
Jodi Arias Retrial, Day #786 – Deliberations Continue

Yup. Today is officially Trial Day #786… because it’s exactly 786 days since the trial started, on January 2nd 2013.

It’s also 786 days (and several million dollars) that have been needlessly pissed away on a basic self-defense incident that should never have been brought to trial in the first place.

I’m expecting the hung jury (at some point) to finally conclude their deliberations and come back with their eagerly awaited & fully expected split decision. Once Pickles finishes up deciding on the specifics, and we know who’s gonna be paying for Jodi’s appeals, we can start to plan & forge ahead accordingly with the next stage of our mission – and finally get JUSTICE FOR JODI.

The verdict is scheduled to be broadcast live via this link: – (opens page in a new window).

I’ll add a new page once we get the 1 hour heads-up on the announcement.

So… with the longest, biggest & most comprehensive judicial fuck-up in AZ’s history close to an end… deliberations resume @ 9.30 am MST. Any relevant tweets & info will be posted in the comments section of this page.

In the meantime folks…

Jan-21 jodi arias

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Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Prepare for it.

Leave your thoughts & comments below…

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
Click the links below to read Jade’s previous posts in the series:

The Immaculate Deception: Exposed
Michael Melendez – Perjury Exposed
The Presumption of Innocence
The Great Mormon Porn Swindle

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.


    • Morning Lynn!

      The court (as they did last time) will send out or tweet an update giving 1 hours notice, prior to the verdict being announced — so everyone can be ready.

      In the meantime…. chill… take it easy… we got this. No worries.

      Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

      • I have and will continue to pray that Jodi gets through this and that Martinez goes jumps a dry well 🙂

      • To: SJ__Urgent, please read: Atten: Pandora

        1. I just read again the “Reasonable Doubt” document that was posted today for our reading while awaiting the “verdict.” It is Jodi’s complete case for EXONORATION ! It lacks for nothing.
        To ignore its veracity defies all logic.

        2. Also I posted my understanding that THERE EXISTS WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION: that Neither the prosecution, nor the police detectives, nor the medical examiner, work for the State.


        They are under the jurisdiction of THE HEALTH DEPT, not the State.

        3. These two pieces of information contain the entire documented
        case for Jodi to be


        MY FEAR: These critical documents will be ignored, unless someone who has CLOUT (like you, SJ), insists that individual copies of these documents be delivered to the JURY, in their entirety, and that they become integral to deliberation.

          • Thank you, R.Love

            I feel like I can relax now. I’ve been carrying a burden that if I get lazy and don’t follow through by getting this into circulation, I could be responsible should Jodi not get the benefit of more information in her favor.

            I just finished viewing a very long video of Alyce doing one of her speaking engagements. The Snow White incident was spoofed at the end of her program at the expense of Froggie. Alyce’s audience was howling at the frog’s nonsense. The video included a few tidbits that we wouldn’t know about Jodi otherwise, which was nice.

    • Good morning Lynn and congrats on #1 spot. The one hour heads up is: they will give 1 hour notice before the verdict is read.
      So keep checking back either here or if you tweet there.
      Lynn please reread SJ post this morning it might settale you down a bit. The verdict will be overturned!!!! If it’s the DP the good old state of AZ will pay for every one of Jodi’s. If it’s life I think they pay for only one. So as SJ said the verdict only is to us who pay’s for the appeals.

      I know with all of this BS that has gone on and all the money that has been spent they will have a hung jury!!!! No way will 12 people agree either way!!!! They are people like you and I they might have said they could vote for the DP at first but when faced with it…..I don’t think everyone on the jury will be able to…..

      • Yes, but I don’t think they are ppl like you and I. By virtue of the fact that they are on this jury that means that they believe state mandated killing is wrong. I honestly wouldn’t even vote for a DP for someone evil like Rose or Fred West. And they are truly, truly evil. What gives me the right to take anyone’s life is my view? Also, I honestly feel that God could condemn me on my final day if I gave someone the DP, as Jesus said “thou shalt not kill.

          • Death penalties should be abolished

            There is too much room for error

            Particularly in this case where I honestly believe only the defendant knows what happened

            I shall not speculate as that would be in the realm of conspiracy theory and it’s bad enough that the trial jury apparently bought the prosecution theory.

            Just let me say that I believe neither the prosecution nor the defense scenarios.

              • I just wish I could spend like 48 hours straight alone with Jodi and get her to tell me what really did happen.

                I’m in contact (email) with her, and owe her one but will wait a day or two for the verdict,

                Meanwhile I do have a few nice pix on a URL for anyone clicking on my name.

                Unfortunately a few of the originals were maxed out for any improvements

                • I don’t think she could tell you if she wanted to. She stated she was in a fog and she sometimes dreams about it but is not sure it is real or not. Her mind has taken over and will not allow her to remember exactly what happened after the gunshot that day.

                • Thanks for the lovely pics of Jodi Bill!

                  I am 64 and it is only in the last few years that I have been able to take the abuses and traumatic events in my life out of the mental box I had put them in. I have experienced true healing finally !

        • Lynn just because it’s state mandated does not mean that everyone believes in it. It’s going to come down to each persons moral compass and what they can live with the rest of their lives…….

        • For those who claim to be Judeo-Christian (I am agnostic but still pray), the commandment is:

          “Thou shall not kill.”

          It doesn’t say, “Thou shall not kill unless …”.

          • I wonder why lawyers never use that idea/tactic in the courtroom? Stressing it’s not the lawyers that are condemning the defendant to death – it’s you the citizens, the jury, that are doing it. You are the ones killing him/her. His/her death will be on your concience, not theirs.

            • The Frog would have croaked on the spot if that had come up. 🙂 He would pull any string he could to put someone to death, guilty or innocent it doesn’t matter to Juan Martinez. He has proved that.

            • CC53 I think KN’s closing more or less stated that…..Can you put this girl to death..
              How many times did he say that!!!! I’m sure frog was messing his magic underwear…

    • Hi Cindy,

      No probs! As we know… all the verdict tells us is who’s gonna be paying for Jodi’s appeals. The media & tweeters can try & hype it up all they like — but that’s all it comes down to in the end.

      All is good.

      Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

      • A truer statement has never been made….although….having a hung jury would truely be a slap in Bill M. and JMs face….but voteing for life would be the creme de menthe…..

        I watched the clip from 5/13/2013. The look on JM’s face is Priceless!!! I want this so badly needless to say for Jodi and her family but for the DT. So they can turn around and say take that you MF’er low life, lying piece of shit…..BAM your done…..
        Ahhh but only in our dreams. They have way to much class to lower themselves to his standards…..

  1. Rather than cutting costs making it even worse for the accused, the state of AZ should clean out their DA Office and hire attorneys who present the real facts of the case, and not cause their witnesses to perjure themselves and hide or destroy evidence. Abolish the death penalty if you want to save your tax money, but don’t go even more barbaric by removing funding. I can’t believe these people….

      • I just finished watching your vid and also watched the latest trial watch update where a former juror said that the evidence that this jury has to weigh is much different than what they had during the first trial and there are many mitigation factors that weren’t in the first trial among other things.

            • Thanks Debbie…hummmm I now wounded how they feel about the verdict they rendered. But like the DT and the world who would have thought that there was so much corruption going on???

              • Cindy,
                I had the feeling Dianne Swartz by saying this jury has different evidence to consider was perhaps suggesting that if they had the same evidence the decision might have been different. I expect she probably would still have voted for the death penalty though. Someone stated they thought she might have had an big influence on the others in the guilty verdict. It wouldn’t surprise me if she did. I dislike Dianne Swartz more than Tara Kelley because Tara, although hateful, was more of an airhead who loved being a minor celeb. Dianne has a kind of smugness & pretenious piety about her.

                • Dianne Swartz…..who mouthed “I’m sorry” to the Alexanders…… I don’t think I wanna share how much I hate her coz I’d have to resort to the F word too much.


            • Debbie, I could only view one video; the one with the red haired former juror who voted for DP in the first trial. I saw nothing in that video that has any juror from that panel mentioning they have seen a difference in this trial and would have voted differently.

        • Right! I wonder if the first jurors feel cheated by JM.. after all voting for death and then finding out some facts would be terrible for them.

            • I hope they have enough sense to feel bad. I wonder. 🙄 Many of them have become best friends forever with the Alexander family. Weird and might I say mentally unhealthy.

          • That red head was really doing a job of dissociating herself from that first verdict, and her possible influence on other jurors.
            She was so blaze in labelling her basis as being the “facts” and she was just doing her civic duty when she caused that switch to be pulled.

            It is so ignorant just to label what you are told as “facts” when they are NOT factual at all due to evidence that was hidden, withheld, destroyed, perjured, switched at the last moment allowing DT no time to prepare. The psychological tests were revealed in a totally different light yesterday.

            There are still people who are using Horn’s “gunshot first” just because he is a medical examiner, he said it, so it must be true. We have NO safeguards in place to protect us from bad information when time to make critically important. decisions.

    • Great find, Carol. An intelligent, no snark interview. I was beginning to think they were a thing of the past.

  2. good morning everyone. I figure I will sit and knit while awaiting the verdict, knitting keeps me calm. My hubby and I bought a puppy and she will be coming home within the next week,so I am knitting a mat for her to lay on 🙂

      • Thank you Cindy… um do you knit or crochet? there are always homeless people needing hats and mitts.

        • Debbie, I tried it ounces. I tried to make mittens for all the kids in my extended family. No two were the same size…lol. I have rather a obsessive, OCD personality. So I have to be careful on what I start…. I have to be able to put it down for a while. If that makes any sense whatsoever??

          • It most certainly does make sense to me Cindy especially when things are not made in one day and there are patterns and counting to consider. I always try to stop when I get back to a first row lol

        • Awe Debbie..she sounds adorable 🙂 congratulations on the new addition to your family…love her name! Give her kisses for me when you get her XOXO Best wishes!

    • Don’t just sit and knit ! This case could be turned around if somebody can figure out a way to get that complete document: “Reasonable Doubt” into the hands of every single member on that jury. Somebody posted it earlier today as material to read while waiting for verdict.

      NO NO NO NO NO We all need to spread that around. The jury MUST have it BEFORE the verdict. The Jury needs to read this. It explodes the lack of logic in every single false premise that the prosecution has peddled for months, as the basis for their “Pre-meditation” theory. It leaves no room for doubt, unless you want to look really, Really, s t u p i d !

      WHY WHY WHY IS IT BEING IGNORED! Who are OUR members that have some PuLL? Who has the clout to force this info into jury deliberation? Would it be the Defence Team?

      I have already found out that the PROSECUTOR, the DETECTIVES, and the ME (and I think the Police, too). DO NOT WORK FOR THE STATE! Do We Hear That?

      So the State should not be able to dis-allow the jury from having this information. “REASONABLE DOUBT”


  3. Good morning all.. just came upon this

    Let go [of your concerns]! Then you will know that I am God. I rule the nations. I rule the earth. Psalm 46:10

    appeared for me at the right time! xoxo

    • My pseudo-random proverb for the day (as good as a horoscope, btw):

      Proverbs 16:28-29:

      “A perverse man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends. A man of violence entices his neighbor and leads him in a way that is not good.”

      How do I get these? Glad you asked – lol.
      I open to the book of Proverbs, stab my finger to a spot on one of the pages, then back up to the beginning of the sentence, and read as far as I want .


    For the Alexanders, Travis’s Friends and Followers who didn’t ever truly know him:

    When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.
    Catherine Ponder

    Every single word of hate that you spew towards Jodi is only hurting yourselves. Give It Up.

    • Aman sister (from a different mother).

      I was just going to try down and find out what you were doing but I started the broom and BAM!!! Her you are…

        • I hope you all know I am the reason typo need the vacation…I over worked him….me sorry…..but he’s having a great time and said when the snow and cold is gone he will be back….He said something like May…

      • HaHa Sisters! ♥ We do think alike, that’s for sure! I hoping that the jury refrained from going home and watching HLN last night. It is wrong that they have not been sequestered IMO. A person life is nothing to play with and that is what I feel Arizona has been doing with Jodi’s from the beginning. Like vultures slowly, methodically picking away at her trying to ruin an intelligent beautiful young woman’s life.

        • Don’t try to fly my way anytime soon you might get stuck in a snow drift! 🙁 My son got stuck in Charlotte because of the snow. Long days for all. I’ve run out of yarn. . .poo.

              • Ha Ha

                Only problem in Albufeira is that it can be a little “Breezy”

                But now I have uour attention

                1) Could you refer me to a site or sites where I can find out what I can send Jodi and what can be discussed.

                I owe her an email currently. (did ya see my post about the upside down stamp on a letter she sent me?)

                2) Can I post an email addy in here – or alternatively put one on my vPix Page

                Tankee Moochly Kind Lady

                • RASNA would have to help you with that info Bill. You know me, I end up on a stool of shame too often so we better ask someone that is privy to that important information. RASNA checks in all the time, I’m sure you will get an answer soon.

          • Oh no poor Kid. I am really truly sorry for everyone in the South and the East cost. We are used to it. Ya it’s a pain in the butt for a day or two but we have the heavy duty trucks to dig us out!! You don’t.
            The sun is shining here. But it’s -9 with the wind.

            R. That is my biggest Bitch for the day!!! The jury isn’t safe from being contaminated.
            Way, way too many crazies out there. They should have been under lock and key and under protection.

              • Bill, HA “Moron Fanatics”! lol…I like that phrase. But honestly THAT aspect has me the most frightened because they will “answer the question they think SHOULD have been asked if they do not like the question ACTUALLY being asked”. It is called “lying for the lord”… so during jury selection their “truthful answers” as to knowing anything about this case may have been nothing but lies.

        • HOW CAN WE GET THE Posted ESSAY “REASONABLE DOUBT” Into the hands of the Jury?.

          Read it. It was Re-Posted earlier today. It could FREE JODI W. PREJUDICE!


          They are our TOOLS! HAVE WE BEEN DUPED?

          • seabird,
            where was it posted.
            She should get Free w. prejudice.
            That IS the only RIGHT thing to do, period!!!

  5. I am sure that the asinine stunt that the Alexscampsters and their buddies pulled the other day in the courtroom with their mass exodus had been planned all along for Jodi’s allocution and that is why the tweeter said they were “pissed” the other day coming out of chambers. I can imagine poor Jodi’s reaction to something like that in the middle of her allocution and I’m sure that they did too.

    The judge and attorneys in the AH case referred to “Santiago” when talking about crime pics and prejudice to the jury. I have been looking but can’t find out what case that is. If anyone could help me, I would most appreciate learning more about that case.

    • Definitely planned. Otherwise why would they ALL get up and leave? Put yourselves in their shoes: you see one person getting up, you think they are upset or may even want to use the restroom. Do you get up too??? No! You sit the f*ck down. So, how did they all stood up all of a sudden? Coz it wasn’t “all of a sudden”, they had talked about this. They had agreed before hand.
      Absolutely disgusting, trying to interfere with due process. SMH!
      And Carol, wow – you are so right! I never thought of it that way but is does make sense : the Alexscamesters are the kind of people who would disobey and defy the court’s rules standing up in the middle of the defendant’s allocution just to show their “protest” .

    • JUSTICE Forusall,


      I Have read it again, and I cannot fathom how this could be omitted as required reading for the JURY to consider, but nobody even hick-ups.

      Now I am pretty sure that I read actual written documentation just a while back that:

      PROSECUTION; DETECTIVES; ME; (maybe police, too)
      (Did it also say the Defence attorneys work for the PEOPLE – I think so?)



      To avoid conflicts of interest, such as we are now facing

      MEMBER OF THE JURY HAS A COPY OF “REASIONABLE DOUBT” While they are deliberating.

      JUSTICEFORUSALL: Do you know of a way to slide through the “red tape” that seems to prevent rational problem solving? The Law seems to say that We the People are the actual Bosses (Decision makers)


  6. How is it possible that so many are so blind to all the corruption in this case? If the state had such a solid case against Jodi, there would be no reason to garner all the perjury. They did it for the sole purpose of killing her. It just sickens me. It is clear to me that most of the “haters” (for lack of a better term) do not care about the perjury as they believe the end justifies the means. It is also clear to me that many of the so called haters have not watched the entire trial and their perceptions come strictly from HLN and biased news reports. I cannot believe the number of posts I see from people who thought this trial was over long ago which proves they did not watch this trial, yet they are PRAYING for the death penalty. They do not see or acknowledge the lie-after-lie prosecution of Jodi. They believe Dr. Horn and do not have the brains to even research the autopsy report which proves no brain penetration ever happened! A “typo” cannot negate at least 2 entire paragraphs of his report. For him to pass his BS off as a typo is despicable. And for people and the judge to actually buy into it is just beyond my comprehension. This entire prosecution has been a slam against the justice system IMO. These people obviously have no conscience. And as for those “eye for an eye” people, they need to move on to the New Testament. And to actually pray for the death penalty? Do they really think God answers those kinds of prayers? That is the devil at work. I sure don’t want to be them when the tickets to Heaven are handed out.

    • “the end justifies the means” truest words ever spoken regarding this farcical prosecutor and his work on this case.
      TA supporters simply refuse to listen, they choose to turn a blind eye and justify the State’s actions thinking that if it’s the work of a detective or a prosecutor or someone working for them then there is no room for moral corruption/tampering/dirty work. Yeah right!

      • Do you know that the law says that the “Prosecutor” works for the PEOPLE, NOT for the State.
        He is under the Dept. of Health.

        Have we all been duped out of our say-so? Doesn’t this mean that he is OUR “toy.” And we have the right to put him up on the shelf and get him out of our way?

        • Where are the law people?
          I think I just remembered that it is also “judges” that are included in the category of “officials” that WORK FOR THE PEOPLE, and NOT FOR THE STATE

          Suspected qualifiers: prosecutors, public defenders, detectives, medical examiners, judges,

          I think the State law says that all these chess pieces are all rightfully “tools” of the People.

          Reminds me when Martinez got all nasty, declared himself kind and said: We’re going to present that computer as evidence and PROVE that your people are the ones that broke it.

          If you read about the conflict of retribution that inhibits these people from enforcing their rightful roles, such as to demand that Stephens clean up her act, it makes a lot of sense that the State (prob a long time ago) saw fit to put these sensitive roles under THE PEOPLE, being structured through a neutral “Dept. of Health.)

    • If we ignore they will get tired and disappear. It is the media, such as HLN, that keep the evil vile trash stirred up. They should be ashamed but they are too busy cashing in just like Travis’s family and friends. All about that bottom line $$$

      • You got that right!!! Happy I don’t get HLN any more. Most likely wouldn’t have a TV any more.
        Yap they will be all gone by this weekend. The A,s will have to go back to work sometime. I mean how long can that money
        last??? Geez how long has Tanisha been away from her kids?? God help those kids with all the hate she has inside her. It’s got to go some places……

        Samantha are you kidding me? you’re an officer of the law and you pull a stunt like that in a courtroom?? Steven you need to go home stay away from you family and get the help you need. You have a daughter that needs her daddy to be strong for her….

        I thought of this this morning at 3am. The family I believe are transferring all of the aggression from their childhood onto Jodi. Of course they thought TA was their shinning star…it’s very easy to roll play when you only see someone 1or 2 times a year. He was as f~ed up as the rest of you perhaps a bit more. You have to learn to deal with this truth…. Go home and get help, from a professional not a Bishop…

        • 1) $2 and half plus million could last a long time for me but for them who knows. . .a month?
          2) Samantha must be a meter maid, nothing against meter maids but I’m going by her actions in a courtroom.
          3)I believe your right, the Alexander family have transferred their anger, hurt, lack of love, hostility and abuse all on the back of an innocent woman, Jodi. So unfair. They just can’t see it.
          4) Right-O, If you want to heal stay away from Bishops from the Mormon or LDS church. Lying for the Lord…SMH.

          • “Help sites.”
            1. “Ex-Mormons”
            2. RFM “Recovery From Mormionism”

            3. Documentary: Mex-Mormom Wars Youtube
            Contemporary material, like happening now.

  7. What verdict options do the jury have? Is it just a vote for DP? Or can they also suggest life or life without parole?

    • I understand that they just choose life or death. If it is life then the judge decides without parole or 25 years to lifte. So actually a verdict for life and a hung jury appear to be the same thing. And it sounds to me (someone please correct me if I’m wrong) that parole is not an option even if she gets 25 to life (unless the law changes in the future). So it seems at this point in time, even 25 to life is the same as life without parole. Insane!

      • I read somewhere that because the 25 yrs LWP existed when Jodi was charged, the sentencing of her must apply to what the law was when she was charged, so the sentencing ‘ point of reference’ must be retroactive__ so she is still eligible for 25LWP, and could possibly get out.

        So, if this is the case, even though now no means for parole exist, her lawyers can force the issue and get her out. I hope this is the case.

        What makes no sense at all, is that if the jury finds unanimous for life, she gets life, but if the jury is hung, in theory the judge is eligible to give her a lesser sentence than life.

        In my opinion, if a jury unanimously gives her life, than that degree of belief in her lesser culpability should transfer into LWP automatically.

        If she is still eligible for LWP retroactively, there is the absurd situation, that if some of the jury go against her, she has the possibility of a lesser sentence, but if all are for her, her sentence can only be harsher.

        I thought Martinez recently mentioned in front of the jury that if they didn’ t vote for death, she could possibly get out of prison one day?

        • Hey everybody, Find some way to insist that every juror has a copy of REASONABLE DOUBT in their hands for deliberation. They will find no option that is conscionable other than exoneration w. prejudice.

  8. Not sure if my last post went through. Anyway, is DP or not the jury’s only option? Can they suggest life or LWOP?

    • Lynn it is my understanding if the jury comes back hung then it’s up to JSS to make the final decision on 25 years with parole, or LWOP…..

  9. Bill heads out for coffee at the Pastellaria next door (Cake or Pastry shop in AngloSpeak)

  10. Good Morning ” Team Jodi” my thoughts and prayers are with the Arias family and friends, KN and JW for an outstanding second round. This is circus in AZ is night a WWE fighting match, three strikes your out…. so for JODI your third round is about to start, and your FREEDOM granted back to you…. It’s amazing how strong she has been through all this being in solitary confinement. I would go APE SHIT being locked up like that, but we know it was to protect her.

    She’s smart, and will work away in her cell in prison for her appeals, and next step in setting her free. I believe I read during the last trial that when she goes to prison she will be allowed letters…. not these stupid ass postcards. This is where we all can come together as a team and send her letters for support.

    Not sure if Sandy will remain in AZ once Jodi is sent to prison as this has taken a toll on her family financially.

    I am a firmer believer that all things in life happen for a reason…. if jury in the first round would of all came back with the DP all this new information wouldn’t have come out…. this needed to be on record for the appeals. Now we have the information to set Jodi FREE….. don’t back peddle, lets just keep moving forward in this process to set her FREE….

  11. Each one of these jurors needs to ask themselves, can I stand in front of Jodi Arias and pull the trigger and kill her….bc this is exactly what they are doing, unlike the IDIOT juror who stated to the news media that even though she voted for death in the criminal trial that she was NOT REALLY KILLING JODI !! GET A CLUE BRAINLESS, YES YOU ARE KILLING HER – YEAH, YOU !! YOU PERSONALLY ARE PULLING THE LEVER / TRIGGER TO KILL JODI WHEN YOU VOTE FOR DEATH !!! SO GET A CLUE YOU MORON!!!!!! Stop lying to yourself to make yourself feel better……

    • I thought the same thing when I watched that. . .she was on a death squad and in my opinion she pulled the trigger. It will be with her forever until she meets the Good Lord himself. How can she be that slow? Duh, you sentence someone to death you are a murderer.

      • Exactly all twelve jurors who vote for death (if they get a unanimous decision) is NO DIFFERENT THAN A FIRING SQUAD….so when the lever/trigger is pulled those 12 are pulling the trigger……..each and every one of them is pulling the trigger… her little fantasy excuse that she really isn’t killing Jodi is STUPIDITY ON STEROIDS !!!!

        • There is no way I could ever under any circumstance have that hanging over my head. I’ve already got enough to answer for when I get to the Pearly Gates of Heaven. When it gets right down to it is like that old saying, “You will take yours and I will take mine.” May God Bless JODI!

          • And LEST anyone should think that well I may not be the one with the bullet in the gun (a firing squad has one of the 12 killers with the real bullet and no one knows who has the real bullet) but in this case if any one of the 12 jurors had voted no, then Jodi would live….thus EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THE 12 JURORS IS PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR HER KILLING WHEN THEY VOTE FOR THE DP…….NO WAY OUT OF YOUR PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY, PERIOD !!!

      • AMEN BB and R.Love!!!! A-FREAKING-MEN!!!

        I was so outraged when I heard that fucking moron Dianne Swartz saying she wasn’t responsible for Jodi’s death coz she wasn’t in a death squad – because Jodi brought this to herself.
        I say, WHAT?????
        Jodi killed Travis, yes. But where does it say that killing HER is justice and she only has herself to blame? YOUR JUSTICE SYSTEM SHOULD BE about justice and rehabilitation NOT about vengeance!
        And by woting death, YOU are taking the defendant’s life into YOUR hands. YOU decide that a death will compensate for another death. Un-fucking-reasonable! I feel like we’re in the Stone Age and people should be growling instead of talking. Primitive way of administering Justice, through a barbaric ritual.

        And NO, Diane! Do NOT try to ease your conscience, do NOT try to relieve yourself from guilt.
        Yes, you WERE part of a death squad when you voted for death. You were simply unable to carry on with your murderous delight because there were others who did not agree with you.

    • Bingo…..all of them trying to make themselves feel better….
      I to believe that things happen for a reason…we don’t always understand it but eventually we do..

      Now for my question: what if someone now approaches a member of the jury??

      • If someone approaches a juror it will probably depend on what interaction occurs.. for example if a person approaches a jury and engages them in a conversation about the case and the juror is stupid enough to respond in some meaningful way they would be dismissed….if the juror ignores the person and says nothing and reports it as they should probably nothing would happen depending on how the juror answers the questions from the judge and the defense/prosecution attorneys….they will want to make certain that the juror has not been unduly influenced by whatever the person said to them…etc…it really is a fluid situation and will depend on the exact circumstances of the encounter……..

      • Cindy – I’ve looked back on things that have happened to myself over the years that I never understood at the time, but seem crystal clear now. If only we could see into the future thru a magic ball…..

        • Bystander, how many times have I looked back and wondered “What were you thinking”. Pretty sure there will be a few more of those times….always learning.

    • Love BB s comments. Read the snippet about why this trial cost so much. Well, if they chose
      not to retry case, it would have cost a lot less.

      The tax payers of Az. do not need their money spent on this circus. This has set a precedent. All
      other dp cases then deserve the same thing. Families of victims should have less say. Taxpayers
      more say on how money is spent.It seemed like the Alexanders were dictating to the DA. I have
      always thought the DA represents the people.

  12. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 7m7 minutes ago
    The jury has arrived #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 17s18 seconds ago
    One of the jurors brought a crockpot of goodness #jodiarias #3tvarias

  13. (((((Jodi)))))
    (((((Team Jodi)))))

    Good Morning to All 🙂

    I will be in and out today – have some errands to run !!

  14. Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN 1m1 minute ago

    #jodiarias jurors are still deliberating this morning. One juror seen with a crockpot.

  15. I think last night was the most unrestful sleep I have had in a long time. I wonder if Jodi and her family got ANY sleep. I hope the jurors did…but if I were a juror there is no way I would have slept a wink.

  16. God help me. I have HLN on for the first time in over a year. Nancy Grace is coming on in 20 minutes to say whether the prosecution “made their case.” I think for once we may hear the truth out of Nancy since she always wants to show her wisdom and superiority over others. I read someplace she’s already said Jodi WON’T get the death penalty.

    • The mere thought of even hearing her voice makes me CRINGE (similar to how I feel about JM)…But ACTUALLY listening to her bs woul send me into convulsions. She and her bias… absolutely repulsive

    • Don’t watch it she is still trashing Jodi!!!!! WARNING!
      She even dared to say that Jodi screwed her chair in the courtroom lower than everyone else to make her look pitiful (remember that crapo she started) and like a librarian with the glasses. She is a perfect example of a dried up old hag.

  17. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago

    There may have been juror questions we are trying to find out #jodiarias #3tvarias

  18. OK being on a jury is supposed to be your civic duty!! Ya right in cases like this you can have it. I will pick up trash instead…

    I wonder if the “states” that have the DP say for the jury to seek mental health???

  19. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 38s39 seconds ago

    Sounds like a deliberating juror wants to switch with an alternate. Nurmi is on his way #jodiarias #3tvarias

  20. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 14s14 seconds ago

    The jury also wanted a certain set of written instructions…#jodiarias #3tvarias

    • At this late date a jury member wants to switch???????what the hell is going on in Arizona. I have never ever heard of this. Has there been an emergency of some kind – it would have to be serious to be considered I am sure. Oh nothing happens according to routine in this trial.

    • I am in right now for the moment but will be leaving again for a short time:

      HELL NO !!!!! YOU can NOT ask to switch with an alternate juror and have that be allowed….SOMETHING IS TERRIBLY WRONG WITH THIS REQUEST !!! I think KN better get a handle of what the hell is going on with this deliberating juror and why the HELL THEY WANT TO SWITCH !!!! SOMETHING SMELLS LIKE A RAT !!!!!!!!!

  21. They have no one to put in the persons place…..that time has pasted……

    No way it could be a emergency. They wouldn’t be contacted while in the jury room.

  22. Once again, even in the epilogue of this farce of a trial, problems are rising!

    I started reading Chevey Mason’s book JUSTICE IN AMERICA while waiting for verdict. Up to where I am, it’s certainly a very very very interesting read. Here’s a small passage from Introduction:

    “… Malicious prosecutors, self-serving politicians, self-aggrandizing talking-head lawyers and media opportunists made the trial an occasion to seek personal and financial gain by distorting the truth, fabricating allegations, reinforcing each other’s empty testimonies with sound-bite lies and exaggerations, and pursuing many other questionable actions – all the while ignoring that a person’s life was on the line…”

    ^^^Reminds you of anything? Ahem-Ahem… just sayin’

  23.  Court Chatter Live retweeted
    Cathy @courtchatter
    · 11m 11 minutes ago
    No way will judge allow jurors to switch but that has to mean those jurors have talked I would imagine. #2 must really want on #jodiarias

    Cathy @courtchatter
    · 16m 16 minutes ago
    I’m hearing that a sitting juror wants to switch with alternate juror #2. CRAZY! #jodiarias

  24. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago

    Juan, Nurmi and WIllmott are on the phone….Jodi is coming in #jodiarias #3tvarias

  25. Cathy ‏@courtchatter 2m2 minutes ago

    Judge Stephens just called up Nurmi on the speaker phone. They are waiting for #jodiarias to come in. They have jury questions

  26. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 34s35 seconds ago

    Jury questions in #jodiarias She is here in stripes. The lawyers are on the phone.

    • fentonlawless ‏@fentonlawless · 13m13 minutes ago
      #jodiarias, who looks better in stripes than JA? You rock it girl.
      Drives the #tdoggdeathghouls cray cray.

      Fenton is not being sarcastic. He’s a long-time Jodi supporter who has waged long battles against the haters on Twitter.

  27. Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner 29s30 seconds ago
    Jury asked if they can work during lunch for #JodiaArias #abc15

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 26s27 seconds ago
    Jury wants an exhibit list #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 32s33 seconds ago
    The jurors want an ok to have a working lunch. Yes. They want to know if they can look at their notes out of session. No.

  28. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 20s21 seconds ago

    Can we individually and silently look at our notes on breaks Defense says only when deliberating Pro agrees #jodiarias #3tvarias

  29. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 36s37 seconds ago
    Is it ok if we have a working lunch if everyone is present…YES #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 14s15 seconds ago
    Jury isn’t in courtroom while this is being asked #jodiarias #3tvarias

      • Red BOLOGNA like they serve JODI on stale bread….. and a half of an apple with some water….

        Who the fuck wants to leave the jury, that is totally absurd, and not going to happen. Wonder why they want to switch so they can come back with DP…. because this jury isn’t agreeing or being bullied… WTF AZ….

  30. Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner 1m1 minute ago

    #JuanMartinez is on his way NOW to review exhibit list that jurors asked for #JodiaArias #TravisAlexander #abc15

  31. Cathy ‏@courtchatter 8m8 minutes ago

    Jury will receive a redacted exhibit list as was discussed.(not clear about this) Juan is on the phone too.#jodiarias

  32. Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN 1m1 minute ago

    One juror question was if they could have a working lunch, that does answer the crock pot. #jodiarias

  33. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 20s21 seconds ago
    The jury just took a 15 min break #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN 12s13 seconds ago
    #jodiarias jurors on a break. A few seen walking out.

  34. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 3m3 minutes ago

    OK so # 2 juror that was dismissed wanted to be an alternate so that’s what that was about and she was told too bad #jodiarias #3tvarias

  35. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago

    OMG this story! Ok a deliberating juror wanted to switch with #2 an alternate. They were told that can’t happen #jodiarias #3tvarias

    • What if #2 was the psychologist and everyone was envisioning her as their foreman? They’ve not been allowed to talk about all this amongst themselves all these months, and now they really want the psychologist back so she can give feedback.

      I would be furious if I were a juror and the most knowledgeable juror went onto the alternate list.

          • my weather is white


            Did I mention to y’all that I hardly watch TV at all anymore? Did not know I would be waking up to a foot of snow this morning. Haven’t had the TV on since last week sometime. Good thing I have a jar of peanut butter.

            • Omg girl I’m so sorry. What kind of peanut butter?? Go and tell your tents (family) you will traid heat for food…lol.
              I feel your pain. The last real snow storm we had I got real inventive with what I had in the house to eat……
              If you have pasta you’re golden…lol

            • ♥My Sweet Journee♥ up there in that awful blizzard freezing?? I’m sending a care package ASAP!!!!! I love peanut butter though. . .sounds good to me! Stay Warm Sweet Friend!!! Prayers for your furnace!!!! Spring is coming!!!! Believe and Receive! 😀


                oh, and Thursday is trash collection day, so we’re now two weeks in a row without trash pickup.

                The good news, though, Cindy – Courthouse also closed two Thursdays in a row so my jury duty stint is done.

                • Well that’s good at least you don’t have to go out in this… Aren’t they using the garbage trucks to plow snow??

                  Well as long as you have heat, electricity and food….and a phone you can work on your book or read…
                  I really am sorry…

                • Working on book is why I didn’t know there was a blizzard on the way…. lol too busy frolicking with my peeps in Carolina wine country

        • Thanks Debbie and Journee. The juror request really is bizarre. I wonder if it’s ever been requested before.

    • Okay, if this is true we have big problems and the deliberating juror who wants to switch with juror #2 just well may end up being dismissed…..this indicates that this deliberating juror and the now alternate juror #2 have been TALKING and this is NOT allowed…or at the very least this deliberating juror must have had some way of communicating with this juror #2 and has an understanding of what juror # 2 is thinking….KN needs to bring this deliberating juror in for some serious questioning….and then dismiss this deliberating juror if there is any hint of misconduct/indication that this juror was somehow communicating with juror #2

      • and if this all happens then they would need to put the alternate man juror on and NOT juror #2…juror #2 would now never be allowed back on…….

    • Why juror # 2 particularly? Sounds fishy? Why say which particular juror and not just “an alternate”?

    • So if this story is true, then that means that the juror who wishes ‘out’ DOES NOT CARE about his/ her vote being a deciding factor, since he/ she is willing to give an arbitary person absolute right to absolutely decide for life, since only one vote for life is needed.
      And vice- versa, this juror does not care if the arbitrary alternate decides for death.

  36. A little late for that question I think. I sure wouldn’t want that person deciding my fate. They don’t seem to be committed to the task. Juries are sure unpredictable. Not always intelligent either….some of them. I am thinking they would like to wrap this up today but who knows if they will be able to.

  37. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 22s23 seconds ago

    #2 was upset she was an alternate and wanted to deliberate from what it sounds like. Who knows! #jodiarias #3tvarias

        • What’s to clear up Cindy? It was rumored (allegedly) that Scoopy and the Frog were doing the dirty deed together even though she is married with children and he has a live in girl friend (allegedly). She professed her LOVE for him over the internet air waves. It was No Secret. In fact she announced her love very boldly I thought. We just all suppose they must meet up in the broom closet to have their icky sick rendezvous. Clear now? Her poor husband and children.

    • On second thought, jurors have no reason to come back to jury room until this is straightened out.

  38. From yesterday…remember this?

    Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 24h 24 hours ago

    Juror 2 is a middle aged woman and 13 is a 30ish man….I liked him a lot.

  39. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago

    The jury is deliberating. They all came back together as a group around 11:30 #jodiarias #3tvarias

    • FU NAG…… she is worthless, and she knows she messed up during this trial, because she is no longer doing the Nancy Grace show in the evenings. HLN went to hell…… all about dough, and play dough …. fit the mold to make it fit the puzzle.

    • Shit for brains to be sure. But I think you’re being far too kind, Justus. There are far more worse things than shit in that messed up brain of hers.

    • nancy grace is soulless. What did you think she would say? She made a woman commit suicide, what do you expect from such an evil person?

      If there’s one person that damaged Jodi’s case and caused social media hatred frenzy it was nancy grace. She convicted Jodi even before trial had begun. Her and her side-kick jane.

      She’s one evil sick person and very dangerous too.

    • WHY WOULD SHE SAY THAT? I am thinking this is the EXACT reason NG is no longer an attorney…besides the fact that she is in my opinion obnoxious and probably doesn’t get along with many people and no one can stand being in her presence for very long, she is biased and closed minded…No place for a lawyer. UGH.

    • Here is what I am thinking regarding that juror wanting to switch with #2; If alternate juror 13 is the one Jen “liked”, this leads me to speculate that this juror who wants to switch is the odd man (woman) out. Perhaps she/he will NOT vote for life in prison and all the others are ganging up un her…

      • And being that Jen “liked” #13 and the juror wanted to switch with #2…perhaps juror #2 was more like minded with the rest of the jury and it would all be decided quickly if this nutjob juror is a hold out and won’t give in…either that or someone has stacked the jury and this juror isn’t going to vote DP…

      • Man, wouldn’t a 12-0 vote for life send a message to JSS. Of course, JSS would still sentence Jodi to life without parole. To do otherwise would mean she would be voted out next election although….I don’t think there ever has been a poll of Arizonans about Jodi’s sentence. We might be surprised.
        I know in the Boston bombing case where 3 people were killed (including a young boy) and more than 250 people were injured, a poll there showed only 33% of the people wanted the death penalty for the younger Tsarnaev brother.

        • I think that is because there are, on the whole, more sophisticated, more evolved people in Boston than in Maricopa County, Arizona.
          ( I know though, that there are sophisticated, evolved people, even in Maricopa County.)

          • Well, Amy, lets hope one of them is on the jury – not only sophisticated and evolved …but courageous.

          • Amy, I live very close to Boston. My best friend was there when the bombing occurred and I would NEVER vote for the death penalty for that young man. I also think the taxpayers of Massachusetts (myself included) shouldn’t even try him. He needs to go back to his homeland and let THEM try him and foot the bill. OMG As it is we are currently paying for a convicted murderer to get a sex change…whatever…if it’s a medical necessity I guess we should…

  40. Well I hope NAG is right about the jury decision but I don’t agree with anything else she has to say. She is covering her ass from all the haters by making that last statement. She knows how to deflect the darts. I am sure she has had many of them come her way in life.

  41. CBS 5 News ‏@CBS5AZ 43s44 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Verdict Watch. Six hours and counting that Arias’ jury has been deliberating.#jodiarias @jbarrycbs5

  42. CBS 5 News ‏@CBS5AZ 38s39 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Jurors have asked to work through lunch. Does that mean they are getting close to a verdict? Stay tuned.@jbarrycbs5

  43. Katie Conner ‏@KatieJConner 13s14 seconds ago

    Some jurors just walked out of their deliberation room #JodiArias #TravisAlexander #abc15

  44. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 27s27 seconds ago

    3 female jurors are on a break #jodiarias

  45. I know at one time we all wrote to voice our opinions on the HLN Network and their Nasty Disgrace programming and all the other un-factual news they have on there. Maybe, it is time to hit them again with our written opinions. OH! And Dr. Drew Pinhead we haven’t forgotten your inaccurate never ending bumbling attempts at condemning Jodi Arias either. Nasty and Dr. Pinhead deserve to both be in an unemployment line. Think of the lives they have left in ruins!!!! Disturbing.
    Nothing but pot stirrers of Hate. They have proved they care about no one at all but themselves.

  46. How can the jurors ask to work through lunch if (to my understanding) that the question of a juror swapping place with an alternate juror has not yet been resolved? …Are they 12 or 13 jurors in this mix to want to work through lunch?? …Is this Juror Nullification, where at least a juror & an alternate will be thrown out of court??? … Google: Juror Nullification The Top Secret Constitutional Right (((Jodi)))

      • That’s what I’m hoping that at least 6 will ask about.
        That shouldn’t be a secret to the jury since it is one of their Constitutional Rights

        • Yes Aly, I think that most all the jurors & alternates are perplexed about: How can they be told to accept the verdict of the first jury if they now know (or reasonably believe) that the first jury was tricked & snookered by the prosecution because of the exculpatory evidence that was hidden from the first jury.
          …It is like the Civil Rights Activist, Rosa Parks, who decided to NOT VOLUNTARILY change her seat on the bus, in 1955. …They could & did arrest her, but no authority in this country could make her do something voluntarily that she did not want to do. …Sort of like the saying: You can lead a horse to water but you can not make him/her drink.
          …Arizona can compel a jury to sit, but no state or federal authority can force a juror to voluntarily commit murder by (selecting execution), …or murder by (death in prison for life), or anything other that release for time served.

  47. “It’s also 786 days (and several million dollars) that have been needlessly pissed away on a basic self-defense incident that should never have been brought to trial in the first place.”

    “So… with the longest, biggest & most comprehensive judicial fuck-up in AZ’s history close to an end…”

    Thank you ((((SJ))) ♥ You are our ROCK! This is for you:

  48. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago
    3 female jurors are back #jodiarias #3tvarias

    • I hope there will be a major grass-roots campaign in this country to end solitary confinement.
      Solitary confinement amounts to torture, and the main reason it is allowed to exist is because there are many people who like the fact that people are tortured.

      I respect the U.S., but I think that it might help if ___ can’t call it otherwise ___ more civilized nations and the United Nations, condemn the practice, and condemn it more strongly and vociferously than they ever have before.

      I recently read that Utah is gaining success in its effort to bring back execution by firing squad.

      Hateful people with power are steadily turning the U.S. into a nation that is far less than it should be. The U.S.: the ‘land of the free,’ whose incarceration rate makes up about 25% of the world’s incarceration population, even though the U.S. ( I’m pretty certain) makes up only about 5% of the world’s population.
      Morally, this is criminal.

  49. Apparently the jury had these questions this AM

    Can alternates swap with jury member? JSS said no

    Can they work through lunch> yes

    Can they have a list of redacted evidence? I don’t know this answer and this one is a worry.

    • they gave a list of evidence they wanted to see

      judge/lawyers discussed it and redacted the list

      I WANNA KNOW why the jurors cannot see whatever evidence they wish to see?

      • Yeah, that doesn’t make any sense. They’ve already seen it so why redact it. Let them see it the way it was in court.

        • Journee,
          I just saw a lawyer on HLN say if any evidence was stricken from the record during the trial, it would be redacted for the jurors. Not sure if she was referring to what were talking about though. And, then she began attacking Jodi so I turned it off.

          • After knowing TA was a pedifial and the many new questions, TA’s their man?
            They know that Jodi wasn’t lying. Something is terribly wrong with those idiots.
            Why dislike her so bad? They didn’t know her!!
            She never hurt them.
            They KNOW she was abused.
            THEY have never had any credibility and have even less yet.
            Why do people pay any attention to what they say???
            Guess they’re just like them.
            Really sad, isn’t it?

      • Yes, what kind of justice system does not allow jurors to see whatever evidence they want to see?

        ( Oh, I forgot; a corrupt justice system.)

    • The jurors can only consider evidence *admitted* during the trial, either trial. If the Judge sustained an item of evidence, those items are “redacted” from the list when providing it to the jurors. The jurors can’t even see the name of the evidence item.

      • Doctor is there nothin I ca n take I said DOCTOR to relieve this belly ache…put de lime in de coconut and call me in d mornin woo oo woo PUT DE LIME IN DE COCONUT………

  50. Yes, many thanks to the superdedicated few who have kept us informed of the proceedings

    I personally would be lost without them

  51. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 11s12 seconds ago

    We may have a question…Mike went into courtroom #jodiarias #3tvarias

  52. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s25 seconds ago

    Mike the court reporter went in and now out so nothing to report at the moment #jodiarias #3tvarias.

  53. Question: when those 3 jurors went on a break, the other jurors would have to stop talking about the trial, wouldn’t they? I mean, what if something important was discussed while they were gone. It wouldn’t necessarily be the same if they were just updated. This process seems pretty slipshod.

    • Presumably, yes, they’d all ‘stand down’.

      But who’s to say the 3 didn’t also say something important to each other while they were out?

      Or that when they all took a break earlier and seemed to scatter, but all came back together, that they weren’t all chatting about the case somewhere else?

      I think there’s only so much policing to be done.

      But here’s what I’m thinking. If they were all in agreement, we’d have had a verdict already. I just hope this splitting off isn’t being done to coerce someone.

      • Yes, if there is only 1-2 jurors in favor of life, it’s going to take tremendous courage to hang in there knowing the hate they will face, when & if, they are identified. In an ordinary trial, they would not be afraid as to how they vote. In this one, the repercussions could be very serious.

  54. I hope they set JODI free, she wrote me a letter and thanked me for being in her corner during a time like this. I invited her to come to Texas once they set her free. So we’ll see.

    • Well Joe, just don’t tell anyone if she does come to Texas…the mob of haters will take matters into their own hands…she will have to change her name and her identity for her own safety.

  55. Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom
    Still hanging out across the street from the Courthouse at @AzSummitLaw waiting…just waiting…#JodiArias

  56. Monica Lindstrom @monicalindstrom
    I have had several questions about the jurors’ schedule, remember they are in control, can be friday if they decide

  57. Trial Queen Sharee ‏@TrialQnSharee 2m2 minutes ago

    Two and a half hours left in the day….will jurors come back with a verdict before then? #JodiArias

  58. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 20s20 seconds ago

    Jennifer Willmott is here with clothes. Could a verdict be here? #JodiArias

    • Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s25 seconds ago

      Willmott and Maria are here with clothes for #jodiarias! Possible Verdict??

  59. Well it looks like they don’t agree… I will have a hissy fit if JSS sends them back in to “try” like she did last time…..

    Anyone recall how long it took them before it was a hung jury????

      • If I had made what I thought was right, she could send me back until
        hell froze over and I wouldn’t do it.
        That is the only thing a juror can do.
        They have to live with their consious for the rest of their lives,
        The judge just moves up and screws up another trial.

  60. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 2m2 minutes ago

    This might be it. Media is buzzing. We’re waiting confirmation. #JodiArias

  61. Is this amount of time thus far any indication as to probability of verdict or do those averages only apply to guilty/innocent verdicts.

  62. Carolyn Sung ‏@CarolynSungCNN 32s32 seconds ago

    Jennifer Willmott and Maria De La Rosa just walked into courtroom. Maria was holding a garment on hanger. #jodiarias

  63. You’re right FUJUAN. #2 and #13 are alternates.

    Jen’s Trial Diaries @TrialDiariesJ · 1d 1 day ago

    Now for alternates …….Juror 2 and Juror 13 #jodiarias #3tvarias
    0 replies 12 retweets 41 favorites

    • Thank you NYM, so I haven’t lost my mind yet…. I was pretty sure that is what was said yesterday in court…… so the tweets don’t make sense…

  64. Cathy ‏@courtchatter 3m3 minutes ago

    Hearing live stream will have NO delay. Again we do NOT know if there is a verdict #jodiarias

  65. I want to be optimistic, but I’m a realist and know that the State of Arizona
    is controlled by Mormons…the legal system and governing body especially.

    That being known and said, if this trial was being held in any other
    State the original verdict would have been thrown out after the facts
    surfaced regarding the mishandling of TA’s computer by the Prosecution
    and their team. Misconduct charges would have been filed and , well we
    know how the rest would have gone.

    This “group” has wanted to finish what they started from the beginning when
    TA was “taken out” and Jodi was part of that plan.

    They are hell bent and determined driven by an ideology that goes back decades.
    The veil of secrecy this upper echelon operate under needs to be lifted and revealed
    for what it really is. I can only hope it happens in our lifetime.
    TA had been warned many times by this same echelon to stop his activities with young
    boys and girls. He never complied with his Church and their demands.
    That was never more evident then when his Myspace page enlightened all who cared
    to read his own words and the words of those who knew him best.

    Justice can never be fully served by those who truly deserve it until ALL facts are presented.
    That has not been the case for Jodi and this trial. Facts have been carefully and masterfully
    hidden, omitted, and skewed for an outcome promised to those with an agenda most can’t
    even begin to comprehend…nor would they want to.

    The times I have reflected on this case a saying has often crossed my mind and I know it
    applies here…”Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely”

  66. I just don’t believe they will sentence Jodi to death in such a short time. They had so many more reasons not to in the sentencing trial than in the original trial.

  67. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 44s45 seconds ago

    Tanisha is here but no verdict is being reported from the courtroom #jodiarias #3tvarias

  68. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 1m1 minute ago

    Bailiff just came out and said nothing. According to one of the court watchers, Tanisha said she wasn’t notified yet. #JodiArias

  69. Cathy ‏@courtchatter 2m2 minutes ago
    No verdict yet per Alexander family member. #jodiarias

    Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 1m1 minute ago
    they will give everyone a 1 hour warning.

  70. Praying is difficult for me when I’m in an emotional state but I will be praying for Jodi and all those who will can pray along with me, please do. At times such as this I rely on
    Our Father who art in heaven,
    hallowed be thy name.
    Thy kingdom come.
    Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread,
    and forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us,
    and lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil.
    Matthew 6:9-13

  71. Jarrett Seltzer ‏@JarrettSeltzer 59s59 seconds ago

    The sooner the better for everyone on both sides. It’s time to put this to rest no matter what the verdict is @musiclvr924

  72. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 1m1 minute ago

    Jury schedule is Monday-Thurs from 9 to 4:30. If they don’t reach verdict today, deliberations resume on Monday. #JodiArias

    • What a fucked up state… They should deliberate all weekend until they reach a verdict….. This peeps get the ROYAL treatment of doing whatever the FUCK they want to do and when they want to do it…… I will never visit this state again as long as I live…….

        • Yes we did…. and I am saying it again….. This is a DP trial….. not a Walt Disney World case…..

          Now they will have all weekend to search the web, talk to friends and family, watch the news…. etc…

          Don’t tell me they haven’t heard or seen anything. This case has been worldwide…. and still is today as of Feb 26 , 2015.

          I hope JSS is at retirement age because she will never proceed over another DP case…. She cost AZ millions of dollars …bias ass bitch…

          • Of course they’ve seen and/or heard something! They do not live in a cave cut off from civilisation, FFS! And I still find it utterly hypocritical how the judge asks them and they raise their hands. Seems like such an amateur (and childish) approach to how jurors should be questioned about having being exposed to the media, as if asking students if they’ve done their homework.

      • I realize the jury’s lives have been interrupted, but where is conscience and respect for what is sacred?
        Jury deliberations should be sequestered and continuous, with sequestered breaks for meals, etc..
        This shows such trivial regard for life. If someone doesn’ t care about Jodi, then at least have the common decency to care about the suffering of Jodi’s family.
        I’ m not sure, but I presume that in most death penalty cases people deliberate morning to night, even through the weekend if need be.

  73. Let’s just say for shits and giggles it’s a split 6/6….. you will never get the other six to the other side… maybe a few but not all…. I can’t believe they all would agree on the DP…. otherwise they would of already come back with a verdict…. so there is hope…. faith and have to believe in the good lord above.

    ‘ With faith comes love” and Jodi, you have a ton of love waiting for you when you are released.

    Still don’t understand why KN didn’t call for a mistrial when the Alexanders walked out….. Needed to be on record.

    Hope KN and JW take a long peaceful vacation to collect their thoughts…. This trial has been draining on everyone, not including the Alexanders mob who’s out for personal gain ( money)….

    • It seems to ME

      that someone who wants DP would be easier to flip than someone who does NOT.

      Even some of the most rabid haters are willing to say ‘whatever, just lock her up and throw away the key’.

    • Jodi got to experience a huge outpouring of love and support in her most difficult time of her life, meaning after she was incarcerated. Love and support she was so deprived of while a free woman…. 🙁

      • sad world isn’t it

        Jodi remember we are here and will write you..

        Sandy you have my utmost respect..

    • I think and hope that Nurmi will still be able to file a motion for mistrial. I believe if he can, he will.

      I agree that ‘with faith comes love.’.
      However one attempts to conceive of ‘God,’ unless a person believes in the absolute rightness of unconditional love ALL of the time, unconditionally, then that person is a liar deceiving himself, and wrongly influences others.

      To me, believing means nothing. Saying one believes in God while they wish a person to be murdered by the state, shows the fallacy that belief is sufficient unto itself.

      My interpretation of real belief is that our Being Lives * IN* God, OF God, AS God lives. [Be Life In God.]
      St. Francis of Assisi’s prayer is my favorite.

  74. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 52s53 seconds ago

    10 jurors walked out for a break #jodiarias #3tvarias

  75. I have to say, I’ve never witnessed any trial or court proceedings unfold in such a manner as this has been. I hope there is some relief offered by the higher courts to remedy this travesty of justice. Not only for Jodi, but for all people and the US justice system in general.

    Horrible, horrible for all…….

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