In an unusually long trial day yesterday, we basically had it confirmed that TA was a lying manipulative & abusive POS… and the Hugheses didn’t fare much better either. Nothing new there really, but the jurors seemed impressed.
From AZ Central:
“In Wednesday’s hearing, Nurmi said that his analysis of the computer was ongoing and that he was not ready for an evidentiary hearing. He asked for two or three days of expert testimony later in the month.
“There is a plethora of evidence being uncovered by the expert,” Nurmi said.
Meanwhile, Judge Sherry Stephens granted Martinez’s motion asking that no witnesses be questioned about pornography on the computer until it is sorted out.
The presence of pornography, especially child pornography, matters because Arias claimed that Alexander was attracted to young boys.
June 19, 2009, is the date that current Arias attorney Kirk Nurmi noted in his motion as the time when the massive deletions took place.
And on that day, Martinez wrote, Arias’ first defense team, Maria Schaffer and Greg Parzych, went to the Mesa Police Department to view “a number of electronic items seized during the investigation, including the victim’s Compaq Presario computer.”
“If the history was altered, it was changed by defense counsel, not the state,” Martinez added.
Martinez was present when the attorneys examined the electronic items, he acknowledged in court.
Schaffer, who has represented many high-profile defendants, including “Serial Shooter” Samuel Dieteman and 1991 “Temple Murderer” Johnathan Doody, told The Arizona Republic that she was “livid” at the allegation, but would not comment further.”
Latest pics from the courtroom, 11/13:

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So… Jodi’s own defense team deleted all the child porn from TA’s computer? Ya, that makes sense. Not.
Let’s see what delights Day 11 holds in store. Maybe Pickles might even get around to reading Kirk Nurmi’s Motion to Dismiss sometime between now & Christmas.
Click here to keep up with everything via Michael Kiefer’s live Twitter feed. Kick off is scheduled for 9.30 am MST.
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