Joking aside for a minute — which is sometimes hard to do when talking about Martinez — but it really is gonna take a truly monumental effort of epic proportions on his part to prove pre-meditation, and to prove it beyond (and to the exclusion of all reasonable doubt) to all 12 jury members. And the fact is, with the tools he’s got to work with, he ain’t gonna be able to do that. Plain & simple.
The haters and the TravisTown pedo-huggers had better get used to that – and fast.
Martinez could cross examine Jodi every day (excluding Friday’s) for the next 6 months, and he still wouldn’t manage it. The burden of proof is (and always will be) on Martinez to prove what he thinks happened. No amount of showboating is gonna cut it in this grossly overcharged fiasco.
But to his credit, he is giving it his best shot. After all, that’s what he does. That’s his thing. And even though his aerobic-style antics continue to wind us up with effortless ease, we can’t really fault him for that. Kirk & Jennifer and doing their thing… Gloria Esteban is doing his thing (even though nobody knows what that is, including himself), the judge is doing her thing… as is the court clerk, the stenographer, the live broadcast crew, the eye rolling goons is the gallery – and everyone else involved. And yes, Martinez is doing his thing too. He’s on a mission… and so are we.
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The thing is, before you can convince anyone of anything, you have to be 100% convinced of it yourself… and this is where Martinez struggles. He knows this wasn’t pre-meditated murder… as much as he’d like it to be… so he has to put on an act and pretend it was (he did the same in the Doug Grant trial – click for info). This explains (in part) his continual losing of the plot with poprocks, tootsie pops, hair colors, baptisms & diary stuff.
Personally, I don’t keep a diary… but if I did, I’d know that at some point (somehow) someone else is gonna end up reading it. And with that in mind, I’d only ever write about general stuff that I’d be ok with being generally known. If I were Jodi, I certainly wouldn’t have written about catching someone else jerking off to pictures of kids (whoever it was) – and for those same reasons. So yes, just because it wasn’t written in her diary doesn’t mean it never happened.
But at the end of the day… and several weeks from now after the “Jodi Arias reality TV show” is over, and the relevant dust has finally settled on this trial… it’ll be largely remembered as the trial Martinez lost. It happens sometimes when you overcharge a case without any conclusive evidence. Just ask Jeff Ashton… he knows that only too well.
So as I said a last week…
And armed with very little aside assumption, speculation, hearsay, hot air (and a few photographs), it’s ultimately gonna come down to Jodi’s word against Martinez’. And despite the valiant efforts of the little guy to turn this into a pissing match — there’s just no way all 12 jurors are gonna be convinced beyond all reasonable doubt. He knows that already. He’s known it for a long while. So has everyone else.
So let’s not stress too much over the verdict. Why? Because it’s already been decided. It’s just gonna be several more weeks before it’s “officially” announced.
And if you’re still getting worked up & stressed out every day over Nancy Grace and her ongoing BS coverage, I have a simple solution for you. Stop watching her. Simple as that. Just shut it out, remove yourself from all negativity completely and quit wasting your energy… whether it’s NG, JVM, VP, some other website, some haters’ comments or anything else. The same applies. Rise above it all.
Stay positive and keep the faith, as always.
Remember… We are Team Jodi – and WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS.
You can mark my words on that.
Have a Happy Sunday!
Team Jodi
PS. If you missed any of my earlier posts, here are the links:
Pop rocks, dickheads and “The Art of War”
Jodi Arias Trial – Day 21 (+ my thoughts)
“Justice for Travis” – here’s what it really means…
Matt McCartney [COMMENT RE-POST]
Travis Alexander – Pedo fantasies of a classless loser [COMMENT RE-POST]
Get your excuses ready – again…