
Sunlight guest posts

Tanisha In Wonderland (by Sunlight)

Here’s the 2nd in a series of guest posts from Sunlight:

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Jodi Arias has a new stalker: She’s none other than Tanisha Sorenson. Those attending trial have witnessed that Tanisha’s behavior has become obsessive. She constantly stares at Jodi during breaks, and even after court is in recess and after Tanisha’s small entourage of attendant groupies have had the good sense to leave, Tanisha loiters, unable to peel her eyes off of Jodi and emits a vibe creepy enough to make Morticia Addams look like Pollyanna. (And people thought Jodi lingered where she wasn’t welcome?)

Rumor is that Tanisha didn’t like Jodi hanging about, exercising her constitutional right to consult with her attorneys and aid in her own defense. So she complained to the advocate assigned to pacify the Alexanders, who then turned around and complained to an MCSO officer on Tanisha’s behalf: Tanisha wanted Jodi gone from the courtroom the very second proceedings adjourned.

Jodi’s attorneys went straight to the judge, who put a stop to that immediately. MCSO concurred, not wanting to be responsible for a reversal in the court of appeals for interfering with Jodi’s right to have access to her attorneys. Maybe that’s how the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office handled Tanisha all of the times she was in jail, but MCSO is a little too smart for that.

Periodic reality checks such as these are necessary to remind Tanisha that she is not the Queen of Hearts, Jodi isn’t Alice, and this ain’t Wonderland. It is a court of law, and Jodi is protected by the U.S. Constitution — not subject to Tanisha’s capricious whims.

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The AZ State Circus returns to town January 5th 2015 @ 9-30 am MST.



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Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.

Four Reasons Samantha Alexander Is Not Credible (by Sunlight)

Here’s the first in a series of guest posts from Sunlight:

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Commenting on the recently uncovered evidence that shows Travis Alexander visited websites featuring child pornography—a felony in the United States punishable by up to decades in prison—his sister, Samantha, told the media the following:

“My brother had a virus on his computer. That’s all it is. I’m not supposed to talk to the media, but I would say that it is hogwash. I have been in law enforcement for twelve years, and if my brother was a pedophile, I would be the first to point it out. No way.”

Call me out of touch, but somehow I doubt that Samantha would jump to be the first to say that her brother was, in fact, living a lie and that Jodi Arias was, this whole time, telling the truth. But this is not part of the 4 following reasons why Samantha is the least credible person to opine on this matter and why you should not believe one word she says.


As Samantha tells us—presumably to give us the impression that she has some kind of special expertise on the matter—she’s a cop. While she appears to tell us this to bolster her credibility, her assertion has the opposite effect. Rather, it casts an automatic cloud of suspicion over anything she says. We’ve all heard that cops lie, but in the case of State of Arizona vs. Jodi Arias we’ve seen proof. So the fact that she’s a cop, alone makes her credibility suspect.

Those twelve years she sites? That makes her even less reliable, not more. Many people who enter law enforcement do so with a sincere intent to serve the community, but the longer they’re in, the greater the tolerance they build for internal corruption. After a while, they’re immune, and some even begin to forget that they’re not above the law (or they choose to shirk their oaths and disregard the law) and become corrupt themselves. Detective Esteban Flores is a suitable example of this effect.

Also, many cops hold the prejudicial mentality that criminals are inferior beings. It is no doubt embarrassing for Samantha that pretty much every one of her immediate family members has committed felonies. Certainly it’s no picnic for her that her brother, Travis, has officially joined their ranks, especially while her co-workers at the department and the rest of the world look on.

samantha alexander


She’s only a cop. She’s not a profiler. You can’t pick a pedophile out of a crowd just because you wear a badge and draw your paycheck from taxpayers. Moreover, Travis moved away from his family in California many years before he died, and not just to a different city, but to another state. Samantha was hardly in a position to observe his private life. Even when he did live in California, he was active in the LDS Church; she wasn’t. So while he was busy with church-related activities, school, and various jobs, she was elsewhere. Travis even indicated in letters to ex-girlfriend, Deanna Reid, as far back as 2001—while he was still residing in California—that his family was not close. So these two didn’t even hangout often. Samantha knew only what Travis chose to share with her, which, evidently, wasn’t much.


It’s not like she’s lacking a motive to cover for him. She loved him (Jodi also loved him and covered for him even when doing so was harmful to her case). There’s also the embarrassment factor. Travis laid bare a host of nasty family secrets in his book, adding that those details barely scratched the surface. The media exposed even more. She doesn’t want any more secrets coming to light, especially not ones that leave everyone scratching their heads at the realization that, suddenly, Jodi is not the pathological liar in this equation—Travis is.


Perhaps the most compelling reason Samantha Alexander’s opinion cannot be trusted: it is thoroughly stained with bias. Travis was her brother. Of course she’s never going to admit that her brother was a pedophile—and possible child molester. It doesn’t matter how much evidence she’s confronted with. She will continue to shift the blame—just as the rest of her siblings have done from day one—either to Jodi or to someone or something else. Now, it’s “a virus…that’s all…” Sure. A virus just one day decided to infect Travis’ computer and, of the millions of websites out there, randomly peruse over and over ones that sexually abuse helpless children. Maybe it was a virus that was struggling with pedophilia. After all, according to Samantha, her brother could do no wrong.

Samantha’s mentality of denial is understandable but immature. Not to mention unhealthy. It’s one thing to care for your loved ones in spite of their issues. It’s another thing to continue to deny a truth that grows clearer every time another layer is peeled back. But that’s what Samantha has done, and that along with the above are why she has no credibility and cannot be believed when it comes to anything she says about her brother, about Jodi, or the entire case, for that matter.

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The circus returns to town next Tuesday (12/2) @ 9-45 am MST.



Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi #WINNING

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.
