
The Catnapping of CAT NAP

From Jodi:

My drawing Cat Nap  has a colorful back story.

The original was stolen from my art admin Quinn’s home office by his ex-girlfriend, whom he had invited back into his life.

He bumped into her while he was out one night. By then, hard feelings from the breakup had softened, as hard feelings tend to do, and the two briefly rekindled the flame.

It didn’t take long for Quinn to be reminded of the myriad reasons they broke up in the first place. Most glaring was her drug addiction. The deal breaker, however, was me.

She learned that he now supported me and helped me get my art out to the world, which he began doing after their breakup. I imagine her drug-addled mind could only conjure the fictional Jodi Arias put forth by fake news media: vixen, seductress, temptress. Her on-again boyfriend could not be friends with this Jodi.

So she gave him an ultimatum: me or her. This was a mistake.

Quinn is a fiercely independent guy. Never impose on his sense of sovereignty. When she told him Jodi or me, he told her goodbye, not because I’m super special, but to show her that giving him an ultimatum is a losing game. I hate to think this made her feel very unspecial.

She didn’t leave without a parting gift to herself. That’s when she catnapped the Cat Nap. She would never admit to theft, but she was the only person in Quinn’s house other than his own cat, whom I doubt ate it then barfed it up on the hardwood floor.

Her motives may have been multifaceted. She took it to support her drug habit. She took it because I made it and screw Jodi Arias. She took it because Quinn wanted to sell it for me and how dare he choose me over her.

I’ll always wonder what she did with the original. Did she destroy it in spite? Did she have any clue of its value and try to pawn it?

It’s more exciting to think that somewhere out there, someone possesses a stolen piece of my art, as if I were on par with those elite artists whose work was central to a heist. But then I come back to reality and accept the likelier scenario that an angry woman, calculated enough to steal it but not crafty enough to sell it for quick cash, ripped it up while high or hungover.

Thankfully, Quinn already had a high-resolution scan of it, which is why you can see it above, and why we get to offer prints at

Today is National Cat Day, by the way! :mrgreen:

********** – UPDATE

Jodi’s personal efforts to raise money for her appeals continue through the production of her art, which is sold at Her art admin supports her efforts by running this “side hustle” of sorts on her behalf and taking none of the funds. The time and effort he devotes to this process (filing the taxes, trips to the post office every week to ship art) are an invaluable contribution.

If you are interested in another way to contribute to the cause, any purchase at is a legitimate way to support Jodi. You can also check out Jodi’s art on Instagram @ArtbyJodiArias.


And Remember folks… as I always say – each day that passes takes us one day closer to Jodi’s release date.

we are team jodi - and we will be victorious


Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias

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