
Jodi Arias Trial – Day 49



I guess that when the state’s witness has basically been paid (and coached) to turn up and say the other 2 expert witnesses were talking total BS, then the direct testimony of Janeen DeMarte was always gonna be short & sweet. Even Heather Conner (the latent print examiner) spent 5 times longer testifying about a few fingerprints & TA’s undergarments – but I digress.

Juan Martinez & Janeen DeMarte 4-16

So following the start of the cross yesterday – which terse to say the least – Jennifer is already well on her way to accomplishing her initial Team Jodi mission of derailing DeMarte’s credibility – and with relative ease.

There was also a drastic difference in DeMarte’s replies to Jennifer. I guess that’s the difference between scripted & unscripted?

It’s not that DeMarte is clueless… far from it in fact. No doubt she’s awesome at arranging stuff and organizing people. It’s just that she has very limited knowledge & experience of PTSD, amnesia and battered woman’s syndrome. Yes or no?

And with reviewing disability claimants, coupled with her AZ state hospital gigs in 2009, her supervised evaluations, and a license to do stuff granted in mid-2010 — she’s trying to come across as an accomplished expert in an area where she isn’t. As far as I know, DeMarte was still in diapers when ALV got her masters degree – but I guess that has little to do with it really.

Strangely enough, it reminds me of Dr Richard Samuels famous one-liner to Martinez a few weeks ago, where he told him: “You have no knowledge in this area!”

Let’s see how it all unfolds today.

Remember the ammunition, and forget the stripper pole… for now at least.

Leave your comments below on trial day 49 of this judicial farce…

Team Jodi

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    • Good morning JoshDavis…

      Congrats for being #1

      Not sure what the super prize is for today for being number one…LOL…

      • Wow thanks you guys on congratulating me on being number #1 this morning.
        I guess if I had a choice of a prize today it would be a large pitcher of Margaritas
        so we can all play a drinking game.
        Everyone take a drink every time Dr Demarte’s compassionate mouth takes a sip
        of water…
        We would be sooooooooooooo DRUNK!

        On that note, Expect Fireworks today as I am super confident
        Jennifer is going nail that condescending bitches ass to the back of
        the courtroom wall.

        Can’t wait!!!
        you guys are awesome by the way!

  1. Okay so just wondering, if Baby doc does 8 to 16 evaluations per week, as she stated, and each of these evaluations take lets say 4 to 6 hours, that would have her working 32 to 64 hours per week, or 48 to 96 hours. So my question is her practice seems to be just evaluating people, because I see very little time for therapy.
    Also according to wildabouttrial, no juror questions from yesterday-speculations?

    • Agree! I’ll give her props for her education, that’s great and all, but she seems to be one that would rather organize and train students rather than be in it to help people that need therapy. The fact that she would “sometimes” have a “little” compassion for children that are victims of abuse says more than anything else, IMHO.
      And while there is a need for people in that field to organize and teach, putting her out there as some expert with her baby credentials and obvious lack of experience due to her age, is comical to say the least. Fact is, she was probably still in her mother’s womb as Dr. S and ALV were getting their degrees.
      Here’s my thinking, with my first child I constantly pulled out my baby books to find out what a certain rash could be, why she was spitting up, why she wouldn’t sleep, why she was sleeping more than normal, yaddayadda. By the time my fourth child was born, I didn’t pick those books up more than one or two times at most. Why? EXPERIENCE taught me more than anything else.

          • This is not on subject, and therefore subject to a beyond-th-scope objection, but I have been thinking about something you said yesterday about her accent, Also. You called it posh, which struck me, as my impressions of her were not focused on that.

            Please indulge me as it might take a bit of space to make my point.

            The US prides itself on its class fluidity, and indeed, I think that it is one of our greatest strengths. Class over consciousness is toxic in my view. We struggle with race relations, and I believe we are making progress. We are also highly regionalized, and these issues affect the cultures of our regions to varying degrees. I grew up in a place that is not highly class conscious, and spent my young adulthood in a place in the US that was much more so.

            DeMarte grew up in El Paso, TX, and she appears to be Tejana. She went to UMass, Amherst. She spent her youth in a racially aware place, with a triangulation of cultures that would occupy several doctoral theses. Then, at an impressionable (and approximate) 18, she moved to Amherst. She moved to Amherst to attend UMass. Not Amherst. I don’t know Amherst, Mass., but I know people who attended Amherst College. Let’s suffice it to say that I’m sure every student at UMass is aware of what coming in second place in a 2 man race feels like. Similarly, she went on to Michigan State University in East Lansing. Which is not (No matter how much JM thinks it might be) the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. One thing that we Americans allow ourselves to be snobby about is education. DeMarte appears to have given in to this vice without reservation. But there’s one thing about attaching one’s self esteem to the object of his snobbery: You’d better be a connoisseur. Or be able to hang. Or whatever.

            When I hear DeMarte’s accent I don’t just hear an immature, cocksure rookie. I hear a highly conflicted striver who never quite grasped the golden ring. I hear someone whose language is a mash up of a scared non white Westerner thrust into a New England world where she might understand the words, but she is searching for the meaning. Overlay that with a stint in a highly competitive academic environment at a second-best state school, maybe add in some racial self hatred (or at least ambivalence) for good measure, and you’ve got this mess.

            • P.S. I don’t think that she is smarter than Jodi is. More supportive family? Probably. Better at softball?Almost certainly. Smarter? Not a chance.

              PPS- Wilmott has just about everybody in the courtroom beat, in my estimation

              • Her voice sounds very affected, maybe I notice it more because I’m British, I don’t know, but it doesn’t sound natural at all.

              • This is really a nasty thing to say but seeing how Mr. Martinez treated Jodi and the Defense witnesses for the past three months, I kinda wish J. Willmont would treat this NEW Expert Witness of Juans the same way he treated the previous Defense’s witnesses. Just one time I would like to see Jennifer tear this expert witness down, piece by piece. Just like he did to Alyce L.

                • I felt the same way Sharon, but then thought.. no no dont.. cuz we dont want her to seem at all like JM.. JW was polite and said good morning.. Ms. DeMarte.(Or Dr. not sure) . and smiled etc.. Did you ever hear JM say good morning to Dr. Samuels..( hell, you cant even get him to call him Dr. and that is such disrespect.) . or good afternoon Ms. LaViolette.. none of that.. He was just plain disrepectful of these experts..

              • THTO, I think she would–it just how she is–arrogant, too full of herself, no empathy or compassion. Her eyes are steely and cold.

                • Martinez could learn a lot about examing and cross examing from Nurmi, Jennifer and Jose Biaz!
                  No yelling at everybody and not a laughing ass alown.

      • yes people are needed to teach, but being a teacher takes even more patience and compassion, which Ms. demarte appears to lack. one of her own students fron 2007 stated she has no business teaching and not to take her class if you care about your grades.
        There are too many people in health care, in postions of power, who have no business being there. They lack experience, empathy, and have a over inflated ego. This woman is the epitome of what’s wrong in our health care system today. She needs to stick to doing research papers, and have NO say in treatment if patients, especially domestic violence victims. Could you imagine her walking into your exam room after being sexually assaulted….makes me shudder to think of it.

          • Not trying to be a smart ass, its just I always like to know if I am using a saying correctly.

            Hear, hear vs. here, here

            Hear, hear (usually with a comma and set apart as a self-contained sentence) is the conventional spelling of the colloquial exclamation used to express approval for a speaker or sentiment. It’s essentially short for hear him, hear him or hear this, hear this, where these phrases are a sort of cheer.

            Here, here is widely regarded as a misspelling, although it is a common one, and there are ways to logically justify its use. But for what it’s worth, hear, hear is the original form (the Oxford English Dictionary cites examples going back to the 17th century) and is the one listed in dictionaries. English reference books mention here, here only to note that it’s wrong.

            • I think of it as “hear ye, hear ye”. Town Criers yelled it at the top of their news to get everyone’s attention while strolling the streets with the latest. But first, they rang a hand-held bell.

              Now the way you mean it might have originated as a form of agreement in an organized group or body, “hear hear” – a condensed version of “hear ye” meaning “ditto here”, indicating that the utterer is in accord with the person who has the floor and wants everyone else to listen to the point being made.

              Someone suggested that Judge Stephens should have a gavel and I agree. She ought to use it whenever JM’s voice hits a certain level on the decibel meter. Old-fashioned decorum is never really out of date when considering the human factor.

      • this little bitchy woman…. is definitely messing up. She seems a bit too hard faced, to be giving therapy. She needs to look for a while a Dr. Samuels, and get a idea of what it means to help people in the field of psychology

    • having had evaluations,they do not note the 4-6 hours she’s saying they do. she’s saying that to make it look like she has more experience than she does.I don’t like her
      She has very little real experience in the real world.Her conclusions are as wrong as this entire travesty of an investigation /trial has’s disgusting

      • I’m sure evaluations would take more than 4 to 6 hours, I just came up with those numbers to give her a reasonable work week, however if you take into account she took 12 hours to evaluate JA, then her work week of 8 to 16 evaluations per week according to her testimony, would be impossible to work as there are only 168 hours per week.

  2. Wow! Third place, a first for me! Yeah! Congrats to 1 & 2 🙂

    Good Morning everyone 🙂

          • I wouldn’t wish her on my worst enemy, well I can make an exception.. the initials JM come to mind!

            I bet he’s taking her to dinner every night and coaching her.

            • Well they have photos of Alyce an JW out to lunch. I want to see the
              same of JM an This kid at lunch too ! Oh that is right this side we do
              not STALK an hunt down people like the We love Travis side does.

              How strange is that? they claim we are the physco’s! because we
              see some discrepancies in the side of Travis being a SAINT. An
              the whole day of June 4th 2008. An what went down that day.

  3. Good morning guys and great post SJ. Thats right, “You have NO knowledge in this area” and Im excited to see JW expose her, I cant wait to see her face. Lol

    You know that your a real Jodi Arias lover when you make your kids shots apt at 7:45 so that you dont miss a minute of the trial! !! My husband was laughing at me this morning cuz I didn’t want to get up, but oh well it’ll be worth it! !! I hope! ! See ya ltr.

    • LOL yeah my best friend thinks I’m obsessed at this point(“honey you are obsessed”) because I’ve been doing the same thing. I went to Lowes during the afternoon break and I rushed home and made him go pick up my youngest from daycare even though it was on our way home.
      I don’t post much but always read all the posts and lmao at you guys. I have never visited the hater sites because I know they are screwed up in the head!! I have no desire to even go there and be exposed to their kind of thinking!!!
      To me this trial is a sad example of what our society has come to;( Reality TV) bullying to get your way, misconstruing or seeing what you want despite the evidence, and lack of compassion/empathy, putting oneself in another person’s shoes. It took only 5 seconds of NG and I started watching for myself, I wanted to know facts NOT HER OPINION!!!!! She made me sick!!! Talk about biased@@@@@@@@!!!!!!

    • Soooo true! I’m finding myself planning my day’s around the trial… house cleaning totally down the tubes! I tried just listening, but then I don’t get to see Jodi or JW; so stopped that…oh well I guess in the month of May (hopefully)….

      • You’re all lucky it comes on in the day time, I can’t count the number of late nights I’ve had~~looking haggard 🙁 in fact I fell asleep sitting up in the dentist’s waiting room last week–it took him 2 attempts to wake me!! 😀

        And there’s a great possibility this circus is going to go on and on and on.. I’ll lend up looking ninety at this rate!

      • My house cleaning went down the tubes somewhere in February. I have been revolving my entire life around the trial. I do my house work Saturday or Friday evening (if the trial is not on that is). When I make meals for myself, I always put my laptop on the kitchen counter when I can hear and see what is going on.

    • Haha, good planning on the shots!

      I’m going on vacation next week and while that’s great & all…I’m going to miss everything!!!!

    • And shes getting paid the same thing the other experts were $300 bucks an hour, … and the grief Dr Samuels and AL have taken over what they were getting paid..

  4. Let’s do another caption game! What is Kermit saying in the above photo?

    “Just do what The Prosecutor says. You’re not following The Prosecutor’s instructions, and it’s making The Prosecutor get upset.”

  5. Caption ” I get that drinking water seems like a “human” thing to do, but if you keep drinking it like that and not having to use the bathroom, your making it even more obvious that your a robot. Your absence of of real human emotion was already starting to show.”

  6. It’s very clear to me atleast, I’m no expert, but it’s very clear that Dr Demarte’s purpose was different than the defense. She even stated she went to evaluate Jodi on a question which I can’t recall off the top of my head but she went for a very specific purpose to answer a question the prosecution presented. Honestly, I can see how Jodi does have borderline personality disorder because during her testimony she did externalixe blame for example the interview to inside edition on the jail guard which I found odd and also some of the problems with her relationships. BUT this actually goes to strengthen her case in some ways. How does someone like Jodi connect what happened on June 4 without being traumatized? How does she connect the ideas of what happened in her mind that she killed Travis when she has seen herself as a person that throughout her life hasn’t hurt anyone? Also, how does she handle that in her mind when even according to this doctor she displays levels of immaturity. AND doesn’t this go to how Travis preyed on certain type of women: young, immature, needy, and who knows how much more? Her evaluation was very superficial and consisted of lots of testing. I don’t think Dr Demarte’s evaluations considered how these symptoms and conditions overlap with one another. She is very black and white. In some ways it’s good but at the same time there is also the human factor consisting of emotions and differences that exist amongst all of us. I think though she’s got experience its very limited because she hasn’t practiced for that long. Also, managing teams or supervising others is very different than doing the work yourself. She listed that as her experience but I think managing other people isn’t the same thing than conducting exams yourself. Also, I think that her not doing research on her own to cover her field kind of limits her objectivity of different psychological situations. Like I said there’s always the emotional and human factor involved and things aren’t always black and white. Like Alice laviolette said people are multidimensional. That’s more an accurate statement. Jodi’s not a monster because she may suffer from a disorder and once again Travis is not a saint because he followed the Mormon faith. These are not inclusive.

    • As someone else said here, people throw these labels around willy nilly, because it suits whatever they want to portray and its no different to that of the so called expert–its what Martinez has her there for, its obscene.
      I don’t think Jodi has a disorder any more than we do, but because she’s like a sitting duck in this circus of a trial and vulnerable from what she has been through in this past 5 years, just a whisper of a disorder and people soak it up–people seem to feel a sense of security out of something to label a person with, and apart from it being extremely unkind, its wrong IMO.

      If Jodi has a disorder then its more than likely each and every one of us fits SOme sort of disorder.

      • That’s true Heather1. Any of us can have a vast array of emotions-that’s why I think Dr Samuels has more experience diagnosing a patient than Demarte. He has seen many many many patients. It doesn’t compare. People will jump to conclusions. The media will eat it up but if you conduct some critical thinking and analysis AND DON’T TAKE THINGS AT FACE VALUE like Martinez and Demarte expect you can see the real theatrics of the case and this witness.

        • Ugh I can see just what she’s like, saw it from the start–people look what they are, at least I think so. That woman has a superiority complex for starters, apart from being extremely arrogant and cold–her eyes are hard.

          We are ALL beautiful people here, inside and out, I just know 🙂

    • Sorry, I don’t agree. i think Jodi’s “disorders” are a lot like mine. She had a lousy childhood with parents that were dysfunctional, overly restrictive, and downright abusive. She did really well in school, but instead of pursuing a college education, she took the first option that came along to get out of that house. That option was a loser guy who was also abusive. She was looking for a long-term relationship and a “daddy” figure for a while and she found one and did quite well. But he’d just gone through a divorce, already had a kid, and wasn’t quite ready to settle down. Jodi, raised a Christian, was looking for something spiritual to fulfill her, dabbled in varying things and then, got drafted into Mormonism which seemed HIGH on family values and community. It was exactly what she thought would fill all the voids in her life. She also met another wrong guy, and since she hadn’t had any therapy after childhood or the first wrong guy, she just didn’t know any better. She suffers from depression due to not being treated for her childhood abuse, or the abuse of these two guys. She feels empty and aimless because she didn’g have a a good supportive family. And she’s suffering from PTSD from all that she went through, most especially with the last loser. Those are her disorders.

      • Its shocking she should be blamed for something beyond her control, isn’t it and in publice too ontop of all this? I feel so very sorry for her, she looked so upset yesterday and fragile, my heart went out to her, I just wanted to hug her.

        • If you listen to Vladimir Gagic’s last broadcast, there’s a guy on there, Fenton Lawless, and he talks at length with Zoe (Pitchforks — who’s a psychologist, I think) while Vladimir is missing, about the ultimate betrayal Jodi must have felt from Travis. He recruited and converted her to Mormonism. He then baptized and sexed her. He served as her spirutual leader in her new religion and also taught her to have sex that seemed contrary to what she was learning. He cheated on her, demeaned her and abused her. Can you imagine the impact all of that must have had on her?

          • And now, with 4 years in jail, its sad beyond belief, I just hope she’ll recover 🙁

            What I would like to do to Martinez and his witnesses, is unprintable, especially to DeMarte.

            Mans inhumanity to man is beyond comprehension. How the hell they get like it, is beyond me.

      • Jodi’s problem was she was too nice for her own good. She is one of these people, kind of like me in a way, who wants to see the good in every person. However, there are people in the world who simply are no good or are too screwed up to be bothered with. A person like Jodi is a sitting duck for an abuser.

        • A mirror of me.. 🙁 I see so much of me in Jodi.

          But then, we’d rather be like us than the others…

          We have hearts..

  7. I couldn’t help but notice how calm and relaxed JM was in questioning Janeen, with the defense witnesses he yells, intimidates and rudely belittles them, ending each question by screaming “yes or no” or “right”?? And what in the world was he whispering in her ear? Isn’t that some type of improper procedure? Janeen is playing right along with his game, he has her in his back pocket. Of course when Jennifer started to question her she couldn’t even get it straight as far as basic education questions, she was ready to go at it with Jennifer right from the beginning. I hope Jennifer shreds her to pieces today and exposes her for what she really is — just being paid to say anything JM wants her to, even if it’s all lies and inventions. Go Jennifer — rip her to shreads!!

    • It proves that he has dual personality disorder to…he can pick and choose whom he wants to play nice with…prosecutorial misconduct…amen….

      • Yes, he’s an extremely vile piece of work and that’s an understatement. His handwriting tells a lot. And its ok for Him to cross something out, did you see it? But not ok for Jodi to cross out Friday and put Saturday instead.

          • my Iphone would not let me reply
            i was trying to tell that I hope that your eyes will not see my handwritting. As my late dad put when I was a teenager:
            your handwritting so private that you yourself can not even read it lol

            • Ah but vebe, its the formation of the letters that counts! lol Scrawl can be good! 🙂

          • LOL At least you said Something.. hahaha I actually managed to post nothing at all today!!!!

            😀 Funny!!!

  8. JT = Jodi Time, that’s cute.

    I have a question about yesterday, maybe someone can help me out. Yesterday when DeMarte was responding to a question by JW she something like how she was practicing at a certain time, even though she didn’t have her PhD yet and wasn’t a licensed psychologist. JW then asked her at what point do you start practicing, and DeMarte said once you become a psychologist, which is after you pass the certification exam. So DeMarte basically contradicted herself when she earlier said she was practicing before she had her PhD and had passed the exam. Instead of pointing this out, JW just wrote something or circled something on some paper she had beside her and moved on to the next question. I just thought it was strange she wouldn’t point out DeMarte’s contradiction. I this happen a couple of other times where JW caught DeMarte either contradicting herself or saying something inconsistent with what she previously said, and isntead of pointing it out, JW just wrote something down on her papers and moved on with other questions. So I am just wondering if JW is going to bring these thing up again at a later time? You know if something like this happened with a Defense witness when JM was questioning them, JM would be all over it. So I guess I’m just wondering why JW didn’t point out the inconsistencies and just moved on.

    • She should have jumped on it immediately, IMO. And just for fun, went at it like Juan. With “Only yes and no answers, and if the witness breathes, yell ” Judge MAKE THE WITNESS ANSWER THE QUESTION!1″

      I hope he rides a girl bike and falls on the cross bar.

      Thats my wish for today.

      • Haha, I wonder how the Judge would react to JW behaving like JM does when questioning defense witnesses. I bet JM would try to make the judge put a stop to it right away. I know it just isn’t JW’s style though to do such a thing. Well, at least JW has a growing list of things now that she can use against DeMarte if needed.

      • WHY would she give her the opportunity to clarify it? She already screwed up. It’s JM’s mess to mop up on redirect now. The jury is not stupid (well, at least not everyone on the jury is stupid). She can use the gaffe in her closing. Or any other time she wants. It’s not JW’s job to teach Miss DesMartepants how to be a good witness, to train her, or rub her nose it it. She is deploying classically professional and effective trial practice skills.

    • I saw that!

      And I wondered the same thing. Maybe JW is saving it for later.

      Couldn’t she be impeached with that?

      • That’s what I’m thinking, she’s listing as experience, work she had to do for school. I wonder how many of those evaluations she did in 2003, with only an undergrad degree, were done with her just sitting and observing.

      • I certainly didn’t think cross would begin as soon as it did. I think JW did a good job yesterday, but, I think today she will knock it out of the park more than once. She has had last night to line up the ducks in her mind. It’s going to be a good day for Jodi!!

        • Yes, that was just a taster..! 🙂 I’m looking forward to today’s hearing, well its another late night for me, my suitcases under my eyes are appearing, they were just bags before! That doc’s going to cop it from JW today, she won’t know what’s hit her! 🙂

      • I thought it was a brilliant way for JW to “highlight” the inconsistency to everyone – including the witness. I thought it was a brilliant, the quietness of the room with only JW slowly writing down on her papers the Dr’s inconsistent answer, it must have really made the Dr start thinking “what did I just say” and replaying her testimony over in her head. I thought JW was using it as a tacit to get inside the head of the shrink and break her down.

    • I think JW is a classy lady and she indicated the inconsistency so the jury could see it and draw their own conclusion. No need for showboating. She knows they are competent smart people. If they have questions about it they’ll ask Demarte when they get their turn.

      • Yeah, I was thinking that was a possibility, JW feels the jury will see it without having to point it out. Very different strategy than JM, which is actually a good thing.

  9. When did peoples differences in emotional maturity, and lifestyles become these monsters labelled as “personality disorders”? Dont get me wrong, I know people who are diagnosed with personality disorders and usually, they find out because something isnt going right in their lives, and after much investigation, and what not, they do find that there is some disassociation, or carried over undealt with problems that fall under that term.
    I am not even saying that Jodi does not have one. I think she probably does, and if not before the trial, definitely afterwards….

    But its just such a casually thrown around term today.

    • Personally, I don’t believe in most of the personality disorders. I think they’re just an easy way to give a classification to a person who has problems. People want a diagnosis. They get one and then, they’re labeled. Some of them then blame everything else in their lives on the label. “I’m this, so I have problems.” Others work to get through the problem. And yet others avoid any type of help.

      As my therapist said, we could categorize my ex with antisocial, narcissistic, histrionic, obsessive-compulsive, depressive, and passive-aggressive personality disorders. If you look up how many of those “symptoms” overlap, it’s ridiculous. Or, as she continued, we could just assume he’s more likely a sociopath with zero remorse or ability to feel remorse because it seems so much more likely.

      I also think perhaps we all display bits and pieces of various personality disorders at times in our lives, especially the teens and 20s. Those are difficult decades where a person separates from their parents, experiments, leaves the comfort of school and goes out into the world and considers what they want for the rest of their life. I find it particularly interesting that most people “grow out” of personality disorders by their 40s-50s.

      Women diagnosed with borderline personality disorder begin to show signs by early adolescence but usually show no signs or traits of the disorder by the ripe age of 50. Isn’t that interesting? So symptoms are seen during the time a woman produces estrogen prior to menopause. During premenopause or menopause, she is suddenly “cured”. Isn’t it just as possible that most of the issue is hormone irregularity? One of the big problems I have with western medicine is we don’t test serum levels on healthy people so we don’t know what each individual’s “normal” is. We test groups of individuals who haven’t been thoroughly screened for illness, but claim they have none, and then, call that the “normal range”. A few years later, we discover the error and change the “normal” range. Perhaps these so-called “BPD” women are actually producing excessive amounts of estrogen and/or deficient in progesterone which causes personality and mood variances. Perhaps they could be “cured” with a little natural progresterone. Oh, but Big Pharma wouldn’t like that. Drugs are so much better, at least until the patent runs out. But then, they invent a new one. So, let’s give them a label instead and prescribe some medication.

      • Boy oh boy can I attest to this. I’m on the Wiley Protocol. It’s bio-identical hormones that mimic a woman’s natural cycle. Three hormones play a major role in mood and when they are out of balance it effects emotionally. It’s cutting edge science.

  10. I’m finally watching Jen cross-examine Baby Doc, and wow, she reminds me so much of this girl whom I went to high school with. Very book-smart, but also arrogant and had very poor social skills. This is not a woman whom I would want to see in a therapeutic capacity. She should stick to writing research papers.

      • She’s clearly intelligent, but intelligent in the sense that she can memorize a lot of information and regurgitate it. Sort of like Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter series.

    • She just wouldn’t be my idea of someone I’d want to see for therapy either. She’s too clinical. While I’ve certainly encountered specialist medical doctors and specialist veterinarians that come across the way she does, luckily, I’ve never even encountered a psychiatrist like that, certainly not a psychotherapist (whether Ph.D., MA, or LCSW level).

      I would gladly see either Dr. Samuels or Alyce though. They both were much warmer and more understandable to me.

      • I can’t stand the sight of her, she and I are poles apart. She’s as cold as ice and as hard as nails, had I booked to see her without knowing what she was like I’d walk straight out. She’s no empathy or compassion, even for children who have been abused. Appalling. Yes, she’s far too clinical, we’d clash instantly. She’s not the sort of person you could tell private details of yourself. And her VOICE? Its Awful!

  11. In the morning session yesterday I thought I had heard her tell JM she supervised Alyce, but when JW started her cross she said she hadn’t supervised her. As I couldn’t be sure I watched the video on Youtube and sure enough she Did say that. Hmmm

      • It was when JM spoke of Alyce having a Master’s degree; the doc said she had supervised people with Master’s degrees and I think you’ll find she alluded to Alyce being one of those people. I was shocked.

    • That bothered me too because it was reported on the live blogs that she supervised Alyce. I knew that couldn’t have happened because Alyce has been working in CA for donkey’s years. I was so glad JW contradicted that one.

      I was actually shocked the little whippersnapper said she wasn’t aware Alyce got her Masters in 1980. Such conceit! If I was retained to comment on someone else’s work, one of the first things I would do is look up that person. Seeing as Alyce has her CV on her website, it isn’t exactly a stretch to look at it and figure out how much experience she has. But I guess Dr. DeSmarmy DeSnarky is above all that.

      • When I watched it….I heard the same thing about if she supervised ALV and she said yes…

        When JW questioned her about if she knew ALV…she didn’t know her…and JW made a note on her legal pad…

      • She couldn’t supervise her because Alyce is based in California while Janeen is based in Arizona.

      • Here’s a shocker, “reporter” Mike Gallanos (sp?) on HLN reported EXACTLY that! They hit the “pause” button (ugh, soo sick of that shit) and he said, How about that? This witness actually supervised ALV.

          • That would be a hell no! They would spend more time factually correcting their reporting than reporting any “news” if they ever clarified their mistakes! Lol!

    • She said exactly what TB said not that she supervised her directly. But like I said in my prior post just because you’re a supervisor doesn’t make you more competent. She supervises and oversees the business rules and conduct but ultimately the psychotherapist is the one doing the actual work. This doesn’t make her more qualified to make a conclusion. They don’t tie together directly. She oversees that they get trained properly etc but it’s not the same. He did that to knock on Alice but if you put two and two together you can see that these two “facts” don’t necessarily correlate. It’s a bunch of hogwash.

  12. Well, today I am hoping that jm properly ‘Preps’ Miz. Thing! You know, set her up to receive her FLUIDS intravenously, and with the limited bathroom breaks, perhaps, in consideration to the rest of us, timewise, etc., also a Catheter. Would be helpful and allow things to flow real smoothly 😀

  13. Speaking of the caption, could any of our legal eagles tell me if what JM did there was improper, like coaching the witness in the middle of her testimony? Does this strike anyone as odd to do?

    • I actually missed the part when that occurred. Did he seek permission from the court to confer with her? Or, did she request to confer with him?

      I find it highly unusual without a special circumstance granted by the court. Generally, once a witness is sworn in under oath and testimony has proceeded beyond introductory statements, he/she is not permitted to confer with counsel in regards to any matter of substance. That applies not only to trial, by the way, but also during depositions. That derives from the common law rule of sequestration and is why witnesses are not supposed to sit in court as an observer until after their own testimony. The only exception is a criminal defendant since not being able to confer with counsel would violate his/her constitutional rights to assist in his/her own defense.

      Looking at the picture, what he did appears to be unethical and could be construed as coaching, especially with her on the stand. However, the defense probably didn’t want to object seeing as they were seen out to dinner with Alyce, which also appeared quite improper.

      • I’m not 100% sure but I think they were side barring, then he went over to say something so I would tend to assume that he was granted permission. And if it was an issue, I’d think/hope the judge or someone on the defense would have piped up immediately? I hope?

        • Thanks Marguerite. He may have had to inform her of something said during the sidebar that impacted upon her testimony then.

  14. In one of Dr.D Comment she states that people with Borderline Personality Disorder. That they Idealize black and White that is the complaint many who left Mormonism to extreme viewing Good Evil Pure Not Pure extremes its defined in the Research done on certain Cults Then she would have to say all Mormons have Borderline disorder.
    Yes. There seems to be a typical mindset within most destructive cults. This is often characterized by black and white thinking, a low tolerance of ambiguity and a relentlessly judgmental attitude. Members of such a group often think in “we, they” opposing terms regarding those outside their group. This mindset frequently produces feelings of superiority and/or spiritual elitism, claims of supposed “persecution” and unreasonable fears. These fears typically concern the outside world and the consequences of disagreeing with or leaving the group.

  15. When you compare, our defense witnesses to JD, its very clear – YODA (ALV) + MR. MIYAGI (Doc. Samuels) vs. ??? (anyone?). Well, want to also wish JW/KN – “May The Force Be With You”. Bring on the Laser battle!! 🙂 So, my sagely suggestion to Miz. Thing is to “WAX ON / WAX OFF” starting about now!!

    Courtesy: Star Wars and Karate Kid.

    Wouldn’t it be funny if KN at the end takes on that ‘Crane Pose’ aka Jumping Front Kick or Mae Tobi Geri (per a poster on Yahoo Answers) ?? LOL 😀

  16. There is also the control a Spiritual leader has over the person and not wanting to lose Friends Fear Of Abandonment! Being ostracized. This so called Psychologist has not seen or looked at the full picture.

    • my thoughts exactly…I feel the whole Mormon religion thing should have been taken into great consideration also when they evaluated her…

      • Black and White Thinking and the fact that UTAH which is about 70% Mormon Leads the Country in Depression
        Statistics in Utah still reflect a depressive, judgmental, suppressive, negative social atmosphere of control. The prevalence of poor mental health: 41.4% 1st of 50 states, Birthrate per 1,000: 21.2 1st of 50, Physical exercise: 83.1% 2nd of 52 (US Census 2004-2009). Therefore, the poor mental health (highly-prevalent depression) does not stem from a lack of exercise, smoking or drinking as required by the LDS Church Word of Wisdom dictates.The church leaders do stress to get married early and to have lots of children. Seminary classes teach that Missionaries have to get married within six months of coming home from their mission and to get married and have children while still in college. Women are taught that their importance comes only through having a husband who holds the priesthood (which they have erroneously been denied) and having lots of children and not from obtaining their education as their career should “be solely in the home”.

        • Antidepressant drugs are prescribed in Utah more often than in any other state, at a rate nearly twice the national average. Other states with high antidepressant use were Maine and Oregon. Utah’s rate of antidepressant use was twice the rate of California and nearly three times the rates in New York and New Jersey, the study showed. Few here question the veracity of the study, which was a tabulation of prescription orders, said Dr. Curtis Canning, president of the Utah Psychiatric Assn. “In the LDS church, there is a social expectation and women suppression with the males dominating the females who are expected to put on a mask, say ‘Yes’ to everything that comes at her and hide the misery and pain. It’s called the ‘Mother of Zion’ syndrome. The study did not break down drug use by sex. But according to statistics from the National Institute of Mental Health, about twice as many women as men suffer from depressive disorders.

      • The dynamics of the Relationship, Spiritual Leader Travis imbalance of Power between Jodi Travis,
        Her change when she became involved with Travis and Mormonism, as her ex boyfriend testified to. Her Parents statements are not relevant since no normal parent would speak about their daughter in such a derogatory way. Only abusers do that. The lack of a family unit makes many turn to certain groups for a family very common. They would have to say that every Mormon had this BPD. Which you can’t every human being has a different finger print. so trying to stick everyone into one group is silly and lacks any real credibility.

        • And her father was very specific that her irrational emotional shifts had been occurring for the previous year and a half — guess what else had been occurring in her life during that time? Travis!

          • Also Abused,
            Her Father stated she always lied he did not say that these problems happened after Travis she moved out he said she never told the truth to him or her Mother, he speaks about an event when she was in Grammar school. They spoke about their relationship with Jodi. If you view the whole clip you will see how he speaks of his daughter. not at all appropriate. Shows me they are covering up their abuse. The Grandparents stated that he was abusive, the brother etc. The Mother also hitting children with objects is abusive. No responsible Parent would speak this way about their daughter, its very unnatural. and shows people who have a lack of Maternal Paternal feelings.

    • Excellent point Oliverio. Only Alyce L. mentioned that to Jodi, Travis was her spiritual guru. I would love to see a Psych talk about the brainwashing issue.

      • TR
        That is key to this case Jodis Lawyers have not even mentioned it. You can have a cult expert it doesn’t have to necessarily attack Mormonism it would be Travis as a CULT leader control, that’s obvious he decides she marries a Mormon, Control so the symptoms are there.I like Nurmi in a lot of ways but believe some sloppy errors made by the defense which are crucial are bad.

        • Oliverio-
          I agree completly agree that this mind control by TA, the cult leader, should be discussed as it shows how differently Jodi acted with TA from her other relationships. Daryl B. , and her parents both said that she was completely different during the time she was with TA. Maybe this will be brought into sur- rebuttal (not sure if that is the correct term).

  17. I want to share my thoughts about the defense witness, Janeen DeMarte, B.A., M.S., PhD. I find her to be highly knowledgable, completely credible, and totally trustworthy… giving directions to the nearest mall.

    • I’m not at that point yet! Are you watching the vid here or on YouTube? And what time on the vid does the XE start? Thanks, Rach! 🙂

  18. ‘Morning, all! I’ve got to go catch up on DeMarte’s testimony so I’ll be in and out.

    I just wanted to share something I noticed yesterday that just has me SOOO FAR-AND-AWAY BEYOND PISSED… Okay, y’all know I don’t even bother with HLN (with the exception of “Morning Express with Robin Meade”), but with the Boston Marathon bombings, I turned on HLN to get the Breaking News stories in real time. It didn’t take but about 30 minutes for me to turn HLN off – With a terrorist attack happening, new information being released almost constantly, the amount of video footage available showing the explosions and their aftermath, the Critically/Seriously injured & death toll rising, the families and profiles of the victims, medical personnel interviews, gruesome details of injuries, the police investigation into who the perpetrator(s) is/are, etc., I’d think it would only be common sense to report on the horrendous attack in Boston. But, NOOOO… HLN is sticking with the (obviously very biased and asinine) commentary and analysis of Jodi and her trial, and is only giving the briefest and most basic information about the TERRORIST ATTACK! Out of the approximate 30 minutes I watched:

    6ish mins were commercials,
    21 mins were about Jodi Arias/the trial/commentary about Jodi and/or the trial, and
    3 mins were about reporting info about the bombings at the Boston Marathon.

    (Yep, even commercials got more time than the Boston Marathon attack!)

    HLN needs to change its name; it’s an acronym for HeadLine News, but that’s NOT what HLN is reporting on at all!

    I firmly believe that Jodi’s story needs to be heard, BUT the people/”news stations” who would rather put most of their energy (Still, MONTHS later!) into bashing anything even remotely involving Jodi than reporting on actual “Breaking News”… Those people and those networks are so obviously obsessed with Jodi that they need some inpatient psychological care and medication!

    **Rant Over** Sorry, guys… I had to get that out. I’m just so damn frustrated!!!

    • I was almost expecting one of the correspondents on HLN to actually say, “I know we promised you that you wouldn’t miss a minute of the courtroom testimony in the Jodi Arias murder trial, but there was an incident at the Boston Marathon finish line. My producer has put together this 2-minute clip to fill you in on all the details you need to know. Stay tuned, because after this clip, we’ll get right back into the courtroom in The State of Arizona vs. Jodi Ann Arias!”

      Makes me want to vomit!

    • Commercials do not get them good ratings…

      Boston Marathon does not get them high ratings…

      But the Jodi Arias trial gets them super-duper high ratings…

      “More pennies to the kettle.” ….as JM said to the defense…

      It’s all about the money folks…

      • Yeah, you need to watch actual news channels if you want to hear about the Boston bombings.

        • The only one on HLN who WAS reporting on Boston was Mike Galanos, and he was visibly irked and/or exasperated when (apparently) the producer in his earpiece told him to wrap it up, and then again right before the live feed cut back to Mike Brooks and Vinnie Politan ranting about Jodi’s trial coverage/commentary. I WOULD tell the president of HLN-Atlanta to kiss my ass, but he’d fall in love and I’d NEVER get rid of him!

          Side note: Does anybody else see the cruel irony of HLN journalist Christie Paul’s book being titled “Love Isn’t Supposed To Hurt” (about DV and abuse) while she herself is EXTREMELY Anti-Jodi (a DV and abuse victim/survivor)?

      • Well as Don King says, “Moolah(meaning money)not Allah, is what makes the world go around”.lol

    • I understand your point. However, since they took TruTV’s In Session down to two hours, HLN is the ONLY channel that airs the trial. I would have been pissed if they didn’t show the testimony! They did report to tune in to CNN, their sister channel, to see more in depth coverage of the Boston bombings. TBH, I can’t watch much coverage of the tragedy in Boston bcuz it is extremely sad and very scary. If I watch too much I will be too afraid to leave the house to be in public anywhere!

      • Like I said, I could only stomach around 30 minutes of HLN before I turned it off, so I’m guessing HLN’s “Admonition” to turn to CNN for in-depth coverage of the Boston bombings didn’t air in that time frame.

        SET, I know… It’s very very unnerving and scary. I just have CNN on now with the volume turned on low (background noise, if you will), and when I walk through my living room (I’m cleaning today), I look up at the Breaking News/Headlines ticker scrolling at the bottom to see if I missed any new developments. I don’t particularly want to see any more bloody images than I’ve already seen; the ones I saw are heartbreaking and can’t be unseen… 🙁

  19. Good morning everyone. I don’t think the jurors are buying valley girl,poo, I mean poll dancers testitmony. Yes mis-spelled on purpose. Jennifer is gonna finish this smarty pants later. Can’t wait. She is either square or gay. I can’t see a guy go out with this chick, unless they are like Jaun. I know there can’t be to much people like him. Theres only one Jaun. HA HAA!!!

    • Let’s not go there with “gay” comments; Dr. DeMarte’s sexual orientation is irrelevant to this trial and has no reflection on her as a person. We didn’t appreciate it when it was done to Alyce and it shouldn’t be done here either.

      • Sorry , I have a brother that’s gay and he jokes often about different sexual relationships. I was a little surprised at this. It bothered a lot of other family members when he came out. He is happy now and I’m glad for him. He’s always there for me. Again I’m sorry’ I just taught that this was O.K.

          • The timbre of her voice is on the low side, considering her age, IMO. It’ll only get deeper as she gets older. Makes me wonder if she is/was a heavy smoker.

  20. This witness bugs me. Good for her and her education, that’s wonderful. She doesn’t have the experience to be testifying in a death penalty trial. Maybe it’s just me but she seems very snotty, full of herself and lacks human emotion.

  21. Hey everyone! I just posted my gratitude on the Geraldo, twitterings thread for you all being here and for your positivity and optimism.

    Have you all seen Dr. Demarte’s website? It lists a bunch of disorders she treats/evaluates. Does anyone find it odd that on this list of disorders there are TWO qualifying her as an expert for Domestic violence? (Domestic Violence and Domestic Abuse). Actually THREE if you count “Relationship issues.” There also is no mention of her treating Panic Disorders, or Anxiety (GAD) at all! As someone who has Panic Disorder, I find that pretty telling. I think a majority of Psych patients suffer from Panic and anxiety related disorders. Well, I guess those could be considered part of “Thinking disorders,” but still come on, Anxiety deserves mention, it’s so common.

    And she’s conveniently got a special link for her expertise in PTSD. I could be over reacting, I’ve been known to do so, but that don’t sit right.

    I may be paranoid, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t really somebody following me.

  22. Good morning friends…Good afternoon Heather!! (LOL LOL)

    Kira – YOU ARE AWESOME!!!! Thank you for that comment above…

  23. First let me say that I’m still on the fence about this trial. Having been on 6 criminal cases it has taught me not to make a decision until the last witness. What I have seen or should I say read, because I do not listen to HLN, is that the pro Travis site and this site say the say thing. What I mean when Dr Samuel and ALV were on the stand, the pro sites thought they were a fraud and didn’t know what they were talking about. Here everyone sang their praises and thought they were the best. Now we have this Dr on the stand and the pro site are singing her praises and this site is calling her names.

    I have said before, being on so many juries that the experts will cancel each other out and the jury will go only on the evidence. The biggest problem I see are the forensics and the lies. Do I think she should get the DP. No, but I wouldn’t be surpise if she got M1. I know right now everyone here is calling me all sort of names and are going to tell me to get off this site. But I’m sorry I feel that Jodi’s defense team needs to address the evidence and not bring in so many psychologists. This is just how I feel, sorry if I stepped on anyone’s toes.

    • Kris, I think you might be right, and I certainly know that experts can cancel each other out. How do you think the jury should have addressed the evidence though? In this case, I can’t see any other way to do it. I don’t think the prosecution has addressed the evidence either. It’s difficult to do when there are no eyewitnesses.

          • I’m sorry if I don’t see the evidence of abuse. I only heard from Jodi and that’s it. No one else has come forward saying yes they saw the abuse. Doesn’t mean it didn’t happen only that there is no other evidence only Jodi’s word.

            • BTW, thats the nature of abuse. Most times, its ‘invisible’ to those around the parties involved. Cover-ups, wearing a ‘personality mask’ to show different fronts to different people, minimizing the attack, denying it even happened or the details of what took place, blame shifting – what else do you want to add? There’s plenty more that goes along with that – I hope you get the drift.

              And still, after all that, the Q’s … “why did you stay?, Why didn’t you leave? Are you sure it happened that way? You must’ve misunderstood….”. The only way to know for sure if something points to abuse or not, is either to have gone through it, or to at least read up on it – in depth. Hope that helps you in your pursuit of truth on this matter. Peace.

          • I guess his/her reply to me got deleted but said something about no proof of abuse. That truly exasperates me. Jodi actually has as much proof as I do, maybe more. I have ONE video with me ex standing in front of me wearing a surgical glove and holding a wine bottle over my head. But you can’t see me in the video as I filmed it. He was arrested for that as I did call the police. I don’t some photos of bruises, but that proves little. I guess we should all set up video surveillance in our homes just in case someone abuses us.

            • Al.Ab. I think from here on out, when people come on and pose ‘Provocative’ Q’s, we need to view their motives carefully. One way for many out there to ‘pull our chain’ is to throw out Q’s that always seem to ‘get’ us. Maybe SJ should come up with some ‘std’ answers that we can choose and cut and paste it for them (like some obscure link, that will link to another link, etc). or even a DOM website that will address that Q and more. I ‘hear’ what you are saying, and I ‘feel’ it in my being and I ‘know’ exactly everything, every word that you are expressing. PS. I did suggest full-on video surveillance to my ex, when I got so weary of all the 1000 Q’s of how exactly did I spent my time at home.

        • But Kris, think about this one thing, please. Abusers are not going to hit or brake fingers in front of a witness. They are not going to choke anyone in front of a witness. Tell me why that is hard to see? I would really like to know, I’m not trying to be condescending. If that could be understood more I think victims and abusers could be hepled. Alyce explained it in so many articulate ways … I just don’t get it why folks can’t see this.

            • Well, what to say, my only thought right now is that one day she make look back on this when she is relying on someone to take her word for something.

          • No I’m not gone. I was thinking as a juror listening to everything. Do I think Jodi was abused. I honestly don’t know. My daughter was and I had to watch her go through hell and back because of it. She does have PTSD and is on disability because of it. Was there evidence, yes not so much as physical but emotional. I’m not saying because it didn’t happen in front of people there is no evidence. But in other areas there will be some sort of signs. The defense has to look for that and bring it to the jury. I don’t have the answers but I know juries and I know they will look for evidence. I look at Jodi and see my daughter but I feel that her defense is letting her down, and that is what worries me. The experts will see what they want that is why I wouldn’t put to much on what they say.

    • I agree with everything you said Kris.

      I also don’t know how any of this (Dr. Samuels, Alice or Dr. DeMarte) have anything to do with whether she premeditated the murder. She admitted to killing him. Why does it matter how she felt or acted afterwards. Everyone grieves and responds differently to personal situations. It is pure speculation and personal interpretation of what her actions meant.

      I also wish they would have focused more on the evidence and roommates.

    • Kris,

      You haven’t spent much time on a hater site if you think we sound like them when discussing the shrinks.

      I hope I haven’t stepped on your toes. We list reasons. They said AL was a dyke.

      Have a nice day 😉

      • I have read both sites, and yes I have spent to much time on the haters site. Which their remarks are totally uncalled for. I don’t agree with anything they are saying. I especially hate it when I hear of people trying to hurt Dr. Samuels and Alice’s careers. I feel both of these Dr.’s truly believe in what they said. That is why I refuse to listen to HLN. I want to make up my own mind by listening to everyone, not just a certain group of people.

    • What “lies”? You mean to the cop, without a lawyer present, and lying often happens with suspects who don’t have lawyers?

      By the way, “lying” is not a capital offense or we wouldn’t have any politicians left.

      There is NO forensic evidence proving premeditation. None.

    • BTW, the prosecution hasn’t proven squat. The defense doesn’t even have to present a case at all.

      They are providing an alternate scenario which is FAR more believable than the junk JM is presenting.

  24. My observations from yesterday’s testimony:

    1. I do think Dr. DeMarte sounds rehearsed but I also think it sounds like she is very prepared.

    2. I think Dr. DeMarte sounds very intelligent and articulate and easy to understand. This could be bad for JA because the jury could really like her and clearly understand what she is saying. When the defense witnesses were questioned by “The Prosecutor”, he talked in circles to confuse everyone.

    3. I do think JW will ask very good questions and discredit a lot of what Dr. DeMarte said.

    4. Fact: Four Psychiatrists / Psychologists could evaluate the same person and come up with 4 different diagnoses. I think a lot of the diagnosis process is based on personal interpretation.

    5. Jodi seemed very uninterested today when the Prosecutor was questioning the witness. She didn’t look at Dr. DeMarte at all. She was drawing and or writing in a book. I don’t think this looks good for her to the jury. It makes it look like she has no interest. She did engage when JW started with cross though so that’s good.

    6. I totally don’t mean this to be disrespectful to anyone on this site because I have thoroughly enjoyed everyone’s point of views and being able to discuss the case. However, could we refrain from calling people names such as “baby doc”? It wasn’t fair when the Jodi Haters were calling Dr. Samuels and AV names and disrespecting them.. I think we need to rise above their pettiness.

    • It looks as though Jodi is writing very fast and intently…so if she does look up…she will lose much concentration in what she is writing…

      I have noticed that JW looks down a lot while she is writing even though people are talking on witness stand…

      If I was a juror I would not think anything unusual about Jodi not looking up…I would just know that Jodi is writing in her journal like she has been doing from day one…nothing new…nothing different…

    • She gets Baby Doc from me because she claims to be an expert with very limited experience. Then to say college teaches more than experience is immature.

    • Why would Jodi even look at her? I wouldn’t, I would feel so betrayed in the way of
      “Who is the bitch and what gives her the right to judge & assess
      me in this horrible experience?”
      Literally it’s good that Jodi did not give her looks cause I am sure she would have
      had a hard time not to give her dirty looks.
      Also Totally respect your opinion but I don’t think Dr. DeMarte sounded
      very intelligent and articulate, She sounded angry, hostile, and the way she talked
      came across as being opposite of class or refined. She talked like she
      was a snotty brat with her valley girl tone of voice which I don’t know about you
      but It was probably the most irritating voice I have heard since JM’s voice.

      I mean she kept looking at her notes, that JM conveniently let her keep and have,
      She was a lost little girl deer in headlights. Alyce slayed it when it came to being
      a real actual professional compared to this gal, we are all entitled to our opinions
      but if some of the female jurors saw what we saw, well they could have been
      way turned off by her attitude.

      I say MAJOR EPIC FAIL for the prosecution in bringing this rank amaturer in!

    • Actually, some of the hater sites gave her that term of endearment “Juan’s baby doc” first. We just copied it.

    • Actually,

      In the real world I disagree that four shrinks would diagnose someone differently but I don’t feel like debating the issue.

    • DeMarte is a pure b.s.-er who is extremely self-conscious on the stand.

      She is trying to impress people that she has all those credentials, but her lack of substantial experience sinks her credibility.

      It’s clear to me JM has been suborning perjury with this witness. It’s just a little bit too pat.

      • Definition of subornation of perjury:

        DeMarte has been heavily coached to lie for the prosecution. That is a big no-no in legal circles.

        Unless, of course, it happens in administrative proceedings such as school district termination cases. In that event, anything is allowed if done by a school district against a teacher.

    • Baby Doc is nowhere NEAR as bad as what the hater sites were calling Dr. Samuels and Alyce. Would you prefer that we use Dr. Dick, man-hating dyke, or something along those lines?


    How many practicing psychologists are there in the United States?

    APA’s Center for Workforce Studies estimates that there are 93,000 practicing psychologists in the United States. Licensed psychologists totaled approximately 85,000 in 2004. Graduations average 4,000-5,000 per year and approximately 2,700 of those are in health service provider fields, resulting in an additional 8,100 practicing psychologists.

    you’d expect quite a few duds in 93,000

    similarly with lawyers, such as jm and ng

    How many lawyers are in the US?

    Number of Lawyers in the US

    According to the American Bar Association, there were 1,128,729 resident and active attorneys in the United States in 2006 and 1,143,358 in 2007. A small percentage of the increase (actual number 352) is due to American Somoa and Guam being added to the survey in 2007.

    The number of resident and active attorneys in each state is available at the link provided.

  26. Well, I have not posted my snarky smart ass comment for the morning, or my “common sense, pull your head out of your ass” comment for the day…And I’m not going to start now. lol, Hi.

    I do have a few observations from yesterday.

    “Coaching is bad”, “preparing a witness” is good. There is a very fine line between the two. Must attorneys would say that “coaching” would include telling the witness “what” to say, rather than just “how to say it”, such as volume, tone and tempo. They are allowed to ask them or provide them with a list of questions that the attorney plans on asking, so they can rehearse the answer.

    If anyone is wondering if this witness is giving a “speech” or is incredibly smart and able to really think on her feet…just listen to the testimony; yesterday while she testified she made a comment during one of her answers that tells us she is just giving a prepared speech. She was getting a bit ahead of herself, and off topic, and said “oh, i will be getting to that in just a bit”.

    In itself, this is not “wrong”. But it does show that this is simply a speech she prepared with JM. Be sure that he had her give him this speech well before she testified. Again, it is not illegal to do this, the lawyer can prepare the witness. But, it shows us that she is not “just answering questions, as they come up”.

    Because of the line of questioning that JM used, it is very damaging to his credibility, if the defense is able to use his own “tactics, and questions” against him.
    He has continued to ask “do you have a memory problem” to every witness… So he needed to make sure his could remember EVERYTHING. Memorizing a speech is the only way to accomplish this.
    He asked several times “do you like the defendant”… So he has to make sure that his witness shows NO emotion.
    Witnesses tend to worry that they won’t get “everything they want to say” out. When that happens, they tend to go past the current question; leading to JM saying “did i ask you that?” “ Was that the question?” “OBJECTION, beyond the scope”… So, he needed to let her know every question he was going to ask, so she was confident that it “will all come out” and she doesn’t rattle on.
    Finally, the speech allows him to keep it “short and sweet”. As to be able to give “unspoken blame” on the defense for the other witnesses taking so long.

    So, I would, if I was the defense ask a few of my own questions, ALL designed to replicate JM’s line of questioning. This does 2 things, most assuredly, JM will object, making him look like a hypocrite and second I will allow the jury that is pro Pros to see just how unfair the questions JM asked are, when we have a witness they may be starting to trust.
    “Missssss D, do you like the defendant?” This is a damned if you do, damned if you don’t question.
    “Missssss D, how can you rely on a test that Jodi had to answer, when she is a known liar?” This is also a double edged question. If she says the tests don’t rely on the honesty of the person, then it VALIDATES the tests that DR.S did. If she says that Jodi COULD have been lying, to alter the results of the test, yet the test didn’t show she was lying, and in fact didn’t help Jodi, instead it hurt her case, they add to the credibility of Jodi. (she could have lied, but didn’t) If she tries to say that she is able to “sniff out the parts” that are BS and only use what is true…then she is now claiming to be the “human lie detector”.

    • Yes, I noticed yesterday when testifying one time she tried to expound more and JM said “I didn’t ask a question”. That explains what you’re saying and I also think his need to be in total control and star of the show!

  27. Well compared to the way Many treated LaViolette Dr.Samuels Baby DOC is very mild and people need to have some levity I have not heard any cruel or nasty remarks just observations that seem very obvious, She is quite Robotic, not interesting and does have a chip on her shoulder she is very well versed but sounds like she memorized a text book.

    • The posters who are lecturing about our language and very mild pet names are making me not want to come here anymore.

      • Renee don’t worry that is Nit Picking venting or having fun is quit different then the Travis peoples incredible abusive behavior which is illegal and a serious violation of someone’s rights. There is no comparison.

      • Don’t let that keep you from coming here, love!!! She may be called names that others don’t like, but at least we aren’t starting a movement to bash her on FB or Twitter or her website to try to ruin her career. I feel like this is a safe place for us to vent our frustrations and if she seems like a fucking dip_shit, then this is the place to say it!!!

      • I agree Renee after quite of a lot of criticism of the language we use and the statement we are lowering the class out this site yesterday I felt like not posting anymore and not coming back. I think those of us that use curse words do it out of a ton of frustration with the case and to with each other.

          • When I am reading blogs, pages, ect., I skim past any I find objectionable. I don’t try to change others to be more in line with what I think is “appropriate” I am trying hard to not take it personally, but I really felt bullied yesterday. And I am unwilling to be bullied into changing.

            I am what I am, without apologies. I apologized enough in my life to bullies. That part of me is done.

            I have been to hell, and back. And I live apologetically now.

            If I am required to change who I am and what I say, I would rather just leave.

            Which sucks, because I have made some incredible friends here.

            • Great post Renne’! I cannot help but think of the song by The Turtles, Let Me Be.:-) Look up
              lyrics and you’ll know what I

            • If its not SJ or JC complaining, then who really gives a rats ass?

              I understand how it makes you feel bad, but the way I see it is if it’s such a big problem, then maybe those posters should find a site that better suits their holier than thou persona.

              Just like the other day, AA, SJ posted the infamous “body bag pic” well, he was glad he weeded out some fence sitters, and I WAS TOO!!
              One of them BTW was Vladimir G. (can’t even remember his name, who cares). He really pussied out and started twittering like crazy making DAMN sure he didn’t get anymore hater wrath for being associated here. Then ha posted Sheriff A.’s email so the haters could harass him into making Jodi stop tweeting. He can say the state he thinks the state hasn’t proven all he wants, but IMHO he’s still a HATER, and just like the rest of these HATERS and PANSIES he and the REST of them needed to GO!!
              Fuck em’!!!

              • All the while he trolled through here with his links etc before even he had any readers.

                • EXACTLY!! Then shit on us. He was playing both sides of the fence for viewer’s sake, but then when push came to shove, he showed he has no REAL interest in the cold hard truth. The kind of truth that HURTS. So, I’m glad he is gone and will be glad for him to hold the door for anyone else like himself!!

            • Please do not let them win. They want to silence you. You have valuable insights and are wanted here. I do understand your frustration but I urge you to stay and help.

            • I hear you Renee, I know exactly how you feel.

              I was pushed around by bullies and abusers for a good chunk of my life. I stopped apologizing years ago for my existence and I am not starting now.

              IMO the haters who come here whining about us need to go clean up their own camp first. I want EACH and EVERY bad review about Alyce and Dr Samuels taken down, every naked picture of Jodi, every single disgusting unnecessary thing of theirs wiped clean before they even THINK about coming here and telling us what to say or think.

              And I agree with KMiller – fence sitters are users and backstabbers. They are taking up bandwidth, trying to dominate the conversation all the while going back to their hater sites getting patted on the back for stirring up shit.

              Seriously, I am done with them.

        • The only type of speech that I have problems with is racist or homophobic slurs. Swearing and harmless nicknames are nothing to get butthurt over.

      • Renee’, that is why I wrote an open letter of apology the other day on here. Don’t stop posting! When we post things here using colorful language, it’s because we’re frustrated, NOT because we’re calling anybody cuss words or putting them down or threatening them. We ARE allowed to be frustrated and to VENT our frustration on this forum. I got nothing but supportive replies to my apology, so I chalked it up to “the problem isn’t me, per se, but in the vast minority’s opinion of what I say”. I’m going to continue to post… And do it MY way. Please do the same, Sweetheart! (((HUGS)))

      • Renee’ I would like to say that if you go I would miss your posts. Don’t worry about what others are saying. SJ doesn’t mind so they should either. They have the option to scroll past what you say.

      • Don’t let them stop you Renee. This witness is clearly a mean girl, and that gets all the other nice girls riled. I’m feeling really irritated with her.

    • Exactly! We’re not calling for people to give her untrue reviews and/or call her office and harass her. We also didn’t ask people to give untrue reviews of Alyce’s book. We’re frustrated, obviously, and we need a place to vent.

      • That is how I feel, AA. We are not running around giving Baby DOC fake 1 star reviews, nor are we calling her office and threatening her.

        • Quite true Renee’! Its great that everyone here has a strong sense of class, dignity, honor, decency, compassion, justice, fair play, wisdom, and common sense!

        • Exactly, and like I said yesterday when some one complained about calling Baby Doc names, I give nicknames to everyone. I haven’t said we should call the licensing board and file false complaints to ruin her in the business, call her at her office, complain to any lectures or seminars where she would be speaking, following or trying to intimidate her in any way. My comments have been based on her testimony-like having no compassion for abused children-really and her schooling that she listed as experience. If I had tried to do that, list my one year intership as anything other than a one year unpaid learning experience, everyone would know I was lying and exaggeratig my experiences. There is quite a variety of people, each with their own view point, personality, and way of saying things. If this were a censored board, then maybe I might be slightly inclined to believe we should only say things that wouldn’t be offensive, but then again, if we did that, there would only be SJ’s canned comments here.

          • Hell, the hero of the pro-pros boards, Nancy Grace, loves nicknames! They should be fine with it!

      • You can’t call her office and harass her because there is nobody there. She does her own secretarial work. According to JM, that’s a plus. I’m thinking most professionals with a full practice aren’t able to do that.

        Or is that comment too derogatory for you trolls?

  28. We all have our opinions,thats what is great about freedom of speech. The pros for the defense is where is the gun? How can they prove it was grandpas. I can’t see how they get premed… either. There is to much to question for that point. And how can someone spend so much time with someone, take pictures of each other,then she kills him. She should of just shot him when he was sleeping. The thing that I think bothers some people, is the T.V. interviews, the lying, and maybe the few comments she made on the stand; The sex was good; to the Kermit. If the jurors have any common sense they will see though this and do whats right.

  29. Most experts sound great when there side is questioning them, so we have to see if Jodi’s Lawyers are able to discredit her Testimony without taking too much time, They need to be more prepared and aggressive without being low class below the belt like Martinez. My problem with JW is the way she asked questions to fast not clear seems to hesitate to much almost stuttering, So far she has not done any damage. We will see today. I do think Samuel’s and La Violette had problems which the defense should have been on top off. One big problem is Samuel’s Test and LaViolette stating the gun shot in the closet and not interviewing more family members friends etc.

  30. Hello everyone, Just watched yesterdays direct for dumb and dumber and wondered if anyone caught what appears to be a camera zooming in on what looked like JW’s notes while weasel was coaching the “expert” through its (note: I use the term its because she, like the judge, is also a paid robot) testimony? If this is so couldn’t this be considered prosecutorial misconduct on the grounds that he could be using them–JW’s notes– to try and bolster his “case”? Can someone contact the defense about this? GO TEAM JODI!!!!!!!!!!

  31. I see In Session is now using a smaller studio. It appears to be the Making it in America set. All you see is Vinnie Politan sitting on a chair in front of a big screen.

    Guess Turner is cutting their budget some more.

      • If they cut their budget anymore, there’d be no court coverage at all on TRUTV anymore. They’re already down to 2 hours. May happen in a few years….

  32. I just loved today’s picture with the “Real Kermit” holding up the name of our web site…..too cute!!!!

    I don’t know about you guys…but I had to take something to help me sleep last night!!! I am so exicted about today’s testimony……KICK AZZ Jennifer!!!

  33. DeMarte doesn’t seem capable of being empathic with people, including her clients because she’s basically a psychologist who administers tests. Her responses and demeanor seem a little robotic. She appears to have been thoroughly coached by JM to give the right answers. As someone said earlier on this board, there’s something ‘off’ about her.

    • IMO I think that is probably why he picked her. Plus they seem to be quite similar.

  34. WTH!!!!!

    WASHINGTON (AP) 16 mins ago — The U.S. Secret Service says it has intercepted a letter addressed to President Barack Obama that contained a “suspicious substance.”

    People have just gone completly chyt crazy!!! It’s the end times!!! Well maybe not…but is damn sure feels like it with all these coconut running around!!!!!

    Okay……I need to focus and send JW positive thoughts!!!!!

      • Yes, majority leader Harry Reid got one. I don’t remember the other one.

        Some whackadoos out there.

        I was also reading that this comes around the same time of the Waco bombing and the Oklahoma city bombing. I suppose we can add Columbine to the list of tragedies that seem to happen in April.

  35. Hi Everyone,

    I have been reading your takes on this site for 2 months now,as this is the only way I can get a true accurate take on this case besides watching the trial myself. NG and the HLN group are all one sided and it has bothered me from the beginning. Just want to thank you all for your posts and I too am hoping for the best outcome for Jodie. I have to say I find myself when Juan martinez is doing cross puts me in a depressing mood and I have to change the channel or get myself on the treadmill. I then wait until its over and follow up on your site ,at least then i can have a laugh. all the best to you all and great job on the posts !

  36. I was in and out yesterday, I know that I heard this Dr had someone else with her when she went and talked to Jodi. Did that other woman speak privately with Jodi, or not? Heard a name mentioned and now can’t seem to find it. Thanks Once I know that, I’m ready to go today with the trial.

  37. I hope Jennifer asks BabyDoc if she believes supervising test takers constitutes actually practicing psychology with a patient. Jennifer should get into DV as I do believe Jodi was abused by family first,then Travis and BabyDocs “experience” in DV is sorely lacking!

  38. People with BPD can still get PTSD and be a victim of domestic abuse!! Her case( meaning Jodii) is complex and requires people with experience to sort out. This expert is not qualified due to lack of experience and a team aproach is what is needed.

    • More importantly (and sorry for sounding like a broken record on this but it’s soooo important to me), most women diagnosed with BPD are actually a gross misdiagnosis. They are actually women who have experienced abuse (typically both childhood and as an adult in intimite partner relationships) and suffer from complex PTSD as a result.

      Google it. There are numerous studies on the subject.

      • I know what you mean AA. I have a soap box of my own and I am sure I sound like a broken record. I cringe when I see Bipolar Disorder abbreviated as BAD for obvious reasons. I rarely see it shortened to that thank goodness. I am not saying some do use that abbreviation but most people in this community like myself prefer BD. There is enough stigma associated with this illness. After living with it for 25 years I know more than I would ever want to know about it. It was still being called manic-depressive back then and I was glad they changed the name but now with so many abbreviations and the use of Bipolar being thrown around I would almost rather go back to that. LOL. I agree the abbreviations BPD and BD do get confusing not to mention they share a few of the same symptoms. Also just to make it even more confusing there are several types of Bipolar Disorder now as shown in the DSM-4 soon to be DSM-5. One of the best sources to get information on mental illness is from NAMI(National Alliance on Mental Illness) Anyway I am sure many here are probably sick of me posting about my illness and if you are then just tell me. I am just trying to help others understand it better.

        That is one of the many things that has bugged me in this case. I think someone on this site stated it so beautifully that this was going to hurt yet another population of people that need help but they are once again putting more stigma out there. So many of the haters keep throwing out all types of mental illness that Jodi might have. Personally I have no idea if she even has one because IMO that should be left to Doctors that actually have spent quality time with her. The way they (Mostly Dr. Drew) love to diagnose people through the TV is wrong. He has been doing this far too long and while he is a M.D. In internal medicine he is not a psychiatrist. As I said before he just likes to play one on TV.

      • I do not think that the state’s witness had enough time to even come up with Jodi having BPD. Sometimes it can take years to figure this out. Plus as you said PTSD and abuse survivors are misdiagnosed with BPD. She spent a whole 12 hours with her and relied on stupid bubble test to confirm it. This is such BS and it hurts the mental health field as well as those that have been abused. I think it hurts even more since it is just a high profile case.

  39. I love the video of valley girl giving two different answers. She was so scripted on what answers she was giving that she didn’t even know what she did. lol I think this video should be posted on the haters site.

    • ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((bullshit,you’reMYhero))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  40. So off the subject of Baby Doc for a moment, there are a few things that have always stuck with me on this case that strayed me away from the majority (that are against Jodi). One of those is the camera in the washer. I don’t believe for one second she intended for that camera to be in the washer, it was done in a frenzied state which supports the defense, not the prosecution. As a photographer she would know to remove the SD card and destroy it. You would never leave behind the most damning evidence, whether you thought it was deleted or not. But here’s my question – again as a photographer she should know that you format an SD card when you are done with images. That info can still be recovered, but nonetheless, formatting is quick clean of the card without having to individually delete every single photo. Was there any testimony (I missed that part) confirming she independantly deleted every photo? How do we know the photos weren’t just deleted in the wash cycle? A point of the prosecution is she took the time to delete these photos, each individual one, but did they prove that somehow? Rambling again, sorry…

    • Not very supportive of premeditation. It sounds like something somebody would do in an extremely stressful circumstance.

  41. Also FAVORITE moment of yesterday – getting Ms. D to look like a cold heartless b* when working with abused children and trapping her into saying she can feel compassion without bias.

  42. I’m at the point in yesterday’s testimony when Jenny is asking the first couple of questions of Ms. DeMarte; Jen asks her if she still has a copy of her CV and DeMarte says, “Mmmm-hmmm. Yes.” As Jen starts her next sentence about going over her CV, the camera pans to DeMarte, and I swear to God, if looks could kill… DeMarte’s look is like, “Bitch, if you fuck with me, I’m gonna eat you alive!” YIKES, profession aside, this chick looks unbalanced. DEFINITELY wouldn’t want to be her enemy!

    • DeMarte is coming off as cold, manipulative, sarcastic, and evasive to me. Personally, I’d want to know what she’s trying to hide by talking in circles instead of directly answering Mrs. Willmott’s very simple questions.

      I see why JM likes DeMarte now; they talk and answer the same way – CONFUSING.

  43. I’m confident that JW is going to keep blowing holes through DeMarte’s already thin CV. Outside of grad school, she has little professional experience. She’s JM’s puppet.

  44. Here is a post I saw on yesterdays’s page from MB – Team Jodi. I hope she does not mind me quoting form her post.

    “There are segments of our population that are going to suffer from the disgusting propaganda they put out about this trial – women, abuse (including rape) victims, and now those who struggle with mental disorders.”

    I want to thank MB for posting this because sadly it is so true and they are hurting so many people out there now and in the future. I wished people could see how much hurt they are causing. The comments from those that hate scare the hell of of me.

    • I couldn’t agree with this more. And to elaborate, I think women will suffer now based on what’s considered evidence and what isn’t. I put a post on HLN the other day about how they are discounting AL and dismissing texts like “feel my wrath” and how that is going to negatively impact evidence in the future. In Illinois there is both an order of protection or a restraining order. One of them – I believe the restraining order – holds more weight (at least several years ago it did) and I remember standing in front of judge who told my Mom she didn’t have enough evidence to prove that she needed one against my father. We didn’t have text messages or emails then to show anything. It was all our word and initially, the judge didn’t believe us. So AL has concrete words to back her opinion and it’s dismissed.. and it makes me sick, because the next woman who stands before a judge and has nothing more than writing in texts or in emails to show just cause for fear can I guess, just be laughed at as not credible? Naturally I was crucified for my thoughts on that page.

    • Absolutly! Media Manipulation to cause consencus to fullfill an agenda is rampant in society.

      Thank God there are still people who can discern the truth!

  45. It seems that the people on this site have intellectually and factually put the pieces together in this case.They have seen this circus unfold and expressed themselves vehemently.This is not only about JA its about the injustice of our judicial system.Innocent until proven guilty.I applaud you.Passion for this case comes out, no matter what the words.JMO

    • It’s taken me a long time to get here, but I’m here now. All it takes is 1 juror!

    • I read posts on here yesterday where they said she had to withdraw from the case due to cancer. That’s all I know about her.

        • It was my understanding that she was for the defense and then had to withdraw. She too diagnosied Jodi with PTSD. Demarte made reference to wanting to follow her protocol, which confused me because shouldn’t have Demarte gone in their independently to do her own eval? But I miissed some of the testimony so I could be misunderstanding what she was saying.

          • I hope JW addresses this issue today as to why the other Dr did not testify. I think JM was trying to imply to the Jurors that like JV stated, that she (JV) would not testify in a case that she no longer believed in even if it was after her report, that JM is trying to make them (the Jurors) think this other Dr pulled out because she no longer believed JA has PTSD. JW needs to fix that impression.

    • That’s the name of the other Dr, thanks. Was she working with the Dr who is now on the stand?

  46. Should we have a group hug before we start this day???

    ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((GROUP HUG))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  47. Hi Y’all,
    I finally made it! Did I miss anything? Everyone seems to have so much to say….It will take me all day to get caught up… 🙂

  48. It really disturbs me that Jodi gets diagnosed with BPD (by DeMarte), but yet, Travis had similar behavior (maybe he didn’t log on to her email account, but he didn’t really have to did he? I mean Jodi forwarded him every email and text message he wanted to read, so he had no reason to). Basically, if Jodi has BPD, so does Travis. Oh wait, I forgot, Travis is a man! He automatically gets a pass for any sexual or irrational behavior.

    • You’re right. It seems that this bipolar diagnosis is mainly applied to women and girls under stress or abuse, giving the doctors a pass to label them and give them drugs without further therapy.

  49. DeMarte pretty much says verbatim that when dealing with beaten, abused, homeless, psychologically damaged children, she “never” felt compassion for them “beforehand or in the beginning”; also that it’s only “possible” that she “might feel a little compassion” for these children after hearing their horror stories and examining them. Oh.My.God. WTF am I hearing?????

    • That’s why I said earlier it was my favorite moment in the trial. Not only did she make her look like a cold heartless b* she also destroyed the idea that you can’t feel compassion during an eval. Wonderful Home Run moment.

    • I thought that was shocking, too, Ashley. The very sad part is that with all the haters giving her ‘good reviews’ on that doctor review website, someone will fall for it. And that someone will NOT be getting the help they need from this cold blooded lizard. I would never let this woman near my children – I don’t think even on a friendly level!

      • Hopefully they’ll see the date of the reviews and all of the “Justice for Travis!” shit and realize that the reviews are phony.

    • How as a human being could you not have compassion. I understand, though I couldn’t be like that, you have to do your job and if you get caught up in emotions, perhaps you couldn’t do as good of a job? I don’t understand this woman at all.

    • This place where DeMarte was hired on immediately upon receiving her license to supervise students sounds like some kind of weird pyramid scheme, for some reason (without the money). It gives me the creeps.

    • Just the kind of psychologist everyone wants…cold, heartless, goes directly from “the book”…NOT!..

    • I know, it’s like pulling teeth for her to admit she even had the slightest twinge of empathy for children.

      I don’t care what the pro pros say, having a clinical understanding DOES NOT make up for basic human understanding and compassion.

      • She probably had a very privileged upbringing and can’t relate to “problem kids” who have issues. I’d never want her treating my son (who has Asperger’s and ADHD).

  50. Good morning guys!Back from work and surprise surprise all I can see is the mesmerizing Seal!!!! I think we shouldnt be looking directly at it,LOL!

  51. I’m the one juror! Someone on that jury HAS to be the one juror too. The one thing I’ve feel very confident saying is there is no way Jodi get’s death. It’s Man Slaughter or M-2 at worst.. Acquittal at best.

    • I can’t see her getting acquitted. If she gets M2 she won’t be in jail to much longer anyways with her time served and all. She will be out by 38 bday I’d guess

      • I agree Brenda. i don’t see an acquittal either but I think it’s closer to an acquittal that the DP. The DP is completely off the table in my opinion.

  52. Deputy is headed into the room where #JodiArias is held. We still wait for her and the Judge to appear.

  53. Good Morning, Everyone! 😀 Hoping work doesn’t get in the way so I can watch the trial today. But I wonder if someone could help me understand something.

    I saw twice that ALV ‘lied’ or was caught in a lie? What was the alleged lie? Thanks.

    • The only thing I saw that could be considered a lie was the nonsense about her being a keynote speaker, and when she said she was a witness one or two men in criminal court. Although the keynote thing was nothing (kind of like Demarte or whatever her name is saying she gave weekly lectures and it was monthly) and AL did it appears based on her CV defend a man in criminal court. He killed his daughters abuser.

        • Thanks, guys. So how is that a lie, though? On that recording from this morning, Geraldo said that Jodi may have been aquitted but now with the lie from ALV, she probably won’t be.

          • Personally I don’t see it as a big deal, she doesn’t make her living testifying, but what do I know? 🙂

  54. I wonder if the whitness will come in without the chip on her shoulder today. I’m sure it won’t last long if so. She comes off with such an ego that she won’t take well to JW trying to poke holes in her testimony and employment history.

  55. Yes she is cold hearted, arrogant, and lacks compassion. I feel sorry for Jodi that she had to deal with her superior attitude. So rdy for JW to take her down.

  56. I’m watching the start of Jennifer’s cross on Janeen yesterday. I can see why some here don’t like her now. She’s confident to the put of cockiness which she hasn’t earned the right to be.and shouldn’t be if she had earned the right.

  57. Hey everyone…this work shit drives me NUTS…I need to shut my door…maybe I will be left alone…!! LOL

  58. Hey ya’ll- I just had to tell you, I got in an amazon battle this weekend. I went to the review page for Alyce’s book, and I defended her, totally expecting to be attacked. I was called a troll, a lesbian, from another planet, all sorts of stuff, 85 comments later. And I commented back on every comment that came in. Basically they were all idiots who knew nothing about the trial, as usual. Not worth my time, but I just couldn’t do nothing in this case, it’s just not fair to Alyce.
    Keep fighting the good fight…………..

    • I found myself in a similar situation last week…with my actual name and Amazon account. I quickly learned to make it private.

      • It’s useless trying to instill logic in people with neanderthal thought and behaviours.

    • The people who have been giving her bad reviews are so sick! I just don’t understand and it all makes me so sad. Thanks for giving it a go. Sorry you were attacked 🙁

    • I put my two cents’ in, but I didn’t bother reading the comments. They are too stupid.

    • Hi everyone. Harmony I did the same thing and I reported every comment to Amazon. They deleted all the ones where I was being called idiot, troll, somebody wished me to get cancer. So keep reporting them, maybe Amazon will finally do something about it.

    • I’m sorry to hear that Harmony 🙁

      I really wish Amazon would do something about the abusive assholes on their site.

      I am not buying a single thing from them until they do.

  59. Photo caption: ” Do a good testifying, honey , and its pop rocks and tootsie pops for you later, and cream pie for dessert!”

  60. Duh!!! I’m sitting here just a waiting for the trial to begin and my speakers are on MUTE!!!!

  61. OMG, I so love JW……… This is the same information I found last night about she research which in now outdated………….

  62. what’s this ?
    jm objecting that jdm was not allowed to finish her answer

    that was not how jm treated samuels or alyce laviolette

    he should be prohibited from making that particilar objection since he was a serial offender on that objection

    • jennifer’s unravelling demarte’s bs about her years of “practising”

      only if a customer asks specifically if such includes “practise” with only a bachelor’s degree will she volunteer that her use of the term “practise” includes such

  63. I like how Wilmott thoroughly goes trhough her CV,but Im afraid thr jury might find it a bit boring.Why isnt she just giving out the gist :” So basically you happened to be a dork,who got a PhD and have only 2 years worth of experience,right?”
    (No offense intended on dorks,I myself was one back at school)

  64. Anyone else find it ironic that Jennifer Willmott and Janeen DeMarte are wearing the same thing, but in reverse?

    Willmott = black shirt, white jacket with black stripes

    DeMarte = white shirt with black stripes, black jacket

  65. The thing that confuses me about TA liking kids is the only evidence is that phone sex clip. I wonder if the jury will believe that with out actual evidence of it. I also wonder how that is helping Jodi since she didn’t kill her to save a child.

    • Because since Jodi was the only one aware of his deviancy,it would give him a good reason to be evn more abusive,agressive and controlling of her.

    • I thought the remarks made on his My Space were pretty telling by a friend

      TravisMy Space
      Twas two nights before Christmas, and all through the greater Phoenix area, Travis was cruising for underage boys to make his Christmas more cozy. Have fun, just don’t violate the terms of your probation!

      Chad Perkins
      also chad says he is Glad that Travis is Coming Out this will help others come out???

    • Hey Travis! Good to hear from you man! How’s the book writing coming along? I’m proud of you for finally coming out. Your story will inspire many to follow suit.
      Chad Perkins
      these were 6 years ago

  66. she lied: Per psychology today

    A Flat Fee for Unlimited Leads

    You’ll get highly qualified leads from customers who have selected you. Best of all, you don’t pay per lead. A flat fee of just $29.95 per month is all you have to pay – no matter how many leads you get!

    • Good call, Renee, JM would have been all over that! In fact, JM would have this witness in tears by now. Kind of wish JW would do the same, but she is too classy and trusts the jury will see what is happening, imo.

  67. I think Nostrils may pull a muscle in her face if she keeps up all those “expressions”.

  68. Good morning everyone…just checking in! I’m rewinding a bit so I can catch up 🙂

  69. WildAboutTrial ‏@WildAboutTrial 1m I see a juror question in the bin, the first one since Dr. D hit the stand. #JodiArias

    • the FIRST one????
      I would have a dozen for her already!
      So,does this mean they’re buying her chyt?

      • I honestly don’t think so, but that’s just me. No questions means there’s nothing for her to clarify and that may be because of her lack of experience. I’m guessing that first question is along the lines of what makes you more qualified than a doc with 35 years experience or why do you disagree with ALL the other experts who have been doing this while you were merely a twinkle in your father’s eye or something along those lines. 🙂

      • No, when ALV started out, they had no questions for quite a few days if I remember correctly. Most questions came due to Martinez’s cross.

    • I’d be curious to see – (1) how many Q’s they will have at the end (2) the ‘tone’ of their Q’s (3) If they will be as snarky with her.

  70. I LOVE how JDM keeps saying she was “hired” and “paid”. Looks incredibly bad and biased, IMO.

    • Oh but that’s because she isn’t biased, don’t you know? And also, she’s so much smarter than Alyce and Dr. S.

      (dripping with sarcasm)

  71. So why does that objection get sustained?? I guess if JW said “AM I ASKING YOU ABOUT INCONSISTENCIES?” it would have been ok.

  72. I’m so giddy about this I could just scream!!!! This is wonderfully delightful! 🙂

  73. She is so full of S@@@ she knows exactly how many hours she got paid for because it was the biggest pay check she’d ever gotten!!!!

  74. Jennifer can be a bitch without being a bitch. If you can understand what I mean. Martinez is a bitch and and loves being and showing what a bitch he is.
    Jennifer is very good with and respectful of the prosecution witness but get’s her digs in. Too bad that isn’t reciprocated by the Prosecutor toward the defense witness’s.

  75. WTH………….. seeing patients without having a masters and being licenses……….

  76. JDM spend LESS time with Jodi than ALV and had the EXACT SAME MATERIALS to review as ALV, with the only difference being that she interviewed Stephen Alexander for THIRTY MINUTES (big whoop!)… And JM had the GALL to attack ALV for creating her profile on ONLY Jodi’s words, journals, etc.

    • Why would Steven Alexander be helpful? He’s the one who embarrassed himself by going on national television about he would tell people Travis was a “30-year-old virgin” and people would laugh at him.

  77. Help,medical field people! So if she was a student,being supervised can she call them ”MY patients”?

    • No she cannot, and she cannot see patients as a master’s student…. you have to be licensed… YOu can do practicum work, but not clincial testing.

    • No she can NOT! They’re technically patients of the doctor whose license she was “practicing” under.

    • She can call them her patients, BUT if she has to discuss that case with the clinical supervisor.

  78. NOT…………. that was a huge LIE………….. you must have your masters, and be licensed

  79. Little Miss Snarky pants better get a whole lot better at testimony if she is going to follow her “forensics” dream.

  80. I’m glad JW is pointing out JD’s claims of years in practice, years of experience, year graduated. I thought yesterday that that was a questionable issue…IMO

  81. Jennifer got her!!!! to be a trauma specialist…you have to be trauma certified. HA!

  82. She definitely padded her resume. Yet JM had the nerve to parse ALV’s breakfast talk, one little thing on a 20-page cv.

  83. MORTAL KOMBAT With Star Wars Lasers!! Go JW, “May The Force Be With You”!!

    • BC she inexperiened, padded her CV, and cannot hold a stick to Alyce……… She is a snotty bitch……

    • It would not take away from her patients as she claims. A CV is added to as you do more lectures, see more patients, etc. How would that take away time to type.

  84. If I found out after paying good money and going to what I thought was a therapist and then found out they weren’t even a licensed therapist, I would be pissed!! Especially someone like her who obviously is playing herself up!!

  85. this mannequin has the NERVE to call Jodi “out on inconsistencies”???????????? What F’ing nerve!!!

    • Eyes darting around, clenched jaw, with her bottom lip poked out so far she could trip over it!

  86. She sure is busy with her “handful” of patients huh? Handful, less than 5???

  87. Uuuhhhgg just got back, guys!!!! When did court start today, did they actually start on time, did I miss much????

  88. Jodi goes about the day in her own little world at that table like she’s paying no attention to what’s going on around her but I’d bet anything that she is hearing and taking in everything that is happening. That girl is intelligent as hell.

  89. So she doesn’t know the name of the journals she read articles from and she hasn’t attended conferences about trauma or violence?

  90. Her eyes are puffy today. Maybe she cried into her pillow last nite? “Why is JW doing this to me? Why? Why? WHY?”

  91. She administered a “reading test” to make sure Jodi can read? Didn’t she read Jodi’s IM’s, texts, journals, emails, etc…?

    • She chose that test to give Jodi because it was the easiest one for her to analyze…

  92. I love being immature…. Brings out the kid in me!!! What does that have to do with this case?? Does is happen to give TA an excuse to abuse her?? NOT!!

  93. Janeen doesn’t have much experience but she’s got enough experience to get clients to pay her $300/hour.
    Amazing how confidence trumps experience with some folks.

  94. “Impuding it into a computer” Oh, she gettin’ so rattled she startin’ to trip over her words!

    • They might not ask her much because she seems so ridiculously lost that they might not expect her to know the answer to their questions.

    • I hope so. If not then I will have to believe they have been viewing outside sources. With all the holes JW is blowing in her testimony they should have plenty of questions.

  95. BAM you’ve never given the PTS test that helps diagnose PTSD although that is one of your specialties.

    • she didnt even bother getting trauma certified- she’s a joke of a therapist or evaluator

  96. I’m really wondering if she has therapy patients, as I don’t see anyone staying with her voluntarily for therapy. I’d bet she relies on her State contract to have “power” over people to make her living.

    • Exactly my own impressions about her.

      She did not enter psychology to contribute to society or uplift our culture out of negative behaviors.

      She entered psychology to lord her education and financial status over other people.

      Dr Drew comes to mind too.

      • Prosecutorial misconduct. You do NOT reveal the questions of a psychological TEST–EVER. It gets out there in the public and invalidates those tests. It’s very similar to standardized test cheating–teachers are NOT allowed to reveal questions beforehand or disclosure of the questions. Neither are test takers. Hell, for my brother’s disability hearing, all they had was the results of the tests, not the questions.

  97. I notice how yesterday Ms DeMarte was so lively with her testimony, looking at the jury , smiling, etc while JM was asking her about her “expert“ POV and her education. As soon as JW started cross, her body language alone spoke volumes. Not to mention how her attitude became defensive and rude. She is not directing her answers at the jury and her smiley face she wore so often yesterday has turned into an ugly scowl. JW you GO GURL show the jury what a farce it was to bring in a Rookie on rebuttal! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  98. I hope her “patients” see this video……….AND her “employer”…………this chic should in no way, shape or form be “treating” patients………..

    I could get better therapy from my cats….

  99. she didnt give jm the questions to take away with him because they were already shacking up together.

  100. I can’t stand the way she talks! It diminishes her credibility…imho. I read here earlier, someone remarking on her “vocal fry responses” Yes…that is it! It drives me nuts, and makes her sound like a Valley Girl…or a high school-er. But that is good for the defense!

  101. I called this! I knew wasn’t right for these test questions to be out there! 🙂 🙂

  102. I have to say it. Some of you are acting like the Haters on the Travis Taliban sites toward this witness. Don’t be asshats please, you’re all better than that.

      • Like I said above…

        IMO the haters who come here whining about us need to go clean up their own camp first. I want EACH and EVERY bad review about Alyce and Dr Samuels taken down, every naked picture of Jodi, every single disgusting unnecessary thing of theirs wiped clean before they even THINK about coming here and telling us what to say or think.

        And I agree with KMiller – fence sitters are users and backstabbers. They are taking up bandwidth, trying to dominate the conversation all the while going back to their hater sites getting patted on the back for stirring up shit.

        Seriously, I am done with them.

      • I agree annie, and I have nothing further to say to Joe Yinzer until he apologizes.

      • Criticizing this witness’s clothes, the way she speaks, things that have nothing to do with why she is testifying and what she is testifying about. I don’t care for this woman but Jennifer is kicking her butt and that’s all that matters.

        • so………….. let me get this straight.

          Us commenting on her ill fitting suit is not okay. But you calling the haters (which I am starting to suspect you are) the Taliban is okay?

          Double standards.

            • Not brave. Just tired of being called names.

              There is NO call to call ANY of us asshats or compare us to the Taliban.

              when, and IF he apologizes to me, I will apologize to him for saying fuck you.

              • I totally understand, but he shouldnt have said that A…word.

                Last night I was feeling like we were being very critical, but this is a blog and we’re entitled to our opinion as long as it doesn’t go as far as threats. 🙂

        • So now critiquing DeMarte’s fashion sense is equivalent to sending death threats and hours of time trying to destroy someone’s career and livelihood. >.<

        • Our comments are nothing like theirs. If you need to find out for yourself go post anything pro jodi and sit back and read the hate that gets posted against you!

    • These comments are nothing like the haters.

      Don’t let this witness’ looks fool you Joe, she should never have been allowed as an expert, she doesn’t have the credentials. She shared information that was unethical with JM which should surely be misconduct.

      Me personally, I can’t stomach someone like this who, in conjunction with the State, is trying to put a woman to death when her mouth is writing checks that her ass can’t cash.

      You have posted many times on this site as being offended by comments. Maybe you should reconsider.

    • I think this witness has stirred us up more than we would normally be. That is in direct relation to her lies and stretching of the truth.

  103. BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    she is slowly becoming unhinged…
    melting into a puddle
    GO JENNIFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  104. Someone please tell me this test issue will bring this woman to the licensing board for malpractice?

  105. I gotta say once again how much I admire the Defense’s work!Both are incredible!I have a new-found respect for lawyers.Such a difficult case and look at them,masters of the Universe 🙂 Regardless of the verdict,I think they both did their best to help Jodi.

      • And most importantly they have done so ethically and with class. Secondarily they look dang good doing it. We have an awesome team. Obviously money can’t buy class or ethics.

  106. After JM’s mistreatment of ALV, I’ll admit I was pretty upset last week. Right now… I FEEL FUCKING FABULOUS! 😀

  107. So, when JM didn’t understand how this test worked, he would call his ROOKIE that has never give this test to understand it himself by writing the questions down, have them typed up which is illegal according to Pearson copyright……………


    Summary of Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation of Federal Copyright Laws…

    Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.

    looks like demarte and jm both up the river for 5 years and fines

    • Looks like demarte and jm will be needing a good attorney. They may be fighting over JM if she is available. I expect JM is going to have so many cases after winning this one:-) JM is amazing !

  109. I’m amazed JM didn’t pick a better expert. this is embarrassing for the state…poor choice for state, great for jodi!!

      • Funny how the haters are all,, she is paid to say that about AL. What do they say about the state paying this newbie (not an exper)t for her biased opinion?

      • And JW making points that JD padded her time by doing extra tests like the reading test.

    • It makes a statement that either no psychologists wanted to go up against Samuels or that they thought Jodi’s case was good for self-defense.

  110. I have to say, we are seeing a more aggressive side of Wilmott with this witness.

  111. “Falsified traumatic event” – now Jennifer’s worked up! I don’t think the state’s witness knows what she’s done!

  112. *could* be traumatic to be assaulted and have their life threatened? *could*? WTF

  113. I’m not gonna call her a bitch or make fun of her accent, but I can call her inexperienced all I want to because, compared to ALV, she’s truly just an infant.

  114. “say that again in a different way.” HOW RUDE. Couldn’t she ASK for the question to be rephrased, or something? Geez.

  115. “can you say that again ? ”
    JW : sure 🙂
    Juan : do you have a memory problem maam ?!

  116. “say that again, a different way”…………… is this witness for real???

  117. I love this cross ………….. you go JW….. so obvious she cannot answer since it’s not reheared……..please restate the questions, I don’t understand what your asking…!!

    • Which is somewhat surprising based on the fact that actors are supposed to have good improvisation skills, LOL!!!

  118. I think the defense talking about the army, compared to Jodi might make the jury mad I hope that doesn’t hurt her.

  119. Joe,

    I have respected you and your opinions since you came into this site. I have not ever used any derogatory term toward you or about you.

    The fact that you are grouping some of the posters here with the “Travis Taliban” is insulting.

    No matter how pissed off we all get – I have NEVER seen any poster here call ANOTHER POSTER HERE a “name” or derogatory term.

    This site has ALWAYS been about SUPPORT for Jodi and victims. I do not now, nor have I ever considered myself, my friends here or even posters I do not know “asshats”.

    It is human nature to vent. Some of us use more colorful language than others; that doesn’t mean we are “haters”. I’ve NEVER threatened anyone – nor has ANY poster on this site.

    If saying “fuck” or “bullshit” or calling someone a made up collection of letters causes some here to group me in with the “haters”…then so be it.

  120. Ms DeMarte is going to have PTSD after Jennifer gets done
    whooping her ass six ways to Sunday!!!!

    • Josh, I like you 🙂

      I don’t respond to many of your comments, but I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your posts here and agree with damn near all of them.

      Thanks for sticking around and contributing to the site!

  121. Well this is rich,watching the trial on HLN today,I can only get it on HLN,They put an ad on there about dry mouth,showed this woman explaining in the ad that she drank lots of water and the whys,Holy Shit,HLN might as well be working right beside Juan,They are pretty close now,How F@#king disgusting and low do those assholes at HLN are going to go.SOMEBODYS WATCHING AND WE ALL KNOW WHO!!What a joke,I hope JW shreds that baby doc.

  122. Note that JW is treating the witness with RESPECT and trips her by getting THE TRUTH out of her, not by confusing her.
    That’s how to cross, JM!

  123. Does her nose look odd to you guys? it looks smashed in or something…
    reminds me of a pug but have to say the pug is better looking…

  124. My jury question would be “how can you say Dr. Samuels was wrong when you didn’t administer the same tests?”

    • The jury questions for JD are going to be interesting. That will really be an indication of where the jurors heads are in this trial.

      • I totally agree, you don’t specialize in an area and then don’t give the test for that disorder… This chick is toast……….. without the butter.

        and all her research is outdated. Your not an expert in all areas of psychology, you usually focus on 2-3 areas for your specialization.

        I would never hire this chick…. and lying about how many years she’s been practicing…….

    • Not only administered it, but never used it and didn’t have a copy of the test………… WTF

  125. Is it just me or does Jodi seem out of it today (I am sure she is tired)? Maybe medication……….

    • Tha past few weeks she seems more on meds than ever,to me of course dunno if that’s the case.

      • I wonder if it is a negative reaction to this witness. She knows this woman would lie, and do anything necessary to kill her.

        • Renee,

          I agree, and remember this psychologist is Jodi’s age, and very snotty. I would love to see the videos of her interviews with JODI………….. We could get a lot of information out them and how she interacted with Jodi.

    • I acutally think she’s very attentive this week….. Doesn’t look like she’s being heavily medicated. And we don’t know that she’s on any medication other than for migraines at this time

  126. You know who doesn’t get enough credit? The court reporters. They are the hardest working people in the courtroom. The concentration and listening and deciphering abilities those folks have is unbelieveable.
    Sorry I just wanted to toss that out there. 🙂

      • Heather1,
        It does look lie she is focusing in on something in that direction…I thought that she may be drawing JD as well…

    • Ya I noticed she seems to be drawing. Hey Jodi and I have something in common! Both of us have been drawing while listening to this trial! I really like seeing her work. She is very talented. Esp the one with the eye with the tear drop that looks like pen and ink. I wish I could show her my artwork…it’s anatomical stuff though.

      • Lindsay, you draw…internal organs, muscles, skeletons…like for text books? Just wondering 🙂

          • The pic of the man in the jacket and woman on the bridge is phenomenal. When art can elicit an emotion from the viewer that is true art. IMO The picture tells a story and is somewhat unsettling when I view it. You are truly talented. Just wish you hadn’t put yout contact info out for the crazies 🙂

            • Thanks! Ya I thought about that…oh well hopefully no crazies go crazy on me! Oh well can always mark them as spam 🙂

  127. I wonder if she has a stop watch to stop the clock when she is no longer testifying so she keeps track of her time? Just saying at $300 an hr they surly can’t pay her to go to the bathroom too.

  128. So.. am I understanding this correctly.. she scored low on borderline, she scored high on PTSD, but this doc has gone against the test results and saying she has borderline personality disorder and no evidence of PTSD? Trying to follow what’s going on here, and very lacking in knowledge on these kind of psych tests.

    • — A test that this witness said seemed valid by the way.

      P.S. If all you have to do to be a psychologist is buy some tests, administer them, and score them through a computer, why can’t we all be psychologists making 300.00 per hour? No disrespect to those on here… I’m simply saying that’s the impression I get from THIS witness.

      • rose did demarte rule bpd in AND exclude ptsd ?
        or just say she made an additional diagnosis ?

        i get the feeling, beyond this case, that the psycho industry won’t be satisfied until they’ve got at least 100 % of the population diagnosed with some sort of psychological disorder on which the psychological industry can earn a comfortable living for the rest of their lives

  129. She’s totally textbook, if the book doesn’t say it, its not true, it doesn’t matter about Jodi the person and looking the whole picture, its what the blasted textbook says. She’s dangerous IMO

    Her arrogance is off the scale! Loved it when JW confronted her about testing to see if she could read. 🙂

    • I can’t believe she wasted tax payers dollars to administer a test to see if she could read. and that was a 5 hr test rights? How much did that pay her let’s see a grand?

      • IMO the Dr (JD) did that IQ test per JM’s request. He wanted/s to be able to argue that JA was smart enough to premeditate the murder. IMO that’s why JW was questioning the Dr as to why did she (JD) feel it was medically necessary in rendering her decision as to if JA could read or understand and follow normal conversion. If the Dr administer the test, not for evaluating proposes, but to help the JM’s case against JA then yet again we have another misconduct case. Not to mention the overbilling for unnecessary test.

      • Why on Earth did she think this was going to be useful somehow? A test to check her literacy skills?Because she thought Jodi sounded immature??Meaning what?”I’m-the-same-age-as-her-and-look-how-smart-I-am immature or she-may-be-retarded-in-my-opinion immature” ?WTF?

    • I agree Heather. And to think she has a say as to whether people are eligible for their Social Security disaablity is very concerning, in addition to her very apparent nasty attitude toward a defendant who’s life is on the line.

      • Yes, she seems to have anger issues and who knows what kind of biases and prejudices. There really is something off about her. I don’t trust her.

    • Very smart, but book smart. I know a lot of medical students like this. They can pass exams and get great grades but they can’t communicate with patients and just think of them as a “case.” I thought she was well organized when talking to JM yesterday, but I love cross because gets to put these experts on the spot. This one is being really condescending.

  130. She has puffy eyes…..looks like she may have gone home and cried last night because the JW is giving her an ass whooping and she can’t handle it!! 🙂

    • She does compared to yesterday so she did sleep like a baby
      last night then up all night crying ! black circles today under
      the eyes were not so noticeable yesterday too.

      I would guess she has feelings but only for herself as they
      claim that is how Jodi is—- but I do not believe that at all. There
      would be more ex boyfriend’s to testify if Jodi was a cold an
      manipulating as the prosecutor an the haters want to proclaim.

  131. It didn’t occur to me at the time that Martinez was reading the test questions out for the whole world to hear. Wow! I wonder where that will go. And it was a good point by JW that Dr. Samuels didn’t provide the test booklet questions for good reason. The rookie will think twice about that in the future.

    • yeah she made a big deal about not being given anything but the answers. well he assumed she had the booklet since she was SUPPOSED to be the expert witness for the state not to mention the copy right laws.

    • It might have been a good time for JW to bring up the fact that this psychologist’s laptop was stolen from her apartment and all kinds of information about this case was on it. This psych seems recklessly irresponsible.

    • Yes, she was reading the test entries, he was writing them down, then she would mouth the textbook definitions then apply them to Jodi with one so-called ‘evidence’ instance of it, for at least an hour.

  132. I guess they do not teach empathetic LISTENING at Michigan State!! This “DR” sould never have gone into psychology business administratyion would have been better choice!!

    • My thoughts exactly. Would never see this woman as a therapst. I don’t like her cold, smirking face. I think she’s positioning herself to specialize in giving testimony at trials. There’s a lot more money to be had in this area of practice.

    • That’s exactly right deb. If she’s interested in people, but doesn’t feel a damn thing for them, she should have been a census taker or studied statistics.

      There’s tons of vocations out there to crunch numbers. I guess they don’t pay well enough to be worth her time.

      • This girl is missing something…SYMPATHY and she’s very supervicial. I’ve heard LCSW’s talk about MFT’s and how limited they are.

      • She’s more interested in people as guinea pigs.And she looooves textbooks.

      • Yes MB I still think she is more Wall Street!! I can not imagine any patient that would confide in her.
        She gives me the creeps!!

        • Yes! She gives me the creeps too! Not only is she cold and uncompassionate, she seems to actually dislike people. Not neutral at all.

          • This unfortunately, reminds me of MANY new graduates I’m seeing coming out of our universities in the last 10 yrs. Many of these new grads are going into health care for the money, and because the job markets are so tight, health care remains a pretty open field.
            She reminds me so much of a student nurse I was training a few years back. She flat did not want to be around the patients. She insisted her teacher told her she couldn’t interact with the patients, that she was only there to observe and chart. Well, as you can imagine, I didn’t fall for that garbage, and I told her “look, if you want to be a computer monitor, go into IT. If you want to be a nurse, you have to interact with the patients.” She argued with me about it for a bit, but eventually did do some patient care. But this is becoming more and more prevalent, which makes me think god help us all if we ever get sick and get someone like this to care for us!

        • Trust is SO important to therapy.

          How can a patient trust someone that has told THE WORLD that she does not feel compassion or empathy for people? Or that she “may” feel compassion “later”. WOW.

          IMO she has committed career suicide before it’s even started… to which I say GOOD… I don’t care how screwed up someone is, nobody deserves a “therapist” like this.

  133. 30 plus years experience for Dr Samuels and JM hounded him relentlessly on the stand .. twisting his words, trying to make him look like a stooge.

    JW .. graciously asking questions “and” letting the witness answer .. never raising her voice once .. makes “Ms” Janeen DeMarte look like .. “Larry .. Moe & Curly” all at the same time.

    Great “Style & Class” JW!!!!!!!!!

    • I agree JW does have a lot more class then the prosecutor. She
      does not show great HATRED an DISCONTENT as the prosecutor
      does on witness unless they are his an even then he gets a little
      snippy with his own but nothing like he did with the Defense Witnesses.

  134. I wish she would ask her in all your years of so called practice have you ever given a diagnosis that did not match the results of a diagnostic test?

    • If she answers no she looks too by the book.. if she answers no then obviously there would be doubt in her diagnosis. Win win

    • That would be a big fat YES…………….. !!! THis is chickdee ego you wouldn’t get that answer according to her data that is why she relies on the test results. Not her non years of experience ……..

    • I am guessing that Nurmi is 6’5″, Jennifer 5’6″ and Kermi about 5’2″ (with his lifts)

      • Jodi is 5″6″ and JW looks shorter standing next to her. Watch them side by side. I think JW is a shortie like me.

        • I also am a shortie… just a wisp of a thing at 5’3″ and barely 105 pounds.

          • I’m 5’2″ and 113 lbs. When I’m getting ready for date night or a girls’ night out, I put on one of my MANY MANY MANY pairs of sexy, spike-heeled platform stilettos; I end up about 5’8″or so…. 😎

        • When they were doing the finger demo JW said she was between 5’3″ and 5’4″ in her heels.

          That’s what you call dynamite in a small stylish package. Sort of like a Porsche Carrera S.

  135. I am not listening to today’s testimony and am listening to yesterdays testimony. based on yesterday’s testimony I found what Demarte went to evaluate in the case of Jodi Arias. She stated under direct she “went to evaluate whether jodi had a psych disorder.” Dr Samuels went to diagnose Jodi’s behavior not under the same question and Laviolette went to assess whether Jodi was in a DV relationship. Three very different reasons to go see Jodi. Just making that point to everyone here because Martinez uses many tactics to make everything convoluted when the reality is very, very different.

    • Good observation Flnang……………. Your totally correct. I thought that yesterday when i was watching the trial. But this psychologist thinks with her at the time ( one year experience) knew every disorder and criteria in the DSM… It’s sad that she’s Jodi’s age, and would want to lie to see someone get the DP…..

    • I’m looking at this woman and cant believe how she makes it through all this ordeal.Knowing how many people hate you,having some of them sitting there next to you,feeling their hateful looks on you,listening to them trashing you…omg,I wouldnt be able to take it,Id have broken down by now.I feel for Jodi,all I wanna do is hug her and protect her.Last night I had a dream that she was aquitted and she had to leave courtroom,wanting to go back to her house and I was screaming at my TV screen ”No Jodi dont go out there,they’re gonna kill you!Why didnt you agree to come to Greece where you’d be safe?” And I woke up crying!
      Do you think I’m starting to lose it??? LOL 🙂

      • Not losing it…she has touched my heart as well. And to think that the STATE wants to put a needle in her arm to stop her heart , her breath, her thoughts, her dreams. This is so wrong!!!

    • Well…I must NEVER be anxious. I am not often thirsty. I have to force myself to drink more water cuz I don’t generally drink enough.

      • Medication can cause it too. My doctor introduced me to a wonderful product called biotene. The state needs to send her a carton of it

    • Once I had to testify in Court and when I got on the stand(in Greece there’s no seat,you just have to stand up all the time in front of the Judge)I remember my mouth was soooooo dry I had to lick my lips constantly just to be able to speak.

  136. Thank you so much for putting up this site to support Jodie. When I first started following the trial, I made the mistake of reading posts at #jodiearias on Twitter where I was so disgusted by the Lynch Mob and their inhumane comments. Now I only look at this page to stay up to date.

  137. i think demarte’s opportunistic publicity grab on a very thin cv instead of catapulting her into fame and fortune will consign her to the dustbins of history

  138. Last night I mentioned that I have a feeling demartian is hiding something. I really think something happened in her life that made her this way. A lot of the times therapists go into the field to fix other people in order to avoid fixing their own lives. Just my thoughts.

  139. You know yesterday, Jodi looked pretty. That is the prettiest I have seen her since this trial began back in Dec. 2012. Something in my heart told me that she was actually happy and relieved for a change.

  140. I was friends with a psychologist who hated his job
    We would go to dinner and he would complain about
    his clients like they were worthless.
    Needless to say I am no longer friends with him.

  141. Jury Question: Why do you keep looking toward Mr. Martinez? Do you think he will somehow get you out of this mess you’ve gotten yourself into?

    Sorry sweetcheeks!

  142. ok, Am I understanding this right. On the MCMI she had a score of 11. Was it suppose to be above 75 like the rest of the test to be considered high?

    • For the Personality and Clinical Syndrome scales, base rate scores of 75-84 are taken to indicate the presence of a personality trait, or (for the Clinical Syndromes scales) the presence of a clinical syndrome. Scores of 85 or above indicate the persistence of a personality trait or a clinical syndrome.

  143. I bet DR DeMARTE has a record high of one time evaluations cause the patients do not return!!

    • Tell me about it.

      I would understand it if she were up against someone like JM.

      But JW has been completely professional the entire cross.

      She comes across as hamming it up for HLN and the haters, and compensating for her lack of experience and ability to empathize.

  144. I saw a few posts about Jodi not looking very healthy today. I think she looks more with it than usual. Pale as always, the woman needs some sunshine. But she’s looks to be holding up pretty well considering. That’s just my opinion though.

    • The truth is sha has lost a lot of weight.She’s badly nourished,she could use some vitamins.

      • I agree that she’s lost quite a bit of weight. Arpaio made sure of that from what I was hearing. But she still looks good to me. Other than lack of sunshine and being starved to death I mean. :-/

    • The color green tends to give a person that washed out look…not a good choice when your complexion is fair and you have dark hair…

      Jodi has a fairer complexion now that she hasn’t been able to get a tan…in the future with a golden complexion that particular shade of green will look better on her and she want look so sickly and washed out..

  145. So she is using materials from a place of employment for testing independant of her job. Hmmm.

  146. Self image. No, it’s self CONCEPT, different, she says. JW: Is it related? Baby Doc: they intersect.

  147. She’s awful cocky, and thinks she’s the best in the psychology field…. I got news for her, AL and Dr. S. could tear her to pieces……………

  148. Besides that the three different experts went for three different reasons Id like to point Alice didnt say she didn’t believe Travis wasn’t stalked she said she didn’t find any evidence to support that claim. Those two are different statements. He’s trying to discredit something that was never stated. He manipulates testimony. When psychologist/scientist/doctors come in they have to have a reason for their study. There has to be a list of indicators that either prove or don’t prove. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist it just doesn’t prove it. I don’t think Jodi stalked Travis, but I don’t like how Martinez manipulates data and words. He criticizes and likes to point out that Dr Samuels did blah blah or whatever but he’s doing much worse. He’s completely manipulating the reasons for the test and manipulating testimony.

  149. Looks like this TSI test was a good one to give…for the defense’s benefit!

  150. Still no live mobile stream. :(. Reading the live blog the disgraceful one claims demartian tore apart 38 days of defense testimony. Wtf

  151. These TSI test results connect back to the article you provided yesterday, AA, – clinician determinations between personality disorders & DV PTSD…cool!

  152. I have been forced to watch last nights Nan G’s show, in order to catch the beginning of the JW’s cross….I just can’t believe (currently and past years) how waaaay off the mark Nan is with her opinions or observations, and then she just runs with it. She does it all the time! I have yelled at the TV so very often at her when she totally misunderstands what one of her panel says, and then talks over them and runs with it. WTF.

  153. Is this woman qualified to do anything but pocket some cash?

    Two tests, one to see if Jodi can read, the other to see if she has a high IQ. 5 or 6 hours $1,500 money grubbing witch

    • It sounds to me like this so call expert”’. had her mind made up before she even saw Jodi. Her mind was tainted by JM. I think mostly demarte wants to pocket large amounts of cash. Doesn’t even have a sliding scale for people unfortunate enough to not make wages enough to afford psychiatric help…

  154. LOL! I would ask : Have you read Alyce’s BOOK? Have you entered a REVIEW of that book on Amazon?

  155. Just a few thought’s I was going to post them on an earlier thread:

    Fundamentally, what does it matter if tests show she has BPD, PTSD whatever.

    Anyone who has undergone the abuse that Jodi has is bound to be a bit screwed up, certainly until Dr Samuels gave her a helping hand.

    Let’s see : she was abused in childhood
    She ran away and was abused and cheated on twice.
    She met a decent sort.
    She then met a very abusive cheater ( Alexander ).
    She then had a truly horrendous experience when she killed him.
    She was then locked in jail for two years, without any help for her understandable mental trauma.

    The value of Samuels testimony was not the diagnosis of PTSD, it was in explaining dissociative amnesia, and introducing other evidence.

    • Exactly. Even if she does have a disorder that doesn’t make her less of a victim for DV. It’s ludicrous to associate one with the other. So does she deserve to be abused?

    • Sure so she conveniently cannot remember the author. I bet she has read a lot by ALV LOL

  156. JW has been and continues to be classy, professional, and POLITE – unlike this bitch who is SARCASTIC to JW….this mannequin needs to be brought down from her self-constructed pedastal……….

  157. I’m not being mean here, but I wish they would focus on Jennifer today instead of Jodi a little more. We can still see Jodi, but I’d rather JW be clear. Just saying.

    • I would be afraid to take any medications that she prescribes for fear that she couldn’t remember who I was….hmmm…

    • Notice that she adds to things to try to look credible? But JW is persistent!!! WOOHOO!

  158. “I don’t know of the top of my head” is the new “I cant remember” of this case lol

  159. Can someone send this link to that scatterbrained doctor…LOL…

    That doctor wants to be vague but Jennifer wants specific dates and details…and the good ole doc can’t remember them because she had a “FULL WORK LOAD LAST WEEK”…and she can’t remember the title of the article that she read…

    She says she can’t remember nothing “Off the top of her head.”


    • JW should have gone further and asked, well you don’t know the title of the article, do you remember what the article was about? I bet DeMarte would have been flustered… EXPOSED.

  160. I am a huge fan of Jennifer Wilmott. If I were exposed to women like her when I was younger I would be an attorney today. (This is one reason I have my children watch her – she’s an awesome role model.) With that being said, and it may be the anger in me, I wish she would stay on the witness’s inconsistencies more. I believe there would be at least a couple/few on the jury who may only relate to that type of interaction. (I say this judging from past juror questions).

    Also – does anyone know if there is any way to see how Dr. Samuels and Dr. LaViolette are doing? I really hope they make it through this and I hope the saying ‘all publicity is good publicity’ helps them in this case.

  161. dang….we all have more knowledge about domestic violence than JDM. she is ridiculous and Jw is making her look like a fool! nice work Defense team!

  162. So, Ms DeMarte, you Do have a problem with your memory.

    A lot of experience in DV–2 years?

  163. OMG Wtf does this bitch commit to memory?? She is so full of shit. She clearly has a “selective” memory. 🙂

  164. This newbie needs to beg for mercy and to be let off the stand. She is making a fool out of herself.

    • She sure is. What an embarrassment! I dont feel bad fir her though, someone needed to pop her bubble! She sucks all the way around. The only reason she sound good with Martinez is because she studied fir weeks. Anyone one can go up there and answer better then what she did. Some questions where even common sense regarding DV and she couldn’t answer.

  165. Oh SHNAP!!!!!!! (Just a saying we have here.) THAT WAS PHENOMENAL!!! Excuse my caps!

  166. damn i love it, JW is mentally waterboarding miss I am not an expert in domestic
    I knew Jennifer was good but NOT THIS GOOD.
    She is tearing her soul apart!!!!!!!!!

    • Her soul was torn when she guffawed about Jodi (the person she was evaluating as a professional psychologist) being a ‘liar’ and a ‘manipulative psychopath.’

  167. back pedaling on cnn and fox : no arrest made in Boston, but cameras show suspected person not id-ed

  168. Got her to say she is NOT an expert! I think she is smart and well educated, but this is out of her league. Too much too soon. In the next 20 years she could be as awesome as AL & Samuels.

  169. Now we see what effective respectful cross examine is like. Take lessons Juan and sign up for AVL anger management class!!

  170. What an awesome cross exam by JW….nothing like a nice intellectual winning argument by the defense with big fat impeachment on the witness before lunch. beautiful work Jennifer! Team Jodi and supporters, you guys rock too!!!!! Love this Day!!!

  171. I think bthey might as well take this exoert out of the stand, what a waist! ! She just fucked up her career, ans especially with the STATE. SHE WILL NEVER GET A JOB WITH THE STATE!!!! And Martinez is probably SO mad that she admitted that she was no expert at DV. How can she say Jodi doesnt suffer from BWS ans she KNOWS SHES NOT AN EXPERT?!

  172. I like Jennifer Wilmott’s style of questioning and hitting the nail on the head on how this, so called expert witness is no expert on DV! Bravo to JW!!!

  173. “I don’t highlight that to memory.”


  174. What I saw in about 10 minutes makes me believe you might as well stick a fork in this lady, she’s done.

    Poor thing, they threw her into the tiger’s cage and no amount of sweat’s going to allow her to slip this. Looks like Jennifer is taking her apart, piece by little piece.

    Was the rest of the day just as brutal as this.

    JM’s yelling and screaming made it sound much more brutal when he was after ALV and Samuels, but I believe this is a much more efficient tearing down.

    I just saw them replay the issue with the summary scales, and the look on this lady’s face after she said it wasn’t a part of the scale reminded me of a kid who knew he had answered wrong, and wished he could take it back.

  175. The hypocrisy of people on HLN comparing this witnesses testimony to AL’s is staggering.

    • Remember those professionals on HLN have for the past several years been acting unprofessional….I believe that have forgotten how to act professional anymore…they’ve stooped to a lower level called entertainment professionalism to keep their network ratings higher…

    • Staggering is not the word I would use…HLN and Kermit talked about ALV being biased well they got a lot of freaking nerve to talk about ANYONE being bias they are the most biased NETWORK on the air and I’m not just talking about their coverage of this trial they are biased about everything. And please don’t even get me started about Kermit my language on that subject would get me booted from this site. 🙂

    • They are a propaganda machine, nothing more.

      Their coverage is meant to elicit a reaction from the viewer, it has nothing to do with truth or justice, no matter how much they pretend it does.

      The only kind of viewer they are bound to attract with their hate speech are a rabble of emotionally unstable ignorants with no self respect whatsoever.

      I have faith that the Universe has a sense of humor and that they will all fall on their own swords of stupidity one day; and the world will be laughing when they do.

      • So true. Sad but true. there are so many sheep who believes every word they speak. My motto is question everything!

  176. By the way what credible agency hires a new grad to be a clinical director. I bet that place she worked used students to do work and get paid for it. This woman has no credible experience and is out for the money and is cold as hell. Shame on her for taking a death penality case.

    • Maybe that’s the reason that she has moved so many times and is not working in her own home state..

  177. This woman’s top of her head is EMPTY. She doesn;t know anything on top of her head…wtf !!!

  178. This from Lenore Walker : In 1979, Walker interviewed 1500 battered women and discovered that each of them described a similar pattern of spousal abuse (“Dynamics of Domestic,” 2002). According to the “Dynamics of Domestic Violence” article, Walker identified this cycle as the Cycle of Violence. It begins with positive or close relations that develop into tension caused by anything from a bad day at work to a major life crisis. The second stage of the cycle is when the battering incident occurs, which may or may not include physical contact (it may be verbal abuse). This occurs so that the abuser can gain power and control. The third and final stage of this circular cycle is when the batterer tries to make up with the partner. He may feel guilt, but will minimize the event by claiming that it was the woman’s fault that she was hit. Both partners deny the severity of the abuse, and the cycle continues. The couple is convinced that each abusive episode is isolated and that the incidents are unrelated to each other. Without intervention, the violence becomes more serious and eventually the third stage of apology and denial will no longer exist (“Dynamics of Domestic,” 2002).

  179. So after we hear the ” expert” tell JW to check her notes and they go to sidebar… What was the pout one? Who was right?

  180. THE martian’s ego is so large that she can’t admit to serious, or even any, deficiencies in her knowledge, experience, memory, etc, especially about battered women
    LOOKS like this is the first time anyone’s nailed, or cornered, this sack of crap about her bs

  181. Who is the lady in the dark suit with green shirt that sits at the table behind Nurmi…and she just walked over to speak with Jodi?

      • Thanks maria..that lady is very attractive and always looks like she is a nice and kind person…

    • I’d like to say, “No, that’s Elvis”, but I may be yelled at for making comments about the family, so…..

      • haha Ya I know we have some hyper sensitives in here lately. I am very
        careful lately also. But I find it funny how the same ones can be hyper
        sensitive about some issues but go all out on others? drives me nuts!

      • Not from me.

        Screw the fence sitters – they are wasting bandwidth and are only here for the free cookies and chocolate milk. They only post here so they can run back to their other blogs and get points for being so “brave” for starting shit here.

        I could care less about their bravado, seeming that they are doing nothing to lift a finger to help Alyce or Dr Samuels clean up the damage done to them on Amazon or other review sites.

        I just have no patience for them anymore.

        • Thanks MB. Got smacked once for a similar comment, but I had meant no harm. I was surprised by the comment made, and the persons remark. So I apologized, and was smacked again with sarcasm and then a few comments below another one. I had only intended to inject some innocent fun in the commentary for the day and said nothing (that I felt) that was mean or hurtful.
          Was ready to pack it in and get back into my shell after saying goodbye and thanks to SJ for sharing the site with me. So after lurking around for awhile, I decided to mark it off as once bitten.. But anyways, I appreciate what you say. Thanks again. 🙂

          • No problem. lol I have gotten my hands slapped for criticizing the family, and I have even gotten my hands slapped for OTHER PEOPLE’S criticisms of the family (can you believe it??).

            I am glad you are coming back to post!!

  182. If she can’t even remember the title of the article and the source of the article that she read last week….then how in the world can any test that she did on Jodi be reliable???

    • LC, I’m just FLOORED that this witness is being called an expert by the State.

      She knows next to nothing about DV, is flippant to almost every question JW asks, and gets defensive when her credentials are scrutinized.

      I have to wonder WHY she decided to take a case that has the death penalty at stake, it’s as if she were so arrogant to assume that her scope of knowledge wouldn’t be called into question or closely examined by the defense.

  183. “I would not call myself an expert on domestic violence.” Zing!!!!

    DeMarte got owned on the fact Lenore Walker now takes a trauma approach to DV rather than her old approach.

  184. Was that a resurrected Joan Crawford in a blonde wig or Morticia from the Addams Family? Of course I’m referring to the former prosecutor Anita Kay spewing her biased pro-pros BS that JW isn’t being effective in her XE of psych 101’s testimony. Rip her a new one JW! GO TEAM JODI!!!!!!!!!!

  185. She had the nerve to criticize ALV who is a Domestic Violence EXPERT with many many many years of experience. JD admits she is no expert – she isn’t even wet behind the ears. I hope the jury see’s through this. JW is excellent!!1

  186. Verdicts can be overturned due to inaccurate expert testimony.

    Unless the defense is allowed to some sort of rebuttal, I think this testimony will bit the State in the ass.

  187. Nostrils has some REAL NERVE coming into a DEATH penalty case giving her “expert opinion” that Jodi was not a victim of DM when she admits that she is NOT an EXPERT! Further more I think after JW’s review of her CV, she is not an EXPERT on ANYTHING!!

    Someone said it already (sorry can’t recall to give credit I think it was Al this morning) the REAL question we all and ESPECIALLY the jury should be asking is WHY out of ALL the experts available would JM choose THIS “expert” to testify???? I think it is VERY clear that only someone desperate for money and reputation would be willing to (with a straight face) to make the claims she has made. She is an OBVIOUS mouth-piece for the state, and willing to “take one for the team”. This is REDICULOUS!!

    My BET is if Jennifer wanted to she could have EASILY argued that this witness did NOT qualify as an expert, especially in the specific areas she has testified to. I think Jenny WANTED this expert on the stand for the state, and saved her argument for the publics viewing. I’m quite sure she played dumb-dumb for the state, and let their confidence build as she laughed to herself and made her case for PUBLIC DESTRUCTION!! LOL!!!!

    • I agree Kmiller and that right there is a smart woman, right?!!!!! JW is not only book smart she just proved it.

      Im sitting here wondering too, what IS she an expert of, that’s what I want to know?! Someone said PTSD. But idk this girl, I think she WANTS to be an expert. And there isnt anything wrong with that, but baby girl, give it time, you NEED experience. Hearing her CV and how much she doesnt really know makes her look more like she can get away with being an expert lier.

    • Right, and my guess is that she was the only one inexperienced and arrogant enough to believe that her testimony would be worth a hill of beans.

      They are only patting her on the back because she’s parroting the prosecution’s theory. All she cares about is getting brownie points from the Bros and laughing her way to the bank.

      I also think she was incredibly lazy. She only spent 12 hours evaluating Jodi, whereas Dr Samuels and Alyce LaViolette spent the maximum amount of time possible to get the whole story.

      The fact that she cannot remember more than ONE domestic violence expert speaks volumes. It literally screams unqualified.

      • “The fact that she cannot remember more than ONE domestic violence expert speaks volumes. It literally screams unqualified.”

        It sure does!

        And all we need are a few people on the jury who can see through bluff and theatrics.

  188. Good afternoon everyone!
    I have an opinion so far, of course. I believe JW is doing a good job overall in her cross of JD. I do think JD is actually holding her own though, in many ways, although I do see she has a temper, and it’s very likely JW sees it and will try to bring it out. Her main goal is to try to discredit her, based on her lack of experience (yrs in field) and she did that already, it’s up to the jury to decide if that matters to them or not. Jurors often decide this based on likeability, believe it or not, rather than years in practice. Unless the person has sanctions or lawsuits, etc. I personally do not find her either likeable nor unlikeable, she just seems very matter of fact and somewhat robotic. This can be good or bad, like I said, the jury will have to decide.

    One thing I noticed though, that I think can maybe backfire, although it isn’t huge, but a problem. JW did go after her regarding money and what she is being paid in this case to evaluate Jodi, and what she is being paid to testify. 250 and 300. She brought it up several times. She brought up the 12 hours of interviews in the jail at 250, the work going over reports, emails, texts, etc, at 250, and the court testimony at 300. All true, however, this is the exact same amount ALV and Dr Samuels charged for the defense. You can bet that JM will bring this up in re-direct. Remember, they ALL charge for this, they are ALL making $$, it is what they do as expert witnesses. In fact, ALV was on the stand for a very long time, and spent 44 hours with Jodi compared to 12 from this witness, so it is very probable that the point will not be lost on the jury that when JW kept talking about $, the jury remembered how long ALV spent with her. JM will likely bring it up to remind them. I was hoping she would stay off of that point.

    Anyway, moving on, I think we will absolutely be able to get a feel for what the jury is thinking about this when we get some questions in the basket. At this point in both Dr Samuels and ALV’s testimony, we had them coming in. I know there were none yesterday, does anyone know if any have been submitted yet today?

    • It appears to be standard to bring up the fee. It probably leads the jury to take with a grain of salt what any “expert” says. For Samuels and ALV they tried to demonstrate that they were independent. Baby Doc is trying to also but it is quite obvious she is just a tool.

    • Totally predictable coming from you.

      If you really think this woman is likable, I have a bridge to sell you.

      • tonysam.
        Again with the personal attacks. I should be used to it. A. I never said she was likeable. I said I found her neither likeable nor unlikeable. Neither. I find her very robotic, nothing to like nor dislike from my point of view. That means MY opinion. You do realize, don’t you, that I am allowed to have one right? Just like all of us here, I too, am allowed one? I have never one time singled you out and attacked you or told you that you were wrong for your thoughts, feelings, opinions, or anyuthing else you have said here. As far as my analysis of the charges being utterly beside the point, I am not sure why you feel that way. I was stating, again, why I feel that it didn’t need to go on as long, JW brought it up several times, and to ME, it simply reminded the jury, IMHO, of how much they ALL made in this trial. You do remember they all made the same amount right? So you don’t think 1 juror thought about either ALV or Dr Samuels when JW was discussing the 250 or 300 an hour she charged during this line of questioning?

        Look, if you have an issue with me, and it is apparent you do, that is your choice. I am not sure why, other than the fact that you do not seem to like anyone to say things you don’t totally agree with. Thats ok, your choice. However, please try to show me the same respect that I show you in my comments, I have never been anything but civil to you and polite in any of my posts here. I would ask if you cannot show me the same, just please ignore my comments. Thank you.

        • News Flash-Anna Ryan
          The money issue goes to this supposed Doc padding expenses and making money to do worthless testing that has no bearing on an evaluation and billing several hours for it.

          Can you say UNETHICAL. Hopefully the insurance companies paying for her patients will also begin to look at her billing.

      • IMO JD is NOT holding her own, if she can’t name more than one domestic violence expert.

        The lady is a joke. The pro pros can try to spin it whatever way they like, I’m not buying it either.

        • Yea tonysam and MB, im jot buying it! She thought she was so smart, well whhy then if she KNEW this was a DV case, why not pick up more books and read up on it, that alone would’ve answered the journal question JW was looking for too but she just looked stupid trying to tell JW thats she thinks shes confused about what she meant. She was lost, so lost and all she had to do isnpick up a book or two.

    • 12 hours with a defendant on trial is not anything an would be a insult to me if
      I were sitting where Jodi is right now. This is a death penalty case not play
      school. An personally if I was where Jodi is an that woman came to me with
      that condescending snotty attitude I would not want to spend much time with her.

      Like they said of Dr. Samuels an Alyce this witness is HIGHLY BIASED
      for the death penalty an maybe she too has some kind of Crush on JM due
      to her flaring of nostrils an blinking when looking over at JM. haha what is
      good for the goose is good for the gander.

      • Thanks Debbie….I was hoping by now the jury would be submitting some. I am curious to hear those.

    • Anna Ryan ….she is FAR from holding her own. You have to HAVE something to hold on to….Baby Doc ain’t got chyt!!!

      • Moni,
        What I mean by holding her own, she is not appearing to falter, to me, she isn’t fumbling or acting confused by the question or stammering around, etc. Holding her own in that regard. Now, that can also mean she is coming off as arrogant and doesn’t feel that she is wrong about anything, and is looking down her nose at the other expert witnesses and their assesments. (which I believe she is) and that is exactly what the State has her there to do. So, when I say this, it isn’t as a cheerleader for JD, it is just an observation. I believe JM picked her for this very reason, otherwise he would have picked someone with many more years under her belt.

    • Jennifer W. also brought out that this psych also gave Jodi a 5 hour reading test that was completely unnecessary!!! $1,250 for a reading test when the psych had read Jodi’s journals and it was obvious Jodi has a high reading level.

      • trying,
        I don’t think that was what JW was saying at all, about the testing part. The test that JD gave Jodi about reading comprehension is called WRAT, and takes about 15 or 20 minutes. The long test, is the MMPI, that is the one that takes hours to complete. That is also the same one Dr Samuels gave her, but he gave her a different version, the MCMI. All I meant by my comment about $$ was that they all charge for being an expert witness, both sides charge. The jury already knows it, and my feeling was that possibly, belaboring the point, it might make them start thinking about who spent the most time, and who made the most money, Thats all.

  189. I think it be a good idea if JW came back from lunch and start asking her the bias questions. She would poop her diaper!

  190. A post I made elsewhere:

    Do you mean HNL has not been showing today’s cross examination?
    Where the state’s witness says she is not a domestic violence expert?
    And she doesn’t know the title of an article on DV she claims she read last week, or the journal it was from?
    And she knows nothing about recent domestic violence research, or the name of more than one researcher?
    Or that that researcher no longer uses the criteria the witness has beased her statements on?
    ( This just from memory, watching a few minutes of testimony before the break )
    This witness for the state is laughably inexperienced in the relevant areas.
    She may be a reasonably good manager, and able to administer psychological tests, but she is not an expert at all in relevant areas.
    I may not bother to document all this, it’s so one-sided, will see what neutral (AP) press reports make of it.

  191. Question of the day….

    Why hasn’t Amazon and Barnes and Noble taken down the terrible reviews yet???

    • Because I see the haters are “beefing” up Dr. Demarte’s review over at RateMD and that’s total BULLSHIT!

    • Are you kidding if it’s going to get people to visit thier site with the potential to make a profit no way are they taking them down.

    • They should. I am shocked that Amazon didn’t at the very least, close the comment section to her book. They are well aware of the controversy about it, and the bad publicity.

  192. The hate sites are criticizing JW for not being aggressive like their hero, Martinez, that she’s not being affective. (I’m beginning to believe that we are living among aliens whose brains are wired different from ours.)

    • They ARE wired differently. They delude themselves in that the one who yells and insults the loudest wins.

    • Aggression and abuse is the only thing normal to them.

      They look down on self respect, compassion, and empathy with contempt. They want to live in a world with intense fear, hatred, and violence.

      They only have respect for loud mouthed assholes, because that’s what they themselves are.

      • Yes, MB, that is so true. There seems to be, in this respect, two types of people in this world, those who don’t like feeling (or even being around) anger and those who crave it. Somehow being angry makes them happy, and they live that vicariously through other people’s anger.

  193. Wouldn’t it be beyond awesome if the Domestic Violence expert whose articles/journals Janeen Kardashian has referred to in her “research” worked under the tutelage of or was in some way associated with ALV? How amazing would that be? I was holding my breath wondering if JW was going to spring that on her. Could still happen!

    • I was thinking that SAME thing, CanadaLinda! I’m sure Nostrils didn’t want to name a name because too many people can be linked to AL. I’m going to google now and find out if this Nora Walker can be linked to AL!

      Lol@ Janeen Kardashian!!

  194. I am late on catching up with the trial….I am trying to watch the begging of JW’s cross of Baby Doc or what ever she had been anointed. I have to catch up by watching my dvr recordings of HLN…blahch!! It is on Dr. Drew and I suddenly see that disgusting Ape guy that “dated” Jodi. He is now on Dr. Drew’s “panel”? What?? Did I miss something? Is he qualified in some way that I missed….other that trying to date someone out of his league and striking out and is now bitter? I do have to say, What was Jodi thinking dating that Ape? He is not only disgusting, but an asshole as well.

    • Kat,
      Abe is an ass that is looking for his 15 minutes of fame. he is a jerk. He went on ONE date with Jodi. I am sure she kicked him to the curb, and he was pissed. After all this happened, he came out of the woodwork to talk about his “knowledge” which is ZIPPO. One date does not mean alot. He loves to go on talkshows and ramble on about alot of nothin, basically so he can get publicity. I wouldn’t be surprised if he writes a book. LOL. This case has brought out all the nuts who barely knew Jodi, just so they can go on trash TV and trash talk her.

  195. Despite her inexperience, and coolness, this woman is doing a pretty good job for the prosecution. I think the jury is buying it anyway. I also think with a few more years of experience, and life lessons to soften her up; maybe having children of her own, she will mold and mature into an awesome professional and human being.

    • Empathy is not something that develops over time. Hopefully she will leave clinical practice and go into administration.

      • God Forbid-
        If she is an administrator, other real psychologists would have to work under her. I think MB called it correctly when she said Accounting.

    • Anon who are you supporting with that comment? I believe everyone is entitled to thier opinion but this site is her to support Jodi I don’t see that comment as supportive. Sorry admin that’s my thought on Anon’s comment and I think it appropriate considering this is a site to support Jodi.

        • Thanks Renee I didn’t want to be harsh it’s just if Anon really feels that way maybe he.should be on another site there are plenty of them.

    • Boy Anon, you have a lot to learn in life…………… She already thinks she’s the best in the field and knows everything in the book….. She is textbook material. Anyone can memorize things for trial for whom they are hired by….. JODI’s life is on the line……….. that a human being with feelings and emotions… You don’t play with someone’s life………. just because you are being paid high dollars for a trial.

      You need to do some research …………

    • Not with her smart ass personality…when she matures some…she’ll eventually lose her job to a much young version of herself…then the husband who ran around on her for years…he will divorce her and leave the kids with her…the kids will grow up to be more wiser of their cold hearted egotistical mother…and they will leave her too…and she will dry up and till be the cold-hearted smart ass individual that never changed…

    • Wow…..I am sorry for the premature post….regarding Boston and an arrest. Sigh. HLN…GRRRRR. I should know better than that. I am aware how they manipulate stories, especially their total bias and total disregard for truth in this trial..and now, for them to say in THIS…an arrest!? Wow. I can imagine a few heads will roll….well, maybe not. Again, sorry for the post.

    • Anon……………..Why would you think the Jury is buying it? are you sitting in the court room? or just
      a mind reader? older people on the Jury with experience in what they do I guarantee they are not buying it.

    • She may appeal to the death eaters, whether they are in the jury or in the court of public opinion, but that does not mean she is a good expert.

      She can only name one domestic violence expert. You’ve got to be kidding me if you think she can pretend that Travis was not an abuser.

      • That was probably a book she had to read for her degree….. You never just use one persons work in research… at least not in psychology. Loving every minute of this cross. She’s looking very nervous on the stand today and keeps looking for JUAN to help her….. That’s what happens when you think your the walking book of ” PSYCHOLOGY” and claim to be expert in all areas which is unheard of in this field.

        I also find it odd that she’s from Texas when to school in MI and two other colleges and moved to AZ…………32 years old, not engaged or married without children… Very interesting.

        • I feel people like that have this NORTH an SOUTH mentality. They believe the accent
          shows ignorance an that the schools on the East coast or up North are far better to
          graduate from on a application per say. When I lived in MS my daughter did not
          want to graduate from there she is about these woman’s age also. They do perceive
          that a southern accent is not cute but think it is redneck an means slow.
          They are very into the accent an showing the upside snotty side which in their
          eyes shows education an intelligence. Note baby doc was raised in Texas.
          My daughter went back up to Iowa to finish school. There is still very much
          a prejudice out there where you come from an how people relate to you.

          Just how I see it. She got rid of that Texas accent. She is in Arizona close to home
          but can maintain a uppity accent now.

  196. Is it me but if you spent 12 hours interviewing jodi them 5.5 hours testing her wouldn’t that mean you spent 17.5 hours with Jodi?

    • Since she can’t remember much out of the moment…maybe she is getting her clock hours and credit hours mixed up…hmm…

    • 12- 5.5= equals 6.5 hours is what I get for interviewing Jodi… And once again she is not prepared …. only and answer questions that was rehearsed by JUAN…. she needs to look at her notets an awful lot today and keeps wanting to add information…………. to her answers which JW is allowing.. If that would of been JUAN, he would of said ” DID I ASK YOU THAT? YES OR NO? ” or ” THAT ISN”T WHAT I ASKED NOW DID I? YES OR NO?”

      JW is tearing her to pieces……….. little by little…. Loving this testimony.

  197. I bet he is having dinner with her today…rather say in person than whisper it in thy ear…

  198. YES! An arrest in the Boston bombing. This is great news. What a horrible person. I have no news or info about who, why, what…etc……but I am so glad they found out who. I heard they used surveillance cameras from nearby stores to identify this maniac.

    • The hater’s will never be objective and I’ve finally learned to accept that. The expert could tell JW that she lied to Kermit and she thinks Jodi was abused and the hater’s would still say she is owningg JW

    • Are you kidding me?

      JW has this little shit scared shitless.

      Lovely Ms. Wilmott has never raised her voice nor paced back and forth like a caged animal.

  199. HA! Lenore Walker is associated with AL’s book!!

    It could happen to anyone
    Type of Work:Non-dramatic literary work
    Registration Number / Date:TX0003733742 / 1994-06-13

    Date of Publication:July 7, 1993

    Date of Creation:1993

    Title:It could happen to anyone : Why battered women stay / Ola W. Barnett, Alyce D. LaViolette ; foreword by Lenore E. A. Walker.

    Imprint:Newbury Park, CA : Sage Publications, c1993.

    Description:186 p.

    Other Title:Why battered women stay

    Copyright Claimant:Sage Publications, Inc.

    Names:Ola W. Barnett
    Alyce D. LaViolette
    Lenore E. A. Walker

    Read more:

  200. She seems very book smart (I will give her that) but lacks application. I believe if it weren’t for her godly & defensive responses when being questioned her testimony may carry more weight. However this type of behavior just shows her lack of maturity and inexperience.

    • Book smart, though, is being able to read, integrate and use the acquired knowledge with one’s own experience. Repeating sentences from books is not being book smart.

    • You learn from the books and theories …. Then apply the knowledge to the real world….. All she goes off of is data she has read in her own research which is outdateds, and tests that she administers…..

      Good clinical psychologist only use these test to back up their hypothesis just as Dr. Samuels stated on the stand.

  201. Oh My God: The forward to the Alyce’s book It could happen to anyone : why battered women stay / Ola W. Barnett, Alyce D. LaViolette ; foreword by Lenore E.A. Walker. Someone tell JENNY! Lenore Walker is the DV expert whose articles Janeen Kardashian refers to!!

    • 2 Nephi 31:13
      13 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, I know that if ye shall follow the Son, with full purpose of heart,
      ACTING NO HYPOCRISY and no deception before God, but with real intent, repenting of your sins, witnessing unto the Father that ye are willing to take upon you the name of Christ, by baptism–yea, by following your Lord and your Savior down into the water, according to his word, behold, then shall ye receive the Holy Ghost; yea, then cometh the baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost; and then can ye speak with the tongue of angels, and shout praises unto the Holy One of Israel.

        • Fine, thank you. Keeping my Book of Mormon ready to fling quotes at appropriate places.
          The Book tells them not to be hypocrites. A sin that WILL PREVENT THEM from baptism. She does not know her book.

    • THANK YOU JC or SJ for removing this person/post.

      The pro pros must be furious that their baby doc is failing if they are coming here to stir shit up again.

  202. I haven’t read it but you don’t write a forward if you don’t have a great deal of respect for the author!!!!!!!!!!

  203. Ohhhhhh, I think it’s just about to start getting good. I rarely post, at least until I feel I have something worth saying. However, I’ve been proactively reading along and enjoying and agreeing with most posts here.

    Ok, if J Dubs keeps her train of thought going the way she is now, she is headed for a VICTORY!!!

    This woman, “baby doc”, as some of you refer to, really is still “wet behind the ears!” Where I come from, U of M, the best school in my state, and one of the best for Psych in the country, what she was doing in her Master’s years and PhD years, we were doing as undergrad Honors students.

    I have been laughing my arse off at DD talk about her poster presentations as though that was actual experience. Ummm, NO!!! That’s more like a high school science fair. I am not kidding, it really is…I’ve been there and done that numerous times and it is no more than a bunch of honors students basically cutting and pasting research onto a poster board and displaying it!! Big Whoop. Don’t even get me started on her so-called publications, or her TAing experience. Hahahaha. Holy shit, I doubt I’d even list that baby stuff on a credentials page. I’d probably be too embarrassed to even consider trying to pass that off as actual experience. (fingers also crossed there will be at least one half way educated person on the jury—they will get this too)

    Further, DD administering the MMPI, yes that is well known and highly regarded. That’s the only thing she gets props for, so far in my book, but that doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things, since Dr. Richards had also noted an Axis II personality disorder.. My sponsor, at U of M (over ten years ago), who also haled from Harvard, was on the advising panel that helped to rewrite a newer version of that wonderful little tool, the MMPI. We used it quite often, even in just classroom study. This same sponsor, who was a Prof at U of M, also sat on the Psych board at Michigan State, which is probably why she even knows how and why that “tool” is so great–it was highly “played with” in both U of M and Michigan State. However, that is only one tool (as noted).

    This is my main point, right here—One way Jen can pull out that Jodi is more honest than the Pros want to admit: There are little things called “lie scales” built into the MMPI, just as there are in a few of the tools used to test personality.

    I did not hear DD mention the major lie scale built into the MMPI, other than only briefly when she discussed it in reference to (I can’t remember which other one she talked about a lie scale built in–I missed it somehow). I am praying that J Dubs is aware of this. I am hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that J Dubs asks DD about the lie scales of the MMPI and how Jodi performed within that scale. I would bet that since it was “usable”, as DD said it was, that Jodi was honest on the test, therefore, lending credibility to what Jodi says as being true, at least mostly true. And, at this point, Jodi could use all the help she can get in the being honest category. ***end of main point***

    Bless ALV, though, for her being so willing to participate in this circus, she was a good witness for Jodi, regardless of how she may have came across to some…I think any moron will see that Little Man Syndrome boy Juan, could confuse just about anyone. Hell, most people probably just agree with him to shut him the hell up. Could you imagine being a family member of his?? Oy Vey!! He’s worse than a hard core interrogator. I am confident most of the jury will get that main characteristic that Juan steadfastly holds to so tight.

    Anyhoo, COME ON J Dubs, get to that PLEASE!!! If she doesn’t bring out that fact, I surely hope she cuts to the chase on the plethora of ammunition she has to rip this lil baby doc to shreds. There’s a ton…It would be hard to even pick a point to start, bc there are so many ways to rip her to bits and pieces.

    disclaimer: even though I did get my BS in Clinical Psych in the Honors Program (big f’n whoopdee doo, just an FYI on where I am coming from), I do not work in that field, nor did I even bother to get my PhD. I am not that ambitious to hang out in an educational setting. It was fun and I learned a lot, but I had to get out into the real world and get to work, so I settled on starting my own business. Scholars are fun for awhile, but real world experience is truly where it’s at…

    In other news, Travis was so highly full of shit. He was a scammer of huge proportions; in his personal life, in his church life, in his professional life!!! He’s nothin’ but a playa, baby!! I will lock my daughter up and throw away the key if she ever brings home a man even remotely close to Travis. It truly saddens me when anyone dies such a traumatic way, however, I can see how he would have pushed a women like Jodi to doing exactly what she did.

    Please pardon typos and grammatical mistakes. I am busy watching trial. GOOOO JENNY FROM THE BLOCK!!! Show the world who that baby doc really is!

    • Hi RumpledRose,
      Yes, the validity scale that is built into the MMPI was already brought up by JW and confirmed by JD. That is the test that JD gave Jodi. Dr Samuels gave Jodi the MCMI. BTW, yes, that is a great school you went to! Do you still live in that area?

    • But yet when Dr. S and ALV let on about how much money they made her hour, all the haters were up in arms, bet now they’re saying that’s a fair price for testimony LMAO!

  204. Menore Walker ” The Battered Women Syndrome” was updated in 2009. Book was basically just revived and to be used more clinically as did Alyce ” noted it was being used in textbooks”.

    Walker (1977) applied the theory of learned helplessness to describe women’s seeming lack of effort to leave or escape an abusive relationship or their failure or inability to take action to protect themselves and their children.

    ” In an attempt to standardize criteria for BWS, Walker (1992) revised the definition to be synonymous with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a psychological condition which results from exposure to a traumatic event. Indeed, PTSD is described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000). Many single instances of domestic violence, and certainly the cumulative pattern of violence and abuse over time, easily meet the DMS-IV-TR criteria of a traumatic stressor. “

    • Poor thing, I feel embarrassed for her…now they are bickering about Two vs. FOUR woo hoo!

  205. In criminal cases involving a woman who has experienced domestic violence as the defendant, it is necessary for jurors to understand why the defendant did what she did. The context of her behaviors ñ including her motivation ñ is essential for determining the ultimate issues in a criminal case. For example, a homicide can be ruled as murder if judged to be premeditated ìcold-bloodedî intent to kill, or it can be ruled as justifiable if understood as an act of self-defense from a ìreasonableî perception of danger. When the defendant is a woman who has been battered, what she did (and in some cases, did not do) is not always understandable to the lay individuals on the jury. Judges and jurors can hold myths and misconceptions, which may result from their limited experiences with women who have been battered, and bring these misunderstandings and biases to the bench or jury box. Without information to better understand the defendant’s experiences and behaviors, judges and jurors often inaccurately evaluate and unfairly judge the defendant. For example, they may not understand why the defendant did not ìsimplyî leave the batterer, assuming that leaving would have made the woman safe. As a result, they may blame the woman for the abuse she experiences. They may believe that unless the defendant had previously reported the abuse, she is not to be believed when she later asserts self-defense against an abusive partner. It is essential that judges and jurors have the information necessary to fairly understand a defendant’s situation, especially when jurors are asked to put themselves ìin the defendant’s shoes.î

    • Exactly..

      how many women stay in abusive relationships out of economic necessity?

      how many women are so abused that they have tried telling relatives and friends but they are not believed?

      how many abusers are seen by others as nice people?

      I am sad that DV is still so hidden and misunderstood..

    • Yes, and especially not watching HLN. An unsequestered jury says it all 🙁

      But at the end of the trial I’m sure JW will sum it up excellently 🙂 She’s just GREAT!

  206. Uh, if I am going to see a therapist I would WANT them to have their license.

    I would NOT want to be sitting in a room with some student acting as their guinea pig.

    I WANT them to be qualified enough to apply their knowledge to my life.

    I would NOT trust a “therapist” if they were mischaracterizing their years of practice or expertise. And trust is important to therapy.

    Oh, but I forget. JD doesn’t care about trust, empathy, compassion, or any of that stuff. She just wants money and test bubbles filled out.

    • To be fair ,it is the only way for them to get experience. They take classes, get to see patients, get feedback from supervisors.

      This would be more in a university setting though. If you went to a private clinic, most likely, you wouldn’t see a student

    • When i was looking for a therapist, i found that there are trauma specialists that are certified to practice trauma therapy….i once tried an intern and it was a worthless experience. Trauma is extremely complex and takes an empathic and kind therapist to build trust with which this chick is clueless about in regard to experience, honesty, trust and empathy

  207. Hey can JW ask questions that kermit didn’t bring up on direct or is she only allowed to cross examine on the questions Kermie asked?…Sorry I’m not real up to date on the rules of law/court.

    • Misty,
      The cross has to be based on the info that was already provided under direct examination. It doesnt have to be exact questions involving what JM asked her, but it has to pertain to the issues and subjects, etc..that he brought up under direct.

      • Sorry that’s not correct in AZ. It can be based on anything relevant to the case. This differs from the rules of many States

  208. I’m sure JD *wishes* that her CV were 50 pages long.

    And saying “well I don’t want to pad my CV”

    With what? LOL There’s nothing to pad it with!!

  209. I am convinced the reason AVL took this case KNOWING how hard it would be is to illustrate the effects of psychological domestic battery

  210. I think I would bet my last dollar that JD uses AV’s book for refernce on DV. I think Jennifer was trying to get her to admit that but JD has a memory problem and can’t remember any reference books or articles by name or publication, etc., that she uses on the subject except for that one out of date one…. Tells me a lot.

    • looking up her research papers and see if she references AL in them……… that would speak VOLUME

      • FU,
        That is EXACTLY what JW is trying to get her to do, and it is very likely that JD has in fact, read and maybe even been to a lecture of ALV’s. But you can bet you’re bottom dollar that JM has instructed her to absolutely NOT mention her name in anyway that would make her appear credible. Which, strategically, could be a mistake IMHO. (here I go being an atty lol) If JD were to say, for example, “Yes, I have read a paper by ALV regarding DV and it was very helpful in a patient I was treating”, or “I went to see ALV give a lecture on battered women and divorce and custody”, etc etc… would show the jury, hey, this witness is really open, look she even mentioned the defense witness! She MUST be telling the truth!! So, strategically it would be a plus. Of course, this is all my opinion as someone who always watches trials with wanna be attorney eyes and ears.:)

        • Agreed. Although I don’t anticipate this witness acknowledging ALV at all. She couldn’t get the word “inappropriate” out of her mouth fast enough during direct.

        • Or that scenario could just bolster Alyce’s testimony in the jury’s eyes and make Janeen look like she’s agreeing with the defense witness. Too risky a gamble for Kermit to take, IMO.

  211. whoooops thats home shopping network LOL But you all know what I mean… They have a couple of women there that must cost the network alot in makeup costs. I call them the painted ladies….!!!!

  212. Been in and out throughout the day (at work).
    I missed the very end of the “morning” half.

    I assume the trial will resume (at some point) as I see the AZ seal.
    But does anyone know when it may resume?

    I’m sure this has been asked, so excuse my repetitiveness.

  213. Getting caught up on today’s testimony on YouTube. Does anyone else feel she reminds them of a horse? It’s the nose, the mouth or something.

    (And no, I’m not being a bitch. On the hater sites, they posted bugs bunny teeth on Alyce and put Dr. S’s head on a sausage.)

    • I don’t think its her actual looks that are unattractive. It’s her smug little attitude. Like “I don’t care if I’m not qualified to talk about domestic violence, I’m so smart I know more than people with 7 times as much experience.

      • Yeah, her looks are nothing notable one way or the other. Her personality comes off as too clinical and cold.

    • She reminds me of Samantha Alexander a lot ! makes the same kind of faces an
      I actually seen her roll her eyes up an then remembered she was on camera an slowly
      brought them back down it was hilarious. She can sure talk out of the side of her
      face very well just like a horse you are right.

    • Love your avatar there. I wonder if we get that picture of JM up on a poster for people to see as they enter the courthouse… really very funny ;>)

    • I think she is pretty. I posted this yesterday, she looks very much like my sister who passed away in May 2009. sigh.:(

    • Does your comment (AA) have anything to do with jumping out of a purple can on horseback? Lol. BTW I think Dr. Demartes (sp? sorry, Dr.) mentioned that she wanted to work in forensics… you suppose this is some sort of baptism by fire for her? Maybe she’ll reconsider after enduring this process – I know I would!

  214. WTF!!!! Another bomb threat???? OMG. This world is just getting too crazy. Its just so scary anymore. sigh.

    • The really sick thing is that as this kind of violence happens more and more. It seems easier to just disconnect from it. Were used to seeing things like school shootings, bombings. There is a lot of sickness in the world right now.

      Abuse of the common worker in this country by the corporate money mongers. Abuse of a young woman as in this case. Seems ok, to the mainstream prejudiced media. HLN is a big abuser of the right of free speach in the media, yet another distressing idea.

      • Dave,
        I agree, it is sad but true. It seems as if there has been a systematic “numbing of the senses” so to speak, and it has been going on for years. Slowly but steadily increasing. Back to Columbine, VA Tech….then all the violence we see and hear on the news regarding inner city youth, gangs, drugs, and the role of poverty on our families and children. Not to mention the mentally ill who go undiagnosed and therefore untreated due to lack of insurance, money, jobs, and even a home. Yes, you are right, there has been a real disconnect. Its as if it is so normal, that is is acceptable. The “oh well, it’s life” attitude. The more it happens, the more its reported, the more people become immune. The horror stories on the news are interjected with chipper stories about movie stars and new fashion and the latest gadgets and it just becomes white noise. Your comment about the common worker is very interesting. I also find this to be huge abuse, at this point in time, NO country has the disparity in wages that we have, people work harder and harder, longer and longer, and until they are elderly or disabled just to make ends meet, while the corporations pay no taxes. There are companies getting rich and richer off of making the most violent games they can think of, and trying to outdo one another on what new act of violence will line their pockets even more. Meanwhile, women, children, and men, are attacked, abused, and frightened beyond measure in this ridiculously violent country we have where almost every single citizen has a gun, and yes, the news, at least some of the networks,. feel NO responsibility in reporting things in a fair and unbiased manner. Its just beyond a shame.

        • This country has become a mess because all the things you mention are so rampant, Anna. Lack of critical thinking ability is really hurting the quality of life in this country. We will have to support our public schools and not jump ship by creating lifeboat schools with the voucher system. The ship should not be scuttled, because it represents education for all, freedom for all and “the pursuit of happiness”, to which everyone has a right in this country.

          #1 We can fight back against corporate America’s food-grab and concomitant medical “$queeze-Out” by eating healthy food, and by detoxing the junk that is in our systems, thus avoiding Big Pharma and the Medical E$tabli$hment. (The medical establishment is excellent for testing and diagnostics but SO ARE old fashioned doctors who talk to patients and do physical examinations. There are also some effective meds for certain conditions….) BUT I’m referring to diet and lifestyle-related illness; that is where we are being $crewed body, mind and spirit.

          Much debilitating illness could be avoided by eating smaller portions of fresh food (and more frequently instead of huge potions of over-processed heavy greasy food only two or three times a day) and by moving. Physical exercise creates all kinds of chemical reactions in the body that are necessary for circulation and even for proper cell replication. Exercise is not optional but many people expect to feel good just by eating “three squares and getting enough sleep” because they think of physical exercise as simply a mechanical thing that they can postpone, so……

          …many people in this country FEEL LOUSY. They are captive to television and a sedentary lifestyle because it comforts them in their malaise while they don’t have the energy for challenging activities beyond what they need to do to make a living. They feel a lot of emotional pain because they have no sustained sense of vitality. By the time many hit forty, they are depleted. So they watch crappy TV and try to feel better than someone else. Or they watch celebrity/tabloid TV and watch someone else they believe is feeling better than everyone else, or someone in trouble, like Jodi.

          The celebrity deal today, as far as I can tell, is mostly about youth. Folks are looking at the stories about young, good looking wealthy types and sighing not because those folks are young, good looking and wealthy but really because those “notables” feel good and are bouncing out of bed in the morning. They can afford good food and a great variety of it. They have the time to exercise to be fit. That’s their job: Staying healthy and looking good and finding ways to make themselves happy, (often that includes work and donations for good causes – how many Americans feel good enough to volunteer these days?). Their job is to keep it together and have balance in their lives so they can “bring it” as entertainers. Good for them, I say! We can all do it if we believe we can, without having even to draw upon so many resources to do so.

          We can feel good and have the energy to fight the big American Food Grab (and nutrition deficit) and the Big Pharma sell-a-thon that goes on day and night on radio & television. I had to stop listening to AM radio news because every freaking five minutes they are selling cancer treatment centers. It’s great for those who need it and I’m sure people do get wonderful support at those treatment centers. But I feel the constant selling of cancer treatment is a bit sinister, because the people who need the help can get referred to these centers by doctors or by friends. Everyone can find many resources on the internet. It just feels as if (and I don’t enjoy writing this whatsoever) these big hospitals are trying to CREATE patients by incessantly bombarding the airwaves with their messages about how they are a refuge for the sick. How on earth can they afford the advertising dollars? Why don’t they use that money to REDUCE COSTS?

          The cost-of-living increase is generally considered to be 3% a year, but medical costs go up 6% a year, We don’t really have much choice except to stay healthy. But it has to be an active, purposeful choice in the face of so much propaganda that it is somehow a normal state of things to be diseased, depressed or grossly overweight.

          The more people carrying health insurance, the better. In a supply and demand model, that should spread the risk, thus reducing costs. It is not such a bad idea, in terms of sheer numbers, to have health insurance provided by employers to their employees. But it IS a situation fraught with inherent moral hazard. You then have increased incentive for moral turpitude pervasive in society, because one’s entire sense of well-being is linked to one’s having and keeping the employment situation already at play, whether the job is appropriate for your skills, or you have outgrown it, or you find fraud at the company employing you.

          What if it is crucial to keep health insurance for yourself and your family members because of illness, and you see something terribly wrong at the company but are afraid to blow the whistle because you will not want to risk being fired or having to work in a hostile environment? We wonder why there has been so much corporate fraud and workplace malfeasance in the last twenty years, but we only have to look at the consequences of blowing the whistle. One of the most instant immediate effects would be a health risk to ourselves and those we love. Pretty medieval, all in all, if employers have become, in some sense, Lord of the Manor.

          Treatment for diabetes, often a life-style and diet malfunction-created disease is Big Business. I feel so so sad when I see overweight people in their forties and fifties (appearing to be much older) suffering with the effects of their obesity – having to use a cane, having difficulty getting around, etc. while I suspect that they can barely afford their medication. It is a tragedy that many folks try to accept that it is just a function of their age to struggle so when it is not.

          My TV hasn’t been hooked up for about five years now. I miss watching sporting events, awards shows and election coverage, not to mention documentaries. But I have lost over thirty pounds and maybe that has something to do with it. I listen to HLN in my car via satellite radio to check in on this trial coverage but change the station often when it gets too silly. I was happy to forego listening to the trial on HLN in pieces when I realized I could watch it here on a live feed or archived.

          At long last – my point is, and as Ellen D. would say, “and I do have one” is: I wonder how many of the Jodi haters hate her because she is slim and has a keen mind? She reads voraciously and probably knows a lot about diet and exercise. She is a critical thinker and has the ability to stand up for herself. I’ll bet she still looks fit at forty plus and I hope she gets there.

          • After your many good comments about right food eating and excercise. Let’s not forget to be careful about riding bike’s or jogging or even walking thru our many impoverished neighborhoods. Where the people do not have the options to buy these overpriced health foods, or have health insurance.

            There, people are lucky to have food period. Let alone health food. These neighborhoods could be very bad for those fortunate, critical thinking, people to be strolling thru. This is not to put down what your saying. In my view though it is so much more complicated than just eating right and excercising. Like your positiveness though.

          • nice post; obviously a lot of thought behind it.
            Our environment and crap gmo groceries, contribute to disease already planned in the pharma labs. Then amazingly…the T Vee is rife with all these wonderful scripts (just ask your Dooocter) and the side effects are already prebuilt in while the side effect relief is still in the laboratory.
            Death by doctor, some book is named that I think. b smith

        • Thank you Anna, For your comments. I feel really bad for Jodi. Juan Martinez is a bully, I’m glad she won’t have to get on the stand anymore.

  215. Again I ask did anyone happen to see the camera zoom in on either JW or JA taking down notes the other day? And if the defense could use this against he prosecution since it clearly showed what was being written.

  216. I need to vent for a moment.

    I can’t believe people actually feel SYMPATHY for this dolt. First and foremost, she is gladly testifying in the effort of putting Jodi TO DEATH. This is still a death penalty trial. I know it’s been four months, but let’s not forget what is at stake here. And who is on which side here.

    Aside from her parroting HLN’s bullshit, laughing her way to the bank with future interviews, and making 300$ an hour being a mouthpiece of the likes of JM; I find that she is callous, condescending, snotty and rude to JW, who has shown by far a very professional attitude in cross examination.

    Like JM, she has no respect for other professionals, is willing to talk shit about them and their work regardless of their experience and contributions to society.

    I said yesterday, and it’s worth saying again – my tattoo artist has more class and self respect than this nitwit does. And yeah, I’m going to call her a nitwit because she clearly has not thought about, or does not care, what precedents this trial may set for domestic violence victims and that she by participation, is endorsing the idea that abuse behavior is normal when she categorizes what Jodi experienced as “alleged abuse.”

    All she cares about is $$$ and her grade school like fascination with test bubbles; which to me indicates a clear problem with IMMATURITY on her part (plus her inability to empathize or feel compassion).

    Oh, and off topic – I really like Jodi’s mom’s blouse again. She also has style!

    • Money money Money, this is what THIS expect is interested in and maybe also making a name for herself.
      Love your post, your so right MB.

    • well said. I have no sympathy for her. She is a paid mouthpiece with no ethics and a buffoon, and LAUGHED when talking about the supposedly ‘mentally ill’ person that as a professional psychologist she evaluated, Jodi.

    • Beautifully said MB.
      Everything you said is so on point! She clearly has no ethics. If she did, she would have turned this case down, as she is clearly NOT a domestic violence expert. All she is doing is getting her experience to make the big bucks as a “forensic” psych, and couldn’t care less that Jodi’s life hangs in the balance, so long as she gets her credentials boosted.

      Last laugh will be on her, when nobody, including the DA’s office ever uses her again as she made a flippin fool out of herself. I wouldn’t be surprised if she losses her State contract as well. If you can’t stand up to scrutiny with your professional opinions, you are useless to the State. I can imagine she would loose a lot of appeals for her evaluations for Soc Sec as well.

      Wonder what her back-up profession will be.

    • RIGHT ON MB!!! that made my day!! I missed most of the trial today, but just reading this makes it all good now! LOL

      Keep up the good work, we all got your back!!

  217. Demarte, does not know much, if anything on domestic violence…. attack Jennifer…attack!!!!! And the state is trying to compare her knowledge of DV, PTSD……to Dr. Samuels, and Laviolette combined of 70 yrs. To “tobe determined at a later date if she is really competent Demarte’s maybe 6 or 7 yrs unsupervised… LOL!!!!

  218. Ok…..I need to step away from this kitchen!!! I am now passing around this huge platter of brownies I made today…PLEASE take them away…I cannot stop eating.

  219. So what’s going on now? Is Jodi not feeling well, she looked kind of pale today 🙁

  220. Is the judge giving more time for this bogus witness to prepare for XE ? LW was on a roll, that sucks !!!

    • I don’t think JW has finished yet!!!

      I missed the afternoon session 🙁 I had a guest

      I mean, what else can one expect from the Mad Queen of Alice in Juanderland?

      OFF WITH.. perhaps Not 😉

  221. Wow, she cares so little about DV she can only think of ONE author she has read about the subject.

    And we’re supposed to believe she is an expert that can determine the nature of Jodi and Travis’ relationship?

    What a joke!!!!!

    • She just admitted herself she is NOT a DV expert!! WooHoo!!! That felt so good! Vindication time folks!

    • Hopefully this is a wake-up call for her. It makes me a bit sad. She IS young and has probably worked hard in school. I hope she realizes that Psychology is not a cut and dry field. She needs to open up and let the warmth melt her a bit.

    • She is nothing like ALV…Alyce can remember things in such explicit details over a course of years….

      No wonder when the doctor said yesterday that Jodi has impeccable memory…well it is obvious today why she was so impressed with Jodi’s impeccable memory…

      Because this doctor can’t remember things past the moment…nothing…nada…

  222. So let me get this straight. Dr Samuels has to refer to his notes, haters say he’s not organized enough.

    JD can’t remember what articles she read last week due to work load. Poor her, and that is a valid excuse?

    Oh please!!!!

    • Huh?? Defense of OJ Simpson? Im confused. Why would a DV expert be in the defense of OJ? FTR, I still cannot believe he was acquitted.

  223. Had it not been for all of you on here–and my friends in the US, I’d have thought everyone else in the US was completely insane.


    Thanks!!! 😀

    • It’s what they call being in the presence or company of like-minded friends…

  224. My guess as to why court has been delayed is Dr. DeMarte is going to have her testimony stricken due to the fact she testified she is NOT an expert.

  225. I don’t know about anyone else, but I don’t like the way JD cocks her head and glares at JW.

    Like I said before, if she were dealing with someone like JM I could understand. But JW has been totally professional, and deserves more respect than that.

    • She’s intimidated by JM ad cuz JW is smarter. I guess that’s the way she shows FEAR! This so called expert might have some issues of her own. See…. I can see a woman like this committing the crime everyone accuses jodi of, think about it WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would feel little to no compassion fir abused kids??

    • I frankly dont think she’s capable of behaving in any other way-that’s just who she is.

    • She probably has a hard time taking criticism of any type. She seems like a Type A personality in overdrive.

  226. so did I hear that Jodi had another migraine today….{question}……I’m getting concerned about this. She’s getting them more frequently, does she have a history of these.
    You know, I wonder if they ever did a CT or MRI of her head. She’s been choked unconscious, tackled, knocked to the ground, and shaken by that POS, it could be quite possible she has a TBI. Maybe they need to run some tests on her….

  227. Was watching trial on HLN from the other day and saw a camera pan in from overhead on either JA or JW taking notes while the weasel was questioning the drone during direct. And wonder if anyone else caught a glimpse of this. If so, doesn’t that in itself seem kind of suspicious that a camera would be allowed to show what the defense is writing down to possibly use during their XE? Just an observation on my part. If anyone else may saw this, please elaborate. Thanks.

  228. I like the way Jennifer did the cross examination. She show that she was effective. Mellow, to the point, and concise. Juan Martinez show watch and learn. He opposes all of the witnesses with being aggressive that will cost him. Anyone who compare Jennifer’s cross with Juan Martinez. You will see the significance. Don’t you all agree?

  229. Lord have mercy dear sweet baby Jesus… Y’all just HAVE to watch Janeen DeMarte’s face from about 13:50-14:04ish on this video; it’s PRICELESS! I almost pissed myself rewinding it and watching that part over and over and over again (16 times to be exact, haha!)! 😈

    She was about to throw a tantrum so Jen approached and gave JDM her own copy of Dr. Samuels’ Report. JDM looked at it, and you can literally see her eyes just glaze over as she gets this terribly baffled look on her face (like ‘WTF is this shit?”). She moves her head to mimic Jennifer’s movement back to the podium but you can just TELL JDM isn’t there, nobody’s home upstairs right now; she even answers one of JW’s questions while in this fog (I’ll bet ya she can’t even remember what the question was, much less how she answered it, LOL!). JDM goes to say someting about Dr. Samuels’ report TWICE, but she just can’t seem to be able to get the question out. A few seconds later, JDM ‘returns to her body’, shakes her head to clear the fog, and resumes testimony. How effin’ TRIPPY is this?!?! 😆

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