
TGI Friday (+ bad acting, fake tears & BS)

I’ve never seen such a shambolic display of bad acting (and fake tears) as we had to endure yesterday morning.

The plain fact is, the family never really cared about TA. Their hate speech from yesterday was testament to that – and they well & truly nailed it.

They were pissed because the real truth about their brother was forced out in the open for all the see and hear. That was the real reason for the fake tears & anger – and I don’t blame them in that regard. It must be hard to be so distanced from a sibling that you never even knew about all his serious mental issues & associated deficiencies.

TA’s dirty laundry (and his even dirtier “magic undergarments”) were forced out into the open – and they only have themselves to blame for that. It was optional after all.

Overall though… had their cumulative attitude been different, then yes, I may of had a little compassion for them… but their attitude reeked, and still does. In stark contrast, Jodi’s mom (and the rest of the Arias family) have carried themselves with pride & dignity throughout the whole trial… and continue to do so.

I’m not gonna go off on some biblical rant… but the TA family going all out by demanding a revenge killing – without valid reason – is just plain wrong. The same applies to their calls for the harassment of defense witnesses via Facebook.  Blaming Jodi for all their combined Addams family fuck ups is plain wrong too. It’s reminds me of people that blame “the global economy” for the reason they’re broke. The truth is, those same people would be broke regardless. The economic state of the country has nothing to do with it. It’s also a proven fact that like attracts like… so poor people mainly mix with the poor… the rich mingle with the rich… and the haters feed off other haters. It’s cool. C’est la vie and all that. Just quit blaming everyone else FFS.

My “Motherfuckers & Justice For Jodi” post from yesterday also got a little misconstrued by some people. They thought I was somehow hating on the family. That wasn’t the case. I was venting. I’ve never hated on anyone in this site. I’ve questioned the integrity of many people. I’ve highlighted the blatant lies some people have told. I’ve called a few people sad-ass motherfuckers too. For that I make no excuses or apologies… but I’ve never once hated on anyone or called for the death of anyone… nor have I called for a specific act of violence to be carried out on anyone either. That’s the difference.

Anyways, it looks like I made my point with yesterday’s post, and I thank everyone individually & collectively for their ongoing support of this website… and for their ongoing and unwavering support & awesomeness in our ultimate quest for Justice For Jodi.

I already have the domain registered, which currently forwards to this website. If and when required, that same domain will be deployed in a different capacity.

In the meantime, and not that this makes too much difference to anything, but I’ll be on vacation for a week starting this coming Sunday. Needless to say, I’ll still be checking in daily… new pages will still be added every day to keep the momentum rolling… and the site will be in good hands. For anyone that emails me regularly, I’ll be sending you a different email address for next week just in case anything urgent crops up. For everyone else, please wait until I get back before emailing me. Thanking you :mrgreen:

Ok then peeps… leave your relative comments & observations below, and we’ll plough on regardless as usual.


Ain’t that the truth…


Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the Arias family…

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!



  1. I’m back and I want to apologize to the admins and others about my outburst yesterday. I hope I can be a productive team member. Sleep works wonders.

  2. Monday will be a better day. Sending a big thank you to those who are brave enough to stand up for Jodi.

    • Congrats Ann your 3rd actually 🙂
      Good morning and yes i have a feeling more
      people are going to wake up & support Jodi
      It’s freaking beyond ridic !!!

    • I’m praying for Jodi, and her family…. O my! Her mother has been on my mind, and I feel so bad about the entire situation! My heart broke for Jodi yesterday! She just looks beat down! I’m so angry an abused woman is going thru this!! Makes me sick!!

  3. 3rd! 🙂 yesterday’s display of wooden bad acting
    made Showgirls look like Citizen Kane!!!
    ( ps i love Showgirls btw )

  4. Thanks SJ for all you do.
    Reposting, for Jodi:

    Stay strong, little Jodi, there will be appeals. You have family, friends, strangers like us who support you, believe in you, do not want to see you suffer and will not rest until you are free.

    Never mind the hater mongers, the persecutors, the bloodthirsty lynch mobs, the media liars, the religious vultures, the perverted and corrupted jurors. Never mind Travis and his hypocrite family. You will be vindicated. Do not allow them to crush your spirit, to drown your self-respect back to nothing. You are a wonderful person and you are innocent.
    We will contact lawyers, politicians, advertise and do what we can to get you out of this wretched State of Arizona which has deprived you of all your rights and has trashed our Constitution right before the world’s eyes.
    Stay strong, little Jodi.
    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Jodi }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

    • Exactly viri!!
      We may be ”strangers” to her but we certainly do not consider her a stranger!She’s become part of out family.We care about her more than she will ever know.

  5. ☆○”There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” Elie Wiesel ✿☮ ƸӜƷJodi Arias((HUGS)))”¨*•♥ Viri Love your comments

    • There are times when those who believe they have all the power, can screw themselves. While thinking they are putting on the perfect show to get what they want, it can backfire. These 2 family members, who spoke about all the pain and suffering, that Jodi has brought on to the entire fucking world, as they believe that the world revolves around them, the Trailer Trash Bunch.

      They were as blood thirsty, as any two vampires could ever get, is that what TA taught them? They are weak and fragile, they van no longer function, is that how TA taught them to be? Afraid to sleep in the dark, crying out in ones sleep, because Jodi is coming to kill him and his children? PLEASE! This family was very disturbed, before Jodi ever met Travis, that’s obvious now, after seeing that performance!

      Do they believe the that Jurors are now their big brothers, that are going to murder Jodi for them? The Trailer Trash Bunch! I believe these 2 cry baby’s saved Jodi from receiving “their” Death Penalty Wish. If these 2 people think they helped Their Quest for Jodi’s blood, they failed! Not 1 juror shed a tear.

      Maybe they are now realizing, that they should have paid more attention to the evidence and the trial, than they did, watching HLN while fantasizing about being on the Nancy Grace show, with her telling them how brave they are! Just maybe, they turned their TV’s off and realized how very fucking wrong this is, this jury will never sleep well again, as they have all taken an HLN pill, an ugly pill.

      • unfortunately from what I can see this jury may be eating out of Martinez s hand.
        The defense case is weak, either Jodie is not taking their advise or she is being given
        bad advice. She should let her mother testify, the worse she can say is that every parent is not
        perfect but she loves her daughter.

        • i vote for bad advice. although she is strong headed about her defense. one thing i dont understand is why she talked to the media without a lawyer present when she was arrested. everyone and their dog knows if someone arrest you, dont talk without legal representation. not to the media nor to law enforcement. for someone smart as she is i dont understand why she gave interviews.

  6. SJ could you eleborate a little more on
    the sexual provocative messages you recieve?
    Sounds Scandy!
    Hee hee just teasing you!

    I so agree, it’s very hard to feel compassion for
    people that are just so rude & disrespectful!

    Enduring all those months of eye rolling
    & evil faces just was too much.

    I understand it is a tragic thing to lose
    their brother but empathy can go
    so far when transparency & shallowness
    is displayed full tilt boogie day in & out!

    I just cannot tolerate fake people
    Makes me sick and they are so fake!

  7. SJ Have a great vacation…Great post this am.

    You know what the problem is with the family? They are stuck in the grieving process. They are stuck in the guilt stage. Their own guilt….they do not know how to deal with it so they are angry ..They need help..

    They are also victims of the media. The Hughes.
    Putting Jodi to death is not going to “fixed them”..They will in the end end up with more guilt.

    Well everyone have a good day…off to buy flowers for the cemetery …

    Jodi may you feel the love we hold in our hearts for you….

      • His brother said this yesterday and to me the Judge shouldn’t even have allowed it b/c it IMO insinuates he wants the death penalty for Jodi and I believe according to Court Rules even in the Kangaroo Court of AZ you can’t directly or indirectly express that desire to the jury:

        ‘I don’t want to have to see my brother’s murderer anymore’

        To me that sounds like his indirect way of telling that jury to give her the needle.

        • ‘I don’t want to have to see my brother’s murderer anymore’

          That is easy. don’t show up in court every single day and stare at her non stop, with that shit smelling look. (btw who ever made that observation – spot on! That is what he looks like!

          • Exactly!!! He shows up every day with that snarl. Why show up at all? I also cringed at that comment he made. He’s a major asshole.

            • Yes that CONSTANT snarl. The facial expressions on the family were endless and the eye rolling of Samantha when defense witnesses were testifying were so out of line. She should have been admonished for that b/c the jury is sitting right there witnessing it. She did it A LOT when Nurmi was giving his closing.

              That’s why when Dr. Drew and his propaganda artists comment on how “classy” this family has remained I ask myself wtf trial are you watching.

        • I cannot believe the judge allowed the comment that TA brother made during his statement, he might have just told the jury to KILL HER. This has been the most horrible and evil trial I have ever seen. TA’s family will forever be guilty of NOT HAVING A RELATIONSHIP WITH THEIR BROTHER………..So if he was the rock of the family why were they estranged, how convenient, now they can BLAME JODI for all their mess-ups!

    • ”They are stuck in the guilt stage. Their own guilt….”
      Spot on!! It’s out of guilt they act this way.And they think that if they act now as if they care,noone will ask the questions of why they were estranged and didnt really care about him when he was alive.

  8. I’ll check in later. Off to the store to get poor hubby some soup & soft food. He had oral surgery yesterday, and I almost missed the trial. I tried to get him to postpone until I wasn’t so distracted. many times will HLN replay the sibs …put Jodi to death shit! Not that I want HLN, but I have walk thru & out of the room, just like juror #8.

    • Very nice. Can anyone imagine such an article on a Kill Jodi site?
      Anyone? Show of hands. No hands were raised so I consider that a big ole no.

    • Good work. It’s very well organized. Those hallway pics once again make me wonder why the roommate didn’t back out the moment he saw the situation. Another thing that doesn’t make sense.

  9. morning news @ it 1st thing…Dan Abrams is sooo swallow….very hurtful 4 Jodi calling her a liar…kissing up to TA’s family…NewsHOes…..i once respected him…i took a chill pill..wish it would work….Nurmi please stay strong 4 Jodi….Jen please show Jodi U know how she feels….She cried her heart out yesterday while the TA family made their troubled lives the result of their Brother’s death…the PTSD was caused by their parents…nightmares are from mom&dad & they know it….they r all dressed up 4 a hanging…what kind of people r they…what has the news turned into….detective Mags…Unreal..SICK

  10. Have a good Friday everyone
    Thanks SJ for yet another great post.

    Let’s all hold Jodi in our collective thoughts
    & hearts. Sending her nothing but pure love.

    Check out WEST OF MEMPHIS everyone
    :::::: amazing :::::

  11. Top of the morning, peeps, and HAPPY FRIDAY!!!

    SJ: Enjoy your much deserved vacay!!!!!!!d

  12. I have a long post waiting in notepad to post in the vent site in regards to this exact subject that you’ve hit on.. I cannot wait to get this out of my system.. feels like I am going to burst.

  13. with no court today the trolls will prolly be jumping around on here like kermits legs in a hot oil filled skillet. What the fuck ever. Hope they have loads of fun with us telling them to fuck off. We could care less about their thoughts and feelings and fucking opinions. Just so they know early on in the game TROLLS FUCK oFF

  14. Nope I’m far too angry. I have to get away. I can’t take it. For everyone else, have a good weekend and take care.

  15. Morning everybody. Since everyone’s posting links, just because. Heres one that makes me laugh. The guy who introduces this song (One Toke Over the Line) is absolutely choking on his words. Poor Lawrence Welk has no idea what this “modeern spiritual” is about. heh heh

  16. hey juanabe….in order 4 TA 2 see his reflection in that mirror …he was standing,,,,did Jodi stand on stool..csuse she had 2b taller than him to cut his throat…she would of needed to pull his hair to get his head in position…was it cut from right 2 left or do u even know…so TA looked in the mirror & saw Jodi taller than him coming w/the knife….then he felt her jerk his head back & slowly cut while he watched….BS while Jodi looses her life

  17. Good morning everyone,except all you haters. Go wipe those fake tears off the other two losers that lied yesterday. I’m glad there is no court today. Jodi can have a long restful weekend, I hope. I can’t see how she would of talked to the assholes, I mean jurors at all yesterday. I just wish her mother could have gone and given her a hug and tell her everything is gonna be fine. I feel so for the arias family. The media only shows the sorrow of TA’s family. I think I’m gonna order two T-shirts today and give one to my girlfriend and this is what I’ll do with the other one. I will mail it to Nasty Disgrace on the anniversary of the murder of her old boyfriend. HEE HEE !! I ‘d like to see the look on her face when she opened the package. Don’t worry, this shirt is to good for her and she’s not getting her hands on one. Thanks for the advertising of our shirts Nancy the money is going to a good cause.

  18. All these days (weeks/months) I have appreciated Jodi as I have watched her in the trial. I cannot imagine how this calm, sweet, gentle, sensible, beautiful, wonderful woman can do such a crime. I have silently supported all the things posted on this site. However, we just need to make sure that, if we are truly supporting Jodi, this site also reflects her personality. We should refrain from hate postings, does not matter to whom. Looking at Jodi and observing her, I don’t think she has hatred to anyone in this world. She is a very sweet woman. So, please team and responders here, let us make sure that our support and response truly characterizes and reflects our Jodi.

    As I think about this objectively, I always have wondered, from day 1 about the following:

    1. Why did Jodi not call the cops right from TA’s place after the incident. Wish she had done that and told them about how abusive TA was.
    2. Why did Jodi’s Attorneys did not call other girl friends of TA to emphasize and show true nature of TA.
    3. I wish Jodi’s Attorneys were bit more aggressive and pursued TA’s behavior with their own witnesses who had seen TA.

    Anyway, just my thoughts on this. Hopefully, they will be more aggressive in the appeals and get her out of that hell.

    In any case, god always has a path for all of us. Thus, I am sure, he knows Jodi’s gentle nature and love and will guide her to the right place.

    Let us make sure we all stay with her till she can come out and stand on her own.

    Till then, Love and support to Jodi,

    • I believe after the traumatic event occurred, Jodi was in a fight or flight mode. While in this time frame, her adrenaline was pumped up and out of control. Once she realized she killed T.A. she was still in the high adrenaline phase and in shock. While in this frenzied state of mind she panicked and tried to hide the fact that she was even there. While in this time frame, her behaviors were consistent to reflexes. In her mind she had “no” other choice out of fear. What one has to realize is that T.A. had a very dominating personality. If he had fears, he countered them with mind over matter. He was employed as a “motivational” speaker. We even learn of his “unbreakable” persona from his brothers’ speech. T.A. had to practice what he preached. My point here is that this strong willed personality, which may have been on the surface only, played a role in Jodi’s actions and “re-actions” on this dreadful day. T.A. was a respected person in the work environment and in his church. Jodi was the only one exposed to the demons he let lose on her. His friends have described her as kinda a “hot catch”. T.A. feels he has won the trophy and treats her like his personal love slave. Jodi goes along with all the antics because he is viewed so highly by the people at work and in the church. It all plays a part in Jodi’s psyche and explains to people who understand abuse, that he was in fact the aggressor in this relationship.

      Once Jodi is i the dessert she has flashes that she quickly abolishes. These flashes of horrific event are so traumatic and so hard for her to fathom being part of, that they never form into memory. All she knows at this point is that she is safe and needs to protect herself . Remember the persona everyone painted of T.A. Jodi cannot imagine anyone believing her and she is still in shock. From there, Jodi tries to keep the schedule to protect herself from being accused. She convinces herself she was not involved and from here we see all the interviews on tv and interrogations of her looking completely normal. Jodi builds T.A. up and never breathes a bad statement of him or their relationship on TV. This behavior again is indicative of an abused person. Especially a psychologically abused individual who feels inferior to their partner. Interestingly enough though, Jodi actually requests to see pictures of the crime and T.A. while talking with detective Flores. I believe she wanted to see these pictures because she honestly blocked the incident from memory. Here is the kicker though, anyone that does not understand abuse and PTSD can take these interviews and call them anything but the truth. Anyone who wants to win at all cost, boost their cable show’s ratings, and even compromise their knowledge of psychology to hang Jodi, can twist her words any way they please. This is proven by Juan, Jane, Nancy, “Mr. Drew”, and that “insane” HLN after hours show that exploits T.A. tirelessly.

      Finally, I believe along with the loss of conscious memory regarding the incident, Jodi experiences the five stages of grief, like anyone who loses a loved one does, despite the circumstances. These stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally acceptance. There is no set time frame for each of these stages. This explains why it took so long for Jodi to confess that she was in fact the perpetrator of the crime.

  19. ” the trolls will prolly be jumping around on here like kermits legs in a hot oil filled skillet. What the fuck ever. Hope they have loads of fun with us telling them to fuck OFF” had 2 quote U ..LMAO

    • thank you!!!!!!!! I just loved having that mental image in my head of those legs jumping in hot oil in the skillet! all about the mental image, lmao

  20. SJ While I do comment on here, I don’t think anyone really knows me yet. But, I am a supporter like you all, and I would like to attend the vent room and have the email address. I spend a lot of time in here because I just cannot bear the other sites with all their pitiful lies. Could you somehow please add me? Thanks.

    • Same here since I couldn’t access the site for five days and the password was changed.

    • Good morning, Kathy B! Vent doesn’t exist… just a rumor.

      Vent here to your hearts content!! Anything you might want to say, say here!

      Why don’t we know you? Those of us posting here in support of Jodi are unafraid of using our voices…. have you said anything in support of Jodi?

      • Renee, they think that because we are nice that we are stupid. It’s a common misconception that has afflicted me my whole adult life.

        • 😉 Oh, I know it… but sometimes I like to engage with the unintelligent and uneducated folks 😉

      • I am very proud to tell people that I support Jodi and that she is a friend of mine!
        some people don’t like that much, I just ask them if they got a problem with that,
        most times they say no, I wonder if its the way I look? ( 6′ 4″ 275 lbs “biker” )

        Ray from Harrisonburg Va.

  21. Goodmorning everyone…

    Thanks SJ for all you do..have a great vacation.

    This stage of the (JM show) game will soon be over, then we can get to work on freeing Jodi!

    Hang in there supporters and don’t let the zombies get you down!

  22. TGIF people!!!

    Good morning SJ, Josh, Rachel, Ann, Basse, Pat, Anna, cj, BevM, KathyB, Glen, Al, tonysam, EdB, Crooked, viri, elna, cindy J.!!!!

    (((((((((((((((hero)))))))))))))))))))) 😉

  23. I haven’t posted for awhile but am still following. Can anyone explain something that’s been bugging me? The naked photos of JA and TA on the bed, were they taken June 4th? If so, why is the bed already made, they are both posing on the bedspread. Supposedly they went to sleep, woke around 1 AM, had sex, took the photos. Why would the bed be made? Then with the crime scene photos there is a pic of the bed unmade with covers off? Also, I can’t get this out of my head – the nude photo of JA. I don’t think she is looking at TA in that picture. Something not right about it, or the pic of TA on the bed, almost like it’s staged. Someone else in that room perhaps? Am I crazy? but this case has never added up for me, and the verdict is just unsupportable.

    • Jodi probably did not want to look into the camera because she was a bit uncomfortable with doing nudity pics.

      TA’s pic looks like it is staged because he was a guy who liked to pose.

    • Also, Jodi is not wearing makeup in the pics. That is very odd. Those pics feel off to me too.

    • Lets see the roommate say he had that day off all day in and out maybe he knows

  24. Pat, the zombies can jump straight up my ass! I have had my fill of bullshit! I have to say that it’s no wonder that 85% are overturned if this case is any reflection.

    • Keep your chin up cj!! Don’t let the bastards get you down..remember they are certainly not worth the dirt on your shoes!

  25. I don’t know if it was brought up yesterday, but Samantha’s necklace looks like one of those that has been peddled on FB and such for “justice” for Travis. Am I right about that?

      • Thanks for the quick response.

        That’s probably why Samantha wore the outfit she did, to show it off.

          • Her hair was strategic. She needed to show the necklace and the ribbon pin.

            Gotta keep the $$$$$ rolling in, cause of their financial burden…. if they dont get more $$$ soon, she may have to fire one of her four Mexican maids…

            • Yep…Everything is calculated with them!Their every freaking move!!

          • tacky is as tacky does.. hehe

            I had a dress like the one she wore in the 70’s… hardly appropriate trial attire!

      • A JEWELRY line?

        What is it with people and their attachment to this douchebag pedo?

  26. I just really want to know what the hell we can do to make people aware that this is BS and the jury was tainted and WRONG. How do we get Jodi out of this horrid mess. Where do we find a bulldog from hell appellate attorney? This is what she needs.

  27. * Jurors’ Remorse

    As a former sequestered juror in a hi-profile case who gave a REAL monster 3 death sentences and 4 Lwop sentences, and who has lived with my thoughts, conscience and dreams for over 30 years since the trial, and a few years since his comeuppance, a needle in the Tennessee State Prison, I can tell you what’s coming up for these jurors. I’m your expert witness in this regard.

    (in 1980, Nashville) Johnson (with no disguise or mask) walked into Bob Bell’s Market (that he regularly frequented, eveyone knew him) where the owner’s 12-year-old son was told to empty the cash register. Johnson then shot the boy in the head, (actually the little black bookworm A-student had his face blown completely off) wounded his father (seriously)and a friend (making him a quadraplegic forever) in the store, and gunned down (shot and killed) James Moore and Charles House (who had nothing to do with anything) outside while they sat in a taxicab. In 1987, Johnson was one of two death row inmates convicted in the 1985 beating death of fellow prisoner Laron Williams at the old Tennessee Penitentiary. ” (Actually he killed two Death Row inmates. He beat the charge of killing an inmate for being on the phone too long). A monster…

    At first, after the trial, I didn’t go back to work for 2 weeks. Self-doubt, nightmares, regular psychological counseling over a 2 or 3 year period. Did I do the right thing? I physically signed his Death Warrant, a document that would be read to him immediately prior to slipping in the needle. He would hear MY name read aloud as the reason he was one minute from meeting his Maker.

    I have had intrusive thoughts, major depressive episodes, PTSD and a splash of BPD since his THUG family threatened to kill the entire jury. On TV. On the 5 o’clock news. In the local Nashville newspaper.

    I and my paralyzed wife live as hermits…

    To make a long story short. This will not go away for any juror who has a conscience. When they learn that a DV 2-way fight (IMO) gone REAL BAD is not a DP case, at least some of them WILL come forward because they will feel a deep sense of shame after realizing that JM/HLN sold them a sack of shit as it relates to the M1 and DP charge. Some will commit suicide. I predict 1/3 of them will seek therapy. Some will move on with their lives, but not all. If they tell you that 5 years from now, most of them will be lying.

    The Fat Lady will NEVER sing for many of these jurors. IMO, of course.

    For now, it’s the glare/glow of being important that soothes their conscience. At least a few of them, statistically, actually have a conscience no matter how we sometimes don’t think so.

    I’m old and have a terminal disease. I won’t live to see what happens to the jurors many years from now. Just remember that an old hermit from Tennessee told you so.

    Thanks to the admins for this fine site. May God bless everyone here, even the f’in haters.


    • Thanks for telling us your powerful story EdB. I believe that in your place, I would do the same.

      My Uncle and cousin were murdered on the farm by three teens who were connected to the Chief of Police in the nearby town. NOTHING ever happened to them! Our family was blocked at every turn but know that these murderers will be dealt with in the great bye and bye..

      Much love to you and your wife.

    • Ed, you are certainly a man with a conscience.

      Sorry, to hear that you have a terminal disease. I hope you are doing well so far.

      Concerning the JA jurors I wonder if any of them wake up and start to wonder if they have done the right thing. Right at the moment I have serioius doubts about that.

    • Wow Ed, that is such a powerful story. Thank you for sharing it. I wish at least one person on the jury could read your story.

    • I tend to agree, Ed. I was a juror on a murder trial a few years ago and the experience has stuck with me, even though we said not guilty. While I still question whether or not we made the right decision, I know that I would have been tortured even more if we said guilty. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    • Ed-
      Thank you for sharing your story. Wishing you and your wife abundant blessings and peace

    • Thanks Ed….your posts was very moving to the soul…like a fresh breath of air….and the family and the haters own internal unforgiving hate will continue to eat at them and they will become sicker and sicker….and they will all die one by one as their own hatred kills them…

      God loves all his children…and God does not tolerate the family’s hatred toward Jodi…it is obvious by their own admissions of their own personal sicknesses yesterday that God does not have their lives in his hands…God does not live in hatred…he is watching them…but he is not part of that hatred…

      God is a good God…he is allowing the haters to become what they want to become…since they want to become physically sick by their hatred…he is allowing it…until they ask God for forgiveness of their hatred and to bring love into their lives….he will continue to allow them to waddle in their hatred that causes them to be in ill health and some in death…

    • Good post Ed and glad you put it up . . I posted yesterday if would like to follow the lives of these jurors and see who’s conscience surfaces and tell some truths or cause harm to themselves. Your post inspires as to why we have to keep sites like ours active and extend the word s far as we can. When the jurors are done and settling back into their normal lives . . our constant word will be their haunting. Thank you

    • I’ve already hugged & kissed once today, but what hell, I think I’ll do it again.
      ((((((((((ED)))))))) xoxo

    • Ed, thank you – I don’t know if you will read my comment but may peace be with you. I am not agoraphobic but I guess you would safe — I’m fear phobic – I have been hurt so by others, well – I just don’t trust my judgement any longer. I am 55 don’t have a terminal disease and hope to see my 22 year old make it in life – but really have absolutely no faith in society and people any longer. Thanks again for your insight, I have sat on a trial but mine was not a life/death case. Congratulations for staying strong. May you last days be what you want them to be for you and your wife.

      • Cynthia, your phobias match mine. I’m not a real agoraphobic type person. I, frankly, just don’t like most of the people I have come in contact with over the last 20 years, or so. We aren’t in hiding or anything from these murder family threats, and I didn’t make that clear in my post. I simply prefer my God, my wife, my dogs, my banjos and my guitars in this part of my life. I care for my wife 24/7 and she loves me 24/7.

        It’s unusual I think for someone like me whose career was with a -major- computer corporation, and involved marketing, exec seminars etc.. Hey I was a bit of a motivational speaker in my day. I was a people person. Made good money. But life’s tragedies in my own family (horrors beyond your imagination) and the climate of the country that I served, made me pull back. WAY BACK.

        I don’t recommend my life style or choices to anyone. Be happy for as long as life allows you to be. Smell the fresh air, and hug your spouse, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. All the time. Protect them.

        Prayers for Jodi up


    • Ed, Thanks for sharing your very powerful story. I have always wondered what it would be like to be on a jury. You have certainly given us all a very clear picture. Fortunately where I come from we do not have the death penalty, but I know that depending on the case, the jury may see some horriffic images. I have often wondered how they manage to deal with that. After reading your account I can see that many of them don’t deal with it. At least not in a healthy way. Crime and voilence affect us all but we usually don’t consider those who have to be so close to it. I hope I never have to face the call to jury duty.

      I wish you and your wife all the best. Thank you for being here with us and sharing your experiences and your wisdom.

    • Very powerful story, Ed, and very insightful regarding the effects of serving on a jury in a DP case. I was moved by it.

  28. Sj, These “sexually provocative messages” you speak of… Is there a special list we can be put on to receive these or are they handed out randomly?

    Perhaps I should be getting CC’ed on them, just to help you bear the burden?

    Where do robotic communist terrorists from the Middle East go on vacation? I have often wondered this.

    Have a great Vacation my friend. If you come back and the place is a mess, its probably Basse, Ann, Renee and Al’s fault! I hear they are planning on throwing a party, AA and I have tried to convince them to be good, but they say its too much fun being bad. Now AA is on their side. I’ll hold out as long as i can, but i fear i will be swept to the dark side.

    Dont forget to flip the mattress, DONT drink the water and use extra sun screen! Peace Bro.

    • I am a master at bringing people to the dark side….

      SJ: ignore Sirlips, DO NOT BUY SUNSCREEN…also, DO NOT DYE YOUR HAIR.

      Finally, NO GAS CANS…

      • I am already on the dark side!!!!!!!! Been there for a while now. My posts went from bull and crap to fuckin asshole bastards! yup, I’ve tripped the light to the dark side. Now, let’s pop some of kermits legs into some hot oil and have a party!

        • they really do serve southern fried frog legs in many southern fine restaurants…LOL…

            • and they really are good too….lip smacking good…like chicken…yummy….eat em and poop em…LOL…

          • When I was a mere lad here in Tennessee, there was a dairy farm that had a pretty good sized pond. My friends and I gigged that pond one summer until there were no more frogs available ..hehe. We put them in my Gradmother’s freezer, never telling her that they all came from ONE pond.

            I love frog legs and especially some sauteed ones I used to get at a restaurant in Atlanta while I was there on business. Cheap there and deee-licious.

      • And for GOD’s SAKE, PLEASE do NOT misplace your phone charger!!

        OH, and only use TRUSTED fellow scam artists to watch over that beloved Tee-shirt account. Your percentage off those $15 dollar tee-shirts will get you that bow-topped BMW in NO time al all!!

        To all you Basse, Renee, and Janeen, especially thinking of being bad, you DO know if you don’t knock it the fuck off PRONTO, you will end up completely FUCKIN up any chance into the celestial kingdom!!!

        • No way! I am golden in that celestial kingdom! I need to be! I wanna be tied to a tree by Saint Travesty and be ass raped. If I cant get to heaven, how can I meet my savior, Saint T-Dogg????

          Say it isn’t so!! 😆

          • Don’t worry Really, you can do whatever the fuck you want, just be sure and contact your nearest bishop and fess up!! OH, and make sure to wear your St. Travis necklace at ALL times, that’ll do it for sure!

        • wellll, that does depend on how they….hm…how should i put this….That all depends on how they take it. And, im not talking about sugar and cream in the coffee.

          • cream……………*shudders*

            tell me there will be no cream pie or tossed salad in the celestial kingdom…please 🙄

            • I believe it depends on what level of celestial you make it to. In the celestial penthouse? Hell yah, they got cream pies, tossed salads, dirty sanchezes, donkey punches, and something i like to call the “grill cheese sandwich”.

                • May I please request Sharp cheddar… the real stuff, not the generic; that doesn’t melt as well… I am willing to up my donations from 100% to 113%…

                • I believe the grilled cheese sandwich requires the user to bring her own cheese….

            • Well Cream pies and tossed salads ARE on the menu, but every good cult member knows that it requires at least 20% of your earnings, the average 15% is not going to do it.

              • Hey! I am already dishing out 100% of my earnings!! (note: I have no earnings)

              • Yah, you are right there…if you want a good grilled cheese sandwich in that penthouse, you better be putting ATLEAST 20% towards “god”.

                • Okay… well then, would it help if I just sign over all of my student loans to you? I am willing to drop out of college in order to get to your heaven…

                • College? Renee’ women dont need to go to college! Silly. Why do you need to learn how to share your husband, have many many babies and cook/clean and take it in the ass? If you need to be taught that stuff, maybe you are not sister wife material.

    • You forgot to say to take the little white pills!!!!!!!!!! Don’t forget the little white stop you up pills!!!!!!!!!!

    • Dude! I kinda guessed your interest would be piqued by the “sexually provocative messages” somehow, lol. And yes, the next time someone advises me to have sex with a random farmyard animal, I’ll forward it to you for your prompt reply.

      Maybe I should post a picture from my mystery location every day to see if anyone can guess where I am :mrgreen: And yes, if it all goes tits up while I’m away I’ll know who to blame when I get back. I’m leaving the trusty admins, elves & secret squirrels in charge, and I have great faith in them all. Yay!

      By the way, for some uncanny reason, your picture looks like me. Are we related?

      Team Jodi

      • I’ve been loving your post SJ…especially love the daily posts…to the point…yes….

        And did you get the message last night that NG/HLN gave some free advertising for the Survivor t-shirts, the price, and etc…yea…yea…hopefully sales are up!!!

      • I am also a robot from the middle east, by my manufacturer was …you guessed it….in china. Do you know where you were built? I suppose there is a chance….

      • SJ, if you’re renting a car, make sure that you don’t refuse a red one. That is apparently a capital offense.

        • …and watch out for skaters!!! Or if you happen to see a group PLZ remember to check your licence plates!!!

      • Have a great vacation SJ! Come back recharged and ready to fight. Btw, you now have a taste of what a-list celebrities lives are like, thanks to ng & hln! Vacations in super secrecy – undisclosed locations! Papparatzi trying to find you day & night!

      • Happy Vacation from me too…I am going to do that one day…go to the Abacos…have fun island surfing….LOL…wink…wink…

    • Why in hell are you ratting on us to SJ? I guess your going to tell him you were a VIRGIN before you were got caught in vortex of our dark side! Come on baby, have some fried frog and wine with us.

    • SirLips,

      Just came on after being away for a couple of weeks. Wanted to send my deepest sympathies and condolences to you during this difficult time. Your beloved fur companion, Sprinkler, I believe his name was….no….Sizzles….that’s not it…eh…your beloved fur friend is with you in spirit, friend. Remember, this too shall pass. I’d send you money for your troubles but I just sent everything I had to Juan Martinez for the surgery he’s having to have his head removed from his ass. While I truly feel bad about your plight, I had to go with the cause that would be a greater benefit to the world in general and one less prosecutor with their head lodged in their rectum, in my humble opinion, certainly qualifies. Best of wishes to you, my friend!

      • I sent most of my money to the “Methface Wreck Mouth” fund. It’s a shame she would have to cover her mouth out of embarrassment on National TV during her happiest moment ever. So Sad.

      • Sirlips & I have partnered in this lawsuit. When your on feet financially, We would appreciate your donation to to our cause. We have several website dedicated to bring this bastard to justice. Give me email address & we will forward the list of websites. Your a peach!

      • Thanks Krystal, although i will no longer be ackowledging your existance, since you have not sent us money, i will keep your prayers for Snarkles in my heart for ever.I believe we will be setting up a secondary set of websites for those that want to keep up the hate of this brutal drunken murder but have not yet reached the status of “contributor”.

        FYI, we do take credit cards also, if that helps. Perhaps you could do a bake sale to raise money, or start mowing lawns?

        I hate to ask, its just so hard to get by now a days. My rehab counseller is very expensive, my dealer has upped his prices 40% in the last year, i was divorced (due to nightmares of skippy being slaughter) and that bitch gets allamony. (seriously, what kind of woman goes after a mans money when he has went through such a tragic event?) Plus, did i mention the travel? If i had not quit my job, think of how broke i would be from travelling back and forth.

        One step at a time…one step at a time.

        HOLY SHIT….I got it…. I gotta go, i just had the best idea ever…to get Sparticus true “justice”! Millions of “justice” in fact. look forward to my new post in just a bit…..HOLY FUCK BALLS..this is gonna be a bomb shell of “justice”. ANN!!! We gonna be rolling in justice! TNLUCY, BASSE i may be able to afford a third sister wife if these works out…

        • Yahoo, rolling, rolling, rolling!
          Keep them doggies rolling.
          Keep them bucks a coming.

  29. I have that movie too…and yes all of the mormon women look the same sitting side by side…and all of the other religion wannabes that try to act like they understand the mormons need to get a grip on reality…

    I am a Christian and I do not understand any of the haters at all…their obvious hatred toward another human being is not being Godly at all…

    God loves all of his children…God will punish the haters accordingly to their hatred toward his child…

    The reason a lot of the haters are having so many nervous health problems right now….it’s not because of the act that Jodi did…it is their own evilness inside them that is making them sick…and they will continue to get sicker and sicker…and some will die from their own self-induced hatred…

    And all they had to do was ask God for Jodi’s forgiveness….God is a forgiving God…and God doesn’t hate Jodi at all….he loves her…and all of those haters taking Jodi’s life into their own hands…you are only asking for your own demise….God does not tolerate your actions….

  30. Good morning folks! I’m feeling much better today. When I got home from work last night I spent some time writing and it really did a lot to change my mood; it was good to focus my energy into something positive.

    I wrote a note to Alyce LaViolette and just put it in the mail, it felt good to do that. I like the idea of writing letters of support and appreciation to those that are speaking up for Jodi and to those that are taking a stand about the terrible way this trial is being handled and covered in the media; that’s not always easy to do in such an atmosphere of hatred and vengeance. I would also like to send a note or e-mail to those in the media that are being objective in their reporting of the story.

    I would love to know the names of those you know of that have been providing fair coverage; I’m making a list so I know who all to send letters to. I think it’s important to encourage objective reporting and to let people know that is something the public wants and appreciates.

    • I think the list of people who gave fair coverage of the trial will be very short. But I love your idea. I have also sent Alyce a thank you.

      • I’d love to call and leave her a message of thanks! Wish I knew how. I’m going to check the net and google.

      • Jaz – Sadly I agree with you about the list being short. It bothers me that those in the media that are getting the most attention are the ones giving the most biased coverage. I would like to do something to change that.

  31. Wow! Just felt the earthquake shake my house! Helped shake off my gloomy thoughts and I’m now in a more positive frame of mind.
    Am I naive to think the world shaking could be a sign? Jodi is going to be OK!!

    • Really? That will wake you up?!

      Going to check out the seismograph…….Well you don’t live near me. I love looking at seismic mapping. None where I live in the last 4 hours.

    • “Am I naive to think the world shaking could be a sign? Jodi is going to be OK!!” yah….OR it could mean that The haters have filled hell to the point that it is full and cracked open.

  32. To SJ, Team Jodi and all die hard followers,

    A big mid late Good morning to you!
    SJ, your posts are thought provoking and it hits the core of humanity. It is a so needed website to remind us that justice is also showing mercy. Thank you for reminding me that human beings have real emotions and are free to express them here without harm. Also have a mental rested vacation. We all could all use a reset in our lives!

    • “To SJ, Team Jodi and all die hard followers”

      I’m gonna get bashed for this, but fuck ’em…

      Travis Alexander followed the mormon faith and it took 27 slashes/stabs, 1 slit throat and a gun shot to the head to kill him… Wouldn’t that make him a “die hard follower” too?

  33. Earthquake where? I wish I could feel one too. Earthquakes does have a way of doing that.

  34. I feel really sad about the whole thing. I feel sad that people have so much hate and they aspire for her to have the death penalty, despite the fact it will achieve nothing but more bloodshed and more loss for another family.

    I also dont understand why some people find it necessary to cut down every defence witness. Today I saw some post about Patricia Womack and it was so hate invigorated I was like wth??? Why are you are all so full of hate? Its almost like all the haters just lose themselves in an opportunity to cut down anyone and everyone. It takes integrity to distinguish yourself from the pervasive pack mentality and form your own opinions.

    I was in an abusive relationship. I can see how someone would lie about it. That isn’t deleterious to her claim of SD in my opinion. The truth is I don’t know what happened on June 4, 2008. I can’t know and choose to reserve judgement. I have prayed about the whole situation many times and feel great sadness… but what I do know for a certainty is how I feel. I feel that Jodi’s trial HAS been tainted with bias. Its almost so bad its farcical. With such media saturation the jury should have been sequestered or it should have been a judge-only trial. I also know that victims of abuse lie, its our modus operandi, our way of coping to keep up the façade that ‘all is okay.’ I do know that if Jodi was abused then its possible to reach a certain threshold and ‘snap.’ Also, failing to report a crime does not mean it did not happen. I was abused for a long time and never once turned my lover in. Abuse victims often live in a perpetual state of denial.

    Above all, the death penalty is an awful ‘cruel and unusual’ punishment that amounts to revenge in my eyes. It will not bring back a loved one and it only serves to stain the State’s hands with blood. To perpetuate a cycle of sadness does not induce healing. I am extremely sorry for Travis’ death and the pain his family feel but they are misguided if they think that executing Jodi will erase their pain. It will only cause more pain, more sadness, more hurt.

    The fact is Jodi deserves compassion. It is clear in my mind that she suffers and has suffered with mental illness and depression, all of which is mitigating in my view. Why do we need to demonise people? Sure there are some extreme monsters out there aka Ted Bundy and then there are people like Jodi who I do not see any resonance of evil in. I feel she was very young, confused, loved someone who didn’t know how to reciprocate and grave tragedy followed. I don’t intend to diminish the impact, pain, suffering arising from his death. It should never have happened. One must however weigh in all factors…. and I simply feel that there has been an absence of this in the trial.

    I feel great compassion for Jodi. I can’t know what happened on June 4th for a certainty or the preceding months but I do know what it feels like not to be believed, for people to tell you you’re ‘lying’ when you finally have the courage to tell the truth. I finally did tell people about my abuse, the abuser denied it as did his family and friends. I felt totally vilified and like I had done something wrong… I wanted so badly to be believed and validated. From that perspective, I see the crippling feeling of being ‘hung out to dry.’

    Finally, the ‘trial by media’ is reprehensible. From day 1 HLN made up its mind about Jodi. Any evidence Jodi adduced was discounted before due consideration was given to it. I sense that HLN’s influence probably did infiltrate the trial. In which case, this feels like the Salem witch trials all over again. The irony, the awful irony in those trials was that a person had to die to prove their innocence… what a shameful thing when the State executes its own and calls it ‘justice.’ A misnomer, I call it state-sanctioned murder.

    • Lara,

      Thank you for coming forward with your story and for your support of Jodi. Everyone on this site believes as you believe.

      I hope you have moved on and are in a better place. I haven’t seen you post before so I say “Welcome, pull up a chair and get comfortable…”

      • People are so sweet and reasonable on this forum, thanks for your kind welcome and I hope to chat more with you.

    • Good post Lara. That has always been my point that we simply cannot know with certainty what happened that day. I for one want no part in killing someone based on the theories of a man with short man syndrome. They just cannot know. I could have been convinced possibly of murder 2, though more with manslaughter. But the premeditation would be laughable had it not been believed, making this a tragedy.

      • I agree with you. The role of a prosecutor in actual fact is to pursue truth, in theory they’re not supposed to be so overtly bias. Of course…. in practice we can see Juan Martinez is so aggressive and he never stops to listen, he just is so hell bent on ‘winning’ and executing people that my stomach churns.

    • Excellent post Lara. I can see you have great insight and have human compassion. I love compassionate people. I, like you, feel that Jodi Arias did not recieve a fair trial. There is definite proof that Jodi Arias was emotionally, psyscologically, and verbally abused by Travis Alexander. That much is definite. There is testimony from Jodi Arias that there also had been physical abuse from Travis Alexander. And while I’m on the subject, let me state that I understand the pain the Alexanders are going through, though hating Jodi Arias is’nt the answer. From what I can tell, Jodi loved Travis. What happened on that dreadful day I cannot attest to, but it seems it was invoked byTravis Alexander. I have invested a great deal of time looking into Jodi’s past and have seen nothing that would indicate that she had a darker side. She has acted weird, a time or two, but it’s more like ‘geek’ wierdness. No evidence of violence. What I wouild like to point out is, that, America has a problem with underemphasizing emotional and psycological abuse. This type of abuse is more damaging than physical abuse in my opinion. Laws need to be enacted that protects abuse victims in this respect. Did Jodi Arias suffer from emotional and psycological abuse from Travis Alexander?. DEFINETLY. Who can dispute that? Was she physically threatened on June 4th, 2008? I can’t say difinitively, but it is possible. Given these facts, how could any JURY find her guilty of 1st degree murder?
      Lara, I appreciate your story about your life and can see how you can understand how Jodi wants / yearns to be believed. It is hard to understand unless you have been through the tragedy. Again, thanks for that insight. That is probably the biggest reason Jodi Arias looks so defeated. I believe most of her story. I just hope she doesn’t totally give up.
      Just one last thing, for ony of you people that mention that Jodi Arias has had a ‘smirk’, or hasn’t shown remorse on her face must not have your eyes open. I have saw that she does indeed shows a lot of remorse. It is so evident, it is like a yellow bus coming coming down the road.
      And as far as the ‘smirk’, people have told me multiple times in my life that I’m making a ‘face’, and I have nothing but “good” in my mind and soul. I don’t even know what they are talking about most of the time. Jodi Arias, I think, has been respectful to everyone this entire time. Even to the Alexanders.
      It is a horrible situation that Travis died. I hate it. I have compassion for the Alexanders. They must be devastated. But, is Jodi Arias not also a victim?

      • Wow Edward, that’s so true about Jodi’s alleged ‘smirk.’ I wanted to comment on that. I subscribed to one of the justice pages on Facebook thinking it would be informative and objective, however, I realised that many posters are full of extreme hate. They comment on ‘Jodi’s smirk,’ they say Jennifer Wilmott is fat (which is absolutely ridiculous, she’s pretty and they’re just bullying her), Kirk Nurmi’s choice of attire, etc etc…. it then struck me that these people will pick on EVERYTHING! They will derive a negative meaning from anything Jodi or anyone associated with her says or does. She can’t win either way. For example, the post-conviction interview she gave, they ripped shreds off everything she said. I mean Jodi must have been shell shocked, she just heard this verdict and she was trying to communicate as best she can. Anything she would have said would have been misconstrued as ‘insincere,’ or whatever spin they would have attached to it.

        I think you also made a really good point about emotional abuse. In terms of evidence, there is unequivocal proof of emotional and psychological abuse. I have been thinking about how I would feel if I really loved this man and he kept me as his ‘dirty little secret,’ that is, he just wanted me for sex and then told all his friends that I’m this crazy person. Id feel totally objectified and like my only value is in sexually pleasing him. Young girls out of naivety and low self esteem often keep trying to please men despite being under-appreciated. That messes with a person. In addition, he called her some awful names and after a while that really injures a person’s self worth. I can only imagine how bad she felt about herself. You’re right I’m sure she made mistakes, acted a little ‘strange’ at times, who hasn’t made mistakes??? Everyone has! But you’re absolutely right she has no history of violence or prior criminality and as far as I can see, she was a nice and well-liked girl. I also read somewhere about an email from Sky Hughes or Chris Hughes that was suppressed, indicating Travis was perhaps abusive??? I could be wrong but the point is that evidence should have been taken into account. I get this feeling that none of his mormon friends would say anything bad about him IF he had been abusive for fear of drawing negative attention to the church.

        But you’re right about emotional abuse it has a very lasting impact, its like an invisible bruise that imprints itself on a person’s psyche. The jury in my opinion never kept an open mind. You can tell from their jury questions they asked her so many questions and hardly asked any intense questions to prosecution witnesses. I’m really dubious about the first degree murder conviction. And when in doubt we must err on the side of caution as the burden of proof is so high. But I can see this jury didn’t do that or so that’s how it seems to me.

        I do feel like rehabilitation is better than retribution and revenge. Regardless of what happened on June 4th, Jodi is loveable. She is worthy of love in my eyes. I favour rehabilitation to retribution. I like the Norweigian approach. But to put her to death or keep her couped up in a tiny cell with hardly any stimulation and socialisation is plain cruelty.

        Thanks Edward for being so insightful. Its also clear to me you are compassionate and intelligent and you are capable of making up your own mind, rather than buying all of HLN’s bias.

    • Lara,
      Thanking you for sharing. Your are strong and brave. We may be a little crazy here at times but any abused person can take shelter here.

  35. Yes, what a thoughtful suggestion to write to Alyce. I will do the same and thank Alyce too and send a postcard to Jodi too. Those of you who want her address, you can send it here She is asking us to write to her. Also, I don’t know what happens after next week, whether she will remain there or be transferred. Idk.

    So many good came out of this trial despite the bad. I feel more compassion for people more than ever because of your many posts here and of course the whole trial. Much awareness on how a media mob can form mindlessly and play a negative part of society. Thank you for the heartfelt posts here. I am embracing the love and light of Jodi so that we can be the better part of society.

    • I live in Phila. where the Gosnell trial took place and finished a few days ago. Dr Gosnell was
      an abortion doctor who was convicted of killing three babies born alive , according to the state.
      The conviction made him eligible for the DP but the state and defense made a deal that if
      he gave up his right to appeal he would get LWOP. The jury was interviewed after the verdict and
      were relieved they did not have to address the next phase and decide a life or death issue.

      The decision the have someone put to death is one I cannot phantom. I would have to go with life
      and my feelings on the DP would make it impossible to be on such a jury.

  36. Anyone knows about past life regression here or have done it? What about Astrology?

    • There are a few people here that i know are into “astrology” type things. What are you looking for?

      I know the big bright one is called the “moon”. Wait…astrology…not astronomy…damn it, i thought i was gonna help.

      • the first astronomers were astrologers …

        its easy to do astro on the net now..lots of free programs..

        I feel there are more than a few here that read with our “intuition”.

  37. Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing as well as can be expected. Haven’t been on for a couple days because I just couldn’t deal with it. Knowing how this was going just makes me sick, and then glimpses of Jodi is heartbreaking. Of course, the talking idiots pronouncing Jodi “unremorseful” as she sits there crying so badly that her entire face is puffy beyond recognition almost, my tolerance level has been near the breaking point lately.

    One of the things that gives me extreme outrage is JM, and his constant “shocking” of the courtroom with photos of the crime scene whenever he has felt like it and he thinks it will benefit him and help the siblings do their best sobbing act. I came across an article here: , that I read, about the effects of gruesome evidence on jurors, among other things such as the effects of video re-creations of the crime, a researcher named “Douglas”, as referred to in the quote below. I think it’s quite interesting, speaking of a researcher studying the reactions of “mock” jurors:

    “Douglas et al. found that to the degree that participants felt sad, vengeful, outraged, shocked, and anxious as a result of viewing gruesome photographic evidence the more they believed the defendant to be guilty. Thus, there is good support for the idea that gruesome evidence exerts its biasing effects by eliciting emotional reactions in the juror.”

    I’m still reading that one, and, in my mental travels I came upon another article because of the first article and it really explains the crazy minds of the haters and the jurors. It’s about fascism, legal authoritarianism, authoritarianism, how those relate to jurors and juror bias, etc. It really nails it.

    It’s here:

    Just one of the interesting quotes that makes the article worth reading is: “Legal authoritarianism can be defined as “an orientation toward criminal defendants and the legal system that emphasizes crime control over due process” (Skeem & Golding, 2001, p. 584).”

    There’s a lot of stuff in the article that helps explain the craziness that is this trial, for example, I think
    that’s as good a definition of what has happened in this case as anything, “crime control over due process”

    Haven’t the jurors, and especially JMiniature thrown due process out the window in their quest for what they think is “crime control”?

    There’s a lot of stuff in the article, just wanted to put that up so everyone can read it if they want to. The second article is of more relevance to Jodi, I think.

    Gotta do some work, then I’ll check back a bit later. There are so many comments too!

    • ATTENTION ===> There is a Virus/Trojan being reported by my Virus checker the ‘’

      Kaspersky Anti-virus 2013 updated today


      • Oh no! I just printed out that article but I didn’t get any kind of virus warning.

      • Hi Ed B, sorry, I really didn’t know about any virus! I hope your computer is okay!

    • Thanks for posting this Milan. I printed out the Take Me To Your Leader article so I can read it tonight. I also saved the pdf link. These are good resources!

      • Your’e welcome Bunny!

        There is another article that just explained exactly why JMonster went for the death penalty in a non-death penalty case. He was stacking the deck against Jodi in a HUGE WAY. The entire DA’s office was stacking the deck against her.

        Everybody interested in this, go to the link I’ll post in a sec, then read page 298 thru 301 at least and you will see why JMiniman went for the DP – he was far, far more likely to get a jury that would not even get past his opening argument and they would decide in “the prosecutor”‘s favor. Here’s the link:

        What I want to know, is, how can she have EVER gotten a fair trial under these circumstances?! This is INSANITY. I’m horrified. It’s like these last two articles I’ve posted have been talking about this exact case, about Jodi Arias.

        There has to be some recourse. Now I know why Kirk N wanted off the case early on. He KNEW then that they were going to lose and it would be bad. Jennifer Wilmott is probably braver than that.

        I can’t believe how corrupt this court system is. Can you imagine? They are describing MORMONS to a T!!! Talk about fitting the authoritarian profile!

        Keep reading, to where it says a jury like this is more likely to convict and punish a woman with the death penalty.

        I’m getting sick, this is just sick.

        • Juan Martinez is a vile human being. Someday, whether in this life or the next, he’ll answer for the blood on his hands.

          • I couldn’t agree with you more. This proves to me beyond all doubt that all he ever cared about was winning at all costs, including Jodi’s life, at the expense of the health and welfare of her family and friends, and especially, constitutional rights and justice. He cares nothing for ethics nor does he care for justice. He’s truly amoral and evil.

          • I feel the Judge was scared of JM. He prosecutes with THUG MENTALITY.

        • This is consistent with Nurmi claiming the jury selection was biased. It seems this trial was over in December when JM picked blood thirsty pitchfork carrying jurors. I’m sure I would not have been selected because I can see my way to the death penalty in only very narrow circumstances, and possibly never.

          • You’re so right. If you can sentence someone to the death penalty, you are much more likely to. That disqualifies everyone here, everyone who is an independent thinker who doesn’t just swallow B.S.

            The hatred we’ve been seeing is VERY deep rooted and real. It’s WHO these people are.

            They don’t care if they throw everyone’s rights under the bus in their quest for punishment. No wonder this trial has felt so horrible. They ARE misogynists. They ARE bigots. Most of all they ARE biased and have been from before day 1.

        • Interesting read Milan. A couple of sentences really stood out to me.

          “Aside from being ostensibly predictive of verdicts, authoritarianism may influence other dimensions of juor decision-making critical to verdict determination. Authoritarianism associates with cognitive differences related to the processing and retrieval of information. Memory of defendant’s characteristics links with an authoritarian orientation, while memory of situational information, such as crime-related facts, links with a non-authoritatarian orientation. Thus, the presence or absence of an authoritarian approach may affect how jurors assimilate, retain, and recall information.” – this makes me think of the interview with Juror #8 and how he didn’t talk about evidence, he talked more about Jodi’s demeanor and about Dr. Samuels,.

          “Many jurors made premature decisions reagrading the defendant’s guilt, some as early as the prosecution’s presentation of evidence in the guilt trial.”

          “Of those taking an early stand on the defendant’s guilt, 60% favored imposing the death penalty.”

          I need to go back and read up on the background of the jurors. Thanks for posting this.

          • I know Bunny! That’s what I meant, about JMolester getting a jury that he wouldn’t have to convince beyond his opening argument.

            Isn’t that what this trial felt like? Not only has Jodi been dealing with the pretrial publicity which on it’s own is beyond crazy and a whole issue on it’s own, but this jury is a stacked deck from the beginning.

            Yes, also, you mentioned how Juror #8 talked about Jodi’s demeanor and Dr. Samuels, it completely fits with exactly what happened and their attitudes. I can’t believe HLN doesn’t know all of this also, and they’ve been tailoring their nightly spoon-feeding to the jurors according to what they know about the jurors and the target audience.

            But what I was just going to say, is what you pointed out, that Jodi does not fit with their idea of how someone should behave. Plus they are far more biased against a woman whom they perceive to be “lower class” – I certainly heard a lot of attitude about how Travis was “so much better” than Jodi, implying that she was a “gold digger”, blah blah blah bullish*t. It fits in with their perception of her. Plus, the sexual aspects of this would be right up their hatred alley, where she isn’t being conventional, but Travis is just “boys will be boys”, the old pat on the back and a wink. It fits right in with what the book says about how they view rape victims.

            These attorneys know all of this! This is so wrong, so wrong.

            Where are some attorneys that oppose the death penalty? They swooped in to fight for Casey Anthony, why aren’t they helping Jodi? Do they know that Arizona is overwhelmingly “authoritarian” a.k.a. “fascist”? Whereas, Florida is a place where they felt they could get a jury that was not like Texas and Arizona, death penalty states?

            This is beyond the pale. Can’t believe this can happen in the U.S.

            Glad you read it Bunny, I hope everyone reads those last two articles, it explains what we are up against.

    • Milam M,

      Thank you for posting this information. I’m still reading, but it has proven very helpful with what I’m working on. =)

  38. You know what I find ironic in all of this hate? The Alexander family has had a one track mind ever since they lost their brother. They have chosen the unhealthy avenue of going on this vendetta of hatred for Jodi. Because of that, they have either refused, or been unable to heal. If they had let the authorties do their job, they would have come a long way in these five years with their healing. They will continue to have health and relationship problems until they let go of the hatred. Those that are supporting this behaviour are really no friends to them. They are encouraging an unhealthy attitude.

    The Alexander family is not going to be satisfied even if Jodi gets the DP because they said they are going to sue her for wrongful death. This will keep the hatred and resentment going for many more years. They will also be preoccupied with trying to stall any progress she makes with appeals. This will consume their very lives. They need to move on and let their bitterness go, for their own mental and physical well being.

    Forgiveness is key, although not always easy to do. Hatred is all consuming and is as harmful to the hater as to the hated. Forgiveness does not erase the past. It can’t. But it can allow them to move on to a better place. If the family does not find some way to move on, their entire lives will be consumed by this one incident. They need to find a way to remember their brother and not let their hurt and anger consume them. Otherwise they are reliving his death over and over and allowing the shock and disbelief of the loss to devastate them over and over. It’s simply not healthy.

    It takes so much energy to be angry all the time. I have never been through this type of loss and I don’t pretend to know what this family has gone through. However, anytime anyone has done me wrong, I have found it much healthier for me to let it go, rather than to dwell on it. In dwelling on it, you just let yourself be hurt over and over and over again.

    One would think their “church” would be front and centre in helping them with this.

    I will leave you with this quote, that I have tried to live my life by.

    “Forgiveness is the scent of the violet that clings to the heel that crushed it.”

    ― Mark Twain

    • I agree and it was evident in their statements. Blaming Jodi for having heartburn is where I had to turn it off. Then I believe they lied about never getting together since they were together for Tanisha’s wedding in 2010. And I recall Samantha writing that the photo with Travis was a while before June 2008, certainly not late May 2008. There is nothing in evidence that he was in CA then when he was texting repeatedly with Jodi.

      Lying in your jury statement is about as low as you can go so I’ve lost respect for them.

      • That “never getting together” because of Jodi is bullshit. They never got together much ANYWAY, and certainly not with Travis while he was alive.

        • They are the manipulators, not Jodi. I was clicking past hateful liars network, and it said their lives were “shattered”, WTH, they’re going to drown everyone the bullish*t is so high and it keeps getting higher.
          Just when I think they can’t think up some new ridiculous lie, they do.

    • I agree Bev. They will keep up with the appeals, they will wait and think they will feel better once Jodi is one that table with the niddle in her arm. As ridiculous as it is and WE ALL know its bullshit, blaming Jodi for ulcers, gastric outlet obstructione, nightly tremors of INTRUDERS, hallucinations, failed marriages and poor parenting, blaming her for their economical and financial problems (even though they’re still paying 10% tithing), anxiety and antidepressants not working, and FINALLY for granny’s death because she just couldn’t take it anymore. We have to remember, the jury is looking for an excuse, any excuse to find her guilty and give her the DP. As ridiculous that they sound to us, they’ll still buy these BS excuses from the family!

  39. I know where JM is today————-

    Inconvenient Truths
    for omkring en time siden
    Planned on posting something really hot-off-the press this AM…..but biggest story and most important to me……is that I just went to my bathroom….and there is a GIANT FROG in my toilet bowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Oh crap…I got her to late! I hope you didn’t flush it. What size of legs does that frog have?

    • This is a true story. I swear on everything that I love.

      A few years ago in a house I was renting, I woke up for work and got into the shower. Behind the shampoo bottle there was a frog staring at me. It turns out the sewer line had a hole in it and frogs were coming in the house through the pipes. Before we could have it fixed my son and I spotted 3 frogs in the house. One was in his room and two more in the bathroom. I thought I was going to die when I saw that little frogger in my shower.

    • Noooooooooooooooooooooo, doggont, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need to see those kermit frog legs dancing around in a skillet of 350 degree hot OIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! C’mon!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • She has nothing to apologize for ! Part of me wants her to get up there and tell them she WAS abused by the Big T..and that she DIDN’T kill him..and that GOD will be the final Judge!!

    • Her taking the stand again won’t help much at this point,I cant understand why they want to put her through that again or is she’s the one who chose it I then dont understand why she herself wants to have to endure this.

  40. Good evening from Greece. I would like to state a few things that I was thinking of:
    1) I feel it is a good thing that the hearing yesterday was posponed until Monday because it will lower any emotions of the jury caused by the bad acting of the siblings.
    2) Jodi will be able to regain mental streighth after the ordeal she went thru yesterday.
    3) Lastly, I would like to ask if any talk was made in the media about the fake acting of the siblings, their crocodile tears and the true pain Jodi expressed. It is very difficult here in Greece to know what is going on in the media. Please tell me a channel where they play fair and give it to us the way it is. Maybe I could find a streaming and watch the news there. I usually watch cnn (that is where I found out about Jodi).

    • I don’t think any channel “plays fair,” Pandora.

      I’m very disturbed by the media in the US. We are putting people on trial and convicting them upon evidence that is not allowed in court.

      There are Americans in America who are using the privilege of Free Speech to inspire persecution in the media.

      I am wondering if trials should be televised. I’m not sure it’s an American “right” to see trials.

      I am disturbed by anyone that “doesn’t like the questions jurors ask,” because the trial is may not be going as they see fit. The audience is not the jury, the judge, the prosecution or the defense, but more Americans every day seem to act like they have the right to participate and form opinions because of evidence not necessarily admitted into court for consideration.

      I believe “the media,” is whipping up a mob mentality and that is as “unAmerican” as House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)

      See for information on HUAC.


      • “I am disturbed by anyone that “doesn’t like the questions jurors ask,” because the trial is may not be going as they see fit. The audience is not the jury, the judge, the prosecution or the defense, but more Americans every day seem to act like they have the right to participate and form opinions because of evidence not necessarily admitted into court for consideration.”

        TV talking heads and Americans have the right to freedom of speech. If NG lies and says Jodi has green hair today, the other, dissenting Americans have the right to disagree and change the channel. Let’s don’t monkey around with freedom of the press and freedom of speech.

        The TRUE problem is that the judge in this case didn’t sequester this jury and rip their iWhatevers out of their possession. Then, if NG says Green Haired Jodi, they will NEVER hear it while on this case.

        The judge is the real problem in this case. She worships JM apparently and let him rampage in her courtroom. Had she sequestered this jury I think there would have been a better, more fair verdict. Why shouldn’t JM do whatever he wants. There’s no one to stop him and the jurors can get their online analysis from their iPads in the jury room. A farce and there’s one person responsible for the farce. A female, but not NG. It’s her ?Honor? the Judge and she should be disbarred and a new trial for Jodi be begun.

        • I totally agree! She set the tone for this trial, when she let Martinez intimidate witnesses, yell and scream in the courtroom and let the ta family sit in the courtroom if they couldn’t control their facial expressions and gave the media every opportunity to influence the jurors.

    • The local stations I’ve found to be the least biased, but there really is no media other than this page that doesn’t trounce on Jodi’s rights. I heard nothing questioning the victims outside of this site and I don’t expect to. Yes I’m sorry for their loss. But no I don’t approve of them lying or overstating about it.

      • The constant eye rolling and smirking and making faces, is why I have absolutely no compassion for the ta family. The cop should have known better than to roll her eyes and make faces in a court of law. People who are doing these, are really not sad!

      • I agree. Even FOX who claims to be fair and balanced was beating the same drum pretty much as the Network did.

        Recently I caught a blurb of Megan Kelly speaking about the trial. She recited many incorrect facts about the trial, as factual. She was using that same kind of speaking style where her emphasis and tone was much the same as all the others. It’s disgusting!

        When did this style of presenting the news start to become their personal opinion show? At times I feel like I’m at the library listening to an adult reading a children’s fable, using an animated voice to ensure the little ones are understanding how really big the really, really big bad the wolf was.

        • Geraldo Rivera is the only one who seemed not to follow the crowd. Thank you Geraldo!

  41. Goodmorning friends! What happened with court yesterday? They went on break to be back at 2pm and then they didn’t continue?

    SJ, have fun on your vacation, you deserve it!

    Oh and another thing I can’t get out of my head: Stephen Alexander thought travis was bulletproof, could not be cut down or knocked down, unbreakable. Yall think he’s been whatching to much IRON MAN!

    • He’s 200lb. and strong. He seemed “bullet-proof” could not be cut down or knocked down, unbreakable. Yet Jodi was able to take him out with a knife.

      • Oh, yeah..I forgot about that part. So in addition to being an arrogant abusive deviant prick, he was capricious and didn’t appreciate the gift of life in the first place. Awesome.

        • JUST MY THOUGHTS!!! How many cars did he wreck? How many motorcyle accidents? That alone shows me that he was one of those people that take their lives for granted and do not care about racing cars and maybe taking livess of others. Really, do we know if anyone else was hurt in these accidents? If HE ruined other family lives leaving someone paraplegic or with post tramatic symptoms? I am sure that he has a record that unfortunately Jodi’s attornies neglected to investigate.

      • Why do the haters never think there is something very odd in the prosecutions theory of events that Jodi had a gun but chose to have a knife fight. Who does that?

        • The haters don’t care about reality or facts. They’d rather attack one human being for all of what is wrong in their world and make fun of us who have taken a step back and attempted to learn the truth and want our legal system to be fair and just for EVERYONE, not just ourselves.

          Plus the haters get a newly filled pitcher of kool aid to slurp daily that is designed to keep them mesmerized and under the hypnotic spell of their leaders who are only in it for ratings, their paycheck and job security. The Network couldn’t care one iota about truth, Jodi, Travis or his family.

        • EXACTLY Jeff! Thats what I dont understand, that the jury didn’t take thst into account! Just thst right there is reasonable doubt! Martinez himself had doubt! How did this even get to be a case?!

    • Court was dismissed early…it was said that some of the jurors were crying and they need the weekend to get more composure and to be ready to hear the rest of the impact statements on Monday…

      These are wildabouttrial tweets yesterday evening, Friday….that were on AZ central just moments before the court was dismissed for the rest of the day…

      Not sure what all the controversy over jurors crying is but hWild knows hWhat he saw. Definite tears on their way out.

      As for crying controversy. I sit in a spot where i have a direct line on wall with jurors as they exit and 110% am positive 2 females…

      Were visibly shaken and wiping tears from eyes. Other jurors also look uncomfortable in the faces and I made a point to look at each of them

      • Oh god……. see! Why even continue. Whatever Jodi or any other person has to say, the jury will be listening with earplugs on! Court had to be dismissed because the jurors were too shaken up?! COME- ON!!!!!

  42. I am feeling rather cheated that I got everything situated with my Snuggie and all, and the main event went undelivered. I thought that the Solid Gold Dancers were the opening act for the Crypt Keeper, and then she never showed. It’s like an SNL if the highly anticipated host just didn’t perform. It was hilarious, don’t get me wrong. I’ve never seen a victim impact statement that consisted primarily of relating the manner of notification of the death of the decedent. I also didn’t know that a stress induced stomach ulcer could be fatal. To be fair, JM’s opening made up for some of the disappointment as a whole, but since it came first, it really only served to build up my expectations further. I have some leftover chocolate chip cookies. I guess I can save them for JM’s closing. I’m hoping for a Snow White bedtime story. I’d love to see what the 9th Circuit would make of that.

    • LOL

      I laughed my ass off when he said he had ulcers that nearly killed him….

      yeah, that is believable 😉

      • I wonder how many health problems they had when they lived in the house with their drug addicted parents???

        • I like how the one with the polyester dress kept trying to make their disfunction charming. “…Our Crazy childhood…” “…Our fear of roaches…” Yeah, hon, I read your brother’s blog. Your childhood was crazy. Literally. And I know where your fear of roaches came from.

          • She tried to portray their childhood as normal,choosing ‘cute’,sweet memories that sounded ridiculously commonplace,as if taken out of a movie’s script! Pleeeeease….

  43. CBS tonight is doing a 48 hours special called “Unraveling the Lies of Jodi Arias”.

    • That woman is a bitch. How dare she? How dare she interview Jodi in 09, when she knew it was a bad idea.

      Fuck her.

      • I hope they are all haunted by remorse and guilt when and if they realize their role in that woman’s witch hunt!!

    • They should be doing a story called “Unraveling Lies of Travis Alexander”. We could discuss Mr. Hughes involvement with the pedo Charter school scandal. They need an anchor with balls to ask them questions as the people on this site would ask. I don’t recall seeing pics with Samantha or any family members. I’m sure they hardly spoke or saw him. Why do they feel the need to profit? The state pays for the prosecution. They were not required to be there if they didn’t want to look at JA. I also question the bed made, then unmade. Also show us the pics where TA is the one who is cocky, arrogant, and thinks he’s some kind of mentor. He’s a predator. He preyed upon Jodi, that’s why he converted her and kept her away from people. I am a survivor and I will tell you from experience. The siblings lying is typical in these situations, have experience with too. They run hand in hand. Remember: Birds of feather…Flock together!

      • Kelly, you are so right on target!

        ‘Birds of a feather….’ Do flock together (and in this case, they’re cuckoo)

        I can’t believe what they are doing to Jodi.

        But, this merely ROUND ONE……. she Will appeal and hopefully have better counsel.

        Once again the weekend passes and Jodi is ‘on hold’ while her Fate is in the Balance.

        I think that THIS is more CRUEL AND UNUSUAL’ that the ——-TWO MINUTES—-(drumroll please) that Juan Martinez described in his melodramatic soliloquy. The dude really likes to hear himself talk doesn’t he……..

        Godspeed Jodi.

  44. I’m not sure if this has been asked before, but I’m curious if Jodi or her defense team ever offered for her to take a Polygraph test? Arizona is one of the states that allows for Polygraph test and results to be introduced as evidence in court. Wouldn’t this have helped her abuse and pedophile claims?

      • Of course Pickles wouldn’t allow it to be used… this trial has been pro TA from day one. Anything that they could have shown that Jodi’s action was made after years of mental abuse, they flushed down the toilet. Just ot be on the safe side…pfff.

    • She did take one and requested it be entered into evidence. It was denied. The link to the motion was posted here.

    • I read the motion but it was asked to be entered into the penalty phase not the guilt phase… which seems odd – and if she passed and it supports her case why hasn’t it been “leaked” to the media? Since this case has played out in the court of public opinion and media it seems this could have bolstered her case/cause…

      • Only Juan Martinez has leaked interrogation tapes and acted like a completely moronic ham for the cameras. The Defence has been silent and did not play out factless charades ad nauseum on its own dedicated network.

    • My mom just told me that she was especially moved by Steven Alexander’s heartfelt testimony yesterday.

      I want a DNA test NOW.


        I feel the exact same way about my mom at times…(especially concerning Jodi).!!!! LOL LOL

      • I know what you mean. No matter what the matter is, you can guarantee my mom and I will have differing opinions on it. We are complete opposites. She told me yesterday that Jodi was fake crying during the impact statements. I was like, “Are you serious?”

      • Heartfelt?

        I am a bad dad because someone killed my brother..

        I am a bad husband because someone killed my brother…

        My brother was gonna be a high rolling pimp, until someone killed him…

        My brother talked about being so good…until someone killed him…

        I miss him, except when he was alive i bearly ever saw him…..

        I sure hope that i can finally sleep with the lights out, because we killed another person….

        Please pretend that killing Jodi will bring my brother back, so we can put the needle in her arm…

        Blah, blah fuckity blah blah….

        • Oh…and i was gonna quit smoking…until my brother was killed….

          …But then i got high, but then i got high but then i got high…buda bump bump bump…bump.

    • The video at the link states that her mother will not testify because the mother is being used in Jodi’s mitigation. Bad Mom, bad childhood will keep her Mom off the stand for the penalty phase….

      Also has a look at Jodi’t cell being used whil she’s on trial.

      • I was thinking that might be the reason after Nurmi listing the mitigating factors.

    • Her mother is probably scared to death. The Alexander mafia would attack her outside the courthouse. If it’s not them then the rest of the HLN clan.

      • This has gotten way out of hand! Wtf is going on in our country!? We’re letting greedy assholes in the media run our judicial system! I watched in anger, and disbelief the first day of the trial, and decided I couldn’t stand listenening to anymore lies, I made the mistake of turning on the tv last night to find a bunch of phony, sobbing liars do everything in their power to murder a young woman out of twisted revenge. Jodi never planned anything, but his family is planning premeditated murder.


      That being said, FY to all the haters and Nasty Grace who claimed she had “several infractions” including hiding pens and fighting.

      Sheriff Joe says she has had ONE. Involving CRAYONS.


      • That prick needs a beating. I would like to administer that beating myself when he gloats about being a sadistic fuck. “Hey, those are the RUUUUUULES.”

      • That fucking bitch NG went there to stir more shit…GOD I HATE HER WITH A PASSION !!!

      • That is sick. Bread and water. Can’t talk to the other inmates. Isn’t it already bad enough to have your freedom taken away? They want to torment her on top of it.

        And Nancy Grace, she’s nuts. She’s so filled with hatred it oozes out of the t.v. screen.

      • That’s not bread. It is a whole lot of stuff, veggies,meat, etc. blended together in a mostly unappetizing way. It’s not just bread.

      • Makes you wonder,really…How many sadists are out there in disguise?Hididing behind positions of authority,just to abuse it and derive pleasure out of it!

  45. Hello Hello
    I have not been posting much. I am going through my own courtroom battle with my son and his ex over my granddaughter. I am staying strong and things are looking up already.
    It breaks my heart to see Jodi in such pain and we cannot hug her and tell her we love her and believe her.

    I’d like to dedicate this song to Jodi

    “There’s a place that I go that nobody knows.
    Where the rivers flow and I call it home.
    And there’s no more lies; in the darkness, there’s light.
    And nobody cries, there’s only butterflies.”

    • Hey Trixels… I am sorry about your son and ex. That sucks.

      ps………..perfect song for Jodi 😀

    • Hey Trix! Custody battles stink bad. I’m so sorry to hear that you are having one of your own.

    • ((((((((Trixels))))))))
      I’ve been thinking about you and the hardships you’re going through-I pray everything works out and your son gets to hold his baby daughter in his arms once again.

  46. One more thing that has been bugging me:
    If they say that he finally died in the enterence of the bedroom down the hall then would someone tell me how the f*ck Jodi dragged his fat ass body to the bathroom and placed him in the shower. I have heard that a dead body becomes twice as heavy once dead. Take for instance someone that has fainted —> much more difficult to carry.
    A couple of days ago I read in one of the posts that maybe their cult got to him first and posed him in the shower (sth. about blood going back to the earth, I think).
    Did her attornies actually take the time to think about all this?

    • I am such a conspiracy theorist, and not a very good one. I CAN’T shake this thought tho. She defended herself…To what extent doesn’t matter, it was self defense. Proven. However, what if she made contact with someone, not sure how with the cell records not showing it but bear with me…Made contact and someone else did the clean up. Making sure he was dead, and Jodi is covering for them out of appreciation and love.

    • Pandora, no I don’t think so. The attorneys stayed clear of the possibility of the intruders and talked very little about the religion.

    • I don’t think it had to do with ‘taking the time’.Once the intruders’ story was off the table,why go there?Her attorneys were fighting a SD case,all the mormon talk couldnt and wouldnt of course focus on conspiracy theories,whose thought however some of us here have entertain,I must admit.

  47. Jodi may of requested or demanded no one speak 4 her….she looks like she wants 2 die…she will not tell because she’d have to go back to the psych unit….God will not let the evil media, Haters & the court of AZ continue to hurt Jodi this why…Hitler got away w/much Evil but finally was defeated & sent 2 hell where he belongs

    • Thanks for that quote and the jail house uniforms remind me of that and the bread and water too. They are all sick sucking ass holes in AZ

  48. Stupid question….possibly….

    Um, am I missing where the video from yesterday is posted?

          • Hi, Elna, is it? Hi, Elna, um…..quick question, exactly why is it that you are saying fuck you to me? Are you offering, asking, or do you have tourette’s syndrome of the fingers so you tend to type fuck you to random people for absolutely no reason at all?

            Let’s see, if you’re offering, I’ll pass. I’m saving myself for SirLips and now possibly Renee’ but I don’t know that either would have me. If you’re asking, look, I already said no. No means NO. If you have TS, well, I forgive you.

            I guess you could be hyper defensive, just waiting for a hater to come on here and troll, so you’re jumping the gun, if you will. Or, you could be a hating troll yourself. Since, I am weighing all possibilities, it wouldn’t be fair to leave myself out so it could be that I deserved the fuck you. After all, I did ask where the video of the impact statements were and, looking back, that was awfully disrespectful of me.

            Seriously, though, my awesomeness is epic so I highly doubt it was me. Whatever the reason is you decided to ‘fuck you’ me, I respect your opinion and refuse to judge you. I will not lash out at you in return, either.

            What I will do is leave you with this:

            I’d bet my right boob (it’s the smaller one just in case I’m wrong, although, that rarely happens but it never hurts to leave room for error), that you are actually quite awesome yourself. Though, you couldn’t tell by the comment you made to someone you do not know here. Don’t rain on your own awesomeness with your ‘fuck you’ comments like that, it’s just not right. Awesomeness is meant to SHINE and, if you handle yourself accordingly, your awesomeness can deliver a pretty powerful ‘fuck you’ on it’s own.

  49. Quick question: How can I put a picture next to my posts instead of having the one that is anonymous (the bleu one with the sideways ‘G’ ?

  50. ☾ Long after the sad details and sad verdict of the Jodi Arais trial fade into the haze of history’s forgotten injustices, one aspect of the entire miserable affair will be remembered…. that in this age of cyber bullying, cyber stalking, and cyber cimes…. the Arias trial has demonstrated the existence of cyber lynch mobs, and the very real threat they pose to anyone who seriously values the concept of justice. What would Atticus Finch think of the Arias trial? Not only would he have despised the tactics of the prosecutor, he would have been horrified by the gleeful chants of “burn the witch” and sickened by the tactics of the national news media’s relentless fanning of the flames of hatred❤☮Prayers 4 Jodi Arias○ °(((HUGS JODI))

  51. Actually, I don’t like the Alexanders. I felt some sympathy for Samantha yesterday, but TA’s brother seems really odd. Looks like he has some personal problems that are not truly connected with the murder. This family is full of vengeance. They won’t feel better, if Jody gets the DP. I think he should stop imagining the murder, blood and TA’s last words over and over again. He will never heal up like that. Life is not always great; sometimes people lose their siblings. But almost five years passed since that! I know people who lost their siblings, but they didn’t have to be treated by psychiatrists after that; they learned how to deal with that. It would be better if this odd brother stops thinking about the murder and TA’s last words. It would be reasonable for him to remember good features of his brother and some moments they spent together, so he will be able to move on. It is impossible to revive TA, he has to understand that and move on just remembering his brother. I didn’t feel sympathy when I was hearing his hysterical speech.

    • I agree Kate and his blaming of everything in his life on Jodi. I’m sorry for their loss but it really didn’t seem like they spent much time together anyway. Samantha was a little more believable in her grief but I think she lied about the date of the photo, and that is very odd to me. It would have had the same impact. Perhaps they were playing up that they got together more often than was true.

      • The only family member that Jodi ever met was his grandmother twice. I know he kept Jodi isolated, but she had met Travis in 2006.

    • I didn’t feel sympathy for them either but I was tearing up as I watched Jodi and saw her reaction to their words. I felt and feel so much sympathy for her.

      The more Jodi is publicly hated I find I care less and less about TA, his family and their pain.

      They are not the only ones who’ve lost a loved one. They won’t be the last. They would do much better if they would chose to stop the loop of the event and let that stain in their brain fade away. It will always be there but it can and will fade.

      Life is filled with pain and suffering for everyone. Some suffer more that others perhaps, but no one is immune nor exempt, and no one’s pain is more or less important than anyone else’s.

      • As I’ve repeatedly stated,nope no sypmathy whatsoever.Sympathy for whom?Samantha who tried her hardest trhoughout the trial to taint the jury by her constant freaking eye-rolling and smirking???Who would only turn on the waterwork when the camera was on her???She wasnt devastated yesterday,she got the stage fright that’s why her whole body was shaking!!If any of you has done professional or amateur dramatics and got the stage fright even once you know what Im talking about.You shake and have no control over your damn body-it’s because of being nervous,NOT mourning.Gimme a break.She knew the world would watch,that’s why she took care of every little fucking detail of her outfit and hairdo!Or Steven-Elvis-is-alive Alexander who sat there for months,EXPRESSIONLESS even when directly looking at the gruesome autopsy photos???Where were his grief,sadness and disgust then??Oh,no..He’s a tough boy!! It was a very well thought-out performance what we witnessed yesterday!Don’t be fooled.

    • She OBVIOUSLY felt for the Alexander family members. Only the inhuman talking heads from HIN, who earn their vampirous paychecks at the neck of this tragedy, insist on villanizing Jodi.

      TA’s brother was histrionic. Seemed to me he blamed every bad thing in his life on the loss of his brother. I call BS. Granted, we all tend to put the people we’ve lost up on pedestals. All we want to remember are the good qualities, the good times. That’s natural – but reality is that we all carry both dark and light, good and bad, within.

      I agree with Rainy’s perspective and also wonder if the members of his family who didn’t give impact statements aren’t better off, having moved forward with life after walking through the pain, nearly 5 years ago.

      The lack of compassion, the vengeance shown in this trial is really frightening. They all claim to be Christian, but that’s not what is portrayed ~ it’s really ugly.

      My husband believes that she may well of gotten a serious sex offender off the planet before he didn’t have a willing participant/victim. I don’t think there was enough evidence for that, but he brought up some interesting points.

      Jodi’s in our prayers.

      • Heather, your husband is right. You never know and the evidence WAS there, at least the beginning stages. Really, think about it. What kind of man gets off of thinking about a 12year old girl orgasm, NOT a 18year old, 19/20 year old, he SAID 12year old! HOT! I don’t think so! A man that even THINKS of a 12year old girl having an orgasm has serious issues and I don’t know if it matters that the person has had help with the issue or not. Its STILL there, the thought of a young innocent girl is STILL WAYYYYYYY WRONG!

    • Kate, I have not been impressed with the Alexander family, either. I feel for their loss, but somehow they come across as a bit fake to me. Samantha seems not very genuine in her sorrow to me. I mean, I know she hurts and feels sorrow, but I think she is a drama queen, too, in wanting to look that way. Their family is full of hate, and this wanting to file civil suit is absurd and wrong imo. When does the hate end and compassion begin, anyway? It’s time to get this over with and move on.

  52. if they wanted histrionics and shit they coulda let kermit help them give their statements, shittttttttttt on thattttttttttt

    • Sally, please go crawl back into the hole from where you came.

      Better yet, drop dead, and kneel before your leader, Saint Pedo Travis.

      ps………….. be careful for trees, he likes to tie people up to them and rape their, um… you know what, since your head is so far up yours.


    • Sally — Are you the genius who advised Samantha to dress like if Lizzy Borden fucked an 80s prostitute for court?

  53. Hi Everyone,

    I am still here and wanted to still show my support. I am still praying that someone (a juror, preferably) WILL stand up and scream out how this is not right. I am still writing to anyone I can to tell of this injustice. Please, let’s keep the faith and use the idea from The Secret to visualize an upside to all this.


    And to the haters – yes, many of US are abused and that’s why we recognize what happened to Jodi. While I never had to defend myself in her position, I understand what she must have went through. JUST LEAVE, you say. Well it’s not that fucking easy. How can you leave when you are trapped – some of us have cars taken away, moved to an isolated place (conned into it), phones taken away, no connect to the outside world and no money! We can’t leave, you slimy fucks! Where would we live? Where would our children live?

    And in Jodi’s case – maybe she had her car and cell but she could not break that fucking ‘umbilical’ type cord that TA had on her. He followed her with texts, vms, brought her into his ppl and moron (oops, mormon) circle so the only way for her to get away completely would be to start a new life – not as easy as it sounds. He tricked her away from her true friends and those that truly loved her – he tricked her with religion and the false promise of love. HIS OWN WORDS SAID THAT and it is not unusual for a prick-abuser to do that. They use tricks to isolate you. And quit telling yourselves that the DT was somehow making this shit up because all of this proven by TA himself.

    I still hold out hope that, once things calm down, people will see TA’s true colors and quit lying to themselves about him. He was no saint – but Jodi is, in my eyes.

        • Okay, you’re repeating yourself. Either put some fucking effort into your posts, or GTFO. Trolling makes you an asshole, but being an unimaginative troll is more egregious.

          You’re boring, Sally W. Quit clogging our threads.

          • LOL Basse! Yes she was very boring. 🙂

            Ugly Sally must be going thru withdrawal today cuz she’s not getting her daily fix of fresh footage of eye rolling cry baby sister, the very fashionable meth head sunken-in cheeked, skeleton faced big sis, and the snarly lipped, wussy, so scared of the dark little bro who has the weirdest hair look going on.?

            …. What was that pouf of hair on the top of his forehead about?

            He should have worn dead Travis’ very cool Eddie Snell wig for his performance yesterday. It may have helped motivate the jury to have some emotions 😉

            • He should have worn dead Travis’ very cool Eddie Snell wig for his performance yesterday. It may have helped motivate the jury to have some emotions.

              haahhaahhahaaaaaa omg I just pictured that! LMOA

            • Okay, as much as I hate that Eddie Snell fucker that Travis did, I would choose listening to Eddie Snell over Steven Alexander every time.

    • Classy lady Sally, prime example of the people that support abusers like Travis, thank you for only reinforcing what we all have been saying over here, you are trash

        • Right? childish behavior, it is so sad but actually I glad to have proof of their actions, right here and right now

    • Hey I’m in love with sirlips and SJ too! <3 <3

      They are better men than your ass licking anal fucking child molester liar could ever hope to be.

      Travis is rotting in hell. Go visit. I'm sure he'd like to fuck your ass

      • Watch it Rainy, I proposed to Sirlips yesterday and he accepted. You don want none-a me 🙂 lol

        • i missed the trolls comments, did i make it into the rant? Damn it, i missed it.

          This mormon shit can get complicated! I have a hard enough time picking between my left and right hand…this could get complicated.

          • I think you made the A Team, sirlips. But ask Renee’, she’ll remember for sure.

          • Shit! I missed the troll too…And I was so in the mood for live venting!!

        • But, but, but, Lucy, he told me you are stalking him. He told me he accepted your proposal only because he is very scared of you.

          He told me you were crazy and you would tell me lies and prob say your getting married. See??He was right!!!

          And since were are getting things out into the open …..he really suspects it was you who ran over his beloved dog snatchy but he has zero proof. He suspects you drove to New Mexico to kill his poor beloved dog because you knew he was planning on taking that dog with him, instead of Y.O.U. when he moved out to the farm in a few years. He thinks you were so jealous of his love for his dog and I’m sure he is correct!

          He snooped thru your purse and couldn’t find any gas station receipts but noticed you dyed your hair from Lucy Red to Ethel Brown. Plus a few days after poor spoofy’s maggot infested, rotting, limp carcass was found he noticed his lunch pail was missing. Proof you packed a lunch so you wouldn’t have to stop at McDonald’s along the way and risk someone noticing any dog hair’s that might have stuck to the bumper.

          Keep your claws off my boy … he is very scared of you

          😉 😉



    • Krystal Roberts is a regular poster. Sally W is a pathetic troll, who will be removed about right now.

      Ignore everything about her… I have notified the proper people and she will be gone toot sweet.

  55. the creeps r here attacking evryone☾ Long after the sad details and sad verdict of the Jodi Arais trial fade into the haze of history’s forgotten injustices, one aspect of the entire miserable affair will be remembered…. that in this age of cyber bullying, cyber stalking, and cyber cimes…. the Arias trial has demonstrated the existence of cyber lynch mobs, and the very real threat they pose to anyone who seriously values the concept of justice. What would Atticus Finch think of the Arias trial? Not only would he have despised the tactics of the prosecutor, he would have been horrified by the gleeful chants of “burn the witch” and sickened by the tactics of the national news media’s relentless fanning of the flames of hatred❤☮Prayers 4 Jodi Arias○ °(((HUGS JODI))

    • Who cares if someone is gay? What century do you live in, is that supposed to be an insult? Grow up you sad person, you are only hurting yourself and the supporters of abusers, showing us all proof of the horrible things you have been saying and doing to people

      • “Who cares if someone is gay?”

        CHRISTIANS, kmea. The same Christians who advocate vengeance, and want to kill a woman in Jesus’ name.

        • “who cares if someone is gay?”

          Travis does. Remember his comments about Jodi’s little brother?

          • Yes, wasn’t he charming? A homophobic, racist, misogynistic, abusive, PEDOPHILE. So much for his disciples to love!

            • Yes, but now i have nightmares and cant sleep in the dark!!! leave my brudder alone you meanies!

  56. A decade or two ago, when bulletin discussion boards were still fairly new, there was a standard line for dealing with antisocial personality disordered posters who reveal themselves either sooner or later.

    It was: “don’t feed the trolls!” Do people still say this? I think it’s still a golden rule, because, without attention, they lose their power.

  57. “There are some people who always seem angry and continuously look for conflict. Walk away; the battle they are fighting isn’t with you, it is with themselves.”

    • This is amusing more than anything. Can’t you do something since you’re the “attorney” among us? Hahaha

  58. Sally W we’ve crossed paths before except you were (well pick one)
    R Bro, guest, Lizzard, Bill, Justice4Travis

    Your still an asshole no matter what username you go by. Go away little man
    Your not wanted here.

  59. “. So dance, celebrate, have your macabre victory party. My hope is that your dance of death is futile and only attracts many dark things into your life.” 2 the haters a GWEN quote



  62. I’ve been reading about sociopathy, and there are now estimates that about 1 in 25 people meet the criteria. So, it’s not surprising that a few are lurking here, in the shadows, trying to fill up their emptiness with excitement.

  63. I hope all the gay people that support TA see that and come here, where we don’t discriminate against anybody… gay or no gay.


  64. ADMINS: Thank you for your quick response to the request to ban that silly man sally.

    I feel very safe here because you are so fast to block the pedophiles who slip in the side door.


  65. I am sorry I engaged the prick. I don’t appreciate being called a “see you next Tuesday” and I CERTAINLY do not appreciate being attacked for my sexuality.

    I am sorry everyone.

    • Do NOT be sorry my friend! This is 2013, and the whole gay argument is stupid and irrelevant. I imagine anyone who needs to go “there” is struggling with their own sexuality and desires.

      I love you, J, and you are my hero, gay, straight, who gives a FUCK????

      • Awwww I missed all the fun obviously. Sorry Janeen 🙁 Obviously someone who doesn’t know your kind heart.

        • I missed all the fun too! Boo hoo boo hoo…
          I think I’ll soon have another chance 😉

    • Don’t apologize. That troll can fuck off, as can any others. We like you for who you are, Janeen! 🙂

    • No worries Janeen. It was actually quite entertaining. Have you ever thought of writing a book of comebacks? You are very quick with the. I just might use a few myself. lol.

      Put me down for an autographed copy please.

    • It’s difficult not to react when you’re suddenly baited that way.

      Not my business, but … I wonder if the site administrator might want to post a protocol–a permanent link at the top of the page, maybe?–for dealing with trolls. So that people are more prepared to ignore them.

    • no, janeen you did an AWSOME job!!! Everyone did!! Thanks guys, you all are So good I didn’t even get to read or respond to the TROLL LOSER! lol

  66. Here’s my draft of 7 major types of unfairness in the trial. I’ve omitted JM’s endless bullying of witnesses and distortion of their testimony, because some will find this a judgment call. If you think I’m omitting any major type that might be an appealable issue, please suggest it. Don’t worry about polishing my text. Just tell me if you have another broad category that you think the list should add. I will draft a letter this weekend, then do my own search on leading appellate criminal attorneys to send it to.

    List of Main Types of Gross Unfairness in JA Trial

    1 Witness intimidation of Alyce LaViolette, during her testimony, by national campaign to damage her career, not to mention threats leading to her hospitalization. Judge did nothing substantial even to investigate, let alone to stop, such intimidation.

    2 Governor Jan Brewer’s statement on TV, during jury deliberations, that the defendant is guilty.

    3 Obvious perjury by medical examiner Kevin Horn on at least two issues: incapacitation by frontal-lobe injuries, and whether the dura mater was penetrated. On the latter, he repudiated his own autopsy report for containing a “typo” stating that the dura mater was intact. Since there is no way this could be a typo, the bullet could not have entered the decedent’s brain, let alone incapacitated him, as Horn testified to block the defense theory. In any case, it is well-known that frontal-lobe damage need not be incapacitating, contrary to Horn’s testimony. There was also possible perjury on other points by Horn and by other state witnesses, such as detective Flores, as in changing the order of gun and knife wounds.

    4 Absurd, ever-changing prosecution theory of the crime. The state’s narrative was a mélange of medical impossibilities and flagrant inconsistencies, even before prosecutor Juan Martinez, at the aggravation hearing, offered a new story unsupported by evidence and contradicting his own prior claims.

    5 Legally nonsensical verdict by seven jurors who voted for both felony murder and premeditated murder. In the state’s case, these were inconsistent theories of the crime assuming incompatible facts, so this verdict is unsupported by evidence.

    6 Nonsequestration of jury during a media campaign, of unprecedented intensity, of hatred and vilification of the defendant. While TV and social-media ran a savage daily witch trial, jurors had unlimited access to all of it not just at home, but even in the courthouse itself. The judge’s actions to avoid jury taint were clearly ineffective, since one dismissed juror admitted on TV talking with other people about the case, though he had never admitted it when questioned by the judge. Even County Attorney Bill Montgomery warned that failure to sequester the jury could create problems on appeal.

    7 Gross disparity between charges in this case (M1 with death penalty) and in other Arizona homicide trials, even in the same courthouse, of nondomestic homicides with far more aggravating factors, which ended in plea bargains and short prison terms.

    • Maybe you can add:

      8. “Judge” Perry coming out during deliberations discussing the CA case and how the jury got it wrong. Can you say “jury influence” much?

          • Oh yes, that was a banner moment on his part. Funny how he cancelled his appearance with Nancy Grace…maybe he realized that everyone would be trying to recuse him in the future for being a biased judge.

            Casey’s jury is to be admired. Obviously they had to be DP qualified as well, but they did not go there or even come close.

    • Chris,

      Great job!!!

      Thanks for getting things started. I know I am here for the duration, supporting Jodi all the way, through the appeal process and overturning this verdict.

      Appreciate your efforts and look forward to the upcoming letter. Keep us posted and let us know if there is anything we can do to be helpful.

    • Chris, how about the judge’s inability to control TA’s family eye rolling/ facial gestures and its effect on the jury?

    • Love #7 and the drug dealer that got decapitated and the killer was allowed to plea to murder 2 and get 14 years. Why? Because no one cared about a drug dealer but a Mormon god gets full attention.

    • Great! I’m hoping #6 will make pickles step down as a judge and as a member of the Bar.
      I, personally, believe no sequestration to be the most glaring error in this trial, but IANAL.

      Good job.

    • Chris

      Point 4 is the biggest issue I see, but unfortunately that only affects the aggravation phase. Prior to trial the state must show probable cause for their aggravation charges, which they did using Flores testimony, which of course changed during the trial. The state may have covered their butts with respect to the trial by notifying the defense prior to the trial, about this change, but I don’t believe they should be allowed to argue an aggravation charge that cleared a probable cause hearing based on false testimony. However, if overruled by an appeals court this would only affect the aggravation charge and possibly a DP, not the M1 verdict.

      The defense did argue against the felony murder charge on the grounds that if the intention of the crime was M1 all along then the felony murder charge is not allowed (there is an AZ supreme court ruling to that affect). During the argument to this point JM said that actually the intended felony he was alleging was assault, and the killing happened due to the assault and Pickles allowed it. Legally, this would be OK, as long as the jury said that there was no premeditated murder involved and now the M2 arises to the level of M1 due to the felony burglary. However, given that 7 members of the jury found for both premed and felony murder something is wrong. Of course I don’t think this jury is smart enough, or gives a damn about what they did, however the appeals court may have something to say about it.

      As far as JM’s behavior is concerned, Pickles felt he hadn’t crossed the line, but an appeals court may disagree, but I don’t know.

      Often times, it seems the appeals issues arise on real technicalities, which are way beyond the ken of non-appeals lawyers, however, it also seems to me that appeals courts, take those technicalities in conjunction with other factors and make stuff up to fit what they really think the just ruling should be, so we’ll have to wait and see.

      Personally, I feel that their best chance, from what I as a non-lawyer, can see lies in a combination of the non-sequestration of the jury (if they can show some substance to it) and the ineffective assistance of counsel. However the ineffective assistance of counsel comes after the first direct appeal, so that might be a while.

      • AI,
        Thanks very much for your advice. Some of it confuses me, though.
        Re my point 4, are you saying there were no “medical impossibilities and flagrant inconsistencies” in the state’s case before the aggravation hearing? But Horn on the “typo” was the last day of trial, as I recall. And did the state never fall into any other impossibilities or inconsistencies during trial before that?
        Also, I’m confused about the supposed felony in felony murder. You mention both assault and burglary. In common law burglary was breaking and entering a dwellingplace at night with intent to commit a felony therein. I haven’t looked at AZ’s definition. But did the state seriously suggest that Jodi broke into the house? Wouldn’t staying overnight and having a consensual sex fest negate that, because then the killing could not possibly happen in the commission of a felony since she was there with consent? Some people have said that drawing a weapon in someone else’s home is a felony, but can Arizona be so insane as to say that you have no right to resist deadly force by a householder while consensually in his home? Surely not. So what possible felony could the jurors have had in mind?
        Also, can anyone point me to where in the records the argument over admitting this charge occurred?

    • Some others to coonsider adding to the list:

      1) Holding evidence, denying its exsistance then producing this same evidence against the defendant at trial. (Nurmi did a motion to have the trial stopped because of this)

      2) failure to produce evidence that was admitted into court, ie, the gun, the knife, etc…

      3) My biggest issue though has to be this: If you are going to charge someone of “theft” then dont you have to actually CHARGE THEM WITH THEFT? The state used the fact that jodi stole the gun from grandpa, but they never charged her with this crime. If this crime could then be used to aggravate the murder charge, then i believe that they should have had to charge her with felony theft also. This theft charge should have ran its course FIRST, before the murder trial, in its own trial, then ONLY if she was found guilty should they have been able to use it in this trial. The state did not charge her with this seperate crime for 2 reasons, they COULDNT PROVE IT and if they actually charged her with it, then they couldnt have made the “either or” argument for Felony to murder. Either she stole it from grandpa or from travis…or grnadpa…or travis..or… The law doesnt work that way. They got an UNPROVEN charge into court, without even charging her. THIS IS A TRICK, not justice.

      4) Jodi was not allowed to have a means to reasonably defend herself durring this trial. She was woken up at 3AM. She was fed the required rations for a prisoner, but she was not on the same schedule as a prisoner…she should have been given extra accomidations while fighting for her innocence. These exceptions are made for a reason, there are LOTS of examples for this…this is why they allow defendants to be unshackled, dressed well etc… they dont allow this is jail, but durring trial they get extra rights. She should have been given ample food to keep healthy and energy levels up durring this trial.

      • Thank you!!! Your number three on here is exactly what has bothered me more than almost anything!!! She was never chargedwith the burglary so how the fuck can they use it in her murder trial?!

        • Didn’t Dirty Sanchez say during close that Jodi stole Travis’ gun after she shot him? And that THAT is what made Jodi eligible for M1, even though he claimed she stole her grandpa’s gun to commit M1 at the beginning of the trial?

          • Actually, trespassing is considered a class 6 felony if done a certain way. I can’t recall the exact way that would be right now but I remember reading it and, technically, Jodi committed it. Basically, and I vaguely recall JM mentioning this, Jodi was no longer a welcome visitor the moment she threatened Travis with a weapon. She’s now there unlawfully and, apparently, it is worse to remain on a residential property after being told to go then it is to simply sneak onto property unbeknownst to it’s owner. The Felony part of the M1, I believe, is not in relation to the stolen gun but in relation to her trespassing.

            It’s totally petty and shows how desperate the state was to secure a conviction that allows for the Death Penalty. However, the law is the law and, by definition of that law, Jodi was trespassing. Trespassing is a felony and any homicide, accidental or not, that takes place during the commission of a felony crime is treated like M1. If you have a media influenced jury or if you have a jury that follows their instructions to the letter like the Casey jurors did, using this slick little loophole of ‘Felony’ to score M1 will almost never lose.

            It’s a petty chicken shit loophole. But, it’s also brilliant. If it was anyone other than Jodi,……ooooh, say, Nancy Grace…….if JM was prosecuting Nancy Grace and he didn’t have enough hard evidence to prove premed without reasonable doubt so he threw Felony murder in as a back up, I would respect him for it and give it the brilliant credit due.

            But, since it’s not NG, I can’t give JM the brilliant credit. Instead, I call it bitchassness to the nth degree.

      • Arizona can not charge her for theft if the gun was stolen from her Grandparents, that jurisdiction belongs to California. And that is why I found it difficult to include the charge of felony murder. The state theory is that the stolen gun from California was used in the murder of TA. However all the evidence is circumstantial. Until they can truly link the gun stolen from her Grandparents to TA death and prove that Jodi stole the gun, how can there be felony murder? And now if you take away premeditation then there can be no M1 charge or conviction. That just leaves the jury with M2 or manslaughter. This is one of many issues that can get Jodi a new trial.

        • “Until they can truly link the gun stolen from her Grandparents to TA death and prove that Jodi stole the gun, how can there be felony murder? ”

          Someone said that the predicate felony was not a theft but that she pulled out a gun in someone else’s home. Just the threatening display of any firearm in someone else’s domicile. I don’t know which is correct, but someone here said that a couple of days ago. IANAL.

        • Exactly! And if she wasn’t charged with the burglary in California, then how the hell can they accuse her of it and use it against her? It seems entirely unconstitutional!

          • My brain is mush right now, but my understanding is that AZ deviated from the standard concepts of common law in criminal cases and established its own criminal statutes whereby felony murder is charged if murder occurs while a person is in the process of committing another crime (or, I think, also while fleeing from the crime). At the point that Jodi first “attacked” Travis, she was no longer welcome in his home, so the common law concept requiring breaking and entering is NOT required under AZ law. The pertinent statutes are: ARS 13-1506 and 13-1507 which require entering unlawfully OR remaining unlawfully.

      • Hi Sirlips, I meant to thank you for many of your humourous posts but I don’t remember whether I did or not as the last week or so has been quite chaotic for me, and I’ve been, on occasion, drugged to the eyeballs with prescription medication with nasty side effects. My apologies if I haven’t thanked you for your wonderful humour. You, sir, have quite the way with words.

        >>>1) Holding evidence, denying its exsistance then producing this same evidence against the defendant at trial. (Nurmi did a motion to have the trial stopped because of this)

        I don’t recall this occurring DURING trial. Can you point me to that motion? If it occurred before trial, there may be an argument that the defense did not have sufficient time to prepare for trial. But without continued objections during trial to that effect (which may have been made during sealed hearing?), this point may be waived.

        >>>2) failure to produce evidence that was admitted into court, ie, the gun, the knife, etc…

        I don’t understand your point here. Could you please elaborate?

        >>>3) My biggest issue though has to be this: If you are going to charge someone of “theft” then dont you have to actually CHARGE THEM WITH THEFT? The state used the fact that jodi stole the gun from grandpa, but they never charged her with this crime. If this crime could then be used to aggravate the murder charge, then i believe that they should have had to charge her with felony theft also. This theft charge should have ran its course FIRST, before the murder trial, in its own trial, then ONLY if she was found guilty should they have been able to use it in this trial. The state did not charge her with this seperate crime for 2 reasons, they COULDNT PROVE IT and if they actually charged her with it, then they couldnt have made the “either or” argument for Felony to murder. Either she stole it from grandpa or from travis…or grnadpa…or travis..or… The law doesnt work that way. They got an UNPROVEN charge into court, without even charging her. THIS IS A TRICK, not justice.

        Yes, it’s tricky, but I think under felony murder, they got away with it anyway. Once Jodi decided to assault Travis (which of course, we all dispute here), felony murder was permissible.

        >>>4) Jodi was not allowed to have a means to reasonably defend herself durring this trial. She was woken up at 3AM. She was fed the required rations for a prisoner, but she was not on the same schedule as a prisoner…she should have been given extra accomidations while fighting for her innocence. These exceptions are made for a reason, there are LOTS of examples for this…this is why they allow defendants to be unshackled, dressed well etc… they dont allow this is jail, but durring trial they get extra rights. She should have been given ample food to keep healthy and energy levels up durring this trial.

        Let me start by saying that I haven’t researched case law on this issue at all. The burden here would be to prove that other inmates WERE sufficiently capable of assisting counsel in their defense because they WERE provided with schedule accommodations during trial. If there’s one other capital murder defendant in AZ who was not accommodated in the manner you require, for a similarly lengthy trial, and was acquitted, I believe you would lose on this point. You could review US Supreme Court case law on this issue, however, and see if there is any precedent.

        • Also, I think medical reports proving that Jodi was not coherent during the trial because of the conditions you outlined, would be required.

          • But that would be countered by the fact that Jodi spent 18 days on the stand and was coherent enough to sufficiently testify and even challenge the prosecutor during cross. This would be a tough one.

    • I think it would be better to have #5 be that she was overcharged, because the felony part of the finding was not that she stole the gun, but that she was “trespassing”, as in once she started defending herself than she was no longer welcome in the house. That’s how the jurors found both premeditation and felony. The law is written stupidly- Jodi mentioned that in her interview, how she understood how the jury could find felony, but not pre-meditation- and it’s grossly unfair.

      If any of you live in Arizona there’s several organizations that are trying to abolish the death penalty, but I’ll look to find ones that oppose the ridiculous murder one definitions. How could she be trespassing if it was TA keeping her there? But I guess the jury bought the story that Jodi just started stabbing TA because she’s so full of evil, I’m surprised Juanabee didn’t blame pms for it.

      • Thanks! Can you or anyone give me details and a reference to the evidence that was denied, withheld, then used against the defendant?

        On the alleged gun theft: I’m having trouble grasping how that could be the felony in felony murder in the first place. Wasn’t the theft weeks before the killing? Doesn’t felony murder require that the death be during the commission of the felony? But then the felony would have been over weeks before. I guess I should look at the AZ felony-murder statute. Again, though, can anyone give me a reference to this argument?

      • As I said above, this seems to me an impossible theory in AZ or any other state. I just don’t believe that any state law would say you cannot defend yourself against unjustified deadly force by the householder in his home. Then any householder could murder at will. But defending herself against (reasonably perceived) deadly force is exactly what the defense said Jodi was doing.

    • Chris,
      I think this could fall under “vilification of the defendant” some the haters on soicial media refer to her as Hodi Oddias. Their way of calling her a whore and odd. JM never referred to her as Hodi but several times during the trial he would pronounced her last name Oddias or other social media terminogoly. He knew damn well what he was doing and knew the correct pronunciation of her name. Also, he referred to Jodi as “that” there and “it”. Vilification..I thought so.

      Another thing…Jodi said, on the stand, she didn’t want to do the linebacker pose. thing you know JM has her to get up and show the linebacker pose. How can he insist she show him after she said she didn’t want to?

      Not much help on my part but they pissed me off.

      • Ann, I think he pronounced Arias with a Spanish pronunciation and I don’t think there’s any grounds for that on appeal.

        Referring to Jodi in a derogatory manner, which he did (“the whitish blondish thing in the lap”) may fall under depersonalization of the defendant in a prosecutorial misconduct issue, but it would be weak. There more in regards to his bullying of witnesses that would be a stronger argument, in my opinion.

    • I agree completely, the media coverage of a non celebrity defendant was unprecedented.
      It is ridiculous to assume that a non sequestered jury would not know of what is going on
      outside the courtroom.We are in different age of instant communication then we were even 10
      years ago. I think this trial is ripe for appeal.

      The that governor Brewer spoke of Jodie s guilt and in the next breath says she knows little about
      the case is a gross ethical violation

    • Hey Chris, let me see if I can focus on the screen long enough to respond to your posts. Pardon me if I sound a bit off.

      Are you sending your list to appellate attorneys in AZ? Remember, the attorney has to be licensed in AZ to file an appeal. Otherwise, they would have to work under the direct supervision of an appellate attorney in AZ, and many attorneys do not like to do that.

      >>>1 Witness intimidation of Alyce LaViolette, during her testimony, by national campaign to damage her career, not to mention threats leading to her hospitalization. Judge did nothing substantial even to investigate, let alone to stop, such intimidation.

      This was a dreadful thing to happen to Ms. LaViolette, unfortunately. However, it didn’t result in any errors in the trial process. ALV still testified in full, was cross-examined, redirected, and answered juror questions. Therefore, it has no bearing on appeal.

      >>>2 Governor Jan Brewer’s statement on TV, during jury deliberations, that the defendant is guilty.

      If there’s independent evidence that the jurors were aware of Governor Brewer’s statement prior to reaching their verdict AND that Governor Brewer’s statement influenced them in any way, then, this is may be a point for appellate consideration. However, the burden of proof is on the appellant (i.e., Jodi) to prove that one or more jurors (a) were aware of the statement (i.e., they disregarded the admonition and reviewed media coverage of the statement); and (b) the statement influenced the jurors’ deliberations (e.g., one juror, during deliberations, made a statement such as “Governor Brewer believes she’s guilty, so we should vote accordingly.” Or, subsequent to trial, a juror made a statement such as, “I was leaning towards a “not guilty on first degree murder verdict” until I heard Governor Brewer’s statement which then, sealed the deal for me.” Short of absolute proof that one or more jurors heard and were influenced by the statement, this issue, if raised on appeal, would be thrown out. There is considerable case law on this subject.

      >>>>3 Obvious perjury by medical examiner Kevin Horn on at least two issues: incapacitation by frontal-lobe injuries, and whether the dura mater was penetrated. On the latter, he repudiated his own autopsy report for containing a “typo” stating that the dura mater was intact. Since there is no way this could be a typo, the bullet could not have entered the decedent’s brain, let alone incapacitated him, as Horn testified to block the defense theory. In any case, it is well-known that frontal-lobe damage need not be incapacitating, contrary to Horn’s testimony. There was also possible perjury on other points by Horn and by other state witnesses, such as detective Flores, as in changing the order of gun and knife wounds.

      There is obviously a discrepancy between Flores’s testimony during the Chronis hearing and Horn’s testimony on the witness stand. That’s an issue that has been filed as an interlocutory appeal, but the appellate court denied jurisdiction while the trial was ongoing. It could certainly be raised again in a plenary appeal.

      In response to your other points, whether we believe Dr. Horn committed perjury or not, substantiating that opinion is basically impossible unless Dr. Horn testified previously during any other pretrial hearing, and I don’t believe he did, but please correct me if I’m wrong. While it may be well known that frontal lobe damage may not be incapacitating, the defense did not put on a witness with a medical degree to testify as such. They put on a neuropsychologist. Horn was testifying as to his opinion, as a medical examiner. In my opinion, in order to have preserved this issue correctly for appeal, the defense would have needed another MD to testify differently.

      >>>4 Absurd, ever-changing prosecution theory of the crime. The state’s narrative was a mélange of medical impossibilities and flagrant inconsistencies, even before prosecutor Juan Martinez, at the aggravation hearing, offered a new story unsupported by evidence and contradicting his own prior claims.

      The problem here again is that the defense did not put witnesses on the stand to preserve this issue for appeal. Depending upon when the defense was notified of the sequence of wounds the prosecution intended to proceed with, which appears to have been one year before trial, the defense did not file a motion for a new finding of probable cause in a timely manner (i.e., 20 days before trial) and may, therefore, have waived their right to do so. Reviewing the court’s findings in this regard, I think an appellate court would affirm.

      >>>5 Legally nonsensical verdict by seven jurors who voted for both felony murder and premeditated murder. In the state’s case, these were inconsistent theories of the crime assuming incompatible facts, so this verdict is unsupported by evidence.

      The jury had the right to choose which theory they found most credible, and they did so. I don’t really understand your point that the verdict was not supported by the evidence, here.

      >>>6 Nonsequestration of jury during a media campaign, of unprecedented intensity, of hatred and vilification of the defendant. While TV and social-media ran a savage daily witch trial, jurors had unlimited access to all of it not just at home, but even in the courthouse itself. The judge’s actions to avoid jury taint were clearly ineffective, since one dismissed juror admitted on TV talking with other people about the case, though he had never admitted it when questioned by the judge. Even County Attorney Bill Montgomery warned that failure to sequester the jury could create problems on appeal.

      The jurors repeatedly denied watching media coverage of the case. Again, the burden of proof is on the appellant that they actually did watch coverage. If I’m not mistaken, that juror admitted only that his co-workers mentioned the case to him, but not that he discussed it with them. For me, that begs the question as to how his co-workers knew he was performing jury duty on this case. Was there another lengthy trial proceeding at the same time? Did the co-workers just assume? Or, did he actually tell them? However, all of those questions are moot as this juror was not involved in final deliberations. He was dismissed prior to deliberations.

      >>>7 Gross disparity between charges in this case (M1 with death penalty) and in other Arizona homicide trials, even in the same courthouse, of nondomestic homicides with far more aggravating factors, which ended in plea bargains and short prison terms.

      Can you elaborate? Can you point to those other cases and demonstrate the differences? I challenge you on this because no appellate attorney is going to spend time investigating without substantiation of this fact.

      You may have a greater argument (because there is case law to support) that JM’s conduct during the trial was prosecutorial misconduct, but you might want to find the pertinent cases that could apply before contacting an appellate attorney. You may also want to review the defense’s motions regarding various issues and research any case law cited therein. My brain is pretty much mush at the moment, but I’m pretty sure the motions were available to the public. However, if the prosecution filed responses, I would suggest reading them also, and researching any case law therein as well. You can request copies from the court.

      I hope that helps. In my opinion, if you truly want to interest an appellate attorney, you need more to go on than the points you have. I know you’re not a lawyer, but I am trying to look at this from the viewpoint of a lawyer (even though I’m not one either but I was taught to “think” like one). I would imagine there are appellate attorneys already looking into this and before going further, I’d suggest determining who they are. Perhaps contacting Jodi’s family would help you in that regard.

  67. OMG!!! I was gone for about 10 minutes trying to get a gravatar pic and come back to read about this intruder… my lord!!! Best thing you did was not pay attention to her/him and let them get poisoned by their own venom… Good riddins!!! (Sorry for my spelling mistakes – Greek person here!!!)

  68. Chris
    what about pros misconduct? not only did he throw pen,etc., he threw a piece of evidence- the camera. also interviewing in front of the court house.

      • Chris- sure. anything else I can do be glad to help. I’m not an atty but I can research etc.
        I think what is happening to Jodi is such an injustice. We have to look at the big picture and focus on appeal- everybody in this country should be worried that this could happen to them or a loved one. All we are doing is trying to uphold the constitution and justice for all.
        Sorry if this sounds preachy but I truly believe this.

        • Zoe – I feel the same way. I think most people aren’t concerned because this is happening to someone else, not them, but like you said next time it could happen to them or one of their loved ones.

    • How about the little stunt JM pulled by suddenly pitching a horrible picture on the projector.
      Totally out of context, for shock value only, while cross-examining some witness and not only Jodi was horrified, TA’s family ran crying from the courtroom. En masse.


  69. Hi everyone, I am so excited because I received my Survivor t shirt in the mail today. It was packaged beautifully with tissue paper around it and a letter from Jodi and her family around that and then a beautiful purple bow tied around that. I felt so honored and full of emotion when I untied it. Our girl Jodi is truly our pride and joy.

    • Let me know about the sizing- are they pretty true to what it says or do they run big/small?

    • Sherry, Wow! Sounds lovely!

      I always find when time is taken to make the package fun to open it’s a huge message of how much your purchase meant from the sender! What a brilliant touch to have the personal message. I haven’t ordered yet but plan to soon. Now I an even more anxious to get mine ordered! Thanks for your report! 🙂

      Can you take a pic of you wearing it and use it as your avatar? That would be very cute!

  70. JUST A QUICK REMINDER PEEPS — if/when you spot any trolls or pedo-huggers, your best option is to email us with their username asap. That way we can act fast and do a quick clean up. We watch and monitor the new posts all the time, but we don’t check regular comments posted in the site all the time – so a quick email is always the best way.

    Thanking you as always :mrgreen:

    >>> WE ARE TEAM JODI >>>

    • Thank You SJ!!

      Gosh I was on a “mission” and missed all the fun!! Sorry Janeen, you and I are Outta the closet!
      I’m just mad because I wanted to be lesbian too cause I am SO IN LOVE WITH YOUR SEXY BOSS ASS!!

    • I will be be…er…ANN and I will be selling anti-troll spray. ALL proceeds will go to the “”

  71. I ordered a large black Survivor shirt and I am about a 38 upstairs. It is very flattering. No bagginess at all you know like with regular t shirts. It is fitted. Sexy actually, thank you Jodi for the perfect fitting shirt! I am so proud to be wearing Jodi’s shirt. I wish it had her picture on it.

  72. If you like having looseness to your shirt order a size up. Otherwise it is form fitting. I love it!

  73. ☆○”There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” Elie Wiesel ✿☮ ƸӜƷJodi Arias”¨*•♥Goodnite all…i must go destress from that troll attact

  74. Well, I wonder what will happen while I’m out and about. It’s gonna take me a while since I’m a little bit broken. Keep up the good fight! Hugs!

  75. I’m so glad I have somewhere to go to express my disgust with how the family and media are trying to portray Travis as the second coming. He was an asshole. His brother is an asshole, too. Try as I may I just can’t see to muster any sympathy for that family. I just don’t like them. Period. And if Jodi gets the DP I’m going to be pissed!!!

      • I’ve watched this trial and the media coverage with absolute disgust and shock and horror. Mike Brooka made some comment last night on Dr. Drew to the effect of “send this woman to hell”. I had to rewind and play it again because I couldn’t believe it. It embodied everything I have found so disturbing about this trial. The vast majority of people comment on FB and elsewhere seen to fit the mold of typical Christians, too. Hypocrites. They love to throw hell and damnation around but seem to forget their very own God/leader advised them to not cast the first stone unless they were sinless and blameless. Jodi often reminds me of the prostitute that Jesus saved from being stoned in the bible. If I was sickened by humanity before this trial I am positively disgusted now.

        • I have felt many times while watching this trial, that I am watching a public attack and stoning of a helpless woman with a blood thirsty crowd cheering along.

    • Kay, I share the same feelings. They are authentic about their pain. It is all about fame, glory and money. I actually pitty them for being so shallow that they would take advantage of their brothers death to make an extra buck $$$. Shallow souls (if they have one at all..), dark secrets and I am very sure that they have a lot of skeletons in their closet… They will be rewarded with what it is said: WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND… Hope we will be there to point fingers as they are now to Jodi, her family and us – her friends…

      • You know the one justice I see in this is that I have no doubt in my mind that if the roles were reversed and it was one of Travis siblings who was murdered, he also would be milking it for all it’s worth, trying to make every cent off it that he could. Opportunistic pig that he was.

      • Crying that he never wants to see Jodi’s face again, yet going for the civil suit. She WILL be there and all it’s about is $$$$.

  76. I think its time to get the IP and email of Mr. sally.

    When a troll posts, delete the comment and post in its place the email address and the IP address of the offender. This will keep most of them away. Sj, i remember you doing that back a few weeks ago…its a good idea.

      • LOVE IT!!! I especially LOVE when the haters single me out by name!! It lets me know I’m effective. Thanks Haters!! Keep driving the traffic up, and getting out the news.
        So far this week ALONE we have been featured on HLN twice and last week FOX. No advertising needed. This is GREAT!!
        Call me what you wanna call me, just CALL me!!

          • Honestly when I heard that the sicko, ng was talking about this site, I figured her guilty conscience was getting to her. So, in order to get the truth out, she talked about this site to inform people by sending them here! Wow, thanks, DisGrace! Maybe, deep down, there IS a soul…

            • I honestly think maybe just maybe — I mean I know she never reads the posts — I posted do your mothers know what you are saying (JVM) ALSO have commented about her children — possibly happening to or being in a situation such as this — it is so difficult sometimes I just have to pinch myself to see if I am real — cause those on that show/drew/jvm — well, they are the perfect ones. Then I change the channel and no longer are they allowed to put me in a place of no value. They are doing society such a crime – of TRUE INJUSTICE. That should be the title to her show.

        • These trolls are like the walkers from ‘The walking dead’. We need to keep blowing their brains out to keep the group safe.

      • Hi SJ, I saw/read a hater educate a newbie about the trial and our website. And according to her, for us (people on this website) you and your various “personas” are Messiah! Did you ever think growing up you will reach such heights?

  77. I dont know about you, but i would really like to find out that SJ’s vacation was to AZ….

    I would give 3 gold bricks and case of mexican tequila (not that i have that, after my poor dog “skooter” was murdered) to see a picture of SJ standing in front of the court house with a sign that says…


    ..or something very close to that. perhaps something about a grilled cheese sandwich could be thrown in for good messure. (its my fantasy…fuck you)

    • fuck you sirlips! Once you mentioned cheese, it officially became MY fantasy! If it involves cheese, bacon and tossed salads, it is MINE.

    • That would make my year! I wouldn’t want SJ to waste vacation time in such a F’d up place though.

      • Basse, he is gone…. forever, the only way to fill the void is with justice…millions and millions of “justice”. Book deal for “justice”. Donations for “justice”. Interviews for “justice”. Maybe we could go on a “justice tour”. where people give us “justice” on the street corners.

        I better get back to work, if i get fired how will i make “justice” to pay my bills? JK…i quit that fucking job a long time ago…for the trial, of course.

        • Awww sirlips.So sad to hear you’re still not over Snoopy’s loss.. I also heard of your divorce,,your little girl crying out Daddy dont go while you waive goodbut on the driveway,your having the little night light on coz you’re scared shitless at nights,my mum’s sister’s husband told me he saw you at hospital last month for your regular ulcer treatment…Oh boy now that’s some real drama..I feel for you,I do.
          Will an open cheque do??

          • You forgot to mention that Skippy was some sort of adhesive and he chewed on a G.I. Joe for a while (idk. Something about the armed forces). Anyway — Is sirlips one word or two?

    • If SJ comes to Phoenix I hope he emails those of us who live here. I don’t venture out much but I’d go out of my way to say hello.

  78. Phewwwweeee!
    I had to step away for a minute, came back to see that Sally W TROLL has crawled her way out of a dead skunk’s ass and stir up shit. It looks like you guys stomped her ass!!

    • ((((((((((((((((((((Ann)))))))))))))))))))))))))

      That was great!!!! “…has crawled her way out of a dead skunk’s ass….”

      First off – I don’t believe it was a “her” – more like an “IT”….

      ^5 ANN!!!!! LOL LOL LOL

      • As I said above, I am pretty sure it’s the same poster from the OccupyHLN site. He posts under all these usernames, but his illiteracy shows through under each and every one so we are all pretty sure it’s the same lunatic.

        R Bro, guest, Lizzard, Bill, Justice4Travis

        And now Sally W

      • Jensen & Bev,
        Note to self: the sex of IT troll in questionable, re-read Billy Gruff
        You guys are a treasure trove of knowledge.
        Love ya

      • This is old guys. This was filed in Feb and turned down, or am I missing something?

        One suspicious thing is that it comes out just before the penalty phase and includes Pickles’ ruling about why she thought it was cruels and also her reading of the facts.

        Once again, I smell a rat. Get this out in time for the jury to see it before they vote to kill Jodi.

        Scum of the earth if you ask me.

  79. One thing that bothered me in Stevens statement…..he talked about his daughter crying and begging him not to leave every time he leaves to go to AZ for the week.

    What is more important, your daughter or your need for revenge for a brother who has been dead for 5 yrs and who you weren’t even close to for years?? Do you really need to be at the trial every day? There is something wrong with this picture. Your daughter should come first, not your dead brother!

    • There’s money to made by attending the trial every day, and that’s the only reason he came. And, yeah, screw his daughter. Because $$$$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!

      • True!! and then there is the SNEER factor to influence the jury. Still, how can these things be more important than his real living daughter? It is sick! He should be counting his blessings for his daughter who loves and needs his attention instead of dwelling on the loss of the past. No wonder he has ulcers and nightmares.

      • Yep!

        It was way more fun to frolic in a hotel room all week long, eat in restaurants every day, be the center of attention and have envelopes of cash delivered to you weekly. Nice gig!

        I’m sure the daughter will cry many tears over the absence of her dad in the years ahead.

        • And to my dear sister wife Basse … I’m off into the kitchen. What would you like for dinner?

          ***your comment from above made me laugh so hard! That comment will crack me up many time as it was F.U.N.N.Y.!!!!

          I <3 my sister wives!

          • You guys know that you are going to be ng’s “bombshell tonight – ja fans are sister wives”

            • Trust me, i’m the last person HLeN would ever want to interview. They dont deal with “common sense” too well, and im not shy.

              I would PAY to go head to head with NG, or any of the other pieces of shit on that channel.

              • Don’t bother sirlips. Ng will just cut you off, so her sheep will only hear what she wants them to hear. They will never hear a word of your wisdom! Talking to hln is like talking to a tabloid. If you ever plan to talk, someone like Geraldo Riviera would be a better option.

    • That caught my attention too. Hey buddy nobody is twisting you arm to be there everyday. He also said how he flies back and forth everyweek who exactly is paying for those trips b/c it can’t be cheap to do that for that last four months.

  80. SJ, Got your email. Thank you. I am not too good with my smarter than me phone. I never know if I worked it right or not.

      • I want to see the real shirt…is that it> the letters dont look like they are on the shirt, but floating in the air? LOL or am I seeing things..the gravatar is so small!

  81. Anyone on here you can add me on FB. My name is xxxxxxxxxx and I’ve been fighting the assholes on HLN FB and show pages for months. Also banned from the state vs arias page.

    • Kay, put your positive energy to good use in helping support Jodi in the next phase. Don’t let the haters get the best of you hun…. it’s wasted energy. Causing heart racing, high blood pressure, anxiety, and most of all rage ,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.FK HLN, STATE VS JODI ARIAS, FK THEM ALL……….. I have better things to do with my time than wasting it on FK stupid ass people that sit behind a computer screen all day stiring up trouble and false accusations about shit they dont know… and a trial they have never watched….. FK U HATERS………. THEY PARTY JUST STARTED MY JODI SUPPORTERS… WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS IN THE END…………..:)

    • Hi Kay!! and welcome 🙂 I did check your FB out, and you look legit! I dont want to hurt your feelings, but you must understand how gun shy we are with the interlopers here. Please, PLEASE keep posting your support for Jodi….and I will add you down the road after I feel I can trust you completely.

      I also apologize that we need to vet the people here so hard core, many of us have had people try to fool us.

      🙂 Glad you are here!!

      • I understand. I tried joining and posting on the Jodi arias supporters page and was promptly blocked. 🙁 I am constantly on Dr drew and nasty grace et al doing my best to call those idiots out. I’ve also argues with people irl to the point people get furious with me! I am legite and proud to admit I am not one of the brainless masses who has been whipped into a frenzy.

    • also, you may want that comment deleted and quickly, you WILL be hammered by trolls I am afraid.

        • You would have to email SJ and request it… I will see what I can do for you…

            • Thanks 🙂 now if I can just get myself unblocked on the team Jodi Facebook page. Non idea why they blocked me. I was defending her! Travis makes me sick. And I admit I feel Zero innate sympathy for him or his family. I HATE Juan Martinez. OMG HATE HATE HATE. The more the media tries to make me hate Jodi, the more I like her.

  82. Repost from last night :The shameful depravity that lurks in our society is on full display and is marching down the street proudly. It’s hard to watch. Eyes gleaming in anticipation of a young woman’s death and trying to justify it with the death of TA. The difference is that his death was fueled by passion, fear and abuse as the result of a broken relationship. Your eagerness to kill, society, has no personal bearing whatsoever so I can only deduce that it comes from a deep desire for bloodlust. It sickens me. You sicken me. You don’t even know Jodi and neither do I but I did get a glimpse of what a worthy, caring, intelligent and compassionate person she is from the reading of her journals which, by the way, were started when she was a young woman. I got no such insight into TA. In fact, complete the opposite. So dance, celebrate, have your macabre victory party. My hope is that your dance of death is futile and only attracts many dark things into your life.

  83. Just saw some older footage of Dirty Sanchez reminiscing about the time he sent yet ANOTHER young woman to Death Row in AZ. Ah, good times. Go get ’em, killer!

    • Good Grief! He really is one sick puppy!

      The M O of these people is so far removed from my view of the world and just common decency that I find it hard to even find words to comment sometimes.

    • Sherry… sorry to sound like a broken record.. that “survivor” word looks like it is not on the shirt?? am I losing it? LOL it looks like the words are just floating…

    • WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


      SJ…deposit my share into my account please….. 😉

    • that is better! LOL It totally looked like the words werent on there! That shirt is awesome, will order one right away. I am thinking black and purple too.

      are the sleeves capped?

      • The shirt is cut for a woman definitely. The sleeves are up where they belong. With mens shirts no matter what size I put on the sleeves are too long.

        • awesome.. I have the same problem, I am a very small lady, and it is hard to find sleeves that fit me..

          • You might be a small lady Renee’, but I consider you a giant around here!:-)

  84. Hmmm. That pic isn’t much better as far as being able to read it.

  85. What is the status on ‘Mission 1’, SJ? Are you going to make it public? I did not get a p/w, but would like to be helping with something. I’m not sure what to do on my own, anything I can think of feels like a Band-Aid.

    • seek2understand… you ARE doing something, extremely important!! all of us are!

      posting here our support of Jodi is the most important thing we can do for now!

  86. My friends, have a good afternoon. I am off to watch this show that tries to find missing people. (Reminder, here in Greece it is now 23.57). Later Aligators!

  87. I found this last night by putting dumb fucks chris and sky hughes in a browser in an attempt to find something else . . a guy in this forum claims he spoke with Jodi for an hour after her return from az and a bunch of other things. Of course he’s being bashed but he just doesn’t care so keeps on his rant. He may come off different but his passion to try and get a point across about miscarriage of justice, dna, evidence, dirty cops and all in Jodis incident has allot of good points. Also a female left comment that she too didn’t tell about when her friend was murdered and she was in the house. I can’t keep up because my connection is a step above dial up due to my choice of living on a mountain side away from people, lol. So running across things while trying to dig up dirt on haters might find something by accident. Here’s the link if anyones interested.

    • Unless this guy comes with a time machine, and he gives all this wonderful exculpatory evidence to the defense WHEN IT COULD HAVE ACTUALLY HELPED JODI, he can go fuck himself.

  88. Gee that took a long time to get to the end of all the comments miss the Troll and what he/she said I just what to say Jodi I know that you are alone no company but at least they are feeding you food and not bread and water. I miss you we love hearing from you on Twitter don’t have it but get the news for here or on HLN who I hate more than the Travis haters my you day be filled with good thoughts today enjoy drawing

  89. All that matters now is getting Justice For Jodi

    I’ve had enough of those people who have declared Travis and the Alexander siblings untouchable. How gullible can people be?

    I asked a Taliban member on Twitter last night to please show me the proof that Jodi premeditated Travis’s murder. I told her all the prosecution had was circumstantial evidence and speculation which is not even close to good enough to convict a person of M1. I told her Manslaughter was the maximum Jodi should have been convicted of.. All I wanted was one irrefutable piece if evidence that it was premeditated.
    She couldn’t do it. She got pissed and didn’t even reply to me.
    That tells me that the vast majority of the Travis Taliban and the haters fell hook line and sinker for everything Juan Martinez and HLN told them. Very few actually listened to the testimony.
    Jodi was convicted of M1 because Martinez got the jury and the sheep to HATE her guts to the point that they all want her dead.
    Jodi certainly didn’t help herself with the lies she told although that had no effect on the Casey Anthony jury.
    I look at Jodi and I just can’t imagine her losing her mind and temper to the point of killing anyone so brutally. Plus dragging a 200 lb dead man across a floor and into a shower stall. I will NEVER believe that unless I’d see it with my own eyes.
    The roommates had something to do with this. They know more than they said.
    Five days a body rots in a shower stall and NO one smelled it? Give me a break. No one knocked on Travis door just to make sure he wasn’t there. Give me another break.
    We may never know the real truth in this case but I know that Jodi was railroaded.
    This verdict needs to be overturned.
    We need Justice For Jodi.

    • We will have justice.

      The State of AZ bought this verdict. And because they were greedy with the DP, the State will now pick up the tab for appeal.

      Appeals will not be subject to prejudices or Mormonism. They read through the facts, the motions (defense left an AWESOME record) and remember,

      the thing the haters forget– over 80% of AZ DP are over turned. We just need patience and diligence and we must NOT waver in our support for Jodi.

      oh, mustnt forget the virtual hugs…… (((((((((((((((Joe))))))))))))

      Justice 4 TA was already met; Jodi is next.

      • Yep, and a lot of Kermie’s verdicts have been overturned or lessened on appeal. He’s not as hot as he thinks he is.

      • Renee, what happens after a verdict is overturned? Will there be another trial?

        • It is up to the prosecutor, so yes. I would hope they would let her settle, but that little dick is out for blood.

          The first step is to get it over turned. And that will not be too difficult. Jennifer was awesome at making motions and taking notes. This is will be a cake walk.

          I want her out NOW> but I will settle for ASAP.

          • Me too! But anything that has to go through the prosecutor is going to be more of the same! We have to get away from this prosecutor & this judge before we can hope for justice. Thanks Renee for clearing that up!

          • ”I want her out NOW> but I will settle for ASAP.”

            Renee,truest words ever!! We all want to see this ridiculous verdict overturned and some REAL justice served.Fuck Travis,justice has already been served for him!!
            And I totally agree with you,no we will NOT waiver in our support for Jodi!!!

      • I hope to god this verdict is overturned if for no other reason than to see that smug look wiped off that bastard JM face. How I hate that man. With every fiber. He is disgusting!!!! That detective Flores is no prize either.

    • Jodi was railroaded alright !

      The verdict has to be overturned ! Everything is based on Flores coverups and LIES.. Then along comes JM..evilness personified..out to kill another women..

      Justice for Jodi !

    • Joe – I’ve done the same thing on Facebook. I can’t tell you how many hateful messages I received from people. I’ll I wanted to do was talk evidence and all they wanted to do was trash Jodi. When I would mention the weak case the prosecution had for premeditation all they could come back with was the standard reply of the gun theft, rental car, dyed hair, upside down license plates and gas cans.

      I still don’t get the big deal about the rental car and asking for a different color car. If Jodi wanted to keep her trip a secret thereby making it necessary for her to rent a car in another location then why did she make so many stops along the way visting friends? And even if she did rent a car in Yreka, she didn’t have to hide the fact that she was going on a trip, she just didn’t have to tell them she was going to Mesa, AZ. And what difference does it make that she asked for a white car instead of a red one? It’s not like a white car is invisible, people would still see a white car.

      All those hateful commenters would do is spew to me the media talking points about premeditation. It would be funny if it weren’t so damn sad.

    • Looks like I’m the only one whose b.s. meter is going off?

      “All I wanted was one irrefutable piece if evidence that it was premeditated. She couldn’t do it. She got pissed and didn’t even reply to me.”

      That right there reads EXACTLY like the redundant crap a TT member writes to me, except the other way around. Why won’t I just answer her! She just wants ONE piece of irrefutable evidence that Jodi didn’t do it! I have repeatedly refused to take the bait (she just wants people to engage her in dialogue, so she can rant about how she’s right). Re-read that post; it’s hinky. The evidence references are all OLD. He/she doesn’t have any recent references to offer, because he/she is Team Travis, and they haven’t paid attention to any words or evidence that exculpatory for Jodi.

      “Five days a body rots in a shower stall and NO one smelled it? Give me a break. No one knocked on Travis door just to make sure he wasn’t there. Give me another break.
      We may never know the real truth in this case but I know that Jodi was railroaded.
      This verdict needs to be overturned.
      We need Justice For Jodi.”

      Come on.

      • Idiots..You cant prove someone DIDNT do something, you can only prove someone DID do something.

        Example, a guy is accused of murder in MN but says he is innocent, because he was in FL. They dont say “prove you were not in MN” they say “prove you WERE in Fl.” you cant do it the other way around.

        Interception, now our team has the ball!- anyone?

        • sirlips — You cannot prove a negative” — I want to embroider that on a pillow, and then suffocate those stupid assholes with that pillow.

        • Right sirlips and that is exactly what Joe Yinzer asked for… proof of something done, proof it was premeditated. We all know there is no proof of premeditation. They have accused her of stealing her grandfather’s gun but there is no proof that she did. Even the bullet that was lodged in TA’s cheek was not a hollow point.

  90. Ha, I have to do some ‘work’ on myself today and had to read the following. It sounds to me that Jodi and TA both fit this description! (Think about the texts and phone conversations.)
    Here are some signs you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship:

    1) You’re afraid to tell your partner about a normal happening – your car needs brakes, your boss made you work overtime – because you’re not sure how he will react.

    2) When you do talk to your significant other, he puts you down and makes you feel stupid.

    3) You make yourself available to your partner no matter what the personal cost – just to avoid a confrontation.

    4) You no longer want to bring your significant other around your friends or family because you’re afraid he will berate you and humiliate you in front of your loved ones.

    5) You’ve begun to believe that you’re the crazy one — that you’re the one with the problem.

    6) When talking about an accomplishment – a promotion or something equally exciting – your partner sneers at you, putting you down, mocking your achievement rather than celebrating it.

    7) You feel helpless, like you’re trapped in the relationship.

    8) Your partner treats you like an object, like property, not like a person with real feelings.

    9) Your partner keeps a tight control on all things: money, the phone, using the car, who you see and what you do.

    10) If you fight back, your significant other blames you for the abusive behavior. “If you weren’t so dumb, I wouldn’t have to yell at you.”

    11) You’ve begun to see yourself as worthless — just like your partner tells you you are.

    12) You’ll go out of your way to please your significant other, no matter how much you have to sacrifice. If that means staying up all night to wash the floor, so be it. It beats the “lecture.”

    13) You’re in complete isolation. Your partner doesn’t want you around your friends or family and has convinced you that THEY are the ones who are abusive to you – not him.

    14) You’ve begun to feel as though you deserve to be treated badly. If you were a better person, you wouldn’t make him so mad!

    15) You find yourself having to rush to his defense whenever he is brought up in conversation. You make excuses for his behavior regardless of the situation.

    If you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship or even if you think you’re being abused but it’s “not bad enough” to do anything about it, remember: it is. No one deserves to be treated this way, and everyone is worthy of respect. Even you.

    I don’t know how Jodi has made it this far with her sanity for I know I could not.

    • It’s her sanity that we now need to somehow keep intact-she must know she’s not alone and that there are still reasons for her to keep on fighting and not give up on life.

    • CindyP,
      Sounds exactly like the relationship she was in. Add Sex and Religion to the chaos and we know how the story ends.

  91. MORE FAN MAIL :mrgreen:

    From: Ashley Sovig –

    “The person supporting this website — the person who set it up — should go to prison with Jodi Arias on the grounds of stupidity and ignorance. JA is so guilty it’s sickening. She is a disgrace to mankind. I don’t care of she gets the death penalty OR life behind bars. Either way, at least this world will be RID of her. BTW, her copycat traced “artwork” can be put to death also. Who’d want that CREEPY junk hanging in their house?? Ewwwwwwww.”

    • ahhhhhhhhhhh ashley…. she must be quite obsessed! I will email her, so she doesn’t feel so alone 😉

    • If stupidity and ignorance are criteria for prison then a whole lot of Travisites will be doing some time.

      • If stupidity and ignorance are criteria for prison then Ashley deserves the presidential suite in prison. While you are here, check out the court documents and evidence in this case, Ashley, i.e, if you are interested in facts about this case.

    • I guess she watches Nancy Disgrace since she’s parroting one of her phrases… #blindsheep

    • SJ, you crack me up! Fan mail, free publicity, sex with random farm animals.., you have a unique perspective and put a positive spin on everything! You need to give me the name of your chill pill:)

    • SJ,if you go to jail can I plz come to? And the guys here?We can all ask a cell next to Jodi’s,that way we’ll be by her side all the time YAY!! And Ashley will be so satisfied and happy that she could go back to that miserable life of hers.

    • Everyone wants her dead why because she knows she is innocent of this crime and the one that did it is having a good time…

    • Until I read this email, I never believed in reincarnation! I think TA has come back as Ashley Sovig. The T-dog Saint has RISEN.. What you guys think? Doesn’t these statement sound like the beginning of a 16 page rant…copycat traced “artwork” ..this world will be RID of her..

    • “little lulu” — lol

      Also, it seems Travis’ innate ability to speak out loud, and communicate with other humans using human speech made him an anomaly in that family.

      • Little lulu, Uncle fester and his wife skeletor, steve is lurch lol and who was that super creepy younger one sitting behind steve? Heroin user satanist? Is she one of the family?

        • What really got me was that fat fuck Deanne and her fat quivering chin. Puh-lease.

  92. I don’t know if Sandy, Jodi’s mom, reads here or not. But if you do, Please, give a statement to the Jury on behalf of your daughter on Monday. It is in your power to sway even one juror … that’s all it takes for now. And even your twin sister could give a statement. I implore you, if there is any way possible, please do this for Jodi.

  93. Heres a huge problem and I would like to know if any of you are experiencing this? My two best friends are both on the hater side, the JM, Dr Drew, Travis family side. They say I am stupid and I stand my ground every day. Lots of arguements! Neither of them has been abused and I have. I am so tired of arguing with them. I think they are in a FOG!!!!

    • Your friends are probably as passionate as you are; I know they won’t change your thoughts and I doubt you can change theirs. I’m sorry that it causes arguing … that’s really tough! I don’t know what to suggest except to agree not to talk about the trial when you’re all together? Sorry, that’s all I can come up with. Good Luck to you.

    • Your dilemma is that you have shitty taste in friends. I don’t know how we can help.

      • lol Basse, ya know . . sometimes we gotta step back and just face that sometimes

      • But I think we who believe in jodi are a smaller percentage of people. That makes me sad that people really think violence doesnt happen in all walks of life. Even mormons.

    • It has nothing to do with being abused or not….it has to do with being a brainwashed sheep following the herd and being led by HLN. Your friends are just followers and are unable to think for themselves. They are to be pitied for they are stupid. You need to write them off and find new friends that are capable of thinking for themselves!!

  94. Thats why I decided to start talking to people who think like me. Intelligent people. So I came here for the first time last night and now I cant shut up because I have held My feelings in for 4 months.

    • “I have held My [SIC] feelings in for 4 months.”

      You posted that just seconds after you posted:

      “They say I am stupid and I stand my ground every day. Lots of arguements!” [SIC}

      Which is it, slick?

      • I meant I have held a lot back because I havent had people who believe like I do. So I bottled thoughts to avoid more arguements. Here I dont have to hold back at all.

  95. Ya’ll, I don’t want Jodi to get the death penalty. I know she said she would rather receive that sentence rather than LWOP. But really, seriously, if there is anyone reading here who has direct communication with her, please let her know this is a horrible thing to wish for. I have been doing a lot of reading for the last couple of days about death row inmates and they’re lives are so much more horrible than those prisoners who are in general or regular population or whatever the prison nomenclature happens to be in a certain state.

    If she is placed in a regular prison population, she at least has contact, even physical, I believe, with other people, i.e, she can hug and kiss her family and friends, etc. If she is on death row, she will only receive very limited communication and that’s through that awful plexiglass shield over a phone. Death row inmates suffer a horrible, monantimous life with very little outside stimulation. Enough to drive someone mad.

    If she receives a sentence outside of death, she is STILL ELIGIBLE TO APPEAL. I believe in my heart of hearts that there is some attorney out there who is a member of the AZ Bar who can and will help her. If she needs money for her appeal, WE CAN HELP HER!

    God, I pray that she doesn’t get the death penalty sentence. With my whole heart I pray that.

    • The other horrible fact that lingers in my mind is that death penalty folks can live that way for years, even decades! I shudder to think about Jodi living under those circumstances for such a long, protracted period of time.

    • Yes, with a life sentence she can still appeal – and lord knows the one thing this trial has given her is a whole laundry list of grounds for appeal.

      However, appeals cost money. LOTS of money. She does not have the resources, and Travis’ siblings mean to ensure that she won’t be able to raise them either, hence the ‘wrongful death’ suit.

      If she gets a death sentence, the appellate process is automatic – and the state HAS to pay, for every last appeal.

      • Journee, I believe there may be lawyers out there who would come to her case just because of the injustice of this trial. I’m a paralegal, and years ago I worked for a lawyer who did that very thing….out of the goodness of her heart, because she believed in our client….gratis….no money earned. It’s really not unheard of. Besides, I am still thinking about The Innocence Project. There is always hope. That’s all some of have anyway to keep us going everyday.

  96. Hi Everyone,

    This is only the second time that I’ve posted on here, but I do read a lot of the posts. I admire how you support Jodi despite the campaign of hate against her by the media and the public. I’m really angry about how HLN is defaming Jodi daily on shows like In Session. I wonder whether Jodi could start suing these talking heads, specifically Wendy Murphy. Today Wendy Murphy accused Jody of being an extortionist based upon what Jodi said in an interview concerning her rejected plea to a lesser charge. I know Jodi probably doesn’t have the money to sue Wendy Murphy for defamation, and that since she isn’t working the judge would have nothing to base an award upon, but nonetheless it seems unfair that Jodie has to be defamed in public without any recourse. I also am tired of HLN trashing Jodi over her desire to be interviewed. The way I see it, the interviews raise awareness about her cause, and may also help to raise money for Jodi’s appeals, and to help out her family. I can see that Jodi loves her mom and probably wants to help her. I’m so tired of “the mob” twisting everything that Jodi does against her. Once again, thanks for supporting Jodi and our system of justice which should be based on the truth and not hysteria.

    • Hi TH

      I really think that Wendy is not as harmful as others have been on HLN, but that is JMO.

  97. Yes SD I agree about death row. Damien echols from The Memphis 3 was released from death row and suffers kidney and liver problems from the bad food and was beaten by guards. Very scary place. Im praying she only gets life. She is so frail already.

    • And anyone with a computer can read about the endless horror stories of those on death row AND about the stories of those folks who have been exonerated. Such a horrible f’ing mess. I am vehemently opposed to the DP.

      • Poor Damien looked so sickly when he was released. He hadn’t been in sunlight for nearly a decade.

  98. Team Jodi, I know we are still at the penalty phase. However I feel that I need to bring this to your attention. The wrongful death civil trial could cause some problems for this site. I say this because when she loses the civil case, sorry but I am a realist and that will probably happen, any financial support which we give to Jodi could possibly be given to TA family. So here is what I think you can do in order to prevent that. First establish separate accounts for the donations. An account that is for Jodi’s family, an account for Jodi and an account for Jodi’s legal expenses. All donations should be specific, ie Jodi;s family, Jodi’s legal expenses etc…. However I think that any financial support to Jodi should be directly donated to her inmate account. I am not sure if Arizona takes a portion of what is deposit into an inmate account to cover restitution or court cost. I had a friend sentence to prison for repeated DUI and he owned court cost. California took 55% of any deposits for restitution and court costs. Hopefully Arizona does not do this. Also all her artwork could be taken by TA family and sold to cover the civil judgement. So I strongly suggest that if anyone wants Jodi’s artwork to buy it now. I am not an attorney but maybe someone that is can check the implications of a civil judgement against Jodi. Sorry about bringing this up but I just do not want to see Jodi’s artwork being taken by TA family and they do what the Goldman family did to OJ’s football trophies, destroy it in front of an audience and media. You know Nancy Grace and HLN will be first in line to cover this.

    Admin I am just bringing this up just so that you can take steps to prevent this from happening. I hope that I am wrong and misunderstand the effects of a civil judgement against Jodi. But I just do not want what support we are giving to Jodi to go to TA family.

    I am TEAM JODI and I am here for the long run.

    • SJ addressed this in a previous post. It is my understanding that donations here will be exempt or protected. When he returns from vacation in a week, I would ask the question again. just to clarify.

    • Hello LA.

      SJ is very capable of taking care of what needs to be done to protect Jodi’s finances. As a new poster, I do not think it is your place to be worrying about what gets done with any proceeds meant for Jodi. Your post is noted but your “worries” are unfounded.

      I welcome your views on the case, and of course your support for Jodi.

    • um….———————————> over there, is the fucking door for anyone who does not realize SJ is COMPLETELY aware of any and all issues regarding money and this site.

      SJ is a wonderful person, and I can tell you THIS site has cost me NOTHING, ever. BUT I would give SJ $ if I could, just to keep this site safe from fuckers who doubt the purpose of this site.


      • Right on sister-wife…!!!!! ((((((((((((((((((((hugs for that))))))))))))))))))))))))

      • Guys I am not doubting SJ. Maybe I should have worded it differently. But the civil suit could be a potential problem. I just want Jodi to get the support that everyone intended. And Yes we should worry if the TA wins the civil suit. Any funds that Jodi receives, from donation, tv, books interview deals and the selling of personal items are subject to the law suit. If you remember after the Brown and Goldman won the wrongful death suit what did they do with his Heisman? They got it and destroyed in from of the media. And because this site is accepting donations on behalf of Jodi and her family it could be subject to the wrongful death suit as any income Jodi receives is subject to satisfying the monetary rewards of the suit. Taking steps to ensure that what we all give to Jodi goes to Jodi is what I am concern about. I don’t want to hear later from SJ that he received a court order to hand over all the donation to TA family. Do you? So maybe by making specific what we donate is for it would not be subject to the civil suit. And maybe I should have just contact the Admin of this site directly instead of posting it on the board. But I also thought that maybe someone here could clarify if any financial support we give to Jodi is subject to the law suit. And if its we can find other ways to ensure that Jodi get any financial support we give her. I for one want to help with the appeal.

        I apologize if anyone feels that I am questioning the integrity of the Admins of this site. But I did not remember reading anywhere about the possibly affects of a civil judgement against Jodi and how it affects us that wants to continue to support Jodi. And I felt it was important that we are aware of this. I feel the focus of this site is to continue to support Jodi anyway we can. And I thought that bringing up potential problems is one way to help, and this civil suit is a problem. Again I apologize to SJ and to any member that feels I overstep any boundaries. And SJ no disrespect was intended.

        Having said this, let’s give positive thoughts for Jodi and her family. Jodi I admire your strength and courage. Don’t give up, don’t lose hope. As long as you have SJ and the rest of us Team Jodi behind you, you will win. My prayers are with you. Be STRONG JODI.

        • There are legal ways to get around such a stupid lawsuit. They can’t garnish this site’s accounts because it had nothing to do with Travis Alexander’s death. They also can’t go after Jodi’s family.

          • Yep, no worries. The Addams Family aren’t getting their hands on ANY money that comes from this site.

    • LA,

      Thank you for your concerns with the funds for Jodi, you can rest assure that administration is on their toes and understands what is going on with the civil suit.

      Looks like your a late comer and just wanting to make sure she is protected with her funds….

      Just support Jodi, and the rest is taken care of………thanks

      • Opps I forget to write this.

        Jodi, SJ, Team Jodi. I am new but I GOT YOUR BACK!!!!!

  99. Yes Yes The innocence project! They are the ones who finally got Damien echols out but it took a long time. But they did it. Lots of people never gave up on that case and I hope no one ever gives up on this one.

  100. This is just so unfair. Beyond a reasonable doubt? NOBODY WAS IN THAT BATHROOM WITH JODI AND TRAVIS. Therefore it is not proven what went on in there. That is beyond a reasonable doubt. They are all assuming what went on and you cant send someone to death row on assumption. I think if this case was away from arizona and the mormons and was in a different state this would have ended up completely different. I hate arizona so much

    • It wouldn’t matter what state this trial was held in……As long as the MSM hyped up the propaganda against Jodi and aired it 24 7 along with having TA’s friends on TV every night bad mouthing her you would see the same result. There has been a concerted effort by the media, TA’s family and friends, members of the mormon church, conmen and women from that phony pyramid scam company and anyone else willing to demonize Jodi for profit or just the hell of it. Look at this as an experiment in deceiving the willing to beat the drum for the death of a woman that is not deserving of the ultimate punishment. Just another little test to manipulate the sheep once more……..

      • Lynae said: “It wouldn’t matter what state this trial was held in……As long as the MSM hyped up the propaganda against Jodi and aired it 24 7 along with having TA’s friends on TV every night bad mouthing her you would see the same result.”

        It wouldn’t matter in the least about the circus going on in the media and outside the courtroom if the JUDGE had sequestered the jury in a hotel with TV’s and phones removed from their rooms and taken their electronic devices away from them. The JUDGE is at fault, ultimately. Not the media or the family or the mobs who have freedom of speech and a free press to say what they want in America. Even if they lie, lie, and lie some more.

        Judges are supposed to PROTECT jurors, and part of that protection is to ensure they are not swayed by outside influence. This farce is the Judge’s fault, no one else.

    • “Beyond a reasonable doubt? NOBODY WAS IN THAT BATHROOM WITH JODI AND TRAVIS.”

      From the evidence presented and not JM’s fantasy, I think a jury could easily find manslaughter. They might be pissed enough for M2, but there is no evidence of pre-meditation and M1 and the DP should have never been part of the charges against her.

      We just don’t execute people or lock them up forever as a result of a non-premeditated DV event gone wrong.


    I won’t miss seeing video of the Travis Alexander siblings sobbing and carrying on like wounded birds when pictures of their slain brother are shown to the jury. The reason is simple. One of my two sons died from throat cancer a few years ago and the pain he suffered for one year, mostly in the hospital, was a lot worse IMO than the two minutes Travis Alexander felt FIVE years ago when Jodi Arias was killing him. The Alexander family have milked Travis Alexander’s death and they should get over it. HLN, which was working for the prosecution, never did a show that they didn’t mention the wounds Alexander sustained in the killing by Jodi Arias. And finally, HLN and their prosecutor sycophants can’t get over how Jodi Arias showed little emotion when crime scene pictures of Travis Alexander were shown. Why should she? She killed him because he had treated her like a piece of crap. To show remorse now would only be looked upon as phony by HLN and the Jodi Arias haters.

  102. Nancy grace is on Eeeeeuuuk i will bring this up again. Why does this case have all this hate and worldwide attention? And susan wright “the blue eyed butcher got hardly any. But she stabbed him 193 times and buried him. They did not go for the death penalty. She got 5 years off her sentence too . I am glad because she too was abused. But i just dont get why this case has so much more attention and hate. They too were an all american couple, and she had no criminal past. But her trial did not turn into a circus and this one did. They are similar stories.I think the difference is the mormons are involved maybe?

    • guess you did not here jodi got railroaded for the get go 911 call 1 sec later Jodi did it why to frame her for the murder so the real murders could catch a plan to cancun.

  103. Excellent post Lara. I can see you have great insight and have human compassion. I love compassionate people. I, like you, feel that Jodi Arias did not recieve a fair trial. There is definite proof that Jodi Arias was emotionally, psyscologically, and verbally abused by Travis Alexander. That much is definite. There is testimony from Jodi Arias that there also had been physical abuse from Travis Alexander. And while I’m on the subject, let me state that I understand the pain the Alexanders are going through, though hating Jodi Arias is’nt the answer. From what I can tell, Jodi loved Travis. What happened on that dreadful day I cannot attest to, but it seems it was invoked byTravis Alexander. I have invested a great deal of time looking into Jodi’s past and have seen nothing that would indicate that she had a darker side. She has acted weird, a time or two, but it’s more like ‘geek’ wierdness. No evidence of violence. What I wouild like to point out is, that, America has a problem with underemphasizing emotional and psycological abuse. This type of abuse is more damaging than physical abuse in my opinion. Laws need to be enacted that protects abuse victims in this respect. Did Jodi Arias suffer from emotional and psycological abuse from Travis Alexander?. DEFINETLY. Who can dispute that? Was she physically threatened on June 4th, 2008? I can’t say difinitively, but it is possible. Given these facts, how could any JURY find her guilty of 1st degree murder?
    Lara, I appreciate your story about your life and can see how you can understand how Jodi wants / yearns to be believed. It is hard to understand unless you have been through the tragedy. Again, thanks for that insight. That is probably the biggest reason Jodi Arias looks so defeated. I believe most of her story. I just hope she doesn’t totally give up.
    Just one last thing, for ony of you people that mention that Jodi Arias has had a ‘smirk’, or hasn’t shown remorse on her face must not have your eyes open. I have saw that she does indeed shows a lot of remorse. It is so evident, it is like a yellow bus coming coming down the road.
    And as far as the ‘smirk’, people have told me multiple times in my life that I’m making a ‘face’, and I have nothing but “good” in my mind and soul. I don’t even know what they are talking about most of the time. Jodi Arias, I think, has been respectful to everyone this entire time. Even to the Alexanders.
    It is a horrible situation that Travis died. I hate it. I have compassion for the Alexanders. They must be devastated. But, is Jodi Arias not also a victim?


    • Edward, thank you for your thoughts. I agree, I am, according to Meyers Briggs personality typology, an INFJ. I don’t always show how I’m feeling inside, but believe me when I tell you, for Jodi, I am crying a thousand tears. I might be weird to you, but I’m really just the reflection into which you are looking.

    • Edward

      You are so correct. As often happens in such cases there are a number of victims. Jodi, TA, the families and justice. Not just because of the killing, but also what led up to that day and its aftermath.

      Based on what this jury has done and is getting ready to do you can add those 12 to that list as well. They are going to have to live the rest of their lives with their verdict. There may be some super sure people on that jury, but the rest, when the dust settles are going to be very troubled. And Flores and Horn – lying to pit an innocent person to death will gnaw on their souls for the rest of their lives.

      Its such a shame.

    • Edward,
      I also agree and thank you for your thoughts. I have been told that I have seemed “stuck up” at times when I didn’t talk to people, but I am generally very shy unless I have had a few lol and am sometimes uncomfortable talking to people I hardly know. It takes a lot to get me talking in certain situations and I never realized I was perceived as stuck up until it was brought to my attention. I felt bad and since then I TRY more to talk to people, though it doesn’t always work, especially in a group setting where I am the outsider. I feel like this may be the case with Jodi, she just doesn’t know how to react, not to mention she is forced to be on camera in front of possibly millions of viewers and probably feels uncomfortable showing her true emotions on camera. I know I would feel very uneasy in that situation and probably come across different than I am actually feeling inside. None of the media or Jodi haters see her when she is not in court, so IMO they have no basis to say how she truly feels inside. She could cry all night every night, but since no one is there to see it, they want to say she feels no remorse and deserves death. I think its disgusting.

  104. I’ve been trying to explore a scenario of TA cutting his own throat, after Jodi shot him. He was the one with intense rage, violence & on & off suicidal tendencies (to me more than Jodi’s milder musings in her diary). Anyone know if there is a way to determine if same person or more than one made different stab wounds, like a stab ‘signature’ -ie level of strength, hesitation or not, etc?

    Also, witnessing something like this – someone committing suicide in front of you – would be expected to push another person way past acute stress. To me it could be more so than being in a fight for one’s life.

    I would think the way someone would do this to themselves would be on all fours so their head would drop into the knife. If that pic of TA & Jodi’s foot, was first, maybe he was telling her he wanted to die after the gunshot, and then the knife was over on the floor where the big blood stain wound up, TA could have crawled over & slit his own throat. Then Jodi would have carried out the rest of his request, tentatively stabbing him in the back, then turning him over – again hesitant stabbings and another less intense wound to the vena cava.

    The extra effort of dragging TA back to the shower, washing his body, & then doing a load of laundry keeps bringing me back to the crazy blood atonement ritual Why not just leave things as they were & get the hell out of there?

      • Ed….I think…I hope their trying to point out that “it cld be possible” lol hence, reasonable doubt….anyway, what puzzles me about this is the stab marks on his back….they are def not from direct contact like if she was behind him and stabbed him from that angle…..the angles are sideways, like he was on top of her and she was stabbing him from around his back….that is the only way it would make those side angles….i cant believe the defense never had an expert of this or on the crime scene in general….you know there isnt even any DRAG marks in the hallway????? there are blood drops near both sides of the wall, but in the middle of the floor just blood….not DRAGGED BLOOD…meaning no smears etc…..BULL SHIT on the way state says it happened 110%

        • Yes, the discussion of the stab marks on TA’s back do make sense that he was on top of Jodi & she stabbed him like that. In some ways the time is past to figure out what happened, but this idea of TA committing suicide like this came to me, and I wanted to explore if it were possible or not.

      • Someone on this site talked about someone slicing their own throat by accident, but then getting help & surviving. Hari-kari has been around for hundreds of years as a method of suicide, that seemed pretty unbelievable to me the first time I heard of it, but it has been done.

    • That’s the problem. None of us knows or will ever know what actually happened. How that is ‘t reasonable doubt escapes my comprehension.

      • Hi All,
        All I can determine from the bathroom photos are 9 kinds of hell went down..therefore, 9 kinds of reasonble doubt. I can say how I think I would react if someone stab me while sitting down or getting up out of a shower…I wouldn’t walk over to the sink and admire myself in the mirror…I be high tailing my bare ass down the hall to get away!
        JM version has the big strong T-dog standing admiring himself, while Jodi’s stabbing away at his back and head…Travis looking lovely at Jodi in the mirror…Jeeze… Really?

      • gosh it took forever to read all the posts.
        And that is why there is a ‘reasonable doubt’ and unless we are 100% sure of what happened we can NOT give a M1 verdict. STUPID 12 IDIOTS !!!

        • I wish the defense had used the CM chart from CA’s trial, so the dummies can see it instead of confusing Pickles and JM’s explanations. I still think they misunderstood what reasonable doubt is.

        • Right on MARIANA. That is exactly what I said earlier . Reasonable doubt. Do they think they have special powers to see into that bathroom? How can they convict jodi on just assuming what happened?

  105. follow the money and the phone calls and the hughes roommates all the ones that have wanted to fry her from the get go for the 911 call who in the hell leave a best friend for 5 1/5 day and not check on him

    • yah and what about the horrid smell of death in that house and no one noticed? 5 days of a rotting body?I feel that there is something weird here almost to the point of a cover-up.

  106. Jenny on Dr. Drew just said in reference to juror # 8’s expulsion : ” Everyone is so quick to judge another persons behavior..” ” We’re in a society of sanctimonious freaks, and everybody is doing different things behind closed doors. But the minute someone is outed for some inappropriate behavior some of the time, they are crucified! And I’m tired of it, I think it’s gross.” Really Jenny, seriously did you just say that? Fucking seriously? What have they been doing for the last 5 months regarding Jodi’s behavior? What fucking ass backward ridiculous planet do you live on that you can’t even see how much of a double standard your living by. Poop on your ugly face Jenny… All over it!

    • Yah and we have been hearing he got kicked off for DUI. Now they are saying on dr Pew that he got kicked off for bragging to the officer about being on this jury. Get the story straight.

    • Janine Driver. Ugh. Did you catch her big confession on Diaper Drew when she told her own abuse story from 20 years ago, and sobbed like a little bitch? BUT, she could not, and cannot, offer Jodi one drop of compassion.

      • I didn’t see that, but that woman bothers me even more that dr. Poo. She contorts her face constantly and repeatedly states how this and that are “disgusting, and vile.” She is disgusting and vile..yuck sauce.

  107. Personally I think Steven needs to make an appointment with Alyce Lavoilette. That boy needs help!

    • There is definitely something wrong with Sky Hughes-she is butt ugly and smiles so inapproptiately-and those eyebrows-geez. What the fuck was Jodi doing around this group-Travis was hardly good looking, bright or cool. She could have done so much better-what a waste.

      • Yes these people are strange to me.That painted on smile. hahahahahaha the eyebrows! Has that bitch looked in the mirror? OMG I would not leave the house with eyebrows like that

      • I know! And if you read Jodi’s journals, she was convinced that Travis could have ANY woman he wanted. Um, no. Not this one. No way. Travis Alexander was a fat doofus.

        • hEY He is exactly the type of guy I hate. A know it all, better than everyone else, judgemental. loudmouth wanting everyones attention. There is always one guy like that at the bar sometimes when i go out. That is how I see travis personality

        • Um he certainly could NOT havehad meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! That’s just silly! What, all of a sudden he’s bradd pitt, (another one I’d say no tooooooo)

          • The whole group was unattractive and creepy. I hate that Jodi got sucked in with them – she could have done so much better.

          • OH no! not even Brad Pitt. Dont misunderstand lol these kind of guys are so insecure that is why they try to get all the attention and show off and act like they are better but in reality it is low self-esteem and insecurity. Cant stand travis

        • Sky Hughes was not intrinsically ugly when she was young. She is refusing to age gracefully and her anti aging strategies are making her look like a used up hooker. I’m about her age, and fighting by going the other direction!
          Travis bubble wrapped his insecurities about himself in bravado. Compensating for a lack of real achievement, he plugged in to that stupid MLM Ponzi scheme (MLM Ponzi may be a redundancy, I know). The pyramid was vast enough, and complemented his church culture well enough, that he had a steady stream of Narcissistic Supply- girls, money, adulation, even in the face of empty performance.
          Jodi was damaged in her own way(s) (or else she would not have been ensnared in this mess in the 1st place) and was seeking fulfillment at the same mirage of a wellspring, primarily at his leading (PPLDS). It was her misfortune that she was too close at the time reality started crashing in on his carefully constructed facade. (I’m thinking Blanche from Streetcar).
          These are just my opinionated observations, but I feel strongly about them all the same.

  108. The injustice of this case has touched certain people around the globe. I have been having nightmares every night since the verdict and I am in a different country thousands of miles away. I understand wanting to protect freedom of speech, but do the rights of Vinnie, JVM, NG, Dr. Drew and that face-making, wierd Jennifer woman that is with him to spew lies and hate all for the sake of ratings, trump a citizen’s right to a fair trial? The prepublicity in this trial was enough to contaminate any jury pool in the state. The remarks of juror 8, who according to HLN was a great juror, came into it believing he was on a mission to serve the Alexanders, and although he tried to keep an open mind, he was already so biased, the fact Jodi took notes bothered him. The whole defence case was nullified by this jury and they convicted her of even the added on felony. A lawyer on Dr. Drew just compared Jodi to Hitler for God’s sake.

    • Carol, America has the hard won freedom of speech and freedom of the press. We also have things that Judges can do to ameliorate the effects of this during high profile trials, such as this one. The Judge’s job is to protect the jury from outside influences. This Judge failed to sequester the jury and remove their iPads, phones and whatever else they had that could get info from the outside. She should be removed from the bench.

    • Carol,that Judge is a disgrace of the entire system.Sometimes I tend to think that her not sequestering the jury was a calculated move on her pro-Pro part!! She’s enjoying this! As much as Kermit does! I hate both of them,they have blood on their hands.I too have had nightmares and restless nights for months now.I feel physically and mentally exhausted from thinking about the case and Jodi way too much…I wish it was all over and justice were served for Jodi!!!

  109. OMG hahahahahahahahahah Sky Hughes eyebrows look like Joan Crawfords painted on eyebrows in Mommy Dearest! NO WIRE HANGERS!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

    • Canada Carol, I dream about this case on a nightly basis. I will not get any good rest until Jodi is exonerated. That day will come.

  110. I just realized something….

    Juror 8’s interview was just on again.

    the interviewer asked: was it hard not talking about the trial…avoiding tv info….?”

    #8: “yah, at times sometimes COWORKERS WOULD ASK ABOUT THE TRIAL…i would tell them i cant talk about it. i would leave the room if the trial came on tv”

    I have 2 questions:
    #1 how did his co-workers know he was on the Jodi Arias jury? He was not allowed to tell ANYONE including family what trial he was a juror for or any information about it..per the admonition. I looked it up, it CLEARLY says you may not even tell them WHAT TRIAL! So, how did they know?

    #2 Didnt the judge ask, per the laws specific wording “did any one TRY and talk to you or aproach you about this trial?”
    Um, YES…the people at work did!!! but yet, he didnt ever raise his hand!

    It clearly says you may not be removed, but no mater how innocent, the jury must disclose ANY attemp for someone to talk to them about the trial. They will then determine if it is cause to remove them. Obviously, if he is being honest, they wouldnt have to remove him, but the fact that he DIDNT follow the direction of the judge….

    Its ok, its just a persons life… after all she, gulp, lied…. just stick the needle in and let her die.

    Fuck this system, fuck this jury, fuck this judge and FUCK HLeN for not calling juror 8 out! They are talking about how great he was and it is too bad he didnt get a chance to finish!

    • LOL Sirlips,

      And when something would come on about the trial I would leave the room…. Did he plug his ears too? You FK-ing idiot………….. or ask his wife to crank up the VOLUME….

    • sirlips…

      Juror 8 was quick to tell the police officer that pulled him over with the DUI that he was a juror on the Jodi Arias trial…he didn’t give a care about those admonitions…feeling like a celebrity was more important…I guess he found out real quick that the police officer didn’t give a chyt that he was a juror…he got a ticket…ya…hoooooo….

      I bet one day we will hear just how much his yappy ass mouth told lots of people that he was a juror on this trial…he knew this was a big case and lots of media exposure…he must have felt important…and probably was feeling like a celebrity…a big bolster to his ego…

      • This is serious for him though…It is a possible contempt charge.

        The admonition is clear about this, infact it uses this exact thing as an example! You may not tell anyone, even family, which trial you are on!

        How many times did the judge ask them, over 4 months? He is a liar. Period. If Jodi can face the DP simply, lets be honest, because she lied, then what does this jerk get?

        I better see a charge! seriously, i cant wait for all the other jurors to come forward and start yapping, because they WILL yap…you watch.


        Also, just wanted to point out that the woman on this site are fucking nutts…i love ’em. Dont fuck with these ladies, they will fucking cut you.

    • That’s right, fuck these motherfuckers on the jury. Remember some of those DUMBASS FUCKING questions they asked some of the witnesses? Fuck, I had em all pegged as BRAINDEAD FUCKS as soon as I heard those questions.

      • ME TOO,leetbean!! I was among the few ones that had major doubts about these jurors when the first questions started coming! I remember some people here saying, well we cannot tell the voice inflection blah blah,Pickles is reading them the way she wants stress-wise…I never commented on how comfortable I felt with those questions because I never was!I had a sick feeling right from the start about these stupid,clueless,might-be-better-if-they-watched-the-trial-from-home motherfuckers!!

  111. I have said this over and over again. Jodi may have shot, but she didn’t do the rest of it.

  112. Even back on 3-17-2013…

    HLN was bolstering their ratings with this trial…by inflaming the American television viewing audience into their homes day after day…night after night…with their wickedly twisted version of the truths…with their sickening smiles and smirking laughs…making negative comments toward Jodi in an attempt to sway the American people to their belief of the events of this trial…

    In all actuality…Jodi was already on trial with HLN…they were the ones who convicted her with their coverage…they sat in the courtroom…they gave their input to everyone…

    In the article on that link below…they think that they were responding to the behaviors they were seeing on social media, out in the world, in people’s homes…

    When in fact…the American television viewing audience was responding with pure hatred from watching HLN day after day and night after night…as they poured their twisted half truths through the airways into the homes of these people…

    • I was trying to find out when they started this media campaign to have her executed. Jodi had to wait so long to come to trial they have had years to whip up this incredible wave of hatred towards one poor woman.

      • Carol….type in different entries on google like…Jodia Arias 2009…I found several blogs in 2009 and links back then that I have been reading all evening…they are quite interesting…

        It seems like HLN was still bolstering their ratings off the Casey Anthony trial at that time…and once those ratings started dropping….they saw some other networks that were talking about Jodi Arias then they jumped on the bandwagon and started their new strategic campaign of cashing in on Jodi Arias trial…and it worked for them….their ratings went astronomical with this trial…all at the price of broadcasting twisted versions of the truth…and half-truths…for keeping the American people tuned into their big breaking moments of so many untruths and lies…

        I started watching the Fox for news…I have the tv on all day in my business…and I can honestly say that I have not heard anyone on the Fox channel bashing Jodi around like the HLN talking heads have done….

  113. I can’t believe there was no mention of flies in the house when the body was discovered.
    Usually there’d be thousands of flies on the windows.
    Just curious if the roommates tampered with the body ?

    • Phillip…
      I was reading some blogs back in 2009 and some were questioning that same thing about whether the roommates were involved because of the stench of a decomposed body in the house for 5 days…they had to have known something was not right….

      • I want some overdue answers regarding this decomposition stench!! The roommates never leave my mind in peace.I want to personally grab them and shake them and make the words come out of their mouths.Florez was a ridiculous incompetent good-for-nothing PAWN!!!

  114. Dr. Drew is on. UGH. This Jennifer Hutt he keeps having on is a skeezey bitch who can’t possibly think her hair looks good. And Sky Hugh’s again with her smiling and laughing!!!!! I want to punch her lights out!!!!

    • YAH i want to wipe that ugly smile right off her horseface. She needs a makeup class too. She was probably so jealous of how pretty jodi was and jodi knew how to do her makeup. Flippin Joan Crawford eyebrows lol HORSEFACE

  115. I have to go to bed. I am soooooooooo tired and so angry. I sure some of thtat has leaked through. Maybe I will be better tomorrow. I really hope soooooooooo! There is soooooooooooo much abou tthis case that never mane it to the jury. It just seemsssssssss unreal. Anyway, tomorrow everyone, hugs ((((((((((((((((((((((hugsandlove)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  116. The whole HLN crew is screwed! All of them have ethical issues. More histrionics and drama. Drew and his women, all speak with the same tongue. J. Driver cried about her story, did she ever get mental help for the abuse? She does not mention that at all. When I heard Drew labeling Jodi and egging his guests to validate him was an outrage. So yeah, I told him he was unethical to be giving his personal views on a woman he doesn’t know. The fact is, we all don’t know all the facts. It is not normal for any woman to lose her mind over a man like that. It has to drive anyone to insanity to commit such a passionate crime. 2nd degree not M1. Even the timeline doesn’t see correct. How could a women 5′ 5, 120lb have taken a 5 9, 200lb man down? Tell me how? Did they even re-enact a scene of a woman that stature and a man like TA to see if it were possible? Hard to prove this theory, can’t resolve in my mind. Also, I don’t get the room-mates not smelling death in that house, were they doing Meth? I mean……a cover up?

    • Dr. Drew has NO credibility. Jeanine Driver has NO credibility and I wouldn’t put it past her to lie about her past abuse. She’s no shrinking violet. She’s a loud mouthed fat ass and frankly if I had to listen to her day in and out I might beat her.

  117. As much as this trial has disgusted me,there is one thing that I hope Jodi wont do,even if it helps her.I would hope that she doesnt get up in front of those mother fuckers and begs for mercy,fuck them all,the phoney Alexander tribe,the jury and judge,Juano and his stuck up his ass side kick Flores.She got screwed in this trial,the jury has already made up their minds about the death penalty,its obvious what the outcome is going to be,just look at the past 15 hours to convict her of M1,2 hours to set the presidence for the DP,now make her beg for her life,FUCK THEM,how dare they drag her further down and make a mockery of her when they fully intend to give her the death penalty,I wouldnt give them the stisfaction to beg for my life.I may sound bitter as if this would have been a trial with out the glorification of the media,nobody would have heard of her,little or no haters and it would have been a run of the mill murder trial in which she would have probally walked away from.I hope Jodi can stay strong and believe in her defence when the appeal process comes about.She was mistreated and abused,she finally snapped to save her life and nobody gave a shit about it,everything was about the poor Alexanders that really didnt give a shit about Travis anyhow.Hold your head up Jodi,things look bad,but have faith and the truth shall prevail and be known.God Bless you Jodi Ann Arias and your family.

  118. CBS turned into Nasty DisGrace tonight. BTW who’s that gross ass blonde? Yuck..couldn’t decide who made me wanna barf more, her, Sky or Chris Hughes. If that’s not trying to influence a jury then I don’t know what is. OMG…they are so sickening. Prayers to Jodi over the weekend. Not so nice prayers for the pedo hugger Hughes and TA family. Go back to your backward ass Mormon fuck of a life and take sissy wives with you. Happy Friday to these fabulous supporters.

  119. Just got thru watching 48 hour had All Jodi’s Lies and topped off with Chris and Sky Hughes statements running her down with kill the bitch Sky doing the same on Dr drew she is by herself on his show tell Dr all 8 family members and her and hubby want to see her die so she can not Tweet anymore. FUCK THEM AND THE VACATION TO CANCUN REALLY GOOD FRIENDS TO TRAVIS TO MISS HIS BEING LOWERED IN THE GROUND WERE HE BELONGS.

  120. My goodness, Chris and Sky Hughes are really trying to cash in on their friend’s death aren’t they? I see two attention whores hard at work trying to sponge off of this trial and off Jodi’s back as well. What is wrong with them? Everyone knows damn well they are both hypocritical liars.

    • not to forget when they first heard they said get tas webmaster .. why? This kinda stuff is what the jurors needed to hear, to point fingers in right direction

    • They know that as long as the spotlight of whodunnit is on Jodi ,no other questions are gonna be asked.It’s their only alternatine;keep talking about the bitch so as not to raise doubts and questions about us!! Your timing is running out,dumbasses!!!

      • Maria — I can SEE the relief on Chris Hughes’ face since the guilty verdict. That’s okay, the false sense of security CaSH have will render them sloppier than usual, and they will fuck themselves over. This marriage is gonna implode; it’s just a matter of time.

  121. Okay, I give up, the message is transmitted twice. Not even see the message appear on the page ….

      • Was a warning about a hater on another page …

        Read this one ….

        Someone looks at the comment with date May 17, 2013 at 5:57 pm
        “Morgan” on the “Leave a Message For Jodi Arias”

        Thank you,

          • noel….

            Please don’t waste your valuable time trying to comment to the haters comments…

            Your time is more important by posting the good things….keep a happy heart and sing a nice tune….

            Al always post a new song everyday for all of us to enjoy…

            If you find any more bad comments you can copy and paste them to an email and send it to SJ…

            from just another friendly poster trying to help make a positive change for Jodi…

  122. Again, someone looks at the comment with date May 17, 2013 at 5:57 pm
    “Morgan” on the “Leave a Message For Jodi Arias”

    Thank you,

  123. Yesterday I was felling very sad and I spent the whole day crying. I was thinking about Jodi and her mom. My 21 y/o daughter sent me a gift for Mother’s Day, but it arrived yesterday. I felt so much sadness in my heart because I thought about Jodi’s mom and was thinking that probably she will never receive a gift like that from her daughter. I felt joy because of the gift, but I just couldn’t stop crying. Oh, I just hope that God gives Cindy the strength to continue fighting for her daughters freedom.

    • Audrey Jodi’s mom name is not Cindy……………. Her mom’s name is Sandy ( Aka Sandr).

        • I was thinking about Casey’s mom, Cindy Anthony, another victim of HLN By the way. She also went thru a lot with Casey, but at least Cindy got her daughter back. Well, I hope things will get better for Jodi and her mom. May God be with them.

  124. Haven’t been on in a couple days but I was so glad to see this posted on ‘Motherfuckers & Justice For Jodi’:

    “Here’s permanently pissed up juror #8 talking about being approached & questioned during the trial, watching TV and seeing all the newspaper headlines. “Did anyone attempt to speak to you about this case?… I see no hands.” says Judge Pickles. So much for that BS…”

    This stupid juror is admitting he was approached by people trying to talk to him about the trial, therefore he was LYING every time the judge asked if anybody had ATTEMPTED to speak with him about the case. This fact should be spread far and wide and re-posted every single day.

    And fuck these motherfuckers on the jury, every last one of them.

    Still pissed as shit…

    • yes and he was asked for show of hands after he got the dui and before he was dismissed so he lied

  125. Female ritual suicide known as Jigai was practiced by the wives of samurai who have committed seppuku or brought dishonor.

    Some females belonging to samurai families committed suicide by cutting the arteries of the neck with one stroke, using a knife such as a tantō or kaiken. The main purpose was to achieve a quick and certain death in order to avoid capture. Women were carefully taught jigaki as a child. Before committing suicide, a woman would often tie her knees together so her body would be found in a dignified pose, despite the convulsions of death. Jigaki, however, does not refer exclusively to this particular mode of suicide. Jigai was often done to preserve one’s honor if a military defeat was imminent, so as to prevent rape. Invading armies would often enter homes to find the lady of the house seated alone, facing away from the door. On approaching her, they would find that she had ended her life long before they reached her.

        • This is a must read to understand more about the throat cutting…it is written by Mr. Wishnatsky…he is a graduate of Harvard College (1966), and holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Harvard University (1975). He is the author (Martin Weil) of A Pretty Good Club: the Founding Fathers of the U.S. Foreign Service (W.W. Norton and Co., 1978).

          I posted the conclusion page on this link…there is more pages to read…but the conclusion page has information about what goes on in the temple…Travis made it to the temple look what he was into…and read about the throat slitters…don’t forget that the community that Travis lived in was mormon…his roommates were all mormons…and they all went to the same mormon church…

          [quote]The truth is that not until one is in the Endowment Room of the temple, the doors closed and guarded, the spotters vigilantly watching every gesture, does the truth of total “consecration” on penalty of death come out. There is no aisle in the Endowment Room should one decide to run out; he would have to clamber over the bodies of the other experienced ritual throat-slitters, dodge past the spotters, and then race out of the building before anyone could react fast enough to stop him. [quote]

          • read a little about joe smith self proclaimed prophet for profit con who started murdering by cutting throats with his pocket knife then justified it via faux morm self made okie dokies, whatta putz

  126. From the DT petition someone posted earlier:

    “Knowing use of perjured or false testimony by the prosecution is a denial of due
    process and is reversible error without the necessity of a showing of prejudice to
    the defendant.”46 This rule should apply with even greater rigor in capital cases.

  127. oh, hahahaha,

    Outright liars typically engaged in three giveaway habits: They talked more than others, they swore more often and they spoke more often in the third person, as if referring to a distant “him” or “her” rather than “you” or “me.” The researchers dubbed such chatty, profane talk the “Pinocchio effect,” since the more you lie, the more words you use.

    Martinez anyone?? I don’t remember any profanity, but the third person talk…. all the way

  128. is anyone else aware that TA’s ex-roommate drove Jodi to the police to give her finger prints?

  129. I admit I obsess, so Im bored and looking for others that believe she is innocent, and came along this info, my question that leads me back to my beginning opinion, is, wasn’t he the roommate that TA had problems with?

  130. I can get that TA told everyone that Jodi was stalking him so that they would think that was the reason she was still “calling” or current roommates seeing her at his house. Evidence and witness’s prove that even while he was making claims that she was stalking him, he still chased her after she ran away when she saw him with another woman. So the stalking claim has always been proved moot imo. In the 911 call they were quick to point fingers, it took roughly 45 seconds into the phone call to bring up his stalker girlfriend, whats her name??? yea jodi she did this.

    Everyone has taken TA’s friends opinions and turned them into gold. the more people that agree with the stalker theory the more money these people make.

    I personally think still, that shes covering up for someone. i dont know who, but she should just say fuck it and out em and say fuck it

  131. and really who murders someone and thinks, lets do a load of laundry to do some clean up. and then 5 days go by and 4 roommates never see it.

    • Chrysz, it sounds like you think Detective Flores went to the same police academy as Mark Fuhrman (Lead Detective on OJ Simpson murder’s) who was such a racist & so corrupt, he plead the 5th during the OJ Simpson trial.

      Or do all cops lie on the stand to convict the wrongly accused?

    • I do and it’s hilarious, Basse. You’re either too young or too cool to get it but it’s funny.
      “We’ve got a right to pick a little fight…”

  132. Here is another thing that made me mad about travis and the video was on Dr Pew.It was one of his motivational speaks. He was putting down 50 cent and saying his lyrics were about sex and gangs and so forth. Well travis you ho bag! Dont call the kettle black. You were a sex deviant and you are in your own gang of mormons. 50 cent has donated tons and tons of money to help people! That tells me he has a good heart. Just to let you all know Im not a huge rap music fan but what travis said still pissed me off. That was shown on Dr pew about a month ago

    • C’mon, now, mystery. You know T-Dogg was a good man. He drove a Prius and handed out shampoo samples to the homeless at Christmas.

      • Yeah, and then in his “Being Better Blog” he puts down homeless people:

        ‘A quote from David O McKay kept haunting me. “No success can compensate for failure in the home.” I was a different type of homeless, one with just as few legitimate excuses as the other type bumming for change at a freeway off ramp.’

        So, he gave, but also blamed the homeless for being in need. Remember Jodi’s story about the “T-Dogg” buying a hamburger for some guy on the freeway? Well, that guy, apparently, was a also bum with no excuses.

  133. yea and you can find the check jodi had wrote to him. he was always looking for money

    • Jodi’s journal

      “I`m trying very hard not to be in a state of blame right now, but if it weren`t for Travis borrowing all of my money, I`d be in San Diego tonight. I spent $40 on two super Saturday tickets to see Jeff Olson (ph) and visit with my friends that I miss very much, but I`ve been squeezed dry and then some because of him.”

      “I drained my checking account to put money into his and then was hit with tons of fees, fees that he isn`t going to pay, $96 worth. And he has the nerve to tell me to balance my checkbook. Nay, he didn`t just tell me that, he screamed it at me, and then proceeded to say that he wants to get a gun and put it to his head and pull the trigger.”

      “I wanted to soothe away his worries. He was under more stress than I had ever seen him. He was really despairing today. I lended him another $80. I went to the bank for him to deposit it into his account since he said he doesn`t want to step foot in that bank again today. By the time we had parted, things seemed a little better.”

  134. I still can’t get over SJ’s photo – Justice Served TA (In a blue body bag)

    The only good pedophile is a dead one 🙂

    • Travis-Blue ribbons are the same color as Travis’ body bag; did they do that on purpose?

  135. Im worried that the jury will give her DP just because they are afraid of the hate and death threats they will receive if they dont. Look, all ALV did was testify and look what happened to her. Thats why im so worried and I think that is why they found her guilty of Murder1 Do you guys think the jurors are making decisions out of fear to protect their own lives and familys? the public is forcing this decision to the jury by way of hate and threats. all the haters and mormons should not be involved. Just judge and jury. Just remember how they ruined ALV life and threatened her. the jury might be scared to death to make any decision but DP

    • Well of course everybody knows the jury has been swayed by the media blitz HLN and the Mormons the haters tried Jodi and influenced everything The jury has succumbed to the pressure to save their own skins I am sure that they are well aware what happened to the Casey Anthony trial jurors and they don’t want the same to happen to them The jury sucked they didn’t use their own brains to deduct the guilt of Jodi they were just members of the same flock of sheep that fed on all the HLN bullshit because of all that Jodi could not ever get a fair trial anywhere on this planet

      • Exactly, I was also thinking of the casey anthony case. But what if there are 1 or 2 jurors that want to save her but are afraid of the backlash? The people and the public should not have a hand in this and are trying to make it their decision with no proof. It is intimidating to the jurors and scary for them after what happened to ALV and the casey anthony jurors

  136. With the hate mob out there i would be afraid too. Some of those people are crazy. But the jury needs to do the right thing for jodi, not the hate mob

      • Well the haters find out where you live and work and make your life miserable like they did for ALV. i hope jurors make decisions without fear of the MOB AND HATERS. Some of them are crazy

  137. the jury was biased from the beginning, not sure how to get a new trial but it doesnt seem like jodi’s dream team gives a shit.

    • All I know is if I was on this jury and we went not guilty i would move far away after the trial. Because they do go after jurors.

  138. I think what im trying to say is jury intimidation. To make a long story short. They are scared because of the haters. Not a fair trial

  139. Good morning from Greece, everyone!!!
    Ok, I’ve got a hot question for you guys that I’ve been pondering upon all night:
    Is it true that TA had a dog? Where was that dog during the murder? Where was this dog during the 5 days of missing TA? Was he locked out of the room? Wouldn’t he have been barking? Was he in the room? Wouldn’t he have been barking??? Where is the dog????

    • They said he was downstairs behind a doggie gate and it blocked the dog from going upstairs. The dog was a black pug named Napoleon. Unfortunately the poor dog is with Deanna his ex.

  140. But yes I wonder too, who fed the dog and didnt they smell the dead body if they came to feed the dog? Or maybe the roomates fed him

    • Mystery, yes! This is soooo true! Who fed the dog? Believe me, I know about dogs and I know that he would sense the smell of decay making go crazy!!! Especially because his ‘master’ was the one decaying… Sth very weird about this…

      • I asked that very question. I am a cat person and I have a couple of them. When I had a seizure one day they went crazy until someone came in. THey were meowing and licking me and when someone came in they said one of the cats tried to attack them and the other was meowing so loud. That made me wonder why the dog that supposedly loved TA wasn’t losing it. I was told their was a gate up on the stairs and that a roommate or their girlfriend fed the dog. Bt everytime TA went out of town Deanna testified he brought her the dog so wouldn’t the mere fact the dog was there be an alert to the roommates?

      • I said that too. Dogs who neve howl will howl unmercifully when something this bad is wrong. Thats why I don’t understand why the dog wasn’t going ballistic. Very suspicious and odd in my opinion.

  141. How about this thought? they always say jodi has all the control of her lawyers and the courtroom and so forth. Are you kidding me? The haters also known as the public and the media have total control to get exactly what they want out of this verdict by hate and intimidation. My god what kind of world do we live in?

  142. I was looking up info on the death penalty in Arizona and how that generally works and was glad to see there is an automatic appeal/ review before Jodi’s people would do the further appeals. I was on another site and there has been something like 142 exonerated from death row sentences in this country! There is some sort of documentary about it. Thats alot of people to actually have it proven that they didn’t even do the crime to begin with let alone get the DP!!!!

    Anybody have any thoughts on Monday? Have the haters scared away her character witnesses? Is it true that JM can grill the witnesses? Will Jodi speak and what will she say? Why isn’t her mother going to seak does anyone know?

      • Thanks for the link. I have never been for the death penalty but this case has spurred me on to learn the most current info on it.

  143. omg since reading the comments about the ‘adams family’ I cant see it in any other light! so true.

  144. im sorry but the brother with the snarl (steven) sounds so fake when hes talking….the way his tone goes up and down and facial act….yet they scrutinize Jodi’s every facial expression.

    • He was snarling wasn’t he? No wonder his wife dumped him—guys got some major issues.

      • Now Kalista you know all those PROBLEMS are because of JODI!! Remember he and TA were so very close.. On the day TA died he JUST saw him 6 months before that, they were so so VERY close that his death just about TORE his life apart. WTF ever!!!

    • Yeah, he does. He’s an angry little bastard, just like his brother. No wonder his damn marriage fell apart. Oh, wait, that’s Jodi’s fault too I guess. What a total asshead. That whole family is a disaster waiting to happen, or has it already happened?

    • LOL Last night my fiancé who has not followed the trial hardly at all saw a shot of his family and he said OH MY GOD who the hell are those people?? I had to respond with sarcasm and I said well THAT is the PERFECT Alexander clan…You got Sourpuss, Methhead, ROLLER, and Snarl in that shot. LOL He said good GOD I think this trial has caused me another TV. They just put a crack in this one. ( For those who haven’t heard I threw a cup at the TV during the DisGrace hour one night and shattered the new expensive set.) Last night we were watching his new one.

      • HA! I think I have a good idea, but I’ll ask anyway, which one is ROLLER? That’s some funny shit right there! BTW, how are you Jennifer? Doing well I hope.

        • LOL the one whose eyes rolled the whole trial!! I think Methhead and Sourpuss are the same one but I love both names so I used both for dramatic purposes… OH SHIT that means I lied to my fiancé…I hope he never dies because I will get blamed because I lied to him by omission. . LOL
          I have oral surgery on Monday, I thought Gism was good for the teeth… Oh my god that was bad LOL

  145. Did anyone else catch the 48 hrs. last night? I got so pissed after 20 minutes I had to leave the room. My fiancé was trying to listen to it and I kept bitching about what they weren’t saying that went along with what they were showing. Then this am I get on the computer and go to check my email and read an editorial about OH BOOHOO the tears from the family. I read the comments just for fun and couldn’t just NOT respond so here is what I said…Hope I wasn’t too mean…NO I HOPE I WAS!!!
    This family is as messed up as they come. Their parents were drug addicts, their sister is a meth addict, Travis was a pedophile and claimed to the rest of the family to be the real 30 year old virgin while dreaming of 12 year olds and #$%$ raping and having sex with multiple women, the brother sits on the stand blaming Jodi for his OWN problems, and another brother got arrested before Travis died and pretended to be Travis. Add in that Chris Hugh’s works at a school that is currently being investigated for pedophilia. And the media makes Jodi out to be so evil while only telling the public the information that they have spun to make her APPEAR that way. I feel sorry for all of the people that listen to the talking MORANS at HLN and don’t investigate this case yourselves. The tin man described you best “if you only HAD a BRAIN.”

      • It is on I think CBS..the channel that has the price is right during the day. I think you might be able to go to the 48 hrs. site and watch it now. I know you can on Dateline NBC and watch their episodes on this case and others.

  146. OK I just went to leave Jodi a message and found that people are treating that like a regular page. That is not a page to respond to others comments. I have copied a few really good ones and sent them to Jodi. It is hard to weave through this when people are doing that.

    • SJ clearly states that the SEND JODI A MESSAGE page is for just THAT to send Jodi a message. If people want to respond to something on that page please just respond on the page for the day and mention the persons name that wrote the message and what your comment is. Soon when Jodi is free I think that would be a nice place for her to go and read what her supporters where thinking at each moment of the trial.

  147. I just feel really bad for her. im new here but have been following the trial daily. how the heck can they say she had a fair trial when the jury wasn’t sequestered and all this one sided crap on hln. I don’t understand why they attack her so bad when there are COLD BLODDED MURDERS all the time that we hear nothing about. they’ve just vilified her bc the case seemed ‘interesting’ to the general ;public….attractive girl, sex, photos, taped phone convo etc….I feel that hln has just used this trial to boost their ratings, not giving a crap about a persons life.

    • Last night I watched a on Dateline a segment about a young woman pushing her husband out of a 25 story window and she got only 25 years. That was coldblooded as she stood and watched him fall.

  148. had hln not commentated this NON STOP, maybe we’d have a different verdict. there is NO WAY I will ever believe that jury wasn’t watching this. and to make a ‘mock crime scene’ and nightly ‘bold accusation’ jury…please……how lame can you get

    • Me either. The Alexander family is a bunch of low life scum ( please read my post above on my thoughts about each of them) one of the brothers pretended to be TA when he got arrested. He LIED to the police but he wasn’t drug through the mud by the media.

    • A part of me does and a part of me doesn’t. on one hand she is the person who would defend her the best and on the other hand the prosecutor would treat her like shit and she has been through so much and deals with all the haters attacks on her everyday.

      • Thats right! These haters are going to ruin the end result of this trial. Im also afraid for patty wolmack, the childhood friend that will testify and I just heard JM gets to have at her. Anyone who gets in these peoples way of the death penalty will suffer and I think the people who are testifying are scared and I think the jury is so intimidated by the hate they will only come back with the verdict that we dont want for jodi. This is the most hateful and full of shit trial I have ever seen. But also leaves many reasons for a good appeal. Most appeals take years though.

      • The mother should testify. If Martinez has any brains , he may not cross examine her at all,
        or he would be respectful of her.I don t think bullying the mother would go over well with the
        public. I don t know about the jury

  149. I just think if she has any chance for sympathy with this particular jury….her mom would be the key over an estranged friend ya know? this jury juset seems pretty hard-core….and if they bought into any of those speeches from the siblings on Wednesday… wont be good.

    • jm probably object to anything Sandy says and judge back jm , then she’s damned if she does speak and damned being accused of not loving her daughter . . hln will fly with either way with negatives .. it’s a tough call .

    • OH MY GOD he does. I kept thinking the whole trial that guy looks familiar…but I couldn’t figure out why. I had to debate in school for the Church of Satan in a debate contest.

  150. I feel like the whole TA family has drama issues. you can see it in that video of travis talking about someone holding a gun to his head. even his ex’s said he was drama. you can hear it in the brothers voice! there are no tears! he makes his pitch go up and down in his voice and makes these exaggerated facial expressions! and as far as the sister tanisha….Ive seen pics of her and her husband I guess it is in Hawaii or something recently and she looks just as happy as can be yet she has this constant scowl in court. I think they are all just playing it up….not saying there not hurt by it…but I think they are amping it up 1000 percent.

    • and you know someone in the jury saw that family has a strange gene pool without reading the truths about them

    • These fuckers won’t stop until they get everybody in trouble, including themselves.

    • Thanks so much for letting me know about that Valerie poster. All her IPs and her email is banned. I removed the links to the hater site. I appreciate you pointing that out, I will be on the lookout for that in the future.

      And as far as the hate squad – I wish they would leave Donovan alone. She hasn’t done anything to anyone else, she has only been Jodi’s friend and has been in the courtroom every day with her family. Like the Arias family, the haters pick on them for absolutely no reason than just to be bullying abusers. If there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s that the Universe has a sense of humor and Karma will bite them all in the ass someday.

      • Glad she is gone and yes they attack any and all friends and supporters of Jodi. I got my eagle eyes open for trolls here…lol They even make fun of her Grandma– bunch of low lifes.

      • did you run across noels posts? . . kinda odd with laying lava for Jodi and the jury being grandparents one day telling their grandkids about being on the trial Idon’t want to put it all here). . just found that more unnecessary than comforting

  151. OMG Yes JM gets to cross anyone who speaks for jodi mon and also cross jodi. Holy shit he is so mean I cant watch him abuse another witness. I wanted to jump through the TV by the time he got to ALV AND KICK HIM IN HIS TINY NARDS

      • He is probably a wimp and chicken shit n real life because those are the type that beat women and children. He also strikes me as a person that has to win no matter what it takes. Lying, stepping on peoples toes, ruining peoples chances at a fair trial, yelling at people. I hate him

    • “OMG Yes JM gets to cross anyone who speaks for jodi mon and also cross jodi.”

      NO. Is that true?

      • I think if Jodi makes a statement it will be just that, a statement with no cross. The character witnesses will be subject to cross.

    • well if they do it according to the only way they’ve seen this circus turned out now . . we’re do for a sequel lol

    • You mean you intend to watch it?That’s one good stomack you must have…I know I’d be feeling physically sick fter the first few minutes…

  152. I wanted to share something with you all. On Mothers Day after church my daughter and I went to the corner grocery store. While in the bread isle I saw an older woman standing in front of the bread talking really loud on the phone and by her voice I knew that she was mentally challenged with a mental level of maybe a first grader. She was telling the person on the phone that she didn’t have enough money for the bread. I was going to buy it for her then my daughter distracted me and the lady walked away. I went on to the register and soon the same lady was right behind me and she had a small thing of chocolate milk in her hand. So I offered to let her go in front of me because I had a lot of items. She said thank you and was very excited by the fact that I was nice to her. Again my daughter distracted me with wanting all the candy at the checkout. I then was ready to put my items up and heard the woman say I am so sorry to the cashier and she walked away. I asked the cashier Did she not have enough for that. HE aid no. I yelled MAM MAM to the lady and she turned around I told the cashier ring up the milk and I handed it to the lady. She looked at me with HUGE eyes like I just handed her a million dollars. She said really? For ME? and I told her yes. She hten offered to give me her address so I could go get the money. I said No I didn’t want any money, She was shocked again. And really wanted to pay me back I said no just do something nice for someone sometime. She said I can do that!! While a huge smile she walked off. The cashier had tears running down his face and said That was so nice of you. I told him their is far to many mean people in the world and if she was my child I would want someone to be kind to her.
    The next morning my phone rings and the woman on the other end asked if I was the one that bought the milk the day before I said yes and she asked if her daughter had asked me for the money. I said no no I just offered. The mother began to cry and tell me how mean people were to the lady all the time and that I gave her the best Mothers Day present she ever got. She then told me she got my number from someone who worked at the store and had my number.

    Fast forward to this last Wednesday and I went to the store again and the lady was at the store again. She looked at me and said Are you the mam that bought me the chocolate milk? I said yes I am and asked of she enjoyed her milk. She said yes it was so good. She then held her arms open wide and said COME HERE! And she gave me a huge hug. I then told her that she had just done something nice for someone and that her hug made me feel better that I had just been at the dentist. She said eww I hate dentists. Well I guess from me talking in the store the word got out that I support Jodi. Well this ladies mother passed my phone number onto her family member who is an attorney and he called me offering me wonderful leads on attorneys for Jodis case that may take her at no charge!! I talked to a couple of them and they are reading on the case.One said this case he had heard a little about and feels that she was not represented well in court. So I am praying that one of them will offer their services for free and we can get Jodi out SOON!!! Sorry for rambling but you have to know the whole story to understand why the referrals met so much to me.

      • I try to set a good example for my daughter. I couldn’t imagine knowing that I had the money for that milk and didn’t help the lady out. That would be just as mean as making fun of her.

  153. she definitely was not represented well. nurmi wanted to quit from the start and he’s even more slack now. you can tell his heart isn’t in it at all.

    • Does SJ have the letter that Nurmi sent to the judge or his request to be removed from the trial. I have seen the letters Jodi and her Mother send to Judge Pickles But not what Nurmi sent.

    • Yeah no doubt even Casey Anthony had some fierce representation. She needed a bulldog to go head to head with that little douchebag. The lawyers have taken alot of heat through this whole thing as well so I do feel for them in that regard.

    • I see it too. It is the way he sits – as if he is at a coffee shop. It seems that he wasnt s to get it over with quickly. This means that Nurmi hasn’t sat his ass sown to dig into this as much as he should. I don’t know but he rubs me the wrong way (is that expression right or did I write a boo-boo?).

  154. ok just for fun….does this ‘cane lady’ annoy the rest of you as much as she does me???!!!

    • I saw that last nite. I was also reading about the circumstances of the overturning of Milke’s conviction. They have a long line of corrupt prosecutors apparently.

      • was talking to friend about Mike tonight and he asked if she will get compensation for 22 years . . I wonder too

    • The crimereport one is compelling. The magnacartanews is interesting but this judge won’t ever admit jm was prejudice.

  155. omg I was just gonna mention the ‘little firecracker’ comment but you beat me to it. LMAO

  156. its usually that idiot jane velez Mitchell that features her….every outside courtroom shot where they are commentating…she has to stick her head in the picture.

  157. Ha Everyone saying how creepy the family looks! Maybe they are incest people and some of those sisters and brothers are travis’s kids LOL AND THAT IS WHY HE LIKES LITTLE BOYS AND GIRLS hee hee

    • Great cane lady wants to suck on midget prosecutors…well you know…if she can find it…lol

  158. idk but they all look creepy to me…like when the camera pans the whole family….total adams family.

    • isn’t that the truth . . he was a “bad boy”, that intrigued Jodi, she’s the one that got introduced to things far different that her norm. . his evil charisma and charm sucked her in tight

  159. Oh and speaking of annoyances if I have to see TA in the cheesey tacky ass yellow suit one more time!!!!

  160. omg just flipping through the channels….and here’s steven alexander. this guy has ISSUES.

  161. ‘I was supposed to go out there so travis could help me quit smoking….its jodis fault that I smoke’ …UUUUUUUGH

    • Wow. This dude really is in need of a straight jacket and a rubber room.

      • LOL he does come across as an angry nutcase not a saddened brother. I think he had emotional problems before this. Its Jodi’s fault he didn’t stop smoking don’t ya know? lol

  162. You know another reason I know the siblings statements are so contrived and absolute bullshit theatrics–how they keep referring to seeing him slumped in the shower in their dreams. People remember their loved ones as they were at their best and remember the good times. They are very troubled people to begin with and now just playing the martyrs makes them look very pathetic. It was all so hollow. They weren’t even involved in his life saw him only on Christmas.

    • Oh,c’moooon.They dont even dream about him,let alone have nightmares of him in the shower! HAHAHAA,they are so troubled by the thought of Travis lying on that shower floor because they didnt even BOTHER to call him or check on him for 5 fucking days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      It’s called GUILT ,not pain of losing a loved one.
      Hear that Alexanders??

  163. he is NOT CRYING…he is just making his voice sound shaky. CAN PEOPLE NOT SEE THAT?????

    • it’s all about him then he remembers to throw in because t is gone. uhh duhhh. Said it yesterday, he feels so sorry for himself, we don’t need to, he’s got it covered.

  164. oh but kalista…they cannot ‘gather together anymore because they don’t want to have an empty chair’.

    • That right there is the biggest crock of shit. They never gathered together anyways.

    • Right 5 years no get togethers…thats Jodi’s fault too apparently. As I posted yesterday I would wager Travis had distanced himself from them on purpose. He thought he was meant for bigger and better things and some of them had questionable lifestyles to say the least.

  165. ‘ive been hospitalized for ulcers’ ‘my wife left me’ ‘I wasn’t the husband I should be’ ‘I cant quit smoking’ ‘I take anti depressants’…..sounds like all HIS issues.

  166. ive always felt evil for feeling this way, and I don’t express it to my friends or family….but I just CANNOT STAND that family. im a very compassionate person…but im just not feeling it for them. any of them!

    • exactly gwen, their demeanor alone without the hughes prompting the rest of the mayhem is enough reason to go hmmmmm . .

    • I tried to be sympathetic but the way they conducted themselves in the court room and leading the online lynch mob against Laviolette and others changed my mind fast. They are opportunists and will try to make big bucks off this—watch and see.

      • something was on tv about how people like these hide all that free money, sort of like politicians do when they take donations and do not have to tell who the funders are then put the cash in an exempt fund to keep from paying taxes on it

    • They don’t care— they bought into JM’s theatrics and never even tried to have an open mind

  167. I read some commentary earlier that when the original evidence is based, the law will uphold it rather than say they made a mistake, so law enforcement will uphold a lie . . welll damn skippy . . the me purjed himself and got to come back . . I know someone, cheif of police in hannibal, who served 5 years on the double negative answer catch . . they said he purjed . . they cuffed and arrested him in court right then.

  168. yes I truly tried to be open minded too, that’s why its taken me so long to post in here. but I have been watching this trial….and reading posts on here too….long enough and enough info to form my opinion solidly.

  169. I watched an interview where tanisha said she wanted to ‘watch Jodi die’….im sorry but I couldn’t say that about anyone!

    • I know and to have the balls to read Travis’s blog “this year I will forgive and then forgive some more” in open court apparently they are not into forgiveness as Travis was—where is their religion now?

      • That was one of the most pompous,self-absorbed,narcissistic,grandiose delusions based blog I’ve ever read in my life!!!
        yep,I feel safer and much much better without Mr Alexander.(isnt that how he called himself on the tape?) *rolling eyes*

      • Maybe his own words will resonate with one juror and they will decide against the DP.

      • How about they read some of the other things Travis said?

        “You sound like a 12-year old girl having her first orgasm” TA was a sick, narcissistic, pedophile fuck.


    • hughes said the same thing and so far as to say they wanted as many people as possible to view it

    • They are filled with the poison of hate and everything they touch will turn to shit until they learn to let go of the hatred for Jodi. Wanting to kill a woman for killing their brother makes them as evil as they think she is. Did you notice how they got the verdict they want and they aren’t happy and contented? The same thing will happen if Jodi gets the DP. That satisfied feeling they are waiting for will never come.

      • No, because Travis will still be dead. No matter what happens he ain’t coming back.

      • Kalista, you are so right. They will then try to make a living hell for Jodi’s family.

  170. uuugh I just feel so bad for her. I cant even imagine sitting alone in a jail cell….waiting for a decision…one is neither better than the other….life in prison or death….I wonder if theres any way she will ever get out….I don’t know that much about the law…but even in an appeal wont the jury be tainted? everyone knows about this trial and the media has POISENED most people….the ones that haven’t done the research on their own anyway.

    • where I am, no one’s into this trial. When it came across on the news, no one paid attention unless it’s a local.

    • I think Innocence Project is the best bet . They worked really hard and got Damien Echols out of prison and he was on death row. Maybe we need famous people helping us too because they had Johnny Depp and Dixie Chicks and many others helping to get Damion out. I was very impressed they were able to do that! I remember the attorney said he had to get Damion out Quick because his health was becoming so bad. Can we find that exact attorney for jodi? That would be great

      • Oh and there is a new documentary coming up about damion being out now. He was on Peirs Morgan. I will look it up and see when it is on and then listen for that attorneys name

      • they did get out on the Alford plea, Jessie took the brunt just to get Damien off death row. Damien has struggles, Jason is doing excellent but never hear anything about Jessie

        • OK Boy time flys I hadnt realized it took 18 years to get him out. Yes damion is not well. Christ I hope there is one fuckin juror who says they do not think jodi deserves death. just one. It boggles my mind that someone as mean as JM doesnt get death threats. Only the nice people. I hope he can look at himself in the mirror every day

  171. Im still worried about the rest of this trial. Im tired of the witness bullying. Every single witness for jodi gets thrashed on with hate mail and they also have to deal with JM. It has been this way all along and I could not believe the hate thrown at ALV. They made it so miserable for her she had to go to the hospital and was pretty sick for a while. I really liked ALV Im tired of all this importance about travis. he was a horrible person e-mails and text messages were awful. They are making him out to be somebody so important. As far as Im concerned he has caused all of this cause he attacked jodi that night

  172. im with you mystery. I felt so bad for alyce laviolette. they tortured her. that was not fair at all

    • Sadists exactly. Hundreds of people or even thousands taking part in this kind of hate. It embarrasses me to be a human being. We are not a bunch of heathons. Fricken witch hunt if i have ever seen one

  173. Alyce is the Pioneer of her field . . she was to explain what dv is .. jm drug her into personal aspects with accusations of fondness for Jodi .. that isn’t ethecially proper conduct . . he badgered the witness

  174. this judge seems incompetent and Jodi has not received a fair trial. I hope something changes for her

    • that punk abused everyone he talked to .. even his own witnesses then forced the judge to let him have his way . . he needs a good ass whippin

  175. if I were that judge, and he made that comment in front of me to samuels about ‘bc you have FEELINGS for the defendent’ I woulda held that ‘little firecracker’ in contempt of court!!! what is wrong with her!

  176. They’ve been hounding her friends that are supposed to testify for her Monday too.

      • Pandora, their cult was founded by a con man named Joseph Smith. He admitted he was a con and that mormanism was a hoax. The found being a prophet for profit had it’s perks. People that caught onto him, knowing all the things he said was ok: murder, polygamy, theft . . were not moral so they killed him.

    • The judge let the jury stew on this all weekend and let the haters continue their campaigns even longer now against the witnesses and Donovan. There is not one person connected to Jodi or this case that they have not cyber bullied. thretened and said awful things about. If this jury had been sequestered I bet this trial would have been done in 4 weeks.

  177. yeah ive heard that too kalista. ive been on pins and needles to see what happens on Monday.

  178. well im off to bed. glad I came across this group to vent without judgement! ive been so passionate about this case!

  179. Good morning family(you know who you are 🙂 ) and fellow Jodi supporters!

    • Good morning maria, I was on my way out or awhile but sooo glad I caught your post. You’re adorable. So that’s what ch has to say? too funny, Check with his wife, sure . . you do that ch .. get your story straight . .. whaaaaateverrrrrr.

      ok, g2g, bbs have fun

      • (((((((cb))))))))))))
        He sounds like some I-have-no-balls-of-my-own idiot who has to always check with his wife first.Yeah right….

        • ohhh yes–> Maria. They are attached at the hip, suitably so. To me he’s a smug, pompas, punk, kid who has allot to learn about life. He’s young, there are many things ahead of him (and her), to come. Right now they feel invincible. You’d think he would have outgrown that teen stuff and become a man. I would love to know what his future brings. Not all of it will be as cushy and when he is stricken with what allot of have already experienced, he is the kind that will feel devastated, all mouth .. no backbone

  180. Oh god I cant even sleep. My mind is on jodi. Im praying for a life verdict and not death row. I cant imagine having no one to talk to anymore, being completely alone, never being able to smell a flower or pet a dog or just things we all take for granted. Can she have a radio at least for music? Imagine never hearing music again. OMG please god see through the hate and touch one jurors heart. Why couldnt any one of us be on that jury? Im guessing no music or radio on death row. Just silence or iron doors clinking shut. Im gonna cry

      • “And I am clausterphobic. I could not be locked up. I would scream”

        Jodi’s screams won’t be heard above the other screaming … 24/7.

        • Well I hope we never get stuck in the same elevator. LOL Just a little humor in a time of duress over this case

    • Mystery, I have this feeling she will get life. When this is over and she gets to where will be her permanant ‘home’ she then will be able to continue living. Jail is a small community too. She will make friends, she will continue drawing – even maybe teach art too. She might even be able to write books. She could study law or anything else that she may like. She will be in contact with the outer world via us. We will write to her and therefore she will know that things are not as important in one’s life than love and support. She will never feel alone. So, just pray for the best sentence and she will find her way…

      • I hope so much that what you said will really happen. No death just life. she would still have people to talk to.

  181. Oh I almost forgot.That’s for all the pissed off haters put there:

    (((((((((((((((((((((((GROUP HUG)))))))))))))))))))

    Let’s do it more frequently since they like making fun of it,shall we?

  182. CH was on Fox & Friend’s this morning.

    I refuse to participate in HLN turning the criminal justice system into “TV Entertainment”, so I had never seen CH before. I now see why you all believe CH is a pedophile like TA.

    Are all TA friend’s crystal meth heads ❓ .. they all stutter & sweat when they talk.

    Could TA of really been killed by the drug cartel and Jodi told “we will kill your family if you tell the cops” … is that is what is really happening here ❓

  183. OK I went on this computer to watch the new 48 hours I missed it on tv last night. Even 48 hrs makes her sound like a cold blooded killer. and that fuckin chris and sky were on there. i think they have been a big problem. They are going on every show they can to say terrible things about jodi. They are such haters. I also thought mormons forgive and are not for the death penalty. They will pay so bad one day if they have a hand in her fate. I just cant even sleep anymore Im so thoroughly pissed off at the injustice. Sky is so ugly! She has a mouth like the joker.

    • They were the ones who started that “evil stalker” garbage, and the used Maureen Maher and her producers as mouthpieces.

      Totally unethical on the part of 48 Hours.

  184. SJ, is there anyway to prove to that the jury was bias or even was influence by outside factors?

    • Yes, we basically got proof of that when they delivered their verdicts. No way were they watching the same trial. They had one eye on this one, and the other eye on what happened to Casey’s jurors.

      Team Jodi

  185. I said all along that the Alexander family is so full of bullshit. And those tears are SO FAKE. That’s it you little devils try hard to push those tears then make sure the jury sees you.. Push a fake tear and look at the jury and oh don’t forget to look in camera to. That whole family is methed up. So what if you are Police officer and how many years you have been on the force. Who cares. And so what if you cant look at sweet Jodi, so what. Jodi is getting the bad end of this trial. That’s o.k God knows you and you will be judged you Hippocrates. Where is my Voodoo doll?

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