If you missed my review of yesterday’s fun-packed 11 hour trial day, click here to read it.
Closing arguments get started today.
Judge Pickles will start the day by giving instructions to the jury. Then it’ll be State, then the defense closing, then the State closing to finish off (tomorrow). After that, the jurors will be given final instructions again, prior to them being packed off so they can slug it out between them, while deliberating between an acquittal or a manslaughter verdict. Like I said yesterday, that’s basically what its come down to.
Never question it.
Never doubt it.
Leave your comments below on trial day 55…
Team Jodi
If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.
I’ll pass.
Premeditation only take seconds;but you have to prove it. Now with that in mind. Basically, my point is, Travis supporters and Juan Martinez is focus more on the premeditation from the aspect of the house and not from the gas cans and gun…Because they know that whats inside the house, is more important and provide more significance than anything outside the dwelling of the crime scene. Juan Martinez closing argument provided me with that conclusion. The Defense will hammer on JM theories of events that occurred in the house and create doubt…Juan Martinez gave Jodi Arias testimony “Credence”. Guess why? He said “Jodi arias is a ‘liar” and you can’t believe anything she says.” But yet, he asked the jury to believe when Jodi arias was interrogated by Detective Flores regarding TRavis possessing a gun; and Jodi Arias stated “Travis did not possess a gun”. He wanted to jury to believe that Jodi Arias was telling the truth then. But again she is a “liar”.So why should I believe Juan Martinez theory of what happen in the house? He is clearly saying she lies sometimes but she tells the truth; when it’s convenient with his (Juan Martinez) Argument. Pure contradiction by Juan Martinez!!! The defense needs to harp on that…
Again, am I 2nd? 🙂
Hey I’m close to first YAY!!!!!
Morning all
I am surprised SJ didn’t comment further about the Hughes-Travis emails being made public.
Those Hughes-Travis emails! … I posted this comment on the other thread, but it looks like everyone has moved over here, so I’m copying and pasting here:
Yes, isn’t it interesting and suspicious that only NOW are these emails being released for public consumption? Do the media want to stir the pot, just for fun, when it’s probably too late for this information to take the edge off the sexist hate storm they’ve created?
Since the beginning, Jodi and only Jodi, has been offered up as a target, as a “lying whore,” and an entire nation has been encouraged to throw stones at her and dehumanize her. But, the very people who “just knew”–because they are so pure, apparently, and have extra-spiritual perceptions–that she was a soulless minion of Satan … well, those pure people are liars themselves. Twisting and bending the truth to protect themselves and Travis’ reputation. Back-pedalling and blaming–who else but Jodi?–because the media’s got their back. Cowards. Hypocrites. Moral weaklings. Yeah, right, Jodi made them do it. That’s almost funny.
And now that the cat’s completely out of the bag that Travis lied and lied and lied about his sexual life–to his church, his friends and his lovers (all of whom trusted him, took him at his word)–well, now, that’s not such bad sin. Pretty minor stuff. Even upstanding, perfect Mormons like the Hughes are soft on Travis’ healthy, “red-blooded” weaknesses! It’s such BS! Mimi, Lisa, and even Deanna, were terrified of excommunication. They knew the score, and took the rules seriously. If only they knew how quickly they’d have been forgiven–not!
The Hughes knew that Travis was a narcissistic predator (“of the heart,” I believe Skye wrote). They knew that the only people he could be good to and for were his audiences, co-workers, non-sexual friends. Behind closed bedroom doors it was, for Travis, open season. That’s where the emotional violence was done. He never really wanted to get rid of Jodi completely; he kept her hooked because, with her being so emotionally vulnerable and out of control, she served an important role in his life. He could safely transfer (sexualize) all his shame, pain, insecurities and struggles on to her, and she’d take it, absorb it all. In the big heap of lies that have been told from every which way and direction, that’s the truth.
(I haven’t posted here for several weeks. Hello everyone!)
Hello Pique! =)
Hi Pique!
I missed you!
Glad you are back!
I haven’t posted much lately, either…but still following 🙂 Great post, Pique!
BeeCee, G189–yup, still following the trial (though I tried, tried to stop!). Nice to “see” you again.
thank you for your kind words above Pique
I’m happy to see you back around these parts.
Great comment, Pique. Accurate description of the interaction between Travis & Jodi.
Thanks. The interactions between Jodi and Travis didn’t have to come to this tragedy. I’m sure of this. All the conditions–psychological, religious, sexual AND social–helped to seal them both off from anyone who could’ve helped with at least reducing the damage. It wasn’t inevitable! The stupidity and hatred that is passing for “analysis” of this case has done more to hurt than help anyone mired in an abusive relationship.
Pique! It’s great to “see” you!
You, too!
Hi Pique. You really wrapped it all up so well. I have been listening to Martinez’s closing all day and the conceit of that man to think he can speak for Travis. Martinez leaving out the truth over and over again. Telling a story that he has conjured up with no concrete evidence.
But I see Jodi as having so many people willing to throw stones. Maybe, they will just nail her to the cross. And who made Martinez Hitler? It is sad. But go back in history. Everyone who reads this site and draw parallels. I pray our justice system works. Everyone I hear on television speaks of Martinez being such a superior state’s attorney. He sounds, to me, like he has to make up stories and lies then have people believe them by talking for 24 hours strait without taking a breath. Narcissistic? Personality Disorder. I don’t have to wonder. I hope the Jury is not made up of all Mormons. We really need a diverse group. At this point, saying prayers.
Premeditation only take seconds;but you have to prove it. Now with that in mind. Basically, my point is, Travis supporters and Juan Martinez is focus more on the premeditation from the aspect of the house and not from the gas cans and gun…Because they know that whats inside the house, is more important and provide more significance than anything outside the dwelling of the crime scene. Juan Martinez closing argument provided me with that conclusion. The Defense will hammer on JM theories of events that occurred in the house and create doubt…Juan Martinez gave Jodi Arias testimony “Credence”. Guess why? He said “Jodi arias is a ‘liar” and you can’t believe anything she says.” But yet, he asked the jury to believe when Jodi arias was interrogated by Detective Flores regarding TRavis possessing a gun; and Jodi Arias stated “Travis did not possess a gun”. He wanted to jury to believe that Jodi Arias was telling the truth then. But again she is a “liar”.So why should I believe Juan Martinez theory of what happen in the house? He is clearly saying she lies sometimes but she tells the truth; when it’s convenient with his (Juan Martinez) Argument. Pure contradiction by Juan Martinez!!! The defense needs to harp on that…
GREAT job yesterday and LATE last night!! Good Luck today!!!!
Jodi, it is sooooo obvious how abused you were and still are by so many! You keep your chin up, be strong and know that you have many supporters. From all walks of life. I for one, was abused myself so I am so sorry for all you have been through and all you are still going through. Never let it break you. Lean on The Lord and He will carry you, call out to The Lord and He will answer you, ask The Lord to sustain you, and He will give you peace and strength. God Loves you, Jodi.
Peace to you
Amen Jean
I feel so badly for her. To know what it is like to go through abuse makes this all so close to home. Although it never got to the extent (Thank God) as Jodi’s abusive situation, it is still very raw to watch and hear this. For me.
I often have wondered why it hasn’t been presented over and over again that when she first was lieing, she was STILL trying to protect Travis. STILL even in his death, was she trying to protect him. That alone, tells you how abused she was and how brainwashed he had her. Brainwashed into leading her on and making her believe things and do things just to make him happy. He was obvious a dominant sadist – I hate hearing HLN talk about how innocient and wonderful he was. Did they NOT hear the taped phone calls??? It breaks my heart for her.
I have written and called HLN over a dozen times telling them how biased they are. LIke it matters. But I did complain about how they always always seem to take so many “commercial breaks…gotta pay the bills” when the defense is up and running. Then when they hit pause, its like 30 seconse after they say they will. So we miss a good minute or so of their side. I hope everyone else writes in to them and calls them. They are too biased.
Oh speaking of,,,, did you just hear the lady on saying how she was guilty and she stabbed him 29 times?? Oh please, isn’t that a crime of fear he would still be able to hurt her??? Of defensive mode???
Sorry for going on and on….
Let us all pray together : Dear Lord, please be in that courtroom today and in the hearts of all the jurors. Let them feel the pain and hear the cries of this abused woman. Please Lord, protect Jodi and all abused women. Keep Jodi near you today, Lord. We love you and trust in You, Lord.
yes lets pray today that god will be in the courtroom today I’m watching the Song of Bernadette with Jennifer Jones I’m praying to her too lots of hail marys and our fathers the rosary today so that in the hope that the jury will show mercy for the virgin mary said pray for all sinners. God gave us prayer and I will use it ….. Jodi we believe you have been handed the death penalty for something you did not do and if god is mercyfull he will show his mercy for you in the following days to come
Deo Gratias! Ave Maria – let us pray
I think that it is great that you called HLN, Jean. Even if it does not change anything it is good that they know that some of their viewers do not agree.
so close to 1st…bummer
9th! oh yah, who’s your daddy?!!
NO Sirlips you do not have to pray for you do not believe
As long as he sits quietly while the rest of us do. 🙂
I dont believe, but that doesnt mean im not still searching. Agnostic not atheist.
You’re a good guy. If you haven’t read much philosophy, I say read some Camus or other existentialism. There are both existentialists who believe in God & ones that do not, I am one who believes in God. IMO, either way, their ideas teach a lot about finding peace & meaning in life, and living in the present or mindfulness. Seems like you may have much of these understandings already, but I think you will still enjoy their writings. A good reader is ‘Existentialism: from Dostoevsky to Sartre’, by Walter Kaufman.
Hey, one question, if justice for the living, what you do about homeless vagrant dude who is beat to death by violent gang of teens??
After readings bits and pieces from yesterday and with the random moments I was in fact to watch on my breaks etc… It seems that while good for the DE-FENSE (clap clap clap).. It was long and drawn out….and not worth a YouTube view…HLN is already starting with their shit… It’s gonna be along day. DEFENSE! DEFENSE!
Today I’m praying that JW & KN sway any jurors not already swayed that the killing was in fact self defense and show how the prosecution and this so called “expert” witnesses tried to trick the jury. Lord I pray that you give the jury the common sense they need to understand the FACTS in this case and the courage to stand in the face of adversity and do the right thing.
I have road work right outside my house.. I don’t know what is going to get to me worse, the beep beep beep or the voice of JM!!
I would bet JM to be the worse. 🙂
I’d WELCOME the beep beep beep over JM’s annoying voice!
My prayers are with you Jodi.
Is the seal up? My computer is not allowing me to watch. Is there another feed?
Seal is up….
PJ…try this one:
It’s a pretty good one….
Let’s get this party started!! LOL
So, can anyone tell me the “rules” for closing statements? Arizona is on it’s own program so I’m wondering what to expect.
The state goes first, then the defense, but when the defense goes last are there any (supposed) limits on the state? JM is so fk’n SLIMY!! I HATE the thought of him getting the last word!!!
Sorry but that is how it goes. The burden of proof is on the state so they get to rebut.
State goes first, then the defense, then the state wraps up. This is because the state has the burden. They have to show proof, so they are able to get the last word.
Me too, I was surprised to read that.
Wait I can access it through FOX.
I’m not sure.
Well, this is it guys…Thank you all for being here for me, for one another and especially for Jodi. You have all been a ray of beautiful light on a very dark path.
I (((HUG))) each of you and extend my sincerest gratitude. I would name EVERYONE…but you know who you are and there are too many to name…which is a WONDERFUL sign.
Hi Dorothy – THANK YOU for being there for us as well. 🙂
THANK YOU for keeping the faith and seeing this through till the end. <3
🙂 I’ll miss you… I’m in tears…so anxious
I’m a mess too.
Whatever, Dorothy.
WHATEVER chris11…leave me alone please. If you want to be a troll find somewhere else to do it. I came here to get away from the likes of you. Just LEAVE me alone!
Whatever, Dorothy.
chris11, I NEVER insulted you! I have NEVER even MENTIONED ANYTHING regarding your views about the death penalty! I asked you to PLEASE leave me alone! I will ask again that you PLEASE leave me alone. Don’t you have better things to do with your time than to follow me around on this site and harass me.
Get a life.
Al, You and i commented on “who should close” for the defense, we both said “Nurmi”, but neither of us finished our thoughts on that….
So, I think Nurmi should give the close. I don’t think JW doing it would make it terrible, but i think that it should be Nurmi.
1) JW tends to be “nice” even when she is making an impact statement. Nurmi’s “impact statements” hit home harder.
2) Nurmi isnt affraid to call JM out on his bullshit, the way JW tends to beat around it. Nurmi has allways argued all of the “other stuff” when they are doing motion arguments, etc… I think Nurmi hates Jm and he is going to draw a line in the sand.
3) Jm wants to make this about him and how he is SO mad because Jodi is such a bad person. Nurmi tends to offset that attitude in Jm with his calm sarcasim.
4) Nurmi does “drop things” as fast as JW does.
5) I didnt realy think that JW’s opening statement was ‘great’. the infomation was good, but the presentation wasnt that good. (not that it needs to be) I feel Nurmi can “pitch” better.
6) We have seen ALOT of JW and not alot from Nurmi in the last few weeks. I think Nurmi will be “new again” for the jury and be able to listen longer to a fresh voice. I dont want them thinking “this is the same ole shit we have heard for the last months from “these 2”.
7) Nurmi is very likable.
8) He is a man. It may seem silly, but some of the jury may be thinking JW and the abused “woman” are fighting against JM and the rightious “men”. I think a man saying the close will illiminate any male vs female battle the jury may think is happening.
9) most importantly, because i dont think JM likes Nurmi AT ALL and it could piss that little bitch off a bit. Anything to make that prick unhappy is a good thing in my book. I wouldnt piss on him if he was on fire.
I gree with you on several of those points.
Actually I hope that they both ehlp write the closing arguments, because I like the way JW says things, but then having KN deliver it would be good.
I second this motion
I think it will be Nurmi and he will do great. I personally prefer Jen. I think her presentation would be more clear.
New page??OK,gonna repost then:
Hello my friends!!
Yesterday was surreal!! I swear I´ve never actually seen a person losing face the way K.Horne did(sigh…) it was like watching a movie with really bad acting!! The typo excuse was what one would expect of a 10 year-old making up excuses as to why they made a mistake while copying a text from the whiteboard,beyond laughable or unprofessional given that this ‘typo’ could seriously be the reason Jodi’s life would be at stake,well at least at some point since the DP is off table now but this doesnt make his ”error” any less appalling!! Kermit’s indescribable behaviour was not a surprise,cant imagine how we will be able to put up with his looooong ranting today.
On a brighter note and to give you all a good laugh,yes I did fall asleep ON my keyboard yesterday.It was 6 o’clock in the morning,I was up for 21 hours straight and the last thing I remember was Jennifer examining Miss Universe…LOLOLOLOLOL!! I missed about 20 minutes (which am now watching )and was woken up by the squeaky sound of the live feed being over! MB:I think I can claim your Gravatar now.
Wishing everyone a happy Closing Arguments Day
(((((((((((((((((GROUP HUG)))))))))))))))))
((((((((((((((((((((((((GROUP BEAR HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Is that hug the same as if it were a tiger hug or a lion hug?
Sorry, i digress.
Neither, it was a gopher’s !!
lol, that gopher gets around
It might be a gofer hug
Not if its a bear hug though.
((((((((((((((((((((group Hug))))))))))))))))))))) Right back at cha!
I want in on this hug!!
((((Team Jodi!))))
Maria 🙂
Kudos to you for hanging in there ALL NIGHT! I’ll miss you when this is over. It’s been grand. XOXO
((((((BIG GREEK HUG TO YOU))))))
((((((((((Greek hugs))))))))))))))))
I’m gonna miss you too <3
I was about to reply to you when as always I’m on the wrong page!!
How funny, asleep on the keyboard!!! lol
Did you make it to bed at all? 😀
I sat up till 3am.. will be shattered tomorrow!
(((((((((((TEAM JODI))))))))))))
(((((((((((((Jodi and team Jodi)))))))))))))))))
)))))))))TEAM JODI((((((((
Cindy jewell…I feel those positive vibes… I needed that…thank you 🙂
)))))))TEAM JODI(((((((
Good point!!!
((((((((Jodi and Team Jodi)))))))))))
Dear Lord….
Please work your magic and bring the just outcome to Jodi’s road from and through hell. We all, as I am sure you do, know she has certainly been through ENOUGH.
Please give JW and KN the words and strength to get your message to the jury. Don’t worry about the little troll that will attempt to circumvent your will. There are many, many souls waiting to deal with him underground.
Please allow our messages, thoughts, prayers and love to get through to JW, KN and most importantly Jodi to give her some solace in knowing she is not alone.
We ask this in Jesus’ name. AMEN
Amen Janeen,joining prayers*****
I’ve been saying my prayers to Mother Mary!:-)
😀 like
You know, I do have some issues with my Catholic religion on a few matters. But I’m damn proud that its the ONLY denomination in Christianity that give Mary the title of Mother of God!!!!!!
I am with you, Tony. Being Catholic scarred me in many ways. Now I hold dear many of the thoughts, but disagree with many as well.
I DO love Mary.
Ditto my lady!
Beautiful. Amen.
Janeen 🙂
that was a beautiful prayer said it twice will continue to say it for the next couple of day
Thank you….Me too Tonya….I’ll be reciting it in my sleep…. 🙂
Beautiful post.
(even though I’m not religious)
I am not either, I am more spiritual than religious. I am a recovering Catholic 😉
I read a post from Debbie last night that hit the nail on the head. You never ever know what the jury is thinking or what they are going to do or what they find as important.
No matter what the general public thinks or the media or the people on this site that fully support Jodi or the Travis Taliban that wants her dead, or a corrupt judge and asshole prosecutor or the defense team thinks or wants, the ONLY people that matter are the jurors and we NO body has any idea what they are thinking.
Having said all of that I will still be flabbergasted if they come back with a 1st degree murder conviction.
You never ever know.
You are so right about “you never know”. We’ll have to wait and see.
I agree Joe. I will also be amazed if they come back with a M1 conviction.
But, I like to think that we represent the jurors. When things go well, we state it. When they don’t, we state it, too. We have taken time to analyze the evidence.
So, prayers that these people are like us and not the crazy Jodi haters.
Even if the jury comes back with a M1 conviction I do not think they’ll impose the DP.
if by “flabbergasted” you mean “jumping on a plane and flying to AZ for some answers” then im right there with you.
That’s pretty much what ‘flabbergasted’ means.
Yup…I think that’s in the dictionary 😉
Kermit must be pooping in his pantaloons.
Maybe Kermit barrowed the magic underwear from TA’s buddy.
Is one allowed to poo in the magic underwear?
Lest we forget sirlips… JM does that from his oral cavity 😉
Does everyone have their favorite “party goods” for the closing arguments?
Mine consist of Coca Cola and Chips Ahoy! LOL
On a serious note, I pray that things go well for the defense team.
BTW, I was just watching HLN and there were “Travis Supporters” that JVM interviewed and they were all crying. And, they were saying what a “good man” he was.
I do NOT think they even knew Travis. What the hell??
My Diet Coke Caffeine Free is ready to rock and so are my grapes and Mesquite BBQ chips….!!!!
This trial has WREAKED HAVOC with my diet!!!!! UGH….
I’m fasting today have my great grandmothers rosary who say mary when she nelt praying for 4 days because of the war.
My party goods include stomach butterflies, my E-Cig, and copious amounts of Diet Mountain Dew.
Rock on Hero…!!!!!! 🙂
Because JM is up first it’s water and Aleve for me. I am trying to get a head start on the headache he will surely give me.
Oh brother really??
Even Travis’ family and “friends” didn’t know Travis.
How can they possibly even claim that with a straight face, let alone sobbing like they actually give a damn?
What bullshit.
I have no party favors atm lol. I know verdict day I’ll be drinking no matter what the outcome!!!!
Goodmorning all! Praying that Jenny hits it out of the park..and the jury sees what we see!
Prayers for Jodi and the Defence ..
Good Morning!! thinking good thoughts…..
Goodmorning everyone! Im SO excited and nervous for today! Iv been following the trial from the beginning, havent missed a day and I have even rescheduled appointments. Now I have family visiting and missed 1/2 of yesterday but I caught up last night (went to sleep at 3am). Today I HAVE to take the a family member to run around and I’ll MISS 1/2 of it AGAIN. IM PRETTY UPSET! : (( I know, I know I can catch up ltr but its nit the same. I like the to watch it live and interact with you guys and I haven’t been able to for the past 2/3 days, IT SUCKS!!!!!!
Well ill do my best and catch up with you all when I can. Best wishes to Jodi and always Team Jodi★
It really sucks when life or work get in the way 🙂 We’ll be thinking of you LC,you’ll be mentally here all day!
You’ll be here with us all day in our hearts!!!!
Aawwwwww thanks Renee, I love you. I dont know what im going to do when its all over, im sure going to miss you guys!
{{{{{{ Hugs}}}}}}}
Love your icon!!!
Nice to see ya LC!
Lol LC! I had a sick kid so I was up til 3am catching up too.
I have such a good feeling about closing arguments for the defense, no matter who does it. I truly believe after many of the jury questions yesterday that there is at least ONE! And that’s all we need. I really believe there is more than just one.
I re-watched a video of the verdict being read in the Casey Anthony trial, Wow, I got so emotional again. I want to post it because it reminds me not to give up hope. The part where Baez kneels down and proclaims he has given everything…….oh the emotions. BTW this is off of SJ’s caseyanthonyisinnocent site, so no worries 🙂
Hi LC!!!
We’re at the home stretch! Glad to see you back just in time!!!
Thanks MB! We’ve all been here early every single day waiting for them to start up on time. You’d think they’d start on time at least today and tomorrow.
I can imagine Samantha in the rest room now dousing her eyes with something to make them burn.
Watch the acting from the gallery today… I predict eye rolling, sobbing, moaning and fake weeping. Mostly from Sam and the Hughes and Deana, while the rest pretend to be stoic over their estranged deviant brother.
They’ll be in “rare” form, indeed.
Yea I saw the Hughes and Deanna there yesterday! Im praying for an acquittal! I cant wait, I think ill cry! And can’t wait to see their faces when the judge reads the verdict. And If she’s found guilty, im turning my live feed off because I don’t want to see their faces!
Trial ending might be signaling the death of their “cash cow” set up by Chris Hughes(If I remember correctly).
I’m gonna have my eyes fixed on Jodi.After all,it’s all about her right now as it’s always been.I’m not wasting another second on the Alexanders and their lynch mentality!
I agree. I have HLN on (muted) cause all the live feed problems I had yesterday. Just glancing up to see Jodi, and thinking how cruel JM is, and how can she bear it.
They should not be allowed to do what they have been doing. If they can’t control their eye-rolling or all the other emotions they have been openly displaying they should step outside. Judge Perry and Judge Ito wouldn’t put up with it.
She has onions in her bra.
LOL What the..!!!! Who does? 😀
that is so true
Eye rolling is not a sign of grief. You can look it up, if you don’t have the innate resources to figure that out.
Yes Cynthia Cook, we’re all sick here! We all want the Alexanders dead and buried too. Their children included. We’d just love to kick and stomp them to death!
Oh I forgot to add that we’re all going to be using the body fat from the Alexanders to cook our food in Cynthia!!!!
We’re VERY mad are we not??lol
I am of the same thinking as you. Acquittal or Manslaughter are the only choices I can see but with Sherry Stephens as Judge I won’t be surprised when she takes Manslaughter of the table. She wants Jodi as dead as the Travis Taliban does.
But you never know what the jury is thinking. I just don’t want the jury to be handcuffed by Stephens.
I think she may put manslaughter on the table. She allowed a surrebuttal witness. I think she is trying to be pretty fair.
It really just depends. I know she really seems unfair sometimes, but she has ruled in favor of the defense several times. The only problem is Martinez keeps doing underhanded things to get his way anyway. Plus, his objections are like a mile a minute, so it may seem like she sustains more of his just for that reason.
HLN says attorneys are in chambers talking about juror questions?
I’m anxiously awaiting to hear the Judge utter the words Manslaughter in her Jury Instructions.
Its 9:30A in AZ, so that means stuff should be getting started in 1-3 hours. Everyone ready to swear, spit and yell at the states super hero?
I cant wait to hear what this little piece of shit ( i stress the little part) (and the shit part) tries to twist out of everything the jury has heard. He is going to use MANY “BAM” moments. he thinks he is a movie lawyer. Shock and Ah.
he does ! He daydreams all day that he’s Tom cruise in a few good men when he’s really more Scientology & bounce on couches Tom cruise, if he was uglier and angrier.
I spit out my pop… lmao. 🙂
I just heard that JUAN closing B.S. is five hours……….. that he has prepared for today. If he was a good prosecutor I don’t think it would take five hours to wrap this up.
yes mimi me will be up to his shit in lies today
Doing my best to send all my positive energy to Jodi and her lawyers today!
LOL I hear Kermit brought his brother to court today.
Seriously, Kermi?
Oh,no!! There’s TWO of them???????????
There’s EIGHT of them!!!! Kermit is from a large family.
Reminds me of that movie gremlins. Throw water on one, and they make another haha
hahaha,he looks like one too!!
I hope he at lease isn’t a twin! GOD HELP US IF HE IS. Sorry I forgot about the caps.
It has to be an older brother.
There is NO ONE that would have another child, after they gave birth to JM. No way. His dad would cut it off and his mom would stitch it up, before risking the creation of another one of those things.
Now you got me picturing the Jersey Devil!
omg lol!!!!!!
Tell me they’re not twins.
LOL Renee,
Be glad he didn’t bring his entire family, since he’s comes from a huge family, it would of taken up at least 3 benches.
I don’t think I can stomach hours worth of The Puppet Master flapping his gums and yelling and being a smart ass asshole.
JM wil start and finish with “this is how you should think”.
Nurmi will be more “this is what i think we have seen, this is what we have been told, this is the law, now go decide what YOU think”
Sounds great to me. I think most people would prefer to be asked what they think instead of being told what to think.
read this on azcentral.com A rambling e-mail exchange between Travis Alexander and one of his closest friends paints a picture of Alexander as a womanizer using Jodi Arias to satisfy the physical desires his official girlfriend would not.
And we know Deanna WAS satisfying those desires sex addict Travis Alexander wanted–in addition to Jodi (and who knows who else).
But I read somewhere that TA didn’t fancy Deanna, which is why he used Jodi.. He and Deanna’s relationship was different.
IMO that confirms a lot of our suspicions that Deanna had every reason to be involved with the nasty emails and tire slashing. How many women was Travis stringing along at once? The world will never know.
just unfortunate that they were not allowed in as evidence
Absolutely agree!! Messing with girls’ feelings both menatlly and sexually is never a good idea!She was his best friend who he also happened to FUCK!!! Pardon my french but if there were a PhD in manipulation TA would excel in it!!!
I have always wondered if Ashley Reed and her ex, her anonymous call and then her “suicide” having something to do with the tires and emails. I think that her ex could have done it.
that just it anyone could have killed him and we have the flores report that ashley tried to come forward and now she is dead and the FBI has her husband or is he free
It also confirms that Deanna is as big a lying sack of shit as the rest of the mouth-breathing Pedo-huggers!!
I think that the other day when renee got into it with dina I think it was deanna on this site looking to see what was being said here. Guess she got her computer back that she gave travis.
actually i feel bad for Deanna, she was used be TA just like so many woman. she loved TA and still does and is in denial
Where is also abuse….she is
I have been wondering that myself. I know she had lots of work drama going on. I’m sending her happy thoughts and hugs.
I was just thinking that. Haven’t seen Oliverio in a long time either?
Anyone know what the he up is? I thought they were starting at 12
I can hear him now…This is what happened? RIght? RIght? Do you have memory issues??
Yes or No.
You’re all stupid if you don’t see this my way.
You call yourselves a jury?
What a repugnant little puke Martinez is.
And don’t try to tell the truth.. I am the one that ask the questions. I will only let you answer if I like what you’re saying. Then I will twist your words so I confuse everyone including myself lol
At the jury? I don’t doubt it!! LMAO
I have decided that I really hate having juror questions in a trial. At least the way it has implemented in this trial.
I didn’t like it either. It made the trial longer and gave JM an opportunity to badger witnesses more.
Well, Wild is saying the jury instructions will come before the little fucker starts screaming. I also heard crime of passion will be included. But this is all rumor, so who knows.
I also heard about “crime of passion” which carries ONLY a 7-21 year sentence – and with time served………….
Correct you are.
It hasn’t started yet?
nope…not yet
Apparently there is only 5-7 seats available to the public today. TA people must be taking up a lot of the gallery. They’re saying the public seats are distributed by lottery among 40 people in line.
Start is late as attorneys are in chambers – probably discussing jury instructions with the judge….
I wonder if katie wicked gets a seat?
I think she gets a media pass….but I could be wrong. I really hope to not see her face.
Me too Jaz I’m as sick of looking as her as I am of seeing the roll of the eyes and snear
Dr Drew said HLN doesn’t pay Katie – that she’s just a member of the public.
If so than Katie would only be inside if she got a lottery seat.
Katie Wick is not in gallery from what I can tell.
It’s very packed with spectators and additional seats in the aisles.
We all just have to hang tough! As that German proverb goes, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger”!
I thought it was “that which does not kill us makes us curl up in the fetal position with a 1.75 bottle of Vodka”
LOL@ Renee’!
That about sums it up for me but I prefer scotch.
Rum and Tequila are my favorite hard liquours!
juan is still in hair and make up. his people ran out of violet base. good morning all!
Who wants to take a bet that there will be autopsy photos flying all over this courtroom when Kermit takes his turn????
We are sure to see lots. A better bet would be how many times we will see them.
Of course. It will definitely be in the last part so the jury will see the family crying right before they go deliberate
you’re right maria!! like sirlips said…..Shock and Ah…that’s what Kermit is about!!
Can they show evidence/photos during closing? I thought it was just the closing arguments (speaking). Maybe I’m naïve but I also haven’t watched too many trials.
Yes, that is the big difference between openings and closings. Anything that has been officially entered into evidence as exhibits can be used / shown / played by the attorneys.
And the “No jury will convict me” video…..
Bystander, Man, that’s a great point. That is the one thing that has been in the back of my mind this whole trial. That will piss a few jurors off. To be honest, hearing that would piss me off as a juror but not enough to kill Jodi.
No doubt. The picture of Travis with his throat cut open or the pic with him dead in the shower is how he will end the second part of his closing argument.
Morning group hug!!
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((GROUP HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Morning Moni… 🙂
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BIG LIONS, TIGERS, BEARS, GOPHERS, DWARFS, DOGS. ETC.HUGS FOR EVERYONE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Mornin’ Moni!!
((((((((((((((((((((GROUP HUG Moni)))))))))))))))))
What will totally suck is if JM is a totally different person when addressing the jurors and is nice to them.
Yeah…but he will still be annoying
How much dislike do you think Stephens has for JW and KM? 🙂
Stephens is dumb, i dont think she has it in her to know any better. seriously, i think she is just a bit slow.
it’s true, in the US, hard work and determination can get you anywhere. The problem with that is, we end up with hard working, determined Idiot in some jobs.
I don’t hate her because she did allow the defense to enter helpful evidence and call needed witnesses.
I am nervous! I also really hope that Nurmi does the closing for the defense. Because after all, men think like men. So if a man says to the men on the jury ,”Hey Travis was not who he pretended to be, he beat up Jodi, he abused Jodi !” It may ring truer with the men on the jury. If JW says it, it might only hit home with the women on the jury who may have been in an abusive relationship at some point in their life. No offence to JW. She is a great lawyer and I commend her for all she has done for Jodi’s defense. .I am just thinking strategically> I just saw Jodi’s mother and grandmother come in to the court room. Jane velez Mitchel was their and stuck the microphone in their face and asked if they wanted to comment. they said ,”No thank you”. O.K. Group hugs and kisses to you all! Jessie
I think they should both do it.. so EVERYONE will listen…
After all the SHIT JVM has talked about Jodi and her parents, she had the wherewithal to ask for a fucking comment?
STFU JVM. No seriously, you have no business harassing the family after all the damage you’ve done.
Nasy nasty woman, JVM is.
I’d have one hell of a comment for Michael Jackson Velez-Mitchell. It would make Dick Jefferson clutch his pearls in horror.
That Dick Jefferson needs to be “regulated” as we say in my neck of the woods!:-)
What? You don’t like the daughter of a dancer and a recovering alcoholic? Lol
YEP! My thoughts exactly. JVM tried to put on her sweet phony voice. She is just disgusting. ALL of the HLN gang is, as you already know. POOR me, my audio is not working on my computer so I have to stomach HLN to watch closings. UUUGGG!!!!!
Agree 100% MB!!! I wish Jodi’s mom would’ve said, “Yes, I would like to tell you to take your microphone outta my face and go fuck yourself, JVM!”
Dammit! I wonder if I have time to run to the store to get a Dr. Pepper and a bag of potato chips…
And ice-cream, and skittles, and some beef jerky. oh, and some hard liquor.
Fuck it, I’ll just get the liquor. That’s all I need to celebrate. =)
If you RUN really FAST you should be SAFE………. this is going to go on for at least five hours…. Ready Set Go………….
lol Sil!…. 😆 thank you for the laugh…I certainly needed that.
Meeting in chambers over. Jodi being brought in. Heat of Passion WILL be added to jury instrctions. Looking Good for Jodi!
Not possible for Guano
was in response to tiredof………….
Good morning everyone! I haven’t been able to watch the trial live because I’m soooo busy at work and training people. Do any of you understand how horrible it feels to have SJ blog/live trial withdrawals? Not cool lol…hopefully I’ll be able to catch up this weekend and I hope I don’t miss anything juicy today or tomorrow (if there’s trial). Cheeeeese 🙂
I understand! No Internet at the house AND I’m leaving town tomorrow morning. Hopefully the verdict won’t be in until Monday.. As much as we’re ready for it to be over.
Mornin’ Meow 🙂 Hope you come back to us soon!
I’m going to say this one more time. There is no way in the world that this is a DP trial. That was a huge mistake on the part of the State and the Judge.
Agree no way. Let’s pray for an acquittal or at the most time served.
OK, I am getting sick of looking at the seal. When are they going to start the closing arguments!!
So did the investigation include firing a .25 Auto inside the house to reenact the trajectory of the spent casing. To imitate the angle at which the pistol would have been shot.
Wait that would require common sense….disregard. At least they entered …”the front door of the home after ‘dawning’ (sic) protective footwear and gloves”. page 4 Flores Report.
Dawn: The time each morning when daylight first appears
Don: To put on ( a piece of clothing)
What a coincidence, a typo on a report , just like the ME’s report.
What a coincidence, perjury by ME and Detective.
I blame Flores for all this! He did a shitty job and I blv if he would’ve investigated the intuder story, he would’ve found that someone else was there. He’s lazy and has no common sense.
Phillip, I came across one of your comments yesterday, you where saying something about TA leg not having blood on one side, because he had someone on a chokehold in between his legs and also his arms. Do you also blv the intruders story? Do you think there was two other people AND Jodi OR just ONE other person and Jodi?
Good morning ya all! Preparing for a 5 hours mumbo-juanbo, wondering if he will flay his arms besides littering the screens with pictures of the dead abuser. Horne has been gored by JW yesterday 🙂 And today, past 12:30 and still the great seal?
P.S. No offense to any of the men on this sight. I am just thinking of strategy! xoxoxox
No offense taken but as a guy I’d much rather look at jw then nurmi,,, lol
Hi EVERYONE!! I need to hug everyone because i feel like i’m going to throw up i’m so nervous!!! I wish one of us was on that jury so we would know we at least had a hung jury. LOL but i’m sure i’m not the only one. Hey sirlips are you a lawyer or something? Even though we don’t agree about Nancey Grace and if she should be on the air or not, you’re really smart and pretty damn funny. I sent JW the link to the youtube video by flores’ daughter if they see all the bias and the billboards and graffiti depicting Travis AROUND AZ can they get a mistrial due to jury tempering and the out right illegal behavior of the state and police? Thanks man keep the kick ass posts comin.
Nope, not a lawyer, just a silly banker from MN.
Mistrial is out, on THIS trial, but there are many avenues to pursue appeals. The appeals can declair a mistrial.
There will be an appeal granted, as this is a DP case. The law requires it.
However there is a 99.99% chance that upper courts will look at this case anyway. They have to look at the perjured testimony of flores/horn. Flores testimony ALONE was used to get the DP. Even though it wasnt his facts, he testified to HORNS facts. this has been admitted to being false testimony. THIS judge said it didnt matter, but the upper courts will not put up with this.
If they allowed perjured testimony to be used, after the fact, to continue a DP trial, it would set a shock wave through DP cases. Some DP states would probably LOSE the DP, if this became a pressident.
Serious? I am also in MN, Sir! Should have caught that when you talked about snow!
and I am going to assume south east mn 😉
that would be a good guess. you? cities?
or better yet they discover who really killed travis with proof can wait for that to happen and hope with all my heart that it does
Omg are you serious about the graffiti??? Wow!!! Just when I thought they’d done everything. What’s next, putting up a statue in front of the Mayor’s house and throwing wreathes on it??
Graffiti???Is he a national hero or sth???
Yeah if you watch that disgusting youtube video from Flores’ daughter they are in a car driving around actuallyl showing ACTUAL billboards and Graffiti of travis’ story and his face. So how could the jury not be influenced by this shit. It makes me sick. Check out the video.
Shit ball sandwiches! I think we are going to lose power now. Half the town is out and now our lights keep flickering in and out.
If i miss the talking toad stool, im ‘a be pissed!
Come on down, I have plenty of T.V.s in my house and room for everyone…. We can be on big happy TEAM JODI party.
S.J. Thank you for putting this site up. It’s nice to see there are so many of us who support Jodi. I never went to – or heard of your site – for Casey Anthony. I wish I had – I always felt that she was innocent, but questioned if her parents were involved.
Again, thank you.
Does anyone have a link to the original Hughes-Travis emails? I hear reports they have been released or are “out there”. Would like to read verbatim rather than getting a “report” on them.
Chris HUghes gave them to the news…. that is, what parts he wanted. You know damn well he did not include all. Then he gave his bs story on what went down. It is a sham.
a farce,
a joke.
like him and his slutty wife.
Well said Renee’!
The article never said he gave them. The article asked for his opinion.
You didn’t read the article. The excerpts were damning to Travis.
yes released by chris and sky hughes but can they be trusted anyone can retype something they are trying to do what ever it takes to keep the finger pointing away from them selves.
If the emails don’t speak to the Travis Taliban’s controlling behavior, I don’t know what will.
If the emails are so damning, then just release them in entirety and let everyone make up their own minds about it.
Why release snippets and pretend you are being transparent? It makes no sense.
It’s clear to me that they HATE the idea of anyone thinking for themselves.
The report excerpts ARE damning to both the Hugheses and Travis.
I don’t recall the reporters getting the emails from the Hugheses, but the reporter did interview them.
SO…they CRAMMED all that testimony in yesterday…but they can’t start on time? Makes NO sense at all.
LOL Dorothy, why should it start making sense now? 🙂 You know what a circus this has been.
Party has started.
This court never starts on time. Pretty sad when people get “used to” the court starting late.
This judge should have only been assigned this case. Further, any other issues she has with the attorneys should be taken care of BEFORE entering the courtroom.
Judge is on the bench on HLN.
I’m sure these meetings in chambers before the court day begin before the scheduled start time. The problem is the meetings always run long and the judge doesn’t cut them off.
I hope that Jodi goes free. She deserves it after all she has been through. I just hope she does not end up in hiding like Casey. Maybe we should all start planning on helping her once she gets out. If she walks tomorrow, she will need our help for sure. We should really do something. Anyone have any ideas?
Of course we have!!We’ve been talking about that for a long time,maybe you missed our conversations.
So what’s the plan? I want in.
Jaun brought his brother with him so he can carry him out after the day is done. Who else would touch that slimmy little frog, He’ll be hooping around like a drunk Mexican.
Omg, lolol scary images just popped up in my mind….
OKAY! Here we go!
Good Luck Team Jodi!!!!
It’s ON!
If Sherry Stephens was assigned a trial that I was the accused in, I’d beg on my knees for a different judge.
I really hope the feed isn’t as bad as yesterday!
Where might Jodi be?
”Coordination difficulties”?
Already showing the Hughes ugly mugs…………………….urggg
Its going to be like “Stalingrad” in that court today!!!
I didn’t think people in the gallery could wear the blue ribbons. Anyone know?
They really should not be allowed to, but with this judge, well.
I thought it was not allowed either! Remember in the Casey Anthony case the Anthonys (The parents) tried to wear their Caylee ribbons but were admonished not to,
The Judge just gave Willmott a nasty look. That was uncalled for. I can’t stand this damn judge!
The Judge is such a discrace to her gender!!!:-(
Oh YAY! Mr. Nurmi has on the BLUE shirt and tie 🙂 Is he wearing the awesome blue argyle socks too? I feel better already…. 🙂
Nurmi’s got his fighting face on already. Let’s go D.
Canada Carol, Saw that look of determination too 🙂 LET’S GO!
Good thoughts everybody! Group Hug with Jodi in the center.
Here we go!
HERE WE GO!!!!!!!
What the hell is going on with the feed. Already messed up.
If you’re having problems with the azcentral feed, switch to the abc15 feed. That’s what I did yesterday and today.
Why are those huge people sitting in front of Jodi’s family?
loving the blue on my nurmnurms. very fresh for spring!
OMG my heart is in my throat….
jury instructions. here we go.
Good afternoon all!!
(((((((((((Hi Anna)))))))))))))))))))
Good morning to you Ms Ryan!:-)
Is her mic on?
Never mind. I turned my sound down yesterday when Martinez was speaking.
😯 lol coldcase53 😆
Im gonna throw up,so nervous!!
Me too……
me too
Mine too Janeen…my hands are shaking. I am a nervous wreck.:(
I wish I had valium or SOMETHING to calm me down…. Oh mother of God……
PLEASE hear us….
Our Mother in heaven hears us!
I’m a wreck! Start with the presumption she is innocent. Must be proved beyond reasonable doubt that she is guilty!!
Thank you for those awesome instructions.
the fucking pretend tears are already starting….
They are all wearing ribbons!!! What the heck!!?
Wow, the Judge is being loud and stern…
Listen to what the judges tone is – it sounds VERY much for Jodi’s favor!
There goes Flores interrogation.
Who is blocking Jodi mom and grandma
I would really prefer that Jodi pay more attention right now, Look at the Judge and look at the jury. I don’t want her to keep her head down scribbling or drawing or writing.
She is following along to what the Judge is reading
She is reading along.
My bad. Thanks for the clarification.
poor Gramma is praying.. I`m praying with her now.
Jodi is reading along I think
She is.
What happened to her aunt? She is not there.
Yes,she is Mariana.
She is there… BEHIND the mammoth people
Circumstantial evidence :/ not distinguished from direct! :/
Jodi is reading the jury instructions. That is why she is looking down.
Thats right, FLORES, we can disregard your BS !!
FU “state”
.The Doctor on scene June 4, 2008 !!!!!
I was reading the Flores report and noticed that a Medical Doctor(Google name Karl Brinton Hiatt) was at TA’s house. WHY?
On the Flores report Page 3 he list the people present at TA’s house.
Michelle Lowery
Dallin Forrest
Marie Hall
Enrique Cortez
Zacary Billings
Amanda McBrien
On page 5 he lists the initial interviews
Zachary Billings
Amanda McBrien
Karl Brinton Hiatt <———- MD, Doctor , plastic surgeon
Dallin Forrest
Michelle Lowery
Marie Hall
Dr. Hiatt was a friend of Travis. He is a Mormon and he is who Travis borrowed $6k from.
Gee, he seems to borrow a lot of money from a lot of different people.
My live feed is skipping….ugh
got to AZcentral or http://www.abc15.com
That site did it to me yesterday too, I tried 3 different sources…must be my internet speed…
have you tried wild about trial? if you don’t have a medium to high internet speed it will cut in or out… also when i’ve used my old computer, refreshing the site when it happened helped… good luck!
Wow, I am nervous as fk today…..
I hate the way Samantha says “the defend-ant”….UGH
You mean Judge Sherry right? 🙂
I agree!
^5 !!!
2nd degree is in! Based on what she is saying, it seems like 2nd degree is a possibility (if the jury finds her actions unreasonable) !
YES –there’s our Manslaughter
Manslaughter I’m thinking
Prayers going out to Jodi right now. I can’t believe the time has finally come.
hello and good luck to all of you today
(((((((HUGS)))))) OMG its here and im confident but still sick to my stomach for Jodi!!
Same here.
hugs hugs hugs
GMAFB with burglary……GMAFB
Janeen, What is GMAFB? (please excuse my ignorance)
Give me an F**ing Break!!!! LOL —– Nothing to forgive my friend!!!! 🙂
Ah! I learned my “something new” for today. Thank you Janeen, the day has not been a total waste after all.
Felony murder is laughable. She is a burglar now? Once again proving Juan is an idiot.
Blah Blah Blah Judge….get on with it already
Ah, Heat of Passion = Manslaughter.
I think that’s a positive.
Update, our little buddy from the early thread that wanted to stalk our posters, will be getting a bit of his own medicine. My IT buddy has located him in New Jersey and found some intresting info on him already. My “friend” in New Jersey is familiar with the area and is going to forward me details when he finds him.
Out of all the places this poor bastard could have lived, NJ is the worst. My “friend” in NJ is one of those guys we are all glad we know, but wouldnt ever invite them over to their home for Christmas dinner, if you know what i mean. lets just say he is a proffessional in his field of expertise. I met him while working for a recyling firm. For those that dont know the recycling businesses are all owned by the public refuse companies…i think we ALL know who own the trash companies in the north east.
Good to hear, Sirlips. That guy was a CREEP.
^5 Sir…..
thank you sirlips! you are a good man!
Tony Soprano…
Team Jodi
he’s not that cool.
Thanks I have already had to buy 1 new computer since talking here with you AEWSOME people GO JODI!! Doesn’t it make every one sick the way skeletore and everyone keeps glaring at Jodis family. Don’t you think if these people REALLY thought she killed him out of cold blood they would keep their damn eyeballs on their side. Cause according to them she might flip out and cut them. I’m just saying
Oh, you are so sweet to us sirlips!
Thanks for looking out for Janeen AND the rest of us!!!
You rock!
Yea my best friends family owns 4 of them in New York.. let’s just say his last name sounds like tortellini lol
LOL.. SirL..”How u doin?” hehehe
NJ sucks. I know…. I am embarrassed to be originally from there. :/
You’re friends with Tony Soprano? LOL.
I’m sorry if this has been asked and answered – why isn’t Jodi’s mother and grandmother in the front row?
Gallery appears to be overcrowded.
But shouldn’t they have front row?
Go figure….
Mary,…good question!
heelo everyone!! 🙂
howdy Rob!
hello there!!
Hey, 😉
Hi There! Welcome to the party!!
Hi rob! And not a moment too late!!
i just woke up!! 🙂
What is it with the mouth breathers on the pros side of the gallery? It looks like the pig trial in the Hatfield & McCoy feud over there.
lol…along with the Lee sisters…
Ugh Lee and Home Lee
LOL…I noticed the mouth breather as well. I asked an audience question below…as to why Jodi’s fam is not up front! When ever I see the TA fam…..I instantly think white trash…but then I feel bad for feeling that way, but sometimes your mind just sees the truth.
Me too, Kat. And I felt guilty about it until they started ginning up hateful lies and potentially violent actions against trial participants as well as panhandling while bragging about how flush they are. That’s not mentioning their courtroom antics, which are sheer class. I guess nobody told Stephens that she could issue contempt citations when she took her judge’s training. Or maybe she was listening to her ipod or whatever she’s been doing this whole trial.
Wow. Glad it was mentioned in the instructions that they need to consider Jodi’s actions based on the person who was a victim of DV (if they choose to believe that she is a victim)
You know the word ‘angel” is so right for Jodi.I cannot believe how calm she looks when most of us here are stressed out of our minds listening to this.
She might be on sedatives. SHit i can hardly not throw up and this has nothing to do with me. I’d have my head i a bucket the whole closing.LOL
Is video up?
Yes! Jury instructions are being given!
Physical impairment means impairment of the physical being……….nice………….
Why are there people sitting in front of Jodi’s Family? I don’t see anyone obstructing the view of the the TA family. Sorry if dumb question….it is just really bugging me.
You guys are right and it seems so weird bc those people seem so big and in the way.
Thank You….my first thought was “why are those behemoths sitting in front of the family”…but on second look it, it appears that they are in chairs that were placed in front of the permanent seating.
The final indignity.
no kidding!
It may simply be that the Arias family chose to sit one row back today?
No, there are chairs…extra chairs placed in front of them…not in the gallery proper. The Arias family is sitting in the FRONT row where they usually sit. Someone placed chairs in FRONT of them.
No it’s not a dumb question.
You’re right, and so is Mary. They should be seated in the front or with nobody in front of them.
Looks like T’doggs old girlfriends are there. It’s been four years and there still brainwashed. If they only know how lucky they are.
JM would call them stealers if they were defense witnesses!! Lol
Stalkers**** haha sry
I do NOT see M1 here. I see either 2nd degree murder, manslaughter, or an acquittal.
The only reason I see them leaning to 2nd degree is because of the “reasonable person would stop once the threat was gone.”
Anyone else?
I don’t see murder two, either. Manslaughter or acquittal.
I missed some so the defense did win the options of the lesser charges???
I think they’ll be split, but will compromise on Manslaughter or M2
Yup… Even the people that believe M1 are blogging yesterday was bad day for horn.
No. The threat was “gone” when the threat was dead.
And Jodi had no memory of it.
Reasonable doubt there absent witnesses or forensic evidence.
Manslaughter. Do we know whether pickles or the jury will decide on sentence?
I read that. In ARIZONA the jury gets first crack at it . If they can’t decide they can bring in another jury, but that can’t be right. If still no decision then the judge decides. Legal Eagles, what say yee?
just started listening to stephens summary of the law
both side presumably have agreed to the wording
but it sounds screwed up, jumbled and read far too fast
is she going to give a summary of the law as applied to the law
at the end of counsel closings or is that it?
it read far too fast
stephens you idiot slow down,moron !
All the jurors are given copies of the instructions. They will be able to read them again.
I know, thank God they have it all written down in front of them. I would just be staring at her like, huh?
OH NO here he comes!
is she going to give a summary of the law as applied to the law
at the end of counsel closings or is that it?
is she going to give a summary of the law as applied to the FACTS
at the end of counsel closings or is that it?
what was the sexual charge ?
The sexual charge applies to situations of domestic violence, which the jury is supposed to consider in their deliberations.
I’m sorry, this vocabulary lesson is killing me, are folks that stupid?
Yes, they are. We just aren’t out here. We’re ready to freakin deliberate……….
Wow No interruptions or commercials on HLN
Good I hope you don’t have to hear their mouths run as much!!! 🙂
Huh? What was all the instruction on “sex”? Is the state trying to say that Jodi sexually assualted Travis?
ok….wtf is she reading law regarding sexual assault charges for? is the Judge forgetting this is a murder trial? duh….
Here we go………………
I already want to beat the shit out of Massengil…..
Ha! Kermi didnt even thank the jurors first off.
Hey guys & gals,
Has anyone been texting for Jodi on HLN? I”m gonna give it a shot. Tired of seeing all of these sheep that blindly believe in Travis. And anybody who thinks that the little weasel Martinez is something special is truly a nut case.
You go Dave!
So these are jury instructions, if she did not give them final instructions, does that mean manslaughter is not yet in, or is it in?
Manslaughter is in.
Right off the bat jm is wrong . . there is no evidence that Jodi used a knife
Kermit gets to go first,then Defense,then Kermit again?
F U MASSENGIL…………………………
POT calling the KETTLE black – Massengil???@!??#?#?
Courting the media my foot!!! HLN has done nothing but spew hatred and lies in favor of the prosecution! And I knew that Martienz would bring that up, “no jury will convict me”
Someone called it in the previous page
NO SHIT!!!! ^5 MARIA!!!!
I am going to be capitalizing all the over the place – I apologize for my stress, tension and rantings today and until verdict….
I feel homicidal…..If PMS starts – I’m going to Arizona……
omg that is so funny, i am pmsing already and im ready to go with ya!!!
“There are certain shades of limelight that
can wreck a girl’s complexion” – Holly Golightly “Breakfast At Tiffanys”
Most definitely!!
ok. NONE of what he is saying applies to premed murder 1.
what a b@st@rd kermit is.
JM is NOT full of fire. He sounds very defeated.
Look at his body language. Shoulders down, hands in pockets, looking down, etc.
i noticed that too
Give him time….
Is this all he has is her lies……
OK, I don’t care to listen to anything more that JM has to say. I don’t need another headache today, so I will check back later.
Will be keeping you all and Jodi in my thoughts!
I might have to check out too! He’s too terrible!
Me too – I can’t take him. I’m out until JW is up – he sickens me.
I am going to listen, since Jodi has to. But it sucks.
I hate to stoop to the level of the haters but I’ve also seen enough of Juan. His summary of HIS lies is not something I need to hear.
Gas cans! Gas cans!
the fricken gas cans!!! WEAK!!!!!!
FU Massengil…
It wasn’t a GAS can Juanito! The defense better point this out!
Can the defense object in this closing argument? ???
No. But they’ll get their turn :).
yes, if it is not in evidence, if he says something out of line, etc…
For example if he said “we need to kill that dirty bitch”. the defense can object to the comment.
This feed is screwing up SO bad. Very irritating!
I’ve tried 3 feeds all of them had the repeat.
I am going to be capitalizing all the over the place – I apologize for my stress, tension and rantings today and until verdict….
I apologize to all….please forgive my “foul language”….
I feel homicidal…..If PMS starts – I’m going to Arizona……
We will ALL DO THE CAPITALIZING Janeen!No worries!!
Right on Janeen! Like Jim Morrison says near the end of the song The End, KILL! KILL! KILL!!!!!
this is laughable!!
He doesn’t sound very enthusiastic. Or maybe he just gets charged now.
Why is he so obsessed w this calling her sister stupid and fighting w her Mom? How many teens fight w their Moms? I fought w my Mom and we’re best friends! I’m an only child (I have a half bro and sis but we didn’t grow up together) but my friends were always fighting w their brothers and sisters!
That’s all he’s got 🙂
he’s got nothing ….
Okay he can shut the f*** up And sit down now.
This can’t last for 5 F’ing hours!
lol. ditto . . if this is the best he can do that’s good . . so far it’s stupid and blaming . . exactly what he’s said about Jodi so far . . Jen’s statement will be awesome
I’m going to BACKSPACE you massengil…..
You are a fucking douchebag…..SHUT YOUR HOLE…….
Breathe, buddy! Juan is defeated. No worries, the jury is not stupid.
You’re cracking me up, massengil………
BREATHE?????? I threw Lamaze out the window for BOTH my births!!!!! LMAOOOOOOO
Buddy….you make me smile!!!! I truly adore you!!! 🙂
I would like to have that magic back space button………
This is just ridiculous. How can you use a nonsensical stories from teen age love that has nothing to do with anything as ‘fact” in a closing? SMH this is just desperate….
OMG!! What the FUCK is JM talking about? This is so lame…….
he has NOTHING. he needs to talk about the past, because he has NOTHING. 😆
Jodi relationships last 1000x longer than a Kardashian Marriage!!!!
It’s called girl drama JM!! It happens more to very pretty girls that other girls are jealous of than others!
…..blah blah blah blah he is talking about nothing important at all…..it is just proof that she was abused! I hope the jurors figure it out Martinez!!!!
I hope he pees himself….keep watering your stupid ass hole…..
Hey JM, lets just start when she was a infant and how she cried and woke her parents up
When you don’t have much evidence, trash the reputation of the defendant.
This is so weak. If I were TA’s family, I’d be thinking that JM blew it.
Where is this crap coming from “it’s not her fault?”. It’s not society’s fault that you’re an ass, but we all have to deal with it……………
He’s still on about the borderline. Borderlines never take responsibility for their actions. Everything that happens to them is someone else’s fault. That’s where he’s going with this.
I can only hope the jurors see Juan for the scumbag he really is.
The only person who has “craved the limelight” is the craven prosecutor.
A HUSBAND to BREED???????????
All Mormon men have Family values??? hahaha laughable
Yea I know.
is the link working for everyone?
no 🙁
I can’t get anything…so I am watching comments instead.
The link here works for me right now. But was skipping until I rebooted.
God, I thought I could handle JM since he wouldn’t be screaming YES or NO. But his voice is now 2 octaves higher. He’s getting hysterical.
What a looser !!!
So she can BREED?!! What the fu_k you piece of shit!
Yep. Really condescending! Hope that hits a nerve with female jurors. And why does he keep refering to MEN as BOYS?
I thought I maybe misheard! I can’t fucking believe he said that! And I do not ever curse but he can shove it up his ass.
family values my ass
A BOY????????????????????
a 30 year old Virgin boy?????????????
I know, like Travis was this little kid that couldn’t help himself.
Such sexist BULLSHIT
He was a 30 year old MAN who knew what he was doing. He sucked Jodi into his depraved little world and shit all over her.
Hey girls, who isn’t looking for a nice guy w family values and a good work ethic? All he has pointed out is that she’s like everyone else! She wanted to have a family and ended up w TA. That’s really really not her fault!!!!
Am I anonymous enough to guffaw without being rude?
This is so dumb I am having a panic attack! I’ve said it before- if my past relationships were proof of a current crime, I’d be locked up for life 15 times already! Her relationships were golden compared to mine. None of this makes any difference. This is just sad, Martinez. I thought you were “smarter” than this… (ok maybe not!)
Who hasn’t taken a peek at a beau’s personal info when things aren’t going well in the relationship to see if he might be cheating?? Whether online, cell phone, or in the old days shirt collars & purchase receipts. What a fucking joke to bring these things up like they imply JA has a problem with jealousy!
I think Jodi and JW are playing tic-tac-toe, LOL!!
Lol Hi, Kmiller (my sister from another Mister)! ; ))
I have come to the conclusion…closing arguments are NOT JM’s strong suit. He is stumbling and…just Blah, Blah, Blah…….. (my opinion)
he’s only good at screaming at people
i agree, this is very weak and boring
And being cruel.
wow JM must been sleepwalking this is lame
F**ck you Juan!!
TA the perfect catch??????? QUITE THE CONTRARY!!
We all rue the day Jodi ever laid her eyes on that BASTARD!!!
Yeah, “perfect catch.” Unbelievable. Myth-making.
He was so perfect every single woman broke up with him. Whatever…. JM has nothing…. He’s predictable..
It seems, from these closing statements so far, that Jodi is on trial more for being an insecure girlfriend, a snoop, and a serial monogamist who sometimes criticized her mother and sister, and had trouble taking responsibility.
four 1/2 hours of bs more to go……
Transactions in SLC. WTF? What does that prove?
WTH is he talking about?
She went in search of a Mormon? Now a Jew, not a Christian, not a Muslim but a Mormon cuz they have better values? Lmfao
Yea like she was out there targeting a Mormon! Lol PLLLZZZZZ!
I have the sound turned down I cannot stomach this mental midget POS voice today.
Me too!
Now blame the victim! Way to go Martinez…
SOmeone on HLN just posted live that they have” lost all respect for Juan” right now… “she is guilty but this is lame…”
ok someone count the word “fault”
518 times. So far.
OH for Shit’s Sake….
According to “Deanna Reed”…. WHO THE FUCK IS SHE??????? An expert in Mormonism???????
Massengil – you need to use your own product…..
an expert on chastity? 🙂
I believe this reveals JM’s attitude about women in general.
He used all his energy bullying witnesses that he is worn out now.
Is there a link to a bio on JM? Like an official one?
OMG he it doing terrible. He cannot even look the jury in the eye and interact with them.
Its soooo hard to listen
Meth face’s face is melting…………here we go with the waterworks…………
Is meth face the one that looks like Skeletor? Thats what i call her anyway. Haahaa They are both awesome!!
OMG!! The plane guy…he has nothing.
Cute…slap that podium…it’s NOT going to make a difference, not going to make your nonsense more effective…I’m awaiting the Pogo Stick JM, or are you saving that for tomorrow… pfft….
Yeah wtf was that?A stunt?More to come,im afraid…!!
Maria, I expect he will do the whole stabbing motion thing and the counting…typical for a court case that involves a stabbing victim… heard it all before and wouldn’t put it past him.
Don’t be afraid…so far he has NOT been impressive in the least.
wow Victory for Jodi just got REAL !!!!!!
*\ 😆 /* I see it clearly now.
Here comes the “boys will be boys” defense of TA’s behavior…
Please note:
The trial will continue once Juan Martinez vents all his hate toward Jodi.
How AWFUL is this closing?
Is it really gonna last 5 hours?
YIKES!…the way he is going…it will last as long as the trial itself.
It’s so bad. He’s so personally invested in her death. It’s just dripping in every word he says.
I agree. This is real personal now. I hope the jurors pick up on his anger and hate toward Jodi. And, the fact that he’s not presenting any evidence.
I’m vascillating between amusement and boredom. Where’s their little firecracker?
lol joujoub, he left his pogo stick in his car…he’s saving it for later.
Signing off. I can’t watch this. Thought I could stand it, I can’t. Kudos to you all who can stomach this buffoon. Will have to catch the lowlights on youtube later.
have a great day
Looking at JW–if looks could kill.
She looks more angry than Jodi!
Yes! 🙂 Gotta love her…she is expressing what I’m feeling…
LMAO oh. ok. its no big deal that TA was having sex w/ Jodi. Really, it’s not.
Is was so much not a big deal that JM had to bring it up all the time.
she SHOULD thank him for sending her spiderman’s underwears?
Jodi looks like her Gramama…I see the resemblance 🙂
How does Jodi stay so calm? Seriously after listening to JM for so long and now she has to listen to him get to go on and on basically just bashing her. I would want to yell shut up JM I can’t stand you and your annoying voice and…..I don’t even know maybe I would just scream and throw the pens and stuff off the defense table at him.
I said way up thread that she ‘s gotta be an angel-so serene…
yes an angel. Poor Jodi.
It’s sad it’s like that’s how used to abuse she is.
omg i seriously would have killed him by now and i think id have a good defense lol
I don’t make it a habit of showing gratitude for things that in their gifting are humiliating insults.
Where the hell is this Magic Backspace button.
I know I’ve never heard of this, bc if I have I would have used it!
Me to. It would save me a lot of time to get to my email.
lol !
anniep, the magic BACK SPACE button is in the Magic Underpants…hence the BACK space being SO popular with the mormons
Button for easy access
Oh, Dorothy, you are as bad as I am. If we go to hell, can we be neighbors?
I will be in very good company…if that is where we are headed… and I will be honored to be your neighbor… 😉
Jennifer looking up when Kermit made that UGH ridiculous sound!!!!
Note to Massengil….
When you are finished spewing the FECAL SHIT coming out of your hole….you can find Your PRoduct in the Feminine Hygiene aisle at Walmart….it will make you feel FLORES Fresh.
Backspace that Asshole……
I dunno about the west coast but here in ny ups and fed ex come to my house between 6 and 7pm
Im on the west now and they come as late as 9pm. His full of SHIT!
Was it Deanna Reed talking about law of chastity or was it Mimi Hall?
I don’t think JM can tell the difference.
he has memory problems and projects it onto the defense witnesses.
Yes Kermit it’s your fault that your a f@#ken dumba@s,lying ,short,punny,little,transplant,blabber mouth,stinky,slimmy,unhuman,pri#k,joke prosecutor,hot for judge,screaming,beedy eyed,bastard.
She “stalked” him? Where was the proof in this trial?
Fake tears?!?!?! Oh my god, are you freakin desperate?
I’m hard pressed to believe that anyone could really like this guy! What an ass.
I just loved the face Jodi made.
OHHHHHH an objection from Nurmi! I guess they CAN object!
I expected more from Martinez to start this closing. I guess it’s coming. So far, I’m not impressed.
Objection! During Closing! Go Nurmi!
Thankful that I have a hair appointment after while. I just don’t think I can handle him for 5 hours.
I wish I had a hair appt to drag me away form this right now! =) Be careful they don’t go too dark… it might end up as evidence against you 😉
I will definitely keep that in mind LOL
PLEASE PLEASE tell me, that we won’t be subjected to this for five hours.
I’m going back to bed if it is.
Fuck that fucking shit.
You know he is going to say Pop Rocks and Tootsie Pops!
Stalking? ??? There’s no proof and his STILL talking about stalking? This is the way he’s trying to send someone to deathrow? ACCUSATIONS?
Well…. he didn’t tell her NOT to move there. In fact he has her over every other night and asks her to clean his house. idiot.
Right, didn’t TRAVIS have the option of letting her go and not sucking her back into his life over every little excuse?
exactly. He wanted to use her as much as he possibly could. He lied to all of his friends about it and even to his self. But now that is HER fault?
HLN is showing facebook posts at the bottom of the screen and they are saying that they don’t think the state has proved premeditation and the other one said they had the same feeling as when Casey Anthony was let go.
i *might* be posting on HLN’s FB page 😉
LOL when Jodi is aquited, HLN will change their mind and say ohh it was over charged etc like this did with Jeff Ashton. Then they will try and BFF Jodi’s lawyers.
So if Nurmi can object does this mean we’re gonna have Kermit objecting too during defense arguments?Oh nooooooooooo!!!
It’s awesome! I’m listening to it with the sound off
Team Jodi
You reading LIPS today?
does anyone know who the guy is sitting next to Samatha?
I think it might be her husband, her last name on Flores report was Turbeville
Thanks Trixels, I didn’t think she was married, but that makes since if that’s her last name.
Im sure he has pissed off and offended every woman on the jury by now. What a fuckwit. Jodi must look like some girl that has wronged Juanito sometime way back when. His hard on for her, and his level of vitriol and pure hate…to the point of wanting to kill her….is just beyond the scope of normal.
I’d be surprised if is hasn’t offended the jury. Even if I knew nothing about this case and just heard this I will be very offended. You know, alot of stuff he is speaking of there is not real proof of too! He is also misinterpreting testimony.
Looks like he’s in the river on a boat without a paddle.
haha….He is so stupid…. She lied
i pushed button too soon. ALV didn’t lie,
I think I just saw a lady trying to stay awake! Sitting behind the Alexander family…. I totally understand! JM is stating BS that we’ve ALREADY heard!
What about the misrepresentation by your own so-called “expert” witness, you asshole!!!
i can not take 5 hours of this guy, i will check back in later
can not he be stopped making these awful remarks about ALV????? She must have gotten to him
Bless Willmott for continuing to take notes to modify her closing arguments to benefit Jodi and fix damage Martinez has done
Why not just stick to the facts and evidence in this closing arguments? It would more effective. STALKING … WTF… and he could be more respectful and call Jodi by her name and Travis by his name instead of ” this mormon boy”
Be good if jm stays on this track because so far he’s just stacking blames that most all of us including the jury have done or thought about . . human things that people just do or have done .. it’s like the .. so and shrug shoulders thing. OK so this time it turned ugly and let’s hope jm doesn’t get that far . . at that point the jury will start having wavering and apply to their own experiences, pick apart evidence and then the dreaded decision of which charge to pick.
WTH? … in the Law of Attraction it’s okay to lie. What?!!! he’s so full of shit!
If I didn’t know anything about this case and just tuned in and heard this idiot rambling on, I’d say Jodi sounds pretty normal.
so she’s in it as much as him yet she’s stalking?
JM forgot to say he was having sex with his stalker… but oh, he was SO scared of her! lol
Where does he come up with this crap. Just cause you don’t write about it makes it a lie. hahaha
is Juan a Mormon???
That is a question still unanswered.
no a moron!!
No, a moron.
Hey Martinez, I think you have a disability that makes you repeat yourself.
Is everyones feed jumping backwards and toward?
I’ll bet anything that since HLN hasn’t taken the FIRST commercial break during his closing, they’ll make up for it threefold tomorrow during the defense’s turn!
Is Alyce on trial here now??
OK. Because so many of us women have NEVER been abused and kept it to ourselves for YEARS??? Ran back to the same jerk and praised him, cleaned&cooked for him, wept over him….??
You are such a Dbag JM. Seriously.
Nurmi, please do us all a favor and go step on that frog. Case close, dead frog in the courtroom, this is worse then the puck. Jury dismissed , go home Jodi, enjoy your life.
is the judge chewing gum??
no.. she is chewing her cud…
The slamming/flailing/whatever is REALLY grating to me. So disrespectful in a courtroom.
Its not a leap Mr Martinez. You had a job to do and that was to prove she was guilty and all you have is what she did NOT write in her journals.
He keeps describing himself when presenting “that individual.”
I’d rather be an individual then an assh@#l
you mean “indivijul”
Guano drips with misogyny and unless we end up with a jury of 12 men, it will matter.
Why do the Munsters ALL have the same face????????
I know! There’s like 4 of them!!
LOL !!! Funny! 😀
** Vicodin’s get your Vicodin’s **
I have valium here, you’re all invited 🙂
Count me in Danielle! Lol
No thanks, but I am willing to pass the dutchie to the left my friends 😉
I got GOOD ones too! I’m recovering from having a Hysto 3 weeks ago and Doc sent me home with the good 10’s!
I’m willing to share!
Is sarcasm
and Jodi impersonation (what’s with trying to sound like her?)
the best he has??????????????
2 Defense objections . . both overruled .
Okay, regarding the “peeping in the window” thing being “stalking behavior.” It is evident that TA and Jodi had a close relationship, even when they were ‘broken up.’ When I lived with my parents we lived in a house, and when my good friends came over sometimes they came in the side door and sometimes I let them in through the front door. Sometimes I would invite them over and they would come over and knock on the front door and I was doing something and didn’t hear them, so I didn’t come to let them in. So they would walk around to the side door and knock and maybe they looked in the bay window (which is beside the door), maybe to see if someone was there. In my group of friends it is common when we are invited over to not even knock at all when we arrive, we just open the door and let ourselves in. I personally prefer to knock, just as a courtesy, but some of my friends prefer we would just let ourselves in, they are lazy. Some of them even don’t mind if we just let ourselves in even if we are stopping by randomly. If I was invited over and their door was locked and there was no answer, I might look in the window and knock on the window to try and get their attention. So what I am getting at is that between close friends, I really don’t see the issue about looking into their window when you are invited, or even just to check if they are there if you are stopping by or dropping something off. Maybe Jodi was invited there that time and there was no answer so she was checking if anyone was inside. Either way, I would not classify this as ‘stalking behavior.’
Me either LB..and again if she was STALKING TA why would he continue to see her????
You wouldn’t have sex with your stalker or hire her to clean your house.
He’s upsetting me. That always happens w abuse victims. People are always like oh I thought they were the perfect couple/family. I never saw any bruises, he was so great. Meanwhile he was terrible. My Mom had a mentally/emotionally abusive boyfriend who everyone thought was Prince Charming. I hated him, I was also a teenager so no one really believed me except my Mommom and Uncle Dominic. But they seemed so great together when they were out. She thought if she stayed w him she could “help” him. She thought she could just be better. She wanted me to be better too, but if you knew me you would know that that’s not exactly something I can do LOL. I’m a nice girl but I have a lot of rebel in me.
I detest juan to the highest limits, he is telling lies, I don’t like her family either, I hate to feel that way but I believe they are milking the death of their brother to get donations so they can stay out of work. They.
were not even close to their brother. I donot think Juan is doing a good job, the jury surely sees that he is using stuff that he manipulated during trial that turned out not to be true. Can’t stand listening to his voice either. He has a Napolean complex big time
I think you mean HIS–Travis’s–family, NOT Jodi’s.
Hey everybody! Please forgive my language—-but I can’t contain it any longer! I can’t wait until the Nurminator and W pound that little rat-faced fuck-head up under the Maricopa Courthouse! Never in my 58 years on this earth have I ever hated anyone as much as I hate that lying, slimy, disgusting, hateful, inhuman, motherfucker! I hope to God that the state and the entire judicial system rid this world of the evils that are JM, “judge” Pickles, “detective” fish-mouth, the HLN “experts”, Doogie ME, J Demented, and the rest of the Turd Alliance! GO TEAM JODI GO!!!!!! WE SHALL BE VICTORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes. This comment resembles the thoughts running through my head right now.
Love it Duke! You used the F word for me!!! I thank you for that!!!! I think you have expressed a lot of our feelings about that little Pr@#K!! (Prick!!) whew, that felt good , I said it! 😉
I hear you Duke. You are saying everything I am feeling right now.
I’m so disgusted that the trial has been allowed to go on like this. I don’t normally use the word evil but damn, look at how many people they are HURTING with this case trying to save the image of a low class manipulative abuser.
There is something so ugly and repugnant about the orchestrated efforts to destroy the progress we have made in our society with no accountability.
Is this what closing would be like if the judgmental old lady in the church library were delivering the closing?
oh little jaunito you are a funny man. I love when he tries to act like Jodi with a real soft, cutesy voice.
He has nothing to this point which even comes close to being beyond a reasonable doubt. All he has is sarcasm… and his delivery of that is terrible.
You go Jodi girl! Head shakes when JM mentions “hiding behind Christmas tree”. Love that girl!
I think she smiled! I love her too.
ok, this little shit is all over place. He is back and forth, back and forth. Once again I am confused and if you look at the lady in the gallery with the black glasses and yellowish/greenish shirt she has the same face as I. lol
He’s rambling. Flitting from one subject to another. I think it’s safe to say JM is a much better witness-badgerer than he is a closing argument-giver.
Yep, I agree. The stress is leaving me now. This closing is terrible.
Fred and Annie, agree..I can’t even listen to him …he isn’t “riveting”…all over the map…everything he is saying can and will be re-butted by JW closing in an articulate cohesive manner that we can and the jury will understand!
This is what he is proud of doing without notes?
This is why as an attorney you need notes. I don’t care if Martinez has a photographic memory for details (true or false), you NEED to have notes or an outline to keep you on track.
Sex tape:
”Yes he said some things on it”
When did PEDOPHILIA become just ”some things”????
he is soooo bad at this closing thing…
Sorry about my rant, and the fact that I forgot to put the J in front of Jennifer’s name
Don’t be sorry…no one should have to listen to this guy for an extended period of time. This should be reserved for interrogating terrorists.
He’s not connecting with anyone. He doesn’t know sh#t about women or relationships.
There he goes with the word EXTREMELY again… Lets exaggerate.
TA was so afraid of Jodi that he kept letting her in to have sex w her. Makes sense to me….nope no it doesn’t at all.
Alyce understands it because he keeps letting Jodi in his house.
Wow ALV can travel back in time. *rolling eyes*
I vowed not to watch JM
on his closing, i have way too much
anxiety this week…
Is he doing good or bad?
Useless clown!!
Josh . . ditto Maria’s comment . .
I thk his doing real bad. I thought he’d do better. But thats good fir the defense!
Keep up the GOOD work Martinez! !! (watch JW face, it sais it all)!
He is doing awful but I might be biased. 😉
I thought he’d do better. But so far it’s like he forgot to drink the 500 energy drinks he usually has in the morning.
how is he doing?
exactly the same as the rest of the trial. No real evidence just shock tactics. And he has a new creepy baby talk voice.
Useless and I ended up laughing and bored.. went and got something to eat from the kitchen.. and a glass of wine! He said Jodi loved the limelight! What about HIM?? Then he said she lied on oath.. Christ, what did his witnesses do? For pete’s sake!
He droned on for eternity.. yawn.. and we have to listen to him AGAIN? Heaven help us!
Cheers all 🙂
Nurmi kerps objecting to evidence nit in evidence. This is what Martinez is throwing, almost everything his talking about is NOT evidence, not in evidence! WTF
ALV reads minds into the past? C-On Martinez, you really cant di better then that? Lol
JM is trying to make up his own Fairy Tale……
There’s no way the jury can be buying this…the start of her premeditation to kill him?!!
He didn’t even sound convincing!! JW’s face made me laugh! I have Never in the whole of my entire life seen anything like this.
Looking forward to Jennifer or Kirk, though.
UCK-FAY OU-YAY Massengil……………
cloning the alex an der fam i lee
Poor baby dildo
I know this isn’t a time for jokes but since Mom and I watch the trial together and heard dildo w a heartbeat we’ve been calling everything a dildo lately. We have to be more careful though bc we accidentally say it when we’re shopping or out and about.
I so wish I was on the jury. I knew nothing of this case until trial so I would have been completely objective. My first reaction was guilty as charged. But then I heard the evidence. Murder 1 – out. I would consider murder 2, manslaughter or self defense.
Nurmi….. Please use all of this BS against JM in your closing! Throwing things out there that are not in evidence??? OMG she uses HIM for sex??? WTF HE is the “virgin” isn’t he? The “virgin” who uses every girl he meets… until he meets another one?
Here we go with his misogynistic attitude that women manipulate men with sex…
The closing arguments in the Casey Anthony case where great. You could follow them, understand them, and knew where they were going.
Yep. I didn’t agree with the prosecution’s theory at all, but at least I could follow along with their closing.
Kermit is a joke.
Here come the onions…
HTF does JUAN know what he’s thinking…….. anyone can twist and spin a text message. Give the cry babies a box of tissues……….
A blancky! !! Haaahaaaaa they shouldve brought blankets in to add to the forced tears!
Now he is showing the pictures.
The sister looks like shes TRYING to cry so bad! She shouldve brought a blancky with her for all thise tears.
They can shove those fake crocodile tears. Every last one of them.
I am that infuriated right now.
Vent it all out my friend!Dont hold back!
I cant even look at them right now! HYPOCRITES with their blinders on!
Hey guys~I’m still here, but wasn’t able to be online for several days due to family stuff and illness..but I have been trying to keep up w/trial (need to still watch ME goof up, and Pros. Psych exp)~I’m half listening to “the frog’s” dumb ass closing..not impressed..sick of him referring to “stalking” which is so against the evidence of TA’s behavior keeping Jodi in his life..I’m praying for Jodi and hoping that the jury can see the obvious devious behavior of the State and their “experts”, Flores, typo’s of ME, shrinks that hold a grudge against a pretty, intelligent woman..I think JW will clear things up, Frog is rambling, oops and here goes the “dildo” thing again..is that all he has??? NO PREMEDITATION proven!! I will watch Defense closing in it’s entirety and best wishes to you all..keep the faith! I am looking forward to HLN, TA’s Family, the Hughes etc to get a giant slap in the face!!!!
Juan is pathetic. A man who was so afraid would not have opened the door or had a sex romp with her on June 4 or any other day since the day he supposedly so afraid. He would get a restraining order, stop all contact, go to the police. etc.
Yes yes yes!!!! I wish they would say that to the jury 100 times!
Been in a meeting with THE BOSS……have a missed anything…y’all?????
Just Fecal Matter from Massengil’s hole……
upon until now he is just blabbing and insulting ALV
Where would we even BEGIN???
He is rehashing everything the media has been saying for four months. “Jodi is a liar. Jodi is a slut. Jodi is the only one responsible for the sexual relationship she had with Travis. Jodi is a stalker because she hit a backspace key on a public computer in a library. Jodi should have left. Jodi wasn’t abused, it was Travis’ right to treat her like a piece of property with no right to consent to his sexual proclivities.”
That’s just a small summary of the laundry list of hate speech dribbling from this asshole’s mouth.
Thanks Jodi……..I think I can take it from here:>))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
I feel bad for these sisters- but seriously, the judge should have had them thrown out a LONG time ago for their outward emotions and outrageous facial expressions. Judge Perry would have had them GONE after day ONE. If I ever become a judge, may I use this woman as what NOT to do!
Agree VioletteR….Perry would of admonished them I’m sure. The judge has no control in this courtroom whatsoever and has proven to be in favor of the pros…
Oh, and now “she teased anger out of him”? WTF???
The witches of eastwick are now “crying” over text messages???????
I do believe there is a green light somewhere and when Kermit pushes it, it is their cue to cry.
Like a foot pedal under the podium.
”witches of eastwick” Good one!!!!
(no offence intended on Cher,Pfeiffer,Sarandon I guess right?) 🙂
Absolutely NONE!!!! LOL LOL
upon until now he is just blabbing and insulting ALV
Jaun has never been married, has he? Hmmmm …. no wonder. Not only is he an ass, he’s also strange imo.
I could never marry a man like this!!! The other day I ordered a laptop w/o asking my husband first. I felt like crap for not asking but he was totally understanding about it and didn’t kill me 🙂 If Juan was my husband I am guessing he would be screaming, flailing his arms, and calling me a thief for using our joint bank account w/o his permission. If he’s this big of a prick in front of millions of viewers I’d be frightened to see what he is like to women ALONE!
where is the evidence she STOLE anything????? OBJECTION – FACTS NOT IN EVIDENCE!!
The “burglary as guilt” thing really bothers me. That is one of the strategies used to accuse Amanda Knox- it didn’t look like a “normal” burglary! URGH
i have a feeling that The Defense
is going to be PHENOM today!!!!!
Prayers for JW, KN and Jodi!
lol.. yup
Why wasn’t she charged with burglary Juan? Because you can’t prove it asshole.
Does anyone know how close Travis was to his siblings?
They were ESTRANGED —- about as close as 1,000th cousins are genetically speaking…..
TA hadn’t seen his family in at least four years according to Flores report.
WOW! I guess if they were all “really” so close and concerned they would have stepped in if they felt he was truly “scared” or “stalked.” phhh whatever.
Hey is that brother who framed Travis to get meth ingredients and assaulted a guy in the gallary?
He looks more confused than anything.
Ironically, he strikes me as the most genuine out of that entire motley crew.
it looks like JM has lost him. Definitley less eye rolling and crappy expressions from him.
I only see info about 2 brothers in the Flores report and that one sister is a cop. I’m curious about his relationships with the sisters.
Estranged for years
not at all that is why they have been crying since he has been killed
They were estranged! It figures….
who is that lady dozing off?
Brewer didn’t say that on the stand…………
Darryl Brewer still has feelings for her? I can’t believe he said that. Wait, who am I talking about, of course I believe that.
OMG. Everybody has feelings for Jodi.
LOL – that’s all JM says
I bet the Jury has feelings for her also. shhhhh!
Right, the haters are sexually obsessed with Jodi, therefore everyone else must be.
Such a crock of shit.
If that were the case that she didn’t want to be traced back to Arizona wouldn’t it be way easier to take some cash with you to buy gas instead of pack around gas in the trunk?
and if it was so premeditated, would you just get all the money out of the bank before you committed the murder.
and rent the car with cash.
Yes and then wouldn’t you just walk in the house and either kill him then or when he was sleeping??
Vladmir Gagic is telling like it is over at Twitter!
copy and paste for us
#jodiarias prosecutor “I’m extremely afraid of defendant bc of stalking” and asks who would know better than #TA Didn’t he have sex w/her?
Govt: “#TravisAlexander extremely afraid of evil, scary #JodiArias” Defense: So afraid they had sex multiple times, invited her into home
dying to hear #jodiarias prosecutor explain why if #TravisAlexander thought she was stalker, psyhco they had sex, she invited into home
men will always refuse sex if women is dangerous psycho. Men are not ruled by sex drive in face of obvious danger #Sexism #jodiarias
#Sexism= Thinking #TravisAlexander, like all men, knew #JodiArias was dangerous but couldn’t control sex drive
Let’s not all of the trips across the United States they took instead of Travis doing his job like he was supposed to.
I don’t think for a minute Jodi was the obsessed one.
Let’s not “forget.”
I agree with those tweets.
The sexism goes both ways, but the point Martinez is trying to hammer home is the classic misogynistic image of the evil seductress with sexual powers.
This is the weakest part of assholes argument. If I’m going to murder someone I’m going to borrow stuff from my ex-wife? Please.
UGHHHHHH! It doesn’t freakin matter where she PHYSICALLY picked it up you freakin ass hat. SHE PAID WITH HER CREDIT CARD SO SHE DIDNT HIDE SHIT!! I’m not yelling at you guys I just have to yell. LOL
This is so FK weak………. People rent cars all the time and use their credit cards. Really if she wanted to rent a car and not leave a trace book it and pay in cash………. DUH JUAN.
As for the color of the car, I am with her, I hate red cars. When I went to FL with my kids for spring break I wanted a certain color of a car………….. this is total B.S
Yeah but the thing id SHE BOOKED IT ONLINE!! it doent matter if she paid cash or credit there is an online receipt that she rented a car. Thats why this is nonsense. SHe didn’t hide anything! UGHHHH
I agree about the red car. My father,who passed away this January surrounded by his loved-ones, and I rented a car–which happened to be red– back in the late 80’s and believe it or not we were pulled over for speeding after just progressing forward from a light that had just turned green! We–I was driving— had just went about fifty feet north on the highway when the deputy who was facing south at the other light made a U-turn came up behind me and pulled us over! However, after questioning us at length, he only gave me a “warning ticket” And This was after he thought my father and I were police officers —Simply because a guy on the state trooper force has the same name as me! And no I have never ever met him. I only know this because my father and I used to receives calls to report to duty from time to time! I say all of this to say that red cars do seem to garner unwanted attention no matter the circumstances. (PS, I hope shit-face chokes on his on backed-up turd-tunnel….then dies and have Doogie examine him for cause of death! LOL)
Yell away, no human being should have to suck up the shit Martinez is spewing today.
I’m kinda getting the feeling from jms opener here that he’s reiterating his life thru this trial . . he’s whining and mocking .. see him in fetal position hating the world for what ppl have done to him . . this is a tortured man with inner child problems and it’s ppl like me who would beat his ass for being a whimp disguising himself in bad boy attitude. Find a happy place jm, . or at least get real with society and take your problems where they came from and not out on others via court.
Can you picture the Little Weasel burning the midnight oil, putting this whole shoddy argument together? He doesn’t have any kids does he? If so, poor… poor things can you imagine living your life as a child of a little weasel that has trouble treating even his own witnesses with respect. How does he treat them?…. don’t even want to think about it.
This little weasel JM has like no clue of what he is saying… He keeps talking about stalking behavior, because he can’t say she is a stalker. There is absolutely no proof of that. Travis was so afraid of Jodi that he is going to text her and say all sorts of gross demeaning things… sure Weasel that makes so much sense. Travis was so afraid he says I’ll just text Jodi with all this horrible accusing and cussing and name calling, because that should calm her down and then she won’t be mad at me, that won’t make her mad…. NO oh nooooooo!!!! I’m so afraid I’ll call her a slut, whore, 3 hole wonder…. Worse than Hitler…. That should make her less likely to hurt me because I’m sooooooooo scared!!!!!!
Is this little Weasel Martinez for real? He can’t tie anything together. When it all comes down to it he is still talking about the gas cans, receipt, upside down license plates… blah.. blah blah. No proof of premeditation, no proof of stalking, no proof of her manipulation… TA was manipulating Jodi and a cast of other women, not to mention the whole Mormon Church. This guy was a walking disaster, and unortunately for him, the disaster finally struck.
Good Deal Martinez your Arguments add up to nothing, but you trying to manipulate the jury to your way of thinking. Problem is you can’t think, and no one understand half of your arguments.
the word according to law has never been defined during this trial. it’s loosely used in everyday life and a scapegoat word until accused of being a stalker legitimately.. Once introduced as ta saying Jodi was a stalker, it should have been explained at that point but it wasn’t . so according to jm every person that has passed by the same place daily .. is in fact, according to jm . . a stalker
I would want to scream at him from the jury. But asshole, she wasn’t hiding that she was going on a trip.
My Uncle told me never own a red car bc the police tend to pull them over for speeding more. He told me this when I was buying my first car bc I wanted red.
Yes Juan Travis flew off the handle all the time all the time just like you—an angry bully representing for an angry bully. Only difference is I am not certain Juan has a pecker whereas Travis we saw that he did.
The FK CDs where in her briefcase MOTHER FUCKER……………
Those CD’s could of been in a bag already that she used to go on the trip…………or maybe a laptop bag? Many reasons.
LOL so she brought the CDs to kill him? Yeah, that’s what I would do. SMFH
That’s how she slit his throat–with the CDs.
I don’t know what it is but for some reason the “Peanuts” Charlie Brown “teacher’s voice”/”adult’s voice” is vivid in my mind…Bwa,bwa…bwa,bwa…bwa,bwa
I turn the volume down and make those noises when I get sick of JM.
The only reason she brought the cd’s HAD to be because she planned to kill him. Have you lost it???
good gravey.. the weasel has lost his mind!
Awww,do you remember the days when CDs were actually to be played??
Oh,the Age of Innocence…
How come we didnt know they are an ESSENTIAL part of every thouroughly premeditated murder?Thanx for helping us catch up on thechnological developments Kermit!
Can someone try to explain this Priceline connection?
if this is the “best” Arizona has to offer for prosecution of criminals, how sad is that? This guy makes no sense what so ever. He’s living in a fantasy land, complete fantasy….
Nurmi will embarrass him, I can hardly wait!!!:-)
Huh? Why else take the CDs unless she planned to kill him? Surely this jury is now wanting to tell him to just stop. Stop.
Yea she wanted to show him the pictures before she killed him. What an idiot Juan. THERE IS NO MURDER 1.
Don’t you know? One of those CDs was used to slash Travis’s throat.
We ALWAYS rent cars from the Airport location because we use Priceline/Expedia etc. and it’s always cheaper. AND… I ALWAYS ask what kind / color of car I can choose from. AND… guess what… the airport is an hour away!
The AZ central link isnt playing for me. Does anyone know where else i can live stream from?
try wild about trial
found 1, ty
JM’S STORY TELLING SKILLS… never let this man volunteer to read stories to kids at schools or the local library. They may end up traumatized for life!!!
Point taken!
Are these music CDs? Bc who drives wo music?
CD where trips that Jodi and TA had gone on, not music
How can he bring in evidence in his closing arguments that has never been discussed, ie, Budget Car Rental. Judge overruled objection. Damn these people are awful. I think Juan is the worst DA I have ever seen in my life and I cannot believe so many people like him. What is up with that? Am I just crazy?
What is the attraction to this idiot?
Bloodlust Louise…
If she was trying to hide her trip to Mesa, why would she tell Darryl? You can’t have it both ways, Asshole!!
What a derrrrr moment
I appreciated the reminder, even if it came from pros. 🙂
JM keep digging I MEAN talking : ) … In regards to the state’s claim of TA not knowing the phone calls were being recorded, there is a heavy chance of him actually knowing since his narcissistic behavior of insisting to record and take pictures of what seemed like almost every aspect of their sex life, I could buy that he would wanna listen to the calls later..he loved having records of their sex life PERIOD
Also, as to TA telling these women that he was being stalked by JA, c’mon: he was clearly trying to receive sympathy from these women to make himself out to be the victim: he wanted sex from these women
Furthermore, for JM to conclude that TA was afraid of Jodi is a joke: YOU DON’T INVITE SOMEONE INTO YOUR HOME THAT YOU’RE AFRAID OF!! Keep slinging your bs!
Yes! You don’t invite someone in if you’re afraid!!!! I want to scream that from the rooftops!
Me too!! Why let her in?!?! And if you are so scared of them (and even let’s say for the sake of argument she hypothetically broke in) why would you sleep with them and take pics of each other? He obviously wasn’t scared.
I appreciated the reminder, even if it came from pros. 🙂
That should not have gone there…I meant to say that it also serves as an insurance policy in case she tells anyone about any secrets especially abuse. You can’t trust someone who is crazy, right? It is classic abuser behavior.
From Vladmir Gagic:
RT “@NCasserly @vlga I expected a more impressive closing. This is AZ’s “top prosecutor?” Poor AZ” exactly, so far all conjecture
Top prosecutor my ass!
Wow….almost exactly what I just said above…lol
Nice tweet Vlad
I wouldn’t tell someone I didn’t know where I was going, it’s non of their dam business!! Plus I’d be afraid my rates would go up!! Lmao!!
I wouldn’t either. So you’re going to stop and stand there and tell the guy everywhere you’re going? LOL. I would just be like no I just need a car.
BTW! I was watching “The Big Bang Theory” a few weeks ago and the “red car” statics being stopped by police were mentioned…couldn’t help but smile. Evidently, that red car thing is not as far fetched as JM would like to believe.
I heard that too when I wanted a red car as my first car my Uncle told me no bc of that.
Yes. Also a woman driving a red car alone in the middle of the desert without phone towers access is easy to target and follow if you want to rob and rape. Always rent a drab car common model.
oh its not i have heard that for a long time, i dont remember where i learned it but it is true.
Back to the beginning of JM”s closing..who was the Morman longer??????? JA or TA???? Who would know the rules of the church better????? TA of course!..He had been breaking the rules for along time..Can’t wait for JW to bring that up!
I’m starting to zone out….. time for some ice cream =)
I went and got the mail, etc…JM totally had me bored out of my skull.
I just had some. lol
I don’t think I can watch anymore…it’s too much! Bring it on Jenny and KN. Wish I knew when this troll finishes. When he lowers his voice to almost a whisper I think I’m going to barf.
or she could use cash. Idiot.
Meticulous approach?? LMAO this was the worst ever supposed “premediated” killing ever!!!! Thats because it wasn’t premediated Kermit—-no one will buy what he is selling.
I am pretty sure that I hate JM even more than my ex monster-in-law and that is saying some serious shit.
WTF he already said all this!! weak!!
HAHAHA I know the feeling!!
I would be insulted as a juror being talked to like I was a child with all the drama and theatrics .. did Once Upon a Time start before this fairytale?
His closing is so weak. All he has is the gas can. And he’s saying so many facts not in evidence! If it is such a strong case, why make up stuff?
Wow, i just got the trial on…Juan is beside himself….He has anger issues. I know he has intimidated the witnesses, but the jury? REALLY, he is going to grit his teeth and say “YOU KNOW! YOU…KNOW….What she said. RIght THERE ON THAT STAND.! Grrr..”
thats not a good idea Mr. Martinez.
Did shit-face say two gas can then switch to three cans then say that she had those cans and purchased a can? By my count that would be four can! Shit-face can’t even keep his own lies straight!
Hello everyone!
Just tuning in. Been on a field trip with my son’s school!
Praying Praying Praying!!!!
You didn’t miss much…same old talking out of his butt and showing everyone the definition of anger issues, and you are actually fortunate because you are probably a lot less angry and have a lower blood pressure then the rest of us here right now!! He sucks!!
Hey, SR0606! Was the field trip fun?
Luckily, the jurors are smart and will see she brought a kero can, and that she would have gotten in trouble putting gas in it.
Of course she returned it.
YEs!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!
I’m praying defense reminds them!
I can’t imagine 12 sane people putting anyone to death based on this miserable pile of crap. If they do, we are all in trouble.
I’m just wondering when his 500 energy drinks and cups of coffee are going to kick in and he’s going to lose it.
So in his mind she did everything else sneaky and then she borrowed gas cans from someone she knew instead of buying them w cash?
She knows all this stuff about cameras and she threw it in the washer knowing it was digital. No that’s just not believable.
Guys I’m a bottle blonde and I’m getting my roots done tomorrow!!!! Uh – oh, what am I up to?
NO, we dont “really know” Kermit. That is reasonable doubt.
Please Dear God……let JW or KN bring up the bad Grecian Formua die job that the little troll did during the trial and ask if that means he was premeditating murder…… Amen.
I really really hope they show the police report from Yreka.
In my opinion that’s the smoking gun to her not dying her hair before going.
Heh I died my hair the other day. Hmmm wonder what I’m planning. Not sure just yet. I just might kill somebody, hahaha
I just went to Walmart.com and typed in gas cans and all I found were red ones. Whey you type in kerosene can you get a blue one.
Everybody who’s ever been with you Juany has had to fake it too!
O M G!!!
”Squealing like a cat”
He is as disgusting as a person can get!!!
I hate him. That’s all there is to it.
yeah, thats pretty low.
Isn’t it overly obvious that he despises Jodi. He is so hateful and condescending. I guess he must see her as the catalyst for the downward spiral of his career. She singlehandedly ruined his career. Oh wait, it wasn’t HIS fault! I crack myself up 🙂 I want him to go away now.
”Squealing like a cat” = female, but not human.
A are you MIA
He’s a pig Maria truly—his disdain for her should not be showing–big mistake
Are they trying to get her on obstruction for justice to lying to the police? Like they did casey?
gotta have a screw driver for the skateboards wheels..dipshit
Jury, My name is Jodi. I rented a red car to not be detected, and then I flipped my own license plate, thinking no one would notice. 🙄
*white not red
If you don’t want to be detected you don’t flip your plate upside down!
He makes no sense! Now she’s stealing it. LOL
Oh its funny isn’t it, lol he should be locked up, he’s raving mad .
Paid with my detectable credit card when all I could have done was pay by undetectable cash!!
Paid BY my detectable credit card when all I could have done was pay IN undetectable cash!!
wtf, hoards of skateboarders must carry screwdrivers?
They probably do to tighten their wheels? Just sayin 🙂
I know! “to join the club” I can’t believe he said that. He’s plain stupid.
Horde of skateboarders! LMAO!!!
I am going to miss you all so much when this trial is over
thanks to everyone who has been writing here and bringing up their thoughts so many amazing thoughts are gathered here.
Still wondering what has happened to Bella and how she is doing
I shall miss everyone too. Funny how people have gone but maybe life took over.
One minute he has her as a master manipulator and this smart criminal and then he acts like she’s stupid and can’t keep her lies together. Well JM you can’t have it all.
OMG…..yes ….skaters do run in groups, or hoards as you want to say stupid. And yes….they are often punks with all sorts of things on them for tagging, vandalizing etc…..especially in So. Cal. Again..Fuckwit.
Maybe JM should have researched skateboard shops. They sell utility tools at shops all over. Google skateboard utility tool. It is like a Swiss army knife but has socket wrench and screw driver things to replace wheels in a hurry
I wonder if the defence can go buy one to show the jury that kids have them on their belts
Is that MTz closing arguments? I’m barely checking in…
The prosecution is a trainwreck.
Yes! Good, isn’t it 🙂
I’ve posted this before but thought I’d post again since this is exactly what JM is now trying to convince us:
That a woman of above average intelligence decided to drive 1000 miles to kill her lover and that the premeditated plan she came up with is as follows:
1. Steal the murder weapon from my grandparents’ house – just one week before the killing. (Surely no one will ever be able to make the connection.)
2. Rent a car 90 miles away from home to avoid detection (but don’t forget to attract attention by quibbling over the color.)
3. Drive down to Darryl’s house near Monterey and borrow gas cans so as to disguise travel route (rather than just buying cans along the way with cash because of course we can totally trust that Darryl will never mention the gas cans when the police inevitably come knocking on his door since the police will obviously be investigating all of Travis’ friends, including – and perhaps especially – me.)
4. Drive over to Mesa and arrive at Travis’ around 4:00 am. (Note to self: Must find out when roommates might be home or could possibly come home.)
5. Don’t shoot him immediately and quickly beat it out of town so as to avoid being seen or arriving suspiciously late at Ryan’s in Utah, who will, by then, be expecting me in approximately five hours. (Instead sleep the night with Travis and have sex with him so that my presence will be thoroughly imprinted all over the scene.)
6. And be sure not to shoot him in the middle of the night while he’s sleeping. Instead wait until he’s fully awake and conscious (so that, in the name of all fairness, he can have an equal chance of killing me instead.)
7. Before killing him, have him take photos of me – with time stamps. (Just need to be sure to throw the camera in the washing machine before I leave – rather than disposing of it along the way with the gun.)
8. Do not drive directly to Utah up Highway 17 (even though already running quite late at this point) but rather make a detour over to Hoover Dam (maybe to take in the sights).
9. And somewhere between Kingman, Arizona and Hoover Dam be sure to call several people on cell phone (so that there’s a clear record of my travels north out of Arizona – in spite of the reason for getting the gas cans.)
Yes, quite the plan…
LOL love it! Totally love it! Worst plan ever. But somehow JM maintains that she’s a criminal mastermind.
You forgot the CDs. It is common practice for murderers to be sure they bring pictures so they can reminisce over them before I whack him.
that is awesome!
Not forgetting to pay for the gas with your traceable card! 😀
Brilliant take down RB as always!!
Nurmi needs to mention the Show White was abused line in his argument, Just to show what kind of fantasy world this guy lives in. I love the way Alyce just looked at him with the disbelieving ” Just how many screws are loose in this guys brain.”
I loved her, she made him look like such a fool.
OMG did he just accuse her of stealing a license plate? Are you EFFING kidding me?!?!?!
Yeah, so now she’s a thief. What a colossal asshole.
That was hilarious!
Oh and get this, she loves the limelight! Of course JM hates it lol
Oh and she lied on oath.. what about his witnesses set up by HIM?
This is such a farce, a black comedy is what this is! 🙂
I can’t bear to listen to JM anymore. I’ll just read here for updates. There are too many stories like this throughout history of the victim be re-victimized, ridiculed & scapegoated. I keep thinking of a song that a professor at Columbia, I believe, wrote about scapegoating & asked Billie Holiday to sing. It was about the lynching of a black man in the south in the early 1900’s. The details are beyond horror; one of the worst things I have ever heard. The things that groups of seemingly normal people with families & jobs are capable of doing to others is beyond reason. I cannot believe that JM can possibly live with himself as he says that Jodi was not abused & violated by TA, after hearing everything in the courtroom all these months. Jodi was a clear victim of ‘violent subjugation’ by TA. A term coined in one of the best criminology books I have every read, Lonnie Athens, ‘The Creation of Dangerous Violent Criminals.’ If someone wants to say Jodi went into a rage after TA attacked her on 6/4/08, then it is because TA taught her the lesson of rage beyond all reason.
The only one that seems to go into rages is him.
I agree.
How can people do this to each other??
It’s so so very clear who Travis was and what he did to Jodi. And they still want to pretend that she asked for it all, as responsible for it all, and had the wherewithal to leave.
It requires ignoring almost four decades of domestic violence research to draw that conclusion.
I think JM need’s to be “tested”.
In addition to a full battery of psych tests, I would like his DNA tested to see if he is actually human or not. I am suspecting it will be *not*.
I think sectioned is a better word!
Babbling Fool!!!
He is a parody at this point. He just sound so stupid. His deductive reasoning is so juvenile and lacking in knowledge.
A fucking 5th grader could deliver a better close.
I feel sorry for all …ALLLLLLLL those people on the hater sites that pinned there hopes on the “big bang theory” of JM. They all “knew”…just KNEW he was going to have a “gotcha” moment. They figured it was going to be today. But, now, the bubble has popped. He gave us everything he had in the trial and was left wanting…now he is just telling us all the same shit.
No “big” no “bang”…just Juans “theory”.<—-should be the title for this afternoons thread.
For me it is having even more impact of how ludicrous and lacking in eveidence his arguement is because I am listening to Juan and Juan alone ramble and actually SAY the ridiculous shit he has been trying all along to manipulate the witnesses into saying. When it was all about trickery it was boggling but hearing him actually say THIS CRAP is his theory and all he has got is just driving home how senseless this is. Hopefully the jury is having the same AHA moment I am having.
I keep thinking “now that the theory part of the trial is done, when will the state start the evidence part of the trial?”
They do have evidence that proove guilt dont they? dont they…..dont……they?
They were looking for a perry mason moment, those clueless ….
OBJECTION FROM TEAM JODI… Relevance —> Speculation —> Fairy Tale
Team Jodi
My all time favorite objection
Does anybody have a read on what the ‘hater’ sites are saying? What stage of grief? Denial?
That’s an idea, shall take a look!
Thank goodness for the lunch break!
I needed a break from that b.s.
Hi everyone, i haven’t been posting much at all but like a few times, but i have been watching and reading all your post daily and I agree with you all on most everything and i am happy to know i am not alone in my thinking!!! I just know that there is some symbolism behind this trial and might change things in how prosecutors charge and maybe we need abused women readdressed as most people think it doesn’t happen as much these days that it is impossible these days somehow. I think she will get off and maybe she could work with battered women just think of all those women still sitting in prison cells that were convicted so many years ago for killing their husbands and men like kermit here put them away for life.
You know what? I hope Alyce is feeling better and able to watch this. My guess is that she would be laughing. Again, she was his biggest threat.
Pickles read the definitions of M2 and manslaughter too. Does that mean they will be included in the jurors’ options?
Yes that is what it means viri 🙂
Yeah, JM’s closing is weak and quite boring. All of what he said can be summed up as – telling-it-as-JM-WISHES-it-had-happened!! When you remove that, all you are left with is his sarcastic and grating tone of voice, filled with more stretchy lies, unproven facts, and wishful thinking – too bad, so sad (not!).
I guess JM proves the old adage: good enough for government work. He’s an embarrassment to all prosecutors.
After this trial is over are you going to keep us updated or possibly start another blog?
I hope so…gonna miss all my peeps… 🙁
Most likely. That’s going to be a real “Stalingrad” of a trial!:-(
That’s EXACTLY what I’ve been meaning to ask too!
Hi guys, how are you all doing? Is anyone else having trouble with the live feed? I am getting the message “cookies must be enabled to view articles on azcentral.com.
I do have cookies enabled! I’ve never had trouble all along until today.
My feed (wild about trial) is all choppy…
I had that message too and I can’t get in.
i went to another site, my link didnt work on the one posted here.
abc15.com is working for me
copy and use the link on top of this page. — clear cookies and browser data, reload page or restart browser if it keeps doing it.
I found another that’s working, I’m just really paranoid about something happening to this site in the next few days.
Me too! And I’ve never had a problem before. Watching it on Christian Post website but it skips alot.
I think there is just so much traffic…the sites can’t keep up.
Yeah, like phone service during a hurricane.
Uh oh have to mute HLN. They think JM did a wonderful job. I have to say if I thought he did a wonderful job I’d feel sick right now and I would admit it. I would be like oh no this is bad. Bc unlike these HLN people I don’t just hear what I want to. I really don’t feel like he was great. He was actually boring. He didn’t say anything that made me think oh no. He confuses me sometimes still. I know I get distracted easily but even when I put all my attention on him (I know gross right) I still sometimes feel like I missed something. He jumps around. That’s why I love the defense. They make things so easy to follow.
TEAM JODI!!!!!!!!!!
Even if I thought Jodi were guilty – I’d hate the misogynist attacks on women throughout this trial. What is WRONG with these people, that they are not only willing to accept his statements as a valid argument but defend them as true???
I don’t understand how anyone can sit there and applaud a man who is basically telling all women that they are responsible for everything that happens to them, and that men just can’t help themselves when they want to have sex or abuse women. That ultimately, it’s not up to the rapist or abuser to stop committing those crimes, it’s up to victims to avoid having crimes committed against them. What’s the point of having laws against them then? Is that the next step – declare rape a form of self expression?
The fact that Chris Hughes’ charter school had a child abuse scandal does not surprise me one bit.
Chris Hughes looks rough. Rode hard & put up wet. Trouble in Paradise? Kids know how to shred the K12 but don’t know how to read? Oh, no. I’m posting like I have a 140 character limit. God help me!
TA was a criminal. Repeat offender. Absolutely.
Does anyone know how long Martinez talked so far? I only started watching like an hour ago.
he started at 10:38
3 hrs 38 mins left … yawn…
too long……..B O R I N G…………..!
Ok so I only missed like 20-25 minutes
OMG! HLN has sunk to a new evil low….I can’t believe what I’m hearing. They are actually setting up their mock courtroom for their “HLN after dark” show outside right in front of the courthouse! Maybe they’re bound and determined to cause a mistrial.
I keep hearing people gripe about how awful HLN, NG, and JVM are…So why do you all keep tuning in, LOL??
So far, I think Juan has been the best person for the defense since this trial began. Today was a shining example of his skewed-thinking and grasping at straws. Jodi is manipulative by being apologetic. Jodi lied and yet Travis was just a normal, red-blooded Mormon boy. It would be comedic if it wasn’t so tragic.
I want out for a nice bike ride 2 minutes after jury instructions….
Has Juan said anything sensible yet?!
were those jury instructions? will M2 and manslaughter be options to the jury then?
The instructions include M1, M2, Manslaughter..
Also DV considerations.
But fortunately not speeding. I might find Jodi guilty of THAT!
Yes, M2 and manslaughter are options….
Now, is it me, or is this the WORST closing argument ever?? He’s all over the place! Nothing is connected! He really needs a time limit! And the blatant lies and mischaracterization of testimony is ridiculous!! This is a soliloquy not a closing argument….I CANNOT take anymore!
What’s really pathetic is that he’s probably going to stand up and say all the same shit after the defense’s close tomorrow.
I know I’m absolutely losing my mind. Hopefully they have a long enough break so Nurmi can add responses to this nonsense in his closing….
Yes, he manages to trash Jodi without even a dialog. It sounds like the rantings of an abuser speaking about the abused by himself.
What did you expect… NO!!!!!
If you watch it… It can be nauseating… word to the wise. JM is such a loser!!
viri, it was a waste of time…droned on and on with a lot of hot air. I hope you enjoyed your bike ride 🙂
😉 geebee2 went biking, I went for a dogs walk when the ‘no no no it’s never her fault!’ count came to about ten.
I have watched the closing arguments so far and this is what I see. I see that Juan Martinez is treating Jodi the same as every other victim of domestic violence gets treated when they finally go to court. They are not believed. They are called liars. They are made out to be the bad person. This is why women or men who have been abused either hide it or go into hiding. Going to court does not bring them justice.It is too bad that the haters,especially the ones who have suffered domestic violence abuse, cannot see this. They cannot see that the hate they have invoked towards Jodi and her family is no better than has been done to them when it was their turn.
Well said, Debbie, its how I feel too.
I will miss you guys, even though you didn’t even know I was here lol. I haven’t posted all that much, but I have loved reading your posts. They are fabulous!
Don’t worry, this site will be here for years to come. 🙂
You and the rest of the good women here will make certain of that MB!:-)
Just got in. Can someone catch me up. Has Kaka for brains made any compelling arguments yet? Saw we got instructions for manslaughter and DV.
Any idea how long he gets to go, may the pox be on him.
Hi Al, glad to have you back, was wondering where the brains of this operation were.
So, we got PRe-Med, M1, M2 and manslaughter along with consideration of DV.
Juan is…how should i put this… He is doing less than par, for him. Truelly, he is making an ass of himself. Basically he is running down the entire story as he see’s it, but is throwing obnoxious induendoes everywhere. He is exagerating anything that is negative…for example his story about the “plates on the rental car” turned into…” She wants you to believe that a ‘hoard’ of kids on skate boards that keep screwdrivers handy are prowling the streets…yadda yadda yadda…So, lookout for this ‘HOARD’ bent on taking advantage of woman ordering a strawberry choco latte whateever….thats what this murder lyer wants us to believe….”
Honestly, if i felt no bias towards or against any of this now, and watched this, i would say he left on a rocket along time ago, but it never made it to space.
I knew..KNEW he wouldn’t yell at the jury like he does the witnesses….Oops, i was wrong. He has gotten very “assertive” at times, clinching his teeth say in as angry a voice as he can muster “YOU KNOW ‘THAT’ person lied, YOU HAVE TO KNOW SHE IS MAKING THIS UP….You DONT GET TO BELIEVE HER.” He is straight out telling them what to think, rather than giving his take and asking them to decide the truth.
I LOVE IT SO FAR. Poor guy is off his rocker.
LOL You make me laugh!!!!!
He’s raving mad.
Demon Pox!
LOL ! Has Kaka has 3 hours 20 mins left to scratch the blackboard with his larynx.
lol Al
Gosh I don’t know. I HOPE for not too much longer or my head will explode.
We have yet to see that infamous rain man moment where he ties it all together and we suddenly see the light. Or why, if he’s such a brilliant attorney, he didn’t make his case clear and concise enough in the first place.
No compelling arguments. If you ever wanted to get caught up with the propaganda HLN has put out the last four months, that would be about all it is.
A quote from HLN
“2:59 p.m. ET: Martinez is discussing how peculiar he thinks it is that the rental car on Arias’ rental car was turned upside down.”
Eh??? These people are in a serious fog!
Actually, generally it seems a reasonable summary of the bullshit Juan is spouting:
I agree with you, Debbie. He is just like any other batterer. His mockery and mannerisms during his closing argument are appalling. I wonder why he doesn’t just dispense with the formalities and call Jodi a “thing.” He is dehumanizing her at every turn. I cannot believe her calm composure. She is really amazing. What a horrible ordeal!
The sad thing is that this try feeds off of and contributes to all of the nasty sentiments expressed towards women within the last year. There is definitely a shift away from compassion and justice. HLN is proof of that. The “boys will be boys” attitude prevails.
Well hopefully in the near future a case like Jodi’s won’t even go to trial. It simply being looked at as “women will be women”!:-)
LOL! I’m loading up on kitchen and deer slaying knives, gonna find me a good Mormon man.
So I just clicked on the link to see if Kermit has finished (I really can’t listen to him) and I see the seal up. Are they at recess? Is kermit finished?
Lunch recess, Mary 🙂
we need the usual lunch break 🙂
Yep….Nurmi’s next:)
Is Nurmi closing for sure? The way JW has been taking notes, I would have thought she is closing
Depends on what you mean by FINISHED! 😉
Should she have included jury nullification in instructions?
No. You can google jury nullification for a way better explanation than I could give you, but it’s something the jury does on its’ own of its’ own accord- ergo nullification (of the instructions).
It is simply a tragedy that “Sidestep” from Best Little Whorehouse in Texas is not on You
Tube. That should certainly be the theme song for this trial. I have taken some small liberty with the lyrics:
Fellow Arizonans, I am proudly standing here to humbly see.
I assure you, and I mean it- Now, who says I don’t speak out as plain as day?
And, fellow Arizonans, I’m for progress and the flag- long may it fly.
I’m a poor boy, come to greatness. So, it follows that I cannot tell a lie.
Ooh I love to dance a little sidestep, now they see me now they don’t-
I’ve come and gone and, ooh I love to sweep around the wide step,
cut a little swathe and lead the people on.
Now my good friends, it behooves me to be solemn and declare,
I’m for goodness and for profit and for living clean and saying daily prayer.
And now, my good friends, you can sleep nights, I’ll continue to stand tall.
You can trust me, for I promise, I shall keep a watchful eye upon ya’ll…
Ooh I love to dance a little sidestep, now they see me now they don’t-
I’ve come and gone and, ooh I love to sweep around the wide step,
cut a little swathe and lead the people on.
Now, Miss Jodi, I don’t know her, though I’ve heard the name, oh yes.
But, of course I’ve no close contact, so what she is doing I can only guess.
And now, Miss Jodi, she’s a blemish on the face of that good town.
I am taking certain steps here, someone somewhere’s gonna have to close her down.
Ooh I love to dance a little sidestep, now they see me now they don’t-
I’ve come and gone and, ooh I love to sweep around the wide step,
cut a little swathe and lead the people on.
Ooh I love to dance a little sidestep…
And, ooh I love to sweep around the wide step…
Cut a little swathe and lead the people on
Glad I was able to drop the F-bomb! This travesty of justice makes me wish that I wasn’t an American anymore. It truly pains me to see just how vile a person can be when they think the world revolves around them —hear that JM and the rest of your Turd Alliance? JM has not one shred of decency in his dwarfed-out little freak-faced body! If I were his parents would be looking for the nearest bridge to jump from or calling in an exorcist to rid myself of this demon named Juan Martinez!
I agree Duke!!!
Sounds like Wheezy from Toy Story.
Unmuted HLN for a minute (can’t deal with live feed today on my laptop), and maybe JC said that JM was trying to get the jury angry at JA. As usual, creepy & underhanded tricks.
I have HLN muted and I see JCs mouth moving and even with the tv muted she’s bugging me. But, I do like her earrings, I’d like them better if they were silver and I like the color green she’s wearing. That’s the only way I can get through HLN when I have it muted. By doing something else or seeing if I like their clothes and hair LOL. Bc if I have to listen to their words I get all mad.
My precious kitty Harvey (named from the Jimmy Stewart movie) just hopped into my lap. He knows I need a hug thanks to JM.
I realize this is JMs job. But how can you stand there and say someone wasn’t abused she’s making it all up? He doesn’t know that. How can you bash a person like that? I would think that would bother the jury more than anything. Just his yelling and hysterics and carrying on. It’s too much. Maybe he thinks that’s the most effective way to do his job but really it’s so abrasive and just hard to take. Maybe I’m too sensitive but if I were a juror (oh how annoying is it the way NG says juror?) he would have me at my limit. He would make me sympathetic to Jodi.
Jodi has so much class. Every once in a while you’ll catch her looking at JM and just doing a tiny head shake w a look like how did you twist that like that.
I think it’s annoying the way pickles says defendant
Me too. “Deefindant”
That’s just it, I never believed JM’s job was to be abusive to defendants, twist witness words, or put a spin on a handful of items and pretend it’s a case worth arguing.
Several months ago, there were fence sitters and pro prossies trying to convince me that was the case. I didn’t believe it then and I don’t believe it now.
It is UNConstitutional to deprive citizens of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, a fair and speedy trial, presumption of innocence, and all the other things Juan has tried to take away from Jodi.
For people to say that as a representative of the State that he has a right to do those things is a crap pile of steaming elephant shit. The idea that prosecutors aren’t under any standards of professionalism or that they can abuse their power would make the founding fathers roll over in their graves.
I wouldn’t believe his behavior if I didn’t see it for myself. I would think a real judge would be all over him telling him not to yell at people and basically be a professional. I know he has to be tough on people and I know a lot of the time he is in court with some really bad people but why would you risk the trial bc of your behavior? I mean they keep asking for a mistrial bc of his behavior. Wouldn’t you do your best to do your job right so that there wouldn’t be any problems with the verdict? Seriously if someone told me about this I’d be like yeah right no judge would like that happen.
Exactly. I don’t expect him to be nice to her (another accusation thrown my way lol) but I do expect him to make his point without being too much of an asshole.
The sexist, dehumanizing things he has said, his over the top behavior and showboating isn’t normal. To think, people either believe or WANT this to be normal.
I wish more judges or lawyers would have come out during this and criticized his behavior and started a dialogue about what it means to be a representative of the State.
Skateboarders do carry special tools like a swiss army knife except it is a socket wrench/ screwdriver to replace wheels etc in a hurry. You can see a pic if u google skateboard utility tool
I was talking to my best friend earlier. Her husband is a nice guy, but he sure is against Jodi. Well, she has been watching the trial more and more, but on HLN. I have been encouraging her to watch through one of the live links…but whatever…. Anyhow, she just told me that if she were a juror, she would vote to acquit because she can’t stand JM. LOL. I wonder if some on the jury are growing tired of his rudeness, shouting, etc. Yesterday, I thought he was a top that someone had just pulled the string. I thought he would never stop whirling. What an incredible jerk!!!
Katy Wick says on Twitter that she and her friends are all watching and crying. I am sure they are crying because Juan is such a Fuckwit.
Katie Wick is crying cause she can’t find her tampon string
Katy Wick is crying bc soon we’re going to be saying who is Katy Wick.
Juan is his own worst enemy
I hear that the Travis Taliban are nervous as hell and anxiety ridden
HA good for them!
I can’t wait for them to eat crow for the rest of their lives
when Jodi DOES not get the DP or Murder 1
That sound you hear is JM’s career being flushed down the toliet
I wouldn’t be surprised if JM and that judge lady have some trouble after this. This is not how I pictured a professional court. I’m scared of cops and courts. This is nuts. I was just saying up above I would think a real judge would tell JM to pipe down and stop yelling at people. I can’t believe they can really act this way and act like Jodi got a fair trial.
think I just caught those people near Jodis family were moved due to making snide remarks
Guano is depersonalizing Jodi, just like Travis did.
The prosecutions case is based on innuendo, a theory that has no basis in fact, JM calls her a stalker when there is absolutely no proof whatsoever of this. He says she was a manipulator yet there is no proof of that. He says she has premeditated this crime, yet there is no proof of it. No, a receipt from the extremely dedicated employee’s there to doing the job right at wal mart is missing for a returned gas can is not proof!! Upside down license plate, this is anything but proof. If anything it shows somekind of a prank. No one who wants to avoid detection by law enforcement is going to do this on purpose. Buying gas with a credit card is the least most avoidable way to be detected if there is something for you to hide. And then the little weasel tries to use the horribly horrendous vicious text messages that Travis sent to Jodi as proof to help the prosecutions case.
Just stopped by HLN but could only take about three minutes before I thought my head would certainly explode. I’ve always seen myself as a good judge of character but now I’m so disappointed. Every one of those HLN people (many for whom I’ve had a great deal of respect over many years), each and every one has sold their soul to the Devil. (Nancy Grace, on the other hand, I have always thought of her as the Devil’s Mistress.) I just can’t understand their thinking processes. The only reasonable answer I can come up with is that they are all living in some parallel Universe when Jodi is actually guilty. It’s the only logical explanation!
I used to love Dr. Drew, but it seems he’s an expert in something different depending if he’s on HLN or MTV or VH1 or so on.
Dr. Drew is a nut case. He pretends to be a psychologist wanna be……….. Why in the world would you spend 8-10 of going through school to be a MEDIA entertainer…. Pity those poor folks that went to him for help.
Guess he sucked at being a doctor and turned to the TV for fame……..
Me too! I used to like Dr Drew b/c he would talk about “healthy” relationships and attitudes…Isn’t it funny now he comes off like a hateful tyrant!!! I wonder how you deal with convincing yourself that it’s okay to pout hateful propaganda about someone you’ve never even know??? Sell out would be deeply understating it
My hubby is not on the same page as me…..he thinks she is in BIG trouble. Why didnt the defense explain how this over kill could have happend in a person in pure survival mode. Im worried. Hate how our justice system is.
Michaele, Have you been watching the trial? The defense DID go over this.
Ive been watching. I think they should have explained that better. Dont know how they could have though. I hope the jury is fair.
They sure did Dorothy………….. these are the people that haven’t been watching the trial from the begininng…..!!!
JUAN is one big hot MESS…. don’t even stay on track.. We will see what he brings to the table in the second round.
I am going with manslaughter.
Not to worry, Michaele. The defense is going to present their theory of what actually happened (and it’s going to make a lot more sense then what this misogynistic moron is trying to feed us.) And I suspect there is at least one juror who has already worked it out for themselves, that concept of frantic and chaotic survival mode.
the talking heads act like we are watching 2 different trials. Juan has not proved premeditation. I don’t think he proved M2. I think the jury could go for involuntary manslaughter, or Aquittal, (praying, jodi may get to go home) Juan has made a travesty out of the court.
There were 6 objections by Nurmi. 5 Overruled, (one of them, Judge told jury to stick to evidence) 1 sustained.
Jurors, 10, 17, &18 taking notes. #10 is female, sexy, 40’s, big ta ta’s, #17, female, young with ponytail, some what frumpy, # 18, male 50 or 60 Bald artist. These were the only ones taking notes. Nurmi was taking lots of notes.
Thx eb . . that information shows alot . . there is some kindred position
Does anyone know why Flores has been sitting beside the ass-wipe throughout this entire trial? Seriously, what was his purpose at the table all these months? Really curious.
Canada, Someone had to hold JM’s hand…or at least sit there and make it look like JM isn’t working alone…although I hear in the wind that he DOES work alone…not sure if it is HIS choice or because others choose NOT to work with him.
That is very common in AZ for the detective to sit with the prosecutor….. Read that a while back when I was looking up the AZ laws. AZ court systems is one big CULT………. I also think Flores wife is a judge…. Or at least she looks like Flores wife, and she’s in this courthouse.
I have asked this a couple times but never get a response if it’s his wife…..
WOW, you got to be FK-ing kidding me. Donald Trump are you that fuckin stupid….. REALLY JODI follows you on Tweeter from her jail cell with no computer of internet. There was a reason I always dislike your FAKE ass………… WTF do you really know about this trial DONALD TRUMP being that your in NY …. I am your not planted in front of your BIG SCREEN watching this trial.
Your one sick bastard…OPINIONATED……………. CROOK…. that likes to stir-up drama like JUAN. SIT the fk down.
Donald Trump needs to sit on a cactus and rotate……
What a fucktard……………………………………………….Jodi wouldn’t even LOOK at you – you wig-wearing serial adulterer bastard…..You aren’t fit to utter her name you slimebag fuck off…..
lol I think I’m going to change my picture to a cactus :>
^5 🙂
Ya…I’m sure he’s been following the testimony faithfully…NOT!!!
Ugh… Donald Trump…
“You must start with the presumption of innocence.”
“The defendant is not required to produce evidence of any kind.”
Take that pro prossies. The defense went above and beyond the call of duty. Remember that next time you pretend it’s Jodi’s responsibility to prove her innocence.
That “squealing like a cat” remark showed just how personally biased Kermit is. I can’t imagine the jury not being turned off by that remark.
Also the jury has to know that there is absolutely no proof of hardly any of the assertions Kermit put out there as fact. I thought that TA’s family even looked concerned at one point.
As for Katy Wick and the other sobbing supporters…..I don’t get what on earth they are crying about…..what a bunch of fakers!
They can take their tears and shove it. All of them.
caught the one in red peek up to see if camera on her then sqwunched her mug all up . whaaaaaa . . so dumb . . the grieving parts been over . . today would be venom and vengence toward the defend ..ant (mock ss)
2 more questions everyone: Is Nurmi or Jennifer doing the closing? 2. If the Defense closes tomorrow and the jury gets it will they deliberate everyday until verdict. In Canada, (at least in my province), the jury gets sequestered during deliberations. Anyone know about AZ?
I don’t know how the juror’s could even avoid snickering behind their notebooks. And I wouldn’t be surprised some of them have.
When you hear this Flash Gordon lunacy theory of supposed Ninja level preparations actually verbalized as a cast–in–stone patchwork to unequivocally commit a murder , it’s almost laugh out loud roll-on-the floor funny.
She requests not to have a red car so the rental agent has even more reason to remember her lol on this stealth mission. And gee, I wonder if maybe a COIN would serve the same purpose as a screwdriver. Ya know, like kids might carry in their pockets to BUY STUFF.
Sanchez talks like a shit salesman with a mouth full of samples.
Some of those jurors have to thinking, boy–I really need some hip boots here.
I would have to tear a piece of paper, wad it up and shove it in my mouth to avoid laughing/yelling back at the smarmy little weasel.
I didn’t catch it, is there any more of this show today, anyone?
Some quotes from Vladimir’s tweets
“Pathetic, patronizing how many so called #travisalexander supports say he had no self control around “obviously dangerous” #jodiarias”
“its truly a slap in the face to ALL domestic violence victims JM single handledly returned DV to 1950’s, no report never happened.”
“Makes my blood boil to hear so many say men are ruled by sex drive and have no self control around pretty girls #Sexism #JodiArias”
“4 sake of gov’t, hope they have better answer than “#TravisAlexander couldn’t control sex drive” #Sexism #jodiarias”
“dying to hear #jodiarias prosecutor explain why if #TravisAlexander thought she was stalker, psyhco they had sex, she invited into home”
i think court starts again at 1:30. JM still up, i hope dt takes all day tomarrow, makes juan finish closeing on monday, then jury get it mon, or tue. I think after dt gives their closing, and JM gets back up for the last word is when we will really see him be a jackazz, having a hissy fit, drama and lots of antics.
Somebody needs to look up Donald Trump’s and the weasel’s birth certificates and DNA to see if those two fuck-heads belong to any race whatsoever!
Oh bullshit Kermit!!!
There’s a MOUNTAIN of evidence that she is not lying!!!!
They NEVER checked the dummy skews!!
They NEVER checked for KEROSENE CANS.
Don’t worry. Willmott will correct
I bet we can have a whole list of ”They NEVER ……..”
Fuck em!!!!!
Did he just ask why Travis didn’t just rape her if he was such a sex fiend?
Good grief! What a weak close-bumbling, fumbling………we can even add a raping in there….UGH!!!!!
Willmott shaking her head. No worries. It will be fixed.
He aint got chyte…..
Yea his just lying, accusing and talking shit about Jodi. I hope this jury see it. How can you send someone to death by talking shit about the person? ! WOW
Shes lying, lying, lying…. and its not HER fault, thats ALL Juanito has to say!
Does anyone think the Alexandra family are believing this load of shit?
They are probably thinking about their upcoming book & appearance deals.
Right, like JODI doesn’t have the free will to decide who to be with and who not to.
No according to Kermit she is the property of whoever she’s with, and it’s THEIR choice whether or not to cut her free.
What a woman hating misogynist pig!!!!!!!
yes..JM has shown his true colours..
“Yes, JM, women never get raped. Yes, JM women never get coerced into sex. Yes JM women never are afraid of a guy getting angry if they say no to sex. All stories like this are made up.”
I guess this is what JM is going for. Please don’t let there be any Stepford jurors!!!!!!!
And I think JM wishes he had someone to be “sexual attentive” to him! He’s got major old school issues.
Every time Juan makes a reference about sex….I throw up a little bit. Ewwwwww He is talking about KY! Ewwwwwww Stop
Yeah, and so it’s appropriate for JODI TO SEE OTHER MEN TOO
Shove that where it counts MARTINEZ
I know. She couldn’t see other men. He would hound and torture her with criticisms and HIS jealousy.
Okay Travis Taliban where’s your fucking rain man moment?
So he’s managed to slut shame Jodi and say abuse victims deserve to be mistreated.
But we knew all that, thanks to HLN, social media and the Travis Taliban. We knew all that for MONTHS that America has gone so far backwards people believe this shit is normal now.
But what does this shit have to do with premeditation? NOTHING.
Oh Yes….Whiskey Tango Anorexic Skank is sooooo fake crying.
Why would “whiskey tango” fake it?
And might I say I am still so disgusted that WOMEN have participated in this orchestrated attempt at systematic oppression of rape and abuse victims.
And JVM is the biggest hypocrite of all.
Couldn’t agree more.
me too. Can’t reconcile with it; tried to theorize and explain over it, but I’m really disgusted by them all.
AGREED!! ALL women act differently in situations of abuse, assault, rape etc. JVM and others are invalidating women who have been/are in those situations. It is highly offensive and truly disgusting.
i was with my mom over getting my brother out of his gf home (she is as old as my mom in her late 60’s) my mom has been abused by my father and my brother does the same to his gf. I walked to the front door and it was raining and very wet and my flip flops got stuck in the grass and next thing i know it this big fire red ford 250 revved his engine and drove right up on the lawn almost hitting me. I went in to get my brother out of the house (which is why i was there and at the request of his 65 year old gf) when her nephew 6′ tall (im 5’3) yelled at me to get the f out and as he got in my face i my fight and flight kicked in and i lost memory and he grabbed my arm and threw me back and i fell as my mom and brothers gf watched they blamed me cause i was being loud cause he was ordering me out of the house when his aunt told me to go in and get my brother out of her house and both of them just starred at me as I was yelling call 911 for him assaulting me they both thought it was my fault i commented to them stating that well i guess when you are abused all your lives this is what happens. by the time i got to my car there were very bad bruises on my arm, my mom told me I called her a bitch and i dont remember, apparently i was also trying to get my brother to the bathroom to puke up pills he had taken and i dont know this house well at all as i never got there and some how under loss of memory i knew where everything was.
that is the condensed version hope it makes sense, but it just goes to show that women dont always even understand they have been abused when they accepted it and swept in under the rug and you can remember things while in a state of fog.
Ad Whoria Allmad to that bunch!!!!
So predators are just “social human beings.” LMAO
Thanks so so sooooo much Martinez. I’m sure the DSM will be updated to reflect that “fact” just on your word which is apparently the only voice that matters.
Jodi looks like she is wondering how she ended up in this nightmare….she just looks so lost. I cannot even imagine having to sit and listen to someone like JM talk about me like he is talking about Jodi. He is tearing her down to appear like the most manipulative lying whore ever born. I sincerely hope she is able to know in her heart that what he says is bullshit. My guess is she probably still believes it because that is what DV victims do, we believe the lies we are told by our abusers. And yes, Juan Martinez is an abuser. I don’t even want to hear that this is his job. He is enjoying himself. He loves being as nasty as he is allowed to be.
I agree w/u.
Oh the drama.
He’s playing on their emotions, stringing it out and making everyone cry, what a bastard.
I wish him the worst.
Jodi should be more stoic……..every one has seen this. If she killed him with just cause she doesn’t owe anyone, especially Travis any tears.
He reminds me of Rainman at times.
I agree! Don’t cry for him, Jodi!
Juan just keeps shitting on LaViolette.
Gee, this couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that she is a lesbian, older, not thin, and has saved countless lives working with MEN to help make their relationships with women less deadly?
LaViolette deserves a statue right next to Martin Luther King Jr. Not this shit.
Amen. Hallalujah
Agree one million percent
Alyce was a threat to him from day one and he knew it.
Because, the power of verbal abuse has got him where he is today. ALV rained on his parade just by doing the humanitarian work that she does.
She speaks to, and speaks of those with vast amounts of expertise and notoriety with ZERO respect, contention even. I can’t believe he is so “respected”. Maybe only in Maricopa Co. His mama must have forgotten to teach him manners.
*He, not she
So Now, the shot came last???????????????? I thought the ME even said it was first!
I would throw him in jail and throw away the key.
“And she’s in a rental car.”
Yes she put CDs in a fucking rental car.
WTF is his point??????????
This is no point……… They were in her briefcase and she was going on a business trip in Utah…. This is pointless. The red car is pointless… I wouldn’t want to drive a red car either. When I rent a car, I go to the cheapest location. She’s from a small city. GET A CLUE JUAN……….. Your case if WEAK… LIMP as TA’s pecker………..
Frog-like State !!!!!! pun intended!!! JM’s words.
Turning a license plate up side down is sure to DRAW the fucking cops not confuse them.
He’s an idiot
new page folks
Premeditation only take seconds;but you have to prove it. Now with that in mind. Basically, my point is, Travis supporters and Juan Martinez is focus more on the premeditation from the aspect of the house and not from the gas cans and gun…Because they know that whats inside the house, is more important and provide more significance than anything outside the dwelling of the crime scene. Juan Martinez closing argument provided me with that conclusion. The Defense will hammer on JM theories of events that occurred in the house and create doubt…Juan Martinez gave Jodi Arias testimony “Credence”. Guess why? He said “Jodi arias is a ‘liar” and you can’t believe anything she says.” But yet, he asked the jury to believe when Jodi arias was interrogated by Detective Flores regarding TRavis possessing a gun; and Jodi Arias stated “Travis did not possess a gun”. He wanted to jury to believe that Jodi Arias was telling the truth then. But again she is a “liar”.So why should I believe Juan Martinez theory of what happen in the house? He is clearly saying she lies sometimes but she tells the truth; when it’s convenient with his (Juan Martinez) Argument. Pure contradiction by Juan Martinez!!! The defense needs to harp on that…
Here’s a theory: Juan Martinez really likes Jodi Arias, as in Dr. Samuels “like”. And he’s really throwing the case to get her a not guilty verdict by treating the jury like they’re stupid, verbally abusing expert witnesses, use of poor symbolism (he must have flunked Literature 101), having a lack of hard evidence to fit any one of his charges for murder 1, and saying the word liar too many times in one day. Is that a stretch?
I thought the same…really if he thinks he had to explain what the jurors responsibility is they must have been pissed … I know I would be!
I wish I could sit with Jodi and do this project….
I feel for her so much!
I have been watching the trial on YouTube through a poster called”croakerqueen123″ . Any pro Jodi comments I make quickly disappear from the comment list. Is it the poster WHO “monitors”the comments, or is it YouTube who does it? If it is YouTube, I am very disappointed. They have sold out to the lynching masses. SOOO glad I have this site-that recognizes we live in America and are allowed to express our thoughts freely!!!!
ALSO!!! I hatre how all these Mormon girls feel the need to “look down” when there are any graphic pictures. Good grief! Put your big girl panties on-but “NO!!!” “We are just fragile woman, who could not handle such a basic prt of life/death.” DUH!!!!! SRY. Had to get tha off my chest-and I’M a “girly-girl”, but not a controlled ass!!!
jeffinerd I feel the exact same way! I only watched a bit here and there today as I don’t have the stomach to listen to Juanita anymore. I did catch a bit when he was flashing some corpse shots and saw them all with their heads down. For a second it looked like they were all totally bored and sleeping, as a bunch of ’em were doing the *look down* look.
The first time you view them they are alarming but, sheesh, JM has displayed those pictures so often, get over it. Just tune ’em out.
If ya wanna park your ass in that court room, suck it up. Quit pandering to the jury.
The one sister is a cop for heavens sake!
“A wilderbeast migration”? Tell me he did NOT just say that……..