Leave your comments below as today’s AZ State Circus BS rolls on yet again.
Like I’ve always said, and irrespective of everything…
Team Jodi
The new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the Arias family…
First!!!!! YES!!!!
Congrats, Moni!
YAY *\ 😆 /* Moni
Everybody here with me… apparently maybe they might be reading a verdict. Because of this I feel the urgent need to pray…. isnt that what we are supposed to do. So here I go… Im not good at this but hang in there. Dear Lord, Heavenly Father, God in heaven, Buddha, Jesus, Allah, all Saints and God above. Why would such a lovely girl be put through this test. Why would Jodi be plucked from paradise and thrown to the fire. Please God let this test be over. Give us the verdict we desire. We desire life. Please forgive us our trespasses. We as a nation need this test and example to prove that we are not savage animals after blood. We need to correct this transgression with love. God is love, isnt he. Please God. Give Jodi Peace, give her energy to do her works. Please give the jury wisdom. Give them strength to give life. Here we go. FAITH HOPE LOVE we need all three.
YES YES YES!!!!! We are half way there to life… dont give up hope. OH my God my prayer was answered!.
AMEN! I have been so tense while they were reading the verdict to hear those words gave me a sense of calmness! Thank you lord, please hear our prayer and give Jodi the strength she needs to continue this fight. <3 to all!!! 😉
I was totally on edge waiting for the verdict. It’s so amazing!!! Shoot, we knew how this trial wasn’t an open and shut case.
On behalf of those of us that don’t know Jodi but believe her we want to say hang in there Very happy with that verdit.
Why are they upset with the verdict their need to see the death of Jodi may be why he was killed in the first place…,d oes that make sense…., geez get over it. She was convivcted its over Mistrial….. Pray for Life…. as far as Im concerned Im going to live from here on out as if she was given life. Glory be to the Father Son and the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers. I dont know Im just hopeful grateful…. I dont want to hear death any more… death needs to be removed forgotten laid to rest….why continue. Well to Jodi Big hugs baby girl… we are here for you in spirit. From one survivor to another… thanks for fighting our fight.. we love you we adore you we need you here with us.
I was thinking the same thing about why some people are so upset. I guess HLN just acts dramatic about it to make more money on this horrible tragic event.
I just listened to NG be so incredibly rude to Jodi’s friend, Donovan, it was shocking. I shouldn’t be shocked by how rude she is anymore but it was surprising. She had a chance to talk to someone and it was clear she wasn’t interested in hearing Donovan say anything. She used it as an opportunity to lash out, it was disgusting.
The HLN people will never admit it but they LOVE this because it gives them MORE drama to gasp over and more outrage to show, they salivate at all of it. They should be ashamed.
What is wrong with that family??
Haven’t posted in quite a while, since March I think, but I had to come on here and say…..I understand the Travisander family is entitled to their grief, but WTF does it mean when you get your guilty verdict and you still have to sob and cry and whine and spew your BS and sorrowful faces all over again because………a young woman isn’t going to be executed, while you sit there and watch? Sorry but I have tried to have respect for their feelings for months. However; this show of grief and sorrow over not being able to kill someone is hypocritical. It is disgusting, disturbing and makes me want to vomit. Oh yes, go back and pray to your almighty FORGIVING God you bunch of gross, freaky, death hungry souls. Seriously, what a disgusting show of sickness. I can’t even stomach it. They are devastated…….simply devastated that she won’t be killed? YUCK….. And on top of that, they have the nerve to look at that jury who has sat there for how many grueling months, with such a look of disappointment and ‘how could you let her live” on their faces!? I don’t feel sorry for them anymore. I do not think that reaction is normal. Not one bit. Especially in people who apparently have so much faith. Time to check yourselves is what I say to them.
As for Jodi’s guilty verdict in the first place? I don’t get it. There is something wrong with what went on in that jury. Personally I am hoping for some claims of intimidation, and an entire over turning of this case. I believe they have so many grounds for appeal, it’s beyond ridiculous. That judge and prosecutor should both be up shit creek without a paddle and I hope it doesn’t take too long.
Nothing about their behaviors was normal during this trial. Prosecutor is a lying SOB, so is the detective and the ME. The judge made rulings based on popularity. I can’t wait for the day when this all gets turned around and common sense reigns.
I am really fed up with that family. It’s been five years. Travis isn’t coming back no matter what happens. Stop with the crying act.
I agree with you Jess.
The family lost any sympathy from me when they did everything they could to sway the jury. And look, it worked. Because jurors were mouthing “I’m sorry” to them.
They say they want justice, but they didn’t let justice take it’s course. Nooooo, they had to go to HLN and tell a pack of lies. They had to go on Facebook and tell that same pack of lies to a lynch mob of strangers that harassed defense witnesses to the point the authorities were brought in.
I won’t believe a word they say. I haven’t since Samantha’s first eye roll.
I don’t even believe they give a shit about their brother being dead anymore. It’s all about becoming a celebrity and donations. Then they sit and sob because Jodi won’t get death? GMAFB. Really now, get over yourselves already. They say they believe in God but no they want to play god. There is a difference.
Yes ! I hope that the actual verdict can be overturned on appeal !!! This Travis is being made into looking like some angel by the media and that is NOT the case ! My Prayers are fervent and steadfast for Our Lord Jesus to set the verdict to be corrected to Justice by freeing Jodi from this unjust ruling and getting her the help she needs as she is a survivor from the treatment of that so called man named Travis. She is innocent by reason of insanity !!!
JODI JODI JODI….LIFE LIFE LIFE…YIPPEE….HA KARATE CHOP HLN…ok i will calm down now….sorry dont want to be smug at all….but come on we need one for the underdogs…..US….please….IM so happy so very happy….NO DEATH….. Please God continue to watch over us….JODI JODI JODI….FAITH HOPE LOVE….WE HAVE ALL THREE TODAY…
Ok I have no idea how to enter a comment on here??? I entered as a reply…???
Just heard the ” non verdict “. I wish the jury could have come up with the life sentence but this is acceptable. Now I would like to say say this, Juan, you lost. You were bad. You tried to sway again with picutres, but you showed them so many times, the jury was numb to them, In short, YOU LOST .
Now, I would like to figure out how on earth another jury can provide an unbiased, while educated, verdict? Move on. Juan, can you be so arrogant to actually allow this to go on and on? Is the spotlight this important? Does the family have the desire to move on or do they want the spotlight to continue?
From where I sit, it was a crime of passion. A young man who sold his soul to the Mormon church, pursued a young, vulnerable woman and captured her heart. He saw that she was soul searching, he realized she wanted to be successful through this prepaid legal employment he was actively employed. He baptized her, then had sex with her the same day. He penetrated her in her sleep and he had her perform oral sex on him, in every suit he owned, to mention only a few things that went on. Yes, she complied. She complied in the beginning, I believe, because she had hopes of having a future with this man who portrayed himself very spiritually and who was a motivational speaker at prepaid legal, where they met.
Because T.A. knew that he was taking advantage of a Jodi, Because he was guilty of violations within his church, he hide the relationship. Had he kept opening dating Jodi, he would have to explain the relationship as committed and future seeking, This would have given the impression to those around him, that he was courting Jodi for such a long time, that they would have had to become more involved i the church, as a couple. He did not want to do this for many reasons, I believe.
First, being a couple publicly, would have killed the sexual fantasy, which was paramount to him. Second, he would have had to stop flirting at work and he liked that attention. We have seen and heard from many single, as well as married womem, even with cleavage and psychiic powers, on The Dr.Drew show. Third, he would have had to build up Jodi and he did not want her to be well liked, because he was using her and if people began to really like her, she may have let the cat out of the bag at some point.
With all that being said, and all the information received during the trial, that day of horror, adds up, as bad as it was, to a crime of passion, Common sense has to come into play in order to get the whole picture. A young woman gives herself completely to a young man. She sells her soul in a way, to please him. We already know by her journals since her childhood, she was vulnerable. We know, by the videos on Dr.Drew, T.A, had a dominating personality. Even his brother describes his “unbreakable” personality. He abused, she complied. Not because she liked the abuse, but because she was passive and did not give herself any credit. Then he made her out as the crazy chick that could not let go of him, when clearly, he encouraged an ongoing relationship.
One has let the common sense come in. On the day of the horror, T.A. has his brand knew $1,500. camera. He and Jodi have sex all day. They take pictures of each other and she drops the camera. Was there words before that. Did he have guilt for not taking her in upcoming trip. Were they not attempting to watch videos of previous trips they took that day? Did she tell him she has been talking to Burns and is heading there next, while he talked about his upcoming trip with MImi?
The camera falls. Was it on purpose? Would you blame her? T.A. goes after her in a rage, one that was building. She grabs the gun and shoots, not knowing there was a bullet going off. I get that T.A. would have a gun with one bullet in. He had that kind of personality that I get this, kinda giving fate the final opinion. The bullet goes thru the sinuses and he is now at the sink spitting up blood, the rage sets in, “I am going to fucking kill you bitch!” I think he wiukd have. One of them or both go after the knife and from there it is overkill. Jodi is said to have showed up with a long sleeve shirt (because she had ibjuries) in 96 degree weather at the prepaid legal event with Burns. She explained the craziness, the fog, the shame, the horror, the cover-up.
Sorry… Made some typos above.. Computer broke and typing on iPad that aim not use to, Hope you get the typos!!!!!
P.S. The entire case is sad for all involved but I believe, a crime of passion, as well as self-defense.
No worries, I didn’t notice typos…but I’m typing on an ipad too so I get it 😉 i would write more if on my laptop , too hard on this so good job 😉
I’m so disgusted with how HLN has behaved through this. Did you hear how disturbingly rude NG was to Donovan awhile ago? Donovan was on the phone explaining about Jodi’s family’s absence and NG was awful to her. It was obvious she only wanted to make more drama, it sure wasn’t about interviewing or listening!
And what is up with the “strangers” or “court watchers” baeling outside of court after??? They are scary and deranged and should get a life! Wow, how sad that they are so upset over this non-verdict that they are crumbling on the steps.
They were weirdos outside of court. HLN is for stupid people who want drama and only half of a story. They offer compromised opinions from guests that want to keep going on the show. They generally pick one side, the prosecution, and sell the crowd from that point, half of the story. It is all about ratings.
Why one earth would they divert the fact that T.A. picked up a vulnerable woman by using the Mormon church.? Did they love Jim Baker also? Come on.,.,, T.A. died a tragic death but the circumstances were pitiful. You only hear the crazy stories about Jodi from T.A.’s friends because they had no idea he was still with her. He played everybody. He lied to everybody. She had to protect herself.
I totally agree with you!!! Really people looking for closure to their own bullshit with the death sentence of Jodi?? STFU!
Cancun had nothing to do with the attack. Travis had a violent nature, and this was a fight to the death.
As Gus Searcy noted, those Cancun plans were made months beforehand, and Jodi had already made plans to move from Mesa. She was never planning to go with Travis.
That myth of Cancun needs to go into the garbage can, as with everything else the prosecution tried to sell in this trial.
Did not know that but HLN has spun everything. My point was not to imply it was about Cancun. It was mind games, I felt he played with Jodi. It is all speculation on my part. I believe he showed another side of himself to her that he did not show anyone else. He was controlling and the aggressor. HLN is going to look soooo stupid in the long run. I wish someone would put a documentary together depicting all their craziness.
I keep pointing out the look in TA’s eyes in that last photo of his face – that was rage flaming out of his eyes. He was pissed off at her – and we know what happened after that ~ N Disgrace gives no thought what so ever to what pain Jodi’s family may be experiencing. That b**** is the cruelest human on the planet. Here’s hoping karma bites her in the ass.
I agree. That was NOT FEAR in those eyes. Those people are seeing what they want to see. OOOOh big scary Jodi is towering over him and intimidating him with that big nasty evil camera! Whatever. That is not fear at all.
Okay….this has “bothered” me all this time. I’d like to hear what you guys think. Why in the world does Jodi date such unattractive men? I mean to me….Travis in ugly…BAM….I said it. And he “taste” in clothing is atrocious !!! Where did he buy that chyt??? He had a big water head……inside and out….apparently…. hanging cheek….on the fluffy side….he just was not cute!!!!! Now I know Jodi has low Self-esteem …..bless her heart…..but so do I!!! But I love cute and sexy men……like Idris Elba. Google him if you don’t know who the hell I’m talking about. Idris is one FINE brotha!!!! When I think about it…..it sadden me to think Idris is one year older then my eldest son.
Oh…..I digress……anyway Darryl what’s his name….seemed like a very nice man. Just too old and unattractive for Jodi. And that first boyfriend she had….that dude looked like he may have had some sugar in his tank…..just saying. Do any of you understand what I’m saying here? It’s too bad Jodi won’t ever find and “good” man who wants to settle down and have a family. I think she would have made a good mom.
Okay…….that enough thinking on this issue
I am hoping that all this bullshit is rectified after this farce of a trial.
I think because she had low self esteem and that is what Travis felt too and used it to his advantage, sad she did not realize her worth before she met him
So true kmea……
Yep, low self esteem. She didn’t think that she deserved better.
MONI! Idris Elba IS HAWT!
Yea he is!!!!!
Did you ever watch “The Wire”? Omar is hot.
You go Moni.
Drooling over the hot young ‘uns!
By the way who is Idris Elba? Guess I’ll have to google him.
All right just seems like another dude to me, but being a guy I wouldn’t know.
However I did see on wikipedia
“Elba is currently single.”
Here’s your chance Moni – go get him.
Don’t feel so bad Moni he is only 6 years older than my son, he is nice looking for sure. And if you’re going to talk about nice looking brotha’s then I vote Sidney Portier.
Sidney was a smooth classy brotha back in the day. Still classy now…just moves a lot slower these days!!
moni…I love the sexy playful appeal of George Clooney and the serious sexy look of Mark Harmon…LOL…
I’ve seen the haters say how handsome he was. To me not so much. Now George Clooney is handsome. To me he just looked like an arrogant prick. And his closes – gawdy.
gawdy. something tacky something ugly big and boorish
Yea George Clooney is good looking:>)
Agreed on both….
As to Jodi. A beautiful woman will still only date someone whom she feels worthy of. I imagine Jodi chose Travis and the other men because she did not feel worth someone more attractive.
By the way, who in the heck is that awful guy who she dated once, I think? that appears on HLN and is so passionate with his hatred of her? What a psycho!
That’d be Abe and she went out with him one time and all of a sudden, he’s an expert on her life and how she acts…He’s a douchebag is what he is!
That Abe is a disgusting creep that I cannot believe they have on! He is proud of the story that the ONE TIME he went out with her he tried to sexually abuse her and embarrass her by bending her over the side of his car, he brags how she was up for it, yea right, they never went out again. HLN has sunk to new levels of low, making heros of creeps like that and juror 8 and the Hughes
Kmea, I totally agree! I sit there in shock that a supposed psychiatric doc is allowing an EX-date to be the authority on who Jodi is and what she stands for.
A doc who is a self-proclaimed expert on addiction, including having treated people for “love addiction” is giving a forum to a loud-mouthed-obnoxious EX so he can bash her.
I have been soooo disappointed in how Dr. D has handled this. I’m in the medical field and it’s just appalling. I keep hoping he will SEE his wrongs, I’m shocked that he sold his own soul over this.
The Dr. d show wasn’t even supposed to be about a one-topic trial show anyway. Don’t the other many hours of “shows” have that covered enough? Someone told him to jump and he said “How high and for how much$$$?
Abe is powerfully ugly. Fugly even.
Yes he is but he is loud and outgoing and obnoxious, a know it all, exactly the type of guy someone shy and nice like Jodi would go for, like Travis was, I am shy and I have always dated the opposite
Abe is creepy. He likes to down Jodi, but at the same time he seems smug and proud that he was w her.
Ugh… Abe. I don’t judge people by their looks, but he repulses me.
I doubt Abe ever dated anyone as beautiful as Jodi. In fact I’d bet the farm on it.
Abe is ugly as sin!
OMG I cannot stand abe. you guys should have heard him on HLN right now. OMG guys, he is obnoxious, talks over the others girls, he was very disrespectful to Jenny who said she doesn’t want to see JA killed. OMG guys. I CANNOT stand that obnoxious, surfer accent, ugly, guy who NEVEr could get anybody as great or pretty as Jodi. AND HE BARELY knows her. He went on one date with her. He has an issue with her, because she didn’t like him. It is SO OBVIOUS. Come on, the guy is old and not married…he is ugly. Disgusting. And his personality makes him uglier. G ood luck Abe. Maybe you should spend some time on Santa Monica Blvd and you can find your love match. You sound you would have fun in pooper sun.
Amen to that MB. That ###hole is sexist, repulsive, rude, obnoxious. Just plain evil. I just don’t understand how he gets away with that crap. What’s worse, you’ve got Dr. Evil and his crony Mark calling him “buddy.” He had coffee with her ONCE. I caught last night he started YELLING like a maniac at the camera that the jury were basically a bunch of idiots and how dare they, after concluding that Jodi was a “lying psychopath”, how dare they do this to the family and shirk their “duty” to put her to death. His rage is very scary. You know what I think? I think Dr. Drew, Abe, all the concubines in the harem (that’s what they act like) they need to take a good long look at themselves and THEIR pathology. They like to slap labels on people? Who is narcissistic? I mean, really. If anyone has serious scary mental defect it’s the people obsessed with having Jodi’s head. They are all SICK. Why aren’t they held accountable? Freedom of speech, I guess. Abe is enjoying this. A LOT. HE is a narcissist. What’s worse is when he was first time he was on the show, he told the story of his “date” with her, and he said he thought she was “smoking hot” and that she was very sexy. He said that he was feeling really good about the date and the “prospects” for himself and then he said he thought “yea…this girl is gonna be FUN.” *BARF*!!! How sick is that?!!! What a PIG.
I’m still worried, frankly, because social media and out-of-control media has interfered with due process, tainted the juror pool. People now feel completely entitled to interfere. That ass Politan says “no secret courtrooms it’s our right to be in them.” Well, NO, they don’t. Constitutional protections, idiot! And it was many, many years we had open public court before internet and before t.v. This isn’t open season. This isn’t middle ages. It’s ridiculous. This stupid fake “jury” on HLN proves how badly this has gone too far. Some of them said they would lie to get on the jury so they could sentence her to death. Then they LAUGH. They flat out say “jurors might be watching us.” Well, damn, there are supposed lawyers sitting in that room and they LAUGHED at that full out admission of the problem. The minute crap got out of hand and even before, that jury should have been sequestered. They worried about money, well now it’s gonna be big money. I guess Jodi doesn’t have any rights. Makes me sick. I’m not surprised by the verdict. I’m happy although I don’t get Arizona and all this garbage because it should be OVER. They weren’t unanimous, so in the normal world she should have gotten life. The end. This is insane. They can NOT guarantee an impartial jury. People LIE. HLN is largely to blame. It should be life in prison, no more BS and then time start appeals. There should not be another retrial to decide whether or not to kill someone. This is a lynch mob. It’s like the Salem witch trials. It’s really troubling me. Martinez won’t take death off the table. There is no reason for that. The family is being continually traumatized. Well, they are carrying it on themselves, are they not? I don’t mean to sound callous, but they can end this right now. They are not satisfied? Give me a break. No one in that family, or that HLN camp has respect for the system. Sickening. I wish people would stand up against that network, but they hide behind free speech. They should be sanctioned. If they can’t cover a trial properly, fair, impartial, and without creating programming in an effort to sensationalize and thus threaten the integrity of the trial, then they shouldn’t be able to cover it. Talk about social media? HLN is responsible for whipping everyone up in to a frenzy. This is why no one could safely stand up for Jodi and were threatened and intimidated. What the hell kind of fair trial is that?!
I honestly watch HLN and think, “am I the only one who doesn’t understand this?” Like I feel like I am in the minority. They sit there, bully people, talk crap. Talk over each other, take EVERY LITTLE thing that Jodi does and analyze EVERYTHING to the pulp like a high school lynch mob. They are so petty and trivial. It’s unreal to me. They want somebody to die? Well here is the kicker. Let’s just say for arguments’ sake that Jodi did kill in self defense, or rage, etc. We all know here, that it wasn’t pre meditation. Let’s just say she did kill in self defense/rage…how is killing her any less or worse then her killing Travis? In fact, all of these people who want to kill her, are worse. They are killing her on purpose with pre meditation. When you think about it that is exactly what they are doing. They are hoping/praying/planning to kill her. It’s a strange way of looking at but in the literal sense that is what all of these people are doing. They sit there and make everybody feel like they can’t say anything good about Jodi Arias. It’s unreal. I have watched Dr. Drew on a few occasions actually kind of defend her or say he feels bad and they all immediately get on him like flies on meat. They bully EVERybody who has anything good, decent, or even non-biased about her! Then they shoot everybody down! Nancy Grace did the same thing to Danovan when she called in. She made fun of her and didn’t let her finish. I was like, “am I hearing what I am hearing?” They are the most heinous bulliers ever. They repeat themselves over and over. If Jodi picked her hang nail or blinked a few too many times she was psychotic. She apologized to the family and they seriously say she didn’t? It’s like what are they hearing? They don’t hear anything that isn’t what they want or that helps them. Dr. Drew won’t stop talking about how bad he feels for the family like he knows them. It’s so fake and sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anybody on that show who wants to remotely stick up for JA, they shoot down. UGH! They are sick.
I agree Lyla, I keep asking WTF is wrong with these people??? Grown people acting like immature assholes. Grow up people, the world doesn’t revolved around you.
Lyla Rose, Eden, Etc,
You are definitely not alone in your thoughts! I felt the same way as you, Lyla Rose, especially before I found this website.
I had always watched HLN as my go-to “news” station but their coverage of this tragedy put a bad bad bad taste in my mouth. I often sat there thinking “am I the only one who thinks their behavior is disgusting”?
That’s how I ended up here, trying to find out if there were others who see through the crap. It is clearky NOT “news” any more. It is Shock-tabloid-entertainment, maybe TMZ is running HlN now?
How funny it was to see them salivate when they were left off of Jodi’s list of who she would talk to. Then they had the nerve to criticize the journalists for being “soft” on her! Sheesh.
You all said what I have been thinking, that’s for sure! I guess it has given me hope in humanity to see here that many of us can still think for ourselves and refuse to join an angry lynch mob!
He–or I should say IT– is just another nasty fame-ho crawling out of a dark, dirty, stinky corner to get on tv.
Another opportunistic parasite. Ick.
I wouldn’t buy toilet paper from that ass, much less legal insurance.
You have a point GG!!!
and knowing what we do about him I just get a gross sick feeling when I see pictures of him.
I think she looks for a mental attraction verses physical attraction ..she said that she enjoyed talking to TA and that they had long conversations. I think it is very hard to find a mental attraction.
Right! I think TDogg had a way of talking to Jodi intellectually and lovingly..at first! Look how quick he baptised her..she was under a spell and thought she was in love with this guy who could give her everything she wanted, house, kids the whole nine yards.
“Spell” is right ….’cause he was full of bullchyt as far as I’m concerned. To me Travis was a facade. It’s a shame Jodi still doesn’t see that clearly….even after all she has been through. Travis was about Travis!!!! He sucked Jodi in with his bullchyt…….poor thing brought it!!! Now look where she is now!!!
I agree!
He preyed on her. Pure and simple. He was the best looking thing that entered into her life and she fell for all the smoke and mirror acts he put on for her. He gave her “illusions of grandeur” when he was a big fat ZERO. She was the BEST thing that he ever landed – as evidenced by the other fugly women in his life. No wonder he didn’t want to let her go but at the same time hated her because she was smarter, better looking and a better person overall than him and he knew it. He was furious because HE had to be the peacock in that relationship, he HAD to be the lothario, the cool dude that made all his retard friends want to be like him, the attention hogger who was only happy if everyone worshipped him. Puke! I’m sure she looks back and shudders to think she let him put his paws on her at all. I would have popped his fat ass like a zit.
LOL Andrea
well said my friend.
Can I borrow that expression? 🙂 It’s a good one!
I agree.She was and still is a highly intellectual and sophisticated person.She found her other half in men who might not be attractive on the outside but she thought were beautiful on the inside(guess she was wrong with TA).I know I’ve done it with all my boyfriends,I always fall for the ‘ugly’ guy-according to my friends-because its their wits and sense of humour I’m more in love with.
Travis couldn’t handle a highly intelligent, beautiful woman. He wanted someone he could clearly dominate. Jodi made him feel like he couldn’t be the center of the universe with all his infinite wisdom and charisma. That’s why all the other women he dated are mousy and passive, and it’s why he wanted to hide her and tell everyone she was wasn’t “wife material.” He couldn’t be the KING in that relationship. He couldn’t keep up his lying ass squeaky virginal facade. He just can’t have a woman as an equal or even MORE intelligent than he. I kept hearing last night from that crazy Grace lady “The family needs to get away from Jodi Arias like Travis tried to get AWAY from her!” Well, yea, Nancy, he was REALLY trying to get “away” with her, but he kept jumping in bed with her. No matter what she did to try and please him and be what he wanted his “wife” to be, it didn’t matter. He moved on to playing several other women he classified in his mind as “good Mormon women” and tossed Jodi aside like she was garbage, but then he kept using her and going back to her and calling her sweetie and beautiful bla bla bla. THAT is called emotional abuse. It’s very hurtful. Having sex with someone who is asleep is called RAPE because you cannot consent when you are passed out asleep!
And I believe after hearing the foreman speak that those who held out for life in prison instead of death truly DO believe that Travis emotionally abused her at the very least. He flatly admitted that. He said it didn’t fit that Jodi would have no criminal behavior and then wham, she commits this act. It doesn’t make sense. But it does when you consider the awful text messages and emails, his fooling around with multiple women, and his using her like, as Jodi said, a piece of used toilet paper. Yes, he did do that.
Travis just could not handle a super smart, deep thinker who is also beautiful and alluring. He wanted to be the hot shot everyone adored and looked up to like some Mormon Pre-Paid legal guru.
I am not trying to excuse the act, but explain it, as the jury said there has to be a reason why this happened, and there clearly is. Jodi is the liar???? They must not forget that Travis was quite the liar.
Nancy Grace is a sadistic liar, just like the rest of the Travis Taliban. >:(
Moni, I think most women are willing to date an unattractive male who has a nice personality whereas men aren’t so willing.
Darryl wasn’t the best looking guy but from what I know he was definitely the best guy for Jodi.
Travis had his attractive moments (when he had a beard) but for the most part he looked like an inbred. Tanisha has the same inbred jawline. Samantha and Steven are the attractive siblings and that isn’t saying much.
I don’t think Darryl is ugly or anything. Just looks like any average guy.
Jennifer, I think Darryl was a good match for her in some ways, but he seemed a bit lost…not together. Jodi was vulnerable when she met Travis. Immature, insecure and vulnerable…a bad combination. She was lured by his promises of getting rich. I think the whole Mormon thing was just a way for Jodi to exit the Darryl relationship with a good conscience.(besides a manipulation tactic on Travis’ part, in order to have even MORE control of Jodi) Travis was a scumbag and no matter HOW attractive or unattractive he was Jodi was in a bad place, literally and figuratively, the day Travis entered her life.
I thought you could tell me. My daughter likes bad boys as she calls them, someone who is not a nice guy cause she thinks she can change them. Now she is dating a ugly guy who treats her like a goddess. I have always believed you that it not looks its the inside that matter. A leporad doesn’t change there spots.
YES! exactly, In the past that was me, I would always try to change them and they always just beat me down instead after they charmed their way in
Howard, I bet your daughter finds her new gem to be more beautiful than ALL her “bad boys” put together. Once you’ve been treated like a princess, after you’ve been treated like shit, an appreciation for TRUE beauty emerges. 🙂
I think the outside package didn’t matter much to Jodi as much as the emotional resonance and vibration she got from an individual, which is why it never went anywhere with Abe Abdelhadi. I bet she was the kind of person who always befriended the unpopular and the underdog.
Lots of women do. And they pick jerks too. I don’t understand it. Meanwhile the nice guys get passed over.
awww they don’t get much hotter than Shemar Moore
Wouldn’t kick him out of bed for eating crackers.
I love Luther. He is one hell of fine specimen!
I haven’t seen pics of the others… Hmm, except for Abe and that Ryan guy bc they’ve been whoring themselves out to the media. I’m not just saying this to be spiteful, however, I think TA and his douchey face(s)/personality, physical features, etc and Abe & Ryan are incredibly unattractive.
Their looks, their “personalities”, their “Morals” & “Values” are appalling and disgust me.
Ahhhhh….Idris Elba….sigh. He’s amazing 😉
As for TA, it seems he’s described to have had great charisma in person and that an often be missed when looking at a still photo. There are many people who draw people in by their presence, not having anything to do with appearance. I can find a man very attractive if he can make me laugh. I can appreciate the typical good-looking man but in relationships looks just aren’t the number one thing for me and I’m sure many women would agree.
I think it’s ridiculous that HLN uses “Ex-boyfriends” as the authority on what Jodi is thinking, feeling, doing, etc. Character assassinations from exes isn’t exactly reliable information, they must think viewers are idiots if they think we’d all believe them.
Jodi is gorgeous and Travis was unworthy of such a beautiful woman!!!
LOL thought I might be first but nope
I haven’t EVER been first …oh well…
Sorry to say that I have to go for awhile. My daughters bf’s bday and we are taking him out to eat. Hope all is well. I won’t have any way of knowing anything for a while soooooooo, all I can say to that is damn!!!!!!!! Hold down the fort!!!!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to daughter’s bf! Have fun!
OMG! I can’t think of anything else right now! Hope those jurors stick to their guns about not wanting the DP.
taken this long for me to get finished reading all he post on the other page and no mention that a new one went up its so hard waiting to here what the jury is going to do just hope that the ones that want life are not getting bullied to change it to death. I hope they are deciding that they could have been wrong with the M1 conviction too. Lets all stop for 2 min just like JM did in closing to kill Jodi that the 2 mins is spent in Prayer that she need now if not us then who we know the hates are praying for death. I will start now and hope all of my family will do the same as they come here
what are the cards showing today, girl?
Reversed: Emotional manipulation, moodiness, volatility
King of Cups Reversed
The King of Cups reversed is incredibly emotionally controlling and manipulative. This is someone who is toxic, moody, sulky and withdrawn from others, particularly if things do not go his way. He can be vindictive and vengeful and has a talent at being able to punish others through emotional manipulation. He uses emotional blackmail to get his way and to push his own agenda. He leaves you feeling uncertain about yourself and as if you are the problem, not him. This only leads to emotional instability within you, which is entirely undeserved. If this sounds like someone you have met in the past, there is still some work to be done in releasing yourself from his controlling forces.
A reversed King of Cups can also represent a mature and loving, emotional person, who has let their emotions begin controlling their life. The King of Cups may depend too much on others and view himself through the eyes of others. He may fall into delusions or alcoholism, or others forms of escapism to deal with emotional pain. This could show you trapped in a relationship with someone that is dependent and emotional, or a co-dependency situation. You may be struggling with self-deception and/or the deceptions of others, and the most important thing in this situation is to see yourself and others as they actually are, with clear and loving eyes but not foster any sense of dependence or weakness through your own actions.
In a relationship reading, the reversed King of Cups suggests that you feel quite confused about your relationship and your emotions are out of balance and out of control. You are uncertain about your true feelings, and every day they seem to chop and change, leaving you completely confused. You need to be careful, too, about the messages you are sending to your partner as he/she may become easily confused too if you are ‘up’ one day and ‘down’ the next. It is probably best to keep some distance now until you work out your feelings and are more in control of your emotional state.
Finally, the reversed King of Cups suggests that you need to take greater control and responsibility for your emotional state. Right now, you are a loose cannon, letting your emotions rule and flip-flopping from one point of view to another. You want to take charge of your life but then you are waiting for the Universe or for fate to show you the way. You need to be more accountable for your emotional well-being.
Tarot Masterclass Learn Reversed Tarot Card Meanings
Learn how to interpret reversed Tarot card easily and effortlessly and create empowering readings. Join me in this special 1 hour Tarot Masterclass for Reversed Tarot Cards and you’ll be reading like an expert in no time!
sounds like to me we have someone in the jury that is very pushy and wants them to do what he wants and the others are having difficulty trying to stand there ground you read and see what you see and ignore the last paragraph did not mean to cut and past that
Yes, sounds that way…Hail Mary, could this be taken into account for MY own life today as well?…It sounds like you may have been giving ME a tarot reading…I have something going on. This card explains a lot… (?)
dorothy it could I asked them what did you see today and about the jury what was going on
Hi Hail Mary 😉 I have missed you.
p.s. I NEVER finish reading ALL the posts… that is why I am SO far behind most of the time.
dorothy did you see my post from yesterday we had UFO cussing the the court house yesterday recorded it american HLN show about 25 mins in on the left of the court house
No, I only stopped in for 2 minutes yesterday…Was an emotional day for me, so I couldn’t concentrate. What time did you post it?
May 23, 2013 at 1:29 am seen on America something on HLN in the afternoon
Hail Mary, I don’t watch HLN or much tv for that matter, so I didn’t see the UFO you mention you saw on your recording of “Making it in America” (not sure, I think that is that you said you had recorded and seen it on). I wonder what it was. I thought I saw a UFO once (when I was very young) and it turned out to be a Blimp that was lit up at night. I’ll tell you I was scared to death until someone made me go back to the window to see it. I had never seen a blimp either so that explains my mistake.
I did not record that show you saw so I’ll take your word for it.
grr it makes me so upset that this jury is now realizing wat they did was wrong!! m1 was wrong!!!
its like they are a week late!! MISTRIAL!!! PLEASE!!!!!
I agree glow.
Yup glow…I think they are trying to pull their heads out of their asses and they just may require a surgeon at this point.
A few Churchill quotes :
A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.
You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.
You can always count on Americans to do the right thing—after they’ve tried everything else.
Here’s wishing!
And a few more:
I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.
The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.
A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.
Thank you geebee2 😀
HLN saw to it that the lies went around the world before thinking people like us put our pants on.
LOL Jeff
thank you geebee(and Churchill)
I’ll copy&paste to my FB wall if that ok with you(cant ask Mr Churchill lol)
My guess is that the jury asked how long they had to keep trying to agree, and the judge said to keep going till the end of the day. So perhaps we get a mistrial at the end of the afternoon.
Oh I’m hoping for this as well Elaine!
some one make sure you put up the link to the radio blog that has Gus Searcy on again I want to here what else he has to say the last one was very telling and he his tryng to get it out .. the truth about the Hughes involvement.
Oh yes – please post. I missed the one she is referring to.
All the Gus Searcy’s interviews by Pitchfork are at:
I’m not sure if it’s OK to ‘advertise’ on this site, but also consider a ‘Like’ for Pitchforks on Facebook. The author writes super articulate analyses covering the “lynch mobs of media and public prosecution”. There are several posts discussing Jodi’s trial and media interference by HLN. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pitchforks/419814458112823
Gus’ interview from yesterday is VERY interesting.
Kira, where did he give an interview so I can see it?
here it is 😉
beat me Rose… It’s very telling!
Thank you Rose!
rose is this a new one or the one from yesterday
oops never mind it has a date it was yesterday waiting for the new one
This part of the trial with Chris Hughes at a hearing regarding the emails he sent to Jodi re: Travis are worth watching. He is nervous , sweating and shaking on the stand. Don’t fast forward through the side bars, etc. Very telling and chilling. “There is something just not right about this boy” to quote Jodi. He and Sky know more than they are telling
I totally agree with that. Chris KNEW those letters were for real and he felt like he was boxed in.
Does anyone know why Jodi’s family isn’t there? Did they return home? I feel so badly for them.
So here’s the ironic post of the day.
There’s this woman on twitter who calls herself AZ_vegan. Talks all about not killing animals etc.
But seems to be rooting for the DP for Jodi!
Go figure.
Oh, but killing a human being is ok. There a more whackjobs out there than we could even begin to imagine.
Love the hypocrisy. I can’t eat a steak because its mean to cows. But she can pray for the death of a human.
Do people even hear the words that come out of their mouths?
Apparently NOT, Danielle! Good one!
oh, didn’t you know vegans don’t eat animals, they eat humans – soylent green!
Dr Pinhead is asking to hear from Jodi supports. I email them hope everyone else does too
lol really now. He already knows everything I’ve got to say to him, but I hope everyone else has a chance to be heard.
Remember folks – this is HLN and they will twist shit around so make your statements unambiguously clear. Good luck!
I’d just tell him to fuck off. Is that unambiguously clear enough? Let’s see them try and twist that around. I can’t even stand the sight of that d-bag.
lol me either jeff
I would not go near them and their dark side. Yes, indeed, they will twist, edit and completely distort to boost their rating.
Like they don’t read our posts here.
I’m with you Jeff!! I wrote that sicko when the trial first started and questioned him as to insane stance re: Jodi. He never got back to me. I can’t stand the man and fully believe he needs to loose his medical license. So a big F-OFF to Drew.
What medical license? I think him and the rest of those douche-bags just stayed at a Holiday Inn Express!!!!! ( No offense meant to Holiday Inn)
Ditto! I felt so bad for Donovan yesterday when she called the Disgrace show to explain why Jodi’s family wasn’t there. It just gave them another moment of shock/drama, they had no desire to hear her out.
Exactly! Look what N. Disgrace did to Donovan when she called to explain why the family wasn’t there. It was so disturbing.
That moment made it very clear what HLN would do to any supporters of Jodi. Did you see it?
Nope….I won’t!!!
Carol – how do they want to hear from us? Do they want us to e-mail the show, send a tweet, Facebook? I will e-mail him.
That’s interesting – I had emailed him early this morning after I saw a minute and a half of ex-bf Abe on his show last night. I was so angry I sent an email saying he should be ashamed to have so many death-mongers on there calling for Jodi’s death. At the same time, you are calling Jodi evil – yet there are no words from her either recorded or in writing of her being evil. Then I said ‘your supposed to be a doctor – DO NO HARM.’ And that was that. If I would have known that he was going to do this I would have tried to be more eloquent. Jeeze, I hope he doesn’t take and twist my words.
Thanks, but no thanks…as I once said to an ex, “I don’t waste my time with assholes”
He’s a disgrace to the medical profession. He sold himself out for the almighty dollar. I wouldn’t dignify his request with an answer. I used to like him and thought he was a decent guy but now I realize he is just another yes man with NO ethics. Go fuck yourself “dr” clue….less
what for they come here all the time and read what we have to say but sure do not report what we all know here that the Flores Report is screwy
Lawd…..HLN has already starting with the Zimmerman trial!!!
“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet” Ghandi
Ooooo I like that!
Me too!
I got into a pissing match on occupyhln and I asked what side was he going to be on with the zimmerman case. Then I said, “Oh, HLN hasn’t told you yet.”
heh heh
BevM, Lol..you are so right. It’s obvious that he will now do whatever HLN tells him to for the $$$. This is SO far from what his show was supposed to be when he started on that network It’s been very disappointing to see him join the angry mob.
I hope someday he feels ashamed of himself when he looks back after the tabloid excitement calms down and realizes that he definitely went against the “do no harm” oath!
I still can’t believe he, as a psychiatrist, took part in referring to Jodi having “crazy eyes” and allowed exes to bash her.
Someone was asking about Alan Dershowitz and AZ appeals. Just found out that it was Dershowitz who led the Doody appeal at the 9th circuit and won. This was a 17 year old kid who was sentenced to 9 life sentences in Maricopa County in 1994.
The 9th circuit reversed in 2008 due to a coerced confession after 12 hours of grilling. Maricopa county is getting ready to retry this guy in July.
So here’s the time it took – Crime 1991, trial 1994, appeal won – 2008, retrial 2013. The kid was 17 in 1991. He has spent 22 years in jail (More than half his life) and they are still going to take another shot at it. This is sick.
Sick is right…remind me NEVER to drive through AZ!
If there are any pro-JODI brothers and sisters here and that anyone knows that live in AZ please tell them to evacuate the state as quick as possible! Am contacting that idiot in North Korea to have him aim his missiles at JM’s asshole along with the rest of the shit-bags —and don’t want our teammates to be covered in all of the shit when the fuck-wads go boom!!!! 🙂
Yay! DUKE!!!!!… 😆
Wow, thanks for sharing that. Yet another example of the “justice” system being about winning at all costs.
Check out The Innocence Project….so many factual examples of cases where prosecutors bury the truth just to get wins. So scary sad.
I wish I was Jodi’s interview Bodyguard and every time one of these stupid reporters ask her a stupid or inappropriate question, especially one that disregard her feelings, I’d like to be able to bitch-slap them with a huge rubber hand on a broom stick. After a few of those slaps I bet they’d THINK before opening their stupid mouths.
Pisses me off.
Don’t you know Edward she has no feelings. She is just walking evil. The haters taught me that right before I flipped them the bird.
Screw the rubber hand – just use the broomstick – makes a better SPLAT.
LOL ^5
I hope you don’t talk like that in front of the kid….aunt Cindy will have to just B-slap you…
There I am very proper
Louisville Slugger does it better! 🙂
^5 Edward!
I am googling about hung jury in Maricopa County, Arizona and I found this…
This statement is in the third paragraph in the link below…
[quote]The Maricopa County (Arizona) Superior
Court was chosen because of an innovative
procedure there that permits judges to allow
further evidence and arguments when a jury
reports it is deadlocked.[quote]
Oh no….this would give JM another chance to do a presentation of the autopsy photos. This is all he has to make his case. Pressure the jury into a verdict with these photos. Unless he ramps it up and decides to drag out the “blue bag”.
Looks like that article only focuses on juries in the sentencing phase? I don’t know if it’s the same for hung juries in the penalty phase.
Does this apply to sentencing? I was under the impression that if the jury can not come to a decision re: sentencing, the judge will decide. I am not sure if this is correct. This jury already came to a unanimous decision on the verdict, the sentencing doesn’t seem to be in the “hung jury” category to me. Anyone able to shed light?
Juan can ask for another trial for the death phase again. It looks like he did. He could have taken the DP off the table, and let the judge sentence. Just saying. So the defense will probably motion for a change of venue based on that she cant get a fair trial in maricopa. The new trial date is set for some time in July. I would expect some delays though.
So, JC, does this mean an entirely new trial or just the sentencing? I don’t get it…if it is just the sentencing, how could that work?
I just posted this on the old page bc I’m a little slow on the uptake sometimes 🙂
Maria are you here?
Did you get Sirlips and my offer to get your postcards to Jodi while she’s still at this jail? I’ve been looking at the other jail she may go to and I think I found the mail link so I think she can get more if she goes to this prison. http://www.azcorrections.gov/Policies/900/0914.pdf
But, I’m not sure. I’m sure SJ will tell us if she is moved and how to write to her and I think we may be able to send her things if this link is correct.
If anyone overseas has problems getting postcards to Jodi while she’s in this jail I don’t mind if you send them to me and I can send them on to Jodi. But, we just don’t know how long she’s going to be at this jail.
But, I would love to help send her positive messages!
I’m here Danielle!!
Yes,I did see everyone’s kind offers,I replied on yesterday’s thread.
I’m at a loss for words,you guys are awesome! I think at this point it’ll be best to wait and see if she gets transferred or not.I wouldnt want you to go into trouble.In case she gets to another prison, I’ll probably be able to send her regular mail.If she stays put,then I will definitely contact you Sirlips,Jennifer to wotk sth out.
THANK you so much for understanding how important this is to me.It’ll be good for ((((((((Jodi)))))))) to know she is loved and supported by people around the world.
I think if she is transferred to the prison you will have a lot more options. In the postcard I just wrote to her I added that I’ve met people from other countries online who want to write to her but their post offices work differently. So hopefully she’ll read it and know that more people want to send her support.
Once we know where she will be depending on what happens if anyone needs help getting her mail I’m more than happy to help! Anything to keep Jodi’s spirits up!!!
Thank you for mentioning that to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so happy you did!!!
You’re suck a kind-hearted person,Danielle.
Thank you! So are you!
I would like to write to Jodi , but don’t have the address. Last night I
was sent a friend request on my Facebook , but this morning when I tried
to pull it up on my friends it said no information available even though she is
a confirmed friend. Any way just want to let her know that I fully support her
from one survivor to another. This whole court case has been whack… can’t believe
they found her guilty in the first place !!! Then not have the decency to take death
out of the equation just irks my ass ! Please let Jodi know that I like so many others
do believe and support her.
ugh!! hln is the worst!! they are talking bout her interview where she said she felt betrayed !! shocking!! of course she did she was on the stand for days belting her heart out!!… but they choose to believe the garbage martinez said!
Betrayed is putting it mildly.If I were Jodi,It’s have so much harsher words to say to these jurors.
Me too!
And that stinky Ryan somebody who interviewed her and was asking provocative questions in such a rude manner, man oh man, I would have been outraged! I wanted to clock him a good one right through my smart phone when I was watching that interview – augh – I SO wanted to wipe that snide leer off of his arrogant countenance. What a jerk!
Thing is, if Jodi truly was even a fraction as “evil” as people like him try to portray her as being, that little prick would have been scared shitless to even speak to her, much less to speak to her the way that he did. He talks the talk but doesn’t walk the walk. Just PRETENDS to walk the walk and then thinks all his viewers should think he is such a brave, daring reporter. Pfft. What a dickhead. 👿
Repost from other page>>>>I just watched this legal drama where they were trying to cherry pick a jury and the lawyer said to her client “It’s all about perception, not evidence. The truth doesn’t matter.” HELL TO THE YEAH!!! That’s the best description for this dog and pony show that I’ve heard yet!!
i hate they way hln worked on this case! its like that HIGH SCHOOL mentality and bullying!! they made up their mind and brainwashed everyone and any1 who listended
omg I was thinking the same thing today. I Said that. The highschool bullying. SAME THING!
No news.. and I wonder if that is a good thing in the long run. If I was on the jury..I would say I’m not changing my mind…Period!
Me too! I would hold my ground and tell them my mind isn’t changing. EVER. I would RELISH telling them!
If I were on the jury I’d call the bailiff, have him/her take me to a police officer and call out all those who either/or watched the media or intimidated other jurors.
It feels like it’s time for something to happen.
It does….But where is it? …..
they just dont get it!! this is gona harm more people then they realize, because now any women that is being abused will be afraid to defend herself..
wat they lack in understanding is if ur gona stand up and fight a man he will more then likely win, unless … well you injure them where they can not come after you!
ugh!!!!!! im soo mad at these people!!
I agree I feel like they took DV back to the 1950s
Two guards and some court rep are looking over maps of the courthouse it seems. Sup with that? #JodiArias
Sneak the Jury out??? cause the hoard of witch burners won’t be happy??
Did someone say farther up that Dr. Douche wants to hear from Jodi supporters tonight on his show?
Yes you did.
Drew already knows I’ve given him the fingers so I won’t bother calling in.
Good luck to whoever that does, and just know HLN can twist shit all out of context. That is their MO.
I’d love to hear Gus call in and give Drew shit. He is not intimidated by any of these assholes.
I love that about Gus too. lol
Gus did Dr Drew back when Juanita gave him the business on the stand…I friend requested Gus after that and we talk…he also said the same thing…It does not matter what you have to say, they will twist it and turn it to cause controversy, and turn it to their adavantage…and use it to draw in ratings…sick, sick stuff going on with this.
Well I used to watch his show but NOT since this witch hunt started. Looks to me like they are all backtrackin now…Drew can’t help feelin sympathy now, NG going to visit women in prison…PLEASE>>>> how low can you go to cover up your mess of lies when u get nervous over a verdict. That network sucks…they’ll be onto to Zimmerman…the next victim of their defaming. They keep sayin Jodi’s tryin to influence the jury…WHAT R THEY DOING????
I totally agree Kelly! Who are they to point the finger at Jodi and accuse her of trying to influence the jury? She has every legal right to mitigate the DP, it’s called the CONSTITUTION. And who is HLN and what do they have to do with this case? Nobody and nothing, and they can try to rehabilitate their image all they want, they are a bunch of bloodthirsty, sadistic hyenas. I’m done with them, and I will always recommend NOT watching them.
I probably was banned by HLN because I wrote to Nancy Grace and asked if her twins had were Special Needs because they look like they have a bit of down syndrome. She was 48 when she had them so it wouldn’t surprise me if her eggs went funny on her.
hahahahah rotten eggs! Yup that explains a lot!
I want to know why it’s presumed everywhere that the guilty verdict means the jury didn’t believe JA about the abuse and TA’s issues? They very well might have believed everything JA said about their relationship. They might have believed every word of JA’s experts and none of what Dr. D or the ME said on the stand.
However, they could have still found her guilty if they believed that the premeditation of murder came even after the altercation in the bath started. If they believed she decided then and there to end TA’s life, one of the instructions said the time to “think” of premeditation did not need to be long. If they believed that it could explained why some came back with both felony and premeditation. Felony at the start of the altercation when she took his gun, premeditation when she used the knife to finish.
Without hearing it from the jury we don’t know why the voted guilty on M1. The haters shouldn’t be so sure that the jury’s verdict is a vindication that TA was all good and JA is all bad.
I agree, I just don’t understand why they didn’t factor in domestic violence in their deliberations. It doesn’t seem that they did. It was in the juror’s instructions.
http://www.thejuryexpert.com/2010/05/the-biggest-bully-in-the-room/ This could be a factor.
My antivirus wouldnt let me go to this link. Whats wrong with it?
Not sure how anyone could not care about the domestic violence issue, but it’s possible that they put that aside if they thought that the “over” kill put it more into time for her to decide to kill him during the attack. Not my opinion, but not the same as what the talking heads assume the verdict means…that JA is a lying monster and TA was a Saint lead astray by JA.
But overkill doesn’t negate the reality of domestic violence, IMO it’s an indicator of it. Susan Wright stabbed her husband 200 times, and it came out that he was a whacked out cokehead abusing her.
But there was no overkill. Only the throat slash killed him. The bullet wounds did not impair his motor skills. The crime scene photos, the camera photos and the wounds on ta’s body suggest that he was moving about and fighting all over the place. The stab wounds were not deep enough. All the other wounds just made him more angry!
But #me, even if they did believe that it happened in a moment, there was absolutely no proof that Jodi initiated the violence and that’s what the State needed to prove. And yet there is all sorts of evidence to the contrary. If I knew nothing more than that there was violence in that bathroom and was asked to put my hard earned money down in Vegas on which one I believed started it, just using statistics alone I would have bet on Travis. Then when you put all of the proven verbal abuse on top of that, I would have then had to double down on Travis.
Exactly – 90% of all abusers are men. Notice that in his closing JM very careful work around explaining the issue of how TA got up from the shower after having been stabbed in the heart and how was it he made his way to the sink. Also, if he was standing at the sink looking in the mirror and could see JA coming back at him with the knife, why didn’t TA turn around before JA started to stab him in the back? Question JM never answered in his closing. Why? Because JM scenario makes no sense.
If JA premeditated TA’s murder she would have kept stabbing him while he was sitting on the shower until he was dead. She would not have stopped and allowed TA to get up and cross over to the sink. NO, TA was up and moving around before the first blow – the gun shot and the back stab wounds were done while they were on the floor both fighting for their lives.
I was so so sure the jury would want to play detective, go over the crime scene photos (with a magnifying glass if they could get one) and thereby realize how insane the State’s theory was (just as you’ve explain so well.) So I was absolutely speechless when they came back with M1. Absolutely speechless!
RB . .I would back your bet . . The lines like me#s ending in JA are not influential messages
OMG….I am just so sick of the crucification of Jodi…It is really making me sick. I know she will be vindicated in the appeals process…Good afternoon everyone and love reading your posts…I commented on zoe from this morning about cane lady and she said “I just saw a dozen dinner rolls fly out of her pants”…..I LOL…I really needed that laugh, so if you are around zoe…thank you from the bottom of my heart.. ox
HLN is sickening and fill of hatred.
The Life folks on that Jury better hold firm in their position! Don’t give in to the DP jurors…..don’t cave in!
If they give in they will be very, very sorry in the end. I can pretty much guarantee it.
OK, I’m really getting impatient now. This judge needs to step in and just call a mistrial if this jury can’t come to a decision by the end of the day. Take the DP off the table and either find a new jury or give Jodi 25 yrs with parole.
3:13 PMElizabeth Erwin @elizabetherwinCourt reporter just came in, Steven Alexander walking up now too…is something going on? #JodiArias
It think the entire case should be dropped. People prey upon victims for profit. The TA fam did towards Jodi, now JM trying to get a claim to fame…not to leave out the real scammers CHRIS N SKY HUGHES. I don’t give a crap what religion they claim to follow…it’s all bs for sympathy…and $$$$$. TA was stupid he didn’t even figure that out. Now they’ll just move on 2 ur family 2 make a buck.
court reporter has been summoned to court..something’s up
3:17 PMMaryEllen Resendez @maryellenabc15RT @WildAboutTrial : Travis’ family members are showing up. Mike B. went in and the head of security as well. Something is brewing. #JodiAri
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 3m
Travis’ family members are showing up. Mike B. went in and the head of security as well. Something is brewing. #JodiArias
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 2m
Media members are slowly nudging their way over to the court entrance. It’s getting a bit louder in here. #JodiArias
MaryEllen Resendez @maryellenabc15Media @ courthouse are reporting some movement in #jodiarias courtroom…some family assembling–as well as some court staff.
3:19 PMMaryEllen Resendez @maryellenabc15RT @elizabetherwin : Court reporter just came in, Steven Alexander walking up now too…is something going on? #JodiAriasReplyRetweetFavorite 3:19 PMMaryEllen Resendez @maryellenabc15RT @jvelezmitchell : RT @bethkaras : Steven Alexander and Sky Hughes are here, in the hall. Court reporter went inside. Media are gathering. …
I just listened to the Gus Search radio interview…This is the most horrible thing in the world. So much bullying…How can this be legal? It is horrifying. I hope the Arias family sues the shit out of HLN.
Did you watch this one or another one of gus searcy…he was talking about how Travis has had sex with many of those mormon girls and that they would never get in court and say they were having sex with him…Travis was a sex addict…grrr…
And he was saying how everyone was afraid of Chris and Sky Hughes…people know how they lie and cause problems and they are terrified of Chris and Sky Hughes…
right he was having sex!! but do u remember the blond girlfriend that testified on the bench that she never had sex with him!! she lied!! that girl that he thought bout marrying!! ugh!! her husband must be pissed
OMG that is a great idea! they must sue! and make hln pay, and make the biggest example of them!! that right there is the best thing i read on here! they can sue for millions and hire the best of the best to get jodi out and it will be covered by hln!!
Wild About Trial@WildAboutTrial
Media members are slowly nudging their way over to the court entrance. It’s getting a bit louder in here. #JodiArias
Wild About Trial@WildAboutTrial
Travis’ family members are showing up. Mike B. went in and the head of security as well. Something is brewing. #JodiArias
Camille Kimball @CamilleKimball 3m
It appears we have another jury question in #JodiArias
which means we will not here it
I can hear my heart beating!!!!!!!
wild says something is going on???????? People are going in and media tryin to get to entrance
I think we have a verdict folks.
Court reporter was told to report back. What’s your gut feeling?
Hey, you’re still around.
I was wondering.
Nah – jury just wants Friday off and then Monday is a holiday. Lazy SOBs
I think this is it. They called in extra cops…
Jodi looks great today !
Jodi looks wonderful today…I am glad she is keeping it together…I know I’m not…Need xanaax. LOL
Where are you seeing her?I still have the freking Seal!
Me too, Maria
Where are you seeing her, folks?
from this AM hon… I just caught a peek at her on haterslyingnutbars network..
She has her hair in a lovely pony tail and is wearing a black suit jacket. She was smiling!
I know…I am sooo glad she is smiling. I am glad to hear that she knows more of her supporters than her haters..
I am thinking it is from earlier when they had a question…
I meant Searcy,…So ANGRY!
Camille Kimball @CamilleKimball 1m
Security just came out to tell us nothing is happening. Alas, not a soul believed him. We’ve been locked out before 2 many times
Could be about to declare mistrial for hung jury – that’s my guess anyway.
From @chriswnews: A court security guard opened #JodiArias ctroom door. Told media standing, “nothing is happening, go sit down” then closed door
Lord knows this jury can’t be inconvenienced by giving up a Friday night. They never were during the whole trial. If they give her the DP, I wish them hell on earth for the rest of their natural lives!!!
omg im soooo scared!!!!!!!!
Easy now glow. Its all headed to the appeals court in any case.
i hope so!! i cant wait for arias family to sue hln!! and use their money to get her out
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 2m
From hwhat hwild is hearing there is another juror question. Not 100% sure but that’s the talk. #JodiArias
Camille Kimball @CamilleKimball 2m
More security is gathering inside the courtroom where “nothing will be going on.” #JodiArias
I am sick of vinny with his dryboards and power points….OMG. I wanna poke him in both his eyes…Give him a good old fashioned three stooges poke!!
A good shift kick in the ass wouldnt hurt either
LOL…No it wouldn’t…I will poke and you kick!!
deal…. lol
3:28 PMCorey Rangel @CoreyABC15Another jury question #JodiAriasReplyRetweetFavorite 3:28 PMElizabeth Erwin @elizabetherwinThere’s another jury question. #jodiarias
Things have gone quiet on twitter.
…inside court house, 5th floor.
Beth Karas just tweeted the jurors have a question
I wish they had sooo many questions while they were deliberating on the verdict! Fu*k ’em!!
thats no fuckin lie
So true!
True! Now all of a sudden they’re all confused and have questions. It must suck when you’ve backed yourself into a corner and aren’t exactly sure how to get out and can’t call NG.
Camille Kimball @CamilleKimball 2m
There is definitely a question, court staff confirms #JodiArias
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 1m
Juror question confirmed. Waiting to be let in courtroom. #jodiarias
Al are you around?
Right here big sister.
Thanks little brother…We need our cyber family all together.. AA can I hold your hand?
It’s probably “When the fuck can we go home?”
I so love you Kira!!!! LOL I agree!!!!
LOL…. yah come on Judge..we already told you !! we are hung !! let us goooooooo
That is freaking hilarious!!!!!!
I hope cray-z judge doesn’t send them back in
If it’s still deadlocked hung!
She is a SADIST!
LOL…or will we be getting a Memorial Day picnic on Tuesday?
LOL Kira I was thinking that the jurors question is” Are you sure she is guilty?”
Oh no! This should be OUR question to THEM!After all,it was them who gave her the M1 verdict,right?
Omg girl now that would be what I would ask. I would blow that pop stand with a thank you fucking very much.
Chris Williams @chriswnews 3m
Court PIO confirms there’s a #JodiArias jury question and we will be in courtroom
It sounds like there were a lot of those mormon girls having sex with Travis…but were afraid to testify in fear of Chris and Sky Hughes…sounds like many people know what they can do to them so they are afraid of them…Chris and Sky Hughes apparently have run this whole murder trial from Travis bedroom onward…and I just bet they were the ones who cleaned his house super clean before they went to cancun…
The link isn’t compatible with my iPad, it won’t load the video.
try this Angela…
Thanks! It worked
It isn’t a video, it is just audio – radio show
hit play!
And gus searcy had a witness that heard Chris Hughes say that he was working for the prosecution…but Chris Hughes lied in court about that too…and gus searcy’s witness was in the courtroom that day about to have an anxiety breakdown because of her fear of Chris Hughes…
What in the world is this Chris Hughes….a monster or what???
Why are so many people afraid of him…is he one of the “secret police” that we read about on google that the mormons have amongst them?
He has four brothers too……. death squad cult
So he ran the whole damn trial the way that he wanted it to go…talked with Juan behind the scenes…and cleaned up scenes…no wonder his ass sits behind the sister patting her on the shoulder….and he has been seen laughing when the verdict and other things were said…he is one sicko…I hope he burns in hell for eternity…
Chris is the one who had Travis killed. There is no doubt in my mind about that.
I just hope they were not 12 years old.
Hell yes, he is the self-proclaimed T-dog….Ugh….he gives dogs a bad name!
What a piece of shit he was!
Holy moly Truthseeker, when Gus was asked if he thinks Lisa and Deena lied….Gus paused and said “They’re Morman”
And there in lies the answer to this cluster fuck!!!
3:32 PMsteve krafft @SKrafftFox10#fox10 #jodiarias another jury question waiting to go into courtroom
just woke up seems like on the nick of time
Man i hope this is for the best…
Fingers crossed everyone
(((((( hugs )))))))
Any word yet? Im on the road and have no way of knowing anything and i refuse to go to any other web sight to check!! 🙂
nothing yet Carrie.. martinez is there as is flores and the alexander family, their friends have been ushered back out of the courtroom, media has not yet been allowed in… chris and sky just allowed back in
I guess just a question …what Hln reported..
3:34 PMCorey Rangel @CoreyABC15Juan Martinez just arrived #JodiArias
Evidently it is going to be the same as before….SEALED.
If someone hears differently, let us know. Thanks.
I won’t be surprised at all if this jury is hung. I think sides are drawn and no one’s budging.
Deanna is there, so is JM now.
Deanna…UGH!Dont these people have jobs???
LOL Maria . . saw her backside . t was too vain for that . . she’s really into comfort foods poor thing
OK, now what are YOU watching? I still have a seal!
Get ready for The Adam’s family’s contorted faces
gone wild!
LOL Oh gawd Josh what a visual!!
I live for the day Jodi’s verdict is overturned and we get to see their ugly faces’ reactions.BLISS!!
Yes, Jodi’s verdict NEEDS to be overturned! Pisses me off.
What’s the live courtroom link?
This link works ( for iPhones, iPads etc )
Bystander it is http://www.azcentral.com/live/?event=052313-jodi-arias
Camille Kimball @CamilleKimball 2m
Bailiff expects Arias fam to arrive, asks us to clear an aisle in our crowd #JodiArias
This is different, Jodi family will be here.
Hi all. I have been out all day and soooo nervous. I see there have been jury questions. Were any made public? Were spectators allowed in the courtoom? Any additional hung jury statements? Thanks in advance if anyone can give me a quick update.
QUestions where sealed
They are saying they are debating the fate of Jodi. But really she has appeals that will probably be wonderful since this trial was a complete and total circus. Right?
Not to be er, RUDE, but why all of the questions? This is an either/or situation. Either she deserves LWOP or death in your eyes. You’ve already said she was guilty of first degree murder and extreme cruelty (of course I don’t agree with any of this). Why are you acting as if you aren’t biased now?
The only thing that makes sense is: someone didn’t want to go along with the original verdict. They feel horrible and now they’re clinging to the only hand they have to play.
The judge needs to declare a mistrial and be done with it. This deliberation is almost as long as the first one!
The juror questions were sealed…. sorry for the typo ( where)
Did everyone come in before when the other jury question was read?
it wasn’t read sealed
did they all come into the courtroom when it was not read?
No, I don’t believe so. They (observers) watched from the door. Then a feed was played later of the proceeding. Very short. Neither question or answer was not read.
…in open court. It was sealed.
3:38 PMsteve krafft @SKrafftFox10#jodiarias #fox10 waiting for arias family. Court PIO says it is juror question. But what is the question? What say you, peeps?
I think it is more than a jury question…
I hope they are still hung!!!
As do I. Anything to ruin JM’s weekend.
And then he’ll go for ice cream to cheer himself up… and the scoop will fall off the cone!!!! ::manic laughter::
Thanks everyone. I assume since the questions were sealed that no one was ever allowed in the room? What abput family from both sides?
Isn’t this lovely?
bluejean @bluejean24 2m
#JodiArias if there is a holdout on the jury, they better be prepared to move to the South Pole or Siberia
People have major issues. I am tempted to respond to this!
Nice. These people don’t give one ounce of shit about Travis, they just want to see somebody get the DP.
Ridiculous. Many people in the US don’t agree with the DP.
Im not even to conserned about all this ill be happy whenthis crazy. Zoobully zoo case gets hopefully to appeals court and they get a better judge who knows their ass from elbow……not like judge pickles!! If that happens will jm still be the prosicutor??
Maybe they’re asking if Nancy Grace can join them since she is the poster girl for death. She’s a huge reason they voted M1 to begin with so they probly need a pep talk. I bet she’s getting her pom poms and knee socks ready to go. I hope the jury realizes now that this whole trial was a pile of horse shit and are filled with regret.
I’m hoping the question is, “Can we change our minds about murder one? We finally got around to actually discussing this and realize that the State never proved that she initiated the violence.”
now that would be awesome but I highly doubt it, they probably want to know how many days they have off this weekend.
You’re probably right, Debbie. Sadly so…
Extra security in the courtroom and Jodi’s family is expected.
Does this mean they reached a verdict or is it still hung? Oh noooo…I am so nervous. Had to take another xanaax…LOL
Extra security in the courtroom? Oh man.
Hey little sister I’m happy your here..
Hey Cindy! Thank you so much. I’ve been MIA because I couldn’t take it. My heart was broken. I cannot wait for the appellate process.
there saying one reason other question could have been sealed would be juror perjury
Extra cops called in….
Are they expecting a really bad reaction?
They are reporting that there is a flurry in the courtroom. With Extra security entering.
like saying no way i will vote for death
Know how I was wondering where Jodi’s family was? Now I’m hoping they don’t show up because if they do it won’t be good. I may be in the minority, but I want a hung jury.
Juror Question: We have two holdouts on giving the death penalty. Is it acceptable if we beat them up?
(Just kidding!)
Count me in lmao
LOL I don’t think that’s too far from the truth. Or they may just ask if they can just let the Hughes kill her since they are so anxious to do so.
With everyone coming into the courtroom…this is something more than a jury question…
yes..this is giving me the willies
wonder what’s up with all the extra security?
Jury hung and they’re worried the jury won’t be able to get out safely?
what feed are you using? Is the seal up?
yes, I still have seal
several tweets and hln saying extra security entering court
HLN live blog says extra security:
Im on az central JC posted the link above and yes the seal is up.
yes seal uo
Yes, my gut tells me that this morning’s “question” was the jury deadlocked for 2nd time.
This “question” is jury deadlocked 3rd time and judge going to declare mistrial.
We certainly didn’t hear about extra security for the earlier questions!
EXACTLY….first time Arias family is in court room and extra security. This is more than just a SEALED question.
Prayers are with Jodi and Family , as always !
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 36s
We’re hearing that if there’s no conclusion today, the Arias jury is off until Wednesday.
Question: “Can we get some Febreze in the Deliberation Room?
It smells like rotten eggs from all the farting all day, kthx”
Hahaha!!! Thanks, I needed that! 🙂
everyone is in the courtroom except Jodi’s family…
This is wayyyyyyyyyyyy to stressful.
Supporters of Jodi Arias – Team ARIAS
Major things are going on at the court house. Court reporter summoned to the courtroom. Extra sheriffs have been called outside the courthouse “Our insider has spotted a 2 armed sheriff trucks outside blocking the two streets to the court hourse. Extra sheriffs inside the court room. Make sure to keep the live feed up it should be something coming up here soon.
They are worried about the safety of the jury, I think.
Thanks Maria! I’m so nervous.
Oh my!!!!
3:50 PMElizabeth Erwin @elizabetherwinBailiff confirms were waiting for #jodiarias family
.ReplyRetweetFavorite 3:49 PMsteve krafft @SKrafftFox10#fox10 #jodiaras Still standing a mere 12 feet (roughly 4 meters) from courtroom door.
ReplyRetweetFavorite 3:47 PMCorey Rangel @CoreyABC15Jury coordinator just arrived. Waiting to see what’s going on. #JodiArias
Jodi’s family is arriving now.
Okay now I’m really sweating. Sexy I know.
2 sources from inside court saying NO VERDICT only jury question. Correct me if you hear something different.
Thinking HUNG!!!
Extra security is good though right
I feel like its going to be a non verdict. I hope it is or that they have finally rejected the death option
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 55s
Havent seen any more security than the usual #jodiarias
The extra security is concerning. I hope to God no one has made threats against the jurors because they are having a hard time coming to a unanimous decision.
are you getting that info from HLN?…if so…you know they exaggerate a lot…LOL…
people posting tweets HERE about extra security
hln said it also, JVM showed where security came out and cleared a huge swath of people away and put up barriers
isn’t that sick??? I have seen so many rude things posted about them because they did not come right back with death. they are holding a human life in their hands with their decision. why are people so blood thirsty?
wild just posted 1 minute ago…
Haven’t seen any more security than the usual
Why all this extra securty?
Did this circus just turn into Die Hard?
HLN exaggerating again???
wild is right outside the courtroom and he sees no more than usual…
Occupy HLN
This could be it, people: EVERYONE is gathering in the courthouse — I think a sentence has been reached.
I agree…
The anticipartion is killing me.
And its just another juror question, so still no decision I wouldnt think.
If I were Jodi my nerves would have burst weeks ago.
HLN confirming 3 more officers than this morning’s question in the courtroom!
6 officers in the courtroom total instead of just 3.
coming from HLN…hmmm….
The Gus radio thing is so compelling. He thinks like us! He uses common sense and logic. He does not think she premeditated anything. It is interesting bc he knows both JA and TA.
He knows TA was a shit.
*Sits calmly and waits
where are you watching that Joe?
Right here. I’m sitting calmly and waiting. 🙂 Sorry bout that truthseeker
~~~picturing Joe Y in the lotus position on the floor saying oohhmmm ooohhhmm ~~~
Pretty much. I’m doing the KN recline.
With the finger under the nose thing?
Oh noooo….not Dr Hackenstein..What about thoughts with the Arias family? OMG…how one sided is that?
Look, we’ve seen the procedure for a verdict, and this ain’t it!
The mistrial is coming!
Dounds like they have a verdict! I will be so mad if its death! Its almost closing time before the big holiday weekend. This is so upsetting! Hope those jurors can look at themselves after their verdict.
I’m trembling in anticipation for the outcome. Which ever way it turns, let’s keep our hopes on the appeals.
She will be vindicated in appeals…I know it and I feel it…This was such a farce of a trial..
Please God…please don’t let it be the DP…I will lose it and I am sick to my stomach.
My thoughts exactally
Easy there Pamela.
Like I said, its all headed to the appeals court anyway.
I know…I know….I am just scared for Jodi..I am trying to keep it together.
Announcement of another “jury question” could be distraction to keep a low key. Just speculating.
Atty saying that family members are not brought to court for questions.
I CANT SEE WHATS GOING ON (friggen android) Plz keep ME UPDATED!! Anxiety attttaaaccckkk!!!!
Personally my bet is a hung jury. Mistrial sentencing phase.
This is barbaric! Shame on death penalty supporters. Especially in a case like this with so many questions and fewer answers.
Me too…. Joe!!!
They just kicked CASH out of the courtroom. Wonder why?
Just family inside.
haha. love it!
who is cash???
Chris And Sky Hughes
Chris And Sky Hughes = CASH
They must be chomping at the bit.
The real killers! Chris and Sky Hughes….fuckers!
Word! You go Suz
yes…they are the real ones….just listen to gus searcy…
Chris And Skye Hughes
hey, there’s good news!
GREAT to hear
I’d pay good money to see that!
who is cash?
Chris Hughes (puke)
he ran the whole trial behind the scenes with Juan and he is the one everyone is afraid of…
Chris and Skye Hughes truthseeker
thanks Joe
who is cash?
Chris and Sky Hughes
chris and sky hughes…CASH
Oh wow…….I’m sweating and now just bc it’s hot.
I’m scared and not just bc JVM is on the screen
Get off HLN. You don’t need that and you just put up their ratings.
I don’t know where else to go
Try here.
Thats y im relying on u guys :)…..f@%k HLN
Camille Kimball @CamilleKimball 5m
TA team including Hughes have just been evicted apprntly from courtroom. NOT the sibs, just friend types #JodiArias
Where the hell are you guys getting your intel?
In 5th floor hallway outside courtroom
Are you there?
Camille Kimball @CamilleKimball 3m
We are all on edge as security keeps going in/out, peeking out, hokeypokey of all kinds. We know very little. #JodiArias
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 1m
Victims advocate is speaking with friends of Travis’ family and Tanisha out here. #jodiarias
No, I am not but the above are there.
Dang, or you could have kicked CH in the nuts for me.
….on Twitter
wild tweets right below the screen
Oh, God! I’ve never been this nervious for as long as I can remember. Let’s this verdict not be DP.
M. Kiefer tweeted that teh Hughes and some other friends just escorted out of court room.
Wouldn’t the verdict be read in open court?
Could this be the announcement that the jury is hung?
Arias family and Gloria walking in now.
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 32s
Victims advocate is speaking with friends of Travis’ family and Tanisha out here. #jodiarias
Victims advocate is speaking with friends of Travis’ family and Tanisha out here. #jodiarias
What does that mean?
Has Morticia been kicked out as well?
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 1λ
Victims advocate is speaking with friends of Travis’ family and Tanisha out here. #jodiarias
What can that mean?
Watching HLN and man Jordon Rose scares the hell out of me. They think Jodi as pretty as she is looks scary. Damn that attorney is freaky!
She is freaky! I glimpsed her once and did a double take. She looks like she just rolls out of bed and gets on camera.
Boy, you know it, Tim…she looks like a friggin’ psychopath!
Haha! Yes. I believe she’s a curly girl and she just doesn’t know what to do with her locks. She needs to google naturallycurly. Great site (and no I’m not affiliated, just a curly girl myself).
Sorry, Jennifer…didn’t mean to insult your locks. I’m sure you’re nothing like that nut job on HLN who looks possessed.
They better hurry this up or the judge and jury will miss their cocktail hour.
she needs a PICKLED egg at the bar
I thought she was the pickled egg.
LOLOLOL…Nice one!
Mormons don’t drink ? .. or do they just lie about it
Well, according to Travis, they don’t have sex before marriage either…
Don’t worry I think the judge has a flask under the robe
Maybe a plea!!
Does ANYONE give a damn about Jodi’s family, besides us I mean. Someone at the courthouse? WTF. I feel terrible for those folks.
O my god YES Joe. I do more then anything
Jodi’s friend Donovan is always with the family, I think. I hope that security treats them well.
Camille Kimball @CamilleKimball 1m
We just don’t know what’s up. Were told a jury ??, but staff doing some kind of administrative musical chairs or twister game.
it has to be hung
I need a pickle…LMAO. I eat pickles when I am nervous,.
Kermit eats pickles at lunch
I just really laughed out loud…hard, but I have to be honest it took me a second to get the joke
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 4m
Victims advocate is speaking with friends of Travis’ family and Tanisha out here. #jodiarias
Shit they let CASH back in.
I bet Sky raised a shit fit. “I’M PRACTICALLY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!”
im soo scared! im literally crying here! idk how they could possibly kill her…
i jus have a bad feeling, they are all brainwashed
don’t be scared..whatever happens Jodi will get a great appeal lawyer and will overcome this travisty!!
but I dont think a hung jury is good. A new jury will have no feeling for Jodi. The autopsy pics will be crammed up their asses and they will prob give her death! This is soooooo barbaric!
It would take months to find a new jury, if they can.
Exactly. And while we’re waiting for the new jury, Jodi could open up a can of worms on the judge and prosecution. She didn’t have a fair trial.
on this link you can read the tweets that wild is constantly posting…he is right outside the courtroom…his tweets are right below the screen…
The attorney is such a dick. I hope it comes back life and then she wins her appeal to show that bastard wrong.
Y’all are much better then watching those vile people on HLN 🙂
Why is Amy Murphy saying this today?
k @Modemitv 3h
@AMYABC15 if a engaged juror blurted out something they could only know from tv or overheard etc like tire slash what happens next?
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Amy Murphy @AMYABC15 3h
@Modemitv they would have to investigate- they would have to determine if info was shared w jurors and then juror could be removed
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1:05 PM – 23 May 13 · Details
I think the hold up is the arrival of the Arias family. No family is ever called for questions!!!!!!!!!
Bridget LeePence @bridget_26 16m
“@misterschlatter: #jodiarias
Just heard from my inside source: VERDICT REACHED!”
Oh shit…come on, lifers….
Didn’t get my text alert…?
omg…..some shave Clancys head…..ugly fake ass yellow frizz ball that it is!
I know…does she think that is even sexy,..OMG
apparently so!!!! LMAO
Clancy has a MEGA fivehead!!
And by the way, FUCK THAT BITCH!!
Another curly girl who can’t get it together. Hair color is criminal and the gel/mousse/Elmer’s glue she uses to define her curls is just wrong!
Media is heading in.
Media is headed into courtroom now
I am going to be ill again, please please please be life not death, please please please
I felt the same.
wild said 24 minutes ago that they are waiting for Jodi’s family…
HLN just said that Jodi’s family hasn’t arrived yet…
Media is going into the courtroom…
I was talking about John Liber,am
JM is talking to the family now. Judge still not on bench.
Camille Kimball @CamilleKimball 33s
Arias family bench is still empty. Alexander sibs are in their place, 2 rows ahead of me. #JodiArias
are they hanging their heads..I hope
The only sane tweet of the day
“@313Nick: People are PRAYING for someone to be killed. Something isn’t right there. #jodiarias” > Agreed where does it
Right on.
crap – weather service just broke in with tornado warning
YIKES…Hope you stay safe!
…stay safe. Prayers.
Yowser …. go hide.
Oh my gosh – stay safe!
The jury wants this wrapped up for the Memorial Day weekend. Go with Life and you’re out of there. See how easy?
So hope you’re right, Joe!
Jodi talking with J & K in court room
Chris Williams @chriswnews 26δ
In #JodiArias ctroom. #TravisAlexander family & friends here. #Arias def team here
This lady has her head screwed on right
RobynD323 @robynd323 48m
Heavenly father we ask you to please wrap your arms of love around the Alexander family this afternoon. Give them strength!
I was being sarcastic.
I was going to say…LOL.
I was just typing….HUH? But knew you were…LOL
and you do that so well….lol
I don’t know why, but I saw that right away. lol
4:14 PMCorey Rangel @CoreyABC15Samantha Alexander has a worried look on her face #JodiArias
Oh I was just thinking, what if the bully jurors are kicking one of the jury members off and asking for an alternate?
Maybe the hold out is saying, I don’t want the DP on my hands, and they get her/him to leave the jury.
I am freaking out!
I don’t think they can do that unless there is misconduct.
I hope not Al, but I think anything is possible with these nut balls.
Yeah, the jury can’t do that. The judge has to remove a juror.
I need a drink!
ME TOO….but I’m still at work!!!!
omg hln said things might go foward without the arias family!!
thats bullshit!! they have to there its not right!
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 18δ
Spectators are being let in now. #JodiArias
Is this it????????? I hate android i knew i should have brought my ipad
Just staring at this damn seal
is Anxiety-inducing!!!!!
4:17 PMCorey Rangel @CoreyABC15Juan Martinez is here #JodiArias court reporter just arrived
ReplyRetweetFavorite 4:16 PMElizabeth Erwin @elizabetherwinJuan Martinez is here as well. #JodiArias
ReplyRetweetFavorite 4:16 PMCorey Rangel @CoreyABC15#JodiArias & her attys are here. Do not see Juan Martinez at the moment
My heart and thoughts are with ALL of you my friends and of course Jodi and her family.
Been busy day for me with annual Vet call to the ranch and farrier after that…….moving horses around pastures, etc….but, I am running down to the house in my trusty Mule ATV to check out what all of you are saying so I can keep up.
Somehow, someway I just know in the end we will find out the full truth about what really happened and Jodi will be exonerated……
Love to you all and you too Jodi if you can read these posts from your many supporters…..hang in there honey, you will come out the other end of this a stronger and wiser woman and then you can be there for all the others who are being railroaded by vengeful and hateful people. Jodi you can bring hope and faith to so many in their time of need when all of this is behind you.
you got that right ranchmom
That was so very sweet, RanchMom. Thank you!
We love you too! =)
omg hln said jodi is upset!
Oh nooooo….Jodi seems to be upset? I don’t want her to be worried…OMG…WTH is going on?
HLN claims Jodi looks upset and mitigation specialist is giving her a pep talk.
I feel like puking.
4:18 PMCorey Rangel @CoreyABC15Tanisha Sorenson sits with her eyes closed as she waits for jury #JodiArias
Jodi upset and being given pep talk.
God help her.
i knew it! they are horrible human beings, and might have an innocent person killed
for those who wanted the tarot reading it is above reversed king of cups
what does that mean…
What does that mean
Al it means that someone in the jury is bulling others to see it his way or the highway read it like it is describing what is going on in the jury room right now
I have a feeling Jodi is hyper ventilating. She must be so scared. I am tearing up thinking about her sobbing so hard she can’t catch her breath.
1) HLN exaggerates.
2) If a sentence has been reached, they have no way of knowing what it is. So her being upset would be because a sentence has been reached and she is worried, not being upset over the sentence.
Maybe something happened (that has nothing to do with trial) that upset Jodi
I don’t know if I can listen!!!!
PRAYERS and ((((((HUGS))))))) (((((((((JODI))))))))
Keep your hopes up high peeps! Remember, if Jodi does not get LWOP, there were LOTS of things that happened during this trial to have a great reason for an appeal!
Chris Williams @chriswnews 1λ
#JodiArias appears to be crying @ the defense table
OH noooo….
OMG…. this is so freakin sad………… and I cannot find my kleenex…
Jodi is strong and is taking this head on, regardless of the sentence.
I bet HLN is hyping shit up again, say she’s upset.
Anything yet????? Crying!!! Wish i could see this
Camille Kimball @CamilleKimball 2m
Jennifer Wilmott leaned in for a quick huddle with #JodiArias and mitigator, but whoosh! She’s back at Nurmi’s side.
Chris Williams @chriswnews 1m
#JodiArias appears to be crying @ the defense table
she’s emotionally taxed, she was bound to break down eventually. She probably is worried about the sentence.
Her attorneys would have no way of knowing what the sentence is.
NG: Vinnie I understand you have an update for us
Vinnie: I have an update?
NG: Stares
Vinnie: No I don’t
Wow great reporting
LMAO! I was watching that. I was kinda crying, but that shit got me laughing.
I laugh when I’m nervous…
I thought this was about a juror question! Has a verdict been reached???
Beth Karas @BethKaras 1m
Arias looks quite upset. Wiping her eyes. #jodiarias
Is HLN salivating yet?
Flipping between this page and Wild About Trial – tiring!
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 33s
@Demilaf If smiling and joking with Willmott is upset then I guess? But no I would not say she looks upset in the least.
well here is a contradicting observation
god I hope NG kisses a tree on the way home!
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
#JodiArias is seen smiling a bit as she speaks with WIllmott. I wouldn’t say she looks upset to me. Judge is here. Tune in now.
OMFG!!!! Here we go!
we are on……prayers.
We’re on!!!
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 33δ
#JodiArias is seen smiling a bit as she speaks with WIllmott. I wouldn’t say she looks upset to me. Judge is here. Tune in now.
wtf?make up your minds,we’re worried sick here!!!!
If the jury comes back with death, then it’s a cop-out to appease the family. They know that a death verdict stands a high chance of being overturned.
one day some one like jodi comes into your life. how would you
Here we go…God help us!
Omg its on!!!!
oh its on. im not angry .
do you not agree she is different
lo you not agree she is different
Here we go.
Nice! lol
I’m awful, really.
But I cant stand that bitch and her dry tears.
That whole family; ugh.
I have no compassion for them.
I used to have compassion for them…and then one day…Poof! Gone.
They’re a buncha hypocrites!
hung jury
Hung jury!
So, no Death right now???
This is good, right???
They’re hung!
Oh thank God not death!
HUNG…..baby HUNG!!!!!!
omg!! thank GOD
HUNG Mistrial
Thank God
Hung jury.
Now another circus. This is interesting.
Good or bad someone please explain?
Don’t know.
AA get researching.
Thank you God!!!! Oh thank you. I’m so happy.
holy shit
Jodi looks beautiful. Hung jury!! I can’t believe it.
I noticed that also….very beautiful!
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cry on Grimm Sisters.
July 18, new jury!
How on earth will they be able to get a jury that will be able to decide this without having heard the whole trial? DROP THE DP, MARTINEZ! do the right thing. My only hesitation about JM dropping the DP is that she then wont be able to get an appeal of the whole guilt verdict. Or will she? legal “experts” here???
I haven’t been able to post cuz too upset – then I read… HUNG – is it true? I’m crying so hard I can hardly see screen
god thanks for answering my prayers -!!!!!!
kick the f’ing alexander family out of the court room
Oh my gosh……………mistrial
how is this a good thing?
Because Kermit and the haters did not get what they wanted for once!!!!
I want a .gif of Kermit’s face!
oh my Goshhh, I am having back spasms I am shaking, what happens now
me too….trembling all over!!!!
shut the fuck up Nancy!!! how will they ever find another jury????
The stupid family sobbing…..ridiculous!!! They got their conviction….wtf…..guess they did not get their blood.
JUAN IS PISSED! Good you motherfucker!
ha! couldn’t have said it any better…
Thank You God
ohhh Kermit is not happy
judge pickels crying!!
She’s just a POS
Haven’t. heard that. in a while.
So Hung Jury, now what happens?
They come back in July and restart the sentencing.
Look at Kermit!!!!
I love it…Fuck you JM….
Kermit is pissed!
my heart was POUNDING!!!
Look at Tanisha’s & TA’s family faces!!!!
And Juan’s face is priceless!!!
maybe they will have more ill health before then…grrr…
Wasn’t it…little a-hole!!!!!!
I am laughing at that stupid TA family!
Oh my gosh, eat it HLN.
Thank God…I hope something good comes from this. I can only hope. I think it is going to turn into a circus now.
Mis-MUTHaFUCKON-trial!!!!! Wish they would have done that during the guilt phase!
The one and the only decent and right thing this jury did!
So…..now the jury pool will be more tainted than ever!!!!
get Jeff on the jury! We need a campaign!
We need a huge campaign in AZ against Death Penalty. Starting today!!!!!
I wish I lived in AZ right now – I would lead that campaign!
That little fucker right up to the judge as soon as he could. little prick!
Saw that Bev…sickening!!!
Checking in on the after court cream pie schedule.
LOL NOT THE BEST BUT………I think it’s funny..
Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo YEssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
Jodi looks like a supermodel with that hairdo. Just saying. She is disgustingly gorgeous!
She is a pretty young lady, no doubt about that.
NG is so pissed. Sweet!
wooooooooooohoooooooooooooooooooooo FK YOU ALEXANDERS…………. WE WON THIS ONE…. HUNG LIKE A HORSE (that’s a KY saying)…. What a great day..
woot!!!! You said it FUJuan! The look on Kermits face was priceless!! AND ng is having a breakdown!!! Yeah!!!!!
Fuck em all and the Horse they rode in on !!!!!
suck it HLN
new jury
now the CASHS are scared all over again!!
Let’s keep praying that true justice well be done.
Hung!!!! Ok do you guys think that there is ANY way that JM can be made to drop the dp??????
Yes plz someone answer.
Yes, can someone answer if JM can be talked out of going further due to the cost etc?????
Also, boy NG can turn on a fking jury in a heartbeat!!!!
Jodi Arias trial verdict
All PostsWriter PostsMedia Posts
4:25 PMElizabeth Erwin @elizabetherwinSome jurors crying as they left, mouthing “I’m so sorry.” #JodiArias
ReplyRetweetFavorite 4:25 PMsteve krafft @SKrafftFox10#jodiarias #fox10 Several jurors crying
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 3m
Retrial on the penalty phase is set for july 18th. #JodiArias
The ones mouthing “I’m so sorry” were probably the death-mongers. Fuck them.
To the jurors who refused to cave in to the DP: Thank you. I wish you’d been this brave during the sentencing phase, but thank you for your decision today.
I am so thankful. Hope springs eternal!! ♥
JM looks like he wants to take his toys and go home
Yea I saw that too BevM! He probably wanted to know if he was still going to get that BJ from her tonight.
It will be up to his boss
Alright Tim, so it’s not up to the little man to decide to take us thru all this over again???? I hope the person above him has common sense and takes death off the table!!!
did you see the evil faces from the alexander family!!
They are the most evil pathetic souls who would rejoice in her death—HYPOCRISY!!!!
After nearly $2Millions. Kermit, you gotta pay this back; It was your calling.
Its his bosses decision. The County DA.Hope he has some sense and stops now
hung jury !!!!
Hung jury!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you hold outs with a heart!!!! Take that haters!!!!!
Thanks God. They might have won the battle, but not the war!!!
Crap. I wanted life for her so badly. But who knows what good will come out of it. What kind of prison will she be in until the next jury gets to decide? Under what kind of conditions will she live there?
Nancy Grace’s head is on the brink of spinning!
I bet she needs a new pair of depends right now!! LOL!
Hey guys, I had to step out for a second. Did Samantha Alexander’s head explode or what? Didn’t see the family’s reaction.
No such luck!
She had the crying face on. Didn’t see the others.
They started bawling. No head exploding. Was hoping Disgrace’s head would.
I just want to HUG her and tell her it’s all going to be alright!!!
oh i misunderstood she said i would declare a mistrial (i jumped up ) …. to the penalty phase !
i hope she gets an unbiased jury ! please please please
JVM interviewing some crying stupids outside the courthouse…
The one lady said she wanted rest for herself…who the fuck is she? No one asked her to go there!
Hahahahaha! Thank you! These people act as though the Alexander’s care about them. Go home. You’re just another face in the crowd.
I see this is as a win for Jodi.
The fucking scum Alexanders crying cause they can’t get their blood revenge.
POS Juan looked like a sullen, sulky little spoiled brat bitch.
Also the Judge, clearly looked disappointed that they did not agree to kill Jodi.
I know, the judge looked like she was about to drop dead. Oh my gosh, there is a God listening to our prayers.
Absolutely! A huge win for Jodi Ann Arias and clearly a sobering moment for the hate mob! Lol I’m gonna to celebrate forever over this moment. Love you guys and love you Jodi. God has heard your cry!!
OMG people crying because Jodi didn’t get death
Camille Kimball @CamilleKimball 1m
So many tears and sobs from Alexanders now, and we are all being asked to leave courtroom, including them. #JodiArias
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 2m
Many of the female jurors were seen crying and one even said “sorry” to Travis’ family on the way out. #JodiArias
Did the women want death?
Oh, so they were swayed by the family? They weren’t suppose to be during that fir phase when they came back with that guilty verdict. They let emotion sway them
Damn right they did.
AL, Yes wanted DP
Look’s like # 16 wanted life (per HLN??)
So hln is already trying to get juror 16 assassinated?
Look at the fatass crying on HLN.
Yay take that HLN JM & Stevens! Nancy Disgrace…you are a complete IDIOT! The pitchfork mob is crying they’re EVIL…karma to them all!
Now I will gladly watch the talking heads whine. Lol! Just for a min…
Praise the person/people who held out!!! Thank you GOD!!!
Can she be let out on bail in the meantime now?
NO..She was conveuiuicte….Sorry it was a good thought..
I’m glad she didn’t get DP!
Yes they are complete ashore especially that wacko with the Marilyn Monroe tee shirt. She needs to go back to her trailer park.
Wackos, can live in any kind of space! Living in trailer park means nothing..
Sobbing on the court house steps……they so wanted death. Their Karma awaits them.
Agree. When someone close to them dies, maybe they will see that they wish death on another, death will come to them one way or another..It is called Karma.
Some juror saw the light….now they will be talking and singing like birds. We can only hope.
who kind of stranger stands in front of a court house sobbing
because someone did not get the DP?
Seriously folks, what meds are these people on * or going to have to
be put on? *
pathetic losers!
Yeah!!!!! I am dancing in my living room!!! So glad that FINALLY we saw some justice for Jodi!!! I was surprised to see her in tears! I know she would not show happiness…but I guess that all the emotions were just welling up…Wished her family was there to be HAPPY!!!! Our prayers were answered !!! Wonder if her lawyers will stay on and get down to the next phase?
How can they let the jurors speak,,Its not right until this is over
I know you all are feeling exactly as I am. None of us can imagine what Jodi feels right now. Thank you all for being good and loving and committed to TRUE justice. I don’t know how I could have survived without having you all to share with.
All of these blubbering people outside the courthouse need to get a life. How could anyone want murder so badly?
Signing off….
Thank you all and I will pray for you in the coming months, Jodi.
WTF!!! I turn on the TV & everyone is CRYING BECAUSE SHE WASN’T PUT TO DEATH???!!!
Hung jury??
I’m crying. Thank you God! And I agree, it should have been hung the first time. Add this to the appeal process.
Oh and how dare they proceed without her family?! She was so relieved.
I dont know how to feel!
Is it a good or a bad thing???
HOW good was to look at the Alexanderss FUCKING crying faces????? UP YOURS!ANd you too Martinez,suck it!!
Jodi will NEVER get the DP now. It’ll be Life. The Prosecution won’t push for death. My guess anyway
I hope you are right Joe!!!!!!
Talking head saying it would be in best interest of Kermit and his boss is to offer Jodi life in leu of using any of her appeals.
It better not be life without parole.
Bullshit – That better come with a parole guarantee. Else take your chances girl.
I agree Al there are far too many appellate issues to agree to life without parole, and there is very little possibility of being able to get a jury that knows nothing about this trial or is not biased one way or the other.
Yeah there is no way after all their attempts at appeals and mistrials already Wilmott and Nurmi would agree to that kind of bullshit.
I think theyd rather Jodi get the DP and then fight it immediately from there.
And when I say rather, I mean if the choice was between DP and losing Jodi’s rights to appeal.
I pray she does not do that – she deserves an appeal!
Is this good or bad?
It’s good!
This is GOOD. It is the 2nd best option to just saying life. It is unlikely they will proceed in my opinion. Too much money too much difficulty finding a jury. I’m giving it a slow clap. Congrats to Jodi on a victory.
^5 Jeff!!!
Mixed emotions right now. So VERY glad Jodi’s life is spared at this time, but still worried about what’s to come. I wanted so much for a life sentence at this juncture.
At this point I’ll take it. Perhaps the Alexander family will stop their rabid hatred and be ready to move on. Barbarians is not a healthy place to be.
where are you watching the trial? I cannot find the live feed for the life of me.
WE LOVE YOU Jodi! Congrats on this phase anyway darlin’ 😀
I’m sorry – jurors crying?
Wild says woman juror just said “sorry” to ta family
If there were jurors apologizing to the family isn’t that ANOTHER appeal issue? Showing biased to the idiots??
Of course I’m talking about our precious, beautiful, intelligent Jody. Maybe some Juror was reading our comments here!
oh my gosh, my co workers are gathered around watching this and one just said, and I quote, after I told her that they would have to present evidence again, my awesome co worker said, well, maybe they can put up the people that wanted to testify for her this time around but now another one who is always negative Nancy and loves Nancy Grace is spouting off and I want to freakin kick her
The Haters and Losers Network employees, The Alexander Family and all of their guest that come on that disgusting channel and slam Jodi can kiss her ass my ass and every bodies ass that supports Jodi and if that pisses them off then they can SUCK IT!!!!!!!!
Nancy is spewing her shit now, someone has got to shut her up
Hope not Krista..we don’t want another trial..hopefully JM will be told to take death off the table!
NO WAY IN HELL THAT WILL HAPPEN!!! New trial is what will go down Jaun will never let this go!!! Plus the new trial will be run differentlly then this time!! I just hope the can find some of us for the jury because we all know THERE IS NO WAY THEY CAN STAY IN THIS JURISDICTION!! we will see i guess!
idk…a new jury will be costly…I thought last night Hughes being the “spokesperson” for the Alexander family, said that and he said this, that if Jodi wasn’t “put down” , yea he said put down..like a dog at a kill shelter not a human being..that the family would go for Life…so maybe this will be so….I friggin hope so!!
Me too, however not at the cost of giving up her appeals because she did NOT get a fair trial and she knows that!!
lol just called Nasty Disgrace
@WildAboutTrial 5m
Many of the female jurors were seen crying and one even said “sorry” to Travis’ family on the way out. #JodiArias
How is this fair and unbiased?
They don’t matter any longer!!! Thank you holds out for Jodi!!!! Let this teach the haters that hate is not stronger than fairness!!
If it was only 1 hold out against DP…….Im so worried.
Nope it was 4 holding out to the DP
Thank You Lord!
Wild about trial is reporting that Maricopa county has the possibility of offering a deal to Jodi of life without parole in prison in exchange for Jodi agreeing to waive all future appeallate rights
If they do offer her than I hope she turns them down …
She should get life with parole. Fuck that without parole shit, since it was self-defense.
Actually she should be released from prison. The guilty verdict was utter bullshit.
Yes !!! new evidence would do that
Yes, yes and yes, tonysam.
Gosh, I hope so, too!
Me too…that’s BS!!!!
YES!!!! She has got to turn that down. She wouldn’t have a chance for anything then. It would seal her fate. There is always the chance that something could happen – like jury misconduct, perjury, etc. could come to light in the future. If she takes it, she’ll never have any recourse.
There is too much to give up appeals. But they keep putting the DP out there which is totally repulsive.
Im bawling my eyes out!
Me too {{{{{AA}}}}}
NG is whining to Dr. Drew what went wrong…
Dr. Drew just said that he believes it was that woman on the jury that Jean said that looked upset when on the day of the verdict that maybe she was the one who had a hard time putting that mark for Murder 1 and maybe she is the one juror now that just couldn’t give her the death penalty….
Jean is saying Juror 16 has been very defiant today…and she believes she is the one who held out…and they believe that she will have a story to tell…
Thank GOD!!!!!!!!!! The jurors did the right thing!!!!
HLN can suck it to hell now!
As my mother used to say in instances like this “today for you but tomorrow for me” and today is OUR tomorrow! I was wishing the TA family would have jumped over the bar and tried to attack either the jurors or Jodi. THAT would have been great!
I hope the jurors find this site now that the admonition is lifted!
This is a clear admission by the jury, whether they will admit it or not, that they totally fucked up with the guilty Murder One verdict.
That was so utterly ridiculous and unjust it is pathetic.
the ones who did NOT want m1 got talked into it. at least 1 woman.
she or more held their ground.
great move. they finally may realize…
HUNGGG! I couldn’t watch but thank you to the juror that finally balked at this festival of death!!!
Let’s put on a throne and carry her through the streets. I think it is a she?…#16 (per HLN grrr)
In your face Juan !!
Ditto!! I loved seeing JM sitting slumped in his rolley chair with that smug look on his face. ^Bystander – You took the words right out of my mouth!
well, good for jodi!
but i hate forvher to go thu another court epiode with lil juan.
they should just gone with 20-life… i’m surprised they couldn’t agree/settle for life.
leavesthingshanging a bit.
BUT, MS. DISGRACE IS UPSET, SO THAT’s something, Right?!!!
ah oh, drew and disgrace just had a “few words”… drew was leaning for Life.
i’m glad ppl here sem happy! and Disgrace says this is good for JODI!
Prayers answered today!! I think Jodi’s tears are those of relief.
How sick these bitches are!!! Sobbing because someone was NOT killed???? Sick! Want so bad to call HLN and say…say good bye to ALL YOUR RATINGS THAT JODI GOT YOU!!!!! All your BS DID NOT WORK!!!
HAH HAH I’m listening to AZ central news and they are talking about what an embarrassment this is to the county attorney’s office! lol Fuck them, this was NOT a death penalty case!
poor lil juan…
Pride goeth before a fall, Kermit, you sick motherfucker.
Have fun getting chewed out by your boss tomorrow.
They should be talking about what an embarrassment Juan M is to HUMANITY! 🙂
I am so sick of the antics of this fucking moron family. Did you EVER see the likes in your LIFE?????
This is great!! I am so Happy!!!
VP saying Jodi’s family is the one suffering cruel and unusual punishment? Is he HIGH?
What does he want???? They got their fucking guilty verdict.
I concur. ha ha ha ha bitches hln.
it will deflect their hate a bit off jodi! have something else to discuss!!
Couldn’t have put it better myself!!!!!! Way to go Suzanne S!!!!!!!!! 🙂
I am appalled. Some jurors were apologizing to the Alexander family. WTF.
What bullshit something was wrong with that juror from the beginning.
Nancy disgrace head should pop off. Jodi Jodi Jodi.
NG said one of the jurors mouthed the words “I’m sorry” to the fucking family. she should be taken out and fucking tarred and feathered. fucking WHORE!
Okay, would THAT be grounds for mistrial considering they were not supposed to take the emotions of that family into consideration?
Thank you!!!!! Its about time one of those jurors showed some bravery and told HLN, the TA taliban a big FUCK YOU!! They were not swayed, nor threatened, by giving an unjust verdict!
Drinks on me!!! {_}!!!!!
Love you Jodi! Don’t cry hun, its going to be alright, just be patient….we got your back!!
Amen Melvis!!!!!
Ugly face Sky, you didn’t get DP for your victim, shit face
I couldn’t find the live trial but watched the news – and while the alexanders were fake-crying, Sky looked more frightened than anything. I want to see that guilty bitch along with jm behind bars because of this trial.
That bitch should be scared. Karma karma Karma!!
Did you see her crying?I WAS SOOO ENJOYING THAT!! Fuck you Skye(and get a real name)
Indeed I did Maria. The dry cry was in full swing among the Grimm Sisters, Brother Sneer was eyeballing the jury. Dirty Sanchez looked like he was sentenced to death. I love it! Sherry Shithead sounded totally disappointed.
I meant the juror not NG but fuck it, tar and feather BOTH of them.
NG is whining to Dr. Drew what went wrong…
Dr. Drew just said that he believes it was that woman on the jury that Jean said that looked upset when on the day of the verdict that maybe she was the one who had a hard time putting that mark for Murder 1 and maybe she is the one juror now that just couldn’t give her the death penalty….
Jean is saying Juror 16 has been very defiant today…and she believes she is the one who held out…and they believe that she will have a story to tell…
haha, well Drew actually told off Nancy, I did not expect that, I had to make them turn that witch off, but those stupid woman crying, my stupid co worker told me, well, they just want it over, I told her, well, the trial groupies can just go home, idiots crying over no death, what a bunch of weirdos
LMAO! I saw that…lol they’re ready to eat their own.
OMG Ghoul Girl is so upset she can’t SPEAK??? What a dam phony!!! With a mouth like that it would take much more to keep it shut!!!
Now I pray for protection over the 16th juror as they are saying that she was holding out… hope she carries a weapon. So sad
WOW did anyone see the Alexander siblings all doing the DRY CRY contorting their faces trying so hard to squeeze some tears out when the verdict was read??? Sky Hughes was pretending to cry too….give me a break they are so ridiculous
The best way to wipe the grimaces off that fucking sick family’s face is keep proving they are ripping people off
We love you Jodi! Do not give up your right to APPEAL. You will appeal and you WILL be SUCCESSFUL!
JUSTICE FOR JODI!!! SOOOOOO HAPPPPPYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO UNANIMOUS Verdict! Though we all know that this is still so far from over, at least Jodi has some time now to rest and catch her breath. I continue to pray for Jodi and her family every day. So thankful for such a wonderful day!
How can they be sure only one juror hung the vote?
Jodi didn’t look upset to me. She look relieved. Tears of whewww. JW looked happy.
Vinni Is talking shit about “the poor family has to see those pics agian and we have to hear the tapes again. poor family blah blah blah. Well you know what I say to that? WELL YOU DUMB FUCKERS SHOULD HAVE DONE IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME AND MAYBE YOU WOULD HAVE A VERDICT DICKHAEDS!!!! Now i’m not sang they would have liked it but we would have had one. Well thing starts over agian in july!! YAY .Now are we redoing the Whole trial? Does she still have 1st degree?
well they could stay home and try and move on, they should be satisfied with what they got those vampires!!!
I think they had good split and it wasn’t just one holding it up. The guilt verdict showing almost a half and half between premeditated murder and premeditated and felony murder kind of tells me that half believed she brought the grandmother’s gun and half believed she took Travis’ gun….so maybe half believed it started out as a domestic fight but probably in the throat slash she changed to purposeful and thought out decision to kill. They came back way to early for it to have been just one or two people disagreeing. I so hope she gets a change of venue. So does this mean she keeps her current attorneys?
Makes sense to me. I think they would have tried to wear just one holdout down over the next week. I bet it was a decent-sized split.
I don’t think they can find unbiased jury anywhere in the states, unless they move the trial to the Moon, thx to HLN.
“The devil is dancing’ tonight!!!” I might just as well predict what that Flaming Nostrils of Justice will say.
HAHA you know she will!
lol, sad but true TS!
ahahahaha! tonysam!
“Judge” Sherry will be sitting on this case in July too… GAG!
I wonder if the new DT can get her thrown off…
A hooray for the defense team.
dam, the site keeps crashing on me but haha at Nancy, Drew calling her sick asss out over the fact that she said it could only be good if death received? or something like that and those sick trial groupies crying? get a dam life, go home, what do you mean WE want it over? go home, its over, wtf
JM looked like he had been kicked in the gut. Obviously he is thinking “if I had just shown more autopsy pictures…I should have blown them up bigger….left them on the monitor longer….damn!!!”
IN your face kermit!
LMAO PK….”Damn I should have brought the coffin”
Crying inside and outside because they didn’t give her the DP…………SICK SICK SICK!!!!!!
wild is replaying it too
Okay, if a juror really apologized to Travis’s family, that proves they were biased. That is messed up. I understand feeling bad for someone’s loss, but it’s the jury’s duty to remain impartial. They don’t get to feel sympathy.
Yup thats fucked up. Apparently she said, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
I agree.
omg now wait and see how the news turn against the jury now!! and hopefully it will help for the appeal
NG already has glow!!!
What scares me now that there is no way they can find non-biased juror for the next penalty trial
I have such huge respect for Jodi. I really hope somehow, even when things looked so black and impossible, she gets her life back.
She has more humanity in her broken finger than the whole of the Maricopa County Attorney’s office and HLN put together.
My message to Jodi – you are a good person, one of the best, a real survivor.
Well, not sure how I feel right now.
I’m glad she didnt get death, absolutely, so I guess there’s the positive.
However, finding an untainted jury pool for the next go around?
But I spose it doesnt matter, this jury had to be tainted.
Regardless of their decision today.
I’m tossing grenades at the Haters @ #JodiArias
Toss em Joe!!!!!! 😉
Wth? One reporter just said Jodi admitted to lying on the stand – when exactly?? She never admitted to anything.
Yeah, well after the verdict I heard a female reporter claim that Jodi went in through the doggie door in the middle of the night to kill TA and another said that because of all the evidence like the gas cans and gun she stole that, of course it was premed! Ummmm, there IS NO fucking evidence that she stole any gun. They are all liars.
Wondering how long it will take for some of the jurors to show up on hln. Any guesses? Maybe on pigface today.
I’m hearing a couple of the jurors actually said sorry to the Alexanders. WTF? They shouldn’t be saying anything to either side. That is NOT ok. Unbiased? Bullshit!
Hope they crash on the way home!! Oops did i say that out loud!!! 🙂
I didn’t hear anything.
Remember Jeff July 18th so if your jury duty is changed to that day you will have to decide Jodi’s fate
Thank God at least someone on that jury had the GUTS not to agree to ‘Death’
——Personally, I hope that The Alexander ‘Family’ doesn’t sleep, doesn’t eat (and I don’t much care if any of them breathe either) ever again.
When I started to follow the trial–I believed in Jodi– but I still felt compassion for these Fools now I just think they are whining idiots.
JODI!! MY Prayers remain With YOU and YOUR Family. (what is happening Jodi IS cruel and unusual punishment…….) At least she won’t have to see the Alexander’s trademark hand wringing and eye rolling or listen to their melodramatic gasps and whimpers for a few months.
….What ever happened to double jeopardy? I guess the State of Arizona is really swinging State (in terms of the proverbial AXE……anyway)
If Juror #16 was the hold-out for Life, I’m adding her to my prayers, too.
July 18.
St. Jude don’t fail us now.
Double jeopardy doesn’t apply in cases with a hung jury, only if an actual verdict has been reached – ex. they decided on life, and that gets retried = double jeopardy
I know, you’re right—it just sickens me that this is still looming over Jodi’s head. It has to give her an edge on some of her appeals later, though.
I heard that the jurors requested their names be sealed.
I just saw a broadcasted request on HLN for donations to the Alexander family fund (ostensibly so that they can travel from town to town sprawled whining in the courtroom)
For me, I’m just so happy for Jodi. I think Jennifer Willmott made an amazing move in her closing statements by putting her hands on Jodi’s shoulders—-looking at the jury and asking them if they would KILL Her? Someone HAD to realize that they COULDN’T do it. SHOULDN’T do it.
Yea! Jodi (and her Team)—(and you all, this has really been so emotional for me, too)—-I’m so relieved.
This is cruel and unusual punishment for Jodi AND her family who do not deserve to be punished. It is truly shameful.
I have an idea,lets all follow the search for the new jury…when they find them, we will all be RICH! Why, because they will be sitting next to Santa Clause, the Easter bunny and a troop of leprachans! Leprachans have GOLD!
Yep, this is my new get rich quick scheme!
Whos coming with me?
Show me a jury that ist tainted and i’ll show you a whole new cast for a disney movie.
an untainted jury?????
I have a bridge for sale to those who believe there is one ——————- it’s in BROOKLYN……………
You can always count on me!!!
lmao!!! Good one {{{{{ Janeen }}}}}}}
This almost seals it, there will be NO death penalty verdict, and if there is, it will be overturned post haste!!
There is no such thing as an unbiased juror anywhere in Arizona, period. Now the feds need to step in and demand this trial be moved to another jurisdiction, if its possible.
No it isn’t up to the feds. The defense. has to file a motion to a different. venue.
I will help search for an untainted jury but we might have to set ‘off to see the wizard’…to the land of OZ.
Enough of OZ, and whoredom. I just want to get back to Kansas.
I mean earth. Civilization. Intelligent life, etc.
Thought I was out, but not…
Just read ABC update. New jury will start with the M1 conviction with cruelty in place. From there they will hear just the evidence in the guilt phase and then deliberate sentencing. That is actually a little frightening because those jurors won’t have the time with Jodi like these jurors did….
What evidence in the guilt phase? I hope they cannot enter bullshit evidence like the not stolen gun.
I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I LOVE JODI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(((((((((((((((((((((((hugs Team Jodi))))))))))))))))))))))
WE WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^5 jANEEN’!!!!
^5 Janeen and Lynn!
Awwww, happy for you all, you all have been here together a long time, I am so glad I found you – here’s back at you (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Shout out to Joe!!! 😉
LOVE YOU, TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you too !!!! Love you all!!! We have won this one, finally!!! Big huggggssss!!!!!
MOST IMPORTANTLY,((((((((((((((((((WE LOVE JODI))))))))))))))
We’re here for you angel !!!
I LOVE YOU Janeen!! We’re going to rock this shit now!
I’m so happy! If only because none of these fuckers got what they wanted.
YESSSSSSSS.. NOW MAYBE SHE WILL GET A FAIR TRIAL FOR THE SENTENCING SINCE SHE DIDNT GET A FAIR TRIAL FOR THE CONVICTION. Ha i would bet the juror’s that were forced to give her man 1 and didnt want to, held out for life in prison and wouldn’t budge or be intimidated or bullied for the punishment phase.
Thank God somebody had balls enough to stand their ground.
Well, for a start, can she ask for a move to another county?
Who knows. It’s past my bed time, time to take stock.
The reporter on azcentral just said that Jodi admitted having lied on the stand. When was that?
Not that I am aware of.
WHEN she was on the stand, she admitted to having lied BEFORE.
They are ‘spinning’ again.
I wish this site had our own television show…we could get the truth out and expose those spinners and liars…
I am here supporting Jodi till she is on the outside free! Nobody should be in prison for defending themselves.
I think the defense ought to demand that b.s. guilty verdict be pleaded down since it was a bunch of shit anyway.
Never have truer words been spoken Tonysam.
It appears that Jodi Arias was convicted of lying about the killing of Travis Alexander. But the lying occurred after Travis’s death. So what did that ever have to do with premeditation – with what she was charged? Nothing.
Juan spent months trying to distract the jurors from the fact that Jodi admitted to the killing. She admitted to the lying. But he tried the case AS IF she were STILL LYING and as if she were STILL DENYING the killing.
Now, there was reasonable doubt just with the footprint in the bathroom.
The jury saw the footprint and JM distracted them from associating the footprint with reasonable doubt by trying the case outside of the charges. He drained the jury intellectually by implementing a cognitive dissonance; by requiring them to follow a line of thinking that diverged from what the court was actually asking them to do. Further:
1) The courtroom was not a controlled atmosphere from an emotional standpoint. It was distressing.
2) The murder one and felony murder charges were contradictory
3) There was witness abuse, intimidation and harassment inside the courtroom.
a.) To ALV in the form of the withering Snow White cross-examination – it served no purpose other than to exhaust and humiliate the witness and was objectionable also by virtue of its protracted duration
b.) To Dr. S: “After thirty-five years, this is what we get from you?” Dr. S was not on trial; that was abusive to the extreme.
c.) Repeated questions about “memory” to any defense witness and other obtuse badgering, including compound questions and yelling.
There were moral reasons why this trial was not observed to be a judiciously managed one, quite apart from the corrosion that might have emanated from the possible intrusion of social media.
TTGFW….. Bravo… Well said
How will they ever find a jury that’s not tainted? Seems impossible.
I don’t think they will Leanne and Bill Montgomery is already aware of that fact. If they pick another jury now, Jodi and her defense team will have a myriad of appellate issues. The ball is in the defense’s court now and there is no way they should accept anything less than life with parole and be allowed to keep their appellate issues.
By having a hung jury today, the prosecution has lost big time. No way in this world does Jodi have to accept any type of plea bargain they come up with.
Oh, I cannot stomach the thought of these jurors speaking out.I only hope one slips up and says things to help her appeal!
The juror mouthing “I’m sorry” should account for something. That means they had the family’s emotions at the forefront of their decision, rather than the facts of the case. Not sure how everything works, but you would think that would count for something.
Well what they can say now could also cause a mistrial and start this whole thing over!
Lets see if Jane and Nancy will go after the jurors
NG has already started on that Tim!!
Unlike Juan(needle-penis) the jury is hung! I am so relieved but this is what should have happened with the verdict. If they all didn’t truly believe JM’s story when they voted for M1 then that outcome shouldn’t hold! I wish a couple of jurors would find their conscience and start singing like birds about misconduct!!
LMAO Gwen!!!!
HLN cast of loony toons didn’t get to kill a victim of DV.
Well, TA family, this is just what you deserved. You pushed this to a DP trial instead of doing the right thing and letting Jodi plea. So welcome to the real world of the justice system.
Just think how they are going to feel when this farce is overturned and Jodi is free. Justice for Jodi….we will support you and be here for you(((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))Prayers.
PK exactly right!
now lets work on over turning the murder 1!!
Exactly! That’s the important thing now.
Jennifer Willmott is an awesome attorney for saving Jodi’s life! Some jerks flew all the way from NJ to AZ to hear the verdict lol…instead of going to their daughters graduation too bad for you! Phew, that was really scary especially for Jodi.
I heard that too, its absolutely pitiful. Shows where their priorities are. Leave such an important occasion to so support for killing someone. Sick Sick Sick
Kirk Nurmi gets just as much credit, if not more.
That is twisted. Imagine being their daughter.
Ferragut talking on azfamily
Ferragut talking on Arizonafamily?
Link please? I cannot find this and am very interest in what Ferragut has to say
To the jurors who held on, bless you.
To the jurors who apologized to the Alexander’s, kick the sharpest rocks losers.
I feel such relief, there really is hope now, right???
Let’s all keep posting everything everywhere to show the truth and expose their lies…
gus searcy tape speaks the truth about Chris and Sky Hughes..wow…everyone needs to listen to that…it is so telling of the involvement of Chris and Sky Hughes…
Truth my speakers aren’t working what did Gus say about the CASH’s?
I hope he has good security around his home. I hope nothing happens to him.
maybe they will come to Mohave County???? Maybe someone with sense can get on the juy.
like yours truly!!
Jennifer Wilmott did a great job talking to the jury. Arizona needs to get rid of the death penalty. Much money is wasted on trying to get the DP and most people now understand that the DP is not justice –it is vengeance. The hard part will be going through it all again, with the same players, except new jury. I hope Wilmott and Nurmi stay with the case and are very careful how they agree to the next jurors. This has been one big kangaroo court……..a big circus…..and very sickening to all sides. Just heard it may not be in Maricopa county next time.
Let’s give Kirk Nurmi the credit he deserves also. He was great.
Kirk was Great! They make an Excellent Team.
I don’t get how his family wanted her to die? Isn’t enough she’s been convicted of M1? wTF people? Is that Christian or Mormon like? Jesus said turn the other cheek!!!!!
I hope they move on with their lives.
They had said something about finding a new jury that it was okay if they heard about the case but they had to be sure they could make an unbiased decision. It’s the “honor” system. Which we see did not work already.
There’s going to be a jury press conference.
and this is so odd!! because if they were so easy to say guilty on m1!
they shouldnt have a problem on death!!
Whos taking bets on how many hours before the first juror is being interviewed on the start of their TV tour?
Im only kidding, we all know it wont take more than minutes for it to start. Telling will be what networks they choose to go on. My guess is 13 go to HLeN, 1 goes to abc/nbc and 2 wont ever talk to the cameras.
OH Yal!
She may leave town
Some bitch outside the courtroom said Travis is everyone’s son? If that’s the case, I’m sure glad I NEVER gave birth because I wouldn’t want him anywhere in my family.
Fuck that pedophile motherfuck! If he was my family he would be DISOWNED!
That is just bizarre. EVERYONE’S son???? No fucking way. These people are delusional.
‘Travis was everybody’s son?’
I have four sons. NOT one of them treats women like Travis abused Jodi (and I would disown them if they did).
My name is Norma Jean–so I’m tremendously proud to say TRAVIS was also NOT my grandson.
Oh hell no he was NOT my son, my sons are kind and good and taught to treat women with respect, they know what not to do, I am sad that my oldest son was already ten when I finally left his awful father but I have stressed and stressed that you always respect women, your sister and your mother. My precious second son, had a “girlfriend”, his first in eighth grade and it was Valentines day and I said, do you want me to get some chocolates for you to give to her, he said Mom, you have to give girls chocolates, flowers and a teddy bear for Valentines because she is special and I thought awwww, I did good, yes, treat women special, he brought tears to my eyes, soooo, back to what I was saying NO Travis would never ever be one of my sons and talk and treat women the way he did
If he were my son I ‘d castrate him and make him brush his teeth with superglue!!
That way,he could never abuse another woman verbally or sexually.Or molest a child!!
He certainly is NOTHING like my son!!!!
That woman is smoking crack!
Nasty Nance said the jury is going to talk
The jurors are doing a press conference!!!!
Why is the jury speaking to the press in a moment?? This could be bias if there is another sentencing trial..oh here we go…BS!!
They’re free to talk now. Some of Casey’s jurors spoke out quickly too.
Thank you God You Are So In Control !!!!!!This Is An Awesome Display Of Your Power!!!!!
Thank you Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They said they’ll likely redo the penalty phase in another county since everyone in that county are too tainted. I think finding Bigfoot would be easier than finding an untainted jury.
Thank you, thank you to the one or ones that held out!!!! Prayers answered!
yes thank you
No offense to Texas, but Curtis asked some old lady if she could have written down execution and she goes: “I’m from Texas, absolutely yes.”
Another state to cross off my list!
Conservative states = pro death penalty. Don’t go anywhere in the South, AZ, UT
Yes don’t do anything wrong in Texas!
Can you believe those feeble minded cows? Can’t wait till Texas gets taken back by Mexico.
lmao! I love Texas, but yeah…
Now that someone has brought up Clancy, I just want to say this: All the “weird” stuff that the fame groupies said Jodi supposedly did always ends up sounding like the same stuff anyone would do in a similar situation. The HLN staff are at their most infantile when they gossip about normal interactions Jodi had, such as confronting a too-digital babe in a bathroom about how she was draping herself very affectionately and too publicly over her boyfriend Travis. That kind of thing is fine at home occasionally, when all who are present know how to take it. It’s the kind of thing a person doesn’t think much of until it becomes a public display and goes on so long that everyone present (excepting the draper and drapee – and sometimes even the drapee) is embarrassed. So this story said less about Jodi to me, and more about the person alleging “weirdness” on Jodi’s part.
On HLN night after night, these “emotional police” – lay people and professionals alike (and it is notable that one could not tell the difference) would decide arbitrarily what was “normal” in scenario after scenario and most of what they repeated was unadulterated gossip about events that they knew nothing of first hand. The best example of that would be, of course, the alleged “stalking”.
None of those fools, not one, ever described any really “abnormal” behavior on Jodi’s part. No, not even the “standing outside the bedroom door listening” story. Maybe Jodi just couldn’t sleep and awoke thinking that the party was still going on. Maybe she was standing outside the door and was about to knock when she realized the tone of the conversation was a bit private. She might have hesitated.
I can’t believe people have talked about such things as if they define a person – there is nothing definitive that can be said about a person’s momentary social interaction in terms of an individual’s character and there never will be. Even personality disorders cannot be diagnosed until a SET of criteria is met. The diagnosis cannot be assembled based on gossip and events that took place over the span of a person’s lifetime. It doesn’t work that way, as Dr. Geffner explained. THEREFORE WE ALL DESERVE THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT WHEN THERE IS A MOMENT OF SOCIAL AWKWARDNESS. WE ARE ALL JUST DORKS, AFTER ALL.
There was a time when this kind of talk was considered salacious and was not legitimate or acceptable for public pronouncements. When people attempted to smear another using broadcast media, there was a way to address the slander. Television sought to change all of that with asinine “reality” shows, many of which involved emotional sniping and excluding someone from the group. Now HLN is trying to turn legal proceedings into the same kind of salacious entertainment.
Well, it won’t work. Some of us will not let it go. Jodi is not going to get thrown off some island and dragged off by a lynch mob. Juan Martinez is not going to win a gladiatorial tournament, ever, no matter how much he swaggers and bellows, no matter how often he leans rakishly on the judge’s podium with his hands shoved into his pockets.
Can we stop the soap-opera-tabloid-fire-and-brimstone horseshit and get back to planet earth now? Can we get back to reality, where The Prosecutor takes on the burden of having to prove a case with hard evidence?
Judge Stephens never factored social media and state-of-the-art communications devices into the equation of Jodi’s trial. It is telling to me that she never admonished the jury about text messages. That alone was not right. It was not judicious of her to ignore the intrusion of social media and tabloid television into the proceedings, and Judge Sherry Stephens will be remembered for that error.
Before you all go writing Texas off the US map (I’m from Texas) be aware that the Jodi Arias case would have never qualified for the death penalty here. It was not a crime in commission of a crime, it was not the murder of a child under ten or a police/peace officer, it was not a murder for hire or profit and a few other standards that must be met. That is why, as a resident of Texas, I always maintained throughout this trial that it amounted to nothing more then second degree, which if in Texas would probably be what she would have received…..look up Susan Wright. Even in Texas this young woman would not have been exposed to the Death Penalty…..Arizona laws are barbaric even by Texas standards!!
Same in California. This would NOT have been a capital case in California either. I think it’s bullshit. It’s OVER. No death penalty. They hung, they disagreed. Period. This do-over is crap and unconstitutional.
I’m Just trying to figure out a way to listen to jurors etc. w/o having to listen to frickin NG yelping!!!!
Good night all…I am going to step away from the TV. I am going to rejoice in this victory tonight and not dwell on the haters….I can only pray that this is the beginning of some kind of justice for Jodi..Night Night all!!
Smart move Pam. good night!
maybe I should remove my posts???? lol
Jury is going to be giving a public statement? Is this normal?????? No. How would they know this was this big. They must be talking to asshole #8 on how to make money on this
They’ve been on their computers, iphones, tablets all along, remember? Of course they know how big this is.
they will see how the media turns against the jury!!
and see how they treated JODI,
Dear Jodi & Team Jodi:
Who does not believe in the power of prayer? 🙂 Together, we are making this happen and, today, another victory for Team Jodi! Folks, I am truly humbled and grateful for this decision today. But I want to say one thing and I mean this sincerely from the bottom of my heart: I would caution everyone not to take this decision today and use it to showboat or rub it in the faces of the Alexander family. I know that we have had disagreements with them and this doesn’t change anything about how we feel, but let us not forget how many on Team Travis reacted when Jodi was found guilty. Remember how they and their willing accomplices at HLN took that occasion to do the celebratory dance in the end zone, spiking the ball and assuming that this was over. It was far from over then and it is far from over now. But, thanks to all of you and your efforts, Jodi is one step closer to freedom and that is something that I think we all can be proud of today.
Our fight is far from being finished. I will continue to fight for Jodi and show my support here, there and everywhere. I am going to order a “Survivor” t-shirt and send Jodi a postcard now that I know that she will be in jail a little bit longer. And, to all of you, I want to say thank you for listening and your words of support and kindness. I am truly grateful and honored to be here with all of you and I wish that I could reply to everyone’s comments, but believe me, your love for Jodi and her family is so touching and inspiring. You know what the biggest difference is between us and the other side? They rely on desperation while we rely on inspiration. We don’t bully, harass, intimidate or make death threats. We don’t put Jodi on a pedestal and try to pass her off as a saint. We rely on our faith and each other by staying strong and positive. We recognize that Jodi is imperfect, but that she is a good person and a loving soul that will emerge from this a stronger, better and wiser person. And, we don’t need the media to become our buddies to get our message across. We have each other. In a way, we have all become our own extended family here and I’m not ashamed to say that I love each and every damn one of you. 🙂 Our message is love, not hate. Justice, not revenge. Life, not death.
I would like to conclude this with a quote from one of my heroes, the late Pope John Paul II:
“The Gospel of life must be proclaimed and human life defended in all places and all times.” God bless you all. God bless Jodi and Team Jodi!
Amen to that Frank…well said!
Amen Frank
What a great post Frank. Thanks.
Thank you Frank!!
Beautifully written.
Thank you Frank.
Wonderful words once again… Thanks Frank!
When is the jury press statement?
They canceled it.
Our prayers answered today.
I am convinced there is jury misconduct which would overturn this conviction. It will become clear as more interviews and media blitz junkets are done by these jurors. We need to stay vigilant.
I agree with you. That is our biggest hope in this case. Something’s gotta give and and someone’s gotta snitch on one of those jurors at some point.
Hey Clancy, 1985 called and it wants its hairstyle back. So sick of her. Just trying to stay relevant.
Why is HLN so confident that there will be another trial????? How can the taxpayers and even the family want to go thru all of this again??? I can see that the family is blood thirsty to have a do-over, but why would AZ want this to go on????
RIght, how much does this state want to spend to satisfy the bloodlust revenge of the Meth Munsters ie. Aexanders.
Watching them cry makes me sick.
Exactly UK….I am praying to God that they won’t want to spend $$$ on this joke of a trial!!!!
But Jodi will have to give up her right to appeal, right? And that’s bad.
Not necessarily. It’s up to the DA’s office in regard to how they negotiate.
Jaun will retry this . If it change jurisdiction then he just makes the decision if it will be retried or if he will except a deal. if he wants to retry i believe the prosecutor of the new county actually tries it.
It’s not up to Juan; it’s up to his boss.
More news,
They already set a date in july for the next trial. The jurors names are under seal and are declining interview. The defense s expected to motion for change of venue.
WHOOOWHOOO!!!!Thanks Kira!! That kind of makes me feel better even though i have heard his boss is a dick too.!! I HOPE they get a different venue!! JC will Judge bitch face preside if they dont change venues?
I am still watch the AZ central feed, and these gross pigs outside saying how sad they are they jury didn’t sentence her to death.
Someone than said was Travis was everyone’s son. Seriously. She said this. If I had a son like Travis, I would be so ashamed.
They are never going to find a jury so HLN and all these haters have helped Jodi. At least they are good for something.
Stay Strong Jodi.
Well good, if it’s found that they can’t find an impartial jury then there should not be any further proceedings, and sentence becomes Life!!!
Did you hear that bitch that said, “I’m from Texas, I’d have no problem giving her the DP!”
Or something to that effect.
I mean I know about Texas and that many people there have a love of the DP, but seriously, I’d be pissed if I lived in Texas and heard some scab speaking for the whole of Texas.
I did hear that, like it was something to be proud of. I don’t get it. Like bragging you have no soul.
I barely ever watch the news and commentary bullshit, so it is a shock to my system.
I would be insane if this site did not exist.
Yeah, that’s just stupid. I’m from a state that has the DP, but it’s not used often and many of us here don’t agree with it.
Thank you god..for listening
Also who was sobbing so loud? The “Alexanders” or members of the jury.
I’m guessing it was Samatha…Tanisha’s husband looked pissed, and Sky well her face was fallen!! 😉
I thought it was melting….
I want to see Kermit’s face again….classic!!!!
It was priceless, wasn’t it Moni!! 😉
It was glorious.
watching JM’s deflated face was absolutely orgasmic!!!!!!!!!
I know it was awesome watching him deflate, awww juanny what happened to your ego where did it go hmmm….. up your ass!!
I wasn’t watching the stream but someone has to post a screenshot of that later.
Pretty please! =D
Jen is the only one I saw smile.
Oh yes I loved it!!!!!!
It ain’t easy bein’ green lol
This is what I’m afraid of…that the State will possibly offer life without parole as long as she gives up her right to appeal. I don’t want to see her do that.
Jodi don’t concede, don’t give up your right to appeal.
No way she would agree to that.
She’s willing to fight this even with the possibility of the DP,
Agreeing to no appeals is worse than giving up.
As she said in one of her interviews, she was surprised withthe M1 verdict due to lack of evidence on the Prosecutors side.
She know’s she innocent in that regard, she will fight this all the way.
I hope (and think) you are right. This has become something bigger than Jodi. We’re now on a crusade and she’s leading the way with banner high.
Oh, God. I saw in Jodi’s eyes so much frustration. She wants this over with, either way. While I’m glad for a hung jury in so much as it means her life is spared, I can definitely feel her vibe that she just wants some closure. And, I can also understand that completely.
My opinion is that the jury went in there all ballsy and stuff, and when it came down to giving the death penalty, reality hit some of them in the head. I am stressing about what is to come. I hope Juan Martinez will remove the DP and then Jodi can move on with life and start her appeal process. I personally plan to contact the Innocence Project.
Good idea, SD. Perhaps the Innocence Project can help. It’s worth a try.
Certainly a lot of problems with this case, including, but not limited to, questionable “evidence” by the state, an over zealous and overly aggressive prosecutor, his insistence on charging murder 1,giving the DP, mistreating defense witnesses, and, overall, giving the media too much leeway in promoting Jodi as guilty from the very start of her trial.
SOmeone on twitter said, JAs mom was told it was a question.,Not verdict.How awful for them.
OK, I WANT THE JURY TO SPEAK!! ALL of us should!!
Also Abused: if one or more jurors comes forward and ADMITS to watching/seeing media-CAN’T the VERDICT BE OVERTURNED??!!
Only if the judge decided to investigate.
Like that is going to happen!
I would think so !!
Yes, if it comes out that they did not follow the admonition, then the verdict can be overturned. They may be careful though (if they did hear things), not to let it slip.
Not sure the judge will investigate. But if they did watch coverage of the trial, I sure hope they let it slip one way or another.
I believe an Appellate court would have to overturn the original conviction
Hung jury!!! Yessssssssss! Go Team Jodi!!!! Now let the truth come out & M1 verdict be overturned before July 18, I am so happy right now!!!
No. The M1 verdict can not be overturned. That can only happen on appeal. The only thing that can change is the penalty. (life vs. DP)
Well, there is never going to be an impartial jury here, so the case should be pleaded down by both parties.
That Murder One was pure bullshit, and the prosecution knows it. If they refuse, it will be overturned on appeal.
Heard the defense if filing for change of venue, I hope that is true!!
Get that pos JM and that useless judge off this case!!
Where are they going to take it? Mars??
HAHAHAHAHA !!! FUCK YOU JUAN…YOU L- O- S- T this round, you evil little man.
YAAAAAYYYY for DT….now, shit’s on an you have to pull out all the stops moving forward. Have no f’n idea how they are going to find an untainted jury pool at this stage of the game…but let’s hope wee man doesn’t proceed with it and let’s the judge decide on LWP or LWOP.
Uh oh, jurors NOT TALKING!!!
oh, and I sooooo LOVED that JM looked like he’d been hit in the stomach with a football. Serves you fucking right you prick…all that yelling and bullying got you NOWHERE !!!!!
And those sisters are a piece of work….they couldn’t even squeeze out tears today, no matter how hard they contorted their ugly ass faces….made me sick
Sick of HLN’s shit. They are unreal. There are lots of people who die every day. They got the murder one. What more do they want? They want to hang the jury now! Unreal,
i agree!! but i think thats a good thing becuase they will somehow understand how they treated jodi allthe time being against her
Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! People crying that Jodi did not get the DP. Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick! Sick!
i swear my boyfriend thinks im nuts! im just soo happy!!
he should understand though he did 5-7 years for manslaughter!
and thats wat i was hoping for here!!!
Fuckers! Donavan said Sandi didn’t know and didn’t arrive at the court because she was told this wasn’t a verdict.
I know! That angers me!
Just heard that!!!
Fuckers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
that’s just WRONG !!! Fucking WRONG !!!!
Leaving work now!!
My fiancee says jm is probably more upset because he has no more chances to say “anal sex”…….swear he was jelous that he couldnt have anal sex with a pretty girl like jodi!! Lmao
Hi all! Was off in the woods and nature all day and it was rejuvenating!
I am so glad this damn jury hung…. if for no reason than to see all the haters eat their young with anger
where can I watch what happened??
AZ central is still replaying some of it! I’m glad you enjoyed your day, doll!
Hugs Renee, I can’t find it anywhere except HLN… Grrr
HLN!!!!! THIS IS FABULOUS!!!! I ACTUALLY LOVE WATCHING IT RIGHT NOW !! WHEN THAT VERDICT CAME DOWN I THOUGHT NG WAS GOING TO STAB SOMEONE!!!! (((((((((((((((((((((RENEE)))))))))))))))))))) AHHHHH……. check it out u can see them all mad and shit! FABULOUS!!!!
she is a full on nut case, hey! How is your petition going on her and HLN? I signed it awhile back but have not checked lately?
Only like 45 so far !I wish I could get more signatures!!! Please tell everyone!! Post it places do whatever you can!! Thanks for signing it. I will love seeing this bitch in a cell of her own!!
Awww, yea I will do that and good luck, I cannot stand her, it was so nice to see someone put into words how I feel so thank YOU
You GOTTA watch it!!!
They were eating their hearts out! HAHAHAHA!!
Croakerqueen123 has it up on Youtube!
I came, I saw, I smiled.
♥ so happy. SO happy ♥
JC, would you consider posting the Gus Searcy radio interview at the top of tomorrow’s page . . . similar to what you did this morning for Jodi’s & Darryl Brewer’s tv interviews? I think a lot of Jodi’s supporters would like to hear it.
Yes, I was going to ask about that last night, I would love a post with just that to discuss, that would be awesome!
I hope some of these bandwagon TA lovers fall off by the time July comes.
Oh now the jury doesn’t want to talk.
Neither does JM he wants to take his toys and go home.
Looks like the jurors aren’t talking for now. Probably just want to go home for their holiday weekend.
Aw, I heard Jaun doesnt want to talk right now.
Boo hoo.
Hero no more?
go sign a cane JUan ..jerk
F@ck Juan!! Sick little prick
Kermit NEVER thought he’d lose this round. IN YOUR FACE.
Jury is declining press interviews right now.
Again, I am amazed that some assholes were so hellbent on killing her that they would rather hang the jury (and continue putting everyone through more of this), than to give in to life. Un-friggin’-believable!
Jodi we all love you– please keep strong!
The TRUTH will come out and the BULLSHIT M1 verdict WILL be OVERTURNED!
John Liberman is such a dick.
Why do we need to hear what Clancy has to say. Oh to tell about the TA fund and ask for money.
I want to kick her
That bitch probably gets a cut.
promoting the alexander fund again
“OH MY GOD”- quote
Think miss michael jackson will lose any credibility as a “christian” when she says this on live TV? Oh, thats right, she had no credibility to start with.
Silly me. sorry.
Yup….friend Clancy is begging for fund for the TA family because they will have to stay longer in AZ. Wow, they did not waste any time, did they.
Umm.. why don’t they go home and come back when the trial starts up again?
They need more meth money. That’s their method of escaping the reality.
Yeah, go the fuck home and come back in July!
“All supporters of the Travis Alexander family, please go to the website….”
-said the boohoo ing blonde freak
In other words, THE MF’s ARE BEGGING FOR MORE MULAH$$$!!! SOBS!!!
seriously wat bs!!
I wouldnt give em a red cent
Let HLN support them. Hey Vinnie, Drew, Nancy, Jane, and the gang ya’ll break out your check books and don’t be stingy now.
They looked like a couple of meth heads, nothing better to do than support this circus
I’m sending some to Jodi tomorrow. She can buy something nice from the commissary.
No the defense needs to get on the stick and file a motion for NEW VENUE!! Get that pos JM and Judge Pickles off this CASE!!
They need to be hardnosed now. If they can’t plead down an M1 verdict, which never should have been rendered in the first place, then tell those assholes too bad, so sad, Juan, we are going to appeal it. It’s a slam dunk for the defense.
There is no doubt the guilty verdict was illegitimate, as was the entire state’s case.
Amen to that…………….
Nancy looks like a rabid dog. True, this isn’t much different than her normal appearance, but she’s barely avoiding frothing at the mouth!
Yep, time for HLN to freak the f*ck out! That’s what them and all of the TA Supporters get for all of their pre-judgement and thinking that “death is the only ‘right’ answer”!
Congrats Jodi, all of her Defense, her family, and all of us that have supported Jodi!
Thank you jury for being strong and not caving!
Juan Martinez- Cry, cry, cry. You should’ve made a plea deal and not been such an arrogant *sshole!
Celebration until next trial 😀
The defense was upset.. Jodi was crying. It means she has to go through another death trial with a new jury. why is this good? 🙂 Help me see the bright side.
Hi JC!
Here are some reasons:
1. It may not even get to a new trial if Juan’s boss decides that it’s less money/hassle to just offer Jodi life.
2. They’ll never be able to find an untainted jury, which could delay the proceedings even further.
3. The Taliban is apoplectic with rage right now and it’s fun to watch!
4. I think that Jodi will be able to stay where she is right now, where people support her.
5. Juan got his ass beat in the sentencing phase by Jennifer.
Because we have two months for some one to come out and do the right thing and admit some jurors were hinky…..
and cause Juanabee LOST his precious death.
Because the haters are eating their young over this.
And because 50,000 people fasting and praying was ineffective at killing Jodi.
Jodi looks upset when the hung jury came through
I m kinda worried about her.
I think it was because it’s not over yet and her fate is still up in the air. I can’t imagine how draining this is on her.
Me too. I wonder how she feels about it.
I think Jodi was really scared at getting the DP
it was hitting her hard, I actually think
she was in a whirl of emotions & everything was
in a haze, maybe she was upset..because she did
not see her family, but I am sure she was relieved
to not hear the words DEATH
Back later Peeps! This is a small victory for us today!!!! We will push on for justice!!!! 🙂
To appeal that stupid M1 verdict, she has to have a sentence, but should not accept a deal?
The M1 verdict was illegitimate. The defense should not accept a life sentence under any circumstances because this thing would certainly be overturned on appeal.
I want to give thanks to the Lord to the virgin Mary and to Jesus for the help they have given this jury to do the right thing and say something is wrong here I hope that the next trial that the defense lawyers
Jodi we are with you all the way to freedom. Be strong, we are praying for you. (((((((hugs)))))))
Good ridens to this fucked up jury! Tainted doesn’t even describe their bias! I’m sure the haters will jump all over the juror(s) that held out against death. I wonder if the defense is allowed to bring up truly evil ppl that have commited multiple true murders compared to Jodi who only tried to defend herself. And let them know how many ppl on death row that were later exonerated due to new evidence &/or corruption! Right now if I’d like to throw a big double bird to this so called jury!
Amen, Ronni.
This is absolutely the best news thank The Lord for answering everyone’s prayers
In the event it is demonstrated, over the coming months, that one or more jurors did not obey the judges orders to avoid exposure to media coverage of the case, or that one or more jurors spoke about the case, during the trial, to one or more people, is that sufficient for an appellate court to declare a mistrial?
Where is Jodi’s family?
According to 12news AZ they were told that it was another jury question, not to bother. Her mom is furious now.
OMG! Of course! Screw her family. Maybe that is why they said, Jodi was crying uncontrollable before they allowed camera in
I can see the haters persecuting these jurors, next.
Mark my words.
And Chris Hughes looked like he was shitting his pants.
He’ll have stock in Depends before this is over!!
I’m so happy…I got kinda emotional, but I was just so happy at this small reprieve. It’s going to give us a little time to put our plans in motion.
Him and juan both, red faced!! They are so evil i’m a lil concerned that rat face is gonna come after Jodi with an even more vengence! (If thats possible)
They’d better not touch her! Those motherfuckers are running their mouths on and on and collecting money every which way possible so they think they’re untouchable, but if anything happened to Jodi, I would lead the way in pointing the finger at their asses.
soooo confused. plz explain this bcz I need it spelled out in big letters.
1- death penalty is still on the table?
Llife w parole?
Just for the record… my brother in law was killed 7 years ago. Never could I ever wish the death penalty on a person – –
I hope one of you find your way here….and if you do, please confess if you know of any misconduct!
I pray these two months gives the time needed for someone who knows something somewhere to come forward.
p.s……………… Taliban and Butc*ers, SUCK IT!!!! 😆
NG said the judge was so emotional she could barely talk. SO, if the next jury is hung we pretty much know what the judge will give her. Jody will never see the light of day again if the judge has anything to say about it.
And it will be overturned and her ass is grass anyway you look at it.
that is why she should not give up her right to appeal
Nancy exaggerates. The judge seemed like her usual robotic self to me.
I heard the horsefaced DISdraced bytch say that too, so i watched it a couple more times and I did not hear vomit/faced judge wimper. Another lie from disgrace-what I come to expect from her since CA trial. Maybe the judge & juan can cuddle and comfort each other tonight while they scheme on tainting the next jurors!
Did anyone ever think that maybe the judge was emotional because she never believed it was a murder one case?Maybe it was a relief to her not to have to sentence Jodi to death even though that is her job.
The Munster family and there sideshow has the ugliest looks on there faces. Thank god. Jodi is beautiful.
Just heard a quick tid bit about something with Jodi testifying about new abuse that hadnt been heard before with the new jury, but then it was cut off and went to commerical.
What in the hell does this mean?
I thought I heard that too.
It was so quick and I know so little about court stuff.
I dont understand.
But I heard what I think I heard, it seems like a good thing.
From Jodi’s interviews it sounds like a lot of evidence and what not didnt make into the trial.
If someone knows more about this please fill me in.
Clancy must be getting a percentage of the scam money
The joke’s on you Nancy Grace!!
NG IS A CUNT….HATE HER GUTS.Please, try not to watch hln anymore.
That pig NG ACTUALLY just compared Jodi to the Mason family murders and the butchering of sharon tate?
WTF!!! this is NOTHiNG like that!!
Oh, for fuck’s sake….
This is NOTHING like the Manson Family murders.
yeah I heard that, Nancy is a despicable pig. Someone needs to shove an apple
in her mouth quick!
Please, I hope she does not take the plea of life and give up her right to appeal.
We all know there is a stack of reason for appeal taller than Juan.
I hope she doesn’t, either, because she will win on appeal.
NO WAY! Should not give up her right to appeal.
It’s actually taller than Kirk Nurmi.
haha very true : )
Chris Hughes should be smiling, more money in his pocket
Tim, he has to keep up a fake act in front of the other fakers in order to line his pockets! They all just sit there & act fake for everyone. Only the people here understand the darkness in their hearts! Pitch black!
One of the jurors mouthed ”Im sorry” to MARTINEZ,according to azcentral.Not to the Alexanders.
Either way,shame on him/her!!!
Sit your ass down in a chair with the camera running and let us hear WHY your sorry.
Not saying ya have to…but if your going to blowing sweet “sorries” to Jaun, I want to know!
Perhaps sorry for not keeping it going another month of cashing in from the hater suckers.
Yes that mouthing crap to JM should be put on display for everyone to see how corrupt this jury and prosecutor is……HOORAY for JODI for the time being…..Where’s all the Mormon Alexander Hughes Mafia NOW??? Bet they’re getting ready for an interview to boohoo somewhere. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on….EVERYONE BUY JODI’S SHIRTS>…WE GOTTA HELP THIS GIRL:)
I gaurantee the jurors were told, by pickles, that they could talk if they want, they could stay quiet if they want, or they can wait to get an attorney before they talk. JUST TO PLANT THE SEED that they should have an attorney, before they say anything. KNOWING they are going to admit fraud in this case.
Take that to the bank.
They will ALL have attorneies before they speak out.
and agents. I am sure they will be looking deals.
yep! all of them had to have seen something on the media somewhere! i hope everything gets overturned
Thank you, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU GOD!
I know it’s not over, but I appreciate every single blessing. =)
AMEN!! I can’t watch the AZ coverage. Reporter going on about how the world has fallen in love with the Alexander family, blah, blah, blah. Apparently they too refuse to look at the fact that they are all a bunch of criminals who just can’t stop scamming people out of their money, intimidating witnesses, and commiting various crimes.
Yeah…the world is in love with a bunch of meth head felons.
Some of the legal “experts” (tongue in cheek) are saying that there’s a possibility JM might forego the DP and instead agree to give Jodi lwop on the condition that she gives up her right to appeal. Don’t know if I got that right or not . . . but it does’t sound good to me. Basically it means imprisonment for her natural life with no chance of appealing the verdict. Did anyone else hear that . . . or did get it wrong?
No, Brad, I expressed the same concern earlier. M. said: “No way she would agree to that.
She’s willing to fight this even with the possibility of the DP, Agreeing to no appeals is worse than giving up. As she said in one of her interviews, she was surprised with the M1 verdict due to lack of evidence on the Prosecutors side. She know’s she innocent in that regard, she will fight this all the way.” And I responded: “I hope (and think) you are right. This has become something bigger than Jodi. We’re now on a crusade and she’s leading the way with banner high.”
Jodi of Arc, lead on ! 🙂
They may have burned Joan, but they won’t burn our JODI !
I had that thought yesterday of Joan the way things happened to her
Agreeing to a “life” sentence is worse than getting the DP as we know the M1 verdict was illegitimate in the first place.
It has to be rejected.
Finally good news for Jodi!!! The world would have hit a new low had it been the other way. And that macabre family wringing their kleenex’s and doing those facial aerobatics to appear more upset. They can’t bear to think of the money and attention drying up. Get your asses back to work and out of the spotlight! Poor Kermi looked like he’d look if his rich grandma that was gonna leave him all her wealth had just pulled through hip surgery and was gonna live! Priceless. Nance just simply blows balls!!
Someone stole Jaun’s tootsie pop. Boo Hoo
maybe the sibs arrests records should be blown up and put on a billboard just like juan did to poor Jodi’s private parts
maybe their arrest reports needs to show up everywhere on the internet…LOL..
That is a great idea! Expose all of those jerks!
Boy NG is going to go after the jurors
i knew it! shes such a bitch!
Yeah, the jury better hope Nancy doesnt get their names or photos.
She’ll hunt them down one at a time.
I knew the M1 verdict would never be enough for her.
She’s one sick bitch.
JVM is a bitch too
FFS just because the jurors said under oath at the beginning of this that they could give the dp, doesn’t mean they HAVE to give the dp. What the fuck is wrong with these people?????
God dam I am SO frustrated!!! You absolutely cannot fix STUPID!!!!!
i feel guilty enjoying the way the media is slowing turning against the jurors
They were heroes when they came back w M1 and now they are horrible people. How’s it feel jury? You don’t like it do you?
ALSO ABUSED: ok, so if one or more come forward, admit that either they personally, OR another juror, watched/saw media; the judge, (Pickles or another judge? Because would pickles REALLY admit she lost control of HER court?!), would DECIDE whether to i”investigate”? Or is it REQUIRED a Judge investigate?
With the non-verdict today, it’s common sense that at least SOME of these jurors are going to talk, and I think we ALL saw, at one point or another, obvious signs of HLN influence.
IF the VERDICT is overturned because of juror misconduct; we KNOW that after already, how much $$ it cost the state? The MAIN DA is going to think more than TWICE before retrying this!!
WHAT IF JW & KN were to offer a PLEA NOW?? Rat Face is NOT the one who makes that decision.
They’d be required to investigate. That would be serious, and Jodi’s attorney’s would definitely be all over it.
Of course, this is what I’d imagine. I’m sure her defense team would be all over it, regardless of whether an investigation is required (my guess is that would prompt an investigation).
Also Abused would definitely know better than me though.
Well lets hope that dick faced incompetent detective flores isn’t the one investigating the jurors! He’d fuck it up in favor of the prosecution! Lets not forget if it werent for his suckass investigation Jodi wouldn’t even be in that courtroom.
Actually, it would be at the judge’s discretion whether or not to investigate. The juror(s) would have to be very specific about how the extraneous influences affected their verdict as well. Racial or ethnic bias, along with extraneous influence are really the only things that are considered important post-verdict. Otherwise, jurors are mostly untouchable.
This recent DC decision really explains it all:
Also, there’s a pretty interesting list of successful juror misconduct cases here:
I think it was only updated to 2010 though.
Jaun showed no emotion. Yup and I have beach front property in the fucking prairies for fucks sakes!!!
Statement: ‘Status Conference’ in Arias Case Set for June 20
MAY 23 2013 8:00PM
Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery released the following statement in response to the lack of a unanimous decision in the penalty phase of Jodi Arias trial…
It’s all for nothing…they will get the same thing.
The defense needs to be tough. No deal for “life” because the verdict is illegitimate.
Nancy Grace has no soul. Just when I think she can’t get any more hateful, she goes and gets even more hateful! Whore!
I just heard that Jodi’s family wasn’t aware that this ‘verdict’ was going to be read–they were waiting to be told prior to the judge reading the ‘verdict’ out–THAT’S WHY they weren’t there. Poor Jodi–that seems like a really twisted thing to do to someone facing the death penalty alone.
I can’t imagine trying to determine a penaly for someone when I had no hand in deciding the verdict. That just seems unethical and wrong.
I’m w you.
with u too Bev
It does my heart good to see Nasty Disgrace so upset I think she might have even been crying!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA those people make me want to PUKE!!!!
Ray in Harrisonburg Va.
Is Donovan on Twitter? I want to let her know that if she just got cut off for what I THINK she did, GO DONOVAN!!! WE LOVE YOU GUYS, SCREW THE BLEACHED BLOND BOTOXED BIMBO!!!
I know she handles Jodi’s Twitter.
Did I miss something? I refuse to watch tv. You all are my source of news. Did the jury decide yet?
Mistrial on this faze… New Jury pool starting July 18
WTF? That makes NO effing sense! 👿
This was said on AZ central news room just a few minutes ago…
June 20, 2013…status conference…
Travis’ family will get to sit down with the jurors and find out why the couldn’t give her the death penalty….the family gets to decide what to do next…the can either request another jury for the penalty phase or they can give her life in prison…
They are still running live news here…interviewing many people so far..
SO…If the jury didn’t come back with the sentence that TA’s family was satisfied with they could contest it? Am I misunderstanding this? This makes NO effing sense!
That is just WRONG! The family should NOT be allowed to confront that jury!
WTF is that??
Arizona is one fucked up state I am never going there I had no idea until this trial how brutal that place is when it comes to the judicial system. I hate to think of Jodi being there. I told my husband, God forbid if you are in Arizona and you have to defend yourself for any reason. You are up shit creek.
Isn’t this where the Judge is supposed to step in? How is it even REMOTELY possible to find an untainted jury at this point. I DO NOT get it!
OH! The jury was SO certain that Jodi committed M1 premeditated …after all the testimony and lengthy trial…It took them a short time to deliberate THAT but NOW they want to wash their hands of sentencing…???pfft! Afraid if they decide on anything BUT dp that they will become victims of the TA Team wrath?Sorry but IMO the jury is a bunch of Assholes! Prolonging Jodi’s anxiety…
JW should have done the closing for Jodi, rather than Nurmi. I think JW’s statement “stick by your decision” was heard LOUD and CLEAR. I wish she had been the one who did the closing arguments. I think the jury responds to Willmott more than Nurmi.
Pff, they might as well have the TA family called in for the jury pool! INJUSTICE ALL AROUND! THIS TRIAL HAS MADE A MOCKERY OF OUR JUDICIAL SYSTEM!
Imagine how many ppl cant wait to get the summons for jury duty who will lie about their prior knowledge about the case.
Oh lordy! Imagine that! I have no doubt that they will lie to be part of this. I am sick about it all!
Imagine the mormons that are involved or want to be involved or what ever fucked up shit it is that cult does to control things.
The BLOND BIMBO BITCH was upset because Donovan said they were mislead, they were told it was a “question from the jury”-the EVIL BITCH started treating Donovan like SHIT, (as she does if you don’t lick her nasty ass), because Jodi’s family OBVIOUSLY WANTED TO BE THERE!!
Poor Jodi & her family..AND Donovan!!
Like this guy on Nancy right now! He his battling with nancy.
Nancy Disgrace just got real bitchy with Donavon on HLN. She cut her off with some remark about not being down at the Sonic…what??? Donavon was just saying the family was mad they weren’t there for the verdict. Disgrace needs to lose that down home Ga accent for tv geez it’s irritating.
alright…. I gotta go spend some Q time with the hubby… hold down the fort!
oh, and p.s…………….. FUCK YEAH!!! 😀
You go girl!
Thing are good here until you get back.
HAA HAA HAA!!! So thats what Jaun looks like when he eats his own shit!!!!! You know that dude threw up in his mouth alittle when hung came back!! You know he did!!!
It didn’t go as he planned…he is going to cuss out Chris Hughes tonight…
Hee Haw!
Every time I hear the preview for that show Nancy Grace behind bars I just wish she’d get stuck there.
I hope she finds her way onto San Quentin’s Death Row. The inmates would love a visit from her!
Yeah….like “LOST”….. only in prison!!!!!
I do to Danielle, I thing ‘digrace’ goes behind bars to slip a note to someone to hurt Jodi! Wouldn’t put it past the slimy whoredog.
I have been listening to the news on this link…they are talking a lot of crap…that last guest said that they would have to go to the moon to find some jurors that didn’t know anything about this trial…
And I thought all along that those haters weren’t humans from earth…
And now he says they’ll have to go to the moon to find more people…martians???….
I am so confused? LOL
The early mormons believe they came from the planet Kolob…
The haters aren’t humans from earth…
The next group of people need to come from the moon…Martians…
No wonder we are the minority group…LOL…
Truthseeker, Did they say from the moon or from Mars…Martians are from Mars 😉
I think they would have to go to a completely different galaxy, a different universe even!
ROTFLMAO…..Nancy Disgrace is truly losing it. She just got cut and went to commercial because she’s berating HER OWN DARN PHONE GUEST!!!! Folks have lost their minds. Folks this is America. We have a justice system. It doesn’t owe anybody anything but justice. The fact that folks think otherwise shows why that kangaroo zoo should have been called off as a mistrial early on. This entire case is going to have to be re-tried. And given that, I would suggest Jodi NOT accept any deal coming from Juan and team!
I think more than anything else, this case is going to be the tipping point for the death penalty in America. Folks are all for it….but nobody wants to sign the dotted line or pull the lever. Why? Because internally, we all know it’s wrong. Jodi is clearly WRONG. But is she guilty? I dunno. I think she’s guilty of manslaughter AT BEST….I think she was an abused woman and I think she was defending herself. I simply think she went further than was necessary. For that reason, I think I could see a conviction like manslaughter with penalty being at about 5 years (which would mean = time served). It’s weird. I was leaning towards NOT GUILTY until her post-verdict commentary. It has become pretty clear that she has some mental defect. I think she has some sort of personality disorder.
WOW….she’s going off on a new guest now. And she went off on that fake Dr. Drew earlier.
EPIC FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope NG just loses it by the end of the show
Yea, I would like to see her head spin around or something, she is so CRAZY SCARY
AGREE! For someone to go to that extent, she had to have been fighting like crazy for her life and she totally lost it, I wish it had not happened at all, but no way can you ever convince me she intended for it to happen, NO WAY. Family and friends of abused women are always the last to know until for a lot, it is too late to save them
NG has a epic personality disorder, actually.
Yes that is crappy. FU Nasty Disgrace and ur comrads..I’m so happy for Jodi. I thought JM was gonna bust a nad…lol
I wouldn’t call it mental defect. It might be more appropriate to call it extreme stress from being persecuted, hated, debased, buried under insults day after day since 2007 then found guilty of premeditated murder with aggravating cruelty when you just were defending your life against this controlling and vile abuser. That she was even able to talk coherently after that proves she has no mental defect. 99% of people in that situation would already be driven totally insane, no fault of their own.
Totally agree viri! I mean MY GOD what the hell do people expect after all she has gone through!
Beth Karas @BethKaras 56s
Arias will remain at Estrella jail until her retrial on the penalty phase, currently scheduled for July 18..
I have been waiting to get online so I can read all the comments from my friends and Jodi supporters. I had to take the little guy to the doctor and then do all those mommy things.
Do you guys remember in the Aggravation phase when they gave the “unjust and inhumane” verdict for murder 1 – When following the verdict the clerk read the number of “votes” for premeditated then felonious and then premeditation and felonious? Why did they not do that this time? Example: Number of persons on the panel in favor of Life = ?. Number of persons on the panel in favor of Death = ? Number of persons on the panel in favor of Neither = ?…..I can see why they didn’t do it that way, but I sorta wish they had. I feel like there were more than just the one Female juror that they had spoken of during the HLN coverage. Of course the fact that I am completely bias when it comes to Jodi makes me curious as to just how many jurors were on her (OUR) side! 🙂 I wish I could get on that next panel!!!! Also, Where was the Arias family??? I felt so sad for Jodi…like she was all alone when she recieved her news. I blame the judge……the right thing to do would have been to WAIT! Bet if that had been the Alexanders they would have waited…..grrrr. BS!
I refuse to let the more petty parts of today get in the way of the wonderful news! Keep your head up Jodi! JAA WILL PREVAIL!!!!
Do not be mistaken. There were ZERO jurors on our side. Do not forget that the whole jury UNANIMOUSLY agreed on the BULLSHIT verdict of M1.
So true Leetbean, so true. I have not forgotten!
They are the idiots that got her to this point anyway.
FU NANCY DISGRACE! She has Donavan (Jodi’s Friend) on the air and she is giving her total hell! WTF!
Yep FU Nancy
she souldnt even give nancy grace the time of day!
i had total respect for hln prior this trial!!
i just dont agree with the way they bashed jodi from day 1!
I lost all respect for HLN years ago when NG contributed to the suicide death of Melinda Duckett…then right after she did the Casey Anthony case…NG was determined to make Casey the most hated person in the world…
NG might have won the war…but she didn’t win the battle…the devil is going to take her…
And the way that she drug Casey through the mud… I continued to dislike HLN and all the lies they told…
NG was a sobby nasty douchbag from the first time I saw her make face contortions and give opinions on who looks guilty during investigations she knew nothing about.
Heads up Nancy! This is all JUAN MARTINEZ’s fault. This is what happens when you over-try a case. I’m sorry that so many people have foolishly latched on to this idea that we can get VENGEANCE but that is NOT what the system is about. It’s about JUSTICE. Just like with Case Anthony, the system worked.
NG says the Alexander family needs our prayers.
Here’s mine.
Dear God, please help the Alexander family get over their HATE
Please help them realize that their lives are not defined by weather Jodi lives or dies.
Please help them realize that it is extremely detrimental to their health and happiness to continue this vendetta.
Please give them friends who will help them realize all of this. These “friends of Travis” are NOT their friends.
And a pox on NG
Dear God, please send the TA family to another country, like Iraq where they can freely do sll the drugs they want, join the taliban, steel cars, write hot checks, make bombs & blow themselves up bcuz they miss TA so much please take all of them DOWN to where he is. Thankyou!
Question: Can the appellate process move forward even before the sentencing? After all, it’s the M1 that’s being appealed, not the penalty.
I don’t think so.
i gust heard a discussion on AZ Central and they said the expect county attorney to want to make a deal and not try again, same attorney said they will be lucky to get retrial started before July 2015. he believes that JW and KN will withdraw so that means getting new attorneys for Jody and then they have to get up to speed so will be a long time and thats why he thinks there will be deal offered weather JM and the Travis family like it or not. the AZ people are saying Travis family should be happy they got what they got , the people of AZ have spent enough, also said this is a big win for JW and KN
a very different story from what the zealots on HLN are saying
I’m watching the AZ too….HLN exaggerates so much…can’t tell when they are telling any truth anymore with all their garbage they spew…
That’s really interesting. So Jodi’s new lawyers will really have them by the balls for a plea?
I think they should be ruthless on any plea deal. I say credit for time served and let Jodi go.
The state is fucked no matter what.
THats good to hear. NG said Jaun did EVERYTHING right. Shes delusional.
I don’t think the defense should accept any life sentence. Let her go with time served.
I’ll be back,..need to go find Sita, she got outside-which is fine, she stays around back, but I smell a skunk!!
Lol, NO, that SMELLY BLOND BIMBO is nowhere around..BUT, just in case, I have a friend in my closet she might like to meet…last name? Winchester…
I am an animal lover but I do hate skunks. I wish you good aim!
This was said on AZ central news room just a few minutes ago…
June 20, 2013…status conference…
Travis’ family will get to sit down with the jurors and find out why they couldn’t give her the death penalty….the family gets to decide what to do next…the can either request another jury for the penalty phase or they can give her life in prison…
They are still running live news here…interviewing many people so far..
They just said the jurors are scared for their lives and have asked for security already…
grrr..what is wrong with the haters….
So how is it they are scared for their lives if they have been so isolated from all this???
Ah ha! Good point RB!!!
It was exactly that same fear that made them come in with that insane M1 verdict.
maybe Chris Hughes said something to one of them…hmmm…it seems a lot of folks are scared of him…per gus searcy…
Yep….you’re so correct!!! How did they know there was something to be afraid of……..
Exactly…tainted all the way!!! Either way I am proud of the bravery of the persons who stood their ground for Jodi.
RB- exactly! How would they now?
OMG, they know exactly the press this case is getting. They just blew their covers!
they shouldnt be afraid! but i am soo happy!! i want them to get a taste of wat jodi has been getting through the media this whole time!
Just look at the death stares darting from TA’s family & friends
and you could only imagine them wanting extra security.
God if looks could kill…I am sure a few jurors would have dropped
dead on their way out of the courtroom today, especially from the
MEN on TA’s side.
WTF? How can the M1 verdict even be considered VALID if the jurors are scared for their own lives?! I mean fuck, when someone thinks that their LIFE is in DANGER, there is a good chance they may make a completely different decision than the one they would make if they weren’t scared they were going to get killed for it. It’s complete bullshit.
Someone named JuanMartinez tweeted that followers of #JodiArias should refrain from making threats against the jury. Threats will be taken seriously.
Someone tell NG and rest of vampires.
I say “someone” cause I’m not sure this is the real Martinez.
Why the hell would we threaten them. I am sure he meant the followers of TA. None of us has threatened or done the stuff like the TA taliban.
Exactly annieEP,. We have not ever threatened anyone with violence. That message was not meant for us.
They are on break right now…he said they will be back live at 6:00 pm…
I guess that is 6:00 pm AZ time….9:00 pm Eastern time…???
Why does the family have so much power? I would say this should be called Jodi in Wonderland but I like Wonderland.
Actually it’s Jodi in Juan-derland…
Much better!!!!!!!
i don’t think the family gets to tell the people of AZ to spend more money that will be up to the county Attorney
Your exactly right! I live here in Maricopa County and I’m not going to let that crazed and bizarro gang of losers tell me I have to spend my money so they can satisfy their ghoulish blood thirst!
to Juan Martinez, Judge Sherry K. STEPHENS & all the folks over at HLN!
Make it a good one bitches!
You rock Josh!
Rock on!
Don’t forget Droopy Dog Flores too! Now he has to go back to work!
Bwahah! Love it!
Yes now we see the media yapping against the jurors. I hope the D. team is able to get a change
of venue. It was also very upsetting for Jodi to know the verdict had come in and her family was not there. Some kind of mixed communication there. Yes I think Jodi and her D. team would rather not have to do this again but to me it is better than the alternative DP judgment and may just be an opening for other positive things to happen. We all need a deep breath now. This has been tiring even from a supporting point of view.
They said that Jodi might get new lawyers.
The one attorney from New York that was getting into it with Nancy Grace said that the defense should file a injunction to stop the next penalty trial due to it being unconstitutional.
They still might do that
Is the meth-head family on TV groveling for more donations yet ?
Their friend Clancy reminded HLN about the Fund for Travis , it was the first thing she said
That’s all she says. She can only parrot 4-5 sentences at a time. Ooooo I’m getting snarky LOL.
TY .. maybe I will send those evil people 66 cents – so they will know I believe they’re evil 👿
Make it 6.66 cents or 666 rubbles, lira or pesetas, whichever is cheaper. Not worth more.
Two diff funds. The family justice fund — which might be two — is separate from the Hughes ‘s MLM legacy fund . The occupy hln blog explains.
Yes they are
Nancy grace just said that the next jury will get to see all of Jodi’s new interviews, is that true. I don’t think that is right at all
BUt I don’t think she really said anything that could hurt her.
Jodi did NOT say anything that could hurt her…If anything…she said things that could help her…IMO…
Sadly that is true. Anything Jodi said in those interviews is “on the record” and the prosecutor can use anything and everything she said against her in court….On the other hand, I don’t think Jodi said anything that would be very bad for her in the newest interviews.
she told the interviewer that her attorney told her to watch what she said…and I listened to all of them…and she watched what she said…
Yes, she did a really fine job.
Can the defence move to NOT have the retrial televised?
I don’t think she did either but Juan is a sneaky S.O.B. and tried to twist anything anyone on the defence side said.
Nancy is always wrong never fear—-the defense team will fight every step of the way or there will be an agreement made beforehand—state of Arizona is tired of paying for this circus.
TUNE IN TO NANCY GRACE!!!!!! HER GUEST, Alex Sanchez -IS GIVING HER HELL AND SHE IS PISSED! HAHAHA! He is saying “Jodi Arias WON and Juan Martinez LOST! This case may never get to the next penalty phase and if the defense is smart they will file a injunction to block another jury from being selected On the grounds that it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!!!!” I LOVE THIS GUY! INJUNCTION ALL THE WAY!! TEAM ARIAS ALL THE WAY!!!
GOOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!
hope they can do that!
Nancy is a f*cking B*tch!! I’ve been holding back emotion for SOOO long and have even had to avoid this site and watching the news for a while bc of all the TA Supporters expressing their ignorant, one-sided views. It would make me so irate and anxious, wishing I could (literally) knock some sense into them.
How dare Nancy act like such a c*nt to Jodi’s friend (Donavon?) and Jodi’s family?! It’s not like Jodi’s family hasn’t been suffering and worried for someone’s life that THEY care about!
Nancy wants to act like she has compassion, she played the victim card yet again for HERSELF!
I would LOVE to actually be able to talk to that b*tch!
no point..she is a real Whore of Babylon…
“Cunt” is Nancy’s default mode.
why is it unconstitutional?
that’s the last time he will be on
JVM is showing the hard core court watchers and TA family lovers and it looks like she picked them up from the hard core addict alley in the depths of AZ
pitiful little crowd of 5 or 6 vampires. The crowds have disappeared.
Well bedtime for me, g’nite folks.
All those losers outside the courthouse need to go the fuck home and get a life
Nite nite
they should be ashamed of themselves
nite nite Bev!
Nite Nite, Bev. <3
Where are you SJ? No Verdict! Can’t wait till your post tomorrow. I think its a double edge sword. It’s a plus for Jodi, but on the other hand, it will be almost impossible to find an impartial jury.
Which in turn is a plus for Jodi.
I completely agree….finding an impartial jury in Maricopa county will be next to impossible, However – I heard that the defense can motion to have the case moved out of the Maricopa County area and into another county/city in AZ. Hopefully they will do that….I just feel like even if they moved the trial to a distant island near Australia….They could never find ANYONE who hasn’t heard or seen something about this case. MISTRIAL should’ve been deemed on January 2nd. The clowns on HLN actually interviewed a lady yesterday outside the courthouse that said “My family lives in Japan and they have been following the media coverage of this trial since day 1″…HOW F’d up is THAT?!
This has been the biggest injustice in constitutional HISTORY! BUT! We LOVE Jodi! We BELIEVE IN Jodi! Everyone PLEASE keep her in your prayers, as well as her family and friends. We must keep our faith and lift our heads high!!!!
I have been listening to the news on this link…they are talking a lot of crap…that last guest said that they would have to go to the moon to find some jurors that didn’t know anything about this trial…
And I thought all along that those haters weren’t humans from earth…
And now he says they’ll have to go to the moon to find more people…martians???….
I am so confused? LOL
The early mormons believe they came from the planet Kolob…
The haters aren’t humans from earth…
The next group of people need to come from the moon…Martians…
No wonder we are the minority group…LOL…
They can find a jury in Roswell, NM.
Now someone is holding a car wash in AZ for the TA’s family. Next will be bake sales and going door to door selling magazines. LOL
Maybe they should sell survivor Tshirts..lol
I know?! A car wash? Are they the cheer leading team in high school? Good luck morons.
Bake sales? Yeah, they could sell cream pies.
Don’t forget the tossed salads.
Ahahahahahahah!!! LOLOLOLOLOL!!
and EWWWW!
Someone needs to go to that “Bake Sale” and do a Pot Brownie Swap! Haha!
CARPOOL Anyone?? 🙂
How much money do these people need? THEY ARE ADULTS! They should be able to pay their own way back and forth to Mesa. A carwash at the local McDonalds is not really going to help them that much. I’m pretty sure the proceeds from that will help fund the meth habit of a certain sister or the under-the-eye bag removal surgery of the other, whom I have affectionately named “Bags”.
My previous comment about the meth addict sister was a little rude lol these comments are sponsored by liberty creek merlot. lol
and those poor idiots don’t know that they have a bank account stuffed with money from all their supporters from the hater sites…
Boy I wish we could find out how much money the Alexander’s and Hughes have made off this tragedy. The poor haters still out side the court house is crying and going to have a fund raiser. They should be having a fund raiser for the families in Oklahoma who need it not to the family of an abuse pervert.
Exaclty.. they can all go home now..get a job or whatever they do for money.like steal
Absolutely! Raise money for people who DESERVE IT!!
I hope they made so much money that they have a big party and all get re-hooked on crack and flush the money into their veins til they are all homeless and on skid row with rotten teeth and rotten skin! The whole lot of them…dirtbags. That is what they are and that is where they belong
Let’s not forget 10% goes to the good ole church of mormos!
Actually, Dorothy, I kinda like mormos better lol Has a nice ring to it!
😉 or morons
Yeah 🙂 mormos sounds good.
hmmmm…..I’d rather think of them in a black hole somewhere floating in space where they would be squirming and kicking trying to keep from bumping into the suns fiery inferno. I wouldn’t want the crackheads on skid row to miss out on their next fix because one of those assholes got to the dealer first.
LOL “the crackheads on skid row [missing] out on their next fix because those assholes got to the dealer first” 😆
BUT I sure would get some satisfaction from seeing their rotten faces literally rotting….would make good quality news. I think floating in space is too good for them and may be a danger to us. You never know when one of them will collide with the Earth and cause another devastation. They have already done too much harm.
HLN is just a damn joke. The only damn thing they have going for them is they have a camara in that courtroom. Bunch of shitheads. I can’t stand any of the assholes. And you know who you are dickheads. Yea, I’m talking about you HLN shitbags.
I know can’t someone else stick a camera in there so we can watch wo watching HLN?
Haha, oh man… I’ve typed countless posts on their website, on Nancy’s HLN page, etc. I CANNOT stand them! Beth Karas and Jean Casarez did improve quite a bit over the last month. I like Darren Kavinoky and a few other defense attorneys that have been on the show as guests. Screw the rest of em’! Dr. Drew has become a mindless wimp. I used to think he had decent insight but he just caves to everyone else’s opinion since Jodi’s trial.
HLN will never be happy with anything that Jodi does. (unless she dies of course) They’ll pick apart and criticize everything. Even if Jodi made a direct apology they’d just complain that it wasn’t sincere, they don’t want to hear it, blah, blah, blah.
Anyone hear earlier today when Lisa Bloom was discussing the death penalty with Gloria Allred? She said U.S. is one of the few countries that STILL has the death penalty and that the only others countries left are basically “uncivilized”? (I can’t recall her word exactly). She named examples of the countries I put an “*” next to. Btw, I got the full list from Wikipedia. Here’s the interview link. Lisa’s opposition to death penalty begins around the 1:20 mark.
*North Korea
South Korea
*Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates
*United States
I think this is all just another ploy to further this trial for media coverage and revenue for the state…they have to make SOME of the money back SOMEHOW! Stretch out the trial till everyone dies of old age… FARCICAL! Total and absolute bullshit.
the state gets no revenue, NG and rest of the vampires get their million dollar salaries lying about whatever they want and persecuting whoever they want. The taxpayers of AZ have to pay for all of this, and all the money goes to the TV wasteland and the vicious lying freaks of HLN.
Jan Harris,
You mean to tell me that with all the attention this trial has drawn, with people coming from far and wide to that courthouse, that the state is NOT benefiting from this at all? The state IS making money off of it! The hotels, the restaurants, etc. One thing I have learned is that I will NEVER set foot in THAT state as long as I am alive. So, they will NEVER get any of MY money.
Same here, not until they abolish the DP and re-investigate every case that was ever prosecuted by Juan Martinez.
Hi all, just got home. Prayers were answered! Sigh of relief! Congrats to defense team. Jury is going to take some heat.
Be Well,
I don’t look at this as “prayers answered”. This just prolongs the process. No sigh of relief here. How, pray tell, will a fair and impartial jury be able to decide on sentencing when they were not there for the entire trial. OR does this mean Jodi gets ANOTHER trial…from the beginning…I’m lost.
Sorry if its been asked, but where was KN?
I thought I saw him there earlier.
I think HLN is really mad bc the Jodi Arias case was NOT supposed to effect their coverage of the Zimmerman case. How can they completely focus their undivided hate on the Zimmerman case if Jodi’s case is still going on?????????
They’ll get a month or so before they have to divide their venom. Nancy Grace has enough hate for everybody.
I’ve posted this before but I’m hoping this is the BOMBSHELL TONIGHT>>> Nancy Grace was found mumbling and incoherent on the runway of the Atlanta/Hartsfield airport in her Hello Kitty pajama pants.<<<< also I hope air traffic is super busy and she's not noticed by the air traffic controllers. lol
I have to celebrate this little victory. Off to the store to get some Guinness! I’ll be back later. =) (hopefully)
To all of you here, posting (or just lurking), supporting Jodi. I am happy to be in such great company. I love you all. I really do.
Ew she just said it.
NG – I am not your friend stop saying goodnight to me
lol Danielle…I just shuddered when I heard that. Today I’m watching HLN because I wanted to see their heads explode. Heheee.
I think when NG is talking about the Zimmerman case and Jodi I really think NGs head might explode!
Has she busted out “THE DEVIL IS DANCING TONIGHT!!!!!!” yet?
HA!!!!!…..good one Danielle!!!
What I find amazing is that this jury was at each other’s throats.
They could have continue deliberating this and absolutely refused to do so.
They basically said a big FU to the court. To hell with you all, we’re going home. If you don’t like it, kiss my ASS.
I don’t know why but I think some of the jurors caved for 1st degree, but refused to cave for the DP. You can’t get past 2 very strong mitigating factors (not to belittle any of them) but she had no criminal history at all….not violent history at all….plus well sorry just had a blond moment and the other one went right out of my head…I hate that when that happens…
Donovan B. was on NG. Why would any of Jodi’s friends want to talk NG? NG was so rude to Donovan. NG is a hopeless case for any objectivity.
What happened? did Nancy berate her?
berate isnt the word…..NG Assaulted her with words. PATHETIC!
This was said on AZ central news room about 30 minutes ago…
June 20, 2013…status conference…
They said that Travis’ family will get to sit down with the jurors and find out why they couldn’t give her the death penalty….the family gets to decide what to do next…the can either request another jury for the penalty phase or they can give her life in prison…
They were running live news here…interviewing many people so far…I think they went on a break at 6
They can go fuck themselves. Since they weren’t close to their saintly brother, they ought to be fucking locked out.
How can they give her life in prison? The family has NO fucking say in that.
They were saying that the family is going to be the ones who gets to decide on June 20, 2013…if they want her to have life then they will have to request that with the judge…they did not go into all the legal proceedings…they just mentioned that two things would happen…and the family will get to decide…they said that Juan would not get to decide at all on that day…only the victims family will decide…
Tony…I am not a lawyer…I just know what they were saying…two things would happen…
1. request for another jury for the penalty phase or
2. request to the judge for life in prison
They shouldn’t have any damned say at all. That is an abuse of the legal system.
How the hell is that fair? The Jury should have the right not to speak to them.
They said it is called the Status Conference on June 20, 2013…the jury has no choice…the family will spend time speaking to each and every one of them to try and find out why they didn’t give her the death penalty…this is for them to decide if it will be worth requesting for another set of jurors for another penalty phase…or they will decide to make a request to the judge for her to get life in prison…they did not mention if the family can ask for life with parole or life for the rest of her natural days…I believe that is the ultimate decision of the judge if they decide to request the judge to sentence her for life…
He said they do this to save the state more time and money in going for more jurors for another penalty phase…
I guess we can say only in Arizona…not sure how other states do this…
Hey…I’m a tax payer here in Maricopa County. Since when do a bunch of blood thirsty hoodlums get to come here and tell me that I have to spend my money so they can receive their ghoulish revenge? If they want to go forward with this, let them pay for it out of their own so-called “Memorial Fund”.
I hope that the juror or jurors who refused to vote for death tell the Dry Cry Clan EXACTLY how it is… as many have said on today’s posts — hopefully they’ll FACE THE FACT that Nancy Grace and her monkey pupper Juan Martinez CAN’T TWIST EVERYBODY!!
I hope the dissenting jurors tell the Alexander family THE TRUTH about their brother.
And I hope they hit the media big time and tell the media the TRUTH — that as this trial wound down to the conclusion Juan and Nancy wanted (Guilty Murder 1, Guilt heinous crime) that THERE WAS NO WAY THIS WAS A DEATH PENALTY CASE.
HA HA HA HA Juan boy.
How would you like to be a hold-out and then have to explain yourself to these ghouls? How, if one knows that’s going to happen, can that make for an impartial jury?
Wow Dr. Douche is making a little bit of sense. He’s saying why push for death. This red headed friend of his Jenny is a true bobble head. As people talk she shakes her head no or yes the whole time. I’m worried for her neck health.
Its funny you say that I was thinking she looks like a living cartoon character. Japan anime maybe!! She s stupid!
She looks like Carrot Top. Sooooooo ugly and obnoxious.
Oh God! I was watching his show last night (*ducks*) and I said, “She has a newborn’s neck. She cannot keep her head up.” Interesting since I’m sure her head is full of air and therefore shouldn’t be so hard to balance.
JVM is still yelling. She’s on some strong drugs.
You know these people are freaking the f out if Dr. Douche is making sense.
I got my biggest laugh at JVM earlier – she was putting on her usual “Hollering Preacher” Act and had a HUGE piece of FOOD stuck in her teeth!! LMFAO!!!
I wish I saw that LOL
Can she just speak normally……..just once!!!!
For once, I think the HLN guy got it right. I think the real issue is that folks want Jodi to SUFFER! While I can EMPATHIZE with that, that is NOT what the justice system is about. It doesn’t matter how many, how loud, or how ignorant the foaming-at-the-mouth HLN folks tell you otherwise, the case is NOT a death-penalty case and while you may disagree, she is simply not going to be subject to your disgusting desire for vengeance.
I’m w you on that.
SO! Kimberly, You can “EMPATHIZE” with wanting Jodi to suffer? Did I read that correctly?
I said this all night last night: HOW can anyone want to put this beautiful inside and out person, so courageous, intelligent, brave, artistically gifted young lady to death? I’m so glad there was some one on there who was a human being with a heart, a brain and some common sense !!!!!!!
Did anyone notice how the Huges/ fuckheads visibly crumbled? IM0 all of Jodi’s interviews made a difference, as did Jen’s closing. Power to the Truth!!!! Love always, from SW Fla.
Power to the truth — from SE Florida!!!
Does anybody know if Jodi will be locked up for 23hrs a day until the new trial? Is she going to have a new DT? Does it mean that either way Jodi will be in prison at least 25hrs, if she doesn’t except a deal of LWOP. I don’t know how she is going to make it to another round of JM antics 🙁
I have mixed feelings. I am happy that not all 12 jurors were for the DP, but that means now months of waiting and spending more time in that place. She can’t proceed with the appeals until the sentence 🙁
Geee…she will be 60yrs old before she gets out of there !!!
The jury fucked up with M1 and I hope Jodi starts ratting them out and point the finger at the real killers, but i doubt.
25yrs, not hrs…nice wish 🙂
I believe so far all they have said is that Jodi will return to the Estrella jail where she has been thus far. Hopefully she won’t have to do the 23/6 lockdown.
Is it safe to send her money now?
Thank you Jenn 🙂
If the jurors do sit down with the Alexanders I hope one of them just lays it all on the table and says “You know what? Your brother was an ass. And if you’d seen him more than once in the last few years of his life you might know this.” So maybe the knucklehead family will kiss that DP goodbye.
See jury? See how quickly they will turn on you? Oh you thought you were special because they loved you for a moment?
It’s clear that when you don’t do everything the Travis lynch mob wants you to do, you’re suddenly an idiot and useless.
I didn’t see these hopeless tears from the TA family. I saw rage and angry tears. Bullies, all of them. So your brother’s killer isn’t going to die anytime soon. Boohoo weirdos.
And will HLN stop saying the Alexander’s won. Once this case is in front of an appellate judge the conviction will be overturned. This has been a bad reality show filled with a court jester prosecutor and a fool for a judge.
I know this may be a small victory for Jodi Arias, but I’m no fucking way satisfied with this conviction at all.
Preach brother Preach! You are so right!!!
We need a Petition for MISTRIAL! This needs to start back from the beginning! I can’t respond any further tonight. I’m afraid that what I am thinking will end up in writing!
^^^^5 Edward
I wonder how many of the jurors will learn that by their 1st degree verdict, told the US that it is okay for men to lust after 12 year old girls.
And I wonder if they will learn this weekend that by their verdict, they cast their votes for advocating domestic violence. And, they also validated the threats against Alyce and Jenn. This
I’m glad they were hung today, at least one of them developed some sense this week.
Agreed. They also cast their votes for a particular kind of (two-tiered) baptism.
Gee jury sucks to be fearful for your life doesn’t it? You didn’t care when Jodi’s witnesses were getting death threats.
Did I see HUNG?
I have a question. I keep hearing that the prosecution can decide to give life w/o parole and all no appeals. Doesn’t Jodi have to agree to that and if so why would she waive her rights to appeal?
Jaun’s boss would have to agree to take the DP off the table. He could go to the judge and say…we will accept LWOP with no appeal. Yes defense who have to agree. That would be a win for the defense
How is that a win for Defense. There are so many appealable issues here.
I agree, but if Jodi is willing to accept that deal, I’d say they go for it. I don’t know if it was AL and/or AA who gave the percetage of a DP conviction in this situation, with the second jury.
AA , AL or Sirlips please chime in if your out there!
Also, is the question if JM would use her after conviction interview tape.
And presumably the defense could reject it, and they should. LWOP or LWP after 25 would be extremely unjust.
I agree. I say go forward regardless of the second jury’s verdict and file your appeal.
Me three.
No….. that would not be a win for the defense. She need a new FAIR trial not a plea. Juan had his chance for a plea….no more!!!!
I agree, I want it too, She needs a fair trail but if it is offered…the question is will she take it.
I predicted wrong on that it would be a hung jury! I figured this bunch was up JM ass. So I could be wrong! I think it was 1 hold out..I’ll be surpised if it was more.
Jodi would have to agree to waive rights to appeal attendant with the life sentence if presented by the State as such. I suppose she could reject the plea and ask to go forward with new penalty trial. Seems she might have some bargaining leverage, take life w/out parole, but with the right to appeal. I’m sure Alexander family is still screaming DEATH all the way and wouldn’t want State to offer life.
She will come out ahead, there is no question at all.
She should NOT accept a “life” plea deal.
She should not accept any deal that prevents her from appealing.
It may be good for the defense team, IT’S NOT GOOD FOR HER.
If they accept LWOP, I don’t think they can appeal the punishment. But I think they can still appeal the trial itself as unfair. Anyone know more about that?
The Munster family need to crawl back under their rock and take those ugly friends with them. They should be grateful for all the money they swindled from people that probably couldn’t afford to give them money in the first place. They should all be ashamed of themselves for their conduct. Jodi is so very graceful and takes life as it is given to her. She wouldn’t be acting all crazy like them. She would be regal about it. And so very relieved. Love you Jodi and your family.
Can’t believe the hate the jury are already getting b/c they did not want to murder Jodi.
Imagine if they came back with manslaughter, which was the correct verdict. Anyone who does not think the Casey Anthony verdict/aftermath did not influence these jurors in blind.
Here is a gif of the little sulky man.
omg!! thats wat ive been saying all along to my relatives!!
The hate for this Jury is just going to make it harder for another Jury to come in or as they were talking about earlier, unconstitutional.
This is not the news I wanted to come home to. I was really hoping for a compromise of life. This has got to be a horrendous strain on both families. My heart goes out to them all.
I am glad they didn’t. This gives the defense a huge bargaining chip.
It didn’t have to be this way. Travis’ family pushed for the DP, gambled, and lost this round.
Damn straight.
The Alexander family wanted death, so I don’t feel bad for them at all.
They wanted to kill Jodi via a state sanctioned death penalty. IMO they are no better than Travis the night he attacked her.
Here is my fear on the new Jury. How many will to be TA followers and lie and say they know nothing or have never heard anything just to give her the DP.
My thoughts exactly. Still hoping they will move the case – which they can. Not that it will make a LOT of difference, because I believe it still has to be in the state of AZ. Anywhere at this point will be better than Maricopa.
The defense team is prepared for that and will ensure that it doesn’t happen.
Exactly annieEP, that’s why I think they will try to talk Jodi into agreeing to LWOP. I hope she doesn’t accept that !!!!
The Judge should have kept her courtroom under control. I know the defense asked for a stay. Does this give them time to go to a higher court?
But couldn’t that have happened in December of 2012? Nothing was stopping the soon-to-be jurors back then from lying (and I’m sure those who live in Maricopa heard more about this case than anyone).
They will have to find a jury out of that county for sure.
I don’t think it will be so hard to find a jury. There are plenty of people who don’t watch the news the way we do. They may work all day, or they may have a home full of kids or they only watch the local news. Netflix is very popular and a few of my friends don’t even have cable in their homes. I didn’t even know about the Petit (spelling?) family murders until a few days ago. I still don’t know what happened in the Natalee Holloway murder. I didn’t know who Amanda Knox was until a month ago. It is very possible to find people who have a lot going on and can’t keep up with everything in the news.
TANISHA: Doctor – every time I look in the mirror, I want to throw up. What’s wrong with me?
DOCTOR: I don’t know, but your eyesight is perfect.
Hill-ARIAS! 🙂 had to throw that in there!
Any jokes about anyone from the black side need to be considered hill-ARIAS. I like that.
I was hoping someone would catch that post 🙂 And yes – I will now refer to the black side as
Brilliant!!!! 😀
I was on a first degree murder which like this trial gave the jury a complicated case and asked them to make an oversimplified judgment.
After the jury was read the instructions, Judge Clarence R. Parrish of Milwaukee (may he rest in peace) told the jury:
Juan Martinez — guess you can’t pop in your boss’s office tomorrow and remand a raise.
You lost. You lost. You lost.
Saddest comment I saw today:
“why cant they just replace the holdouts with alternates and give death??”
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm cuz this is fucking AMERICA???
I heard that comment earlier today also. Sick. nuff said.
but thank God this is not Juan Martinez’s America. We have hope today. Thank you juror.
OMG…..WTF is Jane Melendez (or whatever) talking about? She thinks Jodi knows how to “work it” and that she used that skill to sway the 8 men on the jury!!!!
This whole HLN channel should be taken off the air. It caters to the ignorant, impartial, and overly-empassioned. This case is a great demonstration of what is so wrong in this country. Folks have lost their minds! And the internet is only making it worse because folks get a few other ignorant followers who spew the same opinion and suddenly they believe that everyone feels the way they do. I don’t usually watch HLN but since today is a HUGE day for the case, I am tuned in. I’m already regretting it. These folks actually scare me. Is America truly this stupid? This hateful? If it is, I shudder for our children. 🙁
Why don’t we blame the global warming on Jodi too!!! Those people need their heads examined !!!
She has no other choice but to say that. My family lives in Mesa and attended a a few days of trial.
The told me that it seemed it was the men who were staring at the floor or not paying attention during all of the defense portion because clearly their minds were made up.
I’m guessing it was a female juror(s). Hope.
HLN mainly caters to DUMMIES who don’t even have a computer and hang on those idiot hosts’ every word/lie. The people who call in can barely form a sentence half the time. Of course, they are all screened first and questions are practically put in their mouths by HLN producers before they air on nasty disgrace – aka Miss Piggy in her ugly up-do.
I think it was the same 5-7 split, or close to it.
I think the 5 who agreed to premed ONLY did it on the basis of the neck wound. Not Grandpa’s gun or gas cans or hair dye. It was that moment, that single moment, when she “DECIDED to cut Travis’ throat.” I think they probably bought the abuse, maybe even the pedophilia, but they think she could have gotten away and instead she decided to cut his throat.
And today they couldn’t vote to kill her because they know she was battered, and they know she would never have killed if she’d never met Travis.
That’s what I think.
The wound had nothing to do with it. The 24/7 hate outside of the courthouse had everything to do with it.
Remember, the jury wasn’t sequestered, so you know good and well they were watching the news and HLN.
There was no case whatsoever for premeditation. A crime scene like that is certain proof there was no premed, that it was a fight to the death which Travis lost.
I think the 7 who voted BOTH premed and felony were the ones caught up in the hate fest, because their vote makes no sense at all otherwise.
But I think the other 5 were going on the instruction that premeditation can be formed in an instant, and that she had to have DECIDED to kill him in the moment before she cut his throat.
did she ever admit to slashing his throat?….No…
No, of course not. She said she could not remember. But she did tell the jury she believes she must have done it.
Ya think that Jodi can plead to a misdemeanor now and end the insanity. Maybe pay for a couple of Travis’ slashed tires, then be set free. I will gladly buy a new wig and a bottle of Jack Daniels for JVM, even a Pinata for Kermit. so he can have something to beat on instead of his little thingy.
I hope the defense accepts nothing less than credit for time served and release.
They are in the catbird’s seat here.
Damn Right tonysam!
LOL LOL Ed I just imagined that and died laughing.
JESUS what losers, Chris Hughes is begging for money on twitter
and also some blonde bimbo @princessofpt is asking Donald Trump
to donate to the TA fund…
Donald Trump, didn’t his Mom have sex with an orangutan?
Donald Trump will tell those creeps to go bark up another tree. Donald doesn’t mince words. And the last thing he’s gonna do is use his image and clout to placate these scuzzburgers.
Donald will just say “You’re fired.” He Juan: You’re fired!
hasn’t he screwed enough people for money???
Donald Trump does not give money out, he gets money in. Wrong tree.
I’m going to go SCREAM THIS on twitter to HLN CREEPS:
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
The devil isn’t dancing but the ghouls sure are crying. BAHAHA!
I’m watching HLN for the 1st time in a month and almost enjoying it for the 1st time ever. They are all so pissed off. They wanted Jodi’s death so bad. Dr. Drew even stood up to Nancy, with his little balls quivering, but backed down when her head began to spin. All the people waiting for a death verdict outside the courtroom are in tears. Proof that prayers for someone’s death go unanswered or maybe the answer was: “No way, fuck off.” A good day for Jodi, Jennifer & Kirk. A bad day for Martinez. Now, we just have to get past a 2nd jury in July or maybe Martinez will come to his senses & it won’t be needed.
yea……Drew grew a couple of new balls tonight!!!!!
It won’t last long!
Why is HLN…interviewing Abe!!!!! One date and this ass is being interviewed…….he’s just pissed she didn’t give him none!!!!! She should have shot him!!!!
Oh, boo hoo. HLN has become irrelevant, they’ve got to interview the dregs of humanity.
Never was so much made out of so little.
Travis was right about him, as it takes a sleaze to know a sleaze.
How many of you feel that Jodi should take life if offered by the State even if it means giving up her right to appeal?
I say no way as well. She’s got some leverage here.
I agree. NO WAY!
BTW: Cindy, saw your question about “what evidence in the guilt phase?” I don’t really know. I just regurgitated what little bit of info I could glean at the time from an ABC report. I’m sure we will learn more in the days to come. 🙂
Thanks, Gibby! I have been looking for my posts of questions, havng a hard time finding anything with all the activity. 🙂
As I said above, I live in Maricopa County and I won’t let that blood thirsty family tell me I have pay to satisfy their blood lust but I would willingly pay if that’s the only way Jodi can hold on to her appellate rights.
No. The defense should take nothing less than time served and release.
This was not a death penalty case or a life without parole case; this was purely self-defense.
ITA! I think she’s gonna get retried and walk based on either a verdict of innocence or a guilty verdict with time served. Either way, I’d say a certain somebody was right ALL ALONG…..WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!
But, don’t want appeal or retrial to take another 20 years, like I have read about in other cases! if that is the case, a victory after 20 years, is no victory at all. Justice delayed is justice denied!
Hey, tonysam! My sentiments exactly!
The defense is in the catbird’s seat, and they will prevail.
There is no reason for them to negotiate a “life sentence” when this was not a capital case to begin with.
EXACTLY! Folks don’t realize but Juan Martinez has actually done the Alexander’s a HUGE disservice because she’s gonna walk it all could have been avoided. Heck, she tried to volunteer an offer earlier on didn’t she? This is why folks need to start thinking and stop following folks just because they yell the loudest or re-state your opinion. While that may feel good…it never ends well!!!!!
Dr. Drew keeps trying to ask if they should end it all by giving her a plea deal. Guess what Dr. Drew. You guys don’t have the bargaining chips anymore. If I were Jodi, I wouldn’t spit on you if you were on fire much less take any deal at this point. I’m truly sorry for the Alexanders but American’s need to learn and sadly, some folks want to learn the hard way. We have to do what is right, moral, and appropriate. This case should have NEVER been tried but if it was, Juan has to know that this was not a death penalty case. Again I gotta tell ya….he really screwed you guys over on this one!
You are absolutely right. The state really has nothing and never did.
I hope Jodi sees it the way we do. No deals other than credit for time served and release.
Absolutely! And that better be in the next few years at the most!
NO……did you hear me……NO!!!!!!!!! Don’t ask again…..got it!!!!!
Absolutely no way! You don’t do time for the crime you didn’t commit!
NO! This trial was a f’kin joke in the face of humanity
and I am sure she if Damien Echols & the West Memphis Three
got their freedom
so will Jodi once the everyone wakes up from their kook-aid induced
delusional frenzy!
FK No way………… Why do time for a crime that was in self-defense. This was overcharged, and corrupt…..
No way!
No way! There are to many unjust things to appeal on.
This thing is now much bigger than even Jodi. This is now a crusade against injustice and Jodi is our standard bearer!
I agree. Crusade is tge right word.
No way, NO and NO.
Why would an innocent person EVER agree to be locked up for life without possibility of parole OR APPEAL ????
Arizona juries that couldn’t decide on death penalty
[quote]There have been at least five hung juries in the death-penalty phase of cases in Maricopa County since a 2002 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that juries and not judges should determine if there are sufficient reasons, called aggravating factors, to sentence a murderer to death.[quote]
The losers on the State vs. Jodi Facebook page are going nuts…hahaha.
I checked earlier, just for a smile.
Those people are total idiots, some of their comments.
I quickly exited before I became dumber…
All the HLN staff are at odds with each other, love it!
Isn’t it hilarious! I didn’t realize just how effin UGLY Jane Velez-Mitchell was but holy cow. She looks like a tan gremlin with that horrid frown on her overly-operated face.
She is the same age as I am, and nobody has an unlined face without a major overhaul job.
Especially somebody who was a substance abuser.
Don’t forget about the huge speck of GOD KNOWS WHAT that was stuck in her teeth earlier while she was screaming into the camera! hahaha!
I dunno. I’m not saying that age means a person is ugly. I’m just saying that for someone who is already so ugly….Jane looks even worse. LOL!
She’s had plenty of Botox and fillers!!!! I heard her admit to it on her show one night many months ago.
She looks constipated lol
GOT MY GLASS OF WINE AND DOING FINE:>))))))))))))))))))))))
Glass? I’m swiggin’ from the bottle lol
Me too Moni.
Mmmm…… i
LOVE moscato!
And Moni, everytime I see your picture, I cant help but think of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Yup. Got my glass of sangria…cheers to you all! (Clink)
Just had some California Pinot Noir.
Joe Arpaio @RealSheriffJoe 43m
Arias is returning to Estrella Jail and will remain closed custody. No more interviews for her.
And now ‘the deluge’. Heads will roll in the Maricopa Superior Court for the stupid mistake that has cost the taxpayers of AZ millions.
krikee read this post…the Maricopa county of Arizona does not seem to mind spending millions of dollars in retrying the penalty phase again in hung juries…look how much money they spent to keep trying those other 5 hung juries in their county in the last 11 years…and see the outcomes…
Arizona juries that couldn’t decide on death penalty
[quote]There have been at least five hung juries in the death-penalty phase of cases in Maricopa County since a 2002 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that juries and not judges should determine if there are sufficient reasons, called aggravating factors, to sentence a murderer to death.[quote]
It does sound like double jeopardy to have another jury determine life or death after the 1st couldn’t agree. AZ strange laws. If they can’t agree, it default should be life.
Will Kirk and Jennifer still be her team ?
I think that all of us voting ARIAS – should FLOOD the HLN twitter pages and etc. with all of our thoughts like all of the hill-ARIAS “black side” TA followers have been since January! See how long it takes NG’s head to explode then!
I did that and got banned from twitter. Go to hlntv,com and flood them with questions and comments
Ahhh….GOOD POINT! I am gonna post on HLN. Apparently they can’t find any guests with brains. Maybe they can finally get some of us to chime in. Folks like us are going to be the ones who get this country back on track. These idiots who fall prey to ignorance, vengeance and mediocrity have got to go. I don’t post on Twitter because this case truly gets people to THREATEN other people and I didn’t need that in my life. I can’t believe how nasty people are willing to get with someone who does not share their own opinion. SMH!!!!
You are right Kim, I have written to Drew and Vinnie but, I wasn’t very nice at the time.
The lady on Dr. D right now looks like she belongs on Saturday Night Fever. The suit and shirt collar are killing me lol
Only the 1977 John Travolta could get a hard on looking at the sight of that outfit LOL
No doubt! LOL
Yes, but Jodi is the one that is “staying alive”. 🙂
Can you dig it? I KNEW that you could! LOL 😉
Forget the TA’s sister’s faces
did you guys catch a glimpse of SKY HUGHES face?
She looked like she was having a hysterectomy !!!!
It was a horrific thing to see.
Sky and Chris have something to hide. And hopefully it will all come out for the world to see.
I saw Chris Hughes’ face, it is no wonder that people are afraid of him . He gave the jury a look with his angry face, he looked incredibly evil and dangerous.
Those same “evil eyes” that Jodi supposedly had that shook him to his core.
CASH is super pissed because if Jodi stays alive she may talk about what really happened that night and that scares the shit out of them.
I did that and got banned from twitter. Go to hlntv,com and flood them with questions and comments
Thank you for the tip, Tim! Not that I would care if twitter banned me, but HLNTV.com would be much more fun. Will do!
Unbelievable all the people that were crying because Jodi didn’t get the death penalty like they had hoped. Is it just me or has something gone terribly wrong with society these days! This is scary. And these are people who aren’t even related to the Alexander family. There were people who flew in from New Jersey who had missed their daughters prom (no joke) to see justice. This isn’t justice. This is evil and insane. God help us all. REALLY!
Now we know where the devil resides…
ITA…..As somebody else said, this case is now SO MUCH BIGGER than Jodi. This country is being run over by bullies at every level and it needs to stop.
Exactly, Kimberly!
Totally evil, so sad for that, but happy for Jodi. So, so happy that I have to celebrate. I’m going to celebrate life!!!!!!!!!!
What about that lady and her 2 daughters from Texas. She was saying I have sons so I feel for the Alexander family, well what about your daughters? Is your heart not big enough to have compassion for the Arias family? All I can say is, you came all the way from Texas? Don’t you have the internet or TV?
I hope Juan Martinez goes home tonight and does some serious soul searching, then shits out a bloody hemorrhoid and half his intestines for being the biggest ass of 2013.
Now that, I will drink to.
But how can a man with no soul search his soul?
I wish there was a picture of Juan’s face when the jury came back with their verdict
I would PAY MONEY to get a framed copy of that pic! I’d hang that sucker right over my computer and use it to push me every day. LOL!
Didn’t he just sit their with his hand covering his mouth and cheek? Loser!
He made absolutely NO outward expression but you could see the seething anger in his eyes! That is more reason for him to be taken off the case. He lost his professionalism a long time ago. He’s taking this personal and his personal feelings are the reason she’s gonna walk. His inability to see that this was NEVER a death penalty case showed how far gone he is!
here you go
Now I wish I had cable tv so I could see those hln losers cry and beat their fists and feet on the floor. I bet they are really having a melt down.
Sherry they are at each others throats, no pun intended!
That’s is great! Tim!
Yep! Just like animals, they are cannibalizing each other now. It’s pathetic! I think it shows their true character. Nancy Disgrace lost it with her guests and her co-workers on the air a couple of times. PATHETIC!!!!
Hee, hee.
Did any of you watch the verdict on HLN? I did. Couldn’t get my flash player going..
Anyhow, they had that freak Clancy (the gal with the kinky yellow hair who has gone from TA’s acquaintance to becoming his “very dear friend”) on and they gave her “one minute.” What did she do? Pitched on NATIONAL TV THE TA FINANCIAL FUND WEBSITE. She said “please please go to blah blah blah.com and help this family.” UNREAL!!!!!!
Yeah, the Alexander’s must be crying tears of joy for another chance at milking the suckers. guess a million bucks (plus) is not enough to scam people out of.
Jodi had plenty of mitigating factors going for her, she is not a monster. The true monsters are the ones foaming at the mouth for her death!
ITA! Watch, these people are gonna turn on the jury. They are gonna be calling for their death. I wonder how the jurors are gonna feel them? Wonder if they’re going to be mouthing “I’m sorry” when that happens? These people are sooooo ugly. It’s awful!
That’s right Angela, those people who hate her are the real monsters. Thinking that death comes from God. God is giving her life not death, and I also believe that he will give her freedom too. Sometimes things have to get ugly before they get better.
Thank you everyone. We are all in agreement.
Occupy HLN just posted:
“Occupy Exclusive News: Inside scoop. The jury was split: 8 for DP, 4 for life. You heard it here first!”
I SAID ^^^up there that I thought it was the same 5-7 split or close to it!
Yep, you sure did! Good call!
I had the numbers right, but reversed. I thought 8 was for life and 4 for DP.
This could be a good omen for July. It was suggested it might have just been one woman voting for life (Juror #16). Interesting that the jury was made up of 8 men, 4 women but I doubt if 8 men voted DP & 4 women voted for life. It seems most of the haters are women.
I think if we had the money and offered each member of the Alexander family a million bucks they would plead with Martinez to give Jodi life – and if we had a few more million for Martinez and Stephens, she would give Jodi a chance for parole in 25 years (or 20 years seeing that she’s almost served 5 years already). Of course, all of these people may end up with that much money anyway. I noticed more fund raisers are starting since this afternoon’s verdict.
You may not be able to take it with you but you sure can generate it when you’re gone.
I don’t think the defense should go for it at all. Fuck the Alexanders.
It should be credit for time served and release. This was NOT a death penalty case.
I believe in Miracles!!!
When the judges voice cracked, I wondered if she was also upset that Jodi didn’t get the death penalty. What was that about? Jodi’s attorneys need to file for a mistrial based on that alone. A biased judge.
I think Jodi’s attorney needs to file for an injunction against the sheriff’s department and stop them from putting on lock down for 23 hours out of the day. That is wrong! Stop the interviews that fine, but to isolate her BS!
First time I’ve watched in weeks but Nancy Grace looks downright disheveled tonight. lol She is having a hissy fit right on the air. I love it!!
It was great to watch her melt down and yell at doc spew
As for the judge sounding so disappointed at the verdict. It’s just further proof of what a dimwitted useless cape behind the bench she was. She’s probably worried about her job. Had she handled the courtroom in a better manner she wouldn’t have let Kermi run roughshod over the defense witnesses and the verdict would not have been M1. I am secretly smirking at the fact that the jury will probably be getting a glimpse of the haters mindset. They should have done the right thing to start with. KARMA!
They’ll be feeling the wrath now and they’ll know how Alyce LaViolette, Jennifer and Patti Womack felt. Juan can’t protect you now.
And ITA! That case became a kangaroo zoo VERY early on. I don’t know if there was some pressure on her that we’re not aware of (political pressure)…..but she’s been overlooking her duties for some time now. She let Juan run shop and now they’re gonna pay the price. Their job is to deliver justice and allowing a case to go on the way she did…..it was disgusting!
She will probably go home and take it out on her husband. Could you just picture her in a dominatrix outfit?
I CAN picture her in a black leather outfit and laying a whip over Martinez’s skinny ass. I understand some men who dominate in the workplace like to be dominated sexually in private. Maybe that’s why they work so well together. He dominates her in the courtroom and she gets her turn in the bedroom. Yeah, that’s sounds about right (as Jodi would say).
Boy I wish NG would have had an accident while she was at the jail.
all of HLN should be given the death penalty. Also Abe, Katie Wick, and Juror Number 8.
All of you here on Team Jodi are the best team that Jodi could ask for. You are all loving, caring, concerned and act like adults. The way Jodi would want us to be. I responded to a hater a couple of days ago that said Team Jodi was evil. I said I would rather be supported by Team Jodi anyday than the
munster family lovers.
You were so right! The hate and threats coming from the TA clan is unbelievable.
Funny how these folks threaten you in one breath and then holler religion in the next. You cannot be a Christian/person of faith and behave the way that those people do. They are the definition of hypocrisy!
Me too sherry. ANYDAY! You guys are awesome! 🙂
It’s sad because those folks always end up being PROTECTED by folks like us. It’s easy to behave as a neanderthal when everyone else behaves that way but the second you disagree with them, they will cannibalize you. I stopped posting anyplace else because except here, I find that if you do anything except shake your head in agreement….folks call you names and threaten you. Well look where that got them. Now she’s gonna eventually walk!!!!!
The jury fell for the pranks but now they are gonna get to see and feel what it feels like to be subject to a witch trial because folks are gonna hunt them down. Those folks can call us names and whatever else but it’s the folks like us who uphold the best of society and make it possible for them to even have the right and the forum to act so ignorantly. SAD!!!!
You are so right. If Jodi could read the posts on this website everyday, she would not feel so alone. Just knowing that there are so many people who have never met her before, from all walks of life, and all around the world, supporting her and standing by her, would give her hope. You guys are awesome! SJ you are the best, for coming up with this support site!
Yes, I agree the judge should be booted! That was out right bias!
What I’m pissed about now is the fact that “they” did not wait for Jodi’s mom to get to the court!!!! What asses!!!
Listening to JVM talking about running juror #9 down the street!!! What a bitch!!!!
Donovan said that Mom wasn’t even on the way. They had been told it was only going to be a question – just like what they kept saying to everyone else.
They LIED to her!
Can you imagine if the sentence was death. That would have been the most important time, albeit shockingly sad, for that family and Jodi, and they wouldn’t have been there.
I’m pretty sure they knew – SOMEBODY knew – that there WAS no verdict. That’s why all the extra security was there, I think – they were worried about protecting the jury.
Yep. I think the judge absolutely knew in advance.
That is disgraceful and heartless to lie to the Arias family.
I saw that and Nancy Disgrace should be ashamed!
…and Nance tried to downplay that and act like it was perfectly ok for her family not to be notified. She is evil and hate personified. I bet that dominatrix outfit in her closet gets quite a lot of wear!! Has anyone ever seen her hubby? I bet he’s chained in the basement!
Chained in the basement…too funny!!
Oh, so JVM chased after Juror 9 for 3 city blocks and recorded it? Too bad he didn’t talk to her and too bad she didn’t fall and bust her fucking teeth out! I wonder why she seems to run after people in these court cases. First CA’s attorneys and now JA’s jurors! Give it up, Jane and go back to whatever bottle you crawled out from behind and take your mullet with you!
ITA….I wish he would have spit on her! She’s pathetic!
Hahaha! 🙂
Mullet!! LOLOL
No Commet.
fucking anarchist bitch!
PATHETIC! So Jane Velez is no better than an ambulance chaser. She’s proudly telling us that she chased the man down the stairs..all while video-ing on the front stairs…..WTH??? Apparently he tried to say he didn’t want to speak with them and she’s trying to make it sound like his fault because he knew they were on the stairs. She’s a pig!!!!!! These folks are gonna be cannibalized by the Alexander supporters. It’s really sad.
WOW!……She had her team follow him ONTO THE TRAIN as he left for home and she’s trying to get the video from her phone so we can all see this shameless disgrace!
Sorry….”this man” = one of the jurors who just left a few minutes ago. She literally chased the man down the street trying to get an interview. He rebuffed but like an attorney onto an ambulance path…she chased him down. She disgusts me!
Good. Now the jurors who fell the Alexander family’s tears and jm’s tricks, will get a chance to know who those people really are. Karma is catching up with the jurors sooner rather than later!
So sad! Now they wanna find out where they live so they can attempt to torment them for the rest of theor lives … Cant something be done about this chyt!!!???
I’m gonna try to contact HLN. She should be ashamed!
cnn hln phone # 404 827-1500
She is a _itch, of sorry I shouldn’t insult a _itch. No offense meant Ladies.
No offense. We ladies know what a b*tch is and the behavior that follows and we avoid that behavior. 🙂 No problems here Tim:)
WOW! They just showed the video. This b*tch! Does she even care that she could literally be putting that man’s life at risk? She doesn’t even care. She truly makes me sick to my stomach. But per JVM, it’s his fault because he knew they were on the stairs. GTFOHWTB!!!!!
I have a question for the legal minds here.
What is the criteria for the new jury selection? Aren’t they looking for unbiased people/ people who have not heard about this trial before? Let us assume they find some such folks. If so, don’t the new jurors have to review all the evidence and court proceedings in this case? What if, while doing so, they find Jodi not guilty of M1? How can they decide on the punishment for M1, if they don’t think it is M1? Is the state assuming, that jurors who have never heard of a case, will take someone else’s word for it, that a defendant is guilty of M1 and punish them accordingly?
Or, are they looking for jurors who agree with the original juries verdict? That is ridiculous. But, this being
Arizona, I won’t be surprised, if some loop hole like that exists!
They are suppose to except the M1 and the aggravating factor of cruel, and only decide on the penalty. SO WRONG!
supposedly unbiased. Nurmi will motion the trial be moved somewhere in az people haven’t haven’t heard the case and/or can put aside their biases.
Oh God that could be good or bad…. what if the prosecution winds up getting a jury impaneled from some remote bumf-ck sparsely populated area of the state and are successful in intimidating them into going for a death vote?
This present jury lives in a huge metropolitan area.
They can blend back in.
Here in Florida in the Casey Anthony trial, they lived in a smaller place and people threatened them with death One juror moved to Michigan to avoid the harassment.
So does that mean that Nurmi and Jennifer can stay with Jodi?
The only possibility of that might be on the Navajo Reservation, but I wouldn’t count on it. And since they are a sovereign nation, maybe they don’t serve on state juries?
I expect the Navajo would vote 12-0 for life since I don’t imagine they’re friends of the state. In fact, they might refuse to return Jodi at all and let her live free on their nation.
Tim and JC,
How can that work? Are the jurors given an oppurtunity to know the facts of the case? If I were an unbiased juror and looking at the evidence I think this is not M1, there is no way I am going to punish her for M1. Now, if they don’t tell me anything about the case, I still won’t punish somebody not knowing what they did and why they did it!
I’m tired of all the public beatings Jodi Arias has had to endure. I hope that a she can receive some positive media attention. I hope so because shithead media is why the wrong verdict was decided in the first place.
I like that no comment juror.
OMG, Sky Hughes on HLN – FREAKISH!
I’m waiting for the juror to come clean on what outside media or friends/family influence there was!
8/4 Jury breakdown!
8 death–4 life. Interesting.
8 for death 4 for life!
Eight Mormons on the jury. Figures.
Sorry, that was a Kevin Horn typo. I put an extra “m” in the word.
8 to 4 OMG!
This is great!
HLN is reporting 8 to 4 for death…..interesting!!!!!
What do you think?
So glad those four hung tough!!!!!!!
They deserve a safe place away from those blood thirsty ghouls.
HLN says it’s a victory for the defense
Oh how I wish this was the outcome on May 8th. But we shall take even the most minute of victories!
To every one of the “friends” that “stood up” for Jodi…to every one of the “friends” who sold their soul to the 15-minutes of fame obsession…to every one of the greedy, money-hungry bastards who will lie, cheat and steal from strangers to support their narcissistic selfish asses…to the Munsters who wouldn’t admit they never gave a shit about their dildo brother WHILE he had a heartbeat….to the law makers of SHITZONA….to Massengil…to the benchwarmer….to the porn star and her pimp husband…to the dildo’s housemates…to the clueless robots that work at walmart….to the crash test dummy…to fucking useless as a pimple on a cow’s ass flower butt-buddy of Massengils…and anyone, and I mean ANYONE NOT believing and supporting Jodi, the Arias family, the defense team….
^^+10!! 🙂
Shit, that hug was lopsided! lol
That was awesome. my friend!! <3
Renee….Janeen…..we’re one and the same…no?!?!?!?!?!? LMAOOOOOOOOO
Sil….I couldn’t love you any more than I do!!!!! ((((((((((((((((love you)))))))))))))))))
heheheh…Don’t forget I’ve had TWO beers!!
What kind Sil? I’m a Newcastle guy myself.lol
Guinness Extra Stout. =)
It was dinner for me. lol
A six pack of Guinness and a potato is what you call a “Seven course Irish dinner”.lol
Preach it sister!!!!!!
I love your icon. I so agree 🙂
Love to you ladies!!!
((((((((((((((((((((HUGS TO YOU ALL))))))))))))))))))))
I strenuously agree Janeen.
WHO am I talking to on twitter? Lol!
I just befriended some of you-instead of putting my name out for haters, (who likely know me anyways..have a LOT of political haters, a few more nutcases won’t matter;) ) look for picture of Sita on my laptop-if I friended you, you’ll know it when you see it! 😉
For everyone who believes in miracles…you will love this song…and some of the video pictures are really beautiful…
I shouldn’t be shocked but that screaching screaming voice JVM another hln hater bragged on that evil steroid drugged vinny polutants show about how she chased juror #9/ guy w/pony tail SEVERAL blocks and he kept saying “no comment”, jvm was actually mad that he walked in front of the so called journalist & was getting on some kind of rail service to get home! She blamed him while spitting her nasty breath balls in his face asking if he was the hold out! Im done I cant watch this shyt anymore. I tried to get on azcentral someone posted but I can’t!
OH LORD! Now on twitter they are saying
“There was a ringer on the Jodi Arias jury. That is an anti-death penalty activist that lied to get onto the panel.”
sore losers are R-E-A-C-H-I-N-G for anything at this point…
what a sick bunch of evil souls trapped in human bodies
LOL…were there 4 ringers? Because the split was 8-4.
I knew it would be fairly substantial.
Yes and the fact that the jury was 8 men and 4 women is gonna make it even worse. They’re gonna have tons of conspiracy theories. SMH!!!!!
But it could be two men and two women. Or one woman and three men. Or three men and one woman. Voting for life I mean.
We won’t know unless they all come forward.
I call that the Fox News affect. They make up ideas and legitimate them in people’s eyes because they get a whole bunch of people who yell loud and agree. Look at this last election. Fox was shocked by the landslide Obama re-election but I just wondered…WTH? Did you really not see that coming. Then I remembered, they live in bizarro world. These folks are gonna make up theories and when they say it loud enough and enough times…other people will believe it’s true. I’m sure they’ll suggest some left-leaning liberal swindled their way onto the jury to lead to a hung jury. They are gonna cannibalize those poor folks…the same folks they were praising a few days ago for delivering a verdict. Folks need to learn that we can disagree but do so respectfully. This bullying has got to stop!!!!!
I might consider hiring you to help me…then again, not many want to watch/listen to what I do each day, AND take notes, lol!!
Kimberly, I would not call Obama’s re-election a landslide. Decisive maybe. Landslides to me are the elections of 1964, 1972, 1980, and 1984.
Oh, like people aren’t going to lie to get on the jury just to give Jodi the DP?
The haters must be lining up right about now. “Jodi, Jodi who? Never heard of him/her or whatever”.
LOL!! omg. you know it!
Did any of the haters suggest how this would be done? You know, so we can make it happen again in July.
Dear Jodi & Team Jodi:
I would like to respond to MB’s post from earlier about how today is not a good day for Jodi since it means a new jury has to come in for the penalty phase in July. I understand that and I hear what you’re saying. And, believe me, I know that today’s news wasn’t the news that we all wanted to hear, but I am thankful that it was not a verdict of death for Jodi. This verdict buys her time and, to be totally honest with you, I thought that this jury was a joke. I know what you’re saying about how difficult it is going to be to find people who haven’t heard about the Jodi Arias trial, but couldn’t the same have been said about this jury, too? Because this has been going on for 5 years now and, no doubt that it has become more of a national story in the last 6 months, but has it not been a huge story in Arizona since 2008?
I have said many times recently that this is far from over and we still have a ways to go yet, but I think that today was a victory for Jodi albeit a small one. Personally, I would rather Jodi be free and with her family right now instead of a jail cell. But at least she is not having to be transferred to death row and for at least the next couple of months she’ll be able to receive postcards of encouragement from all of us.
I also have a suggestion for you, MB. How about you all create a YouTube channel where we could all send video messages of encouragement to Jodi? That way when her family and/or friends goes to visit her at the jail, they can play these messages for her. Is that possible? Pardon me for my naiveté, but I was just wondering.
Frank, I just got home from doing stuff. I haven’t even commented on this revelation yet. Let me get situated and I’ll get around to it ok?
Thanks 🙂
Okay! 🙂 Maybe it was JC that I had read comments from earlier and attributed them to you by mistake. Either way, I love reading both of your posts and would really like to get your perspective on this revelation.
Don’t worry this site will be here for years to come. 🙂 We will always do our best to fight for Jodi and see this through. I like your idea of posting videos – I was talking the other day that we should work together and make a documentary to expose the truth about this trial to petition for her release. It can be done! I’m not sure if they can play the messages for Jodi but that’s a beautiful idea.
I also think we should continue to write her postcards and let her know that we will support her 100% no matter what happens. We can still brainstorm ideas for fundraising and positive change if we can. Thanks for your input, I’m glad you are here for the long haul!!!!
Wow that is a great idea Frank!
You think so? I just think it would be nice to maybe send Team Jodi video clips of us sending messages out to Jodi. They don’t have to necessarily be long, but they could be simple, heartfelt messages, songs, poetry, impersonations of HLN staff and Juan Martinez. Okay, so I made that last part up. LOL Don’t get me wrong. The postcards are wonderful and I think there’s something wonderful about reading someone’s handwriting where you can really tell how they are feeling. I think it is a lost art today. But if Jodi were able to see video clips of people talking to her, I truly believe with all of my heart that she would be very touched and moved by it. I think it would really give her some extra jolt of motivation and give her yet another wonderful reason to keep on living. What do you think?
Very loving gesture. 🙂 I think Jodi would love it. And she would get to see it for herself. Instead of just being told by others how much she means to us.
lets get jose baez on jodi s defense!!!!!
Omgosh Biaz is on the phone w/vp. I love that guy, he is telln it like it is!!!
OMG they just said jodi got a fair trial!!
r u effin kidding me
WTF??? Vinnie is such a jackass! Jose Baez has too much intelligence for Vinnie to understand. YES! The new age of social media is changing how justice is delivered in the country. He’s not saying cases should be private…he’s saying that clearly….with people having so much input, it can truly impact a case. When you have media folks chasing jurors down the street and filming them on the train-ride home…against their desire…..you can see where this is problematic!
Kimberly—–agree with eve rly thing u said. Also had the jury been sequestered I think the outcome may have been life Iife in prison.
VP is so out of touch, this trial was not tried in the court house it was tried in the MEDIA with HLN being the Judge Jury and Executioner.
ITA! I think that’s another thing that is approaching the tipping point. The media is DRIVING decisions by driving the opinions of so many small-minded sheeple. They do it with politics as well. It’s sad! It reminds me of something my dad has always said..
Vp is such a DICK!! Its not the cameras in the courtroom you dumbfuck its your motherfricken mouthS!
I just heard that they were 8 to 4 split
Do we know which way they split?
Never mind. I understand. 8 wanted to kill her.
Now HLN will have to quit blaming the female juror that they claim looks like Jodi’S Mother. Obviously she was not standing alone.
I wonder how many of the 8/4 split were Mormon?
Some judge on HLN said that trying Jodi again is unconstitutional , it is double jeopardy and that it is a waste of taxpayers money and to take your marbles and go home!
He was the judge in the Anna Nicole Smith case. He’s very …..errrr…animated. LOL! He’s right though. This case is done! They need to let her go and chalk this one up as a lesson learned.
He seemed like a bit of a weirdo, but he should know what the law is if he is a real judge, right?
LOL! I think so 🙂
Wanna know something funny? I had to look up what ITA meant, I guess I am getting old! ( 38)
How does it feel Kermi to be just at the point of spewing your load only to lose it right after you get it out of your pants? Bet it happens to you all the time.
One thing is positive for HLN….
Their RATINGS will stay up for the next few months of June and July…and possibly August…LOL…
Oh, they’re just getting started. HLN is going to drive a lot of racial hatred when they start spewing their foolishness around the Trayvon Martin case. It’s the last thing this country needs but it’s coming. SMH!!!!
Okok, NOW it’s me, and I’m a “couple” of years older than Angela..I keep seeing SMH, WHAT does it mean?? Also, ITA and another one I see on twitter a lot, FTW?
Sorry in advance for my senility…lol, I know I could put my own words in, but I highly doubt they’re correct. 😉
lol ITA..’i totally agree’…the others…hmmmmm, I don’t know either lol
SMH shaking my head ITA I totally Agree FTW for the win. I looked it up on Internet Slang
My limited understanding…
ITA: “I totally agree”
SMH: “Shaking my head”.
Not sure about FTW, unless you mean WTF: “What the…”
Here’s another one I just learned: o.o Blank stare.
LOL, THANK YOU EVERYONE…going to go copy & paste before I forget them!! 😉
SMH. Shake my head
ITA. I totally agree
FTW. for the win. Or f**k the world
Didn’t know these myself. Had to look it up 🙂
MB…our page is in overload…LOL…
loading s l o w
But so far not noticing any/many Travisites on here.
I thought for sure, after today, they’d be bogging us down.
Probably just lurking and sulking in the shadows.
So I guess I should say, FUCK YOU TRAVISITES.
Pitchforks @PitchforksPosts 2m
Wow! Judge Larry Seidlin just said that this is double jeopardy & is unconstitutional & that people “should take their marbles & go home!”
link please
I just got that from my twitter
they have a website I think..
It doesn’t say where they heard it but Pitchforks does have a website.
It was on HLN after dark
He’s been awesome with his comments this whole trial!!!
For everyone of those 8 jurors who voted a death sentence…a death of some sort will come to them…Karma…
I don’t think they’ll have to wait that long. That kind of stupidity usually has quick consequences. The juror who was chased down the street by HLN reporter JVM….he got a small dose today. They’re gonna see what it feels like when you allow stupidity to overcome sanity, morality, and integrity.
I predicted it was probably 8 for death 4 for life yesterday. I am very proud of the 4 for whatever reasons that they did not cave to public pressure and fear. I suspect they will be harassed if names are leaked. JVM should get sued for chasing that jurorfor 3 blocks! Harrassment caught on tape!
It is called freedom of the press…either running off at the mouth or running off chasing people…acceptable behavior….LOL…
Boy I hope that the jury comes forward and tell the truth about what outside influence there was.
When they were saying that the jurors are trust worthy and will not listen to out side media tells me how out of touch these dumbasses are.
They don’t believe that BS! They wanted to believe that because they wanted a conviction. Anybody with a brain and some integrity knows this was NEVER a death penalty case!
Oh sure Tim, they can’t wait to step up to the plate and be honest about connecting to the media & don’t forget what Violett said “everyone lies at some point & time in their lives. Everyone knows they saw something & I think someone else on here recently pointed out that these jurors saw all the satelite trucks & blood thirsty reporters lined up all over the courthouse! They knew already what happened with the poor CA jurors!
Dumb crying girl on HLN she just wanted this over so everyone could go home. Well _itch go home.
I know right! I can’t believe these idiots flew from out of town to cry about somebody NOT being put to death. They’ll be back in church on Sunday though. SMH!!!!
lol Tim I said the same thing when hearing her blubber that out
Really Tim,
They CAN all go home.
There was a life at steak here, they treated the court system like shit.
They all made a mockery ot of it.
Their asses can go home any time. There are others that aren’t as fortunate.
IF they would have given Jodi SECOND degree, they would have never
had to leave home.
I think since she offered it, HLN and many others “LIED” about everything,
that she should either get to go home or maybe manslaughter.
Enough aleady
On Jodis twitter site we are referred as “another jealous man hating woman that got dumped by a man. That’s her supporters.” lol
***shrugs shoulder****They can call names all they want but fact is…we called this. We’re not sitting at home wringing our hands, snotting in tissues, and moaning about how we don’t understand. WE KNEW!!!! If they would pull their asses out of their head, perhaps their brains could function again. This was never a death-penalty case.
Folks have some idealized view of Travis when in fact he was a racist, sexist, hypo critical pig. NO, I’m not saying he deserved to die the way he did but until they become realistic about what happened between those two, they’ll continue to be confused. Jodi defended herself from a pig!
Man haters?
I hate any man who verbally, mentally, or physically abuses a woman.
And I hate any woman who does the same to a man.
The Travisites views are so absolutely fucked up, so sad.
Its like their all looking into those fun mirrors at the circus we’ve all come to know as the Maricopa Court.
And to think, supposedly 8 of these jurors agreeded with those sick fucks (Travisites)?
Seriously, what the fuck?
There really are no words.
Well, I’m not gay and I have never been dumped by a man.
I have two beautiful daughters in which the younger one has been abused. Travis got what he deserved.
Ok guys just got home. C someone explain what happened real quick, plz????? Thx!
Hung jury 8 for death, 4 for life. HLN has gone wild
Hung jury, reportedly 8 in favor of death, 4 of life.
That is not very close-ish. :/ Do you think they’ll make a plea deal or retry this?
How the fk does HLN know ? The jurors haven’t even talked…. Wasn’t it 8 men on the jury and 4 women?
FK YOU FOR THE SPIN HLN……….get your facts str8
I doubt it was all 4 women voting for life (if in fact, it was 8-4). The court may have released that, but I think it was supposed to be released next week. Not sure.
But I just know, azCentral had two different witnesses. 1 witnesses observed that a juror apologized to Martinez ( I think a female), and 1 juror apologized to Travis’s family (not sure if male or female).
Clearly, jury is biased.
I think its time for our courts to stand up against the out of control media.
Amen to that!
NO CASE should be on T.V. period!!! Allow court to be open to the public where anyone can go and observe, but to open it to the world? Absolutely not right!!!
Hello!I Found This Site Just 2 Days Ago & After Reading
A Few Posts , Thought I wouldn’t Be Welcomed Here Aa I Am Mormon.
I Am Also A Domestic Violence Survivor! My ex-Husband Was
Violent And A Drunk ( Became This Way After A Death In Our Family)
He Was Also Mormon And A Fantastic Liar That Led A Double Life, Just As Travis Didand Had People Convinced He Was This Great Man.
I Support DV Survivors And As I Know Those Of You Who Are Survivors Know, We Can Tell Another Survivor From A Liar.
Jodi Is not Lying About The Abuse By Travis. it’s Obvious.
Watching This Trial From Day 1 ,It Has Made Me Ill WatchingThese Crowds Wanting The Death Penalty. That isn’t An Eye For An eye- it’s Murder! They Would Be Guilty Of Murder!
I Have Been Praying For Jodi And Her Family Daily. I Know MANY more LDS that Are Also On Her Side. She Is Guilty Of Manslaughtsr, At Best. Certainly Not Murder 1.
I can’t Honestly See Where An Unbiased Person Could Be Found,,Let Alone Another Full Jury Plus Alternates! There Is Just No Way!!
Jodi Served Her Time,,Twice Now,
.First Being Absused By Travis And Now Behind Bars For 5 Years!
Where Is This Trial Going In The Name Of Justice??
That Juan Character Is Vengeful And The Pure Hate In The Alexanders I Saw Today Was Just Evil. They Want Revenge,,Not Justice!
If They Are Also LDS, which I Sincerely Doubt, They Are Pretending Exactly As Their Brother Did
I’m Sure Travis Knows ALL about Justice By Now.
I’ll Be Watching If/When The Next Jury Is Chosen.
I’ll Be Buying Jodi’s t-Shirt And Proudly Wearing It.
I Am A Survivor!
( Where Can I Write To Jodi?)
Thank You! Keep Up The Support!
Dear Jennifer Willmott & Kirk Nurmi
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
You guys did a Phenomenal job with what you
had and today was a victory for both of you & Jodi.
You and Kirk know the meaning of integrity.
Hope you guys take a mini vacay and decompress
for somewhere peaceful for a bit.
You guys deserve it!
Job beyond well done!!!
I agree!
I just now watched where the verdict was read. Samantha facial expession….Oh WOW
all the Alexanders looked like the distorted devil face on the Exorcist. Those twisted faces were for milking more money from their sheep. They would make great holloween masks.:)
Yeah, I screamed at that bitch.
Just wish she could have heard me…
She tried so hard to cry and the brother gave hateful looks at the jury.
Brother’s face & EVIL EYES looked psychotic!
they are scary
Have a look at Jennifer’s face when the verdict was read. I think the way the woman read the verdict was confusing. She used the word “unanimous” in the middle and twice Jennifer’s head jerks just slightly and her eyes look puzzled and shocked. When the woman finally gets to the end, she pauses for a moment: and says: “No unanimous decision” (or whatever is was). You can see Jennifer stare at the judge intently (for confirmation?) and then she relaxes. It looked to me that a lot went through Jennifer’s mind in just a few seconds.
I liked Jodi’s reaction, too.
It amazes me how they cruisefied AL about talking about 90% of all communication is non-verbal. And blaming Jodi for being on the stand so long.
I have heard it about 5 times tonight that Jodi’s non-verbal skills got to this jury, what a f’ing joke.
You mean when it was suggested that Jodi has this mystical effect on men.Well, it’s hard to argue against that idea. She can’t help it if men can’t take their eyes off her.
That’s how HLN does it.
1. First, you get a good looking female defendant.
2. Yadda, yadda
3. Yadda, yadda
The other steps don’t matter much if you have #1.
Typical. These folks speak out of both sides of their mouth. When you’re behaving like an impetuous child, you say whatever sounds good. They do that all the time. It’s really quite stupid.
One word to describe Vinnie Politan one word
I just saw on the State vs A FB page a msg from juror # 17! An alternate but still! I’m supposed to believe that after today a friend of theirs told them about that page!!!! Please……. Those jurors were tainted I really have no doubt. Very suspect!
What does it say?
A message to you, from juror 17:
Hello all! I was sent to this page thanks to a friend of mine now that I am able to see and hear things! I was juror 17 and later on I was chosen as an alternate. I was so disappointed and upset to hear my number called after all the time and work I put into this trial! Today was a hard day for the jury but it was also a very hard day for me!! To say I am devastat…See More
To say I am devastated is an understatement! I feel so much pain that I can’t even begin to imagine what Travis’s family is feeling! Although today’s outcome wasn’t what I wanted and probably most of you as well, I just ask that you remember we are all human and no matter which juror voted which way, it was a very hard decision for all of them! I want to send my love and prayers to Travis’s family and I really hope they get the right outcome next time!!!
Clearly the jury was biased. He clearly wanted to give her the DP from the getgo.
And both this juror and the juror who keeps going on Dr. Drew say they want the verdict for the family. Well the verdict is supposed to be based on the evidence and the law, not what a family wants. Would these jurors believe that a person with no family at the trial – but all evidence the same – have a different verdict? Is this a popularity contest or a trial of facts, evidence and law?
If that really is a message from #17, she writes like a moron and is unfairly biased.
This is so FKed up……….. guess CH is paying her off…………
I was thinking that too.
Wait, can she even interact in social media? Have they been released from their subpoena?
I made a screenshot too.
Yeah, the ban was lifted. But the comment was still messed up and indicative of bias.
I’m glad you made a screenshot. Hopefully, this stuff can be used in a second trial or even used to throw out the guilty verdict in this trial although I’m not sure how that would be done. A review of the case at a higher level maybe? The more we learn, the more the jury looks “dirty.”
TA’s family want Jodi dead, for defending herself against their disgusting brother. I don’t think this is the site you should troll into if you are going to defend the Alexander’s. Like I said, they want Jodi dead.
That was a reply to Brenda
No worries Cheryl she was just copy/pasting a message from juror 17 posted on another site that shall remain nameless.
I want to send my love and prayers to Travis’s family. I really want to kill a human being for them.
Screenshot it please.
NK just go to the state’s page and it’s the first thing you see after the request for money… It was posted by their admin…. doesn’t show a name……….wtf ever
Discuss on Vent page. Not safe here.
Imagine Kermit getting a hold of the 4 jurors who voted for life:
That was good!
LMFAO !!!!
Good one! That would be a good skit to perform.
AMEN!!! This is not a system of mob justice! If you think otherwise, you need to go back to law school. This case is beyond ridiculous.
They say that a new jury will try again…unless the prosecutor changes from execution to a life term…they will review evidence and hear opening statements, closing arguments and testimony from the witnesses in a much shorter version than the trial itself….
Bill Montgomery said a status hearing has been set for June 20, 2013…and will proceed with the intention to retry the penalty phase…
Arizona law…requires a new jury to decide the punishment…they will have to find more jurors willing to issue a death verdict all over again…
The judge would then sentence Arias to spend her life in prison or be eligible for parole after 25 years if the second jury cannot reach a unanimous decision…the judge cannot sentence her to death…
Doesn’t this law remind you of “the best 2 out of 3” kind of games we played as a child when we lost the first game, toss or card turn? It’s got “unfair/unjust” written all over it.
Wow, Jodi Arias, a woman about my own age whom I’ve never met, just gave me hope. She played along, stayed strong, and stood back and let everyone else reveal their true colors and make asses of themselves. I almost feel sorry for the bullies of the world for they are such pathetic, immature, unevolved things to pity. I am hesitant to get too excited about this because I don’t know what will happen next. Maybe the world can now concentrate on who really killed Travis and tried to kill Jodi. They’ve asked for the spotlight, now they’re gonna get it.
I just want to say a big THANK YOU to the four courageous, conscientious souls that realized that we can’t go around killing people because the media says so.
THANK YOU for not giving in to the mob mentality.
THANK YOU for standing your ground and fighting for what you believe in.
I will never know what happened in that jury room, but I’m willing to bet it was tough not giving 8 bullies what they wanted.
I will never agree with the verdict of M1, but you did the right thing. Jodi is a life worth saving, and I thank you for that.
I agree MB.
I’m still angry over the M1 verdict.
But as you said, thankful for the right decision this time.
Hey M! <3
The ONLY reason I am not angry anymore, is because of the possibility that it was the result of bullying.
JC has been sharing articles with me about some horrible things that happen in the jury room.
Two women were seen crying after the day of the verdict... we are concerned that the verdict only happened because they were pressured into it.
I just heard Joey say that unless they bring in more mitigating factors like people testifying in her behalf then they don’t have any more mitigating factors to consider…
Can we get information to the defense team to get in touch with Darryl Brewer…Darryl said in that interview the other night that the town that he is from is fond of Jodi…and that they would have come to testify for her if they had been subpoened them…that is a lot of people in that town…
Wow, thats really interesting MB.
Sad, but interesting.
I wonder if more about this will come out?
That certainly makes me question my anger; they need to come forward.
But with the obvious acceptance of death threats and what not, toward’s Jodi/defense’ side, I can see why they may not.
Have you heard anything else, other than the crying the day after the verdict?
Two different jurors. 1) Apologized to the family. The 2) apologized to Martinez
No, not yet.
I really hope they come forward!
If you hear more update me please?
Its very hopeful.
Hope you are well!
THIS also bothers me, a LOT. The jurors in CA’s case, I heard some actually had to move. I keep hearing that THIS case drummed up even MORE “fans”, (and I’m NOT talking about us), than CA. Surely these jurors know all this.
YES, there’s a GOOD chance for appeal in this case. As long as some new attorney doesn’t TRY, (I can’t imagine they’d succeed, UNLESS Jodi feels “suicidal”), to get her to take the plea deal all the talking heads are talking about: LWOP & NO APPEALS.
PLEASE tell us that you or SJ KNOW she won’t take THAT, UNDER ANY circumstances??!!
But I STILL think that a verdict overturn because of juror misconduct would be GREAT right now!! With elections next year, I highly doubt they’d go through the whole trial again & Jodi has a chance at a decent sentence-especially if her atty threatens to bring in the conflicting evidence, and the people who have come fwd after-the-fact with info.
Did ANYONE EVER hear back from that guy that posted here the end of April? Who said he knew the TRUTH about Travis??!!
I know my daughter and I thought the same thing when we heard the jurors voices during polling. We both looked at each other and said, “she didn’t want to do this.” I know I get heart palpitations when I have been bullied on youtube and other places. I cannot imagine what they felt. BUT I would have called the bailiff and had him/her escort me to the police before I voted for M1. That was stupid.
Maybe 4 were pressured into it, that is why the stood their ground against the DP. If they couldn’t withstand the pressure of the conviction, they’d at least spare her life.
Well put, MB – I also, do not agree with the M1 decision, but a so very grateful that at least one of those jurors stuck to their guns, really listened to their heart.
Jodi looked soooo tired, so stressed today. Let’s all send good vibes/prayers that even though she remains in a kind of limbo (that sucks big time), there are obviously people out there who really see her with the love and compassion that she deserves.
We are getting so much free publicity on HLN about the “Survivor tee shirts”…yaaahoo….
Hopefully there will be some good folks that see them on HLN and decide to order…
I ordered mine tonight before they run out of stock…hmmm…
NICE!!!! I’m sure the folks over at HLN are looking for folks to dig up dirt on you guys so they can call you out. Be ready for the bullies. I hope that doesn’t happen but these folks are so predictable.
Well Kimberly let those with a spotless past throw the first stone! I’m 53yo & I personally don’t care what anyone digs up on me, I am who I am and who I always am gonna be. I have always tried to stand up for what I believe to be true & allow others to think & feel for themselves. BUT, when you get a lynch mob of bullies with fullon access to the media i’m not sitting down. Bring it on if someone wants to hate on me for taking advantage of my right to free speech! To do or say nothing to me is like walking over someone dying in the street & pretending I didn’t see them.
I have to go for the night but one more post. I had an idea since AZ doesn’t give a shit about jurors (or potential jurors) watching the media – then let’s play hln’s game.
Team Jodi Admins – We all know there is quite a bit of evidence that the jurors did not get to see. I have heard there is more that many of who comment are not even aware of. Can we have a page of ‘evidence’ that was not allowed in evidence? A page that not only shows the flaws in the Flores Report, but also evidence like when the gun was stolen from the grandparent’s house that other items were also taken, and other items that did not make it? Perhaps it could be in easy-to-read list form so anyone who is curious may have a look, an easy run down, and help plant the seeds of truth.
I can’t remember but somebody has a wiki page that lists all the various aspects of the case. They’ve probably got that covered. Can anybody help out with that link again?
Yes, but I’m thinking more of a ‘run-down’ that someone can scan quickly. Often, people will not want to read too much online and, though good, that wiki page is a long read.
That’s a good idea, I will pass it onto SJ. Thanks!
There were other robberies in that same area where the grandparents lived just prior to their house robbery…
Exactly, Truthseeker. This is some of the evidence, and if you combine this with missing pieces of the flores report, questions and factors discussed in the comments, evidence discussed in the wiki link below (thanks for finding it Kimberly and creating it, Geebee), and more things that we are unaware of – when combined can make a great easy-to-read list. I have been working and writing online for some time and I know that the majority of people do not read in depth. They want short paragraphs, short sentences, something they can browse while at work, etc. A list-page may prompt more people to actually read all the evidence.
Yes! If the additional neighborhood crimes can be shown to substantiate that her Grandparents weren’t the only victims of burglary around the same time, it may help.
Jodi’s grandparents weren’t the only ones that were victims of a burglary around that time – and not the only ones where a gun or guns was stolen. Not sure where this is documented though – possibly on the Police Report of the burglary at Jodi’s grandparents on May 28, 2008.
And a YouTube video too! I have realized that people are too lazy to read and understand stuff. They like to be told what to believe. Let us give them a visual presentation of the evidence and what we figured out from the pictures. geebee2, let us make a presentation of all the crime scene pictures and tell them what we see and don’t see in them.
Found it! (never underestimate the power of google. LOL!)
I believe that’s our very own geebee wikispaces…excellent pages…
Eons ago, on a PBS mini-series called “The Six Wives of Henry VIII”, the court jester told Henry a joke that has -for some reason- stuck in my head for all of these years.
“A thief is brought before the throne and tossed face down at the King’s feet. The King asks the thief why his life should be spared. The thief replies ‘Please, Your Majesty, if you will give me just one more year of life, I will teach your horse to talk!’ The King laughs, then ponders this a moment and grants the thief another year.
“The thief is met by his friend as he leaves the throne room. ‘Are you insane?’ the friend asks. ‘Why would you make a promise like that?’
“The thief shrugs and says ‘In a year’s time, the King may die. Or the horse may die. Or I may die. Or the horse may talk!’ ”
Time means things can change. In two months time, many things can change.
I forgot about that joke – thanks for sharing! It put a smile on my face before I bid you all adieu. May Jodi, Jodi’s family and all of you have a peaceful evening.
Interesting article by Larry Seidlin about the jury not being sequestered..
very good article .. public needs to see it
The only thing that would have made me feel better ( then when I heard the hung jury verdict) is to have Nasty DisGrace keel over with a heart attack on national TV. That is one blood thirsty Evil Bitch!. The Grimm sisters turned on the waterworks (as usual). Somebody should have shoved some coke up their nose to calm them down. Re-trial on July 18th??? Where are you going to find 16 people in Arizona that haven’t heard about this case? Impossible. The death penalty is de facto off the table, because no higher court could ever uphold a DP verdict under these circumstances.
Nasty Disgrace will keel over when George Zimmerman is aquitted!lol
” Where are you going to find 16 people in Arizona that haven’t heard about this case?”
I wouldn’t put it past them to legalize a few illegals and conduct the new trial in Spanish.
“Waaah Waaaah Waaaah! I don’t want to see the face of my brother’s killer anymore!”
Well, stop watching HLN dipshit. 🙄
I know right??? lol
The clowns on After Dark are saying that Jodi should be put to death and guess why…
Wait for it…
They don’t want her to tweet anymore.
Yes, they don’t care that she stabbed Travis, they are “concerned” that Jodi will taunt the family by tweeting.
It doesn’t matter that she has NEVER tweeted to the family ever.
They want to prevent her from tweeting by putting her to death.
I mean how fucking STUPID are these people? Rhetorical question, but still. WTF. They can take their tears and shove it.
“I mean how fucking STUPID are these people? Rhetorical question, but still. WTF. They can take their tears and shove it.”
LOL!! Whew! I’m glad that was rhetorical because I was gonna have a go at it, but I would have needed a dedicated thread.
Oh my god MB, you are cracking me up tonight.
But seriously, it is disgusting what these people think.
Who the fuck glorifies these people and their twisted minds?
I’ll agree, most of these people are just plain stupid, but sadly, some of them are just twisted as hell.
Twisted as hell… very well put. It’s just so unnatural!!
It makes my skin crawl.
The Twisted Sisters. 😉
I look forward to Jodi’s tweets. I look for them every day. And I always leave her words of encouragement. I hope Donovan reads them to her. One thing I noticed today is her supporter tweets are growing. Not a lot but more than before. Finally some people are getting some sense.
How the fk does HLN know ? The jurors haven’t even talked…. Wasn’t it 8 men on the jury and 4 women?
FK YOU FOR THE SPIN HLN……….get your facts str8
That’s right Joey Jackson, victory will come next.
WE ARE TEAM JODI AND WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS!
Fuck yeah!!
Can someone tell me WHY these assholes are crying because Jodi didn’t get death?
I mean come on… really?
You’ve got to be a total psycho to want to see someone die so bad that you CRY because it’s not going to happen.
I know. It is so disturbing.
yes… and they say jodi is troubled?
I 100% believe that with the Murder 1 charge some of the jurors felt bullied & also fear….I def think they just gave in but STOOD THERE GROUND W THIS….I guarantee that at some pt…prob yrs down the line, one of the jurors will admit to this
totally agree…
Did anyone notice that when the jury came back with M1, NG and her bunch of heathens said the justice system worked and what a great system we have (WRONG!! ) and they love the system just because the jury came back with the decision that HLN wanted….but today when it was hung then all of a sudden the very same system that those NG heathens loved so much, now all of a sudden they hate that same very justice system. NG was screaming some shit about what’s wrong with the system. Hey NG you POS you can’t have it both ways! Now they’re all crying because today’s decision wasn’t what THEY wanted. What’s wrong with the crowd outside crying because Jodi didn’t get the DP?? How morally corrupt are they and I sincerely hope they don’t represent how so many feel. NG was happy with the justice system for M1 but now she’s angry with that same system for a hung jury. How sickening is she along with the rest of that bunch! Jodi you won today and will continue to do so into the future!!
being happy for anyone’s death IS so bizarre. i presume u have to have hate deep within…
and then to promote that hate, as hln does brings it another level.
u’d think they’ve feel just a LIL bit stupid.
the general public crying over someone NOT being killed? volunteer or SOMETHING!
I heard a few minutes ago now…Joey say that unless they bring in more mitigating factors like people testifying in her behalf then they don’t have any more mitigating factors to consider…
Can we get information to the defense team to get in touch with Darryl Brewer…Darryl said in that interview the other night that the town that he is from is fond of Jodi…and that they would have come to testify for her if they had been subpoened them…that is a lot of people in that town…
Yes, I will pass that onto SJ. Thanks!
Thanks MB…I will sleep better tonight…
Watch all segments of this video…
This video is of an interview today with Darryl Brewer….Jodi’s ex-boyfriend…
It is very good and he speaks positive of Jody…
Darryl is saying that Jodi was thought fondly of by the town people from where he is from…and the interviewer asked Darryl where are those folks now…and Darryl said they are at the same place and there was not much effort to get those folks to come forth to trial…the folks volunteered but apparently the defense and others did not get the folks to come to trial…
She would have had a town full of folks that thought fondly of her…why didn’t the defense get these people to trial to speak up for Jodi???
And he does talk of Jodi changing once she started getting involved with Pre Paid Legal…PPL…just by what he is saying…it sounds like to me that Jodi was brainwashed by PPL…
Darryl feels that Jodi did NOT get a fair trial…that the trial was polluted from the start…and he has strong opinions on the way that the Maricopa County has proceeded and he says that the appeals process will be telling…
I wonder if Jodi is going to do anymore interviews? If she does she should only let Geraldo Rivera do them!
She’s not allowed to do anymore interviews…. That was a statement from the BIG BAD WOLF Sheriff…..JOE.
I got the feeling that Sheriff Joe was not behind the interview ban. I think he got orders from the DA and judge!:-(
No way, those orders were direct from hln! Whom pissed & moaned because they didn’t get a chance to crucify her in person!
One last thing….how unprofessional was it for Judge Pickles to cry while she was trying to thank the jurors? I thought she wasn’t supposed to give any reaction one way or another?? At the least she’s showing how she feels and she should be thrown off the bench. How unprofessional!! The only thing Judge “Pickles” knows how to do it sit on a hamburger or hot dog along with some ketchup and mustard! Hahaha….
are you FUCKING SERIOUS? She cried? How fucking unethical and professional……… BARRED….
She is showing her true colors now.
Oh yeah. It was ridiculous. She paused as she was thanking them. Then she said she would come out later to personally thank them.
Its love fest 2013.
So appropriate for court don’t you think? ugh!!!
You know, in a way, it’s a pretty good thing that all these incidents are televised.
Yes, but don’t forget folks-this is the SAME Judge that did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the Twisted Sisters water spouts THROUGHOUT the trial!!
I did hear a slight crack in her voice, then a pause FUJuan.
Doesnt feel right to me.
What am I reading here? The judge cried? The juror/jurors apologized to the prosecutor & the victim’s family? What do these people think they are here for? If they think the detectives & prosecutors are always right, then why bother with a trial at all? They are here to hear both sides of the story and figure out the truth based on the evidence presented to them and give an impartial verdict. No emotions publicly on anyone’s behalf! If you want to cry, go home and cry. If this is how they serve justice, then call it Maricopa circus tent, instead of maricopa court house!
OMFG!! Those bitches outside the courthouse, i.e. cane lady, and the other creepy one crying about the “non-verdict” today make me vomit!
Same here.
They disgust me!!!
On another note, I know where she can put that cane.
The other end she can stick in JVM’s ear for blaming Jodi for this.
MB…I posted some more for you up above on that note about Darryl…please copy and paste it for SJ…thanks…
Ok will do!
Cheers Ed! =)
Hi to all you amazing people on the Jodi is innocent page,Im Gary an Englishman living in Israel with my beautiful wife and equally beautiful twin girls,I have only posted 2 times before this, saying what a fantastic job you guys are doing and a message to Jodi that everone is not a hater.I am not a big writer or even a big talker as a matter of fact(Im known as the quite guy) but I had to post again this morning (0700 in Israel) how wonderfully elated I feel right now after just this minute reading the news of the hung jury,Im hoping that this is the turning point that Jodis supporters wanted,and that we are now heading in the right direction to finally clear Jodis name.Again well done to each and everyone of you .
Love and Peace to you all.
Have a Great Day
Thanks for your comment Gary!! 🙂 I totally agree.
Thank you Gary. Welcome 🙂
Thank you for posting, Gary! Don’t be a stranger. =)
Thanks for posting Gary, and BE SAFE!! I got an alert about the drills you guys are going to have Sunday and about what Eshel said today(?).
Take care of yourself & your family!! Shalom! Peace! Shantih!
Jodi Arias Jurors Leaving After Court
Well, Good night everybody (((((((((((((((JODI)))))))))))))))) ((((((((((((((((SUPPORTERS))))))))))))))))))
Nighty nite!
From the State v. Jodi Arias FB page:
“A message to you, from juror 17:
Hello all! I was sent to this page thanks to a friend of mine now that I am able to see and hear things! I was juror 17 and later on I was chosen as an alternate. I was so disappointed and upset to hear my number called after all the time and work I put into this trial! Today was a hard day for the jury but it was also a very hard day for me!! To say I am devastated is an understatement! I feel so much pain that I can’t even begin to imagine what Travis’s family is feeling! Although today’s outcome wasn’t what I wanted and probably most of you as well, I just ask that you remember we are all human and no matter which juror voted which way, it was a very hard decision for all of them! I want to send my love and prayers to Travis’s family and I really hope they get the right outcome next time!!!”
Pretty carefully worded, not enough for investigation, but it still shows to those of us with a brain, that there was bias on that jury, IMHO.
time and work into this trial? sitting on her butt in a chair listening for 3 days a week—thats hard work? Probably not the real juror if so why didn’t she come out to the cameras after the trial? Why did they ask for there names to be sealed? Are they going to out the 4 with the process of elimination? she’s another fame whore too apparently if she is even a real alternate.
And having had her mind already made up.
Juror #17, why don’t you come to this site and explain yourself in a little more detail! Eh!
And oh yeah like we believe thats the first time she saw the page!!!! You been reading it all along sweetheart…lmao
At least there is a reprieve for Jodi and the possibility that the state won’t want to waste more money on doing this penalty phase again. Maybe the chance of some type of negotiated deal. One can only hope.
They say that a new jury will try again…unless the prosecutor changes from execution to a life term…they will review evidence and hear opening statements, closing arguments and testimony from the witnesses in a much shorter version than the trial itself….
Bill Montgomery said a status hearing has been set for June 20, 2013…and will proceed with the intention to retry the penalty phase…
Arizona law…requires a new jury to decide the punishment…they will have to find more jurors willing to issue a death verdict all over again…
The judge would then sentence Arias to spend her life in prison or be eligible for parole after 25 years if the second jury cannot reach a unanimous decision…the judge cannot sentence her to death…
I find it disgusting that the jurors were videotaped leaving the courtroom. Whether I agree with all their decisions in this trial or not, their privacy should be guarded 100%, especially with so many death threats that have already occurred in this trial. They could easily be recognized from that video. That’s sick! Who will EVER want to serve on a jury of a high profile case again?
Well I just want to say thanks to those juros that did not go along with the DP! Perhaps they might have heard what Geraldo said after Jodi was convicted of M1.
“Taking her life in cold blood via a death sentence will be barbaric.”
I am always late to the party! I am just now reading all the posts. I heard, HUNG! earlier but could not get to my iPad. Although it is a victory I just want to cry!!! It’s so emotional to think Jodi will go through this phase again. I am so upset that people can not see the truth, that they are focused on her death, and that they are unable to understand what they are doing to OUR justice system. Do they EVER think about the precedent that is being set by this kangaroo court and its trial by media? Jodi is not the only victim here, nor is TA. We all are. Jodi, I pray you can get some rest tonight. Tomorrow is tomorrow…..rest now.
Night all.
Just got home from work there seems to be some jurrors that used their brains for something other than keeping their skulls from caving in they must have tried to atone for the miscarriage of justice when they came down with the m1 Verdict which was whole fully wrong Now the big question is where are they going to find some jurrors that are not tainted or have some knowledge of this trial Those assholes at HLN have made sure that they spewed all their vile all day and night hammered it into our brains everyday over and over I’m sure the defence will be on top of that stating there is no way in hell there can be a fair jury picked now If that sorry ass of a judge allows that toad Martinez to pick a jury that he will stack in his favor she should be held in contemp It’s over Juano cut a deal tell the Adams family look a likes to go back to their Travis town shrine and cut their losses I hope Jodi gets an appeal on the m1 and gets a reduced sentance with time served Enough is enough let poor Jodi be she has suffered as much or more than those fakes the Alexander’s and those lying bastard the Hughes it was a victory today with more to come God Bless Jodi
I was at work during the verdict, so I was unable to discuss it with you all, unfortunately. I had a feeling all along that it would be a hung jury. 8 jurors were for death, 4 for life. I wish the majority had been for life, but at least there were 4 like-minded people on the jury. I don’t want to wait 2 months for closure, but I’m hoping the next jury, should they get one, will come back with life or be hung as well. Oh, and Juan’s face was purely priceless! I’ve been waiting months for that!
Well you just heard it from JVM mouth on HLN…it was her looks…she was a good looking woman…
And haven’t some of us said that from day one…a lot of the haters are bitchy women that are just down right jealous because Jodi is prettier, slimmer, more intelligent and etc. than they are…
Yep…just a bunch of jealous hating bitches out there…
I am a female and I know first hand how jealous those hateful bitches can be when you are prettier than they are…
There were two different church women in my lifetime that told me in so many hateful words that they couldn’t be friends with me because their husbands wouldn’t quit telling them how pretty that I was and it made them feel uncomfortable…so those two started avoiding me at church functions…I was so sad…I eventually left that church and went to another church…
I can just imagine that Jodi went through this similar thing with those jealous mormon women who treated Jodi indifferently…
OMG I wanted throw a shoe at my tv when JVM said that.
They are allready trying to single out the votes for life suggesting the 4 who lunched together. They just need to get over it. Talk about stalkers!!! The hate fest out there and JM’s fairy tales in court did this. If those jurors are harrassed in the least I expect Jodi’s team to bring that into the next hearing. Enough is enough with your vendettas and revenge seeking. Its nobody’s business who voted which way especially because of the venom the whole trial. No wonder they wanted their names sealed—they know whats going on out there.
I cannot say I full heartedly do not support the idea of the DP in certain circumstances. Serial killers, spree killers, child killers, serial rapists, sadistic masogynistic murderers…those are a few examples of those I would have very little reservation at the notion. We all know this trial should have been about, we all know what the outcome should have been. I hope all those out for vengeance learned or will learn a valuable lesson at some point from the dark murderous thoughts they have… They are the only ones guilty of premeditating a murder…or at the bare minimum conspiracy to commit a murder.
Well the DP is only supposed to be implemented in deaths that are ESPECIALLY cruel. People forget this. The DP is not for each and every homicide.
Think of the Petit family, where that poor man had to listen to a couple of thugs rape his wife and daughters, then set them on fire.
THAT is especially cruel. This case was not, and it never was. It was self defense.
i agree re: the petite case. even with those sick guys, i wasn’t feeling a sense of “joy” for their death verdict ( they got dp, right?).
but, yes, re:dp for that. esp. cos of the young girl.
No, I am not overjoyed either.
I wasn’t happy when Osama Bin Laden was killed either.
There’s no joy in death.
I truly believe that while the defense works on the “new penalty phase” there should also be a team of attnys hired to work on the misconduct and appellate issues and get it started before a new jury is even chosen in other words “shut this circus down before it starts again” work on freeing Jodi ASAP. I am willing to help pay for another team of attnys to get the appellate process going but only the best appeals attnys will do. MB….can you pass this onto SJ and Jodi’s family etc and contact me to get this going??
Post this over on the new page (Friday page) too so everyone will see it…
I did copy and paste over to the other page! I am behind Jodi 150% no I don’t know her I have never met her but I have been in similar situations with past relationships and I know she doesn’t deserve this charge especially with all the misconduct that took place. I love helping people and her M1 conviction has kept me up many nights since and I’ve done some extended research on this case and something NEEDS to be done ASAP! Hopefully I can help and get this stuff going! Not for recognition but for Justice for the real person who deserves it….Jodi!!
Wow Kara, pretty darn cool that you are willing & able to do this for Jodi! I think Jose Biaz should be a consultant in some capacity! That is one atty that gets whats going on 100%.
I didn’t get to see all the days of court. How did the court get those phone conversations to use in court? Also how is it they believe that a really little lady was able to pull his dead weight all the way from his bedroom down the hall and into the bathroom and pick him up and then put him in the shower stall? I have seen on TV cases where the police wouldn’t believe people and told them they killed someone until they thought they did even if they didn’t remember doing it. This case does not make since. There is more to it. Either she had help to do it or she didn’t do it at all like she said the first time to the police. What she said the first time to the police about the break in made a lot more since. These are my thoughts about all this. I really don’t see me changing my mind either. And what is all this hate I see on TV concerning this case? It’s like they hate her because she is thin and pretty and she keeps getting done dirty by guys so they might as well kick her around too. She seems like the type that just wants to make guys happy so much that she becomes a door mat then they dump her. She is to pretty to act like that and way to smart too.
I do not know Jodi . but I believe she was telling the truth about Travis , I think he did abuse her. I watched her actions as she spoke.during the trial She may have told some lies, but when it came to what happened I believed her when she said she could not remember every thing. I believe her when she said she fought for her life.Iwish there was someway to prove this . Keep praying for you Jodi
I think it is possible that Jodi is actually one of God’s angels, sent to earth for some reason we just aren’t meant to understand.
I base this on 2 facts:
1. Jodi was attacked by this large brute of a man and though a small woman she was able to win the struggle.
2. Jodi dropped out of high school. But on the stand she was able to stand up to Martinez, a veteran lawyer, and use words to defeat him.
No mortal woman would be able to do such a thing.