Check out the re-post below from March 22nd 2013… and take special note of the Vladimir Gagic quote and BOTH the videos featuring Jose Baez.
Here’s the post:
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Yesterday afternoon, we were treated yet again to another piss poor showboating display of prosecutorial cluelessness by Martinez. In full knowledge that he lost this case a long while ago… and not withstanding his antics with the camera, the autopsy picture stunt and his deliberate withholding of evidence from the defense… his revised strategy now appears to be based around a Wayne Dyer self-help book and the meaning of the word “compassion” (as defined by Websters dictionary).
He also proceeded (again) to question Dr Richard Samuels’ memory problems and his ethics. I think the only person in this scenario with memory issues & ethical problems is Martinez himself… right?
But in the midst of all this, whatever happened to Martinez trying to prove his BS-riddled & overcharged pre meditated murder & felony murder charges in this trial?
For Martinez, that has now become a major issue.
And it’s an issue because it AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN.
He’s lost the jury… he’s lost the plot… and he’s lost the trial. Plain & simple.
Here’s a quote from Vladimir Gagic’s excellent post last week:
“As far as I am concerned, the only issue in the Jodi Arias trial is has the government proven premeditation. That of course, is important because if the government has not proven premeditation, they cannot convict her of murder in the first degree and thus the death penalty is off the table. And while the government has also alleged murder in the first degree by way of felony-murder, that allegation is so specious as not to even warrant a response.
The government has not proven premeditation, and in fact, could not do so under any circumstances. Without direct evidence, either a confession by Ms. Arias that she intended to kill Mr. Alexander, as in “I wanted to kill to him”, or an overt act such as hiring a hit man or waiting in wait in ambush, the government cannot prove premeditation beyond a reasonable doubt. Note that I am not saying she did not intend to kill him or that there is not very good reason to suspect that she intended to kill him, just that the government will not be able to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. And that has been clear since day one. Someone asked me on twitter a question along the lines of “she lied so she doesn’t get the death penalty?”. My answer, yes, exactly right. To paraphrase Lt. Kaffee from a “Few Good Men”, it doesn’t matter what we know; it only matters what we can prove.
Instead of proving premeditation with direct evidence, the government is trying to do so with circumstantial evidence. So far the attempt has been, with the most charitable interpretation possible, pathetic. While the law does not recognize a distinction between direct and circumstantial evidence, there is a jury instruction that says exactly that, the inference the government wishes the jury to draw from the circumstantial evidence is, dare I say, comically lacking.”
So Forget all the state’s smokescreen BS about gas cans, Walmart receipts & hair dye. What matters is THE EVIDENCE. Some of the more important evidence we have to date are TA’s rape specific text messages – and his 12 year old girl bondage & orgasm fantasies… we’ve seen and heard those already.
As Jose Baez said on last week’s HLN “bathroom re-enactment” show…
“The physical evidence does not lie”
Ain’t that the truth…
Here’s the clip featuring Jose with his view on the order of events:
[hdplay id=127 width=500 height=300]
And here’s a secondary clip of Jose from the end of the program:
[hdplay id=128 width=500 height=300]
And by the way… Jose Baez turned George Anthony inside out on the stand countless times, without ever resorting to bellowing or doing the Harlem Shake.
As for the Travis-Towners & TA fans out there… all they’re really concerned about is hating, retribution & vengeance. “Justice” doesn’t come into it. It never has. That’s not what they’re after.
Take yesterday for example… where 2 trial observers were thrown out of the courtroom after stating multiple times that they wished “Jodi were dead.”. Apparently one of Jodi’s family members complained and security removed the two women.
But at the end of the day… and just a few weeks from now after the “Jodi Arias Reality TV Show” is over, and the relevant dust has finally settled on this trial and the specially built studio sets, mock courtrooms, faux jurors & cardboard bathroom reconstructions… it’ll be largely remembered as the trial Martinez lost. It happens sometimes when you overcharge a case without any conclusive evidence.
Just ask Jeff Ashton… he knows that only too well.
Like I’ve said before…
Armed with very little aside assumption, speculation, hearsay & hot air, it’s ultimately gonna come down to Jodi’s word against Martinez’. And despite the valiant repeated efforts of Martinez to turn this into an ego-driven pissing match — there’s just no way all 12 jurors are gonna be convinced beyond and to the exclusion of all reasonable doubt. He knows that already. He’s known it for a long while. So have we. So has everyone else. Give it up FFS.
So let’s not stress too much over the verdict. Why? Because it’s already been decided. It’s just gonna be a little while longer before it’s “officially” announced.
And if you’re still getting worked up & stressed out every day over NG and her ongoing BS coverage, I have a simple solution for you. Stop watching her. Simple as that. Just shut it out, remove yourself from all negativity completely and quit wasting your energy… whether it’s NG, JVM, VP, some other website, some haters’ comments or anything else. The same applies. Rise above it all.
Stay positive and keep the faith, as always.
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If you missed any of our previous posts, click on the links below:
The JAA Appellate Fund $25,000 Matching-gift Campaign
An interview with Dorian Bond, Jodi’s Private Investigator
Jennifer Willmott – interviews w/Michael Kiefer & ABC15
Justice For Jodi + Post-sentencing Videos
The Mysterious Stench of Decomp & BS
Chris Hughes – Liar & Pedo-Hugger (trial testimony from 2013)
TA’s Pedophile Letter Handwriting Comparison – (Part 2)
TA’s Pedophile Letter to Jodi Arias – (Part 1)
Juror #17 – We Thank You
Jodi Arias Victorious Verdict Day: Video Coverage
The Jodi Arias Verdict: My Thoughts On “Pedo-Huggers United”
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If you’d like to send Jodi a letter or postcard, click here for the current address details & guidelines.
To access every court document & motion relating to this trial, click here or click the Court Docs link from the main menu at the top of the page.
In the meantime folks, and as always… we plough on regardless…
And finally…
The JAA Appellate Fund $25,000 Matching-gift Campaign is now underway: A donor who wishes to remain anonymous has pledged to match, dollar for dollar, any new donations received before August 1, 2015, up to a total of $25,000. Please give generously – and soon – to allow the JAA Appellate fund to take full advantage of this gift.
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via Justice4Jodi.com go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. Justice4Jodi.com is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.
In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – they continue to steal money from Jodi – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!
Never question it.
Never doubt it.
Prepare for it.
Leave your thoughts & comments below…
Team Jodi #WINNING <<<
Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:
Click the links below to read Jade’s previous posts in the series:
The Photos Tell The Story (by Jade)
Stephens, Sandbagging & The Six Month Crap-Fest
Corruption, State-Sponsored Murder & Twelve Angry Men
The Immaculate Deception: Exposed
Michael Melendez – Perjury Exposed
The Presumption of Innocence
The Great Mormon Porn Swindle