
Jodi Arias Trial – Day 55 (afternoon session)


Leave your comments below on the afternoon session of trial day 55.



Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Team Jodi

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We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!


    • Go MARY ,LET’S GIVE A SHOT OUT TO ALL THE MARY’S OUT THERE .congratulations on being first .There’s Something About Mary

    • I have watch this web site for some time. I have watch most of the trial. I was very opened minded because I was in many abusive relationships. Many of you posted things I’m glad I read because I want to have an opened mind. I wanted Jodi to get a fair trail. I wanted her attorneys to a great job for her. We all deserve this it is our RIGHT!!!!!

      What I saw posted today my the owner of this site was vile and hateful. NO ONE has the right to judge how Travis’s family feels. He has done things that put up a chill up my spine. Still, his family has the right to hurt just as Jodi has a right to hurt for what he did to her. Jodi deserves better friends than you who would right such horrible things about some one you DON’T know on a personal level.

      Jodi is getting a raw deal and you who did this need to look in the mirror at yourself. Have at it. You can’t hurt me but you can hurt Jodi in the long run. I’m done with you.

    • Tony, weren’t you praying to Mary earlier today? Hmmm maybe this is a good sign!

  1. Todays Headline:

    All the haters want to, hope to, need to have Juan make the “big GOTCHA moment. They figured it would be today, in closing.

    The truth? NO “Big”, NO “Bang”, Just “theory”! Juan’s theory. Thank goodness it takes more than “theory”.

    Juan has the starts to a great Prosecution case. He has told us his theory, now is the part where he should start showing the evidence. Do you think he realizes that this is the last part of the trial? I couldn’t think of a better place to be, than on that jury, in 1 day from now…walking into the jury room and saying…”Well, now that the 1st part of the trial is over, when do we start hearing the evidence portion?” and just watch the faces of the other jurors smile or the pro pros go..OH SHIT….

    • I think JM has Paranoid PD. He is in a delusional phase now, where he really believes his story of premeditated vengeance against the innocent lamb TA.

    • I never understood why the haters believed Juan would have this rain man moment.

      Why would he, when he’s had ample time to present a clear and concise case? Wouldn’t it be MORE effective, if he had made sure he was organized enough to give the jury and the rest of the world a clear picture of what he thinks happened?

      He blows his top and rambles on in these closing arguments and the pro pros are all gushing with admiration. It’s pathetic. He’s the worst lawyer I have ever seen, and I didn’t think it could get much worse than Ashton. I was wrong.

      • Yeah, he sucks and he has from day 1. He’s all over the place, and only has a good conviction record because he usually prosecutes slam-dunk cases such as Wendi Adriano’s.

      • JM must have used the word IF fifty times in his 1st closing, does he expect a jury to convict on a murder case with if, ans, & buts. being the evidence? My only worry is that the jury might be afraid of public opinion backlash (harassment & threats), after seeing what happened in the Casey Anthony case. I hope the defense breaks down all his theories, when they get their chance at closing tomorrow.

    • What I saw and heard over and over and over, in dozens of different ways, from Juan “I Wanna Be Famous” Martinez was “Jodi sometimes lies, so she must be a murderer.” That is about all he seems to have…..

  2. I felt bad about running out on Jodi, so I did my grocery shopping and came back, ready to endure whatever’s left of JM’s rant du jour.

    • I’m also away from the TV set. Can someone give me some feedback on what is happening?

  3. This is what I’ve heard so far:

    nice, wholesome mormon boy lured into lustful web by evil liar cat-creature… bla bla bla something license plate… bla bla bla something gas cans.

    • Juan messed up by saying Skateboarders don’t carry around screwdrivers. I read that avid skateboarders do carry around a skateboard kit which includes a screwdriver. I hope the defense calls him out on that.

      • My kids wouldn’t have left the house without. They were CONSTANTLY adjusting/tightening, ect…

      • And who hasn’t used some sort of makeshift item when they didn’t have a screwdriver (a nail file, key, knife, coin, whatever you have ….

      • yeah… it’s called a skate tool.

        A couple of quotes from that page by completely different members:

        ” I bring it everytime i skate”

        “I have the exact one. Lost the screw thingie a long time ago, so I just carry around a big screwdriver with it. ”

        “This one is kind of neat. Fairly small and it goes on your belt and works pretty good”

        “fits in my pocket easy to carry around “

        • Well, I have a key chain that has a screw driver, a nail clipper, and a knife. It has two types of screw drivers, one flat and the other one with the tip that look like a star.

    • I liked the point of the CD. This may have been the “aha” moment for the pro pros. Who would watch the CD if not Travis and Jodi? This shows she premeditated a trip. I never doubted that. Was the CD stealth? It must have been a murder weapon????? She was going to decapitate him by throwing it like a frisbee but then he broke it, so she had to resort to other things????? Yawn.

      • Jodi had the CDs in her briefcase – and they had been there for months hence the scratches. She had her briefcase with her because she was going to a business meeting with Ryan Burns in Utah. JM fails again!

    • Ohhhhh…gas can….now i get it. yep, changed my minds, she is guilty of planning the murder, stealing the gun, hiding the trip, driving to murder TA, Sleeping with the soon to be dead TA, Murdering TA 3 times, Hiding the murder (she locked the door), Running from Murder scene, Covering up the murder scene, laughing about murdering, bragging about murdering. Fuck, how could i be so blind….gas cans.

      • I don’t know why the gas cans are a big deal. Alot of people carry extra gas in a can in their trunk. I googled it and I was surprised. Especially folks that have rental cars because they are not sure if the gas guage is accurate and also when going on long trips.

        • anyone who makes that trip often enough knows to take gas cans with them. we did. it was normal in fact i argued with my partner but they explained why. i was new to it.. and didnt get it., you can get hit by a dust storm, stand storm… all kinds of things.. that would make it so u needed gas to get home.

  4. How could JM say “she signed a manifesto” in his closing statement. I remember that coming up out of the presence of the jury but I don’t remember it in front of the jury. Anyone?

    • Yea right…. why wasnt this shown into evidence? I guess this is why Nurmis kept objecting to facts not on evidence.

    • He brought it it while on cross with AL. I don’t understand how he can bring up things like that and the magazines & just drop them & not bring in anymore proof & just drop them like crumbs.

      • Yes I remember that but it wasn’t ever entered into evidence.

        It’s like the emails – he took one bit out and presented it from a specific angle.

        We don’t know what the manifesto said, or even if she signed it as a joke.

        It’s a major nonissue, IMO.

      • I think Juan was the worst, he was obnoxious, , hard to follow and god knows I have better ideas and things he should have done that would be more effective…But hey dont visit Websleuths, they think he is freaking God!

    • Yeah I don’t know what that’s about.

      It could be a joke for all we know. Like “haha let me sign that in case I’m famous”

      A lot of people joke about being famous or getting autographs in case someone else becomes famous.

    • because is a manipulater and lair. that is why. he lies.. and people actually talk to it.

  5. The jodi haters are going nuts. They are trying to convince themselves that Juan is doing a good job today..I hate to burst their bubble, but the evidence is pointing toward innocence , not guilt.

    • There’s no spinning the disaster that Juan Martinez is.

      He’s rude, abusive, sexist, manipulative, and has nothing to support his case. It’s just that clear.

      • I agree with your apt description of JM. He has helped close my mind on a lot of the evidence due to his manipulating and misleading presentations.

  6. IS Kermit done with his closing arguments?
    And does anyone know who is going to do Closing for defense?
    Jennifer or Nurmi?
    thanks and hope everyone is having a good day!

    • Someone said Nurmi would do closings, but I just read that somewhere and I don’t know for sure.

      • I heard that on one of the TV shows, but what do they know?
        I NEVER believe a damn thing they say.

    • No he is not done. Just at lunch recess. Nurmi is doing closing as I understand it.

    • I think I heard HLN say Kermit had about another hour, but I’m trying not to listen to them so I could be wrong. I don’t know who is up for defence, but I hope that they split it.

  7. Could someone fill me in
    Where is Jodi staying during deliberation ?
    What exactly will e happening during the penalty phase and how long will that take approx. ?
    Thanks for filling me in

    • I think they have a room there at the courthouse for her and her attorneys.

    • She’ll stay in a holding cell there at the courthouse during deliberations ….

  8. Most avid skateboarders carry a kit with them in case of repairs. Juan messed up, especially if one of those jurors knows anything about skateboarding. Juan said it like it is a joke for a skateboarder to carry a screwdriver, it’s not. I don’t know if the defense picked that up or not.

    • I remember someone posting here that they live in Pasadena and this kind of stuff happens all the time. That it happened to them in fact.

      It’s not unheard of that teenagers do weird, silly things when they’re bored. When I was growing up, my friends and I would take a car to a supermarket parking lot, put carts in front if it and push them with the car so they flip on the curb. Now I kick myself because I know it’s karma biting me in the ass every time I get a cart with a funky wheel at the store. lol

      Anyway, I never stop to check to see if my license plate is right side up. I don’t think most people do.

      • We keep it in the car in the window bc of teens around here! And people who cut your plate for the stickers. Yeah, I don’t live in the greatest of neighborhoods.

      • MB,
        Especially when they just get out for the summer.
        Here it is June2nd.

        They smash mailboxes, anything and to do that to a car
        is more believable than Jodi doing it.
        That’s stupid for jaun to think the jury would think that
        she would do it.

  9. I really have no idea what trial the ass has been at the last 4 month’s. I can not believe he is making so many mistakes. it was a kerosene can. what relevance does a 17 year old girls first love have to do what this case. This is such a joke.

  10. Forgive me for this, but Sky Hughes looks like a hag sitting in court chewing gum.

  11. He can’t prove that she didn’t get gas in AZ ……….. she could of paid CASH in AZ.

  12. shhhh …. jaunito is talking so softly again. he must be saying something serious.

  13. I just noticed something, and I wonder if others have too, or if not, whether it can be somehow brought home to the jury.

    Jennifer’s blonde streaks, highlights whatever you call them have slowly faded over the last few days.

    Now, the question was this on purpose? If so I’ll have to retract any comments I made competency. If not, just happenstance, I hope others on the jury notice it too.

    • AL,

      I actually think that JW had her hair done of the 5 day break… It looks shorter.



    LYING BASTARD – your pants are big enough to fit a pair of balls BUT THEY DON’T……MASSENGIL

  15. Did he just say, “They do engage in some sexual contact”?

    Talk about understatement – he raped her. What part of that does this clown not get?

    The jury can’t be that dumb.

      • Not only did Travis have a track record of not establishing consent, he admitted it on the tape. “You were miserable and I raped you.”

        I mean… wow. It just doesn’t get any more obvious than that!!!

        • MB…that is true…

          JM played his favorite “pick and choose” game today in closing…

          JM would never “pick” this in closing…”you were miserable and I raped you.”..

          JM “choose” this instead in closing…”you are the worst thing that ever happened to me.”

    • When a guy pulls your pants down,pins your hand behind your back presses you on a freaking desk and stick in your aZZ it is not mutual!!!!

      • Thank you for that, I’ve been sayin’ he raped her all along – TA was a freakin’ sexual deviant and their relationship was not only emotional with some physical abuse, but sexual abuse. Jodi doesn’t realize it – as most victims of SA don’t until one day when they look back. She only ‘liked’ it because it was preferable to his rage.

  16. Great…..can’t get the trial….something about updating my adobe….geeeesh! Gota go check with one of these it folks at work!!!

  17. OMG Juan, reread the text messages, emails, journals, you stupid FK………. I think he deserves a BITCH slap today for BOLDFACE lying to the jury.

    • He’s lying like crazy to the jury AND he wants the jury to be pissed at Jodi?
      What about Flores, He really lied to the jury? assholes, it’s ok for them.
      If I was on the jury I would be so pissed at those assholes

      What did Jodi lie about to the jury?????nothing!

  18. Now he’s obsessed with virginity.

    It isn’t the virginity that’s the issue–it’s the fact Travis felt the need to LIE to numerous people about it in order to preserve his standing in the Mormon church.

    It is a MAJOR violation in that church to have non-marital sex.

    • If you go to the emergency room they will show you a scale of faces going from smiling to one with tears on what your pain scale is.

    • Yeah I thought that was a really disgusting comment.

      It’s like what they were saying about that poor girl raped in stuebenville – that it wasn’t obvious that she wasn’t consenting.

      No, Jodi does look uncomfortable. She asked Travis to erase them. It’s really that simple.

  19. How can they believe Jodi turned down a red car so the police wouldn’t notice her and
    believe that she turned her licesnse plate upside down, plus remove her front license? huh?

  20. Just saw Mr. Nurmi’s socks! YES he IS wearing the blue argyle. I adore his style.

  21. This mexican jumping bean is a freakin joke. (sorry) not a racist but I loath this tiny little wannabe tyrant.

  22. Consummating??????? Is that what you call RAPE???????


  23. I think JW is going to do the closing…she is taking notes and Mr. Nurmi is observing.

  24. Why does he bring up stuff that he can’t prove. The KY is symbolic of her attentiveness.

    I’m sorry for what I’m about to say, my apologies to all the ladies.

    Maybe she just didn’t like being dry humped up the ass?

    How about that JM? Ever had a prostate exam? know what that feels like. Now imagine what she would have to go through you gnarly, mindless cretin.

  25. I probably won’t be able to comment much because I find Juan boy so excruciating to watch that I may not. He seems fairly calm on the clip I did see, then he starts mocking Ms ALV saying she isn’t a time traveler so she can’t say TA wasn’t afraid of Jodi. Helloooo….you aren’t a time traveler either JM and one text of TA ‘claiming’ to be afraid of someone doesn’t a stalked person make. Especially when you are still communicating and being intimate with this said person. It’s an attention getting ploy or a way to keep your women criss-crossed and confused. And might I say it’s not unusual for young women to check out the emails and FB accounts of the guy they are seeing. I see it go on all the time and that does not a murderer make. You’re goin down Kermi!!

  26. okay, why did he just say she was armed with a gun and a knife while she was taking pics when both sides stipulated that she was not???

    • D,
      Just like the magic camera, taking all of those pictures by itself!!!
      There must have been a magician in that house that day.

  27. Did you hear that little demon weasel Martinez saying Jodi loves the spotlight. What about him the little creapy hyprocrit. Outside of the courtroom signing autographs for all 7 of his fans who hang around the courthouse hoping to get a glimpse of the little weasel.

  28. did he just say water is white?

    Thats probably why im getting sick, my water here in MN is clear.

    • White water unlike clear water is still around 5 days later for the police to notice – or not notice. It doesn’t dry so she must not have gone in the bedroom.

  29. because he said it was a “dog” taking the pictures ……. Fucking Cactus Ass that he is

  30. Hey SJ is you CA page still open and when this case is over are you going to put the next case your following on here so we can follow where you are going. By the way have you ever though of being a defense lawyer ? Let us Know. I love all of you on here and would love to talk more on the next case. ((((((BIG HUGS ALL AROUND))))))) thanks to everyone for being open minded and looking at all the evidence and using that to make up your mind. We have never ran someone off because they dont think she should get found not guilty. There are people that come here and believe it is murder 2 there are people that think it should be manslaughter and there are even people who think she is guilty just not for the reason Jaun says. We hear everyone out and give their opinion thought. I wish TA followers would do that. And just think about how sad it is that WE are the minority in this country. Like I said thanks SJ and everyone and just remember if we have at least changed one persons mind about Jodi we have done a good job no matter the verdict!!

    • (((((((Big hugs Krista)))))) This site has been my safe haven and the source of un-biased access to every aspect of this case. Honestly, what a godsend you all have been. I feel like I am about to say good-bye to so many wonderful people. It breaks my heart.

  31. I wonder how much Kermit would enjoy getting corn holed without lubricant?

  32. yes…can’t you all see Jodi has 3 arms….one for the knife, the gun AND THE CAMERA…….

  33. Here we go… Martinez is going to collide with reality.

    (1) He indicates a camera strap, but the strap was found unused. How can the photo of the ceiling possibly occur during the attack?
    (2) He describes the wounds to Alexander’s back as “stab” wounds, where in fact they are shallow, and cannot have been administered from behind.
    (3) Why would he stand there immobile while she stabs him eight times?
    (4) No blood was found on the wall of the shower.
    (5) There is no trail of blood from the shower to the sinks ( there is a trail from the pool near the toilet entrance to the sinks ). See Bathroom.
    (6) How does he explain that pool of blood?
    (7) There is spatter on the upright of the other side of the toilet entrance.
    (8) How does the knife make the chip in the tile by the cartridge casing, if the last act of the knife is to slit Alexander’s throat at the end of the hallway?
    (9) How come she drags him almost nowhere (or even backwards) between the second last and last accidental photo?

  34. More from Vladimir

    #JodiArias This PM case is even weaker than I thought

    #JodiArias prosecutor says changing story=~truth. So what does that say abt govt changing story re order of knife/gun shot 4 days b4 trial?

    • Nurmi is doing great! Bat Guano objecting is so desperate. He needs to stfu.

  35. I’m gonna scream and give him a virtual slap on his ugly face if he’s gonna make Jodi cry! And I know he’s AIMING AT THAT!!!

  36. cant make it through the closing without adding a juanism and getting taken to the bench.

  37. Hey SJ is you CA page still open and when this case is over are you going to put the next case your following on here so we can follow where you are going. By the way have you ever though of being a defense lawyer ? Let us Know. I love all of you on here and would love to talk more on the next case. ((((((BIG HUGS ALL AROUND))))))) thanks to everyone for being open minded and looking at all the evidence and using that to make up your mind. We have never ran someone off because they dont think she should get found not guilty. There are people that come here and believe it is murder 2 there are people that think it should be manslaughter and there are even people who think she is guilty just not for the reason Jaun says. We hear everyone out and give their opinion thought. I wish TA followers would do that. And just think about how sad it is that WE are the minority in this country. Like I said thanks SJ and everyone and just remember if we have at least changed one persons mind about Jodi we have done a good job no matter the verdict!!

  38. Travis was NOT AFRAID of Jodi. He was not so afraid that he would not use her for sex every chance he got. Lying rapist. But all that is ok. Juan gets to break rules and all that. I hope he gets what he deserves one day soon.

      • That silly ass statement gags me every time they say
        he was so afraid of Jodi,
        AND his “friends”?????
        How stupid can they get?
        What;s her face said and we wondered, (talking about her stupid husband and her)
        how we ever let this scary woman in our house around our kids.
        Do what??
        And the assholes were laughing in court.

  39. wow, i didn’t know you could have a sidebar in closeing statement, Poor jodi looks like she is fighting back tears. so sad

    • eb, She’s not fighting them any longer. She is weeping…I am sad (((hug))) Jodi

  40. So Chris and Sky Hughes don’t sit together? Can’t give up that front row seat?

  41. He sounds like he is telling a story to a bunch of 5th Graders around a camp fire. What a shithead 🙂

    • Canada,
      I know Right? “Bloody fingers is creeping up the staircase…Bloody fingers is knocking at the door” I’m just awaiting the BOO! He will undoubtedly pull that theatrical moment out soon..BOO!

    • Omg Candie.
      Thank you – I havent been able to put my finger on it all afternoon.
      So true.

  42. Hey…i picked up on something…Nurmi is the one that objected, not JW… NURMI is going to be doing the closing for the defense…YAY!

    • Ya think? I figured that JW was taking the notes so she might be the one…but now that you mention it, Nurmi IS doing the objecting ….hmmm

  43. He’s sure trying to tone down that voice, and it ain’t working.

    He’s lying like a rug about the evidence.

  44. I notice that Nurmi is doing the objecting. Hope that means he’s leading the close.

  45. Holy shit! This guy’s case is beyond weak. How much longer do we have to listen to this crap.

  46. It’s apparent Massengil has been constipated since January 3 – everyone in the courtroom BUT the MUNSTERS need a raincoat and boots…..

  47. off topic. I’m watching science channel on mute and two guys are testing statistics on how many times a buttered toast falls on the buttered side down, from thirty feet up.
    Certainly more scientific than swallowing the magic story of a big man trying to grab a knife from a small woman and getting stabbed in the heart…

  48. . IF I ever have call for an attorney the first thing I will as if if they are familiar with this case and see which side they took. I wouldn’t have jm under any circumstances. OMG did he just say flopping fish

    Look at her crying…. 🙁 🙁

  50. pre med doesn’t take planning it just take time? Wow, didn’t you already tell the jury that this was PLANNED a week in advance?

  51. first he said she planned it since May ?. Then he said premeditation doesn’t take days. wtf

    • the jury hassss to be done with being tortured from his broken record closing and his slowwww annoying voice!! i know i am!!

  52. wo, wo, wo….what the fuck? Is Juan now testifying as a blood spatter expert, since he didnt bring one in?

    LMAO, if you cant get an expert to say what you need, save it till closing and say it yourself!

    Just wait till Nurmi gets to do this. ASPERATION? Look up the meaning JM…you dont asperate blood from your defenses wounds on your hand.

  53. Does anyone else think JM is going to take all day? I cannot listen to him for 8 hours.

    • LOL Janeen I thought the exact same thing when I saw her cry. She really is sweet. I’m not so much.


  55. Jodi looks like she is wondering how she ended up in this nightmare….she just looks so lost. I cannot even imagine having to sit and listen to someone like JM talk about me like he is talking about Jodi. He is tearing her down to appear like the most manipulative lying whore ever born. I sincerely hope she is able to know in her heart that what he says is bullshit. My guess is she probably still believes it because that is what DV victims do, we believe the lies we are told by our abusers. And yes, Juan Martinez is an abuser. I don’t even want to hear that this is his job. He is enjoying himself. He loves being as nasty as he is allowed to be

  56. For the life of me, I still can’t fathom how Jodi managed to kill Travis in the way Martinez is saying. How could she be that strong?

  57. He isn’t even making sense, how long did he prepare for this closing? What an idiot!

    • So the idiots on HLN can say she is faking tears even though it is obvious she is NOT.

  58. jury members….

    I have a much better sale for you than cactus ass….

    I have a bridge in Brooklyn that all of you may like to have…….

  59. and the smear was from not getting over the sink before the blood started coming out and he sliped in it. not from wounds to the chest making him spit blood!! OMG!!

  60. “a rainbow of blood..kind of ironic’? How is that irony? Is this guy for real?

  61. Rainbow…?
    Where did Martinez learn his story telling skills?
    It’s really weird.

  62. No sympathy for Jodi, then no sympathy for TA, it’s a two way street.

  63. Hey Dean Koontz………..

    Massengil has some WONDERFUL tales for your next novel!!!!! Call him up….

  64. I came home about 20 minutes ago, and HLN has JM’s closing arguments on. So far, not ONE commercial break!! In 20 MINUTES!! I wonder if they’ll do the same for the defense tomorrow.

    • That’s doubtful. I would imagine that tomorrow they will make up for their lack of commercials today. They haven’t taken a break during any of his closing all day today.

  65. has anybody posted anything on the HLN webiste so our voice is heard. Would like to have another voice other than the Travistown hord.

    Is it easy to do? I’m not sure how you get to the site to do it. Having said this does anybody think the prejudiced HLN network would post our supportive posts for Jodi?

  66. That blood in the sink can only be from the gsw. That spit out blood can only be from the sinus or mouth. A stab to the vena cava would not cause blood in the mouth. Even if the heart is punctured still impossible for blood to be in mouth. No pathway for the blood to come from. It has to be a cut blood vessel…..or an injured blood vessel. None of those stabs were penetrating. Except the vena cava. Only place that blood can be from is the gsw that came first. It had to. The state is lying.

  67. fucking douchebag leprechaun……….

    he sees rainbows….he sees dogs….

    He’s Peter Pan!!!

  68. “The end of his rainbow.” What in the fuck is he talking about?

    This isn’t St. Patrick’s Day.

  69. We may have closings from both Nurmi and Jennifer. Seems like Nurmi does the “people” stuff and Jennifer the technical. That would be good.

  70. If he is running AWAY, why is the blood in the bedroom as if he were chasing her into the bedroom.

  71. praying that the luck of the draw on the jury lottery is that the 6 remaining women will be on final jury.

    • Do you think women are better for her? I think the opposite. Most women posting on hln fb are haters

      • I hope, whoever is picked, they are the most intelligent, level headed and logical of the bunch. Male or female, if they are logical, they will see beyond JM’s theatrics and Jodi will be seen for the beautiful person she truly is.

    • One of TA’s sisters ‘walled’ her eyes visibly on camera during Defense witness testimony yesterday–I thought there was supposed to be some sort of gallery instruction in place. It seems that Anything Goes for TeamTravis.

      • norma, those eye rolls are obviously over looked…or perhaps the judge can’t see her very well. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out why this behavior has NEVER been addressed. It’s like she is watching to see if the camera is on her and then saves her eye rolling until it is focused upon her… oh well
        🙄 <— that's for her. ( I can't quite get my real eyes to roll like she does without getting a headache.)

  72. I couldn’t sit next to Jodi, hearing her weep, without wanting to comfort her. OMG…I am in tears

  73. Who is that grey haired woman and the man next to her (sitting next to Travis’s family) – they are crying

  74. ok, If I had someone stabbing me over and over. I do not think I would go to the sink to have a look see.

  75. Holy Shit the mirrors in AZ are reflective? I need to get me one of those. I had no idea, what will they come up with next?

  76. I just can’t take it any more,watching Jodi weeping like this.It’s beyond heartbreaking.
    ((((((((((WE LOVE YOU JODI))))))))))

  77. Jennifer’s got a much bigger job to do than comforting Jodi. Remember this asshole’s trying to kill her and Jennifer and Nurmi have to save her.

    They can deal with the crying later.

    • Jenniffer looks like she is in the zone. You can literally see the wheels spinning…OMG did he just say Wildebeast migration? Sorry, listening and typing at the same time.

  78. Hi Everyone,

    Good to see some good spirits from many here. I have tuned into the pros closing a couple of times and (sorry, I know this is serious) but this guy is laughable. I mean, I am literally lol at the so-called evidence and the tale he is weaving. His voice is just weird – like he’s trying to console somebody while showing gruesome photos (again), a far cry from when I tuned in this morning and he was screaming at the jury while pounding his fists. WTH? And his story (what I have seen today) is just laughable. He is just showing gore then claiming it ‘proves’ this or that – when it doesn’t! This guy just cannot be taken seriously, imho. Once again, I hope the jury sees jm for the deceitful piece of trash that he is.

  79. good grief, enough with the Taliban and their sideshow. sick of all their freaks sitting behind them, pretending to break down…we’ve all seen these pics over and over. enuff already you fake fuc*&!

  80. Back from my hair appointment. Apparently I didn’t take long enough cause he is still talking. How much longer does he got?

  81. I hope when she walks FREE she goes to JUAN’s office and tells him to FK OFF…………

    • I believe that was Wildebeast. What? You act like that is not an everyday common conversational phrase…….

    • It sounded like a “wildebeest migration” of blood.

      He needs to brush up on his metaphors.

  82. The little creep should go back to his admiring 7 people outside the courthouse maybe they will make him a knight or something. Those woman there must have a crush on the little putrid foul minded midget.

  83. Ok quick question if Dr horn said the mistake was because of a typo that must have been on hellva typo to go on for words and words right? I am trying to understand can some one help.

    • His typo was that he has filled out so many autopsy reports in which the bullet penetrates the brain that he inadvertently filled in TAs report the same way he has done so many times before. The bullet did not penetrate TAs brain. BIG MISTAKE for such a Big case.

      • WHAT!?!?!(i have had to come in at different times so i missed a little bit. So you rtelling me he did the equivalent to cutting off a leg when you went in for heart surgery? He is an ME and he pays so little attention and cares so little he just randomly fills out autopsy reports? Can he get his license away for admitting that on the stand ? I want to throw up. ; (

    • TYPO.

      this is a typo ( helol) i mean hello

      This can never been taken as a typo by any stretch of the English language ( The bullet went through the brain and YES i have checked this many many many time) LOL

      THAT TO ME WAS CLEAR Perjury

  84. A “wildebeest migration”? WTF?

    This has to be the worst attorney performance I have ever heard.

  85. His whole closing argument is based on shock value. Too bad the evidence doesn’t support it. The science doesn’t lie, shit-for-brains.

    • I hope the defense team hits VERY hard on the perjury of Flores and especially Horn’s. Horn’s perjury alone is grounds for an acquittal.

    • Agree Jeff, shock value, evidence doesn’t support it. He makes NO sense…he’s in a San Franciscan Fog of delusion if he thinks this is, at all, plausible.

  86. I would rather have to stare at a pile of shit all day than ever have to see the Munsters again….


    • Janeen, I’m not watching any more (just listening). I can’t even stand to see them. Ugh

  87. What about the pools of blood Mr Martinez?

    You need to account for ALL the evidence, not a tiny proportion of it.

    His incompetence is just breathtaking.

  88. That dumbass just said she shot him at the sink!!!!!! Well no shit, that is what Jodi said.

    • yep, thats what he said , didn’t horn say after shot he couldnt get up, what a crock

      • How was he standing at the sink to be shot with his throat cut? Is this guy for real?

  89. Yup…and the bullet flies miraculously out of the gun to the right toward the tub…does a u-turn in mid air and defies every law of physics known to man.




    • Yeppers, and let his house be foreclosed on, but giving away his clothes to the MORMOM CULT to wear to the trial…. This is one sick bunch …………….

  91. Okay you can’t trash the defense experts testimony about PTSD, but ask the jury to remember them describing dissassiative amnesia.

    You can’t pick and choose what evidence you want to use to fit your fairytale

  92. Somebody needs to tell JM to steer clear of the metaphor. It just doesn’t work for him.

    • there are 90 photos that were on the camera but don’t know if they were ever recovered.

  93. What happen to the 62 seconds that she did all this? Now JUAN is changing his tune, WTF, he’s so friggin clueless.

    • Yeah! He’s changing his tune to …possibly fit at least ONE of the charges… I hope Jodi is set free, time served.

  94. OMG did he just say “with all due respect….he looked crunched up there?”
    I pity this fucking fool

  95. Yeah . . with an open mind, if caught up in the picture ahole is trying to paint this picture like it’s in real-time I got stuck (not sucked into) at the part of “see her dragging him down the hall”. He thinks he’s mezmerizing and hypnotizing the jury, fkn with their minds . . that won’t work on everyone, like the man who already found ta despicable thinking Jodi could be his daughter, or the woman who has met a ta in her life, and so on. Some things will not change some minds no matter what’s said . . it’s just a matter of how to relate what charge based on extreme or minimal punishment . . it might take a long time for jurors because no one will just follow “because”, .. they’re firm in their decision made weeks back.

  96. Did you see the way Nurmi is watching him, i think he is going to mop the floor with jm AZZ.

  97. I resent the way he keeps saying “we know” this and “we know” that. He’s twisting his guesses.

  98. We know the knife was cleaned? How the hell would you know that? You never found the knife. And there would be no way to tell whether the blood dripped off the knife or off something else. He is such a pompous ass.

  99. Anybody ever try to run around in socks on a tile floor? It ain’t easy to do without slipping and sliding. If she planned this I think she’d be a little more prepared than that.

    • especially when it was a WET floor and a floor with BLOOD….. JUAn is so twisted

  100. Omg Juan Martinez has already told some whoppers. WTH!!! The jury should be angry with him!

    • He’s not going to stop. He’ll still be at it when I come down to breakfast. He is Brainwashing the jury!

  101. how does he know if the knife was CLEAN when he just said it WASNT there????????

  102. HATE is a strong word.
    I have met some trash and fucked up people along my journey in life.
    But I TRULY can SAY with all due respect;

    I HATE and I MEAN HATE this troll of a human being named Juan Martinez.

    He makes me sick to the core of my universe

    • I hate him too, you’re not alone Josh, he’s garbage and is he EVER going to STOP????

    • Me too Josh.Im all about meditation,balance,love and light but this guy really brings out the worst of me.

      I HATE,HATE,HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • He’s mad. Ohhh the finger.. how much lower can that fucking bastard get?

      • I can honestly say I do not hate Martinez. Hate takes energy and he is not worth mine 🙂

  103. If it was planned, it was the WORST plan, and she’s too smart for that.

  104. Just got home from work and started watching the prosecution’s closing argument. Martinez is such an odd, awkward, inept guy. He very rarely makes eye contact with the jurors. When he does, he can only maintain it for a couple of seconds. It may sound like a small thing but, If I were on that jury, I would really, really not like that.

    • He doesn’t make eye contact because he knows he’s full of shit.

  105. Wow, Jodi sure does suck at cleaning and wasn’t the blood in other places beside the bathroom

  106. He is doing a much better job thisafternoon that before lunch, No temper. he is trying to explain things, not just random thoughts all over. I dont buy his pitch, but it is much better than his early moody shit.

    • He’s worse,imho.He’s mixing up,distorting evidence,wound sequencing,changing even what he’s been claiming all along!He’s disgusting!!!

      • Wonder if JM is ADD? He couldn’t seem to keep questions straight with his own witnesses.

  107. ”She got in the car,left NAPOLEON behind”
    Is he out of his freaking mind?

    • Right like she’s supposed to take the dog with her.

      Deanna seemed proud she got the dog. “I have the dog” she said, like she won a marathon.

      Well goodie.

  108. She left Napoleon? Does he think that the jury cares that much about that dog? Guess what, JM, the juror most like the average HLN viewer got booted weeks ago.

    • ahhh, so napoleon was left there. Could the dog tracked through the blood?

  109. prosecutor theory of premeditation “She brought a gun to a knife fight… she didn’t kill him with the gun to kill him

  110. Her san franciscan fog and her hysterical mood. Who wouldn’t be hysterical, he was trying to kill her.

  111. Hasn’t that bastard given her enough abuse yet? How much more has Jodi got to listen to of this shit?

      • They’ve had the camera zoomed in with her face filling the whole frame of the split screen for like 15 minutes and counting now… no tears aren’t purple but you can still see them.

        • Grunt, I saw Jodi’s tears… 😥 My face gets all red like that when I cry too. Maybe you couldn’t see the tears because her face was all red. There were PLENTY of REAL tears there.

  112. I thought I heard Jean C. say that before lunch the people seated behind TA’s family were removed from the gallery because they were bad mouthing Jodi. Do any of you guys know anything about this?

    • Nonit was the row behind Jodis family. they didnt want anything to get out of hand because they had already been dealing with bad mouthin and shit. Like they haven’t been through enough? AHHHH

      • Thanks for clearing that up 🙂 I feel terrible for them all, especially her grandmother. People need to have a little more respect and think about how they would feel if they were in this position and their loved one’s life was on the line.

  113. Truth finding proceeding. Right. Whatever you say butt munch. Then let’s hear some truth from you instead of BS.

  114. “Courage isn’t having the strength to go on – it is going on when you don’t have strength.”
    Napoleon Bonaparte

    “I know what I want, I have a goal, an opinion, I have a religion and love. Let me be myself and then I am satisfied. I know that I’m a woman, a woman with inward strength and plenty of courage.”
    Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

    • don’t forget “Compassion is not judging others when you don’t know the options they had to choose from.” Unknown

      I totally think that fits. We love you Jodi!!

      • Krista, a nice quote by Unknown

        Unknown and Anonymous are popular and prolific authors

        • Sorry it goes “Compassion is not judging others for their decisions if you do not know the options they had to pick from.” Thanks Wes! I wish i knew who said it because they sound like maybe they wish they had some feel that way about them. Which is probably how Jodi feels today of all days. We love you jodi. And we are always here!!

          • it’s an old joke about the author Anonymous

            there’s a similar joke about homer


            Other scholars still support the idea that Homer was a real person. Since nothing is known about the life of this Homer, the common joke—also recycled with regard to Shakespeare—has it that the poems “were not written by Homer, but by another man of the same name.”

  115. does it matter if its a tiger footprint or a bear footprint…in the sand…at the beach…

  116. He keeps saying that TA said that Jodi was the worst thing that ever happened to him. BC TA was so great, right? No. I can pretty much say that TA was the worst thing that happened to Jodi.

      • What on earth do you mean by that Grunt? Are you saying that Jodi was the worst thing that happened to travis because he died? Travis had choices. He could have left Jodi alone instead of treating her like a toy or a possession that he could kick around on a bad day.

        • All that is true, but if you are killed by a person, whether or not they had good reason to kill you – I think you’d be hard pressed to say that that person wasn’t the worst thing to ever happen to you.
          If you were an armed robber that had successfully robbed many people, and then one day you rob the person that defends themselves and kills you – that person was the worst thing that ever happened to you, no? You may have had it coming. It may have been justice, but from the perspective of the one who is not no longer alive…

    • Well, let’s see…let’s take a look at the report about those emails:

      Then, Alexander followed up with a long discourse in which he said, “I adore Jodi. In fact, I don’t know if it has ever been easier to be nice to someone as it is with Jodi.”

      He rebukes the couple for causing “irreparable damage to mine and Jodi’s relationship. She is paranoid that this evil person you have depicted will someday surface. No matter what I say or do she will always have in the back of her mind of this person that lurks in the shadows.” He denied being more than “a jerk” to her.

      He was the worst thing that ever happened to Jodi.

  117. Actually, much as I hate to say this, that darned footprint story is the best explanation of circumstantial evidence I have heard.

    It also points out why JM’s case is crap. Because the footprints have no other possibility other than someone walking by. Except in this case there are other possibilities.

  118. That snide tone in his voice isn’t going to go over well with EVERY juror.

  119. he reminds me of the muppet , i thiunk his name was “GONZO”…..the one that was blue with a really long nose!!

    • He’s so stupid. It’s beyond him that she might have connected with at least one of the jurors.

  120. FUCK YOU JUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FUCK YOU JUAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LEAVE ALYCE OUT OF IT, YOU MOTHER-FUCKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  121. Oh here we go, Alyce is a liar… If Alyce is a liar, then JM has beat her tenfold!

  122. He lives in this sort of fantasy world… where Snow White and 7 admirers of the little weasel ride off into fairy land. Where wal mart employees are so diligent that 5 yrs later they could find a receipt for a returned gas can. Where people turn their license plates upside down in order to escape suspicion by the police.

    Seriously all, this guy is living in a lost land. He should take his buddy Flores, and they should ride into the sunset together. They are a perfect match. Flores would by the man in this freakish relationship, and little Juan will find out how it hurts being bent over by his dummy detective w/o KY.

  123. Jodi just gave JW a look. It was so pain filled and hopeless. Oh but she has no soul…….people are awful. I feel bad.

    That’s my favourite E.B.BROWNING sonnette,stay clear of that you bastard!!!

  125. OMG!! Calling ALV a liar. How about your detective and your ME?

  126. Alyce is NOT a liar….she has been a professional for a LONG time…could be she just didn’t recall… Give me a break.

  127. I have never seen such a sob as JM. Now alyce l. is a liar, not enough to attack jodi, and drag her through the mud for 5 years, Now going for the jugular of Alyce.

  128. Wait I am confused, is Alyce the defendant?
    STFU midget mother fucker

    • The problem is, prosecutors are immune from suit.

      He can say anything he wants in his capacity as a prosecutor.

    • I’m hoping she (AVL) writes her next book about her experiences in this trial. I will buy it if she does. JM’s treatment of her was the low point of this trial full of low points IMO. Shameful and I hope she replies in published print.

    • He hates Alyce because she showed how scary Travis was when he was mad. That he could hold onto his anger even over the phone for 3 plus hours w/o it diminishing. And how he would tear down Jodi’s character, simply to draw her back so he could have his way with her again. She saw thru all of the deceptions Travis would lay on to others to manipulate them.

      She was honest to a fault. Only Juan is the true deceiver… The true liar. The lowest one is Travis saying to Jodi that she would be punished in hell worse than Hitler. That is a mormon insult, one that is designed to villify her to the point that Jodi would want to redeem herself, and that would fit into Travis’ plan to get her back to submisivness. In the mormon church it evidently would be said to people as a brainwashing method to scare them against ever leaving the church.

      • It has been oft said that one who poses the biggest threat is the one who is attacked. If so, ALV presented a huge threat to thie case of JM.

  129. I truly believe Martinez is a sociopath. It takes a lack of conscience to do what he does.

  130. He cant stand that Alyce got the whole court room laughing at him.

    • Yes he couldn’t stand it, it really got to him when he was laughed at. He should be made to go to anger management, mind you I pity whoever is saddled with him.

  131. the only people that are allowed to lie is Martinez and his group of lying police $E

    • Don’t forget his medical examiner. That was the most egregious of all.

  132. Let’s charge your quack shill autopsy amateur with perjury and let’s charge Alyce LaViolette with perjury and see which one gets convicted.

    You walking hemorrhoid.

  133. you guys just WAIT til Jennifer & Nurmi get to him!!!
    can’t wait for THE F-WORKS

  134. I look forward to tomorrow. Jennifer will wipe the floor with him. Jm’s giving me a headache, the jury must feel ill.

    He’s sinking himself.

  135. Liars, liars, 🙂 they all lied except typo Horne, Flowres pot and snooty baby doc.

  136. You don’t pay Priceline or any of those deal websites for rental cars. You pay in person.dumbass!!!
    That’s why it came out directly to the rental company.

      • Yeah he’s busting her on a “lie” based on that? Shows his lack of technical experience and who knows with other information he talks about. Idiot!

    • He has no clue about what the rest of us do to travel and get deals. When he travels the State picks up the tab. what a waste of resources, AZ pays this man?

  137. He just drones on and on. I wish I could see the juror’s faces. I bet they’re about to fall asleep. I see why he feels the need to holler and scream because when he doesn’t he just is a very boring, uninspiring individual. The screaming at least makes people pay attention to him, even if they are mortified by his antics.

    • As I heard a “guest attorney” comment yesterday (yes, surprisingly ON CNN)–‘all it takes to be a juror is a driver’s license and be someone too stupid to come up with an excuse to get off jury duty for a Captial Trial.’ (I may be paraphrasing a bit) TOO TRUE I shudder to consider who might actually be seated on that Jury or as Alternates. Jodi is a very intelligent woman–I highly doubt she has a jury of her “Peers.” My husband is also lawyer (not criminal and NOT in AZ) He has also lamented that you can get a very mixed bag of “contestants” during the pre trial ‘ voir dire’ selection process. The counsel can only strike a limited number of individuals. (‘OH NO!!!’) …. I applaud Atty. Wilmott–she is savvy, capable and conscientious (she also seems to be able to appreciate that her client, Jodi, is bright and articulate (they would NEVER have allowed her to risk taking the stand IF that weren’t the case) —Kirk Nurmi’s style is underestimated by the ‘talking heads that I’ve heard– he plays his part very well. But, This is not a Game. This is Jodi’s Life. I hope that there is at least ONE individual that will not buy into the Drama that JM is attempting to evoke while he is ‘On Stage.’ I also worry that there may be a woman or two on the jury who look at Jodi with envy and bias simply because despite ALL that she has been through–Jodi is Still Smarter and Prettier than they will ever be (is that now punishable by death?). Jodi is back in Court from break–I wish her strength and Luck. Godspeed Jodi. n.

    • Right on the mark Renee. There is something so wrong with him. The way he puts out all of this negativity including the photographs of dead TA, and all the time sipping on his water with this little nonchalant kind of ho hum, just another day just another jury. He is a piece of work… shoddy work at that.

    • Renee, it would take me 3 pages and 14 hours to write what you just said in 5 words.
      Touche my friend.

      I’m out for the night. talk to you all in the AM.

  138. He’s SOOOOOO afraid of ALV and her damning testimony that defaming her is ALL he can do!!!! The Jury MUST see through that!!!!!

    • I think he is afraid of ALV for reasons beyond this trial. I would like to know details of the ugly personal life of JM. He is probably still defending his dad for beating his mom, or something.

    • Yes, he is very shallow, although he thinks he’s brilliant. I swear, I think if I were on the jury, I would vote to acquit just because of his sleezy self. Ugh!

  139. I was up so late I feel asleep during the lunch break and woke up as he was bashing Alyce. I cannot believe he is ranting like that.

  140. And what about his “expert” witness who seriously exaggerated her experience? Oh, but I guess in this case Exaggeration is NOT a Lie. What a two-faced idiot!

  141. I want everyone to try a test.
    Mute your feed for a second.

    You hear that beautiful sound of tranquility?
    Yes that’s the sound of JM on mute.

    awhhhhhhhhhhh bliss

  142. Okay……………………… deep breaths…………………… he is satan with no soul.

    Tomorrow, Jenny and Kirk will have this jokester shitting his little panties.


  143. I keep missing shit. What did Pickles do that people are thanking her.

    Is dipshit done?

  144. Did anyone see the liar Chris Hughes wipe tears from each eye almost on cue when the camera panned over?

  145. Did you notice how he kept bringing up the fact that Alyce “only” has a Master’s degree? Oh yeah, that’s right. His baby doc has a doctorate (but no experience), and didn’t she tell us that “edumacation is more portant!” LOL. JD couldn’t walk in Alyce LaViolette’s shadow. Her doctorate is a piece of paper. She doesn’t even know how to administer and interpret psych exams that are standard in her profession.

    • Actually, you only need a master’s degree to be a licensed therapist and you can admister the same test as a psychologist. People who normally get doctoral degrees is because they want to publish their research, or teach at a university level.

      So, he can bash AL all he wants for only having a master’s degree. That’s wall this dick wad got….

  146. He loves to hear himself speak. Too bad nobody else does., Can you imagine working for this little man.

  147. According to Juan Jodi is the greatest manipulator on earth, and manipulates everyone she comes in contact with, except him. If she was that great of a manipulator she wouldn’t be sitting in that courtroom.

  148. He sure is focused on lies. Unfortunately for him, the jury knows Travis lied too.

  149. So now he’s discrediting the doctors? I sure as heck hope that Nurmi points out Baby Doc’s padded resume, Flores LYING 3 times Mr. “Misunderstanding” and refuting his own testimony once, Dr Horne coming to the stand 3 times to make the story match what Martinez wanted and LIED twice and then a 3rd time last nite a “Typographical”error !

    If you can’t believe the Detective and the ME the whole story Juan is so desperate to paint is in serious question as to premeditation, sequence of events and ultimately whether this was self defense or not.

    He’s rambling he’s sensationaliing with the pics and he’s actually made several errors this afternoon contradicting what witnesses allready said in this case. The only thing he’s done better is talk in a calmer tone.

  150. I can’t believe he keeps going at ALV so much. It’s like he wants to drag her through some mud while he has everyone looking at him. He’s just mad she explained domestic violence so well. Wow. He really gets personal and below the belt. Had to mute HLN they think he’s doing great of course. I guess it’s easy to hear what you want when you make up your mind first and then listen.

    • He tries to discredit alyce b/c he is afraid of her testimony and her credentials. He is trying to make her look bad in front of the jury. Only his witnesses are worthy ya know..or so he thinks.

  151. My post was deleted ? Really? I only said that everyone (TA family & JM) including Jodi deserve respect. I think that this site and those bashing anyone with an opposing viewpoint hurt Jodi. Think for a moment, jury members might by chance look at this site & be turned off by the horrible name calling & rude remarks. If the truth is on your side have an intelligent discussion!

    • The jury SHOULD NOT BE reading here! And if they are, I dont care whose damn side they are on, they need to be removed. We are on Jodi’s side. We are very intolerant of Travis family for very good reason. I agree about intelligent discussions but emotions are running high in this case with my posters and collectively, they aren’t here to support travis family and I respect that about them. Jodi’s family reads here. We are here for them.

    • What fk tree are you hiding under?

      Another TROLL…. Please remove that post

    • We’ve been having intelligent discussions for over 4 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Where have YOU been?
      We’ve been extremely careful to walt through a fine line when all the haters were bullying abd abusing everyone on the Defense’s side,including Jodi’s own family.
      Now is the time for us to vent out all that we’ve been holding back.WE WILL NOT BE TOLD OTHERWISE!!

    • Mkebde, if it’s rude for me to opine that JM is a despicable human being, then I stand guilty as accused. However, my opinion doesn’t change one iota.

    • 1. You do not get to decide what posts stay and which get deleted.

      2. You do not get to decide how people feel about Juan Martinez or the Travis Taliban.

      3. You do not get to decide how people can post about Juan Martinez or the Travis Taliban.

      4. You do not get to admonish others for what they post until you go back and clean up the damage they have done to the defense’s experts.

      5. The jury isn’t supposed to decide Jodi’s guilt based on what they read here.

      6. Stop patronizing people like you’re their father. You’re not.

      • Yes I agree MB. Most of the time admin stays out of it. The family attacked Alyce LaViolette and helped campaign to ruin her career. This place is for us to have intelligent discussion free from ‘parental’ rhetoric by others.

  152. The problem with the footprints on the beach is that they might belong to the same guy who asked you if anyone else had been on the beach; he could have come by while you were asleep and then when he saw that you were awake, he came by again…..

    • Yes, the footsteps at the beach was just a desperate attempt for him to make the jury think he has something other than bogus evidence. Gas cans for evidence, lol. I hope no one accuses me of a crime b/c if they looked in the trunk of my car right now they would find all sorts of things to try and pin it on me.

  153. Also according to Juan, everyone is a liar. Everyone is lying except his people. The footsteps in the sand is not like circumstantial evidence, that would be concrete evidence someone was there. He has nothing and knows it.

  154. Which one is Skank Hughs? Someone mentioned her in the galley, but I can’t remember what she looks like. She is not allowed to be called Sky anymore because that is my daughters name, and I refuse to have it tainted.

    There are many frightening folks in the audience.

    • She is the one who got on the stand and said she hoped Jodi was convicted. She lied about the letters b/c she has to keep up her appearance at church.

      • Yes, unfortunately human consciousness hasn’t evolved in over 4000 yrs, but our technology has improved. So instead of the iron maiden, burning at the stake, or nailing to a cross, we have exploding heads on tv screaming at the top of their lungs. The inmates in America are truly running the asylum.

  155. I know it has been brought up before about abuse and repressed memories and such. In tonights paper they interviewed a woman who is recovering from a hammer attack and one part stuck in my mind:

    “Riter’s recovery is complicated by the fact that she was the victim of a crime when she was 12 and the recent incident is also forcing her to relive that nightmarish time in her life.”

    All i can say is JM, you needed to do your homework.

    • And this part: “Three months later, she struggles with memory loss and headaches from her ordeal. She also grapples with a lingering depression that is caused by the feeling that she is no longer safe in the west-end house where she has lived for six years.”

  156. Gopher medicine will teach how to attune oneself to spiritual and physical vibrations and sensations. He teaches abilities of listening and feeling and heightens intuition and shows direction with innate instincts. Gopher shows the skill of uncovering hidden truths and meanings and all the lies beneath a situation. Gopher will show timing in which path to take of the many choices available and how those choices are interconnected. Is it time to “dig” with a sense of purpose and direction? Perhaps it is time to utilize your resources that you have before you – because you’ve been prepared better than you realize. Gopher shows how to maneuver with purpose and keep the balance of instincts in tune the heartbeat of the earth. Pay attention to the movement and follow Gopher’s wisdom for deeper truths await.

  157. He is the ultimate misogynist. I bet you wouldn’t want to work for him, not if you are a woman. Imagine what his wife puts up with!

    • Don’t think he’s married…. I am starting to think this fk-er is GAY as they come.

        • LOL,Josh! No need for that,I cant imagine anyone ,man or woman,wanting him to be their partner,He’s just so revolting both on the inside and outside!

            • except Katy Wicky who’s holding on to the whip the cane the tootsy chains and the stuffed gopher

    • How the hell would any woman want HIM?

      I think he’s a misogynist too.

  158. Is he still talking?
    I turned him off but my I have a faint distant ringing of his
    shrill nails on chalkboard voice haunting me..
    I need to blast some music loud

  159. When will it end?? How can anyone talk this long?? I’m so tired of HLN acting as though he’s the Arizona’s savior!! He’s an angry, mean, loud, short man. He keeps calling Jodi a liar but he’s the liar!! Plus, the change up in tone doesn’t change the fact that he’s a bully. Yes, what happened to Travis was a tragedy but WE were not there!! Just because he is telling a story does not make it so!! Travis was NOT a saint!! Making everyone cry and showing pix does not diminish the treatment Jodi endured…..this case is lesson to PEOPLE!! Watch how you treat people!! You never know what your behavior can drive a person to and his family should stop trying to make her out to be the devil and he “Christ coming”!!

  160. I guess I can figure out why he is not married. Too bad he wasn’t able to ask Travis for pointers. They seem like they could have been such good friends.

  161. I thought JMs indoor voice would be easier to take than his yelling. But at this point I can’t take his voice at all.

  162. LMAOI!!! having fun on HLN facebook! The cult is alive and well, they are furious I’m bursting their bubbles about this “wonderful” closing….hahahaha

      • omg, its hilarious! they are all “cumbaya'” and I’m like WAKE UP!!! HELLO!!! Your all going down, as is this closing. Defense will shred it, sorry folks, and the ROAR of blah blah blah blah, what do you mean, blah blah blah….

        So scary to think that there are so many people in this world that think when an abuser is killed in defense of the abuse victim, that somehow that makes them a victim too. I respectfully disagree with that. Not all people who are murdered are “victims”. Sometimes it is warranted, although it should not get to that point, sometimes it does, and if it was going to be Jodi, or Travis, I’m glad it wasn’t Jodi…there I said it.

        Let the hell fire and damnation begin…..

  163. Martinez still had a lot of doubt when explaining the murder. He kept saying, “well we dont know but weather it was this or that… bla bla bla… REALLY? putting someone to death not KNOWING what really happened? That’s just wrong! It shouldn’t have even went to trial. This is all the states fault and if the jury finds her guilty its because they listened to the media NOT because the state prooved premeditation!

  164. It’s just incredulous to believe how he’s just glossing over all the details that have to be explained ie, the bullet casing for example. He’s now committed to saying she shot him by the sink as she’s dragging him backwards. That means she’s facing towards the bedroom! Now he’s not in the shower like they first said earlier in the case.

    How in the fuck does the bullet end up right by the wall on the floor where she’s standing when the action of the gun would expel the bullet casing to the right and propel it towards the shower?

    Any juror with an ounce of common sense is going to know that could NOT happen.

    I thought the view would be from 30,000 feet on his part 1 closing but it’s from 500,000 feet. rofl. And it’s a real cloudy day.

    • And of course he has no idea how a heavy, blood soaked man was put back in the shower with no drag marks or blood trail…

    • Yup, his just guessing and still making assumptions. He doesn’t even sound like he’s sure of what HE’S saying. He’s telling the jury not to blv the experts, well they shouldn’t blv him either!

  165. The scary thing is the TA site is swallowing everything JM said, its painful to look at.

    • Is on AZ Central. The name of the article is: ” Was Travis Alexander emotionally abusive?”. Is about the emails between TA and Chris Hughes.

  166. This Jodi is a liar and Alyce is a liar and all the defense is lying is going to come back and bite Martinez in the ass when Nurmi gets up and calls Flores a liar and the ME a liar oh and the prosecution changed their story four days before the trial started, so Martinez is a liar too. There is one thing that I have learned through life, everyone is a mirror of you, what you see in others is just a reflection of what you are.

  167. Thank you so much SJ (admins) 🙂 you are my hero XXOO

  168. You know…. Sharon Stone would make a good judge for the movie. I can see her acting her out.

    • The little guy from Good Fellas….can’t think of his name! He’d be perfect!!! Joe Pesci I think his name is! 😉

    • And I’m thinking that Janeen DeMartes (who should maybe consider acting, now that her career as a psychologist is over) can play Jodi.

      • I doubt she’s got any talent in any area RB!! Including acting..altho she tried on the stand!

      • Bland “Doctor” Janeen DeMartes lacks Jodi’s intelligence andr composure (despite ALL those tests that she does/does not administer sometimes…..or not….) which is another reason she stridently wanted to slap her “diagnosis’ as testimony on the stand. Oh Really? Regardless of whether Dr.DM is competent to render it. This was “Jannie’s” forty seconds (into hours and days) of televised Fame that I personally could have lived without. Frankly, I’d rather see Angelina Jolie as Jodi–she could bring some of the courage that Jodi is living into the role–and would look more like JA (—AKA—a lot better than Dr. DeM.——-Janeen should remain IN a lab coat at HER clinic for her own sake. On top of EVERYTHING Else, the “Doctor” isn’t very photogenic)

    • Too bad Ron Silver died. He played Dershowitz in Reversal of Fortune. Actually, I bet JM patterned himself after the role. I’m still trying to figure out what kind of accent JM has, it doesn’t sound southwest Hispanic, more urban east coast-ish.

      • I detect. I don’t get any South anything, not DC, nor Philly, Pittsburgh, NY, Boston….

  169. SO YOU CANT REMEMBER SOMETHING AS IMPORTANT AS IF IT WAS A HAND PRINT OR FINGER PRINT! Ok sit down and take a time out Juan. do you have a memory problem ? yes or no?

  170. Here we go how smart and manipulative she is again. Now he’s going to say how she messed up bc she’s not smart. Sometimes it sounds like he’s arguing w himself.

  171. I also hope the defense really pounds the fact that its unbelievable that days pass in a home that at least ten people come in and out of and a dog and no one notices the stench of the rotting Travis! Crime scene could have been manipulated or tainted by all those people as well as meddling with any and all other evidence.

  172. JM is boring and really doesn’t make any sense….story telling is all..

  173. She’s a “chameleon.” Shit, that’s the talking points by the idiot writer Shanna Hogan and Dr. Drew.

  174. so he has been watching the media or talking to dave hughes …that statement was made by dave hughes on JVM about JA being a chameleon the clip i was talking about the other day

    • I think you are talking about Chris Hughes, is that right. I don’t like my first name being associated with that man who we know has lied as well as the little weasel

    • That chameleon shit is a bunch of crap. If anybody was one, it was Travis, and probably most of his “friends.”

    • Has he yelled about Cancun yet?
      I hope Nurmi or Jennifer bring up what Dave Hudughes said about getting a text that Travis was dead
      and he said that they were all going to discuss it when they arrived n Cancun.
      For 5 days they had a ball in Cancun while they knew Travis was dead and no ne called about him.

      What about Mimi?
      She was supposed to go with him and FINALLY after 5 days when they get back from Cancun, they go to the house, the roommate passes by the washer, the rest follow and didn’t see any blood???

    • If sm was to tune in for the first time,they would think there are 2 women on a trial!

  175. Thanks for reminding us about that asshole banging his head against the wall, Kermit!

  176. ugh . . how cheap can jm get . . I know some real sick people but jm makes them look nice

  177. Now he lied about what she said to Flores. He told her there was hair in Alexander’s house and she said yes because I was there all the time. It was not the hand print she asked him are you sure it’s mine?

  178. HEY if you look real close at his head its very very short on the top right side!! thats where he was pulling his hair out knowing he doesnt have a chance on winning this case!

  179. He keeps making the comment that Alyce has a problem with the police! He’s a toad!

  180. just wondering here…Wouldnt Jodi have had a polygraph or several through all this?? or did she and JM prevented it from being allowed in testimony because she passed it. just cant see why if his case is all about her lies, why wouldnt he have had her polygraphs in the testimony.

    • I think I read somewhere that polygraph was taken and defense wants to include in penalty phase.

    • Polygraph test results are not allowed in trials. But, even if they were allowed and Jodi had passed, JM would claim that she also fooled the polygrapher because she’s such an amazing liar.) There is no winning with these kind of nut cases.

      • It is allowed in Arizona when both sides stipulate to it–one of only about 3 states under different rules.

        And guess which side didn’t want to allow the results to be used here? It starts with P…and ends with a pygmy fact fixing Mexican.

        • Thanks, Jade. I obviously didn’t know that about Arizona allowing polygraph test results. Interesting!

    • He’s rambling and if the judge hadn’t stopped him he would never shut up. He is MAD, seriously.

  181. juan, yawn. he is boring the hell out of me. i thought he would be more interesting, really. this is his big moment. but heès got nothing and now we have to sit through this to be here for jodi. juan is too predictable. ièm guessing it will be another hour of jodi is a liar blah blah blah and then his moment will be something like, the law of attraction might work that way but the laws of the state of arizona dont. ta freakin da. that is my prediction anyways.

  182. When someone assassinates another person’s character, it is usually the assassin that loses the most esteem in people’s eyes (IMO). I hope the jurors are losing respect for Martinez as he continually tears Jodi’s character apart. Plus, he’s doing the same to Alyce and others, the same as the “haters” do. If he has a case, is it really necessary to resort to this low level form of prosecution?

  183. What was the deal w his pt w Priceline lol it has budget, Alamo, enterprise etc on it…..what the fuck does a Priceline charge vs budget charge have to do w anything….Am I missing something? And I hope to God the defense did its research and sees the $25 dif in price bt Yreka and redding….yes, there is a huge dif in price!!! Also dif in insurance cost…I guess bc Yreka is more rural they have less cars hence dif price set? I dnt know but there is a huge dif…..I looked into it

    • Priceline and all those deal websites never charge your credit. The rental agency charges you in person because they have to verify you are over 25 to rent a car. He lied or is ignorant about it. Idiot!

  184. No wonder JM got stuck on the Snow White story. All he can think in are fairy tales, like the one he is spewing now.

    • obviously very slanted.

      “According to the breakdown for Dirty Little Secrets, Arias is described as a single-minded, head-strong, quick-tempered and jealous to the extreme woman who is hell-bent on emotionally suffocating and controlling Alexander, a handsome young Mormon and motivational speaker who soon falls prey. Filming starts right away in Los Angeles.”

  185. to make up 5 hours total he still has 2 hours to go !!!
    lie lie lie lie lie lie yawn lie lie lie

  186. Jennifer is exhausted and it is showing on her face…..I hope she is able to recoup some energy for the closing arguments if she is giving them. Another comment, if the jury didn’t have to take into account the prosecutor’s lack of evidence, it would be a good closing. I give him credit for telling a story. Just not a truthful story.

    • JW was exhausted last night
      GIVEN the duration of the trial, the defense needed an additional couple of million to start with to hire a team of lawyers, investigators, experts, office staff, etc

      TO compete fairly with the prosecution’s, ie the state’s, access to vast resources to fund their entire prosecution including their backroom team, etc

      JM is arizona’s Tomás de Torquemada

      Tomás de Torquemada, O.P. (1420 – September 16, 1498) was a 15th-century Spanish Dominican friar and the first Grand Inquisitor in Spain’s movement to restore Christianity among its populace in the late 15th century. As well as being Grand Inquisitor, Torquemada was also the confessor to Isabella I of Castile. He is notorious for his zealous campaign against the crypto-Jews and crypto-Muslims of Spain.

      Torquemáda’s manual of instructions to the Inquisition — did not appear in print publicly until 1576, when it was published in Madrid. In modern times, his name has become synonymous with the Spanish Inquisition’s horror, religious bigotry, and cruel fanaticism.

    • Fk is this really allowed? I have never in my life seen a prosecutor or defense attorney do this with the jury instructions? THis is one messed up trial ………..

      • It’s been that way from the beginning FUjaun!!
        Last night was a first for a jury, I’m sure! All night????
        This is nuts.

  187. I need some help….I am looking for the dictionary that has the word indicates with a deffinition of: Indicates = proof. Or, maybe the dictionary with the word proof, that has a deffinition of: proof = indicates.

    This guy can tell us all day long about what is “indicated” by an event, or lack of an event, but sooner or later he has to start talking about proof… No,, he doesnt HAVE ANY PROOF.

  188. Go ahead,Kermit! Read out the instructions in your vile attempt to PATRONIZE the Jury!!!!!!!

    • He has no business doing that. The judge read the instructions; there is no need to give a spin on it.

    • EXACTLY Maria…that the hell is he re-reading the Judges instructions….why isn’t Nurmi objecting to this…so now he’s twisting the Judges instructions. What a bunch of shit!

  189. Now it’s personal with him, his raising his voice, his attitude.

    HE is the one with psychological problems. He needs to make an appointment with DeMarte.

    • Yes, the fact that this case is so personal to him is very disturbing to me. Something going on behind the scenes in this fuckers head. – projection? transference? I don’t know. He thinks he has the job to punish Jodi – no matter what happened, that is not his job – it is the prison systems job to dole out the punishment in jail time, if the jury finds her guilty of a charge. This is cruel & unusual punishment, and a disturbing display of his own narcissitic fantasy of righteous indignation.

  190. he just said “how can you except with certainty that anything she says is true” I think he has this defense/prosecutor role backwards. Defense doesnt have to be believed at all…the prosecutor does…BEYOND a reasonable doubt.

    • This is so fked up Sirlips….. Now he’s telling the jury how they need to vote? and the judge is allowing this? Glad I am not on trial in this messed up state AZ…

    • I know! He sounded like he’s giving them the burden of proof! This is also the guy who claims her bank statement doesn’t have the “Priceline” charge because she’s lying.

    • I don’t think this judge is paying attention anymore. I think she’s planning her summer vacation in her head.

  191. Caught up with JM’s new Animal Totem-Spiritual Description provided by FU Juan~should show up soon I hope!

  192. It does not have ANYTHING to do with if you believe her! NOTHING! It has to do with if they see evidence that PROVES she did it. She didnt even have to testify fucktard!

    • Right but the only other scenario we’ve been provided with his her version. So, we have to believe her otherwise there is only the pros version of events

      • Not true, it doesnt have to be the defense story vs the state story…its the State story VS ANY OTHER POSSIBILITY (if it is explained/proven or not) The defense didnt even have to give a story.

        The state needs to give a story, THEN PROVE THAT STORY. they dont have to make a MORE believable story than any others story, they have to make the 1 story and prove the 1 story is the ONLY story that happened.

  193. He’s lied so much today. I don’t know whether to laugh cry or what…

    • He’s definitely a good storyteller. I know the DT will paint an even more believable version.

  194. Remember, JM does not like women. The judge is a woman. Thus, she is automatically incompetent. I see that he believes that in his opinion all women are incompetent.

  195. My I please use your gun to try to get away from you so you don’t kill me? I may have to shoot you but I don’t want to be a thief.

    Seriously JM? Seriously? She used the gun to save her life and now you’re saying she stole the gun. This is crazy.

  196. What the hell?? If it was TA’s gun , the it was burglary? And she stabbed him in the shower? This guy is insane!

    • I cannot believe this fool. I’m telling you If i’m a juror I’m thinking how can this be both ways. I’m right now discounting 80 to 90 % of everything he has said.

      Good catch Gail.

  197. I don’t freakin believe it the little weasel just said Jodi brought the gun with her. Then the sentence later he says if she did’nt bring the gun then its robbery… and still felony. What is this idiot saying…. does anybody feel my pain?

    The guy is full of shit!!!!

  198. Okay, the gun came from her grandparents’ house, the gun came from Travis’ house and she committed burglary, or maybe it came from Mars. Oh yeah, I forgot, Jodi Arias is actually an alien. Sheez!

  199. jesus how long has frogger been closing his fairy tale arguments?

    He is nauseating beyond belief.

  200. So, twist it any direction you want, but find JA Guilty! We don’t even need evidence!

    • Don’t forget though he does not evidence hon. His little show whitle fairy tale is not making sense. He is just throwing shit at a wall, and seeing if it is soft enough still to stick. shameful!!!

      • He’s throwing pudding or is it tapioca at the wall. Nothing will stick. I like to shove a stick….never mind.

  201. if anyone can tell me how many times he said, she lies or is a liar or manipulates… my guess its in the way up hundreds… that is how they got the so called info out of her by them telling her. without a memory they would have had to. its disgusting.

  202. Alyce must have really gotten under his skin……he doesn’t even go after Dr. Samuels like that. He really takes issue with her.

    • I think that the reason he so strongly goes after ALV is because he knows she was right on and is probably afraid the jury will believe her. Obvisously, she posed the biggest threat to him it seems to me.

  203. He’s using the same tactic on the jury that he uses on witnesses, talking in circles and changing subjects to keep them confused.

  204. This is ALL projection on his part. His entire case has been built on lies and speculation.

  205. Now this is good. On the day that AL tried to say that the gun belonged to Travis’s mother or father, Martinez objected and it was not allowed into evidence, but now he is using it in his closing arguments.

    • Why is she charged with Burglary for using and taking HIS gun IF she stole it from her grandparents’ house???Im lost!!!

  206. I wish that the jury knew that the haters put ALV in the hospital while she was testifying. She probably started to answer and got cut off. She wouldn’t lie intentially. The reason he hates her I think is because she saw him for what he is an angry little bully, the kind of man that she helps every day in her clinic.

  207. All the defence has to do is repeat what JM said about if the gun was Travis’

    He just blew it that is doubt right there. He can’t prove she stole the gun from grandparents but he believes she did, now he says if she stole the gun from Travis, she is a burglar
    Seriously this dude has no clue what he he just did to himself…..

  208. omg, how long is this idiot going to tell his “story” give it up, you lost, your grasping, and its not working. NEXT

  209. OH i just left a nice reply comment on that lifetime movie page and used my email and name!! sure im going to get a few emails but im ready for it!!! lmao 🙂 🙂

  210. JM is arizona’s Tomás de Torquemada

    Tomás de Torquemada, O.P. (1420 – September 16, 1498) was a 15th-century Spanish Dominican friar and the first Grand Inquisitor in Spain’s movement to restore Christianity among its populace in the late 15th century. As well as being Grand Inquisitor, Torquemada was also the confessor to Isabella I of Castile. He is notorious for his zealous campaign against the crypto-Jews and crypto-Muslims of Spain.

    Torquemáda’s manual of instructions to the Inquisition — did not appear in print publicly until 1576, when it was published in Madrid. In modern times, his name has become synonymous with the Spanish Inquisition’s horror, religious bigotry, and cruel fanaticism.

  211. If someone is 100 % confident and not worried
    then their closing arguments would be 90 mins to 2 hours tops

    It obviously shows that JM is grasping and reaching
    and desperate and he knows what lies ahead
    when the Defense gets that stage…

    Let’s hope the juror has not drank his gopher kool-aid
    and will see right through his pathetic sad soul of his

  212. Now he just said she brought the gun herself. Oh now he’s saying was she was unlawfully in the house. Oh my gosh. Why don’t they just charge her for parking too close to a fire hydrant and jay walking.

  213. OMG!! She remained in the house unlawfully??? Hello??? They were making out most of the day….he’s grasping at straws now

  214. Well if she brought the gun, how could she have taken off with his gun? He can’t have it both ways now!!

  215. Guess the jury doesn’t need to deliberate or here the defense bc JUAN thinks he has a slam dunk case telling the jury how to come to the verdict. This is unbelieveable that this is allowed.

  216. I would love to have a petition made up and presented with all our signatures to have Juan Martinez removed as a prosecutor, and have him formally disbarred. He is suppose to be looking to find truth, obviously he wants a conviction and doesn’t care how it is achieved.

    Lets start a movemen,t anyone with me. WE WANT JUAN MARTINEZ DISBARRED!!!!!

    Sing it all…. lets hear it, I need some love here.

      • Thank you everybody, I felt the love, it feels good.

        I’m sorry cb for jumping on you, but on this site we don’t accuse Jodi of lying that is a prosecution piece of BS!!!!

        Her lie’s happened because of fear and confusion about what had happened and her not remembering much of the encounter with TA. These lies happened before the trial, so were clear on that I hope.

    • I’ll sign it, I”m in Canada, but honestly, ,you people need him gone, he gives the legal profession a bad name!

  217. I’ve had this on but been completely tuned out for hours now. I think he’s almost done. I need a drink. Going to put on Wreck-it-Ralph in a few minutes. One cartoon for a better one….

  218. JMs bs is more bizaar than Jodis lies . . Jodi couldn’t even make this shit up

    • Don’t ever start with the lie accusation on this site. OK!!!!

      WE, and I believe I am not alone don’t want to hear on this site about Jodi lying since it was before the trial began…..

      It’s a bad day to do that Ok!!!!

    • Great idea!!!! Hope they have that in the plan!!! That’s soooo important in this case.

    • I agree with the simple displays both Cheney Mason and Jose Baez used in their closing arguments. I found them to be very effective and logical with easy understanding. I have secretly wished JB would offer to help this defense team…even if in the background.

  219. Okay, Martinez, this is just stupid.
    You’re dumb ass “symbolism” is even centered around the fucking gas cans?
    Surely the Jury is keeping a tally of all the times Martinez says, “Gas Cans” as a joke, right?

  220. once again judge helping WM by giving him last word today and he will get last word again tomorrow before deliberations

    • DT should talk until, like, 4:15 tomorrow. Tag team to keep them engaged. Leave JM 15 minutes to stomp around and risk pissing them off by carrying on longer.

        • Defense should take all day and leave jury overnight with their last words. Prosecutor should finish next morning of week day and let deliberations begin immediately thereafter. IMO

      • I really think by the time the defense is done, it will not matter what JM says as all will be exhuasted and wanting to get the heck out of there for the weekend. Might be good to let the dust settle and begin deliberations a couple of days later.

  221. Honestly tell me, did I miss something monumental? OMG….that was horrible.

  222. The taking out the gas cans did nothing for me. Was that supposed to be like having blood on your hands, having gas on your hands? HLN is saying how great he did. Gross me out.

    • It was another terrible metaphor.

      A writing career is not in the cards for Juan after retirement.

  223. Sad thing is I find him believable…if I wasn’t smart enough to see through his BS.

    • Amy, the only thing believable about JM is that he is a slimy, rat-faced, no-good, lousy, motherfucker who should be beheaded and sent to a lab to see what spawned him so that the likes of him will/shall never walk this earth again! Believable! Please tell me that you were joking! And, Amy I’m am not mad at you, because everybody is entitled to an opinion. IT’s just my opinion that JM is less than a piece off diseased shit that sould be caged, neutered, and dissected so that humanity will be safe for now and generations to come!!!!!! GO TEAM JODI!!!!!!!

      • Turn his body over to Kevin Horn to experiment on regarding the human brain, except there isn’t one here.

      • Mostly joking. I was thinking of people like my mom who wouldn’t watch months of a trial. She would make her decision based on closing statements. She is the type who would response to JM.

  224. Can’t wait until tomorrow! should be a good day! Now back to doing wifey things so I’m not pissed off when hubby gets home…JM has a way of getting on my nerves!!

  225. I believe the reason JM attacks ALV regarding the “one or two men” she testified for, is not so much about portraying her as a liar as much as portraying her as a “man hater”. That’s what misogynists do to disqualify anyone who cares about what happens to women. In their warped minds, anyone who cares about women must, by definition, hate men (which I believe says more about their thinking since they are the ones who automatically make that connection.)

  226. I’m running and had to stop. His explanation of felony murder is wrong! I hope the jury sees he’s an idiot!
    He lied.


      • It’s when you for example go with the intent to rob a bank but along the way you shoot the teller. Therefore the killing is felony murder because you went to commit a felony and killed someone. His explanation was a real stretch to say the least.

        • so are you saying that because she did not think when taking the gun as a robbery just to create distance so that is not called a theft?

          • She didn’t enter Travis’ house with the intent to steal his gun and kill him in the process. Felony murder is a bullshit charge; like someone said upthread, any murder could be felony murder the way Kermit is spinning it.

  227. Juan clearly has a fool for a client

    He needs to learn a thing or two about the way of the world, I suggest he use google to look up skateboard tools, and how Priceline makes money For Dummies

  228. NEED HELP, can someone answer this for me? Do I have to keep hitting reload page to see all new comments?

  229. so I,m very concerned how did Jodi Have a chance since she took the Gunץץץץ


      • But ether way its problematic because if she took it than its a theft if she did not took than its the burglary and it go’s to premeditation

        • ok, I admit I didn’t listen to every word of JM because he irritates me, and usually rambles and makes no sense…the gun thing…to my knowledge there is NO proof that Jodi stole the gun from her grandparents home…if she removed TA’s gun from his home, that just bolsters her testimony that she grabbed the gun from TA’s shelf to PROTECT herself from him attacking I guess with that theory, she was in fear for her life, no pre-med, gun in his home, self defense!

          • I don’t think the self defense claim is coming in yes its only after he told her F kill you bitch but at this point she is still not in a danger of her life

            • Self defense claim IS in, Judge read it in jury instructions.

              That means the STATE must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Jodi did not act in self defense. Beyond reasonable doubt that she did NOT act in self defense.

              They can’t do that. Period.

        • Inspired by FU Juans Gopher Animal Symbolism breakdown done by FU Juan! It’s a must read MB!!!! Perfect!! 😉

  230. How can he stand there and tell the jury to assume that eith this happened ir that happened? That if you dont find her guilty of premeditation, find her guilty of felony murder because SHE did say it was HIS gun, so she stole it. So he’s saying blv her that TA had a gun and she stole it to charge her with felony murder, but dont blv anything else!

      • Good point, Aly

        It makes Martinez look confused. Is he saying Jodi stole her gf’s gun or is he saying she stole Travis’s gun. If he is saying she stole her gf’s gun, why steal Travis’s gun? Was Travis’s gun a spare or backup gun? If she had 2 guns, why did she stab him? And, finally. maybe she didn’t steal Travis’s gun. Maybe, she just borrowed it.

        It would be great if Nurmi could just mock Martinez and Martinez’s “she stole Travis’s gun” accusation. If he even made that statement , Martinez would be admitting that Travis had a gun which would take away his theory of premeditation (gf’s gun).

        I better stop, I’m getting confused.

    • I believe the jury will put the puzzle together based on what they heard and saw according to the testimony. I doubt they will use JM’s could be this…or it could be that… as their guide. If they use “could be’s” several different ways…isn’t that reasonable doubt? Was JM enforcing reasonable doubt with his closing? I didn’t watch as I just can’t take his mannerisms, but reading what you all have posted, tells me he attacked ALV and jumped around with confusing/misleading/incorrect statements as he did in questioning witnesses. 12 people will have differing opinions… we see here….so, it will be interesting to see how long it takes them to consider all.

      • I will have to watch again but what I thi nk he said was if you have doubt than it COULD be possible and that means guilty. He’s nuts

      • Thanks Amy!
        A day of juan and other names is a day too much.
        And now the jury can rest until tomorrow.
        After last night and today, they need it.

        When the defense closes, does the state come back?

          • UGH! I don’t think so either!!!
            Well, I will listen to the defense and after they’re through. I won’t
            listen to chicken head or talking heads afterwards.
            I didn’t on the last trial.
            In fact I just turned the whole thing off.

            If I could I would do some head stands or something. : )

            Prayers for Jodi!

    • I found this info…

      Wild About Trial says…
      Court is over for today, we will begin tomorrow at 9am. Juan is done with his closing.

  231. There are several sites with comments that the DA blew this case, so I see we are not alone. I especially like Vlad’s twitter, he sums up stuff so well with little words…like this one….

    If I was doing #JodiArias defense closing: “Good Morning members of the jury, ‘not a stretch to say’=Reasonable doubt. Thank you. The End.”


      • Twitter:

        Camille Kimball @CamilleKimball
        At some point she stole a gun, Juan says. It was either from her gandparents or from Travis. That makes it felony murder #JodiArias
        Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer

        @CamilleKimball You can’t have felony murder if the predicate felony is uncharged and took place in another jurisdiction.


        Basse Krokkeposted toJusticeforPinellascounty Florida
        40 minutes ago
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        Dee Webba I know Daniel. It’s so transparent…does he think the jury is that stupid? I guess we’ll find out soon.

        for starters…….loving it!

        • and another:

          Vladimir Gagic @vlga
          wonder if #JodiArias haters are at all disappointed with prosecutor’s weak closing line “not a stretch to say”. Piss poor summary
          mechtild,jd @mechtild5

          @vlga I question him saying jury’s duty 2 return 1st deg murder It’s not Just when starting 2 respect him he does something slimy #JodiArias

          • You can always count on Kermit to do something slimy.

            And that’s a great point about not being able to convict Jodi on felony murder for stealing her grandparent’s gun. It was never proven, she wasn’t charged, and it took place in another jurisdiction.

  232. said yesterday, nothing short of a epiphany will ever fix a person like jaun martinez. Is there lightening in AZ? he needs a jolt into humanity but won’t recognize it until it’s his ass on the line

  233. jm yammering that the gun was stolen is an element in felony murder

    stealing a gun the felony

    jm’s trouble is that he hasn’t one shred of proof

    the little dork’s trying to blow smoke up the juries collective a$$es

    a nasty image

    • That alone was this dickwads single biggest mistake. Saying either way is a felony is showing his desperation. Some one with confidence who believed he had a case would NEVER have wavered from what he was proclaiming.

      Some one who knows they have screwed the proverbial pooch, however, will say, “gimme what I want if you believe this, and if you believe not in this but the other, give me what I want then, too.”

      • Proof of whether she “stole” her granddad’s gun or whether she stole Travis’s gun.

        Guano is trying to have it both ways. He claims there was no evidence Travis had a gun (despite keeping out evidence that indeed he did inherit a gun from one of his parents), yet he is trying to claim that if she used that gun against Travis it is burglary, or some stupid thing. At the same time he is claiming she stole her granddad’s gun despite no evidence she did, and if she did, why did she stage a robbery scene?

        • jm should’ve been forbidden by the judge to allege jodi stole the gun
          no proof that i know of ?

    • Well I guess its fitting he’s trying to blow the smoke up their asses, since he pulled the BSmoke out of his own ass!!!!

  234. Totally idiotic. So now he has him defending himself trying to grab the knife, and the small woman — with shorter arms than his — manages to stab him deeply in the heart, a fatal stab, yet he has time to stand around over the sink and looks at himself in the mirror, etc

    • on geebees pictures we saw some blood on the floor in the linen closet in Travis bathroom…which leads me to think that maybe Travis took a moment to reach in and get a towel out of the linen closet to put on the blood from the wound…

      If he took the time to get a towel then he wouldn’t have been fleeing for his life trying to get away from Jodi…

      • Yep. Probably saying ‘you blew my nose off, gonna kill you, b*, as soon as I sponge it off’

  235. Im not convinced that the law allows the prosecutor to charge what amounts to “contradictory charges” How did they get this past the amnibus hearing? So its pre-med because she brought the gun…No wait, if she didnt bring the gun, its theft so Felony murder? We cant prove which one, but we think it was one of them. Doesnt the fact they they charged 1 because charge 2 couldnt be proven, or charged 2 because charge 1 couldnt be proven mean they couldnt PROVE either?

    No need for a trial….the law it self would mean this is BS. since they day they charged her, they PROVED they didnt have proof, simply by the charges themsleves.

    Fuck, im exhausted, i just dont understand. AL? You got anything here bud? AA? SJ?

    • You’re right. She can’t be guilty because of either/or. They need to pick a theory and stick with it. But regardless of what series of events you believe then you have to believe that she did something with that gun (either brought it or stole it from TA) kinda smart but also very, very sneaky.

      • I don’t that is smart. Because of I’m a juror just by the way he presented it like “it could be this, but if not then it’s this… would take me over to …. way to many if’s and start discounting most or not all of his closing argument. Once they are trying to get a conviction, and not a search for truth. I’m not convicting anyone, self-defense would by my alternative.

        • I agree Dave and Lynn.
          That’s what happens in many cases. It’s not the truth they’re seeking.
          If Jodi get’s death, IMO they should be charged with murder.

          I hope that she is acquitted and the talking heads learn that justice is alive and well.
          AND just one more thing, they have to change HLN completely!

    • Yeah, I’m confused about this. At the end of the day how many charges could she be convicted of?

      • Clarification! … How many charges does Juan think he can get her convicted of?

        • Well….Let’s Not Forget: Juan also insisted that Jodi remained in Travis’ house after she defended herself from his attack (my take on it, anyway…) …..and….Gosh, maybe Travis wanted Jodi to Leave at some point after she stabbed him. So, Juan—–What is that…added ‘criminal trespass?’…..why doesn’t ‘The Prosecutor’ (JM’s “fantasy name’) just slap jaywalking and some overdue library books on the pyre? Wow.

  236. I am sitting here and wondering just what the hell it is that he actually said??? I feel like I spent hours listening to someone who is delusional!

      • lol…no doubt..

        he ended it like he did the entire trial, full of BS and story telling, that takes you round and round in circles, but never gets back to the question that you asked.
        I feel like I’ve been in an interview with a manic patient, who never gives you a straight answer, but leads you around and around for hours, until you finally say, Ok, yes, I see, just to shut them up!! LOL

        • Wow, I haven’t heard all the closing yet, but from what you guys say (and past experience listening to this douche) it sounds like the arguments I would have with my ex-abuser.

        • Wow, I haven’t heard all the closing yet, but from what you guys say (and past experience listening to this douche) it sounds like the arguments I would have with my ex-abuser. Abusers always lie and twist the truth to the point where you feel like the crazy one.

  237. I’ve had a long day…too many appointments…am just getting through with clients for today…

    Did Juan say anything different today than what we have already heard?…did he pull any sneaky’s?

    • He’s finished with closing, but he still has the last word after the defense presents their closing statements.

      • I kept closing the link – can’t stand his voice. Went back and checked and it looked like it was over. So JW/KN are next and then JM gets another crack at it?

      • …and speaking in tongues, with the words ‘fault,’ ‘lie,’ ‘die’ popping out spasmodically at times.

  238. Premeditation, Felony Murder, Murder 1, Burglary of a Habitation, Circumstantial …..????
    He did an excellent job of confusing the Jurors.

  239. According to him everyone connected to the defense, including the witnesses are liars.
    But I bet he, Flores and the ME are not . I hope the defense slams this point and is able to
    explain the wallmart/gas issue.

    • There really isn’t any issue with the gas cans. Jodi gassed up in SLC, far away from the murder scene.

      She also returned a kerosene can, not a gas can.

          • Well then the defense needs to mention that, because if not the jury is probably wondering why they passed on crossing the Wallmart person. I have also read where she might of took it back to a different Wallmart, but whatever that along with the gun issue are the only things that I see that could lean toward 1st degree.

        • No sorry they did not testify to the skew number. That’s why the jury asked if it was returned under a dummy skew because Martinez made it very clear they were looking for “five gallon cans.” This is because when they initiated the search, it was for “gas cans,” so he hand to change it.

          They didn’t search for the right cans, they didn’t use the skew, and more importantly they searched a hard copy paper printout which has a lot of room for human error. Plus they didn’t check the second walmart in Salinas.

          Reasonable doubt all over the place.

      • I agree tonysam…..I’m SOOOOO sick of the fucking cans already……………

        It’s beyond ridiculous now….

      • tony…
        I agree with you….

        Over a week ago…the television viewing audience saw on HLN three red gas cans….they dissected that for days…waving those three red gas around in the air as they talked…so idiotic…then the Walmart expert that juando brought in testified about the gas can…not a kerosene can….then all juando talks about is a gas can…not the blue kerosene can…

        So while it is not an issue for the people who know about the blue kerosene can…there are people out there who will believe there were three red gas cans…and they want know anything about a blue kerosene can….

    • I hear you but I don’t think that is much of a problem at all. Since we all know the dedicated wal mart employee making close to minimum wage is wanting to get thru the day. Therefore, when going into the register to get the cash out they would simply use a fake sku, or simply just take the money out if that is possible. Either way it can be faked. And the fact that Juan Martinez was going back to the wal mar 4 or 5 yrs later to get the receipt is just more of a chance that the receipt is gone…no evidence here!!!!

  240. MB…

    I can’t believe you seriously changed to a cactus!! LMAOOOOOOOO


    Now, if there is anyway you can swing it……STICK IT UP MASSENGIL’s ASS…..

  241. Defense team…please use the chart re reasonable doubt from CA trial …it will be a slam dunk.

  242. I don’t think if I’m going to be able to sleep tonight due to anxious anticipation…

  243. on geebees pictures we saw some blood on the floor in the linen closet in Travis bathroom…which leads me to think that maybe Travis took a moment to reach in and get a towel out of the linen closet to put on the blood from the wound…

    If he took the time to get a towel then he would not have been fleeing for his life trying to get away from Jodi…

  244. Vladimir Gagic ‏@vlga 11m
    Day one prosecutor school “under no circumstances, never ever say the words ‘not a stretch to say'”

    Vladimir Gagic ‏@vlga 8m
    .@mechtild5 I hope defense repeats ‘not a stretch to say’ endlessly tomorrow. Gift from prosecutor #JodiArias

  245. Omg are thhese people BLIND? How can they say there were no tears? And she is soulless? How can they say these things with a straight facw? I dont get it.

    • Because the subhumans that are all set to murder Jodi will criticize and nitpick EVERY single thing she does or says because they are looking through HATE-FILLED eyes and hearts…

      They don’t know any other way…it’s deplorable and truly disheartening that there are people out there that would rather emit hate than compassion.

      Their hate-filled lives will not know a minutes’ peace….they’ll reap what they sow……

      • And they probably go to church every Sunday, get on their self-righteous knees and piously pray for justice for Travis. And then go home and spew hate about Jodi. Hypocrites!

      • If they can dehumanize Jodi like Travis did, then that clears their conscience.

  246. I have a question re the bullet.

    Sorry if it’s been mentioned before but I’ve never seen it stated.

    I’m aware grandpa claims his stolen gun was loaded with 25 caliber hollow point bullets.

    Was the bullet inside TA’s head a hollow point bullet or not?


      • Geffner also talked yesterday, unprompted, about the kind of damage a hollow point bullet would do. No reference to G-pa’s gun, it was in the hypotheticals (I think) about how a bullet on the trajectory described MIGHT have incapacitated Travis. Geffner said a hollow point might have, but there was no corresponding damage to the brain.

        • Question:
          Besides Dr.Geffner mentioning the hollow point bullet in his “hypothetical” was there EVER any mention of the bullet that was recovered in the autopsy? I may have missed a day or so WAY back in the beginning of the trial, but I do not recall hearing testimony as to the type of bullet that was recovered. ( I don’t know why I assume it but I do assume it was NOT a hollow point, because of Dr. Geffner’s testimony saying a hollow point bullet would cause far more tearing and shrapnel (?)) This, to me seems like it would be imperative. If the Grand Father’s gun was reported stolen and it was reported to have hollow point bullets IN the gun at the time it was stolen, then showing that the recovered bullet was NOT hollow point would have ruled out that big red herring that JM is waving around. I understand the burden of proof is on the prosecution. By opting to leaving that out of the testimony could it be a strategy to benefit either side?
          Was THE bullet ever a part of the testimony, anyone know? If so which day of trial was it?

        • Thanks you guys.

          So in the ME report this bullet type was not mentioned either – whether it was or was not a hollow point bullet? From the pictures posted here recently the ME surely would have known what type of bullet it was.

          If it was a hollow point Juanita would have been a raging maniac about that!

          It’s another huge stretch to speculate that Jodi was aware of the kind of bullet Grandpa kept in his gun and decided to buy a bullet that would inflict *less* harm if one is to believe she planned to harm TA.

          If anything, if she was scheming and planning to off him grandpa’s small caliber pistol would not have been her selection from the get go.

          Yesterday, I peeked at WS to see what the haters were up to. They actually have a thread speculating why she dragged his ass back to the shower. Some of their answers were along the lines of she was planning to cut his body up, bag it up and carry it out the front door (I guess, right past the dog and roommates??!!) and dispose of him! (hmmm, I wonder how many 200lb humans they’ve chopped up and bagged?) One wondered if she brought bags, or containers …? GMAFB! Their stupidity boggles my mind!

          I cannot wait until Jodi walks out of this hell with her head held high.

          (((((JODI)))) <3

  247. JM’s new theme song—–“They’re coming to take me away, ha ha! They’re coming to take me away,HO HO! To the funny farm where life is beautiful all day long and they’re coming to take me away! TO Hell With Meds Put that little fucker down with something they use to euthanize horses, etc., with! One less rabid dog to worry about

  248. Hah, I’m working here and only popping in now and then. So… JM is STILL whining on? What a douche! lol

  249. Travis was an asshole jerkwad. Lying abusing sicko who wanted a 12 year old. ….This D’ann chick on Jane Velez…talking about Jodi chasing them….ummm so Travis was at a ppl meeting with Jodi and sneaks off with his friends leaving Jodi there and is making fun of her for getting mad? Seriously? He left her there with no word of goodbye. Sneaking off like a naughty child…..this dde was a player to the extreme. Ppl is a scam anyway. Love how everyone condones all tge terrible things Travis did.

  250. What astounds me right now about the talking heads and Travis’ friends is how they’ve agreed on a very limited vocabulary regarding Jodi, and it was established right from the start.

    But, each time they use the agreed-upon words–her eyes are “empty,” every single person who knew her, whether 5 years, or 5 minutes, found her “soulless” or “creepy”–each time, they act as though they are saying it for the first time. These people are like processed cheese: each square slice is exactly, dependably, the same.

    • I think they pay them to say that shit. All say the same so all I can conclude is they pay tell em what to say.

    • My eyes are empty, people tell me that but they know I have been through some parts of hell and they understand, Empty doesn’t not mean soulless.

    • For some reason that click he ran with didn’t like Jodi from the start and she knew they didn’t like her being with Travis. I sure it was not very much fun being around people that didn’t like you and wanting to fit in. Those Hughes why would you talk about someone when they were in your house. She just got mixed up with the wrong people and fell in love with a user and abuser.

    • It really pisses me off when they say her eyes are empty. Her eyes are dark brown. That’s all.

    • Yes it’s almost as though they have *talking points* like the stupid politicians do.

      I get so irked when they say that crap about her eyes also! And the asinine yammer that she is enjoying this trial!!??? GMAFB! The ignorance is mind boggling. I’m wordless that an idea of this nature could even cross anyone’s mind…

      Her eyes before all of this nightmare were BEAUTIFUL and full of life. From outward appearances they were a very cute couple. The haters are so jealous because she is a pretty and talented woman.

      Even during these months of court she’s endured she’s managed to hold herself together amazingly well in spite of the adversity she’s faced.

      I know I would have crumbled under the stress a long time ago. If I were in her shoes I might have said I’ll take the DP just to end this nightmare.

  251. OMG Juan Martinez metites la pata!!!! Mañana veran que el miente mas que Jodi Arias. A lo menor deberia aprender a mentir. JW y Kirk Nurmi van a rastrar la teoria de Juan por el piso.

      • He messed up that’s all I said and tomorrow the defense will have a field day IMHO

            • Hola FLNANG…como estas? Hasta que dijiste algo razonable lol jaja no te creas solo estoy basilando 😉

              • Hi meow…

                I wish me’ knew some foreign words too…my ancestors were from Yorkshire and Devonshire…I need to practice speaking in a British accent before I go visiting over there…LOL…

            • 🙂 aah. thought it meant ‘JW and Nurmi will reduce Juan’s theory to piss.’ 🙂

  252. OMG

    Like I told my mom once, I have a phone. My phone does not have me.

    Phones and accessories can be misplaced, charges dry up, settings left on silent by accident.

    Shit happens Martinez. Good god.

  253. Well, I think JM has gone off his rocker. He can’t have it both ways. He did not prove his case.

    I can’t wait to hear the defense tomorrow.

    BTW, I could tell when Jodi was telling the truth about something that JM said she lied about. She had HONEST reactions to his nonsense by either shaking her head or mouthing certain words.

  254. I posted the following this morning but also decided to post it over on HLN’s facebook site (just can’t help myself, I want’ those dirtbags to know what I think of them) and I got the usual inane responses. (Of course, I used a fake name – I certainly don’t have a death wish!) Here it is (with the various replies):
    Justus Forusall: Just stopped by HLN (but could only take about three minutes before I thought my head would certainly explode.) I’ve always seen myself as a good judge of character but now I’m so disappointed. Every one of those HLN people (many for whom I’ve had a great deal of respect over many years), each and every one has sold their soul to the Devil. (Nancy Grace, on the other hand, I have always thought of her as the Devil’s Mistress.) I just can’t understand their thinking processes. The only reasonable answer I can come up with is that they are all living in some parallel Universe where Jodi is actually guilty. It’s the only logical explanation!

    • I don’t agree with poking the beast(HLN/JA haters) nor do I believe any of those people giving a fly what Jesus thinks about their comments. Lets not stir the pot, we’re better then them.

    • typical unintelligent HLN fans….that’s all they can attract, because anyone who has the brains to come to their own conclusions won’t watch them. Anyone who wants to have an intelligent discussion soon finds out that there is NO intelligent life over there…that’s why I just go poke fun at them..I know, bad melvis right
      Only the lemmings need to be hand held, and by their vocabulary, need to go back to grade school.

    • Good work, RB in AZ,

      I like that you didn’t get into name-calling but challenged their beliefs.

      I went on Youtube one night and left about 20-25 comments. I avoid the name-calling like you do but I try to use humor to challenge their idea, look for weakness in the argument, sometimes even engage them in conversation.

      I don’t think I’ll ever understand the degree of anger against a complete stranger.

  255. If Martinez didn’t pick it up from his closing where I had to leave here today, which was before the lunch break, his case is in bad shape.
    From what I’ve been reading here from you good people his case is in bad shape.

    We’ll see how much the jurors have paid attention through this trial.

    Defense, Defense, Defense. We love ya Jodi!


  256. The thought that popped into my mind last evening when JM was asking Dr. Gellner if it was exaggertion or a lie if the prosecutor saie he was 6’2″- ——- It is neither a lie or exaggeration, but a fantasy. I so wish the good Dr. would have so said. Laughter would have ensued for sure!

    • That’s what I would have said JW. If he asked me that, I would have told him it wasn’t either, it was Magical thinking on his part!

      I thought my ex son in law wrote the book on being an idiot, now I see he has competition in JM! lol

    • Good doctor G. was too polite and professional to laugh at a psychosing human.

  257. My “the state” likes to fast and loose with the truth…..

    “n reality, situations are not as simple as the above summary suggests. Not all felonies will apply in most jurisdictions. To “qualify” for felony murder, the underlying felony must present a foreseeable danger to life, and the link between the felony and the death must not be too remote. If the receiver of a forged check has a fatal allergic reaction to the ink, most courts will not hold the forger guilty of murder. Furthermore, the merger doctrine excludes felonies that are presupposed by a murder charge. For example, nearly all murders involve some type of assault, but so do many cases of manslaughter. To count any death that occurred during the course of an assault as felony murder would obliterate a distinction carefully set by the legislature; however, merger may not apply when an assault against one person results in the death of another.[6]”^ See State v. Huynh

  258. The leprechaun is foul!!!!! I honestly don’t understand how he gets away practicing as an attorney the way he does. He manipulates all of the evidence and testimony to fit his opinion and views, I sure hope the jury sees through his BS. He is such a drama queen!

  259. Hey all,

    I’m getting ready to take my dogs for a walk. What I was wondering. Do you think it’s possible that HLN has any ties to the mormon church? I have never seen a station just say screw justice and be totally biased to one side. They are truly disqusting by the way.

    Love ya all…

    Love and prayers to Jodi!!

    • Dave….

      they were biased during the past two presidential elections too…being biased is what their program is all about…

      That is the reason we all go watch Fox channel when we really want to know the truth about what is really going on in the USA…

    • They are also biased in this case, just like in C Anthony’s case, because the person being charged is young attractive poor and female, and represents the DEVIL, the evil witch, who can be trashed. They think no one will cry foul and accuse them of persecution or discrimination. Basically open misogyny and women bashing is okay in the media. Not so racism, antisemitism or homosexual bashing. Once they find the right witch-victim to go after, like Jodi, the lynch mob mentality takes over.

  260. So Martinez is saying that Jodi broke into Travis’ house to steal the gun and in the process of stealing the gun she shot and stabbed Travis????? I must have missed that trial. I was watching another one, apparently.
    Limitations on the Felony Murder Rule

    Many people disagree with the felony murder rule. They find the rule unfair since it doesn’t take into account the criminal’s intent to kill. Since a criminal can be charged with murder for someone else’s act, the law doesn’t differentiate between a person who has bad intentions and one who has no bad intentions.

    Most states have limitations on when the rule can be used. The felony must usually be a dangerous crime or committed in a dangerous manner. Some examples of felonies that’ll support the felony murder rule include:

    Escape from law enforcement

    If the elements of a felony are included in the elements of murder, that felony can’t support the felony murder rule. This is called the merger doctrine. For example, an assault with a deadly weapon that leads to death will usually not be considered felony murder. Even though the assault may be a felony, the elements of causing physical injury with the intent to seriously injure are included in the murder crime.

    • I thought perhaps the Felony Murder was off the table but evidentially not. I know the defense ask for it to be removed. It is like they can split and disagree on Pre Med and Felony Murder and still deliver a M1 verdict. Yikes!

  261. Does anyone know who is doing the closing for the defense…Jennifer or Nurmi?

      • Nurmi can have a stentorian voice that carries well, when he speaks without too many pauses and forcefully.
        I’m looking forward to it. DEMOLISH go Nurmi go DEMOLISH !!!!!

      • Has this been established definitely…that Mr. Nurmi will present the closing arguments?

  262. I’m smiling because IMO, JM has poor oratory skills, people skills lack confidence, lackluster use of the English language, no command presence, poor understanding of the law.
    The State just took the long way around to the acceptance of The Plea Bargain.
    Mesa’s economy got a small boost while it lasted, but, this was clearly not for Jurisprudence nor for Justice.
    HLN say bye bye ratings.

    • I am really worried, I keep looking at the haters facebook page to see what they are saying (state vs Jodi) and I get so upset and mad. I am not going back there anymore and I pray that Jodi is not convicted and especially m1 and dp. I thought Juan did a horrible job but of course hln and the facebook page I was reading thinks he did wonderful. He is such an sob.

  263. his droning bullshit put me right to sleep.. woke up when he was done!

    he has nothing! his closing was terrible..

  264. I am going to go out on a limb here. PLEASE do not bash me.

    IF this jury believes anything JM says and decides to convict her for M2, I think the residents of the State of AZ (myself included) should SUE his ass for recouping the approx $2 million spent on this case.

    He was VERY arrogant in thinking he could get a M1 conviction with the bullshit “evidence” he presented. There was NO premeditation. He should have accepted her plea deal. Many lives have been ruined over JM’s arrogance, including ALV, Dr. S., Jodi, JW, KN, and even Travis.

    Jodi TOLD the prosecutor in her plea deal that having her testify would ruin so many people’s lives. But, that dickhead would not listen. He had to have his “time in the limelight.” Tell me, who is the “fame whore” now??

    FINALLY, I think it is a REAL possibility that Jodi will get acquitted. JM is going to regret not taking her plea deal 2-3 years ago.

    What a DOUCHEBAG!!

    • NO way this will be aquittal ( even thought that would be FANTASTIC) and I would relish the moment. But she admitted to the murder, therefore I don’t think it’s possible for aquittal. But you never know with a jury.

      • I wouldn’t bet the farm against acquittal, especially since we know now the ME committed perjury.

  265. Would run a spear through JM’s asshole if I ever saw him— except I wouldn’t be able to figure out which asshole to use—the one between his fetid cheeks or —wait, I still can’ tell which set of fetid cheeks to use in order to make him set the fuck up!!!!

  266. So a heat of passion killing doesnt have direction?????? Ok then how does anyone die during a heat of passion quarrel. So stupid. Of course a heat of passion quarrel can end in a stabbing death…..

  267. a few days ago when JM was running roughshod over his own witnesses, somebody mentioned that maybe he was throwing the game.
    Maybe with all the inconsistencies today, he has already thought in his head ‘no future in this’ and rambled on. after all, he is employed. and had to show some speed.
    It did look kinda obvious that he shifted gears. defense doesn’t seem all that worried.

  268. I can’t watch. Juan is a babbling baboon who has gone mental and when he seeks psychological help I hope he gets someone of the caliber of his Dr Dementia or Dr Drewsome. Then he should be locked in a padded room with Nancy Grace with knives and loaded guns all around and then their ability to speak be taken away. If they don’t drown when the diarrhea they have been spewing from their mouths finally bursts through their arses I’m sure they will slaughter each other quite gleefully within 5 minutes. Jodi has more humanity and compassion in her little finger than any of these clowns will ever have in their whole body.

    • AGREED Gwen
      The most delusional human being I think I have ever
      had the displeasure of seeing.

      I hope after this trial I will never see his face or hear his voice AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!

    • Certainly “Dear Juan” looks Rather incapable of sympathy under ANY circumstance. (fun date) Thank you SJ for posting the address for Jodi–I sent her a postcard this AM, this has to feel never ending…. The State/Prosecutor’s Sideshow is far more CRUEL AND UNUSUAL than anything that Jodi has been accused of doing to Mr. Alexander (and let’s not even entertain Self Defense or Defense Witness Testimony). What happened to Innocent UNTIL Proven Guilty? Maybe doesn’t apply in Arizona. How many years/weeks/months/days….has JODI Already Suffered? My prayers go out to all in Court (Mr. Alexander’s family as well)—but JM seems to really enjoy it (‘that Limelight’ he talks about…in between signing autographs) a bit too much. I’m very sad for Jodi right now.

      • Norma,
        Would you please point me to Jodi’s address? I haven’t been able to keep up w/ all the posts and I tried searching on the past 5 pages but evidently not using the right terms.

        • Hi Joanna–Yes—the address is below:.

          (FYI: I was written that I could only send a post card because letters, etc. would be confiscated.)

          Jodi Arias #P458434
          2939 W. Durango
          Phoenix, AZ 85009

          I don’t know if Jodi is any deposits into her prison account (small extras….maybe SOMEONE could toss her two Power Bars on those Juan-A-Thon days…..)


  269. Will Nurmi be able to do a great closing?

    I was hoping that Jennifer would do the closing….

    • Yes. Nurmi will address Kermit’s insults head-on and he’s not afraid to fire back. I also think it’s important for the jury to have the last impression of a man being in Jodi’s corner, since she killed a man and Juan is trying to say that she’s a man-hating monster.

      • Agreed. And I hate to say that, but since there are more men on the jury, a forceful male orator may impress them more.

  270. Just watched DrH testimony from last night and I will say the last 5 min was FANTASTIC for the DT!!!
    Whoop Whoop!!

    • me too, and your right! The ME admits he lied about the autopsy report, or I mean “typo’d” the report…lmao!! So according to the DA, that means he’s guilty of M1 right….just saying

  271. Hi All-
    I did my very best to follow JM’s tall tale of the sequence of events of the killing, but still didn’t quite follow. Did I hear correctly that the gun shot was last, in the bathroom after TA had been stabbed in the heart and had his throat slit?

    As much of an idiot as JM is, even he wouldn’t be so moronic to think that is possible.
    Thanks for any clarification.

  272. lots of tweets regarding this bs DA and the verdict

    Ariana Greco @Broncobabe4ever
    Im gonna laugh when they read the verdict and its not first degree and how Nancy Grace is gonna react. lol lol
    Lise Lasalle @LiseLasalle

    @Broncobabe4ever If JA convicted, NG will definitely have orgasm on the air. If not guilty, apoplexy attack.

  273. The thing that I have found most sad and disturbing in this whole trial is how many people are taking joy in the fact that Jodi may be put to death (God Forbid). I sincerely pray that God gives the jurors courage. It’s so plain that Jodi was abused and I believe she was scared for her life. God be with the jurors.

    Shame on everyone who has chosen to ignore the facts in this case and are blood thirsty.

  274. i missed it today, when can i expect to watch the trial on here? thanks! 🙂

  275. After cooling off, I’m glad now the defense didn’t have to get up today. it will give KN time to get some sleep, and knock this out of the ball park tomorrow! He is delivering the closing, is that correct

    • Will Nurmi be able to do a better job at closing than Jennifer?

      • I think he’s pretty darn methodical. Not that its better than Jennifer, but I think he’ll do a great job. I like that he talks precise and slow. Some people don’t, but after that scatter brain JM, the jury will know exactly what the truth is, and isn’t after KN is done with them

      • Yes. She’s great, but Nurmi is definitely the best for this situation. Sorry ladies, but this is when a man will do/show better before the jury. And I’m sure the jury respects and likes Nurmi – how can they not? Good luck to him. He’ll be great. I don’t mean to take anything away from Jennifer as she’s done a great job. These two have shown such dedication and hard work.

  276. You know, Kermit calmed down and started making semi-coherent statements, but by this time I had tuned him out.

    See how “effective” he is?

  277. I must confess that I didn’t have the stomach to listen to JM doing his closing. I knew he was going to be a bastard. And from what I’ve read, I was right.

    He was supposed to connect the dots and show the jury how Jodi supposedly premeditated TA’s death, instead it seems like he spent a considerable amount of time just trashing Alyce and Dr. Samuels. And of course, poor Jodi. But where in all the bullshit that spilled out his Tasmanian ass was the proof of premeditation?

    He’s done. He’s through. He is no more. Woe is him, etc. etc.

    • Yeah I could not stomach watching most of it either..
      I never want to hear his voice or see his face again.
      The man is seriously the most vile human being on earth

      • I totally agree, Josh.

        He’s the most horrible person I’ve ever encountered. *shudders*

        • I also only listened to a bit here and there, preferring to read what Team Jodi was reporting. this sight if his sad sorry ass gags me. I find his mannerisms grating. That man is just icky!

  278. NOTE to DEFENSE: A Reasonable Doubt

    Cheney Mason, one of Casey’s defense attorneys, made a big deal about the burden of proof in his closing argument. He had visual aids as well, a large chart with vertical bars in increasing shades of green, and at the very top, a stark red bar with the word Guilty next to it. He helped the jury understand that the prosecution carried a heavy burden to prove Casey’s guilt. If the jury thought that Casey might have done it, if they thought it was likely that she did it, or even probable, that wasn’t good enough. They had to reach the red bar; they had to believe, based on the evidence, that beyond a reasonable doubt Casey had murdered Caylee.

      • Yeah P.K., but I live in Pinellas County, Florida–home of the jurors that Found Casey innocent (bused into Orlando from my side of Tampa Bay) who ALSO received death threats when their identities were disclosed. Finally, CA is attempting to move on with her life and file for Bankruptcy Protection (proceedings in Tampa)–and DESPITE being Tried AND Judged: INNOCENT—NOT GUILTY–CA is still TREATED as if that verdict was a Mistake. (eg: “Tot Mom’ blah blah blah.) Why Even bother with a Trial. Maybe a public stoning? The Arias FAMILY will continue to suffer and relive this just as will Jodi EVEN if she (Hopefully) receives a lesser sentence. JUSTICE seems to be a fleeting concept these days. I wish some Peace for Jodi and her family on the Eve of her Defense Closing. Godspeed, Jodi.

        • norma, I agree!

          I know this is Jodi’s board but it’s terrible CA is still treated badly. Both these young women deserve so much better and have suffered far beyond anything I could ever imagine happening in my lifetime, primarily due to a ratings seeking, greedy media witch hunt.

          It has to stop.

  279. I like Nurmi’s style but I was hoping Jennifer would do the closing. She has rocked nonstop during this trial. Nurmi seems to take it slower but all those days he spent with Jodi on the stand were watchable and seemed to go by quickly. Maybe they can share closing. Can they? In the meantime, as I said in my post yesterday I’d rather listen to Gilbert Gottfried debate a screaming banshee while running his fingernail down a chalkboard as to listen to Juan. Sorry but it was worth repeating. lol

    • Gwen, I love JW! She is amazing, but I think Nurmi is the perfect balm after JMs abusive behavior. I believe the Jury feels like they’ve been abused. We all have been. In fact, I think after this trial is over we all still need to meet here and have group therapy to deal with our PTSD.

      JM was barbaric to us. lol

      • Will SJ keep the site up and running once the trial is over….

        • I would think so the caseyanthonyisinnocent site is still up 🙂

          I think we will have plenty of reasons to come here after the verdict, because Jodi will have a FUTURE and it will be AWESOME watching our girl and supporting her after this is all over. Won’t it be fun to see where she goes in life, and how she chooses to tell the haters to FUCK off!!

          • Yes…there will be lots of media interviews/reports/comments after the trial. The site will be active for a long time :). Casey’s really only calmed down early this year.

      • I agree, listening to him ranting and raving like a crazy person gave me anxiety and stressed me out. I might have to sue him for emotional and psychological abuse. lol

        • Gail, He does the same to me.

          Think we all could do a class action emotional abuse lawsuit? 😉

      • I agree. JW would be great too, she was fantastic in the opening. But I hate to say this, but since there are more men on the jury, having a forceful male orator do the closing arguments might make more of a dent on them. I hope that Nurmi will not pause too much. He has a great voice when he makes speeches.

    • Nurmi will drive home how unprofessional and sneaky Dirty Martinez is. He’s the one who brought in all of the prosecutorial misconduct motions – there is no love lost between him and JM.

    • I like to think that when Jodi is finally free, she’ll come talk to us on this board. That would be awesome.

      so it’s a date, right? =)

  280. STFU about ALV Martinez.

    You have no business talking about a woman who has contributed so much to society.

    I hope he implodes. Right there, on tv.

  281. Question? If a stranger knocked on your door and asked you to hide them from a bear that is chasing them. You let the stranger in and told them to hide. A tiger knocks on your door 2 minutes later. He states he followed footprints to your house and he’s there to kill and eat the person you hiding. Are you going to lie and tell the tiger no one came to your door ? Or are you going to let the tiger in because the stranger lied about it being a bear?
    There are lies and then there are lie of protection.

  282. Ugh, so after listening to JM again – how did so much overkill happen? Why the bullet, throat slashing and stabbing?
    Letting all the other bs go (gas cans, hair dye, texts, calls, emails, etc) why did so much violence take place?

    • I don’t think he figured that out, but he did say she killed him 3 times. Funny, I thought once a person was dead, you couldn’t kill them again, let alone 2 more times.

      I’ve learned something new today, in weasel butts world you can kill a person many times! lol

      • I’m not saying in the sense of JM rationalizing it but us. It just seems a little too much.

        • I hate that “killed him three times” analogy. People only die once.

          The overkill aspect does bother me and that’s why I see the verdict being manslaughter or M2.

          • Clarifying…I don’t mean that it bothers me in that I don’t believe Jodi was defending herself. It bothers me in regard to how the jury will view it!

    • I believe she shot him and the gun jammed or something. It happened so fast soI can only assume it was him coming for her…grabbing her in a bear hug maybe tring to choke her….and her just losing it and killing him in a fuhue. Dont know.

      • It is so very obvious that something happened to trigger her reaction. You don’t go from having sex and taking pictures to deciding to all of a sudden kill someone.

          • It’s possible HE was gunning for her and had been quietly stewing in anger if she told him she was on her way to Utah to see Ryan. For all we know she could have told him this visit was going to be their last visit where she’d be intimate with him and going forward they would only be friends, not secret lovers as she was finally moving on.

            It wasn’t her pattern to juggle 2 lover’s at the same time, like TA did. I can easily see her wanting to be up front and honest with him rather than risk Travis hearing gossip from the PPL crowd.

            I can easily see, with recently being shot down by Mimi, and now to have Jodi think she was going to decide when they were finished I could see him exploding into anger when the camera gets dropped.

            One the surface it was not the end of the world, but in his mind it could have been that *last straw* that pushed his anger over the top. He’d already had one blow up earlier in the day, in the office.

            If he was stewing during the afternoon and as she was getting ready to depart his thoughts could have been that he would teach her who was in charge.

            I’m not saying he was planning to kill her, but lost control when that camera dropped. His anger may have elevated to something she’d never encountered bf, this causing her to fight as hard as she did.

    • Because, for as long as he was able, Travis fought. So SHE had to fight.

      When two people are engaged in a life or death struggle, it’s not going to stop until one of them is dead.

        • You’re welcome!

          I hope Nurmi (or Willmott) can say that tomorrow. The ‘overkill’ has never been difficult for me to understand, once I put it in that context.

      • Also, there is so much violence and adrenaline flowing, that overkill would seem almost natural. Also, the fear of being killed herself would make someone continue to stab in panic, fear and almost the fear that he was not yet dead even if it was apparent that he was.

        • The overkill alone should disprove premeditation.

          Also she was extremely disorganized after killing Travis in leaving evidence (leaving the most important behind, the camera with the memory card inside), blood all over the place, etc.

  283. I wonder if the defense is going to bring something up about it not being a hollow point. When JW was crossing the ME she made a point on questioning him about if there were any bullet fragments or any hemorrhaging or any exploding in the brain and he answered “no” to all. Doesn’t sound like a hollow point.

    • I really hope that they mention the fact that the bullet wasn’t a hollow point. That’s huge.

  284. JM made one fatal error amongst others needless to say. He talked way too long. he should’ve been done in 2 hours. He banked on about nonsensical things. Repeating himself Several times. he never took into account how long the jury was there yesterday. what a DF

      • there really is something wrong with that man…he has deep seated issues with women for one thing! To rake ALV over the coals over and over again is really sick!!

        • I read on one site that his wife died before the trial started and he hasn’t had time to grieve. I don’t know how true that is.

            • Where did you read that, Gail? Just curious :).

              That’s sad if it’s true, but if you look at Kermit’s courtroom history, he’s always been an asshole.

                • That’s news to me too Gail. I didn’t think JUAN was married, only been daiting someone for a long time. Only death I have heard about was someone on the defense side had a death that is why they couldn’t have court one day.

  285. I just thought of something…

    I bet the camera will catch a lot of the front row tomorrow..of the Alexander’s and their friends doing their norm of “Eye Rolling”….”Smirkness”…”Shaking Head Left to Right for NO”…”Cocky Demeanor” and “Persnickety Attitude”

  286. the rest of the sentence is here..

    as Nurmi does the closing for the defense and knocks it out of the park…

  287. I just scared my dog.. Turned on dr. Dipshit.. (Dont ask why, please) they still have Abe on there and they still keep saying “THEY DATED” , and I screamed out loud “ONE DATE WITH A CREEPER DOESN’T EQUAL FUCKING DATING!!” These fucktards are praising JM and Abe is now a Jodi expert. Ahhhhhh these people are so god damn frustrating!

    • Wondering~when I first started watching the trial I tuned in to Drew and Abe was his guest. He was loud and obnoxious and reminded me of a wanna be comedian…He is an attention whore and when a few days or so later, Drew (I leave out the “Dr”) said his special guest was going to be Abe again (hard to even type his name out) I knew I couldn’t stand to listen to him spew and seek his 15 min of fame and didn’t watch… And your right, one night out does not equal “dating”…I don’t know how Jodi survived a dinner or whatever with that jerk..seems like a lot of these guys, Abe,Chris,TA all had enormous egos!!!

      • Abe reminds me of a dirty old man. He is a creeper and he is slimy as fuck. I can only imagine how uncomfortable that date probably was…he looks real “handsy”

        • LOL!!! (SHUDDER) that w/b creepy to have that dude sling his arm around your shoulder or put his handsy hand on your leg…ok just got ill…;P

        • I know he acts like he is so cool and just one of the HLN regulars, that network has sunk so low, no other reputable network carrys on so much about this, a quick blurp here and there and then back to business, I have lost respect for them, I really did have a little left for Drew, never Nancy but him, I did. They are all so slimy now and just make me ill. I dont quite understand my aversion but am glad I can vent here

    • His ad lists his number, i wonder how many calls he gets……

      Which reminds me, all the people that Google him and the others….damn free advertisements for the company….

      • Yep, just like Travis was. Jodi deserves so much better than any of these loser dudes.

    • Truly arrogant individual. On one of the talking head shows he actually admonished the host because he needed to get his point across. Host should have used the kill switch on him.

      • I would love for someone to call in and ask Abe why he defends Travis when Travis clearly hated his guts. I’d drive it home that Travis’ spirit wouldn’t spit on Abe if he were on fire. Then watch him squirm for an answer.

        • Kira, That would be great but he probably wouldn’t care. He’s pathetic and milking his 5 minutes of fame for all it’s worth. He probably hopes he’ll get connected somewhere, somehow.

          It’s all about “what’s in it for me”

    • Oh I’m sure he thinks he’s the shit now…big man on the HLN circuit…jerk

  288. “coming up next, a woman whose daughter lived with Jodi..and it wasn’t pretty.” WOW..why couldn’t they have on the roommate? Why her mother? I absolutely cannot wait to see what this woman looks like.

    • Roommate probably said “I’m not bashing Jodi” or “I’m not feeding the wolves”

    • “Up next a dog who once sniffed Napoleon when jodi was around. Refused to sniff jodi. Find out why next.”

      • We should have a running theme of these because its just too easy with all the people/things/places coming out of the woodwork.

        • “Up next, a roach coach owner who admits to giving Jodi a free coke back in March of 2007. He feels she used her “manipulative good looks” and ” big words” into “conning a coke out of me.”

        • Up next, a nursing assistant who was in the delivery room when Jodi Arias was born. She immediately noticed that something was “off” about the then minute-old baby. “Her tears didn’t seem genuine…”

          • Very good, Kira!

            “And not only did the newborn Arias dab at her nose with a tissue, instead of wailing, but it was later discovered that she faked her Apgar score, just for the attention. This pattern of manipulating tests would continue throughout her life, including during the administration of an IQ test, when she provided misleading answers so as to appear intelligent.”

            • Baby girl *Arrrrrriassss* was manipulative and evil even before she was born. She spent weeks kicking her mother in the ribs, and doing cartwheels on her mother’s bladder.
              She refused to enter the birth canal until she was 4 weeks over due, planning to inflict excruciating pain on her mother during childbirth.
              We’ve learned Arias sneaked a tiny disposable camera into her mother’s uterus so she could snap pictures of her poor mother’s very bruised and bloodied vag walls as she was brought into the world.

  289. I can not believe the people of America. If you have not watched the entire case, you should not talk because it is clear and evident in this case that Jodi and Travis cared deeply for one another. It wasn’t a fling and u can still see where she was his #1 friend on his Myspace. Letters, messages, emails, and people have proven that they were very close as friends and lovers and that Jodi had a special place over any girl so the girl had no need to be jealous. If you also watch the trial, you know that the Hughes have lied lied lied. Travis wasnt a monster, he had demons and he tried to fight them as best as possible, but Jodi got stuck in a situation of rage and had to fight for her life. All the media bull crap is nonsense. I am not taking up for or hating on either one of these two people. I am stating what I have come to understand watching the ENTIRE trial. Jodi would never have hurt Travis. Here is my point to all you bias news stations.. ** The pictures right before the incident prove this:

    A) Travis wanted to pose for Jodi. Jodi was at his house. Travis obviously wanted her there. There are sexual pictures of that day. This proves Jodi WAS NOT a stalker! This also proves TRAVIS WAS NOT SCARED OF HER!

    Here is another point: B) In the case we were able to listen to Jodi and Travis phone conversations, they laughed, complimented each other, and called each other boyfriend and girlfriend. They loved one another.

    C) Prosecution goes on and on and on and on about Travis being a saint and Jodi a LIAR… Well folks Travis did a LOT of LYING himself… Jodi’s tests by PROSECUTION psychologist even stated she was a TRUTHFUL person in telling many things!

    D) This case should never have continued after:
    1) The MEDIA’s Escapades
    2) Prosecution’s Misconduct
    3) Jury not being Sequestered

    That is all for the moment..

    • I agree with B, C and some points of D.
      In this day and age it is very rare and hard to sequester a jury and it is also very hard to believe they have not heard/seen anything in relation to the case. Even the juror that was dismissed said she took the trial “very seriously” and would turn the channel if the case came on tv. I mean come on what happens when you go to the gas station or are at a doctors appt and there’s a newspaper article. Is your willpower really that strong.

      • I understand what your saying. I have a hard time believing if a juror hears there is evidence on HLN that is not allowed in court that they will not look. That was my reasoning for sequestering them, but I do see your point as well. 🙂

  290. Didn’t he introduce reasonable doubt with that gun theory. According to him she stole from her grandparents, its’ premeditation, but then again, she stole Travis’s gun so it’s felony murder, which is a ridiculous argument because then he is saying she didn’t go there with the intent to kill him, but to rob him of the gun and during the theft, Travis ended up dead. But actually she didn’t intend to steal the gun from him, the intent to steal only occurred after the death. So if shorty doesn’t know if he was shot with grandpa’s or Travis’s, isn’t he showing doubt about his own theory? And if she stole Travis’s gun, then she had no intent to kill him on her supposed murder misssion and nothing he said is relevant. So which one is it, cause it can’t be both. And I really was expecting some kind of talk about the evidence, but that was sorely lacking. As usual Jennifer/ Nurmi is going to kick ass.
    And did anyone notice that during closing JM still insisted that JA had the gun and knife both with her as she was taking the shower pics. Didn’t the weasel agree to the stipulation that she didn’t them with her. It doesn’t make sense, that JA wiould be carrying the gun, knife, and camera and taking pics along the way. All I can say it that was the poorest closing I have seen, nothing was clarified or tied up with a bow.

      • What do you mean there’s no gun?
        I think what JA did was to say, “if you go with my theory then she brought the gun (premed). If TA owned the gun then she stole it (felony murder).”
        Hopefully the DT will untangle the two and show that the are exclusive of one another and that you do not have to go with option B bc you did not believe option A.

        • But according to the law, she had to be in the house illegally with the intent to steal before TA was killed, he did not explain this point and there is no proof in evidence. So stealing after the fact can be seen as disposing of evidence, but she never had the intent to steal beforehand.

  291. I am not sure if anyone read this yet but it is funny:

    Vladimir Gagic ‏@vlga 2h
    Q 4 Mr. Prosecutor: “You have feelings for #JodiArias don’t you bc u repeated the terrible ‘not a stretch’ line in your closing RIGHT?”

    fentonlawless ‏@fentonlawless 2h
    @vlga So if I’m attacked on the street and I use a trash can to defend myself, I’m “stealing” City property?

  292. Defense Closing Argument- ” We trust y’all will do the right thing. We trust your intelligence. Defense rests, Your Honor”
    JM’s head would EXPLODE !!!!!!

  293. does anyone know what TA was mad about in the Emails on May 26 2008 where he says ” you are the worst thing that ever happened to me”

    • No one knows but Travis and perhaps jodi. He could have been blowing something very small out of the water.

    • I’ve been searching for the whole thread of that email. Isn’t that the one where he says he’s trying to save his house. He was probably trying to refi around that time or just come up with the monthly. Anyone who bought in the run up to the crash, from 2003 to 2006, got stuck w/ an underwater house by 2008. And we know from property records that in 2008 he owed much more than what he first purchased the house for. So he was under financial pressure. Also, when did JA drive the Uhaul to Yreka? Cause her 1st attempt ended w/ her blowing the transmission on TA’s car, the BMW he was pawning off on her. But if I recall she did say that TA discussed the car and said they’d figure something out after initially telling her that she ruins everything she touches. She ended up taking her Infiniti to Yreka. Yep, hard to tell what he was angry about. Does anyone remember the time period where she said she gave him the pamphlets for mental health counseling? Cause that would have brought up the unpleasant incident of 1/21/08.

    • I asked that question when ALV was on there.

      I keep thinking about Jodi having talked about the sexual nature of her relationship with Travis with another person who was also Mormon, and that was what set him off, but there were so many emails and so many incidents, I am not sure what it was that set him off.

    • That text starts out with Jodi telling Travis that she has something to tell him, but she doesn’t want to leave it on his voicemail. He was made about that. She had posted a comment on a guy’s pic and he called her a pure whore for that. There was some email that he wanted sent to him and Jodi said she didn’t have it, This is part of a 5 hour rant where he battered with character assassination. This was followed by the instant message that was 16 pages long with the worst words that he used – what a freaking whore, etc.

  294. I am wondering if both Nurmi & wilmont will present closing statements. Nurmi heading the start with a challenge to all of the case weak points and go point by point, then Wilmont (death penalty qualified) to finish with all the reasonable doubt, burden of proof, and Jodis entitlement to presumption of innocence. GIFT BOXED WITH A BOW, I hope that is the will be.

    • JW was talking lots of notes. It is part of the reason why I thought she was closing tomorrow. I was wondering if both of them would. I think that would be a nice strategy. Showing both lawyers really have faith in the jurors and really believe in Jodi’s innocence

      • I also thought it was going to be JW due to the note taking…but if both split close that would be great…KN is awesome as well tho, and he will do a good job if it’s all his!

        • I hate to say it but I think Jen is focusing on the penalty phase..just in case. It will be all on her shoulder because I doubt think KN is qualified to represent her in that phase.

          • They have a different lawyer for that phase. She has been in the courtroom.

            • Tony, I just caught that..are u saying that there is a dp qualified atty now in court, in addition to JW???

              • JW is death penalty qualified. The hispanic woman (sorry, I don’t know her name!) who’s been sitting behind them is what they call a ‘mitigation expert’, I think.

                • Sue Stodola.

                  A mitigation specialist is not another attorney, death-qualified or not, on the defense team. A mitigation specialist is also an indispensable member of the defense team throughout all capital proceedings. Mitigation specialists possess clinical and information-gathering skills and training that most lawyers simply do not have. They have the time and ability to elicit sensitive, embarrassing and often humiliating evidence (e.g. sexual abuse) that the defendant may have never disclosed. They have the clinical skills to recognize such things as congenital, mental, or neurological conditions, to understand how these conditions may have affected the defendant’s development and behavior, and to identify on his behalf. Moreover, they may be critical to assuring that the client obtains therapeutic services that render him cognitively and emotionally competent to make sound decisions concerning his case. Perhaps most critically, having a qualified mitigation specialist assigned to every capital case as an integral part of the defense team insures that the presentation to be made at the penalty phase is integral into the overall preparation of the case rather than being hurriedly thrown together by defense counsel still in shock at the guilty verdict. The mitigation specialist compiles a comprehensive and well-documented psycho-social history of the client based on an exhaustive investigation; analyzes the significance of the information in terms of impact on development, including effect on personality and behavior; finds mitigating themes in the client’s life history; identifies the need for expert assistance; assists in locating appropriate experts; provides social history information to experts to enable them to conduct competent and reliable evaluations; and works with the defense team and experts to develop a comprehensive and cohesive case in mitigation.
                  Defense lawyers rely upon the mitigation specialist to find and flesh out the mitigation fact patterns that will be presented at trial.
                  Read more here:

  295. I so wish I had a transcript for JM’s closing. I didn’t watch it live – too annoying. Now I’m trying to watch youtube and it’s driving me crazy. His voice, his movements, what he’s saying. I’d like to know what he said but, my god, this is akin to waterboarding.

    • Exactly! That little man is nothing but torture!! I couldn’t put myself thru is since I have no meds. lol

    • Okay, so I’m watching the trial right now on YouTube and I’m not as traumatized as I thought I would be. He has no coherent thought in his puny little brain.

      I’m actually happy about this. He was sooo fucking ridiculous! The way he would lower his voice and then raise it suddenly to make his point or non-point I should say. At times it’s like he was talking to a bunch of 5-year-olds! 😆

      He sooo reminded me of Idiocracy!

      Seriously, I don’t think the jury will buy his bull crap. I’m going to bed and I will sleep well tonight because he totally fucked up his case…seriously, his whole closing statement, was actually a compilation of all the haters comments on HLN and the Travesty sites. And possibly Amazon. hehee!

      Oh, and he has no grasp on sarcasm. I think that is what he’s trying to use, but it just comes out sounding lame, sad and pathetic.

      • Thanks Sil for the re-cap..I didn’t watch it all, just bits and pieces and not sure if I’ll watch on youtube, but you summed it up well! Have a good nights sleep and get ready for our team to really make some sense tomorrow!! 😉

      • I dont want to be the voice of doom so I wont. But we need to be realistic and keep in mind jurys are not alawys smart. I pray this jury understands this case. I hope they do the right thing. I think I need to trust Gods will shall be done and leave it there. Us worrying about this will not change anything. .Its been unfair in many ways. The jury should have been sequestered. . I know they are watching hln. Hopefully they are reading this page too and will do the right thing.

    • lol Amy! I HAVE to take my mother in law to Dr. tomorrow at 11( she is well enough that she could go on her own, but wants company)…she wanted to go to Home Depot after…I told my husb to tell her no, because I really have to watch our team tomorrow!!! I’m hoping that they will have lunch break while I’m at the Dr..with her….this sucks!

  296. I just wanted to say that Dr Horn , I would think, had to have looked at his report before testifying the second time and should have then noticed this alleged typo.
    It clearly wasn’t a typo. I wonder if that is what JM was whispering to him.

    • Wonder, I don’t know how you can watch them, but thanks for giving us tidbits on what trash they are saying…I can not watch them at all anymore,,seriously it makes me ill, and is all so fake!

      • I don’t know how I can watch them.. I think I’m feeling a tad argumentative (lady hormone time 😉 ) and the my honey is at the shop getting some freshie ink so I am free to “Arias it up” and scream at my tv…. Except now the warriors game is coming on… So….

  297. There’s bad juju around the whole TA circle. He was killed. JA’s in jail. Clancy Talbot was impaled by a tree branch in July 2008. Dan and Desiree Freeman’s bro attempts suicide the day of JA’s arrest with a small pistol, and Ashley Reed Thompson commits suicide in 2010. If any more of his friends meet w/ tragedy, I’d be awfully suspicious of something greater.

    • I’ve never heard of those. That’s really interesting. Where did u find those out?

      • Use google news and type in Clancy Talbot impaled. Freeman family have an institute and memorial at caring bridge. have links in a previous post that’s awaiting moderation, may not be good to embed links here.

      • Clancy gave some tv interview about JA being jealous. She was also part of ppl and I suspect lds.

    • Actually Dan Freeman’s brother did commit sucide, they have a web site, can’t remember the address right now, but it says the reason why his brother committed sucide was because he was molested as a child and killed himself to prevent himself from molesting a child like he was. Sounds like he needed help and why would he think the only way to stop himself from molesting a child was to kill himself. I don’t know, but this is one group of people no one should be around. Also the principal at a charter school that Chris Hughes is on the board of, was arrested for sexually abusing children, pleaded guilty to two counts of forced sodomy and four other charges were dropped, but the investigation is continuing as this had been going on for years and years. And guess who would have hired the principal for that job. Something is not right about this group at all.

      • I too have wondered why he felt suicide was the only way out of his turmoil, seems like he’d lost hope. But you’re right about that group. How quickly the Hughes can turn on you – just my opinion. JA found that out quite quickly. But I do feel for the Freeman’s, Dan and Desiree seemed like honest people when they were on the stand testifying.

        • Yea, I do feel for the Freeman’s especially after reading on their website for their brother, it was sad. If I find the address, I will share it.

  298. Watching HLN tonight makes me think it must have been like this in Jonesboro before/after they drank the Kool-Aid. I am going to so enjoy watching them when the verdict comes in as manslaughter. It will be a brokered verdict as there is no way all 12 will agree to 1st degree.

  299. I booking myself a one way ticket to a domestic violence
    shrink next week.
    I feel physically and mentally abused by Juan Martinez
    and I am having symptoms of trauma

  300. Those idiots act like the trial is over, I think we will have a new animal totem pole tomarrow. Lioness wilmont,, grizzley bear Nurmi, and Princess Jodi. JM will be the goepher in the dirt. It’s not over til its over. God bless Jodi, defense team and team Jodi.

  301. Good evening all, I have been feeling sick since yesterday. Almost like flu symptoms, really sucks. On top of that my wrist is really hurting, and I’m overall BLAHHH. Spent all day at my mom’s and she thinks the trial is making me stressed and actually made me get sick. I thought she was kidding, but now that I’m home and thinking about it, I think she is right. We all know that stress can affect you physically as well as mentally, and between my wrist, my Fibro and my nerves, I feel like I am going off the deep end. I mentioned something a few days ago about how emotional I get, and a few of you commented that you were as well, so I know you can relate. For me, even the closing arguments are not meaning much to me, it is as if I just have “tunnel vision” and I am just thinking about the day they have the verdict. It’s a weird feeling, I am not focused on arguments, evidence, lack thereof, who said what to who, it’s all getting to be white noise to me. sigh. Its just solid anticipation, and my heart races constantly when I think of it, (which is almost always) I am waking up from dreaming about it, and going to sleep thinking about it. I have burst into tears for no reason, yelled at people who disagree, let so many things go around my house, and not even eaten right. I feel like I’m going to lose it. I hope you all don’t think I’m nuts…..but thats how I feel the last several days. I actually knew I would get “hyped” up when it got to this point, but had no idea I would be so “zoned out” if that makes sense. Right now, if not for xanax, I don’t think I could even comment here.

    Anyway, after tomorrow we have the weekend, and then Monday starts deliberations. Unless they start tomorrow, which is possible but unlikely. Hard to believe after all this time, but the time is almost here. I don’t pray, all I can do is hold my hopes and feelings in my heart, try to project them outwards, and wait with everyone else. I hope everyone here is doing ok…..

    • There is no way if the finish tomm the judge will let them go home and start Monday. They will start tomm.. if she gives them the weekend off after closing arguments r done it will be an easy mistrial! We could wish that though..

      • Eb,

        I had the same thoughts if the jury is dismissed tomorrow until Monday. However, someone last week did say that they would not deliberate until Monday, not sure of the truth behind this, and I have never heard of a jury being dismissed once the deliberations are to start. But then again this is one messed up trial…..

        If they are to deliberate tomorrow, you can your house they will come back sometime late tomorrow night with a verdict. They want this over with, unless they come to the verdict of M1 then it goes to the sentencing phase and that could be another week.

      • I heard she was sending them home before deliberations….which to me is an invitation to google the heck out of this case…..Im hoping for heatvof moment quarrel. But barring that I would rather a hung jury.

    • Anna, I hope you are getting better..I felt ill over the weekend and first part of the week, but have some health issues. What I found that has really helped me get thru this is to listen to the life stream, mute JM when I can’t stand it, and get caught up on here rather than hear it coming out of his mouth..he is EXTREMELY TOXIC! Talking to peps on here is great, and totally avoid HLN at all costs…the song by Don Henley, “Dirty Laundry” suits them to a T…(NG’ is the “bubble headed bleach blonde that comes on at 5″…

      • Thanks Lynn,
        I hope you are better now too. I do the muting thing to, but usually I can’t take it and my curiosity gets the best of me, I have to hear what’s being said. HLN is totally toxic, and I know better than to tune in to any of their “after dark” type shows, but yet, the masochist in me still checks in now and then..same reason, curiosity. Then I get all pissed off, either mad or upset, call my mom and vent, or try to take a walk and cool off. Coming here is a great help, as I know there is a place I can go without being attacked. NG has been a pain in the ass to me for years….thats a show I have no problem turning off the second I hear her “Bombshell tonight”. Ughh….Love your “Dirty Laundry” theme song…perfect.

        • Here you go Anna!!

          I know it’s hard to resist sneaking a peak at the daytime trial coverage at HLN..after I stopped watching JVM screaming, and then NG and her holding her hand to her ear in her little bubble(straight out of SNL skit), and Drew, and seeing how one sided they are. I would see at first on HLN daytime trial coverage, at least they would have some good Defense talking heads on and it wouldn’t be so one sided, but it’s not like that if it really makes you angry and ill try hard girl not to watch!! Wonder has been filling us in and others on what they have been saying, so it’s nice to get that info w/ our take on it!! Peace to you girl! <3

    • I hope you get feeling better. Stress will make you sick. We can’t control the outcome. All we can do is stand up for justice and a fair trial. This is the strangest trial I ever seen.

      • Thanks Ann. I knew I would start getting achy and hyped up feeling when it got down to this part. You are so right about stress. I have Fibromyalgia too and that always gets worse for me when I am under stress, and not taking care of myself. I agree, this trial has been beyond strange.

        • Take care of yourself and come here when you need comfort, a laugh or to just vent.
          Big Hug!

        • Anna,
          I too had really bad fibromyalgia back in the 90’s but cured it totally and forever with the help of a naturopathic doctor’s advice.
          It’s a very healthy and cheap fix too.
          Let me know if you want more info …….would be happy to give you info.


          • Anna,
            One more thing, maybe post your reply in a post on tomorrow’s page because it will be easier to find. Try to post as early in the day as you can and I’ll look for your post.

    • Anna, Relax sweetie. Don’t let JM stress you out that much!! He’s so not worth it.

      I hope you feel better, hon. =)

      Jodi needs all of us @ 100% capacity! <3

    • I just got over strep and flu so I know how you feel Anna. It’s a bad season for that stuff. Take care of yourself and rest.

  302. I hope the crew of bloodthirsty haters have made some sort of suicide pact. Or that at least they are made to do a walk of shame as they are forced to board a plane and shipped off to Jonestown where they can pretend to grow their own bananas as they listen to Nance on the loudspeaker day after day.

    • Jonestown, you just creeped me out big time. Certain word do it and that is one of them.

      • Sorry it creeps me out too. Someone mentioned Kool Aid above and I couldn’t resist taking it further. I seriously wish these people no harm but their outright hatred of Jodi is undeserved and unconscionable.

  303. Hey, I was previously unfamiliar with the supposed “saying” , ” With the truth you ain’t got TA remember nothin’.” Flan Fartinez said that several times today… Where did that shit come from?

    • ? I tuned frog out most of the time Wonder, I don’t know what the hell that means…maybe someone on here does…ok, 7 dwarves, snow white, lions, tigers, bears, chiwawas (lol) sorry, now gophers …I think I’ve missed some..footprints on sand, poetry , this is one massive train wreck of a trial!

      • rainbow, don’t forget the rainbow

        what would any self respecting fairy tale be without a rainbow?

    • I have heard Judge Judy say that alot. She doesn’t say “ain’t”, she says don’t. It’s a pretty common expression.

    • I don’t know…haven’t heard that one.
      For those who are keeping track of the animal on trial…JM added a new one today A CAT.

        • Yep, JM said, Jodi was screaming like a cat during her organism on the sex tape. No joke he said that!

          • Maybe that is what he sounds like when he’s ” whacking off” at night.. Squealing like a FELINE……… MEOW…

          • You know, really you guys..what the hell is that???? That sounds so much edu has this guy got??? And obviously he hates women!

          • Ann, I would think the Women on the jury would be offended at that! How stupid!! he sure likes his porn doesn’t he?? I believe I heard the “dildo w/ a heart ” also today..pathetic!

            • Now I’m also thinking JM is sexually inexperienced …..I many women sound like a cat when they…ok, I can’t believe he said that..

            • I know, I think I’ve heard the dildo without heart thing sooooo much! I knew he would be using that again.

  304. I just don’t think that jm lived up to his opening statement. there are just too many holes not filled in. no gun, no knife, no rope, which diagnosis is the right one? jm admitted in closing jodi was injured to head and hand, he forgot her shoulder, then he became a blood splatter expert, Ha, $12.96 gas receipt = dp. roomates, contaminated crime scene, a 200 lb. man feared for his life, couldn’t prove jodi was invited, photo’s proved she was. Aggravating circumstances, he only had one, cruelity, he did not prove it and the list goes on and on.

  305. JMartinez saying Travis was vulnerable b/c he was in the shower with no clothes on was stupid. If someone is coming at you with a knife(supposedly) you don’t stop and think about what you are wearing or what you are not fight back, especially if you are bigger and stronger than your attacker. Then he called Jodi a stalker b/c she stood and looked at Travis for a few seconds, how many people have done this before, lots..and I would be someone on that jury has too, maybe you don’t want to interrupt what that person is doing, or maybe you are just standing there thinking about that person in a good way. Jmartinez came off as nit picking today, which means he has nothing else to use.

    • Yeah right. Like ‘Omg I’m naked…I can’t protect myself!’ Like he wasn’t used to letting that penis flap in the wind anyway.

    • Hmm I want to agree with you but being naked, wet in a small shower with tile floor immediately outside the stall does make you vulnerable. Maybe I don’t understand what you’re trying to say?

      • I’m saying being naked doesn’t completely incapacitate you. You still have use of your arms to try to subdue a smaller weaker person who is attacking you with a knife and they would be subjected to the slippery floor as well if you grabbed them to stop them. Which says to me the gunshot came first and not the knife in the shower.

    • Fight back, this dude was a wrestler and knew plenty of moves to take Jodi down….

  306. Oh, and i forgot, he took over the Judges job in reading the instructions and what he dreamed of and the most ridiculous, the Judge let him do it. UG

    • I saw that too. I hope the defense gets to pick out the most important thing on that list..The evidence for premed is just not there.

    • I bet you the DT does the same exact thing but proves the reasons why it is a NOT M1 or premed. It’s not a dumb thing to do. He walked them through it and the DT will do the same thing.

    • Actually, eb, that is really very common practice for both sides. Its done alot, I have seen it done several times in my own experience’s. It’s just a tactic that is used to reiterate what the charges are, and what they mean. I have no doubt that Nurmi will do the same thing tomorrow when he gives his closing. He will read from the same form and talk about the different charges. The jury will have that form with them as well, thruout deliberations, if they have any questions at all, it’s spelled out very clear for them.

      • I didn’t know that, I thought he was trying to tell the jury to bring in his dream charge.

      • Ann,

        I have never seen that done in a court system, especially a DP case. I thought he was pulling a ” ribbit” on us today. But hell, our state doesn’t allow questions either, and we sequester our jurors in a DP case and we work until the verdict is delivered. I heard that they will not deliberate until Monday, and it will only be during the week of the hours of the courthouse? FK if this is correct this could go on forever….

        • I have heard it said several times. As a juror and a spectator. It’s just a way to drive home a point about something you want the jury to focus on. I wasn’t in a DP case however. But, if it were not allowed, you can bet that Nurmi would have been on his feet objecting, but he didn’t even flinch. Look for him to do the same tomorrow. My state doesn’t have jury questions either, only 9 states have that law. I also heard they will work until a verdict is reached, and would have this weekend, but there is no security at the courthouse this weekend. So, when they start Monday, they will go until they reach one, and if it’s Friday and they haven’t, they will deliberate thru the weekend. I personally do not think they will deliberate from Monday until the weekend, not even close. I would be surprised if they take more than 2 days to reach their verdict.

  307. I think Kermi’s version would have made just as much sense had he said ‘ribbit’ ‘ribbit’ and ‘croak’ ‘croak’ during his entire closing statement.

  308. Did anyone else see Baldy on Dr Drew? I forgot his name, so I’ll call him Baldy. He was a friend of jodi’s before and is now attention whore number 1. Every time he can get himself a seat on HLN, he takes it..He thinks he is god’s gift..he’s not, but he thinks it. Dr Drew and the other HLN drones have lost their damn minds over this trial. They come off as idiots. I use to love HLN, not anymore. The fake jury is just the craziest thing I’ve seen yet, besides baldy the attention ho.

    • That dude, is creepy, I pray to God we never hear of him again, once this trial is over. He acts like he has known Jodi forever. What a creep.

      • I wish we would never hear from any of the Hater’s & Loser’s Network.

        I’d love to see the channel’s ratings drop to below zero. Maybe that would wipe the stupid ass grin off that stupid ass Joey Jackson’ s smarmy mug along with the rest of the ghoulish hood rat’s.

        • I would hope so too rainy! I wouldn’t be surprised that they have lost viewers!!! I think that people who are on the fence prob can see their bias and are watching the trial on live feed like a lot and most of us are! They have lost my viewership..this and CA trial really started to show their true colors as not credible journalists!

      • I can’t say it…it’s “A” right? just saying his name makes me ill..what a blowhard!

      • I don’t think they get paid, they just want the media attention. Abe the jerk has been on so many times, and he has nothing new to say, ever. Same old crap. He went on 1 date with Jodi. That’s it. Talked on the phone a few times. Now somehow, he is a “Jodi expert”…lol. He just wants to be on TV. Maybe he is looking for a date…..

    • Can’t standddddd that guy….he said he briefly dated her and she was “aggressive” etc….ewllllll he makes my ski crawl …..he’s what u call a reallll doucheeeee lolllll

      • Yes, he looks like an outlaw and acts like a psychotic rambling fool. His voice and his attitude are creepy as hell. He trolls the internet picking fights with Jodi supporters too.

    • Omg is all I have to say!!!! U know soooo much shit is gona come out after this trial!!! For sure!!!! Btw I’ve been praying like crazyyyyy……even if u don’t believe in God please just spend some time the nxt few nights sending positive vibes and that true justice is served…..believe me it works wonders!!,

    • Of course this little nugget will be ignored, but if it involved anyone on the defense side, HLN would be camped out on the front lawn of the school!

    • Mother of Jeremiah Scott who was molested by a Mormon priest when he was a boy said the Mormon church is a “sanctuary for pedophiles.” Also, what about the Mormon practice of Lying for the Lord.

  309. I see they’ve infiltrated our facebook .. reported as abuse for whatever good it will do

  310. If anyone has twitter, follow Pitchforks. His comments are funny about JM and HLN

    • I follow her on Twitter! You should follow her blog and podcasts! 🙂 (Hilarious).

  311. Vladimir Gagic ‏@vlga 2m
    Prosecutor: Guns don’t kill people. Nonexistent gun #jodiarias stole from #travisalexander and that he didn’t have kill people by stabbing

    • Vladimir had another one to day: he said jm kept saying “not a stretch to say” many times and it was a gift to the defense team. Also in watching Nurmi today, he was just sitting there watching Jm, but he had that look like, “I’m gonna eat your ass tomarrow” lol, wish i could have been a little mouse in his pocket. lol

  312. Hi everybody. I’m catching up on day 54. I was hired for my new position and haven’t had time to say hello. Still team Jodi

    Dorothy, if you see this, thank you for wishing me luck on my new job…….it worked.

    • Congrats Jodie! If you gotta be away, its a good enough reason, gotta make that money, honey 🙂

    • YAY! Jodie!!!! Wonderful news! I am SO excited for you!…could this be yet another sign of positive things to come? I missed you while you were away 🙂
      I am SO HAPPY! I hope you find your new position to be chalk full of joy and fulfillment and prosperity!
      YOU GO GIRL!

  313. I could not be a witness and have that little sawed-off fucker badger me the way he has all the witnesses. Simply because somewhere during that time I would have leaped off the witness stand and beat that little motherfucker’s ass six-ways-from-Sunday on national TV and told him you want pre-meditation then here it is you piece of shit! Why do I say pre-meditation? It’s pre-meditation because I planned to kick your little rat-faced, fucking, ass JM! That’s why! GO DT! GO TEAM JODI!!!!!!! And BIG HUGS TO JODI!!! 🙂

    • i would have been sitting in jail, for contempt of court charges, when i told him to fkoff.

    • LOL that rox Duke . . I have same personality and was thinking during his yakking I would be out of my seat shaking my finger telling him if he’s going to tell my lifes story tell it right or stfu. Actually I’ve done that before on a few occasions. I know she can’t but maybe Jen or Kirk will get it right enough that when m comes back for his last bullish rant it won’t make much difference other than confirm he’s a fkn lunatic.

    • Duke,
      I hope you expend all of angry feelings here on this site and get it totally out of your system 😉 We are, or, I should speak for myself rather…I am sympathetic to you and TOTALLY understand where the anger comes from. (your descriptive scenarios make me chuckle even 😉 BUT try your best to get it all out of your system tonight…BECAUSE we will need ALL the positive energy we can muster for tomorrow and the coming days of deliberation.
      Honestly, gotta love you 🙂

      • Hey Dorothy, I promise only good thoughts and dreams tonight and in the future so that the positive energy will flow into the jury and make them see the truth —–that JODI IS INNOCENT!!!!! 🙂

    • Duke I love you! You swear for me and I’m sure you speak for a lot of us!!! We’d all like to take a turn at Kermie!

        • Hi Dorothy! Thanks! Kinda looks like JM doesn’t it! 😉 My prev one was of my puppy now a year old, and included my 13 year old JR that we were talking about~He had a stomach infection this week, so vet check, additional meds, and he’s doing fine now! Hope all is well with your baby too! 😉

          • OH Lynn…give your baby a kiss for me…I hope he recovers…OMG I feel anxiety for you.
            My little girl is right here between my husband and me…(EVERY NIGHT!! much to hubby’s chagrin) The two are at this moment having a snoring competition! Yikes! STEREO! Did your Boxer snore?

            • Well JM would prob say beaver..(sorry, i’m tired lol) it’s a gopher due to JM’s imfamous gopher statement today!

              Ty, JR is a tuff guy! Blood work came out great despite his age, just the fluid on his lungs he will always have..tummy prob solved! LOL, you baby girl snores? Yes my Boxer Boy did snore and drool! Sounds kinda like our hubbys huh! lol!

              • D~I’m logging for the nite~have to take Mom-in-law to Cardiologist tomorrow at 11, but hope to see you and everyone on here tomorrow! I don’t know if you saw the pic of my JR, but will prob put it back up tomorrow or Monday! Sleep tight if you can and get ear plugs!!!! <3

    • Mr Duke:

      You have it right on the money that little creep Martinez is the scum of the earth. The man is not normal, he even attacks his own witnesses. I’m telling you that little weasel pisses me off.

      The way he shows no respect for the defense experts, I mean each of these people have like 35 years experience in PTSD, domestic abuse… Martinez shows absolutely no respect for any of them. In the old days they would have tarred and feathered him. or burned him to a stake… nice thoughts, for sure. :>)

      • And what they would of done to JM in the old days is exactly what that ass wants to do to Jodi!!

      • Hey Dave, When this fiasco is over JM and the rest of his cronies wont even be able to get a job cleaning out toilets for a living! However, crawling back into them is another story! 🙂

        • He can get a job at the sewage treatment plant… then when the pumps break its time for JM to get knee deep in that crap. What a butthead.

      • And every one of those experts he called a liar today in his fairytale he was telling the jury. Total lack of respect for all their years of work to help others.

    • I watch her show just about everyday…she is tainted somewhat…you should have heard her a week ago…she is a lot younger than NG, JVM, JC and etc…give her some more years and she’ll be their new clone…

      • Hopefully she’ll leave HLN before Michael Jackson the second (JVM) and the Harpy Queen (NG) get to her soul. Quick Robin! Douse yourself in holy water and pray for release from the Hate Loving Nutcases (HLN) network!

        • When Robin was making negative comments about Jodi on her show last week…she would do her little snarky giggle which sounded like the snarky giggle NG does on her show…the influence is already there…just a matter of a few years of seasoned time before she wins out over her nemesis…

          • They are terrible.
            If they think it was soooo bad killing Travis why do all of them laugh at Jodi all of the time AND I mean ALL of them??? Even Kara??? Really???
            They don’t know anything except what each one has said about Jodi.
            I hope HLN see’s the ifiots they have on their show and I hope the next trial will be held on HBO.

  314. JM played his favorite “pick and choose” game today in closing…

    JM would never “pick” this in closing…”you were miserable and I raped you.”

    JM “choose” this instead in closing…”you are the worst thing that ever happened to me.”

    • The jury will get to read all of those sick emails TA sent to Jodi. I think they will see for themselves he was far from a saintly victim. Alyce said there were a lot of abusive emails and texts.

  315. TA’s email to JA contains words like “pure whore,” “it doesn’t serve your evilness” and “how evil I think you are.” These words and phrases sound strange coming from a 30 yr old man in 2008. What strikes me is that the following words and phrases appear in the email to Lisa Daidones: “You are a shameful whore,” and “giving the appearance of evil.” Lisa thought this email came from JA. But none of these words and syntax appear in any of JA’s journal excerpts that I’ve read. So who really sent the email to Lisa, I wonder.

    • Reference to that email…it definitely has the tone of a male speaker…

      I feel that it is someone very close to Travis…some male that he confides in on a personal level…maybe too personal…maybe another male is jealous of Travis…and Travis’ behavior with Jodi might have just stirred him up a bit…

      • Hey truth… I think it was him. It sounded so much like his active voice. He would accuse jodi of stalking him to get sympathy from women, and I think he wanted to have sex with Lisa. He used the excuse”I’m afraid” can’t go home and she let him sleepover.

        • When I look at pictures like this….I wonder to myself…just who in the hell was Travis Alexander…I feel that he was one really fuxked up young adult man stemmed from being raised in a drug infested environment with his parents…

          No wonder Jodi got so many mixed signals from him…one timehe could be so damn loving to her…and on other times he could be so damn cruel to her…

          There were definitely two victims in this trial…both Jodi and Travis…victims in each his/her own way…but both were still victims…

          • Yes you are so right I forgot he worked from home. He had all the time in the world to play his games. This case is so sad.

      • oooHHHH, i didn’t think about that, for some reason i always thought it was a female, now you make me wonder if it wasn’t dustin thompson, daniel freeman?????

        • You should look for the email and compare it to the texts. It sounds like Travis to me.

          • FLNJANG…You probably are right…I had considered that as my first possibility that it was Travis who wrote the emails…and the fact that he worked from home and was on the computer a lot…with all the time that he spent on the computer and cell phone…I don’t see how he had much time for anything else…

    • Hi keikee I posted the same thing earlier! It sounded like Travis!!!! I think he slashed his own tires and hers and sent her that email! He wanted to manipulate Lisa!

        • Who knows his motives… I found the email:
          “You are a shameful whore. Your Heavenly Father must be deeply ashamed of the whoredoms you’ve committed with that insidious man. If you let him stay in your bed one more time or even sleep under the same roof as him, you will be giving the appearance of evil. You are driving away the Holy Ghost, and you are wasting your time. You are also compromising your salvation and breaking your baptismal covenants. Of all the commandments to break, committing acts of whoredom is one of the most displeasing in the eyes of God. Think about your future husband, and how you disrespect not only yourself, but him, as well as the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Is that what you want for yourself? Your future, your salvation, and your posterity is resting on your choices and actions. You are a daughter of God, and you have been a shameful example. Be thou clean, sin no more. Heavenly Father loves you and wants you to make the right choices. I know you are strong enough to choose the right. Your Father in Heaven is pulling for you. Don’t ignore the promptings you receive, because they are vital to your spiritual well-being.”

          It sounds similar to Travis’s rants towards Jodi.

          • FLNJANG…thanks for the post…I pasted it to my save folder…

            Now…for just a minute…forget that you think Travis wrote it…

            Now…Read it again as though it was written by a man friend of Travis’ from their church temple….to scare Lisa away from Travis…maybe this man friend is jealous of Travis and his involvement with Lisa and Jodi…what better way of steering someone as Lisa away from Travis by making her feel shameful of what she had been doing with Travis…they all are of the same mormon faith and go to the same church temple…

            And one step further…maybe this man friend is the one who has been keeping much confusion going on about lots of things in the lives of Travis and Jodi…being that this man friend is also man friend of many others that trust in him too…and he can easily convince them to see things his way and say and act accordingly…

            So who comes in mind???

      • FLNJANG, I’m trying to catch up on the posts, but I’m new here so I got a lot of catching up to do. That would be awfully twisted if it were the case re the email to Lisa and the tires. Didn’t TA use a proxy server at one point?

        • That’s what’s been discussed on this forum but I don’t recall if it was brought up in trial.

        • Traviss text to Jodi:
          “sent you a response to your dire conversation, that I hope you read because you need to read it. Maybe it will spark human emotion in you. Something that only seems to exist when it comes to your own problems. But everyone else is just a part of your sick agenda. By the way. Your pic comment to Danny Jones makes you look like a pure whore, even more to the people who know you. You should be embarrassed by it. If he knew what I knew about you he’d spit in ur face. Sow ould (So would) everyone else. I have never never in my life been hurt so bad by someone. But why do I even say it because you don’t care. It doesn’t serve your evilness.”

          T he author uses “whore” and “evilness.” And it’s brought up in the email to Lisa. It may be nothing but I just found it awfully coincidental.

    • Hmm…Krikee…you may have something there! Why wasn’t that email ever traced. Seems with all the hearsay of Jodi ‘”stalking” that someone would want to validate the accusations before jumping to conclusions…Seems to me that Jodi was, and has been, from DAY one, the ONLY suspect. I wonder what would have resulted had there been a competent team of investigators.

  316. Hello folks

    Had to leave to go to kids’ chamber music recital. Got back and watched the rest of the JM circus.

    So here are a few points I got, and hopefully the defense will take these and use them to shove the case right up the prosecutors rectal orifice.

    1. Seems to me like JM has created enough reasonable doubt just in his own closing. He can’t quite figure out where the gun came from, either she stole it from her Grandfather or from Travis, unless he’s implying she had 2 of them. If she got it from her grandfather’s then that felony murder goes out the window. If she stole it from TA’s then firstly there goes the premeditation, and secondly the gun was stolen after the killing, which was not committed during the burglary and so there goes the felony murder. The gun stolen from grandfather does not apply to the killing, different incident. Since he can’t prove that element there goes that case.

    2. First she was supposed to have shot him at the onset, then at the end, now while dragging him to the shower. Which is it Mr Prosecutor? And his story doesn’t explain the low level impact blood spatter. If it came from the gun shot, then there was still blood in his head, so the ME’s BS story of the blood having drained out of the head is malarkey. If you can explain it, then you can’t prove how the killing went down, which means Jodi’s story could be true, by JM’s own admission. So there goes that theory.

    3. So maybe she stole grandpa’s gun, and TAs gun and now with two guns available she decided to knife a guy almost twice her size? What part of that makes sense to anyone?

    4. He alleges she brought knife with her. Has anyone seen any evidence pointing to that ever given by any witness anywhere in this trial? Where did that come from? You can’t just make stuff up.

    5. He claims this was a well orchestrated killing. I wonder what he thinks the scene looks like when stuff goes wrong?

    I have two quotes from a great Maryland writer, HL Mencken that seem apt for this closing. The first:

    “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”

    Well we got that answer today.

    The second one was

    “When they say its not about the money, it’s about the money”

    Analagous to that, when dipshit says “it would not be a stretch, he means its a stretch.

    When a prosecutor, towards the end of his closing has to use the term “it would not be a stretch” he is trying to get the jury to jump from point A to point B without being able to show them how to get there. That, my friends is reasonable doubt. I hope Jennifer and Nurmi take that argument and use it to stretch a certain sphincter on this prosecutor.

    I think, or hope, the jury gets this.

    And now its beddy bye time and a little good night song from the boys

    • I watched that ME testimony from yesterday, and I STILL can’t believe it. That juror nailed him with the dura mater question, and Horn committed perjury and fatally wounded the prosecution’s case.

      If the jury is smart, they will acquit. There should have been a mistrial as a result of Horn’s perjury.

      • Tony, I have not looked back to prev post, but you said that there was another female atty on defense today that is the DP Qualified atty? Just wanted to make sure.

        • Yep. I forget her name, but there is a different attorney handling the penalty phase, if it happens.

          • I can see why they would have somebody who specializes in penalty phases in capital cases. It’s a lot of work.

            You also have a different group of lawyers who specialize in handling appeals.

            • A mitigation specialist is not an attorney. They are required by law to be there for all Capital cases, as well as 2 attorneys, and a private investigator. This is to insure someone facing the DP that they have all the counsel and help they need to insure a fair trial. The mitigation specialist is the one who has done all the “legwork” so to speak, helped find all the experts, gathering information about Jodi, her life, her personality, social history, everything there is to know about her, she knows. Basically, every “mitigating factor” that there is, she has it and has it ready and documented. This is for the penalty phase, if it comes to that point. It is tons of work.

                • Here is what a mitigation specialist does:

                  A mitigation specialist is [] an indispensable member of the defense team throughout all capital proceedings. Mitigation specialists possess clinical and information-gathering skills and training that most lawyers simply do not have. They have the time and ability to elicit sensitive, embarrassing and often humiliating evidence (e.g., family sexual abuse) that the defendant may never have disclosed. They have the clinical skills to recognize such things as congenital, mental or neurological conditions, to understand how these conditions may have affected the defendant’s development and behavior, and to identify the most appropriate experts to examine the defendant or testify on his behalf. Moreover, they may be critical to assuring that the client obtains therapeutic services that render him cognitively and emotionally competent to make sound decisions concerning his case.

                  Perhaps most critically, having a qualified mitigation specialist assigned to every capital case as an integral part of the defense team ensures that the presentation to be made at the penalty phase is integrated into the overall preparation of the case rather than being hurriedly thrown together by defense counsel still in shock at the guilty verdict. The mitigation specialist compiles a comprehensive and well-document psycho-social history of the client based on an exhaustive investigation; analyzes the significance of the information in terms of impact on development, including effect on personality and behavior; finds mitigating themes in the client’s life history; identifies the need for expert assistance; assists in locating appropriate experts; provides social history information to experts to enable them to conduct competent and reliable evaluations; and works with the defense team and experts to develop a comprehensive and cohesive case in mitigation.

                  The mitigation specialist often plays an important role as well in maintaining close contact with the client and his family while the case is pending. The rapport developed in this process can be the key to persuading a client to accept a plea to a sentence less than death.

                  For all of these reasons the use of mitigation specialists has become “part of the existing ‘standard of care’” in capital cases, ensuring “high quality investigation and preparation of the penalty phase.” Guidelines, Commentary: The Core Defense Team: (B) The Mitigation Specialist.



          • TY Tony~! And hopefully she won’t need to do anything…I think you agree JM’s closing was weak and hopefully after our close, his final closing will go pffft!!!

      • And Jennifer Willmott was furious with Horn when it was clear he lied under oath.

        That pulling a fast one on the jury should cause that jury to completely and totally reject the prosecution’s case. I don’t care how messy the crime scene was, I don’t care if Jodi lied because she didn’t have a lawyer when she talked to fellow prosecution perjurer Flores, I just don’t care, period. When you have the most important witness in the entire trial, other than the defendant, flat-out LIE about a report HE wrote in order to fit that lie into the prosecutor’s narrative which itself was changed right before the trial, it’s over. There is NO credibility left in the state’s case.

        Horn’s fuck-up was that bad.

    • thats it, its a S-T-R-E-T-C-H, oh yeah then he said she cleaned the knife, where did we see that? nowhere

    • Thank Yo so much Al…I was looking forward to your …synopsis 🙂
      I know is beddy-bye time but I was hoping for an over view of the charges Jodi faces and what each means. There was too much for me to absorb…I do NOT envy the jury…they have a serious and tough task ahead.

    • Hey AL, Which sphincter? Because shit flows from every orifice on that rat-faced little weasel

    • Excellent points indeed– JM was truly all over the place contradicting himself, his witnesses, his theories basically—-doesn’t matter how it went down folks she is guilty of what I overcharged her with. IIt was almost painful to watch him blathering on the last hour or two throwing everything and the kitchen sink at jury in what appears to be utter desperation. Bet he’s wishing about now that they had take the deal Jodi wanted.

  317. I had to laugh today when JM told the jury that they should either find JA guilty of premeditated murder because she brought the gun there or felony murder because she stole TA’s gun. I hope the jury caught on to how ridiculous that sounded.

    • Britney,
      This whole trial was jaun trying to prove Travis never had a gun.
      Now, he’s saying he did.
      I hope they catch it too..

    • His second scenario makes no sense, because Jodi would have had to kill Travis while in the process of stealing his gun. She took the gun after the fact, therefore did not go to his house with the intent of burglary. So no murder was committed during the commission of a felony.

      • If your going to charge her with stealing a gun, you might as well charge her with stealing a knife, rope, water, KY, bleach, etc……….. JUAN is a JERK……….. he can’t have it both ways, and I don’t trust him because I am sure he’s got more up his sleeve since he gets to rebut the defense.

  318. OK, so a really dumb question just occurred to me.

    Where did the gas cans end up?

    I seem to remember hearing that Brewer never got his gas cans back. So where did they go?

    • i think jodi said she left them at the grand parents house. I don’t think darryl brewer ever expected them back.

    • I’m concerned that this jury’s been watching hln this whole time. I had an argument with some stupid person that was defending JM. I was able to hold my own until they mentioned the police interview with JA’s mom.

      I had to find out what they were talking about. In the interview the mom said that JA said that she has the gas receipts to prove that she was no where near AZ. I’m so glad this wasn’t entered into evidence because it can be taken the wrong way however since hln plays it so much the jury might have watched it. Does anyone know why JA’s mom would say that?

    • Yes testified that she had planned on giving them back but then got arrested.

    • Mee TOO Seek! I am working on the positive vibes. I have faith in the DT to amaze me with their….AMAZINGNESS (new word 😉 )

    • Me too. Especially since Jodi was devastated today. And the haters say she shows no remorse? Pfft. She had to turn her head away from the images of TA’s dead body today as she was crying. If she planned the killing, those images probably wouldn’t even affect her. I could tell she was distraught by what she did.

      • Britney, Can you believe someone here was implying that Jodi was Fake crying? My god! I saw her weeping, her body sobbing. My heart broke for her. How could anyone say they saw NO tears. Those images did indeed affect her and it was heart wrenching.

        • Dorothy that has been going on this entire trial…

          When Jodi cries…they say she’s faking her crying…

          When Jodi is not crying…they say that she is not showing any remorse because she isn’t crying…

          Those idiots just don’t know what they want…when they can’t really find anything wrong…they just make something idiotic up…

          Those same idiots would think that a snickers bar floating in a swimming pool was a terd too…they would be screaming shut the pool down immediately….because those idiots would insist that the terd smelled like chyt…when in fact all they really smelled was chlorine from the pool…

          And that is how those idiots keep their chyt going…

          • Truth, She’s damned if she does and damned if she doesn’t…sad. But there was a commenter HERE on THIS site who was…ahem…making an “observation”. A bit suspicious to me…maybe someone peeking in from the “other side”

          • its a terrbile thing to keep attacking her. she is innocent until proven guilty. and people actually cry when they see their loved one, unless they hated them. and then at times they do as well.

  319. Juan Martinez based this case on hyperbole and hypothesis, that was not make M1 or M2, premed, maybe, involuntary manslaughter, or acquittal. Thinking positive. Where is the evidence? Nowhere, he overcharged the case.

  320. What time does trial begin tomorrow? OMG! I hope I am not the only one here….

  321. OK, guys and gals, I’m trying to catch someone in a lie (i.e. Lying for the Lord) and have been digging everywhere with no luck. About a week ago on one of the talking heads show, two of TA’s friends came on, Anthony Vaeena and Zion Lovingier. They basically trashed JA, said that she invited herself on their surfing trip to Mexico, and said that she only did that to make TA jealous. Well, I haven’t seen anywhere, any mention of JA going on a trip to Mexico while she was w/ TA. When would she have the time? She worked 2 jobs. Any of you recall trip to MX?

    Lovingier is connected to Sky Hughes via a SoCal LLC (don’t know how current that is) named Powerteez, and he was the one who set up JA w/ Ryan Burns. I recall SH’s lame excuse that the tshirt w/ the print “Travis Alexander’s” couldn’t have been done by TA because her friend has a Tshirt company, and TA would have had it done there, but no tshirt like that was ever printed. Yeah, right, show your friends how possessive you are when they ask you why you want that printed on a tee.

    • Hi hope I’m not intruding but if I recall that story correctly it supposedly happened when Jodi was still in palm desert. All those people are full of shit, and sound like zombies so anything they say I usually take in with a grain of bacteria. They want to get paid for their pics by HLN and get their minute on TV.

      • I guess they are enjoying their 15 minutes of fame…I don’t watch that stuff but hear of it here…It seems like folks are coming out of he woodwork to get in on it all. Disgusts me SMH 😡

      • Not intruding at all. Yeah not only a grain, but I’d like to catch them lying. This whole group of ppl and lds is like incest or something.

    • HUMMMMMM, i remember seeing Jodi in a wet suit with some guys somewhere. photos, let me go look.

  322. Nite ALL! AM going to have only positive thoughts and dreams tonight! GO TEAM JODI!!!!!!!! And again a GREAT BIG HUG FOR JODI and a group hug for Team JODI!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  323. I think it was a big mistake to keep denegrating ALV. That twisting of her testimony is going to really turn into some resentment in that jury room. They just aren’t going to buy that she DELIBERATELY made a false statement about anything. Nothing about that woman was indicative of that.

    It REALLY got to Martinez when she got that big laugh. She simply confused testimony she’d given in civil trials with testimony years ago that she thought she’d remembered was also a small number in a criminal case.

    She didn’t say it was TEN. She said she thought it was one or two! And she was obviously trying to think back when she even said it.

    To turn this into a lying, defense–bought deliberate prefabricator is as lame as you can get. With all the testimony she’d given that was backed by hard cold facts, and to seize on this, man that’s going to piss off some of those people.

    Another thing Martinez really choked on was her testimony about the Hughes. That put a dick right up his ass with them because I am positive he told them, don’t worry about a thing–those emails will never come in.

    But …..t-h-e-y …………..d-i-d.

    Thanks Alyce.

      • Number of times she testified in a criminal trial. That was the big hoopla that Martinez tried to turn into her being a perjuring freight train of lies.

        It’s going to come back to haunt him as one of the biggest mistakes he ever made in his pathetic career.

        • Actually, he said that she said 1 or 2. Which is what she said. He tried to make a big deal of the fact that, when a juror asked how many men she testified for in a criminal trial, she answered 1 or 2. Then under cross, when he asked her, she said she couldn’t remember their names. When he kept pushing, she said it was only one, a policeman, and she didn’t testify, she submitted a report for the trial. He then brought up her CV where she called herself a keynote speaker and he pointed out that she wasn’t listed as that, but as a speaker in another area. BTW, totally insignificant and petty. However, IMHO, the other question, since posed by a juror directly to her, wasn’t so great, it was not her finest hour IMHO. That is why he was trying to impeach her in his closing. DT will go over that tomorrow.

          • He’s trying to impeach her because the doesn’t want the DV factored into the deliberations. JUAN is scared as hell that is why he kept bring up AL. You noticed he only mentioned Dr. Samuel a couple times. He didn’t touch on the psychologist because Dr. Geneffer blew him out of the water Wednesday and he can’t touch him .

            Juan is a like a dog with worms chasing his tail ( always running in circles).

      • ten was the number of letter they was supposedly sp trying to get in. Alyce said it was only one or two. az central had a good article about the email today, how convenient.

    • ty jade for your post, hope you noticed i did spell your name right. lol you are dead right. thank god for alyce. i think there is mental health,emts, nurses, medical personnel on that jury and they know he is full of chyt. i do think some of them have it.

      • Yeah and Dr. Geffner really brought home the bacon.

        That’ll be one name that medical examiner never forgets when he does autopsies. That’s if he’s not fired or demoted already because of his monstrous slip-up in falsifying their copy and paste autopsy report lol.

        This was classic deliberate capital case fraud he exposed. Just like Debra Milke was almost shafted by the same pricks.

        God, I would have loved to see Dr. Henry Lee tear him up one side and down the other with all the other stuff that’s just as fraudulent from bottom to top in that report.


        • couldn’t sleep, have huge thyroid issues, keeps me awake. Yes and here is my take on Dr. geffner and willmott yesterday. I think they both sent up a red rocket for the jury yesterday when JM was questioning discrepancies in Dr. Geffners cases. Willmott shoved it straight up jm ass, that appellate courts and upheld all of Dr. Geffners cases, except for one sentence. And……. that she let the jury know the heat was so bad for the judge, and the mistreatment of the expert witness’s the JUDGE had to retire. She was sending the message to this jury that she thinks this happened in this case, and i think Judge pickles and JM are holding their breath because they know something else is comming from the defense team. justice!!!!

        • Huge errors in Dr. Horn autopsy report, especially for a man that gets paid 173k a year to fk up a DP case. If I was his boss he would be FIRED immediately.

    • Yup…what Jade said. I am seriously angry and upset that JM even went there… 😡

  324. Night everyone. Have to work tomorrow so will have to wait till eve to see DT closing.

  325. For those of you wondering about deliberations:

    fentonlawless ‏@fentonlawless 1m
    “@maryellenabc15: Court Officials tell ABC15 …#jodiarias jurors will NOT deliberate over the weekend.”
    What? Hmmmm

    • Yeah they get to stew all weekend with jm 2nd closing ringing in their ears. Trying to engineer a conviction.

      • I hate the Martinez gets a second chance. He always messes with the juror’s minds by twisting facts. I still think the charges will end up being M2 or manslaughter.

        If they do find M2, I think it will be a huge shame. I mean, imagine, $ 1 million + dollars spent on this trial, only to end up with a conviction of M2 (when $0 could have been spent and the state would have ended up the same result if they accepted Jodi’s plea?)

  326. Good night everyone. Praying for Gods will. Such an upsetting situation.

  327. well maybe I’m the odd woman out here, but I’m excited for tomorrow. I don’t feel at all worried or anxious, in fact, quite the opposite.
    The defense has a very good case here, JM handed it to them today, along with Flores, Horn, and Demarte. If this jury convicts her, its not because the DA won, it will be because they don’t know the meaning of beyond a reasonable doubt, and which side has that burden. and only a moron doesn’t know that.
    Keep the faith, we will prevail!

    • Oh, I have no doubt that the defense will have an excellent closing. 🙂 We all pretty much agree on that.

      It’s just so nerve wracking!! A hung jury is not really good for Jodi in the long run, especially given all the media bias, it will be very hard for Jodi to have a fair trial again (and you know Martinez will charge her again if it results in a hung jury!!)

      It’s nice to have comments like yours though, reassuring us and telling us to keep the faith. It gets depressing just given the media hype. I felt sick several times just hearing the media bias. It made me very, very sad.

  328. I have watch this web site for some time. I have watch most of the trial. I was very opened minded because I was in many abusive relationships. Many of you posted things I’m glad I read because I want to have an opened mind. I wanted Jodi to get a fair trail. I wanted her attorneys to a great job for her. We all deserve this it is our RIGHT!!!!!

    What I saw posted today my the owner of this site was vile and hateful. NO ONE has the right to judge how Travis’s family feels. He has done things that put up a chill up my spine. Still, his family has the right to hurt just as Jodi has a right to hurt for what he did to her. Jodi deserves better friends than you who would right such horrible things about some one you DON’T know on a personal level.

    Jodi is getting a raw deal and you who did this need to look in the mirror at yourself. Have at it. You can’t hurt me but you can hurt Jodi in the long run. I’m done with you.

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