth…
      Our voices are change and with Jodi behind our passion, we will help others and her soul will feel free.

    • I couldn’t agree more. She moved me to tears, and I was trying not to because I hate crying.

      Also, late last night I watched the Darryl Brewer videos. I couldn’t load the last two though. He completely validated my gut feelings regarding this case. He was very courageous and a man of integrity.

      He described someone who was kind, thoughtful, responsible, loving, well loved and liked by her friends, who still has many friends and supporters where he’s from. He said he trusted her with his son.

      He said he was on the verge of marrying her, and the only reason he didn’t is that he felt he did not spend enough time with his son, and that he knew Jodi wanted children and when she had a child that would make him have even less time for the son he already has.

      He told how much she changed when she got involved with the mormons and PPL, that she read the book “The Secret”, which was part of the whole PPL sales pitch (I gathered that from what he said, don’t remember exactly how he put it).

      He said that she’s the same Jodi somewhere inside and that she needs help. To me it was exactly the portrait of an abused woman, exactly. He’s probably the person who tried to get her parents to help her.

      He said point blank that she was NOT using him for money, that he had no money when he met her.

      He also said the reason that he had hidden his face while testifying was to try to keep his son from being bullied at school (14 yr. old middle school), and it sounded like, now he was mad and he didn’t care about showing his face, it was now about telling the truth and not being afraid of the Jodi hater-nazis.

      I was very, very moved by his interview. WHY was that suppressed?

      Please, let us get someone with the heart of a badger (far more courageous than a lion) to fight this.

      For everyone who, along with Jodi Arias, has been slandered, libeled, shouted down and drowned out in a quest for justice.

    • Tracy, that was very well said. I too, am so proud of her. On her way to the podium I was praying for her and Yes she did very well. Thank you for saying what you did. Everything that happens is for a reason. Jodi is a good person you see it. and as time passes she will prove it and its just a matter of time and she will be out of prison. I will be praying for her and her family….as for the HLN people they can kiss one anothers ass, they are pure evil and full of hate. All of them to look at their own lives.

    • The article makes him sound a little bad but he works hard for who he’s defending!

      • She needs somebody like him !!! I feel much better knowing that somebody is interested in her appeal, if that’s the case !!!

      • Danielle, I read that article and I believe I’m in love with him! lol But seriously, he is exactly what is needed – someone who knows how to ‘play their game,’ compassionate AND passionate about true justice. I think the day may be coming where people realize it is not the defense attorneys who should be put under a spotlight – but prosecutors who should be. The article says many lawyers call Mr. Farragut arrogant and a media-whore, but I say to them, look in the mirror.

      • That is music to my ears. Clearly she needs an agressive attorney for the Appeals process and (fingers crossed) since this is an Appellate Court matter Kermit won’t be a part of it. I’m already dreading having to hear his voice again this afternoon.

  18. She held herself well. Very strong. But with that jury who knows!!!! They are going to their I phones and I pads to see what JON thinks so they can make their decision. And do we really have to listen to Martinez again? I mean like really? It’s over DONE!! Let the jury make their decision. We don’t need his pacing, his snide remarks nor his side to side hand movements and especially not his lies to mislead jury more. UGH!

  19. Glad I stumbled upon the group a few days ago…I honestly thought I was going insane in thinking that I was the only one whose “hinkey meter” was going off since the first day of this trial! I’ve long since lost faith in this country’s judicial system where prosecutors act like 5 year olds throwing temper tantrums, the judge is a joke (I have a 12 year old Shih Tzu who could do a better job) and acceptable punishment is murder…makes complete NONsense!

    I listened through Jodi’s allocution, and don’t see how anyone (I won’t even mention the media circus…and who made them judge/jury/executioner anyway?) could miss Jodi’s apology!!! I have zero faith in this jury and believe that they too can’t see past the $ signs in their hollow eyes…God bless!

  20. Jodi could not have done better!!!
    I am so proud of her.

    HLN The hateful Network is NOT HeadLineNews. Who the fuck are they kidding???
    Making fun of her still???
    My GOD!!!!!
    Life in Prison or death?

    THey said yesterday that if she asked for life, ALL matin…… has to do is show her where she wanted death.

    SHE already has said it twice and she reminded them of that what she has preferred, BUT yes for her family.

    I Hate to use the word hate in my vocalbulary, but I loth HLN and their idiot “reporters” WHAT A fucking joke they are.

    WHY don’t they make a difference????? They could. They have the voice. But instead they spread hate and want the rest of the country to join in the woderful world of hate.

    MADE FUN of the Survivor shirt???? Are they fucking kidding me.
    I have not been abused, but I have survived many things, SO I’m going to purchase, ONE to sleep in, wear in public.

    I SURVIVED WATCHING HLN for JODI!!!! That’s just one.
    After this no more HLN.
    The blood thirsty network.

    You go Jodi!!!!

    • They are pissed bc none of the HLN talking heads accurately predicted what Jodi would say. They think they know here so well. You have to have a soul to see her. They portray a monster and she is anything but that.

      I liked in Jodi’s closing when she said she wanted the pain to stop and the healing to start for everyone involved. Is this jury puts her to death row, then this cult runs deeper than we think.

      • And the liars of HLN kept saying that she didn’t say she was sorry…WTF…she did too…they lied again about her….

        I watched the replay on AZ central…it shows slightly different angles than the broadcast of the trial from HLN…

        Jodi does say she is “sorry” right after the part where she is talking about Travis…she says, “at one point he meant the world to me”…then she talked about not knowing that she was capable of that…and before that day she wouldn’t even hurt a spider…then she said…”for that, I will be sorry for the rest of my life”

        I don’t know if Jodi said that she was sorry any other time during her statement…but I happened to be watching it when I heard her say that she was sorry in that above paragraph….

    • Thank you very much because they single handedly had her gtng the death penalty from the word go. Its not a news station if they sit there day in n day out makin fun of sumone like they do. Isnt a news station supposed to be reporting the news n not tainting jury pools n forming lynch mobs. They should be ashamed of there selves esp that bitch at nite whos name isnt even worth mentioning. God Bless

    • I know what you are saying…. I have it on while I am doing house work…for once…and I just wanted to listen for when Jodi’s time would be. I was screaming at the TV…they were all mad and upset that there was a delay….”MYSTERY DELAY” they called it…they were upset…because you know they have have schedule to keep you know…other stories to move on to….there are dead and suffering folks in Oklahoma to exploit! How dare Jodi take any extra time and mess up their broadcast schedule! It’s not like its a life or death matter after all. Gahh

    • I agree she just can’t win with HLN. For days they have been saying the types of things she needs to say to save her life. 1. Admit to killing him and admit to lying about things, 2. Say how much she is sorry and how much pain she caused, 4. They said a good mitigating factor is that she could become a teacher in jail, and 5. Asking for her life even if they think she doesn’t deserve mercy. She said all the things they said she needed to but they still criticize her.

      • All of you,
        This has been so many months in TV that I will NEVER forget, And today they topped it off with their hate after Jodi spoke.
        NO, I could have turned the asses off, BUT I wanted to see how LOW they could possibly go.
        Ryan Smith called it “COLD” then they ALL bashed the SURVIVER shirt.
        Talk about COLD, HLN and their blood thirsty “yakkers” knows very well the meaning of it

        Well they did it. I know watching it on HLN brings up their ratings and I’ve helped them.
        That’s the only way that I could watch. Keeping up on here was not good for my eyes, BUT I love it here. If I tried to watch the trial on the computer, I think I would be almost blind by now,

        If THEY think I’m going tp watch any other trial on there, they are mistaken. I have a friend that blocks the station she doesn’t like, I WILL block them.

        And I AGREE that if Jodi get’s death, the CULT is much deeper and stronger than we realized.
        Sneaky CULT, the worst kind. Take Jim Jones, we knew he was a cult leader, BUT when you have a denomenation that is cult, where do you start?

        I KNOW all of them can be and I’m starting to believe and ask myself IS there ONE that isn’t.

        Those people on he right in court are all Mormon Christians?
        All that I can say is that’s messed up.

        Eli and others I’ll join you in donations ONLY on this site.
        Jodi is an the angel.
        There is a song Angel Flying Too Close To The Ground.
        That’s what happened the day that she met Travis a religion that doesn’t love.

        Go Jodi, no matter the out come you’ve got plenty who love you
        and this trial was out of everyones hands.

  21. Jodi has obviously been thru alot.It took alotta courage n heart to get up there n front of a world that basically wants to lynch her. She was branded as guilty before she even got into a courtroom.Branded by a media that can obviously hold sumones life n there hands alone. It took alot for her to stand up there n basically support herself.IDK why no family or friends spoke on such an important issue as life or death.A friend gets threatened n he/she just walks away.Maybe im different but no way would I leave a friend to hang out to dry.Good luck Jodi and may God Bless you in ur time of need.

  22. What more can the attorney’s say? I wouldn’t want to hear them again. Just go right into deliberations. Nothing anyone says now is going to change any minds. It didn’t before and it sure as hell won’t now.

    I believe that this jury wants Jodi’s blood as bad as Martinez and the Judge and the Alexander siblings do.

      • After today we never get to hear his fucking voice,just focus on that folks!
        As for the jury…no comments! They can jump on their own asses and die for all I care!

    • What would be better for Jodi in terms of appeal? If they sentence her to life in prison will that be appealed? Tell me it will, anyone?

  23. For some horrible reason I was blocked from this site. I am very good friends with SJ and he knows I am not a troll or a hater. I would never waste my time. But what hurts is this has been such crucial days and I didn’t even have a place to go concerning Jodi. I didn’t want to bother SJ. He had given me who to get in touch with. But it took a long time to hear from them.

    I am not a hater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Read that and except it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • You are gone. We are volunteer mods. We don’t need your crap. Go take it up with SJ.

  24. Well atleast she did mention that her friend and her 9year old daughter where THREATEND!

    Why is NOONE talking about that? That’s what the jurors should be asking themselves.

    • That’s illegal isn’t it? I mean to be threatened into not being a witness.

    • I KNOW! I was reading to the bottom of the comments to see if anyone else mentioned it before I brought it up!

      I LOVE LOVE LOVED it that she got in the line that Pickles struck from the explanation for Womack’s absence!

      GOOD FOR YOU, JODI !!!

      • I was very happy about that too, sirlips told me last night that, thats not the reason she isnt there and I was so confused but now that Jodi said it I know it was the reason and its disgusting that people are allowed to do that

        • The prosecution filled a motion too claiming patti was a drug user and had not paid taxes on pics sent to HLN , he also said it in court in his response.
          The defence motion was that Patti was threatened. That is what Sirlips was explaining

          • paid taxes on pics? OMG I tell ya this jury is gona reap it especially if they do not already know about all the lies and intimations. I just know it will get to some of them eventually, like when you hear jurors come back speaking out saying how they made a mistake, they will be feeling the same I knwo it!!!!

      • Yea and NO ONE has said a peep about THAT!!!! Whats wrong with these people, HELLLLOOO?????!!!!! Idiots, that’s why all these motions are going to work for an appeal, that’s why Jodi did have to BEG for her LIFE!!!! They want to keep ignoring what they want to now, but its ALL going to come back to bit them in the ass & then theyre going wonder WTF happened!!! ASSHOLES!

  25. Jinkasaurus is all a flutter and offended that folks think she is crying for Jodi during her plea…Jean says she has allergies dammit, and she is a professional tabloid, I mean journalist! She doesn’t get emotional. She is neutral and just reports the facts man…don’t you all know that? I mean….the time when she got all swoony about Travis and sighed and said she wished that she could have know Travis cause she can tell he was such a wonderful person. That was not emotional at all dammit….she is a PROFESSIONAL


    • I want to smack that fucking eye rolling bitch Samantha, she was shaking her head and rolling her eyes again and judge allowed it !!!

      • I saw that. When Jodi put a child pic of her up, she rolled her eyes and shook her head. Fucking blood hungry vampire.

        • Jodi was a beautiful child and is now a beautiful and talented woman. Plus she has never been in legal trouble before this. Those Alexander women are trash.

          • I agree, she is very pretty…..that is why all those women on the TA train hate her and that goes for the HLN women, JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS!!!

            • Nothing worse than jealous vampires.
              They are sick people. They didn’t KNOW their own brother.
              Jodi did, maybe they can’t stand that either.
              I just think they are hateful;I sure wouldn’t want to be related to any of them.

  26. New attorney sitting behind the defense team this morning.

    His name is Ulises Ferragut, and he s a Phoenix Criminal attorney, who seems to have an interesting practice. His two partners are not practicing attorneys but an ex-judge and a guy who spent 18 years in jail:

    Looks like a lot of his work is on appeals.

    Also a Rule 32 filing (Post conviction relief) has a fairly short fuse for the initial paper work:

    “The Notice of PCR is filed within 90 days of sentencing. It is important not to miss this deadline for the Notice. A Defendant may DIRECT his trial-level attorney — including a public defender — to file the Notice of PCR on behalf of the Defendant. For those sentenced after September 29, 1992, the 90-day deadline is a MUST. If the notice if not timely filed, the person faces the strong possibility of being forever precluded from filing a Petition for Post Conviction Relief.

    Ususally with three weeks of filing the Notice of PCR, and if the Defendant has requested an attorney, an attorney will be appointed by the court to represent him. Private Counsel can be retained at this point. If an attorney is appointed, the Defendant will be notified of his/her name and address.

    Once a PCR attorney is appointed or retained by the Defendant or his family, the attorney has 60 days to file the Petition itself. In some cases, a 30-day extension of time can be granted.”

    Wonder if Ferragut is the appeals/PCR attorney and we will get to know him over the next few months?

    • Thank you for that! That sounds good! Well, as good as it can get. I want to learn about him from somewhere other than HLN!

    • You think he”ll take Jodis appeal??? Ulises Ferragut, he’s Cuban too. I watched something lastweek, he was saying he’s been paying close attention to the case. I HOPE if she gets LWOP he WILL take it PRO-BONO!!! I hope, I hope, PLZ PLZ GOD!!! Jodi will NEED it if they give her LWOP.

    • He sounds like he would be an ideal advocate for Jodi! He knows the players on the other side, has vast media experience and can finally put the fear of God in JM and SS..

  27. I wish I could walk in and be like you guys are stupid. Grab Jodi’s arm and be like I’m going to take her now. She’s going to have life wo the possibility of being in AZ again so you can all be happy you’ll never have to see her again, idiots. Then we’ll just leave AZ.

  28. HLN is showing a replay of JODI’s statement…

    as well as AZ central is showing a replay…

    • The just put it on pause for a commercial and he tells the viewing audience to go and blog if you would save her life or not based on her statement….WTF…they are such heartless fools …grrr….

  29. What a beautiful speech. Extremely touched by her words. I felt & saw TRUE an REAL emotion. For the idiots complaining that all she did was speak about herself…. umm… SHE IS TRYING TO SAVE HER OWN LIFE… WTF…
    These people hate Jodi so much they don’t an WON’T see any good in her & it is disgusting yet they call HER the monster. What a load of BS.
    Stand strong Jodi. There are people who stand by you, who love you & who will stand with you through all of this, no matter what.
    Been standing on your side since first watching & hearing about it all.
    Just know there are people on your side. There are people that aren’t pitchfork hunters.
    We will stand with you.
    All my love.

  30. Thank you for your posts, it makes me clear my head. What good came out after the chamber conference, was the judge said “no cross examination” and Wolmack was not testifying. When Jodi got up, it was fair game. Jodi had an intro, body and conclusion. Her words needed to be heard and this was her time to bring all that to the table. It was for all the people who still loves her and have been there for her. She admitted her ignorance and naivety for wanting DP and now asks for the Jury’s mercy for LIFE, for the good she could do for society and the community. I saw LIFE and I believe it to be true till now.
    Right now, I have transported myself to the Jury’s deliberation room. My energy is there, breathing LIFE and MERCY!

    Please join me as I can’t do this without you all!

    • I am not being nasty Be Well….


      Are you for real?!?!?!?!?! You have “transported” yourself into Jury’s deliberation room…..????????



      • I’m assuming Be Well means spiritually.
        I’ve been reading a LOT about Quantum Physics and Vedic history; even today there are yogins who have proven that you can “transfer”/”transport” your energy/consciousness.

        I certainly don’t think there’s any harm in trying!

  31. A great cause to donate hair too…

    “Locks of Love”

    [quote]Locks of Love is devoted to helping every child suffering from medical hair loss, thus we do not discriminate as to the cause of hair loss. We list the following information in an attempt to explain types of hair loss and specific needs of individual recipients[quote]

    God Bless you Jodi for donating your hair to help other children who are suffering…

  32. I’m reporting this here because I was at the tail end of the last page.

    Hi guys! Been watching from hospital, got home this AM to broken AC-NOT pleasant with SLE + Grave’s Disease.
    Anyway, Jodi did wonderful, so articulate! But we already knew she would be!
    A Question and suggestion:
    How soon can they file for appeal legally/formally?

    If THIS TRIAL BY MEDIA showed us ANYTHING, (together with prior cases such as CA & Cynthia Sommer-which need to be brought up as precedent), WE HAVE TO STOP THESE CIRCUSES!!!!!
    If ANY organization has already been set up, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! (I know about & signed the petition) We need MORE that just a PETITION!! And I think we could definitely think of some professionals and attorneys who would participate!!
    How the HELL can our country continue to claim “JUSTICE”, while we have these trials that DEFENDANTS LIVE’S DEPEND ON, as long as we have this SHAM OF A JUSTICE SYSTEM BEING RULED BY BLOODTHIRSTY/RATINGS-THIRSTY MEDIA!!

    Sorry for the caps, but we HAVE TO STOP THIS!!!!
    If there’s already an organization, let me know; if not, as soon as I feel a little better and can fix my laptop, I’LL START ONE, dammit!!
    I am PISSED!! (And upset that a woman had to PLEAD for her LIFE in this country!!)

    • “Reporting”= “REPOSTING”

      Sorry, hot as heck & I have a spitting headache…too much in one day

  33. wild at the AZ central….keeps rewinding the tape back to Jodi’s sister and mother wiping their tears…Jodi’s family is an obsession for some folks today…

    He’s rewinding for something else now…looks like he is going to replay even another time…???

    • And didn’t it seem like the camera spent an inordinate amount of time on Samantha’s eye-rolling when Jodi was showing her childhood photos.

      • I missed that…was it on AZ or HLN….both have broadcasted from slightly different angles….

      • samantha is a witch and should not be allowed to act like that in court, if it were somebody else or someone on Jodi’s family did that, they would reprimanded.

  34. Lets band together with the good we have in us as people of mercy and compassion. We can perform a miracle together and turn this to LIFE. For the next hour or so, we are going to be stronger than ever. Only positive thoughts will be engaged. I only saw Jodi being positive today, she was peaceful, articulate, soulful, humbled and human. With that, I feel Jodi’s energy and she is letting us know, please send your energies so I can be heard when the jury is deliberating. Love and Light.
    Always human first than emotions.

    • The asylum is that way ——————————————————————————–>

      • It’s called “cosmic consciousness” by some, and it’s been shown to work miracles-kind of like massive “prayer circles” have worked miracles.

  35. Why are they replaying this over and over? I try not to say much about the family. I really do. But did they have to roll their eyes and shake their heads while Jodi spoke?

    • No, they didn’t. When it broadcast the first time it didn’t show the family. I’m glad it didn’t. I’ve been muttering expletives since. Did you see how they looked at the jury to see if they were watching? OMG >:(

      • I’m sick of their stupid faces and eye rolls and head shakes.
        Their laser stares, their “Pity Me” attitudes, and fake tears.
        This isn’t about Justice for them, its about Revenge.
        Fuck that whole clan.

      • Yes,MB!Thank goodness they didnt show the Fuckexanders the first time! They are now,though..UGH!

  36. Why is everyone so afraid to offend the Travis Taliban by being honest? I’m talking about media people. They are all afraid of saying anything that might be seen as supporting Jodi in any way.
    The media is as gutless as the jury.
    Another thing. If I had a friend who I’d known since childhood and I was to speak on their behalf in a DP trial. I wouldn’t give a crap who said what to me or who threatened me, bring it on.
    I’m speaking on their behalf. I know that everyone has their own reasons for what they do or don’t do but I’m saying what I’d do. I won’t be bullied.
    Hell I’ll come testify for Jodi right now. Fuck the haters.

    • Same here, but we don’t know to what extent they threatened her. They might have brought up phony charges to get her arrested in AZ Joe’s county, plant dope on her, you name it. As to Darryl, his young son’s life was in the line of fire.
      There is no limit to what these people are willing to do to win, they are utterly vile and corrupt.

      • it was probally in fear of the child, that would be my only reason for not doing it

    • I always try to look at other perspectives and I have to say it would give me reason to hesitate if I knew JM could question me and attack me. Anyone watching the trial has to know that they would be hung out to dry. The judge would not intervene. I would probably be in jail for contempt because I would turn on that fucker and tell him off. I have no criminal record and not really anything in my past that would concern me but I do understand those who do, and their not wanting irrelevant things brought up just for JM’s sport.

  37. I predict: Hung Jury after a day or two. Judge thanks them, dismisses them and she ‘takes it under advisement’. Then she ‘deliberates’ for a month or two. (bullshit) and returns her highest verdict of LWOP.

    Remember you heard it here first..

    • Someone clarify if this is wrong but I understand that if jury is hung, they are dismissed and a new jury is brought in, if this jury is hung also, DP is off the table and the judge then sentences her.

        • Beth needs to wear a longer dress when doing sit down interviews…you can see the darkness between her legs as she sits there…she remembers to put a hand on her knees every once in a while…these folks have no decency….

      • PK – thats my understanding as well. If this Jury can’t decide unamiously, another Jury will be seated. No telling how long that would take……and on Judge Stephens clock, it would be months probably.

        • so let me see if i understand this right. If they cannot decide on the sentencing she gets a new trial?

          • No, if the jury hangs on life / death then they redo the 3rd phase only with a 2nd jury.
            If that 2nd jury hangs then death is off the table.

            If life, Judge Stephens has to decide with or without parole after 25 years.

      • How can they bring in a new jury? I would think the decision goes right to Stephens and we know what that decision will be.
        Martinez will stop giving her the D if she chooses life over death. She needs that D.

    • Ed

      In AZ if there is a hung jury, JM gets another kick at the can with a new jury. And if that’s hung I think he gets a three-peat before the judge takes over.

      Yeah it sure is one fucked up state.

    • Yes and no. An appellate lawyer from another state could apply to practice law in AZ temporarily for an appeal; however, he/she would have to work under the supervision of an AZ licensed attorney. This is not something attorneys like to do in general; however, it’s not such a bad situation for an appeal which mainly consists of briefs.

    • An appeal attorney not licensed to practice in AZ would work with an AZ attorney, and would file a motion for pro hac vice, to be an attorney of record for this occasion.

    • I know, right? No matter what they all feel, they all have eyes and ears and they heard from Travis own mouth the disgusting things he said and saw with their own eyes the texts he sent, why do they insist on holding him up for sainthood, It is beyond me

      • They’re so far gone hiding their heads in their own asses for so long that they are stuck in their own shit.

  38. To Janeen Russo,
    No you are not being nasty. You have every right to feel how you feel. I am in spirit, not dead literally, I mean spiritual energy. I am focusing on the good of my energy for the good of humanity.
    It is what it is, we can be a positive force that is what I chose to do.
    Meditate and pray.

  39. Have I been ban…Havent been able to post been working!
    If i was younger I coould have used my Iphone..But Im
    old and according to my kids febal.

  40. In perfect world JM WOULD do the appeal with a judge that would put his ignorant ass in place EVERY time he steps out of line. Although I realize he would not be doing an appeal I would SO love to see that little prick get his comeuppance (sp)

    He will get it eventually, make no mistake. You can’t be that big of a prick, ignore the rules, and attack at every turn without it coming back to bite you in the ass eventally

    I refuse to watch HLN and their negativity. I KNEW they would attack Jodi no matter what she said. There is no reasoning with that kind of mindset. We still have the option to turn them off and it gives me great pleasure to do so.

    • I completely believe in Karma.
      My ex, who beat the crap out of me, severe emotional abuse, abused the children, to the point that my 25yo daughter found out she can’t have children-died 2yrs ago at age 55.
      I can’t believe I finally typed/said that-it’s been in my mind for 2yrs, but I don’t dare say it where my kids could hear/read it. He was a doped up drunken abusive asshole, responsible for destroying many lives…but he was still their father.

      I have many other examples, but believe me, Karma’s a BITCH, and rat-faced JM WILL get his!!

    • Bev, an appeal isn’t like another trial. Essentially, it’s about reviewing the record from the trial court and filing briefs citing issues for the appellate court to review and case law (past opinions) in support thereof. (Appellant – Jodi — files an initial brief, Appellee – State of AZ – files an answer brief, then Appellant files a reply brief (focusing solely on the answer brief.) Oral argument can be requested, and may be granted (but it’s discretionary). That consists of usually 10-15 minutes before the panel of judges assigned to the case (it’s never one judge — although one judge usually writes the opinion, if any). During oral argument, the judges often ask questions. But there are no witnesses. It’s all very very civilized.

      I think AZ may televise oral arguments, but would have to check. If so, you might find it interesting to watch one. There are many sample briefs online also, if you would like to read one for a better understanding. Let me know if you need help digging one up.

      Assuming Jodi cites prosecutorial misconduct in her brief and the panel finds that it did indeed exist, they have the power to recommend disciplinary action. I don’t mean to imply that happens very often — but it does happen occasionally. We can always hope for that!

  41. Jodi words stop the hate had me balling and squalling over what she said she still wants to live and I am glad I was screaming FUCK YOU at the tv when HLN started the hate campaign as soon as they go the chance the still show there ass

  42. Time to call the companies that put their commercials on HLN and tell them you will boycott their products as long as they advertise on that POS


      This “media by trial” is a complete negation of our constitution!!! (See my comment above)


  43. From the bottom of my heart I pray she does not get the DP. I think she did good today, she showed remorse, and spoke about her family. It had to have touched one juror. One juror that is a mother, or a father, and would have a hard time sending a child of someone off to death row. Giving the DP cannot be an easy thing to do one would hope.

  44. So, while we wait for the clowns to touch up their make-up and the mini cars to get re-gassed up, i thought we should take a moment to thank our sponsors.

    Wal-Mart, the official gas can of the Jodi Arias Trial. Also available in Kerosene models. Please see our return policy for details.

    Browning, the official 25 caliber hand gun. It not only has magic bullets that can penetrate the brain while leaving the brain sack intact but it also breaks down in the desert sun, so no one will ever find it.

    Cutco knives, sold exclusively through vector marketing. when you need to slash and stab without being able to differentiate between the 2 wounds, except no substitutes.

    Sprint, the official cell phone of Jodi Arias AND Travis Alexander. Our batteries may not last as long as you need for an alibi but the text and messages will always be available to be brought to your court case.

    Hertz, They will pick you up and throw you under the bus, unless you don’t dye your hair. Available in “invisible white” or cop attractant red.

    624 mafia, the official skateboard gang of the JA trial. No day is too cold or hot, they will steal or flip your plates faster than Juan Martinez would go down on an aids invested whore from Africa, if it bettered his career.

    Real Wood Crooked Canes. When you need a walking stick that doubles as an autograph devise, think RWCC. Choose from a custom design or take home one of our pretreated models that really make that autograph POP.

    Cannon, we make your pictures come to life or your deleted photos come to death…depending on your needs. try our new “washing machine” safe models.

    Dr. Drew Rehab. Taking patients’ needs first. If you need excuses we have ’em. Brother died? no need to worry, we will help create a scape goat to continue your addiction. Wife left you? We can help blame it on your brothers ex-girlfriend. Not sleep? We can prescribe a remedy. The next ten callers also receive a book on how to exploit bad situation for drug money.

    Finally we would like to thank HLeN for providing us with the most biased coverage of any event…ever. Supplying us with a steady stream of people that would rather drink acid than watch one more day of your ignorant entertainment coverage.

    • gold handcuff tie clip ?? really?? Nasty has a jewellery line..wonder how much dough Stevie boy gets for the Ad?

      • I noticed a long time ago that NG was wearing a necklace with handcuffs on it. (Back when I would even turn on hln.) So, now she using families of court cases to push her wares. Wow!.

    • Ed B

      He and NG will make a great pair. She with her handcuff necklace and he with his handcuff tie tack. Tacky, tacky.

  45. How much notice will we get when the jury comes to a decision before they read the verdict?

  46. I hope the Survivor t-shirt sales go through the roof, I’m going to be buying two t-shirts on Friday, when I get paid.

    • Im trying to get TWO NOW, but want to know if I have to make two separate transactions? Anyone know?

      • LC – it looks to me like there has to be two separate transactions since it doesn’t give the option of changing the quantity.

  47. I watched the replay on AZ central…it shows slightly different angles than the broadcast of the trial from HLN…

    Jodi does say she is “sorry” right after the part where she is talking about Travis…she says, “at one point he meant the world to me”…then she talked about not knowing that she was capable of that…and before that day she wouldn’t even hurt a spider…then she said…”for that, I will be sorry for the rest of my life”


    • Yea she DOES! I just don’t know what they want! They want her to break down and say sorry 10 times, they want a special I’m sorry to HLN! WHATEVER! !!! They can go suck ass!

      • She may have said sorry some other time during her statement…I’m just not sure…

      • Exactly! They can go suck it.
        They want a false confession from her, and have her groveling just like she did at one point with Travis the pedo abuser, because they are abusers themselves.

      • Ignore HLN; they hear what they want, and hypothesize on everything else. She spoke to the jury, not anyone else. The jury is all she needs to impact. Even one member of the jury to have a new jury selection if this one becomes ‘hung’.

        • I like to think that at least one of the jurors has a little compassion and that would be a way to bail out if they fear for their lives. They will leave it to the new jury to decide her fate…just hoping 🙁

          • That’s how I’m thinking,too. I would love for the jury to come back with LWOP …. but, in reality, I can’t see 12 of them agreeing to that. How I wish!!!!!!

          • I don’t watch HLN either and my mom used to watch it, but is not allowed now…lol. Everything about HLN I learn from here. And my blood pressure is not as high as it used to be while watching the fucking morons on this station.

  48. If Jodi apologized to the family, HLN would accuse her of lying. They would point out in their most exasperated tone, “She lied to the police.” In their world, Jodi is the only person in the history of criminal justice to lie to the police.

    • I often seek out the police JUST so i can lie to them. Thursday, nothing on TV? Call the cops and make some shit up. Drunk and board driving around town? Find the poe poe and tell them a tail.

      You show me an adult that has NOT lied to the police and I’ll show you an adult that has never talked to the police.

      Lieing to a cop…PALEEZE. Thats like talking down to an adult male for pissing in the woods. Sure, i SUPPOSE its public pissing…but really, who can blaim a guy?

  49. So did JM drag TA’s corpse into the courtroom for his closing arguments, yet? Or is that still to come?

    lol..sorry, haven’t been able to post until now. =)

    • No, but I’m sure we’ll see plenty of pictures.

      I notice on HLN when some of them talked about Jodi giving a powerpoint presentation, it was no different than the victim impact statements by Travis family. Those had lots of photos too.

    • Sil,

      There is a rumor that a “blue bag” is at the ready. Would not put it past JM to do anything he can to shock this jury. He’s only in it, to win it.

    • lol! Hey there beautiful people!!

      I’m having to actually work today. lol.

      ((((((Janeen maria))))) Muah and Muah!!

      Dave C and Angie…help me pick up M. from the floor! lol

  50. Beth K says that Jodi’s “cold affect is due to her borderline personality disorder”. Where is it stated anywhere that this “a cold affect” is connected with BPD. Wow, it just does not get any better. Idiot!

    • She wasn’t cold. This is soooo tiring. I really pray that most of this doesn’t get back to Jodi.

    • i didnt think she was cold, perse. However if she was “cold” i dont suppose being in a box for the last 5 years and now finding out it will be your perminent home will “cold” you up a bit.

      Maybe she should have spun her head around a few times, done some back flips and then spit in the jurors faces. What did they fucking expect?

      • Cold, pfft.
        If she had cried we’d have to hear about how fake her tears were.
        How great of an actress she is.
        Blah, blah, blah.

        HLN and all their followers can suck a fart.

    • I wasn’t aware that Beth K was also a practicing psychiatrist. I wonder if these idiots actually believe the shit that comes out of their own mouths!

  51. Vinnie “I want to inject Jodi myself” Politan just said someone wrote ” I love Jodi” on the landscaping at court house. Josh Davis was that you??

  52. The ONLY part of this trial that EVER got underway on time or even a little early was lunch. Stephens loves lunchtime. Her and Juan alone in her chambers.

  53. While we wait, I had a thought to toss out.

    There was a brief mention here yesterday about the Lifetime special tomorrow night, with the ‘exclusive interview’.

    I am betting the interview is with someone connected to the production of their upcoming movie, ‘Dirty Little Secret’ – essentially nothing more than a long promo ad.

  54. The sad thing here is that there are people out there that would want to be the one to inject the needle. That includes some of the trash at HLN.

  55. Im sad to say I dont have my hopes up….this f ing jury
    is something else.

    I would be surprised if they gave her life!

  56. Why?Why does Martinez always have to turn up when I’m having dinner????

  57. HLeN will be pushing to be the exclusive Media coverage of the Jodi Arias death sentence. They will try to get a camera in her cell for 24 hour viewing then have a whole team of people in the room as they kil..MURDER her.

  58. I’m expecting shorty to get up and say Patricia didn’t testify because she’s a criminal and drug addict who was afraid of being charged. He’s such an ass, and doesn’t care who he smears.

  59. You can tell that Wilmott is so over the circus court and JM. She’s fired up.

  60. I find it very telling that JM is reminding the jury that they are supposed to respect the decisions of other jurors. It seems she knows that some jurors may have been bullied into the M1 verdict (which is my feeling).

  61. JW is doing good!!! I have a big crush on her though!!

    However this jury has done the opposite of what I thught
    they would do all thru this farce.

      • If Jodi gets Life I hope she studies to become a lawyer. At least she can get an education without paying for it, and I think she will be a good one too.

    • Why does the prosecution always get the last word? They get the last word to try to convict, now they get the last word to try to kill someone. How can that be right?

      • If they fail Jodi again, it proves they are bias. M1 and Jodi’s character are separated in this decision like a crime was never committed. jm banking on jury ignorance just like he’s fkd them over during this entire trial . . jms psychosis made him a meglamaniac. Him going off the charts will back Jens closing and stoke appeal

  62. I’ll be bracing for when after the final verdict is delivered the jurors hit the talk show market. Gee, I wonder what network will snag them first. And how much they’ll make off Jodi’s case. It all makes me want to puke. Damn you, America, for letting this circus continue.

  63. It makes me so sad they have to prove her life isn’t worth anything.

    Her life is worth a lot!


  64. Go Jenny!

    I am sooooooooooooooo glad she is pointing out what a fucking douche bag loser pedo he was.

    • Me too!!
      It’s like she’s saying what we’ve been wanting to hear all this time!This is all so powerful.

      • me too.I hope her eyes stay that way for the rest of her life and she looks even uglier than she already is!

    • It was the BEST idea. The verdict is already decided. I am so glad Jenny is doing this.

      fuck kermit.

      • At this stage, in my opinion, talking about Travis’s abuse is a mistake. I’m sorry. I know many of you will not agree with me. But this jury already convicted Jodi. They already found the crime to be especially cruel. It is NOT helping to rub in the jurors’ faces ANYTHING about abuse. The t-shirt is fine, but it should have stopped there. I hope I’m wrong and this works. I really do. But it’s my opinion, strongly, that this is a mistake.

        • I ♥ you, AA. But I disagree. The time for not talking about abuse is NEVER. we need to be loud, and yes, so does Jodi.

        • Thanks, AA.

          I really don’t know what to think. To me, Jennifer hit the right notes, by not back-tracking on the claims of abuse. She didn’t ask them to believe he hurt her or attacked her physically. She asked that they recall the evidence of his verbal abuse. I thought it was effective, but I may be as far as you can get from those jurors–in mind, and in spirit.

          I would never qualify (due to the death penalty) to be a juror in this case, as I’m sure many of us here would not. At this point I’ve pretty much given up on trying to get into their minds.

          I can only hope that you’re wrong about the feeling that you’re getting!

  65. Jennifer Wilmott rocks! Jodi good enough to be a defense attorney instead is a defendant. Jodi does have many talents, LIFE it is!

    • I wish she’d said Jodi could have been a prosecutor. That would have been really powerful.

  66. I think JW is doing great…I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch JM, he is such an evil liar

  67. Why doesn’t she say WHY would you kill a young woman who has killed her abuser as if she were some kind of mass serial murderer ????????!!!!!??????

      • They’re incapable of feeling any kind of emotion.They’re deprived of them.Well,okey maybe they have just one:hatred.

    • meth users, after using for so long, even after rehabilitation can lose the ability for any type of compassion, it is a medical fact, I would look it up and post this here but I dont know what my work would say about my search, heh – can someone else?

  68. JW is focusing on mitigating factors for Jury to deliberate and not to focus on the act only like the prosecutor will portray. JW is reminding jury that they would choose LIP when they were picked back in Dec. b4 trial. Good reminders to deter from DP and spare Jodi’s life. She is worth saving and show mercy.

  69. I don’t know if this post will make it on your board or not but I at least wanted to write it. I first came to this site and thought are we watching the same trial, to have all seen the same things and come forth with such differing opinions? However some of the posts and comments have struck a chord with me. I just finished watching Jodi’s statement asking the jury not to sentence her to death, and I ended up in tears. She is a human being, just as he was a human being and it makes me sad to think of anyone dying. I feel for both families, no one is a winner in this situation. I also can see your point(s) on how HLN reacts to her. I feel she was honest, genuine, and heartfelt in her speech, and it made me sad to see the way they started talking about her “lack of affect.” I have felt she was dishonest before and didn’t convey a lot of emotion, again I know many of you disagree with me and will probably tear this post to shreds. I just wanted to take a chance that maybe I would be heard as saying I felt she was guilty, but I do not believe she deserves to die. Thank you for at least reading it before you delete.

  70. JM will bring up those made up lies about slashing tires and stalking as criminal defenses

  71. How can the Alexander siblings live with such hatred in the hearts. It’s time to get over it and get on with their lives.

    • They don’t give a shit about travis. Its all a show to gain sympathy to keep the money rolling in

    • Yea, but remember, their nose spouts turn off, they run out of Kleenex, the $$$$ pipe also shuts off, expect the “tears” to continue…

  72. Brace yourself, this will be SUPER DICK on steriods here…. He will GO OVER THE TOP.

    If you cant hadle it, i wouldnt watch it.

  73. “ladies and gentlemen, please kill Jodi to keep me the rock star I think I am”

    • Last time we ever have to hear his voice. Now that makes my fucking day.

    • I know right???

      He doesn’t give a crap about Travis or his family. All he wants is the fame and ego boost.

      When the jury comes back, we’ll see if they’re the same way.

  74. Here come the water works……….right on cue…….pan the camera and I bet we all see the eye roller let it flow, or atleast try to.

  75. “To his family, he will be forever young.”

    Who starts out like that.
    That’s the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

    • Also on the dumb meter, he will be 30 for the rest of his life, gee if it worked that way, everyone would want to die young, so they could be young for the rest of their lives.

  76. OMG this motherfucker is going to start posting dead pics again? Watch, the judge is going to let him. WHORE!

    • I’m glad this is the last time we’ll watch them go for the Oscars.

      I’m so done with them. They can stuff it. >:(

  77. it is a dirty trick that many prosecutors use the crime picture itself…grrr….

  78. Onion bags are once again out! Oh cut it out ,it’s getting really old!!

  79. He doesnt give 1 flying fuck about TA’s family, why would he keep trying to show that picture?

    JM Fuck You

    • Exactly! And if that was my brother I would be voicing my displeasure with anybody who would listen.

      • Instead they breakout the tears and use it to earn pity and $$$$$ What a crock of shit!

  80. ‘Can’t forget he was emotionally distressed’ ????? WTF????? HE was emotionally distressed…??? My fucking head..this man is vile..absolutely vile


  82. does the defense get to re-ply when JW is finished just like he did on case in chief

  83. WHERE’S MY CACTUS????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!



  84. Samantha is a bad actress………….maybe she should look into some acting classes.

  85. see he got his way again…that should not be a mitigating factor…

  86. Did Vinnie really say he wants to inject Jodi????? There are so many people who should be afraid of the karma coming their way…..that’s the only comfort I have when thinking about how all the evil people have been acting towards Jodi, one day their karma will give it all right back to them

    • If Vinnie said that he should be FIRED !!! We know they are biased, but to that extend ????

  87. But OF COURSE the bitch judge allows the photo’s. Defense team need not bother objecting to anything. Cannot imagine their frustration…

    • I had to switch him off. He is not good for my blood pressure.

      He always sounds like he wants to kill her himself.

  88. This judge is incompetent and her and JM are digging themselves in nice and deep.

    I hope I never have to hear his voice again.

  89. he must get turn on by those pictures…otherwise why would he shows them over and over and over

  90. what a loser!! everything jodi says gets twisted and fucked when it comes out of this bastards mouth

  91. I cannot listen to this evil little prick any longer….I cannot look at TA’s family with their fake fucking tears ONLY when the camera pans on them…grrrrrrrr…fucking triple grrrrrr

    • All the little prick is doing is taking shots at Jodi not arguing his case. If there is a God, the scumbag is going to die a horrible death

  92. I am not watching live. Once again, I am recording it for when I can get my emotions under control. I fear if I heard JM utter one syllable I would go on a spree or rampage of some sort. How dare that reptilian little f#cker argue for Jodi’s death! He is the one who is of no value to society in my opinion. He and every other lizard-like creature that is chanting for the DP. May you all have hardships in your future that might not have transpired had you not been such cold blooded worms.

    • Gwen

      I am with you. I will watch it on You tube. I just can not bear to hear his voice and my daughter who watches with me who ” used” to think differently about what JA had to do gets physically sick when listening to him. I am ‘listening’ to all of you until I can watch it.

      Also, although I post very seldom I hope everyone knows, including Admin that I am a full blown Jodi supporter and have been reading here, (lurking) since the first day of Jodi’s testimony in the defense case. I knew from listening to her life story, her relationships in her life and her relationship with TA, that that could of just of easy have been me. “But by the grace of God go I”

      I will pray for Jodi till the day she walks free.

  93. He needs to use the pics because that is the families que and motivation to cry. Fucking Tammy Faye Baker wannabes.

  94. I turned the sound down for Martinez. I don’t give a damn what he has to say.

    Jodi seems like she has made peace with spending the rest of her life in prison. At least she wants to continue to better herself and help the other women in prison. Just remember if the jury comes back with death, the automatic appeals process begins immediately and we all know how many appealabe issues there are in this case. I think everything is going to turn out ok in the end.

  95. Juan Martinez is a sadistic joke.

    I am pretty sure that if there is a heaven, he won’t get in.

    How many premeditated murders has he done now?

  96. Sadly, with a broken heart. With anger at all the injustice. I know those jurors will find DP. This is not about justice. No way. Only REVENGE. Prayers for a speedy re-trial.

  97. Why is Deanna reaching for the tissues????She is NOT crying!! BAD FAT UGLY actress!!

  98. Add to the list of appeal issues…

    Repeated using this/these photos for shock value is going to come back and bit him. This will be overturned for this and many other reasons.

    • it’s all he has…to continually shock and get people crying…it’s not appropriate at this stage anyway

  99. Would anyone like to attempt to find any mitigating factors for Juan Martinez? No, didn’t think so.

  100. Why is he sooooo adamant that Jodi should be killed? What did she ever do to him?

    • He has a “kill belt” he want to put another notch in. This is about putting as many people on death row as possible so he can maintain his “rock star” status. This is not about truth or justice.

    • maybe her being an artist is another way she could help other people in prison. Teach classes and show other women another outlet that is a healthy one

  101. Anyone have an estimate what the sibs have made off their dead brother? Greedy bastards.

  102. Preferential treatment? OMG this man has NO bottom. There is NO place he will not go.

  103. I think for Jaun, he’s like a gunfighter, every DP he gets is another notch on his gun. Psycho fucking prick.

  104. wow. kermit is actually playing his own personal shoulder chip card.
    wth kermit.

  105. Although I’m not in ANY way “gay”, I think I’m in love with JW… This woman is cute as a button, knows her stuff, and has compassionately represented Jodi in the face of this bloodthirsty media and nutcase haters. Poor girl, can you imagine what she and KN have been through these past 5 months??!!

    IF Jennifer were to get a show on….nevermind, HLN ONLY employs former, half-assed psycho bloodthirsty so-called “attorney’s”….

  106. I guess it’s Juan’s say for Jodi’s quota of how much life she can experience.

  107. Hi All,

    This is my first time posting on here for Jodi Arias. I didn’t follow this case too much because I just couldn’t emotionally, the Casey Anthony trial took ALOT out of me, as I am sure it did many others on this site. I did follow it enough to know that Murder 1 was a bullshit verdict. I just have to say that I hope and pray that this jury is not made up of a bunch of heartless bastards. It will break my heart if they give her the DP. I am trying to be positive, but what has been happening so far in this trial is making it hard to be positive about the outcome. I am glad to be able to post somewhere about my feelings and not have to worry about having to fight why I feel the way I do. I fought with all my friends and family about Casey Anthony and I fight them as to why I feel Jodi’s verdict was wrong and why she should not get the death penalty. Anyway, I am praying for Jodi and that the jury for once makes the right decision. Thanks

  108. K…I can’t stand listening to this wee wee little man any longer, so I’m going for a smoke, and hopefully when I return, he will be done with this garbage spewing from his trap….

  109. Why can’t they be happy that she’s at least getting life here????? They just have to argue for death?

  110. Travis will no longer have any more yesterdays? Um, neither will Jodi even if she gets life.

  111. too bad … travis won’t be able to ever fuck little boys and girls in spiderman underwear.

  112. Her life has so much value and would have more if she wasn’t behind bars! I know that’s a big wish.

  113. I hate that fucking sneer the brother has on his face, and that skinny, pale faced sister. Can they scowl any harder?

  114. Jesus if you give just one juror to come back with a life and not death I will promise every one here will say a hail Mary even (((((( SIrlips )))))) and he is a non believer here my prayer lord what say you family friend


  115. Now I see what you are saying….I just saw the gold “handcuffs” cuff link that the brother Steven is wearing…they zoomed the camera on his tie just now…


    I OBJECT!!!!!!!!!

    • It doesn’t surprise me in the least. There’s nothing he won’t stoop to.

      • Another sidebar.

        Jennifer Willmott has to really been on her mark with this cockroach.

        Does Juan have a side bet on this case with his salary riding on the Penalty phase?
        Oh, I remember—-he has to maintain his fan base or he won’t get to autograph more canes.

        The sister with the wonky name looks like she’s sucking on prunes.

  117. he is about to bring up the lies about the tire slashing and the lies about how Jodi stalked him

  118. It doesn’t seem right that he gets to just say whatever he wants whenever he wants about any topic of his choosing. Jodi’s allocution was not subjected to cross examination, so why can he rip it apart now and no re cross. It’s verbal overkill.

    No prior criminal history means – NO PRIOR HISTORY OF ANYTHING, not just manslaughter.

  119. I think jw and kn should object and approach ever minute just to piss Kermit off!



  121. Why in the hell do they keep showing them fucking crack-ho Alexanders! And can somebody please kill that little motherfucker….Martinez!!!!!

  122. I don’t understand why Juan Martinez is so hell bent on having Jodi put to death.

    • Because Juan is a hypocrite. He says Jodi premeditated a murder (she didn’t) but now wants to premeditate Jodi’s murder. He is a hypocrite.

  123. I wonder if “Judge Pickles” takes out her teeth before she sucks Juan’s dick.


    • Maybe that’s why he walks with his legs kind of apart & looks like he’s always playing pocket pool,..bite’s gettin a bit irritated rat-face??

      Or, she could have given him herpes…..and he’s just enjoying the “itch”..
      Sorry, I can NOT stand this little rat…

      • I feel the same as all of you. Nothing I can say here can show the contempt I feel for this little bastard. Juan Martinez is nothing but a limelight loving loser. He should have been disbarred for his little autograph session outside the courthouse.

        He has no scruples. Get off the stage little butthead Juan.

  124. overruled again…then she looks at the clock…and then to the jurors…unspoken words, she wants to hurry this along and get it over with….

    • I was just saying to my husband how this judge has been sending subliminal messages to this jury all along. Her constant over ruling defense, the infliction and tone of her voice, the way she looks and nods her head when JM speaks and on and on it goes. Is she starting tp worry about that? Is it why her bias was mentioned in the jury instruction? Oh dear God I pray she never sits on the bench again when someones life is on the line!

  125. im actually glad this judge says over rule to everything!! because when the attorneys take all their documents to WHERE EVER it need to go!! it going to show how biased and one sided this court room ran!!

  126. This tactic that JM is using is all that he has, he has no reasonable argument that her life should be taken.
    Jennifer did a powerful job conveying Jodi as her true self, a whole person, a sweet, kind , helpful person who has value.

  127. Either this Judge is the dumbest c””t ever or Juan Martinez is the greatest prosecutor in the history of prosecutors.
    He makes no mistakes ever according to Judge Stephens.

  128. Juan is losing this. The jury won’t convict someone who has pleaded for her life and apologized. On HLN but muted, on computer and muted. Just reading body languages of what is possible. More sidebars and objections will keep a balance.

  129. I swear there is no way this self serving attention seeking whore is not himself guilty of the same things he accuses Jodi of. He is a effing liar. Period. He is evil to the core. I cannot imagine anyone wanting to be friends with this dickhead. I am sure there are plenty of ass kissers who want to ride his short little coat tails but there is no damn way his own mother can even stand to be in the same room with him.

  130. I see the fake sisters are fake crying again and rolling their hateful eyes. What a bunch of bullshit.

    • Yea, but remember, their nose spouts turn off, they run out of Kleenex, the $$$$ pipe also shuts off, expect the “tears” to continue…

  131. He might as well have just stood there and said “Jodi is a liar. Execute her.”

  132. This pig makes me sick! To bad we’ll see him again in the appeal. He is the prosecutor in the aappeal case right? I wonder if this shit head will be signing autographs then when the verdict is over thrown because of this shmo!!

    • No, he is not skilled in appellate law. He won’t be the one who writes the briefs and I would not expect him to be the one who gives the oral argument — assuming there is any granted.

      • Here are some examples (in the archives) of oral arguments in the AZ Supreme Court. It’s a LOT different than you probably think.

    • k does anyone know if jodi’s friend of her websites OK? I know mob trying to destroy everyone!!!! and her childhood friend being harrasses,and ex-boyfriend etc. etc. Is her friend from jail OK I heard there trying to hang her over probation and now there’s an conviction trying to stop comunications or she faces jail or pworse. anyone know anything? tired of the crap!!! i hope Jodi will one day get out. i know hard to become reality but can hoope

  133. he’s dragging out the entire twisted up fucked up case again…grrr…

  134. This POS judge is in effect vouching for JM’ statement that she ‘does have a criminal history’. She lied to the police (uncharged) she had an extra gas can (uncharged). This judge is the reason we and Jodi find ourselves here. Vouching for prosecutor misconduct, and no sequestration.

    NG didn’t cause this, the JUDGE did.

    • Lying and gas cans aren’t crimes and JM knows it, otherwise he would have charged her for it as well. JM is a bully who has to get his way.

        • I’d be more than happy to do just that –except it won’t be with gas cans and I’d do more than just knock him out

  135. Jen is not letting him get away with much today. Go Jen!

    Appeal – Appeal – Appeal

  136. This will be the LAST TIME we hear this little viper spew his lies. So I’m plugging my ears until he stops. La la la la la la la la la la la

  137. wow,Deanna really does look like a fat truck driver-I was right before! 😀

          • Deanna is one fucking ugly blob. The best looking chick TA ever had was Jodi. I bet he couldn’t even believe he landed her. And she has a booming body too – imagine the hatred those fugly other TA women had/have for poor Jodi. It’s like she’s Cinderella fighting the ugly jealous stepsisters.

    • Sexy double neck she has. They are all jealous of Jodi’s good looks.

  138. I honestly don’t think this jury will give her a death sentence. If they do, they are the most evil jury on the planet.

      • True, but this will make them even more evil. The guilty verdict was stupidity more than anything else, and evil.

    • Unfortunately I do think they will give her the death penalty. I think this jury wants to convict her on everything they can. I hope I’m wrong but I think the jury already knows what they are going to do and has known for quite some time.

  139. I had to turn his fuckin ass off, I coudn’t stand listenign to him one more sec!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish he had those handcuffs up his ass! he’s certainly had them around his wrists!!!!!!!!! OHHHHHHHHHHHH I’m pissed!!!!!!!!!!!

  140. I was just watching HLN and I saw a commercial for Christian Mingle and I was thinking how can they advertise on HLN. I’d better email them. Guess where they are located? Utah. LOL.

    • They can advertise with them because they too have had some one kill someone. Remember a couple of months ago that guy how met a girl on that site and raped and killed her. so the hln murderers dont mind if christian mingle has a couple of deaths under their belts so does hln. 🙁

    • The I smell BS commercial just came on after another HLN break.. boy that is correct huh

  141. OMG ! he is saying Jodi is lying about her friend being threatened even though he knows Nurmi gave evidence she was!!!!

  142. Ok I have a mitigating factor. She saved Travis from marrying that fat bitch Deanna.

  143. Did anyone expect anything different from Juan Martinez today? He is a sad, pathetic, little man. And Judge Stevens is acting exactly as she always has in this trial.

  144. What is that fucker talking about cancer for? That rat-faced motherfucker is worse than any form of disease known to mankind! Never have I ever witnessed so much underhandedness and overt bias as I have seen in this trial! Martinez should be hung up by his shriveled little raisinet-sized balls and beat like a piñata until he’s dead!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Yes, I’d wring his scawny little neck like a turkey and hang him up to die. I have never seen anyone be so inhumane and cruel.

  145. Am I the only one who can’t bear to listen to Juan? I have the volume turned down low enough to make his voice a mere little angry drone in the background. A few punches still come through.

    Honestly, I’m not afraid of what he has to say. It’s all been said before. I’m just truly unable to wrap my head around his asking the state to murder her. If Juan hadn’t become a lawyer, would he, one day, have become a defendant? Sincere question.

  146. How frustrating for the defense team……….I would of lost my cool by now……..JM would of pissed me off and pushed me over the edge (and I am usually a very mellow, laid back individual).

    • I fully agree–however I would beat his puny little ass right through the floor like a rusty nail —–on national TV! SIC SEMPER TYRANNUS!!!!!!(yeah you Martinasss!



    thank you Jodi!♥

  148. Oh, Juan Boy is getting testy with Jennifer.
    His voice got a littler louder after that last objection.

  149. I can’t listen to this idiot anymore. Juan thinks domestic abuse is always reported. What a crock of shit.

    • He knows very well it is usually NOT reported, but he also knows that his bs has worked very well with this jury, so he is sticking to his tactics. He’s probably right on that score. They buy his rhetoric – stupid bunch of people.

  150. OMG he is fucking testifying. Again! This is what Nurmi has been saying for months.

  151. He’s basically telling the jury that they should kill someone. Evil son of a bitch!

  152. I don’t know how any prosecutor could feel good about themselves when asking a jury to kill someone!

    None of this matters though. It will be overturned in appeals and I think they all know it

    • I don’t know for sure, but I think she should get a rebuttal at this stage. I sure hope so.

  153. lol,did anyone see Jennifer mouthing sth after her last objection was overruled??
    I hope she was mouthing ”FUCK YOU BITCH”to the Judge LOL!

  154. And the Haters wonder why KN and JW wanted taken off the case. This judge lives to rule against them on anything and everything. How can you do your job when the judge won’t allow you to?

  155. Will Jen and KIrk get to go again? Or does the jury go into deliberations after the shit-bag is through spewing his lies and shit from the asshole between his beady little eyes?

  156. The death penalty is nothing more than premeditated murder, sanctioned by the State. Pitiful.

  157. yes its all minimum but its all that she has to work with!!
    i just dont get why this man is so hateful

      • Wimott is still trying : (( its obvious, that it doesn’t really matter anymore. But I give her props for not giving up!

        • I do too! Wilmott has a lot of heart, and you can tell she cares, even though you can also tell that she’s frustrated that the jury isn’t listening!

  158. “Overruled!!!!” You can repay me later Juan Boy you are a star in my courtroom – can’t wait for your oompa loompa (wink wink)!!

  159. Pickles is a farse! do you think other judges she works with have been going WTF through the whole trial on her judgements?

  160. Oh for Christ sakes Juan she’s in prison, what the hell do you expect her to do. She doesn’t have to do a fucking thing but she is choosing to do something constructive and better her life. God I can’t stand this man. He makes me sick!

  161. Even Jeffrey Dahmer got life sentences, not DP. So, Jodi should get the DP…….PULEAZZZZZE

    • if they are morms, this is a classic example of brainwash and jm is the prophet delivering the msg same shit over and over again . . not a good thing for non-freethinkers

    “over-ruled”-NO SHIT you poor EXCUSE OF A “JUDGE”!! THAT is about ALL YOU SAY to your little rat-faced roach of a “hook-up”!!

  163. Listening to Martinez ramble on I realize…he isn’t passionate because he realizes his job is done. He could have sat on his butt this whole trial and the jury still would have found Jodi guilty because they were viewing the trial on HLN. Martinez is totally shitty today. And it doesn’t even matter.

    • Yeah they know better. They know what the public WANT/EXPACT! They’re cowards, scared to stand up to what they truly know is right!

    • Yeah me too! If something happens to any of them (car accident lr whatever), I wouldn’t be sad, it actually make my day a better day!

  164. Okay it’s time for Kermit’s ass to sit the hell down…..he’s repeating himself!!!!

  165. I cannot follow one sentence he is saying. No rational mind can follow his ramblings.

    This jury is wacking off to him they are so in love with him.

    • remember suz those same jurors agreed with his ramblings during the trial…and I hate to think what they are agreeing to now after listening to him…

      • I know. I don’t know how these 12 people are so captivated by him. He is repetitive and he makes zero sense. How the jury hangs on his every words speaks volumes about how incompetent they are.

        They are mesmerized by his smoke and mirrors.

        A jury of her peers? Heck they don’t even understand Jodi’s vocabulary. These people are not her peers. I said that a long time ago.

  166. i hate him! ive been in the same situation as her and i know that if i would have fought back it would have to be wit a weapon! so i just took it

  167. So because Travis’s life was frozen at 30, Jodi’s should be frozen at 32? Is he actually trying to argue she got 2 more years than him so she doesn’t deserve any more time to be alive? WTF!

  168. he is so boring I dont want to lessen to him anymore never mine he’s done thank you jesus

  169. Im getting confused. The exercise here is: are there or are there not mitigating factors?
    If yes, then apply leniency and give life,
    If no, then no leniency and give death.
    So they aren’t allowed to just decide that life is enough for the crime and conviction?
    That has to be quantified through the math of mitigating factors?

    • Exactly. There’s no decision to be made, because the death penalty is not a requirement, it’s an option.

      This isn’t some horrid ethical dilemma, like when a doctor has to sacrifice the life a fetus in order to save the mother, or to separate conjoined twins, and in doing so, only one lives.

      It’s nothing like that. They don’t HAVE to murder her. They only have to want to. Juan’s arguments about “doing the right thing, even though it may be hard” are completely HOLLOW. Killing her is about desire, not about need.

  170. I’m sorry, it’s just listening, (I’m in the kitchen in front of the fan so I can’t see his fugly face), to this jackass’s voice, his lies, his hatred…gets to me…

    I’m sure this has been asked and answered, but do JM or KN get a chance to rebut this crap?!

    • Doesn’t sound as if JW gets to rebut. I wonder what Samantha is going to do now that her hang-dog face isn’t going to be on screen everyday. I’m glad Jodi got to mention that her friend Patti couldn’t come to AZ because of harassment and threats!

      • They’ll find a way to keep their fake tears in front of cameras, after all, they’re SO broken up about their brother, (that they didnt give a shit about BEFORE his death), they NEED to stay in Phoenix/Mesa/wherever, and be FULLY SUPPORTED be all their like-minded HATERS!!

  171. The death penalty is murder 1. I hope I get on his jury because Juan’s ass is grass and I’d be the lawn mower.

    • Exactly! Jodi does not want her friends and family to testify on her behalf to PROTECT them!

      She is loyal and true and does not want harm to come to others. Jennifer and Alyce have had death threats, her family and friends threatened….and JM says she has no friends? She is a bad friend?

      He is an idiot.

      • And the jury will buy it! They’re all IDIOTS, they can’t put two n two together, they’re real idiots or looking for any excuse to sentence her to death!

    • Who would want him as their friend?I’m pretty sure he is a lonely lonely person.Not that it bothers me 😉

  172. Imagine being led by Juan to death. He is death! It takes a human consciousness against such rhetoric and hate to look past and see LIFE. In the jury hands, we ask for MERCY of LIFE!

  173. How many goddamn times does Juan get to ask fucking questions? We have heard enough of his whimpering bullying(cause his dick is tiny) ass!!! I guess this belongs on the vent page but he would make a nun cuss. Shut up you worm…just shut the fuck up.

    • LOL I can’t stand him either – can’t take his voice or his ridiculous statements….

    • I hate Juan Martinez, he is a pompous pig sob who I pray gets disbarred for his actions in this trial. Horrible, horrible man, just full of evil and is a murderer at heart and he will have an orgasm if Jodi gets the death penalty. i have never in my many years on earth seen suck evil as i’ve seen in this trial. I don’t think I knew people like the ta taliban and juan existed.. The da in the Casey Anthony trial never acted like this little prick from hell with his short boy complex

    • I turned it down but still could see him and hear some of the tempo. Didn’t help. Very bad mood here too, you’re not alone. These jurors are the worst too. Even if they came back with the lightest sentence, I still feel like spitting on them all.

      • I couldn’t listen to him, my blood pressure was getting sky high and I could feel all the muscles in my body clenching

  174. the fact remains that the jurors followed his asinine untruths during this whole trial…do we need to even speculate on how what they will decide on her fate???…the answer is obvious…

  175. he ALWAYS tries to confuse jury by twisting around instructions ,

    he did it with instructions first and now

  176. I’d love for a Juan fan to be on the other side while he shredded them and their family and friends. How big a fan would they be after that.

    The man is simply cruel. He’s worse than the criminals he prosecutes.

    • Especially because he seems to want to prosecute innocent people and put them to death from false confessions, fake evidence and witness tampering. I wonder now if ALL his cases are downright state murders of innocent people.

  177. Did anybody notice during the replays when cameras were on the Alexander family during Jodi’s plea, they would peek to see if cameras were on them, then start to shake their heads and sadden their faces? Putting on a show for the jury. I know they hurt, but enough with the overdramatics.


  179. Very proud of Jodi today, did a great job with her statements today,very strong.

    • I wish there was someway to shut up nancy grace, she is another one that I hate and I her show gets removed from tv asap she is a sick, mean, horrible person.

  180. Breathe, breathe, breathe………………Omm!
    Generally, people like the jury will give LIFE because they cannot live with the vote of not giving a person the chance to make things better. Just like life, it shows us mercy when we least expect.

    • we are not talking about general people here…we are talking about people who found her guilty based on every asinine untruth that JM told in trial…

    • Aum Sri Ganeshayaa Namaha, (the representation of overcoming obstacles-a mantra I use often in my practice. 🙂 )

  181. tanisha rubbed something across her teeth like coke heads do and there’s something about something written on the jail bus Jodi comes in that’s sitting outside the court house. Will post if finding out more . . that came off hln just before turning it off

    • Tanisha has an extended criminal record. No surprise if she’s doing hard drugs. Maybe she can spend some time in prison with Jodi.

      • I know I’m not the only one that saw it and the sneaky peer scan to see if anyone looking then rubbed her teeth back and forth 2x. I’m not into sensationalism . . she did that. She looked healthier a couple years ago, she doesn’t now, pretty much indicates she’s still using and when they’re hooked, not much else matters.

      • I was trying to find something on that-any idea where I can find documentation of that?
        Rat-face is “allowed” to drag Jodi’s friends, family and witnesses over the coals, but the DT and us supporters aren’t supposed to even THINK about talking about TA’s “sacred family”?

  182. 11 minutes ago…
    There won’t be much time for deliberation today. Defense gets the last word.

  183. No surprise here..This entire trial has been the muppet show..With KERMIT as the host

  184. Juan can say all he wants and throw a tantrum to influence the faint of hearts. If we can be so vocal here, then there are people like us in that jury box questioning and who believe second chances. We patiently wait for LIFE!

    • Be Well…if the people was like us…then she would not have gotten the guilty verdict to begin with…

      I will stay in like mind with you in hoping that they jurors give her life instead of death…

      Unless a miracle happens…that will not happen…

    • Idk Be Well, if there were some like us on that jury box, the verdict would’ve been alot different. Im afraid there’s no one on that jury like any of us here. That jury is full of cowards!

  185. Yes, for people asking the defense gets the last word in this phase because they have burden of proof – just like prosecution in the first two phases.

  186. Wish JW could have objected to JM when he kept mentioning that Jodi had a criminal record for perjury – JW “that is not a criminal record, these are!” And then showed all of the Alexander family extensive records.

  187. I have never witnessed a Judge/Prosecutor team like Stephens/Martinez. How are they allowed to work together?
    I’m know it happens a lot around the country but these two worked in cahoots like nothing I’ve ever seen before. He takes over the courtroom and she does what he says.
    It’s really pathetic. Something needs to be done about the two of them.

    If this is the first trial you ever watched gavel to gavel you witnessed a very poorly run trial. It really doesn’t normally work this way.
    That’s another bad thing about it. Many who watched this as their first trial will think this is how it is. Its really not. Go to your local county courthouse and watch a regular trial or even a high profile case from your area. See how it’s really done.

    • Maybe after the trial, they can go on tour and perform How not to proceed in an actual court of law!

  188. Love this quote from an article I’m reading on prosecutorial misconduct, which is a hot button issue for me right now.

    “Prosecutors are POLITICIANS. What’s more, they’re ambitious politicians. Did you ever know a prosecutor who didn’t want to become a judge or move on to higher elective office? Sometimes, their ambitions can trump their objectivity and ethics. It’s human nature.”

    This trial is not about justice, I think it’s about Martinez using the publicity from this trial to better his career.

  189. he constantly calls her a liar . but from 1st day or trial she said she was responsible for TA’s death.
    since trial, she has NEVER changed her story or tried to make it seem like it wasnt her fault.
    she has taken responsibility for what she did .

    her life IS valuable, she can make a difference and help people , she is a good person and Juan knows that the jury can see that just by looking at her or listening to her , thats why he is trying to convince them otherwise – i hope and pray they see through him .

    • Part of all of this extreme vitriol aimed at Jodi is she is an easy target.

      They are the worst of cowards.

      • I agree.

        See how BRAVE they are for kicking a woman who is already down. And how BRAVE they are for trying to bully us – a minority opinion – on the Internet.

        The word cowards is almost too good for them.

  190. I bet she’s going to send them home so they can watch Vinnie and Dr Death preach for death penalty.

  191. He left off one mitigating factor, that HIS WITNESS claimed. Jodi is mentally ill. It is illegal to kill the mentally ill. So she has BPD, according to his “Expert” so, notice he said nothing about that. MENTAL ILLNESS is a mitigating factor you fuck head!

  192. JW is really letting in passion come through today. So glad she is on fire for Jodi.

    • You are so Right! JW is really SOLID today.

      You can see her exasperation with the Judge and that lack of guidance, she’s had it.
      Go Jen.

      This has been a legal free for all FOR THE PROSECUTION.

      Jodi has much to contribute—she can and has been doing so throughout her incarceration….even donating HER Hair for God’s sake…..

      So, other than perfecting his skills at anal sex, speed dating several women (children) at one time, oh, and that nifty “career” with ‘prepaid legal’ services (sounds a bit like a ponzi scheme to me—what was next AMWAY?) exactly WHAT was HE doing for society with HIS life??? (aka T-dogg, huh? Classy)

      • Regarding Travis, the girl that he was supposedly saving the engagement ring for said that she could not support him in his profession at PPL, and that is why she broke up with him. She said she “could not be a supportive wife” – I thought that was very interesting, I guess she didn’t like the scam either.

        I can’t watch anymore after seeing Jodi speak, so I’m really glad to hear that Jennifer W. is doing really well. I don’t know how they’ve managed the patience they’ve shown. They should be outraged, it’s been a total rabid pack of wolves.

        I want to see her get out, while she’s young enough to still marry and have a family.

  193. I have always believed and will always believe that the death penalty is a barbaric ritual, not worthy of truly civilized societies.

    It has no deterrent value, it really does nothing to better our society. I don’t believe it provides any succor to the victims. Yet we march along in this archaic show of bloodletting, pretending that we as a society are better for it. How?

    In days of old, amongst nomadic tribes where policing was not a known concept the DP was used as summary punishment and blessed by God. But you have to remember that these same times used God’s word to forbid the eating of pork to stop infections of trichinosis, or ban familial marriage because they didn’t know about recessive genes and instead assumed God was punishing people for sins, or for a million other things for which we today know and understand the reasons. But we march on along, merrily wreaking a formalized vengeance on people.

    The 5 countries with the most executions in the world are – China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the good ole US of A. Lovely fucking company for a supposedly civilized country.

    I do believe that a jury that is selected to pass judgement of death on another human being should also have to carry out the execution of their sentence. If they believe that the act of killing another person is justified and justifiable, then they ought to have the moral fortitude to carry out the sentence that they have imposed. Otherwise, they sentence someone and carry on, and society as a whole gives them a pass for doing their dirty work. Lets see how many can see a poor soul strapped to a gurney or chair as his or her life is drawn out of their body by the hands of another on the saying of twelve people, who probably don’t have the courage to do it themselves.

    • Well said, Al. After watching this fiasco, I seriously want to leave this country and go back to England. Civilized, my ass!

    • Good post…

      Yes, the death penalty should be removed permanently, across all fifty states. And, also what pisses me off is Juan Martinez being allowed to say things as fact in a courtroom w/o any tangible proof. If it cannot be seen, or corroborated by witnesses who have personally seen these acts such a slashing travis’ tires, or stealing a gun to commit a premeditated murder. Then these are not FACTS!!!!

      And to try to have someone put to death on maybe’s, and probabilities is a farse and not evidence
      For these reasons alone this verdict of 1st degree murder cannot stand, and must be overturned.

      Mr. Weasel aka Juan Martinez should be disbarred for his antics of signing autographs while in the process of seeking to execute someone.

      • It amounts to nothing more than vicious gossip.

        This has been horrifying. It’s like watching the “The Six Wives of King Henry the 8th” and knowing exactly what and why is going to happen to Anne Boleyn.

    • “The 5 countries with the most executions in the world are – China, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the good ole US of A. Lovely fucking company for a supposedly civilized country.”

      very sobering thought and as you said, lovely company to be in.

      I also agree that if the jurors don’t have the stomach to actually perform the killing that goes with the DP. They have no business in imposing that punishment on another living soul.

    • Well said Al.

      And we now have the grotesque spectacle of one attorney practically insisting they order the killing of someone, while the other attorney has to resort to begging for mercy! And who gets to choose? 12 death penalty enthusiasts.

  194. I can’t believe how much JM is fighting for her death. Do we still live in America? Is she a serial killer? What is going on?

  195. OMG….JM is finally finished and I am sure hoping I don’t ever have to hear his voice or see his weasel face again. Hopefully its the last time I have to watch TA’s inbred looking sisters put on their phony fake crying faces when they see a picture of that abuser TA!!!

    • Keep HLN off then because I have a feeling we will see him on there. I’m sure that egotistical prick is just BURSTING to talk about his triumph.

  196. Just wanted to say, I’ve been replying to the commenters on the news site where Darryl Brewer’s videos are posted :.

    I’ve been re-posting my posts, over and over and over again. I just had another 20 or so posts deleted by the rabid mob over there who is bent on destroying Darryl Brewer’s credibility.

    It’s insane. Their entire goal is to silence voices of dissent. I’m very angry, I don’t like being gagged while they shout down everyone who disagrees with them.

    • They just can’t stand that anyone wouldn’t carry one of their pitchforks. I hate the haters for their hate.

  197. ‘(G)Juan-o’ just stated that even though it was a “difficult….” task——–the right decision for the Jury would be to ignore mitigating factors and sentence Jodi to Death.


    This guy seems to be enjoying his job too much.

  198. Sorry for this being my 1st. post. After my observation of this entire biased and media run lynch mob trial, nothing UPSETS JM (can’t even stand to type his initials) more than the fact of him being such a little man, if I can even say man. I believe he is the shortest, smallest little man I have ever seen. I’m sure he has tiny, tiny genitals. Too bad he has Little man Syndrome.

  199. and Jodi will live in the minds of those jurors for the rest of their lives…hopefully they will give her life…for if they give her death…death will go back to each and every one of them in one way or another…Karma…

      • They need to make it look realistic Mariana.
        Just like they thought they did with the 1st Degree verdict.
        They knew before deliberations what they were going to charge her with; they just wanted it to look as if they really put some thought into it.

        Fuck sticks.

    • Same here. They’re going to go home to get hyped up on the latest HLN asap to blot out what JW has said from their mind.

      • that is the way it has gone from day one so anything good hear mini me should go home with them and make sure they are following the rules but we here now the will not do it

    • Yep,absolutely no faith in them.None whatsoever.They came back with a ridiculously outrageous verdict.How could we trust them now?

    • I hope there is one catholic on the jury we forgive sinners and if they give her a hard time I hope she tells them to say a Hail Mary and 4 Our Fathers

  200. If I were Jen I’d bring up the fact that the ME ,EF and JM have all lied but would you—-the jury—-put them to death because of the travesty that they have brought upon this court and have been allowed by the judge—and I use hat term lightly—to run amok in this court while continuing to lie to you the jury! Would you the jury put them to death?

    • Hell Yeah, Duke, that would have been highly appropriate. We should all make it our goal to get jm behind bars as soon as possible in order to save the judicial system and other innocent people.

  201. I am declaring it here – is I EVER win the lotto, make a million bucks or just get bored when my kids grow up – I will devote my life, time, resources into putting JM behind bars. He is a serial killer, sanctioned by the state. I am sick of him vile lies, manipulation, and pure evilness dominating the courts. There is NO evidence that Jodi premeditated this murder and he knows it. He wants death, he wants to kill and he wants the okay for premeditated murder. He is the devil and evil, incarnate.

    • cindyp 🙄 if I win the lotto I will do the same thing put mini me behind bars so jodi can teach him to draw and teach him how to not sin anymore

    • What we NEED to do-besides supporting Jodi, (and others that have been convicted BY THE MEDIA), is PUT AN END to these trials, sensationalized by bloodthirsty media whores!!

      As long as HLN OR ANY OTHER MEDIA are allowed to pull this BS, AND as long as we have judges and attorney more concerned with bowing to misinformed public opinion, THIS WILL NOT BE THE LAST INJUSTICE!!

      • Unfortunately, Lainey, this has been going on long before cameras in the court room. It is the cameras that have exposed the likes of jm to us. They need to be stopped – Jodi needs us as do many other women and men who are in jail unjustly. It is disgusting and needs to stop. I want to start with jm and make an ‘example’ of him and prosecutors need to know they must stop this nonsense. It is one thing to present evidence against a guilty person, or someone you believe to be guilty. But to ignore facts, and make up shit just to convict with the death penalty – that is premeditated murder in its worst form.

    • “serial killer sanctioned by the state” ! That’s exactly what he is along with all the other state prosecutors in states with the death penalty.

    • Hey Cindy, Have you or anyone else noticed just how much that little rat-faced motherfucker looks like Satan?!!!!!!!

      • Rat-faced suits him. I always thought he looked like one of satan’s minions – a troll or demon; the way he walks hunched over, struts back-and-forth, throws things, and completely tunes out any statements of truth, kindness and compassion. I think he’s a reptile. I really do want to see him behind bars.

        • Anyone see the movie or TV series V? Rat-face and all of his cronies—–including the TA and HLN—-are the alien invaders!! Lizards masquerading as humans!!!!!!!

          • Duke – you kind of read my mind… I loved the series, V, and think of jm and the haters are totally like the reptiles. AA, I feel for you having to deal with someone who is even remotely close to jm… so sorry.

      • That’s funny, I’ve been calling me ex-husband’s attorney (who operates and even looks a lot like JM — although he’s not hispanic) a rat-faced bastard (or ass-rat lawyer) for the last two years.

  202. I came home from work and turned on the television, but unfortunately I saw the camera shot of TA’s two sisters still crying as they sat next to each other, along with JM’s presentation. It was just too much, so I ended up turning the television off and coming to this website to get information on how court is going.

    It’s been five years since TA died and the family is really overdoing their public display, probably to support JM to the public in the courtroom as well as before the jury members, and to play to their fan base, especially those who have been donating money to them over the past months. As far as JM goes, just watching him act the way he does in a courtroom really offends me. If here’s one positive to look forward to, however, it’s how wonderful it will be to not have to watch or listen to this terribly biased, revengeful prosecutor anymore.

    • Mattie 🙄 praise the Lord for that one will not have to here mini me again

      • Jesus Saves Her…

        I will stand with you in faith too…I believe in God and I believe in angels…and years ago…it was a catholic priest who helped me to understand about the angels who speak to me…

        So…yes….I will stand with you in faith….

          • Thanks PK, if it wasn’t so hot in here,…and I hadn’t allowed myself to get upset, I’d probably feel a LOT better.
            My landlord just said they just can’t afford to get the AC fixed. My doc is concerned because of my heart condition + thyroid is NOT comparable with heat…can’t afford to move, so I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I have fans in the windows, but being on, basically, the top floor, on top of a mountain….it’s HOT, and going to be worse tomorrow..which means I’ll probably go back in, at least till Thursday when it’s going to cool back down.

            Despite the fact I didn’t have this bad of health when I lived in Fl & Al, I can’t see HOW I EVER dealt with the heat all those years!! Lol, living up north for 11yrs has me spoiled!!

            • Get a T-shirt wet, wring it out, and sit in front of a fan. It really helps. I can’t stand being too hot, so I really sympathize.

  203. If they come back with a life and not death I will expect a Hail Mary from all of you I promised the Lord and the goes for you to ((((( Sirlips ))))) you non believer you

    • I’m also a non-believer JSH (I’m a practicing Buddhist), but I’ll be glad to say a Hail Mary with you if they come back with life, if you’ll accept me doing so.

    • Jesus Saves Her…

      I will stand with you in faith too…I believe in God and I believe in angels…and years ago…it was a catholic priest who helped me to understand about the angels who speak to me…

      So…yes….I will stand with you in faith….

    • Anyone who chose to ignore the absence of evidence for premeditation will have to live with it too for the rest of his/her puny life. %$#%$$%^curse %$%$%$@

      • I will bet there is gong to be a juror who comes forward with regret. Once they are able to see ALL or in this case, that there was NO evidence, only innuendo, distortions and lies.

    • Is there anyone here who has NEVER EVER EVER told a lie for any reason in their entire life? If so, you’re spared. Everyone else, sorry folks, off to death row. The human race will soon be wiped off the planet.

  204. Juan is so predictable. What I heard is liar, she lies, can’t believe anything she says, picture of dead Travis, kill her.

    • Can’t believe anything Jodi says? He calls her a liar? Then why believe it when she says she killed TA? Because obviously that’s must be a lie too!

      Lets all sing it together (to the tune of that Frank Zappa song) to Juan Con:

      You’re an asshole
      You’re an asshole

      (Juan). Yes yes!

  205. Someday I’d like to walk up to Juan and say “Hi! I’m a human being. What are you?”

    • Jeff I’d walk up to him but it wouldn’t be to speak to him—–it would be to stuff mf fist down that gash he calls a mouth and tear his asshole out through it I hate that little weasel

  206. I pray the jurors can find mercy in the hearts. If not all, at least one. Amen.

    God bless and keep you, Jodi. You are in my prayers.

  207. It’s funny how the judge sounded more stern and serious today about “the admonition” and the rules for deliberation. I’ve watched her this whole time and she’s always said it with her half sleepy half tired of being in court tone.

    • she kept looking at the clock and she focused intently on the jurors and she wanted to get this trial over with…you could tell that she is tired and just wants it finished…she already knows the outcome…she just wants it to end…period…

  208. Can you all hear that silence?It’s how the world sounds without Kermit’s voice.Isnt it music to our ears?
    Fuck him!

    Now let’s pray for our Jodi.

  209. I think this jury should get the same treatment as ALV did from the haters after this is over, that’s what I think.

  210. Wow..!! Jodi what an incredibly strong woman you are given everything that has taken place from the very start. I will say it one last time and that is you killed, but your not a killer and I hope some justice and mercy can be given to you.

    It so discouraging the way the court proceedings have been handled and now I read that even potential defense witness’s are receiving death threts, amazing..!!!

    This trail has become a TV show for the prosecution, it’s a sad spectical

    We’re 100% for Jodi

  211. …and just think, according to JM. You can have a criminal background without be charged, tried or convicted. How convenient for him. He is now, not only the prosecutor but judge and jury as well. That just about sums up what this trial was all about.

    • and when he brought up the gas cans…hey juanboy…that was in this trial and she was found guilty….that was not a previous criminal crime…you can’t count that as two…

    • It’s the way they try their witches in Arizona now. Because of a lack of water, they can’t throw their witches into the water any more to see if they drown (innocent of witchcraft) or float (guilty) to decide on the case and burn them if they float.

  212. Wait til this jury gets wind of, reads or told about what class act people they defended against Jodi. Jen tried to plant that Jodis demise started when she met up with that lot.

    • that’s exactly what I thought too….then starts the lifetime of sleepless nights…oh yeah!!

      • That is what I am thinking. One of these jurors one day will suffer PTSD after they realize what they agreed to. They are responsible for putting a young girl is in jail, perhaps death, based on lies and smoke and mirrors.

        The news media is ruining our country and ruining the life of Jodi in this case. Jen and Nurmi and seriously baffled by what has occurred here. And the state of Arizona has allowed JM to continue in his sick and illegal ways.

        I am boycotting AZ – I seriously am still not over the Angelina Jolie / Jennifer Aniston thing. I won’t watch Jolie movies – ever. I am loyal to the core – and in this case, I will speak loud and proud in defense of our little Jodi. She is a gem. She will one day overcome this charade!!

        • wow Suz….I felt the same way about Jolie…once she screwed around with Brad Pitt…I have no use for either him or her…

          And look at Jolie’s health today…she has gone down down down…

  213. The news media is awful. It it like they get off when people are killed. They get so excited when there are hurricanes and tornadoes and bombings because they get to tell the world how many people died and how awful it was. In this case, they cannot wait to tell the world that Jodi will die – and how she will die – and all the horrid details.

    They have no perspective on human life. They have no value. All they value is air time. And this is what TA family and friends have also capitalized on.

    Jodi has to be wondering “Are we still in America?”

    • And they ALL get to laugh or smirk while they are talking about it. They are vile.

    • Yep, and it’s not only during this trial. Was watching and listening to CNN in the hospital yesterday-since I was only one of two patients on the floor, (SMALL town here!), the nurses would come in and watch with me.
      Had Wolf Blitzer asked ONE MORE victim of the tornadoes, “so tell us how it feels that these children/neighbors/friends could be trapped and suffering, or dead?”
      HOW THE HECK did he THINK they would answer, “ELATED”??
      US Media-built on sensationalizing DEATH and Destruction..sick bastards, all of them!!

  214. Let’s see about sending JM to Indiana where I can show him some of my justice

      • Hey Rachel maybe we can show JM what Hoosier Justice Is like! Take him to the 500 and chase him around the track until his tongue falls out or until he joins the rest of the oil slicks! 🙂

        • Hahaha too funny! I’d love to see little man try to run around the 500… hehe.
          Thanks Duke!

  215. If anybody should write a book about this case, it should be Jon Krakauer, and some years after this circus is gone.

    He is well acquainted with the antics of the Mormon church.

  216. This jury should never be allowed to write a book, do interviews for profit or anything else. There should be a law against that to begin with..b/c that is a motivating factor for some jurors to find someone guilty.

    • I agree. Here in Canada you cannot talk about the case you were a juror on ever– to the media. However, a case here would never be televised. As much as I like watching trials on tv, they really should not be there. They seem to create so much hate with people who are not even a part of the case. I understand both families are hurt deep, but the masses of people who have harassed defense witnesses, Jodi’s family and friends, and her attorneys is insane. I understand people are swayed to take a side in this, but to use the vile language and calling for her death is over the top. She is still a person, with a beating heart and feelings. with a family who loves her and friends that care. The legal process is suppose to be fair for all– it is one of the cornerstones of society, and when it is affected so much by the masses and media, it is a scary thing.

      • EXACTLY, it dilutes and-or exaggerates the crime/the defense, and the whole sensationalism, riles up the public, not into what’s “JUST”, but instead, in whatever way the corporate media decides is more PROFITABLE!!
        ESPECIALLY in death penalty cases, where a person’s LIFE is at stake; the fact that ratings and profit take precedence over Justice, is a mockery of our “justice system”-if you can even call it that anymore…

        • yes! it is sickening and sad. I don’t understand how this is even going on. Clearly the media has effected the way this trial has gone on, and that is unfair. plain and simple.

    • True that.
      They’re going to be media whores on HLN for sure and might dethrone the Hughes.

  217. Linda Kenny-Baden said that more then 55% of DP case convictions are overturned in Arizona by the higher courts. Considering all the judicial errors made in this case, I think this is where we have the most hope, regardless of the juries decision on life or death.

      • Thanks, yes. Counting on it. She ought to have the Best of the best of lawyers. Any names?

        • Viri, I read earlier today that there was another attorney sitting behind the DT today. Here’s his website:

          Also was reading a link that someone posted of an article about this guy. He apparently takes on cases of people whom he believes to be innocent. (And because of this he is called a media-whore.) I read the article and am very impressed with him.

      • The statistics I’ve read are that almost 50% are overturned on appeal. The remainder on habeas corpus. In total, it has historically been an 80% overturn rate, but it has recently become even higher.

    • I actually think due to juror and the prosecutor’s misconduct, the entire verdict of guilt should be overturned. This was a very unconstitutional trial all the way around.

      • I agree. I’d like to see her walk out of there free tomorrow, due to the insanity in this case.

  218. I tuned in just for a minute and just in time to hear Juan’s creepy crawly pleas for death. And just in time to see the sisters hanging their heads and pretending to be grief-stricken…all I could see was dark stringy hair and I thought for a minute I was watching a casting call for Lily Munster and Morticia Addams. Juan looks like a mini-me version of Gomez. And ‘Cousin It’ is presiding over it all.This freakshow is beyond belief. Jodi has more dignity than all of them put together.

    • LOL I am with you. If this were a movie we would all be saying how unrealistic it was. The fact that it is real life is scary as hell!

      Every girl at least once in their life is lonely/desperate/scared. We have all gotten together with a guy that wasn’t good for us. If we could turn back time, we would certainly erase those moments. A jury of Jodi’s peers would understand why she allowed this sicko to enter her world and why she allowed his abuse.

      She simply fought back. She finally took a stand when she realized he was a monster. And somehow she is the one being locked up. UNREAL~

    • Hi Gwen,
      As much as i dislike Juan, even his life is A LIFE WORTH SAVING…if nothing else to collect cockroaches in the city sewers. Surely, one juror will have a tiny piece of heart left in them.

      • I agree Ann, although grudgingly, that even Juan’s life is worth sparing as much as I despise him. I wouldn’t count on the jury have any heart at all though. The DP when used should only be for the coldest and most calculating of killers. Not for a vulnerable young woman who was in a tragic relationship with a narcissistic abuser.

  219. JM must work well with Sheriff Joe who also believes that just for the mere fact that you got yourself arrested you must be guilty of something.

    • And an amazing number of people who are in jail awaiting trial ARE INNOCENT and are only there because they didn’t have the means to make bail. This is sad, there but for the grace of god . . .

    • guilty of being framed, looking guilty or having virgin white Mormons pointing the finger at you, most likely.

    • years ago I watched some documentary where the cops would arrest poor, single, minority mothers and charge them with crimes they did not commit. but because they were poor and had no money, they were forced into taking pleas as they were threatened with having their kids taken away. it is insane to think these things happen.

  220. So glad to see so many on Jodi’s side. You all and Jodi and her family have my prayers. I’ve logged on to this site so much but never said anything and I finally must. I can’t believe she’s this close to the death penalty. I will be incredibly depressed if she is bound for the death sentence….Team Jodi 4 Life! We will be Victorious!

    • I believe it could take a long time, as she would have to find legal grounds to file the appeals and the attorneys to do so.

      If she gets a dp then she gets some automatic appeals (judicial review and another one I can’t remember) first, and that could take a year or maybe longer.

      She can then appeal any decisions on up to SCOTUS.

      In either case, she should have these appeals paid for by the state because she is indigent.

      Please keep praying for Jodi…every hour on the hour. Thanks

      • There are PLENTY of issues and I would imagine an appellate lawyer is already lined up.

        Filing fees for the direct appeal will be waived because she is indigent. I’m not sure that fees for the clerk of the lower court to submit the record to the higher court are waived in AZ or not (they were not in FL). In this case, those fees would be extremely high. (Another money-making opportunity for courts, basically. I paid a couple of thousand for mine and there were only five short hearings.)

        I haven’t specifically looked up the briefing schedule for AZ but it’s normally 50-70 days for the initial brief, 20-30 days for the answer brief, and then 15-20 days for the reply brief in most states. However, most appellate courts will grant one extension (in each phase of briefing) for 30-60 days without much ado. After all briefs are filed, it typically takes appellate courts 6-9 months to schedule oral arguments (if requested and granted) and they are scheduled 2-3 months in advance (so yes, that adds another year to the process). After oral arguments, the panel of judges assigned schedules a conference to discuss the briefs. That can take another 6-9 months. Then, one of them writes an opinion, if deemed necessary (opinions are not always written, particularly if the lower court is being affirmed). That can take several more months. If an execution date is scheduled, there is a slightly expedited process that can be requested to ensure decisions are issued prior to the execution date.

        Essentially, you’re talking about a couple of years at least, and that’s just for the first decision of the first direct appeal. If that doesn’t go in Jodi’s favour, she would then file a Writ of Certiorari with the AZ Supreme Court. If they accept jurisdiction, the briefing process begins all over again. If that doesn’t go in Jodi’s favour, the same process could be followed with the US Supreme Court, if they accept jurisdiction.

        After that, Jodi could petition for post-conviction relief with the trial court. If that is granted, an evidentiary hearing would be held. If it’s not granted, or it doesn’t go in her favour, the same process as above begins where it’s appealed to the intermediary appellate court, etc.

        If that fails, federal habeas corpus could be petitioned to the district court. That can be appealed to the Arizona Court of Appeals (federal) and all the way up to the US Supreme Court again.

        Perhaps you now see why this takes more than 20 years in many cases.

  221. Website is slooooooooow to load.
    Also saw TA sisters playing for camera with dramatic on-cue tears and performance.

      • I know. Did you catch the one with the tattoos “working up” the tears? I swear I saw her sitting there like an actor trying to drum up the emotion. It was right when JM started talking.

    • Yeah, these phoneys know when the camera’s on them. That’s their cue to start the eye rolling and smirking. It shows their true colors doesn’t it? The judge should have admonished or thrown them out of the court for their facial theatrics. Who are they ‘acting’ for, the jury? It exposes their immaturity and lack of class. Their only agenda is to see Jodi put to death and to scam money from all the clueless people who have been brainwashed into thinking TA was a saint.

  222. Is it possible that we will never have to hear Juan Martinez’s grating voice again?

  223. Healing to begin and pain to stop….

    Jodi dear Jodi they don’t have closure because they don’t want it. It is to lucrative for them to put it to rest and heal. I felt so much pain for your family. I know you carry all the guilt inside you. I hope you can heal from this horrible situation and the abuse you lived during 2006-2008.

  224. So what happens with this is over? Can the lawyers talk to media? Can the jurors talk to media? If the jurors decide on the DP, they are going to live to regret that decision if they find out all the antics of the Pros and evidence that was surpressed. However, considering they watched the same trial that we did, I find it impossible to understand why they wouldn’t have seen how the judge favoured the Pros.

      • think they have privatized penal systems . . we can just guess who owns and runs them

    • But they didn’t watch the same trial we did. We all elected to watch the feed online. The jurors watched it on HLN!

    • Yes, the jurors and lawyers can speak to the media.

      Apparently, JM has scheduled a post-sentence interview with none other than Troy Hayden, to occur 90 minutes after the sentence verdict is released.

  225. like metals grinding together making a sharp, intense piercing sound. That is why he is a mute in my home.

  226. For people wondering in Arizona law the 2nd and 3rd phases use the same procedure where if a jury hangs, a 2nd jury will redo that phase.

    If the 2nd jury hangs in either the aggravation or penalty phases then death is off the table.

  227. Beth Karas said that if a 2nd jury is needed, the new penalty phase will be “bigger” because they’ll have to educate them on the evidence from the earlier phases.

  228. I agree that this TA’s death is an income to the donations they are receiving right now. The hughes and alexanders are profitting from ppl. So glad that Jodi is donating to Abuse organizations. Nothing can bring TA back. Time to heal and move on.

  229. I am getting a little confused here: Do people’s lives in America only have value if they “contribute to society”?

    • We now live in an America where 47% of us add no value to the system. That’s what they’d like us to believe. If they could they’d turn us into shoe leather after we die.

      • Krikee – pretty fitting comment considering the state of AZ, the conservatives, mormons and their latest choice of presidential hopefuls. Well done!

      • I’m hoping there’s a few great lawyers out there, wiling to take the appeal pro-bono. Lawyers, that have watched the trial and thought ‘what the fuck is going on?’…it really is an embarrasment to the legal profession to have witnessed such bullshit from Mr. Napoleon Complex, and a judge, who obviously went to Muppet University along with Kermit.

    • Any person convicted of ANY crime is entitled to appeal, yes.

      Also, any civil judgment can be appealed.

  230. This has been the most disturbing trial I have ever seen. I will never step foot in AZ again if I cn help it though I am sure their population will increase due to the number of freaks out there who liked wht happened.

    • My uncle in Tucson sais he’s thinking of moving from there to a more civilized state

  231. If this jury sentences Jodi to death, and I won’t be at all surprised if they do, then I hope their dreams are haunted from this day forward. That never again can they shut their eyes without seeing Jodi’s face and then they come out of this ‘kill’ daze and realize how wrong they were. Maybe one of their children or grandchildren will meet up with someone who treats them like absolute garbage but they stay with this person because it’s hard to break the cycle. May you never sleep well again jurors.

  232. Good evening, everyone! Well, I understand that we’re on verdict watch. Thank you, HLN. It’s only been five minutes since you last mentioned that. 😉

    I was watching the pro-Travis faction outside of the courtroom today and, man, that was quite a scene. I couldn’t help but think of the scene from “Monty Python & The Holy Grail” where they want to burn the woman for being a witch.

    Whatever happens from this moment on, I will never, ever stop supporting Jodi or Team Jodi.

    • Frank…good evening to you too…

      I have already turned HLN off…so glad that I will not have to watch them in intermittent pieces anymore…and I am going to watch AZ central this one last time…

      And I am not going to follow any more trials…

  233. Is anyone able to contact the Innocence Project on JODI’s behalf? Are they pro bono or do they charge?

    • I’m afraid that not a lot of people want anything to do with this case. Those organizations (the domestic violence ones) that Jodi was donating all the profits from her t-shirt sales to have asked to be removed from the project. 🙁 (That made me sick!). The succumbed to pressure and are basically setting back the rights of domestic violence victims by stating Jodi is not a victim. If she had not been convicted, I wonder if they would have accepted the donations.

    • I think the person has to apply for themselves. I think that they focus on cases with DNA evidence, which isn’t applicable here. I could be wrong. But I’m sure there are places we can find to help her in getting this reversed.

      • Some attorneys may take this pro bono because it is high profile. If they do a good job, win or lose, they get attention.

        She needs an appellate lawyer.

        If new evidence somehow comes up that Jodi definitely did not do this, or the person who stole her grandparent’s gun comes forward/gets found, the Innocence Project may get involved though.

        • She could also use assistance from Amici Curiae, who would also file Amicus Briefs to support one or more of her issues.

  234. Hey, y’all. I was able to watch Jodi’s statement to the jury and I cried buckets. I was at work and, thankfully, I was in the office alone. Even though I have shared my passion about this case with my boss and she understands, I am still a private person and wouldn’t have wanted her to see the tears streaming down my face.

    Anyway…I thought the clarity in which Jodi articulated such thoughtfulness about the Alexander family and her own family was precious. She spoke with humilty and grace, no small feat considering all she has endured, and she managed not to try and draw attention to her own plight in life. I simply admire her for this.

    As I’ve said many times on this website, I truly do not believe Jodi acted alone. But even if some of you see me as a conspiracy theorist and I’m proved wrong….even if she did do the whole crime….then it would have been in self-defense and that act does not deserve the death penalty.

    I pray with my whole heart for divine intervention that God will speak to the jurors’ hearts and they will not find the death penalty for Jodi. She has so much to offer and I pray they will have mercy on her.

  235. Martinez should be locked away and forgot about! I hope that they fire EF and the ME, remove the judge from the bench permanently and not only disbar– but imprison— JM in a sealed up cell with no form of human contact for the rest of his unnatural life!

  236. I hadn’t noticed this yesterday, but Angela Arias was wearing a T-shirt with the word “survivor” yesterday while walking outside the courthouse. HLN was replaying it.

    Clearly no one on HLN noticed the meaning either until Jodi brought that up in court today.

  237. I firmly believe they are all crazy on HLN. The lawyer with the crazy hair is a joke. They are like a pack of jackals. Jodi did show remorse , she did not want to hurt Travis’ reputation even though he was not a saint. I really hope Jodi doesn’t grant interviews while the jury is debating, that is what JVM is saying now.

    • Angela…earlier today after Jodi finished her statement…those talking heads on HLN were lying again saying that Jodi never said that she was sorry…JVM was interviewing people on the street who were saying the same thing…the liars…all of them are liars…

      I watched the replay on AZ central…it shows slightly different angles than the broadcast of the trial from HLN…

      Jodi does say she is “sorry” right after the part where she is talking about Travis…she says, “at one point he meant the world to me”…then she talked about not knowing that she was capable of that…and before that day she wouldn’t even hurt a spider…then she said…”for that, I will be sorry for the rest of my life”

      I don’t know if Jodi said that she was sorry any other time during her statement…but I happened to be watching it when I heard her say that she was sorry in that paragraph above….

      • I heard Jodi say she was sorry too, HLN has selective hearing, they only show what they want and the way they present it is totally one sided.

        • The spider thing was compelling.

          Some people have this inherent compassion for animals, people, children, hell even stuffed animals. She would have never hurt anyone intentionally.

          She is a sweet soul and she will be able to help others. This is a life worth saving. Shes not a drug addict, alcoholic, porn addict, pedophile, etc. etc. She was a good citizen and a hopeful one until she met TA and his cult. Now she is their scapegoat (I still think she had far less to do with the knife wounds)

  238. Juan said in such vile words that he wants them to come back with death…and death back to you Juan…we live in a world with forever Karma…

        • and when that happens we’ll make popcorn,get some beers and sit in our couches to enjoy the sight!!

      • Maybe karma already has … I mean, honestly, do you think this man lives a happy life? Do you think he gets up each morning with a smile on his face? Does he sleep peacefully at night? He’s only 59, but looks years older, so I don’t think so. Do you think he has good friends who care about him? Do you think he has a close loving family even though he sought to rise above their poverty-stricken illiterate immigrant status?

  239. HLN just said that Jodi may start doing interviews TONIGHT in about 2 hours — Judge lifted ban!

  240. WooHoo, Jodi is going to be doing multiple TV interviews now that the judge lifted the ban. They are saying some will likely be tonight!

    (((Justice for Jodi)))

  241. Maybe they are just trying to sway the jury by saying Jodi will do interviews

    • I don’t want her to do any more interviews. Everything she says gets twisted. The media is hell-bent on ensuring she gets the DP or that she ruins her chances for having a successful appeal. If she gives an interview, it should be to Gerlado Rivera or Pitchforks or Vladimir Gagic (they have podcasts).

      They are her friends. They won’t lie or b.s.

      • That is how I feel too, the media are biased and they will edit and twist until they get what they want portrayed across. I am betting the jury has already heard about it.

      • I agree, no more interviews, they twist her every gesture and every word to suit how they want her portrayed, but, she is doing it so I wish her the best, thats all we can do now

      • I don’t think it’s a good idea while the jury is deliberating. I don’t trust this judge, she lifted the ban on purpose.The media will say that she craves the cameras and attention. Everything she says will be twisted around.

          • She knows that the jury is watching TV and hopes that JODI —if she does give an interview—will give them more fodder for the witch-hunt that the state has thrown at her. THAT’s why she lifted the ban! (That wooden-toothed bitch–SS– must be salivating about sucking that sleazy little termite’s dick tonight. Hope the little motherfucker gets splinters–although he may think one of them is his dick. :))

  242. I’m hoping that the jury at least gets this one right…so far they are 0-2
    so i dont have any faith in them.

    • I have more faith in twelve turnips and three rutabagas than I do the jury ad that clown court we have all witnessed

  243. Wow lifted the ban for interveiws. Tonight. stay tuned. Oh my God go Jodi I hope this is good. What does everyone think.

  244. Wow, 1 1/2 hr interviews start tonight of each media. Of course, HLN is not stating who they are? Surprise, surprise..I would say they are NOT on the List!!

    • I wonder if this is another of their strategies to keep everyone tuned into their network….remember what their boss Mr. Safon said about the HLN ratings were high because of this trial….and I believe he promised them a promotion of some sort….

      • Seriously??!! A “promotion”??!! They should lose their frigging JOBS after what they’ve done to our so-called “Rule of Law”!!

  245. Theres some little snot JVM is interviewing who needs to go out and live a few years and get some life experience. Then she can have an opinion. Things are not black and white you twat!

  246. like the way the Travis brother Steven was send a look of l will kill you to the jury if they do not come back with a verdict of death

  247. I’m sorry, but the Judge is now saying Jodi can do interviews?? TONIGHT? What, so the Jury can get more perspective? Unfrigginreal.

  248. Troy on the list…stay tuned.

    Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 7m
    Will be my 2nd interview with #JodiArias. Will ask her much more pointed questions. Suggestions?? #FOX10

  249. I hope if she does this that it wil not hurt her appeals. Fuck hln hope they do not get one. THEY ARE ALL CRYING NOW FUCKED THEMSELVES OVER. RUNNING AROUND LIKE RATS.

    • YES NBC AND ABC not hln worms. I could say hee hee only if this is good for Jodi.

  250. If they believe Jodi is guilty, and if Mormons are Christians, why don’t they believe in forgiveness and mercy? Isn’t that what Christ taught? What am I missing here?

  251. I’m not so sure a bunch of interviews-before the jury even comes to a verdict-is a good idea. The media will screw her over even worse.
    If she wants to have a chance at appeal, I think she REALLY needs to tread carefully here. Sometimes I think Jodi’s her own worst enemy. The media will pull one clip out of the interviews, as they have before, and every appeals judge in the state will hear about it….

    • Remember though, appeals only review the record of the trial. These interviews will not factor into anything to do with the appeals.

  252. As much as I like listening to Jodi, I don’t think it’s a good idea at all for her to give interviews before the sentence. It would give the media far too much material to distort and would but the defense team’s arguments in the background.

    • I thought she already had!! Perhaps she & “Morticia” get together after hours in JVM’s hotel room…may be why Morticia was tweeking today in court, (rubbing her gums).

      QUICK, someone text JVM & tell her “Jack Daniels kindly requests your presence in room XXX, Tanisha’s already there!”

  253. I guess I was under the mistaken impression that one is allowed to be judged by a jury of one’s peers. Seems like the jury consisted of a lot of middle aged men and women. Was there any in their late 20’s, early 30’s. Oh, but I guess we would only know the make up of the jury if we had watched Pinksy’s mock jury.

    • I noticed that too.

      Maybe it’s typical of a jury makeup in America? Young adults are more likely to have jobs that they can’t take off months for a long trial.

      • No, Dave C, if you are called to be a juror, you HAVE to report for jury duty and your boss cannot fire you for that.

    • krikee, please do not think that all middle aged people would have judged Jodi guilty. As I’ve said before on here, I’m 56 y/o and have been whole-heartedly supportive of Jodi. Age is not really the element for discussion here, but I believe political affiliation or religion might be. Now, I am making generalties. I’m sorry, I just call it the way I see it and I’ve lived a pretty long while to see that as a persuasion.

    • I’m not so sure that the ages of the jurors would be a very important factor. Personal ethics, politics, life experiences, mental health, and even personality type, probably mean more than anything. This is a death-qualified jury. That, in itself, says a lot about where the jurors are coming from, I believe.

  254. Frankly I think Jodi agreeing to more interviews even before the penalty verdict comes proves that she is indeed not listening to her attorneys whatsoever. It wasn’t an act that they wanted off the case,

    Willmott and Nurmi have to be pissed!!!

    • Honestly, what difference does it make at this point? She gets an appeal either way. I’d want to make my voice heard too.

      • Point is why not just wait a week until the verdict comes in?

        I know the jury isn’t supposed to be watching but why risk it?

        • Now I can see why Kmiller wanted your ass off of here Dave C…’re full of chyt!!!!

      • They don’t want off this case because of Jodi. I think you know that it is to make way for the appeals.

        • Thanks for your educated insight tonysam. I’m pretty damn sure you’re right.

    • sorry, I missed the lead for this … Jodi didn’t say she would give more interviews!

      • it is being reported on CNN, HLN, ABC, NBC that Jodi will give 90min interviews to medial of her choice. She has said NO to others. I cannot find the complete list.

    • They don’t want “off the case” because of her. It is standard operating procedure for trial attorneys to leave a case in order to turn it over to an appellate lawyer.

      Neither JW or KN specialize in appeals.

  255. Can someone please calm me down before I start a twitter war with the people being nasty about Troy’s 2nd interview with Jodi?

    • It’s not worth it. We’re going to have an appeal either way. This is just another step in the process. Don’t even listen to them.

    • Take a DEPP. Couple of breaths, close your eyes, go to your “happy place”,..and TURN TWITTER OFF-at least for awhile!! Lol, I had to delete my twitter app because I’d get into it with people.

    • Take a DEEP. couple of diaphramic breaths, close your eyes, go to your “happy place”,..and TURN TWITTER OFF-at least for awhile!!
      Lol, I had to delete my twitter app because I’d get into it with people.

  256. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 6m
    I will be doing an interview with Jodi Arias at 6 p.m.

  257. I wonder if it’s legally possible to investigate every juror on this case to obtain records of their online activity during their hours at court. For example, how many hits were there on HLN’s website? It’s just a thought…probably not realistic.

    • This has been done in other cases. Computer and electronic idea inspected, etc. Yes, they can be investigated after the fact.

      John Goodman, Fl case, just has his verdict set aside due to jury misconduct.

      • Yes and there is a high profile case a few years ago that a juror was accused and all of their personal lifeduring the time that they were sitting on the jury was looked at with a fine tooth comb…but in that case well… wasn’t the same and the juror did nothing wrong. But their emails and online activity was looked at so it is done.

  258. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 12m

    I will be doing an interview with Jodi Arias at 6 p.m.

    • As much as I love her and love to get her back I’m worried about this decision of hers.I want her to speak up,I want her to be able to defend herself.On a more selfish level,I miss her and want to get to hear her voice.I’m not sure about the timing though…

    • Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 8m

      Actually folks, I’m not the only one doing an interview with Arias tonight. She will be talking to ABC, NBC and AP among others.

      !!!! where to find this??

  259. Could someone help me with a thought that I just had? I was wondering if Jen’s and Kirk’s requests to be removed from the case were strategic moves to further help JODI win an appeal against the BS rulings, etc., that pickles and rat-face presented. If so, Bravo DT!!!!!!!!!!!! We have just begun to fight!!!!!!!!

  260. Does anyone know if the jury will report back to the Judge today on their deliberation schedule?

  261. I pray to God Jodi doesn’t do anymore interviews! I honestly have a feeling the judge lifted her gag order to sabotage her chances of appeal later, knowing she’s going to take the bait! Somebody has got to stop her and tell don’t do it.

      • The appellate court can only consider the record from the trial court (that means every pleading ever filed, every hearing, and the trial). Finally, these interviews will NOT hurt her at all.

  262. Did the jury go home for the day? I’ve got HLN on mute, just to watch the clock, and I notice it has stopped.

  263. So now courts over again.

    What channel will she be interviewed on? I need to turn HLN off.

    • I don’t have a list but this is the best I have come up with:

      Troy Hayden @Fox 6pm

      Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 3m
      Actually folks, I’m not the only one doing an interview with Arias tonight. She will be talking to ABC, NBC and AP among others.

  264. SO when the jury leaves to go to their cars and drive they dont see signs and people around the court house ////BULLSHIT….MISTRIAL all the way to JODIS freedom

    • I think Jodi is shooting herself in the foot for appeal by doing interviews — both before the trial and since sentencing,

      • If she gets death, she gets an automatic appeal. She’s not shooting herself in the foot. The appellate courts don’t operate like this circus.

      • Hey B. Berry – I don’t remember seeing your posts before – are you new here?

        • No. B. Berry has been here for a while. I’ve seen his/her posts before.

      • She is not shooting herself in the foot the jury had their minds make up a long time ago by the media they had access to for how many months is it now. Here speech today went right in line with her defense narrative. The only way speaking changes any chances at appeal is if she was to change her story now.

  265. Did you just hear HLN???????????????????? They’re gearing up for another murder trial!!!!!!! UGGGG! They will never stop.

    • A blonde who says her boyfriend shot himself but they say she did it, or something like that.

        • OMG! I just came to check in after dinner, this is the first thing I scrolled to and I feel sick! They must be stopped! Come on everyone, we have to put JM behind bars!

          • That blonde is GUILTY dammit! Lets just skip the trial and convict her to death!

    • Yep. Maybe we can find out who it is-if it’s not a taped trial. See if we’re going to have yet ANOTHER innocent “Most Hated Woman” HLN fiasco…

      • The bored housewives will be licking their lips. Most-hated-(pretty)-women have an important function. They help other women feel more cherished–and SAFE. The hatred and aggression is more concentrated, instead of equally distributed.

      • What is up with this ‘jealousy’ reporting? ‘Desperate Hostwives’ If you’re attractive you can bet NG and JVM will be all up in your shit faster than you can say the word shit. And if you are or ever were a pretty blonde, Lord help you. I don’t know why the HLN hags don’t just go ahead and set up electric chairs on their sets and start offing the female population that is better looking than them. The world would end up a sparse uninhabited land.

        • Oh, if they could bring back the electric chair, their orgasm would be heard around the nation! And, though they can’t get their cameras into the death chamber, we can all be assured that they are trying their very best to get as close to THAT as possible. In fact, that is what we are witnessing right now, isn’t it?

  266. Travis legacy fund
    1. Troubled youth
    2. Animal rescue
    3. Crime victims

    This is probably in response to OccupyHLN documenting the Alexander family “charity.”

    Whatever! They are profiting of their brother’s death.

      • PK…we are like minds tonight…LOL…I thought you might not have seen the comment when I posted the link…

        Keep on posting it…there are many others who have not read the link…

    • Wonder if they realize that they first need to get the non-profit status approved, then they have to post the organization’s financial records and fax returns showing where the money is really going.

    • I find this amazing that after Jodi’s allocution the TA family is all of a sudden going to be altruistic and donate some of the SCAM money to charity. Shameful. Jodi, out classed them again.

    • Number 1 creeps me out because these people have no problem with Travis thinking 12 year old girls sound hot. I don’t think anyone who brushes that off should be around kids, especially at risk and troubled youth that are often targeted by pedophiles.

      Number 2 is ironic to me, because people are animals, how about not putting people to death either?

      Number 3 is hypocritical, because Jodi being a victim of rape, battery, and verbal abuse makes her a crime victim too. If they meant what they say, they would advocate for her too.

      But then, we live in a world where people pick and choose who to acknowledge as a victim and who not to, thanks to HLN and their culture of delusional plausible deniability and mob mentality. They can all go sit and spin.

  267. I cannot believe the judge lets Samantha sit there & roll her eyes & shake her head at everything Jodi is saying! Any other judge in any other court room would have had her ass hauled out of there. That’s just what the camera caught, i’m sure there was a whole lot of other ppl making faces and trying to bias an already biased/tainted jury. I didn’t listen to one thing rat face had to say but Jennifer was amazing.

    • She did it the whole trial and yes she should’ve been either kicked out or moved further back.

      • She should have been removed from the courtroom permanently. Yes, most judges would not have tolerated that. If an Arias family member had done that, they would have been out.

      • Whoa, I’ve learned so much from your link. Thanks for posting it. I never knew Tanisha had such a lengthy criminal history. These people are more concerned with making money off their deceased relatives back than they are doing anything else. All you hear is..Donate Donate Donate…It is so obvious they are sending their friends to HLN to broadcast about these donations and where to pay up at. Then Chris and Sky hughes, along with others, are all becoming the biggest attention whores I’ve ever seen. They are all cashing in.


      • His parents are dead, for what it’s worth.
        But true,not all siblings were there at the trial.

    • That’s just fine bc this can also be another appeals issue when the time comes. There are so many things that has gone on in this trial that shouldn’t have. It is mind boggling how a judge can let this happen.

    • Don’t give up now! There is a mountain of evidence to show the appellate court and get this farce overturned.

    • Danielle

      I know this is a sad time and I wish the outcome had been different, too. But please be patient, this is not over by a long shot. This is going to turn around and the verdict is going to be overturned on appeal. There is an 85% overturn on appeal in the State of AZ. Wiser and more objective minds will look at this case and throw it out. Have faith and we will support Jodi all the way. Jodi will be free, I have no doubt.I do understand and will send good thoughts your way.(((((((hugs)))))))

  268. OK, at this point, you are either WITH us or AGAINST us. The time for fuckin with us is done. We will do whatever we need to do and we will express whatever opinions we need to and if you don’t like it, step the fuck off and go follow some other trial where you can be a loyal hater. You do not intimidate us, you will NOT hush us. We will be heard.
    I want YOUUUUUUU to think before you jump ship however, if you DON’T FIGHT FOR JUSTICE for ONE person who has been done wrong then, by God, don’t expect ANYONE to stand up for YOU when the winds of unfair justice begin to blow in YOUR direction, and blow they will.
    I didn’t fight because it didn’t bother meeeeeeeee, it wasn’t directed at meeeeeeeee, guess what, next time it might be and WHOOOOOOOOOO will stand up for YOU. THINK ABOUT THAT!

    • I agree CJ, I had to watch Insession for Casey A. Trial and I really believe they would have gotten to those jurors had they not been sequestered. When this trial came up, all I knew about it was what insession/HLN was showing, a young girl that had killed her boyfriend, lied about it but then admitted it. Once, the trial got going I thought OMG here we ho again, these talking heads are lying again, same thing they did to Casey. NG was the leader of that pack back then & i think she was so humiliated she had to take a leave of abscence. Now, back with EVERY SINGLE HLN head reporting biased information hanging on the balls of JM! No way did he prove his case but I also think the defense could have done a better job & i think they really did try but dealing with so much corruption what chance did they really have. The media has so much power, they inflamed the general public. I just can’t believe ppl won’t think or do any research for themselves! I know saying this is like beating a dead horse but it just makes “one” so angry at such blatent injustice. If people stop standing up for truth pretty soon there won’t be anyone left standing for anything.

  269. In regards to the interview tonight with Jodi…I thought there was a court
    order that Jodi could NOT do anymore interviews.

    I maybe wrong though.

  270. I have decide to start boycotting HLN and timewarner and its companies. How they can let the presenters act the way they do is disgracful and gives the news industry a black eye. I went to there website and asked why they can do this and not show an impartial view that the public can look at and decide. I know I won’t get a response don’t expect one. I don’t know if those who do watch but Comcast in my area have 5 min news maker commericals. I called and got a new cable provider comming and will call comcast and have them come pick up all there shit from my house as it will be in the street. I will also contact them and advise them that they are arial tresspassing my yard and to move there cables from above my yard or I will, won’t be on good terms with the neibors hey but they will get over it.

  271. It may be a moot point, but, I for one think that the Hughes are the actual murderers. I think that TA was having an affair with SH and H found out about it. And the only way for them to save face and conceal what was actually going on—–from the rest of their cult—-was for them to kill TA ad frame JODI by threatening her family with repercussions from the Mormon Mafia! Hence the masques —-ninjas—-and the “unexplained’ man’s shoe print. (unless Napolean was wearing them)

    • If S was having an affair w/ TA, don’t you think Chris would have been grateful;>)

    • On a serious note, I’d like to see a copy of the search warrant for the Queensborough house. In particular I’d like to see if shoes or boots were on the warrant, as well as athletic pants w/ stripe and back zipper. How did Flores explain away Zachary Billings’ statement that he saw TA on Thursday morning as he was leaving the house to pick up his girlfriend?

  272. The other day someone posted the link to TA,MSI read through just about all the posts on there but one came across that verified what Jodi testified to about TA and lil boys, it was posted Dec, 06′.
    “Twas two nights before Christmas, and all through the greater Phoenix area, Travis was cruising for underage boys to make his Christmas more cozy. Have fun, just don’t violate the terms of your probation!” Posted by Chad Perkins who stated in another post that he had lnown TA for 15yrs. (That post is located after the excerpt of TA book pre-view). In another post this guy said something about TA ‘coming out’I took it as a joke but this post falls right into the defenses case in support of what Jodi testified too.

  273. Does anybody know if Jodie’s interview will be aired live tonight? If so, what channel or live feed?


  275. THOSE HLN LYING IDIOTS are still saying that she never says, “I’m sorry”

    I hope some idiot on their network reads this…oh, I forgot…they don’t like to broadcast the truth…

    I watched the replay on AZ central…it shows slightly different angles than the broadcast of the trial from HLN…

    Jodi does say she is “sorry” right after the part where she is talking about Travis…she says, “at one point he meant the world to me”…then she talked about not knowing that she was capable of that…and before that day she wouldn’t even hurt a spider…then she said…”for that, I will be sorry for the rest of my life”

    I don’t know if Jodi said that she was sorry any other time during her statement…but I happened to be watching it when I heard her say that she was sorry in that above paragraph….

    • Jodi is a very intelligent , articulate young lady and I think ppl are hating on her just for that, because everybody who’s against her is not very bright to begin with, obviously, or they would have figured out the Truth long time ago.Sky H. looked like a vampire today, lots of negative energy coming from her. Want to say more, but have to wait a while. So glad Jody stuck to her guns today, what bravery and perfection! Let there be Justice for her!!!! We love you, Jody, don’t give up!

  276. Right now on HLN talking is one of the roommates that was living with Travis when he died ,Enrique Cortez. He gives me the creeps …first time that I’ve seen him though…the other roommate Zack has been on Nasty Disgrace in the past

    • SHe needed to ask the d bag ..U didnt see or smell anything ?where as the dog? what roll did u have ?? Just for starters

          • But yet the detective said he smelled it as soon as the door was opened to the house…hmmm, yeah, the house was too big. That smell isn’t one that just stays on one side of the house.

            • Enrique said that there were 6 of them at the crime scene. I thought the report said only 5

  277. I will tell you one thing that stands true thru the test of time. The courts, the media, and a lot of male civilians turn against you the minute DOMESTIC VIOLENCE is brought up. I know this from experience. I often wondered why the STALKER lady doesn’t call me…hell…I moved 1000 miles to get away…guess what he followed me here and this has been ongoing since 2005.. Guess what? If you file a complaint(S) they will torture you and child to no end to defend a TA. JM is the biggest piece of shit ever. Glad my husband didn’t take a job at the sheriff’s there…Tainted Judge, Tainted Jury, Tainted Press. I wonder if JM n Nasty Disgrace will hook up tonight? Bet Jane sleeze Mitchell joins in:) Just sayin.

  278. OMG it really bothers me when Nasty Disgrace, Dr Drew and the rest of the zombies of HLN say that Jodi has been pulling the strings this whole time & she loves being in the limelight could they not realize how dumb they sound saying that …I .just recently heard that Jodi prior to the trial starting motioned to the court to have cameras excluded from the courtroom but the motion was denied and HOW IN THE WORLD CAN THEY CLAIM SHE IS PULLING THE STRINGS WHEN SHE IS LOCKED UP IN JAIL…its like an oxymoron

  279. Enrique says…

    The ring was on the kitchen counter…the bathroom light was on…NG says why couldn’t anyone smell the odor….Enrique said it was a 4500 square feet home…it took a while to smell the odor…took the time for the smell to get past those walls…

    • In one of Jodi’s phone calls with Flores, played in court, she said Enrique’s bedroom shared a wall with Travis’.

      • And according to his statements to Flores, he spent most of the time at home in his bedroom.

      • Well, that kind of debunks the claim his house was too big.

        They knew something was rotten was up, and it was right under their noses.

        • his answers did not sound credible to me…he sounded like he was hiding something…

    • Where were their bedrooms in relation to Travis’s?

      His house wasn’t a mansion, by the way. That stink would have traveled a lot sooner than five days.

    • I’ve picked up the deceased for the coroner before and the smell of decomposition only takes a couple of days to become noticeable

      • I hate to say this, but our cat used to sleep on top of the tall kitchen pantry cabinet, and we live on a large piece of rural land. I was going about my day every day for a few days, and it seemed like the cat was sleeping on top of the cabinet more than usual.

        So I climbed on a ladder to check on him, and, he was deceased. Um, I tried to remove him, but he was like a piece of wood. A few hours after that while I tried to figure out how to get him down from there with the least amount of extreme distress on my part, the house began to smell and it was the strongest, most horrible smell I’ve ever smelled in my life. I have smelled dead mice, I’ve had my dog sprayed by 3 skunks at close range, but nothing compared to the horror of that and nothing compared to how strong it was. I had nightmares about that smell. I had a good air filter mask for painting, with the charcoal fittings on it and it did absolutely nothing to keep the smell out, it was so bad.

        He was a very beloved, sweet cat, and the vet said he thought he had been bitten by a rattlesnake and then climbed up on his place where he was used to sleeping, and then he died. One of the most horrible experiences of my life.

        I’m with all of those who think there is no way that those roommates could have not smelled that. I don’t care how big the house was.

        • That’s awful. I’m sorry you had to go through that. 🙁 I love my two cats dearly, so I can’t imagine something like that happening. Of course I know they will die eventually, but I hope it’s at the vet where I can have them put asleep peacefully (and not be in the room). I just couldn’t imagine finding my cats dead. I would probably be traumatized.

    • Actually it’s 3691 sq ft. And believe me you could smell it in a house that size.

      We had a dead mouse in our house that ran away with a mouse trap, and we could smell it. My wife drove me nuts till I found it.

      • Mice and rats stink like hell after they are dead.

        I can remember it well from childhood.

  280. Excuse me if I don’t buy that you’re absolutely devastated over a death that occurred in ’08 of someone you hadn’t seen but maybe once since when…’04? So much so that you need major loads of cash and seek to have cameras on you so you can milk the melodrama. If that’s the case, my neighbor up the street whom I met once 5 years ago passed and I need some quick moulah. Any takers?

  281. I’ve been poking around the net and I can’t find a single network blurb about a live interview with Jodi tonight. Not even on that Troy guy’s station, Fox Phoenix.

    • Yeah Journee, I’m not seeing anything on my TV guide.
      But I dont know – I’m terrible with these damn guides.

      Tell me the channel and the time and I’m good to go…

    • They discussed it on HLN. Basically every channel is interviewing her. Except HLN. Prob not for a lack of trying 🙂

      • I just hope she doesn’t beg for forgiveness.
        The way the Alexander Clan is they’d just deny Jodi forgiveness anyway.
        Why give them that satisfaction?
        More power?

        I dont think she will though, otherwise she would have done that today.
        I’m honestly glad she didnt.
        I would have been sick watching her beg while Samantha’s eyes practically roll right out of her head and with Steven shooting lasers from his eyes.

  282. Can someone please tell me where I might be able to find a link to watch today’s events? I want to watch the afternoon first and then the morning last with Jodi so I don’t have o listen to you know who before bed.

    Also, to repeat what I said in an earlier post…..

    ADMINS AND LONG TIME POSTERS, I do not post often but I want to be sure you know that I am an avid Jodi supporter. I have been here (lurking?) since Jodi’s testimony at the beginning of the defense case. Although I seldom post, I read EVERY POST EVERY DAY. I will support Jodi until the day she is free from this nightmare.

    I have identified with her since the day I heard her speak. Our lives run a parallel path that only diverged to different results by a very few fortunate events. When I see or hear her I see and hear myself. “By the grace of God go I!”

    I am willing to give you any neccessary personal or digital information, (privately) needed to vet myself or my position if need be. Thank you for your time.


    • Mommabear,

      Aren’t you the one with the ranch in BC or WA or somesuch?

      Or am I mistaking you for someone else?

      • Al,

        No not me, no ranch but same general location. Washington State. I know who you are talking about though, just can not remember their/her name. My daughter sure wishes we had a ranch for those horses we lease and the new wild mustang filly she adopted!!

  283. I just saw Jodi speaking for herself on INSIDE EDITION.
    JODI ARIAS is one hellava outstanding human being. This woman is an inspiration. Against all odds, against all indignation, against all the gut wrenching treatment she has had to endure and knows all of this has been televised for the world to hear and see, still has the strength, poise to speak is beyond admirable.
    Against the worst odds she still wants to do good. I would like to get to know the real Jodi Arias. She has got to be a wonderful person. I don’t think even DB knew how wonderful she could be.

    After she was done speaking my heart was on the floor. What a wonderful young woman.

    P.S. Inside Edition commented she showed no emotion. These people aren’t even trained in the field of human emotion. So I’ll explain to any of the dumbasses that may happen to read my post. IT’S BEEN NEARLY 5 YEARS DUMBASS! SORRY, BUT JODI’S EMOTIONS CONCERNING THIS EVENT ARE GONE. HER EMOTIONS FOR SAID EPISODE HAVE BEEN DRAINED. THINK BEFORE YOU COMMENT.

    That doesn’t mean she is void of emotion. She is still capable of human emotion. And if ANYONE can’t see that then my advice is to OPEN YOUR EYES.

    Jodi Arias, again, demonstrated to the world what a beautiful human being she is. I hug and salute you Jodi Arias.

    • the mob squad thinks jodi should not try to give her side of anything.
      i’m not sure if interviews right now is the best, but if she wants to whatever. imo, should wait til after this last verdict.

      to the holier than thou mob squad, a defendant is STILL a person. jodi is NOT a serial killer, has done no other harm before, no criminal record, etc.

      she made ONE mistake in her 20’s… yep a big one, but we were not there.
      often it is by luck that one does not become entangled in a circumstance that requires doing something you regret later.

      i can understand TA family being upset, but the mob are being whipped into a frenzy by idiots with a mega phone. the mob is too dumb to realize they r being played.

      ONE error in life should not = death, imo. nor should it bring glee to people hoping for a person to be delivered a death sentence. it’s sick and HYPOCRITICAL!
      talk about premeditated murder…

  284. Beth Karass is saying Jodi lied about the shirts, she said Jodi said 100 percent profit goes to charities and says that on Jodi’s website ( this one) it says a portion goes to.

    • She’s lying again…now we’ll have more lurkers checking out her lying story…hey…it may be good…maybe they’ll buy a shirt…

    • Well, Dumb ASS Beth, It cost’s money to buy the shirts, print them and ship them (which is free) so some of the profits will have to cover that cost. WTF? How does this woman find her way to work everyday?

    • Beth Karas actually didn’t lie. The clown in the center ring did. And actually Beth Karas has tried on more than one occasion to be more centered about the whole ordeal but has been stopped and probably corrected in the background. I have seen her actually being shoved into a more slanted opinion by the witch. If you pay attention you can tell the difference between being coached and being corrected abruptly.

      I can state a recent example from today. After Arias’ speech to the jury out in front of the court house the clown had her little props sitting there waiting and by no surprise they wanted her crucified over that shirt and said she didn’t connect to the jury. Then she turned to Beth and asked her what she though and she said something along the lines of her thinking she connected then quickly said “hey that’s what I think!”. It was a split second between the two comments and you could not see the face of the clown but the body language exchange said gobs.

      Not thinking she is innocent; But certainly not thinking she is guilty of this shit she is going through. I think she did fine. She wore black. No matter what you guys think of the other side she needed to address everyone and show remorse. It’s just a reality. If she doesn’t she will be doing her appeals from death row.

      And that complex PowerPoint you hear about? It probably took an hour to put that together. 55 minutes to pick out the pictures and 5 minutes to create it.

      Good luck and I hope she gets a mistrial and can actually be tried fairly next time.

  285. I’ve tweeted everyone @HLNTV a little of what I think of their biased & awful inaccurate reporting and how I feel they’ve gone just too far.. This is the only place I feel comfort w/ all y’all.


  286. Tell me mad this comment makes you??

    Ryan…after Jodi’s statement and mentioning giving to Locks for love, I feel sorry for every cancer patient who is now saying “Holy hell…have I been wearing that crazy bitches HAIR???” LOL

    I cannot believe some people. I sure responded to that one.

    • annie –
      Those losers are so fucking predictable.
      I knew that was coming, I really did.

      • They better hope cancer doesn’t hit their family. I don’t wish that on anyone, but the thought they would think like that.

        • They’re disgusting…I cant believe they already found a way to twist Jodi’s kindness.

    • Yeah, he’s been famewhoring off of his poor little girl’s death for two decades now.

    • I have been fuming about Marc Klaas since yesterday morning and tried not to post about it. Can’t hold back any longer. I have stopped watching hln but I wanted to DVR the court proceedings yesterday to hear Darryl brewer speak. In the time it took for me to program my dvr HLN was showing Marc Klaas lunging at his daughter’s killer for attacking his character. After the clip, he furiously goes on a rant against that guy and in the same breath says ” how dare she assassinate his character”. WTF? He is comparing Jodi to that child molester and killer now? I have lost all compassion for this guy. Everything you guys said about him and then some!

      • That ass hole Klaas said that TA’s family doesn’t need to forgive. He says forgiveness is OVERRATED!!
        Really? I guess that explains why his face has perma-wrinkle from all the anger and hate he has been holding in all these years. Forgiveness is not for the person who wronged you sometimes it’s a gift to yourself so you can move on and live life. Anger and hate will eat you from the inside out.
        Mark Klaas is a nobody!

    • He is such a hypocrite. On one hand, he’s crusading against pedophiles. In the other, he’s telling the world that pedophiles are more valuable than domestic violence victims.

      He can go suck a fart.

  287. OMG I feel like I’m taking crazy pills. Am I watching a whole other trial? They are saying she lacked remorse, she lacked compassion, she didn’t say she was sorry. FFS. Am I losing my mind here? And it takes FIVE guards to escort her back and forth. Give me a fucking break! I hate this feeling of helplessness. I can’t wait until these people are eating their words. SO sick of this shit!

  288. People can you believe this shit… “juan martinez prosecuting attorney Juan Martinez Prosecutor Bio – Arias trial makes prosecutor Juan Martinez a national celebrity, Juan Martinez has gained a lot of popularity for his showmanship in the courtroom. For weeks — he grilled Jodi Arias over her lies. He ultimately got the conviction he wanted. Juan Martinez to Arias on the stand: “You either knew or you didn’t, which one is it ma’am, make up your mind pl…

    Makes me sick, what a nation we have become….

  289. Dumb@@@ Janine Driver was talking about Jodi donating her hair and said she hopes her mother (Janine’s mother) does not get the hair.

    Dumb@@@ Locks of Love donates hair to children who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy

      • That Driver bitch should realize that a number of prisoners probably donate their hair. “OMG the hair is evil!” Fuck off.

    • Not that I dont agree that this Janine is a stupid bitch (not sure who Janine is).

      But, I donate to locks of love, and most of the children suffer from alopecia.
      Alopecia is when your hair falls out – can include eyebrows and eyelahses depending on the type of alopecia.

      I’m sure they also give wigs to cancer patients or those going through chemotherapy.

      Regardless, I think all of the above are just thankful for the kindness and caring of the donor.
      Janine should shut the fuck up.

  290. I think Jodi talking to the media, is not a bad idea. She is not in the same place where she was when she did the first interview. The last time she talked to the media, after the verdict, I thought was very heartfelt. There is no one else to do the talking for her. Atleast the world will hear her words without jm interrupting & yelling at her.

  291. Jodi did an awesome job today. So did Jennifer. I didn’t watch a second of the Lord High Executioner’s argument…I hate him and never want to hear his nasty voice again.

  292. I just watched Darryl Brewer’s interview. I will restate for the record – that is a gentleman. He stood up for her. His reason for the interview as he said was to set the record straight and no longer run or hide from the harassment fro the media and the internet stooges.

    Way to go Mr Brewer – I applaud you.

  293. I pray that Jodi gets Life. She could do so much good for the other women inmates.
    Why kill her when she can contribute so much.

    It is sad that she killed Travis but she must have had so much rage inside that made her do this terrible act.

    Jodi, I’ll pray that you get the Life verdict.

  294. The reporting of her trial has not been objective , HLN has there token defence attorneys on but most of them tow the party line of Jodi is bad blah blah blah. If the jury has not seen the media ( which I doubt) then they should have come to another verdict self defence or of manslaughter at most.
    They know that there are people out there who are scary dangerous and will do anything they can to inflict damage on whomever disagrees with their all mighty opinion that Travis was some stand up guy who was murdered. Yes she killed him but it wasn’t murder. There is nothing that would have made her kill him unless she was in fear for her safety.

  295. Amy Murphy @amyABC15 is asking for questions we want answered.

    Do we have a group question?

  296. Hi everyone. This has been a rough couple of days with the OKC tragedy and the penalty phase of this trial. Normally I tend to post more serious stuff so I wanted to lighten things up a bit with this post. Just some observations for today:

    Judge Reinhold would have done a better job from the bench than Judge “Uneven” Stephens.

    Is it just me or does Juan Martinez remind you of the bad guy from “Raiders Of The Lost Ark” whose hand got burnt by the medallion and later had his face melt at the end?

    What’s the difference between a school classroom in the summertime and Nancy Grace? One’s got no class; the other’s got no students.

  297. That drunk juror number 8 is sure bad mouthing Jodi on that dumb Dr Drew show tonight. He had the nerve to say her statement was pathetic and just more lies. I’m guessing he is some kind of terminal alcoholic, at his age he should know better than to drive drunk!

      • Somewhere between his red nose and his pickled heart, there’s an uneasy lump of self-knowledge. That if it weren’t for people hating Jodi so much, he’d be of no use or interest to anyone. Just another addict who cares more about his poison than the safety of other men, women and children on the road.

        Hear that, juror #8? Without your proximity to Jodi’s infamy, you’d be worth precisely zero to all these people letting you beak off to the masses. They are, behind your back, disgusted with you and your desperation. They want you to be in prison, too, but not until they milk you for your short-lived entertainment value.

    • And what gets me, is that Drew Pinksy is supposed to be an addiction specialist.

      But he’s more than willing to look past drinking and driving in juror 8 to get some juice on the trial.

      So despicable!!!!

      • Doctors take an oath: first, do no harm.

        Unless there’s is money and fame involved, it looks like. Harming Jodi–DIRECTLY harming her–is more important than taking a stand against impaired driving.

    • Can you believe he said that Samantha Travis called him!! What is this, a family affair between the jury and TA’s family? Outrageous!!!

    • He is absolutely despicable. I find it deplorable that people like him could even be picked to be on a jury in the first place. He has no place sealing someone’s fate, and I am glad he was kicked off the jury.

  298. I’m partway through watching Jodi’s allocution from today on YouTube. This trial was a TRAVISty of justice and the State of Arizona should be ashamed to have let it go this way. Judge Pickles should be sentenced to jail for premeditatively railroading Jodi’s case and making decisions constantly that prevented Jodi from getting a fair trial.

    Observation: In the photos (and other photos we may have seen), notice how much more “normal” Jodi’s family looks than the Alexander psychopaths? Notice how Jodi had seemingly fine relationships with everybody until she stumbled upon a woman-beating Mormon?

    No matter what happens to Jodi, she is 10 times the person that anybody in the jury or the Addams Family is or ever will be.

    Something tells me Kirk and Jennifer have a strategy in all this that nobody knows about yet. We’ll see.

    • it sure seems to me that TA sibs don’t even sit very close to each other…

  299. Juror 8 said his wife was hollering at the tv today too…and I bet she told him all along her feelings about this trial…and he listened to his wifey…

    • well he better hang onto some of the proceeds he gets for his appearances. At the sacrifice of anothers innocent lives, he will be on trial for drinking and operating a 4k lb killing machine. Then he will be the whore who sold himself to hln and others who won’t come to his rescue, might even headline him being Jodi juror8 on trial for murder. I don’t mind living my life believing in God or karma to find out there isn’t any but wow if I lived like the folks that judged Jodi and found out there is God . . or meet karma.

      • I hope Kermit argues for juror 8’s death someday. Then we’ll see how much the drunk asshole likes Juan.

    • I bet she was hollering when he was on the jury panel too. No hands raised.

    • Can you imagine that thing coming home with booze on his breath. “Ahh, the little woman,” he says as he stumbles into the bedroom.

  300. Hi Jodi, Everyone,

    My heart is with you and everyone suffering on this planet. You’re in a position to bring a lot of light and change to the plight of abused women everywhere. You have a voice and a platform from which to speak and unfortunately this mission is obscured by all the nonsense, the anger and hatred being slung at you and your supporters and loved ones right now.
    I am moved by your ability to speak so well and matter-of-fact in light of the circumstances. I’m amazed at how you’re holding up under all of this. I think any woman, child, animal or man who has been abused can relate to the need and the desire to remove the tormentor and put an end to the abuse.
    Violence never is and never will be the answer. Love and compassion, peace and enlightenment is.
    We are all human and subject to the energies of our emotions. There are no accidents. Everything happens for a reason. The point of power is in this very moment. The past cannot be changed and our every thought is creating the next moment, the future. If people only realized the true power of their thoughts and that collectively we are creating the future for humanity and the planet, we would guard against ever having another negative thought or desire.

    It is not our true nature at soul level to be so hateful and destructive. Our true essence is love and we know the truth of that when we take deep breaths in order to centre ourselves and reconnect with the Divine being we truly are. Within ourselves, in silence we are One with of all Creation.

    Life is eternal. The soul is eternal. It is only these physical bodies that we shed.

    You have chosen a difficult incarnation Jodi. This 3D world, humanity as a collective whole, has not yet advanced far enough with awareness and spiritual enlightenment in order to recognize the fact that any one of us are walking in your shoes, that you yourself have chosen at some level to experience of this and fallen victim to the dense vibrations of the earth realm. Rise up from the ashes! Please relate. People “brutally murder” another’s spirit daily and yet this is commonly accepted, it remains unrecognized. Enlightenment requires one to go much deeper. The hate mongers are fearful of something that is within them, something that THEY themselves fear to embrace while looking in the mirror. Rather than being accountable for their actions and making changes within self, some are choosing to project their own issues onto you. The whole system is full of lies. Just look at the anger, the ego separation and control!

    Having said this, I cannot and would not stand in judgement of you or anyone else, for in ignorance the perils of this world prevail. We are all one. When we go HOME home we know the truth. For now, I pray for awareness, compassion and mercy, trusting that Divine Right Order will permeate every cell of the beings who currently sit with the decision making process.

    You go for it girl!! It is what it is. My heart is with you all right now. Forget about this media circus. They’re manipulative and being controlled by a bunch of liars…. calling the kettle black.
    Just be careful with those interviews and choose your words wisely. Ask for divine guidance.
    Love, peace and blessings.

    ~ Sending Light, Love and Healing.

    ((BiG HuGG))

  301. OMG …what is wrong with this people?? I don’t see what they see, I see true emotions in Jodi. I don’t follow many trials or cases. The only cases that I have followed are Casey Anthony, Jodi, and Misty Crosslin, I feel they are all somewhat innocent. I just don’t understand the hate …it is so scary how the media twist the facts..and make up lies!

    • I just think they need to open their damn eyes AG. I too see plenty of emotion in Jodi Arias. And it’s real.

  302. Watch all segments of this video…

    This video is of an interview today with Darryl Brewer….Jodi’s ex-boyfriend…

    It is very good and he speaks positive of Jody…

    And he does talk of Jodi changing once she started getting involved with Pre Paid Legal…PPL…just by what he is saying…it sounds like to me that Jodi was brainwashed by PPL…

      • He also said that she changed when she got involved with the mormon church and PPL…Pre Paid Legal…

        I listened to this twice…and both times I am convinced that the mormon church and PPL brainwashed her…

        • and bet a few juror men whomp their wives upside their head and say don’t pull a Jodi cause it won’t work . . this opens the right to abuse

    • This is substantial information Daryl gives. The PPL scheme coupled with the second part of the baptism episode is such mitigating material, however, these issues are what have driven the cover-up, as it were.

      • Haven’t a lot of us said all along it was the mormon church that covered it up…and now we find out about Pre Paid Legal…PPL…which are mormons too…@#$%^&*()_+@#$%^&*()…….ok I’ve vented enough…

        Vendetta of Excommunications from all those so called mormons…hopefully it will all come out in appeals…

    • Brainwashed, perhaps.

      But vulnerable to it because she fell head over heels for Travis. Immediately.

      • With the help of his PPL-Mormon cult he seduced her and acted like a big powerful rich executive. They brainwashed her to join their ‘family’ where she could become rich and powerful too, if only she coughed up the money to join and work with them. Within a month she became a convert who became estranged from Darryl and isolated from her own family. Yes, brainwashed. Now I love you, now I don’t, now I do again.

        • Big powerful rich executive who, don’t forget, told her he was looking to settle down, how important it was to him to be a family man. This after Jodi spent four years with a guy who pointedly did NOT want to get married. And there he was treating HER like a queen!

      • True Journee.
        I think she opened her heart, a lot, making herself extremely vulnerable.
        Love makes you do crazy things – if her head had been clear she would have realized what a piece of shit Travis was.

        He knew how to play his game and he knew Jodi was totally vulnerable to it.

        But yes, brainwashed ultimlately, I think somewhat, yes.

  303. I found this informative link….in the comment section there is line up of Jodi’s interviews tonight and they give a link for each one…

    • Thanks truth.
      Sounds like 10:30 CST is the first interview?
      I dont know, I could have misread.

    • Darryl is saying that Jodi was thought fondly of by the town people from where he is from…and the interviewer asked Darryl where are those folks now…and Darryl said they are at the same place and there was not much effort to get those folks to come forth to trial…the folks volunteered but apparently the defense and others did not get the folks to come to trial…

      Folks…she would have had a town full of folks that thought fondly of her…why didn’t the defense get these people to trial to speak up for Jodi???

      Darryl feels that Jodi did NOT get a fair trial…that the trial was polluted from the start…and he has strong opinions on the way that the Maricopa County has proceeded and he says that the appeals process will be telling…

      Way to go Darryl…God Bless You…and all of the town folks…God Bless You TOO!!!

      Please be available for appeals hearings…thanks…

      • See ohhh…. That’s so good to hear! !! If makes me feel better. Thanks for the info,Truthseeker.

    • I apologize Truthseeker111, I had to remove that link. That particular article isn’t bad, but it only leads to hate for Jodi around the rest of the site.

      Thanks for understanding!

      • MB…ok by me…I fully understand…I only want the best things said for Jodi too…

        We all are friends who stand together in helping Jodi…


  304. I just heard Lisa Bloom, yes, on HLN, talking about how something is so very wrong with this case, her mom is Gloria Allred and she said the United States is keeping very poor company, we along with Saudi Arabia, Iraq and North Korea are amoungst the only that still have the death penalty! Of course, vinnie cut her off when she started getting really mad about what is going on in this case! She said the poor people get so much less quality representation than the prosecutor provides the state, gosh it would be great if she stepped in to help in this, wouldnt it?!!

    • Gloria allred had her Jodi is guilty stint on hln . . I was suprized and disappointed

      • I was going to say the same thing cb, but my computer is acting up and had to restart.
        I’m surprised her daughter is voicing the opposite opinoin as her mother.
        Good for her though; saying what she truly feels, regardless of her mothers celebrity.

        • Allred will be representing someone with less than what happened to Jodi if there’s money and celebrity name

        • I know, right? Her daughter was really angry about how Jodis case was progressing and she was in the middle of saying how something was really wrong with this case and she is an advocate against the death penalty and how she has never ever seen not ONE person come forward to speak up for a defendant but asshole cut her off and said lets get back to your mom, they really suck and I flipped channel, dont know why I was on there but I think it was to catch that person talking in Jodi defense because it is weird I rarely go there ever

    • They should have seen what this was from the get-go. This really isn’t very far from what we have seen in third world countries with the treatment of women. Now we are seeing calls for killing this woman because she was defending herself from attack. The overkill is proof this was a life-or-death struggle, not a premeditated murder.

      This mess is all due to the influence of a cult and especially its attitude towards women. If people would actually look at this case in an objective light and see the big picture, the Mormon church would take a hit on its reputation.

      • So true tonysam.
        But somehow they’ve (media, religion, etc.) somehow created a detour leading right to Jodi instead of themselves.

        Its quite scary actually.

  305. I am just so tired of the self righteous mob of people. Jodi made her statement and it was fine. She pleaded with the jury so her family doesn’t suffer anymore. She won’t concede to what the the mob wants because the truth is what she told the jury. It was their choice to not believe her but it doesn’t erase Travis’s abuse because it went on and existed.

  306. Please please, can anyone direct me to a video of the last half of today? I am inept at finding it on YouTube. I have seen Jodi this morning, bless her heart, but have not seen JW and the toad from this afternoon. I want to watch it before watching tonights plethera of media nonsense from the talking heads. Help a momma out

  307. After watching Jodi speak to her jury with ‘Angelic grace’ today, I was reminded once again, JODI ARIAS IS ONE OF THE FEW GOOD PEOPLE IN THE WORLD.

    Jodi – “before June 4, 2008 I wouldn’t even hurt a spider … I used to catch them in a cup and put them outside of the house”.

    I always admire any women who under immense pressure is able to remain Angelic & classy.

    If only the world was full of Angelic people, then we truly could have world peace.

    I am saddened to see what has become of my country I used to be so proud of … America is now just full of hate & division.

        • I think we are from the same no DP state, L of L. I feel the political pressure from our neighbor Wisconcin was a big factor in our state abolishing the DP. re; the killing fields, What do you think?

          • Yes, I lived in that state for 17 years, but I haven’t lived there since 2002. I guess I would have to say it’s the closest state to “home” for me since that’s the longest I’ve lived anywhere in my life. The county I lived in was extremely politically corrupt however. I remember when the death penalty moratorium was signed in 2000 and felt it was a long time coming. There was a huge percentage of wrongful convictions and death penalty sentences generating from that county alone. My understanding is that the funds used on executions were re-allocated to assist the victims’ families. It seems like a MUCH better use of those funds, doesn’t it?

            I live in Maryland now and we recently abolished the death penalty. Unfortunately, although I lived in Florida for 10 years, they never abolished it there. I grew up in England where the death penalty was abolished before I was even born, so it has always seemed more than barbaric to me.

            • “My understanding is that the funds used on executions were re-allocated to assist the victims’ families. It seems like a MUCH better use of those funds, doesn’t it?

              Exactly! and also keeps criminal from dumbing body across non-DP state lines.

    • Wow, AA – that was surprising!

      I think Jodi needs Sam for a pen-pal, don’t you?

      • Don’t take this the wrong way, but there are some similarities between them, and yes, maybe he could help her. I don’t mean that Jodi did ANYTHING evil. But, it seems, as a young girl, she was looking for spiritual comfort and unfortunately slipped into the grasp of the Mormon-subset that is involved with PPL and Travis’s bizarre circle of friends. David Berkowitz sounds like a lost soul in his 20s that slipped into the grasp of the occult. He committed vile and evil murders. Jodi has been convicted of a vile murder that she may or may not have even committed, but if she did, it was in self-defense. David found a spiritual awakening in prison and freedom from his past, which he deeply regrets. Jodi has always regretted what happened, and while I’m not religious myself, I am deeply spiritual and know that such spirituality helps anyone. David has been able to help many other inmates, and I believe Jodi will do the same.

        I think it would be wonderful if Dr. Scott Bonn (the author) sat down with Jodi and wrote a piece revealing to the world who she really is.

        • DB said, Jodi changed. Nurmi tried his best to say…you have to understand the full picture of what happen to JA. The whole damn mess is like trying to read a novel with majors pages ripped out of it. Jodi needs counseling and she needs to heal.

        • Interesting article. I’m glad that David has used his time in prison to do some good.

  308. First, I want to say that Jodi did a phenomenal job today in front of the jury. It took a lot of courage and strength to face such hostility today, but she once again held her own and I never had any doubt that she would be great. Second, I would like to use this post to give my own defense of Jodi Arias and I’d like to take this occasion to address Jodi, Jodi’s family, friends, supporters and her enemies.

    “In Defense Of Jodi Arias”

    Judge Stephens, Mr. Martinez, Mr. Nurmi, Ms. Willmott, members of the jury, members of the press, Ms. Arias and her family and friends, and Mr. Alexander’s family and friends, I have chosen to be Jodi Arias’s character witness in this trial. Now, full disclosure, I have never met Jodi Arias nor have I known her for as long as Ms. Womack. And, no doubt, some of you are probably wondering, “Then how could you possibly be qualified to speak on behalf of Ms. Arias?” The answer is simple: justice. I seek justice for Jodi Arias because I believe her to be innocent of the crime of pre-meditated murder of Travis Alexander and I also believe that she suffered emotional, psychological and verbal abuse from Mr. Alexander. This is not to smear Travis Alexander or to besmirch his name, but rather to strip away emotion from this trial and focus on the facts instead.

    I seek justice for Ms. Arias because after researching her website, her blogs, her interviews and observing her body language in court, I believe that she has a good heart, a loving soul and reacted out of fear, not malice towards Mr. Alexander. Jodi did not have a criminal record prior to meeting Travis Alexander. None of her previous ex-boyfriends were killed. Then again, none of them treated her the way that Mr. Alexander did. Travis’s supporters may say to me that I am crazy and sick for supporting Jodi, especially when I have never met her or even know her. But can the same thing not be said to them and be applicable as well? Perhaps even more so when you observe the sycophantic behavior that is demonstrated by them on a daily basis? The difference between Jodi Arias supporters and Travis Alexander supporters is that we are not putting Jodi on a pedestal. We are not claiming nor have we ever claimed that Jodi is perfect. Contrast that to the Travis Alexander supporters who have taken to worshipping Mr. Alexander as if he is a deity.

    Much has been made about the graphic photos of the crime scene. I will not dispute that. Personally, I wish that Travis Alexander had never died. I wish that he was alive so he could face the consequences of his actions. Although, depending on your belief system, I personally feel that Mr. Alexander is facing a jury of his peers of his own, so to speak. The crime scene photos are horrific, but that does not stop the media, especially HLN, from sensationalizing them and almost reveling in the gore to the point of being gratuitous with the violence. And speaking of gratuitous, the sex tape between Travis Alexander and Jodi Arias has been referred to as “offensive” and “shocking” by many, but that doesn’t stop our friends at HLN, especially Jane Velez-Mitchell, from playing it on an almost nightly basis. As if that weren’t enough, the “talking heads” as my Mom refers to them on HLN have taken it upon themselves to line up one-by-one against Jodi Arias and gleefully anticipating her death sentence as the clock winds down. At the same time, they have chosen to take up the mantle of supporting Travis Alexander, almost to the point where I expect pom-poms to be delivered to the HLN studios any day now.

    Much has been made about Jodi Arias’s youthful indiscretions. Did she make mistakes? Yes. Did she make some bad choices? Yes. However, if each and every one of us were to have someone delve into our past, I’m sure that they would find some youthful indiscretions, mistakes and bad choices of our own, too. The thing is that Jodi straightened herself out, grew up and turned herself into a successful woman. Mr. Martinez likes to mock and ridicule Ms. Arias by constantly bringing up how her one talent is “drawing pictures”. Mr. Martinez, you obviously have not taken the time to study Jodi Arias as much as I have and others have. To attempt to minimize her and diminish her in front of court like that is not only offensive, but it is disrespectful and precisely the kind of behavior that was exhibited towards Ms. Arias by the late Mr. Alexander. The very fact that you are aware of this yet chose to verbally and psychologically abuse her did not go unnoticed, Mr. Martinez. Shame on you, sir. And shame on those supporters of Travis Alexander who have chosen to lead a blitzkrieg on television, radio and the Internet which apparently knows no boundaries of decency and respect. With all due respect, many of these people need to get a life before they ever have to decide whether or not to take another person’s. I frankly question the sincerity of most of them because I believe many of them are motivated more by the potential 15 minutes of fame instead of genuine support for Mr. Alexander.

    I just hope that the Jodi Arias family and her friends and supporters know that my support for her and them is genuine and that I could care less about fame. What I want more than anything is for Jodi Arias to walk out of jail or prison a free woman still in her 30s with the next half-century to look forward to. Someone recently asked me, hypothetically, if I would be crazy enough to want to date Jodi Arias. I thought about it for a minute and chose to answer him by saying that if I had a choice between never seeing Jodi again or marrying her, I would marry her. Now, this is not some pathetic declaration of love or wanton desire to be with Jodi Arias. I am only saying that if, and I repeat if, hypothetically, the two of us were to ever be brought together by fate or destiny, that I wouldn’t be afraid because I know what kind of a person that she is. She doesn’t come without problems or issues, but she’s not alone in that regard. If I was her boyfriend or husband, I wouldn’t be able to promise her that I would be the best kisser, the perfect lover or the perfect anything, but I could guarantee her that no man would work harder to give her unconditional love on a daily basis. So, to answer this gentleman’s question and, potentially, yours, too, no, I would not be afraid of dating Jodi Arias and neither should any other man be. None of her other boyfriends were murdered or hurt. What does that tell you? Why Travis Alexander? Could it possibly be because he used all sorts of disparaging names towards her? Or could it possibly be that he pushed Jodi Arias to the brink of snapping and, after months and years of internalizing her fear towards him, she finally lashed out in self-defense?

    The only hand that I ever have any interest in laying upon Jodi Arias is the one of friendship. I am Catholic, not Mormon, so my book of choice is The Holy Bible, not the Book Of Mormon although I respect the LDS Church and the majority of its followers. Today, I was reminded of one of the scriptures in the Bible. Specifically, 1 Peter 2: 1-25 that says, “So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation— if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” Perhaps it would be a good idea for Mr. Alexander’s supporters to read that passage again and try to take away something from its meaning.

    Much has also been made about Jodi Arias’s lack of remorse. What does this woman have to do for people to stop hating her? She apologizes, she’s wrong. She doesn’t apologize, she’s wrong. No matter what she says or does, she’s going to be wrong in the eyes of Travis Alexander’s supporters and their willing accomplices at HLN. So, Jodi is really put into a “damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t” position. Perhaps Ms. Arias lacks the emotional histrionics of the Alexander family in the courtroom that allows them to cry on cue, but this does not make Jodi’s tears any less sincere. I think the easy thing for her to do would be to turn on the “water works” and start bawling in the courtroom, begging for forgiveness. But from what little I know of Jodi Arias, I don’t think she likes to take the easy way out. I think that Jodi likes a challenge, and if that is true, then she sure has one to deal with now. A big one. But it is not impossible nor beyond the realm of possibility that she can and will win this fight someday. I will be there supporting Jodi every day, every step of the way.

    Ms. Womack did not decline to appear in court because she dislikes Ms. Arias. She did so out of fear, fear of the potential repercussions that would occur had she faced the judge and jury yesterday. The fact of the matter is that some people, perhaps more than some, who support Travis Alexander have taken to making death threats against people who support Jodi Arias. They have also felt that it is their God-given right (no pun intended) to bully, attack and harass people on the Internet and in the public who are adamant about their support for Jodi. To me, it’s not important to ask why they do this, but rather how can they do this?

    Jodi Arias is more than just someone who “draws pictures”. She is survivor of abuse and I have no doubt that, given the opportunity to speak out against domestic abuse, that she will help raise awareness and funds to help these individuals. She is also a daughter, granddaughter, sister and friend to many. If I was ever to be that lucky to be her friend, I would be eternally grateful and proud to call Jodi Arias my friend. There is so much more unlimited talent and greatness that is within Jodi Arias that has yet to be fulfilled. I feel it. And, so I am asking you, members of the jury, to spare Jodi Arias’s life so that she does not receive the death penalty. Part of that has to do with my Catholicism. I believe that life is sacred, whether it’s abortion or the death penalty. And I have all of the confidence in the world that Jodi will be a mentor and role model to the other prisoners, if she is not already, and will benefit from this experience as a better person for having to go through it. I think that the moral and Christian thing to do would be to punish her with life in prison as opposed to taking her life.

    This trial is almost over with, but our resolve is not. I will continue to support Jodi and her family in the next coming days, months and years, if that is how long it takes. I believe her and, more importantly, I believe in her. She is not arrogant, she is confident. At least, she was until last week when she truly was humbled by the verdict that was rendered. It was heartbreaking for me to see Jodi like that because I had not seen her with that look previous to that. It was a look of resignation and utter shock and I never want to see her look like that again. I want Jodi to be happy and healthy and to use the knowledge she has picked up in many of the books that she has read to help her on her path to freedom. I ask you the jury to put aside whatever bias you may have against Ms. Arias and ask yourselves a question: “If this was my daughter would I feel the same way?” Your honor, I rest my case.

    • Very well said Frank! I’m sad that she didn’t have someone like you to speak for her today.

    • Frank Queen –
      I admire your passion, you support, your positivity.
      It is enlightening, uplifting, and strong.

      Thank you for sharing, its a great post.

    • Wow, that was beautifully put. I’m glad I popped on before I went to bed. I’d be proud to call Jodi my friend too. I believe also that if she never met TA she never would have hurt anyone in her life.

    • That was so beautiful Frank Queen…watch Jodi’s first live interview tonight on video…she looks relaxed…and is well spoken…

      This is Jodi’s first interview tonight with 12 News anchor Mark Curtis on Channel 12 at AZ central…you can hear her speak about what how tomorrow and what the jury decides is weighing on her tonight…

      Click on this video…

      Jodi Arias: “I’m just going to take what comes to me”

  309. I don’t know if I will be able to articulate this properly here because I am so frustrated about the whole witch hunt, but it just kills me that people are so apt to judge defendants lately with such hatred and anger. It’s like people are just looking for a whipping post to take their aggressions out on and it is truly sad and sickening. What happened to ‘innocent until proven guilty’? Our society has turned a complete 180* and made it ‘guilty until proven innocent but then once proven innocent you are still guilty’!!!

    If the tables were turned in Jodi’s case and the following hypothetical was the current case …

    Say the fatfuck (289lb), ugly, abusive, pedophile, swindler, opportunistic asshole that is now thankfully dead was actually able to overtake Jodi (115#lbs or so) during the incident that she is now being wrongfully convicted of and his sorry ass survived and killed Jodi in “self-defense”.
    Think of this hypothetical as pedoboy now being on trial for killing Jodi and the Defense is using the exact same theory as the prosecution is currently using in Jodi’s trial.

    There is no way in hell that this frickin lynch mob of a jury would buy the defense’s theory that Jodi came to kill him and they would be ready to string asswipetravis from the rafters. They would then be screaming and acknowledging the fact that Jodi was indeed the victim of abuse.

    The whole system is just straight up bullshit. It is by far antiquated at best and needs to be redesigned from the ground up.

    How can a gang member murder multiple people in cold blood including innocent bystanders and children yet only get a 10 year sentence but an abused woman gets the death penalty for defending herself and killing her abusive love interest? WTF?!!!?

    Sorry, I’m rambling now, but this just sucks and I say FUCK the system and FUCK the haters!

    Jodi will prevail !!!

    • I wish that were true, Corey. Unfortunately, ANY time a woman speaks of abuse, she is lambasted. Remember all the crap said about Susan Powell?

      Unfortunately, women never “win” when they are abused. It almost seems as if in most people’s minds, it’s still acceptable to abuse women. It’s just a dirty little secret between a man and his woman. There’s no justice when abuse is involved, EVER!

    • It’s actually really scary. People don’t get the whole story anymore but they do take whatever side the TV tells them to take and they take that side hard core. I don’t understand that. If I don’t know about something I just say I haven’t been following that. I don’t pick up what Nancy Grace says and repeat it like an idiot. People can’t think for themselves. They’re okay w having a couple of facts to go on.

    • Click on this video…

      Jodi Arias: “I’m just going to take what comes to me”

        • Jodi looks so peaceful and relaxed…and so soft spoken…very good interview…

          Did you watch Darryl Brewer interview that was posted earlier…it was good too…

          • Yes, I did watch his interview, just one thing could have been left out but . .
            really sad they couldn’t work out their indifferences, they were sweet together

    • Thank you for sharing Truth.
      She seems to be very realistic.
      Wonder what disorder HLN would say that characteristic pertains to.

      I also sensed some discouragement, in regards to the jury and the system.
      I cant blame her one bit, she’s such a smart woman, she sees the injustice just as we do.

  310. I would like to commend Jodi on her courage today to get up in front of those jurrors and the Alexander family,I pray that the jury will grant her leinency and give her life,there is still hope in the appeal for a shorter sentence and freedom.The one thing that botheres me is that no matter what Jodi does or says,she is critized,she could have got down on her knees and begged the jury and yet the HLN morons would find something wrong with that.WHY cannot they let it go,HLN swayed the trial and it was them that influenced the verdict,have they not dragged Jodi to hell and back and then some.My prayers are with Jodi and god bless her.

    • She was amazing and very composed. She can’t do anything right for these people. It was bittersweet. She was amazing, but it hurt to have to see her defend her life. Her life IS worth a lot!

  311. (((((((((((((TEAM JODI)))))))))))

    No matter what happens tomorrow – we have the appeal. Maybe by the time the appeal comes Jodi will be off of HLNs radar and she’ll have a shot at a semi normal appeal!

  312. One more question. Why is it that on the show Mobwives the wives can send their husbands food and care packages to prisons w all sorts of foods and a ton of stuff and pictures and letters but we can only send Jodi a postcard?

    • She is still in jail. I believe the rules change once you get to prison, but it also depends on what prison and the rules of that facility.

      • I was also going to say…Arizona jails/prisons may be way different. The people I know that have been to jail/prison have also said that they would rather be in prison because they have a lot more freedom and more things to do, but the people I know were incarcerated in Illinois and Iowa so may not be the same as Arizona. And from what I’ve heard about Sheriff Joe, things are probably a lot more strict in Arizona.

        • Yes, thankfully Jodi will not be under that asshole Sheriff Joe’s thumb when she goes to state prison.

      • yes…when I posted the first video…the other three weren’t available to be viewed…I guess it took them a little more time to edit and publish them to the video…

        As far as I can tell there will be only 4 of the videos…

        • His line of question was very good, fair, direct, got to things needed to be answered and heard . . I had some “Hallelujahs” to her answers about the “relationship”. She’s getting grounded into the reality of it all. I’m truly humbled by her demeanor and have learned a lot..

          • I think she did great on this interview. How can someone hate that girl she is just willing to accept her fate, shes not hating on anyone or blaming anyone. If I were Jodi I would be screaming about the lying sob Juan and the criminal taliban family so loud that all of Phoenix could hear me because she has nothing to loose but she is jut sweet little jodi who had had it with a scumbag phedo that treated her like a piece of dirt, she lost it and pissed him off this was a crime of passion. Juan is on a mission to get as many woman on death row as he can before he gets his little ass put in theretoo.

      • I think she’s come into a new being . .. closer to who she really has been all her life and not lead by influence

      • Very articulate. Very intelligent.

        It’s interesting how the media, thanks to Juan Martinez, calls her a high school drop out.

        She’s as articulate and well read as anyone with a college degree.

    • Thanks for posting the link. Sad that this poor girl has to go through all this.

  313. I am so saddened by all of this. I am proud of Jodi for standing before the jury and the world. I feel sorry for the families- both have had to endure such pain, and none will every live a life free of that pain completely. I will pray for Jodi. I will keep her in my prayers until the day an appeal comes through.

  314. I was impressed by the interview.Great questions and she was so well spoken.GO JODI!!!

  315. Dear all,

    Someone earlier today said that they pray there’s at least on Catholic on the jury.

    In spite of all the moral and legal controversy regarding cases of abuse in America, it’s worth noting the Catholic Church’s position on capital punishment.

    The church sees capital punishment as a sign of that society’s absolute desperation (and the etymology of the word “desperate” means “without hope). Any nation that takes from God the right to take a life is a sign of that nation’s hopelssness, of their desperation to confront the very problems society created: and we’ve created and ignored many problems: poverty, abuse, neglect, powerlessness of those society deems worthy of hatred.

    The Catholic church wonders why a civilized (and supposedly God based nation) like the USA refuses to salvage hope from its own problems.

    This quoted from a 2001 document of church doctrine:

    “The universal abolition of the death penalty would be a courageous reaffirmation of the belief that humankind can be successful in dealing with criminality and of our refusal to succumb to despair before such forces, and as such it would regenerate new hope in our very humanity.”

    I would love to hear Juan Martinez, speaking as a lawyer, or a man, or a father, or a son, respond to this statement.

    Juan Martinez, instrument of justice? Hardly. Peddler of depsair yes.

    As I get older, I believe more strongly that American justice is predicated on the spread of fear.

    Prayers for Jody’s family, and for Travis’s, for God has given them a rich but difficult opportunity to teach us about God’s highest law – love.

    Of course Juan Martinez would tell us — hey — how much did Jodi love Travis on 6/4/2008.

    Well Juan, if she didn’t love him, and so deeply that she risked her freedon, life and soul to come back to him that day only to get used, then this never would have happened.

    If Juan Martinez were to read Shakespeare’s Othello, he’d probably stop the action before the scene where Othello kills himself so that he could put him on death row.

      • Thank you so much, Sil.

        As much as I could while I was at work, i watched the trial every single day.

        I read every thing i could – blogs, court docs, depos.

        There’s just something that’s out of joint when “blind justice” has to scream at witnesses, throw things, and resort to sarcasm to win a case.

        I thought that lawyers were supposed to learn bog legal terms that would help a jury come to a decision intellectually and morally, not emotionally and with vengence, hatred, retribution, and utter indifference to the fact that the MEANS DOES NOT JUSTIFY THE END.

        Juan Martinez had a slam dunk, beacause Dr Drew, Nancy Grace, Vinnie Pol-whoever he his, tried this case for years.

        All Juan did was to come into open court and “monkey” what Nancy Gracy has been spewing since 2008.


        • Matt

          You said that so well. I am in agreement that JM did glean much from HLN. Perhaps taking lead, prompt and information from them. Trial by HLN is unjust and wrong on so many front to numerous to mention here.

          Thank you for your thoughtful posts.

          • I’m watching all this in horror from Florida. All my family is in Mesa.

            When I was very young, I remember a quote from Dr Martin Luther King’s father. After Dr King was killed, a crazy man in his father’s church walked up to Dr King’s mother and shot her during service.

            At trial, they asked Dr King’s father if he wanted that man to pay with his life.

            He said “No human will bring hatred into my heart.”

            Juan Martinez: hello??

            • matt…

              And Jodi said in her interview tonight that mormons are “required to forgive” in order to be forgiven…

    • matt…

      Thanks for that post about the Catholic view on capital punishment…I am not a Catholic…but they helped me years ago…and I have always respected the Catholic faith ever since…

      Years ago I talked to a Catholic priest about seeing angels at times and having conversations with them…he actually helped me to understand about angels…he got out some big books and showed me about angels and told me that he knew of other people who have seen angels and spoken to them…

      So let us all unite as we all continue to believe, pray, and intervene for Jodi…

      There is a lot in the physical universe and in the spiritual world that a lot of us do not understand…but on this site we all understand about love and know what love is and we can actually experience and feel love…and it is our love that will save Jodi…

      Enjoy this beautiful song tonight as we pray for Jodi


      • Memories flood my head with that song…good ones, about the one GOOD man that I sabotaged the relationship-not thinking I was worthy of him. But, we have a beautiful daughter together, who’s turned out to be a balanced, responsible, loving, compassionate woman. (PROUD MOM-of ALL 3 kiddo’s!!))

  316. Jodi did such a great job. I am so impressed with her composure and grace. Prayers to you sweet Jodi.
    Well, it appear the hater’s have wasted no time and are out in force attacking the reporters interviewing Jodi tonight.

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 5h
    Actually folks, I’m not the only one doing an interview with Arias tonight. She will be talking to ABC, NBC and AP among others.
    Details Reply

    Follow Shawn Marie Jarvis Shawn Marie Jarvis‏@Doxielover_03 To everyone unfollow & block @michaelbkiefer he is doing 1 of the interviews with #JodiArias

    • I would think the media already anticipated problems. Maybe we will get to see the ones tweeting to block a journalists interview may have some consequences

  317. Uh oh…it’s 1AM and Lainey is getting into it with the Taliban..

    Answer me a question please: WE feel that Jodi didnt get a full trial, WE are pissed at the trial by media, WE believe in “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” and feel that what happened in this CIRCUS for the past 5 months was a TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE, NOT because, well, most of us, think that Jodi is innocent of killing TA? Have I got that right?
    Then HOW IN THE WORLD ARE *WE* the “sociopaths”?? How are WE “CRAZY”, “SICK”, and even “Deserve death right next to Jodi”??
    How are WE the one’s “CONDONING VIOLENCE”??
    GRRR, I HAVE NEVER seen such BRAINWASHING!! (Well, that’s not completely true…I’ve been working to show millions of Americans, for over 6 years now, that another certain media personality has done one hell of a job “brainwashing” people,..and has accused innocent people of horrendous things with devastating results…but, hey, that’s “politics”)

      • And FloriDuh.. :(. “They were blind, yet they could not see”-was the “answer” to my cryptogram tonight. Apropos?
        Because of my health problems & Meds, I’m doing lots of word puzzles to TRY and keep my brain functioning, lol!
        I can’t take anymore of the Taliban tonight, and I have to go in in the am for blood tests/dialysis. If I can talk them into letting me come home instead of admitting me because of the heat, (the forecast changed and now it’s supposed to be about 5deg cooler-I should be fine with the fans), I’ll be back tomorrow. Otherwise, it depends on who’s working IT at the hospital because my doc, who’s on vacation and is also cheif of staff at hospital, tells them to take down the wireless patient access when the hospital census is low to save money. (Apparently, here in Flintstone-ville, the cable co still bills by usage…)

  318. Just watched the interview Jodi did today. She comes across as so genuine. I feel bad for her, but I like that she’s trying to make the best of her situation. She really is a remarkably strong human being.

  319. Dear all,

    This summer will be the 89th anniversary of a famous trial in my old hometown of Chicago, one that was at least as widely and obscenely exploited by the papers as Jodi’s is today.

    Clarence Darrow took on what everyone said was an unwinnable case: two 18 year old boys, sons of milltionaires and (at age 18) had already graduated from college, kidnapped and murdered a neighbor boy to see if they could get away with it, collect the ransom, and then sit back and watch the police bungle the investigation.

    Darrow took the case when he was well intro retirement.

    He took it because public opinion was 3,000 percent against him.

    Like Jodi, the state had so much eveidence plus confessions, that they planned to have a slam dunk hanging case.

    Darrow was shrewd. He knew that if a jury sends someone to death, each juror will walk out of the courthouse thinking that they didn’t kill anyone because 12 people decided not one.

    The day the trial started, Darrow changed the plea from not guilty to guilty. He knew that by placing the decision on just one person – the judge — that he’d have a sharper focus for his argument against the death penalty.

    I go into this detail because I truly feel Jodi’s case will reignite the debate our country needs to have on capital punishment.

    What Darrow argued to the judge is so beautifully and powefully stated, that Juan Martinez would probalby throw pencils at him.

    Darrrow demonstrated to the judge that in Europe from 1700 – 1923 as torture, hanging, etc went away and laws were humanized, that violent crime actually dimished not escalated!

    He also pointed out that in the USA, as laws became less humane and capital punishment became commonplace, violent crime increased.

    Most importantly, he argued that when a state has the right to kill someone, we just like those early humans who crawled out of caves and forests, and whose justice was based on killing.

    Here is just one part of Darrow’s (three day long) argument.

    I wonder what Juan Martinez would reply?

    Darrow’s argument:

    “Gradually the laws have been changed and modified, and men look back with horror at the hangings and the killings of the past. What did they find in England? That as they got rid of these barbarous statutes, crimes decreased instead of increased; as the criminal law was modified and humanized, there was less crime instead of more. I will undertake to say, Your Honor, that you can scarcely find a single book written by a student, and I will include all the works on criminology of the past, that has not made the statement over and over again that as the penal code was made less terrible, crimes grew less frequent….

    Do I need to argue to Your Honor that cruelty only breeds cruelty? That hatred only causes hatred; that if there is any way to soften this human heart which is hard enough at its best, if there is any way to kill evil and hatred and all that goes with it, it is not through evil and hatred and cruelty; it is through charity, and love, and understanding….

    I have a list of executions in Cook County beginning in 1840, which I presume covers the first one, because I asked to have it go to the beginning. Ninety poor unfortunate men have given up their lives to stop murder in Chicago. Ninety men have been hanged by the neck until dead, because of the ancient superstition that in some way hanging one man keeps another from committing a crime. The ancient superstition, I say, because I defy the state to point to a criminologist, a scientist, student, who has ever said it….

    For God’s sake, are we crazy? In the face of history, of every line of philosophy, against the teaching of every religionist and seer and prophet the world has ever given us, we are still doing what our barbaric, ancestors did when they came out of the caves and the woods….

    I am pleading for life, understanding, charity, kindness, and the infinite mercy that considers all. I am pleading that we overcome cruelty with kindness and hatred with love. I know the future is on my side. … I am pleading for the future; I am pleading for a time when hatred and cruelty will not control the hearts of men. When we can learn by, reason and judgment and understanding and faith that all life is worth saving, and that mercy is the highest attribute of man.”

    • “When we can learn by, reason and judgment and understanding and faith that all life is worth saving, and that mercy is the highest attribute of man.”

      Isn’t this what Jen quoted?

      • Oh my. Thank you. I was at work and could not hear all of her address to the jury. Jennifer was so calm, so moving, so wise, and so morally poised and balanced.

    • Thank you for that. I kinda wish we had heard this read in court-a POWERFUL statement!!

  320. Watching Jodi’s interview on….my heart breaks for her when they ask her why she is so hated…what about her makes so many people hate her. Jodi answers in the most gracious way possible…if it were me I would say something stupid like because come to find out most people are haters, and are sheep who cannot think for themselves. What a rude question…

    I agree with what someone said above about Jodi being as articulate and well spoken as someone with a college degree. She seems like such a sweet person..hopefully in the prison she is moved to she will be able to get letters instead of being limited to metered postcards..that is ridiculous only being allowed postcards from the mail

  321. Thanks for the interview links. How many interviews went on after court today? I wanted to watch them all now – couldn’t earlier. If anyone knows, please let me know.

    So good to see all the support!!! boy what a great team!

    Jodi did GREAT today and I have a good feeling it will be LIfe. A good good feeling. She was fantastico!! So GREAT JOB JODI (if she looks at this site ever haha which I doubt)

    Gonna pray tonight for a somewhat good outcome tomorrow. Life is better than death. !! Life it will be!!!!!

      • This interview was the best one IMO. Troy was a real douche to Jodi tonite probably to make up for whatever heat he got from the public (another personal receiving harassment—imagine that…lol) simply by conducting the first interview. The reporters are all snakes in the grass but this was the most respectful one.

        I think Jodi handles herself with grace and a certain serenity in spite of it all. Both in her speech and in these interviews.

        I have to say I was a bit shocked that Katie Wick told Dr. Drew that Jodi was shaking like a leaf (papers were even shaking) when she spoke and she almost felt for her but that her tone didn’t match what her body was doing. She has never said one even slightly kind or empathatic thing towards Jodi so like I said this was shocking. I saw that Jodi was nervous giving her speech facing these folks who’s faces probably make it pretty clear they don’t believe her and they will not be merciful.

  322. I’m no lawyer, and definitely I’m smart enough to know I could NEVER pretend I could be.


    I wonder why neither of Jodi’s attorneys asked the jury why Juan Martinez even went through the motions of having a trial?

    All I remember of his rants to the jury was to pick up the instructions and tell them what they had no choice to decide.

    Well, if the jury had no choice, like, why was there even a trial?

    Why didn’t Juan get authority from the court to just pass go, get $200 and just drive her to death row?

    It’s interesting when a prosecutor is so vain and conceited that he doesn’t see he’s part of a process of justice.

    To Juan, he is justice itself. Not.

  323. Who are all these new people???? I don’t recognize half of the names on here any more.
    AA Are you on here Kmiller you here?? Jeff any body That knows me HERE

  324. I’m in Florida, where it’s well into night, and I’m reminded of the words of the Spanish mystic, St. John of Cross:0

    He wrote that faith in God means that we’ve endured “the dark night of the soul.”

    Faith doesn’t mean anything unless it’s tested.

    For Jodu and the people of this blog, that’s an understatement.

    So many people on this blog know what I’m talking about.

    We believe. We wait in darkness, but the darkness is a necessary part of our faith.

    I went to college on a campus (a Catholic one) where a very generous benefactor bought and donated a chapel that another strong woman, of an earlier era, prayed in: St Joan of Arc.

    They moved this chapel, stone by stone, from France. It was built in 1200s??

    It was a chapel that St. Joan of Arc prayed in before she led an army of men into battle.

    During her trial for heresy, she handled her questioners just like Jodi handled Juan Martinez!

    However, she was sentenced to death by burning at age 19.

    Tonight I pray to St Joan of Arc that her grace will comfort Jodi Arias.

    As one of my friends says: “Keep your faith wrapped tightly around you. It’s the only protection one has in this world.”

    • matt…

      I have prayed to Saint Jude when I was in a desperate situation…I have a small picture of him on my desk…

      When hope is lost…in health matters…and in life-and-death situations…many people have been known to call on Saint Jude to help them…he is the Catholic Patron Saint of many lost causes…

  325. Jodi isn’t Juan Martinez’s target.

    Ecclesiasticus 9:

    “Keep your distance from the man who has the power to put to death, and you will not be haunted by fear of death.

    If you do approach him, make no false move, or he may take your life.”

  326. I am really inspired by Jodi. She has been so strong and resolute through this trial. She has more empathy and humanity in her little finger than the entire Travis Taliban combined.

    I know I am not the only one who has learned a lot during this trial. If she can touch our lives and inspire us to be better people, can you imagine how her positive influence could help all those women in prison? Those women eventually get released and go home to their children, who will also benefit second hand from Jodi helping them to read and write and foster self respect and concern for the environment.

    It does society no favors to put Jodi to death. It diminishes society to do so. It takes away all the potential and capacity for her to help others and to pay her debt to society by being a positive role model to women who have also been abused. So many women in prison have been abused in horrible ways, and people forget that. They need Jodi’s love and empathy to help them cope and do better for themselves. If the jury can’t muster empathy for Jodi, they should at least muster it for the women who can benefit from what she has to offer.

    So, inspired by Jodi, I made a list of ideas of ways we can support Jodi after sentencing. I think no matter what happens next in this case, we all need to figure out together what direction we are going to go in as a community. If Jodi gets the death penalty, we need to find a way to take any feelings of helplessness we may have and turn them into action that is positive. I have brainstormed some ideas today to continue supporting Jodi and her desire to help others.

    But first, I want to mention some ideas that others have brought up:

    Sil brought up the idea of a letter campaign – I think that’s a great idea!

    Cindy brought up making a movie, and this is something I happened to talk with SJ about recently too. I’d like to get someone like Michael Moore on this case, if for no other reason than to critique how the media is taking over the justice system. BUT – that doesn’t mean we can’t make our own movie. I’ve been meaning to learn how to make youtube videos for a while now, I just don’t know where to start. But before that, we would have to gather all the information we find relevant and figure out a way to present it. We aren’t just going to get up and bluster like Martinez. lol. But working as a team, I have no doubt we could do this. We would need volunteers to help re-watch the trial to transcribe testimony and clock what was said when, so clips can be used too. This might also help the legal eagles on the site build a case for appeal.

    Here are some of the ideas I thought of:

    1. An FAQ for the site. This could help people understand where we are coming from, if they are taking the time to read the site before shooting off in comments. How about having a dynamic page where people can post their questions in the comments section, then the post itself gets updated as pertinent questions come in?

    2. Domestic Violence awareness. So much of Alyce’s best points of testimony got lost in all the accusations of her being a man hater. Wouldn’t it be great if we could compile her points without Martinez’s objections and the media whitewashing abuse like it’s just “dudely behavior”?

    3. Women’s statistics and status. My idea for a page like this would only present data linked to online sources with some sparse commentary, nothing heavy or political. Sort of like a handy go-to 101 place for people to understand the issues women face and the potential the outcome of this trial has to affect all women, not just Jodi.

    4. Time sensitive projects. In the event we have to raise money, it would not be a bad idea to brainstorm some ideas now that Jodi can no longer sell her drawings. For example we could agree that for one month, we can make bracelets or staple booklets to sell to go to Jodi’s family or legal fund. The booklets can be as simple as poetry or vignettes of how Jodi’s influence has changed our lives.

    5. Helping people in prison. I think one way to support Jodi is to follow her lead by example that helping people in prison helps society for the better. I’m not sure how to help people in prison, but I’m sure we can figure out something like donating books or appropriate clothing.

    That’s about it for me. How about you? Do you have any ideas of how to use our energy when sentencing is over? Aside from assisting the legal eagles in their quest for appeals of course.

    And this brings me to a point I’ve been meaning to make for a while. This blog is a community effort, and filled with some of the brightest minds and biggest hearts the Internet has to offer. It is important that we can continue to operate at our best level and show our support for Jodi freely and without unnecessary discouragement.

    So I am asking the fence sitters (whether they are posting here yet or not) – find a way to contribute, or please move on. If you are only here to criticize Jodi or anyone who supports her; or throw out zingy one liners trying to fly under the radar of the mods; it’s not going to be allowed for long. I will prioritize the opinions and comfort level of dedicated posters who are active in supporting Jodi over the fair weathered drive by any day. There’s a lot I am willing to let slide, especially right now in this difficult time, but when supportive posters become uncomfortable is when I feel the need to say something. Thanks for hearing me out.

    • AGREE MB, GREAT Post!!
      I’m also going to see if Jason, over at OccupyHLN, can find out how we can make that a force to be reckoned with, maybe see if there’s ANY WAY to STOP this travesty of the system-BEFORE HLN pounces on their next victim!!

      • Thanks sweety <3

        I agree HLN has to be stopped. Allowing them to run amok is like allowing a roving group of thugs to trample over the Constitution.

        They capitalize on human tragedy because they are too cheap to create their own programming. So they just sit there and talk smack about people's lives they don't know about. Now look what they've done. Who knows what more they are capable of?

    • Excellent post, MB ! 🙂 I have a great way to help raise money for Jodi, but I would rather share that in a private conversation for now…..

      As for helping in the prision, that is one of the hardest things to do because of funding from the govenment. I wrote a manual a few years ago on how to help women within the prisons for when they are released….

      If and I say ” IF ” Jodi get’s the DP tomorrow it’s going to be one of the saddest day’s in history for me to see a beautiful, kind hearted, spirtual lady confined to a 8*10 room with no communication from the outside world. She needs cards, letters, postcards, photos………… letting her know we are fighting for her and her appeal.

      Michael Moore…. love that dude… Have watched his shows and he’s very intelligent….

      FAQ is a great Idea……….

      Documentary on Jodi Arias……….

      Prayers for the supporters, families, and JODI………… stay strong !!!

      • Thanks hon <3 🙂 No probs about waiting for private convo, I had some trepidation about posting everything I did, but I thought it would be nice to have something positive to fall back on should we be devastated tomorrow. This is far from over, no matter what happens. I agree, writing Jodi is crucial, and the most important thing to do aside from posting public support here at the site. My ideas were meant to be in addition to that, I should have been more clear.

    • Wonderful post MB. Yes, I think it is great we stay focused and positive during this next phase.

      I shared a suggestion with tonysam a few pages ago and still think it might be worth a try.

      I would love to see William C. Dear sink his teeth into this case and tear it apart. He is a PI and documentary film maker. He examined the OJ/Brown/Goldman case. He recently wrote the book (and released a film) titled “OJ Is Innocent and I can Prove It”. It is a very intriguing read.

      Just like the OJ case, the shoddy police work, cover up and lies by authorities, etc. reminds me of Jodi’s case. I sure would like to see his evaluation of this case. This is an additional link I found interesting and thought I would pass on.

      Thanks for all your hard work while SJ is on vacation. I do appreciate this site and connecting with like minded people who are open minded. This case is unjust and Jodi’s case is a wrong that must be made right.

      Also, I would like to challenge everyone to take an active role in abolishing the death penalty in this country. So I am going to commit to supporting this change in every way possible. There will be more Jodi’s in the future and I don’t want anyone to go through what she has been put through during this trial.

        • MB

          With pleasure. Anything I can do to be helpful, I will. I am here for the long journey in finding Justice for Jodi…I know she innocent will be free. She is an amazing young woman and I have been impressed by her composure, maturity beyond years and the way she has stood up under the pressure of this trial. Jodi is in my thoughts and prayers, today and always. Bless her and I hope she knows that so many people care and are here to support her (and her family).

      • geebee has put in an amazing amount of work compiling and organizing information & docs. This would be very helpful to anyone wanting to analyzing the facts of the case.

    • Hi MB. There isn’t no fence-sitting here. I made a donation last week to Jodi and her family and I’ve been quite outspoken in my support of her and them here and on the official FB page.

      I LOVE Sil’s idea of a letter-writing campaign. My suggestion is that we show solidarity and support for Jodi by changing our profile picture on the social networks to Jodi’s or we could all order “Survivor” t-shirts and pose with them on as our profile pic to show support.

    • Excellent MB! I am willing to help anyway that I can. I have some free time tomorrow and Friday. I will go back through Alyce’s testimony and put together a list.

    • Well said, MB. I’m with you, and am of one mind with this community. Count in me on how we can unify and proceed and act as one body, one mind, one goal, one cause.

    • Ditto! I don’t know if anyone remembers at the very beginnining of his first interview, before Jodi actually began to speak, he was talking with one of the news anchors as they set up the interview. He was asked if he had spoken to Jodi’s lawyers or if they were present, something along those lines, and his response was, “ummm no. She is an adult and can speak for herself.” It was obvious to me by his response and the tone of his response that he KNEW what he was doing was salacious and in my opinion ABUSIVE. He took advantage of her vulnerability and her verbal commitment to him. I decided right then he was a jerk and a scumbag. Tonight’s “interview” with him was disgusting!

  327. IF those jurors come back tomorrow with DP, they better be prepared for a one way ticket out of AZ…………:)

  328. the mob squad wonders why jodi seems defiant?
    becos, tho, perhaps an ‘over reaction’, i.e., the overkill of TA, jodi was put into this position by TA. HE kept pursuing her. HE let her in, let stay over, used her as his play thing… then BLAMED JODI for his transgressions. not an excuse for jodi, just a REASON.

    jodi NEVER in trouble with the law. had what? a 4 yr. relationship with DB? ALL was ok, normal there.
    TA was toxic for jodi and i guess vice versa. TA saw the “in” on how to use jodi to his liking. anyone who thinks otherwise is just defending someone becos they are dead, albeit brutally.
    the defense missed, IMHO, missed hitting home key elements of explaining jodi’s actions.
    as i’ve mentioned before, TA. slams her to tile, she suffers concussion, can (perhaps) explain the overkill. she goes into the fog, almost on auto pilot, out of body…
    THAT is key to the jury, imo. they can’t get past all the wounds.

    hln calls jodi’s “fame” as ‘the jodi arias show’ … WHO created the thrust of national attention?
    WHO is making boatloads of money on this?
    then, nlh, cnn, is incredulous that jodi does interviews? then they broadcast excerpts!

    one ‘mistake’… ONE, O-N-E… that’s the margin of error now in this country?
    the mob squad should be careful of the message they are sending to society…

    no way i would fault anyone to the extent ppl fault jodi for ONE mistake.
    if there was a pattern of killing, that’s another story.
    this one circumstance was an ABERRATION for jodi, NOT. a pattern.
    death? NO.
    life in prison? NO.
    20 yrs. would seem like a stiff penalty, imo.

    • It is never enough for them is it…they want the money, the power, the land, and the blood of anyone they don’t want to utilize for their efforts anymore…what a disgusting bunch of evil people…

  329. um…I know there’s a new thread, but I have to say this: MB! As always, you bring everything into focus and I absolutely adore you!!

    I am writing the third version of the letter. I’m still waiting to see what’s going to happen to Jodi as some of the wording will have to be revised based on the jurors’ decision today. When I’m done with the letters, I’ll post them here for everyone’s input. =)

  330. Jodi you are so inspirational to a lot of people, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  331. just curious because i’m not sure about all the players . . . . . who are the money grubbing inbred meth heads??

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