On the one year anniversary of the verdict in Jodi’s trial, today’s 2013 replay rolls into Day 55 with the jury instructions & the state’s closing arguments.
Click the links to read my original posts & comments submitted during & after Trial Day 55:
Afternoon session. After trial comments.
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Trial Day 55 – May 2nd, 2013:
Part 1/3:
Jury instructions from Judge Pickles
State closing
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Part 2/3:
State closing
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Part 3/3:
State closing concludes
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Leave your thoughts and comments below.
If you missed my earlier post regarding the launch of the new Jodi Arias Art Gallery website, click here to go check it out.
Team Jodi
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. Thank you for your support!
Good morning Team Jodi!
Good morning whichtrial? congrats on first……………missed by that much LOL. (((((WICHTRIAL?)))))
Ray in H-burg Va.
Congrats to Whichtrial? ! 🙂
Hey! Whichtrial made first comment!!! Yay!!! Congrats!
Ray, next time bro! (giggling!)
I don’t think I wanna wish anyone a ”Good morning” today.
One year ago the unthinkable happened,it is by far one of the worst experiences of my life having to hear that verdict and realizing that 12 people can indeed get it all wrong!
We never said Jodi shouldn’t pay for what she did, we never said she shouldn’t have been incarcerated but getting convicted of Premeditated Murder where there is NO evidence whatsoever of premeditation is disturbing, to say the least. (Not claiming that the Justice system is Greece is perfect, far from it. But at least you don’t get overcharged (here, it’s the opposite sometimes) .
I’m sure the haters are out there celebrating the 1st Anniversary of their ”Pure Hatred, Blood Lust and Stooping Low” campaign. Who cares…. As far as we are concerned, let us re-play in our minds that day, feel again all the emotions that we were overwhelmed with upon hearing the verdict and let us ponder how we will keep fighting and staying united till this BLATANT INJUSTICE is no more…
One year ago today was one of the saddest days of my life, I still can’t believe it. It is something I will never get over.
(((((JODI))))) ♥ ♥ 🙂
Ray in H-burg Va.
Not such a good morning everyone, a sad Betsy here.
I didn’t realize it until I read Jeff’s post about today being the one year anniversery of that cowardly jury somehow voting our poor jodi guilty of murder one. I was up all night reliving the horrible feeling of feeling like someone kicked me in my stomach when I heard them say that and seeing that look of pure horror on jodi’s face. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so low in my whole life. How could they??? And when I imagine how alone jodi must be in her tiny little cell today and the last 365 days it makes me sick, so sick I don’t wanna get out of bed today, I’m just laying here trying to not sob even more.
Trying to have a blessed day, Betsy.
Please, please Betsy do not give up! I know exactly how you feel today but Jodi needs each and every one of us! It’s hard I know. But be strong for our Jodi!
I’ve been feeling like sh*t all day long today. But we CANNOT give up for Jodi’s sake. Do take the time to pray and to think of our girl, while she is sitting alone in taht hell hole. That wy she may feel our positive energy and love.
We have Maria, lit our candles and praying hard all day today, both Betsy and I. Thank God this day is finally ending.
Johnny & Betsy sending prayers your way Jodi. Ignore the haters insulting cheers, our day is coming.
Not to mention that it’s been one whole year and Jodi still hasn’t received a sentence. SMH….
Here’s a link, apparently they mentioned it briefly.
Funny how that reporters says: ” This was totally salacious enjoyment. It played to our worst instincts and it just blew up. We had a great time doing it, it was awful”
Could there be more conflicting words? ” enjoyment” ”had a great time” ? WTF? When a murder case is seen as a soap opera, there’s something really wrong with society. Period.
Maria, to be honest, Jodi’s trial was more of a telenovela from TELEMUNDO channel.
To others it was a 3 ring circus: clowns, acrobats, trained animals in tutus, trapeze acts, hoopers, tightrope walkers, jugglers, unicyclists and other object manipulation and stunt-oriented artists. With ringmaster, the one and only: martinez aka Kermit.
We can also call it a modern day Salem witchtrial!
One thing we all can agree to is that Jodi’s trial wasn’t anything close to a trial. It lacked of respect, seriousness, order, objectiveness.
I seriously wonder how things would have turned out if any other judge BESIDES the incapable dishonorable judge (?) sherry stephens ruled the courtroom. We wouldn’t have to put up with the prosecutors antics, tantrums, verbal attacks, disrespect, bullying and all the other unethical stunts he pulled.
How would things have turned out if Judge Belvin Perry or Judge Marilyn Milian ruled that courtroom? One thing is for sure: we would have had to experience martinez’s BS and the traviban gallery with their gestures & facial expressions during court proceedings.
Moreover Jodi would have had a better chance of a fair trial.
Hi Pandora,
Good points. The shenanigans in that courtroom wouldn’t have lasted 2 minutes had there been a proper judge in charge of proceedings. Trials that spring to mind includes Casey… Zimmerman… and the current Pistorious trial too. Your references to Belvin Perry & Marilyn Milian prove my point.
This is a link to one of my posts from April 2013… “Xtreme Judging at its Finest”. You’ll see why once you watch both videos:
It goes without saying that there’s a BIG difference between a court of law and a circus… even though AZ can’t seem to differentiate between the 2.
And on this anniversary of the BS verdict, I’ll leave you (and everyone else) with this thought:
Fuck the shambles of May 2nd 2013… we are STILL Team Jodi, and yes, WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS in our quest for JUSTICE FOR JODI.
It’s only a matter of time.
Make no mistake.
Team Jodi
Thanks for the link SJ.
And yes! We are team Jodi and we will be victorious in our quest for justice for JODI!
((((Jodi)))) ♥
((((SJ σε λατρεύω)))) ♥
Loved it then and still do!! Thanks SJ! Good to know there are still good judges somewhere. . .wish they would move to Arizona!
Wow, I hadn’t watched that clip when it was originally posted.
The Alexanders and their extreme facial contortions would have driven Belvin Perry crazy and he would have kicked them OUT of that courtroom in a second! Why, why is the world so goddamn unfair?!?!
SMH too but Never let them get us down! The truth will prevail and Jodi will be set free. There is no premeditated murder here!!! Only Jodi protecting herself from a disturbed, abusive and disgusting con man. The day will come for the villains who have orchestrated this circus of a trial to be brought to justice and the sooner the better. It will come to pass in God’s timing not mans, we must be patient. Jodi is strong and I am proud of her and will be proud to stand by her side until she is free. Jodi has touched so many people and helped countless people in abusive situations. Think of the lives she has saved by her bravery! They will not win. They can not win. We will not let them win. They might think they have won Phase 1 but we will not let them win the fight for justice for Jodi, oh no, We will not stop!! The truth about Arizona and their Justice system will be brought to the World’s Attention! United We Stand And We Will Never Fall so Arizona you better wake up! THE WORLD IS WATCHING YOU! FREE JODI ARIAS NOW!
I wonder if Jodi’s solitary time at Estrella will count towards her solitary time at Perryville.
I hope so Journee.
I know in my state all the time she’s been incarcerated back to 2008 counts as time served….. But who knows in Arizona they seem to make their own rules and laws……… depends on the day!!
Its as heartbreaking today as it was a year ago!! God is with you Jodi!!! The truth will prevail!!
I think the ‘time served’ thing is pretty much the standard, and won’t mean anything if Jodi gets natural life (which is as lenient, I think, as Stephens is inclined to go) –
I’m just wondering about Perryville’s protocols for capital offenders, and whether the year Jodi’s already served in solitary at Arpaio’s whim will count towards Perryville’s mandatory solitary for the first three years.
Re-watching the painful videos with martinez in all his ‘disgrace’ all I could think about was:
Oh boy!!! Appeals, appeals, appeals!
Did anyone catch him say the following while addressing the jury? :
“…you’ve seen programs, you’ve seen some of her words to the media…” Uhmmm, EXCUSE ME?!!!! He practically confessed that the jury WAS watching programs and interviews refering to the trial!
ts,ts,ts… (shaking finger) …. mr dickhead – uhmm I mean kermit… uhmm I mean martinez: slip of the tongue???
Just sayin’
Isn’t it funny we all seem to be the only ones that see his shenanigans? distorted face with ~~~~iiiiiis 🙂
R, I am sure that everyone has seen his shenanigans. It’s just in their favor to admit it. If the tables were turned, they’d all have their panties in a bundle screaming at the top of their lungs about his disrespectful and abusive behavior. 😉
Enjoy. http://youtu.be/VFt1xMPnkVg
A year. A year of a life with so much potential and talent wasted. A year during which this poor young girl has been forced to endure hardships most if us can’t even imagine. Suffering the degradation of being locked away in a dingy, smelly cell. A cell that’s probably sweltering during the day and freezing at night. Having no human contact of any kind for weeks on end. How much that must hurt our poor Jodi, a woman who seems to enjoy life, love, friendships, and family. I can’t believe it’s been a year. A year since that day when we all felt our hearts skip a beat. We were so confident, I was getting ready to shout out loud and jump for joy. Then that one little word: “Guilty”. My heart broke into a million pieces. I saw the stunned look on poor Jodi’s face. I know my face must have looked the same. How could they do this? Why would they? Were they scared or just plain stupid? It was a day which will live in infamy. The system failed Jodi and indeed all of us. If it could happen to her it can happen to any of us. One good thing came of this: all of Jodi’s supporters have been fired up to continue the fight. We know the battle has just begun. Those haters think it’s over. They’re celebrating like the won the Super Bowl. Well guess what? This ones going into overtime and we’ve got the team that has the will and desire to win. There’s simply too much at stake to quit now. A young girls freedom and very life hangs in the balance. It’s time to remember that horrible day, yes, but it’s also time to redouble our efforts. Jodi needs us.
On this anniversary of the most INSANE verdict that was EVER conjured up for this deceptive trial, all I can say is listen to this song:
YES, miracles WILL HAPPEN when we believe!!! The miracle is for the blind to see!!!
Oh My Goodness Mary! So true and I do believe with all my heart that Jodi will be free! It will take a Miracle but it can happen! 🙂 Thank you for sharing! ((((((((JODI))))))))
Awesome song! Thanks Mary!
After another year in captivity, it is my hope that Jodi can look back and realize how much she’s learned in spite of her living conditions.
She is obviously making the most of her time by reading, writing and reaching out to others who support her and by doing her artwork when she can. She is a beacon to other domestic violence survivors and is no doubt applying herself to learning more about the law.
You know, I’m sure Jodi wakes up every day and thanks God she is not sick and dying in a hospital room. Yes, there are worse ways Jodi could be living right now. She is not a drug addict scrounging on the streets, hooking for her next fix. Or a sex slave trapped in a shitty motel room in some other country that would be almost impossible to escape from, barely kept alive by a pimp. There is so much exploitation and abuse of women worldwide that it is nearly impossible to comprehend. There is more slavery in the world today than ever before. By now Jodi must see that her situation is unfortunately shared my many women.
I hope Jodi is reasonably healthy and also safe in that cell. She is working hard for her freedom. She has come so far from that 2008 mindset of feeling totally helpless and wanting to commit suicide. We have a saying in the U.S. of which Jodi is an exemplar: “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”
Another Maricopa County Sheriff’s Deputy was found dead!
Someone just tweeted:
Am I the only one that doesn’t believe anything that comes out of Sheriff A. mouth?
There is something rotten in the state of Arizona!
True Confessions here! Hanging my head in shame. I was going to the Vent Page but thought everyone might just need a good laugh!! SOOOO, we all know that R. has problems with her Copy and Paste abilities and low and behold I brought a Rap song in for all of you ( not that I have anything against Rap and it does kind of grow on you) to enjoy. I found it interesting that it had a camera and Samson’s hair involved!!!!! Giggling here!!!!! Maybe that was the sign I was asking for! LOL. 🙂
I have decided to look at this past year for Jodi as she just put another year behind her which is drawing her closer to her freedom. I believe in Miracles and I know that Jodi will have her Miracle come true!
I will continue to pray for her everyday on my life!
PS I will work on my copy and paste thing. . .please hang in there with me! 🙂 Sorry.
I believe in you R!!! Keep trying and in a matter of no time you’ll master the copy/paste commands! Goooooooooooooooooo R!!!! 🙂
🙂 Thanks for the support!!!!
What is the vent page? I tried to look at it and it wouldn’t let me. Is it something that you have to pay for? Sorry for my newness at this site!
Hey there Corrine! Glad to see you around again. The VENT page is a password protected page for long-term posters. 😉
No need to hang your head, R. Love!!! That song was awesome and, hey, we can RAP for Jodi too!!! I like ALL kinds of music!!! I go by the message it brings and whether it’s through rap, country, classical, rock, oldies, alternative, blues, etc. ,whatever style is fine with me!!!! As long as we are supporting our girl, JODI, post on!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
(((((R. Love)))))
(((((TEAM JODI)))))
(((((RAP MUSIC)))))
R, I don’t think that it’s a miracle we’re seeking here. It’s seeking justice upon the injust that Jodi has suffered. Hopefully sooner than later all the clowns that turned her trial into a circus act will be accounted for and Jodi will have a second chance to a fair trial. Plus, I would do anything (and I mean ANYTHING!!!) to see the traviban clan banned from the courtroom!
I agree we are seeking Justice for Jodi but I also believe things are to the point it will take a Miracle to make all the pieces of this horrible puzzle fit together. It is beyond the Arizona Justice System fixing it because they are one of the Big problems in all of this. And, apparently our Government is turning a blind eye in their direction so I do think a Miracle is in order. I can not wait for the guilty in this circus of a trial to be brought to justice! All of them. HLN Network, Nast Disgrace, JVM Vinnie PooPoo, The Judge, The Prosecutor, The Medical Examiner ( he doesn’t deserve to be called a MD), The So called Friends (?) and the Sheriff. They all should be put in jail cells until their minds clear and they are able to see the damages they have caused. Arizona is not interested in Justice only Revenge.
I don’t normally get interested in these things, but this was different. After watching Martinez antics for a while, I was convinced that he’s more interested in stardom than justice. I guess that’s not unusual for attorneys, but it seems particular egregious with prosecutors in a death penalty case.
The usual prosecutors choir (Nancy Grace, etc) did their best to influence the public with emotions and rants instead of reason, but of course they are out for ratings.
Anyway, that’s enough of my rant! I’m curious about what it takes to get a sequestered jury. I think that the outcome would have been different if the jury had been sequestered instead of being influenced by public opinion. Are there any rules or guidelines for when juries get sequestered?
Apparently not in Judge Pickles world (which is a world full of fairy tales and fantasies). I would not be surprised to find out that the jurors are allowed to make selfie pictures of themselves during court. You never know what kind of rules will be enforced in Judge Pickles court room.
Never forget the “Toad of a Prosecutor” on the Court house steps signing autographs!!!!! SMH
Hi there dl! Welcome! Oh, honey, you are aiming high: a sequestered jury? I wonder where they’ll find a group of people that haven’t heard about Jodi’s case. Good luck there! (rolling eyes).
Apparently Arizona doesn’t commonly sequester juries.
“A Survivor’s Sonnet”
I am a survivor, not a victim,
In my weakest moments, I could stay strong.
Protecting others is now my dictum,
While my abuser prays for my swan song.
I am your neighbor, your co-worker, friend,
Whose pain is concealed behind a great mask.
Easily into society I blend,
Yet when they see bruises, they rarely ask.
I am a warrior looking for peace,
Never backing down, giving no quarter.
Praying for the day that the nightmares will cease,
Along with a restore of law and order.
Though often times the justice system fails;
We’ll never give up until we prevail.
Amen Jeff! Beautiful.
Love it Jeff! This site should have a page just for all the poems and things people wrote for Jodi. I wonder if it’s possible to go to a place like Kinkos or something and have them make a book for Jodi. A book of all the poems that have been written for her. Is she allowed the get something like that in the mail? Or does Fuhrer Arpaio not allow it in the gulag?
I think your idea of a separate page for poems and songs by supporters is an EXCELLENT idea!!!
What do you think about it, SJ? 🙂
I second that! If it is possible. And by the way, Happy Birthday MARY!
BEAUTIFUL poem!!! 🙂
Once again Jeff, nice writings! (clapping hands)
Good Morning my friends, this is Betsy,
How is everyone holding up today? I must say my mind was far away from home all day yesterday locked away in a small dark place along side of poor Jodi, if I could have taken her place and set her free I would have gladly. This whole weekend is going to be sad for us knowing that at the same time last year those ****’s made sure and took solo much joy in scapegoating our INNOCENT Jodi and locking her away in the nut ward. I still ask HOW DARE THEY??!! Martinez and Sheriff Joe ARE NOT the final authority, they don’t get to make those decisions about someone else’s life, some day they will all answer for torturing Jodi I’m sure.
Our Ladies group wrote and mailed Jodi a bunch of postcards yesterday afternoon to cheer her up which should make her feel better, I know Jodi’s working real hard on her retrial but it would be a highlight of our summer to hear back from Jodi, I’ve seen how excited and happy some of you are here when you get a letter from Jodi I must admit to just a tiny wee bit of jealousy in our not having hear back from her but we understand how very busy she is with the trial and all plus we know that Jodi ALWAYS writes back to everyone she can so Johnny and I happily wait our time. I’d rather have Jodi put her mind to her trial fulltime any day!
Please have Jodi in your hearts this weekend. Betsy
PS , does anyone know how to turnoff the spell check? It’s driving me crazy
Betsy! Hi 🙂 🙂
Jodi has recently told her supporters that she won’t be able to write back because she is extremely busy with the upcoming retrial. But keep writing to her anyway, she loves it when we do! ♥ ♥
Hello Maria 🙂 🙂
Your right of course, Thank You for reminding me. We will keep writing to Jodi too so she knows that we are all thinking AND praying for her freedom some day. I know that Our Jodi needs to hear from us right now WAY more than we need a letter back from her! There’s nothing like mail from friends and family to keep your spirits up, even more so this week. Everyone here is so helpful.
You’re right. I wonder if Amnesty International would look at this case? Jodi’s rights are being violated and she’s suffering under conditions that are I humane to say the least. I’m thinking of writing them an email that details all the horrible things being done to Jodi in that hell hole they call a jail. I would like to see Arpaio, Martinez, Pickles, and Flores on trial some day for their blatant human rights violations. How can they be allowed to basically torture a poor young girl like they do. It’s sickening I always thought this was America but I guess it’s a dictatorship now, well at least Arizona is. I’ll never ever go to Arizona. I’m too afraid they’d lock me up. Never think for a second the NSA or somebody isn’t monitoring this and other sites. They would probably love to lock up Jodi’s supporters and throw away the key. Just to silence us.
Great article I came across on FB:
Thanks Maria! You sure are good at providing us with so many great articles. 🙂
Glad you liked it! Posting another one down-thread. 🙂
I think that when Jodi wins she will one day be a very wealthy woman. She’s going to die the pants off of HLN! They disgraced and defamed her good name and are responsible for tampering with the jury if you ask me.
Great article, Maria!!! Thanks for sharing!!! 🙂
Excellent article!
YES, Maria, EXCELLENT article!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing!!! 🙂
I don’t know why people think that the vegetarian diet is barbaric. It is actually healthier. Hopefully the inmates get to eat the name brand soy products. Most omnivores even think that they are tasty. I am not a perfect person, but nobody deserves to go on the bread and water diet twice a day. It does not matter what this bread is fortified with.
Name brand soy products? Sheriff Joe? Who’s only switched to soy to save a buck?
From what I gather, the food there’s never been appealing in any way – but soy everyday as the main protein source is literally not healthy, particularly for the male population. Soy’s full of estrogen.
that is according to the old studies Journee. The newer and up to date studies show that soy doesn’t raise estrogen. The estrogen in soy is only about one-thousanth the potentcy of soy estrogen. The human body may not even recognize it as estrogen, not to mention there is still a chance that the estrogen is killed by digestion and the heat in cooking like estrogens that come from animal’s. it is also said that soy has isoflavones of which increase the metabolism and they would well override the estrogenic effects, if there are any in the first place based on the insignificant amount. I also read that consuming iodine in your diet counteracts these supposed negative effects. It was also said that regions of which eat more soy tend to have lower rates of breast cancer, that could only indicate the exact opposite. There is a world’s strongest man competitor by the name of Patrik (don’t remember his last name , but he is german. Not to mention there are many vegan bodybuilders. Using soy.
Some name brand soy is cheaper than others.
Patrik Baboumian. Now I will look into Sheriff Joe’s diet.
Better hold your nose and get a bucket ready! I’ve seen pictures and it looks dreadful!
I did read that Sheriff Joe was making some stew and he claimed it looked appetizing. However Troy Hayden said that the soy looked like wood chips. This could possibly be true. However, there are many people out there that are anti-vegetarian. Not saying that Troy is, but it is possible. It was said that the stew was also made with carrots, peas, and other vegetables meaning lots of fiber. If the inmates are eating only three times a day without commissary, then perhaps they would need a good serving of protein. Troy also said that carrots were rotting, but Sheriff Joe said that was just dirt.
Last I heard (while Jodi’s trial was going on) they are only served twice a day – in the morning they are given a bag of food that is meant to be their breakfast and their lunch.
It would be a good thing to have commissary in jail. Are the inmates fed sufficient portions? Why do you believe that soy raises estrogen Journee?
I didn’t say soy raises estrogen, Ryan, I said soy is full of estrogen – or phytoestrogens to be more precise. Phytoestrogens *mimic* estrogen in the body, but just like the hormones we produce ourselves, they don’t just hang around – they act. When they hit the bloodstream, they are delivered to all of the various parts that estrogen is meant to act upon, and they ACT – and then they’re gone.
I’m not ‘anti-vegetarian’. People can eat what they want. Unless their options are limited.
They do have a commissary at Estrella.
Ryan, hiya! I have seen pictures and videos of joe’s (I’m not even going to name him sheriff) gourmet meals he is making the inmates eat. It looks like pounds and pounds of puke. Plus you say that the inmates are getting their vitamins from the veggies??? Uhhhmmm, I hope you seriously don’t think that the vegetables he uses are fresh. Canned, frozen with what I am guessing hundreds of preservatives.
These are humans, for crying out loud!
Here’s an idea that joe can use: If he wants to save money why the hell doesn’t he make his own plantation? The inmates can be addressed to different chores in the process of planting, growing, cropping and storing the vegetables and fruits. That way, the inmates get a chance to work out, enjoy some outdoors and feel like useful human beings instead of the animals he likes seeing them as! Where there is will, there is a way! Here’s a link to what can grow in shitzona: http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/vegetable/guide.html
Let’s all remember that jails and prisons are meant to discipline people but at the same time teach them to obey and respect the law with activities that provide mental or physical training. All people need is motivation in becoming better humans. IMO, mutual respect is the first step!
I did learn later that the food is at least sometimes rotten. However, I have heard some good things about Arizona too.
That sounds like a good idea, Pandora.
The inmates should be given a chance to grow their own food if they are sick of Arpaio and his stale shitty food.
Actually I’m all for giving inmates normal jobs with normal wages so they can work for their living like everybody else, it will give them the sense of self-worth and help them rehabilitate and later reenter society.
That was an interesting article Pandora. Thanks for that. I am not to familiar with gardening and that provided a lot of information. Yes, that would certainly be a productive occupation for Estrela inmates and inmates from anywhere.
Keep in mind Journee that the estrogen effects that soy supposedly produces has NOT been proven. Lets just say that your right, it would still be insignificant.
Here’s a bit of info you’re probably not aware of Ryan – unless you’re a female US citizen over the age of, say, 45. For that generation of women in the US, the first signs of puberty – breast buds – came at around 10 -11 years of age, with menses coming along 18-24 months later, roughly 12-14 years of age.
But the VERY NEXT generation of girls – a single generation mind you, not some evolutionary phenomenon that occurred over several generations – the generation weaned on soy infant formula saw breast bud development as early as 6 years old (some even as early as 3 years old!) with menses beginning on average at 8-10 years old. Those kids weaned on soy formula were getting the estrogen equivalent of 4 birth control pills A DAY.
There is some catch to this Journee. Studies such as the one just mentioned, you can always find something that supports what you want to believe. I was just reading that the human body converts soy estrogen into something different of which is healthy. Some others also claim that soy lowers estrogen. There are Asian counties that use soy and don’t have problems with high estrogen levels. Not to mention, the professional bodybuilders that consume soy? You would be better off assuming that soy does not have estrogenic effects if you had to assume.
LOL, and you can always find something that supports what YOU want to believe! Whatever, lol. Eat all the soy you want, makes no never-mind to me. Be aware that it is not a complete protein source, does not provide necessary amino acids (no legumes do) so I hope it isn’t your only protein source. You have all the choices you want.
The residents of Estrella do not.
Soy is a complete source of protein, meaning that it has all 9 essential amino acids in proper proportions to human DNA. Most of us tend to consume too much food as oppose to too little. Patrik Baboumian breaking 2 world records in his weight class using a lot of soy in his diet? As time goes on, less and less people are skeptical of soy being unhealthy. Soon enough, hopefully you will too. At least be able to admit that the vegetarian diet is the healthiest?
From what I have been reading, soy is an estrogen regulator. The phytoestrogens bind to human estrogen and then at that point, either raise overall estrogen levels or counter them, based on what the human body is in need of.
As time goes on, less and less people are skeptical of soy being healthy. Whoops.
Sometimes it takes me longer to catch what is going on, but I eventually do. lol
Ryan, hi. I’ve been following this conversation. I don’t quite understand your reply.
Perhaps Journee was just joking about believing that soy raises estrogen. Thats what i was saying Rasna. Laters for now.
Hi Ryan,
Enough Soy-ing already
It’s very much a moot point in the big scheme of things.
Let’s draw a line under it and move on – thanks!
Team Jodi
OK SJ. No more “Soy-ing” lol. I enjoy your posts as always and laters for now.
Not joking Ryan, AND (once again) I never said that ‘soy raises estrogen’….
just declined to further pursue an off-topic argument.
I was reading a statistic that said about 59% of people thought that soy was safe in 1997 and 85% in 2008. I would like to say that there are more skeptics than that. However, Kristin Kirkpatrick claimed on Dr. Oz that soy raising estrogen is an urban legend. Not to mention it hasn’t been proven and being that there are other plant foods that are said to have these phytoestrogens, but don’t get the attention about raising estrogen that soy does. Perhaps because soy has larger amounts or just because people WANT to believe that soy raises estrogen. While I am no nutritionist, the suspicion of soy raising estrogen probably has more to do with it being a complete source of plant protein than anything. I do understand that the inmates at Estrella and Joe’s other jails do not have great deal to look forward too outside of food.
Well, we can’t argue with scientific research (if it says that soy is healthy then we have to believe that), but I think Arpaio didn’t switch to soy out of the goodness of his “heart” (if he has such a thing), I believe he did it out of malice and to save a few cents on every meal as an added benefit. His actions are deplorable to say the least.
I have heard many people say that Sheriff Joe Arpaio is downright cruel in more than one way Alexey. Look into that more. Inmates are human beings.
I was reading that inmates are housed in 140 degree temperatures without a fan a limited access to water. Served rotten food and there are random sweeps of streets in order to locate illegal immigrants. It was also said that Joe marches prisoners who have displayed misconduct outside wearing pink in order to humiliate them. That is a strange punishment. It was also said that there are skeptics as to Sheriff Joe’s tactics for reducing tax dollars. They say that arrests have actually increased due to wrongful arrests and other things.
Yeah, his notorious “Tent City” is one of the most inhumane torture devices ever. The heat reaches 140 degrees there and there’s no escaping it.
Thank God Jodi isn’t living in one of those tents.
And Arpaio is a racist too, he appears to despise all Hispanics (illegal immigrants in his jails are denied basic amenities and health care).
Also his highly questionable cost-saving scheme has cost US taxpayers a lot more than it has saved because of all the lawsuits filed on behalf of the abused inmates. Either he’s a blithering idiot or he’s the most cruel jackass.
Alexey, I wonder how the USA allows him to have a ‘tent city’ in the first place? And to answer you: he is both a blithering idiot and the most cruel jackass ever. But stay assured that Karma has her eyes on him and he is certainly gonna get what he deserves!
I would like to wish Jodi’s Mother a Happy Mother’s Day. I can only imagine how hard your Mother’s Day will be. It must be very painful to see what your daughter has been subjected to BUT please never give up. I and thousands of others are praying for your Jodi and sending our Love to Jodi and You and your family each and every day. Hopefully one day soon you will get to kiss and hug your daughter in celebration of her freedom. The day will come, we must Believe. Miracles do happen. 🙂
May God Bless You and Jodi! (((((((((JODI’S MOTHER))))))) http://youtu.be/r9CRsU-OAf8
So sweet of you R.Love! ♥
And such a beautiful song ♥
(((((( Jodi’s mom ))))))
I’m so excited!!! I just prayed for Jodi and her Mom and looked out my window and there was a HUGE PERFECT RAINBOW!!!! Things will get better. . .I’m positive! We have to BELIEVE! 🙂
Beautiful song, R. Love!!!!! That WAS so sweet of you!!!
YES, I wish Jodi’s Mom a Happy Mother’s Day as well as all Team Jodi Mothers!!!
That is also AWESOME, R. Love, about the HUGE PERFECT RAINBOW that you saw after praying for Jodi and her Mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES, I agree that it is a sign that things WILL get better and our Jodi will be free soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miracles still DO happen, if we BELIEVE!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
R. Love,
Hope you don’t mind me doing this but, here is the beautiful song you posted above with the lyrics for those of us who like to see the lyrics as the song plays: http://youtu.be/dFN-eUBODBs
I just like having the lyrics up because I don’t always understand what they are singing sometimes! Hope you don’t mind!!! 🙂
I would never mind. . .in fact I appreciate it! 🙂 XOX
Happy Mother’s Day to All of Team Jodie whether you have children or not (pets count!!!!)
I am thankful for our family here and at home! 🙂
“For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light”. Mark 4:22
YES, all the hidden secrets in Jodi’s trial WILL be brought into the OPEN and be brought to light!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone, just stopping in to say hello and Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers. I am just a cat mom! 🙂
(P.S. Pandora and Maria, I got you both the Nancy Grace handcuff bracelet! LOL, just kidding)
For a second there (before I had finished the sentence) I thought you were being serious! You almost made me puke, LOLOLOLOL! Hey Vicky! 🙂
Too Funny Vicky! I had a vision of Maria with her mouth flying open screaming WHAT?????
OMG! Vicky! You are bad, girl! LMAO!!!
I am a dog mom. And a cat stepmom too! 😉
Please return the handcuff bracelets! IMMEDIATELY!!!! 🙂
Good day everyone! 🙂
Just wanted to share a song about domestic violence.
It’s called “Facade” by Disturbed (one of my favorite bands).
I think it echoes the abusive relationship with Travis that Jodi was trapped in.
No one knows just what has become of her
Shattered doll, desperate
Oh so innocent and delicate
But too damn obdurate
And obstinate to let go
Broken down, hurt again, it never ends
Frightened and trembling
Did she fall again? An accident?
Her eyes encircled in black again
I can’t believe that she’s still with him
For how long will you try?
How long until you walk away?
Your facade can’t disguise
The fact that you’re in misery
Look inside see what has become of her
Hiding within again
Can she pick herself up again?
It’s just too difficult and arduous to let go
Homicide flashes through her mind again
No more pain, take control
If he raises his hand again
She’ll find her freedom in killing him
The world will see that she’s had enough
[Chorus: x2]
For how long will you deny?
How long until you walk away?
Your facade can’t disguise
The fact that you’re in misery
Broken down, hurt again
It never ends
Loved it Alexey 🙂
Amazing song!
Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there. Let’s all take a moment to reflect on how awful this day must be for Jodi and her poor mom. The thought that she can’t be with her mom on this day must be eating the poor girl alive. I know she’s probably depressed and sad today but I hope she realizes how many of the people on the outside support her. I really believe that those who support Jodi are in the majority. After a year of being able to reflect on the unfairness of the trial most people know she got a raw deal. The haters are just a bunch of very loud whackos who enjoy harassing and bullying those who support justice and freedom for Jodi.
Happy Mother’s Day Sandy!!!
I think we should all take a minute to send positive thoughts to Mrs Arias way- she must miss Jodi so much. Say a prayer for our Jodi as well. There’s not a worse feeling in this world than not being able to hug your loved ones. 🙁 Not to mention being locked up 23 hours a day…
My thoughts and prayers go out to Jodi and her mother on this Mother’s Day
My belated ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ wishes to all! Either you have children, are an animal mom, a stepmom, a foster mom or any other form of a mother figure, I wish all you ladies never to let one day go by without spending time with your families! ♥
(((Mothers all over the world))) ♥