
Jodi Arias Trial - Page 11

The Tainted Jury in the Jodi Arias Trial (video 1)

Check out the first in a series of movies highlighting all the errors, irregularities and associated douchebaggery regarding Jodi’s trial.

You can also click here to watch the video in YouTube.

*** The Tainted Jury in the Jodi Arias Trial (Video 1) ***

[embedit snippet=”tainted-jury-video-1″] 

Thanks to MB for producing the video!



Never question it.

Never doubt it.

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Motion in Limine to Preclude Certain Testimony (from June 2011)

Check out the document listed below.

It’s the “Motion in Limine to Preclude Certain Testimony” document filed June 27th 2011.

It was obviously Martinez’ initial attempt to stop any credible evidence of the verbal & physical abuse TA subjected Jodi to — (and TA’s pedophile-related antics) — to be relayed in court by Dr Richard Samuels.



“Defense experts should be precluded from testifying that defendant acted without premeditation, impulsively, fearfully or other similarly descriptive terms.”

“Defense experts should be precluded from testifying that the victim was “hypersexual”, had paraphilia, pedophilia or similar conditions or tendencies.”

And this from the Conclusion:

“Whether defendant acted with premeditation or in self-defense or was fearful when the crime occurred are not proper subjects of expert testimony and should be precluded.”


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Never question it.

Never doubt it.

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Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the Arias family…

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!



UPDATE: Next conference set for August 26th [click for details]

Fuck this AZ state circus act & the never-ending judicial farce.

We’re not really interested in some BS plea deal.

What we ideally need is a new, sequestered & untainted jury, and a new trial for this basic self-defense case. Based on that, we will ultimately get a proper verdict.

As for TA’s meth-head inbred “family”, well, they can save their crocodile tears for some other pedo. That ship has already sailed. In all likelihood, Samantha probably had sex with TA more than anyone else ever did – so she can STFU right out of the gate along with the rest of them.

The thing is… it’s not about them or their BS. It’s never been about them. It never will be. Fuck them all. They’re just the side-show/freak-show that everyone has grown weary of seeing.

It’s about justice… and more importantly, it’s about JUSTICE FOR JODI.

No more. No less.


Circus start-time is scheduled for 10:30 am JT.

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Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the Arias family…

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Status hearing set for Tuesday

Hot on the heels of the status hearing on June 20th, the next proposed status hearing (originally set for July 20th) has now been set for this coming Tuesday, July 16th. Apparently, this imminent get-together in the AZ state circus will decide if the trial will be postponed, continued or if a plea deal will be reached.

Failing all that, Judge Pickles may decide to toss a coin, draw lots or organize a karaoke competition to decide the outcome. We shall soon see…

Click on the links below if you missed any of my earlier related posts:

Ten Kinds of Unfairness in the Jodi Arias Trial

Motion to Vacate Aggression Phase Verdict

Following on from that — if you’re still a little undecided on what religion you should follow — and assuming you want to follow one in the first place of course — check out the flowchart below… then post your comments to let us all know which religion you finished up with :mrgreen:

religion flowchart



Have an awesome day as always!

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the Arias family…

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Fifty Shades of Bullshit: Second verse, same as the first…

Hi everyone.  MB here!

The topics of sex and BDSM within the context of abusive relationships seems to be frequently revisited, so here are my own thoughts concerning this undercurrent in Jodi’s case.

Since the beginning of the trial, there has been a concentrated effort to dismiss or downplay the abusive behavior Travis Alexander showed to Jodi Arias.

First they said that everything Travis did was just “uh… guy stuff’ as though being the most aggressive jerk one could be was the only way to show he was a a “real man.”  They tried spinning it that it was fucking awesome for Travis to be a sexually aggressive and abusive POS that was just doing what comes naturally.  I repudiated that notion then, and I repudiate it now.  Even better, Real Men™ have started opening up to repudiate it as well.

When that didn’t work, the Travistown pedo-huggers did everything they could to compartmentalize and sanitize every disturbing detail of Travis and Jodi’s relationship as if it meant nothing; as if it was just a series of isolated incidents that didn’t fit into the pattern that showed consistently that Travis Alexander was indeed an abuser.  But that didn’t work either, especially after the testimony of Alyce LaViolette.

Then they tried pretending that Travis’ abusive behavior was just him engaging in BDSM.  Of course that didn’t work then, and it doesn’t work now, but it hasn’t stopped some of the pedo-huggers from trying to spin everything to make it sound like Jodi somehow wanted, and deserved, to be treated like a used piece of toilet paper.

I know women who are into BDSM, and they are in fact victims of domestic violence.  They can attest to the fact that there is a huge difference between enjoying a spanking during intimate moments; and getting a laptop thrown at your head.  Or, in Travis and Jodi’s situation, being thrown to the ground, kicked in the side resulting in a broken finger; and choked until you pass out.  The difference between abuse and kink should be crystal clear; if it weren’t for Jane Velez Mitchell and the rest of Travistown waving around the book Fifty Shades of Gray like it somehow explains Travis’ behavior.

As far as I know, Jodi has never been into BDSM.  Jodi and Travis never claimed to be part of the BDSM lifestyle, nor did Jodi have the privilege of having a safe word to ensure her participation continued to be consensual.  If there was evidence that Jodi and Travis were just a BDSM couple doing what BDSM couples do; wouldn’t Juan Martinez have brought that up in his cross examination?

The fact is, Jodi and Travis’ sex life; like most all couples, fell somewhere in the spectrum of kinky sexual behavior.  That does not, however, make them full fledged members of the squidgy pleather parade.  The Travistown Cult also tries to pretend, that anyone who isn’t into BDSM or doesn’t believe it’s appropriate for abusive behavior to be conflated with kinky sex must be “old fashioned.”  As much as I’d like to say that the concept of BDSM started as a collection of writings in the Marquis De Sade’s jail cell after he was locked away for being a general sex pest; the co-mingling of sex and aggression has been acted out since the dawn of Patriarchy.  It’s magical thinking to pretend that thousands upon thousands of years of human culture entrenched with women being sexualized, bought, sold, trafficked, beaten, kidnapped, raped, and treated as beasts of burden has zero impact on our modern attitudes towards sex and love.  That’s just the reality of historical events and their ongoing influence; and if anything domination and submission is the oldest known expression of human sexuality since we started keeping track.  Perhaps we are collectively unable to shake off the effects of this psychological dynamic at this point of human history; however modern BDSM allows for D/s roles to be filled regardless of sex or gender, and consent is an important concept that is earnestly sought and ensured.  So that is progress!

Travis and Jodi’s relationship was definitely “vanilla” in the sense that gender roles were rigid and enforced; and Travis used sex as a way to establish dominance over Jodi, and Jodi was seen to be just fulfilling her role as a female.  In BDSM culture, she would have had the privilege of a safe word, aftercare, and the Dom’s acceptance of responsibility as comparable by what level of power they assumed over their sub.  Travis accepted no responsibility for the safety, health, and welfare of Jodi during their relationship (with exception to helping her after breaking her finger); and this fact hasn’t been better attested to in that Travistown has done everything to absolve him of all accountability.

I would also like to point out, that there would be no discussion of Travis’ sex life if the pedo-huggers weren’t hell bent on portraying Jodi as an evil seductress with magical sexual powers and the evil eye that preyed upon poor, innocent, virginal Travis who was the elder of a church.  They opened that door all by themselves by perpetuating a false narrative; propped up by the notion that only “good girls” can be victims of domestic violence, while “bad girls” somehow deserve to be treated poorly and with contempt when they come forward about their abuse.  This false dichotomy deflects responsibility away from the abuser, and instead tries to assign it to the victim in proportion to what value she is perceived to have in society.

Contrary to what people assume, we do not believe Jodi is a victim because she is perfect or pure.  We KNOW Jodi is a victim because of what Travis did to her.  It’s HIS actions towards HER that determine whether she falls into the status as an abused woman, not how many boyfriends she’s had or whether she has had anal or oral sex before her relationship with Travis.  And judging by the raging text messages from Travis, Jodi’s permanently deformed finger, and sex tape where Travis brags about intimidating people – she certainly is a battered woman.

No, Jodi is not perfect but I am not ashamed of her nor will I ever be ashamed of defending her.  She has made poor decisions and she admits to making poor decisions but I understand why she made those decisions.  She made them within the context of an abusive relationship where she was treated like a second class citizen.  Her relationship with Travis was not unhealthy because they experimented with kinky stuff.  It was unhealthy because Travis abused Jodi emotionally, physically and sexually; nor was she able to make fundamental decisions in the interest of her own self preservation during and after their relationship.  If they were a BDSM couple, perhaps she really could have walked away and started a new life with Ryan Burns.  But Travis wasn’t having that, was he?  He attacked her during the most dangerous time of their relationship – when she was moving on from him and getting back to his old self.  If that doesn’t convince people that he was an abuser (aside from all the other evidence admitted into court), then nothing will.

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Team Jodi Admin

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We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!

Chris & Sky Hughes – The Mormon cover up continues [re-post]

Check out the re-post below from March 30th. This post covers my thoughts on Chris & Sky Hughes — and includes video from their respective testimonies at the evidentiary hearing from trial day 10 (Jan 29th), together with relevant clips from Alyce LaViolette’s testimony.

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It’s gotta be said. Chris & Sky Hughes are the ultimate pair of lying bastards — and in that regard, they’re a perfect match for each other.

So when it came to the trial, they were ultimately faced with these 2 distinct choices:

[1] Helping Jodi by confirming TA’s mental & physical abuse of Jodi AND other women, together with their knowledge of his pedo-related antics and his age of attraction… or…

[2] Helping themselves by flat out denying everything they know, and denying everything they discussed in their email exchanges with TA.

It must have been a very difficult decision to make (not)… but they ultimately decided to help themselves and, in turn, keep all their Mormon chums happy. After all, why would they want to tell the truth about TA (and help Jodi) when it wouldn’t benefit them socially or financially?

As I stated in my original post back on January 30th… Chris Hughes already confirmed he’s firmly on the prosecution’s side, so sure he’s gonna do all he can to fly the flag for them, including stating to the media (on behalf of Martinez) that the TA letters were forged – even though he knows they were not. He knows, having seen some of them, that they’re genuine. He even wrote to TA to tell him he wasn’t treating Jodi right.

The email exchanges also specifically discussed TA’s “age of attraction” when it comes to children, which (as far as I recall) Sky was somewhat surprised at. This ties together the earlier pedophile rumors pertaining to TA and his preference for pigtails & 12 years old’s, does it not?

In fact both Chris & Sky Hughes emailed Travis telling him he was being abusive to Jodi back in 2007. This started to come out again in Alyce LaViolette’s direct testimony – despite repeated & futile objections from Martinez.

Check out the 2 specific video clips below from Alyce LaViolette’s testimony from last Thursday, where the “You Crossed The Line” email exchange & content is discussed specifically — including TA’s ongoing mistreatment of Jodi… his well known prior treatment & manipulation of other women… Sky’s statement that she wouldn’t even let her own sister date TA… TA’s “childhood issues”… and a bunch of additional information that Martinez certainly didn’t want disclosing for obvious reasons…

Alyce LaViolette video clip #1:

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Alyce LaViolette video clip #2:

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Then watch this very interesting Chris Hughes testimony – from the continuation of the evidentiary hearing on January 29th (Trial Day 10)…

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The video below (up to the 14:00 mark)  includes Sky Hughes’ testimony from the Evidentiary Hearing, February 13th (Trial Day 18) — followed by Kirk Nurmi calling for a mistrial based on his “Greatest Hits” list of numerous counts of prosecutorial misconduct & court order violations by the state.

Taking into account Sky met TA (in 2001) prior to her marriage (in 2002)… at which point  she would have been in her early 40’s and TA would have been 23… the only question Jennifer Willmott didn’t ask her was how many times she slept with TA before and after she got married. The answer would have been interesting to say the least…

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Finally, here’s an excerpt from yesterday’s USA Today (click here for full article):

What was not mentioned in court Thursday was the history of the emails. A defense filing from January 2011 details the efforts Arias’ attorneys went to obtain them. Initially the prosecution told the defense attorneys that there were no available text messages sent or received by Alexander and then was ordered to turn over several hundred.

Furthermore, according to the filing, the case agent, Mesa police Detective Esteban Flores, told the defense attorneys that there was nothing “out of the ordinary” among Alexander’s emails; about 8,000 were turned over to the defense in June 2010, including the Hughes emails.

The 2011 filing details the email contents, including “A response from Mr. Hughes … wherein he asserts that he believes Jodi would be his (Travis’) next victim and that Jodi was just another girl that he (Travis) was playing.” Alexander allegedly replied by saying “I am a bit of a sociopath.”

Other emails from Sky Hughes, the filing says, say that Alexander considered Arias to be a “booty call,” and said “How he, Mr. Alexander, was abusive to Jodi and … how he was beating her emotionally in part by making out with her without giving her a commitment.” And there is an email from another woman Alexander was seeing at the time “wherin she complains of Mr. Alexander’s conduct making her feel used and dirty.”

How much of those emails make it into testimony remains to be seen. Chris and Sky Hughes have already testified for the prosecution regarding an earlier allegation of misconduct by Martinez, but the topic of the emails was not discussed. They could be called back.

Chris & Sky Hughes… they wouldn’t be able to tell the truth if their lives depended on it.

Luckily for them, it doesn’t.

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Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the Arias family…

Fox News rips Martinez and new one… [re-post]

Check out the re-post below from April 7th. It covers a Fox News review of Martinez’ antics at that time regarding Alyce LaViolette, together with a replay and his now infamous “Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs” performance.

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To say Martinez’ latest Snow White fueled antics were unforgettable would be a massive understatement. For decades to come, laws schools will be citing it as the ultimate example of how NEVER to cross examine an expert witness.

Check out the video below from Fox News, where 2 attorneys discuss the event in further detail. This is what happens when people who are NOT paid to take sides, give their opinion on proceedings…

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And just in case you missed it, here’s a video featuring the Snow White cross examination Greatest Hits (from HLN / Raising America)…

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I also counted 6 valid objections from JW just in the clip above, all of which were promptly overruled, including my favorite… >>> Objection: Relevance —> Speculation —> Fairy Tale :mrgreen:

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Team Jodi

Happy Independence Day! (and other stuff)

Having watched some live coverage of the Zimmerman trial over the past week, it came across as a prime example of a how a trial should be run. No theatrics… no shouting… no badgering witnesses… no throwing stuff… no tantrums… no hidden agendas… no racial bias… no corrupt prosecutor… no state perjury — and of course a properly sequestered jury.

I also observed that you don’t just send an unsequestered jury home for the day or weekend, and ask them not to talk to anyone… as judge Pickles did. That’s BS. You give them specific instructions on what they cannot do, and you make sure they both understand them and stick to them.

This is from the end of the GZ trial day yesterday – and with a sequestered jury. Notice any big differences from the AZ State circus?

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On the eve of the 2nd anniversary of Casey Anthony’s Not Guilty verdict, I still firmly believe that if Jodi’s very basic self-defense case had been held in Florida — where a potential female victim successfully defended herself against a savage attack from an aggressive serial abuser & pedophile — then she would ultimately have been acquitted.

Click the following link if you missed my 6/22 post — Ten Kinds of Unfairness in the Jodi Arias Trial.

I’ll leave you with this tweet a few hours ago from Jodi:

Jodi Arias twitter message - 7-4

Happy Independence Day! Enjoy today’s holiday with your loved ones, and stay safe.



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Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the Arias family…

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!



Motion to Vacate Aggravation Phase Verdict (PDF)

Click the link below to read the Motion to Vacate Aggravation Phase Verdict, filed June 21st.


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From FOX News:

Jodi Arias’ attorneys have asked a judge to vacate the jury’s decision in her murder trial that the 2008 killing of her boyfriend was “especially cruel,” a finding that allowed the panel to consider the death penalty.

Defense attorneys argue in their motion that the definition of “especially cruel” is too vague for jurors with no legal experience to determine what makes one killing more cruel or heinous than another.

The filing also appears to challenge a landmark 2002 U.S. Supreme Court ruling that found a defendant has the right to have a jury, rather than a judge, decide on the existence of an aggravating factor that makes the defendant eligible for capital punishment.

The high court determined that allowing judges to make such findings violated a defendant’s constitutional right to a trial by jury.

“Given the apparent difficulties that judges faced (prior to the ruling) in applying the statute in a uniform, consistent manner, juries are understandably even less equipped to do so,” defense attorney Kirk Nurmi wrote in the motion filed late last week.

Nurmi argues the term “especially” when coupled with cruel, heinous or depraved in a murder case, was first used when judges had the authority to determine factors that could make a defendant eligible for the death penalty, before the 2002 Supreme Court ruling.

“By including the word `especially’, the statute was designed to be employed by a judge, one presumed to have the depth and breadth of experience to identify those first degree murders `above the norm,”‘ he wrote.

Nurmi added that under current law, “layperson jurors” are left to “muddle through” the definition, with a defendant’s life in the balance.

Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery called the motion a standard procedural move…….

>>> Click here to read the article in full @ Fox <<<
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Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the Arias family…

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


Trial sidebar videos unsealed

Check out the videos below (from AZ Central) covering some newly unsealed court videos relating to several sidebars during the trial…

Trial Sidebars Unsealed – Intro Video 1:

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Trial Sidebars Unsealed – Video 2:

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Trial Sidebars Unsealed – Video 3:

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Trial Sidebars Unsealed – Video 4:

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Trial Sidebars Unsealed – Video 5:

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Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the Arias family…

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


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