
Jodi Arias Trial - Page 17

Jodi Arias Trial – Day 54 (after trial comments)


After Dr Robert Geffner has now successfully ripped DeMarte, Horn & Martinez a new one within the space of a few hours – and shown them up for the amateurs they really are – leave your after trial comments below on day 54.

Dr Robert Geffner - May 2nd - Jodi Arias is Innocent - com



Never question it.

Never doubt it.

We are definitely on a roll.

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!

Jodi Arias Trial – Day 54 (afternoon session)


As expected, Dr. Robert Geffner well & truly ripped the State a new one, and highlighted numerous errors in DeMarte’s testimony… and he’ll be doing the same with Dr “Doolittle” Horn’s testimony this afternoon.

Dr Robert Geffner - Jodi Arias is Innocent - com

Jennifer Willmott - Dr Robert Geffner - Jodi Arias is Innocent - com

Depending on how long the trial runs today, I’ll probably add an additional “after trial comments” page too.



Never question it.

Never doubt it.

We are definitely on a roll.

Leave your comments below on the afternoon session of trial day 54…

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details. We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!

Jodi Arias Trial – Day 54


So after a 5 day break, the infamous judicial farce circus returns to town for the last week. Based on yesterday’s filings and Martinez’ tit-for-tat shenanigans, I’m not exactly sure who’s on the surrebuttling menu for today, but no doubt Dr. Robert Geffner is gonna be somewhere in the mix – and duly ripping the State a new one.

If all goes to plan – although it never does in this trial – Judge Pickles is still penciled in for giving instructions to the jurors at the end of the week. After that, she’ll be packing them off so they can slug it out between them while deliberating between an acquittal or a manslaughter verdict. That’s basically what its come down to.



Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Leave your comments below on trial day 54

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Surrebuttal Witness Update

According to the latest updates on the Maricopa County website, the defense have filed a motion for the addition of brain injury & incapacitation testimony from surrebuttal witness Dr. Robert Geffner… basically to highlight all the BS & glaring errors from the testimony of  Dr “Doolittle” Horn, the ME.

I was gonna say Dr. Robert Geffner would finally sink the prosecutions’ ship – but then I remembered that  their ship sank without a trace many months back. Apparently, it was overloaded with way too much BS when it set sail, and it just couldn’t stay the course.

In the meantime, we’ve now added 2 more of Jodi’s original drawings to the website, which you can check out by clicking here.

Leave your comments below…

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!

Justice For The Living [by Sirlips]

Here’s an awesome post from regular contributor Sirlips. Enjoy…

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Before I start, let’s be clear on why this case is such a big deal. You may think that people care because a man lost his life, that shouldn’t have had to die. You may think it’s important because it’s a death penalty case and a woman may lose her life. You may even think it’s become such a popular case because of the involvement with the “weird” Mormon faith, young good-looking people or the high drama prosecutor. None of these things are the real reason. Hundreds of young men died during this trial, no one paid much attention to them. It’s not about the death penalty, last year 43 people were executed and 3,146 people were on death row waiting to be executed, yet entertainment media was not dramatizing each of them 24/7. I would guess that there is not a single national entertainment media rep that had heard of JM, gave a shit about the fruity Mormons or needed to travel to AZ to find good looking victims/accused people. No, none of these things are the reason this trial has brought on the attention of the masses.

“So”, you may ask, “what are the real reasons”?

I believe there are 3: The first is S the second is E and the third is X. It’s that simple. Sex. Sex sells and the entertainment media jumped all over it. Ass humping, cock blowing, pussy eating, salad tossing, “tie you to a tree and ass rape you” SEX.

So, now that we know why most people are here, or “over there”, please allow me to tell you why I am here… Justice.

Its cliché, but it is the truth. I have not and never will consider this to be about “justice for Travis Alexander”. He is dead. I do not believe there is such a thing as justice for a dead person.  No matter the outcome, the dead person will still be dead. A guilty verdict will not change that. I suppose some may think this is wrong, but then I suppose those same people must think that the person is waiting in the after life for redemption. How else can the dead get justice? Well I don’t believe in god. I don’t believe in the after life. Sorry, but I don’t believe in fairy tales about a carpenter that did magic tricks like walking on water or turning water in to wine. And, if there IS a god, I doubt that this wonderful God would say “murder is soooo wrong, that if you do it…I’ll murder you”, regardless of what some HUMAN poet wrote in a book 1600 years ago and labeled it “the bible”. (or, the lizard alien man from zooloo, if you’re Mormon)  Call me a dick, but at I’m more concerned with the living. I believe in humanity.

So, I’m looking for justice for the living. A small part of that is for the Travis Alexander family, a small part of that is for Jodi Arias and her family, but mostly it is for our society.

This case, because of the huge amount of public access, has given me an inside look at how our justice system works, or doesn’t work, depending on your point of view. There are a lot of aspects to this case, a lot of personalities and a lot of rules to consider. This truly was, in my opinion, the “perfect storm” of cases.

Anyway…back to the sex: (I gotta keep the readers involved)…

So, are you all ready for the MASTER DEBATE? Juan has RAMMED his own testimony down the juror’s DEEP THROAT’s. The Judge has SCREWED the case up. The defense has  PULLED OUT every stop. Now the jury gets to decide who is FUCKED. Trust me, regardless of the outcome, someone is going to feel like they got fucked.

(now back to our regularly scheduled program)

My need for justice is simple. I take it very serious that MY laws are being used to judge this defendant. This legal system is run in my name. Just as it is ran in your name. We are the people they are taking about in “We The People”. This is real, this is OUR law.  I have the right to voice how this system should run. I would go even one step farther and say I have a responsibility to voice how the system is run. I vote. I chose these laws. I created or help maintain what was already created in the law when I became an adult in this society. We are a republic/democracy. I paid these people that are working for “us”. This is my responsibility.

I have never spoken out about it, as I didn’t know. Now I have a chance to know. So I have a responsibility to speak up if it is broken.

If a person is convicted unjustly, and I stayed silent, I am no better than a bomber in Boston, a Ricin letter sender or any other murderer. We have to get this right, don’t we? It’s not enough to just let the jury members take the responsibility of this. That’s not fair to them. These court cases are being decided by juries deliberating on behalf of all of us. Supposedly (wink wink) they will not read this until after the trial, but maybe the next juror on the next trial will read it now.

So here it is, my “voice” after seeing how things really work: “Holy shit balls, this thing is broken! Not cracked, not chipped, its full on drunk bitch falling off the bar BROKEN.”

My message to the prosecutor, defense, Jodi and Jury:

The prosecutor: I almost feel like this is a practical joke or a reality series on MTV where it involves real people but most of the drama is staged for entertainment purposes. Is this guy for real? Who hired this guy to yell at a defendant? Who asked this guy to manipulate the questions to get a specific response? Who decided this guy, above all others, should become executioner? I sure as hell didn’t. It’s not his job to “punish” her.

Juan Martinez - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

I hear Pro Pros saying things like “how do you expect him to treat a murderer”? What? Go back to bed, your mom is getting cold, hillbilly fucktard. I expect him to treat her like EVERYONE ELSE. She is not guilty until AFTER the trial is over, if ever. He is an officer of the court, if he doesn’t internalize this as a core belief, he shouldn’t be in that position. Is this part of his “master plan”? Somehow he will elicit a wanted response from the witness or the jury? We have a name for that, it’s called a “trick”. If you have to use tricks, then you should not be prosecuting murders, rapists, terrorists or jay walkers. I don’t care if it works or not. Your job isn’t to “make” a person guilty, your job is to prove a guilty person is guilty.

If this means that sometimes a guilty person walks, so that an innocent person doesn’t get convicted, FINE. I would rather release 1000 murderers than convict 1 innocent person. You don’t have to like this, but you also don’t have to live in this country. Pack your shit skippy, get on a boat, and head across the big pond to a place that doesn’t have these ideals. These are the ideals of a free country. If an innocent person gets convicted it is “society sanctioned murder” and just because I don’t pray to Buddha, doesn’t mean I don’t have morals or ethics. Murder is WRONG, and that would be murder.

(since the prosecutor doesn’t listen very well to long winded rants, I’ll shorten it up for him)

Mr. Martinez, I did not hire you to convict Jodi Arias. I hired you to provide facts that prove she murdered, so that a jury can convict her. You are NOT the jury. You are an officer of OUR (that includes Jodi Arias’) court, if you can’t do that, find a new job. You have a talent, its just not intended for this setting.

The Defense attorneys: Unlike the prosecutor or the judge, you did not have a choice in taking this case. I commend you for your efforts. I can’t say I agree with everything you have or have not done. But I think you played the hand you have been dealt, as good as anyone could have. The fact is, your case really doesn’t mean much to me. I don’t care what Jodi said, she lied, and so now we cant trust her. (I would have lied too…I would have done a better job, but the fact is I don’t blame her for lying) In fact, If she had not lied, I still wouldn’t trust her. She is trying to save her life. That would be enough reason for me to lie, anyone that says they wouldn’t do the same is….lying.

Jennifer Willmott & Kirk Nurmi - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

The truth is, this case is only about the state proving that certain things happened, not the defense trying to prove they didn’t. If the defense can “disprove” things, that’s all the better, but it is not needed. You have “disproved” several things and added GREAT doubt to many other things that I may have considered “proof” until you gave us an alternative to consider. You did your jobs.

Jodi: You are a fruitcake. LOL. But, so am I. Strange behavior doesn’t mean shit to me. Do back flips, cartwheels, and handstands all day. What does that have to do with this trial? I didn’t know that flipping your hair, doing hand stands and/or singing shows anything other than you are different than most people. I wouldn’t have done these things, but I’m pretty sure I would have done something else most people would have found “strange”. THE GOOD NEWS… We don’t convict people just because they are the tilted picture on the wall. Truth is, put the magnifying glass on most people, like they did you, and your actions would probably seem pretty damn vanilla. (keep in mind, we live in a country where 14% of the population believes in Bigfoot…look it up)

Jodi Arias - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

You killed a man, or at least you tell us you did, and I believe that is probably true. I am not convinced it was not self-defense. (Re-read that, the wording is very important). You may have murdered a man, you may have planned AND murdered a man, you may have been set up by aliens and the farmer with the mask on from Scooby Doo… But no one has shown me proof of any of those things. I would find you not guilty of Pre-meditated murder. I would find you not guilty of Felony Murder. I would find you not guilty of Murder 2. I cannot answer, until instructions are read on Friday, if I would find you guilty of Manslaughter. At this point I would find the self-defense theory as possible, so I would acquit, but I am still not 100% clear on the “over kill” instruction with self-defense. I do believe that it is possible that the overkill can be explained with “snapping”.

I used the example of Mel Gibson in the movie “The Patriot” as a good example of how a person could start swinging and just not be able to stop…not out of hate, but out of an accumulation of feelings all pouring out into one displaced and uncontrollable  action. (Click here to see what I’m talking about.) This is a good man that has been pushed to the brink. He is a good father. A good lover. A good friend. He also is a brutal killer, when the emotions finally catch up to him and he has to defend himself and his family.

I don’t know if you are this “good person”. How could I? I don’t know you. It’s not our job to judge this about you anyway. We don’t find people innocent/guilty just because we think you are good/bad. As humans, we will guess and assume, but that has nothing to do with this trial.

Jury: I sure wish you could read this, but you all had to “pinky swear” not to, so I’ll pretend like you can, just like I’m sure some of you are pretending like you can’t.

Think of the evidence on a scale. Does the “hair color change” alone prove guilt? Of course not, so we give it a 10 % chance that it was real proof. Can you convict Jodi JUST on the gas cans, if there was no other evidence? No, so we give that a 20% chance that it proved murder. Can you convict Jodi on the gun theft alone? Of course not, so lets say that would be proof 70% of the time. You DON’T get to add up 10+20+70 to get one piece of evidence that is 100% proof. There is a chance 21% chance that each were all wrong. If that chance is 1/10,000 then it’s Possible. 100 items that turned out to be real proof 99% of the time, is not enough. You only need 1 item that shows 100% proof. What is that item? If you don’t have 1..just ONE, then you cannot convict.

The Jurors - Jodi Arias Trial - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

Look at it this way:

Your job, as OUR jury, is not to consider what is “probable”. You are tasked with thinking about what is “possible”. These two words may seem similar. They may even mean the same thing to some. However they could not be more different from each other.

Is it POSSIBLE that Jodi didn’t pre-meditate this crime? I don’t care if you “think” she did it, I simply ask that you be honest with yourself and ask that question….”is it POSSIBLE?” You find it “very hard to believe”, that means it is possible. You can say to yourself “it is extremely unlikely”… but that means it is possible.

Is the Jodi arias story “probable”? It does not matter one bit. You are not asked to judge this based on what’s “probable”. The story only needs to be “possible”.

What are the odds that ALV was correct on her diagnosis of abuse? 1 in 5? 1 in 10? 1 in 100? If it is 1 in a million, that means it is STILL “possible”.

What are the chances that Dr. S was correct about PTSD? 1 in 10? 1 in 100? If it is 1 in a million, then it is STILL “possible”.

What are the chances that Dr. D was WRONG? 1 in 5? 1 in 10? Even if she gets it wrong only 1 out of 100 times…It is still possible.

Say it with me jury…”IT IS POSSIBLE, regardless of how improbable.”

In our court of law we have another name for “it is possible”. We call it “reasonable doubt”.

Thank You SJ for inviting me to post today’s lead post. Regardless of what people on “the other side” may think, this site is a great thing. It provides for thought provoking debate. Critical thinking about the legal system and a place for those not bitten by the hate bait entertainment media to just say what is on their mind without being attacked by small minded, mean and ugly spirited people. We all thank you!

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Leave your comments below…

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

TA: Devirginated by Deanna Reed

Check out this interesting post from another website.

Says it all really…

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“Kristen, I knew T Dogg long before your daughter or Mimi Hall ever did. He and I go way back. I will correct you on a number of things.

First off he was a victim of sexual assault as a young boy. Secondly, contrary to your belief Travis was devirginated by Deanna LONG before he met Jodi. Third, He was in fact struggling with porn since before his Mission.

One last thing, if Travis Bishop had known about his conduct, he would have been sent to the High Council for Excommunication. If he was “Repenting” he wouldn’t have been having sex with Jodi right before she killed him and he wouldn’t be on record as saying “I want to tie you to a tree and put it in your @$$.”

In short whatever you thought you knew about Travis is of course A LIE perpetuated by a group of clowns trying desperately to maintain a facade for a dead and dishonored A-Hole. The only liar in this whole mess is Travis. He disrespected himself, his faith, his girlfriends, and God.

As you know as a member of the Church, GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED. Travis was mocking him and paid for it. Travis was a fraud and it is time to face that stark reality! He is no hero and he is not worthy of the credit given him, in this life or the next. He died the mockers death at the hands of a woman he emotionally, physically, and sexually abused. He WAS NOT a Decent Man. A decent man would have grovelled on his knees for Jodi to forgive him and beg her marry him.

He was the scum of the earth and everything I despise in a “Jack Mormon”. Truth be known, Jodi saved Mimi Hall from loosing her virtue to the dirt bag. Jodi deserves a Medal of Honor instead of a trial.”

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Leave your comments below…

Team Jodi

The Prosecution’s Rebuttal – AA explains it all

If you missed the Prosecution’s damp squib Rebuttal – or even if you watched it and have subsequently forgotten all about it – here’s a quick overview from regular contributor AA. Mugshots are included at no extra cost. Enjoy…

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So here we are folks … the last witness of JM’s rebuttal (obviously, he didn’t get the bank lady) and what have we learned?

Tot Doc told us the defense psych experts were unethical because they gave Jodi books. She also told us that Jodi has BPD not PTSD and that she thought Travis wasn’t abusive. In her mind, Travis merely engaged in unhealthy communication patterns infrequently. IMPORTANT NOTE: Tot Doc has less than 3 years of experience in reality, although she claims 8 years. The other experts have 35 and 34 years each. Meanwhile, because she brought in new evidence, the defense gets to put on a third psych witness with 28 years of experience to inform us how flawed Tot Doc’s testing was. Ultimately, this means the jury can decide whether they believe almost 100 years of combined psych experience or a smarmy cold broad with less than 3 years. Seems like that will be an easy decision.

Tot Doc - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

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Wal-Mart couldn’t find a return for the 3rd gas can. But they didn’t look for a kerosene can. Wal-Mart claims a refund could NOT have been issued without a SKU. But, as the jurors quickly pointed out, Wal-Mart doesn’t deny that a dummy SKU could have been used.

Walmart - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

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Tesoro’s Ms. Universe chick said Jodi made 3 separate gas 3 purchases. But I don’t recall Jodi ever denying that, so I’m not sure what the point of her testimony was other than perhaps to prove that women can have guns as big as Travis Alexander?

Tesoro’s Ms. Universe chick - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

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Deanna is a nice ex-girlfriend of Travis. Since she dated him, she became a teacher, and she inherited Travis’s dog. While dating him, she bought Travis expensive gifts, including a computer. This implies she might have lent him money like every other girlfriend he ever had. He broke up with her while she was away on a mission because he wanted to boink other girls. They got back together a while after she got back from her mission, but she didn’t know if he was still boinking other girls or not. She had sex with him several times, then told him she wasn’t going to do it anymore and told her bishop. Travis told her he also told his bishop too, but there was no proof that he did.

Ultimately, she broke up with him when he didn’t marry her and that was “unpardonable”. However, Travis didn’t have “unhealthy communication” with her and didn’t shoot big loads on her face. He also never told her she was a loser for wanting to be a teacher. As Nurmi pointed out, they had a very different relationship from Travis’s later relationships with Lisa and Jodi. Wait, was she a witness for the prosecution or the defense?

Deanna Reed - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

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An asshole friend of Travis’s with a bad attitude (whose name I forgot in a heartbeat) saw Travis being affectionate to Jodi on two occasions over the course of 2 years. He shot a video and took a photo of this, however, in the video, Jodi was asleep on Travis’s lap, and when she woke up, Travis just kept on talking, ignoring her. Anyway, asshole friend of Travis didn’t know they were having sex in 2008. Meanwhile, Martinez called Jodi “something blondish & whitish on Travis’s lap”. So, I guess that was the entire point of that testimony: to insult Jodi AGAIN.

An asshole friend of Travis’s with a bad attitude - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

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Officer Brown, a camera dude, verified that Jodi was a brunette the day before Travis died. Martinez slipped in a photo with a quick contrast of Jodi with blonde streaks to remind us that Jodi used to be a blonde. Wait, didn’t we know that already?

Officer Brown - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

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Officer Melendez came back with his pouty mouth to tell us he didn’t find any porn on Travis’s computer — which is really a computer still in Deanna’s name, that Deanna told us she bought for him, so I’m confused as to why it would have her name on the profile in the first place. Martinez, thinking about porn, got confused on the day the police found Travis’s body.

Officer Melendez - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

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“Detective” Flores came back to tell us that his fat ass conducted an experiment in the closet on the shelves at the same house that used to be Travis’s. Problem is, it’s five years later, and there was no guarantee everything was actually the same as it used to be. Also, he didn’t really do a valid experiment. It was completely shoddy, just like all his work. Meanwhile, the jurors had a few questions for him about guns and the attic. It seemed like, while watching his pudgy butt in court for months, they’ve actually just been waiting for him to get that butt back on the stand to ask a few more questions.

Gloria Esteban - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

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Finally, Dr. Horn, the ME, came back. Apparently, he shaved his beard especially so he could tell us again that the knife wound came first — and for a chance for Martinez to show some gory photos yet again. Martinez doesn’t realize that the photos are shocking the first time, but after he jurors have seen them a whole bunch of times, they lose their effect on everyone except Jodi. Then again, maybe that’s who he’s trying to intimidate. During cross, Horn became very defensive and forgot what his prime directive was. He also forgot everything he testified to in January, and what he said at another hearing before that. Could he have also been a witness for the defense undercover?

Dr Doolittle - Jodi Arias Is Innocent - com

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And that wrapped up the highly anticipated rebuttal.

In the meantime, the next psychologist is getting all sorts of crap thrown at him by the haters, just as Dr. Samuels and Alyce LaViolette did. Jennifer Willmott is getting death threats and threats about Jodi’s life too. Juror No. 8 — known as the note taker — is now gone for some unknown reason. And we had more side bars and chamber conferences than ever before.

That’s what you missed on the Prosecution’s Rebuttal.

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Leave your comments below.

Victory is in sight.

Team Jodi

Jodi Arias Trial – Day 53 (after trial comments)


Ok… so there’s no trial this afternoon as we thought… but even after losing juror #8,  that doesn’t stop us discussing the very brief morning session and (primarily) the 30 minutes of bullshit from Kevin Horn.

Apparently, and in an attempt to backtrack and keep Martinez happy,  Horn now appears to see no difference whatsoever between the damage that can be caused by a .25 caliber handgun (with hollow point bullets), and a .45 Magnum. Interesting.

On cross with Jennifer, it also transpired (from his January testimony) that Horn also told Flores the gunshot would not have been immediately incapacitating.

Horn then denied having had any conversation whatsoever with Flores.

When asked (by Martinez) whether or not the gunshot would have rendered TA unconscious, he replied “probably.”

When asked (by Martinez) whether the gunshot would have been immediately incapacitating, he replied “yes”.

Speculation at its finest.

I’m also glad that Jennifer highlighted his earlier “verbal errors” too, specifically about the brain being “liquefied” on direct back in January… then in cross saying he’d taken slices/samples of the same brain for examination.

Jennifer definitely had this clown on the ropes… and judging by the jurors questions, they knew that too.

Leave your comments below…

Team Jodi

Jodi Arias Trial – Day 53



After yesterday’s Flores comedy show, Dr Kevin Horn (the Medical Examiner) is lined up for his rebuttling bit today. It’s penciled in as a “short” day too, like most of the other days really. Then after that, the circus starts up again next Wednesday, May 1st @ 9 am, and will include testimony from surrebuttal witness Dr. Robert Geffner.

Closing arguments & jury instructions are scheduled for next Thursday & Friday, May 2nd & 3rd.

Jodi Arias - Jennifer Willmott - Kirk Nurmi 4-23

So… barring any unforeseen fires, floods, earthquakes, acts of God or any sudden breakouts of gross stupidity, we should be celebrating the verdict around May 8th. I’m guessing on the date of course… but I do know this for a fact…


Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Leave your comments below on trial day 53

Team Jodi

PS. Click here if you missed my post from earlier today – “Shelf testing & raising the dead.”

PPS. If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

Shelf testing (how to do it – and how not to do it)

I’m not too sure what to make of yesterday… but it appeared to be a day of sidebars & recesses topped off by an early finish.

In the midst of all that , we were treated to the Flores comedy show and his BS-riddled rebuttal testimony. He basically admitted to “recreating” the shelf set up in the closet, and doing some selective measurements to boot, but I don’t actually recall him saying he’d actually tested the shelf to see how it would react to weight.

Yes, he’d played around with it and took some photos, but wasn’t the reaction to weight the critical factor? Apparently not. Had he done that, then it would have proven Jodi’s testimony to be accurate.

I also mentioned yesterday about the shelf re-enactment a few weeks back on our favorite entertainment channel, HLN. A lot of people missed that, so here’s the brief video showing their re-enactment.

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The important part to note is that when the dude momentarily stands on the shelf to retrieve the gun, he’s standing on the far right of the shelf with the holding peg directly under it. Had he stood on the middle of the shelf it would have been different altogether. No wonder Flores never weight tested it.

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Team Jodi

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