
The Key Players That Bastardized Jodi’s Case & Trial

A Post by Pandora:

Damn! When Karma gets to work she takes her job preee-tty seriously – contrary to 90% of the key players in Jodi’s trial!

Let’s see… In less than 3 months corruption, unethical behavior, illegal actions have been ringing around the names of individuals that took part in Jodi’s case.

It seems that Lady Justice fell asleep when the people surrounding Jodi’s trial and future were being assigned. I guess that most of them were picked out of the sack of degenerates & morons.

1> The INFAMOUS Juan Martinez: a corrupted, abusive, self-centered prosecutor that has the m.o. ‘win at all costs, no matter what’. His destruction of justice was well known in the judicial society way before Jodi’s case. He has ruined many lives and corrupted many trials. For what, you ask? For electoral reasons. He wanted to go straight to the top and you know what that means? Win win win… doesn’t matter how… just win. He got away with corruption for many years but I guess Karma hit Lady Justice upside the head and they are both working together now to fix this problem named ‘Juan Martinez’.  And by ‘fix’ I mean neutering him so he won’t ever be dangerous to society again. SNIP SNIP.

Kermit - Jodi Arias is Innocent -com

2> The INFAMOUS Kirk Nurmi: Every day that passes I’m more definite that he paid to get his diploma and license. It’s impossible that this sort of sloppiness and incompetence comes in time. He never cared about his client. He never cared about his job. All through the trial, he tried to make it more dramatical while keeping notes for his future book that he already planned to write (“Hey! Why not become rich like Jose Baez by writing a book about the case?” NEWSFLASH Nurmi!: Baez’s client was acquitted! She actually agreed and permitted him to write the damn book!). His ultimate goal was money. It feels sweet and cozy when lining ones pockets BUT I’m guessing that Nurmi will also taste the bitterness of paying it back. CHA-CHING.

Kirk Nurmi 5-3 Defense Closing 1 - Jodi Arias is Innocent - com

3> The INFAMOUS Joe Arpaio: He thought he was god! He thought he was above the law. He thought that the law didn’t apply to him because he ‘was the law’. He thought that he could step on human rights and treat people like shit because of their race and religion. Well, it’s been a long time coming and this should have happened decades ago but better late than never: His shiny law-proof star was stripped off him. There’s a new sheriff in town. Arpaio will be the luckiest person on the face of the earth if he doesn’t live the rest of his life behind bars paying for the pain and suffering he has caused hundreds and hundreds of lives (and their families too). The tyrant has fallen. WHIP-WHIP.

Joe Arpaio

4> The INFAMOUS Norman Wade: A thief, liar, corrupted, deceptive bastard. The incompetence of the Maricopa County police department is startling. How the hell does one NOT do a background check on future employees before hiring them?!!! His long rap sheet of illegal activities was pretty hard to miss. Didn’t they ask for references before hiring him? Did they just rely on his own words? It’s not as if they were hiring berry pickers, ffs! He was known as the ‘YES MAN’ fucker for the D.A.’s office! A professional liar and con! Yes, one can say that he only put his signature on Kevin Horn’s autopsy report in Jodi’s case (which later on we all found out that it had ‘typos’ in it) but as the chief director of the medical examiner’s office, he should have been doing much more than only signing off documents. He should actually have been reviewing them and ‘catching’ the ‘typos’. Especially since he’s being paid a six digit number a year for that position! IMO, he was just another ‘YES MAN’ for Juan Martinez.


Besides these 4 DECADENTS we must never forget:

The INFAMOUS Esteban Flores’ unqualified, sloppy and pathetic detective work. He destroyed evidence not because he was smart enough to do so but because he was and is plain and simply stupid. And his rank of stupidness was so high that he actually allowed his bimbo wife to make him a fool on social media by disclosing information concerning Jodi’s case while it was on trial. Unethical and biased. It cost him his detective position and we’re all thankful for that because if he still worked as a detective he would have ruined future crime scenes and evidence. No doubt about it!

Gloria Esteban - Jodi Arias is Innocent -com

The INFAMOUS Kevin Horn’s ‘typo’. What was mostly disturbing about this is the way he brushed this ‘typo’ off as if he had made a spelling mistake. He tried to charm it into a ‘not a biggie’ by blushing and smiling on the stand/ under oath. I’m really wondering if he actually acknowledges the seriousness of his ‘typo’. It changed the whole dynamics of the case.

Dr Horn - Jodi Arias is Innocent -com

The INFAMOUS Janeen DeMarte. She was the most unskilled, ignorant, amateur of them all. Very dangerous, IMO. Her arrogance, sarcasm, hostility and selective memory was a showcase of her lack of integrity. These trades are a signature for destruction – especially when it comes to other people’s lives. I’m sure in the near future she’ll also make front page and not in an honorable way! Mark my words.

Juan Martinez & Janeen DeMarte 4-16

The INFAMOUS Judge Sherry Stephens. The most incompetent judge of all times. She let everyone else run her courtroom except for herself! She was clueless, ruling for the prosecution and far from being fair. She turned her courtroom into a circus making a mock of the USA judicial system. She should take off her robe and burn it. IDK if in other types of court trials she was a booming judge BUT in criminal court?…  a literal failure. I seriously can’t understand her sense of justice and judgement.

Judge Pickles secret coded message to Juan Martinez

i.e. If you were a judge in a case where a woman stabbed 2 children between the ages of 12-14 and although the children survived, what would you sentence this woman to? This is the story in a nutshell: “”A woman accused of stabbing two children in a Phoenix home in December 2014 was sentenced Thursday to five years and nine months in prison. Brenda Begay, 40, pleaded guilty Aug. 5 to attempted child abuse and aggravated assault. She was sentenced by Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Sherry Stephens.”

What are her standards? Is it fair to slap one with 5 yrs and 9 months for abusing and attempted murder of two children BUT slap an abused woman that killed her abuser in self-defense with LWOP?! I don’t get it. I seriously don’t get it!

The way Karma and Lady Justice are working, I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of the key players in Jodi’s trial. I’m just glad that the media circus is not trying to cover up these corruptions because matter of fact is that it certainly doesn’t fit their agenda against Jodi. Contrary, it validates what we have been saying from the get-go: JODI ARIAS NEVER GOT A FAIR TRIAL.

I personally would like to thank Jennifer Willmott for being professional during and after Jodi’s trial. Jennifer is actually one of the few people in Jodi’s trial that took her job seriously, was responsible and dedicated to her client. She did her best and while people are trying to defend Nurmi by saying that he saved Jodi from the death penalty, I will disagree with them and say it was Ms Willmott and juror 17 that did it! Not Nurmi!

Jodi Arias & Jennifer Willmott - April 9th 2013

I also must give recognition to Maria DeLaRosa for a job well done. She took a lot of beatings and was severely scrutinized during and after the trial by the media, the bloggers, the sheeple, the haters and even by the prosecution. She stood her ground and continued to do her job.

So, stay tuned because something tells me that we will soon be hearing more about the corruption that circled Jodi Arias’ trial.

And don’t forget: WE ARE TEAM JODI AND WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS (it just comes in sweet waves of small victories until the big one will be accomplished :mrgreen:

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Thanks to Pandora for an awesome post.

UPDATE: The JAA Appellate Fund total currently stands at $104,853.42 — so let’s be sure to keep the momentum rolling, so the fund total can push on towards the ultimate target of $250,000. That in turn will help towards covering all the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction.

All donations via go directly to the fund. It is also the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – they continue to steal money from Jodi’s future – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them.

And remember… each day that passes takes us one day closer to Jodi’s release date…

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious

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If you missed any of our previous posts, click on the links below:

Kirk Nurmi – disbarred at last…
State Bar puts Martinez on probation for professional misconduct

My Truth: I Am Jodi Arias’s Mother – (An interview with Sandy Arias)

The JAA Appellate Fund – Reporting Resumes!

“The Palm Print, Blood & DNA”: (Quotes from Kermit’s Book) Part 2
The Missing Memory Card & Bathroom Photographs

“The Camera & Photos”: (Quotes from Kermit’s Book) Part 1
Kirk Nurmi’s Book: Part 1 of 3 (full transcript)
The Mysterious Boot Print (revisited)

It’s Kermit v Nurmi in the battle of the BS books
Jodi Arias – “Chandelier” – the mini-movie
Child Porn & The Joy of Executions
“ALEXSCAMMERS, this one’s for you… my compliments” – (by Jade)

“Monumental Incompetence” (a post by Jade)

Today’s BS Hearing, 6/22
   —   The Mysterious Stench of Decomp & BS
My Reply To Kirk Nurmi’s BS
  —   Survivor Day – June 4th – Celebrate The Day!
Sky Hughes – Email Exchange r.e. TA’s Pedo Antics (June 2010)
Chris Hughes – Liar & Pedo-Hugger (trial testimony from 2013)
TA’s Pedophile Letter Handwriting Comparison – (Part 2)
TA’s Pedophile Letter to Jodi Arias – (Part 1)
The Jodi Arias Verdict: My Thoughts On “Pedo-Huggers United”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In the meantime…


Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Prepare for it.

Leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias


  1. Thank you Karma we waited knowing you would show up only time will tell takes time we can wait till hell freezes over

  2. Pandora…WOW…tell it like it is and no holds barred. Odd how two wrote the same book,a det. faked a shelf tilt for his rat boss.a coroner has a boss that may be far worse then him,a woman??? I think? was the most vile thing in that so called trial as it went out of it’s way to do harm ( see Dr’s oath). One thing to speak the truth but another to lie for a payday as it did. A judge …really a judge??? Can any idiot become one in az.? Seems so ..but then children in az. are not safe from the …LAW. Speaking of joe and his big head and small mind….all he ever needed was a tree,rope, and victims….mr. lynch. Time is on Our side as one by one the cracks do appear. Pan You spoke such truth on t-dogs memory…as tas loves the money it brings. We hold Jodi in Our hearts and work for Her always as We work for justice for all. A person wronged is a threat to us all. This Christmas send Our friend a card or letter and ask Her what You can do ….to make Our world a better place…I,ve sent mine this day and did it with a smile as that’s what She does for those Who take the time to know Her. We will never give up on Her….Thank You Pandora , You are the best!

    • I read an article prior to the elections in Arizona, which discussed how a woman running for justice of the peace did not even have a law degree, nor was she required to have one.
      And part of her job would entail charging people with misdemeanors, which I assume means someone will go to jail.

      I haven’t checked on the election result, but I’m pretty sure she ran unopposed, so she probably will be justice of the peace. She had succeeded in keeping her opponent from running because she contested the amount of signatures he had which fell just under the required amount. ( Her opponent did have a law degree .)

      I’m pretty sure the county was Maricopa County.
      There probably aren’t as many places like Maricopa County which will allow such under-qualified people to hold positions of such power that they can take away a person’s freedom.

      ….. Yes, great post Pandora.

      And these people had the whole ‘world’ watching; imagine what they do and get away with when no one is looking.

      I hope Juan Martinez’s appeal hearing will take place before the end of the year. I think a lot of judges are disgusted with him, and have been way before Jodi’s trial. If he loses his appeal, he can get more serious sanctions imposed. And apparently he has to appeal because no judge has yet ruled on the complaint against him regarding his book, and if he loses his appeal, a ruling against him will result in more severe charges because of his suspension.

      Even though Martinez hides behind the fact that he received his boss’ permission to write it, I don’t think that will be good enough for the bar. I think the people who have the most say-so are fed up with him.

      And I hope Jodi’s lawyers can formally complain about the outright lies in his book. Even though it appears like he simply rehashed the facts of the trial, that was not so. He actually lied about important facts evidence, and twisted many meanings.

      So many of Martinez’s admirers are unaware of the fact that he used a ghost writer.
      He has not publicly acknowledged that, nor has he credited her in the book.
      That shows a real lack of integrity.

      Also, I think Martinez will get in trouble for his book because the legal community will not want his actions to set a precedent and open the door for other lawyers to write books before all appeals are exhausted.

      • Hi Amy,

        Regarding JM, I thought the same thing on another thread. If Nurmi violated the client/attorney relationship… doesn’t the same principle apply to a prosecutor who may have tainted an appeal? I am assuming there may be different ground rules for each side of the table. Hopefully, a judgment won’t take so long that any money that comes from it would not benefit Jodi’s appeal and/or her family.

        • I definitely think he tainted future appeals and a retrial. I think it is likely Jodi will not have to wait a very long time to receive money from a lawsuit against Nurmi.
          If a prosecutor writes such a book for profit and fame, then one unavoidably has to question whether he wanted to be fair in the trial, because a book will obviously sell best if he can try to portray the defendant as a villain. There is an inherent conflict of interests.

        • Hi Pandora! Thank you. I was actually just about to post that I like the new picture of you that you put up!

  3. Great post Pandora, why stop there’s plenty more on this long list???!!!!
    ♥ ((((((Pan))))) ♥


  4. WOW!!! great post Pandora. I think Jade has some competition for telling it LIKE IT IS!! Too bad we can’t put this on the national news or 48 hours and drop one on AZ for a change. I would be flat out EMBARRASSED if I lived in this county with these lunchboxes working for me and using my tax dollars. I would also love to know how Jodi is taking all this in… nothing like a little early xmas gift 🙂

    It does seem Karma got stuck in some really bad traffic but finally made it to it’s destination. It’s funny how the truth ALWAYS DOES!!!

    As always, more $ is on the way!!!!

      • Correct, Lance. He got booted from detective and now is doing desk work (I think).

        Thankfully he wasn’t put on a school crossing road spot because knowing how stupid he is, the children would have been in great danger while crossing the street!

        • He wasn’t’ demoted. He is now the Public Information Officer( PIO ) and serves as the official spokesperson for the Police Department. He handles all requests for information from both the media and the public. It’s considered an executive position.

          • Hi Deb,

            I stand corrected. I had heard demoted. I can’t understand how somebody gets promoted who fucked up a laptop as potential evidence, misstated witness accounts and other things gets a PROMOTION???

  5. Hi folks!
    We had an unexpected error with the website yesterday, so we ultimately decided to fix it by updating the website with a brand new design. Everything is now fully operational again – plus the new site can also be accessed on your PC, phone, tablet or laptop.


    Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

    • My sweet SJ, awesome job!!!! And thank you for taming that annoying menu bar that followed us while scrolling down! As I told you ‘Pouty’ was not impressed but she is now very very satisfied! 😀

      JAII is here for the long haul! We ain’t going anywhere as long as Jodi’s still behind bars. The day she walks out of that prison is the day we will have finished our job here! 😉 (and yeah, I’m not tripping… Jodi WILL walk free one day: too many fuck-ups in the trial to allow her sentence to stand!)

      • Absolutely Pandora! Jodi will definitely walk free one day. And, until that day comes, we’ll be here, all the way! 🙂

  6. A think to jodi in jail.
    I was very suprize to learn this story is the reality. I m french and i saw the film Jalouise maladive. I think jodi would stop this bad relation. Travis don’t want her for wife. He use her for only sex. She is in love and he use her. He wasn’t a good man. But it wasn’t a good idea to kill him. She is in jail now. What is she believe ?
    I hate this sort of man who use the people.
    I hope god save Jodi.

  7. Hi Clotilde. I don’t’ know what the French title of the movie you mention means. I assume it refers to jealousy?

    If you mean Jodi was jealous, she wasn’t. Although Travis did exploit her for sex, as far as I know he did seriously discuss marriage with her, he did admire her, and he was interested in her as a person. Also, he was able to share with her aspects and dimensions of himself that he had to hide from the very conservative, and in my opinion very misogynistic Mormon community. That he could do this showed that he TRUSTED her. He would not have trusted her unless he had esteem and respect for her.

    I’m not saying he didn’t use her; he did. But I’m clarifying this by stating that she was important to Travis for many reasons. He DID want her in his life because he enjoyed talking to her and spending time with her.

    That is obvious and undeniable when one considers the enormous amount of communication between the two. So, to Travis, Jodi was someone he wanted to know and be close to.

    I believe Travis did love her even though he was attracted to other women. The two are not mutually exclusive.

    In fact, as far as I know, the prosecutor’s psychologist who evaluated Jodi, said in court that she believed Travis loved Jodi.

    Even in our modern times, there is still more prejudice against women than men. And a lot of this prejudice comes from women directed against women.
    By this I mean that the world tends to look down upon the exploited much more than the exploiter.

    Instead, the misogynistic view prevails that a woman’s worth is based upon what a man thinks she is worth, more specifically whether he chooses to marry her.

    Many of Jodi’s detractors are mired in this unjust and unwarranted conclusion. So many actually refer to Jodi’s genitals on a daily basis. They both consciously and unconsciously fault and ridicule a woman for her sexuality and resent that any man would be attracted to a woman he considers sexy, as if that is something the woman is to be condemned for, as if that means the woman is ‘manipulative,’ or trying to ‘get’ something’ from a man, when in actuality it is the case that the man wants to be with her of his own free will. The woman is actually demonized in an ultra conservative culture.

    Travis was hardly criticized at all for his betrayal of his ethical obligation to his role as a kind of ‘priest.’ Also, as far as I know, no woman in the Mormon culture can baptize another person. But this slight against women occurs in most every organized religion.

    There is a lot of literature that explains the dynamics of domestic abuse and why a woman stays. And currently the more apt question is rightly putting the onus on the man: “Why does he do what he does?” ( Of course men can be victims of abuse also.)

    The most important point to address in your post is why Jodi killed Travis. The answer is that she killed him in self-defense. She had no choice because Travis was intent upon killing her.

    I don’t know if any or much of your knowledge of the case comes from movies, books, or tabloid media reporting about Jodi. The fact is they don’t adequately or honestly present the truth about the case.

    I think by ‘God save her,’ you mean you hope she will have peace, happiness and a better future.

    I hope she will also; she deserves it.

    ( I’m sorry my post isn’t better written, but I think my meaning comes across.)

    • Amy, perfectly said! THANK YOU!

      And you’re so right about how Jodi was scrutinized for her sexuality. And how she was body shamed over and over and over (and still is) because she took nude pictures. I don’t hear anyone commenting about travis and his ‘ding-dong’ hanging out there! But hey! It’s ok for a man to take nude pics. Isn’t it? Sheesh! 🙄 Or do we keep it hush hush because he’s dead? SMH. They BOTH took the pics together. If people are going to accuse Jodi for being a whore because of those pics, then they are accusing travis of being a whore too! Simple as that.

      And just to be correct: travis is the one that was whoring around behind Jodi’s back from the get-go of their relationship. NOT Jodi. I’m seriously shocked that Jodi didn’t catch any STDs from travis! She’s a lucky woman!

      • Absolutely Pandora. First, nice picture…. Beautiful!

        We haven’t even brought up the fact that many of Jodi’s appearances are a result of Travis’s fetishes, such as spider man, pigtails, etc.
        I want to tell Jodi that people in love have been doing things like this since the beginning of time.. we just don’t expect them to be put on a projector in a court room. I may have been one of the few men who was actually jealous of Travis because I wanted to be in the picture with Jodi 🙂 (I’m blushing!).
        I would imagine Jodi is thankful Travis didn’t give her one of those “gifts that keeps on giving” as they say in the streets. Also, I have often thought of what would have happened had Jodi become pregnant with his child.

  8. The updated new design of website really looks good. I especially like the index numerals (1 to 12) on the Recent Comments section. It seems easy to get back to the listing & select the next comment to read. Of course the listings ratchet down to next number position as new comments come in, like this one should go to #1, I think.

    • I too love our new look! And am very happy that SJ fixed the top menu bar and prevented it from following us (as we scrolled down) like a fucking stalker! It was so annoying! 😀 😀 😀

      I guess some will be unhappy knowing that we’re here for the long haul. I heard through the grapevine that many were cheering that JAII was down for good! Not only is JAII up and running BUT it’s new and improved!

  9. This is interesting, saw it on One America News about reliability of cellphone tower evidence in courts. So I googled: “Connecticut Supreme Court challenges use of cellphone tower evidence.” I got several links,
    …This type of evidence has been used on many, many criminal cases to convict (possibly innocent) defendants, but perhaps it is “JUNK SCIENCE.” The link says that you could be sitting in your living room & make 4 calls on your cellphone & each call may use a different tower. It depends on the available signal as to what tower it will use, not the distance from the tower.
    …If the Connecticut Supreme Court rules that this is “JUNK SCIENCE” & then it may be “junk science” in all states.
    …I was wondering if the police used this “junk science” cell phone tower tracking information in the JODI ARIAS case in order to argue that Jodi was, or was not, in a certain place at a certain time to “accuse her of lying.” …I remember she did not use her phone the whole trip but at some points she did. Wouldn’t it be something if the police possible used this “junk science” & now have it used to DISCREDIT the police investigation of Jodi Arias, and be used to help Jodi if there is an appeal.

    • This is very interesting. Police use this tactic all over the country to track suspects or people of interest who may have used their cell phone near a crime scene. The First 48 show on A&E has hundreds of episodes where this tool is used. I have been under the assumption that this was an accepted law enforcement tool and that it was quite reliable.
      In Jodi’s case, Jodi was vilified because her phone went dead naturally during her trip because she couldn’t locate her charger at the time. Apparently, Travis’s call occurred before this in which he was able to “guilt” her into detouring to AZ to see him before moving on to Ryan’s home in Utah. The fact that this was a phone conversation and not a text conversation(since she is driving obviously) became a problem because law enforcement can’t verify verbal conversations.. they can only verify the call itself. Therefore, once again, Jodi’s account was the only account of what was said.
      I will continue to say as I have in other threads that the date-stamped pictures that Jodi says exist on the second hard drive which show her and her sister at the Buddhist monastery during the burglary of her grandparents home WILL DESTROY the state’s case because of the tremendous weight they placed on the “premeditation” aspect of her trip.

  10. Hey Everybody,

    Good to see JAII is back up and looking REALLY COOL!!! For a day, I thought Jade had been hacked by the Russians :)… hell they are hacking everybody else these days!!! (I know bad joke.. kind of like the AZ justice system!). I will be here all minute!

    I think Amy makes several good points… first, the info put out by media, tabloids, etc really only follows the prosecution side of the case and doesn’t address THE WHOLE STORY as we know it. A perfect example is that B.S. ” Murder Made Me Famous” tabloid show that still had Jodi stabbing Travis in the shower and shooting him in the head on the floor … NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Also, Jodi has stated on several occasions that practically all of the compromising photos were TRAVIS’s idea, not hers. She had stated that she had never done that with ANY previous boyfriends
    Travis may have loved her and may have respected her but the ONLY thing that matters in this whole story is what happened in that bathroom and even in the downstairs office beforehand was NOT LOVE or RESPECT!
    As I was writing this, I was trying really hard to not crap on a dead man, but facts are facts. He WAS a pedophile, womanizer, abuser, misogynist and narcissist. I didn’t even mention that he was BROKE!!! Even Sky Hughes saw this although she decided to stay on her ex-husband’s side when 48 Hours came calling. Whether or not, he didn’t want to be these things doesn’t change the fact that he was these things.
    BTW, little program note for anybody who is curious, REELZ channel has put out some new episodes of related material to “made me famous”… it’s SCANDAL made me famous and the first episode is guess who?… Casey Anthony and they interview everybody’s favorite defense attorney, Jose Baez. This guy is GOOD!!!!!

  11. Bonjour Amy,

    The title of the movie is : Jalousie maladive.
    i m agree with you. jodi wasn’t jealous.
    Je suis d”accord avec toi pour dire que le titre ne correspond pas à l’histoire.
    Cette histoire ne parle pas de jalousie maladive. Plus d’une addiction a une relation.
    Le titre en anglais est plus parlant.
    Je suis désolée mais je suis chrétienne et je ne connais pas la communauté mormon. Je ne peux avoir un avis.
    Il y a de grandes différences entre l’histoire et le film. exemples : pédophilie, les explications dans leurs relations, ce qu’il s’est véritablement passé pendant le meurtre de travis etc
    Je suis désolée mais je ne suis pas assez excellente en anglais pour tout comprendre.
    En ce qui concerne leur relation. Elle me parle car j’ai été dans des relations destructrices.
    Je finissais pas dire que j’espère que Dieu la sauvera pour sa vie future si elle arrive a en avoir une, ou bien après sa vie pour éviter l’enfer.

    • Hi Clotilde,

      Click on the hyperlink from Justus’s entry above from the J4J wiki site which breaks down the case in easy to read and understand arguments and facts. This is what really convinced me. I am sure it will convince you.

  12. Hi Clotilde. Thank you for responding.

    You seem very sympathetic to Jodi’s plight, but I’m uncertain if you believe she acted in self-defense. What do you believe?

    I am certain Jodi acted in self-defense.

  13. Its sad but true, these are the facts No one imprisons people as readily, or casually, as does America. As you learn more about America’s horrifying legal system, you find out how easily and carelessly America arrests people, and tosses innocent people into prison. It is estimated that America has at least 100,000 completely innocent people in jail, but the statistics of innocence may well run far higher. The number of people known to be innocent, and yet who were actually sentenced to death in recent years in America, is already running into the hundreds. I live in Canada and currently studying laws and the legal system of various countries…so many lives destroyed all in the name of corruption and politics

    • Yes, Janet you are correct. I’m an American and it is absolutely true what you say about America’s legal system and criminal justice system being horrifying.
      I don’t know about statistics, but America ‘throws away’ people who are innocent or guilty.
      America treats life like it is cheap. I don’t know if any other countries put the word ‘God’ on their currency. Doing that says a lot.
      Like you say, so much of it is about politics and corruption _ careers, power and ego trips, greed for money. Also the culture has a sadistic streak in it and many people righteously cite the bible as an excuse to be cruel and vengeful and rationalize the death penalty.
      An author whose name I don’t remember said America is the only country where it is a crime to be poor.

      So-called justice in America is very dependent upon who has enough money.

      Dangers to freedom are everywhere and increasing, but the average American is mostly unaware of it, and they are mostly unaware of how corrupt and vicious the legal and criminal justice system is.

      All of this horror easily hides in plain sight because the average American doesn’t focus on or explore what doesn’t affect them.

      When I was growing up we heard tales about how bad Russia was. What is the comparison now?

      Even the guarantee of free speech is vanishing but many Americans are not aware of that either.

      If Jodi had money she would have been out on bail and better able to prepare her defense. She would have been spared her creepy defense lawyer who listened to the jail’s recorded phone conversations she had with people.

      Much of America lacks compassion. What is it’s culture most about? “Success.”

  14. Hi Lance Thank you for your hyperlink

    Hi Amy If i write on this site it’s because i support this girl.
    J’espere qu’elle va bien et qu’elle s’en sortira.
    But for the murder i don t kwow if she acted in self defense.
    i don t know what happen ?
    i Wonder if it’s right or not.

    • Hi Clotilde. I’m glad you support Jodi; I thought you did.
      There is an enormous amount of information about this case on this site that can help you form your opinion. There are many documents and archived posts that discuss the case.

    • Hi Clotilde,

      You are very welcome!
      I can almost assure you that your opinion of this case will likely change after you read all of the excellent literature and arguments by Jade and others on this site. I have only been here since September but it didn’t take much for me to see how the hyperlink and Jade’s Justice Denied posts are an EXCELLENT synopsis of the crucial issues of this case and even presents both sides of every argument which he then is able to punch holes in time after time. I have stated many times that I consider myself a very-open minded individual and this site allows you to be open-minded. The fact that Jodi was of limited means and was not able to afford a high-priced attorney who could bring in their own forensic and computer experts to assist in her defense left so much information “off the table” which would have very likely changed the trajectory of this case. As Amy, I am also an American living on the east coast who did not watch her trial because I was job searching and then working. As much as we all treasure the rule of law here, we also know that it is flawed because it relies on US as our own peers to decide another’s fate based on what is presented to us by a prosecuting team which may also be flawed in how it was obtained or handled and possibly how it was analyzed.

  15. As Jodi did say …if You don,t believe Me then believe him…and why not believe the evidence of the photos of the wounds…no explanation by the haters or the state can explain how other then self defense did they get there. They have wild theories but when played out never stand up to reason…”well She could use Her right hand”…in a fight for ones life I,m sure You would not think to do that as time is limited and ask any in a real all out fight …did You think much or did You react. Just do the back wounds from the right side with Your right hand and see the very odd angle with little power. It must be done with fingers down or a lot of flex. Facts do work rather well as hate blinds many…..and Thanks for the new sites look…took awhile for this luddite….LOL.

  16. We must all ask the haters how does She …TRACE water and shades in the Amazing drawing of PURPLE LILY….they should know as they know all or make it up. Odd how twice the 1 st. jury was so sure of guilt then 4 could not do what demanded by the loud mouthed mob….and twice they were under threat as the cult of travis just had to get their vile way…even one in the 2 nd. jury did say she screamed at no. 17….was that juror 6? What is wrong with these folks that must get their way above all else. Who would ever help such vile trash….now some think to jail folks who burn a flag for ANY reason…trust Me no man ever died for a flag…NONE , many other good reasons but not a flag. And yet not one of these so called Americans speaks of what to do to they who fly a flag of TREASON that cost America some 6,000,000 souls because some think it was their right to own people. As flags go the stars n bars is rather a beautiful flag but never forget the hate and evil deeds it brought to America. To wear it shows true disrespect for all….and for ANY state to fly it shows TREASON. Take Texas w/o America they would be called ….Mexico! Didn’t do so well on their own did they , then they betrayed their new home…makes You wonder… So lets show the haters of this world they will never win and will be held accountable for their actions Real Americans would never hide behind a flag or use it to gain. Jodi loves Her nation more then all the haters ever will. To be born American is never enough ,one must believe in America….

  17. Great post Pandora! Jodi’s trial was too much of a circus to allow her sentence to stand. Also, loving the new JAII design! 🙂

  18. This is not about Jodi but it’s about Domestic Violence. A college football player (Joe Mixon) punched a woman in the face. There’s a video for it. It’s sickening! Any guy that ever hits a woman is a POS. There’s no excuse for it! Ever.

    • Hey JD,

      This was actually an assault and battery case. This occurred in a local bar in Oklahoma if I am not mistaken. Apparently, the woman became upset when Mixon leaned over her to reach the bar and said something inappropriate. Mixon reacted very poorly obviously.

      • Hey Lance, Did you see the video? It was brutal. There was no audio. She actually pushed him and then he hit her. The video is 3 minutes long. After he hits her, he walks out and the rest of the time is people helping trying to get her to her feet. They were actually at a table. It doesn’t give him the right to hit her. Just walk away. I don’t understand how any guy could ever hit a woman. It makes me sick. The good thing is he’s gonna lose a lot of $$$. He has 1st round talent but hopefully he won’t get drafted since there’s video. Tyreek Hill of KC Chiefs was drafted in 5th round and he has 1st round talent. He hit his pregnant gf but no video. I think your right about it being in Oklahoma. He’s a running back for the Sooners.

        • Yeah, ESPN did an article on him as they released the video. I was mistaken in that it was a sandwich shop, not a bar. I remember Mixon saying that she said something inappropriate to him after he bumped her at the counter while retrieving an order I believe. Mixon could have done almost anything else in that situation.. i.e. verbal name calling, etc. and walked away. He chose the worst possible alternative. I am not sure if there is a civil suit pending as Mixon is a definite NFL prospect.

  19. Tis the season to give our love to each and everyone ~~~~~~~~~~
    ♥PLEASE DONATE TO JODI’S APPEALS FUND! Sending Christmas Wishes To One and All! ♥ My thoughts and prayers are with Jodi, her family and each and every one of our TEAM JODI!

    It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you… yes, it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand.~~~Mother Teresa ♥

  20. Giving my best to Jodi and her family and all that that follower her may your Christmas be filled with joy and happiness

  21. I think I came across this song as I am on Youtube a lot. Great message to Jodi!!!
    Once again as the newest member of this forum, Please extend my best wishes for a joyous and peaceful holiday to Jodi and her family and for continued health and hope in the new year.

  22. Chris and Sky Hughes also bastardized Jodi’s case, and guess what, they are divorcing. She filed for divorce in January 2016 shortly after their “book” was published. Why am I laughing my ass off? I wonder what happened? Sky, it’s time to tell the truth!!

    • Hi Trixels,

      Interesting stuff. Like a lot of State witnesses during the trial, Sky knows a lot more about what happened before, during and after the event.
      Maybe she should be the next to write a book…

      Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

      • I would love to know why they divorced. Lets not forget what huge f’ing liars these two are. They changed their story in court even though there was email evidence in their own words of Travis being abusive to Jodi. People tried to downplay those emails but it was absolute proof of what Jodi testified to. These two sold their souls to profit from Jodi. Who was the one that took on all of Travis’ PPL clients after his death. yup, Chris. There is so much more to these two I forgot most of it. They were knee deep in lies and many people thought they had something to do with his death. I recall ppl being furious that these two were writing that book. I would bet the divorce has something to do with that trial and that book. These are supposedly “good mormons” and they do not divorce.

        • I think we would all love to hear Sky go public with that info. I don’t know how anybody mimimizes that email trail between Sky and other about what Jodi was confiding to her as well as the angry letter that Travis wrote to her. I hadn’t heard the T-Dogg term until I saw that letter but I was already thinking it after hearing about his infidelity.
          I am also guessing that their book is what motivated PPL to change their company name to Legal Shield to get out from underneath all that?

  23. Was sky pissed her hubby did not find out if the abuse in that LETTER t-dog wrote affected her children??? or did she not get her cut of the $ made off of t-dog by the u$er or is she now just waking up to her very own abuser and has had enough. Will she ever come clean on all they were up to ,time will tell….but it seems time is on Our side…not so the haters DING,DING,DING as they ALL seem to go down. When I ever see the haters post their vile I must ask…who in fuck would ever come to your aid….these things hide behind faith as travis used faith so he could abuse wonder they love him so. They brag about all they can do as if they think it makes them look good…but it only shows how weak they are. The” look at me “mob. I say this about the rich and middle class…you THINK the poor will fight for you….soon you may get a wake up to history…anytime the poor want to take all that is yours is fact….remember that king george fellow? Once upon a time he ruled America and because of abuse got the boots. Never be too smug unless you can back it up. And speaking of abuse and how folks like to see it their way…seems a hero like chris kyle and t-dog had a lot in common when it came to abuse….amazing how many so called educated can’t see that. Both men (?) treated women as objects. And from what I understand chris was abusing the man in the back seat to his pal…so much for helping a person who needed help. Abusers should always remember that one day some may stand up to them. Did chris not claim to have killed 31 Americans in Katrina for looting….WOW talk about GOD like….Americas hero!

  24. That’s quite a list of bad actors for one trial, but I would have to add Melendez. He earned a starring role in this debacle of a trial.

    When the news broke about Norman Wade I had to check to see if he had anything to do with TA’s post mortem. As Laboratory Director, the part of the autopsy report that is under his signature and is his sole responsibility for accurateness is the Report of Toxicological Examination which tests the Pleural Blood and Gastric Fluids for drugs. Horn is responsible solely for the rest of it.

    I like the new look for JAII.

  25. WOW!! I have gained so much knowledge from this site-Thank you!! Early on when I was deciding on a career, I chose law. (I wanted to help people…) That was short-lived. I was taking general courses and one law specific course, and all I kept hearing was how I would have to sacrifice my principles, be a shyster (sp?) and a liar, defend guilty people and/or put the innocent in prison. Result? I became a nurse instead. It’s cases like this that make me regret choosing not to become an attorney (sometimes anyway). Had I been on Jodis defense team, I would have lived and breathed this case 24/7. I would have done everything in my power, hunted down every beneficial witness, consulted with Jodi at every possible opportunity… (pretty much the exact opposite of what Nurmi did) Sigh… A question for the seasoned commenters-this post says Flores is no longer a detective…does anyone know what he IS doing now? Just curious. I noticed during the trial when he was talking about the female detective in the interrogation videos, he answered a question with “Miss Blaney, Detective Blaney at the time” Did she get demoted or fired? If so, was it due to her questioning of Jodi? Does anyone know?

  26. Jodi I believe you and I want to say I pray for you Jodi if you get this please keep faith and remember I will think you did the right thing and if we had more woman like you men would not used us and I hate men that used women I am hoping you have a long and happy life ….
    Love Mellisa

  27. Jodi no woman deserves to be hurt no one and men that beat woman doesn’t care about anything I think they are sick if they hurt woman they will hurt anyone and anything I hope you will know I care and I pray for you every day god bless you …
    Love Mellisa

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