
Jodi Arias Trial - Page 19

Jodi Arias Trial – Day 49



I guess that when the state’s witness has basically been paid (and coached) to turn up and say the other 2 expert witnesses were talking total BS, then the direct testimony of Janeen DeMarte was always gonna be short & sweet. Even Heather Conner (the latent print examiner) spent 5 times longer testifying about a few fingerprints & TA’s undergarments – but I digress.

Juan Martinez & Janeen DeMarte 4-16

So following the start of the cross yesterday – which terse to say the least – Jennifer is already well on her way to accomplishing her initial Team Jodi mission of derailing DeMarte’s credibility – and with relative ease.

There was also a drastic difference in DeMarte’s replies to Jennifer. I guess that’s the difference between scripted & unscripted?

It’s not that DeMarte is clueless… far from it in fact. No doubt she’s awesome at arranging stuff and organizing people. It’s just that she has very limited knowledge & experience of PTSD, amnesia and battered woman’s syndrome. Yes or no?

And with reviewing disability claimants, coupled with her AZ state hospital gigs in 2009, her supervised evaluations, and a license to do stuff granted in mid-2010 — she’s trying to come across as an accomplished expert in an area where she isn’t. As far as I know, DeMarte was still in diapers when ALV got her masters degree – but I guess that has little to do with it really.

Strangely enough, it reminds me of Dr Richard Samuels famous one-liner to Martinez a few weeks ago, where he told him: “You have no knowledge in this area!”

Let’s see how it all unfolds today.

Remember the ammunition, and forget the stripper pole… for now at least.

Leave your comments below on trial day 49 of this judicial farce…

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

Geraldo, Mark Geragos & Jodi’s tweeteringz

This is an interesting clip from Fox last weekend, featuring Geraldo & defense attorney Mark Geragos – together with their respective thoughts on Jodi’s latest tweeting escapades and the trial itself…

[hdplay id=182 width=500 height=300]

Jodi’s Official Twitter page:

Leave your thoughts & observations below…

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details. Thank you for your support!

Jodi Arias Trial – Day 48 (afternoon session)



With the defense now rested, the direct testimony of rebuttal witness Janeen DeMarte has started, and will no doubt take up the rest of the week at least.

Seems to me, so far, that DeMarte is way too concerned with Alyce LaViolettes’ & Dr Richard Samuels’ modus operandi than anything else… and her Vocal Fry-style answers have been well scripted and well rehearsed for sure. Reminds me of a bad salesperson that majors on knocking the competition, rather than extolling the benefits of their own “product”.

Bottom line: It’s just not viable for a newbie to knock the opinions of experts with well over 60 years combined experience. It ain’t gonna wash, and the jury will see it that way too. Worst case, the expert witnesses will simply cancel each other out.

Anyways… let’s not get ourselves too worked up over it all, and let’s also make sure that we don’t stoop to the haters’ very low level.

Just chill & observe. Jennifer will cancel her out when the time comes.

We are winning for sure. All is good.

Leave your comments below on the afternoon session of trial day 48…

Team Jodi

Day 47 reviewed + The Enema of the State

Here’s a brief overview of yesterday’s events. The full trial day video can be viewed by clicking here.

First up – Grace Wong seemed thrilled to be thrust into the trial, but really served no real purpose aside backing up what Jinkasaurus had said a few weeks ago. She came, she saw, she chirped – and she left smiling.

Bryan Neumeister (the audio/video guy) was next up, and he ultimately produced an enlargement of the infamous “TA eye” picture, to verify that Jodi was taking that particular photograph. For a moment there, I thought he was preparing to unveil a picture with a bunch of people stood behind Jodi wearing foil hats, waving light sabers & sporting strange looking undergarments. Thankfully he didn’t.

Kirk Nurmi 4-15 evidentiary hearing 1

Martinez attempted (and failed once again) to knock the credentials of the expert in his cross — even though Bryan also works for Martinez’ own office — and he finished off by saying all he could see was a Mexican chihuahua and a solar eclipse, then compared it all to a cancer test. Go figure.

As Kirk Nurmi said about Martinez’ “bluster” and the evidence submission – “He’s afraid of the bite in the dog.”

The motion for mistrial also included direct reference (& audio playback) to Martinez’ verbal harassment & intimidation of Dr Richard Samuels, where he basically tried to bully & coerce him into not using any reference articles, pictures or slides during his testimony. He apparently pulled the same stunt with Alyce LaViolette in chambers last week.

Kirk Nurmi 4-15 evidentiary hearing 3

The eventful morning session finished off with the prosecutorial misconduct segment, and Martinez complaining over Jodi tweeting about his respective lack of height…. and his claim that the defense were “showboating” in an attempt to “add pennies” to their bill. He forgets that in addition to the defense working on a very limited budget, the State has unlimited funds & resources at their disposal and yet they are still NO NEARER to proving their bullshit M1-burglary case against Jodi. Maybe he forget that strange but true fact.

Kirk Nurmi summed it all up nicely by advising Judge Pickles that this wasn’t “2nd Grade” or “a find the shell game”, in fact it was “a court of law”… and that the defense has no intention of stooping to the very low levels the prosecutor was intent on continually stooping to.

Needless to say, the 84th request for a mistrial was promptly denied – but it’s still on record of course.

The 3 minute Afternoon Session:

After the lunch break, the jurors were advised that as per the TA eye picture on the big screen, both parties had agreed that Jodi was not holding a knife or gun in her hand when the photograph was taken on June 4th 2008. After just arriving, the jury were then promptly sent home for the day.

So ladies, gentlemen – and everyone else that’s here… I give you Juan Martinez… self-appointed Enema Of The State. Right? Yes or no?


Team Jodi

Jodi Arias & Jennifer Willmott 4-15

Jodi Arias Trial – Day 47 (afternoon session)



An interesting morning indeed. I’ll write more commentary on it tomorrow morning after we get the afternoon session out of the way… but in the meantime I’ll briefly summarize it as follows, and in as few words as possible:

Kirk Nurmi: Harassment… intimidation… bullying.

Martinez: Mexican chihuahuas… cancer tests… solar eclipses… blind people.

Me: Martinez + Judge Pickles = tossing salad.

Leave your comments below on the afternoon session of day 47…

Team Jodi

Jodi Arias Trial – Day 47



Today’s events could be very interesting to say the least… and with everything that’s happened so far, we certainly can’t rule anything out.

The trial is scheduled to start @ 9:30 am without the jury being present – and as far as I know it’ll be covered on the live video feed.

Grace Wong (HLN) is down to testify @ 11 am. That’ll be a continuation of the evidentiary hearing related to prosecutorial misconduct (and possibly some other matters). The initial hearing featured Jinkasaurus from HLN back on March 28th.

After the noon recess – which is the only part of the trial that’s always on time – the jury are scheduled to return @ 1.30 pm.

Leave your comments below on trial day 47…

Team Jodi

Monday Morning Speculation (and other stuff)

With all the current speculation surrounding the start of the new trial week — what with Alyce LaViolette, witness tampering, Facebook death threats, Grace Wong, potential mistrials and other stuff —  check out the post below from our regular contributor Al, which sheds more light on the current state of play.

Here goes…

“… I think this judge has ended up somewhere between the devil and the deep blue sea, and a lot of it is of her own choosing.

If she dismisses the case due to the public’s reaction, JM and the family is going to throw a hissy fit.

If she dismisses it due to the victim’s family’s actions it sort of puts JM in a tough spot because he probably then is faced with having to prosecute them and they’re going to throw a hissy fit.

If she declares a mistrial, the defense is going to claim that given the international hue and cry, there can be no fair trial anywhere, ever.

If I was the judge I would tell the state to make a straight up plea deal with the defense and get it over with. And the plea deal I would urge them to take is something that would be the equivalent of her having to wait for another trial, say another year or so.

I know this is going to go down rough with the Alexanders, but it’s better than opening that witness intimidation can of worms.

Now I wonder if the judge has thought this out, and the reason she wants to have Wong up first is so that, if she can find some reason to declare a mistrial based on what Wong says, it might give her a way out.

She can then declare the mistrial, have JM take a plea deal and get the whole thing cleared up. That way none of the rest of this stuff ever needs to be discussed, and she draws a deep sigh and hopes she can make sure this never happens in her court again. I bet the Hon. Sherry Stephens never has cameras in her court again.

If she cannot get some reason based on Wong’s testimony, then I suspect she’s going to have the worst few days of her life.

What a cock-up this whole thing has become, and all because this judge could not keep control of her courtroom. I bet if we didn’t have all the sensationalism originating from JM’s office and his demeanor in the courtroom you wouldn’t have this state of affairs.” — Al

Leave your comments below…

Team Jodi

Jodi Arias - Kirk Nurmi April 4th 2013

Back-peddling & a moment of transparency

Looks to me like there’s some serious back-peddling happening over the recent video of Martinez’ showboating outside the court house — maybe because certain media outlets don’t want to be the ones held accountable for what could happen next week. And that’s before Grace Wong testifies tomorrow (following Jinkasaurus the other week) in the continuation of the evidentiary hearing related to prosecutorial misconduct.

Check the video out for yourself as Lissette Martinez explains her initial 12 News story:

[hdplay id=178 width=500 height=300]

“The State v Jodi” & the “J-4-T” Facebook pages are not doing themselves any favors either. We already have hundreds of screenshots on file very similar to these 2 examples, all of which will come into play at some stage.

Let’s also not forget the detailed information regarding the closed door hearings that gets posted by the family on Facebook either. Keep it coming, because it all adds up…



Leave your thoughts below…

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details. Thank you for your support!

Free Speech, Death Threats & Prohibited Reproduction

The majority of the ever clueless media always appear to be wheeling out BS excuses for the haters. They say that people are “entitled to their opinion”… and they have “the right to free speech”.

We wouldn’t argue with that under normal circumstances. Yes, everyone IS entitled to their opinion… and everyone DOES have the right to free speech. But the fact is… making death threats and attempting to destroy people’s careers & livelihoods does not fall into EITHER of those categories. And when the Travis Taliban (via Facebook) actively assists and encourages such activity against trial witnesses, well, it’s just turns it all into a farce.

Check out this video from earlier in the week. It relates to the ongoing death threats, abuse & online attacks Alyce LaViolette is currently receiving…

[hdplay id=177 width=500 height=300]

Quote from USA Today:  (click here for the full article)

The tweets and other social media posts began appearing by the next week. “You can show your disgust with LaViolette,” they began, and they posted her office phone number and her website, and they suggested that people write negative reviews of her bestselling book on

As of Tuesday, there were more than 500 of them, panning the book and calling LaViolette a fraud and a disgrace.

People also were calling the organizations that had booked her for speaking engagements, trying to persuade them to fire her. Legal observers are not certain if it constitutes witness tampering, slander, or just an expression of free speech.

“It’s the electronic version of a lynch mob,” said retired Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Kenneth Fields. But it is probably a taste of a future to come.

Sree Sreenivasan, chief digital officer and professor of journalism at Columbia University, said he had never seen anything like the attack on LaViolette.

“This is a logical extension of witness intimidation, taken to an extreme conclusion,” he said. But he believes we will see it again. “I imagine this is going to be standard operating procedure in prominent cases,” he said.

And here’s further proof of the media’s attempts to stir up the haters.

The screenshot from HLN below says – “LAVIOLETTE IN THE CROSSHAIRS”

LaViolette In The Crosshairs - HLN

To class it as Alyce LaViolette “feeling the social media’s heat” is a gross understatement if you ask me. “Cyber-bullying by the digital lynch mob” would be a far better description.

And with that sort of behavior currently rampant and increasing in ferocity, I just hope none of the haters have any kids or pets. If they do, then we can only guess at the respective state they’d be in. Jeez.

In fact… and I’m just putting this out there for general discussion… there should really be a concerted effort to strictly prohibit any of the haters from reproducing. The offer of a free Xbox should easily tempt them. Not only will it be doing society in general a huge favor, but it’ll also lighten the future welfare burden for the country to boot… rid the world of their potential garbage… and overall make the world a safer place — but I digress…

Moving forwards, and with the trial running for at least another few weeks, be sure to post below to let everyone know how YOU are planning to celebrate on Verdict day.

You see, we are in a NO LOSE position here. Seriously. The M1/DP verdict (as craved by the Taliban retards) has never realistically been on the table from the get go – so we can forget that BS. That ultimately means that WE will be the only ones celebrating – hence my question.

We’ll have to wait and see how the finer points of Bobble-head Judge Pickles final instructions to the jury play out… but IF — (and it’s a really big if) — the jury are not instructed on m2 or manslaughter, then Jodi will be acquitted – just like Casey.

If that turns out not to be the case, then that’s cool too. Why? Because Team Jodi have a truly outstanding chance of blitzing an alternate verdict via the Appellate courts… aided to a massive degree by the countless mistrial motions duly filed in lieu of Martinez’ & Co’s ongoing & very far reaching acts of well documented prosecutorial misconduct, deception & stupidity.

So like I say… it really is WIN-WIN for Team Jodi… and… well… it’s LOSE-LOSE for the clueless Taliban loser retards and their delusional pedo-hugging counterparts.

Now ain’t THAT the truth :mrgreen:


Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Prepare to celebrate the fact.

Leave your comments below – and don’t hold back whatever you do.

Have an awesome weekend!

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details. Thank you for your support!

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