Happy Thursday peeps!
With the jury still trying to decide whether or not to hang themselves, here’s a link to the 10 part video interview with Jodi and 12 news anchor Mark Curtis from 5/22:
And this is a link to the 12 News interview with Darryl Brewer:
Leave your comments & general observations below…
Team Jodi
The new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the Arias family…
Am I here first?? I’m holding strong for Jodi as well as so many more. We’re in your corner Jodi and never give up, keep your head held up high!!
HLN is making lots of money off this, so will Travis’ family, Jodis family and the Jury, etc. Cuz its high profile. and they are bitching about Jodi? Just a point I wanna make; I understand Jodi-but alot of people dont cuz she is smart and she has a lot of gray areas, she doesnt think in black and white like they do! The world is gray, its not always black and white. But these people only think in black and white. She does have a smug attitude, and shouldnt have killed, of course. But the smug attitude is because of the mistreatment. I think she can be rehabbed. I just agree with her-i dont know.
Late night trolling ?
You understand smart people – you sure didn’t understand the URL here – Jodi Arias Is INNOCENT.com
There is no “gray area” here.
No worries, she’s ok Willie… just a different way of expressing herself.
I think she’s talking about Jodi’s personality and it rings true especially in light of Alyce LaViolette’s testimony about battered women. People seem to see Jodi as wholly good or wholly evil, and she’s a human being like all of us. She certainly has a lot to offer the women in prison, I hope the jury sees that!
I REALLY like how you said that, MB. This kind of differentiation is what distinguishes this site from others.
Would anyone help me in the fight against Domestic Violence? I just started a new petition, because I don’t want anyone of us to end up where Jodi is now! Like Jodi said, we need to report, so I started this.
Thank you, and thank you Jodi! I’m new at this, but want to do something!
The picture is of my daughter, and her daddy (who passed). She’s now 14.
I was just hit with a fist in the back of my head last night! My daughter, niece, and nephew
threatened as well! This needs to stop! If you would pass around, I would appreciate it.
Again, I’m new to this, so please bare w/me.
I hope you made a police report of this incident. Unless you report it and document it, you can end up on the otherwise if the fence- documentation is the key for any case, hearsay will not hold solid. Please report that incident
CrookedSystemTalkingHeads- I’m sorry to hear that. I hope your ok.
You don`t nessacarly have to call the police. If you are in this type of relationship and don`t have the resources yet to get out. Until you do Get a note book and keep a journal of EVERYTIME ,ANYTHING happens, take pictures. That way if you end up in a case battle or when you are ready you have a docement hisory. Keep it somewhere safe where your abuser wont find. Tell someone close where it is. Hope this helps. Hope is gets better.
I have never been able to make the leap from self-defense to premeditated M-1 in Jodi’s trial.
And I came here after the verdict to be with other American’s who also felt the same way.
So when someone comes in calling Jodi a murder I immediately am offend.
I will continue to pray for all SURVIVOR’S of DV. And being a Christian I am opposed to the DP.
And just yesterday we seen JM tell Jodi’s jury “life in prison without parole doesn’t mean the law MIGHT not change in the future and Jodi will one day be free”. I was amazed the judge didn’t scold JM for making up more theories (lies) as he has throughout the trial.
We seen “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth justice” on live TV yesterday when the British soldier was slaughtered. Anyone who supports the DP is no better in God’s eyes then those killers.
And to have such vile people on TV and across the net cheerleading for Jodi to be put to death is appalling to me.
My dad abused my mom, and when my mom spoke up, the police and his family claimed my dad never laid a hand on my mom. I have the memories to prove it. Sounds very typical of the way domestic violence is handled. I thought we would have progressed a tiny bit since the 80’s.
This brings something to mind. One of the main hallmarks of people with Borderline Personality Disorder is black and white thinking. They don’t think in gray areas. It shows me exactly who the people with the problems are.
HLN experts need to loose all their licenses. They are a DisGrace! I know Martinez was behind that media witch hunt, lynching. He has been behind all that is wrong about this trial. I will go into his details and antics another time. But anyone trolling learn that he is the ultimate manipulator and the most dangerous person involved.
Enough about him.
All the Psychiatric mumbo jumbo that is thrown around about Jodi is misconstrued. HLN, I am going to court commit all the psychiatric, delusional reporters giving out wrong diagnosis on Jodi. HLN, not even their psych experts(whom must be paid to say such ridiculous conclusions) are making any sense. They are just gossiping with whoever talks to them throwing all kinds of titles at Jodi, non of which are complimentary.
When we had the Defense Experts on the stand they discussed Jodi as having PTSD.
This below is what defines PTSD. This is what you go by to diagnose, once assessment and testing is done. The assessment and testing tells you:
A. The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which both of the following were present:
1) The person experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an event or events that involved actual death or serious injury, or a threat to physical integrity of self or others.
2) the person’s response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror.
Then there is a part B:
B. The traumatic event is persistently re-experienced in one or more of the following ways:
1) recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, including images, thoughts, or perceptions
2) recurrent distressing dreams of the event.
3) acting or reliving the traumatic event
4) intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event
5) physiological reactivity on exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event.
Moving on to C.:
C. Persistant avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the trauma), as indicated by three or more of the following:
1) efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the trauma
2) efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that arouse recollections of the trauma
3) inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma
4) marked diminished interest or participation in significant activities
5) feeling of detachment or estrangement from others
6) restricted range of affect ( e.g., unable to have loving feelings)
7) sense of a foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect to have a career, marriage, children, or a normal life span)
Continued from above:
There are also D, E, and F. But they are somewhat redundant. Or I can add them tomorrow if anyone wants to have them.
My point is that the Jodi does suffer from PTSD. Martinez got up and deflected her diagnosis with insulting the expert witnesses, including snow white. Martinez purposely attacked those witnesses because he didn’t want the jury to grasp the real truth.
Then Martinez puts up his expert pop tarts. I am sure he instructed them about deflecting. Asked them, “What other possibilities can we call Jodi’s psych issues and make her out to be the villain?
Martinez succeeded. Jodi is now spoken of as a Borderline Personality Disorder. Her lawyer Kirk even referred to that the other day and I hope he was being sarcastic.
Now people can develop a Personality Disorder as a result of PTSD. But considering the circumstances and the stressors Jodi is now suffering from, this is not the time to make a call on a Personality Disorder Diagnosis just to continue to deflect everyone from the truth as Martinez keeps doing. Plus HLN has jumped on the bandwagon witch hunt Martinez was all too willing to get going. HLN makes the most inappropriate statements and assessments. All the doctors, lawyers, experts on there must be actors reading from a script.
As far as Jodi giving interviews. The head of the jail there allows interviews. This is such a high profile case. Clearly Jodi has had to disassociate herself from the reality of what was happening. This is a defense mechanism. Jodi is trying to survive. I don’t find her rude or snarky during interviews. She may catch the interviewer in something deceiving they are trying to pull and she calls them on it. But she doesn’t burst out in anger doing anything unusual.
Hopefully I was able to show how Martinez did his deflecting on a very serious diagnosis that he got the jury not to believe and got the best expert witnesses called liars. That was so damaging to Jodi’s mental health. The experts need to sue him, Jodi’s family needs to sue him, Jodi needs to sue him if she can. That is just the beginning of his lies.
Prayers for you Jodi.
Just had to say that was brilliant…
Well, if she has BPD, then they can’t put a person with mental disorder to death. Maybe that,s why JW said it twice that she was diagnosed by their own expert. So what is it Martinez??? Yesterday he didn’t mention her BPD…why is that???
Or is it whatever suits you you fucking rutface !!!
Sorry rat-face.
Sorry, yes, they can. BPD is a personality disorder. Even paranoid schizophrenics have been executed.
Jodi Arias does NOT have ANY kind of mental illness whatsoever; BPD is a bogus diagnosis.
She suffered from PTSD as a direct result of trauma for having killed Travis Alexander. That is NOT a mental illness. There is NO evidence at ALL she ever had any kind of mental disorder prior to killing him.
The BPD was bogus because it fit in with the ridiculous prosecution theory, aided and abetted by the Mormon mob, that Jodi was a “crazy stalker.”
Thanks, tonysam. I second that.
Did you see J.M face today after the jury could not come to a decision? talk about a pichy face. His boss needs to end this right now tell him to give her life its over does hoe need to win that badly? Its not like she is walking out the door to go home they need to stop the crap. I wish it would make Nancy Pant’s face explode it did not too bad.
Dear Marianne: Thank for sharing a far more analytical, compelling, correct, logical, well reasoned and well thought and supported post. Could not agree more. What you wrote is thought provoking, and one more thing — it’s way better expressed than anything that came out of Juan Martinez’s disgusting repulsvie mouth. THANK YOU.
Very well put, Marianne. Thanks very much. No, Jodi is not BPD – I’ve worked in mental health for over 25 years and she just doesn’t meet the criteria. What I see is someone who has been mentally abused and basically did the best she could to deal with a very crazy-making relationship. I think that she loved him, TA used her. That simple.
Thank you Matt, Heather, and everyone that was so kind to comment.
We are now 24 hours later and there is a Hung Jury. Great that the Verdict is : No Unanimous Agreement.
Of course HLN goes on about their delusions. They don’t see what horrible verbal incorrect crimes they committed. But be that as they continue creating more lynch mobs and witch hunts.
I want to comment on the 3 psychiatric experts the defense put on the stand and Martinez.
I will use Alyce LaViolette for an example. This women with years of experience and years of helping others is approached by Martinez on the stand. He first asks how much money she is making. Raising doubt to her intentions. Then he sneaks in discussing her resume and her experience. He ends up asking her about something she did called ‘Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs’. Miss La Violette has written down she is a key note speaker. But Martinez wants to point out she wasn’t really the key note speaker even though that is what it said on her resume. Yet Miss LaViolette points outs she was part of chosing the title, many times she is the major keynote speaker for this specific presentation. Plus she was a keynote speaker at a breakout session for this specific date of the presentation. So right there Martinez has La Violette identified to the jury as a liar. It was al a manipulation of Martinez’s questions and words. LaViolette works with a group of professionals that interchange what they are doing at presentations. It may have just made the resume cleaner and easier to read. Resume writers stress that all the time. I am sure Martinez does it on his own resume. That of course, is how he knew to look for it. But with something so small and not important he washed away all her credibility. Nothing she could say would matter.
Martinez pulled it on Samuels and did everything to discredit the last expert witness. By deflecting the jury with these minor but powerful deflections the jury never internalized what these experts had to say.
I didn’t see Jodi’s testimony but I am sure multiple Martinez magic tricks were pulled in this Kangaroo court at this time. Judge Pickles continued to tell the witnesses to answer. She is at much to blame
As a result, all this just fed into the hater mob mentality. Hoping many important people are aware.
Will repost again for today.
Jodi and Jodi Arias is Innocent it is a step in the correct direction. WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS <3
Interesting that Dr. Geffner said that in forming a diagnosis for BPD, one cannot look back in time and take something from here or there and add it to the list in order to meet the criteria. The diagnosis cannot be cobbled together based on behavior that was observed over a person’s life the way that Juan constructed it and presented it to the jury. This very important point made by Dr. G was not reiterated or hammered home by the defense – unfortunately IMO. The Dr. mentioned it briefly as an addendum to another point he was making. And I wouldn’t be surprised if a few distracted jurors never heard him state that at all.
That’s precisely how DeMarte ‘formed’ her alleged dx. She cobbled it together from something a classmate apparently stated from the 5th grade; then something from middle school; then something from a high school bf, etc. By such retrospective reconstruction, if you will, DeMarte was able to cobble together a faux diagnosis which was built on the foundation of the actual PTSD diagnosis. So now when Jodi’s PTSD symptoms are apparent, the HLNers scream BPD.
This shows that that satanic, little, rat-faced, motherfucker manipulated this entire “trial” to fit his sick desires! JODI sowed and still shows signs of PTSD not BPD—as claimed by tot-doc Demented.
Unfortunately, the defense didn’t focus ENOUGH on the fact that diagnosing an abused woman with BPD is a rookie mistake. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how many abused women I know who were misdiagnose BPD by a PhD in training or recent graduate who works at a women’s shelter or organization providing FREE counseling to abused women. Later, they were CORRECTLY diagnosed by an experienced professional with complex PTSD.
Actually, people don’t develop a personality disorder from PTSD. They are distinct. A personality disorder has to be life-long, and CANNOT be diagnosed after a trauma. That was an important point the defense rebuttal witness was trying to make; you can’t diagnose a person with PTSD with a personality disorder after the trauma; you have to go back BEFORE the trauma to see if there is a personality disorder. Jodi was not diagnosed that way. I don’t think there is evidence of a personality disorder.
Yes, you are correct. After the trauma, once PTSD is diagnosed, it is impossible to diagnose for BPD. If the person had BPD for years before the Trauma, a BPD would go on an access II diagnosis written as: History of BPD since the date diagnosed.
I have seen PTSD diagnoses given and years later patients getting also a BPD diagnosis. I would just have to refer anyone interested to psych journals. There is always research being done..
I would like to say I have BPD and I do not think/believe Jodi has BPD I in fact believe she DOES have PTSD & BATTERED WOMAN SYNDROME, She seems fragile and at times gives me the impression of a lost child starring in to nothingness wondering wich direction to go in, and Juan Martinez is the last person in the WORLD that should have a law degree ppl like him make me sick, I am all for putting murderers men or women in prinson but Jodi is NOT a murderer shes a girl who was missguided and misstreated, humiliated, & clearly missunderstood. Yes Jodi is a smart woman wich JM has said makes her a manipilator, but in fact all I see is a SMART woman whos self value and self worth was being taken from them blindly.
As a mental health professional I can tell u that she can have PTSD and a personality disorder. Elaine is correct. A personality disorder iis not classified as a clinical disorder, another wards something u get, but who u are. actually borderline personality disorder, does not mean u are a bad person, but it does mean the ego defenses are over employed. It really makes no difference heather she ha one or she does not. She was engaged in self defense. Even if she ha a personality disorder, she has the right to defend herself. Nancy Grace, Vinnie Politan, and Dr. Drew all have personality disordered features. DR. Drew has narcissistic features, as manifested by him believing that he is qualified to diagnose psychiatric disorders, in spite of the fact that he is an internist, not a psychiatrist. Nancy Grace had features of the histrionic personality disorder. Vinnie Politan has narcissistic features, in addition to Antisocial Personality Disorder. Look them all up in the DSM. Actually Nancy Grace has a few Anti Social features. She and Vinnie have no conscience.
The woman who wrote the book, so to speak, on BPD, admits to having the disorder, herself (Marsha Linehan, PhD). I still don’t think Jodi met the criteria for a BPD diagnosis; I saw more of the passive personality, wanting to please, seeking love and approval (welcome to the human race). I have to agree with your diagnosis(es) on the HLN Newscast 🙂 I would add sadism to Vinnie, and tack on narcissism to Nancy. Drew Pinsky and his “Barbie Brigade” are just a joke to me.
And don’t forget JVM.
I agree. Dr. Drew is the biggest narcissist I’ve seen on television. I am also trained and have a Ph.D. Dr. Drew is merely a physician in internal medicine with specialized training in addiction medicine. He is NOT a psychiatrist, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t hear him actually claim he WAS on his show! How can someone get away with lying like that about their credentials? He is in no position to be diagnosing anyone, and trained professionals also know it is unethical to make a diagnosis on someone you’ve never evaluated, never mind someone you don’t even know or know anything about. He should lose his license to practice, but I don’t think he does much practicing because he’s too busy getting his mug on television. Even his show is misleading: “Human beings are infinitely fascinating.” HLN pitches his show as Dr. Drew “helping us understand why people behave as they do.” It makes folks think his specialty is psychiatry/mental health. Diagnosing people with mental illness is very tricky, imprecise, takes many years to learn how to do correctly, and is fraught with problems related to medical insurance/codes and biases, as do those “tests,” and as does the DSM (whatever edition) itself! That young lady hired by the prosecution had no business testifying. She does not have enough experience, especially for this very complex case. She also approaches psychology with a very imbalanced perspective. People are just lab rats to her. She kept talking “science” whereas Alyce LaViolette (who IS a qualified clinician and her degree was dismissed because she is not a Ph.D.–I promise you she is more than qualified to assess Jodi, and many marriage and family therapists have more qualifications than a lot of Ph.Ds), takes a holistic approach and understands the very subjective and human element involved. There are so many pitfalls, and none of that was questioned. Why not? I feel very bad for Ms. LaViolette, and I studied her work myself in graduate school. Everyone should be grateful for her dedication, her accessible writing and willingness to teach about domestic violence, and she deserves RESPECT. Those a-holes on HLN tore her apart like the last 30 years of her hard work, education, and experience (not to mention what it takes to maintain licensure) meant nothing. And all that freaking crap about her and keynotes and Snow White. What the HELL was that?! Dr. Drew Pinsky is always on the radar about some questionable practice he involves himself in. I wrote to his show several times, and it was a waste of time since I was completely ignored. I even sent a list of sources he could educate himself with after he made a comment that there weren’t any studies–can’t even remember the exact issue but it was something to do with women. I told him there was a clear gap in his knowledge he needed to correct if he was going to discuss them on his show. He is a very sexist man, as well. He needs to be taken to task and knocked off his pedestal. Talk about someone who is manipulative! Holy crap! He is the MASTER. Talk about someone who can get people to hang on his every word. Lies. I think he’s talking about himself! I don’t get why these people are sitting there on any of those HLN shows with ga ga eyes nodding at every bit of garbage these self-proclaimed “experts” feed them (or Starbucks they serve them…ha ha so funny…NOT!). Infuriating!
Oh no, I’m trying to go to bed and I want to answer a bunch of posts but I won’t be able to sleep if I do that and then I saw this brilliant post (I think everyone’s posts are GREAT tonight).
WOW, that is just EXACTLY Jodi, it describes her to a T.
This is so spot on. It’s excellent to see someone who KNOWS what they are talking about write on the subject as compared to those crooks and criminals at HLN! God it makes me mad, the vicious gossip and pronouncements of “Dr. Drew” and his pack of flying monkeys. I couldn’t agree more. Those freaks should lose their licenses. HOW is “Dr. Drew” upholding his Hippocratic Oath? More like Hippocrite -ic Oath!
Thankyou for that, it is very enlightening.
(Now I’ll try to sleep)
Night all!
Thank you Milan. I do want to take what I have studied and work in to help show the truth. Together, we will take our knowledge as a strong cohesive group and help Jodi.
Marianne thank you for your brilliance on the subject of PTSD and for breaking it down so that it is an easy read for someone like me who has a hard time understanding those big clinical terms!
Sheesh all these characteristics of Borderline Personality Disorder … they all fit me to a “T”. I’m VERY black and white. My abusive loser of an ex used to accuse me of being borderline. I was so worried about it, I’ve asked two different psychiatrists and two different counselors who all said NO. I’m also very literal. I liked to talk a LOT. I’ve been told I can get smug particularly when someone confronts me on something to do with domestic violence. It’s super hard for me to cry at all and when I do, it’s serious waterworks, but I almost NEVER let anyone else see me cry. I relate a LOT to Jodi. Maybe we’re both borderlines or maybe we both have PTSD.
Sorry, but I’m just sooooo tired of all the borderline talk. I hope you guys realize that was a stupid stupid diagnosis and it’s getting completely revamped anyway.
The thing about these written diagnoses is that the average person can find two or three characteristics of each that fit their description. It does not make them a borderline or whatever. My freshman Psych 101 teacher told us off the bat to not go diagnosing ourselves with every disorder we read about…LOL.
My grandmother was a true borderline. Trust me, if you know one, you know one. I don’t see it in Jodi at all.
Just like horoscopes. It fits anyone if you’re willing to look for signs and want to make money treating people for being normal.
My Psych 101 teacher said the same thing!!! I’ve always remembered that when I hear people flinging around their own Dx.
Exactly, Kira. It’s up to the professionals to diagnose. I’ve been diagnosed, now by two different psychiatrists with complex PTSD which is common in abused women.
You had better quantify “lot’s of money”.
Jodi’s family has given no interviews, have not been paid a penny.
Jodi has not been paid for any interview, as far as I know.
She has raised some limited amount of money through selling her drawings, which has been spent on helping her get better food and travelling expenses for her family to attend the trial.
She has been in jail for over five years and still faces a long struggle for justice, in face of a death penalty or life imprisonment.
She and her family, legal team, witnesses and supporters have faced an unprecedented level of hate, abuse and threats.
Apart from that, welcome.
HLN always picks on the defendant. The thing they have that makes her loom bad is the manner in which he died. Also, because this happened where he lives, you have all these friends of his coming out of the woodwork saying the same things about her. It is catchy and you can tell that HLN has influenced the way in which people view Jodi,
An example are the Hugh’s. The prosecution, nor the defense took them to the stand. Only the email from them to Jodi got in. It advised her that T.A. was using her and Mrs. Hugh’s even tells her that she would not have her sister even date T.A. She states in the email that T.A.’s issues with commitment stem from his upbringing. Now she in on Dr. Drew explaining that she only said this because her sister wants a family and T.A. has a problem with commitment. In relation to this subject of commitment, the ex girlfriend Deanna was asked a question in Dr. Drew pertaining to whether or not she felt her and T.A. would have gotten together later and married, etc. She explained there was no chance of a romantic relationship ever returning and also implies (in a kind manner) that T.A. had a problem with commitment. My point here is that there were in fact issues within T.A. and God only knows what he was exposed to at a young age with two parents addicted to drugs. It is very possible he may have been a victim of some type of sexual abuse, if he was in environments that included individuals with a physical addiction, which causes emotional havoc.
I want to point out that he knew what he wanted from Jodi from day one and I think he liked her to some degree. It is clear, he wanted her around. Because she was so passive, the abuse continued to escalate. She also learned what buttons to push with him and felt entitled to push them because they had a relationship. The problem that occurred was that while T.A. was in this secret relationship that he kept up, many people around him were given the impression that Jodi would not leave him alone. This distorted image of Jodi, to some degree, was all his doing. So now all these people that have seen her show up at things,etc, had no idea why she was there, or why she showed up, or why she would make it known they were an item. This is why you hear so many negative things about her. He lead a double life. One that benefitted him in his church and in his work.
Color purple, what an awesome, insightful and objective analysis. I have thought the same about Travis. I too believe there was sexual abuse in his childhood, amongst all the children, not just him. When you know, you just know. The family knows. I feel bad for them in a way, but they are also seething with vengeance and NEED someone to blame, which is not right. Travis seems to have suffered all through his life, and ended up becoming vulnerable to a cult, and started repeating learned behavior. I do think he was a blossoming pedophile, and was extremely torn and ashamed. I also have a gut feeling though that Jodi did not kill him. I’m willing to bet money….if I had any…..that Jodi has forgiven him for what he did to her too. I also think he did love her deep down beneath the layers of religious bullying. What a shame he had to have such a childhood, and then be sucked into a cult that betrayed his spirit and soul. Also, what a shame that Jodi was so naive when it came to men. Maybe this is a road she must travel though, and the fight will make her spiritually stronger than she ever could’ve imagined. I hope positive energy will come from all of this. That is the only way to overcome. Creating more negativity through more loss will only strengthen the evil in this world, IF you choose to put your faith in the existence of evil.
Jayne M says: “I think she (Jodi) can be rehabbed”
For what exactly?
Jayne, the smug attitude you talk of… Does she come across as smug while Questioned by Nurmi or jw? If she said something to jm that seemed smug to you, how can you blame her? Would you let anyone talk to you like that? Nobody should have to sit and listen to crap like that. Her words are all she has to fight back. Now if she said something to the reporters… Again, talk to her as if she is a human being. She is not a serial killer, she is not a child molester, she is not a serial rapist. All she did was defend herself herself against a man who attacked her. Treat her accordingly. When you are being rude and insulting to someone, expect a “smug” reply.
About “she shouldn’t have killed him” – at what point should she have stopped fighting for her life? She fought until the attack stopped. Look at the crime scene pictures. It is gruesome because TWO people were fighting, not one! If somebody shouldn’t have done something that day, it is Travis Alexander -he should not have attacked Jodi.
Other than that, I am thankful that you realize hln is a gossip network.
AMEN Thank you !
A person gets so so tired of defending themselves with a calm sweet demeanor all the time. It sucks!
I agree. I would have responded the way that JODI did too; however, I would not have been able to control myself as well as she did—because after a few minutes of that little shit-bag yelling and screeching and berating me as well as twisting my words to suit his desires I would have leaped off of the stand and proceeded to beat the shit out of him right there in court—contempt of court be damned—-if it meant shutting that lying little shit up permanently!
i kno, like u, many find jodi “smug”. i personally don’t. i just don’t feel that from her.
ppl who see smug, perhaps it’s becos jodi simply answers questions as she seems fit. she hasn’t buckled to the mob squad. that’s what they really want. to see jodi lose it, come apart at the seams..
someone who believes themselves that r in this position tend to act this way. one tends to put up a shield. u have to, to get thru it. it’s surreal.
jodi went “off”, she regrets it. any amount of “sorry’s”, etc. from jodi won’t help, NOR would it placate the haters. but i feel she found herself in this position and reacted, was not preMed.
will we ever TRULY know the 100% truth? no, we weren’t there…
Like I said Jodi did not have a history of this type of behavior and something f happened and had to defend herself. I feel for her because no one believes her without knowing her I can speak for my mother she put up with nine years of abuse from my father. My mother is a beautiful human being and my father just abused her all the time he beat her when she was pregnant he verbally abused her knocked her self esteem in the gutter. My mother did not write it down could tell anyone and my father was so good at putting on a good face in public. If my mother had killed him while defending her life she would be in jail today and God knows where we would be. Jodi I believe you because I saw it as a child. When my mother took us and ran for our lives my father bought some gasoline and set our home on fire while we were sleeping.
So true …Jayne M …they say they want this to end. dragging TA through the mud…lets see if they TA’S family stops after this…including making money..Don’t get me wrong…I do feel for TA’S family ..and Jody’s as well…..Also, they say she keeps dragging him through the mud…but how could she have been able to speak without telling it all…she was so reserved at saying anything bad about him..I Too was abused ,and can see how these things keep happening..you are terribly embarrassed…Also, good for you Jody for wanting to help others who are abused..Stay strong
Congrats Nikki, I heard today’s prize is a car ride date with Juror No. 8. He said if some of the other drunk asses on the jury make a decision today, he’ll also bring them along. Sounds like HUGE fun.
I believe that the jury will hang or be life unanimously! If they would have allowed Darryl to say all he said in that interview it’s obvious that TA was reason for the changes in Jodi! It is not rocket science to see and hear he was manipulative and me tally and verbally abusive! His family mad cuz they didn’t know he was an ass! I believe Jodi! Yea she lied alot in beginning but who wouldn’t! I have been in that type of abusive relationship and I can put myself in her shoes! She did say she was sorry an she is right “I’m sorry” in quotes is not enough to rectify what happened! And HLN act surprised she denied them interview hell they act like she Satan! Shit she deserves a 2nd chnace! She cld get out tomorrow and be my neighbor and I wld not be frightened of her in any way! She made a mistake that happens everyday and if it didn’t then we were lucky to get out b4 that tragic day happened to us! I know I am blessed my abuser left states away b4 something so tragic happened bc it almost had! And HLN talking about how many times Jodi said I well no shit morans that speech was supposed to be about her… It was a plea for her life that day not TAs.. HLN people suck except a cpl of them! Always picking her apart! And I loved TAs sisters fake tears that suddenly stopped when jury left CRT room to go back to deliberate! Ugh! I’m on Jodi’s team! She isn’t a cold blooded killer! That would Charles Manson and Jeffery Dahmer! Toxic relationships ending tragically happens everyday and more and more! Happy to see all her supporters hangin in! Jodi keep your head up! God forgives bc He knows your true heart and He will use u even if its in prison! U r a life worth saving!
Not to mention Nancy Grace herself claimed Jodi never said “I’m sorry” about ten times she bitched about it on her show. Then her producers play one of the clips of Jodi’s allocution and guess what words came out of her mouth? “For that I’M SORRY.” So she actually DID say “the words.” She DID express her remorse many times without saying “I’m sorry.” But she DID say “I’m sorry,” too. I don’t think they care. It doesn’t matter what Jodi says or does because they already made up their mind that Travis was a saint, and Jodi is an evil liar. Period. Nothing she does will ever be good enough to change their minds. They have no mercy. They are so wrapped up in this charade they’ve created. It’s mass hysteria, mob mentality. This is what they want our country to be? It’s scary.
Stay strong! You have a lot of support here. 🙂 I hope things turn out well. I’m so tired of all the slander and just flat out hostility towards you. You deserve better!!
Congrats Nikki
Jennifer I got your information on PPL…………
I am saddened by all the people that want Jodi to get the death penalty,this is not justice,it is revenge,I am glad that I am not on that jury and would have to live with my guilt of sending someone to thier death,especialy since the trial was tainted and unfair.I wish they could ban those HLN clowns from TV permantly,it was very distasteful of that Valchez Mitchel to be on the tube mimicing getting a lethal injection and that smug smile she always has,no conscience that they can all joke about Jodi getting the DP.I was listening to the radio tonight as I drove to work,That lying mormon bastard Chris hughes was on DR Phew,it seems he is just lapping up his new found stardom,He doesnt really come across as a dear Travis friend to me,he cant get his stories straight and today on the tube his wife was smiling and laughing when she was talking the the Alexander clan,how pathetic.The Alexanders should have been in the movie that was made about Jodi,they have been putting on the biggest act ever,again how pathetic.I will support Jodi to the end,she was shafted,there was never any doubt.My prayers and thoughts are with Jodi and her family,god bless Jodi Ann Arias and justive and the truth will prevail.
Really, JVM really did that? Mimed a lethal injection?
I knew she had no integrity, but somehow that makes it even less than none. And she has about the ugliest voice I’ve ever heard. I’m not sure what to make of Beth, but it’s apparent that Beth can’t stand her voice, either. She physically withdraws and flinches when JVM is near her. Good: Contempt is the only natural response.
JVM was out in full force yesterday trying to cajole this woman who interviewed Jodi into admitting that she’s creepy has crazy eyes etc. The woman wouldn’t budge she said that she had none of those reactions and JVM went into her ranting about how Travis’ friends said they would get chills being around her. Of course she was referring to those Media Whores the Hughes. Kudos to the reporter because she stood her ground and didn’t give in to JVM’s pleading for her to agree with her HLN talking points.
Yes! It makes my blood boil, seeing those nasty, vicious creeps make this into an occasion for happiness and laughter. Honest to god, those people are the “sociopaths”. They are cold and calculating, have no humanity, no compassion, no mercy, no decency and they carry on as if they haven’t a single flaw.
I’m not sure who it was, but someone posted about a powerful media person who is friends with a lot of the people on hln who is very corrupt. My guess is it’s Glenn Beck, since he’s a Mormon. They have to be loyal to their good buddy, can’t let the public focus on the reality of the average Mormon male now, can they? They’ll do anything to distract people from the real issues. This one trial, with the true portrait of Travis Alexander, his family and his Mormon friends and PPL scammers, will wipe out half a century of careful, painstaking PR on the part of the Mormon church to make them look like the Good Guys (TM). All of those hundreds of thousands of apple-cheeked missionaries, their work wiped out by Travis Alexander and HLN’s greed for ratings. I think someone told HLN they better fix it, or else.
The ONLY answer to them is to destroy Jodi. The worse she gets it, the happier they’ll be, because then that will prove their mythology. The evil woman led the innocent, rosy cheeked paragon of young manhood astray! It’s an anomaly! TA NEVER would have acted that way without the “evil” Jodi! That’s why those awful words are all over the social media, whore, “hodi” and all of their disgusting language.
What will the American public think if they look up Mormon slang like, “Provo Push”, etc.? Mitt Romney will look like the jack ass power monger he is. The Mormons firmly believe they are destined to run this country. It is quite within reason to see this trial as thwarting their plans. If Jodi had been found innocent as she should have been, then they couldn’t very well blame Travis’ behavior on Jodi, now could they?
I find it very creepy that Tanisha, a person who has lived a life of crime, was scamming people, lying, and being the fraud she is while Jodi was working two jobs as a waitress trying to keep the house she and Darryl Brewer bought together. Refusing to give in because she was trying so hard to keep up with her obligations honestly.
Isn’t it “sneer face”, who was arrested for abusing his wife? Yet, these are the people sitting there with their faces screwed up into a ludicrous pantomime, acting like they were so “wronged”.
In an article I was just reading on the subject of sociopathy, the author, who is one, said that one of their favorite ploys is to make people feel sorry for them to get their way. They don’t have a problem with people pitying them, because that’s when they get the payoff. They WANT to be pitied, unlike normal people, just like the Alexander family workin’ it in the front row.
I agree with you too about Chris Hughes, he is just in his element, isn’t he?
I just don’t get how these people think that decent, kind people don’t see right through them. But then, people like Chris Hughes are used to believing that they are gods, and that they will each rule a planet, and that they actually deserve to do so. Women are just the furniture, there to carry out their megalomaniacal plans. So they are used to everyone around them swallowing any bizarre and wrong B.S. they feel like shoving down their throats.
Thoughts are things. Therefore, my thoughts are focused on Jodi walking free while she’s still young. She deserves it. She, and her family, has paid for her mistakes in my view, and this corrupt society that has helped these freaking fruitbats to perpetrate this wrong should have to eat it by watching her walk free.
Women as furniture. Good stuff. Comforting objects.
I wish it were true that they will each get their own planet to rule over. Then our Earth would be a little more roomy and cozy.
Actually, since they’re all such wonderful upstanding citizens already who have worked so hard to get Jodi committed and killed, do you think we could petition their prophet to give them their own planet early … like how about now? Beam ’em up Scottie!
Why isn’t HLN talking about the real Alexanders instead of propping them up like they are saints. I’m sure all his siblings know the real Travis and I’m sure there are many negative stories about him that they are not telling. That may be why they weren’t very close and didn’t visit him very often. I’ve wondered why his brother always has a sneer on his face. If he was involved in DV also, it proves the apple doesn’t fall very far from the tree. Why isn’t HLN talking about this?
OK, that is just beyond the beyond, the mimicking the lethal injection. Seriously. Just when I think those people can’t get any worse, they actually come up with something worse. It’s kind of amazing to see how low they will go.
Jane Valez in regular days at HLN before the hate fest has always been extremely unlikeable.I didn’t think she would last a year with her brash loud voice and nails on a chalkboard personality. She tried to strum up sympathy with her coming out story and her story of being an alcoholic. A recovering alcoholic needs to not be so cavalier and judgmental. If anything, she should have more compassion. She could have easily made a life or death decision in one of her drunken stupors.
I think in AA, they’d call someone who behaves like her on a “dry drunk”.
I watched HLN After Dark for the first time and there they were, all smug, sitting around the table laughing and joking, just having a grand old time. It was a great big laughing party and I was disgusted in what I saw. Jodi has her future hanging and these sick f’ers are laughing and joking. All of those people need to be taken off of tv and have their reporting license removed, or whatever they have to enable them to supposedly “report.” I thought they were supposed to report and be fair. All of those HLN idiots decided right from the beginning that Jodi was guilty and they decided to be judge and jury and they shove their opinions down everyone’s throat. Shame on them and what they display is what NOT to be as a reporter. I shouldn’t even give them the title of reporter. I have no doubt if their sister was treated as Jodi was by Travis then they’d be singing a totally different song! Bunch of sad ass hypocrites!! They make me sick. Stay strong Jodi, you did what was necessary to save your life!!
They are vultures with no souls!
As I said on the previous page (while talking to myself): My life will be complete and I can die happy after I see those bastards on HLN eat crow!
They have sat around laughing at Jodi’s expense the entire time and their fake hating jurors (thye wouldn’t allow a Jodi sympathizer on the set) are also extremely low class and rattle back the lies HLN has told all along. They are sickening brain washed souless classless people.
Did you see Vinnie the other night when he was pretending to be Jodi walking up to the jury with a ball and chain around his ankle to give her final statement? They all were laughing about it. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen such mockery at someone’s expense. He thinks he’s cute and funny. May God have mercy on all of HLN’s talking heads and the jury for falling for all the lies, misrepresentations, and mockery they have engaged in on this case. I don’t think I have ever seen such uncalled for hate for an individual as Jodie Arias.
^5 So well said ICAM. They are vultures and the way they have a gigglefest and are just having a grand old time while a woman’s life is on the line is disgusting.
The one I absolutely hate is Dr. Pinhead. He cannot stop analyzing Jodi, yet he devoted exactly 15 seconds to his former client Mindy McCreedy, who tragically killed herself after being in F-wad’s “Celebrity Rehab.” He must be a “great” doctor with his call-in sex tips show and his media whore psychology. Maybe he gave Travis some sex tips! Drew blanched when an actual caller got through and asked him about his sex advice show; Dr. Phew deflected and said it was his partner that gave the advice. What an asshole! Now they are going to move on to cause another miscarriage of justice in Florida. I hope the jury stays hung so that Martinez’s run for governor of AZ is ruined like he tried so hard to kill Jodi. Sorry for being all over the place–I haven’t ben able to post for a couple of days.
I everybody i agree drew is a sell out to the profession!!!!!!!!!!!!
I meant to say HI
Drew is so full of shit…I watched Love Line in college and he was dispensing advice right along with that douche Adam Carrolla.
Thank you Jennifer
HLN strike me as being a news porn channel. Nancy Grace and her ilk are constantly vomiting up opinionated bile in place of actual news, and people just cant seem to get enough of their crap. It is a poor statement on society that so many people have to “tune in” in order to determine what to think, rather than take a little initiative to learn the facts for themselves…. that is all
I’m just praying that finally this will go Jodi’s way since the jury couldn’t agree today. They never should have reached the guilty verdict but as I go to bed I will pray that the jury does the right thing for once, do the right thing, and not give her the DP. I think Jodi should have walked but that’s my opinion as well as many others. It was him or Jodi and all she did was defend herself to get out alive and JM made Jodi go through the abuse and hell all over again. He will get his that’s coming to him. Stay strong Jodi and just know so many people are with you!!
HLN is making lots of money off this, so will Travis’ family, Jodis family and the Jury, etc. Cuz its high profile. and they are bitching about Jodi? Just a point I wanna make; I understand Jodi-but alot of people dont cuz she is smart and she has a lot of gray areas, she doesnt think in black and white like they do! The world is gray, its not always black and white. But these people only think in black and white. She does have a smug attitude, and shouldnt have killed, of course. But the smug attitude is because of the mistreatment. I think she can be rehabbed. I just agree with her-i dont know.
I think what might be seen as smugness is a woman who has gained self-confidence and is finally comfortable in her own skin.
“Rehabbing a smug woman” basically means bringing her down a notch or two and putting her in her place.
You got it.
That has happened to me. I used to much more meek and mild. Oh boy, people do not like it when a woman gains an ounce of self confidence. Tough game.
Jayne, I don’t understand what you’re trying to say.
Jodi doesn’t come off as smug at all to me. Smugness is excessive pride, if anything she comes across as rather awkward and shy sometimes.
Your previous posts you talk about working in a hospital. Are you a therapist?
Jodi comes across as an extremely intelligent person, trying to survive a horrible situation.
I don’t understand how being well spoken and articulate can be confused with being smug.
Whatever she says, people who have been brainwashed will always try to pick her apart.
Darkness hates the light.
This is why some many people have a problem with Jodi. Look at the bitter twisted faces of the her family, Juan, Nancy Pigface, etc. Rotten from the inside out.
that was meant to say the Alexander family, not her family.
Jodi’s family have been amazing.
No worries lol I know what you meant. <3
Good points, true, I thin that too. What an apt description, “bitter twisted faces of her family”!
MB I love you! 🙂
I love you too *hugs*
I don’t think either she’s smug – at all! This has had me worried from the start: When I see Jodi speak, I just gotta LOVE her. I think she’s actually very humble. Maybe the world just doesn’t recognise it because it is so far off their own radar. But it DOES worry me: how come I see one thing and everyone else seems to see the opposite? Is there something wrong about me?? I don’t believe in majorities per se, but how can it be they’re all getting it so wrong?
She seems ok for now. I’ll keep my eye on her.
Troll? not seeing that, but then again i thought basse was a great poster here.
Welcome Jayne. Beers in the fridge, chips are in the cupboard, dont worry about taking your shoes off but please make sure not to feed the trolls.
Also, several of the contrbutors bite, so dont make too many sudden movements when they are around. They mean well, but they caught the “HLeN” virus a few months back and have not been the same since. We are working on an anti HLeN spray, but its a tricky fucker to figure out. You will be able to tell them from the other posters by looking for things like “NG can lick my dirty ball sack” or “Dr.Drew needs to stop choking on dick for a second, so he can get air to his fucked up brain” and finally, my favorite “HLeN are poopy heads”.
Sirlips, what do you mean by “basse was a great poster here?” was she a troll? I haven’t seen her posts for a couple of days.
I thought so too. Have we heard from Basse since she was asked the pointed questions of what side he/she was really on?
I think I saw her posting on FB, but she is still supporting Jodi.
sirlips –
You are so funny like always. I love your post. I don’t post a lot, but I read almost every comment here. God bless everyone today in the meanwhile that we wait for a positive outcome for lovely Jodi.
I think you and the Travisites are smug and superior acting so go away please.
And here’s the deal, Jodi REFUSED to give an interview to HLN. What does she get? Smug assholes from networks she agreed to interview with acting just as badly as if she was talking to Nancy DisGrace herself.
Jodi does not seem smug to me at all!
She is highly refined when she speaks
& with all due respect Jayne why are
you posting this twice?
After all that Jodi’s been through
i would have a defense mechnism up
on who i can and cannot trust.
After seeing that unreal display of
Nastiness in and outside of that courtroom
I can’t blame her for holding her guard strong.
That does not make her Smug
and your posting is wierd.
I don’t think Jodi’s family is making a cent off this! Sandy Arias is being hounded to her car everyday by JVM, and the money we send is for Jodi’s commissary. The Arias family is not profiting like the meth heads who are collecting money for all kinds of bogus crap to fuel their addictions.
Jayne, the smug attitude you talk of… Does she come across as smug while Questioned by Nurmi or jw? If she said something to jm that seemed smug to you, how can you blame her? Would you let anyone talk to you like that? Nobody should have to sit and listen to crap like that. Her words are all she has to fight back. Now if she said something to the reporters… Again, talk to her as if she is a human being. She is not a serial killer, she is not a child molester, she is not a serial rapist. All she did was defend herself herself against a man who attacked her. Treat her accordingly. When you are being rude and insulting to someone, expect a “smug” reply.
About “she shouldn’t have killed him” – at what point should she have stopped fighting for her life? She fought until the attack stopped. Look at the crime scene pictures. It is gruesome because TWO people were fighting, not one! If somebody shouldn’t have done something that day, it is Travis Alexander -he should not have attacked Jodi.
Other than that, I am thankful that you realize hln is a gossip network.
Jodi’s family is not making any money out of this, Jane !!!
I have never seen Jodi acting smug….she is in prison and will be there for a very long time possibly the rest of her life….I’ve been impressed by Jodi when watching her give interviews. She is a survivor.
Smug is something I’ve never seen on Jodi…just because HLN called Jodi smug doesn’t mean she is smug. Gracious, sincere, honest, sad, brave, frustrated, regret, articulate, survivor are words that I would use to describe Jodi’s demeanor…
Same here. I have never seen smug. Seen it all over the rabid fruitbats, but not Jodi.
You are right, just because they call her that doesn’t mean a thing. More of their spin. Good post, people are really spot on, and it’s really nice to feel validated in the face of all that corruption. SMUG corruption.
Rabid fruitbats. lol
Fruit bats–aka, Flying Foxes–are some of the cutest creatures on earth! But, since you said “rabid,” I’ll allow it.
They are very cute, and huge!
Oh, their furry faces and big eyes! And their beautiful wings! And, being fruit-eaters, their crap is an important part of the eco-system. They are as important as bees.
Without them, we might not have mangoes and cashews and other lovely things.
Really, go on their FB page if you want to see smug ignorant simpletons posting all sorts of disgusting vile nonsense.
Also Abused, if you are on FB can you send me a friend request? You can find me there with this name. Thanks!
Gotcha, Frank!
They are all twisted in the head over there. She knows the truth and she holds her head up and they can’t stand that. She is supposed to grovel and play humble to satiate them? If she did that they would say she was acting. If she said the sky was blue they would say no its magenta!! I wouldn’t be surprised if the family are selling statues of Travis to pray to! Stupid sheeple—baaaaa baaaa!!! They lied about her being a stalker and a million other things and they believe their own lies! I think Jodi is more sane than any of the haters including the famewhores over at HLN.
I have to be honest I was shocked there is no decision yet. This jury seemed hardened and tainted to me its hard to believe they are still divided. Maybe they watched Darryl Brewer’s interview and ha a pang of guilt that they bought JM’s fairytale hook line and sinker.
Darryl’s interview was great, wasn’t it?
It should be illegal to do what those lying bloodsucking zombies have been doing to Jodi since before her trial ever even started….the nonstop lies they tell that they try to pass off as facts… if what they’ve been saying about Jodi isn’t slander then I must understand the definition of the word slander wrong.
What HLN has done to Jodi is disgusting, it’s just so completely wrong and it shouldn’t be allowed to be done to anyone, it should be against the law to do what they are doing to her
Lets hope the higher court sees it that way and overturns this whole thing down the road. Jodi did not get her right to a fair and impartial trial in a very serious M1 charge. No sequestered jury? Fame whores and family members eye rolling and putting on a show all trial long for the jury to witness? JM offering 4 different theories on closing? Lying lead detective and medical examiner? Harrassment, threats, lies and public lynching of any and all witnesses for Jodi? I don’t see how this could not get overturned. You don’t give woman the death penalty to apease the salivating masses—maybe thats the struggle in the jury room who knows. Its obvious there is some kind of divided decision thus far.
I know that Numi & JW won’t be Jodi’s appeal lawyers . . . but is there a way we can ask them to send Gus Searcy’s interview to her legal appeal team? I don’t mean to keep harping on this interview, but I was really intrigued by Gus’s reference to people who could testify re. Jodi’s abuse and how several mormon women were too scared to come forward. Can these prospective witnesses be subpoenaed for Jodi’s appeal?
That is interesting! I didn’t see that before. So, so much has been suppressed in Jodi’s favor. So much corruption, so many things that don’t add up.
I am still floored that Mimi and Dave Hall are siblings. I never made that connection, not once did it ever cross my mind!!
Get out! Blood siblings?
Looks were not evenly distributed in that family, were they?
sooooo.. Dave Hall saw no problem with Travis dating his sister after the way he treated Jodi?????
that is very interesting Mimi and Dan Hall related now that tells it all from the get go the 911 call and the kill Jodi she did this to him she lied to the cops that she did not know Jodi yet said she slashed tires and more thanks for the new need that
Agreed. When I heard that on the show last night I found it extraordinarily compellingly as it could signify possible collusion.
Brad, there are no witnesses in an appeal. The appellate court merely reviews the record of the lower court (all pleadings filed, and all transcripts of hearings, including the trial), briefs citing issues, and if requested and granted, they hear brief oral arguments from each side, but that’s discretionary.
For a look at some example briefs, check out this site:
Nancy Grace has accused people who were proven innocent in the past of horrible things. When these people were proven innocent, she never had the decency to publicly apologize. They get paid a lot of money to run their shitty mouths on HNL, ALL OF THEM.
Jodi and her family have been and will continue to be in my prayers.
Good always wins over evil…Jodi will be free from prison one day, the truth will prevail and Jodi will be free to live a long & happy life where ever she chooses her location to be… .of that I have no doubt
I guess that old saying “Money is the root of all evil” is true after all.
There’s one thing happening right now that makes me as angry as the death penalty itself.
It’s this constant repetition, dripping in misplaced sympathy, about how hard, difficult, stressful, the jurors have it right now, trying to decide between life and death. There’s much talk about how these jurors have another life “in their hands.” Oh, the burden.
This is simply untrue. What they have in their hands is POWER. And, if they don’t like it, don’t want it, they can relinquish it.
Because, while they have to decide on the sentence according to the murder one conviction, they do not HAVE to sentence her to death.
The death penalty is not a requirement.
The death penalty is–unfortunately, unethically, unconscionably–an option. Merely an option. Again: it is NOT a requirement. No struggle is necessary. The dilemma is false, because no life-and-death decision is required.
The world at large will not fall apart because Jodi gets a life sentence. Travis’ siblings may not like it, they may cry (as they did today because the jurors did not come back with what they wanted in 5 minutes), but they will not die because Jodi is alive, and they do not have the RIGHT to Jodi’s murder by the state. Jodi’s death is not owed to them.
So, I have NO sympathy for this supposed tortuous stress the jury is under. It is a phantom. It does not exist because they are not compelled by necessity. No law–legal, moral, spiritual–will be broken by just not considering a mere option. They have the power to do this. If they choose the death penalty, this will be because of their DESIRE.
That the the jury deserves our sympathy for such a difficult choice is just another big lie the media are telling us.
That is a great insight. Yes, that has been bothering me too and you’ve just articulated it really well.
I’m glad!
It bothers me and bothers me that this sympathy-for-the-jurors schtick might get to people.
People who have had to kill another person (or an anima)l because their own lives or the lives of others were threatened–this I have sympathy for. I have sympathy for a person who had to, even though it went against his moral beliefs, assassinate an out-of-control political dictator. Or shoot a dangerous bear, rabid dog, etc. If they suffer afterwards for what they had to do, or feel brutalized by having had to kill, I have all kinds of sympathy for that.
Not for this. There is no threat. There is no justification.
I am sure Hateful Liars Network would love for it to get to the jurors themselves. Those flying monkeys are drooling over the idea that the jurors are watching them and they are affecting them. How better than to sympathize with them, and make them out to be heroes when all they are is murderers if they vote for the dp? Talk about manipulative.
I think Jodi figured it out, that the jurors are watching, and she realized she had another chance to sway them by giving those interviews while they are deliberating.
Back to the flying monkeys of HLN and their manipulative schtick (hehe), my god I feel the same, I just cannot stand to see what hellacious trick they’ll come up with next. I’m sure that’s what they all sit around doing when they’re not on camera, brainstorming on how to influence the jurors, the jury pool, the American public, the worldwide public to hate Jodi Arias as badly as any Nazi ever hated a Jewish person.
Honestly, I have to step back at times just for my sanity. It’s too depressing.
you are right Pique, they are asking the jury to judge whether Jodie s life has any value.
They are asked to judge whether a person without any criminal convictions and has done good
things in her life outweighs the crime. No human should be asked to judge the value of another s
life. Jodie s family loves her and sees great value in her life.
We do not live in a third world country. The U.S. is the only country in the free world that has
a death penalty.When I listen to these pundits on HLN, I think I am somewhere else, not the U.S
Yes, Joan, concerning number of executions, the US is in the company of Iraq, Iran, China and Saudi Arabia.
don’t forget North Korea and Afghanastan
I have to disagree Pique. I think it is a HUGE responsibility to put someone’s life in another’s hands. It’s not a choice I COULD ever make voluntarily. I think a lot of jurors in death penalty states don’t realize what a burden it will be on them until they actually have to sit with their fellow jurors and make the decision. If they can’t decide, then some of them want to vote for the death penalty and they are probably putting pressure on the others.
If Jodi was a serial killer, it would be a lot easier for the jury. But they watched her and listened to her in court for almost 5 months. And when she allocuted, they learned a lot about her life before Travis. It’s an awful burden for them to even have to decide between life and death. It was a lot easier to convict, because they didn’t have to think about the consequences. Now, they have to. And there are obviously some jurors who just believe she should be killed and won’t budge.
My point, though, AA, is that this is not a situation where, if criteria A is met, you MUST vote for life, but if criteria B is met, you MUST vote for Death. It’s not like that.
There is no requirement for the death penalty–there’s no “must”; whereas, there is a requirement for a prison sentence. Willmott stressed this in her closing argument. They can simply allow for the default punishment. That default punishment doesn’t change whether the convict is a serial killer or someone like Jodi.
I agree with you, though, that there would be tremendous stress for the anti-death jurors if the pro-death jurors bully and put pressure on them.
That’s why I feel sorry for the holdout(s), actually. At least once person is feeling like they just can’t kill Jodi and have that on their conscience. The others are saying “let’s get this done and over with.”
I agree with you AA. I would like to know what the split is.
How can someone look at Jodi everyday and want to live with her death the rest of their lives. I don’t think the ones who said Life will not change their minds. I homely think this jury will be done today. No DP!! or a hung jury..
Yes, I feel very badly for the one who is resisting. Gosh, I hope it’s more than one person! If one buckles under the pressure, there’s a chance another may not.
So I heard Mark Curtis got death threats because he interviewed Jodi. What the fuck is wrong with people!?
I know, I keep asking this… like I’m ever going to get an answer or understand. 🙁
I hate to say it, but I’m kinda glad if he did get death threats, because he’s a member of the media and that might make the rest of those jackals think. Those HLN “Nauseateurs” (new title for them) seem to think they’re untouchable.
Great point.. I wonder why HLN didn’t get death threats for asking for an interview with Jodi? Or maybe they did. I think these lunatics would threaten their own mother if she talked to Jodi!
Was Mark Curtis the dark haired one who out of all the reporters that Jodi spoke with that day was by far the most respectful when interviewing her? One of the reporters treated Jodi with the common courtesy that anyone who isn’t a piece of shit treats everyone they come in contact with…there was only one reporter who wasn’t a total disrespectful prick when talking to Jodi and I believe that was Curtis and now he is getting death threats because he treated Jodi with simple common courtesy…because he was impartial & a professional when doing his job and he didn’t treat Jodi like she was dog shit stuck on the bottom of his shoe he has gotten death threats??? You have got to be kidding me???? That is so ridiculous that it actually makes my stomach turn…wtf is wrong with these idiots …. brainwashed herd of rabid fucking zombie sheep…
Yes that’s the one—he was respectful and gave the very best interview with her and for that he is punished.
He was very respectful and PROFESSIONAL so of course now he’s Enemy #1. It sickening. I noticed that one guy who interviewed her after the verdict was so bitchy and snotty with her this time around and I heard it as because he was getting grilled in social media for going too “easy” on her. WTF. He even tweeted something about it and he’d ask her more direct questions this time around. Then that prick from ABC he was awful but at least Jodi called him out as a hater.
I feel like I live in a communist country right now with the way people are being treated if they dare go against the mob mentality.
HNL did not get death threats cause
the parasites Chris & Sky Hughes
have been on there many times!
Yep like every other night, and in between is Abe and Dave Hall………….. HLN is just pissed off that Jodi wouldn’t give them an interview…. I thought that was hysterical………… That’s our Jodi…
Yuck gag me Abe Abedelwhatever loser!!
Well, at least now they will see what we’ve all been saying all along.
I’m sorry, but I can’t sleep and I had to share this with you. I re-wrote a song for Jodi. Bear with me, I can’t type. ( candle in the wind ) Hello, Jodi Arias, Though I never knew you at all…you had the strength to hold yourself, while those around you crawled, The crawled out of underneath they’re rocks and they whispered in everybody brain that they wish that you were dead and they taught they had a plan. And seems to me , you live your life like a candle in the wind, never knowing who to trust ,when your trial began. But I seems like I know you, we will be victorious, my candle has not burnt out yet, and your gonna live. 18 days was tough, the toughest days you had to talk about, Yah he was rough and he taught that he was a superstar. Even when you cried, oh the press just had to say, there were no tears and that you must of lied. But it seems to me, you live your life, like a candle in the wind, never knowing who to trust when your trial began. But it seems like I know you, we will be victorious, my candle has not burnt out yet and your gonna live. WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS.WE LOVE YOU JODI. STAY STONG.
Very sweet, Glen. You should record it!
omg that was so sweet it made me tear up Glen. My prayers are with Jodi today, I wish we could all join hands today and pray together.
“With the jury still trying to decide whether or not to hang themselves”
that is funny as fack!! whew!!!!
I bet Jodi’s tweet that she sent out yesterday was directed at journalist Troy Haden (spineless sheep who turned on Jodi after she granted him the only interview right after the guilty was read) it could of been that ABC reporter too…he was so rude and obviously was trying to get his 15 minutes at Jodi’s expense. Anyway the tweet was
“Never trust a reporter who has a nice smile” – William Rauch
I had to laugh when that ABC reporter or maybe it was Troy Haden (or did both idiots ask the same idiotic question, I think they may have both been stupid enough to ask Jodi the ? hahaha) question who asked Jodi who had come up with the strategy of changing her look for her trial, was it Jodi’s idea or was it the idea of her defense attorneys he asked to change her look from blonde bombshell to mousy librarian and Jodi told him that they didn’t have Clairol available to them in prison and the brown hair is her natural hair color. Hahahha…you have to see it to get what I’m saying…its great the way Jodi said it, she was polite but managed to put him in his place at the same time…hahahahah
That other reporter from ABC I believe it was, the one that she said when she granted the interview she didn’t know he was such a hater made me so mad. He was so SMUG when he talked about how adamant Jodi was that the striped prison pants she was wearing wouldn’t be visisble when the interview aired on TV so that piece of shit reporter OF COURSE made sure the interview showed Jodi in the striped pants numerous times throughout.
I have never seen this sort of treatment in my life of someone who doesn’t deserve it any way shape or form. They act as if Jodi went on a shooting spree killing dozens of people …what reality are they living in to think what they’re doing is anything other than evil??
I have more respect and admiration for Jodi every time I see the way she handles herself in these interviews. She is so strong and brave and her family should be so proud of her!!!
I also got a great ” laugh’ when Jodi told the reporter they don’t SELL Clariol in jail, ” it’s my natural hair color”…. what a fk moron reporter.
As for showing her jail pants, I thought that was very distastful, and they wonder why women lack trust in MEN, now you know why RYAN OWENS, you piece of SHIT MEDIA scumbag, I am sending you some tootsie pop rocks to your office…………!!! Oh RYAN OWENS, we are taking order for those sexy ” black and white ” yoga pants that Jodi was wearing.I will be sure to send you a pair for your next interview to the prision.
Jodi, has been very graceful in her interviews. FK after being in jail for almost five years, I would want to comb my hair, a little lip gloss, and blush………. FK these haters. Hope Jodi rents here JAIL CELL out to all those that screwed over her when she walks FREE…………CORRUPT MEDIA CIRCUS……
Oh. My. God. They actually compared Jodi to those MONSTERS that killed that Doctor’s family back east (don’t remember the town) – the one where the creeps stalked the mother, forced her to go to the bank with them and withdraw $15,000, then drove her home, beat the Dr. in the head and tied him up in the basement, sexually assaulted the 11 year old daughter while she was tied to the bed, then set her and her older sister on fire, killing her and her mother. That’s the gist of it, maybe not exactly.
This whole thing has made me hate the media beyond anything I ever could have thought of. To compare Jodi to those absolute HORRORS, even in the same t.v. show, my god. I have no words.
I’d better try to sleep now before I give myself insomnia too bad to be able to sleep, I’m getting myself all riled up that I’m shaking inside. There is nothing they won’t stoop to, they will go lower than hell. I have no words.
FLYING MONKEYS and RABID FRUITBATS is what they are, arrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhggggggg
Sorry if I didn’t answer some posts I just can’t keep on thinking about this anymore tonight.
I know I could not believe they had that juror on for that case. HLN are a bunch of sick F***ks. They just make stuff up. I so wish they would get outted by another Media org
I was so pissed off watching that it took me forever to fall asleep. The audacity to try and compare Jodi to those sick MF’ers that TORTURED a family. They did read one tweet which sounded like someone from this board sent it in…lol I couldn’t believe they actually aired it but in a nutshell it said that Jodi shouldn’t be getting the DP it should be reserved for people like that bastard in Cleveland who tortured those woman for a decade.
The crime took place in Ct. which has since abolished the death penalty.They left it
on the books for this crime. The woman was talking about Steven Hays. You are right
there is no comparison between Jodie s crime and the one in Ct.
I saw that. Pissed me off, too. I’m from CT and am not far away from where the Petit women were raped, beaten, murdered, set on fire. I guess they were “trying” to get a sense of what it’s really like to have to impose the death penalty, but it wound up yet another way to associate Jodi with the likes of Hayes. Enraging! We did abolish the death penalty here for future offenses in 2012. And now the eleven inmates that remained on death row are being challenged because there is evidence of racial bias. One study found that minority defendants whose victims were white were three times more likely to receive a death sentence than white defendants whose victims were white.
This is an excellent link if you have interest in the reason the TA Taliban continue with the vitriol against Jodi. It will become very clear and connect all the dots. I know it did for me. Very interesting read, somewhat long but worth it.
Please feel free to post so other will not be caught up in their SCAM. Thanks.
Watching yesterdays hearing again, about the jury not being able to agree on a verdict.
Skye Hughes is so creepy. She slides into her seat and is smiling, while the family is clearing crying and upset. What the hell is she smiling for?
This scene from Arlington Road was the scariest part of the movie.
The lady on the phone realizes that Jeff Bridges was right about his suspicions and is calling him to tell him what she just witnessed.
Here comes Joan Cusak/Skye.
Fk Sky HUghes, that bitch is smiling because she’s thinking they are almost home FREE from getting caught…. THINK again SKY…………. This party just got started, and we are going to ROCK your world……… and your HUBBY.
morning I have just got thru watch all the HLN shows from 10am and on and noticed 2 things 1) the UFO the light flickering to the left of the court house was caught on camera the movement was so UFO and 2) no one mention Jodi’s girlfriend that was going to speak to the jury about Jodi and what she knew and that she had received death threat but did mention that no one came to her aid to help her … I am still shock about the UFO that no one noticed I had it recorded so I could put it in slow motion. I have seen a UFO before and this is real. UFO was interested in this case.
Hail Mary,
What are you putting in your tea dear? UFO? Real?
Well, there WAS a little green man spotted in the courtroom.
Hahahahahahaha Trixels!!!! You owe me a new keyboard girl.
This site is for Jodi supporters not UFO enthusiasts. Bye bye.
And who are you to have vent area passwords—do you go by another name because I haven’t seen you here.
She’s a huge Jodi supporter… She just switched her ID name……..
good to know FU—I do apologize to you Hail Mary. Its hard to tell anymore who is who and who intends what.
sorry guy that I change my look here after getting my house shot at and the Mormon showing up at my door…. and now seeing the UFO’s in the recording on HLN just had to add that here with all the noise in the media and on the radio and in my head the UFO’s took notice and if you have a recording of it you to could see it. and yes UFO’s are real I have first hand experience with them in Stevenville TX in a town called hico that is not the correct spelling because it has been a long time since I lived there but do have a friend that saw a UFO with me its ok to laugh at me no one believed us either just like no one believed in Jodi
I am not laughing at you, I am laughing with you 🙂 Just didn’t expect to hear that one for you…. 🙂
hay ive been on this earth a long time and have seen and done a lot in my years I may be 63 but I think like a 20 yr old have a crazy mind have lots of experiences including the UFO abuse raped by a serial rapist that I lived threw and survived my mother hit me with a wooden spoon I was molested as a child by my Uncle. My first x-husband I wanted to kill him with a knife but had a voice in my head tell me to drop it otherwise I would be on death row . I joined the Navy because he would not let me go and give me a divorce. I stayed single for 8 yrs and married and the second one after 2 months he thru a brick at me and missed my head I left the next day. the 3rd was into drugs and as bad as Travis I endured his hell for 11 yrs and now I have 2 cats that love me and will never trust a man again. I like being on my one using my own mind and don’t have to fear anymore at one point in the last relation ship it got so bad he convinced me to commit suicide by taking over the counter sleeping pills and live thru that. anyway enough about me now you know how come I relate to Jodi
WOw, Your a true SURVIOR my friend……….. I think we could write a novel and movie from everyones experience on this site…
you have inner strength, and faith that lead you to a happier place in life…. 🙂 thank you for sharing your story with me….
FUJuan thanks for the kind words did not mean to let it out but just had to I was just so excited to see UFO’s today and no one noticed it but me you all her are like family cats do not talk just meow feed me love me and when they see me cry they comfort me and wonder whats up I have not cried in a long time but watching what is going on with Jodi sends me into despair real tears real sorrow real feeling of how she was left holding this all by herself I hope the Jury can see that and come to the conclusion she was wronged in so many was I wish they could change there minds about the M1 and set her free but they have to do the right thing now and just give her life and not kill her
Welcome back! Have been silently wondering about you and how you are doing, now I get it, thanks and be well!
Making it in America 25 minutes into the recording. UFO showed up
Good morning or should say good night? It’s 4:39 am here. I haven’t had a chance to watch the interviews yet just a clip of the one with the asshole who she called a hater. I’m not sure I want to start off my morning pissed off.
I didn’t get to even know what went on yesterday untilled after 8pm. So sh was all smiles..most likely knew the grams was on her.
So what does everyone thing about Jodi doing the interviews? I’M. not sure how I feel yet. The best part I can see is she got to say a big f…you to all the haters… Hopefully it will not hurt her in the long run. But I not a lawyer. I hope they are deadlocked. OK or come back with life….
I heard something last night that was rather odd. A lawyer said that if there is a deadlock that TA’s family will decide rather to let it drop and it will go to life. You know they are so poor …LOL Wish I could be as poor as them.
Yeah Chris fatboy Hughes was banging the drum tonite and wailing about the “hundreds of thousands” the fmaily has lost being there. Uhh what about all those donations going straight to their bank account and various donation outlets? Gimme a break. They made their money back and then some and will continue to do so.
Even Napoleon has a solid gold collar now and filet mignon for dinner every night, his own queen size bed—shit he probably had to draw up a will.
LOL………. next Napoleon will be going to lasik eye surgery since he’s going blind….. Then off to BORA BORA for a luxury vacation….. Guess CH is in charge of his trust fund too…… woof woof..
LMAO I could not help myself….thanks for getting the humor. Sometimes its only the humor that gets us through another day.
CH is laughing all the way to the bank. He doesn’t have to do anything but sit back and watch these idiots deposit money with little to no persuasion needed. Just a little “Justice 4 Travis” and the wallets pop open. This is the better than selling Legal Shield.
Round two when the appeal starts and a new trial…. this bullshit will never stop with CH…. Hope the IRS calls him out and locks his ass up……..
LOL. I saw that with CH too. He seems to be controlling everything from money to media. He’s a fat bastard con artist.
No way? A gold collar for the dog? Smart really smart. How long before the dog is missing and it’s Jodis falt.
I’m not understanding why the hell everyone is still going on the talking heads show when its over.. Chris H give it up..it’s going to be years before Jodi gets the needle if that day should ever happen…NOT..this verdict will long be over turned before that day. So why don’t you shut the f… up and crawl. back under the rock you came from untill we come knocking on your door with handcuffs.dcu
Napoleon had better watch his little doggie back! Once the haters move on from this trial and the donations dry up, Travis’ friends and family members will be looking to melt down that gold collar for cash!
That’s not true… If they come back today with a deadlock, they will be dismissed and new jurors will be selected to decide on the this phase……….
Yeah I don’t see any deals or concessions on the horizon. They were having hissy fits in court as it was today that the jury is/was conflicted. Saddest part of all is they have no clue that the DP will not make them happy or satisfied as they think it will. Revenge and anger are very ugly qualities and will only hurt them.
TA family are clueless…………. the drugs destroyed their brain cells a long time ago. And if they knew the law, in AZ 80 % of DP are overturned, so this would never happen to Jodi…. Right now there are 124-129 people on dealth row in AZ with only one leathal injection……… hmmm So , what are they going to do with the others …. ?
Second she will get automatic appeal, and this will be overturned……….This just shows how stupid the Alexanders are, and the Hughes…………
Dr. Drew offered them therapy, and said they have a lot of healing to do…. fk this family has been screwed since their births….. and they want to take it out on JODI… Sorry TA was fked up just like the rest of the family, and they are in denial. Give up the FAKE TEARS…….
Dr. Tool is the perfect therapist for that crew. A match made in Hell.
I do agree that they all need help..but I wouldn’t let that man near a rat .. Wait perhaps they should take him up on that….then they can Sue him when one of them takes their own life..
FK I would send them all to Dr. Drew………. Will be interesting if they go on his show tonight if they jury comes back today with their decision.
I think they have made up their minds, and they will come back this morning. I just don’t see all 12 of them agreeing on the DP… Whoever is holding out, plz don’t be bullied today… do the right thing for Jodi, you already convicted her of M1…. unjustified…. Hope you all run like hell once your duty is done…….. your death threats will be next… mark my word………
He’s only offering therapy so he can profit from it too. Everybody knows this family and the Hughes are greedy cult like scammers. Jodi problem figured that about them all long before now and that’s why they’re pushing this DP so much. Probably afraid she’ll write a tell-all and show all their emails.
That’s what I thought but some lawyer said that the state could decide rather or not to just drop it at that point due to the $$$$ it would cost and the family. does have a right to say enough…I really don’t know….but in a sick way it would be funny.
Now where in hell are they going to get 12 people ..that would be willing to give up their lives for this? I would love at this point to have a mistrial ..
I would also love a mistrial at this point… You want to see some pissed off people….. But that isn’t going to happen this late in the game. They would only redo the penalty phase… not the entire trial.
LOL I know but I was just being funny or was that being dumb…or perhaps wishful thinklng..lol
LOL just checking 🙂 It’s super early morning here………..!!!
Hey what time is it there? Have you been up all night? I went to bed pissed and I’m trying really hard to not be today..my own mother is so out of touch with reality over this trial. She told me I was crazy and I didn’t know what I was talking about. That I wasn’t smarter then the lawyers on TV.. Shealso didn’t believed that I watched the trial.
LOL..LOL.. OK I was so pissed that she even brought it up.
Cindy it is 6:13 am here…………. No , I haven’t been to bed, I was on call all night and drank 3 shots of espresso…!! Then drank a diet dew…. 🙂
I gave up talking about this trial with my kids……….. ( 5 months) of be rambling on and on and getting pissed off…!! So, now when I say, ” you know what pissed me off today, they made sure they checked the news before returning home from work with what went on” so they didn’t have to hear me for hours on end .:)
I didn the same thing with them on the CA trial. Caylee was such a beautiful little girl… that trial broke my heart.
I think the problem with the media and the haters is that Jodi is so intelligent and captivating therefore they are green with envy. NG & JVM spend their every night looking like badly made up trannies while spewing vile crap and doing everything in their power to keep the world focused on their botox-riddled mugs. They are hideous on the inside as well whilst Jodi is lovely on the outside and has an inner beauty that cannot be negated by this tragedy that befell her.
I loved Jodi’s interviews she did have not seen them in full just pieces of it but love the one that she said I don’t remember what happened when asked and that she is having nightmares and waking up screaming I did that to after the serial rapist go into my house thru a window and my dad buying me a gun and sent me back into the world to start over.
Jodi had every right to be concerned about Travis fucking other women with AIDS and the other stuff I have first had knowledge of that to my first husband slept with a whore in Fort Worth TX and then slept with me and I eventually found out he gave me a sexual transmitted disease. that left me childless
🙁 I’m sorry.
its ok Cindy I old now and have learned to how to let all the things that happened in my life not bother me anymore I’m in a good place here with my brother and 2 cats and 3 birds and God to protect me from all the Tornadoes that TX gets so sorry about the one that hit and leveled 3 towns and so much destroyed I wont to blame the Mormons on it but won’t yes no maybe well I have a cat at my side telling me she wants some attention she likes to drink water from the facet and not a water bowl so will let you all have a good dissuasion and keep the faith the Hail Mary will ask her son to help this Jury do the right thing for Jodi Love my family see you in about 4 hrs
I love ya girl…..
Agree…but not to worry they all ready have their next victim in line..Cynthia…sorry don’t know her last name. I thought it was going to be Zimmerman …
FUJAUN..I’m. so happy not to have to be on call on my days off. Heck I’m happy I’m. not working 12 he’s over night at the hospital anymore.
CA trial was a hard one for me also. I knew she wouldn’t. get M1 bit was very surprised.when she Walked.
After this trail is done I’m going to read JBs book. I just didn’t have the gut feelings I do about Jodi. Not sure about George either. But perhaps after I read the book…I’m not thrilled with JB after he sold Jodi out in his last interview.
Read SJ’s site about Casey. It will give you all of the information you need.
And keep in mind that Casey didn’t walk. She was convicted on lying charges and had been in jail for 3 years. She also served one year of probation after that. She paid her dues for the charges that she was guilty of. She was NOT guilty of killing or harming Caylee in any way.
OK if anyone is still up what the F is this about Miimmi and f face being siblings?
Yep, Mimi Hall and Dave Hall are brother and sister! Gus Searcy talked about it in his interview with Pitchforks!
Thanks. I don’t remember that but didn’t really read allot of his stuff.
Why does this not surprise me? I’m getting this really sick feeling in my gut about Mummi.
It was the interview he did last night, Cindy, so it’s kinda new info. None of us put it together before.
Well after my little round with my mom I sure wasn’t into watching HLN. I turned it on to see if they came back or not but couldn’t deal with the f… now that brings a whole new perspective. doesn’t it…
Oh no, it wasn’t on HLN. It was on Pitchforks’ blog talk radio show “Routing Out”.
Sorry about what happened with your Mom sweetie!
Ya me to. Since her stroke she isn’t very nice anymore. I can only take her for so long. Sometimes I have moment of being a child with the verble abuse. But due to the fact that she is 81 I have to give her a pass on so
e of it. But with everyone’s story there is always more. As soon as I get my cp up
and running I will send you a email.
For now I am focusing on Jodi and find comfort in my family here. Like all of us we h
have found our voice.
Yes! Can someone explain this to me. I never made that connection. I shocked! Something doesn’t seem right……either it’s not not or it seriously questions both of their stories.
Sorry, meant to say ‘its not true’…..
There’s no reason that Gus would lie about it. I think that “Hall” is such a common last name that it just went over our heads to make the connection.
hi Cindy , I was listening to blogtalk radio last night and Gus Searcy or the person that was questioning him cant remember which now but one of them said Maria Hall aka Mimi is Dave Hall’s sister.
OK Al where the heck are you?
Good Morning everyone.
Today’s Morning Music digs in a little deeper. Now that we’ve played a large number of “songs”, here’s something that shows you folks a little more about what really rocks my boat. This is what the Library of Congress says about this show:
“Fans of the Grateful Dead will never completely agree about which one of their over 2,300 concerts was the best, but there is some consensus about the tape of their Barton Hall performance at Cornell University on May 8, 1977. The soundboard recording of this show has achieved almost mythic status among Deadheads”
This is Lazy Lightnin’ > Supplication from 5/8/77. Enjoy.
Its about time you showed up!! I was getting worried ..I can tell your not going to be a easy little brother…
OK want to pick your mind a bit…Deadlocked -what timeframe are we talking about in seating a new jury here. Don’t they have to go over the minuets of the trial?
I really don’t think that they will be able to agree. The ones that don’t want the DP do not want blood on their hands and will never give in…
Hey Cindy,
Remember I’m on kid free leave all week – getting in some sleep hours.
I too hope they remain deadlocked.
No idea how long to go through the process again, which seems fraught with problems in any case. How they ever expect to empanel an impartial jury at this stage is beyond my imagination.
So let’s keep rooting for Jodi.
Yes I remember the kids are gone but darn how much sleep do you need? LOL
Good I’m not alone in my thinking..They won’t move Jodi to the “pen” untill this is done…will they..
Not till she’s sentenced. Even then it may depend on timing of appeals etc. I saw an AZ case earlier of someone who wasn’t moved to the pen for almost 4 years after sentencing because of appeals etc.
Really, Al? That’s interesting. Do you remember the case and what the issues on appeal were, by any chance?
I’ll see if I can find it. It was a woman who was sentenced (I think for M2 maybe manslaughter) in the killing of her husband, in 2006. She wasn’t sent to the pen till late 2009. She did remain in the county jail in the meantime.
Awesome, please do. I’d love to read it.
Well as crapy as that jail is she has made friends there.
Got a worried mom type question. Are there male guards at the woman’s pen? I know there may be some but I guess you know what I’m thinking.
Don’t read if you’re feeling very sensitive, but in the interests of not putting our heads in the sand, there’s this blog:
Scroll down to:
May 22, 2103: On Loving to Hate Jodi Arias…
Good old days of LSD and paoti buttons love your morning music and physidellic show
Damn Insomnia keeps waking me up
In the middle of the night!
I just had some warm milk & cookies 🙂
Well hi everyone
Today is going go be major in many ways,
I believe.
We will just have to fasten our seatbelts again
as we board this roller coaster!
Praying the juror or jurors stay strong & firm
and not let anyone bully them into a DP verdict.
Anyways off topic
Have anyone of you guys been keeping up
with the mysterious death of Elisa Lam?
It’s soooo Twin Peaks meets a Japanese Horror film
This is too freaky http://youtu.be/RsieSIr_KrU she was in the elevator on the 14th floor at the Cecil Hotel where Night Stalker stayed 14th floor and another serial killer – notice doors don’t close & her freaky hand gestures this gives me chills!!!
Kwik note, saw the Lam video – horror movies rarely give me a scare, am a horror movie fan, seen all the creepy Asian ones. The elevator vid gave me goosebumps. I could only watch it once, truly frightening!
Good morning, everybody! I want to begin by asking a very well-known member of this website, Also Abused, if she could find me on Facebook and send me a friend request. I read your story earlier this morning on the previous page and it was so enlightening albeit painful to read. And I would be honored to be your friend.
I’d also like to say that regardless of what happens today, I’m not going anywhere. So long as this website is up, I will be here. And, I hope that Team Jodi keeps this website going for as long as possible. Just in the past month, I have already made friends from here and learned so much. Thank you, Team Jodi, for creating this website and for doing all that you do for her and others.
I’m not a very religious person. I consider myself to be more spiritual than religious, but I do believe that there is a God and yesterday I prayed for Jodi to be spared the death penalty. I will continue to pray for her and keep the faith that she will receive life in prison. Now, it’s not going to be easy for Jodi and her family to have to be given a life sentence, but this does not necessarily mean that she has to spend the rest of her life behind bars. Immediately after she is sentenced, I am going to go to work and do whatever I can to help Jodi be free. I promise you that. And, Team Jodi, if you ever need me to help you, you know how to get a hold of me, okay?
I personally believe that the behavior demonstrated by many in the Travis Alexander camp is worse than what Jodi ever did to Travis. They continue to murder her reputation over and over and over again. They have taken to treating Jodi like a punching bag or a piñata and I am sick of it. The only consolation that I can find is that I know full well that the Law of Karma works. Believe me, all of these people who are attacking Jodi and all of us for supporting her, they will pay for this. And it won’t be by me or you. Because I have seen the Law of Karma come back and bite people in the ass.
I think it is important for each and every one of us to try our best to maintain a positive attitude. Hand-wringing and worrying isn’t going to help Jodi or her family. I understand the seriousness of what could possibly lie ahead for Jodi, but I also believe that if you think bad, then bad is what you get. Whatever the jurors decide today or next week, our work here is far from over. Whether they come back with life or death, the liberation of Jodi Arias has already begun and no jury, no TravisTown pedo-hugger, no media member, no troll will ever stop us from moving forward. If they get in our way, we will crush them like a bug. Metaphorically speaking, of course. I am against violence and I don’t want to see anyone on our side take to violence against anyone of these people. Let them be the ones making death threats and threats of violence. I want us to take the high road and focus on justice, not revenge. That being said, this doesn’t mean that we have to take their crap either. Always fight back and stand up to them and for Jodi and her family. But let’s do it within the confines of the law and out in the open, not being secretive or behind closed doors.
I love you, Team Jodi, and Jodi, if you ever read this, I love you, too, and we’re going to get this done together.
Good morning Frank!
Well spoken!
Good Morning….thank you for that, Frank !!!
Love you back Frank.
Jodi, Prayers and thoughts for you today stay strong keep the faith. You are so smart and articulate it blows me away. Love you
Responding to a post of yours from last night, in ref postponment
“OMG this needs to be reviewed. Nothing dies on the internet EVER! Times have changed a LOT since the 90s.”
I agree. I wonder if there’s a more recent decision somewhere, or if somethings making its way through the appeals cycle.
Maybe these folks should heed Justice Clark from Estes v. Texas, when he predicted this mess way back in 1965.
And then you have folks like Arapaio who introduced webcams into the booking rooms in his stations and jails. It took going all the way to the 9th circuit to get those removed. BTW Ulises Ferragut was the appeals lawyer on that case.
OMG Al, Estes v. Texas, I need to look that one up again. We looked at that in law school many moons ago. Wasn’t that the one where there was some comparison of the case to watching Bonanza? LOL If I’m remembering correctly, there was some discussion about televising trials being a benefit to psychologists. But there was concern that a mistrial might result in tainting of any potential future venire.
OOoh so Ulises Ferragut HAS been successful in appeals. When I looked at his website, I didn’t see a lot of appellate experience, and a media report on him seemed to imply he was mostly a criminal defense lawyer, not an appellate lawyer.
Oh, and did you see the DC opinion I posted to you late last night after you went to bed, that was from last week, about juror misconduct revealed post-verdict? You’ll be interested in that one methinks.
Don’t quite remember the psychologist angle. But here’s a report of some of the excerpts from the SCOTUS decision.
If nothing else this case shows the dangers of televising trials. What really boggles the mind is that way back in 1965 in a case called Estes v. Texas the SCOTUS ruled:
“Held: The televising over petitioner’s objections of the courtroom proceedings of petitioner’s criminal trial, in which there was widespread public interest, was inherently invalid as infringing the fundamental right to a fair trial guaranteed by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
The constitutional guarantee of a public trial is to ensure that the accused is fairly dealt with, and not unjustly condemned. Pp. 381 U. S. 538-539.
(c) The freedom granted to the press under the First Amendment must be subject to the maintenance of absolute fairness in the judicial process, and, in the present state of television techniques such freedom does not confer the right to use equipment in the courtroom which might jeopardize a fair trial, the atmosphere for which must be preserved at all costs. Pp. 381 U. S. 539-540.
(d) The public’s right to be informed about court proceedings is satisfied if reporters are free to attend and to report on the proceedings through their respective media. Pp. 381 U. S. 541-542.
(e) Where, as here, the procedure employed by the State involves the probability that prejudice to the accused will result, that procedure, in line with the principle established in such cases as Rideau v. Louisiana, 373 U. S. 723, will be deemed lacking in due process whether or not isolatable prejudice can be demonstrated. Pp. 381 U. S. 542-544.
(f) There are numerous respects in which televising court proceedings may alone, and in combination almost certainly will, cause unfairness, such as: (1) improperly influencing jurors by emphasizing the notoriety of the trial and affecting their impartial judgment, distracting their attention, facilitating (in States which do not sequester jurors) their viewing of selected parts of the proceedings, and improperly influencing potential jurors, and thus jeopardizing the fairness of new trials; (2) impairing the testimony of witnesses, as by causing some to be frightened and others to overstate their testimony, and generally influencing the testimony of witnesses, thus frustrating invocation of the “rule” against witnesses; (3) distracting judges generally and exercising an adverse psychological effect, particularly upon those who are elected; and (4) imposing pressures upon the defendant and intruding into the confidential attorney-client relationship. Pp. 381 U. S. 544-550.
(g) The foregoing factors are not merely “hypothetical,” as is evidenced by the bar on television in federal criminal trials imposed by the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure and by such a bar in all but two States. P. 381 U. S. 550.
For those who may be interested
Justice Clark, who wrote the opinion in Estes was amazingly prescient when he said:
“From the moment the trial judge announces that a case will be televised, it becomes a cause celebre. The whole community, including prospective jurors, becomes interested in all the morbid details surrounding it. The approaching trial immediately assumes an important status in the public press, and the accused is highly publicized, along with the offense with which he is charged. Every juror carries with him into the jury box these solemn facts, and thus increases the change of prejudice that is present in every criminal case. And we must remember that, realistically, it is only the notorious trial which will be broadcast, because of the necessity for paid sponsorship. The conscious or unconscious effect that this may have on the juror’s judgment cannot be evaluated, but experience indicates that it is not only possible, but highly probable, that it will have a direct bearing on his vote as to guilt or innocence.”
Especially the line
“And we must remember that, realistically, it is only the notorious trial which will be broadcast, because of the necessity for paid sponsorship.”
There you go folks, almost 50 years ago a Supreme Court justice was telling you why this fiasco should not be allowed. He also said
“A defendant on trial for a specific crime is entitled to his day in court, not in a stadium, or a city, or nationwide arena. The heightened public clamor resulting from radio and television coverage will inevitably result in prejudice. Trial by television is, therefore, foreign to our system.”
In as far as Ferragut is concerned, I read somewhere that about a third of his practice is appeals.
I did read the DC opinion you posted and that sort of sits in line with most others.
Justice Stevens certainly had insight. Now we are in an age of internet, 24 hr. coverage,etc.
When witnesses are harassed and threatened, it is time to take a look at televising
high profile trials. I believe the Arias case may be one that the Supreme Court will take a
look at.
AL and AA you to are so good at what you do and I am proud to know you both keep up the good work now we need to get the info to the defense team for Jodi
Wow, Al. Justice Clark had a crystal ball, didn’t he? Back then, not everyone had TVs in their homes. Look at us now! The majority have smart devices, WiFi, etc.
Such good interviews with both Jodi and Darryl!!! This is the first time I hope the Jury watches TV/Internet before they go and deliberate.
Yo dudes, Sirlips and Al, I dragged myself back to the Websleuths Legal Q&A forum to see if anyone was asking about our questions yesterday (re: new jury for penalty assuming this one is deadlocked). Groan! The things I do for the two of you and yet, I get no respect around her.
(By the way fellas, I’m opening a PayPal account for my cat, Jemima (hip hop name: J-My), who had dental surgery two weeks ago at a cost of $508 (plus $257 pre-surgical blood/urine tests and vet exam) so, I’ll gladly accept your donations. She’s an adorable girl who is 11 years old, and loves to cuddle, so she’s a MUCH better charity option than all the funds you’ve both been contributing to Napoleon’s gold collar and leash, platinum food bowls, and mink bed. Don’t lie, fellas, you know you’ve been sending all your $100 bills over there!
J-My is more than happy to eat from her regular dishes, sleep with her Mummy (or in any teeny box she can find) and she absolutely detests all forms of collars, by the way. She also specifically stated that the 7 teeth she had extracted NOT be replaced with gold teeth. She’s just a simple girl after all and doesn’t like all that garish stuff! But it did take the poor thing a whole week to learn how to eat without her teeth, and her poor Mummy had to do a lot of syringe feeding, antibiotic and pain med syringing for the poor little thing. And then, it took a whole lot of Popeye’s chicken to get her motivated enough to learn how to eat, while she was all drugged out. So, send those C-Notes over here, boys! LOL)
Anyway, there were answers that this AZ lawyer person gave:
“The new jury would be told that they must accept that Jodi is guilty of 1st degree premeditated murder with the aggravating circumstance of cruelty.”
“They would start over from scratch. Also, they would have to re-present any mitigation evidence and rebuttal that had been presented in the guilt phase.”
He/she also said (and here’s where the puke bucket comes out:
“IMO a new jury would be vastly more likely NOT to vote for death, as they are not personally committed to the verdicts of guilt and cruelty and will not have had the experience of watching and hearing from JA for 5 months and realizing just how cold she is.”
And a few more tidbits:
“This is why I think a second jury would be much more likely to vote for life. They simply wouldn’t have an in-depth understanding of the evidence or an emotional commitment to the verdicts rendered thus far.
As for the hung jury procedure, a defendant can’t appeal a proceeding that ends with a hung jury, because the defendant hasn’t been harmed by that proceeding.
I don’t see any problem with infinite hung juries, because that’s exactly how criminal trials always work–if there’s a hung jury, the defendant can be retried again and again and again until one jury finally reaches a decision. So this procedure in AZ stops the process rather than continuing on with hung juries ad infinitum–and the process stops in the defendant’s favor, with a life sentence, so I don’t see the basis for a defendant to complain about that.”
“I have no experience with [second jury] and haven’t heard of it happening so far. But perhaps it happens and the cases are being settled before the second jury is picked?”
“IMO Judge Stephens could and should have told them about the second-jury procedure.
Based on the media reports about the note, it sounds like they weren’t sure what form to use.”
In a new article, however, Michael Kiefer wrote:
“In the event of a hung jury, the judge will declare a mistrial in the penalty phase, and the jury will be dismissed.
The first-degree-murder conviction would stand, as would the finding of aggravation. The Maricopa County Attorney’s Office would then have to decide whether to persist in its attempt to seek the death penalty against Arias or settle for a life sentence to avoid a new sentencing hearing.
Though the County Attorney’s Office has not revealed the cost of its prosecution, claiming it is built into the annual budget, the defense alone has already amounted to nearly $1.7million over five years.
If prosecutors decided to go forward, a new jury would have to be seated, though it could be difficult to find impartial jurors for a case that has seen so much notoriety and media saturation.
That new jury would sit through an abbreviated trial as the defense and prosecution present the facts of the case. If the second sentencing trial also ended in a hung jury, then Arias would automatically be sentenced to life in prison. The judge would decide if she should be sentenced to natural life or to life with a chance of parole after 25 years.”
So, contrary to AZ Lawyer, Michael Kiefer is saying there would be an abbreviated trial, whatever that means. Anyone want to tweet to him and ask him?
AA…thank you for the laugh..Gee I would love to donatte to your fur child..but since my beast of a car will just about total you child’s Med bills I can’t at this time.. I think you should rethink the gold toooth..I think she would love some bilingual….
As for the rest of the post..Not sure I understand but will reread it and can figure it out in my simple mind.
It’s okay, Cindy, I really wanted a few a those C-notes these fellas are sending to Napoleon, and couldn’t possibly take the few pennies you have in reserve for that beater you insist on driving :D.
As for the gold teeth, J-My said to tell you that you’re a racist! Just because she’s black and her name is Jemima does NOT mean she wishes to be part of the gold tooth stereotype to which you’re referring. She will be taking this issue up with the ACLU later today. She reminds you that she is a rather litigious cat, after all. LOL LOL LOL
Omg that is so funny thanks..
Just watched the interviews..WOW She is one hell of a woman. I’m so happy I saw that. I’m. Happy she also had make up on. Why the hell not. It’s her story and untill the day she is freed it will be the last time she gets to wear it. So as far as I’m concerned HLN CAN JUST GO FUCK THEMSELVES …
You have my gratitude, wading through that dung heap for Sirlips (I always blame him).
Much as I suspected this person too doubts this has ever happened before. I don’t know how they can do this abbreviated mini-trial without it becoming an appellate issue. The jury is supposed to make up its mind based on the totality of the evidence. And the mitigation includes all the abuse. I’m sure even after their misplaced M1 verdict this jury is considering the why. And therein lies the rub. How the heck is a new jury supposed to know about the psych evals, the abuse, the nature of the relationship etc. And those all go to the abuse mitigation prong, which the judge allowed (I gather the judge has to allow both aggravating and mitigating factors based on evidence).
Reading out guilt phase testimony seems untenable. Do you read it all out for the new jury, or do you read out select portions. If the later each side is going to bitch (and its not the totality in any case). So who knows. Guess we’ll find out.
Yeah, Al, where where are the C-notes? CASH … errr, I mean Napoleon has already collected enough LOL
I did take a perfunctory glance through AZ case law to see if this whole second jury thing had ever been challenged and didn’t find anything. Do you happen to know which rule this falls under?
I thought owls and pussycats preferred five pound notes (unless inflation has caught up with them).
Is this what you’re aiming for:
Hahaha Al. Nah, J-My and her mother like those c-notes wink wink
Still no gratitude from that Sirlips fella either, I see. Someone is gonna need to give that boy a good spanking!
Okay, a bit more on this second jury stuff, just in case you’re not confused enough (still waiting for the c-notes):
“Under Arizona law, a hung jury in the death penalty phase of a trial requires a new jury to be seated to decide the punishment. If the second jury cannot reach a unanimous decision, the judge would then sentence Arias to spend her entire life in prison or be eligible for release after 25 years.
In the event of a hung jury in the Arias trial, the case could drag on for several more months, said former Maricopa County Attorney Rick Romley.
‘‘If that happens, this jury would be dismissed and a second jury would be impaneled, and you’d literally have to go through the whole case again,’’ Romley said, adding the murder conviction would stand and the new panel would be considering only the sentence.
However, the new jury would have to review evidence and hear opening statements, closing arguments and witness testimony in a ‘‘Cliffs Notes’’ version of the trial, Romley said.”
So I take it that a new penalty jury is mandatory? Arizona justice means prosecutors keep trying until they get the decision they want.
No, they only get two juries for the penalty phase (the original one, and then a second one). If the second one is deadlocked, then the judge decides on natural life vs. life without parole. The judge can then NOT sentence the defendant to execution.
But it seems like thus far, a second jury has never been empaneled in AZ before from what I can find.
Al and I are just discussing back and forth on the constitutionality of all this. I mean, there are a few different versions out there of what the new jury gets to review.
One said they are told they must accept that Jodi was convicted of first degree murder and the aggravating factor of extreme cruelty, and then, they get the entire mitigation phase again (opening statements, closing arguments, rebuttal, victim impact statements, Jodi’s allocution). At that point, they deliberate.
Another says they get an abbreviated trial as the defense and prosecution present the facts of the case. And a Maricopa County attorney says they’d get a “Cliff Notes” version of the case including evidence including opening statements, closing arguments and witness testimony. Presumably, that means opening statement and closing arguments of the mitigation/penalty phase ONLY???
But jurors are supposed to decide on penalty based on totality of the evidence presented. So, what do they do? Watch a recording of 4.5 months of trial minus sidebars? Read the transcripts? How does this work?
And what are they supposed to do if they find differently? They’re forced to then accept the guilty verdict even if they don’t agree with it?
It just doesn’t seem like due process could possibly be served under this method.
Further to “Watch a recording of 4.5 months of trial minus sidebars”. Are all trials in AZ recorded?
If not, what happens in an unrecorded trial. Witness demeanor, which the transcript doesn’t capture goes to credibility. (Remember Horn’s shit eating grin as he claimed a typo).
I did find an Arkansas case (Rasul v. Ark) in which there was a hung jury and the trial judge recused himself for the sentencing phase. A new judge was brought in. On appeal the appeals court agreed that the totality of the case was necessary for the sentencing phase, however since the new judge had access to all the transcripts that answered that.
Of course it seems like AZ has this unique second jury thing, so who knows.
Al, I think all trials are recorded nowadays (at least audio, not video), but good point!
I’m just looking up that opinion, even though Arkansas law would have no bearing on Arizona law, nor would Arizona be bound to follow it. The judge recused himself due to a relationship with a defense witness, interesting, although his decision seems appropriate. I think a judge, upon reading a transcript, would have the innate ability to familiarize himself with the evidence in a manner that a jury would not.
Good Lu k on finding anyone for the second jury. I sure would do anything in my power to get out of it..How unfair is it to ask people to death just from reading back crap.
I wish I could get ON it. There’d be no DP for sure.
You know, im out doing my daily charity run…you know, giving blood at the hospital before i go to cook breakfast for the hungry kids in Africa…to return to THIS!
AA, AL… I’m hurt, really hurt. I can’t believe you guys would (sniffle) say these things. LOL
Hey guys,
AA… Fuck your cat. No, seriously “fuck” your cat, it will help her build up an appetite, i do this all the time when my cats have dental work done. No, i joke…i do love cats though, a little boney but if you cook them right, they are dee-lish. I will send some of the funds Ann and i get from Spanky, its been ROLLING in, so a few hund’oes are no problem.
AL, The only reason im not offended and telling you where to go is…because its true. Yah got me. hee hee.
AA, Al and AA, you 3 are amazing.
Seriously you both are the shit! You put alot of time and energy into the posts and they are always well written. Unlike my chicken scratches, your posts actually contain something of value, and we should all thank you for that. (Yes, i realize i put AA twice…thats because I like AA more than you AL)
See if I say anything nice about you again. No wonder Sparky left. He probably threw himself in front of the bus after all the damage done by you – hanging out with cats and stuff.
“IMO a new jury would be vastly more likely NOT to vote for death, as they are not personally committed to the verdicts of guilt and cruelty and will not have had the experience of watching and hearing from JA for 5 months and realizing just how cold she is.”
Those Websleuths hags are so annoying. Yeah, good luck finding 12 people in Maricopa County who haven’t been tainted by watching trial coverage.
AA I think you are the best better than Sirlip and Al
Psychiatrist who put together new DSM warns against it. We may all have a mental disorder with this edition: http://www.abc.net.au/health/thepulse/stories/2013/05/23/3766048.htm#.UZ4Qdz_n-zw
Well, I’ve now diagnosed myself. Perhaps I will need to go on long-term disability.
“Changes to depression criteria mean someone who has been recently bereaved can be diagnosed with depression.”
My gerbil died a couple of weeks ago. I’m recently bereaved and depressed.
“Binge eating disorder which involves eating to excess on at least 12 occasions over a three-month period.”
My future mother-in-law is Italian and an amazing cook. I can’t help myself!!!
Well I guess the pills will be flying. I’m. Vvery depressed due to hearing JM’s voice and over eating because he mad my brain scramble. I have become dalosuional and thought justice. would be served and abuse was wrong.
coming from a family of Italian I know what you mean when it comes to food. Love to eat to but sometime long ago I felt that life one day would get so bad that food would be unavailable and started eating just one meal a day to get my body ready for when that day came.
Sorry about your little gerbil, AA. {{{{{{{{{{ hugs }}}}}}}}}}}
Are there any musical peeps out there? I posted a re-make of , Candle in the wind, early this morning and would like to know if someone could put some music and sound to this? I am a song writer but do not have the tech. to do this.If you missed it, here it is. Hello, Jodi Arias, Though I never knew you at all…. you had the strength to hold yourself, while those around you crawled, they crawled out from underneath they’re rocks and they screamed in everybody brain, that they wish that you would die, and they taught they had a plan. And it seems to me, you live your life, like a candle in the wind, never knowing who to trust, when your trial began, but it seems like I know you, we will be victorious, my candle has not burnt out yet and your gonna live. 18 days was tough, the toughest days you had to talk about, yah he was rude and he taught he was a super star. Even when you cried, oh the press just had to say, there were no tears and that you must of lied. But it seems to me, you live your life like a candle in the wind, never knowing who to trust, when your trial began. But it seems like I know you, we will be victorious, my candle has not burnt out yet, and your gonna live.
Hey Glen,
As I said above, it’s so sweet. There are some instrumentals on YouTube and usually those people are really nice about letting you use them, as long as you give them credit. I like this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njk5MlXmnQw Also, you can often find great instrumentals on iTunes. I usually look in both places when I’m looking for backing music for something I want to record.
I tried singing along just to see how it would flow and after doing so a few times, can I make the following few little changes?:
Hello Jodi Arias
Though I never knew you at all
You had the strength to hold yourself
While those around you crawled.
They crawled out from underneath their rocks
To scream in all the people’s brains
That they wish that you would die
And they thought they had a plan.
But it seems to me, you live your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to trust
Since your trial began.
And I feel like I know you now.
We’ll be victorious.
My candle hasn’t burned out yet
And you are gonna live.
Eighteen days was tough
The toughest days you had to talk about
Yeah he was rude, he thought he was a rock star.
Even when you cried
Oh the press just had to say
There were no tears
And that you must have lied.
[Brief Musical interlude]
Hello Jodi Arias
Though I never knew you at all
You had the strength to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
They crawled out from underneath their rocks
To scream in all the people’s brains
That they wish that you would die
And they thought they had a plan.
And you are gonna live.
Hold on Jodi!
(I’m assuming you want to repeat the first verse in place of a new third verse there, right?)
Thanks for your input. I will try the sites you mentioned.
So do we think today will be either a verdict or mistrial? Or do we think this will carry over past the holiday weekend?
Remember if there is no resolution today they have 4 days off and will return Tuesday.
I think they just may hang. Life vs. death are two positions that are pretty solid, and I would think that it would be hard to sway people who are committed to one side or the other.
If they do hang, can Pickles sentence Jodi to life vs. natural life now if she chooses? Or is that up to Kermit’s office?
HLN hoping for a long weekend w/ no verdict so they can rake in the dough.
I don’t know – with every passing the day the chances of a hung jury improve.
My gut tells me today the jury will again tell the judge they can’t decide. If that happens will she send them into a 3rd round of deliberations?
Oh, no doubt HLN would be happy with no verdict today. Not only for the money, but for the opportunity to create more programming for their target audience: current and potential jurors.
They don’t even hide this. When the jury as deliberating in the guilt phase, HLN addressed them directly, hour after hour, day after day, with “what the jury doesn’t know,” etc.
Here’s something I find interesting about the Dave/Mimi Hall sibling notation.
1. Dave Hall hunts, right? Dave Hall is also a Mormon, right? Throat slashing is the mark of a hunter (or or blood atonement in the Mormon religion or a professional killer). Travis’s throat was slashed, right?
2. Travis was known for stealing Mormon girls’ virtue, right? (At least one that we know of, Deanna, anyway. And he would have liked to have stolen Lisa’s. And there were others, per Gus Searcy, who aren’t about to speak out about it.)
3. Travis was infatuated with Mimi Hall, Dave Hall’s sister, wo is also a Mormon, right? Mimi told him she just wanted to be friends, right? Travis had persuaded Mimi to still accompany him on his PPL trip to Cancun, right? Mimi considered not going, but then thought it would be okay because she’d be staying with Mormons, right? (By okay, I mean, she wasn’t going to lose her virtue to Travis, just by accompanying him.)
4. The trip was to occur on June 10, 2008. Travis died somewhere between June 4, 2008 and June 9, 2008. His body was found on June 9, 2008 which, if you haven’t realized already, is the day BEFORE the Cancun trip. Travis’s body was found in a state of moderate decomposition. The time of death was established to be June 4, 2008, based on photos taken that day. But there’s no way to be absolutely certain that WAS the date he died. There are factors which can speed up decomposition (temperature, substances) and that aren’t necessarily discernible later, and won’t show up in toxicology reports (cocaine, heroine, meth, for example.)
5. Travis’s family members were meth addicts and also Mormons, right?
6. Someone who is also a Mormon wrote somewhere online (republished on OccupyHLN) as follows: “Truth be known, Jodi saved Mimi Hall from losing her virtue to the dirt bag.”
7. We have two roommates who didn’t smell decomposition for FIVE days, nor did their girlfriends. So, that’s 4 people who spent a considerable amount of time in that house, but didn’t smell a damn thing.
8. Mimi Hall is the one who makes the 911 call. She smelled decomposition in the house, as did the first police officers on the scene and Gloria Esteban.
Add this all up. Was Dave Hall, the hunter, worried about Travis stealing his sister’s virtue on the Cancun trip?
Interesting. Before late last night I was unaware that they are siblings…..The points you laid out certainly seem like possible motive to me.
This question kind of relates to no. 4. When you take photos on a digital camera, then later decide to set the date or time back, is there metadata that will show you’ve reset the date/time? In other words, you might take several photos starting at 5:30 pm then stop shooting photos. The next day at 11 a.m. you reset your date/time back to June 4, 5:32 pm and take more photos. When reviewing your photos on camera or computer, the time stamp displayed will look like you took photos one after the other up until and past 5:32 pm. But is there embedded information, the metadata, which would show that you reset the camera’s clock? I’ve wondered if perhaps TA was killed much later than 5:30 pm by someone else despite JA’s admission, possible false confession made under duress, coached, coaxed and coerced by Flores in the Siskyou Sheriff’s station. JA didn’t have an attorney present and I believe Flores started out the interrogation w/: Jodi, I need you to help me. And she agreed to help. There are articles about why innocent people confess to crimes they did not commit.
And I apologize in advance for diverging off this post – last time I did it I offended someone, but I am just following a train of thought from Krikee’s post.
The photo thing has bugged me for awhile for two reasons:
1. Jodi seemed to me to be genuinely surprised and confused by the pictures of her in pigtails on June 4 – even went into several minutes of speculation w/Flores, wondering if somehow Travis had ended up with a memory card from HER camera.
2. The inconsistent testimonies of Connor and Melendez. Connor said she found the camera’s card in the bottom of the washer. Melendez said that he, himself, had removed the card from the camera.
So that, right there, led me to wondering if the photographic evidence had been somehow manufactured. Gathered from other sources and falsely timestamped. Except I don’t know how anyone could get around the meta-data that would be attached to the original photos. Wherever they came from, they’d carry that data with them, wouldn’t they?
Then, last night, I had a thought. What if those photos – the nudes and the shower photos – were snagged stills from videos? Would they carry meta-data from the video? Or would they only carry the data of when and where they were snagged? Anyone know?
I think there’s software to change metadata. So many inconsistencies that are not explained. I didn’t know that about the card being in the washer, then being removed from the camera itself. Maybe it wasn’t confusion, but a Freudian slip by the roommate when he said he did laundry on Saturday. Could he be the one to have thrown the camera into the washer on Saturday. He claims to be a photographer himself. He is also the one who said he last saw TA on Thursday at 11 am when he was leaving the house to go to his girlfriend’s. He spent all day Thurs. at his girlfriend’s. When TA’s body hadn’t been discovered on Thurs or Fri. What else was there to do but wait it out until the moment of discovery – 5 days of decomp, maybe less. Maybe decomp was only 3 days. There was never any explanation in police reports addressing why he last saw TA alive on Thursday a.m. If time stamp was changed, somebody made the mistake of not allowing enough time, just under two minutes, between TA looking into the camera then lying on the floor bleeding from neck wound. This would have meant within that time he traveled down the hallway, bled profusely, then was dragged back to the shower. Or his neck was already cut in the shower at 5:32, in which case, he couldn’t have traveled down the hallway.
I’m not sure about cameras, but I can answer that question about computers (at least those running Unix, Linux, MACOS, don’t know from Windows). Changing the time on a computer is a system administration task. All system administration activities are logged by the computers operating system. These logs are maintained for a period of time, ranging from a few days to for ever. A savvy computer expert can go back and review these logs and they will show if the clock was reset, and if so when.
Now cameras may not have the space to store such info, however, there is a way to get the order in which files (i.e. pictures) were stored. When a computer writes to a file system, it follows a very structured way in which the files are stored. So if you map the disk (or memory card) you can determine the order in which files were written to storage. So even if you ignore the date settings you can always go back and look at how the files were laid out on the disk or memory card. This will at least tell you the order they were written in, and if that order doesn’t match the time stamps, you may be able to surmise that something else was done. I do know for instance that you can take a picture on one camera and then transfer it over to another. When hooked up to your computer some cameras just looks like an external hard drive and you can both read from and write to the memory card in the camera.
So could this have happened – sure.
Does the Mesa PD have the ability to figure this out – I don’t know, Melendes didn’t strike me as the sharpest knife in the drawer.
Honestly, I think Jodi was there the day Travis died. The pictures weren’t necessarily from a previous time. I think this for this reason alone:
If she really was not there, there’d be no way on Earth that her version of events could corroborate the evidence. (Now by this I mean, she could very well have witnessed what happened and that is how her story could corroborate the evidence, OR else, it really was self defense).
I don’t dispute that she was there. I just doubt the photographs, and wonder if they were manufactured to PROVE that she was there.
If you watch the first interrogation tape from July 15, Jodi is surprised and confused by pictures of her with pigtails on Jun 4.
I, too, do not dispute that she was there that day. But I’m beginning to think that TA was alive and well when Jodi left that afternoon. I have not watched her 1st interrogation to the end, but you can see that Flores immediately begins to lead Jodi into her “confession.”
Why do innocent people confess to crimes they did not commit. Here’s a good article: http://crime.about.com/od/issues/a/false.htm.
Of the three kinds of false confessions, JA most likely would fall into the third category of people who make internalized false confessions, believing they are in fact guilty, even though they have no recollection of the crime. These people are usually: 1) younger suspects (even though Jodi was 27 at the time, she seemed to be highly emotional and naïve for her age); 2) tired and confused by the interrogation; 3) highly suggestible individuals (note Brewer’s interview where he says Jodi suddenly began to engage in ‘magical thinking’ and believe that ‘The Law of Attraction’ would solve her problems); and 4) exposed to false information by interrogators. Flores almost immediately tells her about the “evidence” that points to her. They let her sit in that room handcuffed, cold from the AC, no water and no toilet, for the sole purpose of making her more pliable and apt to confess.
Krikee, as I recall pouty mouth Melendez testified that he was basing the time stamps on the camera’s internal clock — not whatever time was set. He talked about it being set by Greenwich mean time. (I recall that specifically because he pronounced it as “green-witch” not “grenitch” which annoyed me profusely — but that’s beside the point.)
And we know Jodi was there at some point, because of the palm print with both their blood in it, on the wall.
Have you checked out the Lawyers On Strike blog? The lawyer who runs it, a highly intellectual and very interesting NY criminal defense lawyer has been discussing the implausibility of all of this for over a week now. Heather and I have participated quite frequently, and of course, a few haters joined in. There are now about 4 posts on the subject with multiple comments which are a bit difficult to follow because of the blog format.
Anyway, that lawyer is pretty disgusted that Flores zeroed in on Jodi without ruling out other suspects like Dustin Thompson (Ashley Reed’s husband. She’s the one who called in the tip about him acting strange and she was leaving him and going to move in with Travis, but decided against it, yet, moved out right before Travis was killed) and John Hepworth (the tip from Lisa about him being a former roommate who didn’t see eye-to-eye with Travis and having moved out in the middle of the night without telling Travis), and also that he didn’t investigate who the footprint in blood belonged to, since it would have been completely dry 5 days later.
He has also discussed a case he handled where a woman who had been raped had dissociative amnesia and was raped, and falsely confessed. He even said perhaps he wouldn’t look at this case as he did if it were not for that case.
Now, he didn’t watch the trial, but we’ve filled him in a great deal. And he thinks Jodi is just in lalaland without any recollection of what really happened and that really shows in her post-conviction interview and her allocution which he found surreal. He also thinks her story of not being there was fear-based. But her intruder story is probably the closest version to the truth, however, he doubts it was a man and a woman, and suspects it was two men — one of whom raped her, while the other killed Travis.
He has also been rather critical of her lawyers for pigeonholing her into self-defense because of the difficulty in selling it to a jury, when there was perhaps a better case to present of “whodunnit”. (I’m assuming you know that once they opted for self-defense, they couldn’t then use any of the above possible third-party scenarios, per rules of evidence.) However, he understands that they are PDs and went with the safest route to keep their client alive, because if they’d gone with “third party did it”, they wouldn’t have had a chance of lesser included offenses in the jury instructions. However, with self-defense, they got those in. Not that they did the blindest bit of good, of course.
We’ve also discussed the absolute ridiculousness of Travis being alive at 5:30 (per the photographs) and Jodi stabbing him in the vena cava, stabbing him in the back, neck and head, slashing his throat, and shooting him, dragging him back to the shower, then doing a rudimentary clean up of his body, cleaning up the house a bit, putting up the dog gate and putting the dog downstairs, doing two loads of laundry (since the camera was in with the bedding which was in the dryer and another load was in the washer), grabbing her stuff, and getting the hell out of there before Enrique got home by 6-6:30. If the wash cycle took 40 minutes, how did she manage all the other stuff in such a short amount of time?
As I said before, let’s assume Enrique was wrong, and he didn’t get home until 7 due to a traffic jam. Well, you’d think he’d remember that bad of a traffic jam in the first place, but even assuming he didn’t, we know Jodi was gone when he got there because the door was locked. His girlfriend came over before 8 (because they went to the temple and got there by 8) and she noticed Travis’s CTR ring and watch on the kitchen counter.
Let’s go one further and assume that Jodi was still there and he just didn’t see her. Well, we know she left shortly thereafter because she was in Kingman, AZ by 10:30 when she made her first phone call and that’s a 3.5 hour drive away.
At some point between Kingman and the Hoover Dam (about an hour or so), if the license plate was off the car, she put it back on, and she must have put it on the right way. And she somehow cleaned up the blood (from herself, her clothes, the most obvious places in the car). She wouldn’t have gotten through the Hoover Dam checkpoint without doing both of those.
The other interesting thing here is that the kool aid stains were in the back of the car, not the front. So, did she strip before leaving Travis’s house and toss the blood clothes in the back?
And we don’t know what she did from about 10-30-11 when she called Ryan and Travis until she got to Ryan’s house in St. George UT, the following morning at 11. That should have been about a 3.5 hour drive, but it took her 12 hours and that’s about all we really know. Did she sleep for 5-6 hours? Did she have the real killer in the car with her and she drove him somewhere? Or, was the real killer with her and the other person involved driving behind them? Did the killer force her to make the calls? She sure sounded stressed in the one she made to Travis.
And then, there’s the weird case of the smell of cigarette smoke in the car when it was returned. Jodi doesn’t smoke. Does Ryan Burns? I doubt it as he’s Mormon, although not practicing. Leslie Udi? She’s also Mormon. Did Dustin Thompson or John Hepworth smoke? Probably not as they’re Mormons. Who do we know that smokes? Travis’s brother, Steven — the one Travis had a notecard to call. Could he somehow fit into all of this?
Then, there’s Ashley Reed, who got a restraining order against her husband, Dustin, because he was violent with her. Why? Was he just an abusive bastard? Or, did he find some of the texts between her and Travis? Was there something going on with Travis?
So, she divorces Dustin successfully. They have no kids. Their house is in foreclosure. They don’t own a business. So no real ties. But a year and a half later, she commits suicide under very suspicious circumstances. She uses a gun (not common for women) with a downward trajectory from the back (really difficult to do) with a strange sized entry wound. The autopsy report doesn’t mention the gun caliber, why?
And a month after Ashley dies, Jodi changes her plea and tries to get those 10 letters from Travis, of which she only has copies, not the original, submitted into evidence. Is that connected to Ashley’s suicide/death?
Meanwhile, there’s the Hughes. While a police investigation was undergoing, Chris Hughes gets the password to Travis’s email and he reads all his emails. He’s given a few different stories of how he got it, ranging from a guess, to having the same webmaster as Travis and contacting him while he was still in Cancun. He doesn’t shed much more light on the May 26th awful text/instant message/email between Travis and Jodi. But he claims at one point, Jodi tells Travis by email she’s going to get an attorney. Why? He doesn’t elaborate. But why was he soooo anxious to break into Travis’s email anyway?
Topping all of that off, you have Jodi telling Dr. Karp (the psychologist involved initially who had to back out due to cancer) that Jodi said Travis told her he spoke to a bishop (but not his boys) about the fact that he had interest and experience in sex with little boys. He also said he fondled two boys. She also made a similar statement to Dr. Samuels. What little boys? Who was their father? Who was their mother? Did the parents have any inkling? If so, did they have motive?
Who exactly was the women with the eating disorder that Travis was texting begging to come over and threatening suicide if they didn’t? Did she have a jealous husband/boyfriend? Who were the other women he was texting in a flirtatious sexual manner, one of whom was married? Was that Ashley? Was it someone else with a jealous husband/boyfriend?
Who was the bishop Travis talked to about fondling little boys? Bishops in the Mormon religion don’t have any special training in handling these matters. They’re just regular people who volunteer to be a bishop while they continue their regular jobs. They’re not like Catholic bishops who do nothing else. Why did he talk to THAT bishop, not his own? Was it that bishop’s son he fondled?
What gives with the letters? Jodi forged them???? But when Sky Hughes got them from Nurmi, she wasn’t shocked. She thanked him and asked what was Travis’s age of attraction in kids. Why? Was she concerned for her own kids? Is that why her husband had to get into Travis’s emails in such a hurry? Nurmi’s expert said the letters were more probably written by Travis than not. Where were the originals? What happened in the hearing and what happened in Nurmi’s supplemental report about the letters that was sealed (presumably his expert’s report)? The haters say either (a) Jodi forged them in jail or Matt or someone else forged them using photoshop taking words from Travis’s journal. Jodi forged 10 multiple paged letters in jail and no one noticed? Matt did them in photoshop? OMG I’m an expert in photoshop and that it would take me a month to do one such letter, never mind 10 of them.
Why didn’t Matt testify? Why didn’t anyone call him? He said he didn’t want to be involved, but his name is all over the web.
Why didn’t the roommates testify? Why didn’t they notice the smell for 5 days? Where in the police report did Flores verify their alibis? He didn’t even talk to one of the girlfriends, just like he didn’t talk to Dustin Thompson. If his ring, watch, wallet and laptop were in the same places for 5 days, and the roommates/girlfriends noticed, why didn’t they wonder where Travis was?
When exactly did Zach do laundry? First, it was the Saturday the 7th. Then it was the Wednesday. Huh? He got up and went to return his rental car. After that, he was only home from 3-4 which just isn’t enough time to wash and dry laundry. Jodi claimed she washed the bedding after they had sex. But if she did, how did the camera get in there? If Zach did his laundry at 3 p.m. but left it there, why didn’t he notice the bedding? If he did it later that night, after he got home at 9 p.m., why didn’t he notice the bedding plus camera and the other clothes? What did he do with them? Did he take them out? Why then wouldn’t he have put Travis’s clothes that were in the washer into the dryer? Am I expected to believe he just took out Travis’s wet clothes from the washer, and the bedding plus camera from the dryer. Then, he did his laundry, and put everything back the way he found it. Moreover, why didn’t he notice the blood?
I mean, there’s just so much weird shit here that wasn’t seen at trial, but it’s all out there documented in the police reports, texts, emails, instant messages, etc. Something stinks bad and it’s not just Travis’s decomposing body.
Hi Also Abused, I’m going to have to return to your post later and give it my attention. I’m in and out all day today, and I know as it gets closer to 10 am the comments will be coming in fast and furious about possible return of verdict. It’s too late in the game, but the inconsistencies still are troublesome. Even in an appeal, only the errors of the trial can be addressed, not the evidence itself. So appeal would have to overturn verdict and new trial would have to result for new look at evidence. Would like to know if any exculpatory evidence was withheld and if Brady violation motion addresses that, or if the violation was about withholding of TA’s emails till 2011.
It’s too late in the game for a direct appeal, yes. But all of the above could be brought up later in post-conviction relief and could be a basis for ineffective assistance of counsel.
I think there was more than one Brady violation motion, but I don’t recall that exactly. I’d have to go back to the minute entries AGAIN. My brain has been mush lately. I’m surprised I remember all that I do LOL
AA – isn’t it amazing they could build a case at all with so many questions left unanswered, so many inconsistencies?
Three quick points (well, quick for me, lol)
1. The bedding was in the dryer. The camera was in the washer – memory card and camera “door” loose and separate from the camera in the bottom of the washer- with a bleach damaged towel, t-shirts of two different sizes, some shorts, sweat pants, socks, and Travis’ magic underwear.
2. Enrique SAW Travis when he got home from work on June 4 – Travis walking down the stairs, talking on his phone, going into his office and closing the door. Enrique assumed that Travis was on the conference call he had mentioned that morning. (No record on Travis’ cell of this phone call, but Jodi mentions to Flores in one of their phone interviews that Travis had a landline.)
3. I don’t know how long this software has been available, but I do know there is font-creating software. C Hughes said in one interview that he believed Travis’ journal might have been used as a source for creating a font, then the pedo letters could just be typed, and that would be the explanation for only digital images available for the letters.
Journee, I thought the camera was in the dryer, NOT the washer? I’ll have to look at the police report again. I might just be recalling that based on what everyone has said.
Yes, there are font creating software packages, and I’ve used them (although admittedly not in a couple of years, so they may be more advanced now). However, they still don’t look exactly like someone’s handwriting. They are too perfect to resemble exactly all the nuances of handwriting perfectly and very easily discernible as typed. Remember, handwriting experts examined the letters, so they would not have been fooled by a font created to resemble handwriting.
So maybe I wasn’t alone wondering about this crap last week.
Something isn’t right in the state of AZ. I know people always say one can find a conspiracy anywhere, but sometimes there actually is one. Or maybe this is just a case of police incompetence.
More to follow.
Al, you really should read that blog I mentioned. JMRJ talks about his own experiences where police simply grab onto the easiest suspect and run with it, without completing their investigation.
A lot of reasonable doubt – now 12 jurors will have to live with believing JM theories (lies) for the rest of their days.
I hear a lot of DP murder jurors suffer from horrible nightmares.
JM facial expressions kept looking like he was waiting for his “house of cards theory” to be uncovered by direct physical evidence.
I didn’t hear the testimony to remove ALL reasonable doubt. Jodi lying to cover up or protect TA reputation isn’t premeditated M-1.
At best, in all 49 other states, this was manslaughter.
Hi all. I’m new here. I posted once before, on Monday I think but apparently I posted incorrectly since I did not see it come up.
I mentioned then that I will not post often if at all, one big, huge reason being that I have NO idea how to. And I refuse to have anything to do with social media, ala Facebook, Twitter and whatever else is considered such. I would like to send Jodi a message, but won’t since not only do I not know how but I don’t believe it can realistically be seen by her or her family for that matter.
So i’ll keep this short, not knowing if it will even go through. In a nutshell, and after having watched parts of the trial at HLN (now banned from my TV viewing) for several months and then having spent the last few days (thanks to “Nasty Disgrace”) reading posts here and at partner sites, my VERY STRONG belief is that Jodi is innocent of all charges.
Her ninja story may not be all that fantastical after all. I hope and pray this farce of a trial can be overturned. God knows it should be. Jodi REALLY IS innocent.
PS: Too bad there isn’t a way to organize a letter writing campaign to HLN, and other outlets that simply repeat what HLN “douchebags” have to say. Somehow there must be a LOT of money and strings being pulled (perhaps by the “Mormon Mafia”) to allow this BS to continue, month after month. But then I guess the Mormon Church (like the Catholic Church, etc) has a lot to hide: http://lpdaily.wordpress.com/2011/08/05/the-truth-behind-the-polygamist-and-pedophile-beliefs-of-the-mormon-cult/ and http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=385×606354 and http://www.skeptictank.org/hs/mgayht15.htm and http://www.wivesofjosephsmith.org/
Could be..but how do the Hughes play into this. They are so fricken guilty
OK I read that Chris H. didn’t attend Travis’ service..is that true?
I’m not sure if Jodi is covering to save her family or if she just got the hell out of the house after the gun. There is no way she stabbed him in the shower as JM said. Anyone with half a brain could see that wasn’t possible. Well except. for the jury. They must have checked out that day.
CASH said they didn’t attend the service in Mesa but did attend the family’s service in CA.
AA, with your avatar, every time you wrote “right?” I heard it in Kermit’s voice…LOL. Great points though!
Haha Kira, that was my point in writing “right”. I really wanted it to sound like JM LOL Evil, aren’t I?
Good Question and I had my concerns about him in the beginning of all this with the remark made by Ryan Burns to Flores on page 20 where they describe the 1 or 2 may have done it and know the bullet size ??? That one has made me scratch my head for 5 months
Oralia Ortega parses out 3 questions that JA didn’t answer out of the multitude she did answer in Mark Curtis interview. These people will twist a story to their own agenda.
Hi Everyone – it’s been a while since I posted. I’ve been busy with my business and breeding horses!
But, I have kept up on the trial here and there.
First, let me say that I LOVED yesterday when the jury was deadlocked AND the douchebags on HLN were left speechless!! It was priceless!!!
Second, I am disgusted with the judge. Hell, she can’t even read jury instructions correctly. She was out of her league on this trial.
Third, I think Jodi did a great job in her elocution. I hope the jury believes she has value and gives her life in prison.
Fourth, I do NOT want to see a whole new jury for this phase – if it comes to that. JM needs to stick his tail between his legs, admit he lost, and move on.
Finally, I am SO glad that Juror #8 got bounced off the trial. He is an ASS!! He would have convinced everyone that Jodi needed to die.
That’s all for now…
Great Morning All!!
I wanted to post this video from Inconvenient Truths. It is an excellent follow up to what Gus Searcy Talked about in the interview Gus Searcy gave on Pitchforks. It shows substantial proof of Gus being harassed by the PPL/ Mormon CULT!! This video should be confirmation for any one who may doubt these people have an agenda, and definitely something to hide.
The video moves really fast so keep your finger on the pause button so that you can read the screen shots.
Warning: May cause nausea and vomiting.
Greetings all!
I read a couple of very interesting and very plausible theories. My favorite was from Jade from last night.
Another from AA,(Also Abused) in this thread.
There are many others with great points also.
No matter what the jury has already decided and will decide, this case is FAR from over. In reality, it’s just getting started.
You’re always in our thoughts Jodi. Remember that.
Remember this. The police will always and I mean ALWAYS take the path of least resistance so they can give the minimum amount of effort in “solving” any case. Once they decide on a theory they will break every rule in the book to form answers around that theory.
Sometimes they are right, but most of the time they are WAY wrong. There is always more to a crime than meets the eye or that the public will ever know.
Jodi is the convenient scapegoat in this murder.
By the way. Esteban Flores is living (I think) proof of a a detective giving minimum effort. He is alive sitting next to Martinez isn’t he?
When you compare the Flores from the 48 Hours clips to the Flores on the witness stand these last few months, it’s like the man has been lobotomized. Completely flat affect, nearly every answer that required more than a yes or no began with “I’m not sure” or “I don’t recall”. On direct it was as though he was waiting for JM to lead him through what he was supposed to say. More than anything, he appeared throughout as though all he wanted was to say what he was supposed to say and get the hell out of there.
When I realized that is when I first began to think that it might not be ambition or payola motivating the judge, prosecutor, etc. Maybe it’s fear.
True what you said. He’s either incredibly stupid not to have understood Dr. Horn, or he was made to be the fool when he took the stand and said he misunderstood and misspoke about the gunshot being first. If I were him I wouldn’t take the blame, my professional integrity would be on the line. But in the hierarchy, I guess, it goes Prosecutor, Med Examiner, then Detective. The shit flows downhill.
How much dry cry practice did the Grimm Sisters put in last night?
Good morning, all…………..
I will be taking a few mental health days away from the interwebs. I have been making myself sick. Not to mention, paranoid about new posters, when all I want to do is welcome and trust new supporters….
Hubby took a few days off, and because I have been neglecting him since January 2, I am going to actually spend some quality time with him…. it is actually sunny and warm here for the first time in a month or more.
I will be popping in and lurking here and there, and watching my phone for the verdict. Hold down the fort peeps!!
Good morning to you dear freund! Yes, you do need a break. Go ahead and just let down your hair, put up your feet, and enjoy the day!!!:-)
Please take good care of yourself and I wish you peace, good health and strength.((((((((hugs)))))))
I would suggest a co-ed naked movie night… followed by a bit of snuggling and laughing. But, thats just me.
Be bad, have fun and we will see you in a bit. 🙂
Good Morning Renee! Have a great day with that lucky hubby. I took some time for myself yesterday and am chilling a little myself so to address some things I have been neglecting too.
I will be keeping my eye on the site and anxiously waiting.
Love you, Girl!!
Enjoy your break, Renee! I hope it treats you well and you can get some rest! 🙂
Take care and enjoy your husband Renee!!!!!
Enjoy some well deserved quality time with your hubby Renee!!
And make sure you come back to us,((((((((((my dear dear friend)))))))))))
Take care, Renee! You have to give yourself a break sometimes :). I have plans to see a movie with a friend tomorrow night, and my husband and I have a family wedding to attend on Sunday.
Renee, i hear you. I have been sick & making myself
more sick by not getting proper rest or sleep.
I myself need a few days off myself. Feel better
sweet one 😉
Very smart choice Renee…Sometimes you just have to take a break and get back to your own life..
HUGS Have a great time…
You and your attitude will be missed Renee. Don’t forget about us.
Come back when you can *hugs* We’ll be here for you whenever you need us!
A couple places that I read at the haters have been saying that the jury only asked the question about procedures IF they could not come to a decision but that they did not say they were deadlocked, trying to spin it. However that is NOT true and several that were in court plainly states they said they were.
Don’t know if articles can be posted here and if not just delete but here is a transcript and article on it.
Transcript for Arias Jury Deadlocked on Death Penalty Decision
with the jodi arias trial, the jury as we said deadlocked over whether she should get the death penalty. Abc’s ryan owens was there in the courtroom. Ladies and gentlemen, I have received your note indicating that you are unable to come to a unanimous decision.
Reporter: After just two hours of deliberating whether jodi arias should live or die, the jury of eight men and four women said they were deadlocked. The news stunned travis alexander’s family. But almost five months into this, the judge wasn’t about to accept that.
At this time please go back to the jury room and continue deliberating. Reporter: With that the jury spent another five hours deliberating wednesday and will be back at it later this morning. If she isn’t sentenced to death, the judge could decide between life in prison or even life with the possibility of parole.
Conservative Christian street preacher vs Crazed Mormon at the Repub. Nat’l Convention 2012
Let the FUN begin:
FUJUAN, goodmorning. I replied to your comments on the end of the last thread, about the DP.
Goodmorning everyone else. Hope you have a good day, or a very bad day, depending on what type of underwear you have on.
SJ is kickin back on vacation. Al is kid free for a week, rennee is gonna go chase her husband around the house with nothing on but a smile…FUCK, i need to take some time off work too.
I think i’ll go stay at the local jail for a week, since aparantly these places are basically hiltons, atleast thats what i hear. Good beds, good food, good friends… what more could i ask for really? However, im gonna be pissed if these rumors are not true! If i go in expecting disney world and i find out that people dont actually LIKE JAIL still, oh, you are gonna hear about it.
A song that describes my 70 years and my choice for Jodi’s Song as well.
Busload of Faith – Lou Reed
Question for AA
I read somewhere that what the jury actually asked yesterday was whether they should respond to the hung jury issue via the verdict form or a separate message.
Actually found the cite
Instead of answering that she responded with a sort of Allen instruction. Could that be deemed a premature Allen instruction – which has been grounds for reversal or remand in the past?
AL, i was thinking i got bad info when i heard about this. I wondered why she was giving instrcutions on something that didnt appear to be questioned.
My point exactly.
Maybe she screwed up!
Al…when I heard that yesterday…I posted this link…it does talk about the Allen Charge in the US…I was wanting someone to post a comment…because I didn’t understand why she did that either…
After listening to her instruct the jury in a more stern voice…I felt that the jurors feel that they have to make a decision of life or death…
Read: United States at the bottom
I remember your post. It is very confusing because I thought they had three choices: life, DP, or can’t come to an agreement.
She sits up there and eats glue all day. She’s terrible at her job. Terrible is an understatement.
But back to that it does sound like pressure on the jury to come with one or the other choice. I’m prepared for them to come back with DP. They’ve already concluded opposite to all of my other opinions so it wouldn’t surprise me.
I don’t know. If I am one of the anti-death jurors and was willing to hang the jury the first time, I’d have a hard time conceding to “OK, just kill her.” I hope that it’s more than one juror and that they hold strong.
Agreed. Actually the DP is not a required outcome of M1 in AZ, and the judge should make that clear to the jury. Justice is satisfied by a non-DP sentence by the judge. The DP is a non-mandatory option.
Her address to the jury makes it seem like she’s encouraging a unanimous decision, whereas the jury doesn’t need one and can declare itself hung at any stage. In fact I don’t even see the reason for an Allen instruction in this case, or any encouragement, given that there is a second option, by which justice will be deemed served.
But then what do I know, this is AZ or maybe OZ.
What the Judge gave, IMO (IANAL) was an Allen Charge/Dynamite Charge. No question about it.
Al, I think particularly because the question came on a juror question form, NOT on the verdict form, the judge had no other option THAN to offer assistance. That being said, I don’t think she was clear in that if they were deadlocked, they needed to submit that on a verdict form. She was VERY careful NOT to say that she required a verdict from the jurors (which has been reversible on appeal) and I think she avoided the appearance of coercion in her answer. Her answer was definitely along the lines of an Allen charge, in my opinion (ask me or the lawyers to help with the law), but I think it was appropriate, given the fact that the question was on a question form. I’m thinking though, that’s a standard instruction for Arizona (as most states have devised their own versions of the Allen charge, but I haven’t looked that up, have you? I think the entire issue rests on whether the court coerces the jurors or not, and in this case, she didn’t do so.
Good Morning from Sunny So Cali!!!
Sure hoping it’s not different day same chyt!!!! But we shall see!!!!!
Morning, Moni! 😀
Hey Rachel!!!!!
Good Morning Moni!
Send some of that sunshine up to the PNW please. 🙂
Good morning ((((((Moni)))))))))
Sunny in Greece too!!
Am i clueless or something???? I just watched jodi’s interview on az with that link above and I thought she was sweet and humble and trying hard to be accurate and truthful. I just dont get how two people can see the same exact thing and come away with totally different ” views” …….i stand to reason that if and when a person says, well i saw it and thought she was smug that if you asked that person exactly where in that interview did you get that impression…they would hemhaw around and you would probably find an internal locus of their own that brings them to that conclusion that even they were unaware they had within them. Some hidden bias. People are idiots that lie to themselves. That’s my UNHIDDEN bias. LOL
They have clouded their minds with hate. Praying for someone to die shows how low they have fallen.
That is so true! It is downright CREEPY to see people praying for someone’s death!!!! It is a level of hate that gives me the shivers. May God rebuke you, satan! Even people that see the need for the death penalty for serial killers and mass murderers dont RELISH in the deed like what has been presented by the anti jodi people. They are disgusting! When I think that is how Jesus was hated on the cross and how the fervor was such that they cast lots even for his clothing. And yet He had such love as to ask God to forgive them because of their ignorance in what they were doing. Amazing love.
Creepy is exactly how I described it to my sister in law. Not that Jodi is Jesus in any way, but it does remind as you referenced on the cross saying forgive them father for they know not what they do.
Holly,I am sooo with you.Actually,I still dont understand how people look at Jodi and see all this evilness,darkness you name it! All I see is an exceptionally witty,special person.She could be so much more,so much potential in that woman…
Hello everyone, I have a massively sore tongue from biting it on other insane/inane websites.
It’s like everyone has mass hysteria, and some form of cult blindness.
Is it me thousands of miles away, or have people lost their national/rational minds?
Lost their simple little minds…
And some. Talking about the Crazy Cult is not up for discussion, and all these so called ‘clinicians’
are half wits with half a story trying to ‘diagnose’ Jodi, while ignoring major or salient facts.
How can you possibly diagnose someone without a comprehensive assessment?
It seems they are quite ok with the sexual abuse of minors and sexual strangeness and it has no bearing on anything…
Relationship dynamics are off the menu, god help us.
What sort of practice is that?
I’m a social worker and don’t recognise any of it!
I know what you’re talking about, Fred!
Keep the focus on Jodi, prevent/disallow any analysis of the people, dynamics and environments that surrounded her, and then–voila!–only diagnosis left is sociopath or evil.
It’s actually a remarkably simple formula, as long as there’s a mob to enforce it.
Finally another SW to join me in the opinion that the entire situation is insane!!
What’s a “SW”? Thanks.
Yep,I think it’s official.I’m still waiting for the announcement:Mankind has gone crazy.
Smug?? About the fact that she did a favour to many children in this godforsaken cult?
I might be too…
I might also give her a medal for exposing this highly dodgy crew.
Also Abused: thank you for your EXCELLENT post on all the questions about whether Jodi even killed Travis. That has been bothering me a great deal, due to her amnesia she doesn’t know what happened. It’s always seemed to me that the intruder account she gave may be closest to the truth. Jodi, being so responsible, goes out of her way to take responsibility for this murder because others tell her she did it. I think the throat slashing was not done by Jodi. Perhaps she shot in self-defense, but as the prosecution tried to hide, the bullet didn’t kill Travis. I hope that the real story can surface, so that there can be an appeal based on new evidence — which will really show Jodi innocent.
I had a lapse in judgement last night and I watched Dr. Drew. He was talking about how he felt empathy for Jodi on Tuesday after her statement to the jury. The panel he had was furious that he could feel anything but hate for her. One went as far as to say that they were worried he had crossed over to the dark side. He of course went back to berating her and said her interviews made him come back to his senses. He then proceeded to say that anyone who supported Jodi needed mental help. I cannot remember his exact words but they were pretty harsh. From everything I have read on here, everyone appears to be sane, intelligent, caring, empathetic, and mentally conscience people. It annoys me to no end that they can have their insights, insults, and most times completely ignorant opinions about Jodi, but we are crazy for supporting her. I’m sorry that I cannot force myself to feel sympathy for a family and their friends who have started a witch hunt. All they do is complain about all the horrible things said about TA, things that could have been avoided had they let her take a plea. She didn’t want to unmasked their precious ” glue of their family”. For people who say they wanted to protect him, they didn’t do a very good job. They wanted all this attention. They wanted all the sympathy and pity. They wanted the money that comes from all the publicity. They wanted revenge. I don’t know how anyone could feel sorry for such cold, vengeful people. I tried to feel for them. I tried to put myself in their shoes. I couldn’t. I would never be able to live with myself if I begged for someone to die. I wouldn’t be able to ask twelve people to put blood on their hands. All I hear from them is that they want TA to rest in piece. How can he when they use his death to make themselves relevant? They are nothing but hypocrites.
The screwed up “MINDS” of those HLN folks remind me of the “MIND” of Teddy Daniels played by Leonardo DiCaprio in that psychological thriller movie “Shutter Island”…a really screwed up person!!!
Do you need an intervention? The clueless dr has powerful claws? lol
I think that people who are hell-bent on killing a stranger are the ones who need mental help. Hear that, Drew, you asshole? What’s your body count up to now, five?
More publicity for the Survivor Tee-shirts this morning on
Robin on morning express (HLN) was showing the SURVIVOR tee-shirts again and saying that the Alexander family didn’t like it at all…
I will be ordering two Survivor shirts tomorrow when I get paid.
Tough shit on them. I don’t like their pleas for money either, but it’s a free country.
Who made them Kings of the world??In other words who gives a f**k what the Alexanders think?
I just want to point out that while many in the media have described the jury’s impasse as “quick”, the jury had already spent 19 hours deliberating at that point in time if you include the first 2 phases. And there was hardly any new evidence presented in the 2nd and 3rd phases for them to consider anyway.
It’s undeniable that they would’ve already spent time discussing the DP in those first 2 phases. Factions would’ve already formed between those defending Jodi and those wanting to throw the book at her.
Now the jury has spent over 23 hours deliberating (7 in the DP phase).
I doubt much will change today or even next week if the judge keeps them that long. But we’ll see.
Here’s a song for Jodi and all of her supporters. Get the link playing and then read along below. Enjoy and laugh, because that’s what life needs to be about right now.
A long, long time ago
I can still remember how those Pop Rocks used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my chance, that I could make him sing and dance and
Maybe he’d be happy for a while
But May 0’8 made me shiver, with every e-mail I’d deliver
Memories of his doorstep – I couldn’t swallow his pep
I can’t remember if I cried when they told me I had stopped his ride
But something saved me deep inside, the day my Travis died
So, bye bye my old 15-pump guy
Drove my Focus down to Mesa but the mesa was dry
And there you were shooting stuff in my eye, singing
This’ll be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die
Did you write ‘bout three-hole love, and do you have faith in God above?
If the Mormons tell you so
Now, do you believe in Nancy Grace? Can surg’ry save her rancid face? And
Can you teach me how to . . . hold a camera?
Well, I know you’re not in love with me, cause a 12-year-old I cannot be
We both kicked off our shoes – man, you dig those boys, too
Oooh you were a lonely 30 hypocrite, a rah-rah speaker and a piece of shit, and
I knew I was out of it, the day my Travis died
I started singing, bye bye my old 15-pump guy
Drove my Focus down to Mesa but the mesa was dry
And there you were shooting stuff in my eye, singing
This’ll be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die
Now for five years I’ve been on my own and moss grows fast on a jailhouse stone, but
That’s not how it used to be
When Travis pranced and made it ooze, in a coat he borrowed from Sky Hughes
And a load, that came from him to me
Oh and while Juanito’s looking ‘round, and KM stole his empty crown
The courtroom was adjourned – no verdict was returned
And while Pickles read some jury notes, Sam attempted not to choke, and
Steve played Elvis, what a joke, the day my Travis died
I was singing, bye bye my old 15-pump guy
Drove my Focus down to Mesa but the mesa was dry
And there you were shooting stuff in my eye, singing
This’ll be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die
Helter Skelter in a bathroom shelter – the gun went off like a bible belter
Five feet ten and falling fast . . .
He landed hard on the floor
My eyes they tried to find the door with the pumper, on my stomach, bleeding fast
Now in days the air was rank perfume, but the roommates didn’t have a clue
They all got up to dance, oh Travis never had a chance
Cause the roommates called on Esteban, the State then called on little Juan
But they don’t know just what went on, the day my Travis died
I started singing, bye bye my old 15-pump guy
Drove my Focus down to Mesa but the mesa was dry
And there you were shooting stuff in my eye, singing
This’ll be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die
Oh and there I was in a desert place – my head was feeling lost in space
With no time left to change it now
So come on Jodi’s weird and Jodi’s sick, Jodi put out a Travis wick, cause
Fire was the fucker’s only friend
Oh and as I dropped him from the lens, his hands were clenching once again
No Mormon born in hell, could break that bastard’s spell
And as his spirit climbed high into the night, to meet with God and make things right, I saw
Satan laughing with delight, the day my Travis died
He was singing, bye bye my old 15-pump guy
Drove my Focus down to Mesa but the mesa was dry
And there you were shooting stuff in my eye, singing
This’ll be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die
I met a guard who knew my case, and I asked her how I can be saved
And she just smiled and turned away
I went down to the Coke machine, where I’d heard the laughter in my dreams, but
The man there said the sugar was all gone
And in my mind I heard him scream, his lover’s cry, his pools of cream
But not a word was spoken, his ventricles were broken
And the three men I admire most: the Father, Son and Kirk Nurmi’s ghost, they
Caught the last train for the coast, the day
my Travis
And they were singing, bye bye my old 15-pump guy
Drove my Focus down to Mesa but the mesa was dry
And there you were shooting stuff in my eye, singing
This’ll be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die
They were singing, bye bye my old 15-pump guy
Drove my Focus down to Mesa but the mesa was dry
And there you were shooting stuff in my eye, singing
This’ll be the day that I die
That is very good Sarah!
LMAO! A classic.
Class work, very creative and funny!
This. Is. Awesome. I think it deserves a post all its own. :-O 🙂
Thank you, Rachel. That’s very kind.
Sarah, you are offically promoted from “awesome” to “The shit”! For the record not many people have became The Shit in such a short amount of time. You should be proud.
“Now, do you believe in Nancy Grace? Can surg’ry save her rancid face?” I give this an 11 out of 10
But this… “Well, I know you’re not in love with me, cause a 12-year-old I cannot be” — This is the cats “meow”.
I like your song Sarah!
I always feel I have to preface my bad decision to watch HLN with an excuse, heh, so, I do like Robin Meade in the morning so I put her on while getting ready or CNN and they went over to JVM ( I hate her mouth, her teeth, I dont know what it is bug the way she talks bugs me) and JVM said that Jodi Arias has made a spectacle, a soap opera out of this case and I was like WHAT?! YOU DID, HLN DID, JODI IS THERE BREAD AND BUTTER, THEIR RATINGS, ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? YOU HLN HAVE MADE A SPECTACLE OF ALL OF THIS, SHEESH
I kind of like Robin Meade despite her problems with finding the correct top size. In my head I call her “Boobs McGee”
LOL I thought it was TITS MCGEE
We all know she has them she can put them away now!
Watching Jodi’s interviews, I was so amazed when the reporters asked if she knew how much she is hated. Although I thought it was a hateful question, I loved her response, which was “NO”. She then proceed to say how much love and support she has. I think our prayers and support have had an impact and I am grateful for that. Yes, yes she knows how much care and support is out there for her. I want her to know there will be JUSTICE. Stay strong, Jodi, we are here for you. Prayers and ((((hugs))))).
I was glad when she said that too, PK. It shows that she doesn’t care if way more people hate her. She’s just content with focusing on the support she has from her family, friends, and the rest of us. She doesn’t want to focus on the haters and that’s good.
Interesting… in light of what has been discovered regarding the Alexander siblings’ brushes with the law, I wonder if Victoria Washington represented one of them at one point? She removed herself, back in 2011, because she represented a party close to the case.
Moving on…
Is seating an entire new jury if this one comes back hung, common? What I mean by that, is – is this the way other states handle this situation? I do not understand how Jodi could possibly 1) get an unbiased jury and 2) get a jury who is adequately and fairly brought up to speed regarding the trial. So, is the verdict the only thing that is considered and presented to the new jury? If that’s the case, what is stopping the next group of 12 jurors from coming in, and being so horrified by what led to the M1 convictions, that they just immediately sentence her to death. They have no trial history… just what they will be told by the prosecutor, and I bet dollars to doughnuts he will pile on the lies, and there won’t be a damn thing Jodi or her attorneys can do about it. They haven’t been able to get her a fair trial thus far, that’s for sure. I don’t see how seating a brand new jury for a penalty phase is constitutional.
I don’t see how it’s constitutional either. More like Twilight Zone constitutional.
I think the sentencing will go to the judge if the jury can not reach a decision. I may be wrong, but this seems like the only logical thing…?
And viri, totally Twilight Zone…The entire trial…
How is it that for a whole week no-one did laundry or according to Flores report couldn’t remember the exact date they did laundry? That has always bothered me along with the room-mate(s) not coming to the door when Mimi and her gang were trying to get in the house? And they said the dog was barking & going nuts. The room-mate didn’t come out till the police got there? I just don’t get it! And I do think Flores coached one of them concerning the day(s) laundry was done. By this time Flores had been told by all of TA so called friends that Jodi was a stalker, etc., i think Flores even told someone not to talk to Jodi or take her phone calls bcuz she was a suspect. What kind of detective operates like that? He botched it from the ‘gate’!
Good afternoon Team…
Hey Janeen!!! How are you gurl!!!!
Hanging in there…how are you darlin’?????
In one word…….CONCERNED!!!
Hi Janeen! 🙂
Good afternoon, Janeen. How’s your day going?
Just ducky friend – and how are you???? LOL
🙂 Glad to hear it!
I’m doing alright, have to go to the dr. after a bit to check on this ear infection :/ Other than that, things are pretty swell over here!
Hey ((((((((((Janeen)))))))))))))))
Oh how I like seeing familiar faces here…Another day finds us onJodi’s side!
C’mon people,let’s do it!!
Sending all my love to you!!!! 🙂
Hey Janeen! Hope all is well with you today.:-)
Hello there Mr. T….
Everything is honky-dory…and how are YOU???
I’m doing good my lady. I’m here of course too.:-) I don’t want you to get the posse after me.lol
You’ve learned quite nicely Mr. T!!! 😉
((((((((((((((love you)))))))))))))))) LOL
Good Afternoon Love!
I’ve been taking a little time to enjoy the warm weather and tend things I’ve been neglecting lately:)
You know, sequence, glitter, and disco!! LOL!
3 snaps in a zig-zag
Seal is up.
For a long time I wondered what that meant, I don’t watch the trial. lol
Someone on this site gave us this link a long time ago…it is interesting…this link did have a down time yesterday…and we had to use the other AZ central link….I like this one because wild is always tweeting when different ones are coming into the courtroom…and he gets things moments before they announce it on HLN….
And when the other link doesn’t work…this one will work…wild does not tweet on this link though…
Thanks Truth, but I don’t have much of a stomach for it.
I’m a survivor with C-PTSD, and I know it would drive me beyond insanity, so mild reading is more my thing, I avoid getting too angry, it’s bad for me and the adrenalin pumps.
If we can imagine the jury as any other group, they will be going through the familiar storming/norming and performing stuff, I just hope that there isn’t a bully.
I just received a fax from Alyce La Violette. I had faxed her a couple of months ago (after her testimony) and really had forgot I faxed her. She thanked me for my support. She said she had been getting threats and hate message and fax….but now more message on the positive side. She told me I could call her and leave my phone number and she would call me back. I’m thinking about doing just that. I live about 35 minute south of her office. I’d love to talk with her not just about the trial…..but on my own issues with DV.
I am so happy this morning…….but I’ll still be looking out for TROLLS!!!!!
That’s awesome, I want to send her a positive message, I emailed the psychologist and he emailed me right back.
What’s her email address? I want to send that awesome lady a nice email.:-)
Hi Tony…I just went on her website, and I’m not seeing an email address..but that could be me. I too, was wanting to send her one…she’s had enough bad energy going her way, it would be wonderful for her to receive some ‘love’….I’m in the process of writing her a letter that I’ll send by mail. If you find an email address for her would you mind sharing it….??? However, I am a bit skeptical about that consindering it may be seen by ‘trolling eyes’….lol
Tony…….as she told me in her note….quote “I am not an emailer”. But if you want to fax her a note….. that number is 562-596-6443.
That is so great, Moni!! Alyce is an angel.
That is AWESOME Moni!
I wonder why she wasn’t called during the penalty phase?
She was probably scared that Tanisha would rile up the lynch mob against her again.
If I get the chance….I’ll ask her!!
Monitor that is wonderful. Thank you for telling us. How lucky you would be to talk to her. I’m. sure she could help you in so many ways… I wish I had. someone like her to talk to…
You are so lucky Moniiiiiiiiiiiiii !!
How cool! Alyce is awesome.
Wow, that’s awesome. Alyce seems like such a wonderful person. I’m glad some of the hate has died down for her.
WOW…that’s fantastic Moni !!! I’m hoping she realizes that there are scores of people who are here in support of her as well….let’s hope it’s a GREAT sign to a GREAT day for Jodi…((((JODI))))
I let her know in my fax that she had lots of support from this site….so she knows about us.:>)
Thanks for doing that Moni! I admire Alyce greatly.
That is soooo cool!!!!!!!!!! 🙂 🙂
It makes my heart happy that Alyce is now receiving more support than hate. ♥
Wow, great that you got replies from the victim/witnesses, and great Ms LaV is getting positive responses, she in no way deserved that horrific treatment. Says a lot about humanity, domestic violence, and the status of women in society.
And possibly moronic cults.
A friend told me this morning that he feels that this trial has been nothing but a bunch of crazy mormon cult activities…
Wouldn’t that be a surprise!
For somebody who knows more about how things work than I do: if Pickles had granted Kirk and Jennifer’s requests to be excused from their jobs, would a mistrial have been declared? Jodi said in her 10-part interview that the reason they wanted to step down was because they thought she wasn’t getting a fair trial. Were they wanting to get a mistrial, therefore, by stepping down? Thanks to whoever knows the answers.
Goodmorning everyone, today ill be running around. I need a text alert, just incase the jury come back today without a decision?
Good morning(((((((((LC)))))))))))
Goodmorning Maria {{{{Hugs}}}}
I can’t find any place that will send a text when/if they come back today….
Send me your cell number via email – I will text you…(I’ll send you my cell via return email)
Will that work for you????
(((((((((((((((((love you LC)))))))))))))))))))
I tune into HLN occasionally just to see what the assholes of the world are currently saying and I do get a big laugh every time they do the commercial for the two-part series coming up called “Nancy Grace Behind Bars”. We can only wish… 🙂
Good morning or afternoon everyone.
Gosh i really miss Alyce, Moni be sure
when you talk to her, tell her how much
we love her & think she’s stellar!
I am feeling in my gut, this jury may
be hung but I do not want to get any
hopes up as we have experienced the
manic highs and lows of this circus!
America is crippled by its low intellect,
and HLN plus people like Nancy Grace.
Dr Drew, & all these reporters
filled with it ignorance & hatred
are a big part of the problem
“… crippled by its low intellect”. You got that right!
Yes, I would agree that HLN among others have contributed to the “dumbing down” of this country. When people look to these idiots to get their information and are told what to think, it is down right scary. Where is the critical thinking, analysis and “by using disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence to come to a conclusion”? Sadly, not the HLN audience and not this jury.
A little while ago…wild tweeted that one of the jurors he calls Captain O’Neil…just arrived in a black shirt and converse shoes, no flip flops?
Note: usually this is the one who dresses casual with flip flops…
HLN has HUGE BALLS talking about premeditated MURDER…WHAT are THEY talking about doing to JODI daily?
Exactly NT!!
Good morning family!!!
Am I the only one who wants this jury to make up their effing minds today and not be hung?LOL!
I dont know squat about the american justice system obviously but I’m worrying about Jodi,that’s just it.This is taking tooooo long and she needs a closure.At least concerning these proceedings.Then she can take the time to come to terms with whatever sentence they give her and move on to her appeals.
Anyways,just repeating myself I guess.
Let’s wait……
Hi Maria! I agree with you. The sooner, the better so we can get a start on appeal ASAP. 🙂
Amen Rachel!! Lets get this appeal rolling. Appeal if its life or death. M1 is NOT an OPTION!!
Hey Maria! 🙂
Hey Maria…good thoughts for today…:)
Maria, I’m hoping that you will let us know when you get your Survivor T-shirt~I can’t order mine until I get paid in 2 weeks, but I would like to do the screen shot thing with all of us wearing our shirts for our avatar, and somehow combining them in poster type form to send to Jodi! I saw the vid of Jodi’s little Sister in the black T w/pink lettering and it was so cute! That is the one that I’m going to get~Hope we can get something together for Jodi! 😉
I hope I’ll be able to afford it by the end of next week.It might take longer to arrive in Greece but I dont mind waiting,I soooo wanna have it!!
Me too! They are very cute! So I won’t be able to order mine until around the 2nd week of june~not sure how long shipping takes, but then we need to figure out how to do the pic thing! 😉
Morning Sweetie!!!!!!
I hope the jurors understand about Karma…
Hopefully they will do the right spiritual thing…
God would not want to see any of this children die…
Only the devil gets that kind of sick satisfaction…
Truth….I’m getting mighty sick and tired waiting around for Karma to do her job…..I have a very long list for her of who she’s missed!!!!! LOL LOL
hahahahaha…I’m with you there Janeen !!!! The list seems to get longer daily 🙂
Judging From the Felon Family’s rap sheet stack, it looks like Karma will most likely come in the form of the “3 strikes you’re OUT” law.
I don’t care how she comes just fucking get here already!!!!
Me Too…..a very long list:>)))))))
There’s that creeper the cane lady again.
I bet she wouldn’t dare to miss her daily “15 Minutes of Fame”….LOL…
She wants “Marty’s” cane…blech.
You’re probably right Kira!!….HA!!!!
Good morning! Just stopping by and hope everyone behaves today lol….meow 🙂
m e o w
Truthseeker1111….how are you dear? I’m feeling so out of touch today. Need my spiritual guidence with me.
Me?!?!?!?!? Behave?!?!?!?!?!?!? I don’t think so!!!! LOL LOL
Hey Meow…..(((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))
Do I smell trouble? LOL How you doin’ Janeen?
Your avatar is so cute!
I’m great Meow….TY!! 🙂 Hope you get some well deserved rest and solace this weekend! 🙂
Buenas Dias Meow!:-)
Morning Meow, Janeen and everyone! Meow your avatar is very cute, and I hope your situation that you were going through is ok! Good to see you here on this page! <3
(((((((((Janeen))))) <3
Lol- Fat Chance!! 🙂
In the 10-part interview, the interviewer implied that maybe the jury was “against” Jodi because of the perception of her being a “sex kitten,” etc., because of the photos, the phone sex tape, etc. If the jury WAS influenced by that, it is such bullshit and further proves the jury was selected from the state retard asylum.
In definite defense of Jodi and, by proxy, unfortunately, Travis, those two did the same things MILLIONS of other couples do. The Spiderman underwear notwithstanding, Jodi and Travis did stuff in their private lives no different than many couples everywhere. Jodi brought out in the interview (she seemed to be having trouble expressing it, so I paraphrase) that there are nude photos of guys’ girlfriends all over the Internet – what’s the big deal that she and Travis took photos of each other? This makes her a sex kitten???
If that’s the case, then there are sex kittens everywhere (rolling eyes), all of whom, were they to be charged with murder, would probably be found guilty because they let some guy take photos of their naked bodies and while on the phone coerced from their boyfriends loads that one could retire on were they to be taken to a sperm bank (rolling eyes on a Samantha level – who may have never seen such a load in person).
The trial should never have been televised. The Media got hold of it and sensationalized it, and every juror saw some/most/all of it. The Media made it seem like it was a case of a raging, jealous, blonde sex kitten who wormed her way into a poor, gullible, saintly Mormon boy’s affections and then slaughtered him when he would no longer be manipulated. A case like that sells a lot more advertising than a case about an innocent girl who unfortunately attached herself to a piece of shit.
Couldn’t of said it better Sara!!!
Hey all!! I actually got some decent sleep last night, for the first time in a couple of weeks-
The support here is wonderful, and we ALL need it!!
AlsoAbused and those others above talking about mental health diagnosises and DV:
I actually worked in psych units & ER’s during both of my abusive marriages and actually had to go out of town to find someone who didnt know me from work. (My ex’s accused me of everything from ETOH Abuse to Manchausens syndrome. I’m sure I wasn’t the only one accused by an abuser of having mental illness here.). The out of town doctors diagnosed me with BPS, BP Disorder, ADD and PTSD, (which I already knew).
DURING AND AFTER our abuse, it is VERY common for us to be diagnosed with a variety of disorders-we do/say/think all kinds of things as defensive mechanisms.
I ended up going to a Psych, for myself-not the courts, that I knew, and he said that it was really just my ADD & PTSD that creates all the other signs and symptoms leading to the other diagnosises.
Then he and some of my old friends from the psych center took me out and got me drunk.
I bet you got a decent night sleep that night too…LOL….
Lol, I don’t remember… ;). I DID wake up in R’s bed though, (my gay, former partner as a paramedic, we were best friends), so I knew I didn’t do anything too “bad”. 😉
MB PLEASE DELETE THIS ONE!! Don’t know how that posted before I was done!!
PS : I am a proponent of legal medical cannabis. When my ex & I spent a year in Ca, one of my shrink friends had told me to try a strain of cannabis (sativa, although I actually preferred indica), for both the ADD AND PTSD. It WORKED WONDERS! My son & I also have one of the original disorder approved for use and testing of cannabis in the CIND program. (Our Govt has been growing & supplying a group of patients with cannabis since the 80’s-well, George, who has a mild form of our genetic disorder, since ’90
http://medicalmarijuana.procon.org/view.answers.php?questionID=000257. )
My Son now lives in Colorado, and although I was concerned about chronic use at his age, George re-assured me and my Son is now 3 months in to an internship and is doing great!! (NOT A “medical” internship, he’s going into Politics/Foreign Relations-GOD HELP ME…;). )
Lainey, I live in Oregon and could get my Medical Card~I have severe spinal injury and am in pain every day..Cannabis does help w/ my pain, but then I end up doing too much and pay for it later! 😉 There also is a blend that helps me if I’m feeling depressed~My only problem is I have a hard time “maintaining”, and get the giggles etc..But I’m all for MJ for depression, anxiety etc..better option than prescription meds!!
I would qualify for a card if they had it in my country, have found enormous relief for ptds, and there is a growing amount of research supporting it.
But it’s illegal in my backwards state., and I am very naughty.
If this jury votes _now_ for DP they are ALL nothing but COWARDS AND KILLERS.
If they do, they’re definitely not seeing what we’re seeing (a life that needs to be spared).
And I get sick of hearing that HLN quack doctor saying that Jodi has a “well documented case of borderline personality disorder.” What?? You mean documented by that other quack doctor who has less that 3% of total experience (not to mention intelligence) as the three doctors who diagnosed her otherwise? Idiot!!!
I guess what he probably means is that it is “well documented” that the verdict of those idiots on the jury.
The MormonMafia is trying to make the jury an offer they can’t refuse.
LOL like that one !!! Sad…but possibly true…:(
10:38 AMjose miguel @reporterjmiguelThe Alexander family is all here. Waiting in a room by the courtroom.
Here is an email I sent to Amy Murphy of ABC15 News and also sending the same letter to her management Anita Helt and Patrick Costello @
KNXV-TV, ABC15.com
515 North 44th Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85008
I urge you all to do the same…
To Amy Murphy of ABC15 and ABC15 management,
I was sickened and outraged by the gross misuse of your public platform during the biggest interview of your career of which I’m sure you’re hoping will provide a stepping stone to future advancement. As you mentioned to Miss Arias, “speaking of judgment, you must know all of America sits in judgment of Jodi Arias right now, and you really have been deemed the most hated woman in America”. This was a very bias and opinionated statement. All of America does not sit in judgment of Miss Arias, nor is she the most hated woman in America. This is a perfect example of how our justice system is broken. Why not report on that? Rather than Miss Arias receiving a fair trial by jury, it has turned into a trial of public opinion due to like comments. The comment above is designed to persuade and arouse emotions from the viewers. It’s the yellow press, e.g. HLN, that has unfortunately attracted worldwide attention to this trial, and also convicted and sentenced Miss Arias before this trial even began, persuading public opinion. For this very reason, as the trial gained momentum, the jury should have been sequestered and cameras not allowed in the court room. This no longer was a case of innocent until proven guilty, but rather the burden was put on public defenders to prove innocence. There has been an outcry from around the world witnessing such an injustice and disgusting example of our free America and justice system.
Miss Murphy, is it not your responsibility as a journalist to report objectively and leave personal partiality aside? You asked Miss Arias why she’s talking with reporters and if she enjoys the spotlight… well isn’t it true of yourself that your motivation behind this interview is personal gain?
The most hated woman in America to me is Nancy Grace. That other HLN bitch in Phoenix is next.
Oh thats good David!!!! Ill try to make time today to write something too. Is there an email address or just regular mail?
amurphy@abc15.com is the only email I could find… so I’m sending snail mail too the station (ddress above) news director and station manager.
Jodi should do interviews only with Geraldo Rivera!
yup yup yup
Thank you David for doing that!!!!
VERY, VERY GOOD DAVID!!! Thank you!!
Good post and good points made in your letter to Ms. Murphy. Thanks for be pro-active and speaking out. I have done the same and hope other will follow. We can have impact but only if we speak out.
“Silence in the face of injustice is complicity with the oppressor”.
Way to go David!
So if they come back unanimously that they still cant make a decision, theyll be sent back AGAIN, Instead of giving her life, until they all come back with a LIFE or DP?! Or thats when they’ll need to bring in another 12 jurors, so it was a total waste of these 12 that we have now that found her guilty! It should just be a MISTRIAL and that’s it!
If they come back without a decistion, then more than likely a mistrial will be called on the penalty phase of the trial. A new panel of jurors will then be selected and a mini trial withh ensue. With any hope though, Martinez will take death off the table to wrap things up.
I don’t think it can be a mistrial being that Jodi has already been convicted.
there can be a mistrial for the penalty part
I know, Tony. Im just daydreaming over here. Lol
Hope you’re doing well LC!
LC — see my post above darlin’…..
Agreed. This trial has been a complete Cluster fuck from the very beginning. Sherry Shithead was in way over her head from the get go.
Hey Joe…and pls don’t hate on me when I say this, but do you think she realized well into the trial that she was fucking up royally, and fucked up royally, and ‘threw’ it, so to speak, making more grounds for the appellate process??? I watched the trial, and couldn’t believe this woman was watching what I was. I think the judges are ‘elected’ in the U.S?? Maybe she’s at the end of her reign and she doesn’t give a shit ?? I’m just trying to make sense, if that’s even possible, of the circus of a trial this was …I’m from Canada…and I think our judges are appointed in a different manner and not ‘political’ one, so to speak. Please correct me if I’m wrong, any Canadians out there. My best friend is a lawyer, and my ex-hubby is one as well, so I suppose they could tell me, however, I’d have to explain why I want to know, and they just don’t get my passion for this injustice…
Morning all~will be off and on today, but will be here for the verdict if reached today~Praying for Jodi~hoping that a verdict of Life will be reached..hopefully jury will realize that this is the way to go..otherwise JM will not give up, and drag everyone thru this again and cost taxpayers $$$$ due to his ego…Please jury do not hang!! Give Jodi Life!!
(((((((((((TEAM JODI)))))))))))
HLN said cane lady is there and she’s wearing her “lucky” shirt. It’s the same shirt she wore the day she met JM and she same shirt she wore the day the verdict of M1 came back. She has a weird definition of lucky.
What a sicko.
I hope these death mongers rot in hell.
I bet she hasnt washed it since then and it stinks,the haters’ sweat must smell twice as badly as regular people’s!
Hope she gets a staff infection from it
a yeast infection
I just saw a dozen dinner rolls fly out of her pants.
LOLOLOL, That is some funny shit. Thank you for that laugh..I needed it after this farce of a jury and now this….I am hoping and keeping my thoughts with Jodi and I know she will be victorious in the end…I see her vindication in the form of appeals…Thanks again zoe for that laugh…ahahahaha.
I bet she has all kinds of infections, fungal infections, staph infections, viral infections…
Maybe its just the only shirt she owns?
…..well, this makes the point regarding my previous post that HLN contributes to the “dumbing down” in this country.
LOL – it does! The sad thing is I wasn’t that surprised I was just like well there’s another idiot. I miss the days when idiots surprised me.
Cane lady is what Jenny on Dr. Drew would call “Disgusting”! The way HLN glorifies these unemployed, black souled “trial watchers” is ridiculous. The fact that they say thinks like ” I think the jury will come back with a sentance of life, unfortunately.” I wanna smack them across their intellectually dim faces! Cane lady reminds me of an old friends mother, claims she is “disabled” and sucked SSI and welfare dry while sitting at home with her adult also on welfare daughter smoking newports and drinking all day. I guess HLN Doesnt care who they feature as long as they say they want Jodi to die. Cane lady and your disaster of a niece or daughter who sold her seat and got booted, go get a fucking job and contribute something to society besides your valueless opinion.
Cane lady reminds me of an old friends mother, claims she is “disabled” and sucked SSI and welfare dry while sitting at home with her adult also on welfare daughter smoking newports and drinking all day.
LMAO Wonder!!!! Your prob spot on with this and “cane lady” lol!!!
No joke!
I know!! She’s a true HLNr Fan girl fer sure! :p
She’s lucky alright, lucky I don’t live near Arizona!!
There is another woman an alleged victim advocate who grandstands a puts herself centre forward with other fame hunting jerks, I borders on narcissistic, but like attracts like apparently,
I think there is a reason why there is no decision as of yet. On one report, no sure which one, they said that when the guilty verdict was read one of the female jurors was seen crying before entering the court room. I think that the other jurors pressured her to change her verdict. And maybe now she won’t sway and that’s the hold up. I just wish that she would have stuck to her guns to begin with and we wouldn’t be here right now. Stay strong Jodi. Regardless of what the media says you have people that believe you.
I heard something like that. I heard that one of the jurors asked the other jurors to write “guilty” or “innocent” on a piece of paper and to place it on the table or something. One female juror said “innocent” while everyone else said “guilty”. They asked who said innocent and the lady said something “I’m not letting anyone else intimidate me in to changing my opinion”. Then she looked at the evidence again and picked guilty. This may be the same lady you’re talking about. I think other jurors did pressure her into changing her opinion. It’s not fair!!!!!! I’m tired of HLN btw. They just sensationalized the whole trial.
Steven, Chris and Sky just went into the side room. Steven had an empty fedex box for some reason. #JodiArias
There is quite a buzz in here. Haven’t heard of anything going on yet but media is anxious for sure. #JodiArias
It’s quite hypocritical how supposedly religious and forgiving people are campaigning for a woman’s death when the people of that religion are the true likely murderers.
Religion is so full of crap.
Amen to that
How much do you want to bet most of them are anti choice?
There should be no tears allowed to flow .. for anyone on this jury! They deserve neither tears nor pity for them!!!!
The time for tears, anger or conflict amongst themselves should have come in the previous deliberations, when they were deciding Jodi’s fate ….
When They Decided Jodi’s Fate … Wrongly!
This Jury makes me so angry …. and they will certainly pay the price for what they have done …. and i would not want to be in anyone of their shoes when the piper comes to collect…….
I haven’t posted in awhile as this is a super busy time for me …. but i “Have Always Been” … and “Will Always Be” a staunch supporter of Jodi Arias …. you see, like the intelligent minority, when i followed the trial … i did so with an open mind … and open heart …
I listened to all of the evidence presented .. and i didn’t need anyone to tell which way the wind was blowing .. or what to believe …. or follow the television Ghouls who were only out to make a buck .. at a Jodi’s .. and so many other peoples expense ….
I believed the evidence!
I believe the Jury is WRONG ….. in every way!
I believe that Jodi will see her freedom … and an appeal will set her free … although she will always be free in my opinion … she may be in a cell .. her body shackled … but her spirit will forever soar!
I am a Catholic …. and i practice my faith to the best of my ability .. i Love my faith! No one on that jury had better claim the Catholic faith!!!!!!!!
You see .. because a true Catholic believes in LIFE ….. in the right to “ALL LIFE” … so i guess you might say that i too am … “ANTI CHOICE” as i believe that life begins at conception! and i am just wondering what “CHOICE” an unborn baby actually has ….. i’m sure if you asked .. and they were able to answer ….
Ljke Jodi …
They would choose LIFE!
The Alexanders aren’t Christian! That COWARD Hughes isn’t a Christian …. none of the HATERS are Christians …. i could tell you right now that i am a “Billionaire” … but unless i have the cash to back that statement up … i’m not a billionaire, and they are just words spouted off!
ALL of the Haters are just “Spouting Off” !!!!!!!
This is a forum for supporters of Jodi .. those supporters come in many forms ….. Conservative or Liberal .. Republican .. Democrat or Independent …. Men & Women … Christian … or Non … We are seekers of Truth & Justice .. not swayed by popular opinion!
This is about Jodi!
I didn’t intend to start an abortion debate. I respect others opinions. But I have seen the irony of pro choice folks speaking for the unborn but when it comes to a living intelligent person like Jodi they want to kill her. I don’t believe an eye for an eye was meant to mean a death for a death. It is God’s job to judge and extract payment for deeds in life. Not the haters or the Alexander family.
I meant pro life. Seems I’m screwing up a lot today.
Hypocrites. Which is what drove me away LONG ago from Christian “religions”. No of fence to true Christ consciousness-filled people, (who I completely respect!), but there are SO FEW TRUE “Christians”…
When I used to hear Nasty Disgrace talk about “church”, my stomach would churn, literally. These people make me SICK.
Court is ON……
We’re on
Just came on…..
Is there a decision yet? I see video of the courtroom with Jodi and all attorneys present.
jury had a question
11:01 AMCorey Rangel @CoreyABC15Court has recv juror question #JodiArias
I loved hearing Jodi talk about all the love she is receiving thru postcards (so much so that they had to remove them from her cell because of fire hazard.) I was also glad to hear she isn’t hearing all the hate that’s being directed toward her. I hope *when* she gets life and settles into prison that we can send her more than postcards.
I was looking up the prison in AZ and I think we can send her a lot more. If I have the right link that is:
Thanks, Danielle. Most helpful.
i just hope that the jury members who were voting for life keep strong and that they will be able to convince the rest to vote for life
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 4m
There is quite a buzz in here. Haven’t heard of anything going on yet but media is anxious for sure. #JodiArias
Juror question
11:01 AMjose miguel @reporterjmiguelSealed question..the judge will issue a response at end of day
This jury is sure having a tough time. Just say Life. It’s that simple people.
RIGHT. Killing an abused woman who defended herself and killed her attacker won’t make other women or your wife crawl under a rock.
Totally agree Joe..don’t understand why this is so hard for them..Life will be punishment enough and it won’t be easy for Jodi..No brainer!
Third question.
And none before this phase. Is that a good sign or a bad sign?
My opinion:
In order for this jury not to hang, the DP people are going to have to compromise, because the people who won’t kill her are not going to compromise.
I hope you are right Journee!!
i hope and prey you are right
me too.
Gosh, I am so anxious, just say life, please and let it, we dont need anymore death
If we find out that one or more jurors were pressured during any phase (guilt, penalty, sentencing) of the trial – would that be cause for all of the verdicts to be tossed?
Hi Mary (and everyone on Team Jodi),
From the time the verdict was read my daughter and I thought the very first juror polled sounded like she was crying. I believe she was bullied into the verdict by lying, media-watching haters on the jury. I have been praying she come forward and tell what happened to stop this nonsense. So, I looked up to see what would happen. In one case, a juror called the judge to say she didn’t want to vote guilty but was bullied into it. They ignored her request because they said she had to ‘prove’ they did that. So…. I pray this bullied juror (if I’m right, anyway) used her iphone and recorded some of how they bullied or threatened her.
Yes, I know it’s a long shot but I’m still praying for miracles.
I don’t get it cindyp…why would a judge let something like that go?? For a juror to say something like that, you gotta know that would be serious…what a screwed up system we have..
Because the judge said that it is common for jurors who vote guilty to have something similar to ‘buyer’s remorse’ (yes, those were the actual words). So they didn’t believe this woman and said she had to give PROOF that she was bullied by the other jurors. Apparently, this was one of the only times a juror had actually contacted the judge. Also, the ‘polling’ is when the remorseful juror is supposed to speak up. So, in the court’s eyes, the juror had ‘enough time’ to speak up.
Here’s the link; http://articles.chicagotribune.com/1993-02-04/news/9303175614_1_juror-verdict-winston-and-strawn
Thanks cindyp for link..so basicly the juror has to speak up during polling if they were intimidated or whatever…I hope that the jurors for life will stick to their guns, and the deathers will sway to their side…this is unnecessary!!!!
Honestly, it is a stupid process. They should ‘poll’ the jurors alone, separately, immediately BEFORE the verdict is given so the jurors will give honest answers. I don’t think many people would be comfortable ‘telling’ on the bullies right in front of them. It’s not like they will be protected when they leave the courthouse.
I agree cindyp..polling jurors individually in private makes much more sense!!!
good question Mary..does anyone on here know what would happen if that was true??
Or what if it could be proven that one or more jurors were threatened and thus when they polled them they were too fearful to speak up?
Apparently, it is not uncommon for jurors to be bullied – apparently the courts either don’t believe it happens or just outright don’t believe jurors (well, unless they vote guilty, I suppose). It is a fucked up system (scuse my language), and it needs to change.
Yep – change is definitely needed. No way Jodi is guilty of M1
Noticed Jodi seemed in good spirits talking with Jennifer.
Response to jury question #3 was not stated in court…Def and Pros agreed to answer to question. Stay tuned.
Maybe those who are holding out for death don’t want all this drama to end such that they have to go back to their ordinary hateful ugly lives.
Their one chance in life to murder someone with State authorities approval and blessing.
I thought the same thing. Most of these people, or all of them, have never had this much attention in their lives and they love it.
Although I would think they might be anxious to get to their book deals…
I have been reading posts from this site since March and wanted to post then, but I am not very efficient with the computer due to fibromyalgia and other problems which have kept me from doing so. I honestly do not understand m1, she should have gotten man-slaughter and be freed for time served. Travis abused her and that is what makes me sick , to know that so many could read his text and not know that he was a jerk! The reason why I express my views as such is because he reminds me of the first dude I married. He beat me often , but no one believed me so i got the nerve one morning while he was working to leave. In the year of 91 I met and married a wonderful man , but he was not of the right ‘ skin’ color’. I live in Alabama and I’m hated because of my husband’s skin color. Many do not believe that racism is still here, but it most certainly is. As such, back in ’92 we had to get married in Tennessee due to the fact that in Alabama’s Constitution it was illegal for a bi-racial couple to get married. Thank God, though, that part of the constitution was taken out in 2000. No, I am not on trial for my life, but I do know what it feels like to be called a liar and to be hated! Would you believe me if I told you I had a DUI , but I was not driving? Well I did get one, I was with a black guy in a small city in Alabama in the year of 1990. He was the one driving, not me. The cops gave me the DUI, even though I was not under the influence of Alcohol. I have been called a liar for this as well. Sorry to have ranted for so long, but today is a good day and I had a lot to say. Anyway, love to Jodi, I pray to God that she is freed.
My guess: Jury is still deadlocked and asks what to do. Answer is probably to keep trying as long as you can.
My feed is not working !!!!!!!
Seal is up.
Thank you Viri, I was freaking out 🙂
Is anyone else watching HLN, and seeing that these assholes don’t even try to hide the fact they think the jurors watched Jodi’s interviews??!!
mistrial would be a miracle!! i wish they are behind the scenes working on THAT mistrial!!
I heard that Lainey! Why not give Jodi air time, when the Taliban has been doing the talk show circuit!!? So HLN insert foot in mouth…if jurors have seen Jodi, the have seen the rat-pack!
No response from judge until end of day? What could the question be?
Perhaps they’re saying they are still deadlocked and the judge is forcing them to work through the rest of the day.
I didn’t hear her say end of the day? I thought she sent the response back with bailiff
Per first tweet reporter Jose Miguel. Feed is running fast. I can’t watch live from work.
Interesting, HLN just commented that JM did not look happy regarding the #3 question….
Well, that makes me very HAPPY!! Anytime JM is unhappy is a good day for me.
IDK – how can they ‘tell’ that jm is happy? He always looks so… well, just evil, to me.
Did you hear what that guy said right before it??!! Something like the interviews Josi did last night aren’t making it any easier FOR THE JURY, that Jodi’s attorneys MUST be upset at her??
EXCUSE ME?? WTF would the jury be doing watching the interviews??!! Hello, HLN??
Oh nevermind, I’m sure they’re PROUD of their lying asses determining a jury verdic!!
We can only hope it comes to light the jury has been “WATCHING”…….can you say Verdict Overturned.
What I wonder is, why seal this question when the questions from yesterday were not sealed?
Lets hope that is more than one juror holding on !!!
What will some of these haters do when this trial is over and done? I do believe some will go completely crazy. We will always be here to support Jodi, but they will have nothing..No trial, No nothing.
They will go watch Zimmerman’s trial
I guess they can move their anger on to him..whether he is innocent or not, he will be the next victim. I bet they already have their sights on him as we speak.
Yap, the next media victim
Yup….HLN is already recruiting “jurors” for their future mock trials on “After Dark”. No, they are not slowing down….ramping up would be more like it.
Juan didnt look happy with question. Wilmont looked like she was explaining something to Jodi.
Maybe one juror has a change of hearth?…nice wish 🙁
I want to see him squirm—life sentence would also prove to him how much money he wasted in the this mess of a trial he created. He could have accepted her deal but those Alexanders wanted to cash in bigtime.
Every stooge that has been on HLN as a friend or family is a PPL’er and or often both also being a Mormon. This thing reeks to high heavens of a setup from day one. They all conspired to make Travis look like a saint even though they had previously been admitting that he was a player and did not treat women well. To quote Sky Hughes aka Cruella “You dear friend are someone who likesto collect hearts” and she wrote much worse suggesting he was a player and had defiled Deanna etc.
They are protecting their Ponzi scheme and their church is all this was ever about and of course making additional cash flow Did Travis not have a single friend not associated with PPL or his church professing what a great guy he was? Hell no. His own Church has kept silent about him because he was a sinful disgrace to them. May they all rot they are pure evil and all they care about is money just like Travis.
Chyt! I missed it?Did they come live?Did you get to hear the question?How was Jodi looking?Im only getting the Seal now.
they are going to deal with the question through the bailiff – nothing aired yet………….we don’t know what the question was about yet…
Thanx honey,phewww….
Did not miss anything. Juror Question #3 nor the response was not read in court.
Maybe some of the jurors are singing like a canary about jurors talking about media coverage, interviews etc in the guilt phase through now. A girl can dream. It would be nice if some of those folks would tell the truth in this matter and teach Arizona a hard lesson—sequester jurors you cheap unlawful dingos. it is strange that it was kept sealed.
“sequester the jurors you cheap unlawful dingos.” Hah, well said and funny! That would be a lesson that AZ finally needs to learn. 🙂
hahahahahaha…oj through my nose on that one…love it…’cheap unlawful dingos’….
Speaking of dingos, the case of Lindy Chamberlain should be a prime example of a naïve, young woman who talked too much to the media, which in turn, vilified her as a murderer. She was convicted, only to be acquitted years later, when new evidence was discovered that supported her initial claim that a dingo stole her baby.
I watched the video feed of the proceeding, and the judge told that bailiff to give the answer to the jury. I’m not sure the information is accurate that says they are waiting till the end of the day.
Thank you!
That’s what I heard. I think they are looking toward life and wanted to ask the judge how she weighs if she will grant parole or not. Just my opinion. I can’t see a juror who is voting death changing to life unless they felt the judge wouldn’t give option of parole
Interesting. Yes — that could be the question; wanting to know how judge will sentence her if they give”life.” I think the answer would be that she can’t give a decision yet; I think there is sentencing hearing that takes a few weeks. She’s want to keep it private for now so people won’t figure that’s the verdict.
I so hope you are right Brenda!!!
Hey I know that a few people have revealed their age either directly or in a round about way. But I am curious as to what the demographic make-up of the people on this site are, just to gain a little perspective .
Age is all i am really curious about, but I myself and a 32 year old female … I’m about 7 months younger than Jodi..
I’m a 33 year old female I’m about 7 mths older than Jodi. 1-1-1980 From PA
Sounds like we’re more of a “jury of her peers” than the actual jury.
I’m a 24 year old female & big time Jodi Supporter!
Oh honey, I have a daughter that can be your mom…well almost 🙂
44 woman
68 year old female…
So far I seem to be winning the prize for the oldest. Anybody?
61 yr old female..43 yr old daughter..28 yr old son… Jodi feels like a daughter to me!
67 yr old grandmother
63 from texas
53 yr. male, PA
Yeah PA! Sorry I like it here LOL. I always wanted to move away then I did for school and all I wanted to do was come back so it’s a big joke w my friends that I’m always going to be a PA girl.
I hear that from folks here in town ALL the time!! It IS beautiful up here!! I’m from Florida, Spent 5 1/2yrs in Al, a year in Ca, about 9 months on Long Island in “culture shock”, lol!
Also a “young” 54yo, “going on 22” as my kids say. 3 “munchkins” daughters 32 & 25, Son 23 ;). Northern Poconos, PA!! In a small town, with a big imagination and HUGE MOUTHS!!
I’m a young 54 Woman..have many friends in their 30’s…so I guess Dr. D would say I was “immature!”
to which you should reply – “sit on a cactus douchebag!” LOL LOL
lmao Janeen!!!!!!!! You make this space a happy space!!!! 😉 Love it!!!!
LOL LOL Janeen 🙂
tell it babe!! lol
No way! I’m friends w people in their 50s and have a ton of fun w them!
Age is just a state of mind!! 😉
It sure is!!
Yep! 😉
44 yr. male
56 female
I’m 31.
47 female
37 female
33 Female
52 I think you can guess the sex part. 😉
Joe? It’s 2013. I had 2 neighbors in my former apt: Charlie & Bobby…and they were NOT men.
They also lasted about 3 months in this town until people made them feel so “outcast”, they left. Not the first time, unfortunately, and I doubt it’ll be the last..,
My Mom doesn’t post but is totally TEAM JODI and she is 57.
She’s not a computer person. She loves that I come here though. She’s always saying what is the team saying is this good or bad news. LOL.
I’m younger than my mom….older than my sister….older than my brother…..older than my 21 and 18 year old children….that makes me somewhere around “middle age”…..
LOL that sounds like a question on an algebra test LOL
Why Janeen, you should be a politician! You’re great at giving the evasive answer.lol
51 y/o female
36 year old female
35 yr old female
Good question, pretty cool that we represent all age groups!
I’m 33
24yr old female
56 female
So it looks like so far I win oldest at 68 and Maria takes youngest at 31. Any more takers?
Yeah where are the men? We know you’re here. Maybe they’re not here now.
The rest of the men I mean
52 female yo, 27 yo son, 18 yo daughter
33yr old female, about 8 months older than Jodi!
58 year old male, divorced since mid-80’s
Sometimes I want to go on a letter writing spree to HLNs owners and AZs government officials and just tear everyone up. But then I feel so tiny and wonder how am I helping Jodi? I even started documenting things via youtube and I started w Dr Douche and his diagnoses and how others reacted to them making the diagnoses look terrible causing stigmas. But then I think am I really helping Jodi? I don’t know where to put my energy.
DV and bullying in school are my causes. I just keep doubling down when this kind of thing happens.
Things I’ve always been concerned about are animal welfare and equality which I include bullying in. I lost an Uncle and I just keep going in his memory. I try to write my letters in positivity and pointing out where we could do better and not tearing people apart. But I just want to tear people connected to this trial apart.
I think what you are doing sounds great. 🙂
I don’t think they will come back with a verdict, or if they do, I don’t think it will be a DP verdict. Juan will lose, and he hates to lose. He is doing this hoping to further his career by saying he has a perfect record of convicting and sentencing someone. This is Juan’s motivation.
Also Abused – I agree that it would have been easier to try the case on a 3rd party scenario rather than self defense. The 3rd party scenario would have required the prosecution to revisit all of the roommates stories again and do a much more in depth investigation of their alibis. There also would have been more reasonable doubt for every step of the prosecution’s narrative of premeditation. I’ve contemplated the scenario that JA might have left TA alive and well. All of her behavior after fits this. The only two problematic pieces of evidence are the photo with the time stamps and the palm print in blood. I haven’t gone through thoroughly the testimony of the latent print experts, but did they say that, in fact, the palm print was IN blood? Or was it blood/dna ON the left hand latent palm print of Jodi’s. I thought had read somewhere that the latent palm print was just a sliver. Even her hair stuck in blood can be explained. She was there that afternoon, she also would clean TA’s house before she moved back to Yreka. I’d like to know if DNA tests can distinguish between endometrial blood and arterial blood.
No, the palm print area tested negative for blood, but positive for both (partial profiles) of Jodi’s and Travis’ DNA – more of Jodi’s.
What comprises DNA? Will we ever know if it was sebaceous oil, saliva, secretions, sweat, skin?
Was there any blood in the rental car? With so much blood at the crime scene Jodi should have been covered up in blood and I don’t think she would have had the time to clean up.
If it was ever tested for blood, no one ever mentioned it.
Rental car guy said it looked like red kool-aid, which IME looks nothing like blood.
Also said he cleaned it up himself. I don’t know about y’all, but I have never known ANY kind of red stain, from tomato to koolaid to lipstick to blood and everything in between, to be an easy clean up in any way, shape or form.
I agree, Journee – spilled red kool-aid is red; dried blood is more brown.
Yes too much BS. They could have use luminol to find out traces of blood…watching “forensic files” all the time 🙂
They never used luminol in the shower either. I was sittin’ here shaking my head, right along with Nurmi.
I believe someone from the car rental place testified that it looked like a ‘couple drops of juice’ were spilled on the floor or something like that. But, I don’t believe that testimony after what I have seen in this trial.
There should have been more than couple in this case.
strawberry frappacino?? (Sp?)
Also, Jodi’s hair was at scene with follicles attached (meaning pulled out during struggle). So exactly how did Jodi wash the blood out of her hair before she got to UT. Ryan noticed nothing out of the ordinary. One of many the baffling questions that have never been answered or addressed regarding June 4, 2008.
The photographic evidence is a toss-up for me. As far as I’m concerned, with conflicting testimony by state’s witnesses, I’m throwing it out of my list of ‘proof’ of anything.
The ONLY thing proven anything to ME about Jodi’s proximity to Travis’ home on Jun 4 is that she knew what youtube videos were playing on Deanna Reid’s computer at around 4am on Jun 4.
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 9s
Out front far away from JVM yet her voice is heard in the air like its piped through 1000 gigawatt loud speakers. #JodiArias
no kidding
Awesome! Just awesome!
LOL!!! How very true!!!!! She’s a bit manic I would say….gross!
Maybe the juror question was, Can you ask JVM to shut up? We can’t hear ourselves think.
lol lol lol
LMAO!! 🙂
re:jvm…my dad said to my mother before… “what is she always yelling about?!”
She is arguing with the voices in her head…that stupid psycho !!!
LOL, I like that!
Frank that IS all she ever does!!!! I have to turn the TV down!!!!
?I think it means that they want to do it right..They have to live with it the rest of their lives. I didn’t. think JM so unded very happy with that question… But who knows.
You are right Cindy…with this jury we will never know
Goodmorning and afternoon everyone!
Good news that the jury asked a question and the procedings weren’t on TV????????
I think they will want to wrap this up today.
Sending prayers to the jurors..God speed and please let Him do His Will.
Janeen !!!!!!!!!! xoxoxo
Good morning Pat.
I’m feel the same way you do!
Gn !!!!!! xoxoxo
Morning Pat!! 😉
Lynn !!!!!!! xoxoxo
Praying a rosary and sending them to the jury to make the right chose life let there be a Catholic in the bunch
I bet the question was “What happens if we can’t reach a decision”.
Or I’m being bullied and they will not leave me alone
I am sure that some of the jurors will have PTSD after the trial, their life will never be the same.
After they found her guilty of first degree, I hope they never sleep another wink at night to be honest.
I was thinking the same thing; I don’t care about the jurors. They have proven to not do the job that was entrusted to them.
Actually, I hope they do !!!
‘like’ 🙂
amen to that lilly!
I’m with you lily. This jury has to be able to live with the decisions they’ve made for the rest of their lives.I can pretty much promise you that some of them will truly regret their decision over time.
I second that!
good luck having people believe they have ptsd! right?
yeah, HOW can they see preMed with the evidence shown?
hope it haunts them at nite, going over the docs in their head….
I’m wondering if the jury question pertains to a recommendation of sentence. Can they do that? Or is that part strictly up to the judge?
I can’t believe opinions on HLN. People saying there’s probably a hold out of someone who said that they could give the death penalty but can’t actually go through with it. Yikes!! Saying you “could” give the death penalty doesn’t mean that you “will” in every case!
ah, poor hln,jvm, mike, g., et.al., they r beside themselves that there’s nothing to report, AND missed the question! poor jvm said it’s “agonizing” for HER, HA!
[one woman there for whole trial said “at 1st she wanted dp for jodi. but, now, she wouldn’t do that, even tho what jodi did was terrible”. she has 6 kids and said “what if it was one of my kids in jodi position”.]
gotta think, hope a juror agrees…
Question: Why was question #3 not read in court? Could it be the same issue from yesterday….still hung?!
If this is ?#3, what was ?#1 & ?#2 ??
I”m curious myself PK. Someone had said all jurors question at this stage are sealed.
I don’t understand why they didn’t read the juror questions either. I mean it’s been a free for all the whole time why are we keeping things quiet now?
I have a question for the legal eagles on here: What would happen if one or more of the jurors started already having “buyer’s remorse” over their M1 or DP verdict thus far? What would happen if during this phase they made it be known that they now believe differently or was mislead/pressured into a guilty verdict? What if some jurors were promised by others something like…”you vote guilty to M1 and we promise we will not give her DP” and are now going back on the promise? Just curious as to what the AZ law says if that situation should come up.
A few thoughts — others will know more on this. I think it won’t matter if a juror changes their mind. It’s really hard to undo a jury verdict afterwards; there are cases of a juror changing their mind, and it doesn’t make any difference. I think if a juror said they were threatened or something drastic, that it could lead to a mistrial. Although a juror changing their mind might help the appeals process.
Thank you. Sad, I was hoping since the process is not done yet maybe there would be some more immediate resolution to that scenario.
Not sure me#…I”m thinking the verdict has already been rendered.
However, and I”m just guessing that it may pose a good chance for retrial
maybe. Good question.
Sure causes anxiety doesn’t it..all this waiting….imagine how Jodi must feel …..and the jurors that are holding out feel…..I think it will be over today one way or another…..I hope its life……it is hard to say….and about the prosecutor not looking happy…..who knows what that means ….he may just be keeping things close to his chest …..but if he isn’t happy, yippie!
Just loved this observation re:JVM – she is going to burst a vocal cord…one could only hope.
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 15m
Out front far away from JVM yet her voice is heard in the air like its piped through 1000 gigawatt loud speakers. #JodiArias
I believe it!
My observation………………………..they should have handed down a manslaughter charge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they had done that instead of buying into the bullshit, they wouldn’t be where they are now. At least now maybe they can hand down a life sentence.
They fuc*ed up the first time,let’s just hope they won’t this one!
I agree 100% cj, this WAS a manslaughter case and I cannot believe that a M1 verdict was given with NO evidence! That just pisses me off and I, personally, cannot get over it.
I agree this was not M1. It was just so clear it wasn’t premeditated. I don’t believe they followed the law. It make me mad to think that some of the jury was pressured into going w M1.
Jodi needed to get manslaughter. This judge and Martinez is causing Arizona millions. Martinez was able to lie all the way up to M1. What Martinez did to get that M1 was so wrong. I am sure it is all documented. He thought he was just going to discredit everyone that could help Jodi. The real truth was taken away. Hopefully the next 10million spent will show the real truth.
Since we’re waiting for the jury I have to say I’m happy for HLNs constant commercials so I don’t have to listen to JVM and her cronies.
I can’t get over the CASH’s faces yesterday.. CH’s eyes were darting every which way..thinking oh shit! maybe my smoke screen didn’t work… and Sky !! her mouth twisted into the most wicked way !!!
I like the nickname CASH it’s so perfect!
They mention that “charity” BEFORE they give any interview.
Goood Afternoooon, everyone
Yes Pat, they looked like they’re under some kind of pressure didn’t they? Hope what’s bothering them takes it’s toll and shows .. wicked cannot be hidden.
good afternoon cb!!
wicked is as wicked does..and they do
Agreed. I will never forget the look they gave. All of those people scare me.
If you want an eye opener….this is the testimony of Chris Hughes at a hearing regarding the email between he, Sky and Jodi re: Travis…it was not done in front of the jury. It is long but the most telling periods are side bars and when he is reading the email. He shakes, wipes sweat and it is uncomfortable watching him. Also, I would love to know what Jodi is thinking when she is looking at him for the longest time, intense! I am glad I watch this again and did not scroll through when there was no direct testimony.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4bTzT-c0DIain. It says a lot about CASH.
PK, just went to your link..I saw this b/4…Huges is a douche..he was evasive and lying!!!! Snake!!!
He is so cocky. “i know the letters are fake just like you know the letters are fake.’ Real religious you stupid ass. I cannot stand this guy.
And here’s another thing….sorry y’all…I’m home sick today…and this cold medicine makes me edgy and impatient and short-tempered….
When it came out that the jury might be hung over the sentence and the one sister nearly had an emotional breakdown in front of them, I thought to myself, sheeeeeeesh, she is going to lose it if Jodi doesnt get death?!?! You cannot possibly be that emotionally invested in this after FIVE YEARS and a brother you hardly knew and hardened by a past like you have had and double hardened by being a cop…
What that tells me is that your tears are about hate, not sadness…revenge, not grief. And as far as I’m concerned, you are SICK with it and should never be allowed to be a cop or carry a gun again. Crazy woman!
Mark my words, this won’t be the end of that woman’s drama. She is nuts.
Holly.. sorry you are not well.. water, juice, and lots of rest.
The Alexanders are all Sick.. they all need help! Their bug is the death cult.
Thanks Pat 🙂 aren’t you glad for these germ-free computer ~~~~hugs~~~~ hehe
That breakdown was FOR the jury’s benefit. It was as if to say: look, it will kill me if you do not kill Jodi.
Yes, it seems as if her well-being, at this point, is completely dependant on Jodi’s execution.
Holly, hope you feel better!! It’s allergy season up here, means non-stop sinus infections for me because of my immunity. Or rather, lack there-of.
Anyways, *I* think that the ONLY reason the Addams family has been so tearful is that their free-ride is almost over. God forbid they may have to actually go back to work for a living!!
They also need psychiatric help, but they’ll never get it from a professional. My cousin, a converted Mormon, wants to go to counseling because her hubby has terminal brain cancer. Her “Ward”, or rather her Bishop, told her that she can either talk to HIM, Her mother/father-in-law, or another guy, (DONT remember the title…), a “sub-bishop”. NO “outside” help…
welllll we all know how this judge handles things .. if the jurors questions are “sealed” they very well could be ones the judge doesn’t want exposed. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if the jury is putting the state on trial now as to why they didn’t know some things so they’re asking now.
I know that no-one here believes Jodi should have received M1. My question is how is it that 12 people all could have unanimously agreed to a M1 verdict? Really, it makes no sense to me. I’m sure we are not unique in viewing ALL of the evidence presented. How can these people sleep at night? Why couldn’t there have been just one of us on that jury?
Mary..I think that JM had his way with the jury..UGH.. and he got the ones that he could BS easily.
I believe the jurors bought into the media b.s. I also think they started out as the ‘hater/reptile’ persuasion so it was easy to fall under the spell. And lastly, the mind sees what it wants to see. Case in point, when Jodi clearly said she was sorry in her plea for life, the haters all claimed she never said the word, sorry. They saw what they wanted to see, they were not smart enough to see the true evidence, and stupid really hates smart. Stupid people always cut down intelligence by calling it arrogance, smugness, or any word that will make them feel artificially superior.
I think AZ is a red state and a very religious state. IMO those type of people really don’t believe the DV exists – and if it does it is very rare. They think Jodi should have walked away and do not understand why she didn’t, which makes her guilty. They don’t see the possibility of a ‘false confession,’ PTSD, or anything that doesn’t fit their current paradigm of how all people should behave.
I think there WAS at least ‘one of us’ on the jury – but that person was intimidated and bullied. I cannot even imagine why that person would not speak up (for if I was in her shoes, I would have called the bailiff and reported it immediately). But, then again, everyone thought Jodi should have reported DV, too – perhaps this person was too afraid or didn’t think it would do any good.
How in good conscience can someone let another intimidate them into this verdict when her life is on the line. I think I would be more upset with the one who got intimidated than I would be with those who did the intimidating. But, I guess that’s easy for me to say since I was not in his/her/their shoes.
One “word” HLN
Actually, it was more than HLN: fear of reprisal, rat-faces intimidation, heads stuffed with bias, plus the fake emo’s (I think that’s what kids call people like that), sitting on the sidelines, forcing tears of green… ($$)
I have a question. Is there any way at all that we can get Jodi’s polygraph test???????????? Can we use this in the appeal???????? Also since this was such a sham to begin with, can the REAL evidence rectify this bullshit?????????
I didn’t think she took a polygraph.
Yes she did and she passed!!
Oh right on!!! I didn’t know that. When did she take it? And why did they ignore it? I know it’s not admissable but still why was it ignored?
She took the polygraph when her story was 2 intruders.
I heard she did and she passed but it didn’t come in for some reason. I thought it was generally not allowed in but someone corrected me and said AZ allows it. So I can only assume JM had something to do with keeping it out.
Fuckhead Samantha wouldn’t allow it into evidence………
the benchwarmer – not the faucet queen………
”benchwarmer&faucet queen” ROFLMAO!!!!
lol!! ^5 Janeen!!!!
Is that really true, Janeen?? When is it that the victim’s family members are allowed to decide what evidence comes in?
no…not Alexander – the stupid twatface judge…….. “The benchwarmer” – I HATE calling her “judge”….
I apologize – I should have included “stephens”……
BTW…I think you can gather who the faucet is…
benchwarmer. lol
LOL LOL, Janeen 🙂
Sorry, Janeen. I wrote before I saw your second post. I will be curious to hear why the judge kept it out. I had heard that it was up to the attorneys to hash it out.
States like California, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Florida allow the tests if everyone agrees to them, but may put different emphasis on the test’s accuracy. This from an article that says all states adhere to either admissible in court or not. The ones listed have option. So it’s out there, we all know she took it and passed. All we can do is hope it doesn’t get mysteriously lost.
HI EVERYONE!! (((((((HUGS))))))))) Ok quick question i guess the sheriff said get fucked to judge bitch face because i just saw jodi intereview from yesterday!! I thought she did great!! HLN is bitchin because she looks fabulous and has her make up done and this and that! The pigs can fuck off So she said I 179 times during she speech to the jury. SHES FIGHTING FOR HER LIFE!!! UGGGGGGHHHHHHHH….. Your thoughts
The judge removed the no interview order.
Here’s my thoughts: Did anyone ask how often the reporter said “you”??
I thought she was amazing when she spoke to the jury. The counting they did was just stupid. If you’re talking of course you’re going to say I. She’s not JM and going to say you should do this.
I thought her interviews were great too. She’s beautiful w and wo makeup. Sorry HLN that she isn’t gross like JVM and NG and that’s with all the makeup they can pack on. Of course she’s going to give great answers she’s smart and the reporters all asked the same dumb ass questions.
I agree that she totally rocked under so much pressure!
Wasnt it an allocution?Hello??Wasnt she supposed to give them reasons to spare HER life?Wasnt it supposed to be all about HER???wtf?
What could she have done?Use the 3d person just like fuckhead Martinez?
Ok,let’s just re-write her speech using ”the defendant” :”Here is the defendant’s brother with the defendant herself during the defendant’s sister’s birth in a photo the defendant’s mother took.And now you can see the defendant’s drawings.The defendant has grown her hair 3 times so far to donate it to kids undergoing chemo…..”
^5 Maria!!!! LOL LOL LOL
I love you friend!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL
Amen Maria!! (((((((((((((((((Maria))))))))))))))))
Someone they are talking to on HLN just stuck up for Jodi and said no matter what she said no one would be happy. Whoa he’s totally sticking up for her.
His name is Dwayne something. He’s talking to Mike something.
Dwayne Cates and Mike Numbnuts
About time they showed someone with some brains!!!
I bet there are more supporters than they would like!
His name is Dwayne Gates. He is an attorney I believe from the Phoenix area. He has on several occasions stuck up for Jodi
FINALLY!!!!!! And he called them out on the “I’s” mentioned vs “Travis.” He said that is unfair comparison which is true! And yes, nothing Jodi says is good enough. I feel she was taking responsibility when she spoke to the jury. I thought she did great.
YAHOO Mr. Dwayne…it’s about time someone showed up for Jodi…maybe, this will get the ball rolling, and more supporters will come out of the woodwork…one can only hope !! OHHHH and how I would LOVE to see the look on JVM’s plastic f’n face…
That was pretty awesome and Mike whatever his name is looked surprised and almost didn’t recover his words smoothly.
I think you are referring to Dwane Cates, he is a defense attorney and by HLN standard very fair. I have seen NG (on more than one occasion) cut his mike and feed because she did not like the answer to her question. How he puts up with this, I do not know. I am convinced he feels it a duty to speak up for the defendant.
You know people make fun of us southerners, but we would have dug him up and killed him again after all that came out about how he treated women. Not the ‘new’ south but the real south i mean.
Water, juice, annnnnnd chocolate chip cookies are good for a cold I hear 😉
The real south like Vicco KY or Scratchback Hollar. I know lots of folks from the real south and I agree 100% with you.
So you are southern????????????????
Actually, I’m a full bred Irish girl born in the midwest – lived in the south – the real south – and married a real southerner and they don’t mess around. And that’s a fact.
cj, are you from NC?
I wanna be a southerner…;) oh hell ya !!!
I am a Southerner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t really even tell you what we would have done to his abusive ass!
Oh my dear cj……(((((((((((((((((I love you))))))))))))))))))))
Have no fear darlin’ – you just told us in no uncertain terms and you only used “ass” to do it!!!!!!
LMAO (((((((((((((Janeen))))))))))))))
Oh I just love that “down home”, “good ole girl”, “Thelma and Louise” type of feminism you have in your part of the country!:-) You don’t F#*K wid da women down yonder!!!!!!
You got that one right baby! Especially the one’s in my family!
I dated a woman from NC that was part Lumbee Indian! I pissed her off one time and I made damn sure I never did that again!!:-(
and, YES…chocolate chips cookies are GREAT for a cold….chocolate anything is GREAT for everything in my books…hope you feel better soon…
Thank you abuse:) i sure hope i get feelin better soon, i’m runnin outta toilet paper to blow my nose on lololol
hog or fish food in my neck of the woods .. you know what I mean lol
In this case, I would go with hogs.
Real South…thats when you can clear the weeds away from your great, great, great, grandaddy and grandmama’s tombstone….you know I was trimmin my daady’s hair ( what little he has left as he’s almost 82 years old) the other day and he said, “you know, I feel sorry for that Jodi Arias” …I said “I know daddy, I know….but I dont feel sorry for that Travis Alexander!!! ” He said ” easy now, don’t take an ear off” lol
I know exactly what you mean
And greens..lots-o greens… Lol. My last home in N Fl, where I’m from, (which is more like S Ga, believe me, I was a paramedic in Wakulla & Gadsen counties), was actually called Coon Bottom. We had a Coon Bottom Country Club,..it was a shooting range 😉
Jesus said to the crowd who wanted to stone Mary Magdalene …if there is anyone amongst you who is without sin then you throw the first stone…
I want to know if this jury is w/o sin? They already have convicted Jodi of a capital crime (not yet determined life or death as the penalty) in which there was no tangible proof of premeditation. It was an extremely weak, and flawed case the prosecution put on. Yet, they still were unwilling to treat a case that had many reasons to comeback with manslaughter, or at the worst 2nd degree murder as a very possible, and with every reason to say… reasonable doubt case. They Ignored every piece of evidence that showed that reasonable doubt, Including 3 highly qualified profesionals in the field of psychology.
They disregarded that evidence. And chose to view Travis Alexander as some sort of mythical saint. They along with all the hate mongering droves of people, made the decision to convict. Now they want to send Jodi to a death chamber. Yet I wonder how many of these people who seem so confident that they are w/o sin, want to send Jodi to that death chamber.
We live in very dark times in human history. As a society, we have completely disconnected with all our cell phones, I- pads, electronic emails, etc…from what is really happening. Do all those people who want to convict her to death, I wonder, want to watch the horrible view of a promising, and talented young woman as her life is taken away.
Where is our humanity? None of this will briing back Travis Alexander. I’m just apalled at the droves of hate mongers out there, that intimidate, threaten people with violence, and try to destroy their professional careers. I am worried about what kind of punishment may be coming down upon this world.
so well said Dave…I’ve always said..’people in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones’…and old cliche, but sooo true…
I just don’t get all of the hate out there. It just seems to be feeding off of itself. Not to get to religious on this site. Evil loves hate, Satan may be at work here.
Just don’t get how putting someone in prison for life is not punishment enough for them. Haters are calling Jodi every name they can think of . Not good, is all I can say.
What I was saying yesterday Dave. It scares me, but we HAVE to have hope.
Personally though, I think it’s going to take a lot more than hope.
Totally agree Dave..
Indeed….you have to remember that there isn’t a STOP button on evil…it just gets worse and worse until it devours its own self. Try not to be surprised at the level of evil u see in this world. It has all been done before and will be done again.
Yet, amidst us there is love…growin like a dandelion out of a crack in the concrete…against all odds:)
My sentiments exactly. I’m probably dating myself here, but anyone remember on SNL the church lady… Hmmmmm, I wonder who could be causing all of this..I don’t just don’t know, could it be SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I used to bust a gut laughing when that came on.
Sometimes a little levity can help some.
Haaaa so true Dave lolol
thanks Dave
I spent the last few days on Travis’ FB page and wow. Those people are bonafied nuts. Does it make them feel better to call a woman a b*tch, whore, slut, three hole wonder, skank? Are these men masquerading as women or women masquerading as ladies? Just disgusting.
And I must be very cold because I’m becoming annoyed with the crying and fake theatrics of the Alexander family. You won. She was found guilty of first degree premeditated murder. Do you HAVE to kill her? Why would the thought of the jury not being comfortable with killing her bring you to tears? How sick can you be? Dear Lord, bring on the appeals!
With all of that said, I’m trying not to get my hopes up about the long deliberation. I remember what happened last time. However, since this case is so open and close (according to the haters) they should have had a verdict by now. This just goes to show that this case was never open and close and I know with all of my heart that there were jurors that did NOT want to go with first degree. With all of the media pressure (idiots like Dr. Drew going on an on about “his” Samantha) and the family staring them down everyday, and the backlash the jurors from the CA case received, it was all too much for them. Now that they have a second chance to be heard, those jurors who were silenced may be holding their own during this deliberation.
Jodi is not a serial killer, a child killer or a cannibal. She is a woman who killed an abusive man.
I’m trying not to get my hopes up. I’ve lost hope with this jury. All I’m concerned with now is the appellate process.
Jennifer go to his my space page and the true TA will show. His goal in life was MONEY, WOMEN, AND POWER. Pretty telling! You know we all should listen to Doctor Screw he is so smart. His Samantha, and Steven Alexander has PTSD. Give me a break. If Steven is letting this affect his relationship with his wife and child, then he is not much of a man. And how would Travis feel about this Steven. If he was such the motivational speaker and you looked up to him so much, then you would get a grip.
Hi Tim. I’ve been meaning to check out his myspace (as well as Jodi’s). I had a feeling that’s what he was like. I could tell from the pictures (he tried a little too hard) and the video where he bragged about defying death. He seemed insufferable.
And a family member said the same thing to me: Steven had issues WAY before Travis’ death. He seems weepy and whiny. It’s interesting how only Samantha and Steven are allowed to have PTSD, but Jodi, the person who was actually there being attacked and fighting for her life isn’t allowed to have any form of PTSD.
I have 3 grown sons and told them that if any one of them ever treated a woman in the deceitful, misogynistic way that TA treated women, well, you are creating some really nasty karma and bad things can happen. I have said it before and will keep repeating it – am I the only person who recognized the hatred and spite in TA’s eyes in the last photo?? He was pissed off! God only knows what he said to her before he went at her. Keeping you in our good thoughts, Jodi ~ you aren’t alone.
Or could it of been fear in his eyes as he look at the person in a mask with a gun hitting jodi in the head and then shooting him ???????? 🙄
AFREAKINGMEN! They can have PTSD but Jodi can’t. They can weep etc. but Jodi can’t. BLAH BLAH. That show pisses me off and I watch it every night so I can comment.
You feel like a lot of us. I don’t get how Samantha seems to cry on cue, without tears flowing it doesn’t feel real. I’m sure there is pain from the loss of a family member. I don’t remember so much crying, at other trials, at least not over long periods of time like in this case.
You would think they could have moved on to a certain extent after 5 years w/o him. I see a lot of anger though on the face of Tanisha. To move on you have to release that anger, don’t see how putting someone to death would help her with that.
I love the nice big Fuck you to judge pickles with the interview after she demand they stop!! Huh…. I just she has the court room under control after all. NOT!!!! HAA HAA HAAA
I swear that the only thing that has really mattered with Sherry Shithead during this entire trial is making sure she recessed for lunch on time.
Exactly!And that’s the ONLY thing I give her credit for! Punctuality when it comes to her growling belly!!
Just watched the interview w/Darryl..why can’t any of these journalists see that something happened to Jodi due to the PPL/Morman Chruch/and TA???? I don’t understand how they can put the blame all on Jodi!! It is obvious that she was manipulated and abused after getting involved with those people!! They all put in back on Jodi…they are totally blind….and why they put TA on a pedestal is beyond me..But as Darryl said..many things will come out on appeal…corruptness and deceit!!!
Jodi was portayed as ”the black sheep” all along.And people refuse to see that it’s not ok to be a sheep in the first place so…
I dont think my above post makes much sense,sorry.
What I meant is that all the PPL/LDS members seem pretty happy to be sheeple and think Jodi was the black sheep for not conforming to their rules etc etc so it’s no use trying to convince them to think differently.
I got it sweetheart! They ALL abused Jodi..sticking together like flies on shit!
Maria, I got what you said as well! And Pat, good summary! ;p
I really wonder if jurors regret the 1st degree charge esp after hearing Jodi speak to them. I wonder why the jury questions are not being released.
I bet they will Lindsay when the verdict is appealed and all the dirt will be exposed!!
probably because EVERY question was read on tv and HLN harped on the question for days and the judge is finally realizing they are being influenced . Weather she calles a mistrial or not that bitch sees she has fucked up. I think she sent them back yesterday because she is freaking out that this case might go before another judge and she gets disbarred for her serious fuck up in this case. In my opinion !
If she is all of a sudden now concerned about HLN and the media, the whole case should be thrown out or something because this was going on before the trial even started. What a waste of time and money at this point.
And what’s up with the media following around the jurors. JVM said that she sees them in the cafeteria and stuff. Imagine that pressure…and they say they see jury walk in. The jury knows how much this is case is being covered for sure.
Yeah exactly!! Thats why I think shes crapin her pants. Because if another judge looks at this and sees all this crap PLUS the shit from all the sealed stuff this bitch will be fired. And no I cant believe JVM is saying that about the jury. I m surprised she hasn’t given us exact descriptions of them so you could pick them out if you were there and i wouldn’t be surprised if she knew how much toilet paper they use when the take a shit.
LOL!!!! They can prob hear JVM from outside when they are deliberating.
Amen Krista!
Agreed! 1000%
Samantha really makes me ill. They keep showing her and Skeletor on hln and it just makes you wonder how messed up over this shit can she really be? I mean they hardly saw each other when he was alive and she was a cop???? And its been 5 years!! I’m not saying she isn’t hurt but damn girl how may acting classes do you take on your off days out there in California ?
God yes! She’s the worst. I’m going straight to hell because when she makes her “cry faces” I giggle. She’s so fake. And then Tanisha looks over at her crying and tries her hardest to cry as well. Oh the drama.
It’s just poor acting. That’s all.
It seems like the Alexander family believes they have the right to take out anything in their lives on Jodi. The problems with there childhood, all the drug problems, everything that has gone wrong for them is now Jodi’s fault.
That sounds like a good hollywood movie name…. The horror, fear, and terror it will devour you in the SKELETOR!!!! LOL :>D
Meh. I made several spelling/grammar issues. I blame the iPhone and autocorrect, not myself. Oh no, I must have BPD as well. :/
Oh another thought: who wants someone to be beaten or killed in prison? What type of sick person would want that? Other than a Travis lover of course. They’re not right in the head. They’re on that site all day everyday spewing hate. No job, no home to clean, no children to care for, no hubby to adore? Pathetic.
You guys that go to Hater sites to see what’s being said must be masochists. I know what’s being said w/o looking and I don’t want to get myself aggravated anymore than Sherry Shithead and Dirt Sanchez, and the Grimm Sisters already make me.
I occasionally go on Twitter to #JodiArias and throw a couple grenades and get the hell out of there.
I check out a few Pro Jodi blogs too.
I prefer the safety and sanity of this site and all of you good people!
Yes. I am. 🙁 Kidding! But I do like to see both sides (not that I’m being swayed to their side at all). We’re very nice and helpful here. They’re always at each other’s throats over there. They’ve even turned on the “brilliant” jurors who didn’t send Jodi to death row after 15 minutes of deliberation.
Joe, I had my twitter account suspended because I told some one they were cold hearted and it made me sick.
They game you Twitter jail for that? I’ve said some nasty things about the Alexander Siblings and about Travis but wasn’t suspended for it…..yet
Jennifer, I agree with you wanting to hear the opinion from the other side but they don’t want to hear anything from our side so F them.
I’m with you Joe…I don’t do any other site but this one…I can’t handle the hate. Haven’t had HLN or CNN on in months..(CNN to get info on the bombings in Boston). I don’t understand the evil in this world…I truly don’t..and hate against people they don’t even know…WTF ????
You’re right, Joe. I was channel surfing last night and came across hln and stayed to watch for a minute (have not watched since I started posting here, months ago). Ex BF of Jodi’s, Abe, was on and I watched for like 90 seconds. I could not believe the vile, disgusting, hate-filled comments he was saying on dr. drew show! And drew snickered about it! This was the guy that TA said was ‘soul-less’ and that Jodi should stay away from him. Perhaps TA had that one thing right. I could not turn it off quick enough, and that short time caused me to not sleep last night. I just can’t imagine how Jodi got caught up with these awful people and fell for it! She was smart – they (ppl, mormons and TA) brainwashed her from early on, I suspect.
OMG that Abe guy drives me crazy. What is funny is Abe, Chris, Skye, etc. are all really mean spirited. They get up there with these snide remarks, rude and catty. Abe really is a jerk. It is funny he acts as though he was dating Jodi for awhile, but what is funny I know he feels like it might catch up to him because he stated a kind of “for the record” that he only went out with Jodi once or twice in one of his Dr. episodes. Every time Dr. Drew tries to stick up a little for Jodi they all come down on him like the Salem Witch Trials. That show is like five catty people analyzing every move of somebody to make fun of them for their own enjoyment. It’s pathetic.
This site only for me and the Support Jodi Facebook page but I don’t really post there.
Yes,me too.Only here and FB support groups.
Haters make me physically sick.
I don’t understand Jodi supporters glued to HLN or any of the MSM either. You can watch the feed directly online with no hate commentary.
They aren’t bringing any “news” or valuable information.
I wouldn’t let Nancy Pigface, or any of them in my home, so why would I want them on my computer screen. Its the same to me.
throw a couple grenades and get the hell out of there.
lol!! love it love it!!!! Perfect!! 😉
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
4 jurors just came back into their room, with sammiches and snacks. One was Captain O’Neil.
HLN says 5 jurors were spotted in cafeteria, and speculates that they are a clicque.
does that mean that it’s more than one juror that is holding on? Looks like they are equally divided…just hoping 🙁
Also, after all this time together, there have to be jurors that dislike each other and factions forming!!!! That could be a factor here too in coming to an agreement. They have to be fed up by now and maybe less likely to be “bullied” by others.
I agree, R
Hey C.J. if you want to see the south I’m referring to check out this video. My husband wrote it about his parents, and I put the video together of our kinfolk from KY.
Nice Mary, you do know that folks that I am talking about!
The folks in the video that look deep south are the same folks you are referring to. There are stories I could tell you. And right to this day, any of my in-laws are the kind of folks you don’t want to make upset.
One good thing about sending ALL the HLN staff Fuck yoou tweets is they don’t say anything back! Fuck You HLN!
I think a lot of people are forgetting that Jodi is human. She made a mistake, we all have made mistakes. We have all lied at some point in our life. I just think it’s sad that most of the world can’t see this. I am so sick and tired of hearing about how Jodi lied, and about how everything she does is to try to manipulate people. She made one bad choice in her life, and its sad that most people can’t see that.
Does anyone here think that anyone on Jodi’s legal team or her family reads the comments posted on this site? I sure hope so. I know you can post a message to her, but is she really allowed access? Well, I’ve been thinking about something anyway, and I know I couldn’t be the only one, but………………I looked up the Webster’s definition of rage: violent and UNCONTROLLED anger, an intense feeling—passion. How has JM been able to get away with his argument in this case? If he has effectively argued that Jodi premeditated her actions…….meaning, she had to plan it way back in Yreka in late May of 2008 when she allegedly stole her grandpa’s gun, then I don’t see how he could’ve argued that Jodi killed TA in a jealous RAGE, if rage means uncontrolled passion. You’d have to maintain that rage on a 2 day road trip, and hence it would’ve turned into premeditation. His argument is a complete paradox. Unless, I am mistaken, and JM himself never actually said the phrase “jealous rage.” Even so, I still think he implies it when he describes his theory of what happened. He can’t have it both ways UNLESS he is employed by an unfair, biased state who opposes the rights and expression of women and is on a mission to oppress female sexuality. Of course, they needed to use a female judge as a token so it won’t enter unsuspecting minds that something bigger is going on behind the scenes. Well, anyway, I don’t even know what could be done legally about an improper argument. I couldn’t sleep last night though. I couldn’t help envisioning in my twilight state of mind what really happened that day which I believe was not the 4th, but the 5th. As if someone can’t tamper with photographic so called, evidence (switch memory card stolen from Jodi’s camera for nude shots? shuffle in “accidental” pics of murder with phony time stamp? has anyone EVER taken accidental photos just by dropping a camera?….seems a bit of a stretch….who knows.) Also, why on earth would JM, a man who is supposed to be TA’s voice and advocate, be so insensitive to dramatically emphasize the pain that he thinks TA felt while dying? That is totally subjective, and you could never know what another person feels or has felt. How insensitive and unnecessary. Is he that bad of an attorney that he needs to resort to pulling on heart strings instead of what he was supposed to be trained for and is paid to argue based on logic and evidence? Also, to attack a defense witness with drug use allegations? How can that be allowed, and how is it even relevant? Come on, you must be living under a rock in the desert if you don’t think that TA’s family is using any illegal drugs. Look at the drawn face of the one sister. Bone structure, no, looks more like drug abuse. Anyone who has witnessed a heroin victim’s descent can attest to the changes in the face, particularly the cheeks.
Does anyone here think that anyone on Jodi’s legal team or her family reads the comments posted on this site?
I know they do, they have talking about the “hate” for TA they see here and how we are all crazy and ignorant. Hughes talked to one camera about how we are not real, and this is a scam to take advantage of Jodi supporters. I believe he called us “easy targets” since we are obviously not that bright since we support Jodi/The justice system as it should be.
Doesn’t surprise me that Mr. Hughes would say that. I was hoping that Jodi’s attorneys and family read everything we have to say. Also, I do not hate Travis Alexander. I actually feel compassion for him. What a horrible childhood he had. And what a horrible end to his life. I think he was just repeating a pattern, thanks to his upbringing. Do they ever mention our comments about their “religion?” I’m so very suspicious of PrePaid Legal, the Mesa PD, the church of LDS, and Travis’ so called friends. I have a theory that the company Travis was working for was owned by LDS and he was one of many young men and some token women being groomed for positions of power and influence. He was effing up though and he couldn’t hide his skeletons well enough, so they got rid of him, and did it in such a way as to make an example of him. If you commit sin and people find out about it, you die. This is clear as day for anyone who pays attention to symbolism. Killing 3 times is just one major clue. By using symbols, they communicate their message to the members of the cult, and the symbolic rituals supposedly give them more power. Of course, they must’ve hired people to do this (Jodi alone, puhlease, I could even take her and I’m 120, 5’4″,) and of course they needed to find a fall person. Travis and Jodi had to have been watched for some time before the killing took place. They needed to somehow lure Jodi there, and they would’ve needed to know Travis’ and his roommate’s schedules……unless the roommates were somehow involved. So many persons of interest were prematurely cleared. Fear rules that desert. Words of of advice for the mormons out there, Don’t tell your bishop anything.
I do think that you are reaching for straws, HOWEVER, I do have to say a few things about how I see the PPL and the Mormon, “cult.” I have had experiences in both of these situations. Not PPL or Mormon per se, but a similar situation. PPL is what we all know as Multi Level Marketing. It is what Travis’ ex said she didn’t like(selling to your friends.) Travis was “well respected” and “high up there” because some how with is out going personality and such he was able to get many followers underneath him to buy. He makes a commission on everybody beneath him. It’s this chain. Now what that does is breed a fake sense of money and wealth. Your friends make money for you and you keep the chain going. They prey on people who aren’t making a lot or just want to make a lot of money. People who get involved go to these conventions where they hear people be motivational speakers and how much they have. They often show their life before and after with Ferrari’s on the big screen. The company that was trying to suck me in over 20 years ago was called Equinox. I remember my mom saying, but this isn’t a position you aren’t making money. And I remember being blind and saying but I can make a lot of money. And they pressure you and make you feel crazy. SAME with the religion. I grew up Catholic, this religion called Church of Christ summoned me when I was 24/25 and I went to meetings and church gatherings and their houses. They even baptized me in the Pacific OCean. I was a waitress and I didn’t know what kind of money I made from day to day, and they made me tithe. When I didn’t they would sit me down and yell at me for not giving them money. I remember knowing it was wrong and telling them off. It was not good. Both times, these companies came at me I was at a low point in my life. Worried about money etc. I see Travis as part of both of these. Skye and Chris remind me of those people who yelled at me for not tithing and if you remember correctly Chris said he was the one who brought Travis into PPL. So those people are part of these cults. That is why they didn’t like Arias. A. Skye was jealous of her. That is obvious. B. They put words in Travis’ head to not like her which perpetuated the hate etc. This is so obvious.
Its hard for me to post “only serious” comments, as i deflect by using levity. But i think todays rant should be serious… ( I appreciate that I have the opportunity to write things like this to great people.)
I have tried to write this about 15 times over the last 4 hours or more, and this is how it worked out, hope it makes sense, it is long, but it is my truth:
The Alexander family wants “revenge” along with many others tied to this case and throngs more not tied to this case but have taken an opinion, for whatever reason.
I would like to give my advice on this idea of “revenge”.
First, many people try to hide revenge behind ideas like “justice”. Revenge of any kind is still revenge.
If you prefer:
Vengeance …
Or perhaps:
Spiteful Pay-back for the benefit of the knowledge of causing harm to someone that has caused you harm….
“Pretty it up” with words of grandeur but revenge is still revenge by any other name.
So, the great debate is shouldn’t we be revengeful of really bad action? Simply, in my opinion, NO. It serves no purpose.
However, “forgiveness” does serve a purpose for all involved especially the victims.
I think of forgiveness is a discipline which you learn through serving everyone, without exception. (Including those who have wronged you or are in prison). I think this can be hard for many people to learn because their idea of forgiveness is abstract. It is not defined. They have been told what forgiveness is, rather than found it in their own hearts.
This doesn’t have to come from a religious or spiritual belief, in fact I believe that this actually hurts the forgiveness process, rather than helps it, as the person hasn’t come to this definition on their own terms but rather by what they have been told is forgiveness.
But when you define forgiveness as replacing ill-will with love through service (in various ways), then it becomes something that can be built, worked on, and developed. It hard, but it helps, really it’s the only thing that helps. You don’t have to show love to your offender, but you need to show love in place of vengeance in all things you do. Think of it as showing love INSPITE of your offender. Regardless of the offense or who carried it out.
I am sure to get ridiculed for this idea, but I challenge you to challenge its truth. I assume people will say “well, SirLips, would you show love to the offenders if they raped, killed, hurt you, or your family?” The easy answer is yes. I am not ashamed, as some may recall, admitting to terrible things that have happened to me and my family. I do not hate my pedophile great uncle/Godfather who raped me when I was 8/9 years old. Is seeing him castrated or killed going to help? No. It may stop him from doing it again, but wouldn’t him being locked up garner the same result? Rather I want to know what terrible things happened to him, that he felt that he needed to act out in such a way. Showing a love for the people that have victimized by these crimes includes showing love for the poor soul that committed the offense. He wasn’t born evil, he was taught it, somewhere along the lines. Why? How do we understand it, rather than go through life with blind hate (revenge) in our hearts.
If I truly care about my life and the life of others, I need to set aside hate and embrace the offender to understand how we may understand the actor and then maybe understand how to stop others in the future.
AGAIN, I know, this goes against the knee jerk reaction we have to “demonize” the person, rather than understand them, but that reaction does not help. I AM PROOF.
My parents, besides allowing this to happen, were extremely abusive. I love my parents. I always have. I always will. They are terrible parents. But, because of my attitude of forgiveness I have been able to explain these appalling actions and have used it to become a great father, lover and friend.
We need to look no farther than the Alexander family to see where their hearts and hopes for the future are. Take Travis’s brother and his statement to the juror as a clear example. Has he had closer? Has he learned from this? Has he grown? Has he stopped the action from 5 years ago from hurting his life today? He has been able to blame not smoking, nightmares, divorce and a poor relationship with his children ALL on Jodi. How is that working out for him? And now, he thinks if can just “kill her” it will all magically go away. It won’t. I’m sorry. I truly am sorry that he is hurt, but he needs to change or he will not get better. Scape goating Jodi with hate, revenge and vengeance will not accomplish that. It will only remove one more avenue for improvement he has.
I have a foul mouth. I tell dirty jokes. I make light of serious situations. But in the end, those things mean very little. Who I really am is a loving, caring person with a heart open to new ideas, acceptance and forgiveness. Those first things are just extra awesomeness I can offer at no additional charge And, the fact that I can take credit for it, rather than blame this on some “god” or “religion” makes it mean that much more to me. I am responsible for me. I don’t have a god to blame when I’m bad and I don’t have a god to steal that credit when I’m good. Perhaps this is why I am an agnostic, yet I somehow am a good honorable person.
((((sirlips)))) so well said…
Your BEST post yet!
The most awesome lesson I learned in life is that “Forgiveness is an ACTION not a FEELING”. Something you choose to do for you. By harboring hate and anger you are continuing to allow that person to abuse you. By choosing forgiveness you can let go and move forward in a positive direction. It’s not like my abusers wake up each morning and praise themselves for how they hurt me all those years ago. I am most likely a distant memory, which is exactly what they should be in my life.
“Sparky” or whatever his name was, would be mad if he heard you say this was the best 😉
Ok. OK. 🙂 Sparky made me laugh but sometimes what we all need is just a hint of serious. This hit just the right chord with me today Sir. Thank you for that.
I think Sparky would be *sad* – to know he missed out on a life with such a great guy.
Sad that the people who could use this wisdom are the ones most unlikely to even read it.
Great post sirlips,straight from the bottom of your heart.Thank you for sharing**
Another amazing post. So thoughtful and well said. This provokes much soul searching a food for thought. I appreciate this more than you will know. Thank you for sharing your story and thoughts.
….I look forward to your upcoming book.
True post. I have felt bad for the Alexanders at times, but their lust for blood has turned me off. They showed they are full of hate, and that is unhealthy. Especially Stephen blaming his hand nail on Jodi. He needs to put on his big boy pants and shut up.
hang nail
HAH. That is kind of true. I have to say that though I did feel bad for Samantha(I think she has really true love for Travis) I cannot stand Stephen. He was so over dramatic, and blaming his whole life falling apart over this. S omething tells me by the way he can’t keep it together that his life would have fallen apart anyway.
The part about his crying daugther pissed me off! His sisters have the hate mongering down! He should stay home with his daugther who is still ALIVE. That would be my choice at least.
I think that was very well said. I don’t think forgiving is so much about the other person as it is about yourself. You have to make the decision to heal and move on. I’m proof of that also. I always liked the saying hate is like acid it eventually destroys the vial which holds it.
I could sit here and place blame but that continues to give others power over my life. I have to look at others in a different light and see where they were coming from. That doesn’t make it right and it doesn’t change the past but it helps me move on. I’m Catholic but I don’t forgive bc Jesus told me to. I learned how to in order to move on with my life. Hating others hurts me the most. Maybe it’s selfish.
I also make fun of serious situations. But it gets me through. I crack myself up LOL. So if I’m not laughing I have to find a way to find some fun. So I don’t mind if people who don’t know me that well think I’m goofy and fun all of the time. Once they get to know me they’re pretty surprised.
Well said, I wish I could put into words my thoughts and feelings as well as you and FUJuan and Frank and AlsoAbused, I like reading your posts, thank you
love you sirlips! that was stated from the position of one who is service to others instead of service to self.
I have forgiven my abusers and I have forgiven myself. Now I can move forward in life and live in love.
Well said Sir!!
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Sirlips))))))))))))))))))))))))))))!! Great post. I wish haters would read it!!
Like UKJodi fan said, the people that need to learn forgiveness are usually the last people to try. Or as Uk put it, “the least likely to read this”.
Honorable person… With a huge heart.
The longer this is taking the more concerned I’m getting. It shouldn’t take this long to come back as a hung jury or a verdict of Life.
Their are some really coldhearted MFrs on this jury. Juannabe’s.
Well just think it came back quick but judge bitch face sent them back. Im cocerned they are intimidated now by the judge because they ARE hung!
I think they were intimidated by the judge and feel compelled to reach a verdict, which they do not have to do!!!! They need courage now.
Exactly R! I was watching a um, “news” channel and rumors are swirling that their last question was really a note stating they were hung again.
This judge is despicable. It is a form of bullying. Yesterday it took them two hours to realize they cannot reach a decision. Nine hours later they still haven’t reached a verdict because they cannot! They just can’t. Let it go. Start the penalty phase over. Go find your new jurors. I’m sure there are a few bullies who want to milk all of this attention and don’t want to be a part of a hung jury. They want to be heroes. Hopefully those who are holding on will continue to do so.
No, Joe, this is a GOOD sign.
The people who don’t want to kill her are not going to change their minds. It is TOO HARD a thing to do, when it comes right down to it.
The ONLY way they will come back with a verdict at this point is if they all agree on Life.
Believe it. Keep the faith!
” Coldhearted MK-er” is understatement…. Yes, we ddn’t think that M1 was the right verdict for Jodi, but we have spent countless hours talking amongest each other about facts, evidence, theories, video footage, media’s B.S. and the trial itself…. Therefore, we have seen , heard and talked about more than these jurors…..
This is human being life……… to give her the DP or Life is a huge decision to make among 12 people who are just citizens of AZ…. If they would of come back yesterday after two hours with the DP we all would of been hunting these fking jurors down………. I firmly believe there is a holdout, and someone cannot go through with the DP… remember they are parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles etc……….. They will have to live with this decision the rest of their life…..There is no way in hell that out of 12 jurors someone in their family has not experienced some sort of abuse………. They cannot turn back the sentence, so hopefully they are trying to make the right decision.
I see a hung jury in this part of the sentencing phase…… Siince these needs to be unaminous they are bullying others, and one -two-three might be holding out………… With M1 , Felony Murder, Manslaughter, they had more options, and you can tell from their verdict that they didn’t all agree equally…
It’s better to take their time, then to make the wrong decision… It would be hard to swat someone to the DP side…. ( just my opinion).
” sway” not ” swat’
I am really mad at this jury. If they cannot sentence someone to DP, they shouldn’t have convicted her of a crime that is punishable by DP. They didn’t have any trouble coming up with the M1 verdict did they? They should have thought of the ramifications of their decision at that time. We are not talking about a serial killer, or a child molester or a serial rapist here. What evidence proved to them ‘ beyond a reasonable doubt’ that she did a terrible crime worthy of dp or life without parole? The hair dye? The gas cans? The crime scene photos? A person fighting for her life is not going to leave a pristine crime scene behind. That should have been their number one clue.
Exactly bgs!!!
Yes bgs! As I said earlier, this reinforces what I’ve thought all along: someone didn’t want first degree. I know it. Unfortunately they were bullied and faltered. If everyone wanted first degree this would have been wrapped up quickly. I believe someone wanted 2nd or even manslaughter. Maybe the jurors made a pact that they would go with first only if they all agreed to life and someone reneged.
It is that juror/jurors I am more mad at. Their decision to sway, when they were not convinced it was M1, made Jodi a convicted murderer as opposed to a victim of domestic violence.
Hello all I am not at home today and trying to check in on my phone are they still deliberating?
Yes they are GG
Yup!! and you missed a jury question but we dont know what the question was because it wasn’t read on the air.
I heard the question was simply:
“Coke or Pepsi?” then they all flashed the judge and ran back to the jury room giggling.
My thoughts are with Jodi. I really hope that this whole mess can be overturned someday and she’s let out. I completely believe she’s a victim in this mess and did not deserve first degree murder.
This blog is not mine but (WOW!)–we know who’s looking to profit out of the AZ State Circus and it isn’t Jodi…
Wishing for the best for Jodi
Greetings all,
I enjoyed watching Jodi’s latest interview, as well as Darryl’s, and reading all the great posts people have been writing today.
For some reason it worries me that the jury could come back so quickly with the guilty verdict they rendered, but are now taking so long for sentencing. It feels weird or out of proportion somehow. But, hey, what do I know..?
You’d think it would be the other way around. But appartently AZ is opposite world. Where up is down, crazy is sane, and innocent is guilty.
I agree Jester, re: quick verdict decision…now lengthy sentencing.
I just finished watching the two interviews too. Kind of surreal isn’t it?
I agree. Did they have any idea what they were accusing her of, when they found her guilty of everything JM put on the table? They should have thought hard then, not now! If they don’t thinshofar deserves the punishment, then why did they accuse her of the crime? This jury, by themselves has screwed up this trial to a new level.
I bet if “St. Travis” was sitting in the gallery, say, one of those other siblings had been killed (I refuse to use the word ‘murdered’), he would be among those making ugly faces.
birds of a feather…hate together.
Right on, Sir…but I think the word “bird” does not quite describe it…how about “vultures of a feather”?
I’ll go with vultures-more appropriate!
While he wears his ugly mustard colored suit…YIKES!
YIKES is right!!! 🙂
IMO, he’d be like the brothers who haven’t shown up.
Journee, most likely! He was too self absorbed…BUT on the other hand, there IS MONEY being made here! He would probably be the BAND leader! FRONT and CENTER!
“To see others suffer does one good, to make others suffer even more: this is a hard saying but an ancient, mighty, human, all-too-human principle [….] Without cruelty there is no festival.”Friedrich Nietzsche
So why, you ask, do people like seeing others in pain. From a pie in the face to slipping on a banana peel to tripping down a flight of stairs and all the way to dancing at the end of a rope, the joy comes from the fact that…it’s not you. It’s a vicarious thrill. It allows us to get so very close to humiliation, to danger, to abject terror and yet walk away clean.
Forgiveness is the act of compassionately releasing the desire to punish someone or yourself for an offense. It’s a state of grace, nothing you can force or pretend. There are no short cuts. Mistakenly, some of my patients, wanting to be “spiritual,” have prematurely tried to forgive after someone emotionally knifes them in the gut. First, you must feel anger before you can begin to forgive. I gradually guide patients to the large-heartedness of forgiving injuries either caused by others or self-inflicted.
Revenge is the desire to get even when someone does you wrong. It’s natural to feel angry, to say “I’m not going to let that **** get away with this,” whatever “this” is. However, revenge reduces you to your worst self, puts you on the same level with those spiteful people we claim to abhor. Additionally, studies have shown that revenge increases stress and impairs health and immunity. Sure, if someone hits you with a stick, you have the impulse to hit them back–the basis for wars. To thrive personally and as a species, we must resist this predictable lust for revenge, and seek to right wrongs more positively. This doesn’t make you a pushover; you’re just refusing to act in a tediously destructive way antithetical to ever finding peace. As Confucious says, “Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”
Forgiveness is a paradigm-shifting solution for transforming anger. It liberates you from the trap of endless revenge so that you can experience more joy and connection. Forgiveness does more for you than anyone else because it liberates you from negativity and lets you move forward. Forgiving might not make anger totally dissolve but it will give you the freedom of knowing you are so much more.
♥ ♥ ♥ you all today! I am so happy to have met you all in this little corner of the interweb.
So beautifully said (((((((FUJuan))))))))
I’d make the heart thing ((((((Jaz)))))))) just did,if I knew how,LOL!
I can’t do it either maria!!!!! LOL LOL LOL
& hearts;
That’s how you make the heart only without the space.
Very nicely said!
I agree. If this family does not try to let go of their hate it will consume them and their health and the very person they hate so much will really win in the end. The best thing they could do is let go of this vendetta and try to remember their brother in a better light. Make a point of remembering the good times and put those pics out of their mind. Too bad Jaun felt it necessary to shove those pics down their throat at every turn. He’s a sadistic bastard.
Forgiveness is freedom. Freedom of all the negative emotions you have about something. I think it’s easier to forgive someone else for wronging you than forgiving yourself for wrong doing. Why? I don’t know. Forgiveness is to release and let go of those negative emotions that hold you down to an instant and retrigger negativity. Forgiveness takes alot of practice, maturity and understanding.
Amen Flnang~
Very true, that is takes a special person to forgive and move forward… Lets for a sec take a look at the Alexander Family:
They were born into a dysfunctional family
Parents were unfit, drug addicts
Children didn’t have the nurturing and loving environment
Lack of food ( which affects the growth of the brain)
Witnessed domestic violence since birth from both parents
Then as the Alexanders got older:
They have had 6 deaths from 1997-2012 -5-3-3-3-1 years apart… hardly enough time to heal and grieve
Then four or five of the children have had numerous encounters with the law for : shoplifting, assualt, drugs, stolen car, robbery, stolen identity, etc….. countless probation motions, fines, and now a criminal record ….
Now they want to blame their fk-ed dsyfucntional family on JODI…. thinking this will justify their pain from their past by seeing someone die of a piece of shit brother they didn’t even have contact with for at least four years……………They need therapy, not drugs…. ( anti-depressants, and xanx.) those just cover up the pain . The suffering, pain, emotions need to be accounted for, and they only way to do this is through therapy ( behavioral therapy) and this is going to take many years…. They have never been taught coping mechanisms….
Beautifully said FuJuan!
Thank you to everyone…………..
Wonderful post FUJUAN!
“Forgiveness is a paradigm-shifting solution for transforming anger.” this is by far the biggest lesson people can learn, in my opinion, when trying to grow.
I have often used this topic to speak in seminars.
My thought is that anger is an emotion that actually covers up another emotion. And only 1 other emotion. That is fear.
We only get angry, when we fear something. Wife gets mad at husband, why? She is afraid he will spend too much money. Husband gets mad at kids, why? He is afraid they won’t succeed if they don’t get better grades. Boss gets mad at employee, why? He is afraid he will keep coming to work late.
You can ALWAYS link anger to a fear. ALWAYS. People are scared that an action will continue, so they get mad. They are afraid an action will stop, so they get mad. They’re afraid for their life, their family, their career, their past… There is always some underlying fear, or we would never get angry. There would be no point.
This is of great value when learning to forgive. First you have to, as FUJUAN said, get past the anger. How? I find it very helpful to stop, when I am angry, and ask the simple question “what am I scared of?” If I don’t have an answer, the anger goes away immediately. If I do have an answer, then I know where to concentrate my energy. Not at the anger, but at the thing cause my fear. Eliminate the fear, you eliminate the anger.
Then, you are allowing yourself to grow and start to forgive the TRUE reasons you are upset.
Just giving you my 2 cents, in case you need CHANGE.
So I’m driving home from work, at the mercy of HLN on satellite radio, and I have to pull over and VOMIT when JK says how “put together” and “eloquent” the Alexander family is. Heaving my guts up for sure! Gag me with a fucking spoon.
Also sitting in an inservice on feeding tubes and heard pretty much nothing as my thoughts were with Jodi.
I have hope that those against the DP will stand their ground. Fingers crossed.
Oh and by the way that Dwayne guy on HLN said some of the most positive comments regarding Jodi that I have heard yet. Basically saying it would not have mattered what she said in her allocution it would have been picked apart. Go Dwayne!
So hi everybody, how you all doing?
Hey BevM! I cannot wait to never see those people again!
Here, anxious, but full of love and hope.
Well don’t hold your breath on that one chickie. I have a feeling this family is loving the spotlight and the accompanying $$$ and we will see their sorry faces for years to come. They will dragging out the sad punams EVERY time anything happens with Jodi and her appeals etc. And they say JODI loves the spotlight. Give me a break.
I know you are right.
Maybe someday I will visit one of the hearings and egg them! I say that 70% jokingly but it sure would feel nice. I wonder if that would be a misdemeanor? It would probably be assault with a deadly in AZ.
Jeez girl don’t try it they just might kill you!!!!
Murder 1 death penalty. WERE YOU CRYING WHEN YOU THREW THAT EGG???
They’re about as well put together as the little pig who put his house together with straw when the big bad wolf blew it down.
Don’t know where that came from.
”eloquent”? ”put together” ?
That must be the best joke of the day!
Hey Bev! Tick tock…And still nothing from those jurors 🙁
Has anyone been chain smoking throughout this trial?Can I sue Martinez for it? 😀
We are all feeling pretty much the same way…………………………………………
The haters frequently post how classy the Alexander family is. Gag me. Are Tanisha’s tats (which are extensive) classy or trashy? Are Samantha’s eye rolling facial expressions classy or trashy? Are Stephens stares classy or trashy?
I know my votes. They probably are renting a trailer while in AZ.
OMG Jeff thats harsh, true but harsh. Gave me such a good laugh when there is not a lot to laugh about. I hope one day Jodi gets to read all our posts. She will have a few giggles too thats for sure.
Now up to 10 and a half hours deliberating in the penalty phase. 27 hours total……..
I still think the jury will tell the judge they’re deadlocked again today…….
i’m tending to agree…
You might be on to something there Dave. With the long weekend upon us. The jury may give themselves until the end of today to come up with a verdict. If they can’t it’ll be a hung jury announced late today or tomorrow. They hate working Friday’s.
I’ve never seen a court that takes Friday’s off before this trial.
Any ideas why jury questions are top secret???
Think it’s up to the judge. Usually we hear them and then there’s a lot of speculation on which side it helps and whether it represents the majority or minority. Really though it’s pointless to speculate over 1 or 2 questions all day because it can mean anything.
The irony is that the one time they read a “juror question” in open court it wasn’t a question at all. It was the jury note saying they were deadlocked.
I’m guessing any questions asked, that would show how poorly this case was handled, would be kept secret. ANy non damning questions are open to hear.
For example, if the jury was to ask “we need to know if we can use the fact that the prosecutor yelled at the witness” the judge would NOT let us know that..its sheds poor light on the court. However, if they asked “what time is lunch?” she would allow this in open court.
I would guess that they jury is asking questions about the “life without parole/life with parole issue again” This is a HUGE issue for the appeals court, if they are deliberating on DP because they fear she may get parole.
I do not think Juan can even bring this issue up, like he did in closing arguments. Some lawyers have already started saying this is 100% NOT ok and is appealable.
The more they ask about that, the bigger the problem will be to fight that appeal.
…or they could be asking for phone chargers and the WiFi code for the court house. Who knows.
I have posted before but due to bad health I usually just read your comments and don’t post. But there is something I would like to say.
My mom called me tonight and asked me about that Jodi girl I was talking about so much wasn’t she from Arizona. She told me she had been watching an older tv serie called Medium or something like that and it was about a woman who saw things in her dreams. She started to work for a procecuter in Arizona and he gave her a bunch of papers and asked her to pick out a jury who was FOR the death penalty because as he said they had that in Arizona . She was very surprised and wondered if that was really how they did things in Arizona. I really hope not!
I’m very happy that things are not that way in my country and that we don’t have the death penalty. I lived in the US for a few years as a child and one thing that made me feel like an American at the time and feel warmth in my heart was the pledge to the flag every morning. When I watched this trial the words would come into my head – And justice for all! What a lie!
I’m not religious but I will say a prayer for Jodi anyway!
And justice for all! That’s what should be, what people fight and bleed for…..
But don’t worry, picking a jury is not done by the prosecutor alone……although in this case it might have seemed like it.
I’m happy to hear that:) I understand the justice for all but didn’t see much justice for Jodi.
She really did well in the interview and I loved the comment that she didn’t know the interviewer was a hater:)
Tell your mom that the real Allison DuBois does claim to have served as a jury consultant in Glendale, AZ, but Glendale denies any such affiliation.
Prayers for your health…. As for the jurors in AZ for this trial they all had to agree that they could give someone the DP…. If they couldn’t then they were booted from the juror selection……….. doesn’t mean they have to give Jodi they DP, just that they believe in it …..
Highly doubt they would higher a ” medium”… that’s a little bogus and unethical.
Thank you very much! I have filled my mom’s ears for a long time about Jodi so she is at the point where she says oh no not Jodie again:) I am so shocked at how people hate and I think it’s scary.
Yes, it is scary, Theresa. It’s one of the most scary things about this whole fiasco. But awe know that ugliness has been there all along and at least this has brought it to the surface so that hopefully in time we can hold a mirror up to it.
*awe = we
It may seem like the system is broken but it’s not. The problem is how the system is currently being implemented – by a gang of fools. Hopefully it is the system that will ultimately help us to fix this blatant injustice.
I really doubt if the jury is hung that Jaun will give in and drop the DP. I have a feeling that he has an agenda. He probably has some numbers or statistics he wants to achieve. Maybe being the prosecutor who sent the most women to death row, or the prosecutor who got the most death penaltys successfully. There is something in this that is going to feed his over the top ego. Not to mention that I think he’s letting the family have entirely too much input into this. Ass.
I heard on the news that the decision would fall to elected County Attorney (Juan is just an employee). But don’t hold out too much hope for that. Montgomery is an asshole too.
But he’s an asshole who has conceded that it was a mistake not to sequester the jury.
And he knows he doesn’t have a jury left in Maricopa County.
Yes, he is a supreme asshole. But he is also an elected official. People might be a little pissed at all the money that has already been spent and having to do it all over again for several more months may not be so appealing to voters. But in the end you’re probably right, asshole will want to get a new jury.
He may be an asshole-BUT, isn’t he the one that stated in an interview that this trial had gotten out of hand and the jury SHOULD have been sequestered??!!
I totally agree, it’s about stroking his ego……..he’s a woman ” hater” on a oneway agenda for brownie points………….. Plus the Alexanders want the DP, so I would think that Juan would say lets re-elect another jury for this phase…
what do 12 people have to argue for 10 hours on this issue i assume the haters jury are repeating with their crazy statements again and again and the merciful jurors are restating their mercy again and again how don’t they get board from restating their statement so much time
I agree Eli!!
I dont have much faith in them…I’m nt sure they even understand their instructions.
Good point Gn. I don’t think Sherry Shithead understands the instructions so how would the jury?
You are right Gn, otherwise they would have never come with the M1 conviction.
Of course the scum on HLN said its probably one juror holding out for life. THEY DON’T KNOW SHIT. For all we know it could be one holding out for death.
a bookie would have a ball with. not betting on Jodis outcome because the bookies are staying completely out of this trial, but how many times has hln been right or wrong on a daily basis.
Nothing in this trial makes sense.
Do you think they’re just hanging out for the rest of the day so she won’t send them back again this week?
Yeah, I kinda do.
According to the AZ law, she can only send them back once, if they come back again deadlocked she’s to dismiss the jurors and a new selection would happen for this phase. This would take months… bc you would have to prep the new jurors on the facts and evidence, opening statements, and closing statements/ arugements.
Does that mean that Jodi will spent all this time locked up 23hrs a day in that dreadful place?
If this happens, do the current defense attorneys have to stay on the case? Anybody know?
I believe KN and JW would have to stay on this case as the judge denied motion for them to be dismissed from this case..
Yes she would stay locked up for 23 hours a day, that isn’t going to change either way… However, she might remain at the jail until this phase is complete… and not be transfered to Perryville prision.
Oh my gosh…………………
If they can’t change M1 I’d rather them make up their mind so Jodi can start an appeal. I think, from what I understand.
Thanks SJ for posting the links to the interviews. I avoided listening to the TA family and their (what I assume) phoniness, asking the jury to impose the death penalty on Jodi (?) I can’t imagine they would want anything else. I am just so glad that this site has spared me the torture of enduring anything that I find repulsive.Today I watched Jodi speaking to the jury (that you posted here) but other than that, I have almost been afraid to face any more of this farcical trial…since the verdict was announced. That day I was confused as to how that jury came to that decision…I still am absolutely baffled.
Thanks SJ and Admins for offering a safe haven for me. Whenever I do pull my head out of the sand, as it comes to the end of this horror story, this is the first and only site I come to. I was here every day during MOST of the trial and everyone here has been so supportive.
Love you all 🙂
We love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This place is a god-sent gift to us all.
Hi Dorothy! 🙂 I was wondering where you went to! Good seeing you back here.
Hey guys! Janeen R, Maria, Joe! I’m glad to see some of us haven’t changed our names…or are there just a ton more people here…? I don’t recognize many of the names. I feel I have been gone for YEARS…
Hi Dorothy!
Howdy Pat ! 🙂
Missed you around here. 🙂
Hugs Dorothy! <3
((((Lynn)))) 😀
Thanks Dorothy….You are putting out so many positive vibes. We love you too!!
wild is replaying earlier in the courtroom…no volume…
it looks like he has it on pause now…
I still can’t breathe, I hope the jury comes back with life. I will feel more at ease for Jodi and her family when this part is over and it goes well. I can’t see how the justify killing her when there are real murderers and villains who seek to cause others harm on purpose.
Last night JVM was talking to a Japanese woman and Jane asked her how Japan felt about Jodi. Unbelievable, maybe she should ask Joey what black people think of Jodi or Vinnie what untalented people think about Jodi or ask Nancy what stupid people think about Jodi….
Do you think that Jodi might want the DP in spite of the wishes she expressed to the jury? She said NOT pleading for her life would be akin to suicide and that would be a horrible thing to do to her family. I sensed a hint of insincerity, or rather a lack of passion when she asked the jury to spare her life. I wonder if she was doing so only for her family, her mother, but not for herself.
I think Jodi is in a lot of pain, mostly for her family but for Travis’ family too. I think she just wants the hurt for others. She loves her family and they love her and she can do good in prison so I hope she wants to live.
For others to end
Yes, Angela…That is how it seems to me…she just wants the pain to end…for everyone.
So did I Dorothy, I think the way she hesitated & stressed it was because of her family is telling.
I just pray she holds on for the appeal-if not an overturned verdict because of jury misconduct.
As people have said above regarding the cost of this trial, and DESPITE the money/bloodthirsty Addams family; I don’t believe they would push for a whole new trial if the verdict is overturned when they find out the jury has been watching HLN. I’ll betcha they would take a plea deal, Manslaughter, if anything-at least that’s where they should “start”. (Sorry, but I think if they insisted on a complete repeal of ANY sentence, a “not guilty” of anything-I think the State would pursue it, no matter the cost.)
The over zealous pursuit by the state (even at the cost to the taxpayers) and the blood thirsty “Addams” (lol) family is so beyond me! They must view her as a serial killer for crying out loud. It is beyond absurd! I agree, I think the driving force behind this is not like to give up until Jodi is dead, either from natural causes or the dp. It sickens me.
I feel that if Jodi thinks she will not win on appeal she would rather have the DP, and not live the rest of her life behind bars in solitary confinement… FK I would not want to live like that for the rest of my life….
I believe she stated ” that would be act of suicide” and she didn’t want that for her parents/ family. It’s easy for the family to ask her to believe in the system because they have not been behind bars for five years…. She also stated ” her family might still come see her” that part broke my heart… Seriously, you as a parent/ mother sat in court for 5 months, and now that it’s over you might come visit your daughter………….!!!! Jodi still doesn’t have the best relationship with her mother or family…. they also need therapy.
FUJuan, I hate to admit it but if I were in Jodi’s position, I would want to live in solitary on death row either. I would want the death penalty, quickly… For some reason I think that her prior statement that she would rather have the dp still rings true…and I doubt she WOULD ever get a fair trial after THIS fiasco. Right now she probably doesn’t want to even bother with appeal. I can’t imagine having ANY faith in the system…and I wouldn’t want to go through it all again…I would probably tell my family that they were free NOT to visit me, to move on with their lives.
Did anyone post this yet? 4 jurors in cafeteria- one looked angry w her arms crossed the others looked hungry – on Amy Murphy twitter page
I thought the jury was supposed to stay all together
thats right!
Do you blame them for being pissed off……….. a@ 5 months @ 12 bucks a day…. and countless days when trial ended earlier without reason, 5 day weekends, etc….. FK i would be pissed too, I would want to get on with my life…………. how all 12 could come back with the DP is unfathomable…………someone is standing their ground….. otherwise this would of ended yesterday.
3 of the jurors in the cafeteria looked hungry? Hmmm…something doesnt sound right here.
This sounds grotesque but I see a connection between the recent story of the solder killed in London and Jodi’s case. There doesn’t seem to be a very big leap from the cheering throngs on the steps of the court house as Jodi was being convicted, wanting her death to this solders being killed by 2 men, one of them was filmed ranting “an eye for an eye” with blood on his hands. Revenge is never the right thing. I hope someone sees the connection between the mind set in these two events. We are reaching a dangerous point in this country where revenge is being sought in the streets by throngs of people or maybe just two.
Yes, SirLips, forgiveness is imperative if one is to evolve and grow into a compassionate human being.
You know that’s crazy you mention it because the people outside that AZ courthouse sit with posters of Jodi Arias bloody like someone hacked her. Seeing the guy in Britain with his hands FULL of blood and a hatchet reminded me of the posters I saw the people held up outside the courthouse.
Heh, I am glad you said that first, that is exactly what popped into my head when I watched that awful story and what the Russian guys did to their victims, same sort of thing
I saw it as soon as I heard about it the other night.
AND I thanked god that my son left after his internship at the embassy there. They’re having some major problems with Muslim extremists in the UK-more than we hear about.
I should point something important out:
Yesterday the public was told there was a juror question but it turned out to be the jury saying they were deadlocked.
Today in the same hour as yesterday the jury had another “question”. Judge Stephens sent back a response in writing that neither side objected to without reading it to the public.
It’s very possible that today’s “question” was the same as yesterday’s – that the jury has now TWICE told Judge Stephens they are deadlocked and that she told them to keep going.
According to the law I don’t think she can do that…. they can come back deadlocked once, and she can tell them to go back and work it out, but if they come back a second time, it’s a hung jury, and they are to be dismissed and new jurors selected for this phase. This would take months…………
I think you are confusing that with the rule that this phase can only be tried twice with different juries.
I don’t believe there are any states where the judge is required to declare a mistrial just because they’ve declared themselves to be deadlocked twice.
I think the rule is that she can only issue an Allen charge ONE time. And she did that yesterday – although some here seem to think it was a misfire, that the jury was actually only asking what they were SUPPOSED to do if they could not agree. But whether she was supposed to say it yesterday or not, she did say it and now she is not supposed to say it again.
Thank you Journee for undersanding what I was trying to get accross….
But I heard that she told them they would get their answer by the end of the day which is one way she may be forcing them to continue without breaking the law that you mention.
I’ve seen the video both on HLN and youtube and she never says “end of day” – think that was misreported by somebody.
All judge says is that she has “question #3”, she confirms that both sides don’t object to her response, and that the response will be given to the jury.
Here it is on youtube:
Thanx for the link Dave.
Yes, thanks for clarifying that, Dave. I probably heard that piece of fiction on HLN this morning.
That makes a lot of sense and possible. Time will tell.
Besides such a law wouldn’t make a lot of sense because if the jury knew it they could just tell the judge twice in a row they are deadlocked and it would defeat the purpose of what they are trying to do.
Look it up…. It’s the law…. but then again this is AZ and they do whatever the fk they want to ….
Deadlocked once, judge sends them back to deliberate some more, they come back deadlocked again, the judge is to dismiss the jurors and select new jurors for the penatly phase only…..
FUJuan, yesterday’s question about being at an impasse came on a juror question form, NOT on a verdict form, and in the form of a question. Therefore, the judge was obligated to treat it as a question — a request for help. The jurors did not seem to be clear as to which form they were to submit. I don’t think the judge clarified that well, however. Until they come back with an impasse on a verdict form, they judge does not have to accept that they are deadlocked.
The jury needs to go ahead and be considered hung!!! If they are ganging up on someone to force a vote for death I will be angrier than I’ve ever been in my life! You dimwits dropped the ball with your M1 verdict! You can’t make that right but don’t make another idiotic decision. Maybe if you all had to, personally, one by one, put the needle in Jodi’s arm you’d already be back with Life. Or are you like NG and the rest of the jackals and it would cause you NO PROBLEMS to murder a young woman? This country has morphed into one big collective sociopath!!
Hopefully these jurors hate each others guts by now so when they start talking about it later on they will give us all the dirt on what went on in there.
From your lips to GOD’s ears, RB!!! I think we going to heal a lot of shit in the days to come.
I think it was key to JM’s strategy, by being so abusive in the courtroom, to model for the pro-M1 and pro-DP jurors that terrorizing, bullying behavior was the way to win in the deliberation room. Whoever is holding out now for Life is likely getting the Juan Martinez treatment in the jury room. On-the-job training.
I can almost hear the bullies in there screaming at the hold-outs “You said you would be willing to give the death penalty and now you’re backing out? What’s wrong with you? Are you another liar? Just like Jodi Arias?”
I wonder…
NO I am in a ” FOG” with my ” MEMORY ISSUES”…. 🙂
Hopefully the same will happen between the Alexanders and the Hughes. I predict the Alexanders soon will see how Chris Hughes has co-opted the memory of their brother for his own self-aggrandizing purposes.
I agree. Those two that Sky and Chris are so petty. Aren’t true christian people not supposed to have attitudes, and talk about others, and not be catty or petty? Whenever they get on, it’s like they just want the attention. For crying out loud Skye had never even been to his house in AZ? Uh, that is a close friend? UM NO! I don’t think so. So you have never been to his house in AZ, but you know that there wasn’t pedophile photos on his bed because you didn’t see them on the house that you have never been to? OMG seriously those wacks make my blood curl more.
Wouldn’t it be funny if a fist-fight broke out in the jury room and when all is said and done it’s revealed that the jurors not wanting the death penalty were being bullied by those that did? 🙂 (Just a little thought ladies and gentlemen–as I am not meaning to take anything away from the gravity of this situation
OMG, that would be hilarious, and then put in a jail cell right next to JODI………….Wow, can you visualize that peeps. HLN wouldn’t know what to report………
I love when people plant seeds in my mind that grow…This will be growing all night. Thanks RB
They will turn on each other faster than juan and his family at christmas when there is only on burrito left. (is that wrong of me to say, or just funny?)
I love burritos, does that make it ok?
One beer left. there, thats better. one beer. fight. beer. juan. beer. yah…
Is it better if the jury decides on a verdict either way so that Jodi can start appeals bc they can’t change the M1 verdict?
I in all sincerity hope that when—not if….but when—-JODI’s conviction is overturned and she’s set free that the powers over the judge, shit-bag Martinez and the rest of his minions se fit to investigate less -than- shit -from- a- hyenas -ass fuckers —who’ve put JODI through this farce of a trial —of everything they have and made to suffer in cells with no contact with the rest of the world for the rest of their miserable, worthless, lives!!!!! FUCK YOU JUAN MARTINEZ AND THE REST OF YOUR SHIT-BAG GOON-SQUAD!!!!!!!! I hope you motherfuckers rot in hell from whence ye came!!!!!
With JM’s antics and violations he was allowed to get away with in the court room I have no doubt he could convict Mother Teresa. No one can get a fair trial as long as JM is hell bend getting you convicted and sentenced to death.
I would have choked that little motherfucker right there in the courtroom then mooned his harpy–the judge—- on national TV—-then told Habitual Liars Network to comment on that!!!!!!! 🙂
Just going to say another rosary and pray that the jury gives her life or they have questions now about giving her M1
Does anybody else find it odd that this pitiful excuse for a judge saw fit to NOT sequester the jury yet she keeps the jury questions sealed? Seems fucked up to me. The damage is already done in my opinion.
Also, that moron Vinnie said on HLN a few minutes ago that he doesn’t understand why Jodi is calling the shots about interviews. Saying she said ok to some stations and crossed out others (including HLN) WHAT THE HELL DOES HE THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN??????? Somebody is going to MAKE Jodi talk to HLN???? I am losing brain cells with the short amount of time I am watching these village idiots.
I feel like the judge lady is trying to cover her own ass. She’s pretty much acted like a substitute teacher. She reads things off of papers, tells you when you can talk and when you can’t and tells you when to go to lunch and has her class pet. It’s too late for her she embarrassed her state. If she doesn’t get her ass handed to her after this I don’t know what’s going on w the world.
BevM, It just shows how ignorant those motherfuckers are!!!!!! Please keep remaining brain cells intact, we need you. 🙂
I’m doing my best Duke
And please don’t apologize for ranting your are echoing what a lot of us feel!
Thanks!!!!! 🙂
Vinnie is a fking moron…………… He’s attorney and knows who they system works. This was Jodi’s last chance to talk to the media….. Do I agree with it, not sure,but it was her constitutional right…. and FK U HLN you fked her over and now you expect her to give you an interview… I would give you all a fking JUAN CREAM PIE…..
Don’t know how they people sleep at night….. media whores…………… They should focus on the tornado in OK…..
Please, FUJuan, don’t hold back. Tell us how you really feel.
I know, sometimes I just don’t know where to put all the anger and frustration this trial has caused.
In my life…. in how I have dealt with the anger, frustration, hate, vile , incompetent mkers is called RETAIL THERAPY…………My daughter said to me last night, this trial has to end soon so you will stop SHOPPING like a mad woman……………
yes, shop ’til you drop….lol
I know, Bev!! And these village idiots are supposedly lawyers who swore to uphold the Constitution of the Unites States. Shame on them! For shame!!
HLN was speculating day before yesterday and again yesterday that she went through and marked out their name on a list…I don’t believe their was a list…or…has anyone else heard about a list from any reliable person besides HLN…
They couldn’t think of any reason why Jodi wouldn’t interview with them…duh…we could have told them them over 1000 reasons…LOL…
Sorry but I can’t apologize for my rant, because —in all honesty—- I hate them motherfuckers —-especially Martinez, the judge, HLN, the Turd Alliance, and all the rest of the JODI-haters—–some much that my blood feels as if it’s literally boiling!
Jean C on HLN just said jury questions aren’t usually sealed. But this is Arizona.
Considering all that has transpired within the walls of that circus tent of a courtroom, it wouldn’t surprise me if it was rat-face behind the sealing of the jury questions and the joke went along with to try and cover both their shit-stained asses! ( Ps, joke was NOT a typo—- pickles is no judge by any standards)
The jury took the easy road before…it was no skin off their backs givin her M1 and wouldnt surprise me one bit if by the end they were actually angry at her for inconveniencing their lives and wanted a little revenge…now it comes down to the sentencing and suddenly this IS going to really inconvenience them…make them more uncomfortable day after day till they have to bury their consciences in alcohol to even stand it until the lie they tell themselves is firmly rooted in their brains. What comes around goes around. They should have taken their jobs seriously from the beginning.
Love it!! Well said!!!
The memory of what they have done to Jodi will slowly kill them for the rest of their mortal lives…and then they will burn in hell with their devil friends throughout eternity…
Yep…because vengence is Mine sayeth the Lord….why? Because it is HIS RIGHT. most people are not humble enough to accept that. So be it, that is their free will. Doesnt mean they are goin to avoid reality just because they couldnt accept reality. It issssss what it is. Makes me sad all in all…but it is what it is.
Another scenario: The jury’s question was: “how long do we have to keep trying? We just can’t agree.” Judge: Keep trying till the end of the day. Then if you are still undecided will declare it a hung jury.”
That would be nice because it would give courage to those holding out for Life against the bullies.
Or: Keep trying until you come back with the death penalty. I’d rather hear the term hanging judge, than hung jury.
That would be unethical ……
It’s cold and rainy here so I’m putting wood on the fire, and going to lay down for a bit~Hang in there everyone!! We hopefully will get good news this afternoon!! 😉 See you all in awhile~
You must live where I do. 🙂
Oregon, Fresh! It went from in the upper 70’s a week ago, to like upper 50″s!! All my Spring clothes, shorts, tee’s etc..are in drawers just waiting!! ;(
I live in Portland! I am freezing. I think I got spoiled from the warm streak.
I think this judge wants this jury to pick a verdict so bad so she doesn’t have to do any more work.
I still find it astounding that those going for DP can’t give in? They are so set on killing this woman that they would rather hang the jury than give in?? What kind of insanity is that???
Unbelievable. There are some true shit bags in there.
If that’s true then they bought the bad act hook, line and sinker.
Fucking morons!
Turnips have more brain cells than this jury does!!!
As everyone told me yesterday Duke, no need to apologize.
Anyways everyone, I’m going to go take a break, charge up my iPad, get some of the goodies into me that my daughter just sent me, (birthday next week). Lol, she goes to an Indian store near her & gets me spices & stuff I can’t get anywhere up here. She sent me some Tamarind Rice, (I guess it’s like freeze-dried, not exactly like I can get at the Temple, but close!!), my yearly supplies of Hemp Protein Powder & Hemp Oil; some other natural supplements, my incense…and oh goodness, my Sita is going nuts!! “Stinky Food”!!
Lol, if anyone has given their cat’s here Fancy Feast Appetizers-seafood favors-you know why I call it that!!
PLUS, a new, pretty original little toy!!
I’ll have TV on in background & will be back!!
JK and her producer reported that the same woman juror (the one that looks like Jodi’s mom) who was upset deliberating the MI verdict is now looking very defiant, arms cross and not interacting. She a 3 male jurors were spotted in the cafeteria and they did not look united. There seemed to be a distance between them.
Well, it is an interesting observation.
You know, I said a while ago if she got convicted of 1st degree murder we should all just get together, buy an island and move there together because the inmates are running the asylum. Only thing is we’d be leaving Jodi behind in their hands and at their mercy (which we know they have none.) But insanity is definitely ruling…
I remember you saying that bc I always used to say I wanted to buy an island where I could decide who lived on it.
We’d have to take Jodi out. Maybe if we say we want to interview her outside the judge will get confused and we’ll just take her away bc the judge is an idiot.
I know I must seem so naive and I am when it comes to the law. But this doesn’t seem that it even deserved to be a DP case to begin w. It seems so simple to me.
My verdict for Jodi is Life wo the possibility of returning to AZ
That is a verdict we ALL would endorse!!!!!
^5 Danielle!!!
Amen, Danielle, Amen!!!!!
A ‘life without the possibility of returning to Arizona’ would be my dream too. It is a shame, because Arizona is such a beautiful state.
Yikes! I’m going to be mighty lonely here!
Count me in Danielle!
Yes, this case was way overcharged. It was a classic domestic violence case, ending in death, in this case of the perpetrator. For people who have been lucky never to experience or observe dv, it might be difficult to understand, but anyone who has gone through that, or observed someone else go through dv, this is a classic example of dv, which came to an unexpected and abrupt end, before ‘ I hate him, I need to get away from him’ phase kicked in.
There is a new page to get to it you return to the top of the page and home just incase you do not know this
I am googling about hung jury in Maricopa County, Arizona and I found this…
This statement is in the third paragraph in the link below…
[quote]The Maricopa County (Arizona) Superior
Court was chosen because of an innovative
procedure there that permits judges to allow
further evidence and arguments when a jury
reports it is deadlocked.[quote]
This may have been talked about already but I finally saw Ryan Owens’ interview with Jodi today and when she called him a hater I DIED with laughter at his reaction. Priceless! She called him on the carpet and the fucking nerd couldn’t EVEN look her in the face to deny it!!! That mother fucker. Go Jodi!
I bet that jerk prematurely ejaculated on himself when she agreed to the interview with him. I got your back Jodi – how I wish I could be in AZ for you so you know we are all in your corner.
What’s this? Sheriff says no more interviews for jodi?? They are scared the truth will come out. I firmly believe she is covering for someone or she was framed.
Maria are you here?
Did you get Sirlips and my offer to get your postcards to Jodi while she’s still at this jail? I’ve been looking at the other jail she may go to and I think I found the mail link so I think she can get more if she goes to this prison. http://www.azcorrections.gov/Policies/900/0914.pdf
But, I’m not sure. I’m sure SJ will tell us if she is moved and how to write to her and I think we may be able to send her things if this link is correct.
If anyone overseas has problems getting postcards to Jodi while she’s in this jail I don’t mind if you send them to me and I can send them on to Jodi. But, we just don’t know how long she’s going to be at this jail.
But, I would love to help send her positive messages!
I just watched this legal drama where they were trying to cherry pick a jury and the lawyer said to her client ‘It’s all about perception, not evidence. The truth doesn’t matter.’ HELL TO THE YEAH!!! That’s the best description for this dog and pony show that I’ve heard yet!!
It feels like it’s time for something to happen.
I think you are correct.. I just read that two gurads and the attorney are looking at the courthouse map… Maybe they are getting together a plan to move Jodi…
Chris Williams @chriswnews 8m
A court security guard opened #JodiArias ctroom door. Told media standing, “nothing is happening, go sit down” then closed door
JM just arrived, so did Deanna.
What is she doing there? Has she nothing else to do?
I am very disturbed at the non fair trial this girl has been given. When I listen to her talk, I know she desperately wants to defend herself and she knows she can’t. I am so sick of hearing how she is rude, and this and that. She IS NOT RUDE. People like Juan and that “hater” reporter come at her with snide remarks, tones, etc. and she answers them WAY NICER than I would or she even has to, and they call her disrespectful? It reminds of when my mom was horribly mean to me and said things to me growing up that were so off base and then when I even dare stick up for myself I was the disobedient child. This woman couldn’t get a fair trial and I am sure the appeals are going to be thru the roof. Martinez, though I decent lawyer was so bullying if I were the jury I would have been scared of sticking up for myself or Jodi too. I even find myself deleting people off my FB who barely watch the trial and start talking shit about her. It drives me bonkers. I can imagine being scared. It really is like the Salem Witch Trials…poor Jodi. I believe if anything she snapped in a fit of scared rage, and there is nothing she will ever be able to prove. 🙁
I just got home. What is happening!
Now 50 minutes have passed since HLN live blog mentioned the court reporter being summoned.
Definitely not just a “question”!
Geez, I hate HLN! They’re reporting that Jodi is very upset……why? What happened?
Crap. I wanted life for her so badly. But who knows what good will come out of it. What kind of prison will she be in until the next jury gets to decide? Under what kind of conditions will she live there?
I think she stays in jail, you aren’t moved into a prison until you are sentenced.
Now will we do the WHOLE trial over? does the 1st degree still stand?
Just the penalty phase.
YESSS!!! Jodi we love you and be strong!!! Thankyou to the jurors who had the courage to stand your ground !
I am so happy to see Jodi FINALLY get a break ! Thank you Blessed Mother,,,, for your intervention ! Stay strong Jodi… you are almost there! Thank you everyone for standing behind our GIRL!!! God Bless her. Take that!!! nancy Disgrace, and all you demons on HLN!!!!!
Mistrial! No Verdict! is better than what we have been getting. This is a first step to what is right!
This is what I’m afraid of…that the State will possibly offer life without parole as long as she gives up her right to appeal. I don’t want to see her do that.
I hope not. She needs an attorney in there to point out all that went wrong in that trial. Then the defense can offer Jodi’s freedom so America doesn’t go through with suing Martinez, the judge, maybe jurors, detective.
Let’s pray that a very, very good atty. comes forward to take her case….. she needs better representation. Poor Jodi has been through absolute HELL!!!!
Whoa. So we start this phase all over again in two months? So much for a speedy trial. Jodi will get time served when the new jury comes back with a verdict of LIFE.
Amen! Slow yes better than fast no! U get another chance! Hallelujah! I’m so happy! But what’s next!!!!???? What should we expect? New defense attorneys or same? Will she get fair jury trial for this phase! Still praying! Hang in there Jodi! God is in control! Get on your knees every chance u can! I’m happy that someone(s) was smart! Thank God! I send ya another post card! Love and prayers for u all!
Again, I am amazed that some assholes were so hellbent on killing her that they would rather hang the jury (and continue putting everyone through more of this), than to give in to life. Un-friggin’-believable!
I think Jodi just wanted it to be over, no matter what.
Jodi looks so upset and disappointed. This must be hell for her, she’s stuck in limbo until a verdict comes in. She needs a decision before she can start appealing. Please don’t take LWOP and give up your appeal rights! DO NOT make a deal with JM!!! Hang in there, sweetie!!
I think we’re on the wrong page, folks…we need to be over on the afternoon page…(I don’t know how I ended up back here and was wondering where everybody went…)
Are we?… how do we get there?
I have a question…..during this second trial for sentencing can new evidence be introduced….example, can they bring in a crime scene expert to explain the struggle that took place for her Life vs. Death defense? that is one of the major things that bugs me about her defense team….how the fuck could the defense not have had a major expert explain the scene….bc im NO EXPERT lol and I can def see issues with what the prosecution is saying….from the blood in the sink…which is clearly blood from his head or nose since he did not have any wounds to his lungs etc….even the wounds on his back….those angels they were made in???? SHE WAS NOT STABING HIM FROM BEHIND and straight at him!!!! she was def reaching around his back from the front…either he was on top of her on the floor or pushed up against a wall and she was reaching around his back…….uggggg this poor girl got railroaded BIG TIME….she is right, she is responible bc of the choices she made leading up to it, but that is something she will have to deal with all her life and is ENOUGH….however….death or life??/ NO WAY!!!!