
HLN, Martinez, inbreds & teenage girls (in that order)…

After reading the comments from whichtrial? in last Tuesday’s thread (click here to read the comments)— it set me off thinking how twisted this seemingly never-ending trial fiasco has become.

This is what I came up with while trying to make sense of everything…

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I actually think Martinez knew this was a basic self-defense case… but his job was to twist everything around and coerce, convince & cajole the jurors into thinking it was a clear case of pre-meditated murder, using every trick necessary. We know it wasn’t pre-meditated murder. Most people of an average IQ (or higher) know it wasn’t. Deep down, even the radical clerics at the HLN mosque (Vinny, NG etc) know it wasn’t. But once again, everyone has a job to do… so they ploughed on regardless.

HLN declared Jodi “obviously guilty” right out of the gate, because that’s what they do. That’s what their viewers crave. And more viewers = higher ratings = more millions in advertising revenue. So with that in mind, the HLN entertainment channel rode the Jodi money train all the way to the bank (quite literally).

With regards to Martinez… he is employed by the State to convict people of crimes, even if they never committed them in the first place. With Jodi’s trial, we therefore have to say he was “successful” in his mission. But he was only successful in getting the “result” that he and the State wanted. TA’s misfit family wanted a “result” too, of course… because even when one of your own wayward black-sheep inbreds meets an unfortunate end, you gotta blame someone else so you can feel better about yourselves, right? Yeah… whatever.

But the thing is… Martinez wasn’t successful with regards to justice being served. No way. Coercing & railroading the jurors into a guilty verdict can never (under any circumstances) be seen as justice having been done… especially when there was never any credible evidence presented during the trial to prove pre-meditation. Note:  Assumption, supposition, guesswork & wishful thinking does not count as credible evidence.

And after realizing they’d been conned into finding Jodi guilty in the first place, the jurors weren’t prepared to compound their own stupidity even further by letting Martinez wheel them out for an encore performance during the penalty phase. Oh no. That BS got conveniently left for the next bunch – if it ever happens.

Overall though, it actually makes a total mockery of the whole judicial system. “Judicial farce” is the phrase I’m fishing for once again.

It looks very much like in-between being handed the case and the trial starting, Martinez managed to set his own common sense & limited amount of logic to one side – and proceeded to convince himself that Jodi was actually guilty of pre-meditated murder. After that, it was a simply case of getting all the square pegs to fit into all the round holes and it was off to work we go.

After all, a slim teenage girl can convince herself that she’s overweight if she thinks about it long enough and tells herself enough times. Martinez’ convincing himself of Jodi’s non-existent guilt is very reminiscent of that. He then used the very same tactics on the jurors.

But the bottom line is — we can only really say justice has been rightly served, when Jodi finally walks free from this circus.

By the way, I spoke to Jodi again last week. She is in high spirits despite her current situation… and she’s doing her very best to work through & reply to the ever-growing mountain of postcards she continues to receive. I told Jodi we will be here for as long as it takes until justice is done. Jodi also wanted me to tell you that she is overwhelmed, grateful, humbled and blown away by the tremendous level of support she has received. Overall, Jodi is staying strong and positive. We should all endeavor to do the same.

I told Jodi (as I always do)…  “WE ARE TEAM JODI, AND WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS… however long it may take.”

Now ain’t that the truth.

Leave your thoughts and comments below, and have an awesome Sunday!

Team Jodi

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the official JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. Thank you for your support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!



    • Somebodys’ bright idea has shut out, my comments, allegedly, on Jodis,” behalf… Hardly conducive to to a rational proof….of her actual innocense, and, the delusion that an innocent person, should feign, attrition, as if, to appease the lynch mobsters, whose delusions have found her guilty, even before the bogus interstate kidnapping, under color of law; held, to a punitive, two million dollar ransom; for, a fraudulent, delusion of guilt, because, the lizards at law, are too, candyassed, to, nail, the actual killer, even after recanting the perjuries, with which, they scammed, an interstate kidnapping at law, and, reversal of prosecutorial, format…. a denial of equal protection, of, not at, law….. Edgrrr…

    • Let’s all, back up this barnyard residue, as, the spastic prostitutor, recanted the lies at law, with which, he, scammed an interstate kidnapping, under color of law; then, sleazed off into a back to back recant; thus, proving reasonable doubt, against his own contrived, three stooges, cons-piracies; whatwith, all three stooges, ganging up on a girl, by, concealment of exculpatory evidence, then, backpeddling his perjurial antics at law, doublecrossed , the other two stooges, to leave them subject to, trying to unperjure their sworn testimony; twisting it, into an about faced, secondary soap opera; as lame as the previous one; and, of course, proving that Arizona, is too simpleminded to bring charges against anyone, while embezzling, due process, as their star Spaz, is finding revelations in the big star in the east, for, his toadies at l;aw, to perjure to….. Translation; a recant, is a dismissal of charges, and, an about faced continuation, is a perjury of process, already, perjured. Therefore, any issues, as to the socalled trial legitimacy, is as imaginary as the credibility, of Arizona… Give it back to Mexico, or, let’s lynch a few lizards at law….. Snidely…. Edgrrr…

      • It is past TIME for Justice to be served too the many in AZ who have made a corrupted CIRCUS out of their Justice system. It will happen, THEIR DAY IS COMING! MANY sleepless nights ahead for all of them! ♥ FREE JODI ARIAS ARIZONA!!!!! ♥ JODI ARIAS IS INNOCENT!!!!!

  1. Great to hear that Jodi is ok and has much to do when answering mail. Good to get the feed back SJ.

  2. One of the best, most accurate, insightful and amazing posts you have ever written SJ!
    I read it twice, first time with awe and the second with envy LOL! You are a master of words and I feel happy to have someone expressing what *I* want to say but cannot due to the obvious language barriers.

    SO SO SO glad to hear our girl is in high spirits!!!! WE LOVE YOU Jodi!
    I’ve been holding back my own postcards because I don’t wanna overwhelm her with even more, I’m hearing she has about a thousand (???) to write back to.

    ((((( SJ &admins ))))))))

    ((((((( TEAM JODI & JODI )))))))))

    • Hi Maria!

      Yes, all is going well 4 sure. I was just trying to make sense of the ongoing circus, and that’s what I came up with.

      I think 1,000 or so postcards is about right too.

      >>> Your English is great, and Σε αγαπάω!

      Team Jodi

      • Κι εγώ σ’αγαπάω SJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • ….Let’s not conceal, the Spastic Martinez marionettes,’ carnival act, hypnonauseating, dancing with the stars, audition; shucking and jiving, court jester act, to, comatose, all who watch his spastic, lunging, and jerking, , in lieu of evidence… And, let’s not, overlook the three stooges; ME, Defective Detective, and their instigator, Spazzo Martinez, perjurial conspiracy, to scam an illegal, interstate kidnapping at law, by claiming, that Jodi, shot Travis, first; no doubt to equal his superiority; kickboxer, wrestler, fighting for his life. and, nearly a hundred pounds advantage… And, let’s not overlook my incessant, insistance, that the dried blood, and no blood in the combined blood handprint, having no gunpowder particulates, proves, Jodi, never fired a gun, period. So, the Spaz, recanted his lies at law, by recanting his deliberate perjury, by doublecrossing the other two stooges, leaving them the privilege of, unperjuring the lies the prostitutor, lied to, and, they, swore to; ending, then and there the perjured format, to sleaze off onto a new direction, without any defense motion to dismiss with prejudice, and, notification to the two governors, to vacate their extradition order, due to the Spaz’ s recant; and,, of course, not a bleat from the braindead judge, and jury, Sheeple… And, let’s realize that a cessation of the lies at law, as confessed to, ended, any lawful continuance, yet, the three stooges, each and all, reversed their sworn to lies, and the marionette, went on about a reverse pack of lies…as if, his perjury repudiation was, no big deal, as he had an opposite lie, ready…. However, a minor detail; no motion to dismiss, by the three million dollar bribed defense, and, no subsequent arrest , for the opposite of the criminal charge, abandoned. The morons, tried their own lies at law, as Jodis’ prior soap opera, was no more….and, the Juanderer, tried his own hot air; and, nothing else…. Edgrrr… Edgrrr…

      • Am I, now renamed, Anonymous…??? Whose bright idea,s this….???…. …Edgrrr…

  3. Great S.J.!,
    So glad Jodi knows we are here for her, and her innocence is keeping her strong!

    • Glad Jodi is in good spirits! I hope the food is providing some nourishment and that she can get exercise in “the yard”, besides whatever she has invented to stay in shape in the cell.

    • Jodi, wants copies of my comments. Please forward to her, by transcribing them to her., by, letters…… Thnnnnxxxx…. Edgrrr…

      • My comments, are not worthy of forwarding, from you…??? How then, are you encouraging her….??? My proofs tat the extradition was a fraud, and, proven by the feeble format reversa, negates the need for all your comments regarding what went on at the trial; because, the charges, format, was terminated, in order to recant, and, continue in reverse, after having admitted the fraud….. Snidely…. Edgrrr…l

    • How is it conducive to, Jodis,’ defense, that, our proofs of her innocense, are, refused, canceled, kaput… without, an argument as to the whole truth, nor, a bleat from the Sheeple, pretending to represent, her……??? ..Who, also, compiles a list of the socalled rejectable comments….We, can handle the truth…… ..Edgrrr…

  4. This is a reply to several comments about Nurmi in the previous thread.

    First, I agree with SandyB on Nurmi’s laziness. One example is his refusal to do even minimal proofreading on his motions before submitting them. The four or five I’ve read have had not only lots of mistakes in grammar and punctuation, but also glaring omissions — in one case several lines of a key quotation from a prior case. Nor is this (as I once thought) because he was pressed for time during trial. I saw part of a recent one where even a bold-face section heading had a missing word plus a misspelling — unbelievably sloppy. By contrast, Stephens’ rulings are error-free, and even the Martinez brief I read (a reply to Jodi’s own?) was well and clearly written. The only lawyer in the case who is slovenly in writing is Nurmi. I could forgive him for not being talented with language, but not for refusing to proofread what he submits in a capital case.

    Second, the “9 out of 10” remark was inexcusable, just the most obvious sign of his refusal to “fight for her,” as Jodi said in her letter.

    Third, the defense definitely missed a whole lot of things. My list would include: (1) failure to nail Horn down in a deposition long before trial on gunshot first, no incapacitation; (2) no neuropathology expert; (3) no crime-scene expert; (4) failure (as far as I know; I may be wrong about this) to make an obvious argument (see my 6/22/13 summary “Ten Kinds of Unfairness in the Jodi Arias Trial,” item 2, accessible by search function above) to strike the felony-murder charge because the indictment didn’t specify the “ulterior” (intended) offense within burglary, as is arguably a constitutional requirement (the 8th circuit court said so in Forgy v. Norris, 64 F.3d 399, 8th Cir 1995); (5) failure to ask key follow-up questions on a number of points. How many of these are Nurmi’s fault, I can’t say — but he was lead counsel.

    Finally, speaking of dear departed Al, he had at least one long post near the end of trial with a savage detailed indictment of the defense. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to search for that on the site (I can’t even find 2013 archives).

    I must say, though, that I’m not convinced any of these errors made a difference. I felt that the defense witnesses, especially Alyce, clearly made self-defense believable enough to establish reasonable doubt. This was a hanging jury, blinded by the glare of TV publicity and bamboozled by Martinez’s histrionics.

    • Great post, Chris. You can look up 2013 posts using the calendar ——-> here.

      I know Nurmi’s writing has plenty of errors (as at least one person pointed out, he probably uses a voice-activated program) and that there have been many scathing criticisms of the defense’s failure to call enough experts, along with questions about their budget. I don’t have your legal knowledge, though (or AA’s or Al’s) about procedure – not even close, – but I agree about his “9 days out of 10” comment with respect to Jodi. It was horrendously clumsy, especially after she had been introduced to the jury as TA’s “dirty little secret”. The defense should have assiduously avoided casting any aspersions upon Jodi’s character. It was obvious territory to avoid, given that they knew the prosecution would put on a case fueled by damaging remarks that TA had made about Jodi to his friends. As far as I’m concerned, both JW and KN erred in that regard.

      It seems to me that Nurmi grasped the big picture, though, (e.g. his many calls for a mistrial) and knows what to address in laying the groundwork for Jodi’s case going forward.

      Concerning the trial itself, my sense is the same as yours in that you wrote, “I must say, though, that I’m not convinced any of these errors made a difference.”

      • Once they found out the Prosecution intended to change their story to a ”gunshot last” one, they SHOULD have hired their own medical expert. Outrageously inexcusable and something that COULD have made a huge difference in the verdict imho.

        The defense Team certainly saw (or if not should have seen) through Martinez’ tactic: to make Jodi appear as the blood-thirsty crazy murderess who savagely knifes her defenseless victim and then fires her coup de grap shot. They intended to put forth the gunshot-first theory so subsequently they expected Martinez (and Horn) to argue that even if that were the case the shot itself would be ”immediately incapacitating” so that Jodi would once again be presented as the crazy bitch who mercilessly kills a person already down. Really, it isn’t so hard to figure out and get prepared for. Yet, they failed miserably.
        IF they had a medical expert up there, to refute Horn’s testimony and point out the dura matter inconsistency/perjury…trust me, seeds of doubts could have been planted in some jurors’ heads and maybe just maybe they would have given thought to Jodi’s version of the facts. But when it’s JUST Jodi’s and her defense team’s word against an ME with more than 6,000 autopsies in his CV what did we expect?

        • I agree with all the above, and more. I started watching the trial while I’m painting! (LOL) I just leave it going on my kindle.
          Anyway, today while I was watching Nurmi question Jodi. (Think day 18)
          He was lost!! Unfortunately his memory of the case wasn’t good. He focused too much time on text messaging. ” ummm ,Jodi how did it make you be called a 3 hole wonder? DID you like it ? Did you like to be his whore,? Did you like being the ultimate slut in bed?
          Why why why??? Who are you the defense or the prosecution? We see the words. Do you need to keep asking her those questions. ? He didn’t tie it together ,ask her these things, ok..then what ? So, TA was a priesthood holder? So did you listen to Rachel and go to the bishop? Jodi said no bc it would have been bad for TRAVIS. Nurmi should have tried it together…How was it bad for TA to talk to a bishop? TA didn’t loose his temple rights over the Deanna sex thing. Jodi had thought he had as well as Deanna. I would have liked to hear that his family and his friends didn’t approve of me. They talked about me behind my back. That stick together even if it means to lie. IF anyone else found out about our bedroom life. TA’s business was on the line. His life was on the line. Obviously!!!!!
          Anyways, I wanted Nurmi to pull a theme together. You could see Jodi was hesitant about answering him. I was watching,and the messages were melting her on that chair. She was shrinking and shrinking. I would have been too. I wanted her to say, I did that stuff and put up with TA’s bullshit bc I was in love with an asshole. I didn’t see that then ,but I
          Sometimes,when your young you fall for the wrong man. You put him on a pedestal,and he fell off. He broke my heart. He was a man who used a lot of women for business and personal gain.
          I wanted Nurmi to pull more of these type responses from her. She did say ,He gave me attention and I liked that. It was a lot more then that. These two talked all day, night and all day again. It was a relationship ! A serious one for J A. She wanted to help this man. She wanted to save this man,from himself. She loaned him money that she worked HARD to get. Waitresses have it hard.! She gave this man all her time and energy. She lowered her standard time ,and time again to keep them together. TA was verbally abusive,and so jealous. Having Jodi write to Abe. Really?? Bc she hugged him! LOL so what. TA.wanted Jodi to be ONLY his girl. He let this be known, whenever another man wanted Jodi. She had to explain to jury that TA got really mean after she moved away. Something,her lawyer didn’t even point out.
          Jodi should of had a hairdresser, a color specialist….to go over how many times she colored her hair. So Nurmi ,could have saved us from the hair color questions! He showed and proved she went dark while still living in MESA! Why couldn’t you go back to blond? = stupid ? /// sorry Nurmi turned it out and you could see brief moments of his intelligence. I said BRIEF MOMENTS! LOL
          Hope you are all doing well !! I am almost ready to move my stuff =)) yay!
          I am still checking in!! Hi!!!! Everyone=) –I am so happy JODI is doing ok, under these circumstances.
          Team JODI
          STAY STRONG ENOUGH(((((((( JODI !! )))))))))))
          Moment by moment… breathe ……..

          • Mad, unfortunately Nurmi did a piss poor job. His heart wasn’t into this case. He spent too much time on things that didn’t really matter than focus on the things that would actually help Jodi.

            If you are watching the trial for the first time, you will see that as the trial days go by, Nurmi’s energy in defending Jodi, drops really fast. Yes, I think that partially Nurmi probably stopped trying as much because he just didn’t want to be a clown in this circus act going on!

            Even the most solid motions the defence team filed were denied. So how can anyone beat stupid?

            In all prospectives, this trial was plain simple stupid… it not only was a ‘Cirque du Soleil’ show in all it’s glory but it proved nothing of pre-meditation and left everyone with more doubt and questioning on how justly justice is…

      • A three million dollar bribe, easily gets lieyers, to, shave points….. Edgrrr…

        • An appeal, is an acquiescence to jurisdiction, imagined, by the lizards at law, system; as if, there’s any penalty to these illiterati, for, not, bringing justice, to, and, in, the exercise of their oath of office, of, the job…to, the court… Sleazing, invalid, jurisdictional, ploys at law, into, their delusional, feifdumbs, at law…. entertaining their self delusions, against those victims of organized crime at law… who have been duped into, believing, that trials are a search for the truth….instead, of , an, amusement park for the indolent asses, of the antitrust monopoly, of the lizards at law, mob… feigning due process, into, whichever, lieyer, lies the best…. Edgrrr…

  5. Yes, SJ, one of the best succinct summaries I’ve read.This whole trial was a gross distortion of the defendant’s being, leaving open only the mercy of her supporters’ intuitive wisdom to come to the fore, by which I mean the ability to feel, reflect on and sense Jodi’s personality without the ambiguity of evidence and the counsels’ hot air.

  6. Watched Mr. Barwood’s interview with Vinnie. Thought he did pretty well, once he gathered his thoughts. He was obviously nervous and so probably will be less so next time. Good for Vinnie for having him on, and being respectful. Too bad one of the women talked over George’s response to the assertion that Jodi’s name was taken off a Cancun ticket. (First time I ever heard that one!)

  7. SJ,

    Incredible post! You have the awesomest way of writing! I so much enjoy and always look forward to reading your posts! Είσαι καταπληκτικός! 🙂

    “Assumption, supposition, guesswork & wishful thinking does not count as credible evidence.” : pre-meditation beyond any reasonable doubt… pffff… my ass!!!! (rolling eyes the samamnta way…)

    It is always very exciting to find out that Jodi speaks with supporters! SJ, I am absolutely sure you made her day!

    I am also so happy to hear that Jodi is in good spirits and not giving up! Thanks for informing Jodi about our love and support for her. And yes! We are here for the long haul! 😉

    (((((((((((Jodi)))))))))) ♥
    ((((((((SJ)))))))) ♥
    ((((((TEAM JODI))))))) ♥

  8. Hello SJ and Jodi supporters….

    I really hope the next set of jurors are real individuals with balls (able to make the right decision).

    • Negativo, sports fans…. There has been no lawfully obtained interstate kidnapping under color of law, and, so, recanted, by the prostitutors, repudiation by a need, to get compliance, without a bleat from the sheeple of the court, who let him, abandon his first pack of lies, for which he scammed an interstate kidnapping at law, and, release of the forensics, he concealed, to then continue after such repudiation of his lies at law, so as to go off on another safari, with whatever hyenas at law, he can incorporate, into his reverse format trial, which amounts to a dismissal of the con of the first soap opera… trial, to scam a verdict equal to his repudiated lies at law…. ie. a voidable verdict; and, no move by the “defense,” or the braindead judge. One, or more, might conclude that they’re all in on it… It must have something to do with all those Mormon voters, and the careers of lizards at law… Edgrrr….

  9. The trial was an admitted, fraud, because: Extradition scammed under the premise that the three stooges, had some credibility in their conspiracy, to perjure the process, to dupe two governors into aiding and abetting their interstate kidnapping, under color of law; alleging that Jodi had shot, Travis to begin with, to gain parity regarding his martial arts kickboxing experience, while fighting for his life..For two years, holding Jodi, for two million dollars, ransom. the three stooges, concealed their perjury of process, knowing and concealing, that, the combined blood handprint, contained no gunpowder particulates, proving that, Jodi, never fired a gun, to begin with, and of course, gained no edge, in allacking Travis; at nearly a hundred pound advantage. Also, concealed, was the premeditative fraud, as if, these were not, four or five day apart, crimes; One: the precision kill, and, Two, the “set Jodi up,” laundering of the crime scene; known to have not been contiguous, but, days apart, as evidenced, and, concealed, that the blood had long since hardened, as evidenced by no blood smear, upon the brass; disproving, the fraud necessary to scam, an interstate quasilegal kidnapping; of which, they concealed the lies at law, they knew, exonerated, Jodi, from their rush to judgement…. Then, two years of tapdancing around the defenses,’ right to know, the prostitutor, recanted his lies, and, ratted out the other two stooges, left, high and dry, to take the rap, for, the conspiracy to set Jodi, up, but, for the complicity of the braindead judge, who, without a gasp, watched, the spastic Martinez marionette, pull her strings, and, get away with, repudiating his entire soap opera, by confessing, the need to change the gunshot to last, because his perjuries, never fit the fact, even from the beginning. This 180 reversal, tacitly ended his soap opera,of the first con, because, in order to reverse, he had to cease and desist his primary perjuries, and, end, that one; then, under the nose of the comatose judge, began, without a mistrial, another, soap opera, in reverse, of what the 90 years experience, swore to, to, scam, the kidnapping, at law…. and, the next twilight zone, episode, began a new trial, using the same soap opera, claims, despite, being in reverse; as if, these crooks, are credible no matter what lies they float… So, the reverse, trial, began, withouit, a dismissal, agreed to by the socalled, defense, and, judge, and, with no equal rescision of the interstate kidnapping, based upon the then, recanted lies, of the first soap opera , put to the two governors, as to what complicity they had to offer to keep the prostitutorial con of the first part, afloat, despite the confession that the format was bogus, and, needed to be reversed, in order to fit the exposed facts. of course, returning to the governors, the position of protecting the innocent, or, aiding and abetting, the three stooges, who swore to the veracity,and, branding, of their, extradition scam,.. making the whole soap opera, null and void; period….and, the void verdict, without a case; no secondary arrest, no charge, and with facts the first soap opera, already recanted; barring any further soap operas, in Wonderland, Arizona, a foregone conclusion, of frauds, aforethought; making, anybody in Arizona, tried fpor anything, suspect, given the criminal nature of the spastic hypnonauseating prostitutor, bribe taking, defense, and, brain dead, judge…. Jodi can tell you the prostitutor is a thanksgiving turkey, or, Christmas goose, and, she is Alice, facing the mad hatter, and, it matters, not; because, There is no such jurisdiction as needed to float, two contradicting lies, as facts, here in America; and, the last time I looked, Mexico, had not instituted repossession of what the forked tongue reptilian illiterati, lizards at law, stole from them…. Edgrrr

    • Thank you , Maja Liisa; as the shucking and jiving, lunging and parrying, spastic carnival act hypnonauseating, side show, strobe act, was meant to do. Watch the swinging pendulum, kiddies, and when you awake from my coma, there’ll be a cookie for each of you… and, so, it went that the jurors, accepted brainwash as fact and fact as nothing, to be repudiated, to further, debilitate any reference to evidence… The dancing with the stars, tapdance by the Spaz, supplanted, evidence; for which, every conviction the toad, scammed, by his carnival act, side show, should be thrown out; wherein, he deployed, such perjuries of process, and, blatant, contempt of court. He should be placed in a straightjacket, hereafter, to cease and desist his carnival act…. including, Mesmerization of the braindead judge; who watched the Spaz, reverse the charges, and, aboutface the lies at law; without any input from the governors as to the recantation of the lies, employed by the three stooges, to facilitate, the interstate kidnapping, under color of law; now, refuted, without, a dismissal, of the charges, now, recanted… nor, any interrogation of the three stooges, to name the moving party, who, induced the perjuries it took, to arrive at thyeir same epiphany, en masse, and, then for two years, embezzle the two years of fraudulent incarceration of a girl, for the conspiracy of the three stooges, who took it upon themselves, to, make her guilty by concealment, then admitted, by reversal of the con, of the contradictory soap opera, then floated as fact; just like the soap opera con of the first, obstruction of justice; also, perjured as fact; all, overlooked by the socalled defense, and the braindead judge…. The charges were voided by the recantation of, the aboutface, furtherance of bogus process, voiding also, the verdict; by the confession of the spaz act, prostitutor…. Edgrrr…

  10. Do note how the third grade, Nobel laureates, run and hide, when, they cannot, counter the facts for dismissal…. Where are the thought police, who, should have arrested, the marionette Martinez, whose repudiation of his lies at law, required reversal, for his bogus trial admission that he perjured the process, to get an interstate kidnapping at law, while, badgering the other two stooges, to back his lies; only, to, recant those lies, and, leave those he doublecrossed, to rely upon the brain dead judge to let him skate..??? .. What, exactly do these braindead judges, bring to the job, for which they extort a salary; for, doing, exactly, what; but, aiding and abetting, crooks, like the hypnonauseating, Martinez…. And, where are the motions to expose the abandonment of format, which, is prima facie; in your face; proof, of dismissal of the charges, predicated upon the lies at law, as conspired by the three stooges….??? A 2 million dollar bribe, in the middle of the bogus trial, puts the socalled “defense,” on notice, to take a dive, and, miss a few baskets; like this flip flopping recant of whatever lies at law, it takes to obstruct justice… Where are the thought police, while, lizards at law, are vilifying all we allegedly stand for….??? Edgrrr…

    • Do notice, that the Martinez disciples, have nothing to say, when confronted with reasonable doubts, on up to proof, that, Jodi, did not fire a gun; therefore, Jodi, did not gain the advantage necessary to overpower, Travis. There were four people minimum, at the kill site, as evidenced by counting two separate feet, Travis, and the likelihood that there was a real person, taking pictures; with a camera, claimed to have been dropped, and capable of taking pictures all by itself; staying perpendicular, all the way down, yet, sweeping, the camera, from one foot to the different other foot, adding up to four people at the kill site… … yet, the Gestapo, arrested the least likely one, claimed, to have been the picture taker, and, killer; both… Do note the size of Sasquatch,s bootprint; adequate to take down, Travis; not needing a gun; standing in wet blood, which puts him, not Jodi, in the middle of the crime scene. And, do note that, bigfoot, while stending in wet blood, did not, call the Gestapo; making him, the likely killer; whatwith him, being the only one there, man enough to have taken, Travis, down and out. A :” Ninja, ” comes to mind, to overpower, Travis, the wrestler, martial arts, kickboxer….. Edgrrr….

  11. Notice the Arias Bias virus, cockroaches, have no rebuttal to my observations; and, ditto, the gestapo; concealing, forensics, proof, that thjese lizards at law, are concealing, as the D.A., panders to the LSD quasireligious, for profit, prophets,’ tax dodging, cult; with pandering to all those voters…. Anybody bother to ask why, the lead defective detective, was demoted, or, of course, the gestapo is its,’ own, cult; answerable only to itself, and, its,’ own face saving, criminal, concealments….and, rushes to judgement…Any Mormons, in, at law, en-farce- ment. and, D.A., obstructions of justice..??? …Do note, not a bleat from all the brainwashed, hypnonauseated, sheeple; still, enjoying the spastic prostitutors,’ carnival side show, comatosed,by, Arias Bias Virus, and the Spaz’s, Charlie Chaplin, strobe show, swishing, all over his stage dancing with the stars, audition… sleazing his antics, in lieu of actual evidence….aided and asbetted by all the perjurers, who lied to get on the jury…. Edgrrr…Polygraph them all, for proof…. Grrr……..In the meantime, what are you; men or mice; squeek up……

  12. The Manchurian, hypnonauseating, Martinez, Marionette, tried, nothing, and, scammed a conviction, only, of, his own, smoke and mirrors… as he repudiated, the perjuries, his three stooges,’ conspiracy, orchestrated, to, scam, an interstate, kidnapping, under color of law; and, concealed proof, that, Jodi could not have overpowered, Travis, without, shooting him, first, then, after three years of illegal imprisonment, trying to grow, evidence, coughed up, what he and the other stooges, had, concealed, all, along; that there were no gunpowder particulates, found, or, planted, in the combined blood handprint; known, and, concealed from the gitgo… which disproved the perjurial antics of the three stooges, all along, until, the Marionette, recanted, his lies at law, to, force the other two stooges to, try to unperjure the sworn affidavit, and, their courtroom, perjuries, to scam a fraudulent extradition, and, their court sworn perjury, to, sleaze off, onto, scene three of this soap opera, to, lie to the court, with, the feeble attempt, to, unwind, their perjuries, by, more perjuries…. without a bleat, from all the Sheeple; so, entranced, by the spastic, shucking and jiving, carnival act, side show…, the Charlie Chaplin, strobe show, act….. The braindead judge, was also, complicit, for suborning, the perjury, necessary, to continue a non trial, with a secondary, non arrest, as if, due process, is, whatever these reptilian illiterati, say, it is…… The trial, of repudiated, evidence, is a trial, for nothing…. Free Jodi, and, arrest them all….. Interrogate, Jan Brewer and, Arnold Schwartznegger, the two governors, for, exactly how it is, that, based upon the recant of the lies at law, and, reversal of evidence, they, did not demand, a revised charges, request, to not, void, the extradition, based upon their confessions to perjury, of process; an obstruction of justice…. .Also, why no bleat, out of the Federal jurisdiction, over interstate kidnappings, of another States,” citizen, without the right to, fight extradition, as, she was not served with, the,order, or, and, request, until, the day, she was identified aS the arrestee; while, the State, sat on the papers for the two weeks, she should have gotten, to, challenge the warrant….as the judge said, “We have enough;” as if, he was a party to the action…. Who, then, but the judge, ordered, concealment, of, the extradition request, for the two weeks, in law, necessary, to, submit, a rebuttal, to what has now proven to be, the perjuries, in these contiguous soap operas….necessary, to, invalidate, Jan Brewer, the governors,’ published opinion of, Jodis,’ guilt…??? Does the governors,’ published Arias Bias Virus, exposure, explain, why, she concealed, the impact, of the spastic prosecution, teeming with, perjuries; as if, her, prejudicial antics, needed to be concealed, and, as if, not one of her govern mental advisors, informed her, of the three stooges, recant, of their perjuries…??? …Lock her up, for seven years; civilly actionable, despite the laundering of the fascist states,’ railroad job, as if, their fraudulent, antics, puts a lid, on their criminalities; no wonder the Spaz, tried so hard to get, his victims, snuffed; being the serial killer, he is; without, risk, to himself; let the state do his killings for him; noncases closed…. ..Edgrrr…

  13. Anyone, computer savvy, who can print out, these comments for, Jodi… please do it, and, send them to her…. Prisons are full, of those who are guilty, but, say, they’re innocent… but, not too many, who are innocent, and, claim, to be guilty…. Snidely…Edgrrr…

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