Leave your comments below on the afternoon session of day 32, where Dr Richard Samuels once again continues his testimony.
Team Jodi
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Fine Feral Felines (Foreword by Jodi Arias) Recently, I read what was probably the most adorable
Oohhh am I the 1st????? Lol
Congrats LC!
You just won tonight’s star prize. A candle lit dinner for 2 with NG at McGrath’s Fish House.
Team Jodi
Oh wow! What a wonderful prize. I heard Dr. Drew might be stopping by to say hi too. And the word on the street is that’s Chris & Sky Hughes’ favourite restaurant and they might be eating at the very next table. Should be an awesome night to remember. Hahaha
while lemon-sucker and cop sister doing the usual eye rolling on the other side of the room!now that’s what I call a good company!!
They’ve had made all kind of expressions
distarted looking faces during this trial. Of course not a word about it from the judge.
NOT Jodi’s side.
You notice that?
To me it seems the deck is stacked against Jodi. Travis being a “well respected” Mormon with the Melchizedek Priesthood, the jury picked in the second most mormon populated city in the US…..the judge sometimes sustains objections from Juan Martinez that seem like nonsensical objections. Maybe it’s just me, I don’t know.
Haahhaaha too funny!!!!
hehehe 🙂
And guess who the server will be…
Well since its MY dinner, ill request Fartinez to be my server!! And since its a dinner for 2, I need someone to join me!!! Haahaa
lol! I’m game 🙂
Congrats lol
Holy crap. They started 3 minutes EARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think hell just froze over….
Oops. I guess I spoke to soon. They faked me out.
You jinxed it ;O)
My GOODNESS! Couldn’t they talk at lunch sheesh! “Please approach”….tick, tick, tick…
Me too. I perked up, then the judge walked out. Well shit!
Too darn good to be true!
3rd…close enough!
Well I guess not :o(
Another late start. Do they really need hour and a half lunches??? This is just crazy!! They will be lucky to be done by Christmas at this rate.
Now they come back and go straight to a sidebar!
It’s not working for me!! Is it working for everyone else?
Hit the refresh button and click the play button. It keeps happening to me too.
got it! phew thanks
she’s lost a lot of weight,this is totally taking a toll on her.
wait!where did the comment I answered to go?Oh,no….kermit’s curse is once again upon us!
I think you were answering me — I am just concerned as she looks droopy for her, so I was wondering if she might be ill.
Physically ill
could be…who knows?she really seems tired and exhausted to me.
She looks a bit a bit peaked, like she needs iron. I can’t imagine what this is doing to her system.
she is sitting in a way I have not seen her do at the defense table. Wonder what is going on in her head. Very sad.
Who wouldn’t be exhausted after all these shennanigans. Sheesh.
I agree. I was thinking all of this just is taking a toll on her. It’s not me, but I am drained at the end of the day’s events.
I think J.M. made her PDST worst,I feel so bad for her.
I am just concerned that the toll may be making her ill — will they delay the case some if needed? I completely agree that it would exhaust me physically.
Is the judge writing her memoirs?
What do you mean, if the judge is writing her memory????
No, she was writing forever. So, I thought perhaps she was writing her own memoirs for her book! 😛
When the defendant is beautiful…
” … the beautiful woman may be seen as atypical of battered women and as therefore less readily viewed as a victim. Since she did not walk away and instead killed her abuser, she is seen as more intentional as opposed to reactive to the situation and thus is blamed more for the murder.”
Interesting. Thanks for posting this link, coldcase53.
Another interesting article about female defendants is here: http://strikelawyer.wordpress.com/2011/10/05/amanda-knox-casey-anthony-sephora-davis/
A snippet:
“The government’s tale is almost invariably directed at a man. On rare occasions it is directed at a woman. On even rarer occasions, it is directed at a very attractive woman, and on those occasions it takes on a curious quality: it becomes frenzied, and irresistible.”
Jury Questions coming up
I guess Willmott got the sexual behavior stuff admitted. Hopefully he can address something as it relates to TA.
There is the answer for the question “why didn’t you report TA’s issues”
Anyone else picking up on the fact there is something very wrong with Jodi…
Yes,she looks in a daze,worn out ,depressed.
Im very worried right now…
Jodi looks completely and totally exhausted from all of this.
I remember some of us wondering if she has received therapy,which as many pointed out would be kind of a ‘luxury’ in jail.I guess now we know.No therapy,just evaluation.Poor Jodi…
I have a feeling this Dr, helped her out some and just didn’t evaluate. He seems to nice of a guy not to
He probably wanted to, but COULDN’T though.
he does and I pray what you ‘re saying is true but he said that he tried really hard not to go into the role of the thearapist.:(
Perhaps a good thing there is a sidebar…Poor Kirt looks like he’s falling asleep…he doesn’t look well either.
maria, yes same here. I imagine it would be therapeutic for her to talk about what happened, and know that the listener believes her; which is why we see her much more sure of herself on the stand.
Imagine if she had full access to therapy… she’d be a powerhouse. 🙂
On a sidenote, Jose Baez said Casey only began to understand her behavior after the grief expert testified. She broke down during that part of the trial. This testimony is reminding me of that part of the casey trial.
I find it interesting that JM’s objections seem to have the goal of not allowing the jury to here facts that might hurt their accusations. It runs contrary to what we might want of prosecutors – to seek the truth.
I once debated TA lovers that police and prosecutors only present evidence that supports their case. Their goal does not seem to be to seek the truth. Very sad.
“It runs contrary to what we might want of prosecutors – to seek the truth.”
Gosh, exactly. I don’t know how people aren’t upset that this guy is being paid by the public’s taxdollars; and he isn’t working to do his job to the best of his ability; he’s working to secure a conviction, whether that conviction reflects the truth or not.
I’m disturbed that he can do this at the expense of the public with no accountability; and that he doesn’t give a crap about the lives of the people he steamrolls just to score another win.
It is consistent sadly with the way the Maricopa County attorney history of overcharging. I know people personally who have been charged felonies when they are guilty of misdemeanors. And the courts let them get away with it. The first DA who set this policy has since been disbarred for his antics (Andrew Thomas). But his successor has continued this with things like overcharging undocumented immigrants so they can’t get bail.
They are a despicable group of people.
Oh god, did you see the LOOK Elvis and the evil twin sisters jusy gave towards Jodi or Mrs Wilmot?
I caught that too when he talked about seeing the “hand shaking”
also saw an eye rolling earlier
Does anyone know if they would provide anxiety medications in prison? ??
No. Would not be considered necessary.
A friend of mine is a prison psychiatrist. He prescribes what the patients needed, as long as it would not interfer with the inmate being able to assist in their own defense. I’d say anxiety medications might be considered necessary if Jodi’s stress level is high and the doctor deems it necessary. Especially for the shaking episodes.
So tired of people without credentials making calls about stuff like this.
I have no idea.But she seems ”off” today.As if distracted,about to faint or fall off her chair.At least to me,idk…
Maybe she is just having PMS. Lord know I feel like crap during that time.
thats what I thought…..and Kirt isn’t sitting next to her today…
yes she seems very exhausted and ill.
She is also listening to the Dr. carefully and perhaps realizes so many things about her past, very depressing in itself. If only she had known then, way way before in her life.
Only if they were written to the person outside (before they were put in) of the prison system. Most times new medicines are not allowed or prescribed while incarcerated. It takes several authorizations and permissions as well as cooperating physicians’ statement. It’s quite a hassle to get new/changed medications in jail. Or at least that is what I am being told by a detention officer (not a police person)
Yes they do, unfortunately my daughter was in prison and she was on anixety meds and psych meds for PTSD.
Afternoon Bella…how was your weekend? Well it’s time for bed here…lol
Hello Cindy,
It was good, but short. I am just working and listening like everyone else I imagine. And yourself?
Great weekend…the sunshine was really great up in the upper mid-west over the weekend. Ahhhh but now old man winter in just pull a mean trick on us….
I wish I were working right now……this is crazy….
Mother Nature is a real Basket case… here too. 2 weeks ago, it was freezing. Last week it was 90’s for 2 days and this weekend it was mid 70’s. Later this week we will be High 90’s again. Your Old man winter is nothing compared to Arizona’s Mother Nature. I think she (Mother Nature) is bi-polar! Holy COW!
Tell yall what, it is crazy! Here, we just had not one but two hailstorms about 15 or 20 mins apart. Something I was going to say about the media is, they should NOT just be allowed to ONLY sit on the prosecution side. Those people on the jury KNOW who they are. They haven’t been living under a rock their entire lives. If the media only sits on the prosecution side, doesn’t that influence the jury? CHECK that NOW hailstorm number THREE
They probably would, but she would have to be evaluated and treated first by a psychiatrist. That would have required a court hearing (as Sheriff Joe decided inmates only receive care if it’s court-ordered). And that would have then allowed the state’s psychiatrists/psychologists to evaluate, examine and treat her. That would not have been good before the trial.
Oh ok, thanks guys!!! I feel so bad for her. I don’t know how she can deal with the anxiety. I would be dying!
YOWZA! I’m learning a lot about myself from Dr Samuels…. :o/
Me too, Dorothy. This is like going to a free session, huh? Lol
LOL Yes! He is quite articulate and easy to understand…I feel a bit more accepting of my wee bouts of anxiety…
JM is driving me nuts…………..I hope this bothers the Jury as much as it bothers me
Amen sister!!!
OH God, I hope before this trial is over, somebody just breaks down and runs off the stand and tackles JM!! Poor Dr. Samuels.
I’ve also updated the logo on the petition:)
Uuuugggghhh He has to approach right when its about to get good! !!! What an ass, now he’s definitely NOT getting a tip tonight!!!!
I think he’s in cahoots with HLN’s commercial spots or something…these breaks seem like they come at regular intervals…Let’s break for commercial !
Great! Another visit to the ‘Salad Bar’!! Court, get on with it, already…
JM is still going to try to keep out the different types of killing based on his experience although they already agreed that he wouldn’t use the slide show and Willmott said she would not ask the question of what type of killing does the good doctor believe took place.
Our dysfunctional system is alive and well. God forbid that JM do what he is supposed to do in seeking the truth and/or facts and allowing it into a trial for someone who is facing the ultimate punishment.
I want all evidence (as painful as some of it has been to me personally) to be presented. I want every item brought up, discussed, dissected both the pro and con. I want a vigorous defense, I want a meticulous prosecution. I want this done once; (I am sure Jodi feels much the same, as every item the prosecution has brought up can then be addressed by her defense team. I feel like every time Martinez opens his mouth, another opportunity is given to the defense to readdress the issue. So let him run on, waive his arms like a mad man, Ma’am her all day (like he did/does/will) as it can then be addressed by her team). Whether or not there is an acquittal, manslaughter or other punishment handed down, every item must be seen, heard, defended/discussed or whatever to not have to face a hung jury or any other additional penalty phase. Justice needs a powerful microscope; it cannot survive in a vacuum.
Amen, Bella!
Totally off topic but does anybody know how much actual time today has been spent hearing testimony? LOL
lol I either am going to throw something or have a big glass of wine….
I wish somebody would evaluate Kermit. His body language, etc., just drives me crazy. Taking a line from JA’s journal, “there is just something off with this boy”.
Perfect description!
Napoleonic complex.
or test his blood for Cocaine/speed/meth…he’s REALLY wired!
Why did in sessions stop airing in the afternoon? they seemed to cover alot longer without interuptions. There that litle frog again,I object.J.W. is putting him in his place.Good job J.W.
If you watch from the link provided at the top of the page each day you get the full trial coverage without commercials and none of the additional talking head’s BS
Thanks Don,t need the talking heads stuff,I have enough of putting up with J.M. objections.
Thanks Jodi! I don’t think I can stand another day of the NG and JVM rants..
The “man” at Turner Broadcasting decided that Lizard Lick Towing was more important than live trials. I know many hate IS here… but it was good for the US to get a look into the courtroom.
In Session (when it was Court TV…a LONG time ago) was pretty good. When it turned into TruTV is when all the idiot/sensational/bullcrap people/shows replaced the educational part of it. AND some of the people changed their personalities as well. Never did figure that out…I wish it was like it used to be, before everyone started wearing dunce caps.
THE LOOK on Wilmotts face when JM objected… priceless! I <3 her!!!
Lol me too!!! I kindda wish she would turn around and do it so Martinez can see her!!!
Ms. Willmott (sp?) is QUICK!
Way to get that in there JW. lol
JM is really getting on my nerves now. He ‘s using NG interrupting techniques on the witness.
salad bar?again???What’s Kermit’s problem??Maybe the good doctor is the only one who could really answer this million dollar question!
Wilmott:” And then…”
I think these current objections from JM are actually helping the defense because Willmott’s techniques are a little different than Nurmi, but she’s getting crucial info to the jury.
I agree…she’s quicker than Nurmi in that regard. A whippersnapper :o)
On a lighter note, a random thought: Remember when Nurmi called on Ms. W. to stand w/JA and have JA drape her arm around her? Just for a fleeting second there I wondered what craziness would’ve broken out in the courtroom if Nurmi had instead asked JM to stand with JA since he is about the same height as Ms.W and JA’s sister (could also have been just punishment for calling her sis dumb!). All the sputtering and screams of ‘Objection, Objection…’ and to make it worse if the rest of the court was in on it (flash mob style) and started singing ‘kumbaya…’
I mentioned that too the day it happened. It would have been hilarious.
Just seemed so perfect that moment! damn, what a waste… 🙂
Ooohhh!!! Can we not have speaking objections! !!! Wilmot getting pissed!!! Lol
I LOVED that one!
Did you see that smile on her face…
“Judge, can we not have speaking objections?” Go Atty. Willmott!
Dorothy,I heard that but cant understand what it means in english.A little help?
JM goes into his explanation of his objection with unnecessary wording.
Speaking objections are when instead of a short, “true” objections, the attorney makes a speech usually to make an argument in his/her favor to the jury or to “coach” the witness in their direction. Sometimes they can be grounds for appeal and are often considered “unfair” by both judges and attorneys alike.
However… this is Arizona and a “fair trial” seems be be irrelevant in their judicial system.
thank you both*
Here comes the cross!
what’s his tone like?? I can’t see…… 🙁
Bet Kermit just got caught off guard with nothing further.
This is going to be interesting….
CROSS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here he goes again. Even the Doctor can’t understand his questions.
Im not sure if I can take his yelping today…
Me either. I got distracted at work for a moment at the end of JW’s direct. When I came back, there was Kermit and I wanted to scream!
I think JM needs therapy, not just evaluation.
I agree — and why doesn’t a prison have therapists? Wouldn’t it help the individuals incarcerated on release? Wouldn’t that also better serve the public at large?
oops, I was thinking JA, LOL
Or maybe some sex. He gives the impression of not having gotten any in a long, long time.
I can see Ms. Willmott is not going to tolerate JM’s BS! You GO GIRL!
can someone please tell me what there —- just happened? Who was interviewed last week?
Kermit is going to go after him and cut him off as usual. I’m glad that it is Ms. Willmott handling the good doctor, because I think she will go to war with JM if needed.
This examination is the first time I’ve seen Ms. Willmott’s technique and I’m impressed. I’m not panning Mr. Nurmi’s examination of Jodi Arias, but I actually believe Ms. Willmott would have been the better choice for that task. (I’m sure they had their reasons for the workload assignments, however.)
So what do these “expert witnesses” charge for their services? I found a website (http://www.seak.com/expert-witness-fee-study/) that will give you an idea of what these people are making for trial time etc:
Expert Witness Fees By Area of Expertise
The survey includes responses from over 1,000 expert witnesses in over 300 areas of expertise, from Accident Reconstruction to Wound Care. This is the most comprehensive study ever conducted on expert witness fees.
There was significant variation in fees amongst different areas of expertise. Medical expert witnesses are on average better compensated than non-medical expert witnesses. The average hourly fee for in court testimony for all non-medical experts is $248. The average hourly fee for in court testimony for all medical experts is $555. Medical expert witnesses on average earn more than double (124% more) what non-medical expert witnesses earn. 45% of all responding experts were medical experts and 55% of all responding experts were non-medical experts.
Surprisingly, less experienced experts generally charge more than experienced experts. The median hourly rate for all experts for in court testimony was $300. The median hourly rate for experts who have been testifying 1-5 years was $350 and the median hourly rate for experts who have been testifying 26+ years was $275.
Not a bad hourly rate! Does anybody else feel this is unethical, to be paid for giving testimony? It certainly would seem to give an expert the incentive to say what the defense/prosecution needs them to say. I can understand why experts are useful in certain cases but any form of compensation other than travel costs and reasonable reimbursement seems excessive.
If the person is professional and ethical he deserves to get paid for his expertise by all means. Do you really think someone who has been educated to the nth degree and had vast experience and is highly qualified to be an expert witness would sell themselves out and risk their reputation? I think not. This would be far too much aggravation to tolerate for a few measly dollars. Plumbers and electricians make that kind of money, why not doctors, et al Think of how much money and time he has devoted to his education and experience. I think they are not getting paid enough. How much is the Atty getting paid? (less schooling)
Okay!! Wow! The doctor is doing great so far on cross em.
OMG another recess due to JM’s antics. Willmott was quick to object before JM could ever put whatever out there to the jury. Go Ms. Willmott, objection before JM can ring a bell that can’t be unrung.
JM….gets on my LASSSSSSST nerve! What an asshole!!!
The little guy lost this grossly overcharged case a while ago.
Today that has just been confirmed.
The earlier description of him was accurate.
Team Jodi
What are you referring to?
Will you link it please if you have it?
OMG JM is plucking hairs!!! A sign of desperation?
Oh my God. What a f–ker Kermit is. He’s trying to bring out that Nurmi tried to withdraw and Jodi was depressed … even though there’s a motion in limine on the subject. I want to smash that bastard’s head right now.
Poor Jodi. She was so depressed when Nurmi was going to withdraw. She thought she had no hope. Kermit is such a d-ck!!!
will gladly join you! SLY FOX!!!Or should I say sly frog!!!!
What a dirty dog………
Nurmi made me LMAO! “habitual” LOL!!!
habitual mischaracterization! LOL
Sustained – shut up JM!
Another one of JM’s slice and dice efforts to skew the facts. SUSTAINED!!
how ridiculous was THAT?????He had the nerve to slice and dice while reading sth TO the judge herself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Martinez has so little to work with, he is scrabbling around with irrelevancies, that’s my view.
Thank you Judge Stephens!
Sustained- I could have SWORN I heard a, “bitch please”, out of Jennifer, LOL!!
I love Jennifer!
So, what was the conclusion? ?? No, Martinez CANT bring this up, then????
Not exactly. The object was sustained to the questions he was going to ask but apparently there is a tape that JM wants to play for the jury that Flores has and will bring to court first thing in the morning. So it looks to me like JM is going to try and discredit the expert through this tape. We will have to wait and see the ruling on that one.
I would say any line of questioning into this area that is allowed will definitely have the defense filing a motion for mistrial or worse. IMO
I missed the judge’s ruling on the second issue. But she sustained the objection on the first issue. That issue was that Kermit was trying to say Dr. Samuels provided Jodi with treatment at the time that she Nurmi moved the court to withdraw from the case. The defense and the doctor say that no therapy was provided, but he was called in to evaluate her around that time. Kermit argued that’s a fine line and the doctor, because he gave her treatment, is biased towards his patient. Jodi was extremely depressed at the time and thought her case had no hope without Nurmi. Prior to trial, the judge had ruled with the defense on a motion in limine (to preclude) any discussion of Nurmi’s attempts to withdraw from the case (so that the jury cannot infer anything from it). Bringing up this issue now would leave the doctor with no way of skirting around the issue that he WAS called in because Jodi was depressed. On redirect, JW couldn’t delve into why Jodi was depressed. The judge sustained this objection and so, Kermit can’t bring it up.
I hope someone can tell us what the second ruling was.
JM just used the word depressed again.
Kermit can’t win his case on facts. He cannot prove premeditation. He is not doing his job as a prosecutor and has a “win at all costs” or “the ends justifies the means.” It pisses me off because it is unconstitutional. The sad thing is that this tends to be the norm.
This is another all time low.
Yes. He just drifted into Nancy Gruelface prosecution style.
Judge, let the defense witnesses speak!
Let JM’s witnesses speak too, for what they’re worth.
This is disgusting.
I know Jodie. Isn’t it scary that “The State” can do this? If they doing it now to Jodi, they can clearly do it to ANYONE (just to win a case). Its scares me that the state can do this and if you have no protection on knowledge of law, you better hope for a good defense if you dont have the money to hire your own. They WILL violate your right and the amendments.
I know. Just think the taxpayers get to foot the bill for this nonsense.
Can anyone fill me in on when Nurmi supposedly was going to leave the case? Was it recently?
I found this http://www.courtminutes.maricopa.gov/docs/Criminal/032011/m4631558.pdf
Thank you
Go Nurmi, Go Wilmott!
The rights of the defendant !
*\o/* Rah Rah 🙂
Willmott is going to have to keep being on her toes and object before JM can’t get BS put out there.
What gets me, shorty is trying to discredit the dr. by using low life tactics!!
I can already tell that JM is going to try every trick in the book to impeach the doctor. This should be interesting.
Did they say when they will be back? Also Please, anyone who has the down low about Nurmi leaving the case, will you pleas fill me in. This is news to me…was this a recent event? I must have missed it!
They should be back at any moment.
Nurmi tried to withdraw when he left the public defender’s office and began his own practice. This is very typical of attorneys. The judge denied his request as the case was already set for trial then (even though there were further delays) as it would have been prejudicial to the defendant to have to start all over again with another attorney. Remember, she had already had to start all over again when Victoria Washington (who was first chair with Nurmi from the public defendant’s office) withdrew, and that set the case back a year for Wilmott to get up to speed.
Thank you :o)
Dorothy – no, it wasn’t recent, it was a few years back. Nurmi wanted to open his own practice and was not being paid enough as a public defender, so he tried to withdraw from the case. He was not allowed but they did compensate him with more money.
Thank you :o) I thought it was just recently and I thought to myself..”How did I miss this?” I feel I’m paying attention. Couldn’t imagine how this slipped by me.
Thanks again :o)
Interesting read Thanks!
I liked this bit:
Sometimes it is so horrific you have to detach. It can be difficult for a soldier to talk about what happened. It could be detrimental to hammer. Testifying is stressful.
At this rate the jury are going to convict Martinez of defendant abuse.
“At this rate the jury are going to convict Martinez of defendant abuse.”
I so wish that were possible!!!
Sorry, I wanted this to be a standalone post. But since I a bit of a zealot when it comes to spelling, punctuation and grammar I took too long in writing it. As it is important (at least to me) it bears reposting. Sorry if you read it above.
I want all evidence (as painful as some of it has been to me personally) to be presented. I want every item brought up, discussed, dissected both the pro and con. I want a vigorous defense, I want a meticulous prosecution. I want this done once; (I am sure Jodi feels much the same, as every item the prosecution has brought up can then be addressed by her defense team. I feel like every time Martinez opens his mouth, another opportunity is given to the defense to readdress the issue. So let him run on, waive his arms like a mad man, Ma’am her all day (like he did/does/will) as it can then be addressed by her team). Whether or not there is an acquittal, manslaughter or other punishment handed down, every item must be seen, heard, defended/discussed or whatever to not have to face a hung jury or any other additional penalty phase. Justice needs a powerful microscope; it cannot survive in a vacuum.
“Justice needs a powerful microscope; it cannot survive in a vacuum.”
Every time they show TA’s brother the song “Aint Nothing But A Hound Dog”, pops into my head. Anyone else have these issues? It is quite distracting to have a song played over and over in the brain when trying to watch and concentrate on an expert’s testimony.
Yes. lol He’s known around here as Elvis for a reason. 🙂
Glad I am not alone. 🙂
What is Martinez doing? Whats his point?
that the Dr is biased.
Fortunately, Martinez is so confusing that no one ever really understands his point. Quite frankly, he may not either.
He’s so abrasive, even if someone does understand his point, I don’t know if it actually gets through.
Martinez is the defense’s best secret weapon.
oh,how the Dr wishes he could whatever Martinez in the nose!
hahaha I think we all do!
JM just opened the door about conversations about sexual issues between JA and TA. IMO
Where, JM was yelling so much I have trouble hearing him.
oh wow
Can we ask the State to not yell at the witness…
OMG!What the F**K was that?Martinez banging his hands together! Where oh where is the man with the tranquilizer gun today???
Can we ask the State not to YELL at the witnesses!! Go Wilmott!
Yelling at the Dr. now. Way to go Martinez. Glad Wilmott is on it!
JM is off the chain…what a hot mess!!!!! Why is he screaming at the doctor!! Won’t let the man answer the question….just acting a fool!!!!!
OMG…I can’t stand the lil man’s voice….I am just going to have to watch here for updates.
I have my headphones on,poor me…
The head phones make it so much more intense don’t they? Something is lost when listening to my laptop, so I also wear the headphones. I make sure before JM stands up I turn the volume down first ;o)
This makes Jodi look much less hostile (as some pro pros were calling her), she’s not the only one who won’t take Martinez’s shit and is confused by his backwards questions.
Even a Dr. is confused at what Martinez is asking.
What a prick Martinez is, yelling and clapping.
He may as well stand on his desk and fart in Flores face at this point.
It’d be just as shocking and abrasive. And a lot funnier.
Martinez asks questions that can’t be answered “yes” or “no”.
A question he asks, yes or no? Yes? No?
Is that not what you said?
Oh my god.
“You don’t have any memory problems, do you?” (Martinez says to Dr. Samuels.)
I know Martinez does – need I refresh that memory of yours Martinez?
Gus S. called him on it, said he asks a lot of ‘double negative’ questions… intentionally misleading to trick people in to giving his desired response.
Yes Gus squashed him like a bug…loved that.
The Dr. should say the book was not a gift, it was a “tool” for Jodi to use to get better.
Good objection, JW. The clapping, I mean come on. There is NO WAY he should be able to badger this witness like that.
OMG… He did not just say that……………..
Holy Sheep! “Do you have memory problems?”
He just looked like a fool.
“You don’t have any memory problems do you?”
The jury had to think not again.
NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! ”You dont have memory problems,do you?”
Really??? Kermit said that??
Holy shit.
Does lil man Kermit have a mental illness of some kind coming on?? He says the sames things to all the people on the stand?
i now hope the that the jury sees how stupid he is and would just use the same cheap shots to anybody except Jodi!
I’m starting to think JM has memory issues… I feel like I’ve heard these questions before… This little man needs co-counsel in the future, or retirement may be better.
OMG – he is asking the problems.
Omg asking the DR if he has memory problems?? what a piece of work
Nurmi said Jaun Martinez was good at habitual Mischaracterizations… I loved it! Amen to that.
When Martinez asked the Dr. Do you have a memory problem? I almost fell out of my chair laughing.
I guess that’s his standard line …
I OMG’d out loud and I have on headphones and my son looks at me and said, what??
It was Classic Martinez. All bluff and Bluster. I almost feel sorry for him. (Martinez) he is a one trick pony. Forgive my snark…
I said OMG too. My boyfriend said is everything okay.
Memory Problems… I think JM may bust a blood vessel trying to figure out how to shade Doc Samuels… He makes my head hurt.
how come Martinez is not objecting to his own words ”jail” ”incarceration” ???
Wasnt he the one who objected when Jodi mentioned the word ”cell”?
I’m praying that Martinez get laryngitis! I can’t take any more of his ridiculous cross!
whats the point of this for the jury? Do you think they are buying Martinez BS?
The doctor: “You’re not allowing me to explain this!” YES!!!! Good on him.
OMG… Even the court reporter thinks JM is getting rediculous!!! Did you see his face? He is doing the same thing to the Dr. As he did to Jodi… Might as well just rewind the previous cross of JA and hit the re- play button.
Isn’t that already happening???
hey Martinez, Its a SELF help book. Not the doctor helping her.
This prosecutor is a shame to our whole judicial system.
He should be in a straight jacket before he hits his fists again and kills himself.
The doctor is answering the questions, but Martinez is trying to twist his words and try to paint him as a quack.
Its like Jodi all over again.
He’s grasping at straws with this cross! Of course the defense is going to put people on the stand to further their case!
Wow… I think the judge is completely biased to the prosecution. She is allowing him to badger the witness until he gets the answer he wants. She and JM should both be disbarred for this is not justice.
Alternatively, the longer Martinez goes on, the more foolish he looks. Because I am sure the jury realizes he keeps asking the same thing over and over, and just ends up with the same answer. He just gets louder and more aggressive, does not change the question or clarify.
Judge not stopping him, just letting the jury see how ridiculous he is being. He isn’t doing anything against the law, he just isn’t effective.
I personally felt the judge flip-flops. There were days where she definitely sided more with the defense, and other days where she leaned toward the prosecution.
Epic fail by Martinez.
Willemot is better than Nurmi
I like Nurmi, but I have to agree that I think Willmott is quicker on her feet.
I don’t think she is necessarily smarter or anything, but she is more relatable — she smiles, seems much more personable than the other attorneys, including Nurmi. I guess I was thinking that I simply liked her best of the attorneys, and wonder if the jury relates to her as well. She just seems warm.
I also think it helps that she talks at a more typical pace. Not as slow and methodical as Nurmi, not as quick and mad-doggy as Martinez.
I wish this Dr would get up and slap him.
I can see a GIF of that being made and posted on roflrazzi. lol
I guess we’re all the stupid ones for not realizing that Dr. Samuels is on trial not Jodi! Let’s all pray that karma rears its ugly head on Martinez!
Yes, Willmott will eat him alive on re-direct
To be in Dr. Samuels head right now…
“Subject shows signs of agitation, stress, inability to hold a coherent thought and understand the basic definition of words… could be ADHD? Could insult my patients with ADHD if I determine that…”
Maybe JM needs to get up and ask the DR if Martinez cross caused him to have anxiety or stress
I think he’s thinking “This guy is going to give himself heart failure any moment now.”
I’m sure he’s thinking JM could use some therapy. Can you imagine what the good doctor is thinking about possible diagnosis for JM.
“Or he could just be a giant penis…I better have him take the M.R.F.A.W.F.F.I test”
Disclaimer: That is not a real test, at least to my knowledge.
“No, I did not say that. Are you having memory problems Mr. Martinez?”
I don’t understand why Nurmi didn’t do what Jennifer just did…objecting to JM yelling at the good Doc.
JM yelled at Jodi the whole time…
So now JM doesn’t have to ask the judge if he can approach the witness. What the hell.
He’s only making himself look bad with all this. This will turn off the jury.
I agree because I think the jury liked the good doc. He’s a VERY likable guy.
Wow he can’t do surgury, I think we all know that. Those of us with a brain.
this was the stupidest argument EVER!!! Is he trying to say that psychologists are NOT doctors?? If I were one I would be offended as hell,I hope there are psychologists out there listening to this crap and taking offense and realizing how blood thirsty M is!
Neither can a psychiatrist.
Actually, a psychiatrist can prescribe medicine. A psychiatrist deals more with the science behind things and should be an expert in prescribing the appropriate medical “cocktail.”
Be careful Dr. Samuels.
Martinez may cut pieces of your original out…
I’d be very nervous having Martinez around books with his obsession with scissors and gas cans…
lol!!! Almost spit coffee on the computer screen.
What jm is saying is he wants to killll her. Please go get him Ms Wilmott. What jm wants to do is stick her in the ground half way and stone her. I pray for her this was not just on her shoulders others were involved. Please fight on! I have been watching and reading this site is the only fair and balanced place to be.
OMG I am dying here! He is beating a dead horse. He is getting nowhere. If I were a member of the jury I would be siding with the defense just out of spite. Martinez’s voice is doing that munchkin thing again. It’s not fazing the Dr. cuz make no mistake he has handled much worse in his career. I agree that the judge is letting him away with much more than the defense got away with. Obviously Martinez is trying to corner the Dr into a certain answer because he has somewhere he wants to go with this, (who knows where?? Only he in his little mind knows).
munchkin thing lol
Maggie says:
March 18, 2013 at 6:42 pm
OH God, I hope before this trial is over, somebody just breaks down and runs off the stand and tackles JM!! Poor Dr. Samuels.
I’ve also updated the logo on the petition:)
and FYI my Psychiatrist does not do brain surgury either. Who cares and what is the point???
Neither do a whole bunch of medical doctors unless they are trained surgeons …
so GPs, ENTs, pediatricians, GI doctors, internal medicine doctors —> unless they were surgeons who specialized in one of those areas…
“Learn to recognize the influence of socially sanctioned hatred”
This line is from this article “Seven Ways to Fix the Criminal Justice System” which is a great read. This trial, along with others, is really bringing out the need for reform.
no you don’t understand Martinez…….
fuck you Martinez. You think you can assess Jodi but are trying to downgrade his degree and experience?
this is INSANE! how DARE he fucking use a pencil!!!
I can’t say this… Dosen’t mean I may not be thinking it…
WTF? Why did you use a pencil?
because it is a writing utensil
Now he is lecturing him like he did not bring his homework to class.
I always use a pencil asshole.
Wait… I thought everyone uses a pencil for these tests???? At school we ALWAYS did!
Holy sheep! Now Martinez is arguing pencil vs. pen? this is painful.
Now we are fighting over a pencil??? Loved it when he said are you accusing me of cheating
HOLY COW!!!!!!!!! I would be livid if I was spoken to this way. The Dr is handeling mouthy McSquirmy so much better than I would.
I know, he has no RESPECT for anyone! !! No respect! !
The doctor is getting a little ticked off with him, but he’s doing his best to maintain his cool while this asshole runs his mouth about all sorts of BS. I think, occasionally, it’s like a observational study in attorney job displeasure for him.
But Kermit is just WAY over the top. It’s one thing for him to treat the defendant this way (even though I didn’t like it). But he’s treating a seasoned experienced professional psychologist with years of therapeutic experience, diplomates and fellowships at his belt. as if he’s a 5 year old. This is just ridiculous.
And to a certain degree he did the same to his own witnesses – of course not to this extreme
If this is all he has that is weak if you ask me.
I agree AJ… Totally.
Now he is trying to insinuate Samuels is biased with the pencil. What a POS Martinez is.
All McSquirmy is doing is putting down this witness. Making accusations. One of these jurors might see a psychologist.
or be married to one, or a child who is a psychologist, etc.
Wouldn’t it be awesome if a juror worked in the mental health field… How insulting Jaun Weiner-teenez could be to that juror… Little troll needs to go sit down.
Or might be one.
His favorite on liners.
Do you have a memory problem?
That is not what I am asking you?
Yes or no Yes Or No as he screams over their answer.
Geez get some new material. He treats all the witnesses as hostile.
I think we all need this right about now….:)
Haahaahaaa F*** Martinez! !!
In the above titled suit of Pen vs Pencil we rule in favor of the pencil. That is how stupid it sounded. No Doubt the HLN crew will talk about how brilliant that was.
I know right!! They celebrate these little non-victories and gush about how brilliant he is. I wonder how Martinez feels, knowing that the only people who like him are hate filled, pitchfork mongering malcontents. Ah nevermind. He’d be in like company.
I am sorry but I find this witness likable. Martinez attacking him would offend me as a juror
He is trying to insinuate Dr. Samuels manipulated the results of the test by using a pencil rather than a pen.
This is pretty damned despicable on JM’s part but shows how absolutely desperate he is.
It was in pencil, maybe JM manipulated the original! If the test wasn’t in the Dr.’s possession at all times ANYONE could manipulate it.
Good point!
I am listening on my headphones…Who is the one clicking their pen? Click, click, click
Doctor Samuels. I think
Yikes STRESS! JM is causing this composed Dr. stress…He will have to be treated for PTSD after this
Nurmi clicks at times too
I noticed that on other days as well but this was quite loud…I imagined Nurmi doing the clicking though, until annieEP suggested it might be Dr.Samuels, either way, I noticed it LOUD and CLEAR and quite rigorous during all the hullabaloo! lol This trial (ahem… JM) is making everyone neurotic.
Probably clicking their pens in order to restrain themselves from sticking it in Martinez’ eyes!!!
I move for the ex-ribbit! err…um exhibit!
Yikes! LOL!
Froggy went a’courtin aha aha
I guess PTSD = Prosecutor That Screams Desperation!
That’s AWESOME !! LOL :o)
Tina, I’m borrowing this for a tweet!
Feel free Candie!
Thank you!
bwahahaha! Brilliant!
Thanks MB!
All this BS to point out when she took the test she was still saying 2 intruders. Doesn’t this play into the whole diagnosis of PTSD?
Aaahhaaaa the “two intruders” again, Olivero you see that?? Her mind was there when taking this test?
see ya cali! dont let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!! tata!
HELP…What does the following mean like used in the post from Cali above
“…” I added the quotes.
Does it mean she left?
Your entire post about our so called embarrassment to society was invalidated by the fact that you opened it with “U” instead of ‘you”.
Yes and this person who claims we’re lacking in intelligence also had problems capitalizing the first letter in a sentence and when typing the first name of a person!
Look in the mirror at your own lack of I.Q. There isn’t any evidence of premeditation, and you know it.
You took the time to read the theories Cali? LMAO
No kidding, for people who think we’re crazy and stupid, they sure take a lot of time to read what we’ve got to say. lol
Caligirl your screen name shoulve been “shitgirl” your that bored?! Go clean you ass or do something useful, you piece of trash! !!
She’s gone. Strange thing is, the “Jason” that was posting and agreeing with her actually had the same email (cathymagorien@yahoo.com) & IP as she had. Sounds like she wasn’t just talking to herself, she was agreeing with herself too
Team Jodi
the Caligirl screen name I recognize from somewhere.
She must be the Pakistani man who spams the St Travis sites with ‘burn the witch’ comments.
Hhaahaaa Oh wow! !! What a wierdo!!! Lol Really… if she really wanted to have a conversation with someone that agree with her, she could’ve went to the Loser sites!!
Thanks, SJ
LOL. They are the real Pakistanis!
Thanks SJ!! It’s nice to know my BS meter works online too!! It doesn’t take long for them to show their true colors.
Wow, that’s actually kind of sad. So she has an imaginary boyfriend, huh?
Well geez maybe we are an embarrassment… I mean we should all get on Facebook and talk about “Saint Travis” ( who obviously WAS NOT saintly) and how Jodi is a ‘psycho’ and discuss ways that she should be killed… Because that is absolutely not Crazy… Nope not at ALL… Call girl go blow a goat.
Blow a goat LOL!
I noticed that she was melting down all day because some people were discussing a two-person theory. I say, so the fuck what? Some of us (me included) feel that it was just Jodi and Travis tat day, but if others want to believe something different, then that’s their right. I don’t know why she kept getting so upset. Don’t like someone’s theory, don’t read it.
Hope she has fun on the pro-pros boards where people theorize that Jodi was a serial killer who was stopped early, Travis was a virgin who never had sex with Jodi, and Travis was already stabbed/shot while Jodi was doing the shower photoshoot. And don’t forget the Munchkins!
Is this his way to get in every answer to the test??
No worries. Willmott is taking great notes. As familiar as I am on this case, JM has me lost and confused. IMO the jurors probably feel the same way.
I don’t see how it is allowed for Martinez to look at the questions/answers/scoring of this test. This can affect the ability for other psychologists to give this test to a client. The APA should complain about this. This is so invasive & violating for both this case & the profession of psychology.
even if it was nonsexual assault by a stranger that triggered it, her answers will effect this situation
I think we just lost the Dr.
sh*t,did he just admit he had to administer the test again?The haters are gonna have a party on that
Yep, he shouldn’t have said he should have administered the test again. Not good!
Totally agree Bystander
That really looks bad for Jodie and the Defense.
I think Willmott will do a good job on re-direct. While I was typing this, he just said it again. Oh my.
So what? Did he explain why he had to?
People, c’mon. Juan wants you to think he manipulated the test to get what the defense wanted.
Exactly. Defense gets to ask again after cross? Willmott will likely ask him that question to get the explanation. JM has a habit of never asking a direct question because he is afraid the answer will be believable and help Jodi. He didn’t ask why the test was administered twice for this reason
That’s why I think people are getting alarmed over nothing. This man has been a psychologist for something close to 40 YEARS.
She will rehabilitate him very effectively. She will allow the good doctor to expand on his answers.
The Dr. is admitting he made an oversight and should have administered it again. IMO, it doesn’t change the overall diagnosis of PTSD, but it can e construed as not looking good to the jury.
Well said tonysam and others.
Mrs. Willmott hasnt even recrossed.
I will put my faith in Dr. Samuels knowing what the hell he is doing…and has been for 40+ years.
Martinez, eh, not so much…
There is always some risk in admin’in a test twice: the client/subject will eventually become familiar with the test & not answer as honestly. The first test is usually the best info on how the subject truly feels about the q’s being asked.
And the defense will clarify it…so now everybody is ready to throw in the towel.
It’s so predictable. How does it prove premeditation?
Im not, I have faith. Martinez is just an ass and he MAKES everything look this way. I cant blv he insinuated dr Samuel cheated for her and then when he straight out asked him if he was saying that he cheated, Martinez changed his question.
Somebody HELP me out here. What does the following mean like used in the post from Cali above
“…” I added the quotes.
I think it either means her post was removed or she left. She posted something insulting from what I can gather.
I was thinking that. I’ve seen it a few times. Thanks.
She was a LLLOOOOSSEERRR so, they deleted her comment.
What just happened? I’m in class, can’t listen to the trial!
Lordy be, you will have to listen later. JM is ranting again!
Juans’s an ass! I guarantee the jury is NOT liking him right now…..
He’s not a real Dr., he put glasses on and hasnt been wearing them all day!
(the above is pure sarcasm)
Poor Jennifer is looking like WTF…His the biggest a– h— I have ever heard….
I hate to be a downer, but this is a real issue here. The Dr knows that the reason given for her trauma is false. He can’t believe the rest of the test.
But he claims he relied on this test to diagnose PTSD.
He just again claimed he should have regiven the test.
agree. bad deal, very, very bad deal.
Agree 100%.
because he admitted he SHOULD have retested her once the lies came out.
And what does this prove? That he is a quack?
It may look bad in the eyes of some of the jurors. Thats all anyone is saying here. I don’t think any of us are running in the other direction all of sudden screaming she’s guilty – get for real. We are just giving our honest take on the testimony.
exactly.We all know JM’s tricks but it’s the jury we’re worried about,after all wasnt there apoint when we thought that some things sounded pretty clear and then there were some really STUPID jury questions,like they were missing important details?Now oimagine those same jurors listening to a doctor ”scolding” himself for having ”failed” to do his job,well up to a point that is.And honestly Martinez’s yelling and trying to confuse evryone surely includes some of the jury feeling the same.
Because he said that the test could tell if someone was lying, if I recall correctly, and also that he relied on the test for his diagnosis. But since she was lying, that invalidates the test, thereby invalidating his diagnosis.
You and I both know that he would have come up with the same diagnosis either way, but he’s the one who said the stuff about lying on the test. He put his own foot in his mouth, and JM pounced.
Exactly right, Michael. Its not a positive for the defense. Hopefully Wilmott can rehabilitate this later.
yep,it doesn’t look good…
Then WHY would Nurmi and Mrs Wilmot bring this test up if they knew the results were from BEFORE she came out with the SD?????
Exactly. They are going to have him clarify this on redirect.
I agree!
Did they not check the dates????
This is a massive blow and an oversight that this defensive team should never have made!
And why wasn’t the Dr brought back in later to reevaluate her when she confessed to the killing?
Mind boggling incompetence.
Perhaps an appeal in the works if she faces the death penalty from an incompetent defense team?
He just sort of corrected himself and said that his final diagnosis was made after she changed her story, but Martinez is certainly doing his job by pointing this out.
I’m sorry to say that Dr. Samuels is coming off looking more than a little sloppy on cross. I hope JW can rehabilitate him.
But hey, the downers are saying the case is lost. Sheesh, people.
tonysam,nobody said that.We are just trying to see both side,as if we were part of the jury,how this would seem to us.Besides,the jury is not neither in favor nor against the defendant,unlike all of us here who have made up our mind.I believe that’s what people here were trying to point out.That unless Wilmott clarifies that ,it doesnt look good FOR THE JURY not for the outcome of the trial.
soory,meant ot say ”doesnt look good TO the jury”
From what I’ve read from former jury members, expert testimony is somewhat informative but doesn’t carry a great deal of weight because each side cancels the other out. The defense has their experts and the prosecution has theirs. I think that this jury is going to focus most on Jodi’s testimony. She was on the stand for 18 days.
The test is just an aid to his diagnosis. The longer test that was computer-assessed also indicated PTSD, and the doc’s own separate diagnosis was PTSD. Anyone who has been watching & listening to Jodi can see that something like this fits, but the sympathetic jury members now have a name for what they felt which should help.
Don’t psychologists always assume that what they are dealing with are fantasies, delusions, half-truths and truths?
Yes. Kind of like dealing with prosecutors.
lol good one!
Everybody calm down. I am more than sure that JW will clear every bit ot this up. There was MORE than one test done. Juan is just throwing crap to try and make the Dr look bad. Don’t get caught up in his crap. I understand what some of you are saying but, don’t jump the gun. I’m also more than sure that the heads on tv will say today was a huge victory, it was not.
GEEZ, THAT’s a great point viri!
My therapist didn’t. My ethic in psych course never refered to that either. The therapist should remain value neutral.
Yes viri, because perception whether right or wrong is the foundation of which they establish a professional opinion. He already said that she built a kind of fantasy world to cope with the aftermath of the killing, so I don’t see how Martinez can then claim that because he knew she was not telling the truth, that the test results are somehow incorrect. Whether or not she was living in a fanasy world, she has PTSD. Plain and simple.
MB, didn’t Martinez object during the morning session because he said the doctor was stating Jodi’s answers as truth instead of making it clear that this is what Jodi said happened?
How can he then say, oh this is a complete lie, blah blah blah. I was just watching a video with no audio because I am in class. When I saw her answer, I didn’t even think of the intruder story. I thought she answered “yes” to those questions because maybe someone physically attacked her in high school or something. The holding of the gun to the head wasn’t the only example
for that question, physical abuse was too
The PTSD diagnosis came from a combination of two tests as well as all the time he spent with Jodi in sessions.
Remember this was not the test he used to determine PTST he said it just confirmed the previous test results
The defense will clear up the muddy water JM has heaped.
So, is it a lie if Jodi told herself that Travis was stranger when he raped her?
Maybe it made is easier, to pretend Travis wasnt himself?
Or maybe I’m thinking too far into this.
Either way, the brain is a powerful thing…
See, that’s what I’m getting from this. The doctor isn’t there to wag his finger at Jodi for lying. He is there to assess her mental state, and to do that he has to have patience with her perception of things. That perception may be right or wrong, but that’s not the point. She has PTSD, period.
Exactly MB and so well said.
Martinez can yell about Jodi lying all day, in the end, all he’s really doing is proving what Dr. Samuels said was a side effect of PTSD, right?
Or am I missing something, I may be having a memory problem, but I swore there was some talk about her lying from Dr. Samuels pertaining to PTSD or something to that effect.
Anyway, its everyday someone is worrying that Martinez is onto something, that this witness said something wrong and that witness said something right. Such a minor statement to such a large issue, does one really think all lies in this one sentence that Dr. Samuels muttered? Are they forgetting all the amazing things he’s already said?
It’s just like the god damn gas cans people!
OK now lets get into a hissy fit over a fricking pencil. Geez he’s definitely grasping at straws. Idiot.
Who cares about a pencil? I doubt the jury does.
Wait, Martinez, are you reading your notes?
Are you sure they’re accurate?
Well JM is opening the door to discuss the sexual relationship dynamics that. if I remember correctly, JM objected the doctor beng able to discuss this.
Sorry for all the typos in the post.
Who cares about the pencil? NOBODY!!!!
Well JM just helped out by saying “With all your years of experience”
Martinez is looking like a total fool, grasping at straws and being argumentative over very petty nissen. I think the jury is getting sick of him and can see right through him!
He really is a one-trick pony. I just don’t get the hype about him and don’t know why the Travisites drool over him like he’s a god. “OOOOOOH GO SUPER-JUAN!!!!!!!!” Yeah right.
JM reminds me of the line from Problem Child when Junior is imitating the principal:
“Maybe if I shrug my shoulders and move my hands like this, people will think I know what I’m talking about!”
Whoops, should have said very petty issues (darn spellcheck )
I was wondering what ‘very petty nissen’ meant, hahaha!
lol how did spell check convert ‘issues’ to ‘nissen’…
I probably accidenatally typed one wrong letter un “issues” and do it changed it to something similar
The prosecutor is relentless! I enjoyed watching Dr. Samuels testify; he was very interesting to me. However, I have had to turn off the television since Juan Martinez started cross-examining. The man appears to badger not only the defendant, but anyone who testifies on her behalf or offers expertise regarding her actions. Jodi is the one on trial, not her witnesses and experts, and they do not deserve to be treated and questioned like this, without an attitude of respect, and essentially having words put in their mouth so the state can “win” its case. The man is essentially over the top, a bully who is allowed to treat witnesses for the defense in condesending and disrespectful ways and aggressively and who continually tries to put words in peoples’ mouth to satisfy his views and theories. I feel sadly, not only for Jodi, who is definitely not getting a fair trial, but also for her well-meaning witnesses and professionals who have to put up with this kind of treatment on the stand through no guilt of their own. On a positive note, however, I will be glad when this trial is over and I no longer have to see or hear from Mr. Martinez!
He’s trying to prove Samuels is a biased, unethical, incompetent quack, and some people here are falling for that narrative because Samuels said he should have retested her after she admitted she lied about the intruders.
But as I recall, he mentioned making stuff up like she did is a sign of PTSD. Retesting her probably wouldn’t have changed anything at all.
I hope Wilmott/Nurmi gets a bit aggressive with the prosecution’s expert witness. Turnabout is fair play.
Lowering themselves to such a low level would be an embarrassment
I agree! my mom knows nothing of this trial she just walked in and watched 10 min of juan and says she hopes she gets acquitted because that prosecutor is an ass! hahahaha
Me too I had work to do, I get such a headache from his constant screaming, I can;t see any Jury liking this stupid little idiot. He is so obnoxious, is it due to his shortness, his voice grates on your nerves, Its so piercing and high pitched MY Gosh he is so out of line I am sorry, the judge sits there doing What ??SHUT UP JUAN, he is so disrespectful annoying, extremely unprofessional a complete JERK!
I wouldn’t answer him until he calmed down and asked me a direct question and listened to the answer. That is reprehensible behavior.
HAHAHA, Martinez almost accidenlty ended his cross, for good instead of the day.
That would’ve been hilarious.
How can anyone take him seriously?
I cannot believe that the judge didn’t admonish JM or that Willmott didn’t bring to the attention of the court that JM should be asking to approach the witness. For whatever reason, JM didn’t follow court protocol. Oh yes, I forgot, he is above that.
Is that detective Flores sitting at the prosecution table?
yes he’s been there since day one! wierd!!
His presence serves no purpose other than to further bias the jury. Oh, even the detective who investigated this is on the prosecution’s side!
This would be the equivalent of one of Travis’s family members sitting with Jodi.
yeah, SOoop wierd and i have NEVER seen that before… it is a conscience effort so lil marti’s all alone.
and u can tell Flores is just a big ole lapdog…
apologies to lapdogs!
heyyyyyyyyyyy my lapdog didn’t deserve that low blow, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Always. He’s been getting paid to sit on his ass since Jan. 2. Not a bad deal if you can get it.
I have a headache after this cross!!!!!!
I always get a headache after listening to him
Does anyone else feel like the life was just sucked out of them?
yes, I am not liking this doctor’s answers…he should have given her the test again after she told the truth about what happened. I hope I am not the only person that thinks he was crazy not to have done this.
Seems like he is not as well prepared for this cross exam as he should have been. ARRGGGHHH
I wish he would have told the jail if he believed she was suicidal…seems like he put her at risk!! He is lucky she did not act on her thoughts.
Sorry, but this right here is grounds for immediate appeal should this turn out bad for her!!!
How can ANYONE, the psychologist, her lawyers, have missed the fact that the date these tests were administered were prior to before she trusted these guys with the actual truth and that they were during the period of the intruder story????!!!!
This is insane there is zero rehabilitation with this witness. I would feel sorry for him if I wasn’t so angry about what his sloppiness just did to Jodi’s case. He has most definitely hurt his credibility as an expert witness. His WHOLE value as an expert witness comes in the diagnosis he provides a defendant. To have not administered these tests after the self defense abuse info came out is almost medical malpractice imo.
My feed was cutting out. So did he say he administered the tests again. post the lies or not? I thought Martinez cut him off prior to him saying that? But my feed was hit and miss the last half hour some I’m utterly confused.
He did. It. He stated he should have “readministered the test.”
JC, he did not administer the tests AFTER she started telling what really happened. It does not matter whether PTSD would be there before or after. The fact is it was completely irresponsible as a doctor and so the jury can easily dismiss everything he had to say. And that is the truth. He was doing so incredible prior to this. I thought the way he was explaining things may really get through to this jury.
I am very upset.
I am too. I don’t understand how this couldn’t be cause for a mistrial or at-least more grounds for appeal? I also think her lawyers should have caught this. SO what you are saying is BOTH tests were administered BEFORE she was finally telling the truth about what happened?
Not sure about when he gave her the bigger personality test (Milan test 179 questions) – but this one was done before she told the truth.
And what is up with not having her fill out the answers?? Very shady, and very questionable behavior for an expert.
I don’t think this is mistrial level, and she would still have PTSD because of the trauma she experienced either way IMO
I guess on redirect wilmott can ask, if Jodi had answered a, b, c, would she still have PTSD? That could do some damage control.
He can say she was still referring to abuse, just substitute travis for stranger…all the rest is the same.
Even without the test, I don’t see how anyone can doubt she has PTSD who has seen those crime scene photos…. or the related memory loss.
I think there will be a lot of grounds for appeal. That said, though, there is ALWAYS appeal if death penalty is the result :/
I’m afraid you’re right, Amelia. He has come across looking sloppy, and, I’m sorry to say it, biased. The book thing may not be a big deal to you or me, but JM is correct that it was beyond the scope of Dr. Samuels’s duties in this case. He also wasn’t completely truthful about the bartering thing – he didn’t mention that he was required to take a test.
He looked great on direct, but this is why they allow witnesses to be cross-examined. He’s dug himself – and, unfortunately, Jodi too – into a huge hole.
Yes, the Dr stuck his big foot right his own mouth. Twice, I might add. See some of the discussion above from Al and Michael L.
Do you also base all your opinions on multiple choices tests?
This is how evals are done. I have a special needs child and I actually have to get a lot of evals done by people who are unfamiliar with him for them to be considered valid.
Right, the doctor spent 25-30 hours with her. As if that doesn’t count….
Do we know for sure he didnt do any test after she came out with the truth?
I disagree, regardless of what story she was telling him, the emotions stay the same. Her emotional content did not change when she finally trusted them enough to tell the truth.
Yes, he did come off as a bit sloppy, but then that is not uncommon with psychologists/psychiatrists, not to worry…the defense can rehabilitate from this. They should retest her for PTSD with a different test, would take 15 minutes.
Which one is Jodi’s mom and which is the aunt?
Jodi’s mom wears a necklace every day, her Aunt uses the headphones. Today the Mom was sitting on the aisle side and the aunt was sitting closer to Jodi
this witness is getting trashed by martinez
here we go again this time Martinez brings up the intruders again. and again i think no one believed her all travis’s friends said jodi did it some one coached her to go with the i defended myself now its coming back to haunt her that she changed that. I still point to the flores report were Ashley called in to say her husband had something to do with his death or can give information on his death. and the defence know that and probable knew Ashley the wife of Dustin is now dead commited suside as they say it was ???? that or did some one shoot her to keep her quite the hole clan that hung out together all said jodi did it
I just posted my above comment before reading people’s posts. Am I seriously the only one that recognizes how bad this is? This is not about being a Travisite either, so I hope nobody starts calling me that. Earlier someone seemed to imply I was one because of my call to Mr Nurmi’s office. I think those witnesses Searcy was talkin bout need to be subpoenad. I am oh so very pro Jodi and really get annoyed when people start being bullied if they have a opinion that’s not yeah everything is perfect. This guy just really hurt her case. I am surprised people are thinking this is a laughing matter.
I think they are trying not to panic. Martinez has a way of not asking certain questions on purpose if he suspects the answer will help the client. He sorta talks around the issue in circles to make the person on the stand look bad.
Remember, he administered more than one test. Spend countless hours with her, and saw her 12 times. He still has some credibility. Wait for redirect. Let him be able to explain himself better.
The PTSD diagnosis came from a combination of two tests as well as all the time he spent with Jodi in sessions.
I agree with another poster who said that redoing the test in question would have resulted in the same diagnosis. I think that the only difference on the test would be in the answer to the question regarding what was the most significant trauma. When this test was administered, this was during the time of the intruder story, so ‘non-sexual assault by a non-stranger’ was indicated for that question. If the test was re-administered after Jodi told the truth about how Travis attacked her and she killed him, the answer to the question would have been ‘non-sexual assault by a non-stranger.’
Although I don’t think it was the smartest thing for the Dr. to admit he should have re-administered the test, it doesn’t mean that the diagnosis of PTSD is wrong.
The basis for PTSD was her account of travis attacking Jodi and jodi having to defend herself. From what I know, the test was used to confirm but it isn’t the be all or end all for the defense. He should have re administered it. Could this the basis for a motion for mistrial?
She will never get a fair trial in the event of a mistrial because Martinez will not call for a mistrial, but if the defense does, this whole thing would just start all over.
Could she be reevaluated by someone else should this happen? Someone who wouldn’t overlook the testing situation?
Well whether she gets reevaluated or not may not make a difference. The general public has seen and heard too much. They have been biased and poisoned against her. Especially after that video was released (which to me, seriously seemed like she was suffering from PTSD and that was the reason for her behavior. She seemed like a child, like she was having a nervous breakdown).
That’s the problem. The Dr. should have re-administered the test and he KNEW he should have but he didn’t…why? He also stated that usually another Dr. evaluates as well, but instead he used a computerized test…why? A person can tell personality traits/ issues, etc. that a computer cannot, so why did he not follow protocol.
It looks bad for the psychologist and the defense. Surely they reviewed the tests or they should have.
I’m not sure JC if that could be done at this late date. I think the defense needs to try to do something about the fact this was highly irregular, unprofessional etc. But the problem is the judge could easily say that her attorneys SHOULD have noticed the date discrepancy just like Kermit did.
At this point I think it’s just ammunition for appeal.
It wouldn’t have made a damned bit of difference. It doesn’t take a Ph.D. to see Jodi has PTSD–hell, I thought she had it, and I am not a psychologist.
What Martinez is trying to do, and he’s good at it, is muddy the waters by calling the doctor’s credibility into question.
I hate to agree here, but I see today as a bad day for the dr, hence the defense and Jodie. The doctor has lost a ton of credibility – I’m hopeful Wilmott can rehabilitate him and their case.
It makes me sick to admit that the doc looks very weak and negligent in following protocols of the purpose for his presence in this case and in his administration of the test. Makes no sense that defense could hv missed this. There must be an explanation for this, l hope.
Ha ha ha!
Don’t worry, recross will let the doctor finish his sentences, and you will be able to understand.
Don’t forget that the jurors can ask questions of the doctor as well 🙂
I agree with you — JM, as irritating as he can be, is scewering the witness and it looks bad. And Jodi and her attorneys know it!
That’s the point–he’s trying to make the doctor look bad, but there will be a redirect of the witness.
It’s all smoke and mirrors. I am shocked people around here are falling for it.
I have been sitting here with my heart in my mouth all afternoon/evening. I was a bit concerned about the Dr being questioned about his past violation, but not overly concerned. When the issue of giving her a book came up, I thought “uh oh”. Everyone knows that Dr’s who are simply there to evaulate you, or even treat you, do not give/mail books or cards to you. Still, as I watched I thought, “not too big a deal, we will see”. Then that damn test and his papers, (not to mention him fumbling around and taking forever to find a paper, only to say he left it at home, another left on his desk) This is a BIG trial, why is he not prepared??? Ok, so on JM goes, then the actual test is admitted where the Dr actually fills in the answers instead of Jodi. (odd but still hoping its not too terrible) Then the actual date of the test is announced by the Dr, and my heart sank. I could tell Jodi was getting concerned too, imo. So, this test was given, (both tests) before Jodi actually admitted to her atty. and the Dr the real story. Ughh…..heart on the floor. Then it got worse, the actual QUESTION, that he testified was his reason for the diagnosis, was based on that number 4, (I believe thats the right number) where it says “Assault by a stranger”….Holy crap. At this point, you can SEE the Dr getting red, stammering, flustered, etc…as he says quietly, “I guess I should have readministered the test”. Ya think?? Not just once, he practically hangs his head and says it again! So JM gets him in a corner and basically gets him to admit he has diagnosed her with PTSD based on test answers that were LIES! (at this point I was almost in tears as I watched)
This is BAD people! My God, this defense should have had a better Dr to be an expert witness, he is fumbling the most important aspect of this case! Now…JM is NOT proving pre-med with ANY of this witness, thats for sure. But what he is doing, is totally discrediting him, and his diagnosis. The defense has ALT of damage control to do. I try to be positive regarding this, but I just can’t find a single thing this Dr has said today that helps at all. And tomorrow, ughhh…..it will go on some more and you cannot un-ring this bell.
Initially, the first few questions on cross before the break, I felt the dr was doing well. Then when everything you just mentioned happened, I felt for Jodi. the dr begain to look embarrassed! The book giving does cross the line. And in a case like this he should have thought about any actions he took in regards to her, and actually to any client. Even though it’s a mute point I’m wondering how did JM know about the book? Did someone at the jail report that to JM? Hopefully it wasn’t the defense team trying to make a point of her being suicidal.
And as I recall earlier, you accused other posters of trying to get Nurmi’s secretary fired, when we weren’t the ones coming on the Internet talking about a conversation with her in the first place.
Since when was this a laughing matter? Here is my response:
Don’t accuse others of mischaracterizing your statements, when you are taking pre-emptive strikes all the time. Just saying.
There is a test from 2010 …the one martinez is grilling him about however after this test which they knew were lies , the dr and Nurmi approached her and told her she must tell them the truth. Remember????
yeah, they r gonna have to redirect the dr. bak to other tests. he is literally red faced right now. nancy
graceless and jean c. r going bonkers.
Thank you for the reminder.
There is so much material here, it’s hard to keep track.
LOL@Martinez objecting to his own damn evidence. He’s the one who cut up the journal entries, then objects when Jennifer Willmott wants to use them.
Now that was priceless indeed!
Yes, too funny regarding the journals. JM brought up law of attraction again and again. The doctor is a psychologist. It’s just silly to think he can’t discuss JA’s thought processes and, as you have noted above, on XE he will draw on the doctor’s opinions on JA’s thought processes.
Lol I know.. what the hell is wrong with him??? Im starting to blv HE is the one with memory issues!!
He’s got the brain the same size as a frog,but I still think the frog is smarter.
Do we know when that second test was taken/administered?
I think its easy to answer the book issue. If I or any human being sees another in anguish or suffering, you do the best you can under the bounds you are within. If he wasn’t allowed to provide therapy, and his lawyer couldn’t get her therapy in jail, I don’t see the harm in a person giving her a book, so that maybe if she reads it she can get some comfort. I think that can be easily settled on redirect.
The real issue here lies in his diagnoses for PTSD. Now he can easily say that I looked at the test. I knew she was lying, but other symtoms made me diagnose PTSD. But I think he sort of cut himself off at the knees by volunteering that perhaps he should have administered the test again.
Let’s see what happens tomorrow.
He admitted he should have TWICE – that’s the real clincher.
Seems to me that when people are suspected of suffering from PTS, the doctor takes into account that memories might not be there, might be reconstructed, or might be delusions, or might be conscious lies to start with.
The interviews and the other test are what clears it up.
Like all true scientists, he was just too honest, should have spent more time with her, but obviously the State paid for only that much.
Well I am very sure that JM will get his come uppance when he goes to rebuttal if he uses his good doctor that does sentient psychology and has NEVER actually spoken with Jodi at all .If this doctor has never spoken to Jodi, how can she possibley attest to anything in a trial setting at all? As far as I am aware, she will be using Dr Samuels reports and putting her own twists on them . I still think it weird her laptop with files from this case was stolen!
. I do not know this to be absolute truth but often in cases a rebuttal witness has not seen or spoken with the defendant so I am assuming she has not.
What Martinez has done, has aggressively reframed the issue of Jodi’s mental state to only be categorized in two slots – deception or truth. But that wasn’t the point of the doctor’s testimony, the point was her state of mind, perception, and the symptoms she exhibited. Even if he readminstered the test, the results would be the same. She has PTSD regardless, his description of her symptoms aren’t limited to the story she told.
The doctor is honest to a fault. I can tell he takes things to heart, and is ready to admit when he doesn’t measure up. At most this cross examination shows he has a conscience. He is also compassionate enough to reach out to those who needs help, again, I don’t see how this is a problem. The book issue is ridiculous, One there is no way to administer therapy to someone through their lawyer and Two, a book does not cure anyone. A book is just a book, it’s not a pill. I don’t see how Martinez can scream about him crossing boundaries when he has none himself. Nor do I think it was appropriate for Martinez to throw up Jodi’s naked pictures to prove a point. And what point is that? To make him look like a dirty old man?
I feel bad for Dr. Samuels. He keeps getting screwed by angry people who harp on nonissues and technicalities.
Yup, I always agree with you, MB!!!
His sick for showing the pictures, I think he’s just made it a point to show every single person that take the stand, those pictures to embarrass jodi.
Didn’t he at one point say Arias’ lying was a symptom of the PTSD?
Yes, he did. Indeed, he did. The lying and disassociation is part of PTSD.
Jodi has this, no question.
I meant Her lawyer.
I predict that Dr. Samuels will retire, as soon as he gets off the stand. Time to call it a career, sir!
Remember in the beginning the defense made a big deal about how fast Samuels had to be to write his notes. Why add stuff? He added fiction of his own!
Arizona board of Psychology WILL BE PAYING HIM A VISIT…..VERY SOON!
Not good at all, tomorrow is another day to try to rehabilitate him, I hope they can.
Hey cool name Wilnott.
Except its off base and its spelled wrong, it should be Willnott – two “l’s”.
So, if you’re going to be a hate filled smart ass, at least do it right.
I have this funny feeling that you’re an imbecile.
Move along.
oh boy NOW the dr. is agreeing/bowing to lil marti…
but perhaps he’ll come across less biased?
It’ll be interesting to see what the jury asks him.
Hear the basket is already full of questions from the jurors for the Dr.
yes,I read that too.
I hope the basket’s really not filled up again with juror’s questions. It seems like this trial is just going on and on….hopefully it will be over by summer time! lol
hey, good point re: jury ?’s…
graceless thinx the dr’s a bum cos he’s looking thru his papers?! she does not stop at anything to hammer the defense.
hope the dr. can come back. all these lies keep rearing their ugly head. hopefully on close they can cut thru that.
If that was a boxing match between the doc and Martinez, it would have been stopped…although I have seen people get up off the canvas and come back to win in the later rounds. One can only hope.
All her crazy ass answers she gave on that test does not effect her diagnosis. It is actually part of the way PTSD is diagnosed…at least thats what I get from reading about how to administer this test. In the end I think Juan going to be made to look like an idiot!!
Yeah I see it that way too.
And didn’t he say he USED the test as a SECOND OPINION, anyway??? What about his 1st opinion, doee that not count?
He used it to confirm his diagnosis. That’s the way I understand it.
The doctor testified, I believe, that Jodi was not lying because she “just was lying” but because she was lying to herself because she didn’t want to admit what she did to herself, which is partially why he thought it was PTSD. ( I think that is what I understood)
I have a kind of confusing reply to this . . . I think lying on the test somewhat invalidates the test, BUT I also think it supports PTSD as he described it. So it is kind of a mixed bag. Yes, there are tests that psychologists use, but multiple choice questions are so limited that his experience should matter more.
I feel really bad for the old guy — he was just made into mincemeat, IMO 🙁
No, he wasn’t made into “mincemeat.” The lying shows that it is part of the PTSD; Samuels said so in his testimony.
We have differing opinions . . . he didn’t administer the test properly, he admits that he should have done the test again, so professionally I think he looks bad. He does seem like a nice, likable guy, but he admits he made mistakes and it sort of made him look like a bumbling old man.
Obviously this is perception, but that is what it looks like to me. He looks like he wasn’t prepared well. I think some folks here are disappointed with how today has gone, some are optimistic, and some are devastated. I don’t think anyone is wrong, we just all perceive things a bit differently.
gotta wait for defense redirect jury questions, before we REALLY get to judging dr. testimony, imo.
I am hoping that more than one juror asks why, when she had been diagnosed with PTSD, no one treated her for it in any way shape or form? That will look bad on the prosecutor and also on the jail and the Sherriff.
I myself don’t put much stock in the experts, though I do find them interesting. Whatever Samuels said, the prosecution’s expert was going to refute it anyway. Each side hires the people who will validate its arguments. I don’t think the verdict will hinge on Samuels being credible and it never was going to. It’s going to come down to whether the jury thinks the killing was pre-meditated, self-defense, or something in between.
Kira you hit the nail on the head…..
Nancy Grace just had someone in the courtroom report that the jurors are laughing during cross.
This is concerning. Are they even taking this seriously?
And why isn’t JM up for prosecutorial misconduct in regards to the emails from Tesoro? He withheld information and possibly allowed her to give false testimony. wth?
soliciting false testimony – agree.
what emails from Tesoro????? there were emails? I thought he just used her bank statements???
according to Nurmi’s latest motion there are emails.
If so, they should have been disclosed to the defense.
He made a stink about a power point presentation and now he’s withholding evidence.
I don’t get it
Unfortunately this is not misconduct. That is what a rebuttal case is for. Martinez would not have had any idea she would testify that she only had 2 gas cans. He had no reason to believe she would state that she returned the 2rd. Once she did, then Flores probably investigated it. That is the purpose of the rebuttal case.
*return the 3rd can
but once that happened he’s required to enter to the email into evidence and he didn’t
Are you guys saying it’s JM’s fault if she lied on the stand?
Whoa–you lost me on this one. How did he make her lie? I’m not seeing where he solicited any false testimony. He asked; she answered.
He didn’t disclose that he spoke to Walmart and Tesoro employees or give the physical evidence of the emails to the defense. “Would it surprise you Walmart has no record of a return of a gas can that day?”
Why didn’t he disclose the emails to the defense? He’s required to
I think, but I could be wrong, that you may be confusing discovery in the state’s Case in Chief. If I am wrong here someone please correct me. In the beginning the prosecutor is required to submit all evidence and vice versa. But, if he is only responding to things the defense brings into the case during direct testimony, like she returned the 3rd gas can, the state can subpoena or request information from another witness (Tesoro Walmart) without having to further disclose that to the defense. What the defense is doing is smart and is listening to the cross the state is doing and all its implications and subpoenaing either the same info the state got or getting the info the state wanted them to THINK they had. It is really interesting to watch all the legal back and forth that goes on. Some people might say why didn’t the defense subpoena records from Walmart Tesoro ahead of time if they knew her story, to be prepared, but if they did that then they would have had to release those records to the state, possibly tipping the state off to their strategy.
The motion (Nurmi’s) clearly states that JM already had these email on hand…
This motion is necessitated by the fact that the State did not fulfill its obligation to disclose these items in advance of trial…
The State asserted that it had records from Walmart in Salinas California. These records have not been disclosed….
On March 8, 2013, the State disclosed an email sent to them from a representative from Tersoro. The contents of this email indicate that the Tesoro conducted a records check of…..results indicate that all three purchases were for gasoline. The records that support this claim have not been disclosed.
Ms. Arias will address the egregious nature of the conduct that the State has chosen to engage in other proceedings but for now simply asks that the court cure this error and order that the records be disclosed…..”
To me Nurmi is thinking the same as me.
Arizona law (according to the motion) says that the State is required to disclose everything no later than 30 days before trial.
‘Cause you can trust anything Nancy Grace has to say? She twists truths even more than Martinez does… it seems to be the way prosecutors operate.
I wasn’t her it was someone in the courtroom that said it on her show
Martinez is rude and disrespectful to every defense witness and the jury can see it. Hopefully the jury is not full of people who are in the habit of abusing others and delight in watching dehumanizing hate shows. Have faith.
Geeze, no matter what test he used, she would still have PTSD – just look at the crime scene photos.
She was not diagnosed purely based on this test. The Milan 179 question test and his visits with her led him to believe she had PTSD. It also doesn’t change self defense.
PTSD happened after — it doesn’t impact her guilt.
Absolutely! I agree!
i agree too.
I dont believe anything HLN says about anything especially the jurors…
What’s the scoop with the emails from Tesoro? Can someone catch us up on that please?
By the way folks, what’s going on with this doctor is what happens to most expert witnesses. They got torn up by the opposition. I think somewhere along the line the defense is going to tear up Kevin Horn on the bullet matter (at least I hope). They’ve already cast doubts on some of Flores’ truthfulness.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the defense made the same sort of idiot out of the prosecutions witness.
I belong to a scientific profession, and we have a saying in our business: “Those who do, do it, those who can’t do it, teach it, and those who can’t teach it become Government consultants.” Looks like that true with these expert witnesses as well.
He wasn’t “torn up.” Martinez muddied the waters, which that is what he is supposed to do. He didn’t succeed in impeaching this witness, and any muddying of the waters will be taken care of by the defense in redirect.
I hope so tonysam, I hope so.
In my book, when a professional states that he relied on a test to confirm his diagnosis, and is then forced to confirm, that the test should probably have been done again, then in as far as the confirmation from that test is concerned it is null and void. Maybe I’m over thinking this, but that is what my training as a scientist says.
Now, that is not to say, that there are no other factors that lead to the same confirmation, and so making rerunning the one invalid test moot. However, if so then that must be brought out.
So, it is quite possible, that a valid answer lies in something the Dr mentioned earlier. He said that he originally based his diagnosis of PTSD on the Millon test and used the PTSD test as a confirmation test. Well, obviously he has himself acknowledged in an implicit manner that the results of the PTSD test were invalid and he should probably have re-run that test. However, it is entirely valid for him to argue that even though he probably should have, he didn’t need to because other observations whether qualitative or empirical led him to a diagnosis of PTSD.
However, if that is the case JW needs to carefully bring that out. As it stands right now, there is a lapse and that counts as being torn up.
Thanks, yes, that’s how I interpreted his answer too. The more testing the better, just to confirm again.
Perhaps also he would also have spent more time on re-tests if the State had spent more for Jodi.
Sort like the quote about statistics: there are lies, damn lies, and there are statistics!
Al–re:the email
Jodi had 2 gas receipts from Tesoro in Salt Lake City, but there were 3 Tesoro charges on her card. JM asked her why she bought that much gas, trying to imply she had 3 gas cans. Jodi either denied it or couldn’t remember (ha–I can’t remember that exactly). Now JM has an email & witness that says there were 3 gas purchased & Nurmi filed a motion about them. Not sure if they had the hearing about them yet.
Thanks for the update.
Actually if I remember correctly I don’t think JM ever asked her directly if the third purchase was for gas. I think he laid out this hypothetical about $19.65 accounting for 5.09 gallons of gas at the going rate and her answer was , “Well if the math is correct I guess”. I remember wondering at the time why he didn’t just ask her what the $19.65 was for. Of course he may have and I just missed it. But I think he was saving the answer for later. I remember commenting about it at that time.
Which is why we all got into the argument of where the money could have gone, because he never asked her. And then there was all the speculation of when those charges were actually made since the bank statement was not in chronological order.
So if he does in fact have evidence of the fact that the 3rd purchase was for gas the reason Nurmi et al need to know it. So they can address it. I bet the reason JM doesn’t want to disclose it is because it’s either a different date r something else.
He can always not use it, but if he has the info he must disclose it, even if it was acquired after the case in chief. The prosecutorial misconduct would arise if he has the info and doesn’t disclose it, regardless of whether or not it is exculpatory.
” Now JM has an email & witness that says there were 3 gas purchased ”
Oh now we all know how that email went. Kermit told them the three transactions were from the same time of day on the same day, even though he doesn’t know what day or time of day the $19.65 transaction was from..(which sounds like too even of a number for gas…sounds like an oil change or tire repair to me.)
Kermit said “so these three are all for gas, right?”
Tesoro person: “right”
What!??? I missed that somehow, and I watched ALL day! Thats 3rd gas can line of questioning went on FOREVER….between him accusing her of buying gas (by the receipt and the bank statement) on the same night/morning, and her saying she returned that can and only had 2 while in SLC. And now he has an email showing 3 gas purchases at Tesero!? Ughh. When he was taunting her last week, saying, “would it surprise you to know that Walmart has no record of a return”….I kept thinking, oh shit he has something he isn’t telling……but then everyone said he was bluffing, and I thought, “well, he hasn’t brought it up again”. This could be a big problem for the defense, if that receipt shows ALL gas purchases at that station on the same day and time. That amount of gas does not fit in her tank and 2 cans. I just feel sick about this email thing…..maybe that is why he didnt actually SAY, “Walmart has no record”….but said it in a question format. Maybe he was waiting to get records form Tesero. If he does put this in evidence, email, receipt whatever, then yes, Nurmi has a right to know it. Ughhh….this day (for me) has not been a good one at all. What in the world can Nurmi do if this email does show that was all gas? sad. depressed.
I see a big problem if Martinez called Walmart asking for a record of a returned gas can on the date in question when the receipt for it clearly states it was a Kero can, not the same thing!
Very true Debbie that would be great for the defense. But I was talking about this Tesero gas receipt showing all gas purchases for that day. I don’t know if he has that, I’m going by another person here who mentioned that he did and that Nurmi asked for a ruling on it. As of yet, I haven’t heard any talk about this receipt nor do I know if its in evidence or if he even has it. It would be a big deal if so, as the amount of gas purchased would not fit in her tank and 2 cans. (Talking a out the 19. Amount on her bank statement for same day) Hoping its just a rumor and he has no info from Tesero
Well said, Al.
Well, this seeming debacle w/the good doc seems to hv the entire ‘cast’ of HLN and the ‘Sunshine’ band truely ecstatic, almost rubbing their hands together gleefully. Crap!
It wasn’t a “debacle” except on the part of JM.
That’s why I sais ‘seeming, 🙂
I meant said not sais – where’s my spell check when I need it…
You know…I could really use some help educating the haters on facebook..I converted several today! .I know some of you may be on there…and I understand the reluctance..but…..remember…
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke (allegedly)
OT that flower on that facebook page is amazing 🙂 do you know what kind it is??
I don’t know what it’s called…it just showed up in my yard one day! Like a lot of my flowers and other things do, ha! But thank you…maybe I’ll try to find out what it’s called one day!:)
Wow.. Maggie you are right and I forgot about those words (which I have heard before). I was actually happy that each time I have went over to the hater side – a couple times there were responses from people actually asking “where is that link” or “who is Ashley” proving that there are some who are questioning. And it is true that if even just one person has their eyes opened and sees the truth of our judicial system, the hatred towards victims or the reality of the lies of the media; then it has been a good day Thank you for the reminder.
My pleasure, cindyp….thanks for the support…oh yes, we ARE making a difference, I have no doubt!
Where are you chatting on FB?
I sent you a friend request.
I bet the jury is laughing alright , they are laughing at Juan! All my employees think he is an ass and none are following the trial…!
I have to get updates here too cuz I can’t take JM’s smarmy antics. I missed most of the docs testimony today but I see here he flubbed up by not re-administering the PTSD test after the truth came out. Hopefully, that does not change the fact, in the jury’s minds, that her memory was affected by the horrors of that day and that by now they are so annoyed by Kermit that they discredit anything else that comes out of HIS mouth. Despite JM having what seems like ‘good day’ I am embarrassed for him, for the State and, heck, even for his family if this is considered appropriate behavior by a prosecutor. Yelling, clapping, misstating, badgering. Enough already!!
Martinez has it all wrong… again. First, Dr Samuels does NOT treat, he already said so. Second, just talking to someone does not mean he is treating them. I listen to all kinds of problems from people, does that mean I’m a freakin’ therapist? No it does not. For heaven sakes!
Sending a card is not treating someone’s mental illness. If that’s the case we’d all be therapists, what with all the Christmas cards, happy birthday cards, ect.
We should start calling each other Dr. lol
Yea now, we’re eachothers therapists!!!!
Who will be the patient first? haha
I caught the end…was Kermit trying to say Dr. Samuels was sending a card to Jodi? Kermit is a piece of shit..
yes.He actually used the word ”BIASED” !
Right, as if he’s not? lol
I meant Martinez so nobody gets confused…
I HOPE the defense says, ooops wait a minute, he must not have been far to biased since he has said about three times that he probably should have re-administered a test. I certainly would not call that biased. He would not have made that mistake.
Yea he was AGAIN mischaracterizing. Nurmi said the card was for HIM not for Jodi. Im surprised Martinez didnt bring the cards into evidence! !! What a scumbag, I cant blv he’s trying SO hard to discredit this Dr.
Yes if the cards were for Jodi, why wouldn’t he be waving them around in front of the judge?
I think Nurmi sent the card. No?
Yes. And I agree with your assessment, this is low even for Martinez.
Dr. MB, the lil man is desperate.
And from what I heard, the card was for Nurmi, not for JA
Okay, I haven’t had time to catch up on all the comments since I left work … but before you all lose your panties … here’s how the Mayo Clinic says PTSD is diagnosed (which is also the way the DSM IV says it’s diagnosed):
Criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder to be diagnosed include:
You experienced or witnessed an event that involved death or serious injury, or the threat of death or serious injury
Your response to the event involved intense fear, horror or a sense of helplessness
You relive experiences of the event, such as having distressing images and memories, upsetting dreams, flashbacks or even physical reactions
You try to avoid situations or things that remind you of the traumatic event or feel a sense of emotional numbness
You feel as if you’re constantly on guard or alert for signs of danger, which may make it difficult to sleep or concentrate
Your symptoms last longer than one month
The symptoms cause significant distress in your life or interfere with your ability to go about your normal daily tasks
You don’t need to do these tests. This will be very easy for JW to rehabilitate him on!!!!
I have been diagnosed with PTSD. First, my therapist (a social worker with special education for therapy) diagnosed me. Then, a psychiatrist I was sent to to see if I needed medication agreed. Then, a different therapist (a Ph.D.) also diagnosed me. I never had ANY stinking tests to take. It was ALL based on my symptoms.
Everyone breathe!!!!
And just in case you all STILL don’t believe me, here’s what the National Center for PTSD says:
Diagnostic criteria for PTSD include a history of exposure to a traumatic event meeting two criteria and symptoms from each of three symptom clusters: intrusive recollections, avoidant/numbing symptoms, and hyper-arousal symptoms. A fifth criterion concerns duration of symptoms and a sixth assesses functioning.
Criterion A: stressor
The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which both of the following have been present:
The person has experienced, witnessed, or been confronted with an event or events that involve actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of oneself or others.
The person’s response involved intense fear,helplessness, or horror. Note: in children, it may be expressed instead by disorganized or agitated behavior.
Criterion B: intrusive recollection
The traumatic event is persistently re-experienced in at least one of the following ways:
Recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, including images, thoughts, or perceptions. Note: in young children, repetitive play may occur in which themes or aspects of the trauma are expressed.
Recurrent distressing dreams of the event. Note: in children, there may be frightening dreams without recognizable content
Acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recurring (includes a sense of reliving the experience, illusions, hallucinations, and dissociative flashback episodes,including those that occur upon awakening or when intoxicated). Note: in children, trauma-specific reenactment may occur.
Intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event.
Physiologic reactivity upon exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event
Criterion C: avoidant/numbing
Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma and numbing of general responsiveness (not present before the trauma), as indicated by at least three of the following:
Efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the trauma
Efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that arouse recollections of the trauma
Inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma
Markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities
Feeling of detachment or estrangement from others
Restricted range of affect (e.g., unable to have loving feelings)
Sense of foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect to have a career, marriage, children, or a normal life span)
Criterion D: hyper-arousal
Persistent symptoms of increasing arousal (not present before the trauma), indicated by at least two of the following:
Difficulty falling or staying asleep
Irritability or outbursts of anger
Difficulty concentrating
Exaggerated startle response
Criterion E: duration
Duration of the disturbance (symptoms in B, C, and D) is more than one month.
Criterion F: functional significance
The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
Specify if:
Acute: if duration of symptoms is less than three months
Chronic: if duration of symptoms is three months or more
Specify if:
With or Without delay onset: Onset of symptoms at least six months after the stressor
American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (Revised 4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Thanks for the info Also Abused!! The trauma was real…just the story was different, so I don’t think it’s a big deal he didn’t re administer the test…I do not believe it would have changed the result.
hopefully they will clarify just that on redirect.
Also Abused …you always come through ….. thanks. Anyone who knows someone who has PTSD knows it is not only the vet’s that can have it. Another one of NG’s asshole comparisons.
Ans I just asked my husband, the military doesnt even use a paper test to diagnose ptsd. Well they didnt on him and his usmc.
EXACTLY! I’d NEVER heard of a paper test before Dr. Samuels. Easy to rehabilitate:
JW: “Dr. Samuels, how does the DSM suggest diagnosing PTSD?”
Dr. Samuels: “By having a combination of symptoms you observe from the following: {cites list}.”
JW: “And which of these did Jodi have?”
Dr. Samuels: “Blah from A, Blah blah blah from B, Blah blah blah blah from C.”
JW: “And how long did she have these symptoms?”
Dr. Samuels: “Well it was X date when I first assessed her and she had them then. And it was Y date when I last assessed her and she still had them. And the event that triggered them was A date which was way back in 2008. So, I’d say she’s had them for 4.5 years.”
JW: “And again, doctor, just to clarify. Did you need to administer these paper tests in order to diagnose her?”
Dr. Samuels: “No, the DSM specifies observations of the symptoms.”
JW: “So why even administer the paper tests?”
Dr. Samuels: “Well, I’d heard about Kermit Fartinez and thought he’d tear me up if I didn’t have more than my 38 years of clinical observations and training to rely on. Of course, I had no idea what a tyrant he would really be. And I’m pretty sure I’m now going to have PTSD myself because at one point, I was in fear for my life from his cross examination.”
Thanks for making me laugh. That cross had my very upset.
Thanx, Also.
I think, even though he is an expert witness, that lawyers don’t usually display such a vile behavior as implying that he cheats on his testing by using a pencil and taking notes.
He also mentioned before that usually he testifies for both sides of a trial, even in the next AZ county.
LC…the vet’s today that are coming home are evaluated for it. Much has changed in the last 30dy years. It’s not just a vet’s disorder any longer.
JS I believe you! You go girl keep up the fight. Could say more if you need me please Email. Let me know. The voice of wisdom and experience JS. Love Libra.
I wasn’t able to watch the rest of the testimony, so I’m trying to glean as much info from these posts about the testimony re: the PTSD testing. My thoughts are, that even if one test was not done in the best manner, it does not diminish the rest of the Drs. testimony and experience.
I won’t go on and on again about how I’m an average American that could be on this jury…..but I think Jurors will look at his testimony as a whole and not rely on the issue of one test.
Someone who is a regular here, feel free to correct me, if I am off base. I will only trust certain responses here, so the non regulars need not respond please.
See my posts right above yours.
Also, since we’ve just been through 2 wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) in the last freaking 12 years, and since many of the jurors are older and may have lived through 2 other wars (Gulf and Vietnam) what do you think the chances are that someone on that jury doesn’t know someone, or have someone in their family, that has had PTSD? And seeing as the diagnostic criteria for PTSD does NOT include any of those tests, but groupings of symptoms from the lists I just posted, do you think they will rule OUT PTSD for Jodi? I doubt it.
Thanks Also. Again our posting were happening at the same time, so I did see yours after I finished
TR, not sure if SJ put it up yet but you can watch both parts here:
I have faith mrs wilmot will come back strong, she knows what shes doing and she knows how to play with Martinez.
Thanks LC. Will do.
TR, ur right overall. the defense has to clear up the dr. opinion. it wavered off base a bit. u didn’t miss much. we’ll kno more re: jury when we hear their questions. as some ppl mentioned here “prob. weren’t enuf defense funds for more in depth testing, etc.” (paraphrase).
and the doctor buying jodi a book IS sympathetic, but may look like conflict of interest to jury.
hope i helped u a lil…
yes you helped Frank Thanks
p.s. I’m not being snarky to new people here, just sometimes it takes me a while to figure out if someone new here is a poser or not.
A diagnosis is more than just a test too..I don’t feel this would invalidate everything if I were on the jury. so her answer to one question might have changed…the person who it was regarding, not the trauma involved in it.
I’m sure on redirect the dr will be able to clear it up.
Just because the test was administered at one point versus another does not change the diagnosis.
I thought so too, that robotic stare between phrases
TR- You stated what I wrote this morning..3/19.
I cant find your post cindy…sorry
I think Dr.Samuel’s did very well and Martinez came off as twisting facts. in another Trial The Jury Foreman did not Like Juan Martinez adding things at closing argument. The fact is Dr .Samuel’s was aware of the change in story. he discussed this at length and Martinez exposed himself as not being interested in Justice very rude. Dr. Samuel’s was excellent.Martinez is not likable or credible & Samuel’s is.
I agree, Oliverio! Juan Martinez is way over the top. Additionally, his goal is to make Jodi’s witnesses and experts look very bad; it is not to get to the truth.
Yes I thought the same.
I agree Oliv
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i guess the only way a “proud rapist”, and a man who readily admits firsthand that a “12 year old girls first orgasm is HOT”, etc. gets sympathy from tv heads is when they r killed?
boy, graceless, drew, and their cohorts can twist logic or what?!
very odd to me…
very odd to most of us Frank. These frauds are laughing all the way to the bank because there are a lot of people who cannot think logically and follow the BS
Dr is not playing Martinez’s game, good for him!
I can’t help but laugh. Kermit gets soooo flabbergasted.
Now Kermit is trying to what? Allege the good doc had the hots for Jodi?
I Know! Give me a break? He sent her a “Gift”…you might think he sent her a box of chocolates and a dozen roses.
What bothers me most about this whole argument is that someone cannot perform a small act of human kindness (in this case, send someone a $9 book) without having his motives questioned, ridiculed and smeared. My father was a criminal defense attorney. Although he wanted to make a living like anyone else, I have known him to bring a defendant into our home and even provide her clothes for court. Another client went to prison for murder, leaving an 18-year-old son to fend for himself. My father brought the boy home – and raised him as his own. I shudder to think what Mr. Martinez or Nancy Grace or Jane “the daughter of a dancer and a former alcoholic” Valez-Mitchell would say about HIS ethics.
That’s right Dr Samuel, you can’t treat a patient THROUGH their lawyer.
“I’m not asking if you conducted therapy”
BULLSHIT That’s the whole point of the cross
He’s also trying to make him into an unethical psychologist by buying her a “gift,” plus trying to twist his words into saying it is “therapy.”
I definitely think she has PTSD, but I am confused about something. I see where PTSD would make sense to her lying after Travis was killed, but it doesn’t go to the self-defense at all. Is that what the next professional is coming in to talk about?
Alyce LaViolette will speak about the effects of domestic abuse. If you haven’t yet seen her C.V., it’s worth looking at. It’s very impressive: http://www.alycelaviolette.com/Alyce-LaViolette-cv.pdf
She is awesome.
It does not make her necessarily consciously lying, but filling the memory void with fabricated memories.
If she were consciously lying and using all her brain power for it, she could have come up with a much more believable story.
Oooh Thanks Martinez! I now know that books are magical treatments, one must wonder why they keep handing out pills.
Maybe they should have books with SAMPLE pills in them.
Sales would sky rocket!
There’d be at least once case of bowel obstruction, from Martinez trying to eat the book. 🙂
Hooollly sh!t! Is this really the best person the state could get to prosecute this case? He looks like a blithering idiot! He’s been completely disrespectful to a well esteemed Dr. in his field. If the jury had any question before today that JM was an a$$hole they have no doubts now.
Whether or not the defense intended to do this or not I don’t know but it’s BRILLIANT. Using his reckless style against him.
Dr drew is a freaking dumb ass!!! He and JM need to just stfu!
He is an Ass with a capital ASS!!
Dr. Drew only has 3 ratings on “Rate MDs.com.” I was hoping for some nasty stuff. Have you ever watched any of his Loveline Youtube videos? Scatological humor. That stopped being funny when I stopped wearing diapers.
Just caught a glimpse of Dr Drew’s juror doing the suck face, eyebrow lift expression as if Martinez is making a valid point.
I don’t think pens are allowed in jail, Martinez. So yeah, if she used a pencil that’s probably why.
I was going to say that. Aren’t pens prevented because of the ink and sharp tips?
I’m not sure exactly, but that would make sense. Jodi can only pursue her art with colored pencils, so I’m guessing that is the case.
I am so tired of watching this biased commentary by HLN….One thing great today was that NAncy had More Defense Attorneys then usual on the show; she was still up to her antics, but I sensed her commentary antics to be a little more controlled in which the way she allowed the opposing commentary from the Defense; I am wondering with the complaints she is receiving from people who watches Nancy on her show and the antics she display maybe her superiors are telling her maybe to tone it down a little (I Hope for Jodi’s Case). I sent HLN a long “Letter” stating common complaints from people who felt that HLN were prejudicial and bias in their reporting of information, and the information that HLN were reporting was not accurate and that Jodi Arias should be “Presumed Innocent” until being found guilty and the commentary being reported was prejudicial to Jodi’s defense to receive a fair trial and the commentary to the public suggest that she is guilty without an jury verdict. Everyone needs to filed complaints against HLN…
I sent a comment (not the first – doubt it will be the last) chiding her for her constant claims that there has never been another hint of pedophilia on Travis Alexander’s part – and referred her to the Myspace screen captures on this site. When I watch her spew her filth and venom, I feel massive waves of pity for those “twins.”
Nancy Grace says what she really loves about what she does is she “gets to make a difference”. Talk about duplicity!!! SMH 🙁 . BTW, Jose Baez is on “After Dark” raising some interesting points tonight.
I’m watching SD… It’s definently interesting
It is, Ginger. I’m just so glad to finally see another point of view being allowed. Seems like those that side with the prosecution have the monopoly on that station.
HLN After dark… Jose Biaz is on there … They made a recreation of the ‘crime scene’… Jose just pretty much served Vinny Politan… Good for Jose. And he just pointed out how HLN is WRONG on there ‘scenario’… I despise Vinny Politan, he’s such an ass
Jose Baez probably wants to pay HLN back big time for the abhorrent way that they treated him during Casey’s trial. They tore him to shreds night after night and attacked him from all angles….but who had the last laugh?
Mr. Baez is acting like a perfect gentleman. I wouldn’t expect less from him.
Or Mr. Nurmi.
Wait and see. 🙂
I concur :-).
Same same. Both he and Ryan Smith take themselves way too seriously for this joke of a show. And the poll? Don’t make me laugh. It’s not like they are appealing to a broad audience to make the numbers an interesting part of the show. OF COURSE it’s going to be skewed pro-prosecution style.
The prosecution hasn’t proved premeditated murder. That’s good enough for me and hopefully for the jury as well.
From your lips…….:) I certainly hope the jury sees it that way too. I think when we hear some more of their questions we will be able to gauge things a little more. This whole new Tesero receipt thing Im just hearing about, has me concerned.
Yes, Jose Biaz has proved what I thought all the long, and that is, Jodi Arias is “Innocent”. Jose Baez stated: ” Jodi Arias maybe a “Liar” but the the” physical evidence” say otherwise…
I agree and 2 jurors found TR guilty of at least attacking Jodi. That is all they need. Bottom line I still believe that they have not proven premeditation which IMO is one of the biggest keys in this trial. There is still too much reasonable doubt around whether she planned it. She has already admitted to killing him but I still do not think the DA has proven his case of premeditation.
Kmiller or LC
(non-conspiracy theorists need not answer if you so choose, if you are going to be negative, please stuff it down, thanks)
Does that mean that Jodi believed the intruder story up to the point where two people who had shown interest in her well being (the dr and nurmi) told her they didn’t believe her and that she needs to tell the truth?
Know what would be really ironic? If the intruder story was found true down the line, but Jodi had to lie and changer her story because nobody wanted to believe the truth.
It is easier to believe a lie than the truth. Sigh.
But, considering the PTSD diagnosis, it is more likely that Jodi’s mind was protecting her (this is possible, this is the cause of psychogenic amnesia, a person forgetting the traumatic event. It is their body’s way of protecting them from going insane). Anyway, it is likely this story was something her mind produced to fill in the gaps, and as a defense mechanism because of the horror of what happened. Her not wanting to think she was capable of something so horrible.
It is why she behaved like a child in that video – the headstand, the singing. Even during the interview with Flores, the interviews on TV. She was very child-like.
All the media sites keep saying this was calculated and she is intelligent, deceptive. Honestly, that is ludicrous. If she really went to all the trouble to execute such a horrific act as the prosecution proposed (i.e the gas cans, not leaving a trace, blah blah), she would not be dumb enough to leave DNA behind, she would not be dumb enough to leave the memory card to the camera behind, and she most certainly not be dumb enough to call the detective up many times and try to offer her help (that does not sound like someone who does not want to get caught. It sounds like someone who truly believed she was not involved).
“Know what would be really ironic? If the intruder story was found true down the line, but Jodi had to lie and changer her story because nobody wanted to believe the truth.”
This is what I think will eventually happen. Im just hoping and praying that it won’t be too late. There has been people executed and thdn to find out ltr that the person was innocent. SAD!!
Re your post, March 18, 2012 11:15 PM ref. the “Intruder story”:
After my reading about the signature elements of Ericksonian Hypnotism on Wikipedia, I have not been able to shake off the “sense of knowledge” that hypnotism is part of the tool kit utilized by ALL cult-like groups to control their members/victims.
Without convincing evidence to the contrary, YES, I will continue to BELIEVE that Jodi was the victim of hypnotic memory change in that she will not really remember, or talk about as real, the two Ninja persona, thus rendering her discredited and a lier.
Further, I believe it is POSSIBLE that post hypnotic suggestion is responsible for the whole collection of seemingly irrational “actions” that she carried out both before and after Travis was killed.
Please read Juan Martinez’s Arizona case involving the mormon (hypnotized?) “sleep-walker” murder.
There are many elements similar to Jodi’s case.
Juan Martinez prosecuted two or three more cases of murder in Arizona involving mormon couples plus the male’s business income source. “Scott Falater” is the case I linked above.
In the write-up, Scott Falater is accused, Juan Martinez style, of the “obvious premeditation” of: “Hiding” the bloody clothes and knife in the hatchback of his car. If that is “HIDING,” by a rational individual, then I am Kermit the Frog! Call the magic fairy to break the spell I am under!
I think its a little more complex than “Jodi believed”. As the good Dr testified, and I’ve actually read this else where people in that situation create a sort of tale to mentally cover up the true event. I actually read that sometimes its almost like a coping mechanism that the brain goes through for protecting itself from an absolute horror. Once the “tale” is concocted the person, subconsciously, believes it is the truth. It takes a very deft hand to actually turn it around, or sometimes it’s some other external stimulus that turns it around. So to her this was the truth.
Much as the Dr may want to deny it, I believe his presence did in fact provide some well needed therapy. Nurmi had probably been at her about this for over a year. Flores told her many times they knew it wasn’t true. But it took a few visits from the Doc to bring about the reality.
Here’s the strange level to which this arises. She was disclaiming the event, yet planning suicide.
It’s really out there, but I have heard of this before.
Good for you bringing this theory to light, that Jodi’s natural defense mechanism set her up to seem to be lying. But her own INTENTIONS are in good faith. She is not a liar in the malicious sense, in my book.
This poor idealistic, mystical Jodi woman is technically and legally supposed to viewed as innocent, at least until there is a verdict. How is is possible for a “Christian nation” to be permitted to breach all codes of personal privacy? Her most intimate thoughts, actions, and answers to psychological tests are being broadcast to the ENTIRE WORLD.
This is completely unnecessary. The only benefit in having public trials is for the public to witness and object to abuses by the criminal system. But that is not even a possibility. The government is shameless, and people like Jodi are put in stocks in the public square for object lessons to keep the public docile, lest they be next. I know that this whole business has really scared me!
This reminds me of the last scene in the stage musical, “PIPPIN,” when the two lead characters are left standing in front of an audience, having been stripped down to nothing but their underwear (today they would be nude) totally exposed and stripped of all semblance of privacy.
BeeCee, im not sure what you mean:(non-conspiracy theorists need not answer if you so choose, if you are going to be negative, please stuff it down, thanks)
Am I being negative? ?? Was I negative today or is this a JK remark???
Well to answer that. No…. I think she got tired and discouraged and realized that noone was blv her so she had to come up with yet ANOTHER explanation. (I HOPE that wasnt rude).
LC, I dont think BeeCee taking a stab at anyone specific.
I think they were just trying to have a conversation about their beliefs on the intruder story (or conspiracy theory) and only wanted to dicuss with others who were thinking along that line.
Lots of people were being negative today.
I’m not taking names just avoiding those posts at this point.
I could be wrong, maybe I misinterpreted?
Idk…but im one of the ones that blv in the intruders story but I dont think I wzs rude to anyone other then that “caligirl” and that’s because she called US ALL stupid. Oh well…
No, BeeCee is saying they believe the intruder story too.
Or is at least considering it.
They said, “NON-conspiracy theorists need not answer…”
But seemed to even open the converstaion to NON-conspiracy theorist AS LONG as they werent NEGATIVE.
Oh, no, no. I believe BeeCee believes some of the conspiracy theories are plausible. That is why they said, “non-conspiracy theorists needs not answer if you choose”
I think they were saying, don’t be negative. Some alternate theories could be possible, so don’t knock someone down for believing them.
Yes, I think it is possible that the ‘2 intruders’ story could be based on flashes of a real memory, which would make the story of only her and Travis there a fabrication like you said from being pressured to believe it.
There are still so many unanswered questions about all the discrepancies in what really happened that week, and about all the suspicious characters involved.
So I leave room for doubts about her being the sole participant, but I can also try to view the life and death struggle as something that happened solely between the two of them.
Both versions are possible. To decide which is more probable needs more investigation into the nest of vipers who got her into this at the first place.
LC- I think your theory has merit. So much shady stuff with the “friends” , the jealous husband etc. that one cannot totally dismiss the idea that other’s were involved.
No LC you are not being negative 🙂 I had been tired of Caligirl’s inserting herself into conversations that she had so much trouble understanging. There are a few other non/regulars who do it too…
M and NK are right, I really just wanted to have a conversation with people who are more open to that kind of direction and really not interested in hearing why it’s not the case, because I already understand all that too…I really do.
It would be crazy if it came out down the line that the intruder story was the true one. To me that would also explain how the clean up was so bad.
Yes, viri, I do think they are both plausible.
Oh ok. Thanks BeeCee… I woke up thinking about this, I didnt want to be in bad standing with anyone here. I like everyone , (except that caligirl) I had been watching her comments for a while, I felt it before she even came out that she was full of shit. There’s someone else too, that has a negative comment to make every time. And it ok for people to disagree and have there own opinions but its sometimes else when someone always comes back to your comments with a rude and negative comeback, anyway, ill keep who this person is to myself (maybe they’ll show thrre true colors soon too). Ok…. cool. Thank : ))
Actually, thats why the negativity makes me angry.
Its infectious and leads others (who havent even watched, no offense) to believe something worrisome happened.
Thank goddness there are more than one juror.
Need to clarify; thank goodness there are more than one juror.
Because with there being more than one, at least one of them has to be seeing this from a logical perspective? Taking in all the evidence (and total lack of evidence on the pros. side) and applying it to the situation in a whole?
surely….that is what I hope.
This is completely off topic y’all, but I would like to apologize in advance for any weird or confusing posts I may post on Friday! I am getting a tonsillectomy that day, and apparently, I will not be able to remember most of what happens that day due to the aftereffects of the anesthesia. I have a feeling I will be reading and commenting even if I end up having no recollection of it!
No problem NK hope all goes well on Friday
Good luck!!
Amelia, not everyone felt that way. I commented that I blv you call. I aslo blv you did get a response. With all these people probably call the office though, I think it would be hard to go by what the phone person is having to say to the callers. Maybe that’s what they ment. Today has been a stressful day, I know.
Wow, Amelia, and you talk about other people bullying you? Every time someone even so much as disagrees with you, you fly off the handle accusing them of things. And right here, you’re making an entirely different thread just to attack me for defending Oliviero. Like this hasn’t happened to me before.
You can think what you want, but Oliviero has a right to think what they want too. And they have the employment experience to back up their opinion. It’s not MY problem that this upsets you so much, so I would appreciate it if you didn’t take your rage out on me.
At the end of the day, when all is said and done, Oliviero wasn’t the one who brought the conversation up on the boards. YOU did. Oliviero may think she deserves to lose her job, that doesn’t mean Nurmi is going to agree. But I don’t think you have a right to accuse Oliviero of getting someone fired when you were the one posting the conversation for the entire world to see in the first place:
“And why should she get fired for commentary on Gus? Are they there to defend GUS or Jodi? If she loses her job because of you I think that really sucks.”
Look at your words: “Because of you.”
So let me ask you – what responsibility are you willing to take on this? Are you willing to take ANY responsibility if the pro-pros get their hands on your bit of info and spread it like it’s gospel; or if Nurmi’s office is going to get flooded with phone calls, choking out any viable information that might be pertinent to the case?
Most of all – if this secretary gets in trouble, are you willing to take ANY responsibility for talking about this conversation without her permission, or Nurmi’s permission?
Guys, come on. We are on the same side here! Jodi Arias is innocent! Let’s stick to that 😉 The number of conversations that are going on back and forth on this site is enough to confuse anyone at times. We all still believe she is innocent.
The prosecution played dirty. They are trying to win this case by whatever means possible. That doesn’t mean Willmott isn’t going to be able to fix this!
Remember, if anyone listened to it, Vladimir Gagic already said that JM has a tendency to not ask certain, clear, direct questions because he is afraid of the answer, and afraid Jodi will look good. He did this with Jodi! This is why he shouts, double talks, and talks in circles, i..e “that’s not what I asked, what I’m asking is……”
I am not accusing you of being a Liar I am questioning the validity of information that comes from the person on the other end of the phone. Since it is HIGHLY unethical for a person in that type of position to give out any information. But to be honest, I do not see why you would call, Nurmi interviewed this Gus person and used his judgement as to what would help Jodi Arias, I think it is crossing boundaries to call the Nurmi’s Office without consulting those involved with Jodi Arias. But as to the person on the other end, that’s debatable whether she has any information regarding this case. She most likely answers Phones since Lawyers do not pick up their own phones.
If I was Jodi Arias Lawyer and someone gave information regarding this case and spoke to media or anyone, I would fire them. This is a high profile case a Death Penalty Case. That information is not available.
OK Oliveiro,
Thank you for the clarification. I just made a post before I saw your post and I appreciate your civil way of telling me where you stand. I don’t know what you mean though by my calling Nurmi’s office was crossing the line “before consulting those involved with Jodi Arias”? What does that mean.? Who should I have consulted first before calling Nurmi’s office? I know Kirk Nurmi has interviewed Gus, but this past Friday Gus really made a much stronger point about the fact that there were witnesses that had not come forward due to being afraid. Some folks think they (Nurmi’s office) monitors social media and some don’t because they are far too busy. I was pissed, that is all I can say about Gus Searcy seemingly just saying “Oh well, they just don’t want to get involved, so they won’t because they think she’s guilty so what does it matter”? Given where we are at in the trial, I think independent witnesses are critical for Jodi and I think cavalier attitudes are just unacceptable. So my point in calling was, it certainly could not hurt. That’s it. I posted that Saturday here and provided an interesting update as we have been going back and forth with this phonecall Gus claims he got by Jodi. She answered me so I passed it on. Whats wrong with that? It doesn’t hurt Jodi at all. It may make Gus look a bit stupid but I am not here for Gus I am here for Jodi.
I understand why you did it you want to protect Jodi Arias, and In fact I can be wrong because maybe they don’t have information they should have, as demonstrated today. I think this case is very strange & I do not understand why Nurmi would not be aware of Gus’s 330 am cell phone call. But who knows they were pretty sloppy with Dr. Samuel’s records, They also submitted evidence very late. I did not mean to hurt your feelings. I was more surprised, as I stated that the person answering the phone would give out any information. But perhaps they are not that on top of everything.
I see your point and I believe Gus he was on Court TV, he has been very good not a media whore, and stated that all they have to do is view his cell phone records, I am sure he told Nurmi he seemed adamant, and Nurmi did not use it and the Witnesses he spoke of do not have to testify its their word against his. He also reiterates the same story. It only helped Jodi Arias
“I appreciate your civil way of telling me where you stand.”
Yes, wouldn’t it be nice if you were to do the same?
Oh, please. don’t get divided over crazy stuff. We need to be focus and unanimous here for Jodi. Come on guys. Just remember that other people are reading this site too, not only us. Let’s not behave like the haters sites. We suppose to be different. If someone doesn’t agree with someone Else’s post, just approach it with respect. We are Jodi support team and is all about her.
Amelia, you are so full of it. Oliviero and I did not jump on you. He/she posted an opinion, I simply said “same same” because I agreed with their overall point. You came at us both with the accusation that we were trying to get the secretary fired. So yes, you are the aggressor, 100%. You came out swinging, and haven’t stopped flailing your verbal fists since.
“So why don’t you ask him if he will feel any responsibility if something bad happens to that girl??”
Because “he” is not the one who came forward with the story about the conversation. You did that all by yourself.
“In answer to your question, NO, I won’t feel any responsibility since I THOUGHT this was a place to pass along info with people in support of Jodi Arias.”
So let me get this straight. You refuse to take any responsibility for your statements, but here you are “calling out” someone else on theirs? LOL How convenient, isn’t it, that you demand everyone else to be held up to a standard that you yourself cannot abide by.
“You need to just back off. If you don’t like being called out then do NOT do it to other people.”
The irony is rich considering you are the one who is aggressively attacking anyone who defies your point of view. You started this entire thread for the sole purpose of attacking anyone who disagreed with you on the other thread. Anyone can click on the link above and see how it all went down – and YES you were the aggressor.
Oh, and FYI – my mind is my own. I don’t draw a conclusion because “Amelia on the Internet” says so, therefore it is. So get used to me disagreeing with you. If you think you can intimidate people off this page by “calling me out” (for what? making up my own damn mind? Really!) then think again.
Oh, and by the way, trashing Gus on this web site does NOTHING to help the defense. That’s absolutely ridiculous to pretend otherwise.
MB Team Jodi
I agree with you, Gus seems fine, I thought he handled Martinez quite well, Besides he can only answer questions put to him, he can’t sit on the stand and talk about opinions and hearsay. The Media went after him but he was very good. At least Greta let him speak, Yesterday she stated this is Not a First Degree Murder Case. Gus is not on trial.
If convicted of second degree does the state pay for Jodi first appeal?
RR, If she is convicted of Murder 2, she can appeal with her own lawyer. If she is convicted of Murder 1, she gets and automatic appeal.
So if your convicted and don’t have money for a lawyer your screwed. So sad.
Murder 2 is better that murder 1. She’d at least be able to get out of jail in another 4-5 years. Better than life without parole or the death penalty.
in AZ she will have to serve at least 80% of whatever sentence she might get on a murder 2 conviction. She will get credit for time served of course, but I guess it would depend on if she got the max for murder 2, does anyone know what that is in years?
Not less than 10 years nor more than 25 years according to wiki…not sure if I trust that
Actually I checked this out pretty deeply looking at the actual Arizona statutes.
For murder 2 she gets 10 – 25 years depending on balance of aggravation and mitigation. The normal average seems to be somewhere around 16.
She gets an earned credit (what is often called time off for good behavior) if she’s good of 1 day per 3 days of the sentence. So let’s say she gets 25 years. If she stays clean it can get reduced to about 19 years. She is eligible for parole once she has completed 60% of her sentence including extrapolation for earned credit. That means that she is eligible for parole after serving 11.4 years or so. Given that she will probably have already have served about 5, she’s looking at the most 6 more if she gets max time and manages to stay clean.
Murder 2 carries 16 years in AZ. There is judicial discretion as well, due to “mitigating factors”. This means the judge can either add or take off 6 years for what she deems to be mitigating.
thanks Ann, that sounds more like what I remember hearing!
Right, but she also gets 1 day for every 3 good days or something (I read this somewhere, on this site I believe). And she has served 4 years already, so if she gets 16 years, and let’s say the judge takes off 6 (if she is lucky), then she could have another 3 years or something, or if the full 16, then she could have another 5-6 years, and be out
What I worry about, (as usual I am a worrier) is that when I read the law and sentencing for M2 in AZ, the sentence says 16. However, the court has discretion for mitigating factors. They can actually add a substantial amount of time based on what they call “mitigating factors”. Some of those include use of a weapon and cruelty, so they have the ability to sentence from 16 to 32 years. Time off (good behavior) is 20% off of your sentence. Of course this is all based on her being charged with M2.
The flip side of this coin, is that the court can also go the opposite route, and decrease her sentence. In the end, it is all speculation at this point. We have no way to know for sure, what that jury is thinking or feeling.
if she got 16 years, she would have to serve 12.8 years in Az less the time served at minimum.
if she got 20 years she would have to serve a minimum of 16 less time served.
She could still have a life to live after that.
Yes RR, but an appeal is not another trial (unless the end result (opinion) of the appellate is to remand it back to the trail court). I haven’t looked up the appellate process in AZ, but generally, it consists of a brief submitted by the appellee (if convicted, that would be Jodi) presenting arguments and research (other cases which have been decided — in this case, they could be district appellate court, state of AZ supreme court, or US Supreme Court cases — case law) to back up the arguments based on what type of standard of judicial review is being requested (http://off2dr.com/smf/index.php?topic=8796.0 is a generalized idea of the standards). Then, the appellant (in this case, if convicted, that would be the state of AZ) submits an answer brief disputing the arguments and backing up their points with research and case law. Then, typically (and this is where I have not looked up AZ law specifically), the appellee gets to refute the appellant’s points in a reply brief.
Some appeals (and usually capital cases) allow for oral argument before a panel of judges which range (depending on weight assigned by the panel) from 10-30 minutes for each side. While it would be preferable to have an attorney for oral arguments, it’s not required.
The bulk of an appeal though is legal research and well-written briefs. It’s not like another trial of any sort. It’s very very different.
As you can see in that link above, certiorari can also be sought to appeal the case to the US Supreme Court in death penalty cases. And also, clemancy from the governor can be sought.
You are one smart cookie! Help me with this one please: If Jodi is found not guilty of 1st degree murder what happens next? They can convict her of a lesser charge, correct? Finally, if that’s the case, how do they determine what charge?
Jeff, the charges to consider are M1, Felony Murder, or Murder 2 or straight acquittal.The judge can sometimes instruct a jury on “lesser include crime” but at this point no one knows if she will do that.
You’re right. An appeal under most circumstances is based on the application or misapplication of the law, or some form of error, whether on the part of the judge or attorneys on either side.
In certain circumstances an appeal is based on newly discovered evidence.
In the rarest of circumstances an appeal is based on “actual innocence”. However, the standards for a court accepting an appeal based on actual innocence are very stringent. However, it has happened, though normally in conjunction with some other criterion. I do know of cases in which such an appeal has been granted and in fact the original verdict has been overturned. However, it is a very stringent standard.
I feel bad for jodi for getting stuck with nurmi and Wilmott , Wilcott or whatever her name is . WOW is all I can say . They couldn’t find anyone better than Samuels ?
Sean boy,
They are good lawyers.
There is a pathetic judge that is biased and they can’t do
anything about it.
Maybe the doctor screwed up in some parts, but we’ll see when Jennifer get’s back up there.
There are still other witnesses to call and BTW juan is a terrible prosecuter.
That’s why the jury if they do take notes, do it because they turned him off. I have to.
I can’t stand every question has to be yelled at the witness.
I couldn’t agree more, Aly. It appears to be anything goes for the prosecution in this courtroom. JM can virtually do whatever he wants. I think he’s EXTREMELY offensive.
I think they are good lawyers too. Nurmi is calm, patient, and firm when he needs to be. Willmott is an engaging, matter of fact examiner of the facts. Dr Samuels is also in the top 5% of his field, at least they didn’t bring in recent grad or hack off the street to put on this case. They are giving Jodi the best defense possible, that is all that is required of them.
They are humans, not miracle workers.
Hometown people have nice things to say about Jodi
awww, that’s nice..
Sean boy,
IMO her attorneys are not bad at all, and are doing the best they can. The Dr, IMHO, is not a good expert witness, and I think he was horrible on the stand today. He seemed totally unprepared, unprofessional, and fumbling to me. The jury has questions for him, so we can maybe tell what they are thinking from those.We can only hope when Miss Wilmott crosses him, she can do some damage control. On the other hand, it might be better strategy to just ask him a few basics regarding PTSD, and move on to the DV expert. The more she asks him, the more JM will ask him. I vote move on!
Yes, and the doctor will probably respond to the jurors questions with smooth confidence.
let’s hope so!
Don’t u think her ATTORNEYS r stupid if they brought this dr bozo into the case? Don’t u think her ATTORNEYS r stupid for not looking over what this doctor was going to present? I rest my case .lol
Btw my response is to Ann that said she thinks her attorneys r doing a good job. If that’s a good job than I don’t know what is a bad job. Cont from above.
So I was just watching the days happenings on Youtube.
The very first exchange with Martinez was classic JM.
I wonder if the jury saw it the same way I did. He was trying to get the Dr to say he provided therapy.
JM. You were hired to provide psych evaluation
Dr yes
JM That’s different than theraputic….
Dr yes
JM Well you’ve done both haven’t you?
Dr No
JM Well I thought in the complaint you had you treated some people
Dr In this case?
JM Not in this case…. Have you ever
Dr yes
JM Here you’re trying to reach a diagnosis, there you’re trying to help them
DR Well, even in therapy there is a process of reaching a diagn……
JM Well are you trying to help them or hurt them?
See, typical JM:
1. If the doctor had answered yes to the haven’t you done both JM would have said AHA you just acknowledged you provided therapy to Jodi. He had to deflect to the past to try and not look stupid.
2. When the doctor tried to answer his question saying treatment too need a diagnosis he jumped on him with the help them or hurt them question.
How the heck does this guy get past Arizona juries?
I know Al. What kind of question is that, are you trying to help them or hurt them? Hows he suppose to answer that?!! NONE!!! It was a trick question? And im glad the dr called him out on insinuating that he was trying to cheat the test.
Also, the doctor has 30 years in what he is doing and one of the top, SO juan is beating up on him mostly about a book, something also that the doctor admitted and in anyone that gets up there to
testify for Jodi is going to be scrutinized on those.
He isn’t cross examing him on all of the things that the doctor knows and knows well.
juan is staying away from the brain issue and rightfully so. : )
I guess he thought how in the hell am I going to stay away from anything to do with the brain. : )
AND that is what he’s doing!
The doctor is doing a great job on what they got him for even though they knew he had flaws, but was good at what they needed him for.
Jennifer is a GREAT lawyer and she can get it back on track, IF the judge allows her to.
Are there any photos out there showing both gas receipts in FULL from that Tesoro station? I’ve only seen portions, either top of one, bottom of the other… I’d like to see both full to compare, if possible. Help?
For what it’s worth……..I think JM could make anyone look foolish and deceitful on the stand using those tactics….aggressive, demanding yes or no answers, not letting witness finish an answer and showing so much disrespect and disdain towards the witness. I can’t imagine that at least some of the jurors aren’t aware of JM’s tactics and are somewhat skeptical of the picture he tries to portray of the witness.
There was really no reason to attack Dr. Samuels the way he did. When you step back and think about it, the main message the juror’s needed to hear was that Jodi has disassociative amnesia during the stabbing and I thought he did a good job of explaining how that is a reasonable explanation for her memory loss during and after the stabbing.
But the SOB never seems to loose!
Let o j Simpsons dream team or even casey Anthony’s team go against him in one trial and Martinez would look like a bozo . All these witnesses have to do is say nothing when he acts stupid . Don’t answer til judge says something than tell the courtroom u can’t answer correctly with and how he’s asking the questions. That’s all u have to do . At that point even the jury would agree with the witness and Martinez would have to back down . U have to be an asshole to an asshole is the way I see it .
Btw I have yet to see anyone held in contempt of court so please save that response.
You got it.
The person who seems to have handled this bozo the best to date has been Jodi. Hell she made him reach meltdown status a few times.
I think the big problem with this defense is money. They just can’t get the best without the money.
Sean boy,
I have kept asking some of the same questions about what you’re saying. We have all seen JM tactics. He does it all the time. He doesn’t ask a question, he makes a statement and insists that the witness validate it by stating “right” as if it’s a question. What would be wrong with a witness looking to the judge and saying I can’t answer that statement. Why hasn’t anyone on the defense come up with something to solve this problem for witnesses. They know JM is going to do this.
For instance … why is it allowd for Martinez to make statement/questions like “You like Ms Arias. Right?” That has no relevance. Am I being totally ignorant of court procedure, or what a defenses role is in the court proceedings?
He’s trying to show bias. That is allowed.
Al …. he tried to give an unbiased answer but Jm didn’t allow that. When the dr gave that dumbfounded look JM shot back at him “Oh you don’t like Ms. Arias” . That’s what I’m saying. JM won’t allow unbias. That’s what I’m so pissed about!! Why haven’ the attorneys strategized about that horse shit!
You got me. I know Nurmi kept objecting to almost everyone of those types of questions during his assault on Jodi during the Jury question segment and never managed to get the judge to sustain them.
I think they should just talk right over his dead ass. Let him object to being non-responsive. Who gives a damn, you get the point out. I think some of these folks are either too polite, or too professional or just cowed by him.
Once again, the only person who has ever stood up to this ass is Jodi, and man was it fun watching him turn into a blubbering mass of goo. I think the reason the jury went back over all those questions was to clarify for themselves what the idiot DA was never able to close in on. This guy is the classic bully with authority.
A couple of years ago our company was involved in a mutli-million dollar law suit in Federal court. Our opponent’s lawyer was very much like this clown. The first witness on the stand was our accountant. By the time he and our lawyer were done with him, the opposing lead attorney never questioned another witness for the rest of a 3 week trial. And we won.
These guys just need to take it to him.
The only possible grace we have is that it seems Willmott has more cojones than Nurmi and she’s willing to bite his head off. So maybe she’ll be able to protect her client somewhat. We’ll see.
That’s true, Jodi stood up to him, well, at least a few times.
She actually showed and proved she was used to lengthy verbal abuse, while the doctor and others have seldom been treated this way.
Gus stood up to him too. Whether one likes Gus or not, he was hilarious taking Kermit on. “That’s a double negative.” And then that ten-second silence between the two of them!
That is what Jodi said how many times………………………..
He’s showing himself to be a bozo, without any help.
The question slammed at the doctor ” DID YOU LOSE YOUR MEMORY” ?
He loses. He tried to get Doug Grant put in jail for life and the jury only gave him 5 years. Some of his DP convictions are overturned on appeal too.
He certainly does play dirty. He may be a nice person out of the courtroom, but I don’t care for him IN the courtroom at all.
Thank you kitty. Dr Samuels is a fine doctor, at worst he is well meaning to a fault. But he in no way abused his position of power, nor did he cross any boundaries that any reasonable person would find offensive.
JM is completely twisting everything to suit his own case. He cares nothing about the truth. Dr Samuels already testified that he can evaluate patients and come up with a diagnosis, but he does not treat. Just giving someone a book or a card does not mean that they are being a therapist. That’s the most absurd thing I ever heard. But leave it up to JM to take us all down his neverending rabbit hole of supposition and try to pass it off as evidence.
If anything was proved today, it’s that Dr Samuels is a compassionate, sensitive individual that has a strong drive to help. Sadly by the look on his face I could tell he has been steamrolled more than once by angry, petty, vindictive people like JM.
That’s only cause baez and the rest of the attorneys on that show have a brain and know how this case should be defended . That’s why it was 20% and actually a hung jury in the studio. Nurmi and Wilmott r still trying to figure out which is their ass and which is their elbow. Had those attorneys defended jodi , Martinez would be crying for his mommy right now and jodi would be going home in a few yrs tops.
Hi. I been lurking for awhile now. Decided to finally post. I feel funny about this whole case. I feel theres more to the story. Is it at all possible there was someone else in that bathroom? Or has DNA completely ruled that out? I find it very hard to believe she’s taking pictures with one hand, and has a knife or gun with the other behind her back. I mean, thats some serious Jackie Chan move.
Lord forgive me, but I really don’t like TA. A scammer for a living, false Mormon, used her for anal sex, thinks the idea of a 12 year old reaching an orgasm is hot, while having all this sex he cheats on JA, then turns around and calls her a stalker? Plus, I really don’t buy a guy scamming people for a living, traveling from state to state, actually had his first sexual experience with JA? I hate the way the media portrays her as a slut whore who seduced an innocent Mormon with sex? Who was the one taking pornographic pictures of her vagina and anus? If she’s a whore, then what makes him while taking those pictures?
I’m not sure where I stand on this case, but I feel theres so much lies on TA’s family and friends part to really hide a lot of secrets. If he really was the guy they all portray him as, how come he wasn’t married already? None of the Mormon girls wanted him as far as I recall. Theres a lot they aren’t saying.
Welcome Crystal! To answer one of your questions: “If she’s a whore, then what makes him while taking those pictures?” It makes him a scumbag. In my humble opinion, of course.
So true. If he’s to be believed, his family was a hot mess full of catastrophic abusers and addicts, including his parents and his brother the meth head. He and most if not all of his siblings were effed up beyond all repair. Every detail points to that being true.
Welcome Crystal.
I think you’re like the third or fourth Crystal here.
You ought to read some of the old posts, we’ve thrashed the more than one person involved theory every which way possible.
I know I saw a post somewhere else that posited that Jodi held the gun or knife on him while she took the pictures and the picture of him looking straight at the camera has him begging for his life. I don’t buy that. I think somewhere between that picture and one of the later pictures is when all hell broke loose.
You are right he was a scammer. That wasn’t his first sexual experience. Everyone knows it. One of his friends commented during an interview that when TA saw a pretty girl and got this particular look on his face they knew the game was on. My question then was, and now is what was the game that came on. Take her to dinner and chicken dances? Hold hands on long moonlit walks. Baloney. Remember one of his ex girlfirends talked about his grabbing her butt? That’s a good way to see if you can get any further?
And I always wonder how that first experience with Jodi went. Did she say “Come here boy, let me give you a …….” and the good Mormon boy was now under her spell and dropped trow, because the succubus had him. Give me a break. And what about the anal sex because good mormons don’t have ….? Jeez!
I think there’s more to this anal sex thing. Coupled with the spider man underwear… What do you think?
And pig tails and 12-year old’s orgasms, and talking of raping women when they were miserable.
This guy was not what people want you to believe.
And then he has things going on with other girls, while he pays Jodi to clean his house and has a romp with her whenever possible. Come On!
If there was anyone who was under some kind of weird spell it was her.
Amen to that, Al. Couldn’t have said it any better.
I agree Al!
So well stated, Al.
Welcome Crystal. There are more questions that remain unanswered in this case than anything else. Thank you for your great post.
ur right.
and it’s called respect for a woman AND a human being…
i’m all for sex, but NOT at any cost. not for degrading anyone or myself.
TA must have never learned that. he seemed to only learn ‘i’ll do whatever feeds “ME”…’
perhaps he needed that to counter low self esteem, becos he was covering, battling SOMETHING, imho.
in the end tho, it can’t make u feel too good as a person inside… IF ur being honest with urself.
Welcome Crystal. Yes, there is a reason why he was called the “old guy of the ward” isn’t there? It seems like any self-respecting woman was not going to allow herself to become involved with someone who was waving a thousand red flags at once.
Welcome Crystal!
I agree with you about TA…I know that he had issues stemming from his lousy upbringing, but from what we’ve heard of his personality, he isn’t someone whom I would have liked had we met.
Hey Crystal….I kinda feel like you do. There is something missing. For sho’ TA is NO saint……on a side note everytime the camera flashes to his sister……Cruella de Vil comes to my mind!!!!
But I digress …some days I think she may be convicted…..somedays I say hung jury. But I never think premeditated first – degree murder conviction. TA was most definitely using JA….he’s a pig. I’m sure JA was very hurt by the way he just dumped her aside and say he wanted a “good Morman girl” now to “settle” down with…a**hole!!!!!
I don’t get it Mona,
He wanted a good Mormon girl, yet when Jodi became Mormon she was just a piece of trash to him.
If he was running out of time to get married, Jodi loved him and IF they have to be Mormon what more could he have asked for?
I know I hear the talking heads say Oh, don’t trash the victim, he’s dead.
Well, I disagree. I really do believe Jodi was the victim here and they trash her like they and Travis are all saints. BS
Here’s the real pisser.
juan say’s to the doctor you got Jodi the book because you like her??
The doctor says no and then asshole says oh, you don’t like her??
This is an idiot of an attorney.
Btw, I bought that book many many years ago and it helped me through a bad time.
Thank you! All of his “questions” are like this. He loves to think he “gotcha” when really his questions are just transparent theater — really, really bad theater performed by a very tiny little man with a giant axe to grind. OMG, yes Juan, I DON’T like her! You sure got me with that one! :::eyeroll::: He ripped the what not to do on cross page right out of the book. Who knows where this comes from but, other than his height, I’d speculate it has to do with his ethnicity given his calling defense counsel racist, twice that I read and saw. I think there were a lot of a** kickins and maybe some ICE involvement in his past and he’s a little bitter. :/
jm is a sugar rush for the jury and TA followers
Exactly the point I was trying to make above but another poster told me JM was going for bias!
I would like to comment on all the latest videos and trash that has been brought up about Jodi,Funny thing that they should surface now and all the experts are saying what and how this will affect the trial.If the jurrors were instructed not to read,watch or discuss anything about this trial,then none of the social media would matter.The sad fact is that some of the jurrors are probally tainted and will be influenced by all the coverage,its not just 12 jurrors that will decide the fate of Jodi,its the whole nation.I pray to god that at least 1 of those jurrors has a brain and will figure out the propper thing to do.This trial is just one great big act in the center ring and is all about the publicity,A young ladies life is at stake here and its seems that no gives a rats ass about her,sad to see that the civilized world has regressed to the point of the thrill of the kill.I fear America has seen to many big event trials go way ward like the OJ and Anthoney trials,They want to make Jodi the example,she was determined guilty before she even set foot into that court room and the mexican american Juan knows it,he has humiliated her,ranted at her,called her a liar and tried to de humanize her.Jodi has held up very well under this.She lied and yes I bet that just about anybody in that situation would have too,if you were fighting for your life.The thing about she cant remember is so true as I am a fire fighter and have seen some very disturbing things,my mind blocks out some of those tragic events,its a way that your mind preserves ones sanity and stops a person from losing it.The day of the murder something bad happened that made Jodi snap and then her mind blocked it,then she went into self presevation mode trying to make like she wasnt there.I believe in Jodi and she does not deserve the death penalty,she should however do some jail time.I would like to meet Jodi one day or even write to her,I think she will prevail and walk away from this one day,God speed Jodi.
Good Morning Dennis, thank you for your post. You said what everyone of us out here has been feeling since the beginning. After yesterday and Juan’s performances I was left just speechless. But I also felt that if I, not unlike so any on the jury, felt this way perhaps just one person would see through all that ranting, yelling and perhaps could see the truth.
i’m not stating anything new… HOW CAN THE JURY NOT BE SEQUESTERED???!!!
esp. for a death penalty trial! right there is a miscarriage of justice. the jury r humans and curious. what r there 16 of them total? the % say at least 1+ will “cheat”. esp. as long as this trial is and will be.
Dennis, Excellent post well said. I just want to ask you why you refer to JM as the “Mexican American” instead of just JM or pros or even jerk, idiot, etc? Sorry I just don’t see the point. Jodi herself is half Mexican. Not trying to be snotty, just don’t know what a persons ethnicity has to do with anything.
I support Jodi 100% and I hope she wins because she is a very nice beautiful lady who had to endure so much pain in her life already
i tend to agree ed (& others). jodi is not someone i instantly would support re: the crime. did not support C. Anthony (agree DA didn’t prove tho). BUT when u delve into this trials facts, there HAD to be a reason(s).
i dont think she wanted him dead. the way he treated her, and we hear this from his own mouth, brings home why many of us support jodi. i (we) don’t condone killing but TA really grosses me out as a human being. he took advantage, treated a fine person (jodi never in any trouble with the law, i believe) worse than he would his dog… ALL FOR HIS PLEASURE and ego.
JM treating jodi with no respect, and treating the defense witnesses with the same disdain, furthers my resolve for a fav ruling for Jodi.
i am not a seer, Jodi MAY have us all fooled but i go back to TA’s OWN WORDS to Jodi. i take that to heart as my compass here.
I agree with what you have said Frank. But for me, even though Travis treated Jodi absolutely disgustingly and he lived some sort of double life, that’s still not justification for him to die, in my mind. If we all went out and killed all the people in our lives who ever screwed us over, well wow! And for women in this day and age, there sure are a lot of jerks out there, sadly. But Jodi is NOT that kind of person. She remained friends with other guys who didn’t treat her well. She forgave them.
It all boils down to this for me. Travis was an abusive man and a controlling man. Jodi was not really aware that what he was doing was abusive, but she realized it wasn’t right and she had taken steps to end it. She had moved back to CA. She was starting to become interested in other guys. She was breaking away from the hold Travis had on her. But no one told her the only effective way to break away is to establish no contact. This is a very dangerous time for a woman breaking away from an abusive type. These kinds of men just don’t let women go easily. Travis had started a smear campaign against Jodi telling his friends she was a stalker, etc. This is incredibly common with abusive men, especially when the woman is trying to break away.
On June 3-4, 2008, Jodi went to see Travis. He had persuaded her to do so. I think he suspected she was going to Utah to meet a guy and he wanted to make sure he had her before she did (staking his claim) and confuse her. They had sex repeatedly. He became angry about the CD. She succumbed to sex again, hoping to diffuse the anger and leave on a good note. She did not expect him to become angry with her again. Usually, one anger outburst in a day is all there is with these types. She had been with him enough to know that, and to believe that sex usually diffuses it.
But this particular day was what I call a “double anger day” — a day where they get angry again. These are more common when the woman is trying to leave, also. And that’s what happened. She dropped his camera and he raged all over again. Double anger days are unbelievably frightening to a woman who has been abused. They break all the rules that you’ve learned of their cycles. They’re supposed to be nice to you for a while after anger. This is something you know; a sort of code you live by. But an unpredictable second rage on the same day is agonizing.
Jodi became seriously afraid for her life. She ran and reached for a gun; the only thing she could think of and which popped into her head as she entered the closet and remembered it. She pointed it, hoping it would stop the raging bull coming for her. The gun went off. Since it wasn’t a powerful gun, it only made his rage worse.
Whatever happened after … well, we’ll really never know for sure. She was in fear for her life, and her survival instincts — instincts built into the core of a human — kicked in. Travis Alexander died that day. And Jodie became the number one suspect. The truth is, it was self defense. Jodi had two choices: fight for her life or lose her life. She chose to fight, and he died. Really, all the rest of this case is speculation and curiosity. None of it changes anything.
Super, super post Also Abused!!!
Absolutely Also. IMHO, this was a totally justified killing. I have thought many a time throughout this, that if I were in Jodi’s position, I would have saved my own life from a mad man trying to kill me, just as she did.
I just wanted to comment on a couple of things. First is the video in the jail where Jodi is going a handstand. I think her behavior was a little strange but not really that big a deal. She could have just been nervous. The second is the good doctor. don’t think that Martinez cross was that bad. I don’t think the jury was going to believe every word that he said. They are going to take pieces of histestimony and believe what they choose to believe what they want. I think that the expert testimony is the smoking gun. The jury also knows that part of Martinez job is to make this guy look bad. Hopefully on re direct they can rehab him.
Handstand might have been to get the blood to her head and decrease nervousness. Yoga is used like this. I dont think its a big huge deal. Its old news anyway.
THis is the prosecution… panicing at the end of the trial and wanting to just throw up as much shit as the can muster like “ok then…. if you dont hate her yet… how about THIS? And THIS? OMG She did a handstand… LOOK AT THIS. It wasnt yesterday. Omg. Juan, go get a job barttending.
I think the most telling point to the jury yesterday was when Dirty Sanchez asked Dr. Samuel, if he had a memory problem.
This would give some on the jury real insight into Dirty Sanchez motives.
I think Dr. Samuel has done a great job. Look at this as a boxing match. Samuel’s won 5 rounds and Dirty Sanchez 2. There are still 5 rounds to go. I believe Willmott will tie the lose ends. Dr. Samuel has opened the door to doubt in Dirty Sanchez agreements.
Martinez kept suggesting that the Dr was having inappropriate behavior with Jodi, that was very disgusting. If you are going to suggest such things, you better have something to back this up. He doesn’t have anything to back this up, he was just throwing that out there for the jury to wonder if he did. I know it is his job to impeach the Dr, but it is not his job to ruin his reputation, like he was trying to do yesterday. I had to walk away.
Wasn’t he talking about the book that the Dr have Jodi when he made that comment?
The book, yes, but also the “do you like Jodi”, ” so you don’t like Jodi” nonsense that was going on. It appeared to me that Martinez was taking the “like” to mean much more then simply liking a person. Wonder if anyone else saw it that way.
Thanks Leah,
He made that stupid comment because the doctor gave Jodi a self help book.
I think that had to be one of the most ignorant comments, out of many that
jaun has made during this trial.
I was disappointed that the psychologist actually said he should have administered the test to Jodi again because she was still telling the story of the two intruders when he did give her the test. What???
As I read the questions on the test…it appeared she would have most likely answered the same way. The prosecutor zoomed in on her answers that she had never been raped or molested sexually. Even to this day as Jodi testified, she still does not say Travis raped her. She is in such deep denial and brainwashed by him, she still teeters on defending him. She has even danced around kinda making excuses for his bad treatment of her.
To this day I don’t think Jodi has fully acknowledged how badly Travis treated her.
Oh yeah…I watched HLN last night as they ran through the fake crime scene. Loved the way Vinnie Politan “bodyslammed the dummy”…..what a joke. Boy, they’ll do anything to make their theory right. Kudo’s to the guy who stepped up on the shelf and proved at 215 lbs…he could without breaking the shelf. I wish the jury could have seen that.
Oh I think some of the jury DID see that. After all, they’re not sequestered. If you look at JUST the evidence at the scene, as Jose Baez stated last night, Jodi’s story has a lot of merit.
will they ever get this trial started on time,
Sean, I believe they are doing the best they can with what they have. Of course they have gone over testimony with the Dr. They have an idea of where they think JM will go, but not everything.No one can predict how an expert will behave or what they may say on the stand under cross. IMO he should have never said he should have re tested Jodi, let alnone twice. In a perfect world expert witnesses would be free and her defense could have a Dr who wrote books about PTSD or a neurosurgeon, etc. Funds are an issue in defense cases and expert witnesses cost a pretty penny, the more well known expert, the.
Bigger the price tag
Why is JM accusing the “Good Doctor” of having more than a “Doctor” “Patient” relationship with Jodi Arias? Where is the evidence supporting that accusation?
I think it’s because he bought her a book. After all, it was a $9 paperback book. I’d sleep with someone for a $9 book. (Oh wait one of my eyeballs just fell out of it’s socket from rolling it…..) It would have to be a hard cover for that…. heh heh
Does anyone wear a watch in that court room??????