
Jodi Arias trial: Defense witness list


When court resumes Tuesday, Jodi Arias’ defense team is expected to present its case. A witness list has been revealed.

According to Good Morning America, Jodi Arias is on the defense list. That doesn’t mean she’ll testify but it’s a possibility.

Also on the list:

  • Matt McCartney, a former boyfriend who lives in California.
  • Two friends and two former girlfriends of Travis Alexander.  The defense claims Alexander was seeing those girlfriends at the same time he was dating Arias.
  • Richard Samuels, a valley psychologist and expert on sexual violence cases.
  • Kimberly Ross, Arias’ former cell mate.

The trial starts again next Tuesday, January 29th.

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Note: As far as I’m aware, this is only a partial witness list.



  1. Does anyone one know whether the judge is allowing general public to sit in on the trial or if there are reserved seats or other impediments preventing general public to attend. I noticed in some of the publicly disclosed videos of the trial that there are many empty seats in the courtroom which makes it appear there is seating available. Need to know ASAP. Your kind assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you, in advance, for your anticipated prompt response.

    • I have read posts by a few people about how shocked they
      are at how easy it is to sit in on this trial. I think there is seating for the family but open to public.

      • Yep, I don’t think this case has garnered the amount of national attention that OJ’s and Casey’s trials did.

        • I think this trial hasn’t gotten much attention because the media started out by portraying her as the stalker ex, which we now know is hearsay and they did not have any actual proof of Jodi stalking Travis.

    • For those who understand trial proceedings, please respond:

      Is the Defense Witness List as presented here complete?
      Can they make any additions?
      If no additions are allowed, how many more people listed will testify?
      And given that number of people remaining, how long should we expect the defense’s case to go?

      I had heard originally, till April. But if the defense is almost done, then what is the expectation?

      Or are there a bunch of rebuttal witnesses that appear after defense is done?


  2. Can’t wait to see who the two “friends of Travis” witnesses are, that ought to be good. So far every friend he has had has basically made Jodi to be the bad guy or girl as the case may be.

    • Debbie,

      I read the two friends are girlfriends who travis was dating at the same time he was dating jodi. I’m curious about the sexual violence expert they are calling too. I wonder how they will work that in.

      • CJ it states two friends and two former girlfriends… I am thinking that is four people not two altogether

        • The defense is going through Jodi.s camera who knows what they are gonna find on it. They are having it analyzed so I am thinking they are going after deleted photos.

  3. And they have: ROSEMARIE A. URBANSKI, MFS

    Ms. Urbanski is a board certified forensic scientist and forensic polygraph examiner. Ms. Urbanski has an undergraduate degree in psychology, and a master of forensic science degree from National University. Ms. Urbanski has been preparing and assisting in the formulation of sentencing mitigation reports, and neuropsychological examinations since 1997. She spent a two year internship with the Neurophysiological Institute, where she worked with children and adults with brain injuries, as well as those experiencing behavioral and emotional problems. Ms. Urbanski has been qualified as an “expert” in state and federal courts throughout the United States, and has provided her expertise to federal and county public defenders. In addition, Ms. Urbanski is a certified forensic polygraph examiner, with full membership in the American Polygraph Association, and the National Polygraph Association.
    (pasted from another site).

  4. Whhhhhat? I thought M att M. said he had already been approached by lawyers in this trial and was not chosen as a witness. Was that an imposter posting as him? I’d think if he knew he was going to be in a trial he’d stay off web sites. Or at least not use his real initials.

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