
Transcript errors and omissions prolong Jodi’s appeals

Jodi Arias: An Argument for Reasonable Doubt:
Read it here >

Well… the wheels of justice turn s-l-o-w-l-y in Arizona… and the wheels of injustice apparently turn even slower.

Here’s an ABC News report from October 21st, highlighting the current issues:

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“Transcript errors and omissions prolong Jodi Arias appeal”

Problems compiling trial transcripts have delayed Arias’ appeal of her first-degree murder conviction by about a year.

Lawyers use trial transcripts to identify and document grounds for appeals. In Arias’ case, the state Court of Appeals had to repeatedly prod some of the trial’s 22 court reporters to finish transcripts, and at one point even ordered that dozens of transcripts be destroyed and redone because of errors and omissions.

Jodi Arias - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

The reporter responsible for most of the transcripts told the court his production was hindered by a computer malfunction, his own cancer treatment and the amount of work involved in Arias’ case and others. Other reporters cited workload issues.

It wasn’t until April 24, nearly two years after the appeals process formally started, that the Court of Appeals declared the record complete, with nearly 25,000 pages of transcripts, over 950 exhibits and 21 written motions for dismissal or mistrial.

More than three months later, the court finally set deadlines in 2018 for the defense and prosecution to file legal briefs. A three-judge panel then will consider the appeal, perhaps after hearing oral arguments.

Court of Appeals Presiding Judge Samuel Thumma referred questions to Court Clerk Amy Wood. She said the delays in Arias’ appellate case were unusual and a concern.

“Any time we don’t have a complete record, it is a concern to us because it keeps us from continuing to process the case,” Wood said…


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UPDATE: The JAA Appellate Fund total currently stands at $115,026.18 — so let’s be sure to keep the momentum rolling throughout the remainder of 2017, so the fund total can push on towards the ultimate target of $250,000. That in turn will help towards covering all the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction.

All donations via go directly to the fund. It is also the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – they continue to steal money from Jodi’s future – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them.

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious

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Make no mistake.

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Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias

Jodi Arias: An Argument for Reasonable Doubt:
Read it here >



  1. SHAME ON ARIZONA !! ((((((JODI ARIAS)))))) Stay Strong JODI!

  2. Let it be known that the conclusion drawn in the last paragraph of this article (and similar articles) is so very wrong, that is, that both juries deadlocking on sentencing “required the judge to impose a prison sentence of natural life”. NO!!!! She had a choice and what she chose to do is throw red meat to the pitchforked mobs who vote her into (or out of) office. #despicable

    • Thank you Justus for clearing that “little” detail up!!!!! She certainly was a disgrace to justice in her court room. . . imo Nothing like a elected judge. . . smh

  3. Hey Justus,

    Based on these delays, how much longer does everybody think JAII has to raise the necessary funds for the appeal? I am asking since the amount has been shown and we are only at about 40-45%.

    • Hi Lance! I have read many of your comments and you seem like a stand up guy with a good head on your shoulders…Question for you…Is this donation site 100% legit? If so, I will most definitely donate! On another note-why is Jodi being made to suffer with this huge delay? Isn’t the purpose of the court stenographer to record everything as it is being said? How can they “get behind” on that?

      • SweetMelissa, yes this is the only 100% legit donation site. Jodi needs all of our support. People have donated to other sites run by the Haters and that money is not going to help Jodi at all. Please donate to help our Jodi!!!!
        It was made clear at the beginning of this mess that Jodi’s well being is unimportant to the AZ Maricopa Justice system. They have thrown road blocks up the whole time. Allowing the prosecutor and his minions to withhold, conceal and delete important information appeared to be the norm for this particular trial. Anywhere else in the United States none of this would have happened. . .imo Jodi acted in self defense. That isn’t a crime.

        • R. Love Thank you so much for replying-much appreciated! 🙂 I am new here, and I must confess, a former hater 🙁 I was 100% convinced of her guilt, but then I watched the trial with an open mind, researched, read posts on this site and the justice4jodi wikipages site…and I am now a complete convert. I will most definitely be donating on a recurring basis to help our Jodi 🙂 Maybe you can answer another question for me-I asked elsewhere on this site but have not heard back…I would really love to write to Jodi…is it honestly worthwhile to do so, or would my letter be lost in the shuffle? Does she respond, or does she get too much mail to be able to respond to everyone? If I were to write, is there a limit on the number of pages I can send? Thank you again…I very much look forward to talking to you, Lance, and some others I have seen frequently down here in the comments. You all seem like truly delightful, honest and insightful people! 🙂 <3

          • Yes Sweet Melissa if you write to Jodi she will definitely try to get a note back to you. She receives lots of mail but does her best to answer. Don’t get discourage if it takes months. Jodi stays very busy with her work detail and keeping up with her case. She is a genuinely thoughtful and caring person. Just know, she will not be able to comment on her cases at all. She does love mail, please send her a letter. Doesn’t matter how long or short it may be. Thank you for giving Jodi a second chance and researching and supporting her. I pray more haters will see the TRUTH that has been grossly distorted. If you come to the last posting on this site it will be easier to keep up with the comments. Again Thank You and We All Welcome You!!!!!!! (((((((

      • Hi Melissa,

        Thanks.. I try. As R Love said below.. this is the ONLY legit site for Jodi. You can donate either by mail or electronically.
        The court stenographer tried to make excuses by saying his computer broke and a few others but the fact is that he is/was SLOW and probably a little lazy! The case did generate a ton of paper but these people are paid to keep up.

        • Hi Lance! Thanks for your reply 🙂 Thanks to you and R. Love, I now feel secure in going forward with my donation plans. There has been something tugging at my heart, just wanting to help, in some way, this lovely and talented lady who has been so very wronged. Thank you again kind sir, and I look forward to talking more with you! 🙂 <3

          • You’re welcome Melissa. Your donation will be very appreciated. Jodi’s mailing address is listed above in the “Write to Jodi” link There are a lot of rules governing how she can receive mail so read carefully. Jodi does receive a lot of mail as she has a lot of supporters. I wrote her a letter last December but she didn’t respond. She is very busy as she has a job and she is involved in a lot of prison projects according to the updates that we receive. Your chances might increase if you send a short postcard.

  4. That joke of a judge should have done her duty and over ridden the wrongful verdict….if not the first time then the second. But then as a former persecutor she was all about the win at any cost. Justice You are so right on this …she had no choice…..looking out for her job….$$$! Seems in az. ju$tice is spelled like that! When the state must do what they did to win? and thus FAIL 4 times to MURDER a survivor then that speaks to just how bad they need a win! Yes I say murder because that’s just what they wanted…time n time again the juries saw who was the known abuser are chose to cast a blind eye….who in their right mind would EVER call travis …just a good guy…..are such people to be trusted? Both sides raised $…one side to right a injustice the other to take TRIPS! Time is always on Our side as is the facts and reason and logic…ever wonder why them haters freak when We gain ever so much towards a victory for all?

  5. Thank you, R.Love. I’ve posted several times here nudging all supporters to donate. I don’t agree with everyone that posts here, but I’ve always promoted donating. Talk is cheap. Would Jodi be able to use any possible lawsuit $ to add to the appeal fund?

  6. One way or another, any award could be used for appeals expenses after any other debts are paid, including the remainder of restitution. Monica Lindstrom claims Jodi can’t receive any punitive damages, but her argument strikes me as far-fetched. Anyway, there’s no reason why such damages couldn’t go into the trust fund, since that doesn’t belong to Jodi.

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