Following on from “The Martinez Sideshow” — which apparently happens at the end of each trial day outside the courthouse — today’s proceedings started with Kirk Nurmi bringing this fiasco to the attention of Judge Pickles. Kirk also called Jean Casarez (lawyer & HLN pundit) to the stand to briefly testify.
I guess you could call it a well coordinated pre-emptive strike by Team Jodi against the Travis Taliban.
Here’s the video covering Kirk Nurmi’s statements and the Casarez testimony:
[hdplay id=139 width=500 height=300]
No doubt we’ll hear more about this moving forwards, as the jurors will be questioned this afternoon.
Strangely enough, Martinez played it down as irrelevant and very much a “one off” event, despite claims that jury members had witnessed these debacles. I’m not too sure how Martinez cited it as a “one off” event.
Check out the videos below and decide for yourself if it was a one off, when he’s having pictures taken with a bunch of different people…
[hdplay id=138 width=500 height=300]
And this is Katie Wick on Dr Drew singing his praises…
Click here to see the pic from court this morning featuring Wick & JM.
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Leave your comments below…
Team Jodi
Wow…I’m first!!!
I am so happy JM was put on BLAST. He is an asshole!!!
Yes he IS, he’s just vile. I have never hated anyone so much.
Hasn’t anyone else heard the JM is gay? I read it on a site, but can’t remember which one I was on.
So what? What does that have to do with anything relevant to this trial?
Can I please get a refund of the time I spent watching that? I now feel like I want to vomit!!!
😀 I’m sure the court will oblige.
Oh. if you want to either laugh or throw up again, go on one of Vladimirs sites.. you know, the one our dear Cate was on.. his name is Jeff…
Are you serious, Heather? I had to stop commenting over there. It wasn’t worth my effort. I like Mr. Gagic’s perspectives a lot though. But he was attracting some real nut jobs.
No!!!! 😀 I’ve tried to silence them with some of Pitchforks blogs.. I’ve tried but its futile.. I felt I just had to try, you know, in the hope of putting something on there that they can’t dispute but their minds are made up, they just enjoy hating.
Yes, real nut jobs is right.
A good day to be first, Moni! 😀
The lengths Jodi went to, to lie about her innocence IS THE SAME lengths Juan Martinez has gone to, to lie about her guilt. So, Let me roar for a minute. We should never allow any prosecutor to over-charge anyone…..claim they have evidence of premeditated murder and place a death sentence on Jodi’s head. I am upset that NO ONE from any of the news channels wants to challenge this over zealous case. She DID NOT PLAN THIS MURDER! Does anyone believe she planned this? She brought no gloves, no bleach, no towels and no protective clothing? This was a crime of passion – and if HE didn’t die, SHE was going to. Now, think of every close relationship you have ever had. I can assure you that HEALTHY people do not attract UNHEALTHY people. Birds of a feather….. Now, on to Juan…you are so damn lucky I am not on the jury….I would be the hold-out until I was able to chip away and convince the other 11 that if Juan says not to trust anything Jodi says because she is a liar..HOW DO WE TRUST JUAN, lying that he has proof of premeditated murder. he LIED to all of us. LET HER WALK.
And no gun.
Small correction – this is self defence, not a crime of passion.
Jodi is completely innocent – and provably so – beyond any doubt whatsoever.
Also… you should say “killing” not “murder”. I have done it myself, it’s an easy slip to make.
Unless you are explaining the prosecution case, putting forward a hypothetical.
geebee2- your statement ….”This is self defense, not a crime of passion.” reminded me of a similar statement I read often on the boards where mostly Jodi Haters dwell and that is something to the effect of, “This was a total crime of passion!” usually followed by a method by, which, Jodi should meet her demise.
Respectfully, I asked them the following question and then went on to explain….
If her very existence is not reason enough to act out of passion as she fights to see another tomorrow, than what is? Self defense or crime of passion? This is ludicrous to try and differentiate because they are one and the same. Nobody fights for their life in a mediocre fashion. At least, nobody who has lived to tell about it, anyway. Besides, aren’t crimes of passion equated to irrational and/or spontaneous acts driven by emotion, whatever that emotion may be? Premeditated murder is cold and calculated. Methodical, systematic, and meticulously thought out. There is no ‘heat of the moment’, Quite the contrary, the emotionalism of an event would likely burn out or fade significantly during the process of preparation. I suggest you pick which one Jodi went with and stick to it. You cannot blur the lines like you are and expect the verdict you want because you will be disappointed.
Which, brings me to another point; Jodi being deemed a sociopath. The reasons given from just about every single person who has labeled her as such all say lack of remorse, lack of any emotion, and all she cares about is herself.
Thing is, if what you say is true, as a sociopath Jodi WOULD feel remorse and sadness over her actions against Travis because she LOVED HIM. Sociopaths can develop attachments to people, they can love them, while keeping an over all non empathetic aversion to the rest of the world in general. They can feel empathy towards a select few individuals closest to them. Which, means, they don’t care only about themselves. So, if you say she’s a sociopath you are, for all intents and purposes, supporting the fact that she does, indeed, feel remorse and sorrow at having hurt someone she cared about that was not herself because she loved that person.
So, next time you decide to pollute the justice system with your reasons why Jodi should fry you may want to find something else. Otherwise, your stupid shows and we wouldn’t want that now, would we?
So, geebee2, what are your thoughts? Is self defense a crime of passion or no?
Stop it, You’re making too much sense. Did you see the report where Travis calls himself in an email to the Hugheses “a bit of a sociopath” – very telling if you ask me.
“Crime of passion” is a pretty specific term, see
A relatively recent attempt to use it to reduce murder to manslaughter is here:
I wouldn’t be too quick with these summary judgements. Firstly the NJ case does not apply to Arizona law. NJ does not recognize what is often referred to as “imperfect self-defense” whereas AZ does. Remember homicide is a state charge and each state can and does have its own definitions and laws in that regard.
Given the circumstances of this case it would not surprise me at all, if given the chance, a fair and impartial jury ends up with a verdict of manslaughter. This is how AZ defines manslaughter:
“Committing second degree murder as defined in section 13-1104, subsection A upon a sudden quarrel or heat of passion resulting from adequate provocation by the victim”
The operative part of this is “heat of passion resulting from adequate provocation by the victim”. This is the famous imperfect self-defense case that leads to a verdict of a crime of passion.
The self defense law has a section that states
“a person is justified in threatening or using physical force against another when and to the extent a reasonable person would believe that physical force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the other’s use or attempted use of unlawful physical force.”
And the operative clause there is “to the extent a reasonable person would believe that physical force is immediately necessary”.
So what if you are faced with a condition where a reasonable person believes that physical force is immediately necessary to protect himself against the other’s use or attempted use of unlawful physical force but then that reasonable person employs force that is greater than the extent a reasonable person would believe that physical force is immediately necessary to protect himself.
Voila, this is the problem with compound laws. That, my friend is the imperfect self-defense dilemma.
The answer of course lies in the manslaughter definition, wherein “heat of passion resulting from adequate provocation by the victim” becomes operative.
So while i truly believe that TA was the provocateur (and I am being super kind here) and I truly believe Jodi had no option but to defend herself, the problem that won’t go away is the darned neck wound. It’s like Lady Macbeth’s spot, all the perfumes of Arabia, etc
I keep thinking it was to end his suffering when it was too late to save him. I wonder where they stand on mercy killing in AZ…
Even if it was to end his suffering, the jury would consider that murder 1 and it’s a good thing that it wasn’t claimed in court. I think it was the result of Travis either lunging forward while Jodi held the knife in a horizontal position or Jodi being in such a fog that she snapped and went too far.
What about the fact that Arizona is a Stand Your Ground state? It doesn’t matter where the attack occurred or who started it, if the defendant was in imminent danger of bodily injury or death than they have a right to use excessive deadly force to defend their life without the duty to retreat.
According to Stand Your Ground Law, Jodi cutting Travis’ throat is neither here nor there. She did what she had to do to make sure he was dead and the threat to her life was eliminated completely. It doesn’t matter if there was a point when she could have easily retreated and ran for help, there is no law obligating her to do so.
Your thoughts?
AZ law is actually somewhere between the Florida stand your ground law and your typical self defense law.
The thing with the Arizona Law is that it limits the amount of force you can apply. Also, even though the law des not explicitly state it certain AZ appeals and supreme court rulings interpret that limit to the amount of force you can apply as meaning that once the threat diminishes you must stop.
This gets reflected in the jury instruction. Now AZ’s law is actually the most liberal that I could find in terms of what factors start the act of sel defense. So an “apparent threat” is enough. But they use the reasonable person standard. So if a reasonable person feels that there is the appearance of a threat they can react with force. That’s actually more liberal than FL. But at the same time the amount of force must be just enough to stop the threat and once the threat passes you have a duty to Stop. That’s the sticky part. Also it can be argued that the AZ legislature was not confused here, or missed something, because their manslaughter law, in exact terms deals with the situation where the self-defense goes too far.
Al, did you see my post the other day about Jury Instructions on self defense? I think that was from Wednesday. Essentially then, if the jury believes the state has not proven it was self defense, even if they subsequently believe that the state has proven it’s murder one, they can not convict.
Absolutely. That’s how I read it. Or at least the most recent one I can find. Plus its a statutory instruction, meaning it MUST be given:
“The State has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not act with such justification. If the State fails to carry this burden, then you must find the defendant not guilty of the charge. ”
It makes me wonder, if there isn’t a requirement for some sort of vetting of a self-defense claim prior to it being presented in court. I’ll have to check. Once AZ removed the proactive defense clause from self-defense it essentially puts the state into the position of having to prove a negative. For that to even stand the test of fairness, there has to be some proffer by the defense and some decision by the judiciary that the proffer is ample to show a good faith claim of self defense. Otherwise everyone would raise that claim and the state would have a really hard time getting convictions in any homicide cases where the two parties were in close proximity.
I do know that in this case JM did argue that Jodi had a right to flee. I know that early on in the game there was a defense motion to stop JM from making that argument. I am assuming the defense lost, otherwise they would have jumped all over JM’s questions about why she didn’t take a left and run out the bedroom door. Now in my opinion, if the judged ruled that there was an obligation to flee, that’s a reversible error right there, because the law is very clear about that as is the Fish case.
I’ll check on the proffer situation and let you folks know if I find something.
Please let us know what you find on that, Al. I haven’t found anything from a quick search.
Did you see that motion by the defense? I’d be very interested in reading it.
Totally agree. She HAS to walk free, has to.
Considering the fact that Arizona is a Stand Your Ground state, if Jodi was able to successfully put enough doubt in, at least, one juror’s mind that she did not premeditate to kill Alexander, rather, she reacted reasonably with the use of deadly force because imminent peril was upon her then she very well will be acquitted and apologized to for the inconvenienced. Okay, so she’ll be acquitted. Probably not apologized to.
Had this taken place in California where the SYG law applies only if the attack happens at the victim’s home, Jodi would be lucky to get Imperfect Self Defense but no way she’d get self defense. Imperfect Self Defense is a ruling that the jury hands out and it does not offer immunity from punishment as self defense does, but, it can offer a lighter sentence. Basically, the jury is saying they don’t argue the defendant was acting in self defense, they just don’t find the force the defendant used to be reasonable force according to the threat being imposed on them. Or, in Jodi’s case, they would believe she did what she did in self defense but she was unreasonable in the force she chose to use to defend herself with 3 lethal injuries being considered as overkill.
Right on Krystal. And AZ does in fact have an imperfect self defense law that addresses exactly this situation. Its encompassed in their definition of manslaughter.
If she infact went there to kill him why would she stick around as long as she dis. Don’t you think if she went there to kill him she would have done it right away or when he was sleeping. No she had intercourse with him stayed the night took pictures not knowing when the roommates would be coming home waited until he was in the shower and awake and could fight back. Then did not even take the camera with her. The gas cans is bs she did not want to run out of gas in the middle of nowhere by herself. I myself have returned and item to a store where the policy is to mark the receipt and they did not do so. This means nothing. JM is a pompous ass and I hate him. Can’t stand him or those talking heads on hln. That’s my rant for the day.
And she was driving thru the nite, 11pm-4am.
Plus, these prosecutors are just trying to win. It’s all a big game. Especially the ones that are all hung ho about having someone executed.
I bet if this little prick had to take her life himself he would think twice about being a macho asshole.
He actually seemed slightly humbled by having it pointed out that all this attention was wrong, but he made me queasy when he was referring to himself in the third person.
I was reading yesterday about all the people in prison in CA on the dumb third strike law. People who are serving life for stealing a slice of pizza, and one was a Mexican immigrant who was helping his cousin by filling out a drivers test because the cousin didn’t speak English. In a few cases the prosecutors had a change of heart and apologized to the people. But most of the time they are desensitized and just see this as a game, and they have to win. Cops are often the same way.
The whole criminal justice system in the US is dysfunctional because of politics and cowboy mentality.
You are so right. I live in ca. Have you every heard of the Crowe case. That happend iny city. The police can get away with lying until they get a confession. I also think that the prosecution is just out to win. It is all about winning they don’t care about the proof or true justice. I think Martinez is the worst I have ever seen. I did think CA and OJ were guilty but as far as Jodi I do truly believe that she was defending herself and he showed all of the signs of an abuser. He used her over and over for what he wanted. I was also in the same situation completely in love with a man and was intimate with him hopeing it would turn into a real relationship. Lucky for me he was a good guy really the best guy I have ever known and we have now been married for 10 years. I wish the same happend for Jodi but as we all know he was not a good guy just an user and abuser. Sad really sad.
I couldn’t agree more.
I wonder what the Family will do. When Juan fails to prove this case. Can’t wait to see what happens.
Good day for Jodi 😀
An excellent day for her, I’m so happy.. but I’m furious with that asshole, its so OBVIOUS that he doesn’t want ANYTHING to come out to help Jodi. I’m not a violent woman but I could cheerfully hit him.
Is there another part of the trial today? Anyone? Its almost 7.30pm here in London and I want to know if I can make dinner!
Hi Heather,
It’s done for the week. Back again Tuesday 9.30 am.
Team Jodi
Ahh thank you so much!!!!! Pity really I was getting interested 🙁 Still my tum’s rumbling! Every court day I cook something really quick! 🙂 Stir fry tonight!
At least I’ll be able to catch up on sleep, SJ, the trial is exhausting! Or was, until today 🙂
Nope, no court this afternoon.
The jury has a four day weekend to think about Chris and Sky Hughes knowing about Travis’ abusive behavior with other women.
Oh yes, GREAT! 🙂
But will they “get” it? I hope there’s someone on that jury who does. I really do.
I wish that more than anything.
looks like much more than one time…
Yes, there were at least 5 in the video, plus the woman getting her walking cane signed, lol.
Team Jodi
I was beginning to think we crashed this site with all our postings…I had to reboot my internet to get it to unfreeze…LOL LOL
It was a HUGE day for Jodi… 🙂
I was thinking…the camera adds 10 or so pounds, I can only imagine how emaciated Jodi looks. It sucks having to watch the inhumane treatment. We should start to make waves to bring to light EXACTLY what this d*****bag Sheriff is doing…I know there are civil cases but apparently the squeaking wheel DOES get the oil…he’s still getting away with it…
They are sabatoging site!! My computer acted up as well
Yes, I think so.. damn I’ve had to get back in so many times!
I though the same and had to come in again several times. Yes, Jodi looks thin and gaunt.. I worry about her 🙁
But yes a HUGE day for her! 😀
She had better get aquitted because I am going to scream with delight and you’ll all hear me from London!
Inhumane is right, its shocking. I’m stunned by all of this.
The television station was talking about this website. I did not hear the entire thing because something happened to the transmission. Last thing I heard was they were going to talk with someone on here.
On no…does that mean there will be a rush of an angry vengeful mob heading our way to deal with?
Oh God I hope not.
Definitely my favorite trial day so far. I would love to see the Hughes’ faces right about now.
Oh me too, Kira!
Oh yeaaaa me too! !
Interesting comment I spotted on HLN:
Jean Medley · Top Commenter · Indiana Gun Owners (INGO)
Juan needs to watch his step…celebrity goes up and down. It was reported he was in a restaurant speaking about the case, that has yet to be discussed. I hope he doesn’t blow it by getting all big headed…
JM blew this case along time ago with the inflated charges.
I’d like to inflate him and find a pin.
😀 Imagine it… Eww
I think it is disgusting that it seems in America people keep doing this with Prosecutors like they are the GOOD ONES an the DEFENSE are the BAD ONES. Do people not understand that sometimes people are CONVICTED an did not even do it ? an later released? so that means that some Prosecutors are doing EVIL work an condemning innocents just to get a BIGGER NAME a BIGGER POSITION in LIFE an it needs to stop. Why do we not see people PRAISING THE DEFENSE in PUBLIC? I am starting to believe because it is a totally different GROUP of people that truly UNDERSTAND the LAW an how it works.
I believe that people DESERVE a FAIR TRIAL whether they are GUILTY or not but it seems the majority feels that we should just go out an HANG PEOPLE without a trial even at all? what the hell is going on in AMERICA anymore. I believe everyone has the right to protect their-selves from harm. I believe in SELF DEFENSE this idea of we have to just shoot someone in the leg or do the least bit of harm to them when they are attacking us is ridiculous.
When adrenaline is pumping an you are scared out of your mind NO ONE knows what they would do until they are in that situation in life. An everyone is just GUESSING about the stabbing an slashing. Even Jodi can’t remember for sure. She is just accepting the fact she must have did it because she was there an everyone says she did it.
God Bless Jodi an her family an the Defense team an the Jury to see an hear what I do an release her on time served or the least amount of time there is in a case of Self Defense.
Funny.. everyone in America insists on having guns to protect themselves but they should be more scared of the law.
America is a scary place, I’m much safer in the UK.
In America it really depends on what STATE you live in also. The more Liberal the STATE the worse it is for GUN LAWS. I am not afraid to DEFEND myself in ALABAMA on my property I would not just wound someone trying to harm me though.
Arizona has some different laws from what I understand about how much force you can use against a attacker or threat. That is what bothers me most as I am not entirely convinced Jodi did all that but she is accepting she did an people are more outraged not because of the actual killing but the manner after the gun shot the stabbing an slashing is all they want to concentrate on. If that were not on the table it would not be so televised an such a big case I think.
I most certainly would rather shoot someone though instead of stabbing an slashing as I am in a wheel chair an it would be rather hard to chase around someone with a stick or knife in hand an very easy for them to attack me.
I’m in full agreement with you about the stabbing and slashing, they’re looking atr the wounds rather than why she had to do it–but like you, I don’t believe she did, and the gun didn’t kill him so how can the State be right? That’s why they’re going to lose. She’s accepting it because she thinks she must have done, but how can that be proven if she can’t remember, it can’t. The haters are vile, frightening in that they refuse to look at anything other than the wounds, yes, they’re shocking but that’s not the point. I pray the jurors aren’t like the other haters online.
Are AZ laws like Texas? That’s another place, and Oklahoma, that I’d be worried about going to.
Yes, it would be very difficult in a wheelchair, agree, easier to just shoot them.. which makes it in this case not premeditated–I just don’t see how the haters can justify it, but they do, and it sickens me. After all, it appears he was killed with the knife not a gun.
I have family in Arizona my parents an my sister. We do not agree at all on this case. They all are against Jodi 100%. We are cut from the same cloth but our views are totally different? All they hear is PSYCHO STALKER SEX TAPE an the over kill of the situation.
So I wonder what the hell is going on in Arizona? an the JURY is out every day walking around with their phones etc. I do not see how Jodi can get a fair trial at all there. All I can do is pray a few jurors are seeing an hearing what I do an everyone on this page does. An not have this true hatred in their hearts for Jodi because of the majority out there.
IF this case ends up any other way then Self Defense proven then I am not convinced that it was a Fair Trail at all. An my parents an sister do not watch the talking head shows only the local news so this tells me a lot.
Oh dear..
It HAS to be seff defense, it just HAS to, Jodi HAS to walk.
How I wish this trial was in another State. Its stupid of the judge to ask the jurors if they have spoken to anyone about this case, totally insane, of course they have and they’ve watched media news.. HLN damn them. Nancy Disgrace and clowns should be in court, why on earth aren’t they?
HLN is not media..they are entertainment.
Also, the defense doesnt have to prove self defense. the state has to prove it WAS NOT self defense. the defense simply claims that defense and then the state has to disprove it. IT NEVER work that way, but thats what the law says.
It isn’t that–the state must prove premeditation, which is impossible here.
True, Sirlips, thanks for putting a Brit straight!
I thought that since Self Defense like what Jodi did, is considered an affirmative defense, that the defense actually has to prove it is possible(legally a viable alternative to what the state is claiming).
If that is the case, it is why they may have to prove self defense, and not just defend against the premeditation charge.
I still believe Jodi will at the most get manslaughter, and may be acquitted. I think they have proven self defense.
I live in AZ. There’s no talking to people about it here. I have yet to hear of any pro Jodi people (other than a handful I know and am close to) from my experience it’s like an in person version of a haters blog. I also don’t understand how anyone can go in person and watch the trial. I can barely stand to listen to JM from a screen, in person I don’t think I could restrain myself from yelling at him. I don’t see how her family can tolorate any of it. Also due to massive media coverage I don’t know if she could get a fair trial anywhere. AZ should have sequestered the jury, it should be mandatory in death penalty cases especially high profile cases.
Just WHAT is it with the people in Arizona? What’s wrong with them, have they got no common sense at all ?
The ironic thing is, Heather, is that many gun owners in America believe they need their guns to protect them from the government. My impression of the Travis Taliban is that many of them are gun-toting, government-phobic hand wringers that have no problem voicing concerns about THEIR rights, but then don’t mind when someone else’s rights are being eroded or taken away.
As much as they cite the Constitution, they really don’t believe in Constitutional rights, because they pick and choose who it applies to. They don’t seem to mind that this goes counter to their own rhetoric of how Constitutional rights are supposed to apply to everyone; even if they are a woman and speak Spanish.
Yes, the Travis Taliban are self righteous and selfish pigs, to put in bluntly.
Haven’t quite got the hang of how it protects them from the government, well unless they shoot them–which wouldn’t be a bad idea, come to think of it!
Actually I was thinking of court officials and prosecutors like you know who!
I believe these type of people are truly ignorant of the Constitution and the law. (Perhaps that’s why they hate Obama, because he was a Constitutional lawyer who upheld ALL parts, not just the parts he chose to.) They carry guns to defend themselves against a tyrannical government (except for the court officials I guess, which they are rooting for in this case) yet THEY are the ones who are calling to spill blood in the streets.
I couldn’t agree more, Rhonda. Anyone who says they would never be capable of doing something like this is in denial. I believe everyone is capable of murder when in a certain extreme situation. Especially if you’re scared for your life and not thinking properly.
Also, ‘burning bed’, in this case. AL brought that up on the stand. So, self-defense combined with burning bed would be a reasonable explanation for the overkill.
Question: Since the Hughes email has been brought into the trial now, can the jury request to see it in it’s entirety during deliberations?? Cuz that’s the first damn thing I would ask for!!
Good end to a long weekend!! Yay defense!! =)
Haters site saying this e mail is a forgery. Do they think Jodi had the Hughes password as well ????LOL
The State is not surprised by the exhibit as this would have been given during discovery. JW did a great job, as did La Violette, when she had the witness explain what all she reviewed, etc., to come to an opinion. I was surprised Kermit didn’t object then. Once La Violette did that, IMO, everything is coming in.
What’s ”discovery” ? Its almost like a game they play!
Yeah, I’m sure Jodi forged the email way back when she was dating Travis initially…LOL. The hater sites are spinning their wheels because they NEVER thought that this email would make it to the jury.
That’s what really bothers me. They don’t care what the e-mail said. They care that the jury is hearing about it.
Arent they the same sick people that even tried to imply that this was not TA’s voice on the tape????Delusional,hello?
I was thinking exactly the same, they should see it, I hope they ask.. There is so much that the State has forbidden I feel, in the way of evidence and its just DISGUSTING!
Hmm… they say anything BUT their prayers, as my mother would say!
The jury can only view what was entered into the record. I don’t know if the email(s) were on it. Sometimes they use stuff to let an expert refresh their memory. But if the emails were entered in as an exhibit, then the jury can see them.
WTH? Why does JM refer to himself in the third person? “The prosecuter” when speaking to the judge about his outside the courthouse “appearance”?
Trying to distance himself from any responsibility would be my guess.
Your probably right Kira. But it just came off to me as one more way of him thinking *very highly of himself. Anyone can see he’s loving all this attention. Considering this is a death penalty case, his actions go beyond poor taste. I really hope he isn’t able to profit from this case after it’s over in any form.
from Wiki:
”….an air of grandeur, to give the speaker lofty airs. Idiosyncratic and conceited people are known to either use or are lampooned as using illeism to puff themselves up or illustrate their egoism. ”
Hahahaha that descibes JM perefectly
I read a hater site theory that suggested that Kermit refers to himself as “the prosecutor” to simplify things for the court reporter. If that’s the case, then why isn’t everyone talking in third person? We don’t hear “Your Honor, Kirk Nurmi objects on the grounds that…” LOL.
it’s distancing language imo. Remember how Jean C also said she didn’t see “the prosecutor” signing autographs? It’s a way for him to distance himself from what he’s being accused.
he also asked Jodi questions like, “do you have problems with the prosecutor?” In that instance, it’s a show of power, again IMO. Other times he said, “do you have problems answering my questions”. So his use of the word prosecutor isn’t consistent for court reporting purposes.
Little kids do this alot. So, either JM has not outgrown this stage, or must be regressing big time! 🙂
Yes they do..instead of saying “I” they use their name, funny forgot about that. But it doesn’t seem as though he’s outgrown much. He doesn’t know how to use his inside quiet voice, still has temper tantrums, and doesn’t play nice with others. But he’s probably just acting out becuause he’s not tall enough to go on the big boy rides.
The haters apparently think it is perfectly fine for the prosecutor to be readily available for photo ops when the jury could see it.
Even better, one of them called JW a bitch. I pointed out that that is exactly what the witness is testifying. A strong woman is a bitch. I’m beginning to question the basic intellect of the haters.
Ha What intellect? I haven’t seen a whisper of it anywhere!
He shouldn’t be having photographs taken, its disgusting. What a charade this whole trial is.
I agree! And he accepted a tie as a gift from a websleuther as did Flores; that is tacky.
Not only tacky, but there are ethics rules regarding gifts and gratuities received by government employees.
Wait, what? Why are Websleuthers buying them ties? Though I shouldn’t be surprised because they sent Casey’s prosecutors a ton of stuff too.
just imagine Nurmi would have been the one signing these autographs outside court. I am sure JM would have raised hell about that.
Intellect, you ask? I found this woman through a wrong turn on Twitter and these are the types of people on those hater sites. You’ll see what I’m talking about when you have a gander at her Twitter feed. Don’t drink anything while looking as you may spit it through your nose on accident while laughing LOL. https://twitter.com/RENDONKATIE
OMG Mel! You’re right, I almost choked on my chocolate! Um, Nurmi smiled and it was abuse! lololol
Or this little gem: “Did Samuels use the book pages to send a special code in a greeting card to tell Jodi how to answer, to the test”. That person needs medication and probably needs to get out a little more and step away from Twitter 🙂
Yes I saw that. These …people? They need a shrink 🙂
Oh and apparently Nurmi is…….. jealous?!?!?!!! 😀
They have it ALL the wrong way round, they’re talking about themselves.
Nope, Heavenly Father will sort them out when they finally come to Him. till then, there is no, and I repeat NO hope in changing those spotted lepers, ummmm leopards!
Agree! However, I think some judgemental folks change when they have to go through something difficult and experience being judged in a hateful way. I know some people who have done a turnabout when that happened.
A woman i knew used to judge those who were divorced. Her husband ended up leaving her for another woman in the church. She said God put her through the fire to soften her heart towards others.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm so guys, Looking at the taliban site, it looks like we are all over 50 and hate men.
LOL. I love men. My husband is amazing. And I am not over 50. Also, they wish us dead:
Erik Jason Miller
its ridiculous. I hope all these people die a horrible death the way Travis had to suffer through his
Like · Reply · 9 minutes ago
Oh no I am 51 but I am married. But I also have had a relationship very close to what Jodi went through before I was in it for 5 years an lived with him for a time moved away moved back etc. Traveled 1000 miles before to see him. I was 34 at the time so it ended about the time I was 39 finally I gave up he was not going to change. But he would have let it go on forever I guess pulling me in an then pushing me away over an over again. Promising marriage an then saying oh no I am not ready for that an then finally saying I would never marry you I have decided that was the last straw for me. But it did take me 5 more years to actually not think about him daily.
Geez they will say anything but the truth. I thought we were a Pakistani guy last week.
I am 40 and my husband is one amazing man. And just for the record I am a woman.
Looks like they are the ones that are very hateful. I would never wish the same thing on them. I have just been praying for the truth to come out. No hate here.
I am a 35 yr old woman. I was in a very controlling relationship for 8 yrs when we meet I was 14 and he was 23. 8 finaling left after 2 kids. Found the man of my dreams and married for 10 years. As I said before you can’t truely see what type of relationship it was until you are completely out of it. I pray Jodi gets to come home soon and start her life. That ladies Twitter account was insane. I dis not know how many crazies were truely out their in this world.
Oh, Erik, aren’t you charming! Thankfully, you have no control over how and when any of us will die. Hopefully, someday you’ll move out of your mother’s basement and will finally lose your virginity.
37 here and I love men :). I have a great father, brother, husband, and son.
LOL. I am a daddy’s girl (he passed last year) and I have 5 brothers. I DO hate my abusive ex, but I am currently madly in love with my current husband. He is “just a social worker”
I am 44 and I love men— dont much care for froggies tho 😉
I am 58 …divorced twice and still love men……lots of men!!! Gave birth and raised two men!!! What a bunch of coconuts to think we hate men because we support justice and Jodi!!!
I’m 47 and a cougar as I’m engaged to a 37 year old hot adorable considerate loving man.
I love men except those who abuse women. Shoot me for that opinion!
I am married to a younger man myself. lol Second time around for me was a charm. He is the kindest most generous man I have had in my life. So to get it straight we do not hate all men just the abusive ones.
I am 44 and my hubby is 36 😀
Im 42 hes 36 🙂 Yet he is the most MATURE man I’ve been with LOL
Hooray, I’m not the only cougar here. LOL
LOL Apparently, there are 3 of us!
Kira and Renee’…
Erik will surely reap the laws of Karma…”what goes around comes around”…
Erik’s Jason Miller, “its ridiculous. I hope all these people die a horrible death the way Travis had to suffer through his” (posted from Renee above)
“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.” (Dr. Wayne Dyer.)
hahaha!!! Kira! LOL!
I’m not over 50 either and I only have a problem with abusive men and anyone who tries to defend them.
Oh I had someone tell me that, that I hate men!! Someone also said that its no biggie we all have to die sometime! WTF!
This is why I say that they are abusers. Look at the terroristic threats they resort to when things don’t go their way. They only understand intimidation and control, they have no capacity to interact with people without devolving into sexist and discriminatory commentary.
Oh they ARE, they called me psychopathic, they don’t seem able to help themselves. I’ve never know anything like this. It ALL points to it, the more you stand up for Jodi the more they attack you–they see Jodi as a strong woman and they Hate her!
I’m 24, so I’m definitely not over 50.
I’m a man. So I guess that doesn’t apply to me, or does it.
Depends on whether (a) you’re over 50 and (b) you’re a man-hater or not. 😛 We already know you’re a Pakistani dude LOL
Guilty on the over 50.
I wouldn’t have guessed that Al. You are very young at heart!
I am not over 50, I am married with children and I have been through an abusive relationship (entailed similar to Jodi, not much physical but lots of sex abuse that I didn’t recognize at the time and verbal/emotional abuse and manipulation) so, after years of therapy, I recognize abuse when I see it. I do still have issues (today’s testimony prompted me to make an appointment for another session) and I think it is extremely important that abuse is called out when it is there. The haters are going to hate – that is their nature. Because of that they will never truly be happy but they will also never open their eyes to see the truth. But the rest of us have a job to do; bring abuse and hatred to light and teach our children not only how to avoid abuse, but how to not abuse.
But their regularly abused kids are probably happy they are distracted by this case!
I am over 50, love my guy & my pets. I feel sad for young naïve women who get pushed around by envious women and abusive men.
I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall at the sugar shack Hughes live in…I’m sorry no insult intended to anyone – but her name sounds like she is a porn star……
😀 I’ll join you!
Hey…isn’t that what Travis said to Jodi on that sex tape..he wanted to start making legitimate porno movies…wonder who he was going to star in his porno movies….
SJ, too bad Nurmi didn’t have your version of the Kermit/Wick photo!!!!
THAT would have been funny…probably a good thing they had the official version.
watching day 10, Interesting… that this dude told Flores he could see Travis flipping out and throwing Jodi against the wall…
So far, the talking heads do not seem to be reporting on the BOMBSHELL from the Hughes emails.
Wonder WHY ehey are not talking????
No mention on hln of Hugh email!! The all of a sudden want to talk about other stories in the news today….
WOW BOMBSHELL !! talking heads are interested in other things today hahaha what a web we weave when we try an deceive ! bunch of snakes they truly are for ratings or not they should have some kind of morals personally to not want to be involved with a LYNCH MOB an trying to create a true HATRED for a person on TRIAL for their LIFE. How disgusting are they ?
Going outside for some sunshine an send some to Jodi in good thoughts an prayers for her today as always.
I guess they’ll have to move on to lay the groundwork for the crucifixion of the “Trayvon Martin Killer.” What will Nancy Disgrace’s “evil” name for him be?
Yep, as with CA and JA, Zimmerman is already convicted.
I don’t know all of the facts in the Zimmerman case, but you’d better believe that I’m going to watch the trial and listen to the evidence before declarinng him guilty. The mob hysteria has got to stop.
Don’t you mean the Trayvon Martin “baby killer?”
I cannot maintain my serenity when the Martin family persists in referring to a 17 year old as a “BABY.”
That is prejudicial, inflammatory, and sensationalizing.
They also portray Zimmerman as a “white” who was stalking and purposely racially profiling a “black.”
Who could tell about either individual in the dark, anyway? But Zimmerman is not Caucasian. We are all just people. Cannot we get in touch with our HUMANITY? It should be our rationality that sets us apart from animals.
I hear you Chelion! The race huslters like Spike Lee, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Maxine Waters are already whipping people up for this trial too.:-((
Yeah how sad!!! They’ve ALREADY convicted Zimmerman with all the wrong information. And whatever happens in the future with this case, they wont change there minds either. There mindset is just that, That a white man killed a black baby boy. (How sad).
Look how NBC edited Zimmerman’s 911 call to make him look racist!!!!!
Throwing the race card around nowadays has become the new “McCarthyism” IMO.:-(
That’s right Tony, and they refuse to show the clip of him giving the Sherrif the riot act because his white son beat up a black homeless man. Proving he is not a racist!
I live in the DC area, which is often called “The Chocolate City” as there are a larger percentage of black people that live here than in some urban areas of the country. (Luckily, this area is NOT racist at all, we have people of all colours, creeds and sexual orientations, and almost all people under the age of 50 have grown up and been exposed to this wonderful cultural diversity.) I was surprised to hear many black people become angry at the angry racial outbursts towards Zimmerman.
I don’t like Zimmerman’s domestic violence record and can fault him for that, but I’m rational enough to say that doesn’t mean he killed this boy in cold blood … yet. I need to hear the actual evidence before making that decision.
I think Zimmerman’s charge is murder in the 2nd degree, so the prosecutors aren’t going for the “cold blood” angle. It will come down to whether he killed Trayvon on impulse during a fight or whether he was trying to defend himself. Should be an interesting trial.
I”m trying to remember some of my notes that I took on the Zimmerman case…If I incorrectly listed something wrong…please feel free to correct me or add to the list below…thanks…
1. There had been other robberies in the same gated community…
2. Zimmerman was hired as security because of current robberies happening in the gated community…
3. Some people had reported seeing a tall slender black male wearing a hoodie jacket during the times of some of the robberies…
4. Trayvon was in the gated community because his dad’s girlfriend lived there.
5. Trayvon Martin was wearing a hoodie jacket too…
I posted a long time ago that the father of Trayvon Martin and his girlfriend should have made sure that Trayvon did not wear his hoodie while walking around in his dad’s girlfriend’s gated community…because TM would closely match the physical description of the other person during some of the other robberies in the gated community…
If I had lived in a gated community that had several robberies…and any of my children matched the physical description including the hoodie jacket of someone that was seen during some of the robberies…I can promise you that my children would not be allowed to walk the sidewalks in the same gated community wearing similar clothing as the one seen during those other robberies…
I thought the same thing about the talking heads today…the network vibes they were putting out today was like the feeling you get when your mom catches your hand in the cookie jar…YEOW…
That Zimmerman trial is going to be one barn burner for sure. The Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the rest of the “Soul Patrol” will be out in force for sure.
No, they are colluding with sadistic bullies. I mean, look at what they allow on their facebook pages. They’ve decided they’d rather cater to the lowest common denominator of society than explore all issues of this case.
I know, I’m kind of going off on a tangent… I am really disturbed by how this case has become a form of propaganda against women. And any woman who shows an ounce of backbone and self respect is being called a “man hater.”
Yep, I was told that today.
What horrible things to say about people you don’t even know!!! And, I am NOT over 50 – I’m 45. LOL And, I do not hate men – I don’t even hate my ex-husband…at times I don’t like him much – but I wouldn’t say I hate him…LOL LOL
Another told me they put my age at ”probably 19”.
Hahaha I’m actually 62… I WISH!!!! 😀
Ok… do you mean you are 19, but you wish you were 62?
Team Jodi
😀 yes.. I made a mistake there!!!!
Well caught, SJ!
I’m 62 raised two boys married 2x’s way back when. I do not hate men……I am friends with both my sons fathers. I also will not deal with BS. Could I tell you story’s of some of the men I have dated the last 23 years…lol But because I have been around a few years..lol I have seen just as many women abuseing men as men abuseing women. Why is it so hard for people just to be nice to one another?
cindy jewell,
That is a very significant question you just asked at the end of your post – “Why is it so hard for people just to be nice to one another?”
It sounds deceptively simple, buy actually invites a whole lot of mental effort even to begin to answer it! Thank you for challenging us 🙂
what site are the Travis Taliban spreading there crap on they make me sick
Believe it or not, one of Vladimir Gagic’s..!
Can you put a link to where you’re referring that you’ve seen the hateful remarks on Mr. Gagic’s site?
Hi Jodie, yes, its:
Sorry about the wait, we’re on different time zones!!
From there you’ll see his other blog sites..
The ignorance on them is laughable, be prepared! 😀
I find it very interesting that AL said the Hughes told TA that he needed to get counseling for his problems from childhood. It ties in very nicely with what JA said on the stand about wanting TA to get help. She is making JA’s story sound much more believable. Everyone who became close to TA knew he needed help, but he didn’t think he did.
By the way, I am over 50, but have been with my husband since 1979!! Fulfilling the dream of growing old with him and I love it.
Yes, wasn’t it good! I loved it. Ha no wonder that beast kept objecting.. and we’ve more to come of that 🙂
OMG Kira…You crack me up!!!! My 20 year old son is beyond wonderful!!!
Hate begets hate…Karma is a B*TCH Eric…
Certainly is.. who’s Erik? lol
I’m getting a FLOOD of responses to my comment on HLN facebook….I asked everyone if they feel they’ve been duped, and why isn’t anyone talking about the Hughes email….lmao!!
I’m seeing alot of possible converts here…not too many saying derogatory stuff, which is unusual…
what is the link for HLN facebook?
I’d just go on FB and input HLN… he who dares, wins.. or not, in this case lol
Your right I didn’t see anything about the email or about JM’s sideshow issue. The lastest HLN update was titled “did Jodi lie about the camera?”
Yea, it should be, “The Hughes KNEW of TA abuse! “
And yet Sky proudly told JW that she had called Martinez to help him convict Jodi.. .. and she smiled as she said it.
What a bitch.
Yep so true!
Huffington Post seems more moderate today also. The story by David Lohr seems supportive of defense & comments are a bit more mixed than they have been on this case.
More moderate.. omg Really? 😀 I’m glad I’m sitting down!!!!
That’s good to hear. There is a woman named Joyce who always gets ripped to shreds on HuffPo for being pro-defense….it’s like a pack of wolves descending on her. I’m sure they don’t like me much either though I don’t post there a lot.
Joyce sounds like a little lamb to the slaughter…OUCH…
They wanted to slaughter ME. I got out!!! Poor Joyce. I hadn’t a clue what I was letting myself in for when I went there. The ‘people’ on there are so vile.
Omg I looked..
UGH, they’re not human, how can they be serious.. I mean lol Nurmi’s ”jealous because of the photo the beast had taken? WTF!
And the word psychopath, sociopath practically in every post! My God, where DID they all come from?
Goes to show how many insecure people there are in the US..
The real tragedy is those words being tossed around like that. Those of us who have dealt with real sociopaths know it’s not at all funny or trivial.
The thing is, they’re so cold and vindictive of Jodi, Gus Searcy, Nurmi, Wilmott, and now poor Dr. Samuels, THEY’RE the ones who seem to think like sociopaths. And the way they’re lusting after the death penalty!!! They give me the creeps.
Never a truer word, Also Abused..
I had the unfortunate experience with one from NY.. charismatic, charming, witty..attractive.. but the lies, rages, threats, a marriage proposal within days, no, silly me, I was TOLD I was going to marry him! And what is called gaslighting, I think–you know, where they make you think you’re the one losing your mind–when they try and terrify you with nonsense.
I had to get the police to deal with him in the end–he wouldn’t stop leaving threatening messages every day on my phone..
I fell for his charm and his NY accent..
I’m so sorry Heather. Gaslighting is one of the most evil forms of torture which these creeps engage in regularly. I’m glad you were able to get away from him.
What is gaslighting?
It’s a phenomenon when someone lies to you over and over again yet manages to convince you that you’re the one who’s being suspicious and irrational for no reason. The concept is named for an old movie of the same name.
It can take many forms from mild to severe, but essentially, it’s a method abusers use to make their victims doubt their own memory and sanity. A common trick is to completely change the victim’s recollection of something that just occurred. “That is NOT what just happened. There is something wrong with the way you remember things.” Another is to make the victim doubt themselves and fear raising any topics in case they might be considered “wrong”. Some others are described here: http://www.healthyplace.com/abuse/emotional-psychological-abuse/gaslighting-definition-techniques-and-being-gaslighted/
While this is a rather extreme example, one thing my ex did to me was there was a clock that I loved and that I had bought when I bought our house and had him hang on the wall in the downstairs powder room. It was visible from the living room as the powder room was off the living room. Several years into my marriage, I had no contact with ANY other living human being than my husband. I was not allowed to answer the door and no one ever came over anyway. Nor was I allowed to go outside the house or be seen by anyone because I was “too fat” and it would embarrass him if anyone saw his “fat wife” (I had gained about 40 lbs). I didn’t drive, and lived in the back of a huge development which would have taken me 50 minutes to walk to the gate of anyway, and from there, without a car, I could not have gone anywhere. He was the only human I saw or interacted with in person for months, and sometimes, years on end. If he took me out (on rare occasions) to dinner, I was excited to be able to speak with a server at a restaurant.
Suddenly, one day, when I came downstairs, I noticed the clock from the powder room was no longer there. I asked him what had happened. He denied that it had ever existed. I pointed out the track on the wall where it had been. He told me I was seeing things. A few days later, the clock was back. I pointed it out to him. He denied that we had a conversation in the days before about the clock being missing. About a week after that, the clock was gone again, and had been replaced by a picture. This time, he denied that we had ANY previous conversations about the clock whatsoever. He also denied there had EVER been a clock on the wall at all.
Several months went by before the clock reappeared on the wall. When it did, I once again remarked on its reappearance. He told me he thought I was losing my mind because the clock had ALWAYS been on that wall and there had never been a picture there. He became extremely angry with me and threw things at my head.
This process continued for years back and forth and I never brought up the issue again. I sincerely doubted my sanity. This one issue had actually pushed me into a state where I doubted everything about myself, and especially everything else I did.
Towards the end, as I was beginning to recognize that he was abusive and making plans to try to leave, at one time when the clock was on the wall, I accidentally discovered the picture in the garage after having noticed something else he had taken from me and destroyed out of the corner of my eye. He had moved some stuff in the garage and apparently, forgotten to cover his tracks. I took a photo of the picture with a phone that he didn’t know I had as some friends he didn’t know about had sent the phone to me. I sent the photo to my friends and deleted it. A couple of weeks later, the clock was once again removed from the wall, and the picture was in its place. I took a photo of the clock, sent it to my friends, and asked them to compare with the previous photo. I literally did not trust myself. I actually expected them to tell me that there was no picture, or there was no clock, and let me know that I was indeed, insane. Instead, they confirmed what had happened. They received a photo of a picture, and a photo of a clock.
After I moved away from that house and set up my own apartment, there was a period of many months when I got up or came home that I checked the walls to make sure nothing “moved” or “disappeared”. I was very relieved that everything remained the same, and eventually, I stopped needing to check. It’s been such a relief.
Hi CR,
Gaslighting is when they try to twist your reality and they make threats. Its a form of control.
Thanks AA..
I was vulnerable, I had just lost my father and my mother 5 months before that, so I was ripe for what he wanted. He got ill in my house.. what Could I do but keep him in meals. He SAID he used to be a Sergeant in the Military and on came the pity play.. and the rages.. interspersed with calling me cutie… I later found out that he owed half of the people where I live, money, and never repaid them, either. The lies he told me were HUGE, but since it was about the US I didn’t know any better, he even showed me court papers to ‘prove’ what he was saying.
I see him sometimes when I’m shopping locally, I heave when I see women smiling sweetly and looking in awe of him. If only they knew.
Aaaargh Heather, I’m soooo sorry. That’s so typical of them, and it just amazes me that they seem to be able to prey on their victims just when they’re vulnerable. It’s as if they smell it.
Have you read Barbara Bentley’s “A Dance With The Devil”? http://www.amazon.com/Dance-Devil-Story-Marriage-Psychopath/dp/0425221180
You may find that interesting as her husband also pretended to be in the military (the Navy) and her story may well be quite similar to yours.
I’m sure the tide will turn again, HLN only wants to talk about the JM sideshow, however, they did briefly play the tape of her testimony.
I really feel that some of the people over there are so completely brainwashed, that they wouldn’t change their opinions even if Travis stood in front of them and said, ” I abused her, I attacked her, she was protecting herself”
How sad that so many people can be so easily lead….but we shall continue to be the pied pipers leading them to the truth!! Great day for Jodi and her defense!!
I’m afraid they’re beyond help. I’ve tried so hard but I just get abused.
Well, I finally broke down and went to the Facebook site of the haters… WOW is all I can say. Thanks to all of you for showing decorum and class. I know we show our frustration at times but those folks are vicious and nasty. Some of those things…well…not worth repeating. Have a great weekend and continue to be classy as we wait for more truth to be unveiled.
And NO I won’t make that mistake again…LOL
Its FAR too scary! lol
Have you guys read this?
“…Questions have arisen as to whether Arias is getting adequate nutrition in jail. A representative with the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office tells HLN that inmates are not to go more than 14 hours without being given food. They are given two meals a day, for a total of 2,600 calories — but Judge Sherry Stephens has mandated that Arias get three meals a day…”
I know we had talked about this a few weeks back when they discovered that she hadn’t been getting a lunch, but I was not aware that they were going from 3am till NOON with nothing. I couldn’t do that, I’d been faint. They need to test her blood sugar.
I’d LOVE to give HIM a taste of THAT.
She still only gets 2 meals..they cut her breakfast in half..she gets half for breakfast and the other half for lunch. The problem was that she had been going all day 12 to 14 hrs with having any food until 6-8 p..m Her lawyers can request an extra 500 calories for her and the judge can inforce it.
You know, I’m a runner & I don’t usually consume 2,600 calories per day. JA really shouldn’t need that many calories & certainly not more as long as she’s allowed to break them up into 3 or 4 meals per day. It’s hard for me to believe that she’s getting that many calories per day and doing nothing physical to speak of but staying as small as she is.
I’d like to see a calorie breakdown of each meal. I watched the video of Nancy Grace touring the jail and it didn’t seem like the food that they served totalled anywhere near 2,600 calories, unless the dinner casserole contained the majority of the calories.
I eat about 1,250 a day and it seems like I consume a lot more than the Estrella Jail inmates do.
OMG is all I can say.
When my kids were kids…if I were to NOT feed them for 14 hours I would have been arrested for child abuse!!!!!!
Am I the one insane here?????
missed the whole thing today, catching up on videos….. Looks like a GREAT DAY from your comments.
Jancasaurus on the stand!
Nurmi FANTASTIC and speaking faster, FORCEFULLY!
Was I the only one that thought that Jean Casarez looked and was attired more like a rapidly aging hooker than a lawyer and a journalist?
Nope. Did you see how short her dress is?
Yeah, that’s what I was referring to.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen the media try to influence the decision in a court case any more than I’ve seen HLN trying to influence this one.
LOL with a name like that I almost believed you!!!!! 😀
I was being serious.
I didn’t think a sleeveless short dress was really appropriate for court. But I wouldn’t say she looks like a hooker. She’s a very pretty woman with a great figure.
I don’t know if Jean knew that she was going to be put on the stand…
Ed, I think your hooker statement frankly is very offensive and sexist. Would you want your wife or girlfriend or daughter’s attire commented on the same way you commented about Jean?
She’s definitely old though.
Whoa Also Abused – Pretty?!
She reminded me of Kathleen Harris, the Florida Secretary of State during the Bush/Gore election.
You know what, Ed … everyone gets old, unless they die young. And friends of mine who have died young from various diseases only wished they could grow old.
She’s 52, which is 5 years older than me, so I guess I’m old too. Therefore, I guess I have some perspective on that. But my fiance is 10 years younger than me, and he refuses to let me say I’m old.
And personally, while I may not particularly care for her reporting, I’d love to look as good as she does now, never mind in 5 years from now, and that’s me being honest. She’s obviously had some work done because she looked older a few years ago. And she wasn’t always as thin as she is now, which means she’s worked hard on that too.
She was a very accomplished journalist before she sold out, and also, an accomplished attorney before that, and she’s also had a very successful musical career. She may be on the wrong track right now in her reporting in our opinion, but you never exactly know why someone chose that route unless you walk in their shoes for a while. Maybe someone told her she was getting too old for network TV and touring behind her albums. And maybe it hurt her self esteem really badly. Maybe she just needs the money. Maybe her husband abuses her and she resents this trial because she doesn’t have the courage to leave. Maybe her father told her she was fat and ugly when she was a kid and she feels the need to try to be beautiful now.
I have a lot of education, and ran a very successful and very financially profitable business, a great figure, owned a beautiful house, and bought fancy cars and gadgets for my ex-husband who was incredibly abusive. He took it all from me when I had him arrested and left. Today, I barely have a pot to pee in, I need to lose some weight, I have a ton of wrinkles and grey hair, and I’m working as a secretary/general dogsbody at a law firm. But I’m free. And as I said, you just never know what someone has gone through.
Let’s not be so judgmental as to slam someone for their looks. That’s like the haters slamming Dr. Samuels or Ms. LaViolette for their non-Wall-Street looks.
She’s definitely not in Jodi’s league that’s all I meant to say. I would love that attire on Jodi Arias.
Well and you honestly wouldn’t expect her to be, being that she’s old enough to be Jodi’s Mother!
Well, she wants to believe that she is. So, I decided to point out that she isn’t. I’m sorry if my remark upset people.
I agree Ed!!! LMAOOO
Some folks at CNN must be mad that Romney didn’t win so they’re trying to crucify Jodi Arias.
I don’t think a single solitary person at CNN voted for Romney. Like MSNBC, CBS, NBC, and ABC its a Obama network.
haha an her body language on the stand WOW LIAR !! blinking an blinking an holding her lips tight ya that is a LYING that is what they said before about other people on the stand so it was good for them it goes with Jane C too LIAR ! holding back information I seen it ……….lol
Excellent observation, Rhonda in Alabama! You are soooo right.
I wouldn’t have worn that to court.
No, me neither, Kira.. it surprised me when she said she was a lawyer, she looked as if she could have been a member of the jury. Had I been her I would have looked more of the part.
It was a cute oufit for a night out with friends, and she has a nice figure, but I thought she’d look more professional in the courtroom.
hahahahaha!! me too Ed!
She is 52…and a birthday coming up soon…
Jean Casarez (born April 20, 1960) is a Mexican-born American lawyer and news correspondent for truTV
Clearly the Jinkasaurus began walking the Earth much later than other dinosaurs.
How do I get one of those ribbons?
Go to the Gravatar site and create an account using the same email that you use here. Then do a google search for domestic violence ribbons, choose the one you like, and make that your Gravatar symbol. It will show up here and on any other site that uses Gravatar :). It may take a little while to show up…I thought I had done it wrong yesterday at first LOL.
Thanks Kira, I’ll go and do that now 🙂
Isn’t the Gravatar site confusing, Kira? Nothing I clicked on seemed to apply and it said my name had to change as it was already in use.. after 3 attempts I can’t see the option of the ribbon avatar.. aaaargh!!
Seems all I can do is hope they give me the right one! 🙂 shall be pretty sick if they don’t!
I didn’t see the option to google for one.. hope I can change it if they give me one I don’t want.
I’m afraid me and computers aren’t always on the same page lol!!!!
Too worried about getting an avatar for the other side so thought I’d play safe–that’s of course if I’ve managed to put any avatar up at all! LOL!!!
You know what is great about this? HLN is a victim of their own creation!
😀 So true!!!
LOL yes
Jincasaurus nowhere to be seen on HLN today (keeping it on mute/caption while watching videos.) She might actually find out that what persecution means when you cross the propaganda channel.
I was looking through the pictures of TA and JA, the one at the waterfall where she’s wearing the blue bikini top, and I noticed that there is a horrible bruise on her left shoulder. My eyes may be playing tricks on me, but I am certain it’s a bruise…..Anyone???
maybe bruise, could be sunburn?
I’ve mentioned this previously in the Jodi arias pics comments. The site of a bright red shoulder jumped out at me on the 48 hours when watching in high def. Sure, I guess it could be sunburn, but no other parts of her body appear particularly sun-tanned/burned.
I was thinking THAT.. its too much of a coincidence.
And about Ashley…my attorney friend said that her autopsy report read that her hair is 2 inches long from the scalp…he said that didn’t sound right…considering that she wore shoulder length hair…
Why was her hair cut so short?…and who cut it that short?…2 inches is like a spike look…kinda like the lady-Alyce LaViolette’s hair on the witness stand…
And my attorney friend said that it was very rare that a woman would shoot herself with a gun in the head…very rare…
Rarer, but it happens: Bee Cee posted some AZ stats for 1999-2009 the other day, in which 35-40% of AZ female suicides were from firearms, and 30-40% from poisoning (AZ male suicides 60-70% from firearms, 10% poisoning.)
The rate of female suicides in AZ is climbing faster than the rate of male suicides…
What is even more suspicious in Ashley’s death is that she supposedly shot herself DOWNWARDS front to back entering right temple and exiting behind-below left ear. She was a short plump woman, probably with short arms and short fingers. She had to hold the gun up front pointing down, lift her arm up and twist her wrist; in which position she may not have been physically able to press the trigger at all, depending on the size of the gun. The only way I could see it happen is it was a small gun and she was lying down sideways with arm propped against a pillow. If she had used two hands and thumb she would not have done it at the right temple, but in the middle of the forehead.
I know this is late – but when I see the stats on female suicides by firearms I simply do not believe it. Because of the way this trial is being conducted, Sheriff Joe’s record of not investigating sex crimes and the reaction of the public to the Arias trial I do believe there is a lot of abuse towards women in that state.
As I have posted before, a friend of ours was shot in the head by her boyfriend who said it was a suicide attempt. It was only luck that a detective happened to hear her say he did it, during a moment of lucidity in her hospital bed.
Before that, she had reported him for abuse and tried to get away numerous times. The police never believed her – even after she had been locked in a closet for three days. She tried getting away and he would come after her. Once shot, the police believed it was suicide at first; even though it was a rifle wound to the face. The angle and type of firearm would have made it impossible for any person with normal length arms to shoot themselves in the head with. But, apparently, AZ doesn’t like to ‘waste money’ investigating crimes.
Do you know if all those females who committed suicide in AZ were Mormons?
I don’t believe she did..
I don’t believe she did it either…and my attorney friend doesn’t believe it either…
I would love it if Nurmi asked Jean this question.
Nurmi: Have you ever had penal vaginal intercourse with Mr. Martinez?
Martinez: Objection! Relevance.
Judge: overruled you may proceed Mr. Nurmi.
Karas: Could you repeat the question?
Nurmi: Do you have a memory problem?
Karas: No!
Nurmi: Did you have penal vaginal intercourse with Mr. Martinez.
Karas: . . . .
Nurmi: Judge will you instruct Ms. Karas to answer my question?
Judge: Ms. Karas you may answer the question.
Karas:. . . . ah it was all foggy.
LOL!!!! 😀 Too funny!!!!!
Lol haha. ?. It was all foggy!!!!! Lmoa
Judge: Ms. Karas you may answer the question.
Karas:. . . . ah it was all foggy. um I mean Froggy…
Ill repent for that one later, but for now! bahawahhahahahahahahahahahah! I just laughed my self senseless!
good one Bella!
I’m a bit of a brat today. It’s been a long week and I’m a bit fed up with the whole mess of all the shenanigans.
Totally off topic and my little rant: Don’t read if you are in the same funk and grumpy place as I am…if you are well misery loves company; read away.
I don’t need smoothing/handheld/petted/babying (as my husband says, but I’ll take it from him as he reads all my comments and knows me well)). I just want to snivel and whine!
I can’t understand it all. Maybe I’m too feeble minded, or simple, or I am just plain stupid but I just don’t see what everyone (anyone) else sees/doesn’t see in Jodi. I watch the trial, I read everything, on here, on Facebook, Twitter. I listen to all the pundits, talking heads, media and see/hear/snoop through almost every shred of news and spin and still cannot fathom where any of these people come from. I cannot understand it, any of it.
Bella I think about that all the time. We can only hope and pray this may be happening because the days of hate are coming to an end. I once heard it’s the last of the hate-filled mob mentality rearing its ugly head because it (hatred personified) knows people are becoming more enlightened. It makes me feel worried for my children when I think this is the world I brought them into. I actually spoke to my 15 year old about it and she reminded me, “mom remember you are raising us to be soldiers for good and light.” That is my only solace.
and Bella…in a sense it does makes sense…God did make some beauty in all of it…he made all of us…he brought us all together in one area of the world…this website…and now we know where we are with him…Like Minds and Kind Hearts…
I feel the same way, Bella. I just don’t get it. I don’t watch or read that crap very often, but whenever I do, I’m just shocked.
I’ve said it before, but she reminds me a LOT of me at that age. So, when they say that stuff about her, I keep wondering if I’m what they are describing.
Me neither, Bella, I’ve been shocked ever since I stumbled on this case. How can anyone NOT see what’s been going on?
Could we also throw in SOGGY while we are at it? 🙂
hahahahahaha!!!!!! Good one, Bella! 😀
Haha I’m always laughing at myself! 😀
I am going on a cruise on Saturday, what am I going to do, missing trial all next week???? It’s going to be so important once Kermit starts his acting like a fool. Wait did I say start? Continues. Thank God for you all, I’ll just come here everyday, at least I’ll have wifi, though I hear its really slow on the boat, I don’t think I’ll be able to view the streaming trial, but I can see the message board. Keep me updated!
Have a great time. I’ve worked all day and have missed so much!!
Have a great time, Harmony!
Aaaaaaah to watch and listen to the mighty ocean and millions of stars….
Harmony watch the poop deck and the poop in the hallways too, for that matter.
Have a lovely relaxing time, Harmony! We’ll be here waiting when you get back.
“my little firecracker”
OMG lol
Funny in a pitiful way.
I couldn’t listen at work…what was that regarding?
I’ll have to catch up this weekend.
It’s in the video about Juan being a rock star. I laughed through the whole thing!
Oh for God’s sake!!! In his dreams.
Bimbo voice: “Well, he’s not a bad looking guy, you know. An older gentleman, definitely an older gentleman.”
I’ve just thrown up.
I mean.. can you imagine… on second thoughts. don’t!
I know that one of the hater sites posted something about JM being gay a while ago. I so hope that he does an interview and says that he is gay so that these women will all cry about not being able to marry him…LOL!
Oh so he’s a husband beater then?
I find that to be very ironic because the haters are going on and on about the DV expert being gay! Haters! Kids commit suicide over that stuff.
More like a “pebble”.
And did you see the girl who said, ” I saw him in the elevator, and like he said hi and like said hi” She was funny actually. I dont mean that in a hateful way.
Okay, I need to get some clarification here. The donations on this site are allegedly going to Jodi’s commissary account. So why should she be hungry? Shouldn’t she be able to buy as much from food vending machines, provided they have them, as she wants and needs?
That said, I, and some others, would like to know exactly how these donations work. Are 100% of the donations going to Jodi’s account—- famosamos? I’m aware of PayPal fees, and such. And how much has been raised to date?
It is understood a website needs money to provide the platform it does to all of us, and I, for one, appreciate it. However, a little further clarification will go a long way in keeping the good being done here going.
And please don’t say that they family doesn’t wish to give this information. Thank you.
I am not sure, but until somebody else answers; I do not know if vending machines and such are “common” in prisons or jails. On the other hand, if they are then I am sure Jodi will not have that at her disposal considering sheriff joe’s determination to make anyone in jail suffer (innocent or not). It was stated in another post that Jodi’s breakfast was split into breakfast and lunch so she would not get more than other inmates… therefore I can’t see that she can have any other ‘goodies’ if she desires. I thought the money was for appeal attorney fees (if needed), helping family stay in AZ for the trial, and things of that nature.
There is no “allegedly” about it. 100% of the money donated goes to Jodi and is handled by the Arias family. More importantly, they receive the funds directly via PayPal, or directly via check. They also posted a statement to that effect in the *Support Jodi* page. We do not see or even handle the donations. Also note that none of the donations go towards the operational costs of this site or the 3 of us that help administer & run it. I cover all those costs personally. Please get your facts right before you jump on the BS wagon again.
Team Jodi
” I cover all those costs personally. ”
I know you do SJ!!! Love you!
you don’t even have any ads on here to generate any money 🙂
Thanks, SJ.
Your site is priceless, and if you need separate donations to keep it going, please do set up another fund to donate to the site upkeep and management. I would not want to lose you.
Thank you for running this site and paying out of your own pocket. I hope you are independently wealthy, but if not, I would be happy to give a donation to help keep it going. Let us know if you set sotmething up for that purpose (In Pakistan perhaps 🙂 )
Thanks to MB and LC also for all of your hard work for this site.
Uuhhhh thanks TR, but Im really just a STONG supporter and i stand (not just behind) but right by SJ, JC, MB and all the truthful supporters on this site, including the Pakistan guy ; ))
Thanks for correcting me LC. I meant JC, but I also enjoy your posts, hence the confusion. I guess I should just have said everything to Pakistani Guy and I would have been covered 🙂
Thanks TR! I am not an admin, though, but I do my best to help out in any way possible to further Jodi’s cause, and support her and her family through this tough time.
I am very glad that we have our family of Team Jodi here, growing bigger by the day, supporting and uplifting one another. 🙂
Its Great, isn’t it! Kept me sane and so welcome after listening to that raving idiot frying my brain.
My understanding was that the money raised would be used primarily for Jodi to have food and snacks. That the family would be given the money and they would put it into Jodi’s commissary account at the jail. Any left over would be used for the family’s expenses in travelling to Arizona for the trial. I guess the question is does Jodi have money in her commissary account and when and how often can she use those funds? What food is available for her at the commissary? Is it only junk food? Is the commissary open before she goes to the courthouse in the morning and when she gets back at night? I read a report somewhere that when someone in the jail has money in their commissary account, the cost of the jail’s two meals a day are subtracted and they can use what’s left over for snacks. I don’t know if that’s true of the jail Jodi is in.
You are right about the subtraction at that JAIL I read that an heard that Jail woman explain that on NG one night. It is hardly any money at all the cost though can’t remember the exact cost but I remember it was so cheap no one on the outside could eat for that cheap even at McDonald’s. But peanut butter an bread an ginger snaps an a piece of fruit was all it was I think. An ginger snaps only if they were donated she said? I bet they can google it an find out exactly though on the cost.
Bless you for doing that, SJ. I know it’s NOT cheap to run a site like this. Please feel free to set up something for donations to help in running this site at any time. You are giving us all a home, after all!
Thank you,this is only site that is giving the actual facts in this case.Intelligence,grace and kindness is what you all possess in your responses.I do not share much on here, but I hover often, relate to much of what is shared.A confirming of my feelings thoughts and questions about this case. This all has touched me deeply.It keeps me sane, coming here,
away from the ignorance and mob mentality.
“Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace”> Dalai Lama
My understanding on the food is that ARIZONA only gives 2 meals per day…………so for her to have a LUNCH really one meal is SPLIT for the day she does not get a additional meal period.
Not sure how Arizona does the snacks but I do not think they can hoard any type of foods they have to be eaten. This I only know for a person that was in a Texas prison for a time. He said that was so people could not be trading this for that ?
Truly wish they would get the rules changed for anyone on TRIAL though as the time an the energy being burnt up would be highly stressful an would make sense you need food an liquids to maintain through the day. I am sure those lawyers eat an drink more during a trial like that.
I do agree with this Sheriff though for repeat offenders I would think it would be the thing to do or in a Prison even but in a JAIL? you do have people that are not even proven GUILTY yet waiting on a trial?
The guy I know that was in a Texas prison told me he would never do anything bad in Arizona as he heard of this JAIL ? an this is a bad guy I am talking about here. He also felt pity for the ones in PRISON that were in TEXAS now as Texas also only has 2 meals a day in Prison there. An no last meal any longer for the ones that go to the DEATH row as the last person that did it ordered a bunch of food an then did not eat any of it in spite the governor cut that last meal off now from what I have read.
I think lack of sleep may be more of a problem for Jodi than lack of food. Still, I wish we could have pizza delivered to her at lunchtime. Pizza and BEER! She could use that!
Uuuuhhh that sounds so nice!!! I bet she’d love that but she probably cant drink beer (Mormon). Shecan have the pizza ill take the beer!!! Haaaaa ; ))
I so want to fly out there just to take her a large cheesy pizza with extra sauce! She looks like she needs a good pizza. This makes me want to cry. Whenever I hear stuff Travis told her that was degrading, whenever I hear the horrible things the media says, I want to cry.
I want to pull her through the screen of my laptop. I’d love to go into the courtroom, stick 2 fingers up at Martinez and the judge, say ”OBJECTION” and rush her out of there and onto a plane back to my home in London where I would cook her the best meal ever and give her total peace and relaxation.
Do you reckon she is still Mormon? I don’t.
There was a programme on TV here about the prisoners, called, ”Death Row”.. It was on weekly for a few weeks.. talk about insight.. Trevor Macdonald went there and spoke to some of them. They’re kept in CAGES!
Jodi still wouldn’t be able to access those commissary snacks during the 14 hours between breakfast and the end of the court day.
yep. i bet they don’t let her take any food with her to trial.
I bet they don’t. Here this would be a Human Rights issue.
Inmates going to court have to leave the jail very early. Consider that they travel by bus, searched by Officers at the jail, by the transportation Officers, courthouse Officers, Bailiffs, then the reverse processes at the end of the day. Consider a busload of inmates, if all goes well, but at times inmates get angry for different reasons and fighting, arguing holds up the process, and screws up the schedule. Inmates that wear civilian attire have to be allowed time to get dressed, have the clothes searched, secure their jailhouse attire, usually this happens at the courthouse because, obviously we don’t want a bus load of inmates in civilian attire for escape risks. Courthouse doesn’t have a cafeteria so they get a sa ck lunch nicknamed a Sack Nasty. On a typical court day an inmate usually departs before breakfast and arrives after dinner so they have to resort to unhealthy snacks or sack nastys. Commissary is limited in how much the inmates can purchase weekly, due to the fact that commissary items are used like money in jail. The Sheriff is responsible for the jail and has no authority over the courthouse schedule, and for security reasons cannot deviate from the kitchen schedule. In addition consider those inmates that are on medications and the meds have to follow them on their days journey to the courthouse and then that requires the Medical staff to be added to the equation. Inmates in the U.S are healthier than some of the children in the U.S. Sheriffs do their best with what they have for the most part, but I’m sure there is the exception.
So I’m getting personal messages again from haters (including but not limited to; crawl back in your hole, your a retard, and other intelligent funnies) – interesting timing considering i have not posted in a few days on those sites… I do believe the angry mob is rumbling. I guess it hurts to realize you’re on the wrong side.
Lol yup, they are so mad right now! !! Oh well, if they would’ve thought for themselves instead of listening to HLN, they’d be on the right side a long time ago, right.
I just posted criticism on HLN and am waiting for an onslaught but so far none. Ok here is how I want the next reenactment to go. Give Jane and Nancy a gun with live rounds in it and lock them in a room where they have nothing to do but babble at each other and see what happens. Let Dr Drew have a go at Vinnie or Ryan on the anal sex thing because he looks like he’s wanted to try it all his life. Put a knife in the one hand and a mic in the other of Beth K and Jean K, stand them in the streets in the path of some lame celebrity, say like Juan M, and tell them the first one to get an exclusive gets to put the barrette in Nancy’s hair. lol Carnage.
I posted at that HLN facebook site as well as tweeted my comment here about innocent til proven guilty. OMG There are lots of haters out there!!!
Go team Jodi!!!
If anyone else has a twitter you can RT me if you would like to…
like your posts!
Following you now!
Lol love it!!!
Funny!!!!! 😀
And So well said!
Really. For tomorrow’s HLN broadcast, they are going to have re-runs of Jodi on the stand. I guess it isn’t in the best interest of any testimony that could calm the masses, such as La Violette’s testimony, from wanting blood.
I don’t think there will be an entire acquittal in this case, but if there is, HLN will be screaming their heads off. Just like with the CA case, THEY AREN’T LISTENING.
I didn’t think the jury would acquit her entirely either. I thought they’d really want a lesser charge. But the more of this I’m watching, especially after today’s testimony about the Hughes’ emails, I think there could well be an acquittal. Either that or a hung jury!
Could very well be a hung jury, yes.
Shame there isn’t a hung prosecutor ;P
Some of the people who ask for his autograph and want to marry the prosecutor seem to think the little guy is “hung” (like a horse) LOL (Please pardon my dirty mind!)
LOL Also…just goes to show “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”
Martinez: Isn’t it true that you just want me for sex?
Blonde Bimbo: Are you out of your tiny mind?
Martinez: Did I ask you if I was? I ask the questions here.
I watched the video that was posted about the jail she is in, they did have food in the video..snacks etc.. the main girl they interviewed showed how she traded things to get other snacks. I dont like calling them snacks really, as they are really the “food” they get, besides the 2 meals. I know there are people in prison and jail that never eat the jails food. they servive on the comisary items they buy. they make “jail house” burritos, etc…
I know when i was in the clinck after a DUI several years ago…raman noodles were my friend 🙂
A episode about the jail there
I did a little quick reading about the prison and jail system and it seems that Arizona is one of the states that uses some kind of “for profit” system that not all of them use. It appears that this helps them make money from the inmates. Food, I guess, is a big thing in the prisons because there is not that much of it available, one of the reasons that there is so much fighting and food-related riots, stealing of food, etc. among prisoners.
The prison and conditions, overall, are not uncommonly deplorable in a number of jails and prisons and human rights are being violated, sometimes blatantly. Inmates have died before their release dates and been refused proper medical care and other basic human needs. I understand that we shouldn’t want criminals treated to nice living arrangements and we tolerate abuses and taking advantage of them, whenever possible because, to the public mind, they deserve punishment and can literally “rot” in prison. However, there needs to be some basic level of humanity that makes us different from animals, and we should continue to look for ways that criminals can pay back their debts in positive ways that benefit society, something that is difficult to do when you are suffering seriously from lack of nutrition, sleep deprivation, and other challenges that affect work performance and productivity.
The Arizona prison system where Jodi is, and the sheriff over it, have had a number of lawsuits filed against them. However, the politics there seem to favor them just as their justice system seems to really know how to conduct a fair trial as well as pick prosecutors who are role models in how to win cases and project professional conduct. (obvious sarcasm)
While the trial has been covered so heavily and public opinion shaped by a very biased media, on the positive side, this may ultimately help to bring needed reforms in Arizona. Along with the reforms, it seems that there should be a challenge to the treatment of individuals held as accused before and during their trials. To the public mind that believes that criminals should be denied basic rights and rot in jail for what they’ve done, one also has to keep in mind that some of these people in the prison system are actually innocent. Also, someone like Jodi, who has been held in jail for several years now, is being punished but her case has only gone to trial within the last few months with a verdict yet to come. Hopefully, if the verdict allows her to leave prison life at some time sooner or later, she will not be in poor physical and/or mental health or worse like others before her, thanks to Arizona’s terribly flawed handling of this case.
Arizona is a barbaric State, its deplorable, shocking. To my mind the people who run this shambolic place should be jailed and get a loooong taste of what it feels like.
I’d do it with Pleasure! 🙂
I saw that.. and I can’t bear the though of Jodi being in there, its awful 🙁
What stunned me was that they aren’t allowed a hug from their visitors. This is VERY WRONG.
What’s also very wrong is that some of them are in there.. while awaiting trial???
That is downright disgusting.
Listening to Jean C tell about being on the stand. lol
She looked pretty annoyed. I mean annoyed… there is NOTHING Pretty about Jean.
With that kind of testimony even throwing a shadow into the courtroom the judge should have sequestered the jury taking all chances away for ANY influence from the media.
Does anybody have the video or watch the video that Nurmi is talking about with Jean C?
Have you noticed HLN hasn’t made a peep about Alyce LaViolette’s testimony that she gave Jodi four books and a magazine subscription???? More than that, she said that in her field, it is not unethical in the slightest bit to do so. Are they proud that they did such damage to Dr. Samuel? These people on HLN are sociopaths.
Oh no, Martinez will be accusing Alyce liking Jodi or having “compassion” toward her
*of Liking
Yes, and no doubt, he’ll attempt to bring up Ms. LaViolette’s sexuality, and claim she was enamoured by Jodi too.
I know, it REALLY pisses me OFF about them!!
“These people on HLN are sociopaths.”
I have seriously considered this. They seem to lack the capacity for basic human decency, and respect for the rights of others. And how ironic is it then, that they go on their show going “blah blah blah THIS person is a psychopath blah blah blah blah THAT person is a sociopath blah blah blah blah.”
Have they looked at themselves lately? More important, have they looked at the people they bring on their show claiming Jodi doesn’t have a soul? Right, as if there’s something not disturbing about that!
Too RIGHT, MB, they definitely have all the hallmarks of Sociopaths. VERY disturbing.
So the big news on JVM is Jodi having a Migraine. WOW
Dr Samuels web site was unavailable. I hope this does not destroy his career!!
Hah! If you google “Jodi Arias Prosecution Misconduct”
my page is now above HLN TV in 4th place.
It’s important for Jodi that by the time she is declared innocent, the real story is widely known.
I want anyone googling Jodi Arias to find the true story on that day.
Have a good Easter!
Note: please do actually do this, click on the link, and view the page.
We can fight HLN and win, we just have to be smart about it.
Don’t visit HLN or CBS websites at all – that actually hurts Jodi.
Is it from newser?
Geebee, iv gone through your website, you’ve done a great job. Congratulations! !!
But I didnt click on the like, missed it. Can you post it again, so that we can go back???
It’s best if you actually do the google search ( or any search engine, whichever one you use ), and then click the correct (wikispaces) link.
That’s because search engines note which links people are clicking and up the rating of the clicked page,
Don’t overdo it, if each supporter does it once, that should be plenty.
Also, Congratulations on your page, I saw it!
Thanks, GeeBee, you have a Good Easter too!
To be honest I never remembered it was Easter, this case is far too important. Also, how on earth does snow resemble Easter? More like Winter!!
Way to go geebee!
Have a Happy Easter too!
I wonder if JM was objecting like crazy at the beginning of the day to just set the stage for when he really wanted to object, once the Hughes’ emails started being discussed.
I think that his objections were actually a tactical error. It just served to highlight the testimony if you ask me.
So, I just watched the HLN JM “Rock Star” clip. Wow. That’s the first time I’ve seen anything from that network regarding this trial. How do you folks watch that all the time? I think I have fewer brain cells now than I did 2 minutes ago….
“Doing the people’s work, putting the bad guys away.” What a crock of shit.
I am just DAMN grateful I have more brain cells than the bimbo Kermit worshiper you just quoted!!!!
It was pretty sad wasn’t it? I only watch what is posted here….can’t stand to otherwise.
Sadly, it was the “anchor” who said that. So much for objective journalism.
I just took a moment to imagine Walter Cronkite saying that. I think I need a drink.
LMAO FUNNY Michael. I needed to laugh. I’m getting far to wound up over all this.
I know what you mean. I started reading Jose Baez’s book the other night, and it saddens me to realize that instead of getting better, in two years things have gotten much, much worse.
But then I started to imagine that Ted Baxter from the Mary Tyler Moore show had gotten a job at HLN. He would be the most dignified anchor they have! I feel a little better. 🙂
OMG you’re right, Michael. It’s funny but sad.
Oh…for some reason I thought it was said by the blonde gal sitting to the left of the two women…shows how GREAT my memory is, NOT!
Now I will subject myself to watch it again…
I’ve been reading comments tonight wanting to see if anyone could actually describe the pitiful morons that were falling over the prosecutor wanting autographs and photos. So a handful of idiot sounding dirtbags are grinning and chuckling and this is reported that of course he’s a rock star? Hateful lowlife devious prosecutor gets a few sorry people to praise him and it’s big news. Couldn’t be more dishonest about that just like everything else.
I hope their 2 million dollar trial ends up a fiasco cause of his stupidity. Then the people of AZ can line up to pay for another 2-3 million dollar trial.
That’s exactly what I thought, ugh.
hey guys, so NICE to find this site – oh my lord the haters out there are sickening!!! thank goodness there’s you and people here who can see how much of a fraud that monster travis was!
Just stumbled across this almost by accident. An effort to recall Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Seems you have to be a resident to do this – if any on this site live in the area, you can actually help do something to ease the plight of people like Jodi.
A total digression but I do believe Ms LaViolette has a plug of chaw tucked into her left cheek.
Nah, she’d have to spit occasionally if that were the case. My husband used to chew but thankfully gave it up…I hated those spit bottles!
ugh Katie Wick…
Yes, UGH, she’s sickening.
It is true…Sheriff Joe makes prisoners pay $1.00 per meal. If you don’t have any money in your commissary account, then you don’t have to pay.
Here is a commissary list from Maricopa County Jail…it may be a bit out of date and hard to read but you can get an idea of what is offered….no healthy food items IMO.
You can also put money directly into inmates commissary account including using the phone or internet.
Linda, are you saying we can deposit money in Jodi’s account? Will this get her more food?
If they don’t allow her to take food with her to court…then having more money doesn’t help….
does anyone know if she takes food with her?
i hope i have not done anything wrong to be awaiting moderation. i want jodi to get a fair trial and worry about her health. i pointed out that the flores report had something wrong there and your staff did a break down and you did a really good job i was up for two days trying to figure it out and you did it in one day.
when i left my abusive ex and could not eat remember sitting at my parents house at the dinner table with my family and food in front of me and my dad saying you must eat something i was at 98 lbs for a 5’1” woman and i told my dad i can’t eat he went out and bought me a book and asked me to read it .. it was called l. ron hubbard dianetics and it helped me. i’m crying now because my dad is not here with us or my mom and my sister who hung herself they are with god now and my heart goes out to jodi i want to help her
That’s just so sad. You’ve got a good heart.
I honestly don’t think she’d be allowed to take any food in with her 🙁
Also, there may be more fees taken out through the touchpay system than the paypal set up here….
Someone may want to do both and compare to see.
one more thing, without Jodi’s inmate number I would be highly suspicious it would get to her properly. Look at what they have done with her MAIL!!
Alright folks, I finally figured it out. Here’s how JW and KN got in the Hughes stuff even though it would be declared inadmissible without the Hughes testifying.
They are relying on Federal Law, basically Rule 703 of the Federal rules of evidence.
“An expert may base an opinion on facts or data in the case that the expert has been made aware of or personally observed. If experts in the particular field would reasonably rely on those kinds of facts or data in forming an opinion on the subject, they need not be admissible for the opinion to be admitted. But if the facts or data would otherwise be inadmissible, the proponent of the opinion may disclose them to the jury only if their probative value in helping the jury evaluate the opinion substantially outweighs their prejudicial effect.”
The last sentence basically says that the judge must rule on whether the facts being introduced are more probative (tending to prove) to the truth of the matter or more prejudicial to one side or the other. This is why JM keeps referring to this rule, because he claims that these discussions are more prejudicial to his case than probative to the truth of the matter at hand.
Judge Sherry over-ruled him every single time he raised that issue today. Good for her. I think she’s starting to get a view of what happened and where the defense is going. And somehow she’s decided she’s going to let the defense tell their story. Finally.
Maybe Ms LaViolette got to the judge.
love it!
thanks Al!
Yes, good for that judge at last. Thanks.
it’s my understanding that Sky and Chris are witnesses for the defense (hostile). So, they could be called to discuss the emails. However, Chris feels he was put on the defense witness list to silence him from talking to the media, which we all know didn’t do squat. Strategically though, I think it would be a bad move to put them on because of the way cross would go with Juan. Thoughts?
I don’t see them adding anything to the case that isn’t there in those damning emails.
Me neither. and if they get up there and call nurmi a liar, like chris did when the jury wasnt present – that would not be good.
I’m of the same thought.
I agree completely. I don’t think the defense would want a hostile witness unless they absolutely had to have him for some reason. They may have been able to get the emails in, but who knows what sort of mischief JM would create.
I think this is much better. And if JM wants to contradict ALV’s testimony he must either get deeper into those emails or put the Hughes on the stand during his rebuttal, in which case he would go first and the defense would cross examine, which is better to allow for debunking their testimony.
Thx I was wondering why he kept saying 703
I do hope that Juan Martinez get in deep,deep, deep trouble. I don’t like him!!! I think Jean Casarez is hiding something when she was testifing. I am assuming with no information that Nurmi has shown a picture of Kate Wick to Jean Casarez when she was on the stand. She claim that she doesn’t know her?????? They both work for HLN????
I felt that Jean Casarez told a lie about not knowing Katie Wick…
Juan also lied by saying he signed only one autograph.
Ironic, isn’t it that he should speak, well yell at poor Jodi for telling lies? UGH.. he’s total SH*T . I would LOVE to see him get his cumuppance, I’d pay to see that.
JC-ADMIN i was over on the site that were you can leave jodi a message and sent her a note there i also read a woman named susan remember that name because i have a sister named susan and she say that what jm did is very wrong and could have his lic removed etc and also mention if jodi could get to her att. to contact her and her staff.
I do too.
So, like a dumbass I turned on Drew just to see what they were saying. That lasted about a minute after I heard him say that she slashed his tires and was constantly sneaking into his house, plus she kicked a dog! Nada about how maybe, just maybe, AL is making sense here and of course nothing about the damning Hughes email. Back to a rerun of Everybody Loves Raymond for me 🙂
I’m just watching the whole day without interruption, so pardon the late commentary.
JM’s objecting to the word “said”.
So Jennifer got in everything she needed to. Here’s the great thing about this. If JM needs to cross examine on any of this he will have to get more of what is in the emails out in the open. If he comes anywhere close to this area, she’s just going to say I based by opinion on what’s in those e-mails, and here’s what was in those emails, which he will have to shut down really fast or she’ll just spew the whole thing out. Also I think she’s smart enough that she’s quickly comprehended what’s going on and is now responding in a manner that stops JM dead in his tracks.
We now know that even TA’s friends knew he was abusing Jodi. Also this was not the first incident, but that he was abusive to a ast girl friend. We also know that Jodi was trying to figure out what was going on and was basically a one-guy type off girl, while TA was a player. We also know that he didn’t want to acknowledge her publicly, which would probably crimp his style.
So who does the term Skank really apply to.
This is some powerful stuff.
Absolutely. These emails may very well turn out to be the “smoking gun” of this case. And it can’t be lost on the jury that Martinez was doing back flips trying to get this information withheld on a legal technicality.
Wilmott was a genius to leave this for the last thing before a 4-day weekend. She paced ALV perfectly.
I was doing my taxes during that testimony. I saw most of it but I didnt catch whether there was one email or two or more? Were any written by Chris or all by Sky?
It was very confusing. It sounded like AL had seen an email that was 3 or 4 pages long but JW gave her 3 or 4 copies of only the first page of an email to review today.
It was referred to as a “string of emails” … I would call that an email chain. In other words, a lengthy discussion in email, several pages long, with many back and forth emails from both Sky and Chris to Travis. Interesting!
And there was reference to him abusing women and a former girlfriend, in particular. Deanna?
By the way, I’m sooo happy this came out. I’ve been asking about these emails for a few weeks since reading an article which mentioned them. “In their phones and computers were texts and e-mails that ranged from erotic to abusive, as well as e-mails from friends and acquaintances complaining about Alexander’s treatment of Arias and another girlfriend.”
Oh Jennifer Willmott is INCREDIBLE, she’s amazing!
Sorry, I posted my comment before seeing this (my comp is whack) anyway, I had a question about this email. For one, it must be in evidencem correct? Are witnesses allowed to testify to something that isn’t?
Also, how is AL allowed to testify to it if CH hasnt? It was written from him to TA, correct? I
Isn’t that, like, triple hearsay??
I’m just confused by it is all…..very damaging to the prosecution, absolutely. If there is outside evidence of abuse to coorabarate her testimony, it would be the “smoking gun.”
I just assume that CH would have had to testify to it before….is that not correct?
AI-thanks, I love your post!
Im guessing the other girl was Deanna. They dated for 4-5 yrs I heard. Remember Jodi testified that Travis told her Deanna was stalking him, and they also had to downplay their romance in front of her. Remember she stormed into the house one day when Jodi was baking cookies in Travis’ kitchen and went upstairs for a while then left. Did she take a book with her? I cannot recall.
Dont forget that the title of the email that Travis sent to the Hughes was YOU CROSSED THE LINE. He was LIVID that the Hughes told Jodi not to continue to see Travis. I wonder what made them turn on Jodi? They seemed to like her at first. Was it something to do with PPL & money, or did Travis start in on his lies about her being a stalker doggy door climber inner. MY GAWD what a bunch of fuckers. They all knew what he was and are trying to downplay it. Too little too late.
Man that just makes me so mad. All those people getting on tv though an saying WE KNEW THE FIRST TIME WE MET JODI she was strange she was obsessed she had DEAD EYES bla bla bla………….all LIARS !
You are right I think they did like her but then Travis started this LYING about JODI crap to get them off his back about dumping her so he could date other Mormon women. That is what I think though?
This way he could still have Jodi on the side an under cover an date others still an his little click would not be upset with him then.
If people would just go look at both MY SPACE PAGES. Travis has JODI as his number 1 spot. Jodi has her sister only which tells me she was not the obsessed one. Everyone knows people in that age group first thing you do after a break up is REMOVE the bf or gf on those sites an most certainly not keep a STALKER or PHYSCO in the FIRST SPOT ? or as a friend even ? WTH
An on Jodi’s 2nd account on my space she has 2 one is for art it seems but Travis is number 10 on that account. A truly obsessed nut case like they all keep preaching would have TRAVIS plastered in that FIRST SPOT.
Just a Thought why don’t many of us I already did, post on Greta on FOX NEWS since HLN is a competitor and ask that Greta comment on this Trial more, I think the haters were furious since one of the Lawyers she has on her show believes JODI was overcharged and the Jury will have to come back with a Not Guilty, Since he believes it should have been Man Slaughter, I haven’t seen her be as hateful as the rest of the Media.
Iv posted on Greta. Should I go back and post again? ??
Can I have the link please? Thanks in advance! 🙂
Jean Casarez: Star Rocker on the Boat
Follow on Twitter: Pitchforks @PitchforksPosts
Thanks, Pitchforks, have already commented 🙂
Excellent blog post. I too think Jean is the last hold out for any type of non biased commentary on that Non- reality network.
I also commented 😀
Great Post!! I too think Jean C is the last hold on that channel. She has tried in the past to as far as I could see to be unbiased and tell both sides of the case.I am glad she said she had concerns that the grandstanding in front of the courhouse could affect the jury if they did see it. I do miss the days of CourtTV. They showed cases with less bias imo. Of course this is the same beast that created NG.
Hey all….I am sorry if this was mentioned or brought up earlier….or if my past comments about the gas cans that turned out to be NOTHING may have angered a few people, but I am starting to see a bunch of holes in the whole premed thing…
Anyway, with that being said, I have a question about the email AL brought into testimony today. One, that is in evidence, correct?
Two, how is she allowed to testify to it, if CH hasn’t? It is an email from CH to TA, correct? Isn’t that ,like, triple hearsay? Just wondering….
Any info would be great, as always, thatnks for allowing me to discuss this with you.
JB, poster “Al” explains it in his 9:15pm post.
Perfect! Thank you! That is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you….and thank you AL!
Dear moderator:
My last post was deleted. Why was that?
I pointed out that Sheriff Joe charges $1.00 per meal and I posted a link that showed an old Maricopa commissary list and another link that showed how to put money directly into a inmates account….
It took me about an hour to find that information and links and now it is gone…my effort for naught….
Please tell me why…if not here, then at my email account.
Linda I’m searching for it. None of that was intentional.
It’s up. Links get stuck in pending (jail) LOL.
It’s there! I read it a few minutes ago. Thanks for posting that!
Whew…I was really feeling a little paranoid there. I sometimes practically live on these pages because I need to get my optimism up after debating this trial with my friends. Jodiariasisinnocent is where I get my best info about this trial so I can argue intelligently with those who refuse to see….
I thought he was now charging 3 bucks a day! I posted a media link about that a few weeks ago. Did his rate go up or was the article incorrect?
oh please dear lord let that hln video show the jury walking outside that courthouse during the “rock stars” autograph session. I hope its the one who asked all those condescending questions to Jodi and they boot their asses off the case.
I noticed Dr. Drews twit was not so chiper tonight. stupid bit#& I hope shes banned from the courtroom
What? Please email SJ with this information. He will make sure the defense knows this asap! Jodiariasisinnocent@gmail.com
Done! 🙂
Are you sure it was a member of the jury? I thought we can’t see the jury and that they hide them so nobody can see their faces?
oh JC, I said i waz hoping that one of the people walking by JM while he is outside was a juror. In the background of the video that is posted above, you see a bunch of people walking by looking at JM and his fan club. The defense, I hope is examining that video closely to see if indeed there are any on there.
I wish I did see one, but as you said, we don’t know what they look like.
If i did, you bet I’d be emailing SJ post haste 🙂
Oh darn it! I thought you knew something I didn’t. Oh well. I think that after today, the jury knows they are being watched though and will be very careful. Atleast I’m hoping that’s the case. Another poster mentioned a judge seizing a jurors laptop. Jurors can get in a lot of trouble for misconduct. I read that if jurors talk with one another about the case, that it usually isn’t grounds for a mistrial, but if jurors are caught talking to anyone else, it is grounds.
This is a comment to the droves of hate comments and questions we are getting about Juan Martinez.
The comments are in the form of questions such as – how do we expect a prosecutor to act? Do we expect them to act all warm and fuzzy? Comments saying we need to grow up already and quit whining about the prosecutor.
My comment to these people – I expect a prosecutor to behave like a minister of justice as that is what the role of prosecutor is. I do not expect a prosecutor to throw things, drop evidence, and abuse experts by insinuating the expert “has feelings” for a defendant! And if a prosecutor does assert that, he/she should offer proof of such claims because without it, he is crossing ethical lines.
I do not expect a civil servant to be signing autographs but rather, taking the high road.
I expect a prosecutor care about the truth. And lastly, not all prosecutors behave like Juan so maybe it’s you who needs to research the role of prosecutor. Afterall, Dr. Samuels looks a grandfather so whether or not you approve of such antics, your hero just may be turning off a few jurors. Human emotion does a play a role in verdicts whether you like or not. So while you engage in hero worship and sing Juan’s praises, when the verdict is rendered you may find out that it was he, your hero, who helped lose his own case by behaving like an abusive bully.
And remember this – for every comment you see that expresses outrage at the prosecutor, you can be rest assured, that the comment represents the hundreds of people who read here, agree but don’t comment.
Wonderfully put JC….bravo!! And Vladimir mirrored that opinion yesterday on King Jordon blog radio, as well.
In my humble opinion, if what he is doing isn’t prosecutorial misconduct, I don’t know what is. And if Judge S doesn’t put her foot down this time, it will be very apparent that she is pro-prosecution, lets hope that doesn’t happen.
And yes, I wish I did know for sure that I saw a juror on there, if I could afford it, I would be in Arizona at this trial every day just to watch for things like this. Unfortunately, I’m clear up here in Pacific Northwest, a little to far to drive. I hope that there are some Jodi supporters in there watching this, and will alert the defense if they see anything. I want to say that Pitchforks did a good job on their blog discussing the Casarus thing, probably spelled wrong, sorry. But I would question if she would really tell the court if she saw someone…just saying….I hope she would, but I doubt that.
I agree completely! Well said! No other prosecutor is as aggressive as Juan Martinez. He’s way over the top!
Great post, JC! Thank you.
Beautifully said, JC. I must ask, have these people EVER watched a trial in their life? They are making excuse for Juan just like they do Travis, knowing full damn well and sure that both their behavior is reprehensible. It won’t fly for anyone with boundaries and standards, though.
They are forgetting that Juan is an appointed representative of the state of AZ. His behavior is a reflection on the State. He is paid by taxpayer dollars, and I don’t think anyone with an ounce of integrity sits well with the idea that he is being paid by the public to abuse other people. Whether it’s nationally televised or not, it reflects badly on the entire country.
I guess abusers recognise and admire other abusers 🙁
That’s about the size of it 🙁
Yes exactly! That is why they put Travis on such a pedestal. They veiw his behavior as something to be admired and emulated, not thought of critically or how the consequences can impact impact women; and further society as a whole.
Well said, JC!
The Martinez groupies need to go fantasize about him somewhere else.
Well said JC!!!!!
Btw Cane lady is the one that made the Travis pic buttons.
omg…did you guys see this…..its specifically talks about a juror that sits outside of the courtroom watching the spectators….
I just read this and was going to put this link up, and also I have a photo that was taken outside of the court, just don’t know how to post it. At this point in time I feel if there is a conviction it is a hollow victory, because there is no way it will not be overturned. And the photo is shocking that someone can sit outside of that court like this and say it will not taint the jury. Can I email the photo to a mod and they can post it?
Excellent TB, I’ve been looking and looking for photos, tweets, anything I can find that shows spectators outside the court room, on the steps, etc. and can’t find anything yet. I think JC can post that photo for you.
jodiariasisinnocent@gmail.com Please send 😉
Okay, I sent it but msn has changed my email to outlook and not sure how to use it, so let me know if you have received it.
I sent the photo, but I used my husband’s hotmail account, like I said I’m new to this outlook that they changed everyone to.
HLN seems to have bought into The Secret. The Law of Attraction. They think if they don’t talk about the Chris and Sky Hughes e-mails, they won’t be true.
LMAO!!! now thats funny!!
Hilarious 🙂
lol the Law of Attraction is right on when you think of Chris and Sky Hughes.. ugh. !!
Yep, they’ve been applying the Law of Attraction and the Law of Delusion on covering the defense all along.
I got into a discussion with the cult over on HLN facebook, and now they tell me Jodi wrote that email after hacking into Travis’s computer. Then not 15 min later, some idiot, I think on Dr. Drew, said the same thing. I wonder if it was her that responded to my post.
Anyway, they have already made up their minds to ignore the law, ignore the truth, and erase any creditably that the Arizona court system may have had, and turned into a reality TV show. How sad for Jodi…that one media station could engage in such a horrendous act as to taint the trial and the jury who is deciding the fate of this young woman.
They should all be ashamed of themselves!
So exactly how did JA hack into the Hughes as well and then make up a conversation with TA? And about his childhood which she probably didn’t know about at the time? Do they really listen to the logic of the stuff they are coming up with?
No. LOL Logic is not their forte.
Oh, of course she did!!!!!
Remember Jodi is the cunning, sneaky, stalker who probably slithered into the Hughes’ cat door, hid in the closet until she watched Sky log on to their computer, thus obtaining their password.
When the delightful Hughs’ were asleep Jodi jumps out of the closet and signs on to their laptop. She would be hungry so she fixes some microwave popcorn to snack on, pops open a soda, then sits down in their office to send emails to TA. Very common stalker behaviour! 😉
Heck, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr Hughes had a thing for Jodi – Jodi is a knock out vs the worn out looking Mrs H. For all we know Hughes was sneaking Jodi into the house while Mrs Hughes slept.
I think I remember stupid accusing Dr Samuels of falling victim to Jodi’s siren song. No doubt Mr Hughes fell victim to it also … maybe Mrs Hughes was also sucked into Jodi’s web! 😉
HLN has lost their minds. I wish they’d all get fired and never be seen or heard from again.
Well, I signed that petition for that to happen.. so far it hasn’t.. 🙁
We can but hope.
where can i read the email?
The Salem Witch Trials were carried out much like this.
Scary thought.
Yes and people were wondering how something like that could happen. I think we can now see how.
Right. The behavior out there is repulsive. Seems like we haven’t come very far as human beings, have we?
we have went nowhere besides better technology to spread ignorant mind diseases. Humans arent meant to be brutal hateful monsters. but today we read what we see and we take what we want from it and in the end, an individual favors the majority, I don’t believe some evil kid woke up one day and shot up a school. i believe many majority followers caused an individual to react against a mass bullying society. Is it right? no. Should it be expected? yes. You keep fucking with someones head and soon enough your gonna own what you dealt. Don’t take a blow torch to a tipping ice berg and then act surprised when it smashes down the titanic.
Yes absolutely. And to think the Travis Taliban have taken to television to say verbatim what they used to say about “witches” during the Inquisition – that the accused is “too pretty,” “has no soul,” uses “the evil eye,” “seduces men,” ect. The reasons for the witch hunt are the same – petty jealousy, money, revenge, and general hatred and fear of women and female sexuality.
We are supposed to be more evolved than this. We are supposed to be the greatest nation on earth with the fairest justice system. We are supposed to be the country where women around the world can look to as a model for equal rights. We are supposed to be more progressive than fundamentalist countries that punish adultery by stoning, or require four male witnesses to a rape before the victim can be believed.
Yet here we are, in a nightmare of backwards thinking backpedaling to one of the darkest times of English speaking history.
Hear o hear MB! So true.
The social disease is hard to cure.
What is so heartbreaking to me is to see and read all these young women cheering along, as if by helping to kill THAT witch they won’t be the next victim.
So true MB, and very scarey!
I sincerely hope that the media’s lack of professional conduct and tendency to stir up public anger and worse gets a serious challenge after this trial. Notice that other heinous murders, even involving numerous victims, are reported on but not over-the-top or biased like Jodi’s case. As a result, people are not whipped into a hatred and revenge like we’re seeing here.
Witnesses and jurors could not only be threatened by “nut cases” but can fear for their family members, their businesses, etc. if they are not on the same side as the media. If anything happens to Jodi. her lawyers, witnesses, family, etc. in weeks and months ahead, the media will be responsible for causing or at least contributing to this by broadcasting much too much information, much of which is sensationalism and biased opinion, rather than fact, which, in turn, raises peoples’ hatred and anger. Furthermore, people look for ways to express revenge, dissatisfaction and anger with issues of their own life and Jodi becomes a convenient subconscious scapegoat to unleash all their anger, etc. that actually go beyond issues of what she is even on trial for.
The media can do much unjustifiable harm. They have made Jodi a household name with celebrity notoriety. They have also helped Juan Martinez achieve star status in the eyes of many people who never even knew he existed before the trial and helped promote his bullying type of unprofessional conduct.
Very well said and absolutely spot on, you nailed it. What can we do, if anything?
You’re all doing it.
Protest, campaign, assemble, discuss it, point it out, post, waive the Constitution in their faces, SHAME them!
… short of vigillante type justice… how do we change this? This has to be stopped! For victims, and the defendants in these cases. Jodi’s family did not kill Travis – but they are subjected to ABUSe by the media. Is there no grounds for them to sue Turner broadcasting… or what ever that pile of crap is called?
Also… wondering if Nasty Gross had to sell her stupid handcuff necklace in order to find an attorney to retain because she gets sued so often?
Why the hell isn’t she in jail where she belongs?
Nasty Gross– I like that!!
My husband and I were talking earlier and he said that all court cases that make it on Nancy Grace’s show are automatically deemed as the defendant being guilty without any evidence ever being presented whatsoever and then it just all snowballs from there and her followers latch on to it and then it’s death to all who dare challenge her. They need to set up CourtTV like it used to be in the old days without all the commentary from the likes of Vinnie Politan and gang and put HLN back on the boring political news beat LOL.
And there are people on Twitter like that crazy nut I posted about earlier that said that JA’s family shouldn’t be allowed to wear those ribbons that they’re wearing. But, of course, these are the same people that are saying that her family shouldn’t even be allowed to breathe the same air as the Alexander family, which is appalling and disgusting!
That is disgusting. Jodi’s Mom and Aunt have been there everyday to support her and I cannot imagine the hate that is coming their way. Why do people put the families on trial as well.
…can’t resist… such an adorable Cheshire cat!
Hehe that is my baby cat. She is a Korat :). A breed from Thailand and they are known for the good fortune they bring you. Hoping that she can bring Jodi some of that. Everything helps in this case 😉
I have a Russian blue who looks just like that!
Oh cool I had a Russian Blue a few years ago before she passed away 🙁 They do look very similar though. In certain pics that I have they almost look like twins.
She looks like my Simon! I always call him my “good luck” cat. I love Korats.
Hehe Nice. I call her that too. They are very cool cats indeed. She literally knock on my door begging for me and my husband to take her in. Her owners just left her behind when they moved.
Have you guys read this Settlement Conference Memorandum?
Hmm so HLN is releasing portions of the Flores interrogation, but not his unedited interview with CBS where he admitted there was anger involved. Ms. LaViolette testified today that she had watched the ENTIRE unedited interview. Could that be another little smoking gun?
Also, Nurmi talks in there about the evidence supporting that the judge will have to give instructions regarding lesser included offenses — probably manslaughter!
I’d also really like to see those emails (mentioned today) and also those 10 letters and I wonder if there’s any way to get them into evidence yet. Probably not, but a girl can hope.
I’m actually NOT hoping for a mistrial at this time. I think this will keep getting better, and I’m almost inclined to think there’s now a good chance of acquittal.
Also A,
I heard that too, Ms LaViolette said something about watching the entire 8hrs of un-aired 48 hrs footage? I have to listen again…
That was 7 hours of unedited footage and the edited version of 48 hrs.
Have you a link?
Heather, I do not believe that the 7 hrs of unedited footage has been released to the public.
I agree with you Also, I was hoping for a mistrial before but now it seems Jodi has a even better shot of walking out of that courtroom due to these letters plus with more testimony to share with us all. I hope Jodi does not go through this again.
I so hope those letters could be admitted. Like you said a girl can hope. I know I will be keep praying about allowing evidence like this that shows cut and dry evidence of her abuse from TA from the his “best friends”. My own father last night told me at dinner that he believes it was self defense now. This is huge coming from him. So it seems the tides may be turning.
Hi, can I please join the facebook group for this site if there is one?
I’ve always been rather indifferent towards Jean Casarez. Having said that, I did think that she was one of the more “professional” (for lack of a better term) personalities on HLN. That all changed today when she told an outright boldfaced lie on the stand about not knowing whether or not Katie Wick worked for HLN. I find that amusing. Would she actually have us believe that she has NEVER tuned in to Dr. Drew’s show? Not once in the past 2 months? Katie has been on his show virtually EVERY NIGHT for Christ’s sake! She MUST know that she doesn’t work for the network. Once again trying to insult our intelligence. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, and I’m truly not surprised by anything that is said or done by anyone involved with that shitty network. I cannot bring myself to watch HLN anymore for any reason because there’s really nothing to be learned from those morons, if anything I felt dumber after watching. Maybe when the trial is over and all is said and done some of those bastards will get what they ultimately deserve…their walking papers.
Hi jeff.. have you ever watched Reba? Katie Wick reminds me of the ditzy second wife right down to the stupid smile on her face LOL. I can’t remember what her name was now but she was a total airhead on the show.
Hi Debbie I know who you are talking about and yes she does remind of the ditzy Barbra Jean on that show.
LOL yep AJ that’s the one 😀
Jail would be more appropriate.
I did turn into parts of HLN from time to time before they started airing this trial. After hearing Dr. Drew’s airhead talk yesterday made me feel dumber. I never could understand why he had her in there to begin. Of couse logic and intelligence do not seem to mix with HLN’s programming. She was whining on his show last night as I watched a clip on you tube. Her smug look in court yesterday made me sick and showed her true lack of respect for the justice system and a courtroom where Jodi is fightig for her life. I just hope Jodi can get some rest thís weekend and hopefully get some nutrition. She is wasting away before our eyes.
Has anyone else noticed that when NG is “absent” from the show, and Jean C is on without “mommie” watching, Jean is much less biased and a lot more professional in her presentation. When NG is on board, Jean acts like she is compelled to “mirror” NG’s loud, mouth-contorting, body-bobbing style?
Yes I have noticed that fact myself. I liked Jean C at one time but lately she has been so very on the HLN side but then every once in awhile she slips up like on this last thing they caught.
She must really need the money to stay there. There is no way I could follow all the sheep on this case. It would bother me to be laughing an carrying on like JODI’S life means nothing. It shows lack of morals. An I do believe Jean C is bothered by it but is sucked in there for a job. Sad very Sad ;(
I’m a firm believer in Karma.I think “THE REAL JUAN MARTINEZ” is starting to show,and eventually the public will see that he is nothing but a fame-seeking liittle punk.I wish the judge would stop showing him favoritism.She treats Jodi’s team like crap. 🙁
I am fully Team Jodi…. dont get me wrong. But .”IF” i was a sibling of TA I would be so upset with Juan Martinez for gaining fame from the death of my brother…But just let Martinez continue screwing up cause it is heading to a mistrial…. someone needs to contact the Bar Review Board about Martinez and get him stripped of his license….for prosecutorial misconduct and any other charges you may notice from the link below…because it is against the code of conduct of an attorney. …. http://www.law.cornell.edu/ethics/az/code/AZ_CODE.htm
I am so frustrated with Martinez repeating his questions and then saying “right” which is a form of leading a witness.. plus the way he treated the defense witness Mr. Samuels !
Because the Judge isnt being neutral ,,,, file a notice with the Bar Association to have her removed or have her removed for Misconduct as well… .
Not to mention the sherriff that controls the jail where Jodi is should be investigated as well… My husband and I are so concerned with Jodi’s Health… and treatment in the Jail.
correction : http://www.law.cornell.edu/ look for ethics
hello susan i was wondering if you are the same susan that left a message for jodi on the leave a message site. about wanting jodi to contact her att. about JM anticks in front of the cort house and sorry for the spelling and typing error
Indeed Susan if I were the family of TA I would be very unhappy with JM and his actions. I would also voice my disgust with HLN for making so much money off the death of a family member. Of course they might like the lynch mob HLN is creating.
I am 100% Team Jodi and she is innocent but I will always pray for both of the families in this case or others. Families should never be put on trial.
I also grow tired of hearing how much this case is costing. Jodi did try to make a plea deal but that JM wanted her head. People should complain about him imo because he or that office are overzealous.
I am also concerned about her health too. She is wasting away in front of our eyes.
I’m working on a transcript of the testimony on the emails here:
It’s not quite accurate yet, but close enough.
awesome thanks for doing this
Very nice GeeBee. Seeing it written out has even more impact. Thanks for doing this 🙂
Again, thank you for this, BeeGee, its fantastic you could do this for us 🙂
This is awesome GeeBee, thank you for doing this. JM objected even more than I thought!
im back and read your comment geebee on video LV Hughes and noticed that in the comment below will type it out unedited interrogation vidio have been loaded here look up david lohr if you are interested
ATTENTION STAFF FOR THIS SITE have not been there but it may be something good dont know
I’m re watching day 10 with that barrel head Chris Hughes on the stand. He thinks he’s such a hot shot.
Chris and Skye Hughes can go straight down to the hot spot for all I care. They know and have known that Travis was abusive but refuse to say so because that would be helping Jodi.
I just watched that again. Thanks for the link. He is smug and is trying his best to keep things covered up. I am sure there is so much more than we will ever know. JM is trying his best to keep those emails out but thanks to the wonderful brillant AL he will be shut down. As someone said yesterday if I were a Juror I would want to see those emails and it cannot be lost on them that JM is trying so hard to keep them out.
Remember, Gus Searcy said that he knows there are other people who would come forward but they’re afraid?? Now I feel SURE he’s right!!
I do as well.
I watched that so half-assed last time. I was just getting interested in this case a couple of days into Jodi’s testimony, and went back to kinda watch the previous days, but wasn’t really following everything. I’m so glad you posted that and that I re-watched it now.
They not only knew he was abusive, but they also knew he was a pedophile, apparently, or that he had leanings that way. It came as NO surprise to them. In fact, I think Sky was worried about the fact that he was around her kids after reading that letter. But apparently, she’s not allowed to think for herself. Chris decides for her.
I just cried looking at Jodi watching this guy as he weaseled his way out of everything. Can you even imagine being her, knowing this guy could save your life and he’s just lying.
There’s an article about Jodi in this weeks’ People Magazine.
Earlier on this page there was a lot of discussions about the role of the prosecution. So I thought I’d propound a bit.
US law, for all intents and purposes descends from English Common Law, after all that was what was in effect at the time of our Independence. But, we made a number of substantial changes to how the law is applied and practiced in this country. One of those changes had to do with the way criminal cases are tried in this country. In old England, and in fact in the UK and the US today all law suits involve a plaintiff and a defendant. In criminal cases the plaintiff in the UK is the Crown (hence their cases would all be R v John Doe). The R being Rex for a king and Regina for a queen. Each side actually has two types of lawyers – a solicitor who does all the leg work and a barrister who presents the case in court. In the UK each side hires their own lawyers and they go for it. This means that even in the case of a criminal case the Government goes to a law firm and gets a barrister (they call them barristers chambers over there). Now here’s the big difference. In the UK a private citizen can in fact bring a criminal case against another private citizen, albeit under the aegis of the crown. To get very technical about it this is called “qui tam pro domino rege ” often shortened to “qui tam” which means “suing on behalf of the king”. In the US qui tam cases are allowed for “whistle blower” suits but even there the person who has the info must turn it over to the Department of Justice which will then fight the case using their own prosecutors.
Now the difference between the role of prosecutor between the two systems arises due to a fundamental reason. In the UK the prosecutions are on behalf of the Crown. In the US the prosecutions are on behalf of the people. So a prosecutor in the US has a inherent responsibility to the people, which our constitution endows with the sole ownership of this country. Remember it is “We the people” and this government of “the people” is by the people and for the people. These, may sound as cliches we have heard all our lives, but they are the basic tenets of our being. So the prosecutor in the US has a responsibility to the people of the jurisdiction he represents. Hence instead of being an advocate for a particular client the prosecutor in the US is supposed to be an advocate for justice. Hence when in the US rules of conducts for lawyers are laid out, they are substantially different for prosecutors. US lawyers are governed by the ABA (Which by the way is why you see JM’s bar number on all his pleadings).
Of note in the rules for prosecutors are the following (which I think geebee2 should add to his list of prosecutorial misconduct charges):
The rules say a prosecutor shall:
refrain from prosecuting a charge that the prosecutor knows is not supported by probable cause;
make timely disclosure to the defense of all evidence or information known to the prosecutor that tends to negate the guilt of the accused or mitigates the offense, and, in connection with sentencing, disclose to the defense and to the tribunal all unprivileged mitigating information known to the prosecutor, except when the prosecutor is relieved of this responsibility by a protective order of the tribunal; (JM knew those emails existed and tend to prove the defense’s case. He should not be fighting them)
except for statements that are necessary to inform the public of the nature and extent of the prosecutor’s action and that serve a legitimate law enforcement purpose, refrain from making extrajudicial comments that have a substantial likelihood of heightening public condemnation of the accused and exercise reasonable care to prevent investigators, law enforcement personnel, employees or other persons assisting or associated with the prosecutor in a criminal case from making an extrajudicial statement that the prosecutor would be prohibited from making (All these interview tapes that are leaking right now should be stopped by JM and he should take all of those folks to task for them)
So we are in fact correct in assuming that JM is gauged by a different standard and his aim should actually be to get justice for the People of Maricopa County and no one else.
Pardon my french but JM is a douche in that respect.
WOW AL thank you for that post.
great post as usual Al!
Thanks for the info!
Thanks again Al for another informative post. You are so rich with Knowledge and I have learned quite a bit in your master classes :). I am an Accountant so my legal knowledge is lacking.
I did work for a huge Law firm for many years so I am sure that must make me an expert. LOL
Sorry my snarky comment is in regards to a few people on other sites (not this one) that claim they know it all. Quite like the ad campaign that they stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.
Thank you folks. Y’all are just too kind.
It’s just a hobby.
Having grown up in that part of the world, I must admit that when I first came to the US in 1985, I was a little disgusted by the fact that lawyers played both roles here — as in, having direct contact with the client AND going to court. The big difference with the legal system over there (as it was then anyway) was that the solicitor played the role of interacting with the client (including getting paid) and collecting information from the client. He/she then engaged the barrister, who had no direct contact with the client, but was the only one who actually appeared in court. In this way, the barrister was not influenced by the client and presented evidence, only evidence, and did not get involved in the all the other irrelevant issues that arise in any legal case. Court was very formal over there and barristers wear wigs and robes and they refer to each other as “my learned friend” even if they’ve never met before, out of respect.
I thought the UK system was much more refined and balanced in that the barristers were not even allowed to have personal feelings regarding a case or a client, as long as they were capable, competent and experienced in that particular type of law. This is called the “cab rank rule”, which evolved from a similar rule for cab drivers requiring them to accept the first passenger in line for their services. For barristers, it prevented discrimination and ensured that they practiced the law fairly as true advocates, and without public criticism for representing someone like Jodi or Casey, for example.
Also, since the barrister didn’t have to worry about “soliciting” clients, intake of client details, calls from clients, apprising clients, or even billing issues, they were free to truly specialize on the actual elements of the case that should be brought forward to the court. They were also not concerned about the publicity they might receive from their court appearances (or theatrics, as so frequently occurs in the US) because clients would not be engaging them directly anyway. This kept the practice of barristers — and therefore, what was presented to the court — far more impartial and refined than that which occurs in the US system — in my opinion anyway.
As I understand it, over the last few years, some of the above has now been modernized (or is it eroded?) for some county hearings, and it’s not required for barristers to wear wigs and robes to them anymore. Also, clients can now actually engage a barrister without going through a solicitor first (at least for some, but not all types of cases). Sometimes, I really wonder if everything needs to be so Americanized. Things often are best left well enough alone.
Oh, are you British, AA?
Yes, that’s just how it is but in the High Court ALL the barristers wear wigs, lol!
And NO, everything doesn’t need to be Americanised.. our wonderful Tory/Liberal government (I say that tongue in cheek), have just passed a new Law.. now no one can get Legal Aid for Medical Negligence–unless the case is about a baby who’s been brain damaged.. law comes in on the 1st April–Monday. Isn’t that a pleasant thought?
They have also a law called ”Bedroom Tax” if you please.. coming in on Monday too..
Everyone except pensioners, if they have a bedroom they’re not using, has to pay £80 a week for it!
This means that everyone is looking to downsize.. well, there just aren’t enough smaller properties to go round, also, how is this going to work for those who need carers who have to stay the night?
There has been outrage here, people are furious. I think, although I’m not 100% sure, that they are looking into this.. but the problem with that is, where do they draw the line?
OH they limit medical malpractice suits in certain states here too. My state has a 250,000 cap which isn’t even enough to properly prepare and try a malpractice case. A lawyer told me the law was a way to ensure a doctor is not sueable.
Yes, Heather, I am British, born in London of Irish parents (sort of). That’s always a tough question for me to answer because I tend to be quite literal (like I said before, I’m a LOT like Jodi). So, my “sort of” means … well, the man I called Dad and who will always be my Dad to me, wasn’t my biological sperm donor (as in mother’s affair) … if that matters, and also, although my Mum was born in Ireland, she was of German descent. That never really mattered in England or Ireland, but heritage is a big deal here in the US, it seems, so perhaps that has rubbed off on me. Anyway, I lived in London until I was 11, and my parents then returned to Ireland. I attended secondary school (high school to Americans) in Ireland and university in Ireland also. When I graduated from university at 20, I moved to the US and have been here ever since. I’m not sure if that allows me to consider myself a Brit on an ongoing basis — even though I’m a British citizen and not an American one — since I’ve lived in the US now for 27 years.
If you notice, I still continue to spell many words in the British format (colour, neighbour, for example), but after so many years here, I’ve resorted to spelling “Americanized” with a “z” and I do admit that I pronounce it as “zee” after this long here. At work, I always have to spell things the American way, and that’s partially responsible. I still say Bah-nan-nah and Tom-ah-toe to the chagrin of most Americans I know. LOL I also do many very fast translations in my brain from things like “polo jumper” to “turtleneck sweater” to before I speak. Most Americans think I sound incredibly British still. Whereas, I always thought that most English people I spoke to thought I had almost completely lost my accent. That was, until I moved to the DC area. I speak to a great deal of ex-pat Brits here who immediately relate when they hear my accent and ask me “Are you British?” I suppose it must be my “Good Ah-tah-noon” that gives it away. They’re always incredibly excited to speak to another ex-pat and discover what I miss most terribly about life away from England. Luckily, in DC, even the most basic supermarket chain carries a great deal of British products, so we’re actually not missing a lot. However, those Marks & Sparks Roasted Chicken Crisps seem to be a regular topic of discussion. I’m not sure they even make them anymore, since I’ve begged for them from several tourists.
I’m quite happy to say that living here, I’ve been able to stock my kitchen full of Knorr bouillon and various seasoning packets, Heinz Baked Beans, After Eights and fruit gums, and also, that my fiance considers them all normal — along with my insistence that the thing you cook on is called “the cooker” not “the stove.”
That bedroom tax is horrific, in my opinion. I must have missed that one being passed.
Speaking of the UK, I believe Scotland’s legal system is different from that of England and Wales.
Yes, I think it is, Tony.
What I do know, is that the people in Scotland don’t have to pay for their prescriptions and we have to pay almost £8.00 for each item. How disgusting is that? Grr
What I like about Scotland is that a jury can come to three verdicts. Guilty, not guilty, and not proven.
I didn’t know that. I am not sure if the same is true in Ireland, actually. I will have to ask my old boyfriend who is a very well known criminal QC in Ireland. I know there are also some differences in Ireland from British Common Law. Then again, everything is based from British Common Law, which has its roots in the Roman Empire, so …
Yes, thank you from me too Al.
Its just appalling that both the State and JM know Jodi isn’t guilty of the charge, yet instead of saying so, they just want to play Russian Roulette with her life.
Boy I am so mad about this!
Heather, AA and all the other Brits on this board.
I am not a lawyer, but the law has always intrigued me. By training I’m a physicist/engineer (graduate degrees in both field). As a scientist we deal with things that follow fairly stringent laws. The law itself has intrigued me because of a certain parallelism in that human society also follows a set of strict laws, albeit imposed on ourselves and the behavior of man is often judged through a logical imposition of those laws, just as the universe operates within the bounds of physical laws.
The study of laws, and their implementation is a hobby. Given that I have made a fairly extensive study of the law and English law and it’s practice is a natural study for us since so much of our legal system has descended from the British.
So I read your comments with great interest, but I must beg to differ. In any law suit (Civil or Criminal) a basic tenet of the practice of law lies in the fact that the defendant must be able to assist in his or her own defense. The defendant may not be versed in the law, but the defendant is in the best position to describe his own actions. This becomes particularly important in criminal cases where intent is a major part of the issue. In contested cases, for a jury to make a valid decision they must be able to view the evidence from both sides. To be able to present your case adequately, your advocate must not only know the facts of the case, but also the circumstances of the case, the mindset and worldview of the defendant and the conditions that may have made a defendant act in a particular manner. A multi-tiered scheme where the evidence is collected and witnesses are interviewed by one party and the advocacy rests in the hands of a second party does not allow the lawyer to get the best feel for the case. So when the solicitor interacts with the client and witnesses and the barrister makes the court call, you essentially have a situation where a mouthpiece is presenting you case. This person doesn’t know you, doesn’t know what your circumstances are or were and has absolutely no empathy with the client. (BTW this is why, if God forbid I’m ever in court, I will never hire an attorney where all the leg work is done by associates and some mouthpiece goes to court).
So in the British system you have a barrister who may or may not have had extensive interactions with the client, has had no interactions with the witnesses and is relying on the evidence as presented to him by the solicitor. The chances of missing something are too high.
Now comes the issue of the “hack driver” barrister. The next in line who will take you wherever you want to go as long as you have the fare. The problem here is a question of an attorneys subjectivity. No matter what the training, at the end of the day the attorneys are people. A person who believes in his clients case will always do a better job, than some detached person. If I am innocent, I want my attorney to be passionate about my defense, and if he has any doubts about that defense I don’t want him representing me. So if there is an attorney who feels that he can’t represent a client, not on the basis of the legalistics, but due to some personal issue, then I feel that he should not take the case and tell a prospective client to move on and find another lawyer.
Lastly on the issue of theatrics. I think those are imposed on us by the jury system, which is a hopeless and severely flawed system, except for the fact that all other systems are worse. At the end of the day in the current US system the jury is the trier of fact and the judge is the trier of law. There is no cross over, which is why a American judge never does a summing up prior to handing the case over to the jury. It is not up to the judge to present the facts to the jury, or to summarize the facts of the case in any way. It is also not up to the judge to summarize the arguments to the jury. If there is a jury trial, the jury, and only the jury, is the judge of all facts. This naturally means that each side must emphasize, and in fact sell their side of the case to the jury. And so the theatrics. They’ll be there whether you have cameras or not.
Of course the gaping hole in this system is that the jury must not just judge the veracity of the claims put forth by the attorneys, but must do them within the bounds of the law. The law is a very technical issue, and we rely on the judge to be able to instruct a jury of laypersons on the law in an extremely dry and mechanical recitation. While it is true that the jurors can ask for explanations, there is no check or even expectation of whether do in fact understand the nuances of the law. And on an appeal rarely is there a way to gauge whether or not the jury applied the law correctly, when determining the validity of a piece of evidence. But the alternative is either a bench trial or the british system where the judge in fact summarizes for the jury. The problem with the alternative is that the opinions of one person carry too much weight. I would rather risk my well being to the collective wisdom of 12 than the proclivity of one, especially since most judges make it to the bench via the prosecution side.
I’m trying to think of how Martinez can spin the emails so I can be prepared and would like your opinion. I suspect, that on cross with AL, he will ask her whether people who are emotionally abusive always cross over into violence to which she will have to say no. ( I think she has already stated that anyhow.)
If the rumors are true that Chris and Sky are rebut witnesses, then Martinez will ask whether they knew of Travis being physically violent with any of the women they knew and of course, knowing them, they will say no.
That’s the only strategy I think can think of that would remotely effective although many of the jurors will already have their minds made up from AL testimony about the emails and the words themselves.
Thoughts? (I’m not engineer smart so don’t laugh) LOL
I think you nailed it. That is the only way he can go, unless there is some evidence somewhere of physical abuse, he will have to take the path that verbal, sexual and psychological abuse does not necessarily lead up to physical abuse.
However I think the defense has two things going for it. The first one is that ALV has already testified, and I’m sure JW is going to bring this out further, that the cross-over from the non-physical to the physical abuse is a natural progression and so not something one would find a surprise.
The second thing the defense has going for it is that they do not have to prove the physical abuse. In fact as tonysam always reminds us, very forcefully, the defense doesn’t have to prove anything. What the defense must do is point out to the jury that there are alternatives to JM’s theory and that Jodi’s claim of self defense has merit (probable cause). It is up to JM to prove that:
1. There was no physical violence, even once. He can’t just claim I have seen no proof of physical violence. He has to prove, beyond a reasonable doubt that there was none. And given ALV’s testimony there is a distinct and real probability of such violence.
2. Furthermore JM must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that given the circumstances that existed in that bathroom, on that day, at that very instance, Jodi as a reasonable person had no reason to believe that TA was not either assaulting her, intending to assault her, or threatening to assault her. The law and the jury instruction on this count is very clear. It is actually worded in a very pro-defendant manner. Here it is again
“You must decide whether a reasonable person in a similar situation would believe that:
physical force was immediately necessary to protect against another’s use, attempted use,
threatened use, apparent attempted use, apparent threatened use, of unlawful physical
“The State has the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did not
act with such justification. If the State fails to carry this burden, then you must find the
defendant not guilty of the charge”
The key is in the “apparent attempted use, apparent threatened use” section. That apparent makes it such that TAs actions would seem to a reasonable person that he would ………
I think they now have enough for that. Plus how the heck does JM disprove Jodi’s claim. There is no evidence. He would have to rely on she lied to you before, so she’s lying now.
So his arguments all boil down to
1. It is not necessary that TA had devolved to physical abuse, and
2. Don’t believe her because she lied in the past.
That still does not rise to proof beyond a reasonable doubt. And he’s going to ask for DP on this?
Hi Al,
I really really respect all of your study of law, and the magnitude of which you’ve been able to grasp certain concepts, given that you’re from an entirely different realm of thinking. Engineering, to me (and I could be wrong) always seems to be precision-based. Law is completely the opposite in many ways, and is really about interpreting statutes and applying opinions to the current situation. No precision involved but plenty of interpretation. There are not many people who can do both and think both ways, but you impress me as someone who really can.
I totally agree with you about the importance of a criminal defendant assisting in his/her own defense. I also agree entirely that the jury must be able to consider all sides of the case in order to reach a fair balanced verdict. However, I do not agree that a layperson can represent themselves as well as someone skilled an practiced in the law can.
Occasionally, one of the lawyers I’ve worked for would feel obliged to do a “favour” for a family member/friend in another area of the law, e.g., divorce, real estate, etc. It became readily apparent to me that one lawyer who specialized and was magnificent in one area of the law knew almost NOTHING about another area of the law. During my own divorce recently, I was painfully reminded of this fact. A divorce attorney is somewhat of a generalist in many areas. But, when it comes to business law involved in a divorce, you need a business lawyer. And when it comes to tax laws, you need a tax lawyer. I’ve learned this lesson again precariously through others I’ve met. For example, a dear friend who agreed to a divorce settlement almost two years ago now, is still awaiting resolution of the pension plan distribution because she expected her divorce attorney to complete her QDROs, instead of retaining an independent tax attorney, or even an accountant.
That’s beside the point of the discussion. However, under the old British system, the barrister WAS the truest advocate for the client. The solicitor filtered out the unnecessary information provided by the client. Then, passed that along to the solicitor, who thereby, had an unbiased view, but reviewed the actual evidence. It was the barrister’s job and ethical responsibility then to present their best case.
In my divorce, for example, while I was capable of researching basic Florida laws that pertained to divorce, I did not know the local court rules. Some were available online and I was able to avail of them. But even me, someone who went to law school and knew the jargon, was not able to discern everything I needed. Only a lawyer experienced in practicing in the local court truly knows all the nuances of that particular court.
This becomes apparent in Jodi’s case in many instances where lay people speculate on what should or should not be entered into evidence, but without understanding rules of evidence and local rules in AZ, it’s not easy to understand why certain items can NOT be entered.
The law in any case involves so much research of precedents and, prior to trial, there are often so many witnesses to interview, that, as you call it, a “multi-tiered scheme” of investigation is absolutely necessary. There is no way one person could possibly do it all. While I’m not sure about engineering, this occurs in many specialties. For example, in medicine, a specialist often reviews and interprets tests without any interaction with the patient, and passes that information along to the treating physician. It could easily be argued that the specialist has no empathy for the patient’s symptoms. That actually allows impartiality.
You said: “BTW this is why, if God forbid I’m ever in court, I will never hire an attorney where all the leg work is done by associates and some mouthpiece goes to court”.
I wish you luck with that one. Under our current legal system in the US, it would be virtually impossible for an attorney to continue to interact with his/her other clients and focus solely and exclusively on your case and all its many element, and solicit for new business at the same time. Actually, it would be impossible for one person to do the leg work for one case on his/her own. It is always a team effort and it requires a team.
Under the former British system, the barrister specializes SOLELY in work presented to the court. He/she does not have to worry about soliciting new business. He/she does not have to worry about billing issues. He/she does not have to worry about taking calls from the client relating to the minutia of the client’s life. He/she does not have to receive a call from the client saying “I spoke with my aunt’s best friend and she wondered why we’re not focusing on blah blah blah because it seems relevant to this case and she saw it on Judge Judy,” when “blah blah blah” has absolutely NOTHING to do with this type of legal case whatsoever. (And you would NOT believe how often this occurs today, especially with trials being televised, Judge Judy and her ilk, and internet access.)
The barrister is ethically bound NOT to miss something in a case and since he/she is not distracted by all the minutia, and knows he/she will be paid by the solicitor, and receive new cases from the solicitor, the barrister is able to focus entirely on the issues.
Before witnesses testify, of course, the barrister will interview them. However, by that point, the barrister will have a very clear focus about the case. In addition, the barrister serves as a second set of eyes. Often, in the US system, an attorney experiences tunnel vision in that he/she has a certain strategy in mind and has difficulty seeing beyond that established strategy. The barrister looks at the case from all facets.
I have a very good friend in Ireland who I’ve known since college when we dated. He is one of the most highly revered criminal defense barristers in Ireland. We have had long discussions about the differences between law in the US (which he’s fascinated with) and law in Ireland (which I’m somewhat fascinated with). After many discussions with him, I’m convinced their system far exceeds ours.
You said “If I am innocent, I want my attorney to be passionate about my defense, and if he has any doubts about that defense I don’t want him representing me.” You may be surprised to learn (since I’m sure you have not been accused of a crime) that criminal defense lawyers generally do not ask their clients whether they are innocent or not. Back in the mid-80s when I first came to the US, I worked for a criminal defense lawyer. He was an older gentleman by then who had previously worked as a prosecutor for many many years. I was surprised that he had chosen his path in criminal defense subsequent to leaving the state’s attorney’s office. He had been a highly respected prosecutor, who many believed had risen to the level of being the successor to the state’s attorney, and that he should have run for office.
When I learned his history, I was shocked, most especially because he mostly represented gang bangers accused of heinous crimes such as murder and rape. To be honest, his clientele scared me when they arrived with suitcases full of cash to pay their bills.
In my 20 year old naivete I asked him “How on earth can you provide a good defense to these people when you previously prosecuted them?” He answered that, as a lawyer, it was his core belief that everyone was entitled to a fair trial. He said that the prosecutor’s office made mistakes, and perhaps his client was not guilty of that which they were accused. Alarmed, I asked if he knew. He said that he did not ever ask his clients about their guilt, and that most attorneys did not. Instead, he was passionate about ensuring a fair trial for everyone.
You said “So if there is an attorney who feels that he can’t represent a client, not on the basis of the legalistics, but due to some personal issue, then I feel that he should not take the case and tell a prospective client to move on and find another lawyer.”
There are always methods to do this, unless the attorney works for the public defender or the prosecutor. However, even an attorney who passionately believes in a case may later discover something that changes his/her perspective.
In regards to judges, in both American and British law, judges play an enormous role in shaping and moderating the law. Our system is adversarial, with two opposing parties, an allegedly impartial moderator (the judge) and a jury of every day people who possess no legal training to decide the facts. I suspect the reason that more former prosecutors become judges than former defense attorneys because, in general, defense attorneys make more money and do not wish to give that up in order to assume a position on the bench. There was actually an old law school adage that A students went on to become law professors, while B students went on to become prosecutors and then judges. However, C students were the most likely to become millionaires. After all, if you graduate law school and pass the bar, you’re still a lawyer.
Al, this whole experience of feeling helpless, watching our officials run over our expected protections with impunity has had me very depressed.
What you have just done in your post, is to name the injustice, and validate that our expectations to be governed fairly under our constitution are legitimate. This has given me a lift, whether it actually changes anything or not.
Alyce LaViolette accomplished the equivalent vis a vis naming and validating the horrendous consequences that domestic violence causes to the human soul.
I feel two inches taller, and am about to go outside and work in my yard. I have not been able to make myself get out of bed for a while, now!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please continue your posts of rational enlightenment.
I love your example of shedding light on our frustrations by naming and explaining, while eliminating any hint of “name-calling.”
If we were not so darn frustrated by lack of validation for our legitimate outrage, I think we could let go of the name-calling and course language in our own posts.
One small step up the ladder of “culture” on our forum of Jodi supporters 🙂
Thanks bud. Go out and loosen up.
I still do not understand how they can recall Chris Hughs to the stand after he has been talking his fool head off all this time. I think he lost alot of $$$ when Travis died. I do not really think he was a true friend, Travis was just a meal ticket. Let’s face it Travis was very good at his job. Chris wanted him to be happy but also had to keep him in check…..do anyone else find it very strange that Sky would loan a dress to JA? She didn’t even know her. I find it rather odd.
As for Sky….I do not think she would tell the truth if her life depended on it. I hope I’m wrong.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend….Bless our little family and may God Bless Jodi….
I have wondered the same thing Cindy. I know Chris Hughes said he watches the trial everyday saying in his words not mine that “Jodi is killing TA all over again”. When I asked here before someone said he was not under subpoena anymore.
I watched the 48 hours episode again last night with my Husband and they act so smug. Sky seems like a woman controlled by her husband. It appears they have been trying to cover up quite a bit. My Husband who cannot watch much of the trial and just hears my ranting, stated that the evidence just does not add up and there is just so much more to this story. As I said earlier my own father believes now that it was self defense. For the record my MoM and Dad have to watch the trial on HLN because they are void of all other technology. They now both believe it was self defense.
Their comments on 48 Hours, and indeed the comments by all of Travis’s friends, should be taken with a giant grain of salt. Unfortunately for Jodi, the prosecution and the police took their b.s. at face value, and here we are. The media have mostly been peddling the garbage all of these people have been pushing, and as a result they have little bearing on the truth.
The fact the Hugheses had to authenticate those emails pretty gives the lie to their social media and general media comments. They both need to shut up about the case.
I agree. I know I take them with a grain of salt as well as all those they peddle on the talk shows.
Did he lose money? Or, did he actually gain money? I don’t know anything about the structure of PPL, but I’m assuming it’s like most of these MLM companies. I tried Amway a long time ago. I was young and single and most of the people I knew were also young and single, and mostly guys. I was terribly unsuccessful, as the goal was to recruit families who would exclusively use Amway products for everything, not single guys with minimal needs. We each had to use a lot of Amway products in order for the people above us to make money. But that’s beside the point.
The friend who convinced me to join was pretty new, so he enlisted the help of his upline (the guy who recruited him) to recruit me, Doug. Doug was amazing, very charismatic, could sell ice to the eskimos, and he and his wife were really supportive of my efforts, and of the 10 people I recruited. Unfortunately, only 2 of the people I recruited were good candidates who stuck with it.
When I realized I wasn’t making any money and wasn’t likely to because I’d tapped out the vast majority of people I could potentially recruit, I felt really bad quitting because of all Doug’s help. I assumed me quitting would cost him money. He told me not to worry at all. Since I was in his downline, he got to decide what happened with the folks I recruited. He could take them over himself or put them under one of his other budding recruit stars as a “gift”. Either way, he continued to make money of them so none of his efforts helping me had been wasted.
I talked to him a few months later, and one of the people under me had brought in a whole bunch of other people, so he’d ended up really profiting from it. Essentially, he’d only lost me (and apparently, the guy who initially recruited me), but he still gained from anyone either of us had recruited, and all the people they recruited, etc., etc. Losing me, therefore, was just a minor hit to his numbers, but because of the one person I recruited who was a star who recruited a lot of other people, it was a net gain for him. It put him on track to become a “Diamond” in Amway which gave him a higher percentage of his downline’s money. This is the way most MLMs work from everything I know.
If PPL works the same way, then Chris Hughes got to do something similar with Travis’s recruits and all of their recruits, etc., etc. The only thing he lost was Travis’s ability to recruit folks to PPL. If Travis was struggling financially at the time of his death, maybe his recruiting ability had kind of tapped out anyway.
Good post!
i do think they relied on Travis’ “motivational” speaking though..in order to get more recruits. Travis may not have been making much, but if he gave talks and then the Hughes recruited based on that then losing Travis may have hurt.
Cause, lets face it, Chris H. looks like a lying asshole and I wouldn’t trust him!
Hahaha BeeCee. I haven’t studied the guy that much but then, I didn’t think Travis was all that charismatic.
Getting people to do speeches is not easy. After all, it’s one of the biggest challenges for most people. That’s probably why most MLMs hire *real* motivational speakers for that. Travis saved them money on that, I’m sure.
Well, you are correct there about them saving money on a speaker, lol!
I didn’t find travis that charismatic either…but I do think he used his childhood stories and spun them to garner sympathy.
Yes, because he knew he was weak.
Yes my husband briefly worked at a Multi Layer Marketing company aka Pyramind Scheme or Triangle lol. I will not mention the name but it was such a fraud and took advantage of people. They have been closed down several times in the city I live in but they keep popping up with a new name.
for all you hater stalkers here, you know who you are:
The reason the full Travis/Hughes emails have not been entered into evidence is more likely due to the fact that asshole Kermit doesn’t want them in because they HELP Jodi’s defense case.
Y’all are too stupid too recognize this. The defense would GLADLY have them in, they have had to fight for every shred of something that helps Jodi against that asswipe of a prosecutor.
And if I was on the jury and heard about these emails I would certainly question why the prosecution didn’t want me to see them. They are hearing facts confirming what Jodi stated, and the prosecutor won’t let them read these emails and calls them irrelevant …. hmmmm
yes, sz! I would feel the same way if I were on the jury.
exactly sz I posted something similar above. Since JM is trying so hard to keep those emails out the Jury must know someting is not right. That would be my jury question.
Exactly – well put. Why is the prosecutor afraid of the truth when the job of the prosecution is to show the truth and let the jury decide
Well, this is actually a very tricky and somewhat sticky subject. For one thing, emails are still considered relatively new in terms of legal decisions and precedents. There are certain evidentiary rules (based on federal evidentiary rules) which require authenticating an email. Travis isn’t alive to testify that he did, indeed send and receive the chain of emails in question. Some legal precedents have required that each and every email in a chain must be authenticated and subjected to admissibility rules before being admitted. While I’m not certain how many emails are in the chain in question, judging by Ms. LaViolette’s statements about there being several pages, I can assume there were several emails.
Emails tend to be informal, not including a signature (except in corporate environments), and that makes authenticity difficult. How can you prove that Travis was sitting at his computer writing that email at that exact moment?
But the Hugheses apparently did authenticate them; otherwise, they would not be introduced at trial.
Please note the post by Al regarding rule 703, I think it is, the one JM kept referring to in his objections yesterday.
Right, the Hughes couple can authenticate THEIR emails, but there is no one to authenticate Travis’s because he’s dead, and he’s the only one who could do so. Does that make sense?
The 703 rule Al mentioned has to do with the fact that the expert witness was allowed to refer to the emails as something she considered while forming her opinion. However, that doesn’t make the emails themselves admissible in evidence. Since she was not allowed to quote from them — and I’m not even sure she should really have paraphrased as much as she did — I’m assuming that the defense previously tried to have those emails admitted into evidence and the judge did not find cause to do so.
When I say I’m not sure she should have paraphrased as she did, I’m speaking from perhaps a more legal perspective (I’m not a lawyer, but, since I went to law school, I may tend to think like one at times, I’m told) and JM was objecting to the quoting and paraphrasing, which I understand was probably appropriate — albeit annoying (at the risk of someone getting mad at me for this). JW was careful to say that Ms. LaViolette should not quote and I think what she was trying to do was persuade her to be more generalized about the nature of the emails (the general subjects discussed). I was a bit surprised that Ms. LaViolette didn’t have more experience in doing this (albeit it’s probably an unusual situation) or that she wasn’t better prepared by JW as to how to refer to those emails. I think this opens up a line of cross where JM can allude to the fact that Jodi wasn’t always truthful and the Hughes could have relied upon Jodi’s statements when writing those emails.
By the way, the 703 rule states: “The facts or data in the particular case upon which an expert bases an opinion or inference may be those perceived by or made known to the expert at or before the hearing. If of a type reasonably relied upon by experts in the particular field
in forming opinions or inferences upon the subject, the facts or data need not be
admissible in evidence.”
So what the defense is doing is finding a sort of “backdoor” method of getting the information regarding the emails to the jury, even though the emails themselves are not admitted into evidence.
Yes, this will cause the jury to wonder why, but they will be given specific instructions on this, I would imagine.
AA, What do they call it..there’s some words.. thinking… you know, when the court has already heard what TA said to Jodi on tape, the threats.. a law on the balance of probability.. something like that?
Because its highly probable that these emails WERE written by Travis and it would to my mind, be very unfair if they weren’t allowed to be used as evidence, despite what the State and that beast JM wants–and the judge.
But the Hughes said all on their own that travis was abusive, that Sky would forbid her sister to date travis and that travis had manipulated another woman. OH and that travis hadn’t dealt with his childhood issues.
I was thinking Juan would put Sky on the stand. Sky will say she was so concerned about Jodi, that she lied to try and get them to break up? Do you think that’s possible?
JC, yes, they said all that. But what worries me is that since the jury won’t be looking at the emails, I would kind of expect Sky (or is it Skye?) to testify along the lines of “When I wrote that to Travis, I had been previously misled by Jodi. I later found out Jodi lied and talked to other girls Travis dated. He never abused anyone. Jodi always tells lies.”
Seeing as the entire email chain has not been admitted, we can’t see what else she said. She can only be cross-examined on the information Ms. LaViolette testified to.
But, she could do what you said as well. Although, I think the jury might not find her credible if she did that. It would depend how she would come across.
true. I agree with all that you said. The defense putting Sky/skye on is risky. But wait, Sky wrote the emails to Jodi right? And then travis wrote the “you crossed the line” email to Chris and Sky? At least Sky referred to past abuse about Travis. I don’t think she can weasle out of that. If Nurmi does put her on, he can ask her to read her own words. Yikes!
I just thought of something. Sky has not gone on any TV shows has she! Chris has but she hasn’t. I wonder if that’s because she is going to testify and is being prepared by Martinez?
Heather, are you talking about the balance of probabilities, as in burden of proof in civil cases? Unfortunately, that’s the standard by which a jury decides (in criminal, it’s “beyond a reasonable doubt” whereas in civil, it’s “preponderance of the evidence” or “balance of probabilities”.) It’s not a standard under which the rules of evidence and requirements for authentication and admissibility can be waived during a hearing on the same. In the latter, it’s at the judge’s discretion to interpret the relevant rules and statutes.
Arizona probably has a Dead Man’s Statute though. Al, have you researched that?
It seems to me that a lot of what was said in the e-mails had nothing at all to do with anything that Jodi said. They were talking about Travis’ past. Chris and Sky Hughes were friends with Travis for years. Long before he even met Jodi.
What do you mean the jury won’t be looking at the emails? They were marked as exhibits. The jury most certainly WILL be looking at those emails.
It’s just that the exact contents couldn’t be read in open court because of hearsay rules.
The emails were marked as exhibits. You are confusing the issue.
If the Hugheses were on the stand, they COULD read the contents of the emails they sent to Travis.
Remember the text messages Jodi and Travis sent to each other? Those were read in open court. Travis didn’t need to be around for those because Jodi was there to authenticate them.
If these emails weren’t admissible, they wouldn’t be presented in court. Al explained it very well.
The emails were admitted as exhibits. The jury will be able to read the contents; it’s just that a third party, ALV, could not read the contents in open court because of hearsay rules.
To all those who may benefit from this
What the defense has done here is an end run around the state on getting the information in these emails in front of the jury. They are basically using the 703 rule to get the evidence in by getting the expert to say she relied on this info.
There would have been one other way they could have gotten these e-mails in and that would have been through Rule 803(21) which has an exception to the hearsay rule if the relevant party is deceased.
“Reputation as to character. Reputation of a person’s character among
associates or in the community.”
However, I think they may have tried this and failed, and I don’t think they would want to call up the Hughes.
Thanks Al! I read the Hughes are on the rebuttal case list. Will be interesting to see how all that is handled.
Thanks for explaining that AA. I sometimes get lost as to what is allowed in the case and what they can’t admit into evidence.
I wonder what ELSE those e-mails say.
Me too!
Me three!
Also Abused,
Was it mentioned when this email string occured? Maybe they authenticated it because Jodi was in California? I would think they would have to authenticate it somehow or the emails wouldn’t be brought in at all such as the letters were ruled inadmissable. I know that’s because they didn’t have an orginal copy but wouldn’t some sort of authentication have to occur for them to be referenced?
Also weren’t these gmail emails? Gmail shows the IP address of who logs on so if Jodi were in california, wouldn’t it show that in relation to when the emails were sent?
JC: Yes, the date was in January 2007. I think January 31 was mentioned, but I’m not sure if that was the date of the first or last email in the string — although I suspect it’s the first date. I do think they were gmail emails, or at least, one of the parties was using gmail — because that was mentioned in the evidentiary hearing when Chris Hughes was on the stand. All email programs that I know of show the IP address.
But I do not believe Jodi was a party to the emails. It appears they were exchanged only between Travis, Chris and Sky Hughes.
As far as I can tell from the article that mentioned these emails: http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/local/articles/20121227womans-trial-set-death-lover.html “On their phones and computers … as well as e-mails from friends and acquaintances complaining about Alexander’s treatment of Arias and another girlfriend” the emails were found on one of their computers (I’m assuming, although it could be a phone). Therefore, there was no need to authenticate them in the same manner as the letters. I suspect that perhaps they were found on Travis’s computer, as I can’t see any reason that Jodi would have had them on her computer since she was not a party to them. Given the content of the emails, I don’t think Travis would have forwarded them to her. I have a difficult time believing he would have wanted her to know that his friends thought he was abusive to her or any other woman. But I could be wrong.
I think Al has done a wonderful job of explaining how the defense team brilliantly brought these emails into evidence as part of testimony without being able to actually have the emails themselves admitted into evidence.
Tonysam: I’ve not seen anything that suggests the emails themselves were admitted into evidence, so I’m not sure where you’re getting that idea. If they were admitted, I’d appreciate you telling us exactly where that occurred, because it’s possible I missed it. The testimony of Ms. LaViolette *is* evidence but she was prohibited from quoting from them specifically which points to the fact that the emails themselves were NOT admitted as exhibits and will NOT be viewed by the jury.
Thanks! I was under the impression that the string of emails occurred because travis was angry that Jodi, Chris and Sky had talked. I must have missed something.
In the interrogation tapes ( don’t ask me where LOL ) Jodi references Sky warning her about Travis. Do you remember that? Flores is speaking to her like they are besties? LOL.
Yes! I love Al putting this all together for us!
It’s my understanding that the judge has to enter evidence and just because it’s marked does not mean it’s entered. These emails are not included thus far for the jury to read.
Hmm I think because to him its more important to get a few moments of fame than save Jodi’s life.
I wonder if money comes into it too.
Yup, I would too.
I just pray the jury aren’t haters and stupid.
I am truly worried about the JURY after talking to others that LIVE in ARIZONA an that actually are not that interested in the case really just by what they see on the evening news the ones I have spoke too do not know all the facts just the one sided facts on Travis’s side in this story.
I have swayed my husband finally just today finally. When he heard just the tid bits of the trial on Thursday of the email. So that gives me some hope the jurors that were 100% against JODI an PLEASE don’t tell me they can’t make up their minds yet because these are NORMAL PEOPLE here on the JURY no ROBOTS. An you know some people already have it in their head either THEY do not like JODI or they do not LIKE JM’s the prosecutors tactics
Just keeping the FAITH an PRAYERS for JODI an her family an the whole Defense team to get this all out. Sorry for Travis an his family an friends but Jodi did put in a plea 2 years ago to not go through all this so the STATE OF ARIZONA can shut it about the COST this is their own fault wanting the DEATH PENALTY an NOTHING LESS FOR JODI on a SELF DEFENSE CASE is stupid!.
I thought Arizona was a progressive state,So really hope its not true about the court house sheriff starving the inmates there.
He has been well known for years and coming on talk shows bragging about how he saves money by cutting out frills like food. It is disgusting that they keep this guy in office but I guess the people love him. I was looking at an article about hims this morning and it seems there are some not too pleased with him.
thanks for the link AJ
Yes, thanks for the link. AJ.
He’s absolutely disgusting! Food is a “frill”? I’m sorry, but this is inhumane. In AZ, you’d be getter off getting the DP vs. LWOP.
And depriving them of sleep! Up at 3 A.M.???
I’m outraged at that and the length of time they have to go without food. That bastard wants to keep them locked up, he’s a sadist.
I would just LOVE to do the same to him.
No wonder Jodi is having Migraines and looks tired during her trial. I can’t imagine having to endure this for as long as she has. She is looking so thin and I am very concerned about her health. How can she get a fair trial when this is wearing her down. It’s disgusting.
I just hope she can get some rest during this long weekend.
I really don’t know how she’s done it. I don’t think I could have. That bastard has infringed against their Human Rights doing this to the prisoners, he’s nothing but a Sadist. He should be jailed and I would just love to be the one to send him there, I’d make sure he had sleep deprivation and starved!
It just pisses me off to the nth degree. And his whole “if they don’t like it, don’t come to jail” attitude is the worst part. He is dismissing the constitution as if it’s a piece of dirt. UGH!
I think you’ve got that slightly wrong! 😉 AZ is a fascist State, Rhonda, its just so disgusting.
I think the jury will have a million questions for Ms. Alyce L, about the content of the emails and will want to see them. It will be interesting to see how many of those questions the Judge will let in.
It shouldn’t be what she lets in, the whole thing should be transparent if Jodi is ever to get a fair trial. But it seems when its to do with someone who can live or die its all just a sick game. Its So disgusting.
And if the judge doesn’t let them in (the questions re: emails), the juror that asked the question will know that the prosecutor has to be hiding something.
Just clicked on the site, ”Prosecutorial misconduct explained”.. and on the page it gives a link so you can read about the time of TA’s injuries, etc..and compare it with what Horn and Flores said.
Well, it won’t allow you to look at it, a different page comes up that’s partly blank.. sabotage? I feel it is.
Good Morning All! I’m so happy and EXCITED this morning!! FINALLY the truth is OUT!!!
Chris and (especially) Sky Hughes’s BS has had me livid, and I have been hoping thru-out this trial that whatever (and we all knew it was something) they were hiding would come to light.
I remember when that weirdo couple on Dr. Drew the wrong conclusion was on there (you know the one where the wife had her hubby’s hand in a death grip for fear that he may leave her for Jodi). Apparently the girl was bff’s with Sky, and felt compelled to tell her “creepy” story about Sky yelling at Jodi for 15 mins,, then afterwards Jodi sat and stared into space for 10 mins, then left. I feel like Sky still needs to be called as a witness, because the behavior described falls right in line with what the defense has said about the way Jodi reacts to people yelling at her.
Anyway, I also felt like the girl was trying to do Sky a “favor” by telling this little story, kind of to tell the haters, “don’t be mad at Sky when she is forced to tell the truth and help Jodi”.
I am still hoping she gets called back. I think these two still have info that needs to come out. So what if they’re hostile, the jury will see that they are just mad because they don’t want to be the ones who “let the cat outta the bag”.
Chris and Sky ONLY care about their social status, and being ousted from the hater circle. These two, and all the others (we know there are plenty more) should be ASHAMED of themselves.
Either way I was thinking last night I bet they shit a BRICK when they found out the defense had these e-mails, LOL!!!
The evil pair have me livid too, it’ll be a very interesting time now to see what the Defense have up their sleeves. I hope they will be brought back so the jurors can see exactly what those two are like.
They SHOULD be ashamed of themselves, but then we are talking about people who don’t give a damn, only when its about THEM.
Yes I cannot wait to see what JW has in store for Tuesday. The Hughes are disgusting people. CH claims to have been his “best friend” but they took off to Cancun the same day they found out he was killed. That is so gross. If that were my best friend I would not have left and if I was already there I woulld be booking it back home so fast. They seem to be only about themself and what benefits them.
AJ yeah that right there says it all. Really what real friends were these people to TA.
I do NOT understand them! I’m truly confused as to why they act like this. Why would they go on TV and say travis wasn’t abusive when they knew the defense had these emails. Why lie in the first place? What is their motive? Was it to protect Legal shield? The Hughes brothers run legal shield. I don’t get their motive.
If these people are “true” Mormon, they should be shaking in thier boots about the horrible sin of lying. If they don’t come clean soon, they will have to do something drastic, like blood atonement on eachother.
Sorry if this post is somewhat tactless, but there ongoing lying and obstructing justice is one of the biggest travesties in this whole trial IMO.
Things are looking better and better for Jodi…
USAToday article has some goooood stuff in it about the emails…
“What was not mentioned in court Thursday was the history of the emails. A defense filing from January 2011 details the efforts Arias’ attorneys went to obtain them. Initially the prosecution told the defense attorneys that there were no available text messages sent or received by Alexander and then was ordered to turn over several hundred.
The 2011 filing details the email contents, including “A response from Mr. Hughes … wherein he asserts that he believes Jodi would be his (Travis’) next victim and that Jodi was just another girl that he (Travis) was playing.” Alexander allegedly replied by saying “I am a bit of a sociopath.”
Other emails from Sky Hughes, the filing says, say that Alexander considered Arias to be a “booty call,” and said “How he, Mr. Alexander, was abusive to Jodi and … how he was beating her emotionally in part by making out with her without giving her a commitment.” And there is an email from another woman Alexander was seeing at the time “wherin she complains of Mr. Alexander’s conduct making her feel used and dirty.”
OMG I’d LOVE to see those emails. Actually, I’d be quite happy to see that motion. How come the hater sites haven’t put that one up?
So, Travis admitted he was a sociopath … how nice .. it’s amazing how these guys always admit a little bit of truth. Like my ex had custom plates of “Mr Wrong” and his Facebook profile described himself as “A delightful mix of arrogance, insolence and narcissism.”
I also find it intersting that on TA’s MySpace acount it list his interest as Money,Women, and Power. Hmmmm no mention of God or his faith??? He thinks so highly of himself on there too and it is creepy to me what he says about himself.
In his own words. ” I’m a simple man really. Smart, successful smashing good looks, a real suiter. Do I work out you ask? Well I’d like to be modest, but can you say Tri-athelete, and if you can’t say that well simply say 16 1/2 inch biceps. If I look familiar you are probably an avid reader of GQ or Mens Health.”
Yuck what a Narcissist.
Of course I will never get past the comment left by a someone on his MySpace account
Twas two nights before Christmas, and all through the greater Phoenix area, Travis was cruising for underage boys to make his Christmas more cozy. Have fun, just don’t violate the terms of your probation!
That is just so creepy??? ugh Why would anyone leave that up
I didn’t like the Money, Women, and Power statement either. It makes me wonder about him. And he also lists one of his favorite books as Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
An endless number of friends of his have been on HLN saying what a great guy he was, and I’m sure he was charismatic, but based on his interests and his favorite book, I don’t think I would have really liked him much.
I’m always surprised when religious people are Ayn Rand fans. It doesn’t make any sense to me at all. And you’re right, isn’t it funny that his list of interests say nothing of God?
I can see why some religions would like some of those books as they do have this in doctrine………..White Horse Prophecy – A lengthy discourse in which Smith reportedly said that “You will see the Constitution of the United States almost destroyed. it will hang like a thread as fine as a silk fiber…. and it will be preserved and saved by the efforts of the White Horse”; and, additionally, that the temple in Jackson County, Missouri “will be built in this generation.” Journal of John J. Roberts, March 2, 1902 1843
May 6
An official statement from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds that the Church does not accept the White Horse Prophecy as being “doctrine.” The authenticity of the alleged prophesy has never been verified. Although other statements by Joseph Smith appear to echo the claim that the United States Constitution would be threatened and that faithful Mormons would save it, the authenticity of the White Horse Prophecy as a whole is debated and has never been resolved among historians. The prophecy has been disclaimed officially by the LDS Church leadership and many individual LDS authorities.[27][28][29]
He didn’teven have to cruise for little boys, he had free access to the Hughes children.
Oops. I meant WOULDN’T be one single reason for thier behavior.
I think you are on to something there … It could be the Kid Connection with TA. Someone must’ve come to the knowledge that something untoward was going on and what parent would not want to avenge such a deed, esp. when you have counted on and treated that person almost as a brother or family? Therefore, to deflect the blame, they have used an all-around intimidation strategy (because they think they can) and also perhaps there is a group participation in culpabilityl. Thus, the over-the-top and irrational rants of JA blame sound so out-of-place to many of us. We all intuitively know and get the gut feeling that ‘something’ doesn’t feel right. But, sooner or later (even if it takes years), eventually, the truth will seep out. Not everyone will be able to hold it in. Conscience, is a funny thing. Even if you don’t think you have one, out-of-the-blue, something could trigger it.
Also, a while ago, many, many pages ago… someone named Jess had mentioned that there was a pic of D*stin Th*ompson’s son on TA’s myspace acct wearing spidey undies, along with TA or something to that effect, in the pic. I was struck, as if by a lightening bolt, with the possibility of a DT connection, along with D*anna as the 2 intruders. Fl*res failed to ask JA whether she recognized the voices at the bathroom, only whether TA had shown any recognition! This angle might explain the D*eanna coming over later for the dog, and As*ley saying DT was acting wierd, and they letting JA go, knowing she would not talk, even to her death, if necessary. Then later As*ley ends up in a ‘suicide’, JA simultaneously files for protection (which is denied) and changes story to self-defense (Self-defense is true, she is trying to defend herself, except it is against DT / D*anna and not TA)…
I do have a wild imagination, but ….
You may have a wild imagination, but what you say is very plausible. I didn’t realize the spiderman boy was actually Dustin and Ashley’s child. There is so much that is shadey about this case, and I agree that someday the full truth will come out. There sure was some reason poor Ashely call in the anonymous tip!
Fortunately, since Jodi has pleaded innocent by reason of self defense, I think there is also plenty of evidence for this as well and she will be acquitted.
That’s a scary thought! I dont want to think of any children being harmed 🙁 I don’t think there is enough proof – just a little boy wearing a common type of underwear really.
Yes it is very scarey JC and I posted a while back about pedophiles and how they target their child victims. Still makes me sick even though I dealt with it in a professional capacity for years.
Again, I say, the Hughes’ should be ashamed of themselves and be more concerned about what may have happened to thier children. I think Jodi actually referred to their children, though not by name, during her testimony about the Spider Man underwear and a little boy Travis knew who loved Spiderman.
I haven’t figured out thier motives either. I think any motive would be so convaluted that we probably would not be able to wrap our minds around it. Although maybe you could, better than I, with your backgroud in Psychology.
I think any motive might involve all sorts of things like: Greed (fear of PPL becoming known as a scam), possible involvment in the killing (maybe they found out about abuse of thier children and cut his throat and pinned it on Jodi), protecting thier “standing” in the Church as thier income is tied to it…..the speculative list could go on, and it’s just that speculation on my part.
It is just so strange that it doesn’t seem to me that there would be one simple reason for their atrocious behavior.
They seemed so angry with Nurmi during the mistrial hearing yet they knew all along these emails existed. I get they love travis, that travis was their close friend but to lie about how he behaved with women to the degree that we are seeing? I just don’t understand why? It would be so much easier for them to say something like travis wasn’t perfect, he had issues but Jodi is guilty blah blah blah then to intentionally mislead everyone.
I find his sister’s comment to be eerie considering the date..
Your so right AJ, he was so into HIMSELF. No mention of his strong beliefs in his religion, just power, money and looks. That msg is too much of a coincidence: little boys and probation? ??? Someone KNEW something.
I know these emails were not allowed in before, but i wonder IF the defense will be able to bring them in through Mrs LaViolette.
Nice, Thanks for the link
I find it fascinating that travis referred to himself as a sociopath!
Travis refers to himself as a bit of a sociopath and in a text he calls Jodi a sociopath. He sure was projecting with that remark! I suspect he thought he was a sociopath. Sociopaths usually know what they are. Some discuss wondering why they are “different” as a child when questioning why people get so sad at funerals. Funerals or sad events oftentimes illicit thoughts from the child about why they are different. Why don’t they feel sad.
They practice showing emotions in the mirror as children ( some do ). They act, pretend, fake ie. Travis skit about Eddie Snell. Travis was good at pretending.
Yes JC. Absolutely correct!
Yep, and also he never seemed to smile.
WOW! He considered himself “a bit” of a sociopath.
Yea this is the part that Wilmot needs to have LaViloette bring in. I think the jury would be shocked to hear this came FROM HIMSELF. And when they hear this along with what LaViloette has already testified to, I blv they look at everything Martinez has said a big fat cover up. They wont like him, they wont blv him at all!
Yes LC-
I think Joujou pointed it out earlier, that JM’s rapid fire objections to the testimony about the emails will actually make jurors think about the fact that there is a lot they are trying to cover up.
“Alexander allegedly replied by saying “I am a bit of a sociopath.””
And I remember when the Travisites were sooo upset with me, because I described his behavior as sociopathic. Now it’s right out of the horses mouth. I wonder what they have to say about that? Oh, that’s right. Just more unsubstantiated accusations that Jodi hacked email accounts. There’s zero proof to back that up, but they just keep flapping their mouths as if saying it over and over again somehow makes it more true. It doesn’t, though.
Goodmorning all!!! So the prosecutor on the James Holmes case has not decided but is talking with families of the victims, to possibly accept a plea deal. He will plea guilty in exchange for avoiding the DP.
I know this case has nothing to do with Jodi Arias, but I saw this, i couldn’t help but think about a few things. 1) this guy killed 14 people, injured 48. Jodi killed 1 in SD. 2) the prosecutor is going over the plea deal with the victims families, im sure Martinez did this and the family was the onne pushing for the DP, thats probably why he didn’t accept JODI’S plea deal. Therefore it is not only Martinez’s fault that taxpayers are paying out the ass for this trial (even though they’re still blaming jodi). 3) I just cant get it if Holmes plea goes through. Jodi gies to deathrow and this guy sits in prison (hopefully getting mental health), but thats a whole different issue.
I think that’s a good point LC. Why put Jodi to death for killing in self defense, when this guy sprayed bullets in a theater trying to take out as many people as possible?
I have had similar thoughts. Such as, how can the Green River Killer sit in prison after he killed at least forty eight people; but then put Jodi to death for killing one person in self defense?
People will say that James Holmes mental health was compromised, but so was Jodi’s. People simply refuse to grasp the havock an abusive relationship can wreak on the human mind. As evidenced by the hater’s reaction to Dr Samuels and Alyce LaViolette; people don’t give a shit about the facts or the decades of research that have furthered our collective understanding of abuse.
Holmes got most of his weapons over the internet too! Where in hell was the FBI and Home Land Security??? How in hell was he able to buy so many weapons without anyone noticing?
Oh good point! I think one has to have a special permit to order guns from out of state, right? Unless the guns were sold within Colorado then I don’t know if that applies or not.
Considering his mental health history, this is something that should be looked into for sure.
There should be a congressional investigation into that matter too!
I totally agree. Personally, I am for the death penalty, but only in extreme cases where there is no doubt and the person claimed more than one victim. The Green River Killer is a good example of that. Jodi does not deserve the death penalty at all.
Just left HuffPost. WTH is wrong with people? This one chick posts “Death for Jodi” at the end of almost all of her posts. It sickens me. Along with other valid points, I replied with what if this was your daughter? Would you want her to be automatically crucified, or would you prefer she get a fair trial? I swear, all of these assholes seriously need to take stock of their lives. How can any human being, with any amount of decency, wish death upon someone they DO NOT KNOW? As far as I know, there were no other people hanging out in the bathroom that day, so how can everyone automatically assume that they know what happened? Now they are saying that she hacked into the Hughes’ computer and sent the emails herself. When does the douche-baggery and imbecilic rationale stop? Holy shit, Batman, I’m going to blow a fuse!
Doesn’t it kind of make you laugh though? The part about her hacking the emails and sending them herself, oh and sending them from Chris and SKy too? They are so desperate!
Oh so they allege that Jodi sent ALL of the Hughes’s emails AND the responses from Travis? She sure must have been creative with hacking and learning everyone’s email-writing-style. hahaha These people REALLY need something else to do with their lives.
Something that I have noticed, though: Most of these people who are calling into HLN or making these statements (the one’s that have gravatars, at least) sound like they’ve barely received a 5th grade education, seem to be into their late 50’s/early 60’s (nothing wrong with the age at all, just making an observation of the main hater group 🙂 ) and look as though they’ve been rode hard and put up wet. Combine those factors with the rest of their equally ignorant friends at the retirement community trailer park, I am sure that it makes for interesting conversation at the shuffleboard games and Thursday night bingo.
Nobody knows why people believe, what they believe. Making the comments about “being rode hard and put up wet,” ignorant friends,” and “retirement community trailer park” is just like the comments HLN and NG would make.
Lol I knew they’d come up with some ridiculous excuse; jodi hacked into there email, YEAHHHHH OK!!! LOL its actually funny to me!!! C-on deep diwn inside they KNOW she didnt, they know!!! Im just waiting to see what the Hughe’s come up with. Now THAT should be interesting! What can they say? Afterall, there are more then one email. Will they say that they were upset with TA at the time of the email and they take it back, will they say the email was meantvfor someone else other then TA, what will they come up with??? Oh how stupid would it be if they do use the haters excuse; JODI DID IT!!!! lol they’re busted, they know it!
Just shows how desperate they are getting.
They have already perjured themselves, in my opinion. I am sure they have no problem lying some more when/if they get on the stand. A tell-tale sign of Chris’ lying would be how defensive he got with KM during the evidentiary hearing about the emails.
Lol! He told KN that the e-mails were being taken out of context.
So what exactly were you TRYING to say CH?
JM will probably try to play the old trick oh you were young and in mature and that he was just mad at him at that time. I don’t think this will be so easy to erase. Busted!!
Yeah, JA was ‘so’ technically advanced… that’s why she left the camera with the memory card in it? Which of the 2 acts would’ve been simpler? Removing the mem card from the camera, or going through all the hassle of the email nonsense? Damn!!
You know, I bet dirty Sanchez assured the Hughes that he could keep these e-mails out of the trial. He sure as hell tried, but he FAILED, and NOW he and the Hughes house is falling down.
I was just thinking about how JC asked the obvious question, ” why in the world would they lie on TV KNOWING the defense had these e-mails” so, I think the most reasonable answer would be that.
JM thinks he’s smarter than everyone else, including KN and JW. He underestimated them AND Jodi. Not smart, LOL!
Yes. Underestimation is a severely overlooked trait that the ‘smart’ ones fail to cultivate. That’s why its better to be wise, huh?
Katie Wick comparing 9/11 victims to abortions
WTH Those two are quite the Brain Trust.
Omg what a dumbf****! Sorry, but this is one stupid person! I don’t even want to call her a dumb blond, that’d be a complement, shes just DUMB!!!! ConservativeCut.com what a joke, I waste of time reading her thoughts and opinions. Who does she think she is, shes one of those people trying to take “our rights”. All I gotta say to her is one thing: PRO CHOICE BIAAATCH!!!
LOL I can’t stand her! PS I sent the pic of her and Martinez to Willmotts office last week:)
My oh my….she does get around, doesn’t she! If you haven’t yet seen her FB site you should take a look! It is something to behold. With that intellect I’d be willing to bet she believes Sarah Palin’s version of Paul Revere’s Midnight Ride!
I just wish she would get thrown out of court. She was supposedly a spectator picked at random, by Dr. Drew, to be his in court juror. I think she was a plant by HLN from the beginning. She may not be getting a paycheck from HLN, to offer up her inane analysis of the proceedings, but I would bet she is being compensated. After a few appearances as a random spectator, she suddenly began dressing in more expensive, stylish cloths and her hair, make-up and jewelry seemed to suddenly be done professionally right down to the current spray-on tan she is now sporting. I am not saying this to be catty. I just think it shows that she really is an employee of HLN, whether they want to admit it or not.
I agree and she and her sidekick Stacey are supposed to be Mormon, but don’t appear to be to “Mormony”
“Mormony”? LOL! love it
I agree and maybe next week we will see her called to the stand by Mr. Nurmi. Bet she won’t be so smug then.
Yeah, but she forgot to also invest in a pedicure and/or closed-toe shoes! Check those toes out! (sorry, not being mean).
I also thought that she is a plant for HLN as that one guy I can’t think of his name?? Bryan Carr I think it was? he was calling in with all kinds of crap stories supposedly from JODI herself ? which the ADMIN on here said that was a BIG FAT LIE ! he was not a friend of JODI”S an was spreading big rumors to get the HATERS in even more of a FRENZY an it worked also.
But haven’t heard about him lately so hopefully he is gone. That guy made me so mad. An I know he was on here or is on here sometimes as one night we all were complaining an the very next few minutes he called back in an said oh I actually got that info from a friend of a friend of Jodi’s ?? Bunch of crap I think he is a plant also though.
Phx did you send the one with the cream pie??? Cause that one is THE BEST.
Did someone make a cream pie pic??! Lol!!!
SJ did…but for the life of me i can’t remember what day it was posted. QUITE funny!! I’ll see if i can find the link…unless anyone else knows right away where it is.
here it is!
Good job! Phx Team J! I have considered phoning their office re: my theory of KW being a plant by HLN and Dr. D, instead of her being just a “random spectator”. I hate watching her stirring up spectator conversation during side bars. She is nothing but a busy body and a puppet.
Kitty I phoned Nurmi’s office with some other info and the assistant that answered was happy to speak to me:) They are too busy to see all the crap thay goes on so I’m sure they appreciate any info:)
Sorry my dittos are ending up in the wrong place. Please ignore!
now my ditto apology is in the wrong place! 🙂
😀 Mine sometimes do that! LOL
That’s right LC, and oh the irony how she presents herself as pro-life, but is eager to see Jodi get the death penalty. But she is one example out of many who say they care about life, but at the end of the day believe that the lives of women are worth nothing, and can be disposed of if only a good enough reason is given. And that women’s bodies are up for grabs, that anyone can occupy a woman’s body whether they are a fetus, a rapist, a trans vaginal ultrasound, ect; consent not required. And in order to believe that rape happened, one must be bloody and bruised; and have at least four male witnesses to testify that it was “forcible rape” or risk getting stoned to death by the media for making a false claim.
That last part was snarky. But damn if it doesn’t ring true.
Who listens to this crap on her show or whatever that was and I am sure it was no mistake she was “randomly selected” to be on Dr Drew’s show. She seemed like the perfect robot to spew their hate and agree with them. I can not stand to hear her talk. Next thing she will be doing is telling us about legitimate rape. Better not get me started down that war path. And yes I am Pro Choice and I am against the DP so take that Ms. Katie NitWit.
Really. And is she interdependently wealthy or something? Does HLN pay for her to stay in AZ to be their professional juror? She states she is not paid but could be refering to payment in the form of a paycheck.
I hear you AJ, I see those folks going off and start to believe we ought to stop putting flouride in the water after all.
Yes, I find it sickening that Dr Drew, “mr progressive nice guy” has put someone on his show that is so clearly against the rights of women. This is the guy who has promoted tolerance and diversity all these years, now BAM – he’s squarely in the anti-woman position giving the likes of Katie Wick a platform for fame.
I can’t stand her voice either. I’ve said before that they should mute her when she starts talking, then overlap some of psycho-eyed Jon Leiberman’s voice acting to create a whole new commentator. Now that would be worth tuning into Drew to see. 🙂
Here’s a woman who deserves the DP IMO!
Karla Holmolka. I read books about her. If I believed in the DP, she is someone I think should get it. She offered her own sister to a serial rapist, drugged her, raped her and killed her along with others. And her defense was DV! But a book was written I liked that gave insight to evidence the defense had hidden in the form of videotapes of rapes showing Karla lied and was a willing participant. She did about 13 years on a plea deal before those tapes came to light.
I know! I think those here from Canada have probably heard of Paul Bernardino and Karla Holmolka. A reporter found her this summer and tried to get an interview. She has children now and married her lawyer’s brother.
I’m in the states, but I know all about Paul Bernardo & Karla Homolka (aka the Ken and Barbie Killers). I also saw the movie “Karla” about it, though I think they made her look more innocent than she is. She definitely deserved way more than the time she got.
CJ Karla Holmoka and Paul Bernardo were terrible people. He was also the Scarborough rapist( a suburb of Toronto) I worked with people that knew both Kristen French’s parents and Leslie Mahafey’s parents. Karla would do anything for Paul and I do mean anything. She wound up going to police after he beat her up badly and she was in fear that she would be the next one he videoed while killing her.These people lived within a 30 or so mile radius of me at the time. all the people involved.
Oh yes I remember her and she did lie. Those tapes proved that it and as you said she offered her own sister to that monster of a man. I don’t believe in the DP but she would be right for it. She got off way too easy. Now she is walking around somewhere. Scary. This was in Canada right? Do they have the DP? I could not remember if they did.
No AJ we do not have the death penalty.
Thanks Debbie for the information.
I’m copying and pasting a paragraph from SJ’s story from January 30th regarding the Hughes’ e-mails.
Bombshells, Blackmail & BS – Chris Hughes style
January 30, 2013 By SJ – Team Jodi
“In fact both Chris Hughes (and his wife, Sky) emailed Travis telling him he was being abusive to Jodi back in 2007. They also discussed TA’s “age of attraction” when it comes to young girls, which (as far as I recall) Sky was somewhat surprised at. This ties together the earlier pedophile rumors pertaining to TA and his preference for pigtails & 12 years old’s, does it not?”
I wonder if this can come out in the trial?? I remember Nurmi asking Chris Hughes if it was true that after Sky Hughes read THE LETTERS (not the e-mails, the handwritten Travis letters), that Sky said, wow, I knew he was bad, but not THIS bad.
And all of this calls to mind Gus Searcy. Remember he said in an interview with Greta Van Susteren that he’s certain more people would come forward but they’re afraid to?
By the way, I do remember that the jury was NOT present when Nurmi asked Chris Hughes about what Sky said.
Skye also asked , “what ages did he prefer?”
Good Afternoon everyone….
I would like people’s thoughts on the one and ONLY statement of Jodi’s that has bothered me thoughout this whole thing.
What do you think she means/meant when she says during her interrogation….
“I chickened out like a little bitch!”
Thoughts please….
Can you please give a link (youtube or wherever) and a minute mark where that statement occurs and then I will be able to form an opinion?
I can’t. It’s on her interrogation in Yreka when she is telling the story of the intruders I believe. She says it pretty much out of the blue. i.e. right after another statement that had nothing to do what she then says…..so it is rather confusing to me.
I’ll see if I can find it….
My guess would be that she said that when she left Travis to die, about her running out of the house without him, something like that. But we know now that’s not the true story anyway.
Yep, that’s when it was said. Also, it was during her interrogation with Flores where she was exhausted.
or do we harmony i still say the intruder story is relivent and the story changed 2 yrs later and ashley died 2 yrs later
I found the transcript by googling JA chickened out like a little bitch and when I did that it appears as though she was answering a question from the interrogator. But, it just sounds off to me.
I felt that she was given a choice that was more like between the hard rock and the deep blue sea! It could have gone as, “shut your mouth, and live, or do —– (get help from neighbors, tell others, help/protect TA, etc, etc) and die!”
Gang –
I posted this last night, but I’m going to do so again because it seems to have gotten lost in all the other conversation.
I know some of you are (rightfully) complaining about the way the Sheriff treats his inmates, especially Jodi. There is an ongoing effort to force a recall vote. If you’re an AZ resident, you can sign the petition. PLEASE do so!
Its funny how the little man kept telling Gus Searcy HE wanted to be in the spotlight….ummmmmm Gus isn’t the one signing canes and posing for pics with Pro-Life-Katie
I thought it was great when Nurmi asked CH if he had seen Gus doing any interviews on TV and then asked CH if HE had done any interviews and he had to admit he had!
Funny as hell…And SO true!
I would like to thank all the readers of this blog and the admin for their interest in my writing and podcasts. I hope we can all remember, especially this Easter Weekend, that far too many Americans are in custody without good reason, and far too many innocent Americans face the prospect of death at the hands of our government.
I am not an anarchist. I doubt that anyone on this site is. This is not about storming the Bastille and opening up the flood gates. Ms. Arias’ case is about one thing only: holding our government accountable to the people to follow the law. That is it.
I will be doing another podcats this Easter Sunday March 31 at 6 PM AZ and pacific, 9 PM Eastern on the King Jordan show. I hope everyone can listen and call in. The link to the podcats
So beautifully stated. We as Americans need to insure that our government is held accountable to us. I’m not a constitutional expert, nor an anarchists, but I believe that is what our founding father’s wanted to insure.
Thank you for your podcasts and writings to encourage all Americans to hold our government accountable.
That’s awesome, Mr. Gagic. Thank you so much. Can we call in?
Thank YOU Mr. Gagic!
Thank you Mr. Gagic. Such words of wisdom and please keep up the good work.
very much enjoy your blog radio programs….and your knowledge, insight into the laws in Arizona.
your so right when you say how tragic it is that our justice system has basically been turned into a spectace. I’m so shocked that the prosecutor hasn’t been reprimanded for his behavior. you give us hope that there are honest, ethical attorneys left out there.
thank you!!
hope every one is doing ok today
same to you 🙂
Hi Tonya, almost didn’t recognize you without your CAPS lock on:)
hi kmiller changed that and the picture to the right is changed to cat praying for jodi headed to the flores report again to read it over
I should add a picture of my boxer, Maximus The Warrior. He always has this look on his face like, “really?”. LOl!
hehe you should.
kmiller its easy to put a picture go to gravatar its free
aww such a sweet picture.
nice kitty
Very cute pic I. love the ribbion you added to it.
Thank you. The Abused supporting the Abused. She lived eight years of severe abuse before being rescued, is slowly recovering from the traumas, but happy now.
awww I hate abuse stories of any kind. Buy Yay she is happy now and showing her support. That is awesome.
Awwww that’s soooo sweet. I love it! Thank you for rescuing her and giving her a great life.
tonya and AJ, I love your cat pictures. I had a beautiful snowshoe who passed away at 18 yrs old…had her from a kitten…when I went thru my divorce, she would crawl up under my chin and lay on my chest and pat my face! I cried for days after she died. I think I’m about ready for another pet…will probably get a rescue cat at the shelter.
my cats to they are the one thing in my life that keeps me insane i sometimes wont to end it but have to feed and love 2 cats 3 birds my sister committed suicide hung her self in the back yard. depression can do a lot of harm so i really connected to jodi when he talked about taking her own life and wanting to die. was that in the 70.s when i was having dv with and ex husband and feeling susidal and not eating my dad who is gone now and my mom told me to read l ron hubbard dianetics to help me
Tonya, I am so very sorry about your sister. That had to horribly devastating. Sorry also about your father. I lost both of my parents in the past few years. My only comfort is that they both lived long lives. My father was 88 and my mother 91. The thing that really bothers me is that I was and still am so numb from PTSD and depression that I can’t cry any more. My oldest son was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder during that time and one night I rec’d a phone call from him (he was living 500 mi away at the time) he was calling to tell me he was parked in his car and was going to end his life. I fortunately was able to call the police dept. in the very lg city where he was, and we got help from AT&T and the police located him by his cell phone. They took him to a hospital by ambulance and he survived. He had parked behind a shopping center and put a hose in the tail pipe and into the car.
When Alyce LaViolette talked about the terror of living with someone who threatens suicide I could really understand what she was describing as he had threatened many times before. I really think my ex’s emotional and verbal abuse affected both of our sons as much as it did me. My other son is finally in therapy for depression. I had already seen an attorney about a divorce, when my youngest son came to me and said “Mom you need to do something about Dad. We are all living everyday feeling like we are just one step away from being hit and I’m tired of it.” That was all I needed to hear to finally make the move to leave him. I think I waited so long because his family was well off and I knew they would try to destroy me and they almost did. I told my therapist that it was like being married to the mob.
Tonya, all we can do is take it a day at a time. I am glad you have your pets. They can really be a comfort in sad times and a joy in good times. Thanks for sharing…I don’t think I could have opened up about all of this if you hadn’t. You will be in my prayers along with Jodi.
kitty thank you for your kindness it took me 8 years to get over the abuse my ex caused me. sorry you lost your mom and dad you know they are still here with us. im catholic and believer we do not die after death i will keep you kitty in my prayers and jodi too. did you see my other report about ryan burns statement
I am getting ready to read it now. Allergies…sneezing and eyes running and itching!
aww ty Kitty I am so very sorry to hear about your Cat. I consider my cats to be part of my family so it is awful when you lose them. Yes my cats are such a blessing. Two of my cats actually saved my life about 7 or 8 years ago. They are no longer with me but one was a Russian Blue and one was a chartreuse. I love grey cats 🙂 I had all I could take from my abusive ex-husband and I knew it was going to be me or him. It had come so close to him killing me and I had many many thoughts of just killing him in his sleep. So one night I decided to hang myself while he was at work. I had the rope around my neck and I was about to knock the stool out from under me when both cats came running in the room and meowing and having a fit. They saved me that day. Sadly when I had to escape and hide and I did not have a choice to take them with me so I had to leave them behind. That still haunts me til this day. He was very abusive to my cats so I try not to think about it. Kicking them across rooms with steel toed boots or almost drowning them in the bathtub. My ex-husband was a true psychopath and I thank God everyday that I got away from him. So cats are amazing companions.
Tonya I can relate to your story. I am so sorry to hear about your Sister. I can’t imagine that pain you much feel. I have Bipolar Disorder so I have had to battle deep depression many times in my life and my cats help me to stay sane.
I lost my kitty Tree two days ago. She had been a member of our family for 9 years. It is so awful to lose our furry friends. 🙁
renee i’m sorry to here about your cat and when they are with you that long it is harder to get over the loss. its my sound crazy but i talk to my cat that died he went with me all the time in the car with me and he would put his feet . up on the dash and look out when we got to a red light i would say to tiger help mommy change that to green and we would wait for it to happen now that he is go and i get to a red light or its red before i get to it i say out loud tiger are you there and if you are change the light to green and it changes every time. i do it with my sister roseann who commited suicide and it works there to told a friend and it work for him who lost his son he poured gas on himself and lit a match
That is awful Renee and I am so sorry to hear that. It is losing a member of the family and it is hard to get over. *hugs* going out to you.
AJ, I think cats are very intuitive. Thank goodness your’s responded that day. I know it was hard to leave them. I’m glad you have new ones to keep you sane. As I said in my reply to Tonya, I have a son who is bi-polar who attempted and threatened suicide. I wish more people could understand that mental illness is a physical illness as well and be less judgmental. I’ve found that some friends and family cannot understand why I stand by my son the way I do, but to me it’s no different than if he had any other disease.
oh wow kitty. Yes mental illness still has such a strong stigma with it. I work a lot with groups to fight it and to get better health care for those that cannot afford it. I don’t know why people cannot understand it is not different really than being born with diabetes. It is a chemical imbalance and nothing more. I suppose some get scared when it is in the brain. I have had many friends come and go that do not understand. I am so blessed to have my mom and dad who have always been there for me. I am now remarried to a wonderful man that sees past the illness and it has never phased him. He is always there for me when my mood swings might happen. I have great care and stay stable most of the time. Yes some people are very judgemental and think it’s your fault and or think you can snap out of it. I do not share it that often with most because they tend to treat you different.
your right kitty my sister was skitafrinic spelled wrong i cry that i was not there to help her the day she commited suside i say 3 hr away
Great points! I don’t know. Perhaps Flores talked or one of the roommates looked at the shell casing prior to them finding Travis?
thanks JC page 10 on shell caseing describes .22 or.32 caliber then its a winchester .25 caliber
Interesting! So someone did leak that info or the roommates possibly knew? Tonya could you do me a favor? I have trouble reading posts that are in all caps. My cheater glasses aren’t working. if you don’t mind, would you post using not all capital letters? Please don’t take offense. I have poor vision anyhow, wear contacts on top of the cheaters, and the all caps is very hard to read. 🙂
JC NO problem sorry not a good typist
It’s okay my aunt does it too. She types me long emails in all caps. Drives me nuts but she’s elderly and I’m proud of her for being able to use email, facebook etc.
So wait, had the roommmates saw the shell casing, they wouldn’t have been able to determine the type of gun used. I doubt flores was talking because they don’t usually do that in cases and others were being interviewed as possible suspects for a minute. So hmmmmm. Very odd!
dont really know just quoting ryan burn on the flores report but it does sound funny and jc would you like me to change my name to lower case its in caps now
you know what else is funny the report says ryan said about jodi saying over is not the same as what he said on the stand and to the media
We need a more comprehensive investigation report with Ryan Byrnes…Since it was Ryan who made those statements to Detective Flores…only Ryan can explain to whom he had talked to and to what they told him…(Flores report page 20)
It looks like Detective Flores was negligent again in his interview with Ryan Byrnes…
Detective Flores should have asked Ryan Byrnes who told him these 3 things: (Flores Report page 20)
1. Who were the mutual friends in Utah that were pointing fingers at Jodi as being responsible for his death?…
2. Who did you hear say that there was a rumor circulating that Travis had been shot with a .25 caliber handgun?…
3. Who told you they heard there was a struggle possibly involving one or two people and he was both shot and stabbed?
I keep going back to the Detailed Breakdown report of the Flores Report…I have a hard time getting around the involvement of the roommates and their girlfriends at Travis’ home that week and weekend…
I keep feeling that the roommates and their girlfriends were setting Jodi up somehow…and were just waiting for someone to come looking for Travis…(why else would they have tolerated the decomposition smell in the home during those days…they smelled it…they would be lying in their pants if they said that they did not smell it)…
Waiting patiently until…Marie Hall shows up around 10 pm Monday night looking for Travis…remember she is the one who is going to leave Tuesday morning with Travis to go to Cancun…(I found this odd too…because being a girl myself, I would have called and made sure of the plans way before 10 pm the night before departure-a person just doesn’t wait until the last few hours before leaving before confirming plans of an extended business trip to Mexico)…
The police arrived…then the Detective arrived…the roommates and friends were just too quick in pointing fingers at Jodi…(Flores Report page 4 top paragraph Quote from Detective Flores “BEFORE we could determine what had happened to Travis, the SUBJECTS on scene had begun to mention the name, Jodi Arias.” “They told officers that if someone had done harm to Travis, we needed to look at Jodi Arias as an investigative lead.”
I feel the Detective should have investigated all of them in much more detail…when something just doesn’t feel right…it usually isn’t…
i feel that text and phone records for everyone in the flores report should have been looked into and if i could win the lottery i would give it to the defence team to do just that before they end the court with the DV expert
and most of all of them the only one in question here is dustin thompson ashley death could be a result of this trial she sure cant take the stand now and explain why she pointed her finger at her ??? ex husban ???
I totally agree with you Tonya…
By the 25th of June 2008, I would say almost everyone in Travis’s circle knew he was dead and had been killed by someone using a gun and stabbing him as well. After all that was 16 days after his body was found. His body was found on the 9th. I see absolutely no conspiracy theory on this at all. He was dead and had been buried by that date.
Hi ev1.
Tonya and AJ – I am truly sorry to hear your stories. I always say “God doesn’t give us what we cannot endure” – that is how I got through some terrible times…
Given you both are caring, nurturing, compassionate, empathetic, and of course cat lovers (I have 9) – you both should be extremely proud of yourselves. You did what you were supposed to do…you SURVIVED…as did Jodi. You both are INSPIRATIONS as are all the other SURVIVORS.
Happy Easter to everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Especially this weekend, I will be keeping you all in my prayers.
See you all next week.
Janneen thank you for your very kind words. I love the picture of your cat. So cute. God carried me through those rough times and I pray everyday that God is there to comfort Jodi during this extremely rough time. Happy Easter to you as well. Today is Good Friday and there is so much to be thankful for 🙂
happy easter to you to aj and to all that visit here i know that easter time is for christ but i will be asking him for his help for he did say to god father forgive them the do not know what they are doing.
wonderful words to remember Tonya. Forgiveness is a wonderful thing.
Tonya, I have thought of that bit of scripture so many times when we hear all the hatefulness being sent out about Jodi. I am glad you brought that up. It is especially appropriate this Easter week end.
AJ my response to you is up above somewhere. My typing timing is off or something. Also I am having very bad allergies right now and am sneezing more than typing and my eyes are a mess!
I scrolled up and read it. My first response might have been off too. We just all have to be strong and pray for each other and keep Jodi in our prayers.
back to the flores report i think i know how on page 20 with what ryan burns said if you look at the top of the report their is chris and sky hughs
Its Friday need to cook some fish will return latter praying for JODI till we see her again on tuesday
So did I hear correctly that the Hughes are on the rebuttal witness list?
That should be interesting.
BTW does anyone know whether AZ allows a sur-rebuttal?
I’ll see if I can find their court procedures somewhere.
I’m hoping if they do testify that Ms Wilmott goes over the email they wrote to Travis sentence by sentence the same way she did with the scathing email Lisa Daidone sent to Travis.
Reply to my own question.
No surrebuttal in AZ. This is the defenses only chance to present.
Please elaborate….. I still do not quite understand why the entire emails are not in evidence as an exhibit (Although Tonysam said they are.)
Also wondering why the Pros would bring in the Hughes’ considering their emails clearly showing they knew TA was abusive. (Yes I know JM is crazy and what not…..)
A basic rule of evidence that is introduced in court is that someone must vouch for it. Also, in the case of documents it is preferred that the original be introduced. Obviously there are exceptions to these rules.
So what this means in terms of these emails is this. Firstly, the court would almost certainly demand that someone be able to vouch that the emails are in fact emails sent from the Hughes and received by TA, and the other way around. Now there are only three people who can say that we sent these emails, the Hughes for the emails they sent and TA for the ones he sent. Obviously the defense can’t call TA. That leaves the Hughes. Now the defense does actually have the Hughes on their witness list. But, would it be wise for the defense to call them. Based on the statements the Hughes’ have made on TV etc, it would seem that they might not be very cooperative an may in fact apply a spin to these emails that would dampen their impact. So instead they tried this end run and I think it worked.
Tonysam may be right in a technical way. I gather there was some kind of a hearing about these emails. I don’t know what the reason or result of the hearings was, but I guess the emails weren’t admitted. Now, here’s what happens. There is a complete record of the case, that includes all hearings and any evidence presented in those hearings. This record is maintained in case of an appeal. However not all exhibits entered into the record are admissible for publication to the jury. Obviously the emails are in the record, since JW asked ALV to look at them to refresh her memory. However they were not shown to the jury (i.e. they are not admissible).
Now to the question of why JM would bring the Hughes’ into the case. I haven’t read the original emails and so don’t know what’s in them. But lets assume that they talk about abuse, but don’t really specify what the abuse was. So may be JM can get the Hughes to say something like “Oh, what we meant was that TA would just string girls along making them think he would marry them but had no intention of doing so” or “TA was a dog, just looking for sex and would move on to the next girl when he found one” or something like that, and he’s done this before. And we liked Jodi so we told him not to do the same with her, and in our book, that’s abuse. So JM could get them to basically negate AL’s interpretation of the emails. And could JM get them to testify as he wanted them to – just ask Flores and Kevin Horn about the shot coming first or last.
Hope this helps
Thanks a bunch, this info helps a lot. It does get confusing as I can’t always follow the rule of law, what is admissible, what is in evidence etc. I think you are completly on target about how JM will use the Hughes’. They will put a spin on anything, also called lying.
If they aren’t in exhibit, what is the point of ALV’s testimony? She couldn’t read from them because of hearsay rules.
Rule 703 addresses a particular condition that can arise with respect to data and documents. Sometimes there may be a condition, where there may be a set of documents and or data that an expert relies on in reaching their conclusions. However, for one reason or another, the documents, etc may not be admissible, for instance one can’t lay the foundation for them, In such cases the expert is allowed to describe the contents of the data or document and how they affected the experts assessment. In doing say the operative word is describe the contents. That is why they won’t et ALV read them, and the wording has to be very careful. What she is doing in each instance she describes what is in the email and how it affected her judgement in this case. The documents themselves are entered into the record, but not admitted into the evidence, I know this might be a tiny difference, but that’s how it is. Which means the expert can describe the documents, but she cannot recite he contents to the jury. Also the jury won’t get these documents with the rest of the evidence.
So she can talk about the other emails too, then?
If she relied on them in making her decisions, she can.
Reviewing day 11 with Lisa on the stand.
Remember this stunt? What a dirtbag POS that Frog F**&^er is
I don’t suppose the grand jury testimony has been made public? Does anyone know for sure?
Grand jury testimony is often sealed and may never be released.
I was over at that other site and noticed that they too are very upset with HLN’s coverage for the same reasons we are. Many of them feel that HLN is exploiting the death of travis for profit.
Maybe it’s a long shot, but I thought I’d post that in case Maggie wanted to show them the petition. I don’t think we care who signs it – everyone should have the opportunity to express their opinion toward HLN by signing it. However, I suspect that because the petition was created and promoted from our side, that they won’t sign it out of stubbornness.
I read this o the web somewhere. Anyone have any comments:
Thomas Brown, a former roommate of Travis Alexander in the home of his murder, was interviewed up to three times by Detective Flores whereby he told them that Jodi had open access to the home when he was around and the Arias he knew was completely shy and somewhat awkwardly withdrawn. He was having a hard time picturing her do this without help and he told cops that.
He also told them something about Travis being shocked to get the call that Jodi Arias was standing outside the home the early morning hours of June 4, 2008 and that he had been up all night performing some sort of protection rite. Brown’s information was not included in any information given to the defense and he was not even aware his name came up in the investigation by Jodi Arias herself. I would expect that issue to surface promptly as well.
I thought it was dis-proven that he didn’t know she was coming but the things is that even if she did show unannounced it still has little relevance since he did it to her as well. it sets a precedent that he thought it was OK for them to do it to each other. If nothing else, how fair is it that its OK for Travis to do it but not her to do it to him?
What is a Protection rite that he was up all night doing?
No clue, I too was wondering what this was all about.
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Jean Casarez: Star Rocker on the Boat
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John Stuart files suit against cops for violating his Rights and block AG from defending them
Case No.:
For those who are concerned whether Jodi has any chance of a fair trial under “Sheriff Joe,” This is a link to a lawsuit filed against the Department for mishandling a self-defense murder trial. It is similar to Jodi’s.
The charges made against the Department are very, very damning. It is a very long legal document, best “translated” for us by the legal minds that abide on this board.
To the moderator: I am very sorry about all of the junk that hitched a ride on the post I just made. I had carefully proof read it before I pressed the “Reply” button, and the junk was not there.
I do not understand computers well, and I think there was something about html that allowed there to be stuff in there that I had not selected to send. I had used cut/paste thinking it would be more accurate than typing. I am embarrassed.
I hope that Al and Also Abused can check out the URL, because that is a real law suit filed against Maricopa county. I documents all of the abysmal, illegal, sneaky tricks being done in that police department that we have been scared will/are happening to Jodi. Like the destroying of evidence from the medical exam, etc.
Didn’t get a URL
Me either. Please repost, Chelion.
Did you guys know that when you type in jodiariasisinnocent.com (which I did by accident coming here), it reroutes to jodiariasguilty.com? WTF?! Why would you be like that? If you think she is guilty that’s fine, but why interfere with other people trying to actually find out what happened? Obstructionist, judgmental, know-nothings! So disrespectful to the pursuit of understanding.
P.S. It’s terribly constructed and makes no sense. Warning the site is hateful and cruel. I find it tragically ironic that people who condemn others become the very monsters that they pretend to be against.
Amazing testimony right before Easter break. I did not know about these emails, no wonder Martinez wants to object it away. Also proves that the people who go on TV for interviews may know more then they are feeding people, at least the Hugheses.
Also, does anyone know the HLN segment that Nurmi was referring to where Casarez had the conversation she testified about? I’d like to watch it or read the transcript. I want to know what was specifically said, not that I don’t trust her testimony.
Are you sure that you typed in jodiariasisinnocent.com? If you make a mistake and leave out the “is” as in jodiariasinnocent then it does go to jodiariasguilty. I think you left out the “is”
That’s what I meant to write, thanks Linda for fixing that.
So folks I just went back and watched Chris Hughes’ testimony during the evidentiary hearing. I would recommend every one go back and see that. It’s been a while and so much has happened that it’s quite likely it’s slipped our memories. (Watch Jodi make eye contact with CH at about 45:30 into the recording and then slowly close her eyes and put her hand to her forehead. I think she realized that those she thought were friends were selling her down the river. Breaks my heart.)
If JM calls that guy to the stand, it will mean he is completely desperate. This guy’s demeanor on the stand is very shifty, to say the least, and he is very combative with Nurmi. I think Nurmi would tear him up. Plus all those emails, or the context of those emails and his comments to Flores would show right up.
I don’t think the defense would call him, since he would also fling mud at them. On the other hand I believe the defense may have something to gain by calling the wife. I think she is probably on Jodi’s side. After watching Chris Hughes testimony, I believe he is probably rather controlling, and probably keeps Sky on a tight leash. Remember she responded to Nurmi and then with the wow, I knew TA had problems, etc, age etc. Then Hughes says WE analyzed the letters and changed our mind. Sounds a bit like what ALV was talking about. On the other hand she may not be helpful because of that control.
I don’t think anyone will call them, unless JM is really desperate and feels ALV has put a real dent in his case.
Al, I’m pretty sure Skye was asked during her testimony at the hearing if she would like to see Jodi convicted and she replied “yes”.
Rewatching that, it seems to me that Sky is completely under the control of her husband. She would not do or say anything other than what he commands her to do.
When did she testify? I haven’t seen that.
Can’t remember, but I watched it live. Sometime after Chris Hughes testified I think.
That was on the Picture Perfect show on Inside Edition, not testimony, as far as I recall.
Here’s the link to Skye Hughes’ testimony:
Thanks rb
The you tube video that I posted of Skye Hughes’ testimony does not include the very first part of her testimony. Go to our own video at:
In part 1 at 2:25 Skye Hughes testifies that she would like to see Jodi convicted.
ty for the link. I am going to go watch that now.
I watched the testimony of C Hughes a while ago. I don’t think I have the stomach to watch him again. I wasn’t aware that Sky actually testified. If she did, will someone please point out to me, where I can find it. IMHO, I can’t imagine that if she was called by the defense, that she would be truthful. I would bet the rent that CH not only has a tight leash on her, but is abusive. I think she too would fear for her life if she went against him.
JC and I were posting earlier about what CH’s motives would be to lie an cover for Travis. Any ideas from you good people? Would love to hear your theories.
Protect PPL or Legal Shield as it’s now called. He can’t possibly tarnish the reputation of the good company by letting it be known that the guy who did all his motivational chats was an abuser and a pedophile.
Also –
I agree, but my gut says it’s deeper than that.
Because, at some point, if someone digs deep enough, it would come out that CH used coercion by way of threat to fire Travis or by way of promising Travis the job that would bring him the financial security Travis was desperate to find in order to engage Travis in sexual activity, be it threesomes with Sky or one on one sessions with just himself and Travis. He has to make sure nobody finds even an ounce of credibility in Jodi’s claims so they don’t think to start digging into CH’s life.
Now, this is obviously speculation. Unfortunately, as it would make for one hell of a bombshell to drop. However, for the sake of argument and my own desire to hear the resounding thud as the Hughes are taken down from their self appointed positions atop their pedestals and dropped unceremoniously on the unforgiving ground, let’s pretend it’s true for a moment, shall we?
Let’s say Chris Hughes first did this to Travis on the day he was baptized. This would explain Travis doing it to Jodi and it would explain how someone who was serious enough about his faith to go through the endowment ceremony and wear religious garments every day, would be able to engage in sexual activities after baptizing someone (a very religiously intimate experience) and, at least once, while wearing sacred garments. If the church he sought out to be his refuge, his sanctuary, or any of it’s members failed to keep him safe and he was abused (sex by coercion be it promise or threat is abuse) then that would mean there was nowhere Travis could turn to feel safe. The betrayal and disappointment would be immeasurable, the damage, irreparable and his downward spiral would progress, gaining momentum, as he gradually relinquished control of the monster in him he so desperately tried to keep clenched tight in his fist. He would be a man going through the motions of life, what little part of him that was not corrupted by his childhood disintegrating under the shattered belief he relied on to keep his demons in check. Again, if this were true, and I believe somewhere in this there is at least a glimmer of reality, it would corroborate Jodi’s account of Travis’ steadily increasing aggression that amounted to physical violence, also progressive in it’s severity, and rage.
Try as I might, I cannot figure out anything else that would suffice as a viable reason for Travis’ behavior and choices he made religiously and professionally as well as personally. Granted, I’m not an expert in this field. Far from it. All I know is, there is an explanation out there that would bring all of it together, one that would have us all saying “Ooooooh, okay. I get it now.” If not the scenario I presented here, in some variation, then I’m at a loss. I’ve applied everything I’ve ever read in these areas, and it’s a lot, and this is the best I’ve got.
Now, if you’ll all excuse me, gonna try one more time to sell my kids on eBay. Hopefully, that pesky “NO HUMAN TRAFFICKING” policy they have won’t rear it’s ugly head again! Wish me luck!!!LMAO…….I’m going to check myself into the loony bin as soon as this trial is over cause I have seriously gone off my farking rocker.
Howdy everyone.
The latest on the emails between Travis & the Hughes is…………..(maybe its already been said but I’m lost in 700+ comments)…………. The e-mails the Hughes’ sent were because they were just trying to get Arias to leave him alone. That is why they made up abuse claims.
Which makes absolutely NO sense, because the emails were sent to Travis NOT Jodi. I guess Travis was playing along with the fake out by responding. The excuses are just getting more and more loopy. I spent about 5 minutes reading posts on HLN FaceBook page and people are having anxiety about the trial being off for 4 days. Do these people not have lives; children, husbands, wives, hobbies, a social life? MY GAWD it is pathetic.
Trixels, I’ll have you know that I have a husband and children, plus a very large and bitchy Calico cat, and the trial has been a perfect excuse to neglect them all so, yeah, I’m in a tizzy over there being no trial for 4 days. I mean, I just watched day 10 in hopes that it would hold me over for a bit but, NOOOOO, I’m still in need of a fix so now I’m going over day 38 again.
As for hobbies and a social life……I have……my hobbies are…..this one time I went……shit. Okay so I can’t really argue the pathetic argument.
BUT……yeah, I got nothing.
Ah is that so?
Now where did that gem come from?
Also I thought the emails were between the Hughes’ and TA.
As JM might say, isn’t that right? yes or no
The excuse for today is that the Hughes told Jodi to let Travis go and move on because they just wanted to get rid of her, and by telling her Travis was abusive and no good she would stop seeing him. It was all orchestrated to get Jodi out of Travis’ life with Travis in on it as well.
Oh the sick, twisted spin of the Hughes’ continues.
Good grief, what’s next?
Just think about this for a second. Put yourself in these shoes and seriously, tell me what you would do.
SCENARIO: Your really really good friend is dating someone that you don’t think is right for them. In fact, you really want your friend to stop seeing this person. You have grave concerns that if you don’t get them to stop seeing each other, something really bad might happen to your friend. You have seen a look in the eyes of the person your friend is dating that has left you seriously concerned.
What do you do?
1. Contact the person your friend is seeing; lie and make up stories that your friend has been abusive and/or mistreated other people he/she has dated. Assume that this will result this person stopping dating your friend and running away. Feel good that you have done everything you can to protect your friend and consider that your mission is accomplished. Have no worries that this person will go back to your friend and report what you have said and that it may cost you your friendship. Think that you will be able to explain why you did what you did and that it was in your friend’s best interest, and believe your friend will understand and continue to care about you as before.
2. Sit down for a long chat with your friend and talk about why you are worried about the person he/she is dating and that you fear something bad may happen to your friend if he/she continues to date this person. Perhaps enlist the aid of other mutual friends to try to talk some sense into your friend at the same time, as a sort of intervention. Realize that even in this scenario, you might risk losing your friend, but know that what you have done has been with good intentions and some day, your friend will realize that.
Which option would you take?
Me, I’m a peculiar sort of guy. So I would get my friend to pose with spiderman underwear and pictures of boys and send that to the girlfriend.
Isn’t that what you would do?
I just had this weird feeling you would do something like that Al, hahaha
Haaahaaaaa Al your too funny!!!
Well, I would do none of the above. As much as I’d want to, I’d mind my own business and keep my negative opinions to myself.
Well if I was in on it and I thought I had a true stalker and this is how to get rid of her I would stop calling at night for phone sex and I would make sure my doors were locked. I am sure I would remove them from all my social media.
But I guess calling her a stalker was part of this well thought out plan too. So stupid that people call her a stalker.
This whole ppl group make me sick well except GuS because of the way he talked back to JM and didn’t take his crap on the stand.
I’m with you LC. People are going to do whatever they want, no matter what their friends say, particularly in Romance. I just say little or nothing when it comes to my friends decisions in relationships.
LOL I wondered how long they would take to use that one. I suppose they will say they were mad and didn’t really mean it and they were just young and having a high school fight.
So what about the email that they sent to TA telling him he was abusive. I guess they were mad that day too.
I thought I saw that TA “allegedly sent an email to the Hughes and called himself a bit of a sociopath.
If that one is admitted somehow or details of it I would love to know how they explain that away.
I read those excuses too, and laughed at the haters’ lack of logic. None of those emails went to Jodi!
Isnt it amazing that JM brushed this off as no big deal and all those dirt bags like DR Drew and Nancy grace just seem to think this is ok for him to be show boating outside the court house,Juan himself said that its not misconduct if someone comes up to him and wants to talk with him or any actions outside are OK,Well hell NO,that producer stated that she was wondering if any of the jury would see this,Bet she dont have a job any more,heaven forbid someone trying to help Jodi.It makes me sick that the entire world can scrutinize what Jodi does,she took a pill for her headaches,she rolled her eyes,look at her hands,she nervous,look she took a book,My god,but when Kermit does all his ranting and disgustfull antics thats ok,I hope that kirk will put that TOAD BACK ON HIS STOOL.I have said this before that this trial was stacked against Jodi,The prosecution turned down the plea deal,the judge turned down the request by the defence for jury sequester,the prosecution hand picked the jurrors in protest of the defence and the three ring media circus has brain washed all the others out there.FAIR TRIAL I SHOULD SAY NOT!!!!!!!!.Now they are spashing the cost of her defence out there as a tatic to incite the mob mentallity hoping it will spill over into the court.Do you really think any of those jurrors are going to be 100 percent honest when that judge interviews them about beind influenced by the media or anyother source,I really dont think so,yes they have been swore in,but they are human and can lie too.One jurror has been reportitly seen siiting on a bench eating icecream out side the court watching the antics after court,What do you think this jurror is going to say to the judge?When this is all over I pray Jodi will walk free,she will most likely have to hide out from society for fear of her life,such a sad turn of events.The last couple of days in court have been awesome for Jodi,as I am sure the next weel will be too,Go get them Jodi,Kirk and Jennifer.
Dennis ~your post hits it all in the right spots. This entire trial is like some bizarre circus with a host of clowns and if it wasn’t so serious I would fall out laughing hysterically. Sometimes I just sit here with my mouth hung because I cannot believe my eyes and ears. I quit watching HLN 3 weeks ago and it’s much better for my blood pressure. I’m back to watching the history channel and other informative shows. I love “true crime” shows like The First 48 and anything on the ID Channel as well but this spectacle is so out of control. I hope the best for Jodi and will support her no matter what happens and the conclusion of the trial.
Well said Dennis
So a friend of mine and i were chatting about these new developments. Hows this for a theory – Sky warns Jodi about travis in those emails in 2007 five months after they started going out. Travis does not like that Sky and jodi are talking. So he turns on Jodi and starts saying she’s a stalker and keeps her a secret. That kills two birds with one stone because then he can still see Jodi, treat her like used toilet paper, while gaining the sympathy of the Hughes. And he doesn’t have to worry about them talking to Jodi anymore either when he does that. He resents jodi for talking to the Hughes too and becomes even more abusive, taking those email conversations out on jodi. In an abuser’s mind, Jodi broke the rules by talking about him with the Hughes.
There may have been another motivation. I don’t know what the structure was in PPL, but if Hughes was above TA in the pyramid, TA may have wanted to keep this a secret so he didn’t displease the Hughes and would keep getting leads. The way these pyramid schemes work is that you have a bunch of possible sales leads. The leads are distributed down the pyramid and the commissions flow back up the pyramid. So if you have two people below yo, it doesn’t matter who you send the leads to, you still get the commission. However, you can easily starve one of the two people below you.
So TA may have had an ulterior motive in hiding Jodi from the Hughes.
I don’t care that Katie Wick is pro-life. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs. I just find it very ironic that someone who claims to be pro-life is pro-death penalty.
So folks, I believe that for all practical purposes this trial is almost over. We know what’s coming in the rest of ALV’s testimony.
I think Martinez’s rebuttal is going to consists of the following:
1. He is going to put Demartes on the stand to counter Samuels’ testimony. JW will shred her experience and probably be able to get her to agree to some of the physiological reactions Dr Samuels talked about. But the jury will probably end up negating the two, unless one or more jurors find a peg for their hat in the testimony of one of those two.
2. I think JM’s going to put on some sort of testimony to show that the 19.65 at Tesoro was for gas and possibly something about returned gas cans, or the lack of them. If he does do that, I don’t think JW/Nurmi have a counter. JM will then argue that this proves that Jodi continued to lie, even under oath and so the jury must disregard everything she said.
3. I think he’s going to put on the guy who drove Jodi to TAs house on the way to the airport. He pretty much has to do that because he raised the question.
4. Unless there is a CSI type witness, or some surprise witness I think will be it.
The closing arguments are pretty much pre-ordained at this stage. This will be a classic case of when the facts, or perceived facts are for you argue the facts.When they aren’t argue the law. JM’s going to spin out his premeditated M1 story. JW/Nurmi are going to argue self defense/ burden of proof.
And then it will be up to the jury.
Let’s see if I’m right.
“I think JM’s going to put on some sort of testimony to show that the 19.65 at Tesoro was for gas and possibly something about returned gas cans, or the lack of them. If he does do that, I don’t think JW/Nurmi have a counter. JM will then argue that this proves that Jodi continued to lie, even under oath and so the jury must disregard everything she said.”
Nurmi/Wilmott will have a counter. They know that this is coming. I expect they’ll argue that the gas can return was entered improperly into Walmart’s records and that the 19.65 was either not solely for gas or was a minimal amount of gas that fit into the car/2 gas cans.
If that’s all they’ve got they’d be better off just ignoring the whole darned thing.
They either need to show that Walmart standardly returns items below a certain amount without much ado, or something about JM missing the fact that its a kerosene can and there is a return for a kerosene can or something like that. I know that the defense has subpoenaed the complete records for that day from both Tesoro and Walmart, so maybe they can find something.
All I can say on that count is that either there is a record and this point will become moot, or there isn’t a record and JM will make a mountain out of a molehill. It had to be obvious to Jodi that there was no way she could have played fast and loose with the truth on the stand. So I have to believe her about that third gas can. Nothing else makes sense. And if that girl did in fact lie about that little thing, she’s going to get the world’s longest time out for a simple lie.
Weeks ago, someone on this board said that in large retail chains if an item is purchased and returned on the same day the system, for inventory purposes, doesn’t record either. In other words, the purchase doesn’t go into their records because it’s negated by the return. That’s IF the purchase and the return were done on the same day.
So I’m hoping that if the Salinas, CA Walmart doesn’t have a record of a gas can (or kerosene can) RETURN for that day, Nurmi is looking into whether or not they have record of a gas can (or kerosene can) PURCHASE for that day.
For some reason I can hear Jodi say ” but you said gasoline can I did not return a gasoline can but I did return a Blue Kerosene can”.
Also if the item was miss marked it would not show up correctly. As in the BAR CODE from a actual gas can on a kerosene can or vise versa can happen. I worked in Wal~Mart warehousing for 10 years an we would run into whole cases being shipped wrong from the shippers as in the box would say Gasoline cans open it up an it is Kerosene cans but still the Bar Code would say it was a gasoline can even though it was not. Can happen usually only caught by QA during a break pack item though.
When shipped whole cases not always caught.
She returned something as she said Yes I would be surprised if they said nothing was returned that day. What does she have to gain from lying about a return ? makes no sense?
New footage was released today taken during the interrogation when Jodi was taken into custody. Hours of it. How convenient.
JM should not allow that to happen. He has an obligation as a prosecutor to corral law enforcement from releasing stuff that increases public animosity towards the accused. And the way he can do that is by taking them to court. It’s all spelled out in the code of conduct rules.
This guys sucks.
Wow. I shouldn’t watch this stuff when I can’t sleep. I can’t believe this Judge, the Hughes’ and this scum bag prosecuter
Hey guys! You need to stop hating on the prosecutor. Martinez is not the bad guy. It’s Flores.
I will explain this in more detail later, but have a think about it.
Maybe so, but looking at the state seal of Virginia made me think how Juan Boy is going to look after LaViolette gets through with him!lol
Made a mistake.:-)
Al, AlsoAbused, Heather,
Any other of our legal minds re Jodi’s support:
I am reposting this link/url that folks said either was not in my former post or did not open. I have tested this one by copy_paste into my Firefox browser address bar. It opens a site called “Freedom’s Phoenix.”
The extent of corruption named in this law suit against Maricopa County frightens me regarding whether Jodi can get a remotely fair trial. This suit was filed in 2008, the same year that Jodi was arrested and charged. So it is pretty much the same culture and cast of characters we are dealing with now.
I am very interested in our board’s “Legal Beagles'” take on the constitutional violations cited in this law suit.
John Stuart files suit against cops for violating his rights” This is none other than Maricopa County, 2008.
I just finished digesting this legal filing that details the specific corruption and criminal behavior in Maricopa Counlty police dept that is preventing a fair trial. The time frame seems to be about that of Jodi’s case – 2008.
The Medical Examiner (a chief culprit) – none other than Robert Lyons Case#CV-12-0353-SA
I do not know whether Jodi’s defense team would be aware or not of this documented culture of deliberate fraud and deception (destroying evidence, threats, etc.) that makes it impossible to get a fair trial.
Many on our site keep stating a sense that Jodi is trying to protect people for whom she fears. This legal petition details specific threats by officials to put targeted individuals in jail to keep them from testifying. As well as blackmailing certain of their own personnel to falsely testify under threat of having a family member arrested
I feel crushed and deceived to find out this sort of life-damaging corruption of power really operates unfettered in our country. I have led a rather sheltered life, and would appreciate feedback on coming to terms with this dawning, unwelcome awareness.
“I feel crushed and deceived to find out this sort of life-damaging corruption of power really operates unfettered in our country. I have led a rather sheltered life, and would appreciate feedback on coming to terms with this dawning, unwelcome awareness.”
I’m no legal expert, and probably no help, because i felt the same way as you before I found the Jodi trial. I think it will take some media wrangling to get the truth out there about corruption.
Testimony in the Jodi Arias trial on Thursday centered around emails that were described as showing that Travis Alexander’s friends believed he was abusive to women, but RadarOnline.com has the specifics of the shocking emails that were NOT read to the jury, including one in which Travis allegedly called himself a “sociopath.”
Jodi has claimed that she killed Travis after he “attacked” her, and she was defending herself against him, and that she was a victim of his physical abuse multiple times during their relationship.
PHOTOS: Jodi Arias Murder Trial: The 44 Most Important Evidence Photos
Over multiple objections from prosecutor Juan Martinez, domestic violence expert Dr. Alyce LaViolette testified about a series of emails that were sent between Alexander and his friends Chris and Sky Hughes, which had the subject line “You crossed the Line” and were written January 29, 2007.
The judge wouldn’t allow her to read directly from the emails, so LaViolette summarized their content, saying that Alexander was angry that the Hugheses told Jodi to stay away from him because he was abusive to women.
PHOTOS: The Key Players In The Trial Of Jodi Arias
However, the specifics of the emails that were not read to the jurors were detailed in a January 2011 court records defense filing.
According to AZCentral.com, the emails allegedly include “A response from Mr. Hughes … wherein he asserts that he believes Jodi would be his (Travis’) next victim and that Jodi was just another girl that he (Travis) was playing.”
There is also a response from Travis where he allegedly replied by writing: “I am a bit of a sociopath.”
PHOTOS: Jodi Arias Poses For Sexy Pictures
The filing also states there is “A response from other e-mails from Sky Hughes, the filing says, say that Alexander considered Arias to be a “booty call.”
Chris and Sky Hughes testified for the prosecution earlier in the trial, but they did not discuss the details in these emails. They may be called again as witnesses during the prosecution rebuttal.
Court is scheduled to resume next Tuesday, and RadarOnline.com will be live streaming the proceedings.
I am so tired of the lynch mob mentality on YouTube re this trial. I have to say I think because a life has been taken some punishment is warranted. I am not certain whether it was self defense or a reaction to something, but I do not believe Jodi premeditated this and her actions evidence a wildly emotional response, not a calm planned killing. My gut feeling is that Travis was a nasty man who was more than prepared to use her and then dump her for someone else. The world calls him a veritable saint and blames Jodi for seducing him. It takes two to tango, and I understand Jodi complying if there was a power thing happening with him. I just don’t see her as calculating a murder. I understand her lying afterwards. Wouldn’t anyone? But she has told the truth now, I think. I hope I’m not classed as a “knuckle dragger” as I am on her side in the sense that everyone deserves a fair trial, and that prosecutor is about the most nauseating, unprofessional man on the planet. I think he is using every dirty trick in the book to influence the jury against listening to the expert witnesses for the defense. And to accuse the psych guy of fancying her was just about the lowest sludge he could dig up, knowing mud sticks. How can this girl get a fair trial anywhere? I do wish her well, and I pray that real justice will be done, in a fair legal setting.
And I want to say that I love her legal team. They are doing an exemplary job. I’m inclined to think the judge is prejudiced against them, though.
Jinkasaurous….LOLOLOL I love it! Ha