After nearly dying of boredom – thanks to Martinez’ nauseating antics, ongoing rants & BS – I decided to let Renee’ give you a brief summary of events from yesterday.
Here goes…
* We learned that spaghetti sticks on ceilings, as well as walls.
* We learned that JM is interested in Jodi’s asshole.
* We learned that if you are louder than opposing counsel, the Judge Pickles Bobble-head will overrule every objection.
Ain’t that the truth
— and here’s a cool pic of Jodi & Jennifer after the trial had recessed for the day…
As always, leave your comments below on trial day 44…
Team Jodi
Yes, you are!
The picture above of Jodi and Jennifer smiling, is such a breath of fresh air.. Tho if anyone saw it, I am sure they caught their rath… but for me, an observer from day 1 of the trial, it is so lovely to see.
I think Jodi looks beautiful in that picture
But soooooo thin and worn out, poor thing.
And you know the haters will HATE this. She’s not allowed to smile EVER again, don’t you know.
I missed yesterday’s afternoon session. Is it true there will be court on Fridays now?
Yesterday’s transcript of the Dr. Drew show: 4/9/13
This is the info that was given out yesterday by Judge Pickles for Friday court:
Friday 4/12 9.30-12-30pm
Friday 4/26 9am-4pm
Friday 5/3 10am-4pm
Team Jodi
On Dr. Flu’s show yesterday, he talked about bringing in a lip reader on to the show to lip read the defense team and JA. Should they be warned to shield their mouths with their hands or a folder or something. They are looking to create trouble, so why give them the fodder? Thanks.
Does he have no ethics at all? Well I guess he doesn’t, we are talking about Drew Pimpsky here.
To begin with, any thing JA and her lawyers discuss is confidential between them, good grief, do they not understand client/attorney confidentiality? It’s like they don’t feel Jodi has a right to any privacy.
I like “Pimpsky” and think it is the most appropriate way to address this jerk that I have seen. Hope you don’t mind if I steal it 🙂
I don’t think we should insult pimps out there. 🙂
I agree! He is pimpin out those teen moms and getting his jollies on the suffering off addicts! Sharon Osbourne agrees, not that I care about her, but I love another”celebrity” calling out another “celebrity”!
Dr. Drew, Nancy Grace and the like… all from HLN… are so obviously biased against Jodi, and they have every right to feel the way they do… but when they are in the public eye, reporting to the american public, I dont think they should be able to voice their opinions. They should report the trial as it happens, and keep their opinions to their facebook pages or web sites.. Barbara Walters has said on The View… she is not allowed to announce her politcial affiliations, so how can these people be allowed.. Is it becuz their station. HLN.. allows it ?
Allows it? they REQUIRE it. What do you think the producers are doing behind the scenes? (and sometimes in front). HLN has become nothing but tabloid journalism with fake,wannabe “journalists”.
agree…. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Wow just when you think Dr Drew cannot go much lower he pulls this type of stunt. This does not even sound legal and at the very least it is crossing a huge line. I know most of the time they cover their mouths but yesterday afternoon after court was over I do not think they knew they were being followed by the camera. They probably thought the seal was up. I saw where Jodi realized it and they moved. It was nice to see a smile on Jodi’s face after court.
Dr. Drew shenanigans gives me a visual of them wasting time looking through a bag of rock salt for a diamond…only to discover later that it was only a bag of rock salt…
What a jerk!!! Really, what will they get out of this? Whatever they SAY she and Wilmont talked about, they’ll make a big deal about and twist all of it around anyway. So it doesn’t matter. By the way, is lip reading even 100% accurate, I DONT THINK SO.
This entertainment…..not coverage of a trial where defendants are “innocent in proven guilty”. They know who their audience is and they PANDER to them very effectively.
They should definitely be warned!!!!!! I’ve thought of that each time they whisper in full view of the camera. Jodi and Jennifer used to be much more guarded when speaking to each other – careful to cover their mouths. But of late, they have become sloppy about this and they should NOT BE. I wish they would be told by someone. It doesn’t look good.
But does it mean only Friday’s, SJ ? I’m a little confused.. so would anyone be after listening to JM’s bullshit!
Don’t you mean, isn’t it true? LOL hahahaha!
There will be court on Fridays a couple of times this month and if it lasts til May.
Sounds like they’re finally trying to get this thing wrapped up.
I’ll pick up watching again when Jenny is up for re-direct. I’ve had enough of Martinez and don’t need to see any more.
Oh wow, Kira, get out of my head! lol
I stopped recording InSession and all the other HLN crap shows. I’m going to catch up on the trial strictly via this website.
Yay Sil! I wish more people would stop watching and their ratings would plummet!
I even took the good measure to set up my television to skip that channel when I am flipping through other shows. I cannot even stand to see their faces briefly.
Oh AJ, that’s a great idea!!! I might have to figure out how to do that on my tv.
totally agree….
I put a block on my televisions for HLN
We have had a pollen boom and my head is throbbing! Evertime I hear that kermit voice its like boom boom throb! Not cool but hubby says if he was Allyce he would be in jail already! What makes you want to shut him up so bad?
I’ve stopped watching all of those shows. Only watch the trial online and only go on this website.
The proof lies upon him who affirms, not upon him who denies; since, by the nature of things, he who denies a fact cannot produce any proof.
Rhonda H,
Since your statement is looking all alone, I thought I’d give it company by adding more to it… 🙂
‘The proof of the pudding’ is just shorthand for ‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating’. That longer version makes sense at least, whereas the shortened version really doesn’t mean anything – nor does the often-quoted incorrect variation ‘the proof is in the pudding’. The continued use of that meaningless version is no doubt bolstered by the fact that the correct version isn’t at all easy to understand. Courtesy of: http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/proof-of-the-pudding.html :D)
Just for you Rhonda! 😉
Iv never heard that phrase before. I like it!!!! Thanks guys, I learn something new from this website everyday. : ))
and for short: “you cannot prove a negative”.
Ok my thoughts for today are: I will not bitch about the little man any longer….why you ask? I made the choice to watch…..gee sometimes I do not make wise choices…
You are stronger than I… I will bitch about this little bitch as long as he keeps acting like a little bitch…
God I love you girl….lol
lol…your to funny
I hope people don’t hate me because I refuse to beat around the bush. I am so damn passionate about this case, it eats me up inside. It’s a travesty of our justice system, and I am watching a meltdown parade while it seems to be lost that someone’s life is on this line here.
Frankly, I am pissed.
I love how outspoken you are!!!
Keep it up!
Renee’, no one hates you!!!!! are trying to deal with this trial in our own way. There is allot of stress factor in it, that we each deal with different ways. AVL testimony has brought up allot for me.
Jodi and Travis are the ages of my kids…..perhaps I sometimes think like a mom. But I will never for one minute believe that Jodi did this alone……
Perhaps by today’s standards Jodi’s parents were abusive. But to me it was a norm. Spare the rod, spoil the child…bs. Not my kids…..
We hate JM most likely because he is the “abuser”……in most of us. Plus he is so damn annoying…… to say the very least….
I agree cindy, I will never blv she did this alone either. I still dont blv she even did it at all. I blv she was there but not that she did it.
Renee, how can anyone hate you??? Not us, we love the truth and thats partbof why we’re all here. Now the “haters” that might be a different story. Lol but who cares what they think.
You must have been apoplectic during the Casey Anthony trial. lol
I’m passionate about it too, Renee. I HATE LOATHE AND DETEST THAT ASSHOLE!
Now I have to go have a smoke cause I have let that little bastard get to me….
This trial makes me resemble that comment. I am normally a one a day smoker. But on cross days I seem to smoke more like three or four.
I quit smoking a month and a half ago, and switched to E-cigs…. this is the first time in my life I have successfully stopped smoking cigarettes… I will not let that little prick make me start again….but I do find myself sucking on my ecig like a pacifier 😉
My sister and niece both were able to quit using those! Good luck and you can do it, Renee. 🙂
One of my dear friends who smoked for years was able to stop using those. Good Luck and I hope they work for you.
So far, they have worked amazingly. I was real nervous about quitting, because I am a recovered anorexic, and while my weight is healthy now, I am overly conscious of not gaining weight. In the last month and a half I have gained zero pounds, and I feel soooooooooooooo much better. Real cigarettes taste terrible to me now.
And I was a pack a day smoker since the age of 17.
That is good to hear. I am an emotional eater and the stress of this trial causes me to snack too much. I have never smoked and I do not drink much anymore. I have always had problems with my body image so thankfully working out has helped keep any extra weight off. I try to go workout instead of snacking when the stress gets to me but that does not always work. This makes me feel so much worse because Jodi is barely getting food. I do not understand why I cry and get so upset watching the trial but it has greatly affected me.
That’s wonderful Renee.
Interesting. I may have to give the ecigs a shot.
It is so tense just watching him pace back and forth and back and forth.. I swear the man is going to have a stroke.. he must have an ulcer by now.. created by his own extreme actions… omg..
I don’t smoke ,tired to once just to lose 10 pounds, but it was so gross
good morning everyone who has gotten up and are hoping for a good day today my be JM will get foot and mouth Disease.
which tarot card is that from the waite deck right?
yes rider deck
means interference ?
meaning it is jodi :Isolation, self-imposed restriction, imprisonment
ever use the thoth deck? wait wrong site lol
Good Morning, All!
First I would like to say it looks like I’m like 18th or something like that. 😀 Then I’d like to point out that maybe I’m a little slow but I just “got” the FUJuan handle! LOL For a long time I just glanced and recognized the name and assumed it said Fuji Ann (like a girl named Ann who lived somewhere in the East). So, thanks for that laught, FUJuan!
And lastly, I vow to stay positive today and if that means turning off the trial when I get stressed I will. But – I will also say that I have stopped watching news altogether (since I do not trust any of it any longer) and I am in better spirits these days. Imagine that! Perhaps that is one of the lessons I needed to learn. :/
Gotta love you cindyp! 18th commenter! You should get a prize for that statement alone…and Fuji Ann LOL thank you for starting my trial day with a good laugh, sincerely 😮
Positive thinking is a good idea! I vow to REGROUP when I feel the trial antics heighten. Yesterday I lost it a bit and went to bed with a headache for the second night in a row…so today I’m with you on turning off the trial when I get stressed…after meditation and deep cleansing breaths fail of course. *\ 😮 /*
AJ mentioned below that FU1 would be a good idea for a t-shirt…I think you should win an FU1 t-shirt for being the 18th commenter
Hah haaaa! I’ll take it!
Good morning everyone…
Renee you are my hero!!! You couldn’t have summarized it with better words…LOL LOL
I would be SORELY disappointed if you changed ANYTHING about your wonderful self. Don’t you dare!!
Cindy…you made me laugh this morning, thank you!!!
I will try to not let Massengil get to me today…however, my blood really boils about this shit. My kids think I’m “obsessed” with this case – and I guess I am to a point. It is incredulous to me how our “fair and impartial” judicial system can railroad one individual like this. And, if we don’t ban together to support Jodi and other women who are victims who will? There is too much hatred and animosity and bullying. Too much. Another 15 year old girl attempted suicide because of a GANG RAPE (alleged – I really don’t like that word) and her family took her off life support yesterday. 15 and gang raped. Another teenage girl victimized. It’s DISGUSTING. I can’t say it enough.
Again – risking my boring you with my repetitiveness, I must thank all of you for letting me be a part of your circle of friends and for being the voice of reason. {{{{{hugs}}}}}
Awe… Good morning Janeen ((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))
Never are you boring, my dear, always you are eloquent and well-spoken. And funny as shit, might I add, I love “Massengil” so apropos!!
I am attempting to be productive, doing massive amounts of homework. I am also addicted to this trial. There are not many people who objectively standing up to women’s rights and DV. We are Jodi’s voice.
Amen my friend…Amen… 🙂
I get so sad and so angry to hear more stories of young people taking their own life because of bullying. The media is being so irresponsible and showing our children that bullying is ok. This needs to stop.
Omg thats just horrible! !! My heart breaks, OMG THATS THE WORSE THING THAT CAN HAPPEN!!! When I hear stuffn like this, I cant stop thinking about it for days!!! I have two little girls (4 and 1) and I pray everyday that they’ll never ever get hurt like this!!! HORRIBLE! !! I just cant get it, why are there people like this in the world! !!
After yesterdays atrocities, I’m thinking I might just go play bingo today, and take a break. I don’t ever remember since this trial started being so fed up as I was yesterday. I can’t believe in our modern day and age of justice that this could be allowed. Its bad enough we have a fame-whore of a prosecutor who will stoop to the depths of hell to get camera time, but worst of all, a Judge who appears to have NO desire to uncover the truth and oversee a fair and impartial trial.
That ignorant piece of garbage we call a Judge has done nothing but show all of us that we better wake up, and pay attention to who we are electing to serve in our judicial system. Normally, I admit, I just check the box, for the current Judge serving, since I typically don’t follow them. Lesson learned, and you can bet I will vote down any Judge that shows such lack of competence in my jurisdiction!
I would hope that any of you who live in Arizona are writing to your bar association with complaints against Mr. Martinez and Judge Stephens. (i assume she was a lawyer)
yes the judge is showing favortisim in this trial I would love to see her bank statement they showed jodi in trial and the other travis clan too.
I highly recommend, Melvis, take a break if you need….. I think many of us are making ourselves ill with this trial (travesty, circus).
A few of us up very late last night were joking around about going to AZ to support Jodi. I then made a mention that we should make T-shirts. I was talking to FUJuan about how I liked her screen name and we should use that. Then Kira suggested we should use FU1. I was just being silly and with the stress of the day I had to make a little light on how Kermit has really pissed me off. I do not see how ALV can sit there so calmly.
She’s had a ton of practice facilitating anger management groups. She channels that when talking to Juan and considers him as such.
ALV need to let the little man rant on and on the jury is see all this she need to keep pointing out that he has other information about this case that he does not wont you to see….:)
Good morning All-
I have been having one prevailing thought about Ms. L’s testimoney yesterday, and am interested in your opinions:
Let me start by saying, that for me, the biggest turing point in this trial, was listening to TA in the “taped phone call”. I will not call it a “sex tape” because in my estimation, it wasn’t about sex to TA, but was all about his power and control over Jodi. When TA talked about Jodi sounding like a twelve year old having her first orgasm, and then talking about how he raped her when she was miserable, I said to myself “case closed”! He revealed himself to be a violent man as RAPE is violence, not sex. I have posted several times in the past about this, so I won’t go on and on today.
So, yesterday, when JM was asking Ms. L about the “taped phone call” and twisted it to sound like it was an enjoyable and consensual sexual experience, Ms. L appeared to agree with that statement. I’m hoping I am wrong, because I can’t imagine that she missed the rape comment and wouldn’t use that in her evaluation of TA as an abuser.
I can’t be the only person watching this trial to think that hearing TA’s voice and vile statements is one of the biggest pieces of evidence of his abusive character.
Would love your input.
I agree 100% ! I think he has beat her down with his circus like rantings, and she is TIRED. She has lost her spunk, and I really hope she got some rest last night. I think if she wasn’t so tired, she would have mentioned the fact that when people are having fun, the word RAPE is not usually part of it.
I think the onslaught of hate attacks that went on over the weekend rattled ALV, and who wouldn’t be rattled. I don’t think there was any indication the minions would do what they did and I am sure it was a shock to her and the defense team. They totally trashed her book on amazon and barnes & noble, they bombarded her office with hate messages to the point her email address had to be removed from her website. They put the message out that anyone in the area of her workshop last weekend should go and throw tomatoes at her. And they contacted sponsors demanding they remove her from the scheduled workshops she was holding. Then we have the hate spewed on youtube on her videos that are up there.
No one could have predicted or even imagined the extent these hateful people would go to. It was a planned attack and they hit her from all sides.
No one expects that because they are testifying in a trial. And the sad part is they seem to be getting away with it. That’s scary!
What in the hell is wrong with these people? To invest that much time in trying to destroy the career of a person whom they don’t even know? All in the name of getting “justice” for another person whom they NEVER KNEW?????
I can’t stand Kermit, but I’d never barrage his office with phone calls about what an asshole he is or stalk him by taking pictures of him while he’s off-duty and trying to use them to damage his career. He’s a little shit, but he means nothing to my life. The Travis Taliban need to find some meaning in their own lives because it’s apparent that they have none.
I can’t believe the judge is not going with a mistrial based on this alone. And yes, the barrage of hate is no doubt getting to Alyce LaViolette. When she was on the stand yesterday, after about 4 hours of being yelled at and Juan shoving words in her mouth and trying to confuse everything like a crazy man, it sounded to me that her voice was near tears from sheer frustration. Oh, this judge is terrible.
My father is a retired court clerk. He’s not following this trial, but because I’m so interested in it, he pays attention when a report comes on the news about it. He says if Jodi is convicted, she’ll do extremely well on appeal.
Each and every one of those abusive people should be arrested for intimidation of a witness. I hope SOMEONE is paying attention to the injustice that is occurring. I doubt ALV will EVER again want to subject herself to this by testifying in another trial. She has worked her entire professional life on revealing the truth about domestic violence and paving a path to justice for the victims. The fact that the abusive, evil tactics of the mob that flows from this trial is crushing her and discrediting all her work is, to me, absolutely appalling.
AVL has said several times she does not get on the computer. So I don’t know why she would be reading these things unless someone else told her of it.
I have been keeping up with all of this as much as possible between work. I was a paralegal for almost 10 years but the justice system sickened me out of it, literally!! This trial and HLN is all pathetic! But, Ms. L is my hero! Most of the law I worked in, were domestic violence divorces. I hope and pray that she is as much removed from this media b.s. as possible. The ONLY thing any of us can do, when we find those posts…and I will look in the places mentioned, is to insert our own comments of support. And only of support. Don’t dumb yourself down to the ignorance of those who hate. I hope and pray she has at least some posts, in support of her, God knows she deserves it. Not only for the work she has certainly done throughout her life, which was brave in itself, but on this trial. She is a brave woman! and again, my hero..I will find as many places to post in support of her…I hope all of you will as well! Don’t get me wrong..bitch on about JM…im certain he has little dick syndrome!!!
I agree… I think AL is getting beaten down and she does look tired… tired of all the bullshit .. I hope she gets a second wind today, and comes back blazing..
I agree TR, hearing his voice on the phone and the vile things he said was a turning point for me instead of being undecided. I never thought they proved premed though nor did I ever think she planned it. I was living under a rock I guess and did not even know about this trial until the point where JM was doing his cross. I have been going through the trial footage on a daily basis to keep up. I watch 48 hours and have the ipad app and that is when I found out about it. I then started looking into the facts and the phone call made it all clear. I am just thankful that phone call was saved. It shows TA in his true form.
That more than anything killed the prosecution’s case.
Yeah, he just sounded gross on that tape.
Thanks for your responses….I know I’m not the only one. I do think that Ms. L is unsettled about the violent backlash to her testimony and it appears to me that she may not be feeling well. I am hopeful that on re-direct Ms. Wilmott will revisit the tape and allow Ms. L to really discuss it’s content and it’s abusiveness. Maybe today this will happen 🙂
Yes! I hope she does. Great idea. Bring it all out on the stand. The jury will empathize with that.
I think JW should ask ALV if the prosecutors behavior on cross is an example of how an abuser batters a victim!
Of course the judge would jump all over that and tell the jury to disregard it. But it is a very good example of just how a perpetrator acts.
Agreed AJ…I think ALV sits there calmly because she’s a professional and has class and self-respect NOT to mention RESPECT for the courtroom and the proceeding she is involved in…unlike peckerhead Massengil and Medusela (spelled right????) LOL LOL
ALV was backed into a corner with the question being asked her and the defence will bring us back to that moment in time when those words were said and the fact that there is a ton of more emails she saw and was not allowed to discuss
Does anyone know anything about the “other” emails that weren’t allowed in and why they weren’t allowed in?
because it is message for chris sky hughes to travis about jodi so if it have something that could save her they will not let it in and the judge will not let the defence either ?????////
Okay, I asked this question yesterday, and it got lost in the comments: How do you get an avatar on these posts?
Morning, tonysam.
First, go here:
sign up, upload a pic, and then put this website in the place where it asks you to link to a site.
I found it extremely easy.
tonysam: go to “gravatar.com” and register – MAKE SURE you link this website to it
Its time for another cup of coffie its going to be a long day it is raining in arl tx.
I keep wondering if Judge Stephens is possibly recognizing that Martinez is an abuser and is intentionally let him demonstrate it to the jury? Maybe she’s actually on our side. Just a thought…
I think Ms. Willmott should move to enter Kermit as evidence for the defense- a live exhibit.
“Your honor, the defense moves to enter Juan Martinez into evidence”
Very funny! By the way, Renee’, I’m the other Renée on this site but changed my nom de plume so we wouldn’t be confused. (Also, if you want to know how to put the accent over your e let me know). Enjoy your posts.
That made me laugh so hard. Ty for that 🙂
I imagine them stamping him with an evidence number…LOL.
LOL Renee. They’d put a green sticker on him.
Nawww. Doubt it.
No MS B she is allowing JM to do the same thing he did to Dr Samuels
Here with Dr. S, I felt that the defense should have stood up for him harder. They let JM run rough shod over him, and emboldened him even further, including the judge who has let things slide. TOO MUCH LEEWAY for disrespectful attitude towards the witnesses. He has crossed the line over and over, and the judge seems to be enabling him to go further. Yikes!
…and Jodi…. 🙁
Hey everyone. I had a thought this morning as I climbed out if my bed. I laugh and make fun at my happy pills everyday, but it is something that helps me live a normal life. Last night I swallowed my ambien with a big glass of water and drifted off to sleep. I woke up this morning and began to think about when my insomnia was so bad I would still be awake when the light changed from dark to light through my curtains. Then my thoughts turned to Jodi all I could think was how is this poor girl sleeping at night? I felt guilty having these ” mothers little helpers” Jail itself has to be bad enough to try and sleep. But I just can’t imagine what goes through her head every night, so much stress. As mentioned before, I was stalked for a few years. That experience changed my life. I get very angry when the word stalked is used so frivolously, but Jodi is being stalked by these unscrupulous HLN folks, the Travis Taliban and the most frightening stalker JM and the state of Arizona want her dead and are pursing her death at ANY cost. Now that’s terrifying. How is Jodi surviving this, I’ll never know. God bless her and keep her safe.
I am so sorry that you were stalked and I know that must of changed your life. I cannot imagine going through that. I am sure you get really upset when they refer to Jodi as a stalker and that TA was sooooo scared of her. I know it makes me very angry so I know it must be very hard for you to hear. (((((((Hugs)))))) to you.
It infuriates me! TRAVIS was NOT stalked. The largest and most blaring piece of evidence is his GQ fashion shoot, which by the way, if that is the body he was so proud of, I say hmmm. My husband is 42 years old and has a slamming body. Yea for me! Sorry, I digress back to the photos, it PROVES he was not stalked. Jodi was in that bathroom, he was having sex with her. Anyone that is stalked and terrorized and scared to death. They do not have phone sex, text, email, call on the phone and LASTLY, never,ever, never open the door. I call bull shit!
Well said!
That “stalking” nonsense was from his “friends” who didn’t know Travis’s m.o.
To the mods: I changed my email address so I could use my avatar.
Love your pic
That’s a picture of my late, beloved dog Tony.
Our culture uses the term stalking loosely and so does Juan apparently.
Juan uses lots of things loosely, say, his asshole for instance……no, my bad, I messed up….I meant to say Juan uses his asshole profusely and now it’s really loose. Like his lips. Which, are not to be confused for his asshole. Even, though, they are. The same.
Good fucking morning everyone! Today, my word of the day is FUCK. It is the most versatile word in the world, a real UMPH behind any emotional context one is hoping to convey. For instance, simply saying you had a great day ….
“I had a great day today!” This sounds like you had a great day. But, let’s say you had an unbelievably great day and you want people to truly grasp how passionate you are about this great day (obviously, a day you did not watch the trial). Using the word fuck in your sentence lets the person hearing or reading what you are saying get a true sense of the emotion you are feeling….
“Fuck, I had a great day today!” Feel that? Using the word fuck, adding just one word to the sentence, made a huge difference. It brought the feeling to life and drove it home.
This is called a grammatical orgasm. Your welcome. I’ll be here all week.
I absolutely fucking agree!!! 🙂
Didn’t it come out in AVL’s direct by JW that there was another woman he told people was stalking him besides Jodi?
Morning Kim…please do not feel guilty about anything you use to survive. I’m truly sorry for your pain and suffering and the fact that you have SURVIVED is a testament to your strength whether it’s with pills or whatever other tool you need. You hold your head high girl. Jodi will also hold her head high because she too is a survivor. 🙂
Thank you. I am stronger today because of that. Just soo tired of all the stalking talk. Jodi is the stalking victim . Can anyone imagine all that’s being said and written about her, so many people clambering for your death, when Jodi is struggling to deal with the fact that she HAD to kill Travis. I just can’t imagine that stress without her getting some kind of help, which I don’t think she is. Heartbroken for her.
((((( Kimberly )))))
…you know referring back to the taped phone call…what picture comes to mind when you think about “tying a woman up to a tree and F***ing her up the ass…etc.”? Buffalo, Zebras, Lions, Tigers, Bison, etc., – TA was an ANIMAL…he said so himself…regardless of what the traviban rant about – they have to deny all the bullshit about TA because exposing his “secrets” is exposing theirs…and the SAINTS in Arizona don’t like the truth….
I totally understand your rage, Janeen, but I do hope you (and everyone else) is not deciding we Arizonians are all a bunch of nut cases (granted we have our share — ok, maybe more than our share) but we do have a few sane people here. ;^)
Ms. B, YOU provide the evidence that at least one Arizonian is not only sane, but savvy.
Animals act more civilized than TA!
I’m not sure I can fully agree with your statement TR and I’ll tell you why. Last night, I woke up with my heart hanging out of my asshole and my cat digging around that area to get under the blankets. I was experiencing the sleep fog one sometimes has upon being abruptly woken from REM sleep when I slowly became aware of my surroundings. Immediately, I was gripped with terror but I had no idea why. My sense of sight failed to show up so I was going on touch, smell, and sound. I felt terror, as I said, and I believe my husband had ripped ass prior to my waking up because it smelled like, well, ass. Something else was wrong, though, because I stopped being terrified of his bodily functions a long time ago.
That’s when I hear it. A loud screeching but kind of howling mixed with a touch of feral scream that would fluctuate in volume and even sounded like there were syllables in there somewhere, yeah, it was a sound with syllables. I know, doesn’t make a lick of sense but, this is me so should not come as a surprise.
So, this sound erupts into the night air right the fuck outside of my window, right? Which, is open because we wouldn’t want the monsters to have trouble getting in, you know? It slams my ears, penetrates my core, and shoots through my skin leaving goose bumps in it’s wake and every hair on my body standing on end. I mean, I had just shaved my legs before going to bed and here I sit with legs hairy enough to braid. The pitch would fluctuate in range and volume from fevered to subdued so that it was melodic like a song…….a haunting, piss yourself, shit your heart kind of song. With syllables. Can’t forget those.
I’m mostly paralyzed in my state of fear and panic, which, I’m fairly disappointed about because paralyzed isn’t the reaction one necessarily wants to have when faced with whatever was outside my window singing me a dreadful song before coming in to disembowel and dismember me. I take a moment to ponder this particular fate I could be facing and it gave me gas. I’m not going to lie. That’s how I became aware that my heart was in my asshole and that’s also when I made the connection that this was what woke me up. Whatever was outside singing belted out another verse that sent a hot flash followed quickly by a cold flash over me, repeating until quiet returned, and leaving me with the metallic taste of “Oh fuck I’m going to die” in my mouth.
I’m in a heightened state of “oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit”, I’m wound so tight, like, an animal tensed and ready to strike…..except for that whole paralyzed thing…..and it’s wreaking havoc on my insides. Since, I’m tensed up I obviously cannot fart. Hell, at this point, I can’t even breathe.
Now, real quick, with a show of hands, who here has ever been randomly victimized by gas in a very public place or, worse, while being intimate? Anyone? Okay, who can tell me what happens when you have to fart really fucking bad but you hold it because farting at that moment will be social suicide….or worse, your significant other is going to be highly perturbed with the new part you blew in their hair? You get that same puckered and pained look on your face that we’ve come to recognize as Juan Fartinez’ “YES OR NO” face, true, but something else happens too. Anyone? Internal farts, that’s right! Not to be confused for tummy growls caused by hunger because the two are distinctly different in sound, an internal fart is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a fart that occurs on the inside and is, for the most part, much quieter than it’s counterpart and leaves no smell. But, sometimes, internal farts are just as loud as an external fart and just as embarrassing. Because, internal farts sound like farts. Just muffled. A little. For me, last night, when the monster was finishing up it’s 3rd horrific verse of it’s song, my internal fart set a record where volume is concerned.
Back to the pitch black bedroom with my heart hanging out of my asshole, my cat is no longer digging to get under the blankets for she, too, is paralyzed with fear, her tail’s fur resembling a pipe cleaner. I’m mentally screaming at my husband to wake his lazy ass up and save me for fuck’s sake when, just as the ominous melody stopped, my insides implode so loudly that it scares my paralysis out of me and I must of jumped a good foot or nine straight up in the air. As did my cat. Which, woke my husband up. FINALLY. He asked me what the fuck my malfunction was……just like that….and I told him we were all going to die because the chupacabra was right by the window and about to eat us. After staring blankly at me for about, oh, a minute and a half he got up and looked out the window. I’m getting ready to book it cause if the chupa whatever thing is eating my husband I’ll have some time to escape. My husband turned around with a smirk on his face and a glint in his eye as he tells me what is outside making that god awful noise has no intention of eating any of us, that it has other things on it’s mind.
I’m, like, WTF is YOUR malfunction?! I didn’t ask that….but I should have cause it would have been funny. I did ask why he would say such a thing, not that I wanted to be eaten alive, but now that the monster didn’t find me appealing enough to eat I was a little offended. What? I have issues, what do you want from me?! My husband tells me that I have almost shit my heart out, slightly peed myself but only like a very tiny bit, and my cat looks like she stuck her claw in a light socket all because two cats were fucking outside next to my window and the sounds that I were certain was a song of death from a monster was really feline orgasms.
Talk about anticlimactic! At the very least, after all the soiling and scaring of myself I did, I mean almost….ALMOST did, I should have been bitten or something! Nothing. Other than two cats, maybe three cause it was my neighbor’s cat and she’s beautiful as well as a whore so more likely four cats going all gang rape fuck crazy and being loud about it.
Travis was an animal, yes, but after hearing cat sex and the sheer primal response of fear I responded with…..I’m just not ready to say animals were more civilized. There was no civility about what I heard. None.
I’m glad to see that Jodi and Jennifer W. were smiling and laughing at the end of the day yesterday. I hope Jennifer W. and Nurmi had a chance to talk with Alyce L. last night or this morning to let her in on Juan’s tricks. From what I’ve read here, she does NOT have to go along with a hypothetical. Is that right?
I think it’s such trickery for him to use hypothetical situations to confuse the witness, the jury and everyone when this trial being tried for first degree. He’s unethical but I dont need to harp in the same old song.
I couldn’t sleep at all last night. All I kept thinking about was JM’s display of rage and bully behavior. I then wanted to write to Judge Sherry to voice my disgust for her in letting this happen in front of all of America! Then I had thoughts of everyone on this site sending her letter after letter shaming her for allowing his behavior to take place in a court of law! Is that even possible? Can we write a letter of disgust to the good Judge? I do say that with sarcasm, FYI!!
Doubt it will make much diff. She seems a bit arrogant and proud. She’ll see it as sour grapes, I think. I don’t see balance or true fairness in her rulings. Even her tone, “APP-ROACH, Overruled, etc” seem to slide out of her in a very dismissive manner, like she can’t be bothered, sort of like her time is being wasted by being there or something.
You’re probably right. I just can’t stand it anymore. 🙁
I just had visions of a Santa bag size of hate mail being delivered to her and getting very much joy from it! LOL!!!
Tanne, if something goes wrong with this trial, it will be poetic justice to have HER face a panel and explain her reasoning behind her actions and rulings. Wonder how she is viewed by her peers and other atty’s who have been in her court before. Is she diff in this trial vs the others she has presided (sp?) over?
Are we all ready?
Here! I’ve got Maalox, Mylanta, Milk of Magnesia, Pepto Bismol…bring it on Massengil….
As ready as I will ever be to listen to that man and his so called “style”.
I’m a lot less agitated if I listen to the trial by live feed instead of HLN. Just letting you all know, you’re day will be a lot more peaceful if you stay away from HLN. It’s their JOBS to agitate.
Judge Puppet Stephens has zero control of her courtroom. As much as I despise Hitler Martinez he is going to do whatever he can get away with. It up to the Judge to control everybody and everything in their courtroom.
Also we have to remember to try seeing all of this through the eyes and ears of the jury. They aren’t privy to the vast majority of what we know, or at least they shouldn’t be.
You can love Jodi and find what is happening to her despicable as all of us here do or you can hate Jodi and want nothing more than to see her die. That’s up to you.
BUT….Jodi IS entitled to a fair and impartial trial as is everyone and that is something Jodi is not getting from this Judge.
Well said, Joe. The Judge has NEVER had any control of the courtroom. I have never seen such in all my life. I really hope that most of the US courts are NOT conducted like this.
Talk about nerve – Vinnie P is talking about how bad cyber bullying is – does he not see himself as part of the problem?
I can’t stomach that guy!! I hear his voice and I mute the TV. Nasty Grace show starts and my dog gets up and leaves the room! How bad is that, even animals run away when they hear her voice!!
I can’t stand Vinnie either. He comes across as creepy with that “hug your children” line every day. I don’t need him thinking about my child, thanks.
OMG Gail LOL Poor doggie can’t stand the chaos and anger. Awww
He is a cyber leader…
Juror # 5 was overheard asking “Who is Einstein”? “Wasn’t he a Sweathogg”?
LOL!! Seriously??? LOLOLOL
Holy Shit and she was asked to be a “reasonable person” on a jury deciding a persons guilt. Or maybe she was being a smart ass referring to Jodi having the IQ of a swear hog?
I have to ask you folks this question.
Why in the world are you guys torturing yourselves by watching HLN? I watched HLN for about 3 days when I first started watching this trial right near the end of the prosecutions case. I knew after those 3 days I wasn’t going to look at HLN anymore. They were totally biased for the prosecution from the start. The only way I know what they talk about on HLN now is because of the people here who watch it and post about it.
HLN is dead to me. They are no better than Fox News at being fair and balanced.
I can understand why some would be tempted. Luckily, I choose not to have cable so I don’t have to deal with the temptation.
Ditto for me, Jaz.
I don’t watch it. Just the live feed, and (from now on) only when the defense is up.
I dont watch! EVER! I canceled my cable after the CA trial, and have never looked back!
In our area HLN is the only network airing the trial…
I have learned to mute the HLN talking heads as they “pause” for commercials and add their own personal negative tidbits before they push “play” again…
The “pause” and “play” technique that HLN is doing is the perfect avenue for them to further enrage the television viewing audience and to sway them into believing their own belief that Jodi is guilty…
They are the living perfect example of media ambush to a trial…
I totally agree! Every word, every nuance, is twisted into something negative about Jodi or the defense witness in an absolutely hateful and poisonous way. I don’t know how these people (HLN “journalists”) sleep at night! I refuse to watch it anymore.
I only listen to the trial on HLN if my live feed isn’t coming through well. It makes for a very aggravating day. I try to mute out all the commentary but it’s hard to catch it all.
The only reason I subject myself to it is bcuz it’s the only way I can feasibly watch the trial. I have kiddos to take care of so I watch 5 minutes here or there(not much time during their waking hours that they are not in the same room as me) then play catch up after their bedtime. That is why I get less than 6hrs of sleep each night and in general, am just exhausted! I would LOVE to have another channel to pick from, but I don’t. And yes, it sucks!
They just showed a recap of Ng saying that the jurors are instructed to listen to each and every word even if it makes them sick…and etc….
So the evidence has come down to this:
He said….She said….
Who do you all think slashed TA’s tires?
I think it was the jealous boyfriend of the girl he was seeing.
Me, too, Gail, along with the email that was sent to Lisa around same time their tires were allegedly slashed. think the guys name was Steve Bell???? Not sure.
I agree. I think Steve Bell sent the threatening e-mail AND slashed the tires.
But let’s face it, there were dozens of people who had motive. LOL
So true!
NO ONE – he made the shit up.
But didn’t the girl he was seeing also have her tires slashed?
And yet, no police report? No receipts of new tires??
I think either it was bullshit (likely)
or it was any of the 11 women he was manipulating, or one of their husbands.
That’s what gets me, no police report, no insurance claim, no receipts for new tires.
Nothing makes any sense when it comes to all those people.
I think I read, in the Flores report, that the emails seemed to have come from a male, which may have been from Steve Bell. One incident of slashed tired was reported but Lisa and Travis didn’t wait around for the police to show to do the report, they went on to have dinner.
To add to that. Steve Bell imo is the one that slashed the tires. He and Lisa had just broken up and she was having trouble him.
I thought that it was discussed that there was never any real proof that anyone’s tires were slashed?? I think thats what I recall……
If I recall correctly, yes. I believe it was the ex-boyfriend (IMHO). If Travis really thought/knew it was Jodi, why didn’t he call the cops on his “stalker”? Also, Jodi cared for Travis and knew he was financially strapped. Why would she do something to cost him more $$$ when she knew money was tight for the guy she cared about?
Yes Gail and you would think after that he would stop her from having acsess to his precious house if he was sure it was her. I think TA really did not know who was doing it!!
Yes they is what they say about the tires. Lisa had hers slashed an Travis had his slashed 2 times.
Which I find that false. An if Lisa’s actually were or Travis’s I would not put it past Travis doing that
himself. As to scare Lisa more as in she was so scared of the email an tire slashing that she begged Travis to spend the night with her. What a great ploy for a womanizer to get in the bed of a “scared virgin”………..my theory on that.
Also it would only strengthen his case for his friends that Jodi was a stalker an a nut case bla bla bla
He may have sent the email also to put more fear an reality in Lisa to draw him closer due to fear.
can anyone help me here?
I cannot access this page anymore through mozilla firefox; ie it shows only as if ‘A day of 2 fairy tales and 1 abusive bastard ‘would have been the latest page made .To get to this page I have to go through Opera. Plus when I google Jodi arias is innocent it gives me the referal
A description for this result is not available because of this site’s robots.txt – learn more
Thanks a lot
I was having issues the other day. I ended up doing a clean up on system, internet files, cache and history. After doing the clean up it was working fine.
thanks a lot
🙂 🙂 🙂
Hey There all,yesterday somebody posted a link about an interesting fact about our little buddy Juan,it seems in this news report he was on trial himself for misconduct in another trial,it states that he just forgot to give the defence the names of some witnesses in time so they could have propper time to interview them,His office spared NO EXPENSE in hiring the best to defend him,WTF and they worry about money,I wish I could remember who posted it,THIS IS WELL WORTH WATCHING,shows how much of a slime he is,as if we didnt know that already.It was painful to watch that asshole yesterday,had to shut the trial off.I only get it on HLN and they fill in the gaps with their own biased bull.I knew that spineless judge would cave and allow some testimony in from those tapes of her parents,just another way to drive a nail into Jodis coffin.I am so sick of the BS in this trial.Another good link to go and see is Inconveniet Truths on facebook and share your thoughts http://www.facebook.com/InconvenientTruthsTV?ref=hl.WE NEED TO SUPPORT JODI,I urge people to check this out and voice their opinion,I hope the defence is aware of JMs stint in court,I do not know how to contact them,but it should be forwarded to KN and JW.A young womans life is at stake here and the trial has run amok thanks to the BIASED judge,The media which has insensed most of the ignorant masses and a little egotistical little man.My heart goes out to Jodi and I wish her the very best,wasnt it great to see her smile at the end of court yesterday,heres hoping that Katie Dick and DR Who wont twist this around,MAYBE HE WILL HIRE A SMILE EXPERT NEXT,sick bastards all of them.
I posted yesterday in response to the link that SC posted…
SC…good posts…
So the good ole judge accused Martinez of “flagrantly” breaking the rules….and the judge ordered JM to prove why he shouldn’t be held in criminal contempt, a charge of up to six months in jail…
I bet he was never “tardy” again in providing names and address of all possible witnesses he might call at trial…hmm…LOL…
Things we know:
2. NANCY GRACE WAS FARTY IN HER GOWN OF BLUE (dancing with the stars)
They are having to hold court on Fridays just to make up for all the late starts each day!!!! My gosh, does the Judge not get it at all – get some control of your courtroom!
We are off to see the wizard…….
……..the wonderful wizard of OZ…………..I mean Juan.
how about: the abominable lizard of AZ…?
Late again?
Ditat Deus, did I do us, everybody !
Ditat Deus just went blank…
I have a black screen instead of the seal on the live feed. Anyone else?
Same, same…
Seal is back.
ok my seal has become “Stream starts soon”…oh Renee…?????? Is something amok in Kansas???
I have a seal!
Ditto deuce.
Don’t believe half of what the so called “experts” say about any jury. The jury needs to use it’s collective common sense. They don’t play by the attorney’s rules or even by the Judge’s rules necessarily. The rely on what they hear during testimony, what they observed while in the jury box, their gut feelings and their own life experiences.
The jury rarely does what the experts expect of them. The Casey Anthony case is a great example. The difference being that Casey’s jury was sequestered and had a take charge, albeit not always fair, but knew his stuff judge.
If I recall correctly most of Jose Baez’s objections were also overruled while Jeff Ashton’s were sustained.
Let all of this run it’s course and Jodi should come out with a fair verdict.
For me personally, there is no chance that Jodi is getting death if found guilty. That would blow my mind.
Any tweets from Wildabouttrials?:
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
The judge has cleared out the previous cases. I still think 10:00am is a good estimate for start time. #JodiArias
ty hero… 🙂
The reason I watch HLN is because I want to understand how the enemy is thinking (if we want to call it “thinking”.) I still don’t understand but they really are a fascinating study.
They are, like studying a can of cockroaches busy with Sheriff Joe’s baloney sandwiches before they’re served..
I would like somebody someday write a book about the lynch mob madness and media manipulation over this trial, and I am sure some media professor or law professor or psychology professor will do it.
It’s much, much worse than even the circus surrounding Casey Anthony.
It would make for fascinating reading.
I don’t know that it’s worse, tonysam. It certainly is bad though. I find it fascinating and disturbing.
Casey had people with signs outside the courtroom waiting to lynch her. I haven’t seen that with Jodi yet.
Aaaaawwwww your gravatar aaaaww aaaawwwww
I agree with you Tonysam,
This is worse than the CA circus. I blame much of that on the Mormon aspect of this trial. Everyone is trying to make TA out to be a f’n saint which it has been proven that he certainly wasn’t. More like a sexual deviant , abuser, and user.
How anyone with an open mind and common sense doesn’t see and didn’t hear that has issues of their own.
I have watched a couple of documentaries about mormonism in the last week. I found it interesting how these are being put out, now.
It’s undoubtedly the Mormon aspect of this case, and the fact many of them have a hive-like mentality.
Of course not all Mormons are like this, but too many of them are.
Yea how they’ve twisted everything around and how much hate they’ve created to put an abused woman that defended herself on death row. I am so upset with the media, ill never take what they say seriously anymore and I’ll never blv what they say. They have changed my life forever! !
A different species for sure…
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
Spectators are in place. Nurmi is reclined and waiting for #JodiArias, the judge and the jury. Sit tight everyone.
Renee’ has her jack boots on and is ready for battle!lol
I must be candid and say that I would hate to be enemies with you Renee’!lol
I hope LaViolette does today also!
WildAboutTrial @WildAboutTrial
Counsel heads back to chambers. No sign of #JodiArias yet. Wild doesn’t like delays.
what the hell am I going to do without you when this trial is over???? 🙁
Get my email address from SJ 😀
The last few days I have found it easier to listen to the trial rather than watching it. I can’t stand to watch the arm flailing, lip poking out, toddler fits that JM throws. It’s enough to have to hear the raised voice, demeaning tone and rude sarcasm in his spewing of words.
On the other hand, I miss the facial expressions and smiles exchanged between Jodi and others. 🙁
I am like that too, when the little man gets all wound up, I go and do somethings and just listen. I can’t watch him beating up on Alyce.
Aaaaaawwwwwwww Gail aaaaawww another pooch aaaawwww
🙂 Yes, this is Storm.
Adorable!!! Hugs to Storm. 🙂
Its bad, it is!!!! His face is really evil, the way his face looks when he gets upset and worked up, its scary. Im not joking or trying to be mean but for real, a few days ago while he was yelling his face expression was like he was SOOOOOOO MAD, he’s taken this trial way to personal, like TA was HIS brother!
I wish my mother was there to give him, the look. The look could stop anyone dead in their tracks.
I come here and read comments with the trial open on another window. I cannot bear to watch sometimes and I also have to tune out a lot. The bias is maddening.
Agreed cindyp! I listen to the trial on and off, and can’t stand to look at JM…so much neg energy..again, I JW on re-cross will be less frustrating!!!
gawd, I can’t even type he frustrates me so much! LOL! I think you get the gist of what I was trying to say! ;p
yes, cindyp, me, too. Sometimes just too awful to behold in full.
I think the only way Jodi would be found guilty is if we have twelve idiots on that jury. (Btw, I live in Phoenix and, believe me, we do have a few sane people here – contrary to how it may appear.)
Ms. B.-
I’m certain there are sane people there, probably many retirees escaping cold weather. I am hopeful that the sane ones ended up on the jury. I think maybe there are, as they outed Juror #5 for her antics.
A piece of happiness to start the day! A package just came. A new orthopedic pillow. I’m ready. But Juan is going to fuck it up! Lol
They are just showing this on HLN…
So now HLN has stooped to the lowest…exploiting the youngest humans on earth…the babies…
They are laughing and giggling about the FB page showing the baby with his lips pursed…saying that the comment from the baby’s parents is portraying their dislike for Jodi…
another women hater on his way
Why is the time for the trial to begin not just set at 10:30?
The amount of time I waste doing nothing but watch the seal is incredible. I am going to start charging the state of AZ for my loss of productivity.
lol lol…further evidence of my comment above… 🙁 (LOL)
Poor Alyce. She must be dreading having to listen to more Hitler Martinez insults while the so called Judge stares dreamily at him.
I do hope and pray that she got a good night restful sleep….I am concerned about the level of stress that this has been on her with the crazy combative prosecutor….
This has become a trial war!
Lol I know right!!! I wish I could throw something at her!
What would happen if ALV went on the stand and stated she couldn’t continue with her testimony due to the threats, intimitdation and harassment she has received. I do think she needs to get this on the record.
She would be held in contempt, but you are right… it would be good for on the record.
I actually wondered the same thing. I KNOW if I were in her shoes I would have stated I could not return, perhaps feigned illness. This woman is a freakin’ saint. I may go check out one of her lectures after this.
I guess none of you heard ALV say she never gets on the computer?
Good Morning,my brilliant minds on the other side of the world!Just got back from work and soooo excited to see it’s Seal time!!!
It’s 1:09 pm where I’m at…what time is it there?
It’s 08.08 p.m
I like when I see your name – I imagine how beautiful it must be to be in Greece. I have a couple friends from there and they have told me about the beauty, the cafes, the wonderful people… one day I hope to visit. (That’s where you are, correct?)
Yous should definitely come and visit Greece then,if you have friends.It’s a beautiful country especially in the summer when you can go to our amazing islands and enjoy the crystal-clear waters and lie on the beach all day long!
good morning Maria!!! 🙂
Here we go……………….
Yay!! Let’s do this!
I do hope ALV just lets JM rant today and doesn’t throw punches with him. To me, it is more effective to just let JM look like the ass he is. ALV knows her stuff, she should relax and let JW fight the battle on re-direct.
I agree
AVL didn’t take glasses to stand with her it seems. 🙂
That is the one thing I think she forgets daily…..LOL
Already? What? He didn’t like her answer? Jesus!!
What just happened when JM asked to approach?
He asked if TA’s email said he was extremely fearful of JA’s stalking. ALV said no.
That 16-page rant I believe followed the fact Jodi had shared information with her friend about what she and Travis were doing.
I had played that direct testimony of ALV several times, and I couldn’t find the context for that 16-page abusive rant. The other rants had context to them.
I love this woman!
I think LViolette looks refreshed this morning.
I thought the same thing when I saw her!!!!! Ready to kick some Kermit ass!!!
First question and the little ass is asking for a salad bar!!!!
aaaaand it’s approaching time again!!
Fing approach ALREADY…UGH
Off topic. Is Jennifer Willmott married? If not I want to hook up with her. 🙂 I’d love to talk with her and pick her brain and flirt a bit with her. If she is married I’d still like to meet her.
hahaha I have a crush on her too Joe.
The first sentence out of his trap, and he’s already whinging
Team Jodi
LaViolette is da woman and she mean bidness!!!
I thought the same damn thing!
Doesn’t like the answer so goes running to mama.
Ohhh geeezzz WHAT FREAKING QUESTION? ???? NO, it doesn’t sound good at all!!
I’m putting it out there before its on anywhere else, Jodi’s hairstyle today is adorable. I give her an A.
Jodi is cute.
One question, one response??? WTF? JM says, “We need to approach, your honor” and if he gets his way…WTF!?
Very cute,indeed! 🙂
maria, was that reply meant for Kimberly or Joe to the comments re: Jodi’s hair?
yep,Jodi’s hair!sorry(blushes)
ooops,post meant to be just above.
As tired as ALV must be, I ‘spect JM could wear himself down too.
Could he?I doubt it! His behaviour is like(borrowing Phoebe’s line from FRIENDS)he’s Santa Claus,on Disneyland,getting laid!!! He never seems to SHUT THE F**K UP!!!
JM is trying to push for something he can’t probably,
And he is looking pleased with himself – saw him give a broad smile to FloraFauna sitting next to him!!
Looks like the judge has let JM ask something he was not supposed to and JW has taken ALV out to discuss the issue with her.
Don’t you think? 😉 He will soon start becoming part of the carpet and chair, grow roots, and become a tall, tall, tree… then some wild birds will come and have lunch on the branches…:D)
Remember- Juan is not making his case for pre-meditation. He put all his eggs in one basket and probably made promises to TA’s family and others that he will deffinately get Jodi the DP. Now he is resorting to “dirty pool” by his office leaking things to the media and trying to bring in “evidence” that he can twist around in his favor.
Exactly. Don’t lose sight of this abusive line of questioning. This is all a diversion.
so correct. He really has nothing, because now the real Travis A. has been revealed. His circular talk is his lame attempt to divert the Jury from what they now know to be the truth.
It’s all a diversion. I hope the jury is astute enough to see it for what it is.
Plus anything that might make ALV look bad will be cleared in redirect.
I am confused… anyone know what this is all about?
JM wants something admitted as evidence regarding stalking and TA supposedly being very scared
Has to be a fabrication by TA
I don’t want ALV to battle with him today. She can easily get in that this was TA’s MO with many women regarding using the word stalking. Better yet, ALV can let JW take it up on re-direct. ALV can just let JM spew what he wants as truth and JW can show the jury how JM is distorting the reality of the facts.
Who or what is Jodie looking at?
I think the Mitigation expert,they were just talking.
According to the
American Bar Association [ABA] Guidelines for the
Appointment and Performance of Defense Counsel in Death Penalty
Cases (Rev. Ed. Feb. 2003),
mitigation specialist
(if not more than
one) is a mandatory part of the defense in any capital case.
Guideline 10.4 (C)(2)(a). In fact, the ABA Guidelines require every
criminal defense team facing a capital punishment sentence have at the
minimum two attorneys, a private investigator, and a mitigation spe
ABA Guideline 1.1, 4.1, and Commentary
Ok that answers my question an the Travis Supporters that keep on with Jodi has a TEAM
of Lawyers an Travis has one?
what is the fucking point???????????
3 min recess!! Why doesn’t she say 13 minutes if she KNOWS its not going to be only take 3 minutes! !!
I know……..
I really don’t understand why some evidence is not admitted. If there is evidence, there is evidence. I watched a trial a few years ago where a husband was on trial for murdering his wife. There was history of visits to dating sites etc. on his computer. History showed the sites were accessed while wife was out of town. That evidence was not allowed. just blows my mind.
Anyone now the date of this Reagan (sp) email?
I went out and mowed my back yard taking a chance they would start late and there be a sizzle bar. I was right. Doesn’t look like I missed much and my back yard is now mowed.
Didn’t miss a damn thing girl!!!!!
Okay….just what the hell is going on???? the DT and ALV are out of the court room. Kermit is sitting in his seat stewing….and Pickles is just hanging out. Okay I see another salad bar going on now….geeeesh!!
didn’t take long…bottle of Maalox gone….on to Pepto…
JA looks serene in her powder blue and JW pretty in pink… Pastel day?
Okay, I’m gonna be sparse today, but I’m here. I feel terrible after yesterday and can’t stomach much more of that same BS today; it’s damn depressing and left me feeling raw and hollow and a little more upset about my past AND the future of this country than I should be.
Can’t believe we’re still listening to JM berating ALV… He lost me from the very beginning, and to be totally honest, I’m not quite sure wtf he’s even talking about at this point or what I’m supposed to be gleaning from his “line of questioning”. I know I really really really dislike the haters; they have no compassion and evidently lack critical thinking skills. Their comments about ALV – personal attacks on her – are sickening, and I can’t help but repeat this even though I know you guys have heard me say it half a dozen times or more: People just CAN’T be this stupid, can they?! I’m at a loss… Truly. It makes me sad.
Me too, Ashley. I don’t know if I can mentally handle this.
I dread what you’re going to be like Renee’ if Jodi is found guilty. You’ll probably become the closest thing to pure evil!!lol
Tony, if that happens, I will forever give up my pursuit in the legal world and drop out of college.
I’m just worried that you’ll go nuts and try to kill someone.lol
Nah. Despite my ranting, I am an extremely peaceful, non-violent person. I internalize all my anger, giving myself ulcers and headaches.
It is what it is.
This is the last trial I will ever watch, it is no longer healthy for me.
I cant stop until I see this through, but then I am done.
That’s what I keep saying after every trial I have watched….and they are many. But, heck…..Katherine Jackson vs AEG is going to be interesting. I thought that was starting on Tuesday? And then there is the Zimmerman case coming up. I find myself working my schedule (I work from home) around the trial schedules
and my friends think I am nuts. lol
Try to take a break now and then Ashley…I feel the same way, this trial is a joke and very unfair…just breath and don’t let it consume you! Things will get better when JW gets her turn again!
Why did she back down on that?!
It was the way the question was posed.
Do you what the question was, Maria?
if he was frightened in the instant message thing.She had to say yes because it was a question concwerning the choice of his words,she had to comment on TA’s words.So basically she was trapped in that answer and behold,there is Martinez right now asking her about that.
i just tuned in What the hell was that all about?
NO!!!! How can she testify, say No TA was not afraid and then the jury lvs, comes back and then she changes her mind and sais, YES???!!!!! WTF!!!
She is saying that TA didn’t exhibit fearful behaviors by reacting to his stalking comment in the text. This is why ALV just needs to bite the bullet and answer yes or no, or say she can’t answer with yes or no, then answer yes or no and wait for JW to rehabilitate on re-direct to what it all really means.
ALV needs to let JM be a bully and let the defense take care of the issue.
I MISSED SOMETHING – HELP I just tuned in and heard ALV say that ‘yes’ TA was afraid of Jodi’s stalking?! What just happened?
Starting off really bad for Jodi…. Travis was extremely afraid of her, AL had to answer yes.
Am I crazy here? It seems he was just saying he was afraid of an ex to try to impress a new potential flame. Actions clearly showed there was no stalking.
I agree. JA is not the only girl that TA referred to as a stalker. IMO this was a tactic he used to make sure that ALL his conquests didn’t talk to one another and figure out the player/manipulator that TA was.
WTF? Did ALV really just say that? That’s it, then. She’s gonna get the DP!
Bring out the webster dictionary
There is no evidence of stalking! Travis’s own behavior clearly shows she was not stalking him. WTF WTF WTF. This is ridiculous and a travesty.
what an asswipe!!
What? When was did TA ever say he was afraid of Jodi?
In an email/IM/text to one of the 11 girls he was talking to.
Thanks, Nk, when they came back I actually didn’t hear any question. It seems that she just said ‘out of the blue’ that TA was extremely afraid. Now I’m getting it. ALV agreed that TA DID say “he was extremely afraid’ but she does not agree that he was being truthful. Another mess that needs to be cleaned up by JW.
He has the NERVE to turn all this around and say TA was ABUSED?TERRORIZED??By Jodi???He’s slimy,dirt on my feet,sick,stupid bastard!
It’s like saying the rape victim deserved it because her skirt was too short.
Give him hell Alyce
Wow, JM is a real tool……..
JM (and HLN) want Alyce to agree that Travis was afraid of Travis (I.e., lie), otherwise she’s all on Jodi’s side (I.e., biased). WTF??
Oops… Meant afraid of Jodi…
That’s what im saying, she SAID NO, more then once. He didn’t want that answer, so they go on break, come back, ALV looks pissed and she then changes her answer!!!!! Why WTF happened! And I really hipe the jury noticed what just happened? ???
Jury Question: “why did change your answer, if TA was afraid of Jodi?”
So now the guy on HLN is saying that there’s no evidence that Jodi was a stalker…..only hearsay from others that she was…they want to get the talking in the emails about her being a stalker in court records…
Omg is he going to make her read the entire thing
I CAN’T BLV HE GOT AWAY WITH THAT!!!!! I didn’t like Martinez but iv never said, I hated him, now I do!!! I HATE HIM!!!!! Dirty little shit!!! I hope he starts convulsing and has a stroke right in front of the cameras! !! I an so upset! !
JW will probably get back up and make him look like the weasel that he is. Probably just more of his BS
I totally had a dream that he had an aneurysm last night but was too afraid to mention it! Thanks for the outlet! 🙂 Lmao!!
Another plus to that is that HIS HAIR WILL GET ALL MESSED UP and some of that hair dye might rub off on the carpet? or FloraFauna’s lap?
LC, get a hold of yourself. There is such a thing as Karma you know.
Let me rewrite that:
JM (and HLN) want Alyce to agree that Travis was afraid of Jodi (I.e., lie), otherwise she’s all on Jodi’s side (I.e., biased). WTF??
OK I need help here. HOW ON EARTH is it stalking if he called her, she called him, they had phone sex, they seemed like friends? Anyone? Why isn’t the defense objecting to this?
She will clear it up when she gets to recross.
I would have been objecting every three minutes, but I guess we need to trust the defense.
I think defense cannot object because JM is quoting TA’s words to a different gf from a text or email. This is something that (hopefully) should be cleared in re-direct.
I guess….but what’s the timeframe of this text in relation to when they just had phone sex, which was on the tape. Driving me crazy. I hope the jury has a brain.
Alyce is really working hard to ensure Martinez is not twisting her words, taking things out of context, or mischaracterizing her testimony. She must really believe in this case.
LaViolette is no push over and she wouldn’t put her 35 years of work on the line if she didn’t believe in Jodie and the truth of this. No way.
I am wondering why I am listening to JM; he fears me to the point that it literally hurts my stomach and yet I can not stop listening.
me too vebe
maybe I am just waiting and hoping the miracle of justice will pop up out the blue here in this trial and that he will be held accountable for his lack of respect , in some way
Alyce should give Hitler just the answers he wants and then let JW have her give the whole truth to the questions he asked on redirect. It would be easier and faster and give Hitler a false sense of accomplishment.
I agree. I wish she would just give ‘yes’ or ‘no’ when she can b/c at this point I think the jury can figure it out and JW will straighten it out.
Two thoughts I’ve had might be of interest to some readers.
First, I fully agree with other posters, and the defense motion, that JM’s conduct is a disgrace to American criminal justice, and Judge Stephens’ refusal to control him is inexcusable. On the other hand, I’ll bet the defense benefited greatly from her permitting AL, over JM’s continual objections, virtually to quote at length from journals, texts, etc. These sources were extremely helpful to the defense, but I’m guessing that Arizona has some ridiculous hearsay rule, which Judge Stephens is essentially ignoring, that would have kept all this material out. Perhaps someone who knows Arizona law could comment on this? I’ll bet, in the judge’s mind, she is just giving extreme flexibility to both sides in deciding how to present their cases.
Second, while I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch most of JM’s ever-repulsive cross of AL — only bits and pieces — I have the impression that AL is taking the wrong line some of the time. In her direct, she was a very convincing witness who did a terrific job for the defense. Now, though, she’s fighting with JM over ground she should happily concede. E.g., if the question is something like “Is this your opinion?”, “Could you be wrong?” , “Could another expert come to a different conclusion?”, etc., the answer should be: “Of course!” Everyone knows that expert witnesses are put on to give their opinions, backed by evidence, education, and experience. She could also make the point that JM’s contrast between personal judgment and “scientific verification” or “testing” is false. Expert witnesses disagree all the time, even in “hard sciences” such as pathology. Also, psychological diagnostic tests have to be validated against some other diagnostic standard, which, originally at least, cannot be anything but clinical judgment. AL could just make these simple points instead of trying to defend herself against harmless charges. As it is, she’s often looking evasive — though she has nothing to evade.
good points, chris.
Jm says, “I’m telling!” “Mommy! Alyce isn’t answering the question the way I want her to answer it!”
Apparently Amazon is flooded with nasty comments on LaViolettes Book
Stuart response
This is a Book Review Not a murder Trial Review and this type of commentary toward the Author is inappropriate. being harassed, character assassination is wrong. There are other forums for this type of discussion(s) A book Review is not for that purpose. If witnesses are harassed in this manner it impedes are jury system. She is a professional witness in a high profile trial and whether people watching HLN, Nancy Grace reading the National Enquirer agree with her or not they have absolutely NO RIGHT to use a Book review site to intimidate, character assassinate ,and provoke HATE towards the Author. Its plainly against the Law to intimidate a witness.
Who is Stuart?
Stuarts Comment,
It is more than Tragic when a professional, with such a stellar reputation such as Laviolette is attacked just because she is a witness for an unpopular Defendant. The childish rants that have pervaded Amazon, on LaViolette’s Book, show an all too anxious Lynch Mob mentality of the emotionally challenged. The Killing of Travis Alexander is Tragic for the Family and Ones who were close to Him. But to attack LaViolette for her testimony and attempt to smear her is cheap and shows a lack of any concern for the truth . Gratifying one’s anger at the expense of being a liar and corrupt is ample evidence of a Judicial System that has run amok. Firstly Laviolette, has at many times testified for the Prosecution. The KKK tactics of the well known “Cult” that has somehow found it necessary to go on AMAZON and Harass someone for giving their professional opinion is beyond what HITLER or Joseph Goebbels ever dreamed of, But alas what can one expect from the Lobotomized CULTISH group of The Morally and intellectually challenged who are as lacking in human civility as they are in the basic elements of native intelligence. Perhaps their energy would be better put to use investigating the Multiple Pyramid schemes of PPL and that oh so horrid Cult LDS. I recommend this book for its incredible insight I also would recommend, The Mormon Murders: A True Story of Greed, Forgery, Deceit, & Death, Under the Banner of Heaven: A Story of Violent Faith, The God Makers: A Shocking Expose of What the Mormon Church Really Believes, Prophet of Death: The Mormon Blood-Atonement Killings,The Kirtland Massacre: The True and Terrible Story of the Mormon Cult Murders, These books may aid you to heal and also reveal the cult that destroyed Mr. Alexander.
He posted a comment with regard to Alyce’s Book and was viciously attacked.
Thanks, Oliviero. I like this Stuart, guy!
Stuart is a friend of mine, and feels this is illegal. I liked his review but do not have an account with amazon. Apparently he is being attacked for his opinion. If you get a chance Like his review. Since the haters are in full force.
Hi Oliverio-
Just read that Stuart is your friend. Tell him hi from me and thanks for his remarks. I am tryign to support him but Amazon keeps hiding his remarks because the crazy cult members keep hitting the non support button. I can only do so much to keep them up. Hopefully lots of folks will go and help and like my comments on Amazon as well. I think you will be able to figure out the name I post under on that site and Barnes noble site.
Thanks, I sent him my opinions, He is just pissed off because he sees this as a witness intimidation.
He is absolutely correct, it all is witness intimidation. That is why I refuse to purchase anything from a site that allows it to continue.
I have been supporting Stuart’s remarks on amazon. I have given up though, because Amazon is not going to do anything about it. Nor is Barnes and Noble etc. i have to find another way to purchase Alyce’s book. I actually want to give them to some young women I know, but dont’ want to give my business to any on line merchadiser who allows the slander where a book review should be.
But apparently many are reading it ,so I guess I would keep liking it so its on the top, and they are at the bottom, apparently he hit home with his remarks.
Thank you Oliviero, Thank you Stuart! I hope Amazon remedies the bogus book reviews of ALV’s book.
I do believe we are all stalkers with FB, Myspace, Twitter, etc….
BTW, I had an ex boyfriend that stalked me after I broke up. I came home to my door opened and everything moved. I received over 200 text in one day not to mention emails. I turned him in and put a restraining order on him
I don’t think everyone are stalkers. There is a huge difference in looking at FB and those other social media items. When the majority of people visit those places it’s normal curiosity. Stalking is someone trying to “own” the victim. It is a sick, demented “love.” In my case that was his thought. He got to think of it even longer in prison for 5 years. We all need to be careful, how we characterize stalking.
I believe it is only stalking ONLINE if you have a private account an someone HACKS into it.
But just reading things that are NOT PRIVATE would not be stalking. People can make changes
to social networking sites as in MY SPACE an FB so that NO ONE can read things posted unless
they are friends. But people that leave it OPEN FOR THE PUBLIC ? that is not stalking it is
OPEN for PUBLIC Viewing.
Travis may not have liked Jodi’s behavior that she wasn’t going to sit there and watch him flirt with women and that she would approach the women and question what was going on. She has every right to do a little detective work, to find out if Travis was a low life scum bag cheater. And guess what he was. Come on, just because he told someone, “he was afraid” of Jodi doesn’t make it so. He proved over and over he wasn’t afraid of her. He didnt look or sound scared of her in his photos or tape. They better get off this topic soon, I’m going to lose my shit!
He was a proven liar.
Nurmi…Dapper as ever!…Tie ROCKS! Anyone see his socks yet?
Yes and I like them. I do like Nurmi he seems to be a kind man and a bright lawyer
🙂 Yes vebe, A kind man and a bright lawyer…with STYLE to boot *\ 🙂 /*
‘oh Reagan please hide me, Jodi is stalking me, please, I’m so frightened, can I hide under your blanket, are you in bed?’
LOL viri! YES! Hope the jury sees this.
All the while he was trying to get into her pants.
The guy was a sociopath. He had an m.o. on how to manipulate women by trashing other women.
So if TA wrote it ONCE and it’s his HOLY writing we’re witnessing then yes,so must it be!!!
But when it comes to Jodi’s unholy,slutty full of lies diaries of course we resign to double standards,dont we Kermit??
HLN’s guest, a defense attorney, just claimed that Alyce is being disrespectful to Juan. (I jumped up and screamed obscenities.)
“I’m not asking you to look at the big picture.” EXACTLY, because you’ll lose your case Kermit!!!
The big picture, Juanita, is premeditated murder. You haven’t proven one goddamned thing.
The fact of the matter is he is trying to twist ALV’s testimony to prove premeditation, which he can’t do.
HELP I can’t watch live for another half hour and have been soooo busy today. Did ALV really say this:
“Isn’t it true that Mr. Alexander was extremely afraid of the defendant, Jodi Arais, based on her stalking behavior?” asked Martinez.
“He was afraid of her, yes,” said LaViolette.
“Because of her stalking behavior, correct?” asked Martinez.
“Correct,” said LaViolette.
That doesn’t sound right. There was no evidence at all she stalked him.
That was Chris Hughes’s bullshit talking.
This was after her badgering by him finally forced her to say yes, that is what the IM said. She did not want to answer it the way he wanted her to.
We have got to understand here people,before starting throwing stones at ALV,that she was trapped in the way she was asked.She was asked if he said he was afraid in the InstantMessage!!! And yes,having read it she HAD to say yes.
He said, which doesn’t mean he WAS.
Lawyers are really good at twisting words to fit whatever b.s. they are trying to peddle.
Did he ask the question the way it was phrase above? And did she answer as it was phrased above?
Yes, she WAS.. its sooo disgusting! I PRAY the jury has sense.
Then, this case is over if the jury heard that.
What the hell? People dont normally invite their stalker over and have sex with them!
Exactly. JW will correct the record.
I object! Abuse of verbiage by JM!!!
Abuse of everything in the whole world to suit whatever JM’s whim happens to be at any particular moment in time!
He doesn’t live by a double-standard, he lives by multi-to-the-nth-degree-standards, which in all practicality amounts to having NO standards.
I’m proud of Alyce LaViolette for not allowing her work to be twisted. And in terms of HLN, I tell myself every night that they thought the smug, ego-manical prosecutor for the Casey Anthony trial was doing a swell job “decimating” the defense witnesses…and apparently, the jury didn’t agree.
Travis accused other girls of stalking as well, part of his pattern to distract his latest suitee.
of course he did. he was a narcissist and a manipulator.
A SICK NARCISSIST!!! I never imagined I would say it out loud but here it comes:I hate,hate,hate TA! I dont give a sh*t about the things he did in his life,how successful or not he was,how good of a friend or brother,,if he were my neighbour I wouldnt even pay attention to him probably,that’s how trivial his existence might have been to me,
but what he did to JODI,really drives me crazy! The way he thought he was the puppeteer and that everybody aroung him was puppets,THAT really makes me lose it!!
Exactly. He was an abusive, manipulating bastard. He lied all the time.
I wish Jodi had never met this piece of shit.
I too wish she had never met him, but given her background she was ripe for the picking for a cult leader. I hope when she is free, she will seek therapy to help her become even stronger and recognize an abuser from a mile away, so she will not end up repeating this with another TA, because unfortunately their are plenty more of his type lurking and luring young women.
Martinez has a mind and imagination as warped as TA’s.
JM says,”Maam, I’m over here” when ALV faces toward the jury to respond…OMG!
That is crap! A witness is right to do that. If AL doesn’t do a little better at answering he may ask Pickles to hold her in contempt.
I hope not, that would be the last straw for me.
They’re talking about the damn issue with her being nice and bringing over chicken from PF Changs for his roommate, geez.
Wait maybe not, maybe this is when she came over to look for something, I swear, this is normal stuff that anyone could do.
Her hand was forced by the prosecutor…she had to answer “yes” when asked if Travis was afraid
I don’t know Juan, Alyce seems pretty damn responsive to me.
She needs to answer yes or no when asked things like do you see this word on this paper. There is only one answer there. The rest of the time she is doing pretty well.
ALV needs to just answer JM’s crazy questions and not argue. As the judge just said, JW can clarify the questions on re-direct.
Agree unless she absolutely can’t answer yes or no or I don’t know. I don’t want her reprimanded or held in contempt. The jury would not take that well.
It didn’t hurt that the judge said Ms. Wilmott can clarify on re-direct. So going forward, she should just answer the question so JM can move on and JW can rehab.
Agree………………..she has the power, but if not careful, she will give it to JM.
Totally agree.
Yes. Maybe even go ahead and play his game and let it be yes, yes, yes, yes, and then NO at the point he tries to make the yeses add up to one of his mischaracterizations, and then so what if it doesn’t SEEM to make sense? Just smile sweetly at JM and keep repeating NO no matter how many times he tries, with the knowledge that JW WILL clarify it. The jury has had enough time to understand that he tries to make 2 plus 2 equal three….
BOYCOTT HLN! https://www.facebook.com/TeamArias
Mr. Nurmi I LOVE your SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do they look like today Dorothy? I have to listen to everything, can’t really watch at work.
Harmony, They are black with different pastel colored dots, the size of dimes perhaps… He’s so cool!
Dorothy, you’ve beginning to remind of that song by the La’s. There She Goes, there she goes again………….lol
😉 Tag team, “Whoomp” There it is!
tony toni tone “feels good”….sing it 😉
That is how she should answer from now on, “I cannot answer yes and no” . Then be quiet.
This is what I would do.
I agree. I wish she would do this.
I pray the jury sees thur JM chty!!!!
I think, if the jury is half way logical, they will see through the smoke and mirrors… EVERYTHING JM notes here will SUPPORT ALV’s assertions that Travis was a player and a manipulator and was lying to fool MANY people.
So now he’s going to put words in Alyce’s mouth. LOL This guy is too much.
Ya’ll…………………..I don’t know how much more I can stand of this, I am at work and I am about to throw my headphones on the ground and jump up and down screaming, this man is such an ass……….I can’t even verbalize how mad I am at him right now.
Breathe deeply…
Harmony, Keep the faith, JW will iron it all out. JM is just blowing HOT air. He’s a buffoon 🙂
I seriously think Martinez is nuts.
Yep,I’ve been suspecting this for quite a while….
He is such a Sssssssssnake!
A spouse gf/bf who suspects cheating by the other is going to do the same as JA did its not called stalking its called catching them with their pants down!! I know from my own experience
LOL, I’d rather look over here, me too hon……..
LOL, I wouldn’t look at the freaking snake squirmy everywhere.
Yup. She has the right to look where ever she chooses.
What a dick he is.
HAHAHA Now Martinez proving that Jodi’s journal does not contain everything!!!! So WHICH is it, JM?
Did he just state that the physical abuse may not be contained either?
So now are we going to get those pages JM leaked to the media, those pages including those about how Jodi felt there was something “not right” with TA and about how TA was borrowing money from her?
No she’s getting pissed. What a dick! She can’t look to her left now?
I would come in tomorrow wearing sunglasses.
I will look over here. LOL!
The question is not why are prosecutors being shot. The question is why are not more prosecutors being shot?
You go Jennifer! BTW she is lookin’ sassy in that pink suit jacket!
Yes! I think so too, Frannie! I love pink with black motifs.
Did she just say jerk under her breath?
Just turned the trial off to take a breath and give my ears a break. My heart goes out to ALV, JW, KN and the jury for having to listen to this garbage. I’m going to watch here for updates. 🙂
I’m on the verge of that.
OMG back to the old fashioned crap.
The older jurors are going to resent that.
I agree with that. It only means old fashioned about talking about the Anal Sex
makes her cringe I am sure I do not care for it either an I am 51.
Juan Martinez is from the school of, if you say it often enough and loud enough and smart assed enough it makes it true and everyone believes you. After he shuts up and your head clears you can process things much better and find the real truth.
Augh, Joe! Exactly!’Gads, he is like a water drip from a leaky faucet that someone tied to your ear and is torturing you with. It’s a Martinez Water Torture. Pickles must be deaf to be so immune to its effects….
What?!?!?!? OMG I can’t believe he just said that!!!!!!!!!!!
Bingo. JM only see’s in black and white. There is big grey area….
Jodi looks amused during this banter. Hehe. Go Alyce for standing her ground!!
I saw that too!
She’s keeping the faith. Yay!
Omg I’m going to have a stroke! Will someone please post the legal description of stalking!?? I’m on my phone right now!
Stalking is a term commonly used to refer to unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual or group toward another person. Stalking behaviors are related to harassment and intimidation and may include following the victim in person or monitoring them.
And it involves more than one incident.
YES it is repeated. It doesn’t stop. You are terrorized.
Thanks Annie!
I would like to share a fantasy:
1. Have JM sit his butt on a magic photocopier from a sci-fi movie that magically shrinks him down to field mouse size when we press the minimize button.
2. Let my fur child from avatar have at mini-martinez.
3. Let me SHOW YOU the meaning of STALKING, Mr. Martinez.
It’s stalking when it is an abusive rant by Travis or stalking when Travis bullshits to potential girlfriends by an ex.
It’s also stalking when Travis invites a girlfriend over to have sex with her twice, and has x-rated pictures taken of both himself and his stalker by his stalker on his own camera.
THAT is stalking according to the gospel of Juanderland.
I should say this instead because I wasn’t clear in my previous post: It is stalking when Travis says somebody is a stalker in an abusive rant or when Travis bullshits to potential girlfriends an ex is a stalker in order to get into the potential girlfriend’s pants.
It’s also stalking when Travis invites a “stalker” over to his house in order to have sex with her twice, and has x-rated pictures taken of both himself and his “stalker” on his own camera as a memento of the encounter.
THAT is stalking according to the gospel of Juanderland.
He’s a dick
I can’t think that the jury is liking this treatment of Alyce by Juan. It can’t be acceptable to them.
I’m seriously wondering how much more I can take listening to JM’s bullshit and shouting, he should come with a health warning. ABUSIVE BASTARD.
woohoo, way to clear that up AL
Always remember this little fact while Juanita is going on with his abusive rant against ALV, which parallels the treatment of JA by TA: People do NOT invite stalkers over, have sex with them twice, and then take lurid pictures of them with their cameras.
Exactly – and every jury memeber knows that.
I’m patiently waiting for the moment JW clarifies this.
Here he goes: He’s getting ready to insinuate that she’s a man-hater.
There is absolutely no proof or evidence she stalked him. This is such bull shit.
That Bastard is putting words into her mouth. Bullshit it IS.
I’m sure JW will bring up other girlfriends that were called stalkers too.
The LAST thing you do is invite a stalker over to your house for a little nookie.
Unless, you aren’t really being stalked!
Isn’t it true that I have had enough of The Prosecutor and his semantic game-playing and twisting of the truth, and wish he would get hit by a bus? YES OR NO?
YES! Especially that last one.
YES! And it’s not even semantics,just a disgrace to the english language!
HELL yes!
I bet Lisa is going to love hearing the lie just told by JM that she was the one making the inappropriate sexual advances.
How can he continue to mischaracterize testimony and get away with it with this bitch judge?
I KNOW! She’s gonna have to talk to her bishop or deacon or whatever it is they do……..
OMG – can you believe he did that?? JM will stop at nothing.
Oh, my. And Lisa seems to be such a nice person. What a hell of a rotten thing for JM to do.
I’d be at the point of I wouldn’t know what to say or when to say it because it’s going to be wrong no matter what and get me berated by an egomaniac prosecutor and a Judge that is clueless.
What do you do in that situation?
I wish it was like a boxing match, points taken for low blows, referee can disqualify for TOO many low blows!
If you are so damn afraid of someone why don’t you do something? He never did anything, change locks, go to the police, nothing, but why would he? If he did, then sex with Jodi would have ended, and there is no way he wanted that.
I called the police 203 times. One day was 9 times.
That is what I just don’t understand, for me Travis not doing anything, that is huge for me, sure hope this is being picked up by the jury.
And he was having sex with his “stalker” and having pictures taken of their encounters.
Stalking is a serious offense. Travis using that term proved he was nothing but a manipulative, narcissistic asshole.
Just like Juan Martinez.
Point ON!
ALV has doves on her blouse 🙂
or are they cranes??Peace, Happiness and good fortune 🙂
Are we to believe that prosecution witnesses would actually oblige the defense’s expert witnesses for an interview?
The stalking is hearsay from a dubious witness! For God’s sake!
Well I just realized my whole life has been a lie because I never wrote it down in a journal.
Namaste all!! I’m not feeling so hot today-does anyone know if this trial is available in just audio anywhere? I’m on an iPad and my FLASH browser, (you can’t usually get Flash on iOS), is acting up. I don’t have a TV in my bedroom.
I’m hoping its on radio somewhere?
Hey Lainey, you should be able to view it in streaming, it shouldn’t need flash. From the link at the top of the post. At least that’s how it works on my ipad.
Thanks Harmony, I think it must be my ISP today. Even that video just kept loading.
I’ll take some pain Meds, (lol, maybe it will help with the pain of watching rat-face), and take myself down to the living room-at least till my ISP starts working again.
My friend/landlord is trying to get me to go to ER again, she’ll have to wait. ;). I’ll be OK if I can just lay down, get some fluids in me.
Alyce just either impeached Lisa’s testimony or made Travis look bad.
explain please! Are you saying LIsa did not tell the truth about her and TA’s “romantic” relationship?
my guess would be no she did not tell the whole truth i always felt she down played it especially when i heard the email she sent him
Frannie … Alyce was testifying about the time Jodi saw Travis with a girl on the couch. There was something at him unhooking the girl’s bra, and it was clearly a physical, intimate encounter.
She said at that time, (the time Jodi saw this encounter), Travis was officially dating Lisa Andrews. She also said that she did not know if the girl on the couch was Lisa and that either means he was in a physical relationship with Lisa Andrews or he was seeing somebody else at the same time he was seeing Lisa.
BOOM! Take that Kermit.
Let me show you verbal abuse JUAN
Did she just sustain, and after the second repeat question she overruled?
She has done this sooooo many times. I hope this is being kept track of or they will have to go through it all again and list them. Which I am sure they will anyway if she is convicted.
sure did…..
I think the judge is a robot and she has a bad spark plug. Call the technicians
Would someone PLEASE take a baseball bat to Hitler’s head and bash his warped twisted brains in.
That is NOT what she told you.
again she sustains, and he asks the same damn question!! and she overrules. What the hell kind of judge and court room is this?
Wow! Super counter-punching from Alyce there!
I know you all say that Jennifer will fix this but what worries me is that even if she does,it won’t matter to the jurors that may have already been buying Martinez’s charade and cheap lies..
Oh, quick change the subject JM, because she is 100% correct about the SLIME that Travis was!
He’s starting to mumble and to be confused; needs a fix.
He should try not to be a psychologist or doctor or whatever else in his deluded mind he is. This is such bullshit. He is a narcissist himself.
Ladies and gentlemen you are to recall the testimony of the individuals….So that means that JM can mistate the evidence.
YESake them think they heard something different
Oh boy….here is comes…..Well, assume it!
Who is the lady sitting with the mitigation specialist behind Jodie?
Hypotheticals are back, distorting other witnesses testimonies.
Hypotheticals should NOT be allowed. Demanding AL give yes/no answers to hypotheticals????
When all the JURORS will hear her answer and might not remember it was hypothetical. This is what that SWINE is banking on.
I’d like to kick him where it hurts!
And so far Willmott hasn’t addressed this. She bettert!
Making up a rumor is now stalking behavior??
The action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person’s reputation.
Make false and damaging statements about (someone).
Can you quickly email that to JM 😉
I really think MTZ is behind on the stalking issue. Evidence has shown no stalking behavior.
Actually it was Chris Hughes and Travis’s Mormon friends who came up with that bullshit of Jodi being a crazy stalker. They went on national television and peddled Travis’s bullshit. and it wasn’t questioned by CBS’s Maureen Maher and her producers.
That is not stalking….Isn’t that slander??
That damn tool has lost his mind.
She should have added loudly ”You dont have kinky sex or phone sex with your stalker,you fuc**ng moron!!”
This is ridiculous! the judge needs to wake up from her nap.
Call the geek squad to come in and fix the judge. The robot is MALFUNCTIONING.
Damn that effing Judge.
Who is that talking to Jodie??? 😉
ALV- He starts the year saying “I love you. I love you Jodi exclamation point.”
Lol yep, definitely sounds like someone taking to their stalker that they are “extremely terrified” of.
That sentence almost made me throw up my dinner!
Hey, be glad you’re having dinner!!!! I wonder if I have time to make anything at all, probably just have a cheese sandwich! 🙂
hehe, Mac and Cheese for me today.
Actually my dinner burnt yesterday LOL
LOL,this trial has made me burn dinner more than once!
So I’m not the only one! 😀
Yes, that was a good response. ALV gets a lot further in answering as she is now instead of sparring with JM.
Response was direct and showed that TA wasn’t fearful.
Yep. I think from the emails, texts, and other evidence it is quite plain for the jury to see that TA continues to have sexual relations with Jodi while telling his friends lies about how she is stalking him.
It’s right there, plain as day, and I really don’t see how the jury can’t see what was going on in this situation.
It was all so he could keep his standing in the Mormon church and to try and get into the pants of potential girlfriends.
It’s so obvious. JM knows it, too.
yep, I suspect the Jury knows it now as well
Whats up with overruling the objections that JM is mischaracterizing prior testimony. Then instructs the jury to remember the testimony.
So that means the judge thinks its ok for JM to lie?
YEP, you got it!
She may as well shout, ”I’m BIASED”
I’m assuming that the judge keeps saying you are to recall the testimony that was given by the individuals because at this point the judge can’t even recall what was or wasn’t said since JM is “testifying”.
It doesn’t hurt though when the judge says this, because I’m sure the jurors are taking that to mean that what JM is saying isn’t the truth of the matter.
I went back and watched Dan Freeman’s testimony and he never said that. So why is JM allowed to say witness said something they didn’t?
I know I do not understand this. I could not remember either so I had to rewatch it too. So how is the jury going to remember it from so long ago. He seens to be doing this to confuse them. I do not understand why the Judge is allowing this.
Its all he’s got–confusion.
The Freemans never said anything that was damaging to Jodi.
Is Stephens really a judge or did she just walk in off the street and sit in the judge’s chair and no one questioned it? She is an embarrassment to Judges everywhere.
Can’t think why Vladimir Gagic speaks highly of her… ?
Maybe the judge is used to domestic violense at home. I wonder if she’s taking notes?
I think the judge believes that JM’s behavior is OK because, after all, “boys will be boys.”
TA was “stringing” Jodi along. That is what was going on IMO.
Like Mickey Sherman said on the King Jordan radio show, he would ask the judge “Can Mr. Martinez be sworn in before he testifieds.”
Testilies! 🙂
good one
*testifies….damn typo gremlins
Well, that boys will be boys theme is part of what allows abuse to take place. Turn one’s head…overlook it. Just a boy being a boy.
Exactly, JW! Exactly!
WTF??!! HLN Jerk : “and Alice LaV is breaking down, Juan Mtz is breaking her down”-something to that effect.. She’s NOT “breaking down” you jackass!
This trial is enough to give anyone
Bells Palsy!!!!
Agree with everyone’s comments…I thought there weren’t supposed to be ANY references to ANY stalking behavior because it was found to be “too prejudicial” – am I wrong on that?????
It’s amazing what is NOT allowed is all of a sudden ALLOWED because Massengil brings it up and this stupid ass woman who wears a black robe lets it be…..
If I hear overruled one more time I’m going to upchuck….
Again, I am wondering if they are throwing this case trying to get an acquittal or a conviction thrown out on appeal.
It’s like both the judge and JM want to wash their hands of the whole business because of the insanity that is going on outside the courtroom via television, social media, etc.
wtg tonysam on the gravatar…ADORABLE!!!
Hi Janeen! If I understand correctly, the prosecution tried to make sure the stalking accusations weren’t entered. He failed. The defense brought in the accusations, I believe, to show how easily it could be disproved.
At one point, the prosecution was going to claim that Jodi had slashed Travis’s tires. He did not bring that in because that would have also been too easy to disprove. It could have been one of the husbands of the many married women he was courting, or it could have been one of the girls he was misleading, or it could have been anyone! There was zero proof it was Jodi.
I think this is the most upset I have been with the little frog to date. How could anyone with reasonable sense believe that TA was sooo afraid of Jodi and that she was a stalker. From what I have heard and read people who have real stalkers do not keep emailing, texting, sexting, having phone sex, and F@@king their stalking.
TA was just stringing her along IMO. CONTROL.
He did that to all of his girlfriends. Chris and Sky Hughes tried to warn Jodi away from him.
I know that it was he told his friends but there is no proof. I knew that is where this toad was leading too. That she did not report the abuse. ugggg I want to smack him today. JW looks really pissed today so hopefully she will clear up this mess.
opps so upset and typing too fast *stalker*. There is no proof she was a stalker. I think Det Flores even testified that they found no proof she was stalking him. So why is the Judge allowing JM to keep this up. He has such a smug look today. uuggg
JM seems to have a “pattern” of confusing things. I believe he utlilizes that MOO in order to try and impeach. Furthermore, if JM says it…must be so, as afterall he is the prosecutor who would never lie or confuse. 🙁 It appears to me he is using this method to confuse the jury as well as I highly doubt they recall what DF said. Lots of clean up for JW. Just hope she is sharp, precise and doesn’t wade into the weeds JM has planted.
I think he is throwing the “lets assume” and “hypotheticals” out there because if the Jury doesn’t go back over someone testimony they will just believe the clown.
I swear to GOD she refuses to say “sustained” because she’s afraid she’ll lose her dentures…stupid bitch
Dammit, I knew this was coming, he’s gonna ask why Jodi didn’t do the same.
I knew he was going to go there.
Do what?
-Travis: ‘She’s stalking me, please help me, Lisa, Reagan, Mimi, Krystelle, Deanna(not never mind you,) ….HELP’
-All: ‘poor Travis, how awful, no, no, I’m with someone else, later later get some KY’
-Travis:’Jodi, come over right away, my house needs cleaning before my UFC party’
-Jodi:’Am at work, do you need more cash for the party? I’ll come as soon as I can’
-Travis:’please help, I don’t know what to do, Mimi, Lisa! She’s gonna STALK!’
-All:’Jodi you bitch get away from us all’
-Travis:’Get over here, get over here save me I’m relapsing with those boy pics get some KY”
-All:’you’re stalking him’
-Jodi:’Look who’s talking!’
I forgot his stalker worked for him in cleaning the house. That prompted him to suggest she wear a French maid’s outfit or some stupid demented thing.
Oh yes forgot about her cleaning the house.
You know,it’s sad but exaggerated as it is what you’re writing is what ACTUALLY took place.That bastard!
Here are some examples of stalking, I concur it’s extreme but, I was a medical directors for a non profit organization, I am an RN with a masters degree. I was sitting in on an open meeting discussing donations. My stalker showed up and sat in the meeting, just to watch me. I also at times worked at a hospital ER my stalker stabbed himself in the leg and refused to be seen by anyone but me. He didnt see me so he left. My stalker snuck in my house and slept in the family room for 3 hours without my knowledge and slept with my coat and photographed himself and sent it to me. My stalker hit me in the face with a pipe hoping to destroy my face. Luckily I only get a big cut on my head and scratches on my face. My stalker followed everywhere I went, he sat in restaurants, went to movie theaters, showed up at my drs appts. Let voicemails that he had a dream I was dismembered. I could go on and on! There was no stalking by Jodi in any degree!
My stalker left my door open and moved all my furniture and belongings around. He then emailed/text/ so much in one day and I did not once respond to him
Annie, you were stalked this way? That’s scary.
Sorry Annie & Kimberly, believe me, I know what you went through. I think my ex did it to try & prove I was “crazy”, imagining things. Problem was, I had friends come out and stay with me-he didn’t know they were there until AFTERwards.
It’s a nightmare I know, and with me, the abuse, stalking,..has lingering effects. I haven’t camped out on my own or with the kids like I always used to; at night, even here, thousands of miles from home, I wake up “with a start”, sure that I hear someone breathing. And since I began watching this trial-nightmares of my ex-now dead, but they’re back.
Kimberly,I’m so sorry you went through all this living hell.I pray things are better now.
Thank you Maria. I use that as an arable that causes terror. Not this bullshit Juan is trying to spin into stalking. People like him are why stalking doesn’t get the kind of change and public understanding it should, just like DV.
They’re trying to throw the case and are washing their hands of it.
Judge Stephens is not declaring a mistrial, which normal judges would, so she doesn’t get any fallout from the crazies, while Juan Martinez is throwing everything and the kitchen sink at defense witnesses for the same reason, just in case the jury acquits Jodi or a conviction is thrown out on appeal.
It’s pass-the-buck time in the courtroom in Phoenix, Arizona. In a way, you can’t blame them for doing it because these crazies are downright DANGEROUS.
I don’t know…wouldn’t jeopardy have attached by now?
Fallacy 1: Jodi was a stalker.
Fallacy 2: Travis wasn’t emotionally and psychologically abusive.
Fallacy 3: Travis was a good guy loved by his family and community.
Fallacy 4: Travis was successful and financially well off.
Fallacy 5: Travis wasn’t sexual.
There are more but I have to go do other things…
Fact: You’re correct on all 5 fallacies.
There it is! “Because you’re a man-hater!”
The girl Ratia who was raped in high school hung herself last week. The boys got no charges & she was bullied online by other students for the last year. The CNN news anchor was so sad that she went thru this, but HLN encourages the bullying of Jodi non-stop.
Those were my thoughts exactly!!
The bullying of AL is wide spread also.
I think JM JUST doesn’t GET domestic abuse and the subtle ways it can manifest itself…JM will put his foot in his mouth NO DOUBT!…So NOW he’s implying that JODI was a terrorist!
Yeah, a terrorist in a French maid’s outfit as Travis wanted her.
Am I allowed to venture to guess that all men would like such a terrorist in their house?Geez…
Oh he gets it. He wants the JURY to believe the other way around though as in JODI was the STALKER the SEX DEVIANT an TRAVIS was a freaking SAINT an so scared of JODI. It makes me sick. The family believes it the PPL/LEGAL SHIELD coworkers believe it the LDS Church member friends of Travis believe it they are on TV all the time spreading the LIES around. Judas would be so proud of them all.
I can’t believe this man is bringing up “double standards”! This just more and more insane by the minute!
Juan, Juan, Juan…you’re not making any points. Just stop now. You are beating a dead horse.
WHEN……is somebody gonna tell Kermit to move this chyt along!!!!!!!!
Why is the sister crying??
You don’t continue to talk / text/ invite over/ have sex with/ have them clean your house if you were AFRAID of them.
wtf is she crying about?
My GOD the sisters faces!
Why on Earth is Samantha crying??
I hope it’s because she’s ashamed of her brother!!
I was wondering the same thing. What just happened? I’m listening/watching at work so I didn’t see why the audio was off.
I would have more sympathy for them if they had been in Travis’ life before this happened. They were all completely estranged. I wonder why?
Easy one.Coz he was a prick!And even THEY knew that!But now that he’s gone,he’s a saint.And as someone(I think Sable)sharply pointed out yesterday I think all this I-m-devastated-over-my-brother’s-death act they’re putting up is to a great degree due to GUILT!Guilt because they were not there,in his life I mean.
I have read this comment several times on this board since I first discovered the site a few days ago. I would like to know the source of this information that Travis and his family were estranged??
For attention. I feel bad, it is hard for me to garner sympathy, I realize they lost their brother, and won’t say anything bad about them, but I get strange vibes from his sisters and brother. There is just something off, could be from their bad childhood, I just don’t know.
I agree with you. As I have a brother myself an he does not have a good past with women. We have not spoken for 6 years now all because of how he treated a woman that I truly felt was meek an mild
an loved him unconditionally even with his flaws. I lived with them for 6 months one time to help
them out with bills an I was not there 24/7 just weekends as I was a over the road truck driver at
the time.
But on the weekends he was a total ass to her. She waited on him hand an foot. I seen first hand
how he treated her an I did not condone it.
He actually had my parents believing all that garbage he made up about this woman after they
divorced which I know from being there are all LIES. So that caused great anxiety between my brother me an my parents an even one sister that believes whatever my brother tells them which is all LIES.
So I know for a fact that people in a family setting do know more about a sibling but they will also stay on that siblings side even if it is wrong. I will not. Blood is Blood but wrong is wrong not matter who it is. I do believe at least one of Travis’s siblings know he was a egotistical jerk of a man around women. But they condone it as it shows.
This behavior does not start at the age of 30. He lived in CA around them for some time before moving on to Arizona. They just condone his behavior which is wrong to me but I know a lot of people do that in life my own parents an sister sure did. I did not I will not not even with my own daughter now if she is doing wrong I will not condone it if it means destroying the relationship so be it. Wrong is Wrong an until they get help an fix whatever the problem is they do not need to fill my head with LIES I will not listen too it period.
Does Martinez really think the jury are going to buy this?
If someone is stalking you, you don’t keep on ringing them up or sleeping with them!
Who knows?Maybe they are!My biggest fear is that there are plenty of stupid dumbass people out there,you know.Maybe a good deal of them may actually be sitting there,among the jurors.One may only hope I’m wrong!
*one CAN only hope*
i have been out, any news about the defense motion for miss- trial
Apparently it has either been denied or hasn’t been ruled on.
I doubt Judge Stephens is going to want to face the crazies herself. She could be getting death threats for all we know.
What is this? The Spanish Inquisition! Where the truth is taken out of context for the benefit of the persecutors! I truly wish that ALV or KN would grab that little weasel and choke him right there in the courtroom. As far as the “judge” is concerned , why is she even there? Or, hypothetically thinking, is she actually sitting JM up for an epic fail when JW and KN rip his “case” and “theory” to shreds and send him back to the cesspool that he oozed from? (Just a Thought)
She’s passing the buck and giving JM enough rope to hang himself. JM is giving enough rope to hang himself so HE can pass the buck to the jury.
If the jury is that stupid to convict her of murder one, then THEY are passing the buck to the appeals court in order to save their necks from the crazies. Since it takes forever for appellate courts to make rulings, the insanity will likely die down at that point.
HLN will be on another campaign of jury tampering with their next case.
That does make sense and seems to fit this circus of a trial.
JM at the prosecution table, with that block of wood alongside him, who i guess is that disreputable flores, who hid e-mails, and did other nefarious, and unscrupulous work.
FROM that alone, one could be left with the mistaken impression that this is the entire prosecution team.
NOW we know the defense team is KN and JW, and only those two.
HOWEVER, it’s clear the same is not the situation with JM
BEHIND him, in the background, or backroom, is an ever increasing desparate supporting team, who will be a co-ordinated team of lawyers, psychiatrists, investigators, etc, who are closely watching the trial, and planning their next moves, in conjunction with JM
JM is the front man
FROM the prosecutions point of view, to lose this case would be a massive humiliating defeat.
THEY sense they’re beaten, but on their side they have vast manpower, and incomparably larger financial, resources.
The contest in that resource arena is comparable to that between David and Goliath.
THE point is that JM is just the tip of the iceberg of the prosecution TEAM
It will be seen as a major political defeat for County Attorney Montgomery, who will have to face the voters, assuming they are elected officials there.
JM is just the face of the C.A.’s office. You are right.
HLN is behind the prosecutor too…they give him their 100% support on their airtime each and everyday..
WTF? She misspoke. Why is he harping on this?
Because he has nothing else, so he is trying to make her look sloppy.
JM: “I know you want to tell me the truth, Ma’am, but I don’t want to hear the truth.”
Juan is trying to discount all her work beause she misspoke on that one point? Really.
He’s beyond disgusting.
That is desperation on the part of JM.
This is so painful, he’s destroying AL 🙁
Don’t think he is “destroying” anybody. Good grief.
What I meant was she’s having a very hard time 🙁
Anybody would with that guy. Jesus himself would have a hard time with that guy.
haha I thought that too. If JESUS himself were on trial JM an HLN would crucify him
without a blink of the eye they are disgusting twisting up the facts. Judas would be
so proud of them all on the Prosecuting side.
You mean “the devil is dancing tonite”?
I dont think he is either.
Well if we are going to talk about sloppy work lets bring Det Flores back on the stand. His mistakes were the worst in this case.
AJ! YES! Good point!
Amen to that…
I so agree with you FLORES SUCKS big time. LDS MEMBER also may have
some to do with his FALSE FRONT.
I assumed at first that Travis was viewing little boys on the computer vs. in photos (paper version). Easy these days to assume…
This is like watching paint dry while getting poked with a sharp stick, over and over and over again, in the same spot.
Exactly. Amen.
Good for AL !!!!
I see ALV rekindling her passion and direction! YAY GO ALYCE! *\ 😮 /*
Vinnies in heaven
Cameran Diez. wow she just got pulled into this case.
Courtesy all the ‘help’ HLN has been feeding JM through their shows. VP had this segment on several weeks ago.
Wow I knew there was no way he came up with that on his own. Seems like something good Old Vinnie would bring to the table.
Cameron Diaz…Charlies Angels??? WOW!!
Cameron Diaz was 12 yrs old?
If TA writes ONCE that Jodi stalks him,it’s EVIDENCE.
If he’s heard saying ONCE a 12-year-old having an orgasm is hot, it is NOT evidence!
Fuc* your double standards, Martinez!
Ohhhhh,and NOW he likes Cameron Diaz and Charlie’s Angels????????????????How convenient!!
Amen to that Maria
Exactly Maria! WTF EVER! Time for my mental health break.
Yes that is exactly right such Bull crap an why people can’t see that on the other side
I do not understand. Except they are all in LOVE with JM so I guess they are blinded
by the Love Cloud. Just irritates me geeeeeeeeeeeez!
Wasn’t that movie made 12 years ago? There’s your 12 years LOL
County Attorney Bill Montgomery must be sweating buckets right now. I believe he was re-elected last year, so maybe voters will forget this debacle if there is an acquittal or the verdict is overturned on appeal.
I wonder if Juan Martinez is planning to retire from the c.a.’s office anytime soon. It might be a good idea if he considered it.
Mark my words, he is going to retire after the trial to write a book…….like Jeff Ashton.
HLNs vinnie p said this 2 months ago
Alyce is doing just fine here. She is not here to speak about child pornography.
I don’t think the jury will get this wrong. Alexander’s words speak for themselves.
You really don’t even need an expert, it’s just a legal necessity.
All JW needs to ask the jury is if they would like their own daughter to date Travis.
I agree…. was nervous at first, but she seems well in control, Ms. Willmott is writing like crazy.
Yes JW looks pissed today and on fire.
Right. No person can deny TA’s own words and filth. They were mean, degrading and vile, at best. There has to be at least some jury members who can see what JM is trying to do here.
Ugh, I don’t want to hear JM repeating the word dildo. YUCK.
He’s as sex-obsessed as Travis was.
It does appear that way.
If we are going to bring movies into evidence they should bring in When Harry met Sally. It is getting this absurd.
”Sleeping with the Enemy” & ”Enough” would also be good choices!
Yes indeed Maria
He might have said all she thinks of him is a dildo with a heartbeat but let’s see…. he called her a bitch, a whore, a three hole wonder… among many other things. That’s not degrading behavior???
Plus, he is the one who said it – the one who used that objectifying term about himself, not her!
You know what?I do believe there was a part of him that actually was BOASTING while writing this.Like,yeah I have a big,hard di*k,I’m so freaking good in bed,so you used me,coz THAT’S how good I can be!
I’d SERIOUSLY like to DEGRADE JM.. he’s a heap of shit and I would take great delight in shouting it at him in front of everyone!.
SHE never said it. He said it,
projecting onto her, insinuating she is using him as a dildo to equalize the relationship (‘she’s a 3-holes wonder to me’)(‘you Jodi are just as bad as I am’) hence NO GUILT for him , and wanting to hear from her ‘no,not true, no, I love you Travis.’
Isn’t Jodi marvellous? She’s unperturbed by it all, she deserves a MEDAL!
Oh,I do love her but I think they made sure she popped down that chill pill of hers this morning.
When Jodi is sitting there quietly writing or drawing, she makes me think of a child who is at work with a parent & is keeping herself busy while the parent works.
Yes, I thought that too, she’s such a darling, bless her.
awwww,sweet description.If only she knew how much we like her and how much we want the best for her!
Ditto that..she is sweet, thoughtful, talented – living, breathing. An JM wants her killed.
Ditto. Keep drawing and writing, Jodi. You will win and be free.
Wow I wonder if any of this will come out.
The end of the article is the most interesting.
Thanks SC good find!
The ONLY pictures that have came out are theones on TA camera, why not the ones on Jodis comuter??????? They never even brought that up.
From Mrs Willmott: Willmott disagreed, saying that the newly discovered photos show Alexander initiating abusive behavior much earlier in the relationship.
The jury should see this???? And is ALV aware of this??
Sounds like Juan doesn’t want this released. Just like the e-mails and IM’s why can’t all this evidence come out.
Hey all,
I’ve been “stalking” this page for a while now, just haven’t posted. You lady’s are great and a great refreshment from the asshats at HLN.
Two points I want to bring up:
(1) they make Jodi out to be the biggest lier in the world. But it’s ok for Travis to go around lying to EVERYONE for YEARS. His closes friends didn’t even know who he was. How come they do t bring that up?!?
(2) I seen a 48 hours video last night that had JM on it. It had nothing to do with this case but you still see him all wound up, yelling at witnesses, etc. I don’t have the link or I’d post it, but its on the 48hours web page. The story was about a woman who committed suicide. JM went after the husband even though the woman had tons of journal entry’s saying she could hear God calling her home and after one already failsd suicide attempt. The episode/case is just as infuriating as this.
The doug grant case?
Yes, I think that was it.
I need a hug 🙁 this hearts my heart so much
GROUP HUG*******
******************I’m in********************
me too. ((((((Group Hugs))))))
(((((((((HUGS))))))))))))) 😀 ☺
Bugs hugs sent from me to you! Let me know when you need a shot!
Lol not bugs big hugs lol
I will take bug hugs!
Isn’t this prick done with cross yet? I really want to start watching the trial again.
make sure you rate it as G rated other wise it will not appear
Judge looks pissed!!!
Maybe her dildo failed to register a heartbeat
last night!
Did JM say he had nothing further? Is he done?
Alyce even got the broken finger in.
Martinez is just digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole.
He cannot win on this ground.
You cannot argue with the evidence of what Travis did – he called her, he has sex with her, he abused her.
Sure, he told his friends she was a stalker – but that was a blatant lie.
Is Juan Martinez an asshole YES OR NO and no not hypothetically!!
A big YES
Good grief YES, and a big sloppy one at that!! (Probably from Pickles dildo…)
What do you think the jury thinks everytime JM says Travis was “terrified” of Jodi and they look over at her sitting quietly drawing or writing and looking quite frail. Keep saying it Juan…it’s winning the case for Jodi.
Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer 7m
Judge Stephens says, “We are in recess,” then turns to the lawyers and says, “In chambers.”
I heard that.. and she didn’t sound too nice about it.
Found this on utube. Seems Jodi has some support there.
Good video
Thanks Jeff-
Good piece done by the local news. Jodi must be very sweet for her jail mates to be so supportive. Having worked in detention as a counselor, this is not what one normally sees from other inmates.
Thanks, Jeff. Wonderful to know that she is loved and supported by her prison mates.
I went to my B&N account and contacted customer service. Although it took some time, I went through and reported each posting to B&N most for inappropriate language and some off topic. I also went to each negative post (due to the trial) and hit “no” that the review wasn’t helpful.
This behavior by the “haters” is unacceptable.
I also put a 24 hour block on my televisions for HLN’s channel.
I finally get it what the Prosecutor wants to believe is that Jodi was abusive to Travis. Come on if the
Jury believes that JOKE. There is no way that fits no matter how hard JM tries to turn it around. To
me anyway.
Example…..Jodi looking through a window an see’s Travis hooking a bra back for a woman. She leaves.
The Travis Supporters …………Turn this into……….OMG Jodi was inside Travis’s house watching him
have sex with a woman?
WTH ! Not only does JM try to do this but the Travis Supporters also twist everything up an then relay that on to the new person looking into the trial or the dumb person who only watches HLN JOKE NEWS an believes it all.
This is beyond ridiculous and I am fairly certain the Jurors see what is going on unless they are all
Mormon’s/LDS an want revenge for Travis’s death as the family an prosecutor do. Self Defense is not a Death Penalty case to me.
Bur remember from her testimony she had stuff stored at TA’s and she had asked him if she could come over and get her social security card, He said she could.
So folks, Since I couldn’t stand this BS anymore I went back and listened to Dan Freidman’s testimony.
Here’s is a paraphrase of the section that JM keeps referring to:
JM: You remember you talked to Defense Counsel about a conversation with Travis.
DF: Silence
JM: Specifically the one where Travis told you he was going to talk to Jodi.
DF: Yes
JM: And he said he was going to break up with Jodi;
DF: Not really, they were already broken up and he was going to say they should separate because they would still hang out on weekends or whatever.
JM: And she moved to California sometime after that.
DF: Yes
That folks is the sum total of that conversation.
So I think I will retract any benefit of the doubt I was giving JM on his understanding of the English language. He is just a contemptible, lying, manipulating, dishonest sack of snail dung and I think JW should replay this for the jury at the first possible opportunity and hope the obfuscating little twerp chokes on his own words.
“He is just a contemptible, lying, manipulating, dishonest sack of snail dung”
I hope Jennifer W. can have the court reporter read back that testimony. LOL It would show them while it’s still fresh in their minds that Juan Martinez is stretching the truth every which way!
Yes and the jurors will be able to look at transcripts of any prior testimony. So who does he think he’s fooling? Personally if I were on a jury, this would greatly discredit JM.
Unfortunately, the jurors have to rely on memory to recall testimony. If, while they’re in deliberations, they want a certain part read back, they have to, as a group, ask for that. They then are brought back into the courtroom and that particular testimony is read back to them. I’d love it if they were just given printouts of all the testimony when they go in for deliberations.
That’s why I hope Jennifer W. can read back Dan Freeman’s testimony now, while all this is still fresh in their minds.
He is a complete Douche Nozzle!
I thought Dan was a very good witness for Jodi. The biggest thing that stands out to me is when he said, Jodi was trying to figure out where she stood in the relationship. Then AL said she was trying to define it label the relationship.
You gave him too much credit earlier. He’s just a sack of shit sucking off the taxpayer teat.
For those who didn’t see this yesterday.
The same Mel McDonald who was hired to save JM’s butt in that case recently said:
“Martinez is his own worst enemy,” Mel McDonald, a prominent Phoenix defense attorney and former judge, told ABC News. “He takes it to the point where it’s ad nauseam. You have difficulty recognizing when he’s driving the point home because he’s always angry and pushy and pacing around the courtroom. He loses the effectiveness, rather than build it up.”
“He’s like a rabid dog and believes you’ve got to go to everybody’s throat,” he said.
And here’s a link to the rest of the article
Yes good articles and if you look at an earlier post there is a link http://wwwazcentral.com/arizonarepublic/local/articles/20121119photo-tiff-postpones-trial-overkilling.html that sums up Martinezs slimey tatics,that little bastard should be put in his own prison and let the prison population have their way,He went on about anal sex and he would get his due in there.
Thanks. Here is one of the reader comment I find interesting.
In addition, proof of her innocense, and, lieyers’ incompetency, is this entire soap opera, already proven, by the States’ own forensics, that, she couldn’t have overpowered, him, without, shooting him, first, as the lieyers, have, again, programmed another, charade; expecting to be believed, because, she’s now, saying what, the lynch mobsters, want to hear, so, now, she’s finally, telling the truth; you, think. The gunshot, was a “set Jodi, up,” for this precision kill, with, knife cuts and, stabs, and, a gun shot, alleged, to be first, but, actually, last,, as evidenced, four days after the kill, when, the blood and brass, proves, again, her innocense, despite, Arias Bias.and, proves, because, the ejected brass , bounced onto the floor, and, settled upon a dried blood island, four days, after the blood had dried; leaving no blood smear, upon the brass; which might as well, be a brass band, playing, “Don’t cry for me, Arizona”…as to, proving, forensically, that her lieyers, are again, fabricating, a slam dunk, against, an innocent person… Throw, all these lizards at law, into, prison, and, free, Jodi….. Edgrrr…
I love Edgar I love his posts as well. He did stop by here from time to time I haven’t seen him in awhile now though.
Love Edgrrr’s poetic and creative comments.
And as I mentioned before, Mel and Juan went at it with the Doug Grant trial. Quite a history with those two so Mel isn’t really a source I would trust. Mel lost that one partly because of HORRIBLE rulings by the judge.
does anyone remember when her labtop and papers were stolen it was in the news wonder if JM had something to with that
if ALV cant remember some things he is asking her its because she had to start all overagin
I think it was JM’s witness some young DMV person that he has still to come on the stand I think it was her laptop that got stolen.
Yes your right. It is the prosecutors expert.
Yes those are the words I meant thanks LC.
You mean the psychologist, not somebody from the department of motor vehicles.
Ya whatever she is misstatement there
Here’s my take on the State’s case and I hope at least one person on the jury argues something like this during deliberation:
While the State is trying to convince the jury that Jodi’s story doesn’t make sense, in reality, her story makes much more sense than the State’s. Here’s what the prosecution would have us believe:
That a woman of above average intelligence decided to drive 1000 miles to kill her lover and here is the premeditated plan she came up with:
1. Steal the murder weapon from grandparents’ house – just one week before the killing. (Surely no one will ever be able to make the connection.)
2. Rent a car 90 miles away from home to avoid detection (but be sure to attract attention by quibbling over the color.)
3. Drive down to Darryl’s house near Monterey and borrow gas cans so as to disguise travel route (rather than just buying cans along the way with cash – because, of course, we can totally trust that Darryl will never mention the gas cans when the police inevitably come knocking on his door, since the police will obviously be investigating all of Travis’ friends, including – and perhaps especially – me.)
4. Drive over to Mesa and arrive at Travis’ around 4:00 am. (Note to self: Must find out when roommates might be home or could possibly come home.)
5. Don’t shoot him immediately and quickly beat it out of town so as to avoid being seen or arriving suspiciously late at Ryan’s in Utah, who will, by then, be expecting me in approximately five hours. (Instead sleep the night with Travis and have sex with him so that my presence will be thoroughly imprinted all over the scene.)
6. And be sure not to shoot him in the middle of the night while he’s sleeping. Instead wait until he’s fully awake and conscious (so that, in the name of all fairness, he can have an equal chance of killing me instead.)
7. Before killing him, have him take photos of me – with time stamps. (Just need to be sure to throw the camera in the washing machine before I leave – rather than disposing of it along the way with the gun.)
8. Do not drive directly to Utah up Highway 17 (even though already running quite late at this point) but rather make a detour over to Hoover Dam (maybe to take in the sights).
9. And somewhere between Kingman, Arizona and Hoover Dam be sure to call several people on cell phone (so that there’s a clear record of my travels north out of Arizona – in spite of the reason for getting the gas cans.)
Yes, quite the plan…
AND please note the distance between Mesa, Arizona (AZ) and Monterey, California 707 Miles
is not 1000 miles………….this is a 10 hour drive.
Not sure what you’re noting, Rhonda…it is approximately 1000 miles from Yreka to Mesa. Yreka is where they claim, I believe, she came up with this plan (at least a week before leaving home.)
Yeah, right. Those gas cans. Please. She left a paper trail everywhere she went.
Have you ever driven on the roads Jodi drove? I have, especially highways 44 and 89 in California which are extremely remote roads.
You don’t want to get stranded there.
I am not mocking you, Ms. B. I am so sick of JM’s wild theory.
Actually, SJ should repost your post because it is so good. 🙂
Yes I know they say that I don’t believe that though. She was going to her friends in Southern California to visit. Travis was guilting her into visiting him though I believe when she was over in Monterey? That assumption from Yreka to Mesa is just that is what I am saying I guess.
Yeah…. that sound like such premeditation! !! Lol
And she would have brought and worn gloves to ensure no prints left behind, brought 1 box cutter and made one clean swift cut to his throat. No need for any gun. No need to fake a brake in at grampa’s to get the gun.
Why fake a brake in to get the stupid gun in the first place. It’s not like grampa would have noticed the gun missing had she just stuck it in her purse.
Filing Date Description Docket Date Filing Party
4/10/2013 012 – ME: Trial 4/10/2013
4/10/2013 MOT – Motion 4/10/2013
Yeam WTF is this all about?? Any ideas?
IMO This may give us some insight
From Wikipedia
A “motion to compel” asks the court to order either the opposing party or a third party to take some action. This sort of motion most commonly deals with discovery disputes, when a party who has propounded discovery to either the opposing party or a third party believes that the discovery responses are insufficient. The motion to compel is used to ask the court to order the non-complying party to produce the documentation or information requested, and/or to sanction the non-complying party for their failure to comply with the discovery requests.
So it sounds to me JM has something and he hasn’t given it to the defense. We know that he has no problem being unethical and not providing defense with anything that could help Jodi.
they are wanting to hang her put her to death and getting her journal from her jail sell to see what she is writing in them that is low and i can see the jail giving it to them ….
If I am reading this correctly it’s her attorney’s that are asking for her journals to be brought in not JUAN.
Wow, what is this all about?
Pleas tell me I MISSED THE LITTLE AH..
Dunno, dears… just pulled it off the Maricopa calendar….
oh for the love of god did her lawyers not tell to to stop writing in a journal??
Bless her heart, she is a lot like me in not being able to keep her mouth shut and not sharing her thought so much.
If it is all happy stuff in her journal, like about her art and SJ’s website etc, then that would go to show she still follows the Law of Attraction.
The bad part is, if she is trying to create an acquittal using the Law of Attraction then… they will use it against her.
How did the prosecution know about her journals in jail, and what was in it? Who is squealing?
On another note, did her lawyers not tell her to not journal about anything to do with this trial, Travis or anything to do with all of this? I can understand her journal keeping, it is an outlet for her, but her words can and will be used against her.
This is not good at all… 🙁
Maybe it’s her manifesto
This is after the fact…. to me this is not even revelant to this case. Maybe for appeal process. Looks like the defense is making this request not JUAN.
Am I reading this correctly?
Thats such BS!!! Jodis ISNT going to write anything stupid in that journal and IF she did, she would’ve done it purposely. Shes smart enough to KNOW, that journal could be confiscated. But they’re stupid for even wanting to see what’s in it. Does it say who’s trying to get it??
I gather if the motion to preclude is by the defense, it’s the prosecution that wants them brought in.
correction, motion to compel…. sorry for the confusion. There are so many precludes and compels and overruled and no sustain going on, it’s getting confusing! LOL I wish I could have a drink, i might think clearer! hahaha
Hello all. I have followed all of this closely and appreciate, very much, all the remarks made.
It seems all Mr. Martinez is trying to discredit Ms. LaViolette as an expert. He is doing everything he knows how to do, including taking so long, so that she will respond in anger which he would pounce on. She is quite stalwart in her demeanor, isn’t she? Ms. Wilmott will calmly and professionally clear up the mischaracterizations and exaggerations I believe.
As offensive as Mr. Martinez presents himself I believe that the blame for this “fiasco” of a trial is not his fault, although I do not condone his actions or approach. The blame for the length, and absurdity of so much of the trial, rests squarely upon the shoulders of the Judge.
If this is accepted behavior in AZ I feel sorry for the citizens of that great state. Doesn’t the time and resources used in this trial make everyone wonder why these State resources are not used for every murder trial when the defendant is indigent? If you were a spouse, parent or child of a convicted felon or a citizen on trial for a serious criminal offense, especially a convicted or accused murderer, in AZ wouldn’t you wonder why the same resources and time weren’t used in your loved one’s trial?
I always keep reminding myself while watching all of this that the system is an ADVESARIAL System and not necessarily a FAIR System. Ugh, but that is the reality of the legal system, isn’t it? I also keep reminding myself that only ONE juror must disagree with the State’s assertions for the DP to be taken off the table as an option.
This entire Arias trial portrays the criminal justice system as being very unfair and depicts the criminal justice system as being somewhat broken, doesn’t it?
All is just food for thought. Thanks for allowing me to post and thanks for the website.
And I do believe that Self Defense is a reasonable conclusion.
Thanks, DB. Well said.
This trial should have never been held, there was a plea offered by the defense which was refused.
But it might be much better for Jodi now that more of the truth has transpired in spite of the jurors not being sequestered, of the prosecutor’s misconducts, of the ineptitude of the judge at times, of the media propaganda, of the vilification of Jodi throughout the media and the web, of the attempts to intimidate the defense witnesses, of the leaks to the media, and first of all of the very shoddy criminal investigation to start with.
I sure hope Jodi will walk free shortly, not guilty, to lead the safe happy and prosperous life she deserves.
“Boys will be boys” is written all over this case.
OMG they’ll stop at nothing!
Unfortunately, I’m having to listen to the trial on HLN. I mute it when they hit pause because I don’t want to hear their commentary. While it was on mute, I happened to look over at the screen a little while ago. There was a close up of Juan Martinez talking to one of their reporters. The bottom of the screen said “The Soft Side of Juan Martinez.”
In close up, his hair is much grayer. His eyes are very small, very close together, and they’re misaligned!! His nose is way out of proportion to the rest of his face; it’s simply gigantic. He not only sounds like an ogre, but when you see him up close, he LOOKS like an ogre.
Just my opinion.
Remember the Three Billy Goats Gruff? He reminds me of one of those trolls in the story.
This pic is a dead ringer for the persecutor:
Hahaaaa that’d be a good gravatar pic for him!
The defense should have a better expert then this lady!!!
Excuse me?
Could you explain?
I think she is the BEST!
She is the best!!! Its Juanito the idiot that doesn’t make sense.
Are you kidding? ALV is one of the top DV experts in the United States.
JM is all smoke and mirrors. I guess you don’t understand criminal law.
Do you have someone in mind?
Would the ‘DV expert’ from HLN do?
oK Kids trying to make some reason on what I missed from this morning….help..please…I have a drink in my hand I’m ready….Please tell me he is done with her….
I wish it were true… I dont think he is though…
I have been such a good girl today, no drinking (yet) and have gotten lots of homework done.
That being said, I have a huge hole in my heart and mind, and I feel like I have been beaten down all week.
Ohh rats, I thought he was done! Ugh, gonna have to shut it off again. I can’t handle watching him beat this woman up….I feel like he is beating up my grandmother!
Renee’ go over to the afternoon ….SJ said it loud and clear. Do not let that little AH get to you!!!! We can only do so much for Jodi….it’s going to be in God’s hands and he will lead the 12 to the truth….
I send you a big hug…
She’s done with him.( Next time he’ll have to pay her for counseling.)
But he is one of these men who keep hanging on and on and on and STALKING even when you’re through with them.
Hugs Renee
Sorry I missed the group one earlier.
I totally understand, that is why I can’t watch it live much anymore while Kermit is up…I can feel his aggression from miles away.
this site can help to understand what is happening here if anyone would like to look
How many references during the trail has JM made to the dildo without a heart? He really like that for some reason. 🙂
“Jodi Arias is the weirdest lefthanded writer. I don’t hold my pencil like that. She gives being left handed a bad name!”
Ya but poor thing has a 2 inch pencil. Would not be fun using that tiny pencil an would drive
me crazy I think.
I truly kinda feel bad for Ms. LaViolette now after reading all of the hateful reviews of her book on Amazon which was first published in 1993. Like most people, she is capitalizing on her 15 seconds of fame (or shall I say 15 days?) and re-publishing her book. Interestingly, I failed to find just ONE review solely ABOUT the book AFTER the commencement of Miss Arias’ trial; the 50 or so that I read were about Ms. LaViolette testifying for Miss Arias! What does that have to do with the book she wrote in 1993???
Incidentally, I noticed there were only 2 reviews of her book PRIOR to the Jodi Arias trial and they were both stellar reviews. The remaining 585 hateful reviews came in AFTER Ms. LaViolette took the stand for Miss Arias’ defense as an expert witness…
“Like most people, she is capitalizing on her 15 seconds of fame (or shall I say 15 days?) and re-publishing her book”
I don’t think that is an accurate statement.
If you will notice the timing of the trial (when it was supposed to be started, etc) along with the nature of book publishing itself, she is bringing out a new version.
That is hardly fair of you to place a judgement on her like that without even asking her why she is republishing.
Are you a mind reader?
Also, how was she to know that this trial would be so publicized? You think she decided to republish a few months ago when the shit hit the fan with the trial?
I didn’t realize that my complimenting Ms. LaViolette would so greatly offend you.
I’m certainly no mind reader, but apparently you are if you believe me commending Ms. LaViolette was in any way derogatory.
Martinez turns correct into a three syllable word.
he is finally done with ALV
Mr Martinez, do you always take only one sentence out of a novel or essay to understand the story or the point?
You hit it!
IT’s OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have drank 3 glasses of wine but I’m stil compus mentis!!!
I needed it!
Drink 3 more glasses, and have one for me
Team Jodi
I had one glass and I am campus dementis
I wish I could drink wine again :(. I DO have some Bailey’s I keep on hand for the rare times I see my kids, (haven’t seen my son since ’07, my eldest, ’08, my younger daughter, 2011 . (Sigh)) but Bailey’s is the favorite of both of my younger kids, (24 & 26), never know, maybe one day they’ll come see me again.
The nightmare of DV with children….
I love it when LV disregards the judge!!!! 😀
That bastard is growling again like a rabid dog.
Someone, give him a piece of gum that sticks and get stuck.
hmmm judge has found that she can sustain objection
Vinnie is using “Professional” rassler to body slam him tonight. Vinnie should hold a camera on “continuous” mode to reproduce the infamous “ceiling/bodyslam” photo.
Alyce sticks to her beliefs and life experiences and certainly hasn’t backed down in the face of the threats she’s received and the hate she’s getting.
You have to respect and admire that. At least normal people with clear minds do.
She is great, and held on to the last. It’s so refreshing to hear her speak without interruptions.
Stalking sure does take a ton of work and energy. I watch those Stalking programs on ID Discovery and that new one called Looks Who’s Stalking on recently. I couldn’t be bothered with that nonsense. Move on with life. Stalking wouldn’t scare me so much as it would piss me off.
But one never knows what goes on in another ones mind.
I’m here, but we’re being slammed by a major storm right now-the only thing I don’t like about living atop a mountain…
TV is out, I’m using my friend/landlords DSL acct bc my connection is down.
Unfortunately, can’t do video on this slow connection & she wants me to use it to watch weather-we have another “line” of storms after this.
The joys of living on a working farm! 😉
Stay safe and hug these kitties, Lainey. Turn off pc/dsl when it gets bad.
Lainay1843- Yes, stay safe. My prayers will go out to you.
That’s SICK, those people are SICK!! Thank God JW is doing a great job of rehabbing.
I’ll be interested in the jury questions!
Me too. I bet someone important will speak out on behalf of AL and DV victims everywhere. Someone smart and respected. This isn’t over for her by any means.
Lawsuits aren’t always frivolous. Perhaps, she should sue health grades, amazon, etc. etc.? Thoughts? IN the end, it’s their responsibility to make sure people aren’t harassing an expert witness.
This will go nowhere. And if Ms. Laviolette is wrong in testifying, why should HLN be able to spew lies, misinformation and fantasies to the American public?
Alyce should SUE and SUE and SUE.
He insisted on ‘EXTREMELY afraid.’ Does Martinez truly believe that he’s going to make the jurors swallow the story that Travis was so terrified by Jodi that he asked her for nude pics to defuse the evil stalker?
Hey y’all,
Regarding the seized journals, it is the defendant’s motion to compel, meaning the defense wants the prosecution to turn over those journals.
If the journals were seized by the jail, prosecution would automatically get them. They would not have to compel anyone to get them.
Not sure what would help though. It’s April 1st, 2013. Meaning those journals were written while in prison, and they would not have anything useful that wouldn’t be spun as “lies” by the prosecution.
I am outraged the prosecution seized her journals.
That is outrageous. Proof that they really hate her and would steal from her, would do anything to hurt her.
They probably want to tear it up because this time, she probably wrote about all the terrible things they’ve done to her while in jail.
Its all one big game for Martinez. He knows it is and he knows he’s out of order. Is there no one to stop him? The stupid biased judge won’t.
He is setting himself up to do work for HLN, since they employ “former” attorneys who couldn’t make it in throw real world. When Juan loses this death penalty case he’s history. His last death penalty case will be overturned and families of wrongly convicted citizens that are victims of his tactics are going to demand retrials.
Thank you. All pages well written to the point.
Thanks for the link I really enjoyed reading that.
Alyce LaViolette did a great job holding her ground and not letting JM put words into her mouth.
I also think that it ended up being a good thing that the judge overruled a number of the defense’s objections so that Ms LaViolette could answer JMs asinine questions – she is smart and can hold her own!
Also, a marked difference in the way JM was allowed to treat/talk to ALV after the first day, also because she stood her ground and would not be patronized or bullied – I am sure the judge had something to do with that, too.
I am here in Mesa visiting, I would love to attend, but I don’t know where the court house is, as I don’t know my way around can anyone help me with the address? thank you Sig