So, the debate rolls on.
These are the court documents JVM was waving around on her show last night, in relation to TA’s criminal records as obtained from Riverside Superior Court…
(Click the links to launch the PDF document in a new window)
CR Document #1 — CR Document #2 — CR Document #3
*** TA ARREST REPORT (10 pages) ***
And here’s the video clip from last night featuring JVM, Beth Karas, a failed journalist & crime author and an equally clueless Jon Leiberman:
[hdplay id=105 width=500 height=300]
I’m not too sure where Leiberman is going with his “slandering & libeling a dead person” BS. We exposed the actual court documents (on public record) from the Riverside website. Plain & simple.
Leiberman needs to go brush up on his knowledge of the law and quit being a lying asshole – or just stick with doing his voiceover gigs instead.
Leave your comments below…
Kudos to the Team Jodi members that made this happen.
Team Jodi