
Jodi Arias Trial - Page 15

“KAVONNA ARIAS” – Important Fraud Warning

Over the past few weeks, all kinds of BS sites have sprung up.

The latest is from a “KAVONNA ARIAS” – purporting to be a member of the Arias family. The fact is, she is not, and she’s a fraud.

Here’s the site:

She also has a Facebook page, Twitter page and numerous other related fake sites… all of which are geared up to  illegally collect funds on Jodi’s behalf.

I have no idea where the collected donations are going right now – but all I do know is that they’re not going to Jodi or the Arias family. The family have confirmed this with me directly.

If you have Facebook & Twitter etc, be sure to warn everyone you know about this KAVONNA ARIAS fraudster, her fake sites, and NOT to donate any money.

As per the official Arias Family statement we added to this website on Feb 2nd, we are the only website authorized to collect direct donations on behalf of the Jodi and the Arias Family.

Thanks for your ongoing support.


Later peeps…

Team Jodi

If you missed my post from this past weekend, the new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!

Sunday Morning Update

If you’ve not already seen it, check out the following update.

Exclusive – Verdict: What REALLY Happened in the Jodi Arias Case

“Many people who follow coverage of HLN and the sensationalist media are overjoyed over May 8th’s Jodi Arias verdict of guilty of murder in the 1st degree.  While those who followed the facts of the case were befuddled, those seeking revenge were found hugging, crying, lighting fireworks, and celebrating as if it was July 4th.  But do they really know what they were celebrating?

Most of these people don’t know any of the actors involved in this case other than Jodi, Travis, and Juan Martinez, who finally achieved the fame and recognition he so desperately sought, as clueless masses were chanting “Juan for President” outside the courthouse on HLN.

When the verdict was read, it was clear that all 12 jurors claimed premeditation was involved, and 7 of the 12 felt there was a felony involved. I’m unsure as to whether that felony was breaking and entering or a stolen gun, but I’d venture a guess that it’s the fake stolen gun and 7 of them believe she stole it with the intent to use it for malicious purposes — at least that’s what the law proscribes.  After all, they did have sex after she went into Travis Alexander’s house, so breaking and entering couldn’t have been the felony.  I think it’s fairly safe to say that a majority — not a mere plurality — of people who really followed the facts of the case, and knew the intricate details, were quite shocked at the verdict.  I think many of us expected a verdict of manslaughter, or perhaps M2.

So what really went down in that courtroom that led to a verdict of M1?…….”

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Leave your thoughts & comments below… and have an awesome Sunday!


Team Jodi

If you missed my post from this past weekend, the new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Saturday Morning Update & Juror #8

Morning peeps!

Looks like we had a few tech issues again with the site overnight. My tech guys are looking into it right now.

In the meantime, and seeing as it was quite a hot topic of conversation yesterday (for anyone that could find the link to it), here’s Daniel Gibbs (Juror #8’s) interview with 12 News from a couple of days back. This is where he talks about doing crosswords, jigsaw puzzles and the ongoing usage of iPod’s, iPhone & tablets by the jurors during the trial.

[hdplay id=223 width=500 height=300] 

Interesting, to say the least.

Leave your thoughts & comments below… and have an awesome weekend!


Team Jodi

If you missed my post from this past weekend, the new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Friday Morning Update

Following yesterday’s sealed hearing, the “aggravation phase” of the trial was cancelled for unknown reasons. As of right now it’s been rescheduled for next Wednesday, 5/15 @ 10 am.

Server wise – and as you may have noticed over the past few days, we did have some overly intermittent downtime due to the massive amount of traffic hitting the site. We’ve since upgraded the server capacity and all is well again. Yesterday’s post (added just prior to the tech issues) has also been re-added here.

Moving on…

If you remember my thoughts on the haters & pedo-huggers from a few weeks back, I suggested there should really be a concerted effort to strictly prohibit any of them from reproducing. Based on their much publicized “performance” this week, that still stands. Even more so in fact. Not only will prohibiting their reproduction be doing society in general a huge favor, but it’ll also lighten the future welfare burden for the country to boot… rid the world of their potential garbage… and overall make the world a much safer and a much happier place.

Following on from that, it’ll not be long before HLN decide which side of the Zimmerman/Trayvon fence they’re on, then the haters will know who to hate. Let’s face facts, without the spiritual guidance from the radical clerics of the HLN mosque, they’d be clueless.

An finally…

Due to popular demand, I added a new VENT page yesterday where… yes you guessed it… you can go and vent if you feel the need… and with 700 comments posted over the past few hours, it looks like a lot of people need to right now. It’s a password protected page too. Remember though, it’s not a replacement for the regular pages in the site, so I don’t want anyone camping out there permanently :mrgreen:  If we need to make the entire site password protected at some point then we’ll do that.

So while we wait for the next installment in this judicial farce — and we continue on our quest of JUSTICE FOR JODI — a lot of people have been asking me about what happened to the infamous “TA in a body bag” picture I added last month. If you missed it, click here to see it again as it’s now been re-uploaded. Justice really is in the bag folks.

TA – “R.I.P”… Rest In PedoLand. And good riddance.

Let that picture be a warning to any other self-righteous bastards that think they can verbally & physically abuse women and get away with it.


Leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi

Don’t forget to check out the new Jodi drawings I added to the site this past weekend.

If you missed my post from this past weekend, the new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!





Ok then peeps… we’re back again for part 2 of the trial.

Having thought about things overnight, it looks very much like this jury took the easy way out.

It’s like this. As we all know, most of the jurors (in Casey’s trial) ultimately ended up having to relocate after they and their families received way too many death threats, following their Not Guilty verdict for Casey. The only difference with this trial is that these jurors won’t need to do that.

Basically, their knowledge of the Casey jurors experiences weighed heavily on their minds while they deliberated their verdict. So with the options of “TV interviews, book deals & celebrity status” versus “death threats & swift relocation”, like I say, they took the easy way out.

Add their farcical non-sequestration into the equation, and you have all the makings of a BS verdict. That’s exactly what we got. It wasn’t so much about justice, but more about their self-preservation.

After all, how could they have convicted Jodi based on the evidence? There was none. The State never proved its pre-med case in the slightest… nor could it… but it didn’t stop the jurors coming back with M1 on what would normally have been a run-of-the-mill self-defense case. Hopefully they’ve had time to consider their collective errors by now, and that can be rectified to a great degree during the sentencing phase – and prior to the appellate court appeals.

Moving on from that, I had planned on making a long list of people to say a hearty “FUCK YOU!” to this morning, irrespective of the verdict, but that can wait for another day. I’m still compiling it.

It was interesting to see the unbridled joy of the haters & retarded pedo-huggers yesterday too – even though most of them never even watched the trial, and just jumped on the rickety mormon trash band wagon at the last minute. But hey… it’s probably the only real joy they’ve ever experienced in their lives — since having sex with their kids for the first time — so let’s not spoil the moment for them… not just yet anyway.

“You have crowds of people in a state which has been reeling with a downtrodden economy swarming a courthouse to demand justice for a family & a woman no one even knows. It was akin to a lynch mob. Go home. Go to work. Take care of your families. I know this next comment makes me a traitor to my gender, but these old obese harpies who worship the HLN talking heads are some of the most pitiful creatures in existence.” – Kay

Let them carrying on clinging to the illusion of Jodi’s guilt if it makes them feel better… but the DP verdict they’re hoping for is still not gonna happen. Only Jodi gets to call the end game. Nobody else.

So with the dust still settling on this circus, all I do know is that this current verdict has set the reality of domestic violence & domestic abuse back several decades. We can only thank the jurors for that. Hung jury? Yes, maybe they should have been.

M1? So say we all? No we don’t.

Ok then peeps… we plough on regardless of everything in our quest for JUSTICE FOR JODI.

The 2nd half of this judicial farce – aka “the next phase” – starts today at 1.00 pm JT.


Yesterday’s BS doesn’t changes that.

As always, be sure to leave your thoughts, comments & observations below…

Team Jodi

Don’t forget to check out the new Jodi drawings I added to the site this past weekend.

If you missed my post from this past weekend, the new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!



Ok then peeps… we’re back again for part 2 of the trial.

Having thought about things overnight, it looks very much like this jury took the easy way out.

It’s like this. As we all know, most of the jurors (in Casey’s trial) ultimately ended up having to relocate after they and their families received way too many death threats, following their Not Guilty verdict for Casey. The only difference with this trial is that these jurors won’t need to do that.

Basically, their knowledge of the Casey jurors experiences weighed heavily on their minds while they deliberated their verdict. So with the options of “TV interviews, book deals & celebrity status” versus “death threats & relocation”, like I say, they took the easy way out.

Add their farcical non-sequestration into the equation, and you have all the makings of a BS verdict. That’s exactly what we got. It wasn’t so much about justice, but more about their self-preservation.

After all, how could they have convicted Jodi based on the evidence? There was none. The State never proved its pre-med case in the slightest… nor could it… but it didn’t stop the jurors coming back with M1 on what would normally have been a run-of-the-mill self-defense case. Hopefully they’ve had time to consider their collective errors by now, and that can be rectified to a great degree during the sentencing phase – and prior to the appellate court appeals.

Moving on from that, I had planned on making a long list of people to say a hearty “FUCK YOU!” to this morning, irrespective of the verdict, but that can wait for another day. I’m still compiling it.

It was interesting to see the unbridled joy of the haters & retarded pedo-huggers yesterday too – even though most of them never even watched the trial, and just jumped on the rickety mormon trash band wagon at the last minute. But hey… it’s probably the only real joy they’ve ever experienced in their lives — since having sex with their kids for the first time — so let’s not spoil the moment for them… not just yet anyway.

“You have crowds of people in a state which has been reeling with a downtrodden economy swarming a courthouse to demand justice for a family & a woman no one even knows. It was akin to a lynch mob. Go home. Go to work. Take care of your families. I know this next comment makes me a traitor to my gender, but these old obese harpies who worship the HLN talking heads are some of the most pitiful creatures in existence.” – Kay

Let them carrying on clinging to the illusion of Jodi’s guilt if it makes them feel better… but the DP verdict they’re hoping for is still not gonna happen. Only Jodi gets to call the end game. Nobody else.

So with the dust still settling on this circus, all I do know is that this current verdict has set the reality of domestic violence & domestic abuse back several decades. We can only thank the jurors for that. Hung jury? Yes, maybe they should have been.

M1? So say we all? No we don’t.

Ok then peeps… we plough on regardless of everything in our quest for JUSTICE FOR JODI.

The 2nd half of this judicial farce – aka “the next phase” – starts today at 1.00 pm JT.


Yesterday’s BS doesn’t changes that.

As always, be sure to leave your thoughts, comments & observations below…

Team Jodi

Don’t forget to check out the new Jodi drawings I added to the site this past weekend.

If you missed my post from this past weekend, the new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Thoughts on the verdict (and other stuff)

I wrote this as a back-up post over this past weekend, knowing the unpredictability of stuff, and just to be on the safe side.

Looks like it was a good idea! Hopefully I might even get to post it when the server overload issues subside.

So ok… M1 wasn’t really the verdict we were hoping for today — even though I guessed the verdict day correctly — so tomorrow the next phase starts. How long that will last, I’m not too sure right now.

After that’s over, and the proverbial dust has settled, we’ll then move on to the next part of our journey… that being the relevant appeals in the appellate court.

That’s for the verdict/sentence to be looked at in the full context, and with all the Motions for Mistrial rightfully & regularly lodged during the trial by Kirk Nurmi.

At the end of all that – and taking all the various countless factors into account… and maybe some we’ve not even thought of yet… we WILL (once again) be victorious in our combined quest for JUSTICE FOR JODI. Yep… you heard it here first.

So peeps… leave your comments below on today’s verdict, while we prepare to battle on!

Thanks again for all your support over the past 4+ months. Let’s keep it going.

The pedo-hugging retards’ joy will be short lived.


Today doesn’t changes that.

I’ll see you tomorrow @ 1.00 pm or thereabouts.

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!



Hang onto your hats folks… the verdict is scheduled to be announced @ 1.30 pm today.

Leave your comments below in the run up!


Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Team Jodi

Don’t forget to check out the new Jodi drawings I added to the site this past weekend.

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!

Wednesday Morning + Burden of Proof stuff

Just to clarify if you missed it the other day — the jury will deliberate from 9/10:00 am to 4:30 pm each day until they reach a verdict of either an acquittal or manslaughter. Once they reach a verdict, Judge Pickles* will give 45 minutes notice prior to the reading. *Based on previous punctuality performance (or lack thereof), we can safely say that Pickles’ 45 minutes could easily translate to anywhere between 15 minutes and 2 hours.

Click here for the Jury Instructions document (22 page PDF)

So… back by popular demand, here’s the chart Cheney Mason used (during Jose Baez’s closing arguments) for the defense in Casey’s trial… which clearly explained the concept of Reasonable Doubt to the jury…

Burden of Proof - chart - Jodi Arias Not Guilty

Fair enough, some jurors may strongly believe it was pre-meditated…

Some may think it very likely

Some may think Jodi is probably guilty or possibly guilty

… while others will suspect that perhaps it was planned.

That’s great… because they’ll be the bunch of jurors that’ll save Jodi’s life… uphold the constitution… and ultimately deliver a positive verdict. And I, for one, cannot wait for the Taliban reaction when that happens.

It’ll be priceless :mrgreen:

If you missed my post from this past weekend, the new “Survivor” t-shirts are now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.

So with the 3rd full day of jury deliberation starting later today, let’s not forget one thing that can’t be disputed…


Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Team Jodi

Don’t forget to check out the new Jodi drawings I added to the site this past weekend.

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


All I really need to know, I learned in the Jodi Arias Trial [by SirLips]

While we wait patiently (not) for the jury to come back with either an acquittal or a manslaughter verdict, check out the post below from our resident contributor SirLips. Enjoy…

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Everything I Really need to know about the world we live in didn’t come from Kindergarten, it only started there. I learned the value of these ideals when seeing it unfold in the Jodi Arias trial. Here is what I learned, and the acknowledgements to the person that taught me the lesson, good or bad:

1 – Don’t hit people, because sometimes they hit back. (TA, JA)

2 – Sneaky men get you to say what they want you to say, wise men get you to say what you want to say. (Nurmi-JW)

3 – Listening involves closing your mouth and opening your ears, not the other way around. (N. Grace)

4 – It’s only “trust” when it is inconvenient. If it was convenient, you wouldn’t need to trust, you would KNOW. (JA)

5 – Good people, bad people, young people, old people, white men, black woman, singers, forum posters, teachers and juror members – all die. So will we, don’t forget this.

6 – Don’t live your life on a “teeter totter”, sooner or later the other person will jump off. And you only have one way to go after that. (TA)

7 – Live your life on a bench swing. You can do it with your partner, alone, fast or slow. But, it will always remain balanced. (ALV)

8 – It is better to have character than to be a character. (Juan M.)

9 – If you think sex is a pain in the ass, it’s because you’re doing it wrong. (TA/JA)

10 – Yelling does get people to hear you; however it seldom gets people to listen to you. (JM)

11 – Having talent and being good at your job is not the same thing. (JM)

12 – Winning streaks are great for Football, baseball and basketball; they are not good when you are a hangman, an assassin or a prosecutor. (State of AZ death penalty prosecutors)

13 – When judging someone that lied, remember this: We all lie. The bigger the issue, the more reason there is to lie. What did you last lie about? If it was a “minor” issue, then there was less reason to lie…not more, yet you still did it. Be careful how you judge a liar. (JA)

14 – Share. Thoughts, food, money, love, opinions… Always share.

15 – Our past does not define who we will become, how we deal with our past does. (Me)

16 – If you have to tell people you are something, there is a good chance you are not. (JM)

17 – Speaking about yourself in third person will always make you a dip shit. Always.  (The Prosecutor)

18 – 5 people on TV, getting paid to judge, will always have an easier job than 12 people sitting in a room being asked to judge. (HLeN/the Jury)

19 – When you’re upset, it’s easier to count to 10, than it is to breathe with a slit in your throat. (TA)

20 – The state only needs to be wrong one time, to lose. The defense only has to be right one time, to win. (US constitution)

21 – The most important time to show respect is not when you like someone, but when you don’t like someone. (JW, greeting every witness with kindness each morning)

22 – Small voices make big differences, even when they are just typed.- (JA is contributors)

23 – We don’t have to trust a defendant to find them innocent; we have to trust the prosecutor to find them guilty. (US Law)

24 – Don’t talk to cops, ever. Period. (

25 – True friendships are not always realized until they are gone. Un-true friends are not always realized until you are gone. (TA’s “best friends”, still on vacation, after his murder)

26 – It’s better to think about god while fishing, than to think about fishing, while at church. ( posters)

27 – A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world just walked out. (Donavan Bering)

28 – A loyal friend laughs at your jokes when they’re not so good, and sympathizes with your problems when they’re not so bad. (Al, to many contributors to this site)

29 – The best thing a person can do is “live”, there are a lot of people that should try it. (haters sites)

30 – Many “great people” have inspirational comments about dreaming. Dreams happen when you are asleep; people don’t accomplish work when they are asleep. I prefer to work towards my goals when I am awake, rather than dream about them while I should be working or sleeping. (a dead abusive motivational dreamer)

31 – Laws were created in your name, you have a responsibility to remember that.

32 – Love is an act of the heart, not an act of the groin. But that’s fun too. (TA/JA)

33 – If you don’t want to know what your neighbor is doing in the bedroom, stop looking in their windows. (HLeN staff)

34 – My measure of a great education is not if it gains you a great living, but if it gains you a great life. (DR. D vs DR S and ALV)

35 – When media advertises only when someone lies, they are not news, they are “drama”. When the media advertises the truth and only the truth, they are news. We need more news on TV. (HLeN, FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, unTRU TV…..)

36 – Be careful of what you say, because you never know who could be listening, but you always will be. You can’t lie to yourself. (JA)

37 – Some people are experts at talking, without saying anything. (JM)

38 – MANslaughter doesn’t mean he was one.

Have a great day everyone!

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Thanks to SirLips for the post!

So while the 2nd full day of jury deliberation rumbles along, let’s not forget one thing that can’t be disputed…


Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Team Jodi

Don’t forget to check out the new Jodi drawings I added to the site this past weekend.

The new “Survivor” t-shirts are also now available. A portion of the profits generated from the sales will support other survivors of domestic violence, and go to Non-profit Domestic Violence organizations selected by Jodi.

If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPalclick here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


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