The guilty/DP verdict the media (and many others) are hoping for just ain’t gonna happen.
Get used to it already.
I said that back in one of my first ever posts on December 28th last year — long before anyone even knew this site existed — and the same still applies. Even more so having heard Jodi testifying for 8 days.
I mean… girl meets boy. Girl gets verbally & physically abused by her outwardly “perfect” boyfriend for way too long. One day he threatens to kill her. She snaps and kills him in self-defense. It happens… and it happened here. Why is that so hard to grasp? Maybe it’s because it’s not “girl meets boy” at all. Instead it’s “Cute girl meets the perfect motivational Mormon speaker” — and any mention of abuse gets swiftly swept under the carpet like it doesn’t exist.
Roll all that together, and you have the ratings & profit driven mass-media produced “Jodi Arias Reality TV Show.”
But here’s the bottom line folks:
Pre-meditated murder left the building a long time ago – that’s assuming it was even there in the first place… and no amount of smirking, laughing, eye rolling or lynch-mob fuelled TV punditry is gonna change that.
Kudos again to Kirk Nurmi for the outstanding job he’s done over the past 2 weeks… and for all the probing questions he asked. I doubt there’ll be many questions Martinez raises that Kirk hasn’t previously asked. What Jodi did… why she did it… how she did it… when she did it… why the stories changed — and everything in-between. Those questions have already been answered.
Armed with very little aside assumption, speculation, hearsay, hot air, a gas can (and a few photographs), it’s ultimately gonna come down to Jodi’s word against Martinez’. And despite the valiant efforts of the little guy to turn this into a pissing match — there’s just no way all 12 jurors are gonna be convinced beyond and to the exclusion of all reasonable doubt. He knows that already. He’s known it for a long while. So has everyone else.
So let’s not stress too much over the verdict. Why? Because it’s already been decided. It’s just gonna be several more weeks before it’s “officially” announced.
Mr Martinez… you may proceed…
Team Jodi