
Jodi Arias Trial – Day 31 (afternoon session)



Leave your comments below on the afternoon session of day 31, where Dr Richard Samuels continues his testimony.

Team Jodi


  1. Just read some posts over at the TA site…….they are all experts on PTSD, BTW…..chastising one another about not indulging in in-fighting on their site..LOL..they are a little upset over there about the up-coming defense experts….in fact I think they are starting to eat their young….LOL.

    • They only use psychology to support their opinion. They read lists on the web and say shes a sociopath etc.

      • I’m more than sure that they will try very hard to turn everything this highly educated, not to mention, his background starting from 1975, well educated Dr. has/had to say. Just unreal to me.

        • I.m sure Dr. Drew is more reliable in his diagnosis of Jodi than Dr. Samuels. I mean, I’ve seen him on TV, so he must know what he’s talking about.

          • Cracking up…”They can’t put anything on the internet if it’s not true” ..or TV.

          • I just took a look at Dr. Drew’s bio and he does have his M.D. (medical doctorate) degree but he’s degree was not in psychology at all. In college, I’ve taken several psychology classes and Dr. Samuels testimony is true, our brain has a way of reacting when a person is in a dangerous situation or if the body feels threatened. He isn’t a medical doctor but he is well versed in his field of bio-psychology. Furthermore, If the prosecution has the right to bring all those experts, Jodi’s team should also have the courteousy and fairness of bringing in experts like Dr. Samuels. I thought the prosecutor Martinez was being an ass when he was requesting that Judge Stephens not allow the testimony about the brain. Why is it okay for him to try to prove Jodi guilty but when the defense try to prove otherwise he objects in any way possible. I was very glad Judge Stephens overruled and allowed for Dr. Samuels testimony.

    • Kitty, what TA site do you visit. I cant find one and just want to see what they say. can you post it. I am a jodi supporter.

    • Sanctioned for exchanging dental work for psychiatric services, 13 years ago. He was ordered to take classes. SHEESH people.

        • Dr Samuels, the Defense’s Expert Witness that is being argued about today. He had a $2500.00 sanction in 2000 and was ordered to take classes for “Bartering Services, dental work for psychiatric services to a patient. It was deemed conflict of interest.

        • There is a few hundred websites that agree with you BeeCee. It’s a very underrated and underutilized form of exchange in our society, now a days.

          • Totally agree! Jury will probably like him even more when they hear that – if they do. Sounds so silly to think it would even come up.

          • I assure you, once the air is putrid, the rivers and oceans polluted and the last tree or earth produce fruit and vegetables. People will realize then and only then. YOU CANT EAT MONEY! Besides he was probably doing someone a favor who had no money. That is too bad because bartering is going to rise up again. I do it all the time. Good for him, sad he got in trouble. HLN trades their souls for ratings.

            • BeeCee (and many others) –
              Your comments are so refreshing.

              Would it have been acceptable if Dr. Samuels gave dentist $100.00 and than dentist gave Dr. Samels the $100.00 back?

              So silly.

              • let me explain why this is an ethical violation. i took grad ethics in pych this past summer. These types of complaints are more common than one thinks. It’s a learning process too for the psychologist. When a shrink renders services part of his training is to remain value neutral in order not to harm the client. This means that a shrink should be careful with dual relationships. some are forbidden such as sleeping with a client. but some are not considered violations depending on the circumstances. Dr. Samuels had the run of the mill complaint. He traded services. Ethically this could complicate things because his client needs to understand boundaries, and this could cross over into the line of friendship and a shrink shouldn’t cross those lines with patients. It’s called the slippery slope affect. I don’t think samuels, though did anything that wrong because these kinds of violations are more common than not because people do get close to each other. I was taught that they are hundreds of this types of complaints a year. I haven’t ever read about a complaint like this and I agree it’s silly. The type of more common complaint is that a client ends up working for his or her shrink. thats not good. or a shrink despenses advice at party to a stranger instead of asking him to make an appt. I don’t think it’s a really big deal but I understand the reasons the APA make these guidelines.

                This complaint does NOT detract from the work he’s done, his knowledge, his research. He’s still very good at what he does. The haters are digging for nothing. IF juan makes something out of it, Wilmott can easily fix this on cross.

                • Can we also say hello, 13 years ago? It’s not like this happened yesterday. They will drag up anything at all to make someone look bad. Problem is they cannot take away his credentials.

                • Best thing the defense can do is bring this up and shut JM down. The best defense is a good offense.

            • Like on The Walking Dead, the character Andrea was a lawyer before the zombie apocalypse. That doesn’t help her because she can’t argue with a flesh eating zombie. They cannot take away this EXPERTS credentials. So, 13 years ago he bartered for dental work. He paid his fine and did what he needed to do. It’s not like he does this every day.

              • Cj, thats a great example. I love walking dead. to bad Andrea couldn’t convince the governor, even with a good argument. Same thing here, when people are only one way minded, is very difficult to change their mind, even if Jesus come and tell them him self.

        • yup, there is a show that people trade things for what they have in order to trade up to other things that they want or need. Wish I could think of the name of it, grrrrrr

    • I just find it sad that instead of looking for true truth and justice that those kind of people resort to this behaviour.

      They treat this as if it were a sports game or something. This is another person’s life, not a game.

      Heaven forbid an expert come on that defends Jodi.

      • Yes, and evidently Juanabee is relying heavily on Facebook to help him try this case:

        The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial Admin 2: JM is aware and has responded.

        so, the little guy spends lunch and witness interview time to check FB and learn how to try a case. heh heh heh

        • what?are they actually saying that JM is texting on FB?doesnt he have some better things to do?

          • I can’t watch live due to work, of course. But man, JM gets a chance to cross the experts. What is his problem?

          • I hope he tries to engage this Dr. just like he did Jodi. The jury would really see something then. LOL, I hope he does. I will fall out of my chair laughing if he starts jumping and yelling and talking in circles with an expert.

      • That’s exactly it, they Do think of it as a game–one person told me she actually enjoyed it.. ugh these ‘people’ aren’t human.

        Yes I bet they are Really upset about the expert witness, instant depression for them! So Good!
        May their depression continue! lol

      • I think Jean Casarez said it right today. If you have anything positive to say about Jodi then be ready to be burned at the stake. I thought then you better watch it cause that sounds positive and they will want to eat you alive, lol.

        • cj…do you think the jurors will be afraid at this point if they don’t render a guilty verdict for fear of any physical or emotional harm they might receive from the enraged viewing audience that the HLN headhunters have enticed the rage in these television viewers using the social network media through their own network every day and night during this trial?

          If I was one of those jurors I would be afraid of the potential harm to myself or a family member when this trial is over.

          Just look at what the jurors had to endure after the Casey Anthony case…The HLN headhunters “dragged them through the mud.”

          • And I know some or most of the jurors are watching the Media and lying to Judge Pickles when they say they aren’t. Plus they’re already indoctrinated with the case from all the Media crap before they were chosen as jurors.

            • I wonder if this is even legal.How can they even go from the court house to thier house and not run in to somebody talking about this case.With the media circus it’s a matter of time that one of the jurors is found out and there will either be a mistrial or a new trial. Way to spend thoses tax dollars.

              • I think we have to hope that if the jurors have seen any coverage at all, they are human like us, and are thinking “gee, that’s not at all what we’re seeing in court…….what a warped world”, and then with a little bit of luck and a lot of grace, they will (like us), come away with the truth and do the right thing. We shouldn’t assume that if a juror was to see some HLN that they would agree with it. We should assume that they would be just as disgusted as we are with it all. I’m assuming that through the process of jury selection, any easily biased or non-neutral people were omitted from this jury. So we have that going for Jodi.

                I have a lot of hope for Jodi. Look at what happened with Casey Anthony. There was never a more media tried case on the planet, or more pressure to convict, and the jury didn’t. They listened to what was presented, regardless of anything they had heard, and they could not convict. Let’s hope for the same here.

                I know many people are hoping that she doesn’t get the death penalty, but oddly enough, I would be ecstatic to see her walk and it wouldn’t even surprise me. If the jury believes that she acted in self defense, there is no reason for her not to walk out of that court room is there?

                I can’t think of one witness the State has put on so far that provided any evidence of the charges. I see evidence that she killed him, but the self defense claim is more plausible than any other option at this point I believe, just based on the chaotic crime scene alone. The defense experts will only back it all up. Rebuttal could be scary if JM finds some proof of some little lie, but I’m not sure lying about a gas can existing will change anything, since we have experts testifying now about how memories can be changed, wrong, or gone.

                I’m just hoping for the best outcome.

      • Aint that the truth! I still want to know about how those roommates and their girlfriends went in and out of that house for five days in JUNE, in AZ and have a body decomposing in the house. Something is WAY off with this to me. Am I alone? Is this going to be grounds for an appeal or mistrial. Sure, maybe they were cleared of murder or had alibis but, that doesn’t explain this behavior. Someone please help me understand?

        • Plus, Jodi was wearing socks, not shoes. We know that blood dries pretty quick so whose footprint is that in the blood? Why lie about when you did the laundry? This doesn’t add up to me at all. I am sure I’ll think of something else and had something else to say but I forgot it.

        • I live in AZ. It was 100 degrees or more for most of June. I don’t know how that would have been bearable to smell a body decomposing like that. Temp in the house must have been below zero to freeze his body and keep the smell down…even in a morgue freezer you still smell death, i know this for a fact because I have been in a morgue. the smell of death is un-mistakeable.

        • You’re not alone. Check out the Flores Report page link at the top of this page and you’ll see lots of people digging into that stuff.

    • So he violated an ethical issue. I don’t see what this has to do with his work or knowledge though.

      • the violation had nothing to do with his qualifications or credentials as a psychologist…..I doubt that he even knew it was a violation. I worked in a dental office at one time and the dentist occasionally exchanged services with his Dr. or another professional…much ado about nothing! Just goes to show how innuendo can be used to taint what is really important. I’m sure NG will run with it…she will just leave out what the real violation was about and when it happened.

        • Yes, and then she will have a memory loss about how her prosecutorial misconduct had a few of her convictions overturned.

        • Nancy Grace is talking about Mr. Samuels’ past issue right now… Isn’t it rich that Nancy has anything to say questioning this shrink’s record, given her own issues as a prosecutor?

          Anywho… NG’s researcher say the dentist that Samuels bartered with was embroiled in a child custody battle. That is, that Samuels provided a negative report about the child’s mother, but never personally evaluated the woman.

          • I would love for someone to call Nancy and remind her on the air about her past violations! Then she’d be like “Uh…uh….but I’M NOT A WITNESS IN THIS CASE! DON’T PUT ME ON TRIAIL! DON’T YOU KNOW THAT MY FIANCE WAS MURDERED IN 1979?????”

        • OMG my ex-father-in-law was a dentist. He traded his services ALL the time for his entire time in practice. I used to develop websites. I traded web services for all sorts of things, even veterinary care. My ex-husband did pool service. He traded that for all sorts of things. Okay, so it’s a way to get around taxes, I guess. Everyone benefits. But please!

      • Well JC, it’s like this; If you go to a top college for like, forever, get a great education and work years in your field of study putting all of that knowledge to good practice working amongst the very top in your field, but then go out and get a parking ticket, you void all of your learning and experience and credibility because you are now un-trustworthy. Make sense?

        Oh, but you still get to work for the police and renowned hospitals.

        • Ahhhhh right, that’s it. Damn it. You become a criminal when you park in the wrong spot. Maybe you deserve the death penalty for that?

          • Plus, for all we know, this guy was approached by someone who really desperately needed his services, and couldn’t afford them, and out of the goodness of his heart he said “sure, maybe you can just provide dental services in exchange”. I doubt it was anything intended to be underhanded or dirty.
            See the family smiling as though they had some inside joke about the expert? AS IF trading professional services is really going to make a difference here. You can tell when JM and the family are grasping at straws, I mean really? They think THIS is going to change the outcome of the case? Imagine how much more the jury gets to see the faces of the family than we do. If this is how they are behaving in front of the jury all day, I don’t see the jury coming away with too much compassion for them. They’re acting so petty in such a serious circumstance!

      • It’s okay. We still have the domestic violence expert. Her record is impeccable!! 🙂

        Also, NG is one to talk about this guy’s reputation, given her own. He made a mistake early in his career, he was required to complete ethics training, pay a fine, he did all that. He has nothing since, squeaky clean. He knows what he is talking about. Also, in light of this, it is most excellent that he used other people’s research, not just his own. Additionally, he used a test that was scored by a computer algorithm. All stuff he could not make up.

        I like that he testified that he turned down previous cases because he could not be of help. That means he is not taking this case just for the money.

  2. I have been looking for the live coverage all day…. The link at the top of the page says there was an error, so I’m looking on and it’s not playing there either…. Is there some sorta recess right now that I have missed?

        • there wasnt even a trial.Martinez objected to the defense’s expert witness because he said they ”tried” to bring in new evidence,meaning a slide how and some magazine articles,sheeeeeesh!so the judge had to go on a recess and let Martinez interview the expert witness all over again.

          • WTF…. How is that even legal?? It’s the DEFENSE expert witness, he is there to give his expertise opinion… Who the EFF is Martinez? The judge DEFINITELY needs to take control here. This is soooooooo grounds for a mistrial. I can’t believe all that she is allowing. Ugh I am so so pissed!

  3. I’ve been having issues with hot water, heat and carbon monoxide here all week, so I haven’t had the chance to check in as frequently 🙁 (all safe, just don’t have heat, hot water is back)

    However, just wanted to quickly say that if what Wilmont described is what the defense has coming up in their next witness this afternoon??? Jodi has an excellent chance! I am very excited for the defense. I guess I should wait and see, but from the description I heard, this next witness is going to bring it home! If the jury had doubts about her memory problems (and they did – it seems that mostly what they asked about), this witness will put that to rest!

    Oh, what’s that creepy little whining noise I hear??? Ah, it’s the world’s smallest violin, and it’s playing just for YOU little Martinez! Now come over here and get your a$$ spanked you bad, bad little prosecutor!

      • Thank you TR- Yes, it freaked me out big time – slow leak for 5 years??? I’m hoping it was the reason for all the crazy here at home, but I KNOW that’s asking for too much! LOL

        Defense witness is doing well I think. He seemed likable and explained everything well for the jury so far. At first I was worried about him not even looking at the jury, but I guess he was referencing his notes for his education / work background. After that he was a great witness!
        I really have some solid hope for Jodi now, and I could tell by her face that she did too, although I worried about her possibly smiling too much in front of the jury because I’m afraid they will see her as cocky, instead of relieved.
        She’s probably thinking FINALLY, someone else can explain to these people everything that I haven’t been able to.
        Not sure why TA’s family was smiling as though the expert witness was like some kind of an inside joke to them. I sympathize for them, but that kind of stuff irritates me. I’m sure the jury is seeing this too. We only get to look at the family when the camera swings over, but the jury sees them all the time.
        Question about the impeachment probably that got lost on a previous day. Can JM even impeach her on rebuttal (she’s not on the stand anymore)? Can JM call her to the stand in his rebuttal case?

  4. Do the jurors go to their homes after each day or are they put up in a hotel? I know it’s different from state to state.

      • I think that is a meme over NG’s fat piggy face… Forgive me I’m snarky today. I will pray for forgiveness for my snarkyness later.

        • Bella,
          LOL Even us Mormons get a little testy! heck yes we do. Hugs and snarky is the word my BFF and I use all the time. LOL, prayers

        • LOL Bella, too funny! It’s hard to look at N.G. without thinking of something snarky-ish!

    • So why didn’t he object to this expert a looooooong time ago, as any decent prosecutor would have?

  5. OK,silly question coming,fasten your seat belt ladies and gentlemen but I just had to ask:
    since the jury isnt sequesteredbut they have to stay clear from all media coverage or even talking to sm about the trial,one may wonder if they were tempted to re-watch some parts of the trial on YouTube,like most of us.Just to refresh their memory.Or to clear some doubts.Would that be considered following media coverage???I know it most probably would,but technically,technically it isnt,right?

    • they are absolutely forbidden. That is media coverage. They are instructed to read NOTHING that would have to do with this case.

      • Nor to talk about the case with anyone, including other jurors.

        I’ve never served on a jury but I would have a tough time NOT talking to my boyfriend about it at night.

  6. Someone mentioned Susan Wright here before, who stabbed her husband — 200 times — and was convicted M2 —.
    Assuming Jodi did it all, which is not at all proven, her case seems a lot meeker.

    Susan Lucille Wright (born April 24, 1976) is an American woman from Houston, Texas who made headlines in 2003 for stabbing her husband, Jeff Wright, 193 times and then burying his body in their backyard.[1] She was convicted of second-degree murder in 2004
    At her trial, Susan Wright testified in her own defense. In her emotional testimony on the stand, Wright claimed: “I couldn’t stop stabbing him; I couldn’t stop. I knew as soon as I stopped, he was going to get the knife back and he was going to kill me. I didn’t want to die.” She testified that on the night of the murder, Jeff Wright was on a cocaine binge and was violent, having allegedly beaten her. Wright once again persisted that she stabbed her husband in self-defense. Susan Wright’s mother, among others, testified for the defense, claiming they witnessed Wright’s bruises.

  7. maybe JM is so opposed to showing a picture of a brain because it will make him jealous cuz half the time he acts like he doesnt’ have one.

  8. LOL! Love Wilmont! Called JM out again! He wouldn’t let the witness speak he kept cutting him off. LOL!

    • Me too! I think he is going to explain things in a way that can make some of the jury go “hhmmm, I’ve seen that behavior before, now it makes sence.”

  9. Judge is allowing the Power Point – cool. I have to say that she’s been very fair in regard to allowing evidence.

      • Yes, she is requiring the evidetiary hearing first. She will have that hearing either today or tomorrow she said.

    • Seriously, I was like WTF… JM is seriously grasping at straws here. He is pathetic.

    are the kind that seem to fly into a rage or frenzy more easily and more often than other sub-types. Their frenzy will resemble an epileptic fit. They are also usually men with incredibly strong sex drives, capable of astonishing feats of sexual energy, and seemingly obsessed by sexual urges during a large part of their waking lives. Powerful cravings also seem to characterize them, as in drug addiction, kleptomania, pedophilia, any illicit or illegal indulgence. They like the endorphin “high” or “rush” off of excitement and risk-taking. The serial-rapist-murderer known as the Boston Strangler was such a psychopath.

  11. Okay, this Doctor’s Hx is freakin’ IMPRESSIVE, and I’ve worked with literally HUNDREDS of physicians!

  12. Off topic and nothing important, but is it just me or does this guy kind of remind you of Gus Searcy?
    More professional – but KIND OF (wish I knew how to italicize).

    Maybe its his voice or something, dont know, just a thought.

  13. The prosecutor and defense attorney would agree …. yeah waaaay different than AZ. Hahaha

    • I dont know Candie, but if I remember right, there hasnt been court on any Friday so far.
      So, doubtful, but dont know for sure.

  14. I can’t believe the judge said something like “how is the testimony” about crime scenes “relevent”….OMG

    • wow, hasn’t most of this trial been about the crime scene. Oh wait, it was about the sex life, and then the crime scene. lol

  15. Isn’t it hilarious that JM can’t even get through his private interview with Dr. Samuels without yelling over him? He’s so torqued up, he can’t even interview someone right.

    • JM is not smart enough to understand this testimony and is afraid to take it on. Since he is a bully, how would he possibly cross examine this witness intelligently without making himself look like more of an ass than before?

        • me too!if he cross examines that Dr with disrespect Im gonna be cursing his yelling ass through my computer screen!

          • I hope he DOES. He won’t be able to help himself. He badgers his OWN witnesses for Pete’s sake!

          • Hey I’ve been doing that at every trial! 😀 Goodness knows what my neighbours think!

    • Me too Candie! And they cant question his education on this matter…He came from a very good Schools which are hard o get into and renowned. Go TEAM JODI!

      • lol I hope Martinez brings a change of pants on Monday, he’ll need them when he cross examines the expert witness !! 😀

  16. SJ, You are awesome in your determination, research and faith in proving Jodi’s innocense. I am very impressed and glad that she has a truth warrior like you on her side!

    Thank you for all you do in keeping us all up to date and informed. Team Jodi!

  17. I love how the doctor just got in a jab about “how the brain functions” is the core of psychology! lol

    Take that one, JM!

  18. And she set it up right there .. he has knowledge of the brain. OMG I hope I can keep on listening to this. I have a headphone stuck in at work. Bad girl. But he is awesome.

  19. Tidbits from Twitter:

    Dr. Samuels met with Arias 12 times over 3 years. She originally told him the mde-up story about the killer intruders.
    Samuels determined that Arias had low self esteem early on.

    • The number of times he met with her is one of my few concerns with Dr. Samuels. That’s only 4 times per year & a psychologist normally spends a great deal of time gaining the trust of patients before any meaningful information is gathered. Maybe no one on the jury has ever been to a psychologist so the number of visits won’t ring any alarm bells for them.

      • Many expert witnesses in the pyschology field only meet with defendants once or twice in preparation for trial. 12 times, even over 4 years, is a good thing. I’m sure that finances play a huge role in this too. I wish Jodi could afford steady counseling :(.

  20. I can’t get to excited about the experts, because the state will put on their experts who will say everything opposite that this Dr is saying. I know this because I have been on several murder trials and what will happen is that the experts will cancel each other out and the jury will just go back to the other evidence. I know he is saying everything right but so will the pos experts. That is why juries have a hard time with the experts. They also know that the defense and state both paid the experts.

        • JM has a psychologist who he will probably put on for rebuttal. I don’t know how that witness can rebut universally accepted medical research into the brain. Unless, of course, the witness refutes the research on evolution and us possessing similar DNA to animals. I wouldn’t put it past JM to do that. For added value, perhaps his expert will talk like Ms. Piggy?

          • I don’t think the judge should allow JM’s psychologist to testify unless that psychologist actually gets to spend a lot of time examining Jodi. Otherwise, it’s his best guess, not actual conclusions from actual observations, conversations, and tests. It would bias the jury. That should be grounds for a mistrial.

    • I see what you mean but at least he has a book to verify what he said.. another so called ”Expert” will have a hard time going against that, I should imagine.. fingers crossed. Lets hope Wilmott cross examines the states one, she’s just GREAT!

  21. I love how the good doctor has his computer password protected so there can’t be any claim of wrong-doing on the part of the defense.

  22. IF I am on the jury, and the judge says I may use this PP during, but will not be able to take it back with me… I would take much more notes 😀

  23. I’m so happy that Jennifer is handling this witness. I love Nurmi, but the jury needs a change. Fortunately for Jodi, JM has no co-counsel so the jury will have to endure him again for which I don’t think he has the expertise. I would think JM will get so aggravated that he will open the door himself to testimony he doesn’t want brought in by the defense. IMO

    • And you have to wonder exactly WHY during such a high profile trial, he has NO second chair. Does no one want to work with him?

      • I’ve heard that he does all of his trials solo. Can’t share the spotlight. Too much of a control freak. Has to be the boss.

        • Yeah, he only allows Flores to sit at his table because Flores does the lunch and water runs.

            • So Flores is his bitch … but even in a high profile trial, he can’t have a junior prosecutor get some experience sitting there doing his research. I mean, WTF? I’ve never heard of that. Usually, they are required (by their bosses) to give some newbie a bit of experience. But not Kermit? Or not in Maricopa county. Give me a break.

  24. Gosh, I just LOVE this guy! He is making things so easy to understand.

    I also like what he said about Alzheimers, as my dad had it before he passed.

  25. WooHoo! This guy is wonderful!!! Just talked about memories not being available and a “fog” settling in!

    • Hit the “live” button or use the time slide bar to move ahead. I had the same issue.

  26. JA is looking all around. I wonder if that means the jury is not willing to make eye contact with her.

    • Nah. I doubt it. They are going to be making eye contact with the current witness, not Jodi. Means nothing.

  27. Martinez isn’t saying a word because he probably does not know WHAT to object to because he is such a moron without any life experience except in his law journals.

  28. A twitter comment “Jodi looks Mesmerized by Dr’s physiological explanations of memory loss” I would think this might help her to understand why she cannot remember either. Just supposition on my part.

    • I sure helped me understand some things about my PTSD…a little education is a wonderful thing. “-)

  29. Low opinion of that county… usually called for both prosecution and defense as an expert, even in the next county, but not HERE.

  30. At the sidebar, look at the crossed arms by JM and the openness of Jennifer and Kirk. Very telling!!

  31. Why can’t JM object in open court like he has throughout? I think he is very scared and he should be. The problem for JM here is I think the jury will like this witness so JM objecting may hurt him. I’m sure the jury is writing their questions for further clarification whenever a subject is objected to. Any thoughts?

    • I think you may be right. I imagine that the jury does like Dr. Samuels. In an interesting parallel, Casey Anthony’s jury really liked the testimony of Dr. Spitz when he spoke for the defense. The haters tried to write him off as a doddering old fool, but his record is incredibly solid and he was a great witness.

  32. how cute was that???Nurmi showed sth to Jodi and made her laugh!! We dont a smile on her face often,right? 🙂

  33. I love seeing Jodi and Mr. Nurmi smiling. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Dr. Samuels

  34. A confession: I watch on HLN. I TiVo the programs and let time accrue so that I can fast forward through commercials and the insipid commentary. I just let it go too long and saw a promo for that After Dark garbage, and there she was- NG’s disembodied head on that screen looming over the “jurors”. It was a Separated at Birth moment for her and the evil queen in Sleeping Beauty!

  35. Wouldn’t it be ironic if/when one day sister Samantha Alexander, a Carlsbad police officer, found herself in a fight or flight situation and unable to recall the details because her memories were clouded or foggy due to the experience. Maybe then a light bulb will go off.

    • She’s a police officer. If needed, the pros would have her fill in the blanks with whatever assisted the State or just say “It was a misunderstaning”.

  36. Have to speak generally. Although the ankle biter brought up her journal and memory quite often. Ugh.

    • I don’t get that either. Especially since when Jodi was testifying, she kept telling JM that is not what happened, and he kept saying, “that’s not what I’m asking, I’m asking if it is possible”

      • NK,reading ur comment I swear I could literally hear M’s intonation,saying this ”“that’s not what I’m asking, I’m asking if it is POssible” lol,we’re suffering from Post-Kermit-Disorder,I guess!

    • Even though they are speaking “in general”, I’m sure the Jury can relate that to Jodi keeping journals and making her memory greater. Doesn’t Martinez get that?? lol

  37. Hey guys im back. Missed this morning but I wont bother asking someone to fill me in. I’ll watch it when SJ puts it up.

    So far this expert DR of the brain looks and sounds GREAT!!! I love everything he’s said so far. I think this will mske a big difference on the jury. Haters are already talking shit, that he shouldn’t have been put up sinceche has no proof thst this is what actually happened to jodi. Whatever!!!!

    And all those those people still thinking that Jodi had memory issues because of the fog. Did I just hear that this COULD happen to ANYBODY? ? So, I dont think (I never thought either) that jodi had a memory issue. The fog happened due to the event she was in that day, could happen to anyone, ANYONE.

    By the way, im loving Wilmott too!!! ; ))

    • there was no trial this morning LC,so dont worry!they were just going back and forth woith Kermit’s objections! it’s only been 1 hour and 15 minutes that it’s on.

    • This is so true, when I was 22 I had a severe head on collision . I broke my back, fractured the bones in my face and literally took my nose off by hitting the steering wheel. All I remember is seeing the engine on fire. To this day I don’t remember getting to the hospital , talking with the paramedics etc….I only know what has been told to me. I was never unconscious, I was able to give all of my information etc…. After counseling I realized this is the way the brain protects us from reliving trauma . Jodi was in the fight of her life, she will probably never remember exactly what happened but she certainly didn’t premeditate to kill him if that was true she would have shot him in the shower when his back was to her at the base of the neck, one shot would have rendered him unable to move. there would have never been as much of a struggle as is evident in the crime scene. She may not be perfect and she has admitted to that but she is no murderer. JM and all of the followers still want to believe that TA was an innocent in all this even after hearing his own words and seeing the pictures, he was a virgin, good Mormon boy who only wanted a good Mormon girl. All blind,deaf and dumb.

  38. If I were gay, I’d be completely in love with Willmott.

    She’s doing an AWESOME job!

    • Jet Powered Jennifer if doing awesome today, as is Dr Richard Samuels!

      Team Jodi

      • Yes, SJ, I shall go to sleep with a smile on my face toninght, well, very soon, actually! I get the live feed at around 5.30pm.. so I either eat before it or very late!

    • Yes, Wilmott has the absolute sweetest, most trustworthy style. She reminds me of a former co-worker, a personable and smart woman whom everybody just loved. But more importantly, I came to witness her uncanny ability to “sell ice cubes to Eskimos.” Wilmott has what it takes to work the same kind of magic. I hope she plays a huge role in the close argument.

  39. I wonder what this Brain Dr thinks about Martinez? ?? Lol I WANT a report if Martinez! !!

  40. Again I am behind, but when the Dr is talking about stress & panic Jodi looks close to tears.

    • I think Jodi is feeling relieved and finally understood. She has an real expert who is explaining what she was trying to state durng this whole trial. Jodi did a fine job explaining it IMO, but now she is backed up by the science of it all. I’d cry too…from relief!

      • yes!and she also looks really engrossed in what this Dr is saying,she seems to both admire him and to have put all her faith in him.

      • O I agree completely! I felt bad for her, she’s holding it all in and has been for years. The time is now to get her story out and I believe it must be so overwhelming for her. When I let my own stress build up, my body feels like I’ve been run over by a mac truck. I can only imagine what she is going/gone thru.

    • I don’t doubt that she is. Whenever it’s been explained to me (PTSD, my amnesia, why I react the way I do to stress, why I can’t handle “triggers”), I have cried, and sometimes, bawled my eyes out. Finally, it’s justification. I’m not crazy. I’m not evil.

      After all Jodi has endured in this trial, particularly about her memory, this testimony must be such a relief for her.

      Oh but that’s right, I forgot. HLN told us she’s a sociopath, so she couldn’t possibly be crying. She couldn’t possibly experience any emotions other than overkill and evil thoughts. How did I forget that? Everything said on HLN is the Gospel truth. (Dripping with sarcasm!)

  41. I like how he says we will have data to look at because if JM objects, the jury will wonder what he is trying to hide.

  42. Whatever with this side bar mess. The damage is already done to the prosecutions side. If anyone is paying attention to the good doctor,, we have already learned that it is POSSIBLE (to use JM’s favorite term of late) that Jodi did NOT intentionally kill or plot to kill TA.

  43. I like what JM is objecting to is still on the screen. Read away jurors and then ask yourself, why is he objecting.

  44. Okay, I’ve been married to my awesome husband for 8 years and we have a 5-yr old daughter… But Jennifer is definitely my girl crush! Wow…

  45. Slam dunk…and JM is trying his damnedest to impede the process… plucking at hairs

      • what could they have possibly found to say against this guy?he’s just doing his job and damn well I should say!

        • I turned on HLN for a minute and saw some lisping idiot who looked like she just rolled out of bed comment about how the doctor “bored the jury into a fog.” Where do they find these people? This woman had no business being on TV.

          I’m sure the haters are saying the same thing.

          • I saw that woman on HLN too, and she really irritated me. The doctor certainly didn’t bore me into a fog. I was very interested in what he had to say, and I’m sure it was accurate because I’ve had a foggy memory during stressful situations as well.

  46. See the smiles of the defense and JM walking away with his arms crossed and pouting like a 2 year old. hahaha

  47. OMG, how many times is JM going to object? This doctor is making things so easily understood and I think that is what is pissing him off. He realizes that his “train is off the rails.”

    I am learning so much about memory from this witness. I think it is SO cool!

    • I agree Nicole, im leading too. The haters should stop hating n pay attention. And Martinez is writing away, taking notes like his going to find anything wrong with this expert. I dont think so Marti, this guy’s had years and years of professional experience.

  48. I can not get over how much Jodi has aged since the beginning of this trial. It’s like presidents, you know. In 4 years in office, they age 20 years. This poor girl has been through so much stress.

    • me neither also abused.but then again we have to consider that while a free woman she was really coquetish and dressy,a really beautiful woman.she still is but now she doesnt have access to cosmetics or beayty salons.

  49. Geez JM trying all he can to EXPUNGE testimony, and judge lets him get away with some of it!

  50. Police, our Military Personnel… Who can’t sympathize with these PTSD victims? Dr. Samuels is GOOD.

  51. The haters are REALLY HATING this guy!!! I wonder what HLN have to say about this now? ??

    • good,let them hate him-hopefully the Dr’s testimony will come and bite them in the a$$!!

  52. Long term, mild stress…..hmmmm, is that anything like the Jury having to listen to JM over the course of this trial. lol

    • He triggers my PTSD, I’ll tell you. Just the way he stands. I wouldn’t be surprised if he abuses his wife.

      • I was thinking the same thing Also abused. There has to be some form of emotional abuse going on from him towards the people in his life. He can’t directly question (even his own witnesses) without using the tone of voice that accuses them or makes them feel guilty of some sort of wrong doing.

        • And he doesn’t have a second chair .. not even on such a high profile case. Another telling point. Something is off with this guy.

      • If he has kids, I can imagine their conversations:

        “Would it surprise you to learn that I found some pot in your room?”

        “No, but it’s not mine. It’s my friend Joey’s.”

        “DID I ASK if the pot was Joey’s? You’re going beyond the scope of my question!”

  53. There are a lot of gallery interuptions during defense testimony I noticed loud coughing agree????

    • I was so riveted on Dr. Samuels’ testimony that I didn’t even notice, honestly. He is fantastic!

  54. Amazing expert. Usually they lose the listener. Not in this case. He makes it so simple and very believable. JM will look bad if he acts like a bully during XE which I’m sure he will since Jennifer told the judge that the Dr. was unable to answer his questions completely to JM during the break.

  55. WOW, his whole personna is fantastic. He is just so cute and sweet. Good luck if JM attacks this sweet and VERY smart man! I believe every single word he says. I do not think he is lying or has any malice in his heart and this is so good for Jodi. I think this should end quickly on a HIGH note for Jodi. Leave a lasting impression on the Jury. So great. I have goose bumps because of his absolute professionalism and knowledge. Fab o.
    Hugs to all!!

    • You can’t argue with science. Naming no names, this is not like some lunatic asshole trying to catch air in a tin can (Arpad Vass).

      Team Jodi

  56. I can’t believe that people on Twitter are saying he is a quack! This guy is a TRUE expert in his field.

    • Well if he was for the prosecution, he would be a “holy grail” of witnesses. What do they know anyway?

      • Well, they don’t know, of course. But, I can’t believe that he is laying out things so clearly and they don’t get it.

        I suffered from PTSD. I was under acute stress in the workplace and would shake every time the situation presented itself again or even seeing the piece of equipment up close or far away. I worked through it and was able to get back to my job.

        • I think tose folks just jumped on the “hang her high” band wagon too soon and now just don’t want to admit they are wrong. Crow doesn’t taste so good I hear, and based on this witnesses information,all the nay sayers will have to eat plenty of it.

        • Nicole, I understand, I know where your coming from. These haters are assholes n can go suck a fart!!! Like someone else said, if he was for the prosecutor, they’d totally be 100% relying on every word hes saying.
          My brother got hurt on a job too n I blv he needs to go see someone, he describes feeling the way you do when he had to go back to work n use the machine he got hurt with. It was terrible, he’d have nightmares n shake whenever Sundays came around because he was worried about going to work on Mondays. He changed his career path because of this n now does something completely different.

          My husband is a USMC and has been for 9 year, has been deployed 3times. He has PTSD. He shakes in his sleep, (sometimes yells), AND one thing Dr Samuel said that’s true n happens to my husband ALOT is that he forgets memories. We’ll do things and a month from doing so, I have to remind him of these events that I hold as precious memories but he cant remember them. Its sad, but its true PTSD works just the way this Dr is explaining, so these haters need to really wake up, stop being so ignorant. This can happen to anyone, like the Dr said.

    • If they think he’s a quack then they would also have to agree that police departments hire a quack to work with LE officers.

      • He has integrity, he said he stays neutral and looks at everything. It is up to who ever hired him to chose to use him or not. He is not making things up to fit into the defense case. That could be why shorty doesn’t like him, much harder to attack his credibility.

      • I bet I’m not the ONLY abuse victim who feels like he explained how we feel soooooo well. I’m dying to hear the rest.

        He’s such a nice man too, highly intelligent, but not a bit condescending. He comes across like your favorite uncle or your grandpa. I know he said he doesn’t practice therapy anymore. I bet he was awesome at it though.

      • Hmm Viri, that might take a miracle. I don’t think Nancy Disgrace will have a clue. I can almost hear her “And this so-called Noo Joisey doctor whose a witness for hire — that’s what I call guys like this because they’ll get on that stand and say anything, depending on who’s paying them. Taking a call now from Noo Joisey, were you a patient of this guy? Did he ruin your life? You’re watching Nancy Grace Mysteries on HLN.”

  57. I think it was a giid idea that Dr Samuel brought I articles/reports from OTHER sources, not just his. It shows that he didnt make things up to fit Jodis defense. That it is REAL, TRUE facts that the human brian works the way jodis did that day.

    I really really really really LIKE this DR. Martinez needs to back off!!! I swear, I will drive to AZ and “whatever” him in his nose!!

      • I agree with TB,you better be careful using such powerful expressions LC,apparently ”I’ll whatever you in the nose” means Premeditation according to Martinez! LOL!!!

    • Ahahahaaa… I love you, LC, just because of sentences like your last one here! You’re terrific!

    • TB n Ashley, Aawwww thank you guys!!! I just git excited about this DR n dont like how he hasn’t even finish n they’re trying to discredit him already…

      MB… I hadn’t EEEEVVVVEN/ Dr Drew hasn’t even crossed my mind, thats how legit this Dr Samuel is. If I was Dr Drew id take the night off, he should hide out of embarrassment!!

    • Yes, absolutely!

      I am really liking this guy. The way he explains it, everyone can take something with them and apply it to their own life too. So I don’t know why the haters hate him, I guess it’s because he’s a really good witness for the defense.

      He shows up Dr Drew and all the other quacks that have been squacking on HLN. Good for him!!

      • Haters hate for a multitude of reasons, Ignorance, revenge, incomprehension, mental incapacity, callowness resentment, and a general dissatisfaction with themselves. They have been wronged, cannot forgive, and cannot see the other side of reason. They refuse to hear and only listen to selective words to form their arguments and responses. They do not listen to hear, they listen to respond.

        • Absolutely, some of the women’s blood are boiling, it is boiling and has been boiling since the verdict in the Casey Anthony case. When looking at some of the comments over on that Facebook site you will notice Casey, or Baez comes up. They are full of hate and anger over that, so for some of these so called women, they want to see Jodi fry, then they will be happy.

  58. Wow! Willmott is on fire! She is ready for JM’s possible questions. Preemptive strike, asking him about whether or not the scores could be faked, how easily it could be done, and whether Jodi did.

    If she had not asked those questions, JM would have probably asked on cross whether scores could be faked and then stopped there, not allowing the doctor to elaborate, and thus biasing the jury.

    • JM will still go after him. It is his nature. During the break when the judge asked that JM question the witness further, they came back from break, JM still objected citing garbage, and then Jennifer let the judge know the witness was not allowed to give complete answers to JM due to interruptions.

      The jury will like this witness on a personal lever )compared to those that have gone before) and JM’s tactics will backfire. Highly unlikely that JM will have no or very few questions for the good Dr. You would think JM would want him off the stand ASAP.

  59. Is it me or did the Judge look angry after they let the Jury out for recess (till 3:15) why is she angry?

    • she always look angry! that is why we call her pickle face, or sour puss, or prune puss.

    • perhaps realizing the Truth of it all and that the prosecution manipulated her too many times.
      She needed a break from the stress and thought jury might do too.
      Confronted with the real evidence about this case might put Jodi’s unbelievers into stress mode.

      • Wow, for all of us to feel that and saw that behavior from the Judge, me thinks she is not happy. That scares and saddens me because she will be giving the Jury Instructions but Thank you; viri, JN, Trixels, Jodie, Ashley.. Great minds right?
        Ok so it seems like Jodi has many of those YES!! she gets to ask specific to Jodi.
        Oh and I Love that he does not, or is not rehearsed. He is fantastic. This is awesome. OH cool Multiple sources. How can JM even debate this info. He sure as heck aint objecting.

  60. Man, there are just soooo many cheap shots we could take today on the haters! So many, I can’t even choose just one! OKay, one, they’re talking about something most of them don’t use very much….a brain…ok….lame….JM is NOT going to get Time Magazine’s Man of the Year after dissing it! Is it unbelievable to you all as much as it is to me that people just didn’t all this months ago?

    Anyone having any luck trying to get on the mock jury if you’re near Atlanta?

    I got spanked by FB for “possible spamming or whatever… for the petition or some cry baby…and I’d just like to say THANK YOU…cause I needed a break! Sometimes FB knows best….:)

    Reminder, for those of you who want to do it – put the state up where you are from in your post so we can advertise how many states are supporting Jodi!

    • heeeeeey Maggie,objection!!!!!You should have written countries!! LOL!!!
      I’m from Greece,100% supporting Jodi.So,we’d better advertise how many COUNTRIES are supporting Jodi. <3

  61. I think HLN and all the other official quacks associated with that outlet are going to have to be very careful what they say about the good doctor here because defaming a highly educated professional could end up costing them a lot in the end.

  62. Love that he says only about 5% of psychs. retain his level of education and credentials!!!

    I also love that Wilmont already demolished JM’s only possibly argument. You know he was going to say that these tests that he gave could possibly be manipulated by a liar. The expert did well explaining how it is very unlikely the test could be manipulated by someone who wanted a certain diagnosis.
    He is NOT intelligent to argue with this witness, can’t wait to see how that goes!!

  63. I love the way Wilmont sort of giggles at JM’s ridiculous objections. She knows he squirming!

  64. Another comment from the LOSERS that made me laugh. Had to share it cuz its too funny.

    This quack is looking for his 15 minutes……

    Ok… really??? Lol I cant blv they have the nerves! !!

    • Someone from this site should do a little sleuthing on the creator of a certain page and post their findings there…….
      Yes, it’s catty, but they were really rude to me. I simply pointed out a FACT in the case and they went ballistic!! Haven’t been back since.

      • Misty, what site are you on. they’re so threatened right now. They’re so pissed, they’re ready to kill!!!

        • I’m here!! Sorry if they are mad! I messaged them privately. I don’t post anything in public and I was just stating cold hard facts. I guess they don’t like it when someone judges them based solely on a criminal charge.

  65. OMG!!! This doc said not ONE violent or negative in ALL her writings since HIGHSCHOOL!!!! Made tears come to my eyes!!

    • her gentle peaceful nature is what drove me here,I just couldnt imagine that woman as a cold blooded killer or the Devil as some haters claim.In fact,I read a comment on YouTube the other day when a user could swear that they can actually see an evil entity dwelling in her eyes!Can you believe that???How crazy are these people??
      She’s a genuinely kind hearted person who happened to make some really bad decisions and found herself in this horrible situation.

      • Me too maria, she has a very gentle, creative, and sensitive soul. I wish people could see that instead of being blinded by hate, insecurity, and jealousy.

  66. Yes! Thank you! The doctor explained it finally.

    I thought that she could be in denial. Her making the story up is because she did not want to admit to herself that she did something so awful.

  67. Hahaha dr said: “We call it “DENIAL” yeah haters, WE call it DENIAL!! They cant deal with the fact that that Jodi is innocent.

  68. watching Jodi watching the doctor I can safely say that she’s hanging by the tip of his lips as we all are,but cannot even begin to imagine how meaningful and relieving this testimony is to her.

  69. Love this DR!!!! Did “Dr.” Drew read her diary and test Jodi in order to render his “professional” opinions of her?

      • Haahaahaaa…. u image the way he’s feeling! Loooosseeerrrrr!!! He should be embarrassed!

    • DR.Drew is a well known Quack he is such a nothing look how he diagnosis people. How could anyone take him seriously.

      • exactly…isnt it like 4 or 5 of his patients have died since being on his celebrity rehab show,,,says alot uh

      • I know I used to like him an Nancy too when they did the search things for the children or people that disappeared but they all stopped doing that now they have changed into very mean an ugly people. I don;t know how they went from being compassionate to being like they are now I do not understand it

        But I do remember getting upset about a little girl in MO that was lost an NG was saying the parents were bad for letting the baby girl play outside with another child an things an I did not agree with her it was a very tiny town. But anyways she said oh the parents flunked the lie detector thing an I don’t believe those to be accurate anyways because if you are scared they say they will say you are a liar.

        But anyways I haven’t liked her since then really because she was saying horrible things about the mama an daddy an here the neighbor down the street just a few houses took that baby girl.

        But I did see these shows change in the last few years to being very mean I don’t know why must get more viewers by being ugly to people in distress I think it is horrible. I would never call her if I needed help for anything after seeing that show.

        • Oh yes…and in the case, it was the NEIGHBOR who killed the little girl! A sick pervert who had kids of his own. But Nancy was ready to hang her parents high and dry.

  70. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, so sad, not a violent thought or word. Poor Jodi. TA really broke her down, he destroyed her. He hurt her forever. She deserves a life, free of him. Thanks SJ, oh how she needs our support! Thanks to you and all the admins!

  71. This Doctor is GREAT One Of The Best, The haters are getting ready on HLN to disqualify him already. I guess Doctor Quack will have his experts on hand which consist of Travis Friends, The Psychic Lady, the astrologer body language expert.

    • How exactly will JM try to dispute this testimony, as we are sure he will do. Will he bring on his own expert to say everything Dr Samuels said is a lie or will his expert give a different diagnosis?

      • Thats a good question. You know he’ll have to come up with something GOOD. But knowing how Martinez works, he’ll probably try to go back to this Dr prior history of education and try to make something up.

    • ROFL!

      It’s so true. Anyone who doesn’t like her now thinks a Dr is lying.
      I gotta see what HLN is saying….and yell at my TV screen

    • Yeah, but he also said her sleep pattern is abnormal, that she should have adjusted after a period of time and she did not

      • No just pointing out the word “jail”. JM got PISSED when Jodi mentioned her jail cell.

        • yeah!where was Martinez’s objection to that??maybe he has shitted his pants and have become hard of hearing?

    • Im sure she does. I have had to sleep with my bedroom door locked for most of my life. This going back to my childhood. Even with the door locked, if someone even TOUCHES the doorknob I wake up.

  72. Now I know why Mr Nurmi is seeming lighthearted. Dr. Samuels is SMOOTH and easy…I wonder if Jodi is drawing sometimes.

  73. Willmott is all over this! She is really sharp, being extra careful, keeping up with it all!

    • I noticed shes covering everything too. She’s even coverd the sleeping in the jail n how dr rated her to prior. This is GREAT work!!

  74. Anyone who is dismissing this man as “a quack” has obviously never dealt with anyone who has PTSD.

    I dated a woman for a while a few years ago who was in law enforcement, and while we were dating she ended up in a situation in which she had to kill someone in self-defense. Her personality totally changed and she became a textbook example of the sort of things this doctor is talking about. At one point I think she didn’t sleep, at all, for about a week. Her situation finally made it impossible for us to have a relationship. I recognized the symptoms in Jodi immediately, which is part of why I believe her story.

    I’m glad that my only contact with the haters is the stuff that you folks report here.

    • I mentioned before that my father suffered from PTSD a few years back. His company very suddenly took a huge financial hit in the recession and he had to file corporate bankruptcy. He was practically catatonic for weeks and kept rambling about how he and my mother were going to end up living under a bridge. With time and therapy, he recovered, but doesn’t remember anything about that time period.

  75. This is hilarious in regards to JM.

    Jodi’s Lawyer is pretty much going down the List of each and every one of JM’s arguments and even includes answers to some of the Jury questions and checking them off with a great big scientific pen.

  76. Wow… will be three days before we’ll hear from Dr Samuels again. I’m sure JM hates that!!! Lots for the jurors to think about for three days!!!

  77. Have any of you guys thought about this DR safety already??? I HAVE, im starting to thk he should have someone walk him out to his car.

  78. Jodi, does look like shes going to cry. I wish, she would just let it out!! Let these assholes HEAR your pain, Jodi. Now, im going to cry!!!

    I thk this would be a perfect time for her to show how she felt, what she’s been through, through the words of this expert.

    • She seemed to listen carefully at times and learn things from him, like self-discovery. At other times, might have been doodling.

    • I was diagnosed with PTSD and still under DR care…I wish I could cry….expressing emotions, beyond middle of the road feelings is very difficult, i.e. anger, crying and sometimes even laughter. I doubt that Jodi cries much or is capable of any out bursts….it’s a terrible way to be.

      • I missed some of the psychologist’s testimony & I’m really interested in the emotions part. I know 2 men & 1 woman that have been diagnosed with PTSD after returning from tours of duty. One of the men displays very little emotion. The other shows some emotion but not as much as I would think a “normal” person would. The woman’s emotions seem to be “normal”. All of them have retained very vivid memories of the traumatic events they were involved in. Did the Dr. explain WHY the emotion thing is different for people experiencing very similar events? I think it has something to do with whether you are open to sharing your experience or whether you keep it all inside.

  79. Love that he looks at the jury, “can you imagine not being to turn to your family or a friend?”

    • and Jodi was about to cry at that point 🙁
      On a brighter side though,Nurmi made her smile again while the jury was leaving.That smile of hers today is priceless.

      • Amen. She has every reason to smile after today’s witness. Loved every minute…well except for the JM disruptions.

    • awwww,NK I hadnt refresh my page and wrote the exact same thing.and Wimott just now waving bue bue to her.Gonna sound melodramatic but again…awwwwww! Good day today Team Jodi!!!!!!

  80. I’ve found a new form of entertainment. Go to the HLN website and comment under the newest story in support of JA, or mention how great this doctor is. Then sit back and watch how fast the notifications in your facebook start to add up…. *bing* 1 *bing* 2 *bing* 3…. they’re zombies swarming around a fresh brain.

      • Oh I know, they’re pathetic. When you post something positive about Jody they try to flood Facebook with reports against your comment to get it removed. I learned a long time ago how to get the message across while walking the very fine line so their childish antics don’t work. Never had a virus sent through fbook though?

          • Oh yeah, it’s amazing! They are getting angrier and angrier! For God’s sake, some REAL TV news show, take this opportunity and bring HLN down for their sensationalizing! Do a story on how with every logical, rational word, a hater blows a FB gasket!

            I think we need to coordinate an “OCCUPY HLN…and all the heads” one day and blast them with the facts….WE ALL POST SIMILAR SHORT MESSAGES OF THE TRUTH…AROUND THE SAME TIME? COME ON GUYS, ARE YA IN?


        • OH I have, if y’all get one; Close all apps, then Just change your Facebook password immediately and run a scan. I have even had to do a complete system restore. Also, beware they post links and if you click on them you get a virus. be safe..

      • That’s exactly how I picture them when I read their nonsense. Every video, every forum, nearly every comment is the same and all I see is “me zombie, me need braaaaaaainnnssss”…

    • I do that sometimes they are very mean in there as well an will argue for DAYS !! back an forth with it.

  81. whoops! looks all the armchair psychologists can shut their mouths now. All they have to say is that he looks like hes related to Gus. It really makes me sick the people who are watching this whole thing with a completely closed mind.

    • Loved the part where he said she didn’t have other mental illnesses, guess she isn’t a sociopath after all Dr. Fool. There’s a reasons he’s on TV and not in private practice.

      • And no prior violence, so I am really wondering if the slashed tires even existed, cause I’m sure NG, JVM,and Dr. Fool would have had the person who replaced all those tires on their show a long time ago.

        • Yes I wonder that too. I think Lisa testified that she and Travis heard a knock at the door, and when they went out they saw the tires were slashed. But even if that did happen, there’s no proof at all that it was Jodi who did it, or sent the email. And from what I understand from the text messages, they show that Jodi got an email too. Sometimes I wonder if that little clique of dorks just liked fucking with each other.

          • I think Lisa had a stalker of her own, and he sent the e-mails and also slashed the tires. Flores must have been able to trace Lisa’s e-mail from the stalker and found it was NOT from Jodi. Seemed logical that whoever sent the e-mail also slashed the tires and this is why the prosecution can’t bring any of this in. I think it was Lisa’s ex BF Steve Bell who did all of it. The thing is, Travis may have THOUGHT it was Jodi. He told all his friends that it was her.

          • Yep that is what I think too. Travis’s beloved PPL or LDS friends that wanted him away from Jodi for good may have done that to push him away from her more.Or he made someones husband or boy friend mad by FLIRTING with their lady’s. As that was his game with all the lady’s the friends said.

      • I just popped onto HLN (mistake) and they are already disputing the PDST and saying that many of the symptoms of PTSD are the same as those of a psychopath….

        • Oh, for fuck’s sake. The people saying this probably have the mentality of a sixth grader, yet they’re going to pretend that they’re psychological experts.

  82. Anyone else notice that Jodi kind of played down the bangs today? I wonder if she heard about the YouTube spoof…..

    • That spoof was disgusting. I watched a few seconds of it and turned it off. What is also disgusting is that people are circulating the un-edited versions of the explicit photos of both Jodi and Travis (the personal ones that have bars over the private areas in court…) Disgusting!

      • I liked one part of the spoof. About the 5 year old girl. Even the people doing the spoof think TA is a pedo. So, what does that tell ya? Jodi has supporters in all ways. I really didnt think it was too bad they made fun of her affect which is now being explained by the Expert and it was not funny IMO but the part about Travis wanting little girls to take naked pictures of him. Hit the nail on the head. IMO, TA well, he was ramping up to possibly doing much more heinous things.

  83. OH BTW, NG says she went thru years of therapy for the loss of her murdered fiance. So she best not be saying this guy is a quack. If he doesnt know about the brain and disorders, nobody does. If he doesnt have the training, nobody does. he is excellent. He was tough cookie, I doubt anyone could get one over on him. Not Jodi, the Judge..,. Nobody. Awesome. Also, I think Nurmi and now Willmont is a refreshing take on good cop/bad cop. Old ways/new ways. Slow/fast. animated/2D.. This is really working. Where JM is a one note/hit wonder, these jurors are getting the best of all personality types and styles. Jodi, we are all praying you make it. This is a rollercoaster ride for sure.

    • NG should ask for her money back, because the therapy didn’t help her, she is still very angry. And she bullies people who don’t have the same opinion she has.

  84. Is court done for the day? I thought they were just taking afternoon break? The live feed is off now…

  85. oh boy…here we go…JVM already misquoting what the doctor says…and her make believe “experts” are second guessing his diagnosis. Wow, really…they have NEVER treated jodi, yet this doctor has seen her 12 times, but they are correct…lmao!

    • Right……of course none of them can admit to believing this DR even their expert psychologist disagreed, but he sure looked shifty and nervous while doing it.

    • JVM is a Jukebox, whoever puts their quarter in, she sings their song. No integrity what so ever!

    • That kid on her show probably hadn’t even been born by the time this guy was already practicing.

  86. That reject said this guy was making a mockery of psychology. Really he is amongst the 5% of Psychs. who have his credentials, Lol!

  87. I was wondering if we could all take a break from all Hater sites, TV show etc. If you want to watch the action today, SJ posts it all. The comments here can go into the 1000’s, I read them all, each night. I wish we could all have a weekend and start Monday free from any negativity. Nothing in regard to this. Lets all be those Jurors. Can you do it? I think I can. Everyone have a happy weekend. Safe and full of laughs and love.

    • I agree Patty. Staying off the hater sites is best. “Evil communication corrupts good manners”

      Think on good things that promote healthy minds and spirits. It was a good day For team Jodi 🙂

      Have a good weekend everyone

    • Good idea i did that but couldn’t watch it on my computer. I have never really watched those trashy shows so I know they lie about everyone they appeal to very angry hateful people who are ZOMBIES!

    • i agree patti i don’t go on hater sits and staying away from HLN, as much as i can, because JVM, NG and VP just rise my blood pressure

    • Wonderful idea ….. now if you guys could talk to my friends and family before they commit me. lol I only wish they could just take the time to watch it all not the “News” shows.

      It was a very good day for Jody and her voice was heard!!!!!! I learned so much about PTSD today and it really brought it home. So many of our vets, they guys from 40dy to 35 years ago have suffered. I have to admit I saw my ex-husband today in some of it. That was a very long time ago. But now he is being treated for PTSD and we are now very good friends.

      Jodi has a long recovery ahead of her. I hope she gets the help she needs. But before that, she/we need to understand why it happened.

    • I agree, I need a break from all the negative mongers. I think I’ll pull fabric and start another quilt this weekend.

  88. Oh ok HLN now…. that PTSD can very much happen AFTER premeditation! !! Of course! !!!

    But they havent mentioned a word of the hypothalamus part of the brain. Explaining how n why things happened the way that it did. They didn’t bring this up because this is the biggest reason how this all went down.

    • Gosh look how boring a person is when they are not interested in the truth, They have this hate parade, going 24-7 on this site we all have different opinions they all chant the same Mantra like NAZIS!! Why would all of them except some token person who is allowed to speak up for Jodi and the other 3 or 4 screech the same hate speech.

  89. I like where Samuels said he read her diaries from jr. high and high school, before she would have any reason to hide things, rip out pages, or lie in them.

    • I like that Dr. Samuels mentioned that while reading her diaries there was NOT ONE instance of expressed anger. Not a single one in ALL her diaries even from way back into her early teens! Those younger years are usually when one might use a journal as an outlet to express themselves ex: “I hate my mother”, “I wish the bully at school would get run over by the bus”, “My father won’t let me go to the party Friday, he can go to hell I’m going anyway.” Jodi expressed NO anger in ANY of her journals. That part of his testimony spoke VOLUMES to me.His words opened my heart even more than it was already. No wonder the tragedy of Travis death created a block in her memory! It is so out of character for her. My heart bleeds for that young lady. She had so much to offer the world and now… I hope she has a chance to live outside prison walls. This whole thing is so sad. It breaks my heart.

      • Dorothy,
        You are so right that spoke volumes to because obviously in an abusive family their is a no feel rule, that is how she coped, to brush it away. This doctor was excellent.

  90. Just so everyone knows the Psychiatrist Expert they had on stand today is one of the top in the country also the hospital he worked at in New Jersey, Hackensack university medical center is in the top 20!!! He is the most credible expert they can get and he is very particular about what cases he works on!!!

  91. I have some patients I would like to referral to Dr. Samuels for lobotomies.

    Patient Names:
    Nancy Grace
    Jane Velez-Mitchell
    Vinnie Politan
    Drew Pinsky

    • and all the experts that appear on his programs Gloria Alred her pathetic Daughter, Travis Friends The psychic all Body Language experts

  92. I was reading a hater site and a girl asked a question about what does the rear-choke hold mean (that was posted on TA’s myspace by Ashley). She JUST ASKED that question and next thing you know she was being called names and people were spewing hatred towards her. She asked why was everyone so angry and a couple of them said they weren’t – they were amused (??) and the name-calling continued. It was very strange and scary.

    There is an ancient philosophy from the native Americans that states that hatred and fear are parasites. They feed off each other and when one gets too close, one can contract the parasite. It takes over the brain and the infected person eventually becomes insane. I see this happen in mob mentalities like that of HLN and the TA support sites.

    After my last read over at the hater site (described above) – I must say I agree with that philosophy and will never read those sites nor watch HLN again. Ever.

    • Their behavior is unlike ANY I have ever seen. It is so scary. When I became a victim of their wrath after writing a simple comment I tried reason but to no avail. Now I avoid reading the comments on any of the videos on youtube regarding this trial. They feed off of each other’s evil and they wallow in it together. It’s like a bottomless cesspool. It’s better to avoid it altogether.

    • That is so so true Cindy P it is way worse than I remember it. I am thinking though it is the internet people can say really horrible things an we do not know them. I wonder if these same people standing alone on a street would yell these same things a loud. I do not think they would. But like WOLVES in a PACK they will. They are the spineless worms of the world is how I see it.

      Ever since I can remember I was always the one that spoke up when I seen something or someone being done wrong in life. An a lot of times ridiculed for it. But I would rather be me than a spineless worm.

  93. If relating to jury thinking….

    what about JMs questions yesterday about the camera. If she dropped the camera how was the pic of Travis on Jodi’s leg with blood on him, get taken?

    Honestly, it’s good question…unless he picked it up and chased her with it (she suggested maybe he picked it up?) to hit her with it or something along those lines, how was the last photo taken?

    • Candie,
      That must be a MAGIC camera because I can’t imagine
      the picture with the pant leg.

  94. did everyone see that JM is trying to keep out the Dr testifying that the severity of the wounds is not typical for premeditation but more typical for a spontaneous act. I bet he will be burning the midnight oil trying to come up with a good reason that it is not admissible I hope the defense gets that in then premeditation is gone

    • also said that the area of the brain wouldn’t impair abilities. only speech and rational thinking.

      He basically said TA couldn’t die from the gunshot

      • I’ve kind of thought that all along. The bullet didn’t kill Travis, it turned him in to a “zombie” if you will… he was probably flailing his arms and unable to speak clearly, its quite possible he scared the shit out of Jodi even more at that point. Picture a guy with a bullet hole in his head, covered in blood, coming at you mumbling incoherently…. would probably resemble every zombie movie you’ve ever seen and be a little frightening.

        • Jodi said he said “kill you bitch” after she shot him, not mumbling incoherently. But his body could have been flailing.

          • Which is very different from what someone would actually say instead of just half of it
            “I’m going to fuckin kill you bitch”

        • Does anyone remember how the singer Selena ran a pretty good distance from her motel room to the hotels front office to report that she had been shot by her attacker? She was alive for a good while before she collasped on the floor. It was later noted that had she not run and caused her heart to speed up which caused her to bleed out more quickly, she may have been able to survive.

          My point in bringing that up, is that travis could have still been agressive for a while even after being shot more than once…just like Selena was still able to run for help. Hey, it’s like JM keeps saying, “it’s Possible”.

          • They can look it up. A man in Atlanta GA was shot 4 or 5 times in the face with a .25 while attempting to rob a house an he got back in his car an was driving to the hospital when the cops caught him. Yes I have always though it was possible.

          • C.Nevarez,excellent point! I’m a fan of Selena and have been reading almost everything out there about her.In fact,she was shot on her shoulder and the shot actually cut the main artery which supplies the heart with blood.
            Yet she was able to run a great distance from her hotel room to the lobby,still barely alive to identify Yolanda her attacker by naming her to the receptionist and then finally collapsed on the floor.When the doctor performed the autopsy he fould that her body was completely drained of blood because she had run quickly making the heart pound the blood out of her body even faster than it would actually do if she hadnt done so. I also believe that since Travis’ wound was inflicted by a relatively small caliber gun that yes,he was probably alive enough to chase Jodi down the bedroom name calling her and attacking her.

    • prob. becos in preMed u have a plan, u do it U GET OUT. u don’t go over for a visit, sex, photos, etc. IMO.
      mz. graceless can’t believe the dr. testimony. saying hogwash.

    • Oh dear lord, the scathing comments! Poison. First of all, how can anybody hate Jodi (or Travis for that matter) if they never met them? They can think Jodi is guilty, they can think she is a terrible person, but how can they hate her? I swear, you’d think she was Hitler or Stalin based on people’s comments!

      I mean, one girl commenting is talking about how she wants to burn Jodi’s drawing book and how she hates her with a passion! What the heck is wrong with people!!!?

      And of course she is smiling. She is allowed to. (This is that same crap people talked about when that footage of the Sandy Hook victim’s dad came out, and he was smiling before his speech. Everyone yelling how it must be a conspiracy because he should not be smiling at all!!) The doctor never said Jodi cannot feel a thing, he said that her emotional range is restricted. MEANING, she can’t feel as sad or happy about a situation as she would have prior to this tragedy.

      I am quite sure she is haunted by this every day of her life. Otherwise, she’d be able to sleep like a baby!

      Theory: She doesn’t remember stabbing him, she remembers hearing the knife fall. Honestly, she could have blocked it out because she witnessed a murder. Her wounds could be because she was trying to stop it. She could have passed out for a bit after (if the attacker threw her off). The blood all over her body could be because she went to check on Travis and got covered with his blood. She could remember the knife falling because the attacker dropped it. She probably did shoot Travis, the attacker knows that, he left her alive because since she’d already shot him, she’d get blamed. The bathroom was watered down, maybe the attacker did that. (Just a theory, probably just something I am wishing happened instead of what happened.)

    • Neo! Thank you very much for posting that link.
      I read her lips, she said, “Thanks” and smiled.
      p.s. Adorable pup :O)

    • awww,I caught that yesterday and actually(just because I had two live streamings on and the one was a few minutes behind in time)had the pleasure of watching that snippet twice,Yay!!!! warm hearting,indeed!

  95. has anyone noticed that HLN has appeared to have toned down their news coverage?…they are showing more of the events in the court room and opining less…

  96. our nancy Disgrace is freakin’ a bit. just cut a woman off cos she: “saying this witness is good”

  97. Finally got to watch more than 2 minutes of the trial live! OMG, I learned two things today when that doctor took the stand to speak on PTSD….

    1. Juan Martinez will object and pick out the most ridiculous reasons for objections when he realizes that he’s fucked. Hence, the objection to the doctor writing in his own notes. Like, the doctor really put the court copy of his diagnosis in a 3 ring binder, right? Give me a break.

    2. I should be a psychologist. For realz. I have called this in some of my posts on various sites.

    I felt so validated by this witness that I found myself on a thread of HLN’s about an expert who claims the gun jammed and then another person came on claiming to be a lie expert, any way, I actually started diplomatically responding to some of the comments on there. It was a challenge I proposed to myself. To see if I could keep from being petty and judgmental. I’m not sure how I did, though. I may have gotten a bit snarky. But, just a skosh. That’s all.

    I walk away from my computer screen feeling that this witness testimony could very well be just what Jodi needs to drive home enough reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors. I mean, he explained away the lack of remorse people keep talking about, the memory loss, and the lies. Can you ask for more? Probably not, but he went ahead and gave it anyway when he said, “I’m not talking about intrusive memories of that night, she has no memories of that night” (loose quote obviously)

    Defense says explain that and his next words are GOLD, again, loose quote “The memories are there but they are not available to be recalled.” Defense asks if they ever will be able to be recalled and witness says, “No, it’s not likely. The stress was too much.” In other words, she experienced shock. Her subconscious turned off her conscious mind and then even disconnected itself in order to preserve itself while the murder was occurring. Had it not done this, she’d be fucking bat shit crazy loon suffering with every mental disorder known to man and a few that have yet to be classified. Then, and ONLY THEN, would she be a danger to others and/or herself.

    • this DEFINITELY happens, the brain shutting out memory, in many ways.
      WHY do ppl like mz. disgrace mock this?

      like when someone goes into shock, 9-10 times ppl can NOT recall things that happened while thy were in shock.

      not hard to understand NANCY!?

    • Martinez will likely cite this, from the very paper the Dr. referenced (Amnesia and Crime). Keep in mind I’m not posting this to be contrary, just that it seems VERY plausible he’ll rebut with this:

      Malingered Amnesia
      Another interpretation of crime-related amnesia acknowledges the likelihood that some offenders intentionally fabricate memory loss to avoid punishment for a crime or for other personal gain. While an early study reported that 20 percent of the offenders claiming amnesia were fabricating the memory loss,73 it has been suggested that the rate of malingering is higher.116 The likelihood of malingered amnesia may be greater in offenders with antisocial personality disorder.31,84 Using polygraphy, Lynch and Bradford84 showed that offenders with antisocial personality disorder have a higher propensity to feign amnesia for crimes, compared with those with no personality disorder or other psychopathologic disorders. It has been suggested that offenders with antisocial personality disorder may be prone to malingering amnesia for crimes in part because of the tendencies of manipulation, habitual deceit, and a general poverty in major affective reactions that characterize this disorder.31,84 Other authors have noted the possible contribution of low intelligence and frontal executive dysfunction to the feigning of amnesia for crimes.3,117 However, as it is possible that highly intelligent malingerers are more adept at feigning amnesia for crimes and may thus evade detection and less frequently receive a diagnosis of malingering, further research may help to clarify a link between low intelligence/frontal executive dysfunction and feigned amnesia.

      If anyone is interested in reading more!

      • Furthermore, from the same study: In accepting evidence supporting the validity of amnesia claims, it seems clear that the important issue should be determining how to distinguish between genuine amnesia, whatever the cause, and malingered amnesia in cases raising an index of suspicion. Despite several attempts to solve this dilemma,2,11–13,84 there is still no clear answer.

        Know thy enemy, friends. 🙂

      • Interesting. YOU may be right. he didnt seem to grasp science this morning though. at all. I thought his objections were silly. “this guy isnt a doctor so has not qualified to be talking about the brain.” That was silly and he sounded quite ignorant with regard to psychology. i thought he had to be joking at first. His remarks yesterday to Jodi saying, “isnt she some kind of social worker” weren’t that bright either.

      • Another thought – he tested her and she did NOT have any axis 2 disorders ie sociopathy. So the part you mentioned article may be moot with that evidence. The doctor did his homework but Im sure martinez will try!

        • You’re absolutely right! Though don’t forget Martinez had another psych. look at Jodi, as well. So we’ll get a second psychological profile, and who knows how she’ll be categorized.

          • I wish this wasnt here because I dont want them seeing this from us. makes me sad and she does not have frontal lobe problems.

            • I don’t mean to be upsetting, Patty! I was just presenting what I thought the state may come back with. I’m not posting it in judgement.

              • He addressed malingering already. Willmott specifically asked if people could fake amnesia and his reply was “They could”. But he also stated that throughout his assessment of Jodi, prior to her “Breakthrough” he made note of typical behavior of avoidance and disassociation. Psychologists’ radar is up when they assess a patient. Being keen to malingering is most likely foremost on the agenda. They are taught early on that “faking” is a common thing to assess and they have secret ways of assessing it. The two tests Jodi took probably had a series of questions that, in their own secret way, would indicate malingering. I doubt Dr. Samuels will have any problem addressing any questions asked of him regarding this subject. He most likely will use these questions as an opportunity to explain how he arrived at his final assessment and why/how malingering was ruled out. I have faith in his expertise.

  98. I missed a lot of the testimony today but did the Dr. talk about the ‘freeze’ response? I believe Jodi was having that response a few times during sexual encounters. She was unable to say “no” to Travis at least a couple times.

    • Possibly. But it is also likely she wanted to say no, but she also really really loved him, and so she didn’t want to disappoint him, and she may have also partially been okay with it because it felt good (physically) even if it did not mentally. Like more of a bittersweet type reaction to it?

      • I think that would describe the freeze response, actually. Wanting to say “no” but not being able to. She did say she was eventually able to say no during the first anal raping because it started to become too painful.

        The freeze response is very common and highly misunderstood. It is common when neither the fight or flight response will work, or when both fire at the same time and in a sense, cancel each other out.

        A person will act much like a deer in the headlights.

        • I’ve experienced the freeze response before. Years ago, my ex boyfriend and I were laying naked in my bed. All of a sudden he just starts saying really hurtful things to me about how I’m not any fun, I’m embarrassing, etc. (He was emotionally abusive). I immediately started bursting into tears. Then he began sort of mocking me saying “Why are you crying?” Well, why do you think?! Then he proceeded to have sex with me while I was still crying. I wanted to say no but I just couldn’t. It was like I was frozen. I couldn’t move or talk, I just laid there.

          • That’s awful, I’m so sorry to hear that 🙁

            My feed was choppy today (trying like hell to keep away from HLN) so I do not know if he talked about freezing or not. I do know it’s very important to understanding the concept of consent; people just seem to assume it as long as there’s no struggle.

  99. If you take a shower with Nancy Grace you can get transient global amnesia. Hopefully.

  100. this dr. saunders woman on graceless is ALWAYS mocking defense, jodi.
    while her nose is firmly up mz. nancy’s … u kno.

      • I think they all should be fired … not one of them are worth one penny they are paid.

        I so hope Jennifer Wilmont’s career soars after this! She was amazing today!

        She was a breath of fresh air to listen to and look at.

        She is brainy and beautiful … it was fun to watch her grind her high heel into Juan’s back. :-))

    • This is what she had to say about the victim who was held hostage for those days after his school bus got jacked:

      Patricia Saunders, who has a Ph.D. in psychology. The video was added to the CNN website on February 5, 2013.

      Dr. Saunders is a clinical forensic psychologist. She says the most important thing for Ethan is to provide a feeling of safety….

      Saunders said the kid might never feel totally safe. But there is plenty of room to repair some of the damage. Some of this is due to his young age….

      Ethan has Asperger’s disorder, which is generally referred to as a mild form of autism. But she is not sure how this will affect his recovery because there are various degrees of Asperger’s. But it is at least possible that having this condition could be good for his recovery. But this psychologist is not sure about that because it depends too much on the individual.

      • So yeah, she’s a clinical forensic genius (How does one accomplish that?) And thinks that an expert can’t possibly form an opinion about someone without meeting her more than 12 times over 3 years? But she can make a diagnosis about someone watching her on the tele. How many trials has she been involved in, this forensic wizard? I’m guessing NONE. I’ve never heard of an expert having that much access to a defendant before…And he read 1200 pages of her journals? No wonder the state can’t afford to sequester the jury! They’ve spent more than what a regular trial costs just on this expert!

    • Unless any of those “experts” have personally tested, spoken with or treated Jodi personally, there opinion is a good as any of ours. For that matter, we are all experts simply due to our own personal experiences. I can’t qualify you any more than I can disqualify you based soley on how many of your posts that I read for instance. I’d need more time with you and to learn your overall persona and MO.

      TA’s family and friend did not even know the bastard like they claim they did. I was screaming at the TV the other day when hearing JM grill Jodi about the Book of Moron. (that book is constantly being updated by the way…so how does anyone keep up when what goes today is outlawed tomorrow and vice-versa)

      Travis was more versed and supposed to be leading he life himself and yet his dirty a$$ was living a completely opposite lifestyle..if he, being morman long could not follow the path, why would we expect Jodi, his convert to do so? She was after all, baptized by that forked-tounged devil and violated on the same day…Lead by example. And why did the dirty bird keep it a secret from his family? Why didn’t they know about all of his “special” needs that kept him going back to Jodi? He is just as guilty as Jodi and every bit responsible for his own death IMO. Where were his friends to intervene? Why didn’t they know he was still seeing Jodi? How close are they to TA now?

      The talking heads are a joke. None of these people have spent any time with Travis nor Jodi. None of them are qualified to speak to either of their credit nor can they completely discredit either one. Travis own words potray his state of mind and his “duality” showing that he is no better than what the haters think of Jodi. If she’s a skank, a whore and a liar, then he is too because they acted together in all things against Morman doctrine.

      • The Book of Mormon has never been updated. The D & C, words of wisdom etc have as times change. Slavery is illegal now too! Jodi supporter, Mormon, mom and have read all comments.

        • Sorry Patti, was not trying to be offensive. My point is that it is hard for her to know ALL of the laws/rules etc when she is a new convert. The rule change in the D & C as you have stated, so how is she too keep up with it all if she is not constantly reading and practicing the rules. She was being badgered for not know everything pertaining to the books and the D & C’s, verbatum apprently, by JM and it was not fair for her to be expected to remember the book of mormon or the changes. Travis’ family, the media and supporters act as if his being mormon made him good above reproach. He was not being a mormon. He was being a dirt bag and hiding behind the mormon faith. JM put mormon teachings on trail by making it so relevant in his argument that Jodi knew better because she read the book and D & C’s. Well didn’t Travis know them as well?

          Even “christains” of various sorts don’t know all of their bible (I do, but many don’t) and my bible is easy to know becuase it states that no words are to be added or taken away, and that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. I am not speaking of mankind’s new additions and translations and all of the new and varied faiths that sprung forth from teachings. I am soley going of the words of the KJV of the bilbe in my reference to the fact that it has not changed.

          If Christains of all sorts struggle with sin knowing what the unchanging word states regarding fornication, then why is it so impossible for Jodi to struggle with sin when for all we non-mormons know, the D & C’s could have been updated to mean that only vaginal sex was off the table? My main point?, leave the book of mormon, her faith, her reading and understanding of the D & C’s out of this case as it is not a valid argument AGAINST Jodi, or FOR Travis for that matter because they were both in violation as we all understand it.

  101. I can see them now-endless waves of humanoids, one might suppose from another planet; an angry mob stretching from coast to coast; millions of staring, hating voyeurs melded to their screens, watching some bloodthirsty blonde eviscerate whoever has been tabbed as the day’s victim.
    Gerry Spence


    Nancy Grace changes hairstyle from barrette to bun.

    Do you think she saw the video spoof of herself? 🙂

    • I was wondering myself when did she “ditch” her “little girl’s barrette.”

      On a Thursday night, February 14th…one of Nancy Grace’s own reporter’s weighed in making a sarcastic comment about Jodi…she said “and she’s wearing a little girl’s barrette in her hair.” Immediately Nancy Grace cut her off and weighed in on another of her reporter’s that night…The reason Nancy Grace cut her off was that she herself was wearing a “little girl’s barrette” in her own hair…

      WELL…WELL…I guess Nancy Grace’s own reporter forgot that NG had been wearing little girl barrettes for quite some time now….POINT PROVEN JUST HOW MUCH THEY PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS…NADA…

      For the record: I love wearing barrettes, headbands, scrunches, clips, and etc in my hair too…

  103. Nancy needs a “shrink”……..btw very disrespectful to call a professional. a “shrink”…she is also one of the most judgemental people I’ve ever seen..she could also use some Xanax….

  104. On CNN Not Cooper who is REALLY anti Jodi, The guy he interviewed says this Dr.Samuels was the Best Nancy Grace spins and lies and no one really sees NG as legitimate. She talks about being a liar she has lied about her own Fiance and milked that story for money.

  105. Just catching up on posts. You are all quite funny.

    Great Day for Jodi! Dr. Samuels and Ms. Wilmott are the Bombdigidy!

    Keep up the good work all. SJ and team, thanks again for this site.

    • TR I agree with you. I love this site and everyone on it. I get up at 5am, coffee in hand and read everyones post. I like the fact that everyone is willing to think out of of box and comes from all walks of life. I hope the day will come that Jodi and family is able to know that there are people all over that are praying for her and truely care about her story.

      I do pray that the day will come that TA’s family will understand what really happened. I still beleive that Jodi and TR did love one another, it wasn’t just sex…… Don’t get me wrong how he treated he was very, very wrong but you truely lean what you live and he did not know how to treat someone he loved.

      • Yes it’s a hearing regarding Samuels testimony on whether he can talk about a crime scene being more vicious being less likely to be planned or something to that effect.

        Samuels will be back on the stand without the jury present.

      • They have to have a Daubert hearing to determine if the testimony he will give about the crime scene is in accordance with accepted scientific thought in the field.

    • Court is Monday 10 am AZ time. Tomorrow they are meeting to discuss the thing Martinez objected to at the beginning of the trial. Willmott pointed out that Martinez should have filed paperwork and there should be a meeting to discuss it to see whether or not it would be allowed? (First 15 minutes of the session). No testimony tomorrow.

  106. Does any one watch ‘Anger Management’ with Charlie Sheen? In last weeks episode (ep9) Charlie becomes an expert witness to defend a case of spontaneous rage vs premeditated attack. Can’t help but think those writers were influenced by current media.

      • It’s actually not that funny JC… lol. He was much funnier on 2.5 men. I just thought the subject matter of this episode was coincidental.

  107. I am so confused. How on earth do you read this website? I have asked questions and wondered if anyone has answered them and haved seen other people’s questions go unanswered only to find new posts. Please help me out.

    • it isnt easy to navigate, sd.. its not just u.. ive asked questions, too.. and went back days later to see that they had been answered.. only took me an hr to find the original question though.. i love this site, but its hard bc there are so many comments coming through, im sure..

      • SD and caligirl,

        Hold down the ctrl and F keys together. Up TOP ^ you will see where it says FIND and a place where you can type in your name. So type in caligirl and all your post will be highlighted and you can see any replys under it. go down the page looking for your hughlighted name and you will see all your comments and any replies.

    • I either read top to bottom, or search for specific words, or search my id to see if someone commented further,
      or search on date/time to find out the latest additions to threads.

      An index of specific topics with references to top threads would be nice, but that would be a lot of indexing work, and each topic moreover covers many days.

        • hold CTRL key, press F key, a box will appear in the lower left of your screen and to the left of that box you will see the word Find: Type your name, or first 4 or 5 letters of the name you are searching. Then, to the right of that box is “Next” “Previous” “Highlight all” if you left click on “next” it will bring you to the next one of your comments in a row. Go slowly though because two of your comments may be close enough that you will be unable to read it so you will have to scroll down the page to see if there are replies to your comment. If you are searching comments made by other people, go back to the “find” box and delete your own name and type another name. If you are searching for a link someone posted, type http into the box, then left click “next” until you find the one you are searching for. One thing to remember: It is important to recall the trial day you commented (these days are located at the top of the page to the right ex: Jodi Arias Trial-Day 31(afternoon session) I HOPE THIS IS CLEAR :O)

  108. Is it just me, or is Beth Karas: a. showing more skin than ever before; b. acting in a more animated manner (voice, hand gestures, etc.); and c. she is no longer at all objective. After she got her pink slip, did she just decide to jump the shark or what?

    Plus, how sick is it that Nancy Grace trots out poor Mark Klaas to somehow validate her moronic tirade? Has she no shame?

    • Can someone tell me the story about the pink slips for Bath and Jean? I was telling a friend and she said I was crazy. Might be true sometimes …..but I know I read that here days ago…..

      • I don’t know. I’m operating from what I’ve read here. And that the network that they used to work for mercilessly doesn’t exist anymore.

      • I think Beth is done after this case. I picked this up on the WS board before I found, thankfully!, this board.

    • joujoubaby…I have also noticed that several are wearing sleeveless clothes…coloring their hair more….and they all seem to be wearing the same color of foundation…it even looks like the same texture…I was wondering if they had a makeup artist doing their makeup…

    • i was just going to say that jou. Nasty Grace tried to compare Jodi to Polly Klaus murderer. stupid bitch,, sorry for the profanity. I’m bout ready to tackle her outside her studio some night and stick a vacuum up her nose to suck out all that snot!!! Blow your friggin nose already!!! lmao 😛

  109. Great Day for Jodi, please don’t stop praying and thanking God for Dr Samuel’s testimony. Still praying for an Acquittal. Thank you Lord for all the wonderful people supporting Jodi.

  110. In their must-read book Until Proven Innocent, Stuart Taylor and JC Johnson describe Nancy Grace as “CNN’s egregiously biased, wacko-feminist former prosecutor.” One of these days, Ms. Grace’s pangs of conscience may well get the best of her. Let’s hope she solemnly declares for all to hear, “I’m deeply sorry for all the hurt and pain that I’ve caused to these three innocent lacrosse players.”

    When special prosecutor Nancy Grace won 100 felony cases in a row, she was riding the fast-track to legal notoriety. But in 1997 the Supreme Court of Georgia charged her with “inexcusable” actions that “demonstrated her disregard of the notions of due process and fairness.” And eight years later her career came off the rails when the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals concluded Grace had “played fast and loose” with ethical canons.So Grace left Georgia and signed on as a commentator for Court TV. In 2006 Nancy again boarded the fast train when she struck a deal with CNN to anchor her own Nancy Grace Program.
    The disgrace of CNN’s Nancy Grace

    • Ha ha! That NG – I knew there was something wrong with that loon! She is a disgrace. Please, please keep spreading the word about her and Thanks for this!

      • Also FYI … The man who created Court TV in 1991 Steven Brill said ” I regret what her persona on television has become because I think it just contributes to the overall scream culture that is too often cable television. I feel like I owe a debt to society for putting her on television”. That is taken from Gerry Spence’s book. He devotes an entire chapter to her. Scary stuff.

  111. Dr. Drew just “guaranteed” us that Dr. Samuels had NEVER witnessed a case of transient global amnesia, and that he should know, because he had himself witnessed many and that they were all drug induced, and that the assertion that such an event could be triggered by sex is laughable. So I submit, for your consideration, the causes of transient global amnesia as propounded by the Mayo Clinic:

    Some commonly reported events that may trigger transient global amnesia include:

    Sudden immersion in cold or hot water
    Strenuous physical activity
    Sexual intercourse
    Medical procedures, such as angiography or endoscopy
    Mild head trauma
    Acute emotional distress, as might be provoked by bad news, conflict or overwork

    What’s the catchphrase we like to use? Is it BAM?!?!?!?!

      • They’re holding a kangaroo court on HLN.

        I’ve never seen so many vile hateful young women together than the ones that just appeared on Dr Drew, geeee have I been living in a bubble, the ones I usually meet are decent people, could they suddenly turn into such a virulent mob.
        Thank you for this site here and you guys where there is SANITY, INTROSPECTION, EMPATHY, SHARP and SKEPTICAL MINDS, as well as enlightning story tellers and web detectives.

        It’s a relief to see Jodi, such a gentle soul compared to those TV harpies, full of hatred and hypocrisy.

        • These folks gag me! I don’t watch them anymore as they only repeat the same vile spew. It is so disgusting.

          Who watches this stuff and could possibly take them seriously??!!

          They are all doing the Judge Judy *peeing on my leg and tell me its raining out* when they pretend to recap the days highlights. Classic gaslighting! Their speech cadence and how they accent words / syllables is laughable.

          JVM speaks as though she has something constantly biting her in her magic underwear. I get a visceral reaction just seeing her puss – to borrow Dr Pew’s word he used in referring to Jodi at the end of yesterday.

          Yes that entire crew and the other online board (not this board) sould take a cue from Jodi’s demeanor and manner she’s maintained all these weeks.

          She looks amazing for having lived in a freakin jail cell for the past 4 years! And knowing this tragedy will follow her for the rest of her days.

    • Where are you seeing this? I’m not familiar with these *cough* “celebrities”, are you watching them online or is this in a forum somewhere?

      • I can’t stand to take HLN at full strength, so I let a bunch of time accumulate and then watch so that I can fast forward through the ads and most of the blather.

        • NEO, they are on HLN – the cable offspring of CNN

          joujou, I pretty much stopped listening to any of their crap … but did catch Nancy’s comment about Dr Samuel’s comment about global amnesia is possible with being immersed into hot or cold water – she was yammering “can you believe this?” as she ended the segment and they went back to the courtroom.

          Ummm, gee Nancy, lets try a test … lets dunk you into a freezing pond – I have one in my backyard that has open water. We can drop you in it for a bit. When we pull you out we’ll see if you can tell me how my Koi are doing this winter. 🙂

          These folks have no shame. Puke …

          …she looks cute with the new do but is still a puke …

          • I never ever watch JVM,NG, or Dr.D. If I did I would not have a TV left. Good old NG took one thing from what the Dr. said yesterday and ran with it: global amnesia. Then she went on to say how could he put her in the same category with our good men and woman who put their lives on the line for our freedom. OMG SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!

            Why do they try so hard to incite a mob. I feel as if we are living back in the 1800’s. No one has to agree with me but I damn well have earned the right to have form my own opinions.

            Bless you all here for letting me have a voices and not berating me for haveing a thought!!!!

            • Cindy, I feel the same way about them. It is like the crowds from centuries ago when they were drowning the woman to see if she was a witch or not. The glee and mob mentality is alarming to me. The public display of bullying is disgusting!

              I cannot watch them either and was appalled when I first started started tuning in and remain appalled at the sound bites I catch here and there!

              I caught a bit of the spawn of Gloria Allred – the blonde woman – the first 30 seconds out of her mouth – before I shut her off – was an antagonistic critique of Jodi’s “Wispy bangs and glasses” … gee, I see Jodi looking great for NOT having the luxury of a green room, makeup artists and hair staff that ready these ugly women to ensure they are visually presentable for the airways.

              Jodi, on her worst day, in glasses, with no makeup and a cold sore 🙂 is prettier than anyone of these old bags.

    • I actually hope that the Dr and the defense, move away from this global amnesia. Nothing wrong with mentioning it, but I really hope they leave it be and go more towards PTSD including memory loss. The more they discuss this syndrome, the more it may appear to the jury that they are saying that is Jodi’s defense or diagnosis. The jury will have all these manuals/books to look over in deliberations. Global Transient amnesia is really very rare, and to be diagnosed there has to be a witness to the memory loss when it occurs, and never last more than 24 hours, and has to be the only thing wrong at the time, meaning no other cognitive impairment at the time. I realize that he has said in his testimony that he has diagnosed her with PTSD, but going down other roads about other syndromes might confuse the jury, or even make them think he is implying things that are not there. PTSD and her memory loss should be the main focus right down the line. Plus, you don’t want to give JM a boatload of stuff to ask him on cross. Just my opinion…..

      • Not bad points, Anna. My ire about this centers on the pundits’ position that Dr. Samuels’ bringing it up, while mischaracterizing the nature of the malady in the process, somehow reflects poorly on Dr. Samuels’ credentials, etc.

        • I agree with you joujou. The pundits would be against any Dr the defense hired for this case. They are annoying on every level. I am more concerned about the state and what happens during cross.I watched Dr Samuels today, and while I didn’t dislike him at all, I had hoped for a different type of Dr for the defense. Someone that was a psychiatrist or even neurosurgeon. Here is my main concern, (I always worry about the state) JM cannot dispute his credentials, they are facts. What I am afraid he will do is bring up his ethics violation, (to try to minimize his expertise) and also his very business, meaning, he will no doubt point out that he no longer sees any patients,but does testifying for a business.His website spells out what he does,expert witness, and also says he can often “bring a favorable outcome for your client”. His list of expertise is mostly sexual issues and malpractiice, although he knows about much more, of course, that is what he lists as his specialties.There is nothing wrong with that, its his choice, I am just saying that this is where I believe DM will go in cross, probably right out of the gate. I am sure he will try to disprove his testimony one way or another, and I am sure he will use his own website against him. Thats why I wish they had chosen someone who was NOT a pay for testimony type Dr., (although I know they all charge) but someone who didnt advertise as such. I hope that made sense…lol.

    • I thought I heard Dr. Samuels say something about the submersion of the cold and hot water thing…but everything else…he was familiar with…

    • One could make the argument that Jodi is experiencing acute emotional distress on a daily basis during the trial.

      I would bet when this over there will be many details she will not remember.

      • Now that I understand more about acute emotional distress from Dr. Samuels…I think a lot of us can say that we are experiencing acute emotional distress just listening to JM…and all of HLN”S headhunters…LOL…

    • Dr. Drew doesn’t know shit. Someone should remind him of his five dead celebrity clients.

  112. do not support the federal death penalty, but constitutionally I cannot, as a federal official, interfere with the individual states that impose it. After years spent in Washington, I have become more aware than ever of the government’s ineptness and the likelihood of its making mistakes. I no longer trust the U.S. government to invoke and carry out a death sentence under any condition. Too many convictions, not necessarily federal, have been found to be in error, but only after years of incarcerating innocent people who later were released on DNA evidence. Rich people when guilty are rarely found guilty and sentenced to death. For me it’s much easier just to eliminate the ultimate penalty and incarcerate the guilty for life–in case later evidence proves a mistaken conviction.I do not support the federal death penalty. For me it’s much easier just to eliminate the ultimate penalty and incarcerate the guilty for life–in case later evidence proves a mistaken conviction. The cost of incarceration is likely less than it is for death penalty appeals drawn out not for years but for decades. This issue is not only about mistakes that governments make. It is about the power they wield. If the government can legally kill, it can do just about anything else short of that. I no longer believe this government should be trusted with this power. The death penalty does have an effect on the society that endorses it. The more civilized the society is, the more likely it has moved away from a casual or careless administration of the death penalty. The more authoritarian a government becomes, the greater is the number of executions.

    • I am against the death penalty as well. Always have been. I remember being taunted about that by people over the years, who would almost always ask the same question..”If someone killed your mom, dad, brother, etc, wouldn’t you want them dead”??? my answer was then, and now, no, not by execution. I would want them locked up forever, but not put to death. How will it help me to see them killed or know they are being killed? My loved one is still gone. I know other people feel differently, and that is their choice of course. Then there is always the other side, wrong person convicted, innocent person possibly put to death. A life for a life….just never agreed with it.

      • Agreed! Just watched a documentary last weekend on TV, ” Women on Death Row”. Two of the women, got to within hours/days of being put to death, and afterwards had their verdicts over turned through appeals. One in the documentary was executed and her Mom is still trying to clear her. The lawyer in her case said her original trial lawyer was unfit to practice and any evidence contrary to the DA’s claims went uninvestigated. Very sad, anyone who is pro death penalty should be made to watch it and read the statistics on how many sent to death row and/ or executed are later proven innocent of the crime, or the magnitude of the crime that they were convicted of that sentenced to death.

  113. I am glad for Jodi today. She can leave the courtroom with a smile on her face and probably able to sleep well this weekend. Godspeed Jodi, have an excellent weekend. 🙂

  114. I have a question? The states case is based upon premeditation, and they base most of the case on the gun. So, if the intent was to kill Travis “with the gun”, then why is the state arguing that the gun shot was last? It would not make sense to choose the knife as the weapon of choice if she brought a gun! There is just noway in my opinion that this was premeditated.

    My thoughts on HLN…they seem to always pick on women, Such as Billie Dunn ,Misty Croslin ,Casey Anthony. I really wish there was a news channel that aired this case and would be totally objective. I do feel sorry for Travis’s family, and the way that Travis died. I do not feel this is a Murder 1 case at all.

    • Follow the Money they are bad people they insight a riot for many reasons, Money Power And get tons of money etc. Special interest groups..

    • AG, The states case regarding pre-med, is that she stole her grandparents gun the week before the crime. The are stating the gunshot was last based on the ME testimony that it was last (he has said he is almost certain it was last) due to the autopsy showing no blood or hemorrhaging in the brain where the trajectory path was. Meaning he had bled out/heart wasn’t pumping when gunshot occurred. They are not using the gun vs knife to show pre-med, (as it doesn’t) This is what they have claimed and are trying to convince the jury of
      A. stealing her grandparents gun 1 week before crime
      B Renting a car for her trip, and renting it 90 miles from her home
      C Taking gas cans on her trip (so she doesn’t need to stop for gas in AZ)
      D Taking the front plate off of the car and turning the back one upside down
      E Not telling anyone she was going to AZ, lying to Ryan about it
      F Using her credit cards on her trip but only cash while in AZ
      G Turning off her cell phone while in AZ and back on when out of AZ
      So, there you have it! That is the states job/duty, they must prove pre-med for her to be charged with Murder 1. The other charge is Felony Murder (which can carry DP too) or Murder 2. The judge can instruct the jury on a lesser included charge, but we don’t know if she will do that. We do know that some time ago, Jodi tried to plead to M2 and the state refused. stubborn, sure of himself, cocky?
      Anyway, I agree with you about HLN, and I just don’t get it. You would think the station would want opposing views just for variety!!!

      • Yes, the state has a lot of circumstantial evidence which could prove a pre-planned murder with elborate planning, aforethought and execution. However, we know this is different than pre-meditation which can occur in a split second and the jury will be so instructed. Therefore, the jury could find plausible reasons for all of A-G and still believe that she, at some point, intended to kill TA for no justifiable reason. Ms. Arias had a good day but, the proceedings are far from over.

        From their questions, the jurors seem to be a bit hung up on why she didn’t just run from the house rather than for the closet and the mysterious .25 if she were in fear for her life or great bodily harm to her person.

      • “The are stating the gunshot was last based on the ME testimony that it was last (he has said he is almost certain it was last) due to the autopsy showing no blood or hemorrhaging in the brain where the trajectory path was. Meaning he had bled out/heart wasn’t pumping when gunshot occurred.”

        Anna Ryan

        First, thank you for the comment you left on my other post regarding my experience with identity theft. From one recovering addict to another, congratulations on being so amazing you are part of a very small percentage of success stories.

        Now, I’m really glad you gave the reason for the ME believing the gunshot was last because I never felt comfortable with this determination of his. For one, he refuses to say he is 100% certain it came last. He says ‘almost certain’ and, in my experiences, when people use indecisive words like that they are unwilling to commit to their claim, allowing themselves room for error. Which, is reasonable doubt if I ever saw it. For two, women do not typically kill using a knife as their first choice. Planning to knife someone to death is incredibly stupid, especially, if your intended victim is twice your size in weight. Let’s not forget that she has to have Travis within her arm’s reach in order for her knife thrusts to be effective. Which, also puts her within Travis’ arm’s reach. Not the safest place to be once you’ve landed your first stab, if you ask me. This is why women typically kill with guns or poison as their weapon choice. Plus, the violence of the act is not so intimate when you shoot or poison someone and, therefore, much easier to disassociate from. Oh, and let’s not forget his last photo shows him sitting on the shower floor, legs up, and arms out in front of him as he faces the camera. I’m pretty sure it’s a safe assumption to say the element of surprise is no longer applicable, making this theory that she stabbed him while in the shower sink faster than the Titanic. But, as usual, I digress.

        The ME says the lack of blood or hemorrhaging (aren’t these one and the same) of the trajectory path indicates the heart was not pumping blood at the time he was shot. But, according to time stamped photos, everything went down in less than 2 minutes. So, what if there wasn’t much bleeding or blood because, quite frankly, it was all exiting from the gaping wound in his neck? The bullet did not touch any main arteries while the neck wound completely severed the right carotid. Where do you think all of the blood his heart pumps is going to exit? Once his heart is punctured, the volume of blood being pumped to his head is drastically reduced and, as soon as that internal carotid artery is severed, absolutely no blood being pumped from then on would even make it to his head. It would all exit through the neck wound.

        I know you mentioned it’s not about knife vs. gun to prove premeditation. So, why then, all the speculation about it? I don’t understand this.

    • Good point with the gun. The theory is absurd. Plus it was not an execution shot either, any child who watched movies would have shot short range through the brain.

    • A.G Very good point, But they are saying she intended to kill him the gun came last because
      Of the crime as being especially brutal so they need the Knife first,

    • Well, they didn’t like Dr. Conrad Murray much when he was on trial for involuntary manslaughter in Michael Jackson’s death. You’d have thought that he planned the killing from the way that HLN carried on. George Zimmerman will be next when his trial starts in June. HLN are equal-opportunity tabloid hacks.

    • ughhhh, that haleigh cummings case still bothers me to this day.. that poor little girl : ( i do not trust misty cummings.. her interviews never sat well with me. shes nothing like jodi, but i agree, the dp is barbaric.. we are one of the only countries left who still practice it, and its sick..

  115. Hey, earlier this afternoon the Tesoro receipts were brought up and wondering how these were so different.

    Has anyone called the Tesoro corporate offices to ask them how they came to be?

  116. You would think after that one woman committed suicide after appearing on NG, she woulda changed her ways. I’m from the area in GA that she is and I’m ashamed to say that I share the same hometown as that witch. I honestly think that the media is the reason hardly anyone can get a fair trial in this country, especially if it is high profile. Just once, I”d like her and the goons she has on her show be objective and unbiased, but that’ll never happen. I watched court tv with my mom when I was younger when Greg Jarrett was on there during the OJ and Menendez brothers trial, and they were ALWAYS objective with the commentary until she came along and then it all went downhill, and Vinnie Politan REALLY grates my nerves!!

  117. Also, why in the hell does NG always sound like she’s about to burst into tears for no good reason!

    • I feel that NG has some real mental issues herself…and it is becoming more and more obvious…

      I am not like Dr. Drew’s little pet intuitive that he keeps pulling out of his back pocket and airs on his show lately…

      But I do have feeling…and I feel that his little intuitive is as nutty as they come…and I feel that she is doing her stint on his show for money and her 10 minutes of fame…

  118. How are those background checks going, K? Do you have Julie Christopher on the list? And hey, why don’t you list all those on your radar here? hehehe:)

  119. While it may be immature of me, I wanted to share my feelings through song.. My iPod played this song for me first thing this morning…..

    Had I been more iMovie savvy I would have made a little video with Kermit hopping around in the background!

  120. I meant to post this here, duh! Oh well, now I get to correct my typos.

    So, this 3-day weekend, you’re the jury. What’s going through your brain?

    Here’s my take:

    Kermit: “Ma’am, do you have a problem with your memory?”

    Jodi: “It only happens when people are yelling at me, like you or Travis.”

    Kermit: “Objection to this doctor testifying.”

    Dr. Samuels: “During trauma, you actually can NOT remember. You don’t form memories. Even hypnosis can’t recall them.”

    Kermit: “Ma’am, do you have memory issues?”

    The jury: “Have you ever sought help for your memory issues or taken medication?”

    Dr. Samuels: “If it ain’t there, the memory ain’t there.”

    Kermit: “Ma’am, I’m going to ask you AGAIN, do you have a problem with your memory? You remember exactly what you drank at Starbucks 10 years ago but you can’t recall things when I ask you a question.”

    JW: “Does it help people with memory if they wrote things down?”

    Dr. Samuels: “Absolutely, because you use more of your senses when you write it down. You hear it, you use your hands, and you see it.”

    Kermit: “Ma’am, I’ve asked you before and I’ll ask you YET AGAIN, how do you remember this but you can’t remember the day you killed the victim?”

    Jodi: “I’ve reviewed my journals about that so it’s fresh to me.”

    Kermit (LOUD as all hell, gesticulating like a crazy man): “MA’AM DO YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR MEMORY?”

    Kermit: “I object to everything about this doctor and everything he said today.”

    Dr. Samuels: “I’m referring to traumatic events.”

    Kermit (yelling in a cruel horrible manner, looking smug cos he thinks he’s scoring): “So were you crying when you shot Mr. Alexander? Were you crying when you stabbed him? Were you crying when you slit his throat?”

    Jodi (bawling her eyes out): “I don’t remember.” (Breaks down into absolute sobbing. Judge calls recess. Nurmi goes to her side.)

    Dr. Samuels: “The transient amnesia can last a week, a month, a year, or a lifetime. But if the memories weren’t formed, they’re just not there.”

    Kermit: “I interviewed this witness before. But I object to him anyway.”

    Kermit: “Objection.”

    The Jugdge: “Counsel, approach.”

    Kermit: “I object.”


    Jodi, bawling her eyes out: “I don’t know, but I don’t remember that night, it’s foggy.”

    Kermit: “Court reporter, read that back. MA’AM, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH YOUR MEMORY.”

    Fade to close. Juror falls asleep wondering why Kermit is SUCH a bully. The nice doctor explained and showed other doctors’ articles. “I can’t kill this woman, I just can’t.”

    • Beautiful…. I could literally play back in my mind each instance those comments were stated. Guess my memory is ok for now..

    • Thanx Also Abused, how true
      Hoping that a few people on the jury will finally have THEIR FOG defogged from today on.

    • loving your post Also Abused.It pretty much summarizes how reluctant to see the real facts Martinez is and how shrewdly he’s trying to underestimate scientific explanations.

  121. Ok so kick me in the walnuts for not knowing who JVM was all this time. I finally took a few minutes to look her up so I could rag on her like everyone else does. But my plan was thwarted when I read that she is “an outspoken advocate for animal rights and safety. She has won multiple Genesis awards given by the Humane Society of the United States for her work speaking out against animal cruelty.”

    As an advocate for animals myself I’m a little conflicted about jumping on the anti-JVM bandwagon. Does anyone know if she’s legit with her involvement or is it just fluff to make her resume look better?

    • She’s a PeTA-type crackpot. She isn’t believable there any more than she is believable on the Arias case.

        • I don’t know if she is actually a member, but she is an animal rights activist rather than animal welfare. She is heavily into veganism.

          • Actually, the 2 Genesis awards she received were due to her reports on animal cruelty. tonysam…out of curiosity, how do you define the difference in animal rights and animal welfare?

          • tonysam,

            too bad she isn’t as passionate about the abuse of women.
            She mocks Jodi and lies.
            I really DON’t know how they sleep at night.
            A pet wouldn’t respond like these ass clowns do.
            JVM, NG, DDrew. MBrooke, Joey Jackson, Vinnie P.
            Jean C. Beth C.
            SAD too many to list!!!
            Ryan Smith used to be easy to listen too, but the hate bug bit him too.
            Hate is contatious!

            • True Aly- How can you have so much compassion for animals and then act as hateful as she does on TV when it comes to women?

        • Actually through their public gimmicks and undercover investigations, PeTA have made people aware of many kinds of abuse on animals throughout the years: cruelty in medical laboratories, in farms, in slaughterhouses, in circuses, in the fur industry, in pet shops and on useless experiments done for such large industries as cosmetics.
          They have roused the ire of many many businesses and government agencies which probably explains why the media calls them extremists and buffoons, while it does not ridicule the ASPCA and the Humane Society of America.

    • I thought she always sounded like a parrot repeating what NC says..”.POSSIBLE” her animal thingie was a way for her to sensationalize her own show cause she knows she will get the animal sympathizers…

      • That’s why I was wondering if she was actively involved or if it was just one of those things she throws some money at now and then to make herself look better and, like you said, get ‘in’ with the animal crowd.

    • lol walnuts.

      Ok, Neo, if you want my opinion it is this – I think it’s great that people are animal lovers and want to protect animals from being mistreated. I personally am a meat eater and think it’s absolutely disgusting the way animals are treated on factory farms. I am also a pet owner and would never trust anyone who thinks it’s ok to go out and hurt animals for the hell of it.

      But IMO caring about animals also involves caring about people too. People are animals too, as the good Doctor on the stand demonstrated so well our resemblance to all other animal species with presenting how we function neurobiologically with the same Will to survive. I am not religious and I don’t care if other people are, but we have to give credit to that Old Brain he was talking about that shows that our unique consciousness does not necessarily mean that we are exempt from the same instincts all vertibre animals are endowed with.

      So if JVM wants to care about animals – great. I love fuzzy wuzzy kitties and floppy joweled puppies. Awesome! But Remember – she once did a running skit talking about the “war on women” then turned her back on women when it got difficult – a la Casey Anthony, and now Jodi Arias. What’s going to happen when sticking up for animal rights gets difficult? She’ll just move on to the next feel good, rating-enhancing political issue to keep her spot on prime time tv.

  122. I used to like Dr. Drew and his insight on human behavior but, unfortunately, he has sunk to new lows and appears to have climbed on the bandwagon with others for entertainment purposes and ratings. I . I thought he was going to have discussions of the trial and Jodi and Travis with less personal bias and subjective analysis and be above the kind of sensationalism and antics we see on Nancy grace and other shows and news outlets. Like many in the press, he had already seemingly concluded that Jodi was guilty and worthy of the death penalty even at the start of the trial and, as a result, nothing the defense could bring up nor any facts that support any of Jodi’s claims are going to matter.

    Dr. Drew would rather listen to the ongoing stream friends of Travis who collectively defend him and he’d rather waste time putting on a psychic or intuitive friend who supposedly had bad vibes about Jodi from the beginning. How does this have any relevance on the murder or add to viewer understanding?

    Also, he had that guy, Abe, that Jodi dated a few times on, who is very crude and anti-Jodi. He had some negative words about Dr. Samuels and even called the man a “goofus”. Dr. Drew also told Abe mockingly afterwards, that if Jodi somehow gets off, or something to that effect, he and Abe can go down to Barnes and Noble and read all of the “Secret” together. Dr. Drew may want to question his choice of people he supports and his understanding of human behavior….I certainly wouldn’t want him as a counselor to help me with my problems….

    Finally, it’s too bad that the jury was not sequestered. In a trial with the media reporting so much negatives, with some significant inaccuracies and exaggerations, this oversight could prove riskier for the state than was anticipated…..time will tell.

      • But Nancy Grace is already more male than him. All the cross dressing and pretty barettes aside… I was forever waiting for her transvestite self to have a voice break and suddenly she would be yelling at her crew with a deep deep baritone.

    • I used to like dr drew too. Not anymore! !! And dog the bounty hunter n wife, I used to like. Made me so disappointed to see them on hln!!

    • Dr Drew missed the boat on this case. He had the perfect opportunity to talk about unhealthy relationships, and how abuse can be toxic and lead to tragedy. He didn’t have to take sides, or even cover the innocent/guilt issue at all; if he were smart he would have turned this into an opportunity to start a dialogue about how people in America view relationships, and what we can do to treat one another better. But noooo, apparently it is asking too much of him to act like the doctor he portrays himself to be.

      Whatever happened to FIRST DO NO HARM.

    • Abe is such a non-entity in this case. He’s not Jodi’s friend. Travis didn’t like him. So why is he all over the tabloid news? Go away and get back to whatever semblance of a life you have, loser!

  123. “is there any objection to the brain?” lol. idk why that was so funny to me.. cant believe jm didnt object. “your honor, one’s brain has nothing to do with this case”

    • Catgirl,
      I believe it has a lot to do with this case.
      Memory, mental ill, foggy. All of these were brought up by the
      I think a lot of people can relate in some way to this.
      I can.

    • Sooooo fucking ridiculous……don’t worry people Karma is very real and JM is gona suffer for the rest of his life after this……and everyone on T.V. As well…..whatever they believe and however they feel about Jodi their being hiprocritical bc they are showing NOTHING but EVIL behavior!! Including the people on the TA Facebook page…..absolutely disgusting the things they say!!! And they are threatening her family etc….classic Linch Mob behavior!!!! Bottom line….Jodi didnt have an ounce of crminal or violent behavior in her past….the Defense couldnt call one person, besides Travis friends, who said otherwise….come on!!! NOT ONE PERSON?? If she was such a nut job and slut, their had to be someone out there that HATED her guts!!! Besides Team Travis???! A normal person doesn’t just Snap Bc the Person they love is taking a girl to Cancun….shit goes a LOT DEEPER than that!!!! A LOT DEEPER!!! Jodi wld have NEVER killed ANYONE if their paths didn’t cross. Even if you feel he didn’t attack her physically that day and shes lying about it(i believe he did) he did plenty of Psychological Damage and Abuse…if he didn’t want to be with her he shod have CUT TIES….instead, he kept going back bc of the sex….he used and abused her, when He knew she had deep feelings for him….and it makes me SICK that most of the Nation feels THAT’S OK!!! That shes the “type of girl” that deserved it…i mean WTF!!! I bet if he did that to your daughter or sister you wld have a VERY Different OPINION!!! Furthermore, I’m totally disgusted with these women….calling her a whore etc….meanwhile, most of us go through life feeling that SEX is the most important thing to a man…..a majority of us are guilty of continually giving our selves sexually to a man at some point in our lives who didnt deserve it and allow our selves to be abused…and I can’t believe so many women can’t even remotely sympathize with her!!!! Not even a little??? Even if you believe what she did was unforgivable, have some self dignity with BEING a Women and understand the horrors that many of us face each and everday bc of men like this….the abortions we feel we have no choice about, all the knights we spend crying bc we are shattered and ashamed….the battering of our self esteem…..thinking were worthless and why doesnt he love me!!!! Come on, at least have some clarity about it and think long and hard before you call her a WHORE or a Psycho bc were Women, and it cld be your best friend, or your daughter, or your grand daughter on that stand!! A women, who never had it in her!!! Happens all the time!!!! People are so detached from the REALITIES of this world it’s truly frightening!! It’s awful what happened, it’s horrific that this young man lost his life…..but HELLOOOOOO this is the very real reality of what can happen and has happened through out history!!! And my belief is he 100% added insult to injury and manipulated her emotionally/physically to hide the complete truth about their relationship….he was a high level Mormon and his life wld have been destroyed if the real truth got out and he absolutely did everything in his power to avoid that from happening!!!

      • Hi Ann, I know exactly how you feel hon. HLN and Team Travis have done everything they can to normalize abusive relationships and undermine all the research and progress that’s been made in the past forty years. I wish I could say something to help you feel better… all I can offer is that I had the same reaction you are having and it’s understandable because of how dehumanizing this case has become for Jodi and women as a whole.

        Take care, we will all get through this together. <3

      • Ann…you said “he was a high level Mormon and his life would have been destroyed if the real truth got out and he absolutely did everything in his power to avoid that from happening!!!”

        Please read the “Detailed Breakdown Report” …it is a subtitle report under Flores Report up above…

        Both roommates were at Travis’ home the evening of Wednesday June 4, 2008…Enrique said the last time he saw Travis was when he got home from work Wednesday evening at 6:30 pm…he remembered because Travis was on the phone, he said possibly on a conference call at 6:00-6:30 pm…

        Zach said this day, Wednesday June 4th was his day off work…he saw and talked with Travis that morning…then Zach said he returned a car rental that he had been using…(and hey…Jodi’s white car rental was parked outside that morning too…and isn’t it coincidental that Zach has a car rental car too on the same morning and day that Jodi has a car rental at Travis’ house?)

        The Detailed Breakdown Report is in chronological order of events and it easier to read than the Flores Report…as you are reading this report…it’s like you can see and know where everyone is at each day from morning to midnight…It is very telling report…

        POSSIBLY after the gun went off…Jodi went into her PTSD syndrome and fled the scene and upon hearing the gunshot the roommates went upstairs and found a naked Travis on the floor…then finished up the crime with the blood atonement ritual that has been mentioned numerous times….

        Zach stated to Det Flores that he did the laundry on Wednesday, June 4th and he used both the washer and dryer…

        • Possibly…if the roommates were involved…then that could be explained as a possible reason why they didn’t make a deal about the decomposition smell in the home…they knew…they were just waiting for Marie or someone to show up looking for Travis…then they would appear to be surprised…Possibly that is the reason they were too quick to blame Jodi…

  124. one thing that looks the worst is the severity of the throat cut but as Dr. Samuels stated the brain either goes into a flight or fight mode when faced with a bad situation. This will help the jury understand the mess that was left behind at the crime scene. In a life or death struggle it’s hard to look up at the scoreboard. Overkill happens because you are trying to survive the ordeal.

    • I think something verbally went on between them in the bathroom. I think Travis exploded over something and attacked her. I believe Jodi became terrified and did as the Dr testified about … she went into flight or fight. I think she tried to flee and when that didn’t work she fought the only way she could. In a terrifying situation no telling what we will do to survive.

      • The neck slashing thing still just does not add up for me though. My instincts in that situation (if I had no other choice) would be to stab the other person in the chest or in the head until they were dead. I might even stab them in the neck. But taking the knife and cutting through their throat like like just isn’t something I don’t think I would even consider doing.

        Unless, if its even possible, she stabbed him in the neck and pulled the knife out through the front of his throat, know what I mean? Instead of starting from the front and cutting back toward the spine, she lunged it in through his neck and cut outward towards the front.

        • I agree , the neck slashing from ear to ear is just something I can’t explain. I don’t know how that happened . Maybe at the time she had some flashback as to something she had seen or heard of and her mind just took over to make that scene a reality. I don’t know, I’m just guessing

    • It seems everyone is having a hard time getting around the neck cutting and all of the other wounds in that 62 seconds…

      POSSIBLY…there is another reason…after the gun went off by accident…and then the acute stress and then the PTSD…she fled the house…POSSIBLY…the roommates who were in the home heard the gunshot and they went upstairs and found Travis on the floor…and the rest is self-explanatory…see my post above…like JM said it is POSSIBLE…yes it is POSSIBLE…anything is POSSIBLE…LOL…

    • And its funny they reference the Mayo Clinic and joke about sexual intercourse being a possible cause of TGA, but right there on the Mayo Clinic’s website it lists sexual intercourse. Seriously are these people circus clowns paid to entertain the brain dead or what? They can’t be real professionals???

      From the Mayo website:
      Some commonly reported events that may trigger transient global amnesia include:

      Sudden immersion in cold or hot water
      Strenuous physical activity
      Sexual intercourse
      Medical procedures, such as angiography or endoscopy
      Mild head trauma
      Acute emotional distress, as might be provoked by bad news, conflict or overwork

  125. I cant blv Dr Drew n HIS experts are laughing at dr Samuel! !!!!! He’s saying that the dr has probably never seen that sexual amnesia thing and that HE has seened it a dozen times!!!!!

    Did dr Samuel actually testify that it was the SEX that cause jodi to react the wsy she did? ??? Cuz if he did Imissed it and they’re all making it look that way.

    • I can’t even watch anything HLN spews out anymore. It makes me sick to my stomach. None of it is objective. It is all making fun of the defense and Jodi. They sentenced her from day one, and they never intended to change their minds. They make up one seriously unjust jury.

    • Dr. Drew seemed unaware that there are standard personality inventories designed to be used in these forensic diagnostic situations. He’s just a joke to me now. And so is anyone who appears on his show. Can somebody tell me why he continues to bring this Abe guy on, and ask him questions about both Jodi and Travis’s private histories, as well as his “expert” opinion of Jodi’s mental state and psychiatric condition. I read online that he teaches part time at some LA area university. I hope that the board of trustees seriously reconsiders his employment. I mean, Dog the Bounty Hunter? C’mon…

    • No he NEVER said it was sex that made her have amnesia….he read the list and clearly said it was bc of emotional distress afterwards…it’s just HLN putting their spin into work!!

      • And I would bet money on it that in the days to come it will only get worse. With each witness that comes to aid Jodi’s defense the hate mob will be more and more furious. Especially witnesses like the dr that have such credentials and present the evidence in way he has. There are more to come that will be good too. So hang on it’s going to get really bumpy. That’s why I set my alrm to pray at a certain time everyday for her, the jury, and her team.

  126. Note that on Dr. Drew’s show he & his guests are ALWAYS laughing Out Loud at Jodi Arias. Also the more he (Dr. Dipsh*t) flailing his arms about, the bigger the lie he is telling. What do you expect from the Hate Lies & Nonsense network HLN?

  127. wilmcott seems soooo sweet, she reminds me of my mom… but she seems so uncomfortable speaking! she keeps stumbling on her words and losing focus on what shes saying. much how id probably sound if i were speaking in public.. i wonder if the cameras are making her more nervous…

    • ps.. did this dr just reference an article that compares our brain activity to rodants? that makes sense bc we are so similar..? does anyone else think this guy is kind of sketchy? im sure its just me..

      • Caligirl, dont the do testings on rats, before they can pass on legal drugs to us (people)? And to look for cures for our diseases??

      • Sketchy? Only if there are other scientific journal articles out there criticizing as quackery the findings in the articles he referenced.

        • I believe it was commented when court started yesterday, when JM was grousing about the TIme Mag article, that Wilmont stated the doctor uses THIS article to explain the info for AVERAGE FOLKS – aka THE JURY – as it is worded in such a way that is is understandable for laypeople.

          At first, when I heard the info was from Time mag I also thought, ‘thats the best they can do!??’

          After hearing the defense explain their reasoning it made sense.

          They were dumbing the info down so JM, Dr Pew, NG and her mob etc could understand.

          I also thought the doc did a great job. I felt he came across as very knowledgable, friendly, and was not a “way out there nutcase.” He was there to present facts … not for the glory of being a piece of a high profile case. He spent lots of years practicing in NYC – I’m sure he’s seen it all …

      • Yes caligirl , rodents r very close to humans in many ways hence many tests r done on rats to help mankind . Also I thought dr Samuels did a great job and knows his shit .

      • they do do testing on rats.. but idk how that relates to psychology, since we are obviously much different in that sense.. i just wish they had an actual neurological doctor on the stand.. oh well.. i think they are just trying to explain jodis behavior after the killing and while on the stand, which is a good thing for the jurors to hear..

        and wilmcott, i do like her a lot.. i just think shes uncomfortable examining witnesses.. she IS much different when speaking with the judge and the jury, youre right josephhenry..

    • Did you notice though that she’s VERY good when speaking with the judge, sans jury? It’s night and day. I do think she’s getting better with the stand- she was more assured today than the first days.

      • My perception is she is choosing her words very carefully. I think she has done a great job. There was a reason why Kurt did the questioning of Jodi……Man questioning a woman for the death of a man?

        • ditto Cindy. I think she thinks carefully before she speaks so as not to inspire Kermit theatrics and objections.

          It appeared that way to be anyhow.

    • I feel like sometimes people expect lawyers to be like they are on fictional TV. In real life, Andy Griffith would not have made a very good lawyer, and Jennifer Wilmott would probably not be that great of an actress. But I, for one, think that she is an amazing trial lawyer. Alan Dershowitz says that he would make a crappy trial lawyer, and that most fantastic trial lawyers would not be great appellate lawyers. There is probably a lot of truth in that. I think that Wilmott knows what her strengths are and she works that. Contrast that with JM, who is too full of himself to see any weaknesses- not in his case nor in his own performance.

      • Honestly, most trials are boring as can be. Most lawyers are very boring people if they’re not in their element. The truly brilliant ones are pretty anti-social. They tend to marry each other. They don’t really know how to relate to non-lawyers. Yes, there are some exceptions, but honestly, they’re few and far between. Most trials are more like two Nurmis going up against each other. Slow, methodical, soft spoken, making a point … eventually. But making it well, based on precedent, based within the law.

        Kermit is the “new breed” of lawyer/prosecutor. He’s been bred from the TV dramas and the televised trials really. He caters beautifully to the HLN/former Court TV type of TV programming. First, we had the Andy Griffith, and the AHA moments (which rarely happen in real life). Then, we had the LA Law shows where everyone was beautiful but troubled. Then came the Law & Order franchise — still ruling as the longest running franchise since the westerns of the 1960s. And everything began to change in the late 80s, early 90s. Day in the Life videos became commonplace at trial. Lawyers began to hire acting coaches to help them appeal to the juries. And law because more of an acting art than the law itself. Next up, reality trials, OJ Simpson, and BAM.

        Law used to really be all about research, thinking like a lawyer, making your case. Trial lawyers had a bit more personality than the others. Appellate lawyers are THE most anti-social of all. Appeals are based mostly, actually almost entirely on written briefs. They’re supposed to be politely written, but captivating. Oral argument in appellate law is minimal at best, and not even allowed in most cases.

        But OJ’s trial, with assistance from Court TV at the time, led to Judge Judy type shows (as compared with The People’s Court of old) and drama in the court room. Now, Kermit-types make their acting debuts instead of factually presenting the law. Everything has changed. Most especially in high profile trials like this one.

          • haha.. i think alsoabused has a good point.. with the animation of jose baez, jeff ashton, and now juan martinez, they are just at opposite ends of the spectrum.. i think wilmcott is much more relatable to the jurors.. they will like her..

        • Does anyone know if JM has dinner with HLN folks?

          NG is forever saying that they are camped outside the courtroom…I wonder if they all get together in the evening for dinner and drinks and discuss things…

          I see similarities between JM and NG tactics… I was just wondering if they were sharing notes…

  128. Dr. Samuels did his job and did it well. He explained to the jurors, in laymen’s terms, why JA behaved the way she did after she killed TA and why she has no memory of a big chunk of that day. His testimony goes directly to her truthfulness. He offers an involuntary organic response as the cause of JA’s issues with truthfulness and the ‘can’t remember’ responses which is great because even those jurors who may think psychologists and psychistrasts are quacks will understand an involuntary organic function of the ‘old brain’. Very good day for Ms. Arias.

    Of course, his findings will be attacked, his particular expertise questioned and every thing he did in this case will be dissected. It will be painful and we will hear words such as ‘manipulative malingerer’ and questions like ‘you are not an MD, are you?” on any frontal lobe injury issues. Which brings up teh question of whether there is a neurologist coming to offer testimony to refute that the ME opined that the incapacitating gun shot wound could not have come first.

    Simply put, If the gun shot wound could not have come first, then her credibility on everything else is moot and Dr. Samuels wonderful testimony is just filler. The entire case rests upon the timing of the gun shot wound and thus far, there is only the self-serving testimony of Ms. Arias to refute the ME. It is suggested that one must figjht fire with fire, meaning an MD v an MD on this issue and not an MD v a PhD.

    My humble opinion is to get your neurologist to the court room, it is crucial to your client’s aquittal.

    • We’ve got to remember that litigation is largely a game of resource allocation. The defense can’t just decide now that they need a neurologist to testify. They have that Alyce LaViollette coming, and that is it. I would be shocked if they had money left over for a whole new expert anyway. Plus, they are constrained by the notification requirements owed to the pros. When choosing an expert on a limited budget, it’s imperative to find someone who will come down on your side, be credible, be understandable, and if you are lucky have a good enough rapport with you to present a good image for the jury-probably in that order. I posit that not only has the defense done a far better job allocating those resources, but Martinez is also ill equipped to address the case their experts make. He can’t even be civil to his own witnesses, much less the other side. Vinnie Politan smugly wrung his hand and salivated waiting for Jodi to “crack” or “break.” I do the same in anticipation of this cross. He hates people who are more intelligent than he. He REALLY hates people who disagree with him. He is going to blow a gasket, and I wish I had a front row seat. (Not more than I wish I were going to Hawaii, but still, I’d like to think that my priorities were a little more well ordered than that nutty Seattellite.)

      • Mintz,
        I read your post after I already posted…I didnt even see it. Im not sure if they are in order or not. So, Miss LaViollette is the last one then? I wasn’t sure, I hadnt heard of anyone else. When I said I wish they had…..I meant instead of Dr Samuels, I wish they had a MD or neurosurgeon. I know they couldnt just suddenly pop up with a new witness, although I believe in some instances they area allowed based on new info, or something the state has said opening the door for it. Although, money would be an issue for sure. I am sure he will be tough on this witness too, although very likely not as hard as he was on Jodi. I think his nature as a pros. is to be aggressive, and although I find it over the top quite often, and maddening as hell, what I worry about more than his attitude and how frustrating he is, is that, in spite of these things, he has a very high conviction rate. Im truly frightened for the outcome of this trial.


        re: the doctor, some jurors may think, bull… BUT mentioning ptsd with soldiers, cops, was very good, imo. and i assume defense will explain that is NOT a reason for the killing, just explaining the fog.

        u kno the t. heads r all over the dr. and saying that has nothing to do with the killing itself.
        duh. but some jurors may feel that too.

    • Mintz,
      I agree with you regarding his testimony, and giving the “organics” behind the memory issue as well, instead of just all “Dr talk’. Some people don’t believe in psychiatry, so him explaining the medical side of the brain is very helpful. My only criticism of him was that IMO, he took awhile to get to the meat of the matter, and seemed to somewhat fumble around a bit and go off on other diagnosis that he has not said she has. (such as the global amnesia) , read and talk about other illnesses and examples that are not really relevant to this case. That can confuse or even frustrate a jury who might think he is implying something, and at worst, make them discount his opinion.
      I totally agree about another expert, it is a must for them. I have not heard of anyone other than the DV expert coming up. They need someone to counter the ME position absolutely…..the gunshot being last has to be debated or contradicted by someone other than Jodi. If not, the jury will believe the only expert and that would be the ME. Especially in a case like this where memory loss is such a huge focus.

    • I worked in ER as a nurse and have seen a few people come in w frontal lobe 22 caliber gun shot wounds well into 20 min after they were shot and were still responsive and can move etc. it mostly affects facial movement when it comes to motor function….you can even survive after surgery, especially bc his wound did not penetrate deep into brain tissue. the Dr, because he is a brain expert and had to study in great detail about brain function, is coorect and there are tons of studies to support what he said….Most, importantanty the frontal lobe deals with the emotional part of the brain and personaility and when damaged, ppl can be very violent, combative, and highly aggressive!!! If he was still alive after that gun shot to frontal lobe, which I believe he WAS, he wld have changed into a basic crazed animal in a complete second!!

      • Thanks so much for sharing your perspective as an ER nurse. That’s been speculated on here a lot, so it’s great to hear it as it really happens.

      • Ann, you knowing this information and the jury knowing it are unfortunately, apples and oranges. Someone MUST be able to testify that the bullet wound did not necessarily render TA incapacitated such that he could not stand up, move, attack, etc. Otherwise, it is just Jodi’s word against that of the expert and her history of lying will weigh heavily against her.

        An ER physician who had witnessed this combative, aggressive behavior post frontal lobe gun shot would have been great. Maybe you should notify Mr. Nurmi of what you have witnessed first hand. Thanks for your input, it makes a difference and in this case, might have worked to Jodi’s benefit.

  129. I am really glad this site exists. I enjoy reading the comments about the trial when I have the time. All other sites seem to be just a bunch of people spewing hate. I bet the majority of them haven’t even been fully following the trial. They just jump on the bandwagon of everyone else. I don’t know Jodi personally, but I’ve been listening to the live stream of the trial every day that it’s on and I’ve formed my own opinion on the matter. I wish more people would do that instead of just following what the media is saying. I catch some clips from HLN every once in a while, but it just pisses me off. They’ve considered Jodi to be guilty from the very beginning even before getting all the facts. When there is someone on TV that is for the defense they just roll their eyes or totally cut them off. I can’t stand those people! So much for innocent until proven guilty. I absolutely do not believe Travis’ murder was premeditated. I hope the jury sees it that way too.

  130. That girl with the Alexander family should not be allowed to wear a Travis pin right in front of the jury. What’s next signs with we love travis in the courtroom ? Would they allow me to wear a pin with a picture of Travis and a little boy in Spider-Man underwear ? WTF ?

    • Sean,
      The court does not dictate pins that the family may or may not wear. Many times in court you will see the family of the victim wearing either ribbons, or a badge type photo pin. Believe me, it does not matter at all, does not affect the jury or their findings. Now someone waving a sign or shouting out…yes, they would be told to leave. But wearing pins/badges are very common and not an issue.

    • Maybe they’d like an “I (heart) Jodi Arias” pin…. ———————————–>


    This morning I finally posted my theory about how it all played out that night. I am anxiously awaiting feedback from anyone and everyone about the spin I put on it, though, I believe there is much truth to the emotional aspect and the Dr. who testified today pretty much confirmed everything I mention in my story dealing with the psychological aspect. What I wouldn’t give to have that same man evaluate Travis’ life based on stories from his friends, his family, Jodi, and everyone else who knew him personally as well as Travis’ blog. THAT would make for one hell of an interesting and enlightening conversation piece.

    So, yeah, if any of you happen to have some time on your hands….a list of chores you’d love to put off for a few minutes (unless you take your time when you read for then you may need a few hours)….maybe, you need something to entertain you while you take your morning dump…..then I encourage you to go to the DAY 30 page and scroll down a little more than half way where my post is. It is dated the 14th and posted sometime after 4 am. Hopefully you can find it easier with that info, navigating this site is a nightmare, although, I imagine organizing and indexing it so we could click on our own name and get a list of just our activity and the comments on such is much more of a pain in the ass so I fault nobody.

    I welcome your criticism as long as it’s respectful. I warn you, though, according to MS Word, it’s 6 pages long so make sure to take breaks to avoid your eyeballs drying up and turning to ash. To give you a funny perspective regarding how long it is, here is a conversation between my husband and I…mind you, I made him read it before I posted it so he’s well aware of it’s length…

    ME: Babe! I finally found my post from early this morning but nobody has commented on it yet even though I posted hours ago. I was so looking forward to their feedback.
    HUSBAND: Well, honey, they probably haven’t finished reading it yet. You said yourself, you just posted it hours ago.

    Ha ha, he’s always got jokes.

    • Krystal,
      Your writing is so engaging and funny and poignant and hopeful and sad and just great. While I don’t necessarily agree with some of your conclusions, I still think this story is important enough that it deserves a full and unbiased treatment.
      Check out Jon Krakauer’s tome on the blood atonement themed Lafferty murders:

      I think that Jodi and Travis’s story deserves similar treatment, including thoughtful analysis of both of their pathologies, how their childhood experiences made them both perfect compliments and completely incongruous simultaneously. And perhaps most interestingly, how the whole MLM aspect of this has influenced their relationship, fed Travis’s narcissism, and why so many Mormons are involved in MLM in the first place.

      Stupid Shannon Hogan cannot grasp all of these balls in the air. But to torture the metaphor, you could totally juggle them. Go for it!

    • Thank you Krystal, for your masterly pulpy and poetic elevation of St Jodi and redemption of St Travis.
      Surely it could have happened that way.
      I’m not sure that I wish it had happened that way, which would make her guilty in my mind for not calling 911 to save his life and let him get therapy for his demons after he recovered from his wounds.

      My suspicions are, though, if she is the one who did The Cut, which no one can be certain of, is that there was a fast and furious struggle on both sides between life and death and it almost gets me into a state of stupor-amnesia just to think of it.
      Soooooooo Thank You for prettying it up for a moment.

  132. I’ve stayed up to date, or at least tried to with my schedule, with the trial. And there are still a few things that don’t make sense to me. First, it’s premeditated? We know premeditated means that from the moment you set out from point A to point B, you had a clear intention to do a task you wished to do. If that was the case, Jodi had plenty of time to plan this out on the long drive, yes? And if she had all that time to think, don’t you think she would have planned the murder a little “cleaner” than it was?
    You would think if it really was premeditated that she would have done a few of the following. First, she supposedly stole a gun from her grandparents. Ok, let’s believe for a minute she had the gun. Why didn’t she get inside, wait for Travis to turn his back, let him have it, then get the heck out of there? That’s my first question.
    Next, Jodi left a huge palm print in blood on the wall. If this was premeditated, Jodi would have had plenty of time on the ride over to think a few things out, such as how to keep the evidence clean in respect to her. Jodi may not be able to solve world hunger, but she still appears to be a smart girl. If she had this planned, she would have thought to clean obvious things like that up before she left. Not saying they still wouldn’t have been able to find the print, but Jodi would have tried anyway to clean it up.
    Next, there was a struggle, which appeared to be fairly large. If this was premeditated, Jodi would have had it set in her mind exactly what she was going to do, so there wouldn’t be any surprises. She could have wiped him out while he was still in bed. It would have been 1-2-done.
    Also, everything that happened after the murder seemed in my opinion to be done very sloppy and quick. The camera was put in the washing machine. If you planed this out you would have figured to either physically destroy the card or take the camera with you and throw it out in the desert. The palm print from Jodi was never even touched. Why was everything so quick and rushed? Because Jodi panicked. Why did Jodi panic? Because this was something unplanned and unexpected. When do you panic? Think about it, do you panic when you’re doing something you expected to do? No, you panic when something happens you were not expecting. Jodi was not expecting to kill Travis. Something, what ever exactly did happen, happened and triggered this sequence of events that ultimately ended in Jodi doing something she never expected or planned on doing. Then she panicked, because she didn’t know what to do.
    Jodi said in the police interview that if she did it she would have used gloves. I believe if this was premeditated she would have brought gloves and used them, but she didn’t. There were many things that happened that would not have if Jodi had actually thought it out.
    A lot of people love talking about her changing her story so many times. Granted, the best thing she could have done was immediately called the police and said she just killed her boyfriend who was trying to kill her, again something she might have thought of if she had this planned. But instead, she was scared. If some terrible chain of events happened to you like that which lead you to killing someone, would you be calm? Would you be rational? Chances are no. And neither was Jodi, she was plain scared and I can’t say I blame her. If this was premeditated, chances are, she would have thought of something solid to tell police and stood by it. Especially when she knew there were clues left behind! But she didn’t know what to really say. She wasn’t ready for any of this. She had no idea this was coming.
    When I think of premeditated, I think of people who kill someone, chop them up and put them in a wall, drop them down a well, or toss them in a lake. While that is a generalization, the point is they usually try to dispose of at least the body and some times other things as well. From what I found, none of that has happened here. There was really no thought put into how to leave the crime scene.
    Now, I won’t get into why jodi really did this. Did Travis abuse her, was she jealous about Cancun, was she just in a bad place at the time, who knows. I don’t condone killing other people, I believe unless Travis was actually attacking Jodi to the point where she had to defend herself accordingly, it could have been handled better. By the same token, I don’t believe she should be killed either. I do not believe she should have life in jail either. Jodi said that she believes she should be punished for this. And depending on the circumstance, maybe she is right. If it was self defense, then no, she should walk free. Anything else, the most I would ever dream of giving would be manslaughter, which she probably served her time already anyway. She’s had all this time to think about it, I simply won’t believe she couldn’t be a normal member of society again. And in all honesty, if she was, I’d love to meet her!
    People say the court crying is fake, I do not believe that, just listen to her voice. This is painful for her rehashing all of this, and perhaps that’s why she blocked some of this out of her memory. I know I would. I think she has been through enough. It’s time to set her free.
    I’d like to ad one last thing, and I hope I don’t get criticized for it, just hear me out. I’ve seen people bashing Travis’ family. I would like to say that I’m sure it isn’t easy losing a brother, son, and whatever else family he had and I do feel bad. What ever bad Travis did to Jodi, I do not believe should be reflected back on his family. And in all honesty, they probably don’t know everything entirely either. If he abused her, I would doubt that made its rounds at the thanksgiving table! I’m sure their loss is painful, think if what it would be like if you lost someone in your family. I’m not trying to take the other side here, I’m just trying to be fair. Please don’t rip my post down for it, I’m just balancing the scales. I’m not in anyway saying it was ok if Travis abused Jodi, if he did, that was wrong and she deserved better. If he did abuse her, I think it’s a shame because in all honesty, she is a beautiful girl who I would have been more than happy to have any day, and would have treated with the respect and attention she deserved.
    If you ever read this, Jodi, I hope you see all the people who are with you on this, and I hope it helps ease the pain of what you went through, I can’t help but think it changed you in some way, made you hard to society, or bitter? I hope not, and I hope by seeing everyone sending love that it can restore your faith in humanity, and let you feel better about your self. Oh, and I’d love to meet you someday, or even just chat with you!

    • I would also like to clarify something regarding my last post, when I talk about the crime, I believe crime of passion fits the description. If it was self defense, the excessive violence I believe was nothing more than emotions running wild and out of control mixed with fear, it can happen, Jodi is only human. If it wasn’t self defense and just a really bad chain of events that led to this, I still say crime of passion. A lot of people fail to realize that other people are just like them. They have emotions and feelings too. You’re not the only person who can lose control when faced with an overwhelming situation. Jodi is human. Some people say Jodi has problems. Even if that is true, I believe Jodi just needs love and caring right now to help her overcome all of this.

      • re: ur post, imo, it is not preMed. so i guess it has to b self defense.

        a burly guy coming at u, VERY angry… u could be a woman OR a man. BUT, at that point it’s FIGHT ON! both r out to win, it’s human nature. esp. if there’s been some fights before, and u lost. so, anything can happen, it escalates, etc.
        it stops, and THEN U see what happened. sometimes, it’s not pretty.
        i don’t think jodi wanted to b in that position. i could b totally wrong and she’s fooled me/us, but…jmho.

        one thing i have learned with age, TRY NOT TO GET INVOLVED IN A FIGHT! even if u win, u can lose.

    • On the issue of premeditation, the time frame can be as short as a minute or less.

      • ur right, can b formed in seconds. i sorta disagree with that ‘law’. guess they think u can stop at any time. perhaps, again, this is why defense says self defense.

  133. ok,i just noticed there is another Mel on here….was confused for a min. . lol
    will change to Melvis…lmao

  134. did you all get the notice regarding Mr. Gagic’s blog radio program tomorrow? its on his facebook page. Should be a good one

  135. To set the record straight: on the court information sheet dated 7/9/2008, Jodi is 115 lbs and 5’4.

    • Oh sh*t, she’s a tiny lil thing! Big difference between 5’6″ and 5’4″. If she’s anything like my daughter and me, she can scale any shelving, cabinets, counter tops, walls no problem. Poor thing though, she looks to be 100 lbs soaking wet right now. She’s lost the volume in her face, the color in her face. This ordeal has been a nightmare for her. It was good to see her smile at the end of court yesterday.

      • Maybe she is taller when she has thick soled sneakers on…I am taller too when I am wearing thick soled sneakers….

  136. Hi,

    I just found this site a few days ago and I am so happy to find a place to support Jodi without all the hate from others. This site is so insightful and I have enjoyed reading everyone’s thoughts. I was is a very abusive marriage with a man that was mentally abusive to me and controlled every aspect of my life. I met him in a single adult Sunday School Class in Church when I was 27. No one at the church knew him to be abusive and thought he was this wonderful Christian man. Really no one saw the abuse but my Mom and Dad. I covered for him so well and I felt too ashamed and scarred for my family to tell anyone about it. I was afraid to leave him because I was so afraid he would hunt me down and kill me and my family. He did not allow me to have friends and I lost all contact with all but my family. He tried to turn me against them as well but thankfully my family was always there. He was a obsessed with guns and had about 15 at one time. He would often come home from work and load all of his guns with a crazed look in his eye and wanted to kill everyone he worked with if they disagreed with him. He was sent to Anger Management Theray by 3 employers. At about 4 years into the marriage I tried to hang myself because I just could not take his abuse anymore. I even had many thoughts of planning to kill him. So at about 5 years when I just could not take it anymore I found the courage to leave. My father came and got me and I basically stayed in hiding for nearly 2 year for fear of him coming after me. He was very angry with me for applying for a divorce and I was very cautious of him not knowing where I lived during this time.

    He was so angry as well because by me leaving him it ruined his chance to be a Deacon at the church. He was such a phony and no one knew his true side. The church deserted me and took his side and they did not believe me. One of my so called friends at the church even said to me if you go back with him we will forgive you. My ex- husbands’s last words to me when I left was that God would punish me for my wicked actions. I found out later that he had cheated on me many times during that marriag and I was too naive too know it, I remember always trying to tip toe around him and never upset him. He abused my cats as well and would kick them across the room and dunk them under water to punish them for just getting out the door. I am thankful I had no children with him so I could escape from him completely. I still however fear at times that he will still come after me and I try to work through these issues. My heart still skips a beat when there is a knock on my door when I am not expecting anyone.

    Thankfully I have a very supportive family and they got me through that nightmare of a marriage. I have been through a lot of therapy and I am still in recovery. Trusting people again was something I struggled with for awhile. Thankfully I met my husband about 3 years later and he treats me with great respect, treats me as a equal and is always concerned with my happiness and tries to make my life easier. He supports all my dreams and lifts me up and has helped me build my life back. He says his biggest concern is to be a good husband and try his best to make my life easier. am still a Christian but still find it difficult to attend church. God did get me through this tough time.

    So when I found out about Jodi’s case and dug into the evidence and could see what TA did to her, my heart just breaks for her. She was a victim IMO and now ppl are victimizing her all over again. TA was not the person he made himself out to be much like my ex- husband and I don’t think anyone knew the real TA but Jodi. I have seen far worse crimes committed by women who killed their husband for only financial reasons and get treated better than Jodi. They also never had the dp looming over their case and some did not even get life. That whole hln crew makes me so angry with the way they are handling this case and making Jodi out to be something she was not and Making TA look like this amazing person who did no wrong. NG an her minions make me want to throw something at the Tv on a daily basis. I had to stop watching the trial on hln because they raise my blood pressure. Once I found the live feed that is what I watch now when I can. I guess for them it’s guilty until proven innocent. So I am grateful I found this site and you do an amazing job laying out the case. I was so thrilled yesterday with the testimony of Dr. Samuels and I have not cheered more during the case. He is finally saying what I have believed since I looked at the evidence. I pray for Jodi daily and pray the Jury makes the correct decision. Jodi is a beautiful highly intelligent woman and I want to say I am pulling for her. I could have easily been on a stand somewhere defending my life 7 years ago for killing my abusive controlling ex-husband so my heart goes out to her for all the horrible abuse she suffered.

    • Hi AJ, I’m so proud of you for getting out of that hell, although I’m sorry you had to go through all of that. And I’m overjoyed that you were able to trust again and finding happiness. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

      I’m also celebrating my freedom from an abusive ex. It was 2 years ago yesterday that he was arrested after 10 years of marriage. My divorce was hell too. And like you said, no one really knows what they’re like except us, the women who lived with them. I also feel the same way. I could so easily be Jodi up on that stand. I don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to understand that.

      I’m glad you found your way here. The people here are amazing and the discussions are truly great. SJ and the other admins do a fabulous job and give us a place to speak without all the awful things that go on on other sites. I can’t even look at them! I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

      • I am re-posting this around the site b/c I want everyone to help. I, too, was abused and I recognize that Jodi is authentic. I want to STOP HLN from the inciting of hatred towards abused women and I would like everyone to join me. I filed a complaint to them and hope many others will, too. Here’s the link:

      • I am so sorry to hear you went through hell and glad you got out as well. Thank you for your kind words. I am baffled at the treatment of her and I do not understand why people are so hateful to her. I feel for his family though because it is awful for anyone to lose someone. It must be awful for all family members to sit and hear this trial. I use to watch hln but after their daily one-sided rating I will never watch them again. I had quit watching most of the shows except for Dr. Drew. In the past he has brought out great issues and advice on help. I even have called into the show and talked to him. But I do not know what has happened to him.. All his laughing and calling her names is crossing the line and I expected more at least from him but he has joined the bashers. All these shows are so one sided and they never bring anyone in that supports her. I think they should all be fired. I hate when they say she is not an abused woman. I have seen abused women come on and say she is hurting abused women by making this up. I know she was abused and mistreated by TA from all the text email and the way he talked to her on that phone call. I can also see it in her actions. Why is it ok to abuse women like this on TV? They are no better than TA. They are even ripping apart Dr Samuels now. This man is a highly educated person who has so much experience and knowledge and I think they are just threatened by his testimony. I just pray for his safety now because there are so many haters.

  137. Well that doctor was awesome…but I believe I have PST,no sh*t he layed it all out for me.

    • me and my girlfriend did this the other night,We had 15 seconds left. Our house isn’t as easily laid out like T.A. Think of counting to a hundred when you were playing hide seek,as the hider you were hidden and the fool was still counting.I guess J.M. never did this when he was a kid,but after yesterday I bet you he’d like to hide now!!!

    • Since both roommates admitted to Det. Flores that they were in Travis’ home on that afternoon of Wednesday June 4, 2008…I feel that they were involved…Read the Detailed Breakdown report…It is very telling…it is a subtitled report under the Flores Report above…

    • I’ve wondered if the roommate – Enrique – who was new to the house and had his bedroom next to TA – might he have arrived home during the time the 2 were having the afternoon of sex and fun. He heard it and being a Mormon himself – became very angry with the lies from them both. He cooks and simmers in his anger and goes about his day … in disgust.

      Back in the bathroom the shower event happens, the gun goes off, TA goes to the sink and spots the knife. With his brain damage goes cukoo on Jodi but drops the knife. She gets the knife and goes into fight mode – defends the hell out of herself. by stabbing him. Is overwhelmed by the events. At some point she runs from the house …

      Enrique returns and finds the bloody scene – and in his stress of finding a blood covered TA and with his already simmering anger @ TA’s deceit does the final throat cut and moves him in the shower and tosses the stuff in the wash machine. He locks the door to TA’s room and decides … he he he ….I’ll get even with THEM BOTH! for lying and trashing the Mormon religion and making fools of them.

      • Sounds like that could be “POSSIBLE.” Maybe he really did see Travis naked in his room and decided to do theritual of blood atonement that has been mentioned numerous times so far…like the three stages…Stage 1 cutting the throat from ear to ear….Stage 2 stabbing the heart…Stage 3 multiple stabs on the body…

        “Enrique said the last time he remembered seeing Travis was on Wednesday evening when he got home from work at 6:30 pm. He remembered Travis on the phone, possibly a conference all at 6pm/6:30 pm”…

        Click on the link (Detailed Breakdown) it is a sub-title under the (Flores Report) above…it is the Flores report that was put into an easy to read chronological order of days and events and who was where on each day that week…

        Also…Zach Billings is the roommate that was not working that day…and he was in and out of Travis’ house numerous times that day…he admits to doing the laundry that day and he used the washer and dryer. he also admitted that he returned HIS CAR RENTAL that morning was back at Travis’s home later around 3 pm…

        • Both roommates were in Travis’ home that Wednesday June 4, 2008…and almost at the exact same times that Jodi was there making photos of Travis in the shower…

          Did the Detective Flores every investigate further…

          Since Jodi does not have any memories of stabbing Travis with the knife…maybe there is a reason…there are no memories…

          POSSIBLY the stabbing is in the memories of one or more of the two roommates????

          IMPORTANT: Read the Detailed Breakdown Report…

          • His roommates have always bothered me. One had an exact timeframe of those days before they found him. I can’t remember that much detail about what I did yesterday. He claimed to do his laundry the Saturday after TA was killed. Then he changed it to the Wednesday before. Something just seems odd about them. How in the world could you stay in a house even if it was in and out and not notice the smell and not check into it. So strange.

            • and Enrique says that he saw Travis when he came home from work around 6:30 pm that Wednesday, June 4th…he said that Travis was on the phone, he said possibly a conference call around 6-6:30pm…

              Zach said that Wednesday June 4th was his day off and he saw Travis that morning…then Zach turn in his own car rental that morning…(and I do believe that Jodi had a white car rental sitting out front of Travis’ home too…and NO ONE MENTIONED THIS TO THE DETECTIVE FLORES)

              Read the Detailed Breakdown Report above…it is in a drop down box under the Flores report…

  138. Would writing to the sponsors of HLN read comments or care if we all emailed or wrote to them re these ugly venom filled haters and how bad and wrong the behaviour of the entire pack of them are?

    I know it’s a waste of time to express a negative opinion to the shows or producers. They will be thrilled with any attention, be it positive or negative.

    It would be nice to send a statement that what they are doing is just so far off the deep end of what should be acceptable today.

    The more hate and sensation they air the more fuel they add to the already existing mob of haters.

    • You hit the jm,opps nail right on the head.Can’t watch cnn,except for trail coverage,anymore.They are just to negative with the defendant’s case.What a bunch of clowns.THANK-YOU for this site.

  139. Hey All,

    I realize I am reposting – but I am trying to get as much support as I can. I was abused and I know Jodi is not lying (as I see many other abused women here recognize, too). I posted a public complaint on and I also sent a message off to CNN / HLN here:

    Please help by posting your concerns, as well. Together we may make a difference.

    • Thanks for posting link. Also, City Data Forum “Jodi Arias ” is lopsided full of Travis pedo/abuser huggers. That world wide Blog desperately needs Jodi support. All views accepted and argued.

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