Following the closed door hearing this morning in Judge Pickles’ chambers, the defense motion was granted and the surrebuttal witness Dr. Robert Geffner will be testifying, probably next week.
After the short day tomorrow, the trial starts again next Wednesday, May 1st @ 9 am.
Closing arguments & jury instructions are currently scheduled for next Thursday & Friday, May 2nd & 3rd.
Leave your comments below on the afternoon session of trial day 52…
Team Jodi
If you would like to help Jodi directly by way of a financial donation via check or PayPal, click here (or click the Team Jodi link below) for further details.
How many times have we seen a respected member of society,
Such as a priest, have a facade of being a good person. But for years
This “good person” gets away with molesting children for years and
Nobody has a clue that its happening. TA obviously was a different person
Behind closed doors. A person’s heart is nothing to be toyed with and TA tormented
Jodi Arias emotionally. He led her on to indulge in sexually deviant behavior and then
Throw her away. U CAN NOT TREAT WOMEN LIKE THIS. Let this be a lesson to all womenizers.
Women shall be treated with respect and dignity. Any man who knowingly “uses” a women should
Suffer the consequences. May I remind you that she is “innocent until proven guilty” and the burden
Of proof lies with the prosecution, and they did not prove beyond a reasonable doubt that TA wasn’t abusive. Fact: a professional concluded that after 44 hours with Jodi, she was abused by TA. All you
Judgemental fire and brimstone people need to get off ur high horse and leave Jodi alone. She has served
Plenty of time and today she deserves to be set free. Morally and constitutionally. Jodi Arias hold ur chin high because u should be proud that u were a women that stood up for herself. I commend you Jodi Arias. Please god have mercy on you and bless that jury to open their hearts to you!
Fisrt??? Yay,it’s been so long since the last time! What’s my prize?
🙁 I guess not…
Kisses right back atcha!
Which would you like, Maria, a free 15 minute makeout session with JM or Gloria Esteban? Those are your choices. Please pick one. They will even come to Greece. But you can not REFUSE the prizes. If you do not choose, we will take a poll and choose for you.
(Are you guys SURE you wanna continue to try to be first with these prizes? Can you not let me be first ONCE?)
Actually, we may have a joint first there (Maria & Moni), oh you lucky lucky girls. So, whomever posts first gets to choose. Whomever posts last (second) gets to makeout with the other guy.
Here we go!!!!!….I think…………….
Is that Jodi’s grandma?
I was wondering who that was too!!!
awww granny!!!! sweet!!
WOW!!!!! May 1…the end!!!!!
I know….ends May 1 at whatever time it takes to end it. Closing on May 2 Hard to believe it’s almost over!!!
Basically one week until closing arguments and then deliberation. Eeek! I can’t wait for the verdict, but I’m nervous at the same time.
So many mixed feelings….
Me too! I can’t believe we’re in the home stretch. The trial started on January 2!
W.O.W. I thought they would never make it to an end. I hope Jodi is happy about that cause it would make me nervous!!
Why are we watching that salesman blowing his horn again?
What just happened? anyone know?
Jodi looks so upset. 🙁
They played that weird video of TA telling his dream. Again.
Quite understandable.She just had to rewatch the video of her and Travis after hearing that this trial is almost over…
Wicked annoying. I think JM does it on purpose…
It looks like it just hit Jodi that the trial is almost over and she will know her fate. She is almost in tears. I just want to hug her. Everyone has forgotten she is a young woman with feelings and dreams. So damn sad.
I think she just started crying bc of the video. I think she’s a positive enough person to be hopeful about the outcome! 🙂
Jodi becomes so heart broken when she’s reminded of those happier times…she so loved him and he so didn’t deserve her…
I’m going to have to cancel my cable….Nancy Grace is going to be whining for Months when she doesn’t like the outcome….
I don’t think Nancy Grace is a very honest person.
I think she is histrionic; using drama & emotion to have power over others.
: )
Is dr G the only rebuttal witness for the defence?
I believe so!!
If I’m correct…won’t the examination of witnesses end with the surrebuttal doctor for the defense? That would be great.
Any thoughts?
Does JM have something up his sleeve for us before closing the trial??
Are we back to hair color? To bad this weasel doesn’t have a real case.
What was with him showing older and June 3d photos?The hair color,really??
Hair color:
Abe Abdelhadi appeared on Dr Drew show 1/16/2013 and stated:
“Now the prosecutor had informed me that she dyed her hair in APRIL of that year,
that’s when she dyed her hair”.
Her driver license photo, she had blond hair when she rented the car in Redding. Perhaps
the person who rented the car to her jotted down the info from her drivers license showing
blond hair. She rented the car in 2008….he testified in 2013.
EXIF data can be changed!
The hair color thing is like OJ’s glove. You can’t compare hair color in pictures taken in different lighting. Not to mention distance etc. And you can alter color yourself.
If the judge granted the surrebuttal, it would end with that, yes. JM would be allowed to question him, of course, but the defense would have the last witness. I haven’t heard if she granted that request. Really, the last thing the jury hears, are closing arguments from each side. Those can sometimes take a full day per each side. Its the teams last chance to get in all of their points and make sure the jury has all the details and to drive it home.
Thanks. It has been reported she is granted the motion for the surrebuttal doctor. I’m just glad the actual surrebuttal witness is to impeach the tot doc (further than she did herself).
He’s no expert, ask any digital photographer if EXIF data can be changed!
I was wondering the same thing when the ‘expert’ was testifying. I wondered if he was wrong.
I don’t trust this time thing and the all..
what was all that about?
He made zero sense to me and I don’t think I am stupid.
Can’t they show the video made on HLN? lol. good god.
I’m confused when were the blonder pics taken? JM went every other nod confused me
Oh,there’s a credible witness back on the stand-Florez! Yeah,right…
How can that jury believe anything he would say. He has been in that court room daily
I’m sorry, how are the phone pictures relevant?
No idea.Desperate move to bring hair color back?
But when was the photo with the streaks taken? It makes no sense.
I missed it, I wish someone would explain it to me also.
I think Jodi had her hair dyed back to brown in March 2008.
Jodi testified that she had to do her hair in a couple of steps. She said the first time the colour was still too light. JM’s pics seem to back up her testimony.
Didn’t Ryan Burns testify that Jodi showed up in Utah with Blonde hair? If so, maybe he’s trying to say she died her hair after the killing to disguise herself? Other than that, I’m lost, and what I just said was really stupid, so….
I checked cross-exam of Jodi, and JM starts out with photos of hair color with her sister. In that testimony Jodi and JM date the photos as being taken on May 10th and May 15th. This was on Day 21 of the trial.
This is important!
They made it seem like days apart ?
I think so.
Does anyone know if Dr. G. has evaluated Jodi or is he just coming in with generalize information? Maybe to analyze Dr. Ditsy’s test results?
maybe i am confused this is only my second trial but doesnt seem that this is all rebuttal seems some of this should have been done during the trial before JM wasted all of his time going round in circles and badgering the witnesses and then rested.
Wait….so you’re telling me Travis’ clothes and shoes are STILL at his prev. house?
Wouldn’t surprise me. His family could probably care less.
No TA things are not in this house. TA house went into foreclosure and has been remodeled in 2009 if I remember correctly.
How the hell does a photo prove anything to weight on a shelf? The particle board, or wood has aged since 2008? and YOu cannot show that it can’t be done without the actually reinactment
This is the county information on the crime scene home.
Yes, it went into foreclosure. There was no life insurance to pass the property to family or church.
If you dig enough, you’ll find evidence that strongly suggests Travis Alexander was not “financially successful.” In fact, it looks to me like he was a debt machine. Review the county info on his re-financing activities.
HUMMM I wounder where little bro got all those suits he’s been styling in in court….just saying…
Maybe he got a piece of that 8 grand from kcl’s past weekend donation drive … or maybe he got a chunk from the TA dog tag necklace sales?
Was there ever a donation dollar amount total tossed around when the sheeples were asked to send a measly $20.00 from the 33K generous facebook groupies – to round up a nice cool $650,000.00 for this indigent family?
….now, a wad of that would buy some high stylin’ suits 🙂
You would think such a devout young man without his own family would have a policy and name his church as the recipients of the payout. Since his own siblings didn’t even know he existed until he died, of course he would not name them.
They could have paid the house off if they had sold his shoes.
We are so on the same page! I have never known a guy in my life to own that many shoes! I own 3 pairs. 1 pair tennis shoes, 1 dress shoes, and 1 work boots. Why would you need that many shoes?
Dave Hall helped himself to Travis’ suits, we know that.
I wonder if he was able to fill Travis’s shoes.
What bullshit is Flores trying to make up now?
probably that these ‘pins’ wouldn’t have supported Jodi’s weight. Jodi looks so sad !!! Dam !! I was wondering when JM was going to make this point, kinda late in the trial, and yes, enoughisenough, I would have thought this should have been brought up sooner than this. I’m thinking in a mad dash, and the wisp of a woman that she is, her weight wouldn’t have shifted the shelves at all…grapsing for straws me thinks….
Even the HLN morons conceded that the shelves supported a 200 + lb. man during their re-enactment.
I imagine she was moving so fast that she basically propelled herself up to get the gun and probably her whole weight didn’t even go on the shelf. If she had stopped to climb the shelf of course it likely would have shifted.
also there is the “clean up” we keep hearing about, if any shoes moved or a shelf fell maybe she put it back.
That’s right.
WTF is he trying to do?
and why when Florres went back were they in a different position? who moved them? confused.
Probably to try and say JA couldn’t reach the gun. Plus, if you notice, Flores is using descriptors of the shelves and brackets to make them seam cheap.
The other thing is if JA was lying about the gun she would have said it was lower to make it sound better. IMO
I agree.
WHAT?! Flores has been sitting next to Juan the entire trial, and now his on the stand looking all hang-dog and earnest? GTFO!!!
Kermit and Droopy Dog.
Probably killing her to see Grandma there seeing her this way.
Question(pardon my ignorance):After closing comments and jury instructions,the jurors go to deliberate.Does this mean that they are in a room for as many hours it may take them to reach a verdict,meaning will they start promplty after the end of the trial or will they stick to the schedule,starting deliberations on Monday?
They will deliberate until a certain time each day if they are not close to a verdict or reviewing evidence. If they can’t reach a unanimous decision (deadlocked) they can notify the judge. Judges almost always ask them to try a little harder. This can take hours, days or longer. If they are still deadlocked, a mistrial is ordered. Then the State has the option to do this all over again.
From what I remember of the Casey Anthony case, everyone shows up as scheduled like clockwork until a verdict is reached. Considering the schedule of this trial, I’m not sure if I should use the word clockwork. lol
I don’t know if they will be working over the weekend.
The reason Im asking is because May 4th and 5th is Easter time here in Greece,Im gonna be away!! If I miss ANYTHING of this trial,not to mention verdict day after loyally following it for 4 months Im gonna kill myself. If anyone knows more detail,plz plz plz inform ASAP!
I told my friends at work I need an intervention! lol
Aww don’t say that sweetheart 🙁
I’m sure they are not working the weekend, but I will say something when they specify.
Thanks MB and Jodie!
They will not be there on the weekend. No court deputies work weekend. It will be M-F.
It will be interesting during closing arguments to see if JM SCREAMS at the jury as he drives home his points.
Of course he will!!!!
Drama,drama,drama is all we’ll witness,mark my words on that!
the witness said the camera knows the data…it translate in UTC time…Nurmi said it translate in UTC time into the time it is into the time zone where the phone is when the image is taken…
He said the pictures shows this…
Jodi had brown hair with blonde streaks down each side when she rented the car rental on June 2, 2008
Jodi had all over brown hair on June 3, 2008
so she dyed her hair on the night on the 2nd.
Which pics were June 2nd?
It all looked shorter… Many women get their hair and nails done before a vacation. Just saying.
I am too dense to understand why her hair color is important. If some kind soul can find it in their heart to take the time, please have mercy on me and explain what the prosecution is implying with the “hair dying issue?”
He is implying she dyed it while she was in CA right before leaving to go to Mesa. Another impeachment is want he trying to get at. He’s kind of hard to follow…I hope the juror are struggling as much as you are. Hope you know I’m teasing about your strug. 🙂
Meant to say ..what he is
How in the heck can you even believe he put them back the correct way???
My first thought was I’m sure they configured the shelves to fit their theory. And when I see Flores on the stand, I can’t help but not believe anything he says. After seeing the police report, he seems to lack any kind of mental aptitude, and I am now under the belief that any dimwit or dumbass can become a detective – myself included! AND I think I would do a better job now than he does after his so-called training! lol Sorry but I cannot take this guy seriously. I really wish the jury could see his total fail at his job (on this case) as well as all the various reports/errors/changes (ex: the roommate story changes, among other things).
Well, this is another thing the defense will have for appeals, if necessary.
Question to all, Maybe it’s me, and the fact that as well as my 4 cups of coffee this morning, I am on number 3 Diet Coke, but is anyone else nervous since the Judge announced the date for closing arguments and jury instructions? It is hard for me to explain, it’s almost a surreal feeling….I am so wrapped up in this trial, watching everyday, discussing, etc….and now we have an end date. Of course I knew it would end at some point, it just feels odd, and makes me feel unsettled somehow, happy for Jodi that it is almost over, but nervous too. I hope that makes sense. I was watching Jodi after the Judge made her announcement and she seems different too, scared maybe, stressed, knowing all this time since the killing has gone by, all this time in the court room, and now there is an end date. I can only imagine if I feel nervous, she must be feeling a roller coaster of emotion.
Same here,Anna.
I agree. Jodi appears to be ill today. I think her PTSD is in evidence. Everything in the trial now is a rehash so not as distracting from the original trauma as it was before. To some extent she must have had the sense that the judicial process was moving her life forward. When the judge announced the dates for closing arguments, etc., it must have felt like a ton of bricks. Her mind is wandering too much while I suspect she feels unusually nervous about this witness.
Anna Ryan, I am a devoted diet coke drinker too. Have you tried Decaf diet coke? It tastes exactly the same and will help wean you off the caffinated stuff. (I still drink caffinated diet coke but I also drink decaf and it has really helped me cut down.
Wow that’s a lot of caffeine! lol
Don’t worry the site will be here for years to come.
I am also taken aback, we’ve been plopping along week after week, then suddenly the judge wants to close up next freakin week??
She is probably getting a lot of shit from her bosses. Maybe the DA or the mayor or others.
It is too much caffeine! My Dr has been harping on me for years to cut back, and I keep saying I will…..the only thing I did was switch from regular Folgers to “1/2 caff”…LOL. I sleep really hard and need coffee before I can even speak, I swear I sound like a zombie without it.
I am glad you said the site will be here after the trial…it has become like a second home to me, and without it, I would be left arguing to no avail, with my friends and family, except for the couple who actually have open minds and don’t buy into media hype and hatred. I guess I saw the end of this coming, after all the defense rested, and JM only had a few more rebutall witnesses, it just got to be such a habit to park myself in front of the TV and computer each day……
I hear you lol
I can’t drink anything caffeinated anymore, but it takes me a while before I am coherent.
Jodi looks stressed 🙁
why can he testify again when he sat through the whole trial?
I have been asking myself that same question? Doesn’t seem fair or right …………
This is bullshit. The guy on HLN jumped up and grabbed the gun several times.
That is crappy evidence. You can’t do that.
Where’s your big, bad screaming voice when there’s a detective on the stand, Juan? What a prick. Juan’s a f*cking bully.
The video and what he was watching and what Juan asked about could be totally different things. Good grief.
JoshDavis, I think so too. She must be feeling a ton of emotions at this stage in the trial. I think if it were me, I would have a hell of a time trying to contain my feelings today.
of course you don’t recall.
Flores is a despicable human being
I despise him.
I feel the same way JM is disgusting an so if Flores. I feel the same
discontent x’s 100 against these people that the Travis Supporters
do against the Defense Team.
They feel it is A OK to slander Jodi an
any witnesses an Nurmi an Jenn so I can feel the way I want too
about them an the snakes in the den on the prosecutors side !
I just do not feel compelled to go out an SLANDER them on the internet
on Social Media sites in comments like I have been reading they do HOURLY!
Did Detective Worthless put all the weighted items back on the shelf before his infallible hand test??!
Of course not!! This is not scientific evidence. The judge should not have allowed it. Another point for mistrial in the future if needed.
If there was stuff on the shelf already when she stepped on it, those items would have provided a counter-balance to her weight, lessening the chance of tilt. They have to put exactly the same stuff on it. Also the person testing has to do it with and without a brief hand-hold. (Jodi couldn’t remember whether she used her other hand to grab the top shelf or not.) Even a brief assist that way would have lightened the pressure on the shelf she used as a step.
The whole thing has to be done swiftly. Where’s Al? He described it as “dynamic” v.s a more static sort of weight application. And heck, Jodi was probably very attuned to the sound of Travis’s approach – his footsteps and voice. She wouldn’t have been focused on whether or not the shelf made a “thunk”.
Alright Nurmi!! I didn’t ask you if there was a need to measure it, did I?
there was no need.. really..
I didn’t ask you that ! WTG Num
Okay the top shelf is 7 feet from the floor and Jodi is 5’6 with a likely armspan of about 18 inches making her more than capable of reaching over the top shelf from the floor.
That is correct. This is all crap evidence.
I thought Martinez was going to do a demonstration himself on the shelves. He’s about 120 lbs. but way too short.
Whatever happened to Travis’s friend that announced he went to the range with TA a d that he always had to borrow a gun.? They kicked him out of court one day so he would be able to testify.
They should show the pic of Travis shooting a riffle that I’ve seen floating around.
That fat Dave Hall has been on every tv show that would listen he probably
can’t be on because of that. His FB page is full of his proud interviews. Full
of Lies.
Like the photo of him an his wife having a great time in Cancun while knowing
Travis was dead. They all disgust me really.
Yeah, if Jodi wanted something that seemed easier she would have said the gun was on a lower shelf.
Go Nurmi!!
Jodi was looking super nervous during the closet pics
I saw that. I think it is her PTSD from just looking at the pics of the place………
I thought she was about to cry. Memories maybe.
I think because it is upsetting to see Travis’s house at anytime to her.
Brings back memories of them when they were together in good times
I am sure also. The bad times she wants to forget an then some is still
missing from her mind but she does remember running to that closet.
I just think it would be sad to see it again empty.
Her forehead wrinkled some and it was the stressed look around her eye area that showed FEAR….I agree with the PTSD that looking at the closet photo was getting her close to that powerful feeling that is hidden…and then it slacked off…she then looked more relaxed…
They should show the guy doing the HLN demo. Honestly!! Or they should have gotten another witness. Maybe they will.
OOOHHH. Nurmi is going for the jugular!
I love when Nurmi goes from soft to subtle then full
on BITCH MODE!!! 🙂
Shut the F up Mr Martinez!!!!
Judge Pickles will not let him do it I am sure.
They should have had the items back on the shelf prior to this whole reenactment
Why didnt JM going over this in his case in Cheif??
Can there be a more telling example of police incompetence than what was testified to today!
For sure, llanger
The forensic photo guy stumbling all over his explanation of “how the camera knows where it is or what time is recorded when or where or why. ” What the hell was he talking about? And, Flores measuring “lite.” Not too impressive.
Martinez couldn’t even get his objection out he was so upset.
Evidence must be suppressed!
We’ll have to organize a search party when this trial is over to find where all the evidence was buried. First, think of a very large place that’s not too high (i.e., Kermit’s height) and…
JM is shitting briiiiiiiiicks
what was the schedule for the rest of this week
So heartbreaking looking at her grandma 🙁
JM is questioning Flores about the shelves in the closet….showing a picture of the measurements of the closets…
Flores said….metal pins…four on each shelf…
Nurmi questioning Flores…Flores doesn’t remember what Jodi told him about the video with the people dancing with boxes on their head…
Nurmi asking Flores about measuring the shelves…
Listening to Nurmi question Flores about measuring other shelves…it appears that Flores wasn’t very thorough measuring any other shelves in the closet in the first row of these shoes…he didn’t measure any in the second row and so on…
Nurmi keeps questioning Flores…and he keeps saying over and over …”I don’t remember” “I don’t remember”
Yeah and it was just LAST month he went there! He has memory problems.
EXACTLY….he has juando memory problems…
juando memory problems. lol
OMG. She let him ask the questions. Now she can’t rule again. Good grief. Where is Belvin Perry? HE NEEDS TO SMACK THIS WOMAN UP SIDE THE HEAD.
Are you watching live feed or HLN?
HLN is behind the live feed…
am I losing it…………..did Nurminator ask a question, dick head objected and pickles said approach, and then the exact same thing happen again… or is my feed wacky
That is what happened. He is being a dick and she is stupid as shit.
really.. can’t have the dick testifying to questions that we don’t like..
completely kangaroo
yep,same shit different day!
Thanks, Renee’
I really am LOL. I love the way you ask a question with the colorful nicknames and all.
I had to go away for a bit. I come back and Alan Harper’s on the stand. Looks like he put on a little weight too. Berta must be treating him better. Still about as sharp as a bowling ball though.
LOL@ Alan Harper now, I too am getting nervous. They should take the death penalty OFF the table…they have to. The cannot paint Jodi with the same brush as the despicable (sp) human being who played a part in blowing people to pieces in Boston..all in the name of Allah ?? Jodi was abused in every way shape and form, and I know I could have done the same to the monster I lived with for 9 years, if it wasn’t for my two kids sleeping in the house. I’m praying for you Jodi…omg..she looks so distraught. I just want to jump on a plane and hug her !!!
Someone posted back that she took the stand longer than some of the war criminals in the Nuremburg trials.
The fact that she is being treated as a war criminal says a lot about how far back we’ve pedaled in social progress.
That’s horrible! I also always found it appalling how they have been blaming Jodi for this entire trial. Well SHE didn’t overcharge, SHE didn’t keep herself or anybody else on the stand with stupid stories about an abused snow white and the ages of the seven dwarfs. But once again, she didn’t just ‘walk away’ like a good girl is supposed to so she should be put to death for surviving.
That whole “Snow White” line of questioning should not have been allowed. It was probably humiliating for Jodi. ALV could handle it. But there was no earthly reason for the circus-like atmosphere it produced.
The “examination” came off sounding like some sort of perverted mind-control exercise.
“Is Snow White a Battered Woman?” was a rhetorical question, a title of a talk. ALV said on the stand that she designed the title to pique interest in the subject of family of origin issues. As a rhetorical question it was not intended to address any specified instance of battering either within the story or outside of it.
The ensuing “discussion” between ALV and JM was a clear example of witness harassment. I can only guess that by not objecting more strenuously JW and KN were giving Juan plenty of rope to do some kind of lariat dance. The Prosecutor rose to the occasion and made a fool of himself at the court’s expense.
The problem is that when the issue of intimate partner/family abuse is belittled in that manner by counterfeit discourse, it hurts everyone.
“…..there was no legitimate reason for the circus-like atmosphere”……
“JW and KN were giving Juan plenty of rope to do some kind of lariat dance.” I was thinking the same thing. And honestly, did JM really not get that it was just a title? I really hope anyone in the jury has attended to done lectures so they could see JM’s dumbassery once again.
And what about the PA baby killer? He and the people who worked with him and helped him kill the innocent babies and inflict so much harm onto the women who came to his filthy cat feces infested and diseased clinic FOR YEARS!
His trial should have been on tv every day and the ugly haters should be using their outrage and anger towards this trial where an atrocity occurred that makes Newton CA pale in comparison.
I doubt Stephen King could think up horror that went on behind the doors of Dr. Gosnell’s clinic as recently as 2010 here in the USA. This case is beyond comprehension.
Does anybody get a fair trial in this woman’s courtroom?
I’m making notes at
Pace is pretty slow.
Just got my sound back, have i missed much?
sidebars Heather LOL
I have those same shelves but they are tall book shelves and I stand on them to dust the top all the time ill send pic to you guys and show ya if I figure out how!! Lmao!!
hair color doesn’t show premeditation, it shows postmeditation.
Same mahogany color and everything.,same pegs too
Alan Harper…….!! Bwahahahahahahahaha
She is soooo biased!!!!!
you have got to be kidding me……………
Again? This woman is nutz. She is incapable of being a judge.
Seriously approach again?
At least their getting some Cardio done today
Talk faster Nurmi.
JM won’t let him cross examine??????? What IS the matter with this STUPID JUDGE?
The defense can’t bring up new questions…….can only question the witness on what has just been testified to. He cant change the subject in other words.
Martinez does it all the time on cross.
Well then…. neither one of the attorneys are following the law/rules.
I don’t mind at all if KN brings in issues during the State’s rebuttal. Even if objection is sustained, you can’t unring those bells to the jury.
OMKF Lord………………. this JUDGE is so FK bias………… anyone else pissed off ?
Raising hand!
Go Nurmi, Go! BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM! 3 fn’ sidebars, that d*****M judge needs to let nurmi ask the questions.
YES, ME and everyone else I imagine.
MOTHERF***** wont let Nurmi get anything in!!! STOP protecting your little F*** buddy, Martinez! !!! Hhhhgggrrrr…. sorry, guys I just get so mad at him!!!
Flores said the bookshelves are the same “heighth”. omg. These prosecution witness are driving me insane. S-K-E-W. omg
Yes but he didn’t even measure them, so how can he know that for sure??
Flores doesn’t know anything; that’s why the little goblin won’t allow Nurmi to ask any questions. Whatcha so afraid of, Juan?
So true!!! Then they go on break so that he can help Flores out with answers! !!! How is that allowed?!
This shit is obscene. I am so angry.
The “police photo expert” said (phonetically) “Grenwitch Mean Time”, He threw up all over himself. He couldn’t explain a thing. Remind me never to visit Mesa, Arizona. How do such idiots obtain employment on a police department?
Yep…I noticed how he stopped and thought about it before he tried repeating it several times like the way he knows that juando would want him to state it…
lol I was posting a similar comment above… it is frightening how these so-called detectives can’t detect anything!
I hope the jury is as annoyed as we are…
Judge is probably correct, would be hearsay. Nurmi just making points to jury, but not in record.
Well she should just sustain then. She is woefully ignorant imo.
what happened he just asked about chris and sky hughes and now he is on another subject what gives with this judge cant even say there names hughes hughes hughes hughes hughes hughes something wrong with this judge she is not being fair I DO NOT LIKE HER AND HOPE GOD WILL TAKE HIS REVENGE
I don’t hope or think a God would take or should take any revenge. The jurors see the same antics we do.
I wonder, if you put a little halo on the Pickles voodoo doll, would she turn into a fair minded judge?
tonya, what are your cards saying these days?
Hope you are doing well <3
ok guys…I’m in Canada…EST, and I’m going out for dinner…keep posting so that I can read it all when I get back. Don’t want to miss a thing, and I’ll be damned if I tune into HLN for updates….nothing but ‘arm chair quaterbacking’ going on on that station. Good Luck Team Jodi !! Shit, Jodi is going to make me cry…I swear….
I’m on the east coast of Canada too. Worked a 12 hr day and just got home at 8pm so pretty much missed everything today. Working another 12 tomorrow. Very thankful for this site!
This is pretty minor stuff I think, Nurmi is just making sure he has done all he can.
Up to jury to work it all out.
a recess…
what is that about do you think?
Exactly. KN got in 3 great points that JM objected to but the jury still heard it.
we don’t want detective answering questions that may favor Jodi, he actually might remember it
That’s exactly what it is, Stan.
WTF is going on now…………..
Judge incompetence! Holy crap.
R U Kidding??? This judge with all her recesses and starting late and ending early???!!!! Geezs!
and the dammmn hater sites keeps blaming the defense for all the delays….their hater asssses aren’t really watching the same trial that we are….
I know! I just can’t get over all these delays…she lost control of the courtroom long time ago. And the haters don’t want to see it…
the judge looks stressed….irked…or whatever…
But this judge is wasting so much time and she should know what to do without all these sidebars. She should have been clear from the get go with Nurmi if she didn’t think this was appropriate cross. Then she could just reprimand Nurmi if he kept doing it. Maybe she doesn’t like to do that.
Nurmi just got a video CD from the court reporter
Tech I do t think he can discuss anything not in this last line of questioning by JM
How come they aren’t asking the jury if they have questions for the witnesses today? I wonder if they can ask questions about the Hughes since the name was mentioned
The judge ask, the jury didn’t have any. I seriously blv it was juror #5 with all those stupid questions.
Thanks… I hope they have some for Flores
WTF now?
Wtf!!!! So thry give him a break so that he can tell Flores what to say????? After they go on break you can see Martinez and Flores at the table going over something! !!! How inbthe world is this right???!!!!
Its not.. they are the criminals
They ARE the criminals, I’d jail JM, the Judge and Flores. Oh and that Dr DeMented too.
That was exactly what I thought!
exactly…it appears the same way to me that he is answering as to what he thinks juando wants him to say…whisper….whisper…he whispers a lot of people’s ears…whispered in the docs ear too….
It isn’t and if he was going to be called as a rebuttal witness he never should have been able to sit in the courtroom all this time.
JM did the same when DeMarte was on the stand. Hopefully the jury will catch on to that.
They are so blatant about it. But when ALV was up there was crap about her even looking over at the defense table.
Done for the day?
judge called another recess….
Excuse me but am i am watching raw footage
from a mental hospital?
You’re watching Rod Sterling’s Twilight Zone, the first technicolor episodes.
PT Barnum’s ghost consulted on this plot line and the script.
Yup. One flew over the cuckoo’s nest!!!
I’m off to bed. Will be plenty of time to look at rest of day later.
we got a closet picture…WTF
Anybody taking bets about when this trial will go to jury,if it keeps going like this it will be way past the day the judge said
No Stan, she ( the judge) made it very clear this trial will end on Thursday if they have to stay there past 5 pm…. Guess no dinner for Jodi on Thursday
The judge said that May 2nd and 3rd would be the last days & then the jury will deliberate.
Deliberation: Is that when the jury sequestration will finally begin? (Please?)
No kidding right?? How can she expect court to wrap up by the 1st with JM pulling his constant objection shit?
It boggles the mind…
i know MB did you get what the schedule for the rest of this week is
Yes, per SJ:
“After the short day tomorrow, the trial starts again next Wednesday, May 1st @ 9 am.
Closing arguments & jury instructions are currently scheduled for next Thursday & Friday, May 2nd & 3rd.”
thanks the day tomorrow may be longer than she thought at the rate there going today LOL
Exactly lol
Hi MB… for what it’s worth, SYFY’s show “Ghost Hunters” (and the guys from TAPS) are currently in TA’s old house trying to raise the dead and speak with TA for their TV show. You heard it here first
Team Jodi
The haters are now posting about it on their sites….”OMG DID YOU HEAR ABOUT GHOST HUNTERS???????” LOL.
Awesomeness
Team Jodi
heheh! Indeed.
WHAT???????They better not mess up with this guy spirit,he was NOT good!!!
Yes, it could get ugly if that beast gets angry!
Say what???? LOL!!!
I wonder if they’ll find anything like this:
Wishful thinking
I still don’t understand how Flores was allowed to sit through the entire courtroom proceedings all this time, when JM knew full well that he would be bringing him back for more testimony? I thought that wasn’t allowed???! Is that a Mesa, AZ thing?!
It’s the wild, wild west, I guess. Anything goes
Question: I gave it a google, and it seems that CA stopped or paused their death penalty in 2006. If this is the case, wouldn’t it speak to a LACK of premeditation that the killing happened in AZ when Jodi could have waited for Travis to come to CA and risk getting in less trouble for her ”plan”…?
Good point, JesterMahBob.
I said that a while back…. TA was suppose to visit Jodi after the Cancun trip, which would of made more sense to murder him in CA or Oregon …. not in his own home……….for pre med….. Totally horse shit trial and bias ass community.
I AGREE in the woods leave him tied to a freaking tree for the animals to eat on.
Or push him off one of those big CA cliffs along the Pacific & say he tripped. I know that’s been done, but I still think that gal was innocent too.
Good point. This wasn’t well planned at all, which is why I don’t believe it was planned. Jodi seems intelligent enough not to leave so many clues beyond if she had planned it.
We do still have the death penalty. And folks are sentenced to death roll still. As young as she is….California isn’t all that safe of a bet. Californian are for the DP…’s those idiots in Sacramento…including the AG….you know the prettiest in all 50 states….that have an issue with the DP!!!!
i hope defense did the same and mention’s it in closing
Good point!
This is totally insane! Trial closed AGAIN?
Lets see how this judge rules on scope.
AZ follows the open rule. Anything relevant is open to cross. Rule 611(b) Scope of cross-examination. A witness may be cross-examined on any relevant
Now we see how biased or incompetent she is. Even I know this and I’m not a lwyer, leave alone a superior court judge.
Rule 700 701 702 is what I believe JUAN said
Those have to do with opinion testimony, nothing about cross.
Rule 701. Opinion Testimony by Lay Witnesses
If the witness is not testifying as an expert, the witness’ testimony in the form
of opinions or inferences is limited to those opinions or inferences which are (a)
rationally based on the perception of the witness and (b) helpful to a clear
understanding of the witness’ testimony or the determination of a fact in issue.
Rule 702. Testimony by Experts
If scientific, technical, or other specialized knowledge will assist the trier of
fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue, a witness
qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, or education,
may testify thereto in the form of an opinion or otherwise.
Rule 703. Bases of Opinion Testimony by Experts
The facts or data in the particular case upon which an expert bases an opinion or
inference may be those perceived by or made known to the expert at or before the
hearing. If of a type reasonably relied upon by experts in the particular field
in forming opinions or inferences upon the subject, the facts or data need not be
admissible in evidence.
This is a rule 611 issue.
Thanks, Al.
That says it all!
Do you know what he said to her?
He’s a f*@king weasel.
This is F*****g Ridiculous.
Heather is Greenwich meantime pronounced London time? lol
About a month ago HLN did a whole piece on Jodi mispronouncing a couple of words during her testimony (so as to bring that smart-alecky bitch down a notch or two.) They put the mis-used word (such as DE-EDIFY) in big bold letters with the correct word (DIS-EDIFY) in bigger bolder flashing letters. I remember now that they also pointed out that she had said “Green-Wich” rather than “Gren-Ich”. Oh, they had such a grand time with that. I just noticed Det. Flores just mis-pronounced it the same way. Does anyone what to bet HLN didn’t even notice it, much less bring it up to their viewers?
Flores also said “height-th”. *shiver* I hate that. It’s a pet-peeve.
I’d like to see some of these HLN reporters take the IQ test Jodi did.Let’s see if they can get a 119!!!!!
I’d like to see their lives under a microscope for four months where we get a chance to cherry-pick those things that only prove our opinions of them. Idiots!!
Oh I’m sure they noticed it, they just won’t say anything about it.
Let alone the S-K-E-W debacle yesterday
Now I know WHY You guys call her JUDGE PICKLES….BECAUSE SHE MUST HAVE PLAYED WITH ALOT OF PICKLES to get a job as superior judge, because she sucks…..literally!!
Is that true? I still don’t know why they call her that.
Probably not, but she really does suck as a judge!! She seems very much on the states side most of the time!! And she lets JM get away with WAY to much!!
I think it’s because of the sour expression on her face…sour pickles.
We got a closet picture on the live stream of the Travis’ closet…WTF
An empty shelf just might pop up in the back, but TA’s shelves were not empty.
Exactly!! And she didn’t step in the middle of the shelf either!!
NO volume and no one talking on live stream…just the picture popped up out of nowhere….
Haters!! That should be illegal to do that on live TV!!
What’s the closet pic compared to that ‘someone’ behind the camera using the same tactic to display JA’s nude pics out-of-the-blue in the midst of an afternoon recess on day 6??? I wish the DT had made a big stink about it, as it was when the seal was supposed to be up and this ‘someone’ just happens to hit ‘play’ to that exact part!! This is how those pics were ‘snuck’ out of the courtroom into the general public to the world wide web!!! I was sickened at how base and low one could get – just to humiliate and bring down another. When does retribution ever come in and take over? The bloodthirsty mongrels got a taste for this type of conduct during the CA trial, after getting full encouragement and backing from HLN. Nobody faced any major repercussion from any of it. So here we are today, with HLN at the helm driving this bloodthirsty group of mongrels in a manner far more wanton than ever before!!! I hope the FBI gets all those involved in those death threats against the DT and ALV.
According to the rest of the world, Martinez’ case is airtight. Oh, Jodi is GUILTY. Ask ANYONE. So, if that’s true, WTF is Martinez so afraid of? Why not let Nurmi talk and talk, and dig himself a hole if Jodi’s defense is so absurd? Juan Martinez is a pussy.
I seem to remember ‘they’ all said the same thing about CA – and we all know how that turned out!
I swear, I cling to that very thing.
haha exactly how I feel too. The one with the biggest mouth usually is the pussy!
Right, exactly.
If the haters are so right, why do they persist in attacking this web site? They have all of social media, entire blogs, ect to express themselves. So why do they keep attacking this site?
Like you asked – WHAT ARE THEY AFRAID OF?
Why can’t they let us speak our peace without trying to stir shit up?
They must know, but are loathe to admit, that they are WRONG.
It took me forever to find a site where I was welcome to give my opinion about this trial. I got banned everywhere. Anyway, these hateful assholes have 99.9% of the internet on their side, but they come and hunt us down? Tanisha needs 100% support? Ugh. They have an entire television network whoring their lies; why are they so concerned with us?
Right exactly.
99.9% of the internet, and they can’t stand our little .1% taking a different viewpoint.
One reason out of many we call them the Travis Taliban. Fascist little shits that they are.
I just realized I said “right exactly” two posts in a row.
Perhaps this is better – I couldn’t agree more!
Did Travis text Jodi asking her to come to his house on her trip? If so were they discussed? This would help prove she couldn’t have planned he would do that.
If I remember correctly I believe it was a phone conversation somewhere near Pasadena that he “guilted” her into coming over.
The person’s hand is shown pushing down hard on the corner of the shelf and it flips the shelf up….shucks…the just put the seal up…someone must have realized they made a big BOO BOO putting that closet photo up on the screen….
Was jury present?
they went on recess…Arizona seal up….then that closet photo popped up and stayed up for several minutes…then the Arizona seal up again…
Ok, see… Nurmi needs to bring that up. Martinez is trying his hardes not to let anything in now. Even asking for a break to refreshen dumbass Flores on what to say!! I REALLY hope the jurors are smart and they can see what just happened! !! Martinez has been doing shit like this from the beginning and if I was a juror on this case id be offended by him and come back with a NOT GUILTY just because if that!!
The shelves in the “demonstration” were EMPTY! Clothes would have prevented the shelf from flipping all the way like that and…THE SHELF DIDN’T SLIDE OFF!…a waste of time. I guess this justifies Flores getting paid for doing nothing these last few months.
Plus he wasn’t running. That makes all the difference. It would have pushed the shelf backwards and to the side pressing against the side and back wall.
IF she gets the DP and she did not kill travis she will be with him again and mybe he will see he treated her bad and will in the next life be different
I don’t think so I think Travis is in Hell not heaven. They will never met again
unless she does something to deserve Hell and I just can’t see her doing
anything bad what so ever or be around bad ever again.
Only God knows that for sure. I don’t feel comfortable speculating on who’s in Heaven and who’s in Hell.
I think everybody eventually gets forgiven.
Is Judge pickles marrried? Cause god forbid
She alll of a sudden calls “RECESS”
when on all fours with her husband!
I am thinking she is too old to be on all fours with anyone! and if not I wouldn’t want that visual dancing in my head.
Judge Sherry K Stephens’ bio on the Maricopa County Superior Court website shows undergrad completion in 1977 and finishing law school in 1980. That means she was probably born in the mid 1950s, she’s probably less than 60 years old.
That may seem old to a 20-something right now, but in two decades, you might think differently.
I think I read that she’s 59. Hardly too old to enjoy sex :).
Makes me think of Chappelle’s idea to reduce teen pregnancy: Make students watch two oldest teachers having sex all oiled up.
Did anyone else just see that big BOO BOO on the screen of the inside of Travis closet with someone hand…
And what the hell was he trying to prove with the pictures? ! Does he really think these jurors are stupid? ???He ask what date the pipicture with the dark hair was, ok june 3rd BUT didnt ask the date he showed with her sister (could’ve been weeks/months) it wasn’t the day before! And then showing the Walmart receipt, showing NO PURCHASE of hairdye!!! So what was the point of that????!!! Why is the defense letting him do this, why wouldn’t Nurmi bring it up again by asking the dates if the other pictures and going over the Walmart receipt? !!!
Thank you , I was wondering if I missed the ” before” pic dates. I wish the jury had asked for clarification and why defense didnt address that issue.
Jodi stated she had to dye her hair twice over the course of time in order to get to the dark shade she wanted. She said the pic with the blondish in front was earlier than June 3.
This case is a debacle. It is going to end up in a mistrial one way or the other. This is beyond awful.
It will be reversed I think judge is pushing through
Side note – I can not stand Joey Jackson’s voice. accent , the brightness of his teeth or his face in general. He also looks like he has bad breath.
I just got banned from his site. It’s run by his wife, who is as big a famewhore as he is. Oh, and she’s at least as irritating.
Yeah I am NOT a fan of Joey Jackson.
He is one of the few defense attorneys on HLN that COULD HAVE not been such a sell out and presented a different point of view.
But no, he took a ride on the hate train.
What a tool.
Yes, tool. Perfect.
I cannot stomach his grinning insane looking face! And I’d bet he has other parts of him that stink much more than his smelly breath!
It behooves me how any of these creatures got hired to be on TV! If this is the best they can come up with we are doomed.
Yes, the grin creeps me out. There is also a white guy on sometimes who is supposed to be a defense attorney but is also always grinning & slamming on the defense & Jodi.
And you can’t put into evidence stuff like this shelf bullshit as it isn’t even in the same condition it was in when she killed him. My God!!! This is just like OJ’s fucking glove. What the hell is wrong with people?
Yes, totally agree.
The new owners repositioned the shelves, Flowres repositioned the shelves to his liking, possibly moving shelves around until he found one that would not fit snuggly. None of the 2008 conditions apply. Kangaroo Kourt.
And probably put smaller pegs in also!! I truly believe he tampered with them!!
Al had a detailed post awhile back about how test results done on the shelfs today would not be equal to the same results from ’08. I hope that info was forwarded to the DT in case they didn’t get an engineer to give an opinion on the physics.
Al, do you still have that info to repost here again?
Haven’t they used all their time outs yet? Sheesh
Fuck its just come on again!
Just noticed this new page… Oops! Haha
You have to be vigilant! (I found out the hard way.)
The prosecutor has instructed Detective Dumb-dumb what to say so we can now continue.
I know and Nurmi has a lot more then ONE question and he couldn’t ask!!! Whatever those juror questions are, if the state doesn’t want to ask them they won’t!
Yea so much for justice and a fair trial. Its all about Juan.
JM was openly coaching Flowres before break in front of Pickles.
Oh ok…
Prosecution: yea we’re ready to continue our lying! !!!
The court: STAND FOR THE JURY!!!
Nurmi: In your ‘investigation’ – I guess we’ll call it…
Loved it… 🙂
Tell me the Prosecution and all the Haters aren’t sweating right now.
JW looks a little tired today.
Death threats will do that to you.
This could be interesting with the juror questions………….
Was that photo that they put up a few minutes ago when the seal was up…was it a picture that the jurors had already seen…
If not..then someone in the courtroom did that on purpose for the jury to see..
It was a photo with a man’s hand pushing down on the shelf in the corner and the shelf was flipping up
I noticed that too. I don’t recall seeing it on the projector during direct or cross …
What was the picture of?? I didn’t see it.
It was one of the recent pictures that was made of Travis closet with nothing inside the closet…and it showed a man’s arm and hand pushing down on the same shelf corner that Jodi said that she stepped on and it showed the shelf flipped upward…
The AZ seal was up…then a few minutes later this photo came up and stayed for a few minutes…then the AZ seal was up again…then a few minutes later the trial is resuming…
Did the jurors see this photo?
Someone did this on purpose…
Oooooooooooooo he’s getting questions.
Ohhhhh WHAT THE F***!!! HELL NO!!!! What just happened? ?!!! Thus is the same as what they did with ALV when she came back to say YES, that TA was afraid of Jodi!!!
I hope someone on the jury asks what nurmi couldn’t.
I really wanna listen to these jury questions!!!
I think Travis was the one falling apart and that led to his abuse of Jodi. I say this for these reasons:
In a text in April or may that he was very angry with her he told her that he was behind on he may lose his house and she doesn’t even care.
In April Jodi left to California and she had been his sexual toy for a year or longer.
In less than six months he had been rejected by three women he cared for to include Jodi arias.
AND he belonged to the Mormon church so his marriage clock was ticking not because he wanted to get married but his PPL job and the Mormon church he had to preserve an image of success to be successful.
All of it was falling apart. He had been angry and he may have taken it out on her. I hope the jury sees this.
Of course. He was a loser and he knew it. He took it out on Jodi. He blamed her.
Travis was in the housing bubble. *POP*
So true, good points all around.
The way HLN presents it, was that this guy had it all going for him.
No, not really. And he wasn’t moving on because Mimi wasn’t interested in him either.
I also think I mentioned yesterday that he was turning 30, and wouldn’t be allowed to splash around in the kiddie pool singles ward anymore. He’d have to hang out in the married wards, with people his own age. I’m sure that didn’t sit well with him either.
If the trial is supposed to be over by May 1st, then closing, does that mean the surrebuttal was not granted?
It was granted, but probably isn’t expected to take more than a day.
WTF………so he goes back 4 years after, and tries to assemble the closet the same? How do we know it is the same?
this judicial farce is the most fucking stupid thing I have ever witnessed.
It is stupid the Walmart thing was stupid too. I’ve lost brain cells listening to this stupid shit.
Why didnt Nurmi bring this up?How can one go to a place that’s not even the same after 5 years and test it?
They have plenty of crime scene photos of the stuff on the shelves to work with if they wanted an actual re-creation but this trial is a faaaarrrrce. Most of us could have done a better re-creation in our childhoods.
Yup! No clothes on the shelves….clothing would have prevented the shelf from tipping all the way to that angle…Why didn’t a juror or Mr. Nurmi point that out?
It’s not the same. It looks totally different. Plus, he couldn’t even be bothered to measure the fucking shelves.
What a waste!!!!
“Could Juan Martinez reach those tennis shoes on the bottom shelf?”
Maybe not, but he could certainly hide in one, lol.
Team Jodi
Baahahahaaaa that’s was awesome!!
LMAO!!! Good one!!!
Thanx Basse,I needed that.
OMG…….I can’t stop laughing. This is too much!
jm is putting the jury question he does not want to the left of the pile
Okay, just realized there was a new thread. Posted A LOT on the last one, LOL!
I hear you Ashley. That gets me every time.
me too. Welcome Ashley.
Detective is drinking lots and lotsa water
Must be nervous lol
Water gupl-er(not a word,I know) just like the liar baby Doc!
Next, will be a potty break!
Maybe it’s actually vodka. That would explain it.
I’ve never seen anything so biased in all my life, its truly obscene, Poor Jodi, she must want to say something, what they are putting her through is criminal.
I am just gonna say it.
travis was a piece of fucking shit. And he was ugly, and had a shitty personality. He was broke.
Jodi is SO much better than him. HE was the one probably shitting bricks while she moved on. He could NEVER win the wife lottery without her.
God, if you are real, forgive me. The world is better off today than it was on June 3, 2008, and thank you for making the right person end up in that body bag…it could have just as easily been Jodi.
June 4, 2008…all this frustration…
yes……………….thank you……………….I wanna puke and scream.
Hear,hear!!!! Absolutely agree and I get the feeling Im gonna sound even more cynical and harsh as days go by till we reach next Friday.I’m already off balance ever since Judge Pickles announced closing arguments date.
WTF is with that anyway?
What do you mean?Sorry 1am here,brain not working properly.
Well said Renee’.
Team Jodi
Renee’, I absolutely agree with EVERYTHING you said.
It’s so easy to tell Jodi is the better person even by her writings..among everything else.
The Travis Taliban can keep trying to polish the turd Travis was, but for anyone who has any amount of self respect or grounding in reality, it’s just not going to happen.
Yes! If there ever was a time for God to step into a situation this would be it! To just expose every single lie, every coward that’s hiding behind their ‘justified’ excuse of losing their livelihood, fly, friends, standing in society, church, business or whatever else they want to hide behind. There are many who know the REAL truth, and know for a fact that all this grand standing by the prosc is a farce – yet they are willing to let JA walk the plank into the shark infested, dark, cold, and bottomless ocean! Sad and shameful!
Rage on Renee’!
It was one of the recent pictures that was made of Travis closet with nothing inside the closet…and it showed a man’s arm and hand pushing down on the same shelf corner that Jodi said that she stepped on and it showed the shelf flipped upward…
The AZ seal was up…then a few minutes later this photo came up and stayed for a few minutes…then the AZ seal was up again…then a few minutes later the trial is resuming…
Did the jurors see this photo?
Someone did this on purpose
If that photo was not allowed to be shown in court earlier…and someone sneaked it on the overhead screen while they were at recess…then who else saw it????did the jurors see it????if the jurors saw that photo then they might some to the conclusion that it was not possible to hold the weight of that man’s hand then it wouldn’t hold Jodi’s weight…
Right and that the prosecutors is being sneaky!
??? Good question cuz I didn’t see that photo on my live stream. I wonder if they did??? But why would Martinez show all the other pictures but not that one and expect the jury to blv what he’s insinuating?
Det. Flores described that picture with his hand on the shelf in his testimony but they didn’t show it on camera at that time. I’m sure it was that same picture…not sure why it was shown during the break.
Tor watch the trial on live stream….I go to…it has the live stream…
and this is where that photo popped up on the screen when the AZ seal was supposed to be up at all times..someone sneaked this photo on live stream…
who did this???
can anyone find out if the jurors were in the courtroom???
It was done on purpose…so what was the motive???
The motive? Well, so that they can ‘sneak’ it out of the courtroom to all the media and perhaps any curious juror. The same sneaky thing was done on day 6, during the afternoon session break with JA’s nude shots – all the reprehensible ones that TA made her pose for. Some LOSER out there with full access to the camera and projector, is sure indulging himself and ensuring that EVERYONE gets access to it.
How is this a FAIR trial??? I hope, wish, pray that the jury comes back with NOT GUILTY of ALL charges and she gets to walk right out if that courtroom the same day!
I am so with you LC!
Nothing about this trial has been fair.
It makes me sick.
They should just get rid of the defense and prosecution tables; they’re never AT them. They should just try this case from the Sidebar. Sheesh!
Maricopa County – Behold one of your “finest detectives” and your “best Prosecutor”! Aren’t you just bursting with pride right now at the high-quality people YOUR tax money is paying the salaries of?
The atty’s should be put on roller-skates! (PS. Jm should be given those that have ‘lifts’ in them, so that he can be ‘on par’ – heightwise at least, AND be able to see above the judges table. Otherwise Nurmi may have to lift him and perch him on the judges table – could be tiring for nurmi :)). – just a suggestion for the courtroom Suggestion Box. 🙂
How Nurmi keeps his cool I’ll never know. I PRAY the jurors have sound minds. Its heartbreaking.
Can any legal pros help with this question? I really think it is time that detectives who do not do a thorough job should be investigated and arrested. At the least, the way it is now, there should be strict laws against the kind of criminal activity that I see in the police department in AZ, with this case. They are hiding facts about this trial, plain and simple, and anyone who reads the ‘police report’ can see that. i.m.o. of course.
So, is there a way to introduce a law to curb this crappy police work and force detectives and police to do their jobs?
Damned right they SHOULD be investigated and arrested, but who’s going to do that? 🙁
Its truly shocking.
I am out of the loop. So I take it those demonstration shelves weren’t loaded down with all of those shoes like Imelda Alexander had in his closet?
I guess they couldn’t find enough shoes from shoe stores from around Phoenix to come close to what Alexander had.
they could have had their Wal Mart rep provide some shoes… or the transvestite…..
I couldn’t BELIEVE what he had in that closet. It was embarrassing. There had to have been at least fifty pair of shoes in that closet. All of them spaced just perfectly, all pointed in the same direction.
..very anal…
Well, given what kind of sex he was into it, it figures.
I meant “into, it figures.”
Too many “intos’ into that post.
viri, anile is right. No wonder he had a fit when Jodi fumbled the camera.
And …very effeminate… such a ‘girl’ thing to do.
No shit! I thought the same thing. OCD much, Travis?
It was all American Psycho in Travis’ closet.
Shouldn’t that show he was controlling and anal?? SOME pictures say a thousand words!!
Like in “Waiting To Exhale” when Bernadine checks out her ex-husband’s closet:
“That motherfucker is psychotic. I bet there are serial killers who are less anal!”
There have been studies done that found you could tell more about a person by looking at their personal space than by talking to them in person.
I know ALV said that DV isn’t like what you see in the movies but…
That shit was straight out of sleeping with the enemy.
And the jeans…those were hung up upside down on a special rack…and I believe the ties had a special rack as well.
That guy was screwed up.
He was a genuine narcissist-just like my ex who would take longer than me (a girl) in front of the mirror every freaking time we had to go out!!
The only guys i know who own THAT many shoes are …gay….just saying
OMG your right!!!
Yes, closet was creepy. Also, some of the shoes and stuff looked like what a guy in his 60’s would wear.
No that would have to ask little bro if they could have them back….He sure has been looking pretty well dressed for this trial…hummmm I wounder where he got all his suits from?
Hahaha true very true!!
Thank heaven he didn’t show up in court wearing that mustard colored suit that TA is seen in photos wearing…I mean WTF was THAT? OMG hideous…
I thought the pinstriped suit was more egregious. Wannabe much, Trav?
Wannabe 65yo in Fl retirement village
Exactly so Why WHY WHY…. WOULDN’T NURMI ASK SOMETHING LIKE THIS??!!! Im not understanding people, I’ve got a headache thinking why, why is he letting this slip by? Like the Walmart girl too!
Imelda Alexander…that is some funny shit right there! LMAO!!!!!
Why open the trial if this is what’s going to happen, salad bar every minute for ages. I bet Jodi is starving hungry. This damned farce of a trial is INHUMANE.
Someone posted earlier(sorry,dont remember who)that next Wednesday since they may have to be there until 5 or maybe later,she will definitely miss dinner time 🙁 I cried upon reading that comment for not having thought of it myself-we take for granted the small things in life,forgetting those who dont have the luxury to enjoy even a proper meal.I’ll never be over the fact that she’s undernourished.
Also, since it’s about that time… Today’s drinking game:
– Take 1 sip every time JM says “Objection”
– Take 1 shot every time they go to a sidebar
shit…………. I am already two drinks in since they returned from where ever they came.
I’ve been smoking my ass off -what are we gonna be like on verdict day,god!!!!
OMG, me too. Like a chimney.
I’m very nervous for Verdict Day; will probably need a carton of Marlboros and big new bottle of Vodka just to keep me grounded! 😯
Me too…OMG I am just chain smoking!!! Verdict day I will be a wreck, I will need more than a couple xanax, thats for sure. I might even have my mom come over and hang with me that day so I’m not by myself.
Been thinking about that.Do I want to call my sister or best friend to be here with me on verdict day or will I be a total zombie,better off by myself??
Renee’, you just got a head start, that’s all. 😆
I quit smoking 6 weeks ago and started smoking e-cigs………….. sucking on it like a pacifier
I smoked my last one like an hour ago and I have won’t go to store yet because afraid I will miss something, but you just reminded me I have an E CIGG……thank you!! Lmao
I have been trying to quit for awhile, got an E cig a few months ago. I really like it, works better than I thought it would. Its the kind you recharge, and I buy the replaceable “filters” for. I get the strongest ones…lol. I still smoke cigs though….can’t seem to get off of them. Maybe if I put my regular cigs wayyyyyy out of reach that might help. Such a hard habit to break!
The wheels of justice not only grind slowly, they sometimes come to a complete stop.
You need to Copyright that phrase, LOL!
And you know what they say:Justice is indeed blind!
Even in reverse. Already saw some of these witnesses. It’s like deja-vu
Yup. A massive, grinding halt! Indeed.
Everyone needs to relax a little in the courtroom…”Smile” you are on candid camera…
must be a lot of jury questions for flores for a short testimony. i would think that`s a good sign.
Kermit must be irritated or sth.He’s usually the trouble maker during salad bars!
What do the blue ribbons I see people in the gallery wearing mean? Am I seeing them on both sides of the ”aisle”?
Blue ribbons for TA,purple for Jodi(domestic violence)
WTFK does JODI keeping look at the disgrace worthless piece of crap DONOVAN?
No,no,no.It’s actually heartbreaking,sh’es looking at her nana.I was about to comment that it’s probably the first time we’ve seen Jodi looking back that much.She must love that old woman veru much.
Her nana looks so sad, the poor woman having to see all this. Jodi MUST be freed.
I know, sometimes I get pissed off at the defense for not asking questions about certain items, but then I step back and realize, they are the attorneys, and they know best. There are times it is better NOT to address certain things, as all it does it just remind the jury of something they might wonder about, and also, it can open the door for more crap to be brought in by the pros. The hair color thing has always puzzled me in this, JM did point it out early on, asking the car rental guy, showing the pic of Jodi with blond highlights, etc. and talking about her being a brunette on June 4th. Remember when Jodi was on the stand and he was grilling her about where she went in Salinas besides Walmart? She said she went and had her nails done at a salon. He really stayed on that for awhile, asking how long she was there, and if they did anything besides nails. I remember Jodi said “maybe they had tanning”, but she wasn’t sure. I am wondering if JM was being sneaky back then, and laying the groundwork to try to say she had her hair done there too…just my opinion, but it would NOT surprise me at all. It seems like his style, to imply things, then come back around and try to make a circumstantial case for it. Now, of course if he has someone to testify from that salon, that would be different, but I think he just likes to imply things with his round and round statements and questions. That Walmart receipt shows the gas can, 2 face cleaners, and 2 Neutrogena products, I am not sure what they are, but IMHO, if they were hair color, he would have been all over it long ago.
The fact that this stupid dumbass rental car guy made a MISTAKE (he was probably shown an older pic of a blond Jodi and identified her)led to all this.Kermit implying she did her hair in ONE day.Has he ever been a platinum blonde?Does he even know that it takes more than one salon visits to turn your hair from blonde back to brown?
True Maria…..but remember, Jodi wasn’t platinum before she went full brunette. She had the darker blondish/brown hair with the blond highlights around her face. Remember the picture of her (really great pic btw) of her with her grandparents black Lab, that is how her hair was before she went all the way brunette. I still don’t know what else will be brought up about her hair, I have always thought that JM would end up trying to make a big deal of this in some way…..and he has tried with the phone pics on June 3rd. The rental guy saying she was blond isn’t that big a deal, but that is really up to the jury to decide if they thought he was sure or not. He seemed flaky to me. I just do not trust JM to let this be, and one way or another, he will make a case about her getting her hair done on her trip. I am betting he will say she had it done when she had her nails done in the salon in Salinas. I still remember him hounding Jodi about why she was there so long, and she said it was busy….but even back then, I thought thats where he was going.
And seriously if someone was dying their hair to hide their identity I’m pretty sure they would not be taking pictures of themselves!! Or letting people take pictures of them before and after!!
I don’t think she was trying to hide anything….if she was, she wouldn’t have taken pics of herself on her cell phone. Thats my point, she was brunette then, and that was June 3rd. We know she was brunette on June 4th since the sex pics of her and TA showed her hair. It was also brunette when she went to see Ryan in Utah, and obviously was brunette when she was arrested as we can see in the police videos. My point is that JM is trying to tell the jury, in a very vague and strange way, that she died it RIGHT before she went to AZ, by showing the pic of her today with blond highlights. Trouble is, there was no date on that pic. So, Jodi dying her hair dark is not at dispute at all, it when that the pros is trying to say that is in question. If they had someone take the stand to say they saw her blond on June 1 or 2, that would be bad….but they didn’t. If that pic they showed of her with the dog was dated June 1 or 2, that would look bad, but it didn’t. I am not sure what JM has up his sleeve, if anything, maybe he thinks the jury will just believe the car rental guy, I don’t know. Otherwise, the whole hair color thing to me, was very odd.
I think the only reason the car rental guy remembers Jodi as a blonde is because that is what he remembers after looking at her driver’s license pic. He was focused on that and that’s what stuck out in his mind. Jodi is blonde in her driver’s license pic.
I think that is a good point, her DL shows her with blond hair, and of course she would have to show that to rent a car. He testified so long ago, I would have to go back and watch him to see what he said specifically and how he was questioned about it.
I adore Jodi, but she obviously colored her own hair. Move along, Prosecutor.
You could be like Legally Blond…prove the case for the defense based on fundamentals of cosmetology!
I believe other products were sunscreen; so face cream & sunscreen.
Thanks Anna, its true, sometimes its best to lv it alone. Like you said, the jury might be left wondering, but then again they have the opportunity to ASK anything. Idk, I guess it like the Walmart receipt that he showed with the hair color pictures. He did that to make it look like she purchased a box of L’Oréal Hair Color and SHE DIDN’T! That’s what gets to me!!
she is never going to get a fair trial there is to much cover up going on and the judge knows it
She’s in on it 🙁
I suspect this as well…
The phrase, ‘hand-in-glove’ comes to mind…
This is exactly why jurors should not be able to ask questions until the trial is over……………
Any minute Pickles is going to say, “Ladies and Gentlemen at this time we will recess for the day.”
Wtf is taking so long?
I feel like time has been standing still
for the last 9 hours
Last five months…..
I can’t even put into words anymore how much contempt I have for Judge Sherry “The Puppet” Stephens and Juan “The Puppet Master” Martinez anymore. Not to mention the shoddy detective work from Flores.
Arizona will be luck if they remain a state after this trial.
I’m hoping that Flores’ presence at the Prosecution table all trial will work against him. It would, if I were on the jury.
I feel the same way, Joe! They’re all pitiful! !
Do NOT like these juror questions so far… *sigh*
Me neither 🙁
Me either but lets say there was a juror question that read: “At the beginning of your investigation, did you blv that SOMETHING pushed Jodi to react or that there was something else to her story?” Do you thk the state and the judge would let that question in?????? No, I dont thk so. Im convinced that the state of AZ want Jodi in death row and they’ll do anything to make this happen.
Did anyone notice that the judge began reading a Q in the very beginning, that talked about the ‘roommates’? She then quickly changed courses and asked a diff Q. I feel it was one inquiring abt the whereabouts of those roommates prior to the arrival of the cops on the scene. It must’ve been a Q that JM struck down during the sidebar to discuss the juror Q’s. I found it curious that someone on that jury is still thinking abt the comings and goings of these roommates. Go back on video and watch from when the judge starts reading the jurors Q’s.
Thatis very interesting, Introspective says.
The jury MUST have caught it and the one that wrote it had to wonder
why she didn’t ask it.
This is sorry ass “justice”
How the hell can he answer that question about the GUN when you don’t have to register it in AZ?
Exactly!! People are not all aware of gun laws and needs for registration. Good grief.
Nurmi just asked
Nurmi just asked that!Good!!!!
I know I argue with this loon on the Internet and she insists you have to have training to have a handgun in AZ. Our illuminated leaders repealed any training requirements.
Flores is testifying his personal feelings, NOT with actual factual EVIDENCE!
Flores is a DUMB ASS, for someone who’s been a detective, and sat in on this entire trial with JUAN you would think he could answer these questions. LIAR LIAR…………..
I hated when instead of just saying”no” he added ”none WHATSOEVER”
Ok we got your pro-pros!
*we got it,you’re pro-pros*
I noticed he kept saying things like “Absolutely not” and “None whatsoever” instead of a simple “No.” So prejudicial! 👿
Yeah, so not cool. Esp when she was firm with defense witnesses about just sticking to ”yes” or ”no”. Maybe we should start a document citing all these examples of prejudice to email the defense if they need appeals or further trials or whatever results from this baloney….
I dont even know why HE can sit through the trial and then be calked back up. Especially because he’s sitting right there with the prosecutor! I guess the “Detective” can get away with it.
She asks the questions in a much nicer tone to the det. than she did with the defense witnesses!
No kidding. I’m so angry.
I the courtroom assistant should be the one asking the questions. I had this crap on mute, I could not stand to listen right now.
Yes!! Good point.
Oh of course, iv noticed her tone of voice makes a BIG difference on the questions.
Noticed it too. P*ssed me off. Venom was dripping off her tongue when she was reading the Q’s to ALV. Her tone then was caustic and hard.
Why were they asking about the attic? I obviously missed something….
My guess is bc they think maybe she hide the gun in the attic ?
Jodi mentioned in her testimony that one day she was at Travis’ house helping him put boxes into the attic. I guess they wanted to know what was being stored in he attic, if anything, so as to support Jodi’s testimony. Seems to me that the jury is looking for ANYTHING to poke holes in Jodi’s testimony. Maybe they want to feel exonerated in putting her on death row ??
5’6″ 115 pounds and she dragged a 200 pound dead weight man, however many feet, into the shower? BULLSHIT.
I agree Joe!!!!! Always been a question for me!!!
None of this is factual evidence. It is all crap!!
We have gun, not registered, with a full clip, no extra bullets.
What does this prove????
You do not have to have a gun registered.
omg. Somebody give the statistics about all the unregistered guns in this country. Please.
Go NURMI!! Let the jurors know they don’t have enough knowledge to put a woman in prison for life much less death row!
No gun registration required in AZ. High-5!
Scored two really big points…..:-)
Flores and his bungled investigation… He didn’t do a thorough investigation because he was tunnel-visioned on Jodi being the perpetrator from day 1! The findings of his crappy, half-assed investigation shouldn’t even be allowed!
He never checked the attic! Why would he? He’s a liar.
He said nothing was found in the attic, then a minute later couldn’t even say what the attic LOOKED like as far as storage capabilities!
Then backtracked and said somebody else told him all the attic info! I mean would that really be a part of the investigation to see if anything had ever been stored in the attic? Total BS
probably a whole bunch of ammos, porn VHS’s and scrapbooks all arranged in neat boxes by size and numerical order.
He SUCKS!!! Hes lazy! He went back to chk out the shelves but didn’t bother measuring the rest of the shelve or like someone said, without putting weight on those shelves, like TA shoes! !! He has done such a shitty job!!
WTF is going on now……. damn three ring circus
Hearsay! Bullshit evidence.
WTF Another recess?! Good grief!
Now ….WTH!!!?????
Good job KM. Great stuff. Flores’ info is all second hand.
Another recess??
Why would they not know Jodi’s shoe size if they found a shoe print at the scene
Angela, yes!
Excellent Angela!
Did they ever test that footprint to see if it was a match to Jodi’s shoe size?Or Zach’s for that matter??No way!
Good question, maria. I have wondered that too.
anyone seen any side by side pics of pickles from day one to now? she looks like she is not doing so well…
Poor jurors they are like cattle today
This is terrible. She looks like a deer in the headlights. She should. Stupid, stupid judge.
They must be drinking in that back hallway they are certainly in there a lot LOL
This judge definitely needs to see a doctor for her Parkinson’s. I don’t think her meds are working quite well. Not trying to be mean, just observing.
Oh come on Al ya you
No seriously, that was a neutral observation. Realized someone would think I was being nasty as soon as I wrote it, and so the disclaimer. Stick a needle in my eye and all that.
I’ve been thinking the same thing, Al. I never brought it up for the same reason you stated a disclaimer.
My father had Parkinsons and after years of observing him I can pretty much pick up on it in others even if the signs are subtle as they were with my father. That was an astute observation on your part.
Yeah, I don’t hate her. I think she is trying to drag herself through this trial like it is her duty not to step down. Having the Parkinson’s makes sense, like she is trying to prove she can still do the job despite this disease. She has shoddy, weak control of the courtroom. It does seem like she favors the prosecutor despite any of this, but it is possible some of that is she sways to the squeaky annoying wheel.
I hate her. She is terrible and inempt. She shakes like a fucking chihuahua and her head is always bobbing.
she CHOOSES which words to enunciate in order to push her attitude on the jury Qs
I hope she is disrobed.
Disrobed. Heh, heh
I do think there are judges who could do a much better job. But who knows? Maybe all the guy judges there would be even more biased in favor of JM. Good old boys club & all that.
The visuals of Judge Pickles and disrobed reminds me more of a sharpei than a chihuaua.
Sorry I couldn’t resist >.<
I wrote a fairly long review of what I thought of her on the morning session but I guess not too many saw it.
I think she’s pathetic and I only hit the the highlights. I could have wrote another ten paragraphs. She’s the most incompetent excuse for a judge without even having to exaggerate and she has no clue what the hell she’s doing. Half the time she doesn’t even know what the questions are that are being objected to. What is she doing playing video games on those computers? She’s badly in need of a hearing aid.
She’s a big waste of Arizona taxpayers money. Five of these jurors are not even going to get to DELIBERATE! And they will have had to be there day after being fucked around for 4 months for nothing and getting a whopping $12 a day. That’s if we still have even 5 extras left after next week with the way she’s going. I didn’t think I would have anything complimentary to say about Ito if I was waterboarded. And she’s a female Ito.
Questions that are asked three times almost verbatim and she overrules an objection for asked and answered. Then other times she’ll overrule the same damn objection she just sustained one question earlier. It’s like WTF?
She asks the FAMILIES if it’s alright to play an audio tape that SHE admitted as an exhibit before trial. It just boggles the mind. Are the families running the trial? Doesn’t sequester a jury for a trial that is every bit as internationally covered as the Simpson trial was. This dimwit says “I see no hands.” LOL.
If you want to see more of the glowing review I gave her, go back to this mornings posts. I wouldn’t have her as a judge if she worked for free.
5 minutes of testimony and 1 hour of sidebars and recess
sounds like we are watching HLN…
And this trial is supposed to be over next week? Yea right!!!!!
Yea because shes letting Martinez BS in but when its the defense shes rushing it! She proved it today when Nurmi had questions for Snoopy (Flores). How FAIR is that to the defendant?!
Oh WOW! Another break…should have been keeping a log from Day 1 on how many break hours they get over how much court time they actually spend. Incredible!
There is so so so so much reasonable doubt in this trial it’s a joke that they even attempted to go for the Death Penalty and if the jurors don’t see it that way they are blind and deaf and should be on trial themselves along with The Puppet and the Puppet Master and Pinocchio Flores who’s nose keeps on growing.
Hey,hey,hey! I think all the Pros witnesses(PPL weasels,Mormon cult brainwashed zombies,TA’S friends and family)should be entitled to the Pinocchio name! Dont you dare take that away from them! 😀
Question about if any empty boxes, the attic and how long her arms could have reached straight above her were interesting. That juror or jurors must be Leaning to believing Jodi.
I got the same impression from those questions, Brenda.
I think a juror is saying to themselves, I believe her reach is such that she could possibly grab that gun with very little help from the higher shelf?
another resess what the f**** wonder if the jury knows what questions were not allowed in they sure did a coverup with the hughes questions quick HUGHES HUGHES HUGHES THERE ive said it if the judge will not let it in I will here HUGHES HUGHES YOU SUCK COVER UP
i am betting that when the jury comes back the judge says that will be all for today, remember the admonition LOL HAHAHA
Stan I was thinking the same thing…..
Meeeee too Cindy J!!!
That’s right, Stan, everyone place your bets – are we done for today?
I think we are!
Nothing in the attic huh? One of the wackadoodles over at WS went over to the house about a month ago to borrow a shovel and dig for evidence. She said that the current homeowner had found stuff left in the attic. Curious – is Flores lying or is the nutcase from WS lying???
So…. TA’s house went into foreclosure, someone bought it, and now this new owner allows strangers with shovels and crooked, incompetent detectives into the house to play Sherlock Holmes?
If this is true,this is serious stuff.
Oh wow seriously? They actually *went there* to borrow a shovel to dig up the yard?
Yep according to KCL from WS. She took one of TA’s sisters with her (who had never been to the house) and they got some stuff the current owner found in the attic. Then they went digging with the borrowed shovel.
Dig for what exactly?
The gun, knife, bloody clothes
ALL that money TA was hiding! !! Lol haaahaaa yea right! !! But seeing how the family is desperate for money it wouldn’t surprise me either.
I’ll bet it was digging for money.
That’s just like that family.
KCL and her BFF did similar during the Peterson trial. One of them snapped a photo that was brought into that courtroom.
Bet she’d love to go all Columbo again and literally find that smokin’ gun.
Heres a link to the article about her and the friend:
If we were to have a drinking game in regards to the number of salad bars they take in a single court day I would have to check myself into rehab …
Betty Ford for sure!!!!!
Today was sooooooooo RIDIC!
Oh, I am definitely headed there…
I doubt his house was checked carefully whatsoever. Plus all those people in there!! My god, there is reasonable doubt all over this case.
The opening to my attic is in the garage. I’m sure nobody from Mesa PD ever even thought about checking the attic. Why would they? He is lying.
We have a little tiny square in our hallway closet an there is no way
a fat man can fit in there no way at all. Maybe the shoulders an head
enough to scoot something up there would be it. Would be a good
place to hide any little boy photo’s that you like to beat off too though.
An we have to remember the house was not touched or that room
Wed Thurs Fri Sat an Sun an almost all of Monday YA RIGHT !!
Are we expecting Dr. G. tomorrow or next Wednesday?
Even if the jury doesn’t believe Jodi they sure as hell can’t believe the prosecution. You have to give the defendant the benefit of any doubt.
I wish I understood the point of most of what they covered today. A few things made sense, but most of it – whoosh – right over my head.
Who is up next?
To watch the trial on live stream….I go to…it has the live stream…
and this is where that photo popped up on the screen when the AZ seal was supposed to be up at all times..someone sneaked this photo on live stream…
who did this???
can anyone find out if the jurors were in the courtroom???
It was done on purpose…so what was the motive??
i saw it as well i believe the jurors had already gone back to there room
Motive to get to HLN so they can spin on it tonight……… I also saw that but it doesn’t mean anything since he applied full weight making it flip, and no clothes on it. She barely had to put her weight on the shelf to lift herself up………. POINTLESS…………:)
I’ve deduced that the reason Juan boy is so eager to put Jodi to death no matter what really happened that day is because he could never get a girl like her to look at him twice in his younger days. Finally he can enact his revenge. He is bitter and insecure and dickless! I bet he drives a Corvette or a Mustang or some ‘little penis syndrome’ car like that!!
Yes! I was just thinking about how some say the whole of the atrocities of Hitler in WWII & the Holocaust were started because his Jewish art teacher did not think that he was talented. Maybe JM is similar, albeit much smaller scale in this case.
Jodi is just another step he has to step on while climbing the stairs of success,fame and popularity,imho.And that’s what’s making him even more disgusting in my eyes.
M. Benz that’s what the Nazis drove.
Half day of court, and most of it is spent at sidebars, breaks and in the judges chambers. Guess she will come back and end the day………. She has no business being on this trial…….. bias, and lack of knowledge…………. equals= FIRED by the PUBLIC.
Right!! The trial would probably be alot less days if she didnt let all this bullshit with starting late and breaking early and breaking in between!! And all the other crap too!!
Once or twice I thought the judge broke early because she noticed that Jodi was tired on the stand and was becoming non-responsive.
Okay, who wrote this?
Click on the link under the article crimefile and you will see the person who wrote the article
About me
Writer Investigator Reporter Producer
Chicago, L.A. Phoenix
Licensed Private Detective-Former Chicago policeman-Investigative journalist, actor and proud member of SAG-AFTRA.
Crime, courts, cops, writing, film making, gun rights
Favorite Movies
Black Book-2006, Come Friday, This film is still in development…
Favorite Music
Laura Nyro, Carole Bayer Sager, Burt Bacharach, Hal David, Broadway showtunes, Ann Jillian, Linda Eder, Ben E King, Gene Pitney, Boz Scaggs, Melissa Manchester, Gladis Knight, Sue Ann Pinner and Bob Lind.
That’s really good! Thanks for posting P.J.
Finally,someone with reason!
Excellent article.
Then some brave person named “anonymous” said she should go down for admitting to the killing.
What part of self defense don’t these morons understand??
It gave a short bio about the man that wrote it. He has law enforcement ties. He is spot on. As for the people that do not understand. They are not looking at the whole picture. I have read hateful things directed towards Jodi and I hope she never has to see them.
Seems strange no bullets were found…who keeps a gun but no bullets??
Maybe TA did because it’ was his mother’s gun.
Did any family testify that it was his mother’s gun?
Jodi’s grandfather for one.
So Jodi’s Grandfather testified that the gun Travis kept in the closet belonged to Travis’s mother?
I am confused.
How would he know about this? DId Travis tell him personally that he had this gun?
No gun evidence. There is no gun. They have nothing. The gun that was stolen from the grandparents was never found. Bullets that the grandfather had were different then those at crime scene.
Was that fact brought up in court? That the bullets were different?
People do. People that want it for protection and not shooting practice.
And Jodi said he didn’t want anyone to know he had it, so maybe no supply of ammo, just what was in it. Jodi also said at one point he had loaded it, tho.
By the way, my gravatar is symbolically related to this trial. My cat is sleeping with his head almost up my dogs ass. I assume JM does this at nite with his own ass.
very cute 😀
If i were the jurors and this crap was going on
in Judge Pickles courtroom
I would feel like wrongful imprisonment!
I wonder how high their frustration levels are!!!
That kind of thing always worries me, since there is the risk they will take it out on the defendant.
Regarding the “tipping” of the shelf in the picture Flores showed, the shelf was empty, therefore easily knocked off balance. The demonstration would only be accurate with the same weight and weight distribution as was on the shelf when Jodi climbed on it. If the was weight in the back and center of the shelf, the shelf would not have tipped as shown in the pic.
Was that photo showed in the courtroom for the juror to see????
For all we know Flowres could have picked the most warped shelf that did not fit snuggly and even sand it it it were too tight.
Just wondering if the defense could reconstruct he shelving in the courtroom during their closing arguments so as to completely disprove the weasel’s case? And, why is Flores allowed to be in the courtroom other testimonies re occurring? I had to testify in a case one time and I was NOT allowed to be in the courtroom while the other while others testified. And, have also noticed that none of the other witnesses have been present during other testimonies! So WTF is going on in this courtroom? Because it seems to me that the judge and the weasel are in total cahoots!
It’s a lot like the end of the famous film about L.A. corruption: “It’s Chinatown, Jake”.
By the way, I just want to say it’s good to chat with you guys during the actual trial (even though most of it has been sidebars and recess, ugh). Normally I’m at work, but I took today off. 😛 I listen to the trial on live stream at work because we’re allowed to have our headphones in to listen to music or other things, but I can’t actually do anything else on the internet, like post here. Therefore, I’m relishing this opportunity. haha I actually hope when the verdict is read that I am at home so I can quickly come here and post. 😉
Shit I am thinking about catching a flight to Phoenix for next weekend to celebrate…………. Anyone else? The weather is beautiful in AZ right now….. Get us a TOUR BUS.. …. and celebrate with JODI when she walks free.
Oh, and risk running into the fine members of their local police departments. I think not.
Ha! I would NOT set foot in that state, EVER.
Me either. Creepy ass state.
What, Al? You don’t want to feel the solicitous protection of Mesa’s finest? They’re sure to be lurking.
I’d be afraid they would put me in prison for five years because they found my tag upside down…I just don’t trust the ineptness of their legal system…
I’ll just stay on my side of the map and they can leave me the xxxx alone…LOL…
So Nurmi asked Flores if he investigated how the shelves would react to weight….
and then later when they were supposed to be at recess. this photo pops up on the screen when the AZ seal was supposed to be on the screen…
Right now on HLN…HLN airs slower than the live stream…if they would show the AZ seal the entire time then you would see that photo that popped up when the AZ seal was supposed to be up…and the photo is the closet with the man’s hand pushing down on the shelf and the shelf is flipping upward…
That picture now on HLN…was it shown in the courtroom to the jurors????
That is the same photo that someone sneaked on the screen when the AZ seal was up…
I saw it also.
They’re all in cahoot, one more abject behavior.
The court camera crew starting an HLN emulation, Martinez coaching his witness openly, Flowres distributing taped interrogations, sheriff stealing Jodi’s journal, timed leaks to the press, TA family making faces and bringing onions into the courtroom instead of their own kleenex box, autographed canes for groupies, and Pickles watching it all, mouthing her injunction to the jurors.
So true viri….you’re paying close attention to details…
I love the way that you summed it all together…really cool…
It was shown in court, but didn’t make it into the live feed. It was shown later on similar to how they have shown testimony that went on when the live feed went down.
POLICE PERJURY ARTICLES VIA GOOGLE SCHOLAR,14&q=police+perjury&hl=en&as_vis=1
Alan Dershowitz calls it “testilying”
ignore the link to the articles above i referred to via google scholar using
i started looking at them
first half dozen were crap
just websites selling subscriptions, books etc
there maybe something worthwhile in that pile of cr@#
but it’s not worth investigating at the moment via that route
Good try, Wes. Appreciating all the work you have shared here!
Ate they having trial end late tonight?? Why did they call it a recess, this is rediculous!!
Is the trial over for today???….the seal is still up…
They are at recess, and attorney’s are in chambers with the JUDGE……… not sure how long the break is suppose to be… but are they ever on time?
No late trial today……… just in recess and the attorney’s are in chambers once again
I know but it’s almost 7:00 my time (Boston) …doesn’t it end at around 6:30 my time??
It does feel weird and a little scary to know the end of this farce is near. When I first started watching this trial I was a total HLN watcher, and was buying into their false sensationalized version of the facts. I thought they were right on and it was a cut and dry case and this girl would be held accountable. I don’t believe in the DP, so I can never support that, but I was going along with their story. But the more I watched, the disturbed I became and the more just off things seemed. It really didn’t take long before I was feeling sorry for Jodi, and my anger at HLN and the whores that work there was growing and it was all the fault of the detritus as HLN and Juanito. I just recently found this site….I had to suffer in silence until I found you all. I can’t help but think that folks on the jury are feeling the same way. I know they are watching the news and the tabloid channel HLN. I know they are reading and surfing the net….it is human nature. Folks aren’t honest. Many are, but in an age such as ours, and with all the liars running our country….hell…why not.
I am so glad you found us, Kat.
I am in utter disbelief today.
I took my own poll with some of my clients…and I asked a few of them if they would watch the trial at home…and they all said, hell yes…and they wouldn’t tell anyone…you are right the world is full of them…”liars, liars, pants on fire”
Truthseeker, just out of curiosity, had any of them actually served on a jury? Because the people I know who HAVE served on a jury said they did not and would not discuss the case with anyone (even their spouse or other family members) and that they did not watch/read any media. They all said that when they got there, when they realized what the burden was they were carrying, everything changed, and they took it super seriously.
I must say that when I was on a jury in PG county, MD, right there near you, AA, there was definitely some level of discussion. We would all go to lunch together, and people made comments, voiced opinions, not a load, but some.
I always think of the progressive commercials now.
“No mas pantalones”
HLN is very cult like. They want everyone to think and act like them. Glad you saw the light. 🙂
Better late than ever Kat! Welcome!
Yeah i made sure to delete anything HLN/Drew/Nancy etc off my DVR
Refuse to ever watch them again
So fucking SAD. The witch hunt hysteria against Jodi and her trial. So sad
Welcome, Kat K,
These overblown charges, the lousy police work and cr@ppy news reports demonstrate what a relatively small number of folks can accomplish. You just want to take a shower or induce projectile vomiting, I know.
A few can do so much damage if they can get a mouthpiece. You wrote:
” was buying into their false sensationalized version of the facts” – yeah, I first heard about this case on NG’s show, but her commentary was repugnant. How about that creepy music and equally repulsive delivery? Anyone with a shred of social conscience would be driven away. Luckily, I was only exposed to her “coverage” of this trial via satellite radio.
Ok, Today was a big waste.
According to a reporter on Twitter, Martinez quashed 2 of the juror’s questions. Does anyone know how the juror questions are handled? Do both sides have to agree on allowing the question?
I think it’s like anything else…the attorneys are allowed to object and the judge then rules.
Thanks, RB in AZ,
It’s probably a good sign if Martinez wanted questions removed. It could indicate a question that might help Jodi or cast some doubt on some idea/theory Martinez is pushing. I know he wouldn’t want a question removed if it helped his case.
Those questions will probably be raised later when the jury is deliberating.
Or it’s like anything in this trial, the judge sides with JM.
Hi Al,
She does seem to have a habit of siding with him, doesn’t she? Next she’ll be bringing him gifts. A book maybe.
On a serious note, do you think the judge is under pressure to assist with a guilty verdict. I know she can’t be seen to side with the prosecution or assist him in any way but I expect the majority of the people in AZ want a guilty verdict (with so many citizens being conservative), Her job depends on the people voting for her, doesn’t it?
Yes, judges in AZ are retained by the voters, and so there is definitely public pressure, that would tend to cloud their “judgement”. Like a lot of other things, this system sucks except for all other systems. At the end of the day, the people have a right to demand that justice be meted out by someone the people appoint to the task.
But, judges are then supposed to mete out that justice fairly. They are after all that third leg of Government that is supposed to enforce the laws as written.
I don’t know with this judge whether she’s bowing to public pressure, she has a natural bent towards the prosecution (the only job she ever held between law school and becoming a judge was as an assistant attorney general ), or whether she just isn’t very good. I have sometime seen her fail on simple issues of the law, that are black and white, and even I a non-lawyer can figure them out.
So who knows.
That is my understanding from everything I’ve read, but juror questions like this are sooo new to me. Counsel discuss, each having a chance to object, but the judge has the final ruling.
And the biggest problem with juror questions is that the jury, which is the trier of fact, now gets to pose as counsel in, what is supposed to be, a carefully orchestrated adversarial system. It just flies in the face of hundreds of years of juris prudence.
Question for those with legal knowledge, re: discussions from above:
The fact that Det. Flores has been present at Pros’ table throughout the trial but is allowed to testify again even now – how is that ok?
I distinctly remember a friend of TA’s (who had even been interviewed on HLN and showed off a nice sports jacket TA’s family had let him have from TA’s wardrobe) was removed from the gallery by the judge bc he would be called to testify later or had been subpoenaed. (I dont even remember seeing that happen, but maybe I just missed it.)
I also remember from the C. Anthony trial that the lead detective Yuri was called repeatedly and always came through the double doors after having been waiting outside the courtroom.
Is this just a case of Her Honor doing a little bit of whatever she (or JM) wants? ::puzzling::
In our court (washington state) the lead detective ALWAYS sits at the table with the prosecutor through out the entire trial.
It’s the same here in AZ, lead detective sits at the table with the prosecution in cases I have seen
In AZ, they seem to call him the “case agent”. Very strange to me. In IL, the state’s attorney’s office has their own investigators. The cops are basically OUT of the case once the prosecutors are in. But IL seems to follow NY, judging by Law & Order TV shows.
Does being a “case agent” make the detective an officer of the court, not dissimilar to a lawyer?
You have to appreciate how Flores always keeps his hands visible on the table, like a suspect.
I am wondering the same thing………. would seem unethical and immoral to allow this DET Flores to sit the in the court room for the entire trial, and now get up on the stand with his BS story. He botched this case from the beginning.
I would think in her rush to reach the gun Jodi wouldn’t necessarily need to put her whole weight on the shelf. She quickly grabs on to the stationary top and while placing her foot on the shelf, yanks herself up just high enough to grab the gun and back down. It wasn’t like she stood on it.
Yes, it’s not like she put all her weight on it.
How much does Flores weigh, I wonder?
based on the fat rolls on the back of his neck id say hes about 275 lbs.
He was 220 lbs at the start of the trial. But, after sitting on his ass all day for nearly 4 months, he’s now 275 lbs like Trixels says. Who am I to criticize though since I’ve been doing the same thing? Sitting all day – not gaining 55 lbs.
The State knows by now that they royally screwed up by not accepting Jodi’s plea bargain of 2nd degree murder. Anything more than a Manslaughter verdict will have this case re-tried or overturned completely.
The Haters are going to be be rioting led by HLN.
And so it begins: In case you guys haven’t seen this, there are already people talking about tanking the surrebuttal witness’ career as well on fb, twitter, etc..
YES they started a week ago on U TUBE of that Dr an book reviews also. But yet
they have a thing out to BAN this site here ?? an one on Twitter to BAN
Jodi’s twitter which is really not even Jodi ??? an is rarely used if people would look
at it.
I am PISSED ! an tired of this SLANDER from the other side on everyone every day
every hour an yet they CRY if you have a different opinion SCREW THEM ALL !
An the FAMILY an HLN an some on TWITTER are the LEADERS of the whole MOB!!
It would be pretty hard to get Dr. G fired since he is the owner of his own company! 🙂
These people are not human. I hate them all. They should be disgusted with themselves. How can they even stand themselves?
NH, rest assured, they are disgusted with themselves on some level. But they are human. Whether or not they can stand themselves is their own human rights conundrum.
Oh,boy…Here we go again…
Most of the comments left are from a bunch of backpedaling haters that are trying to distance themselves from the horrible behavior from their side.
One comment said something like “the hate from both sides.”
Nobody here has tried to ruin anyone else’s reputation. And certainly nobody here has left death threats or advocated violence against anyone.
The Travis Taliban is full of violence. They side with the abuser, what did we expect?
I’ll catch up with this through video later. See yinz all tomorrow. 🙂 Team Jodi. United We Stand!
SJ, have you seen this?
These folks really have too much time on their hands. Just what the hell are they going to do next week or the following week when this is all over????
No, but someone mentioned it earlier. No worries
Team Jodi
K just checking. Since it mimics your site can you get rid of it?
I can tell you he won’t even care about that tomorrow or be thinking about that site. LOL
I saw that site a while ago. I don’t even need to see the link to know what it is. That is copyright infringement. Fuck them, SJ. They have NO right to do this to you. I know it doesn’t phase you. I know you’re strong. And I know you’ve been through this before with another site. But it really upsets me when people do this shit to someone else who has nothing but good intentions. And that’s ALL you have. I’ve known you for a while now from this site. You’re a super nice guy. You acknowledge almost all of us regulars by name. You never ask us for anything, other than to be civil to one another. You let us speak our minds. You let people have opinions. You don’t ask anyone to agree on “everything Jodi”. You’re funny. You have a great sense of humour. And it’s become incredibly obvious to me that you do NOT, under any circumstances, support any piece of shit being violent and/or abusive to a woman. You’ve undergone serious expense hosting this site for NO financial gain for yourself. All you’re doing is creating a place for those of us who aren’t buying into the hate to come and express OUR opinions. None of us here even know who you are. You’re not going to become rich or famous because we post here. You’re just our gracious host. The fucking haters have a gazillion sites, and they open new ones daily You have ONE for Jodi, and from moderating stuff a lot less volatile than this, I know how much effort it takes to do so. Bless your heart. It makes me soooo mad that they do this shit. I’m soooo sorry.
Hi AA,
Thanks for your kind comments and your ongoing support.
Team Jodi
That site is a joke. I think it’s funny that they barely have any comments compared to this site which gets thousands of comments everyday.
Now they are showing on HLN when Nurmi questioned Deanna about her sexual relation with Travis…
And some feel that Nurmi went too far in his sexual questions with Deanna…
If HLN feel’s that Nurmi went too far….then JM went further…
A lot of my friends and clients have referred this trial as the “Sex Trial”
Ya right because she is a nice Mormon/LDS woman an would not do anything
naughty. An is from Riverside CA and close friends with Travis’s family.
Of course they have a problem with it. TOO BAD all is fair in LOVE AN WAR.
Matter of fact NURMI was a lot nicer than that disgusting JM is when he asks
questions about sex. An since JM was objecting he had to ask in a different
manner so it was all on JM how it had to be asked just right. SCREW THEM ALL
on that other side. They all believe in Baring False Witness that is very CLEAR!
They are such hypocrites.
They should be saying OH we were wrong I guess.
He must not have been a virgin, but asking her questions about sex was
nothing compared to what they asked Jodi.
Damn, they make me sick!
TA admins are now promoting a page called Jodi Arias is a butcher. It is filled with personal information on everyone in Jodi’s life…. her sibs, ect.
The person who designed it did so in a copy format of this page. I reported that post to FB, and I hold the TA site admins personally responsible for any harm done to any one that results in the bullshit they put on that page.
The world sucks.
At this rate, I might have to re-post the famous body bag pic, lol…
Team Jodi
I, morbidly, want to see it.
SJ I have to admit I was bit upset at first when I saw that but now I say HELL YES!!! POST THE SUCKER…
your ratings will go up….hahahah
I like that idea SJ…people need to remember that it was either gonna be Travis in that bag or Jodi. And Jodi is BY FAR the better person.
Absolutely BeeCee.
And all the Jodi haters mean to tell me, had she ended up in that body bag (which she would have had Travis not), that they would still tell themselves that Travis wasnt an abusive piece of shit? They would’ve been Team Jodi all the way to first week in May. But see, then it would be too little too late, those fucking morons, I swear.
Its okay, I dont want those brainless assholes on our team anyway.
I mean with their Martinez rigged tactics and all, not my type of team mates.
And I shouldnt make this about teams and winning or losing I suppose.
Because really we’re not here just to watch Jodi win, we’re here to support her.
But we shoud consider that Jodi has already won, on a long day back on June 4th, 2008.
And again, she will prevail, as all the Travisites jump ship and begin to pretend they too are Team Jodi.
-sorry for the rant all!-
What? Who is the person who set up the page? You mean it has info about her family? Thats insane, if people do not like Jodi……fine! But to have info about her personal life, her family, that is not ok, thats just not fair. People are just sick.
Her family NEED to contact the police and if the police dont do anything about it, they need to get a lawyer ASAP.
That Stark Raving Mad woman had some of the family’s addresses an phone numbers on
some page on that twitter long thing she does all the time. I reported it but all her things
never get taken down that I have noticed ? she is a freaking NUT CASE she has the
perfect name though for her personality STARK!
Yep, Including addresses and what not for counselors her sister had in rehab. ect… I am serious, the COUNSELOR Jodi’s SISTER had–they include her name, maiden name, facebook site, year book photo, current job and email…………
that page is sick as hell.
I guess we could lower ourselves and make a page called Travis Alexander is a pedophile sexual deviant abuser.
I thought of that too! Could you imagine the backlash if we were to do that, AND post info about the Alexander family? Including their criminal backgrounds?
We aren’t that sick and depraved, but YOU KNOW they would be all outraged if we did.
Such hypocrites.
I’d love that!!! We should have the same rights when it comes to freedom of speech but the haters sure make it next to impossible.No,of course we wouldnt lower ourselves but even if we did they’d do everything in their wicked power to gag us.You know why? Because they so remind me of a stupid,stupid religious proverb we have here ”The dead one is exonerated/justified” HELL NO!!!!
& his siblings are drug-addict, money-grabbers.
How can they get away with that day after day? an then cry about if anyone says
anything about how Travis truly was in life. He was not a SAINT not even CLOSE!
They say horrid things about Jodi an her family all the time an that is ok ? no it is
not. Jodi is not some serial killer or pedophile freako weirdo. She dated a JERK OFF
who was being turned down by VIRGINS for marriage.
We hear that his long time friend Deanna even moved back to CA in 2008 ! so I do
believe Travis was making JODI feel sorry for his fat ass an she came back there
that day as a friend an of course it went into more sex crap. She stayed friends with
all her ex bf’s that is a FACT! I do believe she wanted to try an date RYAN. But poor
poor Travis he was being REJECTED by women an made Jodi feel guilty an she drove
there. In the end TRAVIS was REJECTED not JODI she was moving ON.
The story on the other side makes NO SENSE ! at all ! The jury has proof now at least
TRAVIS WAS NO SAINT ! an a downright P I G with women.
Don’t worry Renee’,
The world does suck, but please remember that you are not alone. I find comfort in this site because it reassures me that there are wonderful people like you who still inhabit this earth . So please allow me to give you some measure of comfort.
I truly believe Jodi is going to be fine. I can’t explain why, but I believe that 100%. This trial needs to be over no matter what the verdict is because it’s been such a travesty. Once is over, other options can be explored and I’m looking forward to that. Jodi never had a chance with this judge, this weasel prosecutor, his lying incompetent detective and of course, that vile sorry excuse of an expert witness who just took the stand to make sure she could spit venom at the jury. There is no way that this trial will be the end of Jodi.
Jodi will persevere and we will be right there with her. ((HUGS)) =)
Thank you (((♥))))
Yes now imagine if WE had posted info about all of Travis’ siblings. Where they live, where they work, what they do. Their criminal records. Imagine how WE would be condemned for doing that.
It’s starting to look like HLN is in collusion with the crazies since they don’t lift a finger to stop this insane behavior. They won’t even condescending to say ONE SENTENCE that it’s not cool to post info about Jodi’s family. They just brush their hands off and keep the hate train full steam ahead.
MB…we VERY well could have done that and we didn’t and haven’t.
To top it off one of the biggest ringleaders of hate implies she is a holistic healer???? She is the biggest hypocrite of ALL…even more so that TA’s family.!about
She’s a freak.
Defense team should have KN stand on shelving during closing arguments and blow the weasel’s case out that pointy little rat-faced head of his! GO TEAM JODI!!!!!!!!!!
LOL. You’d hear a cheer go up starting west of Yreka, CA, spreading across the USA and ending up some where east of Boston, MA. And, many people in Canada would be clapping politely because we don’t like to show too much emotion. In public anyway.
Valerie the bailiff just announced that we are all at recess until tomorrow at 9:30 #JodiArias
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 3m
Defense is still in chambers. Martinez and Alexander family came out. As he passed the rest of the family, Flores whispers, “we’re done.”
shit,that’s why the feed was cut off…Poorly,poorly run courtroom!
I wonder if Flores was talking about today or the whole trial?LOL Let’s hope he meant both.
What a joke. Done for the day again. This is beyond belief. Can anyone tell us how we can contact the Attorney General’s office and protest this sham of a trial?
I wonder what is happening? If I was a juror I would be livid. My guess is the verdict will not take them long. They want outta there. Talk about being disrespectful towards people doing a service, they get treated poorlyl
Just what happened with OJ and everyone was shocked. Well, shit, they were sequestered for nine months, they had evidence introduced that was shit and they liked OJ cause he was their idol. Slam dunk.
No offense, NH,
But, wouldn’t that be touchdown instead of slam dunk?Just kidding.
NH, not sure if the OJ trial was a slam dunk. One of the detectives admitted he showed up at the house with a vial of blood evidence in his pocket. So the feeling was, “He’s guilty, but the police messed it up”.
Guess their done for the day!!!
Mine too…some friends and a few family members call it the sex trial, or the “sex, lies and videotape” trial. I think most people who haven’t followed the entire trial, do think of it that way, (sex trial) and really, thats kindof human nature. When you get right down to it, there was alot of sex talk involved in this trial compared to other high profile cases, but also, there were plenty of other topics discussed too, they just aren’t as “FUN” for some folks to talk about.
Remember how Belvin Perry always did nice things for the jurors. Granted, they were sequestered, but they had a better time of it than these poor jurors. And they get nothing!
He always made sure they were fed good and liked what they ate!!!!!!
The nice meals, the little outing, the movies
Yes, Judge Perry took care of the jurors, and wouldn’t take any crap from the gallery. Remember the guy he sent to jail for flipping the bird?!!! He had control of the room. I think it had a ripple effect. People knew not to mess with him.
Wow i could have been shopping at Wal-Mart today
buying gas cans & hair dye instead of sitting around
waiting for the Judge to pull the pickle out of her ass!
What a waste of day !!!
BUT if……the JM squashed 2 of the Jurors questions
It can come back to bite him in the ass hard, lets
hope and pray they also can see what we see and feel
our frustations!
Yea I really hope they saw how stupid Martinez thinks they are by showing that Walmart receipt with the pictures of Jodis brown hair but the receipt had no proof of hiar items!
I no longer have the seal – has court recessed for the day? Anyone heard?
This trial will go down in history as the worst handled fiasco ever all due to the Judge and Kermi. While KN and JW have handled themselves with the utmost professionalism the State has rolled in the mud with the piggies. I hope the verdict reflects that too. The judge may as well wear her pajama pants to court. And I can tell you I weigh 110 and if I need to lift myself up momentarily on a flimsy surface to grab something, I have and can do it. No problems!
same here!
same same!
IM SO CONFUSSED!! Did I miss something?? Did they end for today??
They have finished for today court resumes at 930 PST tomorrow morning.
Join the rest of us……
The last words I heard was “we will be with you shortly”!! Lmao
Lol this is getting so ridiculous that its FUNNY!!
Is anyone getting any tweets about the trial?? Whats going on – is it finished for the day?
Well chyte !! I was just getting home where I could watch !
They are saying that TAs family was called into chambers
maybe they’re making the jury frustrated and disgruntled on purpose with all the minutae that they will say, “hell with it cut her loose”
someone mentioned Gerry Spence awhile back; he would comment on the OJ trial. I wonder what his analysis on this one would be.
Yes, that was probably me. I love Gerry Spence. I haven’t seen any interviews with him lately. It maybe that the cable news stations are not rolling out the welcome carpet for him. I don’t know that for sure, but after reading his book it wouldn’t surprise me a bit. He really goes after NG.
Flowers said Jodi weighed between 115-125lbs. He’s such a dick face. When you are that small 10lbs makes a difference. Why does he not know her weight. Her license said 115, he knows Jodi could have easily stepped up on those shelves with her light weight, so does the jury despite Flowers through investigation.
Another day of proof the State knows they have lost this case.
Yep , lead detective FLOWERS couldnt even remember his facts from the case. PATHETIC piece of SHIT……….
that’s good because it castes doubt on what he does remember well ie what is in his well rehearsed, cleaned up, script and ready for TESTIMONY
Jodi is the same height as I am and it’s hard to tell and she could be 10lbs one way or another…..
I bet she is much lighter than in many of the old pics we see of her. She looks very thin now.
This GUY needs to get a FK life, and his hateful comments in regards to Jodi’s Family are so distasteful………….. and they call themselves a human with a soul.
@Jewel4424 Don’t be fooled ppl! THIS is #jodiarias’ REAL grandmother! She got the memo to look meek for court today.
Ya REALLY get a life everyone is not a MORMON / LDS some of us have fun
an GAMBLE too oh my ! an we do not LIE about that we never do that either.
As that shows we even get a PHOTO ! BIG DEAL !
I am finding this Mormon/LDS to be
a very strange an odd congregation in Mesa Arizona !
Like Travis proudly said somewhere what Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas
an he meant that ! I guarantee he meant that!
HAHA, omg.
Her Grandma rocks.
At least she can have fun and be honest about her life.
While Travis the Saint lied all the way to his death.
OMG… it looks like a picture taken TWENTY damn years ago.
This dude can’t be serious. So *what* if she hugged a chippendale’s dancer? It looks like a fun photo!
Rock on Gramma Arias <3
I was waiting on the jury to ask Flowers, “what was the point to your testimony?”
Lol Flores can really be an inspiration! Think about it: anyone that has thought about becoming an investigator can look at Flores and say, “Hey, look at him, if he can do it, I CAN!” Lol
***** HEY**** Did anyone see on HLN when Holly Hughes said that she “actually ran around the crime scene, and did the recreation herself” she was able to put her weight on the shelf, jump up and grab the gun off the top and make off with the gun!!????… And also admitted she has 20 yrs and 20 on Jodi!?!??… there even HLN has to admit that!!
I saw that!
Defense needs to call Holly Hughes
The defense has rested, they can’t call anyone else. They have a surrebuttal coming up, that would be Dr Geffner to testify in direct response to Dr DeMarte..
Saw that too! Love that Ryan Smith took a break right after that! Must have hit the ” oh shit, somebody has spoken some truth here that benefits Jodi” button! Ha!
You got that right! The “Oh Shit” look on Ryan Smith’s face was so funny.
Yeah, Holly’s ok.
Good website and read the article about the Pickles….
Brilliant article:
re dissatisfaction with the trial, the process, the speed, it’s ok
fair comments about some of the participants, but it’s not like a trial on tv, where all or most of the baddies are exposed, or shot, 10 minutes before the hour, so that people can be reconciled, and everything tidied up, and ads can be played, and everything’s ready for the next tv show, or a highly dramatic news break, about some human tragedy, or tornado ripping through a small once peaceful town, and all the personal drama and sobbing that’s captured by the tv crews in minute detail
this is a real life trial
Just spent 40 minutes reporting pages on FB.I’ll check tomorrow to see what happened but it was to no avail,Im afraid…
Night-night everyone***
See you all tomorrow****
Good night maria, thanks for reporting the pages!!
later ! here also
Night Maria…sweet dreams!
I don’t know if anyone else thinks so but Juan boy has looked sulky and pouty lately. Like he sees the writing on the wall and it’s not in his favor. So this is sort of an abstract rebuttal where he throws everything at the wall hoping something sticks. He certainly doesn’t want to disappoint his bloodthirsty blue-haired fans. He is so hoping to be the Justin Bieber of prosecutors in the known world. lol Mark my words…he will be famous but not for the reasons he’s hoping for.
I see you posted that the defense motion for the surrebuttal witness has been granted. Around the same time this motion was filed I remember a post stated that the defense submitted a request to include two lesser charges in the jury instructions: manslaughter by sudden quarrel and heat of passion. Is there any word on whether this request was granted or not?
JC…it looks like you are on tonight..can you get my email and find me on FB? I thought I had you on my list…but I think I was mistaken.
I wonder how much money fat man/little mind Dave Hall gets to appear on freakin HLN, and other networks. He is really taking advantage of the situation. Personally, I don’t think that he really knew Travis all that well. TA showed people only the side of himself he wanted them to see.
So, DH saying travis did’nt own a gun shouldn’t carry weight because he wouldn’t really know.
“So, DH saying travis did’nt own a gun shouldn’t carry weight because he wouldn’t really know.”
Exactly! The same friends who Travis let think he was a virgin!
Great points you guys!!
Dave ,
Great point. I don’t think Dave Hall or Chris Hughes really knew TA that well. Where are the roommates that lived with him… You don’t see them on HLN. Makes you wonder.
I’m off work in 10 minute gonna go home…have a glass or two of wine….bake some pork chops and watch reruns of NCIS!!!!!!!
“Talk” with y’all in the morning:>))
Oh I love me some Gibbs!
Me too Michelle;>)
When Does a Religion Become a Cult?
By Mitch Horowitz Wall Street Journal
“Yet every coercive religious group harbors one telltale trait: untoward secrecy. As opposed to a cult, a religious culture ought to be as simple to enter or exit, for members or observers, as any free nation.”
Guess HLN and the pro prosecution websites don’t know or want to know that surrebutal was granted. Ah, does that scare the little worms?
Wow this is moving right along
If Jodi is 5″6″ and extends her arm over her head straight up …how many extra feet does she gain to reach the gun on the 7 ft shelf? Unless her body proportions are strange she should gain at least 1ft 5in approx. which brings her reach to 7ft. A little hop and she doesn’t need to stand on any shelves.
That’s not hard math.
Also, Jodi is lithe. She did a headstand in the interrogation room, f.f.s. Now, if we were talking about the Walmart-witness climbing the shelves, I can see why the State would be dubious.
I totally agree. My daughter is 5’6 115 pounds and has long arms. The top shelf in my closet is 7 feet and she can stand on her tip toes and gets down for me. So , Jodi standing briefly on the shelf she could get anything off of the shelf.
I’m sitting here thinking and I think if Judge DO LITTLE and the Little ASS F%%% want to walk away with a job it’s time to offer a pea deal! I hope to hell the defenses would tell then to stick it up their asses..
I would hope the jury would see this for what it is..a joke….
Ok, I’m a bit confused…..(nothing new really) I know the defense asked the court for a surrebuttal. This page says it was granted, so that means Dr Geffner will get to testify and attempt to discredit Dr DeMarte’s diagnosis of BPD. I know that he cannot rebutt other testimony, just the BPD as that is the “new” testimony that serves as rebuttal. Ok, and we know that apparently, JM has a couple more rebuttal witnesses, we have heard about Suzie Dittman from the bank records dept., as well as the ME, and possible a PPL Cancun witness. With all this coming up, and tomorrow is a “short day” according to the judge, no court Mon or Tuesday, then testimony Wed., and jury instructions and closing arguments Thurs and Fri., that means all of this, surrebuttal, and the rest of the pros witnesses, have to be done in a half day tomorrow, and Wed. They better talk fast..LOL.
You forgot all the side bars and court starting late and meetings in the judges chambers. That leaves about 10 minutes for the rest of it.
LOL! Exactly, Cindy.
Anna Ryan – The Judge is allowing the surrebuttal ??
I didn’t think so,I wasn’t sure…. I read it was allowed on this site…at the beginning of the page for today. Thats why I was asking….
I remember LC said a while back that it looks like the sweatshirts/blankets/whateverthoseare had prints where a foot or hand was.
I still think that should be pointed out.
Yes MB, god I really think the defense would’ve made some really good point to show the jury. I hope Nurmi uses it in his closing. Maybe he is and has brought it up so that Martinez does t twist it around. Idk
Uhhhhh what? So they *went back* and reconfigured the shelves? Sorry but they do not look the same to me. They look way too high.
How can this even be legal?
Does anyone ever get the feeling that the Alexander’s give trial info to the operators of the hater facebook account? Sometimes ( today included ) there is detailed information posted by admin about what was discussed in chambers when the media hasn’t even reported it yet. I also believe ( it’s my opinion ) that the family speaks with HLN journalists as well,
If this I’d true then they should not have been allowed into these closed hearings.
I sure do. I know for a fact a sibling was feeding tips because i saw her do it… And they post news at the exact same time as HLN ( the state page ).
Well those discussions are in chambers for a reason…. Not cool
Ya what is the point of chambers then? Unethical if anything.
Ya that is one dirty family an I don’t care if it does upset people the truth hurts!
I am so tired of the oh we have to have empathy for them an none for Jodi or
her family. Those people did not even know their own brother an there was a
reason for that. This Saint verses the Devil they want to paint is the other way
around to me.
what was discussed in chambers? What was discussed in chambers? Hell yes they are talking.
OK is it legal for them to do that? They are in chambers for a reason…..
He didn’t even measure the freakin shelves????????
This is such bullshit!!!
This whole thing looks like children trying to prove each other wrong-Martinez should yet again be ashamed of himself!!
And of course his bitch was more than willing to run the errand!
He also “guessed” at her weight and height. No mention of the length of her arms was made..
If I were the defense I’d have the entire shelving unit sit up in court, clothes and all, then have the weasel and EF, and then the defense team-including our girl,…JODI- all take turns standing on the shelves exactly the way the shelves were-meaning full of clothes, etc.,-on that fateful day. Thereby proving to everyone that those shelves could-and can- in fact support someone of JODI’s size! Plus, in closing arguments, I’d also have the tapes-i.e.,…those taken/filmed by the cameras in the courtroom itself- of JM coaching his lap-dogs on what to say played in court. And, I’d also bring into the light all of the things that the weasel has been objecting to; thereby, totally destroying his “case” form every angle! Why, because if he want’s to play dirty, I’d call him on his lies and BS totally!
Duke, Mr. Nurmi has made several motions for mistrial due to JM’s antics (during AND prior to the trial) and unethical behavior. Nurmi even brought forth a prosecutorial misconduct motion against JM as well. All motions were DENIED!…
team jodi is doing an excellent job in every aspect for jodi
as is everyone here
competence, mutual support, range of information, humor, and so on
i haven’t looked beyond this site, but i’m sure there’s none within a country mile of this site
PS, If I were a witness for the defense he, the weasel, had ask me if I wanted to spar with him I’d have granted his wish by jumping off the witness stand and kicking his worthless little ass on national tv! lol
Question…was the jury question about the attic , random? I don’t recall any testimony about the attic?
Yeah I really don’t know where they were going with that…
A.G. I thought it was odd during his testimony, to ask about the attic. The only time the attic was ever mentioned during this trial, was when Jodi was on the stand and talking about when she was helping TA put Christmas things away, boxes, etc…and some went to the attic. This is the day he gave her the angel, and she left, forgetting it. Then she said she came right back when she realized she forgot it, went inside, and that was when she saw TA on the bed with the pics of little boys. I found it strange that a juror would ask about that today, and to be honest, it made me uncomfortable, like they wanted to know if, in fact, the attic was a storage type attic or not. It just didn’t have anything to do with the testimony at hand. Just too strange.
You know to me it seems the Jury is thinking that Flores did not do a very good job
at his investigating. As in no photos of the Attic ? there would be dust an prints up
there if items were there an then moved.
As the scene was not touched supposedly
for almost 6 days to remove or mess with anything haha ya right! Wed Thurs Fri Sat
Sun an almost all of MONDAY nobody touched a thing of Saint Travis nothing would
be removed to keep his Saint hood ? I have a lot of DOUBTS an I think the JURY
does too.
Or maybe they think somebody was hiding in the attic?
Oh Rhonda, I so agree with you. Don’t you find it odd that the roommates have not spoken out? IT’s all Dave Hall and Chris Hughes that think they know everything and TA family that never visited him in AZ. Nobody from his church.
Deanna living in AZ until May of 2008 and Jodi around since 2006 I found odd that she didn’t know more about these two……….. and being friends with TA for 7 or 8 or 9 years.
Yes I do think that too FUJUAN I like typing that name FU JUAN haha…….
I am truly hoping a few Jurors are just more curious about the roommates
it does not add up. An the investigation STINKS! Flores is LDS? I read ?
No one likes a conspiracy theory we know Jodi admits to the shot to the
head the attack etc. but the rest is a BLUR a FOG. Why did she not ever
get a mri on finger an head. I would think she had a concussion from 2 slams
to the bathroom tile in a short time. Everyone is guessing what happened
after the shot an it just don’t add up for me an I hope it does not for a few
Jurors either.
These jurors ask a lot of strange questions. But then again they have heard a lot of strange testimony and lies. Can’t fault them for thinking outside the box, and ruling out every possible
scenario . Maybe one of them since there are mostly men on this juror has done something similar in hiding things from their spouse or GF.
It’s not like she had time to hide the gun in the attic pull down the steps in the attic and run to get the gun. It will be interesting to here their interviews if they are not hidden from the public.
I am nervous as hell for this verdict………… I am sure the jurors want this over with, and want to move on with their lives, so makes me nervous how long it will take for them to come back with a verdict.
Pizza party at my house next Friday.
I’m nervous also because I heard that JM is going to show the autopsy pictures again during the closing arguments. I’m afraid that the jurors will see the brutality of the killing right at the end of the trial and then that will be seared in their minds as they deliberate.
You betcha he’s going to show those photos to drive it home that she pre med this crime. However, the jury is going to have very strict instructions on what to do in coming to a verdict. Facts and evidence………. beyond a reasonable doubt.
Nurmi had asked him about the attic and he described it but has never been in it. Nurmi’s point was his testimony was based on hearsay.
Thanks…..I remember the testimony about the storage boxes being put in the attic, now!
A.G. ,
Jodi testified to helping TA put things into the attic. She said she handed things up to him. Maybe the jurors wanted to know if Jodi was telling the truth or lying.
Thanks..I remember that now!
The fact that the state probably paid for Flores to take that trip so he could measure TWO shelves should be enough to make the jury upset. Seriously, wtf!? He didn’t “recreate” shit. Methinks JM needs to grab the dictionary he pulled out of his ass the other day and look up that word.
Sil…thanks for the lol…
You see, THIS is why the trial has taken so long (with the fact that the judge only schedules 3-4 day work weeks).
JM keeps opening his damn mouth and interrupting everything. All. The. Damn. Time.
She should be in control though and she isn’t. Martinez is. So bad. How many cases go to appeal in this area of AZ?>
Yep, JUDGE allows all the BS lies about JODI but never the TRUTH…. You go NURMI……. get that video….. and why is this dick lick allowed to testify after sitting in the court this entire trial?
And now a recess. OMG
I guess the jury figured if the State didn’t bother to do anything other than measure the shelf from bottom to top skipping everything in between what else did they overlook? Bigfoot may have been in the attic. And by the way, they claim to believe absolutely nothing Jodi says but they firmly believed which shelf she said she stood on in the heat of a life or death battle so they didn’t bother measuring anything else? She was probably so disoriented by that time she doesn’t know. And it WOULD hold her for a quick step up.
I just looked at the haters new website and I for one am totally sick of the bulllshit. Can’t people have a difference of opinion without being attacked by the other side? I find it appalling and an embarrassment to our justice system and our country – it has been out of hand far too long!
OMG…..Even with a few drinks in me…I SWEAR this is what I just heard on NG! Ok, I know….dumbass show, but I’m bored, and I REALLY wanted to hear what kinda garbage she had to say about todays witnesses. SO….she has this guy from the National Enquirer on, (Mike Walker) and he is saying that Jodi is writing a book, and has been for awhile since she has been in jail. Reason? Because she is sure she will be getting out of jail and will be broke, so will need money…hence the book and a book deal. OK…..thats not all….in this supposed book, she says she was pregnant with TA’s baby, but she lost it. (he claims to have a jailhouse source) he says she says very little about the loss of the baby, except that TA wasn’t very nice about it. Then he says she is getting 3K each for her drawings. (cool) Anyway…..she also wants to run off when she gets released, with her jailhouse lesbian lover, and believes that she will be acquitted of charges. SO! This is the National Enquirer peeps, and we ALL know how they are so very credible and newsworthy…….I can’t stop laughing…this is just too much, and NG just lapping it up, “Hold On, hold on”……LOLLOLLOL
Good to know Nancy’s not holding a grudge against The National Enquirer for splashing her bare boob all over the freaking planet.
nothing phases her…she thinks her videos are funny too…maybe the doc needs to do some personality testing on her…
the famous boob…
and least not forget the famous fart…
Lol! That’s why I made her my gravitar 🙂 She loves exploitation, so fair is fair…..
Too funny!!
LOL………….. few drinks in me too but I cancelled HLN 2 years ago…Nasty Gracelless is HILARIOUS, like a parody of her self!
LOl…I was just posting the same 🙂
And, Mike Walker has his own agenda- he’s publicizing a book!
LOL I saw that and also have a few under my belt….Oh you mean the National Enquirer isn’t telling the truth? lmao ….and NG is feeding into all of this…I turned the channel cause I just about peed my paints lmao…..
Just a random thought I have had for a while- Does anyone else find it hilarious that HLN now has Jose Baez on their shows from time to time and treat him with such respect after they bashed the sh!t outta him in the Casey Anthony trial? People are so fickle.
It’s called back-peddling…everyone on the hater sites are doing it nowadays…just add them to that list too…
And later when everyone hears the truth of what really happened to Caylee…the haters wont be back-peddling anymore…they’ll be waddling in so much chyt…they’ll wish they had a shovel to set them free…
Truth, can I ask, what do you think happened to Caylee? What was said in court? (She drowned?)
Good evening,
I just caught up with reading all the posts. I accidentally turned on the TV on HLN and couldn’t help but watch as Nasty Disgrace was saying that Jodi is planning on running to Europe with her lesbian friend from jail after she “thinks” she gets acquitted. I had to switch channels real quick before doing any damage to my TV set.
They think that prosecution proved that Jodi lied on the stand and that will get her the DP. I hope the jurors don’t think the same.
Last night her headline was “Arias defense BEGS for manslaughter charge to be included!” Lol! Gotta love her “reporting”!!!
I do that to, its like a car wreck, you dont want to look but you just have to take a peek but then I usually end up flipping off my TV, so mature, I know but ugh, cannot stand that fake nasty lady
I posted this earlier but I don’t see it anymore.
Does anyone know why they would not be giving Jodi lunch while she is at the courthouse?
I find this very odd and would love to know if this is done with all defendants that are being held in Jail and brought to trial.
I sure hope this was just a rumor.
I heard that they give her half of a meal for breakfast and the other half for lunch. At that jail they only give 2 meals apparently.
This is how AZ rolls. They only give inmates two meals per day 2400 or 2600 calories. The judge can order for them to have lunch but it’s left up to the jail……… which they don’t have to compy with the judges orders from what I have read on AZ laws. Therefore Jodi, splits her breakfast into two meals….. one for breakfast and the other for lunch. This is probably one reason she’s getting migraines
Thanks for answering ya’ll!!
That’s crazy in my opinion…
Inmates at Maricopa get 2 meals a day, breakfast and dinner. This caused an issue with Jodi awhile back, feeling ill, headache, etc, being in court all day and being hungry. The Sheriff will not change the rules for anyone, but what he did was allow Jodi to split her breakfast in half, and eat half in the am, and half at lunchtime. So nice of him, eh? BTW, it is Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is known to be beyond tough on prisoners, brags about how little he spends on food, has the outdoor “tent city’….etc. He’s proud of his asshole-ness.
I wonder if the haters realize they are just brainwashed puppets for Nancy Grace.
Cant take it…..I often wonder that….in all seriousness,
I think it is predominately people who are “easily led” who watch her show, and others on HLN, and take what they say as fact, as if it is REAL news. It’s kind of funny sometimes, others it makes me crazy mad, and others I just feel sorry for them. I can put it on now and then for pure humor, and laugh at the commentators and how worked up into a frenzy they get. There are also occasions when they actually have someone with some sense speak about this case, or other trials. They are usually defense attorneys. On NG they can barely get 2 words out before she is bellowing over them and telling them how wrong they are…..but I watch their faces, and they never get mad, they always smile. It’s all an act, its pure entertainment, not news. But, people who want to believe it’s all true will watch it and say “I saw it on NG, its true”! I equate it with saying that you heard it on Glenn Beck radio so it’s true…..again, not news, entertainment and opinion. Puppets indeed.
Some people surveyed in the early ’80’s had begun confusing tabloid TV shows with hard news
and thought they were getting it. Now those people have grown children and this is what we have.
There is also a growing young population of people who don’t watch TV now and seek news from other platforms and outlets. But the biggest issue I have with gen Y’ers is that generally they are more concerned with justice as it is defined by the economics of sustainability than they are with civil rights with respect to the first amendment and our legal process, (with the exception of gay rights). JMHO.
have a good night have to log off now my brother is tired and wants to go to bed it 8pm he is so sick his heart and liver that is what happens to you when you drink booze to long see you tomorrow
Good night tonya….sleep well…..
Did anyone seriously LOOK at Deanna Reed?
Really???….Pretty hard to miss.
Is it a surprise that Mr. Alexander didn’t view Deanna as a sex object?
Juan Martinez would look more alluring than she does in a dress.
…and, So much spin about people “concerned” that the Defense was ‘too aggressive’ with dainty Ms. Reed on the stand?
She looks like she could hold her own in a brawl.
In my unsolicited opinion—assuming that anyone is entitled to consider facets of this case which might not mesh with “CNN Spin”— “too aggressive” sums up the “Prosecutor” (as he seems to enjoy referring to himself in the third person……) and his behavior IN Court. (Juan becomes really ‘warm and fuzzy’ when approached by FANS for autographs)
The ongoing Media Trial (and PROSECUTION) of Ms. Arias leaves one to wonder where the ‘Innocent BEFORE PROVEN Guilty’ clause factors into the equation…….extenuating circumstances MUST be considered according to the LAW.
Beyond a reasonable doubt.
Good Luck Jodi—and Godspeed. n.
A few of my comments are not showing up……
Anyone else having the same issue?
Hey I just figured this all out …it’s a full moon…lol OMG I have totally lost what little I had left of my mind…..yup time for another
Cindy, I think I’m going to join you. There’s a nice cold Guinness in my fridge calling my name. =)
night Sil…enjoy…
And, by the way, these inmates under Sheriff Arpaio’s care are the ones who haven’t even been convicted of anything yet. But apparently many people in this part of the world think that’s great, and they love Arpaio, it’s like “to hell with innocent until proven guilty, those people shouldn’t have gotten arrested in the first place and maybe they’ll learn to take their criminal activities elsewhere.”
I’m going to say good night due to the fact that for one I have nothing intelligent to add…do to the fact that my brain is scrabbled … I just keep saying wtf is this all about….
Wimpette ! !
lol bratt…
Phillip ya know I just do not know what to say anymore… It’s 9:30 my time and I am just flabbergasted with what has gone on in this trial.
AZ county jails..
I guarantee you when they get audited or the Feds do an inquiry or Politicians walk through they treat the inmates like Royalty.
I don’t think so…it’s been investigated so many times now and nothing changes…
Hell no, they don’t. Sheriff Joe could care less. He still feeds mouldy bread and bad fruit. He doesn’t care. They’re prisoners, in his opinion, so worthless individuals.
Ingesting moldy grain can cause liver cancer. The FDA should be notified.
Haven’t read all of the comments today and yesterday, but I found that the character assassination and intimidation of Dr. Geffner has already started on And, he hasn’t even testified yet. I commented on the bogus reviews. I suggest that others go there and report abuse as an inappropriate use of the review process to make ad hominem attacks.
Gulliver it’s very ugly out there today…’s worst then in the CA trial.
you just read my mind! You are exactly right….these are people who are still innocent until proven guilty! It makes me so mad when I hear people, (and there are many of them) talking about prisoners as if they do not deserve basic rights or anything remotely humane. I cannot tell you how many arguments I have been in with people who say things like “Give them a cot, 4 walls, bread and water, no tv, no books, etc etc”. Really? Hmmm……so, in their eyes, arrest means guilt? As far as allowing prisoners decent meals, adequate healthcare, and a small amount of excercise each day, that seems very basic and minimum to me. There is a huge debate in this country about AFTER conviction about what prisoners should receive. I will admit to being very liberal, so maybe I am not the norm. I do believe that they should have books, access to classes for school and higher education, TV’;s in the common area, excercise in the yard so you don’t atrophy and get get some sunshine, even if just an hour a day. I also agree with commissary, (which they all have) so you can buy snacks, toiletries, paper, envelopes, etc) and decent meals. Surf and turf? No, but also not the slop that Maricopa county calls food, as well as thousands of other jails. I just had this argument about all these things with a friend, who thought I was a nut and accused me of wanting to give each prisoner a private room with a TV and free HBO. No, just a TV in the common area for entertainment during the day when they are allowed out of cells. This is also when they can talk to other prisoners, play games like checkers, draw, read, anything they feel like doing for that time period. Most people don’t realize that prisoners are in their cells most of the time, and the cells are very small. All they do is sleep, read, or draw while in there. Interaction with others, getting out of that tiny area for awhile each day is important for the welfare of not just the prisoner, but the welfare of all. People go off the deep end when isolated for long periods, becoming potentially harmful to themselves, or others.
Well, I just ranted on for awhile…LOL. I don’t know who will agree or disagree, but its just my opinion. I had a family member incarcerated for about 2 years a long time ago. I went to visit often, wrote letters daily, and this could be why I feel so strongly about this. But the other side is just fact….when you are awaiting sentencing, you are STILL innocent until that guilty verdict comes down, if it comes at all.
Anna Ryan-I to struggle with this. The sole peruse of incarceration is to somehow reform the person. Yes there is a penalty for breaking the law and everyone should pay so to speak for the crime. But treating humans like cage animals? I’m not sure that is the answer.
Good rant, Anna.
There is a whole movement to stop so much solitary confinement. It is a way to control the population, but IMO it is cruel punishment. The ones who actually have a cellmate are for the most part lucky.
” Cage Animals” what do you think about the Boston Bomber? That he should get to finish his degree, mix with other inmates? Or be locked up 23 hours a day and only one hour of exericse with no communication with others at the age of 19 years old.
I have mixed feelings about this one. Maybe bc I work in the healthcare field, am a mother, and I am very compassionate.
That’s if his sentence gets reduced to LWOP.
my initial feeling is to some leniency towards him, I get the impression he was very much brain washed by his older bro.
I have written several research papers on this topic. First, it is my understanding that those waiting for trial are in JAIL not in prison. Second, it depends on the state and their funding. There are numerous jobs inmates do for the state….. such as, Correction Enterprises operates 37 prison industries that employ 2,000 inmates. Enterprise employees train unskilled inmates to make t-shrits, license tags, highway signs, street signs and highway paint. They learn to make office furniture, janitorial supplies, beds and lockers.
Most have some sort of educational programs for DV, GED, or other schooling.
I am all for educational programs for those entering back into society, and believe life skills should be included in these programs, or programs for mothers who want to get their children back.
Remember it’s your tax dollars that’s paying for these inmates. So the more programs, the more taxes on the U.S. citizens.
True, those awaiting sentencing are in jail, not prison. In all honesty, prison is better. Meaning, it has more freedom, so to speak, it offers schooling, such as GED, has a library of sorts, offers jobs, etc. I also agree there should be life skills programs for those who are going to be released back into society, as well as mothers trying to regain custody. To just incarcerate, with no goal, is senseless. It pretty much guarantees a repeat offender.
I have alot of opinions about prisons in this country, and they are not always popular. I think the privatization of the prison system has caused alot of people to be incarcerated for minor offenses, and almost all of them are poor. The drug war in this country has been a miserable failure, all except for the prison “business”. And thats exactly what it is now, a big business. A for profit business. Out of state spending, approx 5% goes to corrections.
I hear ya
Hey Al, you still out there tonight? I just saw your answer to me from this morning (thank you so very much) in regards to the possibility of recalling Jodi.
I wanted to clarify something, if you don’t mind. You said “The first of course is through a surrebuttal, in which case they can call anyone” and then you said (in regards to re-opening their case in chief): “Again at the judges discretion, but yes if they wanted to they could petition the judge either way to get Jodi back up there.”
I’m confused. Would they have to formally file a witness request and motion the court to get Jodi back up to testify in the surrebuttal? Or, could they just call her without any type of formal request? (So, were you saying that only if they wanted to re-open their case in chief, they’d have to formally request it?)
They have to formally file a request is my understanding.
Ok, so we have TWO Days to get this shit done, and we’re STILL at recess?
MB You know what is going to happen….they only have 37 minutes left…..
and this time she didn’t say when we would be back, my guess tomorrow
Shes a BITCH!! This trial is over! Judge is going to let Martinez say whatever else he needs to for the state and SHUT Nurmi up until closing argument. That’s it, thats all that shes going to let the defense have. Im so pissed at her!!
Just wanted to mention this because I saw a program about this on Investigation Discovery a couple of weeks ago and since it happened in Az…
Examples of wrongful convictions:
Arizona: Ray Krone, released in 2002 • Spent 10 years in prison in Arizona, including time on death row, for a murder he did not commit. He was the 100th person to be released from death row since 1973. DNA testing proved his innocence.
Factors leading to wrongful convictions include:
• Inadequate legal representation
• Police and prosecutorial misconduct
• Perjured testimony and mistaken eyewitness testimony
• Racial prejudice
• Jailhouse “snitch” testimony
• Suppression and/or misinterpretation of mitigating evidence
• Community/political pressure to solve a case
I would say a few of the above apply…. You would think they’d learn wouldn’t you???
If I am not mistaken I did read where JM withheld information from the defense in a case a while ago. He didn’t get sanctioned that I know of. I think I’m going to call him the Teflon Midget, cause nothing sticks to him. It would have been nice to have a “lion tamer” for a judge that could crack the whip at him when he misbehaves. I love the circus analogy of this trial but feel very sad for Jodi. She is not bad she made a mistake like any of us could do.
Wow 100?!!!! You know I was watching “Snapped” the other day and there was a case where the family of the “victim” were paying off witnesses (not even that much $), to testify against the defense. It made me THINK, what if some of this is going on with Jodis case??!!!! This case has been such a mess, such a joke that I wouldn’t put it past them!
I heard about Ray Krone a long time ago when I was watching an episode of Forensic Files. Very sad what he went through. It was very eery how similar the bite mark on the victim was to Ray’s teeth, but thank goodness for Forensics proving that the bite on the victim did not come from him. Unfortunately, he had to spend all that time in prison first.
I was also blown away at Ray Krone’s attitude. No bitterness, just moving on with the rest of his life. I found it unbelievable at the tunnel vision of the investigators though. Scarey, could be any one of us, including any of those psychos who think butter wouldn’t melt in Travis’ mouth.
Great story that in the end he got out. “I turned my bed into a desk, my floor into a chair, and my cell into an office” or something like that.
I’m confused. (again) from what I understand of the surrebuttal process, it is specifically for the purpose of “rebutting” new testimony that the other side has introduced. In this case, it would be Dr DeMarte’s diagnosis of BPD. To rebutt this they have chosen Dr Geffner to very likely say, no, not true, wrong dx. I know the surrebuttal is not a chance to open up new evidence, or go over old testimony, just the new evidence the state has introduced. (frankly, I am surprised the Judge allowed it, but then again, a DP case, maybe appellate issue) Anyway, how would the defense be able to call Jodi back to the stand during a surrebuttal?
Don’t think Jodi’s going to be called back. Only this new psychologist.
Thanks FUJuan, That is what I thought also. I’m guessing that will be all day Wednesday, tomorrow will be the last few rebuttal witnesses JM has. Then next Thursday and Friday closing arguments. Its hard to believe in a way, although this has been going on so very long, to hear the Judge finally give us the deliberation date, was just a shock to me. We could actually have a verdict on Monday the 9th.
Do you think the jury will work on this over the weekend next week? Or only Friday, then break for the weekend until Monday?
I am hoping it’s through the weekend, but since they are not sequestered it’s hard to say with this ” 3 ring circus trial”
No, they are not working over the weekend, there is no courthouse security. So, after the weekend, when they return on Monday, the countdown will begin. I am not sure if the Judge will sequester them for deliberations. I know she can, but haven’t heard if she is going to. I personally do not think we will have to wait long for a verdict.
I doubt that the judge will sequester them now, when she hasn’t all along — and she apparently hasn’t warned them to prepare for that.
As I understand it, that means that the jury deliberates roughly 9 to 5, and then goes home until the next morning. I don’t know if that includes week-ends; I think it’s similar to schedule that has maintained for the trial.
You maybe be right, but nothing would surprise me in this! I thought I had heard somewhere she was considering it, but who knows. I do think they will deliberate weekends, just not next weekend, as there is no courthouse security so they cannot be there. Although that would put them in deliberations for 6 days, and I really don’t think they will be gone that long. I don’t think they will deliberate more than a day.
Im not surprised the Judge allowed it.. this case is setting precedent for any experts to testify on behalf of the defence or to be a court appointed defence attorney in a case inflamed by mass media manipulation. resulting in slander, hateful acts and death threats,
The Judge is walking a fine line between her :benefactors” and the law.
Say what? Not even an announcement that they are in recess??
OMG THIS IS JUST UNBELIEVABLE….I just do not understand this…..
I know. For a while we at least had the courtesy of an announcement for the evening recess.
Now we don’t even get that anymore.
YOU BETCHA, no warning anymore… PICKLES is FEED up…………… swings her chair around like she’s on the MERRY GO AROUND……….. Told the jury to go to the jury room and they were in recess, and that’s all she wrote for us PoE FOLKS who want JUSTICE for JODI.
I don’t mean any disrespect to anyone here – and Lord knows I have been guilty of doing exactly what I am going to ask that we stop doing. We all know that the network whose name I will not mention have nothing but fake journalist on it. I think we should not waste anymore of our time discussing them and just focus on Jodi and the trial. Every time I see that network or their “journalists” names mentioned I want to puke.
I’m trying to do a search about Travis’ sister Tanisha being banned from meeting in chambers because she was a part of the online bullying of Alyce Laviolette but can’t find anything. Does anyone know how this site knows about it but I can’t find any other info?
Where did you hear that information about Tanisha?
Lindsay, what? tanisha was banned from chambers? I never heard that….? I know it is usually 1 family member that goes into chambers and that it is Samantha, but I didn’t hear anyplace that Tanisha was banned. What did she do regarding Alyce? I know Alyce was treated horribly on Amazon and there were even petitions to try to get her speaking engagements cancelled, but I had no idea that Tanisha was involved in that.
I don’t know why my post isn’t showing up. But I saw it on this website this morning. If you go to the home page and scroll down a bit to the first post from today you will see it.
Also saw on the Jodi Facebook site:
Its under the title: Sourpuss, Facebook & BS Petitions
Yeah, I am wondering the same thing. It upset me so I wanted to see if there was more info. And, of course no mention on hln.
I’ve been looking for any information and can’t find it either. I know SJ posted it this morning, you can go back and read that but no, other then that I haven’t found anything else.
I saw that post this morning also and was wondering how this was public knowledge?
Tanisha has a peition posted on her FB page about Alyce. It’s been removed …….. after all the drama flared up over this.
removed just now? I thought I saw it a few mins ago 😉
If this is true then it proves that the whole family is psycho. They think it’s their right to be abusive to anyone they want, apparently.
My link must be in mod. This info was posted by SJ in one of this mornings posts.
This is what I found on the site- if you scroll down you see she is recruiting ppl to sign “End Abuse Long Beach: Remove Alyce LaViolette from their guest speakers”:
Other than that and the Team Jodi FB page that is all the info I found to support the claim made on this page.
That’s all I found too…… But I don’t believe everything that is posted. She didn’t take this petition off her FB.
True. I guess the main point is, god forbid anyone is ever in the same position as Jodi, good luck finding an expert to help in your defense bc they will probably be nervous about the crazies trying to ruin their career and reputation. It is sick.
At the same time, I am all for freedom of speech. So, if one side can so strongly voice their opinions, there is no reason why the other should be silenced. Its totally cool to disagree with an opinion, but to basically slander someone over it and make them physically ill is morally and ethically wrong. (in my opinion 🙂 )
Harassment and intimidating witnesses are not instances of freedom of speech. Furthermore, these people are violating the terms of service of various private websites to spew their hate.
That isn’t allowed, period.
So, how can this be stopped? There are so many people doing it, esp on Facebook.
I read that Tanisha isnt allowed in the Judges Chambers anymore, due to things she said or did concerning Alyce – not sure of the details.
And rememeber, the entire time Alyce and The Alexander Clan were in and out of the chambers, Travsites were pointing their fingres and yelling, “Its Alyce! She approached Samantha! She will pay!” And in all reality, it seems it was quite the opposite.
They lie to try and scare us. They lie to try and convince eachother that their fantasies about Travis are reality.
But we arent scared, and we dont have to try and convince eachother of anything.
You do know that is enough to get you into trouble.
what do you mean?
Isn’t it ironic that the wet behind the ears doc that Juan hired simply because he probably had the hots for her is probably the reason this surrebuttal is going to be allowed in? So thanks Ms JD for your snotty attitude and your puny qualifications!!
Yea for the most part this is a domestic violence case and the state can’t find a DV expert?!!! I wonder why, hhhmm?
I hear what your saying. The only thing that bothers me is their avoidance of any kind of impartiality. And then they pretend to have real knowledgable people like the good Dr. Drew aka (Dr. Smut) and he comes out and states something as fact. For instance he states that Jodi slashed TA’s tires. He presents this as if it’s a fact…. he is full of BS.
This is why they keep coming up in posts, just because of this crap. Have you seen how much make up they put on some of these former trial da’s and legal associates… aka painted ladies LOL!!
You know I used to really like Dr. Drew but ever since he went to HLN he no longer has his own opinions.
I also use to like Dr. Drew. He was so supportive of those 16 year olds who got pregnant.. However all my daughter learned from that show was she wanted to have a baby. It took a lot of talking to convince her that wasn’t the message they were going for. I had to buy her a dog. She is much better now and I have the dog. I wouldn’t recommend Dr. Drew as a counselor now that I have heard how judgmental he is, nor would I ever go to Dr. DeMarte for therapy. If I am paying a therapist that much money the least they can do is toss me a book once in a while.
I just said this last night, he used to present both sides of any story, now he is all one sided and I check in time to time and see he has someone new, hoping maybe both sides will now be represented but they are not. I have never seen him act like the idiot he is acting like now and he is supposed to help people like Jodi and he is just fanning hatred too, so sad. I used to really like him
I think Drew needs to come out of the closet, I used to really like Andersen Cooper, then he got really snotty & pretentious for awhile. Now that he has come out, he is a really good guy again, IMO.
One thing that really pisses me off is they keep saying the defense are attacking TA’s character and making up lies about him. TA besmirched his own character and it’s right there in black and white. His own writing besmirches his character, all on it’s own. He is beyond contempt. He’s a bastard. Remember Jodi saying he usually used spit as a lubricant for anal sex until she introduced him to KY? That in itself is very telling. He had zero respect for her as a person. She was just someone to masturbate into (probably with visions of little boys in his head)
Ok people I’m out for the night…
It disgusts me as well. All of this evidence proving he was a bastard FROM HIS OWN VOICE AND WORDS, and the talking points still are he was this virginal choirboy who was “corrupted” by a “seductress.”
It’s batshit crazy and infuriating. How hard of a leap is it to make that Travis was an abuser given what is known about him?
I know, it has been annoying me too. It’s not slander when it came straight from his own mouth. I don’t understand why people don’t get that.
I have the impression that a lot of the ugly FB postings about Jodi come from people who are jealous of her, either because of her good looks or her high intelligence. What else could be the reason for all of this hate? Somebody help me out here.
They are bullies and probably been bullied sometime in their life swining to TA side. Low self-esteem, and most of them are uneducated and don’t even follow the trial by the questions they ask on hater’s site.
They are going against their own causes then.
Bully explains it period.
They also want someone new to hate.
They aren’t kids just growing up, they are supposed to be and act like
You can teach a kid that isn’t right, how would they like it if someone did it to them.
Adults that bully, there is no excuse.
And there are plenty of them.
What a damn shame.
I think its just the way of the world, sadly. The nature of the beast. Whenever you have a high profile case like this, you will have people going to extreme. It seems like one upmanship at times, as if,”Ok, you said something REALLY horrible, now watch THIS”!! It is a true story, this trial, but it is also a big story, and has sex, and sex sells, more than anything else. Let’s face it, it is a murder trial, with a young woman being charged, facing the DP, with sex, gory photos, and alot of TV coverage, including a movie in the works. Whenever you have all this, you will have people going nuts to attack, to come up with even crazier ways of attack, crazier theories, meaner websites, and it just fans the flames. Add in the media who LOVES to add fuel to the fire, and you have a country riveted, many of them filled with hatred.
You speak truth, Anna.
Some is the Religion also. Some is people that have lost a bf or husband because
of a pretty young thing that came along an caught his eye I think. An now they think
every attractive women that men fall all over is a whore an it is not always the case.
I simply can’t believe there are truly older women out there that actually still believe that
Jodi tempted Saint Travis an taught him naughty naughty things. That infuriates me even
These are the same people though that will not go look at Travis’s my space an just read
some of the things he has up. He shows right there without looking far he is Materialistic an
looking for women. He is egotistical an conceited would I want my daughter to date him? NO!
After reading on Dave Hall’s page about oh Travis was so cool because even though he did
not attend BYU he went there with a backpack on to pick up chicks! REALLY? oh ya that is so cool. NOT. It proves he had a FALSE FRONT right off an was not ashamed to do things like
that an brag to his Mormon friends. I am sorry he is dead but if I met this man I would not like
him period. I do not care for men like that an would not want a family member to date one.
Snake Oil Salesman can talk the panties off a lot of women especially naive ones. He may have been the best to all those Mormon’s an PPL coworkers but they too are in Sales.
This is just my opinion of course, but having her finger x-rayed wouldn’t have done much. If they did x-ray it, and it showed it had been broken, what does that mean? The pros would just say she did it while she was stabbing TA. If it wasn’t broken at all, and she just thought it was, then the pros would say she lied again. Remember, in her police interrogation, she told them that her cat had scratched her finger. She also told Ryan she cut it on a glass at work. IMO, x-raying the finger would be a moot point.
Even if the finger were x-rayed, the liars would say she had that broken finger for years.
BTW, most victims of abuse don’t broadcast their abuse all over the place; they suffer in silence.
i know the feeling. it’s been a witch hunt against jodi on city data. i been deli-giant for 5 months, practically the lone ranger
Jodi was pysically abused and verbally abused.
When they are physically abused, they aren’t going to press charges,
When verbally abused, they aren’t going to tell anyone.
Most people really understand whether they’ve been abused or not.
I guess the only way people get it is after the woman is dead,
then they would blieve it.
So the idiots holding up their finger and mocking, making fun of Jodi
have heard that one part and not the whole trial.
Yes they are only listening to the HLN crowd an that is it they truly do not even
know a lot of the facts in the story. Even HLN has told untruths an does a mock
jury about Jodi. I do not think that is very professional but I guess the majority
feels it is A OK. I think it is wrong. Even if it is Entertainment News their title
says Headline News which is CRAP an people watch it for a recap of events
an then they believe it ! drives me NUTS !
I agree she should have had x rays an a mri on her head done due to I
truly believe being body slammed on bathroom tile an then slammed on
the tile during the actual shot to his head she may have again knocked
her head on that tile hard with a 200 pound man flying at you. It would
have showed concussion I am certain of it an explain that is why it
is foggy an she is not telling story’s like people keep saying.
Also her finger I do believe was broken before that event on June 4th
due to a few photos she has on My Space an before that event her
finger is bent. No one can fake the RED SWOLLEN joint she has at
times it is irritated you can tell just as joints do after they are messed
up. It has a big knot on her knuckle where it bends. The weather effects
it etc. arthritis also sets in those spots as I know I have a broken finger
much like hers.
I have the impression that a lot of the ugly FB postings about Jodi come from people who are jealous of her, either because of her good looks or her high intelligence. What else could be the reason for all of this hate? Somebody help me out here.
The haters keep referencing their 1st right amendment, freedom of speech…..I get it to a point. But what about our 6th right amendment, right to a fair trial?
What they are doing isn’t protected speech. What they are doing is using private websites to post hate and are violating the terms of service.
It also isn’t protected speech to try and destroy people’s livelihood in an organized campaign of smear.
Exactly freedom of speech to a point. And that point was reached a long long time ago.
I am going to be doing a page about this for my own blog, because I am tired of seeing people hide behind freedom of speech as if it absolves them of all accountability.
No, what they are doing is NOT freedom of speech. ALL freedoms have limits. That’s why the 2nd amendment right to bear arms does not necessarily mean someone is allowed a b52 bomber parked I their back yard. Freedom of speech is limited by law so that one person’s right to speech does not interfere with another person’s right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.
Death threats, slander, false alarms, terroristic threats, hate speech, writing books about how to commit crimes – none of that is Constitutionally protected. I don’t think what the haters is doing is protected either. They are bullies hiding behind the same stupid excuse they hid behind when they were in junior high – free speech so they can keep abusing their peers.
Our nation has a severe problem with bullying and abuse because people use these bullshit excuses and do whatever they can to get away with all kinds of disgusting behavior.
Jodi was pregnant according to HLN. Thought you all would love this piece of untruth.
SD….I know right! And, she lost the baby and TA was cold about it. And, she is writing a book so she can make money when she is acquitted so that she and her lesbian lover from jail, can move to Europe and have a baby together with a sperm donor. ohh, yeah..also, she killed TA in the shower when they were acting out a scene from Psycho. LOLLOLOLOL
Glad you caught it…so stupid.
I have been supporting jodi for along time even before i started posting. I got so pissed off at the propaganda i couldn’t i couldn’t take it anymore. I see lots of unsual, or unfamiliar posters today, does anyone else see this??
Hi eb,
I don’t……like who? I see the same group I see all the time.
i took a letter out of name does that make me unknown?
i guess so
so anyway, i was trying to say that ive made an aol chat room to get more opinions on how others are thinking and i was astonished at how many responses i got and of course they are all anti jodi. On a good note i was able to persuade a few in their unreasonable thinking and i feel good about that but you wouldnt believe some of the ignorant responses i get and the premade notions people have set along with the “knowledge about watching the trial daily” that they have.
was not referencing you, did not mean to offend you.
lol you didnt and i didnt think you were let me scroll up because im not real good with how this works i just hit reply i probably should post comment i get caught up sorry
Here’s what i wonder, I think all the haters are getting agitated because they know the truth has been exposed. Travis Alexander was not a virgin, he was into quasi sado sex, he was into 12 yr old little girls and he was a pedophile. IMO . Then he was into having many women to help support him and his over inflated desires. To put it simply he was living beyond his means. He knew the walls was crumbling in on him. He was desperate. Because of his fu’s and false impressions he began to take his anger out on Jodi, because she knew the truth. His anger escalated when he tried to manipulate Jodi one more time, and she said I have had it, “I’m moving on”.
All this propaganda that has been put out today is pure BULLCHIT!
I think that fu should have been a fkup. sorry
I don’t know if anyone cares but Tania Raymonde was cast as Jodi in the Lifetime movie they’re making. She doesn’t look anything like her, in my opinion. Not that it really matters since, as far as I can tell, the movie is going to paint Travis as a saint and Jodi as a cold blooded killer.
I saw that, and saw a picture of her somewhere, like entertainment tonight or one of those type shows. I actually thought she was pretty and does resemble Jodi. The showed the guy who will play TA but I can’;t remember who it was, he didn’t really look like him imo. I’m not sure if I will watch the movie, not sure how it will play out. I am sure they will wait til after the verdict of course. Still, it will likely be very biased. My curiosity might get the better of me though, but I will probably just get pissed off and turn it off.
I didn’t think neither actors look anything like them, and if they portray Travis as a saint, they need to call someone for help. Alyce would be a good call, she can straighten them out.
we could all get together and do our own
Let’s call Dr. Samuels too. god bless his soul.
has anyone mentioned the death threats made against Ms. Wilmot?
Oh that’s being investigated and I hope the person/persons behind it get in ALOT of trouble!
Yes, and that pisses me off. They are azzholes. This is about justice, last time i checked anyways.
Can somebody please explain to me why the picture from 2008 of Travis’s closet looks damn near identical to the picture of the same closet in 2013??? I’m losing my mind!
i admit i don’t like jaun martinez and he really makes me sick to my stomach, but ultimately he is doing his job to the best of his ability, just as every other employed person dealing with this case, and the families and supporters should not be badgered in any way, but yet. i have been told that my family should be killed because i support jodi. its nuts
you should have never been told that. Here’s what i think is going to happen. Because of all the crazies and haters, we won’t be allowed to see court cases. The Judge in the Michael Jackson denied cameras in the court room, currently in progress. Thanks to HLN, Nancy Disgrace, Vinnie, jvm. What reasonable that respects their duties would want a CIRCUS in their courts. Some Judges respect the justice system. Judge Pickles and HLN and entourage do not.
I actually have mixed feelings about that. To be totally honest, I am glad this case (Jodi) was televised, simply because I wanted to watch it. I don’t think the issue is what happens INSIDE the courtroom at all, it is outside, the cameras outside, the non-stop media hype, and mostly, the TV shows that discuss the trial for hours and hours after court is over for the day.
to my dearest nurmi,
i think you are super hot! i just want to hug you and love you and squeeze you! you are a hunka hunka burnin freedom fightin love. i love how calm and cool you are. i love the way you talk and throw your head back when you think something is funny. i love your socks. i love your wrist shake thing. i want you big time. you are totally my new boyfriend.
goodnight my luvah!
LOL!! You might have to fight Dorothy for him 🙂 I know she LOVES he suit/tie/sock coordination.
you know he’s gotta be reading this!
Here’s something i would like to say about the 10 letters that was denied being brought into court. Judge pickles did not allow it. You know who C Hughes and SKY hughes. Read this by a VERFIED attorney:……….. READ SPECIFICALLY POST #42. Then you will know just how bad Jodi is really being screwed.
Very interesting News report:
Good article geebee……
its so sad that people have come to this. Good news that the threat against JW isn’t credible, and she isn’t doing anything about it…so just some a-hole, but still, its disgusting. Same with ALV, all those emails, calls, petitions, etc, for crissakes, don’t people realize this is a human being?! I don’t care if you HATE Jodi with every fiber of your being, these are people who are WORKING. Thats what they are doing, a job. It is their job to defend her. (JW) As for a witness, if they feel they want to get involved in this case, that is their RIGHT, and they should not be made to feel afraid or threatened because of it. I hate all this, and I would say the same thing if a witness for the pros was being attacked, it doesn’t matter who, it’s just wrong. I hope some idiot screws up and leaves a message and gets caught. Then they can laugh all the way to jail.
I think if you go back and read the article, they basically thought the first report was a joke, then they had the second one, and IT WAS NOT A JOKE. I believe some one has been called in. Just my opinion.
The threat is not very credible in that it’s unlikely that it would be carried out. But being on the end of such threats is a disturbing experience nevertheless, and such threats are not free speech, they are criminal offences that should be investigated and prosecuted.
one last comment before i goto bed, in arizona an ordinary woman with no connections to anything other then every day life, claims that she stabbed her husband to death for beating her and she was sick of it. I dont see the media hyping it up and saying she should be slayed. Why can people ignore stories like that as like… oh yea thats messed up, then you get nancy grace on the subject because it sounded “fun” and it’s a death penalty case because jodi was yada yadi. its disgusting that so many people cant just form their own opinion. i do not believe jodi premeditated travis’s death. If she did, I don’t think it was something he should have not expected. You cant dick around with multiple women and think that all of them are going to lay down and take it like a “woman”. we fight back sometimes.
You have it correctly. It sucks. Pissed off beyond pissed off. What a crock!
I am pissed off just read another post, Jodi slashed the tires. Flores told them in the first reports there was NO EVIDENCE JODI SLASHED THE GDAMN TIRES. Every phony every fake has stated Jodi did it. All of HLN dumb ass reporter have said JOdi slashed the tires. She did not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everybody told FK off Flores to check out dustin thompson. FLORES: STATED THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE JODI EVER SLASHED THE DAMN TIRES. SOMEBODY NEEDS TO GET IT RIGHT.
Thank you everyone for all your comments. Helped me get caught up while at work.
as I mentioned earlier, with the latest murders of 2 prosecutors, for the State not to take this serious is VERY concerning to me.
I hope JW and KN push for the investigation and prosecution of this idiot before they really hurt someone!
When the judge was reading the questions she started off reading a question but stopped… obviously the State didn’t like that question.. but, the juror will wonder why it wasn’t asked.
So much covering up its disgusting.
Good Morning Everyone!!!
I just finished reading some of the comments I missed yesterday.
I cant believe that photo was on the projector when court began after the recess. I have a friend who was a juror during a very very high profile court case. The jury was not saquestered ( I know I spelled that wrong) and when the verdict came back and the defendant got 15 to life the defense asked to be able to inspect all of the jurors computers and other network type devices. This request was GRANTED!! The reason for the request was to see if the jurors were looking online when the trial was going on. The defense did not find anything but not for lack of trying. What I am wondering is could Team Jodi make such a request in Arizona? After that chance that photo was seen by the jury I am thinking that the chances the verdict will be overturned based on trial misconduct is VERY great.
Did anyone else see on the ID network the other night the episode of Deadly Women that JM made an appearance in?
I agree with the comment above. Jodi is a very intelligent woman and IF she was going to plan to kill TA why the HELL would she leave so much evidence? She is too smart to be that criminally stupid!!! The woman who didnt want to write something negative aout someone because she didnt want to bring aout bad things….WOULD NOT PLAN A MURDER!!! Why cant the pod people understand common sence???
I just read a newspaper article that was amazing!!! The first I have read that is rally PRO Jodi
Travis lied too.
I have updated my intimidation page at
It now documents:
Counsel intimidation
Witness intimidation
Supporter intimidation
Journalist intimidation
Juror intimidation
Any more categories? Who is left?