I make no excuses for my comments yesterday. I call it how I see it… and when Martinez tries to discredit an expert witness by questioning his ethics, his knowledge and (repeatedly) his memory, I’ll call him a piece of shit.
It’s also even more amusing how Martinez gets easily riled up when he thinks someone else is speculating on events – even though his whole case is based on speculation, as with the gun, the gas can and the Walmart receipt… right?
This 2 minute video clip (from yesterday) just about sums it all up:
[hdplay id=118 width=500 height=300]
Bottom line: PTSD is PTSD, no matter how you try and manipulate the results to mean something different. “You have no knowledge in this area” – as Dr Samuels rightly told Martinez… because you can’t study something for 35 minutes and know more about it than someone who’s studied it for 35 years. Fact.
I also called out the people that were aware of the physical & mental abuse TA inflicted on Jodi, TA’s attraction to children and his specific “age of attraction” as alluded to in his letters. I’m referring of course to habitual lying bastard Chris Hughes and his POS wife. They have set justice aside in favor of lying under oath to save their Mormon faces – and protect their PPL downlines. Dave Hall is preparing to follow suit. There’s a pattern here if you hadn’t already noticed.
Gus Searcy mentioned the prevalent knowledge of this abuse regarding “The Big Mormon Cover Up” in his interview with Greta a few days back.
There’s also an important point to remember here too. Although we call certain people out, we don’t do any hating on anyone in this site… nor do we wish anyone dead… nor do we wish anyone’s children dead…. nor do we wish anyone should be killed or get cancer, leukemia, aids or anything of the sorts. We leave that to the haters to do… and we leave them to operate at their best level, which is of courses several levels below us. The fact they can’t handle the truth is not our problem.
I’ll finish off by telling you this again, which a lot of people are thinking but nobody is openly saying:
The same goes for any other self-righteous bastard that thinks they can verbally & physically abuse women and get away with it.
Because the fact is… in the cold light of day… most of the time you can get away with it… but sometimes… well… you just can’t.
We are Team Jodi… we WILL be victorious… and we are proud to stand behind and support Jodi Arias.
Always have done.
Always will do.
Leave your your comments below on day 34…
Team Jodi