
Jodi Arias Retrial, Day #43 (afternoon session)

Leave your thoughts & comments below on the afternoon session of Day #43.

Click here to follow Michael Kiefer’s live tweetingz.

Also… check out a few tweets from this morning, as clueless fuck Janeen DeMarte gets unceremoniously hung out to dry by Dr Robert Geffner – based on her State sponsored half-assed blowjob of a testimony last week…

2-18 KS t1

2-18 MK 2

2-18 MK 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In the meantime…

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Never question it.

Never doubt it.

Team Jodi #WINNING <<<

Click the banner below to read Jade’s post – “Justice Denied: Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State’s Case Against Jodi Arias.”:

Read - Justice Denied - Why The Jurors Got It Wrong & How The Facts Decimate The State's Case Against Jodi Arias
Click the links below to read Jade’s previous posts in the series:

The Immaculate Deception: Exposed
Michael Melendez – Perjury Exposed
The Presumption of Innocence
The Great Mormon Porn Swindle

If you would like to help Jodi by way of a financial donation to the JAA APPELLATE FUND, click the Team Jodi link below for further details. All donations via go directly to the fund for assisting with the legal fees associated with appealing Jodi’s wrongful conviction. is the ONLY website authorized to collect donations.

In addition, please DO NOT, under any circumstances, donate through any other website or Facebook page/group claiming to be “official” and/or acting with Jodi’s approval or authorization. The same applies to any “Jodi Membership Clubs”, groups or fake Trust funds that have been set up. These sites are bogus – as are their intentions – and they should be actively avoided. If you are aware of any such sites, please help Jodi by clicking here and reporting them. Thank you for your ongoing support!

We Are Team Jodi ---- And We Will Be Victorious!.


  1. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ

    Geff is back on the stand and in comes the jury #jodiarias #3tvarias

  2. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 53s53 seconds ago

    Maria Del La Rosa & #JodiArias are in deep conversation.

  3. Death Penalty Focus ‏@DPFocus 30m30 minutes ago

    Nation’s top cop calls for a moratorium on the #deathpenalty while #SCOTUS reviews constitutionality.

  4. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 58s58 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Now we are talking about internalized anger that can be “seething with violent outbursts” #jodiarias #3tvarias

    • Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 41s41 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

      Geffner doesn’t exactly agree with this #jodiarias #3tvarias

  5. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 31s31 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    The computer spits out 20 things that’s a possibility and then the psychologist needs to look further at this possibility to see if it fits

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 21s22 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Geffner doesn’t believe this profile fits #jodiarias #3tvarias

  6. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 17s18 seconds ago
    More tests displayed for the jury. #JodiArias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 23s24 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Geffner says Jodi tested low for dominance and hostility #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 14s15 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    #jodiarias tested below average for aggression #3tvarias

  7. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 11s12 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    On the anger scales she’s average Irritability is average Anti Social Attitude is below average #jodiarias #3tvarias

  8. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 44s45 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Antisocial behavior is elevated but that’s due to her history and the killing of Travis Alexander. #jodiarias #3tvarias

  9. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 55s56 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Geffner says Jodi has had 2 incidents in 15 years with others #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 30s30 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Geffner says the one person that has complained about Jodi is Travis regarding stalking etc.. and that is key. #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s25 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    No one else is reporting this kind of behavior according to Geffner #jodiarias #3tvarias

  10. Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 2m2 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ

    Dr. Geffner back on witness stand. Giving jurors mini-lecture re: #jodiarias mental illness.

  11. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 10s10 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Jodi talking about kicking in walls, windows and doors and how her anger hurts others wasn’t looked into by DeMarte #jodiarias #3tvarias

  12. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 55s56 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Geffner says this behavior wasn’t in #jodiarias history #3tvarias

  13. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 32s32 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Geffner says Travis was the one angry and this is why Jodi sent this email to him #jodiarias #3tvarias

  14. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 13s14 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Geffner is calling DeMarte biased and she’s fitting data in to make her opinion work. #jodiarias #3tvarias

  15. Is someone else reporting for Jen, The Trial Diaries today? Some of her comments are not biased.

  16. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 18s18 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Geffner says DeMarte made up her mind ahead of time and that’s just not how you do this. #jodiarias #3tvarias

  17. Mike Watkiss ‏@mikewatkiss3tv 19s20 seconds ago
    Dr Geffner accuses Dr. DeMarte of “confirmatory bias”-ignoring evidence that did not support the State’s case againt #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 21s22 seconds ago
    Meanwhile in #jodiarias, Willmott and Geffner continue to deconstruct Janeen DeMarte’s testimony, which he calls “confirmatory bias.”

  18. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 29s30 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Now onto the co workers at the Purple Plum Geffner says Jodi is not assertive or aggressive #jodiarias #3tvarias

  19. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 11s12 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Geffner says you can’t just pick some of the statements out from these co workers you have to look at whole picture #jodiarias #3tvarias

  20. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 25s25 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    DeMarte stated there was no DV in the relationship between Jodi and Travis #jodiarias #3tvarias

  21. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s25 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Willmott is admitting some evidence Willmott asks if these statements are consistent with DV and PTSD #jodiarias #3tvarias

  22. Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 20s20 seconds ago

    Sidebar #8. Real drama today: will we reach 18? #jodiarias

      • Oh my…… You know what you just said may as well happen. Sounds SO much like something the Frog would do. And it’s been how long since he last threw that autopsy pic in the jurors’ faces??? He loves doing that, shock value. 🙄

        • Yes, and Martinez tried to keep the photo of Jodi with the black dog out of the trial because it might be “prejudicial.”

      • I totally agree w/ all of you! He has nothing else. The more he will speak, the more damage he’ll cause himself. I really do hope that his babysitter is taking notes on how martinez used all the rogue and corrupted tricks to build a case… mr martinez: it’s going on your permanent LONG record of corruption.

  23. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 22s23 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Willmott is trying to admit excerpts from the statements….this after she just said DeMarte only read part of the statements #jodiarias

  24. Wow Geffner is really calling Demorte out isn’t he? Accusing her of comfirmitory bias… if it doesn’t fit the state’s case she is paying no attention to it… he has her pegged that is for damn sure.

  25. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 26s27 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Interview with a co worker from Purple Plum #jodiarias #3tvarias

  26. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 22s22 seconds ago

    After a long side bar, more objections. It’s gonna be a long afternoon. #JodiArias

  27. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 27s27 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    He said Jodi would zone out, she would have a blank stare. Everyone at bar would notice it. #jodiarias #3tvarias

  28. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 25s25 seconds ago

    Martinez vigorously objecting and interrupting Willmott questions about DeMarte. She asks for a sidebar.

  29. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 49s49 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    #jodiarias would lose focus and would be distracted at work- people would have to snap her out of it. #3tvarias

    • Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 48s49 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

      Geffner says this is a piece of the puzzle and this person gives symptoms of dissociation and PTSD that #jodiarias is experiencing #3tvarias

      • and these are not Jodi’s own words so what now Malware? you gonna accuse someone you introduced through Demorte as being a liar???

  30. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
    According to co worker- A lot of older guys would come in to see Jodi at the bar and when she left they quit showing up #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
    Willmott asked for an approach #jodiarias #3tvarias

    • I can just imagine what the haters are going to do with that first statement. Proof positive that Jodi was a flirt and a slut when in actuality maybe they just enjoyed seeing and talking to a sweet young woman. But never mind, it will be proof of Jodi’s seductive and conniving ways, you know, going after men. Something misogynist women love to hate.

  31. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 2m2 minutes ago


  32. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 41s42 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    The Judge is making a lot of hand motions and pointing her finger at the defense team while they are at the bench #jodiarias #3tvarias

  33. Michael is bored too. It is a long side bar isn’t it. Must be lots of back and forth with Martinez and Willmott and Judge Sherri shaking her head and nodding.

  34. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 53s54 seconds ago

    After long sidebar exhibit 943 was admitted. #JodiArias

  35. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 32s33 seconds ago

    Willmott brings up interviews with #jodiarias former co-workers at the Purple Plum restaurant in Yreka. One said her personality went flat.

  36. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s25 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Owner of PP said he knew Jodi when she was 17 and when she worked for him then she was normal #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 24s24 seconds ago
    Another talked about her being attentive and good with customers but that she would come out of the rest room looking like she was crying.

  37. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 49s49 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    The second time in 2008 she was different. She was unemotional and she appeared very flat #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 27s27 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Geffner says this supports trauma symptoms #jodiarias #3tvarais

  38. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 23s23 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Mangr of Casa Ramos: Jodi was respectful & attentive but she became very distracted and she looked as if she wanted to cry a lot. #jodiarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 13s13 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    She would go to the bathroom and come out like she had been crying #jodiarias #3tvarias

  39. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 35s36 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Jodi was nice and appropriate with customers. She had some regular male customers that would come in when she was there #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 21s21 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Geffner says DeMate needed to consider who the people were she was relying on her data points from #jodiarias #3tvarias

  40. If De Morte would get off her high horse and listen to what Geffner says she might learn a thing or two that would help her in the future. She should apologize for trying to damage his reputation!

  41. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 51s51 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    A co worker at Vantana says Jodi was never sexual and acted appropriate all the time #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 51s52 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Another co worker from Vantana says Jodi was never manipulative with men #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 14s14 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Willmott points out these are different statements than what people said about JA from the Purple Plum #jodiarias #3tvarias

  42. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago Phoenix, AZ
    WIllmott also points out those people from the PPlum were interviewed after this murder happened. (weren’t they all??) #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 34s34 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Geffner has some statements he feels DeMarte should have used for her opinion…..judge wants an approach #jodiarias #3tvarias

  43. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 2m2 minutes ago
    More sidebar. I got a fever, and the only cure is MORE SIDEBAR!

    Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 45s46 seconds ago
    Up to sidebar #12 #jodiarias

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 10s10 seconds ago
    Between the objections and the sidebars, today’s #jodiarias testimony has become nearly impossible to follow.

  44. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 14s15 seconds ago

    Some of purple plum staff & customers were spreading rumors about #JodiArias after her arrest.

    • Wouldn’t surprise me if they were commenters on the pro TA pages…wanted to add a bit of fuel to their bitter fire. “I was the one who said that tehe” “ooo my statement made it to a big trial, yee haw” “looky! I’m famous!” If Jodi gets the death penalty I hope those nasty, jealous witches (probably ALL women) realize they are as good as murderers themselves…pricks

  45. Having to hear from different people how Jodi’s spirit was gradually broken and how she used to go to the restroom and cry……… utterly heart-breaking.
    TA really did take a flower in its prime and made it wither…. 🙁

  46. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 1m1 minute ago

    After long sidebar exhibit 945 & 946 allowed in. #JodiArias

  47. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 34s35 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Interview with Bill, Sandy and Angela: Some of the P Plum staff and customers were spreading rumors about Jodi after her arrest #jodiarias

    Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 11s11 seconds ago
    Dr. Geffner says there were contradictory statements made about #JodiArias’ behavior.

  48. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 25s25 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Sandy’s family went down to Purple Plum to talk to them about it #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 25s25 seconds ago
    Geffner says there is contradictory information passed around at Purple Plum as to #jodiarias and her behavior. He says he has to weigh that

  49. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s24 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Aimee, Jodi’s cousin- People around town are passing around bad info about Jodi at the Purple Plum #jodiarias #3tvarias

  50. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 49s49 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Aimee was upset and went down to the PP to tell them to stop #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 17s17 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Geffner says this shows contradictory statements about #jodiarias behavior #3tvarias

  51. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 2m2 minutes ago
    One statement made that #JodiArias could play the victim. Now talking about exhibit 886.

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 43s43 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    WIllmott brings up a friend that said no abuse happened in Jodi’s home and Jodi could play the victim #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 51s51 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Geffner says Carl said there was physical abuse and verbal abuse. Jodi would cry a lot in her room #jodiarias #3tvarias

  52. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 23s23 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    DeMarte used the comment from Zanya saying “Jodi plays the victim” as a data point to say Jodi was manipulative #jodiarias #3tvarias

  53. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 28s29 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    sidebar #jodiarias #3tvarias

    • Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 20s21 seconds ago

      After last sidebar, Stephens calls for recess.

    • Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 21s22 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

      Afternoon recess 10 min #jodiarias #3tvarias

  54. Good for Geffner he is showing how her entire testimony was based on taken out of context works.

    • I know cindy 🙁 Me too. Hold her, squeeze her and make her feel loved and safe…. There will come a time where she will be out, surrounded by sooooo many people – all of whom will be telling her how much they love her. She will get to feel what she was deprived of.

      • It’s so true. Even though in comparison to all the haters out there we are just a ‘handful’ of merely in the hundreds (as they say), that’s NOT a bad thing: we are true friends. Not seasonal ones. After the trial is over we will still be around for Jodi and not ‘hop’ to another trial… See, Jodi doesn’t need thousands of people around her. She needs solid, honest, true people around her that actually give a damn! I am proud of each and every one of Jodi’s friends who remain true and supportive! She is blessed to have all of you in her life!

        ((((Jodi’s friends))) ♥

        • If I felt safe I would have headed to Arizona long ago and I would proudly sit with the JA supporters EVERY DAY! I would even visit her in jail/prison? if she is allowed visitors. The thought of her being released is a wonderful thought…but at the same time frightening… with all those haters she will be in certain danger.

        • How the haters must be jealous of the love and support Jodi has received from all of her family, friends and TEAM JODI. Just as Pandora said, not many people can say they have hundreds of good, honest, compassionate and loving people supporting them, it must really hurt them deep down. One has to give Love to receive it. They just don’t get it. (((((JODI & TEAM JODI)))))

  55. Well I think it starts with her mom and dad. I think Sandy being there every day has shown Jodi how much she loves her. Something TA never had!!!
    Hey I’m 64 and I still need my moms love..

    • OMG, Cindy, I have a whole lot to write about what you said. I’ll comment about that after today’s trial is over.

        • I had the feeling that De Marte was taking comments out of context when she
          testified.The whole thing is very unprofessional, especially when a Dp is involved.
          Jodie s lawyers are not the best I have seen but they are better then most defendants get
          in a similiar situation. That is why the DP should be abolished.

          • Joan, her attorneys have certainly faced much more than they bargained for. None of this could EVER be taught in law school. Seeing what they have been up against; the lies, the manipulation/destruction/withholding of evidence, etc, they are doing a wonderful job.

            • (((((Cindy♥)))))) I know it is hard but hang in there. If you do everything you possibly can then you will never have regrets. It’s not always easy. 🙁

  56. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 31s31 seconds ago
    Willmott asks Geffner about family interviews detailing physical discipline from parents, in contradiction to statements by DeMarte.

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s25 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Geffner says there was a pattern that DeMarte only believed what Jodi said when it fit with what she needed #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 28s29 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    DeMarte didn’t deal with contradictions and testing and didn’t review the big picture because she was biased – Geffner #jodiarias #3tvarias

  57. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 35s35 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Geffner is saying the interviews DeMarte did with Sky and Lisa wasn’t reliable and this was a case of secondary gain #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 16s16 seconds ago
    Geffner talks about secondary gain, using the Hughes as an example. They want to sell a book, he says. Sky Hughes sitting in front of me

  58. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 35s36 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Geffner states credibility issues especially when someone is writing a book We have records of emails that are more reliable #jodiarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 23s24 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    We have records of emails that are more reliable from these witnesses #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 18s19 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Geffner says Lisa and Sky’s credibility was questionable and DeMarte went seeking these interviews out #jodiarias #3tvarias

  59. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s24 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Geffner says DeMarte mislead the jury by picking and choosing. This isn’t how a forensic evaluation is done #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 34s34 seconds ago
    Much info related about #jodiarias by Travis Alexander’s friends was info they repeated from what Alexander told them, Geffner says.

  60. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 1m1 minute ago
    Willmott shows a gmail conversation in which Alexander is telling someone that #jodiarias is scary; at about the time of the phone sex call

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 54s55 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Now for the “crafty and scary” statement that TA chatted with Regan about regarding #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 16s17 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Willmott says TA was sleeping with Jodi at this time, had a sex call and wanted to visit her #jodiarias #3tvarias

    • Why do Jen’s tweets say “Buckeye, AZ”? Did they always say that and I am just noticing it now?

  61. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 25s25 seconds ago
    “All this is what Mr.Alexander is telling her about Jodi,” Geffner says. Stalking etc, and yet he is suggesting a visit with her in Cali.

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 30s31 seconds ago
    Geffner calls it manipulative. #jodiarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 45s45 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Geffner said TA didn’t have fear and Regan was only hearing this info from TA #jodiarias #3tvarias

  62. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Buckeye, AZ
    TA mentions Jodi’s stalking but Geffner says TA and JA had a sex phone call convo right after this statement #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 29s30 seconds ago
    Now Willmott reminds Geffner that DeMarte did not believe there was physical/verbal abuse. As forensic shrink, belief is irrelevant, he says

  63. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Buckeye, AZ
    Geff calls Dr. D’s opinion she doesn’t believe DV occurred is an “asinine” statement and she should never use the word “believe” #jodiarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 32s33 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Geffner says he has the experience and domestic violence occurred in this relationship between TA and JA #jodiarias #3tvarias

  64. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 17s17 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ

    Geffner says look at DeMarte’s CV and her statements and we have issues here…DeMarte doesn’t have experience in DV #jodiarias #3tvarias

  65. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 35s35 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Geff says DeMarte doesn’t read journals and she isn’t keeping up in this field…Geff once again calling this “absurd” #jodiarias #3tvarias

  66. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 20s21 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Geffner throwing around friends of his write journals and articles #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 22s22 seconds ago
    Geffner really dragging the prosecution’s #jodiarias expert through the mud. Suggesting DeMarte is unethical.

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 18s19 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Geffner says “a little knowledge is very dangerous” regarding DeMarte #jodiarias #3tvarias

  67. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 36s37 seconds ago

    Geffner on DeMarte: “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” after he rips her for not being able to name psych professional journals.

  68. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 2m2 minutes ago Buckeye, AZ
    Geffner is saying DeMarte doesn’t know what Dr. Walker is talking about when it comes to battered woman’s syndrome…she has a new book out

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 14s15 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ
    Well, Geffner brought Dr. Walkers book in here. It was written in 2009 #jodiarias #3tvarias

  69. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 25s26 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ

    Geffner says DeMarte didn’t even consider what Dr. Walker has said recently. She relied on old info #jodiarias #3tvarias

  70. Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 · 5m5 minutes ago
    Jurors left to wonder: Is Geffner, of Alliant International University in San Diego, a renowned expert or basically a hired gun? #jodiarias

    Krafft is getting to tweet like Scoopy. I will be so glad when I don’t have to read their garbage any more.

    • Sorry Steve, I believe this PROFESSIONAL would NOT prostitute himself. He is ALREADY successful and has worked too many years to establish an honest reputation. What would he REALLY have to gain besides a few measly dollars? On the other hand dr. Demarte has far more reason to sell herself to the devil. She is trying to take a short cut along the path to success…but it seems she may have burned ALL her bridges now.

  71. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 27s27 seconds ago

    Battered woman syndrome a subset of PTSD per expert Lenore Walker, Geffner says as Willmott displays pages from Walker’s book on subject.

  72. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 21s21 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ

    Geffner taking hits on Dr. DeMarte and what she should have learned in grad school #jodiarias #3tvarias

  73. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 37s37 seconds ago Buckeye, AZ

    Juan finally asking for an approach #jodiarias #3tvarias

  74. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 20s20 seconds ago

    Dr. Geffner says #JodiArias said no to child abuse & sex abuse but that’s not surprising.

  75. The good Dr. G. is doing hella job on Demorte! not only for Jodi but for all others misdiagnosed for the DP by the Juan gang!

  76. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 54s55 seconds ago

    Geffner says that women will not always call themselves battered even if they are. #jodiarias

  77. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 45s45 seconds ago

    Dr. Geffner says she didn’t define abuse as physical or emotional early on but her stories of abuse was consistent. #JodiArias

  78. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 26s27 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Geffner says Jodi’s journals were critical to see the change in her over time…#jodiarias #3tvarias

  79. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 12s13 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Her ex boyfriends and friends said Jodi changed after meeting Travis…#jodiarias #3tvarias

    • Yeah, coz TA was a POS who messed up Jodi’s heart and mind. JUST like he did with Deanna’s; only Deanna is still too blind to realize. And now that he’s dead, oh boy…She will never break free from him. Deanna is a battered woman who will never rebuild her life.

  80. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 20s20 seconds ago
    Geffner says yes, there could be secondary gain in a person trying to escape the death penalty in court.

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 37s38 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Geffner is leaned over the witness box, pounding his fist on the desk, facing the jury as he speaks #jodiarias #3tvarais

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 20s21 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Jury is note taking #jodiarias #3tvarais

  81. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 13s13 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Juan objects this is a narrative while shaking his head and judge sustains #jodiarias #3tvarias

  82. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 31s31 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    We are walking through all the reason #jodiarias is a victim right now according to Geffner #3tvarias

  83. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 49s49 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Juan objects again for “narrative” it’s sustained #jodiarias #3tvarias

  84. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 33s33 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Willmott asks about TA apologizing to JA…Geffner laughs and says “OH I forgot that one!” #jodiarias #3tvarias

  85. My favourite part of the day so far…

    “Michael Kiefer @michaelbkiefer · 36m 36 minutes ago

    Geffner talks about secondary gain, using the Hughes as an example. They want to sell a book, he says. Sky Hughes sitting in front of me”.

  86. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ

    Geffner says if he wasn’t doing something wrong he wouldn’t have to apologize #jodiarias #3tvarias

  87. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 11s12 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Geffner says there were patterns of deception from TA on gchats, emails and messages #jodiarias #3tvarias

  88. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 18s18 seconds ago
    Geffner back on contradictions of what he tells other people about #jodiarias and what he tells her to have sex with her.

    Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 32s32 seconds ago
    Dr. Geffner pulls out the 30-year-old virgin card. #JodiArias And goes on to say, we all know he had sex with other women.

  89. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
    Geffner says we only know about sex TA had between Jodi and Deanna but there could be more we just don’t know #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
    Willmott-Is not sharing your sex life normal? #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ
    Well males sometimes boast about their sex lives. What TA was doing was talking about sex with many women….here comes the sexting chart

  90. Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 30s30 seconds ago
    Now we see a bar graph depicting Travis’ various squeezes back in the day. #jodiarias Geffner: Travis was a player. Repetitive?

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 43s44 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Geffner says this is more than being secretive about a sex life. #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 1m1 minute ago
    Geffner says Alexander was deceptive when he told women he was a 30-year-old virgin. #jodiarias

    Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 42s42 seconds ago
    Once again we are back to the T-Dogg biz against backdrop of Travis, the 30 year-old virgin. Geffner: tension in his life #jodiarias

  91. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 28s29 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    TA wasn’t telling each of the women he was sexting others & that he was carrying on sex talk with them. (What single guy tells women that?)

  92. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 38s39 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    TA told women he wasn’t having sex and they would be the one. He was being deceptive #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 17s17 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    TA was telling people he was a virgin…even his own brother…#jodiarias #3tvarias

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 19s20 seconds ago
    Willmott asks Geffner how pornography on Alexander’s computer is relevant. Confirmation of things she said; indication of what he does.

    • ” TA was telling people he was a virgin…even his own brother…”

      ahahahahahahahahha!!!! 😆 😆

      Awwww, the good Mormon we-were-so-close-to-each-other family!!!!!!

  93. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 24s24 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    The porn is important b/c of the child allegations JA made about TA. Then they find porn on computer& it’s important & fits into a picture

  94. Tammy Rose ‏@News20Chopper 43s44 seconds ago
    Now we’re back to sex is not permitted until you’re married. You could lose your temple privileges. #JodiArias

  95. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 54s55 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Geffner- TA was under pressure about people finding out things he didn’t want them to know, finances, the porn #jodiarias #3tvaraias

    • Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 27s27 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

      This increases the abuse and can be dangerous and lethal-Geffner #jodiarias #3tvarias

  96. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 48s49 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Now for the jury questions that DeMarte got…..If a person doesn’t remember the trauma can it still be damaging #jodiarias #3tvarias

    Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 14s15 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    DeMarte..if no memory no PTSD…#jodiarias #3tvarias

    • Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 22s23 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

      Geffner- That is wrong….your body can react and be qued…like people coming back from combat #jodiarias #3tvarias

  97. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 1m1 minute ago Phoenix, AZ

    Juan objected and said DeMarte testified to that…the body reaction…judge overrules and let’s Geffner continue #jodiarias #3tvarias

  98. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 49s50 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Juror question of DeMarte- Without having training in Daps how can DeMarte testify what Geffner did? #jodiarias #3tvarias

    • Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 36s36 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

      DeMarte- It was clear to see Geffner’s mistakes
      Geffner- You can’t just read about a test. You need trained. #jodiarias #3tvarias

  99. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 15s15 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ
    Will asks if you can read a manual on other tests and be trained….Juan objects this is beyond the scope of rebuttal and we have a sidebar

    Steve Krafft ‏@SKrafftFox10 44s44 seconds ago
    sidebar 16. #jodiarias

    • I hope Fox is paying attention to Steve’s quality journalism… 🙄 ah, forget it. Since when did Fox ever care about quality journalism

  100. Jen’s Trial Diaries ‏@TrialDiariesJ 10s11 seconds ago Phoenix, AZ

    Court is in recess until 9:30am MST tomorrow #jodiarias #3tvarias

  101. Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 2m2 minutes ago
    Willmott was pressing Geffner on how DeMarte could read test manual and not see validity scale. Multiple objections from Martinez, sidebar.

    Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 57s57 seconds ago
    Judge Stephens calls it a day and releases jury. The white noise machine blares on.

    • Judge giving Martinez a chance to regroup. He was out of his feet and needed help to get back to his corner.

  102. I was thinking of sharing my thoughts about today but I decided to do that tomorrow morning (it’s 1.30am here).

    Good night everyone! Today was a good day for Jodi. It set the records straight. People have to stop thinking about this as if it’s a game. This is a human beings life that is on the line. Jodi has been humiliated enough by the state of Arizona. Arizona has epically failed the justice system. They should walk away and cut their losses.

    Shame on you Arizona for turning a blind eye.

    Good night folks. ((((hugs to all))) xoxo

  103. I think the jury is truely tanning to understand the dynamics of Travis and Jodi’s relationship. I really do believe that Dr. G would not just throw a crap out there.
    I really liked what he said today more then any other time he was on the stand. Dr.’s don’t berate one another unless they are doing something unethical. I don’t think he gave a crap about what she said about him. But it could damage more people then just Jodi. I honestly hope she goes before the review board. Not just because what she did to Jodi but because of all the Jodi’s out there.

    • Dr. Geffner is credible, however, the defense has embraced De Marte s diagnosis of
      BLPD. It will be interesting to see how Gaffer addresses this, if at all.

    • I’m trying not to be whiney. Don’t’ move to TN right now but maybe in the Spring! We have 2″ ice with a layer of snow on top. Thousands without electricity. 🙁 My husband and I have been running food and batteries to an elderly woman that lives behind us up on the side of a mountain. She hasn’t had electricity for 3 days now. They are going to have to change her transformer and no way to get up to her house with the big trucks 🙁 She will not come stay with us because she wants to stay with her cat but I have said cat can come too! She does have a wood stove and we carried her wood in for her two days . . .it’s going to be a long week for her. Tonight it is supposed to be -5 and below freezing until Saturday. Florida sounds good to me it can’t be this cold.

      • You are a saint. Older people just won’t leave their homes. I saw how bad it is down there. I’m sick of it. But we don’t have it as bad as you do. Roads were rather dicy this morning but were OK this afternoon. Everyone has power. But we are under another advisory. Geez….

        I think Fla. was 35 today.

        I’m just happy Jodi’s in AZ. Joe wouldn’t have the heat on that’s for sure.

        • You would have thought a saint. We drove almost the whole way back to her but you have to cross the creek and then climb a steep hill and we were cussing and fussing the whole way! We laughed when we got up there because she was telling us how wonderful we were ( if she had only heard us). Our jeep almost slipped into the creek (more fussing and cussing) when we headed back to our house. . .it’s been a real trip. Stopped at the barn feed the cat and put blankets on the poor horses. Brrrrrrr

          • Yes saints!!!! You should have just told her she’s coming to your house and be done with it. Does she have food??? But I guess someone has to keep that wood stove going….. Don’t want the pips bursting…
            Just think we have more coming…..:-(

            • I tried but I’m afraid she couldn’t make it down the hill in the ice then what would I do??? If she broke something I would really be in a pickle. I’m surprised you all couldn’t hear us fussing and cussing the whole time!!! I have taken hot coffee, beef stew and chili and cake and cookies and cracker and peanut butter and fruit and she ate a half of a banana. 🙁 You know the ole saying you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink?

              • You are very good people!!! But I know what you mean about the older ones. I spent most of my day taking mom to 3 different stores. I sure don’t know where she puts all that stuff. She could go two or three months without going to the store…I think she just wanted to get out…lol. God bless her.

                We all need to be mindful of our neighbors in this weather…

      • R. Love it does me good to hear how compassionate and helpful you are to that lady. If everyone was like that what a wonderful world it would be. Speaking of TN. I visited Nashville about 5 years ago and I thought the country side was so beautiful and I had a fleeting thought that I might like to live in Tennessee but I couldn’t take the cold winters. If it goes to zero or 32 degrees as you speak of freezing, it just about does me in!

        I really feel for the animals in this cold and hope that people in the cold belts, have compassion for them too.

        • TN is a beautiful place to live but we do have cold winters and it seems we always have electrical problems!!!

          • You guys are all wusses 😉 lol…try New England…this year especially. I wish I could share some of the photos I have taken! It’s a trip! 😯

            • Your must be an extremely strong woman, Dorothy. No thanks on the New England offer, I never would stop complaining! I bet it is beautiful too though!!!!

            • I’m sorry Dorothy. I know you have gotten hammered with the snow and cold. Crazy how this weather has been this year. I think you have gotten our snow. Thank you by the way…hehehe… I do feel sorry for all of you. But as long as the power stays on and you have heat…it will end soon. You might have snow piles until June but they will time.

                • I LOVE daffodils! Can’t wait for Spring…that is if the snow melts before the first day of summer. How do those Eskimos do it?

  104. Today seemed to be a good day for our Jodi! Dr. Geffner sounded like he straightened everybody out. I pray Jodi gets a good nights rest and some other don’t. I think I know one who will be walking the floor.. .don’t you?

    • Hummmm. Now I have a few in mind. You know JM will be jumping around trying to avoid the frying pan. The jury will see him as he truely is. ———

      I think totdoc is going to be in big trouble…

      Sky…what can you say??? LOL

      • I say we are having frogs legs with baby peas for dinner….. 🙂 🙂 and the Sky is red faced tonight as well..

      • I was thinking Sky and Dr. Death might have problems headed their way. What goes around comes back around to you . . .ALWAYS! Always treat others the way you would like to be treated and you don’t have to worry about anything. I suppose they both missed that little Life Lessons. Such a simple little rule. SMH

    • good night’s rest. . .is typo elf not back yet???? Probably waiting on warmer weather. . .wimp!

  105. Reposting from this morning’s page – I posted it to the TAKE ME TO CHURCH conversation right about the time everyone moved over here I guess. Thought some might be interested.

    Journee says:
    February 18, 2015 at 12:23 pm
    Hozier says ‘deathless death’ is falling in love – death of old you birth of new you – death and rebirth

    – that the song is both a love song and a contemplation of sin, how organized religion undermines humanity by making sexuality (regardless of orientation) sinful

  106. Good Morning!!! Another sunny day in AZ for Miss Jodi. :-). High of 80dy. IMO I think that JM is circling the drain. He is like the frog that is trying to swim up stream in a raging river. He will screen and yell, he will pace back and forth, he will be demanding for yes or no answers…. But in the end he will hang his head and climb back up on that lily pad in defeat… He has learned that lies, deceit and corruption never win over the truth!!!! So swim little frog….that drain will suck you down to a hell you have never known!!!!!

  107. Good Morning Team Jodi! I am so proud of dr. g for being so strong. Where are my morning sweeties R. Love and Cindy?

  108. My concern is all the objections by JM yesterday, most likely made to confuse the jury. Kiefer, I believe it was, tweeted it was hard to follow testimony yesterday with all the objections. I remember the defense doing that during Marcia Clark’s closing at the OJ trial. I also remember it being said at that time that continual objections like that during closings were not normal courtroom procedure. Continual objections are just to confuse the jury and make it difficult, if not impossible, for them to follow and/or make sense of testimony. They just tune out and give up.

  109. GOOD FROZEN MORNING TO ALL! 😎 Ready for a Great Day! (((((JODI & TEAM JODI)))))

    1 Corinthians 2:9 “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”

    • Amen!! Happy to see you still have power.
      I’m really sorry for all you Southerners. We northerners a bit more used to this. Not for this long I might add.

      Well at least Miss Jodi is warm. 🙂

      The angels have their arms around her.

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