Here are the juror questions Jodi answered from Day 29 (March 7th). Thanks again to Patty for putting the list together!
Team Jodi
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1a.Several times while testifying about the abuse by TA, you’ve made comments like “as I understand it now” and “I’ve come to realize”. How has this realization come about?
1b. Were individuals involved in helping you come to these realization?
1c.Tell us who they are and what their professions may be.
1d. You were recalling times of memory loss with TA. How is it possible you remember such details from those days if you had a foggy memory?
2. Is there anyone else who knows about your memory issues?
3. Did Travis’ roommates ever hear these altercations to your knowledge? To your knowledge, did anyone else hear your altercations?
4. You have testified about several incidents where TA was physical to you. Were you ever physical to TA besides when you killed him?
5. Would you consider the event when Travis choked you a stressful event? If yes, why do you recall the event so clearly?
6. In the moments of stress or fog, how do you recall what happens in those moments if it effects your memory?
7. Why were you afraid of the consequences if you killed Travis in self-defense?
8. What happened to the gas cans after the road trip in June of 2008?
9. Regarding shaking, memory, foggy reaction: Do you always have a reaction as you described when someone corrects or challenges you? Is this the same reaction you have when someone yells or raises their voice at you? Have you ever had any situations where you have raised your voice?
10. You mentioned the pain of sex is one of the reasons you brought KY into the relationship. What are the other reasons?
11. During these altercations, why didn’t you just scream in hopes that someone would hear you and come help you?
12. What was the date and time stamped on Ex164?
13. If you were scared of what TA was capable of doing, why would you ever allow him to tie you up?
14. Was Travis tied up at any point 6/4/08?
15. Do you recall any of the injuries on TA w/out look at photos?
16. You said the reason you didn’t write negative things in your journal because you thought Travis would read it. Is that correct? If that is the case, why were you okay with leaving an entry in your journal that said TA would be angry at you for going to Rachel’s house? Why was it okay to write about TA making you sad/happy or miserable?
17. After you snatched the gun off the shelf, did you do anything to the gun such as cock it, manipulate t he slide, etc prior to it going off? Had you ever had any firearms training, or fire a 25 caliber pistol prior to this event?
18. How far away from you was Travis when the gun went off? Not when he lunged, but when the gun went off?
19. You stated you remember throwing the gun into the desert, but do you remember what happened to the box? What about the holster? Did he keep ammo?
20. If TA lunged at you, why didn’t you just move to the side out of his way?
21. You remember dropping the knife and screaming but don’t remember taking the gun or rope with you. Is that correct?
22. You are stating you believe you stabbed TA based on logic. How do you explain the bloody hands and clothing, and the palm print on the wall?
23. If you were kneeling when you dropped the camera, how did it roll as far as it did?
24. Was TA sitting down when you dropped the camera?
25. How did his anger escalate after you shot him?
26. Was he chasing you after you shot him in the head?
27. When you purchased gas at Arco in Pasadena, why didn’t you fill everything at the pump? Why three separate transactions?
28. During testimony about the abuse by TA, you made comments like as I see it now, etc. Have you utilized professional help?
29. Did you enjoy having sex w/Travis? Did he force you to do things you didn’t want to do?
30. Why did you take so long to tell the truth?
31. How many times did you try to kill yourself?
32. Would you decide to tell the truth if you never got arrested?
33. You said one of your worst fears was for everyone to find out what was going on in your relationship. Then why would you talk to 48 hours or other news shows?
34. You stated in the interview w/Flores that TA liked to shave the old fashioned way. This would indicate a straight razor. Did TA have or use one?
35. In testimony on 3/5/13, you mentioned filling a 3rd gas can. When and where did you get this can?
36. Why didn’t you just run out instead of grabbing the gun in the closet?
37. You said when the gun went off you weren’t sure you shot Travis, so when you came out of the fog in Utah, why didn’t you call 911 to get him help?
38. Why would you hypothesize about a third gas can?
39. You stated you didn’t get professional help when dealing with your issues, yet yesterday you mentioned you talked to a psychiatrist about the issues with Travis.
40. You say you waited two years to tell the truth because you were ashamed. Does that mean you are no longer ashamed?
41. In the story of a man and woman attacking Travis you mentioned talking to him. You also mentioned Travis being on all fours. Do you recall any of those things?
42. You claimed that everything happened so fast you didn’t have time to think, so how did you think to grab the gun?
43. How can you say you don’t have memory issues if you can’t remember stabbing him so many times and slashing his throat?
44. Did Mr. Martinez make you shake during your testimony? If so please estimate a number of times this happened during this trial.
45. After all the lies you have told, why should we believe you now?
46. What happened to the suicide letters you wrote to your grandmother?
47. she called me and this site bad names i deleted it, duh… TA lovers are so evil.
48. How could you kiss another man when you knew what you just did to Travis?
49. Were you in the fog when you were kissing Ryan?
50. Would you agree that you came away from the 6/4/08 incident relatively unscathed, while Travis had multiple stab wounds and a gun shot?