As expected, Dr. Robert Geffner well & truly ripped the State a new one, and highlighted numerous errors in DeMarte’s testimony… and he’ll be doing the same with Dr “Doolittle” Horn’s testimony this afternoon.
Depending on how long the trial runs today, I’ll probably add an additional “after trial comments” page too.
Never question it.
Never doubt it.
We are definitely on a roll.
Leave your comments below on the afternoon session of trial day 54…
Team Jodi
If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.
Can’t wait for it to start
Dr. G looks like the cool, hip grandpa! 🙂 I love it. Distinguished, respectable. I am glad he is testifying.
Well, I stayed up…. It’s now 3:30am for me…. Watching, waiting…… I am SO glad I have a DVR! I can FF thru all the bull-crap HLN is running, and JM! Man! That little turd……..is a turd!!!! Aaaaagh! I can’t stand that little short prick! If I see that sister roll her eyes ONE MORE TIME BEFORE THIS JURY, I WILL TURN HER IN!! Do I hear “tainted”????? Say no all ya want….. This jury is close to that family, see’s the eyes roll, Ms Bobble Head, Grrrrrrrrrrrr!!! Would someone/anyone draw attention to the matter? There’s plenty of footage! Every time the camera shows them, they’re doing something! Conduct unbecoming fer-sure!
let’s rock and roll bitches!
Never first…
Good afternoon Nk..BevM…Josh….
Good Afternoon Janeen!
Is anyone here ( Renee we know you are ) kinda pysched
to see JM blow his f’in gasket all over this refined DR today?
Seriously give us an emmy winning performance JM
let’s see you explode!
I always picture JM like a cartoon where the cartoon guy gets red all the way up to the head and then steam pours out of the top of the head.
me too! there’s no other logical way to see him.
Renee is not here yet…she’s having difficulty with her computer…she’s trying….
Afternoon! Good mood! I finished my last final …. 🙂 (Which was all about strokes, TBIs, and dementia!. TBIs include GSWs to the head ……)
NK! Hope you aced the exams!
Thanks! 😀
Don’t worry about first – the prizes are REVOLTING….LOL
Hey Janeen…lol revolting yes and somewhat entertaining. I’m all good with NOT being first…I am the 9th of 10 children. I’ve adapted to my POSITION and am rather comfortable with ….my lack of status 😉
bite your tongue…you most CERTAINLY have status HERE!!!! (((((hugs)))))
Thank you Janeen (((HUGS))) I’m gonna miss you all when this is over 🙁
Are people on here really getting viruses on their computers from TA lovers? I think I read some stuff about people actually being harassed from TA lovers? Did I read that right? I can’t even believe that. They’re trying to show that TA wasn’t abusive by being abusive?
No virus’s here on my computer but rumor has it that the TA lovers
are responsible for spreading the new gonorrhea sex superbug
and colon ecoli testes-eating variant
LOL JoshDavis!
I was thinking of a giant Bot fly…YIKES….RUN!
LOL – I’ll tell you that law of chastity really isn’t working for them, not with TA and his group of friends anyway.
yes they are…and I’m one of them, that’s why I haven’t been on this site for a couple of days. My whole IP address was compromised, and now I have to change passwords on everything and have changed routers so that I have new IP address. Someone tried to get into my facebook account as well. With that said…I won’t be on for long when I come and visit. Just know that I’m with all of you and Jodi all the way, and I will be praying for a wonderful outcome. Love to all….cheers !!! 🙂
I can see having really strong opinions but to attack someone personally is way over the line. That is seriously messed up and crazy and abusive. I’m so sorry for you guys who have had that happen to you that is such a violation.
abusesurvivor 🙄
sorry to here that me to my computer is dust now get a black screen when have some money will see if it can be fixed I just dont open sites and unfriended a lot of people even my friends just have family now.
Maybe I lost a computer that was totally fine till i started talking on here. It could just be coincidence but its weird thats when it croaked. It froze one day and I turned it off and back on and nothing the black screen came up with the little white slash and that was it. I had to go buy another one so i wouldn’t miss nothin. then when i posted on here after i got my new computer my comments had to be approved. I see why now. I do think someone from over there is trying something funny since thy couldn’t get our site shut down. Is our an ok word. I just feel like we are all in this together. oh yeah i think 2 others on here mentioned plagued computers also. your thoughts
make sure your windows firewall is on..and get a good anti virus software..
just don’t, whatever you do DON’T open links in emails sent to you that appear to be from Facebook. Heck, I don’t even allow facebook applications. Don’t click on links shared in Facebook either just to be safe.
I occasionally get one phishing email that is made out to look like it is from one of my FB friends, but I know it is fake.
I’ve been jailed by FB about 5 times now. Even when I haven’t posted. It’s effing bananas. The Travis Taliban are out destroy any Jodi supporters. I’ve been jailed by FB for posting on PRO-JODI sites. I have no idea how they’re doing this.
Joey Jackson’s wife had my friend jailed by FB for ONE POST. And it contained no profanity.
I don’t know, but to be honest, since i strarted following the trial on line, I had to take two of my lap tops to get fix because of a stupid virus. I don’t know if is pure coincidence or not, but that’s what happened to me.
“They’re trying to show that TA wasn’t abusive by being abusive?”
I think that sums it up nicely.
We’re supposed to believe TA was this great guy that never mistreated women.
So why do they treat women like crap? That includes the women in the Travis Taliban, who are misogynists themselves. Internalizing misogyny is still misogyny.
Something tells me if TA were half as decent as they say he is, he wouldn’t want Jodi to get the death penalty. He’d probably forgive her for defending herself.
Hi everyone! I said it earlier, and I’ll say it again- I LOVE this witness’s testimony. I think it will be very helpful to Jodi and the defense.
From our lips to God’s ears!!!
afternoon all! best morning session ever! i love that dr geffner is experienced, likable, unbiased, and does not make an hourly wage for sitting there. i love him! and kermit is so sad and deflated. ha! cant wait for it to start. tot doc must be sooooooooooooooooo sad and embarrassed. bwahahahah!!!!!
Yes, he is very impressive…very knowledgeable and personable. I’m sure Kermit will try to rip him apart but I think Kermit will do more damage to the pros, than the good Dr., if he gets too aggressive.
I think it speaks volumes that Dr. Geffner is not being paid. I’m thinking that Dr. Hayes is probably what is referred to as a hired gun so obviously the jury will suspect her of being biased towards the pros.
So the prosecution is putting up another rebuttal witness? WTF?
Finished marking students’ papers during lunch break and kept thinking how much easier it would be if I were unethical as DeMarte wanting to finish off and went like
LOL LOL ^5 maria!!!! LOL
I think Dr. DeMented would have issue with you calling that “unethical”; it’s par for the course for her.
10 minutes and counting….
Just remember : this defence team ALWAYS keeps the best till last.
Ok, tomorrow we will have to put up with Martinez’s sad hallucinations, but Friday will be awesome.
geebee2, who will deliver first closing arguments…the state or the defense?
I imagine the Defense.
Uggg JM all day tomorrow? I’m actually glad I have to take the cat to the vet.
kermit will be on,on Friday probably.
I’m really hoping that JW does the closing, not Nurmi.
Me too!
lol geebee
he’s believable
Dr. G is believable. This is a solid day
I’m haveing ice cream for lunch in honour of Dr. G.. now I want him to shut down JM’s antics..
Me, too!
I’m going to take an aspirin…he causes me to have headaches…and I never suffer from headaches…LOL…
Time for a group hug before the afternoon session!!!!!!!
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((BIG GROUP HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
((((((((((((((((((((((GROUP HUG)))))))))))))))))))))
Hugs everyone! 🙂
I need in … (((((((((hug))))))))))
I missed this morning did JW mention he was the last president of the association Dr. D bragged about being apart of?
wildabouttrial is saying that Jane Velez Mitchell is there interviewing people…I can imagine she is getting her “Big Breaking News” for more twisted chyt for her to spew on her show tonight…
She’ll look just as foolish as she did with the “gun test” at the range…..LOL
What about her &*#@!$% headstand?
those MOTHER fuckers.
they can try, but they wont keep me down.
ass hats of the tallest order.
What’s wrong Renee?????
My comp. It froze 15 times, and I was locked out of half of what I was doing.
I think I am back in working order now….
Please don’t throw it up against the wall:>))
Hey Renee!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!
(((((((((maria))))))))))))) thank you dear
Renee’ is the WMD of this webpage!!!!!!
I have a feeling JM is going to act like a total crazy person on cross with DG………..
Yes, that’s what we are all familiar with … smoke and mirrors, razzmatazz bs
He doesn’t know any other way to act…..azzhole!!!!!
I keep reminding myself of sirlips “clown” comment this morning. It helps.
good to have a new page it was getting to be a long weight to go to the top and reset to see new posts so far so good we did get in the fact at when jodi talked about the man and the woman and the fact she says she killed him ???? that but that the test still say the event was so bad that her brain went into a protective mode mine did too just in my case a voice told me drop the knife before I went to kill my x and when I was raped by the arlington rapest my brain went crazy then too like out of body thing
I must admit
I have learned so much from these doctors except for DeMarte & her annoying Vocal
Fry your ears off voice.
I really think that if people open their minds and hearts they will find most of this
testimony to be very beneficial to life experiences not only my own by my friends.
Life gets harder as we grow older and it’s a breathe of fresh air to know
compassionate and caring doctors like Alyce, Dr. Samuels and Dr. Geffner.
Trust me there are so many DeMarte’s out there that don’t care about their patients
and I have experienced several where going to the DR gives you more anxiety and
when you leave you feel like there was not an ounce of compassion.
That’s why today it is so amazing to see Tot Doc get her comeuppance for her
arrogance & her lack of compassion.
I am putting faith in some of the jurors that they see it this way
and that the outcome for Jodi will be victorious indeed .
DeMarte for the most part doesn’t see patients and you can see why.
I’ve caught myself crying during the doctors’ testimonies,they were so eye opening regarding aspects of life/psychology.I cant begin to imagine what their invaluable words mean to Jodi and I’m joining you in putting faith to at least some jurors seeing it the way we do.
You just explained Dr????? Drew.
What an ass.
I don’t watch his show and then they put him on as an expert to talk and laugh with the talking heads
If I had been a patient of drew’s I would sue the hell out of him for malpractice.
Talk about an ass clown!!!
well, think about how many patients Dr. Drew has treated that ended up killing themselves afterwards…Mindy McCready…Dr. Drew is doing more harm than good. Isn’t it Dr’s oath is to do no harm?
That’s what it is supposed to be.
He’s not a doctor or an actor.
I better stay with HLN as long as they last because he is
finished as a credible doctor.
So true Josh I totally agree!!
I’m home sick today (yes, I’m really sick) and watched the trial on a Kindle. This guy is a wonderful witness…very articulate, has the PhD after his name that soooo impresses Juan Martinez – and is down-to-earth enough to spill his water and burp! No doubt Nancy Grace will be shrilling about what a “disaster” of a witness he has been for the defense – and I can just hear her opening line: “Bombshell tonight! Jodi Arias LAUGHS in open court!” Go ahead, HLN…spin all you want: this guy has demystifyed Dr. De-what’s-her-name’s beloved “tests” and debunked her CV that was so “impressive” that she didn’t need to list ALL her lectures on it. I can hardly wait for Juan’s epileptic cross-examination to begin.
That should be “demystified.” Alka Seltzer Plus typing…..
Is it still Ditat Deus or did I loose my stream?
yep,still hypnosis time…
Just the seal for me too…..
Cannot stand JM. What a self serving little fuck. He is a good example of what is wrong with our justice system. They do not seek truth…..they seek to win regardless of the truth. Its awful.
Exactly. Hide and manipulate evidence. Don’t get charged by these assholes as they will overcharge you.
Lying assholes say the seek the truth. What a bunch of clowns.
WHY is ot alright for them to LIE??
He and the jdge are doing a good job of fucking up our justice system.
WHY doesn’t someone stop them?
This sucks!
Vinny liked jm’s objection to the hypothetical…said can’t have that in sur-rebuttal. Tell that to the judge cause she allowed it. LOLOL!
I worry about this also. The gun and the gas tanks. This is what he will harp on and appropriately as it is all he has. We can only hope that the jury sees the entire picture, the way Dr. G and Alyce L showed and that they realize that beyond a reasonable doubt is a very high bar. This is what CA,s jury did and rightly so.
There is reasonable doubt about both.
You don’t fake a burglary when you don’t have to.
You don’t ask friends for gas cans if you don’t want to be tracked.
Have you ever heard of death penalty appeals? Apparently not.
If these jurors actually convict her of murder one, it will be thrown out by the Arizona Supreme Court.
My SO and I were talking about this last night. Some lawyers have no problem lying over and over to win their case. JM only helps to perpetuate the bad press attorneys have had over many years.
wildabouttrial just said that he was in the courtroom waiting for the session to being…stay tuned he says…
Get ready everyone…any minute now….
I think I’m done posting for today. Developed pain in my index finger on right hand…thought it was just arthritis but the pain got worse and now my finger is swollen to twice its size and is all red and purple!
Maybe one of those hater viruses attacked me thru my key board ? 🙁 Anyway it is very painful. No more typing…will just lurk!
Feel better, Kitty!!! ♥
So the case will be given to the Jury on Monday?
Meaning no deliberations at the weekend?
sorry for that kitty.. I can relate..did you get stung by a bee or wasp maybe?
Back on…
Here we go!!!!
It’s on you guys!!!
AND Action!
Why did anon’s post get deleted. I thought it was a very good point. WE must look at all possiblities here.
I didn’t get a chance to read the post, but it probably got deleted because it was pro-pros garbage.
Having an open mind doesn’t mean listening to every stick of bs thrown at us.
At this point in the trial, people have made up their minds from what they’ve seen from the live feed. No extraneous spin necessary.
I agree, too fucking late to entertain that crap. Its crunch time.
Plus there are moles from other blogs coming here and telling us come verdict day, they are going to hammer us with a bunch of shit.
SJ is getting tighter with what he’s allowing with posters and comments – he has to, to mitigate the aggressive hate from their side.
They may think they’ve “won” the battle, but they will have lost the war.
When the circus is over, the media won’t care about any appeals or overturning verdicts.
The Mormon crowd won’t be able to manipulate anymore.
PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE…….the wuss-asses who hide behind computers???? Who aren’t MEN/WOMEN enough to say anything to our faces???? They attack websites…and computers….because they are LOSERS, JERKS and WIMPASS COWARDS……..
UCKFAY OUYAY to every single one of you sub-humans who threaten anyone on this site, who tries to fuck with anyone on this site…YOU need to GET LIVES that are more focused on your own SHIT than what is going on here….WE DON’T CARE ABOUT YOU – STOP CARING ABOUT US.
grrrrr…I am really disgusted with them….taking screenshots of our comments and posting it on their websites with our names…..UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE….
THEY ARE WIMPS. Mighty brave with keyboards….it’s laughable….
WoooooHoooooo Janeen!!!!!! You not only buried them with that post, you PISSED all over their graves as well!!:-)lol
I AM PISSED….they fucked with Renee’s computer and I don’t take kindly to anyone hurting someone I care about! They can eat shit and die every last one of them….
And we’ll all take turns PISSING on their graves!!!!!!
Amen, hero.
^5 hero…
Hear,hear Janeen!!
FU*k ‘EM!!!
They will be here on verdict day whatever the verdict itself will be- we know that and we are NOT afraid of them!
I say,bring ’em on haters!!!!!
^5 maria!!!!! Bring ’em on!!!!
We’ll hit them with bags of bricks and walk proudly over their dead bodies!!!!!:-)
I hear you Janeen.
I know they are probably disappointed that a lot of us don’t read that garbage, so they bring it here and expect me to take it seriously.
Nope, not gonna happen.
I was going to quote you —- “Screenshot that asshole…”
You are the BEST!!!! ^5 MB!!!! LOL LOL
^5s to you too! 🙂
I think y’all are the best too! <3
what the hell was the judge smiling at JM like that for sick blow job bitch
Tell it Tonya!!!! LMAOOOOOOO
Jodi seems angry and upset today. 🙁
I wouldnt say ”angry”.She looks sad and exhausted. 🙁
You’re watching a different trial than I am.
She looks tired, not angry or upset.
Maybe aggravated.?.. yeah probably just exhausted.
Tonysam, Maybe it’s just the live feed skipping…? I AM watching the same trial… whatever
That live feed is screwed up. I can’t believe it.
I saw what you saw, Dorothy. I have to admit, when I am fatigued I often get mistaken for looking angry when I’m not. When I saw Jodi’s face a couple of times, I thought she was probably going through the same thing. (BUT if I were in her shoes, I would be very f#%king angry! She is handing this much better than I would.)
cindyp, Jodi is a champ…she must be anxious about deliberations/verdict. I would rather die than have to go through what she is going through. Seriously!
I’ve been exhausted for weeks – I can only imagine how she feels.
Isn’t that the truth. She won’t even realize how much stress she’s been under until this over.
Can anyone update me on the trial? Did JW finish questioning him yet? I was able to get started until I had to go to lunch which was right after they started of course… then I was away from the office till a few minutes ago.
I do gather from the comments that the witness is still doing great!
Gotta love them Texas men!!
Ok don’t take my head off but Jodi needs to stop drawing in court. You can tell she isn’t taking notes. It could turn jurors off. Makes her look bored. Kinda like I already know what this dude will be asked and how’ll he’ll answer .
She has to do what she has to do. She has sat there for 5 months, all day, many days without proper nutrition or sleep. If the jurors are judging her for drawing, then fuck them.
Yes but so has the jury. Imagine what you be be saying if we heard a juror was doodling in court. It would be taken as if they weren’t taking this case seriously. It’s her case and its over in 3 days. She needs to put her best foot forward with these jurors. In two days she won’t see them again until after verdict.
Brenda, until and unless you or I are charged with felony murder, and sit in jail for 5 years under Sheriff Joe, and sit through trial day after day after being woken up at 3:30 am, and fed little to nothing, I say we let the jury decide what to think and quit trying to analyze Jodi’s behavior.
and that is why you are my hero….that is it in a nutshell…You ROCK my friend!!!!
But I’m coming from a place of what a juror might think not why jodi is acting this way. I honestly don’t think they care if she is anymore tired than they are. She is on trial for her life. Looking like a bored teenager drawing on a text book in class can’t be helping her. That’s all I’m saying.
I’m on this site because I feel she is innocent of M1. I’m not trying to stir anything up. But pretending this behavior couldnt potentially be hurting her would be foolish in my opinion. If I noticed it on a quick camera scan the jury who is in the same room with her all day has to be noticing as well,
Yes, I think you’ve made it clear that you would like to see murder 2.
Exactly Renee’ ! If I was a juror Jodi’s current behavior wouldn’t mean squat as far as me deciding her guilt or innocence. To me it’s completely undersrandable. A juror can’t convict her because she doodles on a piece of paper.
^5 hero!!!! AMEN.
yes.. poor girl has to keep her composure somehow
Oh, I can’t imagine any juror judging Jodi negatively for drawing during a trial for her very life. Besides, Jodi’s flat-affect/tuning out meshes perfectly with her defense.
Thump. 🙂 Guillotine time.
Brenda, I am an artist and find drawing helps me focus on LISTENING…my attention is diverted when I look at someone while they are speaking. Drawing occupies the “visual” part of my brain and allows the audio to process more easily. Just a personal thing with me…maybe Jodi’s brain works similarly to mine.
No head biting 😉
DAMN! Just keep looking straight ahead??
Why should she stop drawing????.
People need to listen to the witness.
Of course HLN has the camera focused on Jodi all of the time, they don’t want us to be able to see the good Dr. talk.
I just quit looking at the TV.
I hope she is drawing.
You can draw and still pay attention.
Maybe she will end up being a court drawer. I think that’s
what they call them, when it isn’t on TV.
Anyway she would be a great one.
However, she would probably want to get as far away from any court room as possible.
I would never want to see the inside of one for the rest of my life.
BTW, Jodi pays very close attention!!!
Give her a break!
I still say if HLN said a juror was clearly sketching during testimony people on here would be pissed. I was simply stating my opinion. If I feel that way a juror could as well. Doesn’t seem to show respect for this whiteness who is testifying on her behalf.
HLN has kept the camera on Jodi most of this witness’s testimony.
I either see Jodi or the top of Jennifer’s head
Why are they doing that?
Usually they at least focus on the witness most of the time.
Not today.
She is showing respect. Has been, IMO!
Krista Walters says:
May 1, 2013 at 4:19 pm
I missed this morning did JW mention he was the last president of the association Dr. D bragged about being apart of?
Krista..if you are reading this…
I think this is similar to what Jennifer is questioning Dr. Geffner about now…
I am sick, sick, sick of that feed.
Mine is starting to act up too…..
which feed?
I use this one…and never had any problems..
Thanks !
That one is much better.
AZCentral for me….
Az Central feed.
I used to go to google and click on az central link…and I would be watching it and it would freeze up…and I got so fed up with it doing that over and over…
Someone posted the wildabouttrial link a long time ago….and I never had any problems anymore…wildabouttrial is a person who goes into the courtroom each day and airs it on az central…I don’t why it works for me better this way…it just does…
Oh yeah!!! He knows Alyce and she did cowrite a book with his partner!!! LOLOLOL!!! JM is fucked but good.
Chris Williams@chriswnews6m
when will someone start the conspiracy that #JodiArias gets to go golfing at the jail? she’s drawing with tiny pencils
Sorry, just a bit of levity, this cracked me up. Shows the idiocy of this mess 🙂
I can picture it now……. Kermit sat on top of a golf ball
Team Jodi
Co-editor also!! Wow. I love this. He must really respect Alyce and vice versa. He is going to try to use this to his advantage somehow, mark my words. That scumbag. JM I mean.
She used the gas cans in Utah AFTER Travis was killed. So she had a legitimate use for those cans. She REALLY did use them to travel across the desert. If the jury uses that for premed…..they are real wrong.
Exactly. In fact the only “evidence” of premeditation is the grandfathers gun. Everything else is foolish from car color to license plates to borrowing gas cans from someone who would be questioned. And since there is no gun, nor proof she took it – I’m disgusted that I’m paying for this overcharged case.
Me too! I live in Az. I want JM fired asap! I am shocked they did not search for that gun. Wish the defense would have found it or a spent bullet from a target practice session to prove it WASNT grandpas gun. But the fact they dont have it also works in her favor. If I was gonna kill someone……I certainly would plan it much better…..this was so sloppy and badly done. No way a smart girl like Jodi would plan so badly. It makes no sense. To me it screams lack of planning…..fear….panic and rushing to just get out of there.
Exactly. She needed the cans for the desert and for the national forests of California.
Oh WOW! Brain function. He’s going to testify about the gunshot to head!!!
I think so too!
OMG!!! Fantastic.!!!!
AND he has charts to show the jury! I forgot the name of the ME, but…..
Take your Geometry and shove it, ME!
He He. Horne’s right frontal lobe incapacitation is coming…?
Ok, nobody shoot me for this but does he not lool like Gomez Adams? It has been driving me crazy all day tryng to figure out who he reminded me of.
No…he doesn’t look like Gomez!!!!
I saw that exac same comment on @wild abouttrial this afternoon.
Here comes TA’s gun shot wound…..
Yes, Natalie, that is correct. And I believe this is the portion of his testimony that Dr. Jill Hayes will be rebutting.
And the gunshot HAD to come before the stabs. The ONLY wound travis had that could cause him to stand over the sink and cough and spit blood would be the GSW.No other wound would produce blood in airway except gor throat wound….and no way he stood there with his throat like that. The vena cava wound would not cause blood in stomach or lungs…..and the other chest wounds and back wounds were not penetrating lung or throat or stomach. The GSW caused that blood in his mouth and throat from the sinuses. It came first like she said.
I agree
Amen Michaele!!!! And see how Kermit said nothing about the aspirated blood on the sink? How could he have addressed that according to his sequence of the wounds?So it’s better to sweep irt under the rug and distort evidence,RIGHT?
I was hoping defense would address it…..its very important I think. Honestly maybe I watch too many shows…but maybe that blood had gun powder residue in it…or mucous so it could be proven it came from head. Hindsight is 20/20. I hope the jury is not fooled. I hope they truly are giving Jodi the presumption of innocence and MAKING the state prove that she planned it.
Yes, this!!!
How to hire a witness 101:
1st: Make sure they have the credentials for the inevitable “why should we believe you” questions
2nd: Make sure you double check the answers for #1, so you dont look like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest, when the jury finds out they lied.
3rd: Make sure they are personable, so the jury likes them. If you take the stance that “the jury doesnt have to like them, be sure they have an “extreme” amount of credibility, to offset the lack of humanity the witness has. This would make #2 very important to check on, if they lack compassion.
4th: If the witness has a reason to lie, make sure they DONT. the defense will inevitably produce there own witness that will bite, chew and spit out your witness, when they do lie. Remind your witness that they will be testifying for JM, not the facts, which means the witness will be expected to say whatever the state wants them to say.
5th: Have more than 18 birthdays.
6th: Make sure the witness hidrates BEFORE the trial.
Yet another great post, Sirlips….!!
LOLOLOL sirlips!
LMAO ,Sirlips!!!!!!
I love how the defense team dresses. Today blue and pink only the opposite gender. Just like all the people who think Jodi will be found guilty. Just the opposite is going to happen. Hope this trial will be over soon, but I am going to miss JW.
Agreed, I am so going to miss Jennifer & Nurmi
I kinda got the dress code today…as red, white, and blue…
Patriotic and American…Go Jodi Go…In God We Trust…
Nurmi is wearing a medium salmon color dress shirt (red dye mixed with white dye equals medium salmon color)…with a wide tie that the background is mostly reddish, with some bluish colors and some gold colors…
Ha Ha! The brain diagram martinez tried to bully Samuels out of using during trial during pre-trial interview!
I love JENNIFER! She is about to bat a home run with
the brain injury!
Grand Slam YES!!!!!!!
She is so brilliant…
Hah! She is getting in medical testimony as well with this doc. Interesting….
Dura mater,dura mater,dura mater!!
Go Jenny!!!!!
This is so freaking morbid but I am so freaking fascinated!!!
Slam dunk. Horne discredited. Maybe he should stick to dead people. They are quite incapacitated.
Another doc bites the dust…………..
LOLOLOL!!!!!! 😀
two birds, one stone.
Brilliant 🙂
How nice that comcast picks today to have issues.
I know! My feed keeps acting strange. :/
Hope JW is taking Doc G where an amazing proof will be exposed. The dura mater would have left TAs head and face swelled like the micheline mans before 5 days.
George is home!!!! 🙂
Bless all of you who sent messages, prayers, hope and suggestions.
Sorry for posting that as a reply – meant to post as a new message.
That’s awesome sz!!
((((Hugs)))) to you and the kitty!
I’m so glad!
WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!!Great news sz,see?we told you not to worry!!!!! Give him a huge hug from me!
Hugs him then ground him……
sz !!!! I am SO glad! give him a kiss for me!
That’s wonderful!!!! I’m so glad your kitty is okay!!!
yeah !!!!
YES! Patients NOT incapacitated by frontal lobe bullet injuries! This Dr. IS a HERO!
Correct. He would not have been incapacitated with that injury. Which wasn’t even visible to good old Dr. Horn.
OMG did you see Jodi’s face when they talked about the brain going in and out?
Her eyes got really big and she looked really freaked out…
Totally understandable AND heartbreaking.She is not a clod blooded killer.all this must be devastating to her.
It’s a bit crazy the live feed is messed up on today! A great day for the defense regardless of what shit kermit will try to force down the jurors’ throats.
BeeCee….how are you doing your live feed…I have had no problems with mine…
It’s getting soooo frustrating.It momentarily freezes and goes a couple of seconds back.Deep down I want this to happen on verdict day so we can get to re-hear not guilty more than once.
I must say this man is very learned and everything he says is spot on. Nothing can be impeached with this fellow. He is excellent!!
I bet Juando is taking notes…he sure is quiet…no more objections yet…the judge must have put him in timeout on his lily pad for a siesta until it is his turn to question Dr. Geffner…
spoke too soon…he just objected…and approach…
FROM JOEY JACKSON’S PAGE (Admin posted this):
Wow…..what a great nap I had……zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Did I miss anything? Please tell me I didn’t……wait, that’s not correct! I had my headphones on ……I could hear, I just wasn’t listening!!! Bless these juror’s heart!!!!! I’m thinking the defense has done more damage today…they’ve heard all this…..they GET IT…..they are smart…….and they’re ready for closing arguments.
I’m thinking they are going to resent all of this doctor’s testimony. I’ve worked the court system for years….and there’s such a thing as ‘alienating the jury’ and the defense has had OVERKILL on this. Let ’em continue! They’re shooting themselves in the footl
Okay guys…..CONTINUE TO RUMBLE!!!!!
*This pos needs my boot up her ass.
Wth? I thought Joey was a defense atty? Wonder how he would feel if his defendant was getting the shaft this way? All these talking bobble heads….they have to disparage Jodi otherwise all the sheeple will hate them.
Most of the defense attorneys have all forgotten what that means.
The talking head ones. They can’t wait for Jodi to get 1st degree.
I like Dwayne Cates. He’s the only defense attorney that is for real.
Haven’t seen him in a while though.
The over kill is jaun calling for a rebuttal! Tell him about it.
This doctor had to come after what his great expert said about Jodi.
WHY, WHY, WHY are the talking heads wanting the closing arguments?
What if the jurors want to ask 100 questions?
It isn’t in your hands.
Go take a nap for a few days.Basse
He’s pulling that 703 bullshit again.
Anything to keep the truth from coming out.
Of course JM on cross will try and impeach this doctor’s testimony because he isn’t a medical examiner or an M.D.
Well, of course he will! LOL!! I hope the jury is savy enough to realize (like most reasonable people) that you can be an expert in topics like this and not be a MD.
he is describing what jodi described that she was sitting or down low taking photo and the gun shot came from above so someone shot him in the shower and then knocked her out when she came to she was in a state of shock to see the intruders and tried to help travis
I love this guy!!!!!!!
Wow this is amazing that this witness can testify about the ME report as well.
A true expert
Not that it will ever truly surface even if . . but the possibility that Jodi did not use a knife at all . . TA was alive when she left the house. If I’m thinking that, surely others do too and Doc G kinda confirming . .
This guy is as sharp as he looks. He’s smoking on both subjects.
Juan Martinez does not stop and think he just twirls
like a teacup at Disneyland.
Jennifer stops and thinks carefully before she speaks
She freaking rocks
I love how she is getting two birds with one stone!!!!!!!!
Horn is horned (in the old sense of the word where horny comes from)
Al – are you happy again with today’s testimony on the bullet wound ??
BeeCee…I am posting her for you to see…
I used to go to google and click on az central link…and I would be watching it and it would freeze up…and I got so fed up with it doing that over and over…
Someone posted the wildabouttrial link above a long time ago….and I never had any problems anymore…wildabouttrial is a person who goes into the courtroom each day and airs it on az central…I don’t why it works for me better this way…it just does
OMG the dura mater was intact!!!! This is HUGE!!!!!
FINALLY! I waited all the way through the defense’s case for them to put on an expert to say a bullet could not have passed through the brain if the dura mater was intact!
Dr Horne’s report indicates there was NO hemorrhage which indicates there Does NOT appear to be damage to the brain itself! AND Horne’s report that the Dura Mater was intact! YES! This ROCKS!
Ha ha I was just commenting on that too! I hope this stands out to the jury, too!
Woah… the ME’s report said the dura mator was intact?! This, to me, is a red flag on horn’s testimony.
Yes, cindyp! A big red lying flag!!
Wow….now that truly is a BOMBSHELL! No way his brain was puncture with dura intact!!!! I hate these lying prosecutors. Why make it worse for Jodi……what purpose does it serve? Besides their own agenda
Love the dura mater.
why oh why does she have to approach all the time..can’t she just let him testify??
I guess the truth is too much for these asshats!
Here comes the slices of pudding? lol
I will never eat pudding again.
roflcopter 🙂
I can’t anymore of. HLN.
Spacial relations…explains the blood on the walls…
Gee, the Alexanders have their whole freakin’ clan there today.
Yes and Sam the cop apparently understands brain functions since she is smirking so openly. Judge should ask her to leave.
Yeah, it looked like she was laughing a few minutes ago. Sick.
They’re probably all sneering and rolling their eyes.
You know it, Theresa!
Could Sista’ get any more dramatic with the eye rolls??! man.
I feel like she watches the camera and every time it goes to her she has to roll her eyes if its not what she wants to hear or cry dramatically
Did you see TA sisters’s fucking face?
what a fucking bitch
Maybe she’s doing some additional poses for the Flores family sing along Part II on you tube…the Mormon version of the VonTrapps perhaps, staring the smirking Alexanders?
Yes I did see that face she made.
I was like, right, keep on pretending this isn’t true.
The evidence doesn’t lie!!!!!!
Josh dear please be kind, we shouldn’t disrespect her just because she has chiseled features that would make a Lipizzaner proud in an equestrian display.
Eyes are rolling again.
Aren’t they always, Al?
Smirk some more why don’t you bun-head
Why in the HELL does the judge allow the family to act the way they are acting. Jodi’s family would have been barred from the proceedings!!! This is so ridiculous!
I agree.
TAs cop sister should stop smirking. Knowing that if she has to ever shoot someone in the head that it might not stop them may save her life one day.
WHY is Samantha rolling her eyes?????Is she MORE educated or informed on the matter than the Doctor himself? W T F ????
I’m so sick of them all….
Denial and hate have completely overtaken them.
They truly are screwed up mentally.
Tonysam, your words reminded me of something I always think about when I see/hear about the travis taliban; I see the old wrinkly evil guy from Star Wars watching and saying “yes, let the hate consume you!” Always tempted to get that for an avatar and go to the hate pages and post that line.
lol cindy!!!!!!
that so appeals to the geek in me 🙂
I’m really behind here – I just posted a similar comment below! lol But, I know! She is making an ass of herself, imo.
If I were a juror I would take this very seriously and I would NOT appreciate the antics of this family. They are showing a complete lack of respect for both the process and for experts who are a necessary part of the process. I think things like this would probably come into play when I was making my decision, even if they are not supposed to.
Did you just see Samantha show a smirk and shake her head back and forth in a “no” fashion…
As the camera scans the TA side, I see skye hughes trying to ‘evil eye’ the jury while sister alexander rolls her eyes at the doc’s testimony – LIKE SHE IS SO MUCH SMARTER! LMAO
I know right?? Trying to facially argue with a man who tops her in character, education, experience, and class.
Dream on kiddo. haha
Samantha Alexander really is an immature idiot. She needs to put a bag over her head.
She probably has borderline personality disorder.
OMG Jennifer W. is asking about the type of bullet???????? I am thrilled! I am just ecstatic!!!
I hope this will not go against the defense because so far they haven’t point out that Travis was shot with a normal bullet what is not a with a hollow point
I haven’t seen Jodi’s family roll their eyes so obviously during testimony like the TA family………
The Arias family has CLASS! The Alexanders may as well be dirt underneath the feet of Jodi’s family.
”so obviously”?
Jodi’s family has NEVER misbehaved during testimony.
Doesn’t this judge have any rules about demonstrative behavior. Belvin Perry would have had her in the hoosegow making little rocks out of big rocks by now.
The TA clan would have been OUTA there right off the bat!
The bullet didn’t fragment.
Can you imagine Thanksgiving at their house? Freak show, everybody making faces.
Grrr… Stop rolling your eyes, Samantha!
WHEN did YOU study gross anatomy or physiological psychology?
Uh-huh: I THOUGHT not! 🙄
Hi Sable! 🙂
I think I may have greeted you on previous page, too. 😀
no “error” message was displayed…just BLANK! For over an hour!!!
OOps Sable…that reply was to MB re this page going down…don’t know how it got here…
Anyway, yes you said Hi this morning but I figured I would reply to you here because the page changed to the afternoon and i thought you may not see that reply 🙂
I’m sick of her rolling her eyes and the brother’s sneer
She’s an immature little bitch. Par for the course with that family.
Deanna looks twice the size as the dried up sister…
she should have chosen a different seat….
I don’t mean this to be snarky at all, it is merely an honest admission: Deanna reminds me of Raymond Burr (in his younger Perry Mason days, not as Ironside) in drag.
I mean, really, she has beautiful eyes and so did Perry!
that bitch just 🙄 her eyes bitch go home you need to get a life and get out of jodi bitch how dare you do that in front of the jury when the doctor is describing the bullit damage and the fact travis is still alive and walking around and the chris and sky hughes are the ones that you show be 🙄 your eyes at bitch
Yep. After having the Hughes email read in court stating that they would not let their own sister date Travis…they still associate with the Hughes? crazy man.
Lack of foundation, my ass!
Isn’t he there to in fact “rebutt” the ME’s testimony?
Kermit is left with nothing…..just nothing!!! WTH is he gonna ask Dr G.????
She’s overplayed her phoney self .. tears to sarcasm expressions. Doc G is even covering questions that JM must have to be erasing off his hotepad. Must be rough dealing with self inflicted humiliation about now.
JW: In your opinion, is Dr Duhmarte a quack? Yes or No?
Dr G : Yes.
JM: Objection! Hearsay ! He never heard her quack!
This guy did a great job. Only thing Juan can challenge is that he isn’t actual ME. Not sure it matters since judge allowed him to speak on the brain.
I bet his first or at least one of his questions is going to be ”Are you allowed to perform a surgery?”
LOL! Yes, with a psychological scalpel.
Kermit just can not sit down for 1 minute!!!
Enough with the goddamn objections!
The jury must see by now that when the truth is being told the siblings roll their eyes and sneer and Juan starts screaming his head off.
It’s actually a GOOD sign. LOL But really, the judge has from the very beginning let this courtroom get way out of control. My teachers had better order in school.
I don’t think the jury can see those details. They are very distant from the audiance. It is a huge courtroom. I heard one of the talking heads say that a while ago – that it is a huge room and it is hard to make out details on Jodi’s face when she was testifying.
lots of sneering. They forgot the onions for the frontal lobe part of the testimony, took them by surprise.
You can tell how well this witness is doing by the degree and frequency of Samatha’s (and brother) eye rolls. If she continues, I am convinced that she will end up with an eyeball sprain!!!
JW and Dr. G are knocking it out of the park! Wow, what an awesome job. Great to go out with bang.
No pun intended and no disrespect meant..
HAHAH I hope Samantha has to stay home for the next few days due to eyeball sprain!!! LOL
Based on my opinion…
Here comes JW’s SLAM DUNK!!!!!!!!!
She is freaking amazing on handling Dr. Geffner today
covered all her bases and made she she covered stuff that
JM would bring up, ( cause she knows him oh sooooo well )
Standing Ovation for Jennifer!
Standing Ovation for DR. G
beyond smart & classy
He’s a Texan and you DON’T MESS WITH TEXAS!!!!!LOL
TA’s family should now be removed!!! Unacceptable behavior! Jury can see them!!! They have already been warned!
Have they been warned?
the judge does not give a damn she is on JM side she knows that she does this and lets her do it hopefully the jury saw it and thinks she is a bitch and should go home.
The judge hasn’t done a thing about it in all these months, I don’t suppose she’ll do anything now. Let’s just hope the jury sees them as I see them. When they make faces, they look even more like the Adams Family than they normally do. Also, their faces are like a truth barometer. When the defense tells the truth, they start sneering like vicious animals.
I believe they were reminded in open court but judge was talking to everyone in the “gallery”
YES!!!!!!!! BAM Tot Doc!!!!!!
BAM, just BAM !!
lets say a hail mary that the doctor can continue to testify that the baby doc did a bad job that blow job bitch of a judge I would love to see her getting a good ass fuc**** from the ones that believe that this court is full of shit
So he’s basically saying Baby Doc is a moron.
Which we knew but now the jury knows for sure.
certified moronism by an expert with two diplomates.
An appetizer of Dr. DeSnarky…main course of MEat-on-a-stick.
Wait he answered yes that she had understanding of the tests?
Frickin’ dropped feed! sounds like a skipping record (how many of my friends out there remember records?!? 🙂 )
I do!
me!!! lol
Mine did this too! Dang it!
yup 33’s 45’s and LP’s
I would say JD should be sent to summer school for additional course work in order to understand testing among other things. Perhaps a class in compassion wouldn’t hurt either.
I would suggest JD go pole dance at The Crazy Horse in Vegas.
She would def be a (((highlight)))) there…
I wonder if the “eyeroller” “smirk mouther” is the sister that told katiecoolady that Travis has been coming to her for years in the FORM OF AN ELEPHANT…katie says that one of Travis’ sister had an idea where Jodi had thrown the GUN….they decide to go look for it on that weekend of 3-16-2013…and katie said they should trust the sister’s feeling 100%…no matter if it makes sense or not…this is the sister’s SOJURN…so they head out with the METAL DETECTOR to look for the GUN…she said this sister had never seen Travis’ home before…
An elephant??? Really? I hadn’t heard that. That’s frickin’ hilarious!!!
An elephant??? How weird!!! Does she actually SEE this elephant?
Hell….this trial don’t make sense!!!!!!
You just reminded me of that quote from Charles Manson, “No sense makes sense.”
I am way behind due to computer failure, but Samantha and brother are really awful. She thinks she knows more than this doctor. What fools they are. They never knew their brother.
Yep .. we can see it coming, the old trick of not being qualified to make the diagnostic because we are not the surgeon. Dumbass . . where the hell the surgeons get their knowledge . . from people like Doc G. We all can supervise a job we can’t physically do and some can physically do a job but not mentally process how to unless instructed. JM gonna lose again and should concede to try and save what career he has left with some dignity by just stating the facts that this trial is out of control
Oh is Juan trying to make him stupid because he isn’t a surgeon or coroner? Good grief. He is the research expert, not the medical doctors!!!!
PATTERNS….that’s my new fave word
my word(s)…….”may we approach”……geeeeesh!!!
Is tonight the night they’re not going to stop until they’re done, or is that tomorrow?
Really! So they could go ’til like 6 or so?
BAM…..Homerun!! Out of the park!!
OMG….it’s on!!!!!!
BRAVO Jenny and Dr. G. !!
Here we go. ehh 🙁
NOOOOOOO,Kermit time!!
OH GOD HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!!!!
grab your ear plugs and break out your rusty razor blades
here comes JM’s screeching voice
another reason to kill yourself
took my aspirin already….
HA I was just thinkin’ Oh F#%king Hell here we go again, dumbass can’t even ask a relevant question!
grasping at straws now..hate that f….er.
Here we go………………
Already talking chyt!!!
FUCK OFF TROLL.. he is trying to bring in the rotten stuff….
OMG is JM going to jump up and strangle DR G?
WOW he’s fucking pyschotic
and the “overruled” starts
So Baby Doc is not a hired gun? Keep digging Juan.
”You were nothing more than a hired gun”
When JW brought up Dr. DeMented’s pay, JM screeched, “ARE YOU RUNNING A CHARITY?”
More bullshit from JM.
Oh how I hate that man! Dickwad!!!!
We knew it was gonna be ALL personal. He has no where else to go!!!
How disgusting and petty is that?
if this idiot doesn’t get some punishment for his behavior in court, something is very wrong with AZ
I agree. The judge should have made him go wash his face in cold water MONTHS ago.
They are all hired guns–nobody does this for free!
Is Nurmi smiling?
He is indeed. So is the Dr.
thanks jeff
got out my magnifying glass and looked at his mouth…he is not really smiling…just has his lips closed…
he must have been smiling just right before I used the magnifying glass…
Here we go again what a total asshole…….Why is he allowed in a courtroom?
Why is he allowed on the planet?
I think he’s just the right height to jettison to Mars.
Too bad there’s going to be 3 other people tortured by his attitude.
This is like that damned Snow White shit.
His tone makes me literally cringe. Words cannot express my loathing.
My hatred for this mofo is white-hot.
“Are you done reading it YES OR NO?”
“Let me have it BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Love it, JM’s last performance and he’s going SO OVER THE TOP
it’s hysterical.
Pretend this is a comedy and laugh everyone cause JM is freaking
Listen to his voice, he is soooooooooooooo ANGRY
I love Nurmi’s smirk
it has “Go ahead JM hang yourself with all the rope you need” all over Nurmi’s face
LMAO!!! “that would be Texas, not Hawaii.” LOL!!!
Going to DICK smack JUAN…..
I think he went to a separate law school just to study being an asshole……….
child custity case has nothing to do with a DP case and a test that was given and the results were wrong what the hell is he up too. lets discredit him
Dang, Martinez is so rude! Yes or no! calls him sir, and not Dr.
When one has NO case, NO facts you get personal!!!
Dr. G has to correct JM….he is rattled. Rude and disrespectful…..this will leave it’s mark.
I’ve chosen today to shut off JM…just more BS perry mason wanna be…I’ve heard what I need to hear. Dr. Dumbass is a quack, and her testimony should be thrown out!
YAY for the defense, great job today!!!
How in the world ANYONE can withstand JACKASS Juan is completely beyond me!!!!
What gives him the right to talk to anyone like that? It is unbelievable. Shut the fuck up.
he is already sounding fuxking mad….
Exactly where is he headed with this…………….
That’s what I want to know…Bystander….
He’ll make up all kinds of lies and the judge will do NOTHING. He’ll yell and scream like a jerk and the judge will do NOTHING. We’ve seen this for 4 months now.
Mr Martinez, the judge was paid by the father. Need I say more?
I wonder who researched this Dr. for him….hlh???
If I could shoot JM from my home in London it would be a crime of passion. If only it could be that easy to fire into my laptop, I’d aim well.
THis guy is going to give JM a anurism. JM’s head is going to spin 3 times, he will puke across the courtroom and start crawling on the walls and cieling. this is going to be laughable. Nurmi may shit himself.
sirlips…you musta watched a sci-fi movie during lunch…LOL…
I just keep reminding myself that Jenny will have her time with the Dr again.
Did JM just say Plethora twice?
Omg I need a drink
Catching up…. How is Dr. G responding to Juan’s aggression ?
He is COOL and COLLECTED. And respectful, even though JM is being a little dick.
I knew he was going to attack him on his past testifying. Because he has nothing else to attack him on.
Juan’s a bit thirsty today.
So what JM .. Doc didn’t defend Jodi once .. all he did was explain facts about matters surrounding the case she’s involved in. There was nothing biased so to discredit his former cases based on the mother requesting evaluation without the fathers permission doesn’t mean squat. Geeeze Yanno .. any juror that sees things like JM needs their head examimed.
They wanted objective testimony, the defense gave it to them and they’re STILL bitching.
Yeesh there is no WINNING with those people!!! Especially martinez
JM is just pissed because he can’t use his usual dirt ball stragedy on this doctor. Can’t accuse him of being in love with Jodi, never met her, didn’t give her any gifts, didn’t diagnosis her, and he’s having a temper tantrum! I’m just sitting back and loving it…JW did an excellent job covering all the bases, JM can’t figure out what to do except this….
Here we go with ALV
I can hear it now . … “you have the hots for AL”…
“Do you have feelings for Alyce??”
Please tell me he did not ask this
He didnt have to… he implied…
Go ahead Dr. G LAUGH some more at him , make my day again!
Poor angry little man having a conniption—he is so pathetic to this well mannered doctor
OMFG!! Judge Sherry is really a disgrace to continue to allow him to treat others like this! It’s beyond ridiculous and I hope he loses this case on that one fact alone!
What a …………….. (there are unfortunately NO words for this man as I have NEVER seen anyone treat others in such a manner!)
I wonder if he uses that same kind of passion in bed…
EEEWWWEEE GICK!! I threw up in my mouth!
Eww that is not a picture I want in my head… yuck!!
lol . . gives new meaning to jerk off
He probably shouts his partner into orgasm.
Ewww. I’m gonna barf!
hahahah, you made me smile
He probably performs like a jackhammer and yells afterwards.
But yea… ew….
I wonder if AL told the Dr. what a jerk Martinez is.
I knew he will bring ALV…what a piece of shit he is !!!
When you know you don’t have a premeditated case, you try the smoke and mirrors crap.
What an insulting bastard.
Such a nasty little man!!!! Get to the facts of this case!
LOL Doc .. make JM keep guessing
Is this a cross examination or an inquisition?
Holy Inquisition,burn everyone at the stake!!!
lmao keep guessing Juan…roflmao
he is getting away with his shit again that case has nothing to do with this case consering one little young doc that said what she said because JM wanted her to say that we need to all come together here to use all our prayes and thoughts to get rid of JM dam that judge I see now why jodi is looking the way she is today she knows she can not fight the hughes and JM and flores and deanna and the travis family and the kkk clan and the PPL and the media I just hope the tarot cards were write and the jury is questioning all the back and forth shit and they give here a little love and will not put her to death and the fact that we will be victorious
“You asked two different questions.” :->
gotta love him….
“you can keep guessing, or i can just tell you….” LMFAO!!
Well, hopefully the Alexanders will all have sprained faces tonight and JM will have laryngitis.
Ha, Ha……sprained faces! That’s good! 😉
I may start praying again, just for that to happen.
God he makes my blood pressure rise……………I am dying here!
I would love to put marbles on the floor so he would bust his butt!
come on defence stand up for him and keep objecting to his way of questioning
So JM tried to mix to different cases together… Shady
I like the way Dr. G keep his cool. That makes the Kermit jumping even more…i hope he gets a stroke. Sorry, i am not a violent person, but I swear I hate this idiot.
Same here I am generally a very cool and calm person but JM could make me snap and go buckwild on his ass LOL
Me too! I know I shouldn’t but it’s hard.
Its extremely hard.
JM looks like a clown. Get the shoes, nose, and horn!!!
JM sounds like he’s gonna blow a gasket…take a chill pill, man!
This all about nothing . . JM grandstanding without foundation .. can’t wait to see the fall
The only reason he was a last minute witness is because JM’s hired gun brought up the BPD diagnosis.
I’m laughing my head off, JM is making a total ass of himself!!
He’s got nothing to say! 😀
I think he should quit his job and become a stand-up comedian.
But only the haters would actually pay to see him performing!
overruled again!!!!
I don’t think the jurors will like Martinez attitude and sarcasm .
Wow. Could he get any ruder?!?
Judger Pickles needs to to some butt smacking on Martinez and get him to behave toward witnesses!
I bet she gotta special paddle in chambers with his name on it.
And a leather outfit under that robe 🙂
LMFAO!!!! omg, now THATS a visual!!
I apologize. lol 🙂
I think its funny that all 3 defense whitenesses laughed at Juan’s antics being they all specialize in PTSD, abuse etc…
Like usual…juando is really getting nowhere…he ask the same chyt over and over and over again…frosty morn…
He has anger issues really. He has absolutely no class.
Omg this feed is killing me.. jumping all around!!
Good God!! That man is insane, he’s all riled up because his ‘hired gun’ was exposed for lying to the jury! He’s unreal!!
The judge needs to hose him down!!
send him back to his lily pad for a siesta…
facing the corner! LOL
who give a shit about floating profile has nothing to do with the text given and the results about time the defence is standing up for the way he is coming across the little jack ass JM hat his guts and if I was able to do voodoo I would do it now on his ass
exactly tonya….
and those other damn court cases has nothing to do with this court case…
OMG what a fucking spaz that prick is. Christ, someone make him stop pacing, that and the sound of his voice makes nauseous!
And then with the stuttering feed his rants are looping!
I can’t think of a person I’ve known in my whole life that I’ve found as irritating as Juan Martinez!
I think I am getting my first migraine!
You are hearing the sounds of DEFEAT!!!!
CanadaLinda, I believe you are soooo right. Let the hatred rear it’s ugly head one last time! lol
Martinez at the flying circus, are you all enjoying it? 🙂
i can just hear JM nagging at his wife and kids, You were supposed to do the dishes right? You thought i would come home and think i would forget right? I guess you thought this time i would not talk to you about it right? i wanna jump threw and hold him mouth closed so he will shut the fuck up.
I just hope to God he hasn’t got kids. Can you imagine? They would be terrified of his anger, they would never be able to do anything good enough. They would never be given a chance to explain, they would just be yelled at. Dysfunctional? I think so!!!
Same goes for Nancy Grace’s kids.
Only positive thing I can say about this case is that it is keeping these psychos away from their kids for months on end and that can only be a good thing. They are probably getting more love and understanding from their caregivers than they ever get from their biological parents.
I had to turn him off for awhile!!!
This is why I am concerned that the jury will just throw all this stuff out the window. I mean seriously, this prosecutor is abhorent and should be thrown out of court for his antics, but the jury may see him as excellent at what he does. I am appalled.
That little fucking goblin is FREAKED about the prospect of LOSING.
You’re right Basse!!
He’s trying so hard but getting nowhere.
Dr is keeping so cool. Maybe that’s why dick face is losing it.
OMG – JM is drinking more water than Baby Doc did !!
Can’t quit laughing….
Kermi is so small. So hyper.
He’s like an ankle biter that gets unnerved at someone knocking on the coffee table and rushes to the door to see whose there.
Kind of pitiful. lol
This man is being too nice to this douchebag. I have no words to describe this jerk. Nothing is good enough.
I wonder if the jury gets exhausted watching this little dumbass like I do. He’s running all over the place like an insane person!
He IS insane,cindy 🙂
😀 I second THAT! lol
Looks like Kermit may have caught DeMarte’s water gulping disease….Liars do catch that ,you know Kermit….Too bad for you.
Exactly…..he’s in gulping mode
WGLS: Water Gulping Lying Syndrome
Juan looks like he is winging it without anywhere to go? He is making a fool of himself. Goes after the wrong points.
this jumping around is driving me crazy, sometimes i here JM ask the same question about 3 times, more than his usual rants
I do not know how much longer I can watch JM…
I really try to be calm, but….. I get SO PISSED and the anger I feel is so toxic to me…
I know exactl;y what you mean Sable. I get so stressed by this horrible little man. But all I have to do is turn off my computer. Poor Jodi has to sit there knowing that this is the person who is trying to KILL HER.
True… 🙁
I shut him off, just reading here…when I listen to him, I feel like I’m being violated! Not worth it, I know Dr. Dumbass test results are shit, this REAL DR. just verified it.
I’m gonna celebrate tonight!! wooo hooo!!
Jodi needs a MEDAL not a trial. The poor girl.
He should carry a health warning. I feel stressed watching him.. and hearing that awful voice.. UGH
I hear you <3
Someone put anger pills in his water…lol…
I honestly think that JM has serious mental problem. He doesn’t belong in court.
ut oh JW is getting mad, kirmit better watch out
The goblin is so grapsing at straws and desperate they need to play DESPERADO in the background
des-pr-ahhhhhh-doh—- da dum dee – oh that reminds me, Renee, HOW did you make those musical notes symbols I saw somewhere when checking on over last few days?????
He took a document from the Dr. and had it marked. The judge asked the Stapler Lady something. Was it the exhibit number I wonder? I might have missed them saying an assigned number.
bringing out shady paper on BPD ?
I really want the APA to go after JM for his abuse of the profession of psychology
Asshole is driving me nut. This yes or no bullchyt!!!
Give it up Kermit & put on your own person that will give you what you want.
none of this shit matters jodi has not memory of what happened after she heard the gunshot and will not tell them what they want to here so they have to use the doctors to tell them that and that is hear say only jodi know the truth and she is not saying
whatever happened to badgering the witness . . this man was just supposed to explain the situation and technical aspects of the case at hand.. he did not defend the case . . but damn if he isn’t having to defend himself. . over nothing just like nude pictures that did not belong in this trial . . JM wants everyone else to like like what he is
Don’t you know Martinez, that not all published papers are worth the cost of the printer paper?
The Doctor invented “composed”. You lose, Juan.
Oh, I do so admire Geffner’s ability to smile indulgently at the shouting turd….
I haven’t been able to watch much of today’s testimony but from what I have seen and from the comments I’ve read here things are going quite well.
Hi, Joe!!!
I think so, so far.
Kermit is going to crap his pants soon if he doesn’t calm down. I love when this doctor smiles at him like poor little man
This is how JM’s brian works….
“Dr. Isn’t it true that I’m going to lose this case?”
Dr: “I do not have any knowledge of that”
JM “So you DO believe I’m gonna win this case, because im a rock star!, No more questions”
JW: “Objection, he didnt let the witness answer the question”
Judge: “who, wah…um…overruled, you may continue.”
Judges aid: whispering :”Ma’am…they are done…”
Judge: “its lunch time bitches!”
JM..to Flores: “Did you see how i got that guy to tell everyone I’m a rock star…fuck i’m good”. “wanna autograph?”.
LMAO – thanks, again! 😀
fucking judge dread doesn’t get badgering the witness
He is being a FUCKN BULLY…
I really don’t curse much at all…but that little angry man brings out the worst in me…LOL…
I only swear when its warranted…and its well over scale for the little prick!
He is TOTALLY OUT OF CONTROL of himself. He trying to tell the man how to read…..really Kermit….really!!!!
Juan Martinez is everything that is wrong with a prosecutor.
Hi everyone! I’m just getting on for the first time today. I have a LOT of catching up to do! :O
I have not seen Mr. Martinez as stressed as he is presenting today. He is very stressed and more rude and angry than I have seen and that is saying something!
I tend to agree with that………
JM is just an ignorant & clueless little fuck. There’s no other way to put it.
Team Jodi
I second that, SJ… I loathe hate and detest him, I’d lock him up and throw away the key..
So true!
What a sneaky weasel JM is. Hides the bottom so the doctor can’t see the symbols and then insinuates ineptness.
now he’s deriding his eye sight…take your glasses off Kermit and tell us what you can see and no he does not live and breathe to have this woman executed like you do.
Juan , I pity you .
No law school degree
No amount of money can ever get you … manners.
So now witness can’t read his f#%king notes!? I see the dumbass prosecutor getting ‘caught’ by the witness in a lot of ‘tricks.’ Once again, I hope the jury sees it.
He’s gone OTT this time, what an asshole.
He was born an asshole
Martinez won’t even let the Dr see the whole document that he (Martinez) can see then slams the Dr. for not knowing what Martinez is refering to! Unbelieveable!!
so the judge must have told him to calm down
Really – it sounds like he’s seriously pained over having to act like a decent person!
LMAO SirL . . This judge has no business to don the robe . . what’s goin on here is beyond obvious not to mention against all court and law ethics
I stand corrected . . actually this is the way law is handled today .. we’re just getting to see it live on media
Welcome to our Banana Republic
This takes me back to ALL the days Jodi survived under this kind of questioning and he could not break her. I am just amazed at her resilience, strength and composure.
I’ll always remember February 28th.Martinez was just inhumane to her.
Nothing but love and admiration for poor Jodi.
unfortunately it showed she had suffered a lot of verbal abuse. Sometimes she would even add to his insults upon herself, or would ignore them as if it was normal to be insulted and yelled at, sometimes she rebelled like a pro, and sometimes just cried.
If Jodi didn’t have PTSD, she sure will have one after this trial is over, and so do we.
Pickles must have told Kermit to “bring it down”!!!!!!!
Hahahaa,so you DO suffer from ”mania”,Kermit!!
I thought the same thing!
There is a difference between being a bully and being an asshole. The Puppet Master is an asshole.
MF stands for mutha fucka thats you Kermit
Guano Martinez lives up to his nickname.
Flings shit around to see what sticks.
10 minute recess….resume at 3:10 pm Arizona time…
which really means 345
Martinez has to pee it off. Drinking like a fiend
It’s probably not water.
That man gives me anxiety and I’m not even in the court room!
Sorry guys but I have to find something amusing in all this or it will make me too upset
Someone put this link up the other day and I saved it. It makes me laugh.
should have that music on when the great seal comes up
good one 🙂
Just think how many times Dr G. laughed at JM and made him drink some more.
I know what you mean
the judge just gave the dr a durty look
What does Goblin shit smell like? Cos something stinks in that court room!
Cheap gin and desperation.
I really do believe that Martinez has mental issues himself. Psychiatrist’s and Psychologist’s would have a field day working on him.
If I had someone is my family murdered I wouldn’t want Martinez to be the prosecutor.
I think it makes it difficult for the psych witnesses to focus on the case – they are too distracted by his issues.
I’d REALLY like to see how another Judge, a REAL one, would deal with Martinez.
Belvin Perry!!
Me too. I know how Judge Perry would – without a doubt put a lid on Martinez’s shit.
OMG I hope he does an interview and gives his opinion. I’d watch even if it were on HLN!!!
FUCK Juan, you can’t take one validity scale and tweek it your liking …. that is exactly what Dr. DeMarte did ………. then try to find a peer reviewed article and pick out a paragraph to your liking if FK-ed.
Not letting the Dr finish answering his questions is unethical and this judge needs to get her shit together…………. a human being life is on the line. I don’t if she likes the DEFENSE or JODI, but by Godly do you FK job correctly.
This JUAN pisses me off…………. dirty slime ball, twisting and turning shit around….. GOD I only hope the jury is smarter than JUAN..
Hows everyone doing?! Haven’t posted I been busy with family, but im watching the trial and Dr Gaffner is doing an awesome job! I loved how he said it is the JOB on the evaluator to go behind the symptoms; to figure it out and NOT disregard it like “wanna be doc” did. How smart does SHE feel now?
Oh, I also removed my gravatar photo. That asshole from “The Truth” website took some snapshots of slme of out comments (mine was one of them), to talk shit and I didn’t like how my picture ended up on that stupid website WITHOUT my permission!
Yep, LC I saw that he did that to you.
Yes, they clearly have no respect for the rights of others.
We miss you LC 🙁 Come back when you can!!!! <3
We DO miss you LC!!!!
One more thing, I have no faith that Sherry Stephens is going to do the right thing when it comes to jury instructions.
me neither.I dont trust het AT ALL!!
Not at ALL Maria.
Some of the haters are even saying that Juan needs to settle down some.
Well yeah!! … because it’s obvious he is losing it. He can’t intimidate this witness … he has remained centered and focused..
I’m dying to hear the jurors questions!!! They always give insight. I hope the ask nicer questions to this whitness than they did the other 2
Did we ever find out if JM gets to bring Hayes in?
And if so, are they really going to keep going until she’s done?
The GOOD news is, JM is in panic mode because this DR. really made JD’s diagnosis invalid, and he KNOWS it. We should be very excited about this! I’m just sitting back laughing, he’s lost this case, and he knows it!
Yes, you are right, Melvis.
Perhaps I shall celebrate tonight too!
Sounds like a plan! Too bad your not in Seattle, we would celebrate together!! LOL
lol. 😀
JM is totally channeling a shitty magician: “My indignant-screeching is the misdirection from my words lacking any substance. Winning.”
If you all didn’t catch it the judge said this clock says 3:05 so set your watches to it and be back in 10 at 3:10 …. DUH it would be 3:15 not 3:10
3:10 to Yuma
How can ANY rational person not see that Martinez has issues?
Many observers are impressed with Guano almost never using notes, but truly he needs to in order to stay on track instead of running around like a chickenshit with its head cut off.
JW does have notes, and she is extremely thorough as a result. There are no gaps.
Juan is the biggest asshole I have ever seen, how does that judge let him get away with the behavior? To me he makes a fool of himself. He cannot stand to be proven wrong. If Jodi does not get 1st degree murder he will go crazy, he needs serious help. I detest him more than anyone I have ever seen.
What I notice that I find highly disrespectful is that he does not have the courtesy to call him Dr. The Defense Team always asks whoever is on the witness stand how they are. They are treated with respect..
Juan Martinez seems a tad bit upset today.
Poor thing
an understatement…(smile)
We’re back…Jodi’s smiling!!!
What did Jodi hand in to Nurmi or Wilmott?Anyone saw? Her face was so sweet as if she gave them a drawing…
has anybody found a live link that doesn’t jump back and forth
I would like one, too. This skipping makes it really difficult to follow…
wildabouttrial.com does it the least.
That’s a pretty good link.
Somebody needs to fix that crap.
Stan …have you tried this one…
I used to go to google and click on az central link…and I would be watching it and it would freeze up…and I got so fed up with it doing that over and over…
Someone posted the wildabouttrial link above a long time ago….and I never had any problems anymore…wildabouttrial is a person who goes into the courtroom each day and airs it on az central…I don’t why it works for me better this way…it just does
The Jury will clearly see how JM is trying to discredit all of the defense witnesses and they will think to mantelshelves: is it true that all defense witnesses are soo wrong i think it will make them think that it was just a mathod to discredit them not that they are actually wrong
I know – I was thinking that the jurors HAVE to be thinking…. hmmmm, so the one pro witness with 3 years experience (if you want to call it that) think she knows more than these three? Inconceivable!
To paraphrase Travis: Guano is nothing but a suppository with a heartbeat.
😀 😀 😀 Good one!!
Although I’m not glad to see that TA’s words are catching on 😉 lol
LOL! Hilarious!!!!!!! 😀
I bet Jm is presenting evidence the defence didn’t know about.
I wish Nurmi would “bitch slap” the little fucker.
fucking tricky little bastard..mixing up apples and oranges
Yeah but I like the way the doc catches it then calls him on it – for the world to see.
He just goes off on his merry little way, regardless of misleading the jury!
You seem to be under the mistaken impression that Juan’s gives two shits about truth and justice.
Gah. So much hate for Juan.
Why won’t he tell him which test scale the poor man is looking at??
JM is so slimy – I’m sure at least some of the jury is OVER his BS.
The jury by now has to see his tact and how disrespectful he is, which is going to lessen JM’s credibility as a procescutor damaging his case in the long run.
If Jodi isn’t aquitted after all this I’ll scream.
Surely the Jurors can see what an asshole he is?
Did anyone else lose this page for a while? I couldn’t get it to come up! I was freaking out!
That happens to me too sometimes.
No worries 🙂
MB, There was no error message…just a blank page for more than an hour.
This is so disgusting. Martinez should be reprimanded by a higher court. I thought he had nothing but he can spin shit out of whole cloth. Why would I have thought otherwise. I hope the jury finds his actions over the top as well.
Thats like saying all cats have 4 legs. My dog has 4 legs so my dog is a cat.
Yes exactly.
I was trying to find the right analogy and that’s perfect.
JM is NOT a psychologist, or a psychiatrist, and is so under-qualified to interpret results it’s not even funny. So why is he even trying??
Article must be pretty old. Anyone know when MMPI-1 stopped being used?
Here’s info about MMPI-2:
Wikipedia says the same thing: 1989 is when the MMPI-2 came into being.
Thx…long time ago
It’s so clear to me that this Dr knows his stuff. Slime ass is not hurting his credibility one bit. Trying to sound so clever but he can’t outsmart this doc.
This doc is one the top psychologists in the United States.
This Verbal Abuse from JM
& all the “Yes Sir’s” from Dr G
is getting a little kinky for me y’all
yes sir…it just shows who the better man is…yes sir…
I love that Martinez is not rattling the doctor’s composure.
Clarification: Fu_k face is not hurting the Doc’s credibility.
WTF was that???
”Cant answer that with Yes or No”
”Ok,then thank you”
I know right???
If this had been a short trial I’d be worried that the jury had fallen for Martinez’s bullshit. The fact that this trial is taking so long has really been to Jodi’s benefit in that the jury has to be sick of Martinez and is seeing through all the mud and bullshit he’s been slinging this entire trial and what an incompetent judge they’ve had to deal with.
Jodi is in good shape I believe.
“That’s language that doesn’t make sense”
Understatement of the century.
LMAO this poor psychologist…… This is the effect JUAN has on you….
He’s so clumsy yet sweet!
I know! He is adorable. He reminds me of my Dad, somewhat. Knowledgeable and wanting to be helpful and so down to earth. Except my Dad was not a psych expert but a dairy farmer. 😀
I know this little piece of shit was busy signing autogaphs, making book deals and paying people to hang out with him so he looked like he has friends, so I will repost my message to Juan, in case he missed it the first time…seems a good time…
To the prosecutor: I almost feel like this is a practical joke or a reality series on MTV where it involves real people but most of the drama is staged for entertainment purposes. Is this guy for real? Who hired this guy to yell at a defendant? Who asked this guy to manipulate the questions to get a specific response? Who decided this guy, above all others, should become executioner? I sure as hell didn’t. It’s not his job to “punish” her.
I hear Pro Pros saying things like “how do you expect him to treat a murderer”? What? Go back to bed, your mom is getting cold, hillbilly fucktard. I expect him to treat her like EVERYONE ELSE. She is not guilty until AFTER the trial is over, if ever. He is an officer of the court, if he doesn’t internalize this as a core belief, he shouldn’t be in that position. Is this part of his “master plan”? Somehow he will elicit a wanted response from the witness or the jury? We have a name for that, it’s called a “trick”. If you have to use tricks, then you should not be prosecuting murders, rapists, terrorists or jay walkers. I don’t care if it works or not. Your job isn’t to “make” a person guilty, your job is to prove a guilty person is guilty.
If this means that sometimes a guilty person walks, so that an innocent person doesn’t get convicted, FINE. I would rather release 1000 murderers than convict 1 innocent person. You don’t have to like this, but you also don’t have to live in this country. Pack your shit skippy, get on a boat, and head across the big pond to a place that doesn’t have these ideals. These are the ideals of a free country. If an innocent person gets convicted it is “society sanctioned murder” and just because I don’t pray to Buddha, doesn’t mean I don’t have morals or ethics. Murder is WRONG, and that would be murder.
(since the prosecutor doesn’t listen very well to long winded rants, I’ll shorten it up for him)
Mr. Martinez, I did not hire you to convict Jodi Arias. I hired you to provide facts that prove she murdered, so that a jury can convict her. You are NOT the jury. You are an officer of OUR (that includes Jodi Arias’) court, if you can’t do that, find a new job. You have a talent, its just not intended for this setting.
“I hear Pro Pros saying things like “how do you expect him to treat a murderer”? What? Go back to bed, your mom is getting cold, hillbilly fucktard.”
My sentiments exactly Renee’.
The fact is somebody low key like Jennifer Willmott is a far more effective attorney than Juan Martinez.
It should always be about substance, not style.
You got that right tonysam.
So true!!!
Usually, Martinez, it is RECOMMENDED to read instructions given with whatever gadget.
Poor man, I will spill my water too if i have to look at this little jerk and take all this abuse.
Why don’t they just give the witnesses an Aqua Fina bottled water…that would make more sense…instead of those little light weight styrofoam cups…
Oh poor Martinez…this Dr. made his baby doc look bad. No Martinez is pouting.
Does anybody knows if JM”s next witness was approved by the judge?
Finally some eye rolling and smiles on our side…
I loved that!!!
I had two live feeds on ,the one being behind and saw it twice!Awesomeness!!!
Maria you had.. JM in duplicate? O M G Isn’t one enough! lol
I always have two feeds on(just in case) but one is on mute 😉
Oh I see, when Jodi smiled, I loved that too 🙂
That’s a new one. “Can you read minds?” What a douche!
JW asked him about Demento saying there were NO summary scales for that test. Good Grief already! Build a bridge and get over it JM
What an effing BULLY!…JM should be ashamed…he is trying to dig himself out and he is SO effing desperate!
He should say I disagree based on my knowledge and experience.
Okay….I’m gonna have to turn him off again…..I just can’t listen to him……
LOL MONI…I was flirting with that idea as well.
I think I’m going to have to watch the cross on replay so I can fast forward. It is so painful to watch JM twist words of Dr. G. It’s raising my blood pressure!!!
I hope the Dr. wife has his beer cold for him when he gets home…he is going to need it to numb his headache…
or to make him forget his headache…LOL…
I’d give him a scotch!!
a back /neck massage
He gonna need something stronger then beer. Shot of Jack straight up…….and make it a double!!!!
Can you read minds, Sir ? Damned rude!
Did JM just FART?
was that a fart!!! (smile)
just for fun…frogs farting…
Thank you Truthseeker…I needed a break 🙂
go get the little prick Dr. G…
All Martinez does now is trying to confuse the jurors.
well if I was on the jury I would be totally pissed off that JM was wasting my time trying to trick the good Dr.
imo and some possibilities this case has variations of outcome due to due process/lack of/behaviors/ blah blah .. it looks good for Jodi. Hmm something could be up with the water thing . .not sure but feel it. Speaking of . . noticed JW does bottled water instead of court provided. LMAO with jms attempt being too wordy, the jury not grasping every freakin word jm thinks is so important. What a joke and the Doc doesn’t find it funny. . . glad Doc got out the “we” part because if his colleagues were with him, all of them would refute jms ignorance . . jm is a bully
If the jury believes Juan I will sell them the Island of Dreams off the Coast of Nowhere.
brilliant 🙂
Prosecutor Martinez: disrespectful, unprofessional POS.
is the video skipping alot for others?
which video are you watching…mine is not skipping at all…
mine seemed to pause for about 1 minute and now has stopped skipping back and forth hope stays that way
yes – to the point where it is difficult to follow sometimes. I’m using the wildabouttrial vid that was posted above and it is a little better.
Even Martinez’s mother must be getting tired of him by now.
lol omg tff . . she’d say “he’s not my kid, I didn’t raise him this way, something traumatizing must have happened” .. not to mention more than likely he was a victim of bullying/teasing/being left out during his childhood due to his “smalls” so he’s taking it out on the world.
I will have nightmares in the next couple of days…lol
the poor lady is probably sitting in a rocking chair in the basement while juan is trying on her party dresses upstairs.
lol lol lol !!!
I can see that too !!
This poor Dr has to have a headache
Listen…..y’all just let me know when the chyt is over so I can turn the sound back on……please!!!!
Geez… what part of ‘don’t reveal the questions’ doesn’t JM get? He looks like a fool, he’s way out of his league with this witness.
What do you expect? He thew TAs camera (evidence!) to the ground during testmony!
Listening to JM the phrase that keeps flitting through my mind is “prosecution through trickery”.
just for fun…frogs farting…
why dont they get down to it jodi will never get a fair trial the only way she will get thru this if the jury comes to the conclusion that something is very wrong with the back and forth going on with the doctors and the other people that have lied to kill jodi and just maybe one on the jury will show merch for her and they get a hung jury or they give her a lesser degree. It only take one………… 🙄
JM has lost it. He needs a shrink.
Keep shoveling the shit JM, from one pile to another…face it! YOU AREN’T GETTING ANYWHERE! You are NOT fooling me with your rude behavior. I will be outside the courthouse with my push cart selling headache relief and anti-anxiety meds…for anyone who is forced to listen to this crazy, nonsensical, maniac
JM, IMO you are a FOOL…I have a court jester outfit especially in extra small just for you! 🙂
I’d complain to the County Attorney his boss if I thought it would do any good. He is a huge asshole too.
I guess they are all in cahoots…and Assholes seem to be a common topic in this trial…something the prosecution is quite familiar with I gather.
“Keep shoveling the shit JM, from one pile to another” – – love that phrase! made me giggle because it is exactly what he is doing.
For some reason I’m picturing that little goblin from the movie Cat’s Eye.
MB, I never saw that movie…I need one of your helpful links. It’s been a long time… 😉
here ya go. lol
Gravatar Test
Gravatar is dedicated to the website “Just Da Truth”, HLN, ALL the haters and TA family!
Excellent gravatar LC!!!!
Lol thanks guys! FUCK THEM ALL!
LC love the gavatar
Awesome!! lol
I wonder how many questions are in the basket NOW?
Do we know if there are any yet?
I know there is at least one based on tweets.
Poor Jodi is going to miss dinner tonight…..
🙁 she looks so emaciated and fragile….
I’d love to be a fly on the wall when Dr. G and Alyce diagnose the liitle creep.
I wonder how Nancy Gross will twist today’s proceedings into a win for Kermit.
Seriously JM missed his calling as Rumplestiltskin in a movie. What an evil sick little troll.all huffy and puffy. I despise this fucktard.
I’ve seen some pretty hateful things said about Jodi’s family. I”ve seen some really hateful things posted on her father’s restaurant facebook page.
They’ve posted Jodi’s sister’s name, address, and telephone number online too.
Thank you, MB. That pissed me off.
Your welcome.
There’s NOTHING that we have said here that comes close to what the haters have done online.
I’ve said it once, and I guess I’ll say it again – if the pro pros want to come here bitching about what we say; they need to go back and remove EVERY nasty comment, EVERY nude picture of Jodi, EVERY fake and ugly review left for Dr Samuels and LaViolette and now Dr Geffnor; before even THINKING about coming here and raising a stink.
I don’t know exactly what this person said as I missed it before it was deleted, but in regards to the haters have said/done to Jodi’s family, I remember reading about how one of the haters called the 2-year-old daughter of Jodi’s sister a cunt and threatened her life. If that’s not fucked up I don’t know what is.
MaryMary………damn……I didn’t get the chance to tell you to kiss my golden brown ass. But should you return…..there your answer!!!!!
lol Moni!!!
Thank you for getting rid of the TROLL MARYMARY
SJ removed her – and both JC and I happened to notice that she was only posting to plug that blog link over and over again.
This isn’t the first time people have tried to use this web site’s notoriety for shameless self promotion, and there’s ZERO tolerance for that now.
When he wasn’t able to keep his link up, he went all pro pros like the hater he always was. I don’t believe that this poster is a “she” at all.
LOL,Moni same here!!
I didn’t realize that she was a troll…you can delete my comment below to Mary if it sounds too offensive…thanks…
I don’t think you’re offensive at all!
If SJ hasn’t removed your comment then all is good. 🙂
I don’t know what tree your hiding under, but the ARIAS family and JODI and her DEFENSE team have been torn to shreds all over the WEB. This site if for JODI supporters and we are as a VOICE for her. IF you don’t like what is being said, I would suggest you move on….
This trial has brought the good and the bad out in many of us. TA wasn’t NO FUCKIN SAINT.
Mary’s[quote]All the hate and bad comments about Travis’s family have to stop.[quote]
Answer…On the same token Mary you need to stop Travis’ family from making hate and bad comments on facebook and other websites towards people…
Mary’s [quote]I never see haters tear Jodi’s family apart and that makes all of us look bad when we’re the ringleaders in being juvenile and petty.[quote]
Answer…Just turn on tv Mary to shows like HLN…they tear down Jodi’s family daily and nightly…and Mary don’t forget to read on facebook how they tear Jodi’s family apart…
I don’t give a care for Tanisha…after she said that she “hopes to get to watch Jodi die someday after she’s on death row”…
I missed MaryMary’s comment.
Can you all tell me what the gist of her comment was?
Tricks not truth
Exactly…and as a representative of the people of Arizona he should be seeking the whole truth whatever that may be including pro-Jodi. As another poster said: he should be a Minister of Justice..he is only trying to win.
Hey JM (King Turd) and the rest of the TA (Turd Alliance)! In the immortal words of Ace Ventura Pet Detective—who’s actually a better detective than fish-mouth Flores will/shall ever be–LOSERS!!!!!!! GO DOC GEFFNER!! YOU RULE!!! GO TEAM JODI!!!!! GO!!!!
I love this Dr. G. Smart, experienced, humble, down to earth. Hope the jury sees this. I’m watching the azcentral feed, on the side of the page it says captured bear in Mesa will be released into forest. I’m shocked they aren’t going to kill it by lethal injection.
Martinez is desperate. He has to win at any cost. Like showing the DR. a website he (Martinez) printed out and trying to make the Dr. say it is on some researchers official letterhead.
I know, can you believe that shit? Prosecutor is a FRAUD
I changed my avatar, just checking
Love it…
I love it. He is calling JM on his tricks.
I cant blv this F judge! No!! No he cant review a document he’s being asked about?! File ANOTHER motion! What a fucking bitch!
JM keeps interrupting the witness and JW objects and is overruled! WTF? REALLY?
The way this is going….I’ll be watching this trial from my bedroom tonight!!!!
2 in the morning here……..
Dang, thats late
yep,sleep deprived throughout this trial months.When they found my dead carcass stuck on the keyboard will you tell Jodi I loved and supported her? LOL 🙂
Promise I will maria!!!!!:>)))))
Aww maria lol <3
Dang, JM is going overboard with his witness treatment…. You aren’t treating me the same way you treat with the defense team! \
fucking judge..asked and answered…yes it was.. and answered again..but overruled
She is …something else…grr
Stop beating the horse Martinez!
I hate him!
I have always been told that i read people well…in fact i have been told that i do it VERY well. I suppose that comes from the type of child hood i had…Anyway….
Watching the side bars, i can see that the judge is absolutetly biased toward JM and against the defense. You can watch her head shake in agreement, as soon as Juan starts talking. Her brows drop, shake re-clenches her hands and looks stearnly at JW/Nurmi as soon as they speak. When JW/Nurmi make a comment, she looks for Jm to give his answer, when JW/Nurmi make a “argument”. She is pandering to what she thinks JM knows.
This is a kangaroo court. If i were a lesser man…oh…if i was a lesser man…. (shaking head)
As i type this JM is now arguing with the witness about if he has the ability to answer a double negative, rather than just rephrasing the question. WHat a steaming piece of cow shit, dipped in piss and ran over with a lawn mower.
I love this Dr. He knows what Kermit is trying yo do.
Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial 6m
I haven’t seen any new juror questions since Juan has been up. There were a few from when Willmott was on direct. #JodiArias
Thanks, that sounds good
“Mr. Martinez, are you angry with me?” 🙂
Didn’t Dr. S try to refer to an article that JM objected to and his objection was sustained? How does JM get away with going beyond the scope of cross?
well at least all of the little pricks and the bought off judge ‘s dirty tricks should be grounds for a mistrial!!!
Smoke and mirrors.
And now a dead guy doctor knows more about brains than a live brain doctor. Got it asshole.
How many autopsies has he performed?? Arrogant little prick!
A control freak under stress of losing becomes angry and irate Mr.Juan a be.
And how!
I would ask for the credentials of the authors of that paper and who paid their salaries or grants, to look into how to use the test to diagnose BPD instead of PTSD….
Just because you have not done an autopsy you can learn the anatomy of the brain.
Quick question. I have never watched the trial on Youtube. Does anyone have a suggestion on a Youtube channel that is a good one? Perhaps one that they use or view often?
just hit Jodi Arias trial and a bunch channels will come up:eonblue,croquerqueen(maybe I mispelled the names)
Kat K
I like this site on YouTube. She posts them very quickly.
Thanks all.
Just make the screen big enough so you don’t read the idiotic comments underneath the video.
I’ve heard people post the name croakerqueen a lot.
Juan jumps from one topic to another to confuse the witnesses. I bet the jury is tired of his antics.
S**t, I’m tired!
yet wildabouttrial says:” Wild About Trial @WildAboutTrial
I like how Juan switches up his material. Always has new lines and catch phrases, like a good comic should. #JodiArias”
Oh we are on the bear and tiger now… We are at the Zoo and JM is the monkey in the middle
Lions and tigers and bears OH MY!
I wish that there were like buttons or actually love buttons, haha
Someone needs to photo shop JM in a munchkin costume.
They should photoshop him onto the body of one of the the evil flying monkeys…or the wicked witch of the west when she is MELTING……”I’m melting, melting…”
He looks like a rat to me – big, long nose, small eyes too close together, dark in color. Yuk
He totally looks like a rat!.
Try to undo the fact that Dr.Horne stated on the autopsy report that the dura mater WAS intact. OOOH JM avoided THAT…hmmmm
He doesn’t deal with the brain of a dead person, he deals with living brain injury patients and what defecits they may or may not suffer. He has seen it with his own eyes.
I love how the Dr keeps saying he’s adding words to his testamony
No way this is going to be over tonight!
JM has lost this case. He knows it. The haters know it. TA’s family knows it and the judge knows it.
That’s why he’s acting extra douchey.
god I need an antacid
i need a drink!!
Still have the sound off….just reading y’all’s post……just can’t take him this late in the day. At least if court resumes after the dinner break……I can be drinking some wine!!!!
lol Moni, have our rants been helpful.. 😉
Yes….thank you so much.
I need a ativan!!
Why did he go from the brain surgery to the bubble sheet ? He goes in circles.
an ^
My head is swirling!!!!
Shut up already you filthy toad!!
We can only be so lucky…
Gulliver, my results using website test you provided:
I(44) N(62) T(38) J(11)
Doc just discredited jms entire line of prosecution . . it’s fake/warped/twisted and nothing to do with actuals. Any juror that might have been on the fence might say the hell with this sob jm for trying tricks. People don’t like being treated like they might be stupid to find out that’s exaclty what’s goin on here.
OMG, he is now showing him pictures the man hasn’t seen before..WTH???
lol, even though everything Dr. Geffner was saying was re: what Dr. Horn wrote in his report. Seems like JM is just trying to use smoke and mirrors to deflect from the actual issue. His whole point about the pictures was just stupid.
This line of questioning is wrong. Judge should be taken off the bench.
YES!! absolutley I have never witnessed such incompitence!! She has let JM run the trial..maybe she is afraid of him? or what??
Ditto . . and if I had a case that was coming up before her in court, I would demand a different judge unless of course she was in my attorneys pocket which is always the case in a case.
it’s over
His testimony was about the brain and the report based on the coroner. What the fuck! Thank god he is off! I could not take another mi ute of this!
La la la la la Here comes Jenny!
JW is up…she’ll clarify everything for the jury! Little a$$hat sure likes to confuse them!
10 minute recess…
Well that was a complete disaster. I have no idea what the hell JM was trying to get at.
He didn’t know either…trust and believe!!!!
Hi Jeff in Mesa…I’m over in Surprise…
Hi RB. I’m over in eastern Mesa about 5 miles northeast of TA’s house. I’m hearing that it’s up for sale again & I’ve contacted my realtor so I can do a walk through when it’s possible to do that. Could be interesting.
Yes indeed, Jeff…I hope you will report back after the tour…
You bet I will. I’ll take plenty of photos.
make sure you wear a buttplug just in case!! 😯
Ahh…peace at last!
I like it when the judge smiles!
I am upset that Jodi won’t get food though! Very, very upset
I’m sure they make arrangements for Jodi to eat.
No. They can’t. Jailhouse rules where she stays. They are not allowed to feed her at all!
Poor creature…How is she going to get thru the day?
And you don’t think Pickles can’t change that????? Yes….she can. If there is a dinner break….Jodi will eat. Pickles said last week they will all be in court today until this trial is over.
No, the judge has no control ofver that issue. Unfortunately. I am not sure if you were around then, but we have posted about this for a couple of days, commenting how outrageous it was. It is outside her hands. It is a felony for anyone to feed Jodi.
I expect Sheriff Joe told Jodi to split her breakfast in 3 today.
I recall it being posted on this site several times that even if Jodi split her food, she had to be back at the jail by a certain time if she was going to eat.
Them making Jodi sit through JM’s antics and this whole
freak show circus of a trial and not giving her a proper meal
is inhumane
Nk….that would be the case on a NORMAL court day ending by 4:30 so she could get back to jail for dinner. This is not a NORMAL court day!!!!
Is it against the law to sneak her a snickers???
I thought the Judge could overule that……
Ugh. Unfortunately, not.
NK…where are you getting your information? Judge can make it a court order to feed Jodi in her holding cell.
Not sure about that. They can’t feed her in court. Additionally, the food issue is up to Sheriff Joe. Court cannot intervene.
thank god that is over and the jury thanks you too.
Did she say 10 minutes??????
Can’t wait to hear the jury questions.
I wonder what Jodi is looking at…maybe her Gramama?
I was wondering along the same…even if she yearned for a hug…
Sending Jodi some more hugs….
Yes she looks like she is yearning…so close yet SO far away…I am sad. 🙁
Did Kermit rest????? I can keep the sound on???????
YES!!!! Yippy!
Praise God!!!!
This is a Mickey Mouse bunch of people in this county of AZ. This judge and this prosecutor are horrendous and their whole system sucks. Can you not rule without a sidebar? Can you not cross examine without cutting off answers and making hypotheticals up? This is not allowed in most places I am aware of..at least not to this extent, is it?
Nancy H. The sidebars are as a result of too many “speaking objections” as for the other crap that is going on…something is foul in Denmark…IMO
Well. we’re in the homestretch. Hopefully this won’t take much longer. Then, it’s on to closing arguments.
So was JM not allowed to call Hayes? I asked further up but the posts have been coming too fast and no one answered.
Yes, I didn’t catch most of the day and would like to know as well about what happened to this other witness JM was going to call.
Not sure. Maybe not and that is why he was over the top today. Dr. G didn’t bring any new information in, he just rebutted Dr. DeMarte’s and Dr. Horn’s testimonies.
The judge may have said there is no need to bring in any new witness, that his 2 experts would just have to be enough.
Hope you’re right.
I’d like to think that might be why he got a little extra slack during cross…
but then, it was about par for the course, wasn’t it?
I haven’t made it to Juan boy yet and may skip that part altogether. I can’t stand the way he harasses people and throws temper tantrums..Disrespectful. He would probably bitch slap Mother Theresa and spray spittle all up in Gandi’s face if they didn’t matriculate exactly what he wanted. I think maybe he’s constipated and just needs a good bowel movement. Oh wait…he is the bowel movement!! I think the writing is on the wall. JM is full of shit!
There is mistrial written all over this case.
Yes there certainly is, the judge sustains because its against what the State wants: No truth here, we’re the murderers.
Can you somebody explain Juan Martinez to me?
On second thought please don’t…..
Seriously what the fuck was that????
Juan Martinez reminds me of a meth/tweeker who hasn’t slept for weeks on end…
His stream of conscious & the things he says makes reading Courtney Love’s blogs
look like Green Eggs and Ham
JoshDavis………there are no words to explain him………….
Excellent analagy . . yeah!!!!
There is actually a possible meth user in the court room, but I’m not sure it’s JM. There is one man (bald guy) who sometimes sits in the front row with TA’s sisters(he might be TA’s brother, not sure) who I have noticed sometimes has this motor tic with his upper lip. Meth was the first thing to come to mind, as motor tics like that with the mouth are a common sign of amphetamine intoxication. If the video stream was higher quality and we could see his the size of his pupils, then we could be more sure. I say this because when intoxicated with amphetamines, they user’s pupils will almost always be HUGE. Of course, he may just have this motor tic and it’s not related to drug use at all. But I understand there was a history of meth use in TA’s family, so it really wouldn’t be surprising.
Martinez – if you can’t impress them w/ your intelligence (he has none), baffle them with bullshit.
“he would probably bith slap Mother Theresa and spray spittle all up in Gandi’s face” now that gave me a chuckle, thanks.
“bitch slap” oops typo
I think I need to join an anger management group. I’m normally so leveled headed but JM pushes my buttons.
Do you think the jury finds him as annoying as we do?
It’s hard to tell, I know it much different sitting in court.
I don’t see how not—even a neutral party would find his repeated freak show snide bellowing annoying at some point.
Mary, I’m hoping that they do. And just for that, I kinda like the fact that he’s being such a jerk. It comes through.
Deed down in my heart. I think the Jury will not give him what he wants because of all the shit they had to endure on his account.
Much ado about nothing. JM is good at that.
Catching up where there questions from jury?
not yet.Still re-direct.
my feed is way behind……just went to recess.
what feed do you use?
seriously I hate to be disrespectful to TA family but
did you guys catch that camera pan of all them smacking on their gum
laughing, smirking and looking like
rejects from a John Waters movie circa 1977?
Trailer Park Trash !!!!!!!!!!
LOL! That’s hilarious! Yes, they are totally classless.
Who thinks closing arguments will really start tomorrow? Does prosecution go first?
Ah a man with integrity,
Hey! Where, oh where is ASHLEY??????????????????????
I did not know Deanna was in the courtroom!!!!!
Yep,been sitting there all morning and afternoon.Hughes are right behind her ugh!
Hughes should not be there. They are NOT true friends. (in my opinion). True friends would have come back from Cancun the minute they heard the news, not finished the trip then come back
Looks like the Dr was going to say something Martinez did not want the jury to hear! “Objection”
I bet Juan shat his dura matter out his arse a long time ago. lol Lord help me Jesus they are making me cray cray!
How guys I don’t have to watch the trial I can just read your comments …LOL what.. frickegon. AepSSHOLE
me too, its great 🙂
So…Tanisha gets Deanna to sit next to her in court….perhaps hoping that the jury will see that Deanna is on their side too…
I didn’t realize that Deanna was that huge…
This is kind of mean, but she reminds me of JVM who one of our brilliant posters has described as a woman dressed like a man dressed like a woman. =)
In other words, she looks kinda manly to me. 😳
How LAME is that?
Did you also see Sky and Chris laughing at sth they were looking at?Probably tweets?F**K em!Hate them!!!!!!!
Why wont the Judge let the man explain! It is clear that he can clear up what happened but she wont let Martinez look bad! Unfair!
JM was damned rude, JW pointed it out that JM wouldn’t let him speak.. and the effing judge allowed JM to carry on abusing the witness. WTF
If the question is not allowed maybe one of the jurors will ask the question.
Yeah, but Martinez can object to the question being asked and the judge can throw it out if she wants.
LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!! did you guys see Judge Pickles face frozen sideways with that hung jaw look on her
face then freaking in the bitchest tone of voice..”Aaaaaaaproach!”
I thought Jennifer was going the microphone
Is there a problem with the feed today where it keeps jumping back a few seconds and here and there and then jumping ahead? Or is this just a problem on my end? Just curious and want to know if I should maybe reset my connection.
Most of us have the same problem.Go to
Thanks Maria, but it seems like this link is jumping around too =(
How so?It’s been working fine for me.
It’s doing the same thing that I explained in my first post, jumping back a few seconds and then jumping forward. Thanks anyway though.
Been happening to many of us all day long…
From my husband and me: Is that the best you have, Hah-wan?
hahahah the judge resigned!!!
LOL! As a result that judge resigned…
Seems Juan forgot to mention that.
I wish this judge would resign
Kermit didn’t want that information to come out. What a lying asshole!!! twisting the chyt all up the suit him!!!
Hmmm the judge was kicked off of the bench!
Yeah, hmmmm. No wonder JM kept objecting, he didn’t want the jury to hear that part. Asshole.
hmmm Pickles was in a pickle too
Duct tape for his mouth please?
i hope you all caught Jenny’s expression on the last Objection!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXCELLENT!!!
was that her that popped the table with her hand…
She just said”HE opened the door”
GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KICK HIS YELPING ASS!!!!!
We need a screenshot of Jenny’s face for sure!
Maybe SJ will capture it for us on tonight’s new page.
JW said that he opened it up…
SHUT THE FUCK UP KERMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone invent an app to shut him the fuck up?
Haha. I would buy that.
Wow, so he took out a dodgy judge. Nice job.
Right Go Dr. G!!
Keep ‘jectin Kermi.
Let those jurors see your FEAR!
you are so funny
the jurors have to be seeing this the way we are
New Names for JM MINI ME he thinks this is all about him but it is not this is a trial
That is the nickname for the governor of Massachusetts.
Wow, Martinez looks a bit whooped.
Shut up Kermit!!! Get him Jennifer…GO GURL!!!!
Mr Nurmi…gotta love him! Did you see how he put his head back and took a deep breath…after all of JM’s objections being sustained I LOVE YOU MR. NURMI!
Yes…I saw that…enough is enough with Kermit!!! Stick a fork in JM!!!!!!
Hey Dorothy!How come you havent been commenting on his socks lately? Passion gone? 😀
🙂 Maria…I haven’t had a good look at them BUT I am sure he is wrapped in coolness
Kermit looks like he is going to cry!!!!!
hahaha that was a great shot of him all sad hunched over his desk. He looked kinda mad too.
Yep.whine, whine. He’s more than borderline, way way over the line.
Kermit looks like someone popped his balloon
Can you believe this? it is so ridiculous they are all laughing. it is not funny though. JM is a total jerk.
Definitely. I really hate attorneys who use objections to try and hide the truth.
Oh,my…He’s done so much more than that to hide the truth!!!
Definitely, it just annoys me to no end how he misuses objections to hide and twist the truth.
If looks could KILL….I am thinking, just thinking “someone” could be charged!
The feed keeps skipping!
what feed are you using …mine is NOT skipping…
are you clicking on this link…I use this one all the time and I haven’t skipped at all…
That’s the one I’m on…
JM head is tilted down and he looks over the top of his glasses…with left hand propped on his left cheek…he is constantly mumbling objection….objection…objection…
I think JM has to be a saint!!!
Shit. Jen W
saint what???
Saint Jenny Got Her Guns
mimi me looks defeated after JW got the point across that mimi me objected to
Omg!!!! Juan is such a shady man! This part JW cleared up about the article JM made me feel was the reverse
Regarding JM’s style I’m really beginning to understand the origin of the phrase “getting jerked around”.
Rock on Dr Geffner 🙂
Going home in 5 minutes……hold the “fort” down ’til I get home and log on!!!!!
she is now kicking kirmits but
Is there any way Juan could end up in prison? That would be sweet.
Don’t tease me.
I’d rather listen to Gilbert Gottfried debate a screaming banshee while running his fingernail down a chalkboard than to listen to one word uttered by the lying JM. I hope the jury feels the same.
I can’t wait for JMs CA. I bet he’ll ape Kevin Costner in JFK. “Do not forget your dying king……”!LOL
My feed has borderline personality disorder today
skipping all over the place.
my feed is not skipping at all…
I use this one all the time…and it has never skipped on me…
I’m on that (wild) and it is skipping for me…
That is the one I am on I have it bookmarked…
I just love this!!!
hahahah go Dr G !!!!
Just busted Martinez again for not presenting all the evidence.
this is the best day ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KERMI you have been SERVED!
we are over 1000 comments
🙂 Yippy!
I’m proud of us!!Wishing Jodi could see how loved she is!
This Dr. Is AWESOME!
Hi everyone…..too many to list……LOL LOL
((((((((Hi Janeen))))))))))))))
hey buddy ♥
My feed sucks all day. So sick of repetition & missed testimony!
Me too…will have to watch some on youtube later…
Dorothy…are you actually clicking on the link that I supplied for you here …or are you going on google and clicking on wildabouttrial there…
If so…then I experienced that problem a couple of months ago before I started using this one and only link that I supplied earlier that someone else gave to us here a long time ago…
I’m using AZcentral. This never happened before 2day
I clicked the link you supplied and it is still skipping for me… I wish my computer knew your computer’s trick! lol
I think my internet is just too slow….never happened before today
lol. I thought for a minute there that JM was gonna cry.
Jodi looks so pretty in that closeup shot they just did on her…
I want her to wear that cute white T-shirt on verdict day.Makes her look serene and….like Snowhite!
she is very photogenic…
Dr. G is brilliant…JM has finally met his match and has been called on his “tricks”. BEAUTIFUL!!
Omw! NG is having a field day with the Dr talking about the bullet hitting the brain! She would not even let JVM finish speaking cause she wasn’t saying what she wanted her to say.
So the bullet hit the brain or?
Whoops! I meant, not hitting the brain. Sorry, I’m following the trial today by this site & unfortantly by HLN right now.
NG and more of her bullchyt spewing her twisted lying version of the truth…
Omg Nasty DisGrace is flappin her jowls now…..and jenkasaurus is saying Doc G has been discredit…..wtf ever….
How was he discredited?
Gail, I seriously think HLN is not watching the same trial we are watching
NK, I don’t think the haters are watching the same one either. All the haters are posting that this witness was ripped apart by JM. I didn’t see that happening in the trial I am watching. Ugh!! They are so nasty!
She is saying because of the testimony in hawaii and tennessee…..now she is saying Jodi sold her panties…..dumb bitch! Jodi did not sell her panties.
They are bitchin because doc did not examine Jodi……but if he had they would accuse him of wanting to do her…..no pleasing these pigs.
I cant watch the feed and Nancy makes me ill so I wont watch her but what about Hawaii? From the sounds of these comments it was a really good day!!! What is she talking about discredit?????? help please or is there somewhere I can go and read the transcripts from today? thanks
He doc G testified in 2 cases and some of his testimony was thrown out and called unsubstantiated.
They all are for the prosecution and with their own personal inputs they’ll make anything good sound really bad…when in fact if JVM had listened to the defense side they would have learned more important information…
But lo and behold…I forgot…they don’t want to know important information…they just want to get a “tidbit” of the truth and run into their camera room and blow it up like fireworks on the television screen…and smile and show their pearly whites as they spew this twisted truths into our homes…
HLN is melting down…NG just said that “since Dr. G did not meet JA, you could put a turnip or cabbage on the stand to testify”.
Well, this is the most accomplished witness I have seen…
NG, call him what you will, it does not change the FACTS and his testimony!
I am lov’n this….
so she has turnips and cabbage on her mind tonight…maybe she had that for supper tonight…and hopefully her mike want be on if she farts again like she did that other time on live tv…hmmm…
Yes, Al, My dog is a cat because it has four legs too. Cleared up.
The dura mater wasn’t even punctured!!!!!
Yay! He said it!!
And we KNEW that! I hope Dr Horn has his foot in his mouth right now,F**k you!!(although I’m still not over my crush on him,LOL dont shoot me!)
Sometimes ugly things come in pretty packages…
DR G & JW is firing on all cylinders
taking us all home!
Dang, did Doc have a Redbull on break?
HAHAH agreed he’s on a ROLL
probably adrenaline from holding back from JM’s
batshit crazy antics
Allowing the witness to actually finish his sentences does make a difference,doesnt it?
haha! That’s really funny.
No shit! Loving him.
Dr. G knows the test maker and worked with him! 🙂 I’d say that makes him an Expert’s expert
Yes, he doesn’t even agree with Jen . . he says, “not that he’s aware of”.. whereas jd would agree because the jm needed her to. The entire state crew are thugs.
Personality changes – just like I said about Travis probably hulking out after the gunshot wound.
head wounds can make people extremely angry
”HE was a scientist, but he was acting strangely,” said Dr. Stuart Yudofsky, a psychiatrist who consulted on the man’s case. ”At work, when something didn’t go right, he would scream and threaten his co-workers. At home, if his 4-year-old spilled some food at the table, he’d get so mad at her, he’d punch holes in the walls with his fist. It was completely out of character.” For several years the scientist was treated by a series of psychotherapists, who urged him to examine his childhood for deep-seated conflicts that might explain his rages. Then a psychiatrist prescribed a sedative. Nothing helped.
Finally the scientist was referred to a neurologist, who traced the beginning of the violent outbursts to an auto accident in which the scientist had received a severe head injury. When the scientist was treated with propanolol, a medication used to control blood pressure, his rages stopped.
The scientist’s case exemplifies a new advance in understanding explosive anger: that the most common cause is brain injury or neurological disease, and that there are now medications that can control it far more effectively than can the approaches most commonly used by psychiatrists
oK…………..so again, it is clear Kermi is throwing this case.
I can NOT, N O T stand to hear NG!!! I just want to tell her to shut her damn mouth!! i have no other option right now. I think HLN is way behind in the trial than the livefeed.
Are they still in court? What time is it in AZ?
About 5:11pm
They are still in court and it is about 5:15 p.m. here in AZ.
Ok yeah, they are at the place in the trial at about 3:30 pm
Me too, that is why I cant watch her, I end up flipping off my TV and wanting to throw it, I have never had such a reaction to any other TV personality, not like I have for her, Nancy Grace is the most disgustingly fake, horrible human being , I feel sort of bad being like that, like there is something wrong with me but I promise you I am sane haha
I cant stand this whiney nasal voice. Im all for justice being served. But it needs to be the truth. Juan notsMartinez goes out of his way to distort and twist the truth. What a disgusting pig!
JM is knowingly lying and trying to conceal the truth, so he can KILL A YOUNG WOMAN, and this makes him a f*cking monster.
I totally agree.
There were SO many people here hung up on the gunshot wound, some even left over it.
I wonder how they’re feeling NOW.
Love how JW is clearing up the LIES that JM told!! YEA!!!
Just peeped on the TA site.. they call Dr Geffner a wack job and want Jennifer to shut up!!!!!!!!!
Oh and they said JM sure did his homework..!
Oh dear! 😀
Obviously they are not watching the same trial. And, when they know they’re losing, they start calling names.
They ALWAYS call names! Regardless of the fact if they think they’re winning or losing!That’s ALL they are capable of doing!
and what planet did you say that they came from…LOL…
Oh my God, people. Juan Martinez has to be the most despicable human being I have ever seen. For my own mental health, I am having to disconnect myself. I tend to take on the intensity of things like this trial as if it were happening to my own self or one of my friends or family members. I HAVE to disengage a bit. I am so happy with the way this doctor is showing JM’s true colors, without even alluding to his nasty ways. JM is really a pitiful person. If I were on the jury, I would vote for acquittal just because of his mess (and I know that’s not the correct way to be a juror, btw — just saying.)
Agreed. 100%
The MMPI 2 indicates the numbers are above 70?!!!! The F scale is 72 point 77…!!! The jury could give a SHIT!!!! No one cares!!!!
I care.
They care.
I respect the fact that you care, but imagine being on this way worn-out jury. They are feeling like inmates waiting for a release date. And all the mumbo jumbo about F scales etc. is probably just pissing them off.
well JM gives a chyt cause this is how he is trying to discredit the witness in testifying for the defense….
Hey all,
Juan Martinez is so incredibly predictable. What a grandstanding, pos. This witness was amazing and he destroyed any credibility Dr. Demarte may have had.
Demarte used the wrong tests to diagnose borderline PD. Then ignored what we already knew that Samuels and Laviolette confirmed. In my opinion, and I’ll bet I’m not alone, that not only she was not qualified to diagnose any condition that Jodi has, but she is not qualified to testify in any courtroom, and not qualified to even be a psychologist… LOL!!!!
Go Jenny! Use Dr Horne’s own words againsth im!!!!!
Closed head injury vs. open head injury
Open head injury = dura mater must be penetrated, this is when the cerebral cortex gets injured
Closed head injury = dura intact, cerebral cortex protected;skull damage yes, cerebra cortex no!
He could have had a closed head injury but not an open head injury, correct. No hemorrhage???? did not even know this. There is no way TA was incapacitated. He was bleeding from the facial wound and he went after Jodi like that.
Yes. There are two different types of TBIs. The only way he would have been incapacitated would be if the cerebral cortex was damaged (meaning dura mater would have had to be compromised), and if it hit the primary motor strip, which is more posterior (compared to where the bullet actually hit). Or if it hit the basal ganglia (subcortical) or cerebellum (more posterior, next to brainstem, spinal cord)
Perhaps today we should have a 3rd thread. The evening one? I’m getting lost in all the posts. lol
New thread up! Enjoy!
Here is the “letterhead” JM was referring to… it is the banner on John Briere’s website, and the “article” he is quoting, is in actuality, the Psychometric Summary, which is part of a publication that is published by Psychological Assessment Resources Inc., and it accompanies the test. It is not a research article. I hope Wilmott clarifies that the statement about the TSI identifying previously diagnosed BPD patients in a psychiatric setting is NOT John Briere’s statement, and the publication clearly states what the TSI is intended assess. It is not supposed to be used to diagnose any DSM diagnosis. This was a very dirty and cheap trick.
Good… they’re discussing it now. It’s this kind of stuff that infuriates me about this case. JM was just caught red handed for his picking, choosing and twisting. It was clear as day. If I was a juror, I would be so insulted right now.
What happened? I went for a walk and by the time I got back the juror’s were excused. I thought they were going to go until finished. Did JM finish his cross? What time tomorrow?
Oh,no Jodi dont cry……. 🙁
Man..sad that a neuropsychologist has to explain the autopsy results reported by Dr. Horn because he can’t keep his story straight.
So what is HLM gonna do when this is over? Has been the Jodi Channel for months now. I’m guessing the rates for their adverts is gonna drop by at least 50%. Their slimy execs must be praying for a high profile crime. Scumbags.
They have Zimmerman, which will be even bigger than Casey Anthony. More like OJ.
Oh it will be. Racism sells you know.
If it were MY sibling being talked about, about a bullet going through their head or their injuries, I would be UPSET not rolling my eyes.
Agree!!! <3 MB!!!
It’s pretty obvious why Travis had nothing to do with them.
I don’t even think Travis would like the way their acting.
Sorry for being cynical,but if TA were still alive and said ”I dont like the way my siblings behave” I would be like:LOOK WHO’S TALKING!!!!!!
$$ about all they have to gain and they’re a prime example concerning greed. I too would be upset but I’m not so vain to think everyone in my family was a role model and have had to accept that “gracefully”. I cannot defend wrong minded people by blood.
Right? I would be crying my eyes out everyday not sneering or looking mean, I would be looking so sad
New page people!!!!
How do i get to that page?
I’m so happy DT is challenging the ME testimony with their own witness!
Here we go
fingers crossed
Can someone tell me what the 2nd and 3rd questions were? My feed skipped both times.
dr g is a twofer, because he has demolished doctors demented and horn single-handedly
I’m a little worried that someone thought the DSM was a test. :/
Me too. Makes me think they maybe weren’t paying attention. I know there were a lot of acronyms with all the tests and diagnoses, but they were specifically asking a question about it so…
Have to remember they might not have knowledge in the mental health field. At least they asked the question and didn’t assume. Legit question.
Well I wouldn’t really call the question ‘legitimate’ since the DSM isn’t even a test so the question can’t even be answered.
Hi, guys and gals. Just a little side note here. I did report for jury service this a.m. and it was legitimate. The Clerk of Court begged the “Walmart Jury’s” apology for having disrupted our shopping experience. As it happened, the persons who were in charge of selecting enough jurors miscalculated the number of folks they needed during this week. I was actually called into the jury box, and after being questioned by the Judge first, then the D.A., I was thanked for my service and dismissed. This, after being questioned about my vocation and the fact that I work for a criminal defense attorney. :-). I will not be called for jury service again for two years and I will receive a check for 12.00 for my service.
just enough money to buy supper…LOL…
I was lucky, truth, that I didn’t have to stay too long. My bologna sandwich held me over for lunch. Think I’ll put the $12.00 to my cell phone bill. 😉
We should get a petition going to have a hearing to decide wheather or not to have that slimy little weasel JM disbarred!!!
Now That is THE best thing I’ve heard.
I think Martinez is so slimy that if I were on the jury right now I would be thinking about a baseball game. How big an idiot the judge is. How cute the girl sitting in the front row is. Anything, but pay any attention to Martinez.. He is just going thru all the bs he always does, and is not making any headway at all. Because it doesn’t change the fact this witness did so real damage to their so called expert Defarte… Pew!!!!
He is a big bully, and he just is not important anymore, the truth is. Not how he wants to twist the truth to what he wants.
OMG Martinez do I have some CHOICE WORDS for you too!
Poor Dr Geffnor, another beautiful and decent person being harangued by that nasty, loud little goblin that passes as a prosecutor in the state of AZ.
HOLY CRAP!! And here he goes off on a tangeant!! Personal attack on Dr. G. The little weasel came out swinging.
Yes he did.
I don’t know who he thinks he’s impressing with his aggressive behavior.
Certainly not anyone who values rational justice.
He’s impressing the haters who are like him.
I KNEW it!! I knew he’d be screaming his head off. LOL I like the word goblin for JM.
Nurmi seems to be smiling or is it just my pixellation??
This JUDGE Is a fk-en BITCH…… let the man answer the fk-en questions
the judge was letting him talk…but JM keeps objecting then she stops him…
That effing judge is sustaining everything in the questions that JM doesn’t want and just cuts the witness dead.
Bloody disgusting.
Yeah, it seems that she just wants to rush through it and isn’t even giving him a fair chance to answer.
Reason is it can be asked in follow-up
Not a problem
exactly my point I was trying to express…
From what I’ve seen, it’s been this way throughout the whole trial.
Go on, JM, your fifteen minutes of fame is almost up.
When all this is over, even the haters will remember you as that nasty, puckered little asshole whose sole function was to spew shit.
The rest of the world will be eager to forget they ever laid eyes or ears on you.
Nurmi looks like his head hurts.
I feel your pain!!!
I’ll send him a virtual aspirin…LOL…
he hit the point right on with that question about the baby doc did not know about something daaaaaa
This psychologist is drained, and tired. KUDOS for you awesome testimony.
hopefully his fridge is full of cold beer when he gets home..he is going to need it…
Doctors order…
OMG judge no sidebar necessary.
Just tell JM to STFU already.
bingo should have had two artopy reports done
From a post on the TA site:
”Show me your friends and I will show you what you are….my grandmother all told me this….all of the friends of Travis and his siblings appear to be very lovely decent people….unfortunately, evil came into his life and took him away from all who loved him. RIP”
Words fail me..
The only logical explanation is that these people are all living in some weird parallel universe…
What it is called is “Denial”. They all want to think that Travis was this great guy. But he had a lot of secrets, and lived two lives. His so called friends didn’t know he was dead for what 5 days? He obviously kept them at a distance from the real Travis. Unfortunately, Jodi found out who the real Travis was.
Move over to the next page…that’s right folks…SJ gave us a THIRD page tonight…we are a busy bunch tonight…
If I were on this jury, I would be sorely tempted to acquit because I cannot stand the prosecutor. He is so unlikeable. Hopefully, the jury will consider the evidence (lack of it) and look beyond their like/dislike of some of the principals. It would so difficult to be on that jury!
Dr. Geffen is a wonderful witness. Very objective and well spoken…
Right and JM has something to gain by appealing to all the assholes in the world.
Book deal is the first that comes to mind.
he is going nuts. I’m almost embarrassed for him.
Good lord this is pitiful…………..keep diggin’ your grave little man.
well its 8pm in texas and my brother wants his room and i have to leave you but will see you here tomorrow in court I pray for jodi to have a calm nite and can get some rest and sleep to tolerate tomorrow lies that will come from mimi me and that JW will go a great job so much to change the jurys mind that she is not guilty of what mimi me has charged her and I hope they will never stop to find out the truth about chris and sky hughes involvement. for the PPL fell short of helping her in getting a lawyer for her and she paid money for them to do that she called gus ????? 🙄
(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( HUGS AND KISSES TO ALL OF YOU HERE AND YOU TO JODI )))))))))))))))))))))))))
if this prosecutor said he is 6-2 it would be wishful thinking
Calm down leprechaun!
Anyone guess how much longer this is going on for? Its 2am and I’m still up 🙁
depends how long kermit does his cross about questions, i think they may be done after that
They need to let these jurors go home. My butt is numb and I’m in a decent chair. According to Juror #5 they are not sitting in decent chairs.
What a bastard, he waits till Dr Geffner is tired then shouts at him to confuse him so he can trip him up. Obscene.
Shut the f–k up. He is crazy. Wow why does he have to make himself look so big. He could be great if he was a protector but sadly he went to the dark side.
I wonder how much of his antics are geared to trying to get Geffner to say something new so that he can bring Hayes in.
has anyone else noticed that Jodi writes with left hand sometimes and right hand other, she must be ambidextrous
Lefties often are, because teachers and parents try to force them to use their right hands.
i know i am a lefty and i can write with either hand, i can also rite upside down and backwards, great at parties when things get dull
just can’t spell LMAO
Never great always looking for heros sorry my friends
OMG 10 minute break then what
Maybe firming up the rest of the schedule?
one can hope
i thought the jury questions were good and only one was outright anti Jodi, any thoughts
Looks like everyone else raced over to the after trial comments page, Stan.
HLN’s producer in the courtroom says Geffner has concluded his testimony, and Martinez will call two more witnesses to the stand: Dr. Horn and psychologist Jill Hayes. Court is still in recess.
What the hell…Horn back on!!!
a typo WTF
they all lie the entire prosecution team
If I was a juror I would refuse to deliberate. Not guilty!
Thank god for the juror who asked the dura question. I’m yelling at the feed — ask the question!!!
The best part of the day was The Dwarf questioning the good Dr about exaggeration with respect to his height-it is so obvious the little prick has so many neuroses and hang ups being dealt a short and ugly hand.
Go Jenny 🙂
There is some weirdo glowering at the camera over Deanna’s shoulder.
Kinda creepy.
Thought the galley was told to not wear blue ribbon support symbols . . why does sky have one?
I didnt’ catch her. I was too spooked by the weird guy behind Deanna. lol
Ok, guys I just got back from dinner, who the HELL is THIS lady? ??
another prosecution expert
I call her Blinkey.
Dr Geffner’s on fire!!! 🙂
Go doc!!!
He is isnt he!!
good night all i have had enough
Jodi is in good hands with Jen and Kirk.
State went way over the top of trying to make it look like Travis could walk on water. They would have done better to down play it some what because even the Jurors know he did not walk on water. They way over played how perfect he was. Did they forget the Jurors heard and saw stuff he said? Glad they hung their self on that one.
Jodi suffered for a long time under this man, I think. I was horrified when I heard the recording of his nasty conversation with her. Juanito is acting like it was no big deal. It was a big deal. The things JA said to Jodi were threats to tie her up, sodomize her, blindfold her. His voice sounded like it was coming straight from hell. It was horrible to hear.
No abuser goes out and says “Hello everyone. I am an abuser.” They are ALWAYS successful respected men in the community. Not that all successful men are like this but I have never run into an abuser who was not a well respected and celebrated man.