Following on from the little guy’s recent wayward references from Websters dictionary and The Book of Mormon, I thought I’d take the opportunity to look up the meaning of “Prosecutorial Misconduct” in my handy US Legal dictionary.
Here’s what it says:
Prosecutorial misconduct is conduct which violates court rules or ethical standards of law practice. Examples, among others, may include:
*** Courtroom misconduct (making improper remarks or improperly introducing evidence designed to prejudice the jury: violating rules regarding selection of the jury; or making improper closing arguments);
*** Hiding, destroying or tampering with evidence, case files or court records;
*** Failing to disclose evidence that might tend to exonerate the defendant
*** Threatening, badgering or tampering with witnesses.
So how many of the above violations have we witnessed so far throughout Martinez’ dismal performances? I’d say all of them. The only exception being “making improper closing arguments” – mainly due to the fact that we’ve not yet reached that stage… but no doubt he will.
Leave your comments below on day 36… as another new trial week starts, and Jodi takes one step closer to victory…
Team Jodi
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The Flores report stated that Jodi invoked her 5th Amendment right…by saying she wouldn’t give statement until getting advised by an attorney since she had heard from many sources that she was being implicated. Why then the interrogations? Where was her attorney? Flores probably lied to her or used a legal loophole.
When did she say this?
Probably is never a good word. It is best to site a fact. All of the conjecturing does not help the cause. I am confused. Did not Jodi try to tamper with “witnesses” when she tried to smuggle those magazines to Matt?
If you look at the bottom of Page 18 of Flores’ report you’ll see that he says Jodi essentially waived her right to an attorney. That was dumb.
Never talk to the police without an attorney, even if you had nothing to do about anything. Lawyers tell you that all the time and people always think its just shysters trying to make a buck. But you can get into trouble just by saying something inconsequential that the police believes is a lie.
That’s what I have said at the beginning. She also mentioned this mistake in her testimony.
She originally was representing herself too.
There are 2 rules to talking to the police 1)There is NEVER a good time to talk to police 2) If there IS a good reason to talk to police, reffer back to rule #1
I know, i know, you are all thinking, “yah but” or “except in this situation…”. Let me say it again..NEVER TALK TO COPS.
Here, rather than type up one of my 10k word rants…view this Youtube video…they explain most of what i am talking about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wXkI4t7nuc
Sirlips LOL what are the chances we both post the same video at the same time! I posted the refreshed and there is your post with the same Don’t talk to Poliec, LOL
That is great advice to all. I have two boys that turned out to be great kids, but I also raised them that if the police ever bring you in for ANYTHING you request a lawyer no matter what they promise. One had asked, “What if I didn’t do anything wrong?” I again explained your number 1 and number 2 above. I also had them watch the interrogation of the Moore boy who was wrongly accused of murdering his sister. Then, they both understood.
To take it one step further, I can remember driving with an attorney friend when we passed a State Trooper that had someone pulled over with their belongings all over the ground. He had told me, even when you have nothing to hid, you never give them permission to search. Make them do the work of obtaining a search warrant.
Everyone should know how it works,never talk to the police even if your innocent…..watch this two part video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8z7NC5sgik
She had to have been very confused having never committed any kind of crime and suddenly finding herself in an interrogation room. She might not have understood her right to an attorney or how important it is to utilize that right.
It just shows what state Jodi was in….She is a smart girl and would know better…
My goal for today is to not let the “little man” get under my last nerve…..if I do the bully will have won!!!!!! I am here to support Jodi and she was strong enough to endure his ratting and badgering so can we.
Yes, there is something very wrong with this, but I will let KN and JW deal with him. Remember it only takes one person on the jury….
So let’s just LOL when he starts his questioning…..and see what a ass he really is.
But I feel like going through the TV and throttling the little SOB.
I understand Al….but I would miss you if you did that…..besides do you really want to have to go out and buy a new TV? Yes, he is a SOB and honestly he is trying trying to bully the jury into thinking he is right…The old saying : the ones who scream the louded are the ones who have the most to hide…
He has nothing left….
Yes, he has nothing left.
He had nothing to start with.
He’ll finish up with nothing… (apart from a book & movie deal of course)
Team Jodi
Talk about a waste of taxs payers money… I can understand in a way the siblings wanting vengeance…..they are living with tunnel vision. The seed was planted years ago. But the day will come when the truth will come out…..all the truth……
And we know who will buy the book and watch the movie….Dave Hall and all his pals…if they are not in jail by that time….to take a phrase from Jodi….”there is something not right about that boy”.
Yes, Cindy, and JM is trying this case to NG, Drew Pinsky, and that bimbo he has on his show- the (shudder) groupie of JM.
The best way to handle Kermit is to view him with humor. RIGHT? ISN’T THAT TRUE?
Spoild little man not getting his own way….He’s better then watching a 4yr old in the store haveing a hissy fit. The only differences is he’s not 4. LOL…
OK … I have to admit….. I secretly like watching JM. He’s like a soap opera and a train wreck all rolled into one. You just cant make this stuff up!
But entertainment value aside… this is supposed to be a legal proceeding.
LOL I think by the throat would be better!
Good for the doctor!!!!
Snow Day. School’s closed so no car pool driving chore for me this morning. I get spared a half hour’s worth of smart ass teenager comments.
Now that I think I have the defense strategy figured out, I wonder if it’s a little too intricate. I think what they are saying is self defense by someone with a domestic violence history, so that’s the standard the Jury must apply and JM must disprove.
Jodi was put on the stand to bring out the claim of self defense and the abuse/DV. The only salient parts of her testimony as far as the defense is concerned are the claim of self defense, the broken finger, the choking, the forcible sex in the office when the CD wouldn’t load and the body slam/chase in the bathroom. The rest was just to humanize her.
Dr Samuels was put on the stand, not for the PTSD, etc but to show that there was a past history of violence that led to a fear of bodily injury and an explanation for some of the “lies”. The rest – acute stress, PTSD, etc is just fluff.
The DV expert is being put on to elevate the standard of proof for negating self defense up to the level of a reasonable person who has been a victim of abuse.
That is all. By the law JM has to not just prove premeditation as he claims but must also disprove, beyond a reasonable doubt. Here’s the interesting part and I don’t know how the judge is going to issue the instruction:
Assume Jodi left Yreka with an intent to kill TA. Assume that when she got to Mesa she didn’t follow through with the initial intent (this is clear from the almost 13 hours she spent there doing everything but killing TA and proven by the prosecutions case). Now assume TA attacked her. The killing now happens as self defense. The initial intent (if any) doesn’t matter.
I think the defense has put the case squarely into this condition. So they can argue that even if she did leave Yreka with that intent, that is not why the killing happened, and Mr Prosecutor, it is up to you to prove that during those last minutes of TAs life Jodi was not in fear of TA exerting physical force on her.
I don’t know if JM gets that. I don’t know if this may be too nuanced for an average jury, but it makes sense to me. And when I look at the prosecution’s case to this date all they can say is don’t believe her because she lied in the past.
I think things will get really interesting in the closing arguments and the way the judge instructs the jury. BTW those instructions are where any judicial error is likely to happen.
I said “By the law JM has to not just prove premeditation as he claims but must also disprove, beyond a reasonable doubt. Here’s the interesting part and I don’t know how the judge is going to issue the instruction:”
What I meant was
By the law JM has to not just prove premeditation as he claims but must also disprove, beyond a reasonable doubt, the factors that make up a self defense claim, i.e. that Jodi as a victim of past violence perceived a threat from TA. Here’s the interesting part and I don’t know how the judge is going to issue the instruction:
Great post, as always, Al. I am with you on things.
He cannot do it. The case for murder one was never there. JM’s case fell apart with the sex tape.
I can’t begin to stress how that tape totally undermined the prosecution’s theory.
That is so true. That coupled with some of the texts and e-mails talking about punishing her put TA in complete perspective.
Yep, those texts and emails were also damning. The very voice of Travis himself on that tape, however, just ripped the entire theory to pieces.
Yes, the tape was damning to the prosecution IMO. WHAT IF… What IF the defense had been unsuccessful in their bid to have that tape of the phone call admitted? IIRC, they had to fight to be able to get it in, and I find it scary to think about what happens if there is an appeal and it does NOT get admitted NEXT time…. hopefully it won’t come to that, or course.
Her testimony also helped to undo all the vague suspicions about the trip.
And also that the “jealousy” motive is not credible.
And that she was very submissive to Alexander.
And probably a load of other points I don’t have in the front of my mind at the moment.
I expect the final defence witness to make some pretty strong statements about whether Jodi could have acted other than in self-defence.
LOL Al, you will one day miss those “smart ass teenager comments”. Well if they are like any other TEENAGER they will sleep most of the day away….and then stand infront of the open door of the refig. and ask whats to eat….
I think your thinking is right on….they had to put JA on the stand or everything the experts said would be assumed…..
You must have been through teenagers, because your description is spot on. My wife announced that this would be a good day to clean the house and pick up rooms. So I’m off to work. HaHa
Chicken..lol Oh yes I have been through those days….I would take them back at any time. Let them sleep the day away….they honestly do need the sleep. Good day for a pot of chile….besides it will feed them all day long..lol
Where the heck do they put that food. I have a 16 year old who is 6’4″ and if I ate the way he does I’d be about 500 lbs. And he’s a bean pole.
The other night my wife said “what are you eating now, we just had dinner?”
He says “I’m hungry, so I’m having a sandwich”
What kind of sandwich?
He says Ketchup.
Ketchup? just Ketchup?
No I put mayo on the bread.
That’s the teenage mind and food.
I often wonder how they ever make it to adulthood.
As always, very thought provoking…and I agree that this case will rise or fall on the jury instructions. I don’t think, though that is either necessary nor likely for the defense to get that “meta.” The defense need only point to each doubt separately. They don’t NEED a cohesive narrative; the pros does. I think that they will (rightly) spend their closing picking clean the carcass of the prosecution case.
Those jury instructions are critical, for if they are seen as improper any conviction will be overturned on appeal.
SJ, I really like your post, but I think you might be giving too much credit by saying that he hasn’t yet made improper arguments. He has attempted to testify repeatedly. My brain just isn’t in gear yet to site specific examples, but I know that I’ve jumped out of my chair repeatedly in objection. Stephens just doesn’t listen to me. I can’t figure out why!
Oh, yeah…and I think that the willful mischaracterization of previous testimony on cross is unconscionable. How many appellate lawyers do you wanna bet are wet dreaming about this case?
LOL Your not alone…Stephens just doesn’t listen to JW either.
I’m a lay person and I have even seen that….how can this keep going on? Why can’t it it be addressed now instead of in a appellate case?
Judge Stephens is the king of her castle…the check on that is the appellate process.
But way can’t it happen now. I don’t understand this….help me understand please…
I dunno…she holds the reins for right now. She doesn’t have a boss in the courtroom. She’s the boss. She has rules that she is supposed to rely on, but right now she is the interpreter of those rules. The first best recourse that anybody has if he thinks that she is breaking the rules is the appellate process. It’s just the way our system works. Or doesn’t work, I guess depending upon your perspective.
I think Kermit intimidates the judge, which is a shame.
Too bad…but I do respect the court. JM is just one of those little ass holes we have to endure in life.
There’s no credit due. The only reason he’s not loused up the closing arguments is because we’ve not reached that stage yet, lol. The appellate court is gonna have a field day with all the underhanded & devious BS that JM has pulled… if it gets to that stage… not withstanding Flores’ ever changing testimony, the SMS guy, non-disclosure of witness testimony, withholding & tampering of evidence and a whole lot more. There will only be one winner here.
Team Jodi
Ok so am I to understand that there will be another case that will bring all this misconduct forward. How many years will that take before that happenes? How will it effect this case?
If Jodi is convicted of M1, then she gets an automatic appeal to a higher court. The appellate court examines the proceedings of the first trial in order to determine whether or not the verdict should be upheld or overturned. There are several apellate levels, all the way up to the US Supreme Court, which is why death row inmates can have their executions delayed for years.
Thanks…again a waste of tax payers money.
Interesting info Kira!
Can they on any other conviction?
Yes. It might not be automatic but Jodi’s defense team can appeal a lesser conviction as well. Casey Anthony’s lawyers got two of her four “lying to police” convictions thrown out on appeal.
Anyone deprived of their liberty for a year has an automatic right to appeal to the next higher court no matter what crime they have been convicted of. Death penalties in California skip the intermediary court and go straight to the California Supreme Court. Appeals to the U.S. Supreme Court are not automatic. The appeal has to meet certain criteria and the U.S. Supreme Court chooses whether or not to hear the case. I am a former criminal defense appellate attorney and this case has tons of appellate issues. The challenge will be for the appellate attorney to winnow the issues so as not to appear nitpicky. JM’s comment today alone accusing the psychologist of “having feelings for the defendant” is almost enough for prosecutorial misconduct. It undermines the entire testimony of the expert. The judge sustained the objection and ordered the jury to disregard the question but, as the saying goes, you can’t unring the bell.
Thanks again for this site, SJ. I’m sending all my mojo that it does not, but even if the worst does happen, there is no way a guilty verdict will survive on appeal. And JM’s requirement not to give improper argument is not confined to opening and closing. He is not supposed to couch arguments in his questions, either, which he can’t seem to stop himself from doing. One other habit of his that makes me want to box his ears, is that when he disagrees with an answer, he’ll say, “no,” or “see, no.” Fortunately, I believe, he’s put off enough members of the jury that it doesn’t hurt Jodi’s chances with them at this point. But it sure pisses me off in the mean time!
I know I sure would be put off. I would just shut down and put my mind in a different place. Tahiti…peace….I’m done having people screaming…..
The thing he does that bothers me the most is when he doen’t like the answer he says, “Did I ask you” such and such. I always want to shoud, “Yes, Mr. Martinez. You did!”
Thanks for the great site, and for all the heart (and work) you put into it, SJ! I am glad those of us that really are “Team Jodi” have a place to more or less congregate, and have rational discussions.
I have lurked here for quite some time now, and have been keeping up with the info you put out, (as well as watching the trial) and have finally decided to jump right in to the mix with you all.
Juan Martinez SUCKS. He’s like a Munchkin from “Oz” gone bad.
Eveyone – whats on the schedule for today? I heard there are more jury questions in the basket. I believe we start with JM continuing (god help us all), and then will it be the additional juror questions with yet another attorney’s round od questioning Dr Samuels? I’m really looking forward the Defense’s next witness – Ms LaViolette (hope I got her name at least half way right!).
Sounds right about right to me…..I don’t think I will havethe volum up at the begining. Don’t want to start of the day wrong….
Today’s schedule will include a lot of “DIDN’T YOU?”, “RIGHT?”, and “ISN’T IS TRUE THAT….?”
Also a ton of . That is not was I am asking is it Sir. Yes or No. Yes or No. And “sure”
Maybe a few I Ask the questions here.
And let’s not forget Of course his favorite. DO you have a memory problem sir?
”Sir,did I ask you if ….?”
Let’s not forget about that!
HLN is saying that the DV witness will be the defense’s last witness. I thought I read somewhere that we were also going to hear from several of TA’s friends and ex-girlfriends. Anybody know?
I think they already called the ones they were going to call, unless they have added some others.
I thought the ones we saw were prosecution witnesses…but I did miss one day (ironically i was reporting for jury duty that day inside the Phoenix court house).
I thought the same thing Renee. Can someone clarify if they know please?
You wonder if other defense witness’s have seen how Martinez treats the others and chicken out. Who wants to be treated like that?
I’d love to see the people who think Martinez is so great have to be questioned by him as a defense witness.They wouldn’t be pro Troll anymore.
exactly. Which is why I believe if she is convicted, it will be overturned on appeal. What JM and the media are doing to Dr. Samuels is nothing less than witness intimidation and tampering.
already on TA support sites, there are cries to ruin the next defense witness.
and….yes, I would love to see the haters sit through a questioning session with that little prick. They would be crying or screaming.
If it were me, I would refuse to answer until he rephrased the question without hostility.
LaViolette looks like she can hold her own against Kermit. I’m looking forward to her testimony.
I despise JM. The little troll could care less about justice or court room etiquette and rules. If he can get away with it he does it. I blame Judge Stephens for that. Personally I think she is intimidated by JM because there is NO WAY he should be getting away with his badgering and disrespect of witnesses. The ONLY thing he cares about is winning this trial and putting Jodi to death no matter what.
Just as bad as Juan “Little Troll” Martinez is his gang of sycophants on HLN. VP, JVM, NG, MB, are giddy to watch Jodi die. HLN should be ashamed but of course anything to rile up the public and get those ratings.
The best thing people could do is turn HLN and everything else off and just watch the trial with your own thought and opinions and not pay any attention to “experts” telling you how you should think.
Okay I’m settled down for the moment
That’s because watching the trial without any editorial comment is completely different than the distorted “coverage” by HLN.
It’s a scandal the media are using this case to whip up a lynch mob mentality.
I agree. The first 2-3 days I watched this trial it was on HLN and Tru TV. I couldn’t stand Vinnie Politan and Mike Brooks. I have no respect anymore for HLN.
I started watching the trial online streaming from this site and other Phoenix news stations minus the commentary from the lynch mob. Much better that way. This site has educated me more on this case than anything has. Both pro and con.
Mike & Vinnie have been taking it in turns to grab hold of each other every day for the past 3 weeks, while trying to do the “linebacker” move. Get a room ffs
Team Jodi
LOL and ewwwwww
Anyone notice how wierd M. Brooks sounds? I think he needs to invest in some FIXODENT (denture adhesive) for his false teeth (to go with his false take on everything JA) 🙂
Mike Brooks has one volume – LOUD. He’s always UP HERE when he should be down here.
Am I mistaken, or is HLN getting the benefit of delivering a salacious reality show without having to pay anybody for the privilege, ratings and profit-making.
This seems like stealing to me?
Amen, Chelion.
Media Ethics with a Life At Stake: See: Dr. Sam Sheppard case 384 US 333
The massive, pervasive and prejudicial publicity attending Dr. Sam Sheppard’s trial preventd him from receiving a fair trial, “freeing Dr. Sheppard from prison” and condemming the MEDIA for the massive publicity.
When the media interferes with the legal system, it does harm to every American Citizen who may have reason to go to court. It is unconstitutional and it is unethical when the media crosses lines and decides innocence or guilt.
Just relax….put your mind some place else…..I really think that is how Jodi gets through day after day. Her art work…….
I agree. Just keep praying.
Last week there was an incident with two of the spectators in the courtroom. They said they wished Jodi was dead or something like that and they said it loud enough that people around them heard. They were removed from the courtroom.
I’ve heard that there’s a lot of snickering and inappropriate behavior in the gallery. Eyerolling, sneering, laughing, talking too loud, gum chewing… All in all, it seems to me the spectators haven’t been made aware of how they’re expected to behave in a courtroom. They watch Nancy Grace at night and they think they’re at a football game. I hope the judge clears the room of all spectators.
I hope the “sea of blue” crap doesn’t happen today. This isn’t a sporting event.
If it does I hope the judge sees it as a direct violation of her orders. I won’t judge the family for wearing whatever they want in order to support their brother(within reason). The rest of the gallery should be held in contempt if they follow through with the sea of blue.
I’ve noticed many people in the gallery making inappropriate faces and whispering to each other and laughing.
If others in the courtroom would bring it to Judge Stephens attention she could do something about it.
If you watched the Casey Anthony trial you saw how Judge Perry handled problems in the gallery when he was made aware them.
I don’t mean to be a jerk … but JA’a aunt and mom are right there with them. I don’t think there is any handbook for how to act when you daughter is on trial for the DP – I’m sure they are just doing whatever they can to get through… but it looks bad .. and they are not being very respectful to Jodi. I can see how Jodi has such a strained relationship with her mom.
JA’s mom was the one who complained to the court that those two people made that comment.
I have never seen Jodi’s Mother and Aunt behaving inappropriately during this trial. I have not seen eye rolling or smirks or the slightest wince…even when Jodi was being badgered by JM Only once did I see them whisper, and it was during a sidebar, not during testimony. When and what have you seen that indicates they are being disrespectful to Jodi?
I disagree…Jodi’s family members have their facial expressions at times, but so does Travis’. None of the family members are cracking jokes and being disruptive.
I agree with you Kira.
I’ve seen them behaving with DIGNITY.
I agree. Much more dignity and composure than I could display if that were my daughter on the stand, strained relationship or not! I would NOT have been able to keep my composure when JM was badgering Jodi!
If I were the judge, the jail would be so inundated with spectators being held in contempt that they’d probably run out of bologna and be forced to serve real food.
I bet Joe has a underground bunker filled with that crap so he wouldn’t run out even if the whole state of AZ were in jail .. LOL .
Does anyone else besides me feel that having Flores at the prosecution table EVERY day is a tactic in itself aimed at swaying the jury? It can hardly be seen as anything other than that. I have never seen the lead detective on a death penalty case, or any other case, seated there, for no other apparent reason than to be the cheering section for the prosecution. I wonder…shouldn’t he be impartial?
What is with this?
It would sway me to wonder why the hell he hasn’t been at work since January and if he’s getting paid to bench-warm for Martinez…LOL.
I think I read somewhere that it is standard procedure. I cant remember why .. I think cause he is the investigating officer for the state.
It’s not, as far as I know. Most prosecutors don’t work alone and have co-counsel.
Ok looked it up. In Arizona it is standard practice . I have not been able to find out what the exact purpose is though.
Ok, here is what I found. the reason for this : The state has a right to be represented by an agent in the courtroom (as they are the ones accusing). So the state can designate one representative to remain in the courtroom and sit at the prosecutor’s table with the state’s attorney just as the defendant can remain in the courtroom throughout the trial with his or her attorney.
This is standard procedure for Arizona murder cases, as well as some other stated KY, etc.
I don,t think anyone could work with JM. I bet the only friend he has is his Mother.
I know, I agee he SHOULDN’T be up there. But its not like he was this great detective that has done such a great investigation. He’s made errors, he’s testified saying that some very important things weren’t important to him during the investigation and the “48 hrs” show that he was in (even though the jury did see it, Nurmi made it know). So he’s a dumbass sitting up there as Martinez water boy. I dont feel like he’s making any difference since he sucks so at everything!
I agree….oooh, he figured out that Jodi was at Travis’ house on June 4th…wow, that’s impressive! Any investigator with a brain could have come to that conclusion once the camera was analyzed.
The lead detective always sits at the prosecution table during a criminal trial. It should not be allowed, because he or she hears all the testimony and they still may call them as a rebuttal witness. Unfair, but that is how it is.
And Flores is being paid an outrageous salary to just sit in the courtroom at taxpayers expense.
THEORIES FROM THE LIGHTER SIDE… (as opposed to those Theories from the Dark Side from the hater sites).
As a long-time reader of this site, I have gotten ‘whiplash’ from reading all the plentiful theories on this trial (The Mormon Connection, The 2-3 Person theory vs just JA, Roommates-must’ve-done-it, etc, etc). I thought I’d like to take a walk on the Absurd Side and present yet more to add on to this list…(with PROOF of course!) . My top three:
(1) ELVIS IS ALIVE & KICKING … Please, by now you all have seen him – smack in the middle, in the front. Proof, you ask? That snarl is a dead giveaway! The youthful look? Well, I’m sure he dipped into his plastic surgery fund!!!
(2) JM IS REALLY A PROCTOLOGIST, MOONLIGHTING AS A PROSC … I’ll jump straight to the proof for this. Just check EVERY witness that sits through all the ‘exams’ (direct, XE, X-redirect, etc, etc) – you will notice them constantly shifting around uncomfortably, and the pained look as they leave the stand!! I’m sure they will back me up when I say that these ‘exams’ feel more like a prostate exam than anything else you can compare it too. He’s so brilliant, it’s a 2-in-1 deal (proctology/prosecution). He is just so good that even the spectators (Judge, KN/JW, JA, and from the comments, I take it the rest of us) feel the effects!
(3) COCKROACH!! – Yeah, I am pretty sure that the severely ‘Over-Ruled’ Judge is saying ‘Cockroach’ and NOT ‘approach’ as we all think. Proof: Given her propensity to enunciate strangely and all …?
Anybody got more?
BTW, when is this trial starting…?
funny..but although I can not nor will I say a word against Travis’s family..the rest was pretty funny.
It’s not really a bad thing to look like Elvis :).
I agree, that young man is handsome and his facial expressions are minimal as compared to his compadres. When the camera focuses on that crowd my eyes tend to go to him…What is his name? Anyone know?
Kira, Dorothy. Get a hold of yourselves! Darn, that’s all you women know.lol
Sorry ’bout that ;O) I’ll try to …keep it in my…keep it to myself…but eye candy…oops Sorry again. Rephrase… um
Steven Alexander, Travis’ brother.
LOL Tony!
I am sorry, I did not intend to be mean. I apologize, again.
Hey do not apologize to me. You have a right to say what you want. I have just choosen not to attact the familys.
Good for you, I’m right there with you!. (ALTHOUGH .. I did admittedly post above a comment about JA mom and aunt behavior in the court room in regard to the comments about the court room spectator behavior – I’m a work in progress )
You’re quite honorable Cindy! I like that.:-)
What time the trial starts depends on the time zone you live in ….
Hopefully everything goes well and Jodi walks away a free woman,but in the mean time,if the jurrors do swallow JMs bullshit and Jodi is convicted of M1,I read that she will be immediately transfered to death row where she will be locked in a cell 23 hours a day,then one hour of exercise while being shackeled in a caged area,That is inhuman treatment,you dont subject people to that.I understand that there will be appeals which could take years,my god how much could Jodi endure of that treatment.This trial stinks,The media circus,especially the COW Nancy Grace have swayed the public opinnion against Jodi,they have assumed her guilty before she went to trial.I said it before that there is no way on this planet that the jurrors have not some way been exposed to some type of media coverage,some of the questions that were asked were a direct quote from the HLN show at night,DUH!!!I live in Canada and this would have never been allowed,the judge would have instilled a media ban and sequestered the jury.I hope Jodis defence team sees all this( I am sure they do)the way JM treated Jodi and the witnesses.The biggest outcome of this trial is all the media ratings and glory in the hopes that JM and pals will get a big fat paycheck for a movie deal,I think this is so wrong,We have a beautiful young womwn here that could be executed and very few people give a shit about her,the media,movie and glory has stood far above the truth.I believe in Jodi and I cant wait for the day she walks out a free woman,Be strong Jodi and you will endure.
Dennis although it does sound inhuman we really have to look at it as a one size fit’s all. We can not have different rules for different people as much as we would like it to be that way. But Jodi will not be sent to death row. She might have some jail time but not on death row. Wouldn’t we all like to see her aquitted but ………Jodi will be in prison no matter what the outcome is here until she gets the help she needs…
Yes Cindy I agree she will have jail time,she did admit to killing TA,but the whole thing doesnt add up.If you were planning on killing somebody I dont think you would hang around all day in his house.Jodi being of rather petite stature makes me believe that there was no way she could have inflicted all that damage to TA and then drag him to the shower,what about the roomies,she had no way of knowing when one of them would show up or a friend might come calling?They say they found a foot print in the blood,did not Jodi say she was wearing socks?I am a firefighter and we have a practice dummy that is life size and weighs 190 lbs,We use him to practice rescueing people from burning homes,so that means picking him up or dragging him out of the building.I am 260Lbs and in relatively good shape,It is a chore for me to drag our rescue dummy along the floor and very hard to pick him up,dead weight is hard to lift,so as far as her dragging him down the hall,WELL MAYBE,but I doubt it,remember that the floor was wet and there was blood on the floor making it slippery.I think either somebody else was there or it was done after and Jodi is covering up for someone or something,she says she cant remember stabbing him,maybe thats because she didnt,her story of the masked intruders might not be all that far off.A note on the memory loss,I have seen some very bad things as a firefighter,people smashed up in cars,victims in a house fire,yeah your mind tries to black that out,its trying to help you survive the trauma.I truly believe in Jodi,something aweful happened,she went into self defence mode and was scared out of her wits after.I would say most people would lie to save themselves contray to what all the media coverage and JM say.Jodi does need some help and she will live a productive life.Just a note on the theory of the spare gas cans,I drove through Utah some years ago and it was my first time and I nearly ran out of gas because there are stretchs that have no services for miles,I was driving my wifes car and was not to sure on the range of a tank of gas,Jodi was being cautious,think about this,a young woman in a car she never drove going some where she has never driven,I say she had her reasons for the spare gas.I puke at JM and the way he berates people and tries to lead them down his garden path,On top of it the judge lets him!!I hope Jodi gets her conviction downgraded to manslaughter and gets credit for time served,she should be out soon.God speed Jodi.
I am hoping there is someone with your logic on the jury…you have pretty much summed it up for me.
Yeah the judge shouldve banned the media from the courtroom and sequestered the jury. None of this would be happening and Jodi would’ve been receiving the fair trial that she and everyone else deserves.
Why couldn’t Jodi be acquitted??? Martinez refused to take her plea, if the jury doesnt find her guilty of anything (like CA people didn’t think she’d walk free), then why is it not possible for Jodi to walk out?? Because the way she defended herself was too heinous? Shes not being charged for that and if she was, who’s to say that she used as much force as she needed to save her own life?? She fought back in SD, saved her own life and walked out alive, why and how should that be punishable? ??
Prosecutorial misconduct is conduct which violates court rules or ethical standards of law practice. Examples, among others, may include:
*** Courtroom misconduct (making improper remarks or improperly introducing evidence designed to prejudice the jury: violating rules regarding selection of the jury; or making improper closing arguments);
*** Hiding, destroying or tampering with evidence, case files or court records;
*** Failing to disclose evidence that might tend to exonerate the defendant
*** Threatening, badgering or tampering with witnesses.
A few examples of the missconduct:
making improper remarks : 1) Opening line… “Your stupid sister”. He could have asked if she thinks her sister is stupid, and then questioned her honesty if she said “no”. Instead he reffers to the sister as stupid, as a way to get the attention of Jodi and the jury that “the pitbull is here!”-
2) Testifying to the court. The Prosecutor is not allowed to testify. Often he will testify then say “right” making it a question, however MANY MANY times he has neglected the question part and this means it was a statement. He is NOT allowed to testify.
improperly introducing evidence: Evedence should not be presented in a way that confusses the witness, to make them look bad. For example, the state often instructed the DR. NOT to use his notes, then would question him on specific dates and times, to make him look bad when he couldnt answer. There is no rule saying that you can not use notes, unless the prosecutor is challanging the witnesses memory. He was obvisously trying to confuse the DR. this is also “improper introduction” as he is trying to introduce the jury to the idea that “this Dr. is poor”, by tricking him into saying he “doesnt know” or “he cant remember”.
-More over, he OBVISOUSLY trys to use his volume and tone to intimidate the witness. He is short, cuts the witness off when they are making an answer that pertains to the question.
-This is most obvious if one asks “is the prosecutor trying to get a “gotcha” moment? We all can see the answer to this.
Hiding, destroying or tampering with evidence: I beleive the prosecutor has hid evidence. Several times there have been side bars on what evidence can be discussed in front of the jury. Several of those times it was about notes in the journal and the text messages…However the STATE is the one that offered those into evidnece, so they should not be able to piece meal those texts and notes. They continually used small portaions to try an mischaracterize the notes and texts.
-You can NOT tell a witness to say “captian may i” and then tell them to spell “cup”, and try to claim that the witness now likes watching pirates take a piss! This is obviously done over and over again by the state. “Where were you at 3:26 AM 6 years ago, DONT USE YOUR NOTES!!!”? “you cant recall? Do you have a problem with your memory?” ….. later, when memory is actually being talked about…” you said you dont have a problem with your memory”. TRICKS=misconduct.
Threatening, badgering or tampering with witnesses: I know that “smurfette with a dick” can treat the defendant as a hostile witness and be more “pointed” when asking questions of her. However he started the questions with the expert witness(The Dr.) the same way. He acussed him of lying. he acussed him of misconduct. He badgered him in tone and volume. He cut off his answers and questioned him personally.
Even if im 4 cans short of a six pack and don’t know what i am talking about. I’m sure that i am correct on at least ONE of these issues. The point is, that miscoduct is not a “leveled” offense. You either did it, or you didnt do it. you cant “do a little misconduct” and thats OK. Miscoduct in the court is never appropriate, so you dont get to say “in this situation its ok”.
JM is breaking the law in front of everyones eyes, and i would like to know what people are going to do about it.
You get it perfectly!
I have the answer to that: tell Flores toget off his backside any arrest the person who is comitting the real crime here day after day. This a joke….
Actually, all the evidence is presented, but they confirm with the judge and defense that they are able to use just part of it. It isn’t just a “we have this” motion, they must pass it with the defense and the judge.
right on sirlips!!!
Sirlips, you ate CORRECT in ALL if it and I would also like to know what they’re going to do about it because it shouldn’t be left alone! !!!
I know Nurmi has tried and the rookie judge is intimidated by him! Someone needs to step it up!
You’re so right!!!! And I wonder, if this is such an open and shut case why does he have to resort to these stupid tactics?? I guess if the judge refuses to stop him, it will work in Jodi’s favor on appeal if there is a conviction.
He said “dumb sister”. JA added the “stupid”. The “dumb” comment was already in evidence.
Hello all Jodi Supporters!!
I am ready to through JM’s hostile attacks and hopefully get to the DV expert.
Anyone Know if Alyce LaViolette will be testifying today?
It probably depends on the time frame since we have so many breaks and so many side bars.
I believe so .. but as you noted with so many side bars, breaks etc ,, seems like everything takes a day or two longer than expected.
I cant wait to hear from LaViolette either but damn i have a quick errand (husband made an apt for car oil chg on HIS work day)!!! Uuuggggrrr ISN’T THAT THE “MAN” JOB????!!!! lol
So, if she’ll be calked upntiday, ill miss some of it!!! : (( Best luck to her though, I have a feeling, she’ll know how to deal with Martinez.
Back to the defense witness list…I have been wanting to see the creepy Hughes’ and Dave Hall on the stand to be grilled by the Defense. Does anyone know if they will be called? Also wondering if TA’s journals will ever be put into evidence?
I wished they could get Hughes on the stand. I also saw where he said he was watching the trial at home. I thought he was not allowed to do that but I could be mistaken.
I think both of them have been “released” .. or whatever they call it , so they are free to watch/discuss , go on tv etc . Once they are released they cannot be called again because they are free to be influenced, seek information not allowed etc.
I see, I was not sure so Ty for your answer.
Thanks All-
That is disappointing but I’m sure the defense had a good reason to release them. I’m still hoping they will face charges for obstructing justice.
Good Morning Everyone!
86 Comments already, time left before trial starts is gonna go fast for me while I catch up.
Go Team Jodi!
I just listened to the latest Websleuths show on Blog Talk Radio http://www.blogtalkradio.com/websleuths
There were some interesting points made by the host. In a nutshell she even thinks Martinez is off-putting. Also, near the end of the show it is commented that TA’s family needs assistance with housing while attending the trail. The host asked about the Mormon community where the trial is taking place in Arizona- the host made the comment that she always knew the Mormon community to be very giving and supportive to those in need. The show’s guest, who is in the courtroom and is now friends with TA’s family and helping them out with donations said that they have not heard from the Mormon community in AZ but she would look into it. Now, why do ya think the Mormon community in AZ has not reached out to this family from the get-go?
I believe the family is not Mormon. I seem to recall that Travis converted on his own. Mormons are tight-knit, but only with other Mormons.
AAhhh, thanks for the info.
Travis’ grandmother was Mormon and she raised the kids in the religion after she gained custody of them. I’m not sure how many of them are still Mormon, but Travis’ sister Tanisha is. She and her husband had a Mormon temple wedding (vid is on YouTube).
there is a donation page for TA’s family on facebook. I woiuld think the Church has policies in place and I do not know what they are. Both TA and Jodi are LDS, and how can you help one and not the other? And we are not supposed to judge others. I’m glad Jodi read the BOM from front to back, Martinez should give it a try, I have never been able to finish it or read more then a few pages at a time and I have been a member of the church my entire life.
Now according to Mike Galanos and friends on HLN, JA is nothing but a scorned sperm lover (their words not mine) who got her feelings hurt because he didn’t take her to Cancun..I WISH they’d just let that cancun theory go and come up with something a bit more plausible because it sounds so silly that somebody would kill over a stupid PPL vacation to Mexico with people who she was aware didn’t really care for her.
wow… a scorned sperm lover? pathetic.
Yes, it actually came out of one of their commentator’s mouths. I can’t say I was shocked that it was said, though because it fits in line with the rest of the crap they’re spewing these days. And to think that I used to think that Mike Galanos was one of the unbiased reporters they had…
Oh it keeps getting better and better…”once the bell sounds and it’s JM’s turn, he basically will charge across the ring and get after the defense’s expert.” Now, I didn’t know we were watching a boxing match….If I weren’t on limited bandwidth internet, I’d def be doing the live feed but so it goes. I have to listen to this crappy commentary as if we’re at a sporting event, which I feel is how HLN is really looking at this, not that somebody’s life is on the line or anything.
so, you think this was premeditated murder? if so, you might be on the wrong page…
Really you think this is all about her not going to Cancun? If Travis was soooo afraid of this so called stalker(no proof mind you) then why did he let her in and stay for many hours.
Because he enjoyed his sexual relationship with Jodi.
Wow your theory shows integrity on the part of TA. Not.
Seems to me that if person A is “enjoying” their “relationship” with person B, sexual or not, it is by definition a given that person B is NOT “a stalker.” Duh.
She knew about Cancun months before and had no plans on going. This was NOT a motive.
I haven’t watched even one second of coverage on HLN, or anywhere else. And when I read things like this, I’m certainly glad that I haven’t. I’ll stick with watching the live stream and using my own brain, thankyouverymuch.
omng…one of the most racist/misogynistic comments ever!
Thats all they got….lol They all know they have lost this case.
You are right, Cindy. I think this case is done. It’s all over but the frenzied mob, the welfare mothers trying to run over Jodi lookalikes in Wal Mart parking lots (yes, that actually happened in my city while CA was in hiding), and the dreaded civil action from Cruella & Co.
What civil suit? Are they threatening to sue jodi when this is over?
I havn’t heard anything about it., but it is not uncommon for the family of the victim to sue in a civil trial when the accused is not convicted at a criminal trial. The rules in civil case are much less restrictive on what they have to prove etc.
Those kind of remarks make HLN look bad, not Jodi.
Scorned sperm lover? Is this 2013 or 1953? What sexist assholes.
Good morning everyone! New trial week,more Kermit BS and yelping(god help us!) so thank heavens for this site and for SJ ‘s insightful posts!
10.11…How typical!!! I always rush from work,almost to the point of running people over with my bike LOL and then I wonder,why do I even bother?They are ALWAYS late!Poorly run courtroom.
Good Luck to Jodi and her team!!
they are in chambers. I wonder if they are hearing the motion about the protective order first.
Humm and please remind me of that order again…..I have been away for a few days…
there was a motion filed end of last week… we dont know much more than it was filed by the defense.
REALLY!!! again??? Is JM rehashing all of this again…oh my. what a waste of time and money.
Sigh. He is not only dishonest, but dull and repetitive as well.
Anyone else here about this rumor that PPL/LS has proof that Jodi was on the list for the Cancun trip but Travis removed her name and put down Mimi in her place?
yep. more PPL bullshit.
Renee…tell us how you really feel…lol
lol! I guess words won’t do!
Cindy She told you how she feels. I’m not for or against Jodi. I am following the trial but find it funny that you can’t tell people how you TRULY feel, without being called out.
Right! I’m sure they just miraculously discovered this new evidence.
….and NOW they are submitting it as new evidence?is this possible at this point of the trial?
If it’s from PPL, it’s a lie.
The inability of the Judge to get this court started ON TIME is getting appalling. Just imagine if all of us could manage our business and/or careers in such a fashion.
Yay! Here goes!
Did it start?? my feed is down…
Yes, its on.
ugggg my work blocks everything except chan 5 and the live feed is down :-(.. go figure….
yup!!! and our girls are in white….hummm omg whats up with JM? He’s even being kinda nices…
The judge just asked the jury if they’ve seen anything in the media, etc. I wonder if they’ve seen our posts? No hands, really? Somehow I doubt that. I have to leave for work now, so I’m going to miss about 40 minutes of the trial until I get set up on my computer there. I hope I don’t miss much, but JM is still talking, so probably not. 😛
I highly doubt at least one juror isn’t at least talking to someone about it.
Well, a friend of mine is not “into” this trial and only hears what I say…so I suppose it is possible that these folks are able to avoid it. Let’s hope they are being honest.
She went into this with the jury on Thursday too.
At least two of the jury questions for Samuels a few days ago were exactly from HLN. So, maybe they are not watching it so they don’t have to raise their hands but someone is telling at least one juror what is being said.
I wonder if JM is going to tone down his attitude today… he seems quieter.
I know…hummm I’m not sure I like this or not…..
LOL, JM is starting off on his best behavior…lol let’s see how long this lasts…
He’s trying..lol Our team is dressed in white…got to love it!!!!!
I love that too. 🙂
I noticed that AND the Dr.’s and Mr. Nurmi’s ties are both red. Nurmi looks FABULOUS ;O) Power tie :O)
And JM looks like a little smurf…..
lol,excellent nickname!!!!
WELL That didn’t last very long…surprise
Yes just started. Looks like Jm is still doing cross with the DR. I bet we don’t see next defense witness today. Jm is starting off a little less ‘confrontational/yelly , today.
Kick his yelping a$$ Doctor!!
another words trying to make something out of nothing……he’s digging for anything he can…
Yes seems that way, doesn’t it?
Just back from the Juan Martinez film festival on Youtube. Boy, this guy is a “rock star” to some people.
You are better off staying away from the mob.
delusional mob…
Yah, they think he looks HOT today.
I see him as a hot mess but whatevs.
Kerms just pulled out another of his favorite phrases:
“So, what you’re saying is that it’s the prosecutor’s fault that….”
I thought to myself….”oh, gosh, here we go…”
why is he referring to himself in the 3rd personal?I thought only Kings and Queens referred to themselves as ”we”,basically using the 1st person of the plural!
He’s called himself “Mr. Martinez” before too!
Illeism=referring to yourself in the 3d person!
” illeism is used with an air of grandeur, to give the speaker lofty airs. Idiosyncratic and conceited people are known to either use or are lampooned as using illeism to puff themselves up or illustrate their egoism ”
Interesting….Looks like Martinez could use some therapy sessions with the good doctor!
JM is a self-centered narcissus. I was thinking that too, that he needs therapy – hard for Samuels to concentrate on q’s cuz he’s so busy analyzing JM.
AND, “Did anyone ASK you THAT? No one ASKED YOU that did they?”
He should. Come back and say, no u didn’t ask me that but its important.
Yes! That is the one that bugs me the most! I want to shout, “You asked it, Mr. Martinez. Shall we have the court reporter read back your question?
Wow JM is much calmer ATM. Let’s see how long that last.
He must have taken his chill pill this am.
or the guy with the tranquilizer gun is back from his holidays and got to shoot Kermit’s lil a** ! lol…
He again said it wasn’t meant to be admitted. The raw data is an issue for the prosecution legally as was somewhat brought up last week.
yahoo you go Doc.
Samuels just said that these scores have nothing to do with his finding of PTSD, etc. JM, that isn’t what I’m asking you, correct? Isn’t that the point…lol
So this piece of evidence was not meant for trial? Did the Dr say Martinez took it inadvertently when he grabbed another piece of evidence from the witness box? WTF
No, he got it from his State expert which is not to be released to be used in court. It was an issue that was brought up last week and JW addressed on re-direct which will come up with the State’s witness. It wasn’t legal in how they obtained it…from my understanding.
Anybody else?
Thats I understand also, but Im no lawyer.
Kermit has really bad posture, which serves to make him look even shorter.
It is especially obvious when he is sustained or is not winning a battle at the sidebars.
yep,yep,yep…he is so not good at hiding his emotions.
Is anyone else watching with baited breath as Fartinez pushes Samuels closer and closer towards his breaking point, finding the whole experience to be absolutely delightful? Samuels is practicing self control, which, I know is a good thing but SO not what I want to see. If ANYONE can get away with putting Fartinez in the toilet where he rightfully belongs with all of his shit spewing it’s Samuels. It will never happen, though, my life is just not that great.
So, I say Samuels meets Fartinez in the bathroom during recess and gives him a swirly!
I’m afraid to ask what a “Swirly” is…I am hoping it has something to do with head in toilet and not something like baking pies and tossing salads.
A swirly is a head dunk and flush.
Thank you 🙂
Or putting ranch on crutons?
Now JM is trying to make it appear that Samuels disclosed it to the State. He is such a snake.
Omg what the hell is going on???!!! Who admitted that test if dr Samuel didnt?! Martinez is being slimy!!!
The State’s expert released something to the State’s expert that isn’t supposed to be shared, but I’m not sure which evidence.
Yes, and I noticed that the judge overruled the objection to JM calling Dr Samuels “sloppy.” I’m like really??
That took me aback!…I wonder if she is listening sometimes.
The Dr looks like he is about to lose it on JM. Wow, he looks pissed today.
It would be tough not to lose one’s cool. JM has called him unethical, inept, and has made it sound like Samuels has fallen for JA.
Im actually hoping that Dr Samuels will put JM in his rightful place once and for all.
wouldnt all of us?Did you notice how Kermit was oozing with sarcasm when he said ”after 35 years of experience THAT’S what we get of you?” wtf?Badgering the witness,hello???
I would be so tempted to fire back with “After 25 years of experience, all we get is petty bullying out of you?”
Why would it be so wrong for him to say that? I know everyone will frown upon it, but at this point, someone calling him out seems like the right thing to do. LOL
JC what does your ribbon say? Its so tiny I cant read it.
I get the impression that Dr. Samuels decided over the weekend that he wasn’t going to put up with Martinez’s bullshit this week. Good for him.
The jury has to be very aggravated. These questions have to make them think they’ve entered something like the move “Groundhog Day”
Same shit another day.
LOL…and I could only tolerate that movie once…this is SO repetitive.
Did I hear that right,that J.M. took some of the Dr.s papers without his permision,and entered it as evidence?What a sneaky little weasel.
Aaaaarrrrgh I want to go right through my computer screen, M is at it again trying to make Mr Samuels look a fool, when the only person looking a fool is HIM!
He’s a disgusting piece of shit!
Its really hard to believe that the Judge allows the gallery members to continue to talk, chew gum, point and stare, etc. I’ve never seen such poor and tolerated court decorum from the gallery.
Wondering other people’s opinion. Is the police officer sister looking at the jury or the camera? I had thought the jury but now it almost seems as though it is directly into the camera. Any thoughts?
Hard to tell for sure….
I think its the camera because Jodi turns to look to the side, whereas his sister looks straight ahead.
If she IS looking at the jury she should be told not to do it.
she probably DID have PTSD before as well, due to TAs repeated raping her.
Good possiblility, HRS.
I wonder who told JM to calm it down. Can’t believe I’m wishing for him to continue being a constant bully.
I know… he was losing the case with his asshole behavior. I imagine he wont be able to keep calm for long.
Tic toc….tic toc….it won’t last…..
lol and it didn’t….
A penny for your thoughts Jodi
Martinez’ Karma can’t come quick enough for me.
Off topic.
Do you think the judge is telling JM just take a deep breath when his hands start flapping and head and torso start stretching up and down?
at sidebars
I guess I missed a bunch of stuff. Anyone care to get me caught up.
Did JM actually steal or otherwise misappropriate the Dr’s papers?
I dont know. I dont think so, but I am confused. Seems like it was a misunderstanding.
Last week JW objected to data that JM was using as an exhibit (I can’t remember which data). This was information that Samuels said is only shared between psychologists and the like and not used as part of exhibits in criminal trials. JW did address a question on re-direct that put her in the position to take it up with the State’s expert.
Does anyone else remember this?
Yes, you are right on Jodie
Thank you. I thought I had been Martinized….you know a trance like state from listening to JM’s grating, unprofessional, unethical badgering.
I find him to be so abusive. i don’t care if this is his job like some say. I think he shows us that he enjoys abusing others.
It has something to do with the “raw data”. If I remember correctly.
”Judge,she said she wanted to approach”
omg…Cant he refer to Ms.Wilmott as Ms Wilmott???That kinda talk reminds me of my young students,”Miss,she used a bad word!Come scold her!”
Is Juan being given a bit too much leeway here? It seems this is beyond the scope of the jury questions.
He is always given leeway and I really don’t understand it!!
Far too much latitude in the courtroom for the State.
This has to be bothering atleast one juror like it is us.
I am aghast at the leeway he is allowed. Seems to me that there is favoritism going on here or that the judge, at this point doesn’t give a hoot anymore. Does she even HEAR the reason for the objection? She, far more often than not, overrules the objections that the defense makes.
Perhaps the protective order was for this witness? Maybe to stop JMs constant witness abuse.
Did JM just say that Jodie hit her mom?
yes .
what?? omg.. I can’t watch it at work so I’m just reading … this is crazy! How can he be allowed to question this way??
this wont sit well with the jury if not clarified by the defense.
If Jodi hit her mother, I bet that it was a physical argument that went both ways. Unfortunately, I observed this as a child between my grandmother/great-grandmother. They had a horrible relationship and would get into physical fights even into old age.
Yep…once my great-grandmother attempted to smash a juice bottle over my grandmother’s head. My cousin pulled them apart in time.
They must have been very tempermental women!
Yep…that was the Italian side of my family!
No wonder!lol
This weekend I went back to much earlier testimony as somewhat of a test. This has gone on so long that there are important issues that I have to admit I had forgotten. This line of questioning, that has nothing to do with proving premeditation, only muddy the waters. Has nothing to do with true judicial process and the job of a prosector.
This Judge lost control of this trial long time ago.
Exactly, Jodie!
I do not understand how JM is allowed to DO this, much less get PAID taxpayers $ to do it! This is so WRONG. Grrr.
OMG – this is NOT good for Jodie. JM is bringing out several incidents of anger with her mom, even hitting her. urrrggg
It’s already been established that their relationship is contentious though, starting with the mom/dad hitting Jodi as a child.
I hope the defense jumps in and clarifies it.
How is he allowed to ask about this??? I did not hear anything in the Jury questions re: this???
I would guess from when the Dr made the statement that she was non-confrontational and low key (not the exact words). I dont remember though, that could have been before jury questioning. It is so hard to remember what happened when anymore
Omg what teen didn’t act out like Jodi did? Not likeing the fact that she hit her mom but how old was she? What does this have to do with this trial? He must be really afraid if he is trying to take the Dr. down……
Yikes. I agree this is not a good thing
Don’t worry, JW will put that right! She had a face like thunder at M’s unscrupulous antics.
Overruled, overruled, overruled……grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Even when Wilmott said ”Judge,the prosecutor’s testifying! ”Again,overruled!!
This judge is a Referee. How does the court make a mockery of the court?
Does all this “special” treatment cause a mistrial??
One would hope or even better piss the jury off enough for an acquittal.
I can’t believe his antics are allowed.
Seems he treats everybody like a piece of used toilet paper.Why can’t the judge see this?
I don’t think there is anything she can do about it – if she does. It must be out of the realm of badgering otherwise the defense would object. I wonder if judge has asked for some better behavior though cause I do notice that there is less “speaking” objections etc, and JM has toned down – slightly.
Is the Judge brought in by the State? Because she seems to be extremely biased.
Kermit’s losing his little froggy temper…here he goes…
what’s with him banging his hands on the table?trying to intimidate the witness??the doctor looks like he’s about to lose his cool.
Good for him standing up to JM! I’m sure I’d have done more than that by now.
Besides JM being an ass, maybe the jury was falling asleep on him.
This just in, Juan is a effin idiot.
OMG! What is going on here? This is ridiculous! The judge is NOT maintaining order in this court today. The Dr. slaps his hand on the desk…JM SMASHES the podium!!! WTF?
Does the judge NOT have a gavel? Really!
She just doesn’t know how to use it.
If she does, I’m sure it squeaks when she slams it.
He must have a lot of pull in AZ to get away with this shit. Imagine this in Belvin Perry’s courtroom…would NOT have happened.
yep Kira you are so right; I have to admit I sometimes miss Judge Perry’s way of keeping order at trial
OMG! I wish I could watch……. what is the judge doing????
Something has to be done – this is crazy! So unfair.. Does Kerm have a special relationship with the judge?!?!
She’s not doing anything while Kermit bangs his fist on the podium and yells…she just keeps overruling Wilmott’s objections as usual.
The judge seems to have lost all order here. As Jed Clampett from the Beverly Hillbillies would have said, “If her brains were lard they would not grease too big of a frying pan”!
lmao!!! good one!
Thanks MB!
I miss Judge Perry too. I loved watching his facial expression:>) Kira…..you’re right Belvin Perry would not have put up with JM’s chyt in his courtroom!!!!!!
She looked at one point like she wasn’t with it! Yet she still gave an objection to the defense when Martinez was clearly out of order.
Martinez must be a real joy to be around on a daily basis. Don’t invite him to your party unless you want a disrespectful bully looking for a fight.
It’s up to the jury to see through the crap the Troll is slinging. In my opinion Martinez is desperate and really reaching now.
“Would you like a cocktail, sir?”
“Did I ASK for a cocktail?”
Exactly! lol I wonder if he was bullied as a kid?
lol…I said that last week…Great way for a party to end earily
LOL!!!!! Kira you always make me laugh!!!!!
Great comment!
Oh, Kira!
That was perfect!
An Appeals court will have a field day with this one…wow…How can a judge continue to allow a prosecutor or any attorney for that matter, badger every single witness and belittle and defame. She needs to get a hold of her court room. I have been in many courtrooms and sat on juries and have never seen a preceeding so shoddily run and luoosygoosy as this one. Start Late, leave early. trashing witnesses…I hope someone from the DP office is working on the appeal now just in case… I mean it is something new everyday….sheesh.!!!
And the conduct from the gallery members is appalling as well.
And the entire trial has been recorded for full appreciatiion of the prosecutorial misconduct, the behavior of the gallery, and the incorrect rulings…IMO
You must’ve been reading my mind when you posted that. I was just saying that out loud. There are appeals all over the place here.
DCFAN,your rigt on.If she’s found guilty they will overturn.WTF J.M. is complaining about the Dr.s banging.What is the judge there for,just to watch?she might as well stay home and watch HLN.
Agreed. Judge Stephens is is intimidated by Martinez. She allows people (Martinez) to do pretty much whatever they want. Why have her there? Oh yeah, for Sidebars. What could they possibly talk about so often for so long?
Next the judge will say, can the jury please step out for a moment. We will get you in 5 minutes.
or ”Ladies and gentlemen,we’ll be taking the afternoon recess at this point.Please be back….”
Martinez is LYING again she stated She read the Book Of Mormon but had NOT read it since 2010
Plus,she testified she didn’t read it in like 3 days!It took her quite some time to read it cover to cover.
When did she read it? Did she understand it ?Reading does not mean ability to absorb the information you read. .She stated she had trouble reading. She did not say she didn’t read.
Some people read without concentration and do not comprehend what they are reading. That is why their response is so poor to the subject at Hand. Since she hasn’t read this book for over 3 years or so, did she comprehend what she was reading? she even stated that she went along with Travis on what he considered permissible sexually. which would prove (A) she didn’t really read the book or that she had a severe reading comprehension problem and regarded Travis as her spiritual or sexual adviser. Or the Book itself is ambiguous but having a problem concentrating when reading does not mean she did not make attempts.
I dont remember when she started reading it but she said she finished it while in jail.The doctor said she had problems concentrating not understanding.Thus,Martinez’s bringing up her reading the book is irrelevant.She could have read it page to page for all I care or chapter to chapter and still feeling she had a hard time concentrating.It doesnt disprove the doctor’s finding.
If you can’t concentrate you usually have a problem with Comprehending what you are reading,
Martinez never proved she understood what she read, and from what I see she seemed completely not knowledgeable about this Book. So its not important whether she read the issue is she had problems concentrating.
I think she meant while she had been in Jail.
PTSD is PTSD is PTSD. The diagnosis is not going away. The jury nor the the judge have the luxury of sweeping the mental disorder under the carpet. JM is going nowhere with this, maybe he is dragging this out on purpose for some ulterior motive.
Well said…I can hardly believe there is a point to this. The only thing I get is that JM is trying to discredit the Dr’s diagnosis of PTSD, make a mockery out of the Dr’s error in typing, imply he is in essence a “quack” thus discredit his testimony all together. JM is disrespectful…he aught to watch his step. He may crush some of the jurors toes with this method. ANYONE who has worked hard for a living and has earned the respect that this DR has earned would be offended. I know I am.
That needs to be corrected BY defense.
This is the most disjointed trial I’ve ever seen.
What in hell is wrong with Arizona? Shit like this would NEVER fly in Texas!
Would never ever fly in the state I live in either. I testified against my ex once. Cross was tough but nothing like this.
Don’t you just want to know what KN is thinking right now.
OMG the judge looks like a deer in headlights…good grief; it’s as if she isn’t even paying attention…I’m SO GLAD the camera caught that.
Oh yes, good description! She didn’t seem to know what day it was, let alone preside over a murder trial
Yes, Juan. Thats right, the Dr does HAVE 35 years of experience. Do you have that much in psyhcology?? I think not, you condensending prick.
I loved when the doctor said, well good for her referring to Jordins reading the book of mormon from cover to cover. When she read it cover to cover is the big ???.
Is this a real trial or I am watching Saturday Night Live.
LMAO !!!!! That there was funny !
More like a tragedy than a comedy…
If I had a dollar for every time I said” I’ll kill myself” when I was a teen I would like…um…. Oprah,Yes its a serious subject but young females are emotional creatures,are they not?
Yes. My wife is 4’11” and my 10 year old daughter has just measured in at 5’1″ at her last check up with her pediatrician. Well a couple of weekends ago my wife and daughter EXPLODED into an arguement , and so I go and investigate and my daughter is standing face to face with her mom. My daughter said “I don’t have to listen to you anymore, because I’m taller than you. My wife was LIVID. I seperated them and then went to the garage and laughed, before I could instill some reasoning into my daughter young mind.
Pitchforks new Posting:
Absurd Logic and Psychobabble After Dark http://babelbooth.com/2013/03/25/absurd-logic-and-psychobabble-after-dark/
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Oh JM only an elf has such small hands,an feet …….. LOL
Oohhh Jen and Jodi have got something up their sleeve! Love it!
what do you mean?? i can’t watch it 🙁
I think Jodi found something in the docs and showed Jen! Both were smiling!
Yes, they remind me of two lionesses who have spotted their prey!:-)
Exactly! I so laughed out loud! I know those girls have something for rebuttal!(sp)?
yeah!! I hope it’s something to help this mess..
I want to see some real Female Fury now!!!lol
So back to my old question, does JW get to go again?
Yes, she does, Go Jennifer!!!
I wonder how Juan would like someone questioning his prosecutorial skills over and over and over again. Little bastard….
“You weren’t there, were you?”
JM- neither were you.
Honestly. If I’m on this jury, my mind is made up. I’ve tuned Martinez out and have written him off as an arrogant, blood thirsty, arse hole. I might be the only person on the jury that feels that way and goes against the prosecution, but one is all it takes.
I could see if Martinez was like this only when called for with certain witness’s but apparently he hates and bully’s anyone and everyone that testifies for the defense.
Wouldn’t he get what he was looking for if he acted civilly toward the defense witness’s?
Agree. He is a joke. Watched other trials and have not ever seen anything like him.
They say this is just his style and that he cannot control himself. That he is always this way. He also shouts at his own witnesses when they don’t give the answers that he wants.
JC Team Jodi Administrator
Never Ever saw such a lack of professionalism mingled with abusing a witness The Judge has NO CONTROL and Martinez is a BUFFOON
Sounds like the excuses a lot of abusers are given.
Isn’t that what they said about Travis? That he couldn’t help himself from using and abusing Jodi?
Me too…if I were on the jury, I’d be bored to death by this asshole repeating the same inane shit over and over again. Kermit would have been tuned out long ago.
Lets not talk about things that don’t apply.
Well then JM needs to sit the f**k down because nothing JM asks has anything to do with the charges he has brought against JA
Does JM ever talk about his charge of premeditated murder??
I think he legally cant bring it up. I believe there was a ruling that dr was not qualified to talk about premeditation or something like that .
Didn’t he go over all this before….
Anyone notice JM has MORE grey hairs than he did in the beginning of the trial?…maybe I’m seeing things.
I thought that too.
OVER F**king RULED ? REALLY? How many times is that NOW?
Good JM just told the jury “she has never been in jail before, right?”
I know shows she had never been in jail. Thanks JM for putting that in there.
Yes, all these media & public claims of Jodi being a ‘sociopath’. What a joke. She has no criminal record, no violent behavior in her past towards humans or animals, no firestarting. It is very unlikely she has anti-social personality disorder, but they keep pushing with no supporting evidence in her life before this tragedy.
I know exactly.
I agree, except JM was able to sneak in that she hit or kicked her mother prior to June 4
That doesn’t make her a sociopath. Lots of teen girls would be sociopaths in that case.
You’re saying it is somebody elses fault. WTF
Why is JM allowed to treat the Dr. like he is a criminal? When the Dr. asks if he’s allowed to go into something further JM says No.
The way JM is questioning Samuels, why doesn’t he just throw a question out there like:
“You fell in love with her didn’t you Dr….right”
“And because you fell in love with her, you modified your report so some day you two could ride off into the sunset….right?
I try to catch up with what happened tday in court. Please tell me that the above incrimination did not happen and it is only a joke.
It’s a joke.
But it sounds just like the ankle biter
🙂 my blood pressure raised
I’m pretty sure that I’m going to be diagnosed with PTSD by the time this damn cross examination is over! Good god!!! It’s excruciating!!!!
Same here. Enough already.
Me too. I think JM has to yell to wake up the jury.
I had to turn it off. I’ll try again in a little while. I need a mental health break from JM.
Ugg I don’t want to go! I have to do the school pickup! Keep me informed!
JM has he shiny blue shirt on I see.
Nothing would ever look good on him but an orange jumpsuit.
Hysterical viri!!!!
There he goes again.What a dick.Why doesn’t the Dr. say something about J.M.s25 years experince.I’m so pissed rigth now I want to jump in my T.V. and stomp on that little weasel!!!!
The doctor should say, “Well, sir, with your ZERO years of experience in psychology…”
Oh no doubt!!!
When did weasel have time to get his degree in psychology?
How can the jury trust Juan’s expert, when he has just dismissed the field of psychology with this expert? Isn’t he hurting his own case by doing this?
Excellent point. Hope the defense uses this line of thinking somehow when there is a prosecution witness on the stand.
I’m so confused, why did the DT put this guy on the stand? He has not provided anything in terms of her need of self-defense, only that the incident on 6/4 gave her PTSD. And, now were watching this guy lose his credibility.
What a huge waste of time for both sides. This testimony does not prove self defense nor does it prove premed.
No. There is one more expert coming whose record stands on her own. That’s the domestic violence expert and she will be better equipped to show why Jodi reacted the way she did on June 4th. Juan will not be able to pull this with her. Samuels proved that Jodi didn’t suffer from an cluster B disorder by the tests he have. those are disorders having to do with empathy and remorse such as borderline personality disorder and ASPD. His testimony was crucial.
I thought that for awhile. Now, I’m thinking that it shows she did not consciously take steps to cover-up the crime. Someone who premeditated would also have had a plan to cover it up afterward. Also, if it was planned at the time she left Yreka, she would be in control and not have left such a mess. Just an opinion, but I am a former attorney and I have trouble understanding what his testimony has to do with premeditation. Any other ideas on why it is relevant?
Your assessment makes sense to me, Rebecca.
so does the defense get to go again with the Doc or is it done?
Normally the side that called a particular witness gets the last word (remember this is actually the Defense’s case in chief) bit I don’t know about AZ.
Hi guys,
I haven’t posted much lately; I’ve been busy heping out with Jodi’s art. 🙂
Most of you know I train therapists; I am a professor and I work at a graduate school training therapists and psychologists. So I know a lot about these tests and how these things go.
I really like Samuels. I think Martinez just thinks all psychology is bull. But honestly, Samuels has the hit the nail on the head. I mentioned earlier that Jodi had PTSD. Martinez will do whatever he can to make Samuels look bad, but Samuels is very smart and I think he’s done a good job so far.
I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology, and JM’s dismissive attitude toward the science is really irritating.
Ya know JM most likely had to go through some therapy and didn’t like what he heard….
What, that he has a little man complex? 🙂
Napoleon Syndrome… 😀
Not only that but it is very offensive to ones that do suffer these problems. In JM’s mind anxiety and stress does not exist! But I am sure this lil barking dog has pissed the floor once or twice himself so don’t let him fool ya!
So Kris,
Is it possible that Jodi’s results on the MMPI could radically differ from those on the MCMI II? Juan has slipped a few comments in about the MMPI. I suspect that’s the test his expert used. I don’t teach psychology but do have taken grad classes. My understanding is that her scores would be consistent on both.
Yes, they would or should be consistent. However, it’s usually the psychologist that decides what to give the client and it sounds like Samuels had his reasons.
Yes, Martinez is driving me nuts. The grad students I teach can’t stant his attitude.
Kris I agree I think that Dr Samuels is probably a very good doc. What do you think the possibilities are for her personality disorders? Also do you think that he has enough credibility to persuade the jury that she is not a sociopath?
I don’t like JM bringing the kicking her mother evidence.
I do not think it is going to hurt anything. How many people on the jury have children and teens. Lets face it teens are are are…ok I’m not going to say it. We don’t know what went on…..to have Jodi kick her mother…..I’m sure Jodi’s mom didn’t just stand there and take it.
Humm couldn’t have been that bad…look who’s in that court room day, after day. Her mother….He’s making something out of nothing.
Some people on the pro-pros boards are even begging Juan to shut up and move on.
True story: I left the room and the live stream on my laptop, during a side bar. All of a sudden I heard a horn and went to look outside to see what was going on…then I realized that the volume had started again and it was JM’s voice.
No, you can’t see into Jodi’s brain and see the actual event, unless you are that psychic Julie Christoper maybe?!!! Wonder how much taxpayer he wastes per minute on bullshit like that???
JM is absolutely insulting to the intelligence of the jury.
Will the doctor ever get to talk about TA’s behavior and any psychological diagnosis or hypothesis, I wonder?
And my question, when the trial is over, and when all the info that is being uncovered as we speak, that leads to the likelihood that Jodi never touched a hair on TA’s head in a malicious way, comes out, will be :
Ok here’s what I see going on…..JM is trying to do anything he can to discredit Dr. Same as he did in the cross. Didn’t work then. JW did such a great job with the GOOD Dr. now he has to work even harder to onces again discredit him. I do not recall the jury asking any of these questions….
I think if the truth be known JM knows he’s in a sinking boat without a raft to save himself.
Maybe that is why his voice sounds like a fog horn.
I wished there were few people who knew TA and not having PPL as a common denominator. I wonder why the guy ( the one who was renting a room from TA) who was leaving TAs house in the middle of the night- probably upset and angry, was not asked few questions about TA behave.
Is it somewhere an email or text that shows a romantic, beautiful, soft side of TA?
I believe that Jodi has many kind, endearing and sweet pieces of written prose from Travis. But I am also certain that the defense team would/has/asks Jodi not expound on those specific excerpts from her texts, journal or letters she may have received.
Hi Bella…I totally agree with you. I feel that both of these young people had their own issues….
IMO, if the State had found any during the warrant searches, they would have used them. Also, her journals since back in junior high until June were confiscated. There were very few kind words about TA. Generally speaking, there was a mixture of emotion in the journals as it relates to TA.
I don’t think the defense has prevented any texts, journals, or letters into evidence. However, the State has prevented TA’s letters from coming into evidence that, IMO, are, for lack of a better term, exculpatory in nature JA.
I think that the same holds true on the defense side. A big deal of the beginning days along with the “sweet cinnabon letter & recipe” as well as the obvious flirty texts. I don’t think the defense is hiding anything. But for every one of those items that were brought up, the state shredded them to their benefit. It all boils down to he said she said…
I agree.
Was there at least one romantic dinner between the two of them? Did he invite J out for a fancy-romantic dinner? I did not hear about such.
Did he surprise her with flowers or sweet nothing? I did not hear abt that.
Do you believe that prosecutor is unaware of such written texts from TA and would not use it in court? Emails, journals, etc were found and investigated by prosecutor first of all.
Will we ever be able to see the email Sky Hughes and Chris sent Travis on his abuse of Jodi or is it sealed ?? Team Jodi can you please look into that.
The one sad part in the Flores report is when he informed TAs brother’s of his death ansd they were clueless as to who might have done it. They informed Flores that since moving to Mesa TA wasn’t close to them. TA would still be alive if he had never latched on to Pre Paid Legal or ever met Chris Hughes.
Remember what was important and it was set as a personal life goal for TA: “Money, Power, Women”
He was 30yo and looking for a marriage, not the love of his life, not a beautiful romance but a marriage with benefits?
He was sexual enganged with one in the hidden, in the same time he was climbing the mountain and having fun with another woman while the other one was cleaning his house and waiting to satisfy him sexually.
I just can´t understand how, why, for how long Jodi accepted such humiliation and contempt.
Did you ever see his blog about wanting to marry a gold digger. By his own statement his worth was the money he could make.
And BTW the money he could make as a PPL sales guy would be a pittance compared to a real attorney, or qualified specialist, or entrepreneurial engineer.
Fox News can’t even get the simple things right.
For example, their guest attorney said that Dr. Samuels testified that “she read the book he gave her cover to cover”, etc. Well, as we all know, the “prosecutor” said she read the Book of Mormon (not the book he had mailed to her), cover to cover and the Dr. only said “good for her” (since Dr. Samuels doesn’t know what books she read).
No reporting on the correct book or the time frame that it was read.
There’s a reason some people call it “FAUX News”.
Give it to ‘im, Doc!
Oops – that ended up in the wrong place. How did that happen?
A prosecution witness had trouble reading on the stand…. And he authored the material. So yes I do believe it is possible that Jodi had reading or concentration issues.
Alrighty, my people… Where are we at this point in the trial today? I’ve been making personalized Prize Eggs (filled with candy, treats, and toys) for every child in my daughter’s kindergarten class (egg hunt this week); it’s a LOT of work!!!
I swear, They are adjourned or taking a break more than they are ever in session! I’ve never seen such a fiasco in my life. Here, jury duty is 8am SHARP to at least 5pm, with 12-1 for lunch. We EARN our $7/day jury pay, LOL!
You live in the mid-west don’t you?
No, South Carolina. =)
I was posting as AshleySC83 up until last week, but tried linking my Gravatar here (username SCBeauty1983) but it would never link for some reason. HRS tried to help me, but we never figured it out… *sigh*
I think the username thing is throwing people off, so I’ll go back to what I’ve used the entire trial. It’s still me, Ashley, from South Carolina.
*Still wish I could get my Gravatar account to link here as well, though.
figured we were on the same time
I’m on Eastern time. DST has really thrown me for a loop, though, trying to keep up with Jodi’s trial! I can never remember if it’s 2 or 3 hours earlier than my time.
So now I’ve got the laptop in the kitchen with my earbuds in, waiting for them to come back into court so I can watch/listen while I make dinner!
Absurd Logic and Psychobabble After Dark
Follow Pitchforks on Twitter: Pitchforks @PitchforksPosts
Love the pitchfork.
And love having you comment, Trixels
Nice post. You made some great points.
Thanks, AJ – come over and visit again.
Astute analysis, pitchforks! Glad that someone listening to the faux-reporters of news has critical thinking skills and can call them out on the fraud they perpetrate. Thanks for posting!
Defense experts from HLN, including Jean C., just said that most is benefitting the defense and referred to JM as the BULLY! Bahahahahaha……finally some unbiased, truthful comments.
I won’t hold my breath for more 😉
Haha wow the is surprising. It is about time someone brought up that he is bully.
Well, we’ve known it here for a long time… and pretty sure the jury feels pretty battered themselves at this point!
I don’t know everybody criticizes Juan martinez so much here…he is ABSOLUTELY the best thing going for Jodi right now. His hectoring and bullying has got to be turning the jury off BIG TIME!!! If he does to the next defense witness that he is doing to the good doctor…then he is guaranteeing Jodi walking out of that court a free woman.
yep. 🙂
the TA lovers are wringing their hands over the fact that HLN is saying its a good day for the defense 🙂
Good! 😀
I would be curious to know how many successful vrs unsuccessful prosecutions he has had.
touche’ Linda
You know, as I prepare myself for the afternoon Martinez onslaught, I can’t help but think that all of this nonsense this morning has been meaningless. Martinez can crow all he wants about Jodi lying – that isn’t news. We know she lied. We know she killed Travis. His job is supposed to be to prove that she premeditated this killing, and all of his bluster and bullying and bullshit haven’t addressed that issue one single time.
You can argue that he’s trying to impeach Dr. Samuels, But even if JM completely discredited him, it STILL wouldn’t address the issue of premeditation. It hasn’t been proven, it CAN’T BE proven, and the whole DP thing is just a misguided stunt by an overzealous prosecutor.
This is really chaffing my ass today!
So thinking of that crater analogy I realized – here’re some zingers:
1. Can you see guilt? It isn’t like a crater is it?
2. You can’t point to a thing and say – That’s premeditation, Can you?
3. You can’t point to something and say – That’s intent to kill?
So does that mean that by JM’s standards Jodi should walk right now.
This guy in amazing. Are these the standards on which AZ decides DP cases?
She should not have been charged this, but its consistent with the lunatics that have elected these far right wing people running things in AZ. They should have been happy with murder 2 plea. But now I suspect they will get a hung jury or voluntary manslaughter. I’d love to be in JMs face if my prediction is right.
voluntary manslaughter…what would she get for that?
I think it might be a type of compromise that an otherwise hung jury might agree to. On the one hand someone who doesn’t buy the self defense may agree that she did go berserk but not premeditated. On the other hand someone thinking self defense might agree that she went overboard beyond just self defense.
The penalty for vol manslaughter has been posted before. I don’t recall exactly. Something like up to 20 years.
Al lol are the kids up yet? You really do make great points.
Don’t know Cindy.
I escaped. I’ll do anything for my family except those massive cleaning drills. I always assert my constitutional right to not be be sentenced to cruel and inhuman punishment.
I know I’ll pay in spades for it later, but hey, sometimes the short term escape is as far as I can look into the future.
They’re Mom’s angels for the day. By the time I get home I’m sure I’ll here things like “You need to talk to YOUR Kids” from one side and “You need to ask your wife to chill” from the other. Nothing like a little familial love fest.
That’s all right, I’m doing college road trip all next week with two juniors (We have twins). All the way from Maryland down to Auburn and back via the Carolinas.
Oh and I should mention they’re one boy and one girl. So this is going to be lovely.
What time does the afternoon rant start?
Looks like now, prerequisite side bar as usual
I have heard that this is Judge Judye’s first murder, can anyone tell me if that’s true
I have heard the same. She is clearly over her head and has no control over her Court.
probably they said its a slam dunk so give us someone that needs the experience LMAO
sidebar , whats new
And off with a bang! …Oh, wait, it’s another sidebar.
Who’s taking bets that this trial will end up having more sidebars than any other trial in history? ‘Cause I’ve got $20 to put up, LOL!
Wait… Why is Martinez not yelling?!? OMG, Hell froze over!!! =-O
give him a minute, Ashley
Good one Dr!!!
Hi MB what happened, I had to answer the phone?
Martinez tried to say that Jodi having difficulty concentrating was also a problem when she fought with her mother, therefore that the test would reflect that.
Dr Samuels said it was present at the time of the evaluation, therefore his point was irrelevant.
Priceless. 🙂
If there is anyone who winds up on the jury who grew up in a home where any type of civility was valued, JM is just barking up the wrong tree. Please, God, let manners not be dead in this country. And let us pray that there is at lease one righteous man in the Sodom that is that courtroom!
Oh I so agree. He is going to lose anyone that values basic human decency. He lost any ounce of credibility with me a long time ago when he badgered his own witnesses. And to think taxpayer dollars are funding his charade of manipulative bullshit.
OMG how long is JM allowed to beat this dead horse?
What the everloving FUCK???!!!???!!! MISTRIAL!!!
He got PISSED this time. I loved that “I beg your pardon!”
Give it to him, Doc!!!!
That was some bullshit huh!!!
OMG OMG he did NOT just go there???? The judge had BETTER instruct the jury to disregard.
Is this all he has left now, to try to make out that the doctor is a dirty old man? And since his not-too-subtle hints didn’t work, now he has to be blatant.
Can Dr Samuels sue JM for defamation??
Nope, not for anything insinuated or said while being questioned by the Prosecutor in a court of law during the commission of a trial. SADLY.
*OR a Defense attorney (though that doesn’t apply in this situation)
Any attornies out there? Can the Defense Team call for a mistrial or anything else in regard to this harassment of the witness?
I’m not a practicing attorney, but went to law school, have worked for trial law firms and been involved in many trials. I am absolutely horrified with the way he is treating this witness. In my opinion, the vast majority of his questions are argumentative, both in tone, manner, and in the fact that he provides a conclusion and asks him to agree with it. I also feel he consistently harasses the doctor about this 35 years, and asking the same questions over and over. I also believe he is presenting facts that are not in evidence. I do not understand why this judge is overruling most of the defense objections. I am pretty well convinced that these are glaring errors for appeal — should it come to that.
That being said, the defense could file a motion for a mistrial, but that would require them arguing to the judge that there was irreversible irrevocable error (as in, the error can not be reversed with jury instructions). I’m not sure there’s cause for that, yet.
I don’t believe JM has impeached the doctors as successfully as he may believe. He has tried every single method to do so, but all he has shown is that perhaps the doctor is a little sloppy with recordkeeping. He’s giving the doctor more and more occasions to explain more and I don’t think it’s at all helpful to his case.
Thanks Also-
I can understand not asking for a mistrial per se’ but could they put something on the record, other than at side bar, to ask the Judge to put a stop to the outright misconduct?
Well, their objections ARE on the record so all of this can be reviewed on appeal for abuse of discretion (meaning, the trial court not sustaining the objections as the abuse).
k thanks 🙂 I guess I just wanted him to shut up immediately.
Here, here. Have you thought about practicing, Also? Your mind is so keen, it’s a real loss for the profession that you don’t. So many professional legal environments are abusive and/or exploitative, I can imagine why you would choose not to, but I think that you would be terrific.
Me too!
Ohh So did I !!
I’m going to commit murder by computer in a minute!
I missed it, what exactly did JM accuse the doc of?
He yelled, “THAt’S BECAUSE YOU LIKE HER DON’T YOU” Objection, side bar, stricken from the record.
JM made it stronger than like, he said something to the effect of “because you have developed feelings for her, right?”
Hey Mr. Dictionary man:
Flogging a dead horse (alternatively beating a dead horse, or beating a dead dog in some parts of the Anglophone world) is an idiom that means a particular request or line of conversation is already foreclosed or otherwise resolved, and any attempt to continue it is futile; or that to continue in any endeavour (physical, mental, etc.) is a waste of time as the outcome is already decided.
This dead horse has been beaten, then he flipped it over and beat the other side, then he took every known picture of the horse and beat that and now he’s flogging the whip he used to beat the dead horse with.
I wish the good Dr. would look away from JM and to the jury when he is anwsering these questions.
“I’m assuming you’re a man of your word.”
I wouldn’t make that mistake if I were you, Doctor.
What’s so hard to understand that “Travis’s death” and “Perpetrating Travis’s death” are not the same friggin’ thing? The TRAMA is the ACT ITSELF, NOT THE DEATH!
Exactly! How many times does this have to be heard to be understood?! I don’t know, maybe it’s just me but Juan looks like the little engine that COULDN’T.
Did M just throw his cup? Wow!
I’m sorry, but JM’s behavior has CLEARLY crossed the line! If this doesn’t lead to a mistrial or (if continued and found guilty) an overturned conviction for Jodi, based solely on Prosecutorial Misconduct, then I give up on our entire justice system!
I think I’m going to SCREAM!
I wish I knew more about the law…
Is JM actually allowed to continue to ask questions that allow for speculation?
No and that’s why the defense is objecting so frequently. But the judge is sustaining very few of the objections, and it’s her courtroom to preside over.
Here’s what he’s NOT supposed to be doing and what is typically objected to:
Questions that are beyond the scope (not pertinent to previous examinations — for example, during cross, he should only ask questions pertinent to the direct; right now, he should only be asking questions pertinent to the juror questions, etc.)
Questions that call for a conclusion from the witness (although some experts can present conclusions, such as the ME)
Questions that already contain a conclusion
Questions that call for speculation (asking the witness to guess)
Ambigiuous or vague questions (questions should be precise and clear)
Confusing or misleading questions (same as above)
Argumentative questions (badgering the witness to change his/her mind or to argue with the witness — he can be somewhat forceful, but he’s not supposed to argue)
Rephrased questions that have already been asked and answered
Questions that are inflammatory or preducial (a good example is when a defendant has a criminal history, but I feel JM did this in the kicking her mother questions)
Questions that assume facts not in evidence (unless used to impeach credibility)
Compound questions (which are really two or more questions in one)
If you go through each one of those, you will find multiple examples (in my opinion, anyway) where JM has done every single one of the above.
Doesn’t he have to prove the doctor LIKES jodi other than him sending her a book? Can Wilmott/Nurmi motion for mistrial over this or prosecutorial misconduct?
Thank you again Also. Very informative. In fact he has broken every rule of law . Obviously the Judge is going to let it continue, but I wish there were some way for the Defense to put in a complaint beyond objections.
I doubt it very much. He’s trying to get him to answer–for THIS case. Its obscene.
This judge needs to get a grip on this court. I think JM’s lost it and she needs to get this back on track.
“Back on track”? Hell, did she ever have it ON track to begin with? I’ve never in my life…
He’s frying my brain.
What the hell is going on! I am stuck using my blackberry and refreshing it to “watch” the trial through your comments!!!!! Someone threw a cup!!!! When is someone gonna step up and shuit down this f’in circus!!!!!!???????
Martinez straight-up accused Dr. Samuels of having feelings for/being in love with Jodi. In open court.
I loved Samuels response!!!
Didn’t he throw a pen too?
Based on the amount of time JM is spending on Dr. Samuels he must be very worried.
Yes he is VERY worried and coming unglued in the process.
I just don’t see how Jodi hitting her mom has anything to do with a diagnosis of PTSD after the killing.
And now why in the world does every objection have to become a reason to approach the sidebar?
I mean the judge requesting each objection be asked to approach.
LOL…speedy trial…NOT.! At least the attys will be getting their share of exercise.
If the attorneys want to say more than “objection.” and a simple phrase on what the objection is based on, like “argumentative,” or “beyond the scope,” etc., they have to go to a sidebar so the jury doesn’t hear any of the reasoning for the objection. The lawyers arguments are not evidence and the jury is not supposed to hear them. Therefore, they have to make their argument at a sidebar.
Oh, THAT is why! That makes sense. Thanks for explaining, Rebecca. 🙂
As a proud American Citizen, I’m extremely appalled that the entire world watching this may come to believe that the whole American Justice System is as absurd as this debacle is making it out to be!
It IS! I’m from London, UK.
AshleySC83,you are correct,I am from Canada and I cant believe my eyes,This is not a trial,its all for the TV ratings and future expansions of certain people.This is a M1 trial and all media should have been banned and the jury sequestered.My god!!! we are talking about a young womans life here,that seems not to matter,just about every person that has been exposed to the media have decided that Jodi is guilty,not knowing all the facts or seeing her side of it.The media has swayed the public opinnion because they wont show Jodis side and they are all out for blood,just check out any blog or twitter comment,Jodi had an uphill battle even before she stepped into that court room,SO SAD,justice is not being served here,hope at least one of the jurrors uses their brain,its there to reason out the logic,not to stop your skull from caving in.I feel for MS Arias,she is getting a raw deal and it seems that no one cares.
Ashley, I live in Wisconsin, and you are right – this is embarassing.
Did he just TELL the judge how to rule on the defense’s objection?
I wouldn’t be surprised at anything anymore..!
Okay, to talk about something else for a moment so that I may calm down and not throw my laptop in frustration and anger… I think that the white suit Mrs. Willmott is wearing is gorgeous; I want to go buy it! In fact, both Mrs. Willmott and Mr. Nurmi look very nice in white/cream colored clothes today.
Yes, she does look nice. But Vinnie said earlier today that it’s weird that she & Jodi wear the same color clothes a lot. He said they look so much alike they could be sisters & that JW may be lending her clothes to Jodi. What a friggin’ moron! Comical.
Vinnie Politan USED to be a decent journalist way back when… But been wanting to kick him in the nutsack for the past few years, though. And he just gets worse and worse, along with the rest of the whackadoodle HLN “Legal Analysts”. Haven’t watched HLN (except for Morning Express with Robin Meade) in about a year; I’m scared their particular caliber of “Stupid” is contagious.
LOL Ashley. I have been thinking she has a great wardrobe also.
Isn’t there some training that prosecutors shouldn’t be abusive! aaaargh!
Are we seriously on Compassion vs. Empathy again? But good for Dr. Samuels for trying to explain the difference, even though Martinez neither seems to grasp the concept of Compassion NOR Empathy.
That’s because he hasn’t any.
I don’t think JM understands the difference between empathy and sympathy.
Oh ,You little little man, you need not over compensate
Isn’t true that you’re an asshole, Mr Martinez?
ooops.. Isn’t it true.. !
Only 1 question from the Jury.
Does JW get to rehabilitate this witness or is this it?
Dr. Samuels looks like he’s ready to jump out of that witness box and punch Martinez right in his smug, frothing little mouth.
“In your words, sir.”
Is anyone beside me having a problem with the feed?
getting it at CNN
Blunted affect is not the same as being devoid of emotion. For heaven’s sakes.
And did you see how Martinez tried to turn this around and present her as a cold blooded killer,devoid of emotions when talking about the incident????????
Yes, he’s playing extra dirty today.
Martinez, this is for you, asshole: t(-_-t)
Lost my live feed. Any ideas
Go to azcentral, you should be ok there!
Boy that was short and sweet. Almost like JM you weren’t worth my time, so there.
There has to be a message in that short session for the jury.
Something like “You know all that screaming and shouting, here’s what it all added up to.”
You gotta love it.
Exactly, Al.
JW is fantastic!
Sorry, fixed my hubby’s and daughter’s plates… What time are we at recess until? I missed it. TIA!
I thought we were supposed to be back now but … you know how that goes in THIS courtroom.
We can’t measure how big Martinez’s asshole complex is, but we’re pretty sure it’s there anyway.
Actually isn’t that the crater he was talking about, right? Yes or No or Are we having memory problems here?
Jennifer’s act reminded me of Joe Pesci’s opening statement from My Cousin Vinnie.
“Everything that guy just said is bullshit. Thank You”
Great one…..
Jennifer Willmott is the most refined, elegant and polished attorney I have ever seen. That lady has her act together.
JM on the other hand reminds me of the marauding rats from the Redwall books our son used to read as a kid. Sort of scraggly, mean and altogether nefarious.
Gee AL tell us what you really think of him….lol
Wish I could. But my Mama taught me to be nice.
I was thinking he looks like Roland Rat.
Did hell freeze over? On the live blog, they have one of Vinnie Politan’s tweets:
“#JodiArias expert gets 250 dollars an hour… Believe it or not, that is actually a low-ball number for experts!”
Usually, he just bashes Jodi.
Martinez just said, “Do you remember when I said… I mean, when the Prosecutor said…” What a self-centered little asshole!
That last question and the yes or no demand has got to have shown the jury what JM is up to
Okay he is hounding about the name of the jail???
Was that outrageous or what? Particularly since it’s ON Durango Street and the doctor clarified. JM is really getting desperate.
That must have struck a chord with the jury – it was pure harrassment
That was an awkward scene with Jodi sitting there quietly, those 2 women behind her giggling gossiping, and Dr. Samuels not quite knowing what to do with himself. That should be some fodder for Nancy Disgrace tonight.
Here we go finally …
I cannot stand Martinez so much, I hope she gets off. I agree that this is misconduct of the worst kind! He is just unbearable and he is the one keeping these witnesses on the stand forever and badgering them. This judge needs to do something about this. It is awful the way he discredits everyone and tries to embarrass them in front of the court and their family. It is so wrong how he is trying to get Mrs. Arias upset by trying to get witnesses to say Jodi hates her mother. This is disgusting! She has been so supportive of Jodi. Their relationship has nothing to do with this case. I feel bad for her and her twin sister having to hear this nonsense. He is so abrupt and abrasive and just unbearable. I am disgusted by him. I hope Laviolette hands him his ass!
I wish they’d just stipulate to the expert’s qualifications and just let them recite them.
Well, did we learn anything new today?
I had a college professor who used to say, your aim must be to learn at least one new thing every day. If you can do that the day was well spent.
By that measure I think a bunch of people blew this day off.
“And that effort requires thinking, doesn’t it?”
So does your job Martinez.
Did I just hear someone guffaw from the seating area?
Comment from a Phoenix lawyer/judge
“Martinez is his own worst enemy,” Mel McDonald, a prominent Phoenix defense attorney and former judge, told ABC News. “He takes it to the point where it’s ad nauseam. You have difficulty recognizing when he’s driving the point home because he’s always angry and pushy and pacing around the courtroom. He loses the effectiveness, rather than build it up.”
“He’s like a rabid dog and believes you’ve got to go to everybody’s throat,” he said.
“Everyone who takes witness stand for defense is an enemy,” McDonald said. “He prides himself on being able to work by rarely referring to his notes, but what he’s giving up in that is that there’s so much time he wastes on stupid comments. A lot of what I’ve heard is utterly objectionable.”
I wonder what’s going on with the jury? I just saw Katie Wick giving them the evil eye. Samantha was staring also. Neither looked happy…
They’re not happy because some of the jurors are openly YAWNING. They don’t seem to be very interested in today’s proceedings. That’s according to a couple people at HLN.
Can’t blame the Jury for yawning…on top of being obnoxious, JM is now boring them to sleep going over the same stuff over and over and over and over
I fell asleep, myself, in the midst of one of his foghorn tirades. It is amazing how boring even a FRENZY can be, but when “frenzied” is all the Martinez has to offer, even THAT ts monotonous when the novelty has worn off. And THAT wore off a LONG TIME AGO, I must say.
Ah ok thanks! Does make sense.
Martinez was completely out of line today..What Happen to the misconduct? Accusing the “good Doctor” being fond of Jodi without the evidence….That is grounds for a mistrial, isn’t it?
Re: Laviolette
Does this woman ever sleep? She’s worked with so many organizations.
I noticed Martinez didn’t appreciate her joke as why people come to her programs (A religious experience brought about by a SWAT team or whatever).
Last night on HLN
: 80% of the people said Travis Abused Jodi Arias….