Ok then peeps… we’re back again for part 2 of the trial.
Having thought about things overnight, it looks very much like this jury took the easy way out.
It’s like this. As we all know, most of the jurors (in Casey’s trial) ultimately ended up having to relocate after they and their families received way too many death threats, following their Not Guilty verdict for Casey. The only difference with this trial is that these jurors won’t need to do that.
Basically, their knowledge of the Casey jurors experiences weighed heavily on their minds while they deliberated their verdict. So with the options of “TV interviews, book deals & celebrity status” versus “death threats & relocation”, like I say, they took the easy way out.
Add their farcical non-sequestration into the equation, and you have all the makings of a BS verdict. That’s exactly what we got. It wasn’t so much about justice, but more about their self-preservation.
After all, how could they have convicted Jodi based on the evidence? There was none. The State never proved its pre-med case in the slightest… nor could it… but it didn’t stop the jurors coming back with M1 on what would normally have been a run-of-the-mill self-defense case. Hopefully they’ve had time to consider their collective errors by now, and that can be rectified to a great degree during the sentencing phase – and prior to the appellate court appeals.
Moving on from that, I had planned on making a long list of people to say a hearty “FUCK YOU!” to this morning, irrespective of the verdict, but that can wait for another day. I’m still compiling it.
It was interesting to see the unbridled joy of the haters & retarded pedo-huggers yesterday too – even though most of them never even watched the trial, and just jumped on the rickety mormon trash band wagon at the last minute. But hey… it’s probably the only real joy they’ve ever experienced in their lives — since having sex with their kids for the first time — so let’s not spoil the moment for them… not just yet anyway.
“You have crowds of people in a state which has been reeling with a downtrodden economy swarming a courthouse to demand justice for a family & a woman no one even knows. It was akin to a lynch mob. Go home. Go to work. Take care of your families. I know this next comment makes me a traitor to my gender, but these old obese harpies who worship the HLN talking heads are some of the most pitiful creatures in existence.” – Kay
Let them carrying on clinging to the illusion of Jodi’s guilt if it makes them feel better… but the DP verdict they’re hoping for is still not gonna happen. Only Jodi gets to call the end game. Nobody else.
So with the dust still settling on this circus, all I do know is that this current verdict has set the reality of domestic violence & domestic abuse back several decades. We can only thank the jurors for that. Hung jury? Yes, maybe they should have been.
M1? So say we all? No we don’t.
Ok then peeps… we plough on regardless of everything in our quest for JUSTICE FOR JODI.
The 2nd half of this judicial farce – aka “the next phase” – starts today at 1.00 pm JT.
Yesterday’s BS doesn’t changes that.
As always, be sure to leave your thoughts, comments & observations below…
Team Jodi
Don’t forget to check out the new Jodi drawings I added to the site this past weekend.
If you missed my post from this past weekend, the new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.
If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.