In this audio from BlogTalkRadio last week, Gus Searcy talks with Pitchforks about the strategic media-requisitioning by TA’s self-proclaimed social clique, and how one particular trash-media talking head has used distortion and vulgar outbursts in order to misrepresent and discredit him.
He also explains how the apparent intentions of this deceptive coalition’s agenda have somewhat backfired.
Well worth listening to…
More audio recordings with Gus will follow shortly.
Leave your comments below…
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I noticed this mentioned in the last thread. I can’t wait to listen. Searcy always has some very interesting things to say.
I always look forward to his comments. Its always refreshing to hear someone who is not part of the Travis Taliban (kudos to however coined that) and he never hesitates to defend Jodi and point out the hypocrisy of HLN.
Searcy must be persona non grata at PrePaid Legal these days, eh?
I have listened to the Pitchforks interviews with Gus. VERY interesting! Plus, he is such an interesting person! Anywhoo— tuned into Nancy G. last night to hear more info on missing baby Elaina. But NO talking about Jodi. My question for my partners out there, one of the talking heads said that Jodi’s brother has put out on social media that the reason Jodi recorded the sex tape is so she could play it to any girls TA would start to date so they (the girls) would know what a lying jerk TA was. that he wasn’t the sweet, virgin boy he played himself to be. Anyone know if this is true or not? Also, it was reported that Nurmi has filed some kind of motion stating that parts of closed hearing (meaning everyone was kicked out of the court room) sessions were reported in the news which means someone in the gallery stashed a reording device to record what was happening in secret. Anyone got scoop on any of this?
Of course; what do you think, he went, ballistic over, as, Jodi, hid the camera, in the bedding, and, then, into the washing machine… ??? Edgar…
And once again…all trails lead to the Hughes! CASH is the nucleus of this entire attack on Jodi.
Interesting that Gus’s story never changes – not one time does he contradict himself. He is solid.
He does seem solid but I don’t think there was any supporting cell phone records of Jodi calling him at 3am June 5th. I think she may have called him after the body was found and he has it confused.
Maybe Jeff.. but were those cell phone records ever released or asked for? We know the pros never investigated anything that may have cleared Jodi and in fact they were led by the nose to suspect Jodi.
Could it be….On the 10th, no one knew the time of death …..So when Gus hears the new for the first time he is thinking…TA was killed and the body was found “shortly” afterwards.
I don’t think he said or meant the phone call came in on the 5th
Are you around, JC?
I love this guy. Gus, knows how to wear the trousers! He’s not a pussywinckle like all the other asswipes that fear CASH and please him by sucking his …. He has balls the size of watermelons!
All the attacks, all the threats, all the namecalling, all the dirt thrown at him and yet he stands strong against all that and defends Jodi!
Whi is CASH? Being bipolar myself, I definitely believe Jodi is bipolar. Do you agree?
No and here is why.. Jodi was fine until she met Travis. Her family has stated as much.
Actually Both parents had concerns about her emotionality prior to meeting Travis. Also the first evidence of Bi polar Disoder can manifest in the 20,s.
Her parents had concerns, yes, and I had concerns about my children when they were in their early 20’s too. My Mother sure had concerns about me at that age! I don’t believe Jodis behaviour before she met Travis was out of the ordinary, and it was stated that Jodi changed after she met Travis.
JB, how can you diagnose her? do you know her?
It’s impossible to diagnose her without knowing her. Bipolar disorder shares some traits with a myriad of other disorders.
CASH = Chris And Sky Hughes
They are often referred to with other appropriate superlatives as well. All in all – they are sinister people.
I do not think Jodi is bipolar. You have to live with someone to see this. Oposite of bipolar, Jodi is very stable. I have never seen her moods change. She does not have manias nor is she depresive.
She is not bipolar. She got fucked up in the head after meeting TA and his minions. She was a normal, high-functioning, creative woman until she met the wackadoodles. Then she became abused, verbally and physically. She tried to survive and hang on.
She is a victim of domestic violence. She is not bipolar.
True. every person who knew her has stated unequivocally that her personality changed only AFTER meeting TA, and the Mormons.
Jeez… Take a time out, over the pseudo shrink nonsense, labeling… Everybody, is, everything, depending, upon the, stimuli; so your diagnostics, will change, by reasons of error, which, translates, to mean, that, shrinkwrappers, are full of shit, to, begin with; with their, condescensional box of labels… Edgrrr…
One would have ,to interview her and have a psychosocial history, prior to saying yes or no. It is a more likely diagnosis than Borderline Personality.
Rebecca64, I totally agree with you. My husband was diagnosed with bipolar after 3 yrs of mood swings and after his biggest mania phase (which lasted almost a yr).
You would have to interview her to say that as well.
I am really tired of people trying to diagnose some one they have never shared oxygen with. And for a professional to do so is HIGHLY unethical, IMO.
Agreed, it reminds me of the Travisites being certain that Jodi is a sociopath.
Rebecca64, I’ll preface this with a DISCLAIMER, I am not talking about Jodi in this post and am not asking for a diagnosis of her. That said, if a person suffers from BPD, do you think that practicing the Law of Attraction can be detrimental to their mental and emotional stability? OMG, this sounds like a juror’s question, aaagh. You’ll have to read the question like Judge Pickles would.
For the record, I love this word pussywinckle lmao. I may have to borrow it from you Pandora every once and a while.
Use it! By all means!
I agree 100% Pandora. Great Post!
She definitely changed when she met Travis, she had been abused in the past by her father and had that all deep down inside of her then when she met Travis, he flipped the switch inside of her, she could have gone either way, if she had a caring nurturing man that gave her the love and hugs she needed she could have become better than she was but what he did to her turned her into something she never was before and I dont understand why so many people do not see this, or maybe they just dont want to see this? For some it is more lucrative to get on the C.A.S.H train and for others they are to weak to strike out against the overwhelming rage of the masses, that HLN helped to bring out in people! I heard that tape was out about Patty and listened to what they would say and they are now discovering the madness out there or maybe slowly they are turning a corner because they realize how scary the mob has become, maybe, I dont know, just a thought
Good Morning my friends!!!
Listening to Gus Searcy on Pitchforks now….interesting for sure!!!
Good Morning Moni!
Morning Pat!!
Good morning/afternoon girlfriend!!!! HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Janeen!! ((((((((((HAPPY FRIDAY)))))))))))
Good morning Moni.
Excellent! Someone should investigate Jackson from HLN too. He & Hughes on Facebook all pals and he used to literally vibrate in his seat he was so gung ho. Gus Searcy is the one man who is more interested in perserving the integrity of the system and someone’s rights than trying to protect his reputation. I saw an interview where he said that when Jodi came to visit him and Travis called, Travis shouted at Jodi through the telephone and she ducked like from a bullet. That was a great interview.
David Hughes introduced Travis to Jodi in Sept 2006 and then Zion (Mrs. Hughes’ brother) sent Jodi message about Ryan Burns saying he found her future husband. Day 18 approx. 1:50 (Ryan Burn’s testimony was that they met at the Oklahoma convention in April. A month later Zion told Ryan “she’s cool give her a call”. I guess he didn’t know everybody was sooooooooooo afraid of her.
WOW! I kinda recall that! Yeah, fs Jodi was so cra-cra why would Sky’s brother be introducting her to his friend as potential date material? I still refer back to the email from the Huges to Jodi telling her to stay away from TA because he was no good and that they (the Hughes) would not let one of their sisters date TA! And TA and the Hughes were BFFs! so much for the Hughes “knowing from the begining” that Jodi was “crazy”.
I would really like to know how much evidence they removed from TA’s computers before the state took them in to evidence. I know through Jodi’s testimony she was asked about a series of messages that only had one side of the conversations.
IMO they didn’t. They just TOOK his computers and replaced them with Deanna’s virginal computer.
Oddly, though, that was done before 4:30 am on Jun 4. Because Jodi correctly described the youtube videos that were playing on the computer in Travis’ office at that time – the one that Travis complained wasn’t acting right because it had a virus.
Journee, every time you have a theory it’s exactly what I’m thinking! I’ve always thought that at some point prior to June 4, TA and Deanna swapped computers. What I can’t understand is if TA thought Jodi had “hacked” into his Facebook and Gmail accounts, why wouldn’t he simply change his password. Or, god forbid, was he so clueless that he thought he had to swap computers to get away from the hacker? Most of us, and I’m sure Jodi included, would not have the tech savvy to install a remote keystroke monitoring program, so I think changing passwords is sufficient to regain your privacy.
Canada Carol, who’s messages did Jodi testify to, and what was the subject matter about? I’d like to review the trial videos, though I bet it’s going to be JM’s cross (so painful to have to sit through). I did miss a lot of his cross because, really, one has to be a masochist to spend precious time listening to that little man scream.
I made notes of certain things when I was going thru for something else. This is one time that I heard testimony about.
Talking about pics of erections Day 18 3:02 – 3:06 – text messages Feb 25/08 – Jodi testifies they were sending messages back and forth that whole weekend. Question Nurmi – Looks like Jodi is texting and getting no replies back. Jodi testifies that there are messages from her to him missing as well as all of his to her. Asked what was going on that weekend, Jodi was helping TA with some work and he was going to take her on some kind of surprise date. Gus Searcy had presentation and she went there to relax. TA got mad about it. They had apologised about the argument and they had started sex talk, which got dirtier and dirtier. (3:07)
Text messages that were entered dated 2/1/06 = 6/6/08 – some messages were deleted. Day 18.
I recall that testimony now and at the time I heard it I wondered if they couldn’t introduce TA’s texts because it would be hearsay. It’s a good idea to make notes. I’ve read and listened to so much testimony, as well as internet rumors, in the last two months that I can’t remember the sources of them. I wish I had made notes from the beginning.
I’m finding as I listen back to things, a lot of stuff that didn’t seem important at the time, means more now.
Virginal computer…LOL.
How much evidence, was laundered, by, Sir Spazalot, the, prostitutor… Edgar,,,
So I came across a girl today who had just recently been released from AZ prison. Of course, I had to ask which jail was she in and although she gave me the name, I only recall “west side.” Please forgive me for my lack of jail geography. I asked for forgiveness and imparted that I was only curious because I had been following a trial over in Arizona. She says, “oh yea, she’ll be transferred to the jail I was in.” I NEVER mentioned Jodi’s name and she said that “they” were watching the trial also (inmates????) and they (AZ) thinks they can sit an untainted jury???? WTF
Geez, Pitchforks. I have subscribed to your blog, but only did so from the publicity this site has given it. I would have never heard of you if not for this site.
Me too Renee’.
I only heard about pitchforks from here. It isn’t a well known blog afterall.
geez, no need to yell.
I see what you are saying, but as a person who frequents here, I did not take that to mean SJ said it himself.
Who are you referring to?
I agree, and I found this post could have been written more respectfully
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
You are biting the hand that feeds you. Your site doesn’t appear to be copyrighted.
Not only that, but you have regularly come over to this site and promoted your posts.
tonysam…..couldn’t have said it better myself! ^5
pitchforks pussied out when the body bag was shown. I don’t think I have seen them here since. They, like Gagic, have tried to distance themselves from here and they are probably doing it again.
Hand Clapping \ /
Hi Pitchforks.. Wow, you take offence easily. I believe SJ was paraphrasing what your blog radio interview with Gus was about. Kinda hard to quote a radio interview.
Actually Pitchforks, it is very clear that this information was sited properly. I highly doubt that any of us thought SJ wrote the blurb, as SJ is a much more eloquent writer.
Also, there is no intent of SJ or any other poster on this site to do anything more than to keep supporters updated. Without intent, there is no PLAGIARISM.
Simmer Down Now……….
Pitchforks, I sent you a reply email to your last post asking you to remove me.
Please do so by the end of the day.
Don’t forget “BY THE END OF TODAY”
LOL LOL LOL Liz!!!!!! ^5
^5 girl!!!! LOL LOL LOL
I thought you’d like that Janeen, lol. I love that Renee’ put in her demands right back to them.
I LOVE IT SUZ!!!!! ((((((((((((((((♥))))))))))))))))))
“DAMN PITCHFORK…….WHAT A BITCH” No one over here is trying to steal your chyt….what little chyt you have……YOU NEED TO BRING-IT-DOWN!!!!!
So what’s the plan folks….those who subscribed to this STRUGGLING blog gonna hang in there or tell WHOEVER TO KISS YOUR ASS…….just askin’!!!!!
Gurlfriend – (((((((((((((((((((((((MONI))))))))))))))))))))))))))
^5 ^5 ^5 ^5
Blog? What blog? 😉
LOL!!! Well you said it much better than I did!
Y’all know I don’t have time for STUPID BULLCHYT!!!!
I hear that!!!!
Dear Pitchforks:
I don’t appreciate you SHOUTING AT SJ for giving you yet more publicity after you threw him under the bus after the body bag picture. As tonysam pointed out, even when you were here, the ONLY thing would post was links to your blog. I don’t remember you contributing anything meaningful to the content of THIS site.
In fact I recall you rewriting history a month or so back; and *pretending* that nobody here had talked about verbal abuse on this blog, when in fact I and a couple of other commenters were raising a stink about it long before the text messages of Travis Alexander were released.
I have NEVER seen comments here quoting you verbatim, and trust me I would have. Your blog posts are extremely verbose, and I do not read them because they are all TL;DR.
If it weren’t for SJ AND THIS SITE, you would not have been talking to Gus Searcy at all.
You know how to get in touch with SJ privately, you should have used that option before coming here and going off the deep end.
I agree, MB, not too classy.
I for one, subscribed to his blog, only because I found it here. A private message would have been better. And the fact this person decided to come and in all caps call out SJ, when I know for a FACT many, many of us found it here is a very stupid move.
Yes I saw your comment up above and I agree!
If it weren’t for THIS SITE nobody would have even heard of that blog.
I have been pissed at Pitchforks and others for leaving SJ high and dry when the going got a little tough, but I have also been tolerant when people would plug their links. Whatever helps Jodi you know what I mean? But if they’re going to come here and start all kinds of shit I will reconsider that!!
Pitchfork……what MB said or just shut the hell up and stay out of here…
You owe everyone on here an apology …the throbbing weiner!!!!!!
I only heard of that pitchfork site from this blog, why are they so mad, you all send them traffic!
Pitchforks, if weren’t for SJ and this site I would have never known about your site like many others. Also, you could have been a little more professional and emailed SJ in private and not tried to embarrass him. I don’t believe SJ was trying to steal any of your glory and believe he was giving you all the credit.
Who the hell is pitchforks? I’ve never been to their site though I have vaguely heard of them so why are they here hollering? I think maybe they need a time out.
So your not quility of stealing “HUGE CHUNKS” of their shit and claiming it as you own? 🙂
time out—lol
OMG Gwen, you are hysterical. I don’t have a clue either who pitchforks is. And frankly, I really don’t care now.
What I would like to know is how much of the information used in the interview about Ashley, the footprint, Dustin…….came from research conducted here? Aren’t we all working to expose the same issues?! I personally wouldn’t have known who pitchforks was if they had not been a previous poster here. And as far as the radio show…? SJ and this site are what pointed me to them.
….is this even really pitchforks? Or just someone who would rather people not listen to the interview?
“used in the interview about Ashley, the footprint, Dustin…….came from research conducted here? ”
You are ABSOLUTELY correct Jaz.
We were talking about those things WAY before anyone else. I don’t see us going around accusing people of stealing our ideas or plagiarizing.
Jaz, My thoughts exactly. Much, if not MOST of the info used re pitchforks’ questions/topics to Gus sound as though they may very well have been taken from this site.I would NOT have ever HEARD of that site had it not been for this site. I have even checked in there to see if something new is posted…without using links from here…
The way I look at it is SJ et al are offering free advertisement for Pitchforks…
I didn’t see the “yelling” comment prior to it being removed but I gather no “thank you” was included.
Aren’t we just quibbling about a couple of quotation marks. Plagiarism is normally associated with a situation where one’s trying to pass another’s words off as one’s own. But a person who provides the reader with a link to the place where those words came from can hardly be accused of plagiarism. You may accuse him or her of bad punctuation, but where there is absolutely no intent on one’s part to hide the source of the words, an allegation of plagiarism seems a bit much.
If I was to say to you:
In this monologue Lady Macbeth says, He has almost supped. Why have you left the chamber?
Was the hope drunk
Wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it slept since?
Its well worth the read…….
Would you allege plagiarism or lousy punctuation?
Just asking.
But the name Pitchforks WAS written so the source was in fact reported.And the link leads to your interview,doesnt it?So what’s the whole point?
Discord among people who supposedly stand up for the same cause is a petty emotion.Dear Pitchforks,it is sad to see people who should fight for Jodi UNITED fixate over little details.It certainly doesnt help Jodi and we here do not devote our time for the sake of ‘advertising’ ourselves or for personal benefit.She is our main concern.
Hey Pitchforks….
There are PLENTY of other places that misquote. Have you gone to them too or are you just singling out SJ and our house?
I’ve also NEVER seen SJ misquote ANYTHING……………
If you say he has…I’d like to see it.
Pitchforks is an incredible blog. Its writing is of the
highest caliber and intellectual and insightful content. Pitchforks deserves great reknown and the highest acclaim. I hope as many people will
read Pitchforks as possible. Vladimir Gagic is an outstanding writer, and if he hasn’t already, I wish
one day he will publish widely. His essays are truly
I see Pitchforks’ point; it takes a lot to be able to write so well, and a lot of effort is put into it and any and all writers on Pitchforks deserve to be fully credited and acknowledged.
“Jodi Arias is Innocent” is a site full of loving people with good intentions, and often a casual approach is used here. I don’t know any specifics as to whether or not anyone possibly failed to give Pitchforks the credit they are due, but although I can not speak for anyone else, I’m sure it is the
case that if anyone here inadvertently didn’t give Pitchforks their proper due, that it was unintentional and no harm was meant by it.
I, for one, know I have never paraphrased writing on Pitchforks, nor have I used their writing. I think I have referred to their writing perhaps, but I don’t remember.
I must say that when I first read Vladimir Gagic’s essay on Pitchforks, I was so gratified, and heartened and relieved, to read a discussion full of detail about ontological, psychological, philisophical complexities and minutiae that I had not seen discussed anywhere in reference to the Arias case. The essay spoke about duality, non-duality, dichotomies, and in that essay and others, mentioned motifs,concepts and themes, that
any person deeply contemplating the subject of the Arias trial phenomenon would of necessity have to consider, embrace and incorporate into their musings and written expression. Indeed, the motifs and themes of this subject are archetypal. Einstein said that if he hadn’t discovered relativity, it would have been discovered by another scientist within a matter of weeks because the climate was ready for it, and the time was right.
There is a vocabulary, or lexicon, pertinent to this case that will inevitably arise, because it is so integral to the phenomenon that the Arias case is.
I have not been posting long on this forum, but I want to say here that for more than thirty years, Ihave been profoundly interested in religion and its components, and have focused a lot on “The Tao Te Ching”, Taoism, Zen,Buddhism, etc., and have in recent years read at minimum 150-200 book length discourses/ e-books of Osho’s lectures on the site “Oshoworld”. I consider Osho one of the most brilliant people who ever walked this earth. On the Oshoworld site there are ebooks and transcriptions of Osho’s lectures-hundreds of them—-about every conceivable topic related to enlightenment; elucidation and commentary on every religion, philosophy, psychology, discussion of numerous literary works, politics, commentary on capitalism, communism, Marxism,—all of these inextricably related and intertwined subjects are
discussed by Osho who expressed himself with the most incredible specificity, articulateness and intelligence of any writer I have ever encountered.
The underlying pervasive theme in all of Osho’s writing is that Reality=Life=God=Existence=People- — are one indivisible whole, and nothing, and no one, is separate from anything else. Separateness is an illusion; all is one unified whole.
So again, I am just emphazing that there are concepts and vocabulary that are integral to the discussion of the trial, which use of can not be avoided if one is to do the subject justice.
I apologize for the length of my post.
I hope Pitchforks and “Jodi Arias is Innocent” will be in communication with a good will between the two, with the recognition that each site is its own unique entity and voice and goodwill between both certainly does not necessarily mean opinions or views are shared or held in common; each site has its unique views,and opinions. Each site is uniquely its own.
See my response to Pitchforks above.
I think SJ was in fact acknowledging her blog by firstly naming it and secondly providing a link to the said interview.
I think she’s quibbling about a couple of quotation marks.
This unfortunately is the type of thing that happens in this age of instant communications. If she had to write this on paper, put a stamp on it and mail it, she would probably have cooled down by the time it was done. But today, type hit the “Post Comment” button and bingo – instant controversy.
Al, I agree with both your posts. My impression definitely was that Pitchforks had been obviously and duly credited, and I was actually surprised that Pitchforks had that reaction.
I truly appreciate the Pitchforks site and this site too, of course, so I just didn’t want any
one on either site to feel offended.
Thank you Amy.
The Pitchforks blog is a rich, sensitive, critical and well-written resource for followers of this trial (and for other topics as well). I do understand that there’s a quarrel here–and I hope it can be peaceably straightened out–but this blog should not be dismissed because of that. It has a lot to offer to readers who want to look deeply at the hows and whys of Jodi’s vilification by the media and others, and at weaknesses in the justice system.
In total agreement, she is intelligently supportive of women in general. She may or not believe what everyone thinks but she is passionate from another country altogether, and my not gel so much with US culture. She is from across the pond and despite the odd quibble remains staunch in her objective to expose and ridicule inconsistencies from a different mindset.
I find her blog funny and illuminating.
I’d rather spend time determining how to help Jodi, not bitch about who gets credit about his or her writings.
Patti gave JVM an interview about her death threats and said that they had posted her personal information online including a map to her house a description of her house. She was in fear of her and her child’s life and the followers intimidated her. Her facebook was hacked into. “Nothing I could have said to persuade the jury in another direction!” “She was a beautiful person (crying) you never know, I never expected this, you know. . . . she was such a good person…..so many good memories with her….. we’ve all lost somebody in this horrible situation…” But then JVM of course ends with a typical JM twisting of and misstatement of her words.
It’s scary what those people have done to Patti.
Haters don’t see this happening to the prosecution witnesses…why? Because we are not like that and they are.
We may name call here and blow off anger, but none of us track people down and threaten them and keep them from testifying.
THEY are crazy.
I wonder if Patti can get anyone involved in investigating her situation for witness tampering? I can’t remember where she lives, but if it as AZ, she is probably out of luck in that corrupt place.
Exactly, BeeCee. We express ourselves, like the Constitution allows… but those haters stalk and threaten.
yes Renee’! Huge, HUGE, difference.
and, they are delusional to think that they are qualified to dish out Karma?
They have no idea what Karma is.
I predict that someday they will, but it won’t be by me, it won’t be by any mere mortal to dish it out…but they will know.
See that’s what I never get.If anyone has doubts whether we’re on the right side or not,this kind of incidents should be an aha moment.When comparing&contrasting the 2 parties,it’s easy to see there are passionate opinions on both sides.We are pro-Jodi,they are pro-Travis.OK.Difference of opinions should always be respected by society.Yet,their need to go to such extremes only proves their not so sane state of mind and instead of questions such as What kind of person supports Jodi Arias,it should be the other way round.
very true Maria. Passion on both sides, and yet which side is acting like psychotic neanderthals?
Oh yeah, that would be them.
However, I must say… What the F(@Y% was she (Jodi’s friend), doing Talking to HLN??
Over at HuffPo – the only place I was posting about this trial until I started posting here – the Travisites decided to commemorate the anniversary of his death by instituting a “DNR” policy. DNR as in Do Not Respond to anyone who supports Jodi or even questions the (lack of) judicial process in that courtroom.
In addition to DNR, they decided a ‘FLAG’ – as in “Flag as abusive” – was an appropriate way to honor Travis. So that’s what they did – every last one of them who saw a remotely ‘pro-Jodi’ post, or even a neutral post by someone known to be pro-Jodi – would flag it. To the point where every post or poster they didn’t like got so many flags that the moderators had no choice but to pull the posts. Every one of them.
Needless to say, the Travisites liked the results so well they’ve continued the practice. A very few stoic souls are hanging in there. But all of their posts disappear within a few hours.
I am wondering if suborning harassment is a crime?
Maria, I don’t think that any of us supporting Jodi would have a problem making a conversation with a pro-TA person. The problem is that they are not capable of discussion. The minute you state a solid sentence that proves Jodi’s innocence, they go bonkers and all they can respond is cussing and threatening. There is no reasoning with brainwashed people.
I for one pity them for not being able to engage in a civil conversation. So, it is pointless to spend any gray matter on them. Let them hate. In the end, all they will have is that sour taste in their mouth.
The A clan is feeling their guilt for not putting a boot in his BURROck, for, stirring the wrong cauldrons…. Edgrrr…
I should say that I admire Darryl Brewer as well. He was getting threats and he has his son that he is protecting, but he was ready to testify and went on tv to speak on her behalf. If this isn’t a case that the FBI should investigate for witness intimidation and tampering, I don’t think there would ever be one. Did you know that Gus Searcy is an inventor? Very intelligent upstanding guy. I love Gus Searcy!
I have mad respect for Mr. Brewer.
He was a true friend of Jodi’s. The world needs more Mr. Brewers.
I totally respect and admire both Brewer and Searcy for not taking any shit and standing up for her.The pressure must be unbelievable,however they did not cave.
Canada Carol,
I agree with you 100%.
Both, Gus and Daryl are TRUE friends of Jodi, cause the saying is that ‘you get to know your true friends when shit hits the fan’.
Ain’t that the truth!
Good morning Pan! 🙂
You mean those Alphabet Gangsters, the FBI, corporation…??? They’re too special, to take on the LSD, coporation, since the place is, infested, with, cult, religionists… Edgrrr…
I heard this interview. JVM ended up saying “Jodi Arias has destroyed many peoples lives including Patti’s”. This was after Patti said Juan Martinez made up the story about her using illegal drugs. Plus Patti spoke of all the death threats she got from the Hugh’s crew. They were giving out her address and directions to her houses. Did many nasty threatening comments to Patti. Some how HLN must of spliced tape to make it sound like Patti was saying she was Jodi’s friend when they were children but she doesn’t agree with what she did. It just sounded to me like Patti was negative against Jodi and it was impossible to talk on Jodi’s behalf. Which surprised me because you would be speaking of Jodi before the incident. Plus Patti had Jodi in her Wedding and spoke on Air and showed pictures of Jodi and what a wonderful friend Jodi was to her. HLN really pulled nasty ass stuff at the end. How they shut people off and finish stuff for them. Just aweful. I wanted to vomit.
Well, well. I did not know Gus wroet a book but found it interesting when he discussed his person/non-person theory and how he managed to dilute some of the hate mail against him by turning himself into a person in the eyes of the hate monger.
Other comments: where are the phone records concerning the call Gus refers to (and others as well)? Did they get lost like so much other evidence? Also, whether or not Gus recalls the correct date, Jodi told him that she didn’t know what happened to TA, but she did know TA was dead. Case of PTSD in action?
The TA friends, according to Gus, began circling the wagons years before the trial and all the hoopla began. When was this exactly – when Jodi was on the “intruder” story? Or when it became apparent that some of the testimony would involve TA’s interest in pedophilia?
Dave Hall calls Gus a pedophile. Might that be a case of the pot calling the kettle black? Standard MO for those with something to hide isn’t it?
Hi Hope.
I’ve never met you! Welcome to JAII. How are ya? Do you like cats?!?!?!?!?!
Yes, I have a cat, or rather she has me, having adopted ny hubby and me against our will.
Dogs have owners… cats, have staff… Edgar…
Right Hope.. and then there is the school that they have that is involved in pedophila. There are well documented cases of high profile people involved in pedo/child porn rings.. more Big Business.
Read “The Franklin Coverup.” Edgar…
Did Hall really call Gus that? Hmm…. kettle, meet black.
Where’s Duke???
Behave yourself girlfriend!!!!!
I ‘ve been missing him:>))))))))
He has a family responsibility. I believe he will be back next week….check on it – I believe he explained…. 😉
Okay…just happy he’s ok!!!!
Duke has family drama and will be back soon. Are you looking for someone to cuss up a storm for you? 🙂 If so…I don’t you’ll have to look to for.
I haven’t the time to share my own thoughts on here …let alone the time to steal “chunk” of shit off his blog!
No shit!!!!
No Ann…not cussing……just some shameless flirting:>))))))))
Well, well, well….I was thinking…Moni got a crush on Duke…nananana k-i-s-s-i-n-g.
So..you like the Montel?
Seriously, he signed off late a couple nights ago and said he had a family emergency and said he’s check back soon. Nope it’s nothing serious.
I think I’m in love… 🙂 Gus sounds like a real person, like someone comfortable in his own skin and not easily intimidated. He speaks from truth, lacking an agenda. You can hear it all in the ease with which he answers questions. I can see why Jodi liked Gus.
I’ve always liked Gus too!
RB—I like his backbone and balls to speak up for Jodi. The “in love” part…to each their own…no attraction there for me. 😉
MB–can you email me? I’d like to help with your Task Force.
You got it – I just sent you the email now. 🙂
MB – Can you please also give me access to the Task Force? Thanks.
Ok I just got around to seeing your message. You have mail! 🙂
RB, I have always liked him also!
I liked Gus from day one. But I did go an find him on U~TUBE also an seen
right away he was not like the Hughes/Hall clan not at all. He has had a
full life an he is real not fake an hiding behind others.
It is good to know that GS is not allowing the mob to stifle him or threaten him.
The one thing that sticks out in this interview is how he talks about people being bullied into submission and silenced. It reminds me a lot of how people on this site have been made to feel guilty for expressing themselves by the haters, moles, fence sitters and closet pedo huggers.
I think the bizarre thing out of this, is like Joe Yinzer said, people have made entire careers and dedicated their life to seeing a battered woman die. How sick is that? To what level of low, disgusting, and utterly despicable behavior can these people sink to next? I shutter to think.
As far as Vinnie Politan, he has made an entire career out of throwing women under the bus. He would disproportionately report crimes with female perpetrators, seems like he had a unhealthy “hot for teacher” fixation that needs addressing. Then like David Drew Pinsky, once he gets the verdict he wants he takes the gloves off and starts pounding anyone he didn’t like. Such a disgusting display of unprofessional journalism, I just knew it would get worse which is why I quit watching. They may live in nice houses in mostly upper class neighborhoods, but they have ZERO class to reflect that in their behavior.
MB well said! I get attacked all the time at other sites were people post under the “guest” name and want my Facebook and email info so they can contact my family and friends and let them know what I have been up to. Meaning I’m a Jodi supporter. They really need to get a life, and there are a few that have carried it to far with physical threats.
Yep. It is sad as hell.
Don’t know, but it seems to me that when people spend all their free time hating on targets, they just my be getting paid for what they do. Then the lemmings follow the leaders.
Hope. Hate can be contagious. It is like if you never have cussed and you start spending a lot of time in a room with people that cuss, and if you allow your self to do so and not think for yourself, eventually you will start cussing like them.
I am not downing cussing, just making a point
Exactly. As they openly bully us people are forced into lurking. I don’t believe for one minute that the true supporters have stopped following the threads here.
They can’t take away my birthday or fade my shine! Only God can sit in judgement on me.
Thankfully he is a much better judge then pickles! 🙂
Well said, as usual MB!
I always, always, agree with your posts.
I haven’t seen Joe around, I hope he is ok.
Yeah,where is Joe?And where is Josh? I hope they are both ok and still in support of Jodi.Maybe life getting in the way…
is this Joe Yinzer who posts here real . . or . . . is Joe Yinzer who posts on the like hater site wanting to collect our email address and cnp renees posts. Their getting . . I wouldn’t say sophisticated but hazzardous in a gamey sorta way.
the hater sites started using our names a while ago.
joe is not really posting there. He has been here a long time…MAYBE even longer than you 🙂 I just can’t remember all that well and I don’t have time to go back through all the pages to see who started here when. LOLOL
ok cool .. and yes possibly longer than I. So either/or the post I saw was a 6/14 copy so there’s a snake in the woodpile poser. Hope they get a bigger acknowledgement charge out i being discovered then finding their discovery of being a nothing.
I agree MB – he is the one guy with the courage to speak up about the reality of the situation w/ these folks.
I am still disappointed and in shock that the injustice and abuse this trial has displayed remains in our Country. People fought and lost their lives for our Freedom, for Justice for all!
It is Juan Martinez’s job to make sure this trial is carried out fairly. This is really a part of his job description as a Prosecutor. Martinez has done the opposite of a fair trial. He is also corrupt. We have millions of examples of his corruptions, yet Pickles is deaf, dumb, and blind? Then the Hugh’s people with the Travis Taliban. Hating, bullying, threatening death, profiting off of a friends death.
But, why are they picking on Jodi? She didn’t deserve M1. Manslaughter, M2 at the most.
Although, I can look at the Courtroom of that Trial and see all the underlying dysfunction ( Jodi with the least of it ), no one is going to get it correct until proper boundaries are placed by the proper people in the justice system.
Are Jodi’s attorneys going to get the extension until January 2014?
I totally agree Marianne!
I don’t know if the DT is going to get the extension. You know about as much as I do right now. lol
I the author of the content that can be found here within can assure you, the reader that any of the opinions expressed here are my own and are a result of the way in which my highly disorganized and somewhat disfunctional mind interprets a particular situation and or concept.
I would like to expressly convey to you (the reader) that were I to accidentally defame, purge, humiliate and or hurt someone’s person or feelings as a result of them reading and or acting upon any or all of the information and or advice found here at my site, it is entirely unintentional of me to do so.
Further, any past or future posts here that have not been validated by me personally, I refuse to take responsibility for. I have been impersonated at this blog on numerous times and have taken screen shots of the perpetrators admitting to such.
Disclaimer aside, I will be posting in the future. If anyone has an issue with content of my posts, please contact or respond to me personally, so that I may address your concerns. I also take no responsibility for any future posts unless I personally validate that I am the true author.
Thank you,
Screenshot that assholes.
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((♥I LOVE YA HERO♥))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I would like to expressly convey to you (the reader) that were I to accidentally defame, purge, humiliate and or hurt someone’s person or feelings as a result of them reading and or acting upon any or all of the information and or advice found here at this open and public blog, it is entirely unintentional of me to do so.
Dos your disclaimer include your personal heirs, successors and assigns? 😀
Can I be an intended beneficiary of the disclaimer 😉
Yes, it includes every mother fucking thing every fucking where every fucking time.
I knew i could count on you. Wish i actually knew you. You are like~minded
You stop it, girl.
I like your style.
I like yours, Jaz♥
Hey, Renee,
Where is the Agree or Decline Button?
I don’t know what in the hell you said, but I’m willing to push Agree button get access your post
Ann, I dont know what the HELL you just said! 🙂
Now, that being said, my personal opinion is that Travis was a giant, woman beating asshole.
I might also add, my personal opinion about CASH (being as they made themselves public figures) is that they are pathetic, blood hungry, scamming jokes.
I agree too.He was an abusive narcissisrtic,pedophile bastard who should have been receiving therapy for his oh so many issues instead of catching innocent women in his venomous spider web. (My greek,personal opinion-no copyright infringement intended)
😀 😀
agree, love
Spot on Maria! I concur!!!
And, that, includes Travis,s boyfriend, with the strength, to, nearly, decapitate him; something, Jodi, could not, do, and, didn’t need to do…. whatwith, all that premeditation, what could have been more diabolical, than, , passing around the X-rated, pictures, to trump his goody twoshoes, charade, smokescreen…without an iota of risk to herself; cutting of his supply, of, “good little Mormon girls…???” Edgrrr…
Ann – JUST AGREE girlfriend!!!! Just make sure you AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As a matter of fact, maybe we should ALL POST it under our poster names!! LOL LOL
I’m requesting: I Agree, I Decline, Dido, FU Buttons under ever post
FU button only for the trolls
well said Renee’!
My Jodi Family,
It’s sleepy-sleepy time for me. Have a great afternoon/ evening and don’t let the meanness of some get to you. Soon enough they will bite their own tongue and swallow their own venom!
Good Night. Great advice. 🙂
G’night, Pandora!
Good night Pandora…sleep well! 🙂
Nite Pandora!!
Gus seems like a good fella and not prone to being bullied into going along to get along. I respect him for holding his opinions despite the rage-filled sheep herders that attack him. Vinnie Poppycock would need help locating his own miniscule balls without Nasty Nancy to guide him.
…and I did not steal that from Pitchforks. lol
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO Gwen!!!! (((((((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))))))))
Close call Gwen…. whew! You almost got the pitchfork all-cap taser!!
Brilliant!!!!! 😆
I loved Gus on the stand. He REALLY had Juan in a tailspin.
I think Jodi kinda took a page from Gus, once she got over her nerves and hit her stride.
I did NOT say FUCK YOU to the haters. I did NOT say I LOVE Jodi Arias. I did NOT say the state of Arizona SUCKS.
I did not say I LOVE YOU HERO!!! I did NOT say: I LOVE TEAM JODI!!!!
I did not say I LOVE YOU TEAM JODI!!!!!
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((I DID NOT SAY I LOVE MY CATS))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 😉
Further, I am NOT saying that people who have nothing to do with their time than to obsess with strangers and copy and paste their opinions are more than likely legally insane.
I AM saying I LOVE MY CATS! But I am NOT saying my cats fucking assholes have more integrity than the whole slew of haters have,
I AM saying I love all of you! Fuck it! I will even send love to the fucking haters!
I love cats!
I love the ocean!
I love the fact I have the right to my own belief system.
I love my right to have my own opinion about anything I please.
I love the fact that I am not so full of hate I need to beat people down to feel good about me.
I love my loving friends and my wonderful family who may not agree with my opinion but support me still.
Even my addict brother who is in jail.
I love jumping in puddles.
And laughing until it hurts.
(((((((((((((((I love YOU Jaz)))))))))))))))))
Even though I haven’t posted much I still support Jodi. Some people here suggested I’m not to be trusted, but IDGAF…haha
Gus is not only brave, but he’s smart for being selective with who he talks with. The whole message here is the unfairness of an individual not having a fair trial and Jodi never got it from day 1. Let’s hope none of us ever fall within that trap. Karma exists.
Have a great weekend….meow 🙂
Meow! 🙂
Hi Meow!
whoever said that about you might just need a chill pill…or a hug, who knows!
I was just wondering about you the other day 🙂
((((((((Meow and whiskers and paws))))))))))
Sorry someone said that..you stay right in here..we’ll claw there eyes out if they pick on you
You guys are sweet…thanks! I know who said it, but it’s all good in meow land haha
I hope you confront the person and find out for sure if it is them, or a rumor, Meow.
Really Renee LOL? It doesn’t faze me and it’ll create more drama. I’m just a Jodi supporter 😉
I know you are! I just think, with all the bullshit drama that is going on, with rumors and innuendo, that if a person hears some smack about another supporter, the best rout is to ask the source! 🙂
Because, we all know what assumptions mean…………..I also have heard rumors about such things, and if I have a way to ask the actual source, I do so!
Meow 😉
p.s. doll, get my email from SJ or JC, mmmkay?
interesting meowington. I know you can be trusted.
But you are the second person that I remember for sure that has said someone thinks they can’t be trusted. It makes me wonder who is passing that info around…it’s useless because i think it has kept Jennifer away and I have really liked her posts. She also said someone told her she was thought to be a troll/mole or something. I think it hurt her feelings and that is why she is not here so much now.
I don’t like it. If people are getting emails from someone telling them this stuff maybe they should send them to SJ. Maybe there are other getting those emails too.
There have only been two people on here that concerned me and they are both gone, and it turns out my radar was correct on anna ryan. I don’t know about the other one as I liked their posts and have not seen them again.
Renee’ says:
June 14, 2013 at 1:29 pm
I the author of the content that can be found here within can assure you, the reader aka the lurker that any of the opinions expressed here are my own and are a result of the way in which my highly disorganized and somewhat dysfunctional mind interprets a particular situation and or concept.
I would like to expressly convey to you (the reader aka lurker) that were I to accidentally defame, purge, humiliate and or hurt someone’s person or feelings as a result of them reading and or acting upon any or all of the information and or advice found here at my site, it is entirely unintentional of me to do so. (Nicknames DO NOT COUNT…i.e. Massengil, Munsters, Martini&Rossi…etc.)
Further, any past or future posts here that have not been validated by me personally, I refuse to take responsibility for. I have been impersonated at this blog on numerous times and have taken screen shots of the perpetrators admitting to such.
I have also had my personal information searched for by strangers and posted on a website I HAVE NEVER been a poster on without my consent.
Disclaimer aside, I will be posting in the future. If anyone has an issue with content of my posts, please contact or respond to me personally, so that I may address your concerns. I also take no responsibility for any future posts unless I personally validate that I am the true author.
Thank you,
I’ll repost it later if that’s ok’d itch you Renee? Wouldn’t want to plagiarize. 😉
Damn auto correct *if that’s ok WITH you. SMH
and don’t worry, no need to “put in quotes”
I intentionally left the words “at my site” in my “disclaimer” above…..after all we are PARTNERS… 😉
I love you!! ♥♥♥♥♥
I concur, SJ- you kick some major ass and THANK YOU FOR THAT!!!
I would like to send HAPPY FATHER’S DAY wishes to each and every father herein…especially Mr. Arias.
I would also like to send Happy Father’s Day wishes to every single person herein that is both parents to either their child or grandchild and of course – to everyone that has a furry child in their home!
Now I’m off to mow my grandparent’s lawn.catch up with all of you wonderful people later. 🙂 ♥
I know typically a standard by which to judge is what the reasonable prudent person would conclude… How can prudence and reason be found in convicting a woman whose circumstances included a controversial church, sexual, physical and emotional abuse, self-proclaimed business people operating under a pyramid scheme, individuals flaunting wealth although their houses were being foreclosed, suspected affairs, coincident suicides, an ME and lead detective both of whom perjured themselves, death threats to anyone who speaks on Jodis’ behalf…. So you tell me… is a conspiracy theory really that far fetched or can all this really just be coincidence?
Just because she introduced TA to KY Jelly doesn’t make her a murderess… It means that yet again she was taking steps in an effort to accommodate HIM.!!
I know I’m flogging a dead horse… I just can’t get over it.
SO many things impossible to get over in this case…So many skeins to untangle…
Remember LizA, she may have brought up the brand name KY, but he was using vaseline WAY before her with someone else.
LOL… Vaseline is something I have heard homosexuals use a lot.
Well from looks of tally wacker. . . Clearly wasnt using.enough. . . . .(dont tell anyone said.that)
LOL 😆 livA…it was a bit…on the RED side…wonder if Mary Palm and her Five Sisters were to blame ?…After all, I recall from the audio tape that he admitted to self-pleasuring on a MORE-THAN-FREQUENT basis…
Unless he had a reaction to the KY…very odd (the color) though….to me, but I am NOT an expert by any means.
You’re not flogging a dead horse; many people who are unaware of the information in your post are encountering it for the first time. I’m sure many new people look at this site for this first time every day, and reading posts like yours gives them quick, ready access to a lot that the general public dominated by the tabloid news, is unaware of.
The gestapo, D.A. toadie of organized crime at law, has 14 million LSD voters, and, his political, career, to, consider… prisons are full, of his integrity… Edgrrr…
Love your posts. . .just wish the right people would pay attention to you!
That’s great. And sometimes it’s just like this.
As if…Jennifer would never do that. Although it would be well-deserved for Tot Doc to be called a bitch!
She was a GIANT bitch. You can tell by her fucking nostrils. She always looked like something stank around her.
She was smelling her own bullshit.
Rememebr her fucking arrogance?Of course you do,I’m sure! She looked down on Jodi as if she was talking about an insect she would gladly squash.If only she knew…Had life been different and Jodi came from a wealthy family with no problems,Jodi would be someone really important and would excel in whatever field she would choose coz she is so much more brilliant than that phoney ”Doc” .
Yep…Tot Doc is a Bitchy Face for sure!!!!
In addition to being a discredit to her so called profession, which she defines as being a prostitute to the state. The taxpayers should ask her to return their money to the State Treasuer.
Nancy Disgrace did a full investigation on whether or not the word was bitch and she decided after close scrutiny that what she said was something to do with finding what she was looking for, but she sure was….
Gotta love you Al! She TOTALLY has a Bitchy Resting Face …lol
Lol! Priceless!
LOL Moni! This reminds me of the time I went to a Cosmetic surgeon for a consultation appointment…I couldn’t figure out why EVERYONE who worked there had a “bitchy resting face”…later on I realized it was the BOTOX! They were smiling but their eyes were totally expressionless…I felt like I had walked into a den of mean girls with their phony smiles…(this was when BOTOX had just taken off and I think it wasn’t perfected quite yet…a bit overdone) YIKES
Thanks for the laugh!
Oh, Moni! Iloved it!!! LOL. Thanks.
OK,so according to Jodi’s aunt she is not being moved.It was just a rumour!
thanks maria!
good to know.
I’m not surprised at all that it was a rumor.
I posted this way up there ^^^
Before I realized the bottom was way down here. So apologies for repeat but I think some would want to see that might not otherwise:
Over at HuffPo – the only place I was posting about this trial until I started posting here – the Travisites decided to commemorate the anniversary of his death by instituting a “DNR” policy. DNR as in Do Not Respond to anyone who supports Jodi or even questions the (lack of) judicial process in that courtroom.
In addition to DNR, they decided a ‘FLAG’ – as in “Flag as abusive” – was an appropriate way to honor Travis. So that’s what they did – every last one of them who saw a remotely ‘pro-Jodi’ post, or even a neutral post by someone known to be pro-Jodi – would flag it. To the point where every post or poster they didn’t like got so many flags that the moderators had no choice but to pull the posts. Every one of them.
Needless to say, the Travisites liked the results so well they’ve continued the practice. A very few stoic souls are hanging in there. But all of their posts disappear within a few hours.
I am wondering if suborning harassment is a crime?
hmm… and now everyone seems to be gone
I don’t know the legal implications of the harrassment, but I am hoping that sooner or later that legitimate media professionals who are true intellectuals, will comment on the phenomenon that you are talking about. Of course, people who will actually provide legitimate discourse will only be able to do it in a suitable venue.
It is a crazy fact that a news outlet can report some information in an article or report, and then underneath the article hoards of uninformed, ignorant people——- often many who have their facts completely wrong——-can succeed in subverting and sabotaging the dissemination of the truth.
What I am banking on, is my belief that the true intelligentsia in this world will make headway, and the truth will prevail little by little.
On the one hand, there is the enormous sickening power of the lynch mob which thrives and perpetuates itself on ignorance. Then on the other hand, there is, to borrow Dorris Lessing’s phrase ” the still small voice” of conscience that those people with the real clarity and capacity will be able to impart to the world.
Luckily, people with real insight are more likely to have success with reaching well-intentioned people holding more legitimate power and sway than the mob. I hope so.
Hell Amy! Did you stay in Holiday Express last night? Go girl!
Hi Onetimeagain,
What does that mean? I heard something about Holiday Express mentioned in talk about the trial before.
Long time reader first time making a comment.
I am a 29 year old female. Like Jodi I am from Salinas, California, and I know some people who knew Jodi when she was growing up. I never knew her personally, she moved away in grammar school I think, but I have tried following the case from the beginning because of the hometown connection.I am also a domestic violence survivor and I believe Jodi was also one and she did what she had to do to survive an abusive relationship. Many people don’t understand why a woman stays in an abusive relationship and I want to correct them because no woman STAYS in an abusive relationship, they are FORCED by an abuser who uses violence and threats to make the woman too fearful to leave. Just like Jodi is not STAYING in jail, she is forced to be there, that is how domestic violence is. Even 1000 miles away she held out hope that each time Travis called her back, it would be the start of the good relationship he promised her. Jodi is the loyal and loving type and she believed in second chances and so she gave him second chances even if it always backfired.
I am also a childhood cancer survivor and currently trying to survive a rare form of skin cancer. I was diagnosed June 26 of last year with nodular melanoma. I have gone through a lot in the last year and just finished up another course of chemo in May (my second course since diagnosis). I missed much of the trial because of treatment but one of the things that kept me going through the worst of my treatment was the hope Jodi would be found innocent so she could go on to live her life as she deserves.
This might sound weird but in a weird way I can really understand how Jodi must feel in prison. In a way I have been in prison for the last year. I rarely leave my house except for hospital stays and I am dealing with a life sentence/death sentence just as Jodi is. I am not trying to make light of what Jodi is going through and maybe I can’t communicate really well what I’m trying to say. But I am almost the same age as Jodi and we should both be enjoying our lives and we cant because of no reason that we caused. Like Jodi I will probably never be a mother which is something I am desperate for. Like Jodi I will probably die in the next few years and I have barely had the chance to live yet. We were both given a raw deal and there are not too many people who can understand where we are coming from. I can’t even tell you how it feels to go from dreaming of your future to planning if you’re even going to be alive in a year.
In 2005 my great uncle died and left me with a trust fund. Half of it was dispursed when I was 25 and the other half will be dispursed when I am 35. About a month ago the trustee of the account met with me so we could discuss making a will in the event I don’t make it to 35 (which looks really likely). He gave me a bunch of options, which included varies charities and causes. My family is pretty well off so no one would go homeless if I wanted to take the other half of my trust and will it to a charity of my choice.
I am afraid he will think I am crazy if I tell him I’d like to will the other half of the trust to benefit Jodi in some way. I wanted to first find out what would happen if I was to will the remaining trust to Jodi so I dont look like I’m crazy or anything. Can the state take an inheritance as payment when an inmate inherits money? Can I will it to a trust that’s set up in Jodi’s name? I would like the money to go for her defense for appeals if that’s possible but would that be too late? I turn 35 in August 2018 but if I die before then I think the money is immediately given, I forgot to ask the trustee but I will. Also can I donate anonymously I don’t want haters tracking down my family after I’m gone.
I firmly believe that Jodi would do the same for any one of us and this is the least I can do for someone who has suffered so much. Please don’t feel bad for me I’m not writing this for sympathy I just want to do what I feel in my heart is the right thing. I have more than enough money to live on right now, but with the cost of my treatment I don’t feel comfortable donating at this time because I have no idea how much this will cost me. I am in a real gray area in terms of survival prognosis so even though I might sound selfish for not donating now I have to take care of my medical needs first.
My heart goes out to you my dear! You are the same age as my son and I feel as a mother to you. What a wonderful person you are!! I am sending my prayers and love to you Cindney!
I would be careful with your legacy as any money Jodi has could be given to TA’s family via a law suit.
When a sentence is finally delivered in Jodis case, we will know more as far as appeals go. I’m thinking that any money we can raise for a great appeals attorney could be given straight to them, without the Alexanders profiting yet again.
Hope to hear from you again.
Cindney, I hope you heal and survive. I will pray for you. I am sorry that you are suffering. Your compassion is inspiring.
Prayers for you Cindney. Hope you get better. This letter brought tears to me an
I can feel your compassion I am the same way. I do not go one night without
thinking of Jodi there alone. My family also thinks I am a nut case because I
am on Jodi’s side in this. We just do not talk about it anymore an they are in
Arizona even. I would want to do the same thing you want to do. It truly shows
a kind heart an a knowing heart too. I hope an pray you get better.
I am sorry to see this, Tonya. I saw what you posted on the butcher site. I am sorry someone got to you. That is extremely unfortunate. Take care.
Thanks Renee yes they did get to me and we should be afraid.
I will not be afraid.
You are a very good person, I love you, and I am worried.
Hail Mary–I was wondering yesterday what happened to you. I encourage you to take Renee’s advise. My thoughts are with you.
Ok, this is scaring me, what is going on?
No, she needs to report to her local social services chapter asap.
They will open a case for you, and investigate. Please do so immediately.
Crap! Assholes!
I have been missing you.
I am sorry for whatever happened to make you want to be gone.
NO !!! HAIL TONYA!!!! PLEASE DON”T GO!!!! I have MISSED you!!!!
ps. Tonya, I feel you are a vulnerable adult. If some one has gotten to you and threatened you, please call SOCIAL SERVICES immediately.
also, Tonya, when you call Social Services, please ask for adult mental health. They will and can protect you. Show them all of your emails you have received and all communication you have received in the last month.
They will help you, and protect you and will know what to do.
Take care,
Okay, and that is fine. BUT please call social services, they will open a case and find the people threatening you. Do so immediately.
what is happening to you is cyber stalking and threatening a vulnerable adult. Report them, they will be held accountable.
Okay, I know where you live, and I will personally contact your local social services and let them know what has happened to you.
Do not be afraid when a social worker knocks on your door, they are your friend and they will help you. I will call them in the morning.
I am concerned that Hail Mary is afraid. I do not know what has happened but it sounds very serious and alarming.
I am going to contact social services in her county.
Thank God Renee.
I’ve used hotmails report option and they tracked down who it was and think they sent a letter. and I was given instructions to block but I said no, I need to know they stopped and won’t with block. I found out the address and made an over the phone report. The law went to his house and it is 5 states away. It all got stopped.
Oh wow cb – that is so crazy. Good for you for hanging in there. But it all sounds pretty scary!
i am sorry, but the call has to and will be made, Tonya. It is out of your hands.
Hail Mary—-I do not expect you to answer me, and I understand you are afraid, as anyone is when someone is murdered close to their home. It is tragic, senseless and happens way to often. As I know you understand this well may not be associated with this site. Take care. Of course you must do whatever you need to do to feel safe. My very best to you Hail Mary.
Errr Merr Gerd! Is this for real? I’m glad I don’t visit the other sites if they can make you this afraid or totally turn you to their way of thinking. I watched the trial, heard the evidence, witnessed the hideous behavior and heard the delusional rantings of the TA supporters then observed the type of person I thought Jodi to be, which is non-violent, spiritual and intelligent. My mind is made up NOT to be changed….short of being drugged or brainwashed. Turn away from the dark…don’t look into the abyss!!
Gwen….I don’t visit other sites either….’cause I don’t give a chyt what they have to say!!!!!
But if someone is threaten your life Tonya….it NEEDS to be reported!!!!!
I have worked all day and mowed the yard. I check in and see some concerning blogs. What is going on?
I, and my husband, are mandatory reporters. I am calling social services first thing Monday morning. Tonya, I am going to explain everything that has happened to you. I will also be reporting the butcher site and their comments about you.
as far as any comments hurting me, I can fit the fucks I give in my favorite cat’s paws.
where I draw the line is when an obvious vulnerable adult is threatened and scared. NOT okay, and I will be reporting.
Good Renee—-Sounds like you know what is going on.
From what I understand. Team Jodi has your back
It is not up to you, hun. Your brother will be non the wiser. I promise confidentiality. I recognize a person in trouble, and I am bound by law to report.
I will tell them about your concerns about your brother, Tonya, It will be okay.
Renee’, good for you! You are a good friend and I am proud to know you. Yes, I agree that you should pursuit calling social services.
I wish you well.
You take care of yourself and your brother.
I think it might be ok for you to pop in now and then just to say nothing more than hello and that you are ok – just so we won’t worry about you?
Hail Mary, please let Renee’ help you. You cannot continue living in fear and NO ONE should go unpunished for mentally abusing you. I don’t know exactly what happened or who the f*ck the butcher is but do not allow them to get to you and scare you anymore.
Skimming the blog I did see where “x” jumped in again. How is this troll slipping through the fence?
different ‘x’
x is the generic replacement for a name when it is removed along with the post
Thanks Journee!
you are welcome
blog admins do things different, I am fairly new to this site….
I guess lips are sealed. Hail Mary take care!
Journee, Rebecca64, Gwen, Ann, Janeen Russo and others, I know I am leaving out….
I want to say that you all are good people. I do see the reason you all are here.
Thanks onetime. It’s great to have new and sincere supporters! There are good people on both sides, probably but we’re just smarter. lol
It is not good what is going on the below remarks…
Renee I’m asking you to stop this don’t want social services I made the mistake of coming to web sites in the first place and now shit has …
Is this really tonya?
I thought you were going to live with your sister for a while?
Hey, ho….
This will be my last post for a while… am I succumbing to hater sites threats? Kinda. But mostly, I am considering what my husband just asked me.
He said, “is this the hill you want to die on, should these pathetic POS decide to ruin your life?”
and my answer was, sadly, no. If someone so desperately wants to erase my Constitutional right to say what I think, then so be it.
I admit, I do not know Jodi or Travis. I have formed my own opinion. But evidently, I am not allowed to express it unless I allow someone to bully and threaten me… Not worth it.
I love most of you, and will take this fight to FB and email. Those who know me know how to get a hold of me. Those who don’t, please tell my BF Janeen, and she will contact me.
When the First Amendment means something in America again, I will be back. Meanwhile, keep up the good fight <3 peace and love
Hey Renee I wish you wouldn’t go but will you get my email from SJ before you do? I will miss your perspective. I done got so paranoid I went back to my eye gravatar.
Renee,do not surrender please.Not you.
I went there after reading all the posts here.
I am shocked and scared.
But as long as people like you don’t give up,I feel we can get over this.
Shocked and scared by what, Maria?
They use our names,posting as me and so many people here,they quote our posts and make fun of us.They have Guess Who games,using info about us and quotes.They post people’s FB profiles and try to find as many as they can,for what purpose I dont know.When people here post under initials or nicknames,they post their true names or give out personal details.The list goes on…This is cyber bullying,harassment!
I dont mind being ridiculed because of my lousy grammar(hey haters I’m a foreigner,hello?) but they’ve crossed the line.What they do over there is illegal.
They often do not have the correct information on posters.
Our MB here is actually a better sleuth than they are…even if they don’t know it.
Maria…they have actually made fun of you for “lousy grammar”???? You have better grammar than most who speak English as their FIRST language…I’d love to hear if they say something about ME…My goodness…some people just have too much time on their hands.
Their evil behavior still knocks me for a loop…and everything I have written on this site is MY OWN OPINION…and I am entitled to it and I am staying.
I refuse to be intimidated.
on second thought, I WOULD NOT love to hear if they say something about me. They are not worth my time.
Me neither. I give zero fucks over the five middle-aged virgins who are living in Mommy’s basement and think they’re cool for harrassing people. Get jobs, you pathetic fuckers.
Renee. What is going on?
Renee, I am dissappointed. You are a fireball.
Renee’, now this is really upsetting. Even tho we have not become close, I always admired your gutts and your passion.
To hear you are leaving too, makes me freak out. What the hell is going on?
This is huge loss for this site. Our family is getting ripped apart.
This is for you and everyone else that feels they have to leave here:
I really hope you will be back soon.
Maria and SJ have my facebook info. I would love to continue communicating with you.
Take care and be strong, (((((((((friend)))))))))))
Rebecca64 can you help?
No I don’t think anyone can help. This sounds frightening to me like an attack that we cannot risk our own well being for. Thank You to everyone for sharing your thoughts and time with me. They win. Renee is right. My Best Wishes to Everyone.
BS…..so all we have to say is like Jacob Dylan’s song “Nothing” …..BS…fuck the Taliban…..let us let them have their way…open the doors to our home…..no way……Unless I am not getting the full picture!!!
Oh on! Not you too Rebecca64.
Would somebody PLEASE tell me what is happening?
They win what? The annual, “I’m the biggest dipshit of 2013 award”. LMAO
I don’t blame you Renee.
I think a lot of us are sitting here quietly having the same thoughts.
This is what happened to the people closest to Jodi who might have been able to help.
Now it is happening to those who don’t know how but want to.
I am sad.
Well I am trying to get my eye back up. Testing….
see ya
did you bail too, onetime?
will someone please explain what is going on?
can you go to mission 1?
no, I never asked for a password
isn’t it gone now, anyway?
I think the new one is ‘task force’?
yes sorry task force. I thought you had pw sorry
Hell no….read my blog before…and hell yes this is my own remarks and I am putting it in “”””
“BS…..so all we have to say is like Jacob Dylan’s song “Nothing” …..BS…fuck the Taliban…..let us let them have their way…open the doors to our home…..no way……Unless I am not getting the full picture!!!
and Hell no, I hope they can track me down…they will get an old fashion ass kicking and I will be like a thunder cloud and rain all over their ass…
ok, good
I think I see your eye, Gwen.
I see your eye Gwen 🙂 . Too bad you cannot make it wink, or roll, haha.
“Well I am trying to get my eye back up. ”
Gwen, for some reason that just cracked me up this morning! Even though I knew you were talking about your gravatar thingy.
What a sad state of affairs when good people cannot form their own opinion! The bullys in this world are winning and leading the sheep off the cliff. I know some are scared and I completely understand.
Just remember in the end there is the truth, there is love and there is light. Nothing to fear except fear itself.
Game players threatening, bullying, posting personal information and intimidating those with a different pov are not worth your worry.
Well I ain’t goin nowhere. It’ll just give em my eye for now and if they find out my personal info and post it so be it. Everyone in my little town already knows I’m a Jodi supporter so they won’t give me no crap. Let’s not implode from the inside due to low brow tactics from the other side. Hell, if Nasty Nance were to stick a mic in my face tomorrow I’d give my opinion and then add ‘and you sure are an evil bitch’. lol
right on Gwen!
I don’t want anyone to be scared – and I respect the retreat.
I have never visited any of the sites supporting the other side. I have no use for it. Plus they are not the ones that can make the difference with Jodi. The fight for Jodi’s release has to occur in court with a fair and impartial judge.
I am not afraid to tell anyone that Jodi is a victim and should not be imprisoned. There was too much reasonable doubt in this case for a conviction. It is that simple.
As a rule I don’t check out those sites but after reading something pertaining to all the above had to check it out . . found out more than I wanted to. It was like being in an asylum. I wanted to ask why but I draw the line at getting dumbass answers justifying vulgar behavior. They spend so much time and energy to do wrong things. Too bad such creative minds have nothing positive to offer society. When they run good people off, who’s next . . each other? They will meet the wrong ones soon enough.
they like games .. why don’t they get a real good match going against each other to see who can hate the best
Exactly – the hatred is contagious, and frankly damn bizarre that people want to live in that zone.
I agree..Bizarre…but their hatred won’t get to me. I won’t let it.
I advise anyone who has not checked out that site to stay away. Keep your IP address safe.
Ha! Maybe I will just give them an eyeROLL?
It’s easy for me not to be scared. I don’t know what the hell is going on, lol.
My favorite was when What’s His Face told Nancy Disgrace not to “bite off [her] manicure” when she was waiting to hear about the verdict. Bah ha!! Burn!! That was classic!!
Gwen, I am with you all the way!
Could a moderator contact me, please? JC or MB? I need to speak with one of you privately. Thanks!
Well, if a moderator would like to contact me to tell me that maybe I should shut up, or send me the key to a room where I don’t have to, I shall watch my mail.
Hell no…you should not shut up….I guess I don’t understand the threats…..but I don’t visit any the haters shit sites because as soon as you do, you will get shit on you unless you have hip waders on… don’t visit their asspage “Facebook” sites or anything they have something to do with it….
A new member does not need to see this….
onetimeagain, I don’t visit those other sites either. I feel it is a waste of time and it sickens me. I have no clue what’s going on either…I think I may be the only one left here by now. Looks like some pretty high energy stuff has occurred today…a lot of fear and anger going on.
Hell no, you are not the only one left here..If I blog I use an another email address other than my personal one…even the one I use for a specific site is my own but not my regular one
Oh good! I thought I was talking to myself. Seeing everyone just up and leave like that makes me wonder if those were the REAL people or posers…just saying “I’m outa here” is quite uncharacteristic and unusual, if you ask me. Hmmm
I don’t mean to bring negativity to the site, but this was the point I made to a troll on the Blog’s commentary & it is the relevant potion of the post. The rest is just the background for context. We wouldn’t want any more taking quotes out of context now would we? Unless, of course, you’re JM…
Le Troll:
“Hmmm. I have three questions.
1. You are very good at putting the state’s case under the rigorous microscope and devising arguments that end up wholly taking Arias’ version of events.. as if they were absolute bonafide fact. But- the fact that you do NOT put the Arias defense under the same such rigors is puzzling. Why not?
2. Dr Kevin Horn. If Arias’ story about shooting Alexander were true, and it is a silly argument that Dr Horn state’s that Travis would have sustained no defensive wounds had he been shot first and stabbed later, then why is it the defense has not called their own medical expert, if Jodi Arias’ story is even POSSIBLE? (BTW, the argument that there have been talking head TV docs who have stated her version is possible ..is really a moot point and everyone understands this. The fact is they did not have access to the entire facts of this case, the autopsy or the body and are paid to provide entertaining discussion. A medical expert called by the defense WOULD have had access to the entire case history. The defense fought very hard because they did NOT want the public to have access to all the ‘experts’ they had consulted in this case. Once the case is over these billings will be unsealed. We shall see if any medical experts had billings and will be left to surmise why they were never called.)
3. Matthew McCartney- The jury has made it crystal clear via the juror questions that they know- that taking Arias at ‘her word’ when there is no corroborating evidence with which to support her statements is a very slippery slope. Arias claims that Travis was physically abusive to her. Kicked her, hit her, choked her. Arias, a documented liar, (and she knows this) has, according to her, one LONE witness to this ‘physical abuse’. Why on earth, would her defense – NOT subpoena Matt McCartney. The argument that he does not want to ‘get involved’, is as silly as it gets. NO defense team fighting for a person’s life would NOT subpoena this man if he could vouch for her. The fact that they have not subpoena’d him speaks as much to the TRUTH of the matter as not calling a medical examiner to refute dr horn does.
If you were being honest with yourself in these postings, you would recognize that these two omissions speak more to the credibility of Jodi Arias than anything else. And that it is coming from her own defense.
But will you analyze it?…
It really doesn’t matter what a witness would face by the outpouring of the public. The bottom line is if there was a witness, in the form of a medical examiner that could dispute Dr Kevin Horn’s incredibly damaging testimony OR if Matt McCartney would or could vouch for Ms Arias’ claims on the stand that Matt confronted her about bruises on her neck – her defense attys would subpoena them. This is a Death Penalty case. You don’t GET to just say ‘NO THANKS’.
What did you think about Ms LaViolette’s testimony when she was under cross examination and Juan Martinez asked LaViolette specifically about what Matt McCartney had to say about Travis abusing Jodi in an interview with the defense? Ms LaViolette said and this is more or less a direct quote:
‘Yes, Matt said that he knew that there was verbal abuse and suspected physical abuse but he had not ever seen any evidence of it’.
If MATT himself said this in an interview then guess what? That means that Jodi continued to lie on the stand. She said in re: to lying, ‘I would never lie.’ and implied the only lying she had done was from before when she was shamed or scared. Given the fact that LaViolette clearly had no idea what she was saying affected anything else, and you believe that Ms LaViolette was an honest person and knows her stuff, how does this comment jive with Arias’ testimony? And if she continued to lie to us on the stand, please, explain to me why you think she is not making up everything…considering she has a huge motive in secondary gain???”
Le Me:
1) As for another doctor: A) Look at Alyce’s career now… What doctor would want to refute the doctor called by the prosecution in a witch hunt, oops, I meant high profile death penalty case? B) A doctor cannot prove self defense based on the autopsy, only give his opinion on the POSSIBILITY of such; therefore, the point would have been moot. Other doctors have stated that it is POSSIBLE, but they can’t prove that. For example, the cuts on his hands could have been from him trying to grab at her while she was protecting herself with a knife. Trauma causes weird things. People have been known to keep pulling the trigger on an empty gun while pointing at a clearly dead attacker simply as a result of being in shock. This could have easily happened with the knife & would explain the overkill: she was terrified that he wasn’t dead & was going to get back up.
2) As for Mr. McCartney, anything he testified to could have, & probably would have, been chalked up to hearsay [as] he had no proof, & this happened on only one occasion. So again, the point would have been moot.
Are you satisfied troll? A sixth grader could make these points to you. I have a difficult time believing you can’t make them to yourself. I call either denial, blind hatred for a woman you don’t know, or plain old trolling, because you clearly aren’t that stupid.
Guys, I know I’m new & no one talks to me on here, but I still stand my ground: this was one of two things in my opinion, either self defense, which is highly plausible (I’ll make my own post about this soon, if anyone cares), or a religious killing committed by the Mormon Church, which would personally classify as a cult .
LL I am with you…I am new and I stand my ground from the standpoint of at least being able to say what I want to say and not being banned
LL I’m sorta new too, don’t take not getting a reply seriously. I believe Jodi was defending herself and I also believe others are involved.
I absolutely agree that their was. The punishment for adultery in their church is death, “slit from ear to ear”. It apparently “cleanses their poor souls so they can still go to Heaven”, which makes it permissible in their eyes. No way she drug his body, she’s my size… I could never do it. Rage, adrenaline, doesn’t matter. Take a lesson from Monty Python & the Holy Grail: “It’s not a matter of where he grips it, it’s a simple matter of weight ratios [a 115 lb. female cannot carry or drag a 180 lb. male without extreme difficulty & evidence of dragging]”.
I agree with that. Some of my posts weren’t approved. Probably because I called out the Alexander’s. I don’t blame the Mods though, they have to play nice, & I suppose me calling them out isn’t exactly nice, but fact is fact… Just sayin’.
I am more inclined to think ‘disguised as religious killing’ myself, LL.
I could believe self defense, because I do believe Jodi was abused.
I just think someone else was there because she couldn’t have gotten him into the shower by herself without scarring him up more than he was…. would have been scrapes all over his back, buttocks and legs if she’d dragged him into that shower.
Right?! “She poured water on the floor to drag him & used towels to clean it up”… But she didn’t notice the big fat handprint in blood on a white wall? You have to be f’n kidding me…
LL, I have been here for a LONG time and sometimes no one replies to my posts…Welcome 😀
Well, it is nice to meet all of you.
One thing I have learnt, it’s best to ask one question at a time.
All of your questions are good ones, they all have good answers (some of which may involve speculation), but it’s not possible to treat them properly here.
For example: “then why is it the defense has not called their own medical expert”
There are probably at least 3 or 4 answers, at different levels:
(1) The defense had no money whatsoever, so have to ask the state for funds. That involves making choices, the state probably won’t allow unlimited resources.
(2) The prosecution changed it’s theory – that means the defense could not provide a complete defense, which is grounds for appeal.
(3) Jodi wants to publicise domestic violence, so placed that at the centre of her defense case, rather than arguing the crime scene in detail.
I think this is still only skimming the surface, in terms of overall trial strategy.
The first phase of Jodi’s strategy is to remove the death penalty. That then opens the way to a fair jury.
That’s not to say they were not also aiming for other goals, but that had to be the primary goal at this stage. All very much IMO, we can only guess at much of why decisions are made, we don’t have direct evidence.
In think you may have misunderstood. This was another’s question & my reply, but you made some very good points.
LL, I admit your long post was hard to read…be assured we are reading, but perhaps if I don’t have anything to add, then I don’t reply.
If you visit gebee’s page you will maybe get caught up on all the things we have talked about here. Plus, if you are interested in other theories there are links above to things like the flores report.
welcome LL!!
Thanks Bee Cede!! It is nice to meet you. I’m sorry I didn’t format my post better. I will be sure to do that next time. 🙂
I have no idea about Point 3 in your post, but I think the other 2 bear addressing.
1. It is now well established in US Law that a defendant has a right not just to legal representation, but to adequate legal representation, and that the state must provide for one. So this is not an issue of money. Look, in all fairness to Maricopa County they did spend close to $2M on Jodi’s defense, with probably more to come through the rest of the penalty phase and any appeals and Rule 32 proceedings that may follow. We’ve sort of thrashed this horse way past dead. Whatever the reason behind the defense not calling their own medical and forensic experts may be, it was not money. Even at this stage, if they had gone to the court and said they needed money to get experts, there is no way the judge would have turned them down. If she had that would probably have been immediate reversible error, given that the state had presented substantial expert testimony in those regards. After all they did get to call the photo expert and Geffner, and the funds for that definitely came from the state. So this was not money.
2. The prosecution did change their theory about the sequence of the gun shot. However, the state did file a motion, prior to the trial notifying the court and the defense that they had changed their theory with respect to the gun shot. When they did that Nurmi et al had a bunch of options; they could have asked the judge for a continuance in order to deal with this issue, they could have asked the judge to disallow the state from changing its theory. I’m sure Nurmi would have made some motion on this issue, if for nothing else than to maintain the record. So it may become an appellate issue, but we’ll see.
As I said earlier, point 3 is not something I can comment about, but I must point out that for several years after her arrest she was sticking to the intruder story, and as per Samuels’ testimony it took him and Nurmi to convince her to back off the story. So may be now she wants to showcase the DV issues, but I wouldn’t know, nor do I suspect would you.
The decisions on how to proceed with the presentation of a case are normally made by the trial attorneys. The client can overrule them at any time, but I suspect the decision to not produce expert testimony was not made by Jodi. The testimony of forensic experts could not have detracted from the defense regardless of whether their theory for self defense, or sudden heat of quarrel or whatever. Given the absence of this testimony they are left with JM being able to argue whatever he wants from the evidence presented by his experts, with un-aided refutation by the defense.
So unless someone on the defense writes a book someday, or the issues come out in some appellant brief, I doubt we’ll ever know why they did what they did. I suspect that the common wisdom that says all they were trying to do was save her from a DP may be more on the mark than any other theories.
The defense DID call a brain expert who said Horn was wrong that TA would be incapacitated after the shot.
Sort of an after thought.
Of course the whole defense case may have been a dollar short and a day late – especially given that at least one juror (albeit an alternate) stated that she had made up her mind after the state’s opening argument!
Also some of the reasons given by one of the other jurors (I think it was the lady with the short, sort of spiky hair do) were so off target on why you find someone guilty of M1 that who knows why they did what they did.
As a sort of aside – I’ve often wondered what part of the sequence of events led them to the premeditated verdict. Was it the whole hair color, gas can, etc thing or was it some theory based on a real short premeditation during the fight. Would be interesting to find out.
The thing that always gets me is that JM argued the felony murder as an “in the alternative” charge, i.e. if you don’t find premeditated then you find felony because if the gun didn’t come from grandpa but was TA’s, etc ……. And yet 7 people found both.
Le Me:” Please, see my other reply. You claim your arguments are so strong, but really, they aren’t. As for APD…no doctor in their right mind would diagnose her with APD, she doesn’t meet the criteria, especially considering that she had no prior criminal history, which Juan Martinez was stupid enough to keep claiming wasn’t a mitigating factor because she committed murder & then lied about it. Um, no. PRIOR criminal history, moron, meaning that up until NOW she had never committed a crime, not even so much as a traffic ticket. I don’t think anyone realizes how crappy of an attorney he really is… If this hadn’t been a witch hunt from the jump…he would have lost & walked away with his tail tucked between his legs, dusty mouth, & severely damaged pride instead of posing for pictures, which is extremely unprofessional. As for BPD, she meets the criteria; However, narcissism is not one of those criteria & it typically is not displayed with BPD, but rather Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Histrionic Personality Disorder. Trust me, I was gonna be a psychology major before I changed career paths & I had to diagnose hypothetical patients. Check the DSM-IV-TR or the DSM-V when it comes out. It’s online. Want a link? I checked “Dr.” Drew on this fact… The next thing you know, he doesn’t think she has APD anymore, but BPD, & then Miss Fancy Pants Psychologist comes out with the same diagnosis I did. Check my comments on the Dr. Drew website. LOL I diagnosed her correctly before HLN had any idea because they are all fakes & actors, not real professionals, otherwise, they would be working in their fields, not sitting on a talk show. How does that saying go? “If you can’t practice it, teach it”, or be on talk shows. Someone’s OPINION on a documentary is not sufficient & I’ve seen “documentaries” claiming that mermaids exist based of the finding of different body parts from different species that they CLAIMED all belonged to one unknown species… Twisting the facts is easy if you have a silver tongue & use fallacious arguments. ..you should definitely check your facts before posting the argument that you seem to think is both valid & sound. Valid, perhaps, but not sound. Moreover, her “innocent” statement may have just been part of the act. She may also have felt that she WAS innocent, considering the fact that she & her attorneys were presenting a self-defense case, which, if they had won, would have established just that: her innocence. As for what she told the jury about that statement, it could very well be true. Try proving otherwise. The simple fact of the matter is that you & many others are so closed minded that you refuse to even CONSIDER the possibility that there are alternative explanations & think that just because she lied once everything that came out if her mouth afterward was a lie. Who wouldn’t lie in that situation? I mean really… If you had just killed someone & you know that you did, would you tell them, “Yeah, I did it”, if you thought you had a chance of getting off? You may believe you wouldn’t, but you can’t know that without being in those shoes. Did you ever stop to consider that maybe she lied because she was afraid of what would happen to her if she did tell the truth, & especially how bad it could go if no one believed it? You have to consider other explanations & possibilities, not simply those that you initially agree with. In my opinion, this was a kangaroo court with a shady judge, & there was definitely enough reasonable doubt for an acquittal & most definitely enough to decide to give her Second Degree Murder or Manslaughter instead. If this was your daughter, I bet you would consider other possibilities & I guarantee your opinion would differ.”
I think paranoia is more contagious than the common cold. I’m not sure what’s went on either but it certainly spread fast. Let’s let cooler heads reign. I don’t surf the other sites but if they expose me who gives a rat’s ass? If there is an anti-Jodi swat team on the hunt then I’m the one with the Survivor shirt on giving you the finger just so you know.
I’m certain I missed something, but I don’t have internet access so I can’t use the laptop, just the ol’ Droid. Fill me in? What I snatched up was from the Pitchforks Blog commentary…
Well, now, it could just be that folks are busy on a Friday night and that only a few of us have seen what’s transpired in the last hour or so.
Or it could be that folks are chatting away in a password protected room, leaving us out here to wave our asses in the breeze.
But it’s a cool breeze, ain’t it Gwen?
Eh, I hate searching for news on YouTube…so much hate to sift through. No internet & no cable has left me without much news, but at least I don’t have ignorant C-Words victim blaming in my face, eh?
It’s not ‘out there’ news goin’ down, LL. Just scroll up a ways.
Are we really getting threatened by haters? Looking for their five minutes, are they?
LL – scroll up.
look for the post from Renee – gravitar is a woman with a tear on her cheek – she writes a signing off post
Then read the exchange that happens for many many inches above it.
It certainly is a cool breeze, Journee. Maybe by tomorrow things will be back to normal. I have never worked up the gumption to outright look at the autopsy photos but you have convinced me with your posts that the only way she could get 200 + lbs of dead weight into that shower stall without causing much damage would be to levitate with her mind….some sort of telekinesis. The defense should have called you!!
Nah…. I didn’t realize it myself til a couple of weeks ago.
It was such a DUH moment I don’t know why none of us caught it before!
It is beyond ridiculous that she drug 200 pounds across the floor and positioned him into the stall.
I did look at the autopsy photos Gwen, and they are disturbing bc he was so far along in decomposition. You have to understand the effects of decomp to not overreact to the pictures.
Dragging him down the hall would have been difficult but not impossible.
Dragging him into the stall, and positioning him as he was, without scraping up his backside on the metal rim – and probably his left shoulder/arm on the door frame – that would have been impossible.
He was not dragged into that shower stall. Could not have been.
I wanted to convey some info to you w/o being screen shot, hunted down, personal info given out , have my dna tested, have my dog’s dna tested, have people know what I had for lunch, etc…..
I’m here at home tonite, my husband is watching sports, I’ve been reading and wondering what is going on…. We live in a rural area so not much going on out here in the sticks.
Did you find something about what we discussed yesterday?
*I* do not necessarily need the information, but if it would be helpful to task force, by all means post it there!
No, I read Krikee’s post and realized they were different Dustin’s.
hah, lol, I thought (hoped) maybe you found out different!
That’s what I’m trying to figure out, Gwen. If paranoia is catching, or if actual threats have been made against posters on this site. Hail Mary did sound genuinely frightened. Whoever did that to her is a heartless bully.
If someone threatens me on this site…I will take it seriously, I will call the cops, they will trace the IP…& I will press charges. They can see what a kangaroo court is really like for themselves!!
It does work . . I’ve done it.
She did not seem to be saying that actual threats were made.
Just that she’d had a bad encounter on another site AND there was a suspicious death of an elderly woman very near to her home and she seems to be concerned that there might be a connection.
But she also says she is ok and she emphatically does NOT want help…. so, I don’t know?
Oh, on another site! I thought perhaps someone had discovered her personal information and contacted her directly.
Still, these are bullies. They knew the effect they wanted to have on her and they got it. For what? Entertainment?
They may have contacted her, Pique, but she didn’t say that.
She posted a link to an LATimes article about lawsuits. I think that between that, and the private info she saw being revealed ‘over there’, and the suspicious death of the woman near her home – it just all rolled together and made her realize how vulnerable we all might be.
Because every day, here, we talk freely about people whom we believe to be seriously dangerous.
Which, basically, is what Renee was saying too, when she signed off.
Thanks Journee. That sounds about right–that it was a combination of things, all coming together, that caused her feel so afraid and unsafe. But Renee feels unsafe as well. What I’m wondering is: how dangerous are these people who seem to have nothing better to do than harass a very small group of people, when THEY have the majority on their side?
Well, *somebody* is dangerous, because a few people surrounding this mess are dead. And we may not even know how many.
Or how involved they might be with the people we think of as idiot trolls.
Hail Mary hasn’t been around for a while. She was here EVERY day, practically, during the trial. I feel sad that she feels unsafe. She has asked very kindly that NO ONE contact social services regarding this and I think anyone who feels it is their “duty” should back down and respect Hail’s wishes. She is very sensitive and her wishes should be respected. I hope I am not stepping on any particular toes. That is NOT my intention at all, just a personal opinion.
I know, Dorothy, and I have been wondering about her.
BeeCee said, up there, that Hail Mary had gone to stay with her sister for awhile? Even questioned that this poster might be a troll – if so it was a good imitation because the posts looked just like hers.
I think she fears that any ‘help’ will make her more of a target, and I agree with you that if she doesn’t want it her wishes should be respected.
But Renee also said she is a mandatory reporter, so…. ?? I don’t know. I just want everyone to be ok.
Maybe actual threats have been made, I don’t know, but some people are more susceptible than others. I gather some threats are to expose the true identity of pro-Jodi posters but I am not hiding my support so as long as they can’t get a credit card in my name or take money out of my bank, who cares? lol And it appears as if some scary things have happened, coincidentally, around some of the posters and it’s being tied into the whole picture. I think it’s a shame that these haters have so much time on their hands that they use it to prey on the vulnerability of others! They need to get a job!!
as I have said before the courthouse leaches and the Taliban either are on government checks or have a scam going
I find it funny that these people are continuing to spread hate…Jodi’s been sentenced, the witch hunt everyone in this lousy economy watching drones kill innocent people were thirsty for. But that is an unquenchabke this rt, they want more, so now it’s us, peaceful people who don’t shove our beliefs in anyone’s faces, talk amongst ourselves in a respectful & dignified way, & simply support a truly amazing person who might end up dead because we have a f’d court system & even the nicest, most wonderful, people can be driven to terrible things by people who IN MY OPINION (disclaimer, ha ha!) are not terrible themselves, but have a sickness of the soul that causes them to do terrible things, a contagious one that both Jodi & Travis at some point became infected with. The simple fact of the matter is, that no matter what side you take, even if you don’t take one & chose to sit in the middle, this is still a very sad SITUATION (treated like reality t.v.) about two very sick people. Neither of them are TRULY to blame. The blame should be placed where it belongs: all of us, not any individual or group of individuals, but the society & environment they were born into. WE have to change that. The saddest part is that while people here try to do this, those on the other side blame, hate, & ridicule. If both sides could somehow see the UNBIASED truth of things, which I suspect most of you already have, their cannot be the kind of awareness that a tragedy like this should bring about. There is no true justice, there are no lessons learned, there is no advice to give that is not stereotypical & won’t only lead to more fear & hatred. Kill them with kindness or ignore them, I ask everyone to join me in that mission. When Westboro Baptist Church came to a nearby town struck badly by a tornado to preach that this happened to innocent people & babies because of gays & lesbians, drug addicts, etc. (more victim blaming), they were created by biker gangs (no names). People build walls wearnjng angels wings, they sing, anything to drown them out & block them from the view of our soldiers & grieving loved ones families. That is what we must do here. Namastè!!
I like the ideas you expressed in your post. “kill them with kindness or ignore them.” Good advice.
It’s hard, trust me, it’s very hard…but at the very least, try. 🙂 Even the best of us let it loose every now & then. 🙂
As long as I don’t get sued for saying I wished that lightening had struck somebody down in the courtroom, I think I’m okay. I’m too chicken to go to their sites so I am clueless as to their hateful ways.
Oh, I have done worse than that I know.
But if I get sued it will be with a whole bunch of people who’ve thought the same thoughts and said the same things.
So I will be in good company.
Sued for what? Your opinion is protected by the constitution, slander is only slander if it isn’t true, & I haven’t seen you threaten anybody. As long as you don’t live in AZ you’re probably good…
Sorry, that unintentionally came off as kind of snotty, bit I promise it was directed at the idiots who think they actually have something tonsure you for, which is ridiculous, not you. 🙂
There is some excellent information out there about what’s going on. Google queries like slander libel / comments posted on websites and you will better understand things.
JC can you explain further?
Could you provide me with a Link? I’m aware that I can search for myself, but if you have somethingon hand so I’m not sifting through all of the misinformation… I’m not sure if this is something to even take seriously, if people are just throwing around threats, or if people are actually being serious? My advice is Private Forums. It sound harsh, but maybe one main forum that is moderated for anyone. Any other forums where discussion is held requires a free account with a valid email address. It won’t stop it, but it will help. This will also, I believe, make all if this private for “users”. You don’t subscribe, you don’t view it. If it’s not public……………
I don’t want to put it up in here but i can send it to you. Give me a day though. I agree private forums are excellent for this. If you find one, let me know.
What IS this site? Should we all report it somehow, can you, how is it allowed for people to be so evil?
Please do so!! I will do some research & see if I can find a forum. Is it possible to add private forums to this site for “users” only? Palringo is also a great option!!
Oh, & please, information on sending books, journals & art supplies as gifts. 🙂 I would be so appreciative. The Sherrif’s Department wouldn’t return my email. Figures.
Could you please be more specific. I am interested to hear the perspective of the Admins here about the issues being discussed here and posters being threatened.
I am quite confused as to how discussing a public trial and the testimony given in the trial, can be considered slanderous. Every news network on television has done just that, and made millions in the process. There are many blogs, FB pages, and forums that discuss conspiracy theories in regard to this case. Discussing and debating conspiracy theories is certainly nothing new, and has been going on since the beginning of time. The theories here are just an extention of what has been testified to in Court. It seems to me it is nothing more than a discussion of what each individual believes to be the most plausible explanation of what they believed happened. People on both sides of this case have done just that. Therefore, I find it difficult to understand what libel suits have to do with posters discussing the above mentioned topics.
I would like to know more of what is going on also, the not knowing is scary, I wont be scared away, I promise but I want to know what I am up against and what this site is? I write on the Occupy HLN site and try to just be as nice as I can to the mean people and I had a couple write me weird msgs but that site is not very bad, I dont go to any other site that is all just about Travis and money money money. My dad once told me that you can get a lot more with sugar than you can with vinegar and sometimes it works but It would be nice to know what all Hail Mary is talking about? please, someone?
I’m not talking as admin as we all have different opinions on free speech etc. I think what’s going on is more along the lines of cyber-harassment/cyber-bullying of certain posters. Libel is saying something untrue when writing. The statement also has to cause harm to another. For example, saying someone has a contagious disease or saying someone committed a crime when innocent COULD be considered libel. If the person being discussed is in the media it’s even harder to prove. It has to be proven that the intent of the writer was maliciously trying to hurt said person. When private citizens are talked about online the standard is lower for libel than that of a ‘celebrity’. The laws vary from state to state on what constitutes libel/cyber stalking/harassment.
Each statement is looked at individually for truthfulness and whether it caused harm ie damages to another. One has to be told to stop before any legal action can take place and a website authored by a group doesn’t suffice as legal notification. Also, threatening to sue without actually intending to is also questionable under libel. If you search blogging, websites, slander, cyber bullying you will find some helpful information. There are three prongs in order for speech to be free.
Thank you JC. That was very helpful.
I’ll put it this way.
I haven’t said anything worse about anyone than what was said about Jodi after Jun 9, 2008.
But look where that talk put Jodi.
I mean some of us have found certain people to be suspicious and have said so.
got ya
You CANNOT be sued for that statement. I’m no lawyer but I know that for sure as I’ve been reading. LOL! Do you know how many people during this trial on both sides something funny like that? A statement made in jest matters and context and tone would be considered.
That statement is not even in the ballpark of a libelous statement and it certainty doesn’t constitute a threat. No way. LOL
I guess I better go back to law school…LOL
I was talking about a statement that was a joke. Not sure what you are referring. 🙂 My post came up in an odd place making what I mean ambiguous. I was referring to a joke about lightening.
Gotta love you Gwen!
Thank you Gwen. I am here to support Jodi and all y’all. We must stick together. I am so sorry and upset to hear about people being threatened. We may need another news source to raise awareness of what is happening. Prayers for everyone here.
I agree with you..pull up your boot straps Team Jodi and stand your ground…just because shit is thrown..does not mean we have to eat it
as said above . . I think if they like games they should challenge each other to see who hates the best
Agreed! The best (not with these particular trolls) is pointing out all of their fallacies: “That’s an Ad Hominem argument…”
“Your FACE is an Ad Hominem argument!!”
Touche you f’n troll, touche… (sarcasm)
Ignorance is bliss folks & their having a great time. “I’d rather be a human dissatisfied than a pig satisfie; better Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.” ~Jeremy Bentham
JM obvious never took a logic or philosophy course: “…because you have a relationship with the defendant…”
Samuels should have said: “I beg your pardon sir, but that’s an Ad Hominem argument. Chihuahua syndrome is what JM has.
Ok, I think I read the wrong blog. I had to search for Gus Searcy & got a Sticks & Stones blog… I’m assumingthis was the wrong one since it is old & I am clearly unaware of what is being discussed…? O_o
LL.. there is a site that makes fun of our posts, poses as people here, have traced people on facebook and have given out emails and personal information. Some are just silly game players and some are overly sensitive to what we believe and who we believe are culpable in some way in this case. Some have been threatened with a law suit. Their over reaction is supect to me.
for you troll spelling nazis.. Suspect
Ah, forget ’em. We aren’t here for a grammar lessor & half of us are on not so smart phones…
Right, because there is no free speech & we’re not just as entitles to our opinions? Hogwash. I’ve never been to these sites & I refuse, I’d burst a blood vessel.
Note my sarcasm. 🙂
I usually don’t even give that site the time of day, but someone messaged me and told me that they had mentioned me or something. Curiosity got the better of me, so I went and looked. They had quoted one of my old posts, and I have to say, I was laughing right along with them. I must have been half asleep when I first posted that, because the phrasing was all wrong. I’m still laughing about it, actually.
Actually, i think that part is funny at times too. They posted me too and I didn’t like they way I had written what they posted either either. So, I rolled my eyes at myself and laughed.
I think we all have moments where we phrase stuff wrong. I know I do. I am a blonde after all. 😛 I’m actually quite intelligent, but I do have my ditzy moments at times. I’m not afraid to admit it. I always laugh at myself afterwards.
Why is it that you caugh your mistakes after you hit posts?
More Ad Hominem. These people don’t have a leg to stand on & they’re vile. Of course they have nothing better to do than insult our grammar…I mean, we’re all writing essays here, not chatting on a forum where grammar doesn’t matter…
Journee–are you still here?
I am here Ann….. so much talk I keep scrolling up for new stuff.
What’s up?
You know when you strolling down your “garden path” and a snake all of sudden crawls across path and it scares you? Well some gardens have more snakes than other.
I have geckos.
I am not afraid of geckos, tho I am startled by them sometimes.
Geckos are so cute!
Well peeps, I have a job to go to tomorrow so I shall check in and hope that all our valuable Team Jodi members are here and raring to go. Besides her family and friends, we are probably the most visible support she has on the outside and I would rather that be growing than shrinking. Whatcha gonna do…hater’s gonna hate so let’s be strong for Jodi, granted, a woman we’ve never met but that we all believe is a good person that was crapped upon by our justice system.
Sleep well, Gwen.
um – lock your doors
Hell, leave the doors open…Lucy will get em
lol onetime again
Lucy will probably bring a toy for them so someone will play with her…if she is anything like my Boston. Generally they are love bugs full of energy and fun. Maybe that is what the haters need: a little ball of love energy to ward away the evil spirits which travel among them.
Amen..no shyte!
nite Gwen
Sweet dreams…stay off those airport runways.
That post about ole Nance on the runway was my best one, eh Ann? I hope they plagarized that one! lol
Sleep well Gwen.
Team Jodi do not give into the Taliban.. That is what they want.. The hatred ridden “walking dead”
They are like ZOMBIES, aren’t they? They are relentless and there are DROVES of them. One would think they would be happy wading in their own crap but they must be running out of the comfy feeling they get from praising one another for being so hateful. Now they need a bit of entertainment by harassing us. I say BRING IT ON BITCHE5. I am not intimidated by a bunch of brainless losers.
GO girl
((((ANN)))) Thank you for the hugs Ann!!! *\ 😀 /* I’ll take as many as you have to give!
I’v been working on it! After today…I’ll never write another personal thing. 😉 So you know all my secrets….keep your mouth shut.
Lips are sealed 😉
Hell to the YEAH Dorothy! As they say in your movie The Wizard of Oz….if they only had a brain!! lol
My full name is up here. I just Googled myself & the site photo came up. Come & get me. I love Jodi, and the brave advocates here on here on her behalf. Night night everyone.
Well, looks like I am the last one here… 😯
overstayed my welcome, as usual
Hi, I am here, I promise I wont let them scare me away, I was worried at first but I am ok now, I hope that Hail Mary and Renee are ok and sleep peacefully tonight
Hi everyone!
Ok, I’ve gotten several emails again so it’s time for another public service announcement.
I just want to say, that if you ever feel overwhelmed by the haters bullshit, and need to step away for a while; I will not hold it against you! Feel free to come back, as I will welcome you back with open arms.
It’s not easy being part of Team Jodi. We are the small group severely outnumbered by 40k assholes of blind hate and anger, some of them truly sick sadists; and that would be enough to make anyone want to hunker down every now and then. We have not seen such a public display of sickening barbarity since the middle ages; no doubt these are corrupt times we are living in. This was never a fair fight, but we are doing the right thing by standing our ground.
And make no mistake – we are here for the long haul!
I am going to continue working to advocate for Jodi and the Arias family. I do what I do here at the site for free because I support and believe in them. I also believe in the rights of abuse victims to stand up and speak out regardless of the silencing tactics of abusers, bullies, and emotional terrorists.
I think the best thing to do is carry on, do our own thing and not worry about the rest. The control freaks will ALWAYS throw tantrums when things don’t go their way. We shouldn’t be distracted by things we can’t change and neither should we walk on eggshells for it. I give them about as much credibility as toddlers who hold their breath to get their way, and you should consider the same.
There’s a lot of stuff that still needs to be done. I’m still working on my dorky little youtube project which I hope will blossom into something useful. There’s letters to write, petitions to make, and probably a bunch of other stuff we haven’t even thought of yet. We still need an FAQ or information sheet for newbies. And if you think of something useful that we haven’t, please let us know!
If you’ve ever wanted this site to become a more positive place, then by all means here’s your chance to DO SOMETHING to make it go in that direction! 🙂
Thanks for reading!
Ok, thanks for that, very much appreciated and I promise to help in any way that I can
You have mail by the way! 🙂
Ok, thanks, I always forget to go there!
I am willing to do everything in my power to help Jodi. I am a writer, thinker (being careful), & survivor. If there is ANYTING I can do, please let me know.
we are indeed here for the long haul. Noone´s gonna change that. WE LOVE JODI.
As I said yesterday though,they’ve crossed the line.They have no idea who we are, they were the first to start all this sick mind games and attacks just because we had the courage to voice our concerns regarding this case and the injustice that was taking place in that courtroom.
We never asked anyone to agree with us.
We never tried to ‘recruit’ people by brainwashing them. Instead,we chose to fight this through ONE site, believing that we would be left alone. I guess we were wrong.
I went there last night,spent almost 3 hours reading and going through their site. I was disgusted. They have all sort of plans to uncover our identities,FB profiles etc.Especially the old posters’ .People who have been here all along are the most targeted.
They use my name, they call me ”vile and disgusting” and they humiliate me basically because of my bad english. I wasn’t hurt, I was amused actually because I don’t think they even know I’m greek. Someone said I’m german ,LOL! I have a big FUCK YOU to say to them.When posting here during trial it was always past midnight for me( I still post after hours in fact) . I guess they would sound cleverer and would be more eloquent if they posted exhausted after work,writing and trying to convey meanings in a foreigh language!!!
How many languages do you speak losers? I speak 5 !! And I am proud to say that even if my english seems flawed to you,I don’t give a shit.Because at least it is enough for me to watch this trial closely and form an opinion of my own!! Unlike you,who probably watch too much HLN!
I am also accused there for ”sitting on the fence” ,not knowing anything about this case be it the defense’s or the prosecution’s theory. Or that I don’t take sides when it comes to the intruders or SD theories.ROFLMAO! I am here PRECISELY because I know too much about this case! I’ve shared my opinions with my friends here,I don’t need to prove anything to anybody else out there.
They can save their venom. If they spent half the time they do reading here,researching this case they might feel different. Even if they didn’t I,know I would never bother to think or talk about them. We want to be left alone.Period.
I don’t know,I ‘m kinda fed up right now.I may post on the Task Force page for a couple of days (they are foaming at the mouth about it).
Maria, hi. I am sending a message on FB. Ok?
Maria, they can make fun of us as much as they want. Personally, they don’t know me and I don’t care to know them so their opinions cannot effect me.
As for you, WE all know what a wonderful human being you, you don’t owe them any explaination about your english (which is perfectly fine to me) or anything else. And if they want anything:
MOLON LAVE! (Ya! crapass haters, go do some research as to what that means!).
((((((((((EVERYONE IN MY TEAM JODI FAMILY)))))))))))
Maria, you are awesome! I am so glad to have met you on this site.
5 languages! I am impressed. Learning languages has never been easy for me…must be some kind of past life mental block or something, LOLOLOL
If you are attacked it’s only because you are one of the best and brightest posters here! <3
Or better trimmed:
Another good one:
Hello Team Jodi family.
I spent the last hour reading (and commenting) on this thread.
I sadly read about the personal attacks to some of our Team Jodi family members. These attacks and threats must have been really bad to make our friends feel that they needed to step away (either for a while or for good).
Sometimes, I feel that I am lucky not knowing those hate sites (I never visited them) because I think I have mentally protected myself.
As MB stated, the haters cannot scare us away. We are here for the long haul.
I am from the city of Sparti. I am sure that most of you have seen the movie ‘300’. Leonidas is the Spartian that stood up for his city. Do you guys remember Leonidas and his 300 soldiers fighting against thousands of enemies?
This site reminds me of Leonidas and his 300 soldiers. They fought against thousands as we are now. Leonidas did not surrender to no one. He did not kneel in front of his enemies. He did not feel fear in front of his enemies.
We too must not surrender to the haters threats and we must fight together for Jodi. She is left alone with the lions, we must not allow them to harm her.
Have a great day and a relaxing weekend my friends.
I hear you Pandora! I have no reason to visit them either because I have never felt any other way about this case. However I think the people that did visit there were trying to tell the other side of the story and for that I commend them! Let these sad excuses for a human being, if that is what these people are, come at me…I will logically take them down one by one. They are lions, well I’m a dinosaur…fuck with me! (Sorry for the language!)
Jesse, I just want to quote some lyrics from one of my favorite music artist: ICE-T. These lyrics are from his song FREEDOM OF SPEECH. This is what I am telling all the haters.
(Note: I am putting the quotation marks on cause I wouldn’t like ICE-T to be hunting me down slapping some law suit on me! LOL).
“Your opinion is yours, my opinion is mine
If you don’t like what I’m sayin’? Fine
But don’t close it, always keep an open mind
A man who fails to listen is blind
We only got one right left in the world today
Let me have it (FREEDOM OF SPEECH) or throw The Constitution away”
“Can’t you see, you alcoholic idiots
The more you try to suppress us, the larger we get”
(((((((((((((((TEAM JODI))))))))))))))))))
Ice T? Who woulda thunk? Awesome! Public Enemy, Rage, NWA, Tool, Tupac, all speaking truth to power. I urge anyone that has never heard these people’s music to listen, learn, and love it! If you can’t love it I will understand, but at least respect it! Aesop Rock is another really good one. Thank you Pandora!
^5 Jesse!
All the artist you mentioned (and many many more) are highly respected by me.
^5 right back to you! Lets speak truth to power!!!
Sweetie,do you think they even KNOW who Leonidas was???Don’t bother.
We’d better stay focused on Jodi and Jodi only. We will never give up on her and they had better get used to that!
That was a great movie Pandora!
Hey peeps!
I’m not too sure what happened there with Pitchforks. Maybe she forgot to take her meds or something… but the fact is, if you upload an audio to your site and encourage people to link to it and embed it, then you can hardly start bitchin’ when it gets linked to or embedded.
I mentioned Pitchforks in the post title, and I linked to the site, audio & BlogTalkRadio page in that post — and I added the intro based on Pitchforks’ intro — so like I say I have no idea why she went off on one.
Since losing the plot, she’s also thrown all her toys out of her pram and deleted the audio – so I re-uploaded it as an MP3 based on fair usage rights pertaining to the topic under discussion, and with more than sufficient credit & links back to the author. I’m not trying to pass it off as my own work, nor did I previously. Plagiarism doesn’t even come into it.
So to Pitchforks I would say this >>> Take a deep breath, calm the fuck down and stop acting like an asshole. Your last 2 very well written blog posts (over the past week at babelbooth.com) generated 40 comments in total… so you should consider being more grateful for the exposure of your work here in our site.
OccupyHLN? Sandra @ Inconvenient Truths? Now this? Is there a trend developing?
Have an awesome weekend!
Team Jodi
Hi SJ! That was funny you silly bunny! Love ya, Jesse xoxox
Hey there SJ,
I do not know why pitchforks was so rude to you and this site. You did nothing wrong. You did not take credit for anything you posted on this thread that wasn’t written by you. As others have already commented, if pitchforks had some kind of problem then she/he should have sent you a personal e-mail.
Don’t sweat it.
You too, have a great week-end.
Man, this is pretty crazy. All these people that were speaking truth to power are now turning the other way….makes you think. People so scared of this site that they have to resort to posting under other people’s names and whatnot. On to something I think we have been…Innocent!
Have a great weekend,SJ!Once again thank you for this site.
We may have lost a battle but not the war! And we are still here for Jodi.
Morning Maria! I just read your earlier post… so yes, fuck those pedo-hugging retards from the dark side.
We are Team Jodi and we will be victorious. θα είναι φοβερό!
Team Jodi
SJ!!!! I loved the greek!!!!! Yes it will be!!!
Θα είναι,SJ! I LOVE YOU!
“she’s also thrown all her toys out of her pram and deleted the audio”
that was pretty funny SJ.
Hope you have a great weekend!
What in the hell has been going on??? How are the haters getting personal info and scarring people? I have been gone for a couple of days with a medical emergency and I am gobsmacked! I am still here and standing strong, just in case anybody was wondering! I think the best advice is to not go to any of the hater sights so they can not get your IP address. I feel so bad that we have lost some of our loyal family here. How hateful and spiteful are these creeps that they spend their days figuring out ways to bully and traumatize people. I think this is getting ridiculous. In case any haters are reading this. We respect your right to have your opinion so please respect ours. I think that is pretty simple!
Hi. I too was shocked when I got up, made my coffee and started reading.
It is truely sad to see honest supporters of Jodi have to go away because they are being harassed.
It is even sadder to see other blog supporters attacking SJ, Team Jodi and this site in total. We are fighting for the same reason. WTF?
Good Morning Team Jodi!
Anybody up yet?
Good morning Journee!
I am here, popping in and out.
Hello, Pandora – well, two little soldiers left standing at least, eh?
Because of the time difference, I kinda have taken the initiative to be in the site the ‘graveyard’ hours, making sure that everything is ok.
Well, with so many haters out there, we need to guard our ‘home’, right?! 😉
I’m sure you’re right.
Just not sure what would happen when no one is looking, or what you would be able to do about it, lol.
Hopefully in the light of a new day, clearer heads will prevail this morning.
Last night was sort of frightening.
We would easily be able to reach the admins by Maria R. So, do not be alarmed, where there is need of help there is always a way!
I am glad to know that you are keeping watch.
Thank you!
Good Morning Journee!
Good am. Im up. Last night was bizarre . I’ll be out w my kids today but here in spirit.
Well, Lucy and I are headed out for our morning coffee on the porch.
I will check back in later.
Good Morning All!
I have to go to work, again, but I’ll be back tonight!
Have a nice day at work,WB! See you tonight*
Good Morning everyone
Morning Music
Good morning WB and Al
Awesome song Al! Jerry’s solo….oh my god! Thank you!
Good morning Al, Thank you! 😀
Ray in Harrisonburg.
morning Al!!
Kalimera(good morning) Al!
Morning Al!
Good morning, everyone! I want to thank all of you for the words of support and love from yesterday. I did a lot of thinking over the last couple of days and talking with a couple of friends of mine here from the website really helped. Thank you.
I just want to say that I do not condone anyone posting people’s personal and private information on the Internet without their permission. Whether it’s an anti-Jodi Arias website or this one or a pro-Jodi Arias website, it still is wrong. I personally have not seen that being done here although someone alleged that it has happened. As tempting as it may be, I think we need to rise above this kind of behavior because not only is it illegal, it is just wrong. Also, I know that some pro-Jodi Internet websites like to post pictures of Travis Alexander from the autopsy or crime scene in an attempt to smear and attack Travis. As much as I dislike Travis, I’m not going to condone this kind of behavior from pro-Jodi people. There is a right way and a wrong way to make your case, so to speak, and this is not the way to do it. Showing autopsy photos or crime scene photos to discuss the case and its merits is one thing, but to display Travis’s dead body in an attempt to smear and/or attack him and his family does not help our cause. Again, I have not seen this website participate in this behavior, but I did see a Facebook page dedicated to Jodi Arias do this and as much as I loathe Travis Alexander, I did not like this.
If we’re going to win this case, we’re going to have to start with the court of public opinion. Right now, the majority of people feel that Jodi Arias is guilty. I think that a lot of this has to do with the media and how they have framed the argument. Travis Alexander might have been a hypocrite, but he was, essentially a good guy who got seduced by this femme fatale named Jodi Arias who corrupted him and brutally butchered him after sex. We’ve seen countless numbers of the Travis Alexander entourage show up on HLN and other media outlets to praise Travis and bash Jodi. And, as much as some of us might not like to hear it, when people hear something over and over again they tend to start to believe it. Especially when you have some ignorant people out there who haven’t paid much attention, if at all, to this trial. They see those crime scene photos of Travis and the initial lies told by Jodi and it is easy to see why some people take up the side of Travis Alexander. But the thing is that there are two sides to every story and if you are fair, objective and open-minded person who is able to analyze this case without bias or discrimination, you begin to see that Travis Alexander was not only a liar, but a fraud.
There’s a song by John Lennon called “Crippled Inside”. The lyrics go: “You can shine your shoes and wear a suit/You can comb your hair and look quite cute/You can hide your face behind a smile/One thing you can’t hide is when you’re crippled inside”. Basically, he was pointing out the hypocrisy and disingenuousness from people, especially politicians, that try to pass themselves off as good people enriched with moral fiber. These are people who claim to be good Christians or Mormons that love Jesus and God, but then live their lives in a way that goes against the teachings of Christ and/or God. It is one thing to sing the hymns in church. It is another to practice what you preach.
I really wanted to believe Travis Alexander. I really wanted justice for his family in the beginning. Seeing them in the courtroom when I first started watching this trial really did make my heart ache for them. I remember thinking that I hope that this trial doesn’t take very long because this family has been through enough. But then I kept seeing Travis’s entourage popping up on HLN where they usually said the same things over and over again: Travis was a wonderful man and Jodi Arias is an evil skank that deserves to die. I remember hearing and seeing this while keeping in the back of my mind how Travis said and did things to Jodi that were abusive, cruel and disrespectful. I grew frustrated of the one-sided coverage on HLN and so I started checking out videos on YouTube and looking at different sites on the Internet. Then, I had a lengthy discussion with a domestic abuse survivor who supports Jodi and she really enlightened me on this subject. I asked her, “why didn’t Jodi call the police IMMEDIATELY after she killed Travis?” It seemed to be a logical and reasonable question as well as a logical and reasonable response. Here’s the thing that I learned: when you’re in an abusive situation, logic and reason goes out the window. Unless you’ve been in those shoes, you don’t know what you’re talking about. After talking with this woman for over an hour, I began to understand Jodi’s behavior and why she did what she had to do.
I also am a huge fan of Jodi’s artwork and I believe that she pours a lot of heart and passion into her art. She also puts so much of herself into it. And I have witnessed Jodi’s kindness and compassion to others. She’s very generous to family and friends who love and support her. I’m not arguing that Jodi needs to get help and I want to see her do that, but when you’ve considered what she’s gone through, you’ll see that it’s not her fault.
Last Sunday, I received a comment on my blog from a “Jodi” that claims to be Jodi Arias. I haven’t been able to verify yet whether it was really her or not, but here is the comment that “she” left me:
“Thank you Frank for supporting me. Donovan found this support page and I allowed her to post this comment on my behalf.
You are seeing the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth, Frank. Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. One day we will meet and I will thank you personally for what you are trying to do. <3"
If this really was Jodi, I would like her to know that I am not going anywhere. I will support you for the rest of my life. I think that Jodi is a wonderful, lovely, beautiful and amazing woman. Some people have suggested that I have fallen in love with Jodi. I'm not in love with Jodi Arias. I made a comparison recently with how I would have hypothetically treated her compared to the way someone like Travis Alexander did. I won't deny that I find Jodi to be attractive and, if things were different, and we were closer to each other, I would ask her out. But I find it amusing to hear people from the other side insinuate that I am in love with Jodi when they are not only in love with Travis Alexander, but in lust with him as well. Truth be told, if Jodi and I were ever together, I don't think she would know what to do because she's not used to gentlemen who would show her unconditional love, respect and decency.
I'm not even a fan of Travis Alexander, but even I find it disgusting and offensive how they are using him and exploiting him. Travis has become like the Bernie character from "Weekend At Bernie's". I can't remember the last time that I've seen a dead person continue to get propped up by the media. Please let the man rest in peace and stop making him out to be a martyr. Jodi is no saint, but at least we acknowledge that. Most Travis supporters make him out to be this pious character that not only walked on water, but water walked on him. Travis tried to pass himself off as this moral man who detested "whores" yet he sure didn't have a problem behaving like one. He sure didn't have a problem trying to treat women as such. He sure didn't have a problem fantasizing and jerking off to a grown woman as he fantasized about her sounding like a 12-year old girl. How would Travis have felt if that was someone talking about his niece or his sister? Or even his daughter? This is not normal. Most men normally don't have fantasies about 12-year old girls. Just that comment alone made me want to have nothing to do with Travis Alexander anymore.
I didn't plan on making friends with so many people on this website. I was pleasantly surprised to see how positive and supportive of Jodi the overwhelming majority of people here are. Yes, there are a few exceptions, but you're going to have that with any website. Yet overall, most of the people here are very positive and they write uplifting, heartfelt posts about their own personal struggles with domestic violence or try to offer words of love and support to Jodi. Contrast that to the other websites for Travis Alexander where all they can do is attack Jodi and all of us most of the time. I don't want to see us lower ourselves into the gutter the way that those other websites do. I'm not saying that we have to take their crap either and I know we're not going to. But there are ways to fight back against people like this without resorting to violence or threats and by going through our criminal justice system. And I have it on good authority that these websites are being monitored, in case you were wondering.
I'm happy and proud to be here and I promise you that I'm here for the long haul. And, to tell you the truth, I'm in love with justice, truth and freedom. I know that we have a case here and I'm going to do whatever I can to help Jodi win justice and freedom.
We are lucky to have open minded people like you JM. We are all lucky to have found each other in our quest for justice.
Good morning Maria! (saw your greeting upthread, thought I’d just answer down here.)
Maria, it is always a pleasure to see your (real) face every day on this website! 🙂
Glad to see you back, JM!
Glad to see a few familiar ‘faces’ still here this morning!
Yes, it is nice to see the familiar “faces” especially when they’re authentic and not spoofed. 😉
that was a great post. thank you for sharing your thoughts. I really liked the song too, BTW. I am so glad that you were able to also see the kind person that jodi is.
Maria and I at one point discussed her energy and how we knew that she was the better person. That might sound too woo woo, but hey. One can also see by her writings and actions before she got messed up with TA how sweet she is.
Just FYI, there have been no gruesome autopsy photos posted here by SJ. (I think individual posters may have provided links to some gross ones, but they are gone) There was a photo of the body bag a couple of times, it was to bring home the point that it could have been Jodi in the body bag, and that quite often it is the abused who ends up dead instead of the abuser. It certainly was nothing like the things the pro travis haters have posted everywhere else (very bad photoshopped pics of Jodi I might add).
Also, the only personal information posted here have been regarding the trolls impersonating us…and none of us here stalk people or track them down. No one here has condoned any type of stalking or revenge, that I have seen. We just want them to leave us alone and if their information gets posted so that if anyone has a problem they can contact the authorities, then so be it. The haters certainly won’t be having any of us come to their doors or emailing them hateful threatening things.
Hi BeeCee.
Those are good points for sure. The thing is, as soon as you start hating on anything (or anyone), you subsequently give up your power to them. The fact the haters are also hating on us therefore makes us collectively stronger. Long may it continue.
I also just got my original “Cat’s Eye” drawing in the mail today from Jodi. It is awesome to say the least – just like Jodi herself!
Team Jodi
That is awesome! 🙂 And I also got some news, too. I ordered my “Survivor” t-shirt and will be proudly posting a pic of it soon.
“I also just got my original “Cat’s Eye” drawing in the mail today from Jodi.”
oh yay!
I am so glad that Jodi has access to art materials.
I’m envious. 🙂
Thank you for your kind words. I know what you’re saying, but I just think that posting people’s personal and private information is wrong. I just think that if somebody is impersonating you on another website or they threaten you with violence or harm, then you should report them to the website host they are using and to the local authorities. In the meantime, even if no one here stalks people or tracks them down, it is still wrong to post people’s private information such as street addresses, phone numbers, etc. without their consent. I’m sorry, but justifying bad behavior by pointing to other behavior is exactly what they do on the other side and I’m not about to join in.
Be that as it may, I don’t expect anyone here to take shit from no one, especially those bullies on the anti-Jodi Arias sites. And, I also know that a few of them are still getting in here because they are copying posts from this website and then posting them on theirs to mock and ridicule. I found it amusing the other day when someone gleefully pointed out that their website received more comments than ours. I believe they even made a mention of it sounding like “crickets” here. Did it ever occur to them that some of us have lives and there will be days when we don’t receive as many comments than we do on others? I wish that I had the time to sit on my ass and play on the Internet all day like many of the people on the anti-Jodi Arias sites do.
” I wish that I had the time to sit on my ass and play on the Internet all day like many of the people on the anti-Jodi Arias sites do.”
ditto JM!
Same here BeeCee same here…
Good morning JM,
You said,
” I personally have not seen that being done here although someone alleged that it has happened.”
I have seen it happen here ONLY after the troll/imposter repeatly stole supporters name & gravatar and was on a mission to enrage a response before an admin can block them.
I did a little searching on my own and I found out that Cavin O’Quin lied about his website being a WordPress site. It is not. It is a GoDaddy.com website. Oddly enough, their headquarters is based out of Arizona where the IP address originates from.
Interesting enough.
I’m glad you’re back, JM. I know we haven’t interacted personally very often on this site, but I do enjoy your posts.
Rachel, thank you. Likewise, I enjoy reading your posts, too. 🙂
FYI, I find it interesting how some people say that you can’t say anything bad about the dead. What? Like now we’re supposed to say that Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy after all? I disagree with that. I think that after somebody dies that you should be completely honest about them and for who and what they were. Telling the truth about Travis Alexander’s sins and his bad behavior isn’t disrespectful.
I agree 100%
I think that if you were to look at Travis Alexander’s life honestly, one could surmise that, yes, he did do some good things in his life. I will not dispute that. However, a hundred good deeds cannot atone for the abusive things that he did towards others. It’s like listening to some women who are in abusive relationships try to make excuses for their boyfriend or husband. “He doesn’t hit me all of the time…”, “He only gets this way when he’s drunk…”, “He hit me and it was wrong, but he told me he was sorry and that he’ll never do it again…”. I’ve heard so many women say these types of things and, now, there are, sadly, a lot of women defending Travis Alexander with similar excuses. “Sure, what he did to Jodi was wrong, BUT…he’s a guy!” How would they feel if their boyfriend or husband treated them or another woman like that?
Oh, and this one I love: “You wouldn’t be defending Jodi Arias if she was some overweight, black woman.” Yes I would. But I suspect that if Travis Alexander wasn’t a young, white, athletic, handsome man that you wouldn’t be defending him either, especially if HIS last name was Arias.
I agree too. Everyone dies. It’s no special talent and it doesn’t make one perfect.
I agree JM, I’ve been saying this for literally months. lol.
clearly the zimmerman defense learned from the persecution of jodi arias by the vast range and level of corrupt forces arrayed against her, the judge, prosecutor, county, the governor, the state of arizona aka the regional mormon theocracy, etc
the jury being sequestered in the zimmerman trial bodes well for a fair trial
anyone have a link to a video feed of that trial ?
don’t have much time at the moment to watch it, but might check it out occasionally
I’d like to think the powers that be in Florida just knew better to begin with.
(although, come to think of it, it’s rather disturbing to realize that even TPTB in FL are smarter than their AZ counterparts)
This is how they roll in Florida – http://www.clickorlando.com/news/deputies-escort-dismissed-george-zimmerman-juror-from-courthouse/-/1637132/20575140/-/oyd2jo/-/index.html
i do recognize that the public bigotry in each state is different, arizona and florida
arizona: the state is a mormon theocracy, patriarchy, polygamy, antithetical to jodi arias, ie a female, killing a male in self defense, police state, corrupt governmental institutions, etc
florida: racism, etc
i suspect the level of police and judicial corruption is less ?
i’d heard previously that arizona was among the most corrupt states
I don’t know how much its a question of what they learnt from the Arias trial versus common practice in different states.
Arizona seems to not sequester juries very often. In fact I seem to have read somewhere that the last sequestered jury in AZ was decades ago. Florida, on the other hand seems to sequester juries, and for that matter grant changes of venue, relatively more commonly.
The whole concept of what impact publicity has on the jury pool and the empaneled jury seems to go through a cyclic revision every so often. When American juris prudence first matured we were marked by a fairly sparse population with no national press. However the impact of publicity on a local jury was considered to be fairly marked and so change of venue requests were granted relatively often. The mere act of moving to the next county was considered adequate protection. As radio and telegraph became more prevalent and papers were being published twice a day, the impact on a jury during the trial was considered more likely and so sequestration became a more common theme.
With the advent of TV, pre-trial publicity, and publicity during the trial became issues, however for years the various courts decided that a change of venue and sequestration provided adequate protection. The reason was that TV markets were still relatively local (within broadcast range) as was the written press. So the change of venue protected against pre-trial publicity and sequestration guarded against issues that may arise during trial. Even in such cases where a change of venue was not granted, the fair jury standard is based on effective voire dire. Basically prior knowledge is no longer considered an issue and a juror’s declaration of being able to decide the case on what’s presented in court is considered sufficient.
Now of course we are in a different mode altogether, where there is the potential for jury or witness tainting through a variety of media, and the news media, being heavily web oriented is in fact national (or universal) in nature. So even though admonitions such as those delivered by Stephens warns the jury about such possible impacts, the question that arises is when does the actual or perceived impact of the omnipresent nature of today’s media start impacting a jury or the witnesses in a trial. And it doesn’t matter whether the impact is on the defense or the prosecution – either affects the fairness of the trial.
So I suspect that somewhere in the near future another case is going to make it to the SCOTUS with issues related to trial (or pre-trial) publicity.
In the meantime various and sundry trial court judges will continue to operate along the lines that are current practices in their own jurisdictions, e.g. AZ will probably not sequester juries unless some appellate decision forces them to do otherwise.
a thoughtful piece, including an historical analysis
i have no general opinion on jury sequestration at the moment
i haven’t examined the issue
some states use it frequently, and from what you said not arizona
judges stephens instructions to the jury to avoid discussion of a cases in the media, etc was standard
and if adhered would have no effect on the jury
probably more important in jodi’s case was. the dominant authoritarian mormon patriarchal culture in the region
the culture that keeps re-electing sheriff joe arpaio
the media is not even handed, but almost totally for the prosecution, it’s sensationalist, malicious, self righteous, lazy, dishonest, unprofessional, self serving and out for commercial benefit, etc
such helped create the culture in maricopa county, from which the jury was drawn
and if the jury listened to such, it could definitely adversely effect the outcome against jodi
the media is invariably a “law and order”, establishment media, where criminal trial defendants are guilty a priori
and that reinforces popular prejudices. akin to “The Bible says it, I believe it, that settles it”
i wonder what the impact was on the jury of them having their electronic communications devices with them in the jury room throughout the trial ?
Actually I think something more than the LDS is at work here. While Maricopa county does in fact have a very large LDS population, it is by no way dominant ( it may seem so from this trial, but that’s just because the two parties involved were Mormon. If they were Wiccan, we’de be talking about the Wicca influence on this trial). The largest religous demographic in Maricopa county is actually Roman Catholic (making up about 43% of the population, while the LDS makes up only about 13% of the population)
I think in cases such as this, where there is widespread pre-trial publicity the judge’s admonition is almost worthless in as far as pre-trial leanings of the jury may be concerned. Regardless of what a potential juror would say during voire dire, they still bring their pre-conceived notions, in a high profile trial, into the court room. Secondly most juries on the average give a certain benefit to the state and this is even more marked in the case of death qualified juries. There has been a bunch of research done on the make up and verdicts of death qualified juries ( e.g. http://www.thejuryexpert.com/2008/05/caveats-of-the-death-qualified-jury-ways-capital-defense-attorneys-can-use-psycholegal-research-to-their-advantage/) but the sum of all of these studies points to a major tilt towards guilty verdicts from such juries. The problem of course is that over 1/3 of the US population is opposed to the DP and a bunch more are probably not willing to sentence someone to death themselves. This sort of leaves a large pool of disqualified jurors. There is one other issue that has been noted in the jury selection process in capital cases that some feel has a major impact on the verdict from such juries.
Under normal circumstances, during jury selection there is a very brief description of the charges, normally to be able to eliminate people who may have been exposed to similar events in their personal lives. However there is never any mention of the possible penalties. However, in DP cases there is repeated and deep discussion of the death penalty being sought in that case. Given that it is widely known that seeking the DP is reserved for the “worst of the worst”, experts feel that this process of picking a death qualified jury moves the issue away from the guilt phase verdict to the penalty. (A sort of effect that tends to somewhat negate the presumption of innocence).
People have studied death penalty sentences from every which angle possible and there just doesn’t seem to be any sort of coherence to how states apply it, or why. Take AZ for example. It has a very high death penalty rate compared to the national average (levied in about 4% of all solved murders compared to the national average of about 2%). However its not like AZ has a very high murder rate, or numbers of murders.
The media of course has a huge impact prior to trial. I’m not sure whether any amount of voire dire can actually remove preconceived notions of the defendant’s guilt based on pre-trial publicity. And the media, I think tends to take the side that provides the bigger story. So here they were, for the most part anti-Jodi (bigger story with the “femme fatale” killing an ex-lover) whereas in the Zimmerman case they are anti-Zimmerman because of the perceived racial angle.
The Zimmerman case is actually very interesting legally speaking and I’ve posted about that before and will again.
i disagree and maintain my assessment of the mormons as dominant politically in the region
though the catholics are more numerous, they’re not as politically aggressive as the mormons, which i speculate, is the dominant political force in the region
it’s a central tenet of mormon doctrine to control the political system
apropos your wiccan supposition, wiccans are not aggressive politically
we’ve all written on these matters elsewhere
the case opened up the lds to highly adverse public reaction, which they continuously strive to keep hidden from public gaze ie patriarchy, polygamy, sexual crimes, secret doctrines, polytheism, etc
warren jeffs the president of the lds, is the poster boy for being sent off to prison for sexual crimes
he’s a nasty sexual predator, among other despicable qualities
TA’s talk and actions as revealed during the trial resonated with a wider national audience to show them what was objectionable about the mormons
romney in his presidential bid assiduously kept mormonism away from public gaze
the judge’s admonition was standard jury instruction to avoid a mistrial, independently of its actual impact
i had a quick look at your link, which is authoritative and well researched
there’s a massive amount of material on the subject; a field for experts
i presume from your comments that prosecutors in arizona are more likely to seek the dp ?
i suppose someone’s compared the death penalty states, with the national party political map ?
i suspect the death penalty is still in effect in the more reactionary, conservative republican states ?
the zimmerman case will throw up many interesting comparisons, and i expect further bolster our longstanding contention as to the UNFAIRNESS of jodi’s trial
unfairness of the process is an important ground for a mistrial
About the rate at which the DP is applied, you are sort of correct in that it is more prevalent in conservative states. In terms of the rate at which the DP is applied (i.e. as a percentage of the murder cases that are solved) the top five states are: NV, OK, DE, ID, AZ, AL. I’ve listed 6 since DE has a repeal bill making its way through the legislation, which will then remove it from the list (and its the only relatively liberal state in that list).
By the way Warren Jeffs is not the president of the LDS. He was the president of the FLDS, a breakaway splinter group mainly organized around a tiny geographic region around Hilldale, UT and Colorado City, AZ. The FLDS has an overall membership of about 6-10 thousand folks and broke away from the main LDS church over a hundred years ago.
The main LDS (with a membership of around 15 million folks) is led by some other guy.
There was definitely a LDS nexus in the interactions between TA and Jodi, but to what extent the LDS had a role to play in the actual conduct of this trial is not that clear to me. Yes TA’s friends are Mormon, but that’s just because his interactions were through the church ward system and PPL which tends to make it Mormon leaning and to the extent that they were very vocal during the trial, you can say there was a Mormon slant to a lot of the coverage. But I think the actual trial and its outcome can be traced to a slightly different issue.
Firstly, given the propensity of death qualified juries to deliver a guilty verdict, a cagey prosecutor will bring capital charges as often as they possibly can. Maricopa county seems to have this down to an art form. At most times Maricopa county has about 130-150 pending capital cases. However they only file between 250-325 homicide cases every year (so almost 50% end up in Capital charges). So even though 85% of their capital sentences are overturned, the county attorney ends up getting a large number of M1 verdicts.
In as far as influence and pre-trial and trial publicity, this case is rife with that issue. However what impact this has on any appeal is still to be seen. Appeals courts have had a mixed record in as far as this sort of stuff is concerned. The most conservative appeals courts (from the point of view of interpretation of laws, as opposed to political leanings) view this sort of stuff with a “perceived fairness” standard, whereas the more liberal view it from an “actual fairness or demonstrable harm” standard. To the best of my knowledge this trial poses some unique circumstances, so we shall see how the appeals go. I suspect that the real action on appeals will happen at the federal level.
You are right about the “unfairness in the process” being an appellate issue, however again as I stated above, its really a question of how a particular appeals court views the impact of the “unfairness”.
I got carried away and forgot to address anything after
” But I think the actual trial and its outcome can be traced to a slightly different issue.
Firstly, given the propensity of death…..”
What I meant was that the second and third issues were the strange behavior of the state and defense in this case. The state presented, what I thought was a perfunctory case in its case in chief. The defense just flat out blew it. I think JM took a very cold calculated gamble and won. He knew the defense was arguing self-defense and was going to put Jodi on the stand. He knew he would make some real hay there. I also believe that after interviewing Samuels and ALV he felt he could make them stumble. He also knew he had a death qualified jury. So the stance he took was present the least bit required to get a death qualified jury to vote his way, and then just make a complete pigs’ breakfast of the defense witnesses – which he proceeded to do. The defense on the other hand presented a pretty half-assed case (why I do not know, when they had so much to work with) and JM walked off with the verdict he wanted.
I have often said this, and will say it again – the real immediate appellate ground here is on an ineffective assistance of counsel basis, which however, in AZ is a long drawn process starting with a Rule 32 hearing, which can only be conducted when there are no other pending appeals and then moving from there.
Your statment: “So I suspect that somewhere in the near future another case is going to make it to the SCOTUS with issues related to trial (or pre-trial) publicity.”
I sure hope so.. more sooner than later.
The DA, Bill Montgomery, said he is afraid that not sequestering the Arias Jury could result
a reversal in the case. Now, he seems to have changed his tune. This trial has become
too political. The case should never have been a DP, and by the way, the DA s office should
be representing the people of Az., not the Alexander Family.
Good Morning all
yes what a strange nite it was…. I was thinking about how some people may have a hidden agenda by bashing this site and trying to frighten posters. People who are afraid of the truth and want to keep things hidden. Smacks of Big Brother Mormanism with some $ back up. And the more they try to intimidate people the more I think there must be some pretty big skeletons that some people are so desperately trying to keep in the closet.
That being said It’s finally a beautiful day here. I’m joining Journee by sitting on my porch with my dachshund Winston. He keeps watch on the corn field across the road. Worked in the veg garden and now feeling much better.
I hope you all have a great weekend . Keep the faith.
Good morning Zoe!
I was drawn out to the porch by a lovely morning breeze and the sounds of happy little birds everywhere.
Lucy and I got comfortable in our patch of shade, and a crow came to stand on the sidewalk and scream at us for ten minutes.
Hope you and Winston fared better!
zoe, a beautiful day, sitting on the porch, winston keep watch on the corn field across the road
that reads like an introduction to a stephen king novel
keep replace with keeping
don’t worry Wes the corn is only a few inches high now. I’m a big SK fan. I even have (brag) a copy of one of his books under Richard Bachman that is out of print now….
there is also an old old cemetery somewhere on the property too…….
Good Morning Zoe and everyone ! Its a beautiful day here too. Tika and I are watching the hummingbirds at the feeder.
It is my contention that some wish to silence us because we see their complicity in the murder of TA.
Justice will prevail in the end, and justice that is not meted out by mere men.
lol No, Winston has the same affliction jm does- little man syndrome. He fearlessly chases any creature big or small. Gets him onto trouble sometimes. The only thing He is afraid of is hearing the coyotes if they howl at nite. He must know he would be an appetizer for them!
Lucy and I were not afraid of the crow.
We just found him to be obnoxious.
Not quite the ambience we’d gone out there to enjoy.
Lucy is very pretty. If I knew how to upload a pic of Winston I would. I’ll be visiting my daughter in a
week or so she can do it for me. I am not very computer literate. Once my mom and I were trying to set up a new laptop at her house. We kept calling my daughter @ work for help. She kept screaming something about “wifi” Finally my mom thought if we plugged the laptop into the same outlet that the tv was plugged into it would work because” maybe the fios waves would go into the computer”. Sad to say I thought it might work too… My daughter was laughing so hard she was crying…
i’ve heard stories of coyotes sending in one of their own as a decoy to lure a dog to follow
winston won’t fall for that
don’t worry we know all their tricks- once one was very close to the house. My husband actually ran out in his bvd’s with his shotgun (missed). Boy does that make us sound like hicks!
here’s some recent npr audio interviews with stephen king etc you might enjoy
i listened to one recently
thanks very much for the link I enjoyed it!
since you’re a sk fan, maybe a writer one day, here’s a couple of other links
A Conversation with Stephen King
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft
On Writing is both a textbook for writers and a memoir of Stephen’s life and will, thus, appeal even to those who are not aspiring writers. If you’ve always wondered what led Steve to become a writer and how he came to be the success he is today, this will answer those questions.
it’s pretty good. and available in softcover format
nowadays, given the internet, there need be no hicks
location, can be just a matter of geography, given our access to the world
while winston is fearless, i doubt jm is; jm’s a bully and a coward
that aside, another well known writer, is known for her sympathy for the victims, as she revealed in her speech
a self described country lawyer in wyoming had the fbi issue a humiliating formal apology for their behavior, ie non hicks in suits
Thank you Wes it’s very nice of you to find all that.and now to read….
It is my understanding that Cavin O’Quin was adopted and is searching for his biological family. If he was a decent person, I would actually try to help him with this. Personally, if I was related to him, I wouldn’t want to have nothing to do with the scumbag.
It’s kind of funny to think that Cavin O’Quin is quite keen on doing searches on the Internet for people’s personal information yet he hasn’t figured out how to request birth records from the state of Louisiana? He’s like the professor from “Gilligan’s Island”. He can make a radio out of a coconut yet somehow just can’t seem to figure out a way to get off the island. LOL
BTW who the hell names their kid Cavin? Is this a derivative of “Kevin”? Damn, that SHOULD be a fake name.
Cavin or craven? craven fits the coward
I found this interesting scribe on an Adoption website:
“Hello all, I would greatly appreciate any help you all can give me.
I am looking for my biological parents. My father graduated around 1976-1979, he is Mexican/Hispanic. He was 20 years old at the time of my birth (1979). He had brown curly hair about 5’7 160lbs and dark skin. He may have wanted to become a plumber for a living. If you had anyone that graduated that fits that basic description could you please email me. My name is Cavin O’Quin from Baton Rouge.
I was adopted fromvolunteers of America.”
His daddy might have wanted to become a plumber for a living? Probably a good thing he doesn’t know his son because he’d have a hell of a time cleaning out the shit he left in that toilet bowl.
P.S. I did not post Cavin’s email address on the above post because unlike him I don’t post people’s emails on websites.
I have an adopted family member. Not sure why this particular aspect is an issue.
If this guy was a decent human being, I would try to help him locate his biological parents. But since he chooses to smear and attack me and all of us here, I don’t want to have anything to do with him or his friends.
My issue is why bash a person because they were adopted?! That’s not the problem.
Fair enough, JC. Duly noted. I apologize for my comments toward Mr. O’Quin. I know that he’d never do that to me so I’ll once again be the better man than he is and say that I’m sorry for my remarks.
I’m pro adoption 🙂
Attention MB THIS RIGHT HERE is what FU JUAN, Cindy , Al and I were talking about losing focus on this site. Why in the Heck does it matter in Jodis case if this person was adopted or NOT??
1. JM didn’t say it mattered whether or not someone was adopted, only that, if he would help someone find their parents; it wouldn’t be kind of person he described.
2. JM apologized long before you posted your comment. The issue was addressed several hours ago by JC – TEAM JODI ADMIN and others.
3. If you are so worried about the focus and direction of the site, by all means DO SOMETHING constructive to help Jodi and her family. Don’t just how up to criticize and stir arguments after issues have been settled.
I hear what you’re saying, JC.
It’s easy to lose focus when it comes to one’s enemies. And, every now and then it’s fun to say something about Nancy Grace’s thick make-up, Dave Hall’s swollen head, the Alexander sisters’ facial contortions. Especially when these can be tied to character.
But, whenever possible–this is MY opinion, for the taking or leaving–our criticisms of others, including the worst of them who bully, intimidate and threaten, should be pointed at them like a laser gun, not a grenade. It reduces the risk of hitting unintended targets.
I understand everyone’s frustrations.
“But, whenever possible–this is MY opinion, for the taking or leaving–our criticisms of others, including the worst of them who bully, intimidate and threaten, should be pointed at them like a laser gun, not a grenade. It reduces the risk of hitting unintended targets.”
Are you saying label the behavior without engaging in personal attacks?
Not necessarily, JC. Getting personal is not always avoidable–and, besides, persinal attacks and labelling behaviour are sometimes one in the same, and have their place! I was talking more about venturing out-of-scope–the irrelevant and the gratuitous.
I see.
There ya go JM. That speaks true of the kind of people we are. I agree with your view of dead people. bad is bad, dead or alive and I don’t feel some mysterious demise should I speak ill of the dead. . lol We are given bad people as an example to choose what we want to be. It’s an individual choice not influenced by pulpit leaders or commanders. As far has lending search time for oquin, piss on him. If he thinks the world dealt him a bad hand being orphaned he needs to take it to the source of his problem. The allies he’s recruited are not the ones I would like to introduce to my bio fam. And if I was bio fam carrying a pang of guilt all these years wondering if I did the right thing .. all guilt would vanish after meeting despicable offspring. Some are beyond redemption and so bad we can’t even ask the question “would they be different if I raised them”. NO. some are just bad. One needs to consider what crutches they really need . . caring ones for the right reason or vultures who game with him but don’t give a damn. It’s their game and he’s the pawn . . burn out one way or the other.
I sure hope that the next time Cavin O’Quin’s mother used birth control.
LOL, yep .. because if she did have a family and he found them .. he would terrorize them.
You know, now that I think about it, I’m starting to wonder if abortion might not have been a bad idea in the case of Cavin?
He might want to go on one of those Mugshots.com sites he likes to frequent. He might bump into some of his kin.
Very possible, a bad apple. All the energy that group has, why don’t they solve global warming, ionic hemisphere bending and fight with haarp to stop atmospheric warfare, separate religion from politics, rally with the people against GMO’s. . . ohhhhh damn . . because he’s one of the types that fks with the world not help it. . . . aka chronic ass
Here’s a better idea: why don’t they get a fucking life and stop trying to end one for someone that is innocent?
Because they don’t want a real fight for purpose. Allot of what we do on this site is not just for a person (Jodi), it’s is also about malfunction in the justice system. What they do not understand is . . if they would get their way . . it adds to plight and not a win. Scab .. comes to mind ( from old teamster days and doesn’t need explaining). The are a festering scab and even if the scab disappears . . there’s still the scars.
Good morning my dear Team Jodi family. ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))
JM…..you are AWESOME! Please get my email address from SJ. I would love to exchange our war stories in this battle you and I have been made to fight with the anti-Jodi batfarts. 🙂 I believe from your posts you are aware of the personal attacks and crusade being ran against me and several of our family.
I also got my Cat’s Eye in Thursday’s mail. It is STUNNING. 🙂
Thank you, Janeen! *HUGS* I will touch base with SJ about that later today. I would love to exchange war stories with you.
Good morning Janeen. Happy Saturday!
Good morning, Pandora! And thank you again for subscribing to my YT channel. 🙂
Hi there JM! Have a great day!
You do the same!
Good Morning Janeen!!
we are strong !!
(((Janeen))) Glad to see you this morning after all the crazy stuff that happened here last night.
Misty you may be blocked at work by a websense software or an IPS appliance. Kind of like “big brother”
When this type of software updates different suspect sites are added. False positives may happen to reputable sites
Just an idea….
In case SJ does not see this post I will email him to verify whether or not that was him. It doesn’t sound like it. He would NEVER pass out people real names and emails unless it is asked for on the site and he verifies.
It’s good you did not reply, I think.
Is it possible that someone who also works for the same company got the IP banned? I don’t remember you saying anything bad.
You’re right. We’d never email anyone asking for their name/info/details at all.
Team Jodi
My advice would be trying not to access this site from work. 🙂 I doubt that the admins here would block you, Misty.
JM, good advice
now i’m really confused.
Goooo JM !!!!
fuck em if they can’t take a joke ; )
If they want to take a joke they might want to try looking into a mirror. 😉
All they have done is emboldened us to intensify our quest for freedom and justice for Jodi.
yep . . who gives a chit about their grammer correction and postings . . all that will be forgotten about a whole lot faster than it took to dig it up. It’s on the net . . if it’s found so what? Most of what I saw was from years ago .. people got smarter about sharing some things since. Anything else has been dealt with and no one elses place to use as extended punishments. We got over it years ago. For them to get excited of a finding is adolescent and immature.. Just because they’ve been trained in rigid, wretched, antiquated fashion .. they need to get a grip . . it’s a dead giveaway . . hey we should write a rap about the provo push is dry hump, making out is sex, transcribe is copy,, convey is tell .. these people are really confused and used .. they would have new life if they cut the strings or get wrapped up so tight they choke. lol
bet if I’d say I’m gonna dot your i muthafkr .. they would clearly understand what I meant, lmao
Just listened to Guy Search radio interview with Pitchfork. Thanks for posting this on your website.
Guy S. is one tough guy who dares to stand up for his truth. The backdoor info about the mob mormon/Hughes against Jodi and her supporters. Gus’s inside story of the mob out there and how they silence ppl.
he’s holding back . . talks in circles proficiently. I’m on the fence about Gus, but I’m a skeptic by nature and don’t guess at the “in betweens” well. We need a hero . . if Gus coughs up the real deal instead of teetering then is when he deserves the good guy award. I feel he’s leaving himself an in or out.
Yes talking in circles for sure! Sheesh. Didn’t he say a pyramid was a cirle? LOL
Kermit thought it was a triangle! LOL.
LOL I forgot about that Kira. triangle. LOLOLOL Kermit just makes up whatever he wants for everything anyhow.
Kermit had smoke coming out of his ears during that cross exam with Gus 🙂
Happy Saturday Everybody!
Yes, last night was weird…I myself probably ranted too much, I hope no toes or feelings were stepped on.
I agree with MB, I think that is who it was, talking about that if someone needed a break, feel free to do so
We all need to take a break every now and then. Most of us here have busy lives and, unlike some other websites, we don’t have the time to sit on our asses and post all day. Yesterday was one of those days for me where I needed some time to reflect and ruminate on a number of things. I’m glad that I did because I’ve come back more determined than ever to help Jodi win justice and freedom and to defeat anyone that stands in our way.
You are correct. Even the best fighters need a break and step out of the arena for another day.
when i click the link to the mp3 player it starts to play but stops right after about 1 minute, what am i doing wrong
the link works fine for me..maybe your connection is lagging
dear haters,
I am so sick of people like you being on this planet. You have no compassion except for yourself. You come here and play games and think you are somehow delivering Justice and/or Karma, but you really are not. You certainly don’t know what the true meaning of those two words are. You are delusional, small minded, neanderthals who may not realize until it is too late that there are better things to do in life.
I would love to give you some of my medical issues, and the medical issues of the good people in the world, so you have something to really be concerned about, and something constructive to spend your time on.
so, go the fuck away, spend time with your families and do something good before you run out of chances.
The haters are looking in mirrors and do not realize they are actually seeing their own self, pieces of shyte, instead of someone they think they are looking at…..
Please don’t let these haters distract you or discourage you. They’re a bunch of cowards that hide behind anonymous names or other people’s identities and all they can do is attack. They’ll never admit this, but what really has them up in arms is the fact that we are effective. They’ve long tried to shut this website down, but it isn’t going to happen. We’re a strong, tough, resilient group and, much to their chagrin, we’re not going anywhere.
All I do is think about the joy we will feel the day that Jodi is released from prison and the anti-Jodi Arias websites are obsolete. Oh, that will be a great day! 🙂
no worries JM.
I am not distracted or discouraged. Just sharing some truth.
: )) Yeap……
BeeCee,I love you girl!!
love you too!!
and..guess what? I MEAN IT!
Me tooooooooo!!!
Great rant BeeCee!
Compassion, Justice, Karma… do the haters even know the meaning of the words? From everything I’ve seen on the Internet, I’d say not.
I agree, life is too short for bullshit!!
Hey everybody ((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))) I think my personal opinion is that if Jodi could get a REAL bulldog of an appellate atty this whole thing should be thrown out and a new trial granted because their should have been a change of venue from the beginning and, the jury should have been sequestered. I wish I could remember where I heard or saw something, on a different case of course, but that was the main reason that they did a change of venue to begin with. There is no way that another jury can be seated in the state of az, yeah I didn’t want to capitalize that, and, matter of fact even in surrounding states, that a jury wouldn’t be tainted from the get-go. This needs to be as far from maricopa co (yeah don’t want to cap. that either) as it can get. Hell move it to Canada.
I for one, as a Canadian, can guarantee an impartial jury, and a judge who would brook no nonsense from a lieing, bully prosecutor. A man was just sentenced to 8 years here murdering another older man. They were seedy people and the murderer was under the influence at the time.
No DP either. The vilest get life and are eligable for parole, but rarely suceed.
Goodmorning everyone! !!!!! I GOT MY T-SHIRT!!!! Wooooohooooooo!!!!!!!!!
Im very excited, I got it yesterday andvery proudly wore it to the Carlsbad CA. mall….YEAP to the CARLSBAD, CA mall!!! Jeeeejeeejeeee ; )) I was waiting for someone to say something. They would’ve gotten a “WHATEVER YOU ON THE NOSE!” (How about that for a quote? -Per Jodi Arias-) LMAO
I will NOT let these LOSERS intimidated me, so they can suck they’re own ass!
And im sorry Tonya and Renee felt like they needed to stepped out but im sure they’ll be back. Especially Renee, I know she will, she’s a fighter and she wont let us fight for Jodi alone.
Thank you, MB for the reassurance and the info!
Lets STAY stong and stand by our words, FUCK THE BULLIES, (ignore them) thats all they are BULLIES!!!!
Bullies are better obscene and not heard. 🙂 I ordered a T-shirt, too, and I don’t care what anyone thinks. Anything that Jodi created I will gladly treasure.
Isn’t it comfy? Very well made.
Oh yeah, I am very happy with it. It is not a cheap material t-shirt, it fits nice, it came with a thank you note from the Arias family and most of all, the $ goes to very good cause!
Looks nice on you LC!
; )) thanks Journee! I think ill get it in black too!
When I received mine there was a note saying that when the shirts run out there will be no more made. So order soon
No more? I wonder why that is?
Oh, I thought the link said there would be more made…
this is from the link above to the t shirt page:
“UPDATE: The only shirts currently available are – small, large & XL in White + small in Black. The full range of colors & sizes will be available again shortly.”
i think that means they will be making more…
That is the way I read it…
My note:
Thank you for ordering a “Survivor” t-shirt. We are out of the black t-shirts that you originally chose. We have sent you a white t-shirt as a replacement. We will NOT be ordering more t-shirts in the future. These shirts will no longer be printed once they are completely sold out, they will be gone. Thanks to you and others, the net profits from your purchase will go to a domestic violence shelter to help other survivors of domestic violence.
Best wishes, Jodi & The Aias Family
holy shyte
I agree it does look great LC!
It looks good on you. I agree, it’s a nicely made shirt and very comfortable.
Congrats on the T-shirt!!!
Great avatar LC!
Congrats on getting your shirt and showing the world you’ll support whoever you damn well please. 🙂
Next Saturday the Lifetime movie “Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret” will air and I predict that it will be the highest-rated Lifetime movie in their history. However, I don’t know if the movie is going to be great. From what I have seen in the previews, it looks like they’re going to paint Jodi as the villain and Travis as the fallen hero although I could be wrong.
My guess is that the movie will open with the trial and we’ll see a lot of flashbacks going back-and-forth throughout the film.
Im not watching it JM. For what? Its all a lie, its not factual its FICTION. Id rather watch Snow White for the 50th time!
I’m not watching it either.
Well, even if I had a tv I wouldn’t watch either!! LOLOLOL
LOLOLOL! Even if I lived in the USA I wouldnt watch it.
I watched the trailer,YIKES!They portray Jodi the way HLN did.In the ”I don’t remember” cross exam scene the actor’s voice(the one who plays Kermit)sounds so soft. Did the producers even watch Martinez on duty???
LOL Maria.
they were probably afraid if they made Kermit like he is in real life that no one would want to watch.
Or maybe they would have to provide a disclaimer in case of hearing loss or PTSD!
If I watched it, I’d be sitting here cussing at the tv (which I do too much of these days anyway – must be gettin’ old or something)
and HELLO! MARTINEZ REALLY ISN’T 6’2 (have you seen the guy they’ve got playing him?)
At some point I would probably break something, then I’d cut my foot because I never wear shoes, and there would be blood and the puppy would be scared and all for what? Just to watch yet another pack of lies?
It’ll be crap.
I’m not watchin’ it.
I probably will not be watching it either,,,,It would not surprise me if CASH was not backing this in some way….hell fire
you forgot damnation
it’s hellfire and damnation, right?
(that’s my Martinez imitation)
I don’t know if it will be highly-rated. The haters don’t seem to like the clip they saw because it doesn’t jibe with Kermit’s theory about the camera in the washer.
I hope hln run off a cliff and the haters follow
The haters also don’t like the title “dirty little secret:”. They deny that Turdis was screwing her and then treating her like crap in front of people – which he did and its backed up by the tape and what people have said.
Oh, it will get huge ratings just out of curiosity alone. I read in “People” magazine earlier today that the actual trial is only about 15 minutes of the movie. So that means be prepared for a lot of dramatization and use of poetic license. Honestly, I would prefer to see a factual movie that doesn’t show bias against either side or favoritism towards either one. Don’t see that happening.
the mormons are using the same mind control on jose martinez that they used on jodi. martinez needs deprogramming.
it’s Juan Martinez and Jose Baez.Maybe you have the two mixed up 😉
Or maybe Joan Baez? LOL 😉
It’s not just the mormons. It’s mormon leaders with stock in big business and interests in politics. It’s all entangled and interconnected with one of the most wealthy religious organizations in the world. I’m currently trying to research and connect the dots. There’s lots of information out there to sift through.
Dear Team Jodi:
I noticed that one of my posts from earlier this morning got deleted. I think I know why and if it is why I suspect then I take responsibility and apologize to you and everyone here for not keeping my emotions in check.
Many of us have bad days and no matter how mild-mannered many of us may be, we all have our “pressure points” where if you push us far enough, we will push back harder. Ever since I started posting here last month, I have been able to keep my cool and stay focused on the positive side of this trial. I made the mistake of listening to certain individuals who shall remain nameless when I should have ignored them. I promise you and guarantee that I will never bring up these individuals or their domain ever again on here. Nor will I ever make the mistake of visiting their house of horrors again.
Instead, I choose to focus as I’ve always done on the positives. We’ve got a very strong support system here. In the last 5 months, we’ve all become an extended family and as I told SJ earlier today, I am eternally grateful for finding this website and proud to associate with all of you here. If you have a hard time finding something to believe in these days, just think about the fact that you all are part of a movement that is going to ultimately bring justice and freedom to an innocent woman and you will help reunite her with her family and friends. And, we’re not motivated by money, fame or hate. We’re motivated by helping others, raising awareness and love.
I know that there are some people who recently have left this website because they feel like they are in danger or they have grown frustrated at being the target of cyber-bullies. I’d like to reach out to them tonight by offering this message: Don’t be afraid. You are brave for coming here and taking a stand for Jodi Arias. And while this may not be a popular decision, it is the right one. I urge you all to come back here and know full well that you are not alone and we’ve got your back. I know it may be hard to believe, but just have faith in me that there are angels looking out for us and I believe that God is with us.
I am not afraid or ashamed to be a member of this website or to support Jodi Arias. And I realize that this makes me a marked man with a target on his back which means that no matter what I do, no matter what I say, even no matter what I sing, I’m going to be equally hated as Jodi is. Fine. I don’t care. Because I could care less about a group of people who don’t mean anything to me. It doesn’t bother me that they hate me. It WOULD bother me if you guys felt that way about me because I DO care about you and have respect for each and everyone of you. More importantly, I care mostly about how Jodi and her family/friends feel because the main reason that I am here is Jodi Arias. All of the posts, poems, songs, videos, etc. that I do, I do it for Jodi because I want her to know somebody genuinely cares about her and will do anything possible to make her smile and be happy.
Earlier this morning I had a discussion with someone about possibly recording a second take of “Dear Jodi”. I even thought about making another video and putting it on YouTube. Not because some people took shots at it, but rather because I felt like I could have done it a little better. I wasn’t surprised that it got criticized by anti-Jodi Arias people. Even if it was recorded with a better quality microphone and a professional band backing me up, I’m sure that they would find some reason to bash it. I just felt like I could have done a better take, but then I thought about all of the lovely and positive comments that I received from all of you…and the fact that I wrote the song for Jodi and as long as Jodi liked it, that’s good enough for me. The fact that you all like it, well, that’s just icing on the cake for me. 🙂
Years ago I remember listening to some demos and alternate takes of songs by this band and amazed at how rough they sounded. We are our own worst critics at times and I am no different. I read somewhere that John Lennon wanted to re-record “Strawberry Fields Forever” because he never thought it sounded as good as it could have been. Yet, most Beatles fans will tell you that “Strawberry Fields Forever” sounds just fine as it is. And, every song begins with a demo and develops from there. If I were to take the time and develop “Dear Jodi”, I have no doubt that I could turn it into an even better-sounding song. But since I don’t have the time nor the musician friends to help me and time was of the essence, I wanted to get the song and video up in a short period of time. It just so happened to coincide with SJ’s post of my list of “32 Things To Love About Jodi Arias”. And since her 33rd birthday is coming up, I’ll add 1 more to the list: she’s Jodi Arias.
well….I was just choosing not to reply to that, along with a few of your other postings from today.
Honestly I thought it seemed a tad out of character for you because you have have somewhat preaching against posting information on people…and then you posted info on he-who-shall-not-be-named. (yes, I may be somewhat old but I LOVED the Harry Potter books and movies)
And I thought “huh??”.
So, I found it odd.
Don’t worry, we have all had posting go missing due to silliness on our part.
I don’t like you any less than I did before…so I hope you keep posting 🙂
Understood. I acknowledge I made a mistake. Will you forgive me?
already have dearie…
Hi JM! I’m glad to see you back!
I didn’t delete your post, I didn’t see it. But please never take it personally if a post gets deleted or content removed. Even I’ve had posts removed so it’s no biggie.
Thanks for understanding! 🙂
Hi, MB! It’s good to be back. And, let me re-iterate that I want to be part of the Jodi Task Force.
I wouldn’t watch this Lifetime movie if they paid me. It will be full of shit like their Amanda Knox movie. They take one granule of truth and surround it by mounds of lies until you’re surrounded by enough grains of sand to rival the Great Barrier Reef! If they pick anyone other than a slimmed down toupee’d Danny Devito to play Juan and someone other than Dennis Rodman to play Nancy Grace then there won’t be any realism at all in this made for TV trash!
Dennis Rodman as Nancy Grace! ILOVE IT!
OMG . . whatta scream .. Gwen you’re a riot.
lol Rodman is too good for disgrace!!
Hi guys, Sorry I’ve been away for a few days. I was working quite a bit and then got a bad dose of food poisoning. Finally feeling better now.
So I have a few things to say, here goes.
Who is pitchforks?
(Well I know who they are but they are now out of my favourites…..bye)
Great song Frank, very touching and sincere.
If that judge had sequestered the jury, had 5 day weeks instead of 3 or 4 day weeks, and made a fucking decision by herself instead of having her sidebars and getting her signals from JM on how to rule, the trial would have been over in half the time, which would have made sequestering the jury quite doable.
The haters are attacking us because they feel threatened by us. Why do they feel threatened by us? Because deep down they know we are right.
I don’t post on the hater sites because I firmly believe that you can’t fix stupid. These people will not be convinced to change their minds. I don’t want to subject myself to their venom or give them a way to identify me. The only place where my email has been given is this site.
How, I wonder, would these psychos who are threatening our posters expect to be punished if they followed through on their threats and actually killed one of our people? Death penalty?
Tonya and Renee. Be safe and I hope to see you back soon. I hope you can get to the bottom of whatever’s going on and make those psychopaths pay.
The crap that’s going on with Renee and Tonya only makes me realize that WHEN Jodi gets exonerated, she will need a completely new identity, and probably her family will too. Obviously she could never live openly again.
SJ I would like to join the task force. I am not sure how I can help but there must be something I can do. I type 65 wpm and I am not planning to go anywhere.
Hi BevM!
great post!
Hi BeeCee, thanks! It’s great to be back although disturbing on many levels.
g2cu Bev .. yep, just a little disturbing drama. Like the proverbial skunk that always went thru during a drive in movie lol
Hey, Bev.
I’m one of the ones who was bullied first from that website. It is jodiariasisabutcher.com. I was alerted from a friend of mine that they were posting information on their site about me that was erroneous. I went to their website with my genuine email address and told them that I took offense to their posting my name and equivocating it to a Facebook profile of a person I had never even heard of.
The onslaught of their vileness began at that point. Someone looked me up on the Internet using my email address (which I supplied them with) and lo and behold they found out that my husband died from AIDS. Then, of all things, they found a post that I had made addressing Christianity and my understanding of it. They posted my picture and my Facebook addy.
I received an email from their administrator asking me if I felt that all the hateful pictures on JAII were necessary.
The next morning, while checking my email, I saw alerts that someone had tried to hack into both my email and my FB accounts. I do not find that a coincidence.
They continue to ridicule, make fun of and deride every single poster on this site, mostly because of mistakes in grammar. It is the most juvenile form of hatred I have ever witnessed. They consider themselves to be intellectually superior to the rest of us. They also attribute themselves to being on a quest to make those of us here to own up to our libelous statements. Most of the time these threats are dripping with sarcasm, but sometimes they are quite deliberate and not veiled in the least bit.
I believe it is a ruse, but for someone who has mental health issues, such as my son whom I have posted about here before, it could really be a horrible threat to their life. For that, I am appalled and incensed that these dregs of society are allowed a voice.
They made one woman on this website, of whom I’m aware, retract any statements she has made in support of Jodi Arais, by their cyber bullying tactics.
I’m sure my post here will be copied and pasted on their site only to be picked apart ad nauseam , and I frankly couldn’t care less.
My support of Jodi still stands. I am appalled at the hatred of people.
BevM, Your words, “I don’t post on the hater sites because I firmly believe that you can’t fix stupid”…
You are awesome! For anyone who is tempted to venture over there, these are valuable words to keep in mind.:D
Welcome aboard, you’ve got mail! 🙂
I do like these interviews with Gus. They are very enlightening. There’s also another interview on Routing Out with a defense lawyer who made some good points. He maintained it should have been manslaughter, not first-degree murder.
I think most of us thought it would be no worse than manslaughter simply because there was no premed on the part of Jodi.
At one time I thought that it was premeditation also. But the more I pondered it, and listened to other sources besides Alexander supporters, I began to realize that this was not planned. The condition of the crime scene alone says it was not premeditated.
“The condition of the crime scene alone says it was not premeditated.”
Glad you formed your own opinion!
And the condition of Travis’ body says someone besides Jodi – someone bigger and stronger than Jodi – put Travis in that shower stall.
Thanks BeeCee! Feels good to be a critical thinker 😉
Journee, I’m not sure if someone else helped with this crime, but Jodi was and is a small lady. I’m not sure if the adrenaline rush during the fight or flight response would give her added strength or not.
Even with an adrenaline rush (which, frankly, should have dissipated somewhat by the time she dragged him all the way down the hall, because that alone would have been a time consuming struggle) she could not have done more than DRAG him into the shower, she did not have the height or strength to lift him into the shower.
But somebody did.
He was not dragged into that stall. If he had been, his lower back, buttocks and legs would have been scraped all to hell by the metal rim of the shower… 200 pounds of dead weight DRAGGED across that metal rim, that would have caused significant damage, but there was none. The only scrapes were just above his heels.
I do not say that Jodi ‘had help’. I say that someone else put him in that shower.
Which means somebody knows something that they are not telling.
I must admit, it makes more sense. I had often wondered how she managed to drag almost 200 pounds of dead weight down the hall …
Dragging him down the hall would have been difficult but not impossible.
Dragging him into the shower didn’t happen. Period. Travis’ own body says so. Somebody picked him up and put him in there.
Journee, tell me who you think might have done this? I’d like to hear your theory!
No theory, really – just all the little bits and pieces that I might have been willing to write off as sloppy police work because they don’t fit or are not explained by the state’s theory of the crime get to come back in when it’s clear that someone other than Jodi put Travis in that shower.
Bits and pieces like:
The roommates who supposedly shared a house with a corpse for five days and smelled nothing.
The roommate who saw Travis walking down the stairs, talking on the phone and going into his office and closing the door, an hour after the timestamps on the photos say he was dead.
The timestamped photos themselves, since Melendez said he did not know how the timestamps came to be printed on the photos, but did say that he had personally removed the data card from the camera – while CSI Connor, who collected the evidence, said the card had been found in the bottom of the washer, separate from the camera. Since these were both state’s witnesses and they are contradicting each other, I have to discount all of the photographic evidence.
There’s the computer with ‘no porn on it’ that they call Travis’ but was registered to ex-girlfriend Deanna Reid, who says she gave it to him for Christmas but doesn’t remember which Christmas – and who, coincidentally, moved away from Travis and back to California two weeks before his death.
Then there’s the young woman who made an anonymous tip to the police that a man named Dustin Thompson might have been involved in Travis’ death. Police tracked her down and found her to be the estranged Mrs. Dustin Thompson, aka Ashley Reed Thompson, a friend of Travis’ who briefly considered renting a room from him when she separated from her husband, but feared it might look bad. She recanted her accusation against Dustin, and the police never got around to even interviewing him. In March of 2010, just a few weeks after she had taken out a restraining order against her ex-husband, Ashley Reed was found dead of a gunshot wound to the head. Her death was ruled a suicide, even though the gunshot wound was slightly back to front and the entrance wound was an inch higher than the exit wound. (Make a gun out of your right hand and figure out how she did that to herself).
Oh, then there’s Josh Freeman, brother of defense witnesses Dan and Desiree, who was found in his parents yard on the very day Jodi was arrested, mortally wounded by a small caliber bullet wound to the head. The bullet took nearly a week to kill him, but his death was also ruled a suicide.
And according to an interview with Gus Searcy that we heard just the other day, there was yet another male friend of Travis and Jodi’s who died by suicide very soon after Jodi’s arrest…. I am sure there are people scrambling now to find out who that might have been.
Now throw in the ‘blood atonement’ nature of Travis’ wounds (google mormon blood atonement if you are not familiar), and there are just too many strange things happening around Travis’ death.
And that’s not even taking into account the strange behavior we’ve seen on HLN.
Too many questions were never even asked, let alone answered.
I had heard about the suicides and thought it was very strange. I also wondered how the roommates could not smell ANYTHING. Odd. I am not familiar with mormon blood atonement. I am going to look it up. Thank you so much Journee for telling me how Travis’ body could have been moved by someone other than Jodi. There really are a lot of strange coincidences surrounding his death. I have heard several, which is what made me change my mind about Jodi in the first place.
No one would premeditate a murder the way that the prosecution claims it happened. Who would take a chance on stabbing first IF you had a gun? The whole theory made no sense at all.
Another thing that always bugged me was the gas cans. I could never figure out how her filling them up in Salt Lake City had to do with premeditation. Why the hell would she fill them up then? She only needed them for Arizona allegedly.
Yes, somebody is not telling, somebody is on the inside and orchestrating the family, the pros and judge, with unprecidented trial by media to shape public opinion, and we get a young woman who is a scapegoat, in Sheriff Joes torture chambers, protecting others because a few in her circle have died since St. Tdogg.
Hmm wonder who that could be . . lollll. If it were not for the money and this who the hell, “orchestrates” a circus like this. This was a money making opportunity and actually vulgar and classless.
I received my “Cat’s Eye” yesterday. Beautiful. It’s marked 4/100.
I’m one of the ones who was bullied first from that website. It is jodiariasisabutcher.com. I was alerted from a friend of mine that they were posting information on their site about me that was erroneous. I went to their website with my genuine email address and told them that I took offense to their posting my name and equivocating it to a Facebook profile of a person I had never even heard of.
The onslaught of their vileness began at that point. Someone looked me up on the Internet using my email address (which I supplied them with) and lo and behold they found out that my husband died from AIDS. Then, of all things, they found a post that I had made addressing Christianity and my understanding of it. They posted my picture and my Facebook addy.
I received an email from their administrator asking me if I felt that all the hateful pictures on JAII were necessary.
The next morning, while checking my email, I saw alerts that someone had tried to hack into both my email and my FB accounts. I do not find that a coincidence.
They continue to ridicule, make fun of and deride every single poster on this site, mostly because of mistakes in grammar. It is the most juvenile form of hatred I have ever witnessed. They consider themselves to be intellectually superior to the rest of us. They also attribute themselves to being on a quest to make those of us here to own up to our libelous statements. Most of the time these threats are dripping with sarcasm, but sometimes they are quite deliberate and not veiled in the least bit.
I believe it is a ruse, but for someone who has mental health issues, such as my son whom I have posted about here before, it could really be a horrible threat to their life. For that, I am appalled and incensed that these dregs of society are allowed a voice. They made one woman on this website, of whom I’m aware, retract any statements she has made in support of Jodi Arais, by their cyber bullying tactics.
I’m sure my post here will be copied and pasted on their site only to be picked apart ad nauseam , and I frankly couldn’t care less.
My support of Jodi still stands. I am appalled at the hatred of people.
Hey everyone. I just recorded a second take of “Dear Jodi” albeit in a different style and arrangement. No echo on this recording so you can hear my voice clearer. Hope you like!
Here is the YouTube link:
wtg JM, sounds good ^5
Thank you!
^5 JM!!
I am posting this, to find out if I’m alone in not seeing this before. It is the Full interrogation tapes. Weird thing to me was the women detective, I had never seen it before. Am I the only one? Poor Jodi looks shell shocked its painful to watch at times.
Oh it is part 2 and 3.
You can also google the transcripts of the interrogation,Oregonmom.
Is there something in particular that surprises you?
I have seen the tapes with the female detective at Siskiyou. It was all a big nothing. The woman was lame and Jodi was not going to talk to her.
It appears so plain to me at this point she is a victim of PTSD. I don’t just think she doesn’t want to answer, I don’t think she could. Be it because of DV or fear of intruders. I just wanted to tell her ask for an attorney.
Everytime I’ve watched, saw the personal pix and heard her on the stand when jm was scolding her about if she stabbed ta . . I saw reluctance. She did seem befuddled during interrogation, the pictures were not poses as tas were and she did not want to say yes to stabbing,, she followed yes with she didn’t know and nurmi had to step in.
Jodi was suffering from PTSD and she has been brainwashed to some extent. Thats what cults do. Because she was not capable of realizing she needed a lawyer present during her interrogation, should not that lapse in law be rectified?
wondered the same thing Pat. When Jodi first mentioned she might need to talk to a lawyer, df lead her away from the idea. Have to guess nurmi read that in the file and don’t know why it wasn’t applied.
Something fishy with that, for sure!
OK, yes, I know what you were talking about now.
The PTSD was obvious to me in the day 1 tape with Flores, but maybe not as much so because there was a connect with him – they already had a ‘relationship’ of sorts.
With the woman there was no connection, AND she was newly terrorized having spent the night in jail and looking at many more to come… she was lost in herself that morning. Very obviously not there.
But it was that afternoon with Flores that she began to tell the intruder story.
Even in the interviews of 2008 PTSD symptoms can be clearly seen.
Happy Saturday, Peeps.
Cannot stay, but wish all my fellow Jodi supporters peace and ♥
peace Renee . . enjoy the rest of the weekend .. thx for a drive by tc now
Good to see you, Renee!
No I am pissed off about Hail Mary and. Warrior Jeanne. What the F
Good morning friends,
It’s a beautiful Sunday morning here. Hope everyone has a relaxing and wonderful day!
BTW, Happy Father’s Day!
((((((((Team Jodi))))))))))
This quote is for everyone that is being attacked by haters:
“First they ignore you,
Then they laugh at you,
Then they fight you,
Then you win”
~Mahatma Gandhi
“Be the change that you want to see in the world”-Mahatma Gandhi
I like that quote, I am writing it down. Thank you
Hey honey! Here’s my favourite one:
”I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.”
~Mahatma Gandhi
Good morning, everyone!
I noticed that there wasn’t much response to my 2nd video/song from last night. I know that yesterday some of you were taken aback by a couple of comments that I made. And I hope that y’all aren’t mad at me or upset with me or anything because I did apologize and made a lengthy post above detailing where I stand and how I feel about everything here. I’ve always been a loyal supporter of Jodi’s since I’ve been here and there’s nothing that I wouldn’t do for that woman. I purchased a “Survivor” t-shirt yesterday and I’m a dude! And, I’m human so I’m prone to having a bad day or making a mistake as anybody else is. So, I hope that you all understand where I’m coming from and that everything is cool
Hey JM!
Good morning. All is cool. Have a nice day.
Hi JM!
I was not on last night and just now saw your link.
It’s all good.
I loved your song, I admire your talents, your comments are inciteful , well thought out and informed. I don’t even remember the comment of which you are concerned. I am not a confident person but I am quite sure you are dearly loved on this site.
I’ve just been busy and haven’t been online for more than an hour here and there for awhile. I’ll take time to listen, sorry. I’m a rocker myself so could you throw in a raucous electric guitar solo? Joke 🙂
It was Saturday,most of us were busy or just relaxing.Your song is beautiful and it’s always nice to see people loving Jodi so much**
Is it another song? I can’t find it. But I loved loved loved the first song I did
see it somewhere in here an listened to it several times. I think you did a
outstanding job. I truly love it an know Jodi would too ♥
Good Morning Everyone
Morning Music – Morning Dew
Happy Father’s Day
morning Al!
Happy father’s day!
Good morning Al, Happy fathers day! A grate choice for morning music Thank you !!
Gratefully Deadacated Ray in Harrisonburg Va.
Happy Fathers Day to you all and to you Moms that are Dads too!
I second that.
Happy Father’s Day to everyone.
Good Sunday morning……HAPPY FATHERS DAY to all the fathers….(my little brother I hope the kids are spoiling you…)
Reading the post from yesterday……WOW!!!!!!!! This is so getting out of hand. Renee, thank you!!!!!
Hail Mary I agree with everyone else…let the people that know what they are talking about help you. I do not know everything that is going on but it sounds as if you just may be in over your head here. I will pray for you and please be safe…. Listen to Renee…….
Good morning Cindy!
I hope I’m going to be spoiled. I know they’re cooking dinner.
But hey, its just great to be a Dad – can’t beat that with some one day thingy.
I am sure that they know how lucky they are to have you as their DADDY…even when they think you don’t know anything…lol WOW you and mom have done a great job there…..cooking dinner wow that’s pretty great for teens in today’s world.
Can’t take all the credit Cindy.
Got to give some credit to the kids. We can just show them the path. The choice to take it is theirs.
Some take it and others don’t. Those whose kids do, are blessed.
I am just happy ours are OK. The greatest thing is that our kids like hanging with their folks – and I am truly grateful for that.
Al you are so right but you and Mrs. Al should take credit for making a stable environment for the kids. It is a great thing that your kids want to hang out with you….Mine did before the wife and girl friend took my places…. lol
My father died 21 years ago 12:05 so he missed dieing on Fathers day. He die with all of his children and grand children around him at home.
When we were young he was a hard nose but age mellowed him or perhaps it was just having 7 kids to keep in line..lol But as we aged our parents became our friends. My mom drives me nuts sometimes but she is the one that I go to when life happens.
I have a little funny story about my dad teaching my brothers to be gentlemen. He would let the door slam in their faces if they did not hold the door open for their sisters…..lots of pinched fingers were had with that lesson.
I always tell a young man who holds the door open for me at the store that his momma and daddy did a good job…. 🙂 It’s just the simple things that teaches our children the lessons.
It’s funny how that works out sometimes. The kids and parents are really attached when the kids are young, and then there’s a gap of several years where the kids don’t seem to want to have to do anything with their parents, and then they get close again.
I think it probably has to do with some age at which the kids become their own people, with their own interests and a little bit of rebellion and the folks get lost. I think that parents ought to realize that kids grow into their own identities, with their own interests etc, and if we as parents don’t take in interest in their wants, needs and desires we create a sort of gap with them.
And we’ve tried real hard to understand what moves our kids. It is extremely taxing, but I think the rewards are their friendship. I learnt that from my Dad, who made a special effort to find out what moved me and become involved, without being intrusive. I do miss him a lot.
I miss my dad every day……
I don’t have a gap with my sons they just have “girls” that have taken my place …lol They know that I am here and they can come to me if need be…but I learned to back off and let them have their own lives….even when they fall.
Journee and good morning to you!!!! WOW craziness yesterday!!!!
Most of it was Friday night, actually – yes, crazy and kinda scary. Tonya, Renee, and Rebecca64 spooked enough to run.
I think it was Gwen who said ‘paranoia spreads faster than the common cold’.
That is so right……I know I’m getting a bit paranoid so I am not posting as much. But then I don’t go to the other sites so I really don’t know whats being said unless someone reports on it here. I do find it interesting that there is still so much hate out there. I thought it would tapper off a bit by now. But as long as HLN keeps putting the logs on the firer……
Maybe DT will get the continuance and HLN will be forced to find something else to talk about for awhile.
Take SOME of the heat off Jodi (and us) – the haters that joined in just to be part of a crowd will have to follow wherever the crowd goes.
Hoping, anyway, though I pity their next target(s).
So Jodi did not go to the hospital? Really too bad.
I guess it was just a rumor.
I suppose it could still happen though.
I really hope it does….I know I personally would feel allot better if she was getting fed and getting her meds. like she should.
I’d like to see her getting some help, though I realize the state has no *legal* obligation to give it to her.
Morally they owe her that and more for what they’ve done to her, IMO.
morning Cindy.
What meds are you talking about?
I’m talking about the antidepressants and sleep meds that I’m not sure she is taking anymore. Honestly I don’t know if she is on anything else. But from seeing her in court a few days I wounder. I do know for a fact that sleep meds can really mess you up. I also know that not getting feed and not sleeping and all the stress it is a wonder she has made it this long.
She is one strong courageous young woman.I wanted her to get some help.too.Maybe it’s because the defense team asked for this delay.Maybe they will transfer her but not now.
I don’t know about this BI-POLAR idea. But I’m just going by the two people I have known who had it. But what do I know. I do know that Jodi suffers from PTSD. I have been around way too many people who suffer from it.
I have been thinking about the abuse for sometime now and for me I think that that know one knows how a child will react to spankings or other forms of abuse. Each child has a different personality and reacts differently. I’m not going to stand in judgement of Jodi’s parents. I think they did the best they could at that time. From what I have read and saw Jodi was a pretty normal teen. Nothing she did was over the top.
I don’t think she had too many boyfriends in how many years? Someone said the other day that she seemed to jump from one to the other…That’s pretty normal also at that age. So I guess that everything hit the fan when she got tangled up with TA.
well, I’m no psychologist or expert.
But I firmly believe Jodi is NOT bi-polar or whatever else it is they are trying to say about her.
I firmly believe her emotional ups and downs started with Travis’ abuse, people need to pay attention (not saying you cindy) to the fact that her parents said it had been in the last year and a half, I think it was that she had problems. I believe her friends that told her parents she needed help were specifically talking with regards to travis. (I wonder if geebee has those transcripts up yet)
I also agree with you cindy about how she didn’t do anything that bad during teen years. It sounded pretty tame to me.
She definitely did not jump from boyfriend to boyfriend. Most people these days are serial monogamists. I would consider jumping to be a new boyfriend every less than a year or so…a lot of relationships end after the honeymoon phase and then they move on to someone else for the new relationship energy so you can see that she was not one to jump around.
People like Travis, do jump around, I personally think he was a sex addict and addicted to new relationship energy. But again, I am no expert. I sometimes have a knack of getting into people’s heads…but I have no training in personality issues, although I could probably be just as good as Dr. pew!! LOLOLOLOL
BeeCee you could do a better job of it then that man.
I find it rather odd that people can not look at the facts that are not only from Jodi but proven facts. Jodi was moving on. She was going to see Ryan. Travis on the other hand was more or less jilted yet again by Mimi who just wanted to be friends. He sure went through allot of girl friends in a very short amount of time. I also feel that Travis did guilt Jodi into coming to his. He was the one who was angry that Jodi was moving on.
I think that Ryan B didn’t quite tell the truth as to what happened that day at his house. I see him as trying to be the macho man type….. Gab is a sicko. I think Jodi just might have rejected him and since none of these men seem to take rejection well, now he is going to pay her back.
I find it rather strange that Travis kept hooking up with these girls and with in a week or so said he was going to merry them.
BeeCee,yes!! People are willing to say her own parents threw her under the bus but if we listen carefully they say it was during that 1,5 year that she started acting weird.Brainwash,mixed signals,abuse,hello??
Jodi was and still is a very sensitive human being.This thing called TA had already started taking a toll on her and it manifested through her behaviour towards the people she was closer to,meaning her family and friends(remember her mother saying she had Jodi’s friends calling her telling her Jodi needed help?).Well,there’s just an amount of shit people can take.Poor girl was breaking down and it was a good decision to move back to Yreka. If only that lunatic had left her in peace,nothing would have happened…
“Brainwash,mixed signals,abuse,hello??”
ABSOLUTELY!!! (to everything you wrote.)
I gree with you BeeCee. It all started when she tangled with TA. Her parents AND Darryl Brewer also said Jodi changed around the same time. I dont blv Jodi had mental health issues, it was all AFTER June 4th that she could’ve then gotten PTSD AFTER the traumatic event.
ditto what you say too LC!
She definitely got PTSD…and memory loss…and it was from that day (whatever it was that exactly happened)…it is so clear in her behaviors after that day. It’s just incredible to me that people refuse to see it.
Her aunt said on FB she isn’t being moved.
Well, I am off to make an early grocery store run and then back home to a few hours of cussing at the nutgrass in my garden. I’ll check back in later.
Everyone have a great Sunday!
Journee…have a great day….
Everyone have a great day!!!!!
Hi Admins;
May I join the Task Force?
Happy Father’s Day to all of our Dad’s here. ♥
Happy Father’s Day, everyone!
My father is my hero. And I’m not ashamed to say that my parents are my best friends. My Mom and Dad got married in 1970 when Dad was 16 and Mom was 20. Predictably, they had some friends and even family members who predicted that it wouldn’t last. In November they will both be celebrating their 43rd anniversary together.
My Mom and Dad conceived a child a year before I was born, a daughter, who died shortly after birth from complications of encephalitis and spina bifida. As you can imagine, this subject is extremely difficult for my parents to talk about. I can only imagine the agony and pain that they went through after they planned for months to have their first child. However, my parents never lost their faith in each other or in God. And a year later, I was born-a healthy and happy child. Four years later my parents gave birth to another girl, my younger sister.
My Dad joined the Navy not long after I was born and he served for 24 years. I spent most of my childhood growing up on military bases and I loved it. Probably the thing that I loved the most about being a military brat is that my family grew up with neighbors from different races, religions, creeds and countries. I know that it is a cliché, but it doesn’t make it any less true when I say that it was truly a “melting pot”. The only thing that made us different from each other was the number on our front door. Our houses all looked the same and we were all part of the same team. Even then I realized the importance of team unity and working together to help each other.
When I was 6 years old, my parents faith was tested again when I contracted spinal meningitis. I went into a coma where I was for a week and I wound up spending a month in the hospital. For those of you who don’t know, spinal meningitis or bacterial meningitis is an often fatal form of the disease. Not many people survive it and, those that do, often wind up having a limb amputated or go blind or deaf. The doctors said that because of the high fever that I had that I suffered permanent hearing loss in my left ear which would get worse as I got older. This is true. And although I do wear a hearing aid in my left ear, which I have done since I was a teenager, I am not deaf and can hear out of both ears. It is just hard for me to distinguish certain low and high pitches in my left ear without because they sound like mumbling.
It would have been very easy for my parents to give up on their faith in each other and in God, but they kept them both intact. Even four years ago when my Dad was diagnosed with Stage III-b lung cancer, they never abandoned their faith or each other. I can count on one hand the number of sick days that my Dad took while he was in the military. Even after he retired and working at his current job, he is the type of person that will go into work even when he is sick. However, we all knew something was wrong four years ago when my Dad had a persistent cough that wouldn’t go away and his neck became swollen. The doctors found three tumors, one on his neck and two on his lung. As you can imagine, we were all shocked and stunned and for the first time in my life I was afraid that I would lose my father.
My Dad is a patriot for serving his country and I may be biased when I say this, but I believe he is the best father and husband anyone could have. A lot of the man that I am can be traced to my father’s influence. When my Mom met my Dad, she did not know he was 16 years old at the time. She said that my Dad acted more mature than most 16 year old guys and did not carry himself like a teenager. My father is a gentleman who respects women and taught me and my sister to respect people of all different backgrounds. He was blessed to have an incredible support system around him when he got sick and I can definitely attest to the power of prayer because last February my Dad’s cancer went into remission. 🙂 He still has COPD and emphysema, but his health has improved considerably since October 2009 when he was diagnosed.
After I visited my Dad at the hospital for the first time after he was diagnosed with lung cancer, I went home and I cried my eyes out for 15 minutes. I remember screaming at God, saying “Why are you doing this?” I realized that my behavior was not going to help my Dad or his condition. And while it was certainly understandable to be afraid at that moment, I knew then and there that I was not going to let fear conquer me or my Dad. So I resolved to take a different approach and to stay positive and confident no matter what cancer threw in our direction. I went back to the hospital and told my Dad that together we were collectively going to kick cancer’s ass. It made him laugh and smile, but then my Dad started crying which he rarely does. You know what his concern was? He felt like he was letting my Mom down not being there for her. Here’s a man who is sick with cancer in a hospital bed and he could have died, but his main worry was not being there to take care of my Mom.
I share this story with all of you because it is a good story to share on Father’s Day and it should also serve as a reminder that miracles DO happen and cancer CAN be conquered. If my Dad can overcome Stage III-b lung cancer and I can overcome spinal meningitis, then we can certainly overcome petty hooligans that want to test our faith and try to break us. We are much stronger and better than they think we are. We are not goons or bullies and we use our power to make a difference for love, truth, justice and freedom. And, ladies, have faith in me when I say that there are more men out there like my Dad than you realize. Guys like us are only interested in changing three things about you: your last name, your address and your relationship status. Guys like us protect women and children from abusers or would-be abusers. I guess you could say that it is what separates us men from the boys. I’m not interested in being a “bad boy”. I’m not interested in being a boy. Period. I’d rather be a man and the kind of man that I want to follow in the footsteps of is my father. Happy Father’s Day, Dad! Happy Father’s Day to all of the Dads everywhere!
Happy Father’s Day JM. Lovely tribute. Your’re right. There are a TON of good guys out there. I’ve been married to one for over ten years now 🙂
Happy Father’s Day everyone!
Loved your fathers day post.
Good stuff. Nothing like being able to call your parents friends. Give your Dad a big hug from us.
Aawwwwwww thanks JM, for sharing with us! ♥
Thanx for sharing,JM!
JM, That was a joy to read. Tell your Dad “Happy Father’s Day” for me…My father passed away several years ago…so I will adopt your Dad today 🙂 (if I may) He sounds like a wonderful man. He certainly did a splendid job of raising you to be a truly loving man. I wish him and your entire family the best and hope Dad remains in remission for a VERY long time.
Happy Father’s Day Dad of JM XXOO
Great posting!, please get my email from admin and email me the chords to “Dear Jodi”. Thank you.
JM….what a wonderful tribute to your father.
That was absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good Sunday morning Team!
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers, grandfathers, and single mom’s that do both!
Have a great Sunday! Here it’s already evening and enjoying my beer on my veranda.
((((((((((Pan!!))))))))))) ^5!
Goodmorning Janeen, Goodmorning everyone and Happy Fathers Day!!!!!
Mornin’ darlin’! (((((((((((((((((((LC)))))))))))))))))))
I know I owe you a response to your email…..I will get to it today! 😉
Oh dont worry about that! Im just glad your still here! I was a little worried that you’d lv us too!
Ummmm…….No, LC – I’m not leaving. I adore you too much honey….I would have THE WORST withdrawals! I’m not into inflicting unnecessary pain and heartache onto myself! LOL LOL
morning janeen!!!
Good morning!!!! 🙂
Good morning (((((((((((((((sis))))))))))))
((((((((((((CATS AND WHISKERS AND PAWS)))))))))))
(lol,the haters HATE our cat convos 🙂 )
Happy Father’s Day to everyone!
((((((((((((I love you sis)))))))))))))))))
(((((((((((((((((((((Cats, Lions, Tigers, Panthers, Leopards, Lynx)))))))))))))))))))
I love me those felines!!!! 🙂
me too!
Good Mornin’ Ms Janeen!!!
(((((((((((((((SUNDAY MORNING HUGS)))))))))))))))
Happy Sunday girlfriend!!!!!! 🙂
I hope this is NOT a rumor….I am trying to verify if it’s the truth – I do trust my source though – Jodi does have an appeals firm that takes HIGH profile crimes and which has been VERY successful!!!!!!
Isn’t that the BOMB?!?!?!? I mean as of right now – other than her NOT being moved to a psych ward – this is THE GREATEST NEWS I’ve heard!!!!!
Onward we go!!!
Fantastic news indeed!
you just made my day !
Oh YEEEEEAAAAH JANEEN, THAT is great (if its true), hopefully it is!!!!
Did it say, WHO??????????? Who’s the attorney or firm?
Please let it be true!!! God are you out there??
oh, I so hope this is true.
Janeen, you must have some very good sources… 🙂
My sources are Team Jodi sources… 😉
My allegiance, loyalty, love and admiration remain with Jodi, Team Jodi, the Arias family, the HONORABLE SJ, MB, JC and every single family member here.
^5 (((((((((((Janeen))))))))))))
I need to figure out how to do the heart.
Are you on a laptop or desktop Pan????
On the desktop, hold down the “ALT” button and hit the 3 button – IN THE NUMERIC PAD – NOT on the top of the keyboard…..
If you are on a laptop – engage the “NumLck” key: this will turn the letters: M, J, K, L, Y, U, I into numbers. Hold down the “ALT” button and hit “L” which corresponds to the number 3.
I am on a laptop. Let me give it a try
Crap on a stick! Didn’t work!!!! LOL!
I’ll figure it out. Thanks Janeen.
Do you see the NumlLck key? It’s usually the F11 key on the top of the keyboard. Engage that then try ALT and the lettter “L”.
I wish I could explain it better. I’m sorry Pan!!!!! 🙂
That is some of the details I’m trying to find out! LOL LOL LOL
I promise…as soon as it has been verified and I know who’s who….I will absolutely IMMEDIATELY share it with everyone here! 🙂
Thank Janeen! ((((((((((XOXOXO)))))))))
Great. I hope they smear Martinez with all of his abuse and lies. He should be disbarred.
Would it be safer to do so on the Task force page? But then again,you’re right! We want everyone to hear if it is good news!
Sorry my sister….I don’t have access to the Task Force page – but maybe I will share what I find out with MB and she will post it there!
If we can keep the name under wraps – it might be beneficial to the law firm – we saw what the fucktards did to JW.
I’ll ask MB or JC (Batman and Robin!!! YES!!!!! ♥) what they think would be best! 🙂
Excellent! It was precisely this I was worried about. They attacked poor Jennifer for doing her job,imagine how crazy they’ll go with this!
Or maybe it can be emailed to the task force members by MB and then it won’t even get posted publicly!
Hows about that idea?
Will do – but unfortunately and woe is me for having to admit this….(LOL LOL LOL) this site and what we post will probably not make the evening news. The haters will post it everywhere they shit – and we may not even be able to keep anything under wraps…….
I will share it with Batman and Robin before posting ANYTHING. Between them and Alfred (SJ…he he he I love you SJ) they can make the call. 🙂
cute, Batman, Robin, and Alfred.
code words.
Hi to everyone I havent posted in a while but have been trying to keep up with the postings. I have been reading up on Mormonism and this is one messed up religion/cult. I did find this to be very interesting about how the people are told god will take your life if you reveal the secrets of the temple which includes slitting of the throat. http://www.hiddenmysteries.org/religion/lds/ldsrituals.shtml
Happy Fathers Day!
This world gets more trashy and cruel each and every day.
Ok Team members…Massengil and his girlfriend have “reported” Donovan to Probation for a violation of her probation because she “spoke” with Jodi. This violation has her facing a one year jail sentence. Let’s try to back up Donovan, whose only sin was trying to be a good friend – unlike the other “friends” Jodi had who sold their bullshit to HLN and threw her under a bus….
Please call: Donovan’s probation officer (If you can) to give her support that she did NOTHING wrong!!! Here is who to contact: Nicole: 602. 619. 2267
My God it just keeps getting worse and worse with these bastards. How many layers of skin do they want?!?!?!?!?
I believe the purpose of the requirement that probation people aren’t supposed to talk with convicts is to keep them from being negatively influenced or encouraged to return to crime. Since Donovan could not be influenced in such a manner by Jodi the point is mute.
It is sick of these haters. I am sick of them. We are supposed to forgive. Yet they pray for death. I cannot forgive them for that. Sorry God. It’s up to you.
FUCK the frog!!
Oh,boy…He really likes stooping low,doesn’t he??
(((((((((((((sis – I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!))))))))))))))))
(((((((((((((((I love you toooooooooooooo)))))))
I have been surprised with each passing day that Donovan’s P.O had not already taken action, given how well publicized her contact with Jodi has been.
thanks Janeen!
Happy Sunday Janeen! So who is massengil in this scenario? I wonder if parole and probation will violate her for that. That rule is intended to keep felons from encouraging one another to break the law. I had students who were on parole who wrote and spoke to their friends and family who were in prison without issue. Their parole/probation officers were aware and they were not violated. Isn’t this a bit extreme?
Massengil is who massengil has ALWAYS been………………………………maybe this helps…..
“Did Massengil ask you that? YES or NO?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Do you think Massengil has a problem with memory?”
I always thought massengil was someone else. Thanks!
I believe there was a condition set on Donovan’s probation not to have any contact/association with other felons…but I believe the condition cited “CONVICTED felons” – while Donovan was tweeting and having phone calls with Jodi – she had NOT been convicted yet. I hope they drop this shit and NOW.
It’s just another ass-backward shitzona way of stripping another layer of skin from Jodi. It’s deplorable. It truly makes me sick.
Aha! You’re right!
And Jodi isn’t technically convicted until the penalty phase is completed, is she?
No unfortunately Journee…she is a convicted felon now. Once the jury came back with a verdict….:(
according to my family/friends in LE, family members who are convicts are allowed to talk to each other on the phone here…but not to hang around together, sad, but true. I don’t know how that would hold for Jodi and a friend though.
I wonder what the actual laws state for AZ.
anyone have that handy?? If not, I will do a search.
The condition of not being allowed interaction with “other convicted felons” was placed on Donovan – not Jodi…(thus far but who knows what shitzona will do)……….
Any communication – which unfortunately included phone calls – was a “violation” of her conditions. If but for the fact that Massengil and his “girlfriend” (PUKE PUKE) were on a crusade to destroy Jodi’s life including taking their crusade to outside innocent people, I don’t think this would have even been an issue. I mean, come on – where the fuck has Donovan’s probation officer been living for the past six months!?!?!?!? She didn’t NOTICE THIS when the media was all over it like white on rice?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
She should be FIRED for not doing her “job” if that’s the case. But, corruption abounds and I’m sure the hammer will fall on Donovan instead of the heads of those on their self-serving egotistical crusades…..
I do not have the applicable citings for AZ law. If you find it before me – PLEASE share!!! LOL LOL
What I would like to know then is every felon on parole in az treated in such a manner? I doubt it. I remember reading a comment back on the state page where someone questioned why it matters to them if Donovan talks to Jodi. They stated they don’t want Jodi to enjoy anything including having friends or family in her life while behind bars. Many feel that Jodi should not even be able to see family on regularly scheduled visits. I think this whole Donovan thing is beyond petty.
Petty is quite the word JC….I agree. It is all part of the crusade against Jodi. It is deplorable and disgusting and it wreaks of bias. When it comes to Jodi, the only humanity generated is from her family members and anyone associated or part of Team Jodi.
The state of the hatred in this world is mind boggling. Why would any young couple in this day and age want to bring a child into this world? To live in this “filth” of a society that does nothing but hate on, hurt, maim, beat, disparage, discard, abuse, discriminate, attack, kill, backstab…I could go on and on. I’m beginning to think there is no cleanse available to humanity to wash away its filth. 🙁
There are still a ton of good people in the world Janeen. 🙂 What we see is a select group of haters that behave like this and I bet they’re considered nuisances nine times out of ten. Remember when Juan had to tell them to stop calling his office with tips? Remember how they said they notified Beyonce about her video being used along with notifying Christian Dior about her art, and Nike about the t-shirt design? Nothing happened. These haters are pests! Boycott this, boycott that, notify this person, notify that person. These people are sanctimonious pains in the asses not justice seekers.
I agree JC.
Donavan could sue if they are applying different criteria to whom she speaks with versus other people on parole. I wonder if that would fall under civil rights.
Even if it is in the rules (not to have contact), if it is routinely looked past, then those would be grounds.
It probably wouldn’t be that hard to prove in court that MANY other felons speak on the phone with others..or write them.
If she can show the rules are only being applied to her, I would think there would be some recourse. Is her girlfriend on parole? I bet she’s the next target because ppl will assume she’s passing messages back and forth.
I hope the world will see clearly now the wicked nature and the evil, malicious intent of this creature called Martinez. The world needs to stand up against this malignant narcissistic behaviour against another innocent and vulnerable human being.
This is another nefarious ploy on the part of this prosecutor to pervert the spirit of the law by applying the letter of the law unjustly and unscrupulously for motives the law was never designed for.
Donovan is a purely loving soul trying to help a human being; her affiliation with Arias is not wrong-doing, and Martinez is trying to harm an innocent woman by sinisterly exploiting a technicality. The world knows that technicality was not designed to be exploited in this way.
I hope human rights and civil liberty groups are watching, along with the ethical members of the
legal community.
Dostoevsky said that the mark of a humane civilization is how they treat their prisoners. Just because a person has been in prison does not make a person a bad person.
There are people in this world who have not
broken any man-made laws, yet they have done a greater harm to humanity by breaking God’s law, which is simply and essentially to be loving and compassionate to all. God doesn’t pick or choose; all of life is equally valid, and it has nothing to do with deserving or not deserving. I am sure that some people might scoff at this sentiment, because although God is present, God is invisible; unfortunately many in this world worship the might and status of power which is easy to see. I can’t help but mention Antoine Exupery’s quote here: “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly.”
Many people in this world have never been in trouble with the man- made law, yet though they might feel ashamed if they broke the man- made law, they experience no shame or remorse if they are unkind, cruel, malicious, lacking in compassion.
Compassion is the true law. The man-made law was designed to help and protect humanity. The man-made law was designed to serve humanity, not the other way around.
Contray to the popular slogan of ‘no one being above the law’, that is actually a false notion. Humanity, the individual, IS above the law; humanity is the pinnacle, and the law is a system to help safeguard humanity.
Humanity is in danger when cunning tactics used to silence people are allowed.
Silence is the greatest weapon against humanity, and the greatest danger to humanity.
God bless kind souls like Donovan.
To any person who may hate Arias: please realize Arias is just one example of what could happen to any person. Just because you might be a law -abiding person doesn’t mean your civil liberties and freedom might not be diminished or taken away some day. When the legal system can function unscrupulously, precedents are set, and protections set in place to safeguard everyone are diminished.
Again, silence and the unjust use of the law, deviously justified by cunning application of technicalities have long been used to control humanity. Keeping people divided———and the us vs. them phenomena in regard to the Arias trial—- is one of the main tactics which the powers that rule use to try to control humanity.
Slavery wasn’t really that long ago; it too was unlawful for blacks to speak when the law told them to be silent——— and likewise the same applied to women, people trying to join a labor union to protect their rights etc..
How many people in this world must endure oppressive work environments where the boss is king and the tactic of an enforced silence is applied to control everyone?
If Martinez doesn’t fear the truth, then he would not have such a pressing desire to force people to shut up. If he believed that the facts spoke for themselves, he would simply be indifferent.
The facts in the Arias case have much more to reveal then the general public is aware of, and that is why Martinez is trying to silence the voice of the innocent and vulnerable.
Donovan can get in trouble for talking to Jodi now, but not before she was a convicted felon, but we must remember the mob and the media had already convicted Jodi before the courts did, so, they are a little confused because they have been believing their lies now for so long that it is hard for them to seperate reality from the truth anymore, they can “turn her in” until their faces fall off but it will do them no good, sickos
Happy Fathers Day to Jodi’s Dad. This must be the most difficult one yet. I cannot imagine the pain he must have. Yet the haters pray for more pain rather than for healing.
Happy Father’s Day, Mr Arias! We are proud of you for standing by your daughter.
I can’t either jeff. I did think of him today too.
Good Mornin’ ….my friends!!!
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers!!!!!
Good morning!
Hey there Pandora ….I guess it would be GOOD EVENING to you:>)))))
Yup. Enjoying the evening breeze. Was a hot day in Greece today!
Hey everyone,
Since some of of us have expressed concern over the latest barrage of threats from the other side. I spoke to someone who helped me locate some information that may interest you and alleviate any concerns.
I also wanted to learn about the notion of slandering the dead as the concept is interesting.
With regard to criminal slander: the State of Utah v. Ian Michael Lake ruled that Utah criminal libel law unconstitutional. “In a November 15, 2002 ruling, the Utah Supreme Court unanimously declared the state’s criminal libel law unconstitutional.” http://www.dmlp.org/sites/citmedialaw.org/files/2002-11-15-IML%20v.%20State%20of%20Utah.txt The case considered information posted on a website so the ruling is interesting.
In 2006, the Utah AG noted that a dead man cannot be injured: http://www.abc4.com/content/news/top_stories/story/Petersons-attorney-threatens-lawsuit/JS6lLMNVR0O8Ibmhkacpyw.cspx
Second, Travis Alexander falls under the category of a public figure as do others in this case. See: http://utahdefamationlaw.com/category/public-figures/
Third, Travis died in AZ so if this vexatious litigation manifested, which I highly doubt based on the above, there would be a giant jurisdiction issue.
Lastly, please remember that if the claims are true and or opinion they are not slander and/or defamation.
Point is: Jodi testified that Travis abused her and has issues with children. Dr. S and ALV also testified the same. Posting thoughts in agreement or discussing aspects of this would not constitute slander based on the above.
I have more information from Utah ACLU but chrome warned me that site had malware on it so I didn’t post those links.
I’m not a legal eagle by any means but did talk to one about this. I hope this helps. I’m talking as another poster and not a mod when saying this. It’s not legal advice. Feel free to chime in with your thoughts.
I love you! You are spectacular!
Thank you for sharing this information. I will also be speaking with attorneys on our behalf. I will share what I learn with you and everyone if applicable. 🙂
we are grateful for this info. Thank you!
Thank you JC!
(but I am not sure why Utah’s laws are pertinent, here)
This threat was worded in a such a way that CH would be litigating as he is the executor of Travis will and the suit will arise from Utah as that’s where he resides. If you don’t visit hater sites, which is a good idea at this point, then you wouldn’t understand the context of my comment.
Thanks for the explanation!
I hope I didn’t come across as skeptical or ungrateful… I was just confused. Thought AZ would be ‘ground zero’ if there was one, and wasn’t sure if suits couldn’t be filed where, er, WE live rather than where the litigant lives.
I didn’t know CH was the executor for Travis, I thought Jodi mentioned a different name – um, when was it – I think it was in one of the recorded phone calls with Flores, and they were talking about the BMW, and Jodi said she’d spoken to ______ about it.
I’ve heard CH announced that on twitter but I haven’t heard him say it myself. I don’t follow his twitter much. I wonder who Jodi mentioned in the recorded call.
I will try to find it in the court tapes and get back to you. (oh goody, Flores testimony redux, lol)
I don’t think she used the word ‘executor’ – just so-and-so who’s handling Travis’ estate.
I’ll let you know when I find it.
Is there a transcript of the call? That would be easier than listening to that call for the umpteenth time lol. I don’t have the patience because I get up and do stuff, my kids are about and I cant’ hear LOL.
OK, I will put this here, and then post it again at the very bottom.
The very last of the testimony on Day 4 is when they are discussing the car on the phone.
Jodi says she spoke to the EXECUTOR of Travis’ estate the very day before she is talking to Flores. The executor’s name is Mike Chapman.
Great post JC! Thanks for the info! It is very helpful. I like your approach, I think the best thing we can do is demystify the law and present it so people know what their rights are.
Your post made me want to read up on this and I found this site:
“Is truth a defense to defamation claims?
Yes. Truth is an absolute defense to a defamation claim. But keep in mind that the truth may be difficult and expensive to prove.”
Not in our case, the truth was broadcasted free of charge thanks to the media. Our discussions generally revolve around what is said and admitted into evidence in a COURT OF LAW. So not only are we expressing agreement with any particular witnesses’ testimony, we are also discussing things that are entered into evidence by representatives of the state: the sex tape, the text messages, the photos, and everything else that the public has been made aware of LEGALLY.
I also found this point relevant:
“What if I want to report on a public controversy?
Many jurisdictions recognize a “neutral reportage” privilege, which protects “accurate and disinterested reporting” about potentially libelous accusations arising in public controversies. As one court put it, “The public interest in being fully informed about controversies that often rage around sensitive issues demands that the press be afforded the freedom to report such charges without assuming responsibility for them.”
JC also tied in the concept of vexatious litigation in quite nicely. Here’s something else I found:
“A strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censor, intimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.”
United States:
“Twenty-eight states, the District of Columbia, and Guam have enacted statutory protections against SLAPPs. These states are Arizona, Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Washington. In Colorado and West Virginia, the courts have adopted protections against SLAPPs. These laws vary dramatically in scope and level of protection, and the remaining states lack protections.
There is no federal anti-SLAPP law. The extent to which state laws apply in federal courts is unclear, and the Circuit courts have reached different conclusions. The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has allowed California litigants to use their state’s special motion in federal district courts located in California, in cases where the court is hearing at least one California state law claim through the doctrine of supplemental jurisdiction. However, the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit has held that the Massachusetts anti-SLAPP law, as a mere matter of procedure, does not apply in federal courts.
It has been argued that the lack of uniform protection against SLAPPs has encouraged forum shopping; proponents of federal legislation have argued that the uncertainty about one’s level of protection has likely magnified the chilling effect of SLAPPs.
In December 2009, Rep. Steve Cohen (D–Tennessee) introduced the Citizen Participation Act in the U.S. House. [12] This marks the first time the Congress has considered federal anti-SLAPP legislation, though the Congress enacted a law on the closely related issue of libel tourism. Like many state anti-SLAPP laws, H.R. 4364 would allow the defendant of a SLAPP to have the suit quickly dismissed and to recover fees and costs.”
What is Libel Tourism?
“Libel tourism is a term, first coined by Geoffrey Robertson, to describe forum shopping for libel suits.”
It appears that legislation against libel tourism is focused on international law rather than national; but IMO the concept should be looked at by politicians and lawyers in the United States considering lack of uniform laws and protection on the state level.
Please keep in mind, neither JC nor I present ourselves as lawyers, and posting legal information on the internet does not constitute legal advice. If you feel you need legal protection or advice, please contact the Electronic Frontier Foundation. On their site they say: “If we cannot assist you, we will make every effort to put you in touch with attorneys who can. If you’re in trouble, you can contact us at info@eff.org.”
As far as I know, we are not legally required to provide a disclaimer on this site. However, I feel compelled to point out that once a poster comment’s are approved, they are allowed to freely comment unless their statements are anti-Jodi or are disruptive. We are not responsible for the statements of individual posters, and thanks to the several incidents of trolls getting private emails and impersonating posters, I’m not even sure our posters can be held responsible for every post done under their name either.
Oh, I just wanted to add:
What is “Libel Per Se”?
When libel is clear on its face, without the need for any explanatory matter, it is called libel per se. The following are often found to be libelous per se:
A statement that falsely:
• Charges any person with crime, or with having been indicted, convicted, or punished for crime;
• Imputes in him the present existence of an infectious, contagious, or loathsome disease;
• Tends directly to injure him in respect to his office, profession, trade or business, either by imputing to him general disqualification in those respects that the office or other occupation peculiarly requires, or by imputing something with reference to his office, profession, trade, or business that has a natural tendency to lessen its profits;
• Imputes to him impotence or a want of chastity.
So the four no-no’s are false statements concerning crimes, having a disease, a person’s ability to stay in their profession or make the same amount of money they would expect, or saying someone is a prude or a slut.
One cannot say, “Well so-and-so thinks Martinez is bad attorney so they are libelous for sharing their opinion.”
No, it has to be a statement that is a LIE or FALSE. Persecuting people for sharing their opinion is an abuse of the law.
“A vexatious litigant seeks to harass or subdue an adversary.”
“There can often be considerable overlap between these two types of abuse. One case in point is the strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP), which is a lawsuit intended to censor, intimidate and silence critics by fear, intimidation and burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition. Such actions are self-evidently vexatious, but are typically frivolous as well in that the plaintiff does not expect, or even intend, to win.
Litigants can abuse the system in criminal ways as well. Some of the forms of criminal legal system abuse are jury tampering, the practice of directing enticements or threats to jurors in order to influence their deliberations, and falsification of evidence, which refers to any of a variety of ways evidence is improperly manipulated. One particular case of falsifying evidence is the frameup, a chiefly American term for the manufacture or manipulation of evidence for the purpose of indicating the guilt of an innocent party.“
In that case, couldn’t Jodi due jm ??? It was never proven she slashed any tires!!!!
Thanks for the additional information especially that regarding SLAPP. Will research further. This is stuff people posting on the internet should know anyway.
“As far as I know, we are not legally required to provide a disclaimer on this site. However, I feel compelled to point out that once a poster comment’s are approved, they are allowed to freely comment unless their statements are anti-Jodi or are disruptive. We are not responsible for the statements of individual posters, and thanks to the several incidents of trolls getting private emails and impersonating posters, I’m not even sure our posters can be held responsible for every post done under their name either.”
Agree. Moreover, the website owner directs the tone and climate of comments – not the mods as we don’t have any say other than to stop a fight. If our detractors had really been paying attention instead of engaging in unwarranted attacks they would know who said what on this site instead of accusing everyone as a group. They obviously haven’t read any of my old posts or others they accuse. One person was outed because she was a “smart cookie”!
Furthermore, as much as they are married to the idea that everyone here believes the exact same thing, the comments themselves show different and what isn’t said speaks to intent as well. We are not clones of one another with matching thoughts and ideas. For example, most know I believe the self defense theory 9 days out of 10 but am interested in listening to other theories.
Here is some addition info. The people related to the case spoke to HLN became a limited public figure.
I have more to add later. The funniest part about this is the poster over there who posted here for months posted many a comment her fellow detractors would take issue with if they had really read the comments like they claim. I don’t have any problem with being criticized or laughed at but when information is being spread as a fact is nothing more than blatant lies intended to harm, harass and scare me I will speak up.
He never intended or wanted for any of us to feel scared or threatened in real time? I call bullshit. Yes he did, does and is aware it’s going on in real time and because of that, the message is not being received.
I’m no lawyer but I was hoping for a retrial. A retrial, as opposed to an appeal, would mean a whole NEW trial in which new evidence can be brought forward.
A retrial might be doable given the reasons behind that request, including the fact that Jodi, who was obviously suffering from PTSD, was led into a false confession by Flores, provable IMO via interrogation tapes.
In addition due process was violated by mob-frenzy and should be even easier to prove. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore_v._Dempsey
Seems to me that even Pickles would have a hard time finding reason to deny mob-frenzy. Just my two cents, I’m no lawyer.
Pickles has been denying mob frenzy for six months. To change her mind now would be to admit she was wrong.
and….HOPEFULLY if she actually did – all those “denials” and “overruled” bullshit “rulings” will also be “wrong”………although a far reaching concept I know……………
I suspect, and I could certainly be wrong, that at this point she’d rather have the appellate courts responsible for taking away what the mobs are screaming for (and some powerful people may have paid for). Except for this annoying little slip up on the DP, HER court delivered ‘what the people wanted.’
Yes, pickles allowed the mob. If a group of JA supporters gathered like ta ones, we would be scrutinized, fined, charged with ordinance violations, arrested, dispersed. 1st and 14th amendments mean nothing to mesa and they clearly state America does not understand, they will do what they want.
G’afternoon e1 .. HFD too
Been looking at another unhappy with mesa, Kirby Allan, a political critic reporter that challenges and uhmm dies in a house fire along the time a new mayor, scott smith, , republican/mormon, who takes office. The report is 2010 back, pretty much saying everyone running mesa is corrupt. Smith is still mayor and may run for governor 2014. Still looking for more or maybe nay sayers are concerned about fires .
Read some interviews smith gave after he took seat and it was typical blame then hedge away from point of the question. The questions were about border control and his answer was “we would have to live in Az to that America doesn’t understand how they do things.” wtf
in final response to your comments above at
Al says:
June 16, 2013 at 6:19 am
enough of your seemingly endless erroneous attempts to discount and undermine my comments
“About the rate at which the DP is applied, you are sort of correct”
i don’t think i’m “sort of correct”
i just asked a question
i made no assertion
“He was the president of the FLDS,”
if you go to the link i posted above you’ll read
“Warren Steed Jeffs (born December 3, 1955) is the president of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS Church).[a]”
the quote is current, and states “is”, present tense
about a splinter group i have no comment
“But I think the actual trial and its outcome can be traced to a slightly different issue.’
your contention is an erroneously attempt to undermine mine, because it is too restrictive
my view is that the outcome of the trial can be traced to multiple issues, of which the connection to the mormon church was but one
they’re not mutually exclusive
for the reasons i stated above i believe the lds is the dominant religious force in the regions politics
they’re exceptionally well funded, tithes etc
they are a very cohesive, single minded political entity
well organized
i would add also, that the mormons believe in a theocratic state, with no separation between church and state
that was the early stance by the mormons, a treasonous secessionist stance, until one of the presidents ? a century and a half ago let them know that he was bringing in the army, whereupon joseph smith ?,
promptly had one of his convenient revelations, in which he said they would obey the federal authority
but remnants of that sentiment remain, in the blood oath of vengeance, and antinomianism
The Oath of Vengeance against the American people and the Government for the death of Joseph Smith was a very important part of the temple ceremony for many years. Because of this temple
ceremony vow of vengeance upon this nation, a protest was filed in 1903 in the United States Senate to have Reed Smoot, a Mormon Apostle who had been elected a Senator from Utah, removed from
office on the grounds that he had taken this treasonous oath in the endowment ritual.
1. Theology The doctrine or belief that the Gospel frees Christians from required obedience to any law, whether scriptural, civil, or moral, and that salvation is attained solely through faith and the gift of divine grace.
mormon theology used antinomiansim to deny being bound by “civil” law
now one can have whatever thoughts one wishes, but when one puts that into action, then one becomes subject to the civil law of the state
“You are right about the “unfairness in the process” being an appellate issue, however again as I stated above, its really a question of how a particular appeals court views the impact of the “unfairness”.”
cut the condescension al, and quit speciously attempting to undermine my comments
your “however again as I stated above”
the “however, again..” attempts to discount my original broad statement, which you’re free to discuss or expand upon but not improperly indirectly use your elaboration as a vehicle to attempt to undermine my comments
you’re not correct in your assertion that your statement corrects mine
enough already of this seemingly endless interaction you initiate
if you want to make a comment, make such directly, on your own, instead of riding in on mine, and erroneously seeking to undermine mine
i’ve clearly countered your comments as they apply to mine
you repeatedly take the initiative and extensively seek to undermine or correct my comments
i haven’t once done that to you, and if i were to do so, i would probably focus on just one, or two points
what’s up ?
i haven’t dealt with your subsequent comment on this issue
enough already !
i recognize that you have done good research, but al please don’t use that as a base to incorrectly or erroneously attempt to undermine or cast doubt on my comments
let your research stand on its own
I’m curious Wes – are you saying FLDS and LDS are united? I know that guy in prison still runs the FDLS church but hasn’t LDS completely disassociated themselves from his cult and his teachings?
Wes and JC,
Wes, correct me if I’m wrong, there is no denying the parentage of both. The FLDS is the ugly offspring and the LDS is the better looking one. No parent disowns a child because society thinks they’re ugly.
When I read the interaction between you and Al, to which you refer, I did not get the impression that Al was trying, as you state, ” to incorrectly or erroneously attempt to undermine or cast doubt on my comments”. I found the interaction to be two intelligent people having an educated and stimulating discussion. In fact, I felt that neither of you was disagreeing with the other but, rather, supporting, vs being opposed to one another in opinion. I sensed no animosity…but that is just how I interpreted the interaction.
If you are familiar with Al’s posts, his method of composition often includes “however” “again” “secondly”. This indicates a particular style in his composition which he may have learned in school.
Please understand, my comment to you is in no way meant to be an attack on your assessment, opinion, belief of how you feel you were treated. I am only making an observation regarding that prior correspondence between you two and that I sensed no maliciousness in Al’s responses.
I agree Dorothy…you said it much better than I could.
hugs to Al and Wes.
I actually enjoyed their discussion. I found it to be educational, informative, stimulating and thought-provoking.
Hugs to Wes and Al…and to you to 😀 ♥
It’s not undermining, its called a debate. It’s not an attempt to sling mud at you in any way – and if that’s how you took it please accept my apologies.
It was merely a difference of opinion. I don’t believe that the outcome of this trial was due to some vast Mormon conspiracy. I don’t believe that Warren Jeffs is the head of the LDS, I don’t believe the FLDS represents the LDS as a whole.
The LDS has evolved over the years in the same way that other churches have – and just because a particular church held a certain belief at one time does not mean that they are bound to that for ever. If that were true, then just about every church in the world could be considered to be repugnant on the basis of past beliefs. People evolve, their beliefs evolve, the church, which is a creation of the people, evolves. Some of these changes are brought around by internal debate within the church, others through Governmental action.
I don’t believe that AZ is under some great Mormon political influence any more. While it is true that way back when Grover Cleveland enlisted Mormon help in AZ’s political scene those days are long gone. In fact if you look at their Congressional delegates you will find only 2 Mormons (within 9 Reps and 2 Sens), roughly equivalent to the percentage of the states Mormon population. The same holds for all their other elected officials.
In as far as discussing your statements are concerned, that is how debates occur. If I disagree with one of your statements, or want to elaborate on them I first state what part of your contention I am about to discuss and then discuss my point. And if I disagree, or want to elaborate then the word “however” is a natural link between the two. However, is not necessarily a word portraying complete discarding of your idea, it is often used as a way of showing expansion on your idea.
And if you consider a debate condescension then that is your prerogative. But I would submit that if you put your words out in the public, be ready for debate – it might happen.
If the info. about appeal atty.Is true that is wonderful news.Jodi thinking of you often, Stay Strong
JC –
I posted above and repeating here:
The very last sentence of testimony on Day 4 is when Jodi tells Flores (on the phone) that she spoke to the EXECUTOR of Travis’ estate the day before – MIKE CHAPMAN.
Thanks Journee for finding that out. I wonder if CH even knows this is going on? The other thing I wanted to mention is that accusing someone of committing a crime such as fraud is also considered libel. Asserting the mods and posters are receiving any compensation from t-shirts or donations is libel as it’s not true. Nobody here receives compensation for ANYTHING for the record.
Now of course the haters will say Jodi was lying about that but why would she? I’m sure that info is very easy to confirm. What I would love to know is whether CH is okay with someone acting as as an agent on his behalf. I bet someone will him if this his true. I just don’t think CH would roll that way ie communicating through a site like that.
re: CH I have heard three different stories (two of which I heard CH say myself) about how he gained access to Travis’ email accounts.
It would not surprise me if “as executor of Travis’ estate” was a fourth version.
Oh, and re Jodi ‘lying about that’ – it’s not like it was testimony or even information Flores was looking for, it was just conversation — more instigated by Jodi, actually, as she was trying to determine who she needed to pay for the car.
Right. It was a minor detail.
Juan will go to any lengths to damage or berate anyone who supports Jodi. It’s like a vendetta now for his froggie prickless elfin ass. I still say after accusing everyone on the defense side that he’s the one with the hots for her and is re-paying her for all the beautiful girls in high school who snickered at his awkward attempts to flirt!! The irony is that Jodi seems like a kind and generous person and probably would have treated him with respect or at least pity in another setting. Get over it Kermi!! You will always and forever remain a virgin.
…and Pickles? I say she’s a washed up old hag who may have taken Juan’s virginity. I wish I could behave. lol
LOL LOL Gwen!!! (((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))
Now now my friend….what the hell fun would it be if you behaved?!?!?!?!?!!? NEVER!!!!! 🙂
What is the saying about doing something over & over, Juan-sidedly & expecting different results?
lol cb
“Juan-sided” …love that.
I can’t seem to post here, so I don’t expect this to make it online. If a web site admin sees this, please email me and let me know why I can”t post.
I wanted to respond to the comment about why people support Jodi Arias. I was originally not a Jodi Arias supporter. Then I listened (on HLN) to the trial. Almost every prosecution objection was allowed and every defense objection was overruled. The jury was not sequestered, and I’m sure that the Casey Anthony juror death threats ensured that the jury would come back with the “right” verdict. JM would ask questions and then bully the witnesses when he didn’t like the answers. Of course the HLN commentary was completely one-sided.
All of those factors made me extremely skeptical of the the results of this trial. The almost universal bloodlust convinces me that this trial is a circus and only superficially related to justice.
Exactly . . nothing is 100% right or wrong, nothing is perfect . . things are acceptable or not . . this trial was not acceptable
Welcome davidl. Good to have another critical thinker aboard. It surprises me that so many swallow what HLN reports, hook, line and sinker.
are you here hon?
I looked at the comment on your blog that was supposed to be from Jodi. I know Donavan on FB, and it looks like whomever posted that spelled donavan’s name wrong? I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t spell her own name wrong.
You might want to check the link on that post also, it doesn’t look right.
Be careful guy.
oh, BTW, nice blog! (I hadn’t gotten a chance to look through it yet.)
Hi BeeCee,
Thank you for the compliments! Yeah, I had my doubts that it was really Jodi, too. Ah well. Maybe someday Donavan will read it and pass the information along to Jodi.
Well it looks like most of you are on the “protected Task Force” thread.
So…I will hopefully talk with y’all soon.
Hi Pat
I didnt think my comment was published but I just saw that it was so I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner.
I was wondering if I made her a beneficiary if the state of Arizona would take all that money, so how would I have my lawyers make it so that doesn’t happen? Can I find out who will be doing her appeal and then make them the beneficiary with some kind of statement that it’s only for use with Jodi’s case? Or can I make her parents the beneficiary and hope they will use it for her appeals? The trustee said that I could gift someone up to $10000 a year without her having to pay inheritance tax but I didnt know to ask about what the state of Arizona would think about that and if they would take all that money for themselves. I dont think $10000 a year would be enough for a good attorney I think you need a few hundred thousands of dollers.
Also Jodi and I are both Latina and I wonder if that has something to do with how vicious Juan Martinez was to her because he’s also Latino. In our culture woman are beneath men that’s how its always been and a Latina who goes up against a Latino especially if he’s an older man would be seen as really disresepctful and he might feel she needs to be put in her place to show that he’s the man. It’s called machismo and any Latino man who allows a female especially a Latina female to speak her mind in his presence in public would be seen as weak.
No she’s good. lol
Carry on 🙂
Thanks MB,
You have mail.
I remember the poster’s earlier post… seemed sincere but I guess there’s no way to be sure.
somehow I lost your comment up thread but got to read it now.First,let me tell you that I think you are a very brave young woman. I’ll be praying that you’ll be able to fight this and raise again as the winner of this war.
Regarding donating all this money to Jodi:I see you still have ‘legal’ questions.Why are you asking all these things here?If I were you,I wouldnt .Do you have a lawyer?Maybe he/she is able to clear this whole thing up and then you can see how to proceed.
When appeals finally start(and if Jodi doesnt find a pro-bono lawyer) she will definitely need hundrends of thousands of dollars.
Now,you say you want to help her and I truly admire that.My heart skipped a beat when reading your kind offer,in fact! But it might be better to research all your options first and then announced it to whoever you’ll have to address this ;do you really feel comfortamble discussing such serious matters in a blog?
Maria I didnt know this is posted in the wrong area. I hope someone can help. Everyone thinks I’m too obsessed with the case (I probably am lol!) and I thought with so many people here who know all the ins and outs that someone could help me with questions so when I go to the lawyer I know what to say to them about how I want this to work. My father is friends with two of the people at the law firm and I dont want them telling him I’m a nutjob or anything until I know for sure how to do it. My family does not support my interest in the case they think I have my own problems that I have to prioritize but it has been very helpful and Im afraid they will try to talk me out of it before I can figure out which direction to go.
Hi Cindney.. As far as your estate goes, you need legal advise to draw up your will. A good attorney can advise you on Trusts etc. As far as the State of Az getting their hands on money that a beneficiary recieves when said person is in jail..its a possibility. I agree with Maria that you chpuld keep any plans you may have in this regard, to keep them private.
Yes, I felt the superior “machismo” attitiude of Martinez towards Jodi and in fact would call him a mysogynist. He treated Janeen DeMarte as a good girl because she did exactly as he wanted.
I hope you a feeling well, and also please post when ever you want. There are wonderful people here.
All good advise for Cindy, . if we had a way to help with the answer we would be glad to share but the best guidance at this point is your getting counsel, maybe keep personals to the admins and may your health improve. Zimmerman already has over 200k in donations, 30k of it used as relocation/living expense funds and the rest held for defense . . there are questions as to how it will be doled and what some of the complications are. His wife has been arrested for not having a figure when asked during his bond hearing claiming they did not have money when a website had raised 135k at that time. So best to have someone set you up and bless you.
Ok I’ll keep it to myself and I now see there are huge legal implications. I just want to help someone who obviously needs better lawyers and it seems unless you have deep pockets its pretty easy for the system to push you in the death sentence chair. I dont have a say on whether I lose my life that is up to my cancer to decide, but I really would like to have a say on what happens to Jodi. No one deserves death no matter what especially if the difference between life and death is just money.
Thank you Pat. Not feeling great most days but getting stronger and thats good enough for me right now
I’m glad you are getting stronger! thats a great start. I believe in one day at a time for all of us. I lost my husband suddenly and that made me realize we have to try for the best day of our lives everyday.
much love to you Cindney
Thank you Pat. Hugs to you and I pray for peace in the death of your husband. Your husband was blessed to have someone who loved him so much in his life. You can measure the worth of a life by the lives left behind. You can call me Cinda, that’s what my friends and family call me.
Oppression towards minority groups who are over-represented in prisons and welfare organisations is very obvious in this trial.
Ethnic oppression is inherited in the US, it has historical roots and a current present.
JA tried very hard to look ‘white’ in a male dominated white community with links to expressed racism, domestic violence and sexually exploiting behaviour.
She was doomed to never be accepted respected, trusted, or to have any legitimacy at all.
She ‘looks’ suspiciously ethnic.
Law is patriarchal law based on hundreds of years of male knowledge. It is inherently sexist, practising in a male dominated world for a male dominated religion that expresses racism and sexism.
Not a good look.
Forgive me if this has already been posted, but I noticed earlier this week that Beth Karras had been fired from HLN. I saw some pictures of her cozying up with some of the prosecution witnesses during the trial. Um, yeah, THAT was not a good idea! LOL
I’d like to see someone do a full-scale investigation of HLN, if they haven’t done so already. Because I don’t ever remember a media being so one-sided against someone accused of a crime in my lifetime. Every day and night since the trial began, HLN has taken shot after shot against Jodi Arias as if she were a piñata and the coverage has been overwhelmingly biased FOR Travis and AGAINST Jodi. And, how many times have we had to see the never-ending parade of Travis Alexander family and friends mugging for the cameras.
Dave Hall and Chris Hughes are the two most prominent ones and they both come across to me as country club Republicans. They remind me of the wealthy snobs from the movie “Caddyshack”. I also noticed on Chris Hughes’s Twitter that he was posing with a gun and a target. I can only imagine whom he is visualizing as a target when he fires that rifle.
I wouldn’t doubt that there has been some backdoor dealing going on between HLN and some of Travis Alexander’s friends. Truth be told, they’re not really his friends and they could care less about him. They’re exploiting his name to raise money to put into their pockets and they’re not fooling me or anybody else. And I think it’s time that they stop this charade because it’s about as genuine as an apology from Kanye West.
JM . . some tweets copied and posed all over the place . . the taliwhackers have been in a dead heat with hln and numerous other reporters it seems since even before the trial started. And right . . they don’t give a damn if ta is dead, this is an enterprising circus, tacky and classless. It is generating allot of money but in a shamefully despicable way. I would be embarrassed.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Travis Alexander dying was the best thing to have happened for many people…on HIS side. They sure are milking it, that’s for sure.
Death is never a good thing. As much as I don’t like Travis, I think there were plenty of people who loved him and it was horrible for them. I dont think anyone benefited from his death especially Jodi.
HLN sure has benefitted from it. And so have the so-called “friends” of Travis who show up to mug for the cameras and ask for donations which probably are winding up in their pockets. I agree that Travis’s death was horrible and I NEVER condoned people using Travis’s autopsy photos or crime scene photos in an attempt to smear or attack him. I’m just saying that there are these people who claim to be close friends of Travis and how sad they are that he died, but they’re taking advantage of his death and exploiting it to make money, promote websites, etc. Truth be told, they don’t give a shit about Travis Alexander and neither does HLN. This is all about ratings and money.
Read somewhere that the temple put the alexscammers and cash up . . they didn’t need living expenses and saw tanisha still asking for travel expenses during trial rescheduling that might not be for another 6 months . . some holes cannot be filled
They are sure benefiting now, sadly, he helped HLN rake in the money and all 5 of Travis’s best friends are getting in as much airtime as they possibly can and money from the dozens of Support Travis paypals are most likely adding up, everyone who ever met Travis, its seems, are now benefiting, at least monetarily, it is crazy
how much more . . sheesh this is beyond vulgar
do I hear a backfire loading?
Multi-Level Marketing in one of it’s less shining moments…
Hi SJ , I have some info that you may feel is important but am unable to email you, can you email me? I would rather not post it on here at the moment
Thank you,
Good morning everyone…I hope everyone has a fantastic day….
Le Me: “Please, see my other reply. You claim your arguments are so strong, but really, they aren’t. As for APD…no doctor in their right mind would diagnose her with APD, she doesn’t meet the criteria, especially considering that she had no prior criminal history, which Juan Martinez was stupid enough to keep claiming wasn’t a mitigating factor because she committed murder & then lied about it. Um, no. PRIOR criminal history, moron, meaning that up until NOW she had never committed a crime, not even so much as a traffic ticket. I don’t think anyone realizes how crappy of an attorney he really is… If this hadn’t been a witch hunt from the jump…he would have lost & walked away with his tail tucked between his legs, dusty mouth, & severely damaged pride instead of posing for pictures, which is extremely unprofessional. As for BPD, she meets the criteria; However, narcissism is not one of those criteria & it typically is not displayed with BPD, but rather Narcissistic Personality Disorder or Histrionic Personality Disorder. Trust me, I was gonna be a psychology major before I changed career paths & I had to diagnose hypothetical patients. Check the DSM-IV-TR or the DSM-V when it comes out. It’s online. Want a link? I checked “Dr.” Drew on this fact… The next thing you know, he doesn’t think she has APD anymore, but BPD, & then Miss Fancy Pants Psychologist comes out with the same diagnosis I did. Check my comments on the Dr. Drew website. LOL I diagnosed her correctly before HLN had any idea because they are all fakes & actors, not real professionals, otherwise, they would be working in their fields, not sitting on a talk show. How does that saying go? “If you can’t practice it, teach it”, or be on talk shows. Someone’s OPINION on a documentary is not sufficient & I’ve seen “documentaries” claiming that mermaids exist based of the finding of different body parts from different species that they CLAIMED all belonged to one unknown species… Twisting the facts is easy if you have a silver tongue & use fallacious arguments. ..you should definitely check your facts before posting the argument that you seem to think is both valid & sound. Valid, perhaps, but not sound. Moreover, her “innocent” statement may have just been part of the act. She may also have felt that she WAS innocent, considering the fact that she & her attorneys were presenting a self-defense case, which, if they had won, would have established just that: her innocence. As for what she told the jury about that statement, it could very well be true. Try proving otherwise. The simple fact of the matter is that you & many others are so closed minded that you refuse to even CONSIDER the possibility that there are alternative explanations & think that just because she lied once everything that came out if her mouth afterward was a lie. Who wouldn’t lie in that situation? I mean really… If you had just killed someone & you know that you did, would you tell them, “Yeah, I did it”, if you thought you had a chance of getting off? You may believe you wouldn’t, but you can’t know that without being in those shoes. Did you ever stop to consider that maybe she lied because she was afraid of what would happen to her if she did tell the truth, & especially how bad it could go if no one believed it? You have to consider other explanations & possibilities, not simply those that you initially agree with. In my opinion, this was a kangaroo court with a shady judge, & there was definitely enough reasonable doubt for an acquittal & most definitely enough to decide to give her Second Degree Murder or Manslaughter instead. If this was your daughter, I bet you would consider other possibilities & I guarantee your opinion would differ.”
Great Interview. Lots of suspicious activity and its very unfortunate that Jodi got screwed over. Hopefully the new jury realizes this.
Dear Bitches: (Butcher, my bitch)
Just popping in, because I know you follow me everywhere and read everything I post…cuz ya are a bit obsessed.
IF anyone decides to fuck with my real world over me posting anonymous opinions over a very famous trial, I want you to know, I will REIN DOWN ON YOUR WORLD WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE. Please, understand, I have accumulated quite a bit of info and posts as well.
Unlike you stupid narc bitches, I do not normally spend my time ruining lives over personal opinions. Hate Jodi? I don’t care. Hate her all you want. But if you fuck with me, I shall fuck right back. Be a bitch, you will be my bitch. That is correct, Mayweapproach, I will call your work. Cavin, I will call your family, your in-laws and outlaws. Sheila, I dismiss you, you are irrelevant. Masochist, and Sol, you are as well.
and for your quoteanator: (cut and paste, my little bitches)
IF anyone decides to fuck with my real world over me posting anonymous opinions over a very famous trial, I want you to know, I will REIN DOWN ON YOUR WORLD WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE.
It will be ok hon.
I checked with all my LEO contacts. (And had them look at this WHOLE situation.)
If you have any problems in non-online life, call your local PD. IT IS prosecutable.
If your PD is lazy contact the FBI.
Sorry everyone…I am too busy to hang out and post a lot until next week.
I know it, BeeCee. I know those folks are just bored and lonely. But to be safe, (since I know some are fucking S&M fetish freaks) I am accumulating some things myself. (((BeeCee))