
Jodi Arias Trial – Day 48 (afternoon session)



With the defense now rested, the direct testimony of rebuttal witness Janeen DeMarte has started, and will no doubt take up the rest of the week at least.

Seems to me, so far, that DeMarte is way too concerned with Alyce LaViolettes’ & Dr Richard Samuels’ modus operandi than anything else… and her Vocal Fry-style answers have been well scripted and well rehearsed for sure. Reminds me of a bad salesperson that majors on knocking the competition, rather than extolling the benefits of their own “product”.

Bottom line: It’s just not viable for a newbie to knock the opinions of experts with well over 60 years combined experience. It ain’t gonna wash, and the jury will see it that way too. Worst case, the expert witnesses will simply cancel each other out.

Anyways… let’s not get ourselves too worked up over it all, and let’s also make sure that we don’t stoop to the haters’ very low level.

Just chill & observe. Jennifer will cancel her out when the time comes.

We are winning for sure. All is good.

Leave your comments below on the afternoon session of trial day 48…

Team Jodi


      • Yes, I agree, SJ could then be diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. By the way SJ you should look at what Chris Stark on twitlonger says about this page. All these posts are canned comments to make it look like JA has more support than she does.

        • Hmm…Tell him I’m FRESH 😉 not canned…. (oops : 😳 is Chris a man or a woman)…

        • I would check out his Twittler BS page, but I’m too busy adding all the canned comments :mrgreen:

          Team Jodi

          • I especially enjoy how you give all of your canned comments made up personalities, and you post several at the same time!

            You are brilliant!!! 💡

            • Yes you are brilliant!

              You even got into my house the other day and took a pic of my sweet kitty kids!!

              Was the door unlocked or did you use the tiny doggy door?

              😉 😉

          • As long as my can is purple, I’m okay with coming out of it. By the way, can I jump out of it with champagne for all the other canned folks here when the verdict is read?

        • I would also like to add to Dorothy’s sentiments that he/she should F off…..LOL

        • TB1….

          When we “catch” the MEXICAN CHIHUAHUA that is running behind the GERMAN SHEPHERD whom is in hot pursuit of the GOPHER that is dodging the traffic in downtown Mesa…then we’ll have 3 more “CATCHY” posters to blog on this website…

          And their friend, the DOG, will make their pictures with his new camera so they can download their picture as their avatars…

  1. Second, just wanted to let everyone know, I’m not the TB that has the facebook support page. Nothing against that page, but just so you know it’s a different person.

    • 😳 Posted that twice, I wonder if this mean something YIKES!. Didn’t see it first one that got posted til after I wrote the second one…Duh

    • I don’t think so unless it’s today. Last week the Judge said she was subpenaed until Tuesday and I hear she has not shown up in court today (?) so I think she is all finished with testimony. BUT I could be wrong…

      • Wild About Trial claimed it was all handled by phone yesterday … whatever it was with ALV.

        • I had wondered if that was an option since she was in the hospital over the weekend.

        • She also tweeted earlier today that Dr. DesMartepants supervised ALV at one point. I was dubious about her before that. Now I trust her not at all.

  2. IMO the way Janeen Kardashian presents will immediately plant seeds of skepticism in the jurors’ minds. She does not have enough experience to be considered an expert. End of.

  3. LOL Martinez asked Demarte if there was a classification for jerk . She said not in that verbiage. It would be agressive and manipulative… yep sounds like Martinez to me 😀

    • while calling Jodi a ”liar” right there on the stand is ok,i guess? Sheesh…those people!

    • Hmm…SO if calling someone a jerk would be classified as aggressive and manipulative, I wonder what calling someone a “bitch” or a “three-holed-wonder” ,etc would be classified as being?

      • Um no Dorothy she was saying that the word jerk is really not in her vocabulary. She would consider that person aggressive and manipulative. Maybe JW can get clarification on what her verbiage would be for a three holed wonder and a bitch LOL

          • In Demarte’s vocabulary, jerk= agressive and manipulatve, is the way I got what she was stating. She was in effect calling Martinez a jerk LOL

    • Didn’t JM start to say “If the prosec…” Then he changed it to “If a person was a jerk”

      I’m sure I heard that or am I just hearing what I wanna hear now?

    • His choice of the word “jerk” makes me think that the court was aware that ALV mouthed the word “jerk” when there was a side bar and that is what the in chambers business was with her yesterday.

      • Did she really? I missed hearing that! I can’t say that I wouldn’t have been tempted; we’re only human and Kermit is annoying as hell.

      • Lisa..

        Did he want this on court record of what an expert’s opinion of a jerk was…so he can further use it against ALV?

        He would have motive for wanting to get that particular word on court record…

    • Yes. Still quite a few witnesses left for the prosecution. The defense also gets to question them. Also, closing arguments. No way that can be done within the next two days, most likely, yes, and even more than 50 days

  4. Did anyone else catch that little freudian slip of the prosecution? He started to say, “If the prosec…. (then changed it to) “If a person was a jerk…

    Bingo!!! JM knows he is a jerk!

  5. Good afternoon all. I wasn’t able to watch yesterday or read the posts here so I’m a little behind. And unfortunately I’m having to watch hln today and I was wondering if anyone else caught their tidbit about some girl who made a parody of Jodi tesifing and posted it on youtube. Ok what really got me, is hln was bragging that they were going to have an exclusive interview with her! Are you kidding me?

    • I’ve seen the parody and it’s stupid as hell…one of those amateur comedians with little talent or wit.

      • Oh I have no doubt Kira, just in that tiny piece they aired that was obvious. And that was why I was floored that hln was giving it any attention at all. It doesn’t have any real content to do with the trial. It’s someone making fun of Jodi. How can anyone ever say hln isn’t bias? And to think that is the source the majority of our population is basing their opinions on whether or not Jodi should live or die. Do they not realize this could possibly happen to them or someone they know?

      • They showed a tiny piece of it depicting Jodi as an airhead who was lavishing in all the attention of being on the stand. I haven’t searched for it because if I watch, it will drive up the numbers…don’t want to be apart of making that one go viral.

      • Yeah it started playing yesterday. Yeah the woman you plays jodi will be on air friday. It makes me sick. If someone made a parody of of travis mocking Jodi before & after he was dead it would be bashed and considered tackless. These people are sick. Look at my petition on under the title have Nancey Grace and others taken off the air for bullying and gross misrepresentation. There is a ton of info on how this HLN network and its commentators ruthlessly damage people intentionally. And by the way did everyone know Wendy Murphy is Nancey Graces’ sidekick from all the way back in 2006. Anyone else think Nancey might b the one ACTUALLY behind the threats to ALV? here’s my petition. thanks everyone in public and the government: have Nancey Grace & others taken off air for BULLYING & MISREPISENTATION via @change

        • Omg yes they would go crazy if one was made about TA! And from the beginning hln and their “experts” and their “opinions” have been way out of line. Seriously I can’t see how it is legal. Why can’t these people sue them? (ie; Jodi, as well as the defenses witnesses) There is definately a difference between freedom of speech, and what hln considers journalism. And I don’t even want to get started on the topic of social media sites such as FB and the chirping bird site and what they have been allowed to get away with. There is no humanity left in our society it’s been murdered and all forms of media should be on trial for it.

        • Krista….did you know about this?

          8:30…Wendy Murphy continues here saying everything that Alyce LaViolette said in this case will be used against her…that all the lawyers are already gathering up all the transcripts of what Alyce LaViolette has been saying as well as Richard Samuels…

          Wendy Murphy continues to say that the lawyers are getting prepared to use these transcripts against them in any of their future cases..Wendy Murphy says they WILL BE DESTROYED…She says this is just the “Nature of the Beast.”…

          Wendy Murphy says…We will..We who work in this business WILL DESTROY them as expert witnesses for the rest of their lives…Wendy Murphy then says…So…I hope it was worth it…she said that she sort of described it as the selling of the soul…

          • Yes I did as a matter of fact . Did you know that Wendy Murphy has been sidekicks with Nancey Grace since 2006? It make you wonder if Nancey isn’t really behind everything doesn’y it? You should check out my petition . the link is abouve in one of my comments. the info there will make you sick. Tell your friends because when I get 3000 signatures I AM RETAINING COUNSEL to find out what has to be done to have Nancey Grace brought up on Manslaughter , bullying and slander in the cities were 2 grown women KILLED THEMSELVES because of Nancey Grace. She’s a pig. Please sign and help her victims have a voice. they shouldn’t be silenced because of who their bullyier was. Thanks!

  6. Regarding Baby Docs assertion that Dr. Samuel’s entire testing was invalidated because Jodi was telling a different story when she answered the question on whether she was in a petrifying situation. Samuels testified that the fact that she was lying about the ninja’s at the time vs. the self defense story results in the same conclusion. I remember this from his testimony.

    Now ankle biter gets his PAID gun (really a water pistol) to say it invalidates it. Well maybe in her textbook experience (since she has almost no real world experience). Look for the defense to beat her up over this.

    • Jeff, good point, I recall Dr Samuels testifying to this as well. I hope defense questions her opinion on this.

  7. Demarte also stated that Jodi was of higher than average intelligence. In that case, would she not be too smart to steal her grandfather’s gun or leave a camera in a washing machine? She also stated Jodi did not have problems with her memory but was she yelling at her when Jodi was taking these tests or talking in a normal voice?

  8. Was it just me, or did that witnesses face change when she made the statement about Jodi being aggressive and hostile? that was the strangest facial expression I have ever seen, and her voice changed, like she is trying to rush through it.

    • I see many openings on cross to discredit her and show her extreme bias in this case.

    • Baby Doc has very limited experience. She likely was selected by JM because she was willing to say anything he wanted. If anyone doesn’t think she was coached to make that statement about Jodi’s lies then you belong on the haters page with the other non thinkers.

  9. Baby Doc said ALV was missing testing, but didn’t ALV have everyone else’s testing available to look at? So if Baby Doc’s tests were valid, and ALV looked at them, then didn’t she have that information to include with her assessment?

    • Yep, she had both baby doc’s and also Dr. Samuels’. She didn’t mention it, but I would be she had Dr. Karp’s as well.

    • TB1,What do you mean she said ALV was missing testing? ALV didn’t so any testing, she is not a psychologist. She interviewed Jodi, she didnt administer tests. She did (ALV) have both Dr Samuels and Dr DeMartes test results available to her.

      • She didn’t administer the tests, but she had available to her all of the other tests done by Dr. Samuels and Bby Doc.

        • One thing JM keep harping on is the fact that ALV didn’t do testing, but he left out the fact that tests were available to her for review.

          • I don’t see how any of the testing would have been that useful for ALV. In looking at the DV, I don’t think she needed to know that much about any test diagnosis. The data relevant to her work was in the interactions between JA & TA. And she had plenty of that to work with.

            • She wouldn’t. She was there as an expert in DV. This witness tried to make herself an expert in an area where she wasn’t. And she’s going to look even more foolish tomorrow.

  10. Good afternoon everyone,

    Although the defense has been above board and what most describe as classy, I think JW needs to change it up with this witness on XE for several reasons. They have an inexperienced expert who I think will get rattled, JM will not be anticipating a harsh XE, and the JW will get the juror’s attention during the State’s rebuttal. JM’s antics with every witness has been over the top, whereas the defense has maintained composure. IMO, the defense needs to go after her. This is the defenses last chance. They have no way to rebutt this witness as the State is trying to do now.

    I’m certain that this jury doesn’t dislike JW. She has been kind and professional, but I’m also of the opinion that they would be all ears if JW goes after her and blows holes in her testimony, experience, etc.

      • Because she is classy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And JM expert appears to be easily rattled, her face looks distorted, poor Baby Doc!!!

    • In Arizona, the Defense gets a chance to re-butt (or whatever the legal term is – PROVIDED THE JUDGE ALLOWS IT.

      • An somewhere I read also that is usually allowed in a DP case as the Judge does not
        want any actions taken if she did not allow it? IN Arizona.

  11. I think I’m going to win “Guess the shitty diagnosis” contest….what’s the prize for this?

    • p.s. I’d bet the rent that Jodi does NOT have Borderline PD, as nothing else in her history comes close the the diagnostic criteria.

      • I really don’t doubt she has borderline personality disorder……but in my opinion, THAT is why she stayed with a man who was abusing her for so long.

      • Oh, but I do value the MMPI. Hard for me not to give the results some credence. A bit of BPD is not a big deal; everybody I know has a little something, including myself!

  12. Back again. Damn meetings get in the way. People think I have nothing more important to do.

    I know we have a bunch of people here who have pysch backgrounds. I have some questions and maybe you guys can help out.

    Isn’t psychology and psychiatry to a certain extent a subjective science. What I mean by that is that for a lot of this stuff there really isn’t a hard and fast test is there. To a certain extent some of this, whether evaluation, or treatment, seems to depend on the inter-personal dynamics between the patient and the evaluator/diagnoser/therapist.

    For instance, we know that in the hard sciences you can measure stuff and it’s a black and white result. Do I have a voltage on this line? Stick a voltmeter on it and you’ll know. Will this design of aircraft fly? Well put it in a wind tunnel and the results are black and white. Does this patient have high BP? Measure it and you know.

    But in psychology it seems you talk to the patient and gauge his/her answers, and sift through what they may tell you, and sometimes what they don’t tell you to try come to a diagnosis. Even the tests seem to be subjective. Does this keep you awake a lot, or a little, or none? Seems like a lot of these questions are subjective. And in that case wouldn’t a person, who has done this a lot, have a better honed ability to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff?

    Just wondering.

    • IMO, the MMPI is pretty useful for indicating relevant info on a person. I have taken it twice; it definitely gives you some valid insight into your own mind. I think everyone should take it.

      This test (along with the MCMI, of course) has been highly validated over many years, the lie detector on it is really good also. The tester takes this test alone; does not interact with the tester/evaluator/therapist during this time. To some extent, the results can stand purely on their own for anyone to review & get similar information. But, the interpreter should look at particulars about the person’s life at the same time to make it more useful. The person may have things that ameliorate some of the results at that moment in time. I have chronic migraine, the test shows some above average results on somatoform, but this is expected for someone with chronic illness.

  13. I’m sure the defense has other psychologists/psychiatrists that assist with questions to be asked to this witness to impeach her.

    Intellectual deficit – so does that mean she CANNOT be put to death?

  14. hmmm wonder what your personality disorder is demartian?

    I can’t believe she’s saying all this. I mean we all fall within more than 1 personality disorders.

    • Consult the DSM and you will find that they consider every little “bad trait” to be some sort of “disorder”. It has really become ridiculous and these psychologists, especially young ones like this one have little up their sleeves but the DSM. They have very little personal insight and life experience, and think that compassion, empathy, and common sense is something that makes them LESS of a good psychologist.

  15. I heard Baby Like Oh my Gawwwwwd Doc
    may be on the stand all week? Is that true?
    Can anyone speculate when JW will
    have her turn and begin shredding her?

    • I speculate JW gets to “chomp” on her Thursday! The daggers coming from JW’s eyes are something!
      she’s ready…

  16. So, this “expert” is smiling while talking about all this… and I’m pretty sure this isn’t the place to smile and laugh about this.

  17. There you have it BPD. And “I will talk about that in a little bit” because it’s not in this part of the script.

  18. Does she think she is giving a damn lecture……”I’ll talk about that in a little bit” WTH!!!!

    • How about how she refers to her own statements as “highlighting”. Not: “what I said earlier”, but what she “highlighted earlier”.

  19. I think its pretty funny that Baby Doc compares Jodi to a teenager, when in fact she was a teenager at the same time Jodi was. Her age does not give credibility to this claim. She is trying so hard to look like she knows what she is talking about. As a 54 year old man, I chuckle at her arrogance.

  20. Oh but a LOT of domestic abuse victims with chronic PTSD are misdiagnosed with BPD. I think this might give grounds for rebuttal.

  21. I recall Dr,Samuals mentioning he diagnosed Jodi with something else as well as PTSD, but he was only hired to evaluate Jodi as having PTSD or not having it. Why is THIS witness allowed to testify beyond that and the others only evaluated Jodi for specific things. I think Dr Samuels will come back.

  22. Can you imagine if another witness said to JM “First let me explain fears of abandonment” and didn’t answer his question.

    • I was thinking along similar lines. He is somewhat nice (don’t really think he has it in him to be nice) to this gal when he was rude, disrespectful and downright mean to Dr. Samuels and ALV. I’m surprised JM is able to contain himself when his witness seems to control the ebb and flow of her testimony.

  23. OMG she’s got me fired up giving her this diagnoses and only being with her for 12 FK hours which wa to administer numerous test

  24. BTW, on the topic of the “expert witness” many girls/women of a certain age group here in AZ and also in CA speak just like she does.(probably in other states as well but I can’t attest to that) They do it purposely they think it sounds sexy/cool. ha! I have noticed it as well on a few night time drama shows that my daughter watches that cater to younger women.(under 30)

  25. Fear of abandonment…I think she’s talking about Travis.

    Let’s say it’s true that she has BPD, but Jodi must have developed that while she was with Travis.

  26. Heck don’t most woman who think the guy they are dating/in love with are cheating will check up on them.

      • She conveniently ignores that……and trys to wiggle around it by saying that she just can’t say that _most_ abusers lie to family and friends.

    • Thank you KD…. I was thinking the same thing…. and why not show the DSM-TR IV crieria for BPD

      • i’d like to know how his brother felt about the sex tape and whet he felt about them going back home after the baptizim and have anal sex. how did he feel when Travis kicked her and strangled her till she passed out. See all of these come into play . How did he feel when travis would KEEP calling and engaging with jodi. I think he would have a very different opinion if he had these facts Before Tavis got his self killed? Has anyone else noticed how it’s always a brother or his 2 nasty sisters Lady Flat hair and Skelator that are being interviewed or evaluated? What about his dad? I think the reason we haven’t heard anything from him is because i don’t think he can talk about any conversation they had about jodi WITHOUT compromising Travis’ position with the state. I think it would sink JAUN case form the minute that man opens his mouth. A guy is more likely to bitch or brag to another dude then a chic. His dad knows something. I just know it. Your thoughts.

  27. I really struggle taking anything Baby Doc says as credible. She put on her big girl pants but her lack of experience is a joke.

  28. Little smirk from JW when JD mentioned other people reporting Jodi “spying on” Travis.

  29. The pucker on her face EVERYTIME she answers a questions tells it all!! Looking at Jm like ” like what I said daddy”…. Errrr I can’t stand her!!

  30. She sounds angry.

    She is also basing testimony on what his friends said … and I really don’t think what his friends said are worth a grain of salt.

    • Yeah but even if they are worth a grain of salt it all comes back to YOUR FRIENDS DON”T KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!! It’s crazy that Jaun and apparently 1 other person on the planet don’t understand that. I wish someone would ask his friends if travis liked having anal with Jodi bareback or did they help him put on the condom. Did he pee sitting down or did they shake it for him when he was done. Answer the question Mr. hughes’ Do you have a memory problem ? yes or no? How many squars of tp did travis wipe his butt with . If you are truely his Friend Mr. Hughes you would know these things. Friends know EVERY PRIVATE and personal aspect of each others life. Give me a break. Friends don’t even tell friends they look fat or stupid do you really think they are going to talk about how many time travis wacked to jodi ( If i remember correctly it was like 15 times since she had left his house according to the sex tape) Did they know that ? They should it came out of travi’ mouth on the sex tape so they HAVE to know they know EVERYTHING!!! AHHHHHHH! God help these STUPID people!!

  31. Boyfriend to boyfriend? JW is going to ask about JA’s many women at once. WTF.

    Her arrogance has to be putting off the jury.

  32. Hi Everyone!
    So again I missed the morning session. Caught some bits that are still going on on hln. This chick from what I’ve gathered so far seems pretty smug and self-righteous. I would never have pegged her as someone who would be in the ‘helping’ field. She doesn’t come across as an academic either. When she is testifying (if I didn’t know she was a phd level clin. Psy) would’ve thought she was just one of TA’s run-of-the-mill ‘friends’ tattle-telling (is that how you say it?) on someone. Actually, even that Heather person, a technician from the prosc side who talked about the clothes in the washing mach came across as more professional in her dlvry. She raises her eyebrows a lot – feeling pretty superior I think.

      • jm must’ve been pretty desperate to have picked her for this. She needs to live some to be able to put some pathos in her being. She is too surface and thats why her responses seem kinda like scripted. She must have had a pretty good life so far, becoz its obvious she can’t come up with enough empathy – so it sounds so black and white when she’s trying to make a point. ALV, where art thou???

  33. I’d like to go back to thinking as a teenager. Of course you would since you deal with children.

  34. Jennifer looks soooooo amused with this broads testimony . And no wonder jodi is paying no mind to her, she is talking about Jodi as if she isn’t there and it sounds judgemental and biased.

  35. Geez she should evaluate the Hughes’ behavior on that 48 hr episode with the way they were smiling

  36. Hi everyone Look at my petition on under the title have Nancey Grace and others taken off the air for bullying and gross misrepresentation. There is a ton of info on how this HLN network and its commentators ruthlessly damage people intentionally. And by the way did everyone know Wendy Murphy is Nancey Graces’ sidekick from all the way back in 2006. Anyone else think Nancey might b the one ACTUALLY behind the threats to ALV? here’s my petition. thanks everyone in public and the government: have Nancey Grace & others taken off air for BULLYING & MISREPISENTATION –

  37. I wonder if people with borderline personality disorder are more likely to tolerate domestic abuse rather than report it.???

    • I don’t think so but victims who developed PTSD from one trauma in childhood are much more likely to develop PTSD if they are subjected to subsequent trauma. And as I said above and gave studies in relation to it, complex PTSD is regularly misdiagnosed as BPD by inexperienced clinicians. If the defense doesn’t bring this up, I’ll go ballistic.

      • Amen Also-
        i was going to post the same thing about the dx from inexperienced clinician, but you did it so well I don’t have to.

      • I don’t want to speak out of turn, but I can’t help myself. It is my understanding that those who suffer from BPD, are typically the abusers (emphasis added) in a relationship. Those around the boderline, and I really don’t like that term, typically are walking on eggshells, trying to keep the boderline from exploding, and they are often doing everything they can to avoid becoming a victim of their wrath and rage. Sound familiar? How did the great doc arrive at this diagnosis for Jodi? Borderlines also typically lack empathy, suffer from extreme black and white thinking, are explosive, and sometimes self harm.
        They also have unstable interpersonal relationships… Is she talking about Jodi or Travis?

        I’ve been waiting for this… She was just about to give an example to help the court understand better. Sheesh… she really is inexperienced if she thought that was goin to fly.

    • Travis fits the characteristics of BPD more than Jodi does. Add to that a deviant sexual addiction and you have a real nutcase on your hands. I think we only know the tip of the iceburg where Travis’ sexual proclivities are concerned.

  38. Oh, I thought she knew these by memory. She just had to look. Okay JM where are your rantings of you’re looking at a document.

  39. question, and I apologize for my legal ignorance with AZ law- Does JW or KN get to clear this up with this Witless, er witness?

  40. Holy crap, by the time Baby Doc get done with will all have Borderline Behaviour Disorder, no matter what you do, you could be seen as having this just by dying your hair.

      • Of Course MB-
        A wise Phd. Psychologis told me years ago, when they institutionalized women for hysteria this type of thought was wide spread. As the science of Psychology developed, experienced Psychs began to realize that many women were “hysterical” because they were abused by their partners.

        This “newbie” psychologist doesn’t know these things because she was still in the womb, when real Psychologists learned these things. Isn’t it strange that out of 4 Psychs, this is the only one that doesn’t see PTSD?

        • Actually, TR had she paid attention while she was taking Psy 101 or around that juncture they do talk about these issues. Guess the whole topic of Coping Mechanisms just kept on sailing right out from one ear and out through the other.

  41. Where the FK is she getting this information for only being with her for 12 hours and going off a test….?????

  42. Why is she laughing? Does she realize she is on a stand in a court of law? Not a class room

  43. So, we are ALL disordered according to HER!

    Her tongue is running away with her—- GOOD–Enter JW

    This bitch is really enjoying her textbook one size fits ALL

    • She needs to live some and then come back on the stand to ‘share’ her views.

  44. ok, other than the suicidal thoughts, she is describing TRAVIS to a tee….so now we know, TRAVIS was a borderline!!
    Wonder how much the state paid her to diagnosis him…..

    • No Travis was just an abuser. They fit characteristics of multiple psych disorders, but they’re actually none of them, other than sociopathic.

      • I have a feeling that Travis may have certainly had all the symptoms she’s describing as borderline, and I take back the suicide comment because didn’t he say he wanted to kill himself at one point….{question} I thought that was mentioned a few weeks back, but I could be wrong. That was attention seeking behavior, I’m sure. He liked himself too much.
        He definitely fits the criteria as she is stating it. Especially the aggression and the clingy stuff. He was jumping from girl to girl to girl because he didn’t want to be alone. {fear of abandonment as MB said}
        And yes, he was an abuser, but it seems only towards women. He was too much of a coward to strike out at another man. I don’t see the self mutilating though, most borderlines do that.

        • I agree with you both too actually.

          I’m not an expert in these things, but I have also described Travis’ behavior as “sociopathic” because he never believed personhood was self evident, but a status to be granted and taken away depending on whether someone conforms to his agenda or not. The problem with sociopaths is that they don’t believe that other people have value nor their rights should be respected. He himself said “I’m a bit of a sociopath,” so it’s right out of the horse’s mouth.

          I think he was a motley mix of all kinds of problems. Maybe they should name a syndrome after him.

    • Melvis-
      Travis actually diagnosed himself correctly as a sociopath. He was way beyond Borderline

      • Oh I know, I’m just using her testimony against her. He was way more than that, but according to her, he was borderline…being sarcastic, sorry

  45. lol! I’ve been ranting on the morning session! hahahah!

    I wonder if she spoke to all of Jodi’s boyfriends.


    Because Kermi gives me intense anger.

    And I die my hair.

    And sometimes I feel empty.

    And because I have had more than one boyfriend.

    damn it. I knew it. Thank God for this young lady for telling me what I have/am.

    • I have it to. I use to checked up on my ex husband when i suspected him of cheating on me. I have had more than one bf and I recall some of them being close together. I don’t like being alone and I had a hard time dealing with my son when he left for college (lol). Being a woman my emotions can change in a day and some of that will depend on what happens.

  47. According to the way this little girl does a diagnosis, we all suffer from BPD.

  48. Guys, don’t get upset. If the defense handles this correctly, it will be a MAJOR victory and they will be able to completely discredit this baby shrink. Search for yourselves for “domestic violence PTSD misdiagnosed as BPD” and you will find everything you need to discredit her. With her lack of clinical experience, this is a rookie mistake and JM didn’t know any better.

    All I want is for the defense to handle this correctly.

    • AA,

      You are totally correct………… God Bless Jodi and her mom today. Hold strong Jodi….. she’s rookie… and out to get you.

    • AA,I didnt know that PTSD could be misdiagnosed as BPD ,thank you for bringing this up and I hope the Defense knows about that!! Keeping fingers crossed!

      • It is also commonly misdiagnosed as Bi-polar. In psychology, there are often differing views on diagnosis. In a test, with a scored result, sure, you can take that as a yes or no. But there is a thin line as to interpretation on many things in the mental health field. There are so very many disorders in the DSM, one can look at someone, ask them questions and make a diagnosis, and another person could completely disagree. This is the end of the case really, and in a nutshell, it is going to be about the jury and which expert opinion they choose to believe. Like I said earlier, I am really looking forward to hearing their questions for this witness, it can give us a little glimpse into how they are thinking. I am assuming that will be after cross by JW or Nurmi.

    • AA….you’re right….and I’m really not concern….BUT…I don’t like the bitch…okay!!!!

    • Great point……………and did a google search and that is correct.

  49. Does everyone see the girl sitting behind the defense not in the gallery with long hair , young, is this the states next witness

  50. ALL OF US have personality disorders. The difference is which are more dominant than the others and based on that GAF scale they use in the DSM book is how we’re able to function or deal with every day things (did I say that right? LOL) Anyways, this girl gives me the “ugh” all around. Her demeanor and the way she answers questions. Anyone out there wan to diagnose her?

  51. One explanation is that some of the diagnostic criteria of BPD uphold stereotypes about women. For example, the criteria of “a pattern of unstable personal relationships, unstable self-image, and instability of mood,” can all be linked to the stereotype that women are “neither decisive nor constant”.[134] Women may be more likely to receive a personality disorder diagnosis if they reject the traditional female role by being assertive, successful, or sexually active.[17] If a woman presents with psychiatric symptoms but does not conform to a traditional, passive sick role, she may be labelled as a “difficult” patient and given a BPD diagnosis.[17]

  52. The myth of violence

    Perhaps the most damaging aspect of the stigma surrounding borderline personality disorder is the myth that people with BPD are violent toward others.[142] While movies and visual media often sensationalize people with BPD by portraying them as violent, the majority of researchers agree that people with BPD are actually very unlikely to harm others.[142] Although people with BPD often struggle with experiences of intense anger, a defining characteristic of BPD is that they direct it inward toward themselves.[143] In fact, one of the key differences between BPD and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) is that people with BPD tend to internalize anger by hurting themselves, while people with ASPD tend to externalize it by hurting others.[143] In addition, as adults with BPD have often experienced abuse in childhood, many people with BPD adopt a “no-tolerance” policy toward expressions of anger of any kind.[143] Unfortunately, their extreme aversion to violence causes many people with BPD to overcompensate and experience difficulties being assertive and expressing their needs.[143] This is one way in which people with BPD choose to harm themselves over potentially causing harm to others.[143] Another way in which people with BPD avoid expressing their anger through violence is by causing physical damage to themselves, such as engaging in non-suicidal self injury.[13][142]

    • Now search for BPD being misdiagnosed in domestic violence victims who actually have chronic PTSD.

      • I have seen it…. IMO, BPD is a made up condition, slapped on people who they cannot come up with a definitive diagnosis.

        But, that is just my humble opinion.

        • Thanks for posting this up Renee’ 🙂

          I like reading comments from you and Also Abused 🙂

        • See my post below or my links above about how the two are confused. This is a ROOKIE mistake for a baby shrink. I just hope the defense is aware of this. If they are, they can destroy her.

    • Many people with BPD are known as “cutters” they cut themselves because that pain they feel is not as intense as the pain they feel inside. They are trying to release their pain.

  53. So Baby Doc talked to TA’s brother who had never met JA, isn’t this hearsay twice removed?

  54. I just turned on the tv and I believe there’s been some sort of mistake. It looks like I am watching The Secret Life of an American Teenager or Pretty Little Liars? But Juan boy is questioning the young actress on the stand. lol

  55. Only 2% of the general population and about 10% among individuals seen in outpatient mental health clincins and 12% among psychiatic patients.

  56. Borderline PD is not that connected with criminal behavior compared to anti-social PD. Psychopath or sociopath would be subsets of Anti-social, so Dr Drew’s diaganosis goes down the drain here. IMO, many younger generations could be diagnosed with borderline behavior. Some borderlines can be extreme (‘single white female’ movie), but this witness is really overplaying this.

  57. “However, while it is possible, and often likely, that the sexual trauma survivor’s symptoms are similar to the diagnostic criteria of BPD, it is imperative that mental health counselors consider the underlying motivations represented in symptoms before offering a BPD diagnosis. These underlying motivators are often a result of the survivors’ avoidance of dealing with the trauma history and ultimately lead to the development of maladaptive Maladaptive Unsuitable or counterproductive; for example, maladaptive behavior is behavior that is inappropriate to a given situation.The resulting avoidance of stimuli associated with childhood trauma, including increased arousal, and re-experiencing the trauma, are distinct behaviors that characterize victims’ responses to sexual trauma (Morgan, Rigaud, & Taylor, 1990) and, thus are more consistent with PTSD diagnostic criteria.”

    Dumb ass baby shrink!

      • FU you’re a psychologist, right? Are you familiar with the misdiagnosis of BPD in abuse victims, especially those who were abused as children and again as adults?

    • Interesting. What about MMPI results on that? Could they be skewed towards BPD after the DV experience?

  58. I NURMInate Mr. Nurmi for BEST DRESSED! Socks match his tie and he is ….grrr 😀 EVERY day!

  59. Whoever was talking here the other day about their computer problems that turned out to be just a bad recharger, really helped me out. I was in a deep rut over severe dental pain I’ve been having after some dental work done 2 months ago. I had given up & was just living on meds, soft food & an ice pack plastered to my cheek. Gave up on waiting for dentist to fix problem yesterday & went to urgent care & they really fixed me up for jaw infection & severe inflammation. Still don’t know exact cause yet, but I feel much better. Thanks!!!!

  60. AHAHAHAAAA JM made a mistake and crossed it out!

    NO PTSD…………….?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    O M F G

    She has COLD EYES.

  61. oh no….jm pissed her off!! lol….did you see the daggers…baby doc doesnt like to be told no!! lmao

  62. My impression with this witless witness is that she is a fame whore.

    She wants to be famous, make a name for herself.

    I eagerly await the defense tearing her ass to shreds.

    • me too. I do not think it will be that tough. She is in way over her head in a DP case imo.

    • Similar to Dr. G. in Casey’s trial, who came off like a total dipshit in comparison to Dr. Spitz.

    • She certainly doesn’t rely on hard work to gain respect.

      No, she’ll just appear on HLN and be cheered on by the haters.

      And this is after she shits on 60+ years experience of Dr Samuels and Alyce LaViolette.

      Anyone with a sense of ethics would find this abhorrent. Not her, apparently.

      • Agreed MB. I’m thinking there are older folks on the jury who won’t appreciate an attitude from a “kid” who is completely disrespectful about her more experienced collegues.

  63. Too bad we can’t have Dr. Samuels and this PhD have a debate as to why they beleive each of their diagnosis of Jodi. Wonder how she would do debating Samuels with all his decades of experience? 🙂

  64. There is the Juan we all know. Wow she would not last 10 mins if she was a witness for the defense.

    • If she were a defense witness:

      “Ma’am, ISN’T IT TRUE that you only have several years of experience in this field?”

      “Ma’am, ISN’T IT TRUE that you shouldn’t score these tests more than once?”

      Ma’am, ISN’T IT TRUE that you can’t get to know a subject in just 12 hours?”

  65. For people wondering – Janeen was born in June 15, 1980 (age 32).

    She played 4 years of volleyball for UMass starting in Fall 1998.

  66. It appears to me all these experts tested her for DIFFERENT things. Laviolette was there to evaluate DV. And IMHO she can’t opine on the other diagnostics because they tested and collected data on different things. Actually this in some ways helps her but we will see in cross….

  67. Whispering is lying and lying s a sin and when you go to heaven they won’t let you in!!! 🙂

  68. More cross:

    JW: Are you aware that talking with Vocal Fry-style makes you sound like a teenager?
    Baby Doc: JUAN – they are being mean to me again!

    Anyone notice Juan is having to ask her to keep repeating because he can’t understand her Vocal Fry-style answers?

  69. I’m glad this chick cleared it all up for me, I most have BPD and a whole array of other issues. Some of the things she is listing sounds like what a female is all about, nothing out of the ordinary. Wonder what she is like with relationships? LOL

    • Yes she does. She better be glad JM is not crossing her. Of course he has been known to yell at his own witnesses. He looks like he is working hard to not yell at her.

  70. She’s going to be shaking like a mexican chihuahua by the time she’s done with her day in court.

  71. Can’t wait for her to read TA’s 16 page IM and let her tell us it was a 16 page love note

    • He’s thinking I’m going to enjoy watching Jennifer take this woman down. Like way down. Totally down.

  72. She will HAVE to use the SAME criteria with Travis.

    she will NOT be able to squirm outta it.

    • But I can hear JM shriek nonstop that will not relevant as baby doc couldn’t talk to TA

  73. This “girl” represents all the females out there that see other woman as a threat (because we were taught to believe that we are nothing without the validation of a man and other women are the main threat to that goal.) And the biggest threat of all are pretty, intelligent, articulate women so they need to be brought down a notch or two.

    She sounds like a gossiping teenager.

    • Case in point regarding bringing Jodi down a notch or two, I saw a segment a while back on HLN completely devoted to picking out a couple of words that Jodi misused during her 18-day testimony. They displayed the word she used in big letters, (for example, DE-EDIFY) and then showed in, big flashing letter,s the correct word (DIS-EDIFY). There were several others that I can’t remember because it was so idiotic and so exasperating.

    • So true!

      I have wished through this trial that people would put aside their own insecurities and petty jealousies to see how this case has the potential to impact ALL women.

      Sadly, people would rather throw someone else under the bus that think about their own future.

  74. Off topic… Just an observation (that is causing this Dyslexic some problems) This trial has a lot of “J”s.
    I think I misses some
    Then, there are “A”s
    Yikes…I need to write a reference list to keep it all straight.

  75. off topic, and it only happens with Kermi and pros witnesses, sometimes the audio goes in super slow motion, and they sound demonic.

  76. Oh, no one can suffer a trauma after having killed someone, lol

    She’s A JOKE!!!!!

  77. Obviously the state’s expert witness here hasn’t been practicing long enough to know that often times battered women are misdiagnosed with Schizophrenia or borderline personality disorders because they exhibit the same symptoms. Experts have cautioned for a very long time that the accuracy of psychological evaluations on battered women are not always accurate. As a matter of fact, it s said that it is best not to run psychological tests on a battered woman until she has received therapy and is no longer suffering from the symptoms —- so they can get a more accurate evaluation for other disorders. I believe this is why the defense experts didn’t rely solely on written psychological evaluations…..they have experience and know what they are doing.

    Back in 1995 I was living in a shelter for battered women and I decided to go to treatment for drug addiction/alcoholism. I was cautioned by my battered women’s therapist to be careful because the mainstream psychological institutes tend to blame women because of their alcoholism rather than notice that the alcoholism is a symptom of battered women’s syndrome. Luckily for me, while I was in treatment, I had therapists who specialized in the special needs of battered women. They focused on my co-dependency more than my alcoholism with the believe that my alcohol consumption was a symptom of the co-dependency. One of my therapists gave me a series of written psychological evaluations just to see what the results were, but he explained to me that they may not be accurate. My evaluation came back saying that I was borderline schizophrenic. My therapist explained to me that those numbers would go down as I recovered from the abuse….but he did the test to show me how so many women are misdiagnosed.

    From my experience, some of the questions on the test are unrealistic for women who are suffering from abuse….for instance, there are questions like “Do you feel that you are being followed”, of course a lot of battered women feel that way. Or “Do you feel like someone is trying to kill you”, again, many battered women feel that way. There are more questions like, is someone plotting against you, is someone trying to do you harm, do you feel that people are not generally honest, etc. etc. etc. But you see my point, the questions are not written in a way that they are sensitive to women who are suffering from abuse and are generally being stalked, threatened, lied to, etc.

    As I said before, this witness for the prosecution doesn’t have enough experience to know what she is talking about. All she knows is the textbook rules – but we are all humans and none of us fit the guidelines of the textbook and each individual has to be evaluated separately based on their own individual situation.

  78. HAs any one seen Travis’ 2 nasty sisters Lady Flat hair and Skelator today? Thay made me sick yesterday . I came in late?

  79. Whether Jodi has any emotional/psychological condition or not, it’s not like she chose it for herself. .
    Both Martinez and Vally Girl have a sort of blaming attitude toward Jodi that this condition is her fault. That she brought it on herself. Researchers today don’t know what causes borderline personality disorder.

    When you get into the psychological/psychiatric field, most of what they work with are THEORIES, not scientific facts. Sixty years ago, psychiatrists were stating that mothers played a role in causing schizophrenia. They finally got rid of that theory.

    This diagnosis may turn out to help Jodi if the defense can convince the jury whatever condition she has is not her fault.

    • Hey ! Having to defend your self so you don’t die IS NOT A MENTAL CONDITION!! JOdis’ mind didn’t make her do this. What happened to her when she was hit with the wooden spoon when she was a kid or anything else for that matter DID NOT MAKE HER DO THIS!! TRAVIS ATTACKING HER THEN TRYING TO KILL HER DID!! It is crazy to me that Jaun does not understand that jodi is not saying he tried to kill her when she dropped the camera, he tried to kill her AFTER the gun accidentally went off. Which is ABSOLUTELY what would happen if anyone just got shot after an altercation . Because then at that point the person who accidentally got shot is in fight or flight mode. HE at that point is thinking the same thing jodi was thinking. It will have to be them or me. And so when she scrambled out from under Travis after they landed on the floor after the gun shot he yelled Kill you bitch. BECAUSE HE WAS GOING TO. He never gave Jodi a chance to say ” OH my god travis. I just wanted to scare you .Please let me help. He went straight from attack mode to kill mode. It at that point REALLY WAS me or you. I can not believe this. SELF DEFENSE IS NOT A MENTAL CONDITION!! and if it was I SERIOUSLY HOPE WE ALL HAVE IT>

    • And labotomies were done well into the 1980’s in mental institutions…a lobotomy became a legitimate alternative treatment for serious mental illness, such as schizophrenia and severe depression. Physicians even used it to treat chronic or severe pain and backaches

      And now….Today, the word “lobotomy” is rarely mentioned. If it is, it’s usually the BUTT OF A JOKE.

    • That expert is full of crap….just now she was saying something about with all of the people and evaluators talking with Jodi that she would have slowly regained some of that memory in that period of time…

      TO THE EXPERT….I suffered a tremendous lose of memory during a one year period over 10 years ago…and I have never regained that memory loss…

      And I had lots of family, friends, and my own children telling me things during that year in order to help me regain my memory…but it never worked…

      Just recently I was talking to my dad about something and realized that it was something that happened during that year of my memory loss…and I told my dad…I just remembered that…and my dad said that he didn’t know if I really remembered it or if I remembered what everyone had told me that happened during that year…I only remembered that one things that I was telling my dad and nothing else…everything else was still like a blank wall during that year…

      With Jodi having so many people and evalulators talking with her….I feel that Jodi remembered only what someone had previously told her about the event and it is that memory that she had…and she talked about that memory to the expert….rather than any of Jodi’s own remembered memories of the event…

      Who can get PTSD?

      Anyone who was a victim, witnessed or has been exposed to a life-threatening situation.

      Survivors of violent acts, such as domestic violence, rape, sexual, physical and/or verbal abuse or physical attacks.

      Survivors of unexpected dangerous events, such as a car accident, natural disaster, or terrorist attack.

      Combat veterans or civilians exposed to war.

      People who have learned of or experienced an unexpected and sudden death of a friend or relative.

      Emergency responders who help victims during traumatic events.

      Children who are neglected and/or abused (physically, sexually or verbally).

    • Well right – even IF Jodi has a disorder (I don’t trust the diagnosis from THIS particular doc), it’s not like she asked for it.

      But the Travis Taliban and Martinez are using the stigma of presumed mental illness – which harms all people who are struggling with it.

      This trial is so wrong, on so many levels. We’ve just found yet another one where a segment of the population is going to be royally fucked by the propaganda around it.

      • I think the last name was Carp or something. But i think that she evaluated Jodi before she came forward about the self defense. Honestly NOTHING collected before she came forward should be considered evidence. SHE WAS LYING UP TO THAT POINT > I don’t care what anyone says, ANYONE in this situation would lie. Come on. It really pisses me off when all these stupid ass haters judge her for the decisions she had to make without looking at the options she had to choose from. No body wants something like this to happen. Yes she didn’t have to go over there that night, but she loved him she didn’t want him to be mad at her so she went. I think its crazy to say in the same sentence she was worried enough that he would be mad, BBBBUUUTTTT …. wouldn’t give a shit if he was hurt , bleeding, dying right in front of her. that scrazy. but what is even more crazy is saying she PLANNED IT FORM THE BEGINNING. SO this women is willing to put up with sodomy, abusive and hateful name calling and treatment in both public and private, but him taking another women on a BUSINESS TRIP(EVEN MIMI HALL SAID IT WAS NONROMANTIC IN ANYWAY> THEY WERE JUST FRIENDS) pushed her over the edge. COME THE HELL ON !!!! sorry or the bad words but i couldn’t help myself . It won’t keep happening i hope. ; )

  80. What expert witness say “alledgedly occurred”

    IMO it makes her testimony very controversial and inexperienced. No “real” expert ever says all, never, etc.

  81. Oh how I wish the test for PTSD had been given more than once. She should have been re-tested after she admitted to the killing. Damn.

    • I don’t really see that a second test needed to be given. The first test was given based on Jodi saying she had witnessed a murder. That is a fact that has never changed, Jodi did witness a murder. If I was witnessing a murder and I was in fact doing the killing to save my own life, I think my PTSD would be even more severe.

  82. DId you see her just say yes as she shook her head in a NO? Don’t the body language folks say that is a cue when one is dishonest?

  83. Demon-te’s personality disorder diagnosis for Jodi doesn’t differ that much from Samuels, BTW. Samuels did diagnose Jodi with an unspecified personality disorder, no big deal. Samuels had the experience to know that that issue was not that important to the killing of TA or Jodi’s different stories after the incident; what matters are things that Samuels brought up like Acute Stress or PTSD. I still wish he had spent more time looking into a dissociative episode or brief psychotic break, though.

  84. hahahaha And you can’t have ‘B’ which is re-living the traumatic event???????????????

    O M G

  85. Okay, his witness can keep crib notes but not the defense’s witnesses….this is disgusting.

  86. She thinks she’s SO MUCH BETTER THAN ANYBODY ELSE. My GOD she’s a laughing stock!!!!

    Is she a VALLEY GIRL???????

    • IF I was in jail and she arrived I would have a difficult time dealing with her *I’m so important and your in jail* attitude!

  87. Such bullshit. Many of us don’t have recurrent thoughs or dreams. Sometimes, we just have scary dreams. We won’t allow ourselves to think or dream about any one event.

    • I so agree with you AA, as I said in my prior post, my nightmares were not the actual events that happened to me, they were just dreams of terror. This expert witness does not have enough experience, totally text book.
      Even I know more then she does, being the patient!

  88. Well now America today can be repulsed by the psychology profession, just as they are by the vicious legal system watching the odious Martinez. Lots of repulsive behavior on display.

    I’ve never known anyone who talked like this, so I learned something today, the Vocal Fry, the creaking, as it’s described. But it sounds like moaning to me. Vamping like a 14 year old kid. . And then chuckling and mocking during death penalty testimony. Sickening. Shocking.

  89. Once again how is she suppose to re-live all this, have dreams, think about it if it is NOT in her memory??

  90. Dont you all agree that it might be the first time we get to hear Martinez uttering the words ”pardon” and”I’m sorry?” to a witness???

    • Haha right you are. These jurors aren’t stupid. They have to be noticing this too.

      BTW; This little twit is a moron. Is this really the best JM can come up with?

  91. I knew she reminded me of someone….her mouth looks like Jack Nicholson as the Joker!! ..lmao!!!

  92. BPD people don’t take trazadone, but PSTD people do….. Wonder if she can explain that to me….. without the excuse of being in a jail cell

    • She will probably get her own show with KW. Oh those two talking in the same room would give me a headache.

    • Almost ALL lawyers have really awful handwriting. Mine got progressively worse during the first year of law school from notetaking, and it was never good to begin with. I’m always shocked when I meet a lawyer with nice handwriting.

  93. The witness said JA has an INTELLECTUAL DEFECT – Does this mean that the defense could argue against the DP based on the defect that the State’s own witness testified to?

    • You’re right, Jodie. It would be great to see the defense explore INTELLECTUAL DEFECT in depth. Vally Girl tossed it out there. Maybe Jennifer will hit it out of the park.

  94. In 20 years, this young doc will look back on this and regret what a fool she made of herself.

  95. Everyone here can see so clearly this gal’s MO. Gotta know the jury sees it too. This is so terrific for Jodi!

  96. I wish I could lose a significant amount of time while this giant flaring nostril is on the stand

  97. That is not true. I have had a traumatic event and lost my 7 year old son. I have NO memory of it. NONE

        • annie,I’m so sorry for your loss.I admire you for being so strong-your angel is in Heaven.
          When I read posts like yours,sharing these experience I get even more upset to ”experts” like her who just said that ”when you talk about the traumatic event you remember many things”.Totally talking off her a$$…Sad…

        • I did some research on this. During stress times, the memories actually never imprint on the brain so they are not there and cannot be recalled. This is what happens to people who have had alcohol black-outs. The memories cannot be recalled because they are not there. This “expert” has said a lot of stuff that is simply not true. She is so inexperienced, I look forward to cross-examination. In my opinion, this witness has no credibility.

    • annieEP, I am sorry to learn of your loss. I cannot imagine… My heart breaks for you.

  98. So yes based on what JA says but no from my experience, but everything else she reported to me falls into the categories I say.

    Great….so they want it both ways…again.

  99. Did she use DSM IV or V criteria? I guess it would have had to be IV, but I wonder if she will need to go back and look at the new criteria. Very, very different. The diagnostic criteria got a complete overhaul, and I wonder how this will stand up. It is way more complicated than Juan’s little list. Has the DSM V been released yet? Published?
    Could her expert opinion be discarded if the new criteria is released while the trial is still going on?

    • It hasn’t been released yet. It will be published in May.

      She is allowed to use the version in print at the time she evaluated Jodi during trial because that’s what she based her opinions on.

  100. I can’t help but think that the defense never brought up a Traumatic Brain Injury as part of the memory loss of the event in addition to the things Dr. S discussed. I have memory loss from a car accident where I sustained a mild TBI. I was also diagnosed with PTSD in re: to the accident, and that was by the insurance Psychologist, who is hired to not rule in a patient’s favor. This lady doesn’t get it at all.

    • Unfortunately, they couldn’t. Jodi wasn’t diagnosed with a head injury. By the time anyone evaluated her, it was too late.

      • It’s never too late to be diagnosed with a TBI and she had her head slammed on the tile, which would also account for memory loss.

    • It actually really is………its like she is reading from a textbook. Everything is not black and white.

      • exactly! Typical “newbie” to psych. No “on the job” experience under her belt….she has alot to learn!

  101. Hey I just want to say Having to defend your self so you don’t die IS NOT A MENTAL CONDITION!! JOdis’ mind didn’t make her do this. What happened to her when she was hit with the wooden spoon when she was a kid or anything else for that matter DID NOT MAKE HER DO THIS!! TRAVIS ATTACKING HER THEN TRYING TO KILL HER DID!! It is crazy to me that Jaun does not understand that jodi is not saying he tried to kill her when she dropped the camera, he tried to kill her AFTER the gun accidentally went off. Which is ABSOLUTELY what would happen if anyone just got shot after an altercation . Because then at that point the person who accidentally got shot is in fight or flight mode. HE at that point is thinking the same thing jodi was thinking. It will have to be them or me. And so when she scrambled out from under Travis after they landed on the floor after the gun shot he yelled Kill you bitch. BECAUSE HE WAS GOING TO. He never gave Jodi a chance to say ” OH my god travis. I just wanted to scare you .Please let me help. He went straight from attack mode to kill mode. It at that point REALLY WAS me or you. I can not believe this. SELF DEFENSE IS NOT A MENTAL CONDITION!! and if it was I SERIOUSLY HOPE WE ALL HAVE IT. Your thoughts! Thanks

    • Krista, brilliant explanation of how the events likely played out and why the stabbings occurred…

  102. I wish JA would have stayed with the intruder story.

    And baby doc has the worst way of mouth movements. Creepy how she enunciates her words

  103. More cross:

    JW – So you did say you are getting paid by the prosecution?
    Baby Doc – yes
    JW – Do you think its a coincidence that you agree with everything Juan says?
    Baby Doc – WAH! JUAN! Make them stop.

  104. Just dropped over to one of the hate pages, just to see how the delusionals are dealing with this. Here’s the first one I saw: “This witness is great, I hope she comes across the same way when the defense tries to frazzle her, I think she will hold up !”

  105. I’m assuming that the defense can’t go into DV with this witness since JM will object that it is beyond scope, but I would also assume that JW will use TA’s behaviors that cover each of these same bullet points.

  106. Ok…this valley girl has now triggered my own ptsd anxiety- if I were jodi right now, all my ptsd symptoms would be peaking at this point, listening to this under educated phd, minimizing all of Jodi’s trauma responses. NO two people respond to trauma the same…How dare this lady demean Jodi’s feelings, thoughts or trauma responses with out having any education or knowledge of domestic violence. JM is knows what he was doing by sneaking in a witness who is obviously biased. A witness without any domestic violence training should not be any part of this case or any of the evaluations of Jodi. I’m just disgusted by this worthless witness and the cruel manipulations of JM!

    • might I add— Jodi has had trauma that resulted in ptsd that began when she was little and abused by her parents. this lady didn’t even adress any of this in her evaluations…duhhh. this lady is so flippen ridiculous. Jennifer, we know you can put this under educated witness in her place!!!!! I’m sure Jennifer sees plenty of holes in miss phd’s evaluations that will not hold up w her testimony.

  107. Kids, plug your ears. I am about to break my own standards.

    This cunt has sold her soul to the devil.

    • She is young and dumb…..thinking this case will be a launching pad for her career.

    • LOL!! The “C” word is out, and can not be put back in. I wanna say it too!
      This CUNT!!

      But, I won’t be calling her office harassing her, or calling the psych. board.
      JW will take care of her.

      • I’m surprised that the word wasn’t used on Nancy Grace yet…LOL. Her picture should be in the dictionary next to “cunt.”

    • Renee;
      LOL. I’ve been waiting for this descriptive to be said…she just elicits it doesn’t she.

  108. I don’t know why they can talk about her behavior afterwards. In the Casey A. trial we learned the behavior afterwards doesn’t have a thing to do with it. Especially when trying to prove premed, the behavior afterwards shouldn’t matter.

    • Absolutely. Word through the grapevine is that HLN has exclusive interviews lined up with her.

      Must be nice to have unearned prestige by just repeating the same lies the Travis Taliban have been saying ad nauseum.

      • She reminds me of this neck swiveling , finger waving immature “domestic abuse survivor” that JVM had on last week, to refute Jodi’s claims DV. She is overly excited to give her supposed expert opinion , smiles, chuckles and eye rolling included.

  109. Her attitude just gets under my skin. I would hate to be her patient because she is so cold and arrogant.

  110. this woman knows NOTHING about PTSD. Its obvious she has NEVER treated a PTSD patient, or if she has, I sure feel badly for them.
    My father did not isolate himself, in fact, he did everything he could to keep himself busy, so he wouldn’t think about it. For many years, he was almost an absent father, gone fishing, hunting, traveling, etc. Its called avoidance, this woman is a quack!

  111. Pattern throughout her life….OMG. JA didn’t have these issues until the obvious abuser TA entered the scene.

  112. Why does she keep talking about Jodi as if she’s a piece of worthless shit??Echoing Martinez and Travis maybe?

  113. I almost feel sorry for this witness. She doesn’t realize that a complete destruction of her credibility is in her near future.

    • I don’t feel one bit sorry for this naive little twit. Obviously she is “book smart” and she thinks sitting there spouting statistics and bullshit is going to impress the jury. I hope the defence wipes the floor up with her and turns her into a sobbing mess.

      I’m a mental health nurse and Jodi is not like any borderline I have worked with. Travis on the other hand, has lots of the characteristics of a borderline.

      • Thanks Bev- I have worked with many people diagnosed with Borderline and I see nothing that has been brought out by anybody, that would make me think Jodi is.

    • Honestly, I don’t feel bad that she’s committing career suicide. She chose to involve herself in this case as a fast track to infamy; and she will get her wish. The only kind of people who gravitate towards this clinical scapegoating are the most ignorant, classes, and emotionally imbalanced.

      I say she and HLN are birds of a feather, they will get the audience they deserve.

  114. Anybody notice HLN is eating everything this twat says with a spoon?

    She will be their next “expert” for the next trial that comes along for them to misrepresent.

    • Yes I am sure they love her. I am sure Dr Drew can’t wait to give his “expert” opinion.

    • Yes,yet they bashed the defenses expert witnesses who had many more years of experience! And AL is a DV expert! How can she testify to counter AL’s testimony, she isn’t an expert in DV. Im now fast forwarding thru their BS I can’t hear any more of it.

  115. no worries, this witness will be CANNON FODDER for the defense! I’m going to enjoy that very much!! Popcorn on me!!!

  116. So two Dr.s with many more years of experience are wrong and Baby Doc a few months out of school is right?

  117. Hmm Just went to DeMarte’s website…get this:
    Years in Practice – 8,
    Year Graduated -2008
    Does my math fail me? OR was she in practice BEFORE she graduated?
    Maybe I am misconstrued

      • SOOOOO she wasn’t even licensed or graduated WHEN THE CRIME OCCURRED. Oh that s right she was still in high school when this happened i forgot!!

    • Hope to GOD this chick never has kids…. And I noticed for being 32 years old she’s not married or engaged…..

    • Actually she said on the stand she didn’t finish school till 2009 and obtained her license in 2010. She is using supervising master students which is part of course work as experience.

      • Experience…not “in practice”. My sister is an MD and her years “in practice” are years “licensed to practice” years

        • Yes, big difference, this would be the same as your sister counting her clinicals during medical schools as years of experience. Although you learn a lot, you really don’t begin getting good until you’re licensed and on your own getting experience. This I think is worse than ALV not putting on her cv she was a breakfast keynote, not a keynote.

    • And theres this:


      •Testing and Evaluation
      •Personality Disorders
      •Trauma and PTSD

      Doesn’t seem to have a clue about PTSD to me.

      Oddly, shes actually smiling in her pic. I’m surprised her face didn’t crack.

  118. If a tiger bites you it slips off easier! Did I just hear that?

    If a tiger bites you you slip out easier due to the sweat?

    I would think the blood coming out of you when a tiger bites you would be a whole lot more than any amount of sweat you can push out.

    A tiger’s getting ready to a huge bite of butt. A tiger named Jennifer.

    • I sure hope you’re right, Al. Our Jenny from the block needs to rip this baby shrink.

      • AA, can you tell us what day you posted all baby d’s information? I tried to find it but couldn’t.

        You had some remarkable info pulled together re her.

        And I hope it was forwarded to JW just in case they missed any parts


  119. Good one Renee! I think maybe this young lady was promised a trip to the mall, a new I-phone and a chance to be on TV for her testimony! Maybe even her own reality show!! Is she a Guidette? lol Lemme tell you, sweetie, it ain’t gonna be worth it. Despite the rave reviews you will get from the HLNites you ain’t doing so good.

  120. I ventured to the Taliban site to peek at their thoughts.

    So far, they all have crushes on baby doc.

    That is it. That is their analysis. She is cute.

    • And yet, if the exact same human being were testifying for the defense, the haters would be all over the Internet trying to destroy her career right now. Reminds me of that Jerry Seinfeld routine about fans hating an athlete when he gets traded to another team: “It’s the same person wearing a different-colored shirt! But oh, we HATE him now!”

      • If she was a defense witness JM would have had her hiding under the judges robes.

        I’m glad she is on their side because I don’t like her snooty style at all.

      • Ick! Nothing cute about her. Her skin is bad – looks like she may have suffered acne and her mouth movements are creepy when she accents certain words.

  121. Why is it the state implies in court questioning defense witness’ that Jodi is an habitual liar with everything she has said, text, emailed etc., to D. Samuals, Alyce LaViolette, friends, neighbors, co-workers, strangers, x boyfriends, basically anyone who believes she was abused or testified on her behalf and so that would make their opinions nul and void. But whatever Jodi has said or made a statement about to this Janne Demarte, the states expert witness, is true in which Janne DeMarte has made her opinions? Does anyone else see this ????

  122. This witness J Dimarti is a textbook educated idiot lacking human compassion for anyone except her pampas robotic self. In her attempt to discredit people in her field that have years of experience, textbook and life alone, this just might be professional suicide for her. In her cut throat climb to “the top”, the things she says today very well may be her own demise as she lends herself to being untrustworthy amongst her peers. She gets along with martinez because she is just like him and both of them will get an education they cannot skew sometime in their lives. Here’s hoping a juror recognizes the arrogance being displayed today and that the bitter taste it leaves will be spit at the prosecution.

    • That’s exactly what I was thinking…and some on the jury must have caught that one too. As for the Dr’s experience she referenced that she currently has a “handful” of patients. Really…does that make her an expert witness? How did she make it through the screening process of the defense to be able to be called an expert in a court proceeding? Has she ever testified in a criminal case before?

  123. Juan’s line of questions is not making sense re: criteria number 1. She agreed that there was a traumatic event that occurred. She just doesn’t agree with the other experts on what that traumatic event was. So why is he doing all these what if questions. It’s like he is trying to bury her answer to make it sound like she said there was no traumatic event – but she did say the killing was the traumatic event.

    I don’t know how she can determine if Jodi met the other criteria or not. What did she spend, 10 hours with Jodi? Probably 8 of those hours were spent giving her written personality and IQ tests. That’s hardly enough time to establish enough trust for a person to tell you what they are constantly thinking or dreaming about over a traumatic event that they don’t even want to think about.

    This witness is very inexperienced and seems to be one of those people that have all the book smarts in the world. That made her way through college memorizing things. But she obviously hasn’t done a lot of interacting with real people in the real world.

    • Implication is that killing TA was not a traumatic event for JA. This is what it seemed to me.

  124. I haven’t been able to watch much so a question for you all. Did this gal ever interview anybody Jodi actually knew?

    Seems to me she is using the same “collateral information” that the defense witnesses did. And that is okay with JM now?

    • Said she interviewed TA’s brother Steve. I’m hoping that this will allow the defense to bring up that they were estranged.

      • Thanks and also the fact that Jodi and Steve NEVER met!! Everything Steve told her would be hearsay.

        • MB……I work at a University….I know about TA reviews:>) I just think the DT need to see now the students viewed her as a TA….especially the one who stated “she doesn’t care about you or your grades”!! Unfeeling Bitch!!!

    • Ok, yes this is a 400 level senior writing course, but with this TA its a pain in the ass. Routinely cancelled office hours and never informed students, VERY HARD GRADER, and would not discuss papers or assignments unless she agreed that the grade could be lowered. She is a grad student with too much on her plate and shouldnt be TAing a class like this that required this much of her time and effort because she didnt put in what she got paid for.

      Professor rated by: Student on May 11, 2007

      Grad assistant with too much on her plate. Was never at office hours, if you had an appointment, she would cancel because her client had an emergency. She shouldn’t have been allowed to assist in this class.

      Professor rated by: Student on April 28, 2007

      She is not a good TA and should not be allowed to teach this class. Shes a very hard grader and does not care about you or your grades. DO NOT TAKE A CLASS WITH HER, and if she is your TA get out!

      Professor rated by: Student on May 9, 2007

  125. Baby got tired,didnt understand the question so papa Martinez asked for a break.Awwww…..

  126. ok, I’ve tried to search for AMA reports on this ‘genius” and I’m not even finding she’s licensed in Arizona.
    Does anyone know where she holds licensure {question}

    I’m buying a new keyboard for this stupid thing, I promise!

  127. So according to this “expert witness” to have ptsd you would have to be in a either in a comatose state, walking in circles talking to yourself or in a locked padded room screaming about the trauma you endured! What and idiot.

  128. Witness is getting off script. Let’s take a break so I can talk to my witness…

  129. Juan: Judge Baby Doc is forgetting what I told her to say. Can we have a break so I can get my testimony out?

  130. I keep thinking the judge is saying ”Please remember the ammunition”

    Sounds right!


  131. The diagnosis of ‘borderline personality disorder’ only proves 100% that Jodi was a domestic violence victim.

    Those with borderline personality disorder become so attached they have the fear of abandonment. Jodi feared Travis’s abandonment. Therefore, regardless of how he treated her, she wouldn’t leave.

    I believe this witness can be used to benefit the defense.

    I know another case that mirrors this down to the diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and the woman was definitely abused. The police witnessed it.

    • I tend not to agree with that, of course I’m not a doctor, only a nurse. The reason I say that is Jodi had NO problems forming and holding long term relationships that were healthy. [according to previous testimony by her partners] True borderlines have a very difficult time forming and holding onto relationships, let alone a healthy one.
      I can’t ever remember, in all my career, ever hearing the ex of a borderline saying anything positive about that person. Let alone maintaining a friendship with the person. The reason is a borderline is exhausting to be around. Rarely do they ever “give” but they “take” alot, and its alot of work to be around them. You can compare a relationship with a borderline like emotional vampirism…they will suck you dry and spit you out.
      Unless her ex’s are into that type of draining, you rarely see them maintain relationships.

    • That’s what I’ve been saying all afternoon. But there is no BPD. There’s a woman abused as a child, then abused in a relationship. It’s a lot like me. I’ve asked and asked if I have BPD after getting concerned about it after reading the symptoms online. No No No No said a psychiatrist, a Ph.D. psychologist, another MA psychotherapist and a licensed clinical social worker. I have chronic complex PTSD. But this little girl doesn’t have enough experience to know the difference. She only knows her books.

      • AA –

        Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I am so sorry about your CC PTSD and you’re in my prayers. Nobody deserves such abuse.

        Regardless, I still believe a diagnosis of BPD would help Jodi. HLN has already changed their tone but not completely. Jane Valez-Mitchell just sunk to a lower level airing a parody about Jodi. Wow. What an insult to anyone suffering a mental illness.

  132. Or if her license is under another name. Maybe she’s married, and has it under her maiden name…I know that every doctor has information on them that’s accessible to the public. It also includes any patient complaints or disciplines by the board.
    I’m willing to do it, if someone can get the name clarified for me. I can’t seem to find that….

  133. Ok it’s a bit early here in AZ 3pm, but due to my high intorance of not only the sound of the current witneses voice but also what she’s spewing…its time for a glass of wine before I lose it. Oh no….that mean I have BPD too?(uh-oh I am in need of a touch up of highlights in my hair ) Speaking of hair…that is not that witnesses natural hair color. She dyes it darker.

    • Its 11PM here in London and I’m exhausted. Need my hair coloured too.. have had the wine–beat you!!!

  134. I think this is going to backfire with the older members of the jury. You can’t say everyone who has all this experience is wrong, and I have no experience, but I’m right.

    • especially when she is condescendingly lecturing, with baring teeth elocution, blinking eyelids and twisting mouth to the left when emphasizing. Total turn off.

    • I said that earlier to a friend. Some older ppl even resent younger ppl like that.

  135. rainy mentioned enunciation ..this lady lawyer on hln (forgot name) but the enunciations are so exaggerated that her mouth goes in 50 different directions when she talks. It seems to be kind of a style among the scholerly. I notice it more and more. kind of funny-looking.

    • Well see thats what happens when you get hired at HLN and they shot all that stupid in the head. That is also what causes all the shit to fall out of their mouth when they talk. Sorry i thought every one knew that. : )

  136. After hearing her BS today I am not too concerned because JW will destroy her on cross.

  137. You know since experience isnt’ important to the state , who here besides me would just LOVE IT if SJ or MB could go in there and ask Ms. Stripper pole questions that ACTUALLY matter. THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!! I bet we would get a few answers that way!! ; )

      • I totally agree. She does sound like a tape recorder. In fact, it almost seems as though she got all her training from a textbook. She has no business testifying in a trial like this with her complete lack of experience. I’m pretty sure that JW will be able to shred her testimony. I’m not worried about this witness one damn bit.

    • Yep. I can see this witness saying something that could legally turn this case upside down. JM already had to whisper in her ear.

      As they get off script due to objections, etc., she is making mistakes.


  138. Blimey the judge looks like she;s on a trip with that stupid look pasted on her face!

    • she is!A motion sickness meds and vodka!! See what I did there!! Motion sickness haaaahaahaa because she keeps seeing mistrial motions!! HAAHAAHAA I’m on a roll today!! WOOOOOO!

    • WOW the haters are jumping on that just as fast as the did Alyce an Dr. Samuels sites
      but in the opposite manner how disgusting they are. Like they really know anything about
      what she does even really ?

    • logs ip addresses according to site wonder if checked how many would actually be from this area? or maybe bff’s who have never been seen as a patient.

  139. I think she is quite a credible witness, and displays more professionalism and objective observation than both of the defense experts. Frankly the defense should have gotten someone like her, and I have to say again her defense team has royally failed her. To be very clear, this is just my opinion clearly I’m in the minority on this site, and that’s ok. I’ve been “role-playing” juror since this began, and frankly I have almost the exact same questions the jurors have, from an impartial place I have two observations, 1. There hasn’t been enough to go to premeditation yet. and 2. The defense hasn’t shown enough to go self defense. At this rate If I was a juror I would be going for 1st or 2nd degree with life sentence with chance of parole.

      • I do not agree either!! It’s hard to compare over 60 yrs of combined experience with someone who probably doesn’t even have 10 yrs!!

    • Why is she amore credible witness?Just because she’s practically reading out of her textbook?What about hands-on experience that the defense experts had?Not to mention a 30 year old experience!!

    • Do you understand that the defense has NO burden of proof, it lies 100% to the prosecution?

    • JW,

      I think you are on the wrong site…… Anybody can memorize a textbook and administer test, it’s knowledge in the field…. not all based on test. Lacks experience for a DP case.

    • Unlike the haters page I don’t think anyone will attack you for your opinion. I made a brief comment today that I thought her experience did not justify her being an expert. I was attacked as Nurmi’s troll and that I would be visiting Jodi at the jail tonight.

      Such critical thinkers they are.

      • Yeah well according to the haters anyone having a different opinion is an attack or “harsh.”

        So I imagine that accusation will stand no matter what anyone says here.

    • Wait until JW XE her. She can’t give specific examples when asked by JM only very general. She is too inexperienced…period.

    • JW,
      I am also in the minority apparently, as I too, think she is a credible witness. I also do the” role play “juror thing..and in my life, have been on 2 juries. I think the juror questions to the defense 2 witnesses were very negative, actually hostile, and although I know it wasn’t every single juror, it sure didn’t sound good at all. The questions posed to this witness will be telling as well, at least for me, to see if they are as accusatory. As far as the State and proving pre-med, I think JM thinks he has, and IMO, he has not. I know he has more rebuttal witnesses, so we shall see who they are and what they have to add. The other point you made, regarding the defense and self-defense, thats a moot point. They don’t have to prove anything. Its the State who has to disprove it.

    • Yeah sure she is credible…if you think people and their experiences can be filtered down to tests ONLY by someone with minimal therapy experience. If you wanna be just a bunch of bubble answers go right ahead.

      • BeeCee,
        I am speaking honestly and objectively. I realize she has a limited time in her field, but IMHO I think the jury will find her credible.There really isn’t anything “unlikeable” about her, and I always watch the witnesses as a juror would. I could be wrong of course, I am just giving my opinion. She has the same degree as Dr Samuels, with much less experience in the field, but also administered the same test. he was kind and compassionate, yes, but remember the jury questions were quite scathing to him regarding why he didn’t re-administer the test, he even said on the stand he should have. I don’t dislike her,or like her, she is simply a witness who was hired to try to discredit the defense experts. Its not personal, she is paid to testify, the same way the defense experts were. In the end, the jury will have to decide who they want to believe, if any of them.

        • Perhaps one or more jurors will agree with you. I started watching this with the idea that there could be no excuse for what she did and she should be convicted of 1st degree. I then started watching as a neutral person. I read the haters site on FB as well as this site. I think at least one juror will think like I do and see this witness as pompous, arrogant and inexperienced and not give her opinions any weight. The way she discounted the two defense experts who are both well respected with years of experience I believe will also go against her. She has also made statements about memory that I know are wrong.

        • If they jury finds her “credible,” then they are IDIOTS and have been watching HLN.

          NOBODY who has actually watched this trial can find her credible at all.

          I really wish you would stop with the devil’s advocate stuff.

        • yes and I am just giving my opinion also, lol. I don’t think having been a juror gives you any more experience than I have with observing people 🙂 We all are looking at this like jurors would because they are people like we are.

          If the jurors wanted to know why samuels didn’t re-administer a test, then I bet are least a few of them will wonder about her “experience”.

          it’s all good. I don’t agree with your opinion and you don’t agree with mine, doesn’t mean we can’t play nice.

          • I think she is very unlikable. I would like her if she were likable. She comes off as intellectually superior. She made false statements about pedos, PTSD and BPD it really pissed me off.

            Can’t evaluate someone facing death in 12 hours and call oneself competent.

    • JW

      About the self defense side, it’s a quirk of AZ law, but the defense really does not have to put on a proactive (affirmative) defense. They had to clear an evidentiary hurdle with the judge prior to raising the claim. They have done that.

      By Arizona law the prosecutor must now prove beyond a reasonable doubt that IT WAS NOT self defense. This is very critical and is different to how it is many other states. Arizona also has a very stringent statutory Jury instruction with respect to self defense, and this judge will, by law, deliver that jury instruction. The jury instruction very clearly states that if the prosecutor did not disprove self defense, beyond a reasonable doubt, then the jury must acquit. Also that same jury instruction requires the jury to further take into account any allegations of domestic violence, and use an even higher level of proof for the prosecutor when judging in that situation.

      So once the judge allowed the self defense claim to be made, by law the burden of proof shifts to the prosecution. This is actually a strange law, in that it mandates that the prosecutor may have to prove a negative, which most legal minds will tell you can be an impossibility. But that’s AZ for you.

    • If there isn’t enough for premeditation, then why in the world would you go for 1st as a juror? M1 IS premeditation.

    • JW
      My problem with her is that she seems robotic and overly rehearsed like a student rather then a professional, she is completely not animated and seems to dislike Jodi and has a prejudice toward her. She sounds like she is reading a script. Also she did not spend enough time with Ms.Arias to make the diagnosis she has made, any responsible psychiatrist will tell you that. Sometimes if you read many articles on PTSD it will also intertwine with Borderline Disorder. You can read about that with veterans. She also mentions Jodie being emotionally immature, That is directly connected to child abuse, very common, with victims of child abuse.She gives a good facade of being factual and non bias but her overly prejudicial testimony contradicting Dr Samuels and LaViolette makes her not very credible in some areas also she has very little experience compared to The Defense experts, The Defense experts were not properly prepared in some areas like the Test that Samuels administered & LaViolette not being aware of certain aspects of the case she stated over and over again that Jodie shot Travis in the closet. People are very complex and all these diagnosis’s are relatively young and we know very little about the brain. In my opinion Jodi Arias is suffering from brainwashing in a cult since her change of personality changed enormously according to her ex boyfriend. When diagnosing a person you must look at the total picture not the one event and you need more then a couple of years experience to make these types of diagnosis. She lacks experience so she is a walking textbook she is more like a student.

    • Uh, but no.

      During Dr Samuels and Alyce LaViolette’s testimony, they did very well in explaining things that everyday people could understand and apply to their own lives. Plus they were kind and compassionate, qualities that are rare and undervalued in today’s society. But I don’t expect anyone pro-pros to understand the importance of empathy, so if you want to argue that point with me, it won’t work.

      This lady is not very well spoken, severely inexperienced, and just parrots what the Travis Taliban are saying. She is not very relatable and comes across as condescending.

      I was hoping for another expert to uplift people into higher understanding of psychology, but we’ve just got another HLN shill whose slotted for interviews after her testimony.

      Thumbs DOWN.

  140. Hey,hey,hey how come she gets to say ”premeditation” planning”??Is she a police officer/crime scene expert/attorney/prosecutor by any chance?

    • I was also in disbelief that she used the word “alleged” when referring to abuse by Travis. Not appropriate at all.

      • All witnesses for the opposing side say “alleged”…its just the legal way of saying, “we don’t believe you”. Totally common and insignificant.

          • JOURNALISTS will use the term “alleged” when reporting about a crime or about a suspect.

            “Alleged” in testimony is TOTALLY unacceptable.

    • No she is Jauns girlfriend/butt buddy if you will. Anyone who sucks let’s say up with Juan can pretty much spit on Jodi and get away with it. it’s disgusting but it s ok because when Jennifer gets up there this girl is going to wish she was back on stage getting dollars to pay for student loans instead of getting in bed with the devil.

  141. Do you see how he tries to sneak stuff in? Memory has nothing to do with cleaning.

  142. Ahhhh I just realized who she reminds me of.. She looks like she has actor Barry Pepper’s nostrils on!!!! Flaring nostrils and constant sniffling…two things I find annoying as fuck.

    • Flaring nostrils and constant puffing ?Hmmmm…….. isn’t that a dragon!! AHHH HAAA!! I knew something was off . she must be that dragon Jaun saw in that photo yesterday. I mean come on he say everything in there from Jesus to mexican Chi Chis. SO I know Dragon was in there somewhere!! LOL

  143. Are you fuckin serious? JM wants nostrils to talk about the CRIME SCENE after the fit he threw about Dr. Samuels speaking about it! If this judge allows this……stand by!!

  144. Oh yes KW on camera again. I am so sure she will like totally be super excited to talk to Dr Drew tonight about how awesome this witness is.

  145. Ya’ll see JW get up with that smile on her face, like, “this mother fucker”!!

  146. Sorry baby doc, but life and all its experiences ARE NOT black and white, like your facnsy textbooks.

  147. This is what always happens with expert witnesses.

    Each side puts up theirs. Each sides expert says the other side is full of baloney.

    The jury has two options. They either assess the relative credibility of each and take the opinion of the one they find more reliable, or they chuck out the testimony of both sides in as far as whatever it is the experts testified to.

    In this case we have two defense witnesses and this young lady. Obviously the experience of the two defense witnesses is miles ahead of hers. Hell they were probably practicing before she was born. Now it comes down to two factors:

    1. How much damage, in the jury’s mind did JM do to the credibility of the defense witness.
    2. What kind of reaming is Jennifer deliver to this young lady.

    We’ll just have to see.

    • Amen brother. Thats it in a nutshell. We have no way of knowing what this jury will decide to do regarding witnesses. I am hoping the questions they have, (if any) give us a little clue.

    • Good analysis. I think that they’ll likely cancel each other out as experts tend to do. Most juries recognize that these people are biased toward the side that they were hired for.

  148. This idiot was getting ready to tell us that behavior Jodi exhibited AFTER the fight-or-flight incident is not consistent with behavior DURING the fight-or-flight incident and therefore there was no fight-or-flight. WTF???

      • I REFUSE to do the same thing to this woman that the despicable haters did to Alyce! No way. They badgered and bullied and trash talked her without even knowing her! It was beyond the pale. I think we are above all that nonsense….at least I know I will not leave a bad review or trash a person who I do not know.

  149. Just as she laughed–how DARE she laugh, well, this IS a comedy, isn’t it?

    I lost video 🙁

  150. Hi all,
    Watching this woman testify has prompted me to leave my first post on here, although I have been following posts on this website for a while now.
    I have decided I am going to refer to this woman as a “highlighter” from now on. Honestly, she sounds like a poorly written college paper. Where did the prosecution dig her up????
    I am a MSW and worked as a therapist. Watched interns like this come and go and always hoped they would learn with some experience…
    Wow! She should be easy in cross by the defense.

  151. Flaring nostrils and constant puffing ?Hmmmm…….. isn’t that a dragon!! AHHH HAAA!! I knew something was off . she must be that dragon Jaun saw in that photo yesterday. I mean come on he say everything in there from Jesus to mexican Chi Chis. SO I know Dragon was in there somewhere!! LOL

    • haha she has the HOTS for Juan by body language to funny ! or could it be for JODI even Oh my !

      Excessive blinking

      –> showing romantic interest (if their pupils are dilated)

      –> sign of stress

      –> could be lying

      ————- SEXUAL AROUSAL AT ITS PEAK is flared nostrils. Doesn’t matter male or female if the person’s nostrils are flaring it means he/she has the hots for you.

  152. Im gonna slap my computer screen if she SNEERS one more time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  153. Hey guys, again today, I’m busy pulling clips, doing time stamps, etc for friends in the media and my Son is remotely using my old laptop as a proxy server for folks in SouthEastern Iran. (Communications down either because of quake and/or Iranian officials don’t want info getting out about damage/casualties in their poorest, basically neglected area of their country)
    We’ve got something new you’re about to hear on news-at least one envelope poisoned with ricin was found today at the US Capitol mail facility.
    I’m only catching bits & pieces of this GIRL’s testimony.
    I remember her kind in medical school-strictly by the books, never able to look “out of the box”-something you HAVE to do in medicine, psychiatry & psychology.

    • Right Lainey, I totally agree. Psychology isn’t just tests and crunching numbers.

      There’s plenty of jobs that focus on that. Accounting, data entry, census taking, ect.

    • Yes, they are trying to make it look like she was a working psychologist not a student, JW will clear it up.

    • Was she doing intake for the phones? She just things she’s knowledge in all mental health areas…..

  154. LOL a Year, year and a half experience with domestic violence victims…Pfft UNQUALIFIED!

      • Every single juror on that jury should be asking that all-important question. She has little experience and therefore little credibility.

        I don’t want to hear any more devil’s advocate posts about how “credible” she is or how the jury might “like her.” If that happens, it will be because they have been watching the media accounts.

  155. So earlier she stated that Jodi had a two hour memory gap, and just a few minutes she said a 4 – 5 hour memory gap. When working with DV I did NOT hear about her giving a test.

  156. how can she evaluate when she is not licensed?

    she is gonna piss me right the fuck off with her flippant attitude about DV

    • I think she is TRYING to appear confident and knowledgeable….might be the failed attempt at that iat comes off as flippant. I detest her voice. uuuHG

  157. She has to reference her CV which has nothing and ALV couldn’t access her 16 pages of CV to utilize?

  158. So the work she did with DV was before she obtained a phd or a masters, less education and experience than ALV at that point.

    • I would say she is very qualified to be Dr. Drew’s new assistant they would fit
      well together bashing people with more experience an knowledge in the field.

      35 years of experience compared to this kid on the stand disgusts me.

      Really if I went in for surgery do I want a brand new doctor or one that
      has 1000 cases under their belt already. I favor EXPERIENCE an that
      comes with age no way to just attain it by reading books etc.

  159. I ve always found that people who talk too much to be untruthful… always trying to convince you……

  160. I want to know how many psychologists Martinez went through before he finally found this one…

    • I know right!!! This was the best they could do???

      Dr Samuels and Alyce LaViolette – top 5% of qualifications and a seasoned trail blazer in domestic violence research.

      TOP of their fields.

      This lady? Barely out of school.


  161. She is breaking her hypocritical oath.

    She is doing harm, for no other reason than to publicly display her resume.

    No, she is going to discredit DV. She will be SMEARED by all professionals if she goes there…

    • Renee –

      I interpreted that she *did* smear Battered Women’s Syndrome especially by stating there is a freaking checklist to determine if a woman is suffering from it!

  162. I would be scared to have her evaluate my ptsd—holy cow victims must feel totally re-victimized by her lack of a knowledgable evaluation.

    • Yes exactly.

      Did you notice how she snuck in how “the definition of domestic violence has changed”?

      I was like WOW. Thanks so much, Aunty Ann, for emboldening abusers, rapists, and giving abused women the shaft.

  163. OH
    She doesnt see it as an abusive relationship????????And she’s a young woman! Have all her boyfriends treated her the way TA treated Jodi???? Would she have take it had they done so????????

    • She doesn’t even have compassion toward welfare children, maria.

      I would not allow her to treat my dog.

      She has ice for blood.

    • She’s delusional.

      It is NOT normal for boyfriends to call names, serial cheat, or use physical and sexual aggression to “punish” their girlfriends.

  164. How many previous times of abuse does it take for a perp of DV to kill their victim. SO many cases where it was only one episode!!!!!!

  165. FLUSH

    That is her career after she lowers herself to this level.

    She is discounting severe, proven mental and psychological abuse.

  166. This woman, Janne who is currently witnessing for the state, when I first saw her I thought to myself, OMG, they have one of Travis sisters on the stand. Obviously a short moments later I realized that she was not Travis’ sister. It’s uncanny how they look like one another down to how they both pierce their lips together, which cause those funny dimples around their mouth area! The hair is almost the same too. I am not sure the name of the sister but it’s not Tanisha or the one who seems to dye her hair all the time… Anyone know the name of that sister? Is it Samantha?

  167. She says there was NO ABUSE????? Not sufficient abuse?????

    And.. she’s lying? OMG

    She has LOST HER CAREER!

  168. That expert has not evaluated enough people in different situations…

    She said that memory is just not lost in a block of memory like Jodi claims her 4 hour loss of memory…she said that Jodi’s memory is just impeccable she remembers everything in such details..

    I disagree with the expert when …I am an artist too like Jodi is an artist…and artistic minded people are usually very gifted with remembering impeccable details of everything they see…

    Again…this is an inexperienced expert…probably has never evaluated a gifted, artistic, person before…

    • Corrected…I left out a sentence…

      That expert has not evaluated enough people in different situations…

      She said that memory is just not lost in a block of memory like Jodi claims her 4 hour loss of memory…she said that Jodi’s memory is just impeccable she remembers everything in such details before and after this loss of memory…

      I disagree with the expert when she said that about memory is just not lost in a block of memory like Jodi claims her 4 hour loss of memory …

      I am an artist too like Jodi is an artist…and artistic minded people are usually very gifted with remembering impeccable details of everything they see…

      Again…this is an inexperienced expert…probably has never evaluated a gifted, artistic, person before…


  169. Okay so when ALV testified, BWS is non-existent because it isn’t in the DSM. With this witness, there is criteria even though it isn’t in the DSM.

  170. I feel murderous rage towards this bitch.

    By her account, I am not a DV victim.

    • Yes same here Renee. I had to log off for awhile because according to her I do not meet her “criteria”. For BWS However my Psychiatrist (M.D. 25 year experience) and Psychologist (P.h.d 20 years)both agreed I was a DV survivor. But I guess since she is fresh out of school and there are new criteria that my doctors are clueless as well and have no idea what they are talking about.

  171. What about that email that TA made her write in order to STOP seeing Abe(i think?) ??? And him telling her whom to date and not?And the fact that he didnt like Rachel so Jodi felt guilty when hanging out with her?

  172. I think NG needs to lend Ms. ‘Highly’ qualified, the HAIR BARRETTE that she retired. That mop that keeps flopping forward is distracting.

  173. Medical Complaints WTF. She is making me sick with her so BS. Wow cross nice

  174. funny…she holds NO license in Michigan…I wondered what she did there….cook….housekeeper….lmao!!!

  175. Here we go. I do hope JW really goes after her. I think it is critical that JW not treat this witness as she has all the others.

  176. I think this young lady needs to go see the US Department of Justice’s definition of domestic violence, which I am listing here just to get all my buddies roiled up. 😉

    “We define domestic violence as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner. Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone.

    Physical Abuse: Hitting, slapping, shoving, grabbing, pinching, biting, hair pulling, etc are types of physical abuse. This type of abuse also includes denying a partner medical care or forcing alcohol and/or drug use upon him or her.

    Sexual Abuse: Coercing or attempting to coerce any sexual contact or behavior without consent. Sexual abuse includes, but is certainly not limited to, marital rape, attacks on sexual parts of the body, forcing sex after physical violence has occurred, or treating one in a sexually demeaning manner.

    Emotional Abuse: Undermining an individual’s sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem is abusive. This may include, but is not limited to constant criticism, diminishing one’s abilities, name-calling, or damaging one’s relationship with his or her children.

    Economic Abuse: Is defined as making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding one’s access to money, or forbidding one’s attendance at school or employment.

    Psychological Abuse: Elements of psychological abuse include – but are not limited to – causing fear by intimidation; threatening physical harm to self, partner, children, or partner’s family or friends; destruction of pets and property; and forcing isolation from family, friends, or school and/or work.

    Domestic violence can happen to anyone regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, religion, or gender. Domestic violence affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels. Domestic violence occurs in both opposite-sex and same-sex relationships and can happen to intimate partners who are married, living together, or dating.

    Domestic violence not only affects those who are abused, but also has a substantial effect on family members, friends, co-workers, other witnesses, and the community at large. Children, who grow up witnessing domestic violence, are among those seriously affected by this crime. Frequent exposure to violence in the home not only predisposes children to numerous social and physical problems, but also teaches them that violence is a normal way of life – therefore, increasing their risk of becoming society’s next generation of victims and abusers.”

    Now I don’t know whether its changed or not but this seems like what TA was doing.

    Maybe Jennifer ought to walk her through this.

  177. Wow… What a little shit! She has that level of immaturity she was say Jodi had..

  178. You can thank JUAN for this, and also your thirst for your spot on HLN!!

    See the cat coming out? She is sinking lower and lower in her chair.

  179. Jennifer is brilliant….

    That psychologist or doctor or fellowship…whatever she is calling herself….well she’s giving JW that “snarky” look…

    She keeps drinking water every few minutes…we can hear her touching the cup and gulping the water over the microphone…well I was wondering….Do they give them a “pee” break?

    • LOL, thats what I was wondering. I am feeling like running to the bathrm just looking at all the water she is drinking.

      • The camera showed her again pouring more water and drinking the water…

        GEE….I have never seen any one else drink so much water during this trial…is she thirsty or what????

    • Yes, I wonder if that’s a symptom of BPD? Not being able to hold down a job might be a symptom of not having a stable sense of self.

      The fact that she waited a year shows that her identity was wrapped up in the licensed therapist above her, illustrating her fear of abandonment by authority figures.

      See? Just shows anyone can fit the criteria of BPD, if one looks hard enough.

  180. Goodness, talk about trying to put lipstick on a pig! I think this is gonna backfire all up in Juan’s ass so yay! Valley girl said Jodi’s memory loss is ‘irrational’ because Jodi told her when she saw blood on her hands in the desert she thought ‘oh I killed him’ and ‘if she had no memory of the event then why would she jump to that conclusion’? Hellooo…no one said she had lost her memory from birth. Jodi says she has patchy memories of the trauma. Also VGirl said ‘she should have more memories the more she talks about it.’ But, according to the real expert, Samuels, if the hippocampus goes into overdrive, no new memories are formed. I can’t wait to see JW and KN bring it!!!

  181. Ooohhhh refer to the notes!!! Memory problems memory problems!!! Hehehehe I’m loving this so far

  182. Wow, she’s getting bitchy with JW…… Thanks what you get for lying….. or fabricating your CV

  183. Jennifer is getting to little miss phd’s hot buttons…lol.. calling her on her bs testimony…defending herself and stumbling on her words..wonder why???

    • And, get some of those drinks with umbrellas in them.

      PS. is KN dozing off?? lol

    • She ROCKED THIS JOINT!!!! I meet you all on the deck in 15 so we can bask in the rays TOGETHER!

  184. jm reminds me of the PENGUIN character from Batman, when he hunches his back and walks around. hhmmmm…

    • Oh I can see that ! creepy ! he is the Penguin so mean all he needs is the face paint.

  185. I had no compassion…….but it’s possible to have some with children who have been beaten.

  186. Watching this with no sound because I am not in a place where I can listen, but she does not seem to be smiling anymore (DeMarte, I mean).

    I feel like it is obvious both Nurmi and Willmott believe Jodi and are not just defending her because they have to.

  187. Ewwww… Did she feel compassion off the bat , no. She is incapable of feeling compassion.

    • Wait, did she actually say that she’s incapable of feeling compassion? Then why the hell would she go into psychiatry? You have to, you know, want to HELP people.

    • she’s an intern evaluator…please….just because she has education for a phd doesnt give her a degree of a quality doctor….i bet she couldnt keep a job because of her lack of compassion, desire to control and maybe even a back stabber…oooo, did i just say that??? lol

      • Good, accurate observation. A lot of the ‘experience’ she claims sounds like ‘clinicals’ wheras you have to spend time in a real setting and approved by the school you are attending. In short, she is using class time as experience.

  188. lmao!!! oh baby doc you have so much to learn….arrogant ass you are!! GO JW GO!!!!

  189. Baby Doc has a lot to learn if she thinks college teaches you more than 30 years experience. That will turn off any older members of the jury. It turned me off for sure.

    • I agree Jeff…as well it should.

      so she has supervisor experience and barely any clinical experience?

    • About now she needs something ‘stronger’ than water. Check all that gulping she’s doing…

  190. Just asked my 10 and 11 yr. old and they even said school is good but experience makes perfect!!

  191. this is what i remember at my old job….

    LCSW (licensed clinical social worker) and she supervised the MSW interns working on their masters in social work while these interns work on their thesis to get their MSW.

    This girl is a NUT and I can already see these professionals talking smack about her

  192. We I’m going to go find some dog doo to

    clean up…. and I don’t even have a dog.

  193. I bet all her coworkers dislike her.. Don’t mean to be snarky but she reminds me of some of the baby know it all docs that in work with…

    • yup…she wouldn’t last a week at our hospital. The nurese would eat her up…lmao!! You piss off the nurses, you might as well not come to work. Definitely has a superiority complex

  194. Their is a part of her that reminds me of Jenna Elfman, and in some lifetime movie I saw where she was wacko.

    • Yes. The one where she fantasizes that she is in a relationship with this doc or something, right? and finally ends up in a loony bin?

  195. Jenny is eating this bitch for breakfast.

    Happy Dance 😆

    I am sorry for doubting you Jenny!!

  196. In explaining herself…she sounds like she did more teaching and supervising than anything else…

        • Yes, the comment of “Education is more important than experience” is crazy. I remember when I graduted and was a GN (graduate nurse), I was terrified that I didn’t know enough. It was the GNs who thought they knew everything that were scary.

          • I agree. When I was in nursing school getting my BScN of course there were classmates who definitely got better marks than I but I would shudder at the thought of ever having them as my nurse. Absolutely NO common sense, NO empathy, and very little caring. Give me a compassionate nurse over a straight A student any day.

  197. She is so massively arrogant and narcissistic. Sad for a woman so young to think she can’t learn anything or feel compassion.

  198. She SAID she SUPERVISED Alyce LaVioletter– in the morning session… then in the afternoon sessions, she says she has NEVER MET HER!

    She’s a LIAR!

    • No, she never lied. She said she KNEW OF (heard of) Alyce. Then Martinez asked her if ALV would be someone that DeMarte would supervise. She said yes (because of the degrees)

    • No,in the morning session she was asked a 2d conditional question”Would you supervise ALV …” since she has a PhD and Alyce doesnt.TECHNICALLY she’s her superior according to Juanito.

      • Could’ve sworn she said she supervised Alyce in the morning session. I remember feeling shocked she could say that. Must have misheard.

        • I bet some on the jury thought the same so it’s really good that JW clarified that point. I bet JM wanted the jury to think that!

    • “Practicing” with supervision. Haha!! Hell, she was ‘practicing’ when she was an undergrad.
      And “immediately” promoted to “director”–overseeing “one, ur… maybe four….urrr…mmmm…well…it changed all the time….??”

  199. Notice the difference in styles here? The way JW coolly and calmly asks the questions as opposed to that nut bar Martinez wailing and flailing away? JW is getting so much more accomplished with this style of questioning than that ass face Kermit ever will.

  200. Just reading through all of your comments! This is hysterical! If ‘little miss’ wasn’t such a snoot I’d actually feel sorry for her.
    JW, by the way, is incredible.

  201. Now she looks somewhat pissed and perturbed with JW questioning her…such arrogance…

  202. Her confidence is D..W…i..n…d….l….i…..n……g
    “I’m melting, I’m melting…………….”

    • I think because they think she is gay an hinted that she had feelings based
      on that Jodi was good at manipulating people just like they accused Dr.
      Samuels of. Pure BULL CRAP !

      Just because you send a client or what ever they call Jodi in there a book
      or magazine it means your in LOVE with her have feelings for her it is just
      nuts. An really makes me mad.

      SO I can say the same thing here this woman on the stand now has flared
      her nostrils so many times while speaking that I looked up the body language
      for that the excessive blinking an nostril flaring ………..she is either in LOVE
      JM or Jodi not sure which maybe BOTH ! ha

  203. Mental health professionals who are on board, please help me out here. Couldn’t a person be dually diagnosed with PTSD and BPD? And why is being diagnosed with BPD viewed as being so distasteful? I’m truly confused.

    • SD,
      Absolutely, you can be dual diagnosed with many things. I am dual dx with Bi-polar and PTSD.

      • Borderlines can be very hard to treat, its unfortunate that they are viewed that way. Its a very difficult disorder, and very misunderstood.

          • Not impossible, but takes YEARS of therapy and behavior modification in order for it to work. Most Borderlines don’t even acknowledge they have a problem, which is even more difficult to work with. But it can be ‘controlled” to a certain extent, but there is no cure…its a very unfortunate diagnosis.
            I think there are some doctors on this site that can probably give a more accurate description of treatment, my patients are mostly PTSD, chronic mental illness and/ or addiction issues.

        • Thanks Anna and Melvis for your replies. I’ve gotten the impression that it’s favorable to have PTSD over BPD in terms of defense for Jodi. However, I would think that having BPD would also go to her defense. I don’t know…just mulling all this over in my mind.

    • I’m not a mental health professional but I do know quite a bit about it. BPD is highly controversial. Firstly, 2/3 of the people diagnosed with it are women. Secondly, it’s notorious for being used by professionals to diagnose patients they don’t like or who are difficult.

      BPD and PTSD have overlapping symptoms. It would be very easy to diagnose someone with the wrong one.

      Basically, BPD is highly stigmatizing. PTSD is not so much because it indicates that a person has survived a traumatic event or events. BPD labels the person as ‘personality disordered’ even though they too may have survived many traumatic events.

      I spent many a time with mental health professionals. I’m an incest survivor. The only professional who used the term BPD worked for an insurance company who wanted to deny a claim. This woman is part of what is wrong with mental health.

      • Why is it highly stigmatizing? I don’t get that. Is it sort of like being diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder or sociapathy, which people like Ted Bundy were diagnosed with?

        • Believe me, I know what it’s like to love someone with a mental disorder whose very being I feel I have to defend all the time. My son has paranoid schizophrenia and I feel like I’m constantly having to help dissipate society’s myths that go along with that diagnosis.

          • Right. And this “dr” just did the opposite. Everyone knows BPD is female version of ASPD right now in society. Used to be that ppl would say bipolar flippantly. I hear people throwing around BPD like they did with Bipolar 20 years ago. The masses said Casey had BPD when her MMPI was normal. Her going into the crime scene, no way! She lacks experience. I can’t say it enough. She is not a credible witness.

            • They still throw around the word Bipolar too much. I still think it is very misunderstood and when people are moody they love to throw that word around. It gets exhausting having to hide my illness because of the stigma and the fear it creates in people. After 25 years the stigma still seems just as bad. This goes for all mental illnesses.

            • JC, I didn’t know that BPD is female version of ASPD right now in society. I admittedly don’t know much about personality disorders.

              Alaina, doctors have commented to me that my son may never recover totally from his mental illness (and they’ve told me that he is more likely to succeed because of my total love, acceptance and involvement with his life), but that he can live a relatively happy life. In retrospect, how much more can any of us ask for? I wish us all a good life and pray for those whose lives are less than our own.

              • It is so good your son has your love. There are so many that I know that have a mental illness and their family and friends abandoned them because of it. Family support and love have kept me going this long and I am thankful for that. I still work with groups though to fight the stigma because I do hope one day mental illness will be better understood and lessen the stigma.

          • Same here. I found out I had Bipolar Disorder at age 16. I have been fighting the stigma of that since then and I am now 40 and it has not approved much. It is a chemical imbalance that I was born with but people want to think of me as damaged goods. I think that is why I had to mute it when she was talking about Jodi and BPD. She was talking about her in this very superior attitude and sounded very judgemental of her. She was even laughing at times. I have had to sit across from her type before and they do more harm than good. She has the education but in her field you need the compassion to be effective. I never would open up to doctors like her.

      • well said Sam.

        Renee or Also Abused also pointed out that women who aren’t “good girls” get diagnosed with BPD, as their actions are pathologized as mental illness if they aren’t monogamous or settled down yet.

    • Yes, PTSD and BPD very often occur together. Traditionally, mental health professionals have regarded people with BPD in a very negative manner, because they see them as manipulative and with nasty dispositions. However, this is not necessarily true. In fact, if you look at the diagnostic criteria for BPD, you will find no mention of manipulation. Also, it is possible to qualify for BPD without having an angry, aggressive disposition. This is only one of nine criteria. Only five are required for the diagnosis. People also talk about “splitting,” i.e., pitting one professional against another. This also is not necessarily true for people with BPD. These individuals essentially have great difficulty in regulating emotion which leads to chaos, but necessarily angry emotions. The disorder might be better called Emotion Dysregulation Disorder. This difficulty in emotional regulation generally results in chaos in the person’s life. The person with BPD simply tries to reduce the emotional pain and chaos, and their behavior is not focused on the other person (i.e., manipulation) so much as it is an effort to avoid emotional pain. They experience emotional pain more quickly than others because they are highly sensitive individuals who have been emotionally invalidated by parents and significant others.

    • Nah! He’s spending QUALITY time with Flora, who was feeling neglected…. 🙂

    • i’m wondering if Juan is having a personal relationship w the witness….ya know what they say, those that accuse it are doing it. JM had no problem accusing both ALV and Dr. S of personal relationships, sending gifts etc….hmmmm. i kept noticing little smirks, smiles, giggles towards JM and and just overly pleasant w him. I wouldnt have thought much more of it except her personality completely changed to being defensive and with an attitude when jennifer began questioning her and not being of a threat what so ever….there is something fishy..

  204. I am behind so I’m not to cross yet! I hope Vgirl gets soooo nervous they have to hook an IV to her filled with Pedialyte!! I can’t wait!!!

  205. My cheeks hurt!! I can’t stop smiling!! I think I even burnt my food on the stove because I couldn’t leave the TV!! FML!! Lol

  206. Oh dear. I think after today Baby Doc is gonna need a doc. She’s getting her ass handed to her.

      • That’s funny Al, I almost posted earlier today that JW was looking like a mama tiger going after some prey, but I thought….nah, people will think I’m nutterbutter or something.


        A tiger!

    • Damn why didn’t JW jump on that yet??

      baby doc said you don’t start practicing until you are licensed…but that is not what she said.

  207. She’s pouring that damn water again…Doesn’t she ever have to go “pee”???

  208. omg….her testimony is so defensive and snotty, completely disrespectful of the court as well as Jennifer with this attitude she has. How unprofessional and ignorant! she ought to be ashamed of herself for over qualifying herself for this case…wonder if JM is sleeping with her or something 😉

    • or maybe TA’s brother is…lol. sorry mind mind just cant understand how this witness qualifies as an expert or evaluator of domestic violence and ptsd.

      • oh boy, dont get my thoughts going…lol…i can only imagine what goes on behind JM’s closed doors

    • Tracey! LMAO! I said the same thing when JM whispered in her ear after berating her on the stand. He’s probably sleeping with her.

      Can you imagine the angry babies they would create?

    • Yeah, Jennifer Willmott is not nearly as rude or abrasive as Juan Martinez. So… her snotty little attitude IMO was uncalled for.

      If she has a problem with her credentials standing up to scrutiny, she should have thought about that before taking the case.

      No, maybe she should have thought of that before going into psychology. Perhaps she thought by going into psychology she could assert herself over the weaker willed and those of lower status. Kind of like Travis Alexander being an elder of a church without any intentions of fulfilling the duties of such.

      • So right MB. She has no desire to be a real therapist, she wants to be boss lady. Would love to hear what the poor interns she “supervised” thought of her. My guess is they fell like flies because they couldn’t stand working for her.

      • i was talking about the witness being snotty…Jennifer is kicking ass in my opinion 🙂 I love Jennifer’s classy and professional way of making her point.

    • THat would explain the sour look on her face. It’s obvious he’s compensating for something. Prob drives a big truck.

  209. I know this is going to sound weird but…

    I just realized Janeen looks EXACTLY like my uncle on my mom’s side.

    I shit you not. If he were younger, put a wig and a dress on him and they’d be a splitting image.

    I’m not joking!!!

      • No, I do not think she’s pretty. But then I don’t think it matters either because I don’t judge people by their looks.

        Her attitude is her worst attribute, IMO.

        • She is a young, know it all, whippersnapper. I can say that because I am 69 years old. lol.

          I have been in therapy about 5 times over my lifetime and if I was looking for someone right now she would be crossed off my list immediately upon our first visit….or even during the initial phone call. She is nothing more than a “textbook psychologist” who can’t think outside the box. I have always sought out middle aged women for therapy and it is hard finding one that takes my medicare insurance. The last one I went to would not let me complete a thought or a sentence without interrupting my train of thought and challenging every thing I said. I lasted 3 sessions with her and gave up.

          This young, arrogant therapist has a lot to learn.

    • She looks alot like my sister who passed away in May 2009. sigh.:( Its kinda hard to watch.

    • Bwahahah! That is hilarious! I can’t speak on her looks but her experience leaves a LOT to be desired. I mean she wasn’t even licensed when this crime took place was she? Geeeeez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      ITA with the person above who said this is the perfect opportunity to pull a JM and get the witness rattled a bit. I think if ever they’ve got a chance to throw someone of their game….she’s it. GO TEAM JODI!!!!!!

  210. I think the State could have problems with this woman being allowed to testify as a witness.

    Any of the legal eagles on here know if this can be an issue?

  211. This really happened yesterday.

    My husband was in the shower, my daughter’s been here with us
    and she was waiting to help him out, since he broke the femur of the left leg and can only use his

    He statred falling and she yelled for me. There is about a 8 inch ledge he has just gotten over, thank goodness. A friend of ours happened to be here OR we would have had to call 911 to help get him up.
    He’s about 6’2″
    190 pounds and my daughter couldn’t do anything by herself and she weighs more than Jodi.
    What I’m saying is that it took our friend and myself and daughter to get him on the bed.

    Explain how Jodi did this. The same way the magic camera took a picture of someone’s leg just by going off itself?

    My point is the more I hear the less I believe she could defend herself against a wrestler and the way that he kicks. He kicks high and he could kick anything out of her hand.

    • Aly that has been bugging me too,but I guess what we need to take into consideration is all the adrenaline rush when in a state of fight or flight situation.

    • Aly she has admitted to it. And while I too find it hard to see how TA couldn’t have knocked her out, the fact is he didn’t.

    • I have always had an issue with that story as well. I can hardly drag myself out the shower:>)))))))

    • ALY—-I agree with you. But not many do. And since she is saying Self Defense that is what they
      are going on.

      But I still say she does not remember after the shot to Travis’s head an then was
      tackled for the second time to the tile in the bathroom. I can’t believe she did not go unconscious
      she never had a scan for a concussion. Football players even do that after a head shot a
      few times. They can tell if she did have a concussion

      Just a lot of FOGGY areas. SO hopefully the Jury see’s the area of doubt in it all.
      As in she did not do all of that so ACQUITTAL

      They already did the replay on the stabbing an shot on that stupid Joke News an could
      not do it in the time allotted according to the photo’s. So if anyone on the Jury is watching
      they will have a lot of doubt I am sure of that.

      • “My point is the more I hear the less I believe she could defend herself against a wrestler and the way that he kicks. He kicks high and he could kick anything out of her hand.”

        I may not have said this right without adding
        “The only way to defend herself was to kill him.”

        And he the advantage of being big and fast kicker like he plays in that crazy cartoon guy is supposed to be. I mean he’s fast and a high kicker.

        I know Jodi admitted to it, BUT believe it or not, I was talking to someone yesterday who is about my size, smaller and she said the same thing.
        She wasn’t a mouth piece like most I hear about Jodi did it, Case closed!
        She can’t believe Jodi did it
        And that’s what I mean.
        My friend was talking about someone that admitted to a killing and spent several years in jail. THEN they found out she/he wasn’t guily.

        I’m most concerned about the friends not trying to find out about Travis since they had been told in Cancun by David Hughes that Travis was dead. He said that he got a text when they were leaving to go to Cancun and that he was going to tell all of those there when he got to Cancun.
        Yet they waited 5 days to check, also the roommates being there the 5 days Travis was dead, they even used the washer.

        What I mean is those things really are what I want to hear.
        That’s what makes me think Jodi may be taking the blame.

        If she isn’t then I KNOW she had to defend herself and the only option was to shoot him.

    • I thought she went to school in Mass and Mich . . . is she a valley girl to start with?

  212. And, that brings the Grilling to a conclusion for the day! Tomm (with JW armed with more ammunition, should be spectacular).

  213. JM is probably screaming at her….I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO UPDATE YOUR CV. DO YOU HAVE MEMORY PROBLEMS?? (witness cries)

  214. Great Job JW I would say she can go home with a smile on her face and a pep in her step.

  215. I can’t help it. I do feel a little bit sorry for this gal. She’s young, and clearly caught at all of the stretches she has made to her claims of experience and expertise. Granted, she is a snot, but I still feel a little sorry for her. She must want to cry right now. We all learn to grow up, but she learned the hard way today, and has really made a fool of herself.

    • Then let her cry her eyes out!And mind you this a DP case,not a playground.She brought this to herself!

      • I agree. She should of not balloned her experience. Granted she has education, but not so much experience. Besides, she won’t cry >> remember she’s got snot and education.

    • I dont feel bad for her either, SOMEONE had to pop her bubble. And im glad it was mrs JM (a REAL professional)! She’ll maybe learn from this experience (since she doesn’t have any).

    • She’s 32; not that young. If she’s as smart and together as she claims, she’ll be fine.

    • I agree with maria. I have no sympathy for someone who takes the stand in a high profile death penalty case, parroting what the media says then gets all snotty and defensive when someone takes a closer look at her credentials.

      Dr Samuels and Alyce LaViolette had to DEFEND theirs… and they had 30+ experience each in their field. Top experts of their vocations.

      So yeah, she can go home and cry into her pillow. I’m fine with that.

      • She’s grossly inexperienced.

        I have as much compassion for *Dr.* DeMarte as she had toward those homeless children she supposedly counseled.

    • I have felt that he still barks at her, but since she is saying what she wants, she isn’t limited to yes or no. She is quite concise on most of what I have watched so far.

      • Yes it is obvious she has lecturing/speaking experience but that is all it is. Their is a difference between text experience and life experience with people.

  216. I am still catching up. JM seems to bark at his own witnesses too. She has looked like a deer in the headlights a few times. I am finding this is kind of boring. Haven’t gotten to cross yet.

    • Where are you watching it? I would like to watch the afternoon session, now, if possible…

    • Aren’t different schools better for different areas of psychology. I don’t know a ton on it.

      • Well MSU is not like Uof M. Did you notice how JM kept saying UofM until baby corrected him too much.

      • U of M one of the tops in the country for psychology. I don’t know why she went to MSU prob couldn’t get into U of M.

  217. This is why I like Dr Samuels and Alyce LaViolette better.

    They are interested in HELPING people, not pathologizing them or sticking them into some category to suit someone else’s agenda.

    • Placing people in psychological categories is not necessarily bad as long as doctors do it in order to HEL P not JUDGE or criticize them! That’s what ‘s wrong with Dr Martian!

      • Right, I totally agree maria – that is how the conversation HLN has started about Jodi’s “mental state.” They don’t care, they just want to judge and stigmatize.

  218. Jennifer is brilliant!! Wow! 🙂 That “Dr.” was SO defensive…claws out! She looked like such an angry witch, especially compared to an angelic Jodi in her cream-colored sweater with the little bow. Pheeew! I was relieved when JW rocked the “doc.”

    • No offense intended to witches,I suppose right?LOL!I love witches.That baby Doc doesnt deserve to be called one! Can we agree on snooty goodie-goodie?I like that better!

      • Of course! No offense intended. I should have used something more accurate, like a self-interested persecutor who is totally laking compassion and experience.

        • Especially someone so conceited and pretentious.I bet she was hostile to Jodi from the get go!

          • Oh I would’ve gaven her such a hard time. Im guessing Jodi did wonder she only spent 12 hrs with jodi!!! Jodi didn’t want her stank ass to come back, she wanted ALV!

            • I’m thinking that’s why the results of Jodi’s MMPI might have come back the way they did with aggression and all because of this very fact. If Jodi had any ill feelings toward the person administering the test it could have put her in a “funk” while taking the test. Ya’ know?

  219. Wow Juan didn’t even wait for Judge to rule on JW’s hearsay objection. He just plowed right along.

    Shows exactly who is in charge of that courtroom.

  220. What a LIE! Stating, under oath, that every family member, friend and co-worker would know when a person they know is a sexual predator.

    Why then are women raped by co-workers? Clients? Family members? Friends? If they *know*, why, every woman could prevent date rape and incest!

    She can’t even hold a job longer than a couple months before taking over her unknown clinic? She strikes me as the one with BPD!

        • Yah, Jerry is a classic pedo. I feel much compassion for his wife. I’m sure she had no idea. Did you know one of his sons denied that he had been abused until half-way through the trial? That is typical. None of his victims wanted to come forward and the first one who did was bullied so bad he had to switch schools. This woman is in la-la land. No clue.

          • Oh, I think his wife knew and turned a blind eye. At least one witness said that she was home while he was screaming in the basement during one of Jerry’s assaults. She liked the prestige of being Jerry’s wife and kept quiet IMO.

            • Chris and Sky Hughes knew what Travis was and how he treated women enough to warn Jodi not to date him and that they wouldn’t let their sister date Travis either.

              People know. They rarely tell. IMO.

    • Yea herr stupid ass just saying that madecher look SOOOOOO unexperienced! !! That was the wrong answer, girl!!! BIG FAIL!!!

    • WTH?! In the group I was in (partners of SA’s or sex addicts) often the SA’s ‘escalate’ into dangerous behaviors. Some seek out prostitutes, some stalk and watch and a few go to rape and worse. There was not ONE woman in that group that knew her partner was out stalking/raping/purchasing. Not even one of us. Most of us didn’t even know we were being abused for years! The fact that this so-called expert made that statement alone tells me she is an absolute fraud!

    • I know right??

      It’s like if something doesn’t go her way, POOF she’s off and gone doing something else.

      The lack of stability is clear. And I’m still wondering how the heck she ended up in Arizona of all places.

  221. “unstable and intense interpersonal relationships.”

    Sounds like Travis, actually. Idealize vs despise, this is TA’s modus operandi.

    Jodi was the one who maintained long term relationships. Not Travis.

    • yeah who has Jaun PROVEN had 3 ongoing sexually explicit relationships and 2 not sexual AT THE SAME TIME thats 5. Jodi had 1 travis unless you consider ryan a relationship then she had 2 at the most at one time . what the hell is this dumby talking about. How can the jury Possibly believe Rainbow Bright up there when she is trying to talk against not 1 but 2 EXPERTS with 60 years between them ? Hasn’t she only been practicing for 6 years or something ? I am googleing her in a minute.

  222. Still haven’t made it! Damn HLN! But I see it went well and the girl has ALL night to dread the rest of it. She may have to make a late night ER visit due to anxiety. But from what I’ve seen she’s too emotionless and arrogantly clueless to realize how bad she is doing so that probly won’t be necessary.

  223. Any person who doesn’t have compassion for an abused child is very cold and heartless. And she actually said after a while she would develop some compassion. That is all I need to know about this person.

    • Same same.

      Of all the people to be compassionate to, or biased towards, abused children would be the most understandable.

      She doesn’t even have that.

      Why is she a psychologist then? We need LESS people like her in psychology, and MORE people like Dr Samuels and Alyce LaViolette in that field.

  224. I am not normally like this but goodness lady come off the high horse.

    • Yep, with some older members, who I would be willing to bet have some real life experiences and know the importance of it. Real life experience before computers, cell phones, and the latest electronic gadgets. Older people who did not live in the vitual world.

  225. Having worked in the medical profession for almost 30, you can show compassion and still be objective. It doesn’t hurt to show patients kindness, sympathy, or whatever else, and you CAN still do your job, maybe even better.

    • Oh please, TB1, don’t you realize how old fashioned you are? I mean, seriously, showing “compassion”? You need to go back to school and learn how to administer tests on these people. You barely even need to talk to them. As long as you administer the tests and you learn all the stuff you need to learn in school, compassion can be thrown out the window. It’s such a waste of energy. Simply do your tests, drink a lot of water, and you’ll be called an expert, don’t you know?

      (Dripping with sarcasm, obviously.)

  226. What is going on with the feed? Is court in recess or no? I thought it was then it seemed like it wasn’t then it rewinded a while. Then it seemed ok again then poof out f nowhere the Seal shows up. I’m so confused.

  227. Hi guys,
    I’ve been trying to read all you’ve been saying about this girl up there on the stand. She reminds me of a student who put on her big girl suit. I have borderline personality disorder. I don’t really know if Jodi does but this could be good for the defense. I have thankfully found treatment after 15 years of being misdiagnosed (I also have bipolar disorder)! I am 33 now. So as a teen I was hard to take. I remember being so mad I put my fist through the wall. I tried to fix it, I forget how it’s a whole blur and then I made up a story that I don’t even remember so that I wouldn’t get into trouble. But, I never got away with it. I would get so mad that I would freak out and “black out”. A girl in high school actually said she’d wouldn’t fight me because I was too crazy. LOL. At least I didn’t get beat up. When I felt threatened I just reacted and would get so scared I would try to fix things, but really I wouldn’t fix anything I was just so panicked I made it worse. I was in all honors classes and was told I have above average intelligence so if I wanted to clean up after myself and I was thinking clearly I could have. I don’t know how I would react now because I’m on a ton of meds, but I don’t miss a month without seeing my psych. If Jodi has BPD and this was premeditated she would have had a better plan! This ladys testimony is pretty much saying this was not premeditated if you ask me having lived with this disorder.

    Since reading your posts all I can do is listen to her lip smacking, thanks a lot, just kidding LOL. I did notice she was drinking a lot of water.

    On the note of HLN – who is Jane Velez-Mitchell? They say something like she’s a dancer, she battled an eating disorder, her parent was an actor, she wrote a book and when she has an opinion she tells it. Okay, so that gives her a tv show? This channel confuses me. On Dr. Drew they have random people on that sit in the courtroom every day. On that show at 10 I don’t watch they have a studio jury. Do they just pull people off the street? Are you mean? Do you like to say (yell) nasty things about people you’ve never met? Well HLN has the job for you!

    • Beautiful post, thank you for sharing!

      “If Jodi has BPD and this was premeditated she would have had a better plan!”

      Right, it’s just common sense that if Jodi were this criminal mastermind so focused on premeditated murder, that her plan would be a lot better than the state is alleging.

  228. JVM just said, with great excitement, “She’s an EXPERT in domestic violence and she says Jodi didn’t suffer from domestic violence!”

    • Asking women questions for a research study when you only have a BA degree doesn’t make you an expert, but maybe she did sleep at a Holiday Inn, so I guess you can call yourself anything you wanted. I think she would have come across a little better if she had showed something like human emotion and she basically said I know better because I have school, experience isn’t important.

    • And did JVM observe these impeccable details while watching the trial…

      1…that she’s an expert at pouring water from a pitcher..but that doesn’t maker her a water faucet…

      2.. that she’s an expert in drinking a lot of water..but that doesn’t make her an ocean…

  229. OK, this is rebuttal. Then there is a surebuttal or something? Anyone know who the planned witnesses are for that? Would Alyce be coming back? This chick knows nothing about DV.

  230. I had to step away for a little while. Is the trial still going on? I can’t get the live stream going. 🙁

  231. Ughhh…NOT my day, (off topic) its trash night, sooo…outside I go, to roll the trash can down to the curb, and rolled it right over my foot, and I’m in sandals. OUCH. Then I go next door to feed the 3 dogs I have been dogsitting since Friday night, and slip on the wet grass and fall on my ass. OUCH again. Back home now, and I decided I need a drumstick for all my troubles and woes…guess what!? Yepp, 1 tiny lick/bite, the whole damn top of the cone falls on the living room floor, (of course not the kitchen which is laminate, but on carpet) I go to get a paper towel and by the time I come back my dog is licking her chops and has little pieces of peanuts in her whiskers. At least that made me laugh. My toe hurts and my butt hurts.

    • Hhhaaaa thats the funniest thing, Anna, im sorry, I hope ur ok, its just funny cuz I pictured it in my head!! Lol

      • Thanks all…I’m ok, it is actually funny now that its over. Seems like once you have something like that happen to you, the whole day goes that way! Oh well, my dog is happy, she got real ice cream instead of her usual Frosty Paw. 🙂

        • Anna, sounds like you had an experience with “Murphy’s Law” 🙂 Been there many, many, times (kids get a few laughs here and there).

  232. Wow. A parody aired on Jane Valez-Mitchell about Jodi Arias.

    This is a slap on every person suffering from a mental illness.

    For shame.

    • There are segments of our population that are going to suffer from the disgusting propaganda they put out about this trial – women, abuse (including rape) victims, and now those who struggle with mental disorders.

      I am so pissed at them I do not watch them anymore. All they do is bring out the worst in people.

      They should be taken off the air. They are doing society no favors.

      They present themselves as a legitimate news agency with a progressive agenda, with kind and caring news personalities that pretend to value victims’ rights; in reality they are a bunch of bullies that appeal to the lowest common denominator of society.

      I wonder how Dr Drew sleeps at night, knowing that the only kind of people who are going to gravitate to him are emotionally imbalanced ignorants with no class or self respect.

      • HLN is very offensive. I don’t get offended easily! I usually don’t care what others have to say, not to be mean but everyone has their own opinion and I don’t take things personally. I really don’t argue with people. Everyone has their opinions because of what they’ve been through in life. If someone is starting to make me uncomfortable I just take myself away from the situation. But HLN offended me so much with their “doctors” I sent an email to NAMI the National Alliance for Mental Illness. I was really annoyed that they diagnosed Jodi without ever meeting her and then laughed about things!! I emailed Dr. Drews show but because I’m pro Jodi they probably ignored me. I emailed them 5 times. So I emailed NAMI. They’re super busy so they may not get to my email either, but I’ve never seen anything like this. There are “doctors” using words like crazy and coo-coo and nuts. Then there’s all of the people calling in who are jumping on the band wagon. I was a fan of Dr. Drew too but not anymore.

  233. How many people think she might be over exaggerating her C.V. (JW already called ger out on one of the places where she supposedly worked changed their name).

    • Over exaggerating is putting it mildly. JW has already found more problems on her 5 page cv, than JM did in 2 days on ALV 34 page on.

          • After reading the comments…I feel that she was the TA (teaching assistant) working under some Professor…some of the students referred to her a grad student…

            Another student made comment that they felt they would have learned more had they taken that class with Bert Karon…

            Another student said that she doesn’t post her powerpoints on ANGEL, which was intially annoying but she didn’t require a book…

            So how does a TA (teaching assistant) teach a course without a book???

            I had books in all of my psychology classes…hmmm…

  234. Nancy DisGrace sensationalism at its worst.

    That woman needs a lifetime padded cell.

      • I’m sure she’s already given Manson some conjugal visits. Strikes me as the type who is aroused by the Manson type.

        • Nancy probably admires Manson’s ability to brainwash people. She’s been attempting it for years.

  235. I’d love to see Ms. Willmott further exploit her inexperience by high lighting the fact her laptop was supposedly STOLEN from her house with Jodi’s medical information on it. It’s a very big deal only because she violated HIPAA 101.

    It truly begs a series of questions…

    WTF was she doing with Jodi’s medical information on her personal laptop??

    Most any reputable (and ‘experienced’) health care professional KNOWS not to store client information on their personal computer/laptop.

    And while were on the subject of having client files on personal laptops, WTF did she do to safeguard the material???

    Under HIPAA, the material containing any of the PHI MUST be transmitted securely whether physically or digitally. I can guaran-damn-tee she does NOT have a secure IP connection at her house which encrypts all of her transmitted emails and you KNOW she was emailing Jodi’s shit all over creation and back.

    In most cases, only INEXPERIENCED (or careless) idiots manage to violate HIPAA regulations. Ms. Willmott would be very wise to further highlight this quack’s inept abilities to even keep her client file(s) properly secured and FOLLOW simple regulations set forth by the Federal Government. She is NOT an exception to HIPAA regulations like she might think she is or that they don’t apply to her. I’m itchin to hear her explanation of idiocy on this subject matter.

      • UNLESS she conducts business in/at her home, then it is not a violation. However, she has an office independent of her home so trying to say she practices in her home would likely NOT go over very well at all!

        I specialized in Medical malpractice for 8 years before defecting to criminal law.

        • I work in the medical field and have what’s called, “remote access” from any location using a VPN(virtual private network) to our systems healthcare records. So, I’m not so sure her completing reports from her home is really all that unethical.

          Was there proof JAs personal info was stored on that computers hard drive?

      • I am not sure I understand why this is. Doctor Samuels said he had reviewed some of Jodi’s files at home. Were they not allowed to do that?

    • Hopefully we have someone on here that get that information to her pronto…

      • word correction…now I’m going to get another styrofoam cup of water…

        Hopefully we have someone on here that get that information to her prompto…

      • Show me the police report on the stolen laptop. She needs to be reported to the Board of Psychos.

      • only if it can be proven that her HIPAA violation resulted in violating Miss Arias’ right to a fair trial. The HIPAA violation is independent of the trial…at least right now anyway, but if the burglar decided to release Jodi’s medical information to the public masses; THEN it would clearly warrant a mistrial.

        But, even then, I would be questioning how she is able to testify for the State since Jodi’s medical information went missing with the laptop?

        Who knows…maybe the defense team will bring this up later and THEN call for a mistrial?

        We shall see…

        • David – I have a bachelor’s degree in law (part of triplicate emphasis degree) so obviously I am NOT a professional and only have a very minor base in law so my question is genuine. Wouldn’t the defense have to show a direct link that the jury was contaminated by such a release or not? Really, I don’t know how to find an answer besides asking someone like you. THANK YOU!

        • The laptop was stolen months ago and nothing has been out regarding Jodis records, so it would probably be hard to prove this Hippa violation. I wonder if she had anything to do with the laptop missing. It is still strange how it happened and its still missing without any info coming out. Why would anyone take just a laptop and then do nothing with it…

        • David,
          I am sure she didn;’t have Jodi’s info on her laptop only. I think someone else here mentioned this as well, but nobody would have test results on a laptop and not the written (paper) results too. If the defense had a reason to try to exclude her or ask for a mistrial based on anything regarding the burglary, they would have done it already. Why would they waste time by allowing her to trstify at all? It makes no sense. Obviously Jodi’s info was not leaked to the media as if it were, you can BET that HLN or someone on the internet, somewhere would have discussed it. Besides, she has very good attorneys who know what they are doing, they would have already filed a motion to exclude this witness back in February.

  236. OK… I found a few interesting links below about why nervous people drink water in a speaking environment…anxiety…

    Personally…I found her drinking so much water quit odd…I’ve never seen any other witnesses drink so much water during this trial…

    1. Through her microphone we could hear her pouring the water and gulping the water…
    2. When the camera was on her we saw many times that she was either pouring or drinking water…

    Symptoms That Increase Anxiety

    Dry mouth: Prevent dry mouth by carrying a glass of WATER with you.

    Shaky, nervous voice: The more you know your topic and the more confident you feel, the less trouble you’ll have with your voice. If you start to feel short of breath or shaky, just pause to consult your notes or take a sip of WATER. Breath slowly and give yourself a moment to re-group. It won’t look odd to the audience.

    2. Drink a little WATER before you go on stage. This helps you, and your body, to get relaxed.

    • truthseeker,
      I have dry mouth, and my dentist told me to always have a bottle of warer with me. Some of my medications cause it. it gets so bad sometimes it feels like my tongue is stuck to my teeth. I even use a special mouthwash. I also pee alot…LOL. I can’t believe she has been able to hold it so long…

      • I think I had to “pee” every time I saw her pour that water…my pavlovian responses were strong…LOL…

    • There’s an old belief that people who drink a lot of water on the stand are lying.

  237. Did anyone see the look of disgust the baby doc just gave Jodi?

    I’m like… WOW…

    Looked right down her nose at her, just like I imagined she would.

  238. This so called “expert witness” is intelligent and she clearly wants everyone to know it; by the way she answers and speaks down to her audience…I take that to demonstrate that she is really insecure. Her method of answering comes off very arrogant and very robotic-like. I feel sorry for any of her patients, since she can’t express compassion.

    I think JM likes her, because she is a lot like him…did you notice how nice and almost soft-spoken he was with her???! They both get on my nerves!!!

    • Momo, for some weird ass reason, the very last part of your post triggered images of JM and this Ms. Demented in a bedroom setting, and I just threw up all over my keyboard. Thanks!


  239. Wow, borderline personality disorder. Dr. Samuels said she likely had a an undiagnosed personality disorder, Axis 2 as I remember, that he didn’t have time . I wonder if they’d agree?

  240. Jeffrey Evan Gold ‏@jeffgoldesq 47m

    I’m on @NancyGraceHLN 8pm ET. Be prepped friends, this witness has too little experience, & no DV expert. I LIKE HER BUT Y CEED THIS TURF

    Twitter ….

  241. omg…did you see this!! Great post btw FUjuan….

    PSY 424
    Child & Fam Psychopathology(W)

    She is not a good TA and should not be allowed to teach this class. Shes a very hard grader and does not care about you or your grades. DO NOT TAKE A CLASS WITH HER, and if she is your TA get out!
    Professor rated by: Student on May 9, 2007

  242. Trust me, the defense is on this.They know about the stolen laptop, its not a new story. They are not stupid and has done their homework regarding this witness. The laptop being stolen happened back in Feb., if there was anything illegal or unethical about that, the defense would have been on it. They would have prevented her from testifying. I doubt if they even bring it up at all, what is the point? I trust the defense to handle the witness.

  243. “has done their homework”…..EEEEK! I obviously didn’t proof that comment! LOL.:)

    • I have read that blog, but I never comment on places that are that biased because it wouldn’t matter what you say, even in a respectful tone, you would be torn to shreds by them. So I just lurk and remain silent. People will see what they want to see and they will never believe TA was anything less than a saint.

    • Okay, Chilian. so I guess the “rest of us” have no value, because you don’t care for our language. We are all uneducated, and nonobjective.

      I guess I will stop posting, to make YOU feel better about this site.

      Sorry for those “I” have offended with my opinions and colorful language. Wouldn’t want to offend a fence sitter.

      Later, all.

          • No problem. Sometimes, I don’t notice because I’m with my children doing homework at this time. I’ll see someone become upset, then take care of it. I apologize.

      • You better not “stop posting”!

        You have seen me let off a nice rant or two with plenty of curse words and SJ even said to call it like it is!

        SJ is ok with it, I think. I think it’s just important not to do it to each other. Who gives a shit if we say it about kermit!

        • Yes not to each other, that’s all. And we never sound hateful in the same way they do. We get emotional and calm down, like regular non haters do.

    • Who are you to critique posts? You’re not SJ or the mod, knock it off.

        • LOL Kira. Yes it’s not daycare where children are present. and that we sound like the haters. PULEASE! Spare me that drama.

    • I love the rainbow of posters here. No doubt, Al, AlsoAbused, tonysam, SJ, Natalie, Debbie, Nk, are great role models and are valedictorian posters. I can read their post over and over again. I think, the one thing we all share is the frustration over the justice system in the particular county. It doesn’t offend me when a poster get passionate and use profanity.

      • Ann, you flatter us 🙂

        I think maybe why the people who have a problem with the profanity have it is because reading a profanity always comes across as more harsh than if they hear it in spoken word while it is being expressed with passion.

        Written word lacks intonation, inflection, that sort of thing, and so when any of these posts are read, the reader has to sound it out in their head. That may just be why people get shocked, especially if when they sound it out in their head, it sounds harsh. Misunderstandings… sigh..

        I do understand people’s passion and frustration though. Especially when Martinez is up to his antics and we also hear the commentary on HLN. It is very frustrating. So much hate and bias! 🙁

      • That’s a good thing because I’d be sunk without using it at times.

        This trial brings out a LOT of frustration.

      • Your’re right Ann…profanity doesn’t bother me either…I don’t use it too much…but when I do…my frustration has reached its peak…

        One thing that I gleaned from another poster is that instead of using “shit”….I can use “chyte”…


      • Thanks for the shout out Ann. I try not to cuss on here but just can’t help it at times when this trial frustrates the FUCK out of me, especially this doctor bimbo.

  244. I tried to put the links up but they are being moderated.Thought some might be interested, if you have not seen them yet.Occupy HLN is dedicated to exposing the deception, half-truths, and lies of HLN, the propaganda arm of the prison lobby.Occupy Hln is also on twitter,FB

  245. Ok I have just got to the cross and have watched only about 5 minutes and Jennifer is calling ‘BULLSHIT’ on this witness immediately. lol

  246. I was sick earlier today, I could see the jury eating this us. Dr them black and white test to hang their hat on. I love how JW scores her points without doing a victory strutt, like some people we know. I love how she brought in the compassion element and the lack of client experience. Goooo Jen!

    • She is so brilliant….she talks cool, calm, and collective in using her words wisely…

  247. Am catching up with the afternoon session; saw the morning part.
    Is it just me or does this lady seem like she has a chip on her shoulder?

    And the poster that pointed out her Vocal-fry was spot on.
    Now I cant stop hearing it.

    I’m not trying to hate on a witness and by no means will go posting hateful death threats about her, but something about her bugs me, I think she’s a schemer; using her powers for evil kind of thing.

    • M., we posted very close in time and I think you and I are feeling the same vibes from this witness.

      • SD –
        I think we are on the same page.
        Glad its not just me; I honestly try to be as OBJECTIVE as possible.
        But, I call them like I see them…

        I havent had a chance to catch up on posts yet, so sorry if I’m just repeating what others are have already posted.
        Feels good to know I’m not alone though.

    • And her excitement comes off totally fake.
      Could someone just tell her she can quit acting, we know her and Martinez have acted this out many a time before the trial began.

      Surely the jury will feel the snobbery seething from her biased epidermis.
      I can and I’m not even physically there to absord her vibes.

      • M, that’s what I thought too. Its such an act, but she’s really bad. Its like acting meets dictionary! Its horrible, she needs stop making a fool of her self.

    • I’ll say one thing, she should stick to research. She is a prickly cactus – I do not think any of her clients will be opening up to her. She is the type of therapist whose clients cry for hours after they leave her office. Compare her cold removed attitude to the warmth & connectedness of both Samuels & ALV.

      • Yeah, seek2understand.
        I’m not trying to say shes dumb by any means.
        Or belittle her education.

        Definately not someone I’d warm up to very quickly.
        A bit abrasive for a theraputic type scenario.

        • I agree with both of you. She is very smart, but not the personality type that I would choose as a therapist.

    • M….Possibly…Wendy Murphy and her lawyers friends have coaxed today’s witness in holding true to what they boasted about on that radio video about destroying Alyce LaViolette and Dr. Richard Samuels…

      At 8:30 into the radio report you will hear Wendy Murphy’s own words as she says that Alyce LaViolette and Richard Samuels…they will be destroyed….and then she says we who work in this business will destroy them)…(read below where I typed some of her actual words talking about destroying them)

      The speakers in the radio video are Former Prosecutor Wendy Murphy…Katiecoolady from the JA courtroom…and True Crime Levi King…

      8:30…Wendy Murphy continues here saying everything that Alyce LaViolette said in this case will be used against her…that all the lawyers are already gathering up all the transcripts of what Alyce LaViolette has been saying as well as Richard Samuels…

      Wendy Murphy continues to say that the lawyers are getting prepared to use these transcripts against them in any of their future cases..Wendy Murphy says they WILL BE DESTROYED…She says this is just the “Nature of the Beast.”…

      Wendy Murphy says…We will..We who work in this business WILL DESTROY them as expert witnesses for the rest of their lives…Wendy Murphy then says…So…I hope it was worth it…she said that she sort of described it as the selling of the soul…

      • Said by the same woman who wrote a flop book saying casey pimped out caylee without using any evidence. Her list of resources included a hate site and a sealed transcript. She’s a nut. The haters hated her then but love her now. They are very capricious.

      • I wonder if Dr. Samuls and Mrs. LaViolette will retire at some point?

        No one can undo what they’ve already done; the lives they’ve tocuched, the experiences they’ve had, their honest attempts at presenting reality. Mrs. LaViolette was “rehabing” (for lack of better words) DV victims and perpatrators long before it was even an acceptable spectrum of abuse (and DV still seems to be easier to sweep under the rug than recognize as abuse), no low life can undo this or take this away from Mrs. LaViolette.

        I will nicely say, I hope no good comes to those who are shitting on other human beings for standing up and “selling their souls” for victims of DV and sufferers of PTSD. The reality for these blinded, numb skulls is that they cant escape their sick, lonely, fucked up brains no matter how hard they try.

        • Good post. I was also thinking both Samuels & ALV have had great caring careers, and could cut back or retire anytime they choose to.

          • Thanks seek2understand.
            I liked them both, but if I had to choose a favorite, I really did enjoy Mrs. LaViolette, I learned a lot from her (not to undermine Dr. Samuels as all!).

            I hope it wasnt mistaken that when I said “blinded, numb skulls…” I meant the assholes harassing/threatening Dr. Samuels and Mrs. LaViolette.

            Was not implying PTSD sufferers and DV victims are “blinded, numb skulls”.
            Had to clarify.

  248. I am just now watching cross-examination. Does this witness seem really defensive to you, despite JW ‘s *very* respectful questioning?????

        • SD –
          If you have time and want to watch the entire trial you should look up Jodi Arias Trial – Day 48 on youtube.

          Dont read the comments, usually a bunch of idiots.

          But I refuse to left my TV stop on HLN anymore, so youtube it is.
          Plus no one is editing the footage to try and convince me Jodi is guilty or that Martinez is winning. Its a lot nicer. 🙂

  249. The downfall is that Nancy’s big ugly head pops in every few seconds at the bottom of the screen to try to turn the situation around…damage control. As I said, you can’t put lipstick on a pig so STFU DisGrace!

  250. M
    Thank you just back I posted a response to JW I think this woman is not credible sounds like a textbook Yes CHIP ON HER SHOULDER and my problem is that you can’t make a proper diagnosis in such a short time, I was speaking with a Psychiatrist this Summer he is Elderly but Went to Yale Harvard John Hopkins we spent much time together at a musical festival this guy knows his stuff he was telling us how you can’t diagnose people so quickly and that the limited amount of time given to psychiatrist with patients in Hospitals etc. is what is the cause of misdiagnosis and overly prescribed medications.

    • Agreed Oliviero.
      Plus, I have a feeling her intentions going into the meeting with Jodi were SUBJECTIVE and her diagnosis was already written.

      I’m aware that the haters could say the same about Dr. Samuels and Mrs. LaViolette, but the attitudes and vibes are completely different.

      I can quite put my finger on it, but its just something about this lady, its not right…

      • Perhaps, it’s that she used travis siblings to help her diagnose Jodi and implied that those statements would be objective? I dunno. I can think of a hundred things I can put my finger on. LOL

        • I either missed that or havent gotten to that part yet JC.
          Either way, that alone makes a lot of sense concerning her vibrations.

          I have a lot left to listen to.
          And I thought she was driving me crazy already…

            • Absolutely JC.
              Have a feeling my thoughts will only get worse.
              And I’m trying to be nice!

              Feel free to give me your thoughts.
              Its much appriciated and I often hear things I missed from you and others.
              Need to catch up on posts as well, I’m sure there is plenty to learn.

              So far, Mrs. DeMarte sounds like she memorized a textbook from college and is just spewing strings of diagnoses to make it sound like Jodi has something – or wait – nothing at all? She’s almost as confusing as Martinez himself.

              Things are looking better and better.

              • I think she made the way the brain works sound very black and white. I think she intentionally glossed over what events constitute PTSD and how it occurs. She said Jodi should be able to recall aspects of the event after having talked to Dr. Samuels because talking about it triggers more memories which we know is bullshit. BPD is a diagnose given over time and shrinks are very careful not to diagnose in the first few visits. This is standard. She made it sound very simple such that she gave jodi a test, checked some symptoms off a list and viola jodi now has BPD! I thought she was a fraud to those suffering from PTSD, depression and any axis 2 disorder. As other posters have mentioned, PTSD overlaps with BPD. She didn’t clarify that. I think she came off as a hired gun. 12 hours? No way. She practically said she doesn’t show compassion to build rapport. She said pedos’ families are often aware that they are pedos. When cross examined, she became defensive when admitting pedos’ families usually know because the pedo was a perp to a family member or was caught by the system. She was implying they only minimize and deny to shrinks and nobody else! She said that jodi was depressed over being in jail and that was the only reason. She said Jodi didn’t have enough intrusive memories to validate a PTSD diagnosis. She knows this because of the 12 hours she spent with her? I think she did a biased, half-assed evaluation. The state shrinks in the casey case spent 30 to 40 hours with Casey. Martinez trying to make this expert sound like the norm was trickery!

                IMO, what she said is very counterproductive to people suffering from mental health disorders.

                • JC –

                  To *Doctor* DeSmartass, our feelings are only ‘data’. This is The Matrix to DeSmartass.

                • Wow JC, I’d love to read your notes.
                  Th talk about the BPD bein connected to PTSD as you brought up, lads me to wonder if someone can gain BPD from a traumatizing event.

                  I’m not saying Jodi has BPD or not, would need to learn more about it (and not from DeMarte), but if one’s brain is able to redirect thoughts to protect itself from harmful memories (which I believe this to be true, especially in an extreme situation), then how can one believe, that as DeMarte is saying, Jodi had BPD before June 4th and didnt develop it after June 4th?

                  I suppose because DeMarte isnt allowing the connection between PTSD and BPD. Hopefully Mrs. Wilmott can touch on this as I think its imperative to help guide the jury into the understanding I am getting out of this,

                  Hope this all makes sense.
                  I feel like I’m rambling.

                • I’ve worked in the mental health field and it is just amazing how many psychologists misdiagnose. There are, of course, good ones as well as bad ones, those who show more empathy than others, and those who, themselves, have less personal problems and much better mental health themselves than others. However, the really good ones take time to get to know their clients better and avoid developing subjective judgment and opinions as quickly as this one appears to have a tendency to do.

                  She may, of course, get better with her methods and diagnoses over time and with more experience. But at this time, with the knowledge and expert skills she’s demonstrating, the defense should have no difficulty pointing out the flaws in her testimony, and be able to do it by appealing to logic that the jury can relate to without resorting to badgering the witness and tearing her down, playing to the emotions of the jury, and using theatrical antics that the judge allows and that appeal to a spectator fan base present in the courtroom.

                  The only real challenge the defense may have is how to keep JM from jumping up so often to object and distract.

          • She sounds like someone with an agenda, spewing textbook sentences like a robot, an educated version of Skye H.
            Watch her smirk and guffaw a few times when she speaks about Jodi. Very professional indeed, for a psychologist evaluating a patient (who she maintains is mentally ill.)

            • Well viri, how else is everyone supposed to see those bright white teeth?
              She is a shining star in her own mind, I’m sure of it.

              Note: Since there is no sarcastic emoticon, I will warn you, I’m as sarcastic as they come. 😀

                • She ‘ld have you pegged as a manipulative psychopath for sure, starting with your toddler years. The lady said that such ‘manipulative psychos’ like Jodi could be detected when they are toddlers. Another one of her profound statements.

          • I wonder if the “victims” are off limits? If they participated in this shrinks collateral info, then what they said, should be fair game.

            • What they said would be hearsay since they never met Jodi, how can they say anything about her unless they heard it from someone else?

              • She referenced Steven. i wonder if he met Jodi? Wasn’t he in afgan when his brother died?

                • The only family memeber I believe Jodi has met is their grandmother……… Not even sure about that, but I thought Jodi said that……………… This trial is all starting to run together…………..

            • JC
              Good question but since the Family is on the side of the Prosecution they can have their expert witnesses ask questions I am not sure of the Legalities.

      • definitely she is cold and calculating and she went into this case with a closed mind.

    • Her and Martinez must get along great.
      I bet they talked about gas cans, tootsie pops, ky, and memory loss all day.
      Maybe she used those words on her little Reading Comprehension test she gave Jodi.

      • The one where she has jodi read words without asking the meaning? LOL How can she tell the person isn’t just a fluid reader who doesn’t understand the meaning of words? Just saying… I know Jodi is literate.

        • So true JC.
          Many kids fake their way through similar situations, mostly due to embarassment.
          Though they can read the word, thy arent comprehending.

          I too know Jodi is literate, I understand what you are getting at.
          You’re blowing holes in her short testimony.

          As much as I love Mrs. Wilmott, you’re doing a damn fine job yourself JC.

        • Right they are making a big deal that her Verbal or Reading Skills are above the others, Common everyone’s different Some people score high in math others reading now that’s an issue.
          Right From what I am seeing now this psychologist seems to have a personality disorder and perhaps she has projected her own problem on to Jodi, I do not like this psychologist she is snippy.

            • They are saying her others scores are low compared to the verbal that’s with everyone My Uncle is an MIT graduate and he is good in Math belongs to Mensa he is also very immature and not particularly interesting, but he is excellent in Math. My Dad was an avid reader and professional writer who suffered from Depression his IQ according to his Family was over 168. He was clumsy not great in sports, and hated school. His Father was an Attorney, but he came from a very abusive home. So circumstances and other factors are part of your life. Stating she scored low in other areas is silly. They were trying to connect her to Bundi saying he had a high IQ. Its silly since The European IQ test is very different, This has nothing to do with abuse and PTSD, Which I believe she has.

          • …might be a Mormon. This ‘sentience psych’ stuff sounds like it’s based on spiritual philosophy, not on science.

            • Oh I wonder also about the Mormon/LDS thing she looks at the Alexander family off an on. She also has looked over to JM when JW is questioning her but I guess the Jury won’t see that like they asked of Alyce.

        • Maybe Dr. D. got paid per test along with by the hour…. Geezz she tested Jodi for everything. A skilled/ seasoned psychologist would not of done all those test…… And only 12 hours with Jodi, if you add up the time it took for all the test that’s her 12 hours.

          How long did she interview TA brother, and TA friends…………

          I find it hard that she didn’t know who Alyce was, when she’s read her notes…….. You don’t think she was prepped about the defense witnesses……. BOLOGNA

          Looks like she lived in El Paso, TX, moved to MA and went to Umass until her junior year, then onto MI then AZ.

          As for not getting her license right away that’s because she moved from MI to AZ and probably needed to have more supervision before she could take the state board …….. Your not going to come out of a ph.d. program and not take your board… That would be crazy since they prep you for the board. Total B.S.

          Most of her research was done in her master’s…………

          • And where are are her books, peer reviewed papers, journal articles etc? She seems to specialize in everything in a short amount of time. Being published means everything to a MA or PHD. And she isn’t. Plus that stupid sneer she gets when challenged. AL explained everything so calmly even on cross. This witness says, “refer to my answer before”?!

            • I think two or three of her paper might of been published but she hasn’t the only author on the papers, there are several students on each one of these papers. Therefore, it’s not her dissertation paper.

              I tried finding her so called teaching experience but it was all for being a ” teaching assistant.” Which most master’s students do….. I am curious why she transfered her junior year ( 2001) from UMass to MI…. Find that a bit odd when normally your last 30 hours has to be done at the university you graduate from.

              And seriously have you ever heard of someone with lack of experience being hired for a Director of a huge mental health agency? Also, master’s students don’t teach doctoral students, only undergraduate students. I really wish JW would of brought this up….. This would destroy her credibility.

              • Right FU and being hired as Director after she’d been there for 7 months, and 1 month after she got her license!!!

                • Exactly my point………. Then she was in charge of all the psychologist, and psychology students. Whatever…..

                  I called Argosy University and talked the psychology department, they have never heard of her….. So, that’s a little interesting since she states she was a clincial director………….

                • One month after getting her license?? A lot of strange stuff in her professional past. I’d also like to see that thesis.

              • Was it huge? I thought she was asked and was very vague about this facility. What did you hear about her directorship she was so proud…

                I saw that same opening you did with regard to her teaching doctoral students… Maybe her goal is to become a celebrity shrink? LOL

            • Refer to what I highlighted earlier is the exact phrase. I wanted to punch my phone on the way home with the amount of times she said that.

              • I dont think I have screamed so much as I did today………….. She had me so pissed off, anyone can reshearse and memorize a textbook…. Someone said ” her and Juan have been working for week in the evening going over this testimony she gave today” No surprise……

                She was very snotty to JW, and very disrespectful in my opinion

  251. If I shall speak with every human and Angelic language and have no love in me, I shall be clanging brass or a noise-making cymbal.

  252. Timing of menarche and the origins of conduct disorder.

    S Alexandra Burt, Matt McGue, Janeen A DeMarte, Robert F Krueger, William G Iacono

    Department of Psychology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA.…/Empathy-and-Disregard-for-Others-in-Children...

    Sep 1, 2010 – … in Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence Janeen A. DeMarte, … Ph.D. INTRODUCTION Michigan State University DATA ANALYSIS …

    proceedings05 – Learning Ace – 154…/proceedings05

    Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence Janeen A. DeMarte, M.A., G. Anne Bogat Ph.D., Alytia A. Levendosky Ph.D., & Alexander von Eye Ph.D. Michigan State …

  253. I asked this question earlier but lost it somewhere…. So can defense show her the emails between TA and Jodi and ask her if she had seen them (much like JM did to ALV)? I would love to see this person’s take on his rants to Jodi… is TA borderline? sociopath? deviant? or just being a guy?

    • Of course she won’t recognize TA’s faults, they’re much like her own. It’s obvious she is not liking her merit being challenged just like TA thought everyone else subserviant to him She may think she’s legend in her own mind as did TA but Jen doesn’t have to think, Jen knows.

  254. JW totally rocks!!! She is so classy and conducts her cross with absolute finesse!!! I am thinking this witness is in love with herself. Maybe she has a diagnosis?????

  255. Even on Dr. Doom, they are very hesitant to give her ANY compliments, other than that doofus red head in the middle of his panel.
    They ALL know her “expert” opinion is about as good as what anyone of us could give them after reading on the internet. GARBAGE!!
    I’m going to crack open this bottle of wine and celebrate!

    • expert pronounced x spurt – x is algebraic symbol for the unknown and spurt is a drip under pressure . . you enjoy popping the cork Melvis . . whilst we watch JD spew n fizz under pressure lol

    • Dr.Drew was super praising her how great it is to have an expert that is objective as opposed to LaViolette. Dr.Drew says she is excellent I knew he would say that. I turned him off.

  256. no I will shut if off….that ugly ass Abe is on there….don’t want to barf in my glass!!

      • If he wants his own show, then, he will have to be like Bruce Lee in Enter the Dragon, and surround himself with a ton of mirrors so he can feel like he has people ‘watching’ him! coz it will be just lonesome abe, and nobody else. His commentary adds no value whatsoever to the already no-value show that Dr. Flu puts on.

        • Since I don’t watch the HLN programs, has anyone ever asked Famewhore Abe about what Travis thought of him? Has Dr. Doofus ever said, “So, how did you react to hearing that Travis Alexander thought you were soulless?”

          • Jodi made him say that. It was in his script. She used her Vulcan mind control, or Wiccan sex charm or something. Abe knows because she was wearing a thong the one time they made out, so he’s not angry with Travis.

    • What on earth is he still talking about? Jodi dated him once! Travis hated him! GO HOME, LOSER!

      • Omg is this a joke, , are we getting PUNKED??!!! Who’s going to watch his show? ! Ppllzzzzzzzzzz

      • Thanks, Nk! I am too. Croakerqueen just put up Part 3 and I started watching – but it’s still JM all the way through. I cannot watch too much of him any longer. And when I watch her, I feel like she’s judging me and attempting to invalidate DV in general! lol I guess Part 4 should come soon….

  257. Is it me or does it seem like Dr.D is competing with Jodi. I sense some jealousy, maybe perhaps because Jodi is a Genius, and she is not despite spending hundreds of thousands on education. Dr.D has a chip on her shoulder. I’m calling it first, Dr.D is a ‘misogynist.’ She wants to be “the woman” wherever she happens to be.

    • Hmm, Phillip, I think you’re onto to something.
      I wonder, do psychologist have to have evalution done on their mental health before moving forward?
      If so, am curious what her diagnosis was, because I have this inkling you’re right.

  258. 2004/2205 she may have been gaining experience, but she would have been a student.

    What she said came across like she didn’t consider the supervision she received while in training/under supervision as important–a bit of youthful arrogance perhaps?

    NO WAY would I have gone on national television at this level of experience!

    Prior comment about Laviolet’s interviews being “unreliable” would not be correct. She didn’t evaluate the reliability, so stating it would be “unknown” is more accurate, with tests having published reliability more likely to yield reliable clinical use.

    “guilty but insane” folks are seriously mentally ill. Will be interesting to find out how much experience she has with PTSD/Borderline Personality Disorder.

    Unfortunately, making a mockery of psychology.

    Hope she gets asked if she’s been watching HLN.

  259. Janeen DeMarte Selected As WHMP Athlete Of The Week

    Senior recognized for performance in two Atlantic 10 wins.

    Oct. 10, 2001

    Amherst, Mass. – Senior outside hitter Janeen DeMarte (El Paso, Texas) was recognized this afternoon at the University of Massachusetts Sports Luncheon as the WHMP Athlete of the Week for her performance in two conference wins Oct. 5 and 6.

    DeMarte recorded match-high kills in both wins including a 17 kill and 16 dig performance in Friday’s 3-2 win over Fordham University and a 13 kill and 7 dig showing in Saturday’s 3-0 sweep over George Washington. She hit for .288 on the weekend and collected two aces and one block.

    DeMarte ranks second on the team in kills per game (3.10), total kills (152) and digs (139).

    DeMarte was a four-year letterwinner and captain at Austin High School where she was named both district and city Most Valuable Player as a junior and senior. A member of the El Paso Sun Spots club team, DeMarte led her team to a first-place finish at the regional tournament during her senior campaign.

    The Minutewomen are 9-6 overall and 3-4 in the A-10. UMass travels to Pittsburgh, Pa. this Friday for a 7:00 p.m. match against conference foe Duquesne University (10-4, 3-2).

    • Impressive.

      I still think it is sad that there are people who equate intelligence with degree title. Just because she has a PhD does not mean she is more of an expert that ALV, a pioneer in her field with 30 years of experience.


      • Exactly .. After telling several “experts” they need to move because the levee is not going to hold water and them tell me “according to the book” they felt safe .. I get the 2am call there’s 8 inches water in their house, yet since I’m not “paper trained” but lived on the river for years, I’m not qualified to determine. Same thing with this JD, she’s not qualified, just “paper trained” and a pup at that lol

      • I do not think most people care about her PHD. It may turn off the Jury since they are average citizens. its more the Media and a swipe at LaViolette. But The New Times did compare an education a long time ago to today and they showed that the Average Grammar School student a long time ago was more educated then a PHD from Harvard. So since LaViolette has more experience she is more qualified and when you look for help especially abuse battery etc. nobody is going to want a person so smug, arrogant and cold. Anyone can read a textbook. Her statement that she learned more in School then in practicing is very telling.

    • Unfortunately, Janeen DeMarte has struck out on the witness stand.

      Her batting average is zero.

  260. Sorry Demarte, but sex crimes are also associated with domestic violence.

    Wife beaters frequently rape their wives.

    I guess you would know that if you had any knowledge in the area at all.

    Alyce outclasses you again.

    • I think she is joke and she hints that she can be defensive when questioned. I’m offended at all this “experience”. Most of it was under a supervisor. I hope JW destroys her ( in a nice way) on cross.

  261. So, Martinez is questioning DeMarte about Jodi internalizing her anger.
    In which DeMarte had alrady, prior to the repetitive question, already said that Jodi internalizes her anger.

    Immediately after the question its time for a noon recess, so my answer to this question may come next, but at the moment I am wondering; where does DeMarte think Jodi’s anger came from?

    I’m sure she won’t admit Travis’ abuse, but really, isnt she just helping prove that Travis was abusive when actually trying to prove premeditation when implying Jodi was full of anger?

    • Well since the family of sex offenders know what they’re doing, I don’t expect this little valley girl brat to admit to much of anything.

  262. HLN poll: Would you rather be:


    New on HLN after Dark: Tonight’s Bold Accusation: Jodi Lies Because She is Compassionate

  263. Get ready for mincemeat here—in her previous job, she used the same unstructured interview format she slammed Laviolet who has 10x’s the experience used.

    For the sex offenders she worked with, she should be asked what the average intelligence range they were in–probably quite low in general.

  264. Al are you really SJ? oh, yeah you said you were before. Oh wait, I am just another part of you too…RIGHT?

    Or are you really Bill corcoran?


    from the current site, someone must think you are”
    “I’ve been to the JA support site, but I don’t give it much weight to be honest. 🙂

    I HOPE the scenarios you (AI) lay out don’t happen because, as stated, it will be so rough on the Alexanders.”


  265. sad.. a good day for defense, a bad day for this site.

    I am sorry if I have offended anyone with my language, or experiences.

    Peace all, and take care.


    • ??

      don’t listen to the whiny ass people. I LOVE your passionate posts and they can just ignore them if they can’t deal with it!

      Personally I think they need to STFU!

    • Yes Renee, I enjoy your posts.
      I am a bit of a lurker, in a good way (now I’m making it sound creepy..).

      I read a lot and post when something jolts me.
      Please keep posting, I look forward to yours (and many others).

      And if cussing is an issue, I was fucked a long time ago.

    • Feel free to cuss whenever you feel like it, Renee. Refreshing. I think it, you say it. You’re more honest.

  266. Is it disturbing to think that DeMarte could possibly use this case as a teaching tool in her future classes?

    • ya mean, how not to act like a pedantic know-it-all when you are a psychologist, and how never to spew forward textbook sentences and apply them left and right whenever you feel like it without looking at the whole picture and without exploring each case in depth?

    • I am watching the cross right now. JD is certainly defensive about her qualifications. She is trying too hard to sound like she is a real expert than the relative newbie that she is.

      • I hope I don’t ruin it for anyone BUT…. I am literally laughing out loud and saying “WOW” out loud as I watch. This woman is unbelievable! Someone who works with children, possibly abused children, and getting defensive as she answers in her valley-eze (I’m from the valley and even I have a difficult time taking the accent seriously) “i can feel compassion…” She reminds me of a spoof show of a valley/suburban character named Dahlia from a comedy called Suburgatory… “i can blink….” in the exact same valley-eze accent. I have a hard time believing she’s from… Minnesota??

        And – the looks she is giving JW are scary! She looks like she’s contemplating JW’s demise. Ack!

        But seriously, I worked for the Dept of Children’s Services at one point and I look at this woman and think; she is one of the problems in the system. I really hope she keeps working for the state and leaves any children needing real help alone.

        • She’s from El Paso, Texas……….. Then moved to Mass…then to MI, and onto AZ……… She graduated high school in Texas…. Went to Amherst, UMass, and MI…. at least that is what is on a couple of her LInken in

  267. Now, why the HELL would anyone want to go into the healing arts, including psychology, if they are NOT capable of empathy or compassion? Even towards children?

    That’s so ass backwards I don’t know where to begin. It’s like people who want to be cops then don’t care about the Constitution or people’s rights.

    • Baby tried to say she’s objective but ended up admitting she’s heartless!! LMAO!

    • Thats right, MB. No empathy, and no way to relate to those she is supposedly treating. Wrong fit for her. She was better off as an Industrial Psy, she coulda been in HR – IN CHARGE of hiring all the minions for the company. wow. She must go through some aptitude testing again – my suggestion.

  268. OOOO! BeeCee! I finally got it!

    “We” have BPD and MPD!! That explains all the multiple personalities that appear on this site! Dr. DeMarte has saved us all!

    • whew, I’m so glad someone figured it out!

      I can relax now 🙂

      and maybe self-medicate?

  269. M….Possibly…Wendy Murphy and her lawyers friends have coaxed today’s witness in holding true to what they boasted about on that radio video about destroying Alyce LaViolette and Dr. Richard Samuels…

    At 8:30 into the radio report you will hear Wendy Murphy’s own words as she says that Alyce LaViolette and Richard Samuels…they will be destroyed….and then she says we who work in this business will destroy them)…(read below where I typed some of her actual words talking about destroying them)

    The speakers in the radio video are Former Prosecutor Wendy Murphy…Katiecoolady from the JA courtroom…and True Crime Levi King…

    8:30…Wendy Murphy continues here saying everything that Alyce LaViolette said in this case will be used against her…that all the lawyers are already gathering up all the transcripts of what Alyce LaViolette has been saying as well as Richard Samuels…

    Wendy Murphy continues to say that the lawyers are getting prepared to use these transcripts against them in any of their future cases..Wendy Murphy says they WILL BE DESTROYED…She says this is just the “Nature of the Beast.”…

    Wendy Murphy says…We will..We who work in this business WILL DESTROY them as expert witnesses for the rest of their lives…Wendy Murphy then says…So…I hope it was worth it…she said that she sort of described it as the selling of the soul…

    • During this show she also told the listeners to write to the state licensing board to get them to revoke ALV license saying she lied on the stand. I wonder how many letters they have received since that show aired. Now I didn’t see anyone on here saying we should do the same thing to Baby Doc. I also had my husband watch JW cross her today, to get a second opinion, her saw the small part where she said she had no compassion for abused children, said JW was being nice during the questioning and Baby Doc came off as arrogant. And before someone gets offended about me using nicknames, that’s just what I do, I give nicknames to everyone I know, my children, my husband, friends, etc. I try to refrain, but sometimes I just can’t help it and I don’t think it lowers this site to the level of the haters. JMO

      • I wonder if this expert witness is a “pawn” in their vendetta game of destroying ALV and RS???

      • TB1….I posted this to you at the top in response to what you quoted from Chris Stark on twitlonger, she said, “these posts are canned comments to make it look like JA has more support than she does.”

        When we “catch” the MEXICAN CHIHUAHUA that is running behind the GERMAN SHEPHERD whom is in hot pursuit of the GOPHER that is dodging the traffic in downtown Mesa…then we’ll have 3 more “CATCHY” posters to blog on this website…

        And their friend, the DOG, will make their pictures with his new camera so they can download their picture as their avatars…


        • I saw that! too funny, hahaha, sometimes it’s hard to go back and read all the replies, but that one I caught.

      • I think nicknames are cutesy and fun…I’ve done the same in my home for years…

        I have written and illustrated several children’s books using funny and cutesy characters…the children love hearing me read to them and they enjoy seeing the pictures in the books…I’ve had the honor to read my books in several elementary schools…I have not published them yet…but I am a published poet…

        • Yeah, no worries about the nicknames. Baby Doc is a harmless one. I know that I’ve called Martinez “Kermit” so many times that it’s second nature LOL.

      • Whoah! Did she really say that? Encouraging people to write letters to get another psychologist’s licensed revoked? THAT is an ethical violation—looked it up—Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct….When a psychologist is concerned about the ethical behavior of another psychologist, you must first inform or make reasonable efforts to inform the other psychologist of this. Failure to do that, especially on national television IS an ethical violation with the possible penalty of losing one’s license, at worst, but being required to refrain from further forensic work is more likely.

    • Wendy Murphy, Gloria Alred,
      Women’s advocates
      and so called Dr. Drew are the ones IMO
      that have lost all credibility.

      No one is doing it TO them. The have done it

      Just like the rest on HLN.

  270. Oh, and speaking of compassion…

    Only misogynists believe that feeling empathy or compassion is somehow a burden or clouds judgment. Such qualities are cast as “feminine” and are considered therefore inferior or undesirable.

    IMO compassion enhances one’s ability to assess situations, and fine tunes one’s sensitivity towards details that are missed by a purely clinical viewpoint.

    There are posters here who make better domestic violence assessments than this joke on the stand. That’s really saying something!

    • Spot on MB! Abusers,misogynists and macho guys think feelong compassion is a weakness!

    • Agree 100%, MB – Team Jodi.

      A psychologist without compassion or even a medical doctor without compassion should not be practicing.

    • Damn… well said, MB! I would LOVE to hear Wilmott ask the witness THAT on the stand! lol 😀

  271. They dragged it out for so long I didn’t see the very end because after Dr Drewsome they ran out of time. They cut if off so they could get to After Dark where I imagine they are reenacting or reinventing some ridiculous thing to show their mock jury in case they lost points with Dr Strangelove. And I was enjoying watching her scoff and squirm too. She looked defensive over the simplest of questions and made weird faces like there was a bad odor in the air. Probably smelling the bullshit that, she, JM and the State are emitting!!

  272. I only have a few I don’t know if this has been mentioned above or not…

    I firmly believe baby doc just committed career suicide. JM probably chose her because it doesn’t appear that she is aware enough of her surroundings to care what people think of her. This is probably one reason she has bounced around so much in the short life of her career. She is book smart and life dumb.

    In domestic violence and psychotherapy circles I bet Alyce is well respected. I bet people like her. Those are people you won’t see getting on the news, they will continue to go about doing the good things they do…but they will know in their circles that an inexperienced, wet behind the ears, wanna be doc (regardless of her degree) has just tried to trash an actual well-respected expert. A PIONEER no less. Even if the jury and haters, and even a few blind people on this site can’t see it as it is, baby doc made a huge mistake doing that.

    Baby doc is damn lucky that most people in that line of work are compassionate, even though she is not.

    I once heard that the world of Anthropology was very cut-throat. that if you pissed off the wrong person, you could pretty much kiss any career good bye..

    While I don’t think psychotherapists would be cut throat like anthropologists, they will know and I’m certain many would probably not want to work with her. Certainly they wouldn’t want her as a supervisor.

    The most awesome thing? Those of us here don’t need to do a damn thing to help..we don’t need to lower ourselves, because it will take care of itself.

    • BeeCee…please read my post about Wendy Murphy…I believe possibly that vendetta of destroying ALV and RS is going on now…

      • they may try it, but the real professionals WILL know the truth. That person Wendy and those other POS, think they have a lot more clout than they really do.

    • Well said, BeeCee, she never was going anywhere except dead end clinics.
      “She is book smart and life dumb.” Totally agree.

      • People with that personality type should probably stick to the research end of things rather than treating patients.

    • What happens in anthropology also happens in public education.

      You piss off an administrator, your career is toast, even if you are in the right or you didn’t do anything wrong.

  273. joujoubaby says:
    April 16, 2013 at 10:07 pm
    She also tweeted earlier today that Dr. DesMartepants supervised ALV at one point. I was dubious about her before that. Now I trust her not at all.

    Joujoubaby….Can you or someone clarify this….

    Earlier today…I thought I heard Juan ask his expert witness about ALV..and she said that she supervised ALV in sessions, clinicals, or something like that…

    Then Jennifer questioned her about ALV….the expert said that she had never heard of her until today…something like that….

    Jennifer took note….but didn’t say anything to her about that discrepancy so I thought maybe I didn’t hear it right…

    Can someone please clarify…

    • Martinez was playing dirty pool.

      It was another hypothetical.

      Martinez asked about who DeMarte supervises. She said MS level people
      Martinez asked, do you know ALV.
      DeMarte said yes she did.
      Martinez asked, is ALV someone you would supervise?
      DeMarte said yes.

    • I was talking about Wild about Trial. WAT tweeted that that was what was testified to, not to its factuality. I was commenting on the trustworthiness of WAT.

  274. 99% of all communication is Non Verbal so what is DR.D Communicating during, Cross
    I say she has a chip on her shoulder and has an attitude problem, and is annoyed and nervous, Her tone reveals that she is insecure about her lack of experience, Chip On My Shoulder.

  275. I LOVE that part where JW told JD since ALV got her master’s back in 1980, she wouldn’t have been in a position to supervise her since she may have just been born.

    • You should see what they did to ALV on there. It seems like they went to every place they could on the internet and trashed her as much as they could. Really people get a life! so you can start minding your own business.

    • Wow so they’re giving herthe good reviews. Aren’t these reviews supposed to be from people that she has treated but she’s getting reviews on a trial.i see that some have also gave her negative reviews, so it goes both ways.

    • That site should remove any reviews left today (and in Alyce’s case, during her testimony) as it’s obvious that none of these people have personal experience with Dr. DeMarte. They can’t rate her because SHE IS NOT THEIR DOCTOR.

  276. Oh my word; not even to Mrs. Wilmott’s cross yet.
    DeMarte is driving me nuts; she’s always making these motions like she’s thinking, “YOU GOT SERVED!”
    Its not comforting at all.

    And her little laughs and oddly placed enunciations are far from professional.
    Is she trying to be sexy or just the alfa female?
    It’s like she wants all the ladies to stand up and agree to say, “You are so smart. You are beautiful. You are educated.” (so on, so forth).

    I’m surprised Jodi could even get comfortable enough to take the tests knowing this judgemental Queen Bee was going to be “grading” her “finals”.

    So far, I’ve been too focused on her act and lack of experience to take much of her testimony seriously.
    It just seems too much like a joke for her.
    As usual, Martinez has backfired on himself.

    • Omg, just caught something hilarious .
      Day 48, Part 3 just about the 35:50 mark…

      DeMarte has something she wants to clarify.
      Martinez tells her no, there are no questions as he waits for the projector to load.
      But then he asks if it has something to do with the paper in front of her concerning BPD.
      As she is responds and waits for Martinez to get the paper from her she beigins to look in Jodi’s direction, and beings to glare.
      The camera pans over and Mrs. Wilmott is talking into Jodi’s ear, secretive.

      Sorry to be so wordy, but wow, a glare can say a milions words.
      She’s thinking, “Secrets dont make friends!”, right?

    • Right, I said that a couple of weeks ago … we’re now in Janeen Alyce in Juanderland! Are you loving it?

  277. After today, this much I know..if I had to bubble in answers to 567 questions on an MMPI while Dr. D was looking down her nose at me I’d have so many top scale there wouldn’t me enough letter in the alphabet to pigeon hole or label me.


    Austin High School Class of 1998
    El Paso, TX
    St. Joseph School 1986-1994
    El Paso, TX
    University of Massachusetts – Arts & Sciences 1998-2002
    Amherst, MA
    Michigan State University 2003-2007
    East Lansing, MI

  279. I had to be very busy today, so just catching up, but to the response to chris starks comments, i call bullshit, I am a very real poster, i live in a different state. No one has approached me. I came here because of all the vile hatred. I have a very large family, I coach, mentor, and educate them everyday. I would not want my family mistreated in anyway. I have compassion for Jodi, and her family. They have been through hell and back and still standing. My comments are made by ME and my own freewill!

    • I don’t know why the haters feel they have to come here and then try to trash us because we have a different view from their’s. Could you imagine if any of them were your coworker. How sad are you if the only satisifaction you get out of like is by trashing and hurting others.

  280. I think the fact that the experts on either side are so vastly different is interesting. I am trying to be objective. She is very matter of fact and direct in her answers and her explanations of things.. That can be good. On the other hand, that can be bad if she cannot concede anything and appears to be defensive under cross. JW is trying to attack her credibility and her experience by way of her very slim resume. Dr DeMarte knows this and is responding in a way that makes her look (on occasion) defensive. But on the other hand, IMHO, a few times JW came across a bit hostile about petty things and re-asked her things not so important, and that can be seen by the jury as bullyish or petty. This witness does come off as intelligent, but in a cold and clinical way. ALV came off in a warm and friendly way, so which is better? One thing that I said earlier that I had really hoped, was that ALV had spoken to other people in her evaluation, other than Jodi. friends of Jodi, family, etc….I still can’t understand why she didn’t.

    The defense has to prove this expert misdiagnosed Jodi, and that she missed the PTSD diagnosis. In order to do that they need to cite her lack of experience, and especially with that particular disorder and test. On the other hand, Dr Samuels admitted that he should have re done the test after Jodi told him the truth.

    I liked ALV and her style, and her overall way of testifying but wish she had written a report of her findings. She is an older woman and does use and older style in many ways, so her notes were what she referred to throughout. i had only 1 issue with her entire testimony, and maybe some of you did too, maybe not. It was a very difficult thing for her to answer, but in response to a juror question, “wasn’t Jodi the one who committed the worse DV in this relationship”? And ALV paused, looked at them, and said “No”. Believe me, I know why she said it, I get it. She was almost trapped, but still, I just think the jury heard that and it wasn’t good. Remember, someone asked that question, so they were almost giving her the answer. I wonder f the defense regrets that too.

    Its hard to know what anyone is thinking, and the jurors are just regular people, like us. I think sometimes we forget that this is a trial and the people who are there are “working”….doing a job they are paid to do. Except Jodi of course. The defense will try to discredit this witness, and the State tried to do the same to ALV and Dr Samuels. The same thing with all witnesses, one side says the other is full of crap, the other says “No, you are”! In the end, the jurors will believe who they believe. Sometimes, if it gets too ugly and too chaotic and silly, they will not believe anyone and just go on the other evidence they have. I think when it is all over the jury will be shocked at the amount of craziness involved, the name calling, the total attacks on a persons appearance, career, cyber bullying, the sheer hate involved in this is just so beyond anything I have ever seen.

    I do not hate anyone on either side. I do not think ALV is a bad woman, in fact I know she chose her career for the exact opposite reason, she is a caring person. She has a long and distinguished career and hopefully this trial hasn’t hurt her too badly and she will recover. Do I wish she had done some things differently on behalf of Jodi? Yes. I do not think Dr Samuels is a bad Dr. He also has a long and distinguished career as a psychologist. He seems to be very compassionate and caring also, although a bit fumbly at times. Do I wish he had done some things differently on Jodi’s behalf? Yes. Like re-testing her, and checking his work for errors before he came to court. Now we have Dr DeMarte. I do not hate her, there is nothing to hate, no reason. She is doing a job that the State has asked. I am surprised they didn’t get someone older, but hey, thats what they got, and thats why the defense is going after her this way.

    The juror questions after her cross and re-cross will give us a glimpse, perhaps, of what the jury thinks of her and her testimony. The tone of the last 2 batches were not very nice, and many were flat out hostile, so this might tell us something. Although we have no idea how many of the jurors are submitting questions, its still helpful.

    Anyway, I just finished getting an earful from a friend who I wasted 30 minutes with who finally had me so pissed off I hung up.typical assumptions, name calling etc. I love this girl, so i let her know I was hanging up.This case has brought out the animalistic frenzied hate that you would see in lion pits. It’s sick. I’m not into the hate, let the anger stay in the courtroom where it belongs. The name calling by the haters and the people who know so little about this case that they couldn’t point Jodi out in the courtroom is so overboard that I can’t even try to debate anymore. I really am a person who looks at things objectively, always have been. I don;t know the outcome of this, none of us do, but the part that bothers me the most, is how people are treating each other in the interim.

    • I don’t have a problem with the fact that the state would try to discredit the experts, that is what they do. What I have a problem with is the way it was done. Could it be that the reason why the haters are so vitriolic is because they are following the leader. The state has a job to do, but it should be based on the evidence, not because they can lie, twist, manipulate and fool 12 people into thinking something that’s not there. If the evidence doesn’t prove the case, then the case doesn’t deserve to be made and this shouldn’t be allowed to continue because one person is trying to make a name for himself by seeing how many people he can stick with a needle whether they deserve it or not. idk, I wonder sometimes if I spent too much time watching George Reeve as superman growing up, Truth, Justice and the American way. I wonder if I even know what that is anymore.

      • I agree totally. The facts should be presented, the evidence. But let’s face it, in a trial, any trial, one side is going to say one thing, the other the total opposite.One sides evidence is the other sides lies. The jurors are smart enough to decipher thru garbage and not be fooled. All they have to do is look at evidence, listen to witnesses, and deliberate. The bottom line is that the State MUST prove premed to get the conviction they want, (DP) and they have not. The jury has to find premed for this, and unless JM has some huge surprise he is going to whip out at the eleventh hour, this isn’t a DP case.

    • Anna, I’m sorry that your friend acted in that manner. I know that I didn’t discuss Casey Anthony much with my family because they didn’t follow the trial closely and bought into the media hype. Now that it’s been almost two years, I do make some references to how I believe Casey’s story, and their reactions aren’t as hostile.

  281. I thought Dr. D said she didn’t know ALV in the cross. Listen starting at 10.25 she said she knows ALV.

    • SC,
      JM asked her under direct if she knew who she was…had ever heard of her. She said yes. She didn’t say she knew her or met her. I found it ironic that he asked her if she had heard of her, and she said yes. Thats because she is so well known!

  282. Experts are called in for advice on their respective subject, but they do not always agree on the particulars of a field of study…

    Let’s say 10 experts in the same field of study were brought in to analyze the test results of Jodi…with the ratio of 2:10…only 2 agreeing somewhat similar on the results…they left the other 8 not agreeing at all…

    In this study, some had to be using their own biased opinions on the test results to be that far out of ratio…

    • Forgot to add the last sentence…

      And I believe that is what the expert witness did today…she used her own biased opinions on Jodi’s test results to be that far out of ratio with ALV and RS…

      • And also Dr. Carp diagnosed JA with PTSD, even though it was for a different reason, evidence that there has been trauma in her life. Then comes the state expert, who interview women for a research study without even having a masters, and says because JA’s score on her test was more extreme than what she usually sees, JA has a personality disorder. I think she would have been more believable if she had upheld some of what Dr. Samuels and ALV said, but she is extreme to the other side.

  283. I think you are on to something anna. and thank you for your response, but here is something i have been thinking about….. Juror #5 was not out of the picture when Alyce Laviollette was on the stand. Many of the questions could have been put in by her before her dismissal. I think when we hear the juror’s questions now we will get the real picture.

    • Eb,
      Good point. I am not sure of the jurors out their #’s on their question, I thought I read that somewhere, but am not sure…?? If not though, its very possible that juror 5 submitted alot of the questions. I am really interested to hear the questions they have for this witness. Someone on HLN said so far today, there were not any in the basket.

  284. I find it funny that Martinez has mistaken the defense’s great idea of visually displaying the transcript of Travis’ pedo sex talk phone conversation with Jodi to be comparable to his scribbles of DeMarte’s testimony.

    One is proven fact, one (quite) possibly fiction.
    I’ll give you one guess.

    Its not the just the visual effect of words Martinez – its a mixture of Travis’ vial words and them being presented visually.
    You fail again Martinez.

  285. Also, why didn’t JM show those text’s, or emails of TA, where he is calling JA all those names, and have her give an opinion on that. Like is it normal for a man to talk to a woman this way?

  286. And now I’m reveling in the fact that Martinez stumbled all the way through his final questoin before the cross.

    I have one sick sense of humor I guess.

        • No, JW is cross-examining JD. JM was finished with direct.

          Willmott cross-examined JD about the last 40 to 45 minutes of the trial today.. She barely got started talking about JD’s credentials and cv.

          • Yeah, I know that Mrs. Wilmott is cross-examining.
            I think you misread?

            I was “reveling in the fact that MARTINEZ stumbled all the way through his final questoin before the cross.”

            I should have said “before the cross from Mrs. Wilmott.” and it would have been less confusing.

      • True……she has a long way to go. Then JM gets to re direct. By the time JW is finished, there should be plenty of questions in the basket. Myabe even sometime tomorrow. I can’t imagine not 1 juror having a question about her testimony. That is what I am really looking forward to.

  287. I am not better than anybody else, However i had to learn to read people very well. demarte turned me off very early. Her persona, “OH, I have the Dr. God syndrome, how dare you question me”. Think about it, why would jodi be receptive to her? Juan Martinez WANTS TO KILL HER! She knew she was dealing with the DEVIL reincarinated. Martinez’s hinch woman. I DAMN sure would not have been receptive to her, her line of questioning, or gave her any information. Just my opinion.

    • Did anyone catch the part where she said that Jodi, during her interview, told her that she remembers looking at her hands and seeing some blood, and telling her that she knew she killed TA? The defense looked kinda surprised. I don’t know if that will be brought up again or not, but it was weird. That isnt what Jodi testified to when she was on the stand.

      • Correct me if I’m wrong, but I do recall Jodi saying, that in her car somewhere in the desert, she saw some blood and knew she killed Travis.

        I could be wrong here, as there is a lot to remember.

        Hopefully someone on here can confirm.

        • I think she said, she knew Travis was hurt, or knew she hurt him that something bad had happened. Then JM jumped all over her and ask if she didn’t know Travis was dead, why didn’t she call 911 then. That’s how I remember it…I could be wrong

        • Tanne,
          right, she said she saw blood on her hands when she kinda came to, and knew something bad had happened. She never said she knew she killed TA. Now today, this witness says that Jodi told her that in her interview.

            • I would be surprised if she made up something that Jodi told her during an interview. Im sure its in her notes. I do specifically remember when Jodi was on the stand, and her saying that when she came to, she was in the desert, and she saw the blood and said “Oh crap, something bad has happened”. I remember that clearly. But maybe it isn;’t a big deal, JW certainly won’t bring it up, and maybe JM won’t either. I don’t know, I just found it odd.

  288. This whole thing with the mental health experts in this case has reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend of mine a couple years ago who happens to have a PhD in clinical psychology. According to my friend, the real problem with the mental health profession is that there is no standard of care. In other words, one psychologist might diagnose me with PTSD, but another will diagnose me with BPD, and yet a third would diagnose me with ADD (or some other disorder.) He went on to explain to me that it is pointless to discredit the diagnosis of the other mental health professional for the very reason I just mentioned-there is no standard of care in that profession. Often times, mental health professionals (or ‘experts’) disagree with the diagnosis of their counterparts.

    My good friend’s point (as it would apply to this case) is that it really is PURE speculation to even try and discredit the diagnosis of another mental health care professional-perhaps Ms. Willmott will remind this rather young and inexperienced diaper rash that her profession does not have a standard of care or at least point this fact out to the jury in a way that doesn’t discredit her witnesses.

  289. Does anyone else think this “expert” might have a bit of a jealousy issue? I mean, Jodi Arias smiling in mugshot is “immature and strange”? That doesn’t sound like an objective comment to me.

    • Instead of saying “immature and strange,” it’s preferable to describe behavior. Those terms are not precise anyway and they are pejorative. They say more about the evaluator the the subject being evaluated.

  290. David,
    I will tend to agree with you in part regarding the diagnosis and differing opinions. it is very true that some Dr’s will say one thing, another will disagree, etc. Many times they do disagree about that, and it has happened to me with 3 different Dr’s over the years. There is a standard of care, it just isn’t as black and white as say, cardiology. The problem though, is that there are tests in mental health, and these tests are recognized by all mental health professionals. The MMPI, MCMI, PDS, etc etc….are all tests that everyone uses and have been around for ages. The issue with trying to discredit psychology is that, in this case, you can’t say to ignore test results that were given by 1 expert, yet say to accept tst results that were given by another when they are the exact same tests and graded the same way. If JW told the jury that this profession doesn’t have a standard of care, she is telling them to ignore her 2 prior witnesses as well. The jury will have to decipher the tests and decide whose witness they believe, as is always the case.

  291. This girl knows definitions by heart and has impressively memorized various clinical diagnosis— so in essence, yes, she knows her stuff. However, given the snide remarks she manages to inject in her testimony and the “like” totally obvious looks of contempt she directs at Jodi, completely diminishes her credibility. Furthermore, it makes her appear, catty, petty, childish and kinda of envious of Jodi.

    At least that’s how she came across to me and I don’t have a PhD in anything. heheh

    I’m about to go on Youtube to watch JW deal with her. For Ms. Demented’s sake, I hope she was wearing her Depends or some kind of heavy duty Shamwow undergarments.

    • Ha, Sil
      I’m joining you on you tube. : )
      It’s nice not to hear the puppets putting their bias statements and spin on it.
      When it starts into Jane and tabloid the rest of the night, they’ve lost me for sure.
      I pretty much tune out Vinnie, so I miss most of the trial during the day.

  292. I haven’t finished watching yet, bit I know that I would be more inclined to talk with Alyce than the one the state has on. AND for juan to keep harping on 12 hours vs. 44 is stupid and laughable.
    Also still making a big deal out of the book.

    The interrogation can last over 12 hours. I wonder if he has a problem with that.
    The state also made such a big deal out of DS. and AL being biased, they don’t think that the state’swiness is biased.
    That’s usually the way it goes, but I will say that Alyce and Samuels are more honest than the states witness.

    I guess maybe I’ll be up pretty late watching it on you tube. I’m glad to hear that Jennifer is crossing.
    That will make it easier.

    • Regardless of the horrible treatment of Dr. Samuels and Alyce, they came through as more knowledgeable and experienced. imo.

      • That’s why they treated them horrible. They KNEW this one wasn’t as knowlegeable and experienced.
        Those years of experience and caring mean a hell of a lot.
        Jennifer’s good and you can tolerate her, where it is very hard for me to tolerate or understand where martinez is going.
        Usually when someone runs the questions together, and yells, you lose interest.

  293. And in the end Baby Doc have just told us that Jodi is not the killer, she dont fit the profile, dont behave like a killer under and after the killing. Sorry for my english. Am from Denmark so forgive me, just a littel bit. 😉

    • lol! Don’t worry we don’t care about grammar. And English is my second language too! =)

      • Rose that was what I was wondering. Did she just qualify
        as doing data on child abuse?
        If so she didn’t answer the question, IMO that MOST tell someone.

        I’m not a doctor , but do know that MOST children don’t want to tell anyone.

        Also, ONE question, didn’t the judge tell Alyce that she WANTED her here today?

        Did I miss something?

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