
Jodi Arias Trial – Day 10


UPDATE: Arrogant asshole Martinez shows his ignorance of a basic business system… and in his failed attempt to rubbish PPL (and every other similar program) with his “pyramid scam” references, he forgets that virtually every product sold is done so via a very similar if not identical structure. The buyers buys, and the seller makes a profit, as does the place they bought it from, as does the place they bought it from too (etc etc).

Add Martinez arguing over inconsequential days & times into the mix, a geometry lesson, an impromptu 10 second pause, another tantrum session, and his inordinate number of objections to break Kirk’s flow… and it’s obvious he’s losing the plot… and fast.

*** Noon Recess ***

Afternoon witness list:
Darryl Brewer (Jodi’s ex)
Chris Hughes (“handwriting expert” and liar)
Abe Abdelhadi (continuation of evidentiary hearing testimony)
Gus Searcy (redirect)

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Following on from yesterday’s events (click here for the highlights), it’s gonna be equally interesting today as we’re assured more of the same – including the return of Gus Searcy and his potential “bombshell”… plus Chris Hughes and Abe Abdelhadi.

The fact is, Martinez is losing this “nailed on” case – and he knows it. His actions from yesterday said it all. He also KNOWS what Gus Searcy knows (probably DV related), which is why he never called him back. Same reason he decided not to call back Lisa Andrews Daidone or any of the roommates. Go figure.

Hopefully it’ll all come out this week as we start our defense.

Leave your comments below…


    • I don’t think she has shown up as yet Eli. Before they went to noon recess the judge asked Mr Nurmi if he was ready and he stated he would be ready at 1:30.

  1. I think its starting 15 minutes earlier today. The judge said witness is testifing at 10:15. So we dont want to miss that.

    So 10:15 today, not 10:30.

  2. Twitter and Facebook are aglow with “this guy is a shyster it’s all about money etc. Gus Searcy is a great way to show Travis’ role in PPL.

    • I think he has an eccentric personality having nothing to do with being a fraud, liar or anything. He beats to the tune of his own drummer.

  3. Yeah, they’re saying that Gus is a shyster without realizing that the whole group of them were…lol.

    • Right! I see that, you see that, will the jury see that? Martinez is going to blow a gasket today.

      • But, really, what was Martinez DOING there? All I can figure out is that he was trying to show that Gus can’t remember the whens and wheres. That, and the unethical nature of pyramid business. Or, should I say, “triangle” business?

        Jennifer appeared, at times, mildly amused.

        • Someone on the jury is watching the news media……how else would they know about Chris Hughes? I hope her attorneys jump all over that mis-step by the juror that asked that question.

          Martinez is making a fool of himself. His trying to belittle the witnesses because of their living is pitiful. Get a grip!

          • And in belittling the witness, he’s also belittling the decedent, who was proud of his PPL career. Martinez should tread carefully.

          • Really???? Why would you think the jury is aware if Chris, I really hope they catch it if they are watching the media. Is there any other way they woukd know about Chris???

          • Eli is right, Chris was mentioned during Gus’s testimony before the jury asked their questions.

          • It didn’t bother me one bit that Martinez tried to belittle–via insinuation–PPL. It IS a pyramid scheme. However, I don’t know what it achieved, if anything.

            Like Kira says, this all insinuates something about Travis, too. We can easily imagine that Travis wanted to be in Gus’ position: the money, the book deals, the public speaking, the attention.

        • I do not think Martinez understands how badly he can come across. To the laymen this looked like badgering. I know at times Searcy was a bit beligerent himself but in reality could be seen as just being appropriate in RESPONSE to Martinez’ questioning…(“DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT I ASK THE QUESTIONS?!!!!!! 🙂 )IMO, I think people can understand what Searcy was trying to say…he remembers that he met her at either Vegas or Oklahoma but not WHICH and that does NOT necessarily equate to he COULD NOT REMEMBER AT ALL. That drove me a bit mad. Dumb. This exchange imo did ZIP for the prosecution and really really helped the defense. It made Martinez look unbalanced, uncontrollable and hell bent on getting his way, regardless of the facts.

          • I know, he wanted Gus to admit that no he didn’t meet her at either of those places just becuz he couldn’t remember if it was Vegas or Oklahoma. HE STILL MET HER!!!!!

        • @Pique I believe Martinez was trying to prove that Gus can’t remember things so how could he remember how Jody dressed with thousands of people in attendance and its was years ago. I think with the money part he was trying to show that Jody liked people with money and that Gus didnt help people out of the kindness of his heart, it was because he made money off of anyone that was recruited all the way down the line. Gus and Travis were both executives and made a lot of money.

          In any event it was intense. The thing I’m confused about is that Gus said he knew something that could set Jody free or lock her up forever. I didn’t hear anything that helped or hurt from Gus. It seemed a bunch of nothing. Just mentioned that Jody was upset on the phone one day but, obviously that could of been for any reason. We all argue with our significant other.

          My question is about the juror question regarding Chris Hughes? Someone must be watching tv. I think we’ll hear about a juror getting kicked off the panel.

          • Even if Gus can’t remember specific dates, it doesn’t mean that he didn’t remember Jodi dressing conservatively. If she hadn’t, she would’ve stuck out. Gus stated that she was dressed professionally but he didn’t say “She was wearing a black suit jacket, black pants, and a blue button-down shirt” or something very specific that Martinez could nail him on.

          • That something important was probably THAT PHONE CALL!!! That phone call could’ve been a sign of verbal abuse n she could’ve opened up to Gus at that time. But we wont know becuz Martinez wont let him talk. In my opinion/my view is, that it IS helping the defense.

          • Thanks Interesting. If Gus can’t remember the whens and wheres, then how, the prosecution is saying, can he remember how she was dressed? But I don’t think that worked. One is specific, the other is general. People tend to remember overall impressions, if not details.

            And you’re right: we didn’t really hear anything that helped or hurt either side. Only that Jodi and Travis had an argument that left her “crying and shaking.” And that she dressed in a “professional”–i.e., not sexualized–way.

  4. If anyone has a recording of the 10 seconds of silence, can they send it through to me so I can listen to it again?
    Thanks :mrgreen:

    • LMAO you are too funny SJ 😀 I wonder if Martinez is going to treat all of the defense witnesses this way.

      • @Debbie,

        I think Martinez was still pissed from yesterday with Gus. Hopefully he won’t act that way with all witnesses because it could turn the jurors away.

      • Hilarious! Yes and remember that the jury was not in the courtroom yesterday so they don’t have any idea of what went down between Gus & Juan so probably don’t understand where all the hostility from Juan is coming from.

      • Hahahaaaaa that was so funny!!!!! And yea I bet he will treats all the defense witness the same way!!! And he’ll keep objecting too.

  5. Does anyone know what exactly is the purpose of Gus’ testimony? What is the defense trying to show? Why is the prosecution so heated up over this guy?

    I just couldn’t see what impact this guy would have for the defense, hence my confusion as to why Martinez is flipping out?

  6. Lol I dont think Martinez is going to be able to keep it together through the rest of the trial!!! He keeps objecting n he doesn’t want to hear anything Gus has to say unless is in his favor. I cant blv he’s fighting with Gus, he won’t let him talk or even answer his own questions, unless its something hec wants him to say.
    The judge even had to ask them to talk one at a time because the transcript coulnt keep up!! Lol
    I hope the jury sees this. Sees what he is doing n im glad that Gus called him out n told him that he’s trying to get him to testify to what Martinez want. That was great n I hope the jury sees that Martinez does it with all the witnesses.

    I really wanted to hear what Gus was going to say about the phone call Jodi received while at his motorhome. That obviously wasn’t a good call from TA and Martinez knows it wasn’t.

    Also, Jodi looks very pretty today. She looks a little diff today. Idk maybe a little peacer.


    • @LC, we can’t hear about the phone call because that is heresay. Martinez didn’t want anything to get in about a fight with Travis and Jody because he wants as least amount as possible showing violence so the defense will have to put Jody on the stand or not be able to prove self defense. If a bunch of stuff slips in then it would help Jody show previous violence without her having to testify. I think the defense was hoping that they could of got more out of Gus but Martinez wasn’t having it.

      • Well I think it worked for the defense. Becuz its abvious that there was something more there n im sure the jurry got it. Maybe that was the point. Even if he wasnt able to say much, alot still came out. Well to me it did.

      • Agreed Intersting. And unfortunately, Martinez IS correct. It would be hearsay. And if what martinez’ was trying to imply yesterday is proven to be at all true about Searcy trying to insert himself into this case for attention, well, then we can’t really trust what he has to say. And remember, the fact that it COULD be seen to HURT her is a danger sign imo.

        • But! Sometimes one can actually hear what the other person is saying on the phone even if they are not on the recieving end. Is it possible Gus could have actually heard what Travis was saying, in which case how is that hearsay?

          • I think Gus even started to say that he could listen to the phone but it was an abjection from the state “Hearsay”

          • Right Beebee and he did start saying that he was able to hear TA and started to say something n Martinez cut him off. So it wouldnt have been hearsay, he HEARD TA. why doesnt that count as Gus witnessing verbal abuse (if it was)?

        • It’s not EVER hearsay if it was overheard by the person testifying, particularly in cases where the person who said it is deceased. The only time it’s considered hearsay is when you didn’t physically witness the exchange. If someone told you so and so said this to me- then it’s hearsay. If a person who is now dead told you so and so said something to them, it’s just your testimony that this was their word, and it’s also admissable because the deceased cannot testify. The only thing one can testify about though (for a dead person) are any statements they made to you when they were alive, whether it’s hearsay or not. If that person said the same thing to many people, it strengthens the idea that it may be true. Not that I believe Travis or anything. I am honestly totally confused about this case at this point, but I don’t believe Jodi was involved.

      • Interesting, I disagree. If Gus ACTUALLY heard what Travis was saying I do not see how that would qualify as hearsay. And, it is possible he actually heard it. I have been standing next to people before and heard every word the person on the other end was saying.

    • Vinnie Dumbass Politan was SURE that Jodi was going to take the stand first because she was dressed nicely.

        • He must be waiting for court to come back before mentioning her boobs! Or her glasses, or the color of underwear that she wears in prison…alll of that “bombshell” HLN news!

  7. LC – good question.

    In my mind, the Brewer testimony made it clear that Jodie started into a downward spiral AFTER meeting TA and getting involved in LPP and Mormonism. No doubt about that now, at least in my mind. Brewer was VERY credible and sincere, and it is clear that he cared deeply for Jodie.

  8. Well I am not sure what anyone else thinks but I think that Darryl Brewer testifying that Jody changed sometime in 2006 and became more irresponsible towards her bills says a lot. He stated that she had spoken of PPL at that point and also started having guys over for prayer meetings. They stopped having sex because she wanted to save herself for marriage after being introduced to the mormon faith. I think this partially shows what an influence Travis had over Jodi even at the beginning of their relationship. She had breast implants I am wondering if it was David Hughes that did the work on her.

    • Oh he is sooooooooo nervous! !!! He is huffing n puffing, exhaling n sweating!!! He actually wiped of sweat at some point. Hes blinking a lot n shaking!!! He is NERVOUS n MAD!!!!! I DON’T SEE HIM SMILING NOW. and you can tell that he is being very careful with what he responds to. Before he does, he looks at Martinez. And Martinez going to his hotel room the day he got in? What is that? Can they do that? ???

      Oh helllllll no!!!!!! Nancy Grace just walked into the court room!!!!!! She’s so ugly!! Sorry lol

  9. I am not sure where this can even go. An independent handwriting expert already determined the letters were forged in Jodi’s handwriting. So, we have another battle of the experts! But isn’t it a bit AFTER the fact since the judge has already ruled them inadmissable? How can that help to prove prosecutorial misconduct. Anyone have any ideas?

    • Uh oh. OK now it might get good. Chris Hughes and Skye emailed Travis telling him he was being abusive to Jodi back in 2007??? I get Martinez objecting but there is noooo way he can keep THAT away from the jury..

      • Here is something interesting to consider. If Nurmi gets the letters that Travis allegedly wrote and the emails from Sky Hughes admitted during this hearing, will he be able to use them in the actual trial?

    • I think some of these ltr or emails might be true!!!! It shows in Chris’s behavior. Why does he keep looking at Martinez???? They’re full of shit n the state is too!!!!

  10. It appears that Chris Hughes is trying to get out of stating that Travis was abusive to Jodi but there is an email he wrote to Travis about how he was treating Jodi. Unfortunately, the jury is not in the courtroom.

    • Hopefully those emails make it into the trial via the defense calling Chris H as a witness. I want to know what’s in those letters!!

  11. No wonder the prosecution never called Chris Hughes. Hughes knew that Jodi wasn’t being treated right by Travis and put it in an email. DUH!

    Also, Martinez is really objecting to everything. That means he is running scared. I think he is crapping bricks in his pants right now! LOL

      • Hughes must have been quoting Bible scripture! lol

        I want to see those emails! I really want to know what was said in them.

        Is there any way we will get to see those?

  12. Oh, so it’s just a bunch of people getting together, sharing stories in order to try and convict Jodi??

      • It looks like the judge is still on the prosecution side. She ordered Gus for the name! Im glad he didnt!!! If its true that there was such a person. And if there is, I give Gus props for keeping his word.

    • No. I’m worried there is some person afraid of losing their income or job from retaliation from Hughes. Of course something like that isn’t supposed to happen, but we all know how real life works.

    • I believe there was someone in his car and that is why he does not want to give up their name & number, they do not want to be involved. Did he say that this person also works with CH?

    • I am not worried about that Daniel. I think Mr Searcy does not want to state who it is because the person is under Chris Hughes and Chris could cause problems for them financially.

      • I think that Gus knows that SOMEHOW that name will be leaked regardless of it being “sealed”. Things like that have a way of happening.

        • I think so too. After all there is still the question of how Hughes knew Searcy was on the witness list and he tried to influence him.

  13. Judge ordered Searcy to state who was in the car with him and Searcy basically refused talking about pleading the 5th. I wonder what that was all about and who was in the car with him at the time now.

    • I just wonder why it is he would not have thought that through before bringing this info out, IMO of course he would be required to state the person’s name. Because it is hearsay until proven..and the implication is the “threat” over his/their heads…It is sort of a round about way to bring in “misconduct” without having to prove it.

      • Did he quote the other person? So where is the hearsay? I must have missed that. i thought they were just there and had no part of it.

        • The hearsay is he said the other person said “they were afraid because of Hughes”. There is no way the prosecutor would let the judge think there was potential threats happening..

          • Ah, thank you I see. Well, if they get their way and get the persons name it might just backfire on them anyhow.

          • True BeeCee. And after thinking about it I can see how Searcy may have wanted a witness in the car with him when he was to speak with Hughes.

            It really bugs me when the lawyers don’t talk into the microphone. I don’t even know if they are once again postponing trial until the 13th??? Hard to follow what was being said.

  14. Are they done for the day?????!! This judge doesnt like to work!!! She wanted to end the day right after lunch break when they came back she was going to end it untill Nurmi reminded her they had a phone conference with Abe n continue with Gus!!! What the hell? ?!! Then she had that pickle face again. Lol watcht that part, she really does put that face, she got upset that she had to continue! !!!

    • Yeah! I don’t know what is up with her! Another life is on the line and the judge doesn’t seem concerned about the truth.

      • Hahaaaa… that’s also a good one for her!!! Ill be using these to reference her from now on, so we’ll be on the same pages. Lol

  15. So…whats everyones feeling about how it went today for the defense? I did not think it went well.

    • I didn’t get to see the whole thing yet. I only saw this stuff at the end where I guess the jury is not in there. I think Martinez looked not quite so cocky though.

      And, i hope I don’t sound like a knuckle dragger, but Martinez looks like a death eater to me. He sure likes the death penalty. I don’t think that bodes well for him in the afterlife…ultimately it is between our god/gods/goddess and us…not anyone else.

    • Actually, from what I saw, Gus Searcy did a good job. AND, the jury never heard the testimony yesterday at the evidence hearing. So, with Martinez going off on Searcy like that, it looks like he is scared of what Gus had to say.

      Oh, I also loved how the Abe guy was watching the trial before he testified yesterday. Really?? He doesn’t know basic procedures of a court case??? Even the dumbest of human beings knows you aren’t supposed to be watching the trial for fear of prejudicial opinions or making up a story that goes along with someone else’s.

      Makes me wonder if Chris Hughes called him too…

      • Nicole: Abe was not dis-allowed to watch the trial on TV prior to giving testimony. The judge only prohibited from watching media AFTER the discussion in court yesterday, so there was nothing wrong with him watching.

        I agree Martinez’ behavior earlier in the day was excellent for the defense. But here is where it got bad imo:

        1. The ex-boyfriend testified to the fact that she told him she was driving to “ARIZONA”. Remember she only told Ryan Burns California and Utah…this can go towards pre-meditation. She knew she was going there and even told the ex. (But others she doesn’t tell and when interviewed always denied “intending” to go to Arizona.

        2. The gas cans.

        I am worried both these things will go towards pre-meditation. And remember at this point, this is all its about. That OR proving Travis was physically as well as emotionally, sexually abusive.

        • 3. She tells Abe that she did NOT get into Mormonism because of Travis. That was her own decision.

          4. The anal sex with the ex-boyfriend. Trying to portray Travis’ as the reason she was so sexualized will be difficult now.

          • The ex boyfriend stated they had anal sex maybe once . They didn’t keep doing it and they were together three years or longer. I don’t see that as being sexualized.. I see it as tried it once didn’t like it. Travis introduced Mormonism to Jodi. He gave her the book and told her to read it. She decided on her own to go into it. Having said that, people were going to her house for prayer meetings…. probably the same PPL people she was associating with and Travis would have been one of them, so even though she didn’t go into it because he was mormon, I believe he had a hand in her joining the church.

          • I can see where you are coming from, but I dont know that I agree with you Daniel.

            1. Who was the last person Jodi talked to before heading to Arizona? Do you think she didnt tell Ryan Burns she was going to see Travis considering Ryan probably wouldn’t appriciate that since Ryan/Jodi were interested in one another? It also could have been a spur of the moment decision, after Travis’ persistant pleas for Jodi to visit (it’d be different this time, he’s changed, he’s a nice guy) she caved in because she loved him? And if it were a spur of the moment decision and she was around her ex-boyfriend when this decision was made she may have communicated that with him, since he was there to talk to? Just because she may have decided to go to Arizona cant prove it was premeditated, can it?!

            2. What do the gas cans have to do with anything concerning premeditated murder? She didnt burn Travis’ house down. Or douse Travis in gas. Can someone explain this one to me, I’m not understanding the correlation?

            3. Of course Jodi would tell people it was her idea to get into Mormonism. Would someone really say, “Yeah, this dude Travis totally brainwashed me into Mormonism.” No – that’s the whole issue with being brainwashed. I’m sure Jodi thought these were her ideas, great ideas, things to make her and Travis better together. It was all Travis’ controlling brainwashing.

            4. This whole anal sex bomb is ridiculous to me – I do understand what the prosecutor was trying to do here, but not flying with me. Jodi had been with her ex-boyfrind for 4 years and bought a house with him, is one not allowed to experiment without being an overally sexualed suductress that premeditates murder? So, I would like to know how changes the effect of the mental abuse Travis caused Jodi to endure (three hole wonder, whore, ect.)? The telling his friends she was a stalker while using her for his own sexual experiments? I think there is a difference between being sexual and being used and abused for sex. I sure hope the jury too feels this way.

            Not trying to bust your balls Daniel, just venting. Anyone else follow or am I just wound up here?

          • And again, Daniel, I’m really not trying to nag you. You’ve had great opinons and see things from a different view than I am, at times, able to.

            I very much appriciate your comments on here, as I do many others, so please, do not take offense to my above post.

            I too can be a “worry wart” and I am worried for Jodi. That’s why I am presenting my thoughts, to see if I’m just way off or that maybe, hopfully, there is one jury that is seeing things how I (and I think others) are.

            Again – no hard feelings please!

          • Not at all M., I don’t feel like you are nagging on me…feel free to “nag” away 🙂

            I am glad to hear other interpretations. I am still worried about the gas cans. Not because what you are all saying could not also be true, but if you listen to Darryl Brewers’ cross w/ Martinez when Martinez asks him if he remembers a phone call (after only sporadic calls between the two for the last 1.5 yrs) from Jodi to Darryl, asking him for a favor, he twice says he does not remember and then Martinez gets a bit firmer voiced and says “Isn’t it true that Ms Arias called you asking for a favor to borrow gas cans”? The delay Brewer had in responding, and the choked voice he had when responding “yes”, sounded as if he was trying to avoid admitting this becs he thought this would make Jodi look bad. I don’t know but I am still worried. I think your point is correct that gas cans do make sense when crossing the desert, I am just worried about it in conjunction with the lack of receipts in AZ and the rest.

            The only thing I meant by sexualized, to clarify, and believe me I am in no means a prude when it comes to sex, is just that I had read some people’s thoughts on here in which they were saying that it was Travis who was responsible for the wild sex and he was forcing that on Jodi. Not saying he was not in some areas, but my point, is that I think the prosecutions point was that you can’t say Jodi was an absolute innocent in this matter and blame all the sex stuff on Travis because she was an adventurous girl beforehand. I think that was the state’s whole point to that.

          • Whew, good Daniel, I was feeling bad, thought I came off a little strong and mean (not my intention).

            I do understand what you’re saying when it took Darryl a moment to respond in a cracked voice “Yes” concerning Jodi borrowing the gas cans. I did find that somewhat worrisome, because you’re probably right, he thought it was going to make Jodi look bad.

            Hopefully he’s just a worry wart like you and I. Hopfully the defense can explain the gas can situation because at the same time I just dont see why Jodi would have saved receipts, at all. Or why she wouldn’t have used cash for everything (as someone else stated).

            Surely there is still a lot of informatoin and witnesses to come for the defense. Look at how much has happened in one day! Interested to see whats to come and look forward to everyone’s posts.

          • I wonder if her ex gave her some cash, she deposited cash into the bank while in Monterey (i think?) If she was hiding her purchases she could have used the cash she deposited instead of swiping her card. Anyway I want the defense to tie everything together and present it in a perfect little package to the jury. What I really want are for those emails from Chris Hughes to be read or presented in court.

        • Martinez, doest let anyone get into the probable cause of mental/verbal abuse. Gus WASSSS going to say something n when EVERYONE saw that it was heading in THAT direction he object! C-on…… we all know where that was going n he stopped it, WHY????

          • I cannot see how that was not allowed when Gus said he could hear what Travis was saying at least during part of it. Discussing details of the crying and shaking after I can see being not allowed because prosecutor doesn’t want to let in any testimony about this without Jodi having to testify herself about it and what Travis supposedly said. He wants the opportunity to cross the person stating these things not a third party.

        • 1. If it were going to be premeditated MURDER why would she tell her ex she was going Arizona and not mention it to Ryan? Because she wasn’t planning on murdering Travis and wanted to keep the door open for the new boyfriend (i don’t believe in people doing that crap, but it happens all the time, trying to start something new and yet being caught in the old). I think she was planning to go there, more than likely at Travis’ request, although we don’t know that yet, I don’t think she was planning to murder him.

          2. so what about the cans? Maybe she was afraid of running out of gas on a big trip.

          • I get it BeeCee, you could be correct on both things…Again, I am a pessimist and girlfriend would say “worry wart”…But given there were no receipts , for anything in Arizona, and yet receipts everywhere else, the jury could very well see that as planned. Not wanting to have record of getting gas in AZ..

          • Daniel, I was thinking about the receipt thing one day…and I wondered if anyone had bothered to look at the actual credit card and bank statements? Do you know? Did I miss that? I haven’t been able to watch all the videos full through.

            I just don’t want her to get the death penalty. I look at all these things they say are proof of premeditation for murder and many of them I might do too!!! That is frightening to think someone could be put to death and they might not even be guilty!!! (YES, i realize she has now admitted killing him :))

          • I do not know BeeCee in so far as I don’t recall it coming up but I would be surprised if that was not already looked into by both state and defense.

            What do people think of the jurors question to Gus Searcy? I could not figure that one out at all…what would Chris Hughes helping newcomers have anything to do with this trial??

          • See my reply below and tell me what you think. I think she had a very valid reason for having those cans and this is much ado about nothing.

        • About the gas cans,

          Out west, the roads she would travel from cali, az, utah, nevada, she would need a gas can. There are long stretches of highway she was on that were she to run out of gas, she would have been stuck for lord knows how long. My dad always keeps gas cans when outdoor-sing all over these states. She stopped in a very remote part of the state in which I live. Then stopped at a populated part 3/4 hours later. There isn’t much in between. And she had farther distances to travel. It’s actually common to carry gas cans when traveling in all three areas especially AZ and UT.

          The receipts to me show that she was premeditating anything or else she would have thrown them out.

          • The gas cans don’t scream “premeditation” to me either. She was driving through the desert. And if she didn’t want anyone to know that she was going to Arizona, she wouldn’t have told her ex.

          • Yes. what you say CJ 🙂 I used to carry a little gas can on my motorcycle just for that reason. No fun running out.

          • Yes, and it would be very wise for her defense team to ask her, “Did you carry gas cans with you when you traveled to Mr. Alexander’s house before?”
            (assuming she takes the stand AND assuming the answer would be a resounding ‘YES.’)

          • Yes CJ, I do see what you mean and it does make sense. Lets hope it can get tied together like that. But the defense will need to address it, not just leave it hanging.

      • Nicole, yes… he also looked like he was worried of what could’ve came out of Chris’ a mouth too. Did you see how Chris kept looking at Martinez e ever time he had to answer a question. Like looking for approval. N ur right, who knows how many times/ if he did talk to Abe. I saw abe on the NG or DrDrew n he himself looks like he wants the limelight, he looked n sound like a big gossiper. The nerve to get snippy with Nurmi, what an ass!

        • LC I hope the email Chris sent to Travis is introduced. He took his sweet time reading that thing didn’t he? He was trying to stall or come up with some new arguments & excuses for Nurmi!

          • I know n Nurmi called him out saying, “i know your trying to wiggle your way out of it.” Lol im glad he pointed that out!

          • Was Nurmi able to get any of that info out of Chris re: his email to Travis that he thought Travis was being abusive towards Jodi? I had to leave during that part…waiting for recorded trial to watch.

          • Daniel, no he didnt!! That makes me so mad! !! Martinez objected (of course), prune puss then called them up n Nurmi went on asking him about something else. I guess they couldn’t talk about it anymore. You see how the prune puss is siding???

          • Why does prune puss keep siding with him? I really don’t think the judge is too bright. she seems a tad sedate for some reason to me. She doesn’t even have a good handle on her court.

      • And the prosecutor failed to tell him that she shouldn’t watch, talk ect? He doesn’t remember that? What kind of show is this? LOL

      • Chris had to read the email. And was asking about thinking if Travis was abusive and stating so. I thought the letters was the best part. That Chris thought they weren’t real, told everyone so, based on his own perception. But they were not forged according to Nurmi and handwriting analysis.

        • Exactly JC!!!! Up to today they had EVERYONE convinced that those letters were forged. NOW thanks to Nurmi, he did make it clear that the expert said they were highly authentic! So alllll this time, were all throwing these ltrs out the window blvg Martinez. Thank god Nurmi briught it up, but will the jury know this????? I hope that when they get that examiner in there, they can show the jury. But with pickle face prune puss, I woulnt be surprised if she keeps them out.

          • CONFUSED.

            1. We already know that an independent Scientific Evidence Report (handwriting expert) determined these mystery letters to be a forgery, determination was they were “most likely written by Jodi Arias”. And as a result..the judge ruled them in-admissable.

            2. BUT now, we have Mr Nurmi saying, (in response to witness Chris Hughes calling Nurmi a liar to another witness because of how HUGHES believes Nurmi was putting forth forged docs on behalf of his client), is that he has a different expert, who says, categorically, the letters ARE authentic and most likely WERE written by Travis’ hand….But Wasn’t it the same judge the one that already ruled them as in-admissable? I am not understanding this. What is the point behind this? If its to get the letters in, then what does Chris Hughes as a witness, have ANYTHING to do with that? Why not deal with this directly with the judge??? It just seems like a round-about way to get letters IN already ruled OUT. Is anyone else struggling with what is going on here?? Thoroughly confused!!!

  16. I don’t get why the receipts mean anything guys, Wouldn’t someone planning a murder toss the receipts? that makes no sense to me with regard to premeditation.

    She told Ryan nothing about Travis because she didn’t want Ryan to know. Travis and her were a secret but to her ex, he wasnt in that crowd so the “rule” didnt apply with him. ( secrecy)

    • Those receipts are meaningful only with regards to the two 5 gallon gas cans. By themselves, they are indeed meaningless, but taken in context, they are meaningful for Mr. Martinez’s case.

      • David – but why so important and meaningful to Mr. Martinez’s case? I can’t figure it out…

        Because you think she was trying to make it look like she had never been in Arizona?
        Beyond on that I really can’t see the significance.

        • “Because you think she was trying to make it look like she had never been in Arizona?”

          Precisely what Mr. Martinez is inferring. She picked up the gas gans, filled them up and used the gas cans to gas up her car in Arizona to avoid using her American Express card.

    • Here is my take on the gas cans. Why would ANYONE be so stupid as to ask a friend or ex-lover for gas cans if they were planning a murder?

      Further, she could have paid CASH for the gas – but she didn’t. Apparently she wasn’t trying to hide anything.

      If I were going to plan to kill someone, I wouldn’t leave a trail behind me and I certainly wouldn’t keep the receipts laying around.

      Just saying…

    • Plus, correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t she make multiple transactions to gas up the car + cans? If this was the covert op suggested by the state, wouldn’t she have just filled each can w/o hanging up the pump/resetting the transaction?

      • Right. The car she was driving had a smaller gas tank, I believe 13 gallons. She was traveling a long distance and not many gas stations on the route. The defense needs to clean this up and make sense of it for the jury.

  17. Pique,

    I dont like the belittlement of pre-paid legal either. But if the prosecutor is insinuating it’s a scam to discredit a witness, than its prudent for Nurmi to point out that Travis was also an executive at the top too.

  18. Daniel,

    Good point about no receipts in AZ! Maybe, the experts could argue that all that odd behavior was a result of a trauma that happened there.

      • I checked and it gets 24 miles per gallon, probably more on the highway. I’ve always driven SUV’s that are gas hogs. I wonder how many miles she could drive before running out of gas. She bought two cans for a total of 20 gallons right? How far would that get her? Or was the gas for something else? Odd.

        • I drive a 4 door ford focus (its black – in case the prosecution is looking for me) and I can drive a little over 3 hours on the highway without filling up.

          I dont know if this helps and I honestly dont pay much attention to how many MPG I get. $30-$40 to fill up (but this of course varies everywhere).

        • the two gans were 5 gallons each…so, would be a total of 10 gallons.

          I’m not certain of the specs for a Ford Focus gas tank, but let’s just assume the ‘average’ size for a 4 door sedan which is approximately 11 gallons.

          So, dumping 10 gallons in the tank would give her 240 miles, right? (the 24 mpg you looked up multiplied by 10 gallons of gas equals 240 miles.)

          We truly don’t know what the gas was used for…pure speculation, thus we can only infer.

          • Nancy Grace can’t prove that, of course, nor can anyone. And burning clothing or whatever after the fact still doesn’t prove premeditation. If Jodi had brought gas cans to Arizona and killed Travis with gasoline, then that’s where premeditation would make sense as an argument.

          • I drive a ford focus. It has a twelve gallon tank, highway, I get 31.2 miles per gallon. When i fill up, I am almost at 400 miles to empty

  19. M,

    I like your post. It didn’t sound harsh to me. It sounded like your impressions about this case. I agree with a lot too.

    I think daniel’s concerns show though, how the jury may see things which for one, I’m curious about.

    I thought they should have had better questions for Jodi’s ex too.

    • Thanks CJ – I get very passionate when discussing this case, as I think many, many people are.

      I do understand Daniel’s concerns and appriciate him bringing them up.
      Just hope I dont offend anyone.

      I agree with you on the lack of jury questions. I had so many, especially for Jodi’s ex-boyfriend. Do you know, once a witness is dismissed can they be called back to the stand?

      I think I remember Flores being dismissed and brought back several times, but maybe my memory is incorrect. Silly question – but just curious.

      • Yes a witness can always be brought back, barring transportation and travel expenses. I suppose if this witness were to leave town, they could have him testify by telephone, since that seems to be the norm in this case.

        I get passionate too about this case. I feel like I know how Jodi’s state of mind could have been. Even the little things we hear about her crying and shaking ring true for someone who is being abused. So does the friends suspecting their friend is like that, but covering for him to the rest of the world.

        These letters (IMO) could be brought up at mitigation because that comes after the guilt phase. The media reported they were forged for so long, that I was surprised when Martinez said the handwriting person said they were authored by travis.

        And they brought up Skye asking what Travis’ age of attraction was. So these letters may be the smoking gun during mitigation. Whether it’s relevant or not, people don’t usually like those who are fond of young girls, and that’s just one part we have heard.

        The defense is carefully setting things up, in my opinion. now Sky will have to testify that she said that during trial. Chris wasn’t exactly cooperative either and if he acts like that in front of the jury…

        • I’m really interested to see how these letters play out.
          So Skye will have to testify in front of the jury you think?

          Are you saying that the letters may not come out until after the jury decides Jodi’s fate?

          I missed all the converstation regarding the letters in court today.
          Missed parts – sounds like I missed important parts.

          I didn’t feel like Searcy dropped any bombs, get the feeling the defense will bring him back. I think they are just working it up to the right moment, letting it all unfold.

    • I am watching that. I dont know why I keep watching HLN…everyone just makes me so mad!
      I guess I want to see whats going on on the other side of the fence.

      Surprised me that he was already back out in the media?

    • He’s the one that was on once before talking about Jodi’s magic underwear! OMG hes being a total doucher on the show right now. This guy is something else.

      • Gah, didn’t know he was the magic panties guy. Puke.
        He’s super aggresive – will he be appearing or talking (via phone) with the Jury around.
        The jury wasnt in court when he spoke today right? (missed parts of today)

        He’s such a jack.

    • Surprise, surprise! (insert sarcasm) I thought they told him not to do media shows! Are you sure this isnt the old one being replayed?

      • No its brand new.
        He’s discussing today’s court proceedings with the cast.
        Yelling at this guy that is trying to explain the defenses views.
        And clarifying that he “did not date Jodi, only went out with her a few times.”
        Oh and giggling about his magic panties comment.

  20. Here is my question…

    WHY do all these programs on HLN have this woman, Veronica, on their shows?? She was on JVM tonight and a couple of times on Dr. Drew before.

    This is the woman who keeps calling into these shows and claims she worked with Jodi as a waitress.

    Here is the problem I see with this.

    This woman says that Jodi got hired at some resort in Rancho Mirage, CA and worked during January – April 2008.

    Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t Jodi still in Mesa at this time??

    Also, how could Jodi be such a “bad waitress” when she worked at that fancy resort for several years where she met her 4-yr boyfriend as a waitress?

    If she was THAT bad, the resort would have fired her! An exclusive resort does not have people that can’t do a job or give bad service.

    If I am correct about the timeline of Jodi being in AZ when this woman says Jodi was in CA, then WHY don’t these media outlets FACT CHECK people!


    • Veronica is full of shit. She keeps wanting to talk about Jodi torturing a cat and having a “flat affect”…same crap lies over and over again and yet HLN keeps giving her an audience.

      • I have to say that it is irritating the CRAP out me! I don’t think their woman ever knew Jodi.

        Also, the story about the cat seems really crazy to me. Who would let someone they don’t know really well take his cat to the Humane Society for him??? This cat was supposed to be this guy’s best friend and he supposedly tells Jodi to take the cat to the Humane Society??

        If he DID let Jodi take the cat to the Humane Society for him, then he is a jerk and the cat couldn’t have meant too much to him if he didn’t try to find a friend to take the cat.

        Veronica needs to be silenced!

        • Yea and now there Jodi’s babysitter, is saying that she beat her brother with a baseball bat when she was5 years old!!!! NG…… go figure! !!!! They actually get a kick out of it n blv it! !! It makes me so mad too!!! Lol

          • Oh jeez…my sister and I used to smack the crap out of each other when we were kids. We’re great friends now and both productive adults. If siblings beating on each other is proof of sociopathy, then the whole world would be full of sociopaths.

    • Whats worse is that JVM and NG thought she’d make a great prosecutorial witness. In other words: any schmuck claiming to know Jodi and say the worst about her would make a “great witness.”

      Oh, I’m not buying this Veronica lady. At all. Dr. Drew made it clear that HLN could not prove nor disprove the claims this caller is making, yet her account of what for all we know to be a fictional scenario is being treated like carved-in-stone-gospel on JVM and NG.

      Seems to me these people are trying to get their 15 minutes of fame at the expense of Jodi’s life.

  21. OMG, why is it that everyone who appears on Nancy Grace is a “very dear friend of Travis Alexander!”

    This guy she had on there tonight only knew Travis for (from what I could tell, she cut him off mid sentence, like she does to EVERYONE) for about a year.

    I have TWO dear friends – everyone else is a friend that I would not share my deepest secrets with.

    This guy was “confused” as to why Travis never told him about Jodi. Maybe because they weren’t that good of friends.

    Why do they keep finding these people? Are they looking for their 15 minutes of fame at the expense of Travis? If so, that is pretty sad!

    BTW, does anyone know if these people on Nancy Grace, JVM, and Dr. Drew get paid for their appearances????

        • Yeaaaaaa!!! When she was 5!!!! My 4 yr old nephew hit MY DAUGHTER with a baseball bat the other day n I still love him n his not going to turn out u murder!!! Shes so stupid!!!

  22. I’m sorry I am so fired up today. But, the lies that Nancy Grace, Jean, Beth, and the guests / lawyers on the program are driving me nuts. I find myself yelling at the TV.

    Tonight, they were saying that Jodi met Travis in June 2006, when she met him in Sept 2006. Then, they were saying that Jodi was dating Travis in Fall 2006 and cheating on the 4-yr BF and using him, when she didn’t start dating Travis until early 2007.

    They also said that the 4-yr BF was paying ALL the bills while Jodi was being irresponsible. Correct me if I am wrong, but Jodi and the BF lost the home to foreclosure. Sorry folks, but that is a ONE YEAR process. So, to me, neither of them were paying the mortgage on the house for quite some time.

    I just hate so called “experts” spouting nonsense and lies when they can’t even get a timeline straight!

    How can these idiots continue to get paid to make up lies and not have the facts in the proper order?

    Also, it has NEVER been proven that Jodi slashed tires or sent that email to Lisa, yet Nancy Grace said that it was “proven” that Jodi sent that email.

    HELLO! If that was true, the prosecution would have been ALL OVER that AND called Lisa to testify. Instead, the defense is calling Lisa to prove that she was dating Travis while dating Jodi.

    Oh, and Nancy and Jean were also saying that LISA was the GF that Travis was taking to Cancun. Hello, it was Mimi and she WASN’T his girlfriend!! Get your facts straight, NANCY GRACE! Argh!!

    • Your so right!!! Annnddddd can I add that Jodi did support him for a few months and paid all the bills before he did find work! !!! That was brought up today at trial but they didn’t mention that, huh!!!

      Oh and to NG, he was her LOVER!!! Lol not her long live in boyfriend, her LOVER!!!

    • I feel your pain. My head about exploded when I watched JVM and half on NG yesterday. I literally had to turn the channel and walk away. NG keeps repeating the same old timeline lie on EACH and EVERY show then has to ask “When did Jodi convert to mormonism?” But she’s the one who kept spreading the lie that Jodi converted after they broke up, when she converted before they even started dating! Talk about incompetent reporting!

  23. Watching today’s proceedings again. If Gus is such a shyster that is part of pyramid/triangle/circle scheme then so was Travis. I fail to see why the prosecutor was so intent on making Gus look bad because of his career choice. It was the same choice Travis made. He’s a motivational speaker as well.

  24. This guy is so disgusting. Went on Dr. Drew a few weeks back but according to him today he did not know he was not to do interviews, read newspapers, read police reports online etc.

    The judge…Ms I really do not want to be here, let’s get this over with…told disgusting guy, no more interviews, no going on the intent, no more information about the case.

    I am very sorry judge, now I know, so I will not do it for about three hour.

    Thres hours later he shows up on Dr. Drew, knowing full well no interviews.

    What a mockery of justice this whole case has turned in to.


    1. We already know that an independent Scientific Evidence Report (handwriting expert) determined these mystery letters to be a forgery, determination was they were “most likely written by Jodi Arias”. And as a result..the judge ruled them in-admissable.

    2. BUT now, we have Mr Nurmi saying, (in response to witness Chris Hughes calling Nurmi a liar to another witness because of how HUGHES believes Nurmi was putting forth forged docs on behalf of his client), is that he has a different expert, who says, categorically, the letters ARE authentic and most likely WERE written by Travis’ hand….But Wasn’t it the same judge the one that already ruled them as in-admissable? I am not understanding this. What is the point behind this? If its to get the letters in, then what does Chris Hughes as a witness, have ANYTHING to do with that? Why not deal with this directly with the judge??? It just seems like a round-about way to get letters IN already ruled OUT. Is anyone else struggling with what is going on here?? Thoroughly confused!!!

    • Gotta say. Goin’ crazy wanting to know what happened in the behind close doors Gus Searcy episode.

    • Can you please tell where the handwriting expert documentation is concerning the letters being forgery?

      I looked through the doc on this website and all I saw was that the prosecution claimed they were hearsay. If travis really did write them, then I don’t see how they are hearsay. This prosecutor tried the same thing in another trial.

      Are you for Jodi or not? You don’t actually seem like it sometimes.

      • Hi BeeCee,

        I am 100% “FOR” Jodi NOT getting convicted of First Degree Murder and thus NOT getting the Death Penalty!!!!! I DO have some serious questions about her defense team though as of yesterday and I am surprised that others don’t and that I am the only one interpreting what happened in this way. I believe there could be a big danger in putting a lot of confidence into Gus Searcy anyway. And I am confused by the introduction of the letters. IT IS WONDERFUL news if the letters are authenticated, but what does this mean, in terms of the way they have been introduced? Can they even BE introduced to the jury at this point? If not they are meaningless and just attorney words like Martinez’ “stalker” words with nothing to back him up. This is just my opinion. Why does that make me potentially guilty of not supporting Jodi? If I need to keep my head down and avoid being harsh with the defense team then I guess someone should tell me because I think I have also clearly shown I am FOR Jodi by my posts. But if there is no room for opinions that are critical of the defense than maybe I am just not the type of supporter you guys want on here. Let me know and I will oblige. I will be sad to go but I will understand if that is the case.
        If you click on Court documents, on this site, beginning on page 19 through 22-24, there is the Scientific Evidence report that shows the results of the handwriting expert the state brought in. So it wasn’t just the defense saying that. And the judge could not throw something out based solely on the prosecution just saying they were forgeries.

        • Daniel,

          I know you are talking to BeeCee.

          I think the letters were ruled as inadmissable because she did not have the original copies which made them hearsay. I think its lie by the pros that they were forged based on what the defense said yesterday.

          They will be discussed during mitigation after the trial. ( I’m 99& sure)

      • I don’t think it says they were forged anymore. But they are in the murder indictment on this site Beecee. You just have to read all the docs contained in that one doc.

    • If you are talking about the handwriting analysis done in the doc on this site, it looks like those were done on Jodi’s journals, or journals that she had. I do not see any handwriting documentation regarding the copies of letters.

      • It was a comparison of the Travis letters against Jodi’s handwriting found in her journals. Why would they do an analysis on her own journals?

        • I think they would have too Daniel if they were going to use them in court. I think those docs were about the diary. Remember us talking about them? THey made no sense. I think they were thrown in and released to the media so they could draw wrong conclusions.

          Nurmi said they were proven to be written by Travis in that evidence hearing. He wanted the public to know that obviously. (IMO)

        • Please read the document again.

          On page 22, I see NO letters being examined. I only see JOURNALS.

          12 pages of Jodi handwriting.
          a purple journal and 3 black journals listed. Again, if you want to tell me what page the “letters” have been examinined on please do, because I do not find it.

  26. Iv gone back n read all of today’s comments n I have to say that summerfun us 100% right. It us so sad how JA’s life is on the line…… and this judge is so sorry!!!! She doesn’t care or she has no sense??? All she wants to do is go home!!! ? Eat some prunes n suck on some pickles, judge!!!!

  27. First off, stop thinking of the images and look at the evidence and lack of. Then, realize that not everyone responds in a way that you would. We are all unique people…and often when something traumatic happens people don’t act “normal”. And people act in ALL DIFFERENT ways.

    I personally have not given thought to the locations of the gun and knife, maybe they were both out in the other room, who knows? Only Jodi knows, and just because we can’t visualize it doesn’t mean there isn’t a legitimate reason.

  28. BeeCee,

    I know the doc was pertaining the diary. Sorry if I confused you. I dont really get what the problem is though all the way around.

  29. The two gas cans are going to be the bane of Miss Arias’ case UNLESS her defense team has plans to address this snafu with some reasonble doubt.

    No matter how you slice and dice it, packing 10 gallons of a highly flammable substance (also known as gas) on the eve of a murder NEVER leaves a ‘good’ impression with the jury.

    The defense team cannot simply dismiss this by saying, “Oh, she needed the extra gas because she was driving in the middle of the Arizona desert!” Mr. Martinez would then ask, “How many times have you (Miss Arias) made this trip?” We all know the answer is more than once. Then he would ask, “Did you pack 10 gallons of gas then when you made the trip before?”

    Okay, now this is where it could get really hairy for Miss Arias…

    If she answers “Yes” to his question, he is then going to ask, “Where are those gas cans you’ve previously used for the trip and why did you not use them again on June 3, 2008?”

    If she answers “No” to his question then case in point-packing 10 gallons of gas and a .25 caliber handgun (supposedly) on the eve of a murder is going to severely challenge her Self Defense claim.

    In my experience as a criminal defense attorney, the results were most always less than favorable every single damn time a crime involves the use of ‘gas’ (beyond what goes into the gas tank of a car.) I’m not even exaggerating here!

    It is absolutely imperative that this issue be addressed by her defense team! Thus, it leaves Miss Arias NO OTHER CHOICE, but to take the stand now because this CANNOT be left for the jury to interpret…period!!

  30. I missed part of this day’s testimony, and just got caught up over the lunch break today (Wednesday). This may have been brought up already, but I couldn’t help but notice that during his cross examination of Mr. Brewer, Martinez asked several questions to which the answer was “No.” For example, he asked “Isn’t it true” that when Jodi called Brewer after Travis was killed, she was concerned because she didn’t have an alibi? Brewer said no, it wasn’t true, that she hadn’t said that. Martinez didn’t seem surprised, and moved right along.

    At first I was kind of irritated that he was able to plant such an implication in the minds of the jurors without having evidence to back it up. But then I realized that he must have gotten that information somewhere, and most likely has a rebuttal witness to back it up.

    While it may turn out to be nothing, I think it could be a bit troubling for the defense. More will be revealed, I’m sure.

    • Yea I was thinking, why didnt the defense object????? He does it all the time to them. Why did the defense let Martinez go on, when the witness was saying no to eveything. I mean evrn if most of the answers where no, it still passed across the jury n it staying in there mind. Why not stop him by objecting (his favorite words) hearsay???

      • I’m not an attorney, and I don’t know if it would constitute hearsay or not. It didn’t seem right to me. An objection seemed to be in order – perhaps that the questions were leading? – But, again, I don’t know enough to say.

        However, I do know that lawyers are trained to never ask a question to which they don’t already know the answer. Which is why I’ll be interested to see if Martinez has a rebuttal witness up his sleeve.

  31. Why is it that sometimes the testimony of a witness is in front of the jury and sometimes it is not? You can tell I have not been to law school……..yet.

    • I consulted my legal counsel and this is what I was told.

      Sometimes a witness needs to be questioned under oath for the judge to determine whether or not his or her testimony will be allowed. This way the jury has not heard the testimony in case it is not permissible.
      She has been charged with premeditated murder 1 or in the alternative, felony murder. Felony murder means a death resulted while a felony is being committed whether the perp intended to murder or not. I think in that state both charges can result in the death penalty.
      In a death penalty case, the jury has to be unanimous in their decision. If they cannot reach a decision, it is a hung jury. The judge can give them more instructions and ask them to deliberate more or there could be a new trial. If they still cannot get a unanimous guilty verdict, I think they walk.
      The sentencing, if she is found guilty, will be another trial or really a another part of the trial which is called a bi-fircated trial, two parts. Witnesses and family from both sides say why she should or should not be put to death.
      Of course, if she is found not guilty, the Alexander family will slap a civil suit on her. Like OJ.

  32. What are the letters that Travis wrote that Chris Hughes is claiming Travis did not write?

  33. The only reason Martinez get’s overheated is because he doesn’t care about the facts that led up to the event. He just wants to send Jodi to Death Row, kind of like when Nancy Grace cuts off a caller because it’s not what she want’s to hear. The truth. Gus Searcy hasn’t done anything wrong and he believes such as I that indirectly Jodi is not getting a fair trial. Yes Jodi murdered him and brutally, and that is not right. But never was it mentioned that perhaps Travis was forcefully on top of Jodi which explains the knife wounds to the back. Of course Jodi lost it. Everyone, on Travis’ side of the family were already against her. It sounds like they all want to blame Jodi now for the killing and completely disregard testimony that he was abusive to her. I believe his family and friend’s were provoking the situation toward’s Jodi by belittling her and calling her names. Look at all the names they have been calling her. Jodi, not once, I don’t think used any profanity or called Travis any bad names. They are most definitely trying to slay Jodi now, is that not evil as well? They didn’t give a crap about her claim’s only calling her a repeated liar over and over again.

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